Autor Tema: Sharon Corr  (Leído 281708 veces)


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Re: Sharon Corr saca un álbum en solitario
« Respuesta #675 en: Abril 20, 2013, 05:42:58 pm »
El próximo domingo 17 de noviembre a las 20:15h, Sharon actuará en la sala de conciertos y centro de convenciones De Doelen, situado en la ciudad de Rotterdam. Las entradas ya están a la venta a un precio entre 25€ y 27€.


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Re: Sharon Corr saca un álbum en solitario
« Respuesta #676 en: Abril 21, 2013, 04:48:21 pm »
This much I know: Sharon Corr
Sunday, April 21, 2013
By Hilary Fennell
I believe in dreams.

They show you the potential of who you can be. But of course, it isn’t always easy to be that person.
And I believe in trusting your gut instinct. Every time I’ve got something wrong, it’s because I ignored mine.
I enjoy the chaos of life. I don’t like things set out in straight lines.
I was an outgoing and confident teenager, less confident in my 20s and 30s, and now I’m in my 40s I finally really know who I am. When I was growing up, women were still encouraged to pretend we weren’t as good at anything as we really were. You were almost told to hide your light in case it offended people. Once I let go of that notion, my life changed.
My earliest memory of writing is around age six, sitting at the piano in my brother’s room in Dundalk with a fairy-tale book and writing my first love song about princes and castles — a romantic at six!
I ran a record shop for a while, worked in a pub and in Penneys, but I never actually considered having a career in anything other than in music.
My favourite spot is sitting at my grand piano, writing my music. I love the process of simply allowing whatever comes towards me to channel its way through me. I may wander along and find a nice lyrical image, or a chord progression that I like and before I know it I have a new song.
Of course, writing is a very long process. I’ve just finished my second solo album in California with my producer Mitchell Froom — it took me nearly two years, fitted in alongside touring the world and doing The Voice and everything else. So for two years I’ve had this thought at the back of my mind ‘the album’s not finished’ and now that I’ve come to the end of that journey, it’s the most amazing feeling.
I don’t know an artist who hasn’t had stage anxiety at some point. Even Jeff Beck. He joined me on stage at in London last year and as he came on he whispered in my ear that his legs had turned to jelly!
Being nervous can be crippling. I had two years of it, on and off, when I came out of the Corrs. Maybe I hadn’t prepared myself properly for the transition from being part of a team, to performing solo. It began for me after I had one bad performance, because I’d been up with the kids the night before, flew straight in from shooting a video for three days in Spain, and I was dog tired. That scared the crap out of me but I was quick to get help from a voice coach to build my confidence and learn from the experience.
The best things in life are the ones you work hardest for — now I am at my happiest on stage and adore every moment of it, and the silver lining is that because of my experience, I am able to help guide the artists on The Voice through their own confidence issues.
Becoming a parent made me feel very vulnerable. Suddenly you realise that the world is not the nice safe place you thought it was. You need to be so vigilant to keep your precious little people safe.
I’m very glad that I did The Voice. It was a brave step for me as I had been very critical of the humiliation and lack of positive energy that abounds in television talent shows in general. But The Voice is the antidote to shows like X Factor. When I was asked to get involved, they showed me the US version and I could see from the outset that the format had integrity. I loved the fact that the coaches vote ‘blind’ based only on the contestant’s voice.
I think I look OK for 43. Some days I think I look wretched, but I remind myself that I’m only gonna get older so I might as well make the most of it. There’s too much pressure on women these days to look like candy floss. I utterly reject that. We have minds, souls, talents, humour, and lives to live and so much more to offer than a wrinkle-free plastic face. I go to the gym and getting the blood circulating always makes me feel about 10 years younger.

Ayer por la noche, el periódico irlandíés Irish Examiner publicó una interesante entrevista a Sharon, a pesar de que no deberí­a haberse publicado hasta este domingo.


