Foros Foxinver

Foro de Música => Foro de Música => Mensaje iniciado por: _V_ en Diciembre 06, 2007, 11:22:20 pm

Título: Within Temptation
Publicado por: _V_ en Diciembre 06, 2007, 11:22:20 pm
Esta banda holandesa nacida en 1997 combina a la perfección el rock con elementos orquestales. Su cantante Sharon den Adel posee una de las mejores voces de la música actual. A lo largo de los 10 años que llevan en activo han sacado el siguiente material

Enter (1997) Oscuro e inquietante, abundan los teclados y las voces guturales de su guitarrista

Mother Earth (2000) Producción orquestal, arreglos celtas, y un impresionante desplegue vocal por parte de Sharon A destacar temas como Caged Deceiver of fools o Ice Queen

The Silent Force (2004) El album que los catapultó a la fama en España. Mucha gente lo considere muy pop, cosa que yo no comparto en absoluto. Temas destacables See who I am Memories o la excesivamente radiada Stand my ground

The Heart of Everything es su nuevo í lbum a la venta el próximo 12 de marzo El single de adelanto What have you done una colaboracion con un tal Keith Caputo es escandalosamente comercial, pero el resto del disco no parece lo mismo.

Aqui os dejo videos de la banda!

Stand my Ground

Ice Queen

Mother Earth

What have you done

[archivo adjunto borrado por el administrador]
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 06, 2007, 11:36:47 pm
Lo ultimo que tenemos! :)

El concierto realizado por WITHIN TEMPTATION en el Beursgebouw de Eindoven, Holanda, fue filmado para un próximo DVD que en principio se espera para el verano 2008. El agotado concierto congregó a 8.000 personas que tuvieron la oportunidad de disfrutar de efectos especiales, una sesión acústica, y un musical al estilo de Broadway con invitados como la cantante Anneke van Giersbergen (AQUA DE ANNIQUE, ex-THE GATHERING) y George Oosthoek (ex-ORPHANAGE).

El setlist del grupo fue el siguiente:

01. The Silent Force Intro
02. Jillian
03. The Howling
04. Stand My Ground
05. The Cross
06. What Have You Done
07. Hand of Sorrow
08. The Heart of Everything
09. Forgiven (acoustic)
10. Restless (acoustic)
11. Somewhere (c/ Anneke van Giersbergen, acoustic)
12. Memories (acoustic)
13. Our Solemn Hour
14. The Other Half (c/ George Oosthoek)
15. Angels (c/ act)
16. Mother Earth
17. Frozen
18. Jane Doe
19. The Truth Beneath The Rose


20. Deceiver of Fools
21. All I Need
22. Ice Queen
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 08, 2007, 12:04:14 am
Ayer dia 7, Eva, la hija de Sharon y Robert, cumplio 2 añitos! :)


Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 10, 2007, 10:59:49 pm
Que cagada!!!!!!! :o (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 13, 2007, 11:25:12 pm
Según la página Within Temptation han sido confirmados para el festival Atarfe Vega Rock, que se celebra en el pueblo de Atarfe (Granada) los dí­as 7 y 8 de marzo.
Si compráis la entrada antes del 27 de diciembre os costará 45 euros para los dos dí­as. Está muuy bien el precio. Los que seais de la zona aprovechad!
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 23, 2007, 08:45:26 pm



03- FROZEN (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 02, 2008, 12:04:58 am
felicitamos a Robert Westenholt que hoy cumple 33 años!! L:O L:O L:O
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 12, 2008, 12:09:18 am
Robert se ha roto el pulgar!!!

Dear fans,

Unfortunately, I have to inform you that I will not be joining the rest of the band on the tour that starts tonight. During an unfortunate accident, I severely bruised my right thumb, making it impossible for me to play guitar. Of course I'm very disappointed that I can't visit you all as I was really looking forward to it a lot!! The band will be playing with the 5 of them, so they will not be joined by an extra guitar player. I'm confident that you will make up for the difference by screaming even louder than you usually do! I will definitely be back for the (sold out!) Ahoy show in February, hope to see you all there!

All the best,

Robert Westerholt

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 12, 2008, 11:02:28 pm
Live At Java Island

01 - Deceiver Of Fools (

02 - Stand My Ground (

03 - Jilian (

04 - It's The Fear (

05 - Forsaken (

06 - Angels (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 12, 2008, 11:07:48 pm
07 - Towards The End ^-^ (

08 - Memories (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 12, 2008, 11:18:57 pm
09 - See Who I Am (

10 - Aquarius (

11 - Pale (

12 - Jane Doe (

13 - Caged (

14 - Mother Earth (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 12, 2008, 11:32:52 pm
15 - Candles (

16 - The Other Half (Of Me) (

17 - Ice Queen (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 19, 2008, 12:05:55 am
Live @ TMF Awards (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 23, 2008, 10:41:45 pm
WT sin Robert!!!
Ruud se aburre!! :) L:P (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: _V_ en Enero 30, 2008, 07:24:00 pm
Los organizadores informan:"Os informamos de que con motivo de la actuación del grupo WITHIN TEMPTATION en el festival ATARFE VEGA ROCK, se podrá adquirir una entrada especial, con la cual se tendrá acceso al festival para asistir al concierto del grupo holandíés al precio de 30€ más gastos.

El concierto de WITHIN TEMPTATION tendrá lugar el segundo dí­a del festival, sábado 8 de marzo, a las 23:55 horas.

Viernes 7 y sábado 8 de marzo de 2008.
Coliseo Ciudad de Atarfe (Atarfe - Granada).

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 30, 2008, 10:21:11 pm
Felicitamos  a Martjn Spirenborg, teclista de la banda en su 33 cumpleaños!!! ^-^ L:O
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 31, 2008, 11:57:20 pm
Ranking!! (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 06, 2008, 11:24:02 pm
WT en el Electric Weekend el 31 de Mayo!!!

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 06, 2008, 11:31:57 pm
Mañana Keith Caputo actuara con WT en Rotterdam!
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 08, 2008, 10:55:26 pm

Jilian (

The Howling (

Angels (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 08, 2008, 11:02:02 pm
WOW!!! :024: (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 09, 2008, 09:13:03 pm
Our Solemn Hour (Rotterdam) :014: :014: (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 09, 2008, 09:17:18 pm
Mas videos aqui!!! (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 09, 2008, 11:23:33 pm (

 :009: :009: :009: :009:
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 10, 2008, 08:45:34 pm (


Parece que sacan este concierto en DVD y no Eindhoven!!

A ellos les ha debido parecer mejor este concierto ya que el DVD lo van a sacar enterito de Rotterdam
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 11, 2008, 10:47:07 pm
Black Symphony
We'd like to thank everybody who was at the Ahoy yesterday, during our "Black Symphony"-show. We've been playing for 12 years now and during all those years this was something we always wanted to do. It's certainly a milestone in our career and we're happy that we could share it with so many people. We'd like to thank all our fans, the PA'dam choir, conductor Jules Buckley & The Metropole Orchestra, special guests Keith Caputo & Band, Anneke van Giersbergen, George Oosthoek, our crew and all the people working behind the scenes. As some of you might have noticed, we recorded the whole show for an upcoming DVD, we will keep you updated on this sometime soon.

We're already gearing up to go to our first Russian show next week in Moscow. We heard that there are still a few tickets available, but not too many. So make sure you get tickets in time!
In other news, we're very excited to announce our first South American tour in April! We've finally found time in our busy schedule to visit the many fans we have in South America. Some dates are already on sale, some will start early next week. Check out our website for all the dates.

See you soon!

All the best,
Robert, Martijn, Ruud, Stephen, Jeroen & Sharon

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 14, 2008, 10:57:25 pm
Parece que Iron Maiden son adictos a Within Temptation y como antaño, han sido elegidos para ser sus teloneros en su show de Londres en el Twickenham Stadium el 5 de julio.

Parece una excelente noticia para WT, en palabras de Sharon, les hace revivir gratos recuerdos; no olvidemos que WT teloneaba a Iron Maiden cuando estaba abriíéndose camino en el mundillo.

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 17, 2008, 11:00:49 pm

La verdad es que el concierto fue una pasada. Yo creo que lo único que se les puede recriminar sea el setlist, por hacerlo demasiado parecido a al de Eindhoven. Pero bueno...

Instrumentalmente este concierto si que fue la hostia! La Intro  , Jillian, Our Solemn Hour, Mother Earth, The Promise, Memories, The Truth Beneath The Rose, Deceiver of Fools,... bueno todas las canciones sonaron aplastantes con la orquestra. Canciones que cuando las escuchabas en el concierto normal te dejaban un poco de sabor amargo por usar enlatados (Our Solemn Hour, por ejemplo) aquí­ fue acojonante.

Vocalmente Sharon estuvo muy bien en unas, pero en otras pese a sonar bien, lo hizo mejor en Eindhoven. Por ejemplo: Mother Earth *babaaaas* en Rotterdam creo que Sharon sonó acertadí­simia (creo que en las partes donde no es estribillo, donde acostumbra a desafinar un poco debido a los graves, las bordó), The Promise tambiíén sonó genial (aunque tal vez no tanto como el del Mother earth Tour  ), Our Solemn Hour (primera vez que Sharon me convence en esta canción. En los macrofestivales (Pinkpop,...) o en el concierto secreto o de Japón no me gustaba nada su actuación. Muy desafinada. En este concierto creo que lo bordó (y creo que en el de Eindhoven tambiíén lo hizo); Jillian tambiíén sonó muy bien, Frozen y The Swan Song tambiíén... pero en otras canciones como The Other Half *más babaaas*, pese hacerlo bien me gustó más su interpretación vocal en el Eindhoven. No síé... en ese concierto su actuación me recuerda un poco a los antiguos directos de esta canción (que me encantan), en cambio el de Rotterdam suena más cercano al TSFT  . Otra canción que sonó mejor en Eindhoven en cuanto a labor vocal (que no instrumental) fue Deceiver of Fools. En su dí­a tambiíén lo comentíé y es que el de Eindhoven me recuerda más a sus actuaciones viejas (en cuanto lo de poner esa voz malvada) y bordar la actuación con su nuevo registro no operí­stico. Me parece que Memories y Forgiven le pasó lo mismo.

Eso sí­... Somewhere sonó impresionante con Anneke, yo no me lo esperaba pq pensíé que como ya lo hicieron en Eindhoven no lo repetirí­an. Y... What Have You Done fue curioso. Creo que Sharon no estuvo muy acertada en la canción (esta canción no es que se le de precismanete bien.... se le va un poco la voz xDD). A Caputo le apruebo por ponerle ganas xDD (no síé si pq estaba excitado con el show o por el vino que se tomó durante su actuación como telonero). Creo que de George no hace falta comentar mucho. í‰l siempre cumple su papel. Una lástima que sólo fue relegado a una canción

En The Cross Sharon sonó estupenda, en Hand of Sorrow creo que le rascaba un poco la voz, en Angels tmbiíén lo hizo muy bien y en The Truth Beneath The Rose sonó impresionante!

Y ya no síé que más comentar... la puesta en escena estubo muy bien, para que negarlo. El video de la introducción, y los videos utilizados en Eindhoven. La pirotecnia, el humo, los papelitos en Ice Queen, el juego de luces fueron increí­bles. Aunque eso sí­, faltaba la plataforma elevadora de Eindoven pero que como estaba la orquestra seguro que no cabí­a.

Hay una cosa que sí­ que me llamó la atención en los dos conciertos especiales de esta gira y es que les he visto disfrutar más. Mientras que en el TSFT creo que estaban más pendientes de que todo saliera bien (pirotecnia, luces, ....) que de disfrutar el conciert en sí­, en estos casos creo que se olvidaron un poco de lo demás y disfrutaron más de los shows (o esa es la impresión que me dio).

Como curiosidades.... durante el concierto tiraron varios peluches (una rana, dos corazones con brazos y..... al final del concierto........... ...... ........................................... unas BRAGAS rosas! (o eso me pareció). Sharon dijo: Me parece que esto es para Ruud y se las intentó poner en la cabeza xDDD; tambiíén habí­a uno del coro que intentaba controlar el headbanging pero le cosaba un poco y una violinista de la orquestra que hací­a cosas como los cuernos y eso... muy cachonda xDD.

Ah! Y se me olvidaba... Sharon casi se chamusca otra vez!! No calculó bien su posición y cuando salieron los fuegos artificiales se tuvo que apartar al instante y le saltó alguna que otra chispa al vestido... se le quedó una cara... pobrecita.

Muy mal el vestido lechuga de Sharon al final del concierto y el rizado del pelo (aunque hay momentos que le queda un poco bien)! 

Vestido lechuga! (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 23, 2008, 11:53:23 pm
Forgiven (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 24, 2008, 12:01:15 am
Somewhere (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 02, 2008, 08:25:44 pm
Within Temptation se suman al cartel de la primera edición del Electric Weekend Festival, que contará tambiíén con las actuaciones de Metallica o Rage Against The Machine como fechas únicas de ambas bandas en España. El festival tendrá lugar en Getafe, Madrid, los dí­as 30 y 31 de mayo.
Por CRISTINA FERNíNDEZ / Madrid (02/03/2008)


Todos los conciertos del nuevo festival se concentrarán en tres zonas: dos escenarios principales, y una zona de Carpas – Electric. En ellos el viernes 30 estarán actuando entre otros, la banda californiana Rage Againts The Machine, tras su reunificación el pasado año.

El sábado 31 será el dí­a de Metallica y Within Temptation. La legendaria banda californiana vuelve a España tras su paso por la anterior edición del Bilbao BBK Live, para presentar los temas de su nuevo disco, que saldrá a la venta durante el presente año. Por su parte Within Tempation tambiíén estarán en directo con los temas de su último trabajo The Heart of Everything.

Otros nombres del cartel

El cartel del Electric Weekend cuenta con más atractivos. Queens Of The Stone Age, Iggy and the Stoonges o Soilwork son algunos de los nombres que estarán sonando en directo en el nuevo festival.

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 09, 2008, 11:01:07 pm
Setlist de Granada!!

intro de The Silent Force, luego siguió Jillian ( No se pudo oí­r en todo su esplendor, habí­a como acoplamiento de sonido) y luego ya pasaron a the howling, what have you done, stand my ground, hand of sorrow, the heart of everything, the cross, our solemn hour, the truth beneath the rose, deceiver of fools, the promise, forgiven, angels, moteher earth, forsaken, ice queen
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 13, 2008, 11:30:11 pm
Mirad! (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 13, 2008, 11:34:05 pm
Otra!! (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 17, 2008, 10:35:10 pm
en el myspace de Within Temptation han puesto algo sobre el DVD.... en teorí­a saldrá A FINALES DE Aí‘O
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 26, 2008, 11:08:07 pm
Tan cuidado como siempre el plano escíénico en sus conciertos, Within Temptation volvieron a condecorar el escenario con un enorme telón con imágenes proyectadas de fondo y una interpretación de los temas excelente, además con un sonido digno que no ensombreció para nada una correctisima actuación. El público, jóven en su mayorí­a como decí­a anteriormente, se mostró bastante más activo y entregado con el grupo que en conciertos anteriores, y Within Temptation respondieron con una buena dosis de temas que aunque previsibles, no restaron gracia y espectáculo a su show. Más de una hora y 20 minutos en los que no faltaron "Jillian", "The Howling" y "Stand My Ground", con las que abrieron, o “The Cross”, la preciosa “Forgiven” con el acompañamiento del piano, “Angels”, “Mother Earth” y “Deceiver of Fools” con “Ice Queen”, ambas suponiendo el inevitable bis con el que se cerraba uno de los conciertos mejor ejecutados y mejor respaldados por el público de todo el festival.

Se refiere a Granada!!! (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 04, 2008, 10:50:35 pm
Hi all,

We are happy to announce that we were asked to do an extra show in Mexico City on April 6th. This will NOT be an acoustic show as mentioned earlier, but we will be playing different songs than we will at the first show in Mexico City. We are really looking forward to it and hope to see you all there!

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 04, 2008, 10:54:38 pm
Robert no va a Sudámerica, porque tiene que cuidar de su hija!!

Unfortunately we have to inform you that Robert won't be able to go on the South-American tour. The reason is that we haven't been able to find a proper babysitter for the duration of the tour and that we are also unable to take Luna with us on this tour. We have tried until the last moment to find a solution but despite the fact that we always found one in the past, this time we couldn't.

However the rest of the band will make sure you won't miss a thing, 'cause they will play songs that will rock your ass twice as heard and will make sure this first South-American tour will be a memorable one!!!

Just leaves us to say...Embrasos de Roberto y mucho gusto con los primeros conciertos de Within Temptation en Amíérica del Sur!

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 05, 2008, 08:36:20 pm
Setlist de Mexico!!

The Howling
What Have You Done?
Hand Of Sorrow
The Heart Of Everything
Our Solemn Hour (Con intro)
All I Need
Running Up That Hill
Mother Earth
The Truth Beneath The Rose

Deceiver Of Fools
Never-Ending Story
Ice Queen (


Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 06, 2008, 10:55:32 pm
Siguen en Mexico!

Setlist Guadalajara (con comentarios)

1. Jillian
2. The Howling
3. Stand My Ground
4. W.H.Y.D. (con el público haciendo la parte del Caputo, se escuchaba mejor que íéste xD)
5. The Cross
6. Hand of Sorrow (una belleza obviamente)
7. The Heart of Everything
8. Forgiven (AC) (hermosa..... grabíé buena parte en video y audio)
9. Our Solemn Hour (con entrada espectacular)
10. Dark Wings
11. The Promise
12. Memories
13. Angels
14. Mother Earth (el mejor momento de la noche para mí­)
15. Truth Beneath the Rose (grandiosa)

16) See Who I Am (pese a que se me hací­a x, ganó mucho en vivo esta canción  )
17. Ice Queen (con todo y el Uuuuhh uuuh.. ahi confirmó porque me gusta la banda, belleza y potencia pura a la vez)

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: _V_ en Abril 10, 2008, 12:14:34 am
Jueves 3 de Abril de 2008 - Circo Volador - Mexico D.F

Los holandeses estaban de vuelta en la Ciudad de Míéxico, ahora como parte de la Gira promocional para el nuevo disco "The Heart of everything". Varias fechas se anunciaron en su paso por Míéxico y los Estados de Guadalajara, D.F. Monterrey serí­an los huíéspedes.

La sorpresa de la gira en primer lugar es la ausencia de Robert (Guitarra) quien por motivos personales (aclarados en la página de la banda) dejarí­a el trabajo a cargo del otro guitarrista Ruud Jolie. Pero el mundo del rock dejarí­a de serlo si las sorpresas no vinieran en racimos. Dado el íéxito en la venta de las entradas, dí­as antes de su presentación se confirmó una fecha más en el D.F. ahora en el Hard Rock Live, domingo 6 de abril. La aclaración fue que no serí­a un concierto acústico como ya se planeaba, sino con un set list diferente que encantarí­a al bien enterado público mexicano.

Jueves 3 de abril en la Ciudad de Míéxico, y hay que mencionarlo. El calor agobia cada vez más conforme pasa la primavera. Todos sabemos que entrar a un concierto de metal es entrar a una pequeñita parte de infierno. El calor emanado por (en este caso 1500) los metaleros es sentir la maldad literalmente y a aguantar. Pero no importa. Ya entrados en calor y con la expectativa del concierto se le olvidan a uno los grados centí­grados que aun crujen el pavimento de afuera, y que las hordas infernales hagan los suyo el dí­a que nos toque allá abajo. Pero con una buena banda y unas buenas cervezas.

No lo habí­a notado, pero la nueva reglamentación mexicana sobre fumar en recintos cerrados entraba en vigor por esos dí­as y la apuesta por lugares libres de humo de tabaco ahora ya serí­a real. No fumo y no me molesta que fumen. Pero fue digamos un ambiente diferente un concierto sin humo de cigarro. A las 8:30 p.m. las gargantas de los asistentes se abrieron cuando Sharon y compañí­a aparecieron en el escenario. "Jillian" hizo lo suyo en las emociones oscuras cuando salió por ahí­ del 2004, y ahora vendrí­a a soltar cascadas de coros y un público mexicano que como siempre responde de manera ejemplar. Guapí­sima, no hay otra palabra. Sharon vestida Princesa y gigantesco su carisma animó desde el primer minuto a seguir con ella la letra. "The Howling" y "Frozen" siguieron y para muchos con el coro entre pecho y espalda sabí­an lo próximo en el set list: el single "What have you done" que hizo literalmente estallar el lugar. Buen track del nuevo material que por cierto Keith Caputo participa en la grabación. En vivo la banda tuvo la curiosa idea de samplear su voz y además proyectar su imagen al fondo. Para estas alturas la ausencia de Robert no era tema de conversación, y si bien vení­a grabada su guitarra, la ejecución de los demás músicos y una ecualización memorablemente buena prometí­an la gran noche.

Uno tras otro los temas fueron repasando la discografí­a a partir del "Mother Earth" y los mexicanos seguí­an haciendo y reafirmando que los shows en estas tierras son de lo mejor. "Hand of sorrow" y "Forsaken" súper emotivas, a pesar de la temperatura asfixiante. Luego una de las más significativas con el tema que ya trascendió la moda y ahora es preocupación mundial, los actos bíélicos y su visión en "Our solemn hour" con todo y su intro de W. Churchill, apoyada en todo momento por imágenes proyectadas en la pantalla. Los tracks de la nueva producción fueron de los mejor recibidos como "All I need". Es cierto que la gente de este lado del mundo tiene el beat cardiaco más acelerado y con la euforia en un concierto de metal como íéste, las partes sentimental, melódica y poderosa del metal resultan consecuencias bioquí­micas insospechadas.

"Angels" y "Aquarius" magistrales, y ya se extrañaban tracks del "Mother Earth". Precisamente la canción homónima del disco se encargo a revitalizar los ánimos de la audiencia y coreando hasta el final "Caged" fue otra excusa para aplazar el viaje a rellenar los vasos de cerveza. El gran cierre lo hizo la buení­sima "The thruth beneath the rose" cuyo feeling en composición se presta mucho para desbordar público latino.

Una breve pausa en que la banda fue a dar un respiro tras bambalinas y el escenario aguardaba. Palpitantes las orejas todaví­a hubo quien corrió por otro trago para regresar a tratar de no perder el lugar. Las notas de "Deceiver of fools" atronaron el equipo y pareció que el concierto apenas comenzaba. Gritos, euforia y nuevamente palmas arriba el público estaba como loco. Sharon en ningún momento dio muestras de cansancio, al contrario entregada en todo momento hizo gran noche para los amantes del gíénero que se negaban a dejar espacio entre canción y canción. Terminó la canción y amable dijo unas palabras de agradecimiento sobre la Gira sudamericana. Es un ángel. Entretanto Ruud cambió su guitarra por una electroacústica y junto con el piano comenzaron una de las piezas más grandiosas de la noche: "Never ending story". Cadencia, elegancia y calidad en una sola. Celulares arriba y el recuerdo de escuchar esta canción en vivo y con ese audio insospechadamente bueno se grabaron en los chips y en las neuronas. De lo mejor.

Faltaba una canción para finiquitar el concierto perfecto y los familiarizados con la discografí­a ya sabí­an de que se trataba. "Ice Queen" sonó y que mejor para cerrar el extraordinario concierto. Impresionante el público que coreó de principio a fin la canción y con renovadas ganas.

Buena noche cargada de belleza, emotividad y grandes sentimientos transmitidos por los holandeses. A pesar del ya insoportable calor que se sentí­a, el público apoyó como siempre la primer presentación de la banda. Algunos fans ya prevenidos habí­an hecho el viaje a comprar sus boletos para el show programado el domingo 6. Bien clásico en los verdaderos seguidores de una banda siguiíéndolos a donde se presenten, y cuando la calidad es innegable bien vale la pena. A pesar de la ausencia de una pieza fundamental, la banda supo arreglárselas y ofrecieron un gran espectáculo. Buen concierto!

Texto: Ví­ctor Varas
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 13, 2008, 12:17:42 am
En Chile!! (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Thelastyuma en Abril 13, 2008, 12:09:58 pm
Hola Serena, la verdad es que casi ni les conozco, pero les vere en Getafe, depaso que vemos a Metallica.  :023:
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 13, 2008, 04:42:49 pm
Te gustarán, aunque a lo mejor los encuentras blanditos!! :023:
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 13, 2008, 09:08:03 pm
Monterrey (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 13, 2008, 09:10:59 pm
Buenos Aires (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 19, 2008, 12:00:19 am
Sharon y sus colaboraciones

Armin Van Buren & Sharon den Adel - In and Out of Love (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 19, 2008, 12:02:58 am
Hoy Ruud Jolie, guitarrista de la banda cumple 32 años!!!!!!

FELICIDADES!!!!!! :008: l:X l:X l:X
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 21, 2008, 11:52:39 pm
Hi all,
We just came back from our South-American tour. 7 years after our last show in Mexico we were excited to return to this continent and visit more countries there as well. We’d like to thank all of our fans in Mexico, Colombia, Chile, Argentine and Brazil for visiting our shows. We had a great time!
For all our European fans, we have some great festivals coming up this summer. Amongst others we’ll be visiting Spain, Switzerland, UK, Germany, Greece, Portugal, Sweden, Czech Republic and Finland. For more detail check out our tour schedule.
And we’ll be doing our first theatre tour this year, which will take place in Holland! Of course you can expect something different from us. We’ll be playing songs in a different version or setting. We can’t reveal anything yet, but they will be very special concerts!

3FM Awards
Great news! We are nominated for 4 Dutch 3FM Awards. The categories are: Best Band, Best Vocalist, Best Rock Artist and Best Live Act. We’d like to ask you all for your support by voting for us through the link: The 3FM Awards will take place on April 26th in the Amsterdam Convention Centre. There are still tickets available.
For all those who don’t speak Dutch :-): If you click on this link you can find a few translations that can help you place your vote.

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 21, 2008, 11:54:24 pm
As we announced earlier, we’ll be releasing a DVD of the ‘Black Symphony’ concert in Ahoy. This special concert with the Metropole Orchestra, the PA‘dam choir and guest singers (Keith Caputo, George Oosthoek and Anneke van Giersbergen) was one of the best shows we’ve done so far. Next to the footage of this concert, recorded in High Definition by 14 camera’s, the DVD will also contain lots of other extra material. More news about the release will follow soon!

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 27, 2008, 08:35:07 pm
In and out of love (live) (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 09, 2008, 11:31:26 pm
Live @ Zwolle (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 14, 2008, 11:54:03 pm
Vaya traje!!! :024: :024: :024: (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 16, 2008, 11:46:37 pm
Se dice que......

[spoiler]van a sacar un doble DVD con los concis de Eindhoven y Rotterdam[/spoiler]

Ojalá sea verdad!!!
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 19, 2008, 11:07:31 pm
El DVD sale en septiembre!!
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: _V_ en Mayo 20, 2008, 12:19:50 am
Correcto serena ;-)

WITHIN TEMPTATION lanzarán en septiembre un nuevo DVD en directo en el que incluirán el concierto celebrado en el Ahoy con la Metropole Orchestra. La mezcla ya ha sido finalizada, y actualmente están editando el ví­deo. En breve habrá más información.
Este nuevo ví­deo de WITHIN TEMPTATION se grabó el 7 de febrero del 2008 en el evento Black Symphony, hospedado por el club Ahoy de Rotterdam, Holanda.
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 20, 2008, 08:05:29 pm
Este DVD va a ser la leche!!!!
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 29, 2008, 11:38:41 pm ( :016: :016:
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 01, 2008, 11:06:03 pm
Jilian (Getafe) (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 11, 2008, 11:31:03 pm
El DVD sera del conci de Rotterdam!!!
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: _V_ en Junio 12, 2008, 12:29:32 pm

GETAFE ELECTRIC FESTIVAL - Crónica y fotos del SABADO 31 de Mayo ...

La banda tocó con un llenazo absoluto y gran parte del público inmóvil para no perderse más tarde a METALLICA (Cada cual no querí­a perder el sitio ante la gran muchedumbre y la imposibilidad casi total para moverse de un sitio a otro). Eso lo aprovechó Sharon y los suyos, quienes ya habian tocado en nuestro paí­s ante miles de gentes, pero nunca ante más de 50.000 personas.

Siempre que escribo sobre esta banda digo lo mismo: son la perfección y elegancia supremas, y asi fueron en el ELECTRIC, aunque siendo justo diríé que no fue de sus mejores conciertos, aunque lo hicieron notablemente bien. Me gustaron mucho más en Granada, donde realizaron una actuación más redonda y amena.

Sharon una vez más fue la simpatí­a y belleza sobre el escenario. Esta mujer es la gran musa del rock. Su voz angelical, su encanto innato, sus movimientos y carisma hechizaron a todos. Junto a ella, los habituales músicos, con Robert, -su esposo-, al frente como director de orquesta, quien cada vez que tuvo ocasión se dirigió al público en un casi perfecto castellano.

Arrancaron con elegancia y potencia con la fantástica “Jillian”. Sonaron otros temas estupendos como “The Howling”, la canción que la banda incluyó en la banda sonora para el videojuego "The Chronicles of Spellborn", “What Have You Done” con la habitual voz pregrabada y disparada de Keith Caputo, (vuelvo a decir que quedarí­a más natural si sus partes de voz las cantara alguien del grupo).

Notíé a Robert mas agresivo que en anteriores ocasiones, el resto de la banda “como siempre”, y Sharon cantó bien, pero no fue una de sus mejores tardes-noches. La notíé un poco corta de voz en algunos fragmentos, sin dejar de bajar su listón de casi perfección, pero si sufriendo un poco más que de costumbre.

Más temas fueron cayendo... “Our Solemm Hour” me encantó una vez más, así­ como “Stand my Ground”, “Angels”, “Forgiven”, “Hand of Sorrow”, o el más clásico “Deceiver of fools”.

Los momentos en los que el publico respondió más activamente fueron los marcados por dos de sus más populares himnos: “Ice Queen”, que sonó hacia la mitad de la actuación, y el final “Mother Earth”.

Notable actuación ante más de 50.000 personas.
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: _V_ en Junio 12, 2008, 12:31:21 pm


Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 12, 2008, 11:33:14 pm
Guapa!!! :023:
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 17, 2008, 11:48:14 pm
Also, the band recorded and filmed their concert at Beursgebouw, Netherlands in November 2007. This show entitled "Black Symphony" at the Ahoy in Netherlands together with The Metropole Orchestra, will be released as a Live Album/DVD on September 23rd, 2008. Stay tuned for more info...
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 18, 2008, 11:00:39 pm
BIEN!!!!!!!!!! :008: :008: :008:

Great news! Finally we can announce a bit more on our upcoming DVD! Its title will be Black Symphony, it will be released worldwide on September 22nd. Of course, this DVD will contain the full concert that we did at the Ahoy in Rotterdam last February, with the Metropole Orchestra, a choir and several guest artists. We will announce more details at a later date, but what we can announce is that we're also adding footage from our show in Eindhoven in 2007 and that Black Symphony will be released on double-DVD, double-CD and Blu-Ray disc. Check back later for more news. We will see you soon!
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 25, 2008, 11:09:15 pm
En el Black Symphony......

we're also adding footage from our show in Eindhoven in 2007

Se cree que es la parte acústica (Forgiven, Restless, Somewhere y Memories)
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 02, 2008, 10:49:26 pm



We proudly present to you the cover of the Black Symphony DVD that will be released on double-DVD, double-CD and Blu-Ray disc on September 22nd. As mentioned earlier, it will contain the full concert we did at the Ahoy Rotterdam together with the 60-piece Metropole Orchestra and a 30-voice classical choir, as well as on-stage stilt performers, costume changes, and an array of stunning pyrotechnic, lighting effects and a 400m2 video screen with great WT visuals. The DVD will also contain a lot of extra footage from the show in Beursgebouw, amongst other bonus materials. More info on this will follow soon

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: _V_ en Julio 07, 2008, 09:03:07 pm
Los holandeses WITHIN TEMPTATION editarán un nuevo doble DVD titulado "Black Symphony" el 22 de septiembre. Tambiíén saldrá en doble CD y habrá una edición especial en Blu-Ray.

Black Symphony fue un concierto especial celebrado en el Ahoy Arena de Rotterdam el pasado 7 de febrero del 2008. Habiendo agotado las entradas meses antes, WITHIN TEMPTATION tocaron delante de 10.000 fans junto a la orquesta de 60 miembros Metropole y un coro clásico de 20 personas, además de llevar actores en el escenario, realizar varios cambios de ropa, y utilizar numerosos efectos de luces y pirotecnia. Como colofón, contaron con la pantalla de ví­deo más grande de Europa, la cual ocupaba todo el ancho del escenario estando situada encima de íéste, y 14 cámaras FullHD. Algunos de los invitados fueron Keith Caputo (LIFE OF AGONY), Anneke van Giersbergen (ex-THE GATHERING, ahora AGUA DE ANNIQUE), y George Oosthoek (ORPHANAGE).

Aunque en breve se revelarán más detalles, entre los extras hay imágenes de backstage y entrevistas, y es posible que incluya el concierto ofrecido por el grupo para el fin de año 2007 en el Beursgebouw de Eindoven, Holanda, en el cual interpretaron un set acústico.
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 11, 2008, 12:00:14 am

Según la Sony BMG de Portugal:

WITHIN TEMPTATION & The Metropole Orchestra
‘Black Symphony’
New CD, DVD, Blu-Ray and Limited Edition on stores in September!

NEW SINGLE ‘Forgiven’ --->????

2CD Edition:
Full Black Symphony show with Metropole Orchestra
CD-1: 12 tracks + CD-2: 10 tracks

2DVD Edition:
- Full Black Symphony show (2 hours)
- Making of and backstage from the Black Symphony (30 min)
- Documentary about WT and their 10 years of carrer as well as the Black Symphony show(30 min)

- Eindhoven summary - 12 songs from the Eindhoven show (65 min)
- Videoclips & making of The Hearth Of Everything (album). (40 min)
- Various TV-bits: awards, footage from the show in Manchester show, and others) (20 min)
- ‘On-the-road’ clips made by Sharon 6 Robert (60 min)
- Photo gallery

Blu-Ray Edition:
- Same as DVD1
- Same as DVD-2

Limited Edition:
- 2 DVD
- 2 CD

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: _V_ en Julio 11, 2008, 03:04:15 pm
la leeecheee!  :009:

si q viene completito... :021:
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 11, 2008, 06:14:56 pm
Vete ahorrando...... :015: :015: :015:
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 12, 2008, 12:06:23 am
Hoy Sharon den Adel cumple 34 años!!

FELICIDADES!!!!!!!!!!!! :011: :011: :011:
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 18, 2008, 08:02:39 pm
Black Symphony
While being in the middle of cruising around Europe, playing at all kinds of great festivals, we’re very excited to be able to show you a clip off of our new DVD “Black Symphony”. We chose Our Solemn Hour because we know it’s one of your favourite tracks and we wanted to show you what a great DVD this is going to be! You can view the clip by going to our website, or by clicking on this link.
As we announced earlier, we’ll be releasing this concert on September 22nd, on 2DVD, 2CD and Blu-Ray Disc. Exact release dates and configurations might vary depending on what country you live in, but we will keep you updated on this. This special concert with the Metropole Orchestra, the PA‘dam choir and guest singers (Keith Caputo, George Oosthoek and Anneke van Giersbergen) was one of the best shows we’ve done so far. Next to the footage of this concert, recorded in High Definition by 14 camera’s, the DVD will also contain lots of extras. We will unveil the tracklistings very shortly!

Kerrang Awards
Vote for the Kerrang! Awards and have a chance to win your own table at the awards show. The British Kerrang! Awards are on the horizon and it’s voting time again. Of course we would appreciate your support for us. There is a chance to win a table at the award ceremony on August 21st at secret location in London. Here you need to register first and then you’ll be able to vote for all categories.
Hopefully see you there- good luck!

Within Temptation merchandise
As you may have noticed in the webshop we have added a few things. We also have an exciting new item coming up, check back next week!

All the best, maybe we will see you at one of the upcoming festivals or shows!

Sharon, Robert, Martijn, Stephen, Ruud en Jeroen.

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 18, 2008, 08:08:03 pm
Wow!!!!!!!! :008: :014: :014: :024: (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 18, 2008, 08:43:06 pm
5º single!!

Forgiven (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 03, 2008, 11:10:32 pm
The Promise @ Qstock (

Video resumen (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 06, 2008, 10:42:10 pm
Within Temptation ha puesto a la venta (en la página oficial) su nuevo single, Forgiven, que seguramente será utilizado para la promoción del Black Symphony DVD.
í‰ste incluye:

1. Forgiven (Single version)
2. Forgiven (Album version)
3. The Howling (Live at Beursgebouw Eindhoven 23-11-2008)
4. Hand Of Sorrow (Live at Beursgebouw Eindhoven 23-11-2008)
5. The Heart Of Everything (Live at Beursgebouw Eindhoven 23-11-2008)


Estará disponible a partir del 1 de setiembre.
Lo que no han dicho es si habrá un video oficial o si utilizaran la versión de Forgiven en el Ahoy (o ninguna de las dos cosas

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 06, 2008, 11:19:51 pm
Otro trailer del DVD!! (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 07, 2008, 11:48:57 pm
Canciones del concierto de Eindhoven!!

1. Intro
2. Jillian
3. The Howling
4. The Cross
5. Hand Of Sorrow
6. The Heart Of Everything
7. Restless 
8. Our Solemn Hour
9. Mother Earth
10. Jane Doe
11. The Truth Beneath The Rose
12. All I Need

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 09, 2008, 11:27:37 pm
What have you done

Podeis oirla aqui (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: _V_ en Agosto 13, 2008, 07:59:41 pm

WITHIN TEMPTATION lanzarán su nuevo doble DVD, titulado "Black Symphony", el 22 de septiembre. Tambiíén estará disponible en doble CD y haba un versión especial en disco Blu-Ray.

Black Symphony fue un concierto especial celebrado en el Ahoy Arena de Rotterdam el pasado 7 de febrero del 2008. Habiendo agotado las entradas meses antes, WITHIN TEMPTATION tocaron delante de 10.000 fans junto a la orquesta de 60 miembros Metropole y un coro clásico de 20 personas, además de llevar actores en el escenario, realizar varios cambios de ropa, y utilizar numerosos efectos de luces y pirotecnia. Como colofón, contaron con la pantalla de ví­deo más grande de Europa, la cual ocupaba todo el ancho del escenario estando situada encima de íéste, y 14 cámaras FullHD. Algunos de los invitados fueron Keith Caputo (LIFE OF AGONY), Anneke van Giersbergen (ex-THE GATHERING, ahora AGUA DE ANNIQUE), y George Oosthoek (ORPHANAGE).
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: _V_ en Agosto 13, 2008, 08:00:39 pm
Sharon den Adel aparece en el nuevo single del DJ holandíés Armin van Buuren llamado "In and Out of Love".
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 14, 2008, 11:29:03 pm
Es chulo el video!!
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 17, 2008, 11:38:15 pm
Assen (16-8-2008) (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 22, 2008, 12:06:28 am
Our Solemn Hour @ Gampel 2007 (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 22, 2008, 11:33:15 pm
The Howling @ Gampel (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 22, 2008, 11:38:53 pm
Jilian @ Gampel (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 22, 2008, 11:41:09 pm
Forsaken @ Gampel (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 22, 2008, 11:46:10 pm
The Heart of Everything (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 22, 2008, 11:50:29 pm
Mother Earth @ Gampel (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 22, 2008, 11:55:16 pm
Hand of Sorrow @ Gsmpel (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 22, 2008, 11:59:41 pm
The Truth Beneath The Rose @ Gampel (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 23, 2008, 12:06:09 am
Deceiver of fools @ Gampel (

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 23, 2008, 12:09:27 am
Ice Queen @ Gampel (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 23, 2008, 11:37:24 pm
Parece que......

el nuevo single solo saldrá a la venta en alemania y en holanda y el resto tendremos que conformarnos con comprarlo por internet.   

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: _V_ en Agosto 30, 2008, 03:46:50 pm
WITHIN TEMPTATION sacarán el 22 de septiembre (23 en EE UU) el DVD y CD "Black Symphony" grabado junto a la Metropole Orchestra. Podíéis encontrar las diferentes versiones en las que ve la luz el lanzamiento a continuación, así­ como que versión aparecerá en cada territorio, ya que no son todas iguales.

En Europa salen tres ediciones, una con el doble DVD, otra en Blu – Ray con DVD extra, y otra especial de cuatro discos consistente en dos CD's y dos DVD's.

Estos son sus contenidos:

Formato PAL con sonido Dolby 2.0, 5.1 y DTS 96/24 surround, filmado en alta definición con pantalla ancha. Subtitulado en inglíés.

DVD 1:

Jillian (I'd Give My Heart)
The Howling
Stand My Ground
The Cross
What Have You Done (con Keith Caputo)
Hand Of Sorrow
The Heart Of Everything
Somewhere (con Anneke van Giersbergen)
The Swan Song
Our Solemn Hour
The Other Half (Of Me) (con George Oosthoek)
The Promise
Mother Earth
The Truth Beneath The Rose
Deceiver Of Fools
All I Need
Ice Queen
Reportaje en el backstage: Entrevista con el grupo, el director Jules Buckley, miembros de la orquesta, Keith Caputo y varios fans a las afueras del Ahoy. Presentado por Dennis Weening.

Documental: Reportaje de 30 minutos con imágenes iníéditas. Entrevistas con los miembros del grupo sobre el DVD y la historia de la banda. Producido por NPS, Paí­ses Bajos.

Countdown Black Symphony: Un breve repaso al montaje del concierto, desde el comienzo del montaje hasta la actuación en sí­.

DVD 2:

Concierto extra:

Grabado en el Beursgebouw de Eindoven, Holanda el 24 de noviembre de 2007.

Jillian (I'd Give My Heart)
The Howling
The Cross
Hand Of Sorrow
The Heart Of Everything
Our Solemn Hour
Mother Earth
Jane Doe
The Truth Beneath The Rose
All I Need

What Have You Done
The Howling
All I Need
The Making Of...

The Howling
All I Need

Impresiones sobre la gira:

Un documental de una hora grabado durante la gira de WITHIN TEMPTATION a su paso por EE UU y Canadá, Europa, Japón y el Reino Unido.


Premios TMF de los Paí­ses Bajos (incluyendo la actuación televisiva en la que se pueden ver los temas "What Have You Done" y "All I Need" en la entrega de los premios TMF en Bíélgica)

El programa de los premios de pop holandeses (en el que aparecen los miembros masculinos de WITHIN TEMPTATION ataviados con vestidos recibiendo el premio más prestigioso de Holanda)

Sesión de fotos con Erwin Olaf (exclusiva sesión realizada para el álbum "The Heart Of Everything")

Las grabaciones de la orquesta (filmadas durante la grabación de "The Heart Of Everything")

CD 1:

Jillian (I'd Give My Heart)
The Howling
Stand My Ground
The Cross
What Have You Done (con Keith Caputo)
Hand Of Sorrow
The Heart Of Everything
Somewhere (con Anneke van Giersbergen)
The Swan Song

CD 2:

Our Solemn Hour
The Other Half (Of Me) (con George Oosthoek)
The Promise
Mother Earth
The Truth Beneath The Rose
Deceiver Of Fools
All I Need
Ice Queen

El DVD europeo en digipack contiene lo mismo que el DVD de la edición de cuatro discos, al igual que la edición del DVD en Blu – Ray y la que sale con cuatro discos en el Reino Unido y Japón.

El lanzamiento americano (EEUU, Canadá) solo trae el primer DVD y un CD de audio con los siguientes temas:

Jillian (I'd Give My Heart)
The Howling
Stand My Ground
The Cross
What Have You Done (con Keith Caputo)
Hand Of Sorrow
Somewhere (con Anneke van Giersbergen)
Our Solemn Hour
Mother Earth
En Japón sale solo el primer DVD y un doble CD con los siguientes temas:

CD 1:

Jillian (I'd Give My Heart)
The Howling
Stand My Ground
The Cross
What Have You Done (con Keith Caputo)
Hand Of Sorrow
The Heart Of Everything
Somewhere (con Anneke van Giersbergen)
The Swan Song
CD 2:

Our Solemn Hour
The Other Half (Of Me) (con George Oosthoek)
The Promise
Mother Earth
The Truth Beneath The Rose
Deceiver Of Fools
All I Need
Ice Queen

En Argentina sale el primer DVD en formato sencillo.

En Japón, Argentina, EE UU y Canadá sale en NTSC con sonido Dolby 2.0, 5.1 y DTS 96/24 surround, filmado en alta definición con pantalla ancha. Subtitulado en inglíés.
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 02, 2008, 11:40:42 pm
Video Forgiven (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 03, 2008, 11:35:06 pm

[spoiler]Samples de audio del DVD ([/spoiler]
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 07, 2008, 09:12:54 pm
WHYD (acoustic) (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 10, 2008, 11:42:09 pm
Anda que curioso!! (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 12, 2008, 10:53:37 pm
Hoy Stephen, baterí­a de la banda, cumple 36 años!!
FELICIDADES!!!! :011: :011: :011: :011:
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 13, 2008, 11:43:48 pm
[spoiler]Hand of sorrow (eindhoven) (

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 13, 2008, 11:50:31 pm
[spoiler]THOE (eindhoven) (

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 13, 2008, 11:55:04 pm
[spoiler] ([/spoiler]

La q faltaba!!!
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 16, 2008, 10:50:44 pm
Release dates Black Symhony DVD:

Austria: September 19

Belgium: September 22

Czech Republic: September 19

Denmark: September 19

Finland: September 22

France: September 22

Greece: September 22

Hungary: September 22

Italy: October 3rd

The Netherlands: September 22

Norway: September 22

Poland: September 22

Portugal: September 22


2 CD - October 27

2 DVD – November 3rd

Spain: September 23

Sweden: September 24

Switzerland: September 19

Turkey: September 22

Argentina: September 30

Japan: mid October

USA: September 23

Australia: September 22

UK: September 22

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 17, 2008, 10:49:00 pm
We have been nominated for the Belgian TMF Awards in the category ‘Best Live Act’! Of course, we need your vote to win this great award. You can go to ‘nominee vote’ to place your vote.

Here's a small list of translations;

Volgende categorieen = next categories

stemmen = to vote

zangeres = vocalist

artiest = artist

nieuwkomer = upcoming artist

je gegevens = your personal information

voornaam – first name

naam = name

straat= address

Huisnr = number

postcode = zipcode

geboortedatum = date of birth

geslacht = gender

woonplaats = city

telefoon = phone number

nieuwsbrief = newsletter

Tel/GSM = mobile phone number

Verzend = send

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 19, 2008, 11:59:21 pm


Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 21, 2008, 08:57:47 pm

WT te ofrece la posibilidad de dirigir tu propio video de Hand of sorrow. El video ganador se convertirá en el video oficial de Hand of sorrow. Además WT invitara al ganador, que puede ser de cualquier parte del mundo, y a un amigo a nuestro espectaculo especial que tendrá lugar en Haarlem el 27 de noviembre. El/ella almozará con Robert y Sharon en uno de los mejores restaurantes de Harleem y tendrá pase VIP durante el espectaculo. Además se reunira con la banda despues del concierto y recibira un paquete especial (de "merchandise"). El/ella pasara dos noches en un hotel de Haarlem, sera transportado al hotel y viajara en avion en clase preferente tanto en la ida como en la vuelta.

El segundo premio es un reproductor de Blu-ray Panasonic y un blu-ray de Black Symphony firmado.

Como un tercer premio tendremos 10 paquetes que contienen una camiseta (chico/chica) y una Edición Especial de Black Symphony firmados ¡En total hay 12 premios ! ¡Haga su propio ví­deo de Hand of sorrow y tenga la posibilidad ganar uno de estos grandes premios!

¿Cómo hacer el video?

En esta pagina web usted puede ver y descargar varios tiros de cámara, más de 150 clips ví­deo de Black Sympony concierto, el metraje de entre bastidores y la Black Symphony oficial visuals. Usted tambiíén puede descargar varias pistas de audio, incluyendo Hand of sorrow en vivo con efectos sonoros de aplausos y Ahoy. ¡En breve todos los ingredientes para crear su propio video personal espectacular de Hand of sorrow están aquí­!

¿Como editar el video?

Usted puede editar su video usando diferentes software editores libres de video (gratis). Hay una posibilidad grande si usted ya tiene tales programas instalado en su ordenador, como el Windows Movie Maker. Si no tiene ningún programa no se preocupe, abajo puede descargarse gratuitamente cinco de estos programas, los cuales son faciles de intalar y usar (Como no he podido pegar los enlaces para descargarse los programas tendreis que ir a

¿Como entrar en el concurso?

Para concursar debe fijar su video en esta página web junto a sus datos personales, para poder ponernos en contacto con usted si es el ganador del concurso. Usted puede hacer esto pinchando en el enlace "enter competition". ¡Despuíés de esto, coníéctese con el username y la contraseña que usted creó y cargar su ví­deo! Esta competición durará hasta el 31 de octubre, despuíés de lo cual los ganadores serán anunciados en nuestro pagina web.
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 21, 2008, 10:39:14 pm


[url] (http://[

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 22, 2008, 11:44:37 pm
Os recuerdo que mañana sale la Black Symphony!!!
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 23, 2008, 10:58:14 pm
Que coña de video!! (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 01, 2008, 11:37:37 pm
 :021: :021: :021: :021: (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 10, 2008, 07:03:39 pm
Dear all,
As you may have read on our website we are really proud to announce that after one week after the release of our Black Symphony DVD we reached a dream list of chart positions, containing no less than 11 top-10 positions! You can view the chart list on our website. Of course, we owe all this to you and we want to thank you very much for you support!

Black Symphony Blu-ray disc also out now!
After a delay due to some production problems our Black Symphony Blu-ray has now also been officially released! It’s the perfect way to see and hear this concert. Because the capacity of Blu-ray Discs is a lot bigger compared to DVDs, it can contain more and better video and audiofootage. The resolution is about 6x better compared to DVD. There’s also more space for more audio footage, resulting in the highest possible audio quality on this disc (for the audio-experts amongst you: uncompressed PCM audio). For more great specs on the Blu-ray disc, check our news message.
Black Symphony merchandise
We have put together two new great Black Symphony T-Shirts. A men’s design and girly containing the Black Symphony cover and logo. We have also added the WT lighter. You can now buy this cool shirt exclusively in our webshop. Check it out!

Theatre Tour
To close this year off, after having played over 150 shows in 40 countries, we will be doing a seated tour in Holland and Belgium, where we will be doing songs in an acoustic, more laidback setting. Some shows are already sold out, for others there are still a few tickets available. Check our tour page for more information. Most of these shows will start around 20.00 hrs, so if you are coming from Germany, France or any other country, you will still have enough time to get home at a decent time. If you have problems getting tickets, please let us know and we will help you out.

We hope to see you soon!

All the best,

Create you own WT video!
As you may know we have put together a website where you can download exclusive concert footage of our Black Symphony show in order to create your own Hand of Sorrow video!
We already received over 150 videos and would like to thank you all for your application! We already saw some really great videos. You can still join the competition until 31 October and win a VIP-treatment incl. Meet&Greet at our seated show in Haarlem where you’ll will be flown in from anywhere in the world. The most viewed video will win a Blu-ray player. Plus, your video will be our next official Hand of Sorrow video. Check out Robert’s instruction movie at on how to enter the competition and create you own Within Temptation video.

Fanclub Day
On November 2nd our official fanclub The Silent Force will organize the WT Fanclub Day at the 013 Tilburg. We will playing a short acoustic show, sign autographs and much more. Like every year, a lottery will be held where you can win great prizes. If you want to join the Fanclub Day you have to be a member of the The Silent Force. You can become a member of The Silent Force from only 5 euros. Check it out on After the fanclub day, there will be a short break, after which we will be soundchecking for an evening show. There are still a few tickets available for that show, so make sure to buy them upfront as they

The Silent Force fanzine
For their fanzine The Silent Force is also looking for reporters who’d like to send in their review about a nice concert, book, CD, movie or game. Have you seen anything new which you want to let us and all other TSF members know? You can send it to them through this link. We also like to know more about you! We have put together an interview to all the fans, form which the best interviews will be placed in the next The Silent Force fanzine. You can check the interview through this link. Those that won’t be placed in the fanzine will be posted on the The Silent Force website. We’re looking forward to your responses!

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 15, 2008, 11:38:08 pm
Acustico sorpresa!! (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 18, 2008, 11:38:34 pm
Black Symphony

01 - Overture (

02 - Jilian (

03 - The Howling (

04 - Stand my Ground (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 19, 2008, 12:07:21 am
05 - The Cross (

06 - What have you done (

07 - Hand of Sorrow (

08 - The Heart Of Everything (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 19, 2008, 11:26:05 pm
09 - Forgiven (

10 - Somewhere (

11 - The Swan Song (

12 - Memories (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 19, 2008, 11:42:26 pm
13 - Our Solemn Hour (

14 - The Other Half (

15 - Frozen (

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 20, 2008, 11:50:19 pm
16 - The Promise (

17 - Angels (

18 - Mother Earth (

19 - The Truth Beneath The Rose (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 21, 2008, 11:32:17 pm
20 - Deceiver Of Fools (

21 - All I Need (

22 - Ice Queen (

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 21, 2008, 11:46:50 pm
Forgiven (acoustic) (

Stand my Ground (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 22, 2008, 11:18:19 pm
El DVD es impresionante!!!
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 25, 2008, 05:23:20 pm
Hi All,
We’d like to remind you that our Hand of Sorrow video competition closes October 31st. You still have one week to finish your WT masterpiece!
On you can download unique video footage of our ‘Black Symphony’ concert. These are various camera shots of our track Hand Of Sorrow, bonus fragments of our entire concert, exclusive backstage and tour material and other spectacular visuals that were shown during the concert. You can also find out about the background of Hand Of Sorrow, how we were inspired to write this song and what the lyrics are.
With these unique clips we offer you the possibility to direct your own personal ‘Hand of Sorrow’ music video! Create your own video and enter the ‘Hand of Sorrow’ music video contest!

The winning video will be chosen as our new official ‘Hand Of Sorrow’ music video! But there’s more...the winner will be invited (from anywhere in the world!) with a friend to visit our exclusive seated show in Haarlem on November 27th. He/she will have lunch with Robert & Sharon in a first class restaurant, have VIP tickets during the show, have a get-together with the whole band after the show and will receive a complete WT merchandise package! He/she will spend two nights at a 4-star hotel in Haarlem and of course the winner will be transported from and to the airport as well as the venue.
The second prize is a Panasonic Blu-ray player and a signed ‘Black Symphony’ Blu-ray disc. And we will be giving away 10 packages containing a T-shirt (men’s/girls design) & a signed ‘Black Symphony’ Special Edition DVD box.
So, make your own ‘Hand Of Sorrow’ video and have a chance to win one of these great prizes! Information on how you can create your own video and how to join the competition can all be found on!

We look forward to your entry in this competition!

All the best,


Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 27, 2008, 11:30:44 pm
Ayer, Jeroen Van Veert, bajista de la banda, cumplio 34 años!!
FELICIDADES!!! :011: :011: :011:
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 31, 2008, 11:23:05 pm
Our Solemn Hour @ Eindhoven (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 31, 2008, 11:59:20 pm
La banda holandesa tira de orquesta y coros reales con puesta en escena a lo bestia, sonido de lujo e imágenes desde cualquier rincón en el Ahoy Arena de Rotterdam. Metal gótico, cuando lo bombástico se hace sublime, lo sencillo bello y la magia algo que se puede tocar y oí­r. Deja una envidia sana, pues por aquí­ seguimos de momento sin estar preparados para algo así­."

Buena critica!
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 06, 2008, 01:59:43 am
Caged @ Tilburg (2-11-2008) (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: _V_ en Noviembre 08, 2008, 12:29:43 am
Los holandeses WITHIN TEMPTATION no contarán con su baterí­a Stephen en su próxima gira por teatros. Tal y como ha informado la propia banda, el músico tiene que atender ciertos compromisos familiares, por lo que será sustituido durante este periplo por Mike Coolen (BROTHERHOOD FOUNDATION, DAYBROKE), que ya reemplazó a Stephen en algunos conciertos el año pasado.

Tras esta gira, el grupo ha anunciado que parará de tocar una temporada para centrarse en la composición y grabación de su nuevo álbum, además de tomarse tambiíén unas vacaciones y dedicarse a otros proyectos. El guitarrista Ruud Jolie seguirá trabajando con FOR ALL WE KNOW, Stephen Van Haestregt hará lo propio con MY FAVORITE SCAR, y el bajista Jeroen Van Veen comenzará a estudiar diseño en 3D.

La más reciente entrega del grupo es el DVD "Black Symphony", grabado en el teatro Ahoy Arena de Rotterdam, Holanda, el 7 de febrero del 2008 junto a la orquesta Metropole y que vio la luz el pasado 22 de septiembre ví­a Roadrunner Records.
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 11, 2008, 01:29:35 am
Una colaboración extraña! (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 12, 2008, 01:31:57 am

Hi everyone,

This winner of our Hand Of Sorrow competition is:

Jean-Francois Giroux, Quebec (CAN). Check it out here!

Congratulations! Jean- Francois will be invited with a friend to visit our exclusive seated show in Haarlem on November 27th. He will have lunch with Robert & Sharon in a first class restaurant, have VIP tickets during the show, have a get-together with the whole band after the show and will receive a complete WT merchandise package! He will spend two nights at a 4-star hotel in Haarlem and of course will be transported from and to the airport as well as the venue. We hope to soon meet you in Haarlem, Jean-Francois!

The most viewed video goes to:

Lee Drummond, Columbia South-Carolina (USA)

The video was viewed more than 58299 times. Lee Drummond will win a Blu-ray player with the Black Symphony Blu-ray!

The winners of a ‘Black Symphony’ merchandise T-shirt and signed Special Edition are:

1)Shelley van der Graaf, Schiedam (NL)

2)Todd Esplin, Terrace Green Point (AUS)

3) Rachel Graham, Hillsborough (IRL)

4) Jasmin Reno, Longueuil (CAN)

5) Sarah, Illinois (USA)

6) Mara Sembayev, Semey (KAZ)

7)Roxana Queipul, Chubut (RA)

8) Ives Jossa, Pieters-Rode (BE)

9) Michaela Hrubsova, Hluk (CZ)

10) Gina Pacheco, Calgary Alberta (CAN)

Congratulations everyone and thanks for entering the competition!!

Congratulations everyone and thanks for entering the competition!! You can still go to, where you can download unique video footage of our Black Symphony concert. These are various camera shots of our track Hand Of Sorrow, bonus fragments of our entire concert, exclusive backstage and tour material and other spectacular visuals that were shown during the concert. You can also find out about the background of Hand Of Sorrow, how we were inspired to write this song and what the lyrics are.
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 17, 2008, 01:31:46 am
The Cross (Amberes 14-11.2008) (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 20, 2008, 10:47:37 pm
Jilian @ Appeldoom (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 20, 2008, 10:49:27 pm
Pale @ Amberes (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 20, 2008, 11:30:10 pm
Caged @ Anwerpen (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 22, 2008, 12:11:55 am
Our Solemn Hour @ anwerpen (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 24, 2008, 11:33:31 pm
Hace un año del concierto de Eindhoven!!! (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 25, 2008, 11:55:07 pm
Mother Earth @ Máastricht (21-11-2008) (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 26, 2008, 11:47:14 pm
Frozen (acoustic) (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 27, 2008, 11:22:34 pm
All I Need @ Gronnigen (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 30, 2008, 11:10:28 pm
Frozen @ Teater de Spietrng (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 02, 2008, 11:56:58 pm
Angels @ Luxor Theatre (Rotterdam) (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 03, 2008, 11:09:46 pm
A phone call from Holland, where Within Temptation is ending their Theater Tour, gives us news about the future projects of the band.

The show that has taken place at Eindhoven on 30/11/08 has been filmed and will become a DVD! Within Temptation has also announced that there will be another Theater Tour in February 2010 and that their next album will be realeased in 2010 also.
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 07, 2008, 11:52:30 pm
Hoy. Eva Luna, la niña de Sharon y Robert ha cumplido 3 añitos!!!

 :011: :011: :011:
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 09, 2008, 11:37:57 pm
Pale @Eindhovem 30-11-2008 (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 15, 2008, 11:20:19 pm
Otra!! (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 16, 2008, 11:32:53 pm
Sharon hará acto de presencia en el nuevo album acústico que sacará el grupo de Anneke en 2009, donde tambien participaran otros musicos destacados como Niels Geusebroek (Silkstone), el compositor y vocalista Marike Jager, Danny Cavanagh (Anathema), John Wetton (King Crimson, Asia), y el maestro de maestros Arjen Lucassen (Ayreon)
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: _V_ en Diciembre 19, 2008, 03:23:39 pm
La ex-cantante de THE GATHERING Anneke van Giersbergen y su nuevo grupo AGUA DE ANNIQUE contarán con notables colaboraciones en su próxima obra. Además de Sharon den Adel de WITHIN TEMPTATION (junto a la cual ya canto Anneke apareciendo en el último DVD de WITHIN TEMPTATION), Niels Geusebroek (SILKSTONE) y el compositor y cantante Marike Jager, Anneke estará acompañada por Danny Cavanagh (ANATHEMA), John Wetton (KING CRIMSON, ASIA) y Arjen Lucassen (AYREON, ex-VENGEANCE).

Entre otras cosas, el disco incluirá versiones acústicas de algunos de los temas que aparecieron en el debut en solitario de la cantante "Air", cómo "Somewhere" en el que participa Sharon den Adel, y será presentado con dos conciertos especiales en los que participarán algunos de los invitados a la grabación. Estas presentaciones serán el 12 de febrero de 2009 en el Melkweg de Amsterdam, Holanda, y el 13 del citado mes en el Oosterpoort de Groningen, Holanda.

Para obtener más información visitad
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 22, 2008, 11:32:46 pm
Un cachito de una actuación en Hungrí­a!! (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 25, 2008, 11:53:18 pm
Galerí­a oficial!!! (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 27, 2008, 11:58:54 pm (

En Rumania
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 30, 2008, 11:41:51 pm
Las 3 canciones que no se incluyeron en el Java Eiland!!!

Somewhere (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 30, 2008, 11:47:18 pm
Running up that hill (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 30, 2008, 11:50:03 pm
Enter (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 05, 2009, 11:52:05 pm
Robert cumplió el viernes 34 años!!!
FELICIDADES!!!!! :011: :011: :011: :011: :011: :011: :011:
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 24, 2009, 11:13:01 pm
Neverending Story @ Tilburg (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 27, 2009, 11:52:31 pm
Orf (rareza) (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 30, 2009, 11:58:55 pm
Martjn Spirenborg, teclista de la banda, cumple hoy 34 años!!!
FELICIDADES!!! :011: :011: :011:
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 23, 2009, 11:41:17 pm
Sharon y Robert van a ser padres otra vez!!!

Hi everyone,

there's a new member coming for the 'Within Temptation revivalband'! This summer Robert & I expect our second child and we're really happy about that. Meanwhile, writing new songs is going very well, everything's looking good!

We can't wait to see you all next year, all the best and we'll see you soon!

Robert & Sharon
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 24, 2009, 11:25:29 pm



Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 17, 2009, 11:37:20 pm
We are nominated for 3 Dutch 3FM Awards! You can vote for us at"

Via Twitter oficial de WT.

Las nominaciones son

Best Rock Artist
Best Live Act
"In and Out of Love" Sharon + DJ Armin como Best Single
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 25, 2009, 11:11:32 pm
Han recibido un premio!!! (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 25, 2009, 11:39:35 pm
Sharon y Anneke - Somewhere @ Melkweg (12-02-2009) (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 05, 2009, 11:21:16 pm
En Guitar Hero!!! (

Para descargar!!!! (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 09, 2009, 09:43:24 pm
Again we have good news! Our DVD Black Symphony recently became gold in The Netherlands. The DVD contains our concert with the Metropole Orchestra in Ahoy Rotterdam.
Besides this, our album The Heart of Everything became gold in Russia.
We are very happy with these awards and want to thank you all for your support!
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 10, 2009, 10:52:47 pm
Un docu sobre la banda!!! (

Está en holandes y hace falta tener instalado el plugin del Windows Media Player.

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 17, 2009, 11:52:11 pm (

Votar (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 19, 2009, 11:28:18 pm
Ruud Jolie, guitarrista de la banda, cumple hoy 33 años!!!!
FELICIDADES!!! :011: :011: :011: :011: :011:
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 24, 2009, 11:53:29 pm
Hi all,
Rerun theatre tour 2010!
We have great news! After receiving great responses on our sold out theatre tour in 2008, we decided to do a rerun of this tour, so you'll still have the opportunity to attend these special seated concerts. During these shows we will be playing a lot of our songs in an acoustic version and we'll have special lighting and visual effects. The tour will cover 17 shows in The Netherlands and Belgium.

These are the dates!

03-04-2009 Stadsschouwburg Middelburg, Middelburg, The Netherlands.
07-04-2009 Twentse Schouwburg, Enschede, The Netherlands
08-04-2009 Philharmonie, Haarlem, The Netherlands
09-04-2009 Stadsschouwburg Sittard-Geleen, Sittard, The Netherlands
11-04-2009 De Oosterpoort, Groningen, The Netherlands
12-04-2009 Nieuwe Luxor Theater, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
13-04-2009 Stadsschouwburg Orpheus, Apeldoorn, The Netherlands
14-04-2009 Theater Heerlen, Heerlen, The Netherlands
16-04-2009 Muziekcentrum Frits Philips, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
17-04-2009 Muziekcentrum Frits Philips, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
18-04-2009 Theater aan de Parade, 's-Hertogenbosch, The Netherlands
20-04-2009 Vredenburg, Leidsche Rijn, Utrecht, The Netherlands
21-04-2009 Stadsgehoorzaal Leiden, Leiden, The Netherlands
23-04-2009 Concertgebouw de Vereeniging, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
24-04-2009 Theater De Meenthe, Steenwijk, The Netherlands
26-04-2009 Koningklijk Theater Carríé, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
28-04-2009 Koningin Elisabethzaal, Antwerpen, Belgium

Check our tour schedule for the dates the venues will pre-sale tickets. These will be our first live shows after a long period of writing and recording. We are already looking forward to see you again!

Guitar Hero
For all the gamers out there that, like us, love to play Guitar Hero… Our song ‘What Have You Done’ has recently been added as downloadable content! In the meantime the track has been downloaded lots of times, thx! For more info, check: Enjoy!

3FM Awards
Yesterday evening we have won a Dutch 3FM Award for the Best Live Act! Of course, we are very happy with this award and we would like to thank you very much for voting for us!

Merchandise packages
There are now special merchandise packages for a nice price added in the web shop. The packages contain a long sleeve for men or a lace top for girls, the official calendar 2009, a beanie and two sets of 5 cards. You can find the packages in the Within Temptation shop in the specials section. Price per package is 39,99 euro. Order this package now and have the chance to win one of 20 signed cards!

Meanwhile we're very busy working on our new album in the studio. The first songs have been written! :-) We'll keep you posted.

All the best,

Within Temptation.

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 25, 2009, 11:19:51 pm
Que gorda!!! (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 26, 2009, 11:19:49 pm
Bonita web!!! (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 30, 2009, 11:19:09 pm
Portada de Restless!!!!

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 04, 2009, 10:51:41 pm
Que espanto!!!! (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 09, 2009, 11:25:06 pm
Black Symphony ya es disco de oro en Holanda.
The Heart Of Everything oro en Rusia.

(Fuente: Web Oficial)
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 19, 2009, 11:57:58 pm
En la web oficial de WT nos piden que les nominemos para los TMF Awards que se llevaran a cabo el 04.07.09 en Rotterdam.
Para ello hay que ir a este link ( ) y clickar en:

- "Beste live act" y añadir "Within Temptation" al final de la lista en el hueco en blanco donde pone "Anders, namelijk"

- "Beste video" y añadir "Within Temptation - (nombre del videoclip que quereis nominar)" al final de la lista en el hueco en blanco donde pone "Anders, namelijk"

- "Beste Vrouw" (mejor mujer cantante), y añadir "Sharon Den Adel" (o solo Sharon, no estoy seguro, pero mejor especificar digo yo....) al final de la lista en el hueco en blanco donde pone "Anders, namelijk".

Un saludo y.... a votar!

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 29, 2009, 11:19:05 pm
Se casó Stephen!!

Anteriormente, Veroniek (la novia de Stephen), rechazo por dos veces la proposición de casarse con íél delante del resto de la banda, LO CUAL FUE MUY DIVERTIDO PARA NOSOTROS (xDD, vamos, soy yo Stephen y me la caho, xD)

Asique, la tercera propuesta de matrimonio fue muy romantica sin el resto de la banda y que hizo que fuese mas exitoso. Tuvo un bonito poema como toque final

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 29, 2009, 11:22:56 pm
Fotos!! (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 29, 2009, 11:29:55 pm
Las fotos son muy chulas!!!
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 04, 2009, 11:13:38 pm
Sharon y Robert ya tienen la parejita!!!

Two weeks ago he already made an attempt, but on Monday the 1st of June he made did it and Sharon gave birth to

Robin Aiden Westerholt.

The name by which he is called is Aiden.

Aiden is a healthy little man of 2360 grams and 46 cm and was born after 32 weeks and 6 days.

Both mother and son are doing well.

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 12, 2009, 11:23:14 pm
Sharon cumple hoy 35 años!!
FELICIDADES!! :011: :011: :011: :011: :011:

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 21, 2009, 11:20:28 pm
Dear WT-fans,
Tnxxx for all the sweet wishes, cards & presents we received from you by post, e-mail & the guestbook!
You gave the mailman a few heavy
We've made some photos of some of the things we received for Aiden (

El bebíé!!


Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 21, 2009, 11:23:39 pm
Esta semana se empezaron a vender entradas para el concierto de Apeldoorn del 14 de abril de 2010
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 31, 2009, 12:02:26 am
La viz de Sharon!!

La voz de Sharon Den Adel corresponde a la de una Soprano ligera y Soprano de coloratura. Se caracteriza por ser muy melódica, con un timbre muy brillante y agudos muy acentuados. Su registro vocal es de 2,6 octavas; canciones como Angels, Jillian, The Swan Song de The Silent Force, The Promise de Mother Earth y The Cross de The Heart Of Everything son ejemplos de su expresión vocal. Está considerada actualmente como una de las mejores voces del metal gótico junto a Simone Simons, Floor Jansen, Tarja Turunen, Vibeke Stene, entre otras. Es una de las mejores cantando en vivo, su voz es casi idíéntica a la de la grabación del estudio. El timbre natural de su voz es algo agudo y posee un gran control del mismo, por lo que le ayuda mucho.

Registro vocal: de DO Sus #4 a un FA Sus #6 (2,6 octavas)

Notas más altas:

"Memories" FA #5.
"The Swan song" FA #5.
"Angels" SOL #5.
"Jillian" SOl #5.
"Dangerous Mind" SOL Sus #5.
"The heart of everything" SOL Sus #5.
"What have you done? [Extended Version]" SOL Sus #5
"The Howling" SOL Sus #5
"Aquarius" LA #5
"Our Solemn Hour" LA #5
"The Truth Beneath The Rose" LA Sus #5
"The Cross" FA Sus #6
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 05, 2009, 11:12:31 pm
Podeis votar al Black Symphony en los Metal Female Voces Awards en la categorí­a de mejor DVD: (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 11, 2009, 11:14:36 pm
Great news! We can proudly announce the release of a new live album ‘ An Acoustic Night At The Theatre’! This album contains acoustic live tracks that were recorded during our sold out theatre tour in November 2008. These were very special concerts, as we added an acoustic set to our live show, making our show more intimate. Besides this we used film projections emphasizing the great theatre ambiance.

