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Foro de Música => Foro de Música => Mensaje iniciado por: Serena en Diciembre 08, 2007, 08:00:18 pm

Título: Keane
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 08, 2007, 08:00:18 pm
Keane live será el tí­tulo del álbum en directo que el trí­o registró el pasado mes de julio en el estadio O2 de Londres en uno de sus conciertos más multitudinarios. La banda británica ha confirmado a travíés de su página web que el disco verá la luz el 12 de noviembre.
Por NACHO HERRERO / Madrid (02/10/2007)


Tom Chaplin, Richard Hughes y Tim Rice-Oxley han desvelado además los contenidos de este DVD que incluirán el concierto completo, su actuación desde otras cámaras, un corto documental sobre el dí­a del show, las pruebas de sonido y espectaculares imágenes del público durante sus mejores canciones.

Keane live incluirá subtí­tulos en inglíés, alemán, francíés, portuguíés y español, por lo que todo parece indicar que este lanzamiento llegará a nuestro paí­s. Y mientras sus incondicionales esperan un nuevo disco en directo, la formación ya tiene la mente puesta en el que será su tercer elepíé de estudio. El trí­o regresará al estudio de grabación antes de navidad y han prometido renovar su sonido para que sea diferente a lo esperado.

Título: Re: Keane
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 21, 2007, 11:06:03 pm

El trí­o británico ha decidido regalar a sus fans el tema Early winter. Tim Rice-Oxley compuso el tema junto a Gwen Stefani para el segundo álbum de la californiana, The sweet scape y ahora la banda de Sussex ha querido recuperarlo para compartirlo gratuitamente con sus fans. Un detalle navideño que ha hecho las delicias de sus seguidores.
Por GEMA HOSPIDO / Madrid (21/12/2007)


Si quieres descargarte este temazo, sólo tienes que entrar en la página oficial de la banda y clickar donde te indica. El mp3 sólo estará disponible una semana desde hoy, viernes 21 de diciembre hasta el próximo dí­a 28.

La descarga de esta canción es todo un regalo ya que la banda nunca ha grabado este tema en estudio y antes del 28 de noviembre jamás la habí­a tocado en directo. La grabación se realizó en el concierto acústico que Keane ofreció en el London’s Union Chapel.

Título: Re: Keane
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 12, 2008, 11:43:44 pm
Under pressure (
Título: Re: Keane
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 12, 2008, 11:52:44 pm
Otro cover

Enjoy the silence (
Título: Re: Keane
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 21, 2008, 10:45:15 pm
El tercer álbum de estudio de Keane ya ha comenzado a tomar forma. El trí­o trabaja desde hace unas semanas en un local en Sussex (Reino Unido), en el disco que recogerá el testigo de Under the iron sea (2006). Su salida está prevista para septiembre de este año y podrí­a incluir sorpresas en forma de sonido guitarrero, según recoge la revista Q.
Por REDACCIí“N / Madrid (21/01/2008)


Tim Rice-Oxley comenzó a componer en abril de 2007 y junto a Richard Hughes y Tom Chaplin han dado forma a más de 20 canciones con tí­tulos como Black burning heart, Playing away o Perfect symmetry. "Algunas de ellas tienen un sonido muy clásico y podrí­an formar parte de un álbum de Talking Heads, de U2 en los años 80 o de David Bowie" explica el grupo.

Tras dos álbumes en los que han recogido el aplauso unánime de crí­tica y público, Keane podrí­an estar tentando el factor sorpresa de incluir guitarras en este nuevo proyecto: "Hay grandes posibilidades. La gente tiene una idea equivocada y piensa que somos completamente inmunes a las guitarras".

El trí­o británico espera finalizar el proceso de grabación en verano para su posterior edición en septiembre. Aún sin tí­tulo fijado, la formación llegó a barajar la posibilidad de publicar hasta cuatro EP’s con sus nuevas canciones, por lo que tocará esperar para ver el formato final de este trabajo.

Título: Re: Keane
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 19, 2008, 10:36:00 pm
Keane ya tiene su próximo trabajo discográfico casi a punto. El trí­o británico desvelaba hace unos meses que su tercer disco de estudio serí­a sorprendente sobre todo porque no descartarí­an introducir, por primera vez, guitarras. Sin embargo, cuenta la banda en declaraciones recogidas por Digital Spy, que se tratará de un disco "soso", simple, pero con reminiscencias ochentenas. Veamos a quíé se refieren.
Por REDACCIí“N / Madrid (19/03/2008)


"Hay grandes posibilidades. La gente tiene una idea equivocada y piensa que somos completamente inmunes a las guitarras", decí­a el cantante, Tim Rice-Oxley, hace unos meses a la revista Q. Ahora parece que la sorpresa no es sólo esa, sino que la banda afirma que se tratará de un disco "insulso e insí­pido", explicamos por quíé.

"Tenemos la certeza de que cuanto más soso y menos cool hagamos nuestra música, mejor", ha dicho Rice-Oxley al Daily Star y se justificaba así­: “sólo cuando pierdes el miedo a romper con las reglas establecidas de la música puedes hacer un álbum realmente bueno”.

La banda ha estado trabajando con el productor Stuart Price (Madonna) para su próximo LP, que previsiblemente lanzará en septiembre. Y atención porque según Rice-Oxley, "una de las canciones sonará como el tema Magic Dance de la banda sonora de El Laberinto", escrita e interpretada por David Bowie. Muy ochententeros ellos.

Título: Re: Keane
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 01, 2008, 10:52:34 pm
C. FERNíNDEZ -   01-08-2008 13:41

Keane, inmersos en la preparación de su nuevo trabajo ha desvelado algunos detalles del que será su tercer disco de estudio, que tendrá como tí­tulo Perfect Symmetry y será editado el próximo 13 de Octubre.

Según la propia banda ha iformado el álbum ha sido grabado entre Parí­s, Berlí­n, Londres y Los íngeles. "Comenzamos la grabación en Paris, donde Jon Brion, colaborador del grupo, nos sugirió crear primero y pensar despuíés", explican los británicos. "Tomamos despuíés el tren nocturno a Berlí­n y donde pudimos experimentar toda una avalancha de experimentaciones que nos tomó por sorpresa. Allí­ pactamos con Stuart Price, nuestro productor, el poder ignorar las reglas del buen gusto. Quedamos hipnotizados por Marlene Dietrich y pasamos muchas noches pensando ideas en el club berliníés Cabaret".

Tras su paso por la capital alemana el grupo se trasladó a Inglaterra, donde grabaron un tema en Londres. Tras esta grabación Keane se trasladó hasta LA, donde se encuentran ahora, ultimando los últimos detalles del álbum.

Perfect Symmetry, que verá la luz el próximo 13 de octubre supone su tercer larga duración, tras su debut en 2004 con Hopes and Feras y su segundo disco publicado en 2006 bajo el tí­tulo de Under the iron sea.

Título: Re: Keane
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 04, 2008, 11:26:40 pm
Spiralling (
Título: Re: Keane
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 18, 2008, 10:17:21 pm
. MORAL - Madrid  18-08-2008 16:38

Han ido desvelando detalles con cuentagotas y ya parece que el tercer disco del trí­o británico está a punto de caramelo. Mientras la banda ultima los pormenores de este nuevo trabajo, Perfect Symmetry ya ha anunciado el tracklist del cedíé, que estará compuesto por 11 nuevos temas.

Según ha informado la edición digital de NME, las 11 canciones de las que constará el álbum están encabezadas por Spiralling, primer single al que seguirán temas como The lovers are losing, Black Burning Heart o Love is the end.

Del disco, que ha sido grabado entre Parí­s, Berlí­n, Londres y Los íngeles y producido otra vez por Stuart Price, decí­a la propia banda que ignora las normas del buen gusto. Ya veremos si vuelven a sorprender como lo hicieran con Hopes and fears (2004) y Under the iron Sea (2006). Por el momento, del nuevo single, sólo podemos decir que es bastante agitado y ochentero.

Listado de canciones de 'Perfect Symmetry'
- Spiralling

- The Lovers Are Losing

- Better Than This

- You Haven't Told Me Anything

- Perfect Symmetry

- You Don't See Me

- Again And Again

- Playing Along

- Pretend That You're Alone

- Black Burning Heart

- Love Is The End

Título: Re: Keane
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 07, 2008, 08:27:18 pm
Este SI es el single!!

Lovers are losing (
Título: Re: Keane
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 11, 2008, 10:55:53 pm
We're very pleased to reveal that Keane are playing a European tour across October and November, taking in 12 shows in nine countries. The dates are as follows...

27 - Antwerp, Lotto Arena
28 - Rotterdam, Ahoy
31 - Copenhagen, Valby Hall

1 - Stockholm, Annex
3 - Oslo, Sentrum
5 - Cologne, Palladium
6 - Berlin, Tempodrom
7 - Munich, Zenith
9 - Barcelona, Razzmatazz
11 - Madrid, La Riviera
12 - Lisbon, Coliseu
20 - Paris, Zenith

As ever, we've sorted a special pre-sale with the best tickets for the online Keane massive. It begins tomorrow (Thursday) at midday UK time. Click here to access it and purchase your tickets
Título: Re: Keane
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 11, 2008, 10:56:52 pm
In an exciting, futuristic move the band will be selecting their favourite live tracks from the European tour to compile an exclusive digital release. The ten-track album will be mixed and mastered as soon as the tour ends, then quickly released as high quality MP3s. The album will be available to pre-order from the ticket pre-sale page from midday tomorrow. It costs £7.90 and will be available to fans worldwide, with anyone pre-ordering it at the same time as buying a ticket for one of the shows able to get the album for a bargain £5.
Título: Re: Keane
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 13, 2008, 10:22:53 pm
Keane presentará su nuevo disco en Madrid y Barcelona en noviembre

12.09.2008 | 17:53 h.

