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Re: Dido
« Respuesta #195 en: Marzo 11, 2013, 11:16:03 pm »


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Re: Dido
« Respuesta #196 en: Marzo 12, 2013, 11:16:00 pm »
Letra de Blackbird

He put the coffee in the cup and when milk filled it up
He added sugar and I never knew he liked it like that
He took his coat from the hook and his scarf and his hat
And he put down a key and said I won’t be needing that

And he turned and smiled and said that´ve explained it all
And he walked down the hall and he opened the door
And said "Of course, I’ll call"

Oh why do I bring you love
When all you give me back is pain
Oh why do we search it out
To watch you wash your hands and walk away

Now there’s a black black black bird in my chest
All the flatter all caged in
Wanting to break free with the wolves in my head
You’re tearing every wise thing I should have said

Oh why do I bring you love
When all you give me back is pain
Oh why do we search it out
To watch you wash your hands and walk away

We’re like the strangers we were when we first met
But the pain in strangers had the end
And all that remains is a day without plans
The loneliness and the forever lost

Oh why do I bring you love
When all you give me back is pain
Oh why do we search it out
To watch you wash your hands and walk away


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Re: Dido
« Respuesta #197 en: Marzo 12, 2013, 11:18:21 pm »


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Re: Dido
« Respuesta #198 en: Marzo 13, 2013, 04:07:13 pm »
Dido tiene pensado aparecer próximamente en un par de programas de televisión americanos con el objetivo de promocionar en Estados Unidos el nuevo disco (el cual tiene como fecha de salida el 26 de Marzo). Así­ aparecerá el dí­a 26 en 'Live with Kelly and Michael' y al dí­a siguiente en 'Late Night with Jimmy Fallon'.


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Re: Dido
« Respuesta #199 en: Marzo 14, 2013, 10:58:39 pm »
Letra End of the night


Only now it’s gone
I can see the year
See for what it was
And start another day
All the liberty you took
The love that you abused
The friends that you turned
Against me if you could
And you’re twisting what I say
All that saying you were scared
It doesn’t matter anymore
Cos I’m not there

You were careless when the beat kicked in
And careless when it left
And careless all the way
I didn’t see it till the end

I feel nothing
When you cry
I hear nothing
See no need to reply
I can smile now
And turn away
Come over here
So you can see me walk away
And celebrate
The end of night
The end of night

It only takes one lie
To bring this house down
Behind closed doors
No one tells the first time round
Pain is worse when you bring it on yourself
The sweetest bully building
A love that couldn’t last

You were ugly when the beat kicked in
And ugly when it left
And ugly all the way,
I didn’t see it till the end

I feel nothing
When you cry
I hear nothing
See no need to reply
I can smile now
And turn away
Come over here
So you can see me walk away
And celebrate
The end of night
The end of night

After the fall comes love
I hate to hate and love to love

I feel nothing
When you cry
I hear nothing
See no need to reply
I can smile now
And turn away
Come over here
So you can see me walk away
And celebrate
The end of night
The end of night


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Re: Dido
« Respuesta #200 en: Marzo 14, 2013, 11:00:09 pm »


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Re: Dido
« Respuesta #201 en: Marzo 17, 2013, 08:13:04 pm »


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Re: Dido
« Respuesta #202 en: Marzo 17, 2013, 08:14:04 pm »
Despuíés de realizar una actuación para un programa de televisión francíés, Dido acudió a la emisora de readio RTL, suponemos para realizar alguna que otra entrevista que aun no se ha publicado en internet.


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Re: Dido
« Respuesta #203 en: Marzo 18, 2013, 05:54:05 pm »
Como bien sabíéis estos dí­as Dido ha estado realizando una pequeña gira de promoción por Francia, haciendo entrevistas y pequeñas actuaciones. Una de esas actuaciones es la realizada para la emisora de radio RTL2, la cual se emitirá el próximo dí­a de 6 de Abril. En dicha actuación Dido cantó 4 canciones: No Freedom, Girl who got away, White flag y Thank You.