Es decir, van a sacar un nuevo CD de directos acusticos titulado ‘An Acoustic Night At The Theatre’ ("Una noche acustica en el teatro") grabados durante la gira teatral de Noviembre de 2008.
Dicen que fueron unos conciertos muy especiales, ya que al ser canciones en acustico fueron mas "intimos" y que ademas de ello usaron proyecciones interactuando con el gran ambiente del teatro. (lo que no se es porque cuentan esto ultimo, ya que supuestamente va a ser un CD y no un DVD no??)

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 12, 2009, 10:53:55 pm
Ya han anunciado la fecha de salida, y por lo que parece va a ser el 2 de Noviembre.
Tambien dicen que iran dando mas detalles sobre la produccion en la web, asiq que estemos atentos a nuevas noticias
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 12, 2009, 10:59:27 pm
Esto es lo que poní­a en al respecto:

Los holandeses WITHIN TEMPTATION sacarán un nuevo CD en directo titulado "An Acoustic Night At The Theatre" el 30 de octubre en Alemania, Austria y Suiza y el 2 de noviembre en el resto de Europa. El CD incluye temas acústicos grabados en directo en la gira por teatros que realizaron el pasado mes de noviembre 2008.

WITHIN TEMPTATION no pudieron contar con su baterí­a Stephen en la citada gira por teatros. Stephen, que tuvo que atender ciertos compromisos familiares, fue sustituido temporalmente por Mike Coolen (BROTHERHOOD FOUNDATION, DAYBROKE), quien ya habí­a reemplazado a Stephen en algunos conciertos el año pasado.

Aunque WITHIN TEMPTATION se tomarán un descanso durante este 2009, seguirán trabajando en material nuevo; el próximo álbum aparecerá en algún momento del 2010.

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 13, 2009, 11:49:36 pm
Mas sobre el álbum!!

Sólo va a contener 11 canciones (que no es ni un conciertoe entero) y no van a incluir ningún video de ese concierto (que fue grabado en video) ni tampoco del de Eindhoven (que tienen mucho material). Un disco en directo con sólo 11 canciones (pese a que estaran bien) no me atrae mucho...

Por ciero, Robert ha dicho en una entrevisa en la radio que el disco este va a contener 1 CANCIí“N NUEVA (que no será incluí­da en el nuevo disco).
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 30, 2009, 11:17:12 pm
Votaciones en Twitter!!

Mejor voz femenina (

Mejor álbum de la banda (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 06, 2009, 11:14:19 pm
La nueva canción de Within Temptation que será incluida en el disco de directo, y que se utilizará como single para la promoción del mismo, se llamará Utopia.

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 07, 2009, 11:11:05 pm
Gracias al Club de Fans Internacional The Silent Force, podemos anunciaros más noticias del nuevo single Utopia.

El single constará de dos canciones: Utopia y Restless (en directo en Beursgebouw). Para el Benelux e internacionalmente.

Aquí­ está la portada, evocadora sin duda de la gira de teatros.

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 08, 2009, 11:15:57 pm
La canción Utopia será un dueto entre Sharon y Chris Jones. Aquí­ la información que ha aparecido en el apartado de noticias de la sección holandesa

Dear fans,
After we had told you that we have a great end of October to release acoustic album entitled "An Acoustic Night At The Theater", we can now announce that it will stand on a new track. This track is titled "Utopia" and will be a duet between Sharon and Chris Jones. About Chris soon more information! The single will also be the song "Restless" as what was recorded during our show in Eindhoven Stock Exchange in 2007. The single will only appear physically in the Benelux on October 23, in the rest of the world will only appear on iTunes. Do you really single in hands, you can already order them soon in our webshop. Of course, we soon heard more about "Utopia", keep an eye on the site for more news!

Greetings, WT!
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 12, 2009, 10:42:38 pm
Stephen, baterí­a de la banda, cumple hoy 37 años!!
FELICIDADES!! :011: :011: :011: :011:
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 12, 2009, 11:20:59 pm
Tracklist del CD!!


01. Towards The End
02. Stand My Ground
03. Caged
04. All I Need
05. Frozen
06. Somewhere
07. The Cross
08. Pale
09. What Have You Done
10. Memories
11. Forgiven
12. Utopia
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 16, 2009, 11:10:46 pm
La portada!!

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: _V_ en Septiembre 17, 2009, 05:30:51 pm
Es bonita  :023:

Un par de fotos bonitas de Sharon q encontríé por la red :023:

( (

( (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 17, 2009, 11:38:31 pm
Me encanta la primera foto, sale preciosa!
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 18, 2009, 11:18:03 pm

   El tema cuenta la historia de dos amantes que no pueden estar unidos porque sus sueños no están permitidos en la vida real. "La única manera de estar juntos es que uno de ellos sacrifique su sueño", explica la vocalista. "La utopí­a es un mundo perfecto y la canción trata sobre ese momento en el que cada uno de nosotros tenemos que decidir cómo es la vida que queremos para el futuro", matiza.

   Junto a Utopia, el álbum contiene canciones emblemáticas de Within Temptation como Towards the end, Stand my ground, Caged, All I need, Frozen, Somewhere, The cross, Pale, What have you done, Memories y Forgiven.

   Within Temptation fue fundado en 1996 por Den Adel y Westerholt. La banda se completa con Ruud Jolie (guitarra), Jeroen van Veen (bajo), Martijn Spierenburg (teclados) y Stephen van Haestregt (baterí­a). El grupo holandíés, que ha sido capaz de mezclar el metal sinfónico con influencias del rock gótico, publicó su primer álbum, Enter, en 1997, para continuar con Mother Earth en 2001 y The silent force en 2004, que significó un íéxito mundial con la canción Stand my ground.

   El grupo tambiíén editó The silent force tour, un doble DVD+CD grabado en directo en 2005 en Holanda, Finlandia y Bíélgica. Tras su álbum de estudio The heart Of everything (2007) y el DVD Black symphony, ahora llega An acoustic night at the theatre.

 Imprimir  Enviar
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 20, 2009, 11:05:22 pm
Dear fans,
As you already know, we will be releasing a new acoustic live CD in the end of October. ‘An Acoustic Night At The Theatre’ will feature many of our biggest hits, played live and acoustic during our seated tour last year.
In April next year we will be doing a rerun of this tour, where we will be doing this particular show for the last time. After that, we will prepare ourselves for the new album, new show, etc. The exact release date is October 30th in some countries and 2 days later in some other countries. We will post an exact overview on that at a later date. Of course you want to know what's going to be on there, well here you go:

1. Towards The End
2. Stand My Ground
3. Caged
4. All I Need
5. Frozen
6. Somewhere (feat. Anneke van Giersbergen)
7. The Cross
8. Pale
9. What Have You Done (feat. Keith Caputo)
10. Memories
11. Forgiven
12. Utopia (feat. Chris Jones)

Of course you will be able to preorder the album through our webshop! We will also be releasing a video trailer shortly and will be recording a brand new video this weekend for our single Utopia! Keep an eye on Twitter for a live update on that!!

Ya esta oficialmente anunciado el tracklist del disco y la portada. En la noticia nos vuelven a explicar que en Abril del año que viene repitiran la gira teatral por ultima vez, y que tras ello se prepararan para el nuevo disco, nuevas actuaciones, etc.

Tambien dicen que la fecha exacta de salida a la venta del album es el 30 de Octubre o 2 dias mas tarde para algunos paises, que ya pondran mas tarde exactamente en que paises sale en una fecha o en otra.

Y finalmente nos dicen que podremos encargar el album a traves de la pagina oficial, y que estan editando un video a modo de trailer para el nuevo album y que este fin de semana han estado grabando (y creo que aun siguen) un nuevo videoclip para el single Utopia
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 20, 2009, 11:08:47 pm
Dos pewqueños videos!! (

El otro! (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 22, 2009, 10:53:37 pm
Trailer del CD!! (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 23, 2009, 11:18:55 pm
Otro sample de Utopia!! (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: _V_ en Septiembre 24, 2009, 10:49:44 pm
UTOPIA - WT(Feat Chris Jones) Single Version!!

Principio (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 24, 2009, 11:41:01 pm
Le puesto el principio que no estaba!
Es muy bonita!!
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 25, 2009, 11:46:39 pm
Utopia entera!! (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 28, 2009, 11:33:30 pm
Utopia (video) (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: _V_ en Septiembre 30, 2009, 04:24:45 pm
 Letra Utopia


It shines in the dark
And it grows within me
Youre holding my hand but you dont understand
So where I am going, you wont be in the end

Im dreaming in colors
Of getting the chance
Of dreaming of trying the perfect romance

The search of the door, to open your mind
In search of the cure of mankind
Help us were drowning
So close up inside

Why does it rain, rain, rain down on utopia?
Why does it have to kill the idea of who we are?
Why does it rain, rain, rain down on utopia?
How will the lights die down, telling us who we are?
Im searching for Answers
your hurting inside, is there life within me?

Youre holding my hand but you dont understand
So youre taking the road all alone in the end
Im dreaming in colors, no boundaries are there

Im dreaming the dream, and Ill sing to share
In search of the door, to open your mind
In search of the cure of mankind
Help us were drowning
So close up inside

Why does it rain, rain, rain down on utopia
Why does it have to kill the idea of who we are?
Why does it rain, rain, rain, down on utopia?
And when the lights die down, telling us who we are

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 30, 2009, 11:54:56 pm
Gracias por la letra!!
Es muy bonita!!
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 16, 2009, 11:05:34 pm
Utopia @ 538Fm (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 16, 2009, 11:08:26 pm
The Cross @ 538 FM (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 16, 2009, 11:17:03 pm
Entrevista!!! (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 24, 2009, 10:49:08 pm
EPK An acoustic night at the theatre (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 24, 2009, 10:51:21 pm
Sharon nos cuenta cosas sobre las canciones del disco! (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 24, 2009, 11:18:11 pm
Aquí­ (íéis escuchar el nuevo CD!!
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 26, 2009, 11:02:11 pm
Jeroen van Veert, bajista de la banda, cumple 35 años!!
FELICIDADES!!! :011: :011: :011: :011: :011: :011:
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 26, 2009, 11:38:59 pm
What have you Done (acoustic) (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 31, 2009, 11:16:14 pm
Entrevista!! (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 06, 2009, 10:47:56 pm
Dios que gracia!

Utopia version accidentada (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 06, 2009, 10:49:30 pm
Entrevista (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 07, 2009, 11:03:18 pm
Parece ser que hay nuevas noticias sobre el futuro lanzamiento de Within Temptation (Sharon lo ha dicho en una entrevista a la revista Hard Rock).

-El primero y más importante (por el momento) es que DANIEL GIBSON NO PARTICIPARí EN ESTE LANZAMIENTO. El nuevo disco será producido por ellos mismos (como el Mother Earth y Enter).   

- Parece ser que la fecha de salida será en Octubre del 2010.

- Será un álbum conceptual.
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 09, 2009, 11:22:19 pm
Sharon y John Miles - Stairway to Heaven (Night of the Proms) (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: _V_ en Noviembre 09, 2009, 11:31:05 pm
Dios que gracia!

Utopia version accidentada

jaja muy wenoo el video  :016:
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 09, 2009, 11:40:37 pm
Medley Night of the proms (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 15, 2009, 10:45:43 pm
Stephen y su mujer padres de una niña!!

On Thursday the 12th of November at 01.23 PM, Veroniek gave birth to a daughter:


Mother and daughter are doing great.

You can send your congratulations for Stephen, Veroniek & Silvin to AT management, address:

AT Productions B.V.
1e Van der Kunstraat 286
2521 AV The Hague,
The Netherlands

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 19, 2009, 11:38:13 pm
WT @ Kerrang (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 19, 2009, 11:41:30 pm
Stand My Ground @ Night Of The Proms (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 21, 2009, 11:52:08 pm
3 acusticos

Utopia (

The Cross (

What Have You Done (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 23, 2009, 11:28:24 pm

Entradas agotadas para el segundo concierto en Eindhoven del tour de teatros de 2010
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 23, 2009, 11:33:54 pm
Ahoy NOTP (21-11-2009) (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 24, 2009, 11:06:04 pm
'We want to do something different, that will surprise and maybe even shock our fans.
There is a need of change, and we are working on it
We want to change our sound and go back to our roots, which does not mean that Robert’s part is coming back.(She even says it will never return).
It will be sounding like the late ’80’s, early ‘90’s . We are going forwards the sound of The Cure or even Nine Inch Nails. '

...Sharon den Adel nos comenta que el nuevo disco será totalmente diferente, las personas quedarán en shock con las nuevas canciones, cambiaran su sonido e irán un poco más lejos, a sus raí­ces, pero eso si, se aclara que no habrán guturales.

Este nuevo sonido será inspirado en algunas bandas de finales de los 80’s o comienzos de los 90’s, como The Cure o Nine Inch Nails, y no habrá orquestación
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 05, 2009, 10:35:49 pm
Galeria de fotos! (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 07, 2009, 10:58:41 pm
Hoy Eva, la hija de Sharon y Robert, cumple 4 años!
FELICIDADES!!! :011: :011: :011: :011: :011: :011:
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 09, 2009, 11:21:25 pm
El video de Utopia tiene 1 millon de visitas!!

Since the premiere of the videoclip of Utopia, the video has reached 1 million views today!!

While writing this news item the video had been viewed 1,005,642 times!
This means that Utopia is the best viewed video of Within Temptation in such a short time!
In that same time there has been 5,713 comments!

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 10, 2009, 11:08:19 pm
Stephen y Veroniek nos presentan a Lena!!

On Thursday November 12th 2009 our daughter Lenna was born
her weight is 3530 gram and she has a very proud big brother!
Thanks for al the e-mails, 'krabbels', cards and gifts!

Stephen en Veroniek

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 10, 2009, 11:10:20 pm
Utopia, un millón de vistas!

Since the premiere of the videoclip of Utopia, the video has reached 1 million views today!!

While writing this news item the video had been viewed 1,005,642 times!
This means that Utopia is the best viewed video of Within Temptation in such a short time!
In that same time there has been 5,713 comments!

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 10, 2009, 11:13:12 pm
Hi everyone,

We have seen a couple of nice homemade 'Utopia' videoclips on Youtube where you guys perform the song in your own version. This is cool and we thought it would be great to make WT Christmas compilation of that. We like to encourage you to do more 'Utopia' videoclips and we’ll be selecting the best ones for the compilation video which can be used as a great Christmas video.

To make it easier we’ll provide you an 'Utopia' instrumental track download here. You can film and record your performance (singing, playing an instrument etc.) to the instrumental track or you can of course do it totally your own way. If you want to join in, you should upload your video on Youtube until Dec 16th at the very latest. We will then look for the best clips and make a collage plus the WT Christmas greetings. The Christmas video will have its premiere by the end of next week on the official WT Youtube channel and you’ll find out if your performance is featured.

In order for us to find your performance clip it is very important to stick to the following procedure: Once you have uploaded your clip to your Youtube channel you have to send us the link by replying on Twitter to '@wtofficial', with the reference '#utopia'. We are looking forward to receive many videos until Dec 16th, showcasing your talents as performer.

See you soon!

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 13, 2009, 10:38:25 pm
Entrevista a Sharon!

Ver entrevista aquí­ (

Me ha hecho gracia que le guste Lady Gaga!
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 13, 2009, 10:46:57 pm
Entrevista (Faceculture)

Parte I (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 13, 2009, 10:51:30 pm
Segunda Parte (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 19, 2009, 11:12:24 pm
La banda subasta un disco de platino de The Silent Force por una causa beníéfica

Podeis pujar aquí­ (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 22, 2009, 11:04:58 pm
Stairway to Heaven (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 25, 2009, 10:46:27 pm
Utopia Christmas remix (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 02, 2010, 10:25:09 pm
Robert cumple hoy 35 años!!!
FELICIDADES!!!!! :011: :011: :011: :011: :011: :011: :011:
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 04, 2010, 10:47:00 pm
Stand my Ground @ NOTP (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 04, 2010, 10:52:45 pm
Mother Earth/Ice Queen (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 04, 2010, 11:01:31 pm
Ensayos Black Symphony (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 25, 2010, 11:13:15 pm
Hi everyone,

Until we haven't updated Facebook a lot, but we're picking up on this! We're currently working hard on writing new songs, we'll be updating you soon! Make sure to sign up for our mailinglist on our website to be updated first!

All the best,

Están escribiendo!!
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 30, 2010, 11:45:20 pm
Martjn Spirenborg, teclista de la banda, cumple hoy 35 años!!!
FELICIDADES!!! :011: :011: :011:
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 07, 2010, 11:22:48 pm
Sharon y la giganta (perdón quise decir Floor) (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: _V_ en Febrero 26, 2010, 11:32:41 pm
No recuerdo si postee esta foto o tos modos vale la pena repetirla jiji

( (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 26, 2010, 11:46:41 pm
Que mal sale Simone!! :024: :024: (con 25 kilos de maquillaje y el fotografo en contra no se puede salir bien......) :016: :016:
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: _V_ en Febrero 27, 2010, 12:15:05 am
boh pos a mi no me parece q salga tan menos no la puse con esa intención :80: :01:
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 27, 2010, 11:15:16 pm
Esta simpática la foto!
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 28, 2010, 10:44:30 pm
Sharon ha participado en el tema “Land Ahead” del nuevo album de la banda alemana OOMPH! (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 07, 2010, 10:45:29 pm
Sharon ha vuelto a colaborar con Armin van Buuren cantando el tema “In and Out Love” en la gala de los premios Harpen Gala 2010, contando además con la colaboración de la Metropole Orchestra (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 08, 2010, 11:02:29 pm
WT has won 2 online awards!
On the French website Metal Symphonique fans could vote for their favorite bands.
Last Friday the winners were announced during a ceremony in Paris. WT won the award for “Best Video” for the video of Utopia and the “Golden Key” award for their whole career.

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 17, 2010, 10:59:36 pm
Sharon cantará en el "Concert for Chile" que se celebrará el 24 de Marzo en el Melkweg de Amsterdam!
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 22, 2010, 10:51:17 pm
La cadena de TV Kerrang ofrecerá un especial sobre la banda a las 20:30h del miercoles!
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 23, 2010, 11:41:40 pm
Según nos cuenta Anneke el concirto por Chile se ha suspendido!

Queridos Amigos,

Con profundo pesar les informamos que el próximo Concierto por Chile ha sido cancelado. Estas dos ultimas semanas estuvimos trabajando a contra reloj para hacer esto posible. Tení­amos algunos de los nombres mas populares en la música de Holanda apoyando este concierto a beneficio. Sin embargo la preventa de entradas no fue siquiera cercana a lo que esperábamos para el concierto.
Hoy tuvimos que tirar la toalla; a pesar del masivo apoyo de la gente de Melkweg y todos los artistas y el equipo. Recibí­ una impresionante cantidad de mensajes conmovedores de la gente Chilena: Gracias a todos.
No se pueden imaginar lo triste que estoy en este momento. Todos los beneficios de mi nuevo simple igualmente van a ser destinados a ayudar a Chile. Gracias por comprender, cuí­dense y espero verlos pronto.

Con mucho amor,
Anneke X

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 25, 2010, 11:00:07 pm


Enjoying a bit of sunshine while rehearsing. Getting ready for our tour next week, can't wait
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 30, 2010, 10:55:43 pm
Stephen se va!!

La noticia nos llega desde la web oficial, en la que encotramos un mensaje de Stephen al respecto, y otro de la banda dando las gracias a íél y a Veroniek por el tiempo compartido.

El 29 de Abril, en Bíélgica será su ultimo concierto con la banda. Stephen seguirá con su otro grupo My Favorite Scar, que en breve sacan a la venta su disco y tendrán un single titulado "Waste" que se podrá descargar de manera gratuita.

¡Te echaremos de menos Stephen!
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 30, 2010, 10:58:32 pm
Los mensajes!!



We are sorry to announce that Stephen and Within Temptation will go their separate ways after the upcoming theatre tour. It isn't easy to say goodbye after all we've been through together. In this period of time many dreams have become reality for all of us and exceeded our highest expectations. Through the good and bad it has created a bond; we've had a wedding, a funeral and have seen each others kids being born and growing-up. Everything passed in a flash and we are looking back on it with a smile.
We would like to thank him and Veroniek for all the great moments, passion and devotion. We wish you the best for the future! You can still see Stephen on stage with the upcoming theatre tour and in the future with his band 'My Favorite Scar'. If you are curious check their site or their Myspace site.

Within Temptation


Dear all,  This may come as a surprise, but after ten great years the time has come for me and Within Temptation to go our separate ways.   

WT was an unstoppable train. I remember well the time that I got involved with WT as a Studio Technician. Mother Earth marked the beginning of a successful era. I couldn't have imagined that I would be their drummer in two years time. WT developed from an underground band to Holland's best selling musical export product. A childhood dream came true: I toured over 40 countries, shared the same stage with heroes like Iron Maiden, Metallica and Rammstein and performed in a sold out Ahoy with the Metropole Orchestra. In short, it's been an incredible time. The things we experienced will stay with me forever.

But on April 29 in Antwerp, Belgium, I'll be on stage with WT for the last time.

From the start of our sabbatical year (end of 2008) I started producing, recording and mixing other bands again. I found a great working spot at the Swamp Studio in Raamsdonk (NL). Very close to where I live, so I can spend more time with my family.  As a musician, you have not seen the last of me though! On the contrary. As some of you may have read in our fan magazine a while ago,  I have been involved with another project for quite a while now, "My Favorite Scar". In this band I feel right at home, musically as well as personally. I believe this band is at the beginning of a bright future, yet all depends on the support of the fans, as always. Hopefully you'll love and support My Favorite Scar as much as you do Within Temptation! 
In July 2010 My Favorite Scar will release its debut album. In March 2010 we will release our first single "Waste", as a free download and we'll be starting a Dutch tour in March too. We will be playing as many Dutch and foreign shows as we possibly can. Hopefully I'll see you guys again somewhere at a festival or a clubshow! 

I've always found it hard to say goodbye and this time it's no different. I've enjoyed a great time with our crew and the band. So thanks to Debbie, Pim, Guus, Bennie, Arwin, Marco, Rob, Guido, Rene, Paul and all other crew members who worked with us in the past, Raymond, Martijn, Iris and everyone at AT, Sharon, Robert, Jeroen, Ruud and my roommate Martijn and last but not least, the fans all over the world. Thank you all for an unforgettable time. Hopefully our paths will cross again soon. 

Horns up! 
Stephen van Haestregt
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 04, 2010, 11:29:39 pm
Empezó la gira!!

Nuevo vestido!!


Para la 2º parte usó este!



Towards The End
Stand My Ground
The Cross
All I Need
Utopia (Sharon only, with the lyrics on the screens)
The Heart of Everything

What Have You Done
Hand of Sorrow
Mother Earth

Our Solemn Hour
Ice Queen
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 06, 2010, 10:53:21 pm
Aquí­ ( hay videos de la nueva gira!
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 06, 2010, 11:00:40 pm
Foto de ayer!!

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 06, 2010, 11:02:11 pm

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 08, 2010, 11:29:28 pm
Fotos (ayer)


Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 15, 2010, 06:44:37 pm
Una foto de Gronigen!!

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 18, 2010, 04:21:36 pm
Fotos aquí­ (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 20, 2010, 03:27:59 pm
Ruud Jolie, guitarrista de la banda, cumplió ayer 34 años!!!!
FELICIDADES!!! :011: :011: :011: :011: :011:
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 24, 2010, 10:36:36 pm
All I Need en Vampire Diaries (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 26, 2010, 10:39:52 pm
There's already a new date added on Within Temptation's official Tour section of the website. Sharon Den Adel will join 'Because i'm a girl' - event on 17-06-2010 at Java Eiland.
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 27, 2010, 10:36:13 pm
Ayer Stephen dió su último concierto con WT en Holanda y dió un pequeño discurso!! (

"I'm not that good in speeches, because Robert is the one making jokes all the time, But I'll try. You won't get rid of me in the music industrie, I could never dream about a better location to close my Dutch shows with WT than Carríé and I love you guys"
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 28, 2010, 10:43:06 pm
Martijn, el teclista de WT, va a colaborar con Anette Olzon (Nightwish) en un nuevo proyecto!

Hi all;=)

I hope you have a great day like I have had;=)

Tonight I am going to the studio again for the project I am working on. This is a project with two songwriters, Fredrik Bergh (Street talk, Bloodbound) and Martijn Spierenburg (Within Temptation). Great guys and songwriters and its an honour for me to record their songs;=)

What we will do with this project I will tell you more about as soon as I can of course;=)

The song I am doing at the moment is really fun to sing and tonight I will do the harmonies for it.

Enjoy the evening
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: _V_ en Abril 29, 2010, 02:22:47 pm
( (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: _V_ en Abril 29, 2010, 02:29:06 pm
Historia de Sharon y Robert

Los nenes
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 29, 2010, 03:29:59 pm
Silvin es el niño de Stephen!
Y Luna es un calco de Robert!
Muy lindos!
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 29, 2010, 11:15:35 pm
We're always talking about Sharon's collaborations... but what about Ruud?

He will be playing with Agua de Annique during Joris' parental leave. Dates are as follows:

Apr 30 Rock'n Dark Festival - Istanbul
May 16 Lyon FR - CCO
May 18 Barcelona ES - Bikini
May 20 Marseille FR - Le poste í  Galí¨ne
May 21 Paris FR - La Scí¨ne Bastille
May 22 Tilburg NL - 013

Shows in France and Spain will be recorded, so who knows? Maybe we'll have a nice vid with Ruud on it in the future.

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 01, 2010, 08:00:36 pm
Martijn va a ser padre! Lo contó Stephen en su discurso de despedida!!

At the show in Antwerp, Stephen was speeching about a WT-revival band, and he dropped something about a baby that is on its way, and asked Martijn if he was allowed to tell the audience about the news, and Martijn gave him permission, so except the sad news about Stephen leaving WT, there's very good news about a new WT member, because Martijn will become a father
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 01, 2010, 11:00:14 pm
Final show Stephen!

Hi Everyone,

To give you an impression of the last day of the theatre tour and the last show of Stephen there was a photo diary was made by photographer Diana Bloemendal. Enjoy!

Cu WT ( (backstage) ( (concierto)
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 01, 2010, 11:32:32 pm
El adios de Stephen (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 04, 2010, 10:35:11 pm
Within Temptation han sido nominados a los Dutch 3FM Awards 2010!!! en nada mas y nada
menos que 5 categorias: Mejor Banda, Mejor Cantante (Sharon den
Adel), Mejor Banda de Rock, Mejor Single (What Have You Done feat
Keith Caputo) y Mejor ílbum (The Heart of Everything).

VOTAR lo unico que teneis que hacer es:
#1 - Ingresar en 3FM ...
Start – inicio / comenzar
#3 Selecionar las categorias donde aparece
nominados WT beste band - Mejor Banda beste zangeres - Mejor
Cantante (Sharon den Adel) beste artiest rock - Mejor Artista/Banda
de Rock beste single - Mejor Single (What have you done - ft.
Keith Caputo) beste album - Mejor Album (The Heart Of Everything)
Para desplazarce entre las categorias *Vorige – anterior
* Volgende – siguiente
#5 Para completar la Votación deben
Llenar todas las casillas con sus datos
– Nombre Dirección Calle/Casa
– Código Postal
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 01, 2010, 10:33:47 pm
Hoy, Robin Aiden Westerholt, hijo de Sharon y Robert cumple 1 añito!
FELICIDADES!!! :011: :011: :011: :011:
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 02, 2010, 11:19:30 pm
Sobre el proyecto de Martijn y Anette!!

About the project with Fredrik and Martijn (Within temptation) its going forward and I have recorded one song that is with Martijn for mixing at the moment and I look forward to hear it soon. The project album is also discussed with record labels at the moment and as soon as we know more I promise to tell you who more will be involved etc

Esto cuenta Nettie!
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 09, 2010, 10:45:11 pm
THRESHOLD keyboard player Richard West has enlisted the services of guitarist Ruud Jolie of WITHIN TEMPTATION and drummer Mark Zonder of FATES WARNING for the recording of a new currently unnamed project fronted by vocalist Farrah West.

The project was first planned in 2002 when Farrah and Richard moved from their U.K. home to the Czech Republic to find time and space to record their debut album, with guest musicians including guitarist Tore í˜stby (ARK, CONCEPTION). However, the project stalled and Richard West spent the following years concentrating on progressive metal band THRESHOLD, clocking up European chart success with two albums and scoring a motion picture soundtrack slot for his song "Pilot In The Sky Of Dreams".

In 2009, Farrah and Richard started to focus once again on the project, co-writing a new album of songs and enlisting the services of Zonder and Jolie for the recordings.

The album is currently in the final stages of production, with an expected release later this year.

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 12, 2010, 10:37:06 pm
new (probably) work-titles of new songs leaked out,

1. “BROKEN”(Westerholt, Robert / Gibson, Daniel Bjí¶rn)
2. “WHERE DID I GO”(Westerholt, Robert / Gibson, Daniel Bjí¶rn)
3. “LIKE A BUTTERFLY”(Westerholt, Robert / Gibson, Daniel Bjí¶rn)
4. “THAT IS WHO I AM”(Westerholt, Robert / Gibson, Daniel Bjí¶rn)
5. “HOW ARE YOU”(Adel den, Sharon / Holleman, Oscar / Merkelbach, Rene / Westerholt, Robert)

4. Is I think the song "Thats Who I Am", written by Robert, for Chris Jones. Not sure of that one

These songs are NOT confirmed. Source: BMI
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 15, 2010, 11:58:37 pm
El teclista de THRESHOLD Richard West ha reclutado al guitarrista Ruud Jolie (WITHIN TEMPTATION) y al baterí­a Mark Zonder (FATES WARNING, WARLORD) para la creación de un nuevo proyecto aún sin nombre que se completa con la cantante Farrah West.

El proyecto fue creado originalmente en el 2002 cuando Farrah y Richard se trasladaron desde el Reino Unido hasta a República Checa, en donde encontraron tiempo y sitio para grabar el disco junto al guitarrista Tore í˜stby (ARK, CONCEPTION) entre otros invitados. No obstante, la cosa no salió adelante y West decidió centrarse en THRESHOLD.

El álbum, que comenzaron a grabar el pasado 2009, deberí­a salir en algún momento del presente año.
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 16, 2010, 10:55:44 pm
La serie Los Tudor (TVE) utiliza las melodí­as de ME, inicio y final en su anuncio! (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 17, 2010, 10:53:03 pm

Sharon cantó "nothing else matters"
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 18, 2010, 10:45:48 pm
Nothing Else Matters (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 18, 2010, 10:48:29 pm
Woman in Chains (ft Nils Krake) (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 19, 2010, 10:41:55 pm
Ruud, en la última actualización de su web ( nos cuenta cantidad de colaboraciones en las que está envuelto, y de grabaciones que están llevándose a cabo en el estudio que tiene en su casa.

Lo mejor es que tambiíén comenta que empezará con las grabaciones para álbum de Within Temptation dentro de muy poco en íése mismo estudio.

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: _V_ en Junio 20, 2010, 04:34:37 pm
sorry pero no me pega na sharon cantando nothing else matters  :024: :80:
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 20, 2010, 10:49:07 pm
Ni a mi...... :024: :024: :024:
Y no me gusta verla en vaqueros!!!!
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 02, 2010, 11:10:32 pm

Since a while Ruud Jolie has been occupying himself with his soloproject called “For All We Know” for which the recordings are almost done. He got help among others from Líéo Margarit (Pain of Salvation) on drums, Kristoffer Gildenlí¶w (Dial, ex-Pain of Salvation) on bass and the very diverse singer Wudstik. You'll also find some guests like the guitarists John Wesley (liveguitarist Porcupine Tree) and Richie Faulkner (Lauren Harris) and the singers Damian Wilson (Threshold), Daniel Gildenlí¶w (Pain of Salvation) and Sharon on the album. Mixing will take place this summer. Hopefully it will be released sometime later this year. Checkout his website ( and twitter ( for regular updates!
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 03, 2010, 10:45:27 pm
Para votar por Sharon: (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 03, 2010, 11:01:03 pm
Ruud nos cuenta que.......

Sharon Den Adel will sing on my little canon song I wrote for my upcoming soloalbum.
I really wanted a female voice on it and of course I asked my bandmate for the last 9 years. She reacted very enthusiastically. She'll sing this song together with Wudstik, Daniel Gildenlí¶w (he also did an amazing job!) and Damian Wilson...

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 03, 2010, 11:02:31 pm
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 04, 2010, 10:22:21 pm
Otro trailer de "Los Tudor" con The Howling de fondo!! (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 04, 2010, 10:27:52 pm
Ruud ya ha grabado guitarras de 2 canciones!!

Done with song number 2... The tuning... OH the TUNING! But it's going to be tight as f.... Is it time for a beer now?
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 07, 2010, 10:44:03 pm
Posibles tí­tulos!!!

Aquí­ os lo dejo, y que vuela la imaginación!!
- Addict
- Amazing
- Falling
- I Gotta Get Out
- If So
- In Vain
- Insomnia
- Just Do It
- Not You
- One
- Rain
- Sad Song
- Save Yourself
- She’s out of my Life
- Stage of your Heart
- You Know my Name

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 09, 2010, 10:35:56 pm
Announcing very cool stuff in the upcoming 2 weeks! You'd better sign up for both Twitter and our newsletter! WT.
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 12, 2010, 10:09:59 pm
Hoy Sharon den Adel cumple 36 años!!

FELICIDADES!!!!!!!!!!!! :011: :011: :011:
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 22, 2010, 10:37:18 pm
WT tiene nuevo y renombrado diseñador para el vestuario del próximo disco/tour.

"On September 6th, Sharon shall open the anniversary show of Dutch couturier Ronald Kolk in the grand ballroom of Grand Hotel Krasnapolsky in Amsterdam. At this occasion, both Dutch artists will announce a new collaboration.

Ronald Kolk is an internationally renowened fasion designer who has worked with stars such as Bette Midler, Tina Turner, Grace Jones and The Pointer Sisters. Kolk is famous for using the best, most valuable fabrics and assesoires available. Ronald Kolk shall design the new wardrobe for us which will be worn for the artwork photo shooting for our upcoming new album and for our world tour in 2011.

The collaboration starts with a spectacular opening of Ronald Kolk’s “Couture Boudoir Noir” anniversary show which will be held for 550 selected guest on September 6th in Amsterdam".

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 22, 2010, 10:43:25 pm
Actuarán en el dia del club de fans el 10 de octubre!

Like we promised you, we have exciting news!
On the fanclubday we will have a very special event at the end of the day: the band will be performing as well, only for the members of TSF!
It's been a long time since they were on stage, this will be one of their first performances since their theatertour earlier this year.
The concert will be included with the fanclubday, so there will be no other ticketsale or evening concert.
In other words: it's exclusively for for TSF members and their guests!
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 23, 2010, 10:54:03 pm
En Twitter!

We just pushed the button for something very exciting. Be prepared for a busy WT week next week, make sure you're on our mailinglist!

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 26, 2010, 10:16:39 pm
Stay tuned for exciting news, most likely to follow very late tonight or tomorrow early morning!
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 26, 2010, 10:34:20 pm
Según pone en la página de AT Productions, el disco saldrá en la primavera de 2011!

"The band currently is recording their new studio album, the successor of “the Heart Of Everthing” is scheduled for release in spring 2011".
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 27, 2010, 12:06:42 am

Last week, the band announced that they will go on a new World tour.
We can now announce the dates!
Especially for TSF members, there will be an exclusive pre-sale, starting Wednesday on our website!
All members will get a newsletter with the URL to the pre-sale.
If you just became a member, we will do everything to activate all memberships on time.
Did you order your membership and did you pay for it? Then you will also receive the newsletter.
Our treasurer is on vacation until August 1st, So it can take a while before you have access to the member content on the site. But you can join the pre-sale.
The tour dates are:

25-02-2011 Heerhugowaard (NL), De Waerdse Tempel
27-02-2011 Tilburg (NL), 013
28-02-2011 Amsterdam (NL), Paradiso
06-03-2011 Groningen (NL), Oosterpoort
09-03-2011 Stockholm (S), Annexet
10-03-2011 Oslo (N), Sentrum Scene
11-03-2011 Copenhagen (DK), Vega
13-03-2011 Hamburg (D), Docks
14-03-2011 Berlin (D), Columbiahalle
15-03-2011 Warsaw (PL), Stodola
17-03-2011 Dresden (D), Schlachthof
18-03-2011 Vienna (A), Arena
20-03-2011 Munich (D), Tonhalle
21-03-2011 Zí¼rich (CH), Volkshaus
22-03-2011 Milan (I), Alcatraz
24-03-2011 Barcelona (E), Razzmatazz
25-03-2011 Madrid (E), La Riviera
27-03-2011 Paris (F), Le Bataclan
28-03-2011 Cologne (D), E-Werk
30-03-2011 London (GB), Shepherd’s Bush Empire
31-03-2011 Brussels (B), Ancienne Belgique
01-04-2011 Esch/Alzette (L), Rockhal
02-04-2011 Kerkrade (NL), Rodahal

See you there!

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 27, 2010, 10:37:05 pm

Dear Fans,
We are very excited to make this announcement. As you know, we have been very busy working on our new album in the past year. It isn't finished yet, but we're getting there! We currently have the album scheduled for the beginning of 2011 and of course we will be touring soon after the album release! We're returning to the European stages in February and March for the first part of the tour and head straight into the festival season after that.
We will be sending special links out to our fan club members starting Wednesday July 28th, so they will be able to take part in an exclusive pre-sale for fan club members only. Check to see the details on Wednesday. General presale will start on Friday July 30th unless otherwise mentioned on our tour page. Check back for all the exact pre-sale links. There will be Twitter-tags for all the shows. If you mention them in your Twitter-messages, you will be able to see who else is going to the same show as you and communicate with them, so check those out on our website! Here are the dates of the first part of the tour, we hope to see you there!!
25-02-2011 Heerhugowaard (NL), De Waerdse Tempel
27-02-2011 Tilburg (NL), 013
28-02-2011 Amsterdam (NL), Paradiso
06-03-2011 Groningen (NL), Oosterpoort
09-03-2011 Stockholm (S), Annexet
10-03-2011 Oslo (N), Sentrum Scene
11-03-2011 Copenhagen (DK), Vega
13-03-2011 Hamburg (D), Docks
14-03-2011 Berlin (D), Columbiahalle
15-03-2011 Warsaw (PL), Stodola
17-03-2011 Dresden (D), Schlachthof
18-03-2011 Vienna (A), Arena
20-03-2011 Munich (D), Tonhalle
21-03-2011 Zí¼rich (CH), Volkshaus
22-03-2011 Milan (I), Alcatraz
24-03-2011 Barcelona (E), Razzmatazz
25-03-2011 Madrid (E), La Riviera
27-03-2011 Paris (F), Le Bataclan
28-03-2011 Cologne (D), E-Werk
30-03-2011 London (GB), Shepherd's Bush Empire
31-03-2011 Brussels (B), Ancienne Belgique
01-04-2011 Esch/Alzette (L), Rockhal
02-04-2011 Kerkrade (NL), Rodahal

More news about the album and more touring plans will follow a.s.a.p.
All the best,

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 28, 2010, 10:31:34 pm
Within Temptation ya están anunciando las fechas de su gira del próximo año 2011. Así­, ya hay dos fechas confirmadas en España para el próximo mes de marzo, en Madrid y Barcelona. La banda nórdica estará presentando los nuevos temas en los que ya están trabajando y que formarán parte de su sexto álbum de estudio, que verá la luz a principios de año.

Este mismo viernes, 30 de julio, se ponen a la venta las entradas para estos dos conciertos a partir de las 10:00 horas de la mañana en la red Ticketmaster al precio de 27 Euros (gastos de distribución no incluidos). Las fechas completas son las siguientes:

Jueves 24 de marzo de 2011: Razzmatazz, Barcelona
Viernes 25 de marzo de 2011: La Riviera, Barcelona

¡así­ que ya sabíéis! no podemos perder tiempo en comprar la entrada. 27 euros no es muy caro...

información sacada de: hin-temptation-gira-espanola-en-marzo-de-2011.html
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 30, 2010, 10:40:07 pm
Dear fans,

The pre-sale for the tour we announced earlier this week has now started! Check the tourpage on for all the exact information, but to help you out we listed everything below as well. The exclusive presale for our fanclubmembers has been very successful, so make sure to get your tickets in time!

Date City Venue General sale
25-02-2011 Heerhugowaard Waerdse Tempel
27-02-2011 Tilburg 013
28-02-2011 Amsterdam Paradiso
06-03-2011 Groningen Oosterpoort
09-03-2011 Stockholm Arena
10-03-2011 Oslo Sentrum
11-03-2011 Copenhagen Vega
13-03-2011 Hamburg Docks
14-03-2011 Berlin Columbiahalle
15-03-2011 Warsaw Stodola
17-03-2011 Dresden Schlachthof
18-03-2011 Vienna Arena
20-03-2011 Munich Tonhalle
21-03-2011 Zurich Volkshaus Start 03-08-2010
22-03-2011 Milan Alcatraz
24-03-2011 Barcelona Razzmatazz
25-03-2011 Madrid La Riviera
27-03-2011 Paris Le Bataclan
28-03-2011 Cologne E-Werk
30-03-2011 London Shepherd's Bush Empire
31-03-2011 Brussels Ancienne Belgique
01-04-2011 Luxemburg Rockhal
02-04-2011 Kerkrade Rodahal

See you soon!

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 30, 2010, 10:41:42 pm

Y esto no tiene por quíé ser definitivo, pero por lo que pone en la página de ticketmaster parece que no hay teloneros:

- apertura de puertas: 21'00 h
- Within Temptation: 22'00 h

- apertura de puertas: 20,30 h
- Within Temptation: 21,30 h

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 02, 2010, 10:59:54 pm
El 2 de Julio se dio inicio a la votación de quien serí­a la nueva reina del metal para el 2010, es así­ que luego de casi 1 mes de votaciones, nuestro amigo Artavazd Barseghyan (Spalx) ha oficializado que Sharon den Adel ha quedado en el primer lugar con el 36% de los votos, 41,279 de un total de 115,478 mil votos a nivel mundial. Felicitaciones para Sharon!!!

Y como se mencionó en el post anterior, íésta será una edición especial, y de coleccionistas, para la revista Rock & Metal World, donde se incluirá a las 5 vocalistas que quedaron en los primeros lugares. Un Top 5, con entrevistas, reseñas, discografí­as, y mucho más. Las 5 primeras son:

01. Sharon den Adel – 36% (41279 votes)
02. Tarja Turunen – 35% (39973 votes)
03. Simone Simons – 14% (15592 votes)
04. Cristina Scabbia – 4% (4458 votes)
05. Floor Jansen – 2% (1852 votes)

En los próximos dí­as se irá preparando la edición especial de la revista, pero recuerden que el 15 de Agosto se publicará la tan esperada sexta edición de “Rock & Metal World“, que viene tambiíén con muchas sorpresas y novedades. Agradecimientos a todos los que votaron, los que la pasaron bien y se divirtieron comentando, realmente fue muy agradable.
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 05, 2010, 11:03:35 pm
La banda holandesa Within Temptation, que ha vendido casi 3.000.000 de álbumes en todo el mundo, comenzará su gira europea en febrero de 2010. En nuestro paí­s los tendremos el 24 de marzo en Barcelona (Sala Razzmataz) y el 25 en Madrid (La Rivera).

Actualmente Within Temptation está grabando su sexto álbum de estudio que saldrá a la venta a principios de año. La nueva gira de Within Temptation comenzará el 25 de febrero de 2011 en Heerhugowaard (Holanda) para finalizar el 2 de abril en Kerkrade (Holanda).

A lo largo de esta gira Within Temptation pasará tambiíén por Amsterdam, Groningen, Estocolmo, Oslo, Copenhague, Hamburgo, Berlí­n, Varsovia, Dresde, Viena, Munich, Zurich, Milan, Barcelona, Madrid, Parí­s, Colonia, Londres y Bruselas.

Los holandeses no paran de recibir buenas noticias. Con el último disco, The Heart of Everything, alcanzaron el Top 5 en las listas europeas e incluso el nº1 en algunas de Estados Unidos. Además durante la gira de presentación tuvieron que colgar el "No hay entradas" en las taquillas de 43 paí­ses.

Este íéxito taquillero tambiíén ha sido galardonado. Y es que Within Temptation ganó el premio a la Exportación de Música Holandesa por tercera vez consecutiva y dos MTV Europe Video Awards.   

Además el grupo hace sus propias composiciones. Sharon den Adel, la cantante, escribió el single In And Out Of Love junto al DJ nº1 Armin van Buuren. Este videoclip ha recibido más de 60.000.000 de visitas en YouTube. Teniendo en cuenta estas cifras, sus fans europeos seguro festejarán el 2011.
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 14, 2010, 10:51:21 pm


gonna record 2 guitarsolo's for the new Within Temptation album today!

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 16, 2010, 11:04:54 pm

About to record another guitarsolo for the upcoming Within Temptation album! Weeedeeluuuu weeedeeeelleeeeeleeuuuuuu wwwwooooooooowwwww

Este Ruud....
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 22, 2010, 10:55:15 pm
Otro tweet de Ruud:

Recorded another WT song today.This is gonna be a great album! Lotsa guitars
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 31, 2010, 03:27:51 pm
Un tweet!

"Paris venue change! Due to phenomenal demand, our show has moved from Le Bataclan to Le Zenith! Tix on sale now
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 01, 2010, 04:10:29 pm

The pre-sale for the tour has started in full effect! As you might have heard, our shows in both London and Paris have moved to bigger venues due to phenomenal demand. We have also added a show at the Paradiso in Amsterdam, as the first show sold out within minutes. All in all, we expect to sell out several shows soon, so make sure to get your tickets soon through the links below! You can also chat about these shows using the individual Twitter tags, see below for the right tag for each show!

Date City Venue On sale link Twitter tag
25-02-2011 Heerhugowaard Waerdse Tempel #WT250211
27-02-2011 Tilburg 013 #WT270211
28-02-2011 Amsterdam Paradiso Sold out #WT280211
01-03-2011 Amsterdam Paradiso #WT010311
06-03-2011 Groningen Oosterpoort #WT060311
09-03-2011 Stockholm Arena #WT090311
10-03-2011 Oslo Sentrum #WT100311
11-03-2011 Copenhagen Vega #WT110311
13-03-2011 Hamburg Docks #WT130311
14-03-2011 Berlin Columbiahalle #WT140311
15-03-2011 Warsaw Stodola #WT150311
17-03-2011 Dresden Schlachthof #WT170311
18-03-2011 Vienna Arena #WT180311
20-03-2011 Munich Tonhalle #WT200311
21-03-2011 Zurich Volkshaus #WT210311
22-03-2011 Milan Alcatraz #WT220311
24-03-2011 Barcelona Razzmatazz #WT240311
25-03-2011 Madrid La Riviera #WT250311
27-03-2011 Paris Le Zenith #WT270311
28-03-2011 Cologne E-Werk #WT280311
30-03-2011 London Brixton Academy #WT300311
31-03-2011 Brussels Ancienne Belgique #WT310311
01-04-2011 Luxemburg Rockhal #WT010411
02-04-2011 Kerkrade Rodahal #WT020411

Fanclub day

Our annual fanclub day will be on October 10, 2010. It will take place at the Waerdse Tempel in Heerhugowaard (NL), and tickets are on sale now! Of course we are going to be there as well, we're already planning all kinds of cool stuff and will also be performing there, full-electric! Check out for all the information you might need and ticket outlets. We hope to see you there!


As we are clearing some inventory, we decided to drop the prices on certain items in our webstore. Go to the shop and pick up a shirt or girly!

See you soon!

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 02, 2010, 11:06:05 pm
Otro tweet

First mixes of a new WT track coming in......ooooooffffffff
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 07, 2010, 11:29:25 pm
WT tiene nuevo y renombrado diseñador para el vestuario del próximo disco/tour.

On September 6th, Sharon shall open the anniversary show of Dutch couturier Ronald Kolk in the grand ballroom of Grand Hotel Krasnapolsky in Amsterdam. At this occasion, both Dutch artists will announce a new collaboration.

Ronald Kolk is an internationally renowened fasion designer who has worked with stars such as Bette Midler, Tina Turner, Grace Jones and The Pointer Sisters. Kolk is famous for using the best, most valuable fabrics and assesoires available. Ronald Kolk shall design the new wardrobe for us which will be worn for the artwork photo shooting for our upcoming new album and for our world tour in 2011.

The collaboration starts with a spectacular opening of Ronald Kolk’s “Couture Boudoir Noir” anniversary show which will be held for 550 selected guest on September 6th in Amsterdam".

Canto "See who I am"


Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 09, 2010, 11:17:48 pm
Video entrevista a Sharon!! (

Ronald has approached us because he really liked our music and he wanted to use it for his fashion show.
He asked if I wanted to open the show and that's a huge honor for me.
He is a huge name in fashion and because he makes such beautiful clothes, It’s just a dream to wear something he has designed , Like I also do tonight.
It is a very nice man, very warm, a warm personality. It is really fun to work together
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 09, 2010, 11:23:43 pm
Tweet de Ruud!!

just finished recording my 5th guitarsolo for the new Within Temptation album. yes peeps at least 5 guitarsolo's
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 10, 2010, 10:56:20 pm
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 27, 2010, 11:12:07 pm
Tweet de Ruud!!

About to record the first of the last three songs for the new WT album...
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 08, 2010, 10:48:55 pm
Otro tweet!!

Thought I was done with the recordings of the new WT album but we needed one more guitarsolo. I don't mind  Recording that one now...
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 10, 2010, 01:01:23 pm
Anoche Ruud puso:

Rehearsing for the Within Temptation fanclub day tomorrow.
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 10, 2010, 11:05:48 pm
Srtlist del fanclub day!!

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 10, 2010, 11:09:19 pm
Más datos!!

Los asistentes han podido escuchar 3 canciones nuevas en el evento.

Lo "malo" es que no vamos a poder tener acceso a ningún tipo de ví­deo ni nada por el estilo con dicha "actuación", ya que las han mostrado como grabaciones que se podí­an escuchar a travíés de unos auriculares (quíé pillos!).

De momento, he podido leer dos comentarios distintos.
Uno decí­a que sonaba más a pop que a metal, o al menos algo más pop que los primeros discos.
Otro, y cito textualmente, que "una de las canciones tení­a un toque a lo Nightwish del Once y las otras dos eran más en plan power metal dirigido más por guitarras que por elementos sinfónicos".
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 11, 2010, 11:44:18 pm
Más cosas!!

Ahora hay quien dice q no fueron 3 canciones, sino cuatro. Y de ellas se dice lo siguiente:

-Las 3 primeras se parecí­an un poco a THOE (otra opinión decí­a q eran algo como Final Destination y The Cross :S).
Apuntaban tambiíén que tení­a guitarras más duras que las de THOE.

-La tercera canción tení­a un solo de guitarra impresionante, según dicen.

-La cuarta canción empezaba con una orquesta grandiosa, recordando un poco a los tiempos del Mother Earth. El estribillo sonaba parecido a "in the middle of the night".
The 4th song started with a bombastic orchestra, a bit as on Mother Earth, and it sounded very cool as well! I don't know the titles, but from one of the songs the chorus started with 'In the middle of the night'.

Otra opinón dice que en las 3 primeras canciones, Sharon cantaba utilizando notas graves.
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 11, 2010, 11:59:30 pm
See Who I am /The Howling (

Stand my Ground (

Jane Doe (

Deceiver Of Fools (

Ice Queen (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 12, 2010, 11:42:39 pm
Nuevo diseño de la web!!

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 18, 2010, 10:59:12 pm

[spoiler]a new single will be released in december. [/spoiler]
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 19, 2010, 11:38:12 pm
La nueva web saldrá esta semana!!!
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 22, 2010, 11:11:44 pm
Ruud ha vuelto a actualizar otra vez!!

Within Temptation

I've finished recording the new album. I recorded 6 guitarsolo's. Yes, peeps;
6!!!!!!!!!! Good stuff! Photoshoot for the artwork is scheduled next week or so
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 22, 2010, 11:17:34 pm
En facebook

Within Temptation: Any color suggestions for the new website ?? And guess what: the new website will show exclusive video reports! But you didn't hear that from us yet
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 25, 2010, 11:25:34 pm
Adelanto de la web!!

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 26, 2010, 11:23:59 pm
Jeroen van Veert, bajista de la banda, cumple 36 años!!
FELICIDADES!!! :011: :011: :011: :011: :011: :011:
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 02, 2010, 10:52:58 pm
Aqui hay untrocito de una canción nueva!!

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 04, 2010, 11:09:24 pm
For the new album which will be released March 2011, we're working together with producer: Daniel Gibson. Daniel worked also on "The Silent Force" and "The Heart of Everything".

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: _V_ en Noviembre 07, 2010, 03:43:52 pm
Within Temptation ha anunciado que su nuevo álbum en estudio saldrá en Marzo del 2011. En estos momentos se encuentran trabajando con su productor Daniel Gibson, tambiíén productor de sus dos anteriores discos de estudio "The Silent Force" y "The Heart Of Everything". A continuación podíéis ver un par de imágenes en el estudio de grabación.

( (

( (

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 07, 2010, 11:24:14 pm
Great news for the Dutch fans!
“Vrienden van Amstel LIVE 2011″ officially announced that Within Temptation will be performing during their 7 concerts. Within Temptation performed in 2007 also during the “Vrienden van Amstel LIVE” concerts.

“Vrienden van Amstel LIVE” are concerts in which Dutch artist sing together in the biggest  ”pub of Holland”. Vrienden van Amstel LIVE, earlier announced that also Guus Meeuwis, BLí˜F, Alain Clark, Caro Emerald, 3JS, Acda en de Munnik and Xander de Buisonjíé are part of the line-up.

“Back in 2007 we already enjoyed it”, says WT. “And when we were asked for 2011, we right away said yes.”

Vrienden van Amstel LIVE 2011, will be hosting 7 concerts on: January 21, 22, 23, 26, 27, 28 and 29.

For more information check out the website: Also tickets will be available on that website
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 07, 2010, 11:26:54 pm
Today is about about pain, murders, killers vengeance, screams and more of that.We just finished the lyrics for the 2nd last song and I’m going to put my vocals to it today.

I’ll post a little pic of me in the studio later today.

Gonna warm up now…
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 07, 2010, 11:31:09 pm
Video del Fan Club Day (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 07, 2010, 11:33:29 pm
A personal update from Martijn.
As a musician, I often get specific questions from fellow-musicians on my instruments and sound. Sometimes these conversations end up in a kind of nerd-talk about tiny details, but we love it.

This summer, I’ve been contacted by the guitarplayer of LEFT, who wanted help in composing, arranging and producing songs.  As I like to work with young and creative musicians, we jumped into my studio to elaborate his ideas into songs.

We’re now 4 months working together and we’ve created lots of songs, but also thrown away even more. But it’s very inspiring to work on a different genre and type of songs; it opens my mind and widen my view on melody, vocals, structures and sound
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 10, 2010, 11:21:12 pm
It's done finally...we just finished the lyrics for the final song of the's the end of the story! // RW

Uno de Robert!!
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 14, 2010, 12:08:12 am


Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 18, 2010, 11:33:34 pm
We’re really excited to be able to finally announce the title of our new album.

Recently we’ve started giving clues on the website about our concept album. As you might have noticed our concept album is going to be based on a comic book series, written by Steven O’Connell (BloodRayne & Dark 48). We’ve asked comic artist Romano Molenaar (Witchblade, Darkness and X-men) to draw the characters and scenery.

The new album and comic will be titled: “The Unforgiving”.

On this album, we’ve taken a totally different approach. Each song on “The Unforgiving” was written along Steven’s narrative. The main characters of the comic are reflecting the characters of our songs. The concept pushed us and gave  inspiration to come up with a new approach in our sound. It resulted in writing our best songs so far.

We have been big comic fans since our childhood. With this album we felt the time was there to take a new step in our creative development, take it further and broaden our horizon. Next to the concept form of the album, the songs are more divers than ever before. In addition, the music of the late 80ies, that’s when we started to read comic books, certainly has left a mark on our new sound.

The album is set for release in March 2011, but our loyal visitors knew this already 

In our first WT TV update we’ll be telling more about the new concept album and comic. So check back with us soon for our first WT TV update

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 24, 2010, 11:39:20 pm
Hi Everyone, we did two photo sessions recently. Today I'm selecting the final photos. You'll see some of the results soon! Ciao, Sharon
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 25, 2010, 11:39:04 pm
Ya no me acordaba! ENORABUENA!!

Monday the 15th of November my girlfriend and me became the proud parents of our daughter:  Isis Marit Spierenburg.

Of course she’s the most beautiful girl in the world!

See for yourself


Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 26, 2010, 11:58:39 pm
Hello everyone,

As we are all gearing up for the release of our new album I have news which might come as a surprise:Robert and I are expecting a child. To be honest, this was not planned at all, but we're very happy about it as we experience our kids as an enrichment of our lives.

I'm happy to tell you that the release of our new album will not change: March 2011! The recordings for the album are completed and the songs are being mixed right now, all preparations for the release are in full swing, so there is no reason to put things on hold.

However, we couldn't avoid rescheduling our tour as it will be impossible for me to deliver a great show for you while being in the final months of my pregnancy. Also due to the complications during the previous pregnancies it is dangerous for our baby and for me to be very active in these final months.

The tour dates have already been re-scheduled to the fall of 2011. The tickets you have bought will remain valid for the new dates which can be found on this page. We understand that the re-scheduling of our tour is a blow for you and we can only sincerely apologize for the inconvenience caused as we very much appreciate the fact that so many of you have bought tickets for the shows early on.

We hope for your understanding and support and we'll do everything to make the up-coming tour the best you've ever seen from us yet!

All the best from Sharon & Within Temptation

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 27, 2010, 11:21:42 pm

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 28, 2010, 11:21:42 pm
Posible fecha de salida: 28 de marzo
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 29, 2010, 10:24:13 pm
I'm writing a "songtext explained" for the Dec. issue of the fan club magazine. I'll be telling the story behind the new upcoming single / S"
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 30, 2010, 11:11:35 pm

'recording a new video'

Están grabando el video!!!
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 30, 2010, 11:16:48 pm
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 02, 2010, 11:26:37 pm
Hello everyone,

You probably already read about it on the website, but if you didn't...I have news which might come as a surprise: Robert and I are expecting a child. To be honest, this was not planned at all, but we're very happy about it as we experience our kids as an enrichment of our lives. I'm happy to tell you that the release of our new album 'The Unforgiving' will not change: March 2011! The recordings for the album are completed and the songs are being mixed right now, all preparations for the release are in full swing, so there is no reason to put things on hold.

However, we couldn't avoid rescheduling our tour as it will be impossible for me to deliver a great show for you while being in the final months of my  pregnancy. Also due to the complications during the previous pregnancies it is dangerous for our baby and for me to be very active in these final months.

The tour dates have already been rescheduled to the fall of 2011. The tickets you have bought will remain valid for the new dates which can be found on this page. Please note that we were now able to add new dates to this tour, including additional shows in the UK, Germany, France, Poland, Holland (incl. the annual Fanclub Day) and Sweden and new dates in Portugal and the Czech Republic! All these shows are now on sale.

We understand that the re-scheduling of our tour is a blow for you and we can only sincerely apologize for the inconvenience caused as we very much appreciate the fact that so many of you have bought  tickets for the shows early on. We hope for your understanding and support and we'll do everything to make the up-coming tour the best you've ever seen from us yet! Check out all the new dates on!

All the best from Sharon!

The Unforgiving

Our new album "The Unforgiving" is a concept album which is going to be based on a comic book series, written by Steven O'Connell (BloodRayne & Dark 48). We've asked comic artist Romano Molenaar (Witchblade, Darkness and X-men) to draw the characters and scenery and the results are stunning! Check out the first page of the prequel to this series HERE!

Your news!

You can now add your own news to our website! Several fans have already been contributing frequently to the website and we look forward to reading your stories as well! Read all about it here, we look forward to your contributions on the WT website! If your articles are of high quality, you might even become an official WT Reporter!

WT TV Reports

We will be updating you through Youtube more than ever before and started doing so yesterday with our very first WT TV Update! Check it out HERE and enjoy Robert & Sharon updating you with all the latest in WT.
As you may already know, we are also frequently uploading new WT TV episodes, three of which have already been broadcast.
Check them out through the following links:
* Ronald Kolk's Fashion Show
* Fanclub Day 2010
* Aprisco Cup Racing part 1


As we are now gearing up for the new album, make sure to sign up for our newsletter and all social media outlets you can get your hands on! The band is frequently updating Twitter from the studio, from photoshoots, etc. and we will be doing something very special with Twitter soon. So make sure to follow us there
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 03, 2010, 10:46:55 pm
Ruud ha puesto!

Just came home from a @maidenunited rehearsal. Now: official downtime after a week of teaching, MU rehearsing and 3!!! WT videoshoots! //RJ

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 04, 2010, 11:36:47 pm
Thursday we’ve completed the shoot for our third video clip in one week! Although it was very cold, we can’t complain! Unlike some other shoots these didn’t take 24 hours each…..

We had an awesome team, so what else do you want? Now I’m off to help St. Nicholas….

I wish you a wonderful St. Nicholas eve!

X Sharon X
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 07, 2010, 11:32:11 pm
Hoy. Eva Luna, la niña de Sharon y Robert ha cumplido 5 añitos!!!

 :011: :011: :011:
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 07, 2010, 11:33:22 pm

Just wrote ‘a song text explained’ for The Silent Force magazine, “Fanzine”.
It wasn’t possible to write one about the new single yet, so this time a golden oldie; ‘The Dance’
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 07, 2010, 11:36:04 pm
We’ve told you before, the new concept album is based on a comic book series.
Recently we’ve published the first page of the prequel from “The Unforgiving”.

“The Unforgiving” is  written by Steven O’Connell (BloodRayne & Dark 48). And Romano Molenaar (Witchblade, Darkness and X-men) draws the characters

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 11, 2010, 11:18:12 pm
Long awaited but coming sooner than you might imagine, announcing it on Monday!
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 12, 2010, 12:04:20 am
Wanna be the first to hear new music? Become a fan of our Facebook page and check back Monday for great news!
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 12, 2010, 11:16:58 pm
As you might have noticed, we´ve started teasing about new music on Facebook and Twitter…
Yes you´ve heard it right, you don´t have to wait much longer. We´ll be making the full announcement on Monday so make sure you check back with us tomorrow.

We´ll also be announcing a special treat for our Facebook friends, so if you haven´t found our fan page yet make sure you find it before tomorrow!

See you tomorrow
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 13, 2010, 11:17:47 pm
On Wednesday December 15th at 11 AM CET we'll reveal the first song of "The Unforgiving".

Along with the launch of the new song "Where Is The Edge", fans registered on Facebook have the unique opportunity to secure a personal credit in the special edition of the new album!

The new song will be launched with a video featuring exclusive preview scenes of the upcoming movie "Me & Mr Jones", directed by Paul Ruven, a Dutch filmmaker who received an Oscar for best foreign student movie. The movie is a thriller inspired by the disappearance of Natalee Holloway on Aruba.

"Where Is The Edge" is based on the story of "The Unforgiving". There is a clear link between the storyline of our new concept album and the thriller "Me and Mr Jones" as they both deal with mystery, murder, guilt and a lack of forgiveness."

Together with this brand new song we're starting a very cool item on our Facebook page. Through a Facebook plug-in, you can share the video of "Where Is The Edge" on your Facebook profile and we register your name to be included in the packaging of the special edition of "The Unforgiving"!

Make sure you like our fan page so you can use this plug-in on Wednesday. We'll upload more technical information about this plug-in then as well, so stay tuned!

2 more nights until "Where Is The Edge"....!

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: _V_ en Diciembre 15, 2010, 12:50:57 pm
Within Temptation - Where Is The Edge
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 16, 2010, 11:49:36 pm

In this shadow awaits the desire
Which you know that you can't realize
And the pressure will just keep on rising
not at his own

It's too late there is no way around it
You have seen it yourself many times
In the end you will give up the fighting

Cause you're losing your mind
and you're sleeping with wide open eyes

Where is the edge of your darkest emotions?
Why does it all survive x2
Where is the line of your deepest devotion?
Pray that it's still alive

It's the rule that you live by and die for
it's the one thing you cannot deny
even though you don't know what the prize is
It is justified

So each morning you've got not to fight for
But is still doesn't change who you are
There is no feel you'll ever get into
You're untouchable

Cause you're losing your mind
and you're sleeping with wide open eyes

Where is the edge of your darkest emotions?
Why does it all survive x2
Where is the line of your deepest devotion?
Pray that it's still alive

You can't stop yourself
Don't want to feel
Don't want to see what you've become
You can't walk away from who you are
Never get back

Where is the edge of your darkest emotions?
Why does it all survive x2
Where is the line of your deepest devotion?
Pray that it's still alive

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 19, 2010, 10:46:04 pm
3º pagina del comic

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 20, 2010, 11:24:07 pm
Obviously the discussions about the new album have really been set on fire by ‘Where is the Edge’.
But for the people who liked it, we’re afraid that it’s really not revealing much of what’s to come… From the moment we started writing this album we felt it was time for change, to take a bigger step in our musical development then we’ve done with the last two albums.

But instead of getting inspiration from unknown territories we’ve found them in our musical roots ,the metal, rock and even pop-hits of the late 80′s beginning 90′s. Now we can tell you about the new songs but the only way to explain it and for you to judge it, is to hear it.

A fact is that “The Unforgiving” is the album with the most diversity between the songs then ever before. Containing the heaviest riffs we’ve ever played, lots of uptempo moments, guitar-solo’s, but at the same time also some of the most catchy stuff ever. We definitely didn’t want to say goodbye to the filmic orchestral material, but there are more reasons for that…

We really can’t wait to release this album as it belongs in your hands, but unfortunately we all need to wait until the end of March.

Now here’s the good news: to endure the waiting, soon we’ll release ‘”The  Unforgiving Video-Trailer” containing parts of different songs, the music video’s and… (more about this 3rd ingredient laterrr).

We have to go back to work to finish everything ASAP and hereby also a pic of work in progress.

Stay tuned  , Sharon

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: _V_ en Diciembre 21, 2010, 02:27:30 pm
Bueno, entonces será un disco variadito no? espero q no sea una mezcla rara a lo what lies beneath de Tarja, sin tíérmino medio.. jeje

Una bonita foto q encontríé por internet

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Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 22, 2010, 11:31:11 pm
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: _V_ en Diciembre 23, 2010, 12:59:39 pm
Merry Gothic Xmas  :023:
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 25, 2010, 11:35:27 pm
Vblog #1 (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 25, 2010, 11:37:26 pm
VLog #2 (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 02, 2011, 11:13:08 pm
Robert cumple hoy 36 años!!!
FELICIDADES!!!!! :011: :011: :011: :011: :011: :011: :011:
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 02, 2011, 11:19:23 pm





Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 05, 2011, 03:50:52 pm
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 05, 2011, 11:29:50 pm
En Twitter

Tha album cover will be revelead tomorrow!

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 06, 2011, 11:25:22 pm
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 07, 2011, 11:53:52 pm
Los metaleros sinfónicos holandeses dan un enigmático giro a su nuevo álbum, y no es solamente como parte del concepto del disco, sino en su música.

Al sexteto holandíés le ha tomado bastante tiempo y esfuerzo realizar las letras para la música de su quinto álbum de estudio, el cual verá la luz a finales de Marzo. Within Temptation pueden parecer los tí­picos europeos continentales, y mientras son rimbombantes, nadie podrí­a describir su música como “peligrosa”.

Pero detrás de las sonrisas de seis gatos relajados está una banda que no tiene ninguna intención de dormirse en sus envidiables laureles, que no muestran temor cuando se trata de retar a sus fans, y no tienen la intención de complacerlos.

Metal Hammer habló con la encantadora ‘frontwoman’, Sharon den Adel, su voz de ave cantora de sirena angelical mientras ella explicaba con franqueza y sinceridad que la agrupación estaba dispuesta a tomar potencialmente riesgos perjudiciales a su carrera si eso significaba empujar la banda hacia el futuro.

“Nosotros dijimos, ‘Hemos hecho todo lo que podemos dentro de nuestro propio gíénero’,” ella dice. “Así­ que el movimiento se sintió muy natural. Este es un gran paso en una dirección diferente para nosotros. Nos encanta todo lo que hemos hecho, pero no somos una banda que quiere repetirse.

Hemos dejado completamente ciertas cosas atrás, como las canciones a medio tiempo. Probablemente habrá un montón de fans que lo odien, pero esperamos que a más les encante, pero realmente necesitábamos hacer algo nuevo.”

Pero no se preocupen mucho: la misma Sharon nos dijo que el disco es todaví­a “muy Within Temptation”, así­ que no esperen algún álbum hardcore punk’n'roll, o un paso mortal en el progresivo…

“La melancolí­a ahí­ sigue aún,” ella explica. “La orquesta ahí­ sigue, y la música es todaví­a pegadiza. Querí­amos hacerla más untempo, más pesada y oscura. The Heart of Everything fue como la culminación de todo lo que aprendimos en el pasado, así­ que supimos que no podí­amos hacer eso de nuevo.

Apenas y hay canciones a medio tiempo. De hecho, tenemos muchas influencias de los 80s en este álbum… como Chris Isaac. Tambiíén tenemos una canción muy al estilo de Iron Maiden. Tiene ese galope de Iron Maiden en ella, se llama Iron por el momento, ¡ja ja!

No es que estemos tratando de ser ellos, sino es como un homenaje. Ellos son, por supuesto, una de nuestras inspiraciones. Algunos temas son más pesados, otros son más ligeros, pero todo es definitivamente más rápido. Hay un montón de sentimiento juvenil en este álbum.”

¿Es nostalgia por la música lo que te ha inspirado?

“Sí­, quizá es así­ como debiera llamarse el álbum, ¡ja ja! Va un poquito más alejado de lo que hemos hecho. Quizá sea un poquito más como Mother Earth [2000]. Es muy melódico… es extremadamente melódico. Sí­, somos una banda melódica, pero no creo que uno pueda tener algo más melódico que esto.”

¿Y quíé nos dices de las letras?

Sharon explica que “Están basadas en una historia, una historia real, pero nosotros hemos desarrollado la historia y las letras en un cómic, una novela gráfica. No puedo contarte todo porque hay todaví­a un poco de secretismo que rodea a lo que será.”

Sharon no contará mas al respecto, pero como The Unforgiving saldrá a finales de Marzo de 2011 parece que todaví­a tenemos tiempo para esperar más respuestas…

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: _V_ en Enero 10, 2011, 09:55:37 pm
Happy New Year and thank you for all the kind reactions to the news that I’ve entered this world
Love, Marit Spierenburg

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Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: _V_ en Enero 10, 2011, 09:56:44 pm
Sharon (Live from the listening session of the new album in Amsterdam, The Netherlands!)
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 10, 2011, 11:29:22 pm
1. „Why Not Me"
2. „Shot In The Dark"
3. „In The Middle Of The Night"
4. „Faster"
5. „Fire And Ice"
6. „Iron"
7. „Where Is The Edge"
8. „Siníéad"
9. „Lost"
10. „Murder"
11. „A Demon's Fate"
12. „Stairway To The Skies"

First single: FASTER 
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 12, 2011, 11:42:33 pm
Symphonic Metal New superlatives with its fourth studio album, "The Unforgiving" WITHIN TEMPTATION beyond all boundaries and set themselves an innovative monument! Based on the story of a gloomy end comics, they follow a creative, conceptual path. The protagonists of the comics reflect the characters in the songs, giving them a virtuoso robe, make them tangible and spark a captivating intensity. The opener 'A Shot In The Dark' bangs as catchy rock number dynamically forward, and 'In The Middle Of The Night' dashing directly go and sprayed glorious 80's feel, while 'Faster' and 'Iron' with such a violent, brutal riffs knocked out that the only way into trouble! Front lady Sharon uses the impressive range of her voice, sings soprano rare, but demonstrated their rock voice completely. Similarly, the epic opulent numbers at the start, as shown by 'A Demon's Fate' or 'Where Is The Edge' with symphonic bombast and majestic choruses, but also a new page, as the sinister 'Murder', which by the psychedelic song Sharon's surprise. Probably the most varied, exciting and metalwork in the history of the Dutch, the attractions of the whole line.
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 13, 2011, 11:23:55 pm
Sacado de Facebook

Siníéad, why not murder me faster in the middle of the night on the stairway to the skies with iron, fire and ice? Don't get lost it's your demon's fate and you know where the edge is, so take that shot in the dark.
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 14, 2011, 11:46:16 pm

Monday's are boring,lets make your upcoming Monday a little bit better!Monday a new piece of the puzzle is revealed of"The Unforgiving"album

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 16, 2011, 11:54:52 pm
Proyecto de Ruud!! (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 17, 2011, 11:57:23 pm
Código: [Seleccionar]
Según este es el contenido del CD+DVD:
# "Faster" short film and music performance video
# "Siníéad" short film and music performance video
# "Shot In The Dark" short film and music performance video
# "Where Is The Edge" video
# "Utopia" (feat. Chris Jones) video
# "The Unforgiving" the making of the videos, parts 1, 2 and 3
# "The Unforgiving: The Prequel" comic photo gallery
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 18, 2011, 10:22:11 am
Otro teaser!! (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 18, 2011, 10:47:52 pm
Desde FB!

We started this week with good news, lets reveal even more of "The Unforgiving" album by the end of this week... Ok?
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 18, 2011, 10:50:30 pm
Y desde Twitter

Rehearsing for Vrienden van Amstel Live at Ahoy

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 20, 2011, 01:41:54 pm
Faster and Faster and Faster”…. the lyrics of Within Temptation’s new single set the pace for the exciting weeks to come.

The energetic and adrenalin boasting song  will receive its Worldwide Premiere on Guardian Media Group’s ‘Rock Radio’ network in the United Kingdom on Friday January 21st at 9am GMT / 10am CET.  Fans worldwide can tune in online to hear the single at (those in Manchester can tune in at 106.1 FM and Scotland 96.3FM).

Robert:  “Faster” is a song which surprised ourselves. It’s a very fresh new sound wrapped around the 80′ties heart and soul of the track. “Faster” reflects one of the many musical roots we have. Combined with the modern influences on our new album, it’s like the past and future created the present.”

The next milestone in our journey leading to  ”The Unforgiving” album release will be the world premiere of one of the movies featured in “The Unforgiving” film trailer. Mark the 31st of  January in your calendar, this is the day the door to “The Unforgiving” will open
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 20, 2011, 11:29:40 pm
Potada de "Faster"

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 20, 2011, 11:31:08 pm
Un cacho de Faster (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 21, 2011, 11:23:10 pm
He aqui la CANCIí“N ENTERA!! (

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 21, 2011, 11:26:20 pm
La Letra!!

I can't sleep because its burning deep inside
Like gasoline on a fire running wild
No more fear cause I'm getting closer now
So unreal but I like it anyhow

I go faster and faster and faster and faster and faster and faster and faster

And I can't live in a fairytale of lies
And I can't hide from the feeling cause it's right
And I go faster and faster and faster and faster for life
I can't live in a fairytale of lies

I can feel that you mesmerize my heart
I Feel so free I'm alive I'm breaking out
I Won't give in, 'cause I'm proud of all my scars
And I can see I've been wasting to much time

I go faster and faster and faster and faster and faster and faster and faster

And I can't live in a fairytale of lies
And I can't hide from the feeling cause it's right
And I go faster and faster and faster and faster for life
I can't live in a fairytale of lies

And I can't live in a fairytale of lies
And I can't hide from the feeling cause it's right
And I go faster and faster and faster and faster for life
And I can't live in a fairytale of lies
A fairytale of lies

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 21, 2011, 11:27:44 pm
Single fisico!! (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 22, 2011, 11:38:44 pm
Faster @ Vrieden va Amstel (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 22, 2011, 11:44:56 pm




Según he leí­do tocaron el intro del Black Symphony, Ice Queen, Mother Earth y Faster!!
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 23, 2011, 10:48:37 pm
Faster en el puesto 25 de los videos mas vistos en Youtube


Num. 1 en las listas de Rock de I-TUnes en Holanda y España

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 28, 2011, 10:46:38 pm
Sobre el cómic

El cómic no saldrá junto al disco. Cada dos meses saldrá un episodio nuevo, en total hay 6. La historia es un todo que hay que construir (mejor dicho, coleccionar) con el disco, los 6 capí­tulos del cómic y los videos. Los videos supongo que saldrán en el DVD de la edición especial del disco, que ya se puede reservar en algunas tiendas.

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 28, 2011, 11:40:50 pm
Thank you guys for all your great comments on “Faster”, we really appreciate your feedback!

There is a lot more to this song than what you know so far and shortly the story unfolds.

5pm CET, January 31 we will reveal the first of 3 short films on the website and our Facebook page.

These movies give further insight into the concept of our fifth studio album “The Unforgiving” and are based on the comic storyline; the characters are impersonated by actors. Each film is followed by a band performance that, all together, form a dark and compelling tale of life, love, revenge, rage, and regret.

The first movie, titled “Mother Maiden”, ties in with our first single & video for ‘Faster’, introducing the main characters of the narrative. British actress Dawn Mastin (Tom & Thomas, Down) performs the lead role.

All of our fans who share the “Mother Maiden” short film via their social network on Facebook or Twitter using a “pay-with-a-tweet” application, supplied on our various sites, will not only receive a brand new Within Temptation wallpaper in return but have exclusive access to an online listening party for the album pre-release
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 29, 2011, 11:24:54 pm
Parece que mañana domingo (4pm hora inglesa) estrenan el videoclip en la página web de Kerrang (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 30, 2011, 01:43:32 pm
Martjn Spirenborg, teclista de la banda, cumple hoy 36 años!!!
FELICIDADES!!! :011: :011: :011
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 30, 2011, 01:47:59 pm
Ellos se conocieron hace 14 años, cuando ambos tení­an 18, y Sharon den Adel estaba cantando en un concierto en la iglesia local – “No porque yo fuera particularmente religiosa”, dice, “Sino porque allí­ era donde se realizaban los conciertos”. No fue amor a primera vista.

“Pensíé que íél era un imbíécil,” dice.” El tenia el cabello largo y trataba de parecerse a Kurt Cobain. Se acerco a mí­ y me empezó a decir que lo estaba haciendo todo mal. El ya tocaba en una banda y creí­a que se las sabia todas.”

“Creo que lo que en realidad paso es que el se sentí­a atraí­do por mi”, dice con un brillo en los ojos. “Pero era muy tí­mido como para confesármelo.”

“Simplemente tu no estabas acostumbrada a la critica profesional”, Westerholt responde en el acto.

Con el pasar de los meses lo superaron, y, como den Adel recuerda, se enamoraron en una fiesta.

“Le di a Robert una rosa falsa (de plástico) y el me dio una de regreso” se acuerda. “En realidad, tuve que tomar yo la iniciativa – no al contrario, como a íél le gusta contar. A pesar de todo, encontríé al hombre que es el amor de mi vida, y 14 años despuíés, todaví­a es mí­o”

Andaban juntos a la escuela, Sharon den Adel balanceándose en la en la parte de atrás de la motocicleta de Westerholt mientras soñaban en hacer música juntos. Practicaban en un viejo local de ensayos para músicos, el dueño, un fanático de la música country, les guardaba los instrumentos en su garage.

Westerholt dice que habí­a una gran afluencia de seguidores del death metal en el área, aunque íél estaba escuchando y tomando inspiración de la banda Británica de Doom Metal Paradise Lost.

Su primer espectáculo – ahora hace mas de 10 años atrás – fue calle abajo, en Boskoop en un pequeño local llamado The Tunnel.

“Vinieron 4 personas y los conocí­amos a todos” Westerholt sonrí­e “Aun así­ estábamos nerviosí­simos”

“Nosotros no encajábamos en la escena musical local” dice den Adel “í‰ramos los raros; nadie sabí­a que hacer con nosotros. Creo que en realidad eso realmente nos ayudo”

Así­ fue. Significo que se destacaron de la multitud, su íépico, metal gótico atrajo la atención de la disquera Holandesa DSFA (Doesn’t Stand for Anything). Su alineación –ocasionalmente fluida ya que miembros entraban y salí­an – finalmente se estableció con den Adel y Westerholt, el guitarrista Ruud Jolie, el bajista Jeroen van Veen, el tecladista Martjin Spierenburg y el baterista Stephen van Haestregt, y en solo dos años publicaron dos discos que gradualmente fueron atrayendo la atención del publico Holandíés, mientras ellos continuaban con sus trabajos diurnos.

Entonces hicieron una cosa curiosa, justo cuando se estaban volviendo famosos-se detuvieron. Renunciaron a todo por un año para así­ poder terminar sus carreras universitarias, para así­ â€œTener un respaldo en caso de que todo saliera mal.” Den Adel estaba desesperada por estudiar diseño de Modas, pero en lugar de eso se vio atraí­da hacia gerencia y producción de modas. Westerholt, quien estaba trabajando en Recursos Humanos y con intenciones de empezar una compañí­a de internet mientras su banda salto a la fama, regreso a la universidad a estudiar economí­a.

“Tomamos un periodo sabático de la banda” dice Westerholt “Simplemente querí­amos estar seguros de que tení­amos algo a lo que volver en caso de que lo de la música saliera mal”

Esto es algo que no se dice frecuentemente sobre una banda pero Within Temptation es formada de un grupo de gente evidentemente sensata. Eso se nota allí­ en el sobrio Saloon que conducen, en vez de los carros deportivos que prefieren la mayorí­a de la estrellas de rock, o en la forma en que indican los lugares históricos de la localidad que pasamos conduciendo, en vez de los lugares y clubes en los que solí­an emborracharse cuando niños. Pero seguramente todo esto es algo muy prudente,¿ algo planeado?

“El hecho es que no venimos de un paí­s que apoya a las bandas” dice den Adel “Algunas bandas tienen íéxito fuera de Holanda pero tienes que trabajar muy duro y por un largo tiempo para poder lograrlo. Holanda nunca será como Inglaterra donde las bandas obtienen mucho más apoyo. Lo que significo que necesitábamos tener ese “algo mas” porque; dado lo que les sucede a la mayorí­a de bandas Holandesas, habí­a una alta posibilidad de que no lo lograrí­amos no importaba lo buenos que fuíéramos. Por eso mantuvimos por tanto tiempo nuestros trabajos despuíés de que empezó la banda.”

Pero es algo más profundo que eso. Within Temptation lo dejo muy claro, tantas veces como fue posible, que no querí­an entrar en la música por dinero. La razón por la que mantuvieron sus trabajos o siguieron estudiando, era para que no tener que ver la música como una carrera, para no tener que depender nunca en la música para tener la seguridad de un techo. Esto, dice Westerholt, es importante si quieres estar seguro que estas tocando por las razones correctas, si deseas mantener la integridad y honestidad de la música.

“No querí­amos tener que hacer música por dinero” el admite “No querí­amos que la música fuera lo que pusiera comida en nuestras mesas. Querí­amos tener independencia de eso. Cuando renunciamos a nuestros trabajos para convertirnos en una banda profesional sabí­amos que no tení­amos que hacer concesiones en nuestra música porque, si salí­a mal, tení­amos algo en que recurrir, algo con que ganarnos la vida, si era necesario”

“Eso significo que no necesitábamos ponernos metas como hacernos famoso fuera de Holanda, o vender un número determinado de discos,” el agrega “Podí­amos simplemente sentarnos y observar que sucedí­a, a salvo en la idea de que estábamos bien si nada pasaba. Significa que nuestra carrera ha sido orgánica, en vez de algo que tení­amos que forzar para poder obtener un mayor número de ventas.”

Y es una carrera que ha durado hasta ahora más de 10 años, una carrera que los ha visto convertirse en una de las bandas más grandes de Europa, una banda que ha tocado para 10.000 personas en un solo espectáculo – como lo hicieron en su concierto de Java Island en el 2005.

Todo esto los pone ahora en una situación peculiar. Despuíés de batallar su camino hacia la cima en Europa en los últimos 10 años. Ahora están empezando otra vez desde abajo – peleando por reconocimiento en GB y Amíérica. Seguramente tocando en locales de mala muerte, concediendo incontables entrevistas y esforzándose con todo el trabajo que toma hacer famosa una banda, eso es algo de lo que están cansados?

“Es en realidad, bastante estimulante” dice den Adel. “Es sensacional poder pelear otra vez”, es sensacional empezar de nuevo. Las personas que ya nos conocen, saben que esperar. En Amíérica, por ejemplo, nadie sabe que esperar de nosotros, entonces se siente como cuando estábamos empezando la banda. Es emocionante ver esas primeras reacciones otra vez.”

“Significa que nos sentimos pioneros,” la interrumpe Westerholt. “Estamos a la vanguardia. No hay otras bandas Holandesas haciendo lo que nosotros hacemos”

Pero, no ser conocido viene con sus problemas. En Amíérica, y en GB, hasta cierto punto, Within temptation ha sido catalogado como el “Proximo Evanescence”, esto a pesar de tener una carrera de más de 10 años y un amplio catalogo de canciones. Esa es, sin embargo, una comparación comprensible – ambas bandas tratan temas oscuros, tiene magnifico sonido, pertenecen al rock gótico, ambas bandas poseen vocalistas femeninas sensuales y ambas atraen la misma clase de admiradores. Aun así­, esto es algo que no hace feliz a Within Temptation.

“Síé que eventualmente las personas juzgaran la música por lo que es,” dice den Adel. “Pero si, a veces me molesta; a veces las personas pueden ser muy desagradables. Hay personas que han dicho que nosotros estamos imitando a Evanescence. Eso es muy desagradable porque nosotros hemos estado haciendo esto por mucho tiempo y, cosas como nuestra ropa y la forma en que nos comportamos siempre han sido así­.

Si la gente viera nuestra historia, se darí­an cuenta por sí­ mismos. Es siempre como un trago amargo que tenemos que pasar y no es justo. Desearí­a que las personas tuvieran la mente suficientemente abierta como para poder vernos como somos”

“Pero no es realmente frustrante porque sabemos que no es verdad”, continua Westerholt. “Al final, eso no es lo que se destaca. Lo que se destaca es la música, si es buena. De manera que, no es agradable ser comparado con otras bandas pero síé que, al final, la gente se olvidara de eso. Siempre serás comparado con alguien a menos que seas la banda más famosa y grande que hay – Entonces todos los demás son comparados contigo”

Y, si no los están cuestionando por eso, entonces es por el hecho que tienen a una mujer en la banda. Otro tema de conversación que los hace suspirar del cansancio.

“Siempre me preguntan si me tratan de manera diferente o si fue difí­cil al principio ya que era una de “las pocas mujeres en el metal”, dice den Adel, poniendo los ojos en blanco. “La respuesta es no. Nunca tuve ningún problema, las personas siempre nos han aceptado como somos
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 30, 2011, 10:57:17 pm
Aqui esta el video!!! (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 31, 2011, 11:30:31 pm
El corto (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 03, 2011, 11:32:03 pm
So, I received a pleasant surprise in the mail yesterday - sitting in my letterbox was the upcoming album from Dutch Rock legends Within Temptation. Thus, without further ado...

The new Within Temptation album opens with an eerie 34 second voice clip entitled “Why Not Me?” - coincidentally also used in the short movie bundled with the 'Faster' single - which really helps set the mood and focus the mind for the story which follows.

"Shot In The Dark" begins on misleadingly quiet territory, lulling you into calm and gently leading you on. "I've been left out alone like a dead criminal" starts Sharon, before quickly leading into a chorus which packs one hell of a punch, bleating out "your soul is on fire, a shot in the dark - where did they aim for when they missed your heart?" which you'll be singing long after the song is over.

'In The Middle Of The Night' comes up next, beginning with guitars blazing and Sharon's haunting voice echoing 'I don't care if I'm playing with fire, I'm aware that I'm frozen inside'. This is definitely one of the strongest songs on the album, both musically and from a production perspective.

“Faster” is the first nominated single from the album, and offers a good example of the new direction that Within Temptation have gone in for their first concept album. Powerful vocals and a catchy chorus make for an impressive rock anthem, a wise choice!

“Fire And Ice” slows down the pace, and is the first ballad on the album. The highlight of this song definitely lies in the power and capacity of Sharon's voice - 'where's the love we once had, is it all a lie?' haunts the first verse, before the tempo picks up for the second with strong orchestral elements and a steady bass line.

If “Fire and Ice” slowed down the pace a bit too much for your liking, 'Iron' brutally forces it right back up again! A symphonic introduction with heavy, fast paced guitars precedes Sharon belting out 'you cant live without the fire, it's the heat that makes you strong' in yet another catchy chorus.

In what is a good choice for just past the halfway mark, “Where Is The Edge” is a medium paced showcase of talent in a specific Within Temptation style - albeit in a slightly predictable manner.

“Sinead” will be the 2nd single released from the album, and is as far away from “Faster” as it's possible to get. 'Now I'm crossing the border, sealing my fate, I'm not afraid' - definitely an accurate description of what Within Temptation demonstrates with this track. Lyrically mainstream but musically epic, this is the defining song to showcase their breakaway from albums of old.

The slow tempo of 'Lost' perhaps contrasts with the rest of the album. Acoustic guitars compliment Sharon's vocals at the start, with striking range and lyrics which will leave you pondering – right before you're brutally overwhelmed with the sudden kick of a full blown orchestra directly after the chorus.

'A Demon's Fate' has the most interesting start of any of the songs on the album, and would sound more in place on a pop-rock record from the 80s. With less orchestra breaks than usual, it could be considered an easygoing song that is guaranteed to appeal to a wide range of musical taste.

As you'd expect from a song with such a title, 'Murder' uses dark and theatrical structures in order to transport the listener into a world, which could resemble an Edgar Allan Poe-esque scenario. Certainly unique, this is one song which is hard not to listen to again, simply to see if you missed anything the first time.

The album concludes with a balled called 'Stairway To The Skies', led by a piano based start accompanied by the combined efforts of a few violinists, joined one last time by the haunting vocal talents of Sharon. Making use of such lines as 'My Angel is coming down from heaven to take me', we can only hope that these particular Angels will grace us with their music for many years to come.

9.5/10 - Whilst its certainly a change in pace and direction for a well established band, its nonetheless one of the best albums I've had the pleasure of listening to in a long time. Less emphasis on choirs, more emphasis on rock'n'roll, this marks a turning point in the long standing career of Within Temptation - for the good.

- Nathan Scott (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 05, 2011, 05:39:08 pm
Duración de las canciones

1. Why Not Me 0:34
2. Shot In The Dark 5:02
3. In The Middle Of The Night 5:11
4. Faster 4:23
5. Fire And Ice 3:57
6. Iron 5:41
7. Where Is The Edge 3:59
8. Siníéad 4:23
9. Lost 5:14
10. Murder 4:16
11. A Demon's Fate 5:30
12. Stairway To The Skies 5:32

according to DTMD
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 05, 2011, 11:09:58 pm
Within Temptation el exitoso y sorprendente grupo holandíés, no son una banda promedio, son todo un íéxito en el continente europeo, y en el mundo, solo no esperen que alardeen sobre eso.

El paisaje desde el Aeropuerto Schiphol de Amsterdam al pequeño pueblo de Gouda es implacablemente plano. Los campos se extienden hasta donde alcanza la vista, se logra ver pueblos a la distancia, con los árboles que fuerzan un horizonte sobre los aviones de los alrededores.

Sharon den Adel, la vocalista de 36 años de edad, conocida ya en todas partes del mundo por su siríénica voz, nos susurra en voz muy baja las enormes ventas que han tenido sus álbumes en el viejo continente.

Sus discos se han vendido de tal manera que hasta ellos mismos se sorprendieron. De hecho, son ventas que eclipsan a las de otras bandas consideradas exitosas. Sus primeros álbumes vendieron más de dos millones en total, solo recordemos a “The Silent Force”, el cual fue nombrado disco de oro en solo las tres primeras semanas de su lanzamiento.

Son estas cifras las que han llevado a Within Temptation a ganar premios casi todos los años de “Record de ventas en el extranjero”. La mayorí­a de dichos paí­ses son Holanda, Escandinavia, Alemania, y el resto de Europa, lugares que no son exactamente conocidos por ser “semilleros de la música”, y lo cual resulta increí­ble. Esto es algo que Sharon den Adel y sus compañeros de la banda lograron en el camino, siendo ellos mismos, componiendo hermosas melodí­as y composiciones.

En el escenario Sharon den Adel es un derroche de trajes, corpiños ajustados, vestidos, faldas de vuelo, combinado con maquillaje que van desde lo oscuro, hasta digamos, gótico. Hoy, está en jeans, chaqueta negra y un maquillaje mí­nimo. Ella es preciosa, despampanante como una modelo, con una tierna mirada y una sonrisa natural con un estilo curiosamente sencillo.

Por otro lado vemos a su pareja, guitarrista, primer amor y cerebro de la banda, Robert Westerholt. Alto, flaco, calvo, barbita de chivo, y de vez en cuando vehemente, es su visión de la música, combinada con la sensacional voz de Sharon, lo que han aumentado las ventas de sus discos tan rápidamente.

Sharon Den Adel es la clase de persona que llama la atención de todas las miradas, y la anonimidad del gran guitarrista y compositor Robert Westerholt hacen de íél la clase de persona que “los demás” suelen ignorar. Su charla es casual, a menudo sobre sus vacaciones, o sus hijos.

Y, cuando ocasionalmente, el discurso de Westerholt se desví­a hacia algo mas obsceno, Sharon den Adel con delicadeza lo reprende. Cuando en una cena hace unas noches, empezó a contar una historia en la que tuvo que matar a una paloma, provocó que ella se incline hacia atrás con una mirada de advertencia y preguntando, “Robert, ¿de verdad necesitamos escuchar esa historia justo ahora?”. jajaja!

Y mientras se pasean por el paí­s, señalando paisajes en el camino, es fácil olvidar que estás en compañí­a de miembros de una banda. Cuando ocasionalmente se detienen a comprarte regalos como caramelos o galletas tí­picas holandesas, todo parece una extraña escapada con amigos particularmente hospitalarios, en vez de una entrevista con una banda que ha vendido millones de álbumes.

Los integrantes de Within Temptation no son iguales a los de de otras bandas que hablan solo de sexo, drogas y rock and roll, como estás por descubrir en las siguientes lí­neas.

Within Temptation fue formada en 1996, unos años despuíés que Robert Westerholt se tropezara con la bella Sharon den Adel en un concierto escolar en el pequeño pueblo Holandíés de Alphen aan den Rijn.

Ella creció junto a su padre viajando por todas partes del mundo, quien montaba proyectos en diferentes naciones lejanas llevando a su familia consigo. Ella menciona los muchos paí­ses que solí­a llamar casa, de Surinam a Etiopia, pasando por Indonesia hasta Yemen, Sri Lanka y muchos más.

Sharon dice que: “Era en su mayorí­a una forma maravillosa de vivir, una niñez sensacional. Pero habí­an momentos en los que desee que nos hubiíésemos quedado en un solo lugar. Era siempre difí­cil mantener, y hacer amistades, cuando sabes que te vas a mudar lejos de nuevo. Aun así­, tratíé. Solí­a escribir a mis amigos y todaví­a estoy en contacto con algunos. En realidad, acabo de visitar a uno el otro dí­a”

De vuelta en Holanda, a los 14 años, Sharon den Adel cantaba en una banda local que realizaba covers, tocando algo de Lenny Kravitz, Pink Floyd, y ese estilo de música.

Sharon cuenta: “Solí­amos ganar todas las competencias en la batalla de las bandas porque mi primo, que estaba en una pandilla de motociclistas, vení­a a todos nuestros conciertos y llenaba todos los formularios votando por nosotros, jajaja!”.

Mientras tanto, Robert Westerholt, crecí­a en España, vivió cerca de Madrid donde su padre, un Contador, habí­a establecido su propia firma. Westerholt montaba a caballo sin parar, pasaba las mañanas limpiando establos, entonces así­ podí­a pasar las tardes cabalgando por los campos de España con su hermano. Y con un sentimiento de culpa dice que no ha cabalgado en años.

A los 10 años, su familia retornó a Holanda, mudándose a una amplia casa en una urbanización en Alphen aan den Rijn, a 30 minutos de Amsterdam en carro. Mientras Sharon den Adel manejaba con facilidad por esas calles. Westerholt mira larga y fijamente por la ventana asombrado.

Señala los muros que usaba para practicar tenis o los campos en los que solí­a correr, y dirige a su pareja por esas calles recordando los viejos tiempos.

Fuera de su antigua casa, mira fijamente las ventanas, notando varios cambios, recordando cuando solí­a introducir a escondidas equipamiento e instrumentos de música despuíés que su padre le habí­a prohibido comprarlos. Sharon den Adel suelta una risita, recordando cuando el padre de Westerholt la sorprendió en la cama de Robert vestida con solo una camiseta.

Sharon cuenta, mientras suelta su clásica sonrisa contagiosa: “El estaba tan avergonzado que no sabí­a que decir. Creo que se puso más rojo que yo, jajaja!”

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 05, 2011, 11:11:06 pm
Ellos se conocieron hace 14 años, cuando ambos tení­an 18, y Sharon den Adel estaba cantando en un concierto en la iglesia local – “No porque yo fuera particularmente religiosa”, dice, “Sino porque allí­ era donde se realizaban los conciertos”. No fue amor a primera vista.

“Pensíé que íél era un imbíécil,” dice.” El tenia el cabello largo y trataba de parecerse a Kurt Cobain. Se acerco a mí­ y me empezó a decir que lo estaba haciendo todo mal. El ya tocaba en una banda y creí­a que se las sabia todas.”

“Creo que lo que en realidad paso es que el se sentí­a atraí­do por mi”, dice con un brillo en los ojos. “Pero era muy tí­mido como para confesármelo.”

“Simplemente tu no estabas acostumbrada a la critica profesional”, Westerholt responde en el acto.

Con el pasar de los meses lo superaron, y, como den Adel recuerda, se enamoraron en una fiesta.

“Le di a Robert una rosa falsa (de plástico) y el me dio una de regreso” se acuerda. “En realidad, tuve que tomar yo la iniciativa – no al contrario, como a íél le gusta contar. A pesar de todo, encontríé al hombre que es el amor de mi vida, y 14 años despuíés, todaví­a es mí­o”

Andaban juntos a la escuela, Sharon den Adel balanceándose en la en la parte de atrás de la motocicleta de Westerholt mientras soñaban en hacer música juntos. Practicaban en un viejo local de ensayos para músicos, el dueño, un fanático de la música country, les guardaba los instrumentos en su garage.

Westerholt dice que habí­a una gran afluencia de seguidores del death metal en el área, aunque íél estaba escuchando y tomando inspiración de la banda Británica de Doom Metal Paradise Lost.

Su primer espectáculo – ahora hace mas de 10 años atrás – fue calle abajo, en Boskoop en un pequeño local llamado The Tunnel.

“Vinieron 4 personas y los conocí­amos a todos” Westerholt sonrí­e “Aun así­ estábamos nerviosí­simos”

“Nosotros no encajábamos en la escena musical local” dice den Adel “í‰ramos los raros; nadie sabí­a que hacer con nosotros. Creo que en realidad eso realmente nos ayudo”

Así­ fue. Significo que se destacaron de la multitud, su íépico, metal gótico atrajo la atención de la disquera Holandesa DSFA (Doesn’t Stand for Anything). Su alineación –ocasionalmente fluida ya que miembros entraban y salí­an – finalmente se estableció con den Adel y Westerholt, el guitarrista Ruud Jolie, el bajista Jeroen van Veen, el tecladista Martjin Spierenburg y el baterista Stephen van Haestregt, y en solo dos años publicaron dos discos que gradualmente fueron atrayendo la atención del publico Holandíés, mientras ellos continuaban con sus trabajos diurnos.

Entonces hicieron una cosa curiosa, justo cuando se estaban volviendo famosos-se detuvieron. Renunciaron a todo por un año para así­ poder terminar sus carreras universitarias, para así­ â€œTener un respaldo en caso de que todo saliera mal.” Den Adel estaba desesperada por estudiar diseño de Modas, pero en lugar de eso se vio atraí­da hacia gerencia y producción de modas. Westerholt, quien estaba trabajando en Recursos Humanos y con intenciones de empezar una compañí­a de internet mientras su banda salto a la fama, regreso a la universidad a estudiar economí­a.

“Tomamos un periodo sabático de la banda” dice Westerholt “Simplemente querí­amos estar seguros de que tení­amos algo a lo que volver en caso de que lo de la música saliera mal”

Esto es algo que no se dice frecuentemente sobre una banda pero Within Temptation es formada de un grupo de gente evidentemente sensata. Eso se nota allí­ en el sobrio Saloon que conducen, en vez de los carros deportivos que prefieren la mayorí­a de la estrellas de rock, o en la forma en que indican los lugares históricos de la localidad que pasamos conduciendo, en vez de los lugares y clubes en los que solí­an emborracharse cuando niños. Pero seguramente todo esto es algo muy prudente,¿ algo planeado?

“El hecho es que no venimos de un paí­s que apoya a las bandas” dice den Adel “Algunas bandas tienen íéxito fuera de Holanda pero tienes que trabajar muy duro y por un largo tiempo para poder lograrlo. Holanda nunca será como Inglaterra donde las bandas obtienen mucho más apoyo. Lo que significo que necesitábamos tener ese “algo mas” porque; dado lo que les sucede a la mayorí­a de bandas Holandesas, habí­a una alta posibilidad de que no lo lograrí­amos no importaba lo buenos que fuíéramos. Por eso mantuvimos por tanto tiempo nuestros trabajos despuíés de que empezó la banda.”

Pero es algo más profundo que eso. Within Temptation lo dejo muy claro, tantas veces como fue posible, que no querí­an entrar en la música por dinero. La razón por la que mantuvieron sus trabajos o siguieron estudiando, era para que no tener que ver la música como una carrera, para no tener que depender nunca en la música para tener la seguridad de un techo. Esto, dice Westerholt, es importante si quieres estar seguro que estas tocando por las razones correctas, si deseas mantener la integridad y honestidad de la música.

“No querí­amos tener que hacer música por dinero” el admite “No querí­amos que la música fuera lo que pusiera comida en nuestras mesas. Querí­amos tener independencia de eso. Cuando renunciamos a nuestros trabajos para convertirnos en una banda profesional sabí­amos que no tení­amos que hacer concesiones en nuestra música porque, si salí­a mal, tení­amos algo en que recurrir, algo con que ganarnos la vida, si era necesario”

“Eso significo que no necesitábamos ponernos metas como hacernos famoso fuera de Holanda, o vender un número determinado de discos,” el agrega “Podí­amos simplemente sentarnos y observar que sucedí­a, a salvo en la idea de que estábamos bien si nada pasaba. Significa que nuestra carrera ha sido orgánica, en vez de algo que tení­amos que forzar para poder obtener un mayor número de ventas.”

Y es una carrera que ha durado hasta ahora más de 10 años, una carrera que los ha visto convertirse en una de las bandas más grandes de Europa, una banda que ha tocado para 10.000 personas en un solo espectáculo – como lo hicieron en su concierto de Java Island en el 2005.

Todo esto los pone ahora en una situación peculiar. Despuíés de batallar su camino hacia la cima en Europa en los últimos 10 años. Ahora están empezando otra vez desde abajo – peleando por reconocimiento en GB y Amíérica. Seguramente tocando en locales de mala muerte, concediendo incontables entrevistas y esforzándose con todo el trabajo que toma hacer famosa una banda, eso es algo de lo que están cansados?

“Es en realidad, bastante estimulante” dice den Adel. “Es sensacional poder pelear otra vez”, es sensacional empezar de nuevo. Las personas que ya nos conocen, saben que esperar. En Amíérica, por ejemplo, nadie sabe que esperar de nosotros, entonces se siente como cuando estábamos empezando la banda. Es emocionante ver esas primeras reacciones otra vez.”

“Significa que nos sentimos pioneros,” la interrumpe Westerholt. “Estamos a la vanguardia. No hay otras bandas Holandesas haciendo lo que nosotros hacemos”

Pero, no ser conocido viene con sus problemas. En Amíérica, y en GB, hasta cierto punto, Within temptation ha sido catalogado como el “Proximo Evanescence”, esto a pesar de tener una carrera de más de 10 años y un amplio catalogo de canciones. Esa es, sin embargo, una comparación comprensible – ambas bandas tratan temas oscuros, tiene magnifico sonido, pertenecen al rock gótico, ambas bandas poseen vocalistas femeninas sensuales y ambas atraen la misma clase de admiradores. Aun así­, esto es algo que no hace feliz a Within Temptation.

“Síé que eventualmente las personas juzgaran la música por lo que es,” dice den Adel. “Pero si, a veces me molesta; a veces las personas pueden ser muy desagradables. Hay personas que han dicho que nosotros estamos imitando a Evanescence. Eso es muy desagradable porque nosotros hemos estado haciendo esto por mucho tiempo y, cosas como nuestra ropa y la forma en que nos comportamos siempre han sido así­.

Si la gente viera nuestra historia, se darí­an cuenta por sí­ mismos. Es siempre como un trago amargo que tenemos que pasar y no es justo. Desearí­a que las personas tuvieran la mente suficientemente abierta como para poder vernos como somos”

“Pero no es realmente frustrante porque sabemos que no es verdad”, continua Westerholt. “Al final, eso no es lo que se destaca. Lo que se destaca es la música, si es buena. De manera que, no es agradable ser comparado con otras bandas pero síé que, al final, la gente se olvidara de eso. Siempre serás comparado con alguien a menos que seas la banda más famosa y grande que hay – Entonces todos los demás son comparados contigo”

Y, si no los están cuestionando por eso, entonces es por el hecho que tienen a una mujer en la banda. Otro tema de conversación que los hace suspirar del cansancio.

“Siempre me preguntan si me tratan de manera diferente o si fue difí­cil al principio ya que era una de “las pocas mujeres en el metal”, dice den Adel, poniendo los ojos en blanco. “La respuesta es no. Nunca tuve ningún problema, las personas siempre nos han aceptado como somos”

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 05, 2011, 11:12:56 pm
Tanto Sharon den Adel como Robert Westerholt dicen que sus composiciones están influenciadas por cosas que ven a su alrededor o por sus propias emociones. Sharon den Adel dice que a menudo esas son cosas que les han pasado a ambos. Aun así­, por extraño que parezca, ambos dicen que nunca escriben, uno sobre el otro.

“Puede ser que pase subconscientemente,” reflexiona Westerholt. “Pero no creo que intencionalmente escribamos uno sobre el otro.”

¿Parece una cosa extraña que afirmen que su música es personal y aun así­ la cosa más personal para ellos – su relación de pareja – quede fuera de la música. Seguramente reprimen sus emociones en sus canciones; Seguramente, las cosas que no dijeron en sus peleas aparecen en las letras de las canciones?

“Eso en realidad no sucede,” dice Sharon den Adel. “Somos Holandeses y eso significa que somos personas muy francas. Hay un dicho en Holandíés similar a uno en Ingles – dice, “Tenemos nuestro corazón en nuestra lengua”. Decimos lo que pensamos, lo cual no es siempre bueno, por supuesto. Pero si aclara el ambiente. Significa que los problemas no se acumulan y no tenemos que ponerlos en nuestras canciones.”

Ni siquiera, dicen, el hecho de que están juntos, los hace los jefes de la banda; capaces de ganar casi todas las discusiones a fuerza del hecho de que comparten la misma cama.

“Si el resto de la banda tiene algún problema con nosotros, entonces ellos nos confrontan con su problema,” revela Sharon den Adel. “Vernos como los jefes es la manera incorrecta de abordar las cosas. Creo que cada miembro en la banda sabe lo que quiere y tiene un rol con el que está feliz.”

Aun así­ son ellos dos son los que están siendo entrevistados, mientras el resto de la banda no está por ningún lado.

“Ellos si participan en las entrevistas,” dice Sharon den Adel. “En este caso solo fuimos nosotros, pero a veces seria agradable si no fuíéramos solo nosotros. En realidad, Creo que los fans tienen más problema con eso que la banda en sí­. Siempre están diciendo, “Hay más personas en la banda no solo Sharon, ¿porquíé siempre está solo ella en las fotos?”. No es algo que elegimos, es solo algo que sucede y no tenemos ningún problema con eso.”

“Sharon siempre va a obtener mucha mas atención ya que ella es la vocalista de la banda,” agrega Robert Westerholt. “Eso es lógico. Yo soy un compositor, Así­ que hablo de las canciones, pero Matjin tambiíén compone, simplemente a íél no le gusta hablar.”

Mientras pasean alrededor de las antiguas calles de Gouda, señalando la arquitectura e historia del lugar, meditan calmadamente sobre sus vidas. Dicen que obviamente seria agradable si se volvieran famosos en G.B y Amíérica – “Ciertamente no nos escucharás quejándonos si eso sucede”, confiesa Robert Westerholt – pero no es lo principal, no es lo que los motiva.

Pregúntales si estarí­an felices de vender 5 millones de copias de su nuevo álbum, y en vez de alegrí­a, hay preocupación en sus rostros.

“Estarí­a muy asustado si me volviera muy famoso,” responde Robert Westerholt. “No es algo que realmente deseemos.”

Y entonces, piensas que es una banda extraña. Una banda que prefiere llevarte en una caminata por los pueblos Holandeses en vez de hablar cosas sucias sobre la industria de la música, una banda que no quiere ser muy famosa. Una banda con planes alternativos, tí­tulos universitarios y olfato para los negocios. Una banda que, tal vez por primera vez en la historia son creí­bles cuando te dicen que están en el medio solo por la música.
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 07, 2011, 11:35:52 pm
En Twitter!!

For the next two days we are in Paris doing interviews with the French press as well as an accoustic session for Q
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 08, 2011, 11:11:12 pm
Entrevista Metalways (Francia)

Today, we met with Sharon den Adel in Paris. Robert, Ruud and her were there to promote their soon to be released new album: The Unforgiving. We talked about the concept of the album, about the story of the comics it’s based upon and also about the movies that will revolve round it. Since we were given the chance to listen to the new songs, we were able to talk about the big step that the band is taking by bringing us an all new sound, very different from what they’ve done until now, and yet, still perfectly true to what Within Temptation is.

 Metal-Ways: How did Steven O'Connell end up writing a comics for you?

Sharon: What happened was that we wanted to write lyrics for a movie. We were searching for a good movie with a good story and everybody had different release dates. If something goes wrong, a movie can very easily be postponed for a year, and we couldn't take the chance to have to wait for that, otherwise we would have had to postpone our album as well. So we decided to take the matter in our own hands.

We felt like we wanted to have a nice story, not a story that is very white and black, very easy, very superficial. We asked this comics writer that we met for The Heart of Everything. He was a writer for The Chronicles of Spellborn. He introduced us to Steven O'Connell. He is a very good writer for movies, for scripts, for comics, and he does the X-Men series in America also.
So we called him, and he had some ideas, but it wasn't the kind of ideas that we like: we don't like zombies, we don't like fantasy, we don't like blablabla... at least not for this story. We want something totally different, we want a thriller, we want a detective, we want something that has several layers, and, you know, what you see is not completely what you get. When you are reading a book, it's nice to be surprised, so that is what we wanted also.

So we told him what kind of movies we liked, what kind of books we read, and he thought about it and he came up with a basic idea, like 2 or 3 lines, the story is about people who have done bad things but not because they are bad, but because they made bad decisions. And they got a second life by Mother Maiden. They got recruited to find some redemption, but they have to pick up the bad guys. It sounds a little bit like a X-Men kind of story, but it is also a little bit like what you see is not always what you get. It is more a detective, a thriller, but that's something you will see when the comics comes in.

So we chose a comics to keep the matter in our own hands, but also because we love comics. We grew up with comics.

M-W: In which way do you think this comics connects to Within Temptation?

I think in a way that we, as writers, always are looking for something new. And this is also part of us I think, that's why it suits us. But I think that a lot of people will have to get used to the artwork and stuff like that. They are so different from what we did previously... But for us, it is really necessary to get inspired again.

And also because, in the past, when we were growing up as teenagers, in the 80's, when you bought an album, you were like: "Oooh, the album goes out!" and you looked at the artwork and wonder "Oh, what does this mean?" There were a lot of things to discover and people really were waiting until the album came out: "Only one week left!" and now everybody just download it, and it's just one song... We hope to bring a little bit the old magic back by bringing not just music but also a story behind it, and movies...

M-W: Did you choose the name of the characters?

Sometimes we did and sometimes we didn't. Siníéad for instance, she was called Maya and was from South America, which was beautiful and everything but we felt like: "Ok, we have a song already called Sinead" and I said "I can't hear myself singing "Mayaaaa". It doesn't fit you know (laughs). So we asked Steven if we could change to Siníéad, because it's a beautiful name... and Steven said: "ok that's a good idea! Let's bring her back to Dublin!" (laughs)

M-W: Are there parts of the story or maybe some characters that have been inspired by some TV shows?

No, not that we know of.

M-W: At the end of the first short clip, Steven O'Connell and Tim Smit are credited for the script, and Joeri Holsheimer is named as the director. What part did you play in the creating process?

Well, it is like adding small ideas that you have... But it was really a creative team altogether, from the story to the movies, because Tim and Joeri had interesting ideas about the film, and it didn't always match the story... So we had to go back to Steven and say "Ok Steven, we have to integrate this and this because it is really nice what they want to do, it really makes the story much better". That was really good to do. That's all creative people, including us, everybody was just adding things and ideas for the movies and for the story.

M-W: Aesthetically, the first short movie is successfully studied and accomplished. The band parts of the video clip, on the other hand, are simple and sober. Was it a choice?

Yes, we wanted to put all the money into the movies. You have a budget and then you have to make choices and, to be honest, MTV and everything, it is not so big anymore. And when you make videos, they always say "you can't use blood, you can't use guns, you can't use..." and we wanted to use everything: blood, guns... everything! (laughs)
The special edition of the CD will have everything on it: the movies, and all three videos.

M-W: You shot the 3 video clips within the same week. Will they look alike?

No, there are really different things. One is in a club, and two of them were shot in an old factory. In one of them, you only see darkness, there's only black.

M-W: There are two ways of watching the videoclip: either short film + video clip with only the band images, or only the video clip with mixed images from both the movie and the band. Is there a way that feels more natural to you?

If I were a fan, I would watch the long version (first the movie and then the clip) otherwise you miss certain parts of course.

M-W: Who wrote the Mother Maiden's speech from the first movie?

That was Steven O'Connell.

M-W: In which way this concept gave you the inspiration to come up to a new approach of your sound?

Well, we have been writing this kind of music since late 80's, beginning 90's. It is a long time; it's more than ten years, and with The Heart of Everything, we felt like it was finalized. It was the best album we could have done.
We finalized our sound and everything, and we were always like this: "Ok, we have a goal and that is what we have to write", and, when you have done it, you feel like you've done everything, more or less, and probably, you can't do better. Then, it was like "Oh! What now?"

So we stopped with everything, just let all music boundaries go and see what comes. This was the only way to open up again to new ideas. We were a little bit afraid of that because you never know what will come up, and, at the beginning, we were like: "Ooh it's going to be an 80's album, only going to be 80's!" And in the end, it just became a little more old Within Temptation and very new things from the 80's, you know, when we were growing up.

So we went back to our roots, and also to bands we grew up with: Metallica, Iron Maiden, but also Siníéad O'Connor, Frankie goes to Hollywood, Chris Isaak (not that I was a huge fan of Chris Isaak, I liked him very much, but I appreciate him more now actually than I did when I was growing up, although I did love Wicked Games, Blue Hotel and similar kind of songs that he wrote...)

M-W: Actually, Faster sounds a bit like Wicked Games...

Yes, it has the same atmosphere. It has similar, almost the same, accords, but it is different... So, we've been going like: "Ooooh we have re-written Wicked Games" and then "No, the chords scheme is different, we don't have to worry. And it's a written song!" (laughs) "Yay!".

M-W: You said that the diversity of the songs comes from the concept itself. Can you explain that?

Well, not only from the concept, but also because every inspiration differs from one another, like Iron Maiden is totally different from Chris Isaak! So that made it very diverse. Fire and Ice was more Frankie goes to Hollywood inspired.

M-W: By getting your inspiration from metal, rock and also pop hits from the 80's, you don't have a lot of room for symphonic elements which have always been a big part of Within Temptation. So, you are taking a big step, and some people might even call it a big risk. Do you feel anxious, or does it just feel natural?

Yes, it feels natural, it feels liberating also, but I don't think we left the orchestra part that much behind. It's less present, it's a new kind of mix. I think this way it becomes heavier. Because it is very difficult to have your strings, you know, the orchestra over there, and also guitars. They are always in the same frequency. So you always have to choose orchestra or guitars. And in the past, we said: "ok, bye bye guitars!", and the orchestra was all "BOOOW" big and everything... But that's something we always missed and now we have guitars and a lot of solos!

M-W: On the whole album, your way of singing is almost never soprano but more rock like and more aggressive than before. Is it only because it fits the concept better, or have you reached a point where it's safer for your voice this way?

No, it's more because it's needed for the emotions that I want for certain songs.

M-W: Your voice is very soft in Siníéad because "for the first time, life is gonna turn alright" whereas it's clearly darker in Murder (dark Ice Queen style). You've reached a point where you're able to perfectly inflect your voice in order to make the characters feelings come to life. Is it well-thought or did it just come naturally?

No, it just came naturally. I think that Murder is a little bit like a wacko kind of song. So I needed a wacko kind of voice, like if it was a crazy person singing. And I'm singing about a murderer. And Siníéad, it's lyric, it's a heavy song. In the beginning, it starts very soft and then it's like... party time! (laughs) ... which I also like, because it's nice to have uplifting songs! Usually, it's always dark...

M-W: Since we have time to talk about some of the songs, I'll ask bluntly: where the hell did In The Middle Of The Night come from?

In The Middle Of The Night... (starts singing it...) I love that song. It's one of my favourites. It just came up... we always had problems writing uptempo songs. Somehow it was always easier to write mid tempo songs and still make them heavy... I'm just trying, and trying, every time again, to have a heavy song... And then, I sat down with Daniel this time, and we were trying and trying, and it just happened! And I love it! I'm so proud of this song!

M-W: And I suppose your neck is definitely healed... because it's going to have to work perfectly!

Yeah! (laughs) I'll let everybody else headbang because I have to sing perfectly, and it's not a very easy song, breathing wise. There is not much time to breathe.

M-W: Another heavy song on the album is Iron. It's really power metal spirit. How did it come to that?

Well, that was more Robert and Daniel. Robert is really an Iron Maiden fan, Ruud also of course, and the guys have written a beautiful guitar solo for that. With this song, it's again the same thing: going back to our roots. It's very difficult to write a good song in that tempo but it works somehow.

M-W: And it's funny to hear your voice on this kind of music, because even at the beginning, when WT sounded more metal, it was gothic metal, kind of sweet, and sad...

And now it's more like : kick your balls! (laughs)

M-W: And it's nice!

I like it too because I like the new me! (laughs)

M-W: Since there's a large musical diversity within this album, are there one or two songs that you particularly enjoy?

I like everything. That's because I don't like only one kind of music. I like In The Middle Of The Night because it's so metal and it kicks ass! I like Fire and Ice because it's so beautiful and also very sad and pure emotion... But also other songs, they all have something special. I like Siníéad because it's so upper lifting... like: "no matter what happens to me, I'm gonna turn my life around", that kind of feeling.

M-W: How do you think you're going to tell the story of your album through live performances?

Well, the good thing is that I'm pregnant now (laughs) so we have more time to develop this. We're going to try to bring the story of the comics and the films on stage. I'm not sure yet how we're going to do it, maybe through projections or something. We just have to see what we're going to do.

M-W: And, in order to respect the story, do you plan on playing the songs in the same order as they are on the album?

No, because then it would be a very short show I think, because it's only a small hour... So we'll integrate some other songs as well... maybe just complete album and then old songs, or maybe integrate the old songs with the new ones. I'm not sure yet.

M-W: And since the concept idea is very important, do you plan to do special concerts where you'll perform the entire album in a row?

Maybe... It's maybe an idea, something we will be playing around with.

M-W: To conclude, there's an article on the website entitled "From now on, nothing will be the same". Was this only a teaser thing, or do you profoundly feel that way?

Well, we feel like we've made a major step in a different direction. We're not leaving everything behind but just adding a new flavour to our songs.

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 08, 2011, 11:18:28 pm

How long have you wanted to do a concept album?
We've wanted to do it for some years, we wanted to really develop the group and our career, but also our creativity.

Why is there a linked comic book?
As I said before, we wanted to reach a new level in our career. We wanted to do something new with a story and lyrics inspired by that story, not just lyrics limited to our imaginations, so we needed an over-arching theme/structure and to have a new approach to composition. It needed to be cohesive, and that's why it's focused on a story or a film. Because we have been comic book fans since we were children, we went for the option that was the most logical and natural.

Was it your idea, or did it come from the label?
It was really our idea. We spoke to the label many times and it was decided. We have the fortune to work with people who understand our desires and let us work while overseeing everything really well, and with our best interests at heart.

You said that you and the rest of the band are fans of comic books, but how did did you write without being too much like your influences? [sorry, stilted sentence!!]
We didn't question ourselves, we just let our imaginations run wild.

How did the collaborations with Romano Molenaar an Steven O'Connell come about?
In reality, we had already worked with them. Romano had worked on a video game in 2004 (Knights Of The Temple) where we supplied some music. We've known him for a long time, like Steven. We trusted him with our basic ideas and he took care of the writing. We acted like production managers telling him what we wanted from the comic. We thought it would happen all at once, but it doesn't! The Unforgiving is like a skeleton of work that is coming together over many months of hard work. Besides, not everything is finished: Steven is still working on the third comic (out of six).

Thanks to the fantastic work of the French postal system and its legendary punctuality, I didn't receiver a copy of the album in time to be able to listen to it before this interview. Therefore, I shall confine myself to issues and questions related to things already known to fans... In an interview with French magazine "Rock Hard" in October 2009, Sharon made it clear that Daniel Gibson would not be your producer, that you wished to change or even produce the album yourselves, but Daniel is back on The Unforgiving.
At that time Daniel was really exhausted and no longer felt capable of producing again. He needed to regain the energy and dynamism that we value so much.

Did you not feel, like other groups have, the need change everything to produce this album? I mean by that a change in producer, studio, country, in short everything that surrounds this creative process?
Daniel also has to be near our changes, our desires. He knows us and indeed, once he refound his drive, we did not ask to go elsewhere. It's simply a question of feeling.

You wrote on your site that TU will be influenced by many things, in particular the 80s. I do not recall having read or heard in the past that you were fans of this new wave period.
It turns out that we have evolved in the metal scene ever since our inception, even though we have not seen ourselves as a part of this scene for some time. The problem is that when you talk of the 80s, many people think of the new wave, but of the beginnings of the "heavy wave". I was born in 1975, and I grew up in this time, bathed in the music of Sisters Of Mercy, Michael Jackson, Billy Idol, Duran Duran, A Ha but Van Halen or even Europe. Too often, we reduce the eighties to only pop music. You have to see these years as a mixed bag.

I agree, but the real expansion of metal as a musical trend occurred in the late eighties. There were hits and a lot of newcomers from 1984 onwards, but nothing can justify that to the large majority, this was the decade of metal. In the eyes of many the advent of the metal has not happened yet [yeah...I'm not sure either]
I know, but we must not forget that at this time, metal had a certain "bite", it was something decidedly novel, heavy and very creative music. It was the time of Queen solos.

What justifies their presence in songs on this album, and the return of massive and punchy guitars that I could hear the short but very promising extract of "In The Middle Of The Night"?
You have said it all. The 80s cannot be simply reduced to synths, even though that is something that is very prominent and very much associated with that era, but it's more than that. Our new sound, this new approach that we've been talking about for some time does not only comprise the pop music from the 80s, we also take into account the metal aspect of this period, though of course we can consider Van Halen or Europe as being a part of the metal sound of the time, as well as groups like Metallica or Scorpions.

So you've partially answered my next question was whether you were a true fan of this musical era or just a new fan of the music of your youth.
Returning to solos, Sharon said a year and a half ago that she was learning to play the guitar. Might she be able to treat us to a guitar solos?
(Laughs) It might be the case for the next album, who knows?

Many fans have noticed a certain similarity between "Where Is The Edge" and songs on your previous album "The Heart Of Everything". Was it disappointing for you to hear this about the first single from your upcoming album, which was part of your new sound?
It is true that that song is similar to what we have done in the past but that does not reflect the rest of the album, I can guarantee that.

Same question, but rather to focus on the striking similarity between the melody of "Faster" and that of "Wicked Game" by Chris Isaak.
True, there are similarities, the feeling of the two songs are similar, but our song is not a copy. It may be that, like any artist, we were inspired unconsciously by what has shaped our culture and musical tastes, but the similarity wasn't on purpose.

Which do you prefer? The original or HIM's version?
The original of course, Chris Isaak is a great musician. The version of HIM is great,but the original is unbeatable.

The first reviews available for TU are very impressive, some even evoke this album as your masterpiece. Were you expecting such praise?
You know more than me, to be honest. I did not know that some people had talked TU like that (ndl: metal merchant, emp).
Of course we are proud of this album, we are extremely happy to know that were are positive reviews, but we have already dealt with less kind reviews.

You've already recorded 3 videos. It's rare to record everything at once. What is the reason? Is it because Sharon is pregnant and want to spare her the pressure?
This is one reason but not the only one. In fact, all our videos - or rather, our movies - will be available on the CD/DVD edition of The Unforgiving which is set to be released in March and it was necessary to record everything at once.

On Twitter, one of the extras on one of your videos mentions shooting in a German club. Is this place where you shot the video for your second single, "Sinead"?
That's right.

When will it be posted?
Probably at the end of the month.

Now a crucial question about your drummer: Is he a ghost? Does he really exist? In the video for "Faster", he is hidden, and he is also hidden in videos that have surfaced of your participation in the Vrienden van Amstel tour. Mike Coolen, your session drummer, said in the latest edition of your fan club magazine that the final replacement for Stephen had not yet been decided.
I want to reassure the fans: he is not a ghost. Our future drummer will be a creature of flesh and bone. The auditions are still ongoing and we should have chosen someone for the position by the time the summer festivals start.
He is hidden because we didn't want a session drummer to appear in a videoclip. Also, the idea that he is hidden is comparable to our concept album, they all come together, and you will understand the reason for this choice by reading the comics.

The decision hasn't been made? Is it possible for someone outside The Netherlands to apply?
Of course, but we need to finalise it soon, as I said, so don't delay!

Have you ever thought about your future stage set-up? Will you be dressed as a superhero?
(Laughs) We've already talked about it, but nothing is set in stone yet. We are currently busy with promotion. We will try to deal with the staging next month. Logically, our decor will be an extension of the world in the comics, but I don't know anything for sure right now.

Your next live appearance will take place this summer at M'era Luna Festival: a festival that you particularly like and which you were headlining a few years ago. Are other festivals planned?
Most likely, it is still up in the air. The only thing I can say now is that if we do other festivals, it will be in August.

Any idea of what will be performed on stage?
Not at all.

Enter? Not the entire album, even though I'm not against that, but at least a few songs?
We must be patient.

Will the M'era Luna setlist be representative of what will be played on your September tour?
It will be a good opportunity to present part of the album, to test the live tracks, but I don't think it will be the final set list, although will be possible to make rough estimations from it.

As I mentioned before, you opened the show at Vrienden van Amstel: Have you missed the stage?
Terribly so, it's a real addiction, especially for Sharon.

Was not that a bit annoying to leave after playing only 4 songs?
No no it was a good warm-up, a soft landing back into live performances, we weren't frustrated to leave so quickly.

Your previous album was released in March 2007, and since then you've played in many countries, made a DVD and an acoustic album. Should we still expect to wait four long years before your next album?
The album is not out yet we are already on the next one, my god (laughs)
I admit, our pace is not very fast, we like to take our time and give our best. It takes 3 years minimum, it is a good average I think, between each CD. It's a pace that suits us and I hope that fans will endure.

Do they have a choice?
Not really (laughs). But we are perfectionists and do not like to rush our work.

In recent years, you've for opened Metallica, Iron Maiden, both groups of which you are a fan. You've played with an orchestra and sold millions of CDs. Do you still have dreams left?
Of course. We realize how lucky we have been and all that we have done. It's still amazing.

In an interview with the Dutch magazine Aardshock back in 1998, you mentioned wanting to live your passion for music, which is the case today. What more can you want? Perhaps even more than a simple positive reception for your next CD?
The music scene is a perpetual challenge. We want to deliver concerts that people will not forget. Real shows. That's our motto at the moment, give the best of ourselves on stage, and to surpass ourselves each day is our challenge. But it's not a challenge in the etymological challenge sense of finding an even to win, in this case, it's more a goal that is facing us, as well as a competition. We want to excel, I repeat, to give the best.

What is your opinion on Stephen's group, My Favourite Scar?
Like many people, I have not seen them on live but I like their music. It is really very good. Stephen is an excellent drummer but he is also a very talented producer.

Same question on Ruud's project.
I listened to a little of "For All We Know", but as a fan of Iron Maiden, I was more interested in his project "Maiden United", which, in addition to being original, is very good . It is a very good group idea and they have a really talented singer (ndl: Daniel Gildenlí¶w Pain of Salvation).

Have you ever thought of launching your own a solo career without neglecting or even leaving Within Temptation?
It crossed my mind, but not more than that because Within Temptation takes so much of my time, but it does not bother me because I can blossom with this group which has given me so much.

A more informal question now: Do you prefer Twitter or Facebook? Who is in charge of writing messages on your accounts on those networks?
I like, no I love them. I am truly hooked. We like the ease of contact that they afford. You know, we have always been close to our fans and this gives us a certain way to present information on a daily basis, looking for news that we like to distribute. The messages are written by both the group and management. We share the password and give information and news as often as possible.

Such a scattering of information must be off-putting to some people?
Yes but not everyone goes to our site, Facebook, Twitter, Hyves, etc.. Social networks are important nowadays. We can not do without.

Two hours ago, you posted pictures of yourself at the local station "Oui" on these very same social networking sites. You mentioned the recording of an acoustic session that will be broadcast on Sunday. Can we have any more information? Has it already been recorded?If yes, what was the set list?
It has already been recorded, and we played "Faster," "Where Is The Edge" and "What Have You Done".

Did you play the same songs on Kerrang Radio last week when you were promoting the album in England?
If I remember correctly, it was a similar setlist, with Stand My Ground as well.

A final word about the tragic news this weekend about the passing of Gary Moore?
He was one of the greats. Wild Frontier is an album that I particularly appreciate. I never saw him on stage, unlike Sharon, who attended one of their concerts. Fortunately, his music is eternal.

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 10, 2011, 11:07:23 pm
Since the release of “Faster” everything is going faster and faster. The Unforgiving are starting to leave their mark more and more.

The first movie and the video of “Faster” reached the number 2 spot in the top 10 of most viewed music video’s worldwide on Youtube. “Faster” also skydived into the iTunes charts in USA at the same day it was released. Amazing highlights, please add your local news about “Faster” if you find any….

Besides that we’re running a busy promo schedule right now with a lot of interviews and visits to radio stations throughout Europe. Last week we were in the UK & France and the upcoming weeks we’ll travel to Germany, Finland, Belgium, Switzerland and Austria.

For all of our Dutch fans: Monday morning we’ll visit the studio of Radio 3FM for Giel Beelen’s show, next Friday you can hear us at Radio 538 (Edwin Evers) and in the evening on 3FM again during “Ekstra Weekend“.

Be sure to check it out and of course keep visiting our website, a lot of special announcements will be posted in the weeks to come

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 12, 2011, 11:15:31 pm
You can vote for the dutch 3FM Awards again!

As it is a Dutch site, we made a list you can use for voting. This is an example!

Beste Band (best band)
Within Temptation

Beste Zanger (best male singer)
Marco Borsato

Beste Zangeres (best female singer)
Sharon Den Adel

Beste Artiest Pop (best artist pop)

Beste Artiest Rock (best rock artist)
Within Temptation

Beste Artiest Dance (best dance artist)
Armin Van Buuren

Beste Artiest Hip-hop (best artist R&B)
De Jeugd van Tegenwoordig

Beste Artiest Alternatieve (best alternative artist)
Within Temptation

Beste Single (best single)
Utopia of Faster

Beste Album (best album)
An Acoustic Night at The Theatre or The Unforgiving

Beste Live Act (best live act)
Within Temptation

Beste Nieuwkomer (best new artist)
Laura Janssen

You can vote every day, so lets bring WT back to life in the Netherlands!!! -voor-de-3FM-Awards/0/
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: _V_ en Febrero 13, 2011, 09:39:48 pm
Faster_acústico  :023: Clavadita :008:

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 13, 2011, 11:45:51 pm
Que pasada!!!

 :008: :008:
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 13, 2011, 11:51:50 pm
The 25th March will be released Within Temptations latest album "The Unforgiven" in Sweden. This time the band has created a holistic concept. The fans have already received the first step in the form of the single "Aunt", short film "Mother Maiden" and the beginning of a comic strip. In autumn, the tour will involve a variety of artistic expressions.

Despite two days of promotion, it is a cheerful Robert Westerholt responds when Rocknytt get him on your phone.

Congratulations to you and Sharon to the coming baby. I hope that Sharon feels good.

-Yes, she is fine. Absolutely, it goes well.

When it is time for birth?

-The child will in early may, it is calculated to the 5th.

Your new album is a concept tablet. How did you determine that you wanted to make a concept album, in particular, along with cartoons and short films?

"It was a combination of things that are met. Some time ago, we had an idea that we wanted to do at the moment a concept album. Now we really felt that it was the right time to do so.

For us was our last album a finish on a kind of term. It would simply be a perfect album for us from the perspective that it was so we wanted that it would allow, as we have done over several years, with Orchestra and guitars. The balance was good and we really liked the album, but at the same time, we knew that we did not want to do the same thing again. It was time for something else.


"We knew that the Internet and things in the world had changed. MTV and other video channels had lost power. Today we can see what you like for the world on YouTube. It also means that we do not need to concern ourselves with purely creative. On MTV, you can view a spoon, but you may not see a naked ass or a drop of blood. Weapons are also prohibited.

This time, we wanted to do something creative, a mix of things we like. When we decided to make a concept album, but not in the traditional way by telling a story through lyrics. It limits you en masse.

We work with that type of songs and lyrics so you cannot tell an especially detailed story. Would we worked so we might have had to write a book. Instead, we bet on a comic. We knew a guy who worked with computer games, but also comic artists.

Yes, I was thinking just ask if you were familiar with Steven o' Connells (writer) and Romano Molenaars (artwork) work in the past?

"We knew only Romano. He was art director for a video game music as we did and we knew that he made cartoons and that he had worked for Marvel Comics and other publishers.

When I told him about the idea, so he thought it was fantastic. I asked if he felt a screenwriter because we didn't want to write the story themselves. We just wanted to write song lyrics with inspiration from the story.

Then we started to talk with Steven and I asked if he had any ideas. He told me about "The Unforgiving". When it had no name yet and no particular story. It was more of an idea but we loved it immediately it gave so many possibilities.

It would be a story with multiple layers in order to give more depth to characters. We did not want a steel or a simple evil against good history. The good is not always good and evil is not always bad.

There's always grey areas?

-Yes, and it inspires us. There are also some religious and some supernatural themes we get much inspiration.

We talked about the idea and gave Steven input. We also contacted a little different directors. It is a bit like with movies such as X — But, Spiderman, Batman or Sin City, which we also love to make a movie so it gives an extra dimension to the story. Make it just a comic so remain a bit in world series.

Directors like the idea of the direction and they had really good draft history, so we cooked together our ideas and Steven had a turnover of a great script.

I like the overall concept, it can really go in-depth in the various parts. It is really interesting.

-Yes, and you don't have to do it if you don't like it, you can also just listen to music without knowing anything about the series.

Musical inspiration
During the recording of the disc did you type on the Web that you WT — found inspiration in the songs from your musical roots in 80-and 90-century metal, rock and pop.
Examples of artists were e.g., Sisters of Mercy and Depeche Mode.
What was your inspiration when you were 15-17 years old. Which band you listened to?

-It was the type of tape, but I think our influences goes much further back and is much deeper than that.

A song like "Aunt" are in the nature of Chris Isaak while eg "Shot In The Dark" is a little harder in the melody.

I do not know always what artists inspired. It may even have been a part of songs by Kim Wilde and other pop artists, but when we came into the metal was with Iron Maiden and Metallica. It was the era metal band, but also the Sisters of Mercy and Fields of Nephilim. When I was really young began with Marillion.

I was a jí¤ttefan of Marillion. I think the main difference is that we in the early 1990 's began to move away from 80-century songs and was looking for more powerful expressions. The difference in this album is that refrí¤ngerna is a bit more melodic. It is larger and more melodic. This is the link between the two.

Swedish production
Once you have chosen to work with the Swedish producer Daniel Gibson. What do you think that Daniel has contributed to the medieval Tempations sound?
-He is a very perfektionistisk producer in sound image. It really is needed if we want to achieve a high level. Then we have to have control of everything and that makes him very good. Fixed more than we like his creativity and that we can match it.

He is a person with roots in the metal, but also like the useful pop. I think that is where we have a good connection. I write a lot of music with him and we understand each other well.

I understand that trust is very important in the process.

-Yes, Daniel has been with us on the road with our latest album. He has also had the same feeling of wanting to do something different and develop it.

The kreativita process
Would you say that there is a special creative process Within Temptation or has varied between albums?

"I think it has improved in view of the fact that more and more about yourself and other people and what is best will help your creativity.

In the context of this plate have I really taught me not to continue working when I'm not creative anymore. It is better to use one hour a day when you're in a good mood rather than to sit 10 hours that do not contribute to something. You'll learn more and more how you can reach your animosity and translate it into creativity

Within Temptation innovates-interview
2011-02-12 18: 11 | Written by Johan Persson Within Temptation innovates

The 25th March will be released Within Temptations latest album "The Unforgiven" in Sweden. This time the band has created a holistic concept. The fans have already received the first step in the form of the single "Aunt", short film "Mother Maiden" and the beginning of a comic strip. In autumn, the tour will involve a variety of artistic expressions.

Despite two days of promotion, it is a cheerful Robert Westerholt responds when Rocknytt get him on your phone.

Congratulations to you and Sharon to the coming baby. I hope that Sharon feels good.

-Yes, she is fine. Absolutely, it goes well.

When it is time for birth?

-The child will in early may, it is calculated to the 5th.

Your new album is a concept tablet. How did you determine that you wanted to make a concept album, in particular, along with cartoons and short films?

"It was a combination of things that are met. Some time ago, we had an idea that we wanted to do at the moment a concept album. Now we really felt that it was the right time to do so.

For us was our last album a finish on a kind of term. It would simply be a perfect album for us from the perspective that it was so we wanted that it would allow, as we have done over several years, with Orchestra and guitars. The balance was good and we really liked the album, but at the same time, we knew that we did not want to do the same thing again. It was time for something else.


"We knew that the Internet and things in the world had changed. MTV and other video channels had lost power. Today we can see what you like for the world on YouTube. It also means that we do not need to concern ourselves with purely creative. On MTV, you can view a spoon, but you may not see a naked ass or a drop of blood. Weapons are also prohibited.

This time, we wanted to do something creative, a mix of things we like. When we decided to make a concept album, but not in the traditional way by telling a story through lyrics. It limits you en masse.

We work with that type of songs and lyrics so you cannot tell an especially detailed story. Would we worked so we might have had to write a book. Instead, we bet on a comic. We knew a guy who worked with computer games, but also comic artists.

Yes, I was thinking just ask if you were familiar with Steven o' Connells (writer) and Romano Molenaars (artwork) work in the past?

"We knew only Romano. He was art director for a video game music as we did and we knew that he made cartoons and that he had worked for Marvel Comics and other publishers.

When I told him about the idea, so he thought it was fantastic. I asked if he felt a screenwriter because we didn't want to write the story themselves. We just wanted to write song lyrics with inspiration from the story.

Then we started to talk with Steven and I asked if he had any ideas. He told me about "The Unforgiving". When it had no name yet and no particular story. It was more of an idea but we loved it immediately it gave so many possibilities.

It would be a story with multiple layers in order to give more depth to characters. We did not want a steel or a simple evil against good history. The good is not always good and evil is not always bad.

There's always grey areas?

-Yes, and it inspires us. There are also some religious and some supernatural themes we get much inspiration.

We talked about the idea and gave Steven input. We also contacted a little different directors. It is a bit like with movies such as X — But, Spiderman, Batman or Sin City, which we also love to make a movie so it gives an extra dimension to the story. Make it just a comic so remain a bit in world series.

Directors like the idea of the direction and they had really good draft history, so we cooked together our ideas and Steven had a turnover of a great script.

I like the overall concept, it can really go in-depth in the various parts. It is really interesting.

-Yes, and you don't have to do it if you don't like it, you can also just listen to music without knowing anything about the series.

Musical inspiration
During the recording of the disc did you type on the Web that you WT — found inspiration in the songs from your musical roots in 80-and 90-century metal, rock and pop.
Examples of artists were e.g., Sisters of Mercy and Depeche Mode.
What was your inspiration when you were 15-17 years old. Which band you listened to?

-It was the type of tape, but I think our influences goes much further back and is much deeper than that.

A song like "Aunt" are in the nature of Chris Isaak while eg "Shot In The Dark" is a little harder in the melody.

I do not know always what artists inspired. It may even have been a part of songs by Kim Wilde and other pop artists, but when we came into the metal was with Iron Maiden and Metallica. It was the era metal band, but also the Sisters of Mercy and Fields of Nephilim. When I was really young began with Marillion.

I was a jí¤ttefan of Marillion. I think the main difference is that we in the early 1990 's began to move away from 80-century songs and was looking for more powerful expressions. The difference in this album is that refrí¤ngerna is a bit more melodic. It is larger and more melodic. This is the link between the two.

Swedish production
Once you have chosen to work with the Swedish producer Daniel Gibson. What do you think that Daniel has contributed to the medieval Tempations sound?
-He is a very perfektionistisk producer in sound image. It really is needed if we want to achieve a high level. Then we have to have control of everything and that makes him very good. Fixed more than we like his creativity and that we can match it.

He is a person with roots in the metal, but also like the useful pop. I think that is where we have a good connection. I write a lot of music with him and we understand each other well.

I understand that trust is very important in the process.

-Yes, Daniel has been with us on the road with our latest album. He has also had the same feeling of wanting to do something different and develop it.

The creative process
Would you say that there is a special creative process Within Temptation or has varied between albums?

"I think it has improved in view of the fact that more and more about yourself and other people and what is best will help your creativity.

In the context of this plate have I really taught me not to continue working when I'm not creative anymore. It is better to use one hour a day when you're in a good mood rather than to sit 10 hours that do not contribute to something. You'll learn more and more how you can reach your animosity and translate it into creativity.

Sharon's voice

I read somewhere that Sharon experimented more with its voice during the recordings of "The Heart of Everything". Do you think she has moved its limits further with "The Unforgiving"?
-Yes, absolutely, it is something that continues to amaze us. It's almost as if she can do anything now. Once it has been fantastic for us.

It is not that we have tried to push forward with a new voice expression. We have written several songs and the songs, singing that suits them, She seems to constantly find new ways to interpret each song in the best possible way.

It is especially to someone who has sung for so long can continue to develop their voice and opportunities of it.

The first time I saw you live where on Roskilde Festival for a number of years ago. The thing that struck me is how flexible the band is on stage, and how much Sharon springer around and still sounds she never out of breath.

-Yes, there is also a challenge. It is approximately the same as for each album, that she must practice at the beginning to learn new vocal expression. At the start is the toughest to her. Live after all she must move and breathe and it takes a lot of energy.

On tour, it will gradually, how she must breathe and when she can rest and get a break. It is a very nice balance.

On tour
You recently played in Rotterdam. Played you some new songs and how did the fans receive against them?

"It was a kind of festival with various Dutch bands. We opened it up and played three songs, but "Faster" was one of them, the audience was not only to our fans but a General Dutch audience. The good thing is that you can see the reactions from people who were there on Twitter. I have not seen many who do not have liked the song yet.

You are going to Sweden on your tour in the autumn. Have you already completed everything that relates to the production, scenkulisser and cool clothes?

-No, no not at all, it's the advantage of Sharon's pregnancy. We have had more time (Laughs). Right now, we do much promotion, but in the beginning of March we are focusing on the new show. There are a lot of work we will integrate all the movies and try to get with the cast in 3D.

It will be very fun to do, but fortunately, we have plenty of time to test everything properly.

//Interview: Johan Persson

Short facts:
Within Temptation was founded in 1996 by guitarist Robert Westerholt and his girlfriend vocalist Sharon den Adel (now his wife).

"The Unforgiving" is the band's fifth full-length album, plus it has released two live albums and various singles and EP 's.

The band has been awarded a 30 gold and platinaskivor.

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 14, 2011, 11:56:34 pm
Mas acusticos!!

Faster (

Where is the edge (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 14, 2011, 11:59:29 pm
Samples del álbum!!

Para oir aquí­ (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 16, 2011, 11:42:06 pm
Aqui ( hay más samples
Que bien suena!!!
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 17, 2011, 10:42:42 pm
Anette pregunta a Sharon! (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 18, 2011, 11:08:49 pm
Nueva foto!!!

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 19, 2011, 11:48:25 pm

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 19, 2011, 11:53:46 pm

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 20, 2011, 11:30:32 pm
Otra foto!!

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 21, 2011, 11:38:29 pm
Un video (

Mañana noticias del baterí­a!!!
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 21, 2011, 11:41:19 pm
Otea actuación

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 22, 2011, 11:45:21 pm
Nuevo baterí­a!!

Yeahhhh we are a full team again !
Mike Coolen is our new drummer. He has played with us in the past on a few occasions before. The chemistry has always been very good both on stage as on personal level so he was the first on our mind.

So, Mike great to have you onboard!

Now to us he is no stranger but you probably don’t know who Mike Coolen is. Who can introduce the new drummer better then the man himself (

Parece majo!!!
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 23, 2011, 12:00:03 am
Entrevista!!! ( ( (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 24, 2011, 11:50:59 pm
Acusticos (

Entrevista (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 25, 2011, 11:01:22 pm
Grabación de las cuerdas!! (la orquesta) (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 25, 2011, 11:03:02 pm

Una extravagante

Sharon den Adel: “No duermo en un ataúd”

La banda gótica holandesa Within Temptation ganó un World Music Award. ¿Extravagante? Sí­, pero esa no es la cosa más extravagante que la vocalista Sharon den Adel ha vivido hasta ahora.

¿Cuál es el álbum mas extravagante en el que has trabajado?

Sharon den Adel: El álbum de Delain, la banda de Martijn Westerholt, quien, por un tiempo, hizo música con nosotros en “Within Temptation”. Delain habí­a recibido una nominación a los MTV awards en la misma categorí­a que nosotros: “New Sounds of Europe”. Aunque hacemos el mismo tipo de música, Martijn por ningún motivo es la competencia. Nos ayudamos mutuamente.

¿Cuál es el lugar más extravagante en el que has sido fotografiada?

Sharon den Adel: En medio de la nada a temperaturas bajo cero en una reserva nacional. Me tuve que maquillar y cambiarme de ropa en la cocina de un restaurante, entre los cocineros. Eso era mejor que cambiarme en los baños sucios.

¿Cuál es el lugar más extravagante en el que has dado un concierto?

Sharon den Adel: Hay diferentes lugares: En la mitad de la noche en la estación de trenes en Valencia, el desierto en Dubái y un festival en Japón. Al principio los adolescentes estaban muy tranquilos escuchando el discurso de apertura, luego del cual empezaron a hacer headbanging sin parar, desde la primera nota musical. Tení­a miedo de que nadie fuera a venir porque tení­amos que hacer el concierto a mediodí­a, pero la arena se lleno de freníéticos amantes de la música.

¿Cual es la reacción mas extravagante que has recibido de un fan?

Sharon den Adel: Habí­a un hombre que tení­a tres fotos mí­as tatuadas en su cuerpo. Hicieron un buen trabajo con los tatuajes, pero aun así­â€¦

¿Cual es el chisme más extravagante que han dicho sobre ti?

Sharon den Adel: Que todos en la banda bebemos sangre y que dormimos en ataúdes. No lo hacemos.

¿Cuál es el beso más extravagante que te han dado?

Sharon den Adel: Mi primer beso. Tení­a 12 o 13 años y el chico esperaba un beso con lengua, pero eso no fue lo que obtuvo. Al final el beso se convirtió en un simple beso en la mejilla. En segundo lugar están los besos de los fans, que me tratan de besar en la boca. Siempre trato de esquivarlos en el último momento volteando la cabeza.

Entrevista traducida por Tamara

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 25, 2011, 11:06:27 pm
Sobre el canto

¿Cuándo empezaste a cantar? ¿Quíé te motivo a entrar al mundo de la música?

Sharon: Si les creo a mis padres, pude cantar antes de poder hablar. Pero bien, así­ son los padres, no es verdad? Cuando tení­a 4 años, recibí­a dinero semanal de mis padres, pero debí­a ser gastado solo en música. “Gracias” a la recomendación de mi hermano, una vez compre y lleve a casa la versión de “Wars of the world” de Jeff Wayne. Todaví­a tengo ese cassette. Me empezó a gustar esta música, pero a decir verdad era algo aterrorizante para una niña de 4 años Siempre habí­a música en casa. Deep Purple, Santana, Pink Floyd y Queen, ese tipo de música. Cuando tení­a 12 años entre seriamente en el canto.

¿Cual fue tu primera banda?

Sharon: Cuando tení­a 14 años tome un curso en una escuela de música sobre como formar una banda. Un año despuíés estaba cantando en una banda de Blues Rock: Kashiro. Tocábamos covers de Van Halen, Journey, Pink Floyd, Stevie Ray Vaughn, Queen, The Red Hot Chili Peppers y muchos más.

¿Cuáles fueron tus influencias cuando eras joven? ¿En estos momentos tienes algún/a cantante favorito/a?

Sharon: Cuando era niña, era una gran fan de Olivia Newton-John. Hoy en dí­a me gusta escuchar a Tori Amos y Emma Shapplin. Si se trata de cantantes masculinos, me gusta escuchar bandas como Muse, HIM y Nirvana, pero tiene mucho con el tipo de música que tocan, eso tiene mucha importancia para mí­. No puedo separar esas dos cosas.

¿Alguna vez tomaste lecciones de canto? ¿Cuáles son tus estudios musicales?

Sharon: Cante por un tiempo en un coro, solo para aprender una manera diferente de cantar. Tambiíén, Por un periodo corto tiempo, tomíé lecciones con un estudiante de un conservatorio. La mayorí­a de las cosas las aprendí­ por mí­ misma, gracias al estudio y a la práctica de canciones que me gustaban hasta que podí­a cantar todas las partes difí­ciles. Cuando notaba que me dolí­a la garganta porque trataba de cantar una parte difí­cil. Buscaba la manera de cantar que no me causara dolor. A mis vecinos y a mis padres les molestaba mucho cuando estaba practicando la misma parte muchas veces.

¿Quíé crees que hace a un buen cantante?

Sharon: Creo que un buen cantante tiene que poder conmover a las personas de forma emocional. Si se trata de la tíécnica.

Definitivamente debe tener una base, pero depende en el tipo de música que hagas. Madonna tal vez no es la mejor cantante del mundo, pero una canción como “The power of goodbye” todaví­a me conmueve profundamente, y tambiíén me gusta el sonido de su voz. El cantante de The Cure no siempre canta en tono, pero todaví­a me fascina, me transporta a un ambiente particular. El poder de Tori Amos yace en sus melodí­as, las letras de sus canciones y su personalidad.

Para ser honesta. No creo que haya unas reglas especiales que un cantante debe seguir, ya que todos experimentamos la música de manera diferente. A parte de eso, cada estilo musical tiene un propósito diferente y evoca diferentes emociones. Para ser una cantante de metal tienes que tener diferentes cualidades que un cantante de reggae o R’n'B

¿Cual crees que es tu fuerte como cantante?

Sharon: Creo que mi fuerte es que puedo hacer diferentes cosas con mi voz.

¿Cuáles son tus canciones preferidas para cantar en el escenario?

Sharon: The Promise y Caged.

¿Cuales son tus intereses y pasatiempos a parte de la música?

Sharon: Libros de fantasí­a, pelí­culas, tomar un paseo en la naturaleza, la moda, pintar… En realidad tengo muchos pasatiempos, para los que ya no tengo mucho tiempo. Pero no deberí­a quejarme, ya que mi mayor pasatiempo es la música.

Entrevista traducida por Tamara y realizada por Sonic Cathedral

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 26, 2011, 10:47:07 pm
Otra review (

(pag 18 a 27)
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 28, 2011, 11:11:16 pm
Otro festival!!

We've just confirmed Heitere Open Air in Switzerland, see you there!
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 02, 2011, 12:01:58 am
The prequel of “The Unforgiving” is almost at it’s end. Bad news? No!
This only means that it’s just a matter of time before you can read the first edition of “The Unforgiving”.

The prequel is officially called “Perdition” and will be printed combined with the first edition of “The Unforgiving”.

For now, enjoy page 7  of “Perdition”.

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 02, 2011, 11:48:25 pm

La portada!!!!
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: _V_ en Marzo 04, 2011, 02:07:42 pm
Where Is The Edge, acústica en un hotel de Parí­s. Sharon silba, Robert y Rudd a la guitarra.
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 04, 2011, 08:14:33 pm
Muy chulo!!!
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 05, 2011, 08:08:07 pm
Starting today you can expect new Within Temptation – The Unforgiving wallpapers.

We’re posting these official wallpapers on Facebook so you can download the high-res version and save it to your computer

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 05, 2011, 08:10:17 pm

Tour news: Extra show in Cologne on Nov. 17th
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 05, 2011, 11:07:46 pm
Currently we’re developing an iPhone app. With this app you don’t have to miss out on any news from Within Temptation.

As we’re trying to make this app an extension from the website you’re going to able to interact even more and comment on articles wherever you are. You can visit the website for free so this will be a free app!

The app will basically contain everything you need from the website + more! As we can’t reveal everything yet it’s safe to say that you will be able to read the comic, watch videos, listen to music, download exclusive wallpapers, look up event information, see who else is going to your concert and much more.

We’re planning to get the app in stores before the album release.. and of course by then you’ll hear from us!

Want to see the app? Here you go!

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 07, 2011, 12:06:14 am

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 07, 2011, 11:27:18 pm
2 videos del Vrieden vam Amstel (

Mother Earth (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 09, 2011, 12:05:48 am
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 10, 2011, 11:41:16 pm

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 10, 2011, 11:47:36 pm
Making of Faster (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 10, 2011, 11:48:53 pm
Entrevista (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 11, 2011, 05:46:45 pm
Sinead (

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 12, 2011, 11:23:09 pm
By WT official 27 comments   Within Temptation @ Dutch talk show
Last night Within Temptation performed at the Dutch talk show ’De Wereld Draait Door’

‘De Wereld Draait Door’ is a popular Dutch talkshow where current topics about politics, sports, culture and media are being discussed. Within Temptation did a full acoustic version of Faster before the show and a short 1 minute version live on television.

You might even see a glimpse of the new comic

Podeis ver aquí­ (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 15, 2011, 11:34:07 pm
Se filtró el disco!!
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 18, 2011, 12:09:23 am
Samples de todas las canciones (tb bsides) (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 19, 2011, 08:43:05 pm
Within Temptation´s iPhone app available!
Within Temptation is officially represented in the world of iPhone apps!
With this app you don’t have to miss out on any news from Within Temptation.

As we’re trying to make this app an extension from the website you’re able to interact even more and comment on articles wherever you are. This app is NOW available for free in the app store.

We’re going to count down to the 25th of March by adding the new album song by song in the app. So for the real fans who can’t wait, you’re now able to listen to the first track of The Unforgiving: Why Not Me.

Also the last page of the comic prequel “Perdition” is now exclusively available in the Within Temptation iPhone app.

In the first version of the app you can read the comic, watch videos, listen to music, download exclusive wallpapers, look up event information, see who else is going to your concert and much more. With future updates we’ll try to add even more functions
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 19, 2011, 08:48:02 pm
special treat for you before your weekend starts!
As you know the release of our new album The Unforgiving is only a week away, so we’re showing you all kinds of new content and footage.

Not only did we upload a new wallpaper to our Facebookpage, we have also put a new song in both our player and the iPhone app! We hope you’ll like Stairway To The Skies!

Another exciting part of this news message is that we can announce the release of the second short film (titled “Siníéad“) on Monday!

So make sure to check back on Monday to watch this new movie, which you can also find on the Special Edition of our new album
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 19, 2011, 11:32:48 pm
Nominated for 3FM Award, please rock your vote!
Dutch radiostation 3FM just announced the nominated artists for their annual 3FM awards.
Within Temptation scored a nomination for  ’Best Rock Artist’!
The awardshow will be held on April 14th and of course the votings are open right now, so rock YOUR VOTE (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 19, 2011, 11:35:35 pm
Pag 8 del comic!!!

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: _V_ en Marzo 20, 2011, 06:14:08 pm
Unos wallpapers wapos  :023:

( (

( (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 20, 2011, 11:33:05 pm
Mas trozos de canciones!!! (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 21, 2011, 11:35:23 pm
Corto Siníéad (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 22, 2011, 11:28:17 pm
Estan poniendo aquí­ ( especial con las caciones favoritas de Sharon y Robert
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 23, 2011, 11:45:03 pm
a trip to our show in New York City!
Make the release date of our new album “The Unforgiving” an unforgettable one by filming this day in your life and compete for a trip to our Terminal 5 show in New York on September 10th!

How does it work?
Make your own one minute short film of the moment you buy the album, listen to it with your friends afterwards, or having your own secret release party. These are just a few examples how you can celebrate the release of the album. It can’t be crazy or funny enough. You may use 60 sec of the new WT songs as a soundtrack of your film.

The most original film on spending the day of “The Unforgiving” release will win a trip to New York where you and 1 friend will visit our concert at Terminal 5 on September 10th. The winning prize includes an economy flight to New York, 2 nights in a hotel and concert tickets including a meet and greet with the band.

Out of all the short films we receive we will choose a large amount of footage we will use for the official “Your Unforgiving Experience” compilation! Make yourself immortal with your short film about your release day of “The Unforgiving”!

Procedure and timing
Upload your movie of max. 1 minute on Youtube. Next send the original video file to us by uploading it to Wetransfer through this link. Very important: mention the Youtube link and your e-mailaddress in the message field! You can upload and submit your short films as of March 25th. The deadline will be April 22nd. After that date no new submissions will be accepted. The winning short film will be announced shortly thereafter depending on how many films need to be watched it might take a week or even more.

General legal conditions:
You have to be of legal adult age to participate in the competition and you will need a suitable passport or visa to enter the United States of America. It will be your own responsibility to obtain a passport and valid visa for the USA. You will need to arrange for your own transport to and from the airports of departure or arrival. By submitting your short film and participating in the competition you automatically agree that your short film (or any excerpts of your film) might be featured in a compilation which will be uploaded online to any online video portal or By submitting a short film you are confirming that you haven’t infringed any copyright law or any other law with the film footage submitted
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: _V_ en Marzo 25, 2011, 03:20:26 pm
Siníéad official music video
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: _V_ en Marzo 25, 2011, 04:59:53 pm
Shot In the Dark - official music video
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: _V_ en Marzo 25, 2011, 05:50:46 pm
the last dance
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 25, 2011, 11:14:36 pm
MOLAN!!!! :008: :008: :008:
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 25, 2011, 11:16:12 pm
Four years after “The Heart Of Everything”, finally our new studio album “The Unforgiving” is hitting the stores this weekend!

Depending on where you live can now buy the album online as well as in your favourite record store, or you can do so by Tuesday at the latest, for example in the US! At this first day of release we already hit the charts on iTunes: Norway #13, Belgium #4, Sweden #3 and Holland #2. Check out below overview for release dates in your country (could be earlier depending on local record stores / iTunes, below dates are the official release dates though):

March 25, 2011: Australia, Austria, Germany, Hong Kong, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, UK
March 28, 2011: Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Greece, Hungary, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Israí«l, Slovenia/Croatia, Mexico
March 29, 2011: Italy, Spain
March 30, 2011: Finland, Korea, USA
April 6, 2011: Japan (postponed release due to the earthquake)

Before you get your own copy of “The Unforgiving”, be sure you checked out this huge competition we launched called “Your Unforgiving Experience”. Make your own 1-minute short film of the moment you buy the album, listen to it with your friends or having your own secret release party. The most original film on spending the day of “The Unforgiving” release will win a trip to New York where you and 1 friend will visit our concert at Terminal 5 on September 10th! Check the competition page for more information and requirements
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 26, 2011, 11:08:07 pm
Transcripción del corto Siníéad


Although distant, I still hear the tormented cries, the damned, the anguished fallen. They still haunt my dreams. A philosopher once wrote: “Every man is guilty of all the good he didn’t do.” I so believe that. My guilt defies any punishment. My craving desire to make right what’s wrong it’s away of the very core of my being. In simplest terms, I need to clean the slate.

Names aren’t important. But for the record, I was born Siníéad Harkin, in Dublin, Ireland. It was quite some time ago. Gone is the little freckle-faced girl I once saw in the mirror looking back in time. Innocence replaced by death.

- Da...daddy… I just…
- Goddammit, Siníéad!
- I just wanted to…
- This is what it comes now? Stealing from your own family… Have you no shame?
- I’m sorry. I just need a few quid, OK? And then I’ll go, I swear!
- What you need is help, not money!
- Please don’t be like this.
- Like what? Like a father who still gives a damn?
- I’ll… I’ll get help. Just a few quid.
- How… how am I supposed to believe that? It’s just more of your damned lies.
- You shut up!
- Goddammit, Siníéad! I’m just trying to help you!
- I’ll get help, OK?
- Come on… If you don’t give a damn about yourself, at least do it for little Susie.
- Susie? How is she?
- She needs a mother!
- I can’t.
- Yes, you can!
- No! It’s too late. … Susie! Hi sweetie! Granddad and I are just having a talk, Susie. How you doing in school? You doing good?
- Leave!
- I just wanna give her a… kiss…
- Get out of my house!
- She is my daughter!
- Get the hell out of my house!

I was murdered only a year after I killed my father, although a part of me died the night I took his life. Right then in there I gave up any chance of seeing my child grow up. Stupid girl… Once again, I’m one of the damned, a cursed fallen.

En español


Aunque lejanos, aun escucho los gritos atormentados de los descarriados condenados y angustiados. Todaví­a se me aparecen en sueños. Un filósofo escribió una vez: “todo hombre es culpable del bien que no hizo”. Yo tambiíén pienso eso. Mi culpa desafí­a a cualquier castigo. Mi ardiente deseo de hacer bien lo que está mal está lejos de la misma esencia de mi ser. Hablando claro, necesito hacer borrón y cuenta nueva.

Los nombres no importan. Pero para dejar constancia, nací­ como Siníéad Harkin, en Dublí­n, Irlanda. Fue hace bastante tiempo. Nada queda ya de esa niña con pecas que una vez vi en el espejo. Inocencia reemplazada por muerte.

- Pa… papá… Yo sólo…
- ¡Maldita sea, Siníéad!
- Sólo querí­a…
- ¿Hasta esto has llegado? Robar a tu propia familia… ¿Es que no tienes vergí¼enza?
- Lo siento. Sólo necesito un poco de dinero, ¿vale? Y despuíés me iríé, ¡lo juro!
- ¡Lo que necesitas es ayuda, no dinero!
- Por favor, no seas así­.
- ¿Así­ cómo? ¿Quieres que sea como un padre al que aun le importas algo?
- Yo… conseguiríé ayuda. Sólo un poco de dinero…
- ¿Cómo… cómo pretendes que me lo crea? Son solo más malditas mentiras de las tuyas.
- ¡Cállate!
- ¡Maldita sea, Siníéad! ¡Sólo intento ayudarte!
- Conseguiríé ayuda, ¿vale?
- Por favor… Si no te preocupas de ti misma, al menos preocúpate de la pequeña Susi.
- ¿Susi? ¿Cómo está?
- ¡Necesita una madre!
- No puedo.
- ¡Sí­! ¡Sí­ puedes!
- ¡No! Es demasiado tarde. … ¡Susi! ¡Hola cariño! El abuelo y yo sólo estamos hablando. ¿Cómo te va en el colegio? ¿Te va bien?
- ¡Vete!
- Sólo quiero darle un… beso…
- ¡Vete de mi casa!
- ¡Es mi hija!
- ¡Vete de mi casa de una maldita vez!

Me asesinaron sólo un año despuíés de matar a mi padre, aunque una parte de mí­ murió la misma noche en la que le quitíé la vida. En aquíél mismo momento desechíé toda posibilidad de ver crecer a mi hija. Quíé estúpida… Una vez más, soy uno de esos condenados, descarriados, malditos.
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: _V_ en Marzo 28, 2011, 07:40:42 pm
I don`t wanna
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: _V_ en Marzo 28, 2011, 07:41:49 pm
Empty eyes
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: _V_ en Marzo 28, 2011, 08:06:59 pm
Within Temptation- Triplets Official Video
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: _V_ en Marzo 31, 2011, 12:22:54 pm
Logan is born!

We are so extremely happy he’s here now with us safe and sound...
The delivery went very well and myself and Logan are feeling just great. What a week…it’s all overwhelming.
For the moment greetings from the clouds we’re floating on and we wish all of you a fantastic day also !

Luna, Aiden, Robert and Sharon xxx

( (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 31, 2011, 08:42:22 pm
TU entered at number one today in the U.S. and the U.K.! The album is almost released in 48 countries and is ranking in the top 5 in many major markets with further number ones in France, Germany, Austria, Belgium, Finland, Sweden, The Netherlands, Portugal and Switzerland.

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 31, 2011, 11:52:43 pm
3 niños 3 partos prematuros!!!
Esto no es normal!!
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 02, 2011, 11:00:43 pm
The latest CD from Within Temptation is a change of pace for the band, both musically and lyrically. The Unforgiving is based on a comic book created especially for the band, with the lyrics corresponding to the story in the comic book. Musically, Within Temptation's style of melodic and symphonic metal is intact, but they add some rock and pop influences as well. Vocalist Sharon den Adel explains how the album concept was developed, their tour plans (which were delayed until after she has a baby), her interests outside music and other topics

Chad Bowar: You recently got a new drummer. How did you find him?
Sharon den Adel: Mike is someone who filled in before for Stephen. He's someone we've worked with and a friend, and we know what we're getting with him. He does a great job

You've had a relatively stable lineup over the years except for drummers. There has been a revolving door of new ones. How come?
It's a Spinal Tap kind of thing! (laughs) I don't know why we've had so many.

Your new album The Unforgiving is a concept album based on a comic book. Was it an existing story, or something written specifically for you?
It was specifically written for us. We helped develop it. The basic story came from Steven O'Connell, and we gave him some ideas of our own. We also worked with Romano Molenaar, who was the artist. He worked on the Wolverine comic in America.

How did the idea of the comic come about?
There were two main reasons we chose to do the comic. One was because we grew up with bands that did a lot of concept albums in the late '70s and '80s. Also because we grew up with comic books and liked them. The past five years a lot of movies based on comic books came out, and it reminded us how much we enjoyed them. This album brings back some of the musical influences of the '80s. We wanted to bring some of that back. Nowadays everything is about downloading and just one song.

Did basing the album on the comic book change the songwriting process?
The lyrics are based on the comic. It's a soundtrack to the story. But you really have to read the comic to understand the lyrics, and vice versa.

What is the timing of the release of the comics, and how many of them will there be?
There will be six comic parts coming out. It's one story, divided into six different parts. One will be released every two months. The prequel is available now on the website. The first comic will be published at the same time the album comes out. They will be downloadable and in paperback.

How would you describe the sound of the album?
With our previous album we had a concept in our minds how we wanted it to sound. After that album we felt we finalized our sound and couldn't do any better. We wanted to take a step in a new direction, explore a little bit again. We ended up getting inspired by bands from the '80s; not just metal bands like Iron Maiden, but pop bands like Frankie Goes To Hollywood and their song “The Power Of Love” with the synthesizer sound from the '80s. We didn't do it in every song, though.

You worked with producer Daniel Gibson again. What is it about his style that's such a good fit for you?
He's become a friend. When you start with a new producer, it takes a long time to get to know each other. Why split up something that works? We're always on the same wavelength. We grow together toward a new sound each time, and really complement each other.

In addition to the comic books, you also filmed some short films to accompany the CD.
We felt like some of the backgrounds of the main characters in the comics weren't explained a lot, so we made some short movies. They give a bigger and clearer picture of the background of the characters.

With every album you've become more successful, garnering more fans and playing bigger venues. Does that increase your expectations for this album?
No, not really. Every time we have to prove ourselves again. You're only as good as your last album, that's how we see it. There's always a question if people will like it, because we always change a little bit, and if they will go along with the changes and understand what we're trying to do creatively.

You originally planned to tour in conjunction with the CD release, but you pushed it back for a very good reason.
Yes, you could say that. I'm pregnant, so we had to postpone the tour for a few months. But it gives us some time to prepare a better live show. Normally we are rushing to tour, but we can figure out how to do a really cool light show with screens showing the short movies and maybe work with 3D holograms and things like that.

You're doing one show in the US this spring. Will it be a regular show, or an acoustic type concert?
We haven't really thought about it yet, because it's still down the road a while. Everything's possible, but we'll give it our best. We want to give the fans everything we can.

Do you think you'll be adding more U.S. dates, or will it just be that one show?
It will be just the one show to promote the new album, but maybe we'll come back soon after with a full tour. For a bigger tour we'll have to wait until next year, because we're already booked for the full year.

How would you compare trying to break through and attract a fan base in Europe compared to North America?
It's difficult, for different reasons. North America is bigger, so getting where you go requires traveling a lot of miles. Everything in Europe is close by. That's one thing. Also the culture is different. You see that with radio stations. It's very divided in America. In Europe in certain regions, everybody listens to certain stations. In America everything is more scattered. And when it comes to heavier music, they aren't used to as many female voices on the radio. It's more male dominated.

We actually made two radio versions of our single. In Europe they are more orchestral oriented, and America is more guitar oriented. It's interesting to see the differences in different countries, how people experience music and what they like about your music. You can't please everybody, you can only be who you are.

What are some countries you haven't played live yet that you'd still like to get to?
Australia. We have a lot of requests to play there, but want to combine it with Japan or another country in that part of the world because it's so far away. So far we haven't made it, but hopefully on this album we can go there. It's always nice to travel to different countries.

Ever played a show in an unusual venue?
Yes. We played in Spain in a train station. That was pretty weird. We had to wait until after the trains stopped running to play, at about midnight. It was cool to play there, but it was difficult to get the sound right. It's not really designed for a band to play there, so we had a lot of things to deal with to get a good sound. We played in Germany in some old ruins in the middle of the forest near a river. It was very cool as well. It was a great view, and playing in nature was very impressive.

How involved are you in social media?
I post some messages on the internet. When we have something interesting to say we'll post it. We also talk about our hobbies. Robert likes racing and makes videos about that. The really personal things like the kids you don't get to see. Sometimes now with the social media, people post every little thing.

Which platform do you like the best?
Twitter, because it's very short and easy.

What are your hobbies and interests outside of music?
I have a lot of things I like. I'm getting more interested in racing. I also play tennis, which isn't as interesting.

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 04, 2011, 11:38:57 pm
Fiesta de lanzamiento del CD!! (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 11, 2011, 03:46:16 pm
Working on having the comic translated!Many of you have ordered the first edition of the Unforgiving comic so far and we hope you like it! We are considering translating our comics to several languages, but for that we need to know which language you prefer! Join our Facebook page
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 11, 2011, 03:47:30 pm
The Unforgiving is out, and is rocking the charts of iTunes.
TU entered at number one today in the U.S. and the U.K.! The album is almost released in 48 countries and is ranking in the top 5 in many major markets with further number ones in France, Germany, Austria, Belgium, Finland, Sweden, The Netherlands, Portugal and Switzerland.
Amazing stuff and a big tnx for this to you all !!!
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 11, 2011, 03:49:20 pm
Our 5 additional shows in the US and Canada have now gone on sale!
These shows will all take place on the East Coast, due to a lack of travelling time we are not able to visit the West Coast. These will be the only shows in the US and Canada this year, we’re really excited that we have been able to add these shows and we hope to see you all there. Click below for the tourpages and the exact links where to buy your tickets. We hope to see you all there for our first US/Canada tour in 4 years!
Wednesday September 7th, 2011 – Sound Academy, Toronto ON
Thursday September 8th, 2011 – Metropolis, Montreal PQ
Friday September 9th, 2011 – Palladium, Worcester MA
Saturday September 10th, 2011 – Terminal 5, New York NY
Monday September 12th, 2011 – Ram’s Head Live, Baltimore MD
Tuesday September 13th, 2011 – Electric Factory, Philadelphia PA

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 11, 2011, 11:43:52 pm
Cómic y música se suelen dar la mano con cierta frecuencia.
En ocasiones, experimentados dibujantes y artistas gráficos se encargan de diseñar las portadas de los discos. Otras veces el comic lleva a sus viñetas la figuras mí­ticas

Y un cómic tambiíén puede acabar inspirando una composición musical, eso es lo que ha ocurrido con The Unforgiving el nuevo álbum del grupo de rock sinfónico Within Temptation, que se basa en el cómic de idíéntico tí­tulo cuyas entregas irán apareciendo a lo largo de 2011.
El guión de Unforgiving está escrito por el norteamericano Steve o’Connell, autor tambiíén de BloodRayne y Dark 48, y el arte corre a cargo del holandíés Romano Molenaar, cuyos dibujos hemos visto en series como Witchblade, Darkness y X-Men.
Una historia sobrenatural
La historia se centra en Sinead Harkin, una joven traí­da de nuevo a la vida por Mother Maiden, una míédium que recluta almas perdidas para formar parte de su grupo de espectros, cada uno de los cuales, lleva una culpa especí­fica sobre algo que hicieron en sus vidas pasadas.
Mother Maiden les da la oportunidad para redimirse “haciendo lo correcto”, combatiendo el mal como penitencia por sus pecados de su vida mortal.
La precuela de ocho páginas la serie se puede descargar de forma gratuita en la página de internet del grupo musical
En total serán seis números y el primero, en formato grapa de 40 páginas, se puede encargar a travíés de su misma web. De momento no tenemos noticias de ninguna editorial española que vaya a publicarlo…
Un grupo musical aficionado al cómic
Los integrantes de Within Temptation se aficionaron a los comics a finales de los 80, y la música que sonaba en esa díécada ha dejado huella en sus nuevas canciones, que han sido escritas siguiendo la lí­nea argumental de Steve o’Connell.
De este modo podemos considerar que las 12 piezas que integran la grabación funcionarí­an perfectamente como banda sonora de la serie, complementando a nivel sonoro los ambientes y las situaciones que se muestran en las viñetas.
Además, tambiíén se han rodado varios cortos con la música del grupo, para desarrollar más la historia.
The Unforgiving es una interesante propuesta conceptual que diluye las fronteras entre el cómic y la música, toda una experiencia multimedia.

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 15, 2011, 11:19:16 pm
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 18, 2011, 11:51:47 pm

Coche de carreras "The Unforgiving (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 18, 2011, 11:56:03 pm

Momentos llenos de trabajo para la cantante Sharon den Adel de la banda de metal sinfónico Within Temptation. Ella y los chicos tienen mucho íéxito alrededor del mundo: su último CD fue lanzado en 34 paí­ses, y ha vendido millones hasta la actualidad.
¿Quien es Sharon den Adel?
Nombre: Sharon Janny den Adel
 Fecha de nacimiento: 12 de Julio de 1974
 Lugar de nacimiento: Waddinxveen
 Residencia actual: Soest
Estudios realizados: Mavo (ahora llamado VMBO: (voorbereidend middelbaar beroepsonderwijs, literalmente significa, “Preparatoria de nivel medio de educacion aplicada”), estudios universitarios en gerencia de modas.
Relación de pareja: con su novio de la secundaria Robert Westerholt (guitarrista de Within Temptation). Juntos tienen 3 hijos: Luna, Aiden y Logan.
Carrera: Fundó Within Temptation 1996. El íéxito empezó en el 2001 con ‘Ice Queen’. El íéxito en toda Europa, Japón, Australia, Estados Unidos y Sudamíérica sucedió unos años despuíés. La banda vendió más de 2 millones de discos y DVDs, y gano muchos premios como los TMF y 3FM awards.
¡Caramba!, es muy difí­cil hacer una cita para una entrevista contigo.
Sharon: Si. Síé que tomo algo de tiempo, pero en un algún momento nos dimos cuenta de que andábamos de gira demasiado. Tomamos una pausa y cancelamos todo.
¿Cuándo te das cuenta de que necesitas tomártelo con calma?
Sharon: Oh, hay muchos signos. No tengo mucha paciencia y todos los demás miembros de la banda se irritan mucho más fácilmente que yo. Cuando estábamos de gira en Amíérica, mi abuela murió. En esos momentos, necesitas tomarte un tiempo para ti y para tu familia en casa.
¿Tu abuela era especial para ti?
Sharon: Si. Mis padres son unos verdaderos expatriados; mi padre tení­a que viajar mucho por su trabajo. Cuando tení­a 18, mis padres se fueron de Holanda otra vez, pero yo me quede aquí­ y me mude con Robert (El novio de Sharon y guitarrista de la banda). Si habí­a algún problema, mi abuela me cuidaba. Ella demostraba mucho interíés y era activa como abuela.

Fui a su entierro, pero no pude hacer nada, ni ayudar con los preparativos, porque estaba en Amíérica. Tienes la oportunidad de superar esa muerte, antes de que entierren a tu ser querido. Hubiera significado mucho para mí­ si hubiera podido hacer eso con mi abuela. No todos tienen la fuerza de hacerlo, pero soy el tipo de persona que le gusta encarar las cosas. Creo que es aterrador, pero tambiíén una experiencia invaluable, hacer a alguien hermoso antes de que se cierre el ataúd para siempre.

En muchos momentos quiero estar allí­ desde el principio hasta el final. Ahora, iríé al fondo del asunto, si alguien que amo está muriendo, quiero acompañar a esta persona hasta el final. Solo entonces tengo la impresión de que he hecho lo correcto.
Los fans piden mucho de ti, ¿Cómo lidias con eso?
Sharon: Bueno, es difí­cil para mí­ poner lí­mites. Eso es algo que estoy aprendiendo ahora. Siempre quiero estar allí­ para los fans. Bien, no soy Frans Bauer invitando a mis fans a mi casa para hacerles un cafíé, pero despuíés de un concierto, usualmente nos tomamos un tiempo para conocer a nuestros fans. Aunque a veces pienso: Ahora no. Si no me siento bien, o si tengo un ataque de migraña o algo así­; puede ser una de estas 2 cosas. Todos tienen sus momentos cuando se sienten muy bien y cuando no se sienten tan bien.
¿Los fans de todo el mundo reaccionan igual?
Sharon: Estuvimos en Croacia, y fue una histeria total. Como con los Beatles, con fans gritando. Pero la mayor parte del tiempo, afortunadamente las personas no me reconocen cuando camino por la calle con mi ropa normal. En el escenario, por supuesto me veo más extravagante. Asistí­ a la pasarela de Marlies Dekkers, y en frente de mi estaban unos Video Jockeys de TMF y Daphne Deckers. Estaban siendo entrevistados por un periodista, y no me reconocieron, entonces yo estaba sentada allí­, sintiíéndome sensacional y tan anónima como cualquier otra persona.
¿Puedes caminar por la calle en otros paí­ses sin un guardaespaldas?
Sharon: En Míéxico no, por ejemplo. Al menos no cerca del local donde vayamos a tocar. Entonces, realmente nuestra integridad se ve amenazada por los fans. Siempre y cuando haya un hombre grande y fuerte a mi lado, no tengo miedo, jajaja. Pero dos fans con una actitud verdaderamente relajada nos mostraron los templos Mayas. Eso fue realmente especial.

Aunque somos conocidos por un gran grupo de personas, no todos nos conocen. No somos una banda extremadamente famosa, y no buscamos publicidad. Aunque en los últimos años nos dimos a conocer más, porque llegamos a aparecer en MTV y TMF.
Viajas mucho alrededor del mundo. ¿Quíé haces con esas experiencias?
Sharon: A veces, pienso en escribir un libro sobre todas nuestras experiencias. Una historia sobre una bandas y como manejan vivir todas estas experiencias. No tomo notas, todo está en mi cabeza. En realidad somos unas personas sensatas y nos tomamos el tiempo de terminar nuestros estudios universitarios. Eso no funcionaria ahora, somos muy conocidos. A parte de eso muchas personas trabajan para nosotros y somos responsables por ellos.

Este año tocamos más en Holanda y en Europa que el año anterior, con la idea de tomar un descanso luego y escribir nuevas canciones. Viajar es algo que trae mucha aventura, pero tambiíén te debilita. Al principio tení­a una idea romántica sobre viajar, tipo: comida deliciosa y salir de compras en una ciudad desconocida, pero eso se esfumo. Por eso es que prefiero nuestro autobús de la gira que el avión: por la noche entramos, tomamos algo y nos vamos a dormir, para así­ despertar al dí­a siguiente en otro paí­s.
Cuando eras niña viviste en muchos paí­ses con culturas diferentes. ¿De quíé manera te afecto eso?
Sharon: Tuve una niñez especial. Nuestra familia vivió en Yemen, Surinam e Indonesia. Aprendí­ mucho sobre otras culturas. Gracias a eso era una niña madura: los niños en Holanda aprenden sobre paí­ses lejanos en la escuela y yo realmente vi los barrios pobres de Indonesia y los animales salvajes en ífrica. Tambiíén cambiaba de escuela continuamente, me tení­a que acostumbrar a nuevas culturas y no pude hacer amistades (lo que es una lástima por supuesto).

Recuerdo la ansiedad que reinaba en la íépoca de los asesinatos de Diciembre en Surinam (1982). Pero tambiíén recuerdo mi cumpleaños número 6, el cual celebre en un Safari con una velita en una hamburguesa, porque no habí­a pastel. Inolvidable. Viajábamos mucho. Mis padres siempre estaban en la busca de aventuras y nos llevaban, a mi hermano y a mí­, con ellos. Cuando regrese a Holanda a la edad de 10 años, me sentí­a más madura que otros niños de mi edad.
¿Tienes tiempo para las amistades en la actualidad?
Sharon: Tengo un par de buenos amigos. En realidad los abandone. Me di cuenta de esto el año pasado cuando estábamos tan ocupados: pierdes a las personas si no les das atención. Ellos entienden que tienes mucho trabajo, pero aun así­ desintegra una amistad. Ahora estoy tratando de corregir eso. Si las personas son especiales para ti, tienes que demostrárselo.

Lo que creo que es una lástima sobre ser famoso es que no sabes si alguien está interesado en ti, o solo están interesados en ti porque eres famoso. Aun así­ eso no me frustra, porque me doy cuenta de sus verdaderas intenciones. Tengo un sexto sentido para eso.
Tienes tres hijos, Logan, Aiden y Luna.
Sharon: ¡Sí­! Ellos a veces vienen de gira con nosotros, y una niñera. Algunas veces se quedan en casa con sus abuelos. Por ejemplo, en 2007 estuve lejos de casa por mucho tiempo. Luna era pequeña, entonces no fue un verdadero problema; ahora es muy difí­cil para ella separarse de mí­. Y no quiero que la separación le produzca ansiedad.
¿Cuánto tiempo te toma ponerte en modo de “cantante en gira”?
Sharon: Una semana antes del viaje, no estoy de buen humor, porque odio tener que dejar a mis hijos. Como cuando fuimos a Amíérica, fue difí­cil.

Pero una vez que estoy lejos, ya no es tan difí­cil, porque síé que están en buenas manos. Aun así­ pienso que el lugar de un niño es al lado de sus padres, por esa razón Robert (El padre de Luna, Aiden y Logan) y yo decidimos planear las siguientes giras de un modo diferente.
Leí­ en algún lugar que Robert y tu no eran, ni nunca han sido el tipo pareja que se la pasaban dándose muestras de afecto todo el dí­a.
Sharon: Es verdad. Nunca demostramos en público que somos una pareja. Por un lado es bueno para el ambiente en la banda, pero por otro lado, vamos de gira por mucho tiempo, y no tuvimos mucho tiempo para estar juntos como pareja. Cuando te das cuenta de eso, tienes que solucionarlo como cualquier otra pareja. Tenemos que encontrar un equilibrio, y ahora más que nunca, ya que tenemos tres hijos.
En el escenario eres una vampiresa. ¿Pero y en tu vida normal?
Sharon: En el escenario demuestro otra faceta de mi ser. Con un vestido precioso me siento más femenina y me puedo dejar llevar fácilmente. Sin esos vestidos creo que lo encontrarí­a más difí­cil. En mi vida normal soy o muy tranquila o muy estrepitosa. Ni siquiera algo intermedio. Puedo hablar de forma muy animada, pero a veces pienso: ¡Anda, no seas la aguafiestas, haz algo!
¿Quíé tipo de música escuchas?
Sharon: Solí­a escuchar mucha música grunge. Todaví­a lo hago, pero tambiíén me gusta Tori Amos y Kate Bush. Prefiero la música sentimental. No me gusta mucho la música pop, pero recientemente me empezó a gustar la música dance. De pronto me entro el gusto de bailar con esa música. ¡Nunca me habí­a sucedido eso!

Ahora tengo la mente abierta a todos los gíéneros musicales. Ya nos habí­an contactado unos cuantos DJs preguntándonos si podí­an hacer un remix con nuestras canciones, por primera vez estoy abierta a eso. Me gustarí­a más escribir yo misma una canción dance. Solo para ampliar mis horizontes. Aunque tambiíén me dejo llevar con nuestra música, porque es Celtica, sinfónica, metálica y rockera. Todaví­a pienso: ¿Porque no tomarme un dí­a libre y escribir una canción dance?
Traducido por Tamara Carvallo
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 19, 2011, 06:41:50 pm
Ruud Jolie, guitarrista de la banda, cumple hoy 35 años!!!!
FELICIDADES!!! :011: :011: :011: :011: :011:
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 20, 2011, 11:41:49 pm
Single Siníéad

Aqui (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 22, 2011, 12:08:20 am
Due to popular demand, we have moved the show in Prague to a bigger venue!
Our show in Prague on October 21st sold out really fast, which made us decide to move to a bigger venue to accomodate you all! The show will now take place at the great Malá Sportovní­ Hala. Of course the ticket you’ve bought will be valid for this show, we hope to see you all there!
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: _V_ en Abril 22, 2011, 03:20:57 pm
A thank you message from Sharon
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 24, 2011, 11:54:26 pm
Logan aun está en la incubadora!!!
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 27, 2011, 11:36:04 pm
1 millón de fans en Facebook!!

One million (1,000,000) or one thousand thousand, is the natural number following 999,999 and preceding 1,000,001.”
But as of today it’s also the amount of people that currently like Within Temptation on Facebook! This big number shows the respect and interest towards Within Temptation. We want to thank all our friends for contributing to this social media tool. It’s the perfect way to interact with the fanbase and to see/read what you guys like or don’t like

We keep working on the Facebook page as we don’t see it as a tool but a gathering of Within Temptation friends around the world!
Thank you..!!  And next stop: 2 million?
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 29, 2011, 12:01:13 am
We can officially confirm that we’re playing at Lowlands!

Lowlands festival will take place on the 19th + 20th and 21th of August at ‘Evenemententerrein Walibi World’ in Biddinghuizen, The Netherlands.
Lowlands 2011 is completely sold out. Look out for swindlers and do not buy tickets on the internet. There is a high risk these tickets will be cancelled by the organization. A cancelled ticket does not give access to the festival site…
Cancelled tickets will go on sale again for the normal price and via the official ticket websites and
For more information about the festival go to:
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 29, 2011, 12:02:46 am
Gira de teatros!!

[Right I know this has not been announced yet, but I just bought tickets for one of the theatre gigs next year (on the phone at the actual theatre, so...)
 So far we know of 3 dates
 -Eindhoven March 11th
 -Eindhoven March 12th
 -Enschede March 29th (this one is already on sale)
they are also mentioned in the upcoming brochures of theaters in Middelburg and Rotterdam/quote]
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 01, 2011, 07:35:01 pm
Ayer por la noche Within Temptation ganó un premio en la categorí­a “otros”.
Buma Music in Motion (BMIM) es un nuevo evento dedicado exclusivamente al uso innovador de la música en los medios de comunicación. Al ofrecer una conferencia de negocios y adjudicación este evento de un dí­a tiene como objetivo conectar las industrias creativas que les proporciona una plataforma para inspirarse, para compartir conocimientos, para hacer negocios, para obtener reconocimiento, discutir los últimos acontecimientos y el futuro de estos cambio.
La publicidad, la radiodifusión, juegos, entre otros, durante díécadas esta industria integró la música en sus productos. Pero, ¿cómo se está adaptando la música en el paisaje multimedia cambiante de hoy?
Buma Music in Motion (BMIM) ha encontrado una respuesta a esa pregunta en el concepto de The Unforgiving. Y por supuesto Within Temptation está muy agradecidos por el premio!
La innovación, creación, buenas ideas, todo eso combinado con grandiosas composiciones y melodí­as es lo que hace de The Unforgiving uno de los mejores discos del año.
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 03, 2011, 11:52:02 pm
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 11, 2011, 12:05:21 am
A great new WT TV Report, featuring Robert!
Two years ago a friend took me to the racing track in Zolder (Belgium)…just for fun. Well this ‘just for fun’ resulted in me getting a heavy virus, one that will probably stay with me for the rest of my life…the ‘racing virus

Until now this virus has resulted in several crashes, a lot of technical problems and frustrations. Luckily this addiction now also has positive sides. In my first two racing seasons in the ‘Aprisco Cup‘ I got my racing license, my racing skills, experience and technical car knowledge improved considerably and I even managed to win a race. Most importantly though the thrill, excitement and fun I’m having is gigantic, kind of what I’m having on stage.
This year I’m taking on a new racing challenge. I will be driving ‘The Unforgiving’ race car, a BMW M3, in a new racing league called ‘The Dutch GTC Renova M3 cup‘.
In this competition I will be racing against drivers who will all have the same kind of car with the same performance as I have. So no excuses here, it’s all about driver’s skills. Then again though technically my car is just the same as all other cars,…there is only one ‘The Unforgiving’ race car and luckily I’m driving it.
So for all of you who are curious about how ‘The Unforgiving’ is doing on the racetrack, you will be able to follow it all through video reports, onboard race footage, Twitter and Facebook.

‘Til soon on stage or on the racing track !
Your ‘Unforgiving’ race driver
’. (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 12, 2011, 11:37:44 pm
Sinead piano cover (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 13, 2011, 11:26:49 pm
What is going to happen on August 12th?
Dear Fans,
Time flies as they say,  so we want to update you on our special concert event of 2011! August 12th 2011, is the date Within Temptation will return to the stages on our own First Challenge concert in Ulft, in the Netherlands. Why First Challenge ? Well, we are working on a very special show for that concert and it’s our first headline show for the Unforgiving album. Believe us, it will be a challenge… but it’s a great challenge to which we look forward to very much.
There’s many things we need to get done before we can welcome you at The First Challenge. One of it is fitness – that’s why Sharon has uploaded the TV report on her fitness program. Expect more of that soon.
What will happen at the First Challenge concert?
We can’t reveal too much of the planning at this early stage, but our setlist is going to be a unique one as we shall play the full Unforgiving album  – and  the story will come to life on stage with the new design of the stage, lights, video footage and illusions, etc.etc. Expect Sharon to show off her new stage clothing and make-up  and we will play a set of rare  Within Temptation classics and a greatest hits ….
But, The First Challenge will not only be unique Within Temptation concert, it will be a Within Temptation happening. As we know that many of our fans will come from far, we would like to thank you all with a rich and entertaining program. As a little appetizer, it will involve the Unforgiving race car, a party and many other things we still have to decide on. We are working hard to make this a once in a lifetime show for you and ourselves – so make sure to book your tickets sooner, rather than later, the location is not that big….
For our fans from abroad: The “First Challenge” will be held in Ulft (NL), a city with 10,000 inhabitants, only 30 minutes from the border to Germany within easy reach to several international airports if you come from far. The main airports are: Amsterdam (NL) Brussels (B), Dí¼sseldorf (D), Cologne (D), however many low cost carriers fly to Weeze airport in Germany just 60 km from Ulft, click here for more information.
There’s a festival camping you can book, you can also click here to find out more about local hotels and transport options! We hope to see you there!
Sharon, Robert, Mike, Ruud, Martijn, Jeroen.
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 15, 2011, 11:54:49 pm

Detective Janyce Beecham feels she’s losing her mind.

After a hunter stumbles upon the latest Disciple victim, Janyce is herself attacked by The Triplets who, as quickly as they appear, vanish into the night air. Shaken but undeterred, Detective Beecham soldiers on. Her driving force? Finding Disciple – the one who took her daughter Rory away – and making him pay.
We are really excited to announce the release of the 2nd edition of The Unforgiving comic, “Penance: Part 2″! You can now pre-order the comic, with or without a matching T-Shirt through our webstore
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 17, 2011, 11:48:53 pm
We announced the 2nd issue of The Unforgiving last week.

Today we can announce that the 2nd issue will be available may 31! Not only will this issue feature an making off of  The Unforgiving race car, but also an exclusive symphonic comic soundtrack!

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 21, 2011, 11:28:14 pm
We haven’t forgotten about our Finnish fans…Great news for all our Finnish fans, we are coming to Helsinki! We will not be playing Finnish festivals this year, instead we’re doing a proper club show! We will be playing a show at The Circus on December 10.
As you know this isn’t a really big venue, so tickets will be limited. That’s why we’ve created a special link for our biggest fans, where they can buy tickets before the general on sale date, which is Monday May 23rd. On Friday morning May 20th we will be posting a link on the Facebook event we have created for this.
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 21, 2011, 11:35:18 pm
Siníéad, our new single: something different in many ways!
Both in the story of ‘The Unforgiving’ as well as on the album, ‘Siníéad‘ has always been a favorite of all of us. She is a character with a lot of different opposite sides to her, just like the song. It is catchy and feel good but at the same time emotional and melancholic. So from the start it was quite clear that Siníéad would be released as a single from this album.
In the past with single releases, we’ve very often added bonus tracks like live tracks, b-sides or acoustic versions. This time we also wanted to bring something extra to the release of Siníéad, but just like the song itself something new and fresh. As the dance influences in Siníéad are so obvious we thought it would be interesting to see what would happen if ‘real’ dance artist would remix the track.
So we approached Benno de Goeij, who we knew from the corporation with Armin van Buuren in “In and out of Love“) . VNV Nation, who often perform at the same festivals as we do like M’era Luna and last but not least Scooter (who used Sharon’s vocal track from Pale on ‘State of Mind‘. They all responded very enthusiastic and each of them put a lot of effort in it to make it happen despite their busy schedules.
So also from here we would like to thank them for the time and passion they’ve put into it and of course for the great end result. They have made this single release a very special and an exciting one for us. We hope you’ll enjoy this new experiences just as much as we have!
We hate to let you guys wait… but more information on the Siníéad release will be announced soon!
From your band who despite the music still can’t dance
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 23, 2011, 11:29:09 pm
Recently we asked on Facebook in which other language besides English you want to read the Unforgiving comic.
Thanks to all your answers we were able to determine 4 more languages in which you can now read the comic, digitally.
You can now order  a digital version of The Unforgiving, Perdition + Penance: Part 1. These editions are complete with the original full colour artwork, delivered to you as a digital PDF file.
The 1st issue is translated into: Japanese, French, Spanish and German.
We hope this will make it even more easier for everybody to get involved in the dark story of The Unforgiving!
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 28, 2011, 12:03:15 am (

Un dos, un dos.....
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 29, 2011, 11:15:11 pm
Within Temptation will be perfoming at the Stí¶ppelhaene festival. Raalte, Holland.
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 01, 2011, 04:40:49 pm
Anneke van Giersbergen will join us in November!
Great news! Anneke van Giersbergen & her band will be joining us on the second part of our European Tour, in November 2011!
As you will probably know, Sharon has performed with Anneke several times and you might have seen her during our seated tour as well!
Check our tourpage for the exact dates, Anneke will perform from November 4 until November 25th! Several shows are already sold out,  but there are still some tickets available. (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 07, 2011, 11:44:31 pm
Recently we asked on Facebook in which other language besides English you want to read the Unforgiving comic.
Thanks to all your answers we were able to determine 4 more languages in which you can now read the comic, digitally.
You can now order  a digital version of The Unforgiving, Penance: Part 2. These editions are complete with the original full colour artwork, delivered to you as a digital PDF file.
The 2nd issue is translated into: Japanese, French, Spanish and German.
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 07, 2011, 11:46:17 pm
It’s time for another report from the race track!

As you know Robert is racing in the BMW M3 Cup with The Unforgiving race car. Today we feature a report where you can “sit” next to Robert and enjoy the whole race from inside the cockpit.
Enjoy (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 07, 2011, 11:51:18 pm
Siníéad postponed to July

The upcoming single from The Unforgiving, Siníéad, is postponed from June 17 to begin July, AT Productions – Within Temptations’ management revealed this information earlier this morning.
The reason why Siníéad is postponed is not known yet.
 Various sites are offering Siníéad between July 8 and July 15. Official release date of this German import single is set for July 15
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 08, 2011, 11:57:56 pm
You all know that “Siníéad” has been chosen as the second single of The Unforgiving.

With undeniable disco grooves, we took the opportunity to further enhance the track’s dance floor appeal; commissioning special remixes from four acclaimed dance producers. Some time ago we already announced 3 producers:
Benno De Goeij delivers a sparkling trance radio mix. De Goeij is best known for his work with Dutch superstar DJs Tiesto and Armin van Buuren.
Scooter, one of Germany’s most successful techno groups abroad. Scooter: “Sharon’s voice and the bombastic Rock of Within Temptation are a truly unique mixture. It was a pleasure for us to contribute our mix for Siníéad”.
Irish/ British duo VNV Nation has contributed a stylish, electro-industrial mix. VNV Nation is one of the most innovative groups in the international electro EBM scene. We will also share the stage with VNV Nation at the M’era Luna Festival in August.
And the fourth producer that will remix Siníéad is: Groove Coverage’s. Their strength is the ability to find the perfect balance between melancholia and power. Many of their hit mixes such as “Poison”, a cover of Alice Cooper’s successfully travelled around the world.
Choosing to release “Siníéad” as the follow-up  single, underlines our ambition to break down the walls between musical genres. We’re excepting Siníéad to be released in the beginning of July. And of course we’ll update you on any release dates in the near future.
With every single release comes a videoclip. We’re proud to show you the official videoclip of Siníéad. Enjoy! (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 11, 2011, 11:14:57 pm

The First Challenge
 by Sharon den Adel
 Translated by Mitsy Haeck

 I am very sporty by nature. I play tennis, I often jog and I like to go to the gym for, among others, Body Combat and Body Pump with various weights. That is not as violent as it sounds by the way.
 These exercises won’t make my muscles to grow, it’s just working out to good music.

 At the beginning of my pregnancy, I still was still working out, but not for too long. This because I carry a bacterium, called streptococcus. Firstly, this causes an extra heavy pregnancy: it feels like a full shopping bag that is too heavy but it is stuck on your belly, tending to tear any time. When I pregnant for five months I hadn’t gained that much weight actually, but nevertheless I got the feeling that if I didn’t take it slow things could go wrong. Because, secondly, the bacterium causes premature births. My first two kids both came two months too early; when it turned out I was pregnant for the third time, I decided to take it extra easy.

 It is hard for me to take things slow because I just can’t sit doing nothing. During the pregnancy I felled trapped in my own body because of that big belly. This time, again, I was thrilled that the baby was out so I could do things my way again. So, after three days, I was riding my bike yet again. We went to the other side of the village to get some icecream with the kids. The people in our street looked kinda surprised: you just gave…? But I felt fine! After a week you could find me on the tennis court again.

 During this last pregnancy I gained 20 kilos. I want to reach my former weight, but that’s not my primary goal. The most important aim is to get in shape, so I will be able to handle the stage again. Though, I find it important to achieve this in a responsible way. Crash diets aren’t my cup of tea anyway and I don’t want to set a wrong example for young fans. I will be working out with responsible coaching, starting with a personal trainer. More about that next week!


Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 12, 2011, 11:28:21 pm
It’s great to tell you more about our upcoming tour! As you know Anneke van Giersbergen & her band will join us for the second part of our tour.
That leaves the first part of our tour, where Triggerfinger is going to be our support act, with the exception of our shows in Spain and Portugal, those support acts will be announced  soon. We are really excited to have Triggerfinger open for us, if you don’t know them we can assure you that you’ll like them!
Check our tourpage for the exact dates.Several shows are already sold out,  but there are still some tickets available. (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 15, 2011, 11:09:53 pm
is well known that Robert and Sharon make amazing music, but did you know that they are also great tennis players?
Friday, the 3rd of June, fans got the chance to learn about their not to be underestimated tennis skills. Marten de Vries, tennis instructor and initiator of this unique event, was present at the tennis court for a full 24 hours of tennis instruction, competition and fun. You might think that it is madness, but doing it for a good cause changes things. Marten dedicated his 24 hours tennis marathon to charity KiKa. This organization has the goal to raise money so new research can be done for kids with cancer. The research is focusing on a treatment less painful, a higher percentage of kids who will be without cancer and have a better quality of life when they are older.

The sun was shining brightly, causing a surprisingly warm day for this time of the year. Of course, this was precisely the day Sharon and Robert had to play tennis. A lot of tennis. They participated in the marathon from 12:00 till 17:00, interspersed with well-deserved breaks, drinks and popsicles of course! Armed with bottles of water, sunglasses and a cap the two took part in kicking off the event, accompanied by local radio and television crews. Kim-Lian van der Meij, Dutch musical actress, presenter and a singer-songwriter, also participated in Marten’s marathon for KiKa

After Sharon and Robert’s participation was announced on the website, Marten received many subscriptions for the tennis lessons with them. Some of these subscribers came all the way from Germany and Austria to seize the opportunity to play tennis with members of their favorite band.
But guess what! They did not need lessons at all. When Marten asked for some feedback, one of the girls said laughing “Well, Sharon hits the ball hard! It’s difficult!”. And yes, difficult it was. Since I never had really played tennis before, playing with and against these two pros was challenging but definitely fun fun fun! Them, been playing for about two seasons now, teaching us the basic tennis skills like forehand, backhand and, obviously, the serve. It must be said that there were not only newcomers among the fans. It was quite obvious that some of the fans had already played tennis before or just paid great attention to games on TV.
Time flies when you are having fun; it is true. The hour was passed before we all knew it and the next group was already waiting to get instructed by Marten. Pretty tired but satisfied we left the tennis court and went inside to cool down, chat and, apparently, take group pictures of this unforgettable day. Eventually, after 24 hours, Marten raised more than 4000 euros for KiKa. A wonderful amount, well done!
Thanks everyone for your efforts and enthusiasm.
Mitsy Haeck

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 17, 2011, 11:23:58 pm
When you think about it, it's actually quite weird that there are no gyms with a special schedule for women who want to get in shape again after they gave birth. It just must be a gap in the market! Many women don't lose all the weight they gained during the pregnancy and because of that most women are 5 kilos heavier after they gave birth.
Well, not me! I want to fit back into my old clothes as soon as possible. So, two weeks after I gave birth I was dying to work out again. It was quite disappointing when the maternity nurse told me that I shouldn't train my abs until six weeks after delivery; otherwise the work out could be counterproductive.
Since my own gym doesn't have a 'post pregnancy program' either, I decided to talk with the manager and a personal trainer. To me it seemed especially important that the trainer and I would click. Because, well, I must be able to accept that person frequently kicking my ass (mentally).
It turned out to be alright. Esther is one tough cookie with a strong personality, making sure that I stay on the ball. Besides that she is a mother herself too and thus knows what it means. First, she asked me what I want to achieve and what I like and dislike in sport. Well, that was easy. Goal: to be in shape again at the 12th of August. Our first big concert, the First Challenge! Currently I weigh 68 kilos of which I want to lose 9. Likes: group lessons like Body Pump (with dumbbells) and Body Combat (combination of martial arts, to music). Hates: fitness! Only the idea of going to the gym for that can make me cranky already.
Esther looked a bit doubtful. She explained that after being pregnant for nine months it normally takes just about the same time to get back into shape again. “What you want is basically impossible, she concluded, “but we're going to try”.
I got an exercise plan for three sessions a week. One lesson Body Pump, one lesson Body Combat and, unfortunately, fitness. The most I hate the vibration plate. Yes, it does train your muscles extra intensively but I don't feel happy at all in those embarrassing positions. Yet, the treadmill is a challenge as well and because I am always afraid of falling off I prefer to hold myself. Well, that is not possible when your trainer decides to give you two kilos weight in each hand. Luckily, I am promised that we will replace the fitness by an outdoor activity when we're halfway through the process. I can't wait!
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 17, 2011, 11:30:15 pm
Share the music video of “Siníéad” on your Facebook profile for at least one week and you might win an exclusive signed merchandise package.
We installed a special Siníéad app on our Facebook profile so you can share the video. We’ll make sure that you receive the merchandise package at home!
The merchandise package includes: The Unforgiving comic (signed by Romano Molenaar), a T-shirt (male or female), a tote bag, silicone wristbrand, Faster single & a signed maxi cd of Siníéad (including 4 remixes).
We’ll give away 10 packages!
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 23, 2011, 11:31:20 pm
Siníéad the 2nd single from “The Unforgiving” will be released between July 15th and 19th in most countries.
With undeniable disco grooves, we took this opportunity to further enhance the track’s dance floor appeal merging these seemingly disparate genres to create contagious new versions of “Siníéad with the help of four acclaimed dance producers. Scooter, VNV Nation, Benno de Goeij and Groove Coverage. Each of the collaborating DJ producers had carte blanche to reinterpret “Siníéad” to suit their preferred style and personal vision.
Both in the story of ‘The Unforgiving’ as well as on the album, ‘Siníéad‘ has always been a favorite of all of us. She is a character with a lot of different opposite sides to her, just like the song. It is catchy and feel good but at the same time emotional and melancholic. So from the start it was quite clear that Siníéad would be released as a single from this album.
We recently launched the videoclip of Siníéad. And you can still win an exclusive signed merchandise package, by sharing the video on your Facebookprofile for one week.
Only Germany and the Netherlands will release physical CD formats in addition to digital bundles with the various mixes and the unreleased track “Emty Eyes”. All other markets will make the tracks available as digital downloads.
Due to a unique sponsoring opportunity, the fans in Germany will find a voucher code in 1.500 of the CD 2 track singles which will give them free access to Within Temptation’s “The First Challenge” concert on August 12th. If you get your 2 track CD single in the week after release on July 15th in Germany you have a very good chance to find a voucher code in your single.
Another nice bonus is included in the Maxi CDs which are sold at in the Netherlands. The Maxi CD comes with the 2nd edition of the WT comic “Penance Part II”.
Here the details of the various single formats:
2Track phyiscal: (Germany)
 ·Sinead (Single Edit)
 ·Sinead (Scooter Remix)
Pre- order link to,
Maxi-CD (5 Tracks): (Germany & The Netherlands)
 ·Sinead (Single Edit)
 ·Empty Eyes (exclusive on MAXI-CD)
 ·Sinead (VNV Nation Remix)
 ·Sinead (Scooter Remix)
 ·Sinead (Groove Coverage Remix)
Pre-oder link to,,,
Digital pre-sale links will be posted when available!

Digital Audio Bundle
 ·Sinead (Single Edit)
 ·Sinead (VNV Nation Remix)
 ·Sinead (Scooter Remix)
 ·Sinead (Groove Coverage Remix)
 ·Sinead (Groove Coverage Remix Edit)
 ·Sinead (VNV Nation Radio Edit)
Digital Combo Bundle
 ·Sinead (Single Edit)
 ·Sinead (VNV Nation Remix)
 ·Sinead (Scooter Remix)
 ·Sinead (Groove Coverage Remix)
 ·Sinead (Groove Coverage Remix Edit)
 ·Sinead (VNV Nation Radio Edit)
 ·Siníéad (Video Broadcast Version)
Digital Combo Bundle Exclusive (Musicload Exclusive Edition)
 ·Sinead (Single Edit)
 ·Sinead (VNV Nation Remix)
 ·Sinead (Groove Coverage Remix)
 ·Sinead (Scooter Remix)
 ·Sinead (Groove Coverage Remix Edit)
 ·Sinead (VNV Nation Radio Edit)
 ·Sí­nead (Benno de Goeij Remix) EXCLUSIVE TRACK
 ·Siníéad (Video Broadcast Version)
Digital Combo Bundle I -Tunes U.K. (relase date 24.07.)
 ·Siníéad (Radio Edit)
 ·Siníéad (Scooter Remix)
 ·Siníéad (VNV Nation Remix)
 ·Siníéad (Video Broadcast Version)
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 24, 2011, 10:51:59 pm
Like I said last week, is Body Pump one of the group lessons I attend. It's exercising with dumbbells. A lesson like this is effective and continues to work after finishing the exercises which I learned the hard way.
The very first time I tried a Body Pump class, it didn't look that hard to me. It must be easy, I decided. I was recommended to start with the bar only, without any weights attached. Of course, I refused. I wanted to feel at least something!
Thus, I attached considerable weight on each side of my bar. I was able to keep up with the lesson just fine. Afterwards I even doubted about going another time, since I didn't really like it and didn't have the feeling I acutally achieved something. 'Maybe you didn't do it the right way', somebody suggested, but I slunk away disappointed. Guess what: the next day I had such sore muscles I couldn't even get out of bed normally. From head to toe, every muscle hurt. And also a lot of muscles of which I never knew that I had them! My boyfriend, who heard me coming home grumbling the previous evening, died laughing.
Anyway, at least I found a lesson which showed me some results and I happily continued Body Pumping. The first lesson I recently participated in after months, so after my pregnancy, was great. I, of course, overextended myself because I was so happy to work out again. Conveniently, I forgot the lesson I learned the last time, starting with a bar without extra weights attached that is. It's always said that you can start where you left off. So stubborn as I am, I expected to be able to easily lift 3,5 kilos, just like before my pregnancy. Resulting in another day of being hardly able to walk due to the muscle aches. I could hardly go up the stairs, but particularly going down the stairs was tragic. All I actually wanted was just to relax on the couch and pity myself. A lot.

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 28, 2011, 11:55:02 pm
Getting your tickets the easiest way depends on where you’re coming from.
Coming from Holland, click on this link:
Coming from Germany, click on this link:
Coming from other countries, this is the best link to go to:
If you’re staying over on the camp site, make sure to get a ticket for both days. If you’re only coming to our show, get a ticket for Friday August 12th
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 28, 2011, 11:56:12 pm
VNV Nation’s Ronan announces that he will be the after-party DJ for Within Temptation’s “the First Challenge” on the 12th of August in Ulft.
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 01, 2011, 11:41:48 pm (

The First Challenge will not only be unique Within Temptation concert, it will be a Within Temptation happening.

Sharon’s personal challenge is to get in shape again. Here’s another personal update from Sharon on her fitness program
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 06, 2011, 11:37:09 pm
Robert is busy shooting all the visuals for the upcoming Unforgiving tour.

Of course you will see the results of these crazy long days during The First Challenge on the 12th of August. On twitter Robert showed some exclusive behind the scenes shots that look really promising!

Ver imagenes (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 07, 2011, 10:49:35 pm
By popular demand, we’re moving to a bigger venue!Hi everyone,
Great news for those of you who tried ordering tickets for our show in Munich on November 24th. It was sold out this week, but we were able to move to a bigger venue on the same night! The show will now take place at the Zenith, on the same date. For those of you who already have tickets: your tickets will still be valid for that show. For those of you who don’t have tickets yet, you can now order them here. As you know, opening act will be Anneke van Giersbergen, we’re looking forward to seeing you all there!
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 12, 2011, 11:20:18 pm
Hoy Sharon den Adel cumple 37 años!!

FELICIDADES!!!!!!!!!!!! :011: :011: :011:
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 13, 2011, 08:54:11 pm
Una sobre maquillaje!!! (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 20, 2011, 10:51:50 pm
Siníéad the 2nd single from “The Unforgiving” will be released between July 15th and 19th in most countries.
With undeniable disco grooves, we took this opportunity to further enhance the track’s dance floor appeal merging these seemingly disparate genres to create contagious new versions of “Siníéad with the help of four acclaimed dance producers. Scooter, VNV Nation, Benno de Goeij and Groove Coverage. Each of the collaborating DJ producers had carte blanche to reinterpret “Siníéad” to suit their preferred style and personal vision.
Both in the story of ‘The Unforgiving’ as well as on the album, ‘Siníéad‘ has always been a favorite of all of us. She is a character with a lot of different opposite sides to her, just like the song. It is catchy and feel good but at the same time emotional and melancholic. So from the start it was quite clear that Siníéad would be released as a single from this album.
We recently launched the videoclip of Siníéad. And you can still win an exclusive signed merchandise package, by sharing the video on your Facebookprofile for one week.
Only Germany, Switzerland, Austria and the Netherlands will release physical CD formats in addition to digital bundles with the various mixes and the unreleased track “Emty Eyes”. All other markets will make the tracks available as digital downloads.
Due to a unique sponsoring opportunity, the fans in Germany will find a voucher code in 1.500 of the CD 2 track singles which will give them free access to Within Temptation’s “The First Challenge” concert on August 12th. If you get your 2 track CD single in the week after release on July 15th in Germany you have a very good chance to find a voucher code in your single.
Another nice bonus is included in the Maxi CDs which are sold at in the Netherlands. The Maxi CD comes with the 2nd edition of the WT comic “Penance Part II”.
Here the details of the various single formats:
1 Track digital:
·Siníéad (Single Edit)
Order link: Musicbox, Musicload, iTunes
2 Track phyiscal “The First Challenge edition”: (Germany,Switzerland,Austria)
 ·Siníéad (Single Edit)
 ·Siníéad (Scooter Remix)
Order link:, JPC, Weltbild
Maxi-CD (5 Tracks): (Germany, Switzerland, Austria & The Netherlands)
 ·Siníéad (Single Edit)
 ·Empty Eyes (exclusive on MAXI-CD)
 ·Siníéad (VNV Nation Remix)
 ·Siníéad (Scooter Remix)
 ·Siníéad (Groove Coverage Remix)
Order link:,,,
Digital Combo Bundle Exclusive (Musicload Exclusive Edition)
 ·Siníéad (Single Edit)
 ·Siníéad (VNV Nation Remix)
 ·Siníéad (Groove Coverage Remix)
 ·Siníéad (Scooter Remix)
 ·Siníéad (Groove Coverage Remix Edit)
 ·Siníéad (VNV Nation Radio Edit)
 ·Sí­níéad (Benno de Goeij Remix) EXCLUSIVE TRACK
 ·Siníéad (Video Broadcast Version)
Order link: Musicload
Digital Combo Bundle I -Tunes U.K. (release date 24.07.)
 ·Siníéad (Radio Edit)
 ·Siníéad (Scooter Remix)
 ·Siníéad (VNV Nation Remix)
 ·Siníéad (Video Broadcast Version)
Digital Audio Bundle
 ·Siníéad (Single Edit)
 ·Siníéad (VNV Nation Remix)
 ·Siníéad (Scooter Remix)
 ·Siníéad (Groove Coverage Remix)
 ·Siníéad (Groove Coverage Remix Edit)
 ·Siníéad (VNV Nation Radio Edit)
Digital Combo Bundle
 ·Siníéad (Single Edit)
 ·Siníéad (VNV Nation Remix)
 ·Siníéad (Scooter Remix)
 ·Siníéad (Groove Coverage Remix)
 ·Siníéad (Groove Coverage Remix Edit)
 ·Siníéad (VNV Nation Radio Edit)
 ·Siníéad (Video Broadcast Version)
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 22, 2011, 10:55:29 pm
Yeah “Nur die Harten kommen in den Garten”  Siníéad will get it’s TV premier in Germany this weekend when Within Temptation will rock the German long standing Family TV show Fernsehgarten.

