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Tarja Turunen

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IWA  Melkweg 2007

The Reign - Tarja Turunen in Paris [11/12/2007]

Walking In The Air - Tarja Turunen in Paris [11/12/2007]

Tarja and her band - end of the concert in Amsterdam

Que chulos!!!! ^-^ ^-^ ^-^

Tarja  habla!

Sobre su banda

--- Citar ---Hello my friends,

It has been a while since I got any time to write to you. I am truly sorry for that
There has been many people already requesting me to do this… so now when I finished my interviews for today (in the car on my way home from the airport), I am finally free.

So this is the first thing and last  that I am doing before officially starting my holidays!!

I came back to Finland after magnificent tour just a couple of hours ago. It feels good to be back at home. The last concert in London gave us just amazing end for it.

Everything worked perfect during the concert and we just had a lot of fun. It has been interesting for us to see that every concert has felt better than the previous one for us as musicians. Getting more and more into the spirit of the songs and being able to make a stronger connection with the fans every time.

Anyway, the feeling was quite sad after the last concert because we truly are going to miss each other. There was something very special going on for 4 weeks among us. Everybody agrees on that.

It has been very unusual for me to be saluted every day by everybody involved in the shows (production, crew, musicians) with hugs and kisses same way that every night after the day was over.

No ass faces around, just smiles and laughter. No silence and indifference, but warmness, long chats and stories of every kind and true interest.

Above all, respect within the group of people for everybody’s work and music.

None of us needed to be dragged into a hotel room after alcohol overdoses 

Is very unique the feeling of looking into the eyes of the people working with you and finding there honesty.

These Warm Up concerts were a great Xmas present for all of us.

But this is just the beginning for something else to come. We are going to work together once again pretty soon, so we just have to be patient.

I will miss the jokes of Mike, hugs and laughter of Alex, positive vibes of Doug, great girl chats with Maria, serious conversations with Max and Markus and sister kind of love of my own brother Toni. Thank you all!

Without forgetting the whole amazing crew: Antti, Hemi, Pete, Tommi and Cedric and my friend Heidi. Without you there would not be any shows and I wouldn’t be able to sing my music to anybody. A big thanks you for your efforts and understanding!

The tour has been fantastic, seriously. I have never felt happier. The band, the music, the crew, the travelling, the fans…everything just great.

This whole year has been a good year for me as an artist but also as a person. I have gained pretty much self-confidence, but most of all I have enjoyed to be an artist on my own. The success feels now very personal and every tiny positive thing means to me a lot more than before.

--- Fin de la cita ---

Sobre el video de "Die Alive"

--- Citar ---It was “pretty” cold and wet day and since we were shooting outside, I was really nervous to get sick. We had some problems with the generators, we were not having any electricity and the darkness surrounded us for almost 2 hours! That was pretty funny for everybody. The shootings started at 14:00 pm and lasted until 07:30 next morning. On that day I flew to Cologne and had a show at night. After the show in Cologne we travelled very early in the morning to Paris and had a show on that night there. Basically I didn’t sleep for 3 days! I wonder how on earth I was able to stay awake and to make these shows happen  I guess the reason is YOU.

The video is ready now and it looks great, so I hope everybody of you will enjoy it.
I am sure that soon it will be announced in when you will be able to see it.

--- Fin de la cita ---

Ni Tarja se libra!!!


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