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Anette Olsson

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--- Citar ---Today I went to the studio and recorded the remaining 3 songs now growl need to be done and some guitar solos but then boom it’s mixing and mastering time  #anetteolzon
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--- Citar ---Finally after so many weeks where my cough stopped me from recording vocals i have had a day in the studio today. and even if I’m still not a 100% well I managed to do lots of choirs on 4 songs and even a new song so happy I am back at it  #anetteolzon #soloalbumno3yay

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Heed The Call
Rapture out May 10th

--- Citar ---1 Heed The Call

2 Rapture

3 Day Of Wrath

4 Requiem

5 Arise

6 Take A Stand

7 Cast Evil Out

8 Greedy World

9 Hear My Song

10 Head Up High

11 We Search For Peace

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--- Citar ---The prayer in Heed the call is sung by my youngest son Mio 10 years old  so proud and happy to have him on my album  #anetteolzon #frontiersrecords
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--- Citar ---Video shoot for two videos today @patricullaeus #anetteolzon
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