    Tras vender más de 8 millones de copias de sus dos primeros discos Hopes And Fears (2004) y Under The Iron Sea (2006), agotar entradas en multitudinarias giras de pabellones y firmar hits como Is It Any Wonder?, Everybody's Changing, Crystal Ball o Somewhere Only We Know, Keane está de vuelta.

El trí­o británico compuesto por Tom Chaplin, Tim Rice-Oxley y Richard Hughes retorna para presentar su nuevo trabajo de estudio, Perfect Symetry, once nuevas canciones que nos muestran a Keane en su máximo esplendor creativo. La banda ha superado el ríécord de descargas gratuitas de un tema publicado por su sello, Universal Music, con más de medio millón de descargas de Spiralling la primera semana sólo a travíés de su web.

Spiralling ha estado disponible para su descarga gratuita desde el cuatro de agosto, con motivo de la celebración de la finalización de su esperadí­simo nuevo y tercer álbum, que se lanzará el 13 de octubre. Asimismo, en su primer dí­a a la venta, Spiralling se sitúa en el Top 10 de ventas de I-tunes. El primer single convencional de Keane, The Lovers Are Losing, será editado el 6 de Octubre.

Para presentar Perfect Symetry Keane recalará en Barcelona y Madrid los dí­as 9 y 11 de noviembre, respectivamente. Las entradas para el público en general saldrán a la venta el lunes 15 de septiembre a travíés de la red Tick Tack Ticket y tiendas FNAC y Carrefour.

Domingo 9 Noviembre
Barcelona - Razzmatazz
30 euros anticipada / 35 euros taquilla
Puertas: 20h
Telonero: 21h
Keane: 22h

Martes 11 Noviembre
Madrid - La Riviera
30 euros anticipada / 35 euros taquilla
Puertas: 20h
Telonero: 21h
Keane: 22h 

Título: Re: Keane
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 18, 2008, 08:59:08 pm
Hello again folks. 
The band's UK label have decided to follow their kindly tradition of making a free box available to fans to put their Perfect Symmetry 7-inch singles in. What's more, they'll kick-start your collection with an exclusive free 7-inch of Spiralling. There are 2,000 of these boxes available, on a first-come, first-served basis. If you'd like to sign up for one, click here and fill in your details. Unfortunately this offer isn't open to non-UK residents. But, hey, if you've got a friend who lives here... 
On the evening of October 2nd, Keane are headlining a special live show at the launch of Nokia's "Comes with Music" campaign at Koko in Camden, London. Tickets will not be available to purchase, but we've bagged 30 pairs to give away to you folks. If you'd like to enter, then click here and fill out the form, before Sept 23rd. 
Spiralling has been nominated for Best Track at this year's Q Awards (and quite right too). The winner will be announced at a ceremony in London on October 8th. If you'd like to cast your vote for the song to win, then click here. Thanks. 
It was announced this week that Keane will be playing a special show for the BBC's Electric Proms at Koko in London on 23rd October, joined by extra musicians and a string quartet. For more information (including ticket info), click here to visit Keane's page on the BBC's Electric Proms site. 
The big excitements on the site in the last few days have been the artwork announcement for The Lovers Are Losing, an exclusive interview with Rich and, of course, the European tour presale (a few tickets from which are still available). If you're enjoying what we've been doing on the site, you can currently vote for to retain its Best Official Website crown at the BT DMAs, by clicking here (you can vote once a day if you'd like to). Thanks.

We'll see you next time. Until then, this Spiralling video is rather good.

Título: Re: Keane
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 27, 2008, 10:53:23 pm
Hello again. It's a busy week for Keane news... 
Head over to the official site to check out our exclusive new interview with Mr Tom Chaplin, who we caught up with in the band's rehearsal bunker this week. He told us, amongst other things, about his new role as Keane's axe hero and spilling black blood at a recent video shoot. He is, it's fair to say, on good form.
Earlier this week, Keane announced a UK arena tour which will take them across the UK and Ireland in January and February next year.

Click here to see the full list of upcoming shows. Our exclusive pre-sale for the tour is now open . Check it out to buy the tickets with no processing fee (just a booking fee).

When you buy your ticket, you'll also be given the option to bundle in the live digital album which the band are recording on the upcoming European tour, for just £5. And/or add the funky limited edition Keane clouds T-shirt for a tenner. If you're interested, best be quick, as the pre-sale tickets are selling fast...
If you're in the UK, check out Friday with Jonathan Ross tomorrow night (Sept 26th) on BBC1 at 10.35pm, to see the band performing Spiralling live. You'll also be able to watch it on the BBC iPlayer for 7 days after the show.
As of this week, you can pre-order Keane's new album, Perfect Symmetry, from the UK iTunes store. If you do, you'll immediately receive a track from the album, Love Is The End. Also, all those who pre-order will receive an exclusive non-album track, My Shadow, when the album is released on October 13th.

Click here for the standard version and here for the swanky deluxe edition, which also contains exclusive videos. We'll be giving you the pre-order details for other countries' iTunes stores soon.
See you next week. Oh, and don't forget you can still vote for to retain its Best Official Site title at the BT Digital Music Awards. Click here if you think we deserve it.

Thanks folks,

Título: Re: Keane
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 30, 2008, 10:49:56 pm
Directos al número uno de las listas británicas con sus dos trabajos anteriores, el tercer disco de la banda de piano rock verá la luz el próximo 13 de octubre.

Los temas de Perfect Symmetry, el tercer álbum de los ingleses, llegará a las tiendas pocos dí­as antes del comienzo de su gira europea. Un tour que les llevará a visitar nuestro paí­s con dos conciertos, en la capital y en la ciudad condal.

Las fechas en las que está previsto que estíén en nuestro paí­s son: el domingo 9 de noviembre en Razzmatazz, Barcelona, y el martes 11 de noviembre en la sala madrileña La Riviera.

Según el propio Tom Chaplin, cantante de la formación Perfect Symmetry es un disco de pop, con reminiscencias de los 80 y aire íépico, con temas "tristes que suenan alegres" y que cuenta con The lovers are losing como primer single.

Título: Re: Keane
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 02, 2008, 10:56:51 pm
Hello again. With less than two weeks to go until the album is released, the KWN is in excitable mood (woot!). 
If you'd like to hear Perfect Symmetry in full before its release (and, frankly, you'd be daft if you didn't), then you'll be pleased to learn that the whole album will be streamed from from Monday (Oct 6th). They'll also be streaming the band's commentary on the album's tracks. Woot! 
Following the opening of the UK iTunes album pre-order last week (click here for deluxe and here for standard), Perfect Symmetry is now available to pre-order from iTunes stores across the world (simply search "Perfect Symmetry" in your local store to find it). The US deluxe version (click here for that) even includes the bonus addition of 11 demo tracks. Those demo tracks are also available on the deluxe CD edition, which you can still pre-order from the Keane shop here. 
The band have a quite a few bits and pieces coming up which you might like to tune in for. First up, they're on Jonathan Ross's Radio 2 show on Saturday (10am-1pm), performing an acoustic version of The Lovers Are Losing and having a chat. Click here for more info and to listen online. Then, on Sunday night, you can see them performing at The Secret Policeman's Ball 2008 in aid of Amnesty International on Channel 4 (9-10.45pm). You can also watch that event live from the Albert Hall on Saturday night at cinemas across the UK, Australia and Canada - click here for info on that. And, on Wednesday next week, the band are joining Sara Cox in the Radio 1 Live Lounge (10am-12.45pm), which you can listen to online here. 
Some extra tickets have been added to the official Keane ticket shop, so if you'd like to buy your tickets with no processing fee (just a booking fee which is much smaller than the other ticket sites fee), then click here. The bundle discounts saving you money on a T-shirt and the live digital album are also still available. You can also pre-order the live digital album without buying a ticket here. 
As you know, Keane's new single, The Lovers Are Losing, will be released on October 20th. We can confirm that the track will be backed by another new track, Time To Go, which will appear on both the CD and 7-inch. If you'd like to pre-order either of those - or both for £4.99 - then click here to visit Townsend Records' site (which does ship abroad). 
We can reveal that the best film Tim Rice-Oxley has watched this year was The Lives of Others. True.

See you next time.

Título: Re: Keane
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 07, 2008, 10:45:58 pm
La primera vez en España (
Título: Re: Keane
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 09, 2008, 10:28:22 pm
Hello again folks. Lots to tell you about this week... 
Yes, the wait is all but over. Keane's tremendous third album, Perfect Symmetry, is released next week across the globe. You can still pre-order the swanky deluxe CD/DVD edition of album from the official Keane shop by clicking here. But if you can't wait any longer to hear the record, then click here to head over to where you can currently stream the entire thing, with commentary from the band, for free. 
True story: a couple of days ago, the band were sitting around talking about how much fun they had playing the new songs live at the Forum show. One of them piped up and said, "So why don't we do some more shows next week?" Cue hasty calls to management, agents and venues - et voila! - three gigs have been booked. What's more, tickets to all three will be given away to you folks. They're at the Edinburgh Voodoo Rooms on 13th October (click here to enter), Leeds Cockpit on 14th October (click here to enter) and London 100 Club on 15th October (click here to enter). You'll need to be over 18. And be quick - the competition c loses at 4pm tomorrow (Friday). 
On Sunday night, as the clock strikes midnight and Perfect Symmetry is released, Keane will be playing an exclusive, stripped-down show at the Glasgow Buchanan Street branch of Zavvi. They'll follow their set with a signing session. If you'd like to be there, then you'll need to get a wristband by pre-ordering the album from Buchanan Street Zavvi. The wristbands are available on a first-come, first-served basis to personal callers only from 9am on Friday 10th October and are limited to one wristband per person. Sounds like a very fun way to spend a Sunday night. 
Having been shortlisted for Best Official Website at last week's BT Digital Music Awards (thanks for all your votes!), things are as busy as ever on This week, we've posted the first View from the crew blog, featuring the entertaining musings of Keane's tour manager Colin. We've also added our latest exclusive Q&A with the band, this time featuring Tim chatting about the Forum gig and the imminent album release. Keep 'em peeled for lots more over the next week or two. 
Yesterday lunchtime, Keane were guests in the Radio 1 Live Lounge, where they chatted with Sara Cox and performed two songs - a belting Spiralling and a terrific live mash-up of Dizzee Rascal/Calvin Harris's Dance Wiv Me and Queen's Another One Bites The Dust. If you'd like to hear the interview and the songs, click here to check it out on Radio 1's website, where you can also see some pictures of the chaps.

