Si todo te está saliendo tan bien, y si te sale como esperas te felicito de verdad, a mi me parecen muy arriesgados estos valores y me mantengo al margen de ellas..
Felicidades de nuevo y que tengas suerte en la venta del resto.
muchas gracias me quedan mas de 300.000 aun por vender pero mira un mensaje del presidente y ya ves lo que dice...creo que va a subir mucho mucho mas..tiene qeu dar una noticia pendiente...
Dear Mr.xxxx,
Please accept my apologies. I did not receive your initial email, although I did receive your email on Friday. I am sorry I have not been able to get back to you until now.
Thank you for your interest in our company. I appreciate your acquisition of shares. I believe you are making good decision. Although the last two weeks have been very difficult with regards to our price per share, our business is beginning to take shape very nicely. I would be happy to have a telephone conversation with you at any time.
Thanks again and look forward to speaking with you.
William Car
400 Applewood Cr. Suite 100
Vaughan, ON L4K 0C3
Direct: (905) 482-4670
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p.d cuando compro compro para ganar..por eso os digo que si los pocos que leeis este foro teneis dos dedos de frente ARYX es la siguiente en subir un 400% ya os pondre por que lo digo y cuando lo digo..jejej :015: