Autor Tema: Andrea Corr  (Leído 83657 veces)


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Re: Andrea Corr
« Respuesta #135 en: Septiembre 02, 2011, 08:40:58 pm »
Otro ví­deo de Andrea cantando Runaway en el Isle Of Wight Festival 2011,


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Re: Andrea Corr
« Respuesta #136 en: Septiembre 04, 2011, 10:44:03 pm »


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Re: Andrea Corr
« Respuesta #137 en: Septiembre 05, 2011, 10:54:52 pm »
Según ha informado Cyberspace, usuario de The Corrs Club y que a su vez cita el Facebook oficial de Andrea, íésta se ha visto obligada a postponer sus dos conciertos en Filipinas.

It is with great disappointment we have to postpone the Andrea Corr concerts in Manila and Cebu on the 16th and 18th of October 2011. This is a result of personal medical advice Andrea has received yesterday. We are so extremely sorry and promise to reschedule as soon as possible.



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Re: Andrea Corr
« Respuesta #138 en: Octubre 04, 2011, 10:49:37 pm »
Andrea prestó su imagen para la exposición fotográfica Signs of Life de Tracey Treanor y Maggie Woods ideada para crear una mayor conciencia sobre el Lenguaje de Signos Irlandíés (ISL). El fotógrafo Johnny Corcoran capturó a 26 celebridades representando la letra del alfabeto que mejor los definí­a. La exposición estará alojada en Filmbase, Temple Bar, Dublin a partir del 11 de octubre, despuíés recorrerá toda Irlanda.

SIGN LANGUAGE: Irish Sign Language has no official recognition here, despite there being an estimated 40,000 people who use it. A photographic exhibition, featuring celebrities signing the letter of the alphabet that best represents them, aims to raise awareness of ISL, writes ROISIN INGLE

IT’S SATURDAY NIGHT, and upstairs in a busy pub in Dublin city centre a typical scene is being played out. Giddy men and women climb on to a tiny stage to wave their arms about and murder classic songs through the medium of karaoke. The only difference is that instead of singing, these people are signing the lyrics using Irish Sign Language (ISL).

You haven’t fully appreciated Queen’s Bohemian Rhapsody until you’ve seen every word gesticulated by hand. Never mind X Factor , this is the Deaf Factor. And a lot easier on the ears it is, too.

Among the revellers last Saturday night celebrating World Deaf Day were Tracey It’s Raining Men Treanor and Maggie Tonight’s Gonna Be a Good Night Woods. For the past year, the two deaf friends, along with a dedicated team, have been working on a powerful photography exhibition designed to raise awareness of ISL.

It’s pretty much impossible to say no to these women as Jedward, Vincent Browne, Robbie Keane, Roddy Doyle and Andrea Corr all found out. They are among the 26 celebrities who deaf photographer Johnny Corcoran snapped signing the letter of the alphabet that best represents them for the Signs of Life exhibition. “We wanted to do something different,” Treanor says. “Maggie had done a similar exhibition using local people in her hometown of Athy. We thought we would try and make it bigger.”

There is no official recognition here for the language, which irks the deaf community, especially when such recognition exists in countries including New Zealand, Belgium and Northern Ireland. The Stormont government officially recognises ISL as a language because it was enshrined in the Good Friday Agreement. The Irish Deaf Society maintains that by failing to do the same here, the State is breaching the spirit of the agreement.“We want to raise awareness about ISL, which many people are amazed to find has its own linguistic structure, just the same as any other language. Despite its status as one of the most widely used languages in this country, ISL is not officially recognised by the Government, meaning that deaf people struggle to access basic services in what might be their first language,” says Kevin Mulqueen, chairman of the society.

Exact figures for usage are uncertain but will become clear when the Census 2011 results are out – for the first time ISL was included in the form as an option when answering which language was spoken in the home. Rough estimates suggest there are around 40,000 users in Ireland, which includes not just deaf people but their families, teachers, friends and interpreters.

One of the well-known people photographed for the exhibition, which coincides with the 30th anniversary of the Irish Deaf Society, is TV3’s Siníéad Desmond, who has a deaf brother, Conor (incidentally, Conor does a spectacular signed version of My Heart Will Go On).

She says: “ISL is an Irish language, one we should all be proud of and use. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if the next time you met a deaf Irish person you could have a chat, or simply say ‘lovely weather today isn’t it?’ ” A signed chorus of Bohemian Rhapsody goes down well too.

Signs of Life runs in Filmbase, Temple Bar, Dublin from October 11th, and then tours nationwide. See


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Re: Andrea Corr
« Respuesta #139 en: Octubre 13, 2011, 10:57:00 pm »
El pasado agosto, el DJ de origen alemán Christopher von Deylen (conocido con el nombre artí­stico Schiller) anunció a travíés de su página de facebook que estaba trabajando en una remezcla de la versión que Andrea hizo de Pale Blue Eyes.