Exciting times, indeed.

Título: Re: Keane
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 11, 2008, 10:42:09 pm
Lovers are losing (
Título: Re: Keane
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 11, 2008, 10:54:33 pm
El disco se escucha aquí­ (
Título: Re: Keane
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 17, 2008, 07:03:11 pm
Hello and welcome to the first KWN since Keane officially became a band with three albums. 
Keane's new album, Perfect Symmetry, is now in shops across the globe - for a full list of international release dates, click here. If you'd like to download the album, you can get the deluxe version (which comes with a host of bonus demos and videos) from the official Keane store here. Not only are we selling it £2 cheaper than the UK iTunes store, you'll get the songs in super high quality MP3 format (which will work on any player, including iPods). 
Keane's new single, The Lovers Are Losing, is released on Monday. If you'd like to buy the CD single or 7-inch, then click here to order it from (who offer free delivery). Oh, and talking of 7-inches, the 2,000 people who were first to request a free 7-inch box should be receiving them any day. The single will also be available as a digital EP via the Keane store here - where just £1.99 will buy you the single version, the live at the Forum version, the CSS remix and the demo version in high-quality MP3 format, wherever in the world you live. 
If you've bought the standard UK version of Perfect Symmetry, or the deluxe version from any country, then stick it in your computer's little slot to unleash a host of free bonus content, including an interview with Tim by Tom, demos of Perfect Symmetry, writing tapes of Perfect Symmetry, screensavers and wallpapers. Also, if you bought the UK version and live abroad, we wanted to let you know that technical issues with the DI will be resolved by Monday, when you'll be able to access it. 
Head over to to check out the "Back on the road blog" which kept track of Keane's mini UK tour this week. It features blogs and pictures from the band, pictures of the shows from the fans and some high-tech live blogging from the 100 Club gig. Also on the site this week, we posted a making-of the album video which is will worth a look. 
We're pleased to announce that a second date at London's O2 Arena has been added to Keane's 2009 tour. The band will now play there on Friday February 13th, as well as Thursday February 12th. Tickets for the show will go on sale from the ticket store at 9am (Friday morning).

See you next time.

Keane HQ
Título: Re: Keane
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 22, 2008, 11:08:45 pm
Hello again folks. 
Keane's new single, The Lovers Are Losing, is out this week as a download and on good ol' fashioned CD and vinyl. The CD and 7-inch both contain the new B-side Time To Go and can be bought online from HMV (with free delivery) here. Or, if you prefer to keep things digital, then click here over to the official Keane shop and buy the digital EP, which contains the live at the Forum version, a CSS remix and a demo of the track. It's £1.99 and available to download as high-quality MP3s worldwide. 
On Tuesday night, Keane were live guests on Later with Jools Holland, which UK users can watch again at the BBC iPlayer for seven days. Also, on Thursday Keane are playing a special show at Koko in London as part of the BBC's Electric Proms series. From Friday, the show will be available to watch online and on UK TV via the red button. Click here for more info. 
It was announced on Sunday evening that Keane's new album, Perfect Symmetry, had knocked Oasis off the top spot to become the UK's Number One album. A big thanks to all of you who've bought it, wherever you are. You can read a thank you note from the band at by clicking here. And if you haven't got your copy yet, don't forget you can download the deluxe version on MP3 format from the Keane store here. 
Last week, Keane were guests on the Late, Late Show on RTE in Ireland. You can watch their performance of Spiralling on the show's website here. The band also took the Eurostar to Paris to appear on French Virgin Radio. Click here to watch a video of their gorgeous acoustic version of The Lovers Are Losing.

We'll see you next time.

Título: Re: Keane
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 23, 2008, 10:58:11 pm
Lista de ventas!!

Lo nuevo de los ingleses tambiíén se estrena esta semana en la lista de discos más vendidos de nuestro paí­s. Perfect Simmetry ocupa el puesto número doce.

Título: Re: Keane
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 31, 2008, 11:04:40 pm
Head over to to delve into a bunch of great new content, including an exclusive Q&A with Richard, and the all-new band blog, which Richard is going to be updating with pictures as Keane tour the world. We've also got a wee re-design coming to the site, which may well be live by the time you read this. And we're pleased to say that we've had our busiest month ever on traffic-wise. Thanks to everyone for stopping by. 


Now, we don't want to sound like a car salesman, but we firmly believe that the best band merchandise in the history of the world ever is the Keane pillowcase featuring the hand-written lyrics to A Bad Dream. Just plain genius. We're happy to report that the pillowcase is one of a number of classic bits of merch back in the Keane store. Click here to check them out - but be quick, there are only limited numbers available. Audiophiles may also wish to know that the store has just received delivery of the vinyl version of Perfect Symmetry. What's vinyl? Ask your dad.

Thanks for reading to the bottom.

Keane Weekly Newsletter 
Título: Re: Keane
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 07, 2008, 12:32:31 am
KWN 6.11.08 - Next single revealed...
Hello and welcome to another KWN. 
We're very pleased to reveal that the next single from the new album will be its rousing title track. Perfect Symmetry will be released on December 29th and should start popping up on the radio soon. The B-sides, video and artwork are currently being finalised and we'll get those to you as soon as we have them. In the meantime, if you've been wondering how to play the song on the piano, click here to check out a fan making a decent fist of showing you on YouTube. 
Don't forget that you can still pre-order the exclusive digital live album which is being made on Keane's current European tour - and will be available to download shortly after it's finished. The album will contain the band's favourite ten live performances from across the three albums, and is available to pre-order for £7.90 here. 
Head over to to check out a new look to the official site. There are now more stories on the front page, so that you can catch up on the news more easily, plus we've added a new Video section, where registered users can watch the videos for all of Keane's singles, in high quality. Finally, we've improved the Live section so that you can now leave comments about gigs and upload your pictures. It's all quite swanky.

See you next time.

Keane Weekly Newsletter

Título: Re: Keane
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 08, 2008, 01:17:14 am
Este domingo en Barcelona, Keane tiene la primera de sus dos citas con el público español. Dos dí­as despuíés, el martes 11 de Noviembre, los británicos presentarán en Madrid su último disco "Perfect Symmetry". Tanto las entradas para la Razzmatazz, como las de La Riviera, están agotadas desde el pasado mes de Octubre.

El vocalista del trí­o, Tom Chaplin, ha anunciado que en estos dos conciertos, ofrecerán un "espectáculo extraordinario" y ofrecerán temas de los tres discos que han publicado hasta la fecha: "Hopes and fears" (2004), "Under the iron sea" (2006) y el último "Perfect Symmetry" (2008).

El portuguíés David Fonseca, ex componente del grupo de power pop Silence 4, es el artista invitado por Keane y el encargado de abrir sus actuaciones en España. Fonseca está triunfando en su paí­s gracias a "Dreams in Colour", con el que calentará al público antes de la aparición de Tom Chaplin, Tim Rice-Oxley y Richard Hughes (Baterí­a) sobre el escenario.

Domingo 9 Noviembre: Barcelona - Razzmatazz. Entradas agotadas

Martes 11 Noviembre: Madrid - La Riviera Entradas agotadas
Título: Re: Keane
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 08, 2008, 01:18:14 am
Nuevo single

Tras los dos primeros singles, "The lovers are losing" y "Spiralling", el grupo de de Battle, East Sussex, ha anunciado en su web oficial que "Perfect Symmetry", la canción que da tí­tulo a su tercer álbum, será el tercer single: "Nos agrada anunciar que el próximo single del nuevo álbum será 'Perfect Symmetry'. El tema que da tí­tulo al álbum se publicará el 29 de Diciembre (en UK) y pronto comenzará a sonar en las emisoras de radio. Las caras B, el ví­deo y el trabajo artí­stico se están ultimando en este momento".

Título: Re: Keane
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 13, 2008, 01:28:13 am
La expectación por el giro de tuerca que Keane ha pretendido con su nuevo disco Perfect symmetry quedó gratamente satisfecha anoche en Madrid con un concierto lleno de bonitas melodí­as y ambiente sosegado.

Los fans que acompañaron anoche a Keane aseguran que Perfect symmetry, el disco que vinieron a presentar, es el mejor trabajo de los británicos, y pronostican que este será el álbum que definitivamente los encumbre, tras el bajón que sufrieron con su flojo segundo disco y unos macroconciertos en estadios donde se perdí­a el sonido tan personal y la voz de Keane.

Los británicos vuelven a salas medianas, y han abandono lo que era la marca inequí­voca de su álbum debut Hope And Fears con el que alcanzaron el íéxito, un pop intimista e intenso donde la voz, el piano y la baterí­a eran las armas con las que conquistaron al mundo. Keane se reinventa con la incorporación de un nuevo sonido, la presencia de las cuerdas, guitarra y bajo, que llenaron el escenario de un sonido mas potente y completo del que presentaban en sus otros álbumes.

La incorporación de Jesse Quinn al bajo y a los coros, en los que participan ya los 4 británicos, se confirmó ayer como un acierto, mas voces, cuerdas y teclado, otorgan al nuevo sonido de Keane mas fuerza y consiguen unas canciones menos planas y lineales.

El espectáculo de un poco mas de una hora comenzó con la locura desatada entre algunas fíéminas cuando vieron aparecer a un recuperado Tom Chaplin, y entre gritos de sus jóvenes admiradoras, Keane abrió con una bonita y perfecta The lovers are losing .

