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Título: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 04, 2007, 11:38:48 pm
Y para el q no la conozca vamos a contar cosillas de ella  :

Tarja Soile Susanna Turunen Cabuli es una soprano lí­rico Dramática nacida el 17 de agosto de 1977 en Kitee, Finlandia, famosa ya que formaba parte del grupo de Symphonic Power Metal Nightwish, donde combinó el entrenamiento clásico de su voz con la instrumentación del Metal. En octubre de 2005 se separó de Nightwish por diferencias con el resto de la agrupación.

Tarja empezó a estudiar música a la temprana edad de 6 años tocando el piano y a la edad de 15 años inició sus estudios musicales de canto clásico en la Academia Sibelius en la ciudad finlandesa de Kuopio, concentrándose en el canto clásico. Allí­ tuvo como compañero a Tuomas Holopainen quien la invitó a cantar en el proyecto que estaba elaborando por entonces. Bajo el nombre de Nightwish presentaron un demo a la compañí­a finlandesa Spinefarm y grabaron un primer disco titulado "Angels Fall First"

Fue especialmente en Finlandia donde su estatus de estrella no paró de crecer. Permaneció con Nightwish nueve años, pero paralelamente continuó con sus estudios de canto y tuvo oportunidad de realizar algunas actividades en este terreno especí­fico cantando Opera, música erudita y como solista de algunos coros.

A finales de 1999, participó como cantante solista en una producción de ballet moderno del Finnish National Opera House, titulado "The Evankeliumi";

A partir de 2001 integró los conciertos denominados "Noche Escandinava" en teatros de Chile y Argentina junto con Ingvild Storhaug, Izumi
Kawakatzu y Marjut Paavilainen.

Tambiíén fueron sonados los conciertos con canciones de Navidad que ha ofrecido en las principales ciudades de Europa con repertorio de Sibelius, Bach y Mozart los últimos años.

Entre las participaciones relativas al rock y al metal, se destacaron la del proyecto Beto Vázquez Infinity, álbum debut del bajista argentino Beto Vázquez, ex-Nepal, que obtuvo gran repercusión internacional, la del single del cantante y guitarrista alemán Martin Kesici titulado "Leaving You For Me", y la del disco de su hermano Timo Turunen.

Tarja reside actualmente en Buenos Aires, Argentina, y desde allí­ lanza su carrera solista, que ha comenzado discográficamente en el 2004 con el single "One Angel's Dream" (cuando todaví­a era parte de Nightwish) y aparentemente continuará con proyectos en ambas vertientes, la clásica y la metalera.

Tarja finalizó en el mes de octubre la grabación de un disco navideño, "Henkí¤ys Ikuisuudesta" ("Aliento del Cielo"). El lanzamiento fue el 8 de noviembre de 2006, en tanto que el primer single de este disco, "You Would Have Loved This" fue lanzado el 25 de octubre de 2006.

Con nightwish

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 04, 2007, 11:55:22 pm
Video de Youtube con la cancion Tired ob being alone (colaboracion de Tarja) y buenas fotos ;)]

Ghost Love Score (con Nightwish)]
Ave Marí­a

You would have loved this

LEAVING YOU FOR ME (ft Martin Kesici)

playback LYFM

In the picture

Sadness in the night con fotos

The eyes of a child tb con fotos

Tarjita vocalizando

De mala calidad pero curioso: tarja con nw en barcelona hablando español (2004) 
marco es unico

Tarja en studio impossible con subtitulos en ingles

Pí¤í¤roolissa (sub en ingles) sta muy rara de rubia

tarja turunen receiving awards at her christmas concert in Lahti, 2006

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 04, 2007, 11:57:56 pm
My Winter Storm



1.- Ite, missa est
2.- I Walk Alone
3.- Lost Northern Star
4.- Seeking For The Reign
5.- The Reign
6.- The Escape Of The Doll
7.- My Little Phoenix
8.- Die Alive
9.- Boy And The Ghost
10.- Sing For Me
11.- Oasis
12.- Poison
13.- Our Great Divide
14.- Sunset
15.- Damned And Divide
16.- Ciarans Well
17.- Minor Heaven
18.- Calling Grace
19.- Damned Vampire And Gothic Divine
20.- I Walk Alone (Artist Version)
21.- I Walk Alone (In Extremo Remix)

Creo que soy de las pocas que no se siente decepcionada con este disco. Todo el mundo sabe quien esa Tarja y ella misma a lo largo de estes meses nos ha ido diciendo como iba a ser el disco. El resultado es un CD bonito donde la soprano se luce todo lo que quiere, sobresaliendo en las baladas (que por otro lado, son mayoria en el disco).. Los coros son tambien importantes en el album, al igual que la orquestacion, creando una atmosfera mitica y magica.

Solo hay 4 canciones rapidas en el album y he de decir que, salvo Die Alive (posible single) no me gustan. Da la sensación de que estan puestas ahi porque no quedaba + remedio. Hay tambien un cover de Alice Cooper "Poison", que ha levantado ampollas entre algunos fans. A mi, personalmente, me parece relleno. Lo que me parece un crimen es que la hayan puesto entre "Oasis" y "Our great divide" 2 pedazo de canciones (por cierto. Our great divide, habra que ver la letra  )

Un buen CD! Le doy un 8! 
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Diciembre 05, 2007, 11:55:21 pm
 La formación que la acompaña en sus conciertos:

Bajo: Doug Wimbish
Guitarras: Alex Scholpp
Baterí­a: Mike Terrana
Teclados: Maria Ilmoniemi
Chelo: Max Silja y Markus Hohti
Voces, coros, guitarra, baterí­a electrónica y teclados: Toni Turunen
Voces: Tarja Turunen


[archivo adjunto borrado por el administrador]
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Diciembre 06, 2007, 12:01:44 am
TARJA visitó Madrid para hablar de su álbum en solitario "My Winter Storm".

Entrevista de Rafa Basa

Despuíés de la políémica salida de NIGHTWISH, cruce de declaraciones y demás, era una incógnita el saber quíé nos podí­amos encontrar en el debut de TARJA en solitario. Sólo hemos podido escuchar 5 temas de adelanto de lo que será "My winter storm" y seguro que sorprenderá a más de uno, aunque el estilo clásico y melódico prevalece pero sin descuidar las guitarras como se podí­a pensar a priori. Nos encontramos con una encantadora y muy simpática TARJA en un hotel madrileño, alejándose al 1000% de la imagen más estirada y altiva que podrí­a tener en el pasado, y mostrándonos su cara más sincera, divertida y sorprendentemente abierta y sencilla. Además, hablando un más que correcto castellano (recordemos que su marido y manager, Marcelo Cabulli, es argentino, y que, de hecho, actualmente viven gran parte del año en Buenos Aires) y encantada de responder preguntas sobre NIGHTWISH (aunque bien es cierto que por falta de tiempo no pudimos incidir demasiado sobre su ex banda). Una entrevista realmente agradable que podíéis leer a partir de aquí­:

- Hola Tarja, estamos aquí­ para hablar de tu disco en solitario, "My winter storm", despuíés de los años con NIGHTWISH y especialmente de toda la políémica y problemas con tu salida de la banda. Has emprendido tu carrera en solitario, y ahora serás tu la responsable al 100% de tu presente y futuro... ¿Que sientes ahora que vas a ser tu la cabeza de la banda, la que tomará sola las decisiones? ¿Libertad? ¿Más responsabilidad?

Tarja.- Comencíé a plantearme este trabajo hace más de dos años, así­ que despuíés de mucho tiempo planeando este disco ha sido duro el tenerlo entre manos, pero creo que esa preparación previa me ha ayudado mucho para que el proceso haya sido menos estresante. Todo el proceso de producción del álbum no ha sido sencillo y comenzamos con ello finalmente en junio, así­ que estuvo terminada bastante rápido, pero para la pre-producción previa tuve con contactar con varia gente, colaboraciones para escribir algunos temas, hablar un montón con la compañí­a para explicarles quíé era lo que querí­amos y ver quíé querí­an ellos... No ha sido fácil pero por eso estoy realmente feliz ahora, porque ha sido un trabajo duro y con mucha responsabilidad intrí­nseca, por toda la gente que habí­a alrededor de este trabajo, y esto ha sido algo realmente nuevo para mí­. He tomado que tomar muchas decisiones por mí­ y por la gente que me rodea y estoy realmente contenta de haberlo podido llevar adelante. No estoy nerviosa realmente, sino más bien contenta de que por fin el disco estíé listo pero, por otro lado, tampoco síé exactamente quíé esperar de "My winter storm". Supongo que lo veo como el comienzo de algo nuevo para mí­.

- Hasta ahora tus incursiones en solitario han sido proyectos lí­ricos/operí­sticos y discos navideños, pero ahora has hecho un álbum más centrado en el rock, más cercano a lo que hací­as con NIGHTWISH, aunque más abierto, comercial y dirigido a un público más amplio...¿Es así­ a grandes rasgos “My Winter Storm”?

Tarja.- Bueno, es que probablemente sólo habíéis podido oí­r cinco temas del disco completo, que son 14. (Gesticula y se rí­e) ¡Sólo cinco! y así­ es difí­cil hacerse una idea del trabajo completo, pero bueno, es lo malo de estas cosas promocionales, ¿verdad? (sigue sonriendo muy abiertamente). Yo creo que el sonido del disco es universal, muy internacional y variopinto. Hemos cuidado mucho el hecho de trabajar con gente de mente muy abierta con respecto a la música, y por eso es difí­cil categorizar el disco sin más, porque no hay sólo un estilo dentro de íél. La mayorí­a del disco son canciones pegadizas, de 4 o 5 minutos, pero tambiíén tení­a la prioridad de que siguiera habiendo temas más duros.

- ¿Cómo aceptó la compañí­a la propuesta, quíé te pedí­an?

Tarja.- El problema inicial fue presentarle a la compañí­a el proyecto porque no tení­an ningún ejemplo concreto que mostrarme. Si lo hubieran tenido, todo hubiera sido más fácil, pero no lo tení­an. Además, letrí­sticamente querí­a seguir hablando de sentimientos, de realidad, de temas interesantes, y no querí­a que el disco estuviera metido en la música clásica, ópera o algo así­, como quizás alguien pudiera pensar en un principio. Tuve largas discusiones con la compañí­a sobre quíé objetivo tení­an con el disco, sobre a quien querí­an dirigirlo... ¡¿heavy o Madonna, quíé queríéis?! (se rí­e)

Al final la respuesta vino de las bandas sonoras de las pelí­culas, que es algo que siempre me ha maravillado. Y escuchando las bandas sonoras siempre me habí­a surgido la misma pregunta: ¿cómo hará este gente para sacar adelante ese sonido, cómo lo harán, dónde está el secreto para hacer esto en un estudio?... Lo que hice fue mirar los nombres de la mayorí­a de bandas sonoras que tengo en mi biblioteca y fonoteca particular y me dí­ cuenta de que se repetí­an los mismos nombres una y otra vez. Entonces me preguntíé porquíé no podí­a yo trabajar con esa gente y le presentíé la idea a la compañí­a. Fuimos a Los Angeles dos meses antes de comenzar a trabajar para entrevistarnos con algunos de estos compositores como Hans Zimmer y claro, me presentaba como "Tarja Turunen, una cantante de Finlandia que quiere trabajar con tu gente", y fue algo duro al principio. Allí­, en los estudios Remote Control, me quedíé perpleja porque de repente te encuentras a alguien trabajando a la vez en 5 o 6 bandas sonoras distintas, y es increí­ble. í‰l se mostró muy abierto y comprensivo conmigo y con lo que querí­a y aceptó ser parte de esto, y es que es un logro importante porque realmente hay mucha gente queriendo trabajar con íél, aunque despuíés conseguí­ un contrato con James Dooley para las orquestaciones y arreglos del álbum.

- Sí­, ahora que lo dices, es cierto que escuchando los temas la mente se va a ese estilo musical de las bandas sonoras...

Tarja.- Al final todo el disco tiene mucho que ver con la fantasí­a, con música de pelí­culas, lo que te lleva a pensar en imágenes, inmediatamente. El proceso de trabajo era digamos hacerse una fotografí­a mental de cada canción, ya fueran objetos, momentos, lugares o lo que fuera, y tratar de ponerle música. Para mí­ ha sido fantástico el haber sido capaz de haber llevado a cabo este tipo de trabajo tan creativo, aunque realmente todo tiene que ver con las emociones y sentimientos, que es precisamente lo que consiguen las bandas sonoras, de repente con un toque fuerte, o una música más suave o un tintineo, lo que sea. Para mí­ Hans y James han puesto la misma pasión e implicación que ponen en sus bandas sonoras y yo les estaríé siempre agradecida. Estoy realmente contenta de haber podido trabajar con tales tipos porque le han dado esas atmósferas y esos sonidos ambientales que realmente querí­a para "My winter storm".

- ¿Quíé significado tiene ese titulo, "My Winter Storm"? ¿Has vivido últimamente alguna "tormenta de invierno"?... Es obvio que alguna gente podrá pensar que tiene doble sentido, relacionado con los problemas de tu salida de NIGHTWISH...

Tarja.- El tí­tulo tiene un significado precioso, y no tiene que ver con problemas ni malos momentos. En una primera interpretación, obviamente te lleva a Finlandia, a mis inviernos allí­, pero luego está muy relacionado con la letra de una canción, "I walk alone", el primer single, aunque en este caso no la escribí­ yo, sino dos amigos de Suecia, Mathias y Anders, pero la letra habla de eso, de tener una canción propia, de caminar en solitario... Entonces, antes de entrar en el estudio a grabar la primera maqueta para el álbum, me vinieron a la cabeza esas tres palabras, "My winter storm", porque la gente que me rodea y en este caso los que han participado en el álbum, son como una tormenta. Me vení­a como una imagen muy poderosa cuando pensaba en mi familia, los músicos, mis amigos..., como una tormenta, y una imagen muy bella es una tormenta de nieve, en invierno, ya sabes. La idea del tí­tulo fue mí­a pero luego la imagen de la portada vino de fuera, de Marcelo, de la banda, la compañí­a..., que decí­an que la gente me adorara o me odiara pero que todo fuera con personalidad, como un nuevo proyecto individualizado y detrás de una imagen que tuviera fuerza.

- He escuchado cinco temas de adelanto del álbum y poseen mucha elegancia, melodí­a, fragmentos lí­ricos, bellos y sutiles..., pero no todo es melodí­a y lirismo sino que tambiíén hay partes poderosas, heavies, con mucha garra. Creo que el material es muy variado, interesante y enganchará al público que esperaba algo más que tus álbumes navideños y temas operí­sticos. Me gustarí­a que fueras tu misma la que hablases de estas canciones, que son las que hemos escuchado hasta ahora:

Tarja.- Ok, vamos a ello.

- El single "I Walk Alone", para empezar:

Tarja.- Era muy difí­cil decidir cuál y sobre todo quíé tipo de primer single irí­a con el disco, ¡es que habí­a que contentar y sobre todo convencer a gente muy diferente! (risas). Entonces, se grabaron dos versiones en el estudio, una más cruda y directa, con más guitarras, y otra más orquestal y melódica. Me costó mucho decidir cuál elegir, o la que me podí­a caracterizar mejor, y sobre todo cuál representarí­a más claramente lo que era el disco, si era mejor recalcar la orquesta o las guitarras heavies... Al final, afortunadamente, la compañí­a ha decidido editar un single con las dos versiones... No síé exactamente si en España será igual, supongo que sí­, pero al menos en paí­ses como Alemania, Suecia o Finlandia aparecerán las dos versiones en el single.

- Una más dura y otra más suave, imagino...

Tarja.- (Risas), ¡claro! Pero las dos versiones son preciosas, de verdad. Tengo que reconocer que acabíé llorando cuando escuchíé la versión orquestal por primera vez porque fue el primer tema que James Dooley me enseñó ya con los arreglos incluidos. í‰l estaba trabajando en Los Angeles y yo estaba en Finlandia trabajando con mi profesor de piano y escuchíé aquellos arreglos en un estudio vací­o y se me saltaron unos "pucheros" porque realmente no esperaba escuchar esa orquesta impresionante en ese tema. Fue una experiencia emocional preciosa para mí­ pero lo cierto es que me tiríé todo el dí­a llorando (risas).

·"Lost Northern Star":

Tarja.- Tiene 72 pistas vocales nada más y nada menos, ¿quíé te parece? (le miro estupefacto y comienza a reí­rse de nuevo y me confirma con la mirada que es cierto). De hecho, pasíé un dí­a entero sólo haciendo coros para esta canción. Es un poco un homenaje a la banda RAMMSTEIN, a la que realmente aprecio, diciendo todo el rato (lo tararea con voz misteriosa y susurrante, a lo bruja de "El mago de Oz"), "My soul burns", que es muy parecido al tí­tulo de una canción de RAMMSTEIN que se llama "Mein herzt brennt". Para mí­ era como una manera de darles las gracias por inspirarme, y precisamente trabajíé en esta canción con dos chicos alemanes, Michelle y Nicko. Tuve como la visión de hacer una canción realmente operí­stica, con un sonido poderoso pero destacando las guitarras. Es de mis canciones favoritas del disco, cuenta una bonita historia, y tambiíén contiene como curiosidad un precioso sólo de chelo.


Tarja.- Es totalmente mi canción, ya que he compuesta música y letra. Es una canción inspirada en el escritor Paulo Cohello ya que, cuando empecíé a leer alguno de sus libros, no digo que me cambiara la vida pero sí­ que me hizo mirar ciertas cosas desde otra perspectiva, y a ser más responsable que antes con respecto a ciertas cosas. Es una canción sencilla sobre mantener sana la mente y tener buen espí­ritu, pensar sobre tí­ mismo y ese tipo de cosas.

· "Ciarán´s Well":

Tarja.- Este tema nació en Irlanda de la mano de mis dos amigos Alex Scholpp (guitarrista) y Doug Wimbish (bajista). Se creó una atmósfera realmente increí­ble en el estudio y lo pasamos realmente bien grabando allí­. De hecho, es que Irlanda es un paí­s realmente mágico, lleno de espí­ritu, historias, leyendas... El estudio además es un lugar perdido en la nada, ya sabes, en un pequeño pueblo, rodeado de casas con 300 años de historia, con perros, gatos y vacas incluso correteando alrededor. Era un ambiente increí­ble y les pedí­ que por favor crearan una canción para mí­ allí­. Despuíés, yo hice la letra y las melodí­as de noche con la ayuda de mi buen amigo Michelle y al final surgió una canción divertida, no es algo demasiado serio pero sí­ tiene mucha fuerza y energí­a.

· "The Reign":

Tarja.- Es básicamente orquestal y está directamente inspirada en una pelí­cula. Escribí­ el tema con Torsten (Stenzel), que ha tocado los teclados en el disco junto a Angela. Hay una historia preciosa en la canción aunque en principio fue concebida como un tema totalmente instrumental, pero me dí­ cuenta de que tení­a una historia en mi cabeza basada en la música, y despuíés de tres temas me convencí­ a mí­ misma de que habí­a una historia preciosa que acompañara a la canción.

- Por cierto, me parece curioso que hayas elegido un tema como "Poison" de ALICE COOPER, una canción muy famosa de su etapa más comercial. ¿A quíé ha obedecido la elección?

Tarja.- Creo que va a ser una sorpresa para mucha gente (risas) y os va a hacer sonreí­r a muchos cuando oigáis la canción, lo primero cuando piensas en una mujer cantando esa letra, que sonará cuanto menos raro. Todo surgió un dí­a en Finlandia, que yo iba conduciendo mi coche de viaje y escuchando la radio recuerdo que pusieron 5 veces el "Poison" de ALICE COOPER. De hecho, es normal que pinchen muchas canciones clásicas de rock en la radio finesa pero no tantas veces al dí­a. El caso es que cuando estaba en el estudio, les comentíé a todos que tení­a ganas de incluir una versión en "My winter storm" y hablíé con todos los que tení­a alrededor, con la compañí­a... y les dije que ALICE COOPER significó mucho para mí­ cuando era adolescente porque dentro del rock era de lo que más escuchaba, cosas como AEROSMITH, WHITESNAKE y ALICE COOPER (risas). Les presentíé la idea a la gente de la compañí­a y les encantó la propuesta pero querí­an cierta ayuda de la banda para recrear el tema y hacerlo un poco a la medida de "My winter storm", ya sabes.

Comenzamos a grabar el tema en Irlanda con toda la banda aunque yo era la única persona que querí­a respetar totalmente el original, el sonido de finales de los 80, pero que a la vez no desentonara con el "dibujo" del álbum completo. Al final creo que hemos hecho un gran trabajo con la versión, hay un sólo realmente impresionante a mitad del tema... gran canción.

- No nos queda mucho tiempo para terminar, así­ que vamos a hablar de la nueva faceta en directo de TARJA.

Tarja.- Muy bien.

- Ya has anunciado primeras fechas con una banda que, a priori, parece muy interesante y poderosa, donde destaca la inclusión del baterí­a Mike Terrana. Me da la impresión que en vivo vais a sonar tan duros o más que lo que lo hací­an NIGHTWISH... Por cierto, aparte de tus nuevas canciones, ¿interpretarás temas de NIGHTWISH?, ¿conservarás una puesta en escena similar a la que tenias con NIGHTWISH o buscarás una nueva estíética en cuanto imagen y actitud?... Háblanos de como serán los conciertos de Tarja Turunen en solitario.

Tarja.- Bueno, todaví­a estamos planeando los conciertos y tengo ideas en mente, claro, pero todaví­a no hay nada seguro porque hay que estudiar quíé tipo de arreglos podremos usar en directo, escenografí­a, canciones... Lo que está claro es que será un concepto de show bastante teatral, con algo de ví­deo o "performances", y sobre el set list me imagino que estará al 50% entre el nuevo disco y otras cosas.

- Pero tus actuaciones en directo siempre han estado bastante teatralizadas... Por cierto, ¿recuperarás la onda "vestidos de princesa de cuento de hadas", esos vestidos señoriales largos...?

Tarja.- Sí­, es cierto, el caso es que no voy a ser yo quien haga de personajes de las canciones o algo así­, pero está claro que mantendríé mi estilo, con los vestidos y adornos... porque soy yo, es mi imagen y mi actitud en directo. Pero luego, llevaríé una impresionante banda detrás de mí­, bastante gente en el escenario para sentirme bien arropada (risas). Ya tenemos varias fechas como decí­as, pero desafortunadamente no vendremos a España en este primer tramo pero la gira mundial está prevista para finales de marzo de 2008 y entonces estaremos bastante tiempo en la carretera y sí­ que pasaremos seguro por España.

- La última pregunta es sobre NIGHTWISH... ¿No te parece "poco elegante" que tus ex compañeros te hayan dedicado un tema en su nuevo álbum como es "Bye, bye beautiful"?

Tarja.- No lo síé, ahora cada uno tiene que soportar su propio camino, yo el mí­o en solitario, y ellos el suyo continuando con la banda. No puedo hacer nada con eso porque cada uno somos ahora responsables de nuestras propias decisiones y ya está. Todo depende de cada uno y yo no tengo ningún deseo de remover el pasado y volver a vivir las malas situaciones de entonces, además de airear los problemas personales que pudiera haber. No es una experiencia agradable, eso lo reconozco, y no es algo por lo que me hubiera gustado pasar y me llevó mucho tiempo el aceptarlo y sobre todo el entender el porquíé de todo aquello y de la manera en que se procedió, ¿porquíé no hacerlo de otra manera? De todos modos, ahora hay un nuevo futuro para ellos y para mí­, y creo que hay que sacar lo positivo de cualquier experiencia negativa que te pueda ocurrir en la vida, superarlo y que surja algo nuevo. Yo me he dado cuenta de que, cierta tristeza aparte, ahora siento mucha libertad y creo que he aprendido muchas cosas de todo esto.

- Ok, tenemos que terminar, gracias por todo, Tarja, y mucha suerte.

Tarja.- Gracias a vosotros, ha sido un placer
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Diciembre 06, 2007, 12:02:35 am
Otra Entrevista: (

translation by Tuuliska:
T = Tarja Turunen
I = interviewer

T: I feel so relieved now that I showed myself that I can do this thing. In building music pieces and writing lyrics these things are totally new to me. And I've learned so much. So I've filled my own expectations.

I: You were a strong icon in Nightwish. Is this background more useful or harmful now?
T: I don't think it's harmful at all but neither do I think that it's useful. I've never seen myself as some "icon". I can't imagine it. Like when somebody asks: "well, how does it feel to be a sex symbol of heavy music?" -- I can't see myself as that either! But my image is awfully important to me and I try to develop myself and learn things.

I: How do you feel when following the news about Nightwish lately?
T: I feel quite good. I hope that they are really happy about everything they do. I know that they are just publishing (or has it already been published?) a new album. Actually I've only heard one piece from it... so I hope that the boys will send it to me, I'd be very touched. But I can't say that I'd have been really following what they're up to. I've been concentrating on my own stuff and making music and wondering where I should be going and if it's strong enough thing that I want to do in the future. It has been enough to think about!

I: What do you think about that there is a song in the album called Bye Bye Beautiful that's kind of addressed to you or tells about you?
T: Yeah, this is something I heard for the first time a few days ago in London! I haven't heard the piece myself.

I: How many fans have you had with you from the times of Nightwish and have you got a lot of fans?
T: Really many. That's very big reason to be happy. That's also in the lyrics from which the name Winter Storm comes to this album. I see people as a storm around me and they've always kept me -- as they say -- alive. "Holding me awake it's never gone". So because they haven't run away or -- so to say -- abandonned me... it's been a really great thing to notice that. Their support has been extremely important. And the knowledge that there are listeners to the music of course. Otherwise I wouldn't be here talking to you either. It's good to keep in mind that I wouldn't exist as an artist without these people.

I: What is going to be the next new area to try and the next surprise from Tarja Turunen?
T: Well... in this album I scratched the surface of film music. So if I've been leaning on the other leg then should I try and lean to the other leg too in the next album. We'll see if I'll dive into that area because now I have the possibility to work with those people and I have the contacts. At least I have the dream that I would like to learn more from them. It was so incredibly great to see the way they work and how much they gave to my album. Let's see if I go to the film music, I don't know yet.

I: Well, now there's a real baby boom going on among the female artists. In Finland there's Maija Vilkkumaa and the girls of PMMP, for example, are having children. How about you [trans.note: meaning Tarja and Marcelo both]?
T: If the belly is bulging it's bulging for other reasons! Not because of that. I haven't felt yet that I seriously would be thinking about the right time for it. Of course we have been talking with friends that already have babies that there's no such thing as "the right time"... And you don't really "make" babies. Many people nowadays... it's really difficult for them to start a family. And you hear about it daily so you shouldn't say it like it's self-evident [that people have babies]. My husband is always joking and saying "oh no, I'm getting so old too!" and I answer: "no way, man, you're 38." I don't think that's too old to have kids. And if we ever get them, that's OK. But maybe not at the moment.
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Diciembre 06, 2007, 10:36:51 pm
Actuacion de Tarja (playback) de I Walk Alone: (

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Diciembre 06, 2007, 10:57:50 pm
"The Seer"


THE SEER (UK bonus track)

I cut my heart - a gift to you
You leave salt in my wound
You are inside my wall of thoughts
But in yours I’m unknown

My desperation finds a book of hero’s gone
Legends tell about a saviour wise and strong
I’m burning at the stake of love, the flames get tall
And in my anguish it’s the last resort to call

And suddenly my seer is on my side
Bringing love while forgetting his pride
In his eyes I see there’ll be better times along my way

Nothing to fear
Nothing to fear

Why is it called Elysian fields
When love builds only grief
All your agony and pain stays the same
Till you see

That destination shows you legends long extinct
Rumours are told about a hero kind and skilled
I’m burning at love’s stake and that’s the end I feel

But suddenly my seer is on my side
Bringing love while forgetting his pride
In his eyes I see there’ll be better times along my way

As he longs to speak to me
I realise the reflection while listening
His words mend on my wounds cause he’s me
My seer lives inside of me

When suddenly my seer is on my side
Bringing love while forgetting his pride
In his eyes I see there’ll be better times along my way

Nothing to fear
My seer is here
There’s nothing to fear
My seer is here
My seer is here

Las demás letras de My Winter Storm
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 06, 2007, 11:00:41 pm
Making of I walk alone

Tarja habla sobre I walk alone

I walk alone con letra en ingles y español

Mensaje de Tarja a los fans

saludo de tarja para

LIVE Berlin 25.11.2007

El setlist fue!!!

Boy and the Ghost
Lost Northern Star
Passion and the Opera
Our Great Divide
Damned and Divine
Ciaran´s Well
Sing For Me
Walkin in the Air
Phantom of the Opera (duet with her brother Toni)
My Little Phoenix
I Walk Alone
Calling Grace

Oasis e introduccion de los miembros de la banda

Sing for me


Passion and the opera

Estas 3 las clava!!

Our great divide

Calling Grace

Boy and the ghost


Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 13, 2007, 11:40:32 pm
Yo dije:

Die Alive (posible single)

Acertíé ya que va a ser 2º single! :D
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Diciembre 14, 2007, 11:41:22 pm
TARJA TURUNEN Performs At Finnish Independence Celebration (December 6th, Finland celebrates independence from the evil empire of communist Soviet Russia)

Parte 1

Parte 2 (she sings God Save the Queen, the national anthem of England, in Finnish)

Parte 3 (she sings an old version of the Finnish national anthem by F.A. Ehrenstrí¶m.)

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Diciembre 14, 2007, 11:48:41 pm
TARJA performing "I Walk Alone" at the Kummit charity show.

Kummit concert is a charity concert to collect money for hospitalized children and for young people and children’s psychiatric treatments support.

The concert was held at 19:00 in Helsinki Jí¤í¤halli on November 21st.

Following artists performed there: Tarja Turunen, Katri Ylander, Kristian Meurman, Antti Tuisku, Geir Rí¶nning and The Giant Leap, Natasha Marsh, RyanDan.

Tarja wass very happy to be able to contribute and performed from her new album “My Winter Storm” the first single: “I Walk Alone”.

Tarja IWA (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 14, 2007, 11:56:29 pm
Muy bonitas las orquestales!! ^-^
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 15, 2007, 11:33:21 pm
Se rueda Die Alive! ^-^

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 17, 2007, 11:09:30 pm
Otra foto del rodaje!


Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Diciembre 18, 2007, 04:09:03 pm
Aqui hay mas fotos del rodaje  ^-^:
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Diciembre 20, 2007, 12:28:10 am
IWA  Melkweg 2007

The Reign - Tarja Turunen in Paris [11/12/2007]

Walking In The Air - Tarja Turunen in Paris [11/12/2007]

Tarja and her band - end of the concert in Amsterdam
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 21, 2007, 10:58:41 pm
Que chulos!!!! ^-^ ^-^ ^-^
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 21, 2007, 11:50:32 pm
Tarja  habla!

Sobre su banda

Hello my friends,

It has been a while since I got any time to write to you. I am truly sorry for that
There has been many people already requesting me to do this… so now when I finished my interviews for today (in the car on my way home from the airport), I am finally free.

So this is the first thing and last  that I am doing before officially starting my holidays!!

I came back to Finland after magnificent tour just a couple of hours ago. It feels good to be back at home. The last concert in London gave us just amazing end for it.

Everything worked perfect during the concert and we just had a lot of fun. It has been interesting for us to see that every concert has felt better than the previous one for us as musicians. Getting more and more into the spirit of the songs and being able to make a stronger connection with the fans every time.

Anyway, the feeling was quite sad after the last concert because we truly are going to miss each other. There was something very special going on for 4 weeks among us. Everybody agrees on that.

It has been very unusual for me to be saluted every day by everybody involved in the shows (production, crew, musicians) with hugs and kisses same way that every night after the day was over.

No ass faces around, just smiles and laughter. No silence and indifference, but warmness, long chats and stories of every kind and true interest.

Above all, respect within the group of people for everybody’s work and music.

None of us needed to be dragged into a hotel room after alcohol overdoses 

Is very unique the feeling of looking into the eyes of the people working with you and finding there honesty.

These Warm Up concerts were a great Xmas present for all of us.

But this is just the beginning for something else to come. We are going to work together once again pretty soon, so we just have to be patient.

I will miss the jokes of Mike, hugs and laughter of Alex, positive vibes of Doug, great girl chats with Maria, serious conversations with Max and Markus and sister kind of love of my own brother Toni. Thank you all!

Without forgetting the whole amazing crew: Antti, Hemi, Pete, Tommi and Cedric and my friend Heidi. Without you there would not be any shows and I wouldn’t be able to sing my music to anybody. A big thanks you for your efforts and understanding!

The tour has been fantastic, seriously. I have never felt happier. The band, the music, the crew, the travelling, the fans…everything just great.

This whole year has been a good year for me as an artist but also as a person. I have gained pretty much self-confidence, but most of all I have enjoyed to be an artist on my own. The success feels now very personal and every tiny positive thing means to me a lot more than before.

Sobre el video de "Die Alive"

It was “pretty” cold and wet day and since we were shooting outside, I was really nervous to get sick. We had some problems with the generators, we were not having any electricity and the darkness surrounded us for almost 2 hours! That was pretty funny for everybody. The shootings started at 14:00 pm and lasted until 07:30 next morning. On that day I flew to Cologne and had a show at night. After the show in Cologne we travelled very early in the morning to Paris and had a show on that night there. Basically I didn’t sleep for 3 days! I wonder how on earth I was able to stay awake and to make these shows happen  I guess the reason is YOU.

The video is ready now and it looks great, so I hope everybody of you will enjoy it.
I am sure that soon it will be announced in when you will be able to see it.

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 22, 2007, 11:40:05 pm
Ni Tarja se libra!!! (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 24, 2007, 07:16:05 pm
Tarja con un tio de Bilbao!!!! L:P (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Enero 07, 2008, 09:57:38 pm
From MTV3 50 years Anniversary

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Enero 07, 2008, 10:00:17 pm
Interview with Tarja and making of her new album, My Winter Storm, in Ireland (2007).
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Enero 07, 2008, 10:23:44 pm
James Young of UK's Live 4 Metal recently conducted an interview with former NIGHTWISH singer Tarja Turunen. A couple of excerpts from the chat follow:

Live 4 Metal: What kind of reception has the new album got? You're number one in Finland so it must be good!

Tarja: Very good news! Also number 3 in Germany — for me it's a blast, and a really important moment. Because of course it's my first album so I feel it very personally; it's a personal success to think that all the hard work and paid off, and this is a great moment in my life as I am growing a lot as an artist and a person in this process. I cannot complain as this is a good beginning, even though yesterday I was talking with some fans and they saw it as a continuum for me.

Live 4 Metal: Who or what are your influences on this album?

Tarja: Mainly the people have been my biggest influence. There has been a big blast of energy behind me and I call the people my "winter storm." They have been the biggest influence holding me there and kicking my ass and it's very important. Also, I have been reading Paulo Coelho's books a lot, and I like his view of life in general. I like how he talks about living in a dream. He has helped me for many years with his way of seeing things, which helped me to understand myself better. It's very important to feel that inner good feeling. Life can sometimes be pretty tough for an artist considering the moment you are living in. Bad vibes from the environment get to you. Now I understand that there is nothing bad in life that can't make you stronger, but can make you understand who you are and what you want to do with your life, and I live my life in a way that I am following my dreams. Not in the way that they can come true though — it would be very sad if I had big goals in life, such as singing in the Royal Albert Hall, and then I do it, and it's gone! I don't have those kinds of dreams, I have dreams to live and stay positive. Like, I'm really looking forward to tonight's concert — that is my dream once again. There will be some familiar faces for me but also hopefully some new people.

Live 4 Metal: How much have you gone for a metal or rock sound on the new album, or is it more classical? With what kind of ratio are the genres applied?

Tarja: The album is a mixture of things. As an artist, there is nothing better that the opportunity to go on stage and headbang with hard-sounding guitars. I love it so much that I feel it in my bones and it bursts out as a massive sound. I love it, it's fantastic, but on the other hand a couple of songs later are so smooth and quiet with beautiful melodies and harmonies, giving people a different perspective and atmosphere. That is a challenge for me that I have being doing for many years. I love that contrast. I love that if I do a solely heavy metal concert, I can go to an opera festival two days later and do an opera concert.

Live 4 Metal: Are you a metal fan, or is your listening more opera-based?

Tarja: Both. Actually I do not listen to much opera music. I listen to classical music when I need to relax. It depends a lot on mood. I go to metal concerts as well as classical concerts, and I love both of them. When I need some energy in the morning I can put a metal CD in my player, because it gets me going! Classical music will send me off the road! [Laughs] Seriously, my interest in both sorts of music, I have been doing them for so many years that neither of them tells the complete story of me as an artist, but together they do.

Live 4 Metal: So why did you choose ALICE COOPER's "Poison" of all the tracks in the world to cover?

Tarja: Good question! [Laughs] This happened because it was a coincidence - I wanted to have one cover for the album and it was so difficult to make the decision. You wouldn't believe how much good music is composed and how many great artists there are. Always when I was searching for a song, I was led to the 80s and my teenage years when I was listening to hard rock. I was having some trouble! In May or April, I was driving along in Finland and on my car radio they were playing ALICE COOPER four or five times in one day. I was laughing about how when I was driving they were playing this song again and again, so I started playing around with crazy ideas. What if I do a cover of this? What kind of cover should it be? How should I make it fit around the sound of the album for me as a singer. There were many things I was playing around with. And it was definitely not an easy song - there are hundreds of backing vocals and guitar riffs. I said to myself I don't have any guitar solos on my album, just cello solos. So there will be a cello solo in this one too! The record company truly loved this song, and my idea of it, and it started to work. It was a good thing, I really like this track.

Read the entire interview at

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 07, 2008, 10:46:09 pm
Que chulo el video!! ^-^
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Enero 13, 2008, 03:23:25 pm
Tarja con Floor (After forever), Liv (leaves eyes) y simone (epica)



Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 13, 2008, 08:29:25 pm
Dios mio, cuanto mide Simone! 1'80? Parece que le saca media cabeza!!
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 17, 2008, 11:11:55 pm
The songs of My Winter Storm


After I chose the first songs for the album among the many I received, I found a strange connection in their lyrics. A certain story popped up from the songs. Some key words appeared in more than one song and some of the songs exposed a sort of different characters in their lyrics.

With few changes, nearly every song seemed to fit this story very nicely.

At the same time, the story is very vague and the songs are still not connected with each other in any way. You can listen any of the songs out of the album and it will make sense on its own. But at the beginning it was easier to focus in the red line going through the album and was very inspiring for the kind of sound that I was looking for in every song. Also it helped me to create new songs for the album since I had a nice story in my head already from the beginning.


Die alive         

This is a song about living every moment of your life fully. Is a fight song without any swords or blood. A fight to do what you want to do in your life, in a way that if you die tomorrow, you die alive.

Not like many people that are already dead while they are still living. Jim Dooley added the feeling of a movie trailer in the middle part of the song.


Lost northern star

This was composed in Ibiza together with Michelle and Kiko. I wanted to have a heavier song in the album with more operatic vocals. It took some days to come up with this song and in the end the song has 74 tracks of vocals!

I had a lot of fun in creating harmonies and strange sounds with my voice. Mel Wesson added more power to the song with his crazy sounds. The story in the lyrics is beautiful, even though the music itself is really massive.

We definitely like Rammstein and as homage I sang the line “my soul burns” that you would find familiar if you follow the band.


Sing for me                     

I received the song when the band was nearly done with the recordings of the album in Ireland. I heard it and immediately loved it. It fits perfectly to the complete sound and idea of the album with its orchestral and choir arrangements, spooky mood and gorgeous melodies.

This was one of the few songs that I didn’t change at all, which is quite amazing considering that I received it so late.


 Minor Heaven             

I have been asked already what means Minor Heaven. I don’t think this question has an answer. MH is what you want it to be. I fell in love with the melody and I imagined the song as one of the beautiful lieds that I have been performing in my classical concerts. I asked my dear friend Izumi to play piano to reinforce that idea of mine.

The song evolves into a bigger sound with orchestra and guitars and I do like the combination of them very much.


Our great divide

In my career I have performed several great ballads. I love ballads and I was looking for a song where I could feel myself free and flow with the music.

Anders and Mattias played me an amazing melody and I added my touch to some parts of the song. We wrote the lyrics with Hanne during beautiful sunrises in Ibiza. It started as a love song…but I cannot say where it ended.


 Boy and the Ghost         

The song represents the dark spirit of the album. BATG grows little by little in an unexpected way that becomes massive and mind blowing. It has a strange and mysterious story in its lyrics. Music flows like in a musical. Is the best companion to Sing For Me. Like two parts of a same song, both in music and lyrics.



This Alice Cooper classic is still very much played in the rock radios in Finland. The lyrics are very funny if you consider a woman singing them. I cannot reveal myself as a die-hard fan from Alice Cooper, but I always liked this one and it also brings me back to my years as a teenager.

We did quite many backing vocals in the studio with my friend Tea, my brother Toni and Daniel, the producer of the album. The original song has already a huge amount of backing vocals and it definitely took some time to get them done. We produced the song to fit to the complete picture and sound of My Winter Storm.

Mel Wesson did amazing ambience sounds and Alex, Doug, Earl, Torsten and Daniel were working very hard in the studio to make it sound fresh, but faithful to the original at the same time.


My Little Phoenix

When I received this song I liked that is was different than the others. It has a waltz structure what it is unusual for a rock song.

I already visualised from the demo the way the song should turn. It was the hardest one to explain to the Producer and musicians what I wanted to achieve…

It took for everybody until the complete song was close to be ready to finally understand it. Now is among everybody’s favourites.

I am absolutely happy with the result. Mel Wesson and Jim Dooley, once again, did an outstanding job in this one!

Still is a hard song to explain in words. You need to listen to it.


 I walk alone             

This song was among the first ones I received. The song is inspired by a theme from Mozart’s Requiem. I immediately thought this song could match perfectly my identity and personality as a singer, having a background in classical music. It was hard to decide the final direction that the song should take. We started to make some experiments in the studio with a version having more guitars and another one with more orchestra. The original idea was to choose one of them, but in the end I liked both so much that when the record company suggested IWA as the first single, they saved my day! We are releasing those 2 versions as 2 separate singles so that I won’t need to choose.



Is the only song I composed alone for the album. I felt the song name “Oasis” very strongly as the picture I tried to paint. Even though I wrote Finnish lyrics for the song, I decided to keep the original name.

The feelings and emotions are the most important components of this song.

Oasis tells about inner freedom, happiness and peace. Every one of us should be able to find that peace of mind when needed.


Calling grace

MWS is an album that will drive you through different emotions. Atmosphere is dark and strong so I was looking for a quiet outro for the album. A piece of music that allows you to relax and leaves you with a pleasant mood.

I thought that an acoustic guitar song was the best thing to do.

When we were in Ibiza arranging other songs I told everybody about this idea. Immediately and very spontaneously we started to jam with an acoustic guitar with Kiko and Michelle. A couple of days later the song was ready and it didn’t change much from those days to the final recordings.

I am happy to have Kiko Loureiro (to have 2 Kiko’s involved in the same song is already unusual) playing acoustic guitar. He gives definitely an additional flavour that I was looking for and a marvellous ending for MWS.


Damned and divine

This song was created by Torsten Stenzel, Angela Heldmann, Adrian Zagoritis and me.   

They made a demo of a basic track, which they showed to me. Usually I need some time for a song to grow in me, but this case was different. I felt the song strong. I added the vocal melodies and suggested few changes in the lyrics.

It feels that D&D has been taken from a vampires’ movie. Dark, sad, gentle and beauty.

When we started to work the song in the studio with Daniel and the band, everybody loved the song and wanted to take part of it. We ended up making two versions of D&D and producing them as different songs.


The Reign

Quiet and beautiful atmospheres that can be heard in certain film music inspired this song.

I met Torsten Stenzel in Ibiza to discuss some ideas for a song he sent me for my new album. I immediately felt a strong connection between us so I asked him to play keyboards on My Winter Storm album. I played some soundtracks I love, for him and explained what kind of mood I was looking for. We ended up composing 2 new songs together; The Reign is one of them.

My first approach for this song was to have it as an instrumental for the album.

When Torsten presented his first ideas, we thought of using my voice as an instrument, without any lyrics. I sang some vocal melodies with that in mind.

After we recorded the first demo of the song, it became apparent to us that The Reign should also tell a story.

Together with Angela Heldmann and Adrian Zagoritis, I ended up writing the dreamy lyrics for it around a story I already had in my mind. It is fair to say that The Reign was partially inspired by Paulo Coelho’s book “The Alchemist”.

The amazing orchestral arrangements, composed by Jim Dooley, truly captured the spirit and lyrics of “The reign.”

The Wonderful Martin Tillman played the beautiful cello parts.


Ciarán´s Well

For my Winter Storm album, we recorded the drums, bass and guitars in Ireland. Having had such a great time, I wanted to capture musically, the essence of my experience. This is the only song we composed in Ireland.

It was amazing to see Doug Wimbish and Alex Scholpp jamming every day between the albums recordings. I loved some of the guitar riffs from those moments, and asked Alex to record them for me. I wanted to have a song to head-bang on stage!

Ciarán’s well was born in a very spontaneous way. The name refers to one of the hundreds of Holy wells from Ireland. One in particular that was near our studio and holds many magical stories.

It was actually very hard for me to include my own personality in this song. I wanted this song not to be too ambitious, a bit funny, and even at times, crazy. Something that can put a smile on your face. So I asked Michelle Leonard to give me a hand. Michelle and I did two other songs together for my winter storm.

It was a lot of fun to write the lyrics and vocal melodies with her in the middle of the night in a hotel room in Hamburg, and I think everything worked out wonderfully!


Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Enero 17, 2008, 11:19:53 pm
Dimitris Kontogeorgakos de condujo recientemente una entrevista con el conocido baterí­a Mike Terrana (TARJA TURUNEN, AXEL RUDI PELL, TONY HERNANDO y MASTERPLAN, y ex RAGE, YNGWIE... entre otros).

Aquí­ teníéis un par de extractos de la conversación: Has editado un DVD instructivo llamado "Rhythm Of The Beast". ¿Cuál es la respuesta hasta ahora?

Terrana: Bueno, parece que a la gente le está gustando y estoy impresionado con lo que he hecho. Sin embargo, alguna gente me ha malinterpretado porque piensan que estoy intentando impresionarles con sólos de baterí­a, pero para mí­ sólo es una manera de expresarme, y es realmente divertido de hacer porque así­ tienes la oportunidad de jugar con la audiencia... Y esto parecí­a que era un problema cuando estaba trabajando con RAGE porque ellos no me daban mi espacio y además no querí­an incluir sólo de baterí­a en los conciertos porque pensaban que era algo aburrido, con lo que dije "vale", pero luego en el estudio tambiíén estaban cuantificando mi baterí­a y tapando algunas partes con samplers, y esto si que me parecí­a un sacrilegio. Es que si tienes a un tí­o que puede tocar duro la baterí­a y además tiene un ritmo y sonido especial, ¡díéjale tocar! No quiero parecer un ogro con respecto a esto pero es la razón por la que dejíé RAGE, por razones artí­sticas: me sentí­a menospreciado como músico y eso no es justo.

¿Cuáles son tus planes actuales? Estás metido una vez más en multitud de proyectos, con MASTERPLAN, con ARTENSION, en directo con TARJA...

Terrana: De hecho, he participado en 12 discos el año pasado, y en 2008 haríé un montón de clinics de baterí­a, grabaríé el nuevo trabajo de MASTERPLAN y AXEL RUDI PELL, otro trabajo con Tony Hernando, un disco de fusión con un guitarrista belga y Tony Levin, el bajista de Peter Gabriel... Por ejemplo en Abril volveríé a estar de gira con TARJA, tambiíén haríé festivales con AXEL RUDI PELL en verano y seguiríé tocando con mi banda de fusión, TABOO VOODOO...

¿Y tienes tiempo para todo?

Terrana: Sí­, aunque realmente me busco el tiempo para todo esto. El año pasado contratíé a una persona para que me organizara todas estas cosas porque hay ciertos aspectos del negocio que se escapan a mi control y además yo no soy capaz de coordinar todas las cosas, ¡es demasiado! Ahora íél está trabajando en organizar mi agenda y esto hace las cosas menos estresantes tanto para mí­ como para todos los que trabajan conmigo.

OK, hemos llegado a la última pregunta, que a su vez es la menos seria: ¿Quiíén te puso el apodo de "el baterí­a más sexy del mundo".

Terrana: Tengo que decir que fui yo mismo quien tuvo la idea porque nadie me habí­a dicho nunca que fuera sexy, nadie. Mi madre decí­a que era un bebíé guapo pero no síé lo que pasó a partir de los 5 años, supongo que algo irí­a mal (risas). Así­ que lo hice como una broma, ya sabes, porque hay un montón de baterí­as buenos por el mundo y obviamente no soy el mejor pero así­ ¡puedo ser el más sexy!

Podíéis leer la entrevista completa en
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Enero 17, 2008, 11:23:02 pm
Extracto de entrevista:

Tu nuevo disco, "My Winter Storm", está funcionando increí­blemente bien en Europa, incluyendo un número uno en tu paí­s nativo, Finlandia. ¿Cómo te sientes?

Tarja Turunen: "Al ser mi primer álbum hecho por mí­ misma, es algo muy personal para mí­, pero ha habido diferentes procesos en la elaboración. Pero yo estuve allí­ desde la decisión de con quiíén iba a trabajar, cómo sonarí­a el álbum, el estilo musical... Es una gran oportunidad y, de algún modo, el comienzo para mí­. Por ejemplo la otra noche estuve hablando con algunos fans y me dijeron que estaban muy felices de que hubiera continuado, pero ya te digo que personalmente lo considero más como un comienzo, por lo que el íéxito del disco es algo fantástico. No querí­a repetir algo que ya hubiera hecho en el pasado, y por eso es un trabajo diferente con respecto a lo que hubiera sido sencillo de continuar. Por otro lado, está claro que he tomado elementos del pasado, pero querí­a un disco que me representara realmente como persona".

¿No te preocupa el que que esto pueda condicionar que los fans de NIGHTWISH no acepten tan bien el disco?

Tarja Turunen: "Por supuesto que va a ser algo nuevo para muchos fans porque no es un álbum de heavy metal, por lo que ha sido para mí­ un paso difí­cil pero valiente. De todas formas, en ningún momento pensaba en esto durante el proceso de creación y grabación del disco, sino que me dirigí­a la pasión y no pensar en el el tipo de álbum que podí­amos hacer para satisfacer a los fans. Es en lo que siempre pienso cuando hago música porque si no me siento realmente feliz con ello, no podrí­a llevar mi mensaje así­, no serí­a coherente, y para mí­ es algo muy importante".

El primer single del disco es "I walk alone". ¿Ha sido el lanzamiento del single parte del plan global de presentarte a tí­ misma como una persona individual?

Tarja Turunen: "Mucha gente ha venido y me ha dicho que no camino sola, sino que camino con ellos, y esto es totalmente cierto. En la canción digo: "la tormenta de invierno me mantiene despierta”, pero fueron dos tipos de Suecia los que escribieron la letra, así­ que no he escrito la canción por mí­ misma pero me siento realmente identificada con esas lí­neas. Es una imagen muy bella, pero tambiíén muy poderosa, porque la gente ha estado ahí­ por y para mí­. Los fans son el poder que hay detrás y junto a mí­, son los que me han mantenido alerta, los que me mantienen despierta y por eso digo digo que son mi tormenta de invierno. No podrí­a ser yo musicalmente sin ellos, no podrí­a existir mi música sin ellos, y ha sido especialmente en estos dos años en los que ya no he sido parte de tan exitosa banda cuando me he dado cuenta incluso más de todo esto".

En el ví­deo de la canción te caracterizas con 4 personajes diferentes: El chico muerto, la Reina del Hielo, El Fíénix y la muñeca. ¿Cómo encajan los 4 personajes con la canción e incluso con el álbum?

Tarja Turunen: "Fue muy extraño porque hace casi un año y medio surgió la noticia de que iba a hacer un álbum en solitario, y me enviaron muchas canciones que, aunque eran de diferentes compositores. todas tení­an que ver con cosas similares. Descubrí­ esos personajes en las canciones, y pronto comencíé a crear una historia que realmente me ayudara a hacer nueva música. Es una historia muy personal y, aunque no hay realmente un hilo conductor en el disco, ya te digo que me permitió hacer nuevas canciones.

Por otro lado, fue muy divertido usar los personajes porque la imagen y la música van al 50% en este disco, y yo siempre he estado muy influenciada por los álbumes conceptuales a este respecto. Por eso querí­a conectar de alguna manera el disco en sí­, con el arte gráfico y los ví­deos, y fue fantástico el poder caracterizarme como esos personajes para que incluso la gente que no conociera mi música pudiera ver el ví­deo y pensar que al menos era algo interesante y novedoso. De todos modos, lo que más me pregunta la gente todaví­a es ¡cómo pude interpretar al espeluznante chico muerto!".

Podíéis leer la entrevista completa en esta dirección.

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 17, 2008, 11:26:45 pm
Curioso!! L:P
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Enero 17, 2008, 11:32:56 pm


Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Enero 17, 2008, 11:36:23 pm


Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 17, 2008, 11:48:22 pm
Que GUAPA!!!!! ^-^ ^-^ ^-^
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Enero 19, 2008, 09:41:20 pm
TARJA TURUNEN: Nominated as "The Best Finnish Artist" at the Emma Awards!  ^-^

Tarja Turunen was nominated at the Emma awards (Finnish equivalent to Grammy) this year again as "the best finnish artist of the year 2007".

The other nominees for the same category are: Apulanta, Anna Abreu, Samuli Edelmann, Paula Koivuniemi, PMMP, Nightwish, Sturm Und Drang, Lauri Tí¤hkí¤ & Elonkerjuu and Ari Koivunen.
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 19, 2008, 10:28:20 pm
Uhh Tarja contra Nightwish!!!
Ojala gane ella!!! ^-^
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 21, 2008, 11:18:37 pm
Aqui hay mogollón de fotos!!!! ^-^ ^-^ ^-^ ^-^ (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Enero 25, 2008, 09:06:22 pm
Tarja has been nominated at the German Echo Awards, as Best International Newcomer

portadilla de die alive

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Enero 25, 2008, 09:17:59 pm
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Enero 25, 2008, 09:22:03 pm

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Enero 25, 2008, 09:23:50 pm
Esta me encanta  L:P

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 29, 2008, 11:38:55 pm
Die Alive (

Esta chulo!! ^-^
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Enero 30, 2008, 07:18:25 pm
Se lo podrian haber currao mas pero bueno, está bien. L:O

The single "Die Alive" will be released on the 7th of March the tracklist is as follows:

Die Alive (Album version)
Die Alive (Alternative version)
Lost Northern Star (Ambience sublow mix)
Calling Grace (full version)
Die Alive (video)
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 30, 2008, 10:59:47 pm
Calling Grace (full version)

Es la misma que la del album?
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 31, 2008, 11:54:50 pm
Goldfinger (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Febrero 07, 2008, 08:35:36 pm
Entrevista a Tarja:
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 07, 2008, 11:05:58 pm
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 22, 2008, 10:52:24 pm
Nuevo look de la web!! (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Febrero 23, 2008, 10:05:41 pm
Tarja Turunen has issued the following update:

"Hello, my friends, and regards from Antigua, the land of the sea and sun!

"I only heard nice stories about Antigua, so I came to this beautiful Caribbean island 10 days ago searching for some warmness and peace.

"I feel that the island has more to offer to me than only the relaxing feeling of being on holidays. I think I have fallen in love with it.

"Seriously, the locals are very friendly, the landscapes including amazing amount of gorgeous beaches are wonderful, the underwater world is enchanting and the positive energy on the island makes me feel very good. I am gathering around some ideas to be able to spend more time here in the future…

"The other reason to visit the island beside the geography was that my friends from Ibiza, Torsten and Angela, are now living here! This creative couple is making music for many artists, both locals and international.

"We have already written together 'The Reign' and 'Damned And Divine' so I decided to start the process for the follow-up to 'My Winter Storm' album NOW.

"I have some ideas already for it and I am sure I am able to put them together with the help of Torsten and Angela. I am very happy to be able to start working for the next album already, even though there are still many concerts to come during 2008 to present 'My Winter Storm'.

"Next week I will continue doing more promotion for 'My Winter Storm' and now is the time for USA and Japan where the album will be released very soon.

"Thanks to my Finnish fans that made 'My Winter Storm' reach platinum sales [30,000 copies] in my homeland Finland! Is a very successful debut album that I am very proud of.

"The video that we filmed in the show we performed in Kuusankoski last year is ready now and we'll figure out the way to show it to you all soon."

Tarja Turunen performing in Russia, December 2007:
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 23, 2008, 11:45:24 pm
Otro!! (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 02, 2008, 08:39:50 pm
Estamos muy orgullosos de felicitar a Tarja y a Universal Music por el Disco de Platino en Finlandia y por el primer Disco de Oro de Tarja en Rusia!
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 06, 2008, 10:48:21 pm
Single "Die Alive"

TARJA - New Single "Die Alive" and Storm in Europe Tour 2008!

The ambitious Finn does not know holdups, so after a successful Warm-up Tour in 2007, a gorgeous
performance at Regina Halmich's last boxing match and a great chart entry of her album "My Winter
Storm" which hit #3, the story continues

On March 7 the second Single "Die Alive" from her current Album "My Winter Storm" will be released.
Besides two versions of of the title track the songs "Lost Northern Star", "Calling Grace" and the video of "Die Alive" will be on the single.

Nueva gira!

In addition Tarja will hit the road in Germany, the tour will start May 7 - with the established lineup that is known from her Warm-up Tour:
Bass: Doug Wimbish (Living Colour, Annie Lennox, Madonna, Jeff Beck)
Guitars: Alex Scholpp (Farmer Boys)
Drums: Mike Terrana (Masterplan, Malmsteen, ex Rage) Keys: Maria Ilmoniemi
Cello: Max Lilja (Hevein, ex Apocalyptica)
Lead & BV, guitars & additional electronic drums: Toni Turunen

May 07, 2008 - Cologne / E-Werk*
May 09, 2008 - Leipzig / Wave Gothic Festival
May 11, 2008 - Zlin, Czech Republik / Hala Novesta
May 12, 2008 - Warsaw, Poland / Klub Stodola
May 14, 2008 - Wiesbaden / Schlachthof*
May 17, 2008 - Munich / Georg-Elser-Halle*
May 18, 2008 - Zurich, Switzerland / Rohstofflager
May 20, 2008 - Graz, Austria / Opheum
May 21, 2008 - Milan, Italy / Alcatraz
May 23, 2008 - Filderstadt / Filharmonie*
May 24, 2008 - Hamburg / Docks*

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 19, 2008, 10:51:43 pm
Nuevas fechas del Tour!!

27/05/2008 KB SWEDEN MALMO       
01/06/2008 TYROL SWEDEN STOCKHOLM       

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Marzo 29, 2008, 09:20:49 pm
The Metal Female Voices Festival official website, announced that Tarja has confimed a show for October 18th 2008.
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Marzo 29, 2008, 09:30:56 pm
un par de fotos ;-)


Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Marzo 29, 2008, 09:31:53 pm

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 29, 2008, 11:16:35 pm
un par de fotos ;-)



Que guapa!!! :021: :021:
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 02, 2008, 11:58:53 pm

Amigables con las cámaras
Una vez más, todos los shows incluí­dos en Tarja – Storm in Europe 2008 fueron declarados “amigables con las cámaras”, lo que significa que pueden traer su cámara fotográfica y sacar cuantas fotos deseen. Esto es así­ con la excepción de los recitales en festivales, en los que deberán consultar con la organización del festival sobre su polí­tica respecto de las cámaras dado que no podemos exceder las regulaciones estipuladas por ellos.


para las siguientes fechas de Tarja – Storm in Europe 2008
10/05/08 Zlin, República Checa
13/05/08 Varsovia, Polonia
16/05/08 Munich, Alemania
26/05/08 Malmo, Suecia

Los paquetes V.I.P. Son limitados.

Cada paquete incluirá un regalo sorpresa y una cena con Tarja.

Las reservas serán aceptadas en base al orden de llegada.

Para pre reservar y recibir más información, por favor enviar un correo electrónico con tu nombre completo e información de contacto a:

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 04, 2008, 10:29:44 pm

If you had been among the fans attending the Warm Up Concerts in 2007, brought your camera and took some pictures in any of the shows, this message is for you!
You may take part in the "Tour Book Photo Contest" starting now - but hurry up, deadline for all photos is already 10th of April.

Here you can download all info:

Best Regards,
Tarja Webteam
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 08, 2008, 11:54:46 pm
Id a ( y pinchad en video
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 08, 2008, 11:58:18 pm
Avance del video en vivo de los Warm Up Concerts 2007 filmado el 8/12/2007 en Kuusankoski, Finlandia
En la sección de Video de pueden encontrar el avance del video en vivo de los Warm Up Concerts 2007 filmado el 8/12/2007 en Kuusankoski, Finlandia.

El adelanto es solo un aperitivo del video completo que vendrá a continuación. ¡Les haremos saber cúando y cómo descargarlo en forma gratuita!

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Abril 10, 2008, 12:03:32 am
reitero la misma noticia ;-)

Tarja Turunen, ha lanzado un trailer de 3 minutos para su próximo ví­deo del concierto filmado el 8 de diciembre del 2007 en Kuusankoski, Finlandia.

En breve se podrá descargar gratis el concierto en la página de la vocalista, mientras tanto, aquí­ está el anuncio:
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 10, 2008, 12:07:37 am
Lo sacaran en DVD?
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Abril 18, 2008, 06:03:28 pm

Las canciones del show Warm Up Concerts 2007 filmadas el 8 de Diciembre pasado en Kuusankoski, Finlandia, están disponibles en YouTube.

Para aquellos muy fanáticos que quieran tener el concierto completo en alta resolución incluyendo las partes habladas y el correcto orden de los temas, les haremos saber pronto como pueden obtenerlo.
A disfrutar!

Lost Northern Star

Boy and the Ghost
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Abril 18, 2008, 06:04:48 pm
Passion and the Opera

My little Phoenix
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Abril 18, 2008, 06:05:52 pm

Sing for me

Damned and divine
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Abril 18, 2008, 06:07:25 pm
Ciaran's Well

Our Great Divide
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Abril 18, 2008, 06:08:10 pm
The Phantom of the Opera

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Abril 18, 2008, 06:09:17 pm
Walking in the air

You would have loved this
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Abril 18, 2008, 06:10:26 pm


Calling grace
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Abril 18, 2008, 06:12:09 pm
I walk alone
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 18, 2008, 07:23:27 pm
Wow!! :024: :021: :021:
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 18, 2008, 11:05:25 pm
Lo he visto!!!! :009: :009: :009:
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 19, 2008, 08:26:22 pm

Tarja will take part in a signing session at the Empik Megastore - Nowy Åšwiat in Warsaw on 13th of May, one day after her show in Warsaw. The meeting has been scheduled at 12 noon.
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 19, 2008, 08:28:46 pm
The Finnish band Passionworks will be joining Tarja-Storm in Europe 2008 for the following dates:


Please check more about the band and their last album Blue Play!

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Abril 23, 2008, 06:45:50 pm
Because everyone (including Tarja) was happy about the Birthday and Christmas Project organized last year, two of the biggest Tarja Turunen fansites online are organizing another project for Tarja in 2008.


If you are interested in participating, you can chose one (or both) of the following two variants:

1). Send a drawing or wallpaper you made, a letter for Tarja or a poem you wrote or your picture (with or without Tarja) to us. We will collect all of them, print them in a book and give it to Tarja.

2). Save one of the snowflake images onto your computer, print it out, write some message to Tarja, scan it and send it to us. If you don't want to print it out and then scan it, you can also write a message onto it using Photoshop or something similar.
You can find the images of the snowflakes on www. angelictarjaturunen. com or www. myangelsdream. eu. tp

For any questions or if you want to send anything for the project, you can use one of these two e-mails: or

The deadline is 15th May 2008 but please send the e-mails as soon as you can (last time some people wanted to correct some things in wallpapers or letters, or their e-mails didn't send in time).
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 27, 2008, 09:04:55 pm
La banda italiana The Dogma, que acompañó a Tarja durante algunos de los Warm Up Concerts en 2007, se le unirá nuevamente el próximo
14/05/08 en SCHLACHTHOF, Wiesbaden, Alemania


Pueden ver más información sobre la banda y su último álbum “A good day to die” aquí­:

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 08, 2008, 11:23:42 pm
Ganadores del Concurso Fotográfico del Libro de Gira!
¡Tarja ha elegido las fotos y a los ganadores!
Aquí­ está la lista, en orden alfabíético:
Daniele Antonini
Anja Bertram
Marc Bosch
Sarah Buelens
Nikki De Kerf
Ghislain Domercq
Julia Emmerich
Cornelius Fischer
Kelemen Geza
Amanda Hajnady
Katrin Hoffman
Valerie Huygens
Levente Kovacs
Sergey Lifanov
Jan Lindner
Ulrich Lusseau
Sanne Meinema
Julien Meurot
Jí¶rg Michaelis
Gina Moe
Konstantin Moshkov
Heli Niittumaa
Michael Petersohn
Kiia Rahkonen
Volker Christian Rust
Fabian Scheuermann
Stephan Schweiger
Eugene Straver
Melanie Surma
Elodie Tudo
Elsabijn Van Der Valk
Erwin Van Dijk
Konstantin Viktorov
Daniela Vorndran
Leen Wouters

¡Felicitaciones y gracias!

Han tomado fotografí­as increí­bles que pronto todos podrán ver en el Libro de Gira Storm Tour Book.

Los ganadores, por favor contacten a para coordinar cómo obtener la entrada gratuita para cualquiera de los próximos conciertos de la gira Tarja – Storm in Europe 2008
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 08, 2008, 11:26:07 pm
Se agregan más bandas soporte!
Nos complace anunciar que la banda Checa Interitus se unirá al show de Tarja – Storm in Europe 2008 en Zlin.

Para más información de la banda ver

Tendremos un invitado especial para el concierto en Polonia.
¡Martin Kesici abrirá el concierto con su banda!


Pueden ver el material de Martin en:

Passionworks, quienes estarán con nosotros en la mayor parte de la gira, tocarán tambiíén en los shows de Malmí¶ y Helsinki.

5/27/08 KB SWEDEN MALMí–

Si aún no han escuchado su material, pueden hacerlo aquí­:

Tambiíén nos complace anunciar que nuestro amigo Doug hará un set solista calentando las noches con su “Doug Wimbish Sound System” para presentar su nuevo álbum Cinemasonics.

Para más información vayan a y a

Gracias a todos elllos por formar parte de esta gira.

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 08, 2008, 11:37:36 pm
My dear fans,


I am with my band in Cologne now. We are rehearsing for the tour and everything looks and sounds very good 


It feels great to be together again with the band and crew and to know that we will have fun for a month. We are already laughing with Mike’s jokes all the time.


Weather in Germany is lovely, very warm. It’s making it hard for us to be inside rehearsing…


The songs we are adding to the set are getting together very nicely now.

Some new and some old songs… We have prepared few surprises for you again.


This tour will take me to some cities I have never been before and to others that I don’t even remember if I have been to. I am really looking forward to have a chance to see new places again and walk their streets in the mornings.

And now I am going for a run before today’s rehearsals.


I will try again this time to write in this blog during the tour and to find the time to do new posts frequently.


With love,


Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 10, 2008, 08:41:05 pm
Passion and the opera (Cologne) (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Mayo 10, 2008, 08:56:09 pm
Tarja Turunen ha actualizado su blog con fotos de los ensayos para su próxima gira europea,
la cual comenzó el 7 de mayo en Colonia, Alemania.
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 10, 2008, 08:58:27 pm
We arrived Zlin today in the afternoon with the sun welcoming us.

The city looks really pretty, but unfortunately shops were already closed 

Anyway we enjoyed a walk and delicious lunch in the city centre.


We have already done 2 shows.

The first concert in Cologne was a great beginning for the tour. This time it didn’t take us 10 performances to get relaxed feeling during the show. Now everybody in the crew and band were able to have fun on stage from the very beginning.

It felt great already and it is wonderful to see how things can still get better all the time. I am very lucky to have this chance to make music with talented people and to rely on them in everything.

There were many familiar faces in the audience in Cologne as well as in Leipzig. It was an honour for me to co-headline the gothic festival. Surprisingly most of the bands were having female singers! I also had nice chats with some of them at the backstage. Is great to see how the rock scene has changed in the last years.

In few hours I’ll have the first VIP dinner of the tour. I am looking forward to meet the people tonight and to have a great concert tomorrow.


Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 14, 2008, 10:50:30 pm

The complete video filmed in Kuusankoski, Finland during the last Warm Up Concert 2007 can be downloaded starting UTC (GMT) Thursday, May 15th at 13:00:00

The download will only last for 24 hours. Start the Download here!
The video is in good quality and takes long to be downloaded. So we recommend starting downloading it at the beginning of the announced time.

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 18, 2008, 11:49:12 pm
Two days off passed by and we got a good rest from travelling.


Yesterday with some friends I had the chance to be in the German-Austrian border in the beautiful middle age town of Burghausen. A fairy tale place with a magnificent castle.


In the evening I had the pleasure to meet fans at the second VIP dinner of this tour.

I believe that we really had a great night together. Time was running though and we ended up quite late, but it was fun 


Incredible how far away some people came for the dinner: South Africa, Russia, Italy, France, UK, Spain, etc. Huh! And again I got beautiful presents. This time I am lucky to have a bus to carry them back to Finland! 

The show in Zlin was just great. The concert took place in a hall that was packed with people and I understood that fact in the middle of the concert. I thought that how amazing it is that all these people have came to see me here. Lovely audience, lots of singing and clapping. I would love to have a chance to perform next year in some festival in Czech.

From Zlin we travelled to Warsaw and 4 of my Finnish friends joined us there. I had never been in Warsaw before, so I wanted to look around the city day after the concert. We went to the beautiful old part of the town and enjoyed a nice lunch.


The concert was amazing. Polish audience was extremely loud and warm and made me believe that there is a great place for me in their hearts. The band was very happy too. I stayed in Poland while the band continued their trip to Wiesbaden. Day after the concert I had a signing session in Warsaw in a big book/record store. The stuff of the store are used to do signing sessions often, but they were surprised about the amount of people that came to meet me there.
According to Empik, the most crowded in store since Metallica some years ago. Hard to believe 

A flight and train took us to Wiesbaden next day. It was so hot day! The feeling on the stage in the evening reminded me of a Finnish sauna. Luckily some of my water resistant make up was still on its place after the concert. I saw quite many familiar faces in the audience and got to meet many of those people after the show.
Tonight there will be a new show in Munich. I have been waiting for this show a lot, since I have great memories from my previous visits here.

With love, Tarja






Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Mayo 20, 2008, 12:58:12 am
Wishmaster"  May 11, 2008 in Zlin, Czech Republic (chupate esa tuomas :022: XD)  :014:
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 20, 2008, 08:01:59 pm
 :014: :014: :014: :014: :014:
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 21, 2008, 11:57:31 pm
I want to start this post by telling you about the show in Munich.

Something very strange happened to us there…

It seemed that all the bad luck and dark clouds were upon us during this concert. Never we have had that many technical problems before. Actually we didn’t have any major problems during this tour or during the Warm up Concerts last year.

The sound check went fine as it usually does.

At the beginning of the concert, I just walked to the stage and missed my first line in the song Lost Northern Star. The click that helps us and that we can hear from our monitor system was not there!

After that, it was chaos 

In some songs we heard nothing coming in our in-ear monitors, or what is even worse, we heard a double clicking that was only making us to play in a wrong tempo.

We were forced to stop in the middle of the song of I Walk Alone and to start it all over again just because everything sounded so wrong.


Computers are the best friends… when they work!

No human mistake from band or crew, just things got out of hands. Maybe some power issues or who knows what, but ghosts were playing tricks on us that night 

And when you think that nothing can go worse, there we go…

I was wearing for the first time jewellery that I got from a friend day before the concert. When I entered the stage after change over and banged my head for the first time, this jewellery flew away!

I thought, “ups” and continued singing and soon after forgot the whole thing.

But when I went to play Oasis alone with my piano, I realized that the jewellery has fallen upon it and changed the sound settings into some ridiculous electric piano sound.

As you can imagine, I didn’t notice that early enough to change it… So there I was playing Oasis with a funny electric piano sound!

And in the encores, during Die Alive, the computer decided to go crazy again leaving us in a state of chaos and shock that only made us laugh during the song. But my band is great and we pulled through it without hassle. I hope 

I think that was enough trouble for only one gig.

Anyway, the show was just great and the fans that I got to talk after the show were saying that they really liked the show.

Next day we performed in Zurich and once again we had amazing show there.

It was a sold out show and the place really felt rather too small for the people that showed up. The whole band was very happy with the crowd, so we ended up playing one more song after the normal set.

It came as a surprise for the audience as well as for the band and crew when I decided to add the song. Maria had to run to the backstage to pick up her in-ear monitors…

It was fun though.

The city of Graz is beautiful. So many old buildings and houses


Then it started to rain and it kept on going. It was challenging for us and for our fans too, who needed to wait in the rain to get in. For me it was great to have my first concert in Austria. The people were happy to see us on stage and I guess they enjoyed the show quite a lot. At least it seemed so. I wish to have another chance to return there some day soon.

Now we are in Milan starting the sound check in 5’. The crew is preparing everything ready at the moment.

We have done half of the shows in this leg of the tour and my condition to sing is still great. I am very happy about that 

I can’t wait to have fun together with the Italian audience tonight!

Some fans were already waiting at our arrival. Together with some bootleg t-shirts stands…

With love, Tarja




Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 22, 2008, 11:01:38 pm
Poison (Milan) (

Phatom of the Opera (Milan) (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 22, 2008, 11:09:00 pm
Die Alive (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 28, 2008, 12:04:23 am
We have spent the last 2 days in Malmí¶. I have had a chance to go to the movies, walk the city a bit and relax. Streets here are clean, not so many people around and it feels that the atmosphere is calm. I like it. (..)

Yesterday evening I had the last dinner of this tour with lovely VIP guests. I am looking forward to hear their thoughts again tonight after the concert.

At the moment that I am writing these lines, I am waiting for the sound check to start. Before I have to run to the stage, I want to tell you a bit what has been going on since I wrote you last time.

We had a great concert in Milano. Italian fans really showed us their love. For me it was again very nice experience as it was my first concert in Italy on my own. I got to write quite many autographs after the show. The band, crew and the bus driver were waiting for me to get in the bus to be able to leave…

Well, I hope that at least my Italian friends were happy that I stayed that long with them 

 Filderstadt is a small city near Stuttgart. We spent a day there just walking around and relaxing. Every shop was closed, since it was holiday in Germany on that day 

Next morning I had a great jog around the area and some fans were cheering to me when they saw me passing near the concert hall. It was funny though.

The venue in Filderstadt was very nice. The stage was big and the backstage area was also very comfortable. I would love to have a concert there again in the future. Also I heard from the local people after the concert that the reception from the audience had been better than normally in that area. I can’t tell if this is true…

The last concert in Germany took place in Hamburg. On the same night there was the Eurovision song contest party going on just in the street outside of our venue. People said that around 40.000 crazy Eurovision fans were following the happening!

Instead of following the contest, I was having fun with my audience and we played the best concert so far on this tour.

I was so happy to see the place packed with people in the last German show of this part of the tour. Some of those people came again from very far just to the concert. I appreciate that!

Everything worked very well and this time the lucky stars were upon us… 

Let’s see what Sweden has planned for us. 

With love,


Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 29, 2008, 11:17:19 pm
Over the hills and far away (en 2 partes) ( (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 04, 2008, 12:08:43 am
Second to last concert on this tour is ahead of us tonight. I am already getting a bit sad that this leg of my Storm in Europe 2008 tour has to end so soon.

The Scandinavian shows have been quite challenging for me. I have realised that there is still a lot of work to do here for my record company and me in order to get my album available for my listeners.

The concerts have been very nice though. Fans have been telling their thoughts about my music and performances and they have made me feel that it has been a good decision that I came here now. Of course, I am really looking forward to have a new chance to return as soon as possible. Hopefully with more enthusiasm from my working partners.

I want to thank my Scandinavian fans for their patience and support.

I was very glad to meet again Marjut and Ingvild from Noche Escandinava in Oslo. We are always planning the next concerts of “Noche” every time we see each other 

In Gothenburg we enjoyed a day off and decided to visit the amusement park Liseberg. We had SO much fun!


We went to all sort of crazy rides together and I survived without screaming my voice away! Before we entered the park, I made some jokes about cancelling the show next day, because I would loose my voice  But I managed to bite my lips and it worked.


It was a great, funny afternoon and when we got back to the hotel, we all felt very tired of the long, exciting day.


Yesterday I met my friends, the Swedish composers Mattias and Anders. We discussed about my next album and how we should proceed with it. I hope we will make some great songs together again. Having done that already, I am sure we can manage to create some killer songs for my new album. So brainstorming waits for us later this year!

Today the sun is shining here in Stockholm and it really feels like summer now.

With Love,


Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 06, 2008, 11:14:29 pm
Tarja has been invited for Kerrang signing session from 19:10 - 19:45 on the Sunday 15 of June at Download Festival in Donington Park, UK.

See you there!
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 06, 2008, 11:25:21 pm
My friends,

First of all I want to thank you all for giving me the chance to perform on the Storm tour in Europe 2008.

It was an amazing experience for me personally and professionally. I got to meet many nice people, see beautiful cities, have so much fun with my band and crew and get remarkable memories.

I will never forget my last month on the road in Europe.

Everything went fine and we all returned back home tired but happy. I will miss my band members so much.

Thanks a lot also to Janne and Harriet and Passionworks that were with us most of the time.

The last concert in Helsinki was the perfect ending for the tour. Some people told me after the show that they had been waiting my concert in Helsinki for 3 years! And it was worth to wait in their words.

Here you have still some last shots from the tour.

I want to show you some nice pictures we took from the tour bus, which was our traveling home for a mon


In few days I’ll go for a promo trip to England. I will visit my fans in Download festival and make interviews for the local media.

Soon after England, I’ll travel again to Antigua. There I will write songs for my new album with my friends Michelle, Kiko, Torsten, Angela and Adrian. I am sure that the sun and warmness of Antigua will help us to come up with beautiful melodies.

Maybe I’ll have some time for diving too… 

After Antigua I will travel to USA for my first promo trip there and next time you’ll see me on the tour in South America! I am really looking forward to meet my fans over there.  Can’t wait!

So there will be no worries about what to do in this summer…

This is the last photo taken from all of us together. Right after the last show of the tour at the backstage in Tavastia, Helsinki

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 08, 2008, 12:07:58 am
Tarja platino en finlandia!!! :023:
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Junio 08, 2008, 05:39:38 pm
A three-minute video clip featuring some of the highlights of former NIGHTWISH singer Tarja Turunen's
June 1, 2008 concert at Tyrol in Stockholm, Sweden can be viewed below.

Turunen has just completed another round of European dates in support of her new solo album, "My
Winter Storm", which was released in the U.S. at the end of February. The CD was made available
in two exclusive U.S. versions via Fontana: the standard and deluxe editions
(the latter featuring extra tracks not released elsewhere, as well visually stimulating bonus DVD
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 08, 2008, 05:50:40 pm
Esta guay el video!!
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Junio 12, 2008, 12:34:09 pm
We are very proud to congratulate Tarja and Universal Music for the Gold award achieved in Hungary and her first time ever Gold Record in Czech Republic !

Tarja has been invited for Kerrang signing session from 19:10 – 19:45 on the Sunday 15 of June at Download Festival in Donington Park, UK.
See you there!

One more concert from the "Tormenta en America" tour has been confirmed:
03.09.2008 Teatro Caupolican - Santiago De Chile - Chile

As we have already announced for the previous tours, all the shows included in the headlining Tarja – Tormenta en Amíérica / Tempestade na America 2008 Tour were declared “camera friendly”, which means that you are welcome to bring your photo camera and take as many pictures as you wish during the whole concert.

We are glad to announce the band that will tour with Tarja in South America during August and September.

Tarja Turunen Vocals
Doug Wimbish Bass (Living Colour, Madonna, Jeff Beck, Rolling Stones)
Kiko Loureiro Guitars (Angra)
Maria Ilmoniemi Keyboards
Mike Terrana Drums (Masterplan, Savage Circus, ex Rage, ex Malmsteen)
Max Lilja Cello (Hevein, ex Apocalyptica)
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Junio 12, 2008, 12:47:06 pm
Tarja recibiendo el disco de platino por my winter storm..pero en suomi y sin subtitulos :S
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 12, 2008, 11:28:18 pm
Enhorabuena!! :023:
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Junio 16, 2008, 01:19:18 pm
promo video for Tarja's concerts in Brazil
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Junio 16, 2008, 01:27:38 pm
Entrevista a tarja (en inglíés)
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 17, 2008, 11:30:39 pm
muy chula la entrevista!!! :023:
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Junio 18, 2008, 11:56:41 pm
James Allman of Baconmusic conducted an interview with Tarja Turunen at this year's Download festival, which was held June 13-15 at Donington Park, Leicestershire, UK. Watch the chat in two parts below.

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 20, 2008, 10:34:02 pm
Y la Tormenta de Invierno continúa...
Estamos muy orgullosos de felicitar a Tarja y a Universal Music por el disco
de Oro alcanzado en Hungrí­a y por su primer disco de Oro en toda su carrera
en República Checa.
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 25, 2008, 11:02:41 pm
Tarja anuncia su concierto en Buenos Aires!!! (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Junio 30, 2008, 07:51:40 pm
Tarja_mensaje para Argentina

Tarja_mensaje para Colombia
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Junio 30, 2008, 07:56:13 pm
Mensaje de Tarja para Brasil

Tarja_ para Chile

podia haber variado un poco el mensaje.. fiu..  :018:
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Junio 30, 2008, 08:01:03 pm
Entrevista a tarja (de una revista y en ingles)

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Junio 30, 2008, 08:07:38 pm
concert in Helsinki, from 3rd June 2008, the last of the "Storm in Europe" - Tour

Lost Northern Star

My Little Phoenix
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Junio 30, 2008, 08:10:04 pm
Passion And The Opera

Minor Heaven
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Junio 30, 2008, 08:14:54 pm

I Walk Alone
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Junio 30, 2008, 08:20:25 pm
Ciaran's Band Set + Ciaran's Well

Our Great Divide
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Junio 30, 2008, 08:31:13 pm
Phantom Of The Opera (with Toni Turunen)

The Reign
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Junio 30, 2008, 08:41:49 pm
Sing For Me

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Junio 30, 2008, 08:51:42 pm

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Junio 30, 2008, 09:01:16 pm
Die Alive

Calling Grace
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 01, 2008, 11:46:56 pm
 :009: :009: :009: :009: :009:
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 04, 2008, 11:18:19 pm
I have been spending a couple of weeks writing new songs with my friends here in Antigua, in the beautiful island surroundings.

The result is telling of the great and inspiring atmosphere we have had.

I mean, the songs are REALLY amazing. I feel that the process of writing songs this time is much easier than it was for My Winter Storm.

Might be that the songwriters already know me and there is not such a pressure on us than we had with a debut album.

Luckily the time is also on our side since we have still quite some time to come up with more killer songs.

I also found the courage to come up with my own songs and ideas, which is making me very, very happy.

Last time, during MWS process, I was telling you the name of the songs and some parts of their lyrics. It was very nice and motivating to read your comments and wild guesses about the meaning of the songs.

So, this time I will do it again. Here goes the first title:

“The Crying Moon”

This new song we did with Michelle and Kiko and we borrowed a wonderful riff from Mr. Doug Wimbish that I heard during the last tour and that I loved deeply.

I am still searching for a title for the album, but little by little, all the pieces are falling into the right place and the idea is already turning in my head.

The island of Antigua is again making me happy. I guess even more than on my last visit here, even though, this time the reason to come was only work. Still we have been able to enjoy the nature and the beauty of it.

Few nights ago we went with Angela, Adrian and Torsten to Bird Island where we ate a great barbecue and slept overnight.

Find few more photos with Michelle and Kiko and with Angela and Adrian.


And once again with Torsten adding some arrangements to the music.


I discovered one of the boats used in Pirates of the Caribbean movies, just walking distance to the place where we are staying. Don’t get confused with the new colours!


So that’s all for now. I’ll write to you soon! Bye.

With Love,


Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 06, 2008, 11:36:15 pm
Solo su voz!!!!! (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 19, 2008, 08:38:19 pm
Nos complace anunciar las fechas de la gira Tormenta en Amíérica / Tempestade na Amíérica 2008
Doug, Mike y Kiko harán algunas clí­nicas en Sud Amíérica que anunciaremos tambiíén en esta página.
28/08/2008 TBC BRAZIL
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 19, 2008, 08:44:01 pm
La gira completa es:

28/08/2008 TBC BRAZIL         


Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Julio 24, 2008, 12:51:52 pm
The following concert dates for Tarja Turunen's "Storm Returns To Europe" 2008 Tour have been confirmed on the official website:

18.10.2008 - Oktoberhallen - Belgium - Wieze (Metal Female Voices Fest)
21.10.2008 - Hala Folimanka - Czech Republic - Prague
22.10.2008 - Bonver Arena (Hala Tatran) - Czech Republic - Ostrava
24.10.2008 - Incheba Expo Arena - Slovakia - Bratislava
25.10.2008 - Cassosport Hall - Slovakia - Kosice
27.10.2008 SKC - Serbia - Belgrade
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Julio 24, 2008, 12:56:27 pm
A video of Tarja giving In Flames their award for "Best International Band" at the Metal Hammer Golden Gods Awards 2008 can be watched on youtube.
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 02, 2008, 09:07:39 pm

Clí­nicas en Argentina:
Durante su visita a la Argentina, Mike Terrana, Doug Wimbish y Kiko Loureiro estarán dando clí­nicas de baterí­a, bajo y guitarra respectivamente.
Clí­nicas de Mike Terrana y Doug Wimbish:

Viernes 5 de Septiembre de 2008
En: THE END Av Rivadavia 7428 – C.A.B.A. - Argentina
Puertas 19HS

Clí­nicas de Kiko Loureiro:

Viernes 5 de Septiembre
En: EMU - Educación Musical
Calle 2 Nº 664,La Plata-Bs.As-Argentina
De 14 a 16hs.

Viernes 5 de Septiembre
En: Espacio Cultural – La Colorada
Yerbal y Rojas – C.A.B.A. - Argentina
A las 20hs

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 03, 2008, 10:50:10 pm
Here is winter while in Finland is summer. This is no news, but it is still very weird when you travel frequently and change the continents that the climate changes dramatically and you need some time to adjust to it.

I am preparing myself for the South American tour, which is going to start pretty soon. This tour is something that I’ve been waiting for so long. It is no lie to tell that it is one of my biggest dreams to be able to perform in this continent.

Local people here are very emotional and passionate and they want to show their love for music and the artists.

Soon the rehearsals for the tour will take place in Mexico. I am looking forward to see how Kiko and the rest of us will get the ball rolling and rocking. I am very excited! So take your camera with you to the concerts, to capture the unique atmosphere and performance of this group of people. You never know when this is going to happen again.

One of the personal highlights of the tour will be definitely the return to Guadalajara, Mexico. As some of you might know, some nasty, bad things happened there to me many years ago while performing on stage.

 Because of this, specially, I wished to get an opportunity to go there again. I want to get a nicer memory of the city and its people and to heal my scars. In the end, I can’t blame all the audience for one stupid man’s behaviour. I miss my fans in Mexico and I will be very delighted to sing for you again. 

Before the tour still, next week I am going to spend it in Los Angeles. There I will meet some familiar people from film music scene that were already working with me earlier. And also I am looking forward to meet very interesting and great composers for the first time. Let’s see what kind of songs we are going to create together! I am sure it will be a great experience for me to write with them. 

I am continuing doing promotion for the first album, even though my thoughts are already in the next one. It is good to know that there is still a lot of work to do for My Winter Storm, since the touring keeps on going. 

At the moment, I am writing new songs, alone, here at home. A sort of díéjí  vu that reminds me of the beginning of the process of My Winter Storm.

The biggest difference is that now, songs are flowing constantly and I am very anxious to start the production and recordings once again. 

I have already told you the name of one new song: “The Crying Moon”. Not a ballad as most of you wrongly guessed 

Here goes another name of a song we composed in Antigua with Michelle and Kiko: “Enough”.

You won’t need to wait too long to listen to it. I decided to perform it live in South America 

 So, I’ll let you know more from the tour next time. Jippyy…

 With love, Tarja



Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 10, 2008, 08:39:21 pm
Firma de Autógrafos
Tarja dará un firma de autógrafos en Mix Up Parque Delta el 11 de agosto a las 17:30 hs en Mexico DF.
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Agosto 13, 2008, 07:54:35 pm
The rumour says, that Tarja Turunen is trying to get ex-Hammerfall bassist Magnus Rosíén to her band for her tour in autumn.

Blabbermouth, the source of the rumour didn't know what Rosíén's answer was.

Rosíén played 1997-2007 in one of the most well known metal bands Hammerfall, in Sweden. He left the band a year ago, to be able to concentrate his own music projects. Rosíén has done solo gigs in South-America, and he has usually given the incomes to charity.

Tarja Turunen starts South- and Middle-American tour in August. She returns to Europe in October.
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Agosto 13, 2008, 07:56:17 pm
Doro Pesch has invited numerous friends and collegues to her jubilee show in Dí¼sseldorf this December: “There will be many famous faces. Most of all I am happy that my friend Tarja accepted my invitation.”

Tarja will be on stage with Doro for one song. Other metal titans like Kiss and Alice Cooper have been invited.
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 14, 2008, 10:54:19 pm
We have been rehearsing with the band in Monterrey, Mexico for couple of days.

Everything went perfect with the help of the local promoter and some friends. And we are ready to Rock tonight!

It was really nice to meet the people of the band again and to see how well Kiko has understood my music and the spirit of it.

I am truly happy to have him on board and it seems that the rest of the people are happy too.

This is the beginning of one of my dreams getting real. I have been waiting my Latin American tour for several years and it feels really fantastic to be able to perform like this on my own. I am a very lucky girl…

The sun is shining in Monterrey and I am sure that tonight will be a very “hot” show.


See you soon in the concerts!


With love, Tarja


Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 16, 2008, 12:12:41 am
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Agosto 16, 2008, 04:19:05 pm
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 16, 2008, 09:09:50 pm
Crónica de Monterrey!!

Boy And The Ghost
Lost Nothern Star
Passion and the Opera
I walk Alone
Our Great Divide
My Little Phoenix
Die Alive
Over The Hills and Far Away
Ciaran's Well
Calling Grace
ENOUGH sin duda el nuevo disco de Tarja esta mejor ke nunca, esta cancion esta muy heavy 
y el instrumental de Cirian's Well ke toco la banda en lo ke Tarja se cambiaba de ropa.

Entramos exactamente a las 7 pm, el escenario estaba cubierto por una manta blanca pero se podian ver las siluetas del staff ke acomodaba las cosas, estaba haciendo demasiado calor y la gente gritaba cn solo ver cualkier silueta XDD, ya eran las 9 pm y Tarja no salí­a total ke todos empezamos a gritar TARJA, TARJA, TARJA!!! sin parar hasta ke de pronto se apagaron las luces y solo apuntaron el centro del escenario con una de color blanco y ahi se veí­a la silueta de TARJA, inmediantamente todos empezamos a gritar y ella empezo a cantar Boy and the Ghost pero seguia la lona puesta despues a mediacion de la cancion cuando se escucha la bateria dejan caer la manta y todos empezamos a gritar, fue incrible la prescencia ke tiene, es tan hermosa en persona y la energia, kede en shock por un instante y las lagrimas casi se me salen, no podia creer ke estaba viendola a casi tres metros de distancia de mi y creo ke eso es mucho, la tenia tan cerca y mientras cantaba se agachaba y hacia poses para ke le tomaramos fotos, termino esa cancion y nos saludo con un: BUENAS NOCHES MONTERREY!!! y todos: ahhhhhhhhh!!!!! y en eso empieza Lost nothern Star, debo mencionar ke esa cancion es la menos me gusta del dico pero en vivo es otro pedo, me encanto , te prende demasiado y todos saltabamos y haciamos los cuernitos y Tarja hacia el headbanding en la parte del solo de guitarra, casi me orino de la emocion, en eso se acaba y nos empieza a decir: TODOS NOSOTROS TENEMOS PASION VERDAD?? y todos: siiiiiiiii!!!! y ella dijo: YO TAMBIEN TENGO PASION......PASSION AND THE OPERA y ke todos empezamos a gritar euforicos y empieza la musica, y yo empece a decir: eh,eh,eh,eh y la gente me empezo a seguir y en eso Tarja alza la mano y empieza hacer señas de ke sigamos, fue lo mejor.

Se acabo y ella se fue a cambiar y regreso con la gabardina blanca ke tiene en la portada del disco y obvio empezo a cantar I Walk Alone, con esa cancion hombres y mujeres empezamos a cantar junto con ella, se veia tan linda y sus ojos hermosos, despues se volvio a meter al backstage y la banda empezo a tocar el instrumental de Ciaran's Well, cuando se acaba la vuelven a empezar y sale Tarja con el corset rojo y la falda negra, en persona se ve todamia mas sexy con ese traje, cuando salio no paraban de verse los flashes de las camaras y obvio canto la de Ciaran'a Well, se acabo y dijo: LA SIGUIENTE CANCION ES UNA CANCION DE AMOR Y SE LLAMA OUR GREAT DIVIDE, yo estaba ke no podia dejar de gritar, es una de mis favoritas y ahi aproveche y sake mi bandera y cuando la vio solo sonrio yo estaba *o* no lo podia creer todavia. Cuando termino dijo: SE ESTAN DURMIENDO??? y todos noooooo!!!!!! y en eso no podia creer lo ke mis oidos escuchaban era DEAD GARDENS todos empezamos a gritar, la canto chingonsisima pero lo mas sorprendente viene aki, antes de ke se acabara cambian de melodia y se empieza a escuchar SYMPHONY OF DESTRUCTION!!!! todos empezamos a cantar y la gente estaba emocionada, canto solo el primer parrafo y el coro y termino con la cancion de NW, despues de ahi siguio Poison, My Little Phoenix y canto Oasis, toco el piano y se asomaba para ke los ke alcanzaban a verla le tomaran fotos, la canto hermoso, despues nos empezo a preguntar: LES GUSTA LA AVENTURA?? y nosotros: siiiii y ella: ESTAN SEGUROS??? y nosostros: siiiiii y dijo: ESTA SE LLAMA ENOUGH y me kede  la cancion es completamente heavy, y ella canta woooow sin palabras, a mediacion hay un solo de chelo, se escucha increible, sin duda el nuevo album va a sorprender, Tarja esta creciendo como artista, despues siguio con Over The Hills And Far Away y Die Alive y todos saltabamos y cntabamos, hay gente ke dice ke MWS es aburrido pero sin duda les hace falta escuchar las canciones en vivo porke es otro pedo, te emocionas y Tarja es tan entregada al publico ke no deja ni ke agarres aliento cuando ya empieza la siguiente cancion.

Termino con DA y se fueron todos a backstage y en eso la gente empezo OTRA, OTRA, OTRA!!!, la banda regreso y todo se kedo en silencio cuando empieza: MASTER!!! APRENTICE!!!!! y todos: aaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh esa cancion nunca me ha gustado mucho pero en el concierto estaba ke gritaba la letra a todo pulmon, y ke empieza el slam, recibi pizotones, agarrones, empujones,de todo.

En eso ponen dos sillas en medio y a Kiko le dan una guitarra acustica y Tarja nos dice: USTEDES ME HAN DADO TANTO AMOR ESTA NOCHE, Y ES ALGO KE TODO EL MUNDO KIERE Y NECESITA ... AMOR, Y ME HACEN SENTIR Y DESEAR EN REGRESAR, GRACIAS, MUCHAS GRACIAS, USTEDES SON MY WINTER STORM y con eso todos gritamos y gritamos a mas no poder, es la experiencia mas increible de mi vida, siempre pense ke nunca la veria en vivo y mucho me nos a esa distancia, es tan linda y amigable, para mucha gente pagara la cantidad de 400 pesos es demasiado pero el concierto ke vi ayer valio cada moneda y si tuviera la oportunidad de verlo de nuevo, pagaria esa cantidad y yo kreo ke mas por ke de verdad vale la pena, asi ke si tienen la oportunidad de verla en vivo no la desaprovechen, por cierto le cantamos las mañanitas y solo sonrio y nos dijo: Estan algo adelantados pero gracias. 
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 16, 2008, 09:13:38 pm
Enough (NUEVA) (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 17, 2008, 12:21:11 am
Hoy Tarja cumple 31 años!!!!

FELICIDADES!!!!!!!! :011: :011: :011: :011: :011:
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 17, 2008, 11:26:00 pm
En castellano!! ( (

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 18, 2008, 11:12:34 pm ( l:X l:X l:X l:X l:X l:X
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 20, 2008, 11:28:21 pm
Tarja escribe sobre viajes en avión (menciona lo de Madrid!)

The three shows in Mexico went really well. It was a great success and I was happy to be able to perform for Mexican people. Also it was nice to return to Guadalajara and to have great show there on my birthday. People were so kind to me everywhere. Thank you Mexico! I hope to come back soon again.

I got to tell you what happened to us on our way to Colombia though. It was really strange and scary experience for all of us. We were supposed to take a plane from Mexico City to Bogotá, which we did, BUT… first we took off one hour late. After being on air for half on hour, the captain announced that we needed to return back to Mexico City because we lost one of our engines and we were flying only with one… Well, the people were still quite calm, but it was very awkward situation indeed for everybody. We landed fine and then got to know that there were many other problems detected on the plane. They tried to fix these problems while we still needed to stay inside the plane! It took some while when finally the pilot informed us that we were not flying on the same day to Bogotá at all. We needed to stay in a hotel in Mexico City that night. The wake up call was already at 03:00 am, because the new scheduled flight to Bogotá was going to leave already at 06:00 in the morning. We woke up early and again got to the plane. We waited and waited until something strange happened AGAIN. The plane was the same than the day before, but they assured us they have fixed the problems and it was safe to fly. Anyway suddenly before taking off, all the lights went off so did the engine!!!!! Half of the people in the plane stood up and instantly started to run towards the front door. They were willing to get out of the plane! The thing is that nobody can force people to stay inside the plane if one is not willing to. SO, we who were willing still to stay, needed to wait inside while the other people left and their luggage were removed from the plane. This took again other 2,5 hours. Finally we took off and the flight was calm and safe. We arrived to Bogotá 15 hours late, but safe.

Sometimes I really hate flying. But thanks to God, we are safe.

Yesterday I got to meet many of my fans in a signing session I had here in Bogotá. I was very pleased to see many happy faces in front of me. Also something really nice happened after we had a beautiful dinner in a traditional Colombian restaurant later in the evening. There were around 7 guys waiting for me outside the restaurant and when I got out, they started to sing to me. They also had a cake with 1 candle prepared to me!!!!! I am sure that tonight’s show will be just amazing because Colombian people really are wonderful.

Today we got the information about very sad news from Spain where a plane crash and many people died. All the band and crew would like to send our condolences to their families.

It could have been us… 

Just remind us how fragile we are and that things can happen to anyone of us at any time. So better to live your dreams every minute, every day and enjoy of the loved ones.

Love , Tarja


Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Agosto 23, 2008, 05:18:58 pm
Enough. Mexico 16-08-08
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 23, 2008, 11:10:09 pm
Fantasma de la Opera (Colombia 20.8.2008) (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Agosto 30, 2008, 03:43:27 pm

August 20, 2008 concert in Bogota, Colombia

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Agosto 31, 2008, 09:57:39 pm
Tarja Turunen celebrated her 31st birthday on August 17, and some of her musician friends (Beto Vazquez, AFTER FOREVER's Floor Jansen, DELAIN and Alex Scholpp) sent their video/audio birthday greetings to the Tarja Turunen Enkeli web site. Watch the one-and-a-half-minute clip below.

Planet Loud conducted an interview with Tarja Turunen at this year's Download festival, which was held June 13-15 at Donington Park, Leicestershire, UK. Watch the video below:
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Septiembre 01, 2008, 09:13:54 pm
"Enough" performed live at Opinií£o in Porto Alegre, Brazil on August 26, 2008

"Enough" performed live at Credicard Hall in Sí£o Paulo, Brazil on August 23, 2008
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 03, 2008, 11:16:58 pm
Touring has been very good so far. 

The band and crew have had on our off-days enough time to see places and to do other activities, such as visiting local artist’s concerts.

I have been busy promoting my album and the tour.

It has been nice to meet many of my fans and get to know their opinion about my work.
Latin American people are giving me a lot of strength to go on with this “merry go round”.
Show in Bogotá was just great. Everything worked out fine and people were happy 

Next day we all went up the hill called Montserrat with a cable car. 


We found a beautiful church and couple of old and charming restaurants. It was nice to be literally upon the clouds.

We had lunch there and got to see the city of Bogotá a bit more before rushing to the airport.

Now we are in Belo Horizonte, Brazil and we just returned from our show tonight.  It feels good to be back in here and the audience was awesome!

This time I am not sick, as it has been the case before in the last two times I had concerts here. It seems that when I am happy, my body functions better too 

Finally I could offer the local people a great show!

I cannot forget to mention that it was also wonderful to visit Fortaleza for the first time. The hotel was located just in front of the ocean, so the beach and the sound of the sea were enchanting. I love to be close to the sea. It is making me relax immediately.

Well, the local people as well as the weather were HOT. 

The concert was very emotional and people seemed to enjoy it a lot. I heard that it has been very difficult for Fortaleza to get international artists/bands performing there.

 I hope this will change in the future.

All the other concerts in Brazil went all just fine too. We have had best time together as a band and group of lovely people.

I am still thanking God every day for giving me these nice people to work with and to spend nice time with.

Things couldn’t be better.

í¬With love, Tarja



Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 06, 2008, 09:08:50 pm
Former NIGHTWISH singer Tarja Turunen reportedly shot footage for her new video, "Enough", during a break on her recent South American tour. A short behind-the-scenes clip from the video shoot can be viewed below.

"Enough" will appear on a special-edition version of Turunen's latest solo album, "My Winter Storm", to be issued before the end of the year.

"My Winter Storm" was released in the U.S. at the end of February. The CD was made available in two exclusive U.S. versions via Fontana: the standard and deluxe editions (the latter featuring extra tracks not released elsewhere, as well visually stimulating bonus DVD content).

"My Winter Storm" was produced by Daniel Presley (FAITH NO MORE, JEWEL, THE BREEDERS), who has been joined in the studio by a truly stellar line-up of musicians: Doug Wimbish on bass (LIVING COLOUR, ANNIE LENNOX, JOE SATRIANI, JEFF BECK, MADONNA, ROLLING STONES), Alex Scholpp on electric guitars (FARMER BOYS) and Earl Harvin on drums (SEAL, PET SHOP BOYS, AIR), a player personally selected by Tarja after she saw him stealing the show at a SEAL concert. Keyboards and programming, meanwhile, are being provided by Torsten Stenzel, whose previous credits include NELLY FURTADO, MOBY, TINA TURNER, VANESSA MAE.

"Enough" video shoot: (

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 10, 2008, 11:45:08 pm
Amy sobre Tarja! (

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 16, 2008, 11:18:21 pm
My friends, my beautiful Tormenta en America tour is already over.

Still I would like to share some beautiful moments from the tour with you.

It was great to return to Santiago de Chile. I met many people who had heard me in Noche Escandinava concert in 2002 last time.

The feeling was breathtaking when the curtain dropped in the first song “Boy and the Ghost” and I got to see all the audience screaming and singing right in front of me!

Thank you Chile!

We also filmed a video for the new song called “Enough” in Santiago, day before my concert. The filming took us a complete day and at the moment I am just waiting to see the results. We used only green screen in the shooting, so even though I have experienced that kind of working in my past, now the video is completely based on animated material. So it can end up looking in too many different ways…

(.. )

 just happened to get very sick in Santiago. The weather was so much cooler than in Brazil and with a lack of sleep, I couldn’t handle it anymore. Since the concert in Chile, I was fighting to get better for the last show in Buenos Aires.

I guess there were some angels helping me, because the day before the concert I was sure we would need to cancel the show.

BUT the concert in Buenos Aires was the best ending for the tour I could have dreamed of. To get a chance to make a concert in my hometown was one thing that I had been waiting for so long.

It felt very special to me to be able to sing, especially in that condition. I got very emotional. What a great thing to remember!

This tour was just an amazing experience for me once again. On my journey through different countries I got to meet lovely Latin American people who gave me so much love, support and hope. I deeply want to thank you all that were there for me. I wish to see you soon again.

My band’s and crew’s support and unconditional care also made me very happy. I love you people!!!!!!! Thank you for making my dream come true.

Day after the last concert, we went with the whole band to the studio to record the song “Enough”. I will sing my parts when I feel better. Anyway, the song sounds already excellent and all the musicians gave their best for the song! You’ll hear it soon 

I guess the record company will announce soon officially everything concerned the song and video. I don’t want to interfere with their work 

Now it is time for me to rest from touring, but I am writing new songs all the time

Europe can wait another “storm” to appear very soon.


With all my love, Tarja


Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 26, 2008, 11:20:43 pm
Amigables con las cámaras
Una vez más, todos los shows incluí­dos en Tarja – Storm Returns to Europe + 2008 fueron declarados “amigables con las cámaras”, lo que significa que pueden traer su cámara fotográfica y sacar cuantas fotos deseen. Esto es así­ con la excepción de los recitales en festivales, en los que deberán consultar con la organización del festival sobre su polí­tica respecto de las cámaras dado que no podemos exceder las regulaciones estipuladas por ellos.
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 30, 2008, 11:32:03 pm
Paquetes V.I.P
Ya están disponibles los paquetes V.I.P para las siguientes fechas de Tarja – Storm Returns to Europe + 2008:
30/10/2008  Tel Aviv, Israel
2/11/2008 Kiev, Ukraine
Los paquetes V.I.P. Son limitados.

Cada paquete incluirá un regalo sorpresa y una cena con Tarja.

Las reservas serán aceptadas en base al orden de llegada.

Para pre reservar y recibir más información, por favor enviar un correo electrónico con tu nombre completo e información de contacto a:
Mas paquetes vip dispobibles en breve

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 04, 2008, 11:29:00 pm
Storm returns to Europe 2008

18/10/2008 OKTOBERHALLEN BELGIUM WIEZE Metal Female Voices Festival     
6/11/08 B1 CLUB MOSCOW RUSSIA     
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 05, 2008, 08:42:01 pm
Tarja con sus fans (

2 (

3 (

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 05, 2008, 08:47:59 pm
Y sigue!!

4 (

5 (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 11, 2008, 04:59:14 pm
Before returning back to Finland, I was in the studio in Buenos Aires recording the song “Enough” and two other songs.

Singing “Enough” was fun for me, because I had already sang the song many times on tour. Still the recording process is very different than singing live.

It was very hard to reach the same feeling in the studio that I had during the shows, because I didn’t have the screaming, lovely and supporting audience anymore in front of me 

Anyway, I really like how the song kicks ass! My voice sounds again pretty different than before and even for me it is interesting to realize how I am more free with my singing every day.

One other song that I recorded is the gorgeous “Wisdom of Wind”.

There is a story about this particular song that I would like to share with you. Some time ago I was invited by composers Jeff Rona and Lisa Gerrard to sing their song for Peking’s 2008 Olympic Regatta, but due to tight schedules, I was not able to record it in time. I liked the song so much that I wanted still to use it for my own album. So I recorded it now. It is a wonderful, moody song with symphonic orchestra. I hope you’ll like it.

It is an honour for me to sing a song from Jeff and Lisa!

Also I recorded a duet for Doro’s 25th anniversary album. It is a beautiful ballad. I hope she likes what I did! Hehe. Sometimes I get a bit too productive with my vocals…but it’s fun. I am looking forward to present the song with her in her concert in Dí¼sseldorf later this year. I was very happy to receive an invitation to the show, which must be very important to Doro and to her great, long career in music.

I was having good time with my fans in the “press conference” we did together in Buenos Aires. I had already done few signing sessions in Buenos Aires earlier so this time I wanted to do something different with my fans.

The mood was cool during the conference and in the end the people didn’t ask me too many questions, even though I was prepared to answer for much more! And I did some signing and photos after the conference.

There are not so many days left before my next European tour starts. Time is flying! I am really anxious to perform again in Metal Female Voices Festival and in many countries that I have never been before. Not even as a tourist! For example countries like Israel, Luxemburg, Bulgaria, Serbia, Ukraine and Belarus.

Funny today an Israeli journalist mentioned during his interview that rumours were that I have been afraid to go to Israel to perform in the past…

I could only laugh to that rumour   

After receiving several invitations to perform in Israel, luckily, this time was possible to arrange it! And I am going to spend even some days off there with my band and crew. That’s how scared we are   

So people, if I should have one drop per each wrong and malicious information spread about me, I wouldn’t need to go that far to dive…

Facts speak stronger than words.

I am really looking forward to get to know my fans in those countries. Thank you for making this tour to happen.

So, my Winter Storm, be prepared! I’ll come to sing for you soon in Europe (and Israel)!

With love, Tarja
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 18, 2008, 10:32:25 pm
Banda de la gira Storm Returns to Europe + 2008
Nos complace anunciar a la banda que acompañará a Tarja en la gira Europea durante Octubre y Noviembre:

Tarja Turunen Voz
Mike Terrana Baterí­a (Masterplan, Savage Circus, ex Rage, ex Malmsteen)
Maria Ilmoniemi Teclados
Oliver Holzwarth Bajo (Blind Guardian, ex Sieges Even)
Alex Scholpp Guitarra (ex Farmer Boys)
Max Lilja Cello (Hevein, ex Apocalyptica) 

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 18, 2008, 10:34:08 pm
Disco de Oro
A punto de comenzar la gira, y de visitar Rusia una vez más, Tarja recibió el premio por Disco de Oro por las ventas en ese territorio.

Gracias a los fans y felicitaciones a Universal Music Rusia y a Tarja
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 18, 2008, 10:36:17 pm
Debido a que se han AGOTADO las entradas para el UNIVERSIADA SPORTS HALL en Sofí­a, Bulgaria, para el próximo 28 de Octubre, el concierto ha cambiado de locación y se realizará en FESTIVALNA HALL en Sofí­a, el mismo dí­a.
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Octubre 23, 2008, 11:34:22 pm
Ex-NIGHTWISH vocalist Tarja Turunen's webmaster has issued the following announcement:

"The first five fans that send a tattoo photo and the first five fans that named their kid Tarja and send the photo will receive a phone call from Tarja!

Check more information in the new sections of, Tattoos and Little Tarjas.

Have fun and good luck! We will all enjoy the photos for sure!"

As previously reported, Bulgaria's is reporting that the upcoming concert from former NIGHTWISH singer, TARJA TURUNEN, noted a specific record in sales of tickets.

All seats in the Universiada Hall completely sold out. Therefore, organizers arranged that the show be moved to a hall with almost twice the capacity, "Festival".

All purchased tickets for the concert will be valid for the new hall.

Turunen recently confirmed her complete band line-up for her upcoming European tour. Joining her are the following musicians: Mike Terrana - drums (MASTERPLAN, ex-RAGE), Maria Ilmoniemi - keyboards, Oliver Holzwarth - bass (BLIND GUARDIAN, ex-SIEGES EVEN), Alex Scholpp - guitars (ex-FARMER BOYS), Max Lilja - cello (HEVEIN, ex-APOCALYPTICA).

Turunen recently updated her tour schedule which is now as follows:

18 - Oktoberhallen - Wieze, Belgium (Metal Female Voices Fest)
19 - Rockhal Club - Esch sur Alzette, Luxembourg
21 - Hala Folimanka - Prague, Czech Republic
22 - Bonver Arena (Hala Tatran) - Ostrava, Czech Republic
24 - Incheba Expo Arena - Bratislava, Slovakia
25 - Cassosport Hall - Kosice, Slovakia
27 - SKC - Belgrade, Serbia
28 - Festival - Sofia, Bulgaria
31 - Exhibition Grounds Hall - Tel Aviv, Israel

3 - CKM Nau - Kiev, Ukraine
4 - Sport Palace - Minsk, Belarus
6 - B1 Club - Moscow, Russia
8 - MTL Arena - Samara, Russia
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Octubre 23, 2008, 11:37:23 pm
Paula Febbe of TV Rock's "Rock de Batom" conducted an interview with former NIGHTWISH singer Tarja Turunen in August 2008 at the Sí£o Paulo, Brazil stop of Turunen's South American tour. Watch the four-and-a-half-minute chat below.

On the subject of her current touring lineup, Tarja said, "Alex Scholpp (FARMER BOYS), who played guitar on my record and on the two European tours, couldn't come to South America, so I was having Kiko Loureiro. You know, all these musicians that are playing with me are session musicians, so I have to give them time to do their own business with their own bands... Now in Europe there will be Oliver Holzwarth from BLIND GUARDIAN playing the bass instead of Doug Wimbish, who is touring with LIVING COLOUR. The rest of the band will be the same — Alex will be again on guitar, Mike Terrana (ex-RAGE) on drums, Maria Ilmoniemi on keyboards and Max Lilja (ex-APOCALYPTICA) on cello."

Asked if she is going to record her next album with the same musicians, Tarja replied, "Yes, but you know, when I'm writing songs or selecting material, it's always up to the feeling I have about what kind of musicians I'm going to work on each song. I have very different kinds of songs — there are these film-music-type of songs, and then metal, metal, metal, ha-ha! These are differend kinds of styles, so not every musician can play both types of music. The musician has to be an open-minded person. Doug Wimbish, for example, is a great man for this job, because he can play various music styles. However, I can't tell you for sure which musicians are going to be part of my next album, because it depends a lot on the songs."

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Octubre 23, 2008, 11:39:29 pm
Fan-filmed video footage of former NIGHTWISH singer Tarja Turunen performing at the Metal Female Voices Fest on October 18, 2008 in Wieze, Belgium can be viewed below (clips uploaded by YouTube user "Filmpje114").

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 28, 2008, 11:21:14 pm
26 de octubre!!

Tour has been a wonderful success so far. Everything has worked out fine and the band sounds very tight.

I think tighter than ever before. The band and crewmembers is a well-synchronised machine and as a good team, small changes we might have are not affecting the general balance.

Is a great achievement to have a group of people that can truly smile on stage (without acting it) while performing 

We are all having fun on stage and off stage!

As you might know, I have a new bass player with me on this tour, Oliver. We are happy to have him on board with us. I guess the lucky stars are still following me, because I’ve had so much luck to have these kind of great and supporting people to work with me.

Everything started in Belgium where it was an honour to headline the Metal Female Voices Festival. There were many people coming to tell me after the show that they’ve enjoyed my concert very much. It was nice to hear that. Even though it was the beginning of this tour, everything seemed to happen as wished

We already left behind Luxemburg, two shows in Czech and two shows in Slovakia.

It’s very nice to feel that as eastern as we travel, people show their feelings towards the artists more openly :) That’s just amazing. It reminds us a lot from the South American tour we recently did.

From the next seven cities we will perform, I only have the pleasure to know one, Moscow. So I’m heading to new places where it feels incredible good to be able to explore them.

Tomorrow we will perform for the first time in Belgrade, Serbia. And the show has been Sold Out for few days already

See you soon!


With love, Tarja

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 01, 2008, 10:37:39 pm
Grammy awards 2009 Schiller & Tarja
Acabamos de enterarnos de que SCHILLER ha sido pre nominado en cuatro categorí­as diferentes para los PREMIOS GRAMMY 2009, entre las que se incluye

Tired of being alone | Schiller con Tarja Turunen

La canción apareció por primera vez en el álbum TAG UND NACHIT y en su versión internacional, Night and Day. Tired of being alone ha sido incluido en la versión internacional del nuevo álbum de Schiller SEHNSUCHT / Desire.

Las nominaciones finales en todas las categorí­as serán anunciadas el 4 de Diciembre de 2008 en Staples Center, Los Angeles, California.

Felicitaciones a Schiller y Tarja, y mantendremos los dedos cruzados!

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 01, 2008, 10:45:42 pm

Gira Tormenta Regresa a las Amíéricas 2009 anunciada
La pre-venta por Internet comienza el Jueves 30 de Octubre y la venta al público un mes despuíés.
Fans Canadienses y Americanos... Allá vamos!
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 04, 2008, 09:47:35 pm
Enough @ Luxembourg (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Noviembre 07, 2008, 04:55:18 pm
October 21, 2008 Incheba Arena in Prague, Czech Republic
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Noviembre 07, 2008, 05:00:40 pm
Following on from her debut album, "My Winter Storm" album, former NIGHTWISH singer supreme Tarja Turunen will release a new 11-track EP on December 1 via Spinefarm Records UK. Titled "The Seer" and featuring a duet with former WARLOCK frontwoman Doro Pesch, the record will come as a limited-edition digipack, and will be available in the UK only.

The full tracklisting is as follows:

01. The Seer (originally a bonus cut on the UK version of "My Winter Storm", this magnificently melodic outing has now been reworked as a duet with Doro)

02. Lost Northern Star - Lost Northern Pain Remix (A full-blooded remix of another "My Winter Storm" track delivered by the PAIN/HYPOCRISY mainman Peter Tí¤gtren. Previously available on a promo CD only.)

03. The Reign – Score Mix (alternate version of the "My Winter Storm" track)

04. Die Alive (different version of the second single/video from "My Winter Storm")

05. Boy And The Ghost (alternate mix of the "My Winter Storm" track)

06. Calling Grace (full, unedited version of the "My Winter Storm" outing)

07. Lost Northern Star - Ambience Sub Low Mix

08. Damned And Divine (live in Finland)

09. You Would Have Loved This (track from Tarja's 2006 album "Henkays Ikuisuudesta", recorded live in Finland)

10. Our Great Divide (live in Finland)

11. Ciaran's Well (live in Finland)
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 11, 2008, 01:16:41 am
Tour was awesome!!!!!!!!!!!


It is hard to think that next shows with the band will happen only in May 2009 

It is a long time to wait, but I guess the time will run fast as it has done so in the last years.

Anyway I have many activities that will keep me very busy starting right now. I will tell you about it in the next posts.

Let me tell you what happened during the last weeks of the tour.

I got a big surprise from Bulgaria. There were around 5000 people in the audience in my show in Sofia! Absolutely amazing considering it was my first time ever to visit Bulgaria! WOW. People were so kind to us there. I will never forget that spirit and feeling.

I was also very happy to visit Israel. Jerusalem was exciting and interesting. We had a good guide there with us, the local promoter who knew amazing stories and a lot about the history of Israel. You should always consider using a guide while visiting Jerusalem. There almost every stone has a story to tell. The concert was nice and people were happy to receive us there.

A couple of hours after the show the whole band and crew travelled to Eilat and spent the whole day in a yacht on the Red Sea. Many of us went to dive, some of us for the first time ever, like Mike and Oliver

It was a great great day for everybody and the best way to relax during the tour. Sun gave us a lot of new energy to keep on going with the tour. 

After Israel we travelled to Kiev and to Minsk. Both places were new for me as well and I felt that I had just enough time to see a glimpse of the beauty of these great, big cities. I received many beautiful presents and greetings from my fans in Ukraine and Belarus.

It was just great to get to know many of them personally. I hope to be able to return one day.

The same day we arrived to Moscow, I already had a pleasure to meet my Russian fans in a meet & greet.  There were people that I knew from years back, but also many new people to greet. My youngest fan was only 4 years old and she loved to sit on my lap all the time! It was so funny. I guess the concert in Moscow was again one of the best gigs on the tour. I felt really relaxed, since I saw many familiar faces in the audience.
And again, I received hundreds of beautiful flowers! It was so big pity not to be able the travel with them…well I hope the hotel staff took really good care of them.

After Moscow’s show we had the pleasure to experience Moscow’s Metro. Since the traffic in Moscow is a bit chaotic, we needed to literally run underground just not to lose our train, which was going to Samara, our next destination. All band, crew and local people in charge needed to run like crazy to reach the main train station.

It was not very fun even the smiles for the camera! In the end we made just 3’ before the departure. What is not that bad 

The train was very cosy indeed. Really nice service and comfortable beds to sleep over night. The trip took 16 hours, but everybody slept well. We woke up in the chilly Samara and had the last show in a nice venue. It was a great ending for the tour, even though everybody agreed that they would have wanted to continue still with the tour a bit longer. Everything worked so well this time, better than ever before

I am sure there will be more fun to come in the future for us all.  Thank you for you all for making this tour again to happen. I love you my winter storm!


With love, Tarja



Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 15, 2008, 02:03:38 am
The Seer" EP Edición Limitada, un aperitivo previo al próximo lanzamiento de la Edición Especial Extendida de dos discos de My Winter Storm.
"The Seer" Ep en Digipack y LP pronto estarán disponibles exclusivamente en UK y en la tienda oficial en linea de Tarja (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 19, 2008, 11:47:31 pm
The Seer (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Noviembre 21, 2008, 06:22:09 pm

Tarja Turunen (ex-Nightwish) just finished her European tour and yesterday she performed in a church in Kuusankoski, Finland. She will also perform in two different churches next week where she sings Christmas songs. Her previous concert held in Kuusankoski was a very good experience.

"The atmosphere was amazing and it was lovely to see people leaving the church with a smile on their faces", Tarja told to finnish Viihdeuutiset.

According to Tarja, she has a very talented group of people playing with her on these church concerts.

"I am performing with Kalevi Kiviniemi, Marzi Nyman and Markku Krohn. I love performing with them cause I know the talent they all have. We have a very nice line-up on these church concerts".

Tarja has been very busy and she hasn't been able rest much. This is also the reason why she hasn't payed much attention to Nightwish's sad incident during their tour in Brazil when their current vocalist Anette Olzon left the stage in the middle of the show. Tuomas Holopainen had commented the incident saying that Anette simply lost it cause audience was showing her their middlefinger and screaming Tarja's name.

"It is impossible for me to comment this any further since I wasn't there. I simply don't know what happened for real.", Tarja said.

How can a performer brace herself to situations like these?

"Difficult to say. Every situation is different and there is no one way to brace every situation."

People still yell your name on Nightwish shows and it seems old fans have followed you. How does this make you feel?

"First of all I never accept any aggressive behaviour towards anyone. Of course it warms my heart that there are old fans who have followed me. I have gained lots of new audience also through these church concerts. Although there were some young girls all dressed in black in the Kuusankoski church too. It felt great also!"
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 21, 2008, 10:58:52 pm
My Winter Storm" re-release, including many new songs and extra features

During her matchless career Tarja succeeded in combining two seemingly incompatible styles of music: Metal and opera. She proved successfully that these two can unite magically and turn into something entirely new. Not only did the soprano create the perfect mixture, but she was also instrumental in developing a new music style, which had a major impact on the rock and metal scene.

Against this background, it is not surprising how smoothly Tarja continued her success with her first solo album "My Winter Storm", which was released in Germany on 9th November 2007 and climbed straight to number 3 in the album charts. Her first single "I Walk Alone" (released 26th October 2007) received its TV premiere at an amazingly memorable event: The final boxing match of Germany’s multiple champion Regina Halmich included Tarja presenting her brand new single to millions of enthusiastic viewers.

By now, Tarja has received a great number of sales awards for "My Winter Storm", such as a platinum award in Finland and golden awards in Hungary, Czech Republic and Russia. With her band she played more than 50 shows in 29 countries on 3 continents. Many were territories Tarja has ever played before in her career including some sold out shows and overwhelming reception in America and Eastern Europe for audiences over 5000 people.

And Tarja’s story of success continues in 2008. At the beginning of the year she was nominated for two major awards: At the Finnish "Emma Awards" – the Finnish analogue to the Oscar Awards – she was nominated for "Best Finnish Female Artist". Around the same time she was put forward to receive the German "ECHO" in the category "Most Successful Newcomer 2007", award given in previous years to artists like James Blunt, Katie Melua, Avril Lavigne, Alicia Keys and Anastacia.

Her first song co-written with the German artist "Schiller", "Tired Of Being Alone" was even prenominated for the American "Grammy Award".

And there is an opportunity of seeing Tarja live before the end of this year. She will play two exclusive Christmas concerts with Kalevi Kiviniemi, Marzi Nyman and Markku Krohn at churches in Helsinki and Tampere on 28th and 29th November.

After those concerts Tarja will give a very special guest performance: German rock legend Doro Pesch invited Tarja to play at her 25th anniversary gig in Dí¼sseldorf on December 13th.

Subsequent to this, Tarja will start recording her new studio album. To ease waiting, fans can look forward to a very special release: Tarja’s album "My Winter Storm" will be re-released on 2nd January 2009.

This double CD Extended Special Edition is packed with 32 tracks, including the CD "My Winter Storm" with the addition of the song “The Seer” in its original version. The Bonus Disc present several new tracks, remixes and live recordings.

Among them, the brand new song “Enough” and "The Seer", this time featuring a duet with German Rock Star Doro Pesch. Both tracks were mixed at Resonate Recording Studios by Toby Wright (Slayer, Korn, Kiss, Alice in Chains).

Also included the unreleased track "Wisdom Of Wind" composed by Jeff Rona and Lisa Gerrard and featuring the Beijing Philharmonic with Qingdao Symphony Orchestra recorded in China.

The 2 CD set is available as a Digipack Deluxe Edition including an exclusive poster, new album cover and enhanced booklet containing new photos. With this release, the scope of an extraordinary singer with an outstanding voice is to be revealed yet again.

A must for die hard fans, but also for those who are approaching Tarja’s music for the first time.

As an appetizer of “My Winter Storm” Special Extended Edition, a limited edition collectors item 11-track EP “The Seer” will also be released on December 1st in the UK only and available through web shop.

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 25, 2008, 11:02:04 pm
Winter Storm Official Fan Club
Debido a los muchos pedidos que recibimos por parte de gente de todo el mundo para oficializar sus clubes de fans o por sus deseos de crear uno en sus paí­ses, Tarja decidió crear un Club de Fans Oficial Internacional.

El Club se llama Winter Storm Official Fan Club y el plan es tener Clubes de Fans separados en cada paí­s que organicen sus propias actividades. Adicionalmente, habrá una organización central que supervise y cordine todas las ramas internacionales.

Para llevar a cabo este proyecto necesitamos su ayuda. Queremos pedir a todos aquellos que tengan un Club de Fans en su paí­s o estíé pensando en crear uno que nos contacten a

El criterio para cada Club es el siguiente:
Un mero sitio web no es un Club de Fans. Así­ que si ya estás dirigiendo un sitio web, el área del Club de Fans debe estar claramente separada del sitio web y debe ser reconocible como un Club de Fans por tener una plataforma para la comunicación exclusiva de los miembros, tal vez un foro o un blog; algo que permita a los miembros comunicarse entre ellos, organizar encuentros, etc
Deberá tener un área de novedades donde se informará sobre noticias que conciernen al club, como encuentros, nuevos concursos, merchandising, etc.

Deberá tener un área de miembros con información como cantidad de miembros, nuevos miembros, tal vez tambiíén nombres/nicks, una foto y un corto texto introductorio sobre cada uno de los miembros.

La sección de novedades y la de miembros del Club deben ser bilingí¼es, con una versión en Inglíés disponible, además del idioma nativo, para que podamos leerlas.
Así­, si están a punto de crear un Club de Fans en sus respectivos paí­ses, por favor tengan en cuenta estos criterios desde el comienzo. Los Clubes de Fans que ya existan deberán hacer modificaciones para que su Club responda a estas normalizaciones. Cualquier adición posterior a la plataforma del Club de Fans dependerá de ustedes.

Si hay más de un Club de Fans en un paí­s, les pedimos que se pongan en contacto y fundan sus Clubs en uno.
Despuíés de reconocer el Club de Fans, habrá 6 meses de prueba antes de que oficialicemos al respectivo Club. Esto es principalmente para ver si el Club se mantiene activo y trabajando en un perí­odo largo de tiempo y tambiíén si los respectivos presidentes están realmente involucrados en lo que están haciendo.
Como se mencionó anteriormente, cada Club debe organizarse a sí­ mismo y mantenerse en funcionamiento; la organización central no hará esto por los Clubes.

En cuanto un Club se vuelve oficial, será integrado al Winter Storm Offical Fan Club y tambiíén tendrá el mismo nombre, por ejemplo ”Winter Storm Italia”, ”Winter Storm Argentina”, etc.

Los sitios web enlazados a un determinado club de fans pueden mantener sus nombres y dominios.

Queremos enfatizar que al ser un miembro de uno de los Clubes Oficiales no significa que automáticamente tendrán la oportunidad de conocer a Tarja. Sin embargo, habrá muchos puntos a favor, como merchandising especial, concursos, promoción en sus respectivos paí­ses, etc. La organización central mantendrá a los Clubes informados acerca de todas las novedades y actividades.

Si tienen alguna idea para contribuir con la organización del Club de Fans, quisiíéramos escucharla.


Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 26, 2008, 11:19:25 pm
En casa!!

thought it would be a good thing to let you know about my future plans.

I have been concentrating in the last touches of My Winter Storm Special Extended Edition.

A couple of days ago we finished the mixing of the song “Wisdom of Wind” in Helsinki with Jetro.

The song sounds really nice and relaxing now.

It still has a Chinese mood being a song specially composed by Jeff and Lisa for the Beijing Olympics Regatta. Unfortunately their invitation for me to record the song at that time came too late :( 

But I am happy that I can use the song now in my own album and to have this great opportunity to do collaboration with Lisa and Jeff.

Also today I received ambient sounds that Mel created for the song “Enough”.  I was blown away again. The man is so good in creating atmospheres and adding a touch of quality!

Is very challenging for me to do two songs that are so radically different for this special version of the album. I did enjoy a lot with both. And is a great training to start preparing the new album…

At the moment Maria is visiting us here in Kuusankoski. We were writing a song together, but also we had time to have fun with the snow. Finland received a lot of snow in the last days, so we needed to get out and enjoy a bit of it


In few days I will have two Xmas concerts in Helsinki and Tampere and immediately after I will be travelling to Sweden to meet my old composer friends. We are going to work together some days in composing new songs for the forthcoming album of mine.

After Sweden, I’ll be in Germany continuing the same work with Alex and I will visit Doro at her Anniversary concert!

When this is all over, it will be time to have finally a little rest together with my family and enjoy a lovely Christmas time.

I just happen to be very delighted of an offer I received some time ago from a Polish film company to score 3 movies!  It will be a trilogy. We are discussing about the co-operation now and I hope you’ll be able to hear the very first soundtrack of mine soon…

In the beginning of next year, I’ll be travelling around the globe finishing the songs for my new album and the pre-production should start (if everything goes fine) already in February.

So not long from now we will be having a NEW album in our hands!!!!!!!!!!!!

As done before, I’ll be sending you information how the album recordings are progressing and with whom I’ll be working this time 

By the way, the album title has been already decided and once again it is the starting point for the stories in the songs.

Anyway, you will need to wait a bit longer to hear the name 

I wish you relaxing holidays, merry Christmas and great New Year with lots of love and happiness.



Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 27, 2008, 11:20:06 pm
Concurso de Tatuajes
Nos complace anunciar a los ganadores del concurso de tatuajes. Recibirán una llamada de Tarja!
Los ganadores fueron seleccionados en el orden en el que nos contactaron:
Frances Newton
Liziane Valgoi Spinelli
Priscila de Oliveira Barbosa
George Sofos
Yerko Gerardo Perez Gonzalez
A todos, felicitaciones! Y muchí­simas gracias a todos los fans que enviaron fotografí­as de sus tatuajes. Como prometimos, sus fotografí­as serán agregadas a la sección de Tatuajes de
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Diciembre 09, 2008, 09:22:46 pm
Tarja turunen & Doro pesch - The Seer
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 09, 2008, 11:30:21 pm
You would have loved this (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Diciembre 19, 2008, 01:09:44 pm
Tarja Turunen Interview for WOW - Chile 2008 1/2

Tarja Turunen Interview for WOW - Chile 2008 2/2
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Diciembre 19, 2008, 01:10:25 pm
Tarja Turunen interview for CMTV - Argentina 2008

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Diciembre 19, 2008, 01:11:19 pm
Walking with the angels - Doro and Tarja Turunen
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 19, 2008, 06:34:59 pm
El encuentro de Tarja con sus fans esta colgado aquí­!!!,115.140.html (,115.140.html)

Post nº 151 y 152!!!
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 19, 2008, 06:43:17 pm
Tarja y Doro - The Seer (live, audio) (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Diciembre 29, 2008, 01:11:58 pm
Ave Maria
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 29, 2008, 11:25:20 pm
 :014: :014: :014: :014: :014: :014: :014: :014:
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 25, 2009, 08:49:53 pm
My friends,

Happy 2009!

In the last months I’ve been writing a lot of music for my new album.

It has been a pleasure for me to work with great talents like Kiko, Michelle, Mattias, Anders, Torsten, Angela, Adrian, Alex, Eric, Alex, Chisu, Johan, Harry, Hanne, Martin and Bart.

Song writing is always an amazing learning experience and it has been a pleasure to discus music with different people.

The album process is still going on and I have more songs that are in the working. It is sounding very promising. The songs are absolutely more mature, wild, and emotional and they sound more me, if I can say so 

The biggest difference in preparing this new album is that I will be taking the time that I need until the songs are in a shape that I am happy with. No matter how long it takes. I want it to be perfect for me. No hurry; no pressure.

I promise to tell you more about the songs later.

I am already thinking about doing some special concerts during this year beside the ones with my own band. So I hope I can tell more about them too soon.

Today I decided the set list for USA & Canada. You can expect also many changes and surprises for the South American shows in Mexico, Venezuela and Argentina. Looking forward to be on stage again!!!!

With My Winter Storm I chose the name of the album in the early stages and that helped me to create the concept for the album.

With the new album I decided to do it the same way, so I searched for an inspiring title and all the songs are one way or another related to it.

So I leave you now with the working title of my new album:

“What Lies Beneath”

With love, Tarja

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Enero 25, 2009, 11:42:43 pm
"What Lies Beneath”...interesante...suena bastante mas agresivo, por asi decirlo, q my winter storm jiji
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 10, 2009, 11:52:47 pm
Tarja – Simple Digital "Enough" - será lanzado el 23 de Febrero de 2009 solo en el Reino Unido
Luego del reciente lanzamiento del EP “The Seer”, sólo en el Reino Unido, Spinefarm Records UK dará a conocer un nuevo simple digital de Tarja, que estará disponible para descargar desde el 23 de Febrero.

El simple está compuesto por el tema “Enough” y por el b-side “Widsom of Wind”. Ambas canciones son nuevas grabaciones que han sido incluidas recientemente en la Edición Especial Extendida de “My Winter Storm”, editada en unos pocos territorios seleccionados.

“Enough” fue mezclada en Resonate Recording Studios por Toby Wright (Slayer, Korn, Kiss, Alice in Chains, In Flames). El tema iníédito “Widsom of Wind” fue compuesto por Jeff Rona y Lisa Gerrard y cuenta con la Filarmónica de Beijing y la Orquesta Sinfónica de Qingdao, grabado en China.
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 10, 2009, 11:56:39 pm
MAY 1st 2009 LE MEDLEY CANADA MONTREAL Gillett Entertainment Group
MAY 2nd 2009 OPERA HOUSE CANADA TORONTO Inertia Entertainment
MAY 4th 2009 HOUSE OF BLUES USA CHICAGO House of Blues
MAY 7th 2009

Summer Storm 2009


Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 26, 2009, 11:42:26 pm
La venganza se sirve frí­a........