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Re: Sharon Corr saca un álbum en solitario
« Respuesta #677 en: Abril 21, 2013, 04:49:19 pm »
El próximo miíércoles 6 de noviembre Sharon actuará en Wilminktheater en Muziekcentrum en la ciudad holandesa de Enschede.


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Re: Sharon Corr saca un álbum en solitario
« Respuesta #678 en: Abril 22, 2013, 08:15:33 pm »


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Re: Sharon Corr saca un álbum en solitario
« Respuesta #679 en: Abril 30, 2013, 05:33:30 pm »
Interviewing Ireland's top female stars, the question of age can be a thorny one. Despite being infinitely Wikapediable, most women of a certain age refuse to answer – or shave a few years off at the very least. So it makes a pleasant change when Sharon Corr volunteers hers before we've even ordered lunch at The Cliff Townhouse on St Stephen's Green.
"I'm 43 years old," says Sharon, matter-of-factly. "I don't see what I have to gain by lying about my age.
"I also don't like the message that it sends out – that I should be ashamed because I'm ageing. I never want my daughter to think that somehow she's failing because she's ageing."
With a continuously successful music career, barrister husband and two beautiful children, certainly singer-songwriter Sharon has every reason to be proud of what she's achieved in those 43 years.
As one-quarter of 1990s pop-rock sensation The Corrs, the Dundalk beauty has travelled the world with five number one albums, won a BRIT Award for Best International Band and even been awarded an MBE.
Now, ahead of the release of her second solo album later this year, this Corr says she's finally ready to drop the 's'.
"Coming out of The Corrs, I was a little bit unsure as to who I was as a solo artist," admits mum-of-two Sharon. "So that slightly knocks your confidence.
"When you're known all over the world for doing something, then you're going, 'Well, that was just a part of me, what's the complete me?'
"Suddenly you're going: what am I really interested in? What's my own voice musically? What are my influences?
"It took me a while to identify who I was. Even since my first solo album (Dream of You in 2010), I've changed a lot. I think more of me is coming into my work now. It's been an amazing journey of self-discovery.
"When I came off the road to have my babies, it was like somebody chopped a couple of limbs off," she adds. "I really missed it. My whole impetus is just to make music, regardless of whether I'm putting out records.
"I have a beautiful piano in my house that is just my favourite possession. I'm around it all the time. I play for therapy. There's one song on the album called 'Raindrops' where I was mega-pissed off and what got me over having a bad day was I sat down and wrote the song.
"I'm very inspired by the likes of Joni Mitchell and Dusty Springfield. That's what I was aiming for with my own album.
'Each song is a personal journey – whether it's sad, funny or emotional. It feels very retro; it doesn't feel like The Corrs.
"Nowadays I think record companies are undermining the intelligence of the record-buying public," she says. "They think: 'If we stick that in a box and auto-tune it, (people) will love it and it'll be number one in the charts'.
"That art of songwriting isn't as prevalent as it should be. I don't feel as much competition in that world of auto-tune and the top 20. If anything, I think there's a chance to stand out."
Having found her own voice, for the past two years, Sharon has been helping others find theirs as a coach on RTí‰ talent show The Voice of Ireland.
She says: "I would never ever have pursued a TV talent show.
"When I realised it was blind auditions, that opened me up to the idea. Nobody's getting picked on the fact that they've a great outfit on, or they're skinny or crazy-looking.
"So I went back and watched episode after episode of the American Voice.
"I figured if people like Christina Aguilera and Cee Lo Green – who've sold millions of records all over the world and know what they're talking about – were going to say yes, then it must be credible.
"It's not just some supposed music mogul standing up there going, 'You're crap', and he has never sang a note in his life."
In case you're wondering whether Sharon is taking a swipe at Simon Cowell, she continues, leaving little doubt. "Another element of the industry nowadays is the dilution of talent and creativity that goes on on the likes of The X Factor.
