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Re: Nightwish
« Respuesta #960 en: Noviembre 10, 2014, 03:52:21 pm »
Mas fechas!


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Re: Nightwish
« Respuesta #961 en: Noviembre 10, 2014, 04:16:41 pm »
Nuevo merchandising


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Re: Nightwish
« Respuesta #962 en: Noviembre 12, 2014, 04:03:18 pm »


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Re: Nightwish
« Respuesta #963 en: Noviembre 15, 2014, 10:15:50 pm »
Kai saidhe was in Helsinki to record a video and take pictures for Nightwish.


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Re: Nightwish
« Respuesta #964 en: Noviembre 16, 2014, 04:18:24 pm »
Confirmed music video today. Markku the pyro guy posted on his facebook about being there for smoke and flames  :)


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Re: Nightwish
« Respuesta #965 en: Noviembre 17, 2014, 05:02:35 pm »
Kai ha escrito

"This is what i did yesterday. Played drums outside in the cold. Nightwish video number 1 in the works. This will be fabulous."


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Re: Nightwish
« Respuesta #966 en: Noviembre 17, 2014, 07:01:07 pm »
Nightwish @ Hellfest 2015.


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Re: Nightwish
« Respuesta #967 en: Noviembre 18, 2014, 04:37:19 pm »
Kai confirmed in facebook that they are filming the video in lime factory in Lohja (city nearby Helsinki).


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Re: Nightwish
« Respuesta #968 en: Noviembre 22, 2014, 08:40:17 pm »
Kai en FB

"Back to Helsinki tonight.. Again. :) "
"Nightwish videoshoot in the morning.."


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Re: Nightwish
« Respuesta #969 en: Noviembre 25, 2014, 08:35:26 pm »
NW's Jukka Nevalainen is still suffering from insomnia
NW's J.N. is still suffering from insomnia. Although Kai Hahto plays the drums on the next album and tour, Jukka is fully occupied with the band's business and his own web shop.
A few months after deciding to leave himself out of NW's next album and upcoming tour, J.N. thinks the decision was the right one. The insomnia hasn't let loose its' hold yet although the reason for it and help has been actively sought from specialists.
-You can't say, that I have got rid of insomnia. The fact is there is no recipe and pills to cure this immediatelly. I live my life one day at a time and we try to clarify the cause of the problem, the drummer sums up.
-You can't deny that it would be nice to be with the band now when the album is getting ready and next spring's tour is being prepared. But I definitely think that the decision was the right one. So there is no reason for bitterness, says Nevalainen.
NW's upcoming tour has been promoted with pictures in which the drummer is still J.N.. It's due to the fact that there aren't new pictures yet.
-Because of practical reasons we haven't managed to take new promo pictures yet. In some point the new pictures for the upcoming album and tour will be taken and the present pics will be changed, says Nevalainen.
Work in two companies
J.N. is still a member of the band, although the role is now different because of insomnia. Scene Nation has traditionally handled NW's business side and Jukka has been its' chairman of the board. After Floor Jansen and Troy Donockley joined the band, a new company, called Oily Empire Ltd Oy, was formed. All the NW members, including Kai Hahto, are shareholders of that company. J.N. is a minority shareholder, all the others own an equal share of that company. Oily Empire Ltd handles the business side of the upcoming album and tour. Again the man behind the company is Jukka Nevalainen. Scene Nation manages the profits of the previous albums.
-The name of the company brewed within the inner circle, but isn't that a great name, laughs Nevalainen.
- In practise I do all the paperwork associated to the company, contracts, tax clearances, bookkeeping matters and
calculations. When we are talking about international business, all kinds of hassle can be expected because of different tax and contract policies in different countries.
- My own know-how isn't enough for everything, often consultation help from outside is bought. There is not one single place where you can find all the answers. You have to ask who has know-how in some specific branch. The pallette is so large at this branch.
-AS an example the royalties from U.S. You have to pay a lot of taxes there without explanations and then you have to sort out whether those taxes can be compensated here in Finland.
Online shopping since 2006
Jukka Nevalainen is also occupied by another company which he owns totally. Julius Approx Oy, formed in 2006 and engaged in online trade, has grown quite a lot. The company has 8-9 employees and there are tens of thousands of different products for sale.
-The main business is the online trade via internet. I run an online shop called Additionally there is some artistic and investment activity through that company.
-The company has over 30000 different products from clothes to CD's and from jewelry to entertainment products. And not only rock clothing but all kinds of stuff. We are happy about our own clothing trademarks and we are going to invest in those also in the future, Jukka sums up.
Gig memory from Germany
When asked J.N. tells a gig memory that he wouldn't want to be repeated:
On DPP tour we got to play at a big festival with over 80000 people in Germany, that gig had been wanted and wished for. WE were excited and everything started well until after a few songs the electricity went off. We were  astonished until the technicians fixed it. With even bigger rage we tried to save what could be saved. After the blackout we managed to get half way through the first song, when the same thing happened again. That was it, people began to demand a new band to the stage. The most comical part of that was that it was our own device that caused everything. And that device should have ensured the supply of electricity in the case of power failure from organizer's side.
Floor is learning Finnish
Jukka Nevalainen is praising band's vocalist Floor Jansen.
-She is funny, a person with feet firmly on ground, who likes to be here and even with us, so it can't be totally wrong. Floor is learning Finnish but as we know, this is a difficult language, so more practise is still needed. Floor lives nearby, so we do meet when there is time, Jukka says.   