El repertorio fue amplio y previsible, dieron un paseo por sus tres discos, las canciones favoritas del público con un sonido inmejorable pero sin ninguna sorpresa. Tocaron todos los singles y el próximo en salir, que dá titulo a su disco, Perfect symmetry. Hubo momentos especialmente buenos con Again and again, This is the last time o You haven't told me anything y Chaplin brilló con un solo a la guitarra cantando Bend and Break. Luego un bis más que esperado con Black burning heart ,Is it any wonder, y Keane terminó echando el telón con Bedshaped.

El público disfrutó con las canciones de Tom Chaplin y los suyos, pero una frí­a y demasiado metódica actitud en el escenario, impidió que la Riviera vibrase apasionadamente con los que se postulan como referentes del pop británico, parece que tras la tormenta sufrida estos últimos años, Keane se recupera centrándose en regalar a sus seguidores profesionalidad y música de calidad sobre el escenario, dejando de lado la improvisación y la complicidad necesaria para volver loco al público, ahuyentando fantasmas del pasado.

Título: Re: Keane
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 19, 2008, 10:53:59 pm
We're pleased to announce that all the new Perfect Symmetry merchandise will be arriving in the official Keane online shop from 10am on Thursday (Nov 20th). This will include most of the items you've seen at recent gigs, plus some web exclusive lines. At the same time, a big sale will be kicking off, with up to 30% off merchandise from all three albums. There will also be free UK special delivery for all customers who spend over £40 in the store and £3 off shipping for world wide customers. 
Yes, Keane will be heading to America at the beginning of December to perform on the TV shows of Ellen DeGeneres (Tue Dec 2) and Jimmy Kimmel (Wed Dec 3). The band are also about to announce a very intimate gig for the same week. Keep an eye on today and tomorrow for all the details (and to buy tickets). 
The video for Keane's belting new single, Perfect Symmetry, is due to premiere on on Wednesday morning (Nov 18th). Head over to to check it out. It features Tom inside a television. 
The big excitement on recently was our trip to Madrid to do a liveblog from the penultimate show of the European tour. Click here to check out all our behind-the-scenes info, pictures, quotes and videos - including an all-new "guess the Keane song" drum challenge with Rich. It's quite a tough one...

We'll see you next time.


Título: Re: Keane
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 27, 2008, 11:51:50 pm

Hello and welcome to your latest update on all things Keane. 
Last night, Keane played at the IndigO2 in London as part of a special Live In London event for BBC Radio 2. The whole concert will be broadcast on BBC Radio 2 from 8-10pm tonight (Nov 27th). Viewers in the UK will also be able to watch TV highlights via the red button. For more information, and to listen live online to the broadcast wherever in the world you are, click here. 
Keane will in the US next week, appearing on both the Ellen DeGeneres show (Tue Dec 2) and on Jimmy Kimmel Live (Wed Dec 3). While they're there, the band will also be playing three special live shows. The first two sold out in minutes, and the third one goes on sale tomorrow (Friday). It's an intimate, seated acoustic gig at Largo in LA on Dec 7th. Tickets will only be available through the Keane ticket shop, from 10am PST. 
On Sunday afternoon on Channel 4 in the UK, there will be a Keane Special on the Album Chart Show, with the band performing several songs and having a natter. It begins at 2.25pm. 
As we told you last week, the official Keane shop has just taken delivery of the new Perfect Symmetry merchandise (KWN HQ is particularly fond of the wallets). The shop is also currently offering discounts on lots of merch from all three albums, plus free shipping for UK customers and a reduced rate for those of you further afield. Well, we thought you might like to know the final order dates for delivery by Christmas:

UK Special Delivery: Tuesday 23rd December UK standard: Thursday 18th December
EU: Friday 12th December
Rest of World: Wednesday 10th December

So if you're after a Keane T-shirt for your aunt in Peru, you'd better get a wriggle on...


ps - Happy Thanksgiving to our US readers!

Título: Re: Keane
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 05, 2008, 11:53:02 pm

Hey folks. We're back with some more tasty slabs of Keane news. 
Last night on we launched the first of what may well be a series of retrospective digital EPs, which will be available exclusively via the site. The idea is that these EPs will bring together some of the rarest Keane tracks, giving the band's most loyal fans (ie you!) the chance to own them. We begin with an Everybody's Changing-themed collection of songs. 
1. Original demo
2. Demo from July 2002
3. Fierce Panda version
4. Live version from first Lamacq Live electric session on Radio 1
5. Demo of Fly To Me (Everybody's Changing B-side)
6. Demo of Into The Light (Unreleased Song)
7. Video chat of Tim interviewed by Tom about Everybody's Changing

The EP is available to download in high quality, unrestricted MP3s for £3.95. For full info - including Tim's notes about each of the EP's songs - click here. 
Yes, Keane have confirmed two special Christmas gigs in the UK. On Monday December 15th, Bauer Radio are hosting a show for the band at the Garage in Glasgow. The next day, Tuesday December 16th, they're playing at Xfm's Christmas party at London's 229 Club. We've got 100 pairs of tickets for both shows to give away to the online Keane massive. All you need to do is fill out the entry form. Click here to enter the Glasgow competition and here to enter the London competition. 
You can now pre-order both the vinyl and CD formats of Keane's new single, Perfect Symmetry, ahead of its December 29th release, from the shop here. In other Perfect Symmetry news, fast-rising electro-popster Frankmusik has made a cracking remix of the track, which we'll be debuting on today. Head over to the site this afternoon to have a listen. 
Keane are currently over in LA for a bunch of promo appearances and intimate gigs. You can Listen Again to Thursday's appearance on KCRW's legendary Morning Becomes Eclectic show at the station's website here. Video of the session should also be appearing on the site soon. Also, thanks to YouTube, you can watch the band playing a belting Spiralling on Ellen DeGeneres' chat show earlier this week, here.

Have a good weekend.


Título: Re: Keane
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 09, 2008, 11:12:06 pm
El trí­o británico ha anunciado que lanzará una serie de EP's retrospectivos digitales, que únicamente estarán disponibles a travíés de la tienda que han abierto en . El objetivo del grupo es que estos 'Extended Plays', incluyan material iníédito y así­ ofrecerles a sus fans "más leales" la oportunidad de adquirirlo.

El primero de estos lanzamientos es el EP Everybody's Changing, a un precio de 3,95 libras (4,92 euros). Ninguno de estos temas se puede encontrar en ningún otro sitio y el video chat (corte 7) se ha hecho especialmente para la ocasión.

Lista de temas del EP Everybody's changing
1. Original demo

2. Demo from July 2002

3. Fierce Panda version

4. Live version from first Lamacq Live electric session on Radio 1

5. Demo of Fly To Me (Everybody's Changing B-side)

6. Demo of Into The Light (Unreleased Song)

7. Video chat of Tim interviewed by Tom about Everybody's Changing

Tim Rice-Oxley, uno de los componentes del grupo, ha escrito algunas notas que acompañan a cada una de estas canciones. Por ejemplo, esta es la correspondiente al corte 1, Original Demo (Maqueta original): "Compuse Everybody's Changing en algún momento, a principios de 2002. Me acuerdo una tarde sentado al piano en casa de mamá y papá... En ese momento estábamos trabajando en Bend and Break y en algún otro tema, y no pensíé que la melodí­a de 'Everybody's Changing' fuera tan buena como para convertirse en una canción, así­ que tampoco me esforcíé mucho en la demo. De todas formas, cuando la toquíé para Tom y Richard, y otros amigos en BMG Publishing (que nos acababan de contratar), les encantó, así­ que terminamos la letra y empezamos a trabajar en ella de forma adecuada".

Título: Re: Keane
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 12, 2008, 10:41:53 pm
Mañana en del 40 al 1!!!

lo nuevo de los británicos, perteneciente a su último trabajo Perfect Symmetry, álbum que tiene en The Lovers are losing su single de presentación
Título: Re: Keane
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 14, 2008, 11:37:54 pm
En los Premios Principales!

The Lovers Are Losing (

Título: Re: Keane
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 16, 2008, 11:08:49 pm

Hello again KWN folks. Here's the latest Keane news. 
We're very excited to announce details of the first ever live broadcast on, which will take over the front-page of the site on Wednesday (Dec 17th) at 7.30pm GMT. It will be hosted by Gavin and Stacey writer/actor James Corden, who'll be chatting with the band and asking them your questions. Should be quite a special night. We hope that you can tune in and join in the fun. 
Our other big news is that Keane have confirmed a tour of Latin America for 2009. The dates are as follows:

Feb 25th - Auditorio Telmex | Jalisco Guadalajara - Mexico
Feb 27th- Sports Palace | Mexico City - Mexico
Feb 28th - Arena Monterrey | Monterrey - Mexico

Mar 3rd - Coliseo El Campin | Bogota - Colombia
March 5th - Movistar Arena | Santiago - Chile
March 7th - Club Ciudad de Bs. As. | Buenos Aires - Argentina
March 10th - Credicard Hall | Sao Paulo - Brazil
March 12th - Chevrolet Hall | Sao Pedro Belo Horizonte - Brazil
March 13th - Citibank Hall | Rio de Janeiro - Brazil

Our special pre-sale for the Mexican gigs began last night (Monday) at the official Keane shop here. The shop's pre-sale for all the other shows will begin on that same link from 6pm tonight (Tuesday) UK time (12noon CST).
You might remember we told you about the Everybody's Changing retrospective EP in the last KWN. Well, it's come to light that there was a slight error in the audio on a couple of tracks, but the good news is that the problems have now been sorted. If you've already bought and downloaded the EP, then go back to your download 'basket' to re-download the EP. You can download it up to three times, so there should be no problem getting the new version. We also hear that a few of you have had trouble watching the video interview on Apple Macs. This problem has also now been fixed and the video is viewable for all of those who have Windows Media player on their computers. Those with Macs who still can't see the video should try downloading this application. And for those of you haven't yet checked out the EP, you can see all the details here.