"It does not actually encourage the fundamental basics of learning your craft – going out there and being crap, going out the second time and being slightly crap and doing years and years and years of that (until) you deserve to be on that stage.
"It's almost like if you dress it up, it will be more talented.
"As a TV talent show, it's inevitable that people will compare The Voice to The X Factor.
"The difference is it's one that nurtures (contestants) and is of a higher quality. The integrity is there.
"I'm really proud of it."
Speaking of reality TV shows, elsewhere on ITV, The Big Reunion sees 1990s chart-toppers B*Witched, 5ive and 911 get back together to go on tour.
So what are the chances of Sharon and siblings Andrea, Caroline and Jim sharing the stage again?
"There isn't a plan, but I would never say never," she says.
"Our last tour was eight years ago, so it's a long time. We love each other and we achieved stuff that was almost unthinkable together. But I'm all for moving forward. I don't really want to live in the past.
"I feel you're not developing as an artist if you're constantly doing the same thing."
When it comes to her marriage, however, Sharon says she wouldn't change a thing.
She wed Belfast barrister Gavin Bonnar in 2001: "We're married 12 years, I aspire to 50.
"He still makes me laugh, I love being in his company and I miss him when he's not around."
After recording her album in LA, Sharon's latest creations take place in the kitchen of her Dublin home – where she can be found making homemade stew for her son Cathal (7) and daughter Flori (5).
Today, it's head chef Sean Smith who's slaving over a hot stove to create our impeccably presented fish dishes.
"I cook every day at home," she says. "I believe in making my own food and the kids are healthier for it.
"I brought them out to LA because I would have just died of heartbreak otherwise.
"They were on the beach every day while I was in the studio. It's a very interesting lifestyle for them. It's a little bit unconventional – but I don't really believe in convention."
Although she doesn't have an act in tomorrow night's live final of The Voice, all eyes are sure to be on coach Sharon anyway.
Skin-tight gold pants and a dress with a neckline resembling a lace thong are just two of her more memorable looks on the show.
"I would never ever claim to be a fashionista," laughs Sharon, who plays at the Westport Festival of Music & Food this June.
"I was actually going to wear jeans and a T-shirt here today!
"My stylist Ingrid Hooey is the real fashionista. She gets me out of my box.
"One thing I try to do though is support Irish fashion. The (thong) dress was by a fabulous young Irish designer called Sarah O'Neill.
"When you saw me sitting in the chair, all you could see was from my boobs up.
"There was a lace piece on it that looked like the 'V' of a thong – so it actually did look like a thong! When I read the Twitter feed after the show, I was literally weeping with laughter. I love laughing at myself.
"But the dress was beautiful and I would wear it a hundred times over."
Nonetheless, the down-to-earth star was happy to hand over the title of Ireland's Most Stylish Woman at the Peter Mark VIP Style Awards last night.
'Fashion isn't the most important thing to me, my music and my kids are. It's not like I'm at home doing the hoovering in my gold pants!
"Women are just under too much pressure (to look good). It's so foisted upon women to pretend they've got longer eyelashes, bigger boobs or a smaller waist. It really drives me nuts.
"I think women should support each other. Very often, there's just way too much bitching going on.
"Laughing at people because they've got a bit of cellulite – that's just cheap.
"Again, it's the message that I pass on to my daughter. If I pass on the message that you need to be super-skinny or pretend you're 20 when you're 40, then all those achievements that she's gone through from 20-40 are ignored."
Sharon adds: "Becoming a mother changed me utterly. Having a baby, you're in hospital, you're baring all – it's the most vulnerable moment in the world.
"Before then, I really had myself very protected. Now I'm like if people don't like who I am, that's perfectly fine.
"I never want to get to an age in my life where I can say I didn't do something because I was afraid of what people would think."


