Autor Tema: Sharon Corr  (Leído 288453 veces)


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Re:Sharon Corr
« Respuesta #915 en: Enero 30, 2018, 06:39:10 pm »
De acuerdo con el mensaje publicado por María Isabel Manley, mujer del embajador de Reino Unido, y la posterior respuesta a ésta de Sharon a través de sus respectivas cuentas de Instagram, hemos podido saber que Manely, así como posiblemente el resto de invitados, tuvo el privilegio de escuchar a Sharon interpretar en directo una emotiva canción en castellano que había compuesto recientemente. Gracias a dave, usuario de The Corrs Club, por señalar este hecho. A continuación, os dejo con el breve intercambio de mensajes entre ambas:


maria_isabel_manley What a pleasure to meet such a talented woman... I feel fortunate to have heard the emotional Spanish song you have just recently written. Beautiful!
sharoncorrofficial @maria_isabel_manley María thank you so much - I enjoyed the night immensely- it was a pleasure to play for you. See u soon. Un abrazo


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Re:Sharon Corr
« Respuesta #916 en: Febrero 19, 2018, 05:21:50 pm »
El pasado viernes 16 de Febrero, Sharon acudió a la inauguración de la exposición efímera que el Museo Carmen Thyssen de Andorra realizó aunando arte pictórico, hielo y nieve. Este año, la construcción anual del Hotel Iglú ha contado con una colaboración muy especial que ha hecho posible que la decoración del mismo sean réplicas en hielo de siete grandes obras de la pintura como el Mata Mua de Paul Gauguin, así como detalles esculpidos en la nieve inspirados por esas mismas obras. Gracias a la revista ¡Qué Me Dices! podemos disfrutar de un par de fotografías de Sharon junto a la baronesa Thyssen, y gracias al periódico Ara Andorra podemos ver y escuchar a Sharon brevemente en varios momentos del videoreportaje (00:05 - 00:10 / 00:36 / 00:43 - 00:46)


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Re:Sharon Corr
« Respuesta #917 en: Abril 01, 2018, 10:46:29 pm »
El pasado sábado 21 de marzo, el cantautor y compositor Don Mescall reveló a través de sus redes sociales que esa misma mañana había tenido una sesión de composición a través de Skype con Sharon, de la cual surgió una canción muy especial. No obstante la naturaleza de la colaboración no queda clara, es decir, si se trata de una colaboración meramente a nivel compositivo, instrumental o si se trata de un dueto. Lo que sí parece estar claro es que dicha colaboración ha surgido con motivo de la publicación del segundo álbum de Don Mescall tras 12 años escribiendo para otros artistas. El álbum, titulado Lighthouse Keeper, verá la luz el próximo mes de septiembre de este año tras que su publicación se viera pospuesta en 2017. Ahora solamente queda esperar a ver si la canción pasa el corte y el álbum sale finalmente al mercado


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Re:Sharon Corr
« Respuesta #918 en: Mayo 25, 2018, 04:59:07 pm »
El pasado 26 de Abril, Sharon publicó una fotografía en su cuenta de Instagram de ella viajando con las etiquetas #music y #travelling, que rápidamente se relacionó con las reuniones profesionales que tuvo Marie Junior Huges en Londres y que todo el mundo esperaba que tuvieran relación con una posible gira de Jupiter Calling. No obstante, nada más lejos de la realidad. A pesar de haber tenido que estar casi un mes sin poder publicar la información por petición expresa, hoy podemos desvelar que ese día Sharon se dirigió a Barcelona para dar un concierto acústico junto a Álex Ubago para un público muy especial, los embriones y los padres de los mismos en la clínica de fertilidad y reproducción Institut Marquès, que ganó el premio IG Nobel de la universidad de Harvard por sus estudios sobre los beneficios de la música en el desarrollo embrionario y fetal.


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Re:Sharon Corr
« Respuesta #919 en: Mayo 31, 2018, 10:34:18 pm »
El pasado sábado 26 de mayo, el diseñador de interiores Michael S Smith celebró en el vivero biotecnológico Desert City de Madrid su cumpleaños que contó con un regalo muy especial para el anfitrión. Sharon Corr interpretó junto al trompetista y cantante norteamericano Chris Norton, encargado de amenizar la velada, una versión de Dream A Little Dream Of Me muy jazzística y cercana a la que hizo Ella Fitzgerald. A pesar de que no existe una versión íntegra de la actuación, gracias a la publicación de la propia Sharon a través de su cuenta de Instagram podemos disfrutar de un fragmento



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Re:Sharon Corr
« Respuesta #920 en: Julio 12, 2018, 04:30:44 pm »
Sharon Corr, o cómo la violinista de The Corrs se convirtió en amiga de Palomo y nueva vecina de Madrid

La estrella irlandesa del pop revela a 'Vanity Fair' los motivos que le han llevado a mudarse con toda su familia a la capital.


Por MANU PIÑÓN | 12 de julio de 2018 / 10:14

Lectura: 6 minutos



La cantante y violinista Sharon Corr durante una actuación del grupo The Corrs en 2016.


El pasado domingo, durante el desfile de Palomo Spain en la Mercedes Benz Fashion Week de Madrid, una mujer delgada, elegantísima, sonriente y con una permanente mirada de asombro y curiosidad destacaba en la front row de la nueva colección del diseñador cordobés. "Es una de las hermanas de The Corrs", se apresuró alguien a identificarla. Se trataba efectivamente de Sharon Corr (Dundalk, 1970), la violinista y cantante del grupo irlandés que arrasó en las listas de éxitos de los 90 y buena parte de la década siguiente.

"Quería estar ahí para apoyar a Alejandro [Palomo]", confirma la propia Sharon a Vanity Fair en conversación telefónica. "La historia de cómo nos conocimos es bastante divertida. Fue a través de Michael Smith [decorador y marido del exembajador de EE UU James Costos], que es muy buen amigo mío. Me invitó a su cumpleaños y me sentó al lado de Palomo. Enseguida conectamos y a lo largo de la noche me contó lo que hacía. A mí me encanta la moda desde siempre, incluso creo que el diseño de ropa tiene mucho que ver con mi forma de entender la música y la composición".

"Llevábamos un rato ya hablando y riéndonos –¡Palomo es divertidísimo!–, cuando entonces Michael me pidió que a modo de regalo de cumpleaños le cantase una canción, Dream a little dream. Ahí fue cuando Palomo se dio cuenta de quién era yo: '¡Pero si eres Sharon de los Corrs!'. Suele pasarme: si no estoy con mis hermanos a la gente le cuesta reconocerme. Para mí lo bonito es que ninguno de los dos sabíamos quién era el otro antes de hacernos amigos. Después de la fiesta de Michael, cuando ya nos íbamos, me invitó a su próximo desfile y hemos seguido hablando. Tenemos pendiente encontrar una noche que nos vaya bien a los dos para ir a cenar por Chueca, que Palomo me prometió que me enseñaría la zona".


Sharon Corr fotografiada el pasado fin de semana en la Mercedes Benz Fashion Week de Madrid. © Gtresonline

"Cuando veo a alguien tan joven haciéndolo tan bien me apetece apoyarle", continúa Sharon. "Por llevarlo a algo que conozco bien, en la industria de la música es muy difícil hacerse un hueco a pesar del talento que se pueda tener. Yo me veo reflejada en él y por supuesto que me gustaría que me vistiera. Son unos diseños impresionantes, muy teatrales, parecen diseñados para el escenario… Por encima de todo diría que es un trabajo fundamentalmente bello".

La moda no es una desconocida en absoluto para Sharon, que además de ver conexiones entre ambos procesos creativos, ha mantenido gracias a la música un contacto directo con diseñadores irlandeses para colaborar tanto en The Corrs como en su carrera en solitario: "Siempre me han ayudado a expresar del todo mi personalidad. La ropa es como una armadura que te da fuerza extra para presentarte en el escenario ante el público".

La aparición de Sharon en el desfile de Palomo Spain se entiende mejor al conocer la decisión que ha tomado: instalarse indefinidamente en Madrid junto a su familia. Aunque ella ha sido la que tuvo la iniciativa –"tengo un largo romance con España"–, su marido, Robert Gavin Bonnar, abogado de profesión, y sus dos hijos, un niño de 12 años y una niña de 11, han recogido la iniciativa con un entusiasmo comparable al suyo. "Mi español es un poco raro todavía", explica en un excelente castellano, sin apenas acento, aunque prefiere que hablemos en inglés porque se declara "muy perfeccionista" y odia "cometer errores tontos". "Mis hijos en cambio llevan muchos años estudiándolo y lo hablan muchísimo mejor que yo. Siempre me están corrigiendo cuando digo algo mal". De repente abandona el inglés y se esfuerza por decir en español: "Voy a tomar clases particulares cuando esté ya en un sitio [fijo]".

Aunque Sharon lleva ya en Madrid algún tiempo, recorriendo sus calles y familiarizándose con los diferentes barrios –"me encanta perderme por la ciudad y descubrir sitios nuevos; cuando veo una tienda de pianos no puedo evitar entrar"–, la familia se mudará definitivamente en septiembre, con el comienzo del curso escolar. Antes buscará algún destino en España con playa para huir del calor agobiante de la ciudad; "no estoy acostumbrada a estas temperaturas, me cuesta muchísimo salir de día".  Sus hijos estudiaran en un colegio internacional para no tener que cambiar de plan de estudios. "Tanto ellos como mi marido tenían ganas de vivir en una gran ciudad. Saben que es una gran oportunidad para aprender otro idioma y vivir una experiencia diferente. También me gusta mucho la idea de que haya sitios donde pueden tener acceso a todo tipo de disciplinas artísticas".

También ha elegido ya la casa en la que vivirá y, aunque prefiere no dar demasiadas pistas para preservar la tranquilidad de su vida familiar, sí comparte que estará en el centro de Madrid, en uno de los barrios históricos de la capital. "Si vengo aquí es para disfrutar de la ciudad, de su electricidad y efervescencia, no tendría sentido para mí ir a una zona residencial en las afueras. Quiero poder ir andando a todas partes, entrar en contacto con la vida de Madrid, con todo lo que está pasando aquí".

Admiradora del guitarrista Vicente Amigo –"adoro el flamenco, ojalá pueda ir a muchos conciertos ahora que estoy aquí"–, recuerda la colaboración hace casi una década de The Corrs y Alejandro Sanz con cariño, aunque el músico español con el que mantiene una relación más estrecha es Álex Ubago. Junto al cantautor vitoriano, con el que ya había colaborado en solitario, estuvo hace unos meses dando un inusual concierto para cientos de embriones en el Institut Marqués de Barcelona. "Fue algo increíble, tener la oportunidad de dejar esa huella. Cuando se lo propuse a Álex dijo que sí inmediatamente. Los dos somos personas que nos dejamos llevar mucho por lo que nos sale del corazón. Además, este proyecto ha demostrado que la música favorece a los embriones. En el fondo tiene toda la lógica: la música trata sobre la vida y debería estar presente en el origen de ella

El hecho de vivir en Madrid no será un obstáculo para continuar con su carrera musical. The Corrs publicaron su disco más reciente en noviembre de 2017, Jupiter Calling, y siguen en activo a pesar de que este año no tienen planeado salir de gira. Sin embargo, Sharon, que ya ha publicado dos discos en solitario, Dream of You (2010) y The Same Sun (2013), está aprovechando esta temporada para componer las canciones de un próximo disco sin sus hermanos. "Siempre estoy escribiendo y ahora me encuentro en la mitad del proceso. Me gustaría grabarlo en España pero dependerá mucho de quién lo produzca. Casi siempre trabajo con productores que tienen su estudio en Los Ángeles, pero esta vez podría cambiar".

Lo que sí esta casi decidido es que este próximo trabajo de Sharon Corr estará marcado por su estancia en España. "Ya he escrito una canción en castellano", cuenta con timidez. "No estoy muy segura de la letra pero me hace mucha ilusión. ¿Puedo decírtela para que me digas si está bien?". Tras unos segundos iniciales de duda, la violinista y cantante aclara la voz y empieza a recitar: "Dame tu mano, siéntate conmigo, siento lo mismo que tú; Si me besaras, seríamos como la luna y el sol; Si me besaras, seríamos dos estrellas en una…"


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Re:Sharon Corr
« Respuesta #921 en: Julio 28, 2018, 04:24:05 pm »



A very special Evening with Limerick born award winning internationally acclaimed songwriter/singer Don Mescall and special guests, Christy Dignam, Brian Kennedy, Eleanor Shanley, Na Fianna, Shay Healy, Desiree Manders, Stella Parton,  performing songs from his new long awaited  album “Lighthouse Keeper” and more.

The new album features some amazing contributions from among others Sharon Corr, Nathan Carter, Stella Parton, Brian Kennedy, Frances Black, Paul Brady, Stephanie Urbina Jones, Christy Dignam, Maura O’Connell.


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Re:Sharon Corr
« Respuesta #922 en: Agosto 12, 2018, 07:41:51 pm »
Como ya ocurriera el año pasado, Sharon asistió este pasado sábado 11 de agosto a la novena gala benéfica Starlite Gala. En esta ocasión, además de la ya habitual recaudación de fondos para las fundaciones Niños En Alegría y Lágrimas y Favores, Sharon también entregó un premio a la empresaria argentina Bettina Bulgheroni por su labor como presidenta de la Fundación Educando, la cual desarrolla e implementa programas de alfabetización y educación para las comunidades más desfavorecidas en Argentina. Por otro lado, como es habitual en este tipo de eventos, Sharon se codeó con lo más granado de la sociedad española como Antonio Banderas, el chef Dani García, los cantantes Miguel Ríos, Ainoha Arteta, Miguel Poveda y David Bisbal, la bailaora Sara Baras, y figuras internacionales como el actor John Corbett y la actriz Bo Derek, o el cantante Juanes.


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Re:Sharon Corr
« Respuesta #923 en: Agosto 12, 2018, 07:43:41 pm »
An impressive gathering of stars, features on the upcoming Don Mescall album, announced on last week, including Paul Brady and Stella Parton...


Sharon Corr, Christy Dignam of Aslan and Paul Brady are among the Irish stars who will feature on the new Don Mescall album, set for November release.


Entitled Lighthouse Keeper, the album comes all of 12 years since Don’s previous album, Innocent Run.


“Don invited invited some amazing artists to sing with him on the album,” a source told Hot Press. “Those that will appear on the album include Stella Parton, Paul Brady, Brian Kennedy, Maura O'Connell, Christy Dignam of Aslan, Sharon Corr, Frances Black, Lisa McHugh."


There is a very strong feeling in the camp that this is the best work that Don has ever produced.


Don Mescall has enjoyed considerable success as a songwriter – but that tends to go under the radar, making the release of this album doubly important. A date has been announced for 6 November, in the University Concert Hall in Limerick, at which a number of the album’s special guests – among others – will feature. Christy Dignam, Brian Kennedy, Eleanor Shanley, Na Fianna, Shay Healy and Stella Parton have already been announced, with more names likely to be added.

His songs have been recorded by artists including Rascal Flatts, Clay Aiken, Backstreet Boys, Lonestar, Ronan Keating, Boyzone, Jaydee Bixby, Ramin Karimloo, Sharon Corr, Aslan, Garou, Geri Halliwell, Neal McCoy, Shane Filan & Nicky Byrne (Westlife), triple platinum French artist Marina Kaye, the legendary Richie Havens and many more.

The album is being given worldwide release by AGR-TV Records, Germany in November.


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Re:Sharon Corr
« Respuesta #924 en: Agosto 29, 2018, 04:04:04 pm »
De acuerdo con la descripción e información que publica el recinto The Stables, Sharon realizará una nueva gira por Reino Unido e Irlanda junto a su gran amiga y cantante Vonda Shepard, mujer de Mitchell Froom quien produjo su segundo álbum en solitario The Same Sun. Por el momento la única fecha confirmada de esta gira conjunta, es la del próximo 4 de marzo de 2019 en la ciudad de Milton Keynes (Reino Unido), tal y como anuncia el propio recinto donde se celebrará el concierto. Las entradas tendrán un precio de 35₤ y se pondrán a la venta al público general el próximo 4 de septiembre.


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Re:Sharon Corr
« Respuesta #925 en: Septiembre 27, 2018, 04:54:20 pm »
De acuerdo con la información publicada por la agencia de prensa Europa Press, entre otros muchos invitados, Sharon asistió a la celebración del 10º aniversario de la edición española de la revista Vanity Fair, la cual tendrá lugar nada más y nada menos que en el Teatro Real de Madrid


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Re:Sharon Corr
« Respuesta #926 en: Diciembre 15, 2018, 12:00:16 am »


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Re:Sharon Corr
« Respuesta #927 en: Febrero 06, 2019, 10:21:11 pm »
Golden Globes, Emmys and the Screen Actors Guild are some of the entertainment industry's most coveted awards and Vonda Shepard has two of each. In a career spanning almost four decades, the American singer/songwriter has sold over 12 million albums. However, in the early days she found the music business a hard nut to crack and, despite some measure of success, stardom eluded her. It wasn't until she appeared in the 1997 TV show Ally McBeal that Vonda really came to eminence.

Her role as the resident performer in the bar where the show's character's gathered after work shone the spotlight on her skills and brought the recognition she deserved.

Now she's ready for a new venture and this time she's hooked up with Sharon Corr for a whistle-stop tour of the UK and Ireland.

When I caught up with Vonda at her home in LA, I found the star in slightly apprehensive mood.

"Hi, would you mind holding on a moment," she says in a hushed whisper.

A few minutes later she's back on the line.

"I'm sorry about that but my son is home from school with a cold and, well, he's kind of dramatic," she laughs. "He's 12, still at that manageable age but the internet problem here, like everywhere I guess, is a real problem. We tend to be quite strict and don't allow any access on school nights. Last year we did allow it but in the end, we couldn't get him off. Now we try to keep it to short spells.

"It's about finding balance. You don't want them to be an outcast but equally you don't want them addicted.

"Parenting is hard, it's certainly not for the weak. Yet I know these years are precious so I'm clinging to them for as long as possible."

Married to music producer Mitchell Froom, the couple have one son and Vonda is also step-mum to Mitchell's daughter Ruby from his previous marriage to Suzanne Vega.

I ask about her own childhood.

"I guess we had kind of an unusual childhood. My dad, you probably know, is Richmond Shepard, a mime artist but both my parents were very much into the arts and culture, so there was constantly creative people coming and going.

"There always seemed to be an actor, musician or some other artist sleeping on our couch. We were surrounded by all sorts of talented people.

"I thought it was natural to sit at the piano and write songs.

"In our house, it was kind of required for us kids to learn to play piano and so from the age of six, I had regular lessons. To be honest, in the beginning I didn't like playing, then I started to think it was okay and eventually when I was around nine, I actually started to enjoy it."

Who were the artists that influenced her?

"I guess there were two very different genres that I loved. First there was the likes of Elton John, Carol King and Paul Simon. You know, those classic sounds of the Seventies.

"On the other hand, I was also drawn to soul singers like Stevie Wonder, he was incredible. But I have to say, the list wouldn't be complete without one of my favourites and Northern Ireland's greatest - Van Morrison.

"Whenever I hear Into The Mystic, I feel a magical sense of what is possible in the world. I'd love to perform it.

"You know, when I was 18, I worked at a restaurant called The Great American Food and Beverage Company, where waiters would get up and sing songs to the diners.

"The one I loved was the song Domino, by Van. The whole restaurant would go crazy, singing along to the chorus."

Considering her artistic background and musical influences, I wonder whether she'd ever considered a career outside the industry?

"Yes ma'am!" she exclaims. "When I was young, I wanted to be an astrophysicist. Growing up, we didn't have much but my dad read a lot so we had a ton of books.

"I'd go to our library, when I say library I mean a funky little room, I'd go there and just stare at the books.

"I was particularly fascinated by science and even in school I was really good at the subject as well as maths. So if my life hadn't turned out this way, I think that's the route I was headed."

Her self-titled debut album, released in 1989, didn't reach the heights she'd hoped but one of the singles, Don't Cry Ilene, peaked at number 17 on the Billboard Hot Adult Contemporary Chart, holding the spot for 12 weeks.

She went on to make another two albums before she was eventually spotted by David E Kelley, creator of the show Ally McBeal. Suddenly her career took off.

"I was so grateful for the show," she tells me.

"I was struggling at the time and Ally McBeal really was my big break.

"It came along at the right time in my life but when it ended in 2002, I was ready and kind of excited about trying new things.

"Now I'm enjoying writing and I always make sure I have my journal with me so I can record any ideas or little bits of inspiration."

Does she find the creative process therapeutic?

"At times throughout my life, yes I have found it beneficial. I think as you get older and have children, in some ways you need it more.

"For me it can be a kind of escape from the routine. But sometimes if I'm not in the mood, it's just another chore. Still, once I get practising, after 45 minutes or an hour, I get lost in it.

"I'm in another world. So, yes that feeling is very special. It makes me feel pretty good."

Now that she and Sharon Corr have teamed up, what can Belfast audiences expect from the Shepard/Corr duo?

"Sharon and I get on so well and we've such a lot in common but actually our voices also work very well together. Do you know we're currently writing a song? It's quite fascinating really because we're so far apart and we have to send it back and forward to each other. At the minute we're calling it Made of Rain."

I tell her that might work in Belfast aka Rain City.

"Yes, you could be right," she laughs. "Anyway, when we meet up, we'll practice and then we'll debut it live every night throughout the tour. Well, we will do unless it turns out to be terrible!"

Having noticed that a lot of Vonda's songs are about loss, I ask what Made of Rain is about.

"It's about that time in your life, you know, when someone is slipping through your fingers - like rain."

The conversation turns toward another of Vonda's talents - cooking

"Yes, I do love to cook. I make a lot of Italian dishes, mainly because I once took lessons from some great Italian chefs. In our house, we tend to like Mediterranean themes so a typical dish might be fish, salmon or maybe halibut.

"I'll roast some peppers, sauteed garlic and place them on the fish for a bit of flair.

"I have to admit, I'm addicted to garlic, I love the stuff. Sharon used to eat at our house all the time when she was recording her album, The Same Sun, so now she often sends me recipes and we'll experiment together."

I suggest that she and Sharon, who still sings with her siblings in their band, The Corrs, should write a cook book. There's a lengthy pause as she considers it.

"You know that's not a bad idea," she says. "I have been approached by two other people asking me to write a cookery book. But now you mention it, that could be something for Sharon and me. That's something we can talk about in the van."

The show sounds like a good night and no doubt Vonda and Sharon will enjoy the break. What woman wouldn't enjoy a few weeks away from the domestic dramas?

But what is Vonda looking forward to most about Belfast?

"I've been to Belfast a few times, when I've played the Waterfront. To be honest, I didn't get a lot of time to see as much as I'd have liked.