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Re: Dido
« Respuesta #204 en: Marzo 18, 2013, 10:45:09 pm »


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Re: Dido
« Respuesta #205 en: Marzo 18, 2013, 10:48:39 pm »
 Letra Sitting of the roof of the world

I climbed a mountain
Not knowing that I had
Thought it was just a road from a to b
I took no protection
Not much of anything
Just went as I was
Looking in windows
And playing songs
And knocking on doors
And I was not scared
I just enjoyed the sights
Kept myself to myself

There I was
Sitting on the roof of the world
There I was
There I was
Not knowing how I got there
Or how to leave

Everyone says
I was lucky to have got there
As not many can
But truth be told
I was saved
By the love
Of a good man
Who came and got me
And bought me down
From on
Up there
I’d be lying if I didn’t say
I missed it now and then
But I have no wish to go back there

There I was
Sitting on the roof of the world
There I was
With all the gods
Not knowing how I got there
Or how to leave

People say
What’s so special about being back here
With everyone so close
But that’s the point
I don’t want to be different
I just want to fit in

There I was
There I was
Sitting on the roof of the world
There I was
With all the gods
Not knowing how I got there
Or how to leave


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Re: Dido
« Respuesta #206 en: Marzo 18, 2013, 10:50:12 pm »
Letra de Love to Blame

Helen of troy was the kind of girl
Who really had it all
Not a care in the world but her head was turned
And forever changed
She said one love is lost but another is found
So just take the keys and let’s just go, birds fly south

Nothing ventured
Nothing gained
It’s all about love
So I’m not to blame
I’m not to blame

She said I’ve dotted my I’s and I’ve crossed my t’s
Had time for friends when they needed me
I try to make sense of senseless things
Try to live how I believe
And of course I leave things behind that I’ll regret
But there’s time enough for new things yet, for new things yet

When the dust covers the sun
And all you hope for is undone
Will you turn and say
Nothing ventured
Nothing gained
It was all for love
So love is to blame
Love is to blame.


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Re: Dido
« Respuesta #207 en: Marzo 18, 2013, 10:52:16 pm »


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Re: Dido
« Respuesta #208 en: Marzo 21, 2013, 11:31:22 pm »
En Vanity Fair

Earlier this month, British singer-songwriter Dido returned from her five-year sabbatical (and maternity leave) with her fourth studio album, Girl Who Got Away. VF Daily recently caught up with the “White Flag” artist about her creative process, her adventures in gluten-free cooking, and her ability to write and record a song in a day. Highlights from our chat:

Vanity Fair: Congratulations on your new album. You’ve called it a mix of everything you like—dance music, ambient, hip-hop, pop. Is that a different approach than on songs you’ve written for your previous albums?

Dido: Not really, no. No Angel [released in 1999], especially, was a sort of similar thing. Whenever I write a song, I just want to produce it in the way that’s best for the song, and I’ll end up referencing all the music I love. And I love tons of different types of music, whether it’s dance or dub or hip-hop or ambient music, or pop, or folk. What I enjoy is feeling free to jump around. You know, as long as it’s held together with the song. That’s how I hold the albums together.

You just mentioned freedom, and you said in a video from the record label that you felt a sense of freedom with this record. Would you expand on that a bit?

Many years had passed and it felt like there wasn’t a lot of pressure, in a good way. The record happened really naturally, and I was sort of going about my life, working with people, and writing songs. Working with my brother [Rollo Armstrong], and going back to basics a bit as well, it just felt like a really free and easy process. The third album, I think I was just more concerned with wanting to do something different and change things, and that almost became a more difficult record. Often it’s the second one, but for me, I think it was probably the third.

This one is a bit more joyful than the previous album, isn’t it?

With me things are never quite as clear-cut as that, and there’s always a mixture of dark and light in every song. That’s how I like to write songs. The third record was quite a dark record, and it’s quite a dark time, and a very emotional record. This one is as well, but in a sort of different way.

The third record is quite an intensely dark record. I didn’t really realize until I started performing it live, and thinking, Wow. I was singing some quite dark songs every night. [Laughs] This is what you want from a career: you want to look back and each album is a phase in life, and you pour everything into it, and everything you felt during that time is on that record. What was nice about this most recent one is there’s this confidence there from making the third album; I felt more able to follow through on some of the ideas I had, whether they were crazy or not.

Your album before this one was in 2008, but all of your albums have had three to four years in between.

A lot of that is because of touring. I toured for three years, for instance, with No Angel. And I toured for two years after Life for Rent. I would get on the road and then just keep going and going and going. I’ve never been able to make a record while on tour. I find the headspace quite different. In between each record, as well, I want to have a life, an adventure, and have something to write about.

What is your creative process like when you write?

When I’m writing a song, it’s like a blurry picture, and then suddenly I really know what I’m writing about, and it all becomes clear. Unless something’s really clear and I really know what I’m writing about, or it’s really emotional, I’m probably not going to finish it.