Enough (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 27, 2009, 11:30:42 pm
Wisdom oh Wind (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 27, 2009, 11:39:11 pm
Tarja estatá en el Metalway de Zaragoza!!!
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 01, 2009, 11:07:32 pm
Hi everybody,


I want to thank very much all the “Winter Storm” Fan Clubs around the world for the questions they sent me. I answered in most of the case questions that are not that frequently asked and those that were particularly interesting for me. No preference for any Fan Club in any country  

It was fun replying them and they also gave me the chance to tell you some more news!

Name: Martí­n Vila Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina Question: What captivated you from Argentina for travel around the country?

A country like Argentina has a lot to offer for a traveller. It has an immense amount of things to see and explore, with its captivating nature and interesting history. I have only seen a bit of it though. There are still lot to discover even though I’ve done 3 months travelling already. But the thing is that I don’t only love to travel in Argentina, I love travelling in different cultures and exotic places in general.

Finland´s Lapland is also a must, especially in autumn.

There are millions of places I would love to visit one day. One of my biggest dreams is to take one or two years off and just hit the roads of the world with their wonders. I have already a decent list of countries where I’ve been, but at least a same amount of them is still missing. I don’t like to visit too crowded locations, so tourist areas are normally the ones I avoid the most. So you’ll find me in rainforests, deserts, and savannas and near the never-ending sea.


Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 01, 2009, 11:27:57 pm
Name: Luí­z Páez, Brenda Acevedo Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina Question: What do you usually think when you compose your songs?

Every time I sit down in front of my piano, I like to improvise with the instrument. It depends on my mood of that day what kind of melodies and rhythms I am playing around. Sometimes, even before starting to play I already have a quite clear picture of a song I would like to compose, or at least the sound of it. Sometimes a song can be born in few minutes, if the feeling is right, some other times it can take days. I do always the music before the lyrics. The story or an idea for the lyrics appears during the composing process normally, but some other times I already have a strong idea of the story I would like to sing before any music comes to my mind. So as you can see, it really depends a lot of the circumstances. I just let myself flow free with the melodies and harmonies and then see if I can create something interesting. I am the most critical person in judging what sounds good or bad.

Name: Victoria Orzuza, Martí­n Torres, Paola Bonillas Location: Entre Rí­os (Victoria), Salta (Martí­n), Jujuy (Paola) Question: Is there any chance that you perform a concert somewhere else of Argentina, like Santa fe or Entre Rios, Salta, for those fans that can not go to Bs As?

I definitely would love to do a tour in other cities in Argentina, as much as I would like to play in other countries, like Japan, Portugal, Australia, France, Uk, Costa Rica, Peru just to name some. But it is not enough that I would love to go to perform and it’s not only up to my own interest to get to perform in those places. As an artist, I depend 100 % on the promoters and my record company. I would love to be able to explain to each fan that asks me to visit his/her country or city, the reasons why sometimes the possibility for that to happen is out of my hands.

I can only ask my fans to be patient. There is no place that I wouldn’t like to go to perform my music.

Name: David Pavic Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina Question: At the Concert on September 6th you told us that the song that inspired you to sing was Phantom of the Opera. How was the situation when it happened?

It didn’t actually inspire me to sing, but to start studying classical singing.

I was already at that time studying music and singing pop/soul songs.

I think I was around 14 or 15 years old when I heard the song for the first time from the c-cassette my friend played in his car. I was blown away. I said right at that moment that one day I would be performing this song. I could not understand that someone could sing so high notes without sounding ridiculous! I wanted to learn how to use my voice in classical music so I found a teacher who could teach me privately. That was my first step I took forwards classical singing.

Name: Timmy Location: Berlare, Belgium Question: Tarja, Do you have any idea how much your music means to certain people? Do you realize what kind off feeling you give to some people when they listen your music?

Sometimes it feels a bit scary how much music moves and touches people. But the same happens to me, otherwise I wouldn’t even think doing my music every day. Music keeps me alive; it makes me sad and happy. It means a world to me. Said this, I think I can understand how much my music can mean to some people. Music makes me humble, there is always something to learn in music. The most important thing for me is that music is the emotion. I am only the channel to deliver its message and feelings for listeners.

Name: Lotte Nickname: MyObsessiveDevotion Location: Rotselaar, Belgium Question: Hello, what part of the touring do you like the most? The gigs, traveling,…? And why do you like it the most?

Travelling in different countries has always been my interest, but when it is tied to touring, there is not such a time to see around. Travelling itself makes you really tired, no matter if you do it by air, road or what ever. When I get tired, obviously this leads into the fact that my voice gets tired and I cannot deliver as well as if I have  rested enough. That is the reason why I don’t like singing many gigs on a road, because I want to keep my singing condition as good as possible and that way also my soul rests. It is more important for me to be able to give 100 % performance for my fans instead of making them see and hear that I am bored or tired.

The concerts are of course the reason I go for tours and they are the highlights of it. I love to be a performer; I love to feel my audience and to share my love for music with them. I also enjoy of the company of my band mates. We are like a big, happy family on the road so friendship with them is truly important for me.

“Friends” and “family” are very used and abused words when it comes to describe a group of people and musicians. But still can be truth sometimes.

Nickname: MadguyLocation: Pireus, Greece Question: What’s gooing on with Enough’s video clip?

There was an unfortunate misfortune during the process of the video Enough. The 3D animation designer had a bad car accident and he couldn’t be easily replaced. He is still today recovering and not working full time.

Nobody is to blame, just fate.

That caused a big delay for the original schedule. Just recently, we gave up. The record company has no chances to use the video for promotion any longer, as it should have been accompanied by a song release.

I do believe in signs, so why not to read this one?

I am very sorry to let you know that there won’t be a new video release of my song Enough.

Name: Michael Nickname: Corpsegroom_x Location: Elverdinge, Belgium Question:Hello Tarja, how are you going to handle the new album, what is going to be the most outstanding difference with MyWinterStorm? Many greetings, Michael

At this moment I can say that the process of composing the new album has been radically different than before. I have been growing as a songwriter, learning to express myself better. I got rid of the fear and shame to present my own ideas for people that have been in business a lot longer than me. Through the fact that I am involved in all the songs as a writer, the whole album becomes more personal to me.

We will need to wait until everything is recorded and mixed to hear and see the biggest differences between my first and second album. I was happy with the songs in My Winter Storm, but the outcome of the sound, mainly of guitars, didn’t end up the way I had in mind.

This time, I will be more radical: if a song feels to have distortion, then I will make it that way. On the other hand, if a song feels that should not include any, then it won’t have it at all. Is not my intention to find compromises in the sound I have in my mind. I know what I want and how I like it. The key is to find the right people to help me achieve it. And as I had said not long ago, it will take the time that is need until I am happy with the songs and with the sound.

Name: Michiel Location: Beveren, Belgium Question: Hello Tarja, What are your thoughts about the whole fanclub thing. Do you like the fact that so many fans are willing to help you with it?

It is amazing to see how every day the “Winter Storm” fan club is growing and how many people are already supporting me this way. Last week I was surfing through the different web pages and I was looking at the fan club member´s photos. Damn! It took me so long… I was truly surprised to see how many people are already there. Now we made official the Russian fan club and many others are on the way, as far as I´ve heard. I want to thank you all for doing this.

Name: Maarten Location: Beveren, Belgium Question: Hello, If you had to pick one of your songs to wake up in the morning, which one would it be and why?

Is not really happening that I am listening my own songs in the mornings! While I am enjoining my morning coffee, I am usually listening relaxing music, like some classical pieces or film music.

Name: Fernando Alcayaga Location: Antofagasta, Chile Question: Dear Tarja, we know you have a wonderful voice, but there’s confusion between your fans about how to describe or to categorize your voice; I’d want to know…¿ are you soprano or mezzo-soprano, and what is the vocal range than you have? I will be very happy if you clarify me this doubt. Thank you so much. I love you with all my heart.

This is a very frequently asked question! So here I go again :)

When I started my classical singing lessons at the age of 15, my teacher was teaching me as a soprano. Few years later, in Sibelius Academy my voice found a different register, colours and nuances through different techniques.

I sang a repertoire of a mezzo-soprano for many years and because of that, still today, I have rarely quite low register for a lyrical soprano. Nowadays, I see myself as a light lyrical soprano. Everybody should know that I am not a professional opera singer. I am far away from being that and I have never said I would be alike. I have never specialised myself in Opera. I studied specifically chamber music singing. I have a lot of respect for real Opera singers. Still, my voice is classically trained, but it doesn’t mean that I would be ready to sing a complete opera today. I am still learning every day new things about my instrument and it is very exciting to see the development of it.

Name: Diego Ramirez Location: Santiago, Chile Question:  Could you tell me if you’re planning on making new classical music projects? We will see you again in Chile with your solo career or with another tour as “Scandinavian Night”?

At the moment I have already some classical concerts of different kind being planned for this year. I’ll let you know more about them through my webpage as soon as they get confirmed. With “Noche” I would like to work in the future, but we don’t have anything concrete planned yet. Discussions for a new tour have already begun though, so let’s hope that we can continue with our plans.

Name: Kesshia Location: Bogotí , Colombia Question: If you have kids, you will continue with your career for a long time, or you will dedicate to your kids all your time?… and if is the first… someday would you like make a song about your kids and your life?

I would love to have a family with kids and to become a mother. It would not be nice to loose that chance. Anyway, my life is far away from being a normal life. Having two homes in different countries, travelling because of that and because of our work. If we would have children, our children will need to adapt to that as a normal thing. But being away from home for long periods of times and being prepared for sudden changes.

I won’t leave my love for singing if I have children one day. My kids will travel with mom and dad and I will need to have somebody to take care of them while I am performing!

I am writing songs about my life already, so why not making a song about my children too. Actually I did already compose an instrumental song and I provisionally named it as a “Kid’s song”  

Name: Malonek Location: Brno, Czech Republic Question: What did you think when your heard your voice recorded the first time?

My first real recording session happened when I was around 11 years old. I sang in the studio a song in Finnish language … and yes, it was really strange to hear my singing voice from the tape for the first time! I couldn’t really listen to it so much. I was so embarrassed. It took me several years to get used to listening to my voice. It is purely natural that your voice changes when you grow up, but for me it was unbearable to listen my singing in the early days. I felt I was the worst singer in the world. Well, that criticism I still have today inside of me and I still criticise everything I do as a singer.

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 01, 2009, 11:29:33 pm
[Name: Jana Nickname: Tillhelmina Location: Jablonec nad Nisou, Czech Republic Question:  Dear Tarja, I’d like to ask you what is the hardest song from classical music, you can play the piano? (For example: Chopin - Etude in C minor Op. 10, No.12  or Rachmaninov Preludium cis moll, … etc.)

I have played “Rachmaninov Preludium cis- minor” piano masterpiece when I was studying classical piano in Sibelius Academy.

My piano teacher said many times that if I had practised more, I would have become a good pianist. I didn’t really do so, because I was more interested in singing. When I take now my old piano notes from the library and try to play some of the Chopin Etudes I did play many years ago, I just get mad and pissed. Of course all that talent is gone. Now I just play for fun; I compose with piano and I try to enjoy the instrument in different ways.

Name: Enekli/Terka Location: Krnov, Czech Republic Question:  I´m sure you are sometimes in bad mood and you don´t want to see anyone. Do you often have to dissimulate when you´re talking to your fans?

As I was explaining before, touring can get you really tired if you can’t rest properly. Especially when you are touring through continents and fighting against time differences.

The situation gets out of hands when you get sick and there is no time to recover, but you need to keep on making concerts under pressure to avoid cancellations.

It has happened to me that I needed to perform without really having condition to do so. In those moments the feeling has been awful. At those moments, I preferred to see no one.

Beside that particular situation, I understand that meeting people is part of my profession and that never bothers me.

I am a human being with good days and bad ones as everybody else. But what is very clear: if you see me smiling I am not pretending. And if I don’t feel to see anybody, then I will find the way to be alone.

A lot has been said about known people and their fans. If you are in this profession of mine, you need to be flexible and be ready to meet people that knows you at any time. I have understood that long ago. When I am performing, making promotion for my albums or even when I am just walking in the street and somebody approaches me, is part of the profession I chose. And I am happy that is this way.

The line that I decided to draw to keep my privacy, is my home. When I am inside the doors of my house, that is my private life with my family or friends.

Name: Lili Location: Pont a mousson, France Question: A while ago, you said in an interview that the lyrics of the song “The reign” had been partially inspired by Paulo Coelho’s book, “The Alchemist”. Are there some other books that have been inspiring you during the writing process of “What lies beneath”?

Not really. I am still reading Coelho’s books. I guess I’ve already read most of them. For “What Lies Beneath” the inspiration has been people’s behaviour and feelings, my life, film music and things that have been touching me personally for different reasons.

Nickname: The Temptation Within Me Location: Athens, Greece Question:  Have you ever thought about joining another band?

I feel absolutely free and happy now, as I am on my own.

If there is a band that can make me feel as good, then I don’t see any problem in being a part of it.

Name: Giuliana Lista Nickname: EvolLocation: Milan, Italy Question:  Hi Tarja, I’d like to know if you’ve written the lyrics of Enough yourself. Many people have seen in this song a connection with the “Nightwish drama” , could  you say if there are perhaps any references to that? I understand if you don’t want to answer.

I was writing the lyrics for Enough together with Michelle Leonard. Enough is a song that was inspired by my own life experiences. Things that have been bothering me in my personal life and things that I see happening still today and that are not nice. It’s about my own feelings in certain circumstances. The song is not a direct reference to anything or anyone in particular, but as I said, is about what I feel.

Like with every song that I write, my ultimate goal is that the listener could find a meaning for the song. That it can feel him or her represented in the song. So it’s very fine for me if you can find any sort of connection with anything you want, but that is the way you see the song.

Name: ArinaLocation: Sibiu, Romania Question: Can you name one thing that you are sure not many people (or fans) know about you?

I have arachnophobia.

Name: Julieta Córdoba Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina Question: If you have a child. Where would it be born? …. Argentina or Finland?

Well it is very hard to say now because we don’t have plans for a bigger family yet. But if it happens and where ever it happens it will be a blessing for us. I don’t stress too much about these kinds of things. My home is in Argentina and also in Finland, so our child will hopefully feel the same.

Name: Maryline Location: Naucy, France Question: Will you do an album in finnish or in spannish language?

I have been recording few songs in both languages already, but it would be nice one day to make a complete album whether in Spanish or Finnish…or both.

Name: Maaike Essenstam Location: Ede, the Netherlands Question: When you are preforming on stage what do you prefer the most: a small venue where you can have close contact with the audience or a bigger venue where you can’t see the people who are standing at the end of the hall. And why do you prefer that.

I have been lucky to perform in both circumstances in my career. I can also add that I have been lucky enough to be able to perform for very different kind of audiences as well. What is absolutely a wonderful feeling.

Of course it is very nice to watch the people right in front of me, see their reactions and feel their love. It is great to be able to speak with people and communicate with them when the distance is not that big between us. On the other hand, I also love to perform in big venues where the people can be louder than the band! More people give me the chance to feel freer with my performance, because the situation is not that intimate. So as you can see, I love to perform. No matter the place, the situation or the amount of people in the audience. 

Name: Anne Johnson Nickname: Understand_Me Location: Hopkins, Minnesota USA Question: Do you like singing in Major keys or Minor keys better?

This is a very funny question. Did you know that there are many songs in Major keys that sound still very sad and melancholic? It depends how the song is composed. Not all the Major key songs are sounding happy. And not all the minor key songs are sounding sad either. As you might know already, I prefer to sing songs that are dramatically emotional instead of just being happy tunes.

Name: Leen Nickname: Silver_Wings Location: Betekom, Belgium Question: Hi Tarja, how does it make you feel if you see the same faces over and over again during your gigs. Do you think those people are crazy or maybe something else 

It is wonderful to be able to see people following my career and supporting me. I know already in person many people that have been there for years. I am deeply grateful for them. I sincerely don’t think they are crazy. I guess they enjoy the feeling of belonging to a certain community, travel and have meetings together all over the world. I love to see familiar faces in the audience. It makes me feel comfortable and more secure. 

Name: Emanuel Fernández Location: Salta, Argentina Name: Daniela, Hinojosa Location: Santiago, Chile Name: Manuel Rojas Location: Santiago, Chile Nickname: Child of Bodom Location: Krakow, Poland Name: Roman Location: Kremenchug, Ukraine Name: Ruslan Nickname: Streamer Location: Donetsk, Ukraine Name: Jennifer Muller Location: Bogotí , Colombia Name: Strejcr Location: Strachy, Czech Republic Name: Arsa Languainen Location: St. Petersburg, Russia

I have received several questions asking me about making duets or collaborations with different artists. I decided to answer them all together.

The musicians mentioned were Floor Jansen, Steve Vai, Simone Simons, Sharon Den Adel, Bruce Dickinson, Liv Kristine, Kipelov, Pavarotti, Sarah Brightman, Anette Olzon, Yngwie Malmsteen, Ozzy Osbourne and Apocalyptica. I respect them all. With some, we’ve already been in touch for different reasons. The future might bring some collaboration out of this list.

It would have been an amazing honour to be able to sing a duet with Pavarotti, but unfortunately that opportunity is not going to happen anymore.

I can imagine some of the proposed collaborations a lot of fun and a pleasure. I am very open for collaborations today. I have done already some nice ones that bring only good memories.The most common problem with collaborations is the timing. To combine schedules is usually not easy.

Name: Guillermo OldaniLocation: Santa Fe, Argentina Question: Is going to be edited a DVD of your tours ? If that yes, would be there the concert in Obras? When It could be Available?

My record company doesn’t have any concrete plans for a DVD yet. Myself, I would love to record and film every performance I make, as each concert is special and unique.

In order to do a nice DVD, it really demands a lot of planning. Hopefully we can start those plans soon.

Name: Bernard Nickname: Labyrinth Location: Maldegem, Belgium Question: What do you understand under the Finnish term ‘Sisu’, and do you think the term is applicable to yourself ?Kind regards, Bernard

Sisu is something that we Finns feel lives inside of us when the hard moments of life hit us. When there seems to be a wall against us, the sisu is the one that makes us to go through that wall. Is the last, powerful strength of life. I have needed to use sisu many times in my life so far. My life has not always been like dancing in a bed of roses.

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 04, 2009, 11:25:04 pm
Metal From Finland 
La página finesa anunció los resultados de los votos de la gente para los premios de 2008.

Tarja fue votada segunda en la categorí­a Mejor Banda y segunda en la categorí­a Mejor Vocalista Finesa.Felicitaciones a la Banda de Tarja y una mención especial para Marí­a, quien obtuvo el bronce como Mejor Tecladista Finesa!

Despuíés de haber sido votada como Mejor Artista Revelación en 2007, y de que “My Winter Storm” haya sido votado como Mejor Debut Finíés, vemos que Tarja escala posiciones como Mejor Banda y Mejor Vocalista.

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Marzo 07, 2009, 04:40:57 pm
Tarja Turunen has updated her 2009 tour schedule. It is now as follows:

29 - Filmore / Irving Plaza - New York, NY

1 - Le Medley - Montreal, QC
2 - Opera House - Toronto, ON
4 - House Of Blues - Chicago, IL
7 - Regency center / The Grand Ballroom - San Francisco, CA
8 - House Of Blues - Los Angeles, CA
16 - Circo Volador - Mexico City, Mexico
20 - Anfiteatro del Centrol Sambil - Caracas, Venezuela
24 - El Teatro de Flores - Buenos Aires, Argentina
26 - La Trastienda - Buenos Aires, Argentina

18 - Rockperry Festival - Vasa, Finland
24 - Festival Benatska Noc - Mala Skala, Czech Republic
26 - Metalway Festival - Zaragoza, Spain
28 - Gods Of Metal - Milan, Italy
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Marzo 07, 2009, 05:04:59 pm
Respecto a Enough y Wisdom of Wind... la primera me gusta y me ha parecido una letra interesante..en cuanto a la segunda, es una version y ya se sabe q la gran mayoria de las veces uno se keda con la original...

Dejo las letras con sus correspondientes traducciones y lo q significan para mi algunas de sus lineas. es solo mi vision, no tiene pq ser la correcta ;-)


Ego selfish Prima Donna
Dancing in your poisoned cage
Thinking that your conscience's clearer
If you drink your dreams away

Feed your anger to the devil
In your self built wishing well
Take a swim in muddy waters
All the dirt will leave a trail

Had enough
Symphonies of sorrow
the beasts of prey a breath away
Masterpiece of treachery

Build a wall and make me crumble
just because I am in love

Don't you cry now look at all the
Dolls and toys that you have got

Smash the mirror of perversion
with the dagger that you made

mirror, mirror is there someone
who can make your day today

Had enough
Symphonies of sorrow
the beasts of prey a breath away
Masterpiece of treachery

Kept my thoughts buried in a box
with each shot I still kept it locked
you drew a play written with my blood
went ahead just to feed the lot!

Had enough
Symphonies of sorrow
the beasts of prey a breath away

Had enough
Symphonies of agony
the beasts of prey one breath away
Masterpiece of treachery



Ego egoísta Prima Donna (primera cantante, soprano)
bailando en tu jaula envenenada
pensando que tu conciencia está más limpia
si te emborrachas para olvidar tus sueños [todos conocemos la aficion de tuomas por la bebida]

alimenta tu odio para el  diablo
en tu auto-construido pozo de los deseos
ve a nadar en aguas cubiertas de lodo
toda la suciedad dejará un rastro
Tuve suficientes
sinfonías de dolor/pena
Las aves de presa sólo a un respiro
Obra maestra de la traición

Construye un muro  y hazme derrumbarme
sólo porque estoy enamorada [referencia a Marcelo, solo pq se enamoro de el y no de tuomas]
No llores ahora, mira  todos
Los muñecos y juguetes que tienes
[llama muñecos a los demas miembros de la banda?]

destroza el espejo de perversión
con la daga que fabricaste
espejo, espejito, hay alguien
que pueda hacer tu día hoy
(que alegre tu dia)

Mantuve mis pensamientos enterrados en una caja
con cada disparo todavía  la mantuve cerrada ( con llave)

redactaste  una obra escrita con mi sangre [mas claro imposible!!]
seguiste adelante solo para alimentar el lote (a las masas)

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Marzo 07, 2009, 05:07:56 pm
Wisdom of Wind

Versión original de Jeff Rona y cantada por Hila Plitmann:

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Marzo 07, 2009, 05:15:04 pm

Wisdom of Wind

Blue skies, rivers of gold
bring to my heart
the stories of old

I remember the way to begin
Led by all my grace
and a brave hand of peace

The air will lift us
our hearts a gift as we feel the release

The breaking of dawn
I see the wind and the breeze
will carry us home
joining us all in unified love
The sweetness of peace
more precious than gold
the tender compassion
that gives elation as we behold

Break of dawn is coming
with wisdom, wind and breeze

touching on the seas...
so here in our hearts
lay way to our new home
where all will find comfort, blue skies

rivers of gold
sweetness of peace
more precious than gold
the tender compassion
that gives elation as we behold


Cielos Azules, Rí­os de oro
traen a mi corazón
Las historias de la antigí¼edad

Recuerdo la forma de empezar
Conducida por toda mi gracia

Y una valiente mano de paz
El aire nos elevará

Nuestros corazones como regalo, mientras sentimos la liberación (el alivio)
La ruptura del amanecer

Veo el viento y la brisa
Nos llevarán a casa

Uniendonos a todos en amor unificado
La dulzura de la paz
Más preciosa que el oro
La gentil compasión
Que da júbilo mientras observamos

La ruptura del amanecer está llegando
Con sabidurí­a, viento y brisa
Tocándo los oceanos
así­ aquí­ en nuestros corazones
yace/pongamos camino a nuestro nuevo hogar

Donde todos encontraremos comodidad, cielos azules

Rí­os de oro
Dulzura de paz
Más preciosa que el oro
La gentil compasión
Que da júbilo mientras observamos

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 07, 2009, 10:52:51 pm
seguiste adelante solo para alimentar el lote (a las masas)

Lo acusa de volverse comercial??? (no tiene desperdicio la letra=
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Marzo 11, 2009, 01:07:48 am
Lo acusa de volverse comercial??? (no tiene desperdicio la letra=
yo creo q se resume en 2 palabras: expulsión con "Carta abierta"  :023:
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 15, 2009, 11:33:17 pm
En castellano!! ( (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 18, 2009, 10:59:37 pm
MAY 1nd 2009 LE MEDLEY CANADA MONTREAL Gillett Entertainment Group
MAY 2th 2009 OPERA HOUSE CANADA TORONTO Inertia Entertainment
MAY 4th 2009 HOUSE OF BLUES USA CHICAGO House of Blues
MAY 7th 2009

Summer Storm 2009


Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Marzo 19, 2009, 01:39:55 am
muy buenos los videos  :014:
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 20, 2009, 11:28:11 pm
Bandas de Apertura:
La banda Norte Americana  Urn y la  banda Australiana The Eternal  se unirán a Tarja- Tormenta regresa a America Tour 2009 en las siguientes fechas:


Bienvenidos a bordo !

Por favor, chequear los siguientes links para mas información sobre las bandas, sus actuales giras y álbumes :


The Eternal

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 25, 2009, 11:26:49 pm
Amigables con las cámaras
Una vez más, todos los shows incluí­dos en Storm Returns to the America’s Tour 2009 - Tormenta regresa a America Tour 2009 fueron declarados “amigables con las cámaras”, lo que significa que pueden traer su cámara fotográfica y sacar cuantas fotos deseen. Esto es así­ con la excepción de los recitales en festivales, en los que deberán consultar con la organización del festival sobre su polí­tica respecto de las cámaras dado que no podemos exceder las regulaciones estipuladas por ellos.
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 29, 2009, 11:37:53 pm
Banda de la gira Storm Returns to the America’s / Tormenta Regresa a Amíérica
Nos complace anunciar a la banda que acompañará a Tarja en esta gira:
Tarja Turunen Voz
Mike Terrana Baterí­a (Masterplan, Savage Circus, ex Rage, ex Malmsteen)
Maria Ilmoniemi Teclados
Doug Wimbish Bajo (Living Colour, Madonna, Jeff Beck, Rolling Stones)
Alex Scholpp Guitarra (ex Farmer Boys)
Max Lilja Cello (Hevein, ex Apocalyptica)
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 09, 2009, 11:19:05 pm
I hope you all are fine.
It seems that everybody else around me are preparing themselves for the Easter holidays by changing all the colours in their homes yellow   

Well… I found at least one photo I can share with you with some yellow too.


Myself I am totally concentrated in my American tour that is on its way. Rehearsing singing and doing sports every day. It feels great to start the shows again. I truly miss everybody in my band. Just yesterday I was chatting with “uncle Mike” and he told me how much he had been missing my music and me. It was SO nice to hear that. It makes me very emotional.
Just before my tour starts, I am travelling to LA to finish some stuff for my new album. I am going to write music with very nice people over there, so let’s see how everything goes with that.
It is very important that my fans in US, Canada, Mexico, Venezuela and finally Argentina will see me at my best. I am looking forward to be able to meet many of my loyal, trusted fans.
Thank you for making these new shows possible!
I wish you all happy Easter holidays!
With love, Tarja

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 13, 2009, 11:17:08 pm

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Abril 17, 2009, 06:01:01 pm
navegando por youtube...

version dance de i walk alone..

a tarja le da la risa en medio de Lost nothern star  :84:

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 17, 2009, 11:01:49 pm
En quíé pensabas Tarja!!!! :016: :016: :016:
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 23, 2009, 11:58:53 pm
Entrevistas (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 28, 2009, 11:56:07 pm
Entrevista!!! (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 29, 2009, 11:16:51 pm
I was having some fun in L.A. for few days.

Just before the rehearsals for the tour, I went there to write couple of new songs for my album.

Very interesting material was born and I can’t wait for you to get to listen them! You’ll be surprised, I’m pretty sure.

Here is a photo of lovely Bart and me taken in his studio after we finished gathering together all our ideas for a mystical, dark song.

Black Sabbath–Pink Floyd goes Tarja’s way… some weird stuff 

Unfortunately there was no chance to take a photo with Johnny, because I suffered terrible headache on the day when we needed to finalize our song. I needed to stay in bed the whole day away from the light. I am sorry Johnny 

Well, I know we got there another killer song for the next album 

Now all the band and crew, we have been in the Big Apple rehearsing for the shows.  It felt so good to meet everybody again and start the fun. 

 am so happy to meet all my American friends tonight in the first show! 

It is very nice to play with the “original” live line up now. Has been 1 year since that happened last time!

As many of you might know already, there is a health issue problems at the moment especially in Mexico, USA and Canada.

Still Mexico is the worst affected area and is very sad that people are dying because of this flu. Our condolences to all families of the flu victims. We all hope this will end up very soon.

You might also know that I am supposed to have a concert pretty soon in Mexico City.

I want to let all my fans know that as long as the government of Mexico does not cancel the public events, I am heading to Mexico and I’m going to have my show there.

Let’s keep our fingers crossed that the disease gets under control and people can return to their normal life.

As always, I’ll keep you posted on the tour. Let’s rock the “AMERICAS”!

With all my love, Tarja



Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 30, 2009, 11:44:47 pm
Tarja en NY!!! (

Canciones que alcanzo a escuchar en el video:

Boy and the ghost
Lost northern Star
Passion and the opera
The seer
I walk alone
Ciarí n's well
Sing for me
Die alive

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 01, 2009, 11:25:51 pm
Los clubes de fans!!!! (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 02, 2009, 11:55:25 pm
Setlist de Storm in America 2009!!!

Boy & The Ghost
Lost Northern Star
My Little Phoenix
Passion and the Opera
The Seer
Dead Gardens
I Walk Alone
Ciarán's Well
Sing For Me
Minor Heaven
The Reign
Die Alive
Calling Grace
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Mayo 03, 2009, 04:04:23 pm

Más videos del mismo concierto aqui:

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Mayo 03, 2009, 04:08:27 pm
TARJA and PINKY DOODLE POODLE have been confirmed for the Metal Female Voices Fest VII, set to take place October 17, 2009 at Oktoberhallen in Wieze, Belgium.

The festival billing is shaping up as follows:

Saturday, October 17:


Sunday, October 18:


For more information, visit
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Mayo 03, 2009, 04:12:57 pm
( (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Mayo 03, 2009, 04:14:50 pm
( (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 03, 2009, 10:47:12 pm
New York show was very nice beginning for this tour. Thanks to my beautiful American fans. There were also many Latin American people in the audience, so it was really lovely.

I was nervous, but all that vanished bit by bit during the show. I trust my band mates and technicians and they did great again. It is beautiful to feel the support from my band, no matter what happens and when. Nothing strange happened on that night except for few lyrics mistakes or wrong chords here and there, but as always, the first show in a tour has all the elements to make me nervous.

Now after having performed two shows already, everything is getting in the right place, as we all are where we prefer to be: on stage.

After the show in NY, we meet many fans and friends. Among them I met Dirk Rudolph and it was a pleasant surprise. He told me that he had enjoyed my concert a lot. Dirk was doing the artwork for My Winter Storm and I am surely going to work with him again for my next album.

We drove at night to reach Canada!!

Now we are in Toronto, Canada. Yesterday’s show in Montreal was just amazing. People were singing, cheering and having fun. As some of you might know already, I really like the city of Montreal. I’ve been spending even some holidays there some years ago.

Felt good to be back in Canada and perform in the same venue I’ve been singing before. I am also expecting to have a great time tonight in Toronto with my fans and band.

We just finished the sound check in Toronto. We used the chance to rehearse some “old-new” songs that we will add to the set list from Mexico on.

  just hope I can soon get rid of the immense neck pain that I have at the moment, because of the head banging…always after the first shows the neck is on fire 

Let’s keep in touch.

With love, Tarja



Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 07, 2009, 11:12:13 pm
AUGUST 2nd 2009 GLOBAL EAST ROCK FESTIBAL (Open Air) UKRAINE KIEV venue: Sport-complex "Chayka"

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 07, 2009, 11:15:16 pm
Tarja se presentará en el DF para dar su concierto como parte de la actual gira Tormenta regresa a America Tour 2009 el dí­a 16 de Mayo en el Circo Volador como estaba previsto, y los fans Mexicanos pueden esperar algunas sorpresas en el set list.
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 09, 2009, 11:22:44 pm
Han cambiado el orden de los grupos del Metal Way, espero que no le venga mal a nadie. Lo único significativo con Tarja, es que la han puesto por delante de Epica y Amon Amarth, porque lo que deduzco que actuará menos tiempo, al ir en el grupo de los "teloneros", aparte de que ya 100% que actuará sobre las 2 o 3 de la tarde (abren las puertas a las 11). 
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Mayo 11, 2009, 07:08:26 pm
TARJA TURUNEN: Mexico Show To Go Ahead As Planned

The following update has been posted on ex-NIGHTWISH vocalist Tarja Turunen's official website with regards to her upcoming Mexico show. It was in jeopardy due to the recent swine flu (H1N1) outbreak that brought Mexico City to a virtual standstill.

"Starting today, bars, restaurants, cinemas, theatres, beach resorts, stadiums and dives will re-open their doors without capacity restrictions but with an advise to the citizenship to continue using masks.

This decision is based on the determination of the Comitíé Cientí­fico de Vigilancia Sanitaria y Epidemiológica in Mexico City to switch from orange to yellow the sanitary alert level on the human influenza epidemic.

The strategies for the operation of mercantile establishments will be published today in the Gaceta Oficial of DF through two agreements, which will include a 'deep cleansing' before opening as well as the disinfection of establishments bathrooms each hour.


Tarja will perform in DF as part of her current tour Storm returns to the Americas Tour 2009 at Circo Volador on May 16th as it was announced, and Mexican fans can wait for a few surprises in the set list."
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Mayo 11, 2009, 07:09:30 pm

Fotos Montreal, Quebec, Canada on May 1, 2009
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Mayo 11, 2009, 11:05:00 pm
Video tributo a Tarja
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 13, 2009, 11:56:38 pm
set-list del reciente cocierto de Tarja en LA y algunos videos:

Boy & The Ghost
Lost Northern Star
My Little Phoenix
Passion & the Opera
The Seer
Dead Gardens
I Walk Alone
Ciaran’s Well
Sing For Me
Minor Heaven
The Reign
Die Alive
Calling Grace
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Mayo 22, 2009, 12:04:58 am
She Is My Sin -Circo Volador Míéxico D.F. 16.05.09

Sleeping Sun
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Mayo 22, 2009, 12:14:27 am
Entrevista a Tarja Turunen en Globovisión (Venezuela)... canta 'The Reign'

No le encuentro la gracia al tipo ese..:S.. ais q paciencia q tiene tarjita... y luego decimos q las entrevistas de pablo motos son raras xD
Por cierto esto de hable español cunde :D
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 23, 2009, 12:08:48 am
We arrived last night from US.

The tour in US and Canada went really well, without any problems and I truly enjoyed all my concerts there.

Even though I have been in Chicago before, it really felt like the first time. What a beautiful city! This time I had the chance to walk a bit around.

It was nice to meet many of my fans and to get a chance to know them personally a bit better. They seemed to enjoy the shows as much as we did with the band. I wish there will come another opportunity for me to return in the future. Perhaps with my new album.

I remember travelling from Chicago to San Francisco two days in our very comfortable night liner.  3500km! Luckily we had enough food, supplies, working Internet and functioning toilet…it was not too bad after all.

Anyway, it felt great to get a proper shower after all that travelling.

Los Angeles show was a great ending for the North American part of the tour. I got a chance to meet many friends after the show, which is always wonderful. Nice people that will hopefully be a part of WLB and some of them that have already worked with me in MWS.

In the meantime, before travelling to Mexico, I went to Hawaii to relax for couple of days. I just wanted to get under the surface again, so we scuba dived there on one day. We did a wreck dive where I saw a beautiful family of eagle rays swimming right upon us, when we were in 30m deep. There were also quite many turtles and lots of colourful fishes 

Now we are in Mexico DF. I know that many people have doubted whether my show is going to happen or not. I have to tell you that YES it will happen!!!!! I am so excited about it. Anyway, I don’t see the swine flu situation here at all that out of hands that the media has let us think. I guess it is just a big haloooooooo.

In fact, tomorrow I will be doing a signing session.

I am sure that everything will be just fine with the show and we’ll have a great time with my dear Mexican fans!

As I have heard, our concert will be the first one to happen after all the concerts in DF were cancelled and stopped for some time. So let’s show the city what we have 

See you!


With love, Tarja 




Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 24, 2009, 12:01:58 am
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 25, 2009, 11:43:27 pm
el set list de venezuela fue este


Lost Northern Star
The Escape Of The Doll/ My Little Phoenix
She is My Sin (Nightwish Cover)
Damned Vampire & Gothic Divine
Sleeping Sun (Nightwish Cover)
Ite, Missa Est/ I Walk Alone
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Solo de Bateria, Guitarra y Bajo
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Ciaran's Well
Sing For Me
Nemo (Nightwish Cover)
Poison (Alice Cooper Cover)
Wisdom of Wind/Minor Heaven/The Reign
Die Alive
The Seer
The Kinslayer (Nightwish Cover)
Wishmaster (Nightwish Cover)
Outro: Tired of Being Alone (Schiller Theme with Tarja Turunen)
ad finem temporum
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 25, 2009, 11:46:46 pm

Bueno aki les dejo el Set List:

Lost Northern Star
My Little Phoenix
She Is My Sin
Damned & Divine
Sleeping Sun
I Walk Alone
Solo de Mike
Ciaran's Well
Sing For Me
Over The Hills And Far Away
Wisdom Of Wind
Minor Heaven
The Reign
Die Alive
The Seer
The Kinslayer

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 29, 2009, 11:28:22 pm
Creo que no está confirmado todaví­a en su página oficial pero he leí­do que Tarja viene a España en septiembre:

- 27 de septiembre - Madrid - La Riviera
- 26 de septiembre - Barcelona - Salamandra I
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 31, 2009, 11:05:02 pm
My friends, the tour is happily over. But very soon, we will start next shows in Europe.

There is no time really to relax since I have to keep on rehearsing for them. I will go to make a visit at my vocal coach who is most probably going to “kill” me again. Just kidding, she is just magnificent help and amazingly kind lady.

Mexican show was great and it was nice to see the reaction of the audience when they heard the new songs in our set list. I spoke with many fans and they felt that the show was a lot better than my first visit in Mexico.

As always, I learn new things about myself and from my music through my musical journey and it is very rewarding to hear good feedback from my supporters. 

Thank you Mexico! As I said during the show, I hope to see you next time with my new album.
It was also wonderful to make for the first time a show in Venezuela and to see that I have an audience there! I got to meet many fans in the singing session I did in Caracas and the feeling was really overwhelming.

The local promoter got very emotional to see how people were reacting towards me and told me that he had never seen anything like that before. The devotion of the fans was unexpected for him and for some local media. Not for me 

The final challenge was to make 4 shows in Buenos Aires. Everything went fine and I was very happy to be able to finish the tour with these shows here. Especially the last two shows in La Trastienda were great, because the audience was seated and they could follow every little details of our show. For me it was nice to see their expressions closer and to feel their love.
 would like to do similar kind of concerts in other countries, but promoters haven’t realised yet that my fans would like it too.

Muchas gracias Buenos Aires otra vez.

I am sure the band was happy with the tour. Every one of them already flew to different destinations and in couple of weeks we’ll find each other in Budapest where we’ll start rehearsing for the summer shows. Can’t wait to get there!

Next week I will face another challenge when I am performing with local band Rata Blanca in Luna Park stadium. I have to learn few of their songs, which means I am going to sing in Spanish again!!!!! Let’s see how that goes. I am expecting to have a great time with Rata on stage. Was very nice to receive their invitation.

Let’s meet in Europe in few weeks!
With all my love,


Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 31, 2009, 11:18:58 pm
Que foto!!

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 02, 2009, 11:09:11 pm
Tarja - Rata Blanca
Tarja será invitada de la banda Argentina Rata Blanca el Viernes 5 de Junio en el Estadio Luna Park de Buenos Aires.
Tarja y el lí­der de Rata Blanca se encontrarán finalmente en el escenario, luego de muchos años de conocerse.
Pueden esperar altas dósis de Rock and Roll!
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 04, 2009, 10:46:11 pm
Tarja se presentará en “SOI suvessa”, festival de música clásica en Mí¤ntyharju, Finlandia, el 30 de Agosto de 2009 a las 15hs. El concierto de Tarja en la iglesia de Mí¤ntyharju será la atracción principal del festival. Estará acompañada por la pianista Sonja Frí¤ki, la flautista Emilia Kauppinen y el cellista Max Lilja.

Pueden encargar las entradas para el “SOI suvessa festival” llamando al (+ 358) 044 2814381, a travíés del correo electrónico, y una hora antes del concierto en la puerta principal de la iglesia.
Los tickets, además, se venden en Iso-Pappila de Mí¤ntyharju entre el 15 de Junio y el 9 de Agosto
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 06, 2009, 11:14:07 pm

del recital de Rata Blanca....los temas en los que participó Tarja fueron:

Rompe el Hechizo
Child in time (Deep Purple)
Guerrero del arcoiris
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Junio 07, 2009, 04:53:39 pm
Rata y Tarja  :011:

Rompe el Hechizo - En vivo en el Luna Park 5/6/09
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Junio 07, 2009, 05:00:56 pm
Guerrero del arcoiris Rata blanca / Tarja

jaja Adrián, Adrian Veníi  :023:

aki se oye mejor
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Junio 07, 2009, 05:09:25 pm
Child in time (Deep Purple Cover)

Grande Tarja..grande Walter!!  :008:
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 07, 2009, 11:21:13 pm
The show with Rata Blanca in Buenos Aires was a great experience for me personally and artistically.

The band received me warmly and I felt really welcome. It was very nice to work with Walter and Rata and share my love for music with them for a while.

I was excited to be on stage with the band as a part of their important show.

Argentinean audience participated once again in singing and cheering us in a way that is hardly found anywhere else in the world. It was just amazing!

Thank you very much Luna Park and Walter, Adrian, Fernando, Hugo & “Negro” for the friendship.

I wish you a great tour and all the best for the future challenges! Los felicito!

In few days I will be heading to Budapest for the rehearsals of my summer shows.

I am happy to start the tour with my band again. Guitarist Kiko Loureiro will re join us for the summer, so European audience will taste some Brazilian flavour soon 

Is very nice to be able to play some festivals through Europe in this summer season and also make my own shows in between.

As well, there will be some classical music appearances later this year and one more tour for “the storm” in Europe in September-October, which I call “The final storm”.

These shows will be the last ones with “My Winter Storm” album. Delights me to realize that I have been really able to spread my wings with my first album. We have performed in several countries; including many new places in my career. Is a dream come true. 

To finish this year, I will be making a Christmas tour again with Kalevi, Marzi and Markku in Finland in December. We will mostly perform in churches
As you can see, you won’t get rid of me that easily 

With love, Tarja

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 09, 2009, 10:51:00 pm
Banda de la gira Summer Storm 2009
Nos complace anunciar a la banda que acompañará a Tarja en esta gira:
Tarja Turunen Voz
Mike Terrana Baterí­a (Masterplan, Savage Circus, ex Rage, ex Malmsteen)
Maria Ilmoniemi Teclados
Doug Wimbish Bajo (Living Colour, Madonna, Jeff Beck, Rolling Stones)
Kiko Loureiro Guitarra (Angra)
Max Lilja Cello (Hevein, ex Apocalyptica)
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 09, 2009, 10:52:56 pm
Amigables con las cámaras
Una vez más, todos los shows incluí­dos en Summer Storm 2009 Tour fueron declarados “amigables con las cámaras”, lo que significa que pueden traer su cámara fotográfica y sacar cuantas fotos deseen. Esto es así­ con la excepción de los recitales en festivales, en los que deberán consultar con la organización del festival sobre su polí­tica respecto de las cámaras dado que no podemos exceder las regulaciones estipuladas por ellos.
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 14, 2009, 10:41:59 pm
Una noticia triste!!

Malas noticias en el mundo TarjaFan, y para los fans Argentinos especialmente...   ....
Lamentamos informar que en el dí­a de ayer, 10 de junio, falleció Anselmo, el fan de más edad de Tarja.

Anselmo Pierino Guatelli, de 71 años de edad, fuíé seguidor de Tarja desde el año 2000, cuando ella visitó nuestro paí­s por primera vez junto a Nightwish, y desde entonces nunca dejó de seguir su carrera. Muchos de ustedes lo recordarán por protagonizar uno de los momentos más emotivos del recital de La Trastienda del 26/05, al recorrer lentamente el pasillo que lo separaba de Tarja para hacerle entrega de un ramo de rosas rojas durante el tema “Minor Heaven”.

Nuestras más sentidas condolencias para su familia y amigos.

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 14, 2009, 10:43:54 pm
Tarja hablo!

It was very sad indeed to receive the news that Anselmo won´t be waiting for me with a bunch of flowers after my concerts in Buenos Aires, like he used to do.
He delighted me with his presence many times during several years in my career.

But what I know is that Anselmo´s star is shining for us in the sky and he will always be around. Still supporting and loving.

He will stay in my memory and heart.

My deepest condolences and love to his family and friends.


"I'll move on to another place, from my memories unmade. I'll hold on and my heart will find you there. Love will shine free, forever."

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 17, 2009, 11:03:45 pm

Hunter Fest Poland
Hemos recibido una publicidad que sugiere que Tarja se presentará en el Hunter Fest en Polonia. Ese no es el caso y el promotor del festival ha estado publicitando esto y utilizando el nombre y la imagen de Tarja sin nuestro consentimiento. Tarja amarí­a visitar Polonia para dar un show, pero eso deberá esperar.
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Junio 23, 2009, 01:43:15 pm
If you believe nueva canción (Bucharest 22.06.2009) :023:

el piano me ha recordao a evanescence...:S q mal jeje

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 23, 2009, 11:21:04 pm
Este fue el setlist:

My little Phoenix
She is my sin
Damned & Divine
Minor Heaven
I walk alone
Ciaran's Well
Sleeping sun
Lost northern star
If you believe
Sing for me

Die alive
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 23, 2009, 11:24:14 pm
The Kinslayer (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 23, 2009, 11:31:07 pm
Sleeping Sun (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 26, 2009, 11:17:05 pm
The driving distances on this summer tour are really long, but we are safe and sound. We had 4 drivers with us in some parts of the tour!

The first gig went fine, even though there was some excitement in the air during the concert, since it was our first show in Europe after a long time.

Plus, we have some new crewmembers taking care of us.

Many little crazy things happened during the show, but the audience seemed to enjoy our performance a lot and we managed to go through the set.

What doesn’t kill you only makes you stronger. I have believed in this and it has worked pretty well so far in my life. Per aspera ad astra, the wise man said.

It was lovely to return to Budapest. The rehearsals went fine, even though the place where we held the rehearsals was so tiny that we ended up sweating like in a Finnish sauna every day. It was tough for everybody. The lack of oxygen is not good for your mind …and muscles uncle Mike would say.

But the people in the rehearsals studios were so kind and very helpful. I really appreciate their efforts.

The second show finally took us to Bucharest!  And as I was expecting, we really had a lot of fun with my Romanian fans. The reception has been always great in that country, so I was happy to be able to perform the music from My Winter Storm for the first time there. For many of the band members it was the first time ever to visit Vlad Dracul’s land.

The rainy day in Slovakia turned into sun. The venue in Ziar was really nice and cosy and the Slovakian audience was just wonderful for us. Very loud I might say. I got very emotional during the show since I got to see so many excited faces smiling at me. The band was also happy after the show, so we felt even more united. Thanks to the Slovakians.   

We left Germany behind and travelling through Swiss and France we just arrived to Zaragoza, Spain.

With love, Tarja
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 27, 2009, 10:54:59 pm
fue una autentica pasada el concierto de ZGZ.

Tras star en primera fila con mis amigos desde las 11:20 de la mañana y soportando momentos como el concierto de Amon Amarth en el que creiamos que moririamos... salió Tarja!! ^^
Iba con la falda negra nueva y el corsíé rojo, con el micro rojo claro está! jaja habló todo el tiempo en español, nos dio las gracias por haberla esperado tanto tiempo... y SI RECUERDO BIEN cantó:

1. Enough
2. My little Phoenix
3. Wishmaster
4. Ciaran's Well
5. I walk alone
6. Lost Northem Star
7. Poison
8. Nemo
9. Sing for me
10. Over the hills and far away
11. Die Alive
(si stan en mal orden o falta alguna que alguien que haya ido lo modifique xD)

Tuvieron varios problemas con el sonido y con los teclados, asi que a lo mejor el tracklist era más extenso y tuvieron que recortar, pq stuvieron un ratito parados mientras que el bateria nos entretenia.
Se le veia muy emocionada y animada, y el público (x lo menos yo xD) estaba muy entregado!!
Nos hizo varios gestos a cada uno jeje nos señalo, nos mandaba besos, etc.etc...!!
Otra cosa que me sorprendio mucho fuee lo bien que se escucha su voz en directo, incluso mejor que en los videos, grabaciones, etc... se oye hermosaa y potentisimaa!!!
Fue una autentica pasada, la primera vez que veo a Tarjaa en mi vida jeje y estoy muy emocionado, ¿el problema? que me quede con ganas de maaas! jaja pero no pasa nada pq como bien dijo ella al despedirse "nos vemos en septiembre" !! =)!!!

En la tienda vendian el tourbook (que es lo q compramos mis amigos y yo), varios CD's, varias camisetas, posters gigantes, etc.
Fue una pena no llevar más dinero T_T pero bueno, el tourbook no esta nada maal!!
Eso si, para variar los precios eran elevados...
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 27, 2009, 11:00:06 pm
Sing for me (Zaragoza) (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 28, 2009, 11:27:29 pm
Fotos de Zaragoza!! (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 01, 2009, 11:18:29 pm
Visions of Atlantis will share the stage with Tarja Turunen in Vienna on the 22nd of July 2009.The band is looking forward happily to support the finnish opera queen on her tour-stop in Austria".
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Julio 04, 2009, 12:30:43 am

Jorn Lande, Norwegian hard rock singer, has released a coverversion of TARJA TURUNEN´s single I walk alone. The song appears in Lande´s most recent album Spirit Black.

Jorn Lande's strong and diverse voice and solid songwriting skills have now become legendary in the Hard Rock world. In a career spanning over 30 albums releases and as frontman for Millennium, Ark and Masterplan, Jorn was recently featured on spectacular projects such as Tobias Sammet's “Avantasia”, along with stars like Alice Cooper and Eric Singer (KISS), Rudolph Schenker (Scorpions), Bob Catley (Magnum) and in Arjen Lucassen's recent concept album “Ayreon”.


Interviewed In Bucharest


Filmari Tarja la Sala Palatului (22 iunie 2009)

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 06, 2009, 11:25:54 pm
We are now having a little break between the summer shows.

The band members are having their other engagements and I am doing a lot of promotion for the future shows.

I am very happy with the shows we did together so far and I am sure there will be many surprises for us in the near future.

It has been a nice challenge to start the festivals season for the first time in my solo career and the reception has been very good so far.

It was wonderful to visit Spain and Italy for the metal festivals. The audience in both festivals was very hot, as expected 

I also got a chance to meet many wonderful people in those days from such different bands as Blind Guardian, Lacuna Coil, Queensrí¿che, Apocalyptica, Epica, and Twisted Sister. And among them I also met lady Doro Pesch.
The house liked my show that much that we were invited to sing there again in September!  I had quite a few memories from that place already and it was good to return on my own and to see the difference. I was truly happy to receive good feedback from my show.

So, see you next time in Vaasa, FINLAND! I am so excited about my only rock show in my home country. I don’t remember if I have even visited Vaasa before, so it will be great to rock the city and the Finns.


With love, Tarja

 We got to end the first leg of the tour in Pratteln with a sold out concert. Best way to end it !

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Julio 08, 2009, 04:50:46 pm
TARJA_METALWAY - Crónica. viernes 26 de junio.

Cambiábamos de tesitura para ver por primera en nuestro paí­s (aparte de su concierto con temas navideños y acústicos de Barcelona hace año y medio, creo recordar) a la ya a todos los efectos ex cantante de NIGHTWISH. La finesa Tarja Turunen vení­a presentando su reciente "My winter storm" y me encantó ver lo cuidado de su puesta en escena (desde los enormes cuatro telones rojos que daban mucha elegancia al escenario, hasta su vestuario y movimientos, siempre de gusto exquisito), sin olvidarnos de la increí­ble banda que lleva la tí­a en gira: Kiko Loureiro (guitarrista de ANGRA), Mike Terrana (¿acaso necesita presentación?) y Dough Wimbish (bajista de LIVING COLOUR... excelente, por cierto), apoyados por uno de los cellistas de APOCALLYPTICA (que precisamente tocaban despuíés de TARJA) y la teclista Maria Ilmoniemi (aunque hay que reconocer que su teclado mucho, mucho no se oyó). Esto influye a que, quizás en contra de lo que se pudiera pensar, la banda suene mucho más potente en directo que en disco, y además reparte protagonismo entre los conocidos y reputados músicos y la lógica voz y figura predominante de una Tarja que para mí­ resulta mucho más atractiva vocalmente sin abusar tanto de tonos operí­sticos como antaño (aunque para gustos los colores, como se suele decir). Además, me da la impresión de que actualmente en directo se presenta muchí­simo menos endiosada que en los tiempos de NIGHTWISH, incluso siendo totalmente cercana y sencilla, algo impensable entonces, y lógicamente ganándose al público español con su simpatí­a y su ya muy fluido castellano (bueno, más bien argentino, ¿no?)... incluso moviendo los pelos y haciendo cuernos cuando la situación lo requiere, ¡guau!
Me sorprendió de todos modos (y eso que me perdí­ el principio del concierto por la rueda de prensa de MANOWAR que tuvo lugar en backstage justo al comienzo de su show) la cantidad de gente que se acercó a ver a TARJA y la entrega del público con ella, cantando y coreando la mayorí­a de los temas (obviamente ganando las pinceladas de NIGHTWISH o las conocidas versiones). Una lástima los problemas de sonido que tuvieron durante todo el concierto (tanto con el impactante micrófono rojo de Tarja, que no ha perdido ni mucho menos la costumbre de utilizar micros a juego con su vestuario, como con la guitarra de Kiko, a veces imperceptible o de repente sonaba a todo trapo y con riffs muy duros y actuales), y el hecho de que Terrana muchas veces se exceda en protagonismo, queriendo hacer el show demasiado suyo, por mucho animal y buen baterí­a que sea (de todas formas, precioso el kit blanco de baterí­a situado a un lado del escenario, como a íél siempre le gusta).
Pero pese a todo fue un buen show, muy bien aceptado tanto por propios como extraños (fans y los que estaban allí­ por curiosidad), que tuvo sus momentos realmente emotivos ("I walk alone", su single del nuevo disco, que fue muy coreado, por supuesto el punto "Wishmaster" o la controvertida versión del "Poison" de ALICE COOPER, bien pero es que la original tiene mucha tela). Menos me gustó "Nemo" ya al final, y tampoco me terminó de entrar la versión que ya hací­an NIGHTWISH del "Over the hill and far away" de los mejores años de GARY MOORE (aunque obviamente es un tema que nadie puede dejar de bailar y corear en directo).
Pero vaya, que todo el show fue una grata sorpresa positiva, y fue hasta bonito ver a una Tarja mucho más suelta, roquera y natural que en los tiempos de NIGHTWISH (por muy buení­sima vocalista que fuera entonces y por supuesto tambiíén ahora). Dentro de pocos meses (como nos recordó ella misma desde el escenario) estará tocando de nuevo en solitario en nuestro paí­s, y hasta ese momento la verdad es que cuanto menos me quedo con buen sabor de boca despuíés de su buen concierto en METALWAY.

Texto: David Esquitino

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Julio 08, 2009, 04:53:10 pm

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Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 08, 2009, 10:48:26 pm
Si pudiera le robaba a Tarja la llave de su armario!! :016: :016: :016:
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 09, 2009, 11:02:35 pm
Hunter Fest 
Nos complace anunciar que hemos llegado a un acuerdo para honrar la publicitada aparición de Tarja en el Hunter Fest en Polonia. Todos los requerimientos formales que tienen que ver con el show han sido cumplidos, asi que estamos muy felices de invitar a todos los fans al show del 25 de Julio en Szczytno.

Nos vemos allí­!

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 10, 2009, 11:12:14 pm
Despuíés del Hard Rock Americano de Tesla, era el momento de recibir a la ex cantante de Nightwish, Tarja Turunen. Habí­a muchí­sima expectación por ver a Tarja en solitario, y sobre todo por saber que banda le acompañarí­a en directo. Una baterí­a situada a la derecha del escenario y encabezada por el monstruoso Mike Terrana, fuíé la encargada de levantar varias ovaciones del público durante el show de Tarja.  Las guitarras se encontraban presididas por Kilo Loureiro de Angra  y la sección de bajo por Doug Wimbish ex Living Colour. En el apartado más armónico y melódico estaba Max Lija al Cello y Marí­a Ilmoniemi al teclado, la cual tuvo diversos problemas de sonido, que hicieron restar dinamismo a la actuación.

Cerca de 8000 espectadores se dieron cita ante Tarja Turunen, disfrutando de “I Walk Alone”, el single del su nuevo álbum en solitario, la cual fue coreadí­sima por el público al igual que “Wishmaster”, tema estrella de su anterior banda, Nightwish. Tarja tambiíén quiso dar cancha a clásicos del Rock como el mí­tico “Poison” de Alice Cooper, que quedó bastante simplón y pobre, ya que este temazo es muy difí­cil de plasmar y sobre todo si se trata de una cantante de un gíénero musical un tanto alejado al Hard Rock clásico de Cooper. Como he comentado en un principio, los problemas de teclado de Marí­a Ilmoniemi hicieron recortar el set list, y llegar a “Nemo”, uno de los cortes que más ovación obtuvo

 diferencia de la versión de Alice Cooper, “Over The Hills And far away” de Gary Moore, si que se amoldó mucho mejor  a la versión original del genio de las seis cuerdas. Tarja mostró durante todo el show, una  actitud muchí­sima más Rockera que en otras ocasiones , mostrándose muy cercana con el público y recordando a todos los asistentes que volverá por nuestro paí­s en el mes de septiembre.

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 18, 2009, 11:07:28 pm
have been resting and enjoining the warm and beautiful Finnish summer for few days now.

Also spent time promoting my next shows, but I had the chance to make a brief cameo in my friends’ second movie called “Yhtí¤ Kyytií¤â€ (Mad Rush). More information about the black humour comedy you’ll find from:

Tomorrow is the beginning of the second leg of my summer tour. I am delighted to travel with many friends very early in the morning to Vaasa. Everybody is excited!

My first Rock show in two years in my homeland! Thanks Rockperry for opening your doors for us 

Let’s rock the summer in Suomi, Germany, Austria, Czech, Poland and Ukraine

With love, Tarja
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 20, 2009, 11:20:33 pm
I'm not afraid what other people think anymore, says Tarja Turunen who's working on her second solo album.
The beginning of the week in Kuusankoski has been bit rainy, but the sun is shining for Tarja Turunen. The singer is at home, and doesn't try to hide her good mood.

- Yesterday I emptied the sewer and cleaned the roof. Now my muscels are sore, she says and stretches her arms.
The illusion of informality would be normal, unless she wasn't wearing a make up. Turunen wanted her make up artist from Helsinki to fix her for the photo shoot.

Turunen has no problem for work in the yard. According to her, it brings some variety for everyday life. Though it lasts only about a week, because soon she's going to do some gigs again.
Three years ago the feeling was totally different. Only a year had passed singe she left Nightwish, and the start of her solo career was followed through a magnifying glass. Some were willing to bet that the career of the former front woman of a band was turned downwards.
Now Turunen can say that the doubting ones were wrong. The solo deput My Winter Storm has sold gold in many European countries, and the concert calender doesn't look too bad either.

Turunen admits that pressusres before the first solo album were huge.Partly because she had never wrote music or lyrics before.
-Working with the professional songwriters made me really nervous at first. I was embarrased to tell my own ideas, because I didn't know how they would take them. I was worried about being squelched. But my thoughts were taken openly anyway. The biggest challenge was to make sure for the work group, what kind of music I wanna do, she says.

What she wanted didn't appear on My Winter Storm yet. The album came out two years after Turunen leaving Nightwish, winter 2007. The album was said to be promising, but was critisized mainly because the lack of its own message.
Turunen has read the criticism. On the next album the artist take herself a bigger role. There's not gonna be any cover songs or complitely requested songs.
-It doesn't have a single song that I didn't wrote some lyrics for. or co-composed them, Turunen says.

The name What Lies Beneath crystallizes its themes.
-I wanna talk about things I've seen when toured around the world and lived in between two cultures. People go through same problems and things no matter what part of the world they live in. This is what I wanna tell the others. It's gonna be also very personal album, it has a strong presence of my passion and love.
That's a big promise. What Lies Beneath must show how much Tarja's person has depth for making interesting music.
The singer refuses to take pressures. Even though there is more of her own person, Turunen feels lightweighted than when making My Winter Storm.
-It's been nice to write songs and see that I really got what it takes. I'm not afraid what other people think. I feel I'm on the right track, when the music gives myself a good feeling. I can't make music that pleases everybody.

Style of the album will be mystical, heavy metal meets classical movie music like the previous one. It's gonna be little bit rougher though.
-My Winter Storm guitarsound lacks some edge. Now we have paid more attention to it.
Tarja Turunen wishes she can enter the studio in February.
-I have 20 songs made by myself or with other musicians. The challenge is to bring life to the songs. I work melodies mostly with the piano, but I also use my voice a lot for composing.

She hasn't have much time for working with the songs. Tarja says the longest time she has standed still this year is three weeks. That time she spended in her home in Argentina at spring. She lives with her husband Marcelo Cabuli in an apartment house in downtown Buenos Aires.
-At this time it's impossible to make plans further than a year ahead. We've planned to have kids in some point. Being a mother is such a big thing, that I might regret later not experiencing it

Marcelo Cabuli who works as his wife's manager, is responsible of all of her contacts with media, among other things. According to Turunen, her husband can let go of his work even less than she does.
-Marcelo is married to his work. He's got his laptop with him everywhere. Our friends say that we must be little bit crazy to be able to live a life like this. Luckily we have so many positive things around us, that we can make it, Turunen says.

Standing still is very difficult, even when she's got time for that.
-I need something to do all the time, otherwise I might start painting walls or something, she laughs.
Tarja Turunen did the only gig in Finland this summer in Vaasa this Saturday (July 18). After that she continues her summer tour in Central Europe. In September-October she's got another one, nearly 20 gig tour in Europe. At the end of the year Turunen is planning Christmas concerts in Finland.
-Thank god I have more work tham I'm able to do. It could be the opposite too. Last week I got to know that my album has sold gold in Germany too, she says.

-I'm gonna be asked about the Nightwish days probably for the rest of my life. It doesn't bother me, because Nightwish is part of my history. Of course I also have fans who first found my solo album, and after that they learned about my past in a band.


Tarja Turunen, 31, was a vocalist in Nightwish for 9 years (1996-2005).
An Argentinean husband Marcelo Cabuli leads a record company, concentrating on metal music.
The couple moved to their Finland home in Kuusankoski, Kymeenlaakso five years ago. Their second home is in Argentina, where the couple spend teh biggest part of year.
Besides rock festivals, Tarja Turunen also makes classical concerts. For example this year she's going to 'Soi suvessa'-festival.
My Winter Storm has sold platinium in Finland.
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 29, 2009, 10:48:46 pm
Date: Oct. 12th, 2009
Venue: Arena Muzika Festival
Country: Bulgaria
Town: Sofia
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 01, 2009, 11:24:06 pm
TARJA TURUNEN Named 'Sexiest Female Metal Musician'

Former NIGHTWISH singer Tarja Turunen was named "Sexiest Female Metal Musician" by the visitors of the web site. More than 6,000 votes were cast, with Turunen narrowly beating out her NIGHTWISH replacement, Anette Olzon.

The final results are as follows:

01. Tarja Turunen (ex-NIGHTWISH)
02. Anette Olzon (NIGHTWISH)
03. Ailyn (SIRENIA)
04. Cristina Scabbia (LACUNA COIL)
05. Sharon Den Adel (WITHIN TEMPTATION)
06. Simone Simons (EPICA)
07. Mariangela Demurtas (TRISTANIA)
08. Angela Gossow (ARCH ENEMY)
09. Alissa White-Gluz (THE AGONIST)
10. Lauren Harris
11. Sonya Scarlet (THEATES DES VAMPIRES)
12. Nadja Peulen (ex-COAL CHAMBER)
13. Floor Jansen (ex-AFTER FOREVER)
14. Anneke van Giersbergen (AGUA DE ANNIQUE)
15. Sabine Edelsbacher (EDENBRIDGE)
16. Karin Axelsson (SONIC SYNDICATE)
17. Raiana (KHZ)
19. Maria Brink (IN THIS MOMENT)
20. Lennon Murphy (DEVIL'S GIFT)

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 10, 2009, 11:04:09 pm
Amigables con las cámaras
Una vez más, todos los shows incluí­dos en Final Storm Tour 2009 fueron declarados “amigables con las cámaras”, lo que significa que pueden traer su cámara fotográfica y sacar cuantas fotos deseen. Esto es así­ con la excepción de los recitales en festivales, en los que deberán consultar con la organización del festival sobre su polí­tica respecto de las cámaras dado que no podemos exceder las regulaciones estipuladas por ellos.
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 16, 2009, 10:38:10 pm
guess you wanted to know a bit more about the summer storm that passed by already some time ago.

First show in Vaasa, Finland went really well. For me it was very important show since I haven’t been able to play Rock in my home country for a long time. I want to thank all my Finnish fans for the patience and love and the Rockperry festival for the opportunity. It was very nice feeling to be in front of the home audience again.

After Vaasa, we played in small venues in Saarbrí¼cken and in Vienna and these shows were real fun.  In Vienna the club was so hot that we all ended up soaked wet. Believe me that I lost few hundred of grams during that show  !   

The reception of the audience was just amazing in both shows and it was nice to hear that many people travelled really far to see us. Thank you!

Then we got to perform in a cosy Czech festival where thousands of people were welcoming us. Very interesting to take part in a Festival with very different kind of bands. I did a signing session there as well. Many fans in all ages came to say hello. It was cool.

Suspense was in the air when we arrived to Poland’s HunterFest. We saw that not that many people eventually came to the festival, since quite many bands cancelled their performance.

But we did our show and everyone in the band felt that it was a great show thanks to the Polish audience!! It was raining a bit before and after the show, but not too much during. We were just lucky. I hope I could meet my Polish audience very soon again in the future. This time I met some Winterstorm fanclub members at HunterFest after the show as we were not such in a big hurry to leave.

The last show in Kiev went as great as we expected. Even with many journalists waiting to hear my words right as I left the stage.

 It was the last show of this tour and the beginning of a short break before the last tour will begin. Thanks to all the crew: Taneli, Tommi, Aki, Stosh and Pete and of course to my band for this summer.

Far away from holidays, I was again working in finishing new songs. I am counting the days to be able to start the preproduction and recordings of the new album. So here is the title of another song that is now ready: Love to Hate.

In few days you’ll see me performing in a very important TV Gala Concert in Stockholm and day after in a classical concert in Mí¤ntyharju, Finland.

But first, some rest under the sun 

With love, Tarja




Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 17, 2009, 10:52:09 pm
Tarja cumple hoy 32 años!!!
FELICIDADES!! :011: :011: :011: :011: :011: :011:
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 19, 2009, 11:04:34 pm
Concierto de Gala
Tarja formatá parte de la edición 2009 del Baltic Sea Festival con la interpretación de dos canciones el próximo Sábado 29 de agosto – Concierto de Gala para conmemorar el bicentenario de 1809.

8 p.m. Berwaldhallen
Estocolmo, Suecia

Swedish Radio Symphony Orchestra
Director: John Storgí¥rds

Stina Ekblad
Henna Kaikula
Tarja Turunen
Birgitta Ulfsson
Ossi Niskala
Jari Sillanpí¤í¤
Michael Weinius
Tony Iivonen

Concierto de Gala que conmemora el bicentenario de la separación entre Suecia y Finlandia en 1809.
En 1809, Finlandia y Suecia se dividieron en dos paí­ses, despuíés de haber compartido una historia en común desde el Siglo XII.
Para conmemorar este evento, los gobiernos de Suecia y Finlandia han anunciado Mí¤rkesí¥ret 1809, un proyecto para reforzar el sentimiento de comunidad entre los paí­ses y recordarnos sus raí­ces. Ambos paí­ses tienen mucho en común culturalmente, y eso es celebrado de muchas formas en el transcurso del año. Berwaldhallen será el anfitrión de una Noche de Gala con artistas estrella de Finlandia y Suecia, en una revista musical que ofrece todo desde Sibelius y Hugo Alfvíén hasta el Tango Finíés y temas modernos populares.

El concierto será transmitido en vivo por SVT1, SVT HD e YLE.
El concierto será trasmitido el 5 de septiembre a las 3 p.m. En SR P2 Live Klassiskt/Nutida  (repite 17/9 kl 19.30).
El Concierto será tambiíén transmitido en cooperación con Svergies Television y Mí¤rkesí¥ret 1809.

Entradas: SEK 100-395
Venta de entradas:
Más Información:
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 21, 2009, 10:47:36 pm
La banda  finesa Kings of  Modesty acompañará a Tarja durante la mayor  parte de Final Storm Tour  2009


Sept. 20th  ALADIN/ Germany/  Bremen
Sept. 22nd CAPITOL/  Germany/ Hannover
Sept. 23rd FRITZ CLUB/ Germany/  Berlin
Sept. 26th SALAMANDRA 1/ Spain/ Barcelona
Sept. 27th LA RIVIERA/ Spain/ Madrid 
Sept. 29th Z7 Swiss/ Pratteln 
Sept. 30th ROCKFABRIK/ Germany/ Ludwigsburg
Oct.  2nd MUFFATHALLE/  Germany/ Mí¼nich
Oct. 3rd OHRAKEL/ Germany/  Ingolstadt
Oct. 5th  ESTRAGON/ Italy/ Bologna
Oct. 6th  TVORNICE KULTURE/ Croatia/  Zagreb
Oct. 8th YENI MELEK/  Turkey/ Istambul
Oct. 10th GAGARIN 205/  Greece/  Athens
Oct. 11th PRINCIPAL CLUB THEATER/ Greece/ Thessaloniki
Oct. 12th UNIVERSIADA SPORTS HALL/ Bulgaria/  Sofia
Oct. 14th ZAVOD TIVOLI/ Slovenia/ Ljubljana
Oct. 16th CEZ Arena/ Czech/ Pardubice

Pueden ver más  información sobre la banda y su álbum  debut "Hell or Highwater"  aquí­:
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 21, 2009, 10:49:19 pm
Banda soporte II:
Tambiíén  queremos  darle la bienvenida a la banda Inglesa Furnaze, que  acompañará a Tarja  durante las siguientes fechas:

Sept. 20th  ALADIN/ Germany/   Bremen
Sept. 22nd CAPITOL/ Germany/ Hannover
Sept. 23rd  FRITZ CLUB/  Germany/ Berlin
Oct. 2nd MUFFATHALLE/ Germany/  Mí¼nich
Oct. 3rd  OHRAKEL/ Germany/ Ingolstadt
Oct. 5th  ESTRAGON/ Italy/ Bologna
Oct.  6th TVORNICE KULTURE/ Croatia/  Zagreb
Oct. 8th YENI MELEK/ Turkey/  Istambul
Oct. 10th  GAGARIN 205/ Greece/ Athens
Oct. 11th PRINCIPAL  CLUB THEATER/ Greece/ Thessaloniki
Oct. 12th UNIVERSIADA SPORTS HALL/ Bulgaria/ Sofia
Oct. 14th ZAVOD TIVOLI/ Slovenia/ Ljubljana
Oct. 16th CEZ Arena/ Czech/ Pardubice

Más  información sobre Furnaze  en:
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 21, 2009, 10:50:16 pm
soporte III:
Y,  por último, pero no por eso menos  importante, la banda Inglesa Apparition  tambiíén formará parte  del Final Storm Tour 2009. Bienvenidos a  bordo!

Oct. 19th  O2 ACADEMY ISLINGTON/ UK/ London

Más  información sobre  Apparition en:
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 28, 2009, 10:43:57 pm
Paquetes V.I.P.
Finalmente, la última oportunidad de conseguir un paquete V.I.P. durante 2009!

Los paquetes V.I.P. para Tarja – Final Storm Tour 2009 estarán disponibles pronto únicamente para el dí­a 20 de octubre de 2009 en Londres, Inglaterra.

Los paquetes V.I.P. serán muy limitados y estarán disponibles solo para aquellos que hayan comprado su entrada para el recital de Londres.

Cada paquete incluirá un regalo sorpresa, acceso temprano al show, un encuentro con Tarja luego del recital y un almuerzo de tres platos con Tarja en un exclusivo crucero a travíés del rio Thames el dí­a despuíés del concierto.

Las reservas se aceptarán en base al orden de llegada.

Para pre-reservar o para recibir más información, por favor escribe un correo electrónico con tu nombre completo e información de contacto a:
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 30, 2009, 10:32:39 pm
Concierto de Navidad - Tarja Turunen, Kalevi Kiviniemi, Marzi Nyman y Markku Krohn
Tarja hará una gira de Conciertos de Navidad con los renombrados músicos fineses Kalevi Kiviniemi, Marzi Nyman y Markku Krohn. Esta no es la primera oportunidad en que los cuatro músicos se juntan, y seguramente no será la última.
Se presentarán en iglesias en Lappeenranta, Joensuu, Tampere, Haapají¤rvi y Seiní¤joki y en Lahti, en el reconocido Sibelius Hall.
Durante 2009 Tarja se ha presentado solo tres veces en Finlandia: en el festival Rockperry en Vaasa, en el Festival de Música Clásica SOI Suvessa en Mí¤ntyharju, y en el Concierto de Halloween de la Orquesta Filarmónica de Tampere; y esta es la última oportunidad de verla en vivo durante 2009, antes del lanzamiento de su segundo álbum “What Lies Beneath” en 2010.

Estas son las fechas de la gira:
04.12.2009 19:00    Lahti, Sibelius Hall
05.12.2009 19:00    Tampere, Iglesia de Kaleva
10.12.2009 19:00    Lappeenranta, La Iglesia de Marí­a
12.12.2009 19:00    Joensuu, La Iglesia de Joensuu
13.12.2009 19:00    Haapají¤rvi, La Iglesia de Haapají¤rvi
18.12.2009 19:00    Seiní¤joki, La Iglesia de Lakeuden risti

Sobre los artistas:

El concertista de órgano Kalevi Kiviniemi (n. 1958) es uno de los músicos instrumentales fineses más activos internacionalmente. Ha actuado en la mayorí­a de los paí­ses Europeos, Rusia, Japón, las Filipinas, Australia y los Estados Unidos como concertista y en grabaciones. Fue miembro del jurado en muchas competiciones internacionales de órgano y ha dado clases magistrales. Kalevi Kiviniemi fue director artí­stico del Festival de í“rgano de Lahti por diez años, entre 1991 y 2001. Sus grabaciones exceden los cien discos, e incluyen importantes órganos en Finlandia, así­ como instrumentos históricos en USA, Japón, las Filipinas, Francia, Suiza, Italia y Alemania. Kalevi Kiviniemi ha recibido, además, numerosos premios como reconocimiento por su importante labor en el campo de la cultura del órgano.

Marzi Nyman es un guitarrista finíés que se ha popularizado gracias a sus shows en la TV finlandesa. Ha tocado con numerosas bandas, como por ejemplo en compañí­a de Lenni-Kalle Taipale, Iiro Rantala new trio, UMO Jazz Orchestra y Nylon Beat.

Como artista de percusión de la Orquesta Sinfónica de Lahti, Markku Krohn se ha transformado en un músico clásico reconocido en Finlandia. Ha estudiado música en, por ejemplo, la Escuela Bilingí¼e Internacional de Graz. Despuíés de 20 años en la escena musical finesa, Markku ha hecho sus mejores interpretaciones junto con la Tapiola Sinfonietta a comienzos de los noventas, y en las Noches Españolas en Granada, en el Palacio de la Alhambra en 1998.
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 30, 2009, 10:38:54 pm
El próximo 30 de Agosto, Tarja participará en el “Soi Suvessa Festival” en Finlandia.
De acuerdo con la información publicada en, Tarja interpretará dos temas de su nuevo disco “What Lies Beneath”. El primero ya es por todos conocidos, “If You Believe”, pero el segundo es una nueva noticia sobre este álbum: “Montañas de Silencio”. Este tema, como su nombre indica, será interpretado en castellano.

Con este ya son tres los tí­tulos de los temas que conocemos para el nuevo álbum: “If You Believe”, “Love To Hate” y “Montañas de Silencio”.

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 30, 2009, 10:49:41 pm
Videos de ayer!!

Stormskí¤rs Maja (

The Reign (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Agosto 31, 2009, 10:41:33 pm
montañas de silencio?? gusta eso de q cante en español..creo q ya cuando cantó con Rata fue la leche  :82:
y muy guapa en el Baltic Sea hace gracia la cara q pone al final..en plan q alguien aplauda por dios jaja
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 03, 2009, 10:52:30 pm
Un trozo de "Montañas del Silencio" (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 03, 2009, 11:54:29 pm
Lady Night (rareza) (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Septiembre 04, 2009, 10:42:13 pm
Lady Night (rareza)

que vocecita  :D
de "Romeo ja Julia"... 18 añitos tení­a  :82:
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 08, 2009, 10:53:10 pm
Concierto de Halloween
Bienvenidos a otro evento único que no se pueden perder!

Viernes 30 de Octubre de 2009 a las 19

Auditorio Principal en Tampere Hall
Orquesta Filarmónica de Tampere
Benjamin Vary, director
Tarja Turunen, soprano
Sami Uotila, recitador

Música clásica y de pelí­culas y canciones interpretadas por Tarja, entre otras: "Night on a Bare Mountain" de Mussorgsky; "The Sorcerer"s Apprentice" de Dukas; "Marche Funí¨bre d' une marionette" de Gounod, la música de Herrmann para las pelí­culas Psycho y Vertigo de Hitchcock; Harry Potter and the Sorcerer"s Stone; y I Walk Alone y Oasis, de Tarja Turunen, junto con la Premier mundial de sus nuevas canciones In for a Kill y Witch-Hunt.

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 11, 2009, 10:25:11 pm
Banda de la gira Final Storm Tour 2009
Nos complace anunciar a la banda que acompañará a Tarja en esta gira:

Tarja Turunen Voz
Mike Terrana Baterí­a (Masterplan, Savage Circus, ex Rage, ex Malmsteen)
Christian Kretschmar Teclados (Schiller)
Oliver Holzwarth Bajo (Blind Guardian, ex Sieges Even)
Alex Scholpp Guitarra (ex Farmer Boys)
Max Lilja Cello (Hevein, ex Apocalyptica)

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 14, 2009, 11:00:18 pm
Last weeks full of work and fun are happily over and I can relax a bit and enjoy the days before the “Final Storm Tour” is starting.

I have done some new Xmas recordings and filmed a video spot for it. I was very happy to perform in a Swedish Gala concert and my own Mí¤ntyharju classical concert.

Everything went as expected or better!

The Christmas album, produced by Finnish famous Olli Ahvenlahti, is a charity project for missionary workers in Finland and it is going to be released in the beginning of November in Finland. I recorded 3 songs for the album and it was fun. Singing Xmas songs during summer time, was once again weird, but this time the studio was not prepared with Santa Claus pictures on the walls and I still managed without them 

The Swedish Gala concert was a funny and at the same time beautiful experience. It was broadcasted live so the rehearsals and preparations were intense. I needed to sing for the first time the song Myrskyluodon Maija; a song that every Finnish person knows. I hope I did honour it with my performance. I also performed The Reign, a song that I particularly love from my fist album. It was very touching to hear the great orchestra performing it. I am sure that I will do more concerts with orchestra in the near future.

I was just very delighted to receive an invitation for this important gala.

Mí¤ntyharju concert went very fine as well and it was nice to see friends coming from really far to the amazingly beautiful church of Mí¤ntyharju. I was very satisfied with the concert program and with the fact that I could perform some of my own compositions for the Finnish audience for the first time. People seemed to enjoy them. The hard work ended with success 

I have been also busy writing new songs for my forthcoming album. This time with Johnny Andrews. We wrote a song few months ago when I was in L.A. and now we did it again in Finland.

The biggest difference with MWS probably is that at that time, we recorded all the songs that I was happy with. And we had no leftovers! Everything went into the album, one way of another. But now, the feeling is a bit different. Having so much material to choose from is making things difficult… Is a new and nice challenge. Is quite hard to leave songs out of the album as all the songs have a special meaning to me.

While getting ready for a new tour, my thoughts are in the new album.

I want to thank everybody for the beautiful wishes, presents and surprises on my birthday. Many of you left regards in this blog or in the official forum in all the languages in my web page. I also received many lovely presents and saw lots of funny videos in you tube, so I am a very lucky girl to have such a great people like you supporting me on my journey in music and life.

And for all those that guess if I am really receiving the videos, presents and letters; yes I am. Even though the amount of them makes it barely impossible to answer you in person, be sure that I really enjoy them a lot.

Thank you all again! It is amazing to feel the love of you.

See you very soon in the last tour in Europe.


With love, Tarja


Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 18, 2009, 11:13:32 pm
Paquetes VIP: última chance!
La última oportunidad de obtener el único Paquete VIP del Final Storm Tour está a punto de concluir!
Si estás interesado en pasar un maravilloso momento con Tarja en Londres, no te pierdas la gran posibilidad de navegar a travíés del Támesis en un crucero exclusivo y de disfrutar un delicioso almuerzo en su compañí­a. Los Paquetes VIP son muy limitados.
Por favor, escribe a recepnems(at) para más información.
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 20, 2009, 10:42:34 pm
Setlist de la gira!!

2.My Little Phoenix 
3.She Is My Sin (Nightwish cover) 
4.The Seer Play
5.Minor Heaven 
6.I Walk Alone 
7.Ciaran's Well Solo
8.Ciaran's Well
9.Tired Of Being Alone
10.Lost Northern Star 
11.Poison (Alice Cooper cover)
13.If You Believe
14.Nemo (Nightwish cover)
15.Sing For Me
16.Deep Silent Complete (Nightwish cover)
17.Die Alive 
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 20, 2009, 10:57:42 pm

My Little Phoenix (

Poison (

Deep Silent Complete (

Tired of being alone (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 20, 2009, 11:01:59 pm
Un traje nuevo!!


Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 24, 2009, 11:30:24 pm
Boy and the Ghost  Berlin (23-09-2009) (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 24, 2009, 11:34:29 pm
Wisdom of Wind @ Hannover (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 27, 2009, 10:50:55 pm
Tarja en Barcelona!! ( ( ---------- She is my sim ( ........ My little phoenix ( --------- Minor Heaven

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 28, 2009, 11:30:47 pm
El chico que vió a Tarja por equivocación y sin pagar!!!

Bueno, anoche me pasó una cosa graciosa.

Resulta que un buen amigo tocaba en l'Hospitalet a eso de la 23:00, en la sala Salamandra.
Yo cogí­ junto a otro amiguete y nos fuimos para allá para verlos un rato...
El caso es que ibamos justitos de tiempo, pero llegamos a eso de las 23:20... nada raro hasta ahora.

Llegamos a la puerta y el segurata nos deja entrar sin problemas (quíé raro, si la entrada valí­a 10 euros!!).

Una vez en el vestí­bulo escucho la música del grupo que estaba tocando y le comento a mi amiguete: -coño, esto que suena es Nightwish!!!-

¿mi colega (o alguno de los dos grupos que tocaban con ellos) haciendo covers de Nightwish y además sonando bien?

Abro la puerta y, cual fue mi sorpresa y posterior pregunta. -¿quíé? ¿la misma Tarja tocando o teloneando a mis colegas? ¿quíé pasa aquí­?-

La sala petada de gente y todo el mundo cantando, Tarja hablando en castellano y acomentiendo otro tema con Terrana a la baterí­a....

La cara que tení­a yo de no saber quíé coño pasaba era para haberla grabado...!!!

El caso es que me fui al guardarropa y pregunto: -¿hay más conciertos despuíés de íéste?-

-No- me responde la chica
-¿hay más Salamandras?- pregunto yo
-Sí­, saliendo a mano izquierda, a doscientos metros, está Salamandra 2, esto es Salamandra 1

Una vez resuelto el misterio y visto uno de los bises, nos fuimos corriendo a ver a mi colega que aún no habí­an empezado a tocar...

por cierto, muy buen concierto... el de mi colega.... el de Tarja, lo poco que ví­, tambiíén estuvo bien!!
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 29, 2009, 10:44:41 pm
The long distance between Berlin and Barcelona is getting shorter as the road takes us further, closer to Spain. Is the best chance I have to write a new post.

I am the only girl again on the road with the guys, but the group of people are having fun together and it looks like this tour is going to be nice ending for My Winter Storm album.

Shows have gone really well so far. Is very encouraging to realise that nearly two years after My Winter Storm was released, more people is reaching us in our shows now than ever before 

IThe band sounds tighter than ever before. Christian and the new crewmembers are doing a great job and all of us are enjoining the results of our efforts. I am very positive that this feeling will continue until the end of this long tour. It is for sure the most challenging and roughest one for me so far on my solo career, but I am really working hard to get all the good things out of it and to cherish the moment.

I want to thank the people at the Elf Fantasy Fair for the great experience and memory. I have to say that everybody from our band and technicians were having fun at that festival, taking millions of photos and having good time with the visitors of the festival. People have put so much effort in making this beautiful event happen. I wish the festival would continue making people happy for centuries!

After the nice beginning for the tour, we visited Bremen, Hanover and Berlin. Germany and Germans showed me their love and support in a magnificent way. Oh man, these shows were all great. We took the chance to perform a quiet, acoustic set in the middle of the audience, like we did already in my hometown Buenos Aires earlier this year. It worked out very well and people seemed to be pretty surprised about it. After doing so in Bremen, every one of us felt that we have to try to do this in every venue when possible, since it was very nice to see people’s reaction towards us. Happy, smiling faces…
 have met many people that have seen my show for the first time. It is very awarding and refreshing to hear and see people excited about my work.

The rehearsal days in Germany seem now long gone. Everything went very fine

onight: hola Barcelona
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 29, 2009, 10:53:44 pm
Deep Silent Complete @ Madrid (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Septiembre 30, 2009, 04:30:28 pm
Si es q Deep silent está hecha a webo para ella.. :023:
siempre tuve curiosidad por saber como sonarí­a en directo tired of being alone pero ya veo q tb la clava..grandisima esta mujer  :014:
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 30, 2009, 11:52:13 pm
Creo que no cantaba así­ dede la era Wishmaster!
Está genial!!
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 02, 2009, 11:09:29 pm
We have been on the road two weeks already. Still many shows ahead and many new places to visit.  I must say that I am really enjoining this tour very much.

Spain was a wonderful experience for all of us. We got to spend a great time in Barcelona the day before the show and relax under the Spanish sun.

I, of course, made some shoe shopping as well 

The amount of tourists was incredible in Barcelona as the city was having celebrations. Many bands playing in the streets. It was very cool with music everywhere.

My show went well and everybody got really excited about the reception of Spanish people. The venue has been recently renewed, beautiful and having great acoustics. The following night we travelled to Madrid.

I haven’t been performing in the capital Madrid in a very long time, so I was very thrilled by this opportunity.

It was only very sad that for security reasons, the responsible of the venue in Madrid, didn’t allow us to perform our acoustic set among the audience 

We were forced to play it from the stage as we have done earlier. There was nothing we could do about it; the decision was not in our hands. I hope the people in Madrid enjoyed my show anyway despite of this. Muchas gracias por “Olíé, olíé, olíéíéíé…” 

After Spain the long travel to Pratteln was nicely interrupted by a beach break in France.

 didn’t take us too long to recharge our batteries, as there was something good to expect from Switzerland.

 The venue Z7 was crowded again!!!!! And we were playing there just 3 months ago! I am so happy. The feeling of being on stage in front of such supporting audience made me very proud of us. We have gone a long road with this group of people already, but there are even better moments to come, I am sure. Thank you all for keeping the music alive, as I like to say.

Last time I was performing in Ludwigsburg Rockfabrik was in 1999. That makes 10 years!!! The time flies!

 was so excited to be back in there with my own show. The place was packed and the reception was amazing. It was fantastic to receive such a warm welcome from Ludwigsburg.

Regards from Augsburg.

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 03, 2009, 11:02:48 pm
Montañas de Silencio (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 03, 2009, 11:08:15 pm
If you believe  Barcelona (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 08, 2009, 11:41:44 pm
Sleeping Sun  Bologna (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 12, 2009, 11:05:33 pm
So far so good. Everybody around is healthy and the road takes us further every day. Countries and environments are changing all the time. It is nice to see people having still fun and giving me smiles, even though it is obvious that all of us are already tired of traveling.

Anyway, the general feeling is excellent and positive. I am enjoining every little details of this tour, since it’s the last one for my debut album and I’ll need to wait quite a long time for the next proper tour.

Visiting Munich and Ingolstadt was a really positive experience. The old city of Ingolstadt is pretty with lots of clean, tiny streets and not that many people around

It seemed that audiences were enjoining those shows a lot and that Germans truly gave their love for us. It’s overwhelming to see the difference from where I started and where things are now after touring 2 years! Thank you Germany, we’ll meet soon again.

After Germany we headed to Italy, Bologna. What a beautiful old town! Cameras were rolling on the off day when everybody got to go to the city and relax. Bologna would be a nice place to live…with its copper-red colored old buildings, towers and houses. And the dining is just delicious!

The night of the show was fun. People came very far to see us as well and the show was a success. We keep on making some trouble for the local security

One day everybody will understand that fans don’t eat artists!

It has been a long time since I heard people screaming like the audience did in Croatia, Zagreb. Oh my God! It was very hard to hear the band at times :)

I wondered many times during the show how on earth my band is hearing what they need to play, but somehow they managed very well and we were having a time of our life on stage. Great people! Wonderful acceptance.

After Croatia, the loooooong journey to Istanbul waited for us. We were crossing 3 borders and needed to wait quite a while in all of them. It was not that nice to wake up in the middle of the night and go out to show your face for the passport control… several times. You just got to fall asleep, when you needed to wake up again and again 

Well; finally sometime around 05:00 in the morning we happily arrived to Istanbul. The show was originally going to happen in a different venue, but we heard that the venue had bankrupted and we were going to perform in a “rock-bar”. It was more than exciting experience, since for example the stage was so small that Mike’s drums were not fitting on it! Well, once again we managed somehow to go through the show and the audience was excellent.

My first time in Turkey, I will never forget it. I got to do some sightseeing as well before the show, so now I know a bit more. It was not enough though. But, there is hope for the future. At least now I have something to write on my diary.

It was so good to return to Athens. Had been two years since I’ve been there and it showed me that people had been waiting for my return.

Heavens´ sake I almost burst into tears during the first song. That much the audience was screaming. There was only one thing bothering me during my performance and it was completely my own fault. I ate too late my dinner and when I was singing, the food started to rise up… I was truly suffering, but my crew told me that they didn’t hear nor saw anything strange in my performance. That’s amazing considering the mood I had during the whole show. Well, I learned my lesson and in the end, it was one of the best shows we did on this tour so far.

Day after we performed in Thessalonica and some people from Athens followed us there. It was very nice to see people so excited! I want to thank Greece once again for waiting for me patiently. I hope you don’t need to wait too long for seeing me again in your beautiful country. We had a very big dose of Greek salad in this trip until then 

Tonight, Bulgarians are surrounding us. Big venue, lovely people, and lot of excitement in the air…I can already feel the fans outside.

The show is to start in few hours…
With love, Tarja

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 12, 2009, 11:10:21 pm
Próxima a concluir la gira europea de la edición especial extendida de “My Winter Storm” (MWS), con más de 20 ciudades en su haber, la ex Nightwish comentó a La Rocka que ha estado ocupada escribiendo canciones para el nuevo álbum, con la ayuda del compositor Johnny Andrews. “Hemos escrito una canción hace unos meses cuando estaba en Los íngeles  y ahora lo hicimos de nuevo en Finlandia”.

Aseguró que los temas ya están registrados y tiene mucho material para elegir, lo que le está haciendo las cosas difí­ciles al tener que dejar fuera “canciones que tienen un significado especial para mí­â€. Por esta razón, aún no se conoce la cantidad de temas que conformarán el nuevo trabajo, pero sí­ dio a conocer algunos de sus tí­tulos, como "Kid Song", netamente instrumental; “If You Believe”; y Love to Hate.

Además, señaló que “What Lies Beneath”-su segundo álbum de estudio- será “más poderoso” que el anterior. “Habrá más metal”.

Por último, apuntó que su deseo es que el disco salga a principios de 2010, cosa que no dependerá solamente de ella, sino tambiíén de los tiempos del sello discográfico
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 17, 2009, 10:44:29 pm
Another good news

Floor Jansen (AFTER FOREVER) will join TARJA, LIV KRISTIN and DORO on stage @ MFVF VII
(on Sunday 18 October then).

I think we can expect to see the quartet sing the song CELEBRATE together, maybe more...wait and see !

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 21, 2009, 11:40:16 pm
The long touring and the promotion for the debut album are over. Has been amazing to sing for you all. Magnificent tours, beautiful places, caring and helpful people, great opportunities, many memories.

I will never ever forget this excellent beginning for my solo career. I am so happy to realize my dreams.

Let me go back and tell you about the last days of the final tour.

Like one year ago, my show in Sofia was a great success. It is very hard for me still to understand how on earth it is possible to have such an amazing audience in Bulgaria! The venue was once again totally crowded with singing and cheering people. All having big smiles on their faces during the whole concert. The band was SO happy and oh gosh, it was a thrill. One of the best audiences in the world, for sure   

How funny it was to travel from summer and being in the beach, to fall and few hours later to have already snow all over the place…

The summer was definitely left behind and cold weather waited for us when we arrived to Ljubljana, Slovenia. Local people told us though that only few days earlier it was still enough warm to swim in the ocean…it was VERY hard to believe that. It was damn cold.

I didn’t remember the venue until I went there and saw that it was going to be an open-air concert….with only few degrees above 0°!!!!!

Everybody in the band needed to prepare himself well for the cold air, but who was freezing the most, was Mike. Having shorts on…his hands got so frozen that he needed to have a blow dryer to warm them while he was playing! Can you imagine that? A blow dryer? Poor Mike.

I was having fun though, despite of the cold air. People seemed to be totally frozen as well, even though I tried my best to make them move.

Anyway, it was a nice return to Slovenia. I honestly didn’t remember how beautiful the city of Ljubljana really is.

Czech audience has always accepted me well. This time was no difference. It was just a dream come true again. The venue was packed and we had a lot of fun performing.

For my surprise I received a gold award from the sales of My Winter Storm in Czech Republic and it was given to me during my show. It was very touching moment. I am truly proud and happy with my relation with Czech people. Thank you very much for the support.

I got a chance to visit famous Bruges on the day of the show in Metal Female Voices Festival in Belgium. I took a train from Aalst to Bruges and enjoyed the day drinking hot chocolate and taking wonderful pictures. The city of Bruges is unreal, with its old houses and colourful little boutiques. I enjoyed the visit very much.

I am always happy to return to MFV festival. There are many lovely people around. I got an honour to perform with lady Doro Pesch two songs and we did well together. This time it was a bigger pleasure, since we had performed those songs already once before long ago, it was easier to enjoy the music now. People received us very well. Once again I got totally surprised by the new MFV award that I was given during my set. Fans had voted me in a category of “the best and the most beautiful voice”. I was so overwhelmed by this, that I forgot completely the lyrics for the next song I needed to sing…hehe.

I want to thank everybody at the festival for this honour, for the love and support.

The last show for the tour was in London. Everybody in the band was excited about this particular show.

Feelings were mixed, with lots of happiness but sadness as well. I saw that people in the band were very quiet before the last show and it showed me that we had done well.

The show was amazing ending for the tour. Oliver had his birthday again and received a cake from us. I guess it was a tasty one, since I saw only bits and pieces of it after the show… 

We had to share some tears when everything was finally over. I was very, very happy, but on the other hand very sad, since I am really going to miss all this.  I am missing my band already! Sounds silly, but it’s all true.

Touring with My Winter Storm was just amazing, beautiful experience for me. I have been blessed with lovely people working with me. THANK YOU MIKE, MAX, ALEX, CHRISTIAN, OLIVER, DOUG, MARIA, KIKO, MARKUS and TONI and for making my dream come true. Not forgetting all the crewmembers that were helping and working very hard for us on our journey. Just know, you are all in my heart.

This chapter is ending now, but a new one is to start very soon. You’ll see me performing already on next week in a Halloween concert in Tampere, Finland.

The Winter Storm is over. Let’s start to dig together What Lies Beneath.

With all my love, Tarja


Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 21, 2009, 11:42:12 pm
Disco de Oro
Durante su estadí­a en República Checa para su concierto con localidades agotadas en Mala Cez Aarena en Pardubice, Tarja recibió el premio de Disco de Oro por ventas. Felicitaciones Tarja y Universal Music República Checa y a todos los fans que lo hicieron posible!
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 28, 2009, 11:59:06 pm
Premiada!! (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 31, 2009, 10:48:48 pm
Witch Hunt (Nueva) (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 02, 2009, 11:13:44 pm
Witch Hunt HQ (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 02, 2009, 11:15:23 pm
In for a kill (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Noviembre 04, 2009, 10:35:38 pm
Doro Pesch y Tarja (Metal Female Voices Fest,October 19, 2009,Wieze, Belgium)

"The Seer"

MFVF 2009 - Tarja & Doro "Walking with the Angels"
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 07, 2009, 10:42:40 pm
Aquí­ hay muchas fotos de Tarja! (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Noviembre 10, 2009, 06:00:33 pm
Entrevista en Mexico
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Noviembre 12, 2009, 09:16:51 pm
Tarja Turunen @ Strada (In For A Kill)

Tarja Interview in a finnisch TV-show. And her Halloween concert - with the song "In for a kill"

(Usuario TarjaSenpai en youtube)
So finally I've got the translation for you:

Journalist: Tarja has a talent for singing. Does it mean her mening of life is singing?... Can it really be that simple?
Tarja: Hey
J: Hi. there we are prepairing.
Tarja: Yeah,there we are.
J: you're a very good looking madame now
Tarja: not yet! (I think this is what she said nect in that animation voice) Too much powder on the tip of my nose!
J: What is the feeling now,well an hour before..
Tarja: amazing, really nice. Of course it's like that,you think about all the lyrics, go through them, and two world premiere songs is quite crazy!
J: How about spiritual preparing?
Tarja: it's important,very important. Finding that phycological balance nad calmness. It's a part of the whole thing on stage.
J: your conditions have changed since beginning your solo career.
Tarja: YES
J: How has your life changed?
Tarja: very much! I'm really happy today, I can decide what to do and with what people I work.
J: you said that you don't remeber some of the time with Nightwish, because of the horrible rhythm sometimes back then
Tarja: yeah, it was crazy. Sometimes I walk into the room (pre stage) and they say I've been here year 2002 and I go "Can't be true, I don't remember a thing!" It was horrible. It's dangerous to go with a flow automatically like that, many people has been through that. There are some dark moments.
J: if we'll talk about the meaning of lige. Is singing yours? You indeed have the talent to sing.
Tarja: a few days ago here in Tampere when performing, after that one woman came and said to me "Listen,Tarja,you're this singing angel!" (Laughing) It was an amazing comment from her about how she sees it. Well, some people have said the same. Somehow the meaning of the words just goes to people with singing, when the singing is true (not fake) and you feel the singer on the spiritual level. Cause singing is the work of the soul,before all, it's just that, soul work.
J: I probably should leave you to calm down before..
Tarja: Okay, I'll pack my cosmetics for now..
J: I wish you a great gig. I'll be there somewhere..
Tarja: and scream loud! It's Halloween concert. =)

(continues after the singing)
J: oh, clicking of the heels is heard. Oh,thank you, It was fantastic.
Tarja: Yeee (kissing)
J: What's the feeling now?
Tarja: well, it's just over 2 seconds ago, so it's hard to say yet. The orcestra played amazingly. This is probably the only thing that I'm good at,I'm conciously know that and I enjoy it sooo much!
J: this heavy music requres all these dark clothes and gothic theme. Well, what is your relationship with death?
Tarja: no,no death. I'm definitely not afraid. On the contrary. Someday it will come, it's coming, and then we'll see where we are after that. Then we'll be looking from somewhere there, above. =)
J: where would you look from then?
Tarja: I'll be some spiritual creature. I'll jump at someone, in someone. At some other singer in future. =)
Tarja: I hope to live a long life and be healthy. I've written a lot of song to the upcoming album too "If I die tomorrow,I'll die alive". Meaning I've lived this life FULLY, and this is the only method, 'cause you never know when it is gonna the Death..
J: You have a great love you're talking about. The relationship is so importatnt to you. It feels sometimes that there wouldnt be any Tarja Turunen without Marcelo. What does the relationship means to you?
Tarja: well, it's ABC of feeling good (like mentally), when your parthner is also your good friend, work partner and lover. Well, there's a package that many people wonder how does it all work? But in our relationship it just does! It's great happiness. Hell, I had to go for that man far away to find him! (laughing)
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Noviembre 12, 2009, 09:41:59 pm
TARJA TURUNEN: Three New Finnish Christmas Songs Posted Online
Three songs sang by Tarja Turunen for a Finnish Christmas album, produced by Olli Ahvenlahti, "Maailman Kauneimmat Joululaulut" ("The Worlds Most Beautiful Christmas Songs")
According to Turunen, this is "a charity project for missionary workers in Finland.

Tarja Turunen performing 'Heinillí¤ Hí¤rkien' on 'Maailman Kauneimmat Joululaulut' (='World's Most Beaufitul Christmas Carols') charity album. The album has new versions of traditional Finnish carol's with Olli Ahvenlahti's acoustic orchestra and the Cantores Minores-choir.
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Noviembre 12, 2009, 09:43:02 pm
Tarja Turunen performing 'Maa On Niin Kaunis'

Tarja Turunen and Veeti Kallio performing 'Arkihuolesi Kaikki Heití¤'
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Noviembre 21, 2009, 05:12:33 pm
Ensayos (cámara oculta) Fortaleza/CE - Brazil

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Noviembre 21, 2009, 05:14:16 pm
2 fanmade videos q vi en youtube y q me han parecido buenos  :023:

Tarja Turunen's Best Songs

Best of Tarja Turunen
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Noviembre 27, 2009, 02:32:20 pm
Tired of being alone. Pardubice 16.10.2009

Q grande :014:
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 27, 2009, 10:15:41 pm
Muy bonita!!
:008: :008: :008:
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 27, 2009, 10:34:12 pm
Heinillí¤ Hí¤rkien (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 27, 2009, 10:38:23 pm
Maa On Niin Kaunis (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 28, 2009, 10:45:37 pm
El álbum de las más hermosas canciones de Navidad, con interpretaciones de las estrellas finesas:
Las estrellas finesas más brillantes interpretan canciones de Navidad en ”Most beautiful Christmas songs”, un álbum que será lanzado el 18.11 solo en Finlandia. Los artistas son Tarja Turunen, Jari Sillanpí¤í¤, Irina, Veeti Kallio, Maria Lund y Mikko Kuustonen, e interpretan canciones tradicionales de Navidad como nuevas versiones con la orquesta acústica de Olli Ahvenlahti y el acompañamiento coral de Cantores Minores.
"Most beautiful Christmas songs” es una colaboración entre Universal Music y la Misión Evangíélica Luterana Finesa, una institución de ciento cincuenta años, que inició un evento llamado "The most beautiful Christmas songs" en parroquias finesas en 1973. Estos eventos han tenido un gran íéxito en Finlandia a travíés de los años. En medio del trají­n de la Navidad, más de un millón de fineses acuden a estos recitales para cantar y buscar paz y silencio desde el Advenimiento hasta la Navidad.
Parte de la ganancia obtenida por el álbum será destinada a la recaudación de fondos de Navidad de la Misión Evangíélica Luterana Finesa, que este año brinda apoyo económico a niñas y mujeres para su educación en Nepal. La educación de las mujeres es una de las mejores opciones para luchar contra la pobreza en Nepal.
El concierto “Most beautiful Christmas songs” se realizará el Viernes 11 de Diciembre en la iglesia Kallio en Helsinki. Veeti Kallio, Tarja Turunen, Jari Sillanpí¤í¤ y Mikko Kuustonen interpretarán las canciones junto con la orquesta acústica de Olli Ahvenlahti y el acompañamiento coral de Cantores Minores.

El conciero sera televisado por TV2, el 25.12.
Most beautiful Christmas songs:
1. Maria Lund: Hiljaa, hiljaa
2. Jari Sillanpí¤í¤: Jouluyí¶, juhlayí¶
3. Irina: Sydí¤meeni joulun teen
4. Veeti Kallio: Kuului laulu enkelten
5. Tarja Turunen: Maa on niin kaunis
6. Mikko Kuustonen: En etsi valtaa loistoa
7. Maria Lund & Jari Sillanpí¤í¤: Sylvian joululaulu
8. Irina: Varpunen jouluaamuna
9. Mikko Kuustonen: Joulun rauhaa
10. Tarja Turunen & Veeti Kallio: Arkihuolesi kaikki heití¤
11. Maria Lund: Kun maas on hanki
12. Jari Sillanpí¤í¤: Marian poika
13. Tarja Turunen: Heinillí¤ hí¤rkien
14. Veeti Kallio: On hanget korkeat
15. Irina & Mikko Kuustonen: Hiljaisin Helsinki

Orquesta Acústica de Olli Ahvenlahti:
Olli Ahvenlahti: director, piano, órgano, campanas
Jarmo Nikku: guitarras acústicas, dobro, mandolina, shaker
Ville Herrala: contrabajo
Zarkus Poussa: baterí­a, percusión
Eva Alkula: kantele
Maria Kalaniemi: accordeón
Cantores Minores, director coral Hannu Norjanen

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 28, 2009, 10:46:43 pm
El álbum ”Maailman Kauneimmat Joululaulut” estará disponible en exlusivo para Finlandia el 18 de Noviembre de 2009, a travíés de Universal Music.

La edición especial del single ”Maailman Kauneimmat Joululaulut”, que contiene las tres canciones grabadas por Tarja, estará disponible para todo el mundo a travíés del webshop oficial en forma exclusiva.
Las canciones incluidas en el single son:
Maa On Nin Kaunis
Arkihuolesi Kaikki Heití¤ duet with Veeti Kallio
Heinillí¤ Hí¤rkien
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 01, 2009, 11:07:06 pm
Los padres de Tarja y su hermano!!

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 16, 2009, 11:05:55 pm
Candles and Christmas lights are creating a nice and warm atmosphere here, even though the temperature outside is rough -20° at the moment.

We have seen a beautiful winter sun in these last days only for few hours per day, so the darkness has faded away. It has been just wonderful to watch the sunlight in the trees covered by snow.

The Christmas tour has went really well so far and I have performed with Kalevi, Marzi and Markku already 6 successful Christmas concerts.

Has been a real pleasure to make music together with these brilliant and supportive musicians.

The churches have been so FULL! Somebody said I made history in Haapají¤rvi church few days ago, since there has never been such amount of people in their church before. The audience was sitting on the floor…unbelievable. I am honoured to be able to perform to such a wonderful audience in my home country still today.

Between my own Christmas concerts, I took part of two charity concerts in Helsinki. The last of these concerts is going to be broadcasted by YLE TV 2 on 25th of December in Finland. It was a nice evening with other Finnish artists and for our pleasure; the President Tarja Halonen delighted us with Her presence.

There is only 1 concert left to perform in Finland on this Finnish Xmas tour, but the tour won’t be over by then.

I will fly to Moscow the day after Seiní¤joki concert to perform with an orchestra another kind of Christmas concert. The program of the concert will be … different 

I am very happy to return to Russia and to feel how cold it might be there…

One more thing; on my only day off in the last weeks, I went to Petrax Studios in Hollola, Finland to record vocals for one new song.

A song that you might hear pretty soon… it’s not for my album though, but a duet for one very famous and beloved band. Just to give you a clue…

I will leave the announcement for the band to make. I love to keep secrets from you!

See you next time in Seiní¤joki!

With love, Tarja

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Diciembre 22, 2009, 02:51:16 pm
A Tarja se le olvida completamente la letra de Deep Silent Complete :09:
(estaba toda loca porq le acababan de dar 2 premios)
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 22, 2009, 10:30:12 pm
 :016: :016: :016: :016: :016: :016:
Que graciaa!!
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Diciembre 23, 2009, 12:20:33 am

Ave María
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 23, 2009, 11:48:47 pm
Muy bonitooo!!!! :014: :008: :008: :008:
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 26, 2009, 10:41:35 pm
Dear friends,

My Xmas tour is happily over. The concert in Seiní¤joki was a great success and it was just wonderful to sing in the famous church of Lakeuden risti, which is designed by Alvar Aalto. The acoustics in that church is amazing. I felt like singing in a huge cathedral.

People seemed to be happy to receive us there and we saw that many music lovers attended the event. It was sad though to end the successful tour with Kalevi, Marzi and Markku, but I am sure we will be working together pretty soon again. I wish them all best of luck for their new challenges. I also want to thank for the great collaboration once again. It was fantastic opportunity to sing with you guys!

Day after Seiní¤joki my journey took me to freezing Moscow

I had two days of rehearsals with the orchestra Globalis and conductor Anton Shaburov.

It was great to see how enthusiastic the players were to play my songs. I was truly surprised by their attitude and talent.

The venue was not exactly what I had in my mind for an Xmas concert with an orchestra, but the local promoters wanted to make the show there. I discovered that not many people were aware that I was going to perform an Xmas concert program!!

I still hope people were happily surprised by my concert.

The night itself was an amazing experience for me personally, since is always beautiful to sing in front of an orchestra and the audience was just overwhelmingly warm to us. So many smiles and happy faces!

Thank you once again Russia for a great support and love. As I promised, I will be back very soon with my new album and band.

Thanks Tommi for the gorgeous lights and Pete for the crystal clear sound

Now there is no time to waste; even a day, since I am going to be working hard with the new songs for “What lies beneath”. Next time I’ll write about how things are going with the album pre-production. Exciting times ahead of us! 

I wish you all happy Christmas and a great ending for this year. Thank you for being there for me.

With all my love,


Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Diciembre 28, 2009, 02:13:58 pm
Answers to fanclubs´ questions

Tarja Turunen has answered questions which were sent to her by official Winter storm fanclubs

Winter Storm Czech Republic

Dear Tarja,
we all know that you like Rammstein, could you tell us names of three of your favorite Rammstein songs, if you have ever been on their concert and would you like to make a song with them? Anna Marie Dvo?áková

Reise reise, Mutter, Mein Herz brennt.

I have never been in a Rammstein concert, even though I would love to. I don't see Rammstein performing my songs nor me singing their songs, but a collaboration for a special project doing music together would be wonderful.

Winter Storm Costa Rica

Tarja, I always liked the dresses you wear at concerts etc. I read on a page that you and Marcelo secretly married and that you had wedding party. So I would love to know what kind of wedding dress you´ve been wearing and what kind of style it was? Alejandra Montes

I didn't get married in secret. All my friends, relatives and business partners got an invitation for our weddings. This was a private celebration where press was not invited, not a secret event.
The colour of my dress was ivory and it had long sleeves, long tale and some golden details embroidered in the silk material.

Winter Storm Colombia

I love the way and the passion you have when you sing in a stage, what is the most important thing you always have in your mind when you're singing in front of an audience? And how did you feel and what do you remember of the concert in Colombia in 2008? Lizeth Paola Lugo

I am the storyteller, trying to make people travel with the help of my voice to different feelings. I need to stay humble otherwise I would loose my gift. I always want to give my very best for the audience, no matter the circumstances. I remember that my show in Bogotá got delayed because of some technical problems. Other than that the concert was a success and the people in Colombia were fantastic. Some guys gave me a birthday cake in Bogotá and I still remember how cute they were.
Winter Storm USA

With all of your experience and knowledge would you ever write a biography or an album of your life? Sherrie Wynne
One way or another you are already reading my life like an open book, from my lyrics and through my music. It is fascinating to be able to write music on your own and challenge yourself every day. There has been many publishers interested in writing a biography of me, but these kind of things take time and I am not in a hurry. Maybe some day it would be nice to get all the things I've done in my career down in a book, but not yet.

Winter Storm Belgium

It's already hard to write a poem, let alone such poetry as you write on music. What is the first thing you have in mind if you're writing a song? Music or Lyrics? And what has been your inspiration. Lore (CenturyxChild)

I never write the lyrics before the music.
Sometimes when I have a very strong idea for a song theme or even a title for a song, it's easier to start writing the music for it. When the music is done, then I write the lyrics. Things bothering me, things moving me, people around, the nature, surroundings, different cultures, movies and books are my inspiration.

Winter Storm Russia

Dear Tarja! In your conversation with russian fans which took place last year you said that you like sportcars, including "F1". How long are you interested in this kind of sport? are you a fan of any team or pilot? Would you like to write a song about it or about your compatriot Kimi Raikkonen? Andrey

I am a fan of cars in general. I like old cars and very fast sport cars. I have been following “F1” for many years, mainly because of the Finnish talented drivers. I have been watching “F1” in Sao Paulo, Brazil with my husband, but I have never thought of writing a song about racing.

Winter Storm Romania

Maybe a bit early to ask, but do you think that What Lies Beneath is going to have its representative characters, as My Winter Storm had? Regarding to the title, is there any chance that we would see a Tarja-siren, for example? Silvia
I am not planning to use the same concept for the artwork/design including characters on my new album. There is going to be one theme throughout the whole album, so every song is one way or another linked with this theme. The artwork will present the stories in some of the songs. Tarja siren sounds nice, but I think it stays only in your imagination this time!

Winter Storm Italy

First of all I want to thank you for all the emotions you gave us. My question is: 
What do you think when the concert is over? Thank's a lot again, a kiss
Mattia & Gaia Telch 
It takes me a quite long time to leave the feeling I had on the stage behind. The adrenaline is running still few hours and it is very hard to fall asleep. Many times I am really hungry after the show, because on the show days I hardly eat anything. When I go to bed I go the whole show through in my mind. No matter if the show has been a “success” or a “disaster”.

Winter Storm Greece

Do you have any plans for a DVD or maybe a video clip for a new song? Dimitris Machairas
I would love to be able to film a DVD in the future, but there are no concrete plans for it yet with Universal Music. I hope this will happen after my next album. You can of course expect to see at least two new video clips of my first singles from the new album during 2010.
Winter Storm France

What are the countries of the world which you did not visit and which you would like to know ? Have you already dived into French waters ? Like in Corsica, in the Antilles or in French Polynesia ?" Melie

China, India, Malaysia and New Zealand are in my top ten list for countries to visit next. My dream is as well to be able to dive in French Polynesia one day. Maybe go to Bora Bora to relax. I haven't been diving in French waters yet...unfortunately.
Winter Storm Poland

What can really crack you up? Mila
Many times I have needed to admit that I can be really foolish and make stupid mistakes and then it's good to laugh. Normally the best laughs are happening with my brothers who know me the best. A good comedy movie is as well a great tool to relax and forget worries.

Winter Storm Germany

Could you imagine to release an aria album one day? Florian Blaschke
Why not. I am very open for new challenges. I have managed to gather great and talented musicians around me and I am sure to get their very best help for an album like that. It would be wonderful to record an aria album with an orchestra. This will anyway take a long time and preparation from me which I don't have at the moment.
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Diciembre 28, 2009, 02:14:52 pm
Winter Storm Rio

Dear Tarja! How do you feel when you hear about your fans who waited in line overnight just to attend your concert in the first row or to meet you personally? Ednan Alves  Pessoa

Sometimes it really feels strange to hear stories and talk with people that have made a big effort just to meet me. What is the thing in my art that moves people so much? I know that there are many people that are travelling all around the world to my concerts.  I really appreciate the love and support I am getting from people around me. I surely hope I would be worth for your efforts in the future too. I am trying to do my best in every concert.

Winter Storm Bulgaria

What is your dearest childhood memory? Georgi Ivanov
My parents made me a big surprise when I was 6 years old. They have bought me a piano which I still have today. It was such a surprise that I never forget that feeling I had when I walked into our living room and saw that beautiful black instrument there. My parents were always very supportive towards my wishes in music.

Winter Storm Mexico

Independientemente de tus actividades musicales, desempeñas alguna actividad deportiva? o tienes algun deporte favorito aunque no lo practiques? Edgar Ivan Rodrí­guez Ramí­rez

Apart from your musical activities, do you practice any type of sport? or do you have a favorite type of sport even though you don't practice it?

I am running, doing aerobics, swimming, diving and singing! I like to watch football games, but I am not into playing football myself.

Winter Storm Spain

¿Tienes pensado por casualidad crear una firma de ropa y complementos de Tarja y comercializarla en tus propias tiendas / franquicia? Iris

Did you happen to think about creating a clothing/accesories line and sell them in your own stores?

When I would have any time left outside of music! I am very interested in fashion and beauty in general and I think I have created my own style which has been developing naturally through out the years. My taste in clothing has become more clear as well in the last couple of years. Now finally I know what looks good on me and what doesn't! Anyway, to create an own line of clothing would be too much for now. If I decide to take more time off from touring and composing one day, maybe it could be a option for a future.

Winter Storm Netherlands

Is there any chance that you will record an album with a complete orchestra and choir, and also will give some concerts with the orchestra and choir? Erik

Like I did with My Winter Storm, there will be an orchestra and choir recorded for my new album as well, but there are no concrete plans for an album just with an orchestra. I have done many concerts already with a choir and an orchestra and there will be many more to come in next years.

Winter Storm Chile

Hello Tarja, what are there songs that have marked his life? Francisca Gómez

Phantom of the opera. The inspiration for why I started to sing classical music.
Von ewiger Liebe from Brahms. The reason I chose chamber music instead of studying just opera.
Bohemian Rhapsody from Queen. I understood that there are no borders nor rules in music. Is just the emotion that matters.
I walk alone. My first single and very important beginning for my solo career.

Winter Storm Argentina

In all the places that you are, which was the most beauty for you? Jorge Sanchez

There are many places, but to mention only one; Iguazu falls Argentina. Incredible natural beauty.

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Diciembre 28, 2009, 02:20:41 pm
I walk alone
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Diciembre 28, 2009, 02:26:33 pm
The Phantom of the Opera (Brasil) con Edu Falaschi (Angra)
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 28, 2009, 10:38:36 pm
Muy buenas las preguntas!!

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 30, 2009, 10:48:01 pm
You Would Have Loved This (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Enero 05, 2010, 06:39:04 pm
White Christmas (la baila y todo jeje)

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 15, 2010, 10:49:00 pm
Tarja Turunen en el Opera-Rock Show 2010

El Festival Internacional de í“pera Miskolc orgullosamente presenta a Tarja Turunen y su concierto "Classic and Divine" en el Opera-Rock Show 2010. El concierto de la soparno Finesa (Quien ha sido llamada "La voz de Finlandia" por la presidenta Taja Halonen) tendrá lugar a las 21:00 el 12 de junio del 2010 (sábado) en el Miskolc Ice Hall (Hungria).

Un setlist especial de casi dos horas sera compilado por Tarja para este show, incluyendo una selección de las canciones más amadas de My Winter Storm, gemas clásicas, covers de rock impredecibles, canciones de su carrera con la banda finesa Nigthwish y canciones de su nuevo álbum What Lies Beneath.

Será acompañada por su propia banda, orquesta sinfónica y coro.

Aquellos quienes han estado en nuestros anteriores Opera-Rock Shows en 2007 y 2008 o han escuchado los dos álbumes en vivo que se han grabado de ellos saben que podemos esperar un concierto verdaderamente grandioso y único otra vez en Miskolc en 2010.

Boletos disponibles en y en la red europea de Eventim (

Boletos: 25 Euros hasta el 1 de abril de 2010. Despuíés de eso, 30 Euros.

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Enero 17, 2010, 05:25:52 pm
The final work for What Lies Beneath has started.

In these last couple of weeks I have been daily preparing the production, schedules, arrangements for the songs and for the album itself.

It feels great to be able to start the recordings very soon, since I have been waiting for the moment already for a long time. I am truly excited to witness how all will unfold!

The process for my second album started back in June 2008. Among the first songs that my friends and I composed at that time, a character called “Naiad” was born. The fantasy story of Naiad gave me the idea for the album title and for the whole album concept: What Lies Beneath.

Let’s start getting together into the spirit of the album.

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Enero 17, 2010, 05:26:32 pm
Find here the lyrics of Naiad. It is a very important song in the album and means a lot to me personally.

Naiad (Torsten, Angela, Adrian and Tarja)

She hears the distant soft caress
there in the gloom.
Colours surround with tenderness
guiding her through.
In the forgotten sweet abyss
another sound
twilight floating memories
always without.
there above the surface
an illusion
reaching down for me.
What lies beneath
beyond the ocean’s door
tranquil is the kiss
of the azure rising deep
sleeping ever more
Naiad’s mystery
what lies beneath.
Guarding their immorality
saints in the sand.
Stranger than beautiful eerie
an ancient land
Circle of sixteen turned to stone
and still they keep
shimmering crystal promises
one space between.
Breathing the newborn waves.
Kneeling for the sea she became.

The last touches for the music, last lines of lyrics and arrangements for the songs need to be done now before getting into the studio.

I have chosen the musicians for each song, the recording and mixing engineers and some the studios where the album will come alive.

We are also starting to organize the artwork and photos for the album.

It has been wonderful to be able to brainstorm again and decide the direction the album is going to take. I hope that you will be surprised again by my work; because that’s the way I like it :)

The recordings of the drums will begin on February 4th. I will be in touch with you daily from the studio, so you will have a chance to read, see and maybe also hear what is happening there."

Follow Tarja at
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 18, 2010, 10:55:28 pm

Ganó en la encuesta que se hizo por internet.

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 19, 2010, 10:57:12 pm
La ex- cantante de NIGHTWISH Tarja Turunen entrará al estudio en febrero para grabar su nuevo disco en solitario "What Lies Beneath", álbum que en principio será conceptual.

La cantante ya tiene elegidos los estudios y los ingenieros, además de los músicos que grabarán cada tema.

La grabación de las baterí­a comenzará el 4 de febrero.

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Enero 29, 2010, 06:54:26 pm
EL LIBRO DE TARJA es una propuesta para sus fans y hecha por fans (no hay ninguna afiliación con páginas oficiales).
Queremos escribir un libro para Tarja con los comentarios de sus fans, y así­ poder regalarle todo el cariño y aprecio en una obra única que solo los tarjistas pueden crear!
Para participar solo teneis que entrar en este blog y dejar vuestro mensaje:
O enví­a tu comentario a:
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Enero 29, 2010, 06:57:01 pm
Un Peazo cover de I Walk Alone

Jørn Lande es un cantante noruego de hard rock y melodic metal, considerado una de las mejores voces del mundo en estos géneros musicales y conocido por multitud de proyectos entre los que cabe destacar Masterplan, además de su carrera en solitario. A menudo se compara su voz con la de cantantes clásicos de los ochenta como Ronnie James Dio o David Coverdale, dos de sus mayores influencias.

Sería cosa de Terrana? :)
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 29, 2010, 11:33:25 pm
Ya sabia lo del libro!!!
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 01, 2010, 10:33:39 pm
Tarja Turunen colaborará en el nuevo álbum en estudio de la legendaria agrupación alemana Scorpions, el cual se titula Sting In The Tail, y como recordamos, será publicado el 13 de Marzo de este año, siendo a su vez, el último de su larga y exitosa carrera musical. Esta noticia fue confirmada por el guitarrista Rudolf Schenker en una entrevista realizada por The Gauntlet. La canción en la que escucharemos a Tarja con su melodiosa voz se llama “The Good Die Young”
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 03, 2010, 10:34:39 pm
"The Good Die Young" (trozo) (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 04, 2010, 10:54:06 pm
While we are waiting for the instruments to be delivered and built up, we checked the first songs for the drums recordings. We will start with Mike parts tomorrow.

We decided that the session would start with the first song that was composed for the new album: “The Crying Moon”.

It feels great to finally be here and face the fact that my songs are becoming alive. My friends, I have been waiting for this moment a LONG time.

The weather was beautiful today; plenty of sunlight and scenery with snow covered trees and fields. The news was that there hasn’t been this much snow in the last 30 years, at least in the capital, Helsinki. It’s a lot I can tell.

I’ll keep you updated.

And here some words from Mr Mike Terrana:

Yesterday evening I flew into Helsinki it was cold and dark, but Tarja, Marcelo & Toni were there to greet me, naturally was I very happy to see them….until they told me that I must go in the sauna and then jump immediately the icy cold waters of a nearby lake frozen lake….hehe….I’m not too sure that I can handle this….hehe
They say it will make me stronger……hmmm….I need to think about this.
Wednesday morning we arrived at “Petrax Studios” around 2:00pm, which is located in a remote part in the south of Finland. Lots of snow here, but its very white and beautiful. It’s cold outside, but the studio and apartments are warm and cozy, there is lots of good food and the people that work here are very kind.
My drums did not arrive today as planned, despite the fact that they were shipped from Germany last week. Apparently bad weather conditions had made some trouble for the shipping company, so we hope tomorrow the drums will arrive.  Then I can spring into action build my kit, get some good sounds and record a few tracks before the day is over.
I think it’s going to be a great record and I’m looking forward to playing on Tarja’s new music. So stay tuned for more details.
Uncle Mike
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 05, 2010, 11:14:00 pm
Alex and Mike were sleeping long this morning and while they were having their beauty sleep, I was working with Jetro in choosing the best keyboard tracks for some songs.

It was not too shiny weather today, nor that cold, but since we are completely surrounded by snow, we still had quite a lot of light, which definitely helps.

 I like to work in this studio where you can see natural light, because lack of light makes us very sleepy.

Good news. The drums arrived today and Mike was very happy, as the rest of us.

I had some time to think about the artwork for the album as well. Everything seems to be in place, so there are going to be excited times ahead. We will be doing the photo sessions for the album cover and booklet in few days.

The drum recordings started with success. Mike did a GREAT job with the first song. Wow, it comes alive and the groove is already lot better than in our demo.

It’s incredible, I am happy. Alex was playing in the same room with Mike while he was recording and I was singing in the control room. It is easier for Mike to follow us and to get the whole picture and feeling of the song when the guitarist is playing and the singer singing at the same time. It took Mike just few takes when the song was completely laid down and the result is fantastic

Soon we will all go to sauna to relax. I was the one preparing it ready tonight, I also put some wood to the fireplace, so that everybody can enjoy himself after a long day

With love, Tarja

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 06, 2010, 11:03:17 pm
I slept like a baby last night. It’s so quiet here that it even feels scary at times. But it’s beautiful to work like this.

After Mike finished recording one song in the morning, we had some guests in the studio visiting us. Pete, our live sound engineer came to talk about next shows.

We are planning some crazy stuff for the next “world” tour. It’s just so fantastic to be able to decide myself the stage set up, the design of it and plan all the matters of the touring after all.

We need to start things already now, very early in advance, so that we are not running late when we need to hit the road with the new album.

Today was a magnificent day. Mike finished 3 songs and he is laying down damn good material.

“LL”, “DS” very heavy songs and “U” a beautiful ballad. You didn’t think I was giving you all the song names right away, did you? 

The atmosphere is calm and relaxed in the studio. I am not pushing Mike to his limits. At least I hope so 

I guess nobody likes to work like that anyway. Better your mood is, better you perform. That’s how it should be. And the question is, why try to make the impossible happen if the results sound already awesome? I don’t see any point in that. We have fun together, we do our best and that is what matters at the end of the day.

My friends from Same-Eyes Film Company are around too, shooting the whole production so that one day you’ll all see what we have been up to. Is nice to have things filmed so that we can remember everything afterwards.

Sometimes the time is running too fast and you don’t even realize what you are living through.

Today I even got to practise playing some piano parts that I am going to record in few days, so it was a very exciting day indeed.

We expect more visits for today. Let’s see…

And here some words from Mr Alex Scholpp:

hey everybody!

we are here in the snow and darkness, far away from civilisation- outside it´s cold and silent, not a sound. but things changed here since mr. mike terrana- well known as the “rythm beast”, blasts the roof of the studio with his furious power- power drumming and animal- like grunts and screams in between the takes! 

we are finished with recording drums for four songs now and it´s great fun to jam and rock those songs together with mike.

right now we are figuring out the right grooves and parts for the songs, then record the drums and next week we start with bass and guitars.

the studio is very nice and we get taken care of really good. it´s a great vibe here i have to say.

so more from me later, good night!


I’ll write more to you tomorrow.

With love, Tarja

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Febrero 07, 2010, 02:52:57 pm
Former NIGHTWISH singer Tarja Turunen will perform a special "Classic and Divine" opera rock show with a symphonic orchestra and choir on June 12, 2010 at the Miskolc International Opera Festival at at the Miskolc Ice Hall in Miskolc, Hungary. Tarja's two-hour set will include a selection of the best-loved songs from her "My Winter Storm" solo album, classical gems, unpredictable rock covers, tracks from her career with NIGHTWISH, and songs from her upcoming album, "What Lies Beneath". She will be accompanied by her own band, a symphonic orchestra and a choir.

A trailer for the concert can be viewed below.

Fans who witnessed the two previous opera rock shows in 2007 (THERION) and 2008 (EPICA) or heard and saw the two resulting live albums/DVDs know that they can expect a truly great and unique concert again at Miskolc in 2010.

Turunen will enter the studio in early February to begin recording her new solo album, "What Lies Beneath". She writes on her web site, "It feels great to be able to start the recordings very soon, since I have been waiting for the moment already for a long time. I am truly excited to witness how all will unfold!

"The process for my second album started back in June 2008. Among the first songs that my friends and I composed at that time, a character called Naiad was born. The fantasy story of Naiad gave me the idea for the album title and for the whole album concept: 'What Lies Beneath'.

"It has been wonderful to be able to brainstorm again and decide the direction the album is going to take. I hope that you will be surprised again by my work; because that's the way I like it."

Turunen recently recorded three songs for a Finnish Christmas album, produced by Olli Ahvenlahti. According to Turunen, this was "a charity project for missionary workers in Finland."
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 07, 2010, 10:27:08 pm
Last night we were late up, so it was a bit tough to get back to work early in the morning. The red wine did it’s “thing” you know… 

Max came to the studio to work with us some songs and it was nice to have him around.

It’s always great when somebody else comes in and helps us to refresh ourselves. That way we don’t get bored.

It was so funny when I met him in the morning. After I gave him a hug, I told him “oh my God, Max you are even taller with the shoes on”. But he was NOT wearing any shoes! In a minute I realized that he was like “WHAT? Maybe I can come down from the mattress.”  Well, Max knows me well already… I haven’t just seen him in a long time…

We are working very hard to get the songs in a shape where everybody feels good and comfortable. Mike did again amazing job today. He recorded few more songs and we are well in schedule.

Among those songs was “In For A Kill” that I have performed last year a couple of times with an orchestra. Now it turned to be really cool with the drums and the reference guitars from Alex. Is already very promising.

It was a surprise for everybody in the studio the cover song recorded today. We managed to refresh a great song from the 80’s. Is a bit sad that songs like this one nobody writes any more.

According to Mike; he played today the longest drum fill he had recorded in nearly 100 albums!!

We had fun with his performances and sometimes it felt that he did more than what he expected himself to do! So it made him very happy.

It was a tough day for all of us, but very rewarding

With love, Tarja
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 08, 2010, 10:33:44 pm
We are having FUN!

The house is getting packed now, since it’s crowded with Americans!!!

Doug Wimbish and Will Calhoun arrived here yesterday night. The lovely lady from the farm went to pick them up from Helsinki airport.

As you might wonder correctly, Will is here to record drums for some of my songs.

I am very happy to have him on board. He is going to give different colour for some songs with his drumming, for sure.

Mike was recording three more songs and his work is almost done.

Only one more song to go that demands some experimentation as I wish that Mike and Will would play together.

Mike is going to stay longer in Finland though, since he will shoot his own video with my friends from Same-Eyes. He kills two birds with one stone 

Ok. I need to keep on working now. Will be a long, but interesting day

With love, Tarja

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 10, 2010, 11:10:29 pm
time to congratulate uncle Mike. He finished his parts yesterday and did a magnificent work.

I guess from now on, he is going to sleep very well 

Mike is going to chill out now and have some fun with us. Perhaps enjoining some red wine as well.

The song nailed yesterday by my two drummers is called “Crimson Deep”. Wow! It just sounds exactly like I was expecting it to sound.

I love challenges and since those times are long gone when somebody really was working like that in a daily basis, I thought why not to give it a try. And it worked!

Two excellent drummers with different styles, but professional understanding of the way the other one plays, so there were no problems to cut this song and an amazing, bombastic wall of sound was created

It was just all about the arrangement that had to be fixed and discussed before they jumped behind their sets.

Will also recorded last night a song that I wrote few months ago. It still misses some lines of lyrics, but it’s almost done. The song has very nice mood and I am sure when the arrangement from Jim Dooley will be ready, the song will be just wonderful.

It has been very nice to work with Will, since he is absolutely open for different ideas and he is very creative.

We overdubbed some nice stuff for the songs with his bag of tricks that will give a different flavour to the music.

I am very happy to work with all these incredibly talented people. It has been amazing learning process for me once again.

Yesterday, Christian came to the studio too. He has been listening what we’ve done so far, so that he can work on his keyboard arrangements. He will record few things during these days here and the rest of the songs, he will finish on his own studio in Hamburg

And Alex is constantly working on the heavy riffs.

Everything looks pretty fine and we are in schedule still.

With love, Tarja

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 11, 2010, 11:31:28 pm
Hoy tambiíén hablo el Sr Terrama:

Dear friends,

I am having at the moment lots of make up and running around for several clothes changes. We are doing the photos for “What Lies Beneath” album cover and artwork.

Is very nice to rest my ears for a couple of days, though it has been a lot of fan to be in the studio. I will show you some images of the photo shooting, but later on.

We are very busy today still and it will keep us even busier tomorrow   Now I am leaving some words from Mike and some photos that he took in the last days.

Hi everybody!  Uncle Mike here again, Tarja asked me to write a few words summing up my impressions of her session. So here we go…

I was born in Buffalo New York, so I’m not really a big fan of cold weather or snow, but I must say Hollola Finland is a very beautiful and relaxing. It proved to be a great place to live and work while recording Tarja’s CD.

There is just a great positive vibe here.  Its kind of an old school environment great huge drum room, including a very comfortable and well equipped control room. I was really impressed with Petrax studios it reminded me of the larger studios that used to exist during the 70’s , 80’s and 90’s

Unfortunately my drums arrived one day late due to poor weather conditions, but after that delay… everything fell into place and the reminder of the session went as smooth as glass.  This session was also a nice way to test out my new custom kit made exclusively by Drum Craft.  I must say the kit performed beautifully and I think we really captured some good sounds!

The engineer Jetro is a very talented, patient, hard working guy.  I would also like too personally thank Tiina & Petri  the owners of Petrax Studios for there kindness hospitality.   They are two of the sweetest people I have ever met and they really made us all feel so welcome and comfortable.  We have been spoiled by Tinna’s excellent home cooked meals day & night.