"I did take a walk round the town and had coffee in some of the little cafes.

"I thought it a very beautiful city. I've also heard of a dish called Irish stew and would love to learn to make it.

"Then there's another one called Ulster fry but I'm not too sure what that is yet but it sounds hearty! I'll look forward to trying that one. You know, what really impresses me about Belfast is the people. They are always so warm and friendly. I'd like to see more of the city this time."

Considering Sharon lived in Belfast for several years, perhaps she could give her a tour of the fabulous restaurants in town, especially on the Lisburn Road.

"I'll make sure Sharon gives me a tour," she laughs.

"What's the name of that road again?" I get the impression it's going in her journal. Who knows, maybe that Shepard/Corr cook book will make it to the shelves after all. If so, you'll know who gave her that particular recipe.

Vonda Shepard /Sharon Corr Whistle Stop Tour: Wednesday, March 13 at the Empire Belfast. For full details and tickets contact:


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Re:Sharon Corr
« Respuesta #928 en: Marzo 07, 2019, 04:23:18 pm »


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Re:Sharon Corr
« Respuesta #929 en: Marzo 09, 2019, 04:07:57 pm »
Next week, Sharon Corr returns to Ireland alongside the prolific singer-songwriter and former music star of Ally McBeal Vonda Shepard. It's a surprise collaboration, but also a testament to a long-term association. Vonda is married to Mitchell Froom, who previously worked with The Corrs on Unplugged and Home and, more pertinently, produced and co-wrote several songs on Sharon's second solo album, The Same Sun. The latter was recorded at Mitchell's home studio in Los Angeles, where the friendship with Vonda blossomed.

"I was walking through her kitchen every day and she was cooking up a storm," says Sharon. "A wonderful cook. We were exchanging recipes. I'd send her pictures of my disasters - me and my sunken cakes - and her works of art, and we'd both laugh. If you're not out on the road, you need to create in some way. Whether it's writing or cooking, you feel you've achieved something."

The idea of a musical collaboration was mentioned over the years, but work commitments always got in the way until this year when they decided, "Let's go for it!"

Rehearsals were completed only days before the tour. "As it's a co-bill, we couldn't decide who'd go on first, so we'll be flipping a coin," says Vonda. In London, Sharon performed the opening half, featuring songs from The Same Sun, a couple of Corrs' classics and an impressive reading of Joni Mitchell's 'Woodstock'. After Vonda's spirited set, the ensemble closed with crowd-pleasing covers of Dusty Springfield's 'Son of a Preacher Man' and James Taylor's 'You've Got a Friend'.

"It's a rare situation where we're going to be together in Dublin and Belfast," says Vonda, relishing the trip. "Sharon's really lovely, as you know. She's one of the most grounded and down to earth people I've ever met, full of love and goodness."

So will there be a joint album? "I hadn't even thought about that," Vonda concludes. "This is an experiment and an adventure. Maybe we'll want to do more."

Sharon sounds equally non-specific. "I just really wanted to do something again that broadens my horizons. When you work with other artists you learn more - they learn from you, and you learn from them. We both have different things to bring."

Perhaps a more pressing concern is the completion of another solo album. "I'm going to do it," Sharon reveals. "I've only just made the decision. Obviously I'd been thinking about it. The material is really good, but I write all the time, anyway."

Among the contenders for the next album is 'Two Stars in One', which will be sung in Spanish. Sharon is fluent in the language, having lived in the Principality of Andorra for over six years. Recently, she relocated to Madrid.

"The Irish and the Spanish are very similar, very open, fun people, not too serious and not too dry. There's a beautiful, familial atmosphere in Madrid that I wanted for my kids. In Andorra, I had total tranquillity and security, but I needed to get my children into a more cosmopolitan life. I needed them to have performing arts in the school and that wasn't available where I was, so I chose Madrid. And I wanted to live there. It's a great city, humming with culture."

