Autor Tema: Tarja Turunen  (Leído 341072 veces)


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Re: Tarja Turunen
« Respuesta #990 en: Abril 20, 2016, 04:43:10 pm »


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Re: Tarja Turunen
« Respuesta #991 en: Abril 28, 2016, 04:04:40 pm »


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Re: Tarja Turunen
« Respuesta #992 en: Abril 29, 2016, 07:37:29 pm »
En el Q&A de Twitter reveló el tracklist de The Shadow Self:
Demons In You
No Bitter End
Love To Hate
Supremacy (Muse cover)
The Living End
Eagle Eye (album version)
Calling From The Wild
Too Many
- Va a haber algo de Chopin (supongo en el primer tema, como suele hacer)
- Sobre el dueto con Alissa: "Hizo un excelente trabajo, usó voz limpia y guturales"
- El videclip que filmó en Argentina: "La canción es Innocence. Ahora estamos terminando de filmar el video. Lo vamos a lanzar en el verano europeo"


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Re: Tarja Turunen
« Respuesta #993 en: Mayo 10, 2016, 05:03:01 pm »
Lauri: A question about the latest song you have done, the outcome, the finished song, how much of it has born to what it is because you had a feeling 'I want to write a song about this' and how much is this is what I’m able to do, this I can sing?
Tarja: There isn’t at all, when I’m writing the song, there isn’t at all the idea this I can do. There’s a lot of this is what I want to do, this is the song I want to write. I hope I’m able to write a song like that, perhaps it’s more like a wish. When the song is ready, you can more concretely.. you can criticize, that is this good enough and so on. For example the last song “Too Many” on the album, when I sat down to write it, I wanted to write a long song, that isn’t just the three and a half minutes like most songs these days. It came out something like seven minutes. I sat down and thought let’s make a progressive rock song. I wanted two drummers for the song. I had certain things in mind before I wrote it. I had an idea what the song should be about, but for me the music always comes first before the lyrics. Always. I have actually never written lyrics first and then the music. It’s somehow really weird, I should someday test if I could do that. Probably, but it’s totally different from the way I write for my own albums. But with that last song I wanted to give myself.. I consciously told myself that this is going to be the last song on the album. And wished it would give me the feeling that I have hope to wait for even better things from the future. That idea made me finish the song, I have hope to wait for something even better. And that song would give that same hope to the listener, something better is coming.


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Re: Tarja Turunen
« Respuesta #994 en: Mayo 20, 2016, 04:02:02 pm »
The Finnish Ministry for Foreign Affairs created Tarja “The Voice” emoji.
Tarja joins now the selected group of Finnish most relevant figures as Formula 1 Ferrari’s world Champion Kimi Rí¤ikkí¶nen, Ex-President and Nobel Peace Prize laureate Martti Ahtisaari and greatest Finnish football player of all time Jari Litmanen to help spread the goods about Finland and its culture.


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Re: Tarja Turunen
« Respuesta #995 en: Mayo 20, 2016, 04:04:43 pm »


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Re: Tarja Turunen
« Respuesta #996 en: Mayo 21, 2016, 10:57:06 pm »
Here's a translation of the beginning. Some nice info about The Shadow Self!
The contrast of light and shadow
After the end of TVOF season Tarja Turunen will release as much as two albums and spend the rest of the year on tour.
There has been a lot of talk about the death of the album format, but it seems Tarja Turunen still has faith in it. Even to the point that The Shadow Self-album, to be released in August, will be preceded by the also full-length The Brightest Void.

”The Brightest Void, which we are calling a prequel like in the movies, gives you an idea about the sound you can expect. The Shadow Self is definitely the stronger of the two, but The Brightest Void has songs fans have waited for and heard as live versions”, Turunen comments.

Even though it is also a coherent entirety, it has songs that wouldn’t fit in on the actual album according to Turunen. They deserve a place in the spotlight and not just as single B-sides and bonus tracks. Like the duet with Michael Monroe.
“We became friends with Michael thanks to TVOF. He is the most heartfelt person I know. I had a demo draft, I haven’t used because it was too rock for me. I talked to Michael about the topic of the song and said, perhaps we should try this together. Next morning he came in with ready lyrics and I was shocked!”
Turunen was a star coach on TVOF for her second season with Monroe, Redrama and Olli Lindholm. She doesn’t rule out a collaboration the two latter either.
”We have already talked with Olli that someday we should do something Christmas-related together. Redrama writes songs for so many different artist and we get along so well, that why not. I also have to mention last year’s winner Miia Kosunen, who will perform with me this summer in Kouvola. She has an emotional voice that gets under your skin and I would enjoy if that was heard on my album someday.”
That won’t be heard yet but a voice that gets under your skin in a different way. The grunting vocalist of Arch Enemy Alissa White-Gluz will do a duet with Turunen.
“This duet has been a surprise to many people: me, perhaps the cleanest vocalist in the metal circle and Alissa, who is a total contrast to that. The song was a really heavy one and I didn’t feel my voice had the kick it needed. Alissa came first to mind and she agreed right away when I asked her. I gave her free rein otherwise, but asked that we would hear some of her beautiful clean vocals too.”
The double album release will the heaviest material of Turunen’s career so far. The direction has been intentional.