Other days I literally just sit in the studio and write. A huge amount can come out then. It’s all in there, and I think if I only waited for those little moments to happen, I don’t think I’d get anything on the page. I just do love to sit with my guitar, and I start playing, and then it turns into writing a song. It just always seems to.

When or how do you know when a song is right? Or when it’s finished and doesn’t need any more tweaking?

The one thing I think I’ve prided myself on. I feel like I do know that, and I think there’s a real art to knowing that. You can go too far, or you can stop not soon enough. But for me, it’s when I just want to listen to it over and over again, when it moves me, when I’m definitely O.K. with playing it to my harshest critics. The minute I get to the stage where I really want to play this to people, like family members, that are going to tell you the truth in no uncertain terms, you know.

Do you change your songs for a while, or do you usually nail it fairly quickly after the inspiration for the song comes?

That’s always different. A song like “Thank You” I wrote in five minutes, and then a song like “White Flag,” I had the chorus for a year before I could finish the verses. It just went round and round in my head, and the picture was just blurry, and then suddenly it got really clear. On this album, too, a song like “End of Night” was written in a day. Then a song like “No Freedom” I carried around with me for ages in different versions. I like to record vocals the minute I’ve written a song, if not when I’m actually writing the song. Like on “End of Night” I was actually writing it as I was singing it, and I think you get a real rawness to that.

You’ve had some songs on movie soundtracks, like 127 Hours and Sex and the City 2. Do people commission those?

Often that happens. In the case of 127 Hours, that was done for the film. It was a complete shocker when it got nominated for an Oscar. I couldn’t believe it. That just came out of the blue. I was just working with A. R. Rahman, and then I think Danny Boyle heard my voice singing something over this track, and then he said, “Would you like to do a song for this film?” And I already knew the story, I had read the book anyway, so I was completely up for it. It was just done in a day, and I thought, Well, that was fun. And then I started getting e-mails a few weeks later, saying, “You’ve been nominated for an Oscar!” And I was like, What? That was really, like, out of the blue, and brilliant.

Was that a song that took five minutes?

No, that was pretty quick. It was a weekend. I spent a lot of time doing it over the weekend, and then recorded it in, like, 45 minutes, an hour, and that was that, and it was done. And A. R. Rahman, he’s one clever guy; you know, I can’t really take a whole heap of credit. He’s the one that made it work with the film, and I was really happy to just use my voice. It’s a whole art to making things like that really work with a film.

When you are not making working, what kinds of things do you like to do?

I like snowmobiling. [Laughs] I have to say, I love doing things that completely take all my brain away from everything. I’m not great at sitting around, because then I’ll start thinking of writing another song. If I really want to relax, I actually need to do something that takes all my concentration. Like driving a snowmobile very fast over the snow.

And I actually do love baking. While I was pregnant, I sort of went baking-crazy and . . . yeah, until my husband stopped me, ’cause it was just getting ridiculous. He feels like he needs to eat it all. He doesn’t want it to go to waste. So I was, like, baking cake after cake. There’s something really beautiful about baking. It’s sort of like, you start with a pile of mush, and you make this amazing thing out of it. I’m very good at slightly strange, alternative, healthy baking. Like I’m always coming up with sugar-free, wheat-free this and that and the other -free recipes, and some of them are absolutely disgusting! Just, some of them go so wrong.


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Re: Dido
« Respuesta #209 en: Marzo 21, 2013, 11:35:11 pm »
Letra Go Dreaming

En el especial de hoy, os dejamos la letra de Go Dreaming:


Another summer coming to an end
And I’m still walking on without a care
And even if the birds have flown, the sun has gone
I’ll still be here

Oh I want to walk with kings
Oh and take a chance on things
And though I may give way to those who could cause me pain
And step aside to threats and bullies
I still believe, I still believe

I’d rather go dreaming, believing in something, better than in me
I’d rather die loving, lost in the feeling of letting go
I’d rather die caring, working for something, seeing it as good
I can let it go, I can let it go

They’re all flying flags and making noise
Bringing on their speeches drinks and boys
But when they’re gone I’ll be standing here
And picking up the mess they left
I still believe, I still believe

I’d rather go dreaming, believing in something, better than in me
I’d rather die loving, lost in the feeling of letting go
I’d rather die caring, working for something, seeing it as good
I can let it go, I can let it go