Charting the last decade of Sharon's life, the most exciting consideration is her development as a singer/songwriter. In 2010, she released Dream of You, an eclectic, highly polished selection. More daunting was the prospect of performing solo for the first time.

"I was at home for four years with my children so I knew how to make bottles and change nappies. I was more confident in that. So, yes, I got some fright. And I wasn't getting any sleep."

Always a perfectionist, she worked through the problem, reading books. She also visited Dublin-based voice coach Liz Ryan for advice.

"Sometimes, you need people to say to you, 'Don't worry.' Somebody to give you license because you won't give it to yourself because you're stressed. Now, I know how to give myself license, but I didn't then... It was a good thing to go through because it showed me that I wasn't stuck trying to be Wonder Woman."

By 2013, she'd completed The Same Sun, a far stronger mood piece, characterised by Bacharach-tinged ballads, allusive melodies and memorable co-writes with Limerick songwriter Don Mescall. Expertly constructed, the work culminated in the thoughtful title track (inspired by her ambassadorial trip to Tanzania with Oxfam Ireland) and the poignant 'Christmas Night', dedicated to her late mother, Jean. Overall, it was a major step forward for her songwriting.

"This was free flowing. I wouldn't know a song was going to come, but I'd always be at the piano. I'd be cooking dinner and calming the kids down at the same time then, all of a sudden, I'd be playing something. On most of my demos you could hear screaming and nappy changing in the background, and burnt potatoes. I'd started not to think but do. And that was the breakthrough. Just be the vessel. My lyrics improved greatly."

Sharon's stint on The Voice of Ireland also increased her profile, but few foresaw the re-emergence of The Corrs in 2015. The impressive White Light went gold, reinforced by strong songs, stadium appearances and a PR push. Even that release was eclipsed by something far more unexpected. Jupiter Calling, released in 2017, was nothing less than the creative highlight of The Corrs' career, a work of great depth and maturity.

Among its many highlights were three compositions penned by Sharon: 'Live Before I Die', 'Season of Our Love' and the epic closer, 'The Sun and the Moon'. Sounding like a cross between an Americana anthem and Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata, it was a step beyond anything the group had previously recorded. I consider it Sharon Corr's greatest composition.

"I agree with you," she says, without hesitation, revealing that its major inspiration was probably Pink Floyd.

While enlightened critics applauded the new direction, RTÉ trawled through their vaults, unearthing The Corrs' television debut from Eye on the Music in 1991. A treat for fans, it featured the fledgling unit performing the catchy pop melody 'Mystery of You'. Tantalisingly, RTÉ omitted the other number performed: 'Síog'. This was a song poem, unique in The Corrs' canon. Sharon instinctively responds to my archival enthusiasm by singing a verse.

There were no stadium tours for Jupiter Calling (for reasons unexplained) but instead an intimate evening at the Royal Albert Hall. Those of us who had attended the group's first appearance there in 1998 re-enacted what Andrea Corr called "a pivotal night in our lives" when "everything changed".

This was a moment to remember the birth of New Ireland: Mary Robinson as president, Riverdance breaking box-office records, Roddy Doyle winning the Booker Prize, Father Ted scooping comedy awards and cultural commentators comparing Dublin to London in the Swinging Sixties. We all know what happened next: a fall akin to Camelot.

"It was a very heady cocktail at that time," Sharon agrees. "The Irish were being recognised worldwide and it was great. Epic. But I think we paid a very unjust price for what was a global issue."

She speaks passionately about the banks, the government, the plight of struggling musicians, free downloads, ghost villages, homelessness in Dublin, her love for the Simon Community, and much else.

"We were sold a complete fairy tale," she says at one point. "I'm so proud to be Irish, they're beautiful people. We've so much to be proud of. We deserve good things to happen. I do get emotional..."

Sharon Corr and Vonda Shepard perform at The Belfast Empire Music Hall on Wednesday and the O'Reilly Theatre in Dublin on Thursday