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Re: Within Temptation
« Respuesta #735 en: Junio 11, 2012, 07:30:20 pm »


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Re: Within Temptation
« Respuesta #736 en: Junio 15, 2012, 11:31:36 pm »
Unfortunately, we received the news that the organization of Global East Rock Festival in Kiev, Ukraine decided to postpone the festival, which would take place on the 17th of June.

As of this moment we are awaiting a new date. As soon as we hear more, we will let you know.

We hope to come to Ukraine soon.


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Re: Within Temptation
« Respuesta #737 en: Junio 18, 2012, 07:36:54 pm »


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Re: Within Temptation
« Respuesta #738 en: Junio 26, 2012, 08:02:38 pm »
We are giving you an inside look on the Unforgiving Tour in South America, as we did for the European leg of the tour.

We’ve already shown you the video from Quito. Today we’re showing you what we were up to in Lima, Peru!


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Re: Within Temptation
« Respuesta #739 en: Junio 29, 2012, 10:22:51 pm »
Nuevo vestido!!!


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Re: Within Temptation
« Respuesta #740 en: Junio 29, 2012, 10:29:42 pm »


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Re: Within Temptation
« Respuesta #741 en: Junio 29, 2012, 10:31:46 pm »
Poster de Elements


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Re: Within Temptation
« Respuesta #742 en: Julio 01, 2012, 05:09:43 pm »


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Re: Within Temptation
« Respuesta #743 en: Julio 02, 2012, 04:14:02 pm »
Last Thursday we played at Rock Werchter, Belgium.

Besides our show on the Mainstage, we played in the woods at the festival grounds for an extra acoustic performance of Faster.

Ver aqui


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Re: Within Temptation
« Respuesta #744 en: Julio 05, 2012, 08:05:23 pm »
We’re playing at De Zwarte Cross in Lichtenvoorde, the Netherlands on the 20th of July!

De Zwarte Cross is one of the largest festivals in Holland and it offers much more than music alone. The festival has 14 different stages to host not only musical acts, but also theatrical performances and gets the adrenalin juices flowing with exciting stunts!

We’re really looking forward to playing here and a lot of exciting things are going to happen whilst we’re on stage! We’ll be performing on the Mainstage at night and the organization is planning on putting together an impressive show during our performance, including fireworks!

For more information on De Zwarte Cross:!

See you there?


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Re: Within Temptation
« Respuesta #745 en: Julio 08, 2012, 05:27:45 pm »


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Re: Within Temptation
« Respuesta #746 en: Julio 08, 2012, 05:37:43 pm »

The Unforgiving, Within Temptation’s last album, was released a year ago and showed that the band’s new ambition is to go further than the actual music framework. We interviewed Sharon del Adel, WT’s lead singer, when the band played at the Main Square Festival in Arras, France. She answered our questions about both the future of the band and The Unforgiving’s concept.

Given the answers, the latest news on the band are very hot, because Robert Westerholt, Sharon’s husband who stepped down from touring for family reasons, might already have composed songs for the next album. Within Temptation is also preparing a full-length movie related to The Unforgiving and a special anniversary show in November.

“If you have trouble putting a song out like that, then it won’t work : there is something wrong with it.”
Radio Metal : A few months ago, you played for the first time in Peru. How was it ?

Sharon Den Adel (vocals) : It was amazing. When you play in countries you’ve never been to before, when you meet different cultures, it’s like the icing on the cake. It was a completely new experience for everyone in the band. Moreover, the audience was great.

How would you describe the metal fans there ? Is there a big audience for this kind of music ?

I’m not sure because the metal scene over there is quite underground, even if the audience is very intense and active : you don’t need 10 000 people to have a great show. The metal community is small, but if it gets a good exposure, it will be better.

You did a theater tour at the beginning of the year. It’s not the first time you play acoustic or semi acoustic shows. Is it a way of playing that inspires the band ? Is this how you first compose your songs ?

We use sometimes acoustic guitars when we start writing songs, sometimes the piano and from there we develop them. Regarding our theater tour, our music is usually seen as “bombastic”, « heavy » and “big”, and by doing this tour, we showed that we could play our songs in more intimate shows.

It is often said that when a song is written acoustically, it is the best way to see if it’s good or not : do you agree with that ?

Yes, I totally agree with this. If you have trouble putting a song out like that, then it won’t work : there is something wrong with it.

Is it possible that one day, you’ll record an acoustic album ?

As we have done so many different things in the past, never say never (laughs), but as we like electric guitars and the heavy metal sound, it’s not a thing that we first stand for, and our fans like the way we are on stage. But it is an option.

“We have a big show in Belgium, on November the 13, and we’ll celebrate 15 years of Within Temptation. Robert will be there, obviously ! (laughs) Older members will come too. We’ll show some movies we’ve made, some parts of the show will be symphonic”

How is Robert (Robert Westerholt, guitar, co-founder of Within Temptation) dealing with the fact that he has stopped touring ? Does he miss being on stage ?

Yes, he misses it a bit, but it is still the best way to combine two separate worlds and for Within Temptation to continue. Moreover, he is always involved in everything that concerns the band behind the scenes, and especially the creative process.

Will he play again live in a few years, when your kids are older ?