The show airs between 11h and 13h on Sunday 24th of July in ZDF Televison.
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 24, 2011, 10:55:07 pm
Hoy en Alemania!!!

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 26, 2011, 11:17:14 pm
Learned all the new songs, polished and restrung my Mayones guitars so I guess I'm ready for the WT rehearsals that will start tomorrow//RJ
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 27, 2011, 11:05:54 pm
As you know Anneke van Giersbergen + her band &Triggerfinger will join us for our European tour as support act. In Canada and the USA and the band “3” will be rocking the stage with us.
And now we can tell you that during The First Challenge and all the Dutch shows in September: “Guild of Stags” will be our support act! If you don’t want to miss out on this performance, get your tickets for the First Challenge
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 29, 2011, 10:57:16 pm
RTL TV in Germany is currently using “Siníéad” as music in trailers for their top tv series
“Alarm fí¼r Cobra 11”, “Bones” and “CSI”.

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 31, 2011, 10:58:05 pm
Que pelo mas inclasificable...... PERO LE QUEDA BIEN!!!! (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 03, 2011, 11:30:51 pm
t’s back to the fitness room for Sharon!

Check out the latest WT TV Report, where Sharon updates you on what she’s doing to get back in shape for our first big show on August 12th! (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 05, 2011, 10:37:02 pm
n August 10th we will play our first festival show since a long time and if this is not enough, it will be at one of the biggest and best festivals in Europe.

Sziget Festival is one of the largest music and cultural festivals in Europe. The festival is held annually in August in Budapest, Hungary and takes place on í“budai-sziget (“Old-Buda Island”).

In 2011, Sziget was ranked one of the 5 best festivals in Europe by The Independent, and one of the 10 best by the European Festival Awards.

Only 2 days later on Friday,  August 12th “The First Challenge” is WT’s very special festival performance at home in the Netherlands, but right next to the border of Germany in Ulft. The First Challenge will not only be a unique WT concert, it will be a WT happening. We will play the whole concept album “The Unforgiving” in one go and in the follow order of the CD plus all your favorite Within Temptation hits in a grand finale. The visual presentation will feature brand new images on big screens, a sneak preview is alread on our site. There will be an after show party with a VNV DJ-Set (as our next performance at Me’ra Luna festival is not a long drive from Ulft, so we will have some time to enjoy the after show party – definately looking forward to that!)., the Unforgiving Race car is on the site etc, etc. Tickets for “The First Challenge” are still available and can be purchased here for the Dutch fans and here for the German fans.

On the next day, Saturday August 13th we are looking forward to return to the best festival in Germany “Me’ra Luna” in Hildesheim as a headliner. Me’ra Luna has been voted the best festival in 2011 on the German Live Music Award (LEA). That’s well deserved, it’s also our favorite one in Germany with great memories of our first steps on a big festival in our neighbour country.

Off the stage at Me’ra Luna we will then drive over night to Switzerland to perform at Heitere Open Air in Zí¶fingen on Sunday 14.08. Heitere Open Air  has been a summer festival highlight in the country since the 90ies.

We also can’t wait to see the fans in Belgium and at home in the Netherlands at the legendary Pukkelpop Festival on the 19th and Lowlands festival on the 20th of August. Both events are already sold out for a long time.

Stoppelhaene Festival (25.08) and Bavaria Open Air (27.08) are 2 more great Festivals before we depart to  Transylvania for the Fíélsziget Fesztivál on 28.08., which is one of the largest summer festivals in Romania.

Needless to say – but we are extremely excited to see all of you out there at one of these festivals and send our best regards from the rehersal room.

See you soon…..

Within Temptation
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 07, 2011, 02:32:29 pm
Hi All, The last adjustments are being made by Ronald Kolk for the beautiful new stage outfits  xs
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 10, 2011, 09:26:41 pm
Setlist Sziget!!! (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 11, 2011, 10:52:30 pm
Videos de Hungria!!! (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 12, 2011, 04:17:16 pm
Today is the day, tonight we’ll be giving our long expected First Challenge show!As we announced earlier, Rohan from VNV Nation would be spinning the wheels of steel on the afterparty. Unfortunately this morning we got the bad news that due to sickness Rohan is not able to make it. Of course we hope he gets better soon!

Nevertheless we promised you an afterparty so we’re making one! DJ Jeroenski, will be taking over the DJ booth and we’re still going to party the whole night.

We are excited to see you all tonight, are you ready?!!

Hoy es el dia!!
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 12, 2011, 04:18:43 pm
Ruud ya está en camino!!

On my way to Ulft! First Dutch WT gig of the The Unforgiving Tour :). Wen k#t weer.
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 12, 2011, 06:18:36 pm
Gira de teatros en 2012!!!

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 12, 2011, 11:53:11 pm

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 13, 2011, 12:23:25 pm

Why Not Me?
Shot In The Dark
In The Middle Of The Night
Fire And Ice
Where Is the Edge
A Demon's Fate
Stairway to the Skies

See Who I Am
Stand My Ground
The Howling
What Have You Done
Our Solemn Hour
Mother Earth

Deceiver Of Fools
Ice Queen
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 13, 2011, 12:36:40 pm (

Todos los videos!!
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 15, 2011, 11:33:40 am
El sábado en el M'era Luna tocaron el mismo setlist que en Sziget, cambiando Memories por Deceiver of fools!

M'era Luna:
Our Solemn Hour
In The Middle Of The Night
Stand My Ground
Fire And Ice
The Howling
What Have You Done
Shot In the Dark
Mother Earth
Deceiver Of Fools
Ice Queen
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 15, 2011, 11:35:03 am
Ayer en Suiza!!!

Setlist at Heitere Open Air:

Our Solemn Hour
In The Middle Of The Night
Stand My Ground
The Cross
Fire And Ice
Shot In The Dark
The Howling
What Have You Done
Mother Earth

Deceiver Of Fools
Ice Queen
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 15, 2011, 10:45:28 pm
The rumors were spreading but now we can officially confirm more shows in The Netherlands!

Visitors of the First Challenge were even able to see the new tour-poster already. There is not much that we can tell you about the shows yet, besides the dates and our promise that it’s going to be another spectacular tour!

In the past we took the oppertunity during tours like this to put our songs in acoustic arrangements.

This tour will take place in Holland, check out the dates below. More information on the tour and ticket links will be posted soon!

Date   Place   Venue   
02-03-2012   Almere (NL)   Schouwburg Almere   
07-03-2012   Utrecht (NL)   Vredenburg Leidsche Rijn   
11-03-2012   Eindhoven (NL)   Muziekgebouw   
12-03-2012   Eindhoven (NL)   Muziekgebouw   
14-03-2012   Zwolle (NL)   Theater de Spiegel   
17-03-2012   Tilburg (NL)   Theaters Tilburg   
20-03-2012   Breda (NL)   Chassíé Theater   
22-03-2012   Heerlen (NL)   Theater Heerlen   
24-03-2012   Groningen (NL)   De Oosterpoort   
26-03-2012   Roosendaal (NL)   Schouwburg de Kring   
29-03-2012   Enschede (NL)   Stadsschouwburg   
31-03-2012   Nijmegen (NL)   De Vereeniging   
05-04-2012   Rotterdam (NL)   Nieuwe Luxor Theater   
14-04-2012   Amsterdam (NL)   Koninklijk Theater Carríé
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 19, 2011, 11:08:27 pm
Sharon y Robert hablan sobre el Pukkelpop (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 20, 2011, 07:51:24 pm
You've trained hard the past few months to get back into shape (see Sharon's blog at ) for your first concert this month. How was that?

"It was quite a tough one. I had a strict deadline: on August 12th was our first big concert in the Netherlands. So I had to physically and mentally in shape, otherwise I like action more than two hours is not full without becoming winded. I trained hard. But in the past period was also the holidays and then a busy time with rehearsals and promotional work, so I had less time to exercise. Besides, I came as soon as I stopped breastfeeding, immediately to three pounds. I have not quite reached my goal weight. But I had previously said that this was not the most important. All of those pounds are still off * s, you know. "

How important is appearance to you?
"It is part of the business card of the band. People do have certain expectations of how you look on stage. And in everyday life. * Oh, you look so out in real life? * I hear regularly. And thanks! For a show I'm pretty prepared and styled my hair, but when I'm free, I love it when some mascara, lip balm and a ooglijntje. With three small children, I have no time to morning * my hair straighten. And people seem to find it weird that I do not wear huge dresses occurs in the supermarket. They are often shocked when I appear in my jeans, a leather jacket and slippers. They expect more frills, but if not I'm private. I want a little bit groomed, but otherwise I like to run out the door. "

Are you insecure about your appearance if it is?
"Not really insecure, but I do notice that I get older. Your body changes over the years and I need to make more effort to look good. Previously I did not think about what I ate and my skin had little care. Now. Furthermore, I realize that I have a side entry generation. I do not Grandpa and Grandma * s * s and more have already a new batch * * put on the world. That is quite confrontational at times. I realize that life is not infinite, that we are mortal. But that appearance is concerned, there you are doing more as a woman anyway. It seems genetic. "
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 20, 2011, 07:52:28 pm
Escuchad!!! (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 20, 2011, 08:02:53 pm
Aqui está!!

WHYD Faster y Sinead (acoustic) (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 21, 2011, 01:45:44 pm
Otro video!! (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 22, 2011, 11:02:56 pm
Lowlands 2011

Shot In The Dark
In The Middle Of The Night
Fire And Ice
Ice Queen
Stand My Ground
What Have You Done
Mother Earth
Stairway to the Skies
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 22, 2011, 11:08:05 pm
Faster @ Lowlands (

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 24, 2011, 11:46:30 pm
El concierto del Lowlamds casi entero!! (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 25, 2011, 10:51:19 pm
A travíés de su Facebook Within Temptation han preguntado a sus fans españoles y portugueses quíé banda querrí­an ver acompañándoles en sus conciertos por los citados paí­ses. Si queríéis sugerirles algún grupo, ya sabíéis...
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 26, 2011, 10:40:47 pm
the setlist of raalte: Intro, shot, itmotn, faster, fire, ice queen, iron, smg, intro 2, sinead, whyd, angels, memories, dof, me, stairway.
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 28, 2011, 10:33:31 pm
The setlist of boa was: Intro, shot in the dark, in the middle of the night, faster, fire and ice, ice queen, iron, stand my ground, intro 2, siníéad, what have you done? Mother earth, stairway to the sky
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 29, 2011, 11:01:44 pm
Iron @ Peninsula Festivañ (

Shot in the dark (

Stand my ground (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 30, 2011, 11:18:47 pm
Grupo de Facebook Queremos a Sharon con vestidos (

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 30, 2011, 11:23:10 pm
On the 22nd of September during the 31st Dutch Film Festival “Me and Mr Jones on Natalee Island” will have it’s premiere.

In this movie an undercover journalist Remi is starting a quest to find Natalee Holloway five years after her disappearance. Together with Eva, a terminal call-girl he’s trying to solve this case by breaking into Joran van der Sloot’s house. This is just the beginning of a series of events with fatal consequences.

Just before the premiere Within Temptation will perform among others, the soundtrack of the movie “Where Is The Edge”. Last but certainly not least, also The Unforgiving short-films will have their international premiere in the cinema. A night that you as a Within Temptation fan can’t miss. And therefor you can get tickets to the premiere and the small show of Within Temptation. Ticketsale will start on the 7th of September on:

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 30, 2011, 11:26:50 pm
We can now confirm that we’re playing at the Rock Sound Festival in Sursee. During this indoor festival Within Temptation will play in the Stadthalle venue in Sursee

NOVEMBER 26, 2011

Tí¼rí¶ffnung: 17.00 Uhr / Beginn: 18.00 Uhr / Ende: ca. 00.00 Uhr
Altersbegrenzung: keine
Rollstuhlplí¤tze: Infos per Mail oder telefonisch unter 0900 220 220 (CHF 1.19/Min. Festnetz)

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 31, 2011, 02:13:42 pm
Setlist Rumania!!

1. shot in the dark
2. in the middle of the night
3. faster
4. fire and ice
5. ice queen
6. iron
7. the cross
8. our solemn hour
9. stand my ground
10. sinead
11. what have you done
12. the howling
13. angels
14. memories
15. deceiver of fools
16. mother earth
17. stairway to the skies
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 31, 2011, 11:07:06 pm
Welcome Mother Maiden…

The Disciple ramps up his killing spree, as Janyce faces life without her badge for firing a weapon in public. The Triplets appear to Janyce, this time in the precinct house, and lead her on a chase throughout the building. Is she losing her mind? She suspects it, but regains her sanity just in time to meet the leader of the Wraith Taskforce – the mysterious Mother Maiden.

We are really excited to announce the release of the 3rd edition of The Unforgiving comic, “Penance: Part three″!

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 01, 2011, 10:45:24 pm
Otro corto!!!

Triplets (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 08, 2011, 09:56:27 am

Shot In The Dark
In The Middle Of The Night
Fire And Ice
Ice Queen
Our Solemn Hour
Stand My Ground
What Have You Done
The Howling
Deceiver of Fools
Mother Earth
Stairway To The Skies
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 08, 2011, 07:51:45 pm
Ice Queen @ Toronto (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 08, 2011, 07:54:21 pm
Stand my Ground @ Toronto (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 08, 2011, 08:00:12 pm
Faster @ Toronto (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 11, 2011, 10:59:34 pm
En NY explotó un amplificador y......

The mic went OUT at the end of Angels, but they were sort of funny about it, then went into Memories
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 13, 2011, 10:54:23 pm
Because of your enthousiasm for our tour, two venues on the 2011 Unforgiving tour have been altered.

Due to the extensive demand for tickets we had to move our concert in Krakow from Studio to Hala Wisla, Poland. You can buy tickets for the show at Hala Wisla here.

The Arena in Stockholm will remain the venue for oktober 27, but will be enlarged. After reviewing our production specs we were able to put extra tickets on sale. You can buy the extra tickets here.
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 15, 2011, 10:37:37 pm
3º single!!!

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 17, 2011, 08:13:56 pm
There’s something electric about the statement, "Within Temptation is coming to North America!" Most likely it’s because Within Temptation doesn’t come here that often, compared to other parts of the world. However, September 2011 marked the long-awaited return of Within Temptation to North America for a brief tour: Toronto and Montreal in Canada; and Worcester (Massachusetts), New York City, Baltimore, and Philadelphia in the United States. This tour was Within Temptation’s first chance on this side of the Atlantic to directly promote their latest album, The Unforgiving, as well as its corresponding comic book series.

Sonic Cathedral staff writer Sara Letourneau sat down with singer Sharon den Adel just hours before Within Temptation’s nearly sold-out show in Worcester. They talked about the tour, the band’s new musical direction, Sharon’s new onstage wardrobe, and the future of The Unforgiving. Yes, it seems the comic books and short films may be the start of something even bigger. Read on to learn more!

Sara:  Hello, Sharon! On behalf of Sonic Cathedral, welcome back to North America!

Sharon:  Well, thank you very much! We’re glad to be back. It’s been a long time, and a lot of things have happened in between.

Sara:  You started the North American tour a couple nights ago in Canada. You were in Toronto and then Montreal. How did they go?

Sharon:  Amazing. I must say that the Canadian people have a really good reputation of being very enthusiastic and passionate people, but also they express things more directly. They’re more expressive than other countries are. I’m not saying that they like [the shows] better than people who don’t move as much or shout as much. It’s like people express themselves differently in every country. So, we had a blast. And, Montreal sold out.

Sara:  Montreal sold out?

Sharon:  Yeah! It did.

Sara:  I didn’t know about that!

Sharon:  Yeah, it was about 2200 people.

Sara:  Wow! That’s good!

Sharon:  Yeah. It was our second time there. The first time, we were with six other bands.

Sara:  For [the tour] with Lacuna Coil?

Sharon:  Yes! The Hottest Chicks of Metal Tour. (laughs) And now we came back. I think there was a lot of word of mouth, people telling about us. So, we saw a lot more people than we expected. It was very cool.

Sara:  Tonight, you play here in Worcester. And then you’ve got three other US shows. You’ve got New York tomorrow night, which is also sold out, and then Baltimore and Philadelphia. The New York show sold out well in advance. How do you feel about that?

Sharon:  It’s amazing, of course.

Sara:  And that will have about 3000 people?

Sharon:  Yes, I think so. We haven’t toured that much in America, actually. We did it two times, three weeks each, so six weeks total. But, I think with the Internet and everything, people are being enthusiastic [about us] on Facebook. And, people bring their friends [to our shows]. That’s how it went for us, I think. We became bigger and bigger without us knowing. And then you sell out certain shows, and you think, “Wow!” (laughs)

Sara:  And I know personally that people are flying from all across the country to these shows. They’re coming from Florida, the Midwest, and the West Coast just to see these shows on the East Coast. How does it feel to know that people are coming from all over to see you on this short tour?

Sharon:  Well, it’s a big compliment, of course. I must say that we were also totally surprised that so many people came. These shows were actually announced quite late. And if you see how well people are reacting, it’s like, “Wow!” Yeah, amazing. (laughs) We’re a little bit speechless, actually! (laughs)

Sara:  (laughs) Your new album is The Unforgiving. Not that it’s new, since it’s been out for about six months. But when it came out here in the US, it debuted [on the album charts] a lot higher than The Heart of Everything did. It actually became a Top 50 album! How did that make you feel?

Sharon:  (laughs) Well, it was strange. Because it ended up at #1 on the Rock charts here as well, and also in England. To be honest, I was on a little bit of a rollercoaster. I was giving birth at the time I heard the news! Actually, I think I heard the news, and then a few hours later I went into labor. (laughs)

Sara:  (laughs) So [the news] brought [your labor] on?

Sharon:  Maybe! Maybe it had some effect on what happened the day after. (laughs) So, it’s something that you don’t expect. I’m just happy that people responded well on the album. And since it’s been six months that it was released, people have gotten used to the album. They can sing along at the shows now. (laughs) They know the lyrics by heart now. The first few shows that we did [in Europe to promote The Unforgiving], I could see that if I would ever forget my lyrics, I’d just have to look at the fans. I’d watch them and say, “Oh, yes! Thank you!” (laughs)

Sara:  (laughs) The Unforgiving has been a very unique undertaking, with the comic book series that accompanies the album and also the three mini-movies that have been coming out. How do you think it’s all come together? Has it met your expectations? Or exceeded them?

Sharon:  Well, we made those short movies in a very short time. And also, the story of the concept album was written in almost less than six months. So, everything went pretty rapidly, actually, and also because we had a good team of people working together. All creative people who are good in the field they work in. We had a good director, a good [special] effects guy, and also the person who wrote the story for The Unforgiving, and also the comic artist. Everyone was just an expert at their field. And, everyone was inspired by the story.

Also, although Steven O’Connell [the writer of The Unforgiving] came up with the basic concept for it, what happened was we had already approached Romano Molenaar, the comic artist. He works with the X-Men [comics] and those kinds of comics. We asked [Romano] if anyone could write a script for us, and he came up with Steven O’Connell. And since we didn’t have a script already lying around, we told Steven, “OK, we were thinking of this, this, and this. We’d like to have these kinds of influences. This is how it should be starting.” Those kinds of things. We gave him the ingredients, and he came back with a very cool three or four lines about what the story should be about. He just started throwing ideas around, and we threw ideas back. And eventually, that became the story of The Unforgiving. And he did a really good job, I think. He’s such a storyteller, so it comes so easily for him. And it was really great to work with him.

But also, the director and the [special] effects guy who worked on the movies had really great ideas for stories. So, they also came up with ideas that were eventually put into the story. And it became a better story in the end because everyone was so inspired. It just worked really well, and people thinking along with us. And, there were no egos, no one thinking, “Oh, it’s MY story.” (laughs) It becomes better [when you collaborate]. It just works better.

Sara:  Speaking of being inspired, when I was listening to The Unforgiving, I thought that album has your best vocal performance out of all the Within Temptation albums. It sounds like something about [the story] unleashed the best of your voice. Is that how you felt when you were in the studio? How did you feel when you were working on these songs and singing them for the first time?

Sharon:  Thank you! And I must that it was a pleasure. (laughs) Because these songs came so naturally, and the vocal lines came very naturally. It was something that really suits me. I could really bring in much more emotion because… I don’t know. It just felt right. I was really loving the songs. Of course, I love our older songs, too, but sometimes certain songs appeal to you more than others. And [in our case,] it was especially because we felt like we had found a new Within Temptation again. It gave us a lot of inspiration and a lot of good vibes. And when we were in the studio and I was singing the songs, I felt that good vibe. And then, we feel really confident that this was the way to go. It’s such a joy to be in the studio.

And with The Heart of Everything, I enjoyed it, but we felt like we were doing the same thing again, more or less. We had been finalizing the sound for some years, and with The Heart of Everything we felt like we had done our best and couldn’t go beyond that. So, we had to make a direction to a new corner to renew ourselves and to reinvent ourselves. Because we felt like we were at a dead end. And also, after the last album, we were really at a point of whether we were going to break up or going to continue.

Sara:  Wow.

Sharon:  Yeah. So, we needed a little bit of time. And we had toured a lot.

Sara:  You did tour a lot for The Heart of Everything. You went everywhere.

Sharon:  Yeah, exactly. And every time, something was adding to it. For example, our first shows in America, we were here for three weeks. And then we got a request to come back for another three weeks. But, we still had to catch up a tour in Germany, which I think was another two or three weeks long. And at the end of the German tour, we really hated each other. We were not very happy people! (laughs) We needed a break from the music, a break from each other. You need to have certain breaks in between, and we didn’t have enough breaks. We were just tired, very tired.

And it was good to take some distance and also see where we were stood at a certain point. We also saw the things we did wrong. Now, we try to plan better and take the right times off. We’re not a band that can continuously tour and tour and tour. We need to have breaks in between. And, we have families as well. So, we need to touch base again and then come back with full energy and give the audience what they expect and what they should get. But when you’re tired, you can’t give the full of you. You can’t live up to the expectations. It begins to feel like a routine. And that’s something we really hate. It shouldn’t feel like a job in the end. (laughs) But we’re back, and we’re revitalized, and we’re really happy to be back again. We made the right decisions, and now we’re looking forward to the upcoming tours.

Sara:  The first two singles off The Unforgiving were “Faster” and “Sinead.” Other than the fact that they’re insanely catchy, why were those songs chosen to be singles?

Sharon:  Well, because we felt they brought across the new Within Temptation. We wanted to make a statement that we had gone a different corner a little bit, that we had made a change in our music. Because I think we have a little stigma that we’re a nu metal band, which we’re not.

Sara:  (surprised) Some people call your music nu metal?

Sharon:  Yeah. They call us nu metal everywhere, because of Evanescence.

Sara:  But, you’re not! (laughs)

Sharon:  Yeah! We’re more symphonic rock or symphonic metal. We’re not nu metal, although I don’t hate [nu metal]. I like that kind of music. But, that’s who we are. We don’t identify ourselves with it that much. We have some influences in that area, of course, but it’s not completely that. It’s more than that, in my opinion. I understand why, because Evanescence is so big, and so they give that label to every band with a female vocal. (laughs) So, I think we really wanted to make a statement that we’ve really gone to a different corner.

Sara:  I saw on the DVD for The Unforgiving that you made a video for “Shot in the Dark.” Are you planning that to be the third single off the album?

Sharon:  Yes. Probably. We’re not sure yet, but it’s supposed to be like that. In some countries, it will be. And maybe other countries will get a different single.

Sara:  Any idea what that other single might be? Or, are you not sure yet?

Sharon:  No, we’re not sure yet. We haven’t discussed it yet.

Sara:  You started touring last month to promote the new album. You did some festival appearances in Europe. One of those shows you did was The First Challenge. It was a large-scale show, like the Java Eiland and Black Symphony shows. Could you tell us a little about that and how it went?

Sharon:  Well, it was one of our first shows after so many years, and with totally new music. We played the whole new album. When we do shows now, it’s more of a mixture of all kinds of things. And we played for two hours [at The First Challenge]. We’ve never played for two hours before. And, it’s also dangerous because it can get a bit boring. I can imagine that two hours is a long ride for anybody, for a band to play and for people to listen to it and stay focused and stay into it. You need to make a really good balance between things. But, it was a good experience. It was very heavy also, to play so many songs in your first show after a while. (imitates a sigh of relief, then laughs) We were so nervous! But, it went very well actually. It was also like a try-out show in a way. We got to try out what works for the audience, what doesn’t work, what kind of songs to play, what kind of order you need to play them in. But I think after the festivals, we know now what works and what doesn’t work. In the beginning, during the first few shows, you have to try out things.

Sara:  One thing that fans have noticed about the recent shows is that your wardrobe has changed. You’re not wearing the corsets and the skirts and the dresses so much. This time, you’re wearing slacks and some cool 80s-ish tops. How does it feel to perform in different clothes than you’ve worn before? Does it feel different at all?

Sharon:  It feels liberating, actually! (laughs) I’m still wearing the corsets. But, it’s more like corsets with leather pants and a beautiful or extravagant blouse or a jacket. It has a little more of an 80s feel to it. But, the music is different now. I can’t wear those dresses again with this kind of album. Of course, maybe at some shows, I will wear occasionally a dress, a special one that suits the older albums. But for this tour, I wanted to do something different also to break away from the standard image that everyone has of the band and of me, again underlining that we’ve gone in a different direction.

Sara:  It has been four years since Sonic Cathedral first sat down with you and Robert. The band has reached a lot of milestones since then: the Black Symphony show, the DVD for that show, and then the acoustic tour and album. Both of those events and albums show different sides of the band musically. Black Symphony, for example, showed us what you can do –

Sharon:  Bombastically? (laughs)

Sara:  Yes. And then you toned it down for the acoustic versions, and it sounds just as good. Is it important for you to not only do different things with your music but also to offer something unique to your fans?

Sharon:  Exactly. That’s one of the reasons, to give unique things to our fans. But it’s also for ourselves, to keep ourselves inspired and also to show that we’re not always about doing things bigger and bigger and even bigger than big. It’s not about doing things over the top. It’s more about being both [over the top and more intimate], and we are both. We like to give a big show, but not always to try to do something more extreme than the last time. We just want to have a beautiful show, and we just want to give our all. And that’s what we try to do. And, I think it was nice for us to go from [Black Symphony], where it took everything that we had in us, to go to a really more pure side of ourselves. I think it could go even more pure, if we wanted it to. It was less showy. But, that’s what the band is normally. It was to show people that, if you strip down everything, there’s still a good song there. That’s how we build on the songs, always. When we start writing songs, it always starts with a guitar or the keyboards. It doesn’t start with a huge choir. (laughs) So, when you strip everything down, it gets to the core of Within Temptation, actually. To the base of which the songs were written.

Sara:  Recently, your video for “In and Out of Love” with [Dutch DJ] Armin van Buuren hit 100 million views on YouTube.

Sharon:  Yeah! (laughs)

Sara:  That’s a lot!

Sharon:  Yeah, it’s a lot! (laughs) It’s strange, actually, because I only performed [that song] with Armin two times. And, it never was a really big hit. Not on the radio, anyway. In Holland, they played it [on the radio], but only on the DJ kinds of stations, dance stations. But, underground and in all the clubs, it was being played. It’s still a huge hit there, apparently, if [the video] has gotten so many hits. It’s crazy. (laughs)

Sara:  After this North American tour, you have a very extensive tour in Europe coming up. And, I know you’ve already announced some Dutch dates for 2012. So, is there any chance at all, between all the places where you may be going next year, that you’ll come back to North America?

Sharon:  There are already talks about it, because so many more people came that we were expecting. So, there’s something going on. There’s something bubbling under. (laughs) We’ve had some requests already for next year. So, we’re going to see how we can fit it in. Maybe around this time next year, we might be back. We’ll have to see. It’s something still up for discussion. There’s a lot of things that we the band don’t see. All the requests are sent to our management, and they have to make the routine for where we’ll be next year and how we’ll fly and how to fit everything in. But with any luck, we’ll try to come back next fall. Hopefully. And, it would be a bigger tour than this one.

Sara:  One last question for you, Sharon: What would you like to say to your fans and to our readers at Sonic Cathedral?

Sharon:  (pauses) Well, of course, that we hope to be back [in North America] soon. We’re happy to see that people really like our music. Because we were doubting if our music was meant for America, since it has so many European flavors. But, we’re confident now that, after seeing how many people came to the first two shows, maybe more Americans like our music than we thought. So, we’re really happy to see so many faces and seeing so many people bring their friends. Also, our comic [“The Unforgiving”] has been picked up by the biggest comic distributor in America, which will also distribute it worldwide. So, people might get in contact with our music through the comic now. That’s something we didn’t expect. But, it was picked up so nicely by a lot of people who didn’t know the band, and somehow it ended up with this distributor. So, we’re going to release it through them now as well.

Sara:  Cool!

Sharon:  So, maybe who knows? (laughs) And there’s always something to dream about. We have another dream now, and that is to make a full-length film out of the base of the comic. I’m not sure if it’s going to happen. It’s more like we’re working on it. It might take some years because it’s always a big project to make a movie. But, we did make those three short movies. Who knows? Maybe we’ll do it with the same team, or maybe with somebody else. We have some connections now in the movie industry. So, we’ll see what happens!

Sara:  Wow! We’ll hope for the best. Thank you very much for your time, Sharon!

Sharon:  You’re welcome!

Many thanks once again to Sharon for taking the time to talk to Sonic Cathedral again. We at Sonic Cathedral wish Within Temptation the best with the upcoming tours and all things related to The Unforgiving. And, we hope to see you in North America again next year! Also, thank you to Julie Lichtenstein at Roadrunner Records USA for helping us arrange the interview.

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 17, 2011, 11:17:31 pm
t has been 4 years since Within Temptation has played a concert in North America and the fans that were lucky enough to attend one of the 6 showcase shows in September were treated to an amazing musical experience from one of the premiere bands in female metal. Although the stage setup was more minimalistic than their previous headlining tour, the band was as majestic as ever.

Coming to New York City's Terminal 5 on September 10th, the band played a venue that was almost 3 times the size of the hall they played back in 2007 and were able to sell it out well in advance. Bass player Jeroen stated afterwards that he didn't expect these kinds of crowds with the band being relatively unknown in the United States but that he was pleasantly surprised with the attendance and to expect Within Temptation to return as soon as they can.

For fans who have only heard the band's latest release The Unforgiving, the show started out with the Mother Maiden short film projected onto their backdrop. Gone are the days of Sharon's ball gown dresses and instead she came out in pants where she was able to interact and rock out while right up with the crowd the whole night. From the introduction the band then continued on with 4 songs from the new album. Shot In The Dark, In The Middle Of the Night, Faster, and Fire and Ice all sounded great live as this was the first time that the American crowd had a chance to hear these songs in a concert setting. The band was as tight as they had been in 2007 and had the crowd on their side from the first notes of the show. After treating the crowd to a wonderful selection of songs from The Unforgiving, the band went into a song that was unexpected to hear so early on in their set.

ce Queen from their first full length album Mother Earth has been the staple closing song for Within Temptation during their whole career. Robert talked afterwards about moving the song and noted that although it has been a tradition for the band to close with Ice Queen, they decided to break tradition and try something new by playing it earlier in the set.

Making this move proved to be an excellent choice as the whole crowd started chanting the "aaah aaah" part with Sharon and was electrified from that point on at the concert. Old and new fans alike sang along to this staple song of the Within Temptation catalogue.

From there the band played another new song Iron, before playing their first song from their previous album The Heart of Everything. As chants of Sanctus Espiritus started up, the crowd knew that the band would next play Our Solemn Hour. This song being one of the most popular on the album had the whole crowd singing along. After that moment, the band finally got around to playing a song from The Silent Force.

Before starting the next song, Sharon took time to talk about 9/11 in what was the most touching moment of the night. She went on to say how on the eve of the 10th anniversary of the attacks that it would be fitting to play a song from The Silent Force as the whole album was inspired by the incidents 10 years ago. Specifically the band wrote Stand My Ground in response to how they felt about being strong in the face of such an incident. After the show Sharon told me about people from Holland who also were killed and that the terrorist attacks were more than just an American event and affected the whole world and changed things so much. Then after a moment of silence, the opening strings of Stand My Ground started and the New York City crowd was completely lost in the moment and felt the song more than they ever had before.

After that chilling moment, the Sinead short film was projected on the backdrop and the band then played the song of the same name from The Unforgiving. Now that the crowd was alive again, the band went into a song that always gets the crowd to sing along, What Have You Done. As usual, when the band gets to the parts of the song sung by Keith Caputo, Sharon holds out the microphone to the audience to get them to scream "What Have You Done Now". The crowd ate it up and you could see Sharon smile each time the crowd sang back to her.

From there the band played their last song from The Heart of Everything album, The Howling. This was their first song that was released as a single in the United States after they signed with Roadrunner Records US, and the crowd sang along and knew every word of the song. Then the band played their last 2 songs from The Silent Force album, Angels and Memories. During the end portion of Angels, Sharon was singing one of her patented high notes when the microphone blew out. Instead of getting frustrated or losing her composure, she laughed about it while Ruud played the baseball "batter's up rally theme" to get the crowd jumping. Sharon then jumped up and down along with the crowd while the technicians worked their magic. Robert then commented that there must have been "ghosts in the attic" which caused the equipment malfunction and the crowd laughed along. Finally after getting her microphone back, Sharon went right into a moving rendition of Memories to close out the main portion of the show.

During the first encore of the night, the band played their final songs from the Mother Earth album. They played the classics Deceiver of Fools and Mother Earth. Both of these songs sounded incredible as always and for the fans who have known about the band from the beginning, it was a real treat to hear these songs in concert. When playing Mother Earth the band was in perfect sync and Sharon showed why she has the voice of an angel.

To close the show, the band played a final song from The Unforgiving as a second encore. Usually people leave a venue after a first encore, but the whole crowd stuck around to hear Stairway to the Skies. This left the crowd knowing that the band's newest work is just as good as its oldest work. Within Temptation took their bows, shook hands with the crowd, gave out picks and drumsticks, and most importantly, let the crowd know that they planned to come back for a full tour of America and wouldn't wait 4 years to do it again. This was a very special concert put on by an amazing band and everyone over here in America has something to look forward to in 2012 when the band returns to the States.

After the show, the band had a small meet & greet set up. They invited an 11 year old girl who had noted that this was her first concert ever. You could see the sheer excitement on her face in getting to meet the band. Also invited was a 12 year old girl from Louisiana named Kate. Kate was the runner up for the band's The Unforgiving contest and was so happy to get the chance to finally meet her favorite band. When Sharon came up to give her a hug, Kate was in tears of joy and Sharon just smiled. Seeing the interaction of the band with their fans just gives another dimension into how great a band Within Temptation is. Not only are they great performers, but also great people who care about their fans. I hope that everyone gets the chance to see this incredible band in concert and have the chance to meet them as well.

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 20, 2011, 02:47:00 pm
Robert deja las giras!!!

As you know in recent years we were blessed with the birth of three children. Since then not only our kids but also Within Temptation has been growing fast and we are touring in more countries than ever before.

To be able to fulfill the needs of our children but just as much the needs of the band for now and also in the future, we decided Robert will step down from touring live, (except for the occasional show). With this change we can give stability to our children and from the home studio Robert will have more time writing new music and developing new creative ideas for the live show, the comic and future movies.

What makes the decision easier is the fact that Stefan Helleblad is willing to take Robert's place in the band on stage. Stefan has been working with the band behind the scenes for some years. As a sound engineer he was involved in the production of our latest three records. Next to being a great sound engineer, mixing engineer and producer he is also a very gifted guitar player. On our latest album 'The Unforgiving' you can already hear him play some special guitar parts. His first show will be on the 21st in Heerhugowaard.

So this is not a goodbye but a new step, or actually two steps in a very exciting new and inspiring time for our band.
We hope you keep joining and enjoying this adventure together with us and our paths will keep crossing each other.

'till soon !!!
Sharon and Robert
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 20, 2011, 10:52:57 pm
Este es Stefan!!!

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 21, 2011, 11:13:16 pm

The setlist of waerdse temple: Why not me, Shot in the dark, in the middle of the night, faster, fire and ice, ice queen, iron, our solomn hour, stand my ground, intro 2, siníéad, what have you done, the howling, angels, memories, deceiver of fools, mother earth, stairway to the skies.
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 27, 2011, 11:21:36 pm
Trailer del tour europeo (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 29, 2011, 11:08:32 pm
Due to the fire that broke out in the KB Hallen in Copenhagen yesterday, we had to relocate our show on the 25th of October. The new venue is:

Falconer Theatre

Falconer Alle 9

Frederiksberg, Copenhagen

The show will still take place on the 25th of October and is completely sold out. Your tickets for the show in the KB Hallen will be valid for the show in Falconer Theatre.
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 29, 2011, 11:10:43 pm
Recently ‘Siníéad’ has been released with bonus tracks.

This month Amada Music will release Siníéad, the Remixes. You can listen to them here!

These alternate versions of ‘Siníéad’ will also be available on iTunes on the 17th of October.

Benno de Goeij mixes piano, dramatic strings and energetic synths with the soothing but intense voice of Sharon: (

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 29, 2011, 11:14:56 pm
Hungarian duo Myon & Shane 54 hand in a remix of pure gold. Sharon’s voice rides a warm progressive-house sound, crawling under your skin within no time: (

The third remix is a club mix made by Clashback: (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 01, 2011, 08:27:47 pm
Setlist Groningen!!!

Mother Maiden (Short Movie)
Shot In The Dark
In The Middle Of The Night
Fire And Ice
Ice Queen
Our Solemn Hour
Stand My Ground
Siníéad (Short Movie)
What Have You Done
The Howling

Mother Earth

Stairway to the Skies
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 02, 2011, 01:59:37 pm
Videos del Fanclub day

Forgiven (

In the middle of the night (

Shot in the day (

Sinead (

The Truth Beneath The Rose (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 02, 2011, 11:00:27 pm
Q Showcase

Shot in the dark (

Faster (

Ice Queen (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 03, 2011, 10:30:13 pm
After ‘Faster’ and ‘Siníéad’, the third single of the Unforgiving album will be ‘Shot in the Dark’!

As you know, with every single release comes a music video. Tomorrow, we will release the official video for ‘Shot in the Dark’, so stay tuned!
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 04, 2011, 10:58:59 pm
Shot in the dark (video) (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 04, 2011, 11:18:51 pm
Raceday with fans (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 05, 2011, 10:56:11 pm
As Robert will be taking a step back and focussing on writing new music, shows, the comic and future movies, we’ve already told you Stefan Helleblad will be taking his place in the band on stage.

Now it’s time to introduce Stefan to the world!

Stefan has been working with the band behind the scenes for some years already. He was involved in the production of the latest three records. Being the very gifted guitar player he is, we asked him to join the band.

We introduce to you: Stefan! (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 07, 2011, 11:18:07 pm
We’re on the road again! Although we see a lot of fans during our tour we also want to give you a special inside look at what goes on in between shows.

That’s why we’re starting The Unforgiving Tour Vlog, where we’ll be posting our own videos and showing you what we’re up to on tour! You’re going to see: our adventures during traveling, what we do before we go on stage and what we enjoy doing in our spare time.

Also we’re curious to know if you have anything you’d like to ask us! So if you have a question for any of us (Sharon, Ruud, Stefan, Jeroen, Martijn, Mike), you can post your questions in the comments on the bandmember pages. We’ll try to answer your questions in videos for our vlog as well!

As you know, we’ll be visiting a lot of different cities during the tour. Who would be a better tour guide than our fans in their own home town?! When we have the chance to check out a city before a show, we’ll turn to you for advice on Facebook! Then you can post your favourite spots, must-see attractions or great sight seeing locations in the city we’re visiting. (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 10, 2011, 11:29:52 pm
En Lyon tocaron See who I am

[Mother Maiden film]
Fire&Ice (AMAZING, FLAWLESS performance)
[Part of the Siníéad film]
WHYD (Biggest "meh" moment)
The Howling
Mother Earth
Stairway to the Skies
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 10, 2011, 11:33:01 pm
Last week we started The Unforgiving Tour Vlog, where we’ll be posting our own videos and showing you what we’re up to on tour!

It’s time for video #2! Something with a lot of fun on our tour bus… (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 11, 2011, 10:51:41 pm
Madrid, 11 oct (EFE).- A caballo entre el metal sinfónico que les dio a conocer y las composiciones más comerciales y pegadizas que conforman su último álbum, los holandeses Within Temptation han ofrecido esta noche un solvente concierto en la sala La Riviera de Madrid, donde ha destacado el ní­tido sonido de su actuación.

Y es que ha llamado poderosamente la atención el buen partido que la banda le ha sacado al recinto, consiguiendo una acústica sin fisuras, con la que ha encandilado a los más de 2.000 asistentes congregados, sobre todo en temas clásicos como "Mother Earth".

Heavys, góticos, mal llamados pijos y hasta algún ejecutivo, se han hermanado alrededor de una formación que, con su accesible concepción de la música metal, es capaz de conectar con personas de toda clase y condición.

Así­, con un público de lo más variopinto, la única presencia de los instrumentos sobre el escenario y una pantalla al fondo, la actuación ha dado comienzo con un trabajado cortometraje, al que los espectadores han hecho poco caso, ya que estaban más pendientes por advertir la entrada de sus í­dolos que por entender lo que se les narraba.

Precedidos de una enorme expectación, han ido apareciendo los componentes de la banda uno tras otro, dejando en último lugar a la reina de la noche, la cantante Sharon den Adel, que ha irrumpido ataviada con un voluminoso abrigo blanco al más puro estilo Cruella De Vil, alejada de la estíética gótica con la que se asocia al grupo.

Una estíética y un estilo del que Within Temptation rehuye, como se comprueba en su último disco, "The Unforgiving", protagonista de la noche y del que tres de sus temas, como "Shot in the dark", "In the middle of the night" y "Faster", han conformado el potente tramo inicial.

Tres canciones pegadizas y cañeras que han desembocado en la hermosa balada "Fire and ice", perfecto aperitivo para el metal sinfónico de "Ice Queen", uno de los temas clásicos de la banda.

Pero el hielo y la quietud de esta última canción han sido resquebrajados por el hierro de "Iron", que con su contundente sonido ha devuelto al escenario el rock comercial y accesible que comparten las nuevas composiciones de Within Temptation.

Fuertes llamaradas mostradas en la pantalla han ambientado con acierto un tema tan tíétrico y apocalí­ptico como "Our Solemn hour", en uno de los momentos más intensos de la velada, donde la vocalista ha sacado a relucir abrigo nuevo, una larga y oscura gabardina negra, muy acorde con las sensaciones que transmite la canción.

El incendio ha dado paso a la tormenta con "Stand My ground", otro de los hits del grupo, que, con imágenes de rayos ambientando la música, ha precedido al segundo cortometraje de la noche.

El siguiente tema ha sido "Sinead", con el grupo de nuevo en su vertiente más comercial, que ha enlazado con "What have you done" de su cuarto disco, otra de sus composiciones más asequibles y que más íéxito le ha granjeado a estos músicos holandeses.

Se ha agradecido especialmente la falta de empujones y aspavientos varios, tan habituales en este tipo de conciertos y que aquí­ no han hecho acto de presencia, gracias a un público comedido, más pendiente de escuchar y de disfrutar la música, que de hacer gala de arrebatos de euforia.

Lo que no significa que los asistentes no se hayan entregado, ya que no han parado de corear, dar palmas y ovacionar al grupo; especialmente a su vocalista, quien, parca en palabras, se ha visto obligada a dar las gracias constantemente.

Cerca del desenlace, ha llegado la avalancha de canciones clásicas, con "Angels", "Memories" o "Deceiver of fools", donde la cantante ha lucido con esplendor su voz de soprano, hasta llegar a la cumbre del concierto, "Mother Earth", con un sonido prácticamente perfecto que ha enloquecido a los seguidores.

Y en lugar de acabar con otro hit, en una apuesta algo arriesgada, Within Temptation ha optado por el tema "Stairway to the skies" de su último disco, con el que ha puesto punto y final a una noche que ha colmado las expectativas de sus seguidores. EFE

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 11, 2011, 10:56:56 pm
La despedida!!! (

Resumen del concierto (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 11, 2011, 11:07:59 pm
Dos videos mas!! (

Y este!! (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 12, 2011, 01:33:56 pm
Setlist Madrid!!

El setlist fue este:
Shot in the dark
In the middle of the night
Fire and ice
Ice queen
Our solemn hour
Stand my ground
What have you done
The howling
Deceiver of fools
Mother Earth
Stairway to the skies
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 12, 2011, 01:37:01 pm

De acordo com a Metal Rock City, a setlist do concerto no Porto foi esta:
- Mother Maiden (short movie) -
Shot In The Dark
In The Middle Of The Night
Ice Queen
The Howling
Our Solemn Hour
Stand My Ground
- Siníéad (short movie) -
What Have You Done
- Encore 1: Deceiver of Fools
Mother Earth
- Encore 2: Stairway To The Skies
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 12, 2011, 08:19:17 pm
Reporte del concierto de Oporto!! (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 12, 2011, 11:01:41 pm
3º Vlog (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 13, 2011, 11:00:47 pm
En Lisboa!!

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 13, 2011, 11:03:51 pm
Setlist do concerto de Lisboa:
- Mother Maiden (short movie) -
Shot In The Dark
In The Middle Of The Night
Ice Queen
The Howling
Our Solemn Hour
Stand My Ground
- Siníéad (short movie) -
What Have You Done
- Encore 1:
Deceiver of Fools
Mother Earth
- Encore 2:
Stairway To The Skies
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 14, 2011, 07:29:54 pm
Por lo general, los grupos en directo suelen deleitar al público mucho más que en disco, pero sólo unos pocos consiguen “mover masas”. Es el caso de uno de los grupos holandeses más internacionales, Within Temptation, quienes el pasado lunes ofrecieron un directo de presentación de su último álbum, “The Unforgiving”.
Texto y Fotos: Leticia Ballester
Y decimos que “mueven masas” porque tras su directo se oye unanimidad aplastante en cuanto al resultado: a todo el mundo le sabe a poco y repetirí­an al dí­a siguiente sin dudarlo. Hoy estarán en Barcelona, intentando repetir la hazaña.

La calurosa tarde de octubre en Madrid acompañó para que los asistentes al evento se acercaran desde antes de mediodí­a a hacer cola delante de la cíéntrica sala. Y así­ el nutrido conjunto de personas que aguardaban sentados comenzaron a entrar alrededor de las 8 de la tarde. Para cuando los teloneros, los barceloneses The Cannibal Queen, saltaron a las tablas sobre las 9 de la noche, la sala ya contaba con una gran cantidad de gente ansiosa por oí­r el inclasificable estilo de esta formación que cuenta en su haber con un disco debut lanzado en 2010.

Quizá la elección de este grupo no fuera lo más acertado, a pesar de su buen hacer en las tablas y de que a los presentes consiguieron levantarles el ánimo como preparación para el plato fuerte. Sin embargo, teniendo en cuenta que ya hace más de un año del lanzamiento de aquel “Devour all without Faith” y que están a punto de entrar en estudio para su siguiente trabajo de estudio, la promotora podrí­a haber encontrado otras elecciones de más actualidad musical y quizá con algo más de afinidad con estilo de los holandeses.

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 14, 2011, 07:42:06 pm
Pasadas las 10 de la noche, con el corto de Mother Maiden como comienzo, la sala se preparaba para vivir el directo de Within Temptation. Durante sus tres minutos de duración en los que este personaje de su disco conceptual (basado y apoyado en un cómic de creación propia) se presenta, saltaron los músicos de uno en uno, para culminar con la salida de la frontwoman Sharon den Adel entonando el tercer single de su último disco “The Unforgiving”, “Shot in the dark”, y los allí­ presentes se rindieron desde el primer segundo a los minutos que tendrí­amos por delante.

Coreando con el público al principal guitarrista Ruud Jolie, Sharon animaba al público a aplaudir en los intermedios musicales en los que ella no cantaba en “In the middle of the night”, corte mucho más freníético de lo que nos suelen tener acostumbrados. Y conduciendo imaginariamente, la singular “Faster” (cuyo parecido con “Wicked Game” de Chriss Isaak cada vez se hace más patente), primer sencillo de este trabajo sonaba incombustible y coreada por los presentes hasta dejarse las cuerdas vocales.

Llegaban despuíés el medio tiempo de “Fire and Ice”, con el teclado de Martijn  Spierenburg como co-protagonista junto a la dulce voz de Sharon, cogiendo fuerza con cada estribillo y culminando con la entrada de el bajo de Jeroen van Veen y la guitarra de Ruud para acabar con fuerza y prepararnos para uno de los clásicos absolutos, “Ice Queen”, que llenó la sala como un himno.

   Por lo general, los grupos en directo suelen deleitar al público mucho más que en disco, pero sólo unos pocos consiguen “mover masas”. Es el caso de uno de los grupos holandeses más internacionales, Within Temptation, quienes el pasado lunes ofrecieron un directo de presentación de su último álbum, “The Unforgiving”.
Texto y Fotos: Leticia Ballester
Y decimos que “mueven masas” porque tras su directo se oye unanimidad aplastante en cuanto al resultado: a todo el mundo le sabe a poco y repetirí­an al dí­a siguiente sin dudarlo. Hoy estarán en Barcelona, intentando repetir la hazaña.

La calurosa tarde de octubre en Madrid acompañó para que los asistentes al evento se acercaran desde antes de mediodí­a a hacer cola delante de la cíéntrica sala. Y así­ el nutrido conjunto de personas que aguardaban sentados comenzaron a entrar alrededor de las 8 de la tarde. Para cuando los teloneros, los barceloneses The Cannibal Queen, saltaron a las tablas sobre las 9 de la noche, la sala ya contaba con una gran cantidad de gente ansiosa por oí­r el inclasificable estilo de esta formación que cuenta en su haber con un disco debut lanzado en 2010.

Quizá la elección de este grupo no fuera lo más acertado, a pesar de su buen hacer en las tablas y de que a los presentes consiguieron levantarles el ánimo como preparación para el plato fuerte. Sin embargo, teniendo en cuenta que ya hace más de un año del lanzamiento de aquel “Devour all without Faith” y que están a punto de entrar en estudio para su siguiente trabajo de estudio, la promotora podrí­a haber encontrado otras elecciones de más actualidad musical y quizá con algo más de afinidad con estilo de los holandeses.


La mezcla de rock alternativo con punk y tintes góticos de este cuarteto sonó contundente en toda la sala desde los primeros acordes, comenzando con la pegadiza “New Religion” y arrancando muchos aplausos y ví­tores en cada tema. Sonaron “Make it go away”, “And the pain goes on” y la que da nombre a su LP, “Devour all without Faith” entre otras, todas ellas interpretadas con mucha rabia y buscando la complicidad del público que parecí­a querer más de los de la ciudad condal. Esperamos su segundo trabajo con ganas.

01 – New Religion
02 – Killer
03 – Make it go away
04 – And the pain goes on
05 – Devour all without Faith
06 – No more lies
07 – This is Absolution

Pasadas las 10 de la noche, con el corto de Mother Maiden como comienzo, la sala se preparaba para vivir el directo de Within Temptation. Durante sus tres minutos de duración en los que este personaje de su disco conceptual (basado y apoyado en un cómic de creación propia) se presenta, saltaron los músicos de uno en uno, para culminar con la salida de la frontwoman Sharon den Adel entonando el tercer single de su último disco “The Unforgiving”, “Shot in the dark”, y los allí­ presentes se rindieron desde el primer segundo a los minutos que tendrí­amos por delante.


Coreando con el público al principal guitarrista Ruud Jolie, Sharon animaba al público a aplaudir en los intermedios musicales en los que ella no cantaba en “In the middle of the night”, corte mucho más freníético de lo que nos suelen tener acostumbrados. Y conduciendo imaginariamente, la singular “Faster” (cuyo parecido con “Wicked Game” de Chriss Isaak cada vez se hace más patente), primer sencillo de este trabajo sonaba incombustible y coreada por los presentes hasta dejarse las cuerdas vocales.

Llegaban despuíés el medio tiempo de “Fire and Ice”, con el teclado de Martijn  Spierenburg como co-protagonista junto a la dulce voz de Sharon, cogiendo fuerza con cada estribillo y culminando con la entrada de el bajo de Jeroen van Veen y la guitarra de Ruud para acabar con fuerza y prepararnos para uno de los clásicos absolutos, “Mother Earth”, que llenó la sala como un himno.

Volviendo al último trabajo, “Iron”, una de las más pegadizas y fáciles de corear desde la primera escucha, seguida de una sacada del trabajo anterior, el hipnótico canto “Our solemn hour”, y sin tregua el single más conocido de la discografí­a del grupo, de las más radiadas, “Stand my ground”, lo cual se notó en cuanto al alcanzar el último estribillo toda la sala aunó voces como si fueran sólo una para entonar a la perfección las estrofas.

De corte más disco, los primeros acordes de “Sinead” inundaron el ambiente junto con el videoclip de fondo (una de las apuestas para esta gira, dado que los tres videoclips correspondientes a los tres singles “Faster”, “Sinead” y “Shot in the dark” aportan más material a la historia narrada por el concepto del disco y los cómics), y terminó con el respetable bailando y saltando al ritmo de sus notas. De hecho, los videoclips de muchos de los temas se podí­an ver en la pantalla del fondo durante el concierto.

Salida del videojuego “Las crónicas de Spellborn”, sonaba “The Howling”, en la cual brillaron mucho más los instrumentos que la voz de Sharon (la cuál durante todo el directo demostró que se lo estaba pasando en grande, lo que hizo que en algún momento puntual descuidara la tíécnica vocal y se escapara algún tono). Tambiíén cabe destacar el esfuerzo del guitarrista Stefan Helleblad (que sustituye a la pareja sentimental de Sharon y co-fundador del grupo, Robert Westerholt, dado que se ha quedado en casa con los tres hijos de la pareja para poder así­ el grupo cumplir con la gira) y del nuevo baterí­a del grupo, Mike Coolen. De vuelta a los clásicos, “Angels” y “Memories” emocionaron y pusieron los pelos de punta a más de uno en los momentos álgidos de cada tema, con partes de los videoclips de acompañamiento.

La canción más antigua que sonó en toda la velada junto con la imprescindible “Mother Earth” y "Ice Queen era “Deceiver of fools”, de corte más oscuro y menos comercial, pero no por ello menos conocida por los presentes (Sharon muerta de calor salió con el pelo recogido. Y el bis tras la tí­pica despedida venia de la mano de la angelical y evocadora “Stairway to the skies”, que tambiíén cierra el último redondo del conjunto holandíés. Hubo aún tiempo para que el sexteto hiciera algunos coros y dedicara sentidas palabras de agradecimiento a los asistentes una vez finalizado el concierto, declarando que los conciertos en España son los mejores de cada gira.

En palabras de la propia Sharon, a travíés del Twitter oficial del grupo aquella noche nada más despedirse de los fans a la salida de la sala: “Pensábamos que lo habí­amos visto y vivido todo… Pero Madrid… nos habeis sorprendido, jajaja. Os sabí­ais todas las letras. Me quedo en casa la próxima vez”. Y es que Within Temptation sabe cómo deleitar a su público y cómo sacar el mayor partido a sus directos, a pesar de algún pequeño fallo vocal y ligeros olvidos de letras. Una cita ineludible cada vez que pisen nuestro paí­s.

01 – Intro
02 – Shot in the dark
03 – In the middle of the night
04 – Faster
05 – Fire and Ice
06 – Ice Queen
07 – Iron
08 – Our solemn hour
09 – Stand my ground
10 – Sinead
11 – What have you done
12 – The Howling
13 – Angels
14 – Memories
15 – Deceiver of fools
16 - Mother Earth
17 – Stairway to the skies

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 14, 2011, 11:28:48 pm

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 14, 2011, 11:33:51 pm
Yesterday, we had a day off in Barcelona! We enjoyed the warm temperature, the beach and… cocktails!

We like to share everything we’re up to on Twitter, and of course in our Unforgiving Tour Vlog.

Today we posted a photo album on Facebook with tour photos. We’ll keep taking pictures everywhere we go so you have a little taste of what it’s like to be on the road with us.

And it’s our sound engineer’s birthday.

Happy birthday, Benny!

We’re getting ready for tonight’s show in Razzmatazz here in Barcelona and really looking forward to seeing our Spanish fans tonight!

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 15, 2011, 04:49:24 pm
Tení­amos ganas de ver el estado de forma de los holandeses Within Temptation, despuíés de su última actuación en la capital y en este mismo escenario hace unos años. Aunque el embarazo de su cantante Sharon den Adel hizo que su primera fecha (Marzo de 2001) se aplazara, ahora y una vez recuperada, los tení­amos de nuevo en nuestro paí­s. La excusa para visitarnos en esta ocasión era la presentación de su nuevo trabajo ‘The unforgiving’, un disco conceptual inspirado en la serie de comics de Steven O’Connell, donde los personajes tienen reflejo en cada canción.

La larga cola que veí­amos a primera hora en La Riviera nos indicaba que la entrada iba a ser muy buena, así­ que nos incorporamos con tiempo de sobra, para tomar una buena posición y poder ver a los artistas invitados, de los que tení­amos buenas referencias.

A las 21:00 en punto salí­an The Cannibal Queen, un cuarteto afincado en Barcelona, aunque con un vocalista y guitarra, Ray Varela, que proviene de tierras australianas y que no paró de animar al público e invitarles a participar durante su set. La formación la completan Carlos Santolobo a la otra guitarra y coros, Rafa Pettit al bajo y coros y Jordi Riera a la baterí­a. Con dos discos en el mercado y funcionando desde el 2008, cumplieron perfectamente su papel de calentar y preparar al público para la salida de los holandeses.

Su sonido se mueve dentro del Metal con un toque oscuro y en ellos podemos ver influencias desde Metallica y Black Sabbath a NIN o Alice in chains. Durante treinta y cinco minutos desgranaron temas de sus dos discos, el homónimo ‘The Cannibal Queen’ y el segundo ‘Devour all without faith’. Sonaron “New religion”, “Killer ”, “Devour all without faith”, “No more lies” y “Black inside” entre otras, dejándonos muy buenas sensaciones y desde luego siendo una banda que no hay que perderles la pista.

Con tres minutos de retraso sobre las 22:00 horas, se apagaron las luces y en una enorme pantalla que ocupaba toda la parte posterior del escenario, nos proyectaron la primera de las tres mini historias a travíés de las que se desarrolla la trama de ‘The unforgiving’. El primer cortometraje, en blanco y negro, era “Mother maiden” con una enigmática anciana que nos iba introduciendo en la misteriosa narración, hasta que aparecí­a la banda al completo para presentarnos “Shot in the dark”. Sharon salí­a con un abrigo blanco y corto a lo Cruella de Vil, y era recibida con una impresionante ovación por toda una sala que estaba prácticamente llena y que era una muestra del público heterogíéneo de Within Temptation, góticos, rockeros, heavys, y el resto sin afiliación.

A pesar de haber sido madre por tercera vez, y haber redondeado un poco su silueta, se encuentra fí­sicamente espectacular y sin haber perdido ni un ápice de su extraordinaria voz de soprano.
A continuación siguieron con un tema muy cañero como “In the middle of the night”, para no bajar el pistón con “Faster”, su primer single de su último trabajo, que sonó más potente e intensa que en el disco, y que atrapó al público para que descargaran adrenalina, con su estribillo pegadizo cantado al uní­sono. Una intro de teclados nos anunciaba “Fire & Ice”, la primera balada de la noche y que serví­a para que Sharon tomara un poco de aire despuíés de los tres primeros cañonazos.

Tiempo despuíés para “Ice Queen”, una de las joyas de su lustroso pasado que tan bien valoran sus viejos seguidores y que fue muy bien acompañada en los coros. Vuelta de nuevo a la actualidad con otro tema intenso y pegadizo como “Iron” con un buen solo de guitarra y que dio paso, tras los gritos de Sharon, Sharon, Sharon, por parte del público a “Our solemn hour”, con unas fuertes llamaradas en pantalla, momento que aprovechó la bella holandesa para ponerse una capa gótica, con la que interpretar un tema que tiene unos preciosos coros, y que cuando se interpreta con una orquesta sinfónica resulta grandioso, aunque siempre consigue enganchar hasta al más parado.

Despuíés, Sharon aprovechó para presentar a los dos nuevos miembros de la formación, como el baterí­a Mike Coolen, que hizo un buen papel, aunque el uso de elementos electrónicos no es algo que me agrade especialmente, y al otro guitarrista Stefan Helleblad, que no desentonó, viíéndosele en un segundo plano con la timidez propia de un reciíén llegado, aunque lleva trabajando con el grupo desde hace unos cuantos años. El resto del grupo que actuó en Madrid fue Rudolf Jolie a la guitarra solista, Martijn Spierenburg a los teclados y el bajista Jeroen van Veen. Fue el preámbulo para su canción más universal quizás, como es “Stand my ground” que fue cantada de pricipio a fin por muchos seguidores, que se saben todo su repertorio de la primera a la última letra.

Una pequeña pausa y en pantalla se proyectó el segundo corto “Siníéad”, que dio paso a la canción del mismo nombre y que puso el momento dance en la sala. Un tema bailable y con imágenes discotequeras de fondo, que no sabemos si será una boutade de la banda o el principio de un camino por experimentar. Esperamos que no ocurra como con Dover, y no signifique un cambio de rumbo, porque  podrí­a ser un tremendo varapalo para sus numerosos seguidores.

Siguieron con “What have you done”, “The howling” y dos clásicos como “Angel”, donde la voz de Sharon luce en todo su esplendor, resultando curioso que sea toda una autodidacta y que nunca haya tomado clases de canto, para cerrar en primera instancia con otro gran ejercicio vocal como “Memories”, demostrando una entrega que  con su privilegiada voz melódica, ese timbre brillante y esos agudos reforzados, la posicionan en un lugar de honor en la escena metálica.

Un pequeño descanso, y volvieron nuevamente al escenario para interpretar “Deceiver of fools” y su temazo por antonomasia “Mother earth”, que puso la sala patas arriba y a todos rendidos, ante uno de los grandes exponentes del Metal Sinfónico en su máxima expresión. Como último bis, despuíés de unas entusiastas peticiones, volvieron a recurrir a su último disco, eligiendo “Stairway to the skies”, con el que pusieron un brillante colofón a su actuación, tras noventa minutos de concierto.

Sharon agradeció al público madrileño la excelente acogida y el apoyo a la banda, y junto a un simpático Rudolf, que se mostró muy activo durante toda la noche, y el resto de la banda, se despidieron hasta la próxima gira. Ni un lunes laborable, ni la crisis, ni otra excusa más, impidieron que la Riviera se llenara, gozando de un esplíéndido sonido y una efectiva puesta en escena. Aunque Within Temptation han acortado un poco su set respecto a sus anteriores visitas, hay que decir que la banda se encuentra en una etapa de plena madurez, con los miembros asentados musical y emocionalmente, y con una legión de seguidores que les permitirá seguir embarcándose en nuevas aventuras como esta que hemos presenciado, donde la música, el video y el cómic se aúnan, en un espectáculo multimedia que te atrapa y no te suelta hasta un final que se pasa volando.

o saque de aquí­ (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 15, 2011, 10:53:44 pm
Tour Vlog #4 (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 17, 2011, 10:55:17 pm

Lyon (

Toulouse (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 17, 2011, 11:00:01 pm
Vlog #5!! (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 19, 2011, 11:32:48 pm
After the festivals I had a small month to ‘recover’ and prepare myself for the Dutch shows. Living with my parents again after all the road tripping resulted in proper food and above all enough sleep! How I missed thee, my dear bed. Even though the first semester of my study started in September, I was determined to visit all Dutch shows. I mean, it’s only the Netherlands. Add the fact that I am a student and the choice was easily made; as a student you can travel by train for free in the Netherlands, yay! Even though I am allowed to miss some lectures, I do have to hand in assignments every now and then. For this occasion I bought myself a pretty pink mini laptop, so I can study everywhere if necessary. I guess in November it will be necessary for sure.

I, definitely not taking advantage of my student travel card, went from Amsterdam to Heerhugowaard on the 21st of September. My day, which consisted of attending lectures, would end in this middle of nowhere with WT’s first official show of the European The Unforgiving Tour. Still busy with processing the information I got during the lectures, I joined the queue at the Waerdse Tempel. However, the show was brilliant, despite the somewhat awkward moments on stage. I don’t mean this necessarily in a negative sense, but it was noticeable that it was kind of uncomfortable. But! I must add that over the past shows the chemistry between Stefan and the band grew a lot and in my opinion he is doing great and suits the band perfectly! After the show, I waited with a group of people in the hope to meet the band and chat a little. Talking to Jeroen about food and to Sharon about the new singles not being picked up by radio stations resulted in running for my last train home. Luckily my friends were so nice to drop me off at the train station, so thanks again guys!

After visiting the Dutch Film Festival in Utrecht the 22nd, where WT performed five songs (including Lost and Where Is The Edge!), I headed to Tilburg to spend the next four days there. Drinking a beer at the terrace made me quickly forget the train journey and I really looked forward to meeting all my foreign friends again. Especially for the fan club day, which took place the 25th, people came to Tilburg from all over the world. However, I didn’t only have a great time with old friends, during the wait the 23rd I also met some amazing new friends. We had a great time during the day, closing it with a wonderful gig in 013. Between the gig of the 23rd and the 25th, we had a day ‘off’. People who know me can guess what I did that day…shopping indeed. Since I was very tired that day I wanted to sleep early, apologizing to my hotel roommate Jess ( from Corsica) who wanted to go out still.

Looking back now, I can say it was fortunate we didn’t go out late on that particular Saturday, because Sunday (the 25th) was the day we actually went out late. When the fan club day + the following gig were over, we decided to go for a drink in one of the many pubs. The WT guys also went to town for a drink, so eventually our glasses/bottles merrily jingled together. I found my bed around, I guess, 5 o’clock in the morning, knowing that I had to catch the 9 o’clock train because of some lectures that day. Joy! Oh well, my own fault, but we were having just too much fun. Plus, I survived all the lectures that day without falling asleep!

The next two gigs were in Paradiso, Amsterdam. For the first time, studying in Amsterdam came in really handy. I could switch between concerts, lectures and homework. Awesome!  In Amsterdam I met some more nice people, among them was somebody all the way from the States. Turns out he was also present during the previous Dutch shows! Dedication folks, dedication. When the shows in ‘the sauna’, as Sharon jokingly called Paradiso because of the heat, were over there was only one show in the Netherlands left: Groningen (of course there is still Kerkrade in November, but still). It takes three hours to travel from Amsterdam to Groningen by train, not that bad right? Luckily two of my friends live near Groningen, so I met up with them to enjoy the brightly shining sun. A sunny day in September? Priceless.  When the Groningen gig was a fact, we made our way back to our lovely hotel in Groningen. We got a free room update, so we enjoyed our room to the fullest.

Well, these were only six shows. So many more to come! So many more arranging to do! So excited!
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 21, 2011, 06:51:16 pm
Todos los setlist de la gira aqui (

Ayer tocaron Lost en vez de Memories!!
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 24, 2011, 10:53:47 pm
ime for another video update from the band! Sharon shows you Le Bikini, a signing session in FNAC Toulouse, a birthday and as always enough jokes from Ruud.

Enjoy! (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 25, 2011, 10:33:02 pm
Sharon en Twitter!!

On THE boat to Denmark...getting closer now!!! Xs

moment later:

God!!! You won't believe this... We forgot Mike on THE boat! He was still on the toilet when the boat arrived and we drove!!! Xs

Mike has earned new nicknames: mikeallbymyselfcoolen & mr leftbehind...we're still
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 26, 2011, 10:33:24 pm
With three shows left, we’re about to finish the first leg of the Unforgiving European tour, ending in Norway! We’ve visited France, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Switzerland, the Czech Republic, Poland, Denmark and Sweden so far and we’re certainly not done yet.

Most of our upcoming shows are sold out, but there are still limited tickets available for Stockholm! If you’d also like to be there, get your tickets here!

Want to see what you’re potentially missing out on? Here’s another update for our Tour Vlog! In the 7th issue of the vlog you’ll see more of Toulouse and Milan and Sharon is personally taking you on stage in Poland! (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 26, 2011, 10:35:03 pm
Un wallpaper!!

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 26, 2011, 10:37:38 pm
Jeroen van Veert, bajista de la banda, cumple 37 años!!
FELICIDADES!!! :011: :011: :011: :011: :011: :011:
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 26, 2011, 10:40:20 pm
Datos de Stefan

Full Name: Stefan Helleblad

Date of birth: 12-11-1978

Band member since: 2011

Hobbies: Watching Tv-shows, Gaming, Discovering new music

Favorite music: Metal, hard rock, pop…

Favorite movies: The Game, Forgetting Sarah marshall, Ghostbusters, Donnie Darko, Alien, The Thing, The sixth sense, Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind, The shawshank redemption, Raiders of the lost ark, Twelve Monkeys, Forrest Gump, The Ring.
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 30, 2011, 12:30:01 pm
Setlist Polonia

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 31, 2011, 10:51:15 pm
Setlist Oslo (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 01, 2011, 11:15:15 am
We already announced we’d have good news for our friends in South America, last Friday. Within Temptation is coming to South America in February, 2012!

We’re giving shows in Brazil, Mexico, Colombia, Peru, Chile and Argentina! We’re excited we’ve been able to fit these shows into our busy schedule.



Mexico City (MX)

Circo Volador


Quito (EC)



Bogota (CO)

Teatro Metropol


Lima (PE)

Barranco Bar


Santiago (CL)   
Teatro Caupolican


Buenos Aires (AR)   
Teatro Colegiales


Sí£o Paulo (BR)

Espaí§o Victory


Rio de Janeiro (BR)

Circo Voador

Trailer (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 02, 2011, 10:40:24 pm
We have finished the first leg of the tour and we are getting ready for our upcoming shows in Western Europe! First, we want to show you what more we were up to in Poland.