Naturally when the vibes are good and your feeling comfortable then you are free to make good music. I’m going to miss this place and these people its simply a lovely place to work.  What more could any musician as for!

I have been touring with Tarja now for approximately two years and during that time, I often wondered if I would get a chance to record on her new CD. So as you can imagine I am very happy and very proud to be a part of “What Lies beneath”

I turned 50 last month and I think playing on this session is one of the best birthday gifts I have ever received!

Woops Sorry…. I have digressed… back to the music.  All the songs are very well written and arranged.  Tarjas vocal melody lines are beautiful and I think she is singing better than ever.   There is going to be a lot of emotions on this CD.

Tarja also has a very good understanding of how all the instruments must work together in the studio.  This is a very important skill, especially when you’re trying to convey your musical and creative ideas too other musicians.  I was very impressed that Tarja was able to understand my approach to drumming. She really has a great ear for picking out the cool drum parts.  It was fun to play all kinds of grooves and fills and let her pick what she liked.  Tarja always seemed to pick the groove or fill idea, which worked best for the track and was also cool from a drumming perspective.

Initially my approach to this session was to act in a supportive role.  I came prepared to accompany the music and Tarja’s voice. However, I was surprised that this CD seems to be much heavier and experimental with regard to the drumming on the previous release “My Winter Storm”.  In some songs I was given free reign to cut loose and really play what I wanted within the boundaries of good taste of course! 

It was also very cool to play live in the studio and record some of the songs together with Alex on guitar. I think its gives the tacks more of a live feel with raw emotional power.  It’s been a long time since I have worked like this.  So it seems on this session Tarja & Marcelo have managed to combine the best of the old and the new with regard to recording techniques and live playing.

Looking back on the past days, I really feel that I had a chance to express myself and to show my own personal drumming style.  It’s really nice to work with people that enjoy what you can bring to their music. For me, this is what music is about.  It’s about exchanging musical ideas and creating interesting moods and feelings.  The feelings generated depend mainly on who is playing.  With musicians like Alex Scholpp and Doug Wimbish, I can tell you the rhythm guitar and bass tracks on the CD are rock solid. The grooves are tight yet; they still retain the organic performance style of each musician.

It was a pleasure and an honor to play double drums with Will Calhoun on the epic song “Crimson Deep” This was Marcelo’s idea and again it’s in keeping with mixing new technology with old proven ideas.

I have played along with other drummers in live situations, but never in the recording studio, so I was a bit curious and excited to see how it was going to work out.

Will and I found that after mapping out our parts, we synchronized together in real time and it really adds a nice flavor to the over all track. There is a very strong primal groove running through the entire song and although Will and I have different playing styles and influences, I think we both complemented each other and the music.

This session just flew by.  It was also great to be back with everyone again Tarja, Marcelo, Alex, Max, Doug and Christian.  This was a session that I shall never forget; it was truly a great experience.

I’m looking forward to getting out on the road and playing this music live for you people

Cheers, Mike

With love, Tarja

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 13, 2010, 10:58:43 pm
It’s so funny to read that some of you got nervous because I didn’t write in two days…come on. I am working here  !

The photo session went really well and Jens Boldt did magnificent work again. Some of you will love it, others will freak out 

Few days ago I needed to say goodbye to lovely Will Calhoun.

He is just a wonderful personality and very supportive character. I enjoyed working with him a lot. I hope to meet him very soon again. Thank you Will for your kind words, effort and talent.

Today in the morning I returned back to the studio where Doug and Alex are recordings their parts.

Doug did a great job in the album song “Naiad” today. Bass is not only the supportive instrument on this album, but also it has a big role in being a mood creator. There is more than one song with two bass lines.

This is the last day for Doug in the studio and soon it will be getting quiet here again, since only Alex will stay with us.

Just few days ago there were 12 of us!

Anyway, I am really getting excited about the recordings because the songs are sounding already exactly how I wished them to sound long time ago. Just wonderful…

The same way that we did when Mike played his parts, Doug and Alex are playing together in the heavier songs while Doug is recording. That way it’s easier for him to get the correct groove of the song. The guys are recording in the control room where we all are present. It’s really cosy here

Chris recorded a small Hammond feature in one of my songs. The song is very theatrical with tempo and key changes and needs all kind of crazy stuff and Hammond is definitely one of those elements.

There is a very old Hammond here in the studio and I wanted Chris to record with it even though I knew he has one of his own at his home studio. I just wanted to hear that old instrument’s massive sound.

Before Chris and Will left the place, they got to try out the snowmobile! Even though the one in the photo is Alex. I saw they had some fun for a while. There is lot of snow here to play with those machines! It can be dangerous though…

We are progressing nicely and fast 

With love, Tarja

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 15, 2010, 11:01:21 pm
We said goodbye to Doug Wimbish in the morning. He finished all the bass parts last night with success. Including a beautiful solo for “The Crying Moon”.

Alex was recording yesterday and today guitars for many songs. He is using 3 different amplifiers in recordings, so that we reach bigger and bombastic sound. Here you’ll see them in the back.

It has been absolutely important that Alex has been here with us during the whole project. He has been arranging killer guitar riffs for many of the songs and they are sounding now much more modern, heavy and ROCKING!

But there is also space in the album for some delicate sounds together with the raw ones.

There have been quite many people visiting the studio while we’ve been here and ALL of them have agreed that this album sounds very promising  . I am, of course, very delighted about this. We have worked in the whole process 33 songs from which I decided to record 17. The remaining ones took another path because of the music, lyrics or both. I am sure that I will give them a rest, but I will re visit them for other projects or for a future album.

Tomorrow I will start rehearsing and adjusting the vocal parts and getting my body ready for the actual recordings. These are about to begin 

We have been working long days. Every night the time to go to sleep has been more or less at 03:00 in the morning or later. The lack of sleep starts to affect all of us, but the good mood around helps us to keep ourselves in the right track. We are here for one purpose and everybody is giving his or her very best for it.

I am very happy to see the musicians really putting their heart into my music. I am really grateful to them.
With love, Tarja

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 17, 2010, 10:52:42 pm
Some of you were wondering that 17 songs is quite much for an album. Not all the songs are going to end up on the actual album.

We need bonus tracks and b-sides for different territories and singles. In the worldwide release, there are always countries asking for bonuses. On my album you can expect to have around 11-12 songs. I am lucky though to have more than enough material.

Last night Alex finished his guitar parts and today he returned back to Germany in the morning.

The band recordings are pretty much done now. We still need the keyboards and cello parts. These two instruments are not going to be recorded here at Petrax, but both Christian and Max are recording in their home studios.

We had some guests in Hollola today. Max helped us to contact musicians from Lahti symphony orchestra to record a string quartet. Max played himself the cello parts and did the arrangement for the quartet. The recordings went really well and the sound I was seeking for, was accomplished.

Thanks to Jyrki, Pauline and Ríémi.
It was really great to have all my “band mates” here with me. We had a good time together in these sessions and the results are speaking. The songs are really getting tight, even though they are still missing quite few elements.

I read in the blog that many were surprised to see how fast the recordings are progressing. Have in mind that we have been working, discussing and living with these songs for nearly 2 years in some cases. So at the moment of the actual recording, everything is very clear already.

Tomorrow the vocal session will begin, so wish me good luck 

With love, Tarja

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 17, 2010, 10:59:36 pm

Show de í“pera Rock: Haz un video para el concierto

En el 2010 Miskoc Opera Festival's Opera-Rock Show, Tarja Turunen ofrecerá un concierto titulado "Classic and Divine" acompañada por una orquesta sinfónica y coro. Los organizadores decidieron anunciar un concurso para que los fans realicen un video de 1 – 1.5 minutos de duración para promocionar el evento. Los participantes pueden utilizar fotografí­as, videos o canciones de Tarja para la realización del video. Los 3 ganadores del concierto serán elegidos por Tarja personalmente.
Primer premio: dos entradas para el concierto Classic and Divine, un paquete de regalos de Tarja, y un encuentro con Tarja tras bambalinas (solo para el ganador del concurso).
Segundo premio: dos entradas para el concierto y un paquete de regalos de Tarja.
Tercer premio: dos entradas para el concierto.
Todos los videos enviados serán presentados en el canal oficial de youtube del concierto (, así­ que por favor enví­en videos que se puedan usar en youtube (en tíérminos de tamaño y formato). Los videos deben ser enviados a esta dirección de mail:

La fecha lí­mite es el 1° de Mayo de 2010.

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 20, 2010, 11:15:46 pm
Yesterday was a quiet day. Only Jetro, Marcelo and I were working in the studio making edits for the songs already recorded by the band.

It’s great to be able to realize that some of the songs are already ready, just missing my vocals…

I was using one microphone that I very much liked in my previous recordings, but when we started asking for it long time ago, we couldn’t find that microphone in Finland at all! 

So yesterday we went through quite many microphones that we had here with us and it was very useful. There can be really big differences between microphones and from my experience, the ones that are usually used in vocal recordings, are not so good for my voice.

Most of the microphones cannot handle my high register, so I need to find one that has good high end, but that can also be warm enough to transmit the softer moments.

I am going to be recording my vocals in two different studios; in Petrax where I am singing most of the “rock” tracks and in El Pie Studios in Buenos Aires where the more organic, movie kind of songs will be recorded.
Today we had another guest with us. Marzi Nyman came to add his guitar effects for some of my songs

know Marzi already from my Xmas concerts. He has been playing on my last couple of tours in Finland and I have always loved his way of using the pedals and effects.

He creates unbelievable moods as Doug does with bass.

Some of the songs on this album require special atmospheres and its better to do them organic ways rather than using samples.

Thank you Marzi for your thoughtful work.

Another nice thing happened today. I received the first orchestra arrangement from Jim and I have to say again that he is SO talented. He just blows me away every time with his work.

The orchestra will sound massive and beautiful, just as I wished it would sound. Just wait to hear!

I started recording vocals for the first song “LL”. It was the easiest choice to start with. The song will be absolutely and definitely the heaviest track on my album and written by Alex, Johnny and me.

I think everything went fine with the song and it was fun to record it. Very easy, took me just few takes to get it right
I’m heading towards new challenges tomorrow.

With love, Tarja

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Febrero 21, 2010, 02:52:13 pm
The Good Die Young - Scorpions (radio edition) se oye a Tarja en los coros (esperemos q en la versión normal cante más)  :82:
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 21, 2010, 06:54:32 pm
Esta bien!!
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 22, 2010, 10:53:40 pm
Tarja en Wacken Open Air 2010!!
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 23, 2010, 10:26:10 pm
I recorded my first ever piano tracks for “U” and “TAOLD”! The grand piano in the studio is Bechstein which sound I truly love. Bechstein is very moody piano in general. I have the same brand at home as well. In these songs you will easily “recognise” me playing the piano parts, instead of a professional pianist.

So if I don’t consider myself as a piano player, you shouldn’t do that either 

The feeling in these songs is the most important matter and I think I captured it. It has been really nice experience for me to work with our engineer Jetro who has been so supportive and a great help in my “troubles”. He has good ears and is very, very fast and talented.

Still feels awkward to be playing an instrument (rather than my voice) in songs where Mike Terrana, Doug Wimbish, Will Calhoun, Alex Scholpp, Christian Kretschmar and Marzi Nyman are displaying their talents

I received already the second orchestra arrangement today and it sounds very promising as well, so we are progressing. I was also recording vocals for one song that is considered by the record company and all the musicians to be one of the first singles. Let’s see later if you like it or not 

Today we said goodbye to Petrax and it’s lovely people, Tiina and Petri. We were really happy to work at their beautiful place and I am sure it won’t be the last time they will see us there. Everything went marvellous and we felt like being at home. Many thanks to Tiina for the delicious food and care and Petri for his support, efforts and understanding. We wish them just the best.

We will resume the vocal recordings later. These couple of weeks have been full of work and concentration, since I am producing this album on my own and with the help of the dear ones around. Now I think I need at least some rest.

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 23, 2010, 10:27:28 pm
I will leave you in the meantime with few lines of a song I already recorded my vocals.

Who can change this memory?

Inside it needs to burn

Worship by the enemy

The guilty take their turns

Watching as it’s disappearing

Shadows all that remain

Wishes slowly crossing over

In this parade of pain

I will come back to you soon.

With love, Tarja

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Febrero 24, 2010, 01:53:03 pm

Extracto de entrevista a Rudolf Schenker de Scorpions sobre el nuevo disco y en la q se refiere a Tarja  :016:

The Gauntlet: Are there any guest vocalists like in the past?

Rudolf: Yes. One woman named Tarja [Turunen]. She is the old woman from a band called Nightwish. She is on the song "The Good Die Young".

The Gauntlet: I don't think she is an old woman though.

Rudolf: What! [laughs] No a young woman. I meant she was the old or last singer from the band [laughs]. Sorry. I should say former singer!

Mira q llamar vieja a Tarjita jaja  :023:
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 24, 2010, 10:48:22 pm
Se explicó mal jejeje! :016:
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Febrero 26, 2010, 11:17:42 pm
unas fotos bonicas  :023:

Floor, Liv Kristine (LEAVES' EYES), Denise Dufort(Girlschool), Sabina Classen ( HOLY MOSES), Tarja turunen etc.
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Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Febrero 26, 2010, 11:19:56 pm
POr cierto lo de la altura de Floor es mucho  :016:

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Con Doro
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Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Febrero 26, 2010, 11:21:36 pm
Con Giardino y Barilari de Rata Blanca

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Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Febrero 26, 2010, 11:36:52 pm
Y pa los nostálgicos

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Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Febrero 26, 2010, 11:38:22 pm
Uis q me olvidaba de esta  :016:

Tarjita (supuestamente)

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Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 01, 2010, 11:26:50 pm
I am happy to tell you that I have been very busy recording vocals in the last days.

Six songs are now ready with trillions of backing vocals and Tarja choirs

Everything is going very fine and few elements remaining to be added to some songs. I am still having good time even though the sessions have been tough and days very long.

I haven’t been posting lately too often because I really have too much things on my mind at this moment and there is barely time for one short break in a day. I hope you’ll understand…

Is not just about singing, but deciding all parts from each instrument, fixing arrangements when needed, checking the files with Jetro and telling Jim what we are looking for each one of the orchestrations.

I have been receiving more orchestra arrangements, almost daily, including massive choirs.  Max has been also sending his cello tracks.

For the opening track of the album I am preparing a real surprise for you! It’s sounds SO freaking well already that it’s making me dizzy with happiness 

“Anteroom of Death” will shock you certainly since it truly is a freak song, but that’s how much I love theatre and how great it is to feel free.

I can’t wait this album to be ready…I would just love to see all of your faces when you hear this song!!!!

You have been anxiously waiting for a glimpse of what was going on in my photo session with Jens for the album artwork. So here you go





I’ll try to write again in few days.

With love, Tarja

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Marzo 06, 2010, 02:51:08 pm
Pues me temo q sólo hace coros..aunq vaya lujo tener a tarja pa q te haga los coros jeje  :023:
Scorpions feat. Tarja Turunen-The good die young
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 09, 2010, 10:45:29 pm
I arrived to LA few days ago. It’s a wonderful spring here and the sun is shining. It was tough in the dark Finland in the last weeks, so I was already starting to miss the sea and the sun. The least I am going to miss is the snow work…

This trip is not a holiday trip though. I am working with Jim, Slamm and Bart at Remote Control Studios again. We are getting the orchestra arrangements ready and we are starting to discuss the mixing process with Slamm. He is going to be the one to mix all the orchestral tracks. Other mixing engineers will mix the rock/heavy tracks, but I’ll tell you more about that later 

On these days, I hope to meet Mel Wesson as well who was working with the ambient music design on my first album.

The progress of the album is going smoothly but steadily ahead. I have realized during this last month that some of the songs that I thought were not the strongest ones during the writing process turned out to be really good songs now when everything has been recorded. I will definitely have some trouble in choosing the ones that are going to end in the actual album. I guess it’s a nice problem though.

The vocal recordings will continue pretty soon after this LA trip.

Now I would like to tell you something that has been on my mind for some time already. Usually I am not interested in giving my opinions and comments about things that are outside of music and my career, but this time the happenings around just touched me deeply.

There was just a while ago a terrible earthquake in Haiti, followed by other one in Japan and later on in Chile and more recently in Turkey.

It’s just so unbelievable to think all the suffering and trouble that people need to go through in their lives. I am truly speechless and sad. Except for Haiti, I have been in the other countries were I have met lovely people. Is difficult to think that some of them or their families might have been reached by the horrible situation. I am just having them in my thoughts. I send them all my humble and honest love and prayers.

This is the sad reminder for all of us to live our lives as best as we can every day, so that when it’s our time to go, we die alive.

You will never know what is waiting for you tomorrow, so today is the day to cherish.

With love, Tarja

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 17, 2010, 10:30:02 pm
Los veteranos Hard Rock Alemanes Scorpions lanzará su nuevo y último álbum de estudio, "Sting In The Tail", en Marzo 19. El CD fue grabado en un estudio en Hanover, Alemania con los productores suecos Mikael "Nord" Andersson y Martin Hansen.

El álbum incluirá una participación estelar de Tarja en la canción “The Good Die Young” que ha sido tambiíén elegida como primer single del álbum y estará disponible a partir del 26 de Febrero.

Luego del lanzamiento del nuevo disco y la próxima gira mundial que llevará a Scorpions a travíés de cinco continentes, la banda dará por terminada su carrera. El grupo hizo el anuncio en su Web oficial el mes pasado.

“Es un gran honor haber sido invitada a formar parte del último álbum de Scorpions. Recibí­ una llamada de Klaus quien fue muy gentil en transmitirme los deseos de la banda de tenerme como invitada en una de sus canciones. No estaba enterada que serí­an sus últimas grabaciones hasta que hicieron el anuncio, así­ que tengo sentimientos mezclados de felicidad y un poco de tristeza al conocer la noticia. Sólo puedo agradecerles por la invitación y por permitirme formar parte de su último esfuerzo como banda. Estoy segura que guardarán este álbum en particular en sus corazones de la misma manera que haremos sus fans y yo”.

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 18, 2010, 10:26:56 pm
Ya está en Youtube!! (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 23, 2010, 10:42:58 pm
The trip to Los Angeles was very successful and the songs that needed orchestra and choir arrangements are now ready to be recorded.

It is very exciting indeed to imagine how everything will sound in the end when these two important elements are recorded.

This time we have decided with Jim Dooley and Tim Davis who will conduct the orchestra, that the recordings will take place in few days in Bratislava. Slovak National Symphony Orchestra and Choir will be playing on my record.

I am very happy with the work of Jim who put his heart into my songs. I got again very emotional by listening his work. It’s unbelievable how gorgeous gift of music he has. You’ll hear pretty soon what I mean 

 left the sunny LA a week ago to return to Buenos Aires to record vocals for few more songs.

Still there are 6 more to go. It feels endless, but we are working hard to get everything done in time.

I am satisfied with my vocals since I feel that I have learned quite a lot in these last few years and the people that are working with me this time, are really helpful and supportive.

It is absolutely important that during my vocal recordings I am neither worried nor nervous for any reason. That would affect my performance in an instant.

It has been just great to be able to be free and produce my own record for the first time. Is strange feeling to have recorded already around 10 albums, but still “What Lies Beneath” process has been so far a gift, a learning process and such a joy. In many ways feels like the first time.

I won’t go to common places to say that MWS was just fine and WLB is the best!

I do have MWS in my heart and will always be like that. If those were the first steps, with WLB I learned to run.

Both albums are equally important for me, both part of a life process.

There have been so many moments to cherish and cheer which I will always remember and keep in my heart.

Next flight will take to Salzburg where you’ll see me performing with Scorpions in the most successful TV show in Europe called “Wetten Dass..?” on next Saturday 27th. Don’t miss it! I am sure I will have a good time there with the band and it is a great honour for me to take part in their performance in this particular show.

Until then…

With love, Tarja

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Marzo 26, 2010, 11:40:31 pm
Tarja tira el micro!!  :016: cosas q pasan en los directos :023:

que grande! jaja
por cierto q majo marcelo que le lleva el micro negro pa q le siga haciendo juego con el vestido jaja
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Marzo 27, 2010, 06:21:09 pm
Una bonita foto
( (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Marzo 29, 2010, 03:34:40 pm
Scorpions feat. Tarja Turunen-The Good Die Young Live (German Show "Wetten Dass..?")

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Marzo 29, 2010, 04:19:26 pm
Entrevista. Algo en inglíé mayorí­a en alemán..a ver si hay suerte y alguien subtitula.. ;)

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Marzo 29, 2010, 04:33:34 pm
Vale..buscando traducción por internet parece ser q La cosa va más o menos así­ (traducción de Unia. del foro de


"We have no experience in breaking up"

Interviewer: Yes, it is sad, 2 months ago Scorpions announced that the band will break up, but not without drums and trumpets thank god, because they just released a new studio album and a two-year long tour. And today there are in Salzburg, with me. Welcome, Scorpions, and of course Tarja Turunen. Is it the right way to spell it, Tarja Turunen?
Tarja: Tarja Turunen. (laughs)
Interviewer: I'm much better with (?).. Tarja Turunen. Once with Nightwish, now on stage with Scorpions. If it's ok with you guys, lady's first. You will be on stage tomorrow with the guys, so how does it feel to be on stage with them?
Tarja: I'm really thrilled, I'm really.. It's an honor for me to be performing with them, to make music together with them, I've been a great fan for many years, so it's a really great pleasure.
Where do you know eachother from?
Tarja: Oh, we met the first time in Brazil, no? A few years ago.
Klaus: At a festival.
Interviewer: Was this the start of your co-working process or..?
Tarja: No. (laughs) I don't know, how did it happen?
Klaus: Well, you know, I think we remembered Tarja from Sao Paulo and I think we also have a common friend, Doro.
Tarja: Doro. Yes.
Klaus: Yes, and on her anniversary I think we..
Tarja: Yes, a few months ago, no, last year.
Klaus: ... were there in Dusseldorf, right?
Tarja: Yes.
Klaus: Yes, so we met a few times, not really but, you know, we when we were.. Should I speak German, English? ... Deutsch... As we were producing the album, and as we were working on the title of The Good Die Young, we thought it would be cool if this title would be ennobled, and we thought at Tarja's exceptional voice, and we talked on the phone, I think you were in Argentina then..
Tarja: Yes.
Interviewer: You live there, right?
Tarja: Yes, in Buenos Aires.
Interviewer: Ah, great city.
Klaus: So she heard the song and thought it would fit her voice, so the song has got a really special touch, because Tarja become a part of this song, with her amazing voice. We are really happy about it, that we had the possibility to work together on this album, Sting In The Tail.
Interviewer: The last studio album. Tarja, what do you think about the fact that the guys want to stop with their music career?
Tarja: Oh, man, yes, I recorded the song without knowing this! I was shocked! No?
Rudolf: No, it came out in the last moment, we made the decision.
Interviewer: I think everybody was shocked actually.
Tarja: yesh, just my (touches jaw) dropped! (laughs)
Interviewer: I have to ask: why?
Rudolf: It's easy, I mean we are a rock band, and Rock You Like A Hurricane, and when you are on the stage, and you don't have the mentality anymore, that you can have now, is obviously no "Rock You Like A Hurricane" anymore. It can be ridiculous and we want to use the chance with this album, Sting In The Tail, we found the essence from the '80s again. We are now where we have been before, and we wanted to use this, the fact that the '80s are at the order of the day, and it is a good thing for us to end our career in this way, so that it will be a happy end and not a fiasco.
Interview: But after so many years - maybe I am too senseless - but aren't you nostalgic on stage, when you think that everything will end soon?
Klaus: I have to say, at the moment there is a certain excitement, the album has got some great reviews, and we got some really positive feedback from our fans. And of course, the tour started recently, in Moscow, and until now we have been very happy especially about the concerts in Germany, in May, when we will play for our German fans on a big arena, so the moment, when we will be so emotional is still somewhere in the background, I have to say, as we arrived in Moscow, last week, there were so many fans at the airport, and they had flowers, and small presents and there were some who made photo albums, on which it was written "remember the good times", I have to say that was when I had the feeling that everything will get a lot more emotional, for the first time.
Interviewer: I believe that. Tarja, are you going to be on the tour with the guys as well?
Tarja: Oops! Uhh... (laughs) No, I'm preparing my own album now and a tour.
Interviewer: Ok.
Tarja: Perhaps, hopefully, there will be an event, somewhere, hopefully, to sing together, to perform together, but...
Klaus: It would be fantastic. You will be welcome to share the stage with us always, Tarja. Always.
Tarja: Thank you!
Interviewer: They are obviously getting along really well. You already said that Sting In The Tail will be leaning towards the style of the 80s, to what you doreally well, and you found a good form for it, but how far is it from a retrospect of the band's whole history of 40 years?
Klaus: No retrospect. It is more like an attempt to the future, we have searched so much, especially in the 90s, and we tried (something with acoustics?) and we tried to have our own ideal sound, and that was not that easy, because you have to be able to direct the time as well * , and when you have some experience with that everything goes a lot easier, and everything was possible because of our Swedish producer. That's when it is the decisive moment, and exactly because time is on our side we want to use it to find a good ending, and not a tragedy.
Klaus: It's like that, like when you come home from the olympiade, and you have a gold medal. Lots of athlestes and singers dream to find the perfect moment when they should stop, and I think that everybody wants to find the right time, so that at the end of a 40 year long career you don't lie on the ground, and if you think about that, the '90s were that kind of time, when alternative music was popular, now classic rock is still important and we get such a strong feedback, now in the last days, that Sting In The Tail is also in the top 10 of Itunes..
Tarja: The new times.
Rudolf: First place in Rock-Charts.
Klaus: .. that it's amazing and after 40 years of career these "older guys" still said that this is our passion, this is our life, this music, and to make another album for our fans, where we are ending this chapter, an end to this long career, and remain what we have always to be in the collective awareness of our fans, and what we still are, a live rock band. And I think that this goal and the things that still lie ahead of us are enough.
Interviewer: In '75 you were co-headliner with KISS.
Rudolf: KISS have searched for us themselves, they asked Bravo [German magazine] if they can send them a German band and they have picked us, which was really great, we have recently met and it was great, after their concert, Gene Simmons was not there but the rest of the band was there, and the conversations went so far, that one of them said that "You know, my dream was to ? Scorpions again" and they were very happy. So we have made some great friendships in America with some great bands in the '80s. This music has a great power, and it was very special in the '80s, KISS belong to that as well, to the music scene, with this message and with this power.
Interviewer: Did you know this then, in 1965 when you formed the band, and you named the school band Scorpions? Had you already planned this career?
Rudolf: Well in 1965 it wasn't planned, even though we were already writing "Scorpions" with a "C" and not a "K", but as Klaus and my brother the band joined, it was clear to me that something very big can happen and that we had to take advantage of this situation, and in 1972, on the 2nd of Feburary, we released the first album, so when you think at that, we are ending the career at the same level, also we are at "Wetten, dass...?" at the beginning of our tour, and it wouldn't be bad if we came in the end of it as well. In any way, we have been on the way since 40 years, from 1972 to 2012. And this has been some nice time, right?

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Marzo 29, 2010, 04:34:00 pm
Conversation after the performance

Thomas: Tarja, Hello. Klaus, you thought, when Gottschalk takes the Hunziker in the show, you'll take/get yourself a beautiful finnish woman, right?
Klaus: Yeah, exactly.
Thomas: Helps, doesn't it? Work is a lot more fun then again.
Klaus: Yeah, exactly. And if you have such a nice voice with you, it's amazing.
Tarja: Thanks, oh, thanks.
Thomas: How is it, does she speak German? A bit?
Klaus: Yes, a bit.
Tarja: A bit.
Thomas: Isn't it horrible to travel with 5 of those men?
Tarja: Horrible? No! Horrible it isn't.
Thomas: Sport shoes are flying there, there are of course somehow, they can also be gentlemen? They can really be gentlemen?
Tarja: They can be gentlemen, all of them, hahaha.
Thomas: That calms me. But I somehow still hope that it's gonna be an empty threat, we would then somehow coordinate our final tours, but regarding the album, yall said firstly, we have achieved such a masterpiece, we'll let that stand like that for all eternity.
Klaus: We thought, one last great album with Sting in the tail, and then we slowly approach the final stretch, for the next 2 1/2 years world tour to say goodbye, to say Adieu to the fans, and we are especially looking forward to our German fans in May.
Thomas: In May Scorpions on tour in Germany, this was their newest song, Tarja, thank you very much, have fun together. Bye.
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Marzo 29, 2010, 04:43:05 pm
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Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 05, 2010, 10:44:31 pm
First of all the experience in the ” Wetten Dass..?” Show was just amazing

It was great to sing with Scorpions, of course! I have to tell you that these guys from the band are SO kind. They were treating me like a queen and I was very delighted of their support and trust.

Is funny to see the bigger “names” with humble attitude that allows them to see and understand. Many times better and faster than people around you who you need constantly to convince of what you want and like.

I had very nice talks especially with Klaus and his family. They seem to be a great team and we share many similar things in our private lives.

I also found out that the writer Paulo Coelho, who is a great inspiration to me, is also a friend with Rudolf!

I wish The Scorpions the best for their last album and tours and congratulations for the great chart entries in the world! I am sure we will meet very soon again.

Few nights ago I had a chance to see Andrew Lloyd Webber’s “Love never dies” musical and I fell in love with it in an instant. It was just a wonderful performance and an amazing piece of art. There is still hope, since good music really exists and people are willing to hear more.

I finished writing the lyrics for a song that I composed last in the writing process. It is a piano/orchestral piece that I could have called “Oasis 2”. This time it has English lyrics and continues the story of “Naiad”. During the piano recordings at Petrax studios, this song changed quite radically, because I decided to write an improvised piano piece in between the song. It feels good to be free and open to hear suggestions, but also to follow my own instincts.

In few days I’ll get back into recording the vocals for the last songs and immediately after I’ll let you know where I am heading to mix the album.

The orchestra and choir are already recorded!

There are exciting times ahead of me. Getting the final album in my hands is getting closer and closer day by day.

I have been trying to re gain the lost energy in these last couple of days and it feels I was able to do exactly that. I am ready for new challenges.

I think I already mentioned you the song called “Crimson Deep”.

Find here the lyrics we wrote with Angela.

Sometimes I see the pulse

numb I feel,

so unreal.

Blood on my lips I taste the heavy lead.

What can I find behind the mirror,

I’ll never know.

Who’s the reflection within?

Should I frame for you the other world?

Another world?

I’ve heard the voices of Elysium.

The scent of a sudden wish,

never there, everywhere.

Read me the space in-between.

Sharp is the edge of all discovery,

now I see.

A scar without suffering, impossible.

I’ll wait until my last day

with no shame.

Who’s to blame?

Shaping the signs left for me.

Come to me

I cried

I need you.

I am seeking

the gates unfold inside

my lost soul

in the dark.

Far beneath my breath

I’m burning

at my core.

Show me how

let me see beyond

I will find

my Crimson Deep

With love, Tarja

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Abril 06, 2010, 11:56:56 pm
Pa' agosto  :81:
Tarja Turunen is continuing work on her new solo album,"What Lies Beneath", for a late summer release. With production handled by Tarja  herself and selected tracks set to be mixed by U.K. producer Colin Richardson (famed for his work with MACHINE HEAD, BULLET FOR MY VALENTINE and SLIPKNOT, among others), the follow-up to 2007's "My Winter Storm" "looks set to take Tarja's unique musical mix of drama 'n' decibels to a whole new level of success," according to a press release.

"We worked on 33 songs this time around from which I decided to record 17," Tarja explains. "It has been great to have the freedom to produce my own record for the first time; these sessions have been such a gift, a real learning process and a true joy. In many ways, it feels like the first time…"

The lead single from "What Lies Beneath", title to be confirmed, is currently being discussed for an early August release, with the full album to follow later that month.
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 08, 2010, 10:43:34 pm
TARJA sacará el primer single de su próximo trabajo "What Lies Beneath" a primeros de agosto; el corte elegido es el tema tí­tulo.

El material está siendo producido por la propia Tarja en los estudios Petrax de Hollola, Finlandia, y la mezcla correrá a cargo de Colin Richardson (MACHINE HEAD, BULLET FOR MY VALENTINE, SLIPKNOT). Los arreglos orquestales se realizaron en los estudios Remote Control Productions de Santa Mónica, California junto a James "Jim" Dooley y Slamm Andrews; la mezcla de estos arreglos y de sus respectivos temas la realizará Slamm Andrews.

Además de "What Lies Beneath" (tí­tulo provisional del álbum), Tarja Turunen ha desvelado hasta ahora los tí­tulos "Anteroom Of Death", "In For The Kill" y "The Crying Moon".

Podíéis encontrar un adelanto de la sesión de fotos realizada para el disco aquí­.

Para el álbum, en el que Tarja se estrena como pianista, la vocalista ha grabado 17 temas de los 33 que tení­a compuestos.

Algunos de los músicos participantes en la grabación son el bajista Doug Wimbish (LIVING COLUR, ROLLING STONES, MADONNA, Joe Satriani, Jeff Beck), y los baterí­as Will Calhoun (LIVING COLOUR) y Mike Terrana (SAVAGE CIRCUS, RAGE, AXEL RUDI PELL, YNGWIE J. MALMSTEEN, ARTENSION, MASTERPLAN, GAMMA RAY, Roland Grapow, METALIUM).
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 14, 2010, 08:27:55 pm
I HAVE GOOD NEWS my friends. What Lies Beneath is finally recorded!!!!!

Only waiting for some guests that will record few parts and send them over.

It was a great last vocal session. I am grateful that everything I planned was accomplished. Also the things that we decided on the way have only improved the songs making the overall picture clearer in the end.

It’s going to be a very nice and powerful album!

It has been a “long and winding” road, but definitely worth every step.

You see who came to visit me in the studio in these last couple of days? Both my lovely and talented brothers Timo and Toni shared their vocals with me in one particular song, which you are going to hear pretty soon in my summer shows with orchestra and choir.

The name of the song of course will need to remain as a secret until that 

It was so wonderful to sing with them. I am very proud of them. We are all very different kind of singers, which makes us a very unique musical family 

The next challenge is the intense mixing process that will take place starting from … tomorrow!

I can’t believe that I am at this point in the production. Makes me really thrilled!

We have decided to mix in three different locations with three different engineers to get the best out of each song.

The first stage will take us to London!!!! I am going to spend next couple of weeks mixing part of the album with Mr. Colin Richardson at Miloco Studios.

We have met after my last show in London and since then we have been working already in the songs.

I am truly looking forward our collaboration. Colin is very kind and a true British gentle man.

London is also one of my favourite cities in the planet, so I cannot be more than happy to be there. Maybe I’ll have some time for shoe shopping (as you know already), if I am lucky! 

Now I’ll enjoy a glass of red wine that I feel I’ve well deserved it.

Be well my friends.

With love, Tarja

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 17, 2010, 10:45:46 pm
Twitter! (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Abril 21, 2010, 03:20:24 pm
Tarja Impersonators!

"There are and have been over the years many persons in the net claiming to be Tarja. If a person claims to be Tarja herself and is chatting with you via the internet outside of an officially confirmed site, her blog or her forum it should be obvious for you that these must be fakes.

There will be an official facebook and an official twitter account announced at some time later, but as the name already says, these will be also called "official" and will be used solely to post infos, similar to the already existing official myspace account. Tarja will not actively participate in these accounts."

For example:

This page is a fake!

Pos eso, que hay muchos impostores por la red.
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Abril 21, 2010, 03:21:59 pm
TARJA TURUNEN: Warming Up Beneath 2010 Tour Dates Announced

TARJA has confirmed a number of new dates on her Warming Up Beneath 2010 tour:

12 - Miskolc Ice Hall - Miskolc, Hungary
25 - Graspop Metal Meeting 2010 - Kastelsedijk, Belgium

8 - Rockweekend Festival - Sí¶derhamn, Sweden
10 - American Beauty Car Show - Haapsalu, Estonia
15 - Masters Of Rock Festival - Vizovice, Czech Republic
23 - Kaliakra Rock Fest 2010 - Kavarna, Bulgaria

6 - Wacken Open Air - Wacken, Germany
14 - Rock Pod Kamenom - Snina, Slovakia

Tarja Turunen recently finished recording her forthcoming new album, What Lies Beneath, which is now being mixed at three different locations with three different engineers.

"The first stage will take us to London," says Turunen. "I am going to spend next couple of weeks mixing part of the album with Mr. Colin Richardson (MACHINE HEAD, BULLET FOR MY VALENTINE, SLIPKNOT) at Miloco Studios.

“We worked on 33 songs this time around from which I decided to record 17,” Tarja Turunen adds. “It has been great to have the freedom to produce my own record for the first time; these sessions have been such a gift, a real learning process and a true joy. In many ways, it feels like the first time…”

The lead single from What Lies Beneath, title to be confirmed, is currently being discussed for an early August release, with the full album to follow later that month.
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 21, 2010, 10:29:07 pm
Bonita foto!!

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Abril 29, 2010, 02:24:10 pm
According to ALICE COOPER fan site SickThingsUK, German booking agency KBK  has announced an Alice Cooper tour for November. The dates are as follows:

4 - Stuttgart, Germany - Porsche Arena
5 - Kempten, Germany - Bigbox
6 - Munchen, Germany - Zenith
8 - Berlin, Germany - Max Schmeling Halle
9 - Leipzig, Germany - Arena
11 - Frankfurt, Germany - Jahrhunderthalle
12 - Dortmund, Germany - Westfalenhalle
13 - Braunschweig, Germany - VW Halle
15 Bamberg, Germany - Jako Arena

Support on all dates with ex-NIGHTWISH singer Tarja Turunen, who covered Cooper's '80s classic 'Poison' on her debut solo album.
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 01, 2010, 10:43:30 pm
It has been wonderful in beautiful and sunny London these last two weeks. The weather has been just perfect, chilly at times, but full of light.

When I landed to Heathrow, the airport got closed because of the volcano ashes from Iceland! I was very lucky to get here right in time. Actually the people at the studio were not expecting to see me any more when I arrived.

Now my songs are really starting to kick some a**!

Colin has been working very hard on the songs and he does his job carefully, with lot of thought and passion.

It has been nice to see that he seems to like what he hears, so it probably makes him work even better 

I am very happy with what I can hear so far. These songs that are going through his fingers, are definitely sounding lot heavier than any of the songs from my last record.

Just the sonic difference in guitars makes the songs radically heavier. I have always liked how he treats the guitars with the bands that he works with, like Slipknot for example.

In the morning I sent some songs for the band to start rehearsing for the summer shows.

Alex was the first one to react and this is what he said:

“ thank you for sending the song and: yes, fucking killer!!!:-)
very cool- sounds really cool- guitar sound is the bomb- the song turned out great! the ambience sounds and choirs are also amazing.
vocals are very nice- pretty dry and clear- cool!

wow! yes!

i think this is how it should be- great job to all you guys.
it turned out great and (of course) over the overall sound i love the guitar- sound! please tell colin an extra thank you!:-) “

Anyway, you cannot expect me to make only a heavy metal album either. I am making Colin sweat with cellos, orchestras, choirs and sound ambient design   

Among the songs Colin mixed there is a duet 

I haven’t been really working with such impressive vocals before. Courtesy of “All That Remains’” singer Phil Labonte.

With him the song “Dark Star” reached another dimension. Thanks Phil!

It has been a great pleasure to work with Colin and his engineer Martyn Ford. We have had many good laughs!

Tomorrow I will have new photos taken by photographer Paul Harries. I am very excited about the forthcoming session.

Also quite many journalists came to listen to my new material in the studio these last days. Soon you’ll be able to read studio reports from London written by media from Germany, Finland and UK.

For the first time in my life I had the chance to see London Philharmonic Orchestra´s with the The London Voices and The London Oratory School Schola in the Royal Albert Hall. They performed the score of the movie “Two Towers” from Lord of the Rings while the movie was projected at the same time on the big screen. It was just stunning. The whole thing gave me goose bumps… Howard Shore, the composer of the score was also there presenting the music.

For now, this part is over. Colin and Ginge will get back home and I will continue the mixing process in LA.

With love, Tarja

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 01, 2010, 10:46:22 pm
Esta semana se desvelará la portada de "What Lies Beneath"!
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Mayo 06, 2010, 01:20:29 am
( (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 06, 2010, 03:50:33 pm
Da un poco de grima!!! :018:
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Mayo 06, 2010, 06:46:37 pm
pues si, se lo podí­an haber currado un poco más pero bueno..esos ojazos no los tiene cualkiera  :023:

The name of first single from new Tarja´s album What Lies Beneath is Falling Awake.

( (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 09, 2010, 11:07:14 pm
Entrevista para Revista (InZlin) República Checa Parte 1

Tarja Bajo la Superficie de el Nuevo Album

Tarja Turunen dio al mundo la noticia de que ha completado la grabación de su nuevo álbum el 14 de Abril. Dos dias despues ella estuvo en contacto con el editor de Spark, abrio su corazon a Republica Checa, y eventualmente a fans Eslovacos de sus impresiones. Como es bien conocido, ella no tiene una pequeña base de fans aqui y esa definitivamente es la razon de porque ella decidio incluir al festival “Masters of Rock” en su escasa agenda de festivales. Mas que nada se puede esperar un performance “unico” Tarja estará acompañada por la filarmónica de Bohouslav Martin y un numeroso coro.

Ella empezo a trabajar en su nuevo álbum, ya conocido como “What Lies Beneath” en Junio del 2008, cerca de 7 meses despues de el lanzamiento de “My Winter Storm”, que ha vendido mas de 650,000 copias en el mundo. Ella componia cuando fuese que tenia tiempo libre, inclusive durante las giras, dentro de las que se presento 5 veces en República Checa. Ella estrictamente disfruto la libertad en la composicion, por eso al final decidio producir el album por si misma.

“Todo fue mas facil de esta manera, por otro lado mi banda estaba grabando conmigo. Probablemente puedo llamarlos “mi banda” despues de tres años gastados en el camino,” (risas).”

Cuando ella escogio a sus compañeros de banda, el guitarrista Alex Scholpp, bajista Doug Wimbish, quien estara ocupado con “Living Colour” será reemplazado por “Oliver Holzwarth” todos ellos apoyaran a Tarja tambien en Vizovice. Ella compuso 33 canciones durante el relajado proceso de composicion y decidio grabar 17 de ellas. Asi solo aparecieron problemas agradables.

“La primera dificultad es decirme a mi misma: “Suficiente!” y luego la seleccion de las pistas que serán usadas en el album que viene. Todos me dicen lo perfecto que es esto, que yo tengo muchas piezas de musica, pero realmente no lo se,” (Tarja titubea).

El viaje dentro de lo profundo de su propia alma

La cantante estaba comparitendo eufóricamente pequeños trazos de sus ideas durante la composicion, por ejemplo, en Enero ella reveló la letra de Naiad. Como sea, el personaje de una heroina homónica sigue siendo un secreto para sus fans.

“Naiad es una personificacion de belleza. Aparece en dos canciones, aunque el album en si, no es estrictamente un concepto” . El titulo del Cd “What Lies Beneath” puede ser traducido como “Lo que se esconde bajo la superficie” esto hace eco de un tema integrado. “Todas las canciones van mas o menos acerca de lo que se esconde bajo la superficie y que las cosas no son lo que aparentan ser, no importa elpunto de vista que se tenga. Yo canto acerca de cosas que me molestan en general, pero tambien de cosas personales, cosas que se esconden dentro de mi misma.”

No hay duda de que Tarja ha aprendio a conocer mas de si misma durante el proceso creativo.

“Colaboríé intensamente con mi esposo, mi banda y un monton de gente que quiere ayudarme. Y toda esta gente me empuja a seguir adelante. ¿Porque no intentas esto?, ¿porque no intentas aquello?… De esta manera descubri un nuevo potencial en mi.” ella habla relativamente acerca de nueva experiencia y aventuras, que la han hecho sentir como “primeriza” en muchas cosas a pesar de su variada y larga trayectoria. “Por ejemplo, esta fue la primera vez que grabe pistas de piano. Esto fue como “Vámos, sólo tócalo” y yo decia “¿quíé?!” pero mira, esto eventualmente funcionó. Titubee mucho en varias cosas. Debo ser fuerte, y los fans escucharán que soy mas fuerte que nunca en este album, lo que me hace muy feliz.”

Como si las propias cosas vividas en Petrax Estudios no fueran suficientes. La visita a su pais natal termino con un encuentro familiar no planeado, cuando Tarja dio la bienvenida a sus dos hermanos en el estudio.

“Nosotros somos muy unidos a cada uno, y aun cuando no nos vemos muy a menudo, siempre estamos en contacto. Cuando regresíé a Finlandia, les pregunte si querian venir a grabar algo conmigo. Ellos se preguntaban que solo teniamos tres dias para ello, pero al final ellos vinieron precipitadamente e hicimos un cover juntos. No quiero decirte el nombre todavia, pero seguramente lo tocaremos en “Masters of Rock”.

Mientras que la voz de Toni puede ser clasificada como heavy metal, gracias a su carrera con Decended o Celesty, Timo debe ser una sorpresa para la mayoria de sus fans. El nombre de el otro artista invitado ha sido un tambien un secreto, por tanto discusiones y suposiciones han rodado en internet. Una cosa es conocida. El destino tragicamente intervino en la elección.

“Peter Steele de Type O Negative deberia aparecer en el album como invitado especial, yo ya estaba arreglando los ultimos detalles con su manager. Ayer supe la noticia de que murió” “No síé que haremos con la canción en la que se supone apareceria, pero definitivamente será lanzada en WLB.
Aqui esta la segunda parte

Ampliamente extendida

“What Lies Beneath” debe contener una mezcla de metal, musica clasica y soundtrack. Aquellos que estan exitados acerca de esto, probablemente esten todavia mas excitados, aquellos que encontraron “My Winter Storm” demasiado poco pesado no tienen que desesperarse. Como sea es necesario reconocer que el hecho de que la vision musical de Tarja en su carrera solista ya no esta restringida al Heavy Metal.

“Comparado al album previo, el nuevo es mas pesado, aunque no debo llamarlo una pieza de Heavy Metal. Todavia tengo la misma vision del sonido, pero regresando a entonces, no pude llenarlo completamente”

ella dice y añade que no repetirá el mismo error, ella decidio colaborar con Colin Richardson (Behemoth, Fear Factory, Slipknot etc) quien mezcló una parte del í lbum. La misma tarea estaba esperando para otros dos ingenieros de sonido.

“Cada canción debe conseguir lo que necesita, lo que no pude ofrecer en MWS. Si una persona que no esta completamente envuelta en musica clasica, metal o digamos pop rock, se encarga de todas las orquestaciones, mi voz y las guitarras pesadas, seria demasiado para el”

explica Tarja, pero ella no dice los nombres de los otros ingenieros de sonido. Ella admite que la totalidad del proceso de post-produccion terminará en Los Angeles, donde la mezcla final tomará lugar. Realmente un álbum internacional aún con el apoyo de Bratislava. Mientras que My Winter Storm tuvo una firma de la filarmónica de Praga, la filarmónica nacional de Eslovaquia y coro estan envueltos en What Lies beneath.

“Jim Dooley me ayudó otra vez con las partes orquestales. El ha estado trabajando recientemente con gente de Bratislava. Nosotros no teniamos ningun requerimento concreto y estaba abierta a cada opcion, asi que cuando el me los sugerió, yo dije que si el creí­a en ellos, yo creia tambiíén. No tuvimos ningun problema con la orquesta filarmónica de Praga, pero porque no intentar algo nuevo. Cada uno dió un trabajo genial.

Ella tambiíén contribuyó con un monton de sugerencias para las partes orquestales.

“Yo dibuje la inspiracion de compositores como Craig Armstrong, tengo mucho respeto por su tíécnica de piano, o de el “Soundrtackista” del mundo Hans Zimmer. Al final trabajamos con la misma gente como Mel Wesson o el chelista Martin Tillmann. Cuando compongo, sigo solo mis sentimientos momentaneos, es eso por lo que el nuevo álbum es realmente muy personal.”

Te veo en Julio, te escucho en Agosto

La fecha preeliminar de el lanzamineto de What Lies Beneath esta prevista el 20 de Agosto, pero como Tarja añade con risa, debemos descontar esto, ella es solo una artista y todo dependera de la disquera. Ella quiere darles el álbum completo a comienzos de Mayo y al final de el mismo mes podremos dar un vistazo a la primera prueba musical. No es seguro en que será (canción, video, etc). Tambiíén es muy pronto para hablar de el acabado final. El Artwork será creado por Dirk Rudolph y contendrá tambiíén grabaciones en video de todo el proceso creativo.

“Yo quiero que mi fans vean como vino el álbum y tambiíén quiero tener todo en un lugar”,
Ella presentará una parte de “What Lies Beneath” antes de la salida oficial en “Masters of Rock”, donde las canciones elegidas serán parte de un setlist y Tarja estará ecepcionalmente acompañada de la filarmónica de Bohuslav Marin y coro.

“El setlist ya está hecho, lo unico ahora necesario es estar preparado apropiedamente. Hemos estado ensayando nuestras partes a nuestra manera, pero estaremos con la orquesta y coro tres dias antes de el performance para empezar a prepararlo juntos. Además todo es muy dificil cuando vienen las cosas tíécnicas, sonido etc. Pero un performance asi debe ser una gran experiencia para cualquiera. Yo creo que no solo tienes cosas asombrosas para ver, sino tambien para escuchar”

Tarja esta viendo hacia adelante y directamente nos anuncia sus planes despues de los festivales.
“Tengo fans muy leales en Republica Checa, que me apoyan con mucho amor puro, asi que no estoy viendo adelante solo con Masters of Rock. La gira regular empieza a comienzos de Octubre y definitivamente regresare
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 13, 2010, 10:37:13 pm
On the last day of my visit to London, I had a very nice photo session with Paul Harries. I have been lucky to find him, because he really always makes me look ”pretty"

We are making progress every day. Now all the orchestral songs are mixed. We worked again with Slamm Andrews, at Remote Control Studios. Slamm mixed my last record and it was a pleasure this time to see my ”movie” songs come alive with his guidance.

Jim Dooley came to say hi and to listen to the final touches for the song “If You Believe” that he produced with me.

It feels just unbelievable that after being in the process so long, almost 2 years, the album is getting ready. I have truly won my fears, lack of confidence and belief that I was not going to make it alone. Is great to have succeeded in what I wanted. It feels good I can tell.

At this moment I am working with Tim Palmer in Austin, Texas.

First time I am in Texas! It’s lovely here though, the city of Austin is full of live music everywhere and it’s warm, as I like it.

Tim is great, a very nice man to work with and having the understanding of the artistic needs that I have. He has an extended musical career and has forged tons of hits and great music

We already mixed three songs including a guest solo from the guitar player of an amazing heavy metal band from Los Angeles. Today we are working on another song with an outstanding vocal group from Europe.

The last mixes will take place during this week and next time I’ll write to you is when I’ll have the complete album finished!!!!!!

With love, Tarja

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 18, 2010, 10:36:17 pm
Concurso de video para Opera-Rock Show: los ganadores
Aquí­ están los ganadores del concurso de video promocional para el Festival de í“pera de Miskolc, donde Tarja dará el concierto “Classic and Divine” junto con su banda, una Orquesta Sinfónica y coro.

Sin más preámbulos, los ganadores, elegidos por Tarja:

1er Premio: Dos entradas para el concierto Classic and Divine, un paquete de regalos de Tarja y un encuentro en persona con Tarja tras bambalinas para:

Milena Roszkowska, [UTF-8?]Biaí…‚ystok, Poland (

2do Premio: Dos entradas para el concierto Classic and Divine y un paquete de regalos de Tarja para:

Helene Jirak (video3), Munich, Germany (

3er Premio: Dos entradas para el concierto Classic and Divine para:

Marií«l Rohrbach (video3), Zaandam, Holland (

Los ganadores serán contactados por el organizador por correo electrónico para aclararles y explicarles en detalle cómo hacerse de los premios. Felicitaciones a los ganadores y a todos los fans que se tomaron el tiempo y el esfuerzo necesario para hacer los videos
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 22, 2010, 11:07:40 pm
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 28, 2010, 10:47:23 pm
Start to discover What Lies Beneath
A two and a half-minute teaser from the album recordings and photo shootings of What Lies Beneath can be viewed in this link! (

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 28, 2010, 10:57:39 pm
Tarja Turunen Studio Report
James Gaden | 13 Mayo 2010

Creado de un mix dinámico de opera y un recien descubierto borde metálico, el nuevo album de Tarja Turunen ya se perfila para rivalizar con su aclamado debut. Con el talento para las mezclas de Colin Richardson, este projecto revolucionario está siendo completado rápidamente. Faye Coulman de la revista Fireworks pasó por el estudio para tener una dosis exclusiva de los ultimos hallazgos de la soprano finlandesa.

Ubicado en un sórdido callejón urbano, los prestigiosos estudios Miloco de Camden prueban que las apariencias pueden engañar. Más sorpresas se desarrollan cuando Tarja presenta cortes que desafí­an al gíénero de su muy anticipado "What lies beneath". Uniendo influencias del metal con peliculas de James Bond, los primeros pasos de la cantante en la producción musical han logrado resultados impresionantes.

"He aprendido tantas cosas durante este proceso" se entusiasma Tarja con una cálida sonrisa. "No se si pueden llamarme productora, pero producir mi disco desde cero hasta el final me ha enfrentado a muchas decisiones duras. Fue difí­cil trazar la linea a veces y decidir si era suficientemente bueno. Sabes...está esto bien? Es este el final? Es esta la toma? Pero ahora es muy bueno saber que las canciones están allí­ y verlas cobrar vida. Durante la grabación, cada parte tení­a que estar completa en tres o cuatro tomas porque soy una perfeccionista en eso, para cuando yo llegaba al estudio, las canciones ya estaban medio hechas. Y tengo que vivir con eso" se rí­e.

Mientras que su primer oferta como solista se mantiene como un logro indiscutido, el sonido de Tarja ha madurado de forma dramática. "Siento que a My Winter Storm le faltaba algo en la producción, porque por supuesto no era yo la que tomaba las decisiones. Pero eso no cambia el hecho de que siempre voy a amar a ese album. Fue un nuevo comienzo para mí­ en tantas formas diferentes luego de una larga carrera en una banda, y de golpe estar rodeada de toda esta gente nueva a quienes no conocí­a de antemano. Estaba muy tí­mida y muy nerviosa, pero ahora finalmente hice lo mí­o. Es un gran paso adelante para mi, y Colin es decididamente la persona correcta para mezclar el album, especialmente dada su experiencia en el campo del heavy metal. Soy una gran fan de su trabajo y especialmente me gusta el material que ha hecho para Slipknot. Alex Scholpp tambiíén es un muy buen guitarrista así­ que fue muy fácil sacar los tracks de guitarra rápidamente. Los resultados definitivamente hablan por si mismos".

Cortesí­a del aficionado del metal Colin Richardson, What lies beneath de hecho entrega un poco del famoso grupo de nueve de Iowa (se refiere a Slipknot), mostrando ritmos explosivos y "shredding" (forma de tocar la guitarra particular del heavy metal) de multiples texturas. Tal vez el tema de Tarja más heavy hasta la fecha, "Little Lies" (pequeñas mentiras), es un tema particularmente guiado por riffs, co-escrito con el guitarrista Alex Scholpp. Acompañado por un coro de 40 personas, invitados especiales y un improvisado solo de piano, What Lies Beneath demuestra un acercamiento maduro y sin miedo a la composición musical.

"Ha sido realmente importante ser muy valiente en este album. Pienso que para mucha gente es difí­cil pensar en mi como una profesional y tambiíén trabajando en el heavy metal. El cuadro entero de mi haciendo música por mi cuenta es bastante raro, calculo. Pero me estoy dando cuenta de que quiero aprender más y más de profesionales como Colin. Cuando la gente escuche el album, pineso que van a escuchar un lado más maduro de mi, como una mujer confiada y fuerte en el rock. Esto definitivamente va a surgir de la música para que la gente lo escuche y se sienta tocada, asi que What Lies Beneath es sobre mi amor por la música y la vida, la cual es un regalo tan especial. Tambiíén hay muchas cosas personales en este album, lo cual daba un poco de miedo, pero fue todo parte del proceso creativo. Pienso que "In for a kill" captura mi sonido actual especialmente bien, con sus riffs pesados e influencias orquestales. Estos son los elementos que definitivamente voy a seguir usando en el futuro".

Complejo en tíérminos musicales y de letras, "What lies beneath" nació de un concepto intrigante. "De hecho se me ocurrió el tí­tulo hace 2 años atrás de una canción sobre una ninfa acuática llamada Naiad. Inventíé una historia de fantasí­a sobre ese personaje y su reino bajo el agua. La idea se hizo tan importante para mi y fue muy inspirador no solo escribir sobre lo que hay debajo la superficie del agua, pero lo que yace escondido en todos y cada uno de nosotros. Por ejemplo, "River of loss" (Rio de píérdida) es sobre un hombre poderoso a quien todos respetan, pero en realidad es un abusador de niños. Es posible vivir con una persona por muchos años y de pronto descubrir un lado oscuro que nunca supiste que existí­a".
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 29, 2010, 07:51:39 pm
La orquesta!! (ensayos del Opera Rock Show) (

A ver si adivinais cual es!!!
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 29, 2010, 07:56:36 pm
Tambiíén del coro!! (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 29, 2010, 07:58:02 pm
Esto es nuevo!! (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 30, 2010, 10:50:51 pm
Esto es nuevo!! (

Esa canción se llama "The Archive Of Lost Dreams"!
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 01, 2010, 10:24:11 pm
Coro de The Archive Of Broken Dreams! (

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 02, 2010, 10:51:53 pm
La orquesta y el coro! (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 13, 2010, 04:41:22 pm
Setlist from her show in Miskolc, Classic&Divine:

Boy And The Ghost
My Little Phoenix
I Walk Alone
Sing For Me
Antoní­n Dvorak (Song To The Moon)
Angels Fall First
Edward Grieg
You Take My Breath Away (Queen cover)
The Reign
In For A Kill
Rivers Of Lust
Still Of The Night (Whitesnake cover)
Die Alive
The Archive Of Lost Dreams
Crimson Deep

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 13, 2010, 10:47:06 pm
Fotos (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 13, 2010, 11:04:02 pm
Classic And Divine

01 - Opening (

02 - Boy And The Ghost (

03 - My Little Phoenix (

04 - I Walk Alone (

05 - Sing For Me (

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 13, 2010, 11:14:12 pm
06 - Oasis (

07 - Sibelius (

08 - Antonin Dvorak (Song Of The Moon) (

09 - Angels Fall First (

10 - Edward Grieg (Solveijs Song) (

11 - You Take My Breath Away (Queen Cover) (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 13, 2010, 11:28:32 pm
12 - The Reign (

13 - In For A Kill (NUEVA) (

14 - Rivers Of Lust (NUEVA) (

15 - Still Of The Night (Whitesnake cover) (

16 - Die Alive (

17 - The Archive Of Lost Dreams (NUEVA) (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 13, 2010, 11:32:40 pm
Esta es flipante!!!

18 - Crimson Deep (

19 - End Of The Show (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 17, 2010, 10:39:29 pm
Oda a Tarja! (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 18, 2010, 10:36:02 pm
""Vive para el momento" se ha convertido en mi lema."

Con My Winter Storm la ex-cantante de Nightwish, Tarja Turunen, ha comprobado por primera vez en el año 2007 que se puede tambiíén sin la banda "madre" Nightwish y ha publicado un debut como solista que llamó la atención de muchos fans. Ahora la belleza finlandesa añade un sencillo prometedor y el albúm What Lies Beneath. No sólo jemos hablado con la diva simpatetica sobre su nueva canción Falling Awake (Despertarse de repente), su actuación en Wetten Dass...? y la gira con el veterano del Rock, Alice Cooper, sino tambiíén recibimos primeras infos sobre su segundo disco, esperado ya con ansias, que va a ser publicado pronto.

Orkus: En breve vas a publicar con Falling Awake el primer sencillo de What Lies Beneath. La expresión inglesa Falling asleep (dormirse) es muy común, pero tu creación "falling awake" es muy interesante. ¿Quíé significa para ti en este contexto cuando alguiíén se despierta de repente?

Tarja Turunen: Falling Awake es una canción muy personal. La he escrito junto con el cantante y escritor estadounidense Johnny Andrews, que tambiíén ha participado mucho en otras partes de mi nuevo albúm. En este momento de mi vida me despierto cada vez más, cada vez estoy más consciente de mí­ como mujer y artista. Empiezo lentamente a sentirme realmente fuerte y tener cada vez una visión más exacta de lo que realmente quiero en mi vida. Considero mi vida cada vez más como un regalo que pertenece a mí­ y estoy muy feliz de lo que he conseguido lograr hasta ahora. Si yo muriera mañana, considerarí­a haber vivido mi vida de manera útil, porque siempre trato de encontrar las cosas pequeñas que significan para mí­ la suerte más grande. No necesito un palacio grande a mi alrededor, las cosas pequeñas y el amor y apoyo de mi familí­a y de mis amigos es para mí­ lo más importante.

O: ¿Entonces el asunto de Falling Awake se parece al de Die Alive de My Winter Storm?

TT: Sí­, así­ es, porque hay algunos ideas que siempre están en mi mente. Por ejemplo el escritor brasileño Paulo Coelho aún me influencia, porque realmente me fascina como íél escribe sobre la vida. Die Alive tanto como Falling Awake trata de vivir su vida aquí­ y ahora. "Vive en el momento" se ha convertido en mi lema. En mi vida hasta ahora ya he tenido que vivir momentos dificiles, especialmente por supuesto cuando mi madre murió. Despuíés de golpes así­ del destino se empieza a entender que cada dí­a se tiene que luchar por su vida y su felicidad.

O: ¿Cuándo y cómo se ha desarrollado Falling Awake? ¿Porque elegiste esta canción como primer sencillo de What Lies Beneath?

TT: Esta canción ha sido creado muy tarde en el proceso de grabación. He trabajado dos años en el albúm, no importa dónde estaba. Por supuesto la mayor parte del trabajo tuvo lugar entre las giras porque durante una gira hay poca tranquilidad y quiero y me tengo que concentrar completamente en los shows. Escribí­ la canción al final del 2009 más o menos en Octubre. Ya cuando estaba terminado la melodí­a para el primer verso, ya tení­a el sentimiento de que iba a ser una canción realmente fuerte que tambiíén deberí­a tener un mensaje fuerte. Cuando Johnny y yo escribimos la canción, ya tení­amos pensado que iba a ser el primer sencillo del albúm. Pero no va a ser un sencillo normal, sino un street single que no va a ser publicado en todos los paí­ses. Por ejemplo en mi paí­s Finlandia no va a ser publicado. Falling Awake es realmente sólo una pequeña prueba de mi nuevo disco, un pequeño detalle para mis fans.

O: Las guitarras en Falling Awake suenan muy fuertes y eníérgicas. Es el sonido en What Lies Beneath en general más heavy que en tu primer disco?

TT: Creo que hago mi punto de vista como artista bien claro en este disco. Como se trata de mi segundo albúm, lo he preparado hace mucho tiempo y querí­a estar segura de hacer algo realmente bueno. Escribí­ algo como 30 canciones total, de estas canciones grabíé 16. Claro que en el disco no van a ser 16 canciones, pero de esta manera ya tengo el material bonus para los paí­ses diferentes. He trabajado mucho en escribir un albúm fuerte y mi corazón entero está en What Lies Beneath. Me hace muy feliz que esta vez estoy responsable para la producción entera porque esto ha sido un gran paso para mí­, ya que con mi ex-banda Nightwish no habí­a participado en escribir canciones y la mayor parte de la producción de mi primer disco estaba en las manos de un productor. Por esto ahora estoy muy feliz de tener ahora todas las libertades artisticas y poder hacer todo de la manera en que me lo imagino. Además ahora tení­a la oportunidad de trabajar sólo trabajar con personas en las que confio y con quienes me siento bien, es un gran privilegio. Las canciones van a sonar heavy, pero mi lado clasico estará presente tambiíén por las orquestras y los coros.

O: Hace poco estabas en el show Wetten Dass...? y has cantando juntos con los Scorpions la canción The Good Die Young. ¿De que vení­a la idea para una colaboración entre ti y ellos, y cual era tu experiencia con la televisión alemana?

TT: Cantar en Wetten Dass...? era una experiencia muy bonita para mí­. El show es muy conocido en Alemania, pero casi nadie lo conoce en Finlandia. Ya conocí­a antes a Thomas Gottschalk y me hizo mucha ilusión poder estar en su show por fin. Klaus Meine de los Scorpions simplemente me llamó y preguntó si yo querí­a cantar en una de sus canciones para el nuevo disco de ellos, lo que para mí­ era un gran honor. Me dio dos canciones para eligir, y elegí­ The Good Die Young. Pronto habrá otra versión en la que Klaus y yo realmente cantan un dueto, lo que me hace muy feliz.
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Junio 20, 2010, 04:39:21 pm
Pronto habrá otra versión en la que Klaus y yo realmente cantan un dueto, lo que me hace muy feliz.
Ya era hora. a mi tb me va a hacer feliz jaja

Q grimita..
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Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Junio 20, 2010, 04:42:47 pm
Unas fotos

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Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Junio 20, 2010, 04:44:21 pm

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Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 20, 2010, 06:13:10 pm
Que lindas!!!
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 22, 2010, 03:29:48 pm
Sturm und Drang (en alemán: tormenta e impulso)

Tarja Turunen está a punto de terminar su segundo disco como solista con el titulo "What Lies Beneath". Zillo como la única revista gótica en el mundo recibió una invitación para escuchar exclusivamente un adelantado del nuevo disco y una entrevista detallada con la diva finlandesa. Despuíés de las criticas mediocres para su primer disco "My Winter Storm" (2007) la ex-cantante de Nightwish ahora aún está más ambiciosa.

Cada conversación con Tarja Turunen es algo muy especial. La finlandesa tiene un carisma realmente mágico. En el apogeo de su primera carrera con Nightwish consiguió hacer feliz a miles de fans en salas agotadas sólo con una sonrisa o con el movimiento de un dedo. Pero incluso al telefono su animo/felicidad es contagioso/a. "Actualmente me siento muy bien." responde Tarja de buen humor al telefono, "aunque la mitad de mis cosas aún está con la aduana argentina, porque me estoy mudando con todas mis cosas de Finlandia a Buenos Aires, para vivir con mi marido.

Heimatgefí¼hle (Sentimientos para su patria/tierra)

Con estas noticias la cantante sorprende a la gente. De su conexión profunda con su tierra carelia nunca quedaban dudas. "En Finlandia últimamente una vida privada en tranquilidad era casi imposible." suspira la belleza morena. "Ni siquiera podí­a salir con mis amigos. Casi sólamente nos hemos encontrado en casa." En su tierra Tarja goza del estado de una superstar. Ni siquiera las controversí­as despuíés de haber sido echado de Nightwish de manera poco suave podí­an cambiar esto. Con esto sus compañeros antiguos se adelantaron a su salida ya anunciada. Por esto la cantante se convirtió en un destino/objetivo muy demandado de la prensa amarilla y todas sus consequencias negativas. Esta chufla era una de las razones para su emigración. "En Finlandia siempre oigo a alguien susurrando detrás de mí­." dice Tarja. "En Buenos Aires tambiíén me reconocen, pero me saludan y despuíés me dejan en paz." Que no puede ver tan seguido a su familia y a sus amigos, lo compensa con la ayuda del internet. "Hoy en dí­a hay un montón de posibilidades de seguir en contacto con otros y de comunicarse" se alegra la finlandesa. "Ahora disfruto de vivir en Buenos Aires y ver un rí­o grande desde mi ventana. Si un dí­a tendríé ganas de volver a mi tierra, me comprarí­a allá una casa pequeña. Pero ya era hora para un cambio en mi vida."

Procesos de aprendizaje

No sólo en su vida privada, sino especialmente en respecto a la música Tarja demuestra su valor para el cambio/demuestra que se atreve a hacer cambios/cambiar.Primero la cantante insiste en un cambio de lí­nea/dirección hasta que despuíés de varios intentos está satisfecha con el sonido. Para una primer impresión ya alcanzaba antes, pero ella no quiere dejar nada al azar. Lo que aquí­ suena de los auriculares por el internet te hace escuchar con atención. Dónde "My Winter Storm" muchas veces estaba algo lento, en What Lies Beneath sopla un viento fresco. Como segunda sorpresa del dí­a las nuevas composiciones de Tarja suenan inesperadamente modernas.
"Detrás de mí­ hay un largo proceso de aprendizaje" la finlandesa empieza a explicar. "Durante la creación de mi primer disco todo el tiempo me veí­a antes de nuevos retos y tení­a que tomar decisiones sin saber los efectos de mis decisiones." Inmediatamente despuíés de su separación abrupta y dolorosa de Nightwish la cantante se lanzó a la aventura de una carrera como solista. Así­ tení­a que trabajar al mismo tiempo por primera vez en sus propias canciones, buscar compañeros, crear una nueva banda tanto como además manejarse en el trabajo con un gran label. Aunque su manager y marido Marcelo Cabuli se encargó de muchas tareas, aún así­ un montón de preguntas esperaban las respuestas de Tarja. "Tení­a metas e ideas claras en mi cabeza, pero me faltaban los recursos y los conocimientos necesarios para su realización." la cantante se acuerda. "Aún estoy muy orgullosa de las canciones de My Winter Storm. Pero desgraciadamente mucho de mi visión original se perdió durante la producción." Con esta evaluación autocrití­ca Tarja está en sinfoní­a/en la misma onda con el tenor de muchos comentarios de la prensa, que dijeron que su primer disco tení­a comienzos interesantes, pero tambiíén falta de claridad y madurez. En esto probablemente figuraba un listón muy alto de Nightwish y por esto se confrontaba a Tarja con grandes e impacientes expectativas. Para sus progresos actuales responsabiliza a muchos factores diferentes.

Elección de mujeres/Las mujeres eligen 

"He tenido que enterarme de lo importante que es la elección de los productores y de los estudios para el albúm" Tarja hace constar. "Completamente satisfeche en My Winter Storm sólo era con los elementos orquestrales que grabíé con el equipo de Hans Zimmer en Los Angeles." Debido a estas experiencias positivas ha vuelto para What Lies Beneath a la famosa fábrica de sonido para bandas sonoras en Hollywood dónde el equipo de James Dooley otra vez se tení­a que ocupar del lado sinfonico. En vez de distribuir las grabaciones instrumentales otra vez por todo el mundo, esta vez Tarja juntó en Finlandia muchos de los músicos que la acompañan de manera permanente. Allí­ trabajaba entre otros con el baterista Mike Terrana (Axel Rudi Pell), Christian Kretschmar, el tecladista de Schiller, el ex-guitarrista de Farmer Boys, Alexander "Alex" Scholpp, el violoncelista Max Lilja (Ex-Apocalyptica, Hevein) así­ como la leyenda del bajo, Doug Wimbish (entre otros Living Colour). "Para mí­ hace una gran diferencia que , a diferencia de mi primer disco, ahora puedo trabajar con musicós que ya conozco." la cantante cambia de tema. "Ahora tengo todos los hilos en la mano y síé quiíén de ellos va mejor con cual canción." Pero Tarja no ve la relación con los miembros de su banda como una calle de dirección única. "Me da muchí­ssima fuerza que mis compañeros me dan su confianza despuíés de 3 años juntos." subraya Tarja."Alex, Mike y los otros me estimulan una y otra vez y me animan a escuchar a mi voz interior. Su opinión es muy importante para mí­ aunque las decisiones finales las hago yo."

Lo que dice el productor Colin Richardson

"Aunque sólo estaba responable para la mezcla de algunas canciones, esta tarea me interesó mucho. En primer lugar es para mí­ la oportunidad única de poder trabajar con una de las mejores voces del mundo. Muchos cantantes del área de la música extrema necesitan ayuda tíécnica en el estudio, no importa si sea Gothic o Metal. Para que encuentran cada tono, se usa herramientas como autotune para arreglar o mejorar pequeñas variaciones/alteraciones. Despuíés se mejora la voz con la ayuda de varios elementos. Con Tarja por el contrario todo es real. Si canta, todo está bien, todo suena bien, y tiene una diversidad enorme de posibilidades. Además es un placer trabajar con una persona tan encantadora como ella. Tarja me hizo escuchar su primer disco y me explicó que ella querí­a más dinámica y fuerza. Con mi experiencia en el gíénero fuerte y moderno del Metal era yo la mejor persona para esto."

Juegos de productores

La cantante estaba en el estudio durante el proceso entero de la grabación, pero allá ha tratado a su voz con cuidado. "No me gusta grabar en cabinas de canto." revela la finlandesa. "Prefiero cantar en mi sala de estar. Allá nadie interfiere y puedo hacer lo que quiero." Su voluntad absoluta de hacerse cargo de las cosas acompaña a Tarja desde las preparaciones para My Winter Storm. En aquel entonces la pregunta pendiente era la de un productor fijo. "Intentíé encontrar un buen productor." cuenta ella. "Pero o la gente adecuada estaba ocupada o habí­a discusiones sin fin con mi sello discográfico sobre cada candidato potencial. Era para mí­ como un juego hechizado de Monopoly. En aquel entonces era demasiado tí­mida como para imponerme. Ahora digo lo que se va a hacer. Soy mi propia productora." A pesar de la sonrisa en su voz no se puedo desoí­r un "basta" obvio. Para la mezcla de las canciones nuevas Tarja se llevó sus candidatos favoritos. La así­ llamada mezcla juntó las pistas individuales de los instrumentos y voces y puestas en las relaciones deseadas. Con la fase más importante de la producción se decide el sonido de un disco. "En varias partes My Winter Storm sonó demasiado díébil." piensa la cantante. Por esto elegí­ para las canciones más dinamicas a Colin Richardson." El inglíés se dio a conocer con producciones para chicos muy heavys. Entre sus clientes son entre otros Machine Head, Slipknot o Cradle of Filth. "Tení­a mucha suerte de encontrar a Colin tanto como encontrar a Tim Palmer" continua Tarja. Me encanta su trabajo con HIM, tengo todos los discos de ellos. Tim era muy arriba en mi lista de candidatos para las canciones íépicas y su confirmación me hizo muy feliz." Para trabajar con el inglíés que vive en los Estados Unidos que tambiíén ya ha trabajado con Robert Plant, Pearl Jam y The Cure, Tarja se mudó de Londres a Texas. "Tim tiene un estudio excelente aproximadamente a 40 millas de Austin," cuenta la cantante. "Me sentí­ en su casilla solitaria como en Finlandia. Incluso hay corzos." Trabajar con íél fue muy fácil y rápido según ella. Tim Palmer entenderí­a muy bien las necesidades de un artista y captar bien rápido sus ideas. "Primero le he presentado el material producida ya por Colin para que las desviaciones no sean demasiado grandes," menciona. "Sin embargo las canciones producidas en Inglaterra tienen otro carácter. Pero lo querí­a exactamente así­."

Luchadora para la libertad

Quiíén ahora oye como la cantante habla sobre su música, se encuentra con otra persona que aún hace 3 años. Se nota especialmente el aumento de su autoconfianza."Al principio de mi carrera como solista. estaba tan tí­mida." admite Tarja. "Poder realizar mis ideas sin ayuda era un gran descubrimiento para mí­. Es una gran diferencia poder escribir las canciones por mi misma y eligir la gente adecuada para colaboraciones." Según ella incluso su sello discográfico se ha dado cuenta de la nueva confianza en si misma. Antes su sello no estaba dispuesto a darle mucho apoyo. Aí¹n recuerda bien el trazo incorrecto/su nombre mal escrito como "Tarja Tarunen" en un disco promocional. "No habí­an esperado/pensado en un buen disco de mí­", gruñe ella con una sonrisa audible. "Ahora la gente allí­ está muy apasionada y me dicen casi cada dí­a que me dan todo el apoyo. Tengo el buen sentimiento de que finalmente algo va a pasar." Por otro lado la falta de atención de parte de su sello le daba mucha libertad, ya que especialmente a los grandes en este negocio les gusta ayudar a sus artistas con lo que para ellos es lo mejor, sin haber querido este tipo de ayuda. "He usado mi libertad musical por completo para hacer cosas que nadie habí­a esperado de mí­", admite Tarja. "En los últimos años me he interesado especialmente para Metal americano/estadounidense. El sonido fuerte y sucio de guitarras de los Estados Unidos es un contraste grande para mí­ voz que siempre está muy limpia." Gracias a su afición se hizo por ejemplo la colaboración con John Spiker de la banda de rock industrial Filter. "Me he encontrado con John en Los Angeles y primero sólo hemos intercambiado ideas", cuenta la finlandesa. "Nuestra colaboración era tan buena que al final colaboramos en varias canciones." Gracias a los buenos contactos del guitarrista de Filter Tarja encontró su compañero para el dueto en la canción "Dark Star". De antemano seguramente nadie habí­a esperado que Philipp Labonte, el cantante de la banda del Metal "All that remains" hubiera participado en un albúm de la finlandesa. "Phil no sólo puede gruñir bien fuerte (hacer grunts?) sino tambiíén tiene una voz muy bonita. "Nuestro resultado me da toda la razón y esto para mí­ es mucho más importante que cumplir con algunas expectativas."

Amor de mujeres

Una razón importante para su nueva confianza en si misma es según Tarja no sólo la confianza de su banda sino especialmente el desarrollo en sus conciertos como solista. En su papel como cantante de Nightwish la cantante tambiíén estaba en el centro de atención, pero la banda hizo una parte de la tarea de divertir cada noche a miles de fans. "Tení­a que empezar otra vez de cero", dice. "Al principio vinieron fans antiguos y algunas personas curiosas, pero cada vez fue mejoró y ahora los conciertos se llenan. La mayorí­a ahora viene por mí­. Esto me hace muy orgullosa y me da fuerza." La pregunta si la finlandesa un dí­a volverá a Nightwish, aunque sea sólo una participación como cantante invitada, no es una opción para ella. "¿La gente realmente está tan loca de creer que cantaríé para Nightwish?, se rie Tarja.
"Nunca miro hací­a atrás. Detrás de mí­ es un lugar lleno de heridas. Sólo despuíés de esto vienen los recuerdos y experiencias buenos (-as), que son muy importantes para mí­. Por el tiempo con Nightwish me he convertido en la mujer fuerte que ahora veo en el espejo." Su mirada hací­a atrás obviamente aún se nubla con rabia. En cambio la diva se ha convertido en el escenario de la maga distante con una aura mí­stica a una seductora hábil que incluso flirtea con el público. "¡No flirteo con mi público!, se rie la finlandesa con indignación fingida y admite: "Bueno, un poco sí­. Conseguí­ dominar mi antigua timidez y puedo estar más abierta. Para mí­ se trata sólo de simple belleza. No quiero ser un sí­mbolo sexual, pero muchas veces mujeres en el mundo del Metal dominado por hombres se convierten en esto. No quepo en esta categorí­a." Los lectores de la revista inglesa Terrorizer obviamente piensan de manera diferente, porque ya desde hace años votan para Tarja en la categorí­a "Most shaggable Female". "Algo así­ lo tomo con humor y lo entiendo como un piropo." nos hace saber Tarja. "Ya no soy una niña y esto es bueno." Otro fenómeno, tambiíén probablemente al menos por parte de manera sexual, ya acompaña a la cantante desde su tiempo con Nightwish. Entre sus fans más fieles que están en primera fila en sus conciertos hay un grupo bien visible de chicas y mujeres que obviamente no se interesan por nada para los hombres de la banda." Ya por supuesto me he dado cuento de que atraigo a muchos fans lesbianos." responde Tarja con algo de ironí­a. "No me lo puedo explicar porque estoy casado y estoy feliz con mi marido y por esto mis preferencias deberí­an estar claras. Pero amo a las chicas desde mi corazón. Me dan mucha energí­a positiva. Sólo para los chicos en mi banda puede ser dificil si no reciben suficiente atención de las mujeres."

Hasta que What Lies Beneath sale a finales del verano, se puede ver a esta Tarja nueva, muy segura de si misma y llena de energí­a en diferentes shows y festivals. Cantará tambiíén canciones nuevas, como promete la diva. "No puedo esperar hasta poder salir y mostrar junto con mi banda a los fans nuestro material nuevo." termina Tarja la conversación. "Nunca habí­a sido tan feliz de estar de gira otra vez." Realmente ha cambiado mucho en la vida y en la actitud de la finlandesa. Pero algunas cosas siguen siendo las mismas. Tarja aún es una cantante excepcional y una mujer fascinante y un futuro grande la espera. Sí­ sus sueños y deseos ya se van a cumplir con What Lies Beneath, ya pronto se verá. Zillo estará pendiente, lo prometemos...
Emma Perez

5 canciones nuevas de What Lies Beneath
con comentarios de Tarja Turunen.

"Little Lies"
Despuíés de un aperitivo electronico se sirve guitarras crudas. Tarja canta al principio ligero y de manera rock hasta que en el estribillo sirve música clásica. Entretanto se sirve sonidos de piano con una parte fuerte del coro. Esta composición sorprende por un sonido muy moderno. Tarja: "Querí­a escribir una canción con Alex Scholpp, cueste lo que cueste, la que conecta su trabajo especial y fuerte en las guitarras con mi trasfondo clásico. El resultado era esta canción fuerte con partes masivas de coro."

Los sonidos finos de los instrumentos de arco y del piano al principio señala a una balada, pero pronto los violines suenan más oscuros. Tarja canta bien clara con un tono querellante. De la guitarra viene un solo triste. Aunque la canción acelera un poco, se queda aún algo lenta. Tarja: "Esta canción trata en cuanto al contenido y musicalmente del tema grave/serio del abuso de maneros, por ejemplo con la prostitución, dónde bajo la máscara de hombres de bien (hombres buenos) actuan delincuentes terribles."

"Dark Star"
Un dueto grande con Philipp Labonte, el cantante de All That Remains. í‰l y la melodí­a pegadiza y hipnótica del violonchelo de Max Lilja convierten a esta canción de estilo rock muy fuerte en un íéxito/hit pegadizo. Con un estilo fresco y moderno Tarja se aleja de los estereotipos del Gothic Metal. Tarja: "El guitarista de Filter, John Spiker, me ha ayudado mucho a escribir esta canción. Era tambiíén un honor especial que Phil querí­a hacer un dueto conmigo. Estoy muy orgullosa del resultado."

"In For A Kill"
Teclados y instrumentos de arco empiezan de manera atmosfíérica, despuíés vienen las guitarras con una fuerza masiva. Para dominar la melodí­a dificil de canto, Tarja usa todo el volumen de su voz. Violines orquestrales y guitarras electricas forman una unidad íépica. Tarja: "Tení­a la idea loca de transferir el estilo de melodí­as tí­picas de James Bond a una versión metalica/del Metal. Con esto en mi mente trabajíé con los escritores de I Walk Alone - por eso el titulo."

"Falling Awake"
El regreso de las guitarras. Despuíés de su destacado/staccato fuerte la voz cristalina de Tarja continua, acompañado por el piano. Despuíés continua en un cambio constante de fuerte a tierno. En el fondo los violines cinematográficos se encargan de una experiencia casi como en un cinema. Tarja: "Según el estado actual esta canción debe ser disponible como sencillo para descarga libre. Será un adelanto bonito de mi albúm, sin revelar todo su concepto."
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 26, 2010, 05:00:55 pm
El nuevo sencillo de TARJA 'Falling Awake' saldrá el 19 de julio en el Reino Unido en vinilo de 10" a travíés de Spinefarm Records UK.

Estará limitado a 1.000 copias en vinilo de aspecto mármol y numeradas a mano; solo estará disponible en What Records."
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 26, 2010, 05:02:23 pm
Falling awake @ Graspop (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 26, 2010, 10:13:54 pm
We Are (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 26, 2010, 10:16:13 pm
Fotos Graspop (25-06-10) (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 27, 2010, 04:44:05 pm

The Escape of The Doll
My Little Phoenix
Falling Awake
Lost Northern Star
We Are
Ciarán's Well
I Walk Alone
In For a Kill
Still of The Night (Whitesnake)
Over the Hills and Far Away
Crimson Deep
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 27, 2010, 10:45:19 pm
Posible letra de Falling Awake:

Phantom (Painting) voices with no words to follow
At (And) the mercy of the cold and hollow
I will burn them to my sanctuary
Of silence
My defense

In this moment I am just recalling
With the raining from my solemn yawning
All sensation that was only bringing
All the time

Falling Awake
From a walk (world) in sleep
And all that remains
Is the dying calling
And now I can die (fly)
For these dreams I made
And I"m falling
I'm falling awake

And I see many dreams I'm still falling
And I sing for you across the ocean
But if we could hear my calling
Beneath, Crashing (Watching)
Watching my falling

Falling Awake
From a walk in sleep
And all that remains
Is the dying calling
And now I can die
For these dreams I made
And I"m falling
I'm falling awake

There is no return
To that emptiness
Achieve the dream inside of me
Oh fade away
It's falling awake

Falling Awake
From a wake in sleep
And all that remains
Is the dying calling
And now I can die
For these dreams I made
And I"m falling
I'm falling awake

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 28, 2010, 10:20:42 pm
We Are"

How cold is the heart
My world is in fire
How deep is the mark
When you weep
And your dreams turns to water

(I lead myself away)
I let myself in
(I wish it was something)
I wish it was something

We are, we are
Tears in the shadow
We are, we are
Lost in the shame
We try to find
Only to reach out
And steal it

This sign in the world
Everything left is broken (spoken??)
There is hope, well (while??) it's gone
So we need
There is love in the open

You just have to control
And tie it to something

We are, we are
Tears in the shadow
We are, we are
Lost in the shame
We try to find
Only to reach out
And steal it

Break the shame
See all killed
Nothing's a race
Be all yield (this doesn't make sense to me)

We are, we are
Tears in the shadow
We are, we are
Lost in the shame
We try to find
Only to reach out
And steal it
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 30, 2010, 10:07:05 pm
Tarja is going to perform at this year´s Masters of Rock festival in Vizovice, Czech Republic. It will be special, because Tarja´s going to perform with an orchestra and a choir again. Her show takes place on July 15 (the first day of the festival) and will be separated into three parts- solo career, Nightwish songs and covers. Nightwish section will be the longest one, and the expected covers are songs by Queen, U2 or Whitesnake. Tarja will also perform new material from What Lies Beneath.

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 01, 2010, 10:33:07 pm
Entrevista (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 02, 2010, 11:13:37 pm
La famosa cantante finlandesa nos habló esta tarde. Por supuesto le preguntamos principalmente acerca de su próximo album de estudio, su banda, su tan esperada gira en el Kavarna Rock Fest 2010 el 23 de Julio pero no nos perdimos en hacerle preguntas acerca de la copa mundial de la FIFA.

Entrevistador: Tu esposo, Macelo es de Argentina…está pegado sin parar a los partidos?
Tarja: Yo creo que no es solo la reacción de mi esposo, sabes, yo estoy haciendo lo mismo… Me casíé con un Argentino y el futbool viene con el matrimonio. Pero en serio, es maravilloso, quiero decir que es muy emocionante como va. Y Argentina lo ha hecho bien. Desgraciadamente mi paí­s natal Finlandia nunca la ha hecho hasta las finales pero soy una fanática real del futbol, solo lo amo! Realmente me encantarí­a volar a Sud Africa ahora mismo, pero no puedo.

Entrevistador: Entonces, que piensa Marcelo, tu esposo acerca del Director Tíécnico de Argentina?
Tarja: Oh, Maradona. Por supuesto el es un híéroe, una verdadera leyenda. Quiero decir, en serio chicos ¿Quiíén es el mejor jugador del Mundo?

Entrevistador: PELE!
Tarja: …..!

Entrevistador: Entonces, quiíén crees que es el jugador mejor parecido en esta Copa Mundial?
Tarja: Oh dios mí­o, no me preguntes eso, jajaja. Bueno hay muchos chicos guapos. Pero creo que Sud Africa y los equipos Africanos en general… ellos son tan atleticos y es un gran placer el verlos correr. Wow, que cuerpo!

Entrevistador: El cuerpo al estilo DOUG WIMBISH?
Tarja: Sip!

Entrevistador: Por favor danos tus predicciones para los dos juegos del mundial para el dia de hoy, España enfrenta a Portugal y Paraguay contra Japón…
Tarja: Creo que Portugal y Japón ganarán
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 03, 2010, 10:43:07 pm
Para votar por Tarja: (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 04, 2010, 10:36:23 pm
Segun una ultima entrevista a Tarja, dijo que la banda alemana Van Canto participaria en un tema del proximo album.Van Canto es una banda de metal A capella que consta de 5 vocalistas y un baterista, esta banda hace covers de otras bandas en su mayoria, como Wishmaster de Nightwish o Battery de Metallica entre otras.

El tema en el que estaria su participacion seria “Anteroom of Death”, esta informacion aparecio en la revista “Powerplay”. Esperemos que pronto esto sea confirmado.

Ademas esta revista afirma que el disco saldra el proximo 20 de agosto, habra que esperar confirmacion oficial por la web de Tarja.
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 10, 2010, 10:24:57 pm
Enough @ Rock Weekend (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 14, 2010, 10:34:43 pm
Satriani colabora en una de las versiones de Falling Awake, concretamente en la que pondrán en un ví­deo en Youtube con las fotos del making off del disco.

Osea, por ahora habrá 3 versiones de Falling Awake: la del vinilo, la del disco y la de youtube 

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 15, 2010, 11:14:27 pm
THE NEW Tarja single, ‘Falling Awake’, will be released in the UK on July 19th as a vinyl 10” via Spinefarm Records UK and web shop.This highly collectible format will be limited to 1000 copies, all of them pressed onto ‘marbled’ vinyl & numbered by hand, and will be available exclusively from online retailer What Records  and  web shop.  will soon be upgraded from a blog to the new album’s micro site including a free track download to be announced.‘Falling Awake’ is the first track to be released from the forthcoming Tarja outing, ‘What Lies Beneath’ – the second full album beneath the ‘Tarja’ banner, the follow up to 2007’s ‘My Winter Storm’.The version of the track in the vinyl differs from the one that will appear on ‘What Lies Beneath’ in that it features a special guest appearance from Five Finger Death Punch guitarist Jason Hook. Mixing has been handled, as with much of the new album, by renowned UK producer Tim Palmer, whose track record numbers artists such as U2, Ozzy Osbourne & Robert Plant.The B-side of the 10” is ‘The Good Die Young’ – a specially mixed version of the song from the new Scorpions album, ‘Sting In The Tail’, with Tarja’s vocals now more prominent overall.There will be also an exclusive CD version of the single only available through web shop, so stay alert and start checking there.Last but not least, on July 19th, a new video including more images from the forthcoming making off the album will be available at
 The audio of “Falling Awake” accompanying this video will be an edit version of the album version featuring the unmistakable Joe Satriani.More news coming soon
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 16, 2010, 10:53:29 pm
Beauty of The Beast @ Masters of Rock (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 19, 2010, 10:28:53 pm
The End Records is proud to announce the U.S. release of Finnish superstar Tarja Turunen’s sophomore effort, What Lies Beneath, on August 31, 2010. The first single, “Falling Awake” (featuring Jason Hook from Five Finger Death Punch) will be released August 17 as a limited  edition 7" through The Omega Order and available August 24 at all digital outlets. The track is backed with “The Good Die Young” - a song from The Scorpions most recent album that features Tarja’s vocals.
Featuring U.S. exclusive artwork and bonus track, the new album from the multi-platinum singer was recorded and produced by Tarja and mixed by Tim Palmer (Pearl Jam, The Cure, Robert Plant), Colin Richardson (Slipknot, Machine Head, Bullet For My Valentine) and Slamm Andrews (Scores of Angels & Demon, Pirates of The Caribbean, Gladiator). Special guests on What Lies Beneath include Phil Labonte (All That Remains), Joe Satriani, Jason Hook (5 Finger Death Punch), Will Calhoun (Living Colour), Slovak National Symphony Orchestra and Choir and more.
A limited edition deluxe version of What Lies Beneath is in the works with details to be announced soon.
Tarja, best known as the original vocalist of Nightwish, is the most successful female singer ever to come out of Finland, effortlessly fusing metal, classical and pop-rock.  What Lies Beneath is the follow up to her debut album, My Winter Storm which was released in 2008 and was certified platinum in Finland. The video for the single, “I Walk Alone,” currently has over 6 million views:
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 19, 2010, 10:32:30 pm
Falling Awake (video) (


Painting voices with no words to follow
And the mercy of the cold and hollow
I will burn them to my sanctuary
Of silence
My defense

In this moment I am just recalling
With the raining from my solemn yawning
All sensation that was only bringing
All the time

Falling Awake
From a walk in sleep
And all that remains
Is the dying calling
And now I can die
For these dreams I made
And i'm falling
I'm falling awake

And I see many dreams I'm still falling
And I sing for you across the ocean
But if we could hear my calling
Beneath, crashing
Watching my falling

Falling Awake
From a walk in sleep
And all that remains
Is the dying calling
And now I can die
For these dreams I made
And I'm falling
I'm falling awake

There is no return
To that emptiness
Achieve the dream inside of me
Oh fade away
It's falling awake

Falling Awake
From a walk in sleep
And all that remains
Is the dying calling
And now I can die
For these dreams I made
And I'm falling
I'm falling awake
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Julio 20, 2010, 03:28:02 pm
No está mal..
esa letra..hay palabras q no me cuadran ;)

Entrevista Rep. Checa
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Julio 20, 2010, 03:45:00 pm
Unos wallpapers bonicos  :023:

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( (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Julio 20, 2010, 04:01:28 pm
El trotamundos Mike Terrana (TARJA, MASTERPLAN, AXEL RUDI PELL, SAVAGE CIRCUS, RAGE, YNGWIE MALMSTEEN...) intentó conseguir un nuevo record Guinness mundial tocando con cuatro bandas en un mismo dí­a. La ocasión tuvo lugar jueves durante la celebración del festival checo Masters Of Rock en Vizovice.

Terrana participó en los siguientes conciertos:

19:00 - 20:00 con K2 (la banda actual del ex guitarrista de EUROPE, Kee Marcelo)
20:30 - 21:30 con AXEL RUDI PELL
22:30 - 23:45 con TARJA
00:00 - 00:35 Mike Terrana solo drum show
El baterí­a norteamericano, pero afincado desde hace años en Alemania, lleva tocando de forma profesional desde 1984 y actualmente sigue girando y siendo miembro permanente de MASTERPLAN, TARJA y AXEL RUDI PELL. "Mi estilo se forja de años tocando, practicando y emulando a otros grandes baterí­as como Buddy Rich, Louie Belson, el padre del doble bombo, Cozy Powell, John Bonham, Tony Williams o Terry Bozzio, por nombrar algunos. De hecho, creo que ver a otros baterí­as tocar es una de las mejores formas de aprender. Tambiíén creo que para desarrollar tu estilo y hacerlo personal, es importante combinar elementos como el sentimiento, creatividad, animación, control, poderí­o y finura. De todos modos, cuando me siento a tocar ya sea para una sesión de estudio o un concierto, lo que trato es de expresarme personalmente y apoyar a la banda con la que estíé tocando. Intento aportar una sólida base rí­tmica que haga sentirse cómodos al resto de músicos. Y si consigo llevar la pasión y la energí­a al oyente, ya es lo máximo".

"Siempre he pensado que la baterí­a es un instrumento primario y tribal, y me gusta la rudeza y sentimiento humano que le aporta a la música, por eso no me gustan los ritmos electrónicos y sampleados de baterí­a ya que pienso que matan la personalidad de mi forma de tocar. De hecho, creo que la tecnologí­a moderna borra la personalidad y emoción de muchos de los baterí­as modernos. Para mí­ tocar siempre ha sido algo fí­sico y visual, y es que el ritmo y el poder del sonido es lo que mueve a la gente y lleva el sonido de una banda adelante. Por eso escuchar una buena baterí­a es tan cautivador, hipnótico y te llega dentro, porque realmente está en el fondo de cada alma humana. Me encanta tocar la baterí­a y adoro tocar para la gente, es lo que siempre me ha aportado los sentimientos máximos de excitación y gozo, y por eso me gusta compartirlo con la audiencia. De hecho, para mí­ tocar música es mi trabajo y mi pasión, y es que estoy seguro de que sin música y sin tocar la baterí­a no serí­a un tipo feliz."
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Julio 20, 2010, 05:07:18 pm
Vampirilla xD

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Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 20, 2010, 11:05:27 pm
The End Records is proud to announce the U.S. release of Finnish superstar Tarja Turunen’s sophomore effort, What Lies Beneath, on August 31, 2010, featuring U.S. exclusive artwork and bonus track.

What Lies Beneath tracklist:
Anteroom of Death (featuring Van Canto with friendly permission of Napalm Records Handels Gmb)
Until My Last Breath
Dark Star (featuring Phil Labonte courtesy of Razor & Tie Entertainment)
Little Lies
Rivers of Lust
In For A Kill
Montañas de Silencio (exclusive US track)
Falling Awake (featuring Joe Satriani courtesy of Epic Records)
The Archive of Lost Dreams
Crimson Deep
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Julio 21, 2010, 10:04:21 pm
Foto con la bestia Terrana

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Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Julio 22, 2010, 02:03:39 pm

Phantom voices with no words to follow
At the mercy of the cold and hollow
I withdrew into my sanctuary of silence
My defence

In this moment I am just becoming
liberated from my cell of nothing
No sensation there was only breathing
Overcome oblivion

Falling Awake
From a walking sleep
And all that remains
Is the dying memory

And now I can dive for
these dreams I make
Like I am Falling
I am falling awake

Waves of melodies once forgotten
like a symphony across the ocean
Never knew that they could hear my calling

deep within
crashing in
rushing in
like falling

There is no returning to that emptiness,

The dream that lives inside of me
won’t fade away, it’s wide awake

Falling Awake
From a walking sleep
And all that remains
Is the dying memory

And now I can dive for
these dreams I make
Like I am Falling
I am falling awake


Voces fantasmales sin palabras que seguir
A merced del frio abismal
Me retiríé a mi santuario de silencio
Mi defensa

En este momento me estoy liberando
de mi celda de la nada
Sin sensación, sólo habí­a respiración
superando el olvido

Cayendo despierto (Despertando)
De un sueño ambulante
Y todo lo que queda
Es la moribunda memoria

y ahora puedo sumergirme
en esos sueños que construí­
como si estuviera cayendo
Estoy cayendo despierto (Estoy despertando)

Olas de melodí­as una vez olvidadas
como una sinfoní­a a travíés del ocíéano
nunca supe que podí­an oir mi llamada

en lo profundo
como cayendo

No hay regreso a ese vací­o
el sueño que vive dentro de mí­
no se desvanecerá, está bien despierto

Cayendo despierto (Despertando)
de un sueño ambulante
todo lo que queda
es la memoria moribunda

y ahora puedo sumergirme
en esos sueños que construí­
Como cayendo
Estoy cayendo despierto (Estoy despertando)
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Julio 22, 2010, 02:07:30 pm
Ensayos Masters of Rock 2010

Scorpions feat. Tarja_The Good Die Young (Tarja Version)

Se oye de pena pero algo es algo
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Julio 22, 2010, 02:09:13 pm
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 22, 2010, 10:28:57 pm
Foto del rodaje de un video!!

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 23, 2010, 10:39:20 pm
Edición Deluxe de WLB!! (solo USA)

TARJA - What Lies Beneath (2CD Deluxe Edition)
This deluxe edition contains three bonus tracks featuring new artwork!

The wait is over! Tarja (Turunen), the original singer of Nightwish, returns with her first album in almost three years and her End records debut! A veritable musical prodigy, a soprano singer-songwriter and composer, as well as a student of the world-renowned Sibelius Academy, Tarja is the most successful Finnish woman rocker, effortlessly fusing metal, classical and pop-rock.

"What Lies Beneath" is the follow up to "My Winter Storm," which was hailed a coup in North America and went platinum in Finland. The release of What Lies … will be followed by a major market tour of North America and you can expect all the marketing details to fall right into place! Digital and traditional media are already chomping at the bit to get a piece of Tarja … the fans are right behind. Expect major visibility and sales from this Nordic wonder!

videoDisc One:
01. Anteroom of Death
02. Until My Last Breath
03. Dark Star
04. Underneath
05. Little Lies
06. Rivers of Lust
07. In For A Kill
08. Montañas de Silencio (exclusive North American track)
09. Falling Awake
10. The Archive of Lost Dreams
11. Crimson Deep
Disc Two:
01. We Are
02. Naiad
03. Still Of The Night (Whitesnake cover)

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 27, 2010, 10:24:04 pm
Rumor (edición europea, la americana SI que es oficial)

The End Records sacará el 31 de agosto en EE UU el segundo trabajo de la ex-cantante de NIGHTWISH Tarja Turunen "What Lies Beneath". El material será auspiciado en Europa por Spinefarm en una fecha aún por determinar. La edición Americana tendrá una portada distinta."

""What Lies Beneath" temas:

Anteroom Of Death (con VAN CANTO)
Until My Last Breath
Dark Star (con Phil Labonte)
Little Lies
Rivers Of Lust
In For A Kill
Montañas de Silencio (tema exclusivo para EE UU)
Falling Awake (con Joe Satriani)
The Archive Of Lost Dreams
Crimson Deep

Disco 2 (Edición de lujo):

We Are
Still Of The Night (version de WHITESNAKE)"


Osea, resumiendo: hay dos ediciones: EEUU y Europa, que a su vez tienen la edición de lujo y la edición normal.

- Edición en Europa -
1. No trae "Montañas de silencio".
2. "Falling Awake" tiene el solo de de guitarra por Alex Scholpp.
3. Tiene la portada esta que parecí­a que estaba mirando por las rendijas el aire acondicionado 
4. La edición de lujo trae otro CD con "We are", "Naiad" y "Still of the Night".
5. No hay fecha de salida 

- Edición en EEUU -
1. Trae "Montañas de Silencio"
2. "Falling Awake" tiene el solo de de guitarra por Satriani.
3. Tiene una portada distinta, creo que se colgó por ahí­ arriba ya. Es parecida, pero sin las rendijas del aire acondicionado 
4. La edición de lujo trae otro CD con "We are", "Naiad" y "Still of the Night".
5. Sale el 31 de Agosto.

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 28, 2010, 10:17:49 pm
Si entrais aquí­: (

Y os registrais, podeis conseguir Falling Awake (versión distinta a la del video)
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 28, 2010, 10:24:25 pm
Entrevista!!! (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Julio 30, 2010, 04:18:27 pm
Yo ya tengo esa versión de Falling awake y tú la tendrás en breve :)
Aquí­ se puede escuchar "Until My Last Breath"
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Julio 30, 2010, 04:36:31 pm
Otro fondo de pantalla..sing angel of music  :78:

( (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 30, 2010, 10:37:14 pm
Molan las 2!!
No crees?
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Julio 31, 2010, 11:05:36 pm
Pos hasta creo q así­ de primeras oidas me gusta más "until my last breath"..
pero si q se nota cambio respecto a my winter storm... yo encantada.. :)
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 01, 2010, 10:14:22 pm
My new album is finally ready!

It took a while, but the result is so good that I think it was worth to sweat a bit 

It has been the hardest and toughest project so far in my career, but very rewarding. I am very proud of all the people that were involved and took their time for my art. I am deeply grateful.

While I’ve been working on the album, we have already started performing summer shows and done few of them. The shows have been wonderful so far. We’ve been in Hungary, Belgium, Slovenia, Sweden, Estonia, Czech and Bulgaria. All of them very different events on their own.

We have met many friends in the shows and had lots of fun to play the new songs. Just wait to hear the rest of the album!

At the moment I am preparing myself for Wacken, Germany, which is happening next week.

There are only two shows still to come during this summer. But I will keep on travelling around the globe since the promotion for my new album has already started some time ago.

It was only yesterday that this song was mastered and ready to be added to the rest. When I thought that the production for the album was finished and everything was ready, my record company in Germany wanted me to still work on this one: “I Feel Immortal”. That meant to get everybody back to studio again to record their parts, me to write new lyrics and music and to get my head back to where I had it during the whole spring…the production.

If this song turns out to be the success that my company believes it’s going to be, I am giving them all the credits.

For me it was hard to work in a song that was written already, but I decided to make it my own. I did my very best though to get the correct spirit for it, so in the end I could stand behind it; but I have to say, it was not easy.

I went to Iceland to shoot the video for “I Feel Immortal” and I know that it’s going to be probably the most beautiful video I have ever done in my career. The country is just unbelievably amazing with its stunning landscapes, so we managed to find incredible places for shootings.

I am very happy how the video turned out to be!!

In Bulgaria the city of Kavarna and it’s Mayor surprised me by organising a painting of me on a city building. It was nice to walk the streets and find similar paintings of Billy Idol, Klaus Meine, Ronnie James Dio, Ian Gillan… and me 

My forthcoming single Until My Last Breath leaked to internet by accident few days ago. If you had the chance to listen to it, I hope you liked it. Please be so kind not to spread it all over that we can preserve it until the single will be released. I would really appreciate it very much. Thank you!

With love, Tarja

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Agosto 03, 2010, 04:42:06 pm
Sleeping Sun
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 03, 2010, 10:32:22 pm

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 06, 2010, 10:27:57 pm
I Feel Immortal (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 10, 2010, 10:42:06 pm
Wishmaster @ Wacken Open Air (

Lost Northern Star (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 10, 2010, 10:44:56 pm
Sleeping Sun @ Wacken Open Air (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Agosto 11, 2010, 09:20:00 pm
Se pueden escuchar 90 segundos de cada canción de What lies Beneath en (en la pestaña q pone ALBUM)  :023:
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 17, 2010, 12:03:51 am
Tarja cumple hoy 33 años!!!
FELICIDADES!! :011: :011: :011: :011: :011: :011:
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 18, 2010, 10:14:13 pm
Traducción de la entrevista en Orkus.

Tarja Turunen
Esta conclusión me ha hecho más humilde, pero nada menos determinada.

En la última edición de nuestra revista hablamos con la finlandesa grácil sobre los acontecimientos más recientes de su carrera en solitario, y ahora seguimos con una entrevista detallada sobre el sucesor de My Winter Storm, un disco muy prometedor que ya hemos esperado hace mucho tiempo: What Lies Beneath. Tarja Turunen, que ahora se mudó completamente a Argentina, nos contó voluntariamente y con un guiño sus pensamientos/reflexiones sobre cosas actuales y antiguas.

Orkus: Tu nuevo disco se llama "What Lies Beneath". Que significan estas tres palabras para ti?

TT: Con What Lies Beneath encontríé para mí­ ya muy al principio del proceso de producción un titulo que me ha dado una dirección para el disco. El album trata principalmente lo que se esconde dentro de mí­ como artista y mujer como tambiíén en el mundo a mi alrededor. En los últimos años sentí­ cada vez más claro que siempre vale la pena mirar las cosas dos veces, porque para quiíén sólo mira una vez, es fácil tener una imagen falsa. Esta conclusión entretanto se hizo muy importante para mí­ y en mi segundo disco todo, especialmente el diseño, sigue este lema. Si por ejemplo se tiene un amigo y piensa conocerlo muy bien, y este amigo de repente se comporta totalmente diferente, a veces ya no se entiende nada. What Lies Beneath trata de que las primeras impresiones muchas veces pueden ser engañosas o incompletas/parciales. Pienso que en nuestras vidas hay muchas cosas misteriosas o escondidas, con las que muchas veces no entendemos porque pasan. Solamente se puede tratar de verlas de un ángulo diferente.

O: Cuando empezasta a escribir las canciones para What Lies Beneath, ya tení­as una idea clara sobre a dónde querí­as llegar con este disco?

TT: Ya tení­a una idea muy buena, pero por supuesto necesitaba tiempo para poder desarrollar bien estas ideas. Esto era así­ especialmente porque estaba viajando mucho y no podí­a trabajar en el disco sin interrupciones. Cuando escribo, escribo al piano. El piano para mi es un instrumento especial que lo considero especialmente melancolico. Está perfectamente adecuado para dejar fluir mis sentimientos escondidos, lo que para mí­ siempre es una experiencia intensiva. Poder verme/percibirme como cantautora es una experiencia muy nueva para mí­, y a veces aún soy muy tí­mida cuando se trata de expresar mis ideas personales. Sin embargo cada dí­a aprendo algo nuevo y considero un gran regalo haber conseguido esta nueva libertad. Además estoy bien satisfecha con las canciones terminadas porque suenan exactamente como me lo habí­a imaginado desde el principio.

O: En nuestra última conversación nos contaste que actuar tambiíén como productora en tu segundo disco significaba un gran paso hací­a adelante para ti. ¿Este papel ha cambiado tu percepción de música? - ¿y que dificultades tuviste que enfrentar?

TT: Si hoy en dí­a escucho música, me sorprendo a mi misma analizando todo muy en detalle, lo que a veces puede ser un poco alarmante. Me parece muy interesante lo rápido que esto se ha convertido en mi costumbre, la manera tan natural en que la voluntad para esto y la libertad de hacerlo se ha convertido en una parte de mi carácter. Cada vez percibo con más fuerza que para mí­ no sólo existe una sola manera correcta para hacer algo. Ahora soy muy abierta para hacer cosas de maneras diferentes, tanto en la música como en la vida cotidiana. despuíés de mi mudanza a Argentina tuve que descubrir que nada funcionaba como en Finlandia, pero exactamente eso es la riqueza que nos rodea. Somos capaces de descubrir estas diferencias y en el mejor caso las podemos usar para crecer. Por esto no creo que haya una única manera de hacer música, no hay una manera buena o mala para hacerla. "Productora" es una palabra tan grande para algo que sólo hago para mí­ misma. What Lies Beneath es mi disco y si funciona bien para mí­, ya me hace más que feliz. El proceso entero de grabación era para mí­ un paso en dirección a algo nuevo y a veces difí­cil, pero esto me encantó. No quiero renunciar a ninguno de estos momentos, aunque a veces era bastante dificil. Por ejemplo a veces tení­a que incitarles/impulsarles fuerte, porque querí­a sacar lo mejor de ellos. Por suerte no lo tomaron personal, sino siempre me entendieron y hicieron todo el camino conmigo.

O: What Lies Beneath suena muy heavy y en general muy diferente de My Winter Storm. ¿My Winter Storm era un experimento para ti, y tu segundo albúm ahora refleja tu nueva confidencia en ti como cantante?

TT: La imagen del espejo va muy bien. Siempre digo a la gente que hacer música es un proceso eterno de aprender en lo que siempre se puede hacer nuevas experiencias. Despuíés de haber estado muchos años en una banda y despuíés de repente empecíé con mi carrera en solitario, era una experiencia nueva trabajar por primera vez en algo que para el oyente debí­a reflejar solamente a mí­ y mi personlidad. Ahora no me siento como cantante del Heavy Metal ni como cantante de música clásica, no quepo tan fácilmente en una categoria. No me dejo poner en ninguna categorí­a o esquema, allá nunca me sentí­ bien. Ya hago música desde siempre, pasíé toda mi vida haciendo música y como la gente me percibe puede ser correcto para ellos, pero me permito verlo de otra manera. La música que hago refleja esto, mi música es una imagen de mí­. What Lies Beneath para mí­ es un desarrollo lógico de My Winter Storm al lado musical que hoy me gusta. Mi primer disco aún representa para mí­ aún el estilo de música que me gustarí­a escuchar en privado. Esto debe sonar algo raro, pero todos los elementos que amo están incluí­dos en el disco: una orquestra buena, guitarras fuertes con ritmo y la claridad y belleza del Metal.

O: En algunas canciones (Dark Star, Anteroom of Death) has trabajado con artistas invitados. ¿Cuales artistas han dejado sus huellas en What Lies Beneath?

TT: Para Anteroom of Death, la canción que será la primera en el disco, tení­a el apoyo de todos los miembros de la banda alemana Van Canto, lo que fue maravilloso. Esta canción seguramente asustará a algunas personas, porque es la canción más progresiva de WLB y está muy inspirada por la canción Bohemian Rhapsody de Queen. En Dark Star además canto un dueto con Phil Labonte de All That Remains. Querí­a una voz masculino para la canción que puede gritar de manera agresiva tanto como cantar melodí­as armónicas conmigo, y Phil era perfecto para esto, esto me hace muy feliz. Además varios guitarristas trabajaron en WLB, como por ejemplo el estadounidense Joe Satriani, lo que tambiíén me hace muy orgullosa.

O: En In for a Kill hay la lí­nea "Nothing can shine, left in the dark" (Nada puede brillar, dejado en la oscuridad.) ¿Quíé idea se esconde detrás de este texto?

TT: Seguramente no me vas a creer que está canción está inspirada por tiburones. Vi en la tele una documentación sobre el tema "tiburones" la cual no sólo me dio escalofrí­os sino tambiíén realmente me hizo llorar. Me di cuenta por esto que nosotros los seremos humanos muchas veces somos los animales más crueles que hay, somos los tiburones de los que tenemos tanto miedo. Matamos a los tiburones porque pensamos que nos cazan, pero en realmente es totalmente lo contrario...nosotros los cazamos, y no ellos nos cazan. La lí­nea que mencionaste se refiere al lado oscuro de la gente. Muchas veces pasa que una persona parece ser rica, poderosa y estimada, pero en realidad hace cosas horribles en oculto. Algo así­ queda claro especialmente con asuntos como abuso de menores o prostitución forzada. Cosas tan horribles muchas veces pasan bajo el pretexto de la decencia, y exactamente de esto trata la canción.

O: Empezaste a cantar en una banda del Metal cuando aún cantantes femininos en esta escena aún era algo muy poco común. ¿Cuales obstáculos tení­as que superar hasta sentirte bien con tu papel y crees que hoy es más fácil para mujeres en el Metal?

TT: El obstáculo más grande siempre ha sido mi voz. De vez en cuando aún lucho con esto, pero ya no tanto como antes. Creo que en 2003 o 2004 empecíé a sentirme mejor poco a poco al cantar las canciones de la banda. Creo que para personas ajenas a veces es difí­cil de entender, pero a veces era muy duro para mí­ tener que hacer mi voz más flexible para las canciones de Nightwish. Fui formada en música clásica y ópera y las tíécnias que aprendí­ no las podí­a usar en el Metal. Sí­ igual lo hubiera hecho, la gente más bien se hubiera asustada en vez de estar entusiasmada, porque esta manera de cantar hubiera sido demasiado dramática. Como mujer o respectivamente como chica sin embargo siempre me han respectado, pero por supuesto al principio era muy jóven y todo era muy nuevo para mí­ y todo aconteció muy rápido. Cuando de repente estabamos en los periódicos, seguramente mi fondo/origen familiar y la manera en que me veo y como lidio conmigo misma me ha protegido de apartarme de la realidad, y entendí­ ya muy temprano que se tení­a que trabajar duro en si mismo/a si se quiere alcanzar sus metas y no se deberí­a desistir. Si se hace música, siempre hay alguiíén que está mejor. Esta conclusión me ha hecho más humilde, pero nada menos determinada para intentar realizar mis propios sueños e ideas. Y sí­, creo que hoy es más fácil para mujeres cantar en una banda Metal, pero esto es maravilloso. Sin embargo pienso que para presentarse seguro en si mismo delante de un público de Metal se necesita mucho valor. En cada una de nosotras tiene que ser un chico pequeño, porque nos falta en el aspecto biólogico los "cojones" de los que tanta se habla. Pero estoy convencida de que en nosotras hay una fuerza extra que los hombres no tienen. Según lo que pienso yo muchas veces podemos aguantar el estríés y situaciones dificiles mucho mejor que los hombres, al fin nacimos para ser madres potenciales. Cuando empecíé, habí­a pocas chicas en la misma posición, pero hoy hay muchas de nosotras, y esto simplemente me hace muy orgullosa.

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Agosto 23, 2010, 08:50:24 pm
Video de Until My Last Breath!
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 23, 2010, 10:28:37 pm
Sale guapí­sima, aunque como video me gustaba más I Feel Immortal!!
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 25, 2010, 10:12:22 pm
Otro video!!

''Since we decided to shoot the video for I Feel Immortal in Iceland, we agreed to make a video for this one too, since the country and it’s landscapes were so inspiring. I am a scuba diver and I love the underwater world, so the story for the video is very connected with me. The director Jí¶rn Heidmann found amazing free diver footage from Guillaume Nery at Dean's Blue Hole, near Bahamas.
It seemed a good idea to have a similar video for Until My Last Breath and for I Feel Immortal as both songs are supposed to be released simultaneously in different territories.
There is another video on the planning for UMLB that will be broadcasted later on when the song will be released as a single in GAS.
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 27, 2010, 11:35:20 pm
Trailer WLB (

You can take What Lies Beneath from so many perspectives. In What lies beneath under the surface, there are so many things you can think of... It's so much easier for me to write songs if I have the title early in advance. It really happened with the first album and now with the second as well. What Lies Beneath definitely is very strong as a title, and all the songs has something to do with the title.

When I had the idea of having something really happen in my face, the people would first discovered beautiful picture, like a beauty picture really and at the second look, you see, well, there is something wrong in the face, so in the shadow there is a scar, yeah. It was done with a special make up artist. It's fantastic, what you can do with those special effects, special make ups and so on.


Se puede entender What Lies Beneath de muchas maneras diferentes. En ..., en lo que yace debajo de la superficie, hay tantas cosas en las que se puede pensar. Para mí­ es mucho más fácilescribir canciones si ya síé el titulo mucho tiempo antes. Pasó así­ con el primer disco y ahora tambiíén con el segundo. What Lies Beneath realmente es muy fuerte como titulo, y todas las canciones están relacionadas en alguna manera con el titulo.

Cuando tení­a la idea de de que algo realmente iba a pasar en mi cara, la gente primero iba a descubrir una foto bonita, como una foto de belleza realmente, y despuíés de verla una segunda vez, verás, bueno, que hay algo que no está bien en la cara, así­ en la sombra hay una cicatriz, sí­. Fue hecho por un artista especial de maquillaje. Es fantastico, lo que se puede hacer con estos efectos especiales, maquillaje especial etc.

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 28, 2010, 10:25:52 pm
If You Believe (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 28, 2010, 10:30:13 pm

Po cierto...hay rulando en la red un presunto archivo con el disco con voiceovers...NO SE FIEN DE EL...Algun capullo ha colado un troyano y se dedica a hacerlo pasar por el disco completo de Tarjita
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 28, 2010, 10:45:07 pm
A ver que cara se os queda!!!

Aquí­ ( se puede oí­r Anteroom of Death
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 31, 2010, 10:47:43 pm
Tracklist de la versión del disco para Europa:

Disk: 1
1. Anteroom of death
2. Until my last breath
3. I feel immortal
4. In for a kill
5. Underneath
6. Little lies
7. Rivers of lust
8. Dark star
9. Falling awake
10. The archive of lost dreams
11. Crimson deep

Disk: 2
1. We are
2. Naiad
3. Still of a night
4. Video 'Tarja about What lies beneath'

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 04, 2010, 10:37:55 pm
Montañas de Silencio (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Septiembre 06, 2010, 04:14:41 pm
Tarja - Interview (Masters of Rock 2010)

Mike Terrana - Interview (Masters of Rock 2010)
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Septiembre 06, 2010, 04:21:16 pm
Tarja Talks About What Lies Beneath
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Septiembre 10, 2010, 03:45:59 pm
Entrevista a Tarja Turunen en Cual es? Rock And Pop (Argentina)
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Septiembre 10, 2010, 03:46:37 pm
Tarja saliendo de la Rock & Pop
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Septiembre 10, 2010, 03:48:22 pm
Tarja - Still Of The Night (live)
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 10, 2010, 10:47:25 pm

La cantante de Helsinski –emblema nórdico por excelencia– presenta What Lies Beneath, un disco que cierra una etapa de arduo trabajo y desdice aquello que le dijo al NO en 2002, que no se veí­a “cantando metal a los 40”. “Ahora estoy más segura que nunca”, se desdice.

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 Por Luis Paz

Acaba de pasar el saludo con Tarja (se pronuncia Taria) Turunen y se levanta rauda del sillón que la cobija en una oficina del decimotercer piso de un edificio en Belgrano. Sin mirar al cronista, se aleja hacia la otra esquina de la habitación. ¿Será que el desodorante falló esta tarde calurosa que anuncia primavera? No, ¡quíé va! La ex cantante de Nightwish se aleja para llegar al frigobar en el que la vista no habí­a reparado. “¿Queríés un agua?”, pregunta en perfecto español, clavándote esos ojazos. Y uno no puede más que balbucear algo tipo “mmm, bueno, sí­, claro, ¿por quíé no?”. De gótica y crí­ptica sólo tiene el vestido. Tarja (se pronuncia Taria) es una dulzura en tacos altos, divertida, amable y cálida, y encima está en un buen dí­a. “Hoy estoy feliz”, le cuenta al NO el lunes, “porque le ganamos a Boca”. La finlandesa usa el nosotros al hablar de San Lorenzo, el club del que es hincha. Y si bien no se le anima a un nosotros al hablar de la Selección Argentina y su performance en Sudáfrica, nos acompaña en sentimiento: “Fue tan pero tan triste que Argentina quedara fuera del Mundial. Me siento muy feliz por España, pero Argentina debí­a ganar. Vimos el partido contra Alemania en el aeropuerto de Helsinki y habí­a cinco o seis tipos, unos alemanes gritándole de todo a Maradona cuando terminó el partido. Yo querí­a darme vuelta y pelearles, te juro, pero no habrí­a estado bien”. Bueno, con España, el martes, tuvo revancha.

Tarja es finlandesa, está en pareja con un argentino hace años, sus dí­as se reparten entre Helsinki, Buenos Aires y cualquier paí­s donde le toque cantar, y es polí­glota. Pero además es una cantante de excelencia que este lunes pondrá en las bateas su nuevo disco solista What Lies Beneath, compuesto y producido por ella. Y que para marzo está organizando unas fechas en Buenos Aires (en el Gran Rex, al fin un espacio donde su música podrá suceder en óptimas condiciones de sonido), Rosario y su debut en Uruguay. Sobre su segunda placa solista, cuenta: “Es un disco muy amplio, creo que es la palabra que mejor lo define. Escribí­ todas las canciones, en un momento muy personal y de mucha inspiración. Además produje este álbum, entonces realmente lo siento como mi bebíé y estoy muy orgullosa de íél”, hace su balance temprano la artista que ya le ha comentado a este suple, en sus visitas con Nightwish, como solista o en las Noches Finlandesas, un ciclo que trajo a Buenos Aires artistas de su paí­s en clave lí­rica, que desea pasar su retiro de la música en Miramar.

Unos dí­as en la playa no le vendrí­an mal, porque viene de trabajar muy duro en What Lies Beneath. “Fueron dos años de trabajo en los que no hubo un dí­a en que no pensara o hiciera algo para el disco, además de las giras (del anterior My Winter Storm) y realmente me liquidó hacer este disco”, revela. Sin embargo, no fue ningún peso sino algo más parecido a una misión, a una respuesta que cree que debe dar por su condición de artista y de voz que despierta interíés por diversas razones: “Es importante que te tomes el tiempo de pensar en quíé queríés lograr y que pongas todo tu esfuerzo. Conceptualmente, este disco tiene temas sencillos y muy sensibles, en los que no digo muchas cosas sino que desarrollo mis ideas y mis canciones tranquila y progresivamente, aunque con un montón de trabajo encima. Fue un disco muy exigente y siento una liberación de saber que pronto estará en la calle”, revisa el proceso esta morocha pálida, de ojos penetrantes y voz multicolor.

Tarja ya lanzó un single de este disco, Falling Awake, en formato vinilo, aunque sólo para el mercado británico. Sin embargo, en su sitio oficial (, la soprano permite escuchar hasta un minuto y medio de cada canción del disco. En ese puente entre lo más nuevo y lo más romántico construye ella, que sabe que a merced de las tecnologí­as, “la Humanidad vive un momento muy extraño y veloz”. “Me acuerdo de la agoní­a de la espera por recibir la contestación de una carta y cómo eso ya parece algo prehistórico. ¡Las cartas! El e-mail y los telíéfonos móviles han cambiado la relación de comunicación entre las personas, terminaron con el momento de la espera y eso ha hecho que muchos estíén muy acelerados y excitados con esta vida. Pero creo que es importante hallar el tiempo para desarrollarte. Por eso elegí­ hacer las cosas como antes, como se construyen las cosas reales y no las virtuales. Eso lleva mucho tiempo para organizar las cosas, de verdad. Y es otra cosa que no te permite quedarte, ni repetirte.”

–Como el mundo, la Argentina tambiíén ha cambiado desde que la conociste hasta hoy. ¿Quíé cambios ves aquí­, en Buenos Aires?
–La situación es muy diferente a cuando vine en 2002, veo que todo está bastante más violento y la gente está como más paranoica. Lo que me cautivó siempre de Buenos Aires es esa mezcla de inmigrantes, de culturas. Es una ciudad hermosa donde, como ahora, tienes la chance de salir del edificio e ir a tirarte al sol en esa plaza, eso no lo tiene cualquier lugar. Pero tambiíén la calle está como rara, ¿no? Violenta.

–¿Y comparando con Finlandia?
–Mirá, estuvimos con mi pareja en Jujuy, en Salta, en Mendoza y en la costa, y algo que me sorprende es lo fuerte que es la figura de la madre para los argentinos. En Finlandia, los derechos de la mujer son muy respetados y se las cuida realmente, pero no tenemos esa cosa tan fuerte en torno a la madre, que acá es como una institución suprema, aunque las mujeres muchas veces están en situaciones injustas respecto de los hombres. En realidad, acá son muy familieros y eso es hermoso: juntarse los domingos a comer, para los cumpleaños. En Finlandia teníés suerte si toda tu familia se reúne para pasar la Navidad y gracias.

–En 2002, le comentaste al NO que no te veí­as cantando heavy metal a los 40. ¿Te acordás de eso?
–Uy, ¿yo dije que no? ¿De verdad? Uh, Dios mí­o, no falta mucho para los 40. ¡Cómo ha cambiado la vida! Dios, me acabás de poner nerviosa. Es interesante que haya dicho eso. ¿Fue en 2002, no? Bueno, hoy te puedo decir que me siento muy cómoda, se desvanecieron las fronteras entre los gíéneros y creo que la música es una sola búsqueda y ahí­ para mí­ ya no hay sólo heavy metal sino mis cantos lí­ricos y otras cosas.

–Entonces, como se dice acá, “hay Tarja para rato”
–¡Definitivamente! Quiero seguir haciendo música por muchos años más y no sólo hasta los 40, pero bueno, lo dije en otro momento, estaba con Nightwish, era mi primera visita aquí­. Ahora estoy más segura que nunca en mí­ misma como cantante. Así­ que... ¡seguiríé!
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Septiembre 11, 2010, 01:12:36 pm
Q monos  :D

( (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Septiembre 11, 2010, 03:46:20 pm
52 minutos de video del making off de What Lies Beneath!
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 17, 2010, 11:24:51 pm
The summer shows are over and it’s time to relax a bit and wait anxiously the album release.

Thank you guys for the great summer! We had a blast.

I also want to thank you all who sent me birthday greetings and presents on my birthday. I just wish you to know that the best gift is knowing that you are there.

I am working on the album promotion at the moment at home in Buenos Aires. Even though there is a lot of work to be done, it feels so nice to be in one place for a longer period!

Also it gives me a chance to get myself in good condition for the tours that are ahead of me. Actually I can’t wait for them to begin already!

But first comes first; the new album.

Next week is the time I have been waiting for many long months.

Finland will break the ice on the 1st of September followed by Germany, Austria and Switzerland on the 3rd. All the rest will wait until 6th, but I know there are always some countries that will not make it in time. US will finally have the album available on the 14th of September.

So next couple of weeks will be a lot of fun…

I hope you’ll love “What Lies Beneath” as much as I do 

Thank you all for your support!!

See you soon on tour!

With love, Tarja

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Septiembre 23, 2010, 03:24:35 pm
Tarja - Until My Last Breath II!

This is the second video for Until My Last Breath. We filmed it with my talented friends from Same eYes company in Kuusankoski and Kouvola in Finland. The most important thing was to get Mr. Arvi Lind as our guest for the video. Arvi is one of the most known news anchors from Finland. It was fun to search old photos and check some filmed material for the video. I am happy with the final result. My friends did great!
The whole idea for the video was born as the idea for the song itself: the happenings around Michael Jackson's death.
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 23, 2010, 10:51:51 pm
What Lies Beneath in Europe

Posted on September 22, 2010

My new album is out nearly everywhere now. I hope you have found it exciting. Believe me, it was so much fun for me to work on it and the fun must continue now when the tour is about to begin.

The summer went so fast over that I cannot believe it’s time to start rocking again! Anyway, many things will be different since I am going to be performing new songs, have a new stage design, new performance clothes and even some changes in the line up!!!!   

It was really nice to plan the new set list for the tours that are about to happen soon.  There will be several surprises and among them, a song that many of you have requested in the forums for more than 10 years…

I can already tell you that there are plans to keep on presenting WLB at least until the end of 2011, since there are many places for me to visit. Of course there will be some breaks and classical concerts in between the rock tours, but I am lucky to be able to rock my new album for a pretty long time.

The rest of the year will be also very busy as I am starting to plan the follow up to WLB as well as several side projects.

I have been practising the new songs for the shows at home on my own and in few days I am heading to Poland to rehearse with my band. I am really excited about this.  I am sure I will have great time together again with the lovely guys. I am really thrilled to tell you that we added in a last minute a show in Kiev, Ukraine. So if you are Ukrainian fan, you must know that we are coming for real. I will be there on October 4th!

The new video for Until My Last Breath is ready and will be online hopefully this week 

A big kiss from sunny Buenos Aires and see you soon in Warsaw!

With love, Tarja
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 27, 2010, 11:06:54 pm
Fuente: TarjaTurunenMexico (

Enlista tres cosas que te describen:
“Sensible, confidente y positiva”

Te reservas tus sentimientos o dejas todo salir?” Tiendo a reservar mis sentimientos en vez de dejarlos fuera. Soy bastante tí­mida cuando se trata de conocer gente nueva así­ que soy muy buena para contenerme. A medida que envejeces piensas dos veces antes de decir las cosas, o al menos lo intento! “.

Está el vaso medio lleno o medio vacio?
Soy muy optimista, así­ que medio lleno.

Cuál es tu recuerdo favorito de tu niñez?
Siempre recuerdo las navidades. Creo que son mis recuerdos favoritos. Porque ellos fueron en un tiempo que estuve alrededor de mi madre y cocinamos mucho, ella limpiaba tooooda la casa como el infierno!! Era todo sobre el olor de la comida, velas y estar juntos como una familia, que aprecio y continuo pensando en eso el dia de hoy- La musica fuíé tambiíén gran parte de la navidad, queremos cantar y actuar juntos.

Te levantas de repente a las 4 de la mañana, quíé es lo que sucede?
Baño! Siempre es cuando necesito ir al baño, excepto algunas noches cuando llegamos a Londres; estabamos quedandonos en un hotel y cerca de las 3 de la mañana la alarma de emergencias sonó, lo cual fuíé horrible. Tuvimos que correr fuera del hotel. No nos dejaron saber nada, pero habí­a ingenieros para el fuego y todo.

Quíé álbum te reanima?
El último álbum de Avenged Sevenfold realmente me reanima, estaba muy feliz con el. Esa banda aún me deja tener una sonrisa en mi cara.

De quíé te arrepientes?
Talvez de no terminar mis estudios, pero tuve una buena razón. La vida sigue sin esa clase de cosas.

Cuál ha sido la mas grande advertencia que te han dado y has ignorado?
Siempre he sido muy infeliz con mi cuerpo. Es cosa de mujeres y mi madre siempre me decí­a que deberí­a estar feliz con lo que tengo, y lo que me fue dado. Para la belleza necesitas sufrir, ella siempre me dijo eso tambiíén. El dí­a de hoy me preocupo en como luzco, y dentro de mi misma aun no estoy tan satisfecha.

Eres religiosa, espiritual o humanista?
Espiritualista, creo en la energí­a. Creo en escribir acerca de la verdad y de las cosas que puedes encontrar y siempre estan en lo profundo dentro de ti.

¿Cuál era tu plan B?
Oh si! Creo que siempre tengo un plan B! Si no fuera un músico, bueno, siempre he amado el teatro / cine. Hubiera sido una actriz, es similar, supongo… a mi actuación!
Que disco nunca confesarí­as haber adquirido?
Como amante de la musica escucho de todo. Compre The Fame Monster, de Lady Gaga y la vi tocando el piano en vivo y ella es muy buena, así­ que realmente no me avergí¼enza el tener su album!

Que es lo que mas te enciende?
Siempre los ojos. Tras los ojos está la verdad,y los ojos siempre te dicen mas que las palabras, creo”

Que es lo que mas te apaga?
La negatividad, en serio, la gente pesimista. Intento lo mejor de no tener a esa gente a mi alrededor porque es malo el ver gente ser duros consigo mismos.

Cuál fuíé la última vez que te enojaste / molestaste?
Creo que fuíé a finales de Mayo, fue con mi disquera… No debo ahondar dentro de eso!

Cuál ha sido el peor dí­a de tu vida?
A menudo tengo un dia en el que me levanto y todo va mal. He notado que eso tiende a funcionar, realmente funciona conmigo, si hay un mal comienzo, todo va mal en esos dí­as, tambiíén va mal para mi esposo, en especial cuando está viajando conmigo.

El dí­a mas orgulloso de tu vida?
Ese fue otro dia duro. Supongo que fue cuando escuche que iba a ser tí­a por primera vez. Mis dos hermanos tienen pequeñas bebitas y fue un momento muy feliz cuando escuchíé eso por primera vez.

Cómo te gustaria ser recordada?
Me gustaria ser recordada como una artista que hizo sus propias cosas y una chica que
siguió sus sueños.

Cuáles serí­an tus famosas “ultimas palabras”?
Eso es todo! es tiempo para el siguiente round!
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 01, 2010, 06:22:37 pm
TARJA ha anunciado los músicos que la acompañarán en el escenario durante su próxima gira europea.

Estos son los elegidos:

Christian Kretschmar - Teclados (SCHILLER)
Kevin Chown - Bajo (ex- TONY MACALPINE, ex-TILES)
Alex Scholpp - Guitarra (ex-FARMER BOYS)
Max Lilja - Chelo (HEVEIN, ex-APOCALYPTICA)
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 02, 2010, 11:07:36 pm
setlist del primer concierto de WLB tour

0. Intro
1. Dark Star
2. My Little Phoenix
3. I Feel Immortal
4. Naiad
5. Falling Awake
6. I Walk Alone
7. Solo Mike'a Terrany
8. Alex i Kevin Chown
9. Litle Lies
10. Underneath
11. Where Were You Last Night + parts of two other covers
12. Mix: Once Upon A Troubadour + Our Great Divide + ... ?
13. ? (Tarja palying the piano)
14. Ciarán's Well
15. Crimson Deep
16. Stargazers
17. Until My Last Breath
18. Die Alive ( ( (Dark Star) ( (I feel immortal)
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 03, 2010, 10:39:28 pm
Stargazers (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 04, 2010, 10:43:31 pm
Underneath (

The archive of lost dreams (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 04, 2010, 11:23:47 pm
Entrevista para Polonia.

En la escuela era la unica niña en clase, y en casa pasó la mayor parte del tiempo con sus hermanos. Pero no por esto la soprano de hermosa voz con educación clásica se siente dominada por los hombres en el mundo del metal.

