Autor Tema: Sharon Corr  (Leído 274193 veces)


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Re: Sharon Corr saca un álbum en solitario
« Respuesta #315 en: Octubre 01, 2010, 06:18:57 pm »
Sharon revela sus planes de trabajar con su atractivo í­dolo Bublíé

LA CANTANTE Sharon Corr ha revelado que ella y su í­dolo Michael Bublíé podrí­an trabajar juntos en el estudio de grabación pronto.

La glamourosa madre de dos niños explicó cómo se conocieron cuando el canadiense voló hasta Dublí­n el pasado fin de semana para dos actuaciones promocionales en el estadio Aviva que tuvieron lugar las noches del viernes y el sábado.

Sharon (40) acaba de lanzar su primer álbum en solitario, llamado Dream Of You, y dice que si tuviera la oportunidad de colaborar con el atractivo cantante de Haven't Met You Yet lograrí­a transformar sus sueños en realidad.

Esta bella castaña, que conforma una cuarta parte de la exitosa banda familiar The Corrs, admite que espera reunirse con Bublíé en un futuro próximo para discutir la posibilidad de trabajar juntos.

"Le conocí­ el fin de semana pasado y es un autí§entico encanto", le dijo Sharon al Herald. "Estuve en su concierto del sábado por la noche y debo decir que lo disfrutíé mucho, de verdad. Es un cantante excelente y fue un concierto genial".

"Estábamos en un palco así­ que no esperaba que el sonido fuera bueno, pero tengo que admitir que estuvo fenomenal. Sonaba de miedo por todo el estadio, por lo que creo que tienen grandes oportunidades de tener un íéxito arrollador en otros conciertos.

"Despuíés Michael vino a conocernos y estuvimos comentando lo mucho que nos gustaba la música del otro. Ambos hemos trabajado con David Foster en el pasado así­ que hablamos sobre ello y sobre el talento que tiene produciendo."

"Sin duda es alguien con quien estarí­a orgullosa de trabajar en el futuro, así­ que nunca se sabe, estad atentos", añadió.

Sharon continuó comentado que tambiíén tiene ganas de reunirse con sus hermanos - Andrea, Caroline y Jim - para trabajar juntos de nuevo y dice que puede haber más presión para tener íéxito cuando uno se aventura en solitario.

"Lo hemos discutido y sin duda haremos algo en un futuro próximo. No va a ser ahora mismo, pero sí­ dentro de poco. Me encanta trabajar con ellos y los echo de menos ahora que voy por mi cuenta.

La ambiciosa artista tiene pendiente pasar un tiempo en España y otros muchos destinos por todo el Reino Unido el mes que viene, ya que empieza su gira promocional para publicitar su nuevo álbum.


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Re: Sharon Corr saca un álbum en solitario
« Respuesta #316 en: Octubre 01, 2010, 11:29:24 pm »
Como ya adelantó Sharon en el programa de televisión Ireland AM, los próximos dí­as 26 y 27 de octubre, martes y miíércoles respectivamente, volverá a interpretar junto al guitarrista Jeff Beck la canción Mná Na hí‰ireann, como ya hiciera el año pasado los dí­as 13 y 14 de febrero en el O2 Arena de Londres, pero esta vez el escenario será el mí­tico Royal Albert Hall.

Live with Jeff Beck

I’m thrilled to say that I’ll be performing with the legendary Jeff Beck again in the Royal Albert Hall – London, on the 26th and 27th of October!

Can’t wait! See you there!