In the 8th issue of our Tour Vlog you’ll see how we receive a Golden award, how Sharon enjoys Krakow and Ruud takes you on stage!

Enjoy! (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 04, 2011, 11:01:43 pm
En Lastfm!! (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 06, 2011, 11:02:23 pm
Un misterio?

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 07, 2011, 10:58:40 am
Just saw this setlist for Zenith- Paris, FR

(Mother Maiden short film)
Shot In The Dark
In The Middle Of The Night
Fire And Ice
Ice Queen
The Howling
Our Solemn Hour
Stand My Ground
(Siníéad short film, only last 1m07s)
What Have You Done
Mother Earth
Stairway to the Skies
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 07, 2011, 11:03:51 pm
t’s time for another issue of our Tour Vlog! Not everything always goes according to plan when you’re on the road.

In the 9th issue of our vlog we show you how we lost Mike in Denmark! Don’t worry, we did found him… eventually. (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 09, 2011, 07:56:05 pm
Fotos de Birmingham (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 09, 2011, 11:15:13 pm
During the end of the first leg of the tour we visited Stefan’s home country! In the 10th issue of the Unforgiving Tour Vlog we’re showing you Sweden!

We already had another birthday on the road, and in Gothenburg we got to celebrate Jeroen’s birthday as well. We had to deal with evacuations during our signing sessions, were having fun on the road and we’ll show you a special Swedish performance (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 12, 2011, 11:40:28 pm
En Londres!!!

Where Is the Edge was played instead of Lost
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 12, 2011, 11:45:21 pm
Hoy Stefan, guitarrista suplente de la banda, cumple 33 años!!!
FELICIDADES!!!!! :011: :011: :011: :011: :011: :011:
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 13, 2011, 02:24:39 pm
Tambien tocaron en Londres See Who I Am!!

They also had intro + SWIA in London.
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 13, 2011, 11:13:05 pm
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 13, 2011, 11:17:22 pm
As you know, in February 2012 we’re coming to South America! Two venues of the South American tour have changed and we added one new venue!

We have added the venue for Quito, Ecuador: we’ll be playing at El Telefíérico on the 4th of February.

Two shows we’ve announced earlier have been placed to another venue. The venue in Lima has changed to Centro Convenciones Maria Angola and in Buenos Aires we’ll be playing at Teatro Flores.
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 14, 2011, 03:38:36 pm
11/11/2011 O2 Academy Brixton, London(UK)
Mother Maiden (Short Movie)
Shot In The Dark
In The Middle Of The Night
Fire And Ice
Ice Queen
The Howling
Our Solemn Hour
Stand My Ground
Siníéad (Short Movie)
What Have You Done
Where Is the Edge
See Who I Am
Mother Earth
Encore 2:
Stairway to the Skies
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 14, 2011, 11:10:19 pm
y now you know how to follow the band during the tour… Just watch the Unforgiving Tour Vlog and you’re always up to date.

In video #11 we’re showing you the end of the tour’s first leg in Norway. Not only does Sharon take you on stage again but she’s also showing the tour bus like you requested! For all those who’ve seen the show in Norway, let us know if you’ve seen yourself in the clip.

In the 2nd leg of the Unforgiving Tour you’re also able to follow the band on tour. So keep an eye on Twitter, Facebook or the website and you’ll notice when we post another video  . Suggestions and questions are always welcome for new videos. (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 15, 2011, 02:29:21 pm
Dutch symphonic metallers Within Temptation have revealed that they are working on both a feature length movie and a new album.

The band, who are currently on tour in the UK, recorded three short movies based around parts of their latest album 'The Unforgiving', a concept album (the band's first) based around a comic book series written by Stephen O'Connell and drawn by Romano Molenaar.

"We made the short films on 'The Unforgiving' more to introduce the main characters of 'The Unforgiving' theme – the story of the comic – and to explain a little bit more about the," WT singer Sharon den Adel told Terrorizer. "We never had plans to make a movie actually, but because the comic does appeal to a lot of people, and the short movies were received very well and people were really impressed by it. So we felt maybe it's nice to do as well a full length movie about the concept of 'The Unforgiving'."

It's not yet known when we can expect this to hit our screens, but Sharon confirmed they have the creative team behind it assembled and hope to have it finished within the next few years.

Despite this project, with guitarist Robert Westerholt no longer touring with the band, instead remaining at home to work on new material and look after his and Sharon's children, the band are already hard at work on the follow up to 'The Unforgiving'.

"Because Robert is at home, he can be working on [the movie]," Sharon said. "You have a creative team and you just give your input and you're going to be involved but I don't have to be involved, because I'm on tour now. When I get home I'll be working on songs as well. Those things [touring and the film] can coexist besides each other. Because there's not a real deadline that we have [for the film], it's nice that it won't eat away the time from your new album, because that's the main thing – to bring out a new album as soon as possible."

And as to when we might expect that album, Sharon said:
"Because we have a lot of inspiration, it won't be that long, I think. We're aiming for next year – it could be the beginning of next year, it could also be just before the summer or around that period. Although we're touring just now, it's nice to start already on new things again. For us of course, we've been working on the album for two years, and are looking forward to write new songs again."

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 15, 2011, 11:02:47 pm
Entrevista (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: _V_ en Noviembre 16, 2011, 07:13:02 pm
Sharon y bebíé  :023:

( (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 16, 2011, 10:55:58 pm
Otra foto!!

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 16, 2011, 11:00:50 pm
n this 12th issue of the Unforgiving Tour Vlog you can see how we made a quick stop in Holland!

We were spoiled with new cameras and tried them out immediately. We’re also giving you a sneak peek on new elements in the show! (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 18, 2011, 10:46:48 pm
n March 2012 we’re going back to the theaters for our The Unforgiving Theater Tour.

We’ll play unique acoustic arrangements of The Unforgiving album and much more!

This tour promises to be filled with spectacular shows, so keep an eye on the website to hear more details soon! (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 21, 2011, 09:07:37 pm
Una foto!!!

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 22, 2011, 10:33:02 pm
We’re playing our last three shows in Germany this week. After these shows we’re going to rock the stage at the Rocksound Festival in Sursee, Switzerland.

Next to our show in Munich, the Rocksound Festival is one of the last chances for you to come and see us perform in Europe, this year! There are still some tickets available, so don’t miss out!

Don’t worry, you can still keep track on what we’re up to while we’re on tour by following the Unforgiving Tour Vlog. The Vlog has brought us to the show in Kerkrade in Video #12.

See you all soon!
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 23, 2011, 10:41:09 pm
In the 13th issue of the Unforgiving Vlog we’re in France! Watch as Sharon shows you Paris.

In the last vlog video we showed you new elements in the show and now you get to experience an entire Within Temptation concert in 30 seconds! Impossible? See for yourself! (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 24, 2011, 10:59:16 pm
We’re playing at the Rocksound Festival in Sursee, Switzerland this Saturday! Together with Krypteria, Shakra and November-7 we’re showing the Stadthalle a good time.

You can come and join us! We’re giving away tickets for the festival, this week!

If you know the answer to the following question you can win tickets to the show on the 26th:

How may we call comic character Siníéad also?

Send your answer to the question to and you’ll be contacted if you won.

Good luck!
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 25, 2011, 10:41:11 pm

The band was spoiled with the new Call of Duty: MW3 for the PS3 and dares you to play with or against them, online!

As they have a touring PS3 with them on the road, you’ll get Jeroen, Mike, Stefan or Ruud as your opponent!

Do you have MW3 on the PS3? Add the band: wtblokes
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 27, 2011, 07:05:59 pm
Rocksound Festival 2011 setlist:

Mother Maiden (Short Film)
Shot In The Dark
In The Middle Of The Night
Fire & Ice
Ice Queen
Hand Of Sorrow
Our Solemn Hour
Stand My Ground
Siníéad (Short Film)
What Have You Done
Where Is the Edge
See Who I Am
Mother Earth
Encore 2:
Stairway to the Skies
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 28, 2011, 11:04:46 pm
The 2nd leg of the Unforgiving European Tour has come to end with our show at Rocksound, last Saturday. The 3rd leg of the tour starts in Finland and will then take us to Russia before we start our South America Tour in 2012!

Festival season 2012

We can announce the first festival we will be playing at in the summer of 2012:

In June 2012 we will play at Nova Rock Festival in Austria! Other bands on the line up of this year’s edition of Nova Rock are Metallica, Slayer and Machine Head amongst many others.

The exact date of our show is still to be anounced, so keep an eye on our Tourpages to stay up to date!
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 28, 2011, 11:07:41 pm
n the 14th video of the Unforgiving Tour Vlog starts off in Birmingham! You’ll see Sharon and Ruud stopping by Kerrang Radio.

Ruud is feeling like a kid in a candy store, while visiting Wild Wire Music to film a couple of guitars. Watch him rock out, below!

Can you tell which songs he’s playing? (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 30, 2011, 10:36:47 pm
e followed Romano Molenaar, the designer of the Unforgiving comic, during a day of signing at the 21st edition of F.A.C.T.S. Comic Convention in Gent, Belgium. The F.A.C.T.S. Comic Convention is the largest comic convention in the Benelux and was held in the Gent Flanders Expo Convention Center.

Romano signed issues of the Unforgiving Comic and drew sketches for visitors of the comic convention. After a busy day of sketching and signing, he also got the chance to look for some treasures of his own and we managed to get our hands on something very special for our huge Star Wars fan, Ruud. (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 05, 2011, 11:19:03 pm
We’ve added a new wallpaper of a huge action scene in The Unforgiving Comic to our Official Wallpaper folder on Facebook!

You can download the Unforgiving wallpapers in high-res by clicking on the “download” button on the right down corner of your screen after you click on the wallpaper. Keep an eye on our Facebook page, as we’ll keep uploading new wallpapers regularly.

This wallpaper comes from the fourth issue of The Unforgiving comic book series.

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 08, 2011, 10:46:27 pm
Within Temptation is nominated for the 2011 Loudwire Artist of the Year award. As if the two other nominations for Rock Album of the Year and Rock Goddess of the Year weren’t flattering enough, we also have a shot at becoming band of the year 2011!

“Within Temptation made 2011 a big year with their latest album ‘The Unforgiving’, which was accompanied by a comic book and short series of films. Lead singer Sharon Den Adel is up for Loudwire’s Rock Goddess of the Year. What more could their fans ask for?” – from the Loudwire website.

Go to the Loudwire website and vote for us if you think we deserve this title!
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 08, 2011, 10:50:25 pm
After two other video’s of F.A.C.T.S. 2011 and a message from a fan, it’s time for a new issue of the Unforgiving Tour Vlog!

In the 15th video of the vlog Ruud, Jeroen and Stefan look up the Forbidden Planet Store in Glasgow and Sharon takes you on stage during the sound check and show in London! (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 11, 2011, 03:45:34 pm

setlist was the following:
shot in the dark
in the middle of the night
fire and ice
ice queen
the howling
our solemn hour
stand my ground
what have you done
hand of sorrow
where is the edge
intro + see who i am
mother earth
stairway to the skies
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 13, 2011, 10:51:45 pm
St Petersbourg


Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 14, 2011, 11:04:00 pm
This Friday Sharon and Robert will be featured in The Voice Of Holland.

The Voice of Holland (also known as TVOH) is a Dutch reality singing competition and currently airing on RTL4 in the Netherlands. It’s currently the number 1 show in the Netherlands, where four coaches, themselves popular performing artists, train the talents in their group and occasionally perform with them. Talents are selected in blind auditions, where the coaches cannot see, but only hear the auditioner.

Coach Angela Groothuizen’s team will visit Sharon and Robert in SPANT! where they will coach the candidates on how to perform on stage.

For more information on The Voice Of Holland go to: or you can follow the show on Twitter by searching for: #tvoh

Show starts at: 20.30, RTL 4.

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 16, 2011, 10:45:44 pm

Shot In The Dark
In The Middle Of The Night
Fire And Ice
Ice Queen
Hand Of Sorrow
Our Solemn Hour
Stand My Ground
What Have You Done
Where Is the Edge
See Who I Am
Mother Earth

Stairway to the Skies

Fotos aqui (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 16, 2011, 10:49:01 pm

On the 15th of June, Within Temptation is rocking the stage at Metaltown in Sweden!

The festival is held on the 15th and 16th of June and takes place in Gí¶teburg.

Besides Within Temptation also Marilyn Manson and Lamb Of God are performing amongst others.

On Monday the 12th of December the festival will release 2000 tickets which will be sold with an exclusive discount accompanied by a free T-shirt with the new Metaltown logo! First come, first served!

Masters of Rock

The festival lasts from the 12th until the 15th of July and will be held in Vizovice.On the 12th of July 2012, Within Temptation is playing at Masters of Rock in the Czech Republic.

Next to Within Temptation, Thin Lizzy, Kamelot and Arch Enemy are bands on the line up for this year’s edition of Masters of Rock.

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 19, 2011, 10:48:20 pm
Hi everyone,

The Unforgiving Tour 2011 has ended! Thanks for your passion, you've made it unforgettable!

For us it's time to celebrate the holidays and after that we're continuing with the preparations for our South America tour in February 2012. We're visiting Ecuador, Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, Colombia, Peru and Chile! Check our tour pages for more information on the shows and watch the trailer here.

After South America we will doing something very special throughout the Netherlands, a special seated tour where we will be playing amongst others unique acoustic arrangements of The Unforgiving and much more.. As we promise to make it another spectacular show that pushes the limits of theaters, it surely is something not to be missed!

Don't think we leave you without any WT news, the upcoming weeks you can enjoy more Tour Vlog videos as we have a lot more footage in stores for you! And we'll continue to post "audience photos" on our Facebook page.

Also we're proud to present a complete new design for our website! And last but not least, in December we'll be releasing a new official music video. so subscribe to our YouTube Channel to make sure you're the first to see it!

We'll talk to you soon, all the best!

Sharon, Ruud, Martijn, Jeroen, Mike, Stefan, Robert
Within Temptation
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 19, 2011, 10:54:33 pm
We played our last show in Moscow last week, which means we finished the Unforgiving European Tour. We’ve played 45 shows, in 41 cities in 17 different countries!

We took pictures of the audience at every show, and we’re collecting all of them in our ‘The Unforgiving Tour “on the road”‘ photo album on Facebook.

We’ve kept you up to date and showed you what we’ve been up to off-stage in our Unforgiving Tour Vlog and we’ll continue to show you exclusive back stage footage with the upcoming videos of the Tour Vlog.

Our next tour will bring us to South America! We’ll be visiting Mexico, Ecuador, Colombia, Peru, Chile, Argentina and Brazil in February 2012. You can find more information on the tour on the Tour Pages.
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 19, 2011, 10:56:32 pm
Fechas del tour de teatros


02-03-2012 ALMERE – Schouwburg Almere
07-03-2012 UTRECHT – Vredenburg, Leidsche Rijn
11-03-2012 EINDHOVEN – Muziekgebouw Frits Philips
12-03-2012 EINDHOVEN – Muziekgebouw Frits Philips
14-03-2012 ZWOLLE – Theater De Spiegel
17-03-2012 TILBURG – Theaters Tilburg
20-03-2012 BREDA – Chassíé Theater
21-03-2012 HEERLEN – Theater Heerlen – extra show
22-03-2012 HEERLEN – Theater Heerlen
24-03-2012 GRONINGEN – De Oosterpoort
25-03-2012 GRONINGEN – De Oosterpoort – extra show
26-03-2012 ROOSENDAAL – Schouwburg De Kring
29-03-2012 ENSCHEDE – Stadsschouwburg
31-03-2012 NIJMEGEN – Concertgebouw De Vereeniging
05-04-2012 ROTTERDAM – Nieuwe Luxor Theater
14-04-2012 AMSTERDAM – Koninklijk Theater Carríé
15-04-2012 AMSTERDAM – Koninklijk Theater Carríé – extra show
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 20, 2011, 11:13:12 pm
As promised, we’re releasing a new music video from The Unforgiving album: Fire And Ice.

The video features live footage and video footage shot especially for visuals used in The Unforgiving Tour.

Without further ado: the new music video for Fire and Ice!

Fire and Ice (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 21, 2011, 11:55:35 pm
This Saturday, Sharon will perform during the finale of this year’s edition of 3FM Serious Request. When the 3FM DJs are released on Christmas Eve, Sharon will perform her hit song “In and Out of Love” together with the Dutch DJ Armin van Buuren.

Serious Request is a partnership between the Dutch radio station 3FM and the Red Cross. From 2004 on, the two organisations annually try to raise money to support a good cause. Three 3FM DJs voluntarily lock themselves up in a “Glazen Huis” (House of Glass) without food and play songs requested by the audience for money, in the week before Christmas. This year Serious Request is raising money to help mothers in war zones.
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 22, 2011, 11:32:32 pm
Today we’ve been added to the line-up of Paaspop Festival.

Paaspop is a 3 days festival starting on the 6th of April 2012. In several areas with each their own look and feel, are pop, rock, theatre and dance comibined to one festival.

The exact day of the show is yet to be announced.
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 23, 2011, 11:05:25 pm
It’s almost Christmas time, so we have a special message for you!

During the tour we had all of you take part in our Christmas message. Sharon asked everyone to say one word to create a sentence that puzzled a lot of you…

It’s time to reveal what she was up to, now! (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 25, 2011, 09:41:03 pm
In and out of love @ Serious Request (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 28, 2011, 10:30:58 pm

Since forming in the mid 90's, Holland's Within Temptation, led by the charismatic and gorgeous vocalist Sharon den Adel, has become one of metal's most successful female-fronted acts. Alongside the new album The Unforgiven (2011), a comic book series and a series of short films were released as well to encompass concept story. We sat down with the lovely frontlady to talk about it.

It looks like you took a different approach to making the 5th album. How did you get the idea to cross music and comics?
To answer your first question, we really took quite a turn. With The Heart Of Everything we felt we reached a certain end in developing our sound and we had to rediscover ourselves. We finalized our sound with the previous album after working towards a certain sound for many years. We had shut ourselves up from all other kinds of influences and had to renew ourselves to get inspiration to write the new album. The band had all kinds of boundaries – like never listening to the music of the 70s or the 80s - we did not want to be influenced by that cos we had a certain vision of how we should sound. This time is different. It is still Within Temptation, but we added a new flavor to it, the album sounds refreshing again. It is a good step in the right direction. Hopefully the next album that we are already working on is gonna be in the same line that the last work we have done.

Combining the album with the short movies and comic was something we wanted to do for a while now. We have always loved bands that added something more interesting to their show. As kids we loved Pink Floyd’s concept album, The Wall. We did our concept different in the way that we don’t tell the story in the chronical order but we made soundtracks to the story that we developed ourselves. The idea involving the movies came first. We wanted to release a movie with the album but it is kind of tricky cos you always have to wait until the film is finished. That wastes a lot of time in case there is a delay so we thought we might not stick to a big movie immediately but do short movies that explain the main characters of our storyline of the comic – what their background is, who they are, why they make the decisions they make in the comic. But we still thought we wanted to have something to do with the movie and produce it ourselves as well.

So the fulltime movie is still in the plans.
Yes, it is. It is going to take time of course, but we will take the time, even if it is a few years. And in the meantime we will write another album. Hopefully we get to release both simultaneously.

It also happens that two of the biggest names in symphonic metal, Within Temptation and Nightwish, have both released soundtrack concept albums in the same year. Does it worry you those two might be compared?
Not at all. If you listen to our album you will notice it is taken in an entirely different direction than Nightwish. Nightwish is still in the same corner where they have always been, in the fantasy side of things, which is great in my opinion. The movies we made are based in the real world, they are mostly realistic with a very slight fantasy touch. In our case it is more like the X-Men where characters have certain powers. So we are more on the comicbook side of things while they are more on the fantasy side. Of course when you are doing a concept album you might end up with the same set of tools, but the outcome is always different since the bands are different.

Since you specifically mentioned X-Men, was the series among the main influences for the comic?
Not the X-Men, but the books we read as we were growing up and a wide assortment of comic books we read when as kids. This is why the medium we chose was a comic book, but the story elements are more based on fiction we read as kids. What would the lead for the story be? What would motivate characters? The biggest question – how will the story end - all came from our favorite books. A lot of reporters ask me if we were inspired by Dexter, but we did not know about Dexter around the time we were working on the concept. Looking back at it now, because I have seen it in the meantime, there are some similarities in the storyline but our characters also have supernatural abilities.

How exactly was the band involved in creating the storyline? Did you have some definite suggestions about what the characters should be like, or offer some certain events to take place in the story?
We have worked with Romano Molenaar who is a comic artist. He worked on the Chronicles Of Spellborn with us for The Heart Of Everything, the Internet game that we wrote some songs for, and we stayed in contact with him. When the idea of the comic and short movies came into our minds we contacted him. “We wanna develop our own comic, do you know anyone who can write the story for us?” He came up with the American guy, Steven O’Connell. He did not have any scripts lying around at this point, and we decided we would be creating something new. We told him about what kinds of movies we liked, what storyline elements we like, and after that he came up with the basic idea of a medium that gives the second chances to the people who have made the wrong decisions in life. She gives them the second chance to live again, undo some wrongs they might have done in the past in different situations and take out the really bad guys.

How crucial are the comics to understanding the album?
We did take it into consideration that there may be a part of the audience who is not interested in the comic idea and that of course the album needs to be able to stand on its own. The music speaks for itself, it has a certain flavor going with the 80s. There is a lot of metal involved as well, sometimes some dance tunes and some pop elements. It’s an uptempo and really heavy album, I think. People of my age, a bit older and some of the young people as well will feel they are back in the 80s, it is like a good memory you can pick up again and dive into. But to answer your question, you can perfectly separate those two.

You took quite a brave move incorporating some dance and pop elements into the album. In the future is there any genre of music you would feel uncomfortable to work with?
R’n’B? [Laughs] Maybe separately from Within Temptation I would not say no but this one is the farthest away from what we are. The synonym for pop music is popular music, but this is not really what we are trying to do. To us, it is more in the direction of…

Yes, catchy. We DO love catchy music. But heavy music can be catchy, too. We were afraid in the past to go through with our ideas and state that this is what we want to sound like. We felt that the 80s flavor was a bit too far from what we are as well but we still managed to incorporate it.

Are there any particular bands that influenced you?
Well, it is definitely Metallica and Iron Maiden, I think it really shows on our album. For instance the song Iron has the strong Iron Maiden vibe to it, and when we wrote Faster we thought it sounds a lot like Wicked Games by Chris Isaak. I was really inspired by Chris Isaak and when we listened to the song our first reaction was – “Nooooo, we have written a song that already exists!”But then after some more listening we understood that it is in fact really different.
But it was one of the songs I listened to a lot when I was a kid – Wicked Game. Such a sexy song! [Laughs]

When you are working on an album, do you take into account the critique from the fans and critics on your previous works, or rather entirely trust your own judgment?
You can only follow your own judgment at the moment you are making the album. When you are constantly afraid of what other people will think of your music this puts you into constraints. You have to believe in yourself and love what you are doing. It is impossible to make music for other people. Of course afterwards there are useful things that people can say and you will take it with you for the next album if you think it makes sense.

What is your favorite track of the album and the one you most enjoy performing live?
In The Middle Of The Night is one of my favorites because it is just a heavy, heavy, heavy song. The riffs are just amazing. But playing live I do think Sinead is the one that always gets to people. It is a very uplifting song.

What has touring with Stefan Helleblad been like so far?
[Laughs] We have definitely improved our English because everyone started speaking English in the band since he can’t speak Dutch. But he plants in really well and we have known him for a lot of years already. He was behind the scenes working as an engineer in the studios.

There are still very few women in the metal scene. Would you say you are treated differently by the fellow band members, the fans and the community? Also, have you ever encountered any crazy male stalkers?
[Laughs] I blend in quite nicely with the boys, I think. But when I come back from the tour I am like “Ah, it is all going to be female talk now!” You also start talking like them as well. Oh my God, what is coming out of my mouth?
I am used to having the guys around me, and they don’t treat me any differently. I would not LIKE them to treat me any differently. The only thing different for us is that I need my own room backstage. Some of the guys are really hectic, always talking, always doing something, always making sounds, and I sometimes need to concentrate and have a bit of my own space. It comes in handy if I want to focus on something, relax or warm up my voice.
And we have really wonderful fans. Of course you always have some extreme things happening, but the biggest part of our fans are really relaxed, outgoing and friendly. We usually have normal conversations without any hysterical things going on, and there is not much difference between the girls and the guys when it comes to our fans. But we had a couple encounters, especially in Italy and South America. In the North people are more reserved, but in some countries the fans might give you a car chase and the like. But it is fun in its own way! [Laughs]

What is the most important item or demand on Within Temptation’s raider?
Something to eat or drink? The guys really like the whiskey. Or scotch.

Never anything eccentric? Some performers ask for 40 kilos of ice per person or a certain make of car to pick them up.
I think they are just making it up. And they ask for those things because they want a golden halo around them. It is all made up to feel extra special. For us, just a normal cup of tea and some liquor is the real rock’n’roll kind of thing. Just to get loose before you go onstage.

So what is the best way for you to get loose before you go onstage?
I just need my own space to get into the show or to watch a DVD from a band we like with the guys, especially Iron Maiden. We get into the music and get pumped up to go onstage, that works really well for us. And we have a game system on tour with us most of the time, but this is rather for the guys. I might do a racing game once in a while, but Ruud and Robert and Jeroen are really into gaming.

What is your most vivid memory from the tour?
Martijn singing “I’m A Barbie Girl” in a karaoke bar in Tokio! Everyone was totally wasted, him included, and we had a Japanese friend with us who guided us through the city. It felt like a surreal kind of movie! Singing and eating sushi at the same time.
Also countries with a totally different culture from your own are really exciting to play. And of course there is sightseeing. Every culture has its own special things, it is always exciting to see how different people express themselves… for instance, Finland is really beautiful about the way how the people here love music. There are so many great bands coming from here and also almost everybody you meet is playing in some kind of band or has some sort of musical background.

Do you have any particular favorite Finnish band?
I like Stratovarius a lot.

What are you up to in the new year and are you planning to make any resolutions?
I am planning to dedicate more time to charity in Holland. I really like the concept of the company behind it. A lot of people would like to do volunteer work. Myself, I would love to do some when I am home, it makes me feel good to know I can help someone I don’t even know. This company is called We Care. They have a daughter company in a lot of cities. Everyone can sign up for certain days and projects. If you sign up you have to come of course, but it is not like they tell you that you have to do, for instance, 20 days a year. Sometimes, if you have more time, you can do more, and if you have less time, you can do less. For instance it can be packing gifts for children in orphanages who have never had a present from Santa Claus. People just bring gifts for them. A lot of people buy things they never get around to use, so they just bring them in for the kids instead of letting those items sit in the closets. And you just sort the items according to age, package them and write down the name. The person who got me into this said they now have a whole warehouse full of packages, and the people just kept coming and coming. It is such a good feeling to do something good. I am going to do more for that company in the next year, and I hope I am able to also give the project more exposure by doing more work for them. This would be lovely.

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 02, 2012, 04:42:33 pm
Robert cumple hoy 37 años!!!
FELICIDADES!!!!! :011: :011: :011: :011: :011: :011: :011:

Ahora no va de gira, pero es parte de la banda!!!!
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 02, 2012, 10:37:41 pm
We’re starting the year off with an acoustic Tour Vlog video! Also in 2012 we’re continuing to show you a lot of content from The Unforgiving Tour.

We’re trying our best to get a glimbs of every city and show, but as our camera skills aren’t the best in the world yet, you might have the idea that we forgot some parts but we didn’t! For now enjoy video #16 of The Unforgiving Tour Vlog: (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 03, 2012, 11:19:13 pm
2012 started of great by wining 3 Loudwire Music Awards! Tnxxx í  lot for voting for us! After all your nice words it’s safe to say that we can only thank you for this, as Loudwire reported:

“Within Temptation fans proved their devotion by helping the band win two of the biggest honors in the 2011 Loudwire Music Awards — Artist of the Year and Rock Album of the Year. In the Artist of the Year category, Within Temptation beat out 9 other very deserving bands.”

And also in Loudwire self acclaimed most important category, ‘Rock Goddess of the Year’ you helped Sharon out to win this title.

“In our most popular category, Within Temptation singer Sharon den Adel edged out Evanescence singer Amy Lee to win the Rock Goddess of the Year in the 2011 Loudwire Music Awards.

More than 50,000 fans voted in the Rock Goddess of the Year category, and only a few hundred votes separated Sharon den Adel from Amy Lee. The Within Temptation frontwoman received 40.5% of the vote, while the Evanescence vocalist garnered 39% of the vote.

It was a fierce battle, but credit must go out to den Adel and her adoring fans, who voted religiously throughout the past month.”
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 08, 2012, 11:12:04 pm
June 8, 2012
Nova Rock Festival, Burgenland (AT)
Date of Within Temptation's performance: TBA

In 2012, Within Temptation is playing at Austria's biggest rock music festival: Nova Rock!

The festival is one of the largest festivals in Europa and takes place from the 8th till the 10th of June, 2012. The Festival is located in Nickelsdorf, Austria and draws around 30,000 35,000 fans per day.

Next year, besides Within Temptation, the line-up consists of Metallica, Slayer and Machine Head amongst many others.

For more information on the festivaal, visit Nova Rock's website'
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 12, 2012, 10:33:59 pm
We promised we’d continue to show you a lot of content from the Unforgiving Tour in 2012 as well, so here is a new episode from The Unforgiving Tour Vlog!

Last week’s vlog showed some of our adventures in Brussels, and today we’re taking you to Germany! Watch as Sharon takes you sightseeing in Dresden on our day off and how we all get in shape for the show with a good work out! Join Sharon backstage after the show, too! (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 17, 2012, 10:36:43 pm
Citar published a top 100 of artists that had the most listeners in 2011. The countdown shows the amount of listeners the acts gained over the past year through their community page on

You guys played Within Temptaion songs over 45 million times. This makes Within Temptation is the only Dutch act in the top 100 of 2011.
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 18, 2012, 10:46:03 pm
On the 1st of June, Within Temptation is playing at Parkfeest Oosterhout in the Netherlands.

The festival takes place on Friday the 1st and Saturday the 2nd of June. The line-up consists of Dutch acts only and on Friday night Miss Montreal, Destine, Racoon and Krystl are performing before Within Temptation will rock the stage.

Check the tourpages for more information on this, and other festivals in 2012.
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 20, 2012, 10:47:02 pm
Recently we started with Google+! Don’t be afraid; we’re not leaving you on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube or any other social media tool. We just like to experiment with new things, and are always looking for other ways to communicate with you.

We’re still checking out G+ functions and in the near future hope to come up with some awesome competitions, livechats etc. Right now we’re also trying to make G+ intetresting for you and not a copy of our FB page or Twitter account. So if you have any tips what you like’d to see on G+, let us know! Yes, we are working on ‘hangouts’, so keep an eye on our G+ page!

A big welcome to the first 2.500, the so called ‘early adapters’, those who are not afraid to experiment with us  ! For you we posted unique never before published photos of Sharon from when she was little..
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 24, 2012, 11:02:41 pm
Within Temptation is coming back to Appelpop this year!

Appelpop is a free festival in Tiel, the Netherlands and is one of the largest of its kind. This will be the 7th time Within Temptation is playing at Appelpop.
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 28, 2012, 06:03:55 pm
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 28, 2012, 06:09:37 pm
Within Temptation is coming to spain for Sonisphere festival! The festival takes place on the 25th and 26th of May in Madrid.

Next to Within Temptation, Metallica, Soundgarden, Slayer, and Kyuss Lives! are performing, amongst many more. Ticket sales for Sonisphere Spain start on Tuesday, the 31st of January.

This summer Within Temptation will also be playing at Gods of Metal!

Gods of Metal is the biggest Italian metal festival, held annually since 1997. It takes place on the 24th of June. Besides us, Black Sabbath, Guns N’ Roses, Motley Crue, Manowar, Opeth, Lamb of God are already confirmed for this festival. .

The day before God of Metal, Within Temptation will perform at Park City Live in Heerlen, the Netherlands.

Park City Live is a two-day event taking place on the 23rd and 24th of June. Aside from our performance, you can also see Ilse DeLange, DeWolff, Peter Pan Speedrock and De Kraaien perform during the festival, giving everyone something they like.
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 28, 2012, 06:13:34 pm
Stefan and Mike, ‘the new guys’, answered some questions about being on the road with Within Temptation!

Watch as they tell you what it’s like to play live around the world, travel at night and keep up during the tour inbetween shows. (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 30, 2012, 07:14:41 pm
Martjn Spirenborg, teclista de la banda, cumple hoy 37 años!!!
FELICIDADES!!! :011: :011: :011:
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 01, 2012, 08:43:29 pm
Within Temptation is coming to Saaristo Open in Finland this year! The festival takes place on the 9th of June in Kaarina, Finland.

Aside from Within Temptation, also Uriah Heep, Yí¶, Viikate and Apulanta are performing at the festival. For more information on the festival visit
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 01, 2012, 08:46:11 pm
The bags are packed, today we’re on our way to the airport to start our South American Tour!

After almost 4 years we’re returning tomorrow by starting off the tour in Mexico City, to finally end up in Rio de Janeiro by the end of this tour.

Check the tour schedule below:

02-02-2012 Mexico City (MX)

04-02-2012 Quito (EC)

07-02-2012 Lima (PE)

08-02-2012 Santiago (CL)

10-02-2012 Buenos Aires (AR)

11-02-2012 Sí£o Paulo (BR)

12-02-2012 Rio de Janeiro (BR)

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 03, 2012, 10:26:25 pm
Setlist Mexico

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 07, 2012, 08:39:04 pm
Today we’ll start to give away some of the track names that we’re playing during our Dutch seated shows in March and April. In random order we’ll post these names online.

We already told you that this is going to be an unique tour, but we’ll try to give you more information on the show in the upcoming weeks. One of the first things that we can tell you is that we’re going to play “Say My Name.”
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 09, 2012, 11:54:38 pm
This week we started to give away some of the track names that we’re playing during our Dutch seated shows in March and April. In random order we’ll post these names online.

We already told you that this is going to be an unique tour, but we’ll try to give you more information on the show in the upcoming weeks. The first track name that we announced is: ”Say My Name.” And now we can tell you that we also will be playing “Overcome.”.
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 11, 2012, 05:36:43 pm
We’re well on our way touring through South America! Last week, we were invited by the Dutch embassy in Lima, Peru.

The Dutch ambassador Arjan Hamburger welcomed us with a small beer and a generous reception filled with nice people.

We’re getting ready for our show in Argentina tonight, and our two shows in Brazil afterwards!

See you soon!


Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 11, 2012, 08:19:17 pm
Setlist Lima

Setlist del Concierto
01. Shot In The Dark
02. In The Middle Of The Night
03. Faster
04. Fire & Ice
05. Ice Queen
06. Hand Of Sorrow
07. Stand My Ground
08. Siníéad
09. What Have You Done
10. Lost
11. Iron
12. Angels
13. Where Is The Edge
14. See Who I Am
15. Mother Earth
16. Stairways To The Skies
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 13, 2012, 11:35:29 pm
Last night we played our last show of the Unforgiving South-America tour in Brazil. We want thank everyone for your great vibe, enthusiasm and patience!

We were received at the airport, performed our first sold out show in Mexico, found an illegal merchandise mug, reached great heights in Quito, had fun in the lovely Peru, enjoyed the great weather, were confronted by Murphy’s law, got kissed by a frog, lost some baggage at the airport but fortunately found it again, and were drawn into some kind of pre-carnaval in Rio!

Everyone who came to see us, you were awesome! Thanks!
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 19, 2012, 04:30:19 pm
Three days ago we already told you on our Facebookpage that the 3th song you’ll hear during our Dutch seated shows in March and April will be “Never Ending Story”.

The fourth song that you can expect to hear is  “The Swan Song”.

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 20, 2012, 03:58:28 pm
From the Unforgiving, expect to hear "Stairway to the Skies", “Sinead” and “Faster” during our Dutch seated shows in March and April!
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 20, 2012, 04:00:52 pm
Entrevista (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 21, 2012, 07:49:01 pm

Sharon den Adel completed a South-American tour with her band Within Temptation this week, visiting 7 countries and performing sold out shows in Mexico, Sí£o Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. Meanwhile, partner Robert Westerholt chose the Scottish Highlands as díécor for the upcoming theater tour.

Together with a set team, Westerholt is working on the creation and production of the new theater show of Within Temptation, which will be kicked off in March this year. The band chose the highlands as main line in the díécor of the theater show. “The great unknown beauty and mystic of the Highlands go hand in hand with the lesser known softer and folkloristic songs of Within Temptation,” says Westerholt.

The visual aspects of the show are playing a larger role in the Within Temptation show. The visuals shot in the highlands will be projected on the largest LED-screen that has ever been used in the Dutch theaters and will be combined with life-like 3D projections.

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 23, 2012, 04:26:17 pm
We will be playing "The Promise" during our Dutch Theater Tour. No doubt about it, this is a show you can't miss.

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 23, 2012, 04:30:29 pm
We’re busy with the rehearsals and getting ready for the Dutch Theater Tour which starts in two weeks!

Last week we announced a couple of tracks you can expect to hear during the theater tour and Monday we revealed three songs from the Unforgiving on Facebook.

Two other tracks that will also be part of the show are “Mother Earth” and “Ice Queen”!
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 24, 2012, 11:53:36 pm
Over the last two weeks we’ve been spilling the beans on the tracks of the Dutch Theater Tour.

To give you an idea what to expect of the seated shows we’ve been announcing some of the tracks you will hear during the tour. Two tracks you can also expect during the Theater Tour are “Stand My Ground” and “Sounds of Freedom“!

Here’s what we had announced so far, in random order:


Say My Name

Mother Earth

The Promise


Ice Queen

Swan Song

Stairway to the Skies

Never-Ending Story

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 28, 2012, 09:08:28 pm
For months you were able to follow us on the road. We tried to give you an unique behind the scenes view on touring with The Unforgiving Tour.

In this last European Vlog Video you’ll see some footage from Finland and Russia! Look closely you might recognize yourself. Our fans from South America can expect a video report coming up next month.

But for now the last European Vlog Video: (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 28, 2012, 09:21:28 pm
We will perform "The Last Dance" on our upcoming Dutch Theater Tour!
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 01, 2012, 10:21:03 pm
A few months ago we announced a new tour for the Dutch Theaters. Slowly we started to reveal some of the details about what you can expect. Tomorrow is premiere night… time to fit the puzzle together by giving you some last details about the show. Don’t worry there is much more that we didn’t told you yet  .

Within Temptation’s theater tour 2012 is called: Sanctuary.

When you visit a theater, you can always sense a sort of magic – there’s a very special feeling floating in the air, something out of the ordinary. Maybe it’s the history of the building you’re in, or imagining all the different shows that took place there, and the visitors who felt the joy, the tension and the mystery of what they were about to see.

Whether we go to the theater as visitors or perform there ourselves, with Within Temptation we always have that special feeling. This is why every few years we work hard to create a new show to perform in the theaters. Another reason- in addition to the magical and intimate ambiance the theaters offer- is that this is also the perfect environment to experiment creatively with our music and our show. This gives us the unique opportunity to approach and do things differently than we would on a ‘normal’ stage. This is most definitely the case for our new 2012 theater show.

A lot of things you’ll see in our show will be new and quite different from what you’ve seen from us before.

When selecting and listening to our songs we noticed how well they fit together and how much they have in common, both stylistically and lyrically. More and more, we also realized that by putting these songs in a certain order we were actually creating a story. As the visuals and movies we use during our shows have become a bigger and bigger part of our shows, this new story gave us the perfect opportunity to create new film material. This not only shows the story line visually, but supports the musical story as well.

So this is how our film crew ended up in Scotland, in the Highlands- a landscape so beautiful that reality and fantasy seem to go hand in hand.

The perfect background to this story…

Scotland. The Highlands, 1895. A young boy, sick, is lying in his bed.  He has been there for days now, infected by an unknown virus causing a dangerous fever.

As the fever gets stronger, his consciousness fades away, further and further from reality. He slips away into a dream world. He is a grown man now; a warrior or Holy man of some kind; strong and determined. Traveling the landscape, which is enchantingly familiar, yet surreal and unknown.

Now and then, when the fever stabilizes for a short while, the real world shines through. Sometimes in forms and shapes that fit his dream world -his mother, the doctor, the local priest… they all try to help him but seem powerless to do so.

Though tempting, he is not quite ready to stay in this sanctuary, not ready to say goodbye… and so he travels on and on… searching for a way out.

We hope to see you during our Sanctuary tour,

Within Temptation.
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 03, 2012, 08:24:44 pm
The Last Dance
Sound of Freedom
Our Farewell
The Swan Song
Say My Name
Never-Ending Story

The Promise
Jillian (I'd Give My Heart)
Ice Queen
Stand My Ground
Mother Earth

Stairway to the Skies
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 03, 2012, 08:33:23 pm

Video resumen (

The Swan Song (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 03, 2012, 08:45:55 pm
Fotos (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 06, 2012, 08:16:06 pm
You probably have noticed that on March 30, 2012 all the pages on Facebook will get the new ‘Timeline’ lay-out. We are really excited to present you the new lay-out of our Facebook page.
Different from the old lay-out you can now scroll through a timeline and check out all the highlights in our past, together with photos you’ve never seen before. There might be enough highlights that we forgot so far, don’t worry in the upcoming weeks we’ll try to add even more information.

We hope you enjoy it!
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 07, 2012, 08:19:30 pm
Today we can announce that we’ll be playing at Rock Werchter. On Thursday, June 28 we’ll be rocking on the main stage.
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 09, 2012, 06:56:14 pm
We invited cellist Jonas Pap to join us during the Sanctuary Tour. We asked him to answer some questions to be able to introduce him to you!

Can you tell us a little bit about yourself?

I’m 28 years old and involved with music full time. As a musician I travel a lot, so I recently moved to Utrecht from Zwolle as it’s easier to live somewhere central. I’m not completely settled in Utrecht yet, though. Zwolle is a bit more spacious and I know a lot less people in Utrecht.

What inspired you to become a cellist?

I started playing the cello as a 5-year-old boy and I never even considered calling it quits. Both of my parents are trained musicians and helped me develop a very broad interest in music, therefore I feel no need to adjust myself to a certain style of music. I’ve studied heavy music as well as light music at the conservatorium. I’ve studied classical music in Zwolle, light music in Arnhem and Latin at the World Music department in Rotterdam.

What is it like to vary in different music genres as a cellist?

Being able to play different styles and formations makes it interesting to make music. The diversity keeps playing the cello fresh and interesting.

What do you expect of your upcoming performances in Within Temptation’s Dutch Theater Tour?

I have good experiences with Within Temptation. I’ve joined them before; during the last two theater tours, shows in Het Beursgebouw, and a performance at Radio 538. I also enjoyed working on ‘The Heart of Everything’ very much. WT shows are large and spectacular and cause a great source of energy, which makes it really cool to be part of.

What other projects have you worked on where we might know you from?

Other bands in this genre I’ve worked with as well are Epica and After Forever. I’ve also played with many pop bands such as Kyteman’s Hip Hop Orchestra, Bertofl, and A Balladeer and joined Herman van Veen and Esther Groenenberg in the theater. Aside from those projects I’ve also recorded parts of albums of Mathilde Santing, Veldhuis en Kemper, Daniel Lohues, and Abel. Most of the music projects I’m part of are with my string quartet ‘the Red Limo String Quartet’.

What’s the most memorable experience in your musical career?

What I thought was very impressive was the time I joined Within Temptation at the Bevrijdingsfestival in Zwolle. I was still living in Zwolle at the time and we were performing in front of about 100.000 people. A lot of my friends were in the audience as well, which made it very special. Also the success of the Kyteman tour in 2009 was overwhelming, as we had no idea the tour would be such a hit.

What keeps you busy besides music?

My two beautiful ladies: Maartje, my girlfriend and Amíélie, my two month old daughter.

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 11, 2012, 09:29:05 pm
Stairway To the Skies @ Almere (

Lost @ Almere (

Neverending Story @ Almere (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 11, 2012, 09:40:43 pm
Caged @ Utrecht (

Sounds of Freedom @ Utrecht (

Our Farewall @ Utrecht (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 13, 2012, 06:52:17 pm
We can confirm three new summer festivals!

Main Square Festival

We’re playing at Main Square Festival in France this summer! Main Square Festival takes place from the 29th of June until the 1st of July in Arras, France.

Aside from Within Temptation, acts such as Pearl Jam, Florence + The Machine, and Incubus are performing at this year’s edition of Main Square Festival, amongst many others.
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 13, 2012, 06:53:09 pm
We’re coming back to Germany as well this summer, three times to be exact. In July we’re performing at Deichbrand in Cuxhaven, Germany. This three-day Rockfestival am Meer takes place from the 20th until the 22nd of July in Nordholz, Cuxhaven.

Other bands that are performing during this year’s edition of Deichbrand are OOMPH!, Caliban, and Immortal Sin amongst many others.
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 13, 2012, 06:53:42 pm
Another German festival we’re visiting this summer is Summer Breeze.

This year will be Summer Breeze’s 15th anniversary and will take place on from the 16th until the 18th of August, in Dinkelsbí¼hl.

The line-up consists of bands such as Epica, HateSphere, Deicid, and Lacuna Coil amongst many others.
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 15, 2012, 08:09:26 pm
Sanctuary Teaser (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 16, 2012, 07:22:37 pm
Fotos Eindhoven (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 20, 2012, 07:46:42 pm
Due to circumstances we had a little surprise for our fans in Tilburg last Saturday.

Because Ruud had injured his back before the show in Tilburg he was forced to play the first half of the show only, while sitting down. There was only one person to turn to for the second half: Robert!

It had been a while since Robert had been on stage which made things a bit shaky at first, but as always we could count on you, the audience, to also rock the second half.

We’ll keep you up to date on how Ruud is doing and let’s hope he can get back on stage as soon as possible!
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 21, 2012, 07:59:52 pm
Within Temptation is coming to Ukraine this summer!

We’ll be performing at Grand Prix Global East Rock Festival in Kiev, Ukraine.

The festival is held at the Ukraine State Aviation Museum  on the 27th of June.

Aside from Within Temptation, also Status Quo, Coroner, Keep of Kalession, Violent Omen and W.H.I.T.E. are performing at this year’s edition of the festival. Other acts are yet to be confirmed.

Ticket sales haven’t started yet.
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 28, 2012, 07:05:25 pm
We’re well on our way with our Sanctuary Tour. We are very excited to see a lot of Dutch as well as foreign friends, who have travelled quite a lot to come and see us perform! It’s great to see all of you.

We’ve played 12 Sanctuary shows so far, which means we have only a few shows still to come! There are still some tickets available for our show in Nijmegen and our extra show in Amsterdam. If you would also like to come and watch this special seated show, this is your chance!

Check the tourpages for the tourdates and information on the theaters.

See you soon!
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 29, 2012, 08:01:27 pm
Today we got the news that the festival we would be playing this summer Sonisphere UK got cancelled.  As soon as we have other news on UK festivals we’ll let you know!

Please find the official statement of the organisation below:

“It is with very heavy hearts and much regret that we announce the cancellation of Sonisphere Knebworth 2012.

Putting the festival together in what is proving to be a very challenging year was more difficult than we anticipated and we have spent the last few months fighting hard to keep Sonisphere in the calendar.

Unfortunately circumstances have dictated that we would be unable to run the festival to a standard that both the artists and that Sonisphere’s audience would rightly expect.

We want to express our deepest regrets to the artists and to thank all the staff, suppliers and contractors who worked so hard with us to try and pull off what has proven to be an impossible task and we know how much they share in our disappointment. We also want to send a huge thanks to the Sonisphere fans who stuck by us and we are so sorry that we can’t fulfil what we set out to do.

Ticket holders will automatically receive a full refund direct from their ticket agents.

Team Sonisphere.”
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 03, 2012, 08:39:19 pm
We have been nominated for a 3FM Award in the category Rock. The competition is really tight and the awards will be presented during the 3FM Award show on the 12th of April.

Because we’re nominated, we’re giving away sets of 2 tickets to the award show!

After you cast your vote at, you can promote your vote through Facebook, Twitter, and Hyves, to show us and all of your friends you’ve voted for us. Through different competitions that we’re setting up on Twitter and Facebook, people who showed that they voted for us have a chance to win tickets, so keep an eye out.

Thanks for all the support!
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 04, 2012, 10:38:51 pm
In between all the festivals this summer, we’ll be doing a club show in Germany!

On the 18th of August we’ll be performing at the E-Werk in Saarbrí¼cken.
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 06, 2012, 11:09:45 pm
WT han preguntado a los fans en su página de fb que canción nos gustarí­a que versionasen, pues parece ser que tienen un nuevo proyecto en mente...

Which song would you suggest for us to make a cover song of? Comment your suggestion below, we might use this in a new project…
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 11, 2012, 09:01:03 pm
Within Temptation is coming back to Poland!

On the 21st of July, we’re performing at Jarocin Festiwal.

The festival takes place from the 20th until the 22nd of July in Jarocin, Poland.

Next to Within Temptation, bands such as Kult, Biohazard, Against Me!, Set Your goals, and Magnificent Muttly are performing at this year’s edition of the event.
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 13, 2012, 07:14:00 pm
We’re getting ready for our last two shows of the Sanctuary Tour in Carríé, Amsterdam.

We’ve been playing throughout all of the Netherlands and met people from all over the world who came to see us during this tour.

Tomorrow’s show is completely sold out, but there are a few tickets still available for the very last, extra Sanctuary show in Carríé. If you would still like to come and see this special seated show, this is your chance! For more information on the venue, check the tourpages.

We’re looking forward to playing these last two shows and seeing all of you in Amsterdam this weekend!
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 13, 2012, 07:16:05 pm
Iron @ Paaspop (

Mother Earth @ Paaspop (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 16, 2012, 08:45:03 pm
Last night, we played our last show of the Sanctuary Tour in Carríé, Amsterdam.

Looking back on these two months of touring through the Netherlands with this special seated show, we’ve revisited the boundaries of the theater stage, seen wonderful venues, met people from all over the world, and took all of you on a musical journey to the beautiful Scottish Highlands.

We enjoyed doing this show very much and we hope you did as well. If you have any memories, stories, pictures or movies you’d like to share with us, post them in the comments below! Thank you for coming and we hope to see you again, soon!

We’ll be performing at a lot of festivals this summer, so keep an eye on the tourpages.
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 18, 2012, 09:22:30 pm
We’re coming to Romania!

On the 1st of July we will performing at Tuborg GreenFest in Bucharest.

The festival takes place from the 29th of June until the 1st of July, 2012. Large acts from the metal and alternative rock scene entertain the crowd at the event. This year will be the 4th edition of Tuborg GreenFest.

Aside from Within Temptation, bands such as Guns N’ Roses, Machine Head, Godsmack, Evanescence and the Black Label Society amongst many others are performing at this year’s edition.
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 19, 2012, 07:10:39 pm
Ruud Jolie, guitarrista de la banda, cumple hoy 36 años!!!!
FELICIDADES!!! :011: :011: :011: :011: :011:
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 20, 2012, 09:32:06 pm
We’re coming to Lebanon this summer!

On the 10th of July we’ll be giving a club show in Beirut at Forum de Beyrouth, located in the capital of Lebanon.

In between all the festivals we’re visiting this summer, we’re also doing a club show in Germany and Lebanon. For more information on this show and festivals, check the Tourpages!
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 24, 2012, 10:08:52 pm
We’ve added all of the summer festivals we’ve confirmed on the website to our Events on Facebook.

Let us know if you’re coming to see us, by showing you are attending the events on our Facebook page.

See you this summer!
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 27, 2012, 11:36:14 pm
As we’ve mentioned before, we are going to show you a recap of The Unforgiving South America Tour that we did in February.

Sit back and get ready.. well almost… Today we show you a preview and we will post the complete report soon.

Enjoy! (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 01, 2012, 09:47:29 pm
Wow, the last time that you heard from us we were in the middle of our Sanctuary tour. As we speak the tour is a signed, sealed and delivered deal! We've revisited the boundaries of the theater stage, seen wonderful venues, met people from all over the world, and took all of you on a musical journey to the beautiful Scottish Highlands.

Currently we're busy preparing ourselves for the festival season. Don't think that's all we're doing right now though.. we're busy with a lot of new exciting projects but guess what.. we can't tell anything about it yet.. Okay maybe one hint.. It's exceeding everything you've ever seen, heard or experienced from us before.

Make sure to keep an eye on our website, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube or any communication tools we're on, as we'll reveal more about this in the upcoming weeks.

We also announced 2 clubs shows that we're doing in between the festivals: On the 10th of July we'll be giving a club show in Beirut at Forum de Beyrouth, Lebanon. And on the 18th of August we'll be performing at the E-Werk in Saarbrí¼cken, Germany.

For those who've seen us play during the Unforgiving South America Tour in February, or anybody else who's curious ;-), we'll post a tour report on YouTube soon but until then enjoy the preview!

Sharon, Ruud, Stefan, Martijn, Jeroen, Mike and Robert
Within Temptation
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 04, 2012, 07:36:52 pm
Que traman?

Get ready... it’s exceeding everything you’ve ever seen, heard or experienced from us before.
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 09, 2012, 06:26:39 pm
It’s exceeding everything you’ve ever seen, heard or experienced from us before…

And it’s called: Elements.

Since the release of Enter in 1997, things have skyrocketed for us. We were able to share and play our music all over the world and received so much appreciation from you. We got the chance to grow and become Holland’s most successful rock band internationally.

We are celebrating our anniversary with an incredible concert on the 13th of November in Sportpaleis Antwerpen, Belgium. The anniversary show, Elements, will be the most significant event in the history of Within Temptation.

The title represents the kind of music and live shows we are known for – the melodius, crystal clear voice of Sharon, the massive guitar riffs, the orchestral and Celtic influences and the always surprising musical collaborations.

Energetic performance, musical mastery, and visually thrilling elements ranging from impressive set designs to fireworks and specially made films and videos. Everything you have witnessed in the last 15 years will be topped during the anniversary show in Antwerp.

We will share the stage with some unexpected guests and  can already tell you that we will also be accompanied by the renowned Il Novecento Orchestra.

In the upcoming months we will reveal more details about the show but more importantly, we will celebrate our anniversary with you. A lot of exciting things coming up so please keep an eye on our website, newsletter or social media tools to make sure you are the first one to know.

Ticket sales start on Friday the 11th of May at 11 AM (CET).


Tickets are available through:

Proximus Go For Music

Phone: 0900 2 60 60 or
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 09, 2012, 07:05:16 pm
Smells Like teen spirit (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 20, 2012, 05:53:05 pm
We’ve created an Event for our anniversary show ‘Elements’ on Facebook. It’s important to ‘attend’ the event, to make sure you’re the first to hear about any Elements news. Believe us, we’ve got some surprises in store for you…

Also let’s share the Elements joy on Twitter, by using #WTelements. Share with whom you’re going, where you’re coming from or anything else you want to share about Elements.

Over the weekend we experienced the most extreme start of ticket sales, ever! It seems as though all of you were trying to order your tickets at the same time.

As always, for more information on Elements, check the tourpage!
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 01, 2012, 06:50:44 pm
We’re performing at La Foire aux Vins d’Alsace in Colmar, France this summer! On the 5th of August we will be rocking the stage during the Hard Rock Session. Alongside of us, Nightwish, Epica, Nightmare and Lonewolf will be performing in the open air theater on the 5th of August.

The festival lasts 10 days and many other bands will be performing during the event.
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 04, 2012, 09:40:18 pm
We like to see what you think, capture and post during our shows! To make sure we don’t have to miss out on anything you share with your friends and the world, we’d like to introduce a new hashtag: #WTlive.

When you’re sharing live pictures of us on Twitter, mention us (@wtofficial) and use #WTlive in your post. This way we can keep track of your pictures and reshare them, with credits of course  .

Let’s see what you see…
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 06, 2012, 10:38:12 pm
We wanted to give you an inside look on the Unforgiving Tour in South America, as we did for the European leg of the tour as well.

For this last tour vlog series we handed the camera to one of our crew members to show you what we experienced during our trip through South America. (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 08, 2012, 09:21:37 pm
Heavy storm at Novarock, closed the two stages for a short time. Safety first and hoping to hit stage soon! Xs
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 09, 2012, 08:42:56 pm
La banda actuará en el Appelpop festival 7 Sep 2012
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 10, 2012, 07:35:36 pm
Que chulo!

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 11, 2012, 07:30:20 pm
Fotos Saaristo Open Air (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 15, 2012, 11:31:36 pm
Unfortunately, we received the news that the organization of Global East Rock Festival in Kiev, Ukraine decided to postpone the festival, which would take place on the 17th of June.

As of this moment we are awaiting a new date. As soon as we hear more, we will let you know.

We hope to come to Ukraine soon.
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 18, 2012, 07:36:54 pm

Sonisphere (

Parkfeest (

Saaristo Open Air (

Metaltown 2012 (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 26, 2012, 08:02:38 pm
We are giving you an inside look on the Unforgiving Tour in South America, as we did for the European leg of the tour.

We’ve already shown you the video from Quito. Today we’re showing you what we were up to in Lima, Peru! (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 29, 2012, 10:22:51 pm
Nuevo vestido!!!

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 29, 2012, 10:29:42 pm

Gods of Metal (

Park City Live (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 29, 2012, 10:31:46 pm
Poster de Elements

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 01, 2012, 05:09:43 pm
Setlist La Citadelle (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 02, 2012, 04:14:02 pm
Last Thursday we played at Rock Werchter, Belgium.

Besides our show on the Mainstage, we played in the woods at the festival grounds for an extra acoustic performance of Faster.

Ver aqui (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 05, 2012, 08:05:23 pm
We’re playing at De Zwarte Cross in Lichtenvoorde, the Netherlands on the 20th of July!

De Zwarte Cross is one of the largest festivals in Holland and it offers much more than music alone. The festival has 14 different stages to host not only musical acts, but also theatrical performances and gets the adrenalin juices flowing with exciting stunts!

We’re really looking forward to playing here and a lot of exciting things are going to happen whilst we’re on stage! We’ll be performing on the Mainstage at night and the organization is planning on putting together an impressive show during our performance, including fireworks!

For more information on De Zwarte Cross:!

See you there?
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 08, 2012, 05:27:45 pm
Romexpo Fest (

Rock Werchter (

Tuborg Goldfest (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 08, 2012, 05:37:43 pm

The Unforgiving, Within Temptation’s last album, was released a year ago and showed that the band’s new ambition is to go further than the actual music framework. We interviewed Sharon del Adel, WT’s lead singer, when the band played at the Main Square Festival in Arras, France. She answered our questions about both the future of the band and The Unforgiving’s concept.

Given the answers, the latest news on the band are very hot, because Robert Westerholt, Sharon’s husband who stepped down from touring for family reasons, might already have composed songs for the next album. Within Temptation is also preparing a full-length movie related to The Unforgiving and a special anniversary show in November.

“If you have trouble putting a song out like that, then it won’t work : there is something wrong with it.”
Radio Metal : A few months ago, you played for the first time in Peru. How was it ?

Sharon Den Adel (vocals) : It was amazing. When you play in countries you’ve never been to before, when you meet different cultures, it’s like the icing on the cake. It was a completely new experience for everyone in the band. Moreover, the audience was great.

How would you describe the metal fans there ? Is there a big audience for this kind of music ?

I’m not sure because the metal scene over there is quite underground, even if the audience is very intense and active : you don’t need 10 000 people to have a great show. The metal community is small, but if it gets a good exposure, it will be better.

You did a theater tour at the beginning of the year. It’s not the first time you play acoustic or semi acoustic shows. Is it a way of playing that inspires the band ? Is this how you first compose your songs ?

We use sometimes acoustic guitars when we start writing songs, sometimes the piano and from there we develop them. Regarding our theater tour, our music is usually seen as “bombastic”, « heavy » and “big”, and by doing this tour, we showed that we could play our songs in more intimate shows.

It is often said that when a song is written acoustically, it is the best way to see if it’s good or not : do you agree with that ?

Yes, I totally agree with this. If you have trouble putting a song out like that, then it won’t work : there is something wrong with it.

Is it possible that one day, you’ll record an acoustic album ?

As we have done so many different things in the past, never say never (laughs), but as we like electric guitars and the heavy metal sound, it’s not a thing that we first stand for, and our fans like the way we are on stage. But it is an option.

“We have a big show in Belgium, on November the 13, and we’ll celebrate 15 years of Within Temptation. Robert will be there, obviously ! (laughs) Older members will come too. We’ll show some movies we’ve made, some parts of the show will be symphonic”

How is Robert (Robert Westerholt, guitar, co-founder of Within Temptation) dealing with the fact that he has stopped touring ? Does he miss being on stage ?

Yes, he misses it a bit, but it is still the best way to combine two separate worlds and for Within Temptation to continue. Moreover, he is always involved in everything that concerns the band behind the scenes, and especially the creative process.

Will he play again live in a few years, when your kids are older ?

Yes, maybe. But talking about Robert, we have a big show in Belgium, on November the 13, and we’ll celebrate 15 years of Within Temptation. Robert will be there, obviously ! (laughs) Older members will come too. We’ll show some movies we’ve made, some parts of the show will be symphonic : we’ve been around for such a long time, thanks to the fans of course, so we’ll remember with the them all the highlights of these past 15 years.

A lot of bands are starting to celebrate their old days by playing an old album in its entirety. Have you thought of doing that with one of your first albums like Enter or Mother Earth ?

No, because we play our favorite songs during a show. We’ve always have done so in the past too, so an entire album, I don’t know, maybe ! (laughs)

“We’ve already written six songs, so we’re working fast : these six songs will be on the album and are very good. It surprises me, because sometimes it’s a real struggle to write new songs, but apparently, The Unforgiving album is quite inspiring and we’ll continue in that direction.”
Do you think that as Robert writes music at home, this situation can have an impact on the way he writes music ?

No, because he has always been involved in writing songs since the beginning. After the festivals we’re doing now, I’ll have some time for writing songs for the new album,. The same people who have been working on the previous albums will be involved too, like Martijn (Martijn Spierenburg, keyboards). I must say that we’ve already written six songs, so we’re working fast : these six songs will be on the album and are very good. It surprises me, because sometimes it’s a real struggle to write new songs, but apparently, The Unforgiving album is quite inspiring and we’ll continue in that direction.

By stepping down from touring, Robert showed that the most important thing in life is family. Do you think that some musicians tend to forget that and focus maybe too much on music ?

Eveybody’s different. We found it important to do it, other people will may find important to do it too : everyone has to make choices and I can’t judge what other people do in their own lives.

The Unforgiving is a concept album that develops a story based on a comic book. The video clips and your live show is linked to that story. Do you intend to go further in that way of writing albums ? For example, have you thought of making a movie, like Nightwish did for Imaginaerum for example ?

We’ve already made three short movies for our last album and a year ago, we started to write a script for a full-length movie, but we’re not sure when we’ll release it, because we do not want our album to suffer from this project. Once ready, everybody will know.

Since you have this very special live show linked to the story, can we expect a live DVD at the end of the tour ?

I’m not sure. We have some backstage and live stuff but we do not know if it’s usable. We also don’t know how the show will be good, how it will sound and if things will be recorded the right way : when you make a DVD it has to be a magical show.

At the beginning, Within Temptation was a symphonic gothic metal band and since, the band has moved towards a more pop oriented music. Have you experienced some aggressive reactions from pure metal fans ?

No, we’ve never have actually because we’ve always been a band with « catchy » songs : we’re not Slayer (rires) ! Within Temptation has always been very melodic : I think that people who liked us at the start will like the new songs. Of course, people come and go, but we’re a band that changes with every album, because our tastes change too: it’s a natural thing for us. Some excellent bands have the ability to stay the same and on top like Iron Maiden for example, which is amazing, but we’re not capable of doing that.

A lot of well known female fronted symphonic metal bands come from The Netherlands. How could you explain that ? What so special about the Netherlands and female fronted bands ?

Maybe because this style has proven to be succesful and people get inspired by it. Bands also have the opportunity to get signed and record an album. Record companies also see that there is a market for that kind of music : that’s how it works I think ! (laughs) If you live in a country where there are no bands to compare yourself to, where bands haven’t been successful, then it is harder for you.

Interview conducted on june, 30th, 2012 by phone
Transcription : Jean Martinez – Traduction(s) Net
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 09, 2012, 04:23:52 pm
Otra entrevista! (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 09, 2012, 04:29:42 pm
Aqui está el pequeño Logan (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 18, 2012, 08:50:53 pm
We’re happy to announce that we received an alternative date for our performance in Ukraine!

We will be the Special Night Guest of the indoor “Gasoline Fest” which will take place on the 8th of September in the Stereoplaza Club in Kyiv. We’ve been told that ticket holders for the cancelled Global East Festival can get free access to the Gasoline Fest.

These ticket holders can get  get access to the Gasoline Fest and see Within Temptation’s show by following this procedure:

1) Visit the Grand Prix Concert Agency website at:

2) Fill in registration form with the requested information.

3) The Grand Prix Concert Agency will contact you with a confirmation mail after registration period is over, i.e. within the week after 8th of august 2012.

4) On the show day (8-th September), please provide your original not refunded ticket together with printed confirmation mail and say your personal data to controller at the entrance of the venue.

5) The controller will check your ticket and your personal data with the data base and in case if everything is correct, he will exchange your ticket to the wrist bracelet, giving access to the venue.

Without having the original ticket for Global East festival or if the ticket is damaged and your personal data is not correct, access will be not provided. Please be sure that your original ticket number and bar-codes are not damaged and you have printed confirmation mail with you.

Registration period is limited to the latest 8-th August 2012!
Tickets exchange begins at the venue doors on the 8th of September at 21:00.
Within Temptation show starts approximately at 22:00. Exact timing to be confirmed soon.

If you want to get access to the whole festival and see all bands of the line-up from the beginning, you can make the ticket exchange earlier, starting from 16:00, paying only a small part of its price for a festival ticket.

More detailed information about tickets exchange and about “Gasoline Fest” you can check at Grand Prix Concert Agency official web-sites: -

Please periodically check the Grand Prix official website to get the latest news and updates about this event and tickets exchange!
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 20, 2012, 07:25:48 pm
Watch what we were up to during the Unforgiving South America Tour with the last series of the Tour Vlog.

We’ve already shown you the videos from Lima and Quito. Today we’re taking you back to Mexico! (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 22, 2012, 04:46:40 pm
Forum of Bayrouth (

Masters of Rock (

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 25, 2012, 08:46:49 pm
Zwarte Cross (

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 27, 2012, 07:29:23 pm

The symphonic rock band Within Temptation started working together with the Dutch fashion designer Jan Boelo. The designer announced he is working on designing apparel for Within Temptation during the launch of his new clothing line “JAN BOELO Running into Headlights” at the Amsterdam Fashion Week.

Within Temptation’s lead singer, Sharon den Adel, has been involved in the design process as well. “Jan’s designs are tough looking and daring, but executed with class and a very recognizable unique style. This is something that speaks to us and suits the band and music very well,” says den Adel.

“Within Temptation’s shows are impressive and have a huge impact. This is something that inspires me as a designer. To be able to work with the band and design their clothes is fantastic,” says Boelo.

The band members already wear some of the designs on stage as they are hitting festival stages throughout Europe this summer. The band and Jan Boelo aim to finish all the designs before Within Temptation’s 15-year-anniversary show on the 13th of November 2012 in Antwerps Sportpaleis.


Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 01, 2012, 10:42:11 pm
Sharon and Robert will appear in the new video of the second single of Delain's We Are The Others record, 'We Are The Others'.
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 03, 2012, 06:17:57 pm
The sixth issue of The Unforgiving comic is coming!

After the first five issues of the TU comic “Penance, part six” will be released soon. This issue will be the very last part of the story.

Today we will show you a sneak peek of the sixth and last issue of the comic series:

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 06, 2012, 10:55:59 pm
Live @ Colmar (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 07, 2012, 04:55:46 pm
Make sure you join the ELEMENTS event on our Facebook page!

If you would like to know who else is coming to ELEMENTS, where everybody is coming from, how everybody is traveling, what everyone is looking forward to, or if you would simply like to hang out with other friends, you can find each other in the Facebook event.

Ask where other friends are staying or get more information on hotels with discounts for ELEMENTS here!
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 08, 2012, 05:12:59 pm
As we are celebrating our 15-year-anniversary with you this year, we would like to see what you have gathered over the years!

Take a picture of your Within Temptation collection, including albums, merchandise, posters, and anything WT related. Send the picture of your collection to and you might win a unique set of prizes!

The set includes a Within Temptation mug, four different coloured wristbands, a leather lanyard keyring, and unique guitar picks from Stefan and Ruud!

You can only send in ONE picture containing your complete collection, so make sure you capture everything in one photo. Keep an eye on the website, as we will announce the winner here! We’re looking forward to recieving your pictures! (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 09, 2012, 04:53:34 pm
Faster @ Colmar (

Sinead @ Colmar (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 13, 2012, 04:52:10 pm
In between all the festivals we´re doing a club show in E-werk, Saarbrí¼cken. (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 16, 2012, 05:44:32 pm
See what we were up to during the Unforgiving South America Tour with the last series of the Tour Vlog.

We’ve already shown you the videos from Lima, Quito and Mexico, today you can see our adventures in Chile (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 22, 2012, 08:23:19 pm
As we’ve mentioned before, we are coming to Gasolin Fest in Ukraine on the 8th of September. (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 23, 2012, 03:58:50 pm
Trailer de Elements (

The end of the third era is near as the sequence will complete it's third cycle of life. Follow us and stand as our witness for the singularity as it will occur before the eyes of the Brave
The power
The Vision
The Unexpected
The Symphony
The Mystery
Be a witness of Elements on November the 13th 2012
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 29, 2012, 08:43:42 pm
See what we were up to during the Unforgiving South America Tour with the last series of the Tour Vlog.

We’ve already shown you the videos from Lima, Quito, Mexico and Chile, today you can see our adventures in Argentina. (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 31, 2012, 05:22:43 pm
This morning, we announced that in the upcoming weeks we will be covering some songs for Q-Music Belgium’s ‘De Ochtend Show’. The covers will be revealed by Sharon every week, during ‘Within Temptation Friday’.

Following up Born Crain, Stan van Samang and VanVelzen, it’s our turn this season to “Within Temptationize” some songs that are close to us or might turn out to be the least expected.

It will be a musical adventure but also a great way to do something special for you.

Our first cover will be aired on Friday the 7th of September. Make sure you tune in to Q-Music Belgium every ‘Within Temptation Friday’, as Sharon will reveal the story behind the chosen songs on the phone.


PS. Don’t tell anybody, the first cover will be Coldplay – Paradise.
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 06, 2012, 05:40:52 pm
Entrevista (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 07, 2012, 07:09:01 pm
As we have announced before, we will be Within Temptationizing songs for Q-Music Belgium during ‘Witin Temptation Friday’ in the upcoming weeks. This morning, Sharon revealed the first cover in ‘De Ochtendshow’.

For our first cover, we chose Paradise by Coldplay because we think this is a beautiful song. It’s not the first thing that comes to mind when you talk about Coldplay and Within Temptation, but for us it was not difficult to find some musical similarities which inspired us to make our version. (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 09, 2012, 02:11:04 pm

Mother Maiden (Short Movie)
Shot in the Dark
In the Middle of the Night
Fire and Ice
Ice Queen
What Have You Done
Siníéad (Short Movie)
Never-Ending Story
Mother Earth
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 14, 2012, 06:19:37 pm
On the 9th of November, we’re doing a try-out for ELEMENTS in Patronaat, Haarlem (NL)!