Yes, maybe. But talking about Robert, we have a big show in Belgium, on November the 13, and we’ll celebrate 15 years of Within Temptation. Robert will be there, obviously ! (laughs) Older members will come too. We’ll show some movies we’ve made, some parts of the show will be symphonic : we’ve been around for such a long time, thanks to the fans of course, so we’ll remember with the them all the highlights of these past 15 years.

A lot of bands are starting to celebrate their old days by playing an old album in its entirety. Have you thought of doing that with one of your first albums like Enter or Mother Earth ?

No, because we play our favorite songs during a show. We’ve always have done so in the past too, so an entire album, I don’t know, maybe ! (laughs)

“We’ve already written six songs, so we’re working fast : these six songs will be on the album and are very good. It surprises me, because sometimes it’s a real struggle to write new songs, but apparently, The Unforgiving album is quite inspiring and we’ll continue in that direction.”
Do you think that as Robert writes music at home, this situation can have an impact on the way he writes music ?

No, because he has always been involved in writing songs since the beginning. After the festivals we’re doing now, I’ll have some time for writing songs for the new album,. The same people who have been working on the previous albums will be involved too, like Martijn (Martijn Spierenburg, keyboards). I must say that we’ve already written six songs, so we’re working fast : these six songs will be on the album and are very good. It surprises me, because sometimes it’s a real struggle to write new songs, but apparently, The Unforgiving album is quite inspiring and we’ll continue in that direction.

By stepping down from touring, Robert showed that the most important thing in life is family. Do you think that some musicians tend to forget that and focus maybe too much on music ?

Eveybody’s different. We found it important to do it, other people will may find important to do it too : everyone has to make choices and I can’t judge what other people do in their own lives.

The Unforgiving is a concept album that develops a story based on a comic book. The video clips and your live show is linked to that story. Do you intend to go further in that way of writing albums ? For example, have you thought of making a movie, like Nightwish did for Imaginaerum for example ?

We’ve already made three short movies for our last album and a year ago, we started to write a script for a full-length movie, but we’re not sure when we’ll release it, because we do not want our album to suffer from this project. Once ready, everybody will know.

Since you have this very special live show linked to the story, can we expect a live DVD at the end of the tour ?

I’m not sure. We have some backstage and live stuff but we do not know if it’s usable. We also don’t know how the show will be good, how it will sound and if things will be recorded the right way : when you make a DVD it has to be a magical show.

At the beginning, Within Temptation was a symphonic gothic metal band and since, the band has moved towards a more pop oriented music. Have you experienced some aggressive reactions from pure metal fans ?

No, we’ve never have actually because we’ve always been a band with « catchy » songs : we’re not Slayer (rires) ! Within Temptation has always been very melodic : I think that people who liked us at the start will like the new songs. Of course, people come and go, but we’re a band that changes with every album, because our tastes change too: it’s a natural thing for us. Some excellent bands have the ability to stay the same and on top like Iron Maiden for example, which is amazing, but we’re not capable of doing that.

A lot of well known female fronted symphonic metal bands come from The Netherlands. How could you explain that ? What so special about the Netherlands and female fronted bands ?

Maybe because this style has proven to be succesful and people get inspired by it. Bands also have the opportunity to get signed and record an album. Record companies also see that there is a market for that kind of music : that’s how it works I think ! (laughs) If you live in a country where there are no bands to compare yourself to, where bands haven’t been successful, then it is harder for you.

Interview conducted on june, 30th, 2012 by phone
Transcription : Jean Martinez – Traduction(s) Net


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Re: Within Temptation
« Respuesta #747 en: Julio 09, 2012, 04:23:52 pm »


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Re: Within Temptation
« Respuesta #748 en: Julio 09, 2012, 04:29:42 pm »


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Re: Within Temptation
« Respuesta #749 en: Julio 18, 2012, 08:50:53 pm »
We’re happy to announce that we received an alternative date for our performance in Ukraine!

We will be the Special Night Guest of the indoor “Gasoline Fest” which will take place on the 8th of September in the Stereoplaza Club in Kyiv. We’ve been told that ticket holders for the cancelled Global East Festival can get free access to the Gasoline Fest.

These ticket holders can get  get access to the Gasoline Fest and see Within Temptation’s show by following this procedure:

1) Visit the Grand Prix Concert Agency website at:

2) Fill in registration form with the requested information.

3) The Grand Prix Concert Agency will contact you with a confirmation mail after registration period is over, i.e. within the week after 8th of august 2012.

4) On the show day (8-th September), please provide your original not refunded ticket together with printed confirmation mail and say your personal data to controller at the entrance of the venue.

5) The controller will check your ticket and your personal data with the data base and in case if everything is correct, he will exchange your ticket to the wrist bracelet, giving access to the venue.

Without having the original ticket for Global East festival or if the ticket is damaged and your personal data is not correct, access will be not provided. Please be sure that your original ticket number and bar-codes are not damaged and you have printed confirmation mail with you.

Registration period is limited to the latest 8-th August 2012!
Tickets exchange begins at the venue doors on the 8th of September at 21:00.
Within Temptation show starts approximately at 22:00. Exact timing to be confirmed soon.

If you want to get access to the whole festival and see all bands of the line-up from the beginning, you can make the ticket exchange earlier, starting from 16:00, paying only a small part of its price for a festival ticket.

More detailed information about tickets exchange and about “Gasoline Fest” you can check at Grand Prix Concert Agency official web-sites: -

Please periodically check the Grand Prix official website to get the latest news and updates about this event and tickets exchange!