Tarja Turunen llega a Varsovia, Stodola en ví­speras del primer concierto de su gira mundial para promover su tercer álbum en solitario (contando su álbum navideño) What Lies Beneath. El álbum no se desví­a de aquel sonido que la estrella finlandesa ha tenido tiempo para acostumbrarnos, las melodí­as son una mezcla de Heavy Metal, Música clásica y ópera.

Tarja es una soprano graduada de la prestigiosa Academia Sibelius en Helsinki. Se ha especializado en el canto clásico, pero ganó fama como cantante del grupo Finlandíés, Nightwish, quien de 1996 a 2004 ha lanzado cinco álbums.

Es dificil ser mujer en el Heavy Metal; un mundo dominado por hombres?
Claro que no, se que es un mundo de hombres pero no me quejo. Crecí­ con dos hermanos que me hicieron pasar un buen momento, el infierno (risas). Entonces me llovió sobre mojado porque en la escuela primaria fui con la misma clase de chicos. Durante seis años sin ni un amigo. no solo en clase, sino tambiíén en el patio (risas)

Y luego entraste a un grupo de metal con el mismo tipo de chicos…
¿Con quien me pasíé casi diez años?… En mi banda en solitario tampoco hay mujeres, creo que no lo exime de esto, pero realmente esto no interfiere.
Nunca pasaste alguna situación extraña a la que los chicos hayan ayudado?
Si hablas de una broma inofensiva, son como la mayorí­a, porque los músicos son como niños grandes, pero nunca tuve todos las señales de una falta de respeto, por el contrario, todo el mundo siempre me ha tratado muy bien. Veo esto como una caballerosidad de los metaleros (risas) pero claro que no espero que me abran la puerta o vengan hacia mí­ con una unción especial.

En este caso, que es lo más dificil de ser una de las mujeres mas populares del metal?
Que siempre habrá alguien a tu alrededor. Independientemente de si siempre estoy en Nightwish o ahora como solista, todo el mundo mira lo que hago, como luzco y como me comporto. Aveces un momento de paz… todo el mundo ridiculizando esos dias en los que no queremos que nadie nos vea. Somos humanos.

Alguna vez has tenido problemas con los medios de comunicación en la vida privada?
Afortunadamente no, pero la falta de privacidad fue una de las razones por las que salí­ de Finlandia, y vivo en Buenos Aires, Bueno, quizá no la más importante… (Marcelo Cabli, marido y manager de Tarja es de la Argentina). En cualquier lugar, en cualquier momento parecí­a que alguien me reconocí­a. No tengo nada en contra de esto pero estoy en la condición de que no ocurre, literalmente, cada minuto, con los medios de comunicación es lo mismo, yo siempre los respeto, realmente los aprecio.

Nunca te escondí­as donde habí­a paparazzis?
No, ni siquiera cuando la foto que tomaran fuera a estar muy mal, porque no las publicarian (risas). De todos modos, no habrí­a material interesante, porque tampoco hago nada especial, no todos los dias nos distingue la ropa.

Pasará que te vistas y subas al escenario en vestuario ordinario o jeans?
!Oh, no! (risas) Mis conciertos son tambiíén una presentación (obra, etc) Cuando vas a la í²pera o en representaciones artí­sticas tambiíén hay vestidos de acuerdo a la naturaleza del espectáculo.

Tú musica combina (queda) muy bien en los teatros. Como soprano clásicamente educada, nunca tuviste problema con la adaptación de tu voz al Heavy Metal?
Al principio lo tení­a. No me sentí­a en este medio tanto como yo quisiera. Yo no estaba segura de mi voz al estar cantando para un compositor fuerte. Con el tiempo cambió. Me gustó esta música. Empece a ser consiente de su calidad oculta. Tambiíén desarrolló mi tíécnica vocal. En realidad todaví­a lo hago, en Buenos Aires he estudiado bajo la dirección de una maestra muy buena. El canto lí­rico es la disciplina mas grande, no hay lugar para hacer las cosas a medias o la pereza.

Pero la vida de las giras en una banda de rock ciertamente no favorece el mantenimiento y la buena forma en la voz
Todo es cuestion de adaptarse. Estoy segura de que si tomo para la gira con mi banda a una soprano, no resistirí­a mucho tiempo (risas). Estoy haciendo lo posible por mantener la voz y el cuerpo en las mejores condiciones. Me entreno mucho, corro y hago ejercicio. Trato en lo posible el dormir bien y comer adecuadamente. Esto no siempre es fácil especialmente cuando se mueve de un lugar a otro en el poco espacio de un autobus.

Aveces sueltas tus nervios?
No (risas). Debo evitar estas situaciones y aunque estíé muy cansada o preocupada por algo, encuentro la paz interior en mi misma. En general trato de guardar silencio y no hablar demasiado.
Síé que te gusta bucear. ¿Quíé te hizo estar fascinada con esta actividad?
El buceo es para mí­, ya sea el amor o e odio. Para mí­ no hay nada más hermoso que ver el mundo marino bajo el agua, en realidad es diferente que nuestra maravillosa flora y fauna, llena de colores inusuales y criaturas fascinantes. Cuando me sumerjo, siento que camino sobre la luna. Es un mundo muy colorido y pací­fico en el que ruido de las burbujas es un sonido poíético. Al entrar te olvidas de cualquier problema.
Sigues siendo cuestionada por fans y la prensa de si volverí­as a Nightwish?
Si sucede, pero todo es cerrado frente a eso. fueron necesarios cinco años, despuíés de todo, ahora me concentro en mi carrera en solitario.

Como comparas a la Tarja de ahora a los dias de cantar con esa banda?
Nightwish fue una avalancha. Todo desde el principio sucedió muy rápidamente. El primer demo, el íéxito del primer single del álbum, conciertos… todo el tiempo se mantuvo el ritmo. Como solista estoy mucho mas relajada, mi último disco se ha estado preparando desde hace casi tres años. Al mismo tiempo, hacemos una gran cantidad de conciertos. Pero nunca se tomó un respiro, mucho tiempo se dedicó a la parte creativa, porque ahora no solo es la produccion de las canciones, sino tambiíén escribir. En vista del nuevo cd se compusieron 30, críéeme, la selección de las once canciones finales fuíé una de las tareas más dificiles en mi vida.

En tu música, la conexión a metal con una orquesta sinfónica y coros. tienes la impresion de que muchas bandas el dia de hoy siguen un camino similar?
¿Quíé se yo? No lo creo, les sale mejor, a otras peor. En mi caso esta mezcla es un reflejo de lo que mas me gusta, me encanta la música clásica, las bandas sonoras de peliculas y el metal obscuro. Esto es una excitante mezcla. Podrí­a estar plenamente expresada en ella.

¿Te sientes atraida por la carrera de una diva de la ópera?
Aún canto arias en conciertos de musica clásica, aunque no síé si apareceríé a lo largo de mi carrera en la ópera, claro que no estoy lista para esto. De todos modos mi corazón esta demasiado inmerso en el juego “fuerte”, que no podrí­a darme por vencida tan facil.

Muchas gracias por tu tiempo.
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 05, 2010, 10:18:23 pm
Una de covers!!! (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 07, 2010, 10:54:37 pm
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 08, 2010, 11:08:49 pm

White Night Fantasy (

Underneath (

Naiad (

I Feel Immortal

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 10, 2010, 10:59:49 pm

The journey with my new album has begun. It was really exciting to actually start with the shows after rehearsing the songs only for few days with the band.

There was really a lot of new material for everybody to learn, but all went very fine. Now we have prepared many different set lists, so we can do changes between the shows.

The reception of the audiences in Warsaw and Krakow was incredible. I felt really welcome again in Poland. It was nice to see and hear people singing my new songs already. That was pretty amazing.

I had never been able to visit the centre of Krakow before, so I was lucky to do it this time. It is a very beautiful city with lot of old architecture and history. Chopin’s music was played everywhere and the sun was with us for the first time after many rainy days.

After Poland we started our trip to Ukraine and everybody knew in advance that this journey would be a long one; it was. The jumpy road kept me awake the whole night and the lack of sleep and food didn’t make me very happy. I was really delighted to get a real bed after 20 hrs being in the bus. Next day we had a chance to see the older part of Kiev a little bit, but it was lot colder in Ukraine than I thought it would be! Even we Finns were freezing!

The show, even though announced with a very short notice, was wonderful. People were really excited about our concert and with the help of their love and care; I realized that my music has a special place in Ukraine.

After Kiev we headed to Ostrava and Prague, Czech Republic. It was really lovely to be back in Czech, even though my last visit was just few months ago in Masters of Rock Festival. A lot of people came to see my shows and everybody got a bit surprised about it.

For example in Prague, the house was completely full and it made me very, very happy. People were just stunning!

Sometimes they were a lot louder than the band itself!

I started to feel a bit sick though during my Ostrava performance, so now I have to fight furiously against the flu that is trying to hit me. Nothing too serious, but enough to be more tired than usual.

Now we are in lovely Paris. The sun was welcoming us here yesterday and I already had my tasty, French dinner last night.

Is hard to know what to expect tonight. When we booked the shows, What Lies Beneath was not out yet and we had big expectations for the release in France with Universal Music.

Today I visited their offices to ask them why they didn’t release my album at all.

This is what I found.

It seems that in France, Universal Music is opening a market instead of selling records.

Maybe they are good in that field.

We can hear complains about the record industry going down… We should check a bit more the reasons for this to happen.

In one hour, the sound check will begin.

With all my love, Tarja
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 12, 2010, 11:33:05 pm
End of all hope (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Octubre 17, 2010, 10:50:14 pm
Entrevista en Telehit (Míéxico) 14 de octubre 2010

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 20, 2010, 10:36:18 pm
It is so nice to be back at home. The sun is shining and I can go out for running every day!

The trees are green already and the city looks pretty. I enjoy my morning coffee every morning outside in my beautiful balcony. Oh, life is good.

I have decided the concert program for my Christmas concerts already and started to rehearse for them. After next European rock tour, I won’t have too much time to go through all (only 5 days) so I have to do it right now.

It feels good to get my mind into different mood again with classical music, even though it might feel odd to you to imagine me singing Xmas song at this time of the year. I am sure though that the Christmas concerts in Finland will be a success again with Kalevi, Erkki and Marzi. It’s been a pleasure to perform with them.

I am working hard to get this project outside of the Finnish borders my friends! I know that many of you are already coming to see my concerts in Finland, but my biggest wish is to get this tradition abroad in 2011.

Soon I will start checking all the material that was filmed and recorded in Lahti last Christmas for a DVD release next year.

I am truly excited though about the Alice Cooper tour that is starting in two weeks. I am sure I am going to learn many things from Mr. Cooper during this tour and it is an honour to be part of it. Few artists nowadays are putting a show on stage and he is one of them.

There are many German cities we will be travelling through, so I hope to see many of my German friends in the shows.

There is also going to be a signing session in Media Markt, Munich on the 6th of November at 12:00. Be there!

Few words about a new project I am starting to work with; as I told you earlier, I have many plans for side projects. I have been really lucky to meet and work with many talented people during my career and this won’t be an exception.

Though I have known these persons already for some years and even worked with them!

Now we are putting all our strength and knowledge together, creating something very beautiful. Some of you might be quite surprised about this, but it is something I have wanted to do already for many years.

I just haven’t had enough time, or possibilities. You’ll get to know more about it when the time is right 

With all my love, Tarja

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 22, 2010, 10:40:03 pm
Concierto en Holanda!! (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 22, 2010, 10:42:09 pm
The Crying Moon (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 25, 2010, 11:02:57 pm
hola les dejo la Entrevista de la Revista Grita Mí¨xico 

UNA NUEVA ETAPA: un nuevo álbum, que ha implicado varios retos donde Tarja ha resultado victoriosa.

Cuando hablamos de Tarja, reconocemos que ha quedado en el pasado Nightwish y hoy se ha consolidado en el rock y el metal sinfónico. Cuando comenzó a cantar nunca imaginó que se convertiria en una de las figuras del metal, en una escena dominada por los hombres.

Una niña que creció en Kitee, un lugar pequeño y que tras descubrir su amor por la música, no dejó su sueño hasta alcanzarlo. Una mujer impresionante que alguna vez en su niñez sufrió el acoso e intimidación que la volvió más vulnerable y sensible, pero que tambiíén la hizo crecer y estudiar canto clásico, ser dedicada y trabajar duro, tiempos que le devolvieron la confianza para enfrentarse a la aventura que seguirií­a, ser vocalista de una banda.

Hoy está fuera su segundo álbum en solitario, What Lies Beneath y con íél una nueva historia comienza para una mujer que se entregó y experimentó nuevas cosas, sabiendo que sus fieles fans estarán felices de poder disfrutar de su nuevo material. Una diva del rock que nos concedió algunos minutos de su tiempo y al escuchar su amable voz tras el telíéfono, hizo recordar su última visita y cómo le dedico tiempo a cada uno de sus fans, detalle que nunca he visto con algún otro músico o banda. Esto es lo que Tarja Turunen comentó para Grita respecto a What Lies Beneath

Por el tono de voz pudimos apreciar que se sentí­a feliz, tras haber trabajado tres años en el disco, escribiendo la música, las letras y orgullosa de haber terminado el álbum en el que se sintió más libre y tras el que se puede percibir su alma.
«Nos conocí­amos mejor, es un álbum muy personal, podrí­amos decir que fue fácil porque sabí­a a donde querí­a ir, que querí­a hacer con cada canción, **ál serí­a mi punto de vista. Estoy orgullosa de todas las canciones que hice»

Material que se percibe más pesado que el anterior y que asegura se debe a la libertad creativa y la oportunidad de exponer otra faceta de Turunen, más melancólica así­ como la influencia de lo que ha escuchado

«Obviamente en canciones como Dark Star, puedes notar grandes influencias que impregnaron este álmub: mi educación clásica, el metal y los soundtracks. La fusión de los tres dio como resultado este disco».

Cintas como la de James Bond, empaparon temas como In for A Kill, un ejemplo de la variedad que preserva este trabajo con momentos íépicos y alternando con diferentes atmósferas y tiempos, guitarras distorsionadas, secciones con orquesta u coros melódicos, como en Anteroom of Death

Para Tarja este álbum implicó un reto total ya que se volvió productora del mismo, por primera vez, teniendo el control total del proceso creativo

«Admiro a varios artistas, y carios sirvieron para influenciar este álbum, escucho muchos tipos de música pero en esta ocasión Craig Armstrong pianista, fue muy inspirador, el piano me brinda tanta melancolí­a, tambiíén escuchíé metal americano y europeo, desde Disturbed, Korn, el reciente álbum de Avenged Sevenfold, me dí­ a la tarea de ir explorando locamente el mundo de la música»

Y mientras vive lejos de su tierra natal, de su familia, de su querida Finlandia, un mundo de emociones que desembocaron en las letras de este álbum.

Fueron el resultado de la experiencia de haber crecido en una villa en Finlandia, y ahora vivir en una enorme ciudad como Buenos Aires, en Argentina.

«Mi corazón está en Buenos Aires, ahora. Soy una chica normal pero tiendo a ser muy positiva, sensible, romántica, así­ que para este álbum la energí­a fue muy positiva con mucha fuerza. Buscaba escribir en silencio, necesitaba tener paz».

Y aunque sabemos que ha dejado atrás a Nightwish, era inevitable que implica ahora para ella:
«Será siempre importante, la música que hicimos, fue mi vida por mucho tiempo, mi desarrollo como artista. Hago mi propia música y me enfoco en lo que hago ahora. La banda me dio gran experiencia».

Una mujer que practica todos los dí­as con su voz y que se la pasa de gira pero que no por eso deja de ser una chica normal. «En un dí­a normal, limpio mi casa, veo a mis amigos, le cocino a mi esposo.Me encanta ir al sauna, correr, nadar, cantar, dar un vistazo en la computadora, comprar pelí­culas, hacer algo lindo con mi esposo, todo el tiempo estamos juntos.Llevamos 10 años juntos y lo amo, y cada dí­a es mejor nuestra relación».

Consolidando su carrera como artista, gozando su vida a lado de su esposo y disfrutándola al máximo, nunca ha dejado de ser una mujer que tiene como prioridad su carrera, en la que tambiíén su imagen ha sido importante, siempre luciendo innovadora y elegante: «para mi primer ví­deo utilicíé vestidos de Sirja Tiilikainen y ahora que vivo en Argentina, tambiíén me gusta lo que hace una diseñadora, Marí­a Vázquez».

Y mientras lo que resta del año estará de tour por Europa, algunas fechas con Alice Cooper: esperamos su visita para marzo del 2011. Detalle con el que terminó nuestra entrevista no sin antes de despedirse de sus seguidores mexicanos. «Extraño a Míéxico, el show pasado fue grandioso.Gracias por el tiempo que me han brindado y espero sigan ahí­. Les agradezco toda la pasión».

Scans thank you Adri WSM

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Noviembre 07, 2010, 03:56:27 pm
Christmas Concerts 2010:

Tarja Turunen: Vocals
Kalevi Kiviniemi: Organ
Marzi Nyman: Guitar
Markku Krohn: Percussion

The dates are as follows:

Nov. 29 - Oulu, Tuomiokirkko
Nov. 30 - Kuopio, Tuomiokirkko
Dec. 02 - Pori, Keski-Porin kirkko
Dec. 03 - Lahti, Sibeliustalo
Dec. 05 - Keuruu, Keuruun Uusi kirkko
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 18, 2010, 11:27:00 pm
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 25, 2010, 11:30:51 pm
Former NIGHTWISH frontwoman Tarja Turunen will release a special "Dreamer's Box Set" version of her latest album, "What Lies Beneath".

A photo of the singer backstage signing 500 photos for the above-mentioned box set can be viewed below.

More information will be made available soon.

Tarja's sophomore solo album, "What Lies Beneath", sold around 1,300 copies in the United States in its first week of release. The CD landed at position No. 24 on the Top New Artist Albums (Heatseekers) chart, which lists the best-selling albums by new and developing artists, defined as those who have never appeared in the Top 100 of The Billboard 200.

"What Lies Beneath" registered the following first-week chart positions:

Finland: #14 (first week), #7 (second week)
Czech Republic: #6
Switzerland: #11
Hungary: #30
Netherlands: #45
Belgium (Flanders): #99
Belgium (Wallonia): #42
UK: #115

"What Lies Beneath" was released in North America on September 14 via The End Records. The CD's first single, "Falling Awake" (featuring Jason Hook from FIVE FINGER DEATH PUNCH), was released August 17 as a limited-edition seven-inch single through The Omega Order and available August 24 at all digital outlets . The track is backed with "The Good Die Young" — a song from the SCORPIONS' most recent album that features Tarja's vocals.

Featuring U.S.-exclusive artwork and a bonus track, "What Lies Beneath" was recorded and produced by Tarja and mixed by Tim Palmer (PEARL JAM, THE CURE, ROBERT PLANT), Colin Richardson (SLIPKNOT, MACHINE HEAD, BULLET FOR MY VALENTINE) and Slamm Andrews (scores of "Angels & Demon", "Pirates of The Caribbean", "Gladiator"). Special guests on ther CD include Phil Labonte (ALL THAT REMAINS), Joe Satriani, Jason Hook (FIVE FINGER DEATH PUNCH), Will Calhoun (LIVING COLOUR), Slovak National Symphony Orchestra and Choir and more.

Turunen will take part in a unique Christmas tour 2010 with well-known Finnish musicians — Kalevi Kiviniemi, Marzi Nyman and Markku Krohn. They will perform in churches in Oulu, Lahti, Kuopio, Pori and Keuruu. The Artistic Director of the concerts is Kalevi Kiviniemi and the concerts are organized by Rowan3 Productions. The tickets are on pre-sale via Menolippu, Lippupalvelu and Tiketti.
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 27, 2010, 11:36:58 pm
Let me say that I was not the only Finn whose face got serious when the plane landed at the airport in Helsinki. Why on earth our ancestors decided to stay here and make a living in such cold place? I don’t get it. Yesterday, -9° and today it is snowing a lot.

Nevertheless, the white blanket and the silence that comes with it, is beautiful. Something to miss while travelling through very different sceneries.

Well, here I am anyway trying to survive without getting cold before my Xmas and forthcoming rock shows.

I love this idea I started some years ago of “coming home for Christmas” mood. Ending the year in Finland and offering some church concerts is always relaxing for mind and soul.

The music in my Christmas concerts is really different compared with what I’ve been doing these last months. It’s a nice refreshing change. 

Alice Cooper tour was an awesome experience. Mr. Cooper himself was so kind and told me many nice and supportive words about my singing and music. I truly hope to see him once again in the near future. I want to thank him and his talented crew and band for this great opportunity. It was fun!

When I read for the first time that we were going to have a show in the city of Bamberg, Germany, I thought that this might be just another small, normal, regular German city. I was SO wrong. It is indeed such a beautiful, old city. It was wonderful to walk around the old part of the city, take some pictures like a real tourist. Even the weather was perfect on that day!

Here I am in my backstage signing 500 photos for a special box set of “What Lies Beneath” that will be coming out very soon! I am sure you will be informed about it in my web page 

I named it the “Dreamer’s box set”.

It was a nice surprise for me to receive James Kottak visiting our show in Berlin during the tour. I met him last time in Buenos Aires where I was another Scorpion’s fan at their show in Luna Park. Thanks James for coming to say hello!

I had a really rough time in Paris with the album promotion after my amazing show in Zurich. It was just so lovely to sing for Swiss people once again.

I had to leave almost right after the show to Paris by train. The whole next day I spent talking about “What Lies Beneath” that is finally going to be released in France via XIII Bis Records on 29th of November. I am very happy. Thanks to my patient and loyal French fans.

I didn’t remember how beautiful and old the city of Lyon is. Last time my visit in Lyon was in 2005 and then there was NO time at all to look around. There was not enough time for it this time either, I must say. Though I had a chance to walk a bit around the old city and I was blown away.

I had a nice signing session there with my kind fans. There were even some people from Africa and USA coming to say hi to a Finnish person in France…”sometimes I wonder” 

Another part of this tour is over and everything is packed and we are ready to move on.

I’ll see you soon in my Christmas concerts here in the cold winter wonderland.

With love, Tarja

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Diciembre 01, 2010, 11:13:08 pm
( (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Diciembre 01, 2010, 11:14:54 pm
Interview Tarja Turunen - Magic Fire Music
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Diciembre 01, 2010, 11:17:27 pm
Del dvd de Doro

Walking with the angels

Que grandes  :014:
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 03, 2010, 10:27:07 pm
What Lies Beneath Dreamers Box Set: coming soon!

An impending revelation, a dream within a dream, a glance at all things hidden, a surprise. Discover the 500 units limited edition of the upcoming Dreamers box set from What Lies Beneath.
Soon, pre orders will start in Tarja’s official web shop. Be the first to order as the Dreamers Box Set will be limited to only 500 units. The orders will be processed according to first come first served basis.
What Lies Beneath Dreamers Box Set contains:

-A 14 Track CD including all songs from What Lies Beneath
Anteroom of death
Until my last breath
Dark star
Little lies
Still of the Night
Rivers of lust
In for a kill
I Feel Immortal
We are
Falling awake
The archive of lost dreams
Crimson deep

-A 9 Track CD including unreleased mixes and exclusive song “If You Believe”
Dark Star Tarja Lead Vocals version
Montañas de Silencio
If You Believe
The Crying Moon
Underneath Orchestral Version
I Feel Immortal Single Version
Falling Awake featuring Jason Hook
The Good Die Young Performed by Scorpions & Tarja
Naiad Instrumental Extended Version

-A 56 (135 g/m2) Pages 12“ hardcover book incl. High-quality photographic pictures and all lyrics for the songs

-Two Picture-Vinyl 180 g pressing of ”What lies Beneath” in a Hardcover Gatefold unique to this edition

-A 12’’ square portrait of Tarja, printed in 6 colors on a 280gr photo paper. Each print is hand signed by Tarja, housed in a 12’’ spined sleeve

-CardPac with a USB-Card 2 GB ”Alloy Series“ including Tarja’s videos with Logo print in brushed Aluminium (100 % recycled material)

-An authentic Venetian Mask to hide behind

Pre orders will be announced soon, stay tuned
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 05, 2010, 11:11:19 pm
I am having some time off in Lahti before we leave to Keuruu, Finland

I will have my last Christmas concert in tonight. It’s been quite cold in Finland during these last days, but also it’s been just wonderful to sing these Christmas “carols” again with Kalevi, Markku and Marzi.

This group of people really enjoys performing together, but also we like to share time together. I wonder how it is possible that I have such lucky stars upon me? It’s a true blessing.

As you might have realized there is another musician with us this time. Her name is Mervi Myllyoja and she plays violin wonderfully. It has been an unexpected addition just a day before the first concert, thanks to Kalevi. I am grateful to have her with us. Violin brings a beautiful colour to our line up and there are several different options for new arrangements of the songs we are performing. Only sky is the limit!

We started the Xmas tour in Oulu, northern part of Finland. A short rehearsal was needed.

Last time I performed in Oulu was many years ago, so it was really nice to return there. I needed to buy a new winter coat, since the temperature went down to -22° on the first day!

Always many fans of different ages are waiting to meet us after the concert and it is always a pleasure to meet them when it is possible.

Next concert was in Kuopio where I was studying music in Sibelius Academy. Can you imagine that Kalevi and I share the same organ teacher!!!! It was so incredible to talk with him about our school times when we were travelling through the winter wonderland in our van.

I wouldn’t even dare to jump in front of the organ again and play…I leave it for the ones that are born with it. Kuopio concert was really important to me, since I had never sang as a soloist in the main church, but only dreamed about it many times. As in Oulu, the church was full of people! Lovely.

We had the chance to use the church organ for some of the numbers and I sang from the balcony.

After Kuopio we travelled to Pori. The church of Pori is amazing, like a real cathedral.

I should not forget to mention the organ of the church. Kalevi says it’s the best organ in Finland.

The acoustics were wonderful and the people in Pori were really excited about our performance. It had been again too many years since I performed in Pori last time. I know the next time won’t take that long.

Lahti concert yesterday in Sibelius hall was really a pleasure. People came to thank me and told me that the atmosphere in the concert was warm and very emotional. That is exactly our goal, to reach people with the Christmas feeling.

Next year we probably will have two concerts in the same place, since many people was left out this time. Sorry about that. Lovely audience, lovely performance.

Today we’ll head to Keuruu and that will be the end of this Christmas concerts.

We are planning 2011 Christmas Tour already! 

I will be anyway staying in Finland since there are few rock shows to come. My band is going to arrive tomorrow, on the Finnish Independence Day to Helsinki and soon it’s going to be the time to rock again with them. Starting from Hí¤meenlinna!

I also wanted you to know that I have been following some amazingly well organized Winter Storm fan clubs web pages for some time now. It’s been great to see how well they function and how accurate they are. I want to thank all the people who are behind these pages.

If you are still not a member of any of the fan clubs, you should

I read that the video for Until My Last Breath went to the top in MTV Brazil and that you are actively voting in every place that you can to make me be there.

Thank you once again! 

And all you who have created a fan page for me

There are more each day and is so nice to go through them.

Thanks for the support, time and loyalty. I feel that I am not alone.

With love, Tarja

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 13, 2010, 11:05:06 pm

2011 Savonlinna Opera FestivalFestival de í“pera de Savonlinna 20112011 Savonlinnan Oopperajuhlat2011 Savonlinna Opera Festival

More than 300 artists from 12 countries will be appearing during the 2011 season of the Savonlinna Opera Festival.
Heading the band of international soloists will, among others, be the star of the New York Metropolitan Josíé Cura.
The world-famous Argentinean tenor will be giving a concert in the Castle on July 17th with the Kuopio Symphony Orchestra and also appearing in the concert will be Tarja as the guest Soprano.
For more info and ticket sales, please check
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 20, 2010, 10:47:19 pm
La edición 2011 del festival germano Summer Breeze Open Air, dispuesta para los dí­as 18, 19 y 20 de agosto en Dinkelsbí¼hl, ha confirmado a la cantante TARJA
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 21, 2010, 11:26:32 pm
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 25, 2010, 11:23:31 pm
The tours for this year are over and it’s time to have holidays with the loved ones.

I am very happy with the outcome of this year and I am sure that next year will bring new challenges once again. As long as I keep on dreaming my dream, I guess the path I took many years ago is the correct one 

Before changing my winter jacket to the bikinis, I wanted to tell you what has happened in these last couple of weeks.

My lovely Christmas tour was very successful. It was wonderful to see all the concert places packed with people with Christmas mood, even though we took an early start for the holiday celebrations in the beginning of December.

I had never visited Keuruu before, so it was a nice surprise indeed that so many people came to listen our music in the beautiful wooden church and offered us a standing ovation. Perfect ending for this show.

Every one of us musicians was very sad that the tour had to end so soon. We would have all loved to continue with the concerts, but we live in hope that in the next years we can do many more of them together. That’s a nice wish. I already miss Kalevi, Markku, Mervi and Marzi!

Immediately after my Christmas tour, I had to get my mood back to rock´n roll for my shows in Hí¤meenlinna, Tampere and Mikkeli, just 2 days after the last Xmas concert. Many people have been asking me how I manage with such drastic changes, but I just love it! I will never get bored like this 

I enjoy having two careers at the same time, because they both complete me as an artist, as a singer.

It was pretty tough though to front a seated Finnish audience in the concert halls in Finland. I am sad when I hear and read that Finnish people we are “cold/dead/frozen”. We are definitely not, but we have our own ways to show our interest. If you front a full house and people getting away from their seats to cheer and stand, believe me, you won this one!

would love to specially dedicate all the shows I did in Finland this year to those ones with power to decide. Guys, open your eyes and you will see… Finland I salute you!

After Suomi we headed to Europe, Luxembourg and had a nice day off. We walked through the streets of the old city and it was the first time for me to have a chance to see the life of Luxembourg more than just through the hotel room window. Lovely!

After Luxembourg anyway my luck changed.

Nitra, Slovakia was something particular. We spent 3 days in a cosy hotel doing absolutely nothing important, since the Slovakian shows got cancelled just in the last minute. It was a really big misfortune for me and I didn’t expect that at all to happen. I really hope to be able to return to Slovakia and to sing for my lovely fans. We are working on that and I hope to have news soon about it.

You were the ones that made me really happy when I met some of you at the Christmas Market in Nitra. Even though it was a very cold day, I was surprised how many of you got my message and was there! Facebook has remarkable powers!  Anyway, I ask you my deepest apologizes for not performing this time.

Luckily I had a lot of time to walk around the city of Nitra.

Well, many of us were anxious to get to Austria and Graz is definitely one of the most beautiful cities in Europe. Even the sun was showing up on the day we arrived there. I wanted to see the view of the city from the Schloss Eggenberg and it was worth to go up on the hill.

The show was really great and we rocked together with the Austrian people.

The last journey we did was to Milan. I have always had good memories from my shows in Italy, but this time the people were just stunning. Beautiful, loud and happy crowd. The weather was terrible, but despite of that, there were a lot of people waiting for me after the show under the rain. People were soaked and cold, but happy.

It was a lovely ending for this 2010 tour. There are many more tours to come next year, I promise.

I want to thank for all the Xmas presents, lovely messages and supportive words you’ve been giving me during these last months. “What Lies Beneath” is alive and well, but wouldn’t be so without you all.

Now it’s time to say goodbye, but I’ll be back sooner than you expect. Perhaps just a bit more tanned 

Wherever you are, I wish you a merry Christmas and a happy New Year. Take care and have lovely holidays!

With all my love, Tarja

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 26, 2010, 11:04:40 pm
Tarja hablando de sexo!!

Entrevista Metal Heart 2004

Con su simpática sonrisa reacciona la cantante finlandesa, cuando le pedimos en el bar de un hotel de Colonia (kí¶ler), si ella quiere hablar con nosotros sobre el sexo. "¿Por quíé no?, fuíé su respuesta. Nos levantamos y fuimos a un lugar del bar y empezamos una abierta, verdadera y adulta conversación sobre el famoso tema.

Metal Heart: Puedes recordar tu primera vez?

Tarja: Fuíé con mi primer novio real. Tení­a casi 17 en ese tiempo. El era 5 años mayor que yo y ya habí­a recolectado muchas experiencias antes, pero sus diferentes experiencias no le importaban. Estuvimos juntos por unos meses hasta que pasó. el querí­a que yo esperara hasta que me sintiera bien para hacerlo. Aún ahora encuentro, maravilloso cuando pienso atrás. Puedo decir que tuve mucha suerte con el, era un increible primer novio, como lo puedes imaginar.

Metal Heart: ¿Que es lo que mas te gusta en el sexo?

Tarja: Si puedes confiar en el otro. Si tu no tienes que temer a ser malentendido mientras lo haces y conoces muy bien a tu compañero y cuando además lo amas, por supuesto, solo de esa manera "hacer el amor" merece esa descripción y solo de esta manera es una experiencia intensa. en la que tu puedes dejarte ir totalmente, es un sentimiento indescriptible el notar que estarás con alguien por un tiempo y cada vez lo quieres más. Despiertas y piensas que puedes amar a alguien fuertemente y solo una semana despuíés sientes aún mas por exactamente la misma persona, eso es maravilloso y hace la diversion del sexo más especial.

Metal Heart: ¿Quíé es lo que no te gusta del sexo?

Tarja: Si realmente tú no conoces a tu compañero y no sientes nada por el. Yo ya no estoy en esa edad en la que necesitas recolectar tales experiencias. Aunque no he tenido una aventura de una noche he tenido ciertos romances cortos de tiempo a tiempo, pero esos affairs no me llenan y al final cada vez he tenido un sabor amargo y más me frustran y me entristecen a que me dejen algo. Yo misma he dibujado la conclusión de que no puedo esperar nada más de tales affairs, no sabes nada de tu compañero y no sientes nada por íél. Bajo tales condiciones el sexo no puede ser completamente llenado, porque los sentimientos correctos no existen. Así­ el acto será reducido a algo muy mecánico, y esto no es hermoso.

Metal Heart: Que tipo de ropa interior prefieres en los hombres?

Tarja: Oh, un tema lindo! De cualquier forma me gusta la ropa sencilla, los hombres que piensan que lucen lindos con tangas rosas los encuentro ridí­culos. Generalmente las tangas no son para los hombres. Desafortunadamente puedes verlos a menudo en la playa, esos son hombres que piensan que son los más increí­bles. Normalmente me gusta ligeramente más ajustada, trusas azul obscuro o negro.

Metal Heart: De cuál ropa interior usas?

Negra casi siempre. Tengo la piel muy clara y en ella el negro es el que luce mejor, cuando gano algo de bronceado con el sol aveces me gusta rojo o blanco. Además me gustan las "tangas string" ya que casi no se pueden ver bajo los pantalones. No creo tener la figura correcta para usarlas, pero son sencillamente discrtetas y afectan menos bajo tu ropa, tambiíén me gustan las cosas femeninas con mucho encaje, en Argentina las mujeres usan un montón de ropa femenina, en Finlandia eso no importa mucho por eso yo compro mi ropa interior en Argentina, allí­ consigues lo mas hermoso.

Metal Heart: Podrí­as imaginar el sexo con una mujer?

Tarja: Buena pregunta, creo que la idea de 2 mujeres teniendo sexo entre ellas es más erótico para todos que la idea de dos hombres entre ellos, definitivamente hay mujeres lindas que encuentras eróticas aunque no te gusten las mujeres, pero no puedo imaginarme eso. Mi último novio, con el que yo estaba antes de mi esposo, querí­a tener una noche con una segunda mujer  , en ese tiempo pensíé mucho en si yo podrí­a hacerlo, porque lo amaba, querí­a hacer su deseo realidad, por otro lado, el imaginar compartirlo con otra mujer definitivamente no estaba bien para mí­, en un tiempo su deseo se convirtió en un gran problema para nosotros.

Metal Heart: Podrí­as imaginar el sexo con dos hombres?

Tarja: No, definitivamente no, si yo estuviera con un hombre solo lo quedrí­a para mí­ y nadie más, cuando iba a la Universidad a la edad de 19 años, habí­a chicas que se encontraban con mas de un hombre al mismo tiempo, algunas de ellas incluso intentaron pedirme que fuera con ellos, pero eso no es para mí­, nunca he estado en esa clase de fiestas, no puedo imaginar ver a dos hombres mientras lo hacen, eso no significa que tenga algo contra los gays, lejos de eso algunos de mis mejores amigos son gay y me gusta estar con ellos porque puedes ir de compras muy bien y a menudo piensan como una mujer.

Metal Heart: Que piensas de las pelí­culas porno?

Tarja: Ví­ muchas de ellas en los autobuses, los músicos masculinos tienen el atributo de que tienen que verlas en cualquier momento no tengo nada en contra de eso. Incluso debo confesar que yo tengo una para mi, pero en el autobus no es la atmósfera correcta para eso. Las peliculas porno son, una cosa para momentos muy privados con tu pareja, y entonces la estíética juega un rol, si los actores y las escenas no son estíéticos, un filme porno rapidamente se vuelve asqueroso.

Metal Heart: Quíé piensas de las prostitutas?

Tarja: Esas mujeres a menudo son abusadas y obligadas a la prostitución en contra de su voluntad. Creo que eso no es bueno, especialmente en Argentina las mujeres asi tienen una pobre existencia sin esperanza, tales cosas no deben ser. Veo a las prostitutas como una especie de servicio y deben tener un mejor autoestima. Ofrecen algo parecido a otros prestadores de servicios, por eso deben ser tratadas y estimadas de la misma manera legal y social.
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 28, 2010, 11:28:28 pm (

Video curioso!!
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Enero 10, 2011, 01:59:43 pm
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 10, 2011, 11:18:44 pm
Tarja ha volteado la pagina

Les mencioníé, hace algunas semanas, de la sinceridad en una entrevista y de los hechos como respuestas. Tarja Turunen no es un artista cómodo de entrevistar así­ que es necesario por momentos el reanudar la pregunta para ver si ella realmente responde a las preguntas propuestas más que con un lenguaje preconcebido y directo al plato. Su manera de expresarse a si misma, de incluirse a si misma, es algo demasiado positivo, respuestas muy consensuales para ser creí­bles, la cantante nos recuerda a la terrorifica polí­tica exasperante de ciertos de artistas que uno puede ver en “Vivement Dilmanche”.

Del lado de esta desagradable impresión, la entrevista (que tuvo lugar, recordando, mediante la firma de un empaque de jamón inaugurando nuestra colección de objetos insólitos autografiados por artistas) fuíé interesante. Tarja es hablantina y nos confia algunas aníécdotas personales acerca de su colaboración con Scorpions, sus gustos musicales (sabí­an que es una fan de Slipknot?) etc.

Si esto deja la puerta abierta a la oportunidad de volver a ser parte de un proyecto en grupo, una cosa es certera: Nighwish ha acabado para bien (si es que fuera posible aún dudarlo), y visible en su deseo de cambiar el tema, esto no encaja en el juego de los medios (prensa) comenzado por sus antiguos colegas y ahora se reusa a tener algo que ver con ello.

Radio Metal: Al principio del álbum, en el titulo “AOD” se escucha durante unos segundos un sonido que asemeja a los acordes de violonchelistas. Como se escuchan algunos antes de un concierto de una orquesta. El album mismo termina igual de una manera muy pomposa. El resto de la obra, no obstante, resulta moderno a travíés de ciertos sonidos o riffs. ¿Estan esas señales en la musica para recordarte de dónde vienes?

Claro, es una gran parte de mi misma, siempre es importante especialmente para mí­ como artista. La música clásica y el metal me rodean y serí­a muy dificil escoger entre esos dos gíéneros. Es el sonido de mi vida. El nuevo álbum es en general una especie de viaje. Lo he preparado en los ultimos dos años asi que fuíé un viaje puntuado por todas las experiencias que me han sucedido en la música. Tratíé de dejar clara la dirección que querí­a tomar con este álbum. Hay elementos del metal, elementos de rock, música clásica y sentimientos. Todo lo que me emociona.

Basicamente, es un sumario de tus influencias.

Por supuesto!

Es sorprendente que el album contiene algunos riffs muy metaleros e incluso gruñidos en “Dark Star”. Ahora, lo has aclarado, hace unos años, los riffs de metal extremo no eran lo tuyo… ¿Has cambiado de idea?

Mi álbum no tiene nada que ver con metal extremo (Risas). Cuando escuchas las canciones, estan muy lejos del metal extremo. Mi álbum contiene esos elementos y los tracks estan conectados con el metal pero este no es un álbum de metal. Así­ que, sí­, aún escucho albums de metal extremo. Slipknot es uno de esos pocos grupos violentos que escucho y aprecio mucho hoy en dí­a. Como sea, mi música es muy diferente, se desví­a de lo normal, si alguien puede llamarle así­.

¿Fuiste tú quien compuso esos tracks, incluyendo esas donde encontramos partes muy metaleras como “Dark Star” o “Little Lies”?

Yo compuse todas las canciones. Aveces sola, aveces con colaboradores.

En este nuevo CD, hiciste el cover “SOTN” de Withesnake. Ya habí­as tomado “Poison” de Alice Cooper. Esto se convertirá en una tradición en tus álbums como solista? Tienes ideas para el próximo?

Siempre es dificil para mí­ el decidir en un cover, pero tambien siempre es agradable hacerlo. ¿Por quíé esos covers de Hard Rock? Para mi es como regresar en el tiempo, yo tení­a siete años cuando mi hermano estaba dentro de esta música. Por lo tanto, tambiíén estoy empapada con ella. Es muy dificil coverear esas canciones. Cuando sea que haces un cover, sabes de antemano que no puedes hacerlo mejor que el original. La razón por la que decidí­ hacer un cover es para hacerlo de una manera completamante diferente. Yo interpreto a mi manera. Claro que titulos como “Poison” y “SOTN” fueron cantados por voces masculinas, asi que resumiendo, es totalmente diferente, Siempre he dicho que si iba a hacer un cover de “SOTN” me gustarí­a añadir un arreglo de orquesta y coro. La canción es buena. Estoy muy feliz.

Pero mi pregunta era mas acerca de si tu planeas hacer una tradición en cada uno de tus álbums…

No, no lo creo. No puedo pensar en eso ahora, talvez el próximo álbum no contenga ningún cover, nunca sabes. Así­ es como lo siento, era lo que querí­a hacer y talvez la próxima vez… no lo síé (risas).

Porque los tiempos son muy diferentes a los de las canciones originales, ¿Crees que los fans amarí­an tu version de “Poison” de Alice Cooper?

No tengo idea. Pero el señor Cooper me invitó a su tour, lo que es genial. í‰l habla muy dulcemente, es un hombre muy agradable. El siempre me decí­a algunas cosas muy positivas. Es una leyenda viviente, ha estado en el negocio por tanto tiempo, vió muchos artistas y grupos, y escuchar las palabras de aliento de un hombre como el es un gran honor!

Musicalmente, aún si la gente no puede dejar de comparar tu proyecto con Nightwish, este es muy diferente y menos accesible. ¿Es porque en la era donde cantaste en Nightwish ya tenias ese tipo de composiciones en mente? ¿Diste sugerencias en esa epoca?

No, encontríé mi propio camino. La música como la vida es un viaje, apreciamos cada una de nuestras nuevas experiencias, son parte de nosotros. Hoy, mi música es todo lo que conozco, todo lo que amo y todo lo que quiero, entonces obviamente Nightwish es parte de mi, que ocupa un lugar importante.

Del lado de esta desagradable impresión, la entrevista (que tuvo lugar, recordando, mediante la firma de un empaque de jamón inaugurando nuestra colección de objetos insólitos autografiados por artistas) fuíé interesante. Tarja es hablantina y nos confia algunas aníécdotas personales acerca de su colaboración con Scorpions, sus gustos musicales (sabí­an que es una fan de Slipknot?) etc.

Pero no lo es todo.

No, no solo porque ha terminado, Nightwish sigue ahí­, la música sigue viva, nunca morirá. Pero mi música es diferente porque compuse mis canciones yo misma. Es lo que hay aquí­ y es increí­ble!

¿En esa íépoca, no les sugeriste titulos (canciones, tracks)?

A quien?

A Nightwish

Yo no escribí­ para ellos. Tuomas es el compositor.

El nuevo álbum integra invitados especiales. Joe Satriani o Mike Terrana, quien te ha seguido por muchos años. En el escenario, estas acompañada por muy buenos músicos, incluyendo a Mike quien toca de una manera visual y demostrativa. En los proyectos de cantantes solistas tienden a no poner a los músicos dentro del paisaje para realzar mejor al cantante. ¿Es esto algo que quieres evitar?

Soy muy afortunada de trabajar con estos músicos, en serio. No son sólo músicos talentosos, tambiíén son gente muy agradable. Creo que tengo una estrella de la suerte sobre mi cabeza! Por ejemplo, Mike ha estado allí­ todo el tiempo. Ha trabajado conmigo todos estos años. Pero no es sólo íél, tambiíén Max Lijia en el Cello, Alex Scholpp en la guitarra, Doug Wimbish en el bajo, Christian Kretschmar en el teclado. Todos ellos son maravillosos artistas que trabajan muy duro, ensayan cada dí­a como yo. Esos chicos no son músicos de session, ellos me complementan, hacen arreglos conmigo. Este álbum no serí­a el mismo, las canciones no serí­an lo que son sin esos músicos y su participación. No es como si les hubiera dado los demos, diciendo: “Es así­ y no de otra manera” Ellos pueden cambiar cosas. Mas que nada, han traido muchos cambios y es genial!

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 12, 2011, 11:13:27 pm
WHAT LIES BENEATH America 2011 Tour

WHAT LIES BENEATH Europe 2011 Tour


Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 31, 2011, 11:24:09 pm
A new package is formed for the spring tour from Tarja Turunen. The German gothic band Leaves’ Eyes will support the diva on her tour in Germany, for the second promotion tour of ‘ What Lies Beneath’ in April and May 2011. The band is headlining the tour with special guest MIDNATTSOL, as well as being direct support for TARJA. At Nachtleben in Frankfurt the official release party of the new album “Meredead” will take place with some specials for the fans.

Singer Liv-Kristine  comments: “Both tours are just perfect for the release of our fourth full-length album “Meredead”. Firstly, I will finally share stage with my sister, Carmen Elise Espenaes/Midnattsol, which is like a dream coming true. Secondly, it’s a great honor for us to go on tour with our friends and support TARJA TURUNEN and her outstanding band! We are really looking forward to this. It will truly be a special experience for our fans and us!”

Tarja & Leaves’Eyes:

03.05.11 DE – Stuttgart / Longhorn
04.05.11 DE – Erlangen / E-Werk
06.05.11 DE – Mí¼nchen / Backstage
07.05.11 DE – Karlsruhe / Festhalle Durlach
10.05.11 DE – Bonn / Brí¼ckenforum
11.05.11 DE – Osnabrí¼ck / Rosenhof
13.05.11 DE – Hamburg / GroíŸe Freiheit
14.05.11 BE – Durbuy / Durbuy Rock Festival ( without Tarja)
16.05.11 DE – Leipzig / Haus Auensee
17.05.11 DE – Neu Isenburg / Hugenottenhalle
19.05.11 DE – Bochum / Matrix
20.05.11 DE – Hannover / Capitol

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 12, 2011, 11:07:50 pm
Tarja cantando con voz normal (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Febrero 13, 2011, 09:46:46 pm
 :024: jaja mi maa cuanto hace de ese video? los inicios de una diva...q grande  :24:
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 15, 2011, 11:09:14 pm
Entrevista para la Playboy de Brasil

La cantante que vino del frio

De Finlandia, Tarja, ex vocalista de Nightwish, vuelve a Brasil para lanzar su tercer album en solitario, “What Lies Beneath”, y habló con nosotros acerca de los conciertos, futbol, Argentina y sensualidad.

Aún sientes algun prejuicio por ser una mujer en el Heavy Metal?

Nunca tuve problemas por ser mujer en el Heavy Metal, la verdad siempre me sentí­ muy respetada por los hombres en este entorno. Nunca he tenido un momento dificil, simplemente por ser mujer. Lo que sucede es que al estar rodeada solamente por hombres, es imposible pasar desapercibida porque soy una mujer en el universo masculino.

Te sientes una mujer sexy?

Si me hubieran preguntado hace diez años, yo dirí­a que no, pero con la edad algunas cosas son mas fáciles de aceptar y entender. Por ejemplo, nunca me puse ropa ajustada cuando era más jóven, pero ahora me gusta mas mi cuerpo que antes. Síé que suena raro eso. Creo que todas las mujeres son sexys, solo la forma en que lo percibimos es lo que lo hace verdaderamente sexy. Soy muy dura conmigo misma y me esfuerzo para mantenerme “bien”, pero me encanta cuando veo los resultados de mis duros entrenamientos.

Y eso cambia la forma de comportarte en el escenario?

Sí­, me dá más confianza. Me gusta ser una artista, me gusta ser el centro de atención al cantar, pero eso termina en el escenario. No quiero llevarlo fuera del escenario. Para ser honesta, soy una mujer muy tí­mida.

Has estado algunas veces en Brasil con Nightwish y en solitario. ¿Quíé recuerdas de esas temporadas aquí­?

He estado mucho en Brasil, una vez viajíé a Sao Paulo para ver la fórmula 1 y fui varias veces de vacaciones. Me gusta la comida, la naturaleza, el mar y el sol. Mis shows siempre fueron increibles alli, las personas muestran tanta pasion por la música. Son recuerdos inolvidables!

Tu esposo es Argentino. ¿Ustedes ven juntos el Futbol?

Si, ahora estoy viviendo en Buenos Aires. Y sí­, me gusta el futbol. Me convertí­ en una fiel seguidora de un equipo argentino llamado San Lorenzo. Hace algún tiempo fuí­ a ver el juego del Palmeiras en Sao Paulo. Es muy bueno saber que la calidad de su fútbol es casi tan buena como la argentina [risas].

¿Que es lo más peculiar de ser finlandesa? algo que siempre recuerdes cuando estas en otros lugares del mundo.

Finlandia es un paí­s muy pequeño y muy seguro, echo eso de menos cuando estoy en otros lugares.

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 16, 2011, 11:34:05 pm
En Masters of Rock!! (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 05, 2011, 07:51:12 pm
Hola a todos desde Mexico DF!

We arrived to DF few days ago for rehearsals and everything has been just great.

It is nice to have Doug and Julian with us this time.  The rehearsals were intense, but rewarding since we went through a huge amount of songs, including some new ones too. So, now we are ready to rock the South American audiences! I really cannot wait to hear the screams again!!!

The sun is shining in Mexico and it made the whole band really happy, because most of the people could leave the cold weather behind. I instead, have been enjoining the sun in Buenos Aires for some time and it’s been wonderful to regain my energies back. Now I truly feel that I am in my best condition to perform.

It was a tough job, since I was rehearsing daily singing, going for a run or swim 6 times a week…but it was worth the sweat I guess.

Last night after the rehearsals we went out for a stroll in the city, just to see a bit more than our cosy hotel room’s interior. This city is SO huge and it feels it never sleeps. Well, 30 million people is a quite a lot of people! We are all very excited to start a new tour. It feels it’s been ages since, even though that is not true.  Every one of us has been busy on their own, but now it feels good to get together again.

Looking forward to meet my crazy, lovely fans down here…I will keep you posted along our way.

Soundcheck is over and everything is ready for the first show!

With love, Tarja

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 05, 2011, 07:55:27 pm

Dark Star
My Little Phoenix
The Crying Moon
I Walk Alone
Falling Awake
Signos (Soda Estereo Cover)
Mike's Solo
Little Lies
Higher Than Hope
We Are (acoustic)
Minor Heaven (piano)
The Archive Of Lost Dreams
Ciaran's Well
In For A Kill

Where Were You Last Night
Die Alive
Until My Last Breath


Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 05, 2011, 07:57:44 pm
En este canal de youtube estan todos los videos!! (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 09, 2011, 11:28:07 pm
Intro- If You Believe
Dark Star
My Little Phoenix
The Crying Moon
I Walk Alone
Falling Awake
I Feel Immortal
Drum solo + Band solo
Little Lies
Higher Than Hope & We Are (Acoustic)
Minor Heaven & The Archive Of Lost Dreams (Piano)
End Of All Hope
Ciaran's well
Die Alive
Until my last breath
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 09, 2011, 11:31:55 pm
setlist from BOGOTA:

If You Believe [Instrumental Intro]
Dark Star
My Little Phoenix
The Crying Moon
I Walk Alone
I Feel Immortal
Drum Solo [Mike Terrana's Solo]
Band's Solo
Little Lies
End of All Hope [Nightwish]

[Acoustic set]
Higher Than Hope [Nightwish]
We Are
Minor Heaven
The Archive Of Lost Dreams

Ciarán's Well
In For A Kill
Where Were You Last Night / Heaven Is A Place On Earth / Living On A Prayer
Die Alive
Until My Last Breath
Naiad [Instrumental Outro]

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 09, 2011, 11:33:58 pm
setlist from BOGOTA:

If You Believe [Instrumental Intro]
Dark Star
My Little Phoenix
The Crying Moon
I Walk Alone
I Feel Immortal
Drum Solo [Mike Terrana's Solo]
Band's Solo
Little Lies
End of All Hope [Nightwish]

[Acoustic set]
Higher Than Hope [Nightwish]
We Are
Minor Heaven
The Archive Of Lost Dreams

Ciarán's Well
In For A Kill
Where Were You Last Night / Heaven Is A Place On Earth / Living On A Prayer
Die Alive
Until My Last Breath
Naiad [Instrumental Outro]

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 10, 2011, 11:14:58 pm
Rock in Rio
Tarja Turunen special guest
September 25th, 2011

Tarja has been invited to a guest performance with the Brazilian band Angra in their upcoming Rock in Rio show on September 25th, 2011.

Message from Tarja:

“Rock in Rio is one of the biggest festivals and happenings in the world still today. It has been amazing to follow the stunning list of great performers in this event in the past.
I am very delighted and happily surprised about the invitation I got from Angra to take part of their performance in Rio this year. It´s an honour for me and a lot of fun. I am sure that our fans will be excited about this collaboration, as we both parties are as well. I have known the guys from Angra for few years already and worked closely with Kiko Loureiro, so it’s nice to make this thing happen.
As this is not my own show, we are starting now to check with the guys what songs will be both interesting and challenging for us to perform together. But for sure you can expect some surprises 
We are going to have fun and rock together with the people in Rio! Can’t wait!”

Other important European Summer Festivals will soon be announced.

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 18, 2011, 11:31:05 pm
We are proud to announce that Leaves Eyes will be a Special Guest in Tarja’s “What Lies Beneath Europe 2011 Tour”. Leaves Eyes will perform with Tarja on the following German dates:

May 3rd, 2011
May 4th, 2011
May 6th, 2011
May 7th, 2011
May 10th, 2011
May 11th, 2011
May 13th, 2011
May 16th, 2011
May 17th, 2011
May 19th, 2011
May 20th, 2011

Welcome aboard!
More information on Leaves Eyes and their new album at

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 06, 2011, 11:13:14 pm
My dear friends, it was impossible to post during my Latin American tour.

Whether we were travelling or I had some other activities. I searched for a time to rest whenever I could.

Instead, I decided this time to make a tour report so that you know what was going on. I hope you like it!


After some days of rehearsals in the DF, the shows in Mexico City and Guadalajara were wonderful and we had so great time with my Mexican fans. It was truly a pleasure once again to perform to you guys. I had missed you! The organization, the weather and the food…all just marvellous. How nice it was to see happy, smiling faces again in front of me, singing with me. I will cherish these moments for a long time, because I had been waiting for this tour particularly very long. I was pretty nervous to sing “Signos” for the first time in DF, but you people, you loved it! Thank you so much.

I just wonder what was going on with one man’s head and heart when he decided to get me these flowers? They are just incredible
We were stopped by the local people who offered us food for free and we accepted their offer.

I asked Mike while we were eating how he liked his food and he answered:” it’s delicious.” What he didn’t know was that he was eating crab, which is seafood, which means NO, NO for Mike. HAHAA.

When we left Mexico behind us and arrived to Bogotá, we got a warm welcome from my fan club at the airport. People were so friendly that it made my band really happy after a long flight. The weather was way colder down there than it was in Mexico, but we survived 

I have to say that we were really lucky to get to play these two shows in Colombia finally, because both of them were in danger to be cancelled just in the last minute due to the technical issues and organization problems.

I want to thank my Colombian fans for being there to support us. Hopefully next time I will have better luck. I am patient.

It was so nice to arrive to the venue in Sao Paulo and hear my beautiful fans screaming out loud when they saw me! I had missed those screams!  It made me very happy to know that they’ve been waiting for my return as I have waited to go back for three long years.

My concert in Sao Paulo went really well and the audience was fantastic. At times much louder than we could play, but that’s the way we love it! It was tough though to take the plane early next morning and fly to Rio for a show, but there was so much lovely energy left from the show in Sao, we managed pretty well.

Rio is a wonderful city. It was SO HOT in the concert hall that I almost fainted during my show. I think the amount of water that I drank got immediately out…somehow   People anyway were excited and overwhelmed, cheering and singing with us during the whole show.

Even though I had been in Rio many times before, I never had the chance to go here.

We had two shows in Colombia, one in Bogotá and another one in Medellin where I had never been before. Actually no one from the crew had, so it was nice to get to know the city. Medellin is a beautiful town in the middle of the mountains.

 It was really lovely experience to see the gorgeous city from way upon and the weather was just perfect for nice pictures.

Also I got a beautiful gift from my Winter Storm Rio fan club. A book of The Alchemist with a dedication for me from my favourite author Paulo Coelho. I am honoured.


The city of Brasilia took us all as a surprise. Very modern and not looking like any other city I know.

I had been only once in this city before and the concert at that time was not as successful as it was now. Fantastic audience and you could say it was hotter in the venue than in a Finnish sauna during the show. We had some time to rest in Brasilia before we travelled to Perú.


Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 06, 2011, 11:28:27 pm
Tour Report Part II

I didn’t know what to expect from Lima, Peru since I had never been there. The organizers and all the people helping us showed us that they really cared, so we felt we were in good hands.

The concert happened in a beautiful, old theatre with seats and the show was sold out. Lovely atmosphere and many happy people rocking with us!

I got so amazing presents from my fans that I got into trouble many times during the rest of the tour.

We got to see the historic centre of Lima and without seeing that place; I would not be able to tell that I’ve been in Lima. It was just stunning to see the old buildings and colourful houses.

Also what was overwhelming was the Huaca Pucllana Lima’s culture area where we got to understand how the ancestors had lived.

Next to Bolivia!

The arrival to La Paz airport was quite exciting. There were hundreds of fans waiting for us to come out. Luckily nobody got hurt as the fans were running beside our van. The security needed to work quite harsh

The fans were following us to the city of La Paz in several vans and their journey looked pretty scary at times. Anyway, we all had a great fun with them.

I didn’t know what to expect from Lima, Peru since I had never been there. The organizers and all the people helping us showed us that they really cared, so we felt we were in good hands.

 The concert happened in a beautiful, old theatre with seats and the show was sold out. Lovely atmosphere and many happy people rocking with us!


I got so amazing presents from my fans that I got into trouble many times during the rest of the tour.



Mainly because I was carrying “Roxanne” with me… Everybody was laughing and I got lot of attention at the airports!



Also the food in Peru was really delicious. Specially ceviche!



Note for my fans: I know that the photo is not ceviche 


We got to see the historic centre of Lima and without seeing that place; I would not be able to tell that I’ve been in Lima. It was just stunning to see the old buildings and colourful houses.



Also what was overwhelming was the Huaca Pucllana Lima’s culture area where we got to understand how the ancestors had lived.



Next to Bolivia!


The arrival to La Paz airport was quite exciting. There were hundreds of fans waiting for us to come out. Luckily nobody got hurt as the fans were running beside our van. The security needed to work quite harsh!


The fans were following us to the city of La Paz in several vans and their journey looked pretty scary at times. Anyway, we all had a great fun with them.



It was not easy for us to cope with the radical altitude change though. Everybody of us felt dizzy and a bit sick immediately after our arrival. We landed to the highest capital of the world around 4000 m above sea level.

Even speaking made you tired and there was a weird feeling of loss of oxygen attacking you right away. I had to have the oxygen prepared, closed by during the concert and I figured out very soon, there was no way I could handle singing without it.


When I had to keep singing the long lines, I tell you, it was really hard. Somehow I anyway managed, so did everybody else. The fans were very excited and happy to have us in their country.


It was a brand new experience to all of us. Maybe next time we will visit the city of Santa Cruz where the altitude is not an issue! 


After Bolivia we headed to Chile. Funny though, while walking the streets of Santiago de Chile, everybody felt that was almost able to run a marathon after being in La Paz.


We had sun welcoming us to Chile and I met my Winterstorm fan club people at the hotel when we arrived. They gave me again beautiful gifts.


I was very happy about the show in Santiago, because everything went well thanks to the people in charge that I had known for more than 10 years. I was happy to return. I think it was a really good show and the Chileans showed us their best. Looking forward for the next time guys!


The flight from Santiago took us to Buenos Aires. How grateful I was to relax for few days in my own haven. I was just sooooo damn happy to be alive and back at home.


Very early in the morning of the next show day, we took a bus from Buenos Aires to Rosario.


I had no time to see the city of Rosario, so I have to wait for the next time. The concert happened in one of the most beautiful theatres I had ever performed in. This theatre is a national treasure for the Argentineans, so I am very honoured that they accepted me to perform there. I have been told that it was the first time ever that a rock concert was held there. The place was packed, completely sold out and we had fun with the local people. The theatre definitely gave a special atmosphere for the concert. I hope one day I will give a classical concert in the same hall. Dreaming!

  had been waiting for this moment for some time, to be able to step on the stage of the famous Luna Park stadium in Buenos Aires. And it finally happened! J Of course I was nervous before the show because of the size of the venue and the amount of people screaming, but also because it was going to be my “home” audience in front of me this time.


I loved the opportunity to rock my people! And let me tell you, I was not the only one in the band who loved it. I had to burst into tears at the end of it because I just couldn’t handle the emotions! My country by adoption, my city.

Next time Buenos Aires will see me in a classical concert, hopefully.


Next day, we took the ferry to beautiful Montevideo, Uruguay.


I was very tired still from the night before so I slept almost the whole trip. First time in Uruguay for a performance! Exciting! I have been in Montevideo before, but never I have experienced the local rock audience. What I can say is that this was the best ending for the tour. The venue was completely packed and it was extremely hot and humid inside during the show.


People were really going for it, shouting and singing all the time and we enjoyed rocking with them. It was truly a pleasure to visit Uruguay and to see that rock is definitely not dead over there!


The tour ended and everybody spread to their own place. Some people stayed in Buenos Aires for holidays, others left for other engagements. I want to thank everybody involved on this tour. For me this tour was very important and it showed that there is a lot of love around.



Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 14, 2011, 11:44:33 pm
El periódico finlandíés Ilta-Sanomat ha publicado que el marido y manager de Tarja Turunen Marcelo Cabuli, pide 50.000 euros de compensación a las partes implicadas por las injurias contadas en el libro de NIGHTWISH "Once Upon A Nightwish: The Official Biography 1996-2006".

Alega que el libro ha ofendido su honor, y tres de sus socios brasileños solicitan tambiíén 15.000 euros cada uno.

Tarja Turunen fue despedida de NIGHTWISH un año antes de la salida del libro.

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 14, 2011, 11:52:53 pm

De la Ex-Vocalista de Nightwish hay muchas noticias relacionadas con Rusia. El 29 de Abril, la cantante dará un concierto en un club de Moscú, “La Arena Moscú”. En el verano ella cantará un dueto con Valery Kipelov en el festival “Rock in Volga” en Samara. El corresponsal de KM Music.Ru. habló con la artista quien ha sido muy emocional, y platicadora persona.

Buenas Tardes Tarja! Estas emocionada acerca de la entrevista en internet en…

Oh, hola! ¿Cómo estás?

Ok, gracias! Primero que nada dejame felicitarte, talvez un poco tarde, acerca del lanzamiento de tu nuevo álbum “WLB”, es realmente genial!

Gracias por tan gran valoración!

Esta vez decidiste controlar todo el proceso de la grabacion del álbum, desde al principio hasta los toques finales… En este álbum fue la primera vez que tu no fuiste solo una cantante sino tambiíén compositora y productora. ¿Cuáles fueron las ventajas y cuáles las dificultades con este míétodo de trabajo?

Bueno, en primer lugar, yo dirí­a que he aprendido mucho a lo largo de los años. Al principio de mi carrera en solitario todo fue nuevo para mi. Digo, no es que haya tenido miedo, temer, es una palabra demasiado fuerte, pero no me sentí­a lo bastante segura de hacerlo todo por mi misma en mi primer álbum. Era evidente que necesitaba el apoyo y la asistencia de las personas que poseen los conocimientos y experiencia adecuados. Sin embargo, en el proceso de grabación, quedó claro que no pude expresar plenamente lo que personalmente me abruma, lo que está en mi corazón, en mi alma, nadie más que yo. A veces es muy difí­cil poner en palabras las emociones que te abruman. Es decir, sabes, se siente un cierto sentido, pero claramente no se puede describir a otra persona lo que realmente sientes. Describirlo de forma en que esta persona lo entienda por completo y le implemente tus condiciones y tus sentimientos a la musica. Así­ que esta vez decidí­ que harí­a todo de principio a fin, que era la forma más fácil y natural. Por otro lado, yo ya tení­a un equipo de personas, personas de ideas afines que han trabajado conmigo durante mucho tiempo, somos perfectamente conscientes entre sí­, tocamos juntos, fuimos de gira juntos, por lo que no fue difí­cil. Aunque, llamarme productora, “No”, la palabra me queda demasiado “grande”, nunca me convertirí­a en alguien llamado asi … Pero trabajar en tu propio proyecto con tus propias canciones, desde tu corazón, tu sabes, ¡es fantástico! Me gustó mucho el proceso! Y, por último, yo soy la única persona que puede decir cómo fuíé … Quiero decir, fue una experiencia muy positiva para mí­.

Muchos compositores relacionan su trabajo como si fueran niños (hijos). Desde este punto de vista puede ser considerado como la evolución de su carrera: primero, la niñera (cuidando canciones de otras personas), pero ahora puedes ser llamada “Madre”, porque tienes a tus propios niños…

Sí­, es algo como eso. Por supuesto, desde el principio yo tomíé partido en la selección de las canciones,incluso escribiendo algo junto con personas que comenzaron a trabajar conmigo, siempre he sido incluida en el proceso, pero no era mi 100%. Claro que, en todo lo que hago, estoy dando mi 100%. Pongo todo mi corazón y mi alma y lo doy todo. Pero esta vez fue como ir a un nivel mayor, en un nivel personal, asi lo puedo decir. Es un álbum muy personal donde hablo acerca de lo que amo, lo que odio y al final de a que le temo. Y todo es acerca de mi, acerca de que y como me siento, como comprendo la vida con mis propios ojos, lo que me ha sucedido los últimos 10-15 años, lo he expresado creando palabras y música.

Tanto como síé, originalmente fueron escritas algo así­ como 30 canciones…

Sí­! Incluso muchas mas!

Y que tan dificil fuíé elegir lo mejor de lo mejor?

Sí­, no fue fácil (risas). De hecho, tengo un monton de bocetos y canciones sin terminar que solo dejíé del lado, no las terminíé. Tambiíén tengo canciones muy hermosas, y continuo trabajando en ellas para cambiar algo, tratando de averiguar porque no las elegí­â€¦ Aunque, se acerca el momento de escoger el material para el próximo álbum. Ya he comenzado a escribir nuevas canciones para íél. Es un proceso constante, mientras tanto, tengo mucho que aprender. Aún creo que no puedo llamarme profesional en este aspecto, y mi míétodo de escritura es totalmente diferente al profesional… Pero definitivamente disfruto el proceso, porque… para mi está bien, dá ventaja el hecho de que está oculto muy profundo dentro de mi alma…

Bueno, las canciones escritas por otras personas, planeas realizarlas?

Si, claro que si. Tambiíén he tenido que presentar canciones escritas por alguien más, covers. Entender el sentimiento que experimentas al hacer el cover de alguien más, es totalmente diferente a esos sentimientos que tienes cuando realizas algo tuyo… Ese sentimiento estaba cuando estaba en Nightwish, cuando cantaba musica de otras personas. La decision de presentar tu propio trabajo causa n sentimiento maravilloso, me siento liberada, puedo cantar mis propias canciones, relatar la historia que yo he creado! Y esto es fantástico, como la audiencia responde a esas canciones cuando las cantan junto conmigo. Es una gran energí­a positiva! Y si tu comparas mi manera actual de presentarme a cuando tocaba con el grupo, ahora me siento más relajada. Y es un sentimiento absolutamente increible que siempre tienes algo más que aprender. Pero disfruto en estos dias, hacer covers, canciones escritas por otros autores… Porque esto requiere un trabajo muy profundo, asi ellas empiezan a sonar como mias, aunque no lo sean. Porque cuándo yo hago covers, siempre trato de encontrar en ellos algo que de alguna forma los conecte conmigo.

De alguna manera te anticipaste a mi siguiente pregunta, porque yo querí­a preguntarte sobre el cover de Poison de Alice Cooper y de Still of the Night de Whitesnake, Te han comentado si les gusta algo de tu versión? Tanto como síé es que con Alice tuviste varios shows en Europa…

Si, de hecho tuve la fortuna de conocerlo. Es un verdadero caballero, una persona muy amable, me trató maravillosamente durante todos nuestro tour juntos. Fue absolutamente una experiencia invaluable.

Y para los covers: Siempre trato con gran respeto las versiones originales, porque, por supuesto, ambas de esas canciones, son legendarias, y fueron de las canciones mas importantes de esas bandas… Pero por otro lado, cantarlas y realizarlas, y la manera de ejecutarlas es muy diferente a la mia, y, por supuesto, fue muy dificil para mi cantar una cancion originalmente hecha pos un hombre… Y fue un gran reto para mi, y quise hacerlas sonar un poco diferente.

Eso es hacer una original cancion masculina sonar como una mujer…

Absolutamente! Es como proyectarme en esas canciones, y yo soy una mujer! Pero todo lo demás, tambien me encanta, me encanta la hermosa orquestación clásica en Still of the Night. Yo tengo entrenamiento clásico y continuo realizando música clásica profesionalmente, aún tomo clases de cánto clásico, con una cantante de opera aqui en Buenos Aires… y siento mi relación con la música clásica el dia de hoy, asi que realmente querí­a hacer un hermoso arreglo orquestal y coral para esta cancion. Y funcionó perfectamente, la canción se volvio fantástica, verdaderamante Colosal!

Si hablas de música clásica… hace algunos años lanzaste, y el año pasado re-editaste un absolutamente asombroso album navideño. Tienes planes de lanzar un nuevo álbum clásico?

Si, hay planes. Realmente voy a grabar un nuevo álbum clásico en algun momento a finales de este año. Planeamos hacerlo con un muy buen amigo mí­o, un organista muy famoso Kalevi Kiviniemi. Y lo haremos en Finlandia en una iglesia con una excelente acústica. Por lo tanto, los planes son muy especificos, pero desde que lo mantenemos en secreto de los fans, lo que mas quisiera decirte en este momento no puedo decirtelo (risas). Asi que ojalá, el próximo año el álbum será lanzado. Y estoy muy contenta de que hemos trabajado, porque Kalevi es un organista muy talentoso con un impresionante estilo de presentarse.

Vamos a dirigirnos un poco hacia otro tema. En Rusia todos estan intrigados por la información acerca de los rumores de ti en el festival de verano “Rock in Volga”, aún cuando tu pagina oficial no lo ha confirmado…

Sí­, es información verdadera. Las fechas estan confirmadas, y en mi sitio apareceran muy, muy pronto.

Pero aún mas interesante es la información acerca de tu planeado dueto con Valery Kipelov. Cómo vino esa idea? Y has escuchado antes al grupo “Kipelov”?

Sí­, esa información tambiíén es verdadera. Por supuesto, he escuchado su música antes, tengo algunos álbums de Kipelov, asi que se que es este grupo. Y estoy muy feliz por esta oportunidad de cantar juntos. Nunca conocí­ a Valery antes, voy a conocerlo pronto en Rusia, tenemos que hacer algunos ensayos. Y, mi dios, tendríé que cepillar un poco mi Ruso (Risas)!

Eso es, la canción será cantada en Ruso?

Sí­, aqui voy (risas)! Por lo menos algunas partes seguramente!

Tu no eres probablemente la primera pero si una de las primeras mujeres que han mostrado que una mujer puede trabajar en el gíénero del Heavy metal. Porque todas las que han ido antes son: Doro Pesch, Lita Ford, Vixxen… esas no eran mujeres, eran mas como Amazonas… Ahora el gíénero está lleno de clones de Tarja. Que consejo les das a las jovenes novatas vocalistas femeninas? Cómo podrí­an conseguir su manera de ser escuchadas?

Para mí­ siempre es interesante cuando vienen chicas jóvenes, y dicen: “Comencíé a cantar música clásica desde que te escuchíé, me gusta mucho tu estilo, ahora estoy cantando solo por ti, etc …”. Y siempre es sorprendente de escuchar, cuando me encuentro a mi misma como alguna referencia, un modelo a seguir … Como siempre hay que trabajar muy, muy duro, y todaví­a seguir trabajando duro todos los dí­as … y nada en este mundo es un regalo, me refiero a que es un trabajo muy duro pero yo lo aprecio mucho. Y me lo tomo como un privilegio, un regalo del destino, la oportunidad de ser un artista, de estar construyendo una carrera internacional.

Y yo siempre les digo a estas chicas “Asegúrese de tomar clases profesionales, encontrar a alguien que les enseñe y el trabajar duro por sus sueños. Tu tiene que realizar su sueño! Es muy importante tener un sueño, pero nada es fácil. A veces tienes íéxito, a veces no. En la vida hay los dos puntos, positivos y negativos … “

Trabajando en el gíénero del heavy metal, siempre tratíé de encontrar la belleza. Actualmente esta es mi idea básica de cómo realizar el Heavy Metal . Me encanta todo de íél perfectamente, y tambiíén me gusta el equilibrio entre el poder y la belleza. Esto se debe a mi imagen en el escenario: Siempre llevo un vestido, siempre busco lo femenino, porque quiero ser bella!

Por supuesto, hay chicas masculinizadas que prefieren el estilo masculino, pero quiero ser una parte agradable del metal, porque soy una mujer, y me siento como tan … Y eso siempre se percibe, como una mujer en el metal, y por eso soy respetada. Y es maravilloso, es fantástico!

Quíé banda soporte escogiste para este tour? Todos tus teloneros tienen vocalistas femeninas! Inevitablemente ellas son comparadas contigo…

Yo solo quiero apoyar a las chicas que trabajan en el rock, en el metal. Siempre las he apoyado y continuo haciendolo ahora. Esto es muy importante porque cuando yo empece, a mi alrededor no habí­a muchas chicas, y yo siempre tuve el sentimiento de que me manejaba virtualmente sola… Por lo tanto, siempre trato de mantener un grupo con chicas en las voces. Como, por ejemplo, el grupo Francíés Markize. Ellos no solo me telonean, Yo conozco a estas personas, me gusta su música, por eso decidí­ invitarlos nuevamente.

Asi que traes a Markize a Rusia no solo por las raices rusas, es por la front woman Alina Dunaevskaya?

No, claro que no. Yo solo quiero apoyar a las chicas. Me atraen un montón de bandas, aveces resulta. Por supuesto, esto implica el management y las compañias disqueras, ven quiíén quiere ir, cuando pueden y mucho más que yo desconozco. Pero a Markize los he escuchado antes.

Tarja, gracias por esta maravillosa entrevista! Estaremos esperando tu concierto, estoy seguro de que será una real noche de Rock Sinfónico!

Yo tampoco puedo esperar mi proxima presentación en Moscú! Les prometo que será algo fantástico
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 16, 2011, 11:01:19 pm

Tarja Turunen, la voz del legendario Nightwish y ahora un músico independiente, ahora esta en medio de una gira mundial para promocionar su álbum “What Lies Beneath”, El 29 de Abril, la cantante se presentará en la capital en el club “Arena Mosccú”. Gaude consiguió llegar a ella en Argentina, donde vive con su familia, y le preguntamos sobre Valery Kipelov, lenguas extranjeras y su vida estudiantil.

Por el momento tienes un descanso, tu y tu familia en tu hogar en Argentina. ¿Estás trabajando en algo o solo pasas el rato, y como restauras tus energias?

Con mucho gusto me habrí­a quedado en casa y no cantar por lo menos unos dias ya que ahora estoy en una larga gira y es dificil descansar. Pero pasado mañana estaríé ensallando y será música clásica. Canto lí­rico, esta es para mi una manera de restaurar mi poder/energí­a como ejercicio fí­sico. Entiendo que el cuerpo tambiíén necesita descansar asi que no puedo nadar, correr ni ir al gimnasio.

En resumen, estoy muy contenta de estar en casa. El hogar es mi paraiso.

Hablando de música clásica, ¿Estarás dando conciertos clásicos en San Petersburgo y Moscu a finales de Abril?

Yo vine a Rusia con un hermoso programa clásico en Navidad, pero esta vez los voy a “Incendiar”. Mis fans rusos son geniales en eso.

Tu llegarás en el verano a Samara, Rusia con el Festival “Rock en Volga”. ¿Has estado antes en algunas ciudades en Rusia y cuál es la que más recuerdas?

Ya he estado en Samara, incluso en Moscú y San Petersburgo. Como sea, nunca he estado en Rusia en un festival musical, y creo que venir este verano, será muy interesante. Creo que sera algo muy interesante porque planeo duetos y sorpresas para el público.

Mi ciudad favorita en Rusia por supuesto, es San Petersburgo. Me gusta mucho la arquitectura, hermoso pueblo antiguo!

Hay información de que cantarás con el cantante ruso Valery Kipelov. ¿Sabes cual canción será?

Sí­, cantaríé con íél, pero; ¿que canción? Todaví­a no lo síé. Pero en cualquier caso. Probablemente tenga que aprender un poco de Ruso.

¿Cuántos idiomas hablas hasta ahora?

Yo síé, Finlandíés, Sueco, Alemán, Español e Inglíés.

Nuestro periódico habla hacerca de la educación superior, y no puedo dejar de preguntarte de la íépoca en que estuviste en la Universidad de Musica Karlsruhe. ¿Tuviste tiempo de sentirte como una estudiante?

Yo quise ir a Alemania porque necesitaba respirar aire fresco. Mis amigos me hablaron de la escuela, fui allí­ y ví­ un hermoso castillo. Si, allí­ tienen un castillo real, en el cual los estudiantes pueden encajar plenamente, es rosado, un color muy agradable, Karlsruhe tambiíén me gustó, un pueblo pequeño, yo misma me sentí­ muy bien allí­. Cada dí­a iba a la escuela en bicicleta, y si la lluvia caí­a, continuaba mi camino en tren.

Al final fueron casi tres años, cantaba casi cada dí­a. Era duro estudiar, en cierto punto, ni si quiera tení­a el fin de semana, en serio!

¿Tus maestros nunca te cortaron algunas clases porque tení­as una agenda muy ocupada?

Fui muy afortnada con mi maestro vocal, ellos nunca me trataron diferente porque yo fuera cantante de rock. Siempre fui honesta con el, mi carrera está enlazada a otra música, pero yo querí­a desarrollar mi voz en la música clásia porque esto me ayudarí­a a cantar rock.

Tu último álbum WLB lo prodijiste tú misma. Tienes planes de hacerlo, de producir para otras bandas amigas?

Por el momento no creo que en este momento pueda ayudar a alguien mas en este sentido. solo he empezado a entender lo que quiero de mi propia música, asi que decidi producirlo, nadie mas podrí­a ver lo que hay en mi alma y mi corazón. No quiero excluirlos pero ahora estoy muy ocupada, estoy preparando un nuevo álbum y con la gira, no tengo tiempo libre, excepto por tres semanas, que tomo cada año como vacaciones cuando necesito relajarme. Ahora estoy muy ocupada con mi vida.

Tarja estará el 29 de Abril en la arena Moscú, Leningrad
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 21, 2011, 04:24:49 pm
New Single from “What Lies Beneath” coming soon!

We are glad to announce that the new single from Tarja, “Underneath”, will be released on April 22nd, 2011.

The 3 songs single will be released only in digital version.

The release has been confirmed for Austria, Switzerland, Russia, Poland, Finland, Sweden, Ukraine, France and UK. It includes 2 unreleased versions of the beautiful ballad “Underneath” plus a non album track in Spanish language.

Track List:
01 Underneath (Radio Mix)
02 Underneath (Orchestral Mix)
03 Montañas de silencio

USA will release an exclusive limited edition 7 inches 2 track vinyl single on May 24th!
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 21, 2011, 04:26:04 pm
Samples del single (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 21, 2011, 04:28:29 pm
Entrevista Tarja y Liv (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 26, 2011, 10:55:45 pm
Underneath @ Idols (ft Jyrki from 69 Eyes) (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 27, 2011, 11:30:52 pm
Despuíés de su carrera solista, Tarja, ex vocalista de Nightwish, quiere un bebíé.

American Idol hizo un buen concierto en la Pascua, Tarja Turunen de 33 años, ahora sueña con los hijos.

-He sufrido una difí­cil fiebre de bebíés, estoy dispuesta a criar una familia con Marcelo en este momento, porque tenemos un matrimonio maravilloso y íél es el hombre perfecto.

Tarja quien ha volado desde Italia para el concierto, tiene las esperanzas de tener un niño en un futuro próximo.

-Espero que sea pronto. Vamos a criar al niño en Barcelona donde hemos construido una casa finlandesa. Incluso hemos conseguido un sauna!

En algunos viajes a Finlandia ella visita a su padre para unirse al paisaje de su infancia.

-Hace poco, lo visitíé durante una semana en Kitee, celebramos el cumpleaños 7O de mi padre.

Dice la cantante… La pareja ha puesto a la venta su casa localizada en Kuusankoski.

Despuíés del concierto, Tarja fuíé directamente a Russia. Durante el verano, sus planes se centran en los conciertos y festivales acerca de su nuevo álbum, la única actuación en Finlandia será el Festival de ópera de Savonlinna.

-Yo no estiendo porque estoy tan preocupada por esta situación, el año pasado lo hice por primera vez [Nota del traductor: se refiere a los festivales]. A pesar de eso, fuíé un año maravilloso, porque tuve que hacer conciertos y lancíé un nuevo álbum. Deberí­a estar feliz de que tuve suficiente trabajo.

-En el verano me centraríé en escribir y componer canciones, lo haríé por todo el mundo. Dependiendo de donde y con quien estíé trabajando en ese momento

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 28, 2011, 11:46:01 pm
After two intense days of rehearsals we are ready to rock Russia and the rest of the countries in this European tour. I am glad that Alex and Kevin are back with us on this leg.

Even though Saint Petersburg has always been my favourite Russian city, I have never had a chance to see it well enough. Yesterday I was walking around the city with Kevin, Chris and the shining sun.

We even got a chance to see the sunset!
The city is so beautiful, gorgeous.

Tonight I will meet my Russian fans for the first time with What Lies Beneath. I am happy and excited about it.
I am sure the show will be fantastic. Last time I was in Saint Petersburg in 2006 with a Christmas concert. Now for the first time ever with my Rock band! So it will be very different this time

Unfortunately it seems that I am getting a bit sick right now, so I have to fight hard to face this long tour without problems. The weather is colder here than in Argentina and it seems that I was not prepared well enough

Europe, here we come!
With love, Tarja

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 30, 2011, 08:08:48 pm
Anteroom of death (

The Siren (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 30, 2011, 08:18:54 pm
Setlist Rusia!!!

Anteroom Of Death
My Little Phoenix
I Walk Alone
Falling Awake
I Feel Immortal
The Archive Of Lost Dreams
Dark Star
Little Lies
In For A Kill
Minor Heaven
Higher Than Hope
Where Were You Last Night
Die Alive
The Siren
Until My Last Breath
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 01, 2011, 11:20:04 pm
No voice to speak, but hopefully to sing ;) Let´s rock tonight Antwerp, Belgium. Looking forward to my gig.
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 02, 2011, 11:29:43 pm

The setlist:
- Anteroom of death
- My little phoenix
- I feel immortal
- Dark star
- I walk alone (special for WS-fanclub)
- Little L Band/Little Lies (drumsolo, band and then little lies)
- Underneath
- The Siren
- Higher then hopes / We are / Minor heaven / Archives of lost dreams
- Cairan's well
- In for a kill
- Where were you last night
- Die alive
- Until my last breath
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 05, 2011, 11:01:46 pm
Setlist from Erlagen.

Anteroom of Death
My Little Phoenix
I Feel Immortal
Dark Star
I Walk Alone
Drum Solo
Little Lies
The Siren
Higher Than Hope
We Are
Minor Heaven
The Archive of Lost Dreams
Ciarán's Well
In for a Kill
End of All Hope
Die Alive
Until My Last Breath
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 07, 2011, 11:04:56 pm
Setlist from Munich

My Little Phoenix
Dark Star
I Walk Alone
Ciarans Well
The Siren
Acoustic Medley
Crimson Deep
End Of All Hope
Die Alive
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 15, 2011, 11:28:27 pm
Posted on May 9, 2011

We have been on the road for almost 2 weeks now. It’s been a great tour over all. I am very happy with the band, crew, venues, night liner, the lovely weather, etc.
Only thing that was bothering me was the fact that I got pretty sick in Russia and because of that I was not able to do during those days, things as I am used to. I know that many of you wanted to meet me after my shows, but it was just impossible. I was having high fever for many days and couldn’t take the risk of getting even worse.
Furthermore, I didn’t even have a voice to say “hi”…. That’s how the pressure kicks in when you are touring and there is nothing you can do about it rather than to rest. I still had to keep on doing my shows. I hope you understand

Anyway; my condition is already getting better. I want to thank all you people for taking time getting me medicines, lovely health teas, natural healing products, and sending me comforting letters and wishes. You are just amazing! You really care and I feel it. Thank you!
The shows in St. Petersburg and Moscow were wonderful. Everybody in the band got a bit surprised about the huge amount of people at the venues. It seems there is something important happening in Russia for me at the moment. I am very happy to receive such love and care. We played “Anteroom of Death” for the first time live and believe me, I was nervous since my fans had so many times requested that song. I really hope you love it in the set It’s a pretty special song to me.
After Moscow show we rushed to the airport and nearly didn’t make it to Belgium. The traffic jam was just insane and even though the airport was only 3 km away, we didn’t move at all for a long time. Luckily the airline company waited for us for half an hour, so we could make it.

It was a pleasure to sing for Belgians. Antwerp is rather small, but very pretty town. Unfortunately I only got out of the hotel for dinner, so couldn’t see as much as I would have liked to. We started our journey with the night liner from Belgium on and I was happy to jump in to our beautiful bus with our kind driver Sebastien.
We’ve done 4 shows in Germany already. It’s been fun to be with Liv Kristine who is always so nice and having a good mood. I got a chance to visit a real beer garden in Munich and have a little taste of that culture in the Mecca of beer. I have always liked the city of Munich and the weather was just perfect for a little stroll in the city. The concert was sold out, but it wouldn’t be the last one on this tour! Wow.

It was also very nice to visit my old school city of Karlsruhe. I never had a rock concert there, so it felt really special to me. The people seemed to enjoy it as much I did even though I thought it was hotter inside of the venue than in a Finnish sauna!
We Finns would say: Oli hyví¤t lí¶ylyt!

After the show I met my dear friend Izumi, who you might remember from Noche Escandinava. She looks gorgeous by the way.

Yesterday we rocked one of my favourite places, Z7 in Pratteln, Switzerland. It was worth to visit it once again and as usual the place was packed!
The three shows in a row anyway took its time, so it’s been good to have rest for a day now. Bonn is the pretty and quiet city of Beethoven. Tomorrow we shall rock this city

With love, Tarja

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 15, 2011, 11:31:29 pm
Ay q me caigo..... :016: :016: :016: :016: :016: (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 20, 2011, 11:03:53 pm
C-Halle, Berlin, Germany
 14th May 2011
Tarja & Markize

 Due to her fascinating mixture of classical music, Metal, Gothic and Pop, TARJA TURUNEN attracts a very varied type of people. At the C-Halle, young girls wearing gothic clothes and short skirts were standing together with older couples dressed decently. Remarkable was the absence of Metal fans, apparently Tarja’s music is not heavy enough for the fans of Metal music. The C-Halle was crowded, but not full, and people were in a good mood.


 MARKIZE is a French Alternative / Gothic Metal band which was founded in 2003 and consists of Alina Dunaevskaya (vocals), Nicolas Thomas, Franck Chentrier and Julien de Feyssal. They Currently support TARJA TURUNEN during the European part of her “What Lies Beneath” tour. /

Music & Performance
 MARKIZE begun their performance at eight o clock and played only 40 minutes. Alina, the singer, was wearing a gorgeous and very revealing white dress adorned with gauze, whereas the male members of the band were chastely dressed in black an white. Alina’s voice is beautiful, but lacks a little bit of power and singularity, like the music of the band itself. The songs were nice played, but sounded all very similar. She managed to capture the attention of the audience ‘cause she entered the stage full of energy and power, but no one of her songs had the potential to be a catchy tune. People applauded her, but didn’t become ecstatic. Really strange was that MARKIZE played a LADY GAGA cover which didn’t seemed to fit for a Gothic / Metal band. But the band earned a lot of sympathy when after the last song, Alina took a picture of the public with her digital camera.

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 20, 2011, 11:10:56 pm
Tarja Turunen

 TARJA TURUNEN is one of the most interesting musicians of the alternative and dark music scene of today. Like so many other famous representatives of the dark and gothic music, she comes originally from Finland. After studying opera singing in her native country, TARJA earned her first successes with the alternative metal band NIGHTWISH. She left the band in 2005 and started her solo career, publishing a total of three albums until now. TARJA is now on tour through Europe and America with her last one, ‘What Lies Beneath’. The band which is going on tour with her consists of Mike Terrana (drums), Christian Kretschmar (keyboard), Kevin Chown (bass), Alex Scholpp (guitar) and the former member of APOCALYPTICA Max Lilja (cello). /

Music & Performance
 At nine o clock, the stage was cloaked with a transparent dark veil adorned with T TARJA’s face, which created a mysterious ambience and augmented the expectation. At quarter past nine, the cello player entered the nearly dark stage and begun to play - a really successful beginning of the performance. During the whole intro, the stage remained veiled, even when TARJA started to sing. At the second song, the veil disappeared and the stage was illuminated with pink, blue, yellow and green lights. TARJA was wearing leather trousers and a long black coat and started a really intoxicating performance with head banging, crazy jumps and filling the hall with a lot of joy, energy and power.

She captivated the audience with her outstanding voice and her warm and friendly attitude, talking to the public in a perfect German. When she started the fourth song, ‘I walk alone’, people got excited. But also her band made a big contribution to the success of the evening, above all the drummer, who performed a really astonishing drum solo, juggling with the sticks and earning a lot of applause. After this, also the band without TARJA performed a beautiful solo. The powerful ballad ‘Underneath’ was accompanied with keyboard and cello. After some NIGHTWISH songs in an acoustic version, the regular concert finished with a real Metal song, ‘In for a Kill’. TARJA played a total of three encores and left a very good impression here in Berlin.

 01. Intro
 02. My Little Phoenix
03. The Crying Moon
04. I Walk Alone
05. Falling Awake
06. I Feel Immortal
07. Drum Solo / Band Solo
08. Little Lies
09. Underneath
10. End of All Hope (Nightwish)
 11. Higher Than Hope (Nightwish - acoustic)
12. We Are (Acoustic)
13. Minor Heaven (Acoustic)
14. The Archive of Lost Dreams (Acoustic)
15. Ciarán's Well
16. In for a Kill
17. Where Were You Last Night / Heaven Is a Place on Earth / Living on a Prayer
 18. Die Alive
19. Until My Last Breath
20. Wishmaster (Nightwish)

 Music: 9
 Performance: 10
 Sound: 9
 Light: 8
 Total: 9 / 10

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Mayo 22, 2011, 04:21:23 pm
Don't Give Up - Tarja Turunen & Liv Kristine. Hannover 20/05/11
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 22, 2011, 06:05:17 pm
Que chulo!!!
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 26, 2011, 11:15:27 pm
I am back at home feeling tired, but really happy. This tour in Europe was the longest one so far I’ve done on my own, but in a way it went fast over.
It is always hardest for a singer to go through long tours, but all the love I received from you people, helped me constantly to recharge my energies and to stay focused. Over all the tour was very successful.
I even survived without vomiting, not like most of the guys! There is hardly anything worse than travelling in a bus when a virus attacks someone and you know that it will eventually go through all of us.
By the time of returning home only Christian, Max and me remained unaffected.
It was really hard, but guys were brave and fought against it. I pray for us not needing to live through those times again.
I had the pleasure to sing with Liv in my Hannover concert and it was a very beautiful experience. Something to remember. I had really good time with her on our tour, so hopefully there is a chance to repeat it again in the future. Thanks to Leaves Eyes for the great support and friendship.
Copenhagen was a nice surprise to me, since the people welcomed us so warmly. I didn’t expect that for first-timer, but it was the best way to end this tour. Hopefully Denmark will see me soon again.
Thank you very much

My dear fans: I really appreciate your presents and the time, love and effort that you are putting in them. But soon I won’t be able to carry them back as the amount is growing with each tour!!
Still you don’t stop surprising me

Today I went to apply for a visa to a country I have never visited before.
In August I will be flying there to do the photo shootings for my new ROCK album artwork. We will spend a week there and the images will be shocking, I promise

I did remark ROCK album as many fans have been asking me about future plans. A ROCK album as WLB and MWS is in the process, as well as a DVD for 2009 live concerts with Kalevi, Marzi and Markku in Lahti. Furthermore in November I will record a classical album in a Finnish church. And if everything goes fine, I might be putting my hands into couple more projects during this summer.
Now I am back to my normal life; cleaning home every day, cooking, jogging, swimming, singing, working on new songs, being a good house wife You should see my house now… filled with candles! I LIKE IT! HOME, SWEET HOME.
With love, Tarja

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Junio 01, 2011, 04:26:58 pm
Interview Tarja Turunen and Jyrki 69 in Idols Backstage

You did a duet together, was this the first time or have you done this before?

- Tarja: Never, this was the first time and it was a wonderful thing to do and it was for a good cause. It's a beautiful song called "Underneath" from my album and the new duet version will be released as a single.

- Jyrki: We've recorded this to support Unicef and it has been available for download online but today we'll sing it live for the first time ever at the Idols Gives Back event.

You are both succesful musicians. Tell me what do you admire about each other?

- Jyrki: She is one of the best female vocalists in the world and this duet is an incredible thing to me because it was a challenge and it was great to see how well our voices work together. We (The 69 Eyes) used to tour with Nightwish in South America and it was great to see how Tarja ruled football stadiums full of people. I respect her infinitely.
- Tarja: I could say the same thing about Jyrki. I've always respected him, he has found his own style as a band leader and also working with Unicef. I respect his charity work because you can never do too much when it comes to charity. It's amazing singing with a gentleman with a deep voice.

- Jyrki: Tarja's like a songbird with a very high tone and I'm kind of pulling her down with my bass tone.

- Tarja: Yeah but the contrast is amazing!
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Junio 01, 2011, 04:33:59 pm
Liv y Tarja

( (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 02, 2011, 10:58:11 pm
Ya se encuentra publicado el programa tentativo para el concierto que brindará el tenor argentino Josíé Cura con Tarja como invitada especial el 17.07.2011 en el Savonlinna Opera Festival.
Para conocerlo, clickíéa en "Leer más". Entre los artistas destacados para representar en este espectáculo se destacan Puccini, Manzanero, Sondheim y Lloyd Webber entre otros.


Entre las obras  a interpretar se incluyen:
Leoncavallo: I Pagliacci: Prólogo, Intermezzo, Aria Canion, "Vesti la giubba"
Cavalleria rusticana - Intermezzo: Mascagni
Puccini: La Fanciulla del West - Dick Johnson  Aria "Ch'ella mi Creda"
Puccini: Tosca, Cavaradossi Aria "E lucevan le stelle"
Puccini: Manon Lescaut - Intermezzo
Puccini: Le Villi - Roberto Aria "Ecco La Casa"


Grieg: Música para la obra de Peer Gynt: Morgenstemning, Solveigs sang
Guastavino: La rosa y El Sauce, Antiguo Jardin
Manzanero: Somos novios, Esta tarde vi llover
Sondheim:  "Not while I'm around",  Sweeney Todd
Lloyd Webber: "All I ask of You", The Phantom of the Opera
Fuente: Savonlinna Opera Festival
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 15, 2011, 10:58:56 pm
I arrived to Moscow yesterday and the beautiful summer sun is shining here. I love it!

I was very lucky in fact, since all the flights day before and the day after my flight got cancelled in Buenos Aires due to the ashes erupted from a Chilean volcano

I had a nice rehearsal with the Russian band Kipelov today. They are very kind people. I was pretty worried about my Russian language, but the band told me that I am doing quite fine…
On Sunday we will be performing one song together in the Rock on Volga festival in Samara and I am sure it will be a great experience. This is the first time for me to take part in a Russian Rock festival, so I am thrilled.
According to the festival’s official website they are expecting to receive 250.000 people this time! This will make it the biggest Rock Festival in Europe OMG. Nice way to start the summer shows. That’s fantastic!
Now I am waiting for my flight to Samara where I’ll meet my band and my brother Toni who is going to play the keyboards on our next show. Christian is having more important issues to take care at home…  so, soon we will be able to congratulate him for his family’s growth   Fingers crossed that everything will go fine.
We will rock Samara in few days!
With love, Tarja


Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 18, 2011, 08:57:37 pm
Fechas en España!!!

18 de Febrero 2012 - Sala Heineken - Madrid
horario: Puertas: 21:00 h. / Tarja: 21:30 h.
precio: Anticipada: 28 € / Taquilla: 32 €
entradas: Sun Records,, Fnac, Carrefour, Halcón Viajes

19 de Febrero 2012 - Sala Salamandra 1 - L'Hospitalet de Llobregat - Barcelona
horario: Puertas: 20:30 h. / Tarja: 21:30 h.
precio: Anticipada: 25 € / Taquilla: 28 €
entradas: Revolver, Pentagram,,, Fnac, Carrefour, Halcón Viajes
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 23, 2011, 11:00:04 pm
I had a true pleasure to perform in Samara, Russia few days ago.
I never thought the local people would welcome me so warmly there though. Most of the bands were Russians and I was a bit nervous how my music would fit in this Rock on Volga festival. When it was time for us to start our show, people were shouting my name and my doubts were gone. Our show was great and the people in Russia were beautiful to us.

The organization of the Festival confirmed that there were 242.000 people watching my show that night!!! That is more than 4 football stadiums all together! It was very difficult to see the people far back at the end.
 This was an overwhelming experience for all in the band and one of the nicest moments in my career.
Something I will never forget.
I got a chance to sing in Russian with Kipelov and that just topped everything I had experienced so far. I had the lyrics in front of me, but not even once I needed to check them out! I was so proud of myself. Ha-Ha. Russian is definitely very difficult language, but I wanted to learn it well. Let me tell you, it was a hard work, but I am a hard worker!

Today I woke up in the morning and found out that I am on a beautiful island where the sun is shining and the breeze of the sea is tender

It’s really amazing to realize how happy one can be just when there is silence around. Well, now there is a little lizard keeping me a company and a bird came to say hello too.
Now I am writing songs again for the new rock album. I am sure the environment I am having around me at the moment helps me a lot with it. Oh, the nature is very inspiring here.
Next time you will see me in Serbia and I am truly excited to travel there again. It has been way too long since my last visit.
With love, Tarja

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 01, 2011, 11:13:54 pm
Johnny came and we were writing songs together for the new album. We had a good time and some really cool stuff was born. I am happy!
I have all together already 18 songs in progress. The goal is to have the entire album composed by the end of the summer!!!!

It was really nice to visit Serbia. The Motorock meeting was held in a small village called Debeljaca, around one hour drive from Belgrade.
We spend most of the time at the hotel, but we had time with Chris to visit a very nice Naive Art local Gallery

Day before our concert the weather changed radically from sunny to stormy and I was joking with the local people that I brought the storm with me to Serbia Luckily on the day of the show, the weather was really nice. I got to meet many of my fans, since we did an extended sound check on the show day and there were lots of people already waiting for the concert.
I even managed to get two girls singing with me on the stage during the sound check! That was fun!

It is always very nice to play in festivals, even though the show cannot be the same than usually my shows are. What I really hope is that I can return to Serbia in 2012 for a concert on my own. The support from the people was fantastic! Thank you very much for the love

I am working on a Live DVD from 2009 Christmas tour right now and I would like to ask you a favour. Would you have any nice photos taken from our Christmas concerts with Kalevi, Markku and Marzi from 2009? If you would like your photo to be part of the photo gallery of the DVD, please send them to:
 We might end up using some of them. Thank you so much!
Next time you’ll see me in Rock Harz, Germany and Sonisphere in France!
And now back to work

With love, Tarja

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 25, 2011, 11:04:17 pm
I had a great pleasure to do three different kinds of performances in Finland.
First I went back to my high school city Savonlinna where I also enjoy the best weather of Finland, the real summer time

I have lots of wonderful memories from Savonlinna since I was living there for three important years in my life. That is where I started singing classical music and found my way to be an independent young woman.

This is the “Puijo” ship where I was working as a crewmember for couple of months a summer many years ago. It is still doing the same round trip through channels from Kuopio to Savonlinna and back. That was an exciting summer for me.
Olavinlinna castle had changed just a bit after my last visit there in 2006. I was so happy to be back to feel the magic of the castle.

I met Maestro Cura a night before our rehearsals during the intermission of the opera “Tosca”. I immediately felt that he is a great man, with good spirit and warm heart.
During our performance I had a roller coaster ride through great emotions! It was an unbelievable honour to sing with Mr. Cura. He treated me nice, with respect and kindness. I will never forget it.
Thank you Olavinlinna for so warm welcome! I can still remember the BRAVO shouts that not even a deaf would have missed. It felt so amazing!
Muchas gracias Josíé!

The following weekend things remained exciting. I got Scorpions’ invitation to take part in their show in Saimaa Open Air just two days before the show was about to happen. I was happy to be able to meet the guys once again. They are always so kind.
The performance was a privilege for me and the first time we performed live together “The Good Die Young”. That was the night of the Oslo tragic events and Klaus was very wise to dedicate it to the victims. Such a waste of lives in a stupid way.
I extend through these lines my thoughts to the families and friends of the victims in Norway.
I had to wonder how great singer Klaus Meine truly is. He has this clean, healthy and beautiful voice. He is working very hard and I respect him deeply.
Thank you Scorpions for a wonderful evening and friendship. I am sure we will meet again.

Next day there was a nice surprise waiting for me in Saimaa Open Air festival area. I was requested to sign a painting for a rock truck!
Finally I was very happy to have my own show in Finland. My band got to see the beautiful festival site, just beside a huge lake and Finnish surroundings. They were glad to visit my old home country and so was I.
During the day I met Maija and Marko, two # 1 Finnish artists that I had the opportunity to share the Festival with

My life is definitely not getting boring as you can read

With love, Tarja (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 07, 2011, 11:38:42 pm
t’s been a great summer so far. I have been able to be creative besides the shows that we are doing and that make me happy.
Some days ago I met Erik in Finland and we wrote a couple of very nice songs together. You know Erik already from the songs “Rivers of Lust” and “Sing for me”. Now when we sat down together, very different kind of songs were born unexpectedly and that was really cool.

The songs I wrote so far are very different in spirit: about eagles, killers, dreams, love, journeys, colours, and darkness.
I already sense that the new album will have a more positive vibe than the previous ones and it’ll rock!!!!!
Until yesterday I was in Sweden where I spent few days having fun and writing songs with Mattias and Anders writers of “I Walk Alone” and “In for a Kill”.

We spent the most incredible time in the archipelago of Stockholm and I realized again how important it truly is to have an inspiring environment around you when you write songs.

The water was too cold for a swim though…but we had the sun with us all the time!

And when the sun went down the ghost stories begun…

I want to thank all of you guys for being so supportive. It’s great that I’ve found people that are open enough for my “crazy” ideas and art. The story will continue for sure
Next time you’ll see me rocking in Romania. I have been waiting a long time for my return to the beautiful city of Sibiu.
With love, Tarja

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 13, 2011, 10:42:21 pm
HARUS – New Musical Group

August 12, 2011

There is an old Finnish tradition when it comes to newborns – the baby is not to be named until the baptism ceremony, when he or she is presented to the family with the chosen name.
A few years ago, in 2006, a new project from Tarja was born and, following the same tradition, the time has come to baptize it, to make the presentations to the family and to give it a name – HARUS.
HARUS is a rather peculiar, uncommon Finnish word that describes the four tensors that keep a tent together or the tensor that keeps the mast from falling in a sailing boat.
Both of the meanings apply to this musicians line up: four members, four equals, four different backgrounds to tie together exquisite classical music developed strongly and in a very stable way, with a taste of experimental, modern feel.
The ever-changing waters HARUS sails on promise a unique feeling and combination for each program.

HARUS are:
Tarja Turunen : Vocals
Kalevi Kiviniemi : Organ
Marzi Nyman: Guitar
Markku Krohn: Percussion
Let’s give HARUS a warm welcome and expect further news very soon!
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 13, 2011, 10:44:00 pm
Tarja Turunen ha lanzado un nuevo proyecto llamado Harus. En sus propias palabras Tarja nos explica sobre lo que será su nuevo proyecto clásico:
Hay una tradición finlandesa cuando se trata de reciíén nacidos, el bebíé no debe ser nombrado hasta la ceremonia del bautismo, cuando íél o ella se presenta a la familia con el nombre elegido.
Hace unos años, en 2006, un nuevo proyecto de Tarja nació y, siguiendo la tradición misma, ha llegado el momento de bautizarlo, para hacer las presentaciones a la familia y darle un nombre.
Harus es un tanto peculiar, una palabra poco común que describe los 4 tensores que mantienen a una tienda de campaña juntas o el tensor que evita que el mástil se caiga en un barco de vela. Ambos significados se aplican a la alineación de estos músicos: Cuatro integrantes, cuatro pares, cuatro fondos diferentes para unir la música clásica exquisita desarrollada fuertemente y de manera muy estable, con un sabor de sentirse experimental.
Harus es la promesa de una sensación única y la combinación de cada programa. Esperen lo inesperado. Y sin duda lo esperaremos. Una muy buena noticia sin duda alguna.
Harus es:
Tarja Turunen – Voces
Kalevi Kiviniemi – Teclados
Marzi Nyman: Guitarras
Markku Krohn – Baterí­a
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 17, 2011, 02:43:57 pm
Tarja cumple hoy 34 años!!!
FELICIDADES!! :011: :011: :011: :011: :011: :011:
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 17, 2011, 10:28:05 pm
Con Jose Cura!!! (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 21, 2011, 10:35:01 pm
Tarja Turunen, radiante de felicidad tiene un dí­a de trabajo aún cuanto tambiíén es un dí­a muy importante.

-Es nuestro aniversario. Nos casamos en el ayuntamiento de Helsinky, en ví­spera de Año Nuevo, pero tuvimos una boda de verano exactamente hace nueve años [Nota del traductor: en otras entrevistas han dicho q son 1O y 11 años, en realidad Tarja se caso en el 2OO3], se refiere a su marido Marcelo Cabuli.

Ha sido una razón para celebrar desde el dí­a anterior.

-Ayer fueron exactamente 11 años desde el dí­a en que comenzamos a salir, Tarja sonrí­e.

Ella no espera nada especial en honor a su aniversario, aunque con Marcelo nunca se puede estar seguro, a quien le gustan las sorpresas.

-El mejor regalo es que podemos estar juntos todo el tiempo. Decimos un monton de cosas hermosas en nuestra vida de cada dí­a. La mejor decisión en mi vida fue el estar junto a Marcelo. Lo necesito cada dí­a de mi vida. Es maravilloso el notar, que el amor es un sentimiento que crece. Que es posible querer a alguien más que el dí­a anterior.

Y la mejor parte es el sentimiento mutuo.

-El sabe como decirlo en voz alta. Decimos “Te amo” todos los dí­as. Y no solo porque es un hábito, lo decimos en serio todos los dí­as. Síé que soy muy afortunada.

Las cosas tambiíén van bien en el trabajo. El sábado, Tarja recibirá un disco de oro en Alemania por su primer álbum en solitario. Las bandas finlandesas han recibido muchos discos de oro en Alemania, pero Tarja es el primer solista en recibir uno.

- Se siente bien porque los tiempos han cambiado mucho y ya no se venden discos en la forma en que solí­a hacerse antes. Es eso por lo que un disco de oro es un gran logro hoy en dí­a.

De Alemania, Tarja se dirigirá a la India, donde las portadas de su nuevo álbum serán tomadas.

- Hemos estado viendo la forma en la que el bebíé podrí­a llegar. Tal vez suceda. Quiero un bebíé terriblemente y culpo a mis dos hermanos por ello. Mi hermano mayor tiene dos hijas y ahora mi hermano menor tiene una hija tambiíén. Maldición! mi hermanito logro hacerlo antes que yo!

Y tu y tu esposo estan listos para ser padres?

Durante los últimos 11 años nos hemos divertido mucho. La vida ha sido una aventura. Ha sido sorprendente ser solo nosotros dos. Si el bebíé llega, talvez nos detengamos, por lo menos al principio. Me encantarí­a ver a Marcelo con un bebíé. Es seguro para mi pensar en iniciar una familia porque he visto que tan buen padre es Marcelo con sus hijos.

¿Cómo están reaccionando los finlandeses con tu marido extranjero?

-Ellos no vienen a insultar cara a cara, a excepción de algunas personas que estan ebrios. Sin embargo, en el lado de los negocios, un empresario Finlandíés no puede aceptar a alguien venido de un paí­s extranjero pueda manejar las cosas mejor. Las actitudes y los prejuicios son fuertes. Aquí­ no nos gusta si alguien de una cultura diferente propone una distinta manera de hacer las cosas, incluso si realmente es una mejor manera de hacer algo. Las sugerencias quedan abatidas, eso sucede mucho aquí­.

Tu te presentaste en Savonlinna en Julio y recibiste duras crí­ticas de Helsingin Sanomat. ¿Cómo las tomaste?

-Mi punto de vista de los reviews es que puedo aprender de una crí­tica constructiva y eso siempre es algo bueno. Tu puedes tener opiniones, pero en este caso estoy confundida. Como artista, síé cuando a la audiencia no le gusta mi performance. En Savonlinna la gente se levanto y gritaron ¡Hurra!. Síé que mi rendimiento con Josíé Curá fue muy diferente a lo que se suele escuchar en Savonlinna. Talvez fuíé demasiado para los crí­ticos.

Si en tus propios ojos un concierto es exitoso, que tan malo se siente cuando es aplastado por los reviews?

-Es la vida cotidiana de un artista. Por supuesto que siempre duele cuando has dado lo mejor. Yo no hago nada sin poner cuidado. Mi primera reacción a este review fuíé que no importa lo que haga, nunca será suficiente. Tengo que ver por encima de este punto de vista, y recordar que puedes y tienes las opiniones que necesitas. Solo tengo que mantenerme fuerte con los diferentes puntos de vista de la gente.

Has abandonado tu hogar en Finlandia. ¿Quíé tan grande fuíé para ti?

-Mi trabajo me lleva por todo el mundo y mucha gente piensa que es la mejor cosa en la vida. Pero no lo es. Lo mejor es el hogar y que puedo pasar tiempo allí­ en paz. Es una terapia para mi hacer cosas de la casa. Quiero que todo estíé perfecto allí­. Mi hogar está ahora en Buenos Aires. Ha habido mucho de lo que hacerme cargo y empezó ha parecer imposible debido a la larga distancia.

¿Que tan estresante es que no ha sido posible vender su antigua casa en Kuusankoski?

-Hemos sabido todo el tiempo que serí­a dificil vender, ya que dispone de dos viviendas unifamiliares habitables en el mismo terreno. La otra ha sido utilizada como estudio. Esta claro que la venta puede tardar mucho tiempo. No dejamos que no moleste.

¿Cómo ha cambiado tu conexión con Finlandia?

-Ha cambiado porque yo solo he estado aquí­ para visitas cortas. He estado aquí­ principalmente por motivos de trabajo. Ahora me doy cuenta de muchas cosas hermosas que antes no habí­a notado. He aprendido un poco el valor de las pequeñas cosas que antes pasaba por alto. En Argentina siempre hay entusiasmo en la vida. algo inesperado para lo que no estas preparado ocurre todo el tiempo. He crecido fuera de ser un Finlandíés y que se puede planificar un horario para el dí­a y entonces las cosas suceden de otra manera. En Argentina, las cosas están cambiando todo el tiempo. Tienes que saber como lidiar con los cambios diarios cuando se vive en un lugar que cuenta con cinco millones de personas que viven en el corazón de la ciudad y 15 millones de personas en toda la zona.

¿Que tan segura te sientes en el bullicio de la ciudad?

-Siempre hay algo que sucede y es parte de vivir en una ciudad tan grande. Hay desordenados atascos y accidentes de tráfico. Tienes que ser cuidadoso cuando caminas por las calles. Todos los dí­as alguien muere en la ciudad. Argentina se ha librado de la peor delincuencia organizada que hay por ejemplo, en Brasil. me siento segura y me puedo mover sola. Siempre he sido sensible, pero me he vuelto más fuerte, mientras que vivo en Argentina.

¿Cuánta gente te presta atención?

-En Argentina, no tienes que ser rubia para atraer la atención masculina. Aveces la cantidad de atención se vuelve confusa, cuando los hombre gritan y silban detrás de mí­. El servicio en las tiendas es bueno, alaban los ojos y la sonrisa. Los hombres en la Argentina muestran su admiración, con respeto, no se siente degradación hacia las mujeres. Por supuesto estoy siendo reconocida a menudo porque tengo grandes giras en Amíérica del Sur y estoy en las portadas de revistas.

¿Tienes algunos fans tan intensos que te empiezan a acosar?

-Sí­, aveces llegan a un nivel enfermo de devoción. Algunos encuentros con hombres ha sido demasiado. Algunos hombres y mujeres, viajan por Europa para ver cada uno de mis conciertos. Recibo mensajes donde el remitente anuncia casarse conmigo. No importa que ya estoy casada. Tengo que ser constantemente cuidadosa en los conciertos. No quiero que Marcelo me deje sola en ningún momento porque síé que unos cuantos de esos chicos son algunos de los que me siguen todo el tiempo en mis giras. Estoy preocupada por la seguridad de Marcelo. Algunas personas pueden tener la idea de querer sacarlo del camino. Marcelo no está nervioso al respecto. El disfruta cuando la gente me admira. El no es celoso conmigo.

- Por un par de años recibí­ raras cartas llenas de sexo de un hombre finlandíés. Hubo más de 5OO cartas dirigidas a mi encontradas en su casa. El enví­o de esos mensajes fuíé finalmente detenido, pero tras un breve descanso, la misma persona comenzó a llamar por telíéfono a Marcelo. Ahora eso tambien se detuvo.

¿Que tan amenudo te siguen preguntando acerca de Nightwish?

-Es comprensible que estoy siendo recordada como vocalista de Nightwish así­ que supongo que siempre van a preguntar, pero ya no con tanta frecuencia. Claramente preguntan menos que antes. Se siente muy bien que la gente estíé interesada en mí­, por lo que soy ahora.

¿Que tan dura eres contigo misma en estos dí­as?

-Amo la buena comida y el vino tinto. Lo balanceo con ir al gimnasio y nadar. Me mantengo a mi misma en orden y no voy a dejar crecer mi trasero.

-Siempre he estado pensada como una reina de belleza en la escena del rock internacional, así­ que crea un poco de presion. Especialmente con la edad. Tengo un poco mas de misericordia conmigo que antes pero por supuesto que tengo que cuidar mi apariencia, porque estoy siempre en público. Las personas alrededor del mundo discuten en foros de Internet acerca de como me veo. Nunca leo esas conversaciones porque me volverí­a loca. Pero síé que debo cuidar de mi misma. Las cosas ya no vienen tan fácil como cuando era más jóven.

¿En quíé gastas en dinero?

-Ropa, zapatos, bolsas, cosmíéticos. Hay un monton de productos para el cuidado que viajan conmigo, todos ellos tambiíén son una parte de mi trabajo asi que no creo que sea desperdiciar. Viajamos mucho en nuestro tiempo libre. A ambos nos gusta bucear así­ que a menudo hacemos viajes de buceo.

¿Vas a lanzar el primer álbum clásico de tu carrera? ¿Quíé va ha haber en íél?

El álbum va a ser llenado con Ave Marí­as. Nunca he escuchado acerca de un álbum que no tenga nada más que diferentes Ave Marí­as en íél. Hay tambiíén un Ave Marí­a que escribí­ yo misma. Este tipo de álbums se ajusta a este bienestar mental que estoy sintiendo en este momento. Va a ser grabado en noviembre junto al organista Kalevi Kiviniemi, que tambiíén vino con la idea de este álbum.

¿Quíé te dejó la muerte de tu madre?

- Despuíés de que mi madre murió en el año 2003, me golpeó muy duro. La mala sensación que yo tení­a en mi mente vino para arriba con los sí­ntomas fí­sicos. Mi dí­a comenzó con vómitos. El momento más difí­cil de mi vida culminó a finales de 2005, cuando mi carrera en la banda terminó. Yo estaba rota y cansada, pero mi esposo nunca se rompió. tuvo la fuerza para llevar todos los problemas. Hemos llorado juntos muchas veces, pero que nos ha hecho aún más cercanos.

En cinco años:

Tal vez una familia
- Debo desarrollar una muy diferente manera de trabajar y cuando tenga una familia. De lo contrario, espero que la vida vaya de la misma manera. Vivimos felices en Buenos Aires.
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 23, 2011, 11:28:16 pm
Thanks a lot to all of you leaving me birthday greetings in this blog and in the official forum, twitter and facebook and all the fan webpages too!
I left Finland’s beautiful summer with the best of the signs in front of me.

To visit Sibiu, Romania was really nice again. I met many friends there and the weather was excellent during the day. And full moon in Transylvania that night.

The show happened in the central square of the beautiful old city of Sibiu so the location made the event very special. Audience was amazing once again. I had been missing my Romanian fans, so I was happy to receive such love.

Only the trip to Sibiu and back to Bucharest took several hours in a van and I didn’t have any real sleep in a couple of nights. Right after my show in Sibiu I went to the hotel to pick up my stuff and I flew to India. I looked like a walking catastrophe when I arrived to hot New Delhi

Some of you might know that I came here for a photo shoot. It is anyway too early to show you any of the pictures or tell you more about the sessions. You will get to know more when the time comes, I promise

What I can tell you is that everything went really fine and I had GREAT time in front of the camera. You will be surprised.

India is different than any other country I’ve visited so far. Food is tasty and traffic is extremely chaotic… Is sad to see the poverty in some parts of Delhi, but at the same time is a very awkward feeling that those who have less are very friendly having smile on their face when they reach you. You could really sense the kindness in their hearts. Many of us should really learn from this.

In two days you’ll see me at the stage of “Summerbreeze”- festival in Germany. There will be a signing session on the day of my show so I expect to see you all there! Please check the announcements at the festival about it.

This will be the last show with my rock band for this year
But that doesn’t mean holidays
Heading back to the airport again….

With love, Tarja
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 24, 2011, 11:34:51 pm
Tarja Turunen se convierte en la única artista solista finesa en conseguir un disco de oro en Alemania.
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 25, 2011, 11:26:36 pm
If I look back in everything that happened during this European summer, I have to say that it was one of the best summers in my whole life, if not the best! I got to make very different kind of performances in wonderful cities and in the meantime write new songs for my forthcoming rock album. I truly cannot complain.
The Summerbreeze festival was again very nice experience since the staff and organization of this particular festival are great. I felt I was in good hands.

The show was amazingly emotional for many reasons; it was the last show of the summer and I knew I was going to miss my guys, the audience welcomed me warmly with birthday singing and cheering.
Few times during the show it was unbelievable to see how all the hands were waiving along with the music. These are the moments that we, on stage, will treasure forever.

And finally I received my gold award from Germany. WOW.

What a beautiful gift! Thanks to you people. I really owe this one for you…I am SO, so happy. To achieve this award means a world to me as it comes from my debut album as a solo artist what makes me really believe in my dreams.
I am fully aware how hard it is to sell any records these days, so I am deeply grateful.
The only problem that I face right now is to find a good spot on my walls for it! I have too many windows in my flat!!!!! HEHEHE.
The city of Dinkelsbí¼hl, near where Summerbreeze is located is really nice.

Next challenge will be the “Beauty and the Beat” concert in Bulgaria in September. I am at the moment deciding the program and starting little by little to practice for it. I know that this concert will be very challenging for both uncle Mike and me, but I am also sure that we will have a grand time in Bulgaria with our amazing fans, symphonic orchestra and choir. You really cannot miss this show. It’s going to be an extraordinary experience, I promise
Right after Bulgaria I will fly over to Brazil where I will perform with Brazilian band Angra as a guest vocalist. Many people have been wondering what I will be singing there, but it will remain as a secret until I walk to the stage in ROCK IN RIO. It is an honour for me to get the invitation from Angra and to be part of this world famous event for the first time in my life.
So even though my own rock shows are over for this year, you will still see me around. I kind of tend to keep myself busy all the time…

We just mastered the live CD and DVD that will become the first release of HARUS in the end of this year. It is my classical line up with whom we have done concerts together since 2006. The name was decided now since we felt that it would be great to make people hear what we have been doing.
Just to avoid misunderstandings, my solo career in rock will definitely continue as before!

Take care.
With love, Tarja

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 10, 2011, 10:24:15 pm
Tarja en Santiago!!

Dí­a 16 de Febrero 2012 - Santiago de Compostela - GALICIA
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 10, 2011, 10:28:11 pm
Durante este otoño, la soprano se concentrará en el canto clásico…

El primer álbum de Tarja Turunen completamente clásico, se grabará al final del mes de Noviembre.

“Tengo una buena sensación. Siento que estoy lista para dar este paso” dice Tarja.

El álbum constará de dos muy conocidas Ave Marí­as y canciones de varios compositores. Pero, tambiíén habrá una cancion compuesta por la propia Tarja Turunen. La grabación de varias Ave Marí­a, fuíé originalmente idea de Kalevi Kiviviemi. El dúo ha colaborado desde el año 2006. Tambiíén habrá arpa, cello, órganos y coro femenino. La parte instrumental y el tracklist todaví­a estan buscando su forma final.

Por el momento tendremos que esperar para que Harus (nuevo proyecto de Tarja) nos ofrezca ese material tan esperado pero desde ya auguramos un gran íéxito
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 15, 2011, 07:22:32 pm
Buenos dias Tarja! cómo estás?

Buenos dias! Estoy muy bien, gracias, ¿y tú?

Yo estoy bien. De hecho es el final del verano aqui en Bulgaria, ¿Es el final del invierno en Argentina?

Si, asi es. Ya es una hermosa, hermosa primavera aqui. El sol está brillando, los árboles se tornan verdes, es realmente increible. Estoy disfrutando mi tiempo en mi balcón con mi cafíé.

Ok, obviamente vamos a estar hablando de tu próximo show, pero antes de eso, porfavor dinos algo acerca de tu nueva música en la que has estado trabajando con tipos como Erin Nyhlom, tu lo mencionaste hace cerca de un mes en tu blog, tienes alguna idea de cuando será lanzado este material?

Oh, es muy temprano para decir algo, porque aún estoy trabajando en la escritura de las canciones y es muy temprano en el proceso de hacer todo el album. Lo que si puedo decir, es que deseo que la gente pueda escuchar el álbum el próximo año y que espero lanzarlo para entonces. Pero todaví­a no hay nada concreto.

Es algo temprano para mi para decirte mas acerca de esto, pero estoy en el proceso, estoy muy feliz, las canciones estan floreciendo y me gusta lo que escucho, me gusta el ambiente del álbum, va a ser algo similar a lo que he hecho antes, pero por supuesto con algunas sorpresas dentro y tal vez algunos elementos impactantes, como siempre, pero si, aun es algo temprano.

Tambiíén escuchamos que a principios del 2012 tu te embarcarí­as en otra gira, esta vez con tu banda, despues de la que tomarias un descanso de las giras para concentrarte en el album.

Sí­, exactamente.

Ya tendrás algo confirmado a la fecha?

Sí­, estamos trabajando muy duro para la gira, será la gira final del album WLB, mi presente album y serán tres meses de gira o talvez mas… Empezaremos por Europa, primero por el Oeste de Europa, despuíés iremos al este de Europa, entonces, finalmente en Marzo bajaremos a Sud-Amíérica y eso es todo.

Con suerte, incluso iremos a China – con suerte. De hecho, será mi primera vez en Asia. Planes muy agradables, pero eso es todo, despuíés me concentraríé en el proximo album.

Ok, mometo para hablar de “Beauty and the Beat”! obviamente tu eres “Beauty” y Mike es “The Beat”, no viceversa…

Jaja, supongo!

Bien, sabemos que tienes el toque dorado y posees un inmenso talento, pero tu, ¿ensayaras con Mike?, Quiero decir, sabemos que estas en Argentina y Mike está, por lo que síé, en algun lugar de Italia…

Si, exactamente. Nosotros no ensayamos juntos. Con suerte tendremos algunos dias para ensayar el Plovdiv, junto con la orquesta, junto con el coro y el señor Terrana. El ensaya solo asi como yo.

Estoy trabajando muy duro en mis voces y performance diariamente. Es un duro concierto y es un reto para todos nosotros, creo que es la primera vez que ninguno de nosotros ha hecho algo como esto, es una aparición muy única. Creo que será un muy buen comienzo y espero que sea el comienzo de algo grande en el futuro.

Tambiíén espero que pueda hacer de esos conciertos con Mike en un futuro, asi que es muy bueno que podamos empezar en Bulgaria, donde mis fans son los mejores y la audiencia siempre ha sido increible.

Te estoy avisando, este teatro romano es un lugar mágico.

Sí­, es increible. He visto muchas fotos hermosas, es muy agradable poder ser parte de eso, ver todo eso y crear una tarde mágica allí­.

Hablando de tus fans, especialmente los Búlgaros, siempre he estado sorprendido por el hecho de que muchos niños escuchan tu música. ¿Cuál es la relación especial que tienes con los niños?

Lo que es increible es que nunca estuve allí­ con mi ex banda. Nunca tocamos en Bulgaria cuando yo estaba en la banda. Mi primera aparición en Bulgaria fuíé hace dos años con mi album solista. Fue increible! Nunca esperíé tener un concierto así­ en Sofia para la primera vez. Miles y miles de personas vinieron a verme y desde entonces el apoyo de los fans bulgaros ha sido asi.

No síé, hay algo muy hermoso ocurriendo en tu pais y estoy honrada de ser parte de esto y espero darles algo de mi amor y darselos cada dia. Realmente es un honor.

Me refiero a verdaderos niños de 10 años, recuerdo que la ultima vez en Sofia, tu recibiste un pequeño oso Teddie como obsequio de uno de tus fans, quiero decir, habí­a niños pequeños en la audiencia.

Oh, si hay, si hay, Es una cosa hermosa. Porque, ¿que es lo que hay allí­?, la nueva generación de la música. Si puedo dar algo de eso, la belleza de la música será una gran inspiración para toda mi vida…

De cierta manera, esto llena mis sueños, la música está en contacto con todo lo que hago. Es increible ver a todos esos niños en mis conciertos, realmente amo eso, ser parte de eso, es como si yo fuera la figura materna para ellos. De una buena manera, espero.

La última pregunta… Tú misma has dicho que que toda tu vida está conectada a la música. Muchos músicos de rock con los que hablamos dicen que crecieron escuchando a Motorhead o los Rolling Stones.

Sí­, algo relacionado al rock.

Si, pero viendo el setlist del show, que es una especie de secreto, asi que nadie mas lo sabe, y escuchando todo lo que has hecho a travíés de los años, dime, con que tipo de música creciste, cuál fue la primera cosa que tomó tu atención? Fuíé Dvorak o Mozart ó…?

Sabes, es realmente duro decirlo. Yo tengo un hermano, que es siete años mayor que yo. El escuchaba música de rock. No metal, pero hard rock. Crecí­ con Alice Cooper, Scorpions.. crecí­ con esas bandas porque mi hermano las escuchaba.

Pero comencíé a estudiar música clásica a los seis años. Así­ que estaba allí­, entre dos mundos, a una edad muy temprana. Escuchaba música clásica porque yo quise aprenderla, acerca de los compositores y como ellos escriben piezas magnificas. Por otro lado tambiíén escuchaba rock y pop. Aún lo hago hoy. Escucho varios tipos de música y realmente me ayuda a crecer como músico y mantenerme abierta a próximos retos en el futuro. Esto me mantiene viva y haciendo lo que hago, lo que es trabajar duro cada dí­a.

Traducción Tarja Turunen Mexico

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 21, 2011, 10:49:01 pm
Christmas Tour 2011 / Joulukonserttikiertue 2011
01.12.2011- Kalajoki, Finland
02.12.2011- Kiuruvesi, Finland
03.12.2011- Tampere, Finland
04.12.2011- Vuoksenniska, Finland
08.12.2011- Helsinki, Finland
09.12.2011- Lahti, Finland
10.12.2011- Kotka, Finland
12.12.2011- Varkaus, Finland
14.12.2011- Kuusankoski, Finland
15.12.2011- Petí¤jí¤vesi, Finland
17.12.2011- Seiní¤joki, Finland
18.12.2011- Mikkeli, Finland
19.12.2011- Turku, Finland
21.12.2011- Hyvinkí¤í¤, Finland
22.12.2011- Kankaanpí¤í¤, Finland
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 22, 2011, 10:45:48 pm
Beauty and the Beast

Swanheart ( ( (

I walk Alone (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 23, 2011, 11:00:49 pm

1) Carmen Overture (Orchestra)
2) Concert for violin & Oboe, Bach (Mike)
3) BluteNur, Bach (Tarja)
4) Zueignung, Strauss (Tarja)
5) Barber of Seville, Rossini (Mike)
6) New World Symphony, Dvorak (Mike)
7) Song to the Moon, Dvorak (Tarja)
8 ) The Reign, Tarja (Tarja)


9) You Take my Breath Away, Queen (Tarja & Choir)
10) Witch Hunt, Tarja (Tarja & Mike)
11) Rivers of Lust, Tarja (Tarja, Mike & Choir)
12) Swanheart, Nightwish (Tarja, Mike & Choir)
13) Can Can, Offenbach (Mike)
14) I could have danced all night, Fr. Loewe (Tarja)
15) William Tel, Rossini (Mike)
16) Overture (Tarja & Mike)
17) Underneath, Tarja (Tarja, Mike & Choir)
18) L'amourest un rebelle, Bizet (Tarja, Mike & Choir)
19) I feel pretty, Bernstein (Tarja)
20) Eine Kleine Nacktmusik, Mozart (Mike)
21) I Walk Alone, Tarja (Tarja & Mike)
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 23, 2011, 11:05:57 pm
EL concierto!!

Parte 1 (

Parte 2 (

Parte 3 (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Septiembre 25, 2011, 04:07:50 pm
"I’m here (Я здесь)" En ruso con Valery Kipelov (12/06/2011 Samara, Rusia)
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Septiembre 26, 2011, 02:39:03 pm
Rock in Rí­o. Entrevista. Estoy muy fíéliz y orgullosa de estar aquí­. 2011
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: _V_ en Septiembre 26, 2011, 06:47:59 pm
Angra + Tarja Turunen Rock in Rio (Parte1)

Angra + Tarja Turunen Rock in Rio (Parte2)

Angra + Tarja Turunen Rock in Rio (Parte3 - final)
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 27, 2011, 11:15:21 pm
I had a lovely 2 weeks trip! The journey from Buenos Aires to Plovdiv, Bulgaria was REALLY long. It seemed eternal actually, but finally I found the bed in my beautiful hotel room and got some sleep. The rehearsals with the Plovdiv philharmonic orchestra and choir begun the following day.

I had been totally excited about our “Beauty and the Beat” concert for several weeks and when it was the time for the real thing, it felt awesome. Both Mike and me had been practising a lot for this event on our own.

he heat in the rehearsal hall rose to it’s maximum at times in the room, so it was not easy for anybody to stay there for several hours. Everybody handled it very well and the mood was great. Actually the Plovdiv Philharmonic orchestra is one of the best orchestras I had been working with so far in my career. They really pulled this program through very well, with the amazingly great attitude and talent. I truly appreciate it. With the help of the conductor Levon Manukyan, we managed to get everything together and in time for the actual concert.
Have you seen pictures from the beautiful amphitheatre?

My God it’s an amazing location!!!!!!! I walked through the stage a night before the concert and wondered how it might look and feel when the place would be packed with people. I was so wrong!  It was nothing like I expected actually. IT WAS SO BRILLIANT!

When the concert was about to start, I heard the screams from the Bulgarian audience and remembered of my previous visits to Bulgaria. All of my concerts there have been amazing due to the magnificent reception of the people. Now they were about to hear something totally different from me, so I got nervous.
When I walked to the stage, the audience was so loud that I got pretty confused with my thoughts and emotions, so I burst into tears even before singing a note! It was wonderful. The whole concert was wonderful. I was very, very happy. The whole idea of performing together with the orchestra, choir and Mike is very unique and I knew that this concept would work live, as it did. We hope that we can do this more often and it could happen wherever!

I needed to hug Mr. Terrana a loooooong time before and after the concert. Actually Mike enjoyed the concert so much that he told me afterwards this: “Dear Tarja, if I should die tomorrow, I would die happily“. It was the best concert he said he had done in his career so far. I was VERY happy to be a part of that.

I want to thank the city of Plovdiv for having me. Next time Bulgaria will see me in my last tour in Sofia  Jeeeeee….
Day after this overwhelming experience, I was already on my way to Brazil where another exciting event was about to happen.
The jet lag was killing me already when I arrived to sunny Rio de Janeiro, but despite of it, I wanted to feel the breeze of the ocean and enjoy a bit of my “free” time.
I met all Angra guys next day in the rehearsals. I must say that they really practise very loud! Without earplugs, you wouldn’t be able to stay in that room for very long…WOW

Everything went fine and we went through the songs for few times and had fun. It was really nice to get to know the members of Angra better in these couple of days. They were very kind to me.
We were supposed to have a sound check very early in the morning of the show day, but due to some technical problems on the festival, it got very delayed. We ended up having barely a line check. That is just to check that all the instruments are plugged and “working”, even though not sounding good enough for a show. Well, everybody was a bit pissed and nervous about this situation, but we all thought that it would get solved in the evening. We still had high hopes and good laughs!
Show time in the famous Rock in Rio! I felt very honoured to take part of this festival as a guest of a local band. Last time this festival was held in Rio 10 years ago and I had always dreamed to be able to sing on this event one day.
Even when you are professional, sometimes things are just out of your control. It was a mess. Unfortunately, there were too many technical issues happening during the show that it was barely possible to perform. I couldn’t hear the guitars and keyboards. I had no idea in which key the band was playing some of the songs, so I needed to just guess and pray that I hit the notes correctly. What of course, I didn’t !!!!!!!!! :(   I wish that we could repeat all of it again with the band someday.

Anyway, I have to say that Angra and I we did the best we could in this situation and we tried to enjoy the performance despite the problems. The audience in Rio was just amazing. I saw many girls crying in front of me and those tears ended up in the cover story of a local newspaper too! It was so thrilling to rock in front of that mass of people!!!! It had been too long since. I want to thank you all for having me in Rock in Rio. I had a great time there with Angra and with you.