This concert will be an exclusive sneak peek of what’s to come on the 13th of November in Antwerps Sportpaleis.

We’re using this opportunity to try out the songs of the show in an intimate setting in front of a small audience. Therefore we will play a one-time stripped version of Elements, without the assistance of the Il Novecento Orchestra.

Don’t hesitate, the tickets are limited. Ticket sales for the try-out start Friday the 14th at 10.00 am (GMT+1) via the Patronaat website!
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 14, 2012, 06:22:40 pm
Es viernes así­ que otro cover

Grenade (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 21, 2012, 06:51:12 pm
Our third cover for Q-Music was revealed on the radio this morning: Crazy by Gnarls Barkley!

Our version of Crazy is instantly released world wide via iTunes! (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 25, 2012, 04:31:58 pm
Once again, the ticket sales of ELEMENTS are breaking our sales records. The try-out show on the 9th of November in Patronaat is completely sold out!

We are doing another try-out concert on Thursday the 8th of November! The show will take place in Patronaat, Haarlem (NL) as well and tickets are on sale now! Get them here!

Make sure you’re there if you want the very first exclusive sneak peek of the ELEMENTS show!

For more information on ELEMENTS in Sportpaleis Antwerp, click here.
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 27, 2012, 04:09:00 pm
Listen to Q-Music Netherlands today, between 18.00 and 19.00 (GMT+1) to hear Sharon during ‘Van Inkel in de Middag’! Sharon will be talking to Jeroen van Inkel and Patricia van Liemt about Elements and the cover of the week: Crazy. You can get Crazy on iTunes.

Make sure you don’t forget to tune in to Q-Music Belgium tomorrow morning between 7.30 am and 8 am (GMT+1) to hear Sharon reveal next week’s cover!
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 28, 2012, 06:53:14 pm
It’s Within Temptation Friday, which means… a new cover! This morning, Sharon introduced our version of Gotye’s ‘Somebody That I Used To Know’.

We chose this song because it’s a great & recognizable song. The original is a very subtle song, but with our version we’ve put a Metallica edge to it! (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 03, 2012, 11:03:14 pm
Make sure you tune in to Q-Music NL tomorrow, as Sharon will be talking to Jeroen van Inkel and Patricia van Liemt again, in ‘Van Inkel in de Middag’.

Tomorrow Sharon will discuss this week’s cover: Somebody that I Used to Know.

Sharon will be on air between 18.00 and 19.00 (GMT+1). You can listen to the show online as well.

Don’t forget to tune into Q-Music Belgium Friday morning between 07.30 and 08.00 to hear Sharon reveal next week’s cover! Click here to listen to Q-Music BE online.
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 05, 2012, 03:56:40 pm
This morning we revealed a new cover for Within Temptation Friday on Q-Music Belgium!

This morning we revealed our cover Enrique Iglesias’ ‘Dirty Dancer’.

We really like this specific song, and can’t sit still when we hear this track on the radio. We wanted to see what we could do with this song and we have turned it into a rock song with heavier guitars. (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 07, 2012, 02:39:42 pm
Smells Like Teen Spirit (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 08, 2012, 04:51:55 pm
Our second cover for Q-Music, ‘Grenade’ by Bruno Mars, is also available on iTunes now via!

You can get our version of ‘Crazy’ on iTunes via as well.

Check out all of our covers on the Q-Music covers page! Listen to all the covers and read why we choose these particular songs.
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 11, 2012, 04:08:43 pm
As you know Q-Music asked us to cover songs for ‘Within Temptation Friday’ during this fall. Every week we’re busy Within Temptationizing songs as part of this musical adventure.

The perfect opportunity to challenge ourselves by sometimes picking songs that might be unexpected and not close to us at all.

So far we have produced five songs for Q-Music already. You can find all the covers plus the reason why we choose these specific songs on the Q-Music cover page.

Five down, ten to go, plenty of surprises coming up!

This afternoon you can listen to Q-Music NL, to hear Sharon talk about our cover of ‘Dirty Dancer’.
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 12, 2012, 05:27:57 pm
Another Within Temptation Friday on Q-Music, which means another Q-Music cover!

This morning we revealed our version of ‘Titanium’ by David Guetta and Sia.

Again we made our version of this song a bit heavier than the original song and we added some guitar solos to the song.

You can listen to our version of Titanium on the Q-Music Belgium website.

Enjoy! (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 15, 2012, 03:49:38 pm
Win tickets for Elements!

This week you can win tickets for Elements by listening to Q-Music Belgium. Every day between 4 pm & 6 pm (GMT+1) Wim and Anke are giving away tickets in their show ‘Wim Oosterlinck Showtime’.

Click here to read more about how to win tickets. (Dutch)
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 18, 2012, 03:59:35 pm
Tune in to Q-Music NL today, as Sharon will be talking to Jeroen van Inkel and Patricia van Liemt again, in ‘Van Inkel in de Middag’. Today Sharon will discuss this week’s cover: Titanium.

Sharon will be on air between 18.00 and 19.00 (GMT+1). You can listen to the show online as well.

Don’t forget to tune into Q-Music Belgium tomorrow morning between 07.30 and 08.00 (GMT+1) to hear Sharon reveal next week’s cover! Click here to listen to Q-Music BE online.

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 19, 2012, 03:49:14 pm
This morning, Sharon revealed this week’s cover on Q-Music. We made our own version of ‘Behind Blue Eyes’ by The Who.

This song is a type of song that doesn’t get old. The vocals are still relevant. Behind Blue Eyes is still as good of a song at it was when it was written and if you make a 2012 version of the song it works just as well as it did in the 70’s.

You can listen to our version of ‘Behind Blue Eyes’ on the Q-Music website. Click on the headphones underneath the picture to start the recording.

Enjoy this week’s cover! (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 25, 2012, 04:16:08 pm
Tune in to Q-Music NL this evening, as Sharon will be talking to Jeroen van Inkel and Patricia van
Liemt in the radio show ‘Van Inkel in de Middag’.

Today Sharon will discuss the cover of this week: ‘Behind Blue Eyes’ by The Who.

Sharon will be on air between 18.00 and 19.00 (GMT+1). You can listen to the show online as well.

Remember to tune into Q-Music Belgium Friday morning between 07.30 and 08.00 to hear Sharon reveal next week’s cover! Click here to listen to Q-Music BE online.
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 26, 2012, 06:58:50 pm
It’s Within Temptation Friday on Q-Music, which means we got to reveal another cover song on the radio this morning. Today, Sharon revealed our version of Lana Del Rey’s song ‘Summertime Sadness’.

“This song is one of my favorite songs and I’m glad we got to cover a song by Lana Del Rey. I get goose bumps when I listen to her. She’s a remarkable person, not only her music interests me, but also her story. By reading information about her, you’ll notice she’s such a colorful person, you could make a complete movie about her alone.” (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 26, 2012, 07:20:46 pm
Jeroen van Veert, bajista de la banda, cumple 38 años!!
FELICIDADES!!! :011: :011: :011: :011: :011: :011:
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 31, 2012, 03:50:15 pm
Esta semana no hay cover!

ue to the fall break in Belgium, we are not revealing a new cover on Q-Music Belgium this Friday.

We will reveal a new cover in ‘De Ochtendshow’ on Q-Music Belgium next Friday, the 9th of November.

For now, if you can’t get enough of our covers, you can find a complete overview of all of the covers on our Q-Music cover page. Here, we collect all of the covers, including the reason we chose these songs.

Of course, you can still listen to Q-Music NL tomorrow to hear Sharon in ‘Van Inkel in de Middag’.
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 01, 2012, 03:41:40 pm
Tonight, Sharon will appear on the Belgian television show ‘Manneke Paul’ which is hosted by the Dutch show host Paul de Leeuw.

The show will be on VTM tonight at 22.30 (GMT+1).

The Dutch presenter is on Belgian television every Monday and Thursday, talking to Belgian as well as international guests, singing songs and getting to know Belgium. Tonight, he will be talking to Sharon! So tune in and enjoy.

For more information on the show, visit Manneke Paul’s website.
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 01, 2012, 03:42:30 pm
Listen to Q-Music NL to day to hear Sharon on the ‘Van Inkel in de Middag’ show. Every week, Sharon talks to Jeroen van Inkel and Patricia van Liemt on the show.

Today, Sharon will talk about the new cover “Summertime Sadness” by Lana Del Rey.

Sharon will be on air between 18.00 and 19.00 (GMT+1). You can listen to the show online here
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 03, 2012, 05:14:43 pm
Faster @ Paul Manneke Show y entreviata (

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 03, 2012, 05:17:26 pm
Quedan 10 dí­as!

he ticket sales for our 15-year anniversary concert Elements in Sportpaleis Antwerp have been breaking records ever since they began. The show will take place on the 13th of November and is almost sold out!

Elements will be the most significant event in the history of Within Temptation and you do not want to miss this. As there are still a few tickets available, this is your chance to come and celebrate this milestone with us.

During the show we will share the stage with some unexpected guests and will be accompanied by the Il Novecento Orchestra.

You can get your tickets through or at Free Record Shops in the Netherlands and Belgium plus FNAC stores in Belgium.

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 07, 2012, 04:01:16 pm
El cover se revela MAí‘ANA

This week, we’re releasing our new cover a day earlier!

Tomorrow, Sharon will reveal our new cover song on Q-Music NL, during ‘Van Inkel in de Middag’ between 18.00 and 19.00 (GMT+1). You can listen to the show online as well.

Sharon will be calling with Sven Ornelis and Kurt Rogiers on Q-Music Belgium tomorrow morning again as well. Sharon will be on ‘De Ochtendshow’ between 07.30 and 08.00 (GMT+1) to talk about the new cover and the Elements show. Listen online here.
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 08, 2012, 03:53:54 pm

The symphonic rockband Within Temptation welcomes fans from over 50 different countries during their 15-years-anniversary show ‘Elements’ on Tuesday the 13th of November in Sportpaleis Antwerp.

It has been 15 years since the band released their first album ‘Enter’. This marked the start of a long list of successful releases and worldwide tours. On the 13th of November, Within Temptation will celebrate this anniversary with a spectacular show. The band around front woman Sharon den Adel will share the stage with the Il Novecento Orchestra. The show will represent what Within Temptation is known for – the melodious, crystal clear voice of singer Sharon den Adel, the massive guitar riffs, the orchestral and Celtic influences and the always surprising musical collaborations.

Fans from Asutralia, the US, Mexico, Brazil, Japan, New Zealand, China and of course the Netherlands amongst many other countries will be attending the show. Looking forward to the show, a large amount of fans have recorded a video showing they will be present at the anniversary show.

Headed towards the anniversary show, Within Temptation will do two try out shows on the 8th and 9th of November at Patronaat in Haarlem. There are a few tickets left for the show on the 8th of November. (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 08, 2012, 08:45:05 pm
El cover era de One Republic!

Apologize (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 09, 2012, 04:05:55 pm
Yesterday, right before our first Elements try-out sow, Sharon revealed this week’s cover on Q-Music NL. This time we chose ‘Apologize’ by One Republic.

“This has always been somewhat of a special song to us. Sometimes songs trigger certain memories. The thing with songs is that you can think a song is great, but when you find yourself in a certain situation that very song can hit you in your core all of a sudden. We think this is a beautiful song to start with and it has great vocal lines.”

Sobre Apologize

Setlist Carríé (31-10-12) (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 09, 2012, 04:10:01 pm
Setlist Primer Elements Try-Out Show (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 09, 2012, 04:13:38 pm
Fire And Ice @ Patronaat (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 09, 2012, 07:15:43 pm
Summertime Sadness @ Patronaat (

Grenade @ Patronaat (

The Last Dance @ Patronaat (

Say My Name @ Patronaat (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 10, 2012, 04:29:56 pm
Segundo dí­a

Titanium @ Patronaat (

Angels @ Patronaat (

The Last Dance @ Patronaat (

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 10, 2012, 04:42:34 pm
Neverending Story @ Patronaat (

Candles @ Patronaat (

What Have You Done @ Patronaat (

Mejores momentos (ayer) (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 10, 2012, 08:14:36 pm
Setlist 2nd Elements Try-Out Show (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 12, 2012, 04:30:31 pm
Hoy Stefan, guitarrista suplente de la banda, cumple 34 años!!!
FELICIDADES!!!!! :011: :011: :011: :011: :011: :011:
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 13, 2012, 04:43:08 pm
We are getting ready for the biggest event in the history of Within Temptation! Just hours until Elements.

We just heard that all the field tickets and tickets for the first ring of the seated areas are completely sold out!

There are a few tickets available for the second ring, so if you also want to be part of this incredible moment this is your chance! You can get your tickets here.

We will see you tonight
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 14, 2012, 03:36:40 pm
Setlist Elements (


( Que feo!!!

( Robert

( Un clásico
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 14, 2012, 04:10:50 pm
Intro + Iron (

Angels (

Say my Name (

Siníéad (

Summertime Sadness (

Mother Earth (

What Have You Done (

Ice Queen (

Our Farewell (

Stairway to the Skies (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 14, 2012, 04:18:55 pm
The Promise (

Candles (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 15, 2012, 03:35:24 pm
Sharon will still be calling with Q-Music the upcoming weeks as we still have a couple more cover songs coming up. Make sure you tune in to Q-Music Belgium Friday morning between 07.30 and 08.00 (GMT+1). Click here to listen to Q-Music online.

Sharon will not be on Q-Music NL tonight, as ‘Van Inkel in de Middag’ has a different programming this week due to a small break. Next week, Jeroen van Inkel and Patricia van Liemt will be interviewing Sharon as well.
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 15, 2012, 03:39:37 pm
You can get ELEMENTS merchandise in our web shop as of now!

We noticed some of you did not have a chance to get merchandise products at the Elements show because many items were sold out very quickly.

As Elements is a huge milestone in our history, we want to give everybody a chance to have something to remember the show by, so we’ve added the items to our web shop.

If you were not able to get your hands on something during the show, this is your chance to take home a piece of our milestone in the form of merchandise!

We’ve added Elements shirts, hoodies, tops and mugs to the stor


Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 16, 2012, 07:55:39 pm
In the upcoming weeks, Q-Music Belgium will still be calling in with Sharon for Within Temptation Friday.

This morning, Sharon revealed our version of ‘Don’t You Worry Child’ by the Swedish House Mafia in ‘De Ochtendshow’.

“We really sat down to try and find new songs we could record. We were kind of running out of songs on our short list for the show, so we were looking for cool new songs that are in the charts at this moment. I actually didn´t know the Swedish House Mafia up until the point they decided to split up, but they have really cool songs and this particular song is the best one by far.” (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 20, 2012, 04:45:28 pm
Una critica de Elements

It was May when Within Temptation announced their intention to celebrate their 15 years in the music scene with a special show called “Elements”. The band would be accompanied by the Il Novecento Orchestra along with some special guest artists. So, on November the 13th I found myself in one of Antwerp’s biggest stadiums called “Sportpaleis” surrounded by 24.000 other people, anxiously waiting for the celebration to begin. The show was completely sold out, by the way! This was not surprising at all; Within Temptation’s fans are very loyal to their favorite band. A huge screen was covering the stage and the seats for the orchestra were already set, but the thing that totally caught my attention was the huge triangular box hanging from the roof decorated with various symbols and with two screens on its sides.
At around 8 o’clock a documentary of different behind-the-scenes footage from the band’s album recordings and tours, started playing on the huge screen. It seemed interesting but unfortunately there was neither sound nor subtitles so it ended up being boring. While the crowd was watching this footage, the orchestra and the choir took their seats on the stage. The anticipation was growing! After 50 minutes the documentary finished and a video related to the “unforgiving” comic book series started playing on the screen while the maestro gave the downbeat to signal the beginning of this amazing show. The intro of “The Silent Force” album started off (the track was re-arranged with some small changes especially for this show). Within Temptation band members came on stage, while the triangular box slowly started coming down and a little girl dressed in black and dancing (actually, she was imitating Sharon’s “weird” dancing moves on stage) appeared along with them. To (almost) everyone’s surprise the band started playing “Iron”, a guitar- driven song from their latest album entitled “The Unforgiving”. The box came down, hiding the girl and when it went up again the girl had given her place to Sharon Den Adel who started singing dressed in a fabulous long black dress. She was also wearing a golden mask on her face (a small detail that made her whole outfit looking totally amazing). While she was running across the stage, she made the audience jumping and screaming “oh damn” along with her! The black dress came off revealing a golden corset and a golden skirt (it was something like “Lady Gaga meets Wonder woman”). “In the Middle of the Night” followed giving Robert the chance to make his appearance in an unusual way. The box was being lowered again but this time Robert was on top of it playing the guitar and making the crowd go wild! After two more songs from “The Unforgiving” album (“Faster” and “Fire and Ice”), the set continued with the fan- favorite tracks: “Our Solemn Hour”, “Stand My Ground” and “Angels” (in which Sharon put on white wings just like in the videoclip of the track).
An acoustic set of “The Last Dance”, “Never-Ending Story” and “Say My Name” followed in which Sharon (now dressed in a green dress) and the boys were joined on stage by special drummers, stilt dancers, three little girls (dancers) and Within Temptation’s ex-band member Ivar De Graaf who played the acoustic guitar.
The next track on the set list was “Candles”, a song from their very first record called “Enter” in which Sharon was accompanied on the vocals by the grunter virtuoso George Oosthoek (ex-Orphanage). Three dancers appeared on the stage again (they were performing some kind of modern dance performance) and the band was also joined by their ex-members Martijn Westerholt (Delain) on keyboards and Michiel Papenhove on guitars. The song “Sinead” followed immediately. For me, that was easily one of the greatest moments of that epic night. Despite the fact of being in the middle of the concert Sharon didn’t seem tired at all and continued jumping and running across the stage. We were all screaming “oh oh oh Sinead” and the disco balls that appeared made us go crazy! “Titanium” (by David Guetta feat. Sia), “Summertime Sadness” (by Lana Del Rey) and “Grenade” (by Bruno Mars), three of the band’s latest cover songs followed. These tracks fitted perfectly with the “pop” mood of “Sinead” (something that I was not really expecting) and the band seemed to enjoy playing their latest releases. One of my favorite songs, the epic and bombastic “The Promise”, was next. The orchestra, Sharon (now dressed in a white Mother Earth-era like dress) singing in a more operatic way (oh yes! She made her well-known evil/witch-like face expressions, too!), the fireworks and the whole band gave their best in order to make the song the most spectacular moment of the night. “Memories”, taken from their album “The Silent Force”, followed, and after that, the all-time classic Within Temptation song (“Mother Earth”) which featured a more prominent role for the choir! Sharon encouraged the crowd to sing along with her, while she was surrounded by inflatable thorny trees. The band left the stage but of course the night was not over. The encore was yet to come! “What Have You Done”, one of their biggest hits, was coming. The crowd filled in for Mina (Keith) Caputo’s vocals while the videoclip of the track was playing on the huge videowall. The sweet ballad “Our Farewell” from the “Mother Earth” album followed. The soprano Isabella Scholten dressed in a beautiful white long dress joined Sharon on the stage and they performed a supreme duet! Then, it was now time for another Within Temptation famous song: “Ice Queen”. I have to admit that the crowd sang their lungs out together with Sharon and the flowing confetti that was falling on us made the whole moment even more magical! Of course all good things (or should I say awesome things?) come to an end. Within Temptation finished this amazing show with the power ballad “Stairway to the Skies”- a suitable song to say goodnight- . Sharon and Robert thanked us for being there and for supporting them for the past 15 years and after a gracious bow left the stage!
While I was extremely tired (soaring knees, no voice at all, ready to go to bed and sleep for days and stuff like that!) I realized what was so awesome about that show: in only a few hours we watched Within Temptation’s evolution through time. From the pure gothic metal era of “Enter”, to the more mainstream rock era of “The Unforgiving”. From songs like “Candles” to songs like “Sinead”, we witnessed every “element” of what made Within Temptation who they are today! A dream came true that night! And indeed, it exceeded everything we have ever seen, heard of experienced form this band before! Thank you Within Temptation!

In the Middle of the night
Fire and Ice
Our Solemn Hour
The last dance
Never-Ending Story (Feat. Iva De Graaf)
Say my Name
Candles (Feat. George Oosthoek, Martijn Westerholt and Michiel Papenhove)
Titanium (David Guetta cover)
Summertime Sadness (Lana Del Rey Cover)
Grenade ( Bruno Mars Cover)
The Promise
Mother Earth


What Have You Done
Our Farewell (Feat. Isabella Scholten)
Ice Queen
Stairway to the Skies
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 20, 2012, 04:48:05 pm
Within Temptation is nominated for the Toppop3 Hall of Fame, thanks to Dennis Weening.

The Dutch television show Toppop 3 is putting together a hall of fame consisting of the most influential Dutch artists and bands.

Guests on the show can nominate Dutch acts they feel have done the most for the Dutch music scene and deserve to be taken into the Hall of Fame.

Last Saturday, Dennis was a guest on the television show and explained why he thinks Within Temptation deserves to be in the Hall of Fame, before hanging up Sharon’s picture on the wall. You can watch the episode here.

From the 1st of December, people can start voting which 10 artists should make it to the final Toppop3 Hall of fame, on this page.
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 22, 2012, 04:59:53 pm
Due to the Q top 1000, Q-Music NL is not airing the normal program this week. Therefore, Sharon will not be talking to Jeroen van Inkel this afternoon. You can listen to ‘Van Inkel in de Middag’ next Thursday, to hear Sharon talk about next week’s cover.

However, you should tune in to Q-Music Belgium tomorrow morning, as Sharon will reveal our new cover on ‘De Ochtendshow’. Turn on your radio between 07.30 – 08.00 (GMT+1) to hear next week’s cover.

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 23, 2012, 08:13:11 pm
It’s Within Temptation Friday on Q-Music Belgium! This morning, Sharon revealed a new song we turned into a Within Temptation-song.

Some of you had already guessed which song it would be, with the hints we’d given. This week’s cover is ‘Little Lion Man’ by Mumford & Sons.

“This is an amazing band, and not only this song is great, they have so many songs that are absolutely incredible.  We were warned about covering a song from this band, as this is one of Q-Music Kurt’s favorite bands. We hope he still likes us after this cover, because we turned it into something completely different. Mumford & Sons have a real folk sound with a lot of energy, which is something you don’t hear in a lot of folk music. It’s not close to our music style at all as we approach music completely different and use different instruments, which makes it quite the challenge.”

Things did not go about their usual way this morning, as Q-Music could not reach Sharon because apparently her phone was still locked even though she was on Twitter with all of you. So it was a little later than usual, but Q-Music did manage to get a hold on her!
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 23, 2012, 08:24:09 pm
Little Lion Man (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 25, 2012, 04:14:10 pm
Yesterday, Sharon went to Paul de Leeuw’s Dutch television show ‘Langs de Leeuw’.

Sharon already visited Paul on his Belgian show ‘Manneke Paul’ and he invited her for this show as well to talk to a special guest who has something to do with our recent project
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 25, 2012, 04:16:29 pm
Entrevista (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 27, 2012, 03:58:50 pm
This morning, we were guests in the radio show ‘Evers Staat Op’ on the Dutch radio station Radio538 to play a total of 3 songs.

This was one of the few times we performed songs completely electric instead of acoustic as we’ve done on the radio before. Edwin Evers talked to Sharon about the covers and how these came to be, touring over the world and highlights of our carreer, before we played Grenade, Faster and Never Ending Story.
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 27, 2012, 06:17:54 pm
Evers Staat Op

Grenade (

Faster (

Neverending Story (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 28, 2012, 05:16:34 pm
Detalles sobre el nuevo album

6 songs are written
They hope to have it out the end of next year (2013).
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 29, 2012, 05:29:38 pm
Sharon will help Q-Music Belgium raise money for children in Belgium by recording the chorus for ‘het Meneer Konijnlied’.

Q-Music started a campaign to raise money for a charity for children called ‘vzw Kindergeluk’ in January of this year. A cuddly toy called Meneer Konijn (Mr. Bunny), that belonged to a little girl who passed away 2 months after birth, has been travelling around the world and raising money for the charity with every kilometer it travelled.

Sharon is joining in the campaign by recording a part of the title song for Meneer Konijn. Q-Music is hoping to have the song complete by tomorrow morning, when Sharon will also be on ‘De Ochtendshow’ to reveal this week’s cover. Tune in to Q-Music Belgium tomorrow to hear the result!

Up ’til now, Meneer Konijn has travelled over 254.500,00 KM and raised over 5.000,00 euro.
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 29, 2012, 05:31:19 pm
Sharon will reveal a new cover for Q-Music tomorrow morning in ‘De Ochtendshow’. Listen to Q-Music Belgium tomorrow between 07.30 – 08.00 (GMT+1) to hear Sharon talk to Sven Ornelis and Kurt Rogiers about next week’s cover.

We have already given you a ‘small’ hint, we bet you can’t guess which song it will be

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 30, 2012, 07:31:19 pm
For this Within Temptation Friday, we made our very own version of Adele’s ‘Skyfall’.

Last week we turned an up tempo song into a ballad. This week… this ballad is no longer a ballad! We were working on this until 00.45 AM last night and got to present it to you this morning. (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 22, 2012, 05:50:37 pm
Radioactive (Imagine Dragons Cover) (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 22, 2012, 05:52:14 pm
Let Her Go (Passenger Cover) (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 22, 2012, 05:55:19 pm
n the spirit of Christmas we created our very last cover for the special ‘coming home show for Meneer Konijn’ this morning. Meneer Konijn’s arrival was a lot of fun with many people who gathered to meet him at the airport. In the midst of all the excitement we got to present our cover of ‘The Power of Love’ by Frankie Goes to Hollywood.

This final cover completes the Q-Music project we’ve been working on for the last couple of months. We really enjoyed working on this project and it was a lot of fun to be on ‘De Ochtendshow’ early in the morning. We learned a lot from rewriting all of these songs such as the way the songs are written and built up. We’ve known some of the songs for years, but when we really started to look into them we found a lot of new elements in the songs.

We have been working on a lot of the songs until late at night because we wanted to get as much out of the songs as possible. So the mornings after were rather early!

“The Power of Love is one of the most beautiful Christmas songs ever, if you ask me. The only problem with covering this song is, how are you going to cover the most beautiful song ever? It remains a beautiful song, we tried to turn it into something different.”
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 22, 2012, 05:57:43 pm
The Power of Love (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 25, 2012, 09:26:09 pm
It’s almost Christmas time and we have a special message for you!

We’ve had a great year and we want to thank you for everything and made a video for you. (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 28, 2012, 05:07:09 pm
todas las cover (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 02, 2013, 04:18:47 pm
Robert cumple hoy 38 años!!!
FELICIDADES!!!!! :011: :011: :011: :011: :011: :011: :011:
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 02, 2013, 04:31:53 pm
Today is Robert’s birthday!

We are collecting all of your birthday wishes for him on Facebook, so if you would like to say something for his birthday, add your comment to this post.

Happy birthday, Robert!
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 03, 2013, 04:18:39 pm
We can confirm we will attend Novarock Festival in the summer of 2013. This is the first festival we can confirm after Elements, and if you missed out on seeing us during our anniversary show, you can come and see us during the summer! Check the website regularly, as we will be announcing more festivals for this year.

Novarock takes place from the 14th – 16th of June 2013 in Nickelsdorf, Austria. Last year, we were supposed to play on the festival as well, but due to severe weather our show was cancelled right before we went on stage. This year we will try again! The exact date of our show is yet to be announced.

Keep an eye on the tourpages, to see where we’ll be playing this year!
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 03, 2013, 04:19:51 pm
The second festival we can confirm for the festival season: we are coming to the Dutch festival Indian Summer! Indian Summer Festival takes place on the 15th and 16th of June in Broek op Langedijk.

The festival celebrates its 12,5-years-anniversary this year, and this edition will be the first time the festival lasts two days instead of one.

The exact date of our performance is yet to be announced.
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 10, 2013, 03:48:43 pm
Switzerland, are you ready?! We’re coming to Greenfield Festival this summer!

Greenfield takes place from the 13th – 15th of June in Interlaken. We are performing alongside of Rammstein, Queens of the Stone Age, NOFX, Stone Sour, Bullet for my Valentine and many others.

The exact date of our performance is yet to be announced.
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 10, 2013, 03:51:18 pm
Y hoy...

We’ve already mentioned it, Q-Music NL still has a number of cover songs they haven’t played on the radio yet. Jeroen van Inkel wants to take the opportunity to talk to Sharon a couple of times more.

Make sure you listen to Q-Music NL tomorrow between 18.00 – 18.30 (GMT+1) to hear Sharon on ‘Van Inkel in de Middag’.

You can listen to the radio show online as well.
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 16, 2013, 04:53:14 pm
Make sure you tune in to Q-Music NL tomorrow for the very last ‘Sharonderdag’. This Thursday, Sharon will call with Jeroen van Inkel to play the very last cover we recorded for Q-Music.

Listen to ‘Van Inkel in de Middag’ between 18.00 – 19.00 (GMT+1) to hear Sharon talk to Jeroen and Patricia and hear our version of ‘The Power of Love’ by Frankie Goes to Hollywood. You can listen to the radio show online as well.

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 23, 2013, 05:18:47 pm
After presenting all of our covers on Q-Music Belgium, Sharon presented the very last cover on Q-Music NL as well, last Thursday.

Even though Jeroen van Inkel was sad to say ‘The Power of Love’ was the last cover for the project, you can find all of the covers including links to listen to fragments of the weekly radio shows with Sharon on the Q-Music cover page. On the cover page you will also find our reason for making our own version of these songs, per cover.
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 23, 2013, 05:20:02 pm
Keep an eye on our tourpage and Facebook events to see where we’re playing this summer.

We’ve already added Greenfield (CH), Novarock (AT) and Indian Summer Festival (NL) to the tourpage. We also add the tourdates to our events on Facebook. Show us you’re coming to see us this summer by attending our Facebook events!

We’ll be adding more dates soon, so make sure you check the website regularly.
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 25, 2013, 11:08:25 pm
We are coming to Sweden, this summer!

We will be performing at Getaway Rock Festival in Gasklockorna, Gí¤vle. This will be the 4th edition of the three-days-lasting festival that will take place from the 8th until the 10th of August.

We’ll be performing alongside of bands such as System of a Down, Deep Purple, Lamb of God and Trivium, amongst many others.

The exact date of our performance is yet to be announced.
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 28, 2013, 04:29:07 pm
Parece que:

The next album is set for september 2013
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 28, 2013, 04:31:29 pm
More news for our Dutch friends: We are playing at Bospop this summer!

Aside from Indian Summer Festival, we will also perform at Bospop in Weert (NL). The festival takes place on the 13th and 14th of July.

We will be performing on Sunday the 14th of July, alongside of ZZ Top, the Golden Earring, George Thorogood & The Destroyers and others.
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 29, 2013, 07:42:00 pm
HILVERSUM, 28 JANUARY 2013 – Multi-million-selling Dutch symphonic rock band Within Temptation have signed a masters deal with BMG for their upcoming album, expected in September 2013, in partnership with their management AT Productions & Eye Sound.

Formed in 1996 by long-term partners Sharon den Adel (vocals) and Robert Westerholt (guitar), Within Temptation combine the epic scale of movie soundtracks with dark gothic and metal influences.

The band has sold over three million albums worldwide scoring 30 Gold and Platinum awards.

Previously signed to traditional record companies, Within Temptation have now opted for the BMG masters model which offers a partnership-based approach to releasing records in which artist and company jointly agree every aspect of a release including budget, and artists potentially earn far more than is possible under legacy recording deals.

Within Temptation first broke through into the European mainstream with their second album Mother Earth, in 2000, which went Top Five in the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany where the album is certified Platinum. The follow-ups The Silent Force (2004) and The Heart of Everything (2007) saw the band’s success grow further international with successful releases in key markets such as the United States, United Kingdom and Japan.

Their 2011 album The Unforgiving was a concept album accompanied by a comic book and a series of short movies. It marked a radical shift in the band’s musical style combining their hallmark powerful melodies with influences from late Eighties and early Nineties rock.

Within Temptation are a huge live draw, playing festivals and shows across the world from Western and Eastern Europe to Russia, South America and beyond.

Said Dominique Kulling, Vice President New Recordings/TV & Film at BMG, “Within Temptation have always had a history of independently handling their own releases. It was a consequent step to sign to BMG’s masters model as it fits their personal needs perfectly. We are looking forward to combining our strengths on this great project.”

Said Frank Bruens, Managing Director BMG Benelux, “Within Temptation are among Holland’s most successful bands and a phenomenal export-sensation. We are very proud to have signed them as local act to our alternative masters deal and we feel honored to extend and intensify our relation with Sharon, Robert, the band and their management.”

Sharon den Adel, Within Temptation, stated, “We are very happy to announce a new album is coming up. We really look forward to working with the BMG team and their partners for the release. They offered us a great set-up that really fits our needs in a rapidly changing music industry.”
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 30, 2013, 05:46:39 pm
Martijn Spirenborg, teclista de la banda, cumple hoy 38 años!!!
FELICIDADES!!! :011: :011: :011:
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 30, 2013, 05:49:51 pm
Hi everyone,

We have been, and we are still hiding in our studios since winter started. With every writing session new things are happening. We are experimenting a lot and are trying to hold on to this magical feeling.

We are looking forward to the moment that we can share with you where this journey has taken us.

We are excited to have found a new enthusiastic label partner, BMG Rights, with whom are aiming for a release in autumn, which perfectly fits the mood of the album. As soon as we can, we will share more information about the new album. In the mean time we will see you on the road this summer!

Sharon, Ruud, Stefan, Martijn, Jeroen, Mike and Robert
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 31, 2013, 10:25:39 pm
You might want to keep an eye on our website tomorrow...

If you like surprises ;-)

Que pasará?
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 01, 2013, 03:49:55 pm




We are giving you a special offer on Within Temptation merchandise. You can get your favorite merchandise items with a discount up to 50%!

For this special occasion, we are also introducing a Limited Edition Elements Poster in our web shop! This special poster is very limited and will not be put back in stock.

So make sure you place your order before the madness ends via the special Merchandise Madness page.

Merchandise Madness starts NOW!

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 05, 2013, 04:50:57 pm
This summer, we are playing at Graspop, Dessel (BE).

Graspop Metal Meeting takes is a three-day-lasting festival taking place from Friday the 28th of June until Sunday the 30th of June.

We will be performing aside of Iron Maiden, Bullet for My Valentine, Epica, Every Time I Die, God Seed, In Flames, Korn and many others.

You can get combi-tickets for Friday, Saturday and Sunday (which also grants you access to the Metal Plaza on Thursday the 27th of June), get a VIP combi-ticket or get a one-day ticket.

Click here for more information on Graspop.
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 08, 2013, 06:07:23 pm
We’ve been spoiling you with discounts in our webshop all week. And you know what? WE WILL KEEP IT GOING FOR ONE MORE WEEKEND!

We received a lot of requests for an Elements poster, so we introduced a Limited Edition Elements poster especially for this Merchandise Madness. We want to give all of you a fair chance at getting one, so we’ll keep the Madness going for one more weekend.

Make sure you order in time though, because once they are sold out, they will not be reproduced.

You have two more days to get your favorite merchandise during Merchancise Madness!
Check the Merchandise Madness page in the webshop to see all items with discount!
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 10, 2013, 04:00:17 pm
Friends from Poland, we are coming to Festiwal Czyżynalia!

The festival takes place from the 17th until the 18th of May in Krakow.

Aside from our show, Guano Apes will also perform at the festival.

This will be our only show in Poland this summer, as we are very busy working on the new album. If you want to see us in Poland this summer, come and visit us here!
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 15, 2013, 07:53:47 pm
We keep adding dates to our tourpage. We are also coming to the Czech Republic during the festival season!

We will be performing at Basinfirefest in Spáleníé Porí­cí­. The festival takes place from the 28th of June until the 30th of June. The exact date of our performance is yet to be announced.

Aside from our show, bands such as Alpha Tiger, Van Canto, Unearth, Cocotte Minute and many others will perform at the festival.
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 18, 2013, 04:30:09 pm
Romania are you ready?! We are coming to Artmania Festival.

The festival takes place in Sibiu (RO) from the 5th until the 11th of August. Artmania presents a program existing of diverse acts such as concerts, workshops, theatre, and other forms of visual arts.

The exact date of our show is yet to be announced.
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 22, 2013, 05:57:13 pm
We will start a worldwide album tour in January 2014!

As you know, we are currently working on a new album. We are looking forward to sharing where this journey has taken us and we are very excited about playing these new songs live.

Today, we can announce the first tour dates of our album tour in 2014, starting in January! For the first part of the tour, we will visit France, Germany and the UK and we hope to announce more dates soon.

The ticket sales will start on Friday, March 1 2013. Keep an eye on the tourpage for an overview of the tour dates. From the 1st of March on, all the ticket links will be listed on the tourpage."

-- -world-tour/

Tour schedule:

January 16, 2014 | LYON | RADIANT

January 17, 2014 | PARIS | ZENITH

January 20, 2014 | TOULOUSE | LE BIKINI

January 21, 2014 | NANTES | ZENITH

January 22, 2014 | LILLE | AERONEF

January 24, 2014 | BIRMINGHAM | ACADEMY

January 25, 2014 | LONDON | WEMBLEY ARENA

January 27, 2014 | MANCHESTER | APOLLO

January 28, 2014 | GLASGOW | ACADEMY

January 29, 2014 | NEWCASTLE | ACADEMY


February 1, 2014 | BERLIN | COLUMBIAHALLE

February 2, 2014 | HAMBURG | SPORTHALLE

February 3, 2014 | COLOGNE | PALADIUM

February 5, 2014 | LUDWIGSBURG | ARENA


February 7, 2014 | MUNICH | TONHALLE
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 22, 2013, 05:58:12 pm
Trailer (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 22, 2013, 06:03:15 pm
Press release:

Within Temptation unveils first tour dates 2014

Tickets on sale March 1, 2013

After announcing the release of their new studio album set in the fall of 2013, Dutch Symphonic Rock band Within Temptation is now unveiling the first tour dates of their worldwide album tour, starting off in January 2014. France, the United Kingdom and Germany are the first three countries the band will be visiting for 17 shows. Within Temptation will perform at major venues such as Le Zenith in Paris, Wembley Arena in London, and Columbiahalle in Berlin. Ticket sales will start on Friday, March 1 2013.

Two years after releasing their latest album “The Unforgiving”, touring the world, and celebrating their 15-years-anniversary with the exclusive “Elements” show, the band around front woman Sharon den Adel recently announced to be working on a new album which is due to be released in fall 2013. In January and February 2014, Within Temptation will hit the stage with a complete new spectacular show. “We are looking forward to sharing where the writing process has taken us. We are excited about performing these new songs live! We hope to announce more dates soon”, says den Adel.

Ticket sales for the tour will start on Friday March 1st, 2013. For more information on the tour and Within Temptation’s new album, visit
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 26, 2013, 05:35:38 pm
The official ticket sales for the first dates of the tour in 2014 start on Friday March 1.

There have been romours about a pre-sale, and we can comfirm them! We will be having a pre-sale exclusively for Within Temptation friends. The pre-sale will start on Wednesday the 27th, 11.00 am (GMT+1).

Make sure you are ready, because at 11 o’ clock sharp, you can find the exclusive ticket-links on the pre-sale page!
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 27, 2013, 03:56:14 pm
As you know, we announced the first tour dates for our worldwide album tour in 2014.

The official ticket sales for France, Germany and the UK start Friday March 1, but the exclusive pre-sale for Within Temptation friends starts today!

You can find the exclusive pre-sale ticket links on the Pre-Sale page.

Act quick and be one of the first to have a ticket to our worldwide album tour in 2014!

Preventa (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 01, 2013, 07:41:20 pm
We announced the first dates of our world tour in 2014 last week. Ticket sales for the shows in France, Germany and the UK are starting today at 11.00 AM (GMT+1).

The pre-sale balcony tickets for the show in Birmingham are all sold out, but there will be more balcony tickets available today!
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 03, 2013, 04:45:36 pm
Otra fecha!

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 06, 2013, 04:45:32 pm
Now that we’ve announced the first dates of our World Tour in 2014, we added the tour dates to our event page on Facebook, as well as the tourpage.

Show us and your friends you will be present at the shows by attending the Facebook events!

Make plans to meet your friends on the road, see who else is coming to the shows and stay up to date on all information regarding the shows.
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 08, 2013, 10:41:39 pm
Friends from Norway, we have good news for you!

This summer, we are coming to Oslo for an exclusive club show in the middle of the festival season. On Saturday the 24th of August, we will perform at the Sentrum Scene in Oslo.

The Sentrum Scene is part of the Rockefeller Music Hall Company which is located in downtown Oslo.

This show is different from the festival shows, as this is a full Within Temptation show.
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 12, 2013, 04:03:05 pm
We are coming to Norway for a club show in Oslo, this summer. Aside from this show, we will also be performing at Trondheim concerts on Friday the 23rd of August!

Our show at Trondheim Concerts takes place at the courtyard of the Nidarosdomen. The organization of the festival tries to offer bands from all sorts of different genres. Other bands that have performed at Trondheim Concerts are Nightwish, Judas Priest, Ozzy Osbourne, and Iron Maiden amongst others.
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 15, 2013, 06:33:08 pm
Russia, we added another date to our shows during this year’s festival season! We are coming to Park Live in Moscow.

The Park Live festival is an event that combines music, art, fun, sunshine, fresh air, a great audience and a positive atmosphere. Park Live is a festival for people of all ages and people with different taste in music.

The festival takes place on the 29th and 30th of June at the National Exhibition Centre. We will be performing on Sunday the 30th. Other bands that will be performing at the festival are White Lies, Paramore, and the Killers amongst others.
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 19, 2013, 04:27:33 pm
We are starting off the festival season with a Dutch show in Pijnacker!

We will be performing at the Oranjefeesten on the 27th of April. This year’s edition of the festival will be held to celebrate the introduction of the new Dutch king.

We will be sharing the stage with the Dutch band Kensington.
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 27, 2013, 03:45:58 pm
Fashion designer Jan Boelo, who designed the band’s clothes for Elements and other shows, presented his 2013 autumn/winter line in Amsterdam on Monday the 18th. Sharon performed live during the entire fashion show, accompanied by the Dutch band MOKE.

Video (!-Show-Jan-Boelo-a-w-2013)

Fotos (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 29, 2013, 08:03:45 pm
Within Temptation releases cover album in collaboration with Q-Music

The collaboration between Within Temptation and Q-Music gets a new episode: after the successful broadcast of several covers, which Within Temptation arranged and performed for the radio station by the end of 2012, the band will now release a selection of these covers on an album titled ‘The Q-Music Sessions’ on the 19th of April in the Netherlands and Belgium.

In the run up to the 15th anniversary of Within Temptation in the sold-out Sportpaleis in Antwerp, the band was asked by Q-Music to choose and perform an existing track in a ‘Within Temptation-fashion’ on a weekly basis. The band accepted this challenge enthusiastically that resulted in reworks of hits by David Guetta, Passenger, Lana Del Rey and Bruno Mars amongst others. The feedback on these covers by the fans and listeners of Q-Music was extremely positive, which made the band decide to release a selection of the covers on an album.

Front-lady Sharon Den Adel: “Our approach was to really make the cover a new Within Temptation song. So not going the easy way by using only a piano or an acoustic guitar for example, but really trying to put all the elements of a Within Temptation track in this new version. It was quite a challenge because we had only one week to get it right, while recording an original Within Temptation song can sometimes takes up half a year! But this pressure also gave us an creative boost and it was very rewarding to get it done in time each week. Also, we learned a lot from the in-depth analysis we needed to make on these hits, written by others, in combination with implementing our own sound and style in each new cover. We are glad that we’ve taken up this challenge and are very proud of the result.’’

At this moment, Within Temptation is working on their upcoming studio album that is due in the last quarter of 2013. In January 2014, the band will embark on a worldwide tour, with tickets for shows in the United Kingdom, France and Germany already on sale.

More information on The Q-Music Sessions, the tour as well as the upcoming album:


Album: The Q-music Sessions
Artiest: Within Temptation

1. GRENADE (Originally by Bruno Mars)
2. TITANIUM (Originally by David Guetta ft. Sia)
3. LET HER GO (Originally by Passenger)
4. SUMMERTIME SADNESS (Originally by Lana Del Rey)
5. RADIOACTIVE (Originally by Imagine Dragons’
7. DIRTY DANCER (Originally by Enrique Iglesias)
8. DON’T YOU WORRY CHILD (Originally by Swedish House Maffia)
9. BEHIND BLUE EYES (Originally by The Who)
10. THE POWER OF LOVE (Originally by Frankie Goes To Hollywood)
11. APOLOGIZE (Originally by One Republic)
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 30, 2013, 04:55:15 pm

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 01, 2013, 04:05:45 pm
You can get tickets with a special Within Temptation design for the shows in Germany in 2014.

Especially for the German shows of our World Tour starting January, ticket company Eventim has designed fan-tickets with a special design to keep as souvenir to remember the show by! You can get these special tickets through the Eventim website.

If you’ve already bought a ticket the German shows, you can exchange it for a special fan-ticket if you’d like! Contact Eventim to ask what you need to do to receive other tickets.
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 04, 2013, 10:20:18 pm
We are playing live at the Q-hotel this year. During three weekends, the Q-music DJs are spoiling prize winners in the 5-star NH Grand Hotel Krasnapolsky in Amsterdam. While the hotel is turned into the luxurious Q-hotel, several Dutch and international acts are performing live at the hotel. As are we!

The only way to get in and be present at the show is to win a room, you can’t make a reservation at the Q-hotel. Sign up to win a weekend in a luxury suite at the hotel on the Q-music website. When we will be performing is yet to be announced. Keep an eye on our website to see the exact date of our show at the Q-hotel.
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 07, 2013, 05:25:50 pm
Robert together with Sharon at Jan Boelo's fashion show 2013.



Sharon together with Jan Boelo and the Moke band in 2013.
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 10, 2013, 05:54:26 pm
We are coming to Finland for two shows, this summer!

We will be playing at Qstock Festival in Oulu and we’re coming to The Circus in Helsinki for a club show!

The Circus
Aside from the festival shows we are doing this summer, we are playing a club show in The Circus in Helsinki on Saturday the 27th of July. We have played at this venue before, during The Unforgiving Tour in 2011, and we are coming back this summer!
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 11, 2013, 10:44:52 pm
We are coming to Belgium to play at another festival besides Graspop! On Thursday the 25th of July we will be playing at Suikerrock, a four-day music festival in Tienen, Belgium which takes place from the 25th till the 28th of July.

With four stages, about 50 acts and over 100,000 visitors in four days every year, it is one of Belgium’s biggest festivals.

Aside from our performance, Vista Chino, Bush, and the Kaiser Chiefs will be hitting the stage.
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 12, 2013, 05:53:45 pm
Within Temptation World Tour Facts: Lyon
Every week, we're digging into our archives to find Within Temptation-facts about every city we're visiting. Each week we're looking for facts, old pictures and videos from past shows. We're playing in Lyon on January 16, 2014 so we searched for Lyon-facts this week. Read the complete item, here.

Do you have memories, pictures or videos of shows in Lyon you'd like to share? Post them underneath the article as well!

Confirmed shows: Belgium & Finland
Aside from Graspop, we are coming to Belgium to play at Suikerrock! On Thursday the 25th of July, we're playing at the four-day festival in Tienen. Ticket sales have started already, you can get your tickets, here.

We are coming to Finland for a club show and a festival show, this summer! On Saturday the 26th of July we're playing at Qstock in Oulu. Ticket sales start on the 25th of April.

On Sunday the 27th of July, we are coming to Helsinki for a club show in The Circus! Ticket sales have started already, you can get your tickets, here.

You can find a complete overview of our shows this summer and the first shows of our World Tour in 2014, on the Tourpage.

Album progress
This week, we've been working on finalizing lyrics for three songs for the new album for the first time. We need these lyrics because we will start recording the drums for these songs in early May and it's so much nicer to record drums when there are roughly recorded vocals and guitars to drum to.

We had forgotten how intense it can be to write lyrics. As we always try to write about what moves us, this comes with an emotional price. It does feel exciting to be in this next stage of making this album. Sharon is recording the first song with the new lyrics today. Next week we are recording more vocals with more lyrics. We'll keep you up to date!

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 18, 2013, 04:11:34 pm
Sharon will be on the radio at Q-music Belgium and Radio 1 from the Netherlands, tomorrow.

Tomorrow morning, Sharon will be talking to Sven Ornelis and Kurt Rogiers in Q-music Belgium’s radio show “Showtime”. Headed towards Elements, Sharon talked to the radio hosts every Within Temptation Friday, and tomorrow morning she’ll be back on the show to talk about The Q-music Sessions!

Tune in between 06.00 – 09.00 AM (GMT+1) to hear Sharon on Q-Music Belgium.

Tomorrow afternoon, Sharon will also visit the Dutch radio show “Vrijdag middag live” on Radio 1. She’ll be discussing several movies and shows she visited recently.

Tune in between 14.00 – 16.30 (GMT+1) to hear Sharon on Radio 1.
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 19, 2013, 06:48:44 pm
As promised, we released the official music video for our version of Titanium! You can check it out, now.

Heading towards Elements, we rearranged several hit songs for Q-music which have been released on “The Q-music Sessions”. We played three of the songs on the album live during Elements, and the video for Titanium was shot during the show! (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 19, 2013, 06:50:12 pm

Within Temptation releases album with special cover songs
Band adds new shows in Benelux to World Tour

Within Temptation is releasing a special new album in The Netherlands and Belgium. ‘The Q-music Sessions’ includes a selection of cover songs that the band recorded weekly for Q-music Radio, heading towards their anniversary show ‘Elements’.

The release of The Q-music Sessions is a collaboration between the band and the radio station. To support the album, Within Temptation made a video of their version of David Guetta’s smash hit Titanium. The video was recorded during Elements, the exclusive show celebrating the band’s 15-years-anniversary, which took place in Sportpaleis Antwerp. The video for Titanium can be found on the YouTube channel of Within Temptation. The cover album, which contains the special version of Titanium, will be released on April 19 in the Netherlands as well as Belgium.

The symphonic rock band behind front woman Sharon den Adel is currently busy recording a new studio album, which is due to be released in the fall of 2013. The release of the album will be followed up with a world tour, starting in January 2014.

Today, the band is announcing two new shows in the world tour: On February 11, Within Temptation will perform at the Lotto Arena in Antwerpen. On February 14, the band will perform at the Heineken Music Hall in Amsterdam. Ticket sales for the show in the Heineken Music Hall start Saturday April 20. Ticket sales for the show in the Lotto Arena start on Monday April 22; tickets are available via Ticket sales for the previously announced shows in France, the United Kingdom and Germany have started already.
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 19, 2013, 06:53:41 pm
Ruud Jolie, guitarrista de la banda, cumple hoy 37 años!!!!
FELICIDADES!!! :011: :011: :011: :011: :011:
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 21, 2013, 05:00:54 pm
Faster @ QHotel (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 22, 2013, 04:26:26 pm
Setlist Q Hotel


what have you done
in the middle of the night
stand my ground
summertime sadness
mother earth
ice queen
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 25, 2013, 04:51:37 pm
We can announce our support act for the first shows of our World Tour in 2014!

The Dutch Symphonic Metal band Delain will be opening up for us at our shows in France, Germany, the UK, Belgium and The Netherlands. Check the dates below!

Delain was founded by Martijn Westerholt – Robert’s brother and ex-Within Temptation member – and front woman Charlotte Wessels, in 2002. Martijn left Within Temptation due to an illness shortly after the release of Mother Earth, after which he co-founded Delain. The band released their debute album “Lucidity” in 2006, for which Sharon was asked to join in for the song “No Compliance”.

Last year, Robert and Sharon also featured in the music video for “We Are the Others”.
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 26, 2013, 06:00:01 pm
Album progress
After being quite sick last week, we got back in the studio! This week we've been working on finishing the songs for recording drums on Monday. We are aiming to record 4 songs next week. We are really looking forward to this, as we'll be using different recording methods from what we used in the past.

We'll take pictures of the recordings to give you an idea of what we're up to.
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 28, 2013, 04:09:14 pm
Setlist Pijnacker

(Mother Maiden movie)
Shot In The Dark
In The Middle Of The Night
Fire And Ice
Stand My Ground
Our Solemn Hour
Ice Queen
(Sinead movie)
What Have You Done
Summertime Sadness (Lana Del Rey cover song)
Mother Earth.
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 29, 2013, 04:16:07 pm
Faster @ Pijnacker (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 29, 2013, 04:18:28 pm
Para los que tengais Pinterest!

We are introducing you to our brand new Pinterest page!
On this page, we will be collecting things that inspire us; we will create a Within Temptation moodboard using pictures and images and we want you to be part of this!

We are creating a board filled with all our friends who are coming to see us during the tour in 2014. Are you coming to our shows in France, the UK, Germany, Belgium or the Netherlands? Show us on Pinterest!

Here’s how you can join us:
1. Create a Pinterest account
2. Repin this post
3. Take a photo of yourself holding your ticket to one of our shows
4. Upload it to Pinterest
5. Use #WTworldtour, add the show you’re coming to and… Pin it!

We will collect all of your pictures on our “Within Temptation World Tour”-board on our Pinterest page. To spoil you a little bit, we are giving away four exclusive canvasses, signed by Sharon, every month until the start of the tour to pinners who join in!
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 30, 2013, 09:09:39 pm
Fotos (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 03, 2013, 07:13:16 pm
Sharon will perform with Delain at MFVF 2013
This year, Delain will perform at Metal Female Voices Fest in Belgium, and Sharon will join the band as their special guest. The festival takes place from the 18th of October, until the 20th of October.

Delain will also be our support act during the first dates of the world tour. Check all of the dates Delain will be joining us on the road, here.
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 03, 2013, 07:16:50 pm
Album progress
It was a week beyond expectations. We are all a bit in seventh heaven (mmm nice title for a song). We planned to do a drumrecording test for one or two songs and ended up with five. And the best of all...we've never been so happy with the sound, it is exactly how we wanted it to sound and might just be even better.

For this album we are trying to find an organic, natural yet big drum sound. When trying to find this kind of sound, the sound of the room you are recording drums in is just as important as the sound of the drumkit and the drummer. We were searching for a studio with a big hall, that sounds rich and warm.

After visting and listening to many studio rooms, we decided to check the MCO studios, where we rehearsed and recorded orchestra for "The Black Symphony" and "Utopia" with the Metropole Orchestra. The MCO building is mainly used for classical music and has 5 different studios, from pretty big to huge rooms.

And yeah... we found the hall of our dreams. We ended up recording at the MCO studio 4, which is actually a hall used mainly for rehearsals of the Dutch Broadcast Choir (Groot Omroepkoor). They hardly do recordings there and we're sure we were the first ones to record drums there, ever. The sound of the hall is truly beautiful, exactly what we wanted.

We started on Monday, bringing all of the gear in and setting up, checking mics and drums 'till we got the sound right. We had a day off on the very first Kingsday on Tuesday and Mike started recording songs on Wednesday. He recorded drums for a new WT album for the very first time, and he did an amazing job. He played for ten hours in a row without loosing energy.

So here we are, having recorded drums for 5 songs. Damn we're looking forward to finishing the songs now! Next week we're finishing more lyrics and we will record some vocals... an exciting week once again.

A great weekend to ya'all!

Sharon, Ruud, Stefan, Martijn, Jeroen, Mike and Robert

Within Temptation (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 10, 2013, 06:44:00 pm
We have received many questions regarding the very last video of The Unforgiving Tour Vlog.

As many of you noticed, we still owe you one more video from our South American Tour: Brazil. Due to Elements and recording songs for Q-music every week, we weren’t able to collect all of our shots and post the video. However, at the start of the new festival season, we are presenting to you… The Unforgiving Tour Vlog: video #24! The very last one.

Check out the final video to watch Sharon take you to the Christ the Redeemer statue in Rio, see if you can find yourself waiting in front of the venue and see if you can spot yourself in the crowd during the show. (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 10, 2013, 06:46:13 pm
Album Progress
Robert's update on deadlines and the release of the first single:

This week we received the release schedule of the first single, album, videoshoot, photos, artwork, and everything else that needs to be created. Of course we already knew the schedule but damn…deadlines are coming closer all the time.

Luckily, we already got some work done this week. The drums are being prepared for recording Bass and Guitar, next week. Sharon and I are working on lyrics and we scheduled recording days with our producer Daniel.

It's defenitely going to be a hot sommer for us, taking place in the studio... We do really like recording a new record during the summer, though. It always gives us a lot more energy and good spirit.

Oh yeah, we can already reveal that we're finishing the first single at the 16th of June. Pretty close huh? We can't tell you the release date yet, though... Shall we tell you something about what the track is going to sound like?

Ok... next week ;-)

Sharon, Ruud, Stefan, Martijn, Jeroen, Mike and Robert

Within Temptation
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 17, 2013, 05:20:02 pm
Album progress
Robert's update: Panic and videos

Last  Monday was all about base recordings. Jeroen went to Graveland Studio and recorded base with Arno at the wheel of the studio for the first five songs. There was a lot of checking out different base guitars and then picking the right one for each song. Then time to slam them in! It was a long day for Jeroen but you don't have to feel sorry for us musicians...we never start early ;-)

Meanwhile Sharon and I have been busy with ideas for the first video, cause, due to reasons we have to be mysterious about, we already have to shoot it next month aaaaaaargh that's really quick and of course we never panic...I guess...

Altough it can also destroy things sometimes, pressure can be a creative force as well. Luckily we are also very lucky to have some very creative friends around us who can brainstorm with us and unbelievable but true, we have a great idea for the new video which fits the song so much.

Oh yeah and I promised to reveal something about the new album...well this first song is def no ballad, it's fast it's hard it's epic...and that's not even the best about it... I'm sorry we have to do it again and have to leave you in the dark a bit more on what that is but time's running fast so don't panic... 

So the heat is on cause with the videoshoot Sharon also has to start on thinking about the new and such, that's her fun department. Oeh so nice to have a girl in the band for that.

The boys and Sharon now first have a show in Poland on Saturday...lucky bastards and then Monday back to the studio.

Have a great weekend and till next week!
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 19, 2013, 04:59:23 pm
Setlist Cracovia (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 19, 2013, 05:02:40 pm
Mother Earth @ Cracovia (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 22, 2013, 03:52:21 pm
Sharon en el nuevo disco de Timo Tolkki

Shine (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 24, 2013, 06:15:04 pm
European Summer Tour (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 24, 2013, 06:20:19 pm
Album progress
It has been a busy but rewarding week. Sharon has been recording the final lead vocals for the first single. Ruud and Stefan have been recording guitars in their studios. Great feeling that things start to speed up and the end result is getting closer.


We also went to Wisseloord Studios (great studio there) to let our record company hear a few demo songs. Luckily they didn’t panic, started crying or run away when they heard them. Actually, they were very happy with the songs and so were we cause there is nothing better than everybody working on this record getting energy from it.

We also had a nice dinner with them and as we met for the first time we had the chance to get to know eachother a bit. It was a great evening. We had amazing italian food, talked a lot about music, other countries and cultures, cars… technical and musical developments. All in all a great evening with great people with a big musical heart which we really look forward to work with.

Next day we had to get back to work with the directors to finalise the idea for the video. Next stop will be getting some ideas for the cover of the album, maybe a title would be handy too. Let’s see where we get with that next week! For now, have a smashing weekend, make sure you survive it and till next week!

Horns up,

Sharon, Ruud, Stefan, Martijn, Jeroen, Mike and Robert

Within Temptation

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 28, 2013, 05:40:59 pm
The Dutch charity Mannen voor KiKa, which raises money for medical research, the fight against cancer amongst children, and ways to improve the quality of life for children with cancer, is auctioning off a Within Temptation package including merchandise and signed items.

Mannen voor KiKa tries to raise money using auctions amongst other tools. We donated a package to help them raise money for children with cancer. You can place bids on the package here. Bids can be placed until the 9th of June. The money raised by the Within Temptation collection will be used to help Mannen voor KiKa in their fight against cancer.
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 29, 2013, 03:59:13 pm
We are performing at Nirwana Tuinfeest in the Netherlands this summer. The festival takes place in Lierop, and is the third Dutch festival we’re visiting during this year’s festival season. Nirwana Tuinfeest will take place from the 2nd of August until the 4th of August.

We’ll be playing at Friday the 2nd of August, following up the Dutch bands Navarone and DeWolf amongst others. Other acts that will be performing at this year’s edition of Nirwana Tuinfeest are Handsome Poets, Kensington and Ugly Kid Joe, amongst others.
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 31, 2013, 08:26:38 pm
Album progress
Update by Robert: Ruud and Stefan been recording a lot of guitars this week; Acoustics, picking, heavy strumming, slow chunky rifs, fast finger breaking solos... I heard it all pass by this week. It's pretty amazing if you think about how many different sounds and emotions you can get out of a guitar. I guess that's problably also why it has become such a popular instrument the past decades.

In the mean time, Martijn finished string arrangements for two songs, which are now ready for the recording of real strings.

Sharon, Daniel and I have been working on one song pretty much all week to get the feel there. The basic demo idea was (don't be shocked now.... count to ten...) in a swingy dance beat with rap in all verses. Now, we really love to experiment, but this was a bit too much out of our comfort zone, so we turned the song into a big symphonic, and heavy guitar cranking song.

So nothing to panic about, despite the fact this song holds pretty cool and big surprises you have most defenitely never heard on a WT record before...

It was an exciting week, exciting enough to celebrate it with a smacking  weekend!

Enjoy yourselves and 'till da next!!!!

Sharon, Ruud, Stefan, Martijn, Jeroen, Mike and Robert

Within Temptation
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 06, 2013, 03:50:44 pm
We can confirm another festival for this summer. We’re playing at En Vivo in Spain this festival season!

The festival takes place from the 29th until the 31st of August, in Madrid, Bilbao, and Barcelona. Three different locations, with a shifting line up. We are playing at Bilbao on Friday the 30th of August, and in Barcelona on the 31st of August.

Other acts that are playing at the festival are The Offspring, The Toy Dolls, Berri Txarrak, and many others. Check for more information on the festival and the complete line up.
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 07, 2013, 05:39:07 pm
Album progress
Robert: "Talking about a studio report... I'm actually writing this report in the studio in the middle of working with Daniel on a new song I'm soooo excited about! It's fast, dark, catchy and lost of rifs and double kick. It also begs to have grunts on it... Mmm who are we gonna call for that cause no, I ain't gonna do that... It deserves much better.

Allright back to the song now yeahaaa!!!"

Sharon, Ruud, Stefan, Martijn, Jeroen, Mike and Robert

Within Temptation
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 15, 2013, 08:14:36 pm
Album progress
This week was a short studio week, as we had to leave on Wednesday evening for Greenfield festival and Novarock in Austria. We did spend a lot of time in the studio at the start of the week, though.

Sharon finished vocals for a track, while she was also working on the styling for the first music video we are shooting this weekend! Robert was writing on a new track which hopefully nailed the last song we need to complete the album.

Also, as we've been working on the album for quite some time, the album title suddenly revealed itself to us! We're sorry, we're not revealing it yet... but the new album has a face now (more than one)... it has come to life... be aware!

Sharon, Ruud, Stefan, Martijn, Jeroen, Mike and Robert

Within Temptation
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 15, 2013, 08:46:23 pm
We’re having a busy week, this week! As we were playing at Greenfield and Novarock on Thursday and Friday, and we’re playing at Indian Summer Festival today, we were working very hard in the studio at the beginning of the week.

Ruud was recording a solo for the new album and made a short video for you.

Obviously, the video needed a little Start Wars touch… (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 16, 2013, 04:22:57 pm
Setlist Geestmambacht (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 19, 2013, 11:35:35 pm
Setlist Greenfield Fest (

Faster (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 19, 2013, 11:38:17 pm
Setlist Nova Rock (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 20, 2013, 04:42:25 pm
We have added brand new merchandise for the festival season to our web shop!

After the first festivals this year, we are on a small break right now to get ready for all of the festivals yet to come this summer.

Especially for these summer shows, we’ve added a new hoodie, girlie and mens shirt to the shop! You can pre-order them now and be the first to wear them to one of our shows.

You can find a complete overview of all of our tourdates for this summer, and the first dates of our World Tour in 2014, on the Tourpage.

Check out our web shop for all of our merchandise items!

( (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 21, 2013, 06:20:13 pm
Last weekend, we were shooting the first parts of a video for the new album. After our shows in Switzerland, Austria and Holland we got up really early in the morning to shoot parts of the first video of the album. We are really looking forward to the end result of this video so much, because it feels like this could be a milestone in our existence.

The story has a lot of different layers, the styling of Sharon and the band is bold, it fits us and the story so well, the locations we were shooting were surreal and the special effects will be absolutely smashing. And then there's the biggest surprise of all... we'll start dropping some hints very soon.
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 21, 2013, 06:21:39 pm
Album progress
Another studio update from Robert: After a long, but exciting festival weekend we're back at the studio. Most important for us now, is to finish the first song for mixing, which will already be done in a few weeks. Adrenaline is rushing, we really want to make sure we have the right sound for this song, and make sure nothing is missing to get the feel we want for the song. It needs to be pumping, heavy, big and melancholic at the same time. We're listening to it over and over again, adjusting details, trying different lines... We still have some time left, but 'The Lock' is approachting, which means we can't change or adjust it anymore, 'this is it'.

In the meantime we're also writing new songs and rearranging old ideas. Next week, we're getting back to writing lyrics and we need to start working on artwork. During the video shoot last weekend, we took some new band photos, which you will get to see soon... for now, you all have a great weekend!!!

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 24, 2013, 04:16:14 pm
We’re working on the new album in the studio this week, but we’re getting back on the road this weekend.

Last weekend we had a busy festival weekend, and we’re visiting three more festivals in the Czech Republic, Belgium, and Russia from Friday on!

This weekend, we’re playing at:
28-06-2013 Basinfirefest (CZ)
29-06-2013 Graspop Metal Meeting (BE)
30-06-2013 Park Live (RU)
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 28, 2013, 06:18:16 pm
Robert's update: Guts, air and adrenaline

Last week I told you we were still fine-tuning the first song to prepare it for the official mix. Well, the fine-tuning turned into a little more than fine-tuning... We completely changed the first instrumental part of the song. The beginning was not heavy and dark enough for the rest of the song, for our taste. Well, that's solved now. We made a complete new pumping riff and Martijn made an amazing theme on the riff and intro for the beginning of the song.

Sometimes these things go so magical, that it feel it's not you creating it, but it feels like the music is coming from the air around you, and you are just allowed the lucky one to catch it (I believe Keith Richards once said something similar).

It's kind a of a big thing though, to change so much in a song o so very close to mix, because it means re-recording guitars strings etc. But trough the years we learned never to ignore your gut feeling. If you think you can make it better, even just before or even in mix, do it. Do it on the spot or you will regret it every time you listen to song and that will hurt for a long time. And oh boy how good it feels now, to have done this. The song not only got much darker and heavier, it also fits the rest of the album better now. We just can't wait for the mix now. Just two weeks to go. So exciting. Oh and soon, very soon, probably even before mix  you're gonna hear a snippet of this.

Now back to the other songs. We still need to finish two new song ideas and I'm skyping with an artist in LA this eve for another. I'm so excited about that, I'm like a small jumping child. Damn, it's pure adrenaline making this record, not a lot of things are better for us than this. Well, weekend break is also always nice 2. You all have a good one!
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 30, 2013, 04:14:11 pm
Setlist Basinfestival (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 01, 2013, 05:03:40 pm
Setlist Graspop (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 01, 2013, 05:12:54 pm
Setlist Park Live (

Siníéad (

Faster (

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 01, 2013, 07:20:48 pm
Entrevista @ Classic21 (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 03, 2013, 04:15:37 pm
We had a lot of fun on the road, visiting three festivals this weekend!

We performed at Basinfirefest in the Czech Republic on Friday, we visited Graspop in Belgium on Saturday, and went on to play at Park Live in Russia on Sunday.

Thank you all for the great times and tweets, we had a blast!

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 05, 2013, 03:44:52 pm
We’re in the middle of the festival season and we would love to see what you captured during the shows!

Did you come to see us at Oranjefeesten (NL), Czyzynalia (PL), Greenfield (CH), Novarock (AT), Indian Summer Festival (NL), Basinfirefest (CZ), Graspop (BE), or Park Live (RU)?

Show us your pictures and videos on Facebook and Twitter using #WTlive!
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 05, 2013, 06:29:42 pm
Album update
Antoher update from Robert: After a great festival weekend like the last one it's so much nicer to dive into the studio again, because of the energy you still carry with you from the shows and it might also be the reason it was a rewarding studio week. We really made some progress. We've been adding some extra parts to the last songs to get them closer and ready for the last drum recordings, which already start in less then a month.

We're also finalizing the recordings for the mix of the first song, which is going to start the 15th. We've got some really great mixers ready to go. It's going to be really interesting to hear what the differences in the mixes will be. Mixing engineers are artists on their own. No mix of the same song by different mixing engineers will sound the same. We have a few, but all great mixers who are going to put their stamp on the song. Then it's for us to decide whose style and approach we think fits the song best. The mixing engineer whose song we pick will aslo get to do the rest of the album, so that's also something we have to keep in mind.

Now, some more revealing information about the new album… We've told you before that we are working with some other artists on this album. Two of them are actually recording this and next week. It's extremely exciting for us, what we will eventually receive in our mail, because we won't be there with them in the studio as they are recording overseas and unfortunately we don't have the time to go over there (yet). It's also really exciting because we already know it's going to be really good, as they are incredibly talented and fit so well to the songs they are working on. When working with other artists, it's always the song which determines what's needed and who we need for the song. For one song for instance, we're not sure if it will make it to the album. If we can't get the artist to do his part, we will just not release it, because it will miss a part of its soul and will remain uncompleted. But for now, we - and also the songs - are really blessed...

Then…luckily and finally…you'll be able to hear a liiiiiiiittle liiiiiiiittle bit of the album next week. Oh yeah!!!

Now don't waste your weekend waiting for it but enjoy it as much as you can cause that's how it should be done (and also how time flies and the sooner it will be next week haha)

So have a great one and …..till next week!

Sharon, Ruud, Stefan, Martijn, Jeroen, Mike and Robert
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 05, 2013, 06:32:46 pm
We can give away 10 duo tickets for Suikerrock!

We’re playing at the festival in Tienen, Belgium on Thursday the 25th of July and we’re giving away 10í—2 tickets for Thursday!

All you need to do is share this post on Facebook publicly, and add a message why you should win these tickets. Perhaps we will see you on the 25th of July!
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 07, 2013, 04:01:47 pm
Entrevista a Jeroen y Mike (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 09, 2013, 03:24:48 pm
Every month, until the start of the tour in 2014, we’re giving away special canvases signed by Sharon to four lucky friends who join our competition on Pinterest!

We are collecting pictures of friends who are coming to our shows on our “Within Temptation World Tour”-board, and the pictures keep on coming in!

We announced this month’s winners in our newsletter, last Friday:

Congratulations to Kimberly Jongerman, who will come to see us for the very first time, at the Heineken Music Hall in Amsterdam; Guillermo López Costa, who’s coming all the way from Spain to see us live at the Arena in Ludwigsburg, Germany; Keith Clarkson, our 62-year-old fan from the UK; and Fabien Vivier, who was the very first one to upload his picture to Pinterest for our competition!