”I tried this already on my last album but now me and Tim Palmer found the sound we were looking for. And we also found it through the thought less is more, we have given space for everything. Many tracks with cool things were left out for dynamics.”
The Shadow Self. The Brightest Void. In the music and the visual appearance light and shadow embrace.

“I read an interview with Annie Lennox about the shadow self, the shadow we all have within. With some it comes out in negative situations, my shadow makes me make music – gives me the freedom to be an artist. I feel that I’m a positive person, but the darkness in me makes me write. That is contrasted by light, which I also have within.”


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Re: Tarja Turunen
« Respuesta #997 en: Mayo 31, 2016, 04:13:39 pm »
The Brightest Void se puede escuchar entero en Apple Music!


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Re: Tarja Turunen
« Respuesta #998 en: Junio 01, 2016, 11:33:17 pm »
Entrevista Metal Hammer!

The original Nightwish vocalist Tarja airs her thoughts on everything from James Bond to Inter Milan
As Nightwish’s first female vocalist, Tarja Turunen set the bar high for those who followed. After her very public dismissal in 2005, she launched a successful solo career and has never looked back – the singer has even been presented with her very own emoji by The Finnish Ministry for Foreign Affairs! She’s now about to release not one but two new studio albums – a ‘prequel’ called The Brightest Void on June 3 and The Shadow Self on August 5. But what drives the real Tarja?

“My husband [Marcelo Cabuli] and I have a big music collection of maybe around 7,000 CDs. CD is still my favourite format but I do have a few records as well. I used to have more but, quite idiotically, I gave away most of my vinyl when I was younger.

“We love listening to different styles so we have everything in our collection! I’m a music lover; I listen to various styles to get inspiration or to relax or to get energy, but if it lacks emotion, it’s not for me. If there wasn’t music around we would all become very miserable.

“The last album I bought was an Annie Lennox covers album Nostalgia. I also bought Muse’s live album [Live At Rome Olympic Stadium] and I love Blue October’s Home. I’m a huge fan of the James Bond soundtracks too. I take a lot of inspiration from them in my own songwriting. I think Metal Hammer readers should listen to [18th century Italian composer] Pergolesi’s Stabat Mater – that is emotional classical music – and I love Peter Gabriel’s classic album So. He's been as inspiration to me for many years. I love his work.”

“I am really not interested in politics but I am shocked by the way the media handles politics in a country like Argentina, where I’ve been living the past few years. Recently, I was interviewed [for Finnish tabloid Iltalehti] and I happened to say that my husband and I had decided to leave Argentina for the sake of our daughter because the political situation there was so uncertain. The Argentinean websites picked up on that and I got into trouble with the media there. It even made the local news in Argentina! The government actually changed at exactly the same time I was leaving the country. I wrote a song about the way politicians work on [new album] The Brightest Void called Shameless. It’s all about politics and dirty business.”

“I wouldn’t call myself a religious person, I’m more of a spiritual person. I was baptised as Lutheran [a branch of Protestant Christianity that’s popular in many of the Scandinavian countries], not that I really follow the church. When I was little, my mother taught me a prayer that I said before I went to sleep and we used to go to the church before Christmas, but that was about it. I do believe in God but it’s a very personal thing for me.

“These days, I probably spend more time performing in churches than I do attending services in them. The acoustics make them nice places to perform in and you get a different kind of atmosphere when you hold a show there. They’re designed for musical performance and they’re beautiful places.”

“I hardly ever watch TV. Sometimes I’ll have it on in the background when I go to sleep but I don’t really watch it because I prefer to sleep! I love movies, although I usually go to movie theatres and watch them on the big screen.

“I used to watch children’s cartoons with my daughter [Naomi] but that’s about all I’ve seen in the last three years! While I’m travelling and when I’m on tour, I like watching documentaries – I enjoy biographies, travel documentaries, nature programmes... stuff like that. I watched a music documentary on Mí¶tley Crí¼e recently, and I always love watching what’s going on with nature and the natural world. I like checking out health programmes too. Just recently I was watching one about sugar, about how much sugar there is in everything we eat. Scary things like that!