In other news, this chap needs a little help with his "oooh!".

See you on Wednesday...

Título: Re: Keane
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 18, 2008, 10:47:55 pm
El baterí­a del trí­o británico, Richard Hughes ha confirmado que la banda está trabajando junto a la estrella del rap en una canción. Tambiíén ha confesado que les gustarí­a grabar más temas junto a West.

El germen de esta colaboración nació hace unos dí­as en un estudio parisino. Fue allí­ donde Keane conoció a Kanye West , quien grabó una versión rap de una de las últimas canciones del grupo, You Haven't Told Me Anything.

Durante aquel encuentro, el teclista y compositor del grupo Tim Rice-Oxley, reveló como West habí­a reconstruido Perfect Symmetry , tema que da nombre al último álbum de Keane.

Ahora, en una entrevista con BBC6, Hughes ha dicho que les gustarí­a poder trabajar junto a West en más temas: "Creo que Tim (Rice-Oxley) le dejó una canción que habí­a escrito algún tiempo atrás. Le faltaba rematar una parte que tení­a que ser interpretada por un vocalista invitado y esperamos que sea Kanye quien se encargue de hacerlo". Y bromeando, dijo: "No síé, podrí­amos hacer un pequño EP, y llamarlo Keane-ye o algo así­"

Sobre su encuentro con el rapero, Hughes añadió que "Habí­amos pensado pedirle que nos hiciera una remezcla, y al final hizo un poco de rap con You haven't told me anything".

No obstante, no tienen claro cómo publicar el tema: "No síé lo que vamos a hacer para que vea la luz. Intentaremos coger esa idea y trabajar en ella, porque serí­a una vergí¼enza sacarla sin haberla retocado".

Título: Re: Keane
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 23, 2008, 10:53:17 pm

Hello folks. Welcome to our KWN Christmas special. 
Last week, Keane joined Gavin and Stacey's James Corden in a London studio for's first ever live broadcast. Thousands of you tuned in and laughed along to a sparkling half hour chat about sprouts, golf, travel and trainers, which climaxed with Tom performing Snowed Under acoustically. But if you missed it, fear not, because you can watch the entire thing again at here. You honestly won't find many better things to watch over Christmas. 
As loyal readers will know, the band like to give you a bit of a Christmas treat on the site. This year we've got an absolute cracker for you, with an exclusive video of the chaps performing You Don't See Me at the Largo acoustic show in LA earlier this month. It's absolutely gorgeous. Click here to watch it. 
Keane's new single, Perfect Symmetry, is out on Monday (Dec 29th) in the UK. From that day, you'll be able to get it in all good download stores and on CD/7-inch. If you'd like to pre-order the physical products, you can get them from the official Keane shop here. While you're in the shop, check out the tracklisting for the European live album, which has just been revealed. 
We're pleased to confirm that on New Year's Eve Keane will be appearing on a special edition of the BBC's Top Of The Pops programme performing Spiralling. The show is on BBC1 on Dec 31st at 5.35pm and promises to be a very good way to prepare yourself for 2009.

And that's it from us for this year. Thanks for all your amazing support for Keane in 2008. Here's wishing you all a brilliant Christmas and a terrific 2009.

Título: Re: Keane
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 10, 2009, 08:50:40 pm

For the latest in our regular chats with the band, we called up Tim to talk about the upcoming tour, Keane's lost classic and a strange Swedish sleepwalk...

Hello Mr Rice-Oxley. How are you?
I'm fine, thank you.

Did you have a nice Christmas?
Yeah, pretty chilled out. Didn't do very much really. Watched quite a lot of Entourage and Spooks. It was good.

You're on record as saying that Christmas is something of a disappointment. Was that the case this year?
Well, Christmas Day was a disappointment because I had some nasty virus and spent most of the day either in bed or being sick. So that was a shame. But other than that, it's been nice to just inhabit the real world and be at home.

What were you doing at midnight on December 31st?
Probably reading a book. We went for the minimalist approach to festivities this year.

Are you excited about 2009?
Yeah, I think it's gonna be great. It's certainly going to be busy and it's nice to feel that the tour is finally getting going properly. We had that great European tour in November and then just as we were getting into the swing of it, we were back in London doing bits and bobs of promotion. It'll be good to get the Keane machine properly on the road all over the world.

Does it feel daunting having so much in the diary?
I'm looking forward to it, to be honest. Pretty much everyone in the world has to go out and work every day, so I try not to get too worried about the fact that we have to get out there and play a bit of music! It's going to be busy, but it's going to be great. So far the live shows have been really, really fun and I much prefer playing live to doing interviews.

Oh. Would you like to play piano for the rest of this phone call?
No, it's OK.

So, March 13th is the final gig of the ones that have been announced. Is it safe to say there will be more coming?
Yeah, I think we'll be busy until the end of the summer at least. And then we'll see where we stand. I imagine by that point we might be eager to get into writing again and thinking about new songs. But we'll just see how it goes. Everyone's very excited about the touring, so we just want to roll with that for the time being.

Do you have big plans for the upcoming UK shows, as they're in big arenas?
Yeah, I think we'll be stepping it up from what we were doing in Europe. We'll be really trying to bring some of the best elements from what we learned touring arenas last time, and combine that with a lot of new songs and a new visual identity. I think we've been a lot bolder and more colourful and high energy so far on this tour, and it'll be really nice to see that in a big venue setting. I also think that we've learned a lot about playing songs acoustically, from the European tour and also doing things like that Largo show. And I think we'll be trying to incorporate some of that spirit into the really big shows. I think the contrast should be really exciting.

The Largo and Union Chapel acoustic shows both went down incredibly well.
Yeah, it's turned out to be something that we really enjoy. There's quite a big thrill in just being exposed in that way and feeling like it's just about the moment and the four of you playing to a few people in the room. In contrast to the big production of a big show, there's something quite magical about taking it back to the very basic parts of the music.

Will the next single from the album be announced soon?
Yep, I've just been working on a radio edit of that.

Some people were a little unsure about the Perfect Symmetry radio edit, because it chopped out big parts of the song. Is it hard for you chopping your own song?
Yeah, I don't ever like doing radio edits. I hate it really. But it's a clear choice between your song being played on the radio and your song not being played on the radio. But it just acts as a taster for people. I don't feel like Keane's music is ever going to be adequately represented by one song being played on the radio, even if it was a six minute song. So really you've just got to do your best to get it on the airwaves then hope people hear it and come and hear the album, which I feel is the medium in which we really excel.

True. Although, saying that, at gigs you've been performing the radio edit of Spiralling.
Yeah. But that's mainly down to being really disorganised. We haven't got round to learning the full version! But we do quite enjoy playing the radio edit. That is actually the one Keane song I've ever felt was genuinely tightened up by the radio edit, rather than just becoming a snapshot of the song.

So, we've started posting up the archive of all the old gigs. Do you remember the first ever Keane show?
Yes, the Hope & Anchor on July 13th 1998. I've got the setlist here.

Did you play any songs we'd have heard of?
No, nothing. Apart from a cover of Paperback Writer.

So you subsequently dropped every other song?

Are there any on the setlist you wish you'd stuck with?
Yeah, I think there's some good songs on there.

Which is the real lost classic?
Well there was a song called Gingerbread, which was the last song we played at that show. That was the favourite among our friends. It was a really good song. I still think it would probably be a hit if you released it now.

You never recorded it?
Not properly, no. But every time I see Chris from Coldplay he always says, without fail, "When are you gonna release Gingerbread?" Which can only mean that my songwriting ability has gradually receded over the last ten years!

Could you still play it?
Pretty much, yeah. And I'm sure we've got it on a tape somewhere. But most of the songs we played that night were recorded on four-track at some point. So Gingerbread will probably appear on a Keane anthology eventually.

It looks from the gigs list that you didn't really start playing regularly until 2003.
Yeah, that's true. But I think there might be a couple missing from your list. I seem to remember we played at the Barfly in Sheffield. And the Night And Day in Manchester. Perhaps the fans can help fill in the gaps.

Of the early gigs, the one on 21 September 2000 leaps out as unusual, because you were supporting Chesney Hawkes! Do you remember it?
I do, vividly. We were offered that gig at the last minute. We were all at work and I remember Adam [Keane's manager] ringing up saying we'd been offered it. So we borrowed some instruments and just turned up and played a fairly ropey sort of gig. Actually, I seem to remember that our playing was slightly hampered by it being after two or three pints of beer. But we muddled through. And the thing I remember about Chesney is that there were quite a few people there, most of them female, but he didn't play The One And Only. It was quite bizarre not to play his big hit. But I think he was trying to re-launch himself as a serious musician.

And your last gig with Dom on guitar was on 12 July 2001 in London.
Yeah, I remember that. And then we didn't play again until the Night And Day, which I think would've been about September 2002.

How did you end up in Malmo in March 2003?
That came about because that gig we did at The Garage, in February, The Ark were also on the bill. They really liked our set, so they invited us to come and support them in Malmo. They paid for us to go over. It was great. We flew to Malmo and played this gig with a fantastic Swedish crowd and everyone was really nice to us. We had a really, really fun time. I particularly remember I was sharing a room with Tom and he sleepwalked down to the lobby of the hotel in his underpants in the middle of the night! They were a great band The Ark. A bit like The Darkness, but much better.

When you look at the list of the shows, do you remember them clearly?
There are specific ones I can remember. But then we must've played at the Bull And Gate three or four times and I can't remember all of them.

It seems like a long time ago since those very early shows.
I know, it's mad!

So, have you been writing any new songs?
A little bit. But I find you have to just absorb life a little bit. And I've been listening to a lot of music, which has been nice.