P.S. You can find tickets on Ticketmaster


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Re: Sharon Corr saca un álbum en solitario
« Respuesta #317 en: Octubre 03, 2010, 11:02:19 pm »
Gracias a Jamie, usuaria del Foro Oficial de Sharon, sabemos que el setlist de Sharon en el Live Stage (escenario principal de The Music Show) ha sido el siguiente:

Our Wedding Day

Dream Of You

Smalltown Boy


So Long Ago

Jenny's Chickens


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Re: Sharon Corr saca un álbum en solitario
« Respuesta #318 en: Octubre 04, 2010, 11:08:55 pm »
So long ago (acoustic)

Busca en el listado de programas: Weekenders with Paddy McKenna & Ruth Scott. Cuando lo hayas encontrado, verás que hay dos opciones, pincha en la que pone I want to listen to a recording of the show, se te abrirá una ventana donde podrás escuchar el programa, entonces simplemente deberás ponerlo sobre los 170:0


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Re: Sharon Corr saca un álbum en solitario
« Respuesta #319 en: Octubre 06, 2010, 11:38:06 pm »
Ayer, el periódico irlandíés New Ross Standard publicó una entrevista realizada a Sharon, la cual incluye un par de nuevas fotografí­as promocionales.

FIVE years after stepping away from the music industry for a much deserved break, Sharon Corr admits it strange to be on a promotional tour without her famous siblings.

'I've been through Heathrow five times in the last week, some days I really don't where my head is at!'

Having just released her eagerly anticipated debut solo album Dream of You, the Dundalk violinist has been blazing a trail across Europe to promote what is surely her most personal collection to date.

'It's been getting a great reaction, which I'm just delighted with to be honest, as I put my heart and soul into this album.'

Quietly proud of the positive reviews as she took a bus to Cork last week (no chauffeur driven limousines for this down to earth star!), Sharon joined man of the moment Paolo Nutini on stage at the Savoy for the Arthur's Day celebrations.

'It's strange, at times, doing this without them,' she says of Caroline, Andrea and Jim.

But after thinking about it for a few moments, she adds: ' There was a lot of waiting around though when we did interviews, as there would be four of us to answer questions!'

'But it's been a big learning curve for me since I finished the album in July, I've learned a lot being out there on my own.'

In 2005, the Corrs decided to take a break from recording and performing to concentrate instead on their own lives, and in Sharon's case, start a family.

After selling almost 30 million records, playing sell out venues across the world, and winning accolades everywhere they went, she says they felt it was time for the wheels to stop turning.

'At that stage we had been doing this for the best part of 15 years. It was a long time, and I think we just wanted a break, a chance to do our own thing.'

Five years out of the spotlight was much needed she says, and in that time all four siblings saw their personal lives bloom, with Caroline now a mother-of-three, Sharon going on to have two children, lead singer Andrea marrying her millionaire boyfriend Brett Desmond, and Jim becoming a father for the first time.

After giving birth to her son Cathal in 2006 and her daughter Flori Jean just over a year later, she recalls 'a fantastic time being a stay-at-home mother. 'I really loved it,' but concedes that she never envisaged giving up on her music career.

'I realised I can't not do this, it's part of who I am. I have to keep writing and performing just to feel normal.

'I missed it hugely when I took a break. For so long being a part of this crazy thing – the music industry – was the norm for me, and it's hard to walk away from that.

'But I never stopped writing music, it's in my blood. In fact one of the songs on the album Dream of You I wrote when I was pregnant with Cathal.'

She describes it as an ode ' to the incredible relationship you can have with someone you've never met' and decided that it should be the title of her first album.

All of the tracks are ' deeply close' to her heart, she says, and reflect an experience she had, or an emotional reaction she felt to something she heard.

'One of my favourites is Evelyn, inspired by James Joyce's short story. That always stuck with me, about a girl who had the opportunity to go away with a man she loved, but she didn't and spent the rest of her life thinking about what could have been.'

She says she ' just knew it had to be a duet' and was delighted that Spanish musician Alex Ubago joined her on the track to channel the sense of love and loss.

Going back headlong into the business has been 'a great joy' she says, and even though she penned some of The Corrs' most famous tracks such as So Young and Radio, this was her first opportunity to make every song her own.

'I really enjoyed recording again. I think we all missed it,' she says, not afraid to answer speculation that the band are about to reform.