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Re: Nightwish
« Respuesta #970 en: Noviembre 26, 2014, 10:22:16 pm »
"4 days working with Nightwish promoshoot and video. Long days but the result will be worth it in the end. What a great 4 days it has been. Thank you!! It was great to see my dear friend Jukka as well yesterday who came to meet us. Tomorrow back to Vaasa and my students."

Pinta bien!


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Re: Nightwish
« Respuesta #971 en: Diciembre 01, 2014, 03:43:41 pm »


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Re: Nightwish
« Respuesta #972 en: Diciembre 01, 2014, 03:54:20 pm »
Nightwish confirmed for Ostock in Oulu on June 25th
Found another one too - Nightwish is the first confirmed band in Summer Breeze's christmas calender.


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Re: Nightwish
« Respuesta #973 en: Diciembre 01, 2014, 06:30:02 pm »
To celebrate the re-opening of The Islanders we thought we would grab a little pre-album interview with Marco and ask him some questions from our fan club. We spoke via FaceTime and put questions from our members to him.
We had some technical difficulties meaning this interview will be in text form rather than video unfortunately.

Good afternoon Marco, how are you?
I’m doing well, just enjoying a few hours relaxing time in my hotel room before going out.

How has this album been with writing compared to others?
Much the same really. It’s mostly down to Tuomas. I wrote quite a lot of stuff and gave him the CD of stuff I did and a bunch of that stuff has made it onto the album.

Has it helped having Floor close by with her move to Finland?
Yes, it has made quite a bit of difference actually. When we started rehearsing it was way easier to go over every little detail because you got a vocalist immediately. We could get to rehearsals quicker and try out all kinds of harmonies and everything. It helped also because it was easier for us both to be there at recordings rather than one do and having to wait for another vocalist to arrive by plane for a few days. It made conversations and the process just a lot smoother, a good flow.

What is your favourite element of the recording process?
Well anything that just worked well (laughs). But the whole process was good this time around. No dramas which is always a bonus.

How have you found working with Kai on this album?
Well he’s a pro. He took hold of the songs exceptionally fast. A very versatile guy, conversation was easy. We've known him for quite a few years so no really big surprises. It’s been really painless all the way through, except Jukka’s problems of course.

How is Jukka doing at the moment?
Well he seems to be quite okay. Settling into his life as a business man. It’s a little bit of a role change even though he’s ran the business for quite a few years. But now that’s his main role so he’s settling into that. Going to be meeting in a few days so will see how things are going then.

You have been filming a music video, how are things going?
It’s going well. I’ve filmed some parts solo in a different location. Kind of nice and all that but because its a solo shoot it’s a bit odd because I don’t have my ‘team mates’ so it felt a bit weird. But I’m used to videos now and all the things that go with it. But the plan for this video is good but we’ll keep that quiet for now. No spoiling (laughs).

Any plans for more than one band video this time around?
Well there are plans but we are still deciding on the singles and everything will be set in concrete later on. Have to see what happens.

What kind of scale are we looking at for the tour?
I think we are going to be doing it similar to that of Imaginaerum. Dark Passion Play tour we ended up suffering with that one because of the length. So let’s keep it fun for everyone and a schedule we can be happy with.

It will be strange not having Jukka on the tour.
Yeah it will be. But he’s going to be there now and then, let’s see if we can talk him into sitting behind the drum seat for a little while.

Depends how much beer you give him before hand

(laughs) absolutely! But you never know. With summer camp and all that we got to settle well with Kai and it worked really well so we can’t really tell until we do it.

What are you most looking forward to on the upcoming tour?
There isn’t anything particular but it will be interesting to go officially with this line up from the start. And I’m pleased with the album so I’m looking forward for the rehearsals and to get on the road. Just have to find the enthusiasm to get out on the road again.

Are there any older songs that you might like to re-visit and perform?
Hmm I haven’t really been thinking about it. Just been focusing on the album and getting those song polished. Taking it day by day. When we start rehearsals we will start looking through the catalog.

Do you ever have moments on stage where you completely forget the lyrics?
Yes I have. I usually cope by looking pissed off and trying not to let people know I forgot them.

Any highlights come to mind from the past tour?
Erm yeah… but let’s keep quiet about that one (laughs).

Are they any artists you would still like to collaborate with that you haven’t already?
Hmm let me think. There are so many good players and singers so it’s really hard to pick one. I was over the moon to take part in the latest Ayreon album. I don’t have anything else in my mind at the moment.

Anything on the horizon for Tarot or Northern Kings?
The Tarot boys have stuff thats unfinished. So we will get to the studio and get stuff finished at some point but I have no idea how long it will take. Northern Kings is more tricky as we all have a busy schedule. It’s possible something will happen if we get time free.

Are you still into video games?
Absolutely! I was playing Shadow Run Dragonfall on the iPad here when you called. I have Dragon Age in the shop waiting for me. So I’m looking forward to that one. My boys are really into Minecraft but because of age restrictions they can’t have my Dragon Age (laughs).

Rozzy- (The girl who made the cakes last UK tour), asks what flavour or type of cake is your favourite?
Oh those cakes were great. Cherry chocolate. That’s a great combination!
Thanks to Marco. Keep an eye out for more interviews in the future.


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Re: Nightwish
« Respuesta #974 en: Diciembre 02, 2014, 05:05:38 pm »