Autor Tema: Tarja Turunen  (Leído 340264 veces)


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Re: Tarja Turunen
« Respuesta #255 en: Junio 27, 2009, 11:00:06 pm »


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Re: Tarja Turunen
« Respuesta #256 en: Junio 28, 2009, 11:27:29 pm »


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Re: Tarja Turunen
« Respuesta #257 en: Julio 01, 2009, 11:18:29 pm »
Visions of Atlantis will share the stage with Tarja Turunen in Vienna on the 22nd of July 2009.The band is looking forward happily to support the finnish opera queen on her tour-stop in Austria".


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Re: Tarja Turunen
« Respuesta #258 en: Julio 04, 2009, 12:30:43 am »

Jorn Lande, Norwegian hard rock singer, has released a coverversion of TARJA TURUNEN´s single I walk alone. The song appears in Lande´s most recent album Spirit Black.

Jorn Lande's strong and diverse voice and solid songwriting skills have now become legendary in the Hard Rock world. In a career spanning over 30 albums releases and as frontman for Millennium, Ark and Masterplan, Jorn was recently featured on spectacular projects such as Tobias Sammet's “Avantasia”, along with stars like Alice Cooper and Eric Singer (KISS), Rudolph Schenker (Scorpions), Bob Catley (Magnum) and in Arjen Lucassen's recent concept album “Ayreon”.


Interviewed In Bucharest


Filmari Tarja la Sala Palatului (22 iunie 2009)

« Última modificación: Julio 04, 2009, 12:32:28 am por _V_ »


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Re: Tarja Turunen
« Respuesta #259 en: Julio 06, 2009, 11:25:54 pm »
We are now having a little break between the summer shows.

The band members are having their other engagements and I am doing a lot of promotion for the future shows.

I am very happy with the shows we did together so far and I am sure there will be many surprises for us in the near future.

It has been a nice challenge to start the festivals season for the first time in my solo career and the reception has been very good so far.

It was wonderful to visit Spain and Italy for the metal festivals. The audience in both festivals was very hot, as expected 

I also got a chance to meet many wonderful people in those days from such different bands as Blind Guardian, Lacuna Coil, Queensrí¿che, Apocalyptica, Epica, and Twisted Sister. And among them I also met lady Doro Pesch.
The house liked my show that much that we were invited to sing there again in September!  I had quite a few memories from that place already and it was good to return on my own and to see the difference. I was truly happy to receive good feedback from my show.

So, see you next time in Vaasa, FINLAND! I am so excited about my only rock show in my home country. I don’t remember if I have even visited Vaasa before, so it will be great to rock the city and the Finns.


With love, Tarja

 We got to end the first leg of the tour in Pratteln with a sold out concert. Best way to end it !


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Re: Tarja Turunen
« Respuesta #260 en: Julio 08, 2009, 04:50:46 pm »
TARJA_METALWAY - Crónica. viernes 26 de junio.