' We've been talking about it a lot, and we definitely hope to work together again as a group in the next two years.'

Hoping to tour with her own album in early 2011 and planning to reunite with her musical siblings, begs the question, how does she balance it all out with family life?

'I have found a balance I think, the kids are in Montessori now, they're growing up fast!

' The thing is, they've only ever known mummy as a musician, and although it never gets easier leaving them, they haven't known any other way of life in that I go away sometimes and then I'm back.'

Sharon and husband Gavin Bonnar have now moved from Belfast and she says the family are 'very happy' in their new home in Dublin. Travelling the world as part of one of Ireland's most famous bands never took her away from her roots.

'I love Dundalk, and in many respects still call it home. I don't get to visit as much as I did before I had the kids, but it's always in my heart.

'My dad is there, my two best friends still live there, and I'd like to be able to get back more often to see them.'

Fond memories abound of a happy life at home with her father Gerry, and later mother Jean, who sadly passed away in November 1999, and whose memory is ever present to this day.

'Music was always in our house, growing up we didn't know any other life,' she muses, perhaps not realising the similarities to her own kids' upbringing.

A hugely talented, natural musician since her youth, she recalled never having a problem with music exams in school, a fact which went un-noticed by a former teacher, a nun.

'I remember I left a music exam early, and she told me I'd be a failure, which really surprised me at the time. I only left because I had finished it!'

While most people who have similar childhood memories that spurred them on or acted as a catalyst for their success, Sharon says she is more understanding now of where the comment came from.

'I'm sure she looked at me and thought I was throwing away opportunities, when she perhaps didn't have the same opportunities.'

But she adds that life has taught her not to harbour resentment.

'As a child I was shocked, but as an adult I am more forgiving.'

Sharon reflects that the road she has travelled from Dundalk to the four corners of the world and back again has ' been an incredible one, meeting the most amazing people'.

She never tires of music, she says, and is a huge fan of contemporary artists such as Paolo Nutini and Irish band The Script.

'Paolo is a real stand out singer songwriter, and The Script are really great.

'I meet them recently, and they're just a great bunch of guys, really down to earth, never forgetting where they came from.'

Now doesn't that sound exactly like another band millions of people hope to see back in the charts very soon?


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Re: Sharon Corr saca un álbum en solitario
« Respuesta #320 en: Octubre 07, 2010, 07:23:35 pm »
Sharon visitará Madrid + Sorteo de pases VIP
Por Eder P. (ErynShore) on 07 Oct 2010

El próximo 14 de Octubre Sharon Corr visitará Madrid para presentar su álbum ‘Dream Of You’ en una fiesta privada en el Hotel Villa Real (Plaza Cortes 10) a las 20:30. En esta fiesta Sharon tocará cuatro temas en acústico acompañada de su grupo. Además se proyectará en pantalla grande su último videoclip “Everybody’s Got To Learn Sometime” y un video que grabó este verano en la Alhambra para Jameson.

Los que quieran asistir al evento disponemos de 10 pases VIP para ver a Sharon. Solamente nos teníéis que enviar un email a ‘’ indicando vuestro nombre, apellidos, dni, localidad y un pequeño texto explicando porque os gustarí­a ver a Sharon en directo. La fecha lí­mite para enviar el email es el martes 12 de Octubre a las 23:00. Al dí­a siguiente se publicará en la web una lista con los afortunados. ¡Mucha suerte a todos!

Gracias a Warner Spain por facilitarnos los pases para el sorteo.



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Re: Sharon Corr saca un álbum en solitario
« Respuesta #321 en: Octubre 07, 2010, 11:37:05 pm »
Hoy, Sharon ha acudido al programa de televisión norirlandíés The Seven Thirty Show donde ha sido entrevistada.