THANK YOU BRAZIL!!!!!!! I am looking forward to see you again next year in March.
Now I will enjoy my home for some time.
I will let you know about my plans soon

With love, Tarja

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 09, 2011, 10:48:24 pm
Tarja Turunen's brother made an album
"The sibling relationship has been a strain"
Teo Turunen, 41, wants to stand on his own two feet.

Being addressed as Tarja Turunen's brother has started to annoy the musician from Kitee Teo Turunen.
- I've somehow stayed in Tarja's shadow. The relationship has been a huge strain.
The handsome voiced Teo has just made his first album and a song is available for listen on IL-TV. Teo has done gigs actively since 1992.

- I'm a defender of the dance people but we can play pop if needed.
Teo Turunen has a three-shift work at a thermo plant. He has done many shlager music-competitions and says they've been helpful.

- The musician was taking a back seat for eight years when my family came first.
Teo and Tarja, who is now doing her solo career, are in great terms.

- We meet 2-3 times a year. We have a blast with Marcelo, Tarja's husband. We've also been to Argentina. We always done music together with Tarja, memorable Christmases come to mind first.
Teo was also there for his sister when Tarja and Nightwish had a falling out.
- That was a hard time.

Podeis oir la canción aqui (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 19, 2011, 10:55:05 pm
Designer label NORDENFELDT and Tarja announce collaboration

  Designer label NORDENFELDT and Tarja announced collaboration today.
As a part of this, the young designer label NORDENFELDT will not only be providing clothes, accessoires and shoes for Tarja, but also design an exclusive stage outfit for her next album artwork.
Tarja who is famous for her voice and her combination of various music styles, is also a fashion icon. Tarja fascinates especially on stage with her elegant, but also extravagant clothes.
“Music is the main part of my performance, but every musician knows that there is also visual part of music, especially on stage. I am always trying to find clothes for this visual aspect that are special, but that also represent me and my style. Therefore NORDENFELDT fits perfectly.“
The young design label NORDENFELDT, founded by German-Finnish designer Julia Trompert, wants to provide functional, though fashionable clothes that combine a strong sense of creativity, innovation and strive for the ideal.
With their first collections the label got attention from various media and the fashion scene. The focus of NORDENFELDT is to embody armour for the city by recapturing the essence of mythical Nordic era. The designer explains the decision for the collaboration with Tarja: “Next to being an incredible artist, Tarja Turunen embodies the mysterious aura and the style of our designs. She needs wearable outfits, especially on stage, that still look elegant and have an extravagant twitch. That is exactly what NORDENFELDT wants to create for its customers.”
The creation of an outfit for the singer was also an inspiration for the designer.
“Creating fashion is an on-going process. You can get input from every aspect in your life. When Tarja asked us to design an outfit for her, my answer was a straight “yes” and the ideas came immediately; we only had to take the necessities into consideration that arise when she will be performing in that outfit.”
NORDENFELDT was founded in 2008 by designer Julia Trompert.
Her seductive designs are elegant, strong and mysterious.
The label offers an exclusive range of clothes and accessories that combines sophistication and elegance with extravagant elements. High quality materials, intriguing patterns and refined details make NORDENFELDT essential in the modern Hero’s armor.

Nordenfeldt GmbH
Akazienstrasse 11,
10823 Berlin, Germany
Phone: +49 30 78 00 18 96
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 31, 2011, 10:32:45 pm
Two Tarjas

Tarja Turunen, 34, singer

When singer Tarja Turunen steps late at night to the stage, the other Tarja Turunen is making plastic bags in a factory in three shifts. Both love their own beds.

(picture text): Tarja Turunen jogs a lot. A while ago she got lost on a jog to a church park in Russia and was scolded fiercely by the guard.

“Until the day I was baptized I was supposed to be given a totally different name. My father got his way at the last minute. Since he is Teuvo, and my big brother Timo, he thought my name should start with a T too. My mother Marjatta would have wanted to name me Marjut, Marketta or Mari but she had to give in.
I’ve only once had contact with another Tarja Turunen. When I was studying in Kuopio my namesake contacted me and asked what to do with the fan mail she’s gotten. Little first name namesakes I have all over the world. Recently a mother from Argentina told me by e-mail she gave her daughter my name. There are little-Tarjas also in Belgium, Romania and Germany.
When I married my husband Marcelo Cabuli, it was important for him that I didn’t give up Turunen. For me giving up my maiden name wouldn’t have been a big deal. My artist name is just Tarja now.
I’m home in Buenos Aires Argentina usually three two week periods a year. The other time I tour the world with my husband, who is also my manager. I love our lifestyle, but I don’t like having a new pillow every night. It’s a strain on the body. When I get home the first thing I do is grab the mop and throw laundry in the machine. Cleaning is therapy for me. I also miss my espresso maker while travelling.
In Buenos Aires I swim in the outdoor pool and ride the elevator to the downstairs gym. I am often recognized on the street but I get to jog freely looking as I please. In South-America a fan will say hello and not just whisper to his friends ear ‘It’s her!’
When at home I also maintain my voice and compose. This autumn I’ll spend a couple of months in Argentina since I’m preparing for my classical album.

I couldn’t imagine moving back to my birthplace in North-Karelian Kitee. I like the pulse, colourfulness and spontaneity of Buenos Aires. I want to go to a movie and meet my friends at night.
We don’t have a home in Finland, just on empty house in Kouvola. When we lived there we had good luck with friends. We got in a group on four couples. It’s funny that none of us had kids, when everyone else is reproducing around us.
It would be lovely to have a little person in the middle of all this. Art and career are my life so our life style can’t change radically. I don’t think I could stay home with the baby.
There’s no rush with having children. Then again I don’t think there is a perfect time to be a mother.

I’ve been with Marcelo for eleven years. Eventhough we’re always together, the other one’s face doesn’t start to annoy you. We are soulmates and well in balance. It would be terrible to leave on a trip without Marcelo. I know the amount of longing that would follow because in the beginning we were apart a lot.
I miss certanty of the future in life. I stress about things a lot beforehand. Luckily Marcelo gets me back to the ground quickly. I would hope that in ten years I’ve developed as a classical singer and kept up with this moving lifestyle of ours.

About the other Tarja
I wouldn’t probably cope with a three-shift work in a factory. I’m a little lazy. The similarity of work days would definetly be hard. Having each day different fits my creative personality.
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 11, 2011, 10:22:14 pm
Fotos (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 11, 2011, 10:25:56 pm
Wlking im the air (Single) (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 15, 2011, 10:47:42 pm
We all know Tarja Turunen as a queen of metal stage, whose magnificent voice easily competes in power with groovy guitar riffs. But this November she is going to reveal another side of her personality – the side her fans have never seen before. With her new project, Harus, she returns to her background - to classical music. In the interview for Russian Darkside Tarja speaks about the launch of this project, the upcoming release of their first album and many other things.



llo, how are you?

Fine, and you?

Yes, fine.

Let’s start our interview. First of all let us to speak about your new project Harus, you launch it soon and release a live album. Could you tell something about this project? How can you describe its idea?

It’s very different from what I’ve released, from what has been released so far. You know, Harus’s lineup is so called classical lineup, you know, consisting of organist, consisting of percussionist, electric guitar player, and me as a singer. We all four are musicians coming from different backgrounds. We started playing together in 2006 and now we put up the name for the lineup because we have been making concerts for many many years, in Finland only so far, so we decided that it’s time to put a name for this, to make playing a bit more official. And so we decided upon the name Harus. Even in this Christmas time we are going to have Christmas concerts in Finland. But Harus is not only a Christmas band, Christmas lineup. We are going to perform in several other countries in future too, and we are going to make studio recording in future too, but this is a live concert recording that is now going to be available. From one concert, one evening, that was recorded in Finland at Sibelius Hall in 2009. It’s a Christmas concert; I sing, you know, Christmas songs, international songs, then Ave Maria, some other classical pieces, one Ave Maria that I wrote for this tour. Now it is going to be published

for the first time and contains very very traditional Finnish Christmas songs.

That’s why you’re singing Silent Night, right?

Silent Night in Finnish, yes!

And do you participate in writing music for Harus?

Yes, I did for this time. Not especially for Harus. I wrote Ave Maria for this concert that we did with Harus. And of course with Ave Maria now it’s going to be released, published, it’s going to be available widely.

With this project you returned to classical music which is your background. How do you feel about the project? Are you satisfied with the result of your work?

Well, you know, I did a live recording, it’s a live recording, you cannot compare it to the studio real recording, because in a live recording whatever happens in a live situation is recorded and you can hear all the errors, you know, but these are things you cannot avoid recording something purely live. And it was a magical evening that happened in Finland in 2009, now it is going to be available for everybody released and you can feel the night that was there. I think now with the help we are hopefully done with the CD, of course and now hopefully we can start making concerts, you know, not only in Finland because many of my fans are already traveling from all over the world, from Russia, from everywhere to see the concerts of Harus in Finland. I would love to be able to come for example to Russia with Haru

s one day. Hopefully this will be possible.

By the way you have already performed in Russia this year on the festival this summer, right?

Yes, I was there.

You collaborated with Kipelov and performed the song “I’m Here” together. I think Russian fans would love to know more about about this performance. Was it difficult for you to sing in Russian?

Oh it was very difficult, I cannot lie you about that (laughs). I mean, very difficult language for me. You know how it was, I was very nervous during that day, I was rehearsing a lot my Russian, seriously, Kipelov helped me a lot with my language. He was very proud of me because we had a rehearsal in Moscow before we made the show in Samara, so he was very happy because I really learned, really done a lot of work with the language. When the song was finished, I mean, when I ran off the stage after the performance I was so happy because I was not reading the lyrics, I was having them on the stage just in case I don’t remember something, but I never looked at them. I was so happy that I could do it without, you know, I could memorize the lyrics in Russian. And hopefully one day I could learn a bit of this language, it’s wonderful.

You did really well! Did you know the translation of these lyrics?

Yes, of course, I know the meaning, of course, I would never sing a song if I wouldn’t know what I’m singing about!

And how did you like that song?

Oh, I liked it very much, it’s very powerful, it has powerful lyrics and powerful music. I think I liked it very much before I could do it with him. I think it was a wonderful idea for the band to invite me to sing with them.

Maybe you plan to work with other Russian musicians in future?

Not yet, nobody has really contacted me, not yet, but I’m having a chance to perform a concert in Russia with my band, and that makes me very very happy as we worked really hard for several years to be able to make a real show in Russia. How it’s planned happening in March, in the beginning of March, several concerts in Russia, I’m really happy.

Again speaking about your new project Harus: why have you decided to release a live CD first, not a studio album?

Mainly because we wanted just to make it official, you know, that this is a steady lineup, that we are going to be performing together, making music for you, so mainly this was the reason for that. When we had this opportunity to record the show in 2009, actually it was my friend’s recording company so I was happy to be able work with my close friends, very dear friends of mine. We did it and we had a lot of fun during the recording, during the planning, after the editing and everything. It was done by my friends. So it is the first time for now for people to see this steady lineup, to see the other side of me also as a singer, because of c

ourse my fans and many people know me as a rock singer. Maybe they also know that my background is classical music, but they have really never seen me performing, so now they can really see me for the first time performing something like that.

Does the work on this project differ from the work on your metal project? What requires more of your effort?

It’s very different, because, you know, this was just one recording, one night, if you’re… considering, I’m considering going for a tour, it was a tour, I am rehearsing at home. What’s different from the metal project, I was rehearsing at home alone, we don’t rehearse together with Harus, we just go and perform. They are professional musicians, they know the material, everybody rehearses on their own, we just go once through the songs before the concerts and that’s it. For every place the arrangements were changed, we were constantly changing something, rearranging songs for every concert. Though in a metal album that has another concept, that’s another part of me of course, everything is different – I have a band, rehearsed, early, many days before the real tour starts, and I am writing more songs. You know, my baby, my music - “What lies beneath”, “My Winterstorm” is my music, and Harus is four equals, we are doing something different together, doing beautiful music, doing covers. Hopefully one day I will write more songs for Harus.

Do you plan to concentrate on the work with Harus or you will work on

 several projects at once?

I am always, I’m like keen on my fans, they know that I’m a workaholic, a sort of…I work a lot, I love to work in music because I love music, I mean, seriously, I cannot live without music. So Harus is one of my projects, of course. The other thing is that I am all the time composing new material for my rock album that is going to be hopefully recorded after all the tours with “What lies beneath”, my previous album, are done. You know, I will be touring until the middle of April. January, February, March and April I will still be touring with “What lies beneath”, Russia also with seven concerts, and then, after that, hopefully I will be recording the new album of mine, and again it will take a lot of time for recording and production. So Harus is one of my projects and I would still love to do many more of other concept projects (laughs), maybe composing a soundtrack one day, I don’t know. Who knows? (laughs)

Speaking about tours, are there any countries where you love where you love to perform most or maybe places where you find it difficult to sing?

Oh, well... I can tell you that classical concerts in general are very difficult for me, vocally, of course, I have to rehearse a lot for them and I am fully concentrated on my vocal performance on the concerts. For example, for the rock tours that I’m doing of course I need to keep myself in a very good shape because it’s a very hard job for me to run around on a stage, and I’m trying to

keep myself healthy while travelling all the time and maybe getting sick because you’re travelling with many people and meeting lots of people all the time and lots of bacteria are running around and as a singer it is always hard to keep yourself well when you are on a road. But the thing is that demanding everything as a singer, demanding when you are a performing artist, it’s very demanding to be healthy and the preparations to help me before everything happens. But there are different circumstances both for the classical concerts and as for metal concerts.

Is there a significant difference between fans in different countries?

Of course they are different everywhere, like in cultures, like in all the countries. Even in Europe when you are traveling from one country to another, you can see the difference. You can see there is another culture, a sort of, and the people, my fans are changing, their mentality, their reactions, the way they are enjoying the show are different. I have had this amazing opportunity to be able to do concerts all over the world, almost…I have seen how it is, what is the reaction of my fans, and it is really wonderful because each concert is different and every night is also unique, and, you know, even my feelings every night, they are wonderful.

How do you communicate with your fans except for the concerts?

Well, I have many tools to communicate with my fans, I really feel that communication is very very

 important if you are an artist – with your public, with your audience. I have an official blog, I write there some news for my fans, post some pretty pictures from my journeys. I keep a Twitter, and a Facebook. And of course I met my fans, almost every concert I try to do that if I’m not sick or if I’m not badly tired or something is wrong I always try to meet them after the concert. Or do signing sessions, or do whatever kinds of events with my fans. I must say I have a lot of fun communicating with my fans.

Finally, please say a few words to your Russian fans and the readers of

First of all, I need to tell you how excited I am about the seven concerts that are going to happen in March in Russia. It’s unbelievable that finally I can come there for you and see other cities than Moscow, St. Petersburg and Samara. I haven’t seen really much in Russia so far though I’ve been many times but I’m really looking forward to see more of your beautiful country because I’ve been doing concerts here for several years already, so I am deeply deeply grateful about it. So, in March is very soon, the next year is on the doorstep. Thank you very much everybody, and I love you guys, love you very very much. Hope to see you there.

Thank you very much for the interview, we are waiting for you in Russia.

Thank you very much too, thank you for calling. Bye-bye.

Interview by Ekaterina Kiseki
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 16, 2011, 12:00:34 am
Marcelo Cabuli, esposo de Tarja Turunen, demandó a Nightwish por $ 135,000 mil dólares y por supuesta difamación en el libro biográfico que lanzó la banda hace como dos años, el cual como recordamos se titula Once Upon a Nightwish: The Official Biography 1996-2006.
Esta demanda comenzó hace ya tiempo, pero el dí­a de hoy han entrado a la corte. Marcelo Cabuli alega que en la biografí­a se realizaron falsas acusaciones y algunas insinuaciones que llevaron a los involucrados a tener problemas financieros y al sufrimiento.

La biografí­a fue publicada en finlandíés en el año 2006, pero no serí­a hasta el 2009 en que se dio a conocer la versión en inglíés. En la biografí­a se muestra como Marcelo Cabuli es el responsable directo de la salida de Tarja Turunen de Nightwish.

En el libro se demuestra que Marcelo Cabuli es deshonesto, que solo le gusta el dinero, que es manipulador, vividor, y que abrió una brecha entre ella y los demás integrantes de la banda.

Además se explica que Marcelo Cabuli se querí­a meter hasta en las composiciones de la banda. Tarja Turunen fue echada de la banda por culpa de Marcelo Cabuli un año antes de que el libro fuera publicado. Y de paso, dividió a sus seguidores.

Creo que todos los que estamos familiarizados con la historia sabemos que es cierto lo que se dice en dicha biografí­a, incluso hay detalles que no se revelaron para no perjudicar la imagen de Tarja Turunen, pero bueno, esperamos se haga justicia a favor de Nightwish.

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Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 17, 2011, 10:30:17 pm
Tarja Turunen introduces her new song at a Paulo Coelho- event

Tarja Turunen introduces a new song 'Outlanders', inspired by writer Paulo Coelho's text, in a Paulo Coelho -event November 26th in Suomalainen Kirjakauppa (bookstore) in Helsinki's Kamppi. The free event is organized by Bazar Publishing with Suomalainen Kirjakauppa.

Paulo Coelho has inspired Tarja Turunen to compose a new song 'Outlanders'. The song is introduced to the audience for the first time in a Paulo Coelho- event. Tarja Turunen is interviewed by Lauri Salovaara at 12.30 and 14.00. 'Outlanders' will be heard from a cd at the event. The song tells about the meaning of moments, how important it is enjoy life every day. The texts are borrowed from Coelho's books: The Alchemist, By the River Piedra I Sat Down and Wept and Life: Selected Quotations.

Outlanders is also the name for Tarja Turunen's and German producer Torsten Stenzel new assembly. Outlanders has brought together people who have found their home outside the country they were born in. Tarja lives nowadays in Argentina, Torsten in Caribia, guitarist Walter Giardino is born in Argentina but now lives in Spain. Also Paulo Coelho has moved from his home country. This assembly's first song is named by the band, Outlanders.
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 26, 2011, 10:48:07 pm
oday the world premiere of Outlander’s song Outlander was played at a Paulo Coelho event in Helsinki. The song contains of a beautiful melody which accompany Tarja when reading a quote of Paulo Coelho.

The song was recorded by Joonas Koivula with permission from Tarja and Marcelo. Enjoy!

Taistella unelmiensa puolesta
Maine, kunnia on katoavaista
Eikí¤ se ole elí¤mí¤mme mitta
Tí¤rkeintí¤ on pí¤í¤ttí¤í¤ lí¤hteí¤ seuraamaan kummaa elí¤mí¤ntietí¤
Uskoa omiin haavekuvitelmiinsa
Ja taistella unelmiensa puolesta
Me kaikki olemme oman elí¤mí¤mme pí¤í¤henkilí¶ití¤
Usein lí¤htemí¤ttí¶mimmí¤t jí¤ljet jí¤ttí¤ví¤t tuntemattomat sankarit
Jokainen pí¤iví¤ on erilainen
Joka aamuun kí¤tkeytyy oma ihmeensí¤
Maaginen hetki jona vanhat maailmankaikkeudet tuhoutuvat
Uusia tí¤htií¤ syntyy
Salaisuus on nykyhetkessí¤
Jos tarkkailet nykysuojaa, voit tehdí¤ sen paremmaksi
Ja jos teet sen paremmaksi kaikki myí¶hempikin on parempi
Jokainen pí¤iví¤ on itsessí¤í¤n ikuisuus

Fight for the dreams
Fame and glory is faiding
It is not the measure our lives
The most important thing is to follow starnge way of life
Believe to own dream illusions
And to fight for the dreams
We all are the lead roles of our lives
Usually the indelible marks leave those who are unknown heros
Every day is different
Every morning holds a dream
Magical moment when old universes will be distroyed
new stars are born
The secret is on the present
If you are wathing the present cover you can make it better
And if you make it better everything to come is good
Everyday is a eternity

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Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 27, 2011, 02:20:06 pm
Outlanders (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 27, 2011, 02:21:44 pm
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Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 07, 2011, 10:30:02 pm
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Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 09, 2011, 10:53:07 pm

Tarja Turunen
Music Has Been My Driving Force

Архив интервью | Русская версия
The name of Tarja Turunen is familiar not only to heavy metal fans, but also to classical music lovers: over her lengthy career this Finnish soprano has sung the famous Nightwish hits, classical arias, traditional Finnish songs and her own compositions. Her inventiveness and working capacity are some things to be proud of – apart from recording albums (her latest solo release, “What Lies Beneath”, came out last year), she manages to perform all over the planet and take part in various interesting projects. Her latest project is called Harus, and it is releasing live CD/DVD “In Concert – Live At Sibelius Hall”, this winter. This recording was the main topic of our phone conversation, which, to my great regret, turned out extremely short. Many of the interesting issues had to be left out for time constraints, but what we managed to discuss is now available for your reading …

Your new band is called Harus, which means “the tensors that keep the mast from falling”. Do I understand it right that you’re the mast or the sail of this “boat”? So does it mean that the guys are not actually your new band members who are supposed to be quite equal to you, but just supporting musicians?

We are very, very equal. We’re doing the arrangements together, we’re working on the setlist together, we’re doing everything together. I can suggest what I would like to sing in the concert, and the guys are never coming back and saying, “No way, we’re not doing that”. Of course they pay respect if I say something about what I think can sound good… But we do change opinions about the arrangements, we discuss the instruments like which one should play where and what, so we are equal. And we also come from different backgrounds, all of us. Kalevi (Kiviniemi, organ) is a classical musician and Markku (Krohn, percussion) is also a classical musician, and they both played different kinds of things. Kalevi, for example, is very much known as a concert organist who has been playing a lot of improvisations all over the world and bringing up different kinds of music for the people to hear. And myself… Of course you know my background in the metal and also classical music. And Marzi (Nyman), our guitar player, he’s been playing a lot of jazz and folk and rock music. So when we come together, we’re very different, but we are all equal, we are the people that can understand each other and we share the freedom in making music. We’re playing with our emotions and we’re enjoying being together. That means that with Harus none of the concerts are the same, every concert has something different in it, because the songs are changing, the guys are improvising, the arrangements are changing and we can play along with, you know, how we feel.

You’re releasing your debut live album with Harus, but actually it’s been recorded two years ago. Why don’t you present your new band with some new songs?

Well, I’ve been working with the guys from Harus since 2006, but we just didn’t record anything together till 2009. I recorded my Christmas album in 2006 not with Harus but on my own, and yes, some of the songs that are on this live album are there too. And some other songs that I chose to be on the Harus concert album are the songs I love the most and my fans love the most. Actually that’s the only reason why we’re releasing all that, because my audience, especially in Finland, they’re waiting for hearing those songs, they’re waiting for me to sing those songs. They love “Walking in the Air”, “You Would Have Loved This” and so on. “You Would Have Loved This” is a very special song to me, it has a very personal meaning to me, because that’s the song that I sang for my mother. And people already know the story behind that song and when I sing this song it’s almost like tears are falling from the people’s eyes in my audience, because every one of us has lost somebody dear. This song brings memories of those lost people to all of us. There’s always reason for me to sing this song and every song I chose to sing for this album. There’s a song “Ave Maria” that I composed for this concert tour of 2009, it’s my own “Ave Maria” and it’s very special to me too. Of course it’s just one of the concerts that we’ve done together and every concert was different and each one was great, but this DVD and this CD show just one night back in 2009. Nothing has been changed, nothing has been re-recorded, it has been just mixed and all the things that you can see and hear there had actually happened, so it’s purely live.

Are you planning to release any studio albums with Harus?

Yes, we’re planning to release a new album in the future. It might be that after watching the concert people would think that we can only play that kind of music. No, it’s not like that. We’re able to broaden up our program, to play different kind of songs. The main reason why we recorded this live CD and DVD is that we couldn’t perform with our Christmas concerts outside of Finland, so we wanted our fans from all over the world to be able to see that show. But in the future there will be a new album that is gonna come out later on, we don’t know yet when. And with this DVD/CD that is coming out now we kind of show our fans the songs that we couldn’t perform for them.

You’re a resident of Argentina now. Did the change of your place of residence affect your music tastes? Doesn’t it seem that away from Finland you’re feeling a bit like a different person?

Well, I’ve been away from Finland for so long already, since I was a very independent young girl… I left my home when I was sixteen and went to another city in Finland to study music and after that music has been the main reason for me to change my life, to move somewhere. It was all about music, it was the main power, the main force that guided my life. It’s not like my music was changing because of the things that were happening in my life but it was like my life was changing because of music. When I decided to move away from Finland for the first time it was because I wanted to study music in a university in Germany. I also had to go to different countries with Nightwish shows. And I never really felt like I needed to live in Finland. If I feel rather comfortable in some other place, I go for that. Now when I’m in Argentina I don’t feel like I’m away from home. I’ve been having an international career and I’ve seen many places, so it wasn’t a great shock for me to find myself in a completely different country, though of course Argentina is very different from Finland. But I’ve already seen how people live in different parts of the world, I’ve seen different cultures and so it’s never been a problem for me. I feel like I found my way as a musician myself, but of course being an artist and traveling and meeting other people give me a great opportunity to learn. I try to be open to other cultures and to learn from them and I have learnt a lot through my journeys, through my musical career. I’ve communicated with musicians from all over the world and of course that could have influenced my music. But I can’t say that it’s only one country or one kind of music that affects my creativity. It’s all my life and all the knowledge I’m getting that does.

Well, I see that you’re a very multicultural person, but on the other hand it seems like you’re very much into traditional Finnish culture. You sing a lot of Finnish songs…

Oh, I love Finnish music, yes. I love it very much. It has nothing to do with the fact that I’m living in Argentina. I love Finland, I’m very proud of our culture, I’m very comfortable with being Finnish. I was able to make an international career, but of course I’m aware of and I’m very happy about being a Finnish artist and representing my country.

Does it feel different to you to sing a song in Finnish or in English? Do you feel more connected to the songs written in Finnish?

The Finnish language is very difficult to sing in it, I can tell you. (laughs) It’s a big problem for me despite the fact that it’s my native language. And you know, any singer will say the same. (laughs) It’s a very demanding language, especially in classical music. We have these very open vowels like… (says a few) and they are very hard for classical vocals. It’s very hard to make them sound good.

When you’re on stage you’re such a gorgeous lady wearing long dresses, but if one looks at the photos in your blog one can see that backstage you’re wearing mostly sportswear or jeans. Don’t you want to be a kind of diva in your real life too?

No… You know, when I come to perform it’s always a special event for me. I go on stage, I face a lot of people and I try to put on something appropriate for that. And when I put on something it’s always about how I feel the music. I always think about how I should look like when I perform this or that kind of music. What I feel more comfortable with, what colors I want to use, what kind of shape “fits” the songs. I design my clothes very often with my friend, who is a professional tailor and who makes all these dresses for me. We’ve been working together for many-many years. But on the other hand in my private time I want to be just me. I mean I need to feel comfortable. I don’t want to wear my stage clothes. When I’m on stage, I’m wearing stage clothes and in my private life I’m private me. (laughs) I can very much separate these two sides of myself. I can be an artist and I can be a housewife, a friend… hopefully one day a mother. You know, it’s just me, as I am.

As far as I know you are into scuba diving, right? Are there any other extraordinary hobbies you have and why are you into that kind of extreme sports?

Oh yes, I am into scuba diving. But I can’t say that I do a lot of extreme sports. I just do a lot of sports to keep myself fit, but nothing that special. And I wouldn’t call scuba diving “extreme”. It’s such a lovely thing to do. Well, maybe it is extreme for some people. I know that they say, “If you try it it’s a thing that you can rather love or hate”. I know that some people who have tried it once or twice say, “Never again”. But for me when I tried it, it was something wonderful and beautiful and I was like “wow”. Actually I wanted to fight back my fear of water, because when I was younger I was kind of afraid of the ocean, of the depth and darkness. When I was a little girl my parents took me to the sea and I remember feeling like, “Oh my God, if I fall in it what am I gonna do?” I was afraid of water, even though the ocean has always been something very beautiful for me, something very special. And I faced my fear with scuba diving and I’ve overcome it.

This summer you took part in a Russian festival in Samara and sang together with Russian heavy metal singer Valery Kipelov. Where you surprised when he asked you to sing with him in Russian? And why did you actually say “yes”?

Well, that was a challenge for me, because I don’t speak Russian unfortunately and now after I tried to sing in it I know for sure that it’s a very, very difficult language. But I took the challenge and I enjoyed it very much and to tell you the truth I was very, very nervous about it. I thought about how people would react, wouldn’t they laugh and so on. So I was very nervous and before coming up to the stage I thought that I forgot all the lyrics, but in the end everything was okay and after the performance I was very happy about it. I thought, “Oh, great, my memory is so good, I remembered all the words in Russian, I can’t believe it!” (laughs) And all the people were very nice to me, everyone was very friendly and I’m very happy about that experience. And there was also my own show at that event in Samara and that was amazing. The people there were so emotional about my music and the atmosphere was incredible. I can tell you that I’m looking forward to see Russian fans again, because I’m going to have seven shows in Russia in March. There’s gonna be a serious Russian tour and after that I’m gonna work on a new rock album. I’m very happy about it. I can tell you that I’m really looking forward to that, because I’ve always wanted to come to see more cities in Russia and to come to perform for my Russian fans. I know that there are many of you! I’m really happy about it. Finally it’s gonna happen.

Tarja Turunen on the Internet:

Special thanks to Maxim Bylkin (Soyuz Music) for arranging this interview
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 12, 2011, 10:35:40 pm
The Helsinki District Court has dismissed charges of libel related to the contents of an authorised book about the Finnish band Nightwish.

The former manager of one of Finland's most successful rock bands, Marcelo Cabuli and three of his Brazilian associates as well as former soloist Tarja Turunen sued both the author and publisher of the book ”Once Upon a Nightwish” for libel.

The court ruled that the book written in Finnish and aimed at the Finnish market, which criticises Cabuli on a few pages, did not detrimentally affect his work or reputation in South America.

The book blames Cabuli -- husband of the band's former lead singer Tarja Turunen -- for the events leading up to Turunen's dramatic expulsion from the band in late 2005.
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 16, 2011, 09:11:28 pm
Entrevista (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 22, 2011, 11:14:35 pm
arja Turunen, 34
Trust took a toll

Tarja Turunen’s balance shook one day in France Lyon. After a successful concert the night before, she opened her e-mail and was shocked.
- Honey, come here, I can’t believe this, I yelled to Marcelo. And then I started to cry, Turunen recalls the shocking day she received an e-mail from one of the world’s most famous writers, Paulo Coelho.
Coelho told in his e-mail that he has listened to Tarja’s music for a while and wants to make lyrics with her. The mail was signed by ”your biggest fan Paulo Coelho”.
- I was stunned that a world famous star has time to write to an Average Jane like me!
The two haven’t met yet, but Paulo has invited Tarja and Marcelo to his home. Tarja, who has been a fan of Coelho’s books for years, is waiting eagerly for the meeting. Paulo Coelho’s books The Alchemist, By the River Piedra I Sat Down and Wept and Life: Selected Quotations inspired Tarja to make lyrics wondering about the meaning of moments for the the band Outlanders. Turunen also composed the song. The powers are now in such a balance that new things are born.
- I’ve gotten excited for example about composing.
Turunen is grateful she is able to choose her associates. The associates from Harus have brought Tarja Turunen and Marcelo Cabuli to Finland from Buenos Aires, where they live nowadays. When the Christmas concert tour is over and the holidays are celebrated, the couple will dip their toes in warm water of Seychelle.

The body / On the road with caravaners

“When I was seven I looked to the field from my room’s window. There was a ghost house on the field. There were old shoes and books there. The upstairs floor in the ghost house was in such bad condition that you couldn’t go there. When it got dark the house got scary and you had to hurry home.
On the field grew “my own” tree. Mum said that one day the girl will come down from there on her head. I didn’t. I sat in the three writing. When I came back home my pockets were full of stories written on little notes.
I was a performer already when I was small. When we had company I did puppet theatre behind the TV. I was three when I showed the content of my wardrobe. I had to change clothes five times a day.
On summer holidays our family travelled as caravaners around Finland. We went trips to concerts and theatre and always sang. We were a really loud family, the cats and dogs home listened to our songs.
I sang as soon as I learned to speak. While playing the keyboard with one finger my mum asked me if I wanted to go to piano lessons. Yes, I whispered. A little later I got a piano. Hellas is still alive and well in Buenos Aires.”

Relationships / Tarja and the boys

“My childhood was full of boys. I had two brothers and in the smallest class of Puhos schools history I was the only girl for six years. The younger girls tormented me because I was a good student. They were more annoyed because I played the piano in a school where the principal was a musician. In small town a family changing their car is reason enough for bullying. Bullying caused stomach problems. I pulled to my shell and my stomach ached. That still happens.
With boys I had to be stronger than I was. I felt comfortable with my brother’s friends who were older than me. I got to talk about things with them. I grew older than my years in that company.
Things changed in Savonlinna’s art high school. The interest from boys felt good after the distressing experiences in primary school. It boosted my self-confidence. The best things were the opera and Olavinlinna castle: the great emotions in music, booming, death and love. I was pretty bohemian already as a teenager, I walked around wearing curtains and sang in front of the mirror.”

Relationships / A shrine to mother

“Mother was an example of how much a person is capable of and how much one can take. I have a lot to learn in that aspect. When mum came home from work she started to clean. When I was a teenager, I wondered how on earth she manages, but during the last couple of years I have noticed I’m starting to resemble her. No matter how tired I am, my house is neat and in order.
Mother was a sparkling personality, sensual femininity was important for her. She never went to a market without lipstick. I go to the store in my natural state and don’t feel a thing!
When I made Karelian pies for the first time home in Buenos Aires I thought about mum. I yelled from joy when I found rye flour at a natural product store. When I wrinkled the pies I looked over to the little shrine I build for mother and said: Look mum, here I am, is the model traditional or my own. Probably my own!
When we’re home a candle burns on mother’s shrine. I found out about mother’s illness when I studied at Kuopio’s Sibelius Academy. When mother came to see me in Kuopio she took off her jacket. She had only one breast. My world stopped and the black well of fear sucked me in. Mother said not to fear. She had had surgery and everything was alright.
Mother fought for five years. Got better and got sick again. For the last month I moved to her house in North-Karelia and took care of her at home. Mother’s death in 2003 was a huge loss but at the same time big lesson: If death comes tomorrow and says it’s my turn, I say bring it on.”

Mind / Support from husband

“I’ve always pursued perfection. If someone asks me am I a perfectionist I said you hit the nail on the head. I still don’t trust myself completely but need other’s support. Support not praise. It works best if you assure me that since I’ve worked so hard everything will most likely work out.
My husband Marcelo is good at supporting. He’s a man who enjoys when a woman shines. It was a strike of luck in the year 2000 when the South-American promoter Marcelo brought Nightwish to the country for a show in Chile.
Marco noticed that the guys of the band always left me alone and started to take care of me. That felt good.
The first three years we lived in a long distance relationship. Oh my, how terrible that was. That crying at the airport really eats you up. Marcelo proposal at the Norma opera in Buenos Aires was the most romantic thing possible.
South-America is the continent of great cultural differences. In Argentina people are almost as quiet as here in Finland, but in Brazil you hear loud talk everywhere. A woman’s position isn’t what we think it is. Mother is head of the house and says the final word in matters relating to the family. Men aren’t wimps but they value women above everything.”

Mind / Return of the bullies

“I got to know Tuomas Holopainen in primary school. His mother was my piano teacher. Nightwish was Tuomas’ dream. I had thought in my wildest dreams how great it would to make a living out of singing, but couldn’t imagine world success at 18. I don’t think anyone of us expected that.
Classical music was always the most important thing in my life but Nightwish brought something different out of me. I still didn’t want to end classical.
The hardest things in my life happened when I was a little under 30. Mother died and Nightwish let me down. Being disappointed in people was worse than getting fired from the band. The disappointment caused a physical shake and shiver for weeks.
The letter brought the bullying in school back to mind. I’ve gotten up from the swamp but the letter left its mark: it’s hard for me to trust people. I’m always making sure that there’s now danger of a misunderstanding.“

The mind / Yin and Yang

“I’ve surely very selfish but right now my and Marcelo’s wellbeing is the most important thing in my life. We’ve had it so good together that I hope it’ll continue. We are each other’s yin and yang. Yin is dark, negative, passive and feminine, yang is bright, positive, active and masculine.
Life has dark moments but the light is in every of us. Six years after Nigthwish my energy flows free. Nowadays there isn’t a different heavy-Tarja and classical-Tarja, but both. I enjoy when I can adventure in the diverse world of music.
The stories of my fans are wild and touching. One anorectic told me she got better after following my career and realizing that a woman’s own magic and personal power is more important than being thin.”

The body / You have to suffer for beauty

“I’ve never had a passion for exercise. In high school I woke up at seven to have time to go jogging before school. After that I haven’t done much exercise. At thirty I woke up to the fact I have to start doing something before my bum gets any wider. Luckily the two hours of sweaty exercise on stage keeps me in pretty good shape.

At this age I hear my mother’s words more often. ‘God has given what He has given and you should be grateful for it’ and ‘you have to suffer for beauty’ were her lines. They come to mind while disentangling my hair or wondering what pleat has appeared on my face again. A wrinkle! Sometimes I’ve cursed my Maradonna legs and laughed that I definetly haven’t gotten them from my mother.

I’m 34 now. The years have gone so fast that I don’t have time for age crises. I’ve been busy following my dreams. I’ve achieved something small and something is surely still coming. The greatest challenge and dream in the future is family. If you don’t make it a problem, a child has room with a couple with an artist. In this family the mother is an artist but luckily the husband is ready to take care of the baby. I’d be a pretty strict mother. I’d draw the lines in pretty much the same places my mother did. ”
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 30, 2011, 10:37:19 pm
Venue Change – WLB Final Tour 2012

We are happy to announce that the Sofia, Bulgaria show on January 26th, 2012 has changed the venue due to sold out!
The new venue is Arena Armeec Sofia
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 12, 2012, 10:23:42 pm
Video ensayos en Zlin (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 13, 2012, 10:37:46 pm
I left the sun and the sea behind some days ago and arrived to Zlin, Czech.

It’s quite exciting to start a new tour with my band today. We have been rehearsing a lot and everybody is having a good mood and getting ready for the big challenge that awaits us. This time the tour is going to be a long one, so there is lot to do for everyone. But the preparation was going fast forward and now we are ready to rock!

We have prepared for you many songs from my first and second album and as usual some surprises. The goal of this tour is that we try not to repeat the same songs we have played before in each city, so the set list will be changing very much every night.
It’s amazing really to think that I have been having some of these guys playing with me already more than 4 years! We have shared many brilliant moments together on the road. It is also very amazing to know that I have been lucky to find great musicians and people to work with. I am very grateful for that.
For the first time, we let the media in our rehearsals so we had a lot of cameras around

Once again on this tour we are going to visit new countries and many places where we are looking forward to return. I am so happy to see you all very soon and have a good time together again.
Thank you for this opportunity and tonight we will rock Zlin, Czech!

With love, Tarja

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 14, 2012, 07:19:55 pm
Nver Enogh @ Zlin (

Into the sun @ Zlin (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 14, 2012, 07:22:33 pm
Setlist Zlin (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 14, 2012, 07:31:16 pm
En mejor calidad!! ( (

Until my last breath (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 14, 2012, 07:33:23 pm
El concierto entero!! (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 15, 2012, 11:57:47 pm
Bless The Child @ Pardubice (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 16, 2012, 08:18:35 pm
Acoustic set @ Zlin (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 18, 2012, 10:33:18 pm

Anteroom of Death
Lost Northern Star
Tired Of Being Alone
I Walk Alone
Dark Star
Drum Solo
Little Lies Bandsolo
Little Lies
Into The Sun
Still Of The Night
Medley (Rivers Of Lust/Minor Heaven/Montanas De Silencio/Sing For Me/I Feel Immortal)
Never Enough
In For A Kill
Phantom Of The Opera
Die Alive
Until My Last Breath
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 18, 2012, 10:35:46 pm

Seems that it:
anteroom of death
My little phoenix
Falling awake
I walk alone
Dark star
Drum solo
Little lies band
Little lies
Phantom of the opera
Rivers/minor/montanas/sing/i feel immortal
Ciaran's well
In for a kill
Die alive
Until my last breath
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 20, 2012, 10:39:50 pm
Falling awake @ Vlinius (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 20, 2012, 10:41:20 pm
Anteroom Of Death, Lost Northern Star, I Walk Alone, Tired Of Being Alone, Dark Star, Drum Solo, Little Lies Band, Little Lies, Into The Sun, Bless The Child, Rivers Of Lust/Minor Heaven/Montanas de silencio/I Feel Immortal (acoustic), Never Enough, Crimson Deep, Over The Hills And Far Away, Die Alive, Until My Last Breath
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 22, 2012, 07:36:24 pm
Anteroom Of Death, Lost Northern Star, Naiad, I Walk Alone, Dark Star, Drum Solo, Little Lies Band, Little Lies, Underneath, Bless The Child, Rivers Of Lust/Minor Heaven/Montanas de silencio/I Feel Immortal (acoustic), Never Enough, In For A Kill, Where Were You Last Night, Die Alive, Until My Last Breath
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 25, 2012, 11:23:08 pm
Acoustic set @ Zagreb (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 29, 2012, 07:59:25 pm


'Anteroom Of Death'
'Lost Northern Star'
'I Walk Alone'
'Dark Star'
Drum Solo
'Little Lies' (band)
'Little Lies'
'Into The Sun'
'Bless The Child (Nightwish cover)
'Oasis / The Archive Of Lost Dreams (Tarja Piano only)
'Rivers Of Lust' / 'Minor Heaven' / 'Montañas de Silencio' / 'Sing For Me' / 'I Feel Immortal' (Acoustic)
'Never Enough'
'In For A Kill'

'The Phantom Of The Opera' (Andrew Lloyd Webber cover)
'Die Alive'
'Until My Last Breath'

Lost Northern Star (

Naiad (

I walk Alone (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 30, 2012, 07:33:20 pm
Setlist Atenas

Anteroom of Death
Lost Northern Star
Falling Awake
I Walk Alone
Dark Star
Drum Solo
Little Lies (band)
Little Lies
Into the Sun
Bless the Child
(Nightwish cover)
Rivers of Lust / Minor Heaven / Montañas de Silencio / Sing for Me / I Feel Immortal
Never Enough
In for a Kill
Where Were You Last Night / Heaven Is a Place on Earth / Living on a Prayer
Die Alive
Until My Last Breath
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 30, 2012, 07:35:29 pm
Setlist Tesalónica

Boy and the Ghost
Lost Northern Star
Falling Awake
I Walk Alone
Dark Star
Drum Solo
Little Lies (band)
Little Lies
Into the Sun
Bless the Child
(Nightwish cover)
Rivers of Lust / Minor Heaven / Montañas de Silencio / Sing for Me
I Feel Immortal
Never Enough
In for a Kill
Anteroom of Death
Die Alive
Until My Last Breath
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 30, 2012, 07:57:52 pm
Videos (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 01, 2012, 08:14:09 pm
Concierto Atenas!! (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 13, 2012, 08:15:47 pm
A pocos dí­as de que una de las divas más imitadas visite nuestro paí­s en la parte final de su gira ‘What Lies Beneath’, la carismática cantante se pone en contacto con ALFREDO VILLAESCUSA a propósito del primer lanzamiento en directo bajo la denominación HARUS ‘In Concert – Live At Sibelius Hall’. Un proyecto en el que demuestra que su faceta clásica sigue bien presente en su trayectoria.

¿Cómo surgió esta especie de banda paralela?

“Llevamos haciendo conciertos con la misma formación desde 2006 y pensamos que ya habí­a llegado la hora de poner un nombre a este proyecto. Nos decantamos por la palabra ‘harus’ porque se trata de un tíérmino muy finlandíés, pero el truco está en que no todo el mundo sabe realmente lo que significa (risas). Hace referencia al tensor que mantiene al mástil en un bote o en un barco, algo que es al mismo tiempo firme e inestable. Y nosotros a veces nos sentimos bastante inestables, pese a que todos somos músicos profesionales y tenemos una carrera propia, pero cuando nos juntamos trabajamos con tanta emoción y lo pasamos tan bien que el resultado es una combinación verdaderamente única.”

Entiendo por tanto que los miembros que te acompañan en esta aventura poseen entidad propia y no se limitan a un mero papel secundario…

“En realidad, no se trata de un grupo según la costumbre del rock o del metal, sino de un conjunto clásico. Tenemos un guitarrista llamado Marzi Nyman que es muy conocido en Finlandia, aparece mucho en la tele y destaca principalmente como improvisador, nunca utiliza partitura ni nada de eso, simplemente improvisa, es un músico brillante. El percusionista, por otra parte, ha trabajado durante más de 20 años en la Orquesta Sinfónica de Lahti, y por último, el organista Kalevi Kiviniemi es todo un artista en sí­ mismo que ha girado alrededor del mundo, creo que suele hacer más de 300 conciertos al año, está muy loco…pero en el buen sentido (risas).”

¿Es Harus algo pasajero o tendrá continuidad en el futuro?

“Sí­, por supuesto que seguiremos con este proyecto. Aunque parezca raro que nuestro primer álbum sea un directo, tenemos planes de grabar un trabajo en estudio, tal y como se suele hacer (risas). Estoy dispuesta a componer canciones para Harus, de hecho Kale, el organista, es un gran compositor.”

¿Saldas de esta manera la cuenta con tu lado más clásico?

“Tienes que entender que tengo dos carreras diferenciadas, una está enfocada hacia la música clásica y otra hacia el metal o rock. Ambas facetas se complementan continuamente en mi vida, por ejemplo, estudiíé música clásica antes de cantar metal y luego durante mi carrera en ese terreno siempre he tenido presente mi pasado clásico. Yo no lo veo como un problema sino como un recurso poderoso, porque pocas personas son capaces de saltar de un gíénero a otro y hacerlo bien. Puedo decirte que no pienso abandonar la parte rockera porque me lo paso genial, sigo componiendo canciones y estoy muy contenta con mi banda actual.”

¿Estás escribiendo entonces material para un futuro lanzamiento?

“Sí­, tengo bastantes canciones para un disco en solitario, alrededor de unas 20, seguramente lo grabaremos durante la primavera.”

El tramo final de la gira de ‘What Lies Beneath’ pasará por la pení­nsula, ¿con ganas?

“Claro, en esta ocasión haremos tres conciertos y estoy muy contenta por ello, mis fans me han estado esperando y yo tambiíén les he estado esperando, síé que muchos han tenido que viajar por Europa para verme, pero ahora es posible ir a ese hermoso paí­s y espero que sea una gran experiencia.”

Existe cierta controversia entre los que ensalzan tu etapa en Nightwish y los que prefieren la madurez de tu trayectoria en solitario, ¿cuál es tu opinión al respecto?

“Yo siempre he dicho que creo en la música, en los sentimientos y en nada más. Si escucho algo que me gusta, me gusta y ya está, no hace falta que me guste todo. Y yo como artista no puedo hacer música al gusto de cada uno, esa es la realidad que todo artista deberí­a asumir. Creo arte en primer lugar para mí­, para sentirme bien, si eso a otra persona le produce el mismo efecto, perfecto, pero ese serí­a el último objetivo de mi música.”

¿Has escuchado el trabajo de Anette en Nightwish?

“Sí­, por supuesto que lo he oí­do, pero comprenderás que soy la persona menos apropiada para dar mi opinión sobre eso, lo siento, les deseo lo mejor de todas formas”.

¿Serí­a posible ver algún dí­a una gira conjunta de Nightwish y Tarja como dos grupos diferentes?

“¿Pero yo de telonera de ellos o ellos de mí­? (estalla en una sonora carcajada) No creo que buscara coincidir en un mismo recinto con esa gente, ni siquiera compartirí­amos la misma habitación (risas).”

De una reunión puntual con motivo de alguna ocasión especial o algo así­, ni hablamos…

“No, no, he pasado esa página de mi vida y quiero mirar hacia adelante, no hacia atrás, por lo que ya no pienso ni en su música ni en nada de lo que he hecho con ellos, solo pienso en el futuro y gracias a eso soy muy feliz.
Tanto tu estilo vocal como tu forma de vestir han sido copiadas hasta la saciedad por miles de fíéminas, ¿quíé piensas cuando ves a una imitadora?

“Todo ello está enfocado a contar una historia y por eso cada elemento forma parte del show, desde lo más pequeño a lo más vistoso. Cuando yo empecíé con Nightwish no habí­a muchas chicas en este mundo, ahora es lo contrario, incluso yo tengo muchas alumnas en mis clases de canto, algunas me dicen que se interesaron por la música clásica gracias a mí­, me ven como una especie de í­dolo. Me enorgullece comprobar que mi trayectoria haya tenido tanta influencia y espero que siga siendo así­ en el futuro.”

Desde hace un tiempo vives en Argentina, este es el momento de demostrar tu dominio del castellano…

(ndr: Tarja se lanza en el idioma de Cervantes con un leve deje argentino) “Sí­, sí­, por quíé no, estoy esperando volver a España y verles pronto en febrero, les extraño mucho.”

Tarja estará el 16 de febrero en Santiago de Compostela (Capitol), 18 Madrid (Heineken) y 19 Barcelona (Salamandra 1)
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 17, 2012, 11:28:47 pm
Acoustic Medley + I Feel Immortal @ Lisboa (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 17, 2012, 11:30:21 pm
A very special second show is added! Tarja shows you the secrets of filming a live concert. A very special show with surprises and special guests. On Saturday March 31st come and enjoy a very different set list with around 10 songs that you will only be able to hear that night. HD 35 mm cameras, foreign and local technicians to fil the first DVD of Tarja with her band. Be a part of the event in the beautiful frame of the Teatro El Circulo in Rosario which Tarja herself chose for the video "Act 1". On sale today via Ticketek.
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 01, 2012, 08:18:04 pm
l pasado sábado 18 en la madrileña sala Arena tuvimos una cita con una de las divas del panorama metálico, la soprano finlandesa Tarja Turunen (ex-cantante de los mí­ticos Nightwish) que vení­a en la última parte de su gira de presentación de su segundo disco en solitario, “What Lies Beneath”. Acompañada de dos bandas más, nos ofrecieron una tarde de buena música con una sala bastante abarrotada.
Texto y Fotos: Leticia Ballester

Tras abrir las puertas de la sala unos minutos más tarde de lo previsto, cuando los que estábamos haciendo cola pudimos acceder al recinto los griegos Hannibal ya estaban sobre las tablas. Con un setlist basado í­ntegramente en su segundo lanzamiento discográfico (que saldrá bajo el sello ECHOZONE el próximo 20 de abril) titulado “Cyberia”, el grupo de Alex Balakis (alias Hannibal) sorprendió a los asistentes con su heavy metal pegadizo y entretenido. Incluso los más reticentes se rindieron ante el sonido de los helenos.

Sonaron “Burn Me Alive”, “Let The Rain”… un setlist un tanto corto teniendo en cuenta el disfrute general que se respiraba. Pero para rematar su actuación y dejar al público con ganas de más, se marcaron una versión del clásico de los alemanes Rammstein, el coreadí­simo “Du Hast” con el cual si quedaban dudas en el ambiente demostraron que sirven para esto. Esperamos su próximo lanzamiento con ganas.

Setlist Hannibal:
 Intro: Cyberia The Fall
Burn Me Alive
Let The Rain
My God
Du Hast (cover)

Cambio de material de trabajo, y pasados unos minutos, los franceses de metal progresivo / sinfónico Benighted Soul se apoderaron de las tablas. Su particular estilo (y sus particulares componentes) dieron buena cuenta de lo que nos ofrecen en su álbum debut “Start from Scratch”, que salió en 2011 bajo el sello de SAVAGE PRODUCTIONS.

Reciíén confirmados para la edición del MFVF de este octubre próximo, irrumpieron con su “Broken Icons”, que parecí­a conocido por algunos de los presentes. Sus temas complejos inundaron la sala. El grupo se mostró muy activo en el escenario y la vocalista Gíéraldine Gadaut nos deleitó con su voz y con algunos de los mejores headbangings de la noche.

Setlist Benighted Soul:
Broken Icons
Start from scratch
Edge of insanity
Stranger Me
No warning signs

Pero no cabí­a duda que la sala Arena estaba esperando ver entrar a la diva en cuestión. Entrando uno a uno los músicos que la acompañan, con una atmósfera lúgubre y luces rojas y tras una intro de unos tres minutos y medio, comenzaban a sonar los primero acordes clásicos de la desconcertante “Anteroom of Death”, para ver aparecer a Tarja elegantemente vestida de negro. Pero no sólo la finlandesa nos tiene acostumbrados a sus elegantes trajes, sino a su elegante puesta en escena. A falta de Van Canto, los músicos apoyaron a Tarja en el intermedio del tema, y por supuesto tras la canción unas cuantas palabras en español.

Siguieron “Lost Northern Star” (de su anterior disco “My Winter Storm”) en un tono más heavy que en el disco, “Falling Awake” de este su segundo álbum (en la cual vimos a Tarja disfrutar del escenario y del público), y “I Walk Alone”, single de “My Winter Storm” y que dedicó a todos los que han estado con ella “durante todos estos años”. El público enfebrecido se entregó al directo de la nórdica que nos regaló algunos de sus mejores tonos lí­ricos.

Tras sonar la potente “Dark Star”, los músicos y Tarja dejaron sólo a Mike Terrana (posiblemente uno de los mejores bateristas del mundo) quien enloqueció con sus baquetas y sus platillos, dando paso a que guitarra, bajo, teclado y violonchelo fueran entrando para interpretar “Little Lies” en acústico, entrando la fíémina despuíés con cambio de vestuario, dejando el chaquetón negro con el que empezó y luciendo un vestido negro con amplia falda de tul.


Tiempo para regalarnos un tema nuevo, “Into the Sun”, que se incluirá en su próximo lanzamiento discográfico. Una semibalada que va cobrando fuerza instrumental con cada estribillo y en la que Tarja se luce vocalmente como nos tiene acostumbrados. Y sonaba el primer cover de la noche, “In the Still of the Night” de Whitesnake (incluido en “What Lies Beneath”), aunque hay que decir que debido a la cantidad de partes instrumentales casi fueron más protagonistas los músicos que la finlandesa en este corte, y eso que el trabajo vocal fue impecable.

Dando paso a un apartado más tranquilo y pidiendo al público que no se durmiera cinco canciones sonaron en formato acústico: la emotiva “Rivers of Lust”, la hipnótica “Minor Heaven”, el bonus track de la edición americana de su segundo disco y cantada en español “Montañas del Silencio”, la descorazonadora “Sing for Me” y el single “I feel Immortal”. Un momento álgido y sin lugar para dormirse como pedí­a Tarja.

Pero sin duda alguna, cuando los asistentes más disfrutamos de los que estaba siendo una noche esplíéndida fue cuando “Bless the Child” comenzó a sonar. El clásico de su anterior banda Nightwish sonó potente, pero sobre todo fue el poder volver a escuchar la canción en sus cuerdas vocales que tantos recuerdos nos trae a los que amamos aquella etapa de su carrera.

Llegando al final previo a los bises se dejó escuchar “In for a Kill”, rí­tmica, potente y muy bien ejecutada, al grito de “Juntos! Quiero Escuchar” la diva incitó a todos a aplaudir en el intermedio del tema, y montones de cuernos se dejaron ver en el aire. Pero ahí­ no acababa la cosa. Con la b-side de Nightwish “Where were you last night” como tercera y última versión de la noche (cover a su vez de un tema de Ankie Bagger) y vestida de blanco saltaba de nuevo al escenario, y entre medio dejó unas cuantas lí­neas de la canción de Belinda Carlisle “Heaven is a place on Earth” e incluso el mí­tico “Living on a prayer” de Bon Jovi (ambas con una base muy parecida y que no desentonaban dentro de la que se estaba interpretando).

Y cerrando la noche, “Die Alive” para terminar de encandilar a los más metaleros saltando y haciendo headbanging, y “Until my last breath”, el single que presentó este disco que la ha traí­do a la capital por segunda vez en su carrera en solitario. Si en algo ha cambiado Tarja, a parte de en la música obviamente, es en su simpatí­a para con el público durante su tiempo encima de las tablas, un público que no dejó de corear su nombre y de lanzarle regalos al escenario durante todo el directo. Lástima que no se dejó ver tras el directo para saludar a los fans, aunque siempre es un placer poder disfrutarla en vivo haciendo lo que mejor sabe.

Texto y Fotos: Leticia Ballester

Setlist Tarja:
Anteroom of Death
Lost Northern Star
Falling Awake
I Walk Alone
Dark Star
(Terrana’s Drum Solo)
(Little Lies band)
Little Lies
Into the Sun
In the Still of the Night
                Rivers of Lust
                Minor heaven
                Montañas del Silencio
                Sing for Me
                I feel Immortal
Bless the Child
In for a Kill
Where were you last night
Die alive
Until my last breath
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 05, 2012, 07:46:28 pm
Concierto Bruselas (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 16, 2012, 07:05:50 pm

-Both shows will have the same lenght (the lenth of a usual Tarja show)
-On Saturday's setlist there will be about 10 songs that will not be played on Friday. They are not 10 new or never before played songs, just 10 different songs between one show and the other one.
-Photo cameras will be allowed.
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 20, 2012, 07:18:26 pm
Minsk (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 20, 2012, 07:21:50 pm
Meer and greet Costa Rica (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 25, 2012, 09:14:31 pm
Costa Rica (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 30, 2012, 10:31:35 pm
Heres the setlist of the show in cordoba argentina

Anteroom of Death
My Little Phoenix
Dark Star
Falling Awake
I Walk Alone
Drum Solo
Little Lies (band)
Little Lies
Into the Sun
(Nightwish cover)
Rivers of Lust / Minor Heaven / Montañas de Silencio / Sing for Me / I Feel Immortal
Never Enough
In for a Kill
The Phantom of the Opera
(Andrew Lloyd Webber cover)
Die Alive
Until My Last Breath
Encore 2:
Over the Hills and Far Away
(Gary Moore cover)
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 30, 2012, 10:36:56 pm

Anteroom of Death (

Never Enough (

Phantom of The Opera (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 31, 2012, 04:10:37 pm
Entrevista (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 31, 2012, 04:14:30 pm
Setlist of the Rosario show

Intro / If You Believe
Anteroom Of Death
My Little Phoenix
Dark Star
Falling Awake
I Walk Alone

Drum Solo
Band Jam with Doug and Julian

Little Lies (With All Musicians)
Into The Sun

[Acoustic set With all Musicians]
Rivers Of Lust
Minor Heaven
Montañas De Silencio
Sing For Me
I Feel Immortal

Never Enough
In For A Kill
Phantom Of The Opera (with Diego Valdez)
Die Alive
Until My Last Breath

Over The Hills And Far Away

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 01, 2012, 03:57:44 pm
Setlist of the second rosario night
Boy and the Ghost
Lost Northern Star
Ciarán's Well
Tired of Being Alone
(Schiller cover)
Where Were You Last Night / Heaven Is a Place on Earth / Living on a Prayer
I Walk Alone
Drum Solo
Little Lies (band)
Little Lies
(Nightwish cover)
The Reign
(Walking among crowd)
Tarja on piano
The Archive of Lost Dreams
Band comes back
Still of the Night
(Whitesnake cover)
Crimson Deep
The Phantom of the Opera
(Andrew Lloyd Webber cover)
Die Alive
Until My Last Breath
Encore 2:
Over the Hills and Far Away
(Gary Moore cover)
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 01, 2012, 03:59:43 pm
The Reign (Rosario) (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 02, 2012, 10:47:43 pm
Tired of Being Alone @ Rosario (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 08, 2012, 07:50:32 pm
Entrevista en Brasil (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 14, 2012, 07:39:54 pm
Entevista (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 09, 2012, 06:14:29 pm
Working hard on songs for the new album!
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 29, 2012, 08:08:45 pm
Live DVD Act I audio has been mixed and sounds killer! Working on the videos and artwork right now. Forthcoming studio album is in preproduction stage. I have 25 songs where to choose the best ones for the album. Some of the musicians are already working on them with me.
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 29, 2012, 08:11:31 pm
Former NIGHTWISH vocalist Tarja Turunen had her March 30 and March 31 performances at Teatro El Cí­rculo in Rosario, Argentina professionally filmed for her upcoming concert DVD, "Act I", tentatively due before the end of the year. Each of the two shows featured a different setlist with the exception of five songs, including three tracks from Tarja's time with her previous band ("Nemo", "The Phantom Of The Opera" and "Over The Hills And Far Away").

In other news, Tarja is in pre-production for her third solo album, which is expected to be released sometime next year. She says, "I have 25 songs where to choose the best ones for the album. Some of the musicians are already working on them with me."

Turunen's latest project, HARUS, in December released a CD/DVD/Blu-ray, entitled "In Concert - Live At Sibelius Hall".

The first output of HARUS features traditional and emotional music from Finland presented together with more international repertoire.

Tarja's sophomore solo album, "What Lies Beneath", sold around 1,300 copies in the United States in its first week of release. The CD landed at position No. 24 on the Top New Artist Albums (Heatseekers) chart, which lists the best-selling albums by new and developing artists, defined as those who have never appeared in the Top 100 of The Billboard 200.

"What Lies Beneath" was released in North America on September 14, 2010 via The End Records.
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 03, 2012, 07:02:44 pm
Novigorod (Full) (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 07, 2012, 04:43:52 pm
Nuevo Blog (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 08, 2012, 09:11:57 pm
The serious rehearsals for the first live DVD of my solo career started in Cordoba, Argentina, though the preparations for it had started much longer in advance. I had been performing several different set lists in my concerts throughout all my final tour, because I wanted to have all the songs ready and kicking when the time of the recordings would come. The reason I chose these particular set of songs was that I wanted to show the wide aspect of my solo career representing both of my albums.

On the day of the first Argentinean show in Cordoba I welcomed the guest musicians singer Diego Valdez, guitarist Julian Barrett and bassist Doug Wimbish on board. I thought it would be a nice addition to have the musicians that have been alternating on my last tours for my first DVD. The challenging part was to make the new arrangements for 2 guitar and 2 bass players, but we managed together very well since many of my songs already have those existing elements in the studio versions. I had been exchanging many emails and calls with my musicians before the actual show and everybody had been working on their own until then.

Only on the show day we had a terrible delay caused by some technical problems with lights and other stuff, so the actual rehearsals could last only for a couple of hours! Everybody was nervous about it, but in the end, the show itself was the best rehearsal one can ask for. It was very much needed to play one complete show before playing in front of the cameras in Rosario. This way I could assure that the show is functional and the musicians and my crew could learn and still fix their parts for Act I.

It was a great show and lot of fun for everybody. The exciting part for me was to see how we managed to fit to the stage all of us together without stumbling into cables or running against each other. All in all everything went fine and my first visit in Cordoba showed me that I have to return one day, since the local people were really welcoming.

After Cordoba’s show we traveled by bus to Rosario over night. Next day was a set up day for the stage in Teatro el Circulo. While we were building the stage with all the lights, raisers and instruments an orchestra and soloists of the city of Rosario were practicing their program. This kind of arrangement continued also in the following days so it was a hard task for us to keep our schedule running whilst the theatre had its own.

Teatro el Circulo is an old opera theatre and one of the most important theatres in Argentina. I have had a chance to perform the year before in this theatre and it was love at the first sight. I knew at that time already that if one day I would be filming my DVD, it should be filmed there. The atmosphere, the acoustics of the place and the magical beauty of the theatre made that decision very easy.

Also classical music is my passion and a very important part of my artistic life. I wanted my fans to experience something different from the ordinary rock shows and I think I could capture that feeling together with them on my DVD.

As the location was highly inspiring it was quite easy to come with the name “Act I” for this video. Like a part of an opera, the first chapter of a play that is still on the writing.

I had a great two days photo session between the band rehearsals with Eugenio who has been taking photos from me before. We could use the beautiful theatre locations for these photos, so all the photos you’ll see in the artwork of Act I are taken in Teatro el Circulo. I loved all the architectural details of this theatre!

And finally, it was Show time!

I was, as everyone else involved, nervous on the first concert and recording day on Friday. I remember I had to do my breathing exercises and warming up a lot longer than I normally do. I tried hard to keep my focus to rock that night’s audience, but it is always different feeling to perform not only for the audience, but also for the cameras. There was a lot of pressure in the air that night, but during the show little by little I got more and more relaxed and forgot the whole filming situation. The excellent audience in the sold out hall helped me with it for sure! They seemed to be really excited to take part in my DVD so there was lot of love and magic around.

 On the Saturday’s concert we performed a very different set list and after having done the first day a tight and clean performance, the band rocked freely on that night. I was many times ready to burst in tears only by looking at the lights on the stage; they looked so beautiful to me. I could say those two nights in Rosario were a huge emotional drive to me personally. Everybody involved put a lot of effort into those shows, so I am sure all of my guys in the band and crew are happy to see the final result on “Act I”.

With love,

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 12, 2012, 04:43:41 pm
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 13, 2012, 11:03:01 pm
"We are happy to announce that Tarja Turunen's new Live Album "Act1" will be released on CD / DVD / Blu-Ray on August 27th 2012. Stay tuned and keep an eye on to get all the latest news!"
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 13, 2012, 11:04:24 pm
earMUSIC is happy to announce the release of TARJA’s first ever solo live album as a rock singer. “ACT 1” will hit stores August 24th across the globe, featuring breathtaking theatre performances from Argentina in sound and vision. The release will come in various formats: as a 2CD, a 2DVD and a Blu-Ray version.

ACT I” is Tarja’s first solo live audio and video product in her rock outfit. The main content was filmed and recorded on two show nights this March 2012 in Rosario, Argentina, at the Teatro El Cí­rculo. The video products include plenty of extras – video and photo material.

With the elaborate track listing and its extras, “ACT I” provides the full-fledged bill of fare to either Tarja fan. The track listing consists of Tarja’s greatest solo tracks, Nightwish classics as well as some cover versions, such as Andrew Lloyd Webber’s “The Phantom Of The Opera” and marvellous Gary Moore’s “Over The Hills and Far Away” – or to make it short: a unique blend of music selection. The set up of these HD filmed concerts meant an incredible extra work and effort in the live production - with an impressive result, but also an emotional rollercoaster-ride. Says Turunen: “those two nights in Rosario were a huge emotional drive to me personally.” The artist herself admits, she “was many times ready to burst into tears.”

ACT I”, as the title already suggests, is the vanguard in a sequence of live products at a yet to be determined point of time. Fans and media can actively follow Tarja at on the road to release day of “ACT I”.

While releasing “ACT I”, Tarja is already working on her next solo studio album. “ACT I” already features two brand new tracks by the Finnish Soprano: “Into The Sun” is the lead single for the live album, to be released up-front August 24th.
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 15, 2012, 11:18:53 pm
“ACT I” is Tarja’s first solo live audio and video product in her rock outfit. The main content was filmed and recorded on two show nights this March 2012 in Rosario, Argentina, at the Teatro El Cí­rculo. The video products include plenty of extras – video and photo material.

With the elaborate track listing and its extras, “ACT I” provides the full-fledged bill of fare to either Tarja fan. The track listing consists of Tarja’s greatest solo tracks, Nightwish classics as well as some cover versions, such as Andrew Lloyd Webber’s ‘The Phantom Of The Opera’ and marvellous Gary Moore’s ‘Over The Hills and Far Away’ – or to make it short: a unique blend of music selection. The set up of these HD filmed concerts meant an incredible extra work and effort in the live production – with an impressive result, but also an emotional rollercoaster-ride. Says Turunen: “Those two nights in Rosario were a huge emotional drive to me personally.” The artist herself admits, she “was many times ready to burst into tears.”

“ACT I”, as the title already suggests, is the vanguard in a sequence of live products at a yet to be determined point of time. Fans and media can actively follow Tarja at on the road to release day of “ACT I”.

While releasing “ACT I”, Tarja is already working on her next solo studio album. “ACT I” already features two brand new tracks by the Finnish Soprano: ‘Into The Sun’ is the lead single for the live album, to be released up-front August 24th.

On the artist Tarja:
No other voice and artist influenced and basically created the female fronted symphonic metal genre as much as Tarja Turunen. A pioneer in Goth- and Symphonic Metal, the classically trained Finn rose to fame with the metal outfit Nightwish, whose face and voice she had been for 9 years. With a vocal range of a lyrical soprano, Turunen started her solo career in 2004. Releasing two very successful metal rock solo albums (2007 and 2010), awarded gold and platinum in multiple countries, Tarja Turunen has been constantly touring the world with her live band.

Adored by many fans as their “Goddess”, the Finnish Soprano has the skill to take her fans just by her presence – probably more than any other female artist in this very genre. When classic meets Rock and Heavy Metal, this inevitably leads to Tarja.
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 16, 2012, 04:22:13 pm
Nuevas fotos (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 19, 2012, 04:32:48 pm

We would love you to be a part of Tarja’s next DVD/Blu-Ray “ACT I” with your photos.

If you have been one of the fans that took some photos in any of the concerts from the year 2012, this message is for you! You will have time to take part in the “ DVD/Blu-Ray Photo Gallery Contest” starting now and until 25th of June.

Rules are very easy:

 Please email your photos to
 Photos should be originals without signatures or watermarks. If you are sending more than one photo, please use a file  sharing program like yousendit or similar.
Add your name, address (postal zip code too) and email address.
Be sure to include the date and location of the show in which you took the photos.

The photos will be delivered to Tarja who will personally select the ones that will be used for “ACT I” DVD/Blu-Ray Photo Gallery.

Every photographer / fan whose photo (or maybe more than one photo) is chosen, will receive a free “ACT I” DVD.

The photo chosen by Tarja as the best picture will have a special prize courtesy of earMUSIC:

Transportation and hotel accommodation in his/her country or the nearby country Tarja will perform in (in case she wont perform in your home country) until 2015 for the winner plus a friend!

And, of course, also free tickets for the concert and the chance to meet Tarja backstage where she will give you a free CD and DVD of “ACT I”.
The 2nd and 3rd best photos winners will get 2 tickets for any Tarja concert until 2015 plus a free DVD and CD of “ACT I”.

Please print the following text, sign it, scan it and email it together with your photos to

Participation conditions: Participation is not dependent on product purchase. Contact information will be used exclusively for contest purposes and future newsletter mailings and will not be given to a third party. The prize will not be substituted with cash. Persons must be at least 18 years of age to be eligible. Employees of earMUSIC, Edel, Tarja and their relatives are forbidden from taking part in the contest. The contest ends on 25th of June 2012. The contest can be terminated or changed at any time without prior notification. Legal recourse is prohibited and no legal correspondence regarding the contest is possible. By taking part in the sweepstake the participant bindingly accepts the participation conditions.

If you decide to take part in the contest, don’t forget to send also photos of the band members, complete band or anything you consider of interest for the photo gallery.
Once all the photos have been chosen we will inform the winners in and will be also notified via email.

Let the contest begin and good luck!

I hereby authorize earMUSIC to use my photographs (as a whole or portions thereof in unchanged or adapted form, e.g. changed photographically or on the computer, colored, touched up, etc. in any possible way and in any technical form) that I took during a show of Tarja Turunen without any fee or compensation of any kind for the purpose of using in a Photo Gallery to be included in “ACT I” DVD and Blu-Ray. Therefore, I transfer all exploitation rights concerning the photographs chosen for the Photo Gallery, exclusive and transferable, with no restrictions in content, time or place to earMUSIC.

I warrant that I am the sole holder of all rights transferred by this declaration and that I have not transferred them to a third party before the release of the DVD. I warrant that I have not adapted the work of third parties for the photo, or if I have that I have acquired all of the rights hereto and that I am entitled to transfer these to earMUSIC. I release earMUSIC from all third-party or co-author claims. EarMUSIC will credit me as the photographer in the DVD and Blu-Ray.

Place/Date …………………………..

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 22, 2012, 05:52:38 pm

Portada del DVD!
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 23, 2012, 04:39:41 pm


01. Anteroom Of Death
02. My Little Phoenix
03. Dark Star
04. Naiad
05. Falling Awake
06. I Walk Alone
07. Little Lies
08. Into The Sun
09. Nemo
10. Never Enough
11. Still Of The Night
12. In For A Kill


01. Boy And The Ghost
02. Lost Northern Star
03. Ciaran‘s Well
04. Tired Of Being Alone
05. Where Were You Last Night / Heaven Is A Place On Earth / Livin’ On A Prayer
06. Underneath
07. Oasis / The Archive Of Lost Dreams
08. Crimson Deep
09. The Phantom Of The Opera
10. Die Alive
11. Until My Last Breath
12. Over The Hills And Far Away
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 26, 2012, 07:50:04 pm

01. If You Believe
02. Anteroom Of Death
03. My Little Phoenix
04. Dark Star
05. Naiad
06. Falling Awake
07. I Walk Alone
08. Orpheus Hallucination / Orpheus In The Underworld
09. Little Lies (band jam)
10. Little Lies
11. Into The Sun
12. Nemo
13. Acoustic Set:

Rivers Of Lust
Minor Heaven
Montañas De Silencio
Sing For Me
I Feel Immortal
14. Never Enough
15. In For A Kill
16. Toccata And Fugue D-minor (BWV 565) / The Phantom Of The Opera
19. Die Alive
20. Until My Last Breath
21. Over The Hills And Far Away


01. Boy And The Ghost
02. Lost Northern Star
03. Ciaran‘s Well
04. Tired Of Being Alone
05. Where Were You Last Night / Heaven Is A Place On Earth / Livin’ On A Prayer
06. Underneath
07. The Reign
08. Oasis / The Archive Of Lost Dreams
09. Still Of The Night
10. Crimson Deep

+ Bonus: Photogallery, video clip, EPK
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 29, 2012, 10:07:11 pm
Dear Pledgers,

“Act 1” is Tarja’s first solo live audio and video product in her rock outfit, probably her most spectacular release ever.The main content was filmed and recorded on two show nights this March 2012 in Rosario, Argentina, at the Teatro El Cí­rculo, a beautiful and breathtaking theatre setting.

With the elaborate tracklisting and its extras, “Act 1” provides the full-fledged bill of fare to either Tarja fan. The track listing consists of Tarja’s greatest solo tracks, some Nightwish classic like ‘Nemo’, or the cover versions ‘Over The Hills And Far Away’ (Gary Moore) and ‘The Phantom Of The Opera’ (Andrew Lloyd Webber).

The concert also includes the song ‘Tired Of Being Alone’, which Tarja wrote with Schiller as well as two brand new tracks called ‘Never Enough’ and ‘Into The Sun’ with the latter being the lead single.

In other words: a unique blend of music selection mixed by Tim Palmer (U2, Ozzy Osbourne, Pearl Jam).

The set up of these HD filmed concerts meant an incredible extra work and effort in the live production, with an impressive result, but also an emotional rollercoaster-ride.

Says Tarja: “Those two nights in Rosario were a huge emotional drive to me personally.”The artist herself admits, she “was many times ready to burst into tears.”

Why Pledge?
My fans have been extremely supportive over the years.We (my team and I) want to share the process of realizing this project with you by creating this pledge campaign. We give you the opportunity to get some special items and to be a part of the entire project.

How does it work?
With every pledge, you support us to realize and release the project. As soon as we have reached 100% the project will be realized. If we don´t reach the target (what won´t happen!), you don´t get charged anything. But you wont receive any items either. That´s a fair deal. On top you help a charity, as a part of the raised money will be donated to a charity project. We will tell you more about this in the next updates.

Why should you participate?
By pledging you are not only helping us, you will also have access to our updates (videos, photos, blogs etc.) during the process. Be a part of my world.
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 29, 2012, 10:11:46 pm
Portada del CD!

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 01, 2012, 05:01:52 pm
Del FB de Mike Terrama

I just finished recording 20 tracks for Tarja’s New CD

It’s going to be Epic!!!!! ... 8203_n.jpg
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 05, 2012, 07:42:05 pm
While working on 'ACT I', Tarja’s first solo live audio and video product in her rock outfit, fans can be eagerly looking forward to her new single 'Into The Sun'. It is set to release digitally on July 13th 2012.

The track listing of Act I consists of Tarja’s greatest solo tracks, Nightwish classics as well as some cover versions, such as Andrew Lloyd Webber’s ‘The Phantom Of The Opera’ and marvellous Gary Moore’s ‘Over The Hills and Far Away’ – or to make it short: a unique blend of music selection. The set up of these HD filmed concerts meant an incredible extra work and effort in the live production - with an impressive result, but also an emotional rollercoaster-ride. Says Turunen: “Those two nights in Rosario were a huge emotional drive to me personally.” The artist herself admits, she “was many times ready to burst into tears.”

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 05, 2012, 07:51:08 pm
Act I Trailer (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 10, 2012, 04:48:01 pm
Hello dear fans,

We are still working with the artwork, photo galleries and final video editions for ACT I. It has been lot of work and lot of fun. I am very happy to see it coming together very nicely.

In the meantime, I would like to receive your questions about ACT I.

I will choose the most interesting ones and reply them in my post at the end of next week.

You can leave your question with your name where it says, “Leave a Reply” under the photo of this post.


With love, Tarja
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 10, 2012, 04:49:22 pm
Trailer (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 18, 2012, 08:12:18 pm
Into the sun (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 18, 2012, 08:19:23 pm
Entrevista (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 19, 2012, 04:08:46 pm
Entrevista (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 20, 2012, 06:28:24 pm
Dear Fans,

Thanks for the interesting questions. Here are my answers.

With love, Tarja


1) How did you choose the songs that were played? what made you choose some and leave out others? Valentine


I decided the songs for the DVD already in December 2011. This mainly because I wanted my band to be able to rehearse and perform all of the songs several times during the final tour with WLB album and get ready for the recordings without any additional pressure. I wanted to include both of my studio albums for the DVD and have a wide selection of songs from them on it.



2) When you realized that the time was right for creating a live DVD?  Shirley Borges


I wanted to have a live release after my second studio album to have more songs to choose from and enough experience that could be reflected in the final product. I started mapping the touring plan for WLB album before its release in 2010 and made a decision to film and record a DVD during the final tour.  I didn’t know at that time yet where and when, but the overall idea was born.


3) Wasn’t it expensive to make that LIVE DVD? Can you perhaps tell us the price you and your band had to pay for it, the camera people, the mixing afterwards, the producers and so on. Do you think you will “balance” the loss you made by producing the live Cd/dvd? Tom

Yes, you are right. It is very expensive to produce a live product like ACT I is, but I wouldn’t like to disclose any numbers to public, since I feel that it is unnecessary to do so. Nowadays when more and more people are bootlegging music from Internet, it is very unfortunate that it is getting difficult for everybody in this business to make new releases happen. If every one of my fans would really decide to buy ACT I, my record company, my band and me would be very happy.



4) I wonder weather there were any “surprises” during the concert in Rosario? Did something funny happen? What did the orchestra, which was also rehearsing in the theatre, think about your project? Ana Hace


Julian, my guitar player forgot that he was meant to push some pedals before his guitar solo in the song “Falling Awake” so when the time of the solo came, he was very far away from his pedal board and needed to run fast to make it just in time! Then I saw a girl dressed like me with the “I walk alone” coat willing to get on stage during the concert, but the security didn’t let her. Some of the orchestra and choir members of the theatre came to take pictures with me during their rehearsal breaks, so there were many fans among them! I was having my photo session for the DVD during one of their rehearsals, so sometimes I heard some shouts like:” Tarja, you are very beautiful” coming from the orchestra J



5) How was your preparation to record the DVD? We all know that you are anxious before every concert and you have your own ways to concentrate. But for something so special did you do something different or you preferred to act as always so it would be easier to keep calm and avoid a bit the anxiety? Myla


I made sure that I did my breathing and singing exercises double as long as normally I do before every concert just to avoid any uncomfortable feelings on stage and to get more confidence in my performance.  I also went through the set list with lyrics and my speeches hundreds of times in my mind before the shows! I took more time and detail to prepare my make up on those nights as well. I needed to check my performing clothes that have been used during last tours that they were still fine or if perhaps they needed some fixing. I also needed to rehearse the quick clothes changes between songs again since the set lists of these concerts were different.


6) What inspired you for “ACT I” DVD? Anne Lumi

I wanted to make a nice product not only for those people who have already been in my concerts and can revisit the experience, but also especially for those who haven’t yet been able to see what a live concert of mine is about.

7) What kind of photos will be included in the DVD/CD booklet? Only professional photos from both of the concerts or you will put also some of the theatre photosessions and fan photographs? Mario Bikarski

The DVD, CD, blu-ray and the Vinyl booklets will have only professional photos, but on the DVD / blu-ray you will find two different photo galleries. One of the galleries was done with photos from my fans that I chose myself and the other one includes personal photos from the band and me during the final tour. These photo galleries will have more than 100 photos each. The mediabook will have a book with live photos from Rosario shows from 3 different professional photographers.


8) Will there be any backstage footage? From being tour, to preparing for the recordings at the venue, to relaxing once it was all over, etc. Frances

We were not filming any backstage footage for this DVD release during my tours. The problem in preparing this kind of documentary is that we should hire a film crew to do that job. I feel it is too invasive and uncomfortable to have people around with cameras in our bus or backstage when there is a chance to rest or concentrate before a show. I do enjoy walking the beautiful cities we are visiting instead and I am sure the band and crew appreciate their privacy too.


9) You choose “Nemo” and “The Phantom Of The Opera” as songs for the CDs as well. Why? I always felt like you really love “Nemo” but now I want to know it precisely. What is the reason for your choice? Victoria

I wanted to have one duet for my DVD so “The Phantom of the Opera” seemed the right choice and having Diego Valdez singing the song with me felt natural since we had performed the song together before. I could trust that everything would go fine with it. “Nemo” is a song that I have kept in my set list throughout the years and performed it time to time. Now for the DVD it felt a correct choice that people could enjoy it being the biggest hit of my previous band.


10) We know, you love the Teatro El Circulo, but 
you choose Rosario for something special? Brenda

The decision to film and record in Rosario happened mainly because of the beauty of the theatre itself and the love of the local people.



11) So I would like to know how does it feels when you´re there filming your DVD and the crowd just went crazy song after song and started to scream your name and salute you for every note that you sang. Did you heart stoped, what came into your mind seeing all of this coming from the love and the joy from your fans. Priscilla Maria


Another reason to film my DVD in Argentina was basically the fact that the people are giving so much love for me there. I wanted everybody all over the world to be able to experience that beautiful energy that I enjoyed during those nights in Rosario. It is very overwhelming and emotional to see the reaction of my fans and I have to admit that there were many moments that I was ready to burst in tears just because I was so happy. I sing today with the wings that my amazing fans everywhere are giving me.


12) How was it to travel all around the countries which you’ve seen with your ‘What Lies Beneath’ tour, the past 2 years, with your entire band; and meeting lots of different people from many different countries? Thomas

Incredible! I feel it’s a great gift given to me. I will have many beautiful memories to cherish for the rest of my life. I have always liked travelling, but to be able to work and see the world at the same time, I feel privileged. Of course there are already several places I’ve been, but there are many more still to conquer! My fans have given me this gift and I truly appreciate it.


13) My dear Tarja, although you are Finnish you live a significant part of the year in Buenos Aires, was this for you the (main) reason to use (for instance) the Rosario-concert for the live-recording or did you also thought about recording one of the european concerts?

I have already recorded and filmed my concert in Kuusankoski, Finland in 2007 that I offered as a free download to my fans. I considered many places in Europe for the recordings of ACT I, but finally the theatre location in Rosario made my decision.



14) Why didnt you record it on Mexico?? the place was beatiful also, and we were so freaking loud ! Ricardo

Yes you were loud and amazing too! I had a great time in Mexico City again with you guys J I didn’t know the theatre in Mexico City before since I had never performed there, but the theatre in Rosario I had been before and mainly that was the reason I wanted to record my first DVD there. You cannot film and record a DVD just on the go. We had to do lot of preparations for it long in advance.


15) You’ve already recorded two DVDs at the time you were a member of Nightwish, comparing today what the hardest part of making this Act1, since now you participate in all stages and processes of its creation. What most touched you? Schimenes


Everything takes a lot of time and effort in the production of a new release. ACT I was not an exception.

To get all the gear needed for the recording and filming of the DVD to the city of Rosario was hard. We had to bring most of the gear with us from Buenos Aires and the transportation was not easy. Also the theatre itself had their daily schedules, so matching ours to theirs was a hard job. After the tour I had to go through the video edits, artwork, photos, mixing and mastering process millions of times to make everything sound and look great. And I am still on it! I am working with several people at the same time trying all of them to make their very best out of it. It is hard, but at the same time fun and rewarding when you finally see the miracles happen!  I am very proud of ACT I as my first live DVD. It shows the people who I am as an artist today the best way possible. I have tried my very best to make a nice package for my fans to enjoy it, so it can’t go wrong J The atmosphere in Teatro el Cí­rculo on both nights touched me deeply. It was overwhelming! So much love in the air.


16) How different is to perform on a theatre stage for you, how do the contact with the fans and the feedback from them change? Eleonora


The atmosphere is totally different in theatre concerts than in a rock club or ice hall shows. I would say that while the audience is seated, they pay a lot more attention to the concert and even see the details during the concert and appreciate them much easier than in an ordinary rock show. If you are a tiny person, you always need to find a good spot where you can follow the concert without having a struggle and fight with a huge person in front of you! In the theatre you can relax, enjoy the performance without anybody disturbing your little space. My music has so much dynamic changes that for me it is like a dream come true to be able to make concerts in theatres where the acoustics are way better than in rock clubs.

It has always happened to me in theatres that at the beginning of my concerts the audience is more careful in showing their feelings. Closer to the end, everybody gets up and runs to the front of the stage to salute us. So far what I have heard from my fans, they have truly enjoyed my concerts in theatres as well because it gives them the chance to experience something new.



17) What kind of cosmetics do you prefer to use at concerts to look so gorgeous? What are your favorite companies? Calypso

I use several different cosmetic labels. For daily skin care I use Darphin products, for make up I prefer Dior, Mac and Make up store.

18) I was wondering if you are planning a US tour in the future? Ryan

I am working very hard to be able to come back to USA again with my music. It only depends on the promoters willing to bring me over. I am really missing my fans in US and I feel their love every day. I hope a tour or at least some concerts in your country could happen with my new studio album.


19) Dear Tarja, I am pleased, that I have to give the question: will be available, ACT1, and in the Czech Republic? What is your relationship to it? Lucy

Yes, it is going to be released in your country. So you should be able to find my ACT I in the local stores pretty soon.

I have always enjoyed performing in Czech Republic where my fans are very supportive. I am sure that I will be having more concerts and even some classical performances there in the near future.



20) Why does it call “Act I”? Do you intend to do Act II and so on? Viviane Oliveira


ACT I is just the beginning and it is represented by one night’s performance. Actually two nights. What happened during those nights in Rosario won’t ever happen again in the same way. Every concert is naturally different, because of its atmosphere, the people, the location, my feelings etc. Teatro el Cí­rculo is an opera theatre and like in the operas, acts are the parts of the opera itself. This is my first act and hopefully there will be many more to come in the future!



21) Which one of the songs you sang, it’s the most emotive for you?


I cannot really say which song is the most emotional or even the most important to me because all of my songs are telling different stories with different emotions involved. In general I love performing the ballads because I can feel and see easily the emotions of my fans during those songs and that makes me sing and perform better every time.



22) Do you feel the love of your fans each concert? How was in this one? Eduardo


I actually do feel that and it is SO magical experience. I would really miss that feeling a lot if I were not an artist anymore. The concerts in Rosario were not an exception. The fans were incredible there.



23) How important are your fans to you? Eduardo

Without them there wouldn’t be me as an artist, so I think that says it all.



24) You and the guys were nervous before the show? What happened after the show? Eduardo


Everybody was very nervous before the first show in Rosario. I could feel and see the tension in each one of our faces because it was finally the time to show what we have been working on for so long together. There was a lot of pressure in the air, but it all disappeared when the show began. It was very demanding and challenging for everybody in the band and crew to make these two concerts happen, but we had a chance to rehearse everything several times during the long tours we had done together. The preparations for the recording and filming started already long before I even knew where and when the DVD would be finally recorded.

After the first night, we discussed what went wrong, what should be done better on the next day and had a glass of wine together. After the second and more relaxing night, we celebrated the successful recordings with a great champagne and good jokes! It was a wonderful relief.



25) Will we have a studio version of INTO THE SUN & NEVER ENOUGH, or until your next CD? Eduardo

Both of these songs are going to be released in my new studio album next year. I will produce them differently for the album. Especially Never Enough has been a lot of fun in the studio already! I am sure you will be surprised about it when you get to hear it. Maybe you won’t recognize it anymore as the same song!!


26) I gave you a drawing at your concert here in Brussels in february. I would love to know what you have done with it ? Phaedra Termont

If there is a chance and space in my luggage, I always try to bring all the gifts back home that are given to me during the tours. So I am sure your drawing is safe and sound in my “ fan museum” at home.



27) Does “Never Enough” will be a single? Katarzyna


I haven’t decided myself to release the song “Never enough” as a single release from ACT I. That is up to the record company’s plan.



28) The fact you have choosen Rosario, Argentina (not my city, but my country) means you like us, as your audience, I’d like to know, Were we the public you were expecting? Could you feel, as we could, our passion for your music, our love – As we felt the energy you pass on in every song you played? Lorena Iglesias


Yes, one of the reasons to film this DVD in Argentina was the fact that the local audience has always welcomed me very warmly there so I could already kind of expect the amazing and kind reaction of my fans in Rosario. It was very emotional experience for me. Funny though, on the first night I felt that the audience was a bit more nervous about the filming and recording like I was myself, but on the second night the atmosphere was more relaxed in both sides: on stage as well as in the audience J



29) What is the reason for a new record label to release the “Act 1″ and not do it with “Universal Music” improve the distribution especially in Latin America countries such as Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru? Kisses Emanuel Bracamonte


I wanted to have a partner who would be interested and ready to take the challenge to work on my very first worldwide DVD release. Universal was not ready for a live album, so I found another label for it.



30) The choice of where the DVD was gonna be recorded was hard? Have you thought of a big venue? What have you thought before finally choose Teatro El Circulo? Savio Medeiros


I performed with my band in the same theatre one year before and fell in love with the beauty of the place immediately. Since that experience I was always keeping that location in my mind for the DVD recordings one day. I think that this kind of theatre suits perfect to present my music. Because my background is in classical music and the fact that there is a huge variety of elements and dynamics in my music today. The theatre itself brings totally different and warmer atmosphere for the concert and the acoustics are amazing, even for distortion! I am sure that many of my fans have never been in a place like this before, so this could be a new, nice experience for them too. I would love to make a complete tour only in theatres one day!



31) what kind of feelings you wanted to transmit on that show? You have fulfilled your expectations? Rodrigo


I perform each of my songs in a way I see and feel them. I like to use my voice as another instrument and tell stories with it. I think it is quite easy to see how happy I was during the shows in Rosario and the connection between my audience and me was very warm. Every night is a different performance and nothing repeats itself, so that happens as well with my emotions. I usually get very touched by the reaction of my fans and this was not an exception in Rosario. These concerts were a dream come true to me.


32) I would like to know if you have something to do with the artwork of the CD/DVD covers, I’ve read some negative opinions about them, personally I loved them but I’m curious if you participate with this ideas or you are just following instructions? Sahara

I am absolutely deciding everything concerning artwork and discussing ideas with the people we are hiring, for example the photographer and graphic designer. It was my idea to take different pictures for different formats of ACT I, as I always like to do. It was also my idea to take those pictures in the tether and I didn’t have a stylist or anybody telling me how I should look. I am not letting anything to be decided without my approval since everything goes through my hands. In my producer role I also take care who plays in my songs, what they need to play, who is mixing the album and how that process along with mastering should go. Same for the video editing or for all the photos that you will see related to Act I. I am involved in every single part of the production of each one of my releases. It is a lot of responsibility, but I really enjoy my artistic freedom today more than ever.


33) Will there be an ‘Act 1′ Tour?And if there will be a tour, could you please come to Norway? Regina


I consider the tours that I have done with both of my studio albums as part of a long ACT I tour. ACT I is a live release filmed and recorded on my final tour with What Lies Beneath album. You will see me back on road with my new studio album, but before that I will need to get the album finished. I would love to visit Norway again. It has been too long ever since I was performing there and the Norwegian fans have been very supportive.


34) Will there be any DVDs available in the United States?

Julia Bullock

Yes, an official release of ACT I will happen in the USA as well. Now you can find a list of all the countries that will release it and the record company is adding more to the list as soon as they have them confirmed. Check here:



35) Why Poison was not included on the DVD and not on the tour this year? Thais Reis

Because I was playing the song on my tours before and I had enough covers chosen already for the DVD.


36) ¿Quíé canciones te hubieran gustado que estíén para este DVD que no hayan estado? y ¿quíé te pasaba por la mente cuando te comenzaron a grabar? Alexis

All the songs that I wanted to be included on the DVD are there, because it was my selection of songs. I didn’t really think of the cameras and filming during the concerts in Rosario. I guess it would have affected my performance in a negative way and it wouldn’t have been natural. I was nervous before the concerts, but that nervousness disappeared soon after I walked to the stage. I saw all the beautiful people cheering in front of me and wanted to have the best time with them.


37) Where does the lady with the mask begin and when does the lady in the white dress come to start? May

I always like to go from the darkness to light during my shows. But both extremes are a part of me too.


38) what precautions you take with your hair? Eduardo

I use good hair care products from Kerastase or Bed Head. My hair is very thin “Nordic-like”, so normally I need to use products that are helping me to get more volume in it. Also a good conditioner is very important, since my hair during tours is heavily “stressed” every night. I have a great hairdresser who I visit every time I get back home from tours.


39) in this case, ACT I, wich one would you say is the “main energy”, the “deep soul” of this particular recopilation?? Tarjista

Main energy: the connection between my audience and me. Deep soul: the music itself.


40) Are you pleased enough with the result? Would you like to change something ? And one more question, did you use any special effects on the dvd? Marianna

I am very pleased with ACT I. Of course if I would have loved to have much more time to work on the audio mix, the video edits etc there might have been some room for little changes, but sometimes it is better to draw a line and say that this is how far I go now. These kinds of things are anyway matter of taste and I know from my experience that it’s impossible to please everybody. I didn’t want to use any obvious effects like pyros or screens on my first live DVD, but instead beautiful lights and lasers. The music itself needs to speak on this release.


41) Into the sun will have video? 
Why never came to light Witch Hunt?
Is witch hunt may be included in the single Into the sun or some special edition DVD or single? Ricardo Tovar

“Into the sun” will have a video since it’s going to be the single release from ACT I. Is a bit different from the images of the live video you will find in the concert. But it is still a live video. I am not planning to make another music video for the same song. Witch hunt is one song that I was working with some time ago and decided to leave it out from my album since I didn’t feel the song for that album. This doesn’t mean that it won’t see the light of day somehow.


42) ¿en que punto de tu carrera consideras que te encuentras actualmente? Enkeli Ramirez

I feel that right now I have found a perfect place for me in the world of music. I have made lots of concerts all over the world and met beautiful people everywhere. I am very grateful to be able to make an international career on my own as a woman in rock. I believe in my dreams and I fight hard to make them come true.


43) How many “Acts” you consider to perform along your solo career? What method do you use to choice the musician you joined to you? Ignacio


If God gives me the chance, I would do as many acts as possible in the future! Choosing the musicians is always a long process to me and there is no other methods or reasons for them to get involved rather than their sound and way of playing. Each of my musicians is professional session musicians and has been performing in several different music styles before sharing the stage with me.  There is always to consider if they are available when I decide to do a tour as this is not a band and they might have other compromises too. For ACT I I wanted to have them all there like a big band and it worked perfectly. It helps to present better the music as I originally recorded it.


44) what do you want that the people see when they get to play your DVD? What do you want to convey? what is your intention with this DVD? Celeste

I hope they can see how happy I am nowadays as an artist. That happiness is pure and honest. I want the people all over the world to see what happened in Rosario on those 2 beautiful nights and my fans to enjoy the emotional drive through I had. I wish this DVD would find it’s way to many of my fans hands.


45) If in only one word you must say: The best and more difficult during the procces of creation this DVD? Belíén


Best: the opportunity. Most difficult: the production


46) In the last tour you always changed your setlist, from city to city (as you said: you wanted to have all the songs ready and kicking when the time of the recordings would come). Are you going to do the same in the next tour or it was for DVD? Vesta

These preparations of many songs during tours were needed only for the DVD recording and filming. I don’t think it is necessary to repeat the same on my next tours, because especially then I will be promoting my new studio album.


47) How do you chose the songs from your new CD that you introduce to the audience in advance at the concerts? I mean Into the sun is just amazing. Do you take your own favourite songs for pre-publishing or pic them “by chance”?
Are you excited about how the audience will react to the new songs? Nadine

I chose “Into the Sun” and “Never enough” for my set list mainly because I was convinced they are great live songs. I felt they could fit perfectly to my performance, which they did. Like happens every time, I cannot please every one of my fans with my decisions, but I can hope you will like the songs too.



48) Why didn’t you release the whole ACT I DVD through the pledge platform which would have meant you would have been totally independent from your label and then your fans will be your label? Or maybe you will release your 3rd rock album through the pledge after testing that the fan edition of ACT I-pledge has worked out pretty well? If you decide to do this, it will be successful for sure! So many fans want to support you in so many ways! Devora


Still Pledge is brand new and it was a good idea to try it with some special items from ACT I. It seems it has been working very good so far. The people at Pledge are very happy and we are planning a project that could be something we will do together, exclusively in that platform during next year.



49) Did you chose to make the DVD, right now, because you want to make a break in the future (stop music for a while), or it is because you would like to make more shows in opera and theater in your future? Sandra


I am working on my new studio album right at this moment, so I am not planning to have any long break in my musical career. I would love to have more classical concerts in the near future, yes, but the release of ACT I have nothing to do with that fact. The performance happened in an opera theatre, that’s all.



50) Will be on ACT I. documentary? I mean, small interview with people around Tarja Turunen and ACT I (for example with photographer of the new photoshoot, costume designer, makeup artists, sound engineer, band members etc.)? It will be interesting Janka


There is going to be an interview with me and a shorter interview with the band members.


51) Which one song from the setlist was the most demanding one to perform and why? Boris


“The reign.” I was walking and singing among the people during that song. I hardly could hear the background music while people were so loud next to me and shouting in my ears and that made my performance a bit more difficult than normally J To be able to feel the love of my audience and fans so close by and see their expressions and emotions it is overwhelmingly beautiful. You people give me so much energy and love! In Rosario during the filming, there was not much space to move around, so many people were stepping on my dress. But in the end, I will never forget those beautiful moments. In some venues in Europe the local security people didn’t allow me to do the same thing, because they were afraid that something bad would happen to me. I tried to convince them that if someone wants to harm me, they would do it anywhere, anytime. My fans are not the ones trying to hurt me. They have come to my concert to support me. This was anyway many times just waist of time, since the venue rules were too tight L


52) Is there a possibility that ACT II would be a ´Beauty and the Beat´ concert? Nadine

Beauty and the Beat is a side project of mine, like for example Harus is and a totally different concept of a concert than my rock concerts are. ACT I is about my solo career. I would rather keep them separated.


53) Is there any particular reason why you haven’t used any pyros in your live concerts, especially in these 2 concerts in Rosario, filmed for the dvd? Mary

The theatre itself wouldn’t allow any usage of pyros, since it’s an ancient, historical and most of all a national theatre. Second of all, I didn’t even want to consider using pyros on my first live DVD. I think that is something you can see in almost every metal genre live DVD. I believe in the beauty of great light effects, different atmospheres and the music itself. In a rock concert, when the pyros are making the show, there must be something lacking on stage…



54) You always look radiant on and outside of the stage. Especially on recent photos from Act I covers.
 We are all dying to know what is your exercise and diet regime that you have developed over years and stick to? Irina

First of all I am not on a diet at all… I just exercise a lot during my free time and singing itself keeps me in a good shape. I run, swim and make an aerobic gym program many times a week. Eating healthy food has always been important to me, but sometimes I also crave and fall for some great salmiakki J


55) I noticed that on the cover of the CD “Act I” on you’re wearing a white dress. This dress was sewn specially for photo shoot “Act I” or for a tour? Svetlana

Yes. I wanted to have something new, but not too different from the one in black that I was using already.



56) ¿Estará en el DVD Crimson Deep? Billy Ismael


You can find the song Crimson Deep in all the configurations of ACT I.

57) How different did it feel to do this live DVD/Blu-ray/CD-recording from your previous live recordings with Nightwish (From Wishes to Eternity, End of an Era)? Were you more nervous this time or were you less nervous now that you have more experience? Isabelle


Well I could say that almost everything was different this time than at the time when I was in the band. Just the fact that I have been involved in every part of the planning, brainstorming, producing and developing my own live DVD makes the biggest difference. On ACT I you can see a performance from an independent solo artist. I might have been more nervous before than I was now when it came the time to walk to the stage. The reason might be that I have gone through a lot of different experiences in music after those recordings with Nightwish.



58) How do you select which photos (out of the ones the fans sent in for the contest) you want to use? What is the process? I can imagine you must get thousands of pictures, and it must take a lot of time. Laura


The selection this time took a lot of time because there were several thousands of photos to choose from. I did the first selection of photos based on the simple fact that they capture my attention somehow. Second time I went through them, I checked those similar ones and chose the ones I prefer. The picture needs to have something to tell me. Maybe you have been able to capture my emotions in your picture and that is always so nice to see. Or there is a great and unique moment of my show shown in the photo.



59) Did you cut out the things you say to the fans in between the songs, or are those also on the DVD? I really like what you say during concerts. Laura


I didn’t cut any of my speeches out. Actually nobody from the band nor me got to the studio afterwards to fix any parts or to re record things. So everything what you hear on the DVD is a pure live recording as it happened on those nights. I don’t like when artists are recording their live shows again in the studio.



60) Do you do your hair and makeup for concerts yourself, or do you have a make-up artist/hairdresser? Laura


I usually do my own make up and hair in my concert tours, but in a special occasion like the DVD filming was, I want always to have a little help from professional hairstylist. The make up still I prefer to make on my own. I have many years of experience in that and it can be risky to let someone new to do it for the first time in an important event like this. In Finland I do have a make up artist who has been working with me several years and does my make up every time for magazine photo shootings etc. She is the best!



61) My question is about the name of “Act 1″, is like an Opera, a lovely face of your work, but, did you get inspiration of one Opera in particular? Wich is your favorite one, or your favorite composer, caracter? Micaela Hanisch


I was not really thinking any operas in particular when preparing my first live DVD. I thought just that the location was perfect. I have several favourite operas: Tosca, La Boheme, Norma etc. I adore Puccini as an opera composer in general and Mimi is my favourite role. I love singing Mimi.



62) The real question is if you are the one that design that LOVELY dresses that you use in the show. Gloria


I am designing most of my performing clothes together with my dear Finnish friend and dressmaker Sirja. On the other hand I have a sponsorship with a fashion label Nordenfeldt, so they are providing me some clothes as well. I always talk a lot about their new designs together with the designer, so that she knows what is necessary for my performances.



63) Which song from DVD/CD was the most difficult one to compose? Jana


Composing wise I would say the song “I feel immortal”. I received a rough demo from this song from my record label and didn’t like it as it was at that time, but they did! I tried to make the song fit to the rest of my music, so I made a lot of changes in it. The production of the same song was not an easy task either, since I was battling with the label people that usually have a different understanding about music.



64) Dear Tarja, I wonder what music did you feel emotionally and technically more difficult to sing in this concert? Evandro


The songs “Crimson Deep” and “Still of the night” are the most demanding songs to sing live.



65) My question is, why you choose 3 different covers to dvd, blu ray and cd? Vanessa


I like to offer my fans more options and I am really working hard to make my releases look nice. Myself I always like when artists are putting a bit more thought and time to their artworks.



66) I want to ask you how you got the idea to write Into The Sun? Polina

I was with my Swedish writer friends on the Swedish coast, sitting in a lovely terrace beside the sea and it was a beautiful sunny day. The place was stunning and very inspiring so I wanted to write a positive song about life. What it was very present at that moment was the sun nearly blinding us. It was a feeling that no matter where we would look at, we were already getting into the sun.



67) During your tour I heard many times that some videos will be recorded from ‘common’ concerts. Is that true? And if so, will this material be included in ‘Act I’? Roman

Finally we decided to film a complete concert for ACT I instead of having different concerts. Maybe the procedure will change for ACT II or III.


68) Concerning the artwork for Act 1, what inspired the poses and designs of the photos, DVD, CD and Blu-ray cover? Lilliene

The theatre itself was the reason and inspiration to take those photos there. I wanted my cover artwork to represent a strong, theatrical image of me, but still stay simple in design.



69) What is the meaning behind the lyrics of ‘Never Enough’? Rasmus Tomi R. Fahlander


I never want to explain the deeper meaning of my lyrics to anyone, because I think it will spoil your freedom to interpret the songs as you feel them. Anyway I can tell you that the song is about us, people having very short memory in general. You can remember one bad thing that happened to you for the rest of your life, but you don’t consider and appreciate all the good memories long enough.


70) You know you inspire a lot of young (and not so young) singers. Some of them have started to take vocal lessons, they try to improve their technique, they have certain troubles on stage and they want to know if you yourself still have any specific difficulties performing in a show such as the one that was recorded for “Act I” – and how you deal with them. So could you tell us what specific problems (if any) you sometimes run in while performing? Has it ever happened to you that you ran out of breath? Do you never tend to “swallow” a sound? You know, the vocal-technical stuff… Tanja

There are several things that I still need to keep in mind during my performances. Not specifically I have technical problems in singing, but every day the body and the voice gives you different kinds of signs. Signs of tiredness, lack of humidity etc. I have to drink a lot of water during my concerts to keep my vocal chords moist. Also I am hardly ever singing without in-ear monitors that are helping me to regulate the volume of the music and instruments I need to hear in order to sing better along with my music. Since the noise on the stage is really loud, this way I don’t need to start pushing with my voice, but instead I can stay relaxed during my performance. Breathing technique is also very important factor through all these years of hard work. When your body gets tired after being on tour for weeks and after singing many concerts, I need to pay more attention to my breathing. So that is not rising up to my shoulders and chest, but still staying as relaxed, deep breathing in the lower part of the body. I do my vocal and breathing exercises every day even while on tour. If I get sick with flu during tours, I just have to trust my singing and breathing techniques to help me go through the trouble. It is never good for you to sing sick though and it can be really hard not only physically, but mentally as well. I also carefully choose the order of the songs for my set lists in order to have enough time to drink, catch a breath during or between the songs. I am hardly ever putting the most demanding songs one after another in my concerts.



71) At the beginning of your concerts usually plays a composition “If you believe”. The concert, recorded on the disc “Act 1″, begins with the same composition? Why did you choose “If you believe” as the intro to the concert? Alexander Frolov


Yes, “If you believe” starts the concert in ACT I too. I think it suits perfectly for the beginning of the show, creating tense atmosphere before we musicians enter the stage. I prefer using my own song as an intro and outro instead of “borrowing” songs from some other bands/artists. This happens too many times in the world of music in general.



72) A little bit off topic, but still I wonder, this mask you wear for example in the teaser trailer… Does it has a meaning, even if only to you, and will we see more photos of you wearing it? Anna


My song “Anteroom of death” is talking about people wearing masks in their lives. People usually hide behind their masks that they themselves create. The mask has just that symbolic meaning to me. And it is a nice mask that was created for the photo sessions of What Lies Beneath, so it is a unique one.



73) At your concerts you always sing with soul. Is there a difference between a self-expression on regular concert and on concert recorded on video? What is more comfortable for you? Anna


The fact that there are cameras around and you have only one chance to give your very best, brings along tension and stress. That is not luckily happening every day! It is not the same feeling in my regular shows even though I know that my audience is bringing their cameras with them and before I even get back to my hotel room after the show, the concert is already available in Youtube! J

Anyways, I cannot sing without my soul. Singing is a work of your soul. No matter the conditions given, no matter if the event happen to be recorded. I always try to give my best to the listeners. They deserve that from me every time. Is just the nervousness that sometimes can make me a bit shaky in the beginning, but that luckily normally vanishes immediately when I start to sing.



74) Did the fact to sing your songs in a theatre – and not in a “normal” gig’s place – change your way to perform them ? Were the feelings differents ? Camille


Yes, the location is always affecting to my performance one way or another. If I feel that the place is perfect in representing my music, I also feel more relaxed and happy to sing. During these 2 concerts in Rosario I enjoyed the theatre atmosphere, it’s acoustics and beauty very much, so did my band and the audience. Sometimes I just got very emotional only by looking how beautiful everything looked from the stage point of view. It was magical! In other words, choosing the right venue for my shows is always important.



75) I`d like to ask you why after so many years you wanted to perform in Rosario in that beautiful and cute outfit from clip My Winter Storm? Does it have any dear memories to you? And why was you in it only in Rosario, though you had many concerts but you didn`t use it. Daria


I decided that after My Winter Storm tour I was not going to keep on using it. I love to change my outfits according to the album concept. That coat represents the song “I walk alone”. But of course for my first live DVD I wanted to have it back since both of my albums are represented on ACT I.



76) My question is does overall popularity in countries affect the release dates of things like “Act I” and the “Into the Sun” single? Elaine


Record label and their partners have a release date planned and then each territory may have circumstances where they push their release back for some days according to their logistics. The popularity has nothing to do with it.



77) What is your secret for keeping your voice and body in top form throughout your performance of “Act 1″? Brian


There are no secrets. My singing condition depends totally on me rehearsing and keeping my body in condition. More I train, better I will become in singing and my body keeps strong muscle strength and memory. I need to drink a lot of water, do my breathing and singing exercises daily and then beside of singing, I do sports many times a week.



78) I’m also interested what made you choose Tim Palmer for the mix of all the recorded material. Jan


I know him, not only as a professional producer and engineer, but also as a person. I am blessed that I can choose with whom to work with nowadays. He has been working with several different styles throughout this career, so he has an open sound and mind in his mixes. His experience as a mixing engineer and producer is amazing. I specially have always loved the way he is working with singers. You can Google Tim Palmer and you will discover a good amount of very fine contemporary music that went through his fingers.



79) in part or days Recording ACT I which you like best? and what was the busiest day i more tiring for you? Carol


I loved singing on the stage and feeling all that love in the air. That definitely was the best part of the filming process.

Two days before the first concert I had photo shootings and full days of band and camera rehearsals. Those were hard and long days. Add to that that I didn’t get too much of sleep during the nights, since I started being nervous about the filming.



80) In your concerts the stage is pretty much clean – I mean, besides the curtain in anteroom of death there are basically no other features in the show, like fireworks, stage-decoration, projected images or whatever other effects can be used nowadays, only the musicians. And my question is: why did you choose to perform like this? Also, in the future, how do you plan your concerts to be in this aspect (decoration in general)? Julia H


For the future I am hoping to add more theatrical elements to my show like in a musical or an opera, rather than lots of explosions and flames. Take the example of a big artist like Paul McCartney who is using pyros only in ONE song in three hours concert he is giving. He definitely has the resources to use them in every song if he wishes to. For me, music is more important. For that reason for the video I invited more musicians to take part in the show. I wanted them to be seen and heard clearly and to make my music richer. About screens, I have seen bands like U2 or Roger Waters using them cleverly, but is a common place for many artists to misuse them. So again, pyros and screens are an easy way to hide what is happening on stage and the music what is been performed. In a bigger stage the special Fx makes a lot more sense than in a smaller theatre.



81) We all know you pay great attention to preparing yourself before going on stage. Speaking of preparing mentally, what were the words you’d told yourself before the show of ACT I started? Katja


More or less like that: Just go for it and enjoy!



82) When planning the setlist of the show, do you consider the songs from the point of view of best fan reaction? I mean, is there any song that you (probably) don’t feel like performing but you include it in the setlist because fans respond greatly to it and vice versa? Katja


All the songs that I choose to my set list are the songs that I like to perform. The order depends more or less of the style of each song. I usually don’t like to sing too many similar songs one after another because I don’t want to bore my audience nor myself. I want to keep my concerts sparkling and emotional. Neither I like to perform the songs that are more demanding vocally together because that takes a lot of energy and strength from me. I have to have some “air” in between them.



83) Act I is going to be released as CD/DVD/Blu-Ray and Vinyl editions. Any chance of pursuing technology even further with 3D Audio/Video Blu-Ray for the next releases (whatever that might be)? Tatyana


I would love to explore further the enchanting fast developing technology that we have in hands today. Why not?



84) So, is there any chance to see you performing in theaters in other countries as well? Kinga


I think I answered this already somewhere else, but I would love to make a whole tour only in theatres in the future. It would be very demanding and difficult to make it happen technically, but very nice. The problem usually in theatres is that they don’t have any own equipment, like PA, lights etc, so we should bring all those along with us like we did in Rosario. This would be very costly and hard to organize. On the other hand the promoters in general working with the bands and artists like me are not used to work with opera houses, so that brings another kind of problems to the table. Anyway, I would love to try it out one day!



85) Why you decided to put so many songs on the dvd? Jí¨ssica

I believe it is more interesting for my fans to see the complete set of songs that we had prepared for these concerts. I wanted to make it special for everybody.



86) Those 2 concerts in Rosario this year were the best shows of your solo career? or would you choose another show as the best one? Agustin


Every concert is very different in mood. I cannot really say which concert was the best one from my solo career, since there has been so many of them in many different countries. It is rather impossible to name one single concert as the best! The shows in Rosario were really nice, but there have been others amazing concerts as well.



87) Is there anything in completing this project that has fascinated you more than all the others and therefore you marked forever? Giovani de Souza Pimentel


It is impossible for an artist to go to perform in every city of each country all over the world. With this DVD at least people that have never been able to come to see my show, can get their chance to see what it is all about. That is very exciting to me. This DVD is showing who am I as an artist today.


Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 27, 2012, 07:07:32 pm
Entrevista en Italia (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 27, 2012, 07:14:18 pm
Into the Sun (Video) (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 29, 2012, 04:02:34 pm
Samples CD Act I (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 01, 2012, 03:55:46 pm
Tarja Turunen: "Quiero que el mundo experimente el amor de los argentinos"

Buenos Aires, 31 de julio (Reporter, por Tomás Balmaceda).

Convertida en uno de los nombres más importantes del metal sinfónico en todo el mundo, la cantante Tarja Turunen habló del lanzamiento de un disco y DVD en vivo grabado en Rosario.
Durante casi una díécada, la finlandesa fue la cara del conjunto Nightwish, hasta que en 2007 encaró una carrera solista que cosechó muchos seguidores, especialmente en Argentina.

Esta repercusión en el paí­s y una relación sentimental con un productor local la trajeron a Buenos Aires, en donde vive algunos meses del año. Y luego de girar por el mundo durante 2010 y 2011, sintió que era el momento de registrar en un show.

"Querí­a tener una placa en vivo despuíés de mi segundo disco de estudio porque tení­a la cantidad suficiente de material y de experiencia como para que el producto final sea bueno", contó.

Así­ comenzó el proyecto que se concretarí­a en el Teatro El Cí­rculo de Rosario. "La decisión la tomíé por lo bella que es la sala y por el amor de mis seguidores allí­".

"Una de las razones fue el hecho del amor que la gente de Argentina me tiene. Querí­a que todo el mundo pueda experimentar la hermosa energí­a que sentí­ en esa noche en Rosario. Es una respuesta sobrecogedora y emocional de mis fanáticos y en muchas ocasiones casi me largo a llorar de lo feliz que estaba", aseguró.

Así­ nació "ACT I", un material que se editará a fin de agosto como CD y DVD en todo el globo y que muestra lo más destacado del trayecto solista de Turunen y tiene indicios de lo que vendrá en su carrera.

"Le puse ACT I -'Primer acto'- porque siento que es sólo el comienzo, representado por el show de esa noche
todo lo que sucedió en Rosario no va a volver a ocurrir de nuevo, cada concierto es diferente, por la atmósfera, las personas, mis sentimientos", contó.

Allí­, la intíérprete encuentra en el teatro rosarino el escenario perfecto para su estilo grandilocuente y trágico. "El Teatro El Cí­rculo es una sala de ópera y, como en las óperas, los actos son parte de una obra más grande. í‰ste es mi primer acto ¡y espero que vengan mucho más en el futuro!", confió. (Reporter)

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 07, 2012, 04:41:25 pm
In for A Kill (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 09, 2012, 04:45:49 pm
Former Nightwish singer Tarja is about to issue her first live release – Act 1.  Available as a double CD or as DVD/Blu-ray its a great album that we at Planetmosh have reviewed – check out our reviews here – CD review:     DVD review:

Tarja was kind enough to spend some time answering our questions about the album, her new Beauty and the beat project, her next album and touring.

Planetmosh: Your new Live album, Act 1 is due to be released soon. What made you decide to do a live album?

Tarja: After two studio albums I felt that the time was right for a live album. I already had enough material and experience for it.

Planetmosh: Why choose South American shows for the album?

Tarja: Argentina is my “new” home where I have been living permanently more than 3 years already. I have always been very well received there as an artist. But the decision to film the DVD in “Teatro El Cí­rculo” was the beauty of the theatre itself. I got to perform there one year earlier with my band and fell in love with the place.

Planetmosh: The title “Act 1″ suggests that you have more similar releases planned – act 2 for instance? Are there definite plans or is it just planning ahead?

Tarja: Well I truly hope that after couple more studio albums I can come up with my second live release, ACT II. That would be just awesome!

Planetmosh: What’s the progress on the next studio album?

Tarja: The production for it has already started. We have recorded drums and guitars completely and at the moment working with bass recordings. The musicians recording are same who have been working with me already in these last years. I am really excited about the album progress so far and producing it once again on my own.

Planetmosh: When can fans expect to see it released?

Tarja: There isn’t a release date yet, but I hope I can get everything ready until spring 2013. Then the release should happen around August-September 2013 if all goes well.

Planetmosh: What’s the song writing process in the band – do you write the songs yourself or is it a collaborative thing?

Tarja: I write songs on my own and with my guitar players Alex and Julian. They have been so far more participating in the song writing process than any other of the band musicians. I have other writers as well that I like to work with.

Planetmosh: What are your inspirations for the lyrics that you write?

Tarja: My journeys in general are a great inspiration. What I have seen and heard while I’ve been travelling and listened the stories from people that I have met. Ocean and sun are inspiring me to write music a lot and even though it might be hard to understand how I can write dark music under the sun, that is just the best way for me.

Planetmosh: You have a new project – Beauty and the Beat. It sounds an interesting combination – You, drummer Mike Terrana, a choir and an orchestra is an interesting combination. Can you tell us a bit about the project and what fans can expect? For instance is the music going to be classical, rock or a mixture?

Tarja: We held our first Beauty and the Beat concert in Bulgaria last year and it was a huge success. We performed in an old amphitheatre for 4000 people. The program consists purely classical music with hits that people could easily recognize and some of my own songs arranged for an orchestra and choir. Now we are scheduling a world tour with the same concept and starting with the concerts in April 2013. It’s incredible fun!

Planetmosh: You’ve announced 2 Tour dates in Czech republic in 2013, will this be touring across Europe?  Will there be UK dates?

Tarja: We wish to do as many concerts as possible and many are already under discussions. These concerts will happen in Europe and in South America. Unfortunately I cannot tell you more about it since nothing is 100% sure.

Planetmosh: If you play the UK will it just be the usual one date in London or will you play more UK dates? Fans regularly complain about bands only playing one UK date in London and nowhere else due to cost, distance etc.

Tarja: I would love to do a complete not only in UK, but also Ireland. But we go where the show promoters offer to promote us. I know that is hard for people to understand, but if it would be up to me, I can easily mention a list of places that I would love to visit, but promoters are not interested enough.

Planetmosh: Touring must be quite disruptive to your life being away from home for long periods. Is this hard to deal with?

Tarja: I like touring in general even though in every tour there is a point when you get tired. You cannot avoid getting tired of travelling, not sleeping well, etc. That tiredness many times comes along with flu and that is the worst that can happen to a singer. To catch flu and stay on the road for many days still singing. It is a nightmare! Anyway, my tours are pretty well organized, the hotels and busses where we live the most of our time are great and the shows are held in beautiful venues so I don’t suffer while being on road.   Actually just the opposite. But if the tour is long, home is the place you miss the most.

Planetmosh: On tour do you get much time to rest and relax or is it a concert almost every night?

Tarja: I tend to do only two shows back to back and then have one off day. That way everybody in the band can get enough rest and stay healthier for longer. On my off days I usually go out to run and do some sightseeing if I haven’t been in the same place earlier. Shopping is also always welcome!

Planetmosh: Do you have to take special precautions to look after your voice, particularly on tour?

Tarja: Already months before the tour I am training a lot my voice and body to get the best condition for the tour. Is part of my daily being at home. While being on road, I do my vocalising and breathing exercises every day as well, except on the off days when I try to relax and even speak less. Drinking 2-3 litres water per day is vital, eating very well and trying to catch some sleep when ever is possible are the tools. There are no other secrets or magic tricks.

Planetmosh: You’ve worked with various artists including doing two songs with Doro. Whose idea was it for you to work together? How did you enjoy working with Doro?

Tarja: She is a wonderful person and I admire her career. She asked me to sing a song for her album and I thought it would be lovely to have her singing with me on one of my songs as well. So we did two collaborations at the same time! It was a lot of fun, even though we worked in distance.

Planetmosh: Your voices are very different – was it a challenge writing songs that would work with both voices?

Tarja: I don’t think she wrote her song thinking about my voice nor did I. It was challenging for me to sing a song that is out of my vocal range or not within the usual range I am singing on my songs, but I somewhat managed! I remember Doro telling me exactly the same thing. My song was a tough one for her, since it was too high for her range. That is always a challenge when you work with other singers.

Planetmosh: As well as the rock music you also do some classical such as your Harus project. Is it difficult vocally to switch between the two?

Tarja: I have to have enough time in between my rock concerts and classical concerts to get my voice relaxed, but after a classical concert I can immediately sing a rock concert. Not the other way around. The training for classical concerts is heavy and time consuming. For rock concerts I usually train more physically my body long in advance to hold longer healthy on tours.

Planetmosh: Looking at the cover versions from your albums and live shows – Poison, Still of the night, Livin on a prayer, Heaven is a place on earth, I notice they’re all 80s songs and mainly 80s rock. Is this the sort of music you like to listen to in your spare time or are they just chosen as they seem like a good fit with your show?

Tarja: Who does not love the 80´s? I was heavily influenced by the music of 80 when I was young and listening all these bands and artists at that time. Now I am just having a great time with my fans playing covers in the shows. They give totally different mood to the set list and I love doing them.

Planetmosh: Do you think there will come a time when you stop doing Nightwish songs in your live shows and only do your own solo material, or do you think fans will always want to hear you sing some of the Nightwish songs?

Tarja: Maybe on my next tours I will do some obscure songs that the band never or rarely played live, just to have fun. Maybe I won’t do any; maybe I’ll do four. To be honest, I don’t think that much about it as you might imagine.

Planetmosh: When you buy music, which do you prefer and why – CD or legal mp3 downloads ?

Tarja: I still love buying real CDs. I have a huge collection of CDs at home and I am still waiting to get an album in my hands from an artist I like. Sometimes it is not possible to find any CDs anymore in record stores, so I end up ordering them through websites like Amazon for example. I know how much time it takes to plan an artwork for the album, to design it. It is very important part of the whole album production to me and I love that part. I always put a lot of love and take time in designing an artwork for my albums, so I love to have an album in my hands.

Planetmosh: What was the last album you bought?

Tarja: Batman: the dark knight rises soundtrack.

Planetmosh: Thank you for your time.
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 13, 2012, 04:29:40 pm
Act 1 (Trailer) (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 17, 2012, 05:01:43 pm
Tarja cumple hoy 35 años!!!
FELICIDADES!! :011: :011: :011: :011: :011: :011:
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 18, 2012, 04:27:29 pm
Si teneis FB (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 23, 2012, 03:46:36 pm
Metal Female Voices Fest awards
This time we can vote for Tarja in the Best video and Best performance category!
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 24, 2012, 05:53:39 pm
In for a Kill (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 31, 2012, 04:04:47 pm
Entrevista Vorterix (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 31, 2012, 04:15:41 pm
Die Alive @ Rosario (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 06, 2012, 04:49:18 pm
Act 1 (primer dia) (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 06, 2012, 05:17:29 pm
DVD 2 (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 06, 2012, 11:49:19 pm
No está embarazada

Turunen said last winter she and Marcelo dreams of a family addition. The same ideas are still relevant today. - It would be utterly wonderful thing. I'm not going to get a child to the next nine months, because I am not pregnant at this time, Turunen laugh.
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 21, 2012, 06:16:07 pm
Entrevista (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 22, 2012, 04:02:26 pm
Entrevista Negrópolis (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 27, 2012, 04:01:00 pm
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 27, 2012, 04:04:58 pm
Entrevista (

Otra entrevista (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 09, 2012, 03:39:21 pm
Tarja have recently said that we can look forward to a suprise close to december,

Algo para diciembre!
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 10, 2012, 05:24:04 pm
Entrevista Metal Global (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 12, 2012, 05:16:33 pm
New concert:
Sala Palatului
April 11, 2013
Bucharest, ROMANIA
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 13, 2012, 04:01:52 pm
Russia, Moscow
May, 15 ... Image.jpeg

Russia, Saint Petersburg
May, 17
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 22, 2012, 04:16:41 pm
Entrevista (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 26, 2012, 06:20:12 pm
Entrevista Hear Evil (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 30, 2012, 03:34:56 pm
The good news from Bulgaria: it says the B&tB concert will be on March, 30,2013:
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 03, 2012, 04:40:04 pm
Starting to record vocals for my new studio album next week! Excited!!

Fuente (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 12, 2012, 03:46:41 pm
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 12, 2012, 06:50:02 pm
. Where did the idea come for releasing the latest live album and DVD Act I : Live in Rosario?
After two studio albums, over 200 shows and with the experience I already have, it seemed natural to come up with the live release now.

2. What are some of your current projects?
“Outlanders” is electronic, chill out project and I am currently working on writing new songs for this. “Harus” a classical line up of mine with whom I am going to be performing in the end of the year in Finland. I am going to have classical Christmas concerts in Germany and Finland in December, also with my Quartet. “Beauty and the Beat” is another classical project together with drummer Mike Terrana, symphonic orchestra and choir. We are going to make a world tour with it starting from April next year.
At the moment I am also working on my new studio album, which is planned to be released in August/September next year.

3. On keeping your voice in tip top shape what would be your secret?
There are no secrets J! I am training daily while being at home and while on tour, in every show day. It is vital for me to make progress as a lyrical singer since it also helps me to sing rock better. I still take singing lessons from my teacher time to time and give lessons myself. I have to be cautious about how I dress, what I eat/drink and when I sleep so that my voice can shine as its best in each of my shows.

4. What do you think of promo videos nowadays with everything being on YouTube?
They are as important as before even though the channels have changed. Nowadays we don’t have Mtv, but instead Youtube. The people still wants to see videos from the bands and artists.

5. Any news on your next album?
I am producing my next studio album already. We have recorded drums, guitars and bass for it already and at the moment we are finishing recording keyboards. The production will take until May next year, because I have several classical music tours in between that are breaking the process. If all goes fine, I hope that the album could be released in August/September next year.
I have just recently found my style and sound so I would like to establish it with the third studio album.

Tarja Turunen
The elements on the album will remain the same as in my previous albums, also the versatile style of songs. I like to keep the big dynamic changes between my songs, so that album songs feel radically different from each other. I am not stressed at all this time even though I am producing the album on my own again. I have been lucky to gather around a group of musicians who are willing to work with me, so everything is going smoothly.

6. What do you think of the music industry today and where it is going?
Until the governments don’t have a clear law against piracy and the digital downloads are not working worldwide properly, the record industry will keep on suffering.

7. Would you say the health of the Music scene is becoming stronger?
Thank God people still loves music, because the business is getting harder and harder every day. I have been touring all over the world and I keep on touring and what I can see is that people still connects with the music.

8. What’s your vision of the internet for musicians in the future?
All the bands and artists have needed to find new ways to promote their products and internet is a very important tool of information today, but still as big as it sounds, it is very limited. We are online, but not everybody is. When internet becomes really massive, having everybody online and the laws are really clear, and then we can talk about music’s future in internet. I think we are still far away.

9. What could we find interesting in Tarja Turunen’s music collection at home?
Tarja Turunen
I have more than 4000 CD:s at home and another same amount in my husband parent’s house, so you could spend some fun time in finding weird stuff. I have music from 60’s till these days, from pop/rock/metal/classical music and movie soundtracks.

10. Could you describe what goes on in a day in your life as a musician on tour?
I wake up usually quite late, just in time for the lunch especially if I sleep badly during the night. I go out for jogging, if possible before sound check. After dinner I start preparing my clothes, make up and hair for the show. When I am ready with those things, I start with my breathing and vocalizing exercises to warm up my voice. Then it’s show time! After the show I usually meet my fans and that always takes some time before I can go to sleep again.

11. Where does Tarja Turunen see Music in 100 years from now?
If you check what was going on in the Music 100 years ago, it would have been unpredictable then to say where we are now, so I can only imagine that people will still love music in 100 years.
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 13, 2012, 04:19:42 pm
hristmas in the hearts- tour 2012

Unfortunately Harus Christmas concerts have been cancelled due to unexpected
family reasons. This time Tarja is performing with her quartet in all the
dates. If you have already bought your ticket to Harus concert, your ticket
is valid for quartet concert.

Preselling places for the concerts are in
( ... a-kiertue/) and
( ... nguage=fi-

Tarja Turunen: voice
Mervi Myllyoja: violin
Max Lilja: cello
Janne Hovi: piano

12.12.2012 19:00 Savonlinna, Savonlinnan Tuomiokirkko ( Tickets: 29,95/33 €)
13.12.2012 19:00 Haapají¤rvi, Haapají¤rven Kirkko ( Tickets: 29,95 / 33 €)
14.12.2012 19:00 Kuhmo, Kuhmo-talo ( Tickets: 37/40 €)
15.12.2012 19:00 Alají¤rvi, Alají¤rven Kirkko ( Tickets: 29,95/33 €)
16.12.2012 19:00 Oulu, Madetojan sali ( Tickets: 37/40 €)
17.12.2012 19:00 Rovaniemi, Rovaniemen Kirkko ( Tickets 31,95/35 €)
19.12.2012 19:00 Pori, Keski-Porin Kirkko ( Tickets: 29,95/33 €)
20.12.2012 19:00 Vaasa, Mustasaaren Kirkko ( Tickets: 29,95/33 €)
21.12.2012 19:00 Espoo, Espoon kulttuurikeskus ( Tickets: 38/40 €)
22.12.2012 19:00 Jí¤msí¤, Jí¤msí¤n Kirkko ( Tickets: 29,95/33 €)
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 14, 2012, 03:27:53 pm
"Another great day at the studio. One fast heavy song with an industrial flavour and a ballad inspired by classical music are ready in the can."
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 15, 2012, 03:29:37 pm
May 20, 2013
Venue: Nokia Concert Hall
Country: Estonia
Town: Tallin
Ticket sales:
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 16, 2012, 07:42:38 pm
Entrebista (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 16, 2012, 08:36:17 pm
Se está haciendo un tattoo

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 18, 2012, 04:47:06 pm
1) I am definitely not pregnant, believe me
2) is not a San Lorenzo tattoo, even though is not a bad idea...
3) I will post a photo if the FB page reaches 500.000 likes
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 21, 2012, 04:04:06 pm
Tarja Turunen – Christmas In The Heart(s)!
Posted on 20. November 2012
Xmas is coming and the former NIGHTWISH singerTarja Turunen is preparing for her upcoming Christmas tour.

How Tarja celebrated Christmas in her youth and why an Argentine Santa Clause is a funny sight to see – read the following interview!

SiN: How did you get the idea for this special Christmas tour? I myself love the Christmas period since my childhood, it´s still a very special time for me – maybe it´s the same for you?

Tarja: I recorded my Christmas album in 2006 and even before that I have been making Christmas tours in Finland and also some concerts abroad. It has became like a tradition to me already to make these tours to happen every year. I love performing in churches, theaters or places like that with different acoustics and atmosphere.
When I was young it was a tradition in my family to sing Christmas songs all together, so the importance of music during Christmas celebrations is big to me.

SiN: Would you share some special childhood memories with us? How is a traditional finnish Xmas like?

Tarja: If there is no snow during Christmas in Finland, the kids are getting worried if Santa Claus can travel with his reindeers and sleigh to bring their presents. So snow is very important factor for the children in Finland. We burn a lot of candles, cook traditional Christmas food and eat a lot. Christmas is a time of a year when you should not think about dieting!
Music is also very important as there are hundreds of Christmas concerts happening during December so people are usually going to listen at least one concert with the whole family before Christmas. I used to cook cookies and Christmas bread with my mom and decorate the real Christmas tree couple of days before Christmas eve with my brothers. I loved that!

SiN: Besides the 4 german concerts you go on tour in your home country Finland. Is there a reason why you decide to play especially in Germany?

Tarja: Last time I performed Christmas concerts in Germany was in 2005 and the experience was really nice at that time. I wanted to make it happen again. My fans were really happy to have me performing totally different kind of concert for them. I am sure that this time it won’t be different!

SiN: The press photo with the red dress is great, you look fantastic in it! Styling and presentation are very important for you, would you agree? One of the nice side effects of being that popular is certainly getting such beautiful dresses and make-up (no, IÂ¥m NOT jealous..;) )?

Tarja: Oh well… thank you!  It is rather important for me to choose my performing dresses well in advance and to work with designers that know me. My sponsor Nordenfeldt is going to be designing me a new dress for this year’s concerts. I can’t wait to see the design. Creating a perfect atmosphere for my concerts is definitely most important. That means choosing the songs and the venues carefully.

SiN: I read you moved to Argentina – a big contrast to Finland, isn¥t it? Are the climatic differences the reason?

Tarja: I have lived permanently in Argentina for 4 years now and I love it here. The difference in living in a country like Argentina is huge compared to my home country Finland, but I have never had any cultural problems or problems in accepting the differences. Life is very colorful here and I like the local food, the weather and the people.

Also the fact that I can live a rather normal life here, which I was not able to do in Finland, helped my decision of moving here. I have plenty of fans here, but the city of Buenos Aires is huge so I can go out normally.

SiN: Maybe another reason for the tour, I guess it´s better to celebrate Christmas in frosty Finland ?

Tarja: Definitely the Christmas in Argentina is not feeling like a real Christmas with +40 degrees. Even chocolates are melting in a shadow and the Santas and their helpers are running with shorts! That is rather funny sight to see.

SiN: A new album is announced for Autumn 2013, do you already work on it? What can we expect – a classical or a Goth Metal album, I guess a combination of elements from both directions?

Tarja: The elements on my new studio album are going to remain the same as in my previous studio rod albums. There are songs that are really heavy with guitars and then others having only orchestra in them. I love the dynamic differences in my songs and when you listen to the album, you must know that I have been working so hard in them.
I love the freedom that I have today to produce my records and choose the people to work with. It is unbelievable! I am very happy as an artist today and grateful for the fact that I can have a career on my own.

SiN: Okay, thank you for your time. I wish you huge success with the tour and a wonderful Xmas time! Hyví¤í¤ joulua ja onnellista uutta vuotta! Hope that was correct  !