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Re: Sharon Corr saca un álbum en solitario
« Respuesta #680 en: Mayo 07, 2013, 04:12:13 pm »
El próximo jueves 25 de julio, Sharon actuará en el Hohentwiel Festival de la ciudad alemana de Singen como artista invitada del grupo escocíés Runrig, donde abrirá el concierto de la gira de su 40º aniversario en dicha ciudad, y quien sabe si habrá alguna colaboración como ya pasó con Ronan Keating.

El próximo viernes 26 de julio, Sharon actuará en el teatro al aire libre Freilichtbí¼hne en la ciudad alemana de Loreley como artista invitada del grupo escocíés Runrig, donde abrirá el concierto de la gira de su 40º aniversario en dicha ciudad.

El próximo sábado 27 de julio, Sharon actuará en el parque de la ciudad de Hamburgo como artista invitada del grupo escocíés Runrig, donde abrirá el concierto de la gira de su 40º aniversario en dicha ciudad.


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Re: Sharon Corr saca un álbum en solitario
« Respuesta #681 en: Mayo 17, 2013, 03:24:25 pm »
El próximo sábado 16 de noviembre a las 20:15h, Sharon actuará en el teatro Odeon De Spiegel, situado en la ciudad holandesa de Zwolle. Las entradas ya se pueden adquirir aun precio de entre 18,50€ y 29€.


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Re: Sharon Corr saca un álbum en solitario
« Respuesta #682 en: Mayo 17, 2013, 03:29:14 pm »
El próximo sábado 9 de noviembre, Sharon actuará en el centro artí­stico De Werf, situado en la ciudad belga de Aalst. Las entradas todaví­a no están a la venta y aún queda por confirmar la hora del concierto.

El próximo domingo 10 de noviembre, Sharon actuará en el auditorio Concertgebouw, situado en la ciudad belga de Brugge. Las entradas todaví­a no están a la venta y aún queda por confirmar la hora del concierto.


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Re: Sharon Corr saca un álbum en solitario
« Respuesta #683 en: Mayo 18, 2013, 03:59:24 pm »
Se cancela el concierto de Westport

It is with regret that we have to inform that Sharon Corr will no longer be able to play Westport Festival.
Since confirming this date her band line up has changed and we now have scheduling conflicts due to band member commitments, 2 of them are U.S. based. Hopefully will be making it up to you in the latter part of the year!


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Re: Sharon Corr saca un álbum en solitario
« Respuesta #684 en: Mayo 19, 2013, 04:55:04 pm »
El próximo jueves 14 de noviembre a las 20:15h, Sharon actuará en la sala de conciertos Philharmonie, situado en la ciudad holandesa de Haarlem. Las entradas ya se pueden adquirir aun precio de entre 19€ y 28€.

El próximo jueves 7 de noviembre a las 20:00h, Sharon actuará en Parkstad Limburg Theaters, situado en la ciudad holandesa de Heerlen. Las entradas ya se pueden adquirir a un precio de entre 14€ y 32€.


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Re: Sharon Corr saca un álbum en solitario
« Respuesta #685 en: Mayo 26, 2013, 03:55:30 pm »
El próximo mes de junio, con motivo de la celebración del 50º aniversario de la visita a Irlanda de John Fitzgerald Kennedy durante los dí­as 26 y 29 de junio de 1963, The National Library of Ireland inaugurará una exposición dedicada a al presidente estadounidense bajo el tí­tulo de JFK Homecoming, que contará con un ví­deo tributo donde contribuyen Sharon, Laura Whitmore, Ryan Tubridy, entre otras personalidades.

The activity will engage the public in support of an exhibit “JFK Homecoming” that the National Library of Ireland will open in June, in partnership with the National Archives of Ireland, RTí‰ Archives, John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum in Boston and the U.S. Embassy in Dublin.  It will also premier a video tribute that includes contributions from Jim Sheridan, Laura Whitmore, Robert Sheehan, Sharon Corr, Jamie Heaslip, Roddy Doyle, Mark Pollock, Sarah Bolger, Moya Doherty, Michael O’Muircheartaigh, and Ryan Tubridy. President John F Kennedy visited Ireland from June 26-29, 1963. The anniversary of this visit is being marked with a series of significant events, including a Kennedy “Gathering” at the new visitor centre at the Kennedy Homestead in Dunganstown, Co Wexford, on June 22 and the lighting of a Gathering Flame in New Ross.