The Seven Thirty Show (desde los 10 min 30s)


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Re: Sharon Corr saca un álbum en solitario
« Respuesta #322 en: Octubre 08, 2010, 10:45:06 pm »
Hoy, el periódico irlandíés The Irish Times ha publicado un artí­culo donde revela que Sharon actuará acompañada por la orquestra de la RTí‰ en el programa radiofónico de The Ronan Collins Show, de la emisora RTí‰ Radio 1, el próximo miíércoles 13 de octubre.

RTí‰ Radio is planning a bumper week of musical treats. Big Music Week 2010 will kick off on Monday at 5.30am, with Maxi’s Risin’ Time show, and will run across various stations (mostly Radio 1 and Lyric FM) until the 17th.

During the week, the schedule will be shaken up with various live performances in front of studio audiences and special features incorporated in to shows. Ronan Collins’s show next Wednesday will feature the RTí‰ Concert Orchestra with guests Sharon Corr,

Sharon Shannon and Colm Wilkinson, while the orchestra will also back Imelda May on Ryan Tubridy’s show and Julie Feeney on The JK Ensemble, both on Thursday. Arts collective Nighthawks will provide a blend of music, comedy and poetry on Arena on Thursday.

Raidió na Gaeltachta is really pushing the boat out, however. It will be staging a gig in Galway on Thursday as part of its show An Caifíé Ceoil. Mick Flannery, Ger Wolfe and A Band Called Wanda will perform live at Kelly’s. Tickets are available only through the station (e-mail: for more info).

Digital station 2XM is also getting in on the act. They’ll have Fionn Regan (Monday at 8pm) and O Emperor (Wednesday at 8pm) performing in front of a studio audience.


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Re: Sharon Corr saca un álbum en solitario
« Respuesta #323 en: Octubre 09, 2010, 11:11:11 pm »
Sobre la presenyacion del disco!

mañana, Domingo, el programa “A vivir que son dos dí­as” de la SER sorteará tambiíén entradas VIP. Esto es a partir de las 11:30 de la mañana mas o menos


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Re: Sharon Corr saca un álbum en solitario
« Respuesta #324 en: Octubre 11, 2010, 11:33:14 pm »
Hoy Sharon fuíé entrevistada durante una hora en el programa radiofónico In Conversation..., presentado por Barry Egan en la emisora Radio Nova y que se emite de las 19:00 a las 20:00h (de las 20:00 a las 21:00h horario peninsular).


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Re: Sharon Corr saca un álbum en solitario
« Respuesta #325 en: Octubre 12, 2010, 11:49:49 pm »


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Re: Sharon Corr saca un álbum en solitario
« Respuesta #326 en: Octubre 13, 2010, 11:45:15 pm »
Mañana, se realizará un encuentro digital con Sharon en la web del periódico El Mundo a as 17:00h.

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Re: Sharon Corr saca un álbum en solitario
« Respuesta #327 en: Octubre 16, 2010, 11:20:55 pm »
Hoy, el periódico irlandíés The Irish Times ha publicado un artí­culo donde revela que Sharon actuará acompañada por la orquestra de la RTí‰ en el programa radiofónico de The Ronan Collins Show, de la emisora RTí‰ Radio 1, el próximo miíércoles 13 de octubre.

Mna Na h' Eireann


Smalltown Boy


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Re: Sharon Corr saca un álbum en solitario
« Respuesta #328 en: Octubre 16, 2010, 11:26:11 pm »
Ayer, Sharon acudió al programa radiofónico En Dí­as Como Hoy, presentado por Juan Ramón Lucas en RNE, donde ha sido entrevistada y ha interpretado en acústico It's Not A Dream y Jenny's Chickens.

Escuchar aquí­


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Re: Sharon Corr saca un álbum en solitario
« Respuesta #329 en: Octubre 16, 2010, 11:56:23 pm »
La presentación del disco

Os dejo el tracklist y me voy a la cama... Z Z Z

1. Cooley´s Reel
2. Smalltown Boy
3. Radio
4. It´s not a Dream
5. Jenny´s Chickens


Cooley's Reel

Smalltown Boy

It's not a Dream

Jenny's Chicken