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Re: Andrea Corr
« Respuesta #140 en: Noviembre 13, 2011, 02:11:38 pm »
Según publica hoy Barry Egan en su cuenta de Twitter y en el dominical del periódico irlandíés Irish Independent, Andrea está embarazada de cuatro meses, lo que explicarí­a la cancelación de los dos conciertos en Filipinas del pasado mes de octubre.

World exclusive story with the wonderful Andrea Corr in the Sunday Indo today, she's 4 months pregnant!


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Re: Andrea Corr
« Respuesta #141 en: Noviembre 14, 2011, 11:04:21 pm »


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Re: Andrea Corr
« Respuesta #142 en: Diciembre 03, 2011, 11:15:42 pm »
Andrea Corr has spoken about her joy after revealing she is to become a mum for the first time.

And she has apologised to her fans after her pregnancy forced her to cancel some of her overseas concerts.

The raven-haired beauty is due to have her first baby with husband Brett Desmond in the spring, and said she couldn't be more thrilled with the good news.

"Thank you all so much for such lovely kind messages and wellwishes. I'm so happy," she said.

She also paid tribute to her fans in the Philippines for being so understanding. She was due to perform there last month as part of her Lifelines tour with two scheduled dates on October 16 and 18 in Manila and Cebu.

The Runaway singer is more than 16 weeks' pregnant


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Re: Andrea Corr
« Respuesta #143 en: Diciembre 22, 2011, 02:48:42 pm »
Hací­a mucho que nada se sabí­a de la conocida banda The Corrs, famosa durante la díécada de 1995 a 2007. Hoy vuelven a resonar las notas del grupo trayendo consigo los susurros de una nueva vida.

   Y es que la vocalista principal y, puede que la más conocida de los cuatro hermanos gracias a sus incursiones en el mundo del cine y sus sesiones fotográficas, Andrea Corr está embarazada.

   Desde que celebrase su boda con el multimillonario, Brett Desmond, en 2009, nada se sabí­a de Andrea. Y es que la ex estrella de The Corrs vive ahora sus momentos más dulces, su primer embarazo.

   A sus 37 años, íéste será su primer hijo y las emociones que siente la han impedido seguir pasando inadvertida. Por eso, su Twitter fue el aliado perfecto para dar a conocer al mundo tan buena nueva.

   En un post en íésta red social, Andrea publicaba: "Gracias a todos por los mensajes tan encantadores y vuestros buenos deseos. Estoy muy feliz".

   El bebíé nacerá en primavera.


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Re: Andrea Corr
« Respuesta #144 en: Diciembre 22, 2011, 11:04:15 pm »


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Re: Andrea Corr
« Respuesta #145 en: Diciembre 31, 2011, 06:39:41 pm »
Andrea Corr looked the picture of happiness as she hit the beach in the Caribbean today.
The 37-year-old Corrs frontwoman showed off her blossoming baby bump in a tiny black bikini as she made the most of the warm weather on her New Year break.
Andrea teamed her two-piece with a pair of dark sunglasses and a beaming smile, showing that pregnancy is most definitely agreeing with her.


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Re: Andrea Corr
« Respuesta #146 en: Enero 07, 2012, 10:48:12 pm »
Mañana, la cadena de televisión irlandesa RTí‰ emitirá una entrevista a Andrea para el programa The Meaning Of Life, presentado por Gay Byrne. La duración del programa es de 30 min y empezará a las 22:30h (23:30h horario peninsular). Para los que estíén interesados, se podrá ver a travíés de internet en RTí‰ Live.

Seeing my face everywhere just made me feel ugly, says Andrea
By Lynne Kelleher
Saturday January 07 2012

inger Andrea Corr has told how she has always felt uncomfortable with her fame and her tag as one of the most beautiful women in the world.

The mum-to-be has regularly been lauded for her beauty but the 36-year-old has revealed the intense interest in her looks has made her feel very self-conscious.

In a revealing interview with Gay Byrne for his new 'Meaning of Life' series, the Dundalk, Co Louth, singer and actress also reveals it took years for her to get together with her husband, Brett Desmond.

And the star said that achieving worldwide fame in her 20s hadn't bolstered her ego.

She said: "The celebrity thing is very uncomfortable. To suddenly see yourself everywhere when you are almost adolescent in your feelings about yourself and so self-critical, it made me so self-conscious.

"It's like walking through a long corridor of mirrors with two mirrored doors at each end. That led to making me self-conscious.