With the launch of the website on May 29th everyone is invited to experience again the special days President Kennedy spent in Ireland, to upload their own memories and mementoes of the event, and to create new memories of their own as they hear the words of the U.S. President brought to life again by some of Ireland’s best known voices.


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Re: Sharon Corr saca un álbum en solitario
« Respuesta #686 en: Mayo 30, 2013, 03:38:12 pm »
ví­deo en el que a travíés de las voces, entre otros, de Sharon reproduce las palabras que pronunció JFK en junio de 1963 ante el parlamento irlandíés:

If the day was clear enough, and if you went down to the bay, and you looked West, and your sight was good enough, you would see Boston, Massachusetts.

It is strange that so many years could pass and so many generations pass and still some of us could come here to Ireland and feel ourselves at home and not feel ourselves in a strange country, but feel ourselves among neighbors, even though we are separated by generations, by time, and by thousands of miles.
Our two nations, divided by distance, have been united by history. No people ever believed more deeply in the cause of Irish freedom than the people of the United States.

And no country contributed more to building my own than your sons and daughters.

They came to our shores in a mixture of hope and agony, and they left behind hearts, fields, and a nation yearning to be free.
But today this is no longer the country of hunger and famine. Nor is it any longer a country of persecution, political or religious. It is a free country.
Great powers have their responsibilities and their burdens, but the smaller nations of the world must fulfil their obligations as well.
Those who may feel, that in these difficult times, who may believe that freedom may be on the run, or that some nations may be permanently subjugated and eventually wiped out, would do well to remember Ireland.

Modern economics, weapons and communications have made us realise more than ever that we are one human family and this one planet is our home.

Ireland is sending its most talented to do the world's most important work—the work of peace. You are not content to sit by your fireside while others are in need of your help. Nor are you content with the recollections of the past when you face the responsibilities of the present.

You have something to give to the world, and that is a future of peace with freedom.
George Bernard Shaw, speaking as an Irishman, summed up an approach to life: "Other peoples," he said, "see things and say: `Why?' ... But I dream things that never were—and I say: `Why not?"'
It is that quality of the Irish, the combination of hope, confidence and imagination that is needed more than ever today. The problems of the world cannot possibly be solved by sceptics or cynics whose horizons are limited by the obvious realities.

We need men who can dream of things that never were, and ask why not.

Your future is as promising as your past is proud, and your destiny lies not as a peaceful island in a sea of troubles, but as a maker and shaper of world peace.
« Última modificación: Mayo 30, 2013, 03:40:11 pm por Serena »


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Re: Sharon Corr saca un álbum en solitario
« Respuesta #687 en: Mayo 30, 2013, 03:42:30 pm »
El próximo sábado 10 de agosto, Sharon actuará en Black Isle Showground en la ciudad de Muir of Ord (Escocia) como artista invitada del grupo escocíés Runrig, que celebrará el último concierto de la gira de su 40º aniversario.


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Re: Sharon Corr saca un álbum en solitario
« Respuesta #688 en: Junio 15, 2013, 08:37:56 pm »


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Re: Sharon Corr saca un álbum en solitario
« Respuesta #689 en: Junio 15, 2013, 08:41:07 pm »
Gracias al artí­culo publicado por Eelu24, sabemos que los músicos que han acompañado a Sharon son:
Guitarra: Thad DeBrock

Baterí­a: Pete Wilhoit

Bajo: Dale Davis

Teclados: John McCullough

Uilleann pipes, banjo, low whistle: Darragh Murphy