Tarja: Oh, thank you very much for your kind words! I wish you the same…Frohe Weihnachten und ein gutes neues Jahr! With love, Tarja

More about Tarja:
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 28, 2012, 04:20:52 pm
Ha sido mamá!! :D

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 29, 2012, 04:54:40 pm
La embajada finesa en Brasil lo ha confirmado!

Parabíéns Tarja, muita saúde e amor para bebíª e muitas felicidades para toda a famí­lia!

Aquí­ (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 30, 2012, 08:04:53 pm
Tarja and her band are busy recording for Tarja’s upcoming album, rehearsing for the upcoming Christmas concerts in Germany and Finland – and in the meanwhile..

Tarja became a mother of a baby girl!
The news is confirmed from different sources already; the name would be Uma Cabuli Turunen.

Via this way, we want to wish Tarja, Marcelo and Uma all joy, health and happiness!
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 01, 2012, 04:24:35 pm
Tarja Turunen on Wednesday, Facebook published by the picture caused a wild rumor mill. Soprano published on Facebook a picture of holding in her arms a small baby.
- Is time to go to the airport. In few days a new tour will start in Germany :) It will be a very special one for us indeed. See you all very soon! Turunen wrote a suggestive image context.
Now Turunen's spokesman confirms that this really is the singer and her husband Marcelo Cabulin child.
- The baby is their biological child, Turunen spokesman Taija Holm confirms Iltalehti.
Nightwish's ex-singer managed to keep her pregnancy secret, therefore, up to the end.
Told from the first-Sanomat.
Congratulations to both Tarja and her husband, Marcelo. This will be a special Christmas for them indeed!
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 22, 2012, 05:33:27 pm
Entrevista (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 22, 2012, 05:38:11 pm
60 minuten (Part 1) (í§

Part 2 (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 22, 2012, 05:39:48 pm

"I have two sweeties"

The number one place in Tarja Turunen’s heart is now shared by husband Marcelo and baby Naomi. Becoming a mother has also brought up melancholic memories of her own mother who died of cancer at the age of 53.
Singer Tarja Turunen, 35, had a running start to her visit to Finland. She rushed from the airport to a live tv- broadcast to confirm to the Finnish people that the news coming from the world are true. That she has really become a mother.
For a few years now Tarja Turunen has told in interviews that a baby would be welcomed. Now the dream has come true. Now with the singer, who at the moment lives in Argentina, has not only husband Marcelo Cabuli on tour, but also a little daughter Naomi Erika Alexia Cabuli Turunen.
She is already four months old. Why did the singer hide her pregnancy and birth for so long? And how did she manage to do it?

Calm Naomi

When arriving for Seura’s interview Tarja Turunen looks suprisingly rested for a recent mother. She does tell that she hasn’t been sleeping well for the last couple of days, but not because of the baby but because of work.
Before coming to Finland she sang four Christmas concerts in a row in different parts of Germany and slept poorly on the bus. Naomi and Marcelo instead slept like babies in a crib on the wiggling bus.
”Naomi is luckily a very calm child”, Tarja sighs.
She tells that the baby even slept the long plane ride from Argentina to Europe. She has been sleeping from 8pm to 6am and waking up once at the most to eat since she was born.
”We haven’t been tired at any point because of the baby”, the lucky mum tells.
Dad-Marcelo takes care of her when the singer is performing or taking care of other business stuff. Tarja gave up breast feeding after a tangled start.
”My body didn’t function like I would have hoped. There’s nothing you can do about that. And it does make life easier, that dad can be with the child for long periods of time”, Tarja ponders.

The pregnancy wasn’t noticed

Tarja Turunen’s motherhood was revealed at the end of November at her own wish. The singer published a picture on her Facebook-page where she’s holding a baby. Soon her public communicator revealed to the press that it was Tarja Turunen’s biological child.
”We put the picture on Facebook on purpose. It would have come out on gigs in Germany.”
Tarja says that the baby wasn’t actually hidden at any point. She admits keeping a low profile about the pregnancy, but not because she was afraid of a miscarriage of other problems.
”I think private matters are private. I’m not the type of person who would use a pregnancy in promotion”, she says.
She is visibly happy about friends and family who knew about the matter for a long time kept it to themselves.
The pregnancy stayed a secret thanks to hiding clothes too.
”It was winter in Argentina when I was pregnant so I wore a thick coat”, Tarja tells laughing.
One time she was with Marcelo shopping for the baby when fans spotted her and came for a chat. Pictures were taken too – but no one noticed the pregnancy or the baby supplies in the bag.
Feeling sick didn’t reveal the pregnancy either, since Tarja didn’t suffer from nausea at all. She was on tour for the first five months of pregnancy. Tarja’s belly didn’t even have time to grow noticebly large, because Naomi was born a month early.
Tarja doesn’t want to talk about the reason behind the early labour.
”It was a suprise, but both me and baby are fine.”
After the baby’s birth Tarja hasn’t avoided public places according to her own words. She just didnt’ happen to run into fans while taking walks with the baby.
In Argentina reporters knew about the pregnancy but due to Tarja’s request the matter wasn’t told in the press. It was important for Tarja to tell the matter to the Finnish audience first.

Two sweeties

There has been childlessness amongst the people close to Tarja so she didn’t consider having kids a no-brainer.
”We got really lucky. My husband isn’t exactly young at 43. I wouldn’t have wanted to loose the oppertunity of becoming a mum”, Tarja tells.
Now Tarja follows with admiration how her daughter keeps learning new things. Before the first place in the singer’s heart was reseved for just her husband, but now the spot is shared.
”I have these two sweeties of mine. It’s a lovely joy that I’ve become a mum – and the love for my husband has deepened. My heart almost bursts when I see the two together.”
In Argentina the family’s relationship to Marcelo’s family is close. In Finland Tarja’s family has already waited for the reunion and of course meeting the newborn.
Time with the family is limited, since most of Tarja’s visit to Finland will be spent on a Christmas tour that starts in Savonlinna and ends in Jí¤msí¤. For the New Year the family will travel to Argentina.
”We have work waiting there.”
Tarja does say that she will try to visit Finland with her family in the future. Tarja says she misses the silence and the summer of Finland while in Argentina.
”But I do not miss this darkness, coldness or the snow one bit”, she confesses.
She also enjoys Argentina because there she isn’t so often regonized as in Finland.
”In Finland the public me takes a lot of strength. Argentina has given me freedom.”
Thanks to the argentinean culture Tarja tells that she has learned to be open, which has been the way out from many anxieties.
”With Marcelo I have learned to talk about things with their real names. That way nothing keeps bugging you. We sometimes have strict conversations but we don’t yell, slam doors or give silent treatments”, Tarja tells.
According to Tarja the openess in Argentina sometimes has amusing features.
A while back her mother-in-law asked quite bluntly how the intimate side of the relationship was going after having a baby.
”I told her, we were doing great. We both now have a new love to handle and it is of course a challenge for us both.”

A strict mum

Becoming a mother has also brought up melancholic memories of her own mother who died of cancer at the age of 53 in 2003. The longing becames usually worse in Finland.
“I’ve gotten past the memories of mother’s suffering and times near the end. Now I have more nice memories in my mind.”
Tarja tells that her mum was more than a mum to her.
“We were like twins. We were so well in sync and I lost a lot in her.”
Tarja tells she was raised strictly and got clear instructions for life from her mum: don’t spend time daydreaming and work hard.
“I’ll probably be a strict mum myself. I want my child to understand that nothing comes for free.”
She thinks that her work that demands travelling will make Naomi’s life tough. On tour it may be hard for a child to make and keep friends.
Tarja is ready for Marcelo and Naomi staying home at some point when she goes on tour. That will be new since Marcelo and Tarja have travelled together for 12 years, supporting together.
“Being apart will be tough for me and surely for them too.”
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 22, 2012, 05:43:33 pm

When Tarja Turunen found out shen was pregnant the family didn’t consider for a moment that the singer would stop touring.
– The happiness of the child is the most important thing. I hope Namu will adapt to our life style because without my career I would become a terrible person.

”I wondered can I be a good mum”

In Kitee on the yard of a blueish gray house the snow has formed a smooth mantle. The only footprints lead to the front door, to the lanterns and next to them to the lobby which has plenty of suitcases. A few have still snowflakes on them.
The bags have travelled from Argentina to Germany from there to Helsinki and at last here to North-Karelia. Tarja Turunen, 35, and her family has reached their destination just a few moments ago. We are at the house of the singer’s brother: at Timo, Minna and the two little princess’ house. Here the Turunen family gathers to spend Christmas together now with a new person among them.
Naomi Erika Alexia Cabuli Turunen is a little over four months and for the first time at her Tarja-mum’s birthplace in Eastern Finland. At his father’s Marcelo Cabuli’s. 43, home in Argentina it is customary to give a child one or two names at the most, but Naomi has three, two last names and a nickname Namu.
- Thank god it was a girl, we didn’t have any boy names thought out, Tarja laughs and strokes the brown hair on Namu’s head.
The girl lays on her dad’s lap and looks at admirers with her dark eyes. The maternity clinic doctor has predicted that they will eventually turn green. Marcelo is fine with that: he thinks with brown eyes the girl would cause her dad even more gray hairs and hurry keeping boyfriends away.
- It’s always lovely to come back to Kitee but this time it feels special. My brothers beat me to it at having a family and always said that someday you’ll understand what it means. And this is an amazingly great thing, Tarja tells.

Calender precise baby bliss

Tarja and Marcelo have been together for 12 years, married almost ten. Marcelo has two kids, a 17- and 19-year-old boys.
- The boys have their mother and no one will replace her, but I too have close relationships with the kids. When they were little they used to hold my hand when walking in the city and came sleep next to us in the evening. Just a few years ago it wasn’t clear to me that I would have kids of my own, Tarja says.
The idea of a bigger family came just the year before last. Tarja started to miss a child of her own.
– I noticed a clear change in how I felt. I started to see babies everywhere. I thought that dammit should we get on with it. Marcelo is eight years older and that’s also why I didn’t want to postpone the decision.
Tarja and Marcelo sometimes spend the whole year on tour and a child changes everything. The baby was planned with calendars in hand.
- We went through future plans. If I got easily pregnant the baby would come between tours. But you can never know with these things. We got lucky and succeeded right away.
The early stages of pregnancy Tarja spent on a long rock tour. At the end of the tour she was already five months along and waited when nausea would harm the performances.
- I get easily sick. When we drive in the mountains Marcelo has to pull over when I pant that I’m about to puke. It’s amazing but during the pregnancy I didn’t have nausea on one single day, Tarja cheers.
The couple told about the pregnancy to their close ones and didn’t mean to hide or keep the baby a secret. Fans nor the media noted Tarja’s growing belly. Still a week before the labor she was shopping in baby supply stores and signing autographs without any hullabaloo.
- Just one fan in Brazil noticed what was going on. (S)he came to thank me for the show and said “You’re pregnant”. I was like what and just said I had too much pizza, Tarja tells laughing.
Keeping the child a secret became a joke to Tarja’s people. They wondered would the news really come out just in Finland. The news spread in early December when Tarja published a baby picture on her Facebook-page.
- Fans were positively shocked. And the amount of presents that Namu has gotten from them, Tarja says.
There’s in the suitcase from a French fan a sweet dress with Santa’s reindeers pulling the sleigh. Namu might wear that when the family gathers to spend Christmas.

Grandmums, granddads and canned foods

The house in Kitee is roomy and full of feeling. The table seats many people and at Christmas it is made even longer. At its best the table has had 18 people and every year there is absolutely Karelian hot pot and sweetened potato casserole on the table but never lutefisk. The Karelian pies are ordered from a familiar retired lady and the next patch will have 500 of them.

There is plenty of Turunen family, on the mother’s side Hakkarainen there is just mother’s brother. When Tarja and Timo meet in the kitchen there is a long and hard hug. The siblings discuss cosyly and warmly, sometimes the brother teases her sister about her bottom and soon calls her Tarja-love.
Tarja’s mother passed away of cancer at the age of 53, but she is in her family’s thoughts every day. Mother smiles in Kitee in picture with a candle burning in front of it. Tarja and Marcelo have the same at home in Buenos Aires. Often Marcelo lights the candle before Tarja.
- I had to have a little cry when I thought how happy those are, who have grandparents in the family to help and support. Mother was an important friend to me and I would have wanted to share becoming a mother with her. There is a great hole when mom isn’t here anymore. With her a great part of my life went away.
But luckily there’s grandpa. In the living room Tarja’s dad follows his grandchildren and shakes his head when one empties Namu’s sitter and tucks her own bunnies there. The other one has gotten off her dress and runs around with just pants.
- I operate women, grandpa thinks.

Also Namu’s grandparents in Argentina are thrilled. After the baby was born the local grandpa swore he got more years to his life. The parents are on the elderly side so they can’t really help with taking care of Namu.
- Mother-in-law already told that you need to make all the food for a baby yourself. When canned food weren’t fed to Marcelo they shouldn’t be fed to Namu either. I did snap at Marcelo that goddamn how much more advise will we get, but she has calmed down.
Tarja and Marcelo have friends as their safety net but mostly it’s just the two of them running the everyday life. It’s been like that always.
- We are pretty much alone in this life. Our life is so much on the road. You could pretty much say that we have just each other and now Namu.
Tarja has noticed that a child has waked up new concerns.
- Now I am more afraid for Marcelo. I tell him to drive safe more often. We’ve talked about what if something happened to one of us. I cry how terrible it would be alone but Marcelo always says you’d manage.
His realism and calmness are the biggest difference when compared to Tarja. The latino personality is there but more often it is Marcelo calming Tarja down.
- I take those artistic freedoms once in a while and blow up sometimes. Or then I panic so much I can’t think straight at all. When in panic I can’t even put my underpants on right but Marcelo is never over the top. He’s the train going in the right direction while I may go to the wrong rails.

From an incubator to in line for school

There’s a sniffle from the kitchen. Namu is feeding bottled milk on her father’s lap while with the other hand Marcelo is taking care of his e-mails. Tarja finds it amusing that they were at first in panic whether Marcelo knew how to take care of a baby anymore. He had thought about it himself, it had been so long since the boys were born after all.
Tarja praises the “extremely good” labor training in a German hospital in Buenos Aires. There they sat together in theory class and Tarja in mother’s gym class.
- Marcelo was slightly amused by it but he went along without any buts. He has studied in medical school and was interested in the anatomical part of it while I was learning baby words in Spanish.
Namu was born a month early, weighing just 2,2 kilos. The first days she gathered her strength in an incubator on top of a sheep hide and the family got used to the little one in the hospital a little longer. The unexpected start scared a bit at first but now Tarja thinks it was good timing.
- We got more time to get to know Namu before going on tour. The months at home were a great time for calming down, we just got be in peace. The most important thing is that she’s healthy.
Tarja didn’t think to stop working and staying home with the baby at any point. In Argentina mothers return to work when the baby is four weeks old. For most it’s because of the money, life is hard and there is no support system. Tarja on the other hand feels she would die without music.
- If I had to quit my career I’d become a terrible person. Music keeps me alive without that I can’t be happy. If I suffer then the family suffers. We have talked that Marcelo would stay home when she goes to school.
In Argentina you move to kinder garden at the age of two and to school at six years old. The most popular private schools need to be applied as soon as the baby is born. Namu has been seen by a few English schools.
Also religion plays a big part in raising a child. Namu will grow up with many religions since her granddad is Jewish, grandmum Catholic, Tarja Lutheran and Marcelo doesn’t feel like he belongs at any church. In the young family’s life religion has no great part and Namu can choose her own conviction.
- Namu’s childhood will in many ways be different than mine. I’m a little worried that she won’t have a yard like this to run around and nature around her. We have to start holding hands right at the front door.
Tarja plans to teach her daughter what it is to be a Finn. The nature, the sea and the language will be made familiar. Marcelo is fine with this, he’d rather live here whereas Tarja enjoys the colorfulness of the big city.
- Her social network will be something totally different than the kids next door, most of them will never go abroad or learn different languages. On the other hand she has to adapt to changing friends and sceneries.
Tarja says she’s a sturdy mother, in parenting stricter than Marcelo.
- Otherwise we have the same values. A child can be a child, frolic and trifle as long as the boundaries are made clear. A child has to be heard and she is entitled to her opinion.
I hope she finds a passion, something to get excited about. I hope we are as encouraging as parents as my family was.
Tarja’s parents drove her to hobbies five times a week.
- On the other hand we were taught to value work. You could have dreams but you had to make the effort for them. I hated waking up at seven in the morning to pick up strawberries from the yard but now I can value that.

Home in May

Tarja works now in Finland too, very near Christmas. Christmas in the Hearts tour reaches from Rovaniemi to Espoo until the 22. of December.
- At Christmas you sing about important and good things. When I am able to give a person a moment of peace in the middle of chaos if makes me feel good too.
During the rock tours Tarja will sing two nights in row at most and then there’s a day off. At Christmas it’s a different pace: there’s one day off in ten days of tour and that the family will spend driving from Rovaniemi to Pori. Tarja and Marcelo take turns in watching the driving wheel and the pacifier.
- I don’t worry about how I manage. Before the tour I had time to take care of myself. Sing a lot, I ate well, went to the gym, swam and got to relax at home with the baby. It was a special treat.
In January the family will fly to Miami, Caribbean, Los Angeles and Texas to make Tarja’s next album. After the recordings the Beauty and the Beat- tour starts in Europe. Tarja counts she will be home in middle of May.
- We enjoy the life on tour and hope Namu will learn to enjoy it also. The most important thing is responsibility about the child, but I think we will manage. I often think what makes a good mother and am nervous can I be that to Namu.
Tarja hasn’t read any baby- or parenting books. She doesn’t believe that the truth is inside book covers.
- We will surely make mistakes as parents but we’re healthy in the head and we will find our own way of being parents. Luckily I’m becoming more relaxed and more certain all the time. It feels safe when Marcelo says that I’m always the best mum for my child.
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 29, 2012, 04:19:07 pm
Christmas in The Hearts Live in Vaasa (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 03, 2013, 04:05:56 pm
Entrevista Metal Army (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 03, 2013, 04:09:55 pm
All went fine yesterday in the studio. We were working vocals for "Killer". This is anyway just a working title ;). Now I am heading to studio again.
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 07, 2013, 04:19:42 pm

Isn't it lovely to be able to work with the whole family? We recorded a cover song for the new album. It worked out pretty well :) You can start guessing the  Artist I covered ;)
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 08, 2013, 04:05:16 pm
Tarja colaborará con Mike Oldfield

We are proud to announce the release of “Tubular Beats”, the brand new remix album by Mike Oldfield. The album will include the most popular songs by Oldfield and the brand new song “Never Too Far”, featuring Tarja Turunen tarjaofficial Out February 1st, 2013!

Preorder the album via Amazon:

“Never Too Far” is a brand new song featuring singer Tarja Turunen who not surprisingly is offering one of her most emotional performances ever, being Oldfield one of the singer’s heroes.

Tarja explains: “It was such a pleasure to work with Mike Oldfield. The song turned out to be even better than I could have ever expected. Mike has a vast career and experience in pop, instrumental and electronic music. I love his music and his personal guitar sound.
My work in this song was inspired by Mike’s ‘Islands’ featuring another of my youth idol: Bonnie Tyler. A way to thank them for the nice melodies I grew up with was to add a line from their hit. And I believe Mike liked the idea too. That’s how ‘Never Too Far’ was born. Hope that you enjoy the song as much as I do.”

More info:

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 16, 2013, 05:11:20 pm
Tarja es imagen de la marca Nordenfelt

Fotos (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 24, 2013, 10:19:41 pm
Never too far (with Mike Oldfield) (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 05, 2013, 03:26:17 pm
Never too far (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 07, 2013, 05:17:31 pm
The most interesting from Spark:

Two Concerts in Zlí­n (Czech Republic) are sold out.
Tarja said:
Concert Beauty and the Beat in Bulgaria I liked very much and I will repeat it again.

In Zlin are going to shoot DVD!

In each country will accompany us local choir and orchestra.

Concerts BATB will be around 15 together, there will be even more in Europe.

People from the orchestra are not accustomed to my audience, but I Adore their vocalisation and I hope it stays that way!

I love opera and classical music, I do not want to choose between, I would not be me.

My new album will be released in August or September, it’s nearly finished.

Naomi is an angel. We can do with her what so far she is part of our musical life.
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 21, 2013, 09:02:00 pm
"Dear fans,
Sorry for being lazy in writing to you more often. But it is for a good reason.
I have been writing lyrics the last week with Anders and Mattias. You can see us in the photo in a break from the creative process
I have also been recording vocals and today I received the first song mixed and I have decided the name for the new album...
So things are getting ready little by little.
Write to you soon "

Fuente (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 24, 2013, 05:31:20 pm
Dear MFVF People, here is a new confirmation for the MFVF XI !
Don't miss her, she'll play only ONE festival in 2013, she absolutely wanted to play the MFVF again (unique show in 2013 in Belgium) she is coming with a new album, a new show @ MFVF've asked about & the MFVF always tried its best to make you happy ! Please welcome TARJA TURUNEN !

Fuente (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 18, 2013, 05:49:55 pm
Dear fans,

this is the place where I am going to be writing you about the process of my new album.

I am very happy with the production so far and cannot really wait to get the album ready!

It’s going to be a “killer, killer…” 

In few days I am going to record the final vocals for the last song on the album. It will be a hard ending for the vocal recordings, since the song has several choirs and even some sort of ethnic touch, so I will have to sweat.

Anyway this album production has gone very smoothly forward since all the pieces are together and the team that has been working with me before is still the same.

It’s only getting better!

Here I am recording piano for a couple of songs.


And here we are having fun with my daughter in the studio listening to the takes.


In few days I will be flying to LA to work with Jim Dooley the orchestra and choir arrangements and then next week the “Beauty and the Beat” world tour begins.

Lot of things are going on at the same time, as always

Be well!

With love, Tarja (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 18, 2013, 05:51:19 pm
Posted March 18th, 2013 by Tarja & filed under News.

Following the sensational success of “ACT I”, earMUSIC and Tarja are delighted to announce the renewal of their collaboration for an exciting set of new releases spanning over the next few years.

Kicking off with the long awaited new studio rock album, the following months will entail many musical areas of interest of the versatile and talented Finnish artist, including exciting new studio material as well as live audio and video recordings.
Although rock will remain Tarja‘s main musical field in the months to come, earMUSIC and the artist are also planning to release further high quality productions in diverse musical genres.
The spectacular “Beauty and The Beat” tour will be filmed this year, and the success of the album “Harus” will be followed by the first-ever classical studio album by Tarja Turunen.

Tarja‘s fans will be happy to know that the follow-up to 2010′s studio album “What Lies Beneath” will hit the stores between August and September 2013.
The album, mixed by Tim Palmer (Pearl Jam, U2) is set to be Tarja’s next milestone for symphonic heavy rock thanks to a stellar line-up and a state of the art production.
Details about the first single and its video and the extensive worldwide tour will be revealed soon.

“ACT I” – the first rock release by Tarja on earMUSIC charted Top 10 all over Europe as well as almost all over the world, with a sensational no. 5 in Germany’s General Charts (a unique result for a live album). The video version even remained for over two months at the peak of the Finnish music video charts.

Fans will be able to follow Tarja‘s work and musical journey to her new album release on her website
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 19, 2013, 10:43:29 pm
According to, TARJA TURUNEN will perform in Germany and Austria on the following dates:

Huxleys Neue Welt, Berlin, Germany - 19.10.2013
Docks, Hamburg, Germany - 22.10.2013
FZW / Freizeitzentrum West, Dortmund, Germany - 23.10.2013
FZW / Freizeitzentrum West, Dortmund, Germany - 25.10.2013
Backstage Mí¼nchen, Germany - 26.10.2013
Arena Wien, Wien, Austria - 27.10.2013
Lí¶wensaal, Ní¼rnberg, Germany - 30.10.2013
Haus Auensee, Leipzig, Germany - 01.11.2013
Gloria Theater, Kí¶ln, Germany - 02.11.2013
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 24, 2013, 05:02:58 pm
And finally all the vocal recordings for the new CD are done!   

This is already enough good reason to open a bottle of wine to celebrate, as the feeling is that we are almost there…

I always love to experiment new things with my voice and this last song we recorded with my engineer in Buenos Aires, Mario, was not an exception.

This song I decided some time ago that it will be the closing track of the album. It was challenging to write about the story of “Medusa”.

Just before travelling to L.A. to work with Jim the orchestra and choir arrangements I run into Eugenio’s studio to take new promotional photos

With love, Tarja

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 29, 2013, 08:09:25 pm (

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 31, 2013, 05:55:51 pm
Setlist Beauty and The Beat (Sofia) (

Videos (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 04, 2013, 10:24:04 pm
Entrevista (


Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 07, 2013, 06:00:37 pm

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 07, 2013, 06:02:16 pm
Mas fotos (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 08, 2013, 05:12:47 pm
Se rueda! (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 08, 2013, 05:15:46 pm
Mas fotos (

Tarja video making
Singer is preparing in September release of her new album; video for first single with title Never again was shot in Zlin’s Congress centre. Beautiful place served as scenery to video, which should be in style of many YT videos with titles. It should have premiere in few weeks in June, photos from shooting can be checked already now in our gallery.
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 11, 2013, 11:51:10 pm
Citar conducted an interview with former NIGHTWISH singer Tarja Turunen and acclaimed drummer Mike Terrana (TARJA, AXEL RUDI PELL, RAGE, YNGWIE J. MALMSTEEN, MASTERPLAN) prior to the April 11 Bucharest, Romania concert on their "Beauty And The Beat" tour. You can now watch the chat below.

The first "Beauty And The Beat" concert took place in September 2011 at the Roman Amphitheatre in Plovdiv, Bulgaria. The setlist consisted of songs from Tarja's solo career, NIGHTWISH covers and classical pieces. Fan-filmed video footage of the performance can be seen below.

Tarja stated about the Plovdiv concert: "When I walked to the stage, the audience was so loud that I got pretty confused with my thoughts and emotions, so I burst into tears even before singing a note! It was wonderful. The whole concert was wonderful. I was very, very happy.

"The whole idea of performing together with the orchestra, choir and Mike is very unique and I knew that this concept would work live, as it did. We hope that we can do this more often and it could happen wherever!

"I needed to hug Mr. Terrana a loooooong time before and after the concert. Actually, Mike enjoyed the concert so much that he told me afterwards this: 'Dear Tarja, if I should die tomorrow, I would die happily.' It was the best concert he said he had done in his career so far. I was VERY happy to be a part of that." (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 13, 2013, 08:25:27 pm
Tarja Turunen new world tour

End of summer new solo album
World tour begins in Czech republic in Olomouc 17 october 2013 as part of project called "Rock Olomouc"
In June she will be release new video to first single "Never Enough" shot in Zlin.
Tarja with her musicians will prepare and rehearse her new program for world tour (as she did before previous tour) in Masters of Rock Cafe in Zlin.
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 14, 2013, 11:19:54 pm
Greetings from sunny Austin, Texas. I arrived here yesterday after a veeeeeeery long journey. I am still fighting to get better from my illness and trying to think positive about what’s there to come.

We filmed a lyric video in Zlin, Czech Republic a week ago for the song Never Enough. I didn’t want to make a traditional, boring lyric video for the song, so I am going to appear on the video not just the lyrics of the song.

Anyway, this video is not what we can call the official first music video from my new album, but just an improved version of a lyric video

The filming took only couple hours with Martin who worked also on directing my first solo live rock DVD Act I. You will get to see the video pretty soon.

At the moment we are hands on the last orchestra and choir arrangements with Jim Dooley. Everything sounds amazing and Jim is doing again a great job. The orchestra and choir on my albums are having big roles, so this part of the production is very important.

I am in Austin because of Tim Palmer. He has already started working on the mixes of the album and I am here to finalize them together with him in these next days. I am sure the album will sound great after Tim has done his magic. He worked with me on my last album already, so I know already how he works. It is exciting to think that the album is going to be ready in around 2 weeks from now. It has been a long, but very rewarding process again.

We are working at this right moment closely with the record company to decide when to announce the album name, album cover and track list.

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 20, 2013, 05:48:53 pm
Greetings from Texas!

I have been in USA for a week now and it has been very sad to see the recent happenings in Boston and Texas.

We have been working hard with Tim Palmer in the album mix. The songs sound truly amazing. Few of them are ready.

From now on I will start letting you know through this blog all song titles as well as other information and details of the new album.

We have decided together with my record company that the album name will be disclosed on May 6th. It will be announced in this web page while I am in Romania.

So as promised, here is the first song title: “500 letters”

With love, Tarja
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 23, 2013, 04:11:40 pm
Another beautiful day in Austin. We are making progress everyday with Tim.

Orchestras, choirs, cellos, sound ambience design, duduk, harp, the band… everything is getting together

Here goes another song title for you: Neverlight
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 28, 2013, 08:27:19 pm
The long process is soon getting to its end. Or if you prefer, to the beginning.

Now the mix is done, next week the album will be mastered and ready for production.

Once again I am working with Dirk Rudolph the album artwork and he will nail it soon. You can expect, as before, beautiful photos, maybe more shocking this time

This album took me to several places in the last 2 years, but nothing compared to where it will take us for promotion and touring.

And a new song title: Lucid Dreamer

With Love, Tarja
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 01, 2013, 04:17:44 pm
Dear friends,


Today I decided to let you know not just one song title, but three!!!

So here we go:


Never Enough

Into The Sun



Hahahaha  :)

Hyví¤í¤ Vappua


With Love, Tarja
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 03, 2013, 07:22:05 pm
Love and support to you Kevin! ‪

And one of the new songs where Kevin played: Victim of Ritual

With love, Tarja
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 06, 2013, 10:25:16 pm
El album se llama "Colors in the Dark"

Despite her light and shiny personality, Tarja’s music has always been dressed “in black” – the colour of heavy rock, of mystery and elegance.
With Tarja’s new album, fans will find out what happens when a splice of colour is added to the mix. Or – better said – when the full colour spectrum enters the picture it does not cover the black but makes it shine through with many emotions and landscapes.

Following up on the success of the multi-platinum and gold awarded previous records “My Winterstorm” (2007) and “What Lies Beneath” (2010), Tarja finally returns with her long-awaited new rock album. “Colours In The Dark” will be released on August 23rd, 2013 via earMUSIC, the label which also released the top 5 live project “Act 1”.

Mixed and mastered by Tim Palmer in Austin, Texas (Pearl Jam, U2), the songs on “Colours In The Dark” do not shy away from taking a risk and surprising musical turns, introducing new sounds and new musical atmospheres. Still, they maintain a heaviness that will surely bring a big smile to the hardest of rockers.
With its grand orchestra and choir arrangements, Tarja’s next milestone emphasises once again the impressive vocal range of the Finnish artist and shows her artistic growth.
With ten brand new songs and over one hour of music, “Colours In The Dark” is definitely going to be one of the brightest moments for rock in 2013.

Fans should make sure to check the regularly updated website on which Tarja personally posts blog-entries about the recording process of the new album, revealing song titles and lyrics and keeps in touch with her fans.

Tarja will perform the songs from “Colours In The Dark Tour 2013” starting with her forthcoming tour in Germany.

19.10. Berlin – Huxley’s (GER)
22.10. Hamburg – Docks (GER)
23.10. Dortmund – FZW (GER)
25.10. Karlsruhe – Festhalle Durlach (GER)
26.10. Munich – Backstage (GER)
27.10. Vienna – Arena (AT)
29.10. Zí¼rich – Komplex (CH)
30.10. Nuremberg – Lí¶wensaal (GER)
01.11. Leipzig – Haus Auensee (GER)
02.11. Cologne – Gloria (GER)

Tickets via
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 09, 2013, 04:21:18 pm
Posted May 9th, 2013 by Tarja & filed under Blog.

Dear Fans,

As the title already clearly points out, you can expect a dark album, but filled with colours.

And for the third time the album title comes from a line of one of the songs.

This song is called “Until Silence” and here you can find a piece of the lyrics.


I saw our memories die

thought our dreams had lost their meaning

but dreams still in my heart

are painting colours in the dark


Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 12, 2013, 04:13:53 pm
Here you have one more title for the weekend:



And a fragment of the lyrics:


…far away to heaven

I run with the wind

that’s how I begin

road to my deliverance..


with love, Tarja
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 14, 2013, 05:02:24 pm
The album cover will be released on Thursday! And another new title: Mystique Voyage
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 16, 2013, 05:24:34 pm
La portada

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 18, 2013, 04:20:41 pm
Tarja says:

''My daughter has inspired me. She has left her mark on the album and we'll hear her in a song too. We recorded her screams.''

Tarja describes this song like a ''scary song''

Fuente (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 19, 2013, 12:03:04 am
Fotos (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 19, 2013, 04:52:33 pm
Dear friends!

 Greetings from Saint Petersburg. Here the Beauty and The Beat concert was held in a really beautiful venue and was sold out.

It has been amazing to perform these cross over shows again with Mike. We have been having such a great time with the orchestras and choirs! The atmospheres in all the concerts have been very special. Thank you for all those “bravos” Saint Petersburg!

We started our journey from Bucharest where we tried to do the show some weeks ago, but unfortunately needed to postpone it due to my illness. This time I was still recovering, but we managed to do the show and saw how the place was packed with enthusiastic Romanians. This definitely was the biggest show I have ever done in Romania, so it makes me very happy. And the love was definitely in the air!

 After Romania we travelled to Wroclaw, Poland. I was happy to visit this city for the first time ever. We performed with the academy orchestra and they played very well. It was fun to perform with young and talented people. We really had a great time with these lovely people and the Polish audience. I felt very welcome in Wroclaw and the concert made me realize that I have to make more shows in Poland in the future. Very nice feeling!

Poland was left behind and after another a couple of flights we arrived to Moscow, Russia.

Russians really play music with emotions, wow! The orchestra conductor is not speaking English, but we manage with German! Hehehe.

 Great, great concert in Moscow and again I received hundreds of flowers from the lovely audience. Russians, you are crazy with the flowers!  :)

Today we’ll travel to Tallinn, Estonia where we are going to play tomorrow. It is going to be my third time in Estonia, so cannot wait to see what happens.

Tomorrow, Monday 20th, we are going to disclose you the second album cover for the Special Edition of “Colours in the dark”, so come back to check it at

With love, Tarja

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 20, 2013, 11:06:34 pm
La portada de la edición especial

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 21, 2013, 11:20:35 pm
Tarja cantando Nothing Else Matters (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 22, 2013, 10:52:45 pm
Victim of Ritual posible primer single

Fuente (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 25, 2013, 03:57:07 pm
Fotos (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 28, 2013, 08:40:30 pm

The time to have the first glimpse of “Colours In The Dark” has arrived. The teaser song “Never Enough” will be available on YouTube and exclusively on iTunes this Friday! Keep an eye on, tarjaofficial and our page to listen to it and to watch the unusual lyric video.
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 29, 2013, 11:38:58 pm
La portada del vinilo!


We are happy to announce that Tarja "Colours In The Dark" will also be available on Vinyl. More info soon on
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 30, 2013, 03:57:32 pm
Teaser Never Enough (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 30, 2013, 04:02:13 pm
La portada del single

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 30, 2013, 07:42:22 pm
Otra portada: Boxset Edition

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 31, 2013, 05:59:10 pm
Never Enough (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 02, 2013, 04:59:49 pm
Sobre el videoclip (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 03, 2013, 10:46:36 pm
Chorus of the song Victim of Ritual:

“Hysterical, tragical
Victim of ritual
Cynical, critical
Victim of ritual
She's a killer, killer
She's a killer, killer”
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 04, 2013, 04:20:09 pm


An evocative snare-drum that sounds like it was coming from a mysterious place, the tender sound of an orchestra joins followed by a familiar and seductive melody played by an oboe. When Tarja’s distinctive voice resounds through the speakers, her warm timbre fills the room.

Her melody is full of emotions and tender, before the song explodes into an epic, heavy chorus:

“Hysterical, tragical
Victim of ritual
Cynical, critical
Victim of ritual
She’s a killer, killer
She’s a killer, killer”

- Excerpt of ‘Victim Of Ritual’ by Tarja

Inspired by the one-movement orchestral piece ‘Bolíéro’ by Maurice Ravel, the almost six minutes long, ‘Victim Of Ritual’ is the first single from Tarja’s forthcoming album “Colours In The Dark”. The song will be released as download, CD single and 7” vinyl on July 12th, 2013 via earMUSIC.
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 11, 2013, 04:30:59 pm
After the last Beauty and The Beat concert in Europe, I directly flew to Berlin, Germany to do some promotion for my new album. I have been making interviews several days there and as well in Milan, Italy.

It has been nice and interesting to talk with many journalists and to hear their opinions about my new album, as they have been the ones to hear it already! The feedback has been amazing. I am for the first time really getting anxious about the release and what is really going to happen.

Today we flew over to Warsaw to continue this promotional tour. Next stops are Paris and London. I guess I will be talking and repeating the same things over and over again in these next days, but it has to be done  :)

Yesterday we also filmed the music video for my first single ”Victim of Ritual” in Berlin. The day was veeeeeryyyyyyy long. We started at 9 am and finished 4 am next morning! I had fun though!

With love, Tarja
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 11, 2013, 04:34:35 pm (

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 12, 2013, 03:56:46 pm
Send us your reconstructed version of Tarja’s Victim Of Ritual (SINGLE OUT JULY 12th 2013) cover and win one of 5 signed CD singles! Simply take a picture of yourself, cover your face with colour and place the logo on top. Click here to download the “Victim Of Ritual” Logo. (right click -> save)

The competition ends July 7th 2013.

To take part, simply send us “your” Victim Of Ritual cover and your address via E-Mail to

The winners chosen by Tarja will receive 1 of 5 signed CD singles (after the official release in July).

Good luck! (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 12, 2013, 04:11:56 pm
This seems to be the tracklist of 'Colours in the Dark':
01. Victim Of Ritual
02. 500 Letters
03. Lucid Dreamer
04. Never Enough
05. Mystique Voyage
06. Darkness (Peter Gabriel cover) 
07. Deliverance
08. Neverlight
09. Until Silence
10. Medusa

Fuente (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 20, 2013, 04:46:44 pm

In the last couple of weeks I have been extremely busy making interviews and promoting my new album. The days have been really long, but I received excellent feedback from the media. For the first time I see that people are starting to understand where I am going with my music and that makes me really happy.

I was recently in London and Paris. All I saw was the hotel room and the restaurant and got out only for some photo shootings. I just love both of these cities very much. It felt odd not to have even time to make any shopping!

We also filmed a new music video in Berlin for my single “Victim of Ritual”. Yesterday I received the final version for approval and I must say that I am really happy with it.

There were around 40 people working in the production and here you can see some of us having our lunch break.

The video is a 5:50 minutes story, but it doesn’t feel that long at all

We will already show you a trailer of the video on Wednesday June 26th.

Today we will start rehearsing with the orchestra and choir for the upcoming Beauty and The Beat show in Mexico DF. I hope it all goes fine.

Even though we arrived to Mexico few days ago, the jet lag is still bothering us. It has been fun to wake up every morning at 05:00 am…

With love, Tarja
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 26, 2013, 05:05:28 pm
Victim Of Ritual (Teaser) (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 26, 2013, 05:32:08 pm
Tarja Turunen

Interview by Ashlinn Nash

Photography by Jo Blackened

The angelic soaring soprano, Tarja Turunen, is known as a musician who has brought mystery and elegance, to every song she has graced from her early career with Nightwish, to her own carved out solo adventures. With the announcement of a new album, “colours in the dark” which has been recorded between her busy touring schedules, is set to be another slice of excellence that is both hard hitting and accentuated with symphonic styles. After her phenomenal rock releases “My Winterstorm” (2007) and “What Lies Beneath” (2010), Tarja is back with her darkest  album yet.

Tarja Turunen
We managed to catch up with the artist who is in the currently final stages of creating her newest album ‘Colours in the Dark’.

You’ve produced the new album ‘Colours in the Dark’ yourself, what was this like?
It has been amazing with the whole experience of being able to take control, but not only this but to have the freedom too.
It’s really been fascinating, I’ve learnt tremendously and so much in the last few years and ever since my solo career started there have been so many things to learn.

With song writing, to get the courage in that and this album I write much more on my own than ever before and it’s made me so happy. That I’m finally coming out of the box and not having to follow any rules in that sense and music its so much fun! [Laughs] Because I have a perfect team to work with we understand each other and over all these years the decisions have been made, they’ve been with me on the road for years already and of course recording with me.

Tim palmer has had a role with the mixing of the album, what was it like to work in collaboration with him?
He’s lovely and a really amazing person to work with very easy to get along with and he was working with me on the last record and a few songs on that he mixed. So after that experience I said to him that I would like him to mix my whole album. So I went to his home he actually has a home studio in Austin Texas. I felt like all his family, his daughters and everybody to be very open minded people so I didn’t feel like we were bothering them by being there.

When it comes to music, working with Tim was so fast and so productive, even though everything has been recorded and I have my songs there, that have so many layers in the music and everything has to be perfect! It’s a very challenging to mix because there is a lot of it, but Tim is very talented, he’s been working with many big bands especially with singers he is so good with vocals what he did with this album was really magical in many of the songs, I’m surprisingly happy with them, so I really appreciate his work. He’s been working with H.I.M. a lot, and other big bands so he has this connection with Finnish music.
He’s great as he’s taken my music seriously and that makes me very happy as he’s very down to earth and didn’t thing “ohh this girl from Finland and I’m going to record music” he respects me and my music and its lovely to see that.

Tarja Turunen
What can the fans expect from the new album?
They can expect a change the elements are the same that I’m producing but I’m taking some brief steps to the unknown a little bit more. I’ve finally got the guitars as aggressive as I want them to be also the symphonics on the songs as well they’re very bombastic and very epic and very powerful. Emotional too there are some more progressive elements in my music now, a lot more than before.  So the songs aren’t that easy to open up to the first time you listen to them.

Tarja Turunen
Where did the album’s name come from?
Tarja: Colours in the dark, its funny I always have a title before writing any songs, this time it didn’t happen that way around.
So I started writing songs two and half years ago in between tours. The colours were always there, I felt like the album has to have something to do with colours, my life has been so colourful and so I want to write about that. About how good I feel today, what I’ve felt, what I’ve experienced and so the stories are a lot to do with my life or a lot to do with the people I’ve worked with or their stories.

People have been a really great inspiration for me, but then the darkness it is in me. It lives in me and has to be there it makes me who I am, I write dark music, I could write dark music on the beach [laughs] but I do like writing dark music. It is the soul that I have, its a dark soul in a positive person.

Tarja Turunen
What other elements have you drawn inspirations from for the album?
Defiantly people, my journeys and where my music has taken me and these have all been great inspirations.
I’ve seen a lot of people from different cultures handling the same problems, no more than anybody else but it’s fascinating to see in other cultures. Things like that, my personal experiences when it comes to the writing, I listen to a lot of American Metal, there are quite a few bands that I’m still listening too from America one of them being Alice in chains, and the melodic side of the genre, with Avenged Sevenfold, and the funny side too I like that [laughs].

I have to have the classical side too, I really enjoy soundtracks such as the Gladiator soundtrack, its very hard to find one that’s that successful. It’s interesting to see how Hans Zimmer’s music and way to compose has changed over the years. It’s funny to go back in time and take something that he did years ago and now and compare them. Like with my music as well it’s different! So it’s progressive too.

Tarja Turunen
Which tracks are favourites?
Oh that is a tough one! [Laughs] and the answer is tougher, of course I love the opening track “Victim of Ritual” but it’s rather impossible to pick as I love them all. Together with the label we decided to make that the first single, so I’m finally happy that I’ve finally found a partner that understands all these theatrical aspects in my music it’s not easy music but it’s me. “Victims of ritual” perhaps, this song is my favourite.

Tarja Turunen
Will that be a new favourite to play live?
Oh yeah! I think it’s bombastic and such fun, we start touring in October and that will continue until 2015 with all the breaks in there too. My daughter will be three years old when we finish oh my god! [Laughs]. Then it’s time for another album.

Tarja Turunen
The album contains a Peter Gabriel cover, how did this come about?
I’m a huge fan, I’ve thought that for several years, I love his album that the tracks from, it’s a very dark album to me.
After listening to the album a few times I started listening to this song in particular it had beautiful lyrics about fears and the effect of them in genera I felt like I could make the song my own. So I took quite a brave move with it, such as speeding up the tempo, I added more of an aggressive and then I really relaxed and took it to a different atmosphere. I love the song very much!

In the past you’ve chosen to do a series of covers in the past, has it just been a case of while listening to something and thinking “oh that would sound good to do a cover of”?
Exactly, I’ve been covering a lot of 80’s rock, male rock, and the process of working on this song was different, I wasn’t as serious with the others. With this one I was god damn serious when I was working on it.

Tarja Turunen
When you first started out the idea for the solo project, did you think “I want to write just classical” or just “metal” or did you want to have this combination?
It was always very clear to me that I wanted to share and merge the two worlds, because they are both completely me, I see classical as my right hand and metal as left hand. So if someone took away one of those even for a short period of time I think I would feel miserable. With the classical concerts, it’s all about perfection as I’ve trained really hard for them, and then after one month change back to the rock tours, which as very comfortable. I can handle it, I just need to have a rest in between, its fun, lots of fun!

Tarja Turunen
You’ve had quite a few guest musicians in the past, who have you got for “colours in the dark” ?
There is a duet, Medusa, that I finally have a male harmony for his name is Justine Furstenfeld, he’s from an American band called Blue October. His voice is so tender, it’s very emotional, it fits perfectly for the song which I’m grateful for. I’m happy with that, there is also a man called Thomas Bloch, he’s plays crystal glass instruments. I was looking for someone who could play with the glasses by rubbing a finger around them, when I was doing that research, I found this man who was playing with symphony orchestras with instruments that for example are called glass harmonicas. He had incredible instruments like that crystal basket, he created such amazing sounds and some spooky moments on my album I loved it, check it out it’s really interesting. Then there is a British musician called Caroline Lavelle, she’s a cellist and has been working with many great musicians and it was a pleasure working with her.

Tarja Turunen
On the album cover, there is this big contrast; does this represent the nature of the album?
It has everything to do with the music on the album cover, I went to India for a photo shoot and it has this feel of really strong colours, and India is the place for colours! I found photos from this amazing that were so colourful and I said that I wanted to create something similar to this in my own artwork.

Tarja Turunen
For the upcoming tour, where are you looking forward to playing?
Everywhere, Please God… Everywhere! [laughs] I also want to do more shows here [in the UK] I have god damn beautiful fans here, they’ve been really waiting for me I just need to find a promoter. We’re working very hard to do more shows here, and then go to the other countries I haven’t even been to yet. As I say music is taking me to wonderful places, and I’m really looking forward to it.

Tarja Turunen
Many thanks for your time!
Thank you, it was a pleasure to meet you!

Tarja’s new album ‘Colours in the Dark’ will be available from 23rd August 2013, via EarMUSIC
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 30, 2013, 08:43:29 pm
Fotos promocionales (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 10, 2013, 04:17:36 pm
Victim of Ritual (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 10, 2013, 04:42:33 pm
The tour with Beauty and the Beat is over for now, but we have plans to continue the tour in places that we haven’t been able to visit yet in 2015.

The concert in Mexico City was very nice. We played in a beautiful, old theatre and the Mexicans seemingly enjoyed the program. I received lots of gifts once again, majority of them for my little daughter, obviously!

Again I had some trouble in bringing all the presents back home after this long tour, but managed somehow. It was nice to spend few days in Mexico City after a really stressful promotional tour for “Colours in the Dark” in Europe, even though the sun didn’t appear too many times

After Mexico we flew to Lima, Peru where I had been only once before with my band. This time we got to spend a week in Lima and got to do some sightseeing and shopping  I was really considering going to visit Machu Picchu, but I felt that the last months of travel with the baby has been enough and wanted just to stay quiet in our comfortable hotel with her. Hopefully I’ll get to visit the place one day.

It was very humid and foggy weather in Lima for several days until the concert morning when I woke up and finally saw the sun!

The concert was held in an open amphitheatre so the weather was perfect for the day. Anyway it was cold, so I had to find warm clothes in the last minute for the performance. And since we were in Peru, I found a beautiful poncho!

Many people came to see us from far away, even from different neighbourhood countries, so it was a pleasure to perform in Lima this time a totally different kind of concert than the last time.

I want to thank Mike, Pete and Tommi for a beautiful tour! We had a great time.

There is no better place than home, right? We were all very happy to return and specially Naomi to see her homeland

With love, Tarja
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 10, 2013, 07:18:18 pm
Entrevista ( (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 23, 2013, 03:42:37 pm
Dear victims of ritual!

Thank you for the amazing amount of spectacular photos you sent me. You obviously put a lot of effort in making them so I truly appreciate it. Nevertheless it was not easy for me to make the decision of the best five, so I decided to choose fifteen! Anyway, you are all winners!
I chose fifteen photos that impressed me for different reasons. Whether they are more artistic, beautiful, odd or somehow moved me.

Thank you again for taking part in this! I had a lot of fun in watching the photos.

With love, Tarja

Los ganadores (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 27, 2013, 05:19:02 pm
Colours In The Dark  Track By Track Review 01 - Victim Of Ritual (

02 - 500 Letters (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 28, 2013, 04:22:26 pm
Fan question (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 30, 2013, 04:35:12 pm
Entrevista con Tim Palmer, productor del album

Tim Palmer has produced and mixed albums for a huge selection of classic and alternative artists, from Robert Plant, David Bowie and Tears For Fears to Ozzy Osbourne, Goo Goo Dolls and U2.

In 2001 Palmer was nominated for a Grammy for his mixing work on U2′s All That You Can’t Leave Behind. Now living in Austin, Texas, he has built his own mix room and continued producing and mixing for Jason Mraz, Blue October, David Cook and many others. Tim has been moderator for 2 years at SXSW, and a guest speaker for the Recording Academy.

Tim Palmer started his career at Utopia Studios in London during the early 80′s where he mixed the number one single ‘Died in your arms tonight’ for Cutting Crew. In the latter half of the ’80s, Palmer became a producer, and his keen ears and technical knowledge contributed to groups such as the Mighty Lemon Drops, the Mission, Texas, and Tears for Fears.

Tim produced ‘Now and Zen’ for rock icon Robert Plant, a US top10 album, and David Bowie’s debut LP with Tin Machine. To close the 80′s Palmer mixed ‘TEN’ for Pearl Jam, which went on to sell over 14 million albums, and got in the top 50 best album sellers in US history.

You can read here a short interview that Tim kindly answered for this web page.

1) Name your favourite Tarja song from “Colours in the Dark “, if you have any and why.

It’s tough to pick just one favorite song from the album, so I’ll pick two. The first is the song ‘Never enough’, it’s classic Tarja, great vocal, strong chorus and yet it rocks hard without losing all the 3 dimensional textures that are such an important element to her sound.

Secondly I choose ‘Lucid Dreamer’ as I am a sucker for the dramatic and melancholy side to her songs. This song is a real journey and is the perfect late night headphone experience.

2) How has it been to work with Tarja?

This is the second time that I have mixed an album for Tarja, I also mix most of the recent live albums and 5:1 mixes.

I always enjoy the process, which is basically in 2 parts.

The first part I work alone in my studio here in Texas getting the songs into shape ready for the arrival of Tarja and Marcelo, her co-producer. At this stage the mixes are about 75% completed.

The second part is more fun, now that Tarja is at the studio, we can work on all the fine-tuning and final details to the mixes. We work hard, eat, mix and generally have a great time.

These days most albums are mixed without ever meeting the artists. I miss that one on one, social side. I am glad that with Tarja we are able to achieve this.

3) You have been working with several amazing singers and charismatic figures like Robert Plant, Ozzy Osbourne, Bono to name just few. How do you see Tarja as a singer?

Tarja is without question a fabulous vocalist. I am so glad she has taken from her classical roots and created such an eclectic style to her recorded music. I think many rock fans would never have experienced a soprano like Tarja if she was brave with her music choices. The combination of her vocal style with the heavily textured rock sound is unique.


4) How would you describe Tarja’s music?

Tarja’s music is Cinematic, orchestrated rock.

5) Could you tell us something about the technical side of mixing Tarja’s album?

The biggest challenge with her music is to make it all count. Every thing must be heard. The vocals are obviously super important, but so are the big guitars, loud drums, and driving bass, then lets not forget the subtle percussion, loops, and keyboard textures. It takes a while to get it right, but when the story unfolds correctly, it’s very rewarding. I like the challenge.
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 31, 2013, 04:10:26 pm
Entrevista (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 01, 2013, 08:13:37 pm
Victim of Ritual behind the scenes (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 02, 2013, 04:18:21 pm
Más Track by track

03 - Lucid Dreamer (

04 - Never Enough (

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 09, 2013, 09:26:03 pm
05 - Secret Voyage (

06 - Darkness (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 15, 2013, 04:46:22 pm
Entrevista interactiva (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 16, 2013, 11:11:23 pm
07 - Deliverance (

08 - Neverlight (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 17, 2013, 08:43:39 pm
Hoy Tarja cumple 36 años!!!!

FELICIDADES!!!!!!!! :011: :011: :011: :011: :011:
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 17, 2013, 08:55:01 pm
Entreviata Planetmosh (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 20, 2013, 06:05:05 pm
Quedan pocos dí­as.... (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 25, 2013, 09:08:03 pm
09 - Until silence (

10 - Medusa (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 26, 2013, 05:48:57 pm
Con Angra!

Stand Away (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 26, 2013, 07:57:38 pm
Wuthering Heights (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 27, 2013, 08:49:30 pm
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 28, 2013, 05:57:14 pm (

Dadle al play!
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 30, 2013, 10:11:45 pm
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 05, 2013, 06:35:26 pm
Read what international media says about “Colours in the Dark”


„…. This would be the only true soundtrack to „Alice In Wonderland“. Colours In The Dark is just extra ordinary, simply fantastic!” (Sonic Seducer)

“After Nightwish also Tarja manages to bring her music to a soundtrack-level. [...]
Pompous choirs, surprising moves and modern guitar riffs included.” (Metal Hammer)

“Catchy hooks meet story telling compositions.Yes ! – this is Tarja at her best. [...]
‘Colours In The Dark’ is a tremendous album, studded with plenty details…” (EMP)

„The ten inovative compostitions all sound modern and courageous, sparkle with variety and wealth of ideas, reaching new musical spheres.” (Nuclear Blast)

“The queen is back!“ – (Rock It!)


„….. Colours In The Dark is the sound of a very talented artist at the top of her game…. It is by far and away the finest that Tarja has sounded for the best part of a decade (Powerplay UK, 9/9)

“… Tarja’s work really feels like something beyond the normal realm of rock music, or opera styling. …This will please fans both old and new, lovers of both genres and many with just a curious ear. This is a real pleasure to listen to.” (Rebelicious Mag UK)

“… Colours InThe Dark” must surely be Tarja’s strongest solo release to date.” (Prog Magazine)

“.. With this album, Tarja has reached a level of sustained maturity and dynamism with her song writing and singing whereby nothing is beyond her capability. [...]. Most striking of all is the opening song “Victim Of Ritual” – simply stunning! (Fireworks)


“It should be more than obvious now that Tarja can continue her way without “Nightwish” and with “Colours In The Dark” she adds an excellent new chapter to her solo career. [...] .”Colours In The Dark”, besides being a vocal fest, contains many musical highlights. (Rocktribune 80/100)

The Netherlands:

‘Overwhelming, surprising and massive. With this album Tarja shows everybody, and Nightwish especially, what she’s made of. Respect!’ (Aardschok 95/100)

“It’s the combination of variation, strong songs, a great sound and of course her fantastic voice that makes Colours In The Dark the best Tarja album to date.” (Lust For Life Magazine, 4/5)


“Colours In The Dark is luckily Tarja’s best solo album so far.” (SOUNDI)


“Colours In The Dark finally confirms an impressive maturity and solidity” (Rock Hard, 7/10)


“The Finnish singer will never be able to get away from being compared to Nightwish, but while the ex-colleagues are drifting towards a more epic adventure/film musical direction, Tarja is more geared towards a romanticized, science-fiction like landscape. Which surprisingly enough fits both her and her toned down soprano-voice excellently.” (Sweden Rock gave, 7/10)


“Tarja gets it again with her very personal winner formula” (LH Radio)

“The best version of Tarja really shines in Colours In The Dark, perhaps her Best album to date”
(TNT Radio)


“Over an hour of interesting and emotional music that will definitely take you away from your usual routine. ..This album is magic….”(Sea of Tranquility, 4/5)

“Tarja’s best work to date.” (, 8,5/10)

“Colours in the Dark is a must have release for any Tarja fan, and any fan of Symphonic Rock/Metal. This release is filled with excellently crafted songs that are quite catchy and engaging in nature, making it the best album Tarja has released… so far. (Infernal Masquerade)

“…a strong album, possibly one of Tarja’s best. Recommended.” (Dangerdog, 4/5)

“Tarja Turunen’s voice is a force of nature, dominant and dominating. The former lead singer for Nightwish fills her lungs and turns Colours In The Dark into the fury of the four winds. From the bombastic opener ‘Victim of Ritual’ to the exquisite closer ‘Medusa,’ in which she shares her hurricane-proof microphone with Blue October’s Justin Furstenfeld, Colours In The Dark is a colossal battle royale of operatic soprano, keyboard orchestra and Alex Schlopp’s ENGL amplifier madness. (, 3.5/5)

“On this album, Tarja shows the diversity of her vocal range and the complexity of her voice, at the same time presents a more personal and intimate approach to her life through her lyrics.” (

“This is a solid album from start to finish that will please fans of the Tarja of old.” (Blogcritics)

“..Colours In The Dark, in fact, follows the trend of showing her creator’s talent outside of the scene that made her world famous…. She’s in crescendo in her solo career, and rarely fails bringing to the scene exquisite music. Altogether, Colours In The Dark is a welcome addition to every Tarja addict’s collection…” (Metalstorm)
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 09, 2013, 04:24:51 pm
Entrevista (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 13, 2013, 03:48:55 pm
Tarja’s recently released “Colours In The Dark” (August 30th, 2013) is definitely one of the brightest albums in rock in 2013.  Praised by worldwide media as “simply fantastic!” (Sonic Seducer, GER),“Tarja’s strongest solo release to date” (Classic Rock Prog, UK), “Overwhelming, surprising and massive” (Aardschok NL), ”best solo album so far” (Soundi, FI), “a superb performance” (Rock Hard, IT), and “by far and away the finest that Tarja has sounded for the best part of a decade” (Powerplay, UK), the album proves to be a milestone for heavy symphonic rock.

The response from media and fans contributed to make “Colours In The Dark” a worldwide chart success: a few days after its release the album has already collected five Top 10 entries (# 5 in Finland and Russia, # 6 in Germany, #8 in Poland and # 9 in Czech Republic). And this is just the beginning..

Coinciding with the successful first chart week, earMUSIC is happy to announce ‘500 Letters’ as the second single taken from “Colours In The Dark”. The song will be released as a strictly limited CD single and download at the end of September.

‘500 Letters’ is in many ways Tarja’s most private song ever. With its very personal song writing and delicate topic, it offers a great emotional insight into the artist herself.
Touching the sensitive topic “stalkers”, Tarja allows her fans a closer look into her thoughts. ‘500 Letters’ is open to interpretations – being half reality, half fiction.
The heavy, yet highly melodic song gets stuck in your mind after the first listen with its haunting melody and touching, exceptional vocals. Despite its very catchy key note, the bombastic sound still is full of darkness and dramatic structure and takes Tarja’s song writing one step further.

Regular updates can be found on Tarja’s official album website where Tarja personally blogs to keep in touch with her fans.

Tarja will perform songs from her new album on her forthcoming tour.

“Colours In The Road 2013-2015”
17.10. Olomouc – Hala University Palackeho (CZ)
19.10. Berlin – Huxley’s (GER)
20.10. Wieze – Metal Female Voices Festival (BE)
22.10. Hamburg – Docks (GER)
23.10. Dortmund – FZW (GER)
25.10. Karlsruhe – Festhalle Durlach (GER)
26.10. Munich – Backstage (GER)
27.10. Vienna – Arena (AT)
29.10. Pratteln – Z7 Konzertfabrik (CH)
30.10. Nuremberg – Lí¶wensaal (GER)
01.11. Leipzig – Haus Auensee (GER)
02.11. Cologne – Gloria (GER)
04.11. Paris – Le Bataclan (FR)
03.02. Toulouse – Le Bikini (FR)
04.02. Marseille – Espace Julien (FR)
06.02. Lyon – Le Transbordeur (FR)
07.02. Bordeaux – Le Krakatoa (FR)
09.02. Lille – Le Splendid (FR)

09.11. Kraków – Klub Studio (PL)
10.11. Łódź – Klub Wytwórnia (PL)
12.11. Katowice – Mega Club (PL)
13.11. Warsaw – Palladium (PL)
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 13, 2013, 09:17:51 pm
Living Colours ft Tarja - Sunshine of Your Love (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 18, 2013, 04:34:10 pm
Until Silence (acoustic) (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 18, 2013, 04:55:35 pm
500 letters (acoustic) (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 18, 2013, 11:15:35 pm
La entrevista (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 24, 2013, 05:02:03 pm
Vorterix (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 25, 2013, 12:00:45 am
Cantando! (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 28, 2013, 04:12:00 pm
Into the sun (Studio Version) (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 30, 2013, 08:41:56 pm (

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 01, 2013, 09:20:48 pm
The wait is over! Watch the official Within Temptation video for their new single “Paradise (What About Us?)” featuring Tarja, now, through the following links: or
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 02, 2013, 05:04:18 pm
El tatuaje de Tarja

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 13, 2013, 09:00:49 pm
Estamos orgullosos de anunciar a las bandas soporte de Tarja durante la gira:
Scala Mercalli, de Italia, se presentará en:

19 de Octubre, Berlin
22 de Octubre, Hamburgo
23 de Octubre, Dortmund

Pueden escucharlos en

Tambiíén se presentará la banda italiana Hollow Haze, el:

25 de Octubre, Karlsruhe

Para más información:

La banda italiana Teodasia estará con nosotros en:
26 de Octubre, Munich
27 de Octubre, Viena
29 de Octubre, Zurich
30 de Octubre, Nuremberg
1ero de Noviembre, Leipig
2 de Noviembre, Colonia
4 de Noviembre, Paris
Más información en:

Bienvenidos a todos!
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 13, 2013, 09:02:00 pm
Nueva web!
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 15, 2013, 03:53:15 pm
Todos los shows incluí­dos en la gira Colours In The Dark Tour fueron declarados “amigables con las cámaras”, lo que significa que pueden traer su cámara fotográfica y sacar cuantas fotos deseen.
Esto es así­ con la excepción de los recitales en festivales, en los que deberán consultar con la organización del festival sobre su polí­tica respecto de las cámaras dado que no podemos exceder las regulaciones estipuladas por ellos.

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 16, 2013, 04:22:35 pm
Ensayo Neverlight (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 17, 2013, 09:13:14 pm (

Otra entrevista
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 18, 2013, 10:54:53 pm
Setlist... I loved it
-Deliverance (Intro)
-In For A Kill
-500 Letters
-Sing For Me
-Falling Awake
-I Walk Alone
-Anteroom Of Death
-Never Enough
-Never Enough (Banda)
-Until Silence
-Die Alive
-Mystique Voyage
-Victim Of Ritual
-Wish I Had An Angel
-Until My Last Breath
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 18, 2013, 11:07:32 pm
Video Resumen (

Victim of Ritual + Wish I Had An Angel (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 19, 2013, 05:11:18 pm
Medusa (

500 letters (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 19, 2013, 10:19:04 pm
Mystique Voyage (

Mas videos (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 21, 2013, 04:55:18 pm
Over The Hills @ MFVF (ft Floor Jansen) (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 21, 2013, 05:06:14 pm
Victim of Ritual @ Berlin (

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 21, 2013, 05:16:24 pm
500 letters @ MFVF (

Until my last Breath @ MFVF (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 23, 2013, 09:19:37 pm
Curioso! (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 25, 2013, 08:13:49 pm
Trailer video 500 letters (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 25, 2013, 08:26:22 pm
Over the past 15 years a male dominated metal scene has seen a wave of powerful female fronted bands reshape people’s perception of metal. One such band which was at the forefront of the new wave of female fronted metal bands were Finland’s Nightwish. Vocalist Tarja Turunen took the world by storm with her powerful operatic singing voice. Tarja left the band in 2005 after almost a decade of being a key element which made Nightwish one of the biggest metal bands in the world. A true artists never rests on their laurels and Tarja is no different with a successful solo career and most triumphant solo album to date Colours In The Dark. Recently we sat down with Tarja for a personal look at her time with Nightwish, her growth as an artist, and balancing music and family. - You have been involved in the rock and metal scene for almost 2 decades now. Your style of singing is of an operatic nature. When you first started your career this style of singing was not very common in metal. What was it like for you when you first started out with Nightwish being on the cutting edge of this new style of metal?

Tarja Turunen - It was really tough in the beginning because of the fact my voice changed radically in a few months of time. More or less the same time I joined the band, which was a shock for the guys at the time. We all knew each other, but they didn’t know I changed and was learning opera. My voice had changed so much since they heard me the last time. When we went into the studio and they heard my voice, it was completely different than what they had in mind. It was very difficult for me those first steps and years in the band because of not having that flexibility in my voice yet, because of being in the beginning of the lyrical singing studies. I kept taking singing lessons which I’m still doing today, because that made me realize if I was getting better in that field I was also getting better with singing in Nightwish. Obviously I didn’t want to lose that. That had always been my passion to learn more about my instrument, my voice. It was tough though, around 2002 I started to feel more confident on stage. There wasn’t anybody to teach me how to sing songs with Nightwish, so I found a way on my own in a sense. -  You obviously have dedicated yourself to singing in that style and you can tell in the music. Your music rose to popularity over a decade long span with Nightwish. Many fans were sadden and surprised to see your time in Nightwish end but nothing is forever and things change in life. Looking back 8 years after your departure from the band how would you describe the experience of being part of Nightwish and achieving the success you did?

Tarja Turunen - To be seriously honest with you, without those amazing experiences in a band as the lead vocalist I would not have had a chance to see the world, to meet lovely people, and to get to know more about myself as well. Without having that chance it’s very hypothetical to say now where would I be, where could I be, if I wouldn’t have joined the band or if I didn’t take the challenge that was right in front of me at the time. I don’t know where the hell I would be (laughs). Now looking back all those years there were problems in the band, personal problems with the members for many years, but the music was amazing. That was the whole situation that kept us together for such a long time. I love singing some of the Nightwish songs and I don’t have any problems with that. The thing is surely it gave me the chance to be the artist I am today. At that time I was just a singer, now I can say I am an artist and that is a huge change in my life. Without having that experience I wouldn’t be here talking to you of course. - Since parting ways with Nightwish you have grown as an artist and released 4 solo records. The first record was a compilation of Christmas songs. Sometimes it’s difficult to try something new after getting used to a certain way of doing things. What was it like going into the recording of My Winter Storm (2007)?

Tarja Turunen - Back at that time, I had a producer working with me. I never worked with a producer before. I had a new record label, which I knew some people on Universal music, but not everybody. I needed to find the musicians to record with me, they came from my preferences or the labels preferences. Everything was new to me in that sense, except for the music itself. I needed to trust my instincts of this is what I want, this is what I love, this is what is what lays in my heart and I need to push hard to make it happen. It was not easy, I needed to take those baby steps. It was hard to take that control on my own because there were so many people telling me what to do. I didn’t agree with them and it was really tough. Already the 2nd album What Lies Beneath (2010) was way different. I produced it on my own, I had the musicians working with me for a few years already, everything started to become easier. It had been an enormous learning experience for me. - Yes and you mentioned What Lies Beneath (2010) which sound appeared to have matured musically and lyrically. I imagine you took a lot from your first experience with My Winter Storm (2007).

Tarja Turunen - My Winter Storm was a situation for me where I wanted to create something rather unique having my symphonic background. I didn’t want to mix it with the heavy guitars and the sound of the band. It was such a challenge to make the people around me understand what I wanted to reach with that. I wanted the band to sound heavy but I also wanted the band to have a sound of a pure beautiful symphony orchestra. I wanted that sound to really be present on the album, but on the production it was like oh my god how do we do that. Obviously on the 2nd record I said I know the symphonic side well enough, and I just needed to count on the people that I had with me to make the rock sound really rock and heavy as possible. It was a good beginning because of course I love the songs on My Winter Storm still. What was lacking for me was the production. That’s the whole thing though, you learn from your mistakes and grow from that. - Of course as an artist you learn from your mistakes, grow, and move on. Now your newest record Colours In The Dark was released in August and it’s very epic sounding as well as heavy. What was the writing and recording process like for this new record?

Tarja Turunen - It really took a long time but it was fantastic. I was having a really good time writing this album. I was writing a lot on my own, but then again I sat down with song writers I wrote with on my first two records. Everything is getting easier. I have more confidence in that sense. Many things have happened in my career and private life. I have become a mother. With this album the writing actually took me 2 1/2 years all together because I was touring so much with my previous record. Every time I was home I was writing songs or every time I was in a quiet place I was writing with someone else. It was nice but in some sense you’d think the songs would be very disconnected from each other but they are not. I always had the same ideas for the songs. I wanted to follow the dream sequence of my life. I am really a dreamer still and writing about that and those kinds of things, very personal issues on the album. It was a really lovely time, I got to write too many songs actually. Many of them are going for a future record, I had to leave them out on this one. - That is great that you had enough material for another record. You can tell the songs are very personal on the album. It’s always interesting to see the track list for an album and see when an artist has a cover track within it. On this album you choose to do a cover of Peter Gabriel’s song “Darkness”. It’s a great rendition. Tell me what made you decide to record this track?

Tarja Turunen - I love the song and Peter Gabriel. I am a big fan of his I have all his records and have been following his career since his time in Genesis. This song kind of stood out from his albums because of the lyrics. I fell in love with the song, I fell in love with the mood of the song. I started feeling like oh wow if I could ever touch any of his songs it would be this song to do a cover of it my own way. The thing was the lyrics, they are talking about our fears, that we shouldn’t let them own us. I’ve tried to be like that, I have been really fighting not to be afraid of who I am and what I do. Not even when I write songs do I think of my audience or how I write, I write for myself. I am coming out of that box of insecurity when it comes to writing and showing my work. I am very shy in presenting my work. That is my fear and I’m overcoming that. The cover of “Darkness” has a lot to do with that. I wanted to have that song there because of that. - It was a great choice. You will be touring Europe in support of the new record in October well into 2014. Can North America expect to see a tour announced in support of the record?

Tarja Turunen - That is what we are really working for at the moment. We are really looking forward to have some shows there, because it’s been a really long time since I was there. I know that the support and the fans are there. They really have been so patient with me, but I have to be honest with you, it’s been so difficult to find a promoter that would be interested in bringing me over there. We are fighting hard to make that happen. Nothing concrete has been scheduled but we are on it every day. The situation is now I start touring in October and keep on touring to 2015 so there is time for the USA plan of course. Hopefully that will happen for sure. - That is something to look forward to. You said you are touring well into 2015. That is over a year of touring. With the style of singing you perform how do you keep your voice in shape with all those live performances?

Tarja Turunen - It’s tough. When I am home I work hard daily practicing my lyrical singing. I meet my singing teacher time to time too so I get on track. At the moment I’m training really hard to condition myself for the tour so I can make it. It’s a lot of traveling, a lot of concerts, and one day after another. Also with my family, with a baby girl who is 1 year old, traveling with me so that is a challenge as well as new responsibility. I am training, I am really training physically and keeping my voice in shape. I’ve been doing that ever since I was 15, I’m very used to doing that. It’s this influence that I am carrying along with me, I can’t get rid of it even if I would like to someday (laughs). That’s my life, it’s a way of life. - Of course that is your passion and love. What are some of your musical influences?

Tarja Turunen - Movie soundtracks are very important to me. Actually, I am listening to more and more American metal bands than European metal bands. It’s the kind of groove that I’ve grown into. The American flavor in the metal makes me fly and gives me the energy. The really hard sounding guitars and grooviness. I have an excellent guitar player which really deliveries me that. Bands like Avenged Sevenfold, Alice In Chains, Disturbed, and those kind of bands are really influential to me. Also the symphony sound comes from classical music and movie soundtracks. There are more 70′s and 80′s bands that I am still into. - It’s good to be diverse in your musical tastes. My last question for you is regarding films. is a rock/metal and horror news site so we like to focus on all genres. Are you a fan of horror films and if so what are some of your favorite horror films?

Tarja Turunen - Saw (2004) actually, that is something that I love. The Saw movies are crazy. It’s so awful, so awful to watch that you have to cover your eyes (laughs).
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 27, 2013, 03:59:14 pm
Phantom of the Opera @ Kalsruhe (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 31, 2013, 03:59:53 pm
500 letters (Video) (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 02, 2013, 04:49:29 pm
OCT 22 2013

How fun it has been to rock again with my band and fans; I had missed this very much.

To be honest, I really didn’t know what to expect from the tour. My doubts were about how my daughter would accept the fact that we are travelling again and how I will adapt to the situation of being on the road again myself. Am I ready for it? Would it be the same than before having a baby?

All my doubts got washed away since the first day.  It has been truly wonderful to be able to sing new songs for my lovely fans.

We rehearsed three days in Zlin, Czech Republic from where we headed to Olomouc for the first concert. Everybody in my crew, including me, were nervous about the beginning since there were so many things to take in consideration during the show.

All seemed to be new again! I have some new crewmembers and a new bass player, Anna, in my band as well.

The concert in Olomouc was wonderful, just like a dream come true to me. I really appreciate the fact how the Czech audience had accepted me as an artist. I feel every time more and more welcomed, which of course makes me happy. The audience was really loud at times, so we got a great kick for the start of the tour. Lovely energy around :)

Next day I got to see a little bit the beautiful old town of Olomouc with the Mayer of the city and I had a signing session where I met lots of happy people.

I really enjoyed being in Kreuzberg, Berlin again for a day. We even got some time for shopping :) before the show.

The day was nice despite of few drops of rain. I was not that nervous anymore like during the first show and we had fun with our Berlin audience. Apparently there were lots of people from different countries as well present and I saw many familiar faces in the first row ;)

Julia, the designer from Nordenfeldt came to say hello after the show. You will hear some awesome news from our collaboration in the near future!

Other friend of mine, Sirja who has been tailoring my performing clothes ever since I started singing with Nightwish, has been on the road with us since the beginning, but leaving back home already in two days :(

Sirja has been fixing my clothes during these few days and she has done great!

After Berlin we travelled to Wieze in Belgium that is a familiar place already. Always a pleasure to perform in Metal Female Voices Festival. As I promised, we did a duet with Floor Jansen there and had a blast with our fans!

It was very nice to sing with Floor and to see how she has been growing as a singer. I wish her just the best for her future.

Another personal delight of that day was to meet Sharon and Robert from Within Temptation, who came to the festival just to enjoy the wine together that we didn’t have the time to share before. I am so happy to realize that there is still good people, humble and down to earth existing in this world. I am grateful to have new friends in my life :)
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 02, 2013, 04:55:35 pm
OCT 29 2013

Hamburg has always been an outstanding audience, and this time it was no exception. We enjoyed the show as much as the city. I discovered important things happened in music on my birthday :)

Dortmund show was a lovely, intimate (the smallest in the tour) show to me. It was my first headliner concert in Dortmund after the support gig I did with Alice Cooper. Floor Jansen came to see my show, which was very kind of her. This time we had a chance to talk a bit more than on the MFVF so it was nice.

I really enjoy the touring with my family, since now I have a bus just for us. There is a luxury kind of silence and privacy around during our journey. Mino, our driver is taking care of all of us and nanny Liliana is taking care of our baby girl Naomi during sound checks and shows. Is really important to feel good while being on the road, because this type of travelling could get very exhausting if you cannot feel happy. I have found amazing people around me.

I loved visiting Karlsruhe, my old school town again. We were lucky to spend an off day there and the sun was up for us. We went to zoo with Naomi and did some shopping as well. In the evening we had a dinner with my dear and talented pianist friend Izumi, so the day was just perfect.

Next night the show was another perfection. I really have to say that Karlsruhe received us so warmly that it brought tears in my eyes. I felt like singing to my home audience, which was a very special feeling. I will never forget that night. So once again I have new wonderful memories from Karlsruhe, cannot wait for the next time.

And the Phantom returned for this concert in the voice of Fabio Lione.

We travelled to Munich and couldn’t believe how beautiful the weather in this part of Europe still is. Guys were taking sunbath at the venue terrace and I was showing my daughter how Germans are growing vegetables in their gardens. She loved the huge pumpkins we found!

The concert was again amazing!!!!!!! I thought at some point that I might faint because of the heat inside of the venue, but somehow the adrenaline and the great audience kept me going until the end. What an audience in Munich. These last couple of shows in Germany reminded me a little bit of my performances in southern countries where usually the public is wilder than in Central Europe. I have to say that Germans can get wild as well if they want!!!!! Wowowowow.

Vienna is one of my favourite cities in Europe. It’s been a while since I really got to have some time off in there, so this time I made the time. Before our sound check I wanted to have a long walk in the old part of the city and it was worth it. God I love the old buildings, the history and the feeling of this city. No matter I am still not sleeping well in the moving bus during the nights and my body was telling me that “you need to sleeeeeeeep”, I don’t regret having that beautiful walk through Vienna.

In the evening the concert was really good, even though I had my doubts earlier about my singing condition since usually I don’t like to sing three shows in a row while being on the road. This time I felt great and my band really rocked together with our warm Austrian public.

The journey to Zurich was long since we needed to stop on the boarder for some time. It really didn’t matter that much because we all enjoyed watching the landscapes from the bus windows, even my little daughter :)

We really love the mountains so much! There is something really magical in them. We spent our off day in Zurich, just because we like the city. Again, the weather was like a dream…just perfect for a stroll in the city.

This morning just one hour drive to Pratteln. It is also a laundry day today…. not that I enjoy it too much, but mommy needs to keep on doing her “home work” even while being on the road :)

With love, Tarja
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 12, 2013, 04:53:39 pm

Z7 in Pratteln is a very familiar place for me already, since I have played there several times. Anyway, every time it seems that my shows are getting better and better and people more excited. This makes me of course very happy. It was a lovely atmosphere inside the hall during the concert and everybody in the band was delighted about the show.

Next day we played Nurenberg for the first time in my career. I would have loved to see some of the city, but unfortunately there was no time as usual in show days. I heard that there is a beautiful castle just around the corner, so that must wait for my next visit.

Martin, who filmed my first live DVD Act I, came to see us and we talked about our future DVD “Beauty and the Beat”. That is something we have already started working with. I will tell you more about it s o o n. ;)

The location for the venue in Nurnberg was quite strange since we were basically playing the “zoo”. It was lovely to be surrounded by the nature though.

I had been waiting patiently for the off day in Leipzig since I love to wander around this old city. For our surprise all the shops were closed, due to the holidays, but we managed to take many lovely pictures and enjoy the streets of the city anyways. I showed Naomi the tomb of J.S. Bach and told her about his importance in our music history. Again the sun was up for us so we were very lucky.

The show in Leipzig was amazing! The people were really excited and loud during the concert that it was just mind blowing!

Next morning we had to leave our buses far away from the venue, since there was no parking around the place. My daughter enjoyed anyways being inside of the venue for many hours, listening the sound check and playing with my guys. I feel that everybody in the crew and band are in love with my daughter. She is just a happy creature and having magical powers in making everybody in a better mood.

We managed to do some shopping on the rainy day in Cologne and in the evening had a sold out show for very passionate Germans. I have to tell you that this time the German shows have been so far the best shows ever I have had in Germany. The people were really amazing and supportive, so I cannot wait for the next round seriously. Thank you!

What about having a day off in Paris? AAAAAAAAhhhhh…. :) I just loooooove Paris. I have been dreaming of spending some more time in Paris and getting to know the city better. Hopefully that could happen one day. We enjoyed the city and it’s sights for some hours though and just when we finished the day, it started raining, so we were lucky.

The last show on a tour is always very special. It felt incredible to end this tour in Paris. The show was wonderful and the reception of the audience really warm. Everybody in the band and crew felt that this tour ended sooner than expected, so the time passed by really fast this time. That only tells how lucky I am to have these beautiful people to work with. Everybody is enjoying my tour and that means a world to me.

Thank you Cedric, Xavier, Jacopo, Lutz, Tommi, Pete, Mino and Titi for taking care of us every day. Without you guys nothing would be the same. I also want to thank the musicians that are sharing their talent with me almost every night. Chris, Mike, Alex, Max and Anna, you are amazing people! I owe you a lot.

Next time we will rock together with the same people in February in Europe. Before that there are plenty of other things to do. Now I am enjoying my few days of holidays under the sun and soon letting you know what’s next including vocal recordings, DVD’s etc, etc.

With love, Tarja
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 17, 2013, 04:56:03 pm
Con Angra

Stand Away (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 22, 2013, 07:58:44 pm

The most popular Christmas artist in Finland from recent years, sopranoTarja Turunen returns to perform in Finland with the already highly acclaimed concert tour. The artist, who has released just her latest rock CD “Colours In The Dark” in August, will perform this year eight Christmas concerts in Finland, extending the tour for the first time to Kemi and Kokkola. In addition to the already familiar top-musicians configuration from last years (Harus); Kalevi Kiviniemi, Marzi Nyman and Markku Krohn who will play in Orimattila, Hí¤meenlinna, Jyví¤kylí¤, Lapua and Orivesi,Tarja will also perform special Christmas shows in Kiuruvesi, Kokkola and Kemi. In those cities ex-Apocalyptica cellist Max Lilja will play cello as well as in Kiuruvesi and Kokkola Mervi Myllyoja will join to the tour with her violin and in Kokkola organs will be played Ilpo Laspas. We will give part of our tour profits to Children´s bank of the Finnish Evangelical Lutheran mission to secure children’s basic necessities like food security and water to the world’s poorest developing countries.


Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 04, 2013, 04:17:58 pm
"It has been long since we first started working in “Outlanders” with Torsten. Now we are back. Today we recorded vocals for a cover of a great British band that still exists. Tomorrow I will be laying down vocals for a brand new song. The project is getting very nice as we are working in several other tracks as well."
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 20, 2013, 06:25:18 pm
Walking in the air @ Kokkola (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 24, 2013, 04:48:35 pm
Ave Maria (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 03, 2014, 03:30:23 pm
JAN 03 2014

I was very happy to return back to Finland for my traditional Christmas concert tour. It has become very important to me to make this tour happen and to prepare myself into Christmas mood with the help of the music. This time all the concerts were in churches so it was quite special tour.

First of all I had the honour to sing in Turku Cathedral in a very important event, which is held every year in Finland. The city of Turku invited me to be the only soloist in the event where the Christmas peace is declared and where also our President Sauli Niinistí¶ was present. What made me extremely happy was that I got to perform my own Ave Maria with an orchestra in the national TV!! Thank you Turku for this opportunity and for letting me to be a part of your Christmas tradition.

Next day my own Christmas tour started from Orimattila where I had also a chance to meet my long time friends who I had been missing like crazy. It was an exciting beginning for the tour and I felt very comfortable to face my Finnish audience again.

I had 5 concerts as Tarja Turunen & Harus line up. It had been some time since we played together, but as always everybody of us had been busy. Nevertheless, making music together seemed only becoming easier and better. I had missed the feeling of singing with musicians that are improvising, which means that I never really knew what was going to happen during the concerts musically speaking.

I talked with some of my fans after the last concert of the tour and for them it had been nice to follow the whole tour, to see all the concerts and to realize that even though we played the same songs night after night, the arrangements and feelings/moods in the songs really could change radically. That is what I love about Harus. The musicians are so talented that the music is our instrument to create a great feeling that at the same time is making us to give the best out of us. It is rather incredible!

In Kokkola church I had the pleasure to sing with organist Ilpo Laspas for the first time. There we also performed with Max and Mervi who had been playing in my concert tours before. It was exciting to make a concert with someone that we had only one rehearsal of an hour or so! But it all went really great! I read somewhere that the concert was selected as the event of the year 2013 in Kokkola, so cannot make me happier :)

In Kemi I had my dream come true, since I got to make a concert alone with organist Kalevi Kiviniemi. We have done many concerts together, but the first time just the two of us.

He is just an amazing artist and I don’t have words to describe his way of being also as a person. It’s just magic what happens between two musicians when everything is in the correct place. I am sure we are going to repeat this experience with Kalevi in the future too ;) ! Oh, what a night…

So all in this entire concert tour was an incredible experience to me once again. The concerts were truly a success, even though it has been like that in the earlier years, it felt different this time. The churches were packed with happy, relaxed people and I got great feedback from them about my singing.

I said goodbye to my family in Finland and nearly spent my Christmas in the plane.

We had several hours delay at the airport due to flooding and power loss at the terminal, but we managed to get just in time for the toast.

Thank you for 2013 and see you very soon in my rock concerts in Europe. Next stop, Lisbon :) !

Now I have few days of rest before I hit the studio again to record few more songs for my “Outlanders” project.

I want to wish you all a happy year 2014!

With love, Tarja

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 26, 2014, 04:29:29 pm

 Tarja¿Te encuentras en Europa o en Argentina actualmente?

Lo cierto es que estoy en una isla del Caribe (risas). Es un lujo pero estoy trabajando, en pocas horas entro en el estudio. Es un lugar maravilloso, nos divertimos pero trabajamos.

¿En quíé estás ocupada exactamente en un emplazamiento tan idí­lico?

Naomi (Ndr: su hija) está creciendo muy rápido. Tiene casi año y medio y está correteando por aquí­, haciíéndonos felices cada dí­a. ¿Sabes lo que pasó ayer? Te lo tengo que contar. Fuimos a ver una pelí­cula por primera vez en el cine y, aunque no tenga ni año y medio, estuvo sentadita varias horas completamente callada, durante toda la pelí­cula. Nadie se lo podí­a creer, ¡es un bebíé! En cuanto a lo musical, estoy trabajando en mi proyecto paralelo llamado Outlander. Estoy con un amigo mí­o, el productor alemán Torsten Stenzel, y se trata de un proyecto de música electrónica. (Ndr: Torsten Stenzel es el DJ, residente en la isla caribeña de Antigua, con quien trabajo Mike Oldfield en su último disco, ‘Tubular Beats’. En su única canción iníédita, “Never Too Far”, Tarja Turunen colaboró gracias a su amistad con el productor alemán).

¿Podrí­as detallarnos algo más sobre la naturaleza de este nueva andadura paralela?

Es una cosa completamente diferente para la que he compuesto bastantes canciones. Hay muchas mí­as, otras que son de Torsten y tambiíén hay algunas versiones y locuras varias. Es una música muy silenciosa, será un disco muy chill out. Será electrónico casi por completo, el único elemento de rock es una guitarra clásica tocada como solista al estilo de los 80 y los 90. Voy a contar con guitarristas realmente importantes en este disco. Además, utilizaríé mi voz tambiíén como un instrumento, no solo como cantante principal, y haríé algunas cosas raras con ella.

¿Barajas alguna fecha para la salida del disco?

Como es un proyecto muy personal, no tengo prisa, vamos paso a paso con íél según va surgiendo. Será editado a travíés de un sello, claro, pero aún no tenemos fecha, aunque lo que es seguro es que no será este año. Quizá el que viene.

Ya que hablamos del tema, ¿en quíé punto está tu otro proyecto llamado Beauty and the Beat?

Tambiíén seguimos trabajando en íél. Se trata de un proyecto conjunto con Mike Terrana y una orquesta sinfónica, además de un coro. Mike es “The Beat”… ¡Bueno, o ‘The Beauty’! (risas). Ya hemos hecho conciertos con todo esto en Europa y Sudamíérica el pasado año.  Tambiíén grabamos un DVD, en la Republica Checa, que saldrá a la venta este año, dentro de pocos meses. Es una vertiente nueva de mí­ carrera musical que me entusiasma mucho y tiene su base en la música clásica.

Estuviste girando por Finlandia a finales del año pasado y ahora te encuentras en el Caribe antes de embarcarte en un inminente tour europeo. ¿Echarás de menos el verano argentino?

Sí­, de hecho, echo de menos mi casa en Argentina, hace cuatro meses que no voy y estoy deseando volver. Adoro Buenos Aires, siento esa ciudad como mi propio hogar. Por otro lado, estoy tremendamente emocionada por la gira que está a punto de empezar y por visitar de nuevo España. Hay muchos amigos y fans con los que reencontrarse, y eso me hace muy feliz.

¿Cuáles son tus sensaciones a estas alturas de los conciertos que llevas realizados hasta el momento y cómo están funcionando en vivo los temas de tu disco más reciente, ‘Colours in the Dark’?

Comenzamos la primera gira Europea en octubre del año pasado y era la primera vez que interpretábamos estas canciones. Fue muy refrescante tocarlas y me he divertido mucho en el escenario con mi banda. Los nuevos temas están funcionando muy bien, a la gente le entusiasman y es fantástico observar su reacción cuando los escuchan por primera vez. Estoy deseando juntarme de nuevo con Mike (Terrana), hoy (por el 21 de enero) es su cumpleaños, lo llamíé para felicitarlo y íél tambiíén tení­a muchas ganas de trabajar juntos y volver a la carretera.

¿Quíé nos puedes adelantar sobre el repertorio que disfrutaremos en tus shows en España? Supongo que habrá variaciones con respecto al del pasado año.

Será por el estilo. Tenemos muchas canciones entre las que elegir, lo cual nos hace muy felices. Tenemos tres discos y muchas combinaciones posibles, no es como en los comienzos, que solo tení­a un disco y no habí­a tanto de donde escoger. Ahora tengo mucha libertad para ello, aunque por supuesto quiero presentar muchas canciones del nuevo álbum. Tambiíén habrá una buena selección del resto de trabajos y algunas cosas interesantes que estamos preparando, claro.

¿Entre ellas se encuentran canciones de Nightwish y versiones, tal vez?

¡Quizá, quizá! (risas). Siempre estoy deseosa de sorprender a mis fans, desde luego, y quiero pasar un buen rato con ellos. Eso es lo que más me gusta de ser artista, tener una buena relación con mis seguidores, y eso es lo más importante. Siento no poder desvelar más, ¡ya veremos lo que suena! (más risas).

¿Te gusta repartir el protagonismo con los músicos que te acompañan o prefieres exhibir cierto rol de dominio?

Está claro que los músicos con los que giro son músicos de sesión, pero la mayorí­a de ellos llevan trabajando conmigo muchos años. Excepto la bajista italiana Anna Portalupi, que es la primera vez que toca conmigo, el resto de músicos han estado conmigo durante varios años y nos conocemos muy bien los unos a los otros. Somos buenos amigos y disfruto de su talento, en serio. Tambiíén me encanta su personalidad, nos divertimos mucho trabajando juntos. Por todo ello, quiero darles espacio cuando hay espacio para dar, Mike Terrana tiene su propio solo cuando hay tiempo para ello, así­ como el resto de músicos, porque tambiíén me viene bien descansar y síé que puedo delegar en ellos con total confianza.

¿Piensas que tu voz ha evolucionado o se ha enriquecido en los últimos años?

Ha cambiado mucho, porque estoy trabajando mucho y estoy cantando más que nunca en estos últimos años. Estoy entrenando mucho mi voz y trabajando muy duro, ahora puedo cantar en tonos de soprano más altos, hablando de mi faceta clásica, y en eso además me ha ayudado a sentirme más libre en mis actuaciones, ya que mi voz se ha vuelto más flexible. Mi profesora de canto, Marta Blanco, ha hecho un trabajo impresionante conmigo, me impulsa mucho.

¡A muchos les parecerá mentira que una vocalista tan aclamada como tú siga contando con los servicios de una profesora de canto!

Es realmente necesaria para mí­; es muy, muy importante. Cada vez que vuelvo a Buenos Aires, la visito unas cuantas veces al mes, porque es un hecho que la necesito y que siempre mejoro cuando estoy con ella. Hay mucho trabajo que hacer conmigo, ¡críéeme! (risas). No hay nada como la perfección en este sentido, yo soy muy perfeccionista y por supuesto quiero ser lo mejor posible y darle lo máximo a mis fans, aunque la realidad es que nunca podríé ser la mejor. Eso es algo que siempre he de recordar, así­ como el hecho de que siempre hay que mejorar.

Desde luego, es bueno para una artista no dormirse en los laureles ni creer que todo está hecho.

Efectivamente. Si llegara ese dí­a en el que piense que está todo hecho y no hay nada nuevo para mí­, deberí­a de olvidarme de la música y empezar algo nuevo, volverme cocinera o algo así­ (risas).

¿La cocina es tu otra pasión?

Me encanta cocinar, pero creo que nunca me meteríé a cocinera, no tengo el suficiente talento (más risas).

Hace unos meses se te vio cantando a dúo junto con Floor Jansen en un festival belga llamado Metal Female Voices Fest. ¿Quíé consejos le darí­as de cara a su nueva aventura con Nightwish?

Ya le he dado mis consejos de hecho y recientemente hemos mantenido mucho contacto. Le he aconsejado que sea saludable, valiente y que siga siendo ella misma. Le he dicho que no permita que nadie le coma la moral. Nadie deberí­a de hacerlo. Ella ha de hacer lo que realmente siente como correcto.

¿Piensas, en base a tus vivencias, que existe ese riesgo en Nightwish?

Ella tiene su experiencia y yo tengo la mí­a. No podemos compararlas aun cuando la gente que hay alrededor es más o menos la misma, así­ que es muy difí­cil de decir.

Parece evidente que ella posee ahora lazos de amistad con sus actuales compañeros. Es de imaginar que las perspectivas que una parte y otra le transmití­s son muy distintas.

Desde luego. Ella y yo seguimos hablando, me preocupo mucho por ella y le deseo lo mejor. De veras espero que todo le vaya muy bien.

Tuve la oportunidad recientemente de hablar con Anette Olzon y me contó que piensa que la causa de su expulsión de Nightwish es que se quedó embarazada. Tambiíén te mencionó cuando confesó que no le parecí­a una buena idea que la banda publicase el DVD ‘The End of An Era’, en el cual apareces, tras despedirte. ¿Quíé piensas acerca de su expulsión y de estas declaraciones?

Es su experiencia. Todo lo que ocurrió con la banda y conmigo fue hace ya muchos años e intento hacer todo lo que puedo para olvidarme de ellos. Ahora tengo mi vida y mi música, y estoy trabajando en ella mejor que nunca antes. No necesito pensar en ellos, solo lo hago cuando me preguntan al respecto. Hablando de Anette, tambiíén he estado en contacto con ella y le deseo lo mejor y que le vaya estupendamente en su carrera en solitario. Cada cual tiene sus propias experiencias, es parte de la vida, y estas que son más desagradables nos hacen más fuertes. Sobre su expulsión, he de decir que no puedo entender ese tipo de conductas de ninguna manera. Son cosas que no deberí­a de ocurrir, desde luego.

¿Entonces tienes una relación de amistad con Anette tambiíén?

No tenemos ese tipo de relación porque nunca he coincidido con ella en persona. Lo cierto es que me encantarí­a, porque pienso que tendrí­amos muchas cosas de las que hablar (risas).

Lo cierto es que tienes una magní­fica red de contactos con grandes vocalistas de la escena. Has participado en el último álbum de Within Temptation cantando junto a Sharon den Adel en “Paradise (What About Us?), lo cual debió de ser una grata experiencia. ¿Te van mucho los duetos?

Disfruto muchí­simo participando en duetos y colaborando en general con diferentes artistas, porque siempre te proporciona diferentes puntos de vista acerca de cómo trabaja cada artista. Cada uno tiene su manera personal de hacer las cosas y resulta muy interesante. Siempre que elaboro mis discos e invito a músicos como Joe Satriani, que grabó un solo, me fijo en como graban, como se preparan, como lo hacen todo, quíé equipo prefieren utilizar… Hay todo un mundo de inteligencia y experiencia por descubrir en cada uno de ellos. Con Within Temptation pasíé unos momentos fantásticos, fue fantástico ver como trabajaban y fue muy divertido cuando nos juntamos en Holanda para hacer juntos el ví­deo y la sesión de fotos.

¿Con quiíén te gustarí­a cantar a dúo y no lo has hecho todaví­a? ¿Quizá Anette Olzon?

(Se rí­e) Me encantarí­a hacer un dueto con un hombre al que adoro y del que soy una enorme fan: Peter Gabriel. Coincidimos muy brevemente en una ocasión y me fascina su voz, su presencia y la manera que tiene de trabajar como artista mimando hasta el último detalle de sus álbumes y producciones. ¡Es alucinante! Sobre lo de Anette Olzon, no puedo decir que no me vea en un futuro cantando con ella, pero no está en mis planes y no creo que estíé en los suyos tampoco. Quiíén sabe lo que ocurrirá en el futuro.

Vas camino de tener casi los mismos discos en solitario que con Nightwish. ¿Crees que conseguirás ser recordada igual como solista que como vocalista de Nightwish o que serás eternamente la ex–cantante de Nightwish?

Está claro que siempre seríé la antigua cantante de Nightwish, estoy segura de ello, pero realmente espero que mi carrera en solitario tenga la misma relevancia para el público. A dí­a de hoy el espectro musical que practico es más amplio y puedo tambiíén llegar a una audiencia más numerosa, porque tambiíén hago mucha música clásica y no son solo metalheads los que acuden a mis conciertos. Realmente confí­o en que la gente aprecie con mi tercer álbum que sigo en pie por mi cuenta, que soy cada vez más fuerte en ese sentido y que me siento muy feliz de donde estoy y de dónde me está llevando la música en estos dí­as. Lo cierto es que me está llevando a un estamento muy cómodo en el que me siento confiada.

¿Resulta sencillo compatibilizar su labor como música profesional y tu nuevo cometido como madre?

Fí­jate, mi hija acaba de despertarse hace un cuarto de hora. Llevamos hablando todo este tiempo y ella no ha hecho ni un ruido, su padre la ha levantado de la cama y ahora le está dando de desayunar. Así­ es mi vida, estoy viviendo con mi marido, que se ocupa muchí­simo de todo cuando yo no puedo y con el que viajo y trabajo. Toda la familia viaja a todas partes y mi hija es genial cuando está con otras personas, independientemente de su color de piel. En serio, eso es lo que adoro de ella, que no le asusta la gente y encaja muy bien los cambios de ambiente. Díéjame decirte que es un reto hacer una gira de rock y viajar en el autobús con un bebe a bordo, pero es asumible y estoy rodeado de buena gente que se hará cargo cuando sea necesario.
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 30, 2014, 04:09:24 pm
Setlist Lisboa (

Darkness @ Lisboa (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 30, 2014, 04:14:07 pm
Setlist Madrid (

Die Alive @ Madrid (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 30, 2014, 04:18:46 pm
Mas videos de Madrid (

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 01, 2014, 06:31:58 pm
Damned And Divine (Madrid) (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 03, 2014, 04:20:23 pm
Setlist Bilbao (

Setlist Barcelona (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 03, 2014, 04:22:52 pm
Resumen concierto Madrid (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 05, 2014, 04:07:07 pm
Setlist Ramonville (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 05, 2014, 04:08:41 pm
Setlist Marsella (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 07, 2014, 03:23:05 pm
Setlist Villeurbanne (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 07, 2014, 05:39:52 pm
Se acerca.... (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 07, 2014, 08:46:48 pm
Videos Tolouse (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 08, 2014, 03:56:50 pm
Setlist Merignac (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 10, 2014, 04:04:58 pm
Setlist Lille (

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 12, 2014, 08:31:04 pm
Setlist Londres (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 13, 2014, 03:13:18 pm
Setlist Nottingham (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 14, 2014, 03:44:10 pm
Setlist Amsterdam (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 14, 2014, 07:45:53 pm
Dos de Amsterdam

Damned and Divine (

Mystique Voyage (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 17, 2014, 04:09:25 pm
Setlist Vevey (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 17, 2014, 04:10:48 pm
Setlist Undine (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 21, 2014, 05:44:57 pm
Take part in the ‘Left In The Dark‘ album cover competition, create the cover artwork and win one day with Tarja on tour! ‘Left In The Dark‘ will feature different versions from songs included in the chart topping album ‘Colours In The Dark‘. Create a cover with the pictures provided below and get lucky! You can use one or more pictures as you wish.

Tarja will pick one of your works as the final cover.


1st prize: Tarja will document herself one day on tour with a digital camera. She will take pictures, film bits and pieces and record a special message for you! The camera including its content will be send to you afterwards as well as a signed “Left In The Dark”-CD.
If you can make it to attend one of her concerts, you will be able to meet her in person and spend the day having exclusive access to the backstage and sound check! Just like the members of Tarja’s band and crew.
If you unfortunately cannot be present, you will receive the camera + What Lies Beneath tour backdrop!
2nd prize: Exclusive, signed canvas which was used as a prop at the “Victim Of Ritual” video shoot as well as a signed “Left In The Dark”-CD including a personalized note.
3rd - 5th prize: Exclusive poster signed by Tarja as well as a signed "Left In The Dark"-CD including a personalized note.

- Take part until March 6th, 2014
- Send your artwork as well as your full address via e-Mail to
- Minimum resolution: 2000x2000px
- 300dpi
- Include the CD title ‘Left In The Dark‘
- Send one version of your artwork with the Tarja logo and ‘Left In The Dark’ and one version without logo and text.

Have fun & good luck!

Fuente (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 25, 2014, 10:59:49 pm
Live @ Amsterdam (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 02, 2014, 04:28:50 pm
Xander: Hej Tarja, an honour and pleasure to be talking with you! How are you today?

Tarja: Thank you! I am really fine. Touring lot with my new album and working with other projects at the same time too.

X: Nottingham was my first time seeing you perform solo and I must admit I was truly impressed, a fantastic performance and I think half of what made the show so enjoyable was because of how much fun you looked to be having, how was it for you and how has this tour been?

Tarja: As you mentioned, I am really having a great fun in performing my songs nowadays. There is a positive energy around the people I work with and that helps me to keep my mood up. For me it was a pleasure to visit Nottingham for the first time alone and also to see the cute city you have. We had a beautiful, relaxing off day there the day before the show.

X: It's actually been four years since you've been to the UK, where have you been?

Tarja: Oh hehehehe. Everywhere! During the last four years I have been touring with my previous album 'What Lies Beneath', Beauty And The Beat classical project, Christmas project and I also became a mom meanwhile. There has been a lot of work, but also lot of fun and new challenges.

X: Can we expect to see you again this summer for a festival?
Tarja: I doubt that, but I hope for that in 2015.

X: You've a great backing band, especially your drummer, Mike Terrana, his kit is awesome! Do you ever have a play on his drums?

Tarja: Yes, I did! I have actually really played his drums during the project called 'Beauty And The Beat' where Mike was singing and I was playing the drums. You will see that pretty soon on a DVD that is going to be released through EarMusic in May. This project is based on classical music and it's a side project from Mike and I.

X: And Is it right that you have your kid with you? How does being a mother on tour compare?

Tarja: That's correct, yes. You might think that it is very hard to combine the motherhood and artistic life, but for me it hasn't been that since I have my husband with me always on tour. Our daughter has one of the parents always near by, so she feels safe and loved. Of course we have needed to organise things a bit differently during tours considering that there is a baby around, but it is only matter of taking care of the things in advance and when something happens. Our daughter is already a world traveller and I feel it is actually doing really good for her to see different kinds of things almost daily.

X: I was surprised to read you live in Argentina! That must be a big change compared to Finland?

Tarja: It is absolutely a different culture down here in Argentina than in Finland, but I enjoy it. People are more open minded, the food is excellent, the sun shines during every season and I feel that I have more space to breath here. I truly have found a new home in Argentina, even though of course I miss some things from Finland.

X: But I guess the difference in climate, lifestyle and culture must be a great inspiration for song writing?

Tarja: It has really affected me. I believe that the environment has a very big influence in arts in general. For me living in Buenos Aires has shown me the real colours of life. There is always something literally happening around here and the life is not taken for granted. People appreciate and celebrate life.

X: Do you miss salmiakki?

Tarja: Oh YES! Would you be so kind and send me some, please!

X: I think its horrible, especially the liquors like Fisk, yukk, it makes me cry!
Tarja: Oh NO! It is one of the best things that comes from my country :)

X: What local delights have you found in Buenos Aires?

Tarja: The meat! I am a carnivore! The Argentinean meat is just tasting so good that I hardly ever eat meat abroad because I always get disappointed about it. Other than meat is the wine. The Argentinean wine industry is rising up it's head.

X: So lets talk about your latest album, 'Colours In The Dark'. Could you sum up the album for the MetalTalk readers?

Tarja: It is my third solo rock album. As already in the title, the melodic rock music is coloured by soundtrack kind of moods.

X: My favourite track off it is 'Victim Of Ritual', Maurice Ravels 'Bolíéro' is a piece I love - so to hear it fused with your vocals, drums and guitars is pretty cool! Why did you choose to write a song around it?

Tarja: I always love to combine classical music with rock. As classical music is my background in music, it gives me the pleasure really to work on the songs like 'Victim Of Ritual'. If you listen to some other songs from me, you will discover other famous classical pieces I have used already in my previous records. Nevertheless these kinds of songs are always challenging to write, but I am having composer friends that are fully aware of my tastes in music and when we sit down together, magic happens. I wanted to have a grand opening track for the new album and the marching rhythm of Bolero really takes you to a journey, this time to my journey.

X: The video for the track echo's the album title, but also looks inspired by the Indian Holi festival, is that so?

Tarja: I saw some images from the Holi festival and they inspired me to go to India to shoot album cover photos with the photographer that took those impressive photos I saw on internet. The video and the whole album actually are speaking about the colours of life and how important the fact of enjoying my life has become in the last years.

X: You have also covered Peter Gabriel! Is he an idol of yours?

Tarja: You could say so, even though I have never really have idols. Peter Gabriel has been a great influence to me in many ways.

X: What have been your favourite tracks to play live from the album?

Tarja: 'Victim of Ritual' is great fun, 'Medusa' is another one of my favourites.

X: Ok, now I want to give you a pop quiz! What was the first album you bought - and in what format?

Tarja: It was a cassette, a collection of classical hits.

X: What was the first gig you went to?

Tarja: I loved Bonnie Tyler's voice when I was young, so I took a train alone (400km!) when I was 10 and travelled to Helsinki to listen to her with my local friends.

X: Who is your musical guilty pleasure?
Tarja: Lady Gaga.

X: If you could be a man for a day, who would you be?
Tarja: Paulo Coelho, the writer.

X: If you were a superhero, what would your power be?
Tarja: I would love to be able to read the minds of the people.

X: Your house is on fire, what one item do you save?
Tarja: My grand piano. I would run out with the piano on my shoulder :)

X: Jack Daniel's or Jí¤germiester?
Tarja: Jí¤germeister is good for the stomach if you have a stomach flu :)

X: Do you like to party or take it easy whilst on tour?
Tarja: I need to take it easy, otherwise I wouldn't have the voice I have.

X: Favourite pizza topping?
Tarja: Mozzarella

X: And finally, (although cheesecake isn't hugely known in Scandinavia or south America) what is your favourite flavour of cheesecake?

Tarja: Blueberry cheesecake

X: Yummy! Thank you so much for your time, I really hope to see you again very soon!

Tarja: Thank you very much! It was a pleasure. Take care of yourself! Love, Tarja

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 06, 2014, 04:16:36 pm
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 07, 2014, 04:33:22 pm
Que chulo! (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 08, 2014, 05:10:20 pm
I was very excited to prepare myself for the “Colours in the road” tour again. I had been training my voice and swimming almost daily for weeks, so I was ready to rock again with my band. This time I knew that my daughter would be running around and I would need to run behind her as well, but that fact didn’t make me worried. I was very happy to become the touring mama again.

Before the tour kicked off, we had a beautiful resting day after a long flight in Lisbon. Like the last time I was there, we walked a lot and took nice pictures of the city. I really love Lisbon, the architecture and the feeling of the city. It was also smooth “landing” to the European chilly weather from where I came, Caribbean heat, because we had +15°C!

The show was just a perfect beginning for the tour. Excited and very welcoming Portuguese audience made us feel loved. I was nervous before the show because we hadn’t been playing with the band since November, so we made a really long sound check where we played all the songs through once. This was needed for my mental health! :) It was really wonderful to rock in Lisbon again and I hope to see my fans there again some time soon.

We travelled during night to Spain, Madrid where we had our second show. The venue was a real challenge for my crew since the place was small and limited with conditions, but again my people made me feel safe and sound. Spanish people were happy to hear me sing one of my new songs “Mystique Voyage” in Spanish. Afterwards the whole band felt like being in a Finnish sauna, it was that hot inside the venue during the show :)

It had been a long time since my last visit in Bilbao, Spain. I remember from the last time that I had a nerve break down during the show day, since no one from my touring colleagues had taken care to organize me anything to eat, so I left the venue alone and cried my eyes out. Those were the days in around year 2000, luckily this time things were and are different.

We had a nice day off in Bilbao. Slept long in the morning and had a beautiful dinner in the city. So this time I had indeed something to eat and the people from Bilbao were happy to see me again ;)

One of my favourite cities in Europe is Barcelona. It was a rainy day and we didn’t have a chance to see anything in the city, but it was anyway wonderful to be back in Barcelona and rock again with my fans over there.

We left Spain behind and arrived to Toulouse, France next day. I remember this city very well from my last visit and expected to have a great, relaxing off day there. It was Sunday, but we found a really nice restaurant in the city centre and walked a lot during that day. I love to spend my off days outside, because during the concert days usually there is no time for more than work.

Everybody in my crew enjoyed the venue, good food and crowd during the show. It was delightful arrival to France where we were going to spend a lot of time on this tour.

What a pity that I didn’t see the coastline of Marseille. I had a little walk around the venue before the sound check, but it was not enough to get a proper idea of the city, so I need to wait patiently for the next time. Since it was my first visit in Marseille, I was happy to see that local people received me so warmly there.

Lyon! Oh what a beautiful city. When we arrived, the sun appeared for us. So this time I didn’t bring a winter storm with me like usually happens. I love the old city of Lyon and we spend amazing day off there. We stayed in a Renaissance hotel, very romantic and charming and had 7-course meal dinner! That dinner took us around 4 hours, but didn’t matter…. it was just incredible! Only our little daughter got a bit frustrated waiting for the food for such a long time, but she behaved really well considering the situation J! I was happy to be able to do some shopping and get some fresh air.

The show was very nice, lots of screaming French people. We enjoyed the visit in Lyon a lot.

Next city, Bordeaux was a new place for me again and couldn’t see much, but the show was really great! And we could enjoy the local famous Bordeaux wines…I have seen beautiful pictures of the city, so next time I wish to have an off day there to be able to see more.

Some people told me that Lille is a very charming, little town with beautiful architecture, but since I had never been there, I didn’t know what to expect. Really! It was so lovely town. We walked and walked, took many pictures, made some shopping and ate well. I really enjoyed my day off in Lille.

Also the show was really fantastic. The French people gave us a lot of love and they made me feel that I must return soon. It was amazing to see some of my “crazy” French fans following me in every concert in France. Thank you for the support, kindness and care France!

We travelled over night to London via ferry, but as always you have to stop on the boarder for the passport check, so did we. It was around 04:00 am when I needed to put winter clothes on to my sleeping baby and get out myself in pyjamas to make a line for the passport control. You should have seen all that. There were lots of kids yelling and screaming and I just wanted to get back to my bunk in the bus. Well, Naomi didn’t realize anything from the whole procedure, so I was lucky.

I was truly excited to have a show in London. It had been a long time since the last time. I also knew that there would be many international fans in the audience, which really made the show exceptional. London was really wonderful experience to my band and everybody enjoyed the show. Thank you for the patience and thank you for being there for me UK.

We woke up in Nottingham as usual after midday, enjoyed the morning coffee in the bus before we moved to your hotel. I wanted to see a bit of the city, since again I didn’t remember if I had been in Nottingham before or not. If you wonder how on earth I cannot remember, let me tell you…I have been in “some places” in the last 15 years so I loose the track easily! It was chilly weather in Nottingham, the wind was killing us.

The city centre is really cute, tiny. We walked a bit around and enjoyed a tasty coffee there.

There were not too many people in the venue during the show, but nevertheless we enjoyed ourselves. I want to thank Rock City Nottingham for the opportunity to play there for the first time on my own.

It was raining in Amsterdam when we arrived there finally after a long journey. We needed to have a double driver in the last show days, since the distances between the cities were really long and for one driver too much. I was looking forward to have a great time with my Dutch fans and I got what I expected. It was amazing to rock with you people again. Nice country with many important female fronted metal bands, so I felt really welcomed.

If I should need to choose where to live in Europe, it might well be Switzerland. I love the mountains, the lakes and the fact that there are not too many people around. Vevey was a wonderful new place for us to discover. The lake Geneva surroundings are just stunning and I got a chance to enjoy that with my family. Really a wonderful place, peaceful and beautiful. But it was really cold….hrrr.

The show happened in a really small venue, but packed with people to the limits. I had a good time with my Swiss fans and friends. I feel good when I can sweat during my shows; it makes me feel that I have had a good workout :)  During tours I usually don’t have enough energy to go for a run, because to maintain all that I have to do, is stressful.

After only two hours drive at night and still in Switzerland, we encountered with snowstorm in the mountains. I got awake during the night, because I felt like we were not getting anymore ahead, but we were instead sliding backwards with the bus…it was for a while quite a scary feeling, because the drop down was deep. L Our driver Mino needed to put chains to the wheels and after some hours of work we could continue our journey again. So again, the winter storm was back with me ! Ha!

We arrived a bit late to Udine, Italy, but my crew got everything ready in time for the show. What a beautiful theatre, the venue! I love performing in theatres. They hold a very special atmosphere. I have also realized that my fans enjoy the fact that they can see my show without any disturbances.

To end this leg in Udine was the best ending ever. I almost cried at the end of the show for happiness. Italian fans were incredible and made me feel so loved. I am happy that soon in May will be other shows in Italy.


Thank you all for this tour, thank you for the love and care.

I will see you soon, this time in Russia. Only few days left!
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 16, 2014, 04:24:41 pm
500 letters @ Krasnodar (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 17, 2014, 05:05:21 pm
Victim Of Ritual (Fan Video) (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 19, 2014, 06:13:25 pm
Setlist Voronezh (

Medusa (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 24, 2014, 03:58:29 pm
Setlist Moscú (

Medusa (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 18, 2014, 05:16:06 pm
Led Zeppelin Medley (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 22, 2014, 11:56:29 pm
arja Turunen & Mike Terrana to release the classic/rock cross-over live project “Beauty & The Beat” on May 30th, 2014 on earMUSIC

Including interpretations of classic music pieces ranging from Bach to Mozart
to Rossini as well as rock classics from Queen, Led Zeppelin and Tarja

“Beauty & The Beat” is something very different than your ordinary rock show, let alone your ordinary classic concert. It’s music played in an unorthodox manner, it’s the performance of a wide range of classical pieces and rock songs together with an orchestra and choir. It strikes you with awe.
Originally planned as a one-time event – the first performance was already held in 2011, the show was too successful with fans and critics to simply never happen again. In spring 2013, Tarja Turunen and drummer Mike Terrana again toured throughout the world, from Poland to Russia to Mexico.
“Beauty & The Beat” will be released as 2CD, DVD, Blu-ray and download on May 30th, 2014 on earMUSIC.

The music of “Beauty & The Beat” ranges from immortal classic pieces by Bach, Strauss and Mozart to Rossini, but doesn’t neglect pure rock music like songs from Led Zeppelin, Queen as well as Tarja’s own pieces. All combined with orchestra and choir with more than 100 musicians on stage, an enormous sound, energetic drums and Tarja’s angelic voice
Tarja and Mike complement each other musically. Whereas Mike bangs his drums with rock attitude, Tarja shines with her crystal clear voice and incredible stage presence; all lulled with the warm, full sound of an orchestra.

Tarja Turunen explains:
“The idea of having a symphonic orchestra, choir and Mr. Terrana on drums was originally mine. Mike has done a recording with drums over classical pieces that I think it is great. I immediately imagined it performed live on a stage with a real orchestra as a part of a bigger concept. I believe this kind of combination of instruments, particularly playing mainly classical music, is very unique. I have been making collaborations with orchestras before and I could foresee a great outcome.   
Our main goal with these kind of concerts is that the younger audience experiences the beauty and power of a symphonic orchestra and choir. Hopefully it will serve as an introduction to classical music for some of our fans.”

Mike Terrana jokingly adds: “It’s obvious that I provide the BEAT & Tarja provides the BEAUTY.”


1. Mike - Concert For Violin & Oboe (Bach)
2. Tarja - Blute Nur (Bach)
3. Tarja - Zueignung - Op. 10, No. 1 (Strauss)
4. Mike - Barber of Seville (Rossini)
5. Mike - New World Symphony (Dvorák)
6. Tarja - Song To The Moon (Dvorák)
7. Tarja - Vilja Lied (Lehár)
8. Tarja - O mio babbino caro (Puccini)
9. Mike - Can-can (Offenbach)
10. Tarja - I Feel Pretty (Leonard Bernstein)
11. Mike - William Tell Overture (Rossini)
12. Tarja - Mein Herr Marquis (Strauss)
13. Mike - Eine kleine Nachtmusik (Mozart)

1. Tarja - You Take My Breath Away (Queen)
2. Tarja & Mike - The Reign (Tarja)
3. Tarja & Mike - Witch-hunt (Tarja)
4. Tarja & Mike - Led Zeppelin Medley
5. Tarja & Mike - Swanheart (Nightwish)
6. Mike & Tarja - Fly Me To The Moon (Frank Sinatra)
7. Tarja & Mike - Into The Sun (Tarja)
8. Tarja & Mike - I Walk Alone (Tarja)


First part
1. Orchestra - Carmen Overture
2. Mike - Concert For Violin & Oboe (Bach)
3. Tarja - Blute Nur (Bach)
4. Tarja - Zueignung - Op. 10, No. 1 (Strauss)
5. Mike - Barber of Seville (Rossini)
6. Mike - New World Symphony (Dvorák)
7. Tarja - Song To The Moon (Dvorák)
8. Tarja - Vilja Lied (Lehár)
9. Tarja - O mio babbino caro (Puccini)
10. Tarja & Mike - The Reign (Tarja)
Second part         
11. Tarja - You Take My Breath Away (Queen)
12. Tarja & Mike - Witch-hunt (Tarja)
13. Tarja & Mike - Led Zeppelin Medley
14. Tarja & Mike – Swanheart (Nightwish)
15. Mike - Can-can (Offenbach)
16. Tarja - Mein Herr Marquis (Strauss)
17. Mike & Tarja - Fly Me To The Moon (Frank Sinatra)
18. Tarja & Mike - Into The Sun (Tarja)

23. Mike - William Tell Overture (Rossini)
24. Tarja - I Feel Pretty (Leonard Bernstein)
25. Mike - Eine kleine Nachtmusik (Mozart)
26. Tarja & Mike - I Walk Alone (Tarja)

Bonus material
Photo Gallery

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 26, 2014, 04:17:46 pm



Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 03, 2014, 06:03:46 pm
Setlist Goteborg (

Deliverance (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 07, 2014, 06:22:34 pm
November 3rd Bulgaria Sofia Universiada hall
November 4th Romania Bucharest Sala Palatului
November 6th Serbia Belgrad SKC
November 7th Slovakia Bratislava Refinery Gallery
November 9th Poland Kraków Klub Studio
November 10th Poland Łódź Klub Wytwórnia
November 12th Poland Katowice Mega Club
November 13th Poland Warsaw Palladium
November 15th Belarus Minsk Chizhovka Arena
November 16th Lithuania Vilnius Forum Palace
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 09, 2014, 10:15:33 pm
Beauty and the Beat Trailer (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 09, 2014, 10:18:25 pm
En Teatro Puccini en Florencia, Italia, Domingo 18 de Mayo de 2014 a las 21.

“Beauty & The Beat” es algo muy distinto de un show de rock común, y tambiíén de un concierto de música clásica. Es música tocada de forma poco ortodoxa, es la interpretación de un amplio rango de piezas clásicas y canciones de rock junto con una orquesta y coro. Algo que llena de asombro.

Más de cien músicos en escena, un sonido descomunal, una baterí­a eníérgica y la angelical voz de Tarja.

Tarja y Mike se complementan musicalmente. Mientras Mike le pega a la baterí­a con actitud rockera, Tarja brilla con su voz cristalina y su incredible presencia escíénica; todo arrulado por el cálido y entero sonido de una orquesta.

“Beauty & The Beat” sera pronto editado como un CD doble, DVD, Blu-ray, y como descarga. Hasta entonces, Tarja Turunen y Mike Terrana quieren invitarte a la avant premier del video filmado en Zlin, República Checa, en Abril de 2013.

Este evento especial se realizará en el hermoso Teatro Puccini en Florencia, Italia, el Domingo 18 de Mayo de 2014 a las 21.

Podrí­as ser uno de los pocos fans que tenga la oportunidad de escuchar y ver en una pantalla HD el concierto completo antes del lanzamiento comercial del DVD y Blu-ray.

!Vivirás la experiencia de Beauty & The Beat tal y como fue capturada en video junto con Tarja y Mike! Ambos artistas estarán presentes en el evento y saludarán a la audiencia despuíés de la presentación.

!Los asientos son muy limitados, por favor, apúrate!
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 13, 2014, 06:46:02 pm
Following the original track list of “Colours In The Dark”, its counterpart “Left In The Dark” contains rarities, B-Sides as well as demos, instrumental versions including five previously unreleased versions, thereof two live radio acoustic recordings of “500 Letters” and “Until Silence”. Furthermore the high quality digi-pak includes exclusive liner notes written by Tarja herself which give a personal insight behind the scenes of Tarja’s work.

Not only is the track selection of “Left In The Dark” one of a kind, the story behind the creation of the album artwork is as well.

In February 2014, Tarja fans were called for creating the cover artwork for her exclusive tour item “Left In The Dark”. With over 1.000 great and creative submissions, Tarja had a hard time choosing five winner artworks. In the end, this left her with no other choice than to decide on even ten lucky winners.
Congratulations to MikoláÅ¡ Gál (1st prize, front cover), Predrag Milosevic (2nd prize, back cover), Bruno Bogarin, Eric Imbimbo, Timo Lorch, Thamires Moraes, Vivien Scalbert, Pavel Simo, Stanis W-Decker and Kevin WeiíŸ (3rd – 10th prize; all artworks included in the booklet).


1. Victim Of Ritual (First Demo)
2. 500 Letters (Live At Vorterix Radio) *
3. Lucid Dreamer (Demo) *
4. Never Enough (Demo Progression) *
5. Mystique Voyage (Demo) *
6. Into The Sun (Studio Version)
7. Deliverance (Instrumental)
8. Neverlight (Full Orchestra Version)
9. Until Silence (Live At Vorterix Radio) *
10. Medusa (Tarja’s Solo Version)

*previously unreleased

International release dates:

G/S/A:  04.07.14
France: 07.07.14
Spain: 04.07.14
Scandinavia: 04.07.14
Italy: tba
Argentina: October
Brazil: later, exact date tba
Bulgaria/Romani: later, exact date tba
CZ: After September 7th.
Serbia/Slovakia: after November 10th.
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 22, 2014, 06:19:12 pm
Witch Hunt (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 31, 2014, 01:43:04 pm
Live @ Made in Finland (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 01, 2014, 04:26:50 pm
Tarja y Naomi con Lordi (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 01, 2014, 11:09:37 pm
Swanheart (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 03, 2014, 04:15:22 pm
Otro trailer (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 07, 2014, 10:53:27 pm
Live @ St Petersburg (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 25, 2014, 09:04:48 pm
Neverlight (Orchestral Version) (

Listen to the full orchestra version of ‘Neverlight’ taken from the new CD ‘Left In The Dark’! Following the original track list of “Colours In The Dark”, its counterpart “Left In The Dark” contains rarities, B-Sides as well as demos, instrumental versions including five previously unreleased versions, thereof two live radio acoustic recordings of “500 Letters” and “Until Silence”. Furthermore the high quality digi-pak includes exclusive liner notes written by Tarja herself which give a personal insight behind the scenes of Tarja’s work.
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 30, 2014, 04:29:33 pm
Heaven and Hell (ft Adrian Barilari) (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 12, 2014, 04:20:32 pm
Entrevista The Age Of Metal (

Yesterday and today I have been recording more songs for my next rock album. It is always a lot of fun. We recorded drums, guitars and the beautiful instrument from the photo. The perfect combination between Finland and Argentina

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 15, 2014, 04:28:38 pm
Read the interview with Neopera's female singer Nina Jiers (Sporano) and Tarja, here:

Nina Jiers: "First of all I have to say that you are one of my biggest idols and I have been watching your career for many years now. I learned very much from you by listening to your music... and I really wonder, how do you do all this? Where do you get all the energy, the inspiration, the time for all this awesome projects that inspire so many people in the whole world?"

Tarja: "Thank you for the kind words! I feel privileged to be able to make an international career as a singer and work with people that respect me. Singing is the thing in my life that without it I would become very sick. I am living my dream and making music makes me happy. It is wonderful to be able to feel free with your art! I think it is that pure love that I have for music and singing that my fans all over the world can feel when they see or hear me singing. What inspires me is the people I work with, the environment and the fact that I am happy with my art."

Nina Jiers:  "Being on tour for long periods of time.. with so many guys... is a very special challenge, I think. How do you manage to care for your physical and psychical health, especially for your voice? Did it become easier from time to time, or is it still demanding? Was it ever demanding? :D"

Tarja: "It is never easy to be on the road as a singer. The climate changes, time differences and challenges in environments are demanding. I need to train hard physically during many weeks before tours and also I am taking singing lessons to make sure that I am on the correct track. During the tours I try not to get myself too tired with other activities rather than singing, because the shows are eating a lot of energy from me. But I also keep on training my voice on tours, which is very important.
I have to be honest and tell you that in my previous band, no one really understood the fact that I needed to take care of my voice and to be aware of how fragile it is. It was very hard to keep on practicing while others were smoking right next to you or during nights I couldn't get any sleep because the guys were partying. Also the fact that I am a woman was forgotten so many times. Not that I needed someone to open a door for me or serve me like a queen, I just needed them to realize that I am a woman who sometimes needs her private place. We were young at that time, but I still believe you can be young but not necessarily you need to be stupid. Nevertheless, nowadays the situation is totally different. My male musicians are experienced, intelligent and very nice people. I am having such a good time with them and never I have had problems like in the past."

Nina Jiers:  "What does an average Tarja day look like on tour and at home?"

Tarja: "On tour I wake up quite late, since I am not sleeping very well in the moving bus or in the planes. I always miss the breakfast! I enjoy the lunch, take care of my baby and get ready for the sound check. After sound check I am starting to prepare my make up, hair and clothes ready for the show. I warm up my voice again just before the show and go through all the songs in my mind. After the show I have a shower, eat a salad and enjoy the last hours with my baby before getting to bed with her again. At home I enjoy being the house wife for my husband and mother for my daughter. I clean, cook and in general take care of myself when being at home. I also take singing lessons, teach my students and work out a lot."

Nina Jiers:  "Recently I wrote my bachelor thesis about women in metal including a chapter about you. Did you always feel as accepted and welcomed in the metal business as your male colleagues? How was that feeling when you started your career and how is it today?"

Tarja: "I think everybody in the metal genre thought that I am a weird bird in the beginning, since I come totally from a different background. But nevertheless, they always respected me as I am. There has always been that trust between me and my metal audience, since I have been very frank and honest with them. I didn't know much about metal when I joined a metal band in the beginning, but the experience really opened my eyes."

Nina Jiers: "I assume, as an artist you are totally free to do whatever you wish for... at least it seams to be like that, maybe I'm wrong... but is there anything you still would like to achieve?"

Tarja: "I love challenges in general and I am very eager to jump into them when there is a chance. Maybe one day I would like to still take part in an opera and rehearse for real for a role, but that needs to happen only when I don't have any other compromises."

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 26, 2014, 06:17:45 pm
Neverlight (Live @ Teleclub Yekaterinburg) (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 29, 2014, 04:21:30 pm
The coaches for the next season of Voice of Finland were announced yesterday, and Tarja will be one of them, together with Olli Lindholm, Redrama and Michael Monroe.
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 02, 2014, 03:54:58 pm
Se refiere a hoy!!!

Yesterday we were in Fezen, Hungary and tomorrow I will do a very special and unique performance with Van Canto at Wacken, Germany! Having fun

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 02, 2014, 04:11:50 pm
Setlist Fazen (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 04, 2014, 05:03:38 pm
Anteroom Of Death @ Wacken (ft Van Canto) (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 09, 2014, 10:23:21 pm
it seems she will be releasing a new album for kids, Naomi and her love for monsters and horror has inspired her, she's already thinking/planning the orchestral parts. She sounds aprehensive tho like she doesnt want to go into much details for the moment.
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 11, 2014, 04:25:49 pm
Entrevista (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 17, 2014, 06:02:04 pm
Hoy Tarja cumple 37 años!!!!

FELICIDADES!!!!!!!! :011: :011: :011: :011: :011:
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 17, 2014, 08:26:25 pm
Entrevista (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 18, 2014, 03:56:08 pm
Otra entrevista (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 31, 2014, 04:05:22 pm
500 letters @ Teleclub (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 31, 2014, 04:08:12 pm
Entrevista Prende y Apaga (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 10, 2014, 04:55:24 pm
!Esta sera la cuarta temporada de LVDF – con entrenadores estrella: Olli Lindholm, Redrama, Tarja Turunen y Michael Monroe!

 La cuarta temporada del popular programa de TV “La Voz de Finlandia” tendrá a Olli Lindholm, Redrama y a Tarja Turunen como entrenadores estrella. Ya es la cuarta temporada en la que Michael Monroe participa del programa y su aprendiz, Siru Airistola, ganó la competencia la primavera pasada.

 La cuarta temporada de “La voz de Finlandia” abre la búsqueda el 28 de Julio. El programa podrá verse en Nelonem en la primavera de 2015.
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 10, 2014, 04:56:43 pm
La banda

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 10, 2014, 05:00:26 pm
El encanto de los Conciertos de Navidad de Tarja Turunen regresa a Finlandia. Este año la gira consta de más de diez shows, la mayorí­a en ciudades en las que no se habí­a presentado aún.
En Forssa, Eurajoki, Hankasalmi, Juva, Imatra y Kotka Tarja aparecerá en escena junto con Kalevi Kiviniemi (órgano), Marzi Nyman (guitarra) y Markku Krohn (percusión), más conocidos como Harus. La banda ha estado tocando junta desde 2006 y hace tres años editaron un CD, DVD y BluRay, “Live at Sibelius Hall”.
En Keuruu,  Alají¤rvi, Vaasa y Valkeakoski Tarja se presentará junto con el cellista Max Lilja, la violinista Mervi Myllyoja y el pianista Janne Hovi. En Koivola, para el último concierto de la gira, Tarja estará junto a Kalevi Kiviniemi en un momento muy í­ntimo y emotivo a instantes de Navidad.
Despuíés de muchos años de presentarse en iglesias y salas de conciertos alrededor del paí­s, la Gira de Navidad de Tarja se está transformando en un evento tradicional de la íépoca navideña.

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 13, 2014, 06:10:51 pm
Setlist Belo Horizonte (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 13, 2014, 06:14:06 pm
El show en Tricnec (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 15, 2014, 05:22:49 pm
Setlist Rio (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 21, 2014, 05:11:16 pm
Setlist Buenos Aires (

Videos (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 21, 2014, 05:15:54 pm
Setlist Gran Rex ( (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 25, 2014, 04:45:35 pm
Darkness @ Gran Rex (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 02, 2014, 10:13:02 pm
Interviewer: Tarja Turunen, when was the last time you laughed?
Tarja: Well, about two minutes ago. I’m a joyful person and the sound of laughing can be heard every day. And a lot!
I: When was the last time you cried?
T: Wow. Wait.. A few.. A week ago at the end of a concert in Argentina I was moved to tears.
I: When did you clean last?
T: Just before leaving home. We left on a plane the day before yesterday from Buenos Aires to Finland, so a quick clean to get dust off, so it would be nicer to come home next time.
I: Apologized?
T: I say I’m sorry to my own husband, if I make mistakes. Not terrible, dramatic things, but if I forget to do something inadvertently. Probably a couple of days ago there was something like that, I had forgotten to send an e-mail or something like that, a small thing, but I apologized.
I: When was the last time you did something for the first time?
T: Wow, that’s a tough one. For the first time.. That’s hard. Yeah, for the first time. I was forced on tour to make a grilled dinner on our day off. That was the first time a grilled meat in the Argentinean way. The locals did laugh at me a bit. That was the first time. Probably not the last.
I: So barbequing in Argentina is different than..
T: Yes, it’s a little different from the Finnish way.
I: Did something for the sake of love?
T: My life is so filled with love, I have a two-year-old daughter Naomi and a lovely husband. Our everyday life is filled with love. Doing something for the sake of love actually happens every day. Doing things for love and how I do them, to make sure my family is alright. You do things every day for the sake of love.
I: Wanted to make a change in your life?
T: There have been a lot big changes in my life, like moving internationally, moving to a different house. But what I’d like to change in my life at the moment is to have more time for myself and my family. I have had a lot work and it will continue like so for the next couple of years, I know that. But I have a feeling I should actually start to fight so that I have time for me. A person manages until a certain point. Head might be able to go on, but not the body. It says it can’t go on anymore at some point. That would be the change at this point, now I would want more time for myself.
I: When did you wish you were someone else last?
T: On the plane ride to Finland! I hoped I was someone else. Every other bloody person that walked by noticed that that’s Tarja Turunen sitting there looking all tired and with huge bags under her eyes. And a long way, she must have travelled a long way since she looks so tired. At that point I wished I was someone else for a change.
I: Felt like you succeeded as a mom?
T: Wow. It must have been yesterday. She’s learning new Finnish words daily. She’s now two so it’s the best age in the sense that that learning process is explosive. She learns so much every day. I get blasts of happiness as a mother, feelings that I have done something good in my life. She is happy and outgoing and radiates positivity. Yesterday I was touched just by looking at her. We are tired and have travelled a long way but everything is fine.
I: Was offended by something?
T: That’s another tough one. Was offended by something.. Maybe, yeah. Some weeks ago I was offended by what a colleague of mine wrote, not about me personally, but regarding my work, on social media. I was offended, like why? Why do you have to share personal stuff in social media, because I never do that myself. That was like that.
I: When was the last time you listened to Nightwish?
 T: Years ago! Probably when I was still in the band. So a very long time ago, when I actually carefully listened. Many years ago.
I: Thank you.
T: Thanks.

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 29, 2014, 03:57:52 pm
innish singer Tarja Turunen says that her involvement with NIGHTWISH was "a very, very important part of [her] musical history" but insists that she has established her own audience which has passionately embraced her musical output since she was unceremoniously fired from the group nine years ago.

Asked if the fact that at some of her recent solo concerts she has only played three songs from her NIGHTWISH days means that she would like to separate her past from her artistic present, Tarja told Greece's Metalpaths (hear audio below): "Actually, I play only one song [from NIGHTWISH] or [sometimes] no song [at all]."

She continued: "Of course, it's a part of history — it's a very, very important part of my musical history. It brought me where I am, [and it made me] who I am today. Of course, it's a part of me, and it always will be; I don't have any problems with that. It really showed me also a totally new direction musically in my life.

"It's very hypothetical to think where I would be if I wouldn't have chosen to sing [on] that first demo that was offered to me. But, on the other hand, I have a life of my own.