What have you been listening to?
I actually got given several copies of Alex James' autobiography for Christmas, even though I've already read it. But I was leafing through that again and that inspired me to go back and listen to some Blur, which I loved.

Which album?
My two favourites are Parklife and the self-titled one. Especially the latter. And Modern Life Is Rubbish is brilliant too. And I've been listening to that Amadou and Mariam album that came out before Christmas a lot. And, funnily enough, some of that is a collaboration with Damon Albarn. But I suppose I've just been trying to get out of the mindset in which I wrote the last album, so that when I start writing new songs, they'll come from a fresh place.

Título: Re: Keane
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 10, 2009, 08:51:29 pm
Over the next few days, we're going to be adding a full archive of every gig Keane have played to the LIVE section of We've already added all the shows the band played before 2004 (several of which Tim tells us about in his interview). Sign in to the site and you can add your comments and pictures for any of the shows you went to. 
Although the official Keane shop has sold its allocation of tickets for most of the UK shows, there are still some tickets available from Click here if you'd like to buy some (they're slightly cheaper since the VAT cut too). Oh, and look out on for a live blog direct from tour rehearsals in the next week or two...

See you soon.

Keane Weekly Newsletter

Título: Re: Keane
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 20, 2009, 08:53:17 pm
Hello again. Here's your latest round-up of Keane news.

Tomorrow (Tuesday) afternoon, will be blogging live and direct from the band's rehearsal studio, where they're making final preparations for the UK tour. Head over to the site from lunchtime tomorrow for all the behind-the-scenes gossip, info and details of what snacks are available. Should be fun. 
We're pleased to confirm the opening acts for the upcoming tour, which begins in Belfast on Friday. For the first two shows - in Belfast and Dublin - support will come from Dublin-based band CODES. Click here to check out their MySpace. Then, for the rest of the tour, the band will be joined by upcoming electro-popster Frankmusik. Click here for more info on him. Both are well worth getting there early for. 
There are still a limited number of tickets available for the UK dates from Click here if you'd like to buy some. If you bought your tickets from the Keane shop, you should be receiving them any day now (if you haven't already). But if your tickets haven't arrived within five days of the show, then please email or call +44 (0) 844 5670688 with your booking details and they'll sort you out.

Thanks folks.

Keane Weekly Newsletter

Título: Re: Keane
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 31, 2009, 08:51:54 pm

Hello again folks. We hope you're all well.

We're very pleased to reveal that Keane's next single is Better Than This, which will be released on March 16th. Look out on for details of the formats, artwork and B-sides. But to get you in the mood, click here to watch the band performing the track on Later with Jools Holland last year. 
Following our recent live rehearsals blog , which gave you a behind-the-scenes look at preparations for the UK tour, we're heading to Nottingham Arena on Sunday for a blog from a gig. Join us at for the usual access-all-areas pictures, videos, interviews and other stuff. Should be fun. 
At the beginning of this week, we uploaded a couple of belting new videos to the Video player. The first is part one of a mini documentary which Tom filmed on the band's trip to LA at the end of last year. The second is Tom's latest "What do you think of?" interview, featuring Little Britain star Matt Lucas. Both are very much worth watching. Click here to check them out.

That's about it for this time. Except to say that you should click here to watch arguably the best ever cover version of a Keane song...

Keane Weekly Newsletter

Título: Re: Keane
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 19, 2009, 10:32:17 pm
Click here to read our exclusive new interview with Richard at In it, he looks back on his highlights of the UK tour, looks forward to the band's Latin American trip and reveals what the very worst thing that can happen to a drummer is.

Unfortunately, the Keane web shop is currently closed, following an announcement from its providers, Trinity Street, that they have ceased trading. This unfortunate situation has obviously come as a shock to us, but we will do our very best to make sure that all Keane orders are honoured. To help us with this, if you have an outstanding order, please email all of the information you have to, where we will deal with it as quickly as we can. For more information on this, please Click here .

Shh, it's a bit of a secret, but those of you in the US of A (and, indeed, Canada) will be pleased to hear that we'll be announcing a full North American tour before the end of this week, with a special pre-sale due to kick off at the beginning of next week. Keep it locked to for all the info

Last week, we launched the official Keane Twitter profile by spending an evening updating it live and direct from the last show of the UK tour at The O2. Head over to to check out our tweets/pictures and to add yourself as a follower. For those of you not familiar with Twitter, it's basically a site which allows its users to post little messages about themselves (a bit like Facebook status updates) and read the updates by people they're "following". It's quite fashionable at the moment.

If you've enjoyed Frankmusik's support slots on the UK tour, then we thought you might like to know that you can check out his snazzy new official site here .

That's about it for this one.

The Keane Weekly Newsletter

Título: Re: Keane
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 06, 2009, 10:57:20 pm

Hello KWN folks. We're back with more news.

In the past few days, has announced a bunch of festivals which Keane will be playing at this summer. Here's the current list, with links to their websites:

2nd May: SOS 4.8 - Murcia Spain - click here for info/tickets
31st May: Pinkpop - Landgraaf, Holland - click here for info/tickets
20th June: TW Classic Festival - Werchter, Belgium - click here for info/tickets
10th July: Oxegen Festival - Eadestown, Ireland - click here for info/tickets
12th July: T In The Park Festival - Balado, UK - click here for info/tickets
22nd August: V Festival - Staffs, UK - click here for info/tickets
23rd August: V Festival - Chelmsford, UK - click here for info/tickets

It's shaping up to be a fun summer...

Head over to to check out Richard's Latin America photoblog, which has been charting the band's progress through Mexico, Colombia and Chile. Plus, you can check out fans' pictures from all the shows so far in the Live Archive . Tim has also been posting Twitters to the offiicial Keane Twitter page, which you'll find at

As you know, the next Keane single will be Better Than This, which is out on 16th March. If you'd like to see the artwork for the single, in all its mind-boggling glory, then click here . It's been a little while since we had an exclusive KWN competition, so we thought we'd offer you the chance to win a signed copy of the Better Than This 7-inch. If you think you could give it a good home, simply email your name and address to before Thursday 19th March. First one picked on that date will have the signed 7-inch posted to them. You can also pre-order the 7-inch from here .

That's about all for this time. Oh, but look out for an exciting announcement on on Monday...

Keane Weekly Newsletter
Título: Re: Keane
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 10, 2009, 11:43:29 pm
On 2nd April 2009 Keane will make history with the world's first ever live webcast in 3D. The band will record the live session at London's legendary Abbey Road Studios, the home of The Beatles' historic first ever satellite broadcast, and will feature live mixed graphics from world-renowned digital artists D-Fuse.

3D glasses are available from the brand new shop with the 7-inch of the new single Better Than This, which is out on 16th March. We're also hoping to show you how to make your own 3D glasses, on

The audio from the gig will also be simultaneously broadcast live on- air on Absolute Radio. The show will then be available to watch on-demand via afterwards.

2009 is the 50th anniversary of the founding of Island Records, arguably the most prestigious record label in the history of British music - and also home to Keane. To mark this milestone the label is collaborating with Island founder Chris Blackwell to arrange the Island 50 festival. The Island 50 festival will kick off in May 2009 with 'ISLAND LIFE' – a week of live shows by Island artists past and present, which will take place at London's Shepherds Bush Empire. One of those shows will be headlined by Keane on 30th May. Also playing that night will be Tom Tom Club and Ladyhawke.

Tickets go on general sale from and other agents from 9am on Friday 13th March. But we've managed to bag a special allocation of tickets for the massive, which will be sold via a pre-sale, tomorrow (Wed) at 9am from here (that link won't be live until then).. This link is password protected until 9am tomorrow. After 9am tomorrow the link will work fine, until the allocation of tickets has sold out. Don't worry, no password is needed. If you miss out on that, sign up to the mailing list at to be part of a further exclusive ticket pre-sale from 9am on Thursday 12th March.

We're extremely pleased to announce that Keane will be heading over to Australia and Japan in April to play a bunch of shows. They are as follows:

Mon 13th - Fremantle, Metro
Thurs 16th - Melbourne, The Palace
Fri 17th - Sydney, Metro
Mon 20th - Brisbane, Tivoli
Thurs 23rd - Osaka, Big Cat
Fri 24th - Tokyo, Studio Coast

Tickets go on sale at the end of this week. Keep an eye on for the links.

There's still time to enter the contest to win a signed 7-inch of Better Than This, which we first told you about in last week's KWN. If you'd like to win it, simply email your name and address to before Thursday 19th March.

That's about it for this week. But don't forget to keep checking for blogs and news from the band's current Latin American tour.
Título: Re: Keane
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 20, 2009, 10:59:48 pm

Hello again from a sunny Keane HQ. We hope the weather's nice where you are.

TIM SINGS YOU A SONG We've got quite a treat on for you today. Click here to check out an amazing video of Tim performing These Days by Jackson Browne on an acoustic guitar in his Rio hotel room a few days ago. It's really very lovely. And while you're on the site, check out a whole bunch of terrific pictures from Latin America which Richard has uploaded here .


Keane's latest single, Better Than This, is out in the UK this week. The tracklistings are as follows:

1. Better Than This (Radio Edit)
2. Better Than This (Stuart Price Remix)

Digital EP
1. Better Than This (Radio Edit)
2. Better Than This (Stuart Price Remix)
3. Better Than This (Tom Neville Remix) 4. Better Than This (Sketch Iz Dead Remix)

Click here to download from the UK iTunes store or here to buy the 7-inch from the Keane Online Shop. And, remember, the 7-inch comes with 3D glasses for the upcoming 3D webcast.


We're pleased to announce two more shows for Keane's upcoming North American tour. On May 10th, the band will play The Grove in Anaheim, CA then on May 26th, they'll be at the Wellmont Theatre in Montclair, NY. Click here for a full list of the band's upcoming shows, plus ticket links.