The winners will also be contacted via Pinterest and will receive their canvas at home.
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 11, 2013, 04:06:56 pm

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 12, 2013, 10:35:47 pm
Hoy Sharon den Adel cumple 39 años!!

FELICIDADES!!!!!!!!!!!! :011: :011: :011:
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 12, 2013, 10:50:49 pm (


Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 12, 2013, 10:52:29 pm
Album update
Robert's update: This week we didn't spend a lot of time in the studio, or at least not as much as we would have liked to. There were a lot of meetings, mails to write, sorting, thinking, deciding and planning. Though not are favorite things to do during recording, it does give the peace of mind you need to be creative, when it's done.

Despite the little time we could spend in the studio, it was a very exciting week for the album. We got the contributions of two other artists and we feel very honored to have them work with us as we admire both their talent and personalities. After listening to what they recorded a few times we realized that their unique character and talent come out so well on these songs, that we can't even imagine the songs without them anymore.

One of these songs will finally be mixed next week, as the first single. Kind of strange to know that the first song will be final when there is still so much to do. But it will also give us a lot of peace to know we are on the right track with what we doing, for the rest of the album and what changes may still have to be made to improve things.

Now it's time for the weekend, a show at Bospop festival on Sunday and of course reading your comments, first impressions, speculations etc on the teaser released today. I can tell you one thing…you are so often so right.

You all have a great one and 'till next week, when we will tell you about the mix results.

Sharon, Ruud, Stefan, Martijn, Jeroen, Mike and Robert

Within Temptation
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 15, 2013, 04:31:16 pm
Setlist Bospop (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 15, 2013, 04:36:07 pm
Lost (acoustic) (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 19, 2013, 05:40:04 pm
We’re giving away special canvases signed by Sharon every month, until the start of the tour in 2014, to four friends who join our competition on Pinterest!

We’ve noticed some of you are having difficulties getting your picture on Pinterest. We enjoy seeing all of you on Pinterest, so we want to help you out!

Let us know if you don’t see your picture on our “Within Temptation World Tour”-board or if you can’t seem to manage to upload your picture to Pinterest at all. Bear in mind: your picture does not appear on our board automatically, we have to manually repin all of them, so sometimes it’s just a matter of patience. However, if you see we’ve been adding more pictures but you can’t spot yours on our board, post the URL to your Pinterest account in the comments and we’ll check your picture!
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 19, 2013, 06:34:40 pm
Album update
A new message from Robert: Oh yeah, the mixes are flying around us. We got the first mixes in yesterday. Since then I think we've already listened a zillion times to the song. Listening carefully, checking if some guitars are loud enough in this part and if vocals are loud enough there, if the energy is there, the transparency punch stereo width and so on... Pretty amazing that we still like it, but I guess that's what a good mix also should make you able to do. It is a great feeling that by now, we already have one really good mix down. Other mixes from other mixing engineers still have to come in, so it can only get better or it will turn out this first one will be our favourite. Next week we'll tell you which mixer has made our favourite mix.

Oh yes, I almost forgot. We've also seen the first 1 min edit of the music video. It's big epic, rough, beautiful and mysterious at the same time. I don't think we've have had ever a video before where so many days of shooting and working has gone into, and it shows. It's a big epic video and story with some very cool 3D FX, but shot mostly on real locations and probably the coolest thing is that real huge machines and sets have been built by artist, that make everything feel so real and then I'm not even talking about the chemistry between the singers...

But still a lot to do. I know you all want the music and video today but don't worry, time flies. We wouldn't mind if we could make it go much slooooooower ;-)

What ever happens, the weekend will start this evening. Make sure you enjoy it to the max !!!

Sharon, Ruud, Stefan, Martijn, Jeroen, Mike and Robert

Within Temptation
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 23, 2013, 03:46:11 pm
We’re performing at Suikerrock in Tienen (BE) this Thursday. Aside from our show on the Main Stage, we’re also doing an exclusive acoustic performance for a selected audience at the festival.

Are you coming to Suikerrock, and would you like to be present at the acoustic show including meet & greet as well? Answer the festival organisation’s following questions:

- “Within Temptation is performing on the Win for Life Suikerrock Stage on Thursday 25/07. How many times has the band already performed on Suikerrock?”
- “How many correct answers is the Suikerrock organisation going to receive before Wednesday 24/07/2013 at 24 o’ clock?”

Send your answer to Include your name and phone number in the email, so the organisation can contact you if you win.
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 26, 2013, 06:32:13 pm
Album update
Robert's studio update: Choices have to be made

Last week several mixing engineers got to make a mix from our up-coming new song (and video). What I didn't tell you that one of those mixes was also going to be done by ourselves.

That made it a very busy week, because the mixing had to be done next to judging the other mixes and giving them remarks.

It was also a tough week cause we had to accept that we couldn't get the ideal mix. Every mix of every mixing engineer had something unique and things we really liked, but there was also always some part of the mix we liked better from another mix. For example, the bass guitar was great in one mix, but the vocals sound better in another mix.

But of course you guys and girls don't want to wait forever for the new song, so we had to make a choice yesterday to get it ready in time for release.

After many years of making music we've learned to be honest to yourself if you want the best result and though we would have liked to use our mix so very much, it simply was not the best out of the options. We were getting pretty far though, so if we improve our mixing skills a bit more it will not be unlikely that we will mix our own song or record in the future at some point.

Anyway in the end we had two mixes wich were clearly our favorites. We let different people hear the mixes and the more people, the more opinions, but ofcourse in the end it's up to us.

Our ideal mix would clearly have been a combination of these two. We liked the transparency, and vox sound of one mix best and we liked the bass guitar and angriness in other mix better.
So we decided to go for the mix that fitted best with the character of the song and that was clearly the most aggressive mix done by Stefan Glaumann. Choices are always hard to make but when you do make them, they relieve you and now we can be happy and pleased with result. The song is born and will have it's own life now.
Soon you will hear the end result. When …? We'll tell you very soon along with some more info about the new video and who will be next to Sharon behind the mic…

Now this story has to go to press in fact I'm already 8 minutes too late…so

Have a greaaaaaaaaaat smacking weekend.
Till next week !
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 26, 2013, 06:41:21 pm
Setlist Suikerrock (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 27, 2013, 05:03:24 pm
Memories @ Suikerrock (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 28, 2013, 04:01:34 pm
Setlist The Circus (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 28, 2013, 04:04:01 pm
See Who I Am @ Suikerrock (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 29, 2013, 04:46:09 pm
We can confirm another date for the festival season! We’re coming to Istanbul (TR) to perform at Rock’n Coke this summer!

Rock’n Coke was founded in 2003 in Turkey. For the first time in 10 years, the festival is presenting 5 different stages of 5 different genres, hosting over 100 performances. The festival put together a Rock’n Coke Scene, an Alternative Stage, a Party Arena, a Discovery Scene, and a City Scene.

Other bands that are performing at the festival are Triggerfinger, Artic Monkeys, Hurts, Smoke, Selah Sue, Editors, and Aylyn Aslim amongst many others.

We’re performing on Sunday the 8th of September
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 31, 2013, 03:59:23 pm
Our new music video and single will be released soon. Until then, we promise to keep you occupied with more and more information about the new song, the video, and who’s joining Sharon behind the mic…

From today on, we will be posting a photo from the video shoot on Facebook every day. Keep an eye on our Facebook page as the pictures reveal more as we get closer to the release!

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 31, 2013, 04:01:34 pm
We’re showing you today’s photo of the day a little earlier!

While we were shooting the first parts of the new music video, we also shot a new band photo. Check out the new picture, below!

The picture is taken by Arjan Kremer, styling is done by Jan Boelo & Pythia Tarenskeen, make-up is done by Borka and hair is done by Tommy Hagen.

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 02, 2013, 06:17:26 pm
Album update
Update from Robert: This time probably the shortest update so far. Not because nothing happened this week, but because there is simply too much to do. On Monday, the 2nd round of drum recordings are starting and therefore the rest of the tracks for the album need to be finished in demo form, as this drum recording will be the final one.

However, we still need to finish 2 tracks, so every hour is precious now. Don't think we'll make it for monday, but we can even continue two days during the recordings because we have 5 days studio booked.

Now I'm back to getting some energy transformed into sound here. Hope you boys and girls will have a stressless and very enjoyable weekend.

Till next week  which will be the last update before we go on a short holiday.

Saludos !

Sharon, Ruud, Stefan, Martijn, Jeroen, Mike and Robert

Within Temptation
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 05, 2013, 04:43:02 pm
We were supposed to play at the Spanish festival En Vivo in Barcelona and Bilbao in August. Unfortunately, the festival taking place in Barcelona is cancelled, which means we’re not able to perform.

The festival in Bilbao is still taking place, so we will play at En Vivo in Bilbao on the 30th of August.

Tickets for Barcelona purchased through the night of July 23 will be valid for the festival in Bilbao. The festival will provide free buses from the cancelled cities as well as campsites. Ticket refunds are also available, visit for more information.
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 06, 2013, 05:02:34 pm
We’re back on the road this weekend! We’re coming to Romania and Sweden for ARTmania in Sibiu on the 9th of August and Getaway Rock Festival in Gí¤lve on the 10th of August.

Last year, we played at Tuborg GreenFest in Romania and we did a show at MetalTown in Sweden.
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 06, 2013, 05:04:48 pm
Setlist Nirwana Lerop (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 09, 2013, 09:18:15 pm
Fotos del rodaje (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 09, 2013, 09:35:25 pm
Album update
This week has definitely been the most productive week so far. The goal was to record drums for all the remaining songs of the new album. However three songs were just not finished yet. So while Mike was playing drums and Arno recording him, the rest of the band was working on finishing the last songs, and Daniel our producer assisting from Sweden while being on a long planned holiday.

It almost felt like a miracle when we realized we made it. Cause writing songs under so much time pressure and recordings going on at the same very often fails miserable. This time it has really been the opposite. Though I do think it we paid for it with a few years of life energy, but hey everything for a great album. I think this week we wrote and finished three the coolest songs of the album and with that completed the whole album to a level we only could hope for on forehand.

Now songs finished, drums finished…now the rest and for the next two weeks its going to be drum-editing and lyric writing, but we'll def do it with huge smiles on our faces.

We are going to enjoy the weekend sooooo much though a big part of it will probably be catching up with sleeping.

You all have a great one 2 !!!!!!!!!

Till next week …
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 10, 2013, 04:57:38 pm
Memories @ Nirwana Fest (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 10, 2013, 05:14:46 pm
Faster @ Artmania Fest (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 11, 2013, 10:48:15 pm
Setlist Artmania Fest (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 12, 2013, 04:23:51 pm
Setlist Getaway Festival (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 16, 2013, 11:15:42 pm
Shot in the dark @ Graspop (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 21, 2013, 11:17:54 pm
We’re picking new Pinterest winners, next week!

Every month, until the start of our World Tour in 2014, we’re giving away a canvas signed by Sharon to four lucky winners. We have set up a Pinterest competition, collecting who’s coming to see us during the 2014 tour, on our “Within Temptation World Tour”-board.

You can still join the competition to be one of this month’s lucky winners! Read how you can join, below.
We’re announcing the winners in our newsletter, so make sure you’re signed up to see if you won, stay up to date on all Within Temptation news and to read Robert’s weekly studio updates when our little holiday break is over.

Here’s how you can join the Pinterest competition:

1. Create a Pinterest account and follow us
2. Repin this post
3. Take a photo of yourself holding your ticket to one of our shows
4. Upload it to Pinterest
5. Use #WTworldtour, add the show you’re coming to and… Pin it!

We will collect all of your pictures on our “Within Temptation World Tour”-board on our Pinterest page. NOTE: The pictures do not appear on our board automatically, we have to manually repin them so please be patient. Post the URL to your photo in the comments below, if you don’t see your picture amongst the others even though we’ve been adding more.
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 23, 2013, 06:26:00 pm
After a little break, we’re on our way to Norway for two shows this weekend.

Tonight, we’re headed to Trondheim for our show at Trondheim Concerts. The show is taking place at the courtyard of the Nidarosdomen. For more information on the festival, visit

Tomorrow, we’re doing a club show at the Sentrum Scene in Oslo! This is a full Within Temptation show, in between festivals. There are still some tickets available. You can get them here.

We are reaching the end of the festival season. After these shows, we’re visiting En Vivo in Spain and Rock’n Coke in Turkey as final festival dates.
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 23, 2013, 06:28:40 pm
We promised we’d let you hear a little more of the upcoming single this week. We have more in store for you!

Today, we are announcing the title and the lyrics of the new single, which will be released soon!

The title of the new single is………….
“Paradise (What About Us?)”

You can read the lyrics in the video, below.
Ruud has been shredding his guitar like a mad man, recording for the new album, so enjoy! (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 25, 2013, 06:12:12 pm
Setlist Trodheim (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 25, 2013, 06:19:40 pm
Setlist Sentrum Secene Oslo (

Mother Earth (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 30, 2013, 03:48:35 pm
“Paradise (What About Us?)”  will be released as an EP, containing four new songs.

In addition to Paradise (What About Us?), the EP will contain demo versions of three brand new songs:
“Let Us Burn”, “Silver Moonlight” and “Dog Days”.

By releasing these demos we want to invite you in our home studio and show how we capture song ideas at an early stage of creating a new album. These demo versions are far from their final sound on the album, but will give you a hint of what we’re working on.  It will be fascinating to hear how the end result will sound like, once the album is released.

We hope to make the waiting time for the new album a little shorter and sweeter with this release. It’s so exciting to share the different stages of our music with you. Stay tuned for more important news on the EP.

The EP Paradise (What About Us?), will be released on Friday September 27th world wide and on October 1st in North America
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 30, 2013, 06:08:12 pm
haron's studio update: Hello,
This weekend I came back from Norway on Sunday. As soon as the silence had returned in our home in the evening, Robert and I were alone again with our digital writing paper and we had to finish the lyrics for a song called 'RUN', which is just a demo title for now. I was scheduled to sing on tuesday. Most times we work best under pressure but the words wouldn't come.

When we write a new song, the 'yoghurt' lyrics, as we like to call them, for the demo already head towards a specific subject and that does make it easier, except that night.  A lot of times we fall in love with certain words or the sound of certain words because it just fits the emotion somehow, although they don't make real sense or it isn't as poetic as you would like it to be and that is where the search for the right words with the right sound start.

We continued on monday and didn't finish it until late in the evening. Than I had the "brilliant" idea to let Buffi Dubberman double check the lyrics before I had to start in the studio the next day. Our lovely lyric slayer made time for it even though she was asked on the spot and was very busy with her new book '30 ways to save your ass in English', great title don't you think and how suitable in this situation... hahaha...

Buffi and WT go way back. We started to work with each other for the first time during 'The Silent Force' album. Luckily for us, she knows how chaotic creative minds can be.

Recordings went pretty smooth the next day and we worked from 11.00 until 23.00. We recorded it all including backing vocals and add lips. Robert had already started to finish lyrics for another song in the meantime and on Wednesday I was back in the studio to record a song called 'Roses'. It did help that we already had a big part done concerning vocal lines & lyrics when we did the pre-studio demos but it can still be a big puzzle to finish it.

Everyone was pretty beat by the day before and we stopped at 18.00 hrs. Still had to pack my bags before I went to Bilbao Spain the next day. That is were I'm now. We have a few hours left and than we hit the stage at En Vivo festival.

Next week we'll be back with a new report, so stay tuned!

Sharon, Ruud, Stefan, Martijn, Jeroen, Mike and Robert

Within Temptation
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 31, 2013, 04:20:35 pm
Setlist Bilbao (

Fire and Ice (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 06, 2013, 03:32:21 pm
This weekend, we’re coming to Rock’n Coke in Istanbul for the very last show of the festival season.

We already visited Poland, Switserland, Austria, the Czech Republic, Belgium, Russia, Finland, Romania, Sweden, Norway, Spain and the Netherlands and Turkey is the last stop for our festival season.

Ruud won’t be able to join us on stage for this show, as he will be playing with his acoustic Iron Maiden cover project Maiden uniteD in Germany this weekend. Fortunately, Robert can fill in and will be rocking the stage with us this Sunday.

You can find more information on Rock’n Coke here.

We’re excited to visit Istanbul again and to see you there!
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 06, 2013, 06:47:47 pm
Studio update
Sharon's studio update: After the show in Bilbao, Spain, we had to work full force on the upcoming album, again. We were all a bit on the edge. There was so much on our plate and there's no space or time for anything to go wrong. On the schedule of this week; video editing, recording vocals on 'Silver moonlight' & extras on 'Roses', finishing the CD-cover and decide on artwork, writing lyrics for 'Dangerous', writing a studio report, etcetera.

Monday I was editing the new video with Maarten Welzen. Going through all the shots of the band and our 'mystery guest'. There were a million shots to choose from and we were both glad we could do this together. It was like a big puzzle with a lot of options for the same missing part. Putting the frames in the right timing with the music & colour grading. Although we decided on all the scenes that day, until Friday this is going to be on going process. The storyline of the video was all ready done by Tim SmiT & Maarten so that was one worry less.  Without any doubt this is our best video so far on every level.  I'm so proud!!!

On Tuesday we were finalising the lyrics for 'Silver Moonlight' and decided to throw away the album cover which was all most done. It was good, but it wasn't special enough. Our new album cover should visualise what people can expect sound wise. In this case? More modern although the image itself is something that would always fit with our identity. It's a combination of old and new elements. You'll understand what I mean when you get to see it.  It has to be done on Friday.

Wednesday, we recorded the vocals for 'Silver Moonlight' which is a heavy m.f., although you wouldn't think so with this title. I can tell you there's nothing sweet about this song…lol. On the demo you can even hear Robert growling again. It will appear on the EP.
In the evening we had a meeting about packaging of the new album, special editions, stuff like that.

Thursday, we were back in the studio for extra vocals. Besides the normal vocals, I had to do some pretty weird stuff, which we're going to play around with sound wise.  Daniel Gibson said at a certain point: "Can you sing this 'ohoh'".  I glanced at him trying to figure out if he was serious and he smiled "I know, you'll sound like a seal, but I have such a great idea what we can do with that".  Why I said "ok", I still don't know,  but I said "if you ever use this against me… I'll know where to find you" and I smiled back. It wasn't the last idiotic sound I had to make for the recordings that day, but I'm glad you'll NEVER hear it.

Friday,  it's D-day, I'm glad this week is all most done and we have a great excuse not to work on the album this weekend. We're going to Turkey to play at Rock 'n Coke in Istanbul which will be the last festival for us this year.
Still have to go into the lyrics of 'Dangerous', so I have to get back to the heart of our universe at this point in time 'our album'.

Have a great weekend!
Ciao, Sharon

Sharon, Ruud, Stefan, Martijn, Jeroen, Mike and Robert

Within Temptation
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 09, 2013, 04:10:31 pm
Setlist Rock and Coke (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 13, 2013, 03:41:02 pm
On September 27, Within Temptation will release the ‘Paradise (What About Us?)’ EP and promotional video, featuring a unique collaboration with classically trained Finnish rock diva, Tarja Turunen guesting on the title track.

Sharon comments, “When we had written the first version of ‘Paradise’ and listened back to the demo we’d recorded and the epic power of the song, we thought of Tarja instantly.  How well this track would fit her classical voice and how extra special it would be if we sang it together.  The more we thought about this wild idea, the more excited we got about it!”

Following several video trailers teasing the track, fans have been speculating on the band’s Facebook page who the duet would be with, some guessing it couldn’t possibly be a “competing” artist like Tarja. However, the two singers had no hesitation joining forces, having never thought of themselves as competitors!  Sharon continues, “Of course I didn’t know what to expect from Tarja, as we’d never actually met in person ‘til June this year.  Our first encounter was via a Skype call we’d set-up to discuss the collaboration and we immediately clicked, not only creatively but personally.  After we’d spoken, it felt completely natural that we would do this together!”

Tarja adds, “It was very nice to finally meet Sharon and the Within Temptation guys.  I truly appreciate the invitation and the opportunity to work with them on their song ‘Paradise’.  So wonderful that they thought of me!  I hope our fans will like this ‘girl power’ duet!”

The song and accompanying music video share a central theme; that only constructive cooperation can lead to creation.  To establish a new paradise, rising from the ashes of the old, we must work together.

For the first time, Within Temptation have also decided to give fans a very intimate insight into how they capture their song ideas early on. The EP will contain 3 additional tracks – demo versions of brand new songs intended for the forthcoming album. The demos include ‘Let Us Burn’, ‘Silver Moonlight’, and ‘Dog Days’. Despite the demo versions missing intended symphonic, orchestral sounds and a finished mix, the powerful energy surging through the tracks can be heard right from the start.

The duet between Sharon and Tarja is just one facet of the new material. Robert reveals, “For the first time, Within Temptation will release an album with several artistic collaborations, some of which will be seen as groundbreaking for our band and musical style.”

Consequently, the recording and production of the sixth studio album is still underway. With a release date set for end of January 2014, it is therefore necessary to reschedule the previously announced first leg of the band’s worldwide tour to allow time to rehearse the live show and prepare for the album’s release.

The band’s world tour will now begin on February 26, 2014 in Helsinki, with some newly added Eastern European dates, announced today, which will go on sale on Friday September 20, 2013. The rescheduled shows will kick off on April 6 in Munich and run through to May 2 in Amsterdam. The band intends to add further overseas dates during the remainder of 2014.

Robert says: “We understand that the rescheduled tour dates are a blow for the many fans who have bought tickets early and we sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused.  We hope they feel a little compensated by the release of our new, special priced 4-song EP, which gives them full insight into the kind of album we are working on.  To make up for the rescheduled dates, we’re now pressured to work even harder to deliver our best and most impressive live production ever on the upcoming tour, however the completion of a great new album is a prerequisite for that!  And therefore the only option was to reschedule the dates for Western Europe.”

Tickets that have been purchased already will remain valid for the rescheduled dates.

Pre-order of the digital EP starts today, September 13. Pre-order it here.

Within Temptation - Paradise (What About Us?) featuring Tarja

1. Paradise (What About Us?) feat. Tarja
2. Let Us Burn (demo version)
3. Silver Moonlight (demo version)
4. Dog Days (demo version)
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 13, 2013, 03:54:46 pm
Teaser (


Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 13, 2013, 06:25:23 pm
Samples (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 19, 2013, 03:54:12 pm
The world tour in 2014 has been expanded with shows in Finland, Russia, Lithuania, Ukraine, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Austria and Switzerland.

Tickets for the new Eastern European dates will go on sale tomorrow. The complete overview of all confirmed tour dates is listed on the tour page. The ticket links for the new European shows will be added to the tour page at 10.00 (GMT+1) as well.

The recording and production of the new album is still underway, which made it necessary to reschedule the previously announced first leg of the tour. The rescheduled shows will kick off on April 6 in Munich. Please look at the tour page to see when the rescheduled shows will take place. Tickets that have been purchased already will remain valid for the rescheduled dates. Read more about the rescheduling and the album, here.
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 19, 2013, 04:30:24 pm
Sample (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 20, 2013, 06:34:26 pm
Studio update
Another update from Robert: The spill your guts week and save it with milk

Heya, back again with a studio update!

For Sharon and me, this week has been mainly about writing lyrics and singing.

It's def not been a week a of sweet, sensitive, innocent songs, no it was more the spill-your-guts-destroy-everything-in-your-way, mad-at-the-world-and-end-up-with-a-soar-throat type of week.  Sharon told me yesterday after she was done recording one of the songs…"I don't think I've been singing so loud on a track before, it was almost like I was screaming, but my god it felt so good... Can we do this more?"

This morning it was my turn. I had to buy a few liters of milk before going to studio 'cause I had to do some grunting on a song called "Silver Moonlight" (of which you can find the demo on the paradise EP next week). Milk or yoghurt is pretty much the standard recipe to take before doing some solid grunts. It does a bit the opposite of what an apple does for singers, it creates lots of slime in your throat which enables you to let the grunts grooooowl much easier. Also if you sometimes, like me, use the wrong grunting technique and you hurt your voice the cold milk eases the stinging feeling. Anyway it went so well I was surprised I could still do it after so many years. I actually had a lot fun, mmmm also taste for more but no more milk for me this weekend. I had enough for the whole week.

Now next week, only one song left to write lyrics on and to record vocals for. After that we can start finalising the arrangements of the songs before final mixing begins. But before that…next Friday we will have a drink on the release of Paradise! May she have an exciting journey through the world.

Till then and for now...nothing wrong in CELEBRATING THE WEEKEND !!!


Sharon, Ruud, Stefan, Martijn, Jeroen, Mike and Robert

Within Temptation
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 27, 2013, 03:48:54 pm
Robert feels the cooperation with Tarja fits the theme of the single and video: “Man can only overcome unjustice and create a better world when they think of us, the world community, instead of the individual”.

The “Paradise (What About Us?)” EP includes the following tracks:
1. Paradise (What About Us?)
2. Let Us Burn (demo version)
3. Silver Moonlight (demo version)
4. Dog Days (demo version) (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 28, 2013, 03:57:49 pm
Update from Robert: About letting your song go and a very courageous Tarja

The moment I'm writing this newsletter the Paradise Video is just out and I can tell you a lot of emotions are going trough us right now at hyper speed. It's always such a special moment when you let your song go, to be free out there in the world on it's one. We have had it so close to us and working on it so much for almost the whole past year. But now it's not longer our growing baby, it's full grown and will stay how it is right now forever.

And now it's yours too. For you to like it (or not) and for you to connect to your life, your memories, emotions and fantasy.
Bit philosophical maybe but that's how it feels to us.

Also, every time we push the refresh button and see the view and like count go up like we've never seen before, we feel very grateful to Tarja. She has showed so much courage by doing the song and video recordings with a, for her at first totally unknown group of people. Regardlessly, she put so much effort and passion in this video. Only because of this openness and courage you can feel can feel pure magic excist between Tarja en Sharon. She has maybe even created the most special release in our musical career for us until now.

Back on earth... Sharon is in the studio right now, recording vocals to probably the last song for this album. But I'm just going to push the refresh button a few more times today and already start to enjoy my weekend in Paradise.

So ciao for now and ofcourse…
I wish you all a weekend in Paradise 2 !!!

Sharon, Ruud, Stefan, Martijn, Jeroen, Mike and Robert

Within Temptation
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 04, 2013, 08:40:02 pm
Paradise Making of (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 04, 2013, 08:42:55 pm
Studio update
A new studio update from Robert: Mixing has started again this week. After Paradise, 'Let Us Burn' is the second song where Stefan Glaumann will put his magic sound on.

For us, after the exciting release and a release party with the crew who made the video of Paradise, we got back into the studio again. Mainly to go through the songs and see which ones needed the most attention, to prepare them for mix. For one song we thought it would be cool to let a young girl read a part of the poem that inspired the song. This Sunday we'll try to record her with a smart phone instead of a fancy microphone. Hopefully that will give a cool crappy sound to it. The poem is called 'Ode on Melancholy' by John Keats, by the way. Check it out, it's really beautiful.

For the rest, we're also doing a lot of planning now, for the promotion of the album and for the making of the next music video, which we might shooting in the US... then again, maybe not, we'll see.

Anyways for now, have fun with the making of video. We really enjoyed watching it. Next week we'll probably also release another video which is also a 'the making of the Paradise video' but then from a completely different angle.

But before next week…

Ya'll take care and let's do a maximum enjoyment of the weekend !

Sharon, Ruud, Stefan, Martijn, Jeroen, Mike and Robert

Within Temptation

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 10, 2013, 04:39:51 pm

Fuente (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 11, 2013, 06:20:12 pm
Paradise photoshoot (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 11, 2013, 06:22:35 pm
Studio update
A brand new studio update from Robert:

It's been a good week in the studio. The mix of 'Let Us Burn' is final now and Stefan Glaumann is working on the mix of "Silver Moonlight' as we speak. Both are tracks of which you can find the demos on the EP. The songs are still the same in the core, but they just sound a lot better. Levels are more in control so you can hear the details better and there's simply more energy in songs overall. Can't wait for the mastering of Ted Jensen, because he always adds the final bonus power and energy to the sound.

Guitars and keyboards/orchestra are coming in for the last songs and I've also been doing a few growling lines on two other songs here and there.
Sharon has done a few 'epic' sounding choir lines but is mostly working really hard on the special edition of the album. Selecting photos and discussing the artwork. Shall we reveal a little bit about the style ? Ok, it's a bit in Art Deco style and pretty rough, to match the heavier character of the album and of course it fits the album title really well.

Next week 2 more mixes and planning some new video shoots with prob at least one in the US, but first…

Weekend !

Y'all have great one!


Sharon, Ruud, Stefan, Martijn, Jeroen, Mike and Robert

Within Temptation
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 18, 2013, 10:20:56 pm (

Special Effects break down
Last two weeks, you could already see two videos showing you how the video for "Paradise (What About Us?)" was made and how Tarja and Sharon got together for a photo shoot.

This week, TimSmiT - the VFX artist for the official video - created the video below to show you what was created using special effects for the video.
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 18, 2013, 10:24:20 pm
Studio update

Another word from Robert: Stress, who ? me? us?  nah no way... why? aaaaaargh

Ok I do admit. It was a kind of a stressful week and that's perhaps an understatement.
It had to do with that a lot of things that needed to be finalized for the album, and finalized means final... no way back... for ever and ever... and ever... final. Like the names of the songs, the order of songs, a selection of 100 pages of photos for the special edition, the artwork. Also the credit list which is also always kind of a thing. You know millions of people are possibly going to read them and if you then spell somebody's name wrong, get his function/contribution to the album wrong, or even worse forget to thank him when you did thank the other less important person... well you get the picture, not happy people. And of course we want happy people, or at least most of them.

Strange thing is also when you decide the order of the album that you realize there's only one good possible order to put the tracks in.
But also realizing when listening to it, know that's it's really a hell of an exciting album to listen to from beginning to end. Really can't wait know to let you all see and hear it.

Now a good thing of finalizing is that you don't have to think about the stuff you finalized anymore which means...
we can have a real good celebration of the weekend!

Hope you do the same and make it at least until the next newsletter cause then there will be some biiig and 'final' announcements going to be made. Hold on tight!

Cheeeers !!

Sharon, Ruud, Stefan, Martijn, Jeroen, Mike and Robert

Within Temptation

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 25, 2013, 07:16:40 pm
Studio update
Studio update from Sharon:

Writing a studio-update in the studio, how appropriate…lol.
Still in the phase of receiving mixes from Mr Viking: Stefan Glaumann and we have been preparing ourselves for the press days today and tomorrow, which are held at the famous Wisseloord studios. In the background Robert was making mixes for 'Edge of the World' & 'Dog days' as we had no finished mixes of these songs yet to present to the journalists.

Looking back at this week, we left for Brugge, Belgium, on Friday to mix music with a few days off. We needed to catch our breath. We've been working long days for a long time and needed a bit of a break. So we went to Brugge for three days & I can recommend it. What a city, so much to see and to do. On Saturday evening we went to the 'Metal Female Voices Festival' to join Delain on stage for two songs; 'No compliance' & the golden oldie 'Restless' which Martijn wrote the music for together with Robert so that was a bit nostalgic for The Westerholt's & me; walking down memory lane back stage with our previous tour manager 'Rik' & Delain and telling each other 'on the road stories' with a nice glass of red wine/ beer and discussing Dutch politics with Charlotte's boyfriend… Superb!

The day after, we went back to 'MFVF' after a day of culture in Brugge, to meet up with Tarja & her husband. After the show we went to their night-liner where we also met Floor Janssen and we finally drank the glass off wine didn't have time before at the video and photo shoot. We ended up telling each other on-the-road stories again and almost pissed my pants, so hilarious and so recognizable!!! It became one of those weekends, you'll never forget!

Now I've got to hit the sack because the day will start early tomorrow, cheerio folks!
Lots of love, Sharon

Sharon, Ruud, Stefan, Martijn, Jeroen, Mike and Robert

Within Temptation
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 01, 2013, 06:28:01 pm
Studio update
Another studio update from Robert: Eating socks and more.

Bumpy last ride to the finish of this album but at least the finish is getting really close. Another 3 mixes finalized this week and almost finished arranging the first radio single which will be the last one to be mixed next week or just after.

It's really surprising sometimes how a song can get a different feel when you add some other lines and instruments. A sad theme played by a kind of  'Twin Peakes' piano was added to the chorus and did a lot for the song. It gave it a very sad feeling. Also a swelling string section 30's style for the verse and a 'Game of Throne'-like cello in the intro made the whole song fall into place. It's a real special song for us not by the least because of who is singing the song with Sharon. This time no female singer from the scene but one of our big heroes of the nineties.

Anyway next week the announcement HAS to be made. No more socks to be eaten so no way to escape it or else I will go into hiding in a safe house (preferably somewhere warm with a private beach)

For now enjoy me suffering and of course the weekend is there to celebrate the end of the week and stay strong till next one !!!


Sharon, Ruud, Stefan, Martijn, Jeroen, Mike and Robert

Within Temptation
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 06, 2013, 03:59:52 pm
Keep an eye on the website, this Friday. There is an important announcement coming up!

It has a face (more than one)…
It has come to life…
Be aware!
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 08, 2013, 03:31:20 pm
Within Temptation collaborated with several special guests on ‘Hydra’: Tarja Turunen, Dave Pirner of Soul Asylum and metalcore hero Howard Jones, formerly of Killswitch Engage as well as US hip-hop icon Xzibit.

Robert: “Xzibit is amazing. ‘And We Run’ song is about how you’ve got to live your life now. He’s rapping at full force on this song, it’s really heavy.” Sharon adds: “Xzibit brings a new element to our music that we’ve never had before! It’s a new cross-over and we love it!” As for the mighty Tarja, Sharon recalls: “The way she delivers those high melody lines left us all speechless. We had a great time, and the fans responded beyond our expectations.”

One of the album’s heaviest tracks, ‘Dangerous’ was recorded with the former Killswitch Engage singer Howard Jones, whose epic vocals are a perfect fit for Sharon’s. “I always loved Howard’s voice,” she says. “He makes the song even heavier than it already is. That song is one of my favorite songs on the record and one of the fastest we’ve ever written. It has the most bass drums we’ve ever used, too, and a very fast riff which we doubled with synths. It’s not a typical synthesizer, though – it’s distorted like a guitar, and it’s very aggressive.”

‘Hydra’ goes from strength to strength with ‘Whole World Is Watching’, featuring Soul Asylum’s singer Dave Pirner. “When we wrote ‘Whole World Is Watching’, Dave was at the very top of our list. He has such a captivating voice: it made the song exactly how it needed to be.“

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 08, 2013, 03:36:24 pm
It’s official: Within Temptation’s sixth studio album is called ‘Hydra’ and will be released on the 31st of January, 2014.

1.   Let Us Burn
2.   Dangerous feat. Howard Jones
3.   And We Run feat. Xzibit
4.   Paradise (What About Us?) feat. Tarja
5.   Edge Of The World
6.   Silver Moonlight
7.   Covered By Roses
8.   Dog Days
9.   Tell Me Why
10.   Whole World Is Watching feat. Dave Pirner

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 08, 2013, 03:38:55 pm
Deluxe Box Set
Aside from the digital premium version, Hydra will also be released in a deluxe box set including exclusive items many of you have been asking for, for a long time:

Within Temptation - Hydra - Deluxe Box Set

* Hydra 18-track album including bonus tracks in the form of a media book with a hot foil print cover, featuring a 100 page booklet consisting of unique photos
* Double gatefold black vinyl version of the album including bonus tracks
* Instrumental version of the entire album
* Songbook with sheet music of the songs of the album
* Hydra guitar pick
* Packaged in an especially designed LP-sized box

Pre-order the Hydra Deluxe Box Set:
Within Temptation web shop | |

Eventually, Hydra will also be available as a jewel-case CD version, a double vinyl LP, and a Special Edition Double CD with the media book. (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 12, 2013, 05:13:29 pm
Sharon @ MFVF (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 15, 2013, 06:14:18 pm
Studio update
Another word from Robert: When we started writing for Hydra 2 years ago we had nothing, no idea where and how it would end and moreover, not when it would end. And now we are sitting here with a finished master, of a complete new album with over 50 minutes of new blasting songs, which can't wait to be unleashed into the world. We never get bored by that feeling and it surely is of the best feeling we know. All the blood sweet and tears are forgotten, as if they have not even been there. Well, the reality was quite the opposite. We have set our goals higher then ever before.

We wanted to write an album to blow, first of all ourselves away. We wanted to do better than we think we even could (sounds weird huh). We wanted it to be a real Within Temptation record, but heavier, more musically challenging, pushing borders and frontiers with new elements and influences, and at the same time bring back more from our early metal roots... a bit like the past and future at the same time.

A year ago, it felt like we had an impossible task to do, like building a mountain with our bare hands. Now it's like we are on the top that mountain, enjoying the view we mysteriously were able to build, but really don't know how we did it anymore.
But that's how it should be, how an album should be born. In a mysterious uncontrollable way with a will of its own.

Now just be carefull when it will be unleashed January the 31st…Hydra is not without danger.

Haha well that almost sounds serious huh? Back to real life… we are not done, not by far. Next week we are recording TWO new videos. Very much looking forward to meet Dave and Howard and hope we will have some free time to spend together, next to shooting the videos.

Now the master of Hydra is done we all (and that's including you too) once again found a very valid excuse for a celebration this weekend.

So have a nice one and keep track of Twitter, Facebook and such for updates on the videoshoot and if you would happen to miss those, than there always is of course the next newsletter.

So anyway till next week and stay strong!

Cheers and take care !!!

Sharon, Ruud, Stefan, Martijn, Jeroen, Mike and Robert

Within Temptation

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 22, 2013, 06:11:56 pm
Ruud grabando (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 22, 2013, 06:15:03 pm
Album update
Another album update from Robert: This week was video week. We were shooting 2 videos. Normally this means a lot of stress, very little sleep and risking pneumonia because you're waiting all day and night, mostly in the cold outside filming at outside locations. Ofcourse it's all worth it, if you get a good video, but the thing with videos is that you're never guaranteed of a good result.

On the other hand that's maybe also what we like about them. We love challenges, both physically and creatively, and taking calculated risks once in a while makes you feel alive. Talking about risks that make you feel alive… well that's actually everything what the video for 'Dangerous' is all about. It's really going to be breathtaking and heart pulse raising. At least that's really what it did with us looking at the first material.

This time the whole shoot was a bit out of the ordinairy. Outside you could already feel winter is on it's way, but we were sweating like hell and banging like crazy inside a huge, but a very comfortably warm filming studio.

The shooting days were not that long so we also had plenty of time to show Dave Pirner, who flew over to record the video for 'Whole World is Watching' with us, a little bit of Amsterdam. We had a lot of fun together and despite there is so much to do and to see in Amsterdam, we still ended up talking about music most of our time. Guess we never get enough of that.

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 22, 2013, 06:17:07 pm
What also made this shoot really special, is that since 10 years we were working with director Patric Ullaeus again. Patric was the one who made our video for 'Mother Earth'. That video actually was our first serious music video. Also even after so many years we still like that video a lot. I guess he also has laid the basis for a lot of videos after that one because we learned so much from him about making videos at that time.

But of course also this shoot didn't go complete as we planned. The initial plan was to shoot the video for 'Dangerous' here in Holland, together with Howard Jones but some unforseen events changed those plans, so we will probably be filming Howard somewhere in the next weeks.

This time it's not going to be long before you get to see how this video turned out as it prob needs to be finished and released on Youtube within a month.

Anyway there is so much more to tell about these videos but we will do that next week because now…
It's time to celebrate the weeeeeeekend.

Have fun and hang on till at least the next update !

Take care !!!

Sharon, Ruud, Stefan, Martijn, Jeroen, Mike and Robert

Within Temptation
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 28, 2013, 03:54:49 pm
HYDRA song by song:

Let Us Burn: It crashes and bangs at all corners. The opener Within Temptation shows her magnificent page. However, Sharon stops the wild dance before she screams the escalating chorus through the speakers. If one wants to actually hear again immediately. The line "Let us burn" is the mantra.

Dangerous, And We Run: Now it gets really wild. Worried Howard Jones already for astonishment, drop the listeners now definitively ears off. The American rap icon Xzibit steps up to the mic and bangs with Rhymes around. The strange thing: It fits perfectly into the thick sound of the song. Metal to the booty shaking!

Paradise (What About Us): already known from the EP - and, yes, the song also works in the context of the album wonderfully. Two magnificent voices throw themselves repeatedly to the balls. Powerful, emotional and epic. The currently provide this quality only Within Temptation.

Edge Of The World : finally allowed to be cuddled, but this epic ballad can not fire the first time. To unspectacular and smooth effect the result. The chorus seems a little hectic. For the grand finale, the guitar may be involved.

Silver Moonlight: A typical Within Temptation song, one might say at first. First, Sharon languishes on their archetypal Art Then the thunder is heard before suddenly appear growls. Since ENTER you have not heard such a thing. For fans of the old school one hit!

Dog Days: The most beautiful verses of the album mate with a classic chorus that goes into the ear immediately and do not want to get out so quickly. For some fans may be too classic, for sure other THE perfect song.

Tell Me Why: crash. Bumm. Immediately. Sharon sings like a siren against the musical apocalypse and tames it with a soft vocal melody. The chorus works through the big sounds a bit overweight. More for the U.S. market.

Conclusion: Within Temptation fans can breathe easy, because HYDRA is the perfect successor of THE UNFORGIVING. More bombast, more outliers - but also more metal. Though lacking an over-hit, but this album sounds like, despite all the variety of a piece. Audrey Dujardin

You can read more in the new number of http://www.metal-ham...-dio-u-v-m.html
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 29, 2013, 06:21:52 pm
Album update
A new update from Robert: New music on vintage albums. Hooked on Vinyl now !

Sharon has been doing interviews all week long and is in Paris at the moment. All this traveling and long days of talking is pretty tiring, but she is really enjoying herself because of the great reactions she is getting on Hydra. We are ofcourse far from objective but it is still good to hear that the press feels the same magic in this album as we do. Most describe it has a our heaviest, musically most refreshing and bravest album with at the same time influences of our early past.

Talking about the past... I'm really excited about these special versions we are making of this album. Next to a CD with a 100 pages (which is more like a book), we have a special vinyl version of the album for the deluxe box set.

Today I received the test pressing for the Hydra vinyl. It's been really, really, really long since I played a vinyl record. But man, I get excited instantly, holding this vinyl in my hands. Much more than a download, it feels like something special... Almost something secret. Only when you put it on the player and it starts spinning with the needle on it, it will reveal itself to you. Taking this whole big thing out of it's sleeve and putting it on the player already is something that creates tension. Then the boom and cracks you hear when the needle hits the record for the first time... wow... how cool is this.

The music starts playing... damn it sounds good. I didn't expect that. I was expecting the sound to be a bit thinner than the digital version, but instead it actually sounds warm and fat.
It's also really cool when you accidentally bump the player and it speeds up and slows down for a second. It's really much more of a living thing. You really have to treat the album with respect.

As the album exceeds 50 minutes in length, it is printed on two vinyls. So every 2 or 3 tracks you have to turn it around. Haha this is soooo cool. I'm afraid I'm hooked. I'm going to start ordering more vinyl from now on.

A very good opportunity to use the weekend for.
So much fun :-)

Hope you all also have a great weekend with a lot of vinyl parties !

Till next week !!!!

Sharon, Ruud, Stefan, Martijn, Jeroen, Mike and Robert
Je suis arrive!!!

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 04, 2013, 03:48:58 pm
Within Temptation’s show in the Heineken Music Hall in Amsterdam (NL) on the 2nd of May is sold out! Don’t worry if you didn’t have the chance to get tickets yet, though: the band will do an extra show in the HMH on the 3rd of May!

These two shows in the Heineken Music Hall will be the first shows in the Netherlands after the release of the new album on the 31st January 2014.

Ticket sales for the extra show start this Friday (December 6) at 10.00 (GMT+1). Starting Friday, you can immediately pre-order ‘Hydra’ along with your HMH tickets, to make sure you receive the album on the day of release. Keep an eye on the website for a ticket link.

Sharon: “We are excited that our first show in the HMH sold out so incredibly fast! The heavy sound of Hydra demands a location where this will come across right, hence the choice to do a show at the Heineken Music Hall, which is designed for a great sound. This will be the first time we are performing at the HMH, and it is amazing we can announce an extra show.”

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 06, 2013, 06:37:15 pm
Album update
This week's album update is from Sharon: Hi everyone,

The time has come to promote our new born 'Hydra'.
Last week and a half  I went to Finland,  spent two days in France, two days in Germany and one day in the Netherlands; for a second round of interviews in the Wisseloord studios and another day of international phoners. Next week it's going to be two days in the UK and there are more international phoners coming up, sometimes through Skype as you can see on one of the picture below. Got blisters on my tongue of all the talking…

Robert's been working on a new radio mix for the US, they want more guitars and here in the EU they'll probably want a bit less guitar on the radio…lol. While we've finished the album, it's not finished at all. There' are always still so many things we need to do: radio-edits/phoners/photo sessions, videos, etcetera...
In January, we will have a heavy promotion schedule and we'll be going to a lot of different EU countries to play at radio stations and we'll also go to the US. We're going to do promotion over there and we are planning another tour in the US for 2014.

I was really happy to get so much positive feedback from the interviewers and radio stations as they are the first feedback we get on our new stuff. There was one though, who surprised me the most. A few weeks back we had two days for members of the press to come over and hear the new album. It were metal/rock/ gothic /mainstream magazines and radio people. There was one guy, from a metal magazine, and he was really not liking the song 'AND WE RUN' with Xzibit and he was really clear and honest why he didn't like it. It's not easiest thing for us but ok, it was his opinion and we do understand why, it's all about  people having a different taste and that's ok.

I saw him again last week, in Germany and he said,' I have a confession to make; I'm really getting into the song now and it's really one of my favourites'. I all most fell of my chair when he said it and than he added, 'actually everyone at our magazine is loving it and it's being played in the office a lot'. How cool is that? :-)

Robert is still working on the new stage set up for the upcoming tour and those who would like to get a peek, you'll have to watch "join the beat", it's a cool Dutch TV program about music. They came to our studio and they filmed a lot including the stage set up in a early stage. It will be broadcasted this Monday on NED 3 (channel 3 Dutch television).

Ok that's all for now!
Ciao, Sharon :-)

Sharon, Ruud, Stefan, Martijn, Jeroen, Mike and Robert

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 11, 2013, 09:11:48 pm
Last week, Sharon visited Rock Antenne in Munich to talk about the new album.

Watch the video below to hear her explain why the album is called ‘Hydra’, to hear more about the collaborations on the album and hear a first snippet of the upcoming single ‘Dangerous’! (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 13, 2013, 03:33:14 pm
Dangerous (ft Howard Jones) (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 13, 2013, 06:18:34 pm
Album update
A new album update from Robert: It's not going to be long before we will get the first version of the video for 'Dangerous' with Howard Jones. I was expecting it this week already, but I'm sure we will get it this weekend or just after, because the release is going to be soon… very soon. So no teasing for weeks (or at least not too much). Really look forward to this video because it's really going to be something different this time. Both video and music-wise, it's fast and action-packed. The song is about thrill seekers, and well let's say you won't miss out on them in this video.
We did see clips of the making of the video, which was fun to watch. We really enjoyed this video shoot and that shows.

The rest of week we've been working on the development of the live show. As we are playing the largest venues so far it also puts the pressure on us to deliver the best stage design and show so far. We are not there yet, but there are already some really spectacular ideas of things we've never done before.

And last but not least, we've been busy trying to come up with ideas for a video for the song 'And We Run' with Xzibit. I think for the first time in our career we will release 4 videos for an album. Well, next week is going to be about getting as much as possible done before Christmas. It's going to be a busy week but after that a niiiice long break. Long live Santa !!!

Have a smacking weekend !!!
Till next week cause you've got make it to Christmas :-)

Sharon, Ruud, Stefan, Martijn, Jeroen, Mike and Robert

Within Temptation
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 13, 2013, 06:21:05 pm
First festival of 2014
Aside from the tour in 2014, the first festival Within Temptation will attend is confirmed: Within Temptation will be playing at Copenhell in Denmark!

The fifth edition of the festival will take place in June 2014. Aside from WT, Iron Maiden, Megadeth, Arch Enemy and other acts are playing at the festival in 2014.
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 18, 2013, 03:59:32 pm
Get the first two singles of Hydra before the release! Pre-order Hydra on iTunes now, and you will receive ‘Dangerous’ featuring Howard Jones and ‘Paradise (What About Us?)’ featuring Tarja, immediately!

The video for ‘Dangerous’ will be released on the 20th of December.

Note: ‘Dangerous’ is only available in the US now and will be available on iTunes Europe starting Dec. 20th.

The song was recorded with the former Killswitch Engage singer Howard Jones, whose epic vocals are a perfect fit for the track.
Sharon says: “I always loved Howard’s voice. He makes the song even heavier than it already is. That song is one of the fastest we’ve ever written, and one of our favourite songs on the record. It has the most bass drums we’ve ever used, too, and a very fast riff which we doubled with synths. It’s not a typical synthesiser, though – it’s distorted like a guitar, and it’s very aggressive.”

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 18, 2013, 06:11:20 pm
Teaser Dangerous (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 19, 2013, 03:54:11 pm
Within Temptation & Gem Kingdom start an adventure in silver.

We proudly present our personalized Within Temptation jewelry pieces made by Gem Kingdom.
Sharon has been an admirer of the Gem Kingdom pieces for a long time and was invited to work together with the Dutch jewel designers. The first pieces are a male and female silver guitar pick holder transformed into a beautiful necklace.

Sharon: "I was really impressed by Bernard and Johanna of Gem Kingdom and and I just love their style. Every piece is a piece of art to my opinion. It really suits my stage outfits and the smaller pieces really go well with the casual way I’m dressed during the day. After many years of wearing their jewelry on stage, during interviews… actually always, the time has come to personalize their jewelry style for Within Temptation."

The pendants are handmade pick holders with a 'WT' logo for men and a bow for ladies, for carrying a guitar pick. The pendant is made of 5,8 gram silver and is attached to a wax chord with a copper closing. The pick necklaces come with a guitar pick.

The necklaces are available on the brand new jewelry website.

Sharon: "These two items are a new creative adventure in silver and I’m looking forward to work with Gem Kingdom in the future."

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 20, 2013, 05:55:06 pm
Within Temptation takes a leap of faith with wing suit base jumpers. Watch the official music video for ‘Dangerous’ featuring Howard Jones, now!

Pre-order Hydra now and you will immediately get the first two singles in ‘Dangerous’ featuring Howard Jones and ‘Paradise (What About Us?)’ featuring Tarja! (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 02, 2014, 05:08:49 pm
Looking forward to the release of ‘Hydra’ this year, watch this video of what 2013 brought!

In this video, you can look back on what 2013 had in store. Watch footage of last year’s summer shows and see if you can spot yourself in the crowd!

All the best for 2014! (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 02, 2014, 05:11:08 pm
Robert cumple hoy 39 años!!!
FELICIDADES!!!!! :011: :011: :011: :011: :011: :011: :011:
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 08, 2014, 03:45:57 pm
Clear your schedule next Tuesday, log in onto Twitter and make sure you follow Sharon (@WTofficial) for a live Twitter Q&A session!

Tuesday January 14 at 04.30 PM (GMT+1), Sharon will be answering your Hydra-related questions live, during a full hour of Twitter madness.

Follow @WTofficial on Twitter and use hashtag #WThydra to have your questions answered live, next week.

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 09, 2014, 04:03:12 pm
Within Temptation will start their 2014 tour in February.
Aside from the tour, the band is also visiting festivals during the summer!

The first festival of 2014 is confirmed: Within Temptation is playing at Copenhell in Denmark. The fifth edition of the festival will take place in June. Aside from Within Temptation, Iron Maiden, Megadeth, Arch Enemy and other acts are playing at Copenhell.
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 10, 2014, 06:58:29 pm
New venue show in Munich on April 6
Due to exploding ticket sales for the shows in Germany, the show on April 6th in Munich will be moved to a larger venue: Zenith in Munich.

The new venue provides room for more friends, as the demand for tickets is incredibly high. Obviously, your ticket for the show in Munich will still be valid for the new venue. Please spread the word to inform everyone of this change of venue!
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 12, 2014, 05:02:15 pm
Samples (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 12, 2014, 11:31:57 pm
Whole Word Is Watching (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 13, 2014, 04:11:56 pm
Entrevista (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 13, 2014, 09:35:42 pm
Portada del single

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 14, 2014, 03:38:31 pm
Great news for friends in the UK!

Within Temptation will be doing a one-time-only, exclusive show at HMV 363 Oxford Street London (next to Bond Street station) on Tuesday the 4th of February at 6pm.

The performance will be an intimate 20 minute acoustic set, followed by a signing session to promote ‘Hydra’.

Tickets are very limited, and will be available tomorrow at 13.00 hrs (GMT+1). .

Make sure you’re ready, because there truly is only a limited amount of tix available!
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 14, 2014, 04:45:39 pm
Within Temptation built their following on a pretty steady diet of symphonic metal. The Dutch band - fronted by the charismatic and operatic Sharon den Adel - felt at home churning out big guitar riffs surrounded by lush string arrangements for the better part of four albums. But they felt like there was more to say musically and on 2011's "The Unforgiving," they broke down the walls to produce a truly breakthrough record. Drawing from the metal bands of the 1980s - Iron Maiden and Metallica were specifically channeled - Within Temptation shed the sometimes pretentious armor of symphonic metallists to create a sound that truly - and simply - rocked. Den Adel threw out the high and pristine vocals that were trademarks of earlier albums like "Enter" and "Mother Earth" and got dirty with a bluesier and more organic way of singing.  Now on "Hydra," the band's new album, they've built on that foundation. As the record title implies - a hydra was an ancient Greek monster of myth that grew two new heads every time one was cut off - "Hydra" is full of new and unexpected sounds and textures. There are songs that reach back to the past and are reminiscent of the twin guitars featured on "Mother Earth" while other tracks feature bits of electronica. There is a bit of growling on the vocals - though it is layered in carefully and not brought out front - and moments where Sharon does sing in that pure, crystalline voice fans will instantly recognize.  Most notably, there are four collaborations with a quartet of very distinct artists. X-Zibit, Howard Jones (former singer with Killswitch Engage), Dave Pimer (Soul Asylum) and Tarja Turunen (ex-singer with Nightwish) each bring their unique vocal talents to the album.  In a transatlantic call to her home in the Netherlands, Sharon den Adel talked about the new album and how the band recorded and conceived the previous five releases. Thankfully the connection was absent of bleeps and burps and virtually every word the singer spoke has been related here. Some grammar has been cleaned up to make things a bit clearer but many of her words and descriptions are captured here faithfully.

 UG: The music on "Hydra" sounds so much more organic. The sound is so much more rawer than on earlier albums. Has it matured in a certain way by letting go?
SdA: Well the case is more is the fact we let go of a certain way of songwriting how we used it in the past. Like in the past we had a certain idea about how we wanted to sound and what we were allowed to be within our genre. Nowadays we feel like with "The Heart of Everything" we felt like we finalized this symphonic kind of sound we were searching for all those years.  "The Heart of Everything" was as far as you wanted to take that symphonic rock style?  We couldn't add anything to that anymore. So we just let all boundaries go musically where we were not allowed to go. We are allowed to go now and we can write whatever we want. In the end we'll see what will fit on the album and what doesn't.  Now you're just writing and seeing where the music takes you?  Before we'd start there would already be boundaries and that would limit you in your freedom to explore different things. It's like being in a box where you can only sound this way or that way. You really have real boundaries. Now it's like anything can come out.  Which explains the album's title - "Hydra" - and all the different kinds of music on the record.  It's become more adventurous in a way. So I do understand in a way what you mean. It's because it has become - I wouldn't say mature - but I would say more variated (Sharon means variegated) and I think a little more special in a way.

 If these boundaries you talk about hadn't been placed on you back in the day, do you think you would have experimented more on those earlier albums?  I'm not sure if we were ready before that and I also don't know if our fans were ready for it. You see that every record we have brought out, we have changed more or less. But I think the last two albums, the changes have been the biggest.  Absolutely.  With every change also, people had some difficulties. I do think our audiences are used to us changing constantly but I think we're asking pretty much from them on the last two records. In the past it was also always based really on fear to change too much along the way.  You weren't afraid to change on "Hydra" and "The Unforgiving?"  Now it's more like based on embracing the changes because we need it. We also understand that's where our challenges lie. So it's not based on fear - it's based on knowing your strength is there also. People like you because every time it's a bit different from the last time you brought out a record.   Change has worked for Within Temptation.  We're not like AC/DC bringing out the same record. You can't make the same kind of music every time. Although I do respect that they can, it's something that even if we would like to we can't. That's what it's about.

 Did you ever think you could take it too far musically? And maybe create something the fans wouldn't embrace?  It's more like it's something you learn while you're doing it. On "The Unforgiving" we had new boundaries again because we had like this concept album also in a way. But this is really the first time we literally have no boundaries at all.

And that accounts for the addition of artists like X-Zibit, Tarja Turunen, Howard Jones and Dave Pimer?  You have special combinations with X-Zibit and Dave Pimer and still doing it within a certain reach of who you are. I think it still sounds very much Within Temptation. But it's just taking combinations that people don't expect from you and invite people on your album people might not expect. Of course Tarja and Howard Jones are people they would expect I think more or less and more than X-Zibit or Dave Pimer in a way.

Before we get to the new record, would you mind if we talked about some of the earlier stuff?  Yeah, no problem.

The Circle was a very early band and that became Voyage?  Yeah, exactly.

 You sang on an album called "Embrace" and a track called "Frozen." 
That's a coincidence. The two "Frozens" are different songs actually.  Of course. I just meant the titles.  Oh, I see. Of course.

You were working with Robert Westerhold in Voyage. Did you have an idea that far back of where you eventually wanted to go with your own music?  Yeah, I think so. At that time we came from the death metal period in Europe. What happened was we got inspired by a band called Paradise Lost because they were one of the first who actually used melody and also they had this song with this opera singer while doing these grunt vocals. They only had one song and they never made a whole concept out of it. Just one song (probably referring to "Breeding Fear" from the Lost Pardise album) and it opened our eyes.  You dug the sound of that harsh growled vocal with the clean opera vocals?  Also because we were very much into Condemned who were from England of course (actually from Ireland) and so it was those kinds of bands and Clannad where we made a mixture out of it. Those bands influenced us when we were forming the Circle. Voyage became actually the Circle and I think the Circle was really the foundation of everything. Voyage - they kicked out Robert after that because he was too bossy - and Martijn (Westerholt, Robert's younger brother and future keyboardist for Within Temptation) just continued with the voyage actually. But I think the Circle was really the basics for Within Temptation. When we started Within Temptation we asked those people back again. But I really think that was already setting the ground for where we still now are.

So you really did have a vision from the very earliest days of what you wanted Within Temptation to sound like?  Even then I think we had this sense of melancholy and darkness but in kind of a dreamy way. Very more doom metal than exactly what we're now doing, which is more uptempo of course. But still we had the melancholy there and we still had the sometimes dreamy kind of psychedelic kind of songs but in a different way again.

Were you listening at all to the straight-up prog bands like Genesis and King Crimson?

Yes, especially when I was growing up my parents were really into those kinds of bands. Jeroen (van Veen), the bass player, he is still in that kind of thing and he listens to lots of jazz, to Yes and also to Genesis. Marillion. Robert really loves Marillion and that was his first love.   Excellent band.  Yeah, exactly. But also after came Iron Maiden and those kind of bands for us. I must say myself I was more a grunge girl actually and listened to Tori Amos and Clannad. I was more into atmospherical kind of stuff.

Were you listening to metal at all?  The heavy stuff for me, my first love was actually Nirvana. Though you can't hear it in our kind of music but what I liked so much about that band and also Tori Amos was there was so much emotion there - it was raw emotion and I loved that so much. Because it was so honest and so pure and in your face and angry in a way also. So it really, really appealed to me a lot. It was my first encounter with heavier music and Tori Amos was more the poetic version of that though in a different kind of way. Because she was also with her lyrics, it touched me immediately when I heard it. When I met Robert, I got into contact with Paradise Lost and so in love with that kind of music.  There were different kinds of music that you were becoming aware of.  Yeah, it just grew gradually. Everybody takes their own influences into Within Temptation because everybody in the band is very different if I must say.

How are they different?

Jeroen is really the symphonic guy and he's the bass player. Martijn (Spierenburg, keyboards) is really the Celtic guy.

What is Robert?

Robert is really the metal and Celtic guy - he's like everything. He likes reggae, hip hop, he likes everything. But from origin he's really a metal guy and his first love of Marillion then became Iron Maiden. Everybody had similar kinds of bands but everybody came from a different corner. Robert grew up with his parents who had only really traditional classical music on. Heavy classical music. My parents were hippies is what they were (laughs). They listened to all kinds of music: the Big Bands from the '50s, Deep Purple, but also Pink Floyd, Chris Rea, ELO. You name it - they were playing it at home and I just grew up with that.  You really had a diverse palette.  When I was four years old, I got pocket money. I had a brother who was six years older and I was only allowed to spend my money on music because I was still a little baby and they didn't want me to spend it on candy or toys. They said, "You're gonna get that from us but now you're only gonna get to spend your money on music." So every Saturday I went with my mom and my brother to the record store and we bought several cassettes at the time.

What did you buy?

I came home with Moody Blues and Jeff Wayne's "The War of the Worlds" and those were the first tapes I ever when I was four years old. So that really was the basis for me for music. I knew a lot of music already from a very early age.

When you went in to record the first album - "Enter" - many of those songs had appeared on earlier demos?

Yeah. It was difficult for us because we made our demos for the first time ourselves and there was a certain atmospheres, which we found difficult to bring back on certain songs again for the real CD. And there was also time limitations and also because the people who were recording us didn't have the same ... how do you say it?  Vision?  Not the same vision but didn't understand our music maybe also. Because we had been of course constantly busy and trying to build a certain kind of sound and was difficult to bring that across or tell them what we wanted also because we were so inexperienced. I think actually the demos of "Enter" is still better than the real CD actually of certain songs anyway. The extra songs (tracks that weren't on the original demos) still turned out very well but I think. But the original ones for instance "Grace" or "Candles," it's really better on the demo actually than on the CD. It's not perfect but because it's not perfect it has more ambience somehow.  Lots of bands suffer from demoitis - chasing that vibe on the demo.  It's something that we're still struggling with every time we make demos. We have this demo syndrome - you fall in love with the demos and have to recapture that moment for the CD. That's something that was always very difficult.

You didn't have much time to lay down your vocals on the "Enter" album?

I had to sing the whole CD I think in one or two days. If you see how much time I have nowadays, it's like one day a song. It's still very short because I have to do all the ad libs and everything myself and that's a lot of work also of course. But I take my time to warm up and stuff and I didn't have that when I was doing "Enter." 

There were problems with the engineers on that record? 

What it also felt like was, I was more critical on how I did my takes than the one who was recording me. He said, "That was great" and I said, "No, it's not great. I was out of tune here and there." And he goes, "Oh, really?" I said, "Really. Let's do it again." They'd say, "Yeah, but I really thought it was great." And I'm like, "I don't think it was great. Let's do it again." If that's the standard then it's like, "Oh god" because you really have to pay attention on what's being recorded. Of course it was a budget thing and although there were really nice people who were helping us out at the time, it was something we had to learn.

In 1999, you built your own studio. Did this impact on the creativity of the band?

No, it was more like we had a place without our neighbors getting angry. We could make as much noise as we wanted to and also we could rehearse as much as we wanted to and whenever we wanted to. There was this drummer and he had this big shed and he said, "You know? You want to build a studio? It's fine. This is the rent."

You actually built the studio yourselves?

We just made sure we paid the rent every time and we were allowed to build a studio within the shed. But that took a lot of money and we always invested before with something. Although for us it was a hobby, for us it was a challenge to make this hobby the ultimate hobby (laughs). We put so much money into this although you could have also bought a car or something else. Every penny we earned, we always put back in the music and it was for years like this. It was fun because we just did our education and we were still studying and we were fine. But at the same time you also have to of course get realistic and say, "OK, there's a point where we have to have a real career or something."

You're talking about making a living?

The music is great but Holland is not the right country for us to have a career in music because people don't take it seriously. You say, "I'm a musician" and they say, "OK, what's your real job?" Because we don't have a tradition of going outside of Holland because Holland is such a small country and you can't be from Holland only to be successful. You need to go outside of Holland to make a really serious career.  How did you break out of Holland?  Knowing that we also started touring. But it was more like, "OK, we just do everything as long as we can and as much as we can besides our education. And when we have our degrees then we have to see how far we want to take it."

You were going to decide whether to keep the band going or break it up when you finished school?

We had our jobs and when we graduated, we were still doing this besides our jobs and we had all good jobs actually. The problem was I must say as I'm looking back now, I feel a bit guilty with the companies I was working for and Robert as well I think in a way. Because still we put so much effort into the band and I think that we should have put maybe also in our jobs. It was more like, "OK."

You were giving everything you had to Within Temptation and only kind of going through the motions when you were at work?

We took the jobs seriously until we went home. If you're trying to make a career you go on when you're at home and you study extra to get to know the branch in order to - do you know what I'm saying when I say branch?  A specialized field?  In some kind of jobs, you have to also get extra education to know even your work more.  Did you pursue additional schooling? 

We didn't do anything extra. It was just like once the job was done we went home and we made music and every weekend we were performing everywhere. Then it came a Monday and we're totally exhausted again and doing our job again (laughs) for the rest of the week. For two years, yeah. We got this hit and it was like the starting point of everything else but it came so unexpected.  What was the song that really did it for the band?  I think the whole album was special in a way because it had a certain sound and everybody who heard it in the metal scene, which was pretty big still in Holland at the time, we went number one everywhere. In all the rock charts in Belgium and it was mind blowing to everybody because you could feel there was something in the air. Also when we played somewhere, it was sold out in no time. Our fanbase became bigger and bigger and we saw something was growing.  That must have felt amazing for all that hard work you put into it.  All of a sudden we said, "We really need to bring out the video now." We had this video company that our record company had hired and we just threw it up. So we felt, "OK, then we make our own video. Let's just make our own video and see what happens." Even then everything didn't go the way we thought it was gonna be. We played on these really big festivals - Pinkpop - and we wanted to release our single and the record company forgot all the singles so there were no singles to be sold and those kinds of things.

There were still bumps in the road?

After that there was this thing called the Box - I don't know if you know it? You could call your video and all the videos had a number and then you come home and you could watch it on television and then you could call the number and say, "I want to see this video." Videos on request.

You put your video on a show like that?

We said, "OK, we make this video but nobody wants to show it" because we made it ourselves in the end. We were one of the few bands who had a website because a lot of guys in the band were like these whiz kids and all had this Internet knowledge. They make the sites and they were like programmers. Our guitar player and his brother. Anyway we had this very sophisticated site already in those days and we had put up a thing on the message site, like, "We have this video but nobody wants to show it. If you want to help us out just send an email to the the Box." Without exaggerating, within a few hours we got this call, "You really need to get this from the site because we're going crazy and everybody's calling us."
You had hardcore fans.  We didn't think it was gonna be picked up that seriously but our friends were really trying to help out and those kinds of things. So we said, "OK, sorry for the message that we made such trouble but we'll take it off the site." Then a month later they put the video still on their video requesting site called the Box. Then there was no stopping it because when people saw this song and everybody was talking about it, we were like, "Wow, again on the video on TV? Again with television." And we got requests to play on certain programs and stuff like that. Then in January we were like number two - we came in number 85 and then all of a sudden we were number two. The only one who was above us was Shakira with "Whenever Wherever."

What song was that?  "Ice Queen."

There is a little bit of Anne Wilson in your vocal on that song?  Yeah well, I did listen to her a little bit in the past because I did have music when I was growing up from the band (Heart). I really liked the music and I must say I did get that remark a lot but also people said, "Hey, you sound a little bit like Kate Bush but then different in a way." Because I had this really high-pitched voice so they felt like I was like Kate Bush with heavy guitars (laughs).

On "The Silent Force" album in 2004, you bring in some new players: Ruud Jolie on guitar, Martijn Spierenburg on keyboards and drummer Stephen Van Haestregt. Did they impact the sound of this third album?

Yeah, Martijn was also in the Voyage and the Circle. When they came the record was already written so it was more like they came after when the album was already released. The thing was more like there was also a little bit of change in the songwriting. With "Enter" and "Mother Earth," Robert and I wrote all the songs except for "Restless," which Martijn Westerhold - Robert's younger brother - wrote and it was the three of us.

The approach to writing changed on "The Silent Force?"

Robert and I always had a difficulty writing together. For the first two records it was like he gave me the music and I just did my vocal lines on it. He gave me music without any vocal lines and I just make something on it and that's how the first and second record was written actually. With the other albums it was like Robert writing on his own or with Daniel Gibson the producer or it was me and Martijn or me on my own writing songs. That's how from that moment on all the records were written and that's how it's always been.  That change in the approach to writing the songs certainly impacted the music of the band.  In a way it did. Yeah, of course. But I think because also we had to learn in a different way to write again. I must say "The Silent Force" was the worst album ever for us to write because we had so many locations (recorded at three different studios) it was really difficult for us. It was difficult because we I think we still had to learn so much. Also because we had a certain way of writing music and all of a sudden we changed it. So we had to find a new way of writing songs again also.

Why did you change the songwriting process from the "Enter" and "Mother Earth" albums?

When I was making vocal lines for the first two albums and lyrics it worked for me. I know for Robert, we never could work in one space because we were partners as well and we had a relationship together. Somehow it was too close or something to write that way anymore. It was also very heavy always. In making lyrics and coming up with vocal lines, it was coming naturally to me so it wasn't very difficult. But for Robert to do the music comfortably on his own, it was nice to work with someone probably to write the music and to get together and to inspire each other.   Which is why relationships in bands - and you think of everybody from Heart to Fleetwood Mac - rarely work out.  Somehow when you're having a relationship it's very difficult. With the music I was writing with Martijn, I could do that with him. I could tell him, "OK, I'm gonna have this kind of rhythm and I want you to play this kind of piano" and then together with the jamming something came out of it.

It would have been difficult - or impossible - to work that way with Robert? 

With Robert it wasn't possible because we're both leading kind of people. So it's always like two captains on the ship and they fight. I think everyone's more flexible in where it goes. It's like, "OK, you wanna try that? OK, fine." But with Robert, trying to get it in a certain way and we're always going opposite ends. That's a problem we have.  You can only have one chief and everybody else has to be Indians.  Yes, exactly. I think it's very good if somebody can be flexible because I find it's very difficult to be that flexible. So we both found somebody that fitted our personality and also because you don't have a real relationship with person. You have a relationship of course but more a working relationship than a romantic relationship with each other. It's so much easier to work because you still like each other no matter what happens (laughs).  That is totally understandable because songwriting is such a...  Personal thing.  Exactly. A very fragile thing.  Yeah, it’s too much.

Following the release of "The Heart of Everything," you do your first tour of America.

Yes, exactly. Yeah, it was like a big adventure. It also almost broke the band up I must say in the end.

Too much pressure?

We had been touring so much and we had postponed the tour in Europe and we came back from America - we had like six weeks there - we still had to do a few weeks more in Germany because that part of the tour got postponed for some reason. I can't remember even what it was. Maybe because we had to make a video or something and we had to postpone it. It was way too much. I don't think we had ever toured so much as in that year and of course I had a baby girl at home and we were away so much.   

At the end of 2007, Within Temptation took a year off?

At the end of that year, everything blew up for everybody. So afterwards we really had to get everybody together again and see what was left still to continue. It almost broke up the band up actually. It was a little bit too much - too much touring and everything.

You needed to get away from the band for a