"Today, as an artist, I have my own music, I am basically producing my own music, I have my own audience, which, a good part of that audience also could be fans of NIGHTWISH, or were fans of NIGHTWISH when I was there.

"I love music, and that is what I care for, and that is what I deliver for people."

Turunen added: "In my live set, of course I play songs… Now I'm going to present my new album for you [when I come to Greece] and also play some songs from my previous albums.

"Having fun — that is what I base everything [on]. All my work goes to that. I want to have fun. I don't want to spend any moment of my life not feeling to have fun, [or] at least try. So that is what means to me, seriously — to see a passionate audience in front of me, an emotional audience in front of me. And that is what I care for, seriously — to make people happy with my music."

Asked if she has checked out the two NIGHTWISH albums that were recorded after she was dismissed from the band and what her thoughts were on what she heard, Turunen said: "I haven't been listening to their albums. Sorry. I haven't been interested in listening to their albums. I don't know the music. I heard some songs on the radio. Like, sometimes if I was in Finland, I heard their singles or something like that on the radio, but that's all I know. I mean, I haven't been interested in looking for that."

Turunen was fired from NIGHTWISH at the end of the band's 2005 tour by being presented with an open letter which was published on the NIGHTWISH web site at the same time. In the letter, the other members of NIGHTWISH wrote: "To you, unfortunately, business, money, and things that have nothing to do with emotions have become much more important."

Dutch singer Floor Jansen made her live debut as the frontwoman of NIGHTWISH on October 1, 2012 at Showbox Sodo in Seattle, Washington following the abrupt departure of the band's lead singer of five years, Anette Olzon.

Turunen followed her most recent rock album, "Colours In The Dark", with the exclusive tour CD "Left In The Dark", which was previously only available bundled with a ticket for the "Colours In The Road Tour 2014". "Left In The Dark" was released on July 4 via earMUSIC.

"Colours In The Dark" charted in 12 countries, with four Top 10 entries, and was praised by the media and, more importantly, by the fans.

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 02, 2014, 04:52:29 pm
Setlist Atenas (

Die Alive (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 02, 2014, 04:57:24 pm
Setlist Tesalónica (

Never Enough (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 05, 2014, 03:48:07 pm
Setlist Bucarest (

Over The Hills And Far Away (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 05, 2014, 03:52:03 pm
Setlist Sofia (

Wish I Had An Angel (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 07, 2014, 03:53:53 pm
Seura 6.11.2014 #45
”Naomi is a daddy’s girl”
Singer Tarja Turunen was worried about traveling with a little daughter for nothing. Now work brings the family to Finland after a while.

Two-year-old Naomi often sits with her mother during make-up. She likes to arrange the eye shadows and nail polishes by color and can ask nail polish to be applied on one tiny nail.
This time the girl called Namu has however stayed at the hotel to sleep.
Tarja Turunen, 37, sits in the make-up artists chair and says that her daughter pays close attention on what mum does.
“One time at home I found her going through my make-up case. She was applying black eye shadow on her lid. She had seen her mum do that.”
Besides the make-up routine Naomi has been accustomed to sound-checks, tour busses, backstage, hotel life and long plane trips.
“My brothers intimidated me that I wouldn’t be able to tour the same way than before the baby was born.”
Everyday life has shown that the fear was for nothing. Tarja is working even more than a couple of years ago.
“The difference is that now we have a daughter that comes first, not us anymore. I get a lot strength from having my family with me.”
In the future the family faces big decisions: in what country will Naomi start school? How will touring be done then? Will home still be in Buenos Aires Argentina?
“Yippee” is the daughter’s most common response when her parents tell about an upcoming trip.
Some trips have included mishaps too. At the end of the summer Tarja did a tour lasting almost a month in Russia. Concerts spanned from Moscow to Vladivostok.
The time difference to Buenos Aires grew to 13 hours city by city. This mixed up Naomi’s sleeping rhythm.
“She was sleeping during the day and awake at night. On the way home we stopped in Italy so that returning wouldn’t be so tough. With Naomi we try to make travelling as stress-free as possible.”
On trips she spends her time with her father Marcelo Cabuli when Tarja is on stage. On rock tours the family travels with a nanny which allows the parents to deal with all concert related work duties.
“Without a nanny I wouldn’t have time to take care of my physical shape. Without that you can’t do a two-hour rock show.”
When Tarja Turunen returns home to Buenos Aires, the first thing she does is pick up a rag and cleans. Only when the home in spotless she can relax on the sofa.
The drive for cleaning she has gotten from her mother.
“When I was younger I wondered how after a day at work she still has the energy to vacuum. Now I do the exact same thing.”
Naomi never met her grandmother, who died of cancer on 2003. Tarja not only lost a mother but also a dear friend. Mother and daughter were like two peas in a pod.
“I hope to have a same kind of relationship with Naomi”, Tarja says.
“At the moment Naomi is still a daddy’s girl. There are things only daddy is good for. Compared to my own childhood Marcelo spends more time with his daughter than my own father did.”
Tarja is a little sorry Naomi doesn’t regularly have her own aged company to play with.
Naomi is growing up to become very determined. She knows what she wants, when and why.
“She’s a little precocious. Playing with adults so much has surely played some part in that. Playing misses a child’s spontaneity.”
Shooting for ‘The Voice of Finland’ started in October and next spring the live broadcasts bring the family to Finland frequently.
Tarja hopes the family gets an apartment in Turku instead of a hotel room. In that case they could live a normal everyday life.
Tarja rejoices that Naomi gets to hear Finnish everywhere and not just from mum and Moomin-movies. Tarja’s family is also in Finland: father and two brothers with their families.
A lot of good reasons to consider returning.
“Now it feels like I wouldn’t want to come back. I of course miss my family, calmness, safety and space from Finland but on the other hand I do not miss the darkness, slush and snow. The light in Buenos Aires is really important to me. My heart is there now.”
Buenos Aires started to feel like a home to Tarja at the latest during her pregnancy, when she learned to speak Spanish.
 Now Marcelo and Tarja speak Spanish to each other, but Naomi’s first language is Finnish. She also understands Spanish.
“It is important to me that Naomi speaks Finnish. Otherwise she wouldn’t be able to communicate with my dad for example. I want Naomi to know both of her home countries. She is after all made in Finland, since I got pregnant during a Christmas tour in Finland.”
It won’t be many years before Naomi starts school.
Tarja admits that the parents have already thought how Naomi’s school will change the family’s life.
Tarja will probably start doing shorter tours and travel mostly alone. Marcelo will stay home with the girl.
Since mom has to come back home often, it may be that the family’s place of residence will have to be re-thought.
“We have a home now in Buenos Aires, but Marcelo is also a citizen of Spain and Naomi has a double-citizenship to Argentina and Finland. If we came back to Europe, we’d probably move to Spain for the language”, Tarja says.
She has decided not to stress about the matter too much yet.
Tarja has learned to trust life’s fortune during her career.
Music was Tarja’s hobby since the age of six and as a teenager she asked to take singing lessons. Her skills weren’t enough to sing the soul-songs she preferred. However Kitee only had a classical singing teacher, who took her voice to whole other direction.
The 1996 started Nightwish was first supposed to be a project by a group of friends, which was supposed to stay as a hobby. Things went differently.
After nine years in the band came the famous firing. Has Tarja forgiven the band?
“I will never understand how the matter was handled. That has nothing to do with forgiving. I have handled it and won’t go back to it again. Things with me are better than ever. I think now, that leaving the band was a blessing.”
According to Tarja, a solo career has offered the chance to do anything: classical singing, rock and everything in between. She also collaborated with Nightwish’s new singer, the Dutch Floor Jansen. The women are longtime friends.
Could this mean that collaboration with Nightwish is possible?
“I will never work with Nightwish again. Ever. But with Floor, why not”, Tarja says sharply.
The Voice of Finland isn’t the first TV-program Tarja has been asked to take part in. It is however the only she has agreed to. Why?
“This is an actually encouraging format. I can see myself in the people applying for the show.”
In 2002 Tarja was the singer for internationally famous Nightwish. That didn’t however give any extra points when applying for Karlsruhe’s music university in Germany.
In the entrance examination Tarja found her name last on the list.
Singers before her came in front of the jury on their turn. Through the door you could everyone singing one opera aria and one German lied.
With Tarja the jury wanted to hear one lied, then another after that and then even a third one.
“That really threw me off my game. I didn’t know whether it went good of bad. I only found out a month later when the acceptance letter came home”, Tarja tells.
Singing technique is one of the things she want to help as a coach.
“Out of the four coaches I have the most knowledge of the technique of singing. But even with my classical background I didn’t stick to one genre of music.”
Tarja’s calendar is booked long into the future. The ninth Christmas tour lies ahead next.
What if the urge to have another baby rises?
“It would be pretty impossible to have another child in this hassle. I would love for Naomi to have someone to play with, but this kind of life wouldn’t be possible with a big family. Just the amount of stuff would be enormous.”
Tarja is straightforward in saying that she doesn’t want to cut back on her work.
“I would be really sad and cynical if I had to cut down music. It’s a passion that the body and mind demand.”
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 07, 2014, 04:11:25 pm
Setlist Belgrado (

I Walk Alone (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 20, 2014, 11:04:24 pm
Tarja y su hermano


Medusa (

Setlist Turku (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 21, 2014, 04:33:13 pm
Setlist Hameelinna (

Medusa (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 06, 2014, 09:42:04 pm
The Voice of Finland (teaser) (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 09, 2014, 03:47:04 pm
Entrevista (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 29, 2014, 06:50:37 pm
”Sharing ordinary life is a blessing”
For singer and The Voice of Finland star coach Tarja Turunen the symbiosis of touring and family life has been a blessing.
Colours on the Road – tour has ended for the year and singer Tarja Turunen has arrived to Finland for shooting The Voice of Finland-program straight from the boat from Tallinn. Sleep has been lacking the previous night, but the 37-year-old singer doesn’t seem tired.
The singer is practically puffing with enthusiasm, since earlier in the day she has met the singers she will be coaching for the first time personally.
- It has been an exciting day! Soon the real work begins, I can’t wait to get started. Oh my, I enjoy this new challenge greatly, the new star coach for The Voice of Finland tells excitedly.

Turunen didn’t look for only rockers or classical singers in her group. They are of course included, but the group also has singers who have been influenced by for example soul and r&b.

- I haven’t watched the earlier seasons, because I didn’t want to accumulate any preconceptions. I only heard one and a half minutes from every singer, but I was surprised by the high quality. I have great, individual singers in my group.

The chemistry with the other star coaches Olli Lindholm and Redrama and Michael Monroe familiar from earlier seasons works too.

- We have great energy together and have fun together. I highly appreciate the others, they are all strong in their own fields. There are also touching moments, I cried my eyes out!
In touch with Finland
Thanks to shooting the program Turunen will spend more time in Finland during the spring with her husband Marcelo Cabuli and daughter Naomi.

- It’s important that my daughter is more in touch with Finland. She speaks Finland as a first language, but now she will hear others speaking Finnish too besides mom and Moomins. I want her to learn to understand the Finnish ways of life.

The family has lived in Argentina for years now, but for a long time they also had a house in Kouvola’s Kuusankoski. The ties to Finland never really broke.

- For us Finland has always meant a place of peace. It was good to be in Finland because it is so peaceful. In this chaotic way life the mind got to rest when returning to Finland. Now we have a lovely home in Buenos Aires, but it’s a city life.
Child is number one
Turunen started her career as a singer almost 20 years ago. After Nightwish she has done five albums from 2005 as a solo artist and toured around the world.
After the shooting for The Voice of Finland ends in late spring Turunen has a Beauty and the Beat- tour ahead. The summer she uses working on a new rock-album. In the autumn a rock tour follows.

She hasn’t grown tired of touring, quite the opposite.
- I feel that today I’m in the best place in my life. Musically I feel stronger than ever, because experience and hardships make you stronger and teach you things. It’s great to notice that things have become better.

She has started to take notice of her health though.

- I have terrible pains in the back of my neck! Our pace hasn’t changed even though we have a child now. Quite the contrary we have become busier, but me and Marcelo have understood that we have to have time to ourselves.

Between tours Turunen focuses on staying in shape. Being home means taking care of herself: she has time to go to the dentist and the masseur and the doctor for blood tests and a mammography. Because the singer travels constantly around the world for her job, she wants to make sure that everything is alright with her body.

- I also enjoy being at home with the child. It’s a wonderful time! She is our number one every day and every moment.
Daughter Naomi follows her parents also on tours. Her mother says she is an easy child.

So far everyday life has continued the way as before, but other options have to be considered when Naomi starts school at the latest. Turunen doesn’t want to stress over it yet though.

- It is hard for people to understand sharing love and work. That is ordinary life in our family. This symbiosis works and has been a blessing for us.
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 03, 2015, 04:22:44 pm
Victim Of Ritual @ The Voice (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 19, 2015, 04:14:22 pm
She just recorded the theme song of a local movie project called "Corazón Muerto"

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 30, 2015, 02:07:24 pm
'Working at home with 3 very different album releases at the same time: Luna Park, Ave Maria and my forthcoming rock album. You can expect more information very soon.''
Tarja Turunen
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 13, 2015, 05:13:27 pm
We started at 12:00 and finished at 21:00. Today photo session for my first studio classical album. (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 16, 2015, 04:58:25 pm
Una colaboración (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 04, 2015, 03:20:50 pm
Interesante (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 16, 2015, 03:39:55 pm
Tomorrow we will show you the artwork covers for "Luna Park Ride", release formats and the complete track list. Stay tuned
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 17, 2015, 06:11:34 pm
Tarja to release live performance “Luna Park Ride” on May 29th, 2015 on earMUSIC - The live performance is available for the first time as audio and standalone video - including over 70 minutes of bonus material

Imagine an enchanted audience in front of an enormous stage in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Thousands of fans screaming just for her: the one and only Tarja. Having their cameras and cell phones ready to film what will become one hell of a performance, Tarja finally appears, dressed fully in black and with the most beautiful smile on her face; she is in full bloom. Let the show begin.
Filmed at Stadium Luna Park in Buenos Aires, Argentina on March 27th, 2011 during Tarja’s “What Lies Beneath World Tour 2011”, “Luna Park Ride” will be released as 2CD, 2LP, DVD, Blu-ray and Download on May 29th, 2015 on earMUSIC.
Previously included in a very limited edition of her Top 5 live production “Act I”, May 29th finally sees the stand-alone release of the breathtaking “Luna Park Ride”. For the first time available on audio and video, the fan filmed material is topped with 14 (!) bonus live performances and offers the full package including previously unseen photos.
Ranging from Tarja classics like “I Walk Alone” to “Until My Last Breath”, the high quality audio mixed by Tim Palmer (U2, Pearl Jam, Robert Plant) and fan video recordings also feature Nightwish rarities such as “Stargazers” or the electrifying medley of “Where Were You Last Night”, Belinda Carlisle’s “Heaven Is A Place On Earth” and Bon Jovi’s classic “Livin’ On A Prayer”.
The 70 minute bonus material, also mixed by Tim Palmer, takes the fans on a tour of Tarja’s festival appearances and club shows from 2010 to 2014: From Tarja’s 2010 show at Masters Of Rock in Czech Republic with her band, choir and full orchestra live on stage, to a 2011 performance at Summerbreeze festival in Germany including a very special Gold Award presentation, continues with a recent performance in Ekaterinenburg, Russia as well as a performance together with Van Canto at last year’s Wacken Open Air. The bonus material finishes with three fan favourites – “Never Enough”, “Die Alive” and “Victim Of Ritual” – performed at Summerbreeze Festival 2014.
“Luna Park Ride” will surely take you on a wild ride!

01. Dark Star
02. My Little Phoenix
03. The Crying Moon
04. I Walk Alone
05. Falling Awake
06. Signos (Soda Stereo cover)
07. Little Lies
08. Underneath
09. Stargazers
10. Ciaran’s Well
11. In For A Kill
12. Where Were You Last Night – Heaven Is A Place On Earth – Livin’ On A Prayer
13. Die Alive
14. Until My Last Breath
15. Wishmaster

Bonus Material CD, DVD and Blu-ray only
01. In For a Kill - Masters of Rock / Czech Republic 2010. Featuring Philarmonic Bohuslava Martiní» Zlin and choir.
02. I Walk Alone - Masters of Rock / Czech Republic 2010. Featuring Philarmonic Bohuslava Martiní» Zlin and choir.
03. Archive of Lost Dreams - Masters of Rock / Czech Republic 2010. Featuring Philarmonic Bohuslava Martiní» Zlin and choir.
04. Crimson Deep - Masters of Rock / Czech Republic 2010. Featuring Philarmonic Bohuslava Martiní» Zlin and choir.
05. I Feel Immortal - Summerbreeze / Germany 2011.
06. The Siren (Nightwish) - Summerbreeze / Germany 2011.
07. Until my Last Breath - Summerbreeze / Germany 2011.
08. 500 Letters - Ekaterinburg / Russia 2014.
09. Damned & Divine - Ekaterinburg / Russia 2014.
10. Neverlight - Ekaterinburg / Russia 2014.
11. Anteroom of Death - Wacken / Germany 2014 featuring Van Canto.
12. Never Enough - Summerbreeze / Germany 2014.
13. Die Alive - Summerbreeze / Germany 2014.
14. Victim of Ritual - Summerbreeze / Germany 2014.

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 24, 2015, 09:23:31 pm
Trailer (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 01, 2015, 03:52:20 pm
Until My Last Breath @ Luna Park Ride (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 02, 2015, 10:28:55 pm
Que bueno! (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 12, 2015, 08:18:47 pm (

Se rueda video!
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 17, 2015, 03:53:33 pm
Nuevo single: (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 17, 2015, 08:13:56 pm
Never Enough @ Summerbreeze 2014 (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 18, 2015, 12:09:33 am
Con la ganadora de The Voice!! (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 29, 2015, 05:17:48 pm
I am very excited at the moment with the release of Luna Park Ride coming up end of May and my new classical album "Ave Maria" in the final steps of production. By the way, in the meantime, I am also recording my new heavy/rock album!
I would like to use the few free moments and have some fun with you here on Facebook. Please feel welcome to post your questions - about Luna Park Ride only - here and I will try to answer as many as possible today and in the next days.

Aquí­ (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 29, 2015, 05:19:31 pm
Ten years after her first Christmas tour, Tarja Turunen will present this December two special events, introducing something new and different in her traditional concerts.
Tarja’s Ave Maria- album, recorded in the Lakeuden Ristin Kirkko in Seiní¤joki, Finland, is scheduled to be released in Autumn 2015. Everyone probably knows Gounod’s Ave Maria, but thousands of other Ave Marias have been composed over the centuries. This year Christmas concerts will be an unique and precious occasion to appreciate live some of the most loved Ave Marias as well as more rare ones, together with the most expected Christmas carols as part of the program.
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 30, 2015, 05:35:06 pm
Este es el Q&A de ayer!

This is all I could find in the comments (some may have already been posted):
Q: What made you want to film the Luna Park Ride, dearTarja Turunen ?
A: Actually we didn't film the LPR or the bonus material ourselves. When we released my fist live video “ACT I” we wanted to add something special for the limited Media Box Set.
We got to know that the venue had arranged multi track recording of the show, so we sent the files to Tim Palmer and we got a great audio mix from the show.
But still we didn't have any images from the show!!
So we asked the fans that have filmed the concert to send us their material and surprisingly got lots of great phone and small cameras’ footage from you.
We only added the images filmed by cameras that were used for the screens during the show and we arranged the edition of the video. We were very happy with the result for a “non professional” video recording. It gives you a special feeling like if the listener would be among the crowd.
Q:Hey, Tarja! Luna Park Ride features a performance of Anteroom of Death, in which you share the stage with Van Canto. How was it like to perform live with so many singers, and only voices, choirs and drums to accompany you?
A: It was very kind from Van Canto to invite me for their concert at Wacken Open Air last year. I have known them for some years now and met them many times. Since they worked in the song Anteroom of Death for my album, we have been wishing to perform together. Finally and luckily this happened.
Is not the first time for me to sing with choir. I have been myself part of several choirs like church, opera, kids and university choirs to mention few. Also I have collaborated and still do, with choirs in my classical concerts. Surely to have all these singers on such a stage like Wacken made it particularly special
Q:  What is the funniest or most amazing memory from Luna Park Ride?
A:  Luna Park is a very respected venue in Buenos Aires. One of those that as an artist you always wish to have the chance to play in.
I have gone to see shows there from great musicians and bands like Deep Purple, Scorpions, Joe Satriani, Ringo Starr, Alice in Chains, Tears for Fears and Roxette. So it was an emotional experience indeed to play there!
Q: How did you choose which performances to put on the bonus disc?
A:  We didn't film nor record any of the bonus material ourselves. We checked with festivals and venues I’ve been performing in the last years and found out that few have registered images and audio from my shows. They let us use their material so what you see as the bonus material was what we could get. We tried to improve the images as much as possible and we mixed the audio again with Tim Palmer who has also mixed ACT I and the Luna Park concert.
Q:  Why did you choose to make another live dvd from a WLB tour's concert instead of one from Colours on the Road's?
A: ACT I was based in the albums “My Winter Storm” and “What Lies Beneath” and ACT II will be based in “Colours in the Dark” and my next studio album.
LPR is a special product for you made by you. The Luna Park concert was very emotional and dear to me and for that reason I wanted to make it available for all to see. Nevertheless, it is not comparable to the technical production of ACT I or of the future ACT II.
Q: Why did you decide to make a DVD only for this show? It is the same show we've got in the mediabook of Act I, so is there any special reason?
A: I love this show and the fact that as we were not filming it for a DVD release, we were all relaxed and having a lot of fun on stage. It is usually harder and nerve breaking for us knowing that there are cameras following you. The Media Book of ACT I was a limited edition of only 1000 units. It has long been out of stock and the record company strongly believes that there are many more fans worldwide willing to have it.
Q: Mike Terrana made a copyright claim on all trailer and videos from "Luna Park Ride" and Earmusic deleted the videos ... what happened?
A: I must say that this came as a surprise for me. I got to know about it at the same time as you did by reading the legend displayed by Youtube on the videos. We are at the moment discussing with Mike what are his claims about.
Q:  Hi!
My question: is there any reason why the two live DVDs you have released to date are of the shows you gave in Argentina? (For my part, the better. I am more than proud to have been part of both :)).
A: LPR is a companion to ACT I. It was originally released as a bonus DVD in a limited edition box set of ACT I. So as a package it made a lot of sense for us that both concerts were filmed in Argentina. I have also released a live video “Beauty and the Beat” filmed in Czech Republic and another one with “Harus” live in Finland. I have plans already for my next live video ACT II and I can only say that it won’t be a complete concert filmed in Argentina.
Q: Hi Tarja Turunen, among the bonus live of LPR, there will be " Never Enough" from the Summerbreeze show, which was a funny and original footage, so how did you come up with this amazing idea to take the camera and filming the crowd such an " in front the scene" ? could you carry the camera at your ease while you singing, or was it difficult for you ? I've never seen an artist doing this, maybe you're the first ! (or not).
A: Actually the camera was very heavy! I agreed with the film crew to do this in advance, but didn't have time to rehearse it at all. So at the beginning of “Never Enough” when the camera was handed to me, I got surprised by its weight, lost my concentration and completely forgot the lyrics of the song!! This is a real live recording, so you can go and check it yourself in the video
It also didn’t help that the camera had a wire. I am used to run on stage with my wireless handheld microphone, so to have suddenly a wire was again, not easy while singing.
It was fun though!
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 15, 2015, 10:19:11 pm (

Outlanders is alive and kicking!
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 21, 2015, 03:46:30 pm

Si estas en Madrid este Domingo 24 de Mayo puedes ver la pelí­cula "Corazón Muerto" y escuchar el tema principal de Tarja. Entíérate como leyendo el poster!"

Trailer (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 29, 2015, 05:12:36 pm
Otro teaser del concierto fin de gira (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 29, 2015, 06:00:35 pm
Dear German fans,
I´m very pleased to announce the following tourdates as follows:
Ave Maria Christmas Tour 2015
10.12.2015 BERLIN - Passionskirche
11.12.2015 BOCHUM - Christuskirche
12.12.2015 BIELEFELD - Altstí¤dter Nikolaikirche
14.12.2015 MAGDEBURG - Johanniskirche
15.12.2015 MAINZ - Frankfurter Hof
Sales will start on Tuesday, June 2nd, 12:00 CET
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 01, 2015, 10:50:07 pm
"Tarja Turunen: Without Marcelo I'd hit rock bottom.
The strenght of Marcelo and Tarja's love was first tested in a one-room apartment in Helsinki.
Tarja Turunen, 22, swallowed tears. She was with Marcelo Cabuli in the middle of an Internet cafe in Mexico City's airport.
Normally, crying would be shameful to Tarja. Now the feelings were on the surface. She did not know is she would see Marcelo again.
They had met in Chile, in Santiago Airport three weeks earlier. Working as a promoter, Marcelo was directing Tarja and Nightwish among with other members from the airport to the hotel.
Later that day, Ms. Tarja drew her attention, in the hotel where they were having lunch, to how calm and thoughtful Marcelo was. The image she had of the South Americans had been different until then.
In the next few weeks, Tarja got to get used to the latinamerican ways. In the middle of all the rush , the promoter had time to make sure that the Finnish singer was all right. Marcelo made Tarja feel safe.
Little by little the feelings started to develop.
- I fell in love with Marcelo's ability to talk and to be present, Tarja says now, 15 years later.
After the tour proceeded to Panama, the duo went for the first time together for a cup of coffee. Tarja was not able to get any more sleep, from all the confusing maze of emotions.
Mexico tour ended. After the dance, Tarja and Marcelo said goodbye.
In a cramped one-room apartement
Tarja had never imagined that love could be found through work. Just a few weeks before the submission of farewells... Marcelo came to Finland. For a couple of months Tarja lived in a small one-room home in Helsinki.
Tarja had just finished a long relationship with respect and did not believe she was prepared to socialize.
- I put Marcelo through some hard times during that month. I tried his nerves. I did not made him understand that the common life would begin immediately.
However, the feeling was so powerful that Tarja gave up soon.
Tarja had had a bad experience with previous relationships. There she had felt that she could not do as she pleased. Marcelo accompanied Tarja while she got to be herrself.
Cultural differences were reflected primarily in the fact that if Tarja went with a friend to have a glass of wine, Marcelo wanted to come and get his wife home in the middle of the night.
- I noticed right away in the relation's initial stage, Marcelo wants to know that everything is in order. Finnish bar culture is quite different than in Argentina. For him, it's been a big change.
The following couple of years, they saw once every two or three months.
- It was an incredibly wonderful time. We were even more fantastic together. Marcelo takes me into consideration and encourages me. That has not changed after 15 years.
Together, all the time
After marrying, the couple decided to be together all the time. Marcelo became Tarja's manager and toured with NIGHTWISH.
Tarja recognizes the stress and the fact that being together all the time may be sometimes a bit stressful, but then the husband is able to provide her space.
- We may sometimes word in, but then the issue is dealt with.
The cleaning is Tarja's responsibility. Marcelo can cook for friends and participates in the child's care, but the vacuum cleaner is not a friend of him.
- Yes, he would do it, if I asked. I enjoy to maintain the home. There is nothing better than having to rake in your hand and leave the yard raking up. It is a therapy in a changing everyday.
A lot of the muzzle life
The husband was still next to her, even when Tarja and Nightwish were separated after nine years together, in autumn 2005.
- I have been beaten up by life a lot. I do not know what rock bottom is now, but that's where I'd be without Marcelo. He has been there when I have needed him. I know that for better or worse, this man is next to me in all the difficult situations. We have a common life.
After this Marcelo would have liked to stay in Finland, but in Finland Tarja felt suffocated. So much that she had to get away from her home country. Her home has been Buenos Aires for the past ten years.
- I had to leave. There were no options. It has been fantastic to see how Argentina sort of adopted me and how close I have become to another culture.
Death of her mother, the toughest experience
The worst part for Tarja was the death of her mother, who died of cancer in 2003. Her mother was 53 years old.
- The death of a mother is the hardest thing that has happened in my personal life. Although I was prepared for it, I will never be able to fully absorb this sad story. We were so close. I did not want to let her go.
Tarja tried to drown her grief through work and study. She did more than she would have been able to, if that hadn't happened.
The mother's phone number remained active in her cellphone for a long time, since its removal seemed bad for her. Tarja would always call first to her mother, if something happened. Now she did not have anyone to do it.
When Tarja finally was able to remove the number, she felt light.
Today, Tarja is able to look at things from another perspective. She has noticed that in many cases she has begun to resemble her mother.
- Mirror says a lot. Sometimes I'm very scared, from how similar I'm with my mom. When my mother came home from work, she always spent her last effort vacuuming. We were three children, but at home there were no dust particles. I am exactly the same way.
Good parents, good child
2.5 years ago the couple's life changed again. Naomi was born.
Tarja's brothers warned his sister of the change that the child would bring.
- Parenting has brought us closer. We enjoyed as much of the time.
- Before the birth of our daughter, we made some big changes in our lives in just two days, but now the decisions are no longer so fast. I gotta think about the future of the child.
So far, Naomi has been easy for a child who sleeps all night. Similarly, the continuous traveling has not been a problem for Naomi. In The Voice of Finland, Naomi swirled up and ran to try costumer jewelry.
Tours are accompanied by a nanny, so Naomi gets enough attention.
Blessed Life
Tours within the family have became more common with time. For example, the day after this interview, the family left for three weeks with friends to Antigua, where Tarja is practicing for the tour of classical music and producing a new rock album.
In May, there will be another Russian tour before Tarja returns to the Caribbean to record a disc for the whole summer. The orchestral parts will be recorded in Los Angeles. In September, she will return to Central America for another CITR tour.
Tarja returns in October to Finland as she will continue to be in The Voice of Finland's as a star coach, together with Michael Monroe, Olli Lindholm and Redrama.
- While traveling sounds tiring, we have been having a blessed life. We get to be together. To the date, we have not been affected by the situation, on the contrary, it is our will and desires that we are together constantly.
A few years from now the family business may change. When Naomi starts school, Marcelo will stay with her at home and Tarja will go on tour alone.
- It will be a heavy change in our lives, but we do not stress about it. I believe that everything has a meaning."
Name: Tarja Turunen
Age: 37
Profession: Singer
Family: Producer-husband Marcelo Cabuli and daughter Naomi
Lives in: Buenos Aires, Argentina
News: Luna Park Ride live has been released as a DVD and CD on May 29.
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 01, 2015, 10:51:27 pm
f I can’t sing, I become cranky”

Tarja Turunen calls her singing practices as slaughtering the cat. Doors and windows are closed. Her new interest yoga is a bit tamer practice.

Tarja Turunen radiates in the press conference for The Voice of Finland-program. The cheerful Karelian jokes with the crew and moves smoothly from one interview to the next, but surreptitiously changes her whopping high heels to lower ones.
- I should have taken my sneakers with me!
Tarja’s husband Marcelo travels with her on the tours around the world, but now also daughter Naomi travels with them, since the artist doesn’t want spend long times away from her family.
- Naomi is easy to travel with, since she sleeps and eats well and isn’t timid in new situations.
The family doesn’t return home until November, since beside the TV-show Tarja is working a rock album, which will take her on tour in the fall. Before that she heads to Russia for a classical music tour.
- I will perform hit arias with a big symphony orchestra. Russians love that type of things, Tarja laughs.

These give me energy

My sore neck left me lying in bed for the first time two years ago. After the third time I began to seriously search for help. My promoter tipped me to a great masseuse and I was sold since the first visit.
Laura is a little over 40-year-old superwoman who runs ultramarathons. Her massage technique is some Spanish school of thought. I don’t know what that means, but the treatment is really hard! Light tiptoeing wouldn’t help my neck anyway, since my jams are deep, under the big muscles. I scream during the 90 minute session, but the next day I feel heavenly.
Laura has become an almost larger than life nursing person to me. If I at some point have loads of money, I will hire her to tour with me.


The neighbor in our previous apartment, a half deaf old lady, apparently pressed her ear to the paper thin wall when I started to practice. She stopped me in the hallway once and told me “You have a divine voice. Don’t ever think that you shouldn’t sing, go for it!”
I call my singing practice as slaughtering the cat. I begin by shutting all the windows and doors in our apartment. Even though many artist live in the building, I want to spare them from my voice opening exercises. It may be singing “si” in different keys for example.
Singing is the same to me as exercise is to fitness nut, if I can’t sing, I become cranky. While on holiday I enjoy the first few days of freedom, but soon I notice doing breathing exercises.
The first practice after a break is always difficult. My singing seems to be out of control. My husband laughs when I agonize that this isn’t working at all, but the next day when singing is going smoothly, I’m in bliss.
I was going through the program for the concert in May with my singing teacher and when O mio babbino caro came out perfectly, we both burst into tears. It was good to stop there.


I have a big mug at home for water. Its regular spot is on top of the piano which horrifies my husband. They keys have stayed dry so far, but it does leave a nasty ring on the beautiful surface of the piano.
If I don’t drink enough water, I notice it in my whole body. Alongside my throat, my skin, hair, and mucosae dry up. I drink over three liters of water on the days I’m practicing or performing. Those days I have run to the bathroom three times a night.
My water comes from the tap, I leave bubbles to my daughter Naomi. She calls carbonated water pypywater after the pulping sound the bubbles make. We’ve mislead her to think that carbonated water is soda and say together ‘yuck yuck’ when we see coke.
If I drank even one cup of carbonated water on a performance day, my stomach would start to bubble so much that I couldn’t sing.


With Naomi’s birth I got an awaited break in my life, when I got to be at home in peace. I even started to speak Spanish fluently. The skills had hid in my subconsciousness during the busy years.
After having a child, yoga has become a new thing. I have a personal trainer home in Buenos Aires who has customized a workout program for me. We call it the rehabilitation yoga. I need it since I am one of those people who tense up in the car for example and end up having my shoulders to my ears.
As a classical singer I’ve done breathing exercises all my life and found control over my body quickly. It has been surprising though that I can already put my nose to the floor when a little while ago it was left half a meter short.
In Finland the first I bought was a yoga mat, since I couldn’t fit it in the suitcase in Argentina.


My aim is to get Marcelo away from his work once a day. Marcelo manages me and has his own record company and is working basically all the time. If we eat at home he gulps down his meal while peeking at his laptop. So it’s good to sometimes go eat outside with the whole family.
Eating out in Buenos Aires is easy, diverse and cheap. We have ethnic restaurants from Japanese to Armenian.
Though our favorite place is a basic Argentinean block restaurant, which serves cheap meat dishes. I order a steak with some lettuce, tomatoes and onions. The meat can be well done but in the more pricey places I have my steak medium, because quality meat is like candy.
We are considered a little odd family in our neighborhood, since we go to dinner already at eight o’clock. That is amusingly early for the locals, so we get to dine by ourselves.
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 22, 2015, 04:18:01 pm
The Crying Moon @ Luna Park Ride (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 23, 2015, 08:54:43 pm
Nueva colaboración

Castillos de Papel (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 02, 2015, 07:18:26 pm
Underneath @ Luna Park Ride (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 14, 2015, 06:54:13 pm
An Empty Dream (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 19, 2015, 01:17:50 pm
Hello guys! I have been recording my new metal/rock album in these last months. Today Luis Conte (Gracias Luis!!) recorded percussion and next week I will continue recording my vocals. It all gets together slowly, but steadily and I am getting more and more excited about this album. It’s going to be my fourth album, so the path goes on.
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 28, 2015, 04:33:31 pm
ON SEPTEMBER 11th, 2015
This September sees the release of Tarja Turunen’s classical solo debut “Ave Maria – En Plein Air.”
Ave Maria is a traditional prayer dedicated to the Virgin Mary, mother of Jesus, asking for her intercession. It has been set to music in over 4000 songs, some of which kept the original prayer as words while others used a different text than the traditional one.
Tarja Turunen breathes life into some of the most loved and rare songs of Paolo Tosti, David Popper, Astor Piazzolla, and of course Johann Sebastian Bach/Charles Gounod, among others. The closing track of the album presents a magnificent composition by Tarja Turunen herself.
Recorded in the stunning Lakeuden Risti Church in Seiní¤joki, Finland – a snow-white landmark, both national heritage and significant example of modern Finnish architecture designed by famous Finnish architect Alvar Aalto – the Lutheran church offers the perfect soundscape for Tarja Turunen’s crisp clear voice. Combined with a piercing organ, cello and harp, the music blends into a rich sound universe.
Will be released as Limited Super Audio CD, Vinyl and Download.
The first video teaser trailer can be watched here:
1. Paolo Tosti
2. Axel von Kothen
3. David Popper
4. Camille Saint-Saí«ns
5. Astor Piazzolla
6. J. S. Bach / Charles Gounod
7. Pietro Mascagni
8. Ferenc Farkas
9. Giulio Caccini
10. Michael Hoppíé
11. Charles-Marie Widor
12. Tarja Turunen
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 07, 2015, 05:30:24 pm
Teaser (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 11, 2015, 04:51:38 pm (

Otro spot!!
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 13, 2015, 05:04:27 pm
Tarja Turunen finally returns to classical music – watch the video of the first single!

Tarja Turunen has been performing symphonic rock after Nightwish, but now she is releasing her first solo album with solely classical music.
- It was quite challenging to take that step, Turunen admits.

The former Nightwish singer, now on a successful solo career, Tarja Turunen is releasing a new album on September 11th. This time Turunen offers something new, since the album is all classical music.

Ave Maria – En Plein Air includes songs written to the Ave Maria prayer, one of them composed by Turunen herself. The album is recorded in Seiní¤joki’s Lakeuden Risti church. The first single is composed by Paolo Tosti.

Tarja Turunen, Ave Maria is your first classical album, how challenging was that after symphonic rock?
– Really challenging. The challenge to take on this album was huge and I probably wouldn’t have managed to take it on without organist Kalevi Kiviniemi’s cheering and his encouraging words. The fact however is that I’m known around the world as a rock singer, but my listeners know my classical background. I have classical music tours and concerts every year and the rock fans follow me to those events too. I have studied chamber music for many years, so I feel ready for this project.

You have composed one song for the album, how did that feel?
– I’ve been composing music for my rock albums for years, so writing an Ave Maria didn’t feel like such different project. Actually that particular song was born in minutes.

Do you wonder how the fans who like your metal/rock music will react?
– Not at all. As an artist I have found a balance between classical and rock music, so I think my rock-fans have done the same. They’ve seen me perform in classical concerts many times, so many expect this the same as my rock albums.

Ave Maria is a prayer, what does a prayer mean to you?
– For a classical singer singing Ave Maria is very common, they are performed and recorded in different functions a lot. The same goes for me. Since it is a catholic prayer, I don’t have a connection to it as such, but I respect it.

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 17, 2015, 03:56:59 pm
Hoy Tarja cumple 38 años!!!!

FELICIDADES!!!!!!!! :011: :011: :011: :011: :011:
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 17, 2015, 04:30:53 pm (

Muy bonito!!!
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 10, 2015, 09:32:22 pm
Samples Ave Maria (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 10, 2015, 10:12:13 pm
Entrevista Radio Tucuman (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 16, 2015, 04:47:14 pm
La banda para Sudámerica!

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 12, 2015, 06:37:48 pm
Some interesting quotes from Tarja's interview with RockBraja. This is about her upcoming tour in Brazil:

"The set list will be quite a bit different to the one in my previous visit and I will present you few songs from the forthcoming new rock album! I'm excited to see you all pretty soon!"

And about her next album:

"My new rock album will be released during autumn next year. I am at the moment mixing the album with Tim Palmer and very happy with the results so far! I cannot wait to have everything ready. I feel that this album is the best one I have done so far. Sound and style wise it will continue the path of my current album, but I am surely preparing some surprises to my fans, as always."
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 15, 2015, 11:14:51 pm
An Empty Dream (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 22, 2015, 07:13:04 pm
Setlist Recife (

No Bitter End (Nueva) (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 22, 2015, 07:15:09 pm
Setlist Fortaleza (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 24, 2015, 08:38:34 pm
Setlist Salvador de Bahí­a (

I Walk Alone (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 25, 2015, 04:46:59 pm
Setlist Sao Paulo ( (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 26, 2015, 04:07:20 pm
Setlist Curitiba (

Victim Of Ritual (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 02, 2015, 11:36:55 pm
Tarja en España!

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 15, 2015, 04:49:30 pm
Setlist Buenos Aires (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 21, 2015, 01:13:58 pm
Del jueves!

Doing make up for the first video of my forthcoming heavy/rock album. Video shootings will start in few minutes. (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 06, 2015, 04:15:02 pm
Que bonito!!! (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 08, 2016, 11:22:23 pm
We are happy to make additions to the Festivals that confirmed Tarja’s participation in 2016. In Alphabetical order:

Deichbrand, Germany

Sylak Open Air, France

Vaakuna Piknik 2016, Finland

Woodstock Festival, Poland
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 08, 2016, 11:23:11 pm
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 09, 2016, 07:57:02 pm
Husband calms down the fiery Tarja Turunen: ”Take it easy!”
Coming from Russia and going to Argentina. Just a few weeks in Finland in between and those are spent closely filming The Voice of Finland. Then it’s USA and again Russia – and then the whole world. Tarja Turunen’s album will be released at the end of summer, after which she will be pulled to tour a little bit everywhere. Compared to that the European Christmas tour in December was just a prelude.
- The autumn was a tough one and the pace isn’t really getting easier. It’s a hard job, but I love this from all my heart. Otherwise I would do something else, Tarja kindly points out.
The love for the industry has remained, even though her path hasn’t always been the easiest.
- I’m really grateful to my fans, who have followed me. Going on a solo career wasn’t an obvious choice after my history in the band, Tarja knows.
Those fans. There are a lot of them. The three and a half year old Naomi, who follows her mother everywhere, has also paid attention to them, in her own way.
- In the more fanatic countries she asks in advance when we get to the airport ”will they scream?”. She also firmly makes it known that screaming hurts her ears and always in plain Finnish, Tarja describes with warmth in her voice.
Daughter on the edge of the stage
Despite her young age Naomi has learned to know that screaming fans come with the territory when your mother is a world class star. The little girl, who knows three languages, mostly stands on the edge of the stage following her mother perform.
- She is so cute when she claps along with the others. And she’s cute otherwise too, the mother says softly.
Family life isn’t all euphoric though
- I’m a tough mama to Naomi. I may snarl, even when I wouldn’t need to so much. Marcelo then calms me down, saying "take it easy", "calm down" and "everything is okay", Tarja laughs kindly.
- Me and Marcelo complement another. He lets me make noise and balances our life with his calmness, Tarja, who celebrated their 13th anniversary at New Year, thanks.
Marcelo works as Tarja’s manager and like their daughter goes where Tarja goes.
- But that will change. When Naomi starts school, we need to choose a permanent place to stay. Then Marcelo will stay home with Naomi and only I will travel. It’s a big change, but we can do it, Tarja, who at this point calls Buenos Aires home, trusts.
Move to Spain?
Nothing final has been decided, but the family isn’t setting up home in Finland. They however probably won’t stay in Marcelo’s home country Argentina.
- The political situation in the country is so unbalanced, that we are thinking about moving. Also flying to Finland takes so long, easily closer to 20 hours of travelling all in all Tarja counts.
- Europe is tempting, she hints.
One country has risen above others in the couples discussions.
- Spain could be our family’s new home. We have considered it seriously, she is willing to reveal.
Someone might think that there is no rush with plans so far in the future. With the Turunen-Cabuli family the situation is different though. Work related things are set up for 2017 and initial plans are made for an even longer period of time.
- You need to do that in this business. Planning creates security. It’s comforting to know what the future brings, Tarja tells.
Tarja’s The Voice of Finland colleagues are the same as last year: Axl Smith, Olli Lindholm, Redrama ja Michael Monroe.
Continuation unsure
Tarja has some wiggle room for next year, sparsely though. In principle she might have time for the sixth season of TVOF, if there is one. Practice might be another story though.
And Tarja doesn’t really want to get ahead of things, but rather focus on the fifth season that begun yesterday. It started handsomely: Tarja has two singers in her gang, Kerttu Suonpí¤í¤ and Lauri Peisterí¤. She is more than happy with her protíégíés.
- The level this season has been better than last year, although we had real stars then, Tarja wonders.
One of those stars was Miia Kosunen, who won the whole competition. She was on Tarja’s team.
- Miia got going with all her heart. That’s how it needs to be to get ahead in the competition. The wheat is separated from the chaff the further we go, Tarja knows.
First there’s ten Blind Audition episodes. Next there are Battles. In March we move to Knock Out- stage and finally to Live-shows. The winner is announced April 22nd.
- And the winner is from my team again, Tarja grins sure of victory.
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 17, 2016, 08:47:42 pm
Working on a Sunday with Tim Palmer at 62' Studios in Austin, Texas, USA. My new album is half way ready.(http://[img])[/img]
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 20, 2016, 09:43:10 pm
Tomorrow check tarjaofficial facebook and you will be able to listen few seconds of Tarja's new song
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 20, 2016, 11:09:45 pm
El trozo: (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 26, 2016, 05:35:52 pm
Letras del album!! ( ( (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 02, 2016, 03:43:26 pm
Tarja está de gira

1. Carmen Ouverture - George Bizet
2. Zueignung (Dedication) (from Acht Gedichte op.10) - Richard Strauss
3. Sí¤v, Sí¤v, Susa (op.36 N.4) (Reed, Reed, Rustle) - Jean Sibelius
4. Ví¥r Det En Drí¶m (op.37 N.4) (It Was A Dream) - Jean Sibelius
5. O Mio Babbino Caro (from Gianni Schicchi) - Giacomo Puccini
6. COH (The Dream) (from 6 Romances, Op.8) - Sergej Vasil'evič Rachmaninov
7. Здесь Xорошо (How Fair This Spot/Place) (from 12 Romances, Op.21) - Sergej Vasil'evič Rachmaninov
8.The Reign - Tarja Turunen
9. Led Zeppelin Medley (Kashmir - Immigrant Song - Starway To Heaven)
10. Witch Hunt - Tarja Turunen
11. Lucid Dreamer - Tarja Turunen
12. Sleeping Sun - Nightwish
13. Queen Medley (You Take My Breath Away - It+s A Hard Life - The Show Must Go On - Bohemian Rhapsody)
14. Somewhere (There's A Place For Us) - West Side Story - Leonard Bernstein
15. Memory - Cats - Andrew Lloyd Webber
16.I Walk Alone - Tarja Turunen

Lucid Dreamer (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 04, 2016, 03:19:21 pm
Nueva web!! (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 04, 2016, 03:26:44 pm
Tarja contesta!! ( (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 04, 2016, 06:38:49 pm
Setlist Yekaterimburgo (

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 09, 2016, 06:37:03 pm
We are glad to announce that the first concert of the tour for Tarja's next heavy-rock album will take place in London, Uk 4th of June! With Amaranthe and others. See you there!

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 14, 2016, 04:13:59 pm (

The Shadow Self, a la venta el 5 de agosto!
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 16, 2016, 03:30:52 pm
Sleeping Sun @ Moscú (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 22, 2016, 09:30:38 pm (

"I am happy to share a snippet of my new song "No Bitter End".
This is not even the first single from "The Shadow Self", but consider it as a small offering before a big surprise I've prepared for you all.
Stay tuned!"
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 30, 2016, 11:00:23 pm
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 31, 2016, 05:46:43 pm
Fechas en España

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 31, 2016, 11:45:34 pm
Do you have any plans for the weekend? Emoticono smile

On Sunday 3rd of April Tarja will be in Ní¼rnberg, Germany, to film the video clip for her new song “No Bitter End”.
For the occasion, 6 fans will have the chance to see part of the shooting and meet with Tarja: 2 from the official fan club Winter Storm Germany, 2 from any other Winter Storm fan club, 2 from the followers of any social media... if they are ready to join the fan club! Emoticono wink

If you can be in Ní¼rnberg, Germany on Sunday midday, send an email to with your name, contact information and phone number, before tomorrow, Friday 1st of April at 19:00 (GMT+2). The winners will be randomly selected between those that will apply in time and informed by email tomorrow afternoon.
Please apply only if you are sure to be able to come, and keep in mind that transportation and accomodation costs are not included in the competition.

More info on the Winter Storm Fan Club:
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 03, 2016, 04:35:00 pm
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 07, 2016, 04:26:09 pm
While waiting for August 5th and the release of Tarja’s new album “The Shadow Self”, the queen of heavy rock has yet another surprise for her fans:
Tarja and earMUSIC proudly announce the release of the new album’s prequel “The Brightest Void”. With over 50 minutes of new music, the extra album will sweeten the wait until August!
Tarja explains:
“Surprise, surprise! I genuinely hope that ‘The Brighest Void’ is a pleasant surprise to each and every one of you. During the long process of recording the songs for my new studio album ‘The Shadow Self’, I realised that there were so many tracks, too many too dear to me, for just one album. So this time I decided to keep nothing for myself and to share all my favourite new songs with you, the fans, who have shown such passionate and constant support.
‘The Brighest Void’ gives more than a first taste of ‘The Shadow Self’; it is a full album filled with 9 songs! I am sure that everyone will immediately discover how much ‘The Brighest Void’ and ‘The Shadow Self’ are entwined with each other but, at the same time, are two independent records which stand on their own. I hope the release of the prequel sweetens the wait until August and that you will like the songs as much as I do. I will present songs from both albums already in summer festivals and in my headliner tour later this year.
As always, keep your eyes open. There might be further surprises down the road.”
“The Brightest Void” will be released on June 3rd, 2016 on earMUSIC as 1CD Digipak, 1LP+Download Code and Digital. The specially priced prequel to Tarja’s upcoming studio album “The Shadow Self” will be available for physical and digital pre-order starting on April 8th, 2016.
“The Brighest Void” features not one but three incredible guest artists: fellow Finnish star Michael Monroe, icon of the glam rock scene and former front man of inspiring band Hanoi Rocks; Chad Smith (who doesn’t need any further introduction) and a new mix of Within Temptation’s collaboration “Paradise (What about us)” carried out with Tarja and world renowned sound engineer and producer Tim Palmer. The prequel presents Tarja’s new single“No Bitter End” as the album opener and furthermore shakes you with an incredible cover of Sir Paul McCartney’s overlooked gem “House Of Wax” and adds a new twist to Dame Shirley Basseys’ James Bond main theme hit“Goldfinger”.
Tracklist “The Brightest Void”
1. No Bitter End -Video Clip Version-
2. Your Heaven And Your Hell -with Michael Monroe-
3. Eagle Eye -with Chad Smith on drums-
4. An Empty Dream 
5. Witch Hunt
6. Shameless
7. House of Wax
8. Goldfinger
9. Paradise (What About Us) -New Mix of the collaboration with Within Temptation and Tarja

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 07, 2016, 08:23:55 pm
200 outfits and one hangover
Tarja Turunen’s small family is planning a move to Europe for her daughter’s safety. In the autumn Tarja’s husband will stay home when the singer goes on tour. “I will surely miss them as soon as I close the front door.”
Party of 3
My family consists of Marcelo, 46, and our 3 and a half year old daughter Naomi. One child is a blessing to us. Our family is compact and tight and will stay that way, since we don’t live the normal family life. We can’t stick to a routine because our schedule changes almost daily.
Naomi has travelled with us, since she was born and it has been more of a fortune than a challenge. We’ve had to have a nanny with us though, since both our time has been spent working. Naomi enjoys travelling, eats the food she is given and sleeps in whatever bed at any time. We make sure all the tour promoters understand we have a small child travelling with us.
Three different languages are spoken in our family. I speak English with Marcelo, even though my Spanish is almost better. When we met I didn’t know any Spanish so English stuck as our common language.
Naomi speaks Spanish, Finnish and English. I was nervous if she would learn any language properly, but changing into another language comes naturally to her. As soon as we come to Finland, she understands that everyone around her is speaking Finnish and gets excited.
2 years without a purse
I haven’t carried a purse with me for two years, because there is so much crime in our hometown. Buenos Aires is a colorful big city, where the rich and poor live side by side and the political situation is unstable. The locals are used to uncertainty and deal with change much better than Finns.
Life in an unsafe city has taught to deal with change and stress less. I have a lot of fans in Argentina and they approach me on the street if they see me. Some may even start to sing, so reactions are much bolder than in Finland, where I’m mostly left alone.
Our first joint home was in Karlsruhe, Germany and after that there have been four homes: two in Finland and two in Argentina. Since I moved to Germany for my music studies many years ago, the move to Argentina didn’t feel so shocking even though it’s a different kind of culture. I would say it’s more of a cultural immersion. I’ve lived abroad for 12 years now. We don’t have a house in Finland anymore.
25 degrees
We are soon moving to Europe, because Buenos Aires in unsafe. We will move within the next two years, when Naomi goes to school. Me and Marcelo could live and work anywhere, but this is about our child’s future and education. From Europe I could more easily leave for concerts and come back home for the night.
For the language and culture we have planned on the South of Spain, where we would build a house. We want a home with a workspace for both of us.
The climate matters too. I love light and 25 degrees is a good temperature for me. I don’t sunbathe though, you will find me in a shadow.
38 years
I don’t have an age crisis even though I turn forty next year. I hope I have another half of my life to experience. I’ve always gathered challenges and done things differently than others. For example joining Nightwish as a classical singer was courageous.
I’ve learned that daring experiences only lead to good things. The end result may not be perfect, but the most important thing is that you know you tried your best. Fighting for your dreams is brave. If I didn’t fight, I wouldn’t be as strong of a woman I am today.
6000 albums
I keep my records at home alphabetized. Our whole family listens to music constantly, sometimes looking for inspiration, sometimes just to relax.
I’ve released during my solo career four rock albums, one classical album and a Christmas album. In August the rock album The Shadow Self will be released, after which I will tour without my family for the first time. I will of course see them during the tour, but they won’t travel with me constantly.
I’m nervous about travelling alone. Marcelo will become a stay-at-home-dad. It’s a big change, but we’ll manage. It was obvious to both of us that Marcelo will stay home to take care of Naomi when the time comes.
I will surely miss them as soon as I close the front door. There will be a new person touring with me in Marcelo’s place, who will take care of everything.
72 countries
For every rock album I’ve done about a hundred shows and the classical music tours on top of that. I just came from a nine concert tour of Russia and during the summer I will perform on festivals in at least seven countries. I've travelled in 72 different countries.
It’s a tough job too. The long distances and waking up before the crack of dawn often annoys me. My working hours change and you have to always be ready for that. Being an international artist is awesome but the downside is there is no time to rest.
I never had any other career options. Since I was a little girl I dreamed of being a singer or a musician.
10 years without Nightwish
My solo career started when I was fired from Nightwish in 2005. The freedom that having your own career gives you is an incredibly rich and dear to me. Even though the firing was rough, the past ten years have been amazing. I’ve grown and developed and gotten a chance to create exactly what I want
13 year of marriage
I was in my twenties when I met Marcelo. We had an intimate wedding with 75 guests in my hometown of Kitee in 2003. The day was sunny and filled with joy.
We’ve now been married for 13 years and our love has stayed strong. Even after a moment of being a part, Marcelo will send me a message saying “I miss you”. Marcelo works as my manager and knows how to tell me when to relax. He works 24 hours a day.
8 months of touring
Me, Marcelo and Naomi travel eight months out a year. We’ve managed exactly because work, family and living are together in the same package. You’re of course used to flying, but the distances could be shorter. We travel to Finland a couple of times a year, at least on Christmas.
2 most important things
Because my life is stressful, I’ve learned to try to find joy and pleasure in every day. Life should be based on feeling good.
Marcelo and I agree that work is work and at the end of the day family and love are the most important things. I greatly enjoy getting to see my daughter grow up.
I’m emotional, even more than my exceptionally serene Latino husband. I don’t get angry easily, but I easily burst with feeling. I might say fuck, but I don’t curse beside that. I’m moved very easily and I laugh loudly. The last time I laughed until tears run down my eyes was when we went to see Zootropolis. Almost lost my contacts!
1 phone number
My mother passed away in 2003. She had cancer and I, my dad and two brothers prepared that we might have to let her go.
Still letting go was really hard. You’re never ready for loss. It was hard to delete my mother’s phone number from my cellphone, but finally I pressed Delete, I had to let go.
Loss was a reminder to our family how important it is to stick together. During the last few years my family members from North-Karelia have come to Helsinki for a visit. Our trips to Finland have been so short and work-filled that we haven’t been able to travel to East-Finland.
4 true friends
From Finland I miss the peace but also my friends. We have a group of three couples who had children at almost forty. The love of art and travel combines us. When we come to Finland, most of our time is spent working and we don’t get to see each other often. To true friends you don’t have explain being busy.
I’m on TVOF as a star coach for the second season. We’ve become really close with especially Michael Monroe and we keep in touch outside the show too. He has the biggest heart in the world! Axl Smith dropping out the show was a huge change to the whole team. I just hope that he’s doing well. Our new host Heikki Paasonen is a really good guy.
7 suitcases
Normally on tour there’s three or four suitcases. Now that we’re in Finland for five weeks during the live episodes of TVOF I have clothes for live shows and other appearances in seven suitcases.
1 000 000 fans
I have a million likes on my Facebook-page. That gave me a really good feeling! Fans are really active and many have been following me since Nightwish. It’s a blessing for a rock musician to have loyal fans, who can wait for years for new albums. In pop music young people quickly grow out of being a fan. I have a lot fans especially in South-America, Russia and East-Europe.
200 stuffed animals
I get a lot presents from fans: teddy bears, jewelry and even paintings. I give away stuffed animals to children’s hospitals after every tour.
0 hours of total rest
I never rest on my laurels. I enjoy my work but my stress level is high. After having a child, I’ve started to relax a bit more and try to give my daughter time whenever possible. On spare time we play, swim, take walks, shop or go to the movies with the whole family.
50 pairs of high heels
I don’t dare to guess how many black high heels I own, probably fifty. I have a walk-in-closet and I want one in our next home too. The closet needs to be about 20 square meters, so I can preserve all my stage outfits there. I design and get new clothes for every tour. It’s almost impossible to estimate how many I’ve gathered from 1997. I’d say around 200.
My fans will remember if I’ve worn an outfit in some Paavo Nurmi- performance in 2005. It makes me feel bad when I think of all of the money I have spent on shoes and clothes. I love to shop but luckily lately I’ve done less of it.
I’m careful with my money but because I work hard I sometimes treat myself with a Philipp Plein-purse, a spa-weekend or a scuba trip with Marcelo.
100 trips to the hair dresser
I dye my dirt road colored hair every two weeks and I’ve done probably a hundred trips to the hair dresser. If I’m in a hurry, I will dye the hair myself. Between tours I let the hair rest.
I love black, dark colors and strong lines. You won’t see me in pastels.
3 liters of water
I try to drink three liters of water a day. I feel much stronger when I remember to drink. Otherwise I feel physically bad. I haven’t been able to work out in a little while due to the pains in my neck, which I have from doing my exercise program wrong for years. I’m waiting to get a personal trainer and get rid of the pains. I feel heavier than in years, even though there are only a few extra kilos and I’m still a size 36.
1 terrible hangover
I’ve never been a hard partier and I don’t like the feeling of being drunk. I’ve had one terrible hangover from a party with friends in Kouvola in 2008. It’s a mistake I haven’t repeated.
6 hours of Karelian pies
In Argentina the meat is great, but from Finnish foods I miss the Christmas foods and the Karelian feast table most. I do make Karelian pies sometimes, even though it takes me six hours.
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 14, 2016, 06:06:44 pm
Video teaser! (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 15, 2016, 08:51:30 pm
Making Of (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 20, 2016, 04:43:10 pm
No Bitter End (Video) (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 28, 2016, 04:04:40 pm
Reseña The Brightest Void (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 29, 2016, 07:37:29 pm
En el Q&A de Twitter reveló el tracklist de The Shadow Self:
Demons In You
No Bitter End
Love To Hate
Supremacy (Muse cover)
The Living End
Eagle Eye (album version)
Calling From The Wild
Too Many
- Va a haber algo de Chopin (supongo en el primer tema, como suele hacer)
- Sobre el dueto con Alissa: "Hizo un excelente trabajo, usó voz limpia y guturales"
- El videclip que filmó en Argentina: "La canción es Innocence. Ahora estamos terminando de filmar el video. Lo vamos a lanzar en el verano europeo"
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 10, 2016, 05:03:01 pm
Lauri: A question about the latest song you have done, the outcome, the finished song, how much of it has born to what it is because you had a feeling 'I want to write a song about this' and how much is this is what I’m able to do, this I can sing?
Tarja: There isn’t at all, when I’m writing the song, there isn’t at all the idea this I can do. There’s a lot of this is what I want to do, this is the song I want to write. I hope I’m able to write a song like that, perhaps it’s more like a wish. When the song is ready, you can more concretely.. you can criticize, that is this good enough and so on. For example the last song “Too Many” on the album, when I sat down to write it, I wanted to write a long song, that isn’t just the three and a half minutes like most songs these days. It came out something like seven minutes. I sat down and thought let’s make a progressive rock song. I wanted two drummers for the song. I had certain things in mind before I wrote it. I had an idea what the song should be about, but for me the music always comes first before the lyrics. Always. I have actually never written lyrics first and then the music. It’s somehow really weird, I should someday test if I could do that. Probably, but it’s totally different from the way I write for my own albums. But with that last song I wanted to give myself.. I consciously told myself that this is going to be the last song on the album. And wished it would give me the feeling that I have hope to wait for even better things from the future. That idea made me finish the song, I have hope to wait for something even better. And that song would give that same hope to the listener, something better is coming.
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 20, 2016, 04:02:02 pm
The Finnish Ministry for Foreign Affairs created Tarja “The Voice” emoji.
Tarja joins now the selected group of Finnish most relevant figures as Formula 1 Ferrari’s world Champion Kimi Rí¤ikkí¶nen, Ex-President and Nobel Peace Prize laureate Martti Ahtisaari and greatest Finnish football player of all time Jari Litmanen to help spread the goods about Finland and its culture.

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 20, 2016, 04:04:43 pm
Making Of No Bitter End (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 21, 2016, 10:57:06 pm
Here's a translation of the beginning. Some nice info about The Shadow Self!
The contrast of light and shadow
After the end of TVOF season Tarja Turunen will release as much as two albums and spend the rest of the year on tour.
There has been a lot of talk about the death of the album format, but it seems Tarja Turunen still has faith in it. Even to the point that The Shadow Self-album, to be released in August, will be preceded by the also full-length The Brightest Void.

”The Brightest Void, which we are calling a prequel like in the movies, gives you an idea about the sound you can expect. The Shadow Self is definitely the stronger of the two, but The Brightest Void has songs fans have waited for and heard as live versions”, Turunen comments.

Even though it is also a coherent entirety, it has songs that wouldn’t fit in on the actual album according to Turunen. They deserve a place in the spotlight and not just as single B-sides and bonus tracks. Like the duet with Michael Monroe.
“We became friends with Michael thanks to TVOF. He is the most heartfelt person I know. I had a demo draft, I haven’t used because it was too rock for me. I talked to Michael about the topic of the song and said, perhaps we should try this together. Next morning he came in with ready lyrics and I was shocked!”
Turunen was a star coach on TVOF for her second season with Monroe, Redrama and Olli Lindholm. She doesn’t rule out a collaboration the two latter either.
”We have already talked with Olli that someday we should do something Christmas-related together. Redrama writes songs for so many different artist and we get along so well, that why not. I also have to mention last year’s winner Miia Kosunen, who will perform with me this summer in Kouvola. She has an emotional voice that gets under your skin and I would enjoy if that was heard on my album someday.”
That won’t be heard yet but a voice that gets under your skin in a different way. The grunting vocalist of Arch Enemy Alissa White-Gluz will do a duet with Turunen.
“This duet has been a surprise to many people: me, perhaps the cleanest vocalist in the metal circle and Alissa, who is a total contrast to that. The song was a really heavy one and I didn’t feel my voice had the kick it needed. Alissa came first to mind and she agreed right away when I asked her. I gave her free rein otherwise, but asked that we would hear some of her beautiful clean vocals too.”
The double album release will the heaviest material of Turunen’s career so far. The direction has been intentional.

”I tried this already on my last album but now me and Tim Palmer found the sound we were looking for. And we also found it through the thought less is more, we have given space for everything. Many tracks with cool things were left out for dynamics.”
The Shadow Self. The Brightest Void. In the music and the visual appearance light and shadow embrace.

“I read an interview with Annie Lennox about the shadow self, the shadow we all have within. With some it comes out in negative situations, my shadow makes me make music – gives me the freedom to be an artist. I feel that I’m a positive person, but the darkness in me makes me write. That is contrasted by light, which I also have within.”
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 31, 2016, 04:13:39 pm
The Brightest Void se puede escuchar entero en Apple Music!
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 01, 2016, 11:33:17 pm
Entrevista Metal Hammer!

The original Nightwish vocalist Tarja airs her thoughts on everything from James Bond to Inter Milan
As Nightwish’s first female vocalist, Tarja Turunen set the bar high for those who followed. After her very public dismissal in 2005, she launched a successful solo career and has never looked back – the singer has even been presented with her very own emoji by The Finnish Ministry for Foreign Affairs! She’s now about to release not one but two new studio albums – a ‘prequel’ called The Brightest Void on June 3 and The Shadow Self on August 5. But what drives the real Tarja?

“My husband [Marcelo Cabuli] and I have a big music collection of maybe around 7,000 CDs. CD is still my favourite format but I do have a few records as well. I used to have more but, quite idiotically, I gave away most of my vinyl when I was younger.

“We love listening to different styles so we have everything in our collection! I’m a music lover; I listen to various styles to get inspiration or to relax or to get energy, but if it lacks emotion, it’s not for me. If there wasn’t music around we would all become very miserable.

“The last album I bought was an Annie Lennox covers album Nostalgia. I also bought Muse’s live album [Live At Rome Olympic Stadium] and I love Blue October’s Home. I’m a huge fan of the James Bond soundtracks too. I take a lot of inspiration from them in my own songwriting. I think Metal Hammer readers should listen to [18th century Italian composer] Pergolesi’s Stabat Mater – that is emotional classical music – and I love Peter Gabriel’s classic album So. He's been as inspiration to me for many years. I love his work.”

“I am really not interested in politics but I am shocked by the way the media handles politics in a country like Argentina, where I’ve been living the past few years. Recently, I was interviewed [for Finnish tabloid Iltalehti] and I happened to say that my husband and I had decided to leave Argentina for the sake of our daughter because the political situation there was so uncertain. The Argentinean websites picked up on that and I got into trouble with the media there. It even made the local news in Argentina! The government actually changed at exactly the same time I was leaving the country. I wrote a song about the way politicians work on [new album] The Brightest Void called Shameless. It’s all about politics and dirty business.”

“I wouldn’t call myself a religious person, I’m more of a spiritual person. I was baptised as Lutheran [a branch of Protestant Christianity that’s popular in many of the Scandinavian countries], not that I really follow the church. When I was little, my mother taught me a prayer that I said before I went to sleep and we used to go to the church before Christmas, but that was about it. I do believe in God but it’s a very personal thing for me.

“These days, I probably spend more time performing in churches than I do attending services in them. The acoustics make them nice places to perform in and you get a different kind of atmosphere when you hold a show there. They’re designed for musical performance and they’re beautiful places.”

“I hardly ever watch TV. Sometimes I’ll have it on in the background when I go to sleep but I don’t really watch it because I prefer to sleep! I love movies, although I usually go to movie theatres and watch them on the big screen.

“I used to watch children’s cartoons with my daughter [Naomi] but that’s about all I’ve seen in the last three years! While I’m travelling and when I’m on tour, I like watching documentaries – I enjoy biographies, travel documentaries, nature programmes... stuff like that. I watched a music documentary on Mí¶tley Crí¼e recently, and I always love watching what’s going on with nature and the natural world. I like checking out health programmes too. Just recently I was watching one about sugar, about how much sugar there is in everything we eat. Scary things like that!

“I haven't seen Game Of Thrones yet – I think I’m probably one of the only people who hasn’t! It's something I do want to watch in the future. I've seen clips of it and I love looking at the costumes. I like historical movies for this reason, I love checking out the work behind creating these amazing costumes. Designing clothes is something that really interests me because I plan my own performing outfits.”

“I'm a football fan. I got involved in that when I married an Argentinean! I remember at the beginning of our relationship – in 2000-and-something – we went to see Inter Milan play in Italy with some friends. The feeling and atmosphere at that match was incredible. How is it that something can move mountains of people in the same way emotionally? It was like being at a concert and I felt a real emotional connection.

“I now support San Lorenzo – they’re probably the third biggest team in Argentina and I wear their shirts when I'm in the gym! Whenever it’s possible, I go to their matches but it’s more complicated now I have a child and we’re never in one place.

“When I was a kid, I was the only girl in my class for almost six years at primary school and I have two brothers as well. Being the only girl, I hung around with the guys and played football with them. But Finland and football don’t really go hand-in-hand; it’s more ice skating and ice hockey there. My three-year-old daughter is really into football though. She has her own football boots and practises with the local boys!”

“I’m as healthy as I can be right now. I’ve never smoked and I’ve never been into drinking but I do enjoy a couple of glasses of red wine. I got more involved with that when I moved to Argentina [in 2005] as they have really, really nice wines there. I also need to keep fit in order to survive all the gigs so I regularly go to the gym, go swimming and running. Taking care of my physical needs is very important – if my body is not healthy then my voice won’t be either.

“I turn 40 next year and maybe I’m now seeing the results of everything I did in the past, when I was stupid and young. I didn't take care of myself then. Now I suffer from neck pain, which comes from headbanging, for sure. I’ve had physiotherapy and I have to take care that I don’t mess myself up when I go to the gym. When you’re a kid, you don’t need to pay attention to these kinds of things though. My daughter sleeps in very strange positions on the plane and it never seems to bother her.

“I have also suffered from upset stomachs all my life and was never really interested in why. Now I know that gluten is very bad for me so I try to eat a gluten-free diet and take vitamins and minerals. I also drink considerably more water than before. I eat as healthily as I can but I don’t eat any diet foods. I like butter, lots of butter, and avocado – all the good fats!”

“My fans are incredible. There are many who follow me in both the metal and classical worlds; they’ve always been there and they’re very loyal to me. I named [my first solo album] My Winter Storm after them because they are the storm that keeps me going.

“Whenever I have the chance, I hold meet and greets, either before or after the show. It's nicer to do them afterwards because you get to hear the feedback from everybody. There are many amazing things my fans have done and are still doing for me. I've met quite a few who have named their children after me as well. I think one of the oldest is about seven or eight years old now.

“I have many fans who have my name, my signature, part of my lyrics, or even my face tattooed onto them. In one way it’s weird, but in another way it’s an honour. It’s your body, your skin; it’s part of you and it will always be there so it’s a really big deal to get a tattoo. I only have one myself [flowers with her daughter’s name inked onto her leg] as I see tattoos as something that’s very personal but music can affect people in a personal way too.”

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 06, 2016, 04:14:51 pm
Setlist GreenFest

No Bitter End
Never Enough
Demons in You
Calling from the Wild
Victim of Ritual
Die Alive
Until My Last Breath
Over the Hills

Supremacy (

Calling from the Wild (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 09, 2016, 04:01:21 pm
Si teníéis libretos defectuosos....

Some of you might have noticed that not all credits and lyrics are included in the booklet of Tarja's "The Brightest Void". If you'd like to receive a new booklet including all the missing texts, please take a picture of the booklet without the text and send it together with your postal address to the following e-mail: A new booklet will be send to you free of charge independently of your location."
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 12, 2016, 08:00:54 pm
Setlist Vaakuna Piknik (

Eagle Eye (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 12, 2016, 08:10:22 pm
Demons in you (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 18, 2016, 03:50:18 pm
La grabación de Eagle Eye ( (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 19, 2016, 04:09:11 pm
Por fin (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 20, 2016, 04:09:41 pm
Setlist Hellfest (

Supremacy (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 21, 2016, 03:53:54 pm
Dos de Hellfest!! ( (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 21, 2016, 03:57:31 pm
Innocence (Teaser) (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 21, 2016, 07:18:28 pm
Así­ suena Innocence (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 22, 2016, 11:08:05 pm
Otro (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 24, 2016, 09:41:35 pm
Innocence (Video) (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 25, 2016, 03:43:54 pm
Setlist Shangai (

Innocence (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 09, 2016, 11:09:57 pm
Colaboración (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 09, 2016, 11:24:48 pm
The Shadow Self (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 09, 2016, 11:25:29 pm
Otro (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 10, 2016, 04:35:53 pm
I spoke to Tarja while she was in London having performed at a one-day festival and then at a special intimate show that was being filmed. We talked about her new album “The Brightest void” and the album due out soon, “The shadow self” as well as touring and other plans.

Most bands or singers release one album at a time, but you’ve chosen to release two albums in the space of two months.  Why did you choose to do it as two albums rather than one double album?

I really didn’t want to do a double album because I think that as I’m challenging my audience with my music being so diverse, so I felt it would be too much – too many tracks.  But I ended up writing songs, so many songs that in the end when I had all those songs in front of me I said “Now what?”. I didn’t want to keep them for bonuses, for B-sides, anything like that because I’ve had that experience before – they get kind of lost, and they’re part of you, they’re your creations, you feel personal to them and there is a connection, so I really didn’t want to have that going on.  So I discussed with the label people in Germany and said shouldn’t we could do an EP or something like that, something special – I want to have a real product to have, because these songs were written for one album, but I became productive one way or another, so what to do? They said, let’s make two albums, and call it a prequel, which of course is a nicer way to tell it, and it’s kind of a connection to my love of film music and films in general, but it gives you the sound of the album that is still to come, and it also as the themes on the albums are handling more or less opposites of the things we have in life, so “The Brightest Void” for me is presenting the lighter side of the shadow.

I’d noticed with the titles you have “The brightest void” and The shadow self” so there’s that light and dark connection, and I’d wondered if the albums would actually be themed that way too.

Very much so.  I’ve gone through some kind of self discovery in recent years.  I’m still on that journey and as an artist I think that kind of self discovery will never change because you meet new people and the more you travel the less you know.  I think it was John Lennon who said something like that many years ago.  It really is very true that the more you do the less you know.  I try to keep myself very open minded in that sense.  It’s opposites – love/hate, negative/positive, shadows/light – in shadow there is always a certain amount of light, and vice versa, and in myself I have felt there is a certain darkness in me but I have never really understood what is this darkness in me because I consider myself being a very positive person and I love talking with people, socialising, I’m a happy camper, I’m not a sad person, but when it comes to music, it comes out with melancholic melodies. It comes out as dark mystic things, mysterious things, and I love that. 

When I was writing songs for this album I read an interview of Annie Lennox where she was saying the shadow self is within us as artists, as the creative force, making us create art, and it really hit me, that is the shadow…my own shadow.  I feel very positive but it makes me create dark things, so I really discovered a lot about myself through that interview – it hit me hard, so I’m grateful that she made it really clear to me.

You sound as though you’re really challenging yourself vocally on the albums.  I’d imagine the rock stuff is very different to do than the classical music you trained on.

It is a challenge but I love the challenge.  When I write songs I usually write too difficult melodies, but again there’s a challenge. It comes in song writing, it comes in a way where I don’t want to go where the level is lowest, I’m a workaholic in that sense, and nowadays having an international career it’s a huge puzzle I need to keep organised otherwise it would be a mess, but I’ve been able to do that passionately able to do that because I work so goddamn hard, and being a vocalist it’s so vital for me still to go on with that practice and training and I hope that will never ever change because when I go back it to an opera aria for example, I sing an aria without problems it’s a huge satisfaction it gives me.

While with a guitarist if they can play something then that is unlikely to change unless they have an injury, with a vocalist I’d imagine that’s not the same as your voice does change.

It is evolving, it is changing.  If you listen to my albums one after another, you can hear easily the change in my voice. That is because of just never stopping the changing, and I mean the lyrical training. That’s my core, it keeps me sane.

Normally on your albums you include a cover version and it’s usually an 80s song, but this time you’ve gone way back to 1964 with “Goldfinger”. I really enjoy it – Shirley Bassey has such a powerful voice, so it’s not an easy one to do I’d imagine.

I needed to sing this song – it was selected for me many years ago for a TV production and I felt it was so difficult to sing at the time, but it kept ringing in my head and I knew I had to come back to this song one day when I’m ready for it.  Last year in November, together with my band, we played it in South America, we tested it out for the audience and we made this heavy arrangement for it.  It felt really good when I was singing it live, I was really pushing it hard, and I wanted to have it on the album.  Now when I had the album, The Brightest Void, it gave me the possibility to include these fun songs in it, presenting the light.

Gold and light go well together.  It was a nice touch when you were performing on Sunday night, when you sang Goldfinger, all the lights changed to a nice golden colour and it just worked perfectly to complement the song.

I’m glad to hear that – I didn’t know that.  I have the best lighting engineer/designer ever.  He’s a Finnish man, he’s super intelligent when he creates.  Lights are very important to me, because I don’t like to add to much of this, that and everything.  In future shows there will be screens, and the production for the album shows will be bigger than before, but it’s still classy.  It needs to look classy, not everything together confusing things. Beautifully classy, and when it comes to lights he is the person I want to use because he really gets the music.

You had the concert on Sunday night, then last night was a showcase of songs from The Brightest Void and The Shadow Self, which was being filmed.  What was it being filmed for?

It was being filmed for “Act 2”, my next live album. That is going to be filmed somewhere in Europe during the next tour – I haven’t made my mind up yet about the location, but as my first live album “Act 1” was recorded in Argentina, I want to do it in Europe this time.  We will be filming lots of material at shows and festivals, but this show is again like the opposites on the album – this very intimate show and then a big concert.

It must have been quite different for you performing in such an intimate setting.

It was very interesting, super interesting actually.  A very tense feeling at the beginning as I entered the room and there was no air – everyone sucked the air out of the room, it was very humid and hot, but to see the emotions of the fans, the hardcore fans in front of me…wow. I have only once had that experience where people are HERE, right next to me whhile I perform and that was one of the Christmas concerts, classical concerts that I did in a church in Finland. The place was so packed they had people sitting on the floow, so I could say like “Hello” to their heads, but that was the only time.  Now, such a small amount of people, all eyes on you, plus the media, plus the label people, I felt like “Kill me”. But it was an amazing experience.  We really enjoyed ourselves. Playing the new songs in public for the first time was tense.

And to add extra pressure, it’s not just the first time you were playing the songs in public, but it was being filmed too.

I didn’t even care about the cameras. Now that I go back and think about it, why didn’t I care about the cameras? I wasn’t thinking about them filming it at all, I was more nervous about you all being there in this beautiful historic studio, and I was more nervous about really bringing a great performance, but not about the recording.  It could be something to do with my experience filming “The voice” in Finland, something like that.  I was used to having cameras right there next to me because it’s a reality show – they are there, you just don’t care about them any more.

I suppose a camera is just a box in front of you that you get no feedback from, whereas with the audience you can see their reactions to whatever you do.

Yes totally.  There were tears in their eyes, super glittery and gleaming.

You do look very happy and confident on stage these days

You live and you learn. You go through so much. Nowadays as I have found a certain confidence in writing songs and producing songs, being in the whole creative part, taking control and taking the responsibility, carrying the responsibility and being happy about it, it’s a beautiful freedom.

You’ve got Hellfest next weekend then you go to China for a tour. Have you played in China before?

Never, in the far east, only in Japan, but this time there’s also China, Hong Kong, Taiwan – new places. I’m so excited, like a little girl.  It’s nice to go to new places, it’s realy nice to experience.

Hopefully you’ll get some time to se these places rather than just going from the airport to hotel, to venue, to hotel, to airport.

I really hope that too. I think there won’t be too much. At least I stay in Tokyo for a few extra days with my family.  I really want to show my daughter that way of life, that culture. Show her there are places with so many people – if London is crowded, wow Tokyo is VERY crowded. My daughter loves sushi, it’s her favourite food, so she’ll be in seventh heaven.

Later in the year you’ve got a European tour including Metal Female Voices festival.  It must be the fourth or fifth time you’ve played there.

Something like that yes. It’s been a few years since my last performance there, and I love going back, there’s always a special atmosphere.

I think the last time you played was when you had Floor Jansen join you on stage for the final song.

Thank goodness she said Yes when I asked her to do it.

I think a lot of the time on the internet people invent these rivalries between singers and something like the two of you performing together shows that rivalry doesn’t exist.  The same goes for the duet you did with Sharon den Adel on the Within Temptation album.

Totally.  Actually Sharon was telling me she’s heard a lot of these kind of things, and I said I’d never heard of these sort of things but then I’m not very into it, reading online, but I’d never have even thought there’d ben anything like that between us, but it’s incredible.  Why on earth would people say this?  Music is music and we’re all doing our thing trying to get the best out of it.

I think some people have nothing better to to.

A lot of time on their hands.

Last year you released a classical album, Ave Maria.  Are there any plans to do any more of those?

I would love to record a second classical album. That would probably be something like German leads or European songs in general within Chamber music, because that’s my thing within classical music. I wouldn’t see myself recording arias because I’m not an opera singer, but chamber music is my field in classical music, where I feel comfortable and where I have the most knowledge. So, why not.  It’s a project that requires a lot of time.  Training-wise, concentration-wise, it’s really a lot of time.  This Ave Maria album I actually recorded two years earlier than it was released. It was like all the craziness that was going on at the time – I was writing for The Shadow Self and touring so much. So many things going on in paralell that sometimes it’s hard to find the time for things, but I would love to have the time to record another one because it was such a beautiful experience.

Thank you very much for your time

You’re welcome.
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 10, 2016, 10:34:48 pm
The night after Tarja headlined the Rock on Green festival at the Forum, she played a very different show at a recording studio in West London.  In front of a tiny audience of maybe 30-40 people she played material from both her new albums – the newly released “The Brightest Void”, and the upcoming “The Shadow Self”.  It was the most intimate rock show Tarja has ever played, with fans sitting almost at her feet.  The show was being filmed for a future release – check out Planetmosh’s interview with Tarja for more details on that.

This really was a special night, with the fans and press lucky enough to attend getting to hear material from the album that isnt due to be released for another month or so as well as hearing songs from her newest release.  The fact it was such a small intimate setting though made it even more special.

The tiny amount of space meant that Tarja had no room to move around so she was more static than normal, but that didn’t matter in the slightest as people enjoyed seeing and hearing her perform in this tiny location.  The new songs sounded fantastic, despite this being the first time they’d been performed publicly, and Tarja’s keyboard player did an excellent job with the complicated classical piece he had to play as the intro to one song.  It really was a fantastic experience, and I look forward to watching it when the video is released

After the show Tarja was happy to pose for photos or sign things for fans – something that doesnt normally happen at her shows as the much larger number of people there makes it more difficult.  It was very clear talking to her that she does enjoy meeting fans, and the fans certainly enjoyed meeting her.


No Bitter End
Eagle Eye
Sing For Me
Love To Hate
The Living End
Calling From The Wild short
Victim Of Ritual
Die Alive
Until My Last Breath
Too Many
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 13, 2016, 04:53:00 pm
The Shadow Self Part 2 of 4 (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 17, 2016, 01:12:29 pm
Setlist Woodstock (

Innocence (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 19, 2016, 03:54:02 pm
Special concert at the Metal Church, Wacken
Tarja Turunen reached international fame as the queen of Symphonic Metal, but her deep love for classical music is also well known by her audience. Besides touring the world with her rock albums she also performs frequently classical concerts with orchestra and choir, lied concerts, and Christmas concerts.
On the 3rd of August 2016 you will have the chance to witness a unique concert, a one-time-only event that will open the Wacken Open Air 2016 festival in front of only 300 handpicked fans.
Wacken Open Air, together with Tarja Turunen, earMUSIC and Metal Hammer are pleased to present you a very special and intimate concert in the classical set of the Wacken Metal Church, where Tarja will perform together with piano, cello and violin. The program will present, among classical pieces, exclusive arrangements of songs from some of Tarja’s most loved heavy metal artists, like In Flames, Avenged Sevenfold, Linkin Park, Joe Satriani, Megadeth, Rammstein, Metallica and Slipknot.
If you are already wondering where to buy a ticket for the evening, let us surprise you once more: the entrance is for free for those that will be fast enough to reserve one of the tickets until they last. Showtime is at 7pm. No need to have a ticket for the festival to be able to join.
Just send an email to with subject “Wacken 2016”, including your name and email and answering the question: “What are the titles of Tarja’s new heavy/rock albums?” If you are among the lucky winners you will be contacted by email.
Deadline to take part in the competition: Friday 22nd of July.
See you there! :)
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 21, 2016, 04:38:00 pm
The Shadow Self Part 3 of 4 (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 23, 2016, 06:07:59 pm
Critica!! (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 24, 2016, 04:10:28 pm
@tarjaofficial Tarja what happened to your concert yesterday? Are you ok??

.@Diana_Jordanova A stupid drunk threw an empty plastic glass and hit me. I am fine, thanks for asking. Just a black eye. Show must go on
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 28, 2016, 06:25:04 pm
Tarja Turunen moves to Spain with her family: ”My heart will break when I go on tour alone”
Tarja Turunen answers the phone in Marbella, Spain, where the busy singer is enjoying the sounds on nature and lawnmowers between festival shows. On Wednesday her daughter Naomi celebrates her fourth birthday.
- Naomi’s birthday wish was to go to a water park. She loves to be in the water and learned to swim when she was two and half years old, the proud mother reveals.
In the near future Turunen, husband Marcelo Cabuli and daughter Naomi will be able to enjoy the sun in Spain more often, because the family is moving to Spain by the beginning of next year at the latest, after ten years in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
- Moving from continent to another is a big thing. There’s so many things to take care of, it’s not a matter of a couple of days. We are coming to Spain, we love this culture and also want to be closer to Finland. Working from Spain will be easier in many ways.
Naomi will start preschool in Spain so the family won’t tour, at least fulltime, with Turunen. Marcelo will stay home with Naomi.
- It will break my heart to go one on tour alone. Until now Marcelo has been on every single tour for the past 13 years and for four years we have travelled with a child. Our life has been blessed until now, since her mother or her father has been home when Naomi woke or went to bed.
The change waits her in the near future, but Turunen rejoices that for example Skype helps to keep in touch with family.
- It has been our salvation, since her grandparents haven’t had the chance to see Naomi grow up. The distances have gotten shorter and even though Skype can’t obviously substitute closeness, it helps a lot. When we started to date with Marcelo, e-mail was a new thing. It was quite different back then!
”I found my artistic self”
The former front woman of Nightwish, who started her solo career over ten years ago, has answered many phone calls from European reporters between doing gigs. Especially many calls have come from Germany. The reason for the interviews is The Shadow Self, which will be released in early August, the first single Innocence was just released.
The album was almost a three-year-long process. There was so much material that in the beginning of summer The Brightest Void-album was also released, a bonus album to The Shadow Self.
- I worked on the album for a long time and I wrote songs for the past two years. I’m in the right place in this moment and I feel like this is my strongest album so far. I have found my artistic self and identity and it feels really good and right. I had so much inspiration that we released two albums during the summer.
Despite her long career Turunen is still nervous about the reception her album will receive.
- There’s always a certain tingling feeling, even though I’ve worked for so long. Now I feel I don’t have to explain myself and that I have a life as an artist. I’m still nervous how my fans react to the album.
Return to the Voice?
Turunen has toured the whole summer on festivals and The Brightest Summer –tour continues in August. In October The Shadow Shows-tour will start in Europe. Next year Turunen will be seen at least in South-America and Russia. Her tours will last until the end of 2017.
- That’s pretty wild! Many people wonder, that aren’t you stressed. But as an artist it’s never self-evident that the phone won’t stop ringing. These days the sales figures for albums are worse than say ten years ago and there’s more of a pressure to go on tour. But I did pick up a gold record from the Czech Republic a week ago, so I can’t say things are bad.
I Finland Turunen will be seen next in mid-August when she will perform with Kymi Sinfonietta in Kouvola and Kotka. There’s also a tour at the end of the year to celebrate her Christmas album that came out ten years ago.
Turunen won’t be seen on TV however, since she left the duties of a star coach on The Voice of Finland.
- I left TVOF with a tear in my eye. I loved making that show! We couldn’t make our schedules work with the production, since my tour was booked already ages ago. I believe and hope I will be seen in the format again, if not in Finland than in some other country.
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 28, 2016, 06:27:53 pm
Tarja Turunen, who found a new home country: The last couple of years have been dark times for Finland
A new home country, a new life situation and two new albums. Tarja Turunen’s life isn’t calming down even though she has a decade of solo career behind her.
A time for great changes. You could describe Tarja Turunen’s summer in those words.
In May she packed her things and moved with her family from Argentina to Spain. In the autumn her daughter will start pre-school. In the beginning of June Tarja released an album and, as if that wasn’t enough, there’s another album coming out in August.
“The same madness my life usually is”, she says and laughs in the penthouse of a hotel in Camden.
There’s a hectic schedule now too. Turunen and her band have a show in London and a day between shows is packed with interviews with the global media starting from 9 am.
Turns and rush haven’t been missing in Turunen’s life.
It’s been a decade since she was pushed onto a solo career from Nightwish. From this band Turunen is primarily remembered and for good reason: she was involved in creating a whole new genre of music, symphonic metal, in which her classical singing met a metal band.
After that Tarja was faced with a new beginning to which she seems to answer with being hard-working.
In ten years she has recorded as many albums: heavier rock, classical, Christmas songs and concert recordings. After the most internationally successful Finnish band concert venues changed from arenas to clubs but there are still places to tour, especially in continental Europe and South-America.
”I’m absolutely happy and proud of the current situation”, she says. “I don’t feel like I have anything to prove to anyone anymore. I have my own life and my own wings. I’m of course proud and grateful for my time in Nightwish too, but I’m now in a totally different place than in those days.”
“My fans call me workaholic. There are so many things that are solely my responsibilities”, she comments her current life as a solo artist. “There’s always some project in the works and I also have a little girl running around.”
”Luckily I have people around me, the band members, tour crew and of course my husband I can trust and who keep this crazy puzzle together. It gives me the freedom to be an artist.”
The just released The Brightest Void is a foretaste of the “actual album” The Shadow Self, which will be released in August.
The exceptional decision was made because Turunen had written so many songs with her band members and outside songwriters that they wouldn’t fit on one album.
”The songs are so personal and there’s so much emotion in them that I didn’t want to leave them out of the album”, she explains the solution. “At the same time it gave me the opportunity to release different kind of songs that have been waiting for the right place, more movie score like songs. I get to shock the listener a bit.”
The combining theme between the albums according to Turunen is opposites, the journey from light to shadow, like the album names tell. The Shadow Self she picked up from an interview of singer Annie Lenox.
“The last few years I’ve been wondering what on earth is the darkness or depth that makes me write. When I sit in front of piano something clear, misty and mystical comes out. What makes me do that?”
”Then I read an interview with Annie Lenox, where she told that “the shadow self” is our creative power. The shadow in us that makes us write, make art and be striking. A way to give everything we feel, good or bad, to the art. That was the answer to my question.”
Releasing the albums and the hullabaloo starting from it means great changes in the Turunen family. They have settled into a new country.
The past years Turunen has lived mainly in Buenos Aires, Argentina, in which she has become almost as well-known as in Finland.
”It’s really an incredible thing, but I never felt like a foreigner in Buenos Aires or that people see me as a foreigner. Especially when the language started to open up to me, the culture opened in a whole new way.”
”Buenos Aires and its culture gave me room to breathe. Perhaps life in Argentina has given me the freedom to be more of a wild girl!” she laughs.
In May the family moved to Marbella, Spain. The new hometown was chosen partly for the common language Spain, partly for the climate and connections.
”I miss light, not so much the warmth. I don’t enjoy sunbathing, but light affects massively how I feel”, she says.
“We wanted to go to Europe because the distances are shorter here. My girl is going to preschool in the fall even though she isn’t even four yet. That feels terrible! It’s a huge change in our life because starting from September her father will stay home with her. In Argentina this would have been much harder. The family would have hardly ever seen me. ”
Returning to Finland feels “foreign at this moment”, although both her daughter and husband enjoy being there. “Perhaps it’s me who keeps myself from returning”, she says.
This doesn’t mean that her home country is completely wiped from her mind. Family and work keep drawing her back and Turunen starts her morning by reading the news from Finnish online newspapers. The conversation aggravated by the financial abyss and immigration looks peculiar to an outsider.
”It’s quite something, what’s happening in Finland. The last couple of years have been dark times”, she sighs. “It’s also that surely in a greater scale and especially in Argentina. It’s hyper madness there. The reign changed just a little while ago and the country is at rock bottom. There are people fighting for everyday life or else you are on the street – really. The political situation in Argentina is partly the reason for our move.”
”People in Finland aren’t used to things not going well. They are used to good things”, she compares the situation in the two countries. “We’ve had security in our lives and we haven’t fallen to the bottom, but these days that has become normal to many people.”
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 30, 2016, 04:35:59 pm
Track by Track (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 03, 2016, 04:35:20 pm
Otro: (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 03, 2016, 10:01:12 pm
Mola!! (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 03, 2016, 11:55:59 pm

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 06, 2016, 04:19:39 pm
Setlist Wacken Open Air (

Entrevista (

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 08, 2016, 04:17:29 pm
Setlist Sylak Open Air (

Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 08, 2016, 04:19:41 pm
Live @ Wacken (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 10, 2016, 04:17:57 pm
The Living End @ Wacken (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 14, 2016, 11:01:08 pm
No Bitter End @ Leyendas del Rock (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 17, 2016, 04:02:30 pm
Hoy Tarja cumple 39 años!!!!

FELICIDADES!!!!!!!! :011: :011: :011: :011: :011:
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 20, 2016, 07:06:02 pm
Wow!! (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 23, 2016, 05:16:41 pm
El último!! (
Título: Re: Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 10, 2016, 05:47:24 pm
Colaboración!! (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 13, 2016, 03:56:59 pm
Setlist Hannover ( (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 13, 2016, 04:01:06 pm
Setlist Hamburgo (

Victim Of Ritual (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 13, 2016, 04:03:46 pm
Nightwish Medley @ Berlin (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 13, 2016, 04:07:05 pm
Setlist Colonia (

Love To Hate (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 13, 2016, 04:09:37 pm
Acoustic Set @ Francfurt (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 13, 2016, 05:03:58 pm
Su prodigiosa voz es una de las más reconocibles y reconocidas de la escena planetaria del metal sinfónico y su maestrí­a al unificar la música clásica y el metal es indiscutible. Tarja Turunen es encantadora, habladora y sincera, y así­ lo vuelve a demostrar en esta conversación con Jason Cenador a travíés del alambre telefónico. La que fuera vocalista de Nightwish continúa sacando brillo a su carrera en solitario con ‘The Shadow Self’, álbum que presentará en España el 5 y el 6 de noviembre en Madrid y Barcelona respectivamente.

tarja-1¿Desde dónde nos estás llamando, desde Argentina o desde Finlandia?

“De hecho, te estoy llamando desde el sur de España porque (mi marido y yo) estamos buscando un lugar para vivir. Vamos a vivir en Argentina un año más y despuíés nos mudaremos a España. Me llegó a gustar la cultura latina durante mi estancia en Buenos Aires y además es una cultura muy cercana a la europea ya que la mayorí­a de la gente tiene descendientes de allí­, y eso es algo que me hizo sentir muy cómoda”

Recientemente has publicado un nuevo álbum, ‘The Shadow Self’, que me resulta el más variado de tu carrera. ¿Estoy en lo cierto?

“Tienes toda la razón. Aparte del hecho de ser el más versátil, es el más contundente tambiíén. Tení­a ganas de obtener un sonido potente en mi banda; querí­a una banda fuerte y compacta como soporte de mi rendimiento vocal. Por otra parte, creo que tanto a nivel de composición como de producción, todo está en su sitio. Creo que con el paso del tiempo, me siento más a gusto, más cómoda y más realizada cuando tengo un nuevo tema completo, y disfruto más con el proceso creativo”

¿Ha habido un esfuerzo colectivo en la composición de este álbum o el proceso ha recaí­do por completo sobre ti?

“He descubierto mi vena creativa y eso me hace sentir más completa”

“Obviamente, yo soy la compositora principal, pero los temas más heavies los compongo con Alex Scholpp y Julián Barrett. Se trata de dos grandes guitarristas que entienden perfectamente mis deseos y mis necesidades artí­sticas, ya que llevamos trabajando juntos bastantes años. Sin embargo, tambiíén sigo trabajando con los colaboradores que compusieron el primer importante tema de mi carrera en solitario, “I Walk Alone” (‘My Winter Storm’, 2007), así­ que temas como “Innocence” o “Diva” fueron creados con su ayuda. Pero he descubierto mi vena creativa y eso me hace sentir más completa, dado que con Nightwish era sólo la cantante. De joven ya componí­a, pero nunca pensíé que llegarí­a ser una compositora como tal.”

Llevas a los mandos de tu proyecto en solitario desde 2004, ¿sigues incorporando dinámicas y sonidos que te resulten novedosos?

“Realmente no hay cosas que me resulten nuevas. Lo cierto es que todo en este álbum me resulta muy natural, en relación a la producción y a dirigir a la gente con la que cuento. Cuento con algunos músicos nuevos, pero es alucinante como la tecnologí­a hoy en dí­a nos ayuda a trabajar en un proyecto multinacional poniíéndolo todo en común. Todo mantiene su sello de identidad, si bien, por supuesto, trabajo con gente de muchos paí­ses del mundo, grabando, produciendo, saliendo de gira… Es cierto que tengo que preocuparme por mí­ como artista en solitario, pero si la ayuda de ellos no serí­a capaz de sacar esto adelante. Es por ello por lo que me rodeo de buena gente”.

tarja-2El tema “Demons in You” tiene un cierto toque alternativo y moderno. ¿Sentí­as la necesidad de explorar otros sonidos?

“Para serte sincera, si ya me cuesta encontrar tiempo para escuchar música como ví­a de relajación, imagí­nate lo difí­cil que es encontrar tiempo para descubrir artistas nuevos. Mis mayores influencias vienen de la música sinfónica, tanto clásica como bandas sonoras, y a la hora de escuchar metal, prefiero el metal alternativo e industrial que se hace en EE.UU. porque me gusta el sonido de guitarra pesado que han conseguido las bandas de allí­. Son riffs que enganchan a la primera y que tienen mucho groove, así­ que para mí­, el mayor reto es precisamente combinar esas dos influencias. Por otra parte, mi voz ocupa un gran espacio en las mezclas finales, así­ que tuve que trabajar duro a la hora de poder encontrar un equilibrio entre todos elementos para que todo se escuche bien y no sobresalga uno en detrimento del otro”

¿Cómo surgió la colaboración de la vocalista de Arch Enemy, Alissa White-Gluz, en este tema?

“Este tema trata de nuestro lado más oscuro, el lado que nos da miedo mirar y que sólo damos cuenta de que existe cuando nos enfadamos o nos alteramos. Yo tambiíén tengo este lado oscuro y además resulta ser la fuerza que me conduce a crear música. La luz y la oscuridad, el ying y el yang… todas esas fuerzas contradictorias tanto en el universo como en nuestro mundo interior, me inspiran a la hora de crear y para este tema. Pensíé que necesitaba a una voz opuesta a la mí­a, que es de las más limpias y melódicas dentro del panorama metalero. Sólo nos habí­amos visto una vez anteriormente, en el festival Wacken, pero fue la primera persona que se me vino en mente como segunda voz en este tema tanto a nivel gutural como melódico. Espero que el próximo verano podamos coincidir en algún festival y cantar este tema juntas”.

¿Cómo fue contar con la voz de tu hermano Toni en el tema “Eagle Eye”?

“Ya habí­a hecho coros esporádicos en mis discos anteriores. Tiene su propia banda de metal progresivo en Finlandia (Burnclear, anteriormente militó en Celesty), posee una voz maravillosa y es multi instrumentista, así­ que quise darle una oportunidad para mostrar a un público más amplio de lo que es capaz de hacer”.

Temas como “Undertaker” o “Calling From the Wild” son dos de los más sinfónicos del compacto, en los que prevalece lo aprendido durante tu etapa en Nightwish. ¿Quíé nos puedes contar sobre ellos?

“Sigo tomando lecciones de canto y tratando de progresar como vocalista lí­rica”

“Dado que tengo un trasfondo clásico, la música sinfónica es muy importante para mí­. Sigo profundizando en ello; la gente quizá no lo sepa, pero continúo entrenando mi voz, tomando lecciones de canto y tratando de progresar como vocalista lí­rica. Perseverar en ese desarrollo me hace tambiíén ser una mejor cantante de rock y expresarme mejor. En este disco, mi voz vuelve a sonar diferente y es por todo eso, además de por la experiencia sobre los escenarios y que me cuido muchí­simo. La faceta sinfónica y mi amor por la música clásica nunca se desvanece, permanecerá siempre siendo parte de mí­. Es como mi mano derecha. Por otro lado, está tambiíén la faceta rockera. Ambas están en armoní­a en mi vida, y se reflejan en que puedo estar tocando en Wacken y pocos dí­as despuíés en una orquesta sinfónica cantando música clásica. Mi objetivo absoluto es armonizar ambas facetas. El mis discos, la música clásica y sinfónica siempre va a estar presente. Muy presente”.

Podrí­as traerte a España la orquesta tambiíén, ¿no lo has pensado ahora que te vienes a vivir aquí­?

(Risas) “Sí­. Es un reto muy difí­cil. He hecho conciertos sinfónicos en muchos paí­ses, así­ que ¿por quíé no en España? Me encantarí­a venir con cierto proyecto. Serí­a genial”.

Dejas pleno espacio a los músicos de tu banda para mostrar de lo que son capaces de hacer, tal como queda patente en temas como “Innocence”.

“Mis músicos son brillantes así­ que ¿por quíé no les iba a dejar lucirse? Han hecho cosas enormes por mí­ en mi carrera, aprecio su trabajo y los aprecio a ellos. ¿Sabes una cosa? Cuando tenemos un concierto, estos tipos se sientan en el camerino y empiezan a discutir quíé pueden hacer mejor. Es increí­ble, comparten conmigo la motivación de hacer las cosas mejor para progresar. Yo soy una cantante muy peculiar en el sentido de que cuando trabajo, trabajo y pongo el cien por cien en cada situación. No importa si he tenido un dí­a bueno o malo. He sido muy perfeccionista y no podí­a parar en ese sentido. Esto tambiíén es algo negativo, tiene que haber un punto en el que pueda decir: “Ok, ya está, es lo suficientemente bueno”. Aprendí­ esa lección con el paso de los años. Era muy dura conmigo misma en el pasado, lloraba despuíés de cada concierto porque habí­a cometido un error aquí­ o allí­. Era horrible. Con la experiencia del directo y el paso del tiempo, una aprende a perdonarse a sí­ misma, a darse cuenta de que no puede ser perfecta en ninguna faceta de la vida. Mis músicos son súper talentosos y yo les dejo espacio en mi música porque sin ellos, no sonarí­a igual jamás”.

 â€œLove to Hate” y “Supremacy” dos de los temas más oscuros del disco. ¿Crees que la oscuridad es algo inherente en tu música?

“La oscuridad vive en mí­, aunque soy una persona súper alegre”

“La oscuridad vive en mí­, aunque soy una persona súper alegre. Eso es lo que me ha inspirado en ‘The Shadow Self’ y me ha dado el propio tí­tulo. Me he dado cuenta de que hay un lado oscuro en mí­. ¿Y por quíé? Yo me pregunto: ¿Quíé demonios? ¡Soy la persona más alegre que hay!”

¿Podrí­as describirnos esa oscuridad?

“Mi oscuridad es una oscuridad hermosa que me hace crear música. Cuando me siento frente al piano, salen melodí­as melancólicas, misteriosas y envolventes. Siempre es así­, no es como un villancico alegre. La melancolí­a que vive en mí­ es esa hermosa oscuridad y pienso que esa fuerza creativa está en todos los artistas. Un pintor, por ejemplo, vuelca todo su dolor o toda su felicidad en sus cuadros. Los artistas tenemos esa suerte que no mucha gente tiene, y es que si yo me siento mal, pongo en una canción todos los malos sentimientos”.

Si no fueras música, ¿serí­as una persona mucho más infeliz?

“Desde luego, me volverí­a muy infeliz si no tuviera música. Todos nos volverí­amos infelices sin música. Si piensas en una situación en la que no hubiera música en ninguna parte, serí­a horrible. La música es emoción, siempre ha sido emoción sin fronteras para mí­. He encontrado mi manera de reunir gíéneros completamente diferentes como la música clásica y el heavy metal. En lo que respecta a la música, siempre intento mantenerme muy abierta de mente, porque siempre puedes aprender cosas nuevas”.

¿De quíé trata el tema “Diva”?

“Como te dije, me gusta escribir sobre las dicotomí­as y las contradicciones que gobiernan nuestras vidas, así­ que mientras en la vida cotidiana llamamos diva a una persona difí­cil de tratar, una persona egoí­sta y poco considerada hacia los demás; en el mundo de la música clásica, el tíérmino se refiere a una persona respetada, un í­dolo que adorar. Estaba en el Caribe y vi anclado en el puerto el barco que se usa en la saga de “Los Piratas del Caribe”. Dado que soy una gran fan del compositor de su banda sonora, Hans Zimmer, pensamos componer una canción con un tono irónico”

¿Cómo crees que has evolucionado, musicalmente hablando, desde tu debut hasta hoy?

“He aprendido mucho acerca de todo: música, gente, mi propio yo. He sido madre, he vivido en diferentes paí­ses y he podido disfrutar todos los momentos que me ha ofrecido la vida. He aprendido disfrutar más con lo que hago y esto se nota en el disco porque todo lo que hago tiene que ver de una manera u otra con la música. Creo que en este disco sueno a una mujer más fuerte, más madura, más segura de sí­ misma. Aún así­, soy muy tí­mida a la hora de conocer gente nueva (risas)”

Por cierto, ¿has escuchado el último disco de Nightwish?

“¿Volver a Nightwish? ¡Dios mí­o, no!”

“Quizá haya escuchado alguna vez el single, que ni me acuerdo su titulo, pero no estoy realmente interesada en comprobar lo que están haciendo. Así­ están las cosas con la banda a dí­a de hoy, no empleo mucho tiempo en pensar lo que está pasando ahí­â€

¿Sabí­as que se van a tomar un año sabático en 2017?

“No, no tení­a ni idea.”

Hasta 2018 como mí­nimo no habrá un nuevo lanzamiento de ellos, así­ que habrá quien aproveche este contexto para elucubrar hipótesis sobre un regreso tuyo a Nightwish.

“¡Dios mí­o, no! ¡Dios mí­o, no! ¡Dios mí­o, no! (lo repite entre risas). No, no, no, es algo que he dejado atrás en mi vida y no quiero repetir, para ser sincera.”

Entonces, aun con la proyección internacional obtenida bajo el nombre de Nightwish y las buenas experiencias, ¿estimas que el balance de la experiencia fue más negativo que positivo?

“Claro que estoy totalmente agradecida por todos esos años y soy completamente consciente de la bendición que supuso la oportunidad y que me marcó la vida entera. Estaba en la universidad estudiando para ser soprano y fue un enorme reto entrar a formar parte de una banda de metal. No es algo que tuviera planeado, pero ocurrió y me mostró una cara completamente diferente de la vida y me llevó a un lugar en el que nunca imaginíé estar. Aprecio mucho eso, no síé dónde demonios estarí­a si no hubiera afrontado ese reto de convertirme en cantante de Nightwish. Definitivamente, me dio una vida distinta. Así­ que sí­, estoy agradecida, pero no, no volverí­a atrás hacia esa experiencia. Fueron años alucinantes juntos y esas canciones siempre estarán ahí­, y yo estoy súper orgullosa de mi trabajo”.

Lamentablemente, la última impresión fue negativa y parece que por momentos ensombrece y va por delante de todo lo positivo que hubo detrás.

(Carraspea) “Me temo que no puedo contarte mucho más acerca del asunto, por desgracia. Vete a mi casa y ya te lo cuento todo (risas)”.

tarja-3Ya que vamos a ser vecinos, queda apuntado. En otro orden de cosas, ¿has pensado experimentar con otros estilos ajenos al sinfónico?

“Ya lo estoy haciendo con este disco, pero no creo que pudiera hacer un disco entero sin elementos sinfónicos, porque necesito tener un arreglo de piano o de violoncelo para sentirme inspirada, para sentir que algo dentro de mí­ se mueve. Además, creo que mi voz suena mejor con este tipo de melodí­as. Sin embargo, tengo un proyecto paralelo de música electrónica que se llama Outlanders donde uso mi voz como un instrumento más para crear paisajes sonoros como un pintor usa su pincel. Es música relajante y atmosfíérica, y espero poder sacar un disco dentro de un par de años. Para mí­, lo importante son las emociones, así­ que si me cruzo con un proyecto que me hace sentir algo, por muy básico o alternativo que sea, entonces me apuntarí­a”

¿Va a volver Mike Terrana a tocar en directo con tu banda?

“Mike toca en un par de temas en el disco pero en esta ocasión no tocará con nosotros en directo”.

¿Quíé podemos esperar de los shows que teníéis programados para Madrid y Barcelona en noviembre?

“Como tengo cuatro discos de estudio, puedo jugar con el set list, ver que temas toquíé durante mi última visita por España y cambiar el repertorio para no repetirnos. Además, vamos a traer pantallas y algo de producción escíénica; va a ser algo bonito”.

Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 15, 2016, 04:33:05 pm
Setlist Stuttgart (

Demons In You (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 19, 2016, 04:04:00 pm
Setlist Munich (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 20, 2016, 03:00:05 pm
Eagle Eye @ Viena (

Setlist (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 22, 2016, 04:32:50 pm
Setlist Haarlem (

The Living End (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 23, 2016, 04:42:17 pm
The Living End @ Hengelo (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 23, 2016, 04:43:44 pm
Setlist Metal Female Voice Fest (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 23, 2016, 11:19:20 pm
Uno de Suiza! (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 05, 2016, 04:34:34 pm
Innocence @ Lisboa (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 06, 2016, 05:32:42 pm
Setlist Madrid (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 10, 2016, 04:02:39 pm
Demons In You @ Barcelona (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 10, 2016, 04:05:56 pm
Setlist Paris ( (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 16, 2016, 10:34:17 pm
Despuíés de que todos lamentásemos su partida del grupo con el que marcó un hito, Nightwish,  tenemos que comprender que la música es evolución y transformación, y aún quedan muchas sorpresas  por ver de su nueva trayectoria.

Nos ha alegrado saber que ha elegido España, nuestro paí­s, como su nueva residencia. Soñadora, amante de la playa y del paisaje andaluz, se muestra muy cercana y nos permite revelar bastantes detalles de su maravillosa personalidad.  Despuíés de su magní­fica actuación en el Leyendas del Rock, siguió demostrando que en solitario no pierde la fuerza y el magnetismo que la caracteriza. Descubre con nosotros más acerca de esta soprano que ha tocado tantos corazones con su voz.

Tarja, tu siendo finlandesa y tu marido argentino ¿cómo es que os  habíéis venido a España?

Pues estábamos buscando un nuevo rumbo y despuíés de mucho conocer finalmente hemos decidido mudarnos al sur de España. Son muchas cosas: el clima, el lugar en sí­â€¦  que nos han convencido para que este sea nuestro nuevo hogar.

Siempre pensíé que eras una chica más de montaña y bosque que de playa….

Tambiíén me gusta pero soy más de playa ¡aunque no lo parezca!  Es verdad que estar cerca de la naturaleza me aporta muchí­sima calma, y este entorno andaluz es uno de los más bonitos que he visto en mi vida, combina montaña y agua, muy inspirador.

Y has estado muy inspirada últimamente ¿no? porque has sacado dos discos muy seguidos:

‘The Brightest Void’ el 3 de junio y  ‘The Shadow Self’ el 5 de agosto. (2016)

¡Sí­ que lo he estado! Cuando terminíé el anterior EP me surgieron varias canciones, entonces la discográfica me permitió hacer un álbum en el que me he recreado. Incluí­ algunas canciones divertidas de proyectos y colaboraciones que siempre quise hacer. Como que mostraba lo que iba a venir, The Brightest Void es por decí­rtelo así­, el Bonus álbum, sólo que anticipado.

Oye y háblame de este cambio estilí­stico:  antes eras más victoriana, como con un tono melancólico, y ahora te ves una Tarja muy rebelde y rockera.

Definitivamente puedes ver que ahora sonrí­o bastante más y me divierto mucho en el escenario. Básicamente íéste es el gran cambio: ahora estoy disfrutando de la música como nunca lo habí­a hecho antes. Indudablemente con Nightwish tambiíén he vivido momentos memorables pero no tiene lugar con ser protagonista de tu propia inspiración, interpretar mis propias canciones, no las escritas por otra persona. Es como si mi público de ahora fuera más personal. Pero tambiíén me siento bien cantando algunas canciones de Nightwish actualmente.

¿Cuáles son tus canciones favoritas de Nightwish?

¡Oh wow! No sabrí­a decirte, en general el álbum que más disfrutíé fue ‘Once’, fue EL íLBUM, las canciones estaban súper desarrolladas, un gran álbum. Muchas de esas canciones son mis favoritas: Ghost Love Score,  The Phantom of the Opera….

¿Y de tus canciones?

¡Bueno mis canciones es que me hacen volar! Pero debo decir que la canción Inocence es una canción muy poderosa, muy misteriosa y majestuosa  y tiene mucho que ver con mi amor hacia la música clásica porque mezclamos una composición mí­a de piano y quedó muy bien. Creo que muestra muy bien mi personalidad: Yo puedo saltar de una escenario de rock a un escenario clásico con toda la naturalidad del mundo. Me pasa bastante que tenga que actuar un dí­a en un festival de rock y otro dí­a en una casa de ópera. ¡Y me encanta este contraste!

¿Disfrutas de estas dos facetas igualmente?

La verdad es que sí­. No podrí­a elegir, esas dos partes me completan. Con el rock me expreso más libremente pero siento que la tíécnica que a la vez me da esa confianza la he conseguido a travíés de la música clásica. Noto la diferencia en mi voz, he trabajado mucho. Mi tíécnica es lo que me da la libertad de divertirme. No tengo problemas con mi voz, hoy en dí­a no los tengo y estoy muy contenta porque veo la diferencia.

Si tuvieras que elegir un í­dolo en tu vida ¿quiíén serí­a?

Pues me he fijado en muchas personas. Obviamente esto no tiene que ver con la música pero mi madre ha sido clave. Tener una madre que te inspire, y comprender su manera de pensar ha sido mi referente en la vida desde que soy pequeña… Su manera de  actuar y afrontar las situaciones. La perdí­ en 2005 y fue una gran píérdida en mi vida, pero en esencia el espí­ritu de ella nunca morirá en mí­, en el sentido de que el ejemplo que ella dio y la persona que fue vive en mi recuerdo y no hay dí­a que pase que no siga  aprendiendo de ella.

Por otro lado, en cuanto a la música, cuando era pequeña adoraba la voz de Whitney Houston. Esa voz tan poderosa que tení­a. Es una pena cómo cambió por los problemas personales, su historia me marcó.  Despuíés, el trabajo de Peter Gabriel ha sido un gran ejemplo de alguien que ha conseguido una gran carrera artí­stica en solitario.

Tú eres una diva y referente en el panorama del metal. Pero  ¿quíé opinas de tus compañeras? ¿No crees que hay muy poco movimiento de mujeres en lo referente a los músicos? Es como que siempre se quedan con la parte de cantar.

La verdad es que sí­ ¡hay muy pocas mujeres músicas! ¡Curioso! Ojalá mi hija sea la próxima baterista. Bueno tiene 4 años pero tiene mucho sentido del ritmo. ¿Te imaginas? ¡El dí­a de mañana tocando en tacones! ¡Serí­a genial! (Risas)

Pero sí­, ¿por quíé será que no hay casi mujeres músicas? Es cierto que siempre salen como vocalistas o segundas vocalistas. Yo muchas veces he tocado el piano pero deberí­amos hacer algo para que se escuchasen más mujeres músicas, así­ que ¡venga, bateristas, bajistas guitarristas… salid de vuestras cuevas!

Pues sí­, ¡ojalá empiece a haber más movimiento!

Sabes Tarja me ha encantado entrevistarte y quiero compartir contigo algo personal, a mí­ una persona solí­a dedicarme una canción de Nightwish que sigues cantando hoy en tus conciertos: Everdream, y nos ilusionamos con un sueño que podí­a llegar a ser,  pero en el último momento al parecer dio miedo e incredulidad de que ese sueño se pudiera hacer realidad y finalmente quedó atesorado cual fantasí­a…

Eso es muy triste, yo sólo puedo hablar desde mi experiencia con mi vida y mis sueños. Siempre he vivido a travíés de mis sueños, siempre los he seguido. De hecho creo que no existirí­an los sueños  si no tuvieras que luchar por ellos.  Hay riesgos que uno debe tomar, determinaciones, no creo que uno tenga que simplemente esperar a ver quíé le acontece, uno debe decidir lo que realmente quiere e ir a por ello.  A veces los hombres no son tan fuertes como las mujeres en este sentido de luchar por sueños sobre todo cuando se trata de un tema sentimental y distancia, nosotras solemos tener más fuerza para librar este tipo de batallas.

Yo creo en los ‘everdreams’. Creo en los sueños. Tengo fíé, siempre la he tenido porque ha sido la única manera en que he vivido mi vida, desde que soy pequeña.

Desde luego yo siempre te voy a animar a que luches por tus sueños. Obviamente.

¿Tus sueños se han cumplido Tarja?

Definitivamente sí­. Cuando era pequeña yo soñaba con ser una música y se hizo real. No tení­a claro cómo pero tení­a claro que así­ tení­a que ser, trabajíé duro y se cumplió.

Tambiíén me enamoríé de un hombre que viví­a en la otra parte del mundo y pensíé que era un escenario imposible que jamás podrí­a funcionar, que no tení­a sentido; al fin y al cabo estaba enamorada y me sentí­a muy confundida con todo, pero al final tambiíén se ha cumplido, ¡ha funcionado!

¡Mi ‘everdream’ se cumplió y el tuyo tambiíén se puede cumplir!

Si hay amor verdadero todo funciona.

Muchas gracias Tarja, ha sido muy bonito hablar contigo y todo lo que me has transmitido estos años a travíés de tu música veo que es real en ti. Eres muy autíéntica y te deseo lo mejor.

Muchas gracias.

Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 25, 2016, 12:02:44 am
Wow!! (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 30, 2016, 03:47:33 pm
Setlist Florencia ( (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 30, 2016, 03:52:35 pm
Ayer se grabó Act II (

Setlist Milán ( (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 03, 2016, 03:38:19 pm
Setlist Praga ( (

Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 03, 2016, 03:41:43 pm
Setlist Kosice ( (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 04, 2016, 04:18:54 pm
Goldfinger @ Zlin (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 06, 2016, 03:47:33 pm
Setlist Varsovia (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 09, 2016, 03:47:51 pm
Que bonito!!! (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 20, 2016, 08:37:08 pm
The exclusive show for the first time at Metalfest Open Air in Pilsen!
Popular singer of rockmetal czech audiences have come together and are planning an exclusive festival show only for Pilsen Metalfest Open Air! Tarja, who recently captivated with his single shows is returning in a new form, accompanied by a great vocalist Sharon den Adel from WITHIN TEMPTATION. Do not miss this sexy metal deuce, you can see it LIVE in beautiful grounds of Amphitheater Lochotin in Pilsen, where thanks to the unique area you will see from any place and you will be able to fully enjoy this breathtaking show both musically and visually.
Three day passes to Metalfest Open Air, which will be held June 2 to 4, buy on
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 22, 2016, 04:21:56 pm
Según hemos podido saber por las cuentas de Facebook de la empresa de belleza Mijas Natural y de los estudios de grabación Kulteperalia, la cantante finesa Tarja Turunen realizó el pasado mes de noviembre la grabación de la gala de Nochebuena que se emitirá en Telecinco el próximo dí­a 24 de diciembre. Actuará junto a artistas que poco tienen que ver con el metal, como David Bisbal, Camela o Bertí­n Osborne.

Titulada La noche en Paz 2016, la gala dará comienzo a las 21:15h en el canal Telecinco, aunque desconocemos en quíé punto de la noche actuará la diva del metal. Desde luego, puede ser una gran oportunidad para intentar ampliar los horizontes del metal en España, puesto que millones de españoles estarán delante del televisor en esos momentos y seguro que más de un adepto logra captar.
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 26, 2016, 10:01:25 pm
Ave Marí­a @ La Noche en Paz (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 28, 2016, 10:53:05 pm
Muy bonitos!! ( (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 29, 2016, 11:41:59 pm
Making Of!! (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 04, 2017, 05:06:53 pm
Setlist Budapest ( (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 04, 2017, 05:10:13 pm
Ayer!! (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 06, 2017, 08:13:46 pm
Setlist Atenas ( (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 07, 2017, 03:52:27 pm
Ayer!! (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 08, 2017, 03:53:25 pm
Setlist Sofia ( (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 13, 2017, 04:37:22 pm
Setlist Izmir (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 13, 2017, 04:40:58 pm
Setlist Estambul ( (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 08, 2017, 05:09:07 pm
Wow!!!! (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 16, 2017, 06:57:15 pm
Setlist St.
 Petersburgo (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 05, 2017, 04:49:57 pm
Tarja y Sharon (

Paradise (

Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 22, 2017, 09:21:23 pm
Nuevo álbum!! (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 06, 2017, 05:34:17 pm (

Que pasada!!
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 19, 2017, 05:32:47 pm
“This Christmas you can expect the unexpected!
And with the second single from my upcoming winter album you can dream of a very special version of the German Christmas classic "O Tannenbaum".
I am very familiar with this song from my childhood. Nevertheless I wanted to record the German version of it because it brings me beautiful memories from the time I was living and studying in Germany. I heard the song frequently back then. I was brave enough to try my German language “skills” on this one and luckily my German record label loved the version that much, that they wanted to have it as my new single. I am very happy about it! Jim Dooley worked outstanding orchestral arrangements for the song, making it reach a totally different universe. So once again, the “Christmas Tree” song you know, sounds nothing like the original. Get ready for an intense and dark war battle that will blow you away!”

Keep your ears and eyes open as next Friday, October 27th, sees the release of a limited and numbered 7inch single
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 27, 2017, 05:31:28 pm
O Tannenbaum (

Joulun Rauhaa/Ave María (

Happy Xmas/Ave María (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 17, 2017, 04:09:00 pm
O Tannenbaum (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 01, 2017, 07:14:18 pm
OUT ON DECEMBER 8th, 2017.
With Christmas only being 24 days away, earMUSIC and Tarja are proud to announce the release of a very special version of “Feliz Navidad”: the Barbuda Relief And Recovery Charity Version.
This September, the Caribbean island of Barbuda has been hit by the category 5 hurricane Irma. The Whole population, of over 1500, needed to flee their homes in order to survive. Tarja, who has recorded the main part of her vocals for her recently released winter album “from Spirits and Ghosts (Score for a dark Christmas)” on said island and has a very close relationship to the place and its inhabitants, decided that now is the time to help.
Together with friends and fellow musicians such as Michael Monroe, DORO, Tony Kakko Official, Elize Ryd, Marko Saaresto (Poets of the Fall), Timo Kotipelto, Simone Johanna Maria Simons Official, Cristina Scabbia, Joe Lynn Turner, Floor Jansen, Hansi Kürsch (Blind Guardian) and Sharon den Adel, Tarja created a new version of the Christmas carol “Feliz Navidad”.
All incomes generated will be donated, with earMUSIC doubling the amount.
Explains Tarja:
“The tiny Caribbean island of Barbuda has been devastated by Hurricane Irma, the most powerful Atlantic Ocean storm recorded in history to sustain over 200 km per hour winds for 24 hours. Around 90% of the nation’s structures and vehicles have been destroyed.
Irma passed over Barbuda early on Wednesday, 6th of September 2017, as a Category 5 hurricane.
Barbuda is situated between the Atlantic Ocean and the Caribbean Sea and forms part of the state of Antigua and Barbuda.
The island is now a near-deserted disaster zone. Almost all of its 1,500 residents were relocated to the sister island of Antigua. Critical facilities including roads and communications systems were ravaged, with the recovery effort set to take months or years.
I have had a home in Antigua, Caribbean for quite a few years now. I have friends there, but mainly, I have seen how the locals live and how unprepared they are for this magnitude of destruction.
I had just finished recording my winter album “from Spirits and Ghosts” in Antigua before the hurricane hit the Caribbean. I was already immersed in Christmas feelings at that time and immediately it came to my mind that the people of Barbuda will have a very dark Christmas this year and in the years to come. I wanted to find a way to give them hope for a brighter future.
So Christmas gave me the perfect excuse to call some dear friends and ask them to help me raise some funds for the people in Barbuda.
We are going to donate all incomes generated from the version of ‘Feliz Navidad’ we recorded, and my record company earMUSIC will add a similar amount on top of it for the charity.
When the time comes, I will personally make sure the donation is given to the right hands.
I thank you all my friends Michael, Doro, Tony, Elize, Marko, Timo, Simone, Cristina, Joe, Floor, Hansi and Sharon from the bottom of my heart. I am very glad and honoured that you could be a part of this. Your voices will give hope and they will be heard.
We need all of you to spread the word in order for fans and music lovers to get to know about this charity project. Is time to get together and to share our passion for this good cause. You can review the music style, production, sound or the performance of the ones involved, but this time the focus should be in a different place.
Dear fans, I really hope that together we can make a change. If you are not used to download music or if you don't collect vinyls, it shouldn't stop you from helping. Do it this time for the people in Barbuda. Please share this song with all your friends and relatives and ask them to do the same.
We wanna wish you a Merry Christmas from the bottom of our hearts.”
Government of Antigua and Barbuda
“Feliz Navidad” will be available as download and stream on December 8th, 2017.
Limited to 1.000 copies worldwide, a very special 7inch vinyl single will be made available exclusively via Tarja’s “Official Store for a dark Christmas”.
Official webstore:
Side A
1. Feliz Navidad (Barbuda Relief And Recovery Charity Version)
Side B
2. Feliz Navidad (Album Version)
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 07, 2017, 10:05:55 pm
Feliz Navidad (Solo Version) (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 15, 2017, 09:34:54 pm
Tarja y Marco!! (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 24, 2018, 07:16:51 pm
Sleeping Sun @ Kultuuritalo (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 22, 2018, 06:24:18 pm
Huésped de Honor en Buenos Aires (

Noche Escandinava III (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 25, 2018, 08:33:39 pm
JULY 27th, 2018 ON earMUSIC.

Filmed during Tarja’s world tour “The Shadow Shows”, during which the influential heavy rock singer circled the world for 7 ½ times with over 300.000 km travelled and played over 200 shows in 40 countries in front of 1 million people.

“Act II” consists of the singer’s very intimate set filmed and recorded live at the Metropolis Studio in London, UK and the breathtaking live performance of one of her shows in Milan, Italy, as well as previously unreleased interviews and photo galleries.

The theatrical rock adventure “Act II” combines two incredible, yet slightly different live performances on video: The first chapter, “Metropolis Alive”, has been filmed two months prior to the release of Tarja’s 2016 success “The Shadow Self”. Twenty (20)winners from all over Europe were lucky to witness Tarja’s intimate, yet rocking 75 minute set at renowned Metropolis Studios in London, UK where the singer performed songs from her then unreleased album – for the first time in front of an audience.

“Act II’s” second chapter has been recorded on November 29th, 2016 at the magnificent Teatro della Luna in Milan, Italy and includes hits from all four Tarja albums such as “Innocence”, “Die Alive”, “Until My Last Breath” as well as an incredible cover of Muse’s classic “Supremacy”. That night’s set list also enchants the soprano’s long-time fans with a medley consisting of the distinctive Nightwish evergreens “Ever Dream”, “Slaying The Dreamer” and “The Riddler”. All topped off with a remarkable acoustic set which presents Tarja classics in a brand new way.
Even though the shows deliberately differ in look, sound, approach to the music and adrenalin, both have one thing in common: from the very first to the very last tune, the state of the art production displays Tarja’s energetic performance and her graceful, charming presence.

“Live videos became more and more mere documentations focusing on a band’s performance in a remote, distant and technical way. The lightshow and the LED’s only support the band’s performance but have no significance of their own.

With “Act II” it is different. Here everything has a significance, every little detail is important because it is not only a live-recording, a live-documentation.

In the video, every song was treated in order to transport the feeling I wanted to express live at the show. As close as possible to the way the audience might have felt it that night. We used additional footages, used video snippets, photos and graphics and worked with lights, framings and reflections, changed colours and created moods, distorted pictures and inserted slides. And sometimes we kept the pure picture because itself it transported everything we wanted.

“Act II” is not a live-video, it is a live-art-video and you are free to discus it very controversially; what is exactly what I want.”

“Act II” is going to be released on July 27th, 2018 on earMUSIC as 2CD digipak, 3LP Gatefold (180g, black), DVD, Blu-ray, Limited Mediabook 2CD+2BD (incl. two full live shows filmed at Woodstock Festival in Poland and Hellfest in France as bonus) and Digital.

 A wide variety of exclusive, limited fan items and bundles can be found on Tarja’s official web shop:
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 29, 2018, 03:33:44 pm
Trailer!! (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 01, 2018, 10:01:10 pm
Otro trailer!!

Love To Hate (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 07, 2018, 06:44:58 pm
Otro trailer!! (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 13, 2018, 07:11:47 pm
Trailer!! (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 22, 2018, 04:56:33 pm
Undertaker @Milán (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 05, 2018, 10:50:14 pm
Trailer!! (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 03, 2018, 06:33:26 pm
Until My Last Breath @ London (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 15, 2018, 06:10:24 pm
Die Alive @ Milan (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 26, 2018, 06:40:18 pm
Setlist Río de Janeiro (

Diva (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 27, 2018, 03:56:21 pm
Setlist Belo Horizonte ( (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 28, 2018, 04:40:51 pm
Over The Hills And Far Away @Woodstock (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 31, 2018, 05:28:17 pm
Setlist Vilha Velha (

Innocence (

Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 31, 2018, 05:33:11 pm
Setlist Manaus (

Eagle Eye (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 07, 2018, 10:12:28 pm
Setlist Sao Paulo (

Diva (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 07, 2018, 10:18:50 pm
Setlist Brasilia (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 07, 2018, 10:22:24 pm
Setlist Lima (

Die Alive (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 07, 2018, 10:26:42 pm
Setlist Chicago (

Demons In You (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 10, 2018, 07:11:02 pm
Setlist ProgPower USA (

Supremacy (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 10, 2018, 07:15:25 pm
Setlist New York (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 11, 2018, 06:46:54 pm
Entrevista (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 28, 2018, 03:48:40 pm
20 preguntas a Tarja (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 05, 2018, 09:54:02 pm
Setlist Frankfurt (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 05, 2018, 09:54:56 pm
Setlist Kiel (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 05, 2018, 09:56:47 pm
Deliverance @ Hannover (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 06, 2018, 06:50:18 pm
Setlist Karlsruhe (

Deliverance (

Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 08, 2018, 04:52:33 pm
Setlist Utrecht (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 10, 2018, 04:59:11 pm
Setlist Bochum (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 11, 2018, 06:17:47 pm
Setlist Colonia (

Until My last Breath (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 15, 2018, 04:55:42 pm
Setlist Säarbrucken (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 15, 2018, 04:57:19 pm
Setlist Solothurn (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 15, 2018, 05:00:46 pm
Setlist Seyssinet-Pariset (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 18, 2018, 04:15:52 pm
Setlist Ciampino (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 18, 2018, 04:17:15 pm
Setlist Milán (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 19, 2018, 05:41:03 pm
Setlist Munich (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 22, 2018, 03:58:20 pm
Setlist Innsbruck (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 22, 2018, 04:00:28 pm
Setlist Praga (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 23, 2018, 04:49:18 pm
Setlist Berlin (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 25, 2018, 06:03:08 pm
Setlist Berlin (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 25, 2018, 06:05:16 pm
Setlist Gdansk (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 26, 2018, 07:47:01 pm
Setlist Cracovia (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 27, 2018, 11:08:03 pm
Setlist Dresde (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 29, 2018, 04:54:26 pm
Setlist Budapest (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 30, 2018, 06:06:35 pm
Setlist Sofía (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 28, 2019, 06:41:43 pm
Muy pronto (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 30, 2019, 05:18:13 pm
Dead Promises (

It’s a first look at the new album and combines the stunning power of Tarja’s voice with thunderous guitars!

“I really like how the guitar sounds: in your face,” she says. “If I’m singing powerfully, I need something powerful behind me so that I don’t feel like I am left alone.”

The aggression she speaks of is brought to the front, not threatening to shatter something fragile, but reinforcing its power.

Fans will find that the album includes an amazing duet version of the song with guest vocals by Björn “Speed” Strid of Soilwork.

More details on the new album “In The Raw” including release date, formats and pre-order will be revealed on Friday, May 3rd, 2019, the same day when “Dead Promises” will be available for download & streaming
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 03, 2019, 04:54:22 pm

As the saying goes, not all that glitters is gold. But then again, not all that is gold necessarily glitters. It was this idea that struck Finnish singer Tarja Turunen as she began work on her seventh solo album, “In The Raw”.

“Gold, we think, is something polished and perfect, sophisticated, a luxury – but in its natural state it’s a raw element”, explains Tarja. Just like the music on her upcoming album: a combination of sophisticated and refined orchestration, choir and her classically trained voice with a raw, dark heavy musical core. Simply put, “In The Raw” is a gold-plated work of wonder.

Three years on from her last album, 2016’s “The Shadow Self”, “In The Raw” finds Tarja and her beautiful voice sounding, as ever, truly stunning. Working with many of the same musicians and production team as before, the intention was to bring out the idea of rawness to match the feelings Tarja was having from the very beginning of the process.

The album finds Tarja going to raw, personal places in her lyrics. Opening herself up more than ever before, she says she was left feeling naked by her honesty, but also pleased at where she had gone with her words.

The first look at the album, the brand-new song “Dead Promises”, is all this and more. Matching the stunning power of Tarja’s voice with a thunderous guitar, the aggression she speaks of is brought to the front, not threatening to shatter something fragile, but reinforcing its power. “I really like how the guitar sounds: in your face,” she says. “If I’m singing powerfully, I need something powerful behind me so that I don’t feel like I am left alone.” Fans will find that the album includes an amazing duet version of the song with guest vocals by Björn “Speed” Strid of Soilwork.