As you know, on April 2nd, Keane will make history with the world's first ever live webcast in 3D. The band will record the session at London's legendary Abbey Road Studios in front of a very small invited audience - but we have 10 pairs of tickets to give away to readers of and the KWN. If you'd like to be in with a chance of winning, simply click here and fill in the form, before 2pm on Thursday 26th March. Winners will be contacted on Friday 27th March. Please note, the prize is just for tickets and does not include transport or anything else. Exact timings are not confirmed yet, but we expect it to begin at about 8pm and finish by around 9pm.

That's about it for this week.

Keane Weekly Newsletter
Título: Re: Keane
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 28, 2009, 11:24:43 pm

Hello again folks. Welcome to this week's newsletter/craft lesson. 
In a week's time - Thursday April 2nd - Keane will be heading to the world-famous Abbey Road studios in London to make history with the first ever live webcast in 3D. Coverage on will kick off that afternoon, with the actual 3D webcast taking place at around 8pm. If you don't already have a pair of Keane 3D glasses (they're available with the 7-inch of Better Than This from here), then you'll be pleased to hear that you can click here for instructions on how to make your own. 
On 30th May, Keane are playing a special show at London's Shepherd's Bush Empire as part of the celebrations for Island Records' 50th birthday. Also playing that night are The Tom Tom Club and Ladyhawke. Although the allocation sold out in a few minutes, there are still a few tickets available via Click here if you'd like to buy some (but be quick!). 
The new Keane online shop is now up and running - click here to check it out. The shop is being run by Sandbag, who long-term fans will remember were responsible for Keane merch back in the day (and who many of you suggested we went back to following Trinity Street's demise). New items are being added all the time, so keep an eye on it for the latest Keane paraphernalia.

Also, if you're a UK fan who ordered the European digital live album, with UK bonus tracks, we'll have your album available for you to download very soon (and we'll let you know when we do).

Now go and make some 3D glasses...

Keane Weekly Newsletter

Título: Re: Keane
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 02, 2009, 11:04:55 pm

Yes, the big day has arrived - tonight, you can watch Keane performing the world's first ever live 3D webcast on It's all coming live from Abbey Road Studios in London, at 8pm UK time (click here to find out what time that is where you are). If you haven't got any 3D glasses, then click here for instructions on how to make your own. And even if you don't have any, you'll still be able to hear the band's full live set (and try to make them out among the swirling red and blueness).

Join us at for all the 3D webcast build-up throughout the day...

Keane Weekly Newsletter
Título: Re: Keane
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 18, 2009, 11:13:55 pm
Los componentes de Keane han tomado la decisión de hacer las maletas y marcharse de Gran Bretaña. Quieren dar un cambio a su imagen, y el destino elegido para conseguir este objetivo es Amíérica.

El trí­o ha contado que deja su paí­s porque está cansado de la gente que solo se fija en sus raí­ces (pertenecen a una clase social alta). Tom Chaplin, Tim Rice-Oxley y Richard Hughes creen que un traslado a Estados Unidos, donde tienen un montón de fans cíélebres como Gwen Stefani y Kanye West, servirá para que tomen en serio su música.

Tom ha revelado al Daily Star: "Es sorprendente cómo se ha extendido nuestra música en otros artistas, especialmente en Amíérica. Allí­ no estamos tan marcados con todos esos 'sambenitos' que nos han colgado en Gran Bretaña. Que si somos unos pijos, etc, aireando cosas que nada tienen que ver con nuestra música"

"Alli únicamente juzgan la música así­ que tenemos a toda esa gente estupenda y pronto contaremos con algunas colaboraciones emocionantes".

A pesar de haber cambiado su estilo en su más reciente álbum, "Perfect Symmetry", el grupo admite su ambición de continuar evolucionando musicalmente: "Algunas bandas encuentran su estilo y se quedan estancadas. Pero hay otros que progresan como Radiohead, que siempre hacen algo diferente y nos sorprenden", dice Richard Hughes

"En este momento lo estamos absorbiendo todo" comenta Tom Rice-Oxley. El grupo espera que su traslado a Estados Unidos les ayude a perfilar una nueva dirección en su sonido.
Título: Re: Keane
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 03, 2009, 12:07:06 am
This week, ran an entertaining two-part interview with Mr Tom Chaplin, in which he discusses such subjects as the band's productive recent studio session with rapper K'naan; the song Tom wrote ten years ago which has been covered by Annie Lennox; and Tim trying to emulate Jay-Z at karaoke in Brisbane. Click here to read part one and click here to read part two. 
Due to the wonders of technology you can now watch April's 3D webcast on the website in full HD quality (it looks miles better than it did). Click here to check it out. And don't forget that you can still order the special edition Keane 3D poster (with Keane 3D glasses) from the online shop, here. 
As you may know, Keane's label, Island Records, is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year. Keane's first album, Hopes And Fears, has been chosen from the label's huge back catalogue as one of Island's 50 best albums, in celebration of the anniversary. There is a section at dedicated to the album which gives the opportunity for fans to write their own review and upload photos. Click here to have a look at the Hope And Fears page and add your voice.

That's about it for this time.

Keane Weekly Newsletter
Título: Re: Keane
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 14, 2009, 10:26:53 pm
í“rbita Pop presentará una iníédita versión de los británicos Pulp a cargo de los chicos de Keane.
í“rbita Pop se emite de 23:00 a 24:00 la noche de los domingos. ¡
Título: Re: Keane
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 13, 2009, 10:54:21 pm
El trí­o británico sigue de imparable gira por todo el mundo presnetado su último trabajo, Perfect Symmetry. Estados Unidos, Singapur, Rusia o Japón son algunos de los variopintos destinos por lo que se podrá ver este verano a la banda liderada por Tom Chaplin. Pero, como no podí­a ser de otra manera el grupo tambiíén pasará por nuestro paí­s, y más en concreto por dos localidades de una punta y otra de España, Ibiza y Vigo.

La primera de ellas será una curisosa parada en la isla blanca de la mano de Ibiza Rocks, una curiosa iniciativa para los que quieren disfrutar de verdad de la música en directo. Otros grandes nombres de la escena internacional pasarán durante este verano por el hotel de Sant Antoni (Ibiza), como por ejemplo The Kooks, MGMT, Dizzie Rascal o Vampire Weekend.

La cita en esta ocasión será este martes 14 de julio a partir de las 22:30. Antes de su actuación pasarán por el escenario otras figuras y djs que irán prendiendo la mecha para el petardazo final con el concierto de Tom Richard y Tim. Algunos de ellos son Golden Silvers, Zane Lowe o Doorly. Un evento para no perderse.
Título: Re: Keane
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 14, 2009, 10:43:24 pm
La primera vez de Keane en España (
Título: Re: Keane
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 08, 2009, 10:47:35 pm
Just before the band flew out to Japan for their current Far East tour, gave Tom a shout at the airport for a natter. Click here to read the first part of the interview, in which Tom chats about playing cricket, singing into hairbrushes and folks ballroom dancing to This Is The Last Time. Look out for part two later today. 
We've got some new lines in the Keane online store which you might like to check out. First up, are the Keane pillowcases featuring the lyrics to A Bad Dream and Bedshaped. The first batch sold out super-fast last week, but more will be in stock in the next few days. Click here to order some. We've also just taken delivery of the lovely, limited edition Fair Trade T-shirts and the new triangles sweatshirt. Click here for those. 
The voting is now open for the 2009 Q Awards - which is where Spiralling was awarded "Best Track" in 2008. You can vote for Keane in several of the categories at this year's awards. If you'd like to do, simply click here. Thanks very much.

See you next time. Oh, and look out for details of a special two-day liveblog on soon...

Keane Weekly Newsletter

* We mean Keane, not Noble's

Título: Re: Keane
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 31, 2010, 04:22:12 pm
Título: Re: Keane
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 12, 2010, 04:18:00 pm
Hello again. 
We're pleased to announce Keane's storming new track, Stop For A Minute, is now available to download from iTunes stores worldwide. Click here to get hold of it. You can also now pre-order Night Train from iTunes, ahead of its May 10th release. The iTunes version will come with the Stop For A Minute video, the Beatnick & K-Salaam remix of the track, plus iTunes LP videos and photo gallery. Click here to pre-order your copy now. (NB: the single and pre-order will be available on US iTunes from 20 April) 
After selling out their entire six-date June 2010 forest tour, Keane have announced plans to intersperse the tour with shows at club venues in London, Birmingham, Glasgow and Dublin.

Says Tim: "The forest shows we're playing in June will be big, glorious singalongs, but we wanted to play some more sweaty and intimate gigs along the way."  He added, "We figured out the other day that we haven't played in Birmingham since February 2007. Birmingham was one of the first cities to really embrace Keane - in fact, we think it was the scene of our first sold out show - so it's about time we got back there."

The dates are as follows:

15th June - The Roundhouse, London
16th June - Academy, Birmingham
21st June - Barrowlands, Glasgow
23rd June - Olympia, Dublin

Tickets for the new shows will go on sale at 9.30am on Wednesday April 14th, via a pre-sale on the official website,
Keane have also just announced plans to play three festivals shows this summer. The details are:

16th July: Super Bock, Super Rock - Lisbon, Portugal Click for info/tickets
31st July: Osheaga Festival Musique et Arts - Montreal, Canada Click for info/tickets
14th August: Mile High Festival - Denver CO, USA Click for info/tickets

Over on, we've kicked off a new series of videos in which Tom discusses the 8 tracks on Keane's upcoming new release, Night Train (including clips from the songs). We begin with a short but sweet look at the EP's opening track, House Lights. Click here to check it out - and look out for the next seven over the next few weeks. You can also now pre-order Night Train from

See you next time.

ps - the winners of the rare T-shirts competition from the last mailer are Edu Dethmers and Julie van de Haterd, both from the Netherlands, and Brianne Goetz from the USA. Thanks to the thousands of you who entered!

