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Anette Olsson

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Anette ha sido madre por tercera vez!

--- Citar ---By Anette's Instagram account: Came at 10:19 Swedish time. Her son Mio to the world;)

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A Anette le preguntaron si su salida de la la banda tení­a que ver con su embarazo

--- Citar ---Excuse me if I am indiscreet, but this is probably the second or third time when I notice this in your posts and I cannot help to feel really sad. Was your Nw departure connected with the fact that you were pregnant? This would be probably more horrible than absolutely any other scenario we could imagine... and so sick and unfair.

I wish you a really really nice day with your little treasures. <3"
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Y dijo que si

--- Citar ---"Iona: Hi! Yes, it was due to me getting pregnant. Take care now;=)"
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Ha estado en el estudio


--- Citar ---Yesterday I went to the studio and me and Niclas had 3 hours of working on a song to see if it´s something to use on my album. What we do now is recording lots of songs I´ve done to see if some of them is album material or not. I have many songs already but it´s always good to have lots to choose from. And I want some more up tempo songs so that´s what we record now in the coming weeks.

The song yesterday is a more metal song and quite weird so it needs lot of work before I feel it´s ok, but we continue in the coming days and then we´ll decide if it´s good enough or not;=)

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--- Citar ---The song we did some days ago doesn´t feel like a keeper. It´s to weird so we move on today with the other songs so now I´m sitting listening and choosing. And also writing lyrics for a new one. It´s great to have so much to choose from!;=)
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--- Citar ---Had a great session in the studio yesterday and did 3 very fast and rough demos with only lead vocals. We do this to save time and listen to what is something to keep or to let go off directly.

What´s weird with a process when making music is that one day I can dislike a song I´ve made but next day with "fresh ears" I like it again;=) haha!

So today I actually LIKE the song we did some days ago. So let´s see what comes out of it in the end.

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Anette cumple hoy 42 años!!
FELICIDADES!!! :011: :011: :011: :011: :011: :011:


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