1. Dead Promises (with Björn “Speed” Strid)
2. Goodbye Stranger (with Cristina Scabbia)
3. Tears In Rain
4. Railroads
5. You And I
6. The Golden Chamber: Awaken / Loputon yö / Alchemy
7. Spirits Of The Sea
8. Silent Masquerade (with Tommy Karevik)
9. Serene
10. Shadow Play

Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 04, 2019, 10:19:22 pm
Setlist Wroclaw (

Undertaker (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 05, 2019, 06:56:24 pm
Entrevista en Rumanía (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 06, 2019, 04:41:08 pm
Setlist Sfantu Gheorghe (

No Bitter End (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 08, 2019, 03:59:06 pm
Dead Promises @ Dnipro (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 09, 2019, 04:39:33 pm
Setlist Kiev (

Planet Hell (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 10, 2019, 05:18:00 pm
Setlist Odessa (

Dead Promises (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 12, 2019, 07:12:19 pm
Setlist Kharkiv (

Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 13, 2019, 05:03:53 pm
Setlist Lviv (

500 letters (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 15, 2019, 03:58:27 pm
Setlist Minsk (

Acoustic (

Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 18, 2019, 04:44:04 pm
Setlist Kaunas (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 11, 2019, 04:08:13 pm
Entrevista (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 12, 2019, 05:58:57 pm
Entrevista @ Huomenta Suomi (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 16, 2019, 11:04:03 pm
Setlist Rock The Coast (

500 Letters (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 21, 2019, 05:11:55 pm
Railroads (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 28, 2019, 04:17:39 pm
Railroads (Video) (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 01, 2019, 04:24:14 pm
Setlist Rock al Parque ( (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 05, 2019, 08:22:49 pm
Algo se rueda... (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 06, 2019, 04:10:41 pm
Setlist Chania Rock Fest (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 08, 2019, 04:56:51 pm
Setlist Exit Fest (

Victim Of Ritual (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 10, 2019, 04:47:56 pm
Photos In The Raw (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 13, 2019, 04:35:56 pm
Entrevista (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 18, 2019, 08:12:33 pm
Setlist Masters Of Rock (

Love To Hate (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 20, 2019, 08:01:23 pm
Setlist Z7 Konzertfabrik PratteIn (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 27, 2019, 03:54:08 pm
Setlist Metaldays (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 05, 2019, 06:00:14 pm
The heavy-metal singer-songwriter Tarja Turunen or simply TARJA will release her seventh studio album, titled “In The Raw ” on August 30, via EarMusic. The album will be her first since 2016’s “The Shadow Self”.

We met the Finnish lyrical-soprano in London to discuss writing and recording the new album:
Tarja In the Raw Interview, photo @neilmach 2019 ©
I believe you need pain to create music… Photo: @neilmach 2019 ©

RAWRAMP: The new album considers caves, shadows, strangers, chambers… it all sounds very isolated… are you a lonely person?

“I am not… yet I might be. Being an artist and all. There’s a saying: If you tell people you have one true friend in your lifetime, then you must be blessed… if you say you have two you must be lucky… if you say have three you must be a liar. I think I need solitude for art.”

“ I believe you need pain to create music. In this album, particularly, I felt I was working alone, I was working on my own… in communion with my own soul, definitely. And it was a process that I knew I had to go through. I think I’ve gone a long way but I’ve learned a lot and, only now, do I think that I’m standing on solid ground. So that might be the thing you hear on the album. And there’s another word — rawness. It’s just me, only me. Me myself looking at the mirror and me myself looking at my past and seeing why today I am the person who I am.”

RAWRAMP: Was it a cathartic experience? Did you feel cleaner after recording the album?

“Yes. I also felt very tired. I felt exhausted, because of the emotion. I felt like I could never write a single song again. But when the energy started to flow in again it felt beautiful. It some way this album was a birth — sort of — ”

RAWRAMP: So, facing yourself alone? How do you now see yourself? In a different light?
Tarja In The Raw
We only have limited time and we should not waste it…
Tarja In The Raw

“I am on a learning path. I started that journey in my last record “The Shadow Self”. I am in the self-discovery part. Things have happened to me, health-wise, and things have happened to me that have shook my ground and made me realize that we only have limited time and we should not waste it. It sounds like a cliché but it’s actually very real when it hits you and you realize that you might not have any time…”

“When these type of things happen (for example I lost my mother to cancer) it’s clear that you only have the remaining time you’re given and you must use it in the best way possible. So when I look at myself and I think about the album and I felt absolutely obliterated by the bad-thoughts or the insecurities in the beginning but, when the table was clear, I felt strong again.”

RAWRAMP: Tell us about caves. Why do you put yourself into dark places?

“I went to Old St. Michael’s Cave because it’s just a few miles from my home. I go running five or six times a week in the hills and countryside, with my husband, and we like to take my daughter out doors. We love it… but the caves… it’s like a voyage of self-discovery. It’s like when you check what’s there inside of you. It’s a kind of scary thing. And you might only realize why you reacted in a certain way — why things went wrong —or why things happened in a certain way, or why you were so upset about this thing or that… the question why arises in a dark echo. The cave is a symbolic thing … a symbol for looking inside yourself and there you might discover the answer to: why.”

RAWRAMP: Do you believe in Hades?

“Err, I dunno. Maybe, no. But I know there are other levels to that cave. I’d love to go into them. Go down deep…”

RAWRAMP: Tell us about Dead Promises… with Björn Strid
Tarja In the Raw
I really wanted an angelic song that makes people jump…

“I wrote the song with my guitar player Alex [Scholpp,] and when I sat down to write the song with him I said I really wanted an angelic song that makes people jump and gives me the power of the band: bass, drums guitar, behind me. There is an operatic part (I like to add an operatic part, just because I can) but it’s a powerful song and I needed that drive. And I wanted that rawness again. When we finished the first demo for this song … it’s a dark story… with light at the end of the tunnel (back to tunnels again!) and Alex makes it really work, he gives it real power.”

RAWRAMP: What about the song “Goodbye Stranger” with Cristina Scabbia [Lacuna Coil]?

“This is another song that just has guitar players and drums. And that’s quite rare (for me) because my productions normally have orchestration and keyboards. On this one, though, I felt I needed the support of a full band behind me. Because then it comes with a kick. Vocally, I have found I am way-more powerful than I was a few years back because I’ve been training so much… I feel the ground is giving me the power and the energy but I need my full band behind me, it’s almost as if I think, if I fall, they will catch me. So this song, “Goodbye Stranger” is just with guitar and this makes it very atmospheric (again I wrote the song with Alex) he’s the main writer with me…

RAWRAMP: Tell us about “Spirits of the Sea” dedicated to the memory of the … Did the Argentinian musicians in your life help to influence you with this?

“No, it came from entirely me. Don’t forget I lived in Argentine for over ten years. And when this thing happened it moved the whole world… it was a very sad thing. I wanted to do it for the crew. I did it with Bart Hendrickson (he’s an arranger at the Hans Zimmer studios, Los Angeles) we’ve been friends ever since the first album [sic] and we kept in touch … he’s a dark guy, he’s a drummer and he writes for films so he really gets my background in classical music… but he’s deeper and darker than ever. I wrote the lyrics for the song in one day because it was so inspiring to think about the fact that souls are never lost… they remain forever…”

RAWRAMP: Do folk tales come easy to you?

“Not really, although I am familiar with ashrays (mermaid changelings of the moonlight) but I wrote those lyrics because I felt it like it was a movie playing-out inside me. Writing it with a movie guy made it even more like a movie. I thought I needed to dive myself into that place… deep down, deep in the dark. Deep silence.”

RAWRAMP: Tell us about “ Silent Masquerade”
In the Raw
Very sad things that have happened…

“That was made with Tommy [ Tommy Karevik of Seventh Wonder / Kamelot] but I wrote the song some time ago. The piano is my instrument and I like making riffs with piano (I play a little guitar but I don’t do riffs) but for me riffing with piano is easy and it’s powerful and melancholic. As an instrument it inspires me. So this song came out as a very sad story, very related to my family… about very sad things that have happened in the family, and close personal friends of mine… there’s a lot of personal stuff on this album. But this is a very orchestrated song and I have to tell you that I was crying like a little girl in the kitchen when he [Tommy] delivered me the vocal part. He recorded his vocal part separately… I talked to him briefly on Skype, and we talked about the song and I told him what I’d like him to do but — in all my collaborations — I tell them to be free to express themselves. I like to give them a lot of space… otherwise the collaborations don’t make any sense for me… so anyway he delivers forty-eight tracks! As I started to go through them all I wept like a little girl. I was so proud of us, and so proud of our moment.”

RAWRAMP: Do you feel any anger, at all, about any of the things that have happened to you?

“No, not really anger. I feel disappointment. Anger, no. I always tend to try to find positiveness in us. I am still naive. Today I am still very naive. I still believe in the good things. The good things in us. So it hits me very hard when I get disappointment. But no, I don’t get angry. That’s too much. Too far.”

RAWRAMP: So how do you keep yourself emotionally fit?

“Well, performing music is my exit. For everybody, whether it’s the creator or the consumer, music gives healing. And for me to be able to work with music I feel very privileged and then again it’s a blessing. But I also go out to run, I see nature, I see blue sky and hear birds singing and I take that deep breath. And, obviously, when I am seeing my little girl running around I always say to myself, well at least I’ve done something good in my life…she’s six.”

RAWRAMP: Will any of the guest stars perform alongside you on the Raw Tour?

“I would love that, if they can. But they are all very busy with their own touring and recording schedules. But maybe we can figure out something, even it’s at a festival or something. The tour is going to be a long one. It starts in September first in Russia, then in South America. I have a classical concert in between, at Christmas — it’s a church tour in Finland, plus a few other places. Then back to work with the European leg of the tour that starts in the new year, so we won’t be in England until then. But before that, in January, I am going to do some very special concerts… in fact they are going to be so special that I can’t even talk to you about them yet! There’s going to be some very exciting news soon…”

“When I finish an album production I start to tour for two years. I have done this with every album I have done. Then I start writing a new album. It’s always like a 3-year cycle. Except, this time, it’s only been two years between the recordings. It’s a never ending story. And thank goodness it is…”

Thank goodness. And congratulations on an immense and thoroughly satisfying new album.

Tarja was talking with Neil Mach 2019 ©
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 06, 2019, 10:27:48 pm
Este viernes nuevo single! (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 07, 2019, 07:43:02 pm
Samples!! (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 09, 2019, 10:06:32 pm
Tears in Rain (

Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 17, 2019, 03:40:33 pm
=68.ARDQdToZKjnrljAXIQZVJVABLwcAo5Wf1lG4lpltayk_GpBhDqUsODoenibjxNF2bxczr5dtlzKtOSlGhI_g6yNYcYkB85Ws6lCWFifjX_cm0eprHiLLuC016z7vX7SunooC1LaX7N1fbGQOCmTqLOjbS2p669mksiJIMg7EWHowCPer80Br-lVR9CntIFm4sG4ewvNJtGsxZdps_j0BkJrzvHH0QZwshPr3j1EAYi9_bgVICKcWIKrAE4T-5KUeIM4UfF6JIJGDfk995vIFGAIkXk8eRJUv5WVuuOy44hzl-EjDCgYbRWQv4HNb14LaFzDMxduq78nKcgBSeVQU33M_RPr9KZ3NtU9HtQ&__tn__=-R]Shadow Play Teaser ([0)
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 18, 2019, 07:00:01 pm
Tarja Turunen & Pentti Hietanen - The Phantom of the Opera (Live - 17.8.2019) (

Sleeping Sun (Nightwish) (Live - 17.8.2019) (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 24, 2019, 01:28:23 pm
arja gave the chance to few fans, members of the Winter Storm fan club, to review each song from "In The Raw".
The reviews will be shared starting today.

Be aware that what you are about to read is written with the heart and won't be as impartial as a journalist, but still... from fans to fans, here is a taste of "In The Raw"!

And for a listening preview of the entire album... come back on Monday!

“Dead Promises” is the powerful intro to Tarja’s new album “In The Raw”.
From the very beginning a bass from the deep reveals the entry to a dark cave of raw wonders where, inside, a roaring guitar meets us with pride like an ancient animal, creating one of the most heavy riff to date in Tarja’s solo carrier. We immediately understand that we’re in for a mythological ride through the human’s mind and it won’t be a soft one. The soprano’s voice welcomes us with the main melodies of the song, like a primal overture with a promise of music not as “Dead” as the title track suggests.
The chants go on, the lyrics start, and when the duet begins we immediately feel the duel aspects of the human soul: angelic with primordial feelings, unfiltered as the guest vocalist Björn “Speed” Strid from SOILWORK converges with the hard rock sounds of the band and the ferocious voice of the Finnish Soprano, resulting in a trinity of equal powers. No half term emotions here, just naked pain.
But we’re not out yet, the emotional journey has just started, and with the heat wave of this first song, the ice has been shattered.

Now that we have been stripped down to the core by the powerful introduction of “Dead Promises”, it’s time to “leave the past behind and face yourself alone in the raw” with this great hard rock song which contains the second collaboration of the album and takes on board the Italian singer Cristina Scabbia from “Lacuna Coil”.
The song starts with delicate guitar’s echoes, but rapidly change into a strong and aggressive classic hard rock style which works really well with both the singers who are able to combine their exceptional skills and support each other throughout the track with unique back vocals in a symbiotic union of drums, bass, guitars and voices.
Despite being very heavy, “Goodbye Stranger” has at the same time a light and airy feeling, ending up being one of the most enjoyable ride for its listener.
The last guitar’s strings, reminiscence of Vangelis (Composer of “Blade Runner”) are leading us to the next piece “Tears in Rain”.

“Tears in Rain” is one of the strongest songs released so far, filled with heavy sounds and so much energy to shake the earth.
The mystical cave is now lightened by golden neon reflections of the silky black waterfalls of tears. A bowienesque crescendo introduces us to this tribute to the film “Blade Runner”, setting up the style and rhythm inspired by the 80’s. Now we’re ready to listen to Tarja’s teary lyrics with a more hopeful mood and warrior vibes.
The song is catchy from the very beginning and it will surely become a must-have hit to play live in all future gigs.
“We’re gone, nothing of us remains, like tears in rain” sings our beloved Soprano with her dramatic voice, the heavy guitar riffs return strong right in the middle part of the track, but they soon fade out leaving us in the dark of the cavern with the verse “I will write - another storyline - the circle of love will shine - we’ll share the daylight wishing for the nights”. Hope is kindling this ancient dome, the darkness is over for now.

A gentle sound introduces the melodies of this new trip down our heart and memories, taking us back to those dreamy and magical atmospheres we had in Tarja’s early works. With the Paulo Coelho’s book “Aleph” in her thoughts, Tarja gently guides us into the wonders of life, past and future.
The rhythm is as steady and constant as a train in motion, the voice is soft and warm and we can’t help but feel cuddled by the beautiful orchestration and strings layering on top of each other, forming a river of memories and sensations that fills us with nostalgia and hope for what’s ahead.
“Come show me the love that fills your heart, you’ll see this moment will redeem your past and shine tomorrow’s railroads with your light”
The powerful soprano shines during the chorus, with her crystal clear voice she‘s calling us from the deepest part of our mind like a timeless mystical creature hidden away from the world who’s trying to come back to the light.
The track ends with a beautiful melancholic piano accompanied by Tarja’s soft notes and it makes us think of every moment of our life; is it how we imagined as a child? What’s next for us? What’s next for Tarja? We are excited to continue this journey and find out all the answers.

“You and I” is the greatest love ballad ever composed by Tarja and it marks the beginning of the more melodic segment of the album. Even with the massive sound of the orchestra towards the end of the song, this track distinguish itself for its simplicity thanks to the melancholic notes of a piano that supports Tarja throughout the song, creating a connection with your most intimate feelings and memories of your loved ones. The base sounds like a beating heart and it interconnects lyrics and melodies.
The slow and soft pace of this beautiful song gives you the time to rediscover life, it gently escorts you through the dark, forging the emotional key that will open your inner golden chamber.

After the streams of dreams and earthly hopes of the previous song, it’s time to awake the heart and elevate the mind to superior heights with “The Golden Chamber”. This song represents the core of the album and it’s a love letter to the world of film scores with its majestic orchestral arrangements and its structure of three unique acts.
Tarja goes back to her roots with few Finnish lines written for the middle part of the composition and she embraces her true form of soprano, delivering a touching performance through enchanting vocals that surrounds the listener in this other-worldly chamber filled with golden waterfalls of desires and dreams, gleaming lights and tenebrous shadows bouncing off the walls of the deepest part of the human soul.
This is without a doubt the most visual song of the album, where the listener finds the freedom of diving into this imaginary musical kingdom and enjoy the perfect alchemy between the two worlds.
Once we reach the climax of the song, we are left with the sensation of being on top of a mountain by an endless ocean where the wind is blowing through the hair and we can’t resist the temptation of taking a long leap into the aquatic threshold of the sea.

With this track, Tarja taps into her entire musical archive to tell you the sad story of the incident of the ARA San Juan submarine, which mysteriously disappeared with its 44 members of the crew in 2017.
The song begins with a somber funeral march and swiftly drowns you into an eternal thunderous ocean of guitars and drums where the dark lyrics perfectly marry the progressive industrial flavours and unique melodies enriched by tribal sounds and haunted echoes delivered by Tarja’s versatile voice which, once again, succeeds into absorbing the listener in this doomed world ruled by the spirits of the sea.

“All that glitters is not gold” is a famous quote of Shakespeare that starts this new track on the notes of a piano in a pure Schubert’s style and raises the curtains to unveil a theatre’s stage where the lyrics unfolds into another deep and personal story of pain imprisoned behind a silent masquerade.
We are spectators of an impressive duet with the guest singer Tommy Karevik from “Kamelot”, whose vocals alternates with Tarja’s dramatic lines on a heavy and rough musical background which is perfectly balanced with the distorted guitars, insidious strings, powerful drums and the beautifully arranged orchestra.
Once the final act is over, the curtains closes on more meaningful spoken thoughts over the wonderful piano melody that welcomed us at the beginning of this remarkable play.

Continuing on the same melodramatic notes as the previous track, “Serene” comes in as strong as the love of a mother who is committed to radiate comfort and support needed to face the rough reality we live every day.
If the title might suggest ethereal sounds, the expectations are overturned when the deep and positive lyrics crushes with the aggressive and vigorous riffs and bombastic drums, inviting the listener to descend, together, this perilous journey that is life and find the strength to overcome all the obstacles we encounter in our path towards happiness.
Once again, Tarja succeeds into combining different ingredients and make them work together seamlessly, transforming “Serene” into a precious piece of work that many fans will fall in love with.
The energy transmitted by the song prepares you for the epic conclusion of this mythological ride with the last track of the album “Shadow Play”.

“Shadow Play” is anything but discreet: In this grand finale of perhaps the strongest of her albums, Tarja assembles a big production, which includes all the elements that you would expect from a great symphonic metal band.
Tarja draws without fear an epic choir whom rapidly enchants us with the catchy rhythm that sets the mood and the energy for this fascinating story about a marionette and its casted shadows.
In the middle of this majestic acoustic battle of guitar riffs, angry drums and massive orchestrations, the Soprano crashes the battlefield to bring peace with only a piano and her ethereal sophisticated voice, before slapping the listener again in the last two minutes where the track continues to build in elements and intensity until a massive crescendo and a huge bang to conclude this wonderful journey the same way as it began.

With “In The Raw” Tarja has taken the time to gather her thoughts and her creative instincts, to go back to the origins and create something that is absolutely true to her own style. Everything has been pushed to a superior level with compelling orchestral arrangements, a strong musicality and a voice that is better than ever and still has so much to give after more than 20 years. It’s a varied album with something extra that will attract fans of different genres of music.
Get ready to fall in love with this record that will keep you company for many many hours.

Written by Alessio Biancardo & Francesco Mosele.
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 25, 2019, 06:30:40 pm
5 days until "In The Raw"!
From fans to fans, here is the second review of the album.

A strong drum roll followed by a powerful guitar riff welcomes you. You entered the cave and it will not be easy to get out of there. Your heart beats as you hear "I'm still here where you belong." The song is magical, addictive. The guitar is the main protagonist along with the voice of Tarja. The album version includes an impecable dúo betweet Tarja and Bjorn Speed Strid. This versión just blow your mind. If you think that the single version needed more power, there you have it. These two made an awesome duet where both can shine with clean and harsh vocals. Just stunning. The thunderous melody accompanies you throughout the entire song. When your ears feel this powerful piece, you will want to jump, shout and sing all your demons outside. A strong song, heavy but without losing the charm of Tarja's voice. Let your heart beat louder and harder while the rawness of this song envelops you. Welcome to In the Raw in the best possible way.

It is without a doubt the most "raw" song on the album. It begins with a submissive guitar that serves as a prelude to the strength that this song brings from its music. Super rhythmic, bright but at the same time heavy. The perfect soundtrack to say goodbye to an old self, everything we leave behind to become ourselves. And the lyrics just refer to that. To everything we assimilate, we overcome and say goodbye to stop being strangers to ourselves and embrace as we are. The perfect combination of Tarja's voice with Cristina makes us think how they can become the same voice in a different tone. There is a kind of unique chemistry and empathy in their voices that invite us to feel comfortable hearing them together. A song with great force, raw and direct to help us face the fears present in our trip inside the immense cave. When you listen to it, you will want to escape from any conflict situation where you are immersed right now.

This song starts strong. With a powerful drums and thunderous guitars that make their way to Tarja's melodious voice. Again, guitar riffs are the protagonists along with Tarja shining with her voice. Arriving in the middle of the song, you can feel the climax of it: the drums and the heavyness take more prominence. The lyrics of the song catches you, seduces you, leads you to remember and how these memories can feel so real, so within us and How they are like obstacles to traverse our own cave.
Let Tarja's voice and the rawness of the song accompany you to overcome with those memories and start again with your own self and your dreams. The heavyness and the power of the song guide you, fill you with strength, you feel strong listening to it. You can feel that you can create landscapes of hope in the dark situations. Everything goes like tears in the rain. Nothing left. A song for you to recover your energy and shake your dark past again and wash like tears in the rain.

Starts with a beautiful ambient guitar and keyboards that accompany your journey through the cave. If you were afraid of the unknown of the deep, this song helps you to travel through the immense of your feeling. Quiet, but with powerful lyrics. The song does not speak to you, it speaks to your dreams. It speaks to your inside to take out all the love you really feel but hide deep within. The beautiful orchestra of this song accompanies the atmosphere of it. Sit down, close your eyes and let yourself be carried away by the beautiful melody that this piece and Tarja's voice offer you. When you listen to the lyrics, I hope you are able to see beyond ... There is much more below what the words counts. A beautiful song to make it your own. Dance, sing, scream, move, but never stop feeling the beautiful atmosphere that guitars, violins, the orchestra itself and Tarja's voice give you with this song. The outtro of this song is Tarja practically speaking to your ears and your feeling. Singing that you really have to show the world the love you have inside and that this is our moment, a moment where we redeem our past.

Sweet, but still somber. The melancholy of the piano accompanies Tarja's sweet voice in this work. There is not much to say, just close your eyes and enjoy how each word is sung with love, empathy and healthy devotion. The strings of this song accompany the entire piece. It might seem that this song is addressed to that person you think about when you are alone, nostalgic and vulnerable; but at the same time, you can come to think like maybe it sings to you. To the constant winter storm. Wait for the end of that beautiful melody, where the climax hugs you with the strong orchestra and the voice of Tarja. Just close your eyes.

This song would define it as an interlude. The first part of the album represented an adventure full of obstacles that were, in itself, easy to cross inside the cave, but suddenly The Golden Chamber arrives. It immerses us in that transition of thought and makes us reflect, how deep have we come inside this cave? This work is purely orchestral. It is a journey in a dream. Tarja's voice is taking center stage. Reach the deepest of your heart and emotions. Every note, every feeling embodied in the way she sings makes your heart shiver even harder. It is as if the magic of this song, as it increases in intensity, would take you by the hand and accompanies you on that journey deeper and deeper into the cave. While we could consider it an instrumental song, almost at the end, we can hear Tarja in her native language. One of those works that we can consider gold in Tarja's career. Being totally objective, it is a perfect work of art that any artist would be proud to have immortalized on an album. One of the most valuable jewels in this CD.

With this work, we could say that we reach the depths of the ocean. One of the most powerful songs on the album. Mystical, dark, captivating in its melody but so sad and gloomy in its lyrics. Tarja shows us the great versatility of her voice in this work. How can it devastate us like a wave with its power, or how it can embrace us in a whisper in the depths of the sea. As for the lyrics, I can't write much without shedding tears. Being Argentine, I am familiar with the sadness that this track has. A wound that still hurts and that Tarja, in a very respectful and poetic way, asks us to always remember our brothers of the great blue. We can hear Tarja accompanied by the orchestra, singing like from the depths of the sea, where they are. Powerful choirs, perfect percussion and a strong electric guitar, accompany the magnitude of the song and the powerful voice of Tarja. As I said before, one of the best songs on the album where we can hear the rawness and vulnerability that it can convey.

This particular song is a great play of theater art. It is as if you open a huge portal to eternal reflections within your mind. The music is immense in its splendor. Start with a piano and a narrator who tells us a beautiful story. It develops in a progressive way. The piano is followed by a strong soundtrack of power and strength to make way for Tarja's voice. Serene, calm but still quite strong. The music continues in the same way, strong, raw, but still orchestral and fragile. Then, it's Tommy Karevik's time to shine. His voice calms you, hugs you. Even so, he demonstrates his great power in a beautiful duet with Tarja in the choirs. Arriving in the middle of the song, a rawness and extraordinary power in the play shakes us. Tarja and Tommy invite us to shake our fears with the heaviest part of the song to end up giving prominence to the fast drums, guitars, strings and a Tarja that drives us crazy with what she can do with her voice. It ends the same way it started. The curtain has fallen. I think this is the song that best defines In the Raw.

We can really define Tarja's voice as Serene in this track. It is as if she will sing directly to the listeners, making us feel that we can fly, that we can flee from the cave where we entered. Definitely, the protagonist of this song is a powerful rhythm guitar that guides us throughout the piece. In addition to the strong and solid percussion. In this song, already reaching the climax, we can hear a duel between the guitar and the voice of Tarja. A powerful and epic solo which is accompanied by the incredible vocalization of Tarja reaching very high notes. It is definitely a song to feel that one is flying through the clouds and that there is always someone or something that accompanies us throughout our trip. Magnificent song

We reach the end and what an end! Consider this as "epic" is not enough. A great orchestra and choir receive us in our final stretch in the huge cave. It is as if all the darkness and crudeness witnessed, were opted for in this final work. The lyrics are very deep and dark in a sense, which incredibly accompanies the strength of the song. That powerful choir and the great orchestration are present throughout the song accompanied by a strong guitar which has its moment of splendor in the middle of the work, demonstrating all the strength and rawness that we knew to enjoy throughout the album. Tarja's voice in the final climax of the song makes us feel free, with all our emotions to the surface after venturing into the cave. The orchestra increases in intensity: our senses fly, our body moves to the sound of the piece of art, our eyes close and our heart enjoys the end of this magnificent work. The curtain closes the same way it started.

Written by Alexis Ulloa

Tarja gave the chance to few fans, members of the Winter Storm fan club, to review each song from "In The Raw".
Join at
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 25, 2019, 10:21:55 pm
Unboxing (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 26, 2019, 04:13:17 pm
A heavy guitar riff opens the song and declares that Tarja is back... purer and rawer than ever. Tarja's voice is then introduced by her signature power vocals, while guitars are not shy to declare the rhythm of the song. It all starts with a sacred-music-like refrain, that reminds us why Tarja's voice is considered an institution in music. It is interesting to note that Tarja is not afraid of using different signing techniques. She opens the song by using her enchanting chest voice, to later go back to her trademark: celestial high notes. In this version of the song, Tarja is accompanied by Björn “Speed” Strid (Soilwork), who adds aggressiveness and depth to the track. "Dead Promises, games you play will kill your dreams" is the first line of the chorus to this powerful song, where Björn “Speed” Strid and Tarja take us on a ride through a glorious and dynamic melody for almost 6 minutes. Both singing styles are melted into one, bringing “Dead Promises” to the next level. The song's power comes to its climax thought a very heavy music to then bring us to a soft rift that will close the song. Definitely a powerful performance that might be considered the highest point of her live shows.

This is the third single of In The Raw and Tarja makes it clear: the queen of symphonic rock/metal does not disappoint, nor is afraid to try new things. The sound of strident guitars and drums open a song where listeners can feel inspired to conquer their fears and fight to achieve their dreams. This is an emotional song, where Tarja expresses how our fear of failure can be washed away "like tears in rain." Perceived as a mix of soft and hard music, Tears In Rain is set to become a fan favorite. The versatility of this song comes not only in the music, but in the video as well. Tarja plays a strong-headed roller derby player and demonstrates that you, accompanied by a good soundtrack, can be set to reach your goals in any field. This song is almost as if Tarja was speaking one-on-one to her fans. Her powerful yet soothing voice reciting "Like tears in rain, we are gone. Nothing of us remains" sounds like an invitation to leave the past in the past, and keep going just as strong as the guitars in the song.

Undoubtedly, Tarja possesses one of the most versatile and distinctive voices in the scene. Whether it is through heavy rock or a heartfelt ballad, Tarja is able to transport her listeners to a different atmosphere. Railroads presents a profound melody where her voice is definitely the star of the song. Passionately, Tarja's soothing performance is accompanied by soft yet powerful music that transmits a feeling of hope. The song's chorus seems to give a message of optimism by out crying "you'll see this moment will redeem the past and shine tomorrow railroads with your light." The last part of the song is Tarja's voice accompanied with a sweet piano that drifts the listeners away into finding their own light.
Additional to this, Tarja decided to get her fervent fans involved in the making of the music video for this song. This gesture reminds us why Tarja is one of the most adored singers around the world.

Without a doubt, a long-awaited duet that does not disappoint. The enchanting duet between Tarja and Cristina Scabbia (Lacuna Coil), both icons of the heavy rock scene, proofs that they are not strangers to taking the phrase "strength though unity" to the next level. Thunderous guitars, sturdy drums and robust bass notes make an appearance, declaring the rhythm of the captivating song. Although creating songs as raw as this is something unusual for Tarja, who usually makes use of elegant orchestrations and elaborate effects, one has to admit she did a hell of a good job. Tarja and Cristina’s voice become one to proclaim that “it is time to leave the past behind and face yourself alone” in a heavy yet catchy tune that will easily become a favorite.

Advice: prepare your lighters before listening to this song. A soft ballad that, accompanied by a piano that twirls to the rhythm of an angelic voice, reminds us of Tarja’s vulnerability not only as an artist, but as a human being. This is a deeply genuine "thank you" to that person that holds us together when we are having a hard time. With lyrics like "is how you keep me calm when the world is running out my veins, when the pressure is high, driving me insane," accompanied by her delightful voice, Tarja makes it difficult to listen to this song without getting goose bumps and a tear down your cheek. This is a lovely song that doesn’t need much background music to transmit the passion and enthusiasm to its listeners.

“The Golder Chamber” is the perfect continuation to the mood set in “You and I.” It is an epic break to the emotional rollercoaster Tarja got her fans into with previous songs. It also creates a mystical ambiance that will be carried on through the following songs. The song is mostly an otherworldly instrumental that allow us to appreciate Tarja’s harmonious vocalization in a melody that appears to have been taken out of a fantasy film.

Transporting us to another dimension deep down the sea, Tarja’s siren-like enchanting voice embraces and entices us to narrate a story through her melody. Joining forces with film score composer Bart Hendrickson and percussionist Carlinhos Brown, Tarja delivers a track that is magical, passionate and sincerely heartfelt. With lyrics inspired by the anguish and sorrow that rose due to the disappearance of submarine ARA San Juan (S-42) in Argentina, a country that lives dearly in Tarja’s heart, “Spirits of the Sea” delivers one of the album's strongest tracks. There is an undeniable magnetism between the music and Tarja’s voice, who allures the listener into getting lost in the song. With lines like "think of us after you're gone" and "promise me our love won't die," accompanied by a mystic tune, this song makes you want to reach out to loved ones and let them know how much they mean to you. This could be seen as the continuation to Naiad, from her album What Lies Beneath.

Tarja joins forces with Tommy Karevik (Kamelot) for a powerful yet sensual duet that reminds us of two of the reasons we love her art form: the versatility of her voice and the beauty of her lyrics. The song starts reciting a Shakespearean poem giving us an important reminder: "All that glitters is not gold." Accompanied by sweet piano notes that open the way for one of the most anticipated tracks of this album, “Silent Masquerade” provides the listeners with a nostalgic, tender feeling. Tommy's voice contrasts perfectly with Tarja's voice color and this is present throughout the track. Imbued with a Kamelot touch by the middle of the song, heavy guitars enter aggressively to remind us of the theme of the song, "no one can tell the games that we play will last forever." Wrapping up with a triumphant statement, music goes away and lets Tarja and Tommy's voices take control. After the song comes the ending of Shakespeare’s poem, again, layered over soft piano notes. While “all that glitters is not gold,” this song surely is a treasure that will be cherished by Tarja’s loyal fans.

Although it starts with a heavy and energetic beat, “Serene” has a sentimental undertone. It is an ode to those who support their loved ones through difficult times. Reminiscing of harmonies sung by the angels, this song has an enchanting bridge that explodes into a heartfelt chorus that empowers the listener to dream big and stay true to her/himself because “soon you’ll wake up to see everything’s serene," and there is calm after the rain. A guitar solo starts by the middle of the song, to then burst into a remarkably intense refrain that transmits passion and desperation to spread the message of the song. After this high point, Tarja's voice soothes the listener by repeating "serene," to then lose all background music.

The closure of this album, Tarja’s triumphant masterpiece, comes with “Shadow Play.” This song starts in a highly dramatic manner, reminiscing of Tarja’s symphonic metal and classical roots, to then soften to focus on her captivating vocals. As the title of the album warns, “Shadow Play” is packed with the sound of raw yet sophisticated instruments that accompany Tarja mastering every single note of the song, giving proof of the flexibility of her voice. The lyrics take us through the story of a marionette’s life behind the curtains, always on the mercy of her strings. This song takes the listener through high and low moments, from thunderous guitars to soft piano notes, it is very clear that Tarja wanted to close off the album with an epic, strong, ravishing track, accompanied with masterful orchestrations.

Tarja lives up to what it seems to be her new slogan, "expect the unexpected." Although Tarja has a solidified and distinct sound, by listening In The Raw, fans can definitely expect surprises. This is Tarja’s most adventurous and experimental album; the listener can tell that she feels more comfortable playing with her voice and trying different techniques. This is the result of the experience she has gained throughout her solo career. In The Raw contains the mysticism of My Winter Storm, the aggressiveness of What Lies Beneath, the passion of Colors in the Dark, and the darkness of The Shadow Self. There is no doubt about it, the queen of symphonic rock/metal is back and we are living for it.

Written by Ariadne W.

Tarja gave the chance to few fans, members of the Winter Storm fan club, to review each song from "In The Raw".
Join at
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 26, 2019, 05:24:21 pm
Album Teaser (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 27, 2019, 03:45:15 pm
3 days until "In The Raw"!
From fans to fans, here is the fourth review of the album.

The cave opens

This journey starts with a thunderstorm-like drumbeat, which actually symbolises something else (buy the album to find it out! Hehe), followed by enchanting guitar riffs smoothly entwining til the intro explodes and Tarja’s operatic voice staccato sequences give you goosebumps! Then you get understand why she chose this song to be an opener! Yet, there’s a surprise coming at the very beginning of this inner voyage! Tarja has welcomed Björn “Speed” Strid delivering totally another approach production-wise. He combines skilfully his clear vocals with growls embraced by Tarja´s strong, leading voice dressing this metal creation with a new, sophisticated musical ´n emotional attire! This song was “built to kill”, which means warm up your neck muscles ´cos you’ll need them all! Furthermore, this is a darkly beautiful, aggressive masterpiece filled with massive guitars sound, drums so perfectly combined enthroning this vocal duo! Björn´s done a great job, even though the task definitely wasn’t the easy one since Tarja’s voice has never sounded better, more powerful and more diverse. As a proof to her tremendous voice improvement, there is an example: when you hear Tarja singing that chorus, it sounds so energetic and sooo easy to sing, BUT when you try it yourself EVEN AS A CLASSICALLY-TRAINED singer, you get your larynx out of throat! Hahahahahaah
The song is an energetic bomb filled up with an incredible synchronisation between Tarja, Björn and the band.

This song is a melodious predator lurking out for your head-bangs! The intro wastes no time rushing out with the raw, massive guitars ´n drums accompanied by the aggressive, wild tempo spicing the atmosphere with some “rock´n´roll flavour”. Not long after Tarja welcomes a new passenger to this journey — ladies and gentlemen — TARJA TURUNEN & CHRISTINA SCABBIA!! A-long with first verses your ears get captured by that vocals-embroidery sparkling with clarity and pure energy between these two metal ladies. Their voices coquet with seductive vocal lines that will get stuck in your head after 1st listening. Chorus will blow you away with energetic adrenaline, it`s a blast! Yes, read it again, it´s a blast! The second chorus pays homage to Tarja production-wise, leaving her guests enough space to express themselves, which Christina did indeed. Speaking about Tarja´s vocals, in this song you can definitely hear Tarja playing with her voice taking it yet-unexplored places. Song structure is definitely interesting one, compiling all the pieces throughout the song. The dialogue between guitars and percussion is just amazing! The ly-rics…gosh…the lyrics are one-of-a-kind! Their wings will take you to such places inside your soul-chambers mirroring you exactly as you are, making you face your shadow self stranger. Self-forgiveness and deliverance . Goosebumps! That’s why I adore his woman, she constantly challenges her fans! Working with Tarja, being humble and a wonderful human being, is doubtlessly a dream-come-true. NEVERTHELESS, vocals-wise, to collaborate with Tarja means to take a walk on thin ice for all singers! Therefore, a huge bravissimo for this collaboration, this song just need it!

Here comes another energetic delicacy! In very first tacts this song tells you directly in face, “I’m an a**-kicker!”
The tempo is fast and Tarja’s vocal lines flow so smoothly before the chorus make you stoned with energy and lyrics! Instrumental is the best what Tarja’s music can offer when it comes to production, drums and guitars are playing together with Tarja’s strong vocals making you jump on the street (which I’m not sure if other passengers would’ve understood hahah) And there comes that supreme, a calm-before-storm bridge..damn, what a highlight! so simple and yet so genius. That bridge with the first staccato-sung lyrics make your heart run faster and brings emotional explosi-on altogether with tears again. “Tears in Rain” brings such a message and such ability to put your-self into song and live those 4 and a half min each single time through. The song is just brilliant!

Like the title itself says, this semi-ballad will take you to such an inner journey scattered with the petals of your personal memories and moments along the way through the song. May sound crazy, but the lyrics are so powerful all sudden all wounds come undone, especially the chorus making your tears rush. Yet again, the guitars are present giving the special flavour to the song. Very atmospheric song with dulcet percussions in background. Production-wise all the pieces are so perfectly compiled, just like other songs, crowning this album to the completely new level. Tarja’s voice shines again with all its emotional drive and warmth. She’s a genius in transmitting emotions into voice! For some fans the song may seem weird at first listening, but be ware! Soon you’ll find yourself lost in all its beauty!

Tarja should make an official statement: “You listen to this song on your own responsibility.” It`s an emotional hara-kiri! Hahaha! This song is a purest extract of emotion called L-O-V-E!! A wonderous, heart-rending, soft, sad ballad coloured with melancholy by Tarja´s voice, a grand piano and decent orchestration. A 4-min. ballad embodies it all loading your heart with most beautiful, yet saddest memories along the memories lane paved with tears… This song belongs to “expect the unexpected” in Tarja´s opus. None of us, her fans, would've expected Tarja to make a 70´s like bal-lad sealing it with her incredible timbre that melts the ice away. Structure-wise, Tarja avoids once again cliché and produces such diversely structured, yet wonderful musical legacy. There are so many singers in this world, but Tarja…she is just incredible. Every breath, every phrase metrically sculptured to perfection and yet so natural. That can be heard especially in the bridges throughout the song. Heart-melting! I am sure none of you will stay calm before the beauty of this song.

Welcome to the Golden Chamber! A home of alchemy of life praising purest music, deepest emo-tions and Tarja´s voice! A half of the journey is behind us. Since it`s almost instrumental, it could be considered as some kind of interlude while Tarja is leading us deeper into the cave through this journey. This song is a symphonic Goliath! It starts quietly led by piano and stilly orchestra til the Tarja starts vocalising such a wonderful melody. Gradually, Tarja`s voice gets stronger and orchestra louder…and then.. oh, my goodness! The massive, huge orchestra explosion happens delivering Tarja´s massive, strong, soprano voice in all its strength, colour and splendour!! Just like a huge wave delivered by the mighty ocean! There's no adequate words could describe that emoti-onal reaction. Your tears are going simply to rush down! She prepares us with a short fragment sung in Finnish which is absolutely wonderful and makes you regret you weren't born in Finland! The final clash ends with mammoth orchestration and Tarja`s soaring voice that makes heaven tremble and earth shake! I warn you, you will cry like a baby! Tarja said in one of her interviews this song was easy to create, but don’t take it for granted. She has classical music in her blood and breathes it, to her this form of creation gives a supreme freedom of ultimate expression, which doesn’t mean for other artists. It is incredible how light she reaches those notes with such power and colour!
The circle closes Tarja´s voice echoing the chamber.

First all all, awe to the songwriting skills, dear Tarja! You created not only a phenomenal song, but immortalised those 44 travellers. This song is an ode to the loss and a hymn of the lost! The story begins with quiet guitar effect and ominous tribal percussions which perfectly fit the song. The melody mesmerises you and pulls you deep to their everlasting haven. Soon the the silence-ripping guitars welcome Tarja`s dark voice bursting into sobs! Incredible! After the chorus Tarja takes you deeper down with her aerial voice weaving slowly with gloominess and dormant melancholia. Pay attention! — none of choruses was sung in the same style! That’s the proof of Tarja´s diversity and the way she records her songs! The bridge is stunningly beautiful but very lurid! Again perfect producing and mixing! It is very calm with Tarja’s voice so effective that’ll make you so strong scenery in your head — a meeting between the living and the spirit. Promise and love! Tarja’s voice pictures it so dramatic with her high register. “I’ll go” will freeze you! It is wonderful what she does with emotions and what kind of emotions she causes by a listener! Very progres-sive song, something she never done before. This is very progressive song having a complex struc-ture. The story comes to an end with the sounds of tragedy-fated brothers resting in sempiternal realm of silence...dark and sad to the bone... Tears of empathy won’t be missed listening this one.

“Fare you well: your suit is cold.' Cold, indeed, and labour lost: Then, farewell, heat and welcome, frost!”
This one was definitely hardest one to review, almost impossible to find the words for it. My dea-rest one and lyrics-wise the most personal one to me… This epic piece of art will DEVASTATE you making you sob and fight to catch a breath! This is not an overreaction, it is just like that. The emotional drive has therapeutic effect! CATHARSIS! If I had to describe it in shortest way, I´d do it in poetic manner: “O ye, listener, do brace thyself a sea of tears to spare. For such a woe in this song is to share.”
It all starts quite joyful. Shakespeare’s lines and serene melody of grand piano completely inno-cent of anguish and pain that’s to come. However, as the piano goes darker with wonderful pas-sages, your pulse starts to rise and eyes fill with tears. No words good enough to describe it. The piano riff is unreal, melancholic, coloured with such heaviness. Tarja starts to sing caressing the melody with her sad voice going cold at the moments, exactly where it should be done. Riffing piano instrumental announces Tommy Karevik who rashes with his super emotional voice. Such a singer!! The cry in his voice will defragment your soul into pieces witch emotions. Tarja conjoins him confirming her best collaboration ever, ever rushing into chorus. Knife-like chorus vocal lines will carve each single word into your soul, paralyse you with consuming shivers! The bridge is a total twist! Sort of a dance macabre ! Raw guitars, ravening drums, Tarja and Tommy singing to-gether aggressive,, cold and haunting. The hurricane of screaming voices echoing with pain grab you into in emotional vortex of terror, tragedy and loss. Eerie. Heartbreaking. The last chorus va-nishes into silence taking farewell with the same vivid passages and Shakespeare's lines. From all male singers, Tommy`s got the most emotional male ever fitting unrealistically well to Tarja`s. SONG DENIES ANYTHING BUT 100% OF YOUR EMOTIONS! And it will take it from you whether you want it or not.

Serene could be named after “Hopebringer”. A perfect track after Silent Masquerade . Already in few seconds the enlightenment can be felt, despite strong guitars and sharp drums. Tarja`s is at charge again playing with her voice. The chorus bursts. The hope-giving lyrics as the vocal melody sways take you to the inner calm fields making your inner child dance to the beautiful harmony! A progressive touch in the song will definitively catch your attention. The golden moment is for sure the bridge…damn, what a power! From the calm guitars Tarja rises and soars with her voice burning all boundaries hitting that last note! Goosebumps haunt anew. This is in a way positive, yet heavy song highlighting the great sound of drums and rawness of guitars. You will definitively fall in love with it!

Here is it. Final station. Inner journey. A perfect closer.
The play kicks off immediately. Dark choir with magnificent staccato melody and abundant orchestra make you take a peek into her bedroom…a crying, dancing marionette. This track is an energy booster. Tarja gives life to lyrics with her dark, beauteous timbre, phrasing and playing with metrics so brilliant. In a moment your imagination unwinds and as the words flow, you see the shadows playing and catching each other upon the wall. The chorus has a strong melody that crashing onward with stunning lyrics. Deliverance. The middle part is a heavy rock diamond delivering the unbelievable amount of emotions. Bridge is will drown you in all its beauty. Calm, contrasting, a ray hope before the final bang. The lyrics contain one of the strongest lines EVER written in Tarja`s songs — “You are your thoughts. What are we waiting for?” Thinking it couldn't be more touching, the choir and orchestra explode feeding on rushy guitars sound paving a way to final chorus. And then — clash of the titans! Massive, theatrical, dramatical choir ´n orchestra epilogue in full power and the main song theme of this soundtrack to FREEDOM unleash the sound flood of epicness. The choir goes higher, orchestra louder til…BANG! The same thunderstorm-like beat… Journey came to and end.

The cave closes

SUMMA SUMMARUM: I`ve been Tarja`s fan since my age of 10. Nowadays, after 15 years, for the first time ever I fell in love with complete album at the 1st listening. Love at 1st listening! This al-bum is something most complex, various, mature — heaviest and darkest Tarja has ever done. Re-lieving at the same time. This album shook the ground under my feet and made me ask “is it pos-sible that there's a golden chamber of mine without even knowing for?”, “how is it possible that the music is so strong daring me go to inner places I never dared before..”
Being a positive person, I’ve always known very well what’s inside my Pandora´s box…at least I thought so…til I’ve got to listen to this masterpiece. Tears, memories, wounds, loss and pain…everything that ever happened personally..I’ve felt it all. Again. Silent Masquerade touched me like any song before. “In the Raw” was a sort of purification, a journey and can be everyone’s and that’s exactly what Tarja wanted. And that's why I decided to write these reviews honestly, without making any single compromise with my fear or shame. It is nothing bad being a boy and weep to almost each single song. Emotions forbid. Only so I could make my personal journey from darkest to serenest. Dear Tarja, thank You for gifting us this album — a mosaic of your soul — collecting the pieces of both beauty and darkness, tears and love, loss and hope, rise and fall, fear, self-forgiveness and self-discovery along this journey.

Written by Boris Oroz

Tarja gave the chance to few fans, members of the Winter Storm fan club, to review each song from "In The Raw".
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Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 28, 2019, 07:03:03 pm
2 days until "In The Raw"!
From fans to fans, here is the fifth review of the album.

Dead Promises, the song that open the album, starts with a heavy melodic riff followed by a catchy operatic chorus and a strong base. The lyrics says; "Dead promises, games you play will kill your dreams" personally for me this is one of the most strong lyrics that Tarja ever wrote. The progression of the guitars along the entire song definitly will make you bang your head when you listening it. On this track we can hear the collaboration bewteen Tarja and the Swedish heavy metal singer Björn Strid (Soilwork) who gives the song a new dinamic and perspective. The duet makes a great addition to the track that is already powerful but with the Björn vocal transition to growl- clean voice, gives Tarja a nice complement to her clean strong but (non less powerful voice) take the composition to the next level. This song have all the elements of her previous albums put on together but with a maturing sound. I really believe that this one is the perfect opening to the shows of the next tour.

The second song on the album. Tarja join forces with Lacuna Coil's Italian metal singer Cristina Scabbia. Honestly I found myself very happy and excited about what this powerful womens bring to the table with this collaboration. A slide guitar easily confused with an orchestral arrageament and a “tick tac, tick tac” mark the opening of a heavy guitar riff “Let it go, let it go! Why crave to hold your breath?” Both sings to the unison and their voices merge so perfectly that is like if they were predestined to sing together. Tarja gave Cristina a good space and freedom to interpret and that is remarcable. No orchestra in this song anyway it doesn’t feel neccesary. A heavy dark rocking track with moments of light a refreshing sound and a scaling guitar solo. This is something different compared what the Finnish singer have used to show us before, is magnificent hear how their voices support mutualy without overshadow the other. Good balance.

Heavy guitar riff is what you can hear definitely this is something different and refreshing. This one is my favorite so far. Nothing that she have done before can be compared with this song. “We are gone. Nothing of us remains like tears in rain” This song is about rock, all the force came out of the guitars, the band itself, the chorus got stuck in my mind and I couldn't stop listening the song over and over and suddenly, after Tarja sings the chorus one more time: ¡Pure heavy! Seriously the song changes completely and turns agressive and raw, the guitar and drums did an amazing job with the song. You can expect the unexpected. I really like this new style on her sound. Her voice shine as usual but in a different way, a more versatile form whithout losing her mark.

The piano is the instrument that give the beginnig to this song with beautiful molodies, a ballad with a meaningful and deep lyric. "Life without meaning, is no life at all". The orchestra accompanies the delicate melody along almost in a shy way, to the chorus. We can hear the guitars take part discreetly. In the middle of the song we can hear an electronic effecs on the drums to give a song a modern touch along with the orchestra, followed by a powerful violin solo. Tarja sing along with touching clean voice.

With just listening to the sadness and melancholic piano notes was enough to given me chills, vocally this was beautifully interpreted with such a delicates tones, a piece full of feelings, light and bright passagess, you can feel endless emotions with every note. Tarja showing us her most intimite,vunerable and personal side. The simplicity of the music turned this ballad as the gem of the album. The strong presence of the orchestra to give an eighties spirit and a cinematic sound. It’s difficult not imagine this as the soundtrack of a film.

A seven minutes song that it feels like the continuation of the previous track but with an enormous difference: This one gives a feeling of hope, calmness and peace. I’m pretty sure that the idea of this song came out from what Tarja experience after diving into St. Michael's Cave in Gibraltar. Only a few Finnish words along the entire musical piece. The vocal improvisation and orchestral arrangements will take you into a musical journey. You also can hear a few electronics elements to accompanient and complement the music.

This a dark song without a doubt. An astmosferic melody came from the guitars and take the led of the song almost completely . Tarja’s voice also have a protagonic rol but in certains moments the heavy groove of the guitars grabs all my attention, the song feels like a clamour of justice, kind of a sad goodbye. “Meet me at the hour of dawn. Think of us after you’re gone” (the incident of the ARA San Juan submarine from Argentina that disappeared leaving uncertainty about the 44 members of the crew inspired this song) in the middle of the track after a little orchestral interlude, Tarja take the reins of the vocal lines with all the power of her operatic voice.

The theme starts with the famous phrase “All that glitters is not gold” a piano as main instrument, on this opportunity Tarja chose another talented Swedish singer Tommy Karevik from Kamelot as a special guest. What a gratificating choice. At the begging you can clearly hear a reciting part after that, the guitar makes her stellar appereance with a compact and strong riff. Tarja used her pulled chest voice for this occassion. I have to make an statement: ¡What a song, what a power! what a paradise I feel when I hear Tarja’s voice singing along with Tommy, pure magic. The most heavy guitar sound I ever heard in comparison to their previous albums, I like the teathrical vocals that Tarja used in one specific part. The song finish on the same way that started with a recited part. An epic duet for an epic song.

This is a heavy one. “Just fly. Over the night and you’ll soon wake up to see. Everything’s serene.” I loved that guitar solo. The lyric is very positive, energetic and all the opposite to the music. Only Tarja can put such a optimistic and warm message into a dark, distortion, dynamic song. I like the harmonies between Tarja and the guitar. The ways she worked the vocal lines is very interesting.

A massive, bombastic orchestra. Totally teathrical. One of my favourites lyrics on the entire album the story of a marionette. “From the corner of her bedroom light illuminates crawling shadows, cut out silhouettes with the darkness, a dancing marionette” This is a masterpiece from the beginning to the end. What a way to close an abum, impecable orchestral arrangaments, fabulous choruses, the sensitive of a piano and the delicadate of a violín adding the drama that the song need. Jim Dooley did an outstanding job with this piece. This is pure art, this is the cherry of the cake and when you finished listening the whole album you finally realize what “in the raw” is about because you have found that this album is made with the sophistication, rawness, and glitter of a luxury piece of gold.

Written by Giselda Hernández

Tarja gave the chance to few fans, members of the Winter Storm fan club, to review each song from "In The Raw".
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Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 29, 2019, 04:12:45 pm
Only 1 day until "In The Raw"!
From fans to fans, here is the sixth review of the album.

The album starts with Dead Promises, the first single, and oh! what a powerful first opening track. With a Rammstein-esque vibe on the guitar riffs and solo at the beginning, the heavier side of Tarja’s creativity, my favourite side of her, kicks the door and opens a new album. The song is based on a heavy riff that manages to arise in every transition from the verses to the chorus and bridges. During the verses the guitars take a step back to give room to Tarja’s always fabulous voice while the drums keep a simple beat as a means to establish the groove of the song. What quickly caught my attention is that on the bridge Tarja reaches low notes but approaching them with a different technique; almost like if she was speaking, using only her chest voice. It is interesting how on every album she tries to add something new to her vocal style sometimes even completely forgetting her lyrical technique in favour of a more “natural” sounding voice. The chorus comes after the bridge and is quickly one to remember and sing aloud at home, in the car, or whatever you are. Now on the chorus Tarja provides her now established combination of the natural sound of the chest voice and the power of the lyrical voice brilliantly merged.
It should be noted that the single version consists only of Tarja as the vocalist while the album version is a duet with Soilwork vocalist Bjorn “Speed” Strid. The duet functions very well in the contrast between the two voices and the harmonization. Bjorn sings using mostly his clean vocals and uses his growls only in a couple of phrases. My only objection to the song would be that Bjorn doesn’t have the sufficient time in front of the vocals as to fully demonstrate his full potential.

Goodbye Stranger is the long awaited song that conjures up Tarja with the Italian goddess Cristina Scabbia from the mighty Lacuna Coil. If Dead Promises had a small vibe in the beginning similar to Rammstein then the main riff from the beginning of Goodbye Stranger is purely Rammstein. A marching pace combined with a heavy and simple riff start the song until the magic begins and Cristina and Tarja start singing together on the verse. The guitars take a step back during the verses to give place to the vocals but quickly gain strength during the bridge, when Cristina sings alone, and during the chorus where both vocalists share the spotlight. A fairly simple song in structure that is embellished with the addition of a simple guitar solo which consists of one first section of a soulful string bending phrasing and then the second section of a more classical staccato phrasing.

Tears in Rain arrives as as the third single and displays a structure partially similar to that of Dead Promises in that a recurring riff is used as transition in between verses and choruses, and as an intro and outro riff.. As Dead Promises, guitars take a predominant role in the beginning with a hard rock riff that last not too long only to give place to the verse and the foundational beat of the song. Every part of the song arrives fast, the verses and chorus (no bridge whatsoever) seem to last only a couple of bars sometimes hindering the possibility to grasp the full vibe of each part of the song. Nothing too serious or overly problematic since it the song flows with no difficulty at all. The song transmits an uplifting feeling , not happy, but similar to the feeling of something achieved, a reward to a big effort, a troubled journey coming to an end.

Railroads is the second single and moves away from the previous one showing the softer yet more passionate side of Tarja. A fairly simple song that slowly builds up integrating one instrument at a time arriving to the chorus with full force and passion. A piano opens the song followed by the drums and Tarja ‘s vocals starting at the same time while the sound of strings and piano cover the background of the song like a soft curtain decorates a peaceful room. Guitars appear only to enhance the power of the chorus and leave with the chorus to once again give place to the piano and strings. In this case the lyrical style of Tarja takes the lead especially during the chorus , and it brings back memories of My Winter Storm and What Lies Beneath when still her lyrical voice ruled her vocal style.

You and I is an overly romantic yet nostalgic song that sets its foundation only on a piano and the orchestra in the background while Tarja assumes the leadership of the song by means of his always wonderful voice. The stellar work of the three components of the song: piano, strings, and vocals produce a feeling of calmness while yearning for a past that was good but that is no more; a song to close your eyes and experience.

The Golden Chamber follows a similar instrumental path than You and I but this time in the form of 7 minute long “suite” with three movements. The first half of the song consists of Tarja’s voice above a set of strings and sounds that evoke a calm landscape like a sunset on the beach watching how the waves caress the shore. An epic film soundtrack vibe is carried out with different modulations in the instruments and in Tarja’s vocals. The rising volume of the background instruments and Tarja’s classical vocals rising in tone and reaching to levels only imagined by us mere listeners. Now the second movement of the suite strikes right in the heart: Tarja singing in his native language in a minor tonality is like manna from heaven. Sadly that doesn’t last long and now comes the final act featuring once again the epicness of the first movement with Tarja reaching the upper levels of her register until the end of the song.

This is the jewel of the crown, the heaviest song since Ciaran’s Well, this is Spirits of the Sea. An obscure feeling crawls from the starting guitar sounds, a sense of impending doom takes over when you hear the low sound of the palm muted guitar being strummed. And doom is the word because the cadence, the atmosphere, the low tuned riffs, partially resembles the work of Tarja’s fellow amazing countrymen Swallow the sun. The song starts with what later would be recognized as the chorus so right from the start Tarja delivers a performance worthy of recognition by the ancient writers as a cunning siren luring sailors to their death. Passion, strength , sorrow, loss are the feelings that Tarja, the bass, the guitar, and the drums channel through a heavy, mean, evil combination of their sounds and performance. However, this song is not about evil but it is about doom. In 2017, An Argentinian submarine , the ARA San Juan, disappeared beneath the waves of the southern seas taking with it the lives of 44 crew members. The submarine had oxygen for only seven days of submersion. It was found a year later after its disappearing at a depth of 907 meters (2967ft) at 500 km (310 miles) away from the mainland. A heartbreaking homage from Tarja to the crew members and their families.

Silent Masquerade is the last song in a row of three 7 minute songs and is the last one to feature a duet with another singer. Tommy Karevik is the chosen one and wisely chosen. Their voices match perfectly and both of them can shine when singing separately specially Tommy whose vocal talent can be truly appreciated like when he sings for his band Seventh Wonder. Relatively calm, the song starts with a spoken male voice above a piano resembling to those famous spoken passages in the songs of the melodic power metal heroes Sonata Arctica. Now come the instruments to proper introduce the pace and tone of the song; however, surprisingly the song builds up from the end of the first chorus to introduction the second and final chorus to a heavier middle section that varies from a chugging metal riff to a more fast paced version of the same riff while adding Tarja’s ghoulish witch moans to cause a sense of chaos and confusion right before the second chorus. The song now moves to its final stage with the repetition of the chorus three times but doubling the pace of the drums and adding layers of backing vocals performed by Tarja and Tommy. The song ends as it started: a spoken male voice above a piano that plays ad infinitum until it fades out.

Serene brings a tribal rhythm at the beginning that last during the short intro and through the verses. The beat changes to a regular one for the choruses and the middle section of the song. Tarja starts singing very high up in her register with a sweet calmness but descends into almost her lowest notes for the second part of the verses proving again her vocal gymnastics without being too fancy, flashy or loud. The tribal influence is clearly demonstrated after the second chorus where a section of tribal drums supporting the guitar solo bring up memories of one of the best songs in power metal, The Shaman by brazilian legends Angra. Tarja makes use of her powerful technique for the short section after the solo and before the last round of the chorus in a mesmerising display of vocal prowess. The beginning riff appears one more time to give end to another great song from a great album

And now it’s time to finish the album and intrigue begins to arise when the audio player shows that it is another 7 minute song. Will Tarja end the album in an epic manner with a bombastic track? The answer is yes. As you, the reader, have seen, I see similarities everywhere and that's hardly ever a bad thing. Now the similarity comes from the side of the dutch metal icons Epica and the use of the symphonic elements in their first albums. Shadow Play stands on the shoulders of the orchestra and choir elements without losing the focus of the metal/rock elements as the riffs, drumming and solos. The verse invites you to close your eyes while the drumbeat and Tarja’s voice paint a story in front of your mind and the chorus adds more depth by Tarja adding power to her performance. As usual, after the second chorus comes a mid section of heavy headbanging riffs that end abruptly to give room to the piano and the orchestra to prepare the way for Tarja to enter. Once again the chorus is introduced and Tarja sings her last powerful and majestic notes of the album. The orchestra keeps playing to the end building up to an epic ending of silence. A loud thud marks the end as it marked the beginning of the album.

There are several high points that stand out after hearing the album one and 20 times:
-The use of the symphonic elements whether it’s violins, piano or the entire orchestra adds the necessary dose of epicness and depth without ever taking the spotlight.
- The guest vocalists. Tarja must have heard me asking for years for her to invite vocalists from the european metal scene and what better choices than Bjorn, Cristina, and Tommy.
- The heavy, raw element of the riffs. I was surprised to hear some really dark chords and progressions played in a saturated low tuned guitar
- The quality of the songs. Vocal prowess, fancy guest vocalists, a 300 member orchestra, doesn’t mean nothing if the composition is not clever enough to let every element shine when the moment is due but still giving room to spontaneity, and to the natural flow of the song. It should be mentioned that it is a 57 minutes long album with ten songs and four of them lasting 7 minutes average that never bores. One way or another, the crafting of the song always proposes a flow that is entertaining enough or compelling enough for the listener not to feel tired or overblown by the development of the track.
- Last but not least, Tarja. She sounds more comfortable than ever, always challenging herself to try new techniques or variations of the old techniques. I may not always agree with what she tries but sure I agree with her trying new things.

Her best album since What Lies Beneath and a real contender for Album Of The Year in my list. To many more years of Tarja’s talent gracing these mortal souls, her fans.

Written by Guille Rios

Tarja gave the chance to few fans, members of the Winter Storm fan club, to review each song from "In The Raw".
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Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 30, 2019, 04:33:03 pm

Few voices have been as inspirational in symphonic metal as Tarja Turunen’s. Her classically inspired three-octave range helped rocket Nightwish – the group she started with Tuomas Holopainen and Emppu Vuorinen in 1996 – into the heavy music stratosphere, eventually becoming one of the biggest bands of their kind. Since parting ways in 2005, she’s been keeping busy as an artist in her own right, with her seventh solo album In The Raw arriving to great acclaim today. Here she talks us through the new music, its star guests and – after being reunited on stage with old bandmate Marco Hietala in December 2017 – what the future might hold…

What made you choose In The Raw as the title for your seventh solo album?
“I would say this is the most personal album to me, it’s the one I wouldn’t have been able to write until this moment in my life. I guess I feel like I had to just get it out of my system… it was a painful process, in many ways, which is why I kept it raw.”

What exactly was painful about it?
“It was a time of great personal turmoil. Through the music, I’m telling stories about things that have happened to me or people close to me, like my family. This music is the place I’ve been living for the last few years… it’s all there. I try to keep my lyrics open so people can find themselves in there or put their own stories to them, I want the songs to be something special for them. In terms of the personal side of it, the last year has been very tough on me, both physically and mentally. I was exhausted from all the touring. At the end of the year, I arrived home just two days before Christmas and felt completely burned out. I said to myself, ‘There’s no way you will finish your new album in the next month and a half’ which was the deadline I was working to. The music was there and everything felt good, but I hadn’t started with lyrics. It felt very surreal and difficult.”

So a lot of it came down to creative frustrations?
“That was some of the pain, yes, because I felt exhausted and incapable of delivering. I’ve always been a perfectionist in everything I do. And I’ve had to learn how to avoid that perfection-ism. The Silent Masquerade was especially difficult to write as it was tied to one of my family tragedies. I always knew it was going to be hard for me to sing live. When I heard it all finished, I wept like a baby! Ever since I turned 40, which feels like a good and magical number, I’ve felt like doing things for myself more than before. I’ve feel better than ever in ways, but that sense of exhaustion inside of me had to come out.”

It must have felt good when it finally did…
“Writing these feelings into the lyrics helped me feel free. It was liberating, to the point of me feeling I couldn’t write any more songs after this… and actually, I haven’t been near my piano since (laughs). The time will come for that. This album means the world to me. I went deep within myself like never before. Much like the song The Golden Chamber: Awaken / Loputon Yö / Alchemy, I’d say this whole album is a journey. For the promo shots, you see pictures of me in a cave… it was symbolic of being in a place deep down, under the earth, to find your paradise or whatever you are looking for.”

You’re one of the biggest selling Finnish artists of all-time. Does that make it harder to feel as if you’re still such searching for that paradise?
“I know! I am loved, I can love, I am healthy… those are all the things that matter. Through this album, I learned not to take things for granted. I have to enjoy moments of everyday life. I see my child, she’s now six years old, and know I’ve done at least some good in life. But that’s the basis of it all… I am very fortunate and grateful to have been able to express myself for so many years. I have enjoyed the respect of my colleagues and fans in both metal and classical music, but it hasn’t come for free. It’s been a lot of work. My biggest blessing, my voice, has also at times been a curse.”

You must see metal and classical music as two art forms with a lot more in common than appearances might suggest…
“Both styles have so much in common. I feel music is just emotion, it can connect people from whatever background. It’s a very personal experience, we all have things we like and don’t like, but ultimately music is just emotion. Metal and classical music are both very emotional genres.”

Which do you think are the heaviest classical composers for rock fans to check out?
“You could pick any of the Wagner operas for example or Russian composers like Tchaikovsky and you will find a lot of heavy metal ideas in there. Or take something like Sibelius’ Finlandia, when it gets to the paddle part in the middle of the piece… add some guitar to that and it will blow you up! It’s never been a battle for me to be involved in classical and heavy metal at the same time. There’s been no struggle there except for the amount of time and work it’s taken. People have seen me working hardly purely in classical music, being well prepared, and I’ve enjoyed their respect. I’ve been doing this for so long that now when I do classical performances a lot of heavy metal kids come and enjoy it too. I’ve had people telling me how it’s inspired them to book opera tickets and embark on new discoveries. It’s good to break boundaries. Or the other way round, I love the idea of a classical music lover at a big rock show. I’ve never been afraid of mixing the styles. If I was afraid, I never would have sung on that first Nightwish demo.”

Björn ‘Speed’ Strid of Soilwork and Tommy Karevik from Kamelot make an appearance on the tracks Dead Promises and Silent Masquerade, respectively…
“I’ve been a huge fan of Björn’s voice for many years. He sings with lots of emotion and charisma, plus he’s very open-minded. He has this ability of growling really harsh vocals, which I could never do, as well as all this beautifully clean stuff. He was so nice to work with and really knows how to colour the music he sings over. I actually wrote all of these songs for my voice, so it can be hard sometimes trying to get the male range to fit where the female range tends to be. I think Bjorn and Tommy both might have initially struggled with what I sent over, but it all worked out fantastically.”

You team up with Lacuna Coil’s Cristina Scabbia on the track Goodbye Stranger. How did that come about?
“I think we first met in London many, many years ago at some event. I remember taking a picture with her, the first of many. We stayed in touch, sometimes calling each other and always finding each other at festivals. It’s always been bubbling away, the idea of working together. Once I had the right song, I decided to reach out to her and ask for a favour. She’s a super-cool woman and incredibly charismatic.”

And that same sense goodwill has even been extended to those who ended up singing in Nightwish after you…
“Of course. I’ve shared the stage with Floor [Jansen] and have been inviting her to my shows. I care for her and love her, and only wish her the best. There is no competition between singers like us. We are all living in a man’s world, sort of. So each of us being out there, doing our own thing, can only be a good thing. It’s a sisterhood that is beautiful.”

On December 14, 2017, you reunited with Nightwish member Marco Hietala on stage for the first time in 12 years. Was it nerve-wracking on the night?
“Naturally I was nervous. I hadn’t seen Marco in 12 years, we hadn’t been in touch. So it would be silly to say I wasn’t nervous, but more than anything I was curious about he was doing. I just wanted to see him. On the day of the show, he came to knock on my [dressing room] door, as he’d been unable to make rehearsals. It was just like, ‘Hey!’ with a massive, long hug after 12 years apart. Just a few things were said like, ‘Great to see you’ and ‘See you soon on stag.e. Then we sang those songs, the last of which was Ave Maria, just the two of us with acoustic guitars. It was very intimate, yet in front of a huge crowd with thousands and thousands of people in front of us. That was a moment neither of us will ever forget. We were very emotional, the whole place exploded with emotion. It was beautiful.”

Could that mean there’s potential to re-join Nightwish for one song or one tour, who knows, maybe even an album?
“I know a lot of fans would love to see something happen, but it’s a very long distance away… Personally, I don’t see anything happening with me and them, to be perfectly honest. Marco came a little later into the band, he wasn’t there since the beginning, he was always a guy I was close to. Me and [Nightwish keyboardist/leader] Tuomas Holopainen, however, haven’t seen each other in a long time… but we have been in touch. It’s not bad. The past is what it is, we can’t change that. We can only change the future.”
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 01, 2019, 06:51:23 pm
From fans to fans, here is the seventh review of "In The Raw".
Listen to the album here:

Dead Promises is epic, bombastic and strong. The song is embedded in heavy yet playful guitar riffs, which seem to urge the listener to pay close attention. Once the vocals start, one is hooked to the catching mixture of teasing and pleading lines that are conveyed in the lyrics as well as in Tarja’s voice. Björn’s voice lends the song power, his screams make it more aggressive and urgent. Meanwhile, the background voices remind one of a Greek chorus, following the events in anxious anticipation. Dead promises evokes the image of hunting a guilty, yet loved one, sometimes in softer almost tender, sometimes in more distanced or aggressive variations. A desperate but firm trial to lead someone back to the light with a perfect balance of heavy instrumentals, Tarja’s darker and deeper as well as softer and lighter tones of voice, supplemented by Björn’s intense screams.

Heavy guitars set in, weaving an unbreakable cage for the vocals that seem to bounce of the heavy riffs – this creates a heavy, dense and intense atmosphere. The pressure is building but is suppressed until it breaks out with full force in the chorus. This outbreak, this cry, feels freeing and painful at the same time – bittersweet. Trifold voices of Tarja and Christina trigger the impression of inner chaos or struggle, the self being drawn into different directions, interwoven into one braid that coincides into the relief in the chorus.

Tears in rain starts with trembling anticipation and quickly builds up an intense atmosphere – a rush to succeed, driven forwards, to turn the stakes and still find a way to change what is already set in stone. At the climax of the song, the hysteric, speedy guitars make you feel like you’re running a race against time, yourself or another, without reaching a clear goal. What follows is a crystal clear breakdown, reflected in Tarja’s whispers . But power and self-confidence is built up again with the realization that one has overcome oneself. From the ashes rises, shining and hopeful, a phoenix flying upwards into a new sun.

Railroads feels like walking on the beach while the sun is low, your eyes are closed and you see the colorful spots behind your eyelids, a soft breeze playing in your hair. The melody triggers a feeling of longing so intense that while listening to the chorus, your heart swells in your chest and tears at the boundaries set by yourself and the world. This is one of the rare songs that makes you feel that life is amazing and that you are loved and every struggle is worth it. Tarja’s voice is so tender and carries so much emotion, while the instruments frame the song smoothly and carry it on its way to be the next masterpiece and an all-time favorite.

When You and I starts with soft piano notes, it feels almost like a lullaby or a ballad. But while you want it to be soothing, you can’t help but feel the pain settling in. The hurt is felt both in the fragility of Tarja’s voice as much as in the selective and careful orchestration. This song feels incredibly intimate, very immediate. The dripping pain, like sitting in an empty room in the cold break of dawn, holding your bleeding heart in your hands, still loving, still hopeful.

A soft piano melody takes you into a melancholy dreamscape. The sound is spherical, you feel like floating, particles of light around you, borderless space. Tarja’s voice sets in, yearning and longing, piercing the heart. It’s a soulscape where shapes get clearer, orchestration more graspable. Then there’s a short break, like a meeting out of time, an illusion or wish in the endless night. The orchestra breaks through, the space shakes as the music suggests movement, drawing you towards an ever growing light, accompanied by Tarja’s voice that sounds like a mermaid’s heart breaking. Arguably the most intense, profound song that leaves a deep impression, not least because of Tarja’s incredible vocals.

With the first part of the song, the music takes you into the darkness below the ocean’s surface, greeted by distant whales, until the guitar theme meets you at the bottom of the sea, a melody for the mysterious. Tarja’s voice is strong and decisive, seems to be seeking her “brothers of the blue”. Perhaps to pay tribute, one sinks deeper into the blue abyss, her voice breathing upwards from a surreal realm that waits below, a tribute to the unknown and that which we cannot grasp. Certainly one of the most complex songs with a surprising structure that makes it particularly intriguing.

The song is introduced by a meaningful Shakespearean quote, making it feel like the start into an adventure. There is a short piano line that repeats throughout the song which sinks into your mind like a mantra, like fate. It is soon joined by emphasizing guitars. As soon as the contrasting voices of Tarja and Tommy start their duet – or should one say duel – you find yourself in the middle of a brewing storm, waves crashing, a battle of the elements topped by artful screams that seem to escape the earth’s very core. You then sail on into calmer waters and the song adequately closes with another Shakespeare quote, followed by an epilogue with the memorable piano mantra.

Tarja’s high-pitched voice, framed by decisive guitars, leads you through what might be the everyday struggle of life, sometimes a bleak chaos. With her voice rising, you take heart, climb upwards and break through the thick cover of clouds: a moment of perfect tranquility and serenity, timeless. Back you fall where crushing guitars embrace you in your daily fight until the song culminates in an impressive guitar/voice climax.

Shadow Play starts with an epic string orchestra and a dramatic choir, as if introducing a monumental battle. It might be the story of the never ceasing struggle with the darkness in ourselves, seducing us, burdening our lives. Tarja’s pleading voice breaks out of this, met by the unwavering choir, the battle continues, overwhelms, until you find yourself in the eye of the storm. In this quiet peacefulness, accompanied by a soothing melody, you find yourself again and realize what matters. As the storm rages on, Tarja sings against it with evermore vehemence until the peak is reached: total silence. The end?

Written by Jenny Seibicke

Tarja gave the chance to few fans, members of the Winter Storm fan club, to review each song from "In The Raw".
Join at
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 01, 2019, 06:56:01 pm
From fans to fans, here is the eighth review of "In The Raw"
Listen to the album here:

What an intro! It's not the first time that Tarja goes for the heavier sound, but it is not what I got used to from her in general, and after more than a decade of listening to her music, it still came a bit as a surprise. At first I didn't know how this sound will work with her vocals (I used to be a fan especially of the orchestra-dominated songs), but after a minute and a half I was convinced that this can be an awesome combination too! Strong instrumentals. Awesome vocal melody. An equally awesome chorus. Awesome song!
The song works well as a duet, it has a richer sound this way. The clean male vocals are not exactly doing it for me, but the growls suit the song very well!
This song created a solid and pretty high basis for my expectations regarding the album.

This is a very enjoyable song, more light-hearted, with a dynamic and engaging melody and a vigorous chorus, heavier than Tears In Rain. I was looking forward a lot to this collaboration, yet I had no idea what to expect from it, Tarja's and Cristina Scabbia's voices being very different. But this song makes them meet in the middle and the combination is a kick-ass rock song!
Apparently I am more into the dramatic stuff, the rest of the album must have overshadowed it at first, because this is the only new song from the album which needed more than one listen (to be fair, two...) for me to be able to get into it. But no worries, when I gave it more attention I realized that it is not below the songs I instantly praised at all, it's just different. And it's cool!

Railroads was the love at first listen type of song for me. It flows so nicely and the vocals are flawless. At the beginning I thought it will be a ballad, but it turns out it's more than that. It's both the traveler sitting still and comfortable in the train and the always-changing, blurred scenery outside the window - it's like different dimensions harmonically colliding. (I think I get it where Aleph as an inspiration came in the picture!)
It is a very representative song of Tarja's music and in the same time fresh and surprising. I totally love it!

It starts heavy, turns out to be an upbeat song with a happier tone, the chorus is catchy, uplifting, and it will keep playing in your head after a single listen. Briefly, a very good song for a single!
A downside could be found in the nuances of it. While in Railroads the different tempos compliment each other very well, here the rather cheerful melody with the soft vocals is clashing a bit with the darker, more melancholic lyrics (very good lyrics, by the way!). But it deserves the bonus points for being the invigorating kind of song. We need more of those. Eventually, I wouldn't want to renounce to either side of it.
So nevertheless, Tears In Rain may very well be the new Until My Last Breath! It's very enjoyable and it would work amazingly well for a closing song at concerts. I'm already looking forward to experience it live!

This is the simpler kind of song, with soft and tender vocals from Tarja. At first I thought this song will not live up to the potential her vocals have, but I was pleasantly mistaken, because it leads to a beautiful chorus which highlights her talent. Then again it would be hypocritical to praise the album for showing so many sides of her voice and getting hung up on the few moments (this one, partially, and Tears In Rain) where she wants to be simple. It is still full of emotion. The kind of song which will make you teary eyed. At least. I liked it more with each listen.

I love it how Tarja doesn't shy away from putting a song like this one in the middle of a heavy album. She did it from day one. And this song feels like the 'Oasis' of this album. It is a quiet, relaxing, yet still extremely powerful piece. No riffs, very few words, instead just the orchestra and Tarja's soaring vocals. I don't have the musical knowledge to be able to accurately describe them, what I can say as a listener is that they are enchanting and they will give you goosebumps! Very impressive! It truly allows her to shine.This song would make a perfect ending for a film score.

This is the song which came as the biggest surprise for me. We might have encountered hints of this sound before, but as a whole it is different than what Tarja has done so far. It blooms into a dark, eerie and heavy song. It is creepy and captivating, along with some very impressive and unusual vocals (we don't often hear distorted vocals from Tarja!), accompanied by rich instrumentals. It is tempestuous. And having read where the inspiration for this song came from, that sound at the end which resembles a radio losing signal gives the song even more weight. It is a song which maybe is more difficult to digest, because it is many things all at once. But it is very elaborated and artistic.

A beautiful piano dominated intro which quickly becomes heavier leading to a powerful symphonic metal song. I love the smoky vocals from Tarja at the beginning. And then there comes Tommy Karevik! I had high expectations from this duet, I believed that their voices will blend well, and... oh yes, they do! This is everything I wanted from this duet. I like a lot also the instrumental part of this song. The bridge is also interesting. It's a really good song in every aspect of it.

This song follows the turbulent style of Spirits Of The Sea, but with a different mood. It was a surprise as well!. (Based on what I read about this song, I thought it will be something entirely different.) It sounded chaotic and unpredictable, in a really engaging way. The instrumental part of it is once again fuller than usually and the chorus is catchy, but not in the easy or predictable way! I've been hoping to hear a song with these kind of dynamics from Tarja for a long time! It's one of my favourites too.

Wow, there's immediately a really powerful, film music inspired intro with orchestra and choir, followed by the well known deeper, velvety and mysterious vocals from Tarja. I missed these kind of vocals on her rock albums in the past couple of years! I am very happy they are back! The melody is captivating and the recurring choral part makes the song very powerful. This is the typical symphonic metal from which she seemed to drift away lately. I am both surprised and glad that a song like this made an appearance on the tracklist! It's a great one.

This album combines everything Tarja's music has been about while introducing something new too. It also manages to show the versatility of her voice accompanied by a richer and more elaborated instrumental part than before. So for the first time none of her sides as an artist suffers because of the lack of representation. It is the most varied and most cohesive album Tarja has come up with so far. I was waiting for this. I love it!
There was a time when I used to be a bit disappointed that she was drifting away from the bombastic symphonic metal sound and classical singing, but if she can come up with something like this album, Tarja, you definitely don't have to limit yourself to a single genre! (Not that you ever did it.) This album doesn't try to be anything else than what it is just to appeal to a certain audience or another. It is able to take any shape, and still remains itself and naturally valuable. In The Raw couldn't have had a more fitting theme. It is gold.

Written by Kinga Kovács

Tarja gave the chance to few fans, members of the Winter Storm fan club, to review each song from "In The Raw".
Join at
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 08, 2019, 08:35:02 pm
Setlist Trnava (

Dead Promises (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 11, 2019, 03:48:05 pm
Entrevista!! (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 13, 2019, 04:14:00 pm
Setlist San Petersburgo (

Goodbye Stranger (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 14, 2019, 05:10:10 pm
Setlist Moscú (

My Little Phoenix (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 15, 2019, 07:56:35 pm
Setlist Voronezh (

Nemo (

Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 17, 2019, 04:33:21 pm
Setlist Rostov-on Don (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 18, 2019, 03:39:07 pm
Setlist Krasnodar (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 21, 2019, 05:27:08 pm
Setlist Kazan (

Undertaker (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 23, 2019, 03:56:49 pm
Setlist Perm (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 24, 2019, 06:19:03 pm
Setlist Ufa (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 26, 2019, 03:53:58 pm
Setlist Yekaterimburgo (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 18, 2019, 04:31:10 pm
Setlist Montevideo (

I Walk Alone (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 20, 2019, 06:25:26 pm
Setlist Buenos Aires (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 23, 2019, 04:59:36 pm
Setlist Santiago de Querétaro (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 24, 2019, 04:38:06 pm
Setlist Monterrey (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 26, 2019, 06:45:36 pm
Setlist Ciudad de México (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 27, 2019, 10:59:18 pm
Setlist León (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 28, 2019, 04:58:03 pm
Setlist Guadalajara (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 29, 2019, 03:26:42 pm

21.01.2020 Prague, Czech Republic
23.01.2020 Bucharest, Romania

Tarja, Finnish music icon and one of the most famous opera, rock and metal sopranos has long proved that we will remember her for her outstanding vocals and performances, and for her many, many unforgettable albums which will be showcased in a very special event. Tarja has been working in this project for some time now and decided to invite 16 great musicians on stage for a once in a lifetime experience. These unique concerts will result in a special live DVD.

Tarja is no stranger to performing in unconventional environments, as she regularly plays halls and churches during her Christmas concerts.

Tarja will sing in one of the most famous and iconic buildings in the Czech Republic - the Municipal House in the Old Town of Prague - in an exclusive show that will never be repeated. The Municipal House and its Smetana Hall is a unique space known to all, which deserves only an incomparable performance of the marvelous artist Tarja undoubtedly is.

Tarja has prepared for the Art Nouveau hall of the Smetana Hall a special set composed of the most popular hits of her repertoire; songs from the albums "My Winter Storm”, "What Lies Beneath”, "Colors in the Dark”, "The Brightest Void / The Shadow Self” and In the Raw” in new arrangements created specifically for this extraordinary event.

Another one of a kind experience will be presented at the Circul Metropolitan Bucaresti, a venue listed in as a Historic Monument in Romania. A 360° view of the centre stage that will redefine the way the audience feels the music and interacts with this amazing performer.

The talented 16 musicians invited to these special nights are:

Doug Wimbish
Christian Kretschmar
Timm Schreiner
Alex Scholpp
Julian Barrett
Pit Barrett
Guillermo De Medio
Rafael Bittencourt
Toni Turunen
Andi Pupato
Chriara Tricarico
Cleméntine Delauney
Marco Èåo
Alexey Aslamas
Petr Cuclík
Zachar Fedorov

You can expect the best songs from Tarja’s rock career in nights not to miss and that will be long remembered.
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 24, 2019, 06:48:42 pm
Entrevista! (

Otra! (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 12, 2019, 10:38:58 pm
Yhdessä Jouluna (Tampere/2019) (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 13, 2019, 04:31:46 pm
You and I (Lyric video) (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 22, 2020, 09:47:37 pm
Setlist Praga (

Shadow Play (

Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 24, 2020, 09:05:45 pm
Setlist Bucarest (

Falling Awake (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 26, 2020, 06:22:45 pm
La organización del Z! ha confirmado a TARJA como cabeza de cartel de su nueva edición que se celebrará los próximos 12 y 13 de junio.

TARJA se une así a un cartel del que ya se han desvelado hasta 16 bandas entre la que figuran nombres tan importantes en el metal internacional como AMORPHIS, KORPIKLAANI, MOONSPELL, AVALANCH, Leo Jiménez o LEGION OF THE DAMNED. También estarán VITA IMANA, BATTLE BEAST, DEBLER, MORPHIUM, BLOODHUNTER, REVOLUTION WITHIN, HIRANYA, ARWEN, DAERIA y EL ALTAR DEL HOLOCAUSTO.
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 08, 2020, 06:49:34 pm
Setlist Lisboa (

Planet Hell (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 10, 2020, 06:50:07 pm
10 canciones que cambiaron su vida (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 10, 2020, 07:29:14 pm
Golden Chamber @ Madrid (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 12, 2020, 06:30:14 pm
Sadly we are not allowed to do the show in Barcelona tonight following the government restrictions. We had postponed it to June 12th. But I am still on tour as long as it is possible. At the moment we are already in Marseille looking forward to rock with you tomorrow night. Moving ahead day by day. #rawtour2020
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 13, 2020, 05:29:55 pm
It is with regret that due to the escalating situation with regards to coronavirus in France and UK and around the world, the shows due to take place tonight in Marseille and in the forthcoming days in Strasbourg, Paris, London, Manchester and Glasgow will no longer take place.
We are currently working on arranging a re-scheduled date for all the shows that we will announce as soon as possible. Fans are advised to retain their tickets and ticket confirmations at this time. This applies for Upgrades as well in the event you have purchased one.

More information will be announced in the near future on the re-scheduled shows via all official Tarja SM and official web page.

Please stay safe and well out there!"
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 29, 2020, 10:31:42 pm
Global Corona Challenge (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 11, 2020, 06:27:48 pm
Together At Home (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 25, 2020, 04:02:24 pm
Together At Home (ft Simone Simons) (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 25, 2020, 04:05:10 pm
Together At Home (ft Cristina Scabbia) (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 01, 2020, 04:07:25 pm
Que gran entrevista!! (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 02, 2020, 06:41:57 pm
Together At Home @ 1-5-2020 (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 09, 2020, 04:39:02 pm
Together At Home 08-05-2020 (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 16, 2020, 03:51:06 pm
Tarja Live in Instagram with Kiko (Megadeth) and Sharon del Adel (Within Temptation) (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 25, 2020, 06:49:25 pm
Gira aplazada!
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 01, 2020, 03:53:09 pm
Together (ft Elize Ryd and Charlotte Wessels) (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 16, 2020, 05:49:11 pm
"From Spirits and Ghosts (Score for a dark Christmas)" will be reissued on November 6th including the brand new Christmas live album “Christmas Together: Live at Olomouc and Hradec Králové 2019”.
Get ready for an extra dark Christmas this year!
Additional to the 12 Christmas carols from the 2017 edition, the reissue includes 3 versions in alternative languages plus the collaboration with Tarja´s friends Cristina Scabbia, Doro Pesch, Elize Ryd, Floor Jansen, Hansi Kürsch, Joe Lynn Turner, Marco Saaresto, Michael Monroe, Sharon Den Adel, Simone Simons, Timo Kotipelto and Tony Kakko for the beloved “Feliz Navidad”.
The 2020 edition of this festive album adds even more to the perfect dark Christmas spirits. Further to the additional studio recordings, the reissue comes with the previously unreleased live album “Christmas Together: Live at Olomouc and Hradec Králové 2019”. With this first ever Christmas live album, Tarja takes her fans back to an atmospheric celebration and invites them to be a part of her always successful Christmas tours.
1. O Come, O Come, Emmanuel
2. Together
3. We Three Kings
4. Deck the Halls
5. Pie Jesu
6. Amazing Grace
7. O Tannenbaum
8. Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas
9. God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen
10. Feliz Navidad
11. What Child Is This
12. We Wish You a Merry Christmas
13. Sublime Gracia
14. Ô viens, Ô viens, Emmanuel
15. O Christmas Tree
16. Feliz Navidad (Barbuda Relief and Recovery Charity Version)
CD 2
Christmas Together: Live at Olomouc and Hradec Králové 2019
1. Sydämeeni Joulun Teen
2.What Child Is This
3. Tonttu
4. O Come, O Come, Emmanuel
5. Varpunen Jouluaamuna
6. You Would Have Loved This
7. Ave Maria (Paolo Tosti)
8. Ave Maria (Michael Hoppé)
9. Ave Maria (Giulio Caccini)
11. Ave Maria (Tarja Turunen)
12. Together
13. Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas
14. The Christmas Song
15. Walking in the Air
16. Silent Night
The 2020 version of “From Spirits and Ghosts (Score for a dark Christmas)” is going to be released on November 6th, 2020 on earMUSIC as a limited 2CD digipak. Additional to that, “Christmas Together: Live at Olomouc and Hradec Králové 2019” will be released as a limited 2LP Gatefold on November 27th, via the official Tarja shop only.
You can pre-order “From Spirits and Ghosts (Score for a dark Christmas)” here:
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 28, 2020, 06:48:45 pm
Attention! Raw Tour 2021!
Due to the ongoing global pandemic of coronavirus and completely unpredictable restrictions in the upcoming months, we have decided to postpone the dates for 2022 to ensure everyone’s safety as follows:
February 2nd, 2022: Glasgow, UK - Garage
February 3rd, 2022: Wolverhampton, UK - KK’s Steel Mill
February 5th, 2022: Manchester, UK - Academy 2
February 6th, 2022: London UK - Electric Ballroom
February 7th, 2022: Paris, France - La Cigale
February 9th, 2022: Strasbourg, France - La Laiterie
February 10th, 2022: Lyon, France - Transbordeur
February 11th, 2022: Milan, Italy - Live Club
February 13th, 2022: Marseille, France - Espace Julien
February 14th, 2022: Barcelona, Spain - Apolo
March 2nd, 2022: Lyss, Switzerland - Kufa
March 4th, 2022: Ljubljana, Slovenia - Kino Siska
March 5th, 2022: Vienna, Austria - Szene
March 6th, 2022: Munich, Germany - Backstage
March 8th, 2022: Nürnberg, Germany - Hirsch
March 9th, 2022: Leipzig, Germany - Hellraiser
March 10th, 2022: Berlin, Germany - Columbia Theater
March 12th, 2022: Mannheim, Germany - MS Connexion Complex
March 13th, 2022: Herford, Germany - X
March 14th, 2022: Bochum, Germany - Matrix
March 16th, 2022: Hamburg, Germany - Markthalle
March 17th, 2022: Nijmegen, Netherlands
March 18th, 2022: Haarlem, Netherlands
All tickets and Limited Upgrades purchased are still valid for the new dates and no exchange will be required. Please hold on to those tickets in order to support the artists and crew.
Check the new date that has been now added to the route!
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 30, 2020, 04:21:32 pm
Together (Live) (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 10, 2020, 03:20:23 pm
Tarja will perform in Savonlinna's Olavinlinna castle on August 21st 2021. The concert was originally meant to take place already this year, but it was moved to next year due to the corona pandemic. The concert organizers do not yet have a clear picture of the concerts repertoire.
- In any case it's Tarja's night, it's her show, the organizer comments.
Tarja has previously performed in Olavinlinna with Raimo Sirkiä in 2006 and with José Cura in 2011. This is Tarja's first solo concert in the castle.
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 10, 2020, 06:20:41 pm
Concierto el día 11 (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 11, 2020, 11:26:53 pm
Instagram live (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 09, 2021, 05:17:30 pm
I Will Be Gone (with Primal Fear) (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 17, 2021, 05:15:06 pm
Christmas Together 2020 ::) ( ::))
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 08, 2021, 04:23:39 pm
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 14, 2021, 06:58:12 pm
We are happy to announce the date of Tarja's concert at Alcatraz Hard Rock & Metal Festival 2021. See you on Friday 13th of August!
Info and tickets:
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 15, 2021, 05:25:07 pm
My journey with @thevoiceoffinland continues!!🌟🌟♥️TVOF Allstars program will air on August 28th. My fellow coaches @michaelmonroeofficial @elastinen Can’t wait for this!! #thevoice #thevoiceoffinland #tvofallstars #allstars #season1 #coach
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 16, 2021, 06:35:32 pm
Woohoo! What a day! I am working on lot of things that you will get to know soon. (I know that you hate when I say that) #artist #havingfun #projects #friends #collaboration
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 17, 2021, 10:14:02 pm
Seagull's Nest (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 18, 2021, 05:32:22 pm
Unable to tour, and missing her fans, Tarja has spent the last year writing her first book – sign up at to learn more.
It includes lots of previously unseen, intimate photographs to illustrate her memories of making music in the studio, on stage and at home.
When you sign up you can:
• Get an early-bird discount when pre-sale starts
• Choose to have a name printed in the book
• Hear all the news and be among the first to get Singing In My Blood
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 31, 2021, 05:23:19 pm
Dead Promises @ Kokkolan Viinijuhlat (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 14, 2021, 07:31:44 pm
Victim Of Ritual @Alcatraz MetalFest (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 20, 2021, 05:12:13 pm
With a heavy heart, we need to announce that due to Covid -19 restrictions still in place in many of the countries where the tour should take place, the Raw Tour 2021 dates have been postponed to 2022.

Tickets and VIP Upgrades will remain valid.
Support bands: Serpentyne, Abakas

Here's the new dates, including two new shows in Romania!

17.10.2022 - Sofia, Bulgaria
18.10.2022 - Bucharest, Romania
19.10.2022 - Timisoara, Romania
21.10.2022 - Budapest, Hungary
22.10.2022 - Ziar nad Hronom, Slowakia
23.10.2022 - Bratislava, Slowakia
25.10.2022 - Krakow, Poland
26.10.2022 - Wroclaw, Poland
1 h

Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 23, 2021, 04:55:08 pm
Czech Republic! Here's the new dates for the Raw Tour 2022!
28.10.2022 - Pardubice
29.10.2022 - Brno
Tickets and VIP Upgrades will remain valid.
Support bands: SERPENTYNE , Abakas
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 28, 2021, 10:27:32 pm
First warning

Singer Tarja Turunen considers the cerebral infarction she suffered as a warning in the middle of speed blindness. The experience changed her everyday life which Tarja is now learning to run with the strength she has learned from her Latino husband.

That September morning started like the ones before it. Only something in Tarja Turunen had broken badly but she didn’t know it yet. In her home in Spain’s Marbella Tarja gets out of bed and steps into the kitchen to get a cup of milk for her daughter. Tarja tries to grab a mug but can’t get a hold of it and it shatters to pieces on the floor. Husband Marcelo Cabuli hears the crash into the bedroom and calls for Tarja, who doesn’t answer. The man hops into the kitchen and finds his wife confused in the middle of the shards. The left side of Tarja’s face seems to have slumped and Tarja can’t form a coherent word. Marcelo realizes immediately that he needs to act fast – every second from now on is crucial.
In the hospital the feared hunch is turned into a diagnosis: Tarja has had a cerebral infarction. They start treating the blood clot in her brain with thrombolysis therapy. Tarja’s body responds to the treatment excellently and she stays in the hospital for three days. After that she tells she’s signing herself out of the hospital. The doctors sternly disagree, the señora should recover in peace, but the singer appeals to her upcoming tour and its 22 concerts.
- I knew I’d rather die of worry and stress, if I hadn’t done them, Tarja says today, in the same sceneries in Marbella, at her home’s pool.
It’s now three years since the infarction and Tarja, 44, seems to just the way she used to: talkative, laughing, thoughtful, vivacious – and her ‘darns’ ring out like before. The experience didn’t leave any physical marks, except that Tarja more often touches the Die Alive tattoo in her left arm. The words are borrowed from writer friend Paulo Coelho and they tell to enjoy life every moment so that on the moment of death, sometime long in the future, you can say that you lived life to the fullest.
The experience left more mental scars. Tarja describes the first year after the attack as a year of fear. During which she kept thinking how close she was to lose it all.
- The cerebral infarction was a huge shock. After that the fear of being sick and dying was the first thought in the morning and the last thought at night when going to sleep. What if it happens again?
No one carry a burden like that. Tarja ended up getting help from an Argentinean mental coach, who she knew has mentored many other famous people. The intimate discussions helped her understand what kind of changes Tarja needed to make to reduce the things in her life that might risk her getting sick.
- It has been hard for me to understand why I got sick, and the doctors haven’t really been able to figure it out. I think that my work at the time demanded such qualities from me that didn’t come naturally, she ponders.
A little while earlier Tarja had taken care of the boss duties on a long and hard tour in the United States. The tour had had all sorts of things to take care of and worry about. Usually, the role has been managed by Marcelo but after their daughter started school, the family’s arrangements had changed. Tarja stressed about her new position and stretched her strengths to the limit.
- After a tour I’m always exhausted and need a few days to recover but after coming home from that tour I was drop dead tired. My theory is that too much stress backfired as getting sick. I had for years ran around and people close to me had told me that maybe you should hit the brakes sometimes, Tarja tells.
- When I got sick that brake hit me right in the face. Maybe this happened because it needed to happen.
It took a whole year before fears started to retreat and Tarja began to feel stronger, survived.
- I’ve gotten rid of my fear of death and I don’t think about what happened every day. On the contrary, now I can speak about it and tell that this happened to me.
Tarja now talks about getting sick for the first time publicly in an interview with MeNaiset and in her new book Laulun virta veressäni (Bazar).

What is strength?

Some of the changes were clear and easy to make: improvements on diet, more times to rest and time to recover, some changes to staff and sharing the responsibility on tour. Check, done, tick the box.
Then there was the part that still today makes Tarja squirm and roll her eyes.
- Yes, the boss duties. I’m not at all that kind of person, Tarja squirms.
The mentor challenged Tarja to wonder exactly that side: how do you treat others and how do you let others treat yourself, why do you adapt or don’t demand more, why do you let things happen and aren’t firm enough? Tarja started to understand that unnecessary conforming had burdened her, even though she had considered herself as a strong woman. And what did being strong really mean?
- In Latino cultures women mostly say how things go. I’ve tried to learn to do that, Tarja says.
- Us Finns consider of ourselves strong but that may mean something else. Our strength is more coping and enduring. Not breaking when you’re tested.
As an example, Tarja brings up her mother who had cancer and felt bad for years. She was described as resilient and a fighter.
- Why did she need to endure that, when her life could’ve been made easier? That’s just perverse! Tarja huffs in frustration.
Tarja sees her stage of endurance happening especially in her band years in the early stages of her singing career. At the time, being strong was to conform to being one of the guys, adapt to the habits of the majority.
- In metal circles I got used to being a tomboy, always the only woman in a group. There was no point in bringing that up if you wanted to avoid trouble. I’m often still the only woman in a group, but it isn’t something to endure anymore. Nowadays it’s self-evident, before it was a course to survival.
Tarja recalls how her wish for her own dressing room was considered diva-like behavior on band tours. She would’ve settled for any small closet where she didn’t need to be naked in front of her bandmates to change clothes and where to warm up her voice without smokers in the same space. Or not being left alone for hundreds of fans to tear into pieces as the musicians walked away. In a situation like that Tarja met Marcelo, who as a manager came to help and take care of security.
- Marcelo saw how I was treated. I didn’t demand others to carry my bag or open doors for me, but I would’ve deserved to be safe. He was the first to respect me that way.
Then there were situations that Tarja wouldn’t have wanted as a woman to be witness to.
- Other women were brought to backstages and things were done, taking off one’s pants and showing everything. Different terrible things, that bad behavior of youth without any sense of the situation.
The feeling of being an outsider would be easy to explain with just gender. Tarja says that contradictions were deeper in attitudes and worldviews. In her band years Tarja was a college student whose ambitious aim was far in her singing career.
- I felt that I wasn’t understood when I wanted to take it seriously and others were there to have fun.
Tarja says she turned a blind eye and ear to the nincompoopery, because she was in a state and situation where she couldn’t just take off. If she’d raised hell for the situation, Tarja imagined she’d be fired. Twice she did. The famous Nightwish firing happened only later.
- Two times in my band years I truly blew up, but that didn’t change anything. The atmosphere was that boys will be boys.
Tarja wouldn’t feel like that anymore and she wouldn’t teach that attitude to her daughter. She points out that it’s a different time and the next generation has different circumstances.
- Naomi is still a child, only nine years old, but she already has more backbone than the young me to intervene in situations, to question and contradict. She’s growing up stronger in many ways. Maybe the next generation of women will get rid of tolerating things they shouldn’t.

Ease and respect

Tarja emphasizes that she never faced sexual harassment or abuse. The phenomenon is of course familiar to her and Tarja has been at a time a shoulder to her friends. In her new book she calls the singer colleagues in the same genre as her metal sisters, the connection and spirit are that strong between the female singers. She describes herself as the mommy figure with her advice and experiences.
- I think my originality and voice have been a sort of blessing in this too. Because of them I’ve always been so different, Tarja thinks.
- Maybe also my tomboy demeanour has shielded me from the wrong kind of attention and treatment. My style has been the way that I haven’t liked to show off my body, show myself as a sensual or sexual person. Damn, I haven’t liked my body myself, I’ve judged it and had a complex about it.
Tarja says that she learned to be okay with her appearance only during the last few years. That change might have started with getting sick and because of that updating her values, and exercises where Tarja made it clear to herself what things matter to her and what kind of burdens have been useless to carry.
- Goddammit I have been so tough on myself and complained about nothing. Like these legs and marathon runner calves, such ridiculous trauma about them, Tarja tells.
For years Tarja covered her legs in boots, trouser legs, behind long hems because she hated them and didn’t dare show them in front of an audience. With the growing self-acceptance, the hems have gotten shorter.
- Recently I was watching an episode of The Voice of Finland and myself in it and thought that quite alright. I hope I’d still look like that in ten years!
Tarja praises her age at 44 as excellent. Her voice chimes freer, her shape is good all around and her mind more forgiving then maybe ever before.
- I accept myself better at this age and it feels really good. I don’t need to be perfect and accomplish life, which I fell into doing before and which is probably so typical to us Finns, Tarja ponders.
- Life next to a Latino and in the Latino culture has taught me to relax and ease, but the same time a healthy respect for myself.

No more wailing

When the COVID resections in Spain eased, the first morning after lockdown Tarja walked to the seashore with her family. She sat on sand and suddenly burst into tears. The feeling of freedom, the scent of the sea and the dolphins that swam into view sensitized after a distressing period. The beginning of the pandemic was spent in shock: she worried about the people close to her, the tour that ended right after it started and how her crew would manage financially. Tarja was used to getting inspiration for her new songs while traveling – how would she be able to do that now, inside four walls?
Tarja began to relieve her anxiety by training. When she couldn’t leave her home, she would run in her yard and the stairs of her three-storey home until she took it too far. One morning her feet felt like they were on fire and the doctor diagnosed a severe inflammation: usually the plantar fasciitis that affects the heel, had spread all the way to her hip.
- To put it shortly, my running is now done.
Now the performer takes care of her shape by swimming, training with a personal trainer a couple of times a week and playing padel, as much as her legs allow. Tarja has meditated and done the neural pathway nurturing Amino Neuro Frequency therapy for years. The next health-conscious change will soon be seen on stage: Tarja will no longer step on stage in the familiar whopping high heels but in healthy three-centimetre heels.
- Because of the shape of my feet I have to abandon the insane heels that have always been a part of my image. Geez, I had such an arsenal of bling waiting for the next tour! But I’ve destroyed my feet by running, jumping and rocking in sick shoes no person should ever even walk with, Tarja repeats her doctor’s instructions.
- In the adrenaline rush you can’t feel the pain on stage at all, but I have been wailing backstage after concerts because of them.

Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 29, 2021, 05:24:30 pm
The first single "Closer to the Sky" is now available for pre-order at
OUTLANDERS was created by no one less than Finnish soprano legend Tarja Turunen and EDM pioneer Torsten Stenzel; both were able to win over some of the most influential guitar players of our time as featuring guests.
So what genre is OUTLANDERS? The answer is simple: it is a music genre on its own as classifying OUTLANDERS as any existing genre will just fail.
Tarja's vision of OUTLANDERS is to create something exciting and new: OUTLANDERS combine chilled but exciting electronic beats with Tarja’s emotional, classically trained vocal skills and unique guitar performances. These three elements are a constant in all the songs and are equally important.
Their new song "Closer to The Sky" marks the start of a release series of 8 tracks on earMUSIC preceding a full-length album: each song presents an exceptional guitarist as guest including Al Di Meola, Joe Satriani, Jennifer Batten, Steve Rothery, Mike Oldfield, Walter Giardino, Ron “Bumblefoot” Thal, Vernon Reid and Marty Friedman.     
Recorded and mixed mainly on the Caribbean island of Antigua during the last 10 years, the sounds of OUTLANDERS is mystic; soft and powerful; catchy and dreamy; modern but vintage at the same time. Their music contains opposites that magically attract each other and the three aesthetic pillar elements unite to create one unique sound.
First track "Closer to the Sky" composed by Tarja and Erik Nyholm is set for release November 26th, 2021 featuring guitarist TREVOR RABIN, best known as guitarist of Prog-Rock icons YES as well as a top Hollywood blockbuster movies score composer.
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 29, 2021, 10:04:15 pm
Entrevista (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 15, 2021, 06:39:17 pm
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 26, 2021, 06:51:10 pm
Closer To The Sky (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 19, 2022, 05:53:57 pm
Due to the surge in COVID-19 and the challenges it presents, mainly to travel between countries or even regions within the same country with different restrictions, we are forced to postpone, once again, the February and March dates of the Raw Tour.
While we all hope that this ongoing situation will see the end very soon and when there are new speculations that it might be the case, still it is a bit early to do a proper tour as we are used to.
Tickets and VIP and M&G Updates will remain valid for the new dates. Thank you for your support and understanding.
Please find the new dates hereunder:
01.02.23 - Glasgow, UK
02.02.23 - Wolverhampton, UK
04.02.23 - Manchester, UK
05.02.23 - London, UK
06.02.23 - Paris, FR
08.02.23 - Strasbourg, FR
09.02.23 - Lyon, FR
10.02.23 - Milan, IT
12.02.23 - Marseille, FR
13.02.23 - Barcelona, ES
14.02.23 - Madrid, ES (New venue! Sala But)
01.03.23 - Lyss, CH
03.03.23 - Ljubljana, SL
04.03.23 - Wien, AT
05.03.23 - München, DE
07.03.23 - Nürnberg, DE
08.03.23 - Leipzig, DE
09.03.23 - Berlin, DE
11.03.23 - Mannheim, DE
12.03.23 - Herford, DE
13.03.23 - Hamburg, DE
15.03.23 - Bochum, DE
16.03.23 - Nijmegen, NL
17.03.23 - Haarlem, NL
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 28, 2022, 05:50:53 pm
The Cruellest Goodbye (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 18, 2022, 07:23:31 pm
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 24, 2022, 10:19:02 pm
Live at Stadion Sprit (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 17, 2022, 12:21:03 pm
Setlist Limeira (

Planet Hell (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 17, 2022, 12:23:05 pm
Setlist Sao Paulo (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 18, 2022, 05:40:04 pm
Setlist Río de Janeiro (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 20, 2022, 06:23:09 pm
Setlist Santiago de Chile (

Demons In You (

Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 22, 2022, 07:17:30 pm
Setlist Rosario (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 23, 2022, 04:45:43 pm
Setlist Buenos Aires (

I Walk Alone (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 09, 2022, 05:51:07 pm
After a Raw Summer, the Raw Tour will continue in October!
See you in Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary, Slovakia, Poland and Czech Republic!
Limited Upgrades available on Tarja's Webshop:
Who is coming?
17.10.22 Sofia, Bulgaria
18.10.22 Bucharest, Romania
19.10.22 Cluj Napoca, Romania
21.10.22 Budapest, Hungary
22.10.22 Žiar na Hronom, Slovakia
23.10.22 Bratislava, Slowakia
25.10.22 Krakow, Poland
26.10.22 Wroklaw, Poland
28.10.22 Pardubice, Czech Republic
29.10.22 Brno, Czeck Republic
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 19, 2022, 04:53:49 pm
Tarja has started a collaboration with the Kuopio-based jewelry company Väisänen Design. Tarja will be seen wearing Väisänen Design jewelry in The Voice of Finland Senior this spring.
Väisänen Design designs and manufactures hand-crafted jewelry, unprejudiced combining precious metals and 3D-printed polyamide, sometimes with a twisted sense of humor. The
combination of polyamide, precious metals is hardly seen in jewelry.
"We have had no limits on how seriously things should be taken and no need to be too serious. In the same sales pitch, we can sell a golden ring that has a polyamide rose and diamonds,
worth thousands of euros, and jewelry made of plywood with twisted humor. Products can be of high quality even though they are not always so stiff and formal", Väisänen Design's entrepreneurs Heli Väisänen and Eilis Aleksi Väisänen, also known as the designer of Lumoava
jewelry, say.
"The collaboration with Tarja seemed natural from the beginning. At the time when the Ruusu ring was created we thought that Tarja was one of the people on whose finger we could imagine
it. Bold, beautiful and with a lot of attitudes. Ruusu and Tarja, both! " Heli Väisänen says.
Tarja immediately fell in love with the jewelry: "This jewelry is a breath of fresh air in the field of fashion and design. It is not only beautiful and high-quality, but also surprising, fun and demanding a bold attitude! We have a common vision of how we want to be an example to people be bold, just the way you want to be!"
Väisänen Design was founded in Kuopio in 2017 by designer Eelis Aleksi Väisänen and Heli Väisänen, PhD. You can check their complete info and collection at
The collaboration between Tarja and Väisänen Design will benefit Tarja's fans as well, as the fans will receive a 10 % discount on Väisänen Design web store, with the discount code
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 20, 2022, 05:33:34 pm
The Sleeping Indian (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 05, 2022, 04:15:34 pm
Setlist Fruske Terme ( (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 07, 2022, 11:30:37 pm
Setlist RockHartz 2022 (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 09, 2022, 07:19:23 pm
Setlist Fiesole (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 29, 2022, 05:12:50 pm
Land Of Sea and Sun (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 07, 2022, 07:20:51 pm
Setlist Wacken (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 14, 2022, 04:12:03 pm
Setlist Rock pod Kamenon (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 16, 2022, 07:18:20 pm
Tarja, one of the most influential and iconic women in the symphonic metal/metal scene, has been quite busy! After having released her first book “Singing In My Blood” in November of 2021, and catching up on the Raw tours with live music back in full swing, Tarja, kind as always, took the time to answer some questions from our co-owner Ryan about life, covid, her stroke, Outlanders, US touring and more!

Ryan – Moi Tarja! Toivon että voit hyvin! My name is Ryan, and we met in NYC at the meet and greet on September 9th, 2018 during your US Act 2 release shows in the states (we even spoke a little bit of Finnish!) and have been a fan of yours since 2000! Thank you so much for taking the time to chat!

Tarja – Hi! A pleasure Ryan!

Ryan – First, with Covid at the forefront of everyone’s minds, how are you and your family fairing?

Tarja – Thanks for asking. We are doing fine. Together with Marcelo, we have been working and preparing things for the future through all this challenging time. Naomi is at the moment having summer holidays and soon starting her school again. We feel very lucky to live in Andalucia, Spain where the weather is always great, we have friends around and the atmosphere is wonderful.

Ryan – That’s so great to hear! I’ve never been to Spain, but have seen pictures of Anadalucia, and it looks simply beautiful! Speaking of health and wellness, I’m so incredibly grateful to see how well you have recovered after your stroke in late 2018 after returning from the US! It’s clear that nothing stops you from doing your art, and we are so thrilled you are able to continue writing and performing because it’s what you truly love! How are you feeling?

Tarja – Yes, I was very lucky. It was a first warning for me, so I needed really think again my future plans and how to change things for better in my life, so that I won’t see myself in that situation ever again. I am healthier and in a better condition at the moment than probably ever before. In a way, I am grateful that it happened this way, so that it made me realise how important it is to take time for yourself and seek for help if one cannot find the way alone.

Ryan – Wow, that’s an absolutely amazing outlook to have! I’ve seen first hand how debilitating strokes can be, so I’m incredibly thankful you’re okay, and are healthier than ever before! We saw recently on your socials that you and your family had a well deserved vacation in the Maldives! How did you like it? Seeing it’s beauty while you were there, did you draw any inspiration for any future work?

Tarja – Oh we loved it! We really needed some time off and as we had been in Maldives before, we knew that we could totally disconnect. It was great. Naomi turned 10 years and did an open water scuba diving course on the island and now she is ready to explore the underwater world with her parents as a diver. We are of course super proud of her. She is fearless, little girl. I was regaining my batteries and just enjoying the peaceful surroundings without any contamination or noises, other than the voice of the ocean. It’s always inspiring to be near the ocean.

Ryan – So glad you enjoyed it and we’re able to decompress and recharge! Also, that’s great for Naomi, so glad she was able to complete her open water scuba course! I hope to make it to the Maldives one day, it’s beautiful, and that must be an absolutely breathtaking location to dive as well! Speaking of beauty around the world, Antigua holds a special place in your heart. Outlanders has been releasing songs these last few months, and they have been amazing! Jessica’s Webzine that I help with, Ethereal Metal Webzine, has been reviewing each of the songs, and we absolutely LOVE them so far! Which is your favorite from those released so far?

Tarja – It is very hard to answer this question, since they are all my creations and quite different from one another. They hold a special place in my line of work, because the whole project is so unique. Just wait to hear all of them!!

Ryan – I can see how they would all hold a special place in your heart! The ones released so far are absolutely captivating and beautiful! What was it like working with all of the special guest artists that you worked with on this project?

Tarja – I feel truly blessed to gather in this incredible list of talented guitarists. They all did more than I expected really and poured their souls into our songs. It was magical to hear the songs becoming alive with the help of these great musicians. I chose the players for each of the songs, depending on the style and needs of each song and having mind of the guitarists sound as well. Then I talked personally with them and we went through the process together. It was a very enjoyable experience for me.

Ryan – I can imagine it was! Outlanders did see a lot of challenges over the years, from hard drive crashes, finding the right timing and more recently, Covid. Can you speak a bit more about the challenges you all faced, and how Covid made things even more challenging?

Tarja – Actually funny though, Covid gave us time to finish the project. If I would have been on touring constantly and working in other projects as before the pandemic, Outlanders wouldn’t have probably seen the light of the day yet. I decided to write all the remaining lyrics, record the vocals and pushed Torsten to finalise the productions while we were in quarantine. But yes, there were problems and challenges along the way, since we had been working with the project for such a long time already and we were not based in the same place, nor even the continent. Sometimes the time difference, lack of good connections (Torsten lives in Antigua where the internet/electricity is not the best in the world) and communication problems caused us issues, but we managed. After all, we can be very proud of the project.

Ryan – It’s great to see how the down time Covid created allowed the project to be finished! We’ve been excited to hear Outlanders for sometime, and are really enjoying the gradual release of songs! What can you tell us about the rest of the Outlanders songs that we haven’t heard yet? We’re dying to hear more!

Tarja – Hehe….you need to wait for the news to arrive. Hopefully you will find them as interesting and different as the songs that have been released so far.

Ryan – With just a few days left until the next release, I’m excited to hear the next song! With all of the collaborations on Outlanders, it would be a HUGE undertaking, but are there any thoughts on touring this project once released in full?

Tarja – To be honest with you, I would love to go on tour with Outlanders. BUT, realistically speaking it would be a quite big challenge for any guitar player to replay these songs live. They have so many layers of guitars, played with pedals and different sounds and styles, so it would be truly challenging. Anyways, time will tell if we manage to plan something. I am open for it.

Ryan – The layering is one of the things that sticks out most me! As a guitar player, it grabs my attention and I can’t get the patterns out of my head! Shifting gears slightly – on the solo front, are there any thoughts of bringing the Raw tour to the USA in 2023?

Tarja – We are actually working on it right now!!!!! 🙂

Ryan – That’s so exciting! We’re definitely looking forward to seeing you in the US again! Lastly, what can you tell us about any plans for your next solo rock album?

Tarja – There is an album release happening at the end of this year (!) and a re-release of another album as well AND I am currently working on two other album releases for next year. For more info what these albums and projects are about, you will need to wait unfortunately. I love to keep my fans excited….haha!

Ryan – You are going to be very busy! We can’t wait to see what you have in store for us in the future, but we trust your process and know that it will be well worth the wait! Tarja, kiitos paljon, kun käytit aikaa tähän haastatteluun!

Tarja – Kiitos sinulle! All the best and lots of love from Spain! -Love, Tarja (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 20, 2022, 07:17:43 pm
Setlist Motorcultur (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 26, 2022, 06:50:18 pm
Land Of Sea and Sun (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 23, 2022, 06:42:15 pm

Exclusive & Limited 2LP coloured vinyl edition will be released on November 4th, 2022.
PREORDER IT NOW on Tarja’s Official Webstore! Link in stories!

Tarja solo rock career started in 2007 with her first rock opus "My Winter Storm", which reached number 3 in the German charts achieved gold status and is considered her actual solo debut. To mark the 15th anniversary, this monumental first album will be re-released for the first time with an exclusive limited-edition double LP on blue vinyl on 04.11.2022.



Side A
1. I Walk Alone
2. Lost Northern Star
3. The Reign
4. My Little Phoenix
Side B
1. Boy And The Ghost
2. Sing For Me
3. Oasis
4. Poison

LP 2
Side C
1. Our Great Divide
2. Damned And Divine
3. Die Alive
4. The Seer
5. Minor Heaven
Side D
1. Ciarán's Well
2. Calling Grace
3. Enough
4. The Seer (Featuring Doro Pesch)
5. Wisdom Of Wind
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 18, 2022, 06:49:58 pm
Setlist Sofia (

Innocence (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 19, 2022, 04:37:26 pm
Setlist Bucarest (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 20, 2022, 04:14:40 pm
Setlist Cluj-Napoca (

Wishmaster (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 21, 2022, 04:32:56 pm
Eye Of The Storm (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 21, 2022, 04:34:50 pm
t's amazing to think that it's been 15 years since I started my solo career. So many beautiful moments, unbelievable. It has been a dream to put together this Best Of. And I really hope that you will enjoy this as much as I did while making it.
“Best Of: Living The Dream” contains my favorites rock tracks, from all six studio albums. To celebrate this special moment in my life, I am happy to share my brand-new single “Eye Of The Storm”, that will be included in the Best Of, with you today!
Listen “Eye Of The Storm” here:
Album pre-order here:
#tarja #livingthedream #bestof #retrospective
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 22, 2022, 10:55:54 pm
Setlist Budapest (

Anteroom Of Death (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 23, 2022, 06:32:40 pm
Setlist Ziad Nad Hronom (

Serene (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 24, 2022, 04:07:38 pm
Seetlist Bratislava (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 25, 2022, 05:06:05 pm
A Retrospective 1 Eye Of The Storm (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 26, 2022, 04:28:10 pm
Setlist Cracovia (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 27, 2022, 04:36:36 pm
Setlist Wroclaw (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 29, 2022, 07:11:36 pm
Setlist Brno (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 30, 2022, 06:54:13 pm
Setlist Pardubice (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 14, 2022, 05:07:38 pm
A Retrospective - 2 Living The Dream (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 18, 2022, 05:32:50 pm
Circus Life Trailer (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 28, 2022, 05:00:07 pm
A Conversation With Tarja (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 28, 2022, 05:03:56 pm
Instagram Live (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 28, 2022, 05:06:21 pm
Otra entrevista

][url] ([url)[/url]
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 01, 2022, 05:36:43 pm
Entrevista (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 09, 2022, 04:10:51 pm
Innocence @ Circus Life (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 12, 2022, 05:50:45 pm
A Restrospective 3 Living A Dream (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 31, 2023, 05:06:50 pm


Today, award-winning Finnish heavy metal artist TARJA announced her upcoming 2023 Living the Dream Tour. Produced by Live Nation, the 12-city run kicks off on Wednesday, June 14th in Philadelphia, PA at Theatre of The Living Arts, with stops across the U.S. in New York, Chicago, Los Angeles and more before wrapping up on Friday, June 30th in Berkeley, CA at The UC Theater.

The tour will support her most recent album Best Of: Living The Dream, which was released December 2nd, 2022 via earMUSIC. The album reflects back on the past 15 years of the singer’s solo career, featuring TARJA’s most well-known tracks, as well as her personal favorites from all six studio albums – ‘My Winter Storm,’‘What Lies Beneath,’ ‘Colours in the Dark,’ ‘The Brightest Void,’ ‘The Shadow Self’ and ‘In the Raw’ – as well as her new single ‘Eye Of The Storm.’

TICKETS: Tickets go on sale starting Friday, February 3rd at 10am local time on

Wed Jun 14 – Philadelphia, PA – Theatre of The Living Arts
Fri Jun 16 – Baltimore, MD – Baltimore Soundstage
Sat Jun 17 – New York, NY – Irving Plaza
Sun Jun 18 – Boston, MA – Big Night Live
Tue Jun 20 – Detroit, MI – Saint Andrew's Hall
Wed Jun 21 – Chicago, IL – House of Blues Chicago
Thu Jun 22 – Minneapolis, MN – Varsity Theater
Sat Jun 24 – Denver, CO – Marquis Theater
Mon Jun 26 – Phoenix, AZ – The Van Buren
Tue Jun 27 – Los Angeles, CA – The Belasco
Wed Jun 28 – Las Vegas, NV – House of Blues Las Vegas
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 02, 2023, 04:40:10 pm
Setlist Glasgow (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 03, 2023, 06:52:32 pm
Setlist Wolverhampton (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 05, 2023, 10:25:13 pm
Setlist Manchester (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 06, 2023, 05:54:15 pm
Setlist Londres (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 07, 2023, 04:39:19 pm
Setlist París (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 09, 2023, 10:49:57 pm
Setlist Estrasburgo (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 10, 2023, 05:07:15 pm
Setlist Villeurbanne (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 11, 2023, 07:02:25 pm
Seltlist Milan (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 13, 2023, 03:59:08 pm
Setlist Marsella (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 15, 2023, 06:09:38 pm
Setlist Barcelona (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 15, 2023, 06:10:56 pm
Setlist Madrid (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 02, 2023, 05:27:57 pm
Setlist Lyss (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 04, 2023, 04:21:14 pm
Setlist Ljubljana (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 05, 2023, 11:39:57 pm
Setlist Viena (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 05, 2023, 11:41:36 pm
Setlist Munich (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 08, 2023, 04:34:12 pm
Setlist Nuremberg (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 09, 2023, 04:30:19 pm
Setlist Leipzig (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 10, 2023, 07:42:12 pm
Setlist Berlin (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 12, 2023, 07:49:18 pm
Setlist Mannheim (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 13, 2023, 10:56:34 pm
Herford (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 13, 2023, 10:57:46 pm
Setlist Hamburgo (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 16, 2023, 04:42:31 pm
Setlist Bochum (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 18, 2023, 07:19:47 pm
Setlist Nijmega (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 18, 2023, 07:22:16 pm
Setlist Haarlem (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 07, 2023, 04:20:30 pm
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 28, 2023, 11:22:01 pm
Peaceful Place (Return To Oasis) (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 28, 2023, 11:24:17 pm
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 03, 2023, 05:09:42 pm
Setlist Helsinki (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 04, 2023, 05:32:26 pm
Setlist Lahti (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 07, 2023, 07:14:55 pm
Setlist Kouvola (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 08, 2023, 05:00:57 pm
Setlist Hameelinna (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 11, 2023, 12:28:56 pm
Setlist Tampere (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 12, 2023, 04:58:28 pm
Setlist Turku (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 14, 2023, 08:48:44 pm
Setlist Kuopio (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 14, 2023, 08:50:02 pm
Setlist Lappeenranta (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 21, 2023, 06:36:37 pm
My story as a metal frontwoman (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 21, 2023, 06:57:45 pm
Otra!! (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 26, 2023, 10:28:07 pm
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 29, 2023, 06:31:03 pm
Brazil! Get ready for the Living The Dream Tour! See you in September in:
22.09 Porto Alegre
23.09 São Paulo
24.09 Limeira
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 31, 2023, 06:00:05 pm

OUTLANDERS is a project by Finnish soprano legend Tarja Turunen and EDM pioneer Torsten Stenzel. They worked on the album for over 10 years and had support from some of the most influential guitarists of our time. Each song features a special guitarist as a guest including Al Di Meola, Trevor Rabin, Joe Satriani, Jennifer Batten, Steve Rothery, Mike Oldfield, Walter Giardino, Ron “Bumblefoot” Thal, Vernon Reid and Marty Friedman. 7 tracks have already been pre-released digitally and now the long-awaited album will be released on June 23rd on CD and “blue curacao” 2 Vinyl Limited Edition.   


OUTLANDERS has succeeded in creating something exciting and new: the music combines relaxed but exciting electronic beats with Tarja’s emotional, classically trained voice and unique guitar perfromances. These three elements are a constant throughout the album with equal importance in all songs. The sound is mysterious, gentle and yet powerful, catchy and dreamy, modern and classic at the same time. The music contains opposites that attract each other in a magical way.

The eighth track “A Peaceful Place (Return To The Oasis)” with Walter Giardino as special guest is available on all digital platforms and as limited collector’s edition on 7″ vinyl exclusively in Tarja’s online store.


    Outlanders feat. Walter Giardino
    Closer To The Sky feat. Trevor Rabin
    The Cruellest Goodbye feat. Al Di Meola
    World In My Eyes feat. Vernon Reid
    Mystique Voyage feat. Steve Rothery
    The Sleeping Indian feat. Joe Satriani
    Land of Sea and Sun feat. Marty Friedman
    1971 feat. Walter Giardino
    We Own This Sky feat. Ron “Bumblefoot” Thal
    Never Too Far feat. Mike Oldfield
    Echoes feat. Jennifer Batten
    A Peaceful Place (Return To The Oasis) feat. Walter Giardino





Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 31, 2023, 06:01:15 pm
Argentina and Chile! Get ready for the Living The Dream Tour! See you on September 16th in Buenos Aires, at Teatro Flores and on September 20th in Santiago, at Blondie!
Who is coming?!
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 03, 2023, 04:10:48 pm
Entrevista (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 08, 2023, 05:17:55 pm
Colombia! Get ready for the Living The Dream Tour! See you on September 28th in Bogotá, at Teatro Jorge Eliécer Gaitán!
Who is coming?!
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 14, 2023, 04:08:54 pm
Rocking Heels: Live at Metal Church' is the document of a very special concert in the idyllic setting of Wacken Church. In front of just 300 handpicked fans, this onetime-only event opened the Wacken Open Air Festival in 2016 and now signals the start of the exciting live series "Rocking Heels" with its release on August 11th.
The first single and video, a cover of Linkin Park ‘s “Numb”, perfectly reflects the intimate setting of this concert and is available from today! (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 15, 2023, 04:20:27 pm
Setlist Philadelphia (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 17, 2023, 05:59:52 pm
Setlist Baltimore (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 18, 2023, 07:05:42 pm
Setlist Nueva York (

I Feel Immortal (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 19, 2023, 04:28:12 pm
Setlist Boston (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 21, 2023, 04:34:27 pm
Setlist Detroit (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 22, 2023, 08:30:21 pm
Setlist Chicago (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 23, 2023, 03:51:48 pm
Setlist Minneapolis (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 25, 2023, 06:39:26 pm
Setlist Denver (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 27, 2023, 03:46:25 pm
Setlist Phoenix (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 28, 2023, 07:01:22 pm
Setlist Los Ángeles (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 29, 2023, 04:32:28 pm
Setlist Las Vegas (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 01, 2023, 06:30:45 pm
Setlist Berkeley (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 09, 2023, 06:30:02 pm
Setlist Z7 Summer Night Open Air 2023 (

The Phantom Of The Opera (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 15, 2023, 04:37:07 pm
Setlist Masters Of Rock (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 28, 2023, 05:08:36 pm
The Unforgiven (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 04, 2023, 05:43:57 pm
Setlist Olavalinna (

The Phantom Of The Opera (con Marko) (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 11, 2023, 10:45:53 pm
Vermillion pt 2 (Slipknot Cover) (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 14, 2023, 04:19:30 pm
Setlist Pannonian Rock (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 17, 2023, 05:25:14 pm
I Walk Alone (Live Metal Church) (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 18, 2023, 07:18:35 pm
Outlanders - Never too far (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 21, 2023, 05:28:52 pm
Trust Live in Metal Church (Megadeth Cover) (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 23, 2023, 05:09:21 pm
The Living End (Metal Church) (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 26, 2023, 07:26:19 pm
Ave Maria (Live Metal Church) (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 28, 2023, 04:00:11 pm
Setlist Cluj Fest (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 29, 2023, 07:43:32 pm
Ohne Dich (Metal Church) (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 01, 2023, 05:44:30 pm
Sleeping Sun (Metal Church) (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 02, 2023, 06:40:55 pm
Setlist Metal On The Hill (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 03, 2023, 06:31:10 pm
We are very happy to announce that Tarja will join the upcoming ROCK MEETS CLASSIC TOUR in Germany in April 2024!

See you in Ludwigsburg, Kempten, Passau, Regensburg, München, Oberhausen, Ingolstadt, Frankfurt, Nürnberg and Würzburg.

Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 04, 2023, 10:16:21 pm
Always with me, always with you (Metal Church) (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 16, 2023, 05:02:49 pm
Setlist Córdoba (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 17, 2023, 10:53:19 pm
Setlist Buenos Aires (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 19, 2023, 03:56:47 pm
Setlist Montevideo (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 20, 2023, 05:43:17 pm
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 21, 2023, 04:51:18 pm
Setlist Santiago (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 23, 2023, 08:15:08 pm
Setlist Porto Alegre (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 24, 2023, 06:46:31 pm
Setlist Sao Paulo (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 25, 2023, 04:10:16 pm
Setlist Limeira (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 27, 2023, 04:22:06 pm
Setlist Lima (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 29, 2023, 08:43:13 pm
Setlist Bogotá (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 06, 2023, 07:32:41 pm
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 23, 2023, 05:34:24 pm
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 31, 2023, 03:54:37 pm
The darkness is finally lifting and brings… more darkness!
My Christmas album sequel “Dark Christmas” will be released Nov. 10th and today the dark season already starts with “Frosty The Snowman”, available for streaming everywhere. The video will be released on YouTube at 5pm.
It was fascinating to dive into this new world. You will appreciate these Christmas songs with our spooky arrangements truly sound in a way they never did before. I hope you will dig in our take of a Dark Christmas spirit.
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 31, 2023, 05:08:47 pm
Frosty The Snowman (Video) (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 02, 2023, 06:30:19 pm
I am happy to announce there will be exclusive album pre-listening events of “Dark Christmas” happening in selected cinemas worldwide!��Get ready to be immersed in a world of unparalleled sound quality with the ultimate Dark Christmas experience in Dolby Atmos! Brace yourself for a mind-blowing adventure that will transport you into the heart of Christmas. All 12 album songs are made available with an immersive DOLBY ATMOS audio mix specially conceived for the ultimate album listening in selected cinemas prepared for that extent. Experience my renditions of Wham!’s “Last Christmas”, Mariah Carey’s “All I Want For Christmas Is You”, Paul McCartney’s “Wonderful Christmastime”; classics such as “Jingle Bells”, “Frosty The Snowman” ”White Christmas”, “Jingle Bell Rocks” and “Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer”, as well as my brand-new Christmas song “Dark Christmas” in Dolby Atmos so every music note will come to life in a way that will leave you spellbound. ;)
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 03, 2023, 05:13:32 pm
Jingle Bells (Video) (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 08, 2023, 07:09:16 pm
Rudolph The Red Nose Reindeer (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 22, 2023, 06:03:43 pm
Belgium! We are happy to announce the first addition to the “Living the Dream Summer 2024” tour! See you at Graspop Metal Meeting on Friday June 21st!
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 22, 2023, 07:25:34 pm
FaceCulture (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 07, 2023, 05:01:41 pm
The Fire Will Return (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 07, 2023, 05:18:17 pm
Chaoszine (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 11, 2023, 03:54:23 pm
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 23, 2024, 08:28:46 pm
Tarja’s second album “What Lies Beneath” (2024 Edition) is being released as 2CD Special Edition and Heavyweight 2LP Vinyl for the first time ever!
It comes with a beautifully restored artwork, highest quality remastered Audio (at Sterling Sound) & brand new bonus CD including alternative versions, single edits and remixes. (

Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 29, 2024, 05:26:16 pm
Setlist Neuquén (

Dead Promises (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 02, 2024, 08:52:59 pm
Setlist Mar del Plata (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 04, 2024, 05:43:55 pm
Setlist Buenos Aires (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 06, 2024, 08:00:49 pm
Setlist Santiago (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 07, 2024, 05:23:29 pm
Setlist Talcahuano (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 09, 2024, 04:28:17 pm
Setlist Sao Paulo (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 09, 2024, 04:29:59 pm
On Mars 13th I will release a brand new song ’Left on Mars’ together with @tarjaofficial 🔥..."
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 10, 2024, 06:46:14 pm
Setlist Porto Alegre (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 12, 2024, 06:30:44 pm
    RESCHEDULED DATES for Curitiba and Belo Horizonte, Brazil

    Unfortunately, Tarja and Marko Hietala are to postpone their performance in Belo Horizonte.

    The rescheduled dates for Curitiba and Belo Horizonte have already been confirmed as follows:

    The date of Sunday, March 10th, 2024, CURITIBA, was rescheduled to Sunday, MAY 18th, 2025
    The date of Tuesday, March 12th, 2024, BELO HORIZONTE, was rescheduled to Tuesday, MAY 20th, 2025

    Tickets remain valid for the new dates, as well as M&G purchases.
    Tickets refund will be available from Thursday, March 14th directly in the platform where the purchase was made.

    Artists are showing improvements in their health. Both Marko and Tarja were really excited to do today's show, but after Tarja had another consult with the physicians, they recommended complete rest also to preserve the next shows on the tour.
    Editado · 11 min

Hace 24 minutos
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 13, 2024, 03:59:16 pm
Left On Mars (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 14, 2024, 04:18:31 pm
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 15, 2024, 04:10:38 pm
Setlist Brasilia (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 15, 2024, 04:12:35 pm
Setlist Rio de Janeiro (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 17, 2024, 06:12:36 pm
Setlist Fortaleza (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 18, 2024, 03:33:01 pm
Setlist Belem (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 20, 2024, 04:11:06 pm
Setlist Recife (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 21, 2024, 05:31:58 pm
A Retrospect - What Lies Beneath (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 27, 2024, 04:01:24 pm
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 12, 2024, 05:28:23 pm
Setlist Ludwigsburg (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 12, 2024, 05:30:07 pm
Setlist Allgäu (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 13, 2024, 06:36:48 pm
Setlist Passau (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 14, 2024, 06:43:40 pm
What Lies Beneath Documentary (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 14, 2024, 06:46:24 pm
Setlist Regensburg (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 15, 2024, 03:52:57 pm
Setlist Munich (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 17, 2024, 04:14:41 pm
Setlist Oberhausen (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 19, 2024, 04:52:02 pm
Setlist Ingolstadt (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 20, 2024, 08:51:45 pm
Setlist Frankfurt (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 21, 2024, 07:14:35 pm
Setlist Nuremberg (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 22, 2024, 05:16:59 pm
Setlist Würzburg (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 17, 2024, 05:03:16 pm
Setlist Chihuahua (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 19, 2024, 04:17:13 pm
Setlist Guadalajara (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 20, 2024, 04:26:25 pm
Setlist Ciudad de México (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 22, 2024, 04:46:38 pm
Setlist Santiago de Querétaro (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 23, 2024, 04:09:04 pm
Setlist Michoacán (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 27, 2024, 03:49:25 pm
Setlist San Luis Potosí (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 27, 2024, 03:50:54 pm
Setlist Torreón (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 27, 2024, 03:52:07 pm
Setlist Monterrey (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 30, 2024, 04:40:32 pm
Setlist San José (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 31, 2024, 05:49:33 pm
A Retrospect Colours In The Dark (
Título: Re:Tarja Turunen
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 02, 2024, 07:05:47 pm
Setlist Metalfest (