"The celebrity thing is quite crazy and it makes me want to hide in the corner."

Ms Corr, who has released a new album called 'Lifelines', also plays down her regular slots on the lists of the world's most beautiful women.

She said: "I was very self-critical growing up and seeing yourself everywhere certainly doesn't make you feel beautiful. It is quite strange. It kind of had the opposite effect on me."

The singer, who is expecting her first baby, said she feels very blessed to be making music and performing on stage.

"I'm doubly blessed to do something I love, which is music and theatre. My love, my husband and my friends and family are really what it is all about."

But she confessed that it took years for her to get together with Mr Desmond, despite moving in the same social circles.

"It is quite strange. I had known Brett for a few years. He was friends with (her brother) Jim.

"I knew he was a lovely person. Funnily enough, when we got together, I said to him, 'So we were in each other's company so often -- did you not find me attractive or anything?'

"He said, 'No I thought you were beautiful but I thought you were in the corner writing poetry about death'," she laughed.

"That's what comes from being a bit gothic and hiding behind your hair."

'The Meaning of Life' with Gay Byrne will be shown on RTE One tomorrow at 10.30pm.


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Re: Andrea Corr
« Respuesta #147 en: Enero 09, 2012, 04:22:52 pm »


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Re: Andrea Corr
« Respuesta #148 en: Enero 31, 2012, 11:10:44 pm »
El próximo dí­a 12 de marzo, se publicará un álbum que recoje diferentes canciones tradicionales irlandesas y escocesas. Entre esas canciones estará She Moved Through The Fair que abre el disco y que será interpretada por Andrea.

She Moved Through the Fair - Featuring Andrea Corr
Down by the Salley Gardens - Featuring Moya Brennan
Oh Danny Boy - Featuring Rebecca Watson
Black is the Colour - Featuring Joanna Eden
The Last Rose of Summer - Featuring Lumiere
Rare Ould Times - Featuring Damien Dempsey
Heart of My Homeland - Featuring Joanna Eden
Bonnie Banks of Loch Lomond - Featuring Ben Thapa
Mountains of Mourne - Instrumental
Flower of Scotland - Featuring Rebecca Watson
My Ain Folk - Featuring Ben Thapa
Water is Wide - Featuring Joanna Eden
Foggy Dew - Instrumental
Hills of the Dawn - Featuring Joanna Eden
Auld Lang Syne - Featuring Rebecca Watson


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Re: Andrea Corr
« Respuesta #149 en: Marzo 16, 2012, 07:16:20 pm »
Edición autraliana de Lifelines

Andrea Corr of the multi platinum selling act, The Corrs, releases her brand new solo album ‘Lifelines’ on Friday March 16th 2012.

Andrea’s  first release in over four years, ‘Lifelines’ is a real singers album – a deeply personal, warm and intimate exploration of her inspirations as an artist – and features a diverse, and sometimes surprising, collection of songs all built around Andrea’s sublime and evocative voice.

Produced by John Reynolds and featuring co-production on several tracks by Brian Eno, ‘Lifelines’ is a personally curated collection of songs that have resonated throughout Andrea’s life and includes stunning versions of songs by a range of artists from Velvet Underground, Kirsty McColl and Harry Nilssonto Ron Sexsmith, Nick Drake and The Blue Nile.

Expansive yet intimate, grown-up yet powerfully vulnerable, the primary instrument on the album is the voice and ‘Lifelines’ see’s Andrea at her most diverse, pushing the vocals and extending her range far beyond her previous recordings.

Over the last couple of years Andrea has been working as a theatre actress with critically acclaimed performances as Jane Eyre at The Gate in Dublin and in The Old Vic’s production of Brian Friel’s Dancing at Lughnasa. Yet, from the age of 15, Andrea’s first and greatest artistic love has been music.

For a decade and a half, she was part of the biggest family folk rock band in the world, The Corrs, reaching multi platinum status in several countries, including Australia and selling over 60 million records worldwide.

 â€˜Lifelines’ is a singers album – this is undoubtedly Andrea’s most considered and personal recording to date.


The Australian release contains an exclusive remix of ‘Pale Blue Eyes’ by Schiller, unavailable anywhere else in the world. The iTunes version also includes a cover version of The Doors 'The Crystal Ship', exclusive to the iTunes release.



1-      State Of Independence
2-      I’ll Be Seeing You
3-      No 9 Dream
4-      Blue Bayou
5-      Pale Blue Eyes
6-      From The Morning
7-      They Don’t Know
8-      Lifeline
9-      Tomorrow In Your Eyes
10-   Some Things Last A Long Time
11-   Tinsletown In The Rain
12-  Pale Blue Eyes – Schiller Remix