“I haven't seen Game Of Thrones yet – I think I’m probably one of the only people who hasn’t! It's something I do want to watch in the future. I've seen clips of it and I love looking at the costumes. I like historical movies for this reason, I love checking out the work behind creating these amazing costumes. Designing clothes is something that really interests me because I plan my own performing outfits.”

“I'm a football fan. I got involved in that when I married an Argentinean! I remember at the beginning of our relationship – in 2000-and-something – we went to see Inter Milan play in Italy with some friends. The feeling and atmosphere at that match was incredible. How is it that something can move mountains of people in the same way emotionally? It was like being at a concert and I felt a real emotional connection.

“I now support San Lorenzo – they’re probably the third biggest team in Argentina and I wear their shirts when I'm in the gym! Whenever it’s possible, I go to their matches but it’s more complicated now I have a child and we’re never in one place.

“When I was a kid, I was the only girl in my class for almost six years at primary school and I have two brothers as well. Being the only girl, I hung around with the guys and played football with them. But Finland and football don’t really go hand-in-hand; it’s more ice skating and ice hockey there. My three-year-old daughter is really into football though. She has her own football boots and practises with the local boys!”

“I’m as healthy as I can be right now. I’ve never smoked and I’ve never been into drinking but I do enjoy a couple of glasses of red wine. I got more involved with that when I moved to Argentina [in 2005] as they have really, really nice wines there. I also need to keep fit in order to survive all the gigs so I regularly go to the gym, go swimming and running. Taking care of my physical needs is very important – if my body is not healthy then my voice won’t be either.

“I turn 40 next year and maybe I’m now seeing the results of everything I did in the past, when I was stupid and young. I didn't take care of myself then. Now I suffer from neck pain, which comes from headbanging, for sure. I’ve had physiotherapy and I have to take care that I don’t mess myself up when I go to the gym. When you’re a kid, you don’t need to pay attention to these kinds of things though. My daughter sleeps in very strange positions on the plane and it never seems to bother her.

“I have also suffered from upset stomachs all my life and was never really interested in why. Now I know that gluten is very bad for me so I try to eat a gluten-free diet and take vitamins and minerals. I also drink considerably more water than before. I eat as healthily as I can but I don’t eat any diet foods. I like butter, lots of butter, and avocado – all the good fats!”

“My fans are incredible. There are many who follow me in both the metal and classical worlds; they’ve always been there and they’re very loyal to me. I named [my first solo album] My Winter Storm after them because they are the storm that keeps me going.

“Whenever I have the chance, I hold meet and greets, either before or after the show. It's nicer to do them afterwards because you get to hear the feedback from everybody. There are many amazing things my fans have done and are still doing for me. I've met quite a few who have named their children after me as well. I think one of the oldest is about seven or eight years old now.

“I have many fans who have my name, my signature, part of my lyrics, or even my face tattooed onto them. In one way it’s weird, but in another way it’s an honour. It’s your body, your skin; it’s part of you and it will always be there so it’s a really big deal to get a tattoo. I only have one myself [flowers with her daughter’s name inked onto her leg] as I see tattoos as something that’s very personal but music can affect people in a personal way too.”


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Re: Tarja Turunen
« Respuesta #999 en: Junio 06, 2016, 04:14:51 pm »
Setlist GreenFest

No Bitter End
Never Enough
Demons in You
Calling from the Wild
Victim of Ritual
Die Alive
Until My Last Breath
Over the Hills


Calling from the Wild
« Última modificación: Junio 07, 2016, 03:44:30 pm por Serena »


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Re: Tarja Turunen
« Respuesta #1000 en: Junio 09, 2016, 04:01:21 pm »
Si teníéis libretos defectuosos....

Some of you might have noticed that not all credits and lyrics are included in the booklet of Tarja's "The Brightest Void". If you'd like to receive a new booklet including all the missing texts, please take a picture of the booklet without the text and send it together with your postal address to the following e-mail: A new booklet will be send to you free of charge independently of your location."


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Re: Tarja Turunen
« Respuesta #1001 en: Junio 12, 2016, 08:00:54 pm »


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Re: Tarja Turunen
« Respuesta #1002 en: Junio 12, 2016, 08:10:22 pm »


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Re: Tarja Turunen
« Respuesta #1003 en: Junio 18, 2016, 03:50:18 pm »


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Re: Tarja Turunen
« Respuesta #1004 en: Junio 19, 2016, 04:09:11 pm »