Título: Re: Keane
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 10, 2010, 11:45:00 pm
Entre los lanzamientos encontramos Night train, un EP de Keane con ocho canciones que grabadas durante la gira de "Perfect Symmetry" en 2008. El grupo mima a sus fans ofreciendo nuevo material hasta que llegue su nuevo trabajo, que podrí­an ya haber comenzado a preparar.

Título: Re: Keane
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 11, 2010, 10:51:48 pm
Especial (
Título: Re: Keane
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 28, 2012, 08:28:47 pm
Lo está petando
Keane vuelve en mayo con 'Strangeland'
Keane publicarán nuevo disco el 7 de mayo bajo el nombre de Strangeland, compuesto por 12 canciones que recordarán a los primeros discos de la banda británica y que promocionarán con una gira por el Reino Unido entre mayo y junio.
0 Comentarios

Keane | Foto: Barcelona  | Actualizado el 28/02/2012 a las 12:45 horas

Keane ha anunciado que lanzará su nuevo disco, Strangeland, el próximo 7 de mayo. Para este trabajo, el trí­o británico han contado con la colaboración de Dan Grech-Marguerat, productor tambiíén de The Vaccines.

Strangeland, que será el cuarto álbum de estudio de Keane, incluirá 12 temas que se distanciarán un poco de la lí­nea de su último trabajo, Perfect Symetry, recuperando el íéxito de sus primeros discos Hopes And Fears y Under The Iron Sea: "En muchos sentidos es como si se completara un cí­rculo. En el álbum hay muchas canciones que se inspiran en experiencias vividas creciendo en Battle, siendo crí­os. No puedes volver atrás claro, pero de vez en cuando, despuíés de un buen dí­a nos vamos a un pub y charlamos un poco de todo o nada, hasta que llega la hora de ir a casa. Sea lo que sea lo que nos hace ser Keane, ese pegamento invisible, aún sigue ahí­. Y se puede escuchar en Strangeland", explica Richard Hughes, baterí­a del grupo.

Por otro lado, este será el primer trabajo de Keane con Jesse Quin (bajisita) como miembro oficial de la banda, que empezará su gira promocional junto a "invitados especiales" en el O2 Academy de Newcastle el 23 de mayo y que durará hasta el 8 de junio en el O2 Britxton Academy de Londres.

Tracklist de Strangeland:

1. You Are Young
2. Silenced By The Night
3. Disconnected
4. Watch How You Go
5. Sovereign Light Cafíé
6. On The Road
7. The Starting Line
8. Black Rain
9. Neon River
10. Day Will Come
11. In Your Own Time
12. Sea Fog
Título: Re: Keane
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 16, 2012, 07:02:33 pm
El director Juan Antonio Bayona y el guionista Sergio G. Sánchez han dirigido juntos el video de Disconnected, una de las canciones del esperado nuevo álbum de la banda Keane, que lleva por tí­tulo Strangeland y se editará el 7 de mayo (un dí­a despuíés en España).

   Bayona y Sánchez trabajaron juntos por primera vez en la pelí­cula de terror El Orfanato, que dirigió Bayona y cuyo guión es de Sánchez. Su segundo proyecto se estrenará a finales de año, con el tí­tulo de Lo Imposible, un drama íépico sobre el Tsunami en Tailandia de 2004, protagonizado por Naomi Watts y Ewan McGregor.

   Bayona, Sánchez y la banda rodaron el video en una casa "encantada" de Barcelona, siguiendo la lí­nea de  la estíética de terror de los 70 caracterí­stica del director. Han creado un guion surrealista a la vez que conmovedor que narra la historia de dos amantes que se han visto separados y lleva a cuestionar la noción de realidad y moralidad, informa Universal Music.

   Para Juan Antonio Bayona y Sergio G. Sánchez, "este no ha sido un encargo más". "Hemos pasado muchas horas disfrutando cada uno de los discos de Keane. Ha sido fantástico formar parte de su nuevo trabajo y una gozada que ellos lo hayan disfrutado tanto como nosotros", afirman.

   Por su parte, el vocalista Tom Chaplin asegura que todos salieron "entusiasmados" en cuanto vieron el resultado final. Además, apunta que rodaron en una "casa escalofriante al estilo de las pelí­culas de terror italianas de los años setenta".

   "Va a ser totalmente diferente a todo lo que hemos hecho hasta ahora. De hecho, todaví­a estamos escupiendo trozos de hojas secas de una de las escenas. La visión de Juan y Sergio es única y muy emocionante, ha sido una experiencia inspiradora", añade Chaplin.

   Por ahora no hay fecha para el estreno del video. Esta semana Keane estrenaban en radios de todo el mundo el primer single del disco, Silenced By The Night, ya disponible en formato digital en España. La banda está actualmente en Estados Unidos, donde actuarán por primera vez en el South By South West Festival.
Título: Re: Keane
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 06, 2012, 10:29:53 pm
Silenced By The Night (
Título: Re: Keane
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 16, 2012, 06:20:36 pm
La banda británica ha estrenado el videoclip de Disconnected, canción elegida como primer single del álbum Strangeland. El ví­deo tiene toda una impronta española: ha sido dirigido por Juan Antonio Bayona, el guión es de Sergio G.Sánchez, ha sido rodado en Barcelona y sus protagonistas son, además de los miembros de la banda, Leticia Dolera y Fíélix Gómez.

   El ví­deo de 'Disconnected' tiene como trama una casa encantada de Barcelona y una pareja de amantes separados. La estíética es la de una pelí­cula de terror de los años 70, con los críéditos en italiano y una textura vintage.

   El realizador español Juan Antonio Bayona se ha vuelto a aliar con el guionista Sergio G.Sánchez para grabar este videoclip, grabado en Barcelona y que tiene como protagonistas a los actores españoles Leticia Dolera y Fíélix Gómez.

   Bayona y Sánchez colaboraron por primera vez en la pelí­cula El Orfanato, protagonizada por Belíén Rueda, y su próximo proyecto juntos verá la luz próximamente, Lo imposible, con Naomi Watts y Ewan McGregor como personajes principales.

   Strangeland es el cuarto álbum de estudio de Keane, cuya salida está prevista para el 7 de mayo.
Título: Re: Keane
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 16, 2012, 06:21:33 pm
Disconnected (
Título: Re: Keane
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 26, 2012, 07:43:00 pm
Concierto Basico (
Título: Re: Keane
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 03, 2012, 08:14:22 pm
Sovereign Light Cafíé (
Título: Re: Keane
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 03, 2012, 08:15:54 pm
Black Rain (
Título: Re: Keane
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 08, 2012, 03:37:10 pm
Keane vuelven a nuestro paí­s este mes.El cuarteto británico no ha querido dejar pasar la oportunidad de presentar su primer disco de estudio en cuatro años, Strangeland (editado en mayo 2012), en un ambiente que les acerque más a sus fans. Por ello, anuncia nuevas fechas:  Madrid , Palacio Vistalegre (Viernes 19), Pamplona, Teatro Baluarte (martes 23) y Barcelona, Sala Razzmatazz (miíércoles 24).

Tienen cinco discos, Hopes and Fears, Under the Iron Sea, Perfect Symmetry, Night Train y el último, Strangeland.

Su nuevo single Sovereign Light Cafíé fue el primer tema compuesto para Strangeland. La canción surgió en la gira de 2009, en un trayecto en coche desde el aeropuerto de Sí¢o Paulo al hotel, a raí­z de un recuerdo de la costa de Bexhill por donde unos Keane adolescentes solí­an andar en bici. En aquel momento la banda decidió que el disco estarí­a listo cuando estuviese listo. Sin marcarse plazos. (
Título: Re: Keane
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 19, 2013, 07:18:08 pm
Keane lanzará su primer grandes íéxitos en noviembre que incluirá canciones nuevas. Será un doble cedíé de 20 temas con dos nuevos, titulados Higher than the Sun y Won't be broken. Se trata del primer disco recopilatorio de la banda británica. La versión deluxe de este recopilatorio incluirá un tercer nuevo trak y 17 caras B.
Título: Re: Keane
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 27, 2013, 11:22:07 pm
Black Rain (
Título: Re:Keane
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 07, 2019, 04:15:49 pm
Tras meses de especulaciones, Keane regresan con un nuevo álbum que se pondrá a la venta el 20 de septiembre e incluye el poderoso primer single, The Way I Feel.

Compuesto por Keane y co-producido por la banda junto a David Kosten, Cause and Effect contiene once canciones nuevas grabadas en Londres y Sussex.

Keane han anunciado también su gira británica para este otoño, que incluye dos noches en el Royal Albert Hall londinense. El grupo tocará en una serie de festivales este verano, entre los que se incluyen BST en Hyde Park el 14 de Julio.

En España les podremos ver el 20 de julio en Las Noches del Botánico (Madrid) y el 21 del mismo en el 4Ever Valencia Fest.

Cause and Effect es el quinto álbum de estudio de Keane y llegará siete años después de su hasta ahora última entrega. (
Título: Re:Keane
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 26, 2019, 05:34:24 pm
The Way I Feel (Lyric Video) (
Título: Re:Keane
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 08, 2019, 07:00:04 pm
Love Too Much (Official Video) (
Título: Re:Keane
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 28, 2019, 10:00:29 pm
Love Too Much (Lyric Video) (
Título: Re:Keane
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 27, 2019, 04:48:13 pm
Cause and Effect - Tim (

Cause and effect - Tom (
Título: Re:Keane
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 10, 2019, 05:03:10 pm
Cause and Effect - Episode 3 - Jesse (
Título: Re:Keane
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 17, 2019, 07:30:38 pm
Cause and Effect - Episode 4 - Richard (
Título: Re:Keane
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 28, 2019, 08:14:52 pm
Stupid Things (Lyric Video) (
Título: Re:Keane
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 17, 2023, 08:16:21 pm
Love Actually (
Título: Re:Keane
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 22, 2024, 05:32:13 pm
Wonderful River (