Cambiábamos de tesitura para ver por primera en nuestro paí­s (aparte de su concierto con temas navideños y acústicos de Barcelona hace año y medio, creo recordar) a la ya a todos los efectos ex cantante de NIGHTWISH. La finesa Tarja Turunen vení­a presentando su reciente "My winter storm" y me encantó ver lo cuidado de su puesta en escena (desde los enormes cuatro telones rojos que daban mucha elegancia al escenario, hasta su vestuario y movimientos, siempre de gusto exquisito), sin olvidarnos de la increí­ble banda que lleva la tí­a en gira: Kiko Loureiro (guitarrista de ANGRA), Mike Terrana (¿acaso necesita presentación?) y Dough Wimbish (bajista de LIVING COLOUR... excelente, por cierto), apoyados por uno de los cellistas de APOCALLYPTICA (que precisamente tocaban despuíés de TARJA) y la teclista Maria Ilmoniemi (aunque hay que reconocer que su teclado mucho, mucho no se oyó). Esto influye a que, quizás en contra de lo que se pudiera pensar, la banda suene mucho más potente en directo que en disco, y además reparte protagonismo entre los conocidos y reputados músicos y la lógica voz y figura predominante de una Tarja que para mí­ resulta mucho más atractiva vocalmente sin abusar tanto de tonos operí­sticos como antaño (aunque para gustos los colores, como se suele decir). Además, me da la impresión de que actualmente en directo se presenta muchí­simo menos endiosada que en los tiempos de NIGHTWISH, incluso siendo totalmente cercana y sencilla, algo impensable entonces, y lógicamente ganándose al público español con su simpatí­a y su ya muy fluido castellano (bueno, más bien argentino, ¿no?)... incluso moviendo los pelos y haciendo cuernos cuando la situación lo requiere, ¡guau!
Me sorprendió de todos modos (y eso que me perdí­ el principio del concierto por la rueda de prensa de MANOWAR que tuvo lugar en backstage justo al comienzo de su show) la cantidad de gente que se acercó a ver a TARJA y la entrega del público con ella, cantando y coreando la mayorí­a de los temas (obviamente ganando las pinceladas de NIGHTWISH o las conocidas versiones). Una lástima los problemas de sonido que tuvieron durante todo el concierto (tanto con el impactante micrófono rojo de Tarja, que no ha perdido ni mucho menos la costumbre de utilizar micros a juego con su vestuario, como con la guitarra de Kiko, a veces imperceptible o de repente sonaba a todo trapo y con riffs muy duros y actuales), y el hecho de que Terrana muchas veces se exceda en protagonismo, queriendo hacer el show demasiado suyo, por mucho animal y buen baterí­a que sea (de todas formas, precioso el kit blanco de baterí­a situado a un lado del escenario, como a íél siempre le gusta).
Pero pese a todo fue un buen show, muy bien aceptado tanto por propios como extraños (fans y los que estaban allí­ por curiosidad), que tuvo sus momentos realmente emotivos ("I walk alone", su single del nuevo disco, que fue muy coreado, por supuesto el punto "Wishmaster" o la controvertida versión del "Poison" de ALICE COOPER, bien pero es que la original tiene mucha tela). Menos me gustó "Nemo" ya al final, y tampoco me terminó de entrar la versión que ya hací­an NIGHTWISH del "Over the hill and far away" de los mejores años de GARY MOORE (aunque obviamente es un tema que nadie puede dejar de bailar y corear en directo).
Pero vaya, que todo el show fue una grata sorpresa positiva, y fue hasta bonito ver a una Tarja mucho más suelta, roquera y natural que en los tiempos de NIGHTWISH (por muy buení­sima vocalista que fuera entonces y por supuesto tambiíén ahora). Dentro de pocos meses (como nos recordó ella misma desde el escenario) estará tocando de nuevo en solitario en nuestro paí­s, y hasta ese momento la verdad es que cuanto menos me quedo con buen sabor de boca despuíés de su buen concierto en METALWAY.

Texto: David Esquitino


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Re: Tarja Turunen
« Respuesta #261 en: Julio 08, 2009, 04:53:10 pm »


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Re: Tarja Turunen
« Respuesta #262 en: Julio 08, 2009, 10:48:26 pm »
Si pudiera le robaba a Tarja la llave de su armario!! :016: :016: :016:


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Re: Tarja Turunen
« Respuesta #263 en: Julio 09, 2009, 11:02:35 pm »
Hunter Fest 
Nos complace anunciar que hemos llegado a un acuerdo para honrar la publicitada aparición de Tarja en el Hunter Fest en Polonia. Todos los requerimientos formales que tienen que ver con el show han sido cumplidos, asi que estamos muy felices de invitar a todos los fans al show del 25 de Julio en Szczytno.

Nos vemos allí­!



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Re: Tarja Turunen
« Respuesta #264 en: Julio 10, 2009, 11:12:14 pm »
Despuíés del Hard Rock Americano de Tesla, era el momento de recibir a la ex cantante de Nightwish, Tarja Turunen. Habí­a muchí­sima expectación por ver a Tarja en solitario, y sobre todo por saber que banda le acompañarí­a en directo. Una baterí­a situada a la derecha del escenario y encabezada por el monstruoso Mike Terrana, fuíé la encargada de levantar varias ovaciones del público durante el show de Tarja.  Las guitarras se encontraban presididas por Kilo Loureiro de Angra  y la sección de bajo por Doug Wimbish ex Living Colour. En el apartado más armónico y melódico estaba Max Lija al Cello y Marí­a Ilmoniemi al teclado, la cual tuvo diversos problemas de sonido, que hicieron restar dinamismo a la actuación.

Cerca de 8000 espectadores se dieron cita ante Tarja Turunen, disfrutando de “I Walk Alone”, el single del su nuevo álbum en solitario, la cual fue coreadí­sima por el público al igual que “Wishmaster”, tema estrella de su anterior banda, Nightwish. Tarja tambiíén quiso dar cancha a clásicos del Rock como el mí­tico “Poison” de Alice Cooper, que quedó bastante simplón y pobre, ya que este temazo es muy difí­cil de plasmar y sobre todo si se trata de una cantante de un gíénero musical un tanto alejado al Hard Rock clásico de Cooper. Como he comentado en un principio, los problemas de teclado de Marí­a Ilmoniemi hicieron recortar el set list, y llegar a “Nemo”, uno de los cortes que más ovación obtuvo

 diferencia de la versión de Alice Cooper, “Over The Hills And far away” de Gary Moore, si que se amoldó mucho mejor  a la versión original del genio de las seis cuerdas. Tarja mostró durante todo el show, una  actitud muchí­sima más Rockera que en otras ocasiones , mostrándose muy cercana con el público y recordando a todos los asistentes que volverá por nuestro paí­s en el mes de septiembre.


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Re: Tarja Turunen
« Respuesta #265 en: Julio 18, 2009, 11:07:28 pm »
have been resting and enjoining the warm and beautiful Finnish summer for few days now.

Also spent time promoting my next shows, but I had the chance to make a brief cameo in my friends’ second movie called “Yhtí¤ Kyytií¤â€ (Mad Rush). More information about the black humour comedy you’ll find from:

Tomorrow is the beginning of the second leg of my summer tour. I am delighted to travel with many friends very early in the morning to Vaasa. Everybody is excited!

My first Rock show in two years in my homeland! Thanks Rockperry for opening your doors for us 

Let’s rock the summer in Suomi, Germany, Austria, Czech, Poland and Ukraine

With love, Tarja


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Re: Tarja Turunen
« Respuesta #266 en: Julio 20, 2009, 11:20:33 pm »
I'm not afraid what other people think anymore, says Tarja Turunen who's working on her second solo album.
The beginning of the week in Kuusankoski has been bit rainy, but the sun is shining for Tarja Turunen. The singer is at home, and doesn't try to hide her good mood.

- Yesterday I emptied the sewer and cleaned the roof. Now my muscels are sore, she says and stretches her arms.
The illusion of informality would be normal, unless she wasn't wearing a make up. Turunen wanted her make up artist from Helsinki to fix her for the photo shoot.

Turunen has no problem for work in the yard. According to her, it brings some variety for everyday life. Though it lasts only about a week, because soon she's going to do some gigs again.
Three years ago the feeling was totally different. Only a year had passed singe she left Nightwish, and the start of her solo career was followed through a magnifying glass. Some were willing to bet that the career of the former front woman of a band was turned downwards.
Now Turunen can say that the doubting ones were wrong. The solo deput My Winter Storm has sold gold in many European countries, and the concert calender doesn't look too bad either.

Turunen admits that pressusres before the first solo album were huge.Partly because she had never wrote music or lyrics before.
-Working with the professional songwriters made me really nervous at first. I was embarrased to tell my own ideas, because I didn't know how they would take them. I was worried about being squelched. But my thoughts were taken openly anyway. The biggest challenge was to make sure for the work group, what kind of music I wanna do, she says.

What she wanted didn't appear on My Winter Storm yet. The album came out two years after Turunen leaving Nightwish, winter 2007. The album was said to be promising, but was critisized mainly because the lack of its own message.
Turunen has read the criticism. On the next album the artist take herself a bigger role. There's not gonna be any cover songs or complitely requested songs.
-It doesn't have a single song that I didn't wrote some lyrics for. or co-composed them, Turunen says.

The name What Lies Beneath crystallizes its themes.
-I wanna talk about things I've seen when toured around the world and lived in between two cultures. People go through same problems and things no matter what part of the world they live in. This is what I wanna tell the others. It's gonna be also very personal album, it has a strong presence of my passion and love.
That's a big promise. What Lies Beneath must show how much Tarja's person has depth for making interesting music.
The singer refuses to take pressures. Even though there is more of her own person, Turunen feels lightweighted than when making My Winter Storm.
-It's been nice to write songs and see that I really got what it takes. I'm not afraid what other people think. I feel I'm on the right track, when the music gives myself a good feeling. I can't make music that pleases everybody.

Style of the album will be mystical, heavy metal meets classical movie music like the previous one. It's gonna be little bit rougher though.
-My Winter Storm guitarsound lacks some edge. Now we have paid more attention to it.
Tarja Turunen wishes she can enter the studio in February.
-I have 20 songs made by myself or with other musicians. The challenge is to bring life to the songs. I work melodies mostly with the piano, but I also use my voice a lot for composing.

She hasn't have much time for working with the songs. Tarja says the longest time she has standed still this year is three weeks. That time she spended in her home in Argentina at spring. She lives with her husband Marcelo Cabuli in an apartment house in downtown Buenos Aires.
-At this time it's impossible to make plans further than a year ahead. We've planned to have kids in some point. Being a mother is such a big thing, that I might regret later not experiencing it

Marcelo Cabuli who works as his wife's manager, is responsible of all of her contacts with media, among other things. According to Turunen, her husband can let go of his work even less than she does.
-Marcelo is married to his work. He's got his laptop with him everywhere. Our friends say that we must be little bit crazy to be able to live a life like this. Luckily we have so many positive things around us, that we can make it, Turunen says.

Standing still is very difficult, even when she's got time for that.
-I need something to do all the time, otherwise I might start painting walls or something, she laughs.
Tarja Turunen did the only gig in Finland this summer in Vaasa this Saturday (July 18). After that she continues her summer tour in Central Europe. In September-October she's got another one, nearly 20 gig tour in Europe. At the end of the year Turunen is planning Christmas concerts in Finland.
-Thank god I have more work tham I'm able to do. It could be the opposite too. Last week I got to know that my album has sold gold in Germany too, she says.

-I'm gonna be asked about the Nightwish days probably for the rest of my life. It doesn't bother me, because Nightwish is part of my history. Of course I also have fans who first found my solo album, and after that they learned about my past in a band.


Tarja Turunen, 31, was a vocalist in Nightwish for 9 years (1996-2005).
An Argentinean husband Marcelo Cabuli leads a record company, concentrating on metal music.
The couple moved to their Finland home in Kuusankoski, Kymeenlaakso five years ago. Their second home is in Argentina, where the couple spend teh biggest part of year.
Besides rock festivals, Tarja Turunen also makes classical concerts. For example this year she's going to 'Soi suvessa'-festival.
My Winter Storm has sold platinium in Finland.


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Re: Tarja Turunen
« Respuesta #267 en: Julio 29, 2009, 10:48:46 pm »
Date: Oct. 12th, 2009
Venue: Arena Muzika Festival
Country: Bulgaria
Town: Sofia


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Re: Tarja Turunen
« Respuesta #268 en: Agosto 01, 2009, 11:24:06 pm »
TARJA TURUNEN Named 'Sexiest Female Metal Musician'

Former NIGHTWISH singer Tarja Turunen was named "Sexiest Female Metal Musician" by the visitors of the web site. More than 6,000 votes were cast, with Turunen narrowly beating out her NIGHTWISH replacement, Anette Olzon.

The final results are as follows:

01. Tarja Turunen (ex-NIGHTWISH)
02. Anette Olzon (NIGHTWISH)
03. Ailyn (SIRENIA)
04. Cristina Scabbia (LACUNA COIL)
05. Sharon Den Adel (WITHIN TEMPTATION)
06. Simone Simons (EPICA)
07. Mariangela Demurtas (TRISTANIA)
08. Angela Gossow (ARCH ENEMY)
09. Alissa White-Gluz (THE AGONIST)
10. Lauren Harris
11. Sonya Scarlet (THEATES DES VAMPIRES)
12. Nadja Peulen (ex-COAL CHAMBER)
13. Floor Jansen (ex-AFTER FOREVER)
14. Anneke van Giersbergen (AGUA DE ANNIQUE)
15. Sabine Edelsbacher (EDENBRIDGE)
16. Karin Axelsson (SONIC SYNDICATE)
17. Raiana (KHZ)
19. Maria Brink (IN THIS MOMENT)
20. Lennon Murphy (DEVIL'S GIFT)


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Re: Tarja Turunen
« Respuesta #269 en: Agosto 10, 2009, 11:04:09 pm »
Amigables con las cámaras
Una vez más, todos los shows incluí­dos en Final Storm Tour 2009 fueron declarados “amigables con las cámaras”, lo que significa que pueden traer su cámara fotográfica y sacar cuantas fotos deseen. Esto es así­ con la excepción de los recitales en festivales, en los que deberán consultar con la organización del festival sobre su polí­tica respecto de las cámaras dado que no podemos exceder las regulaciones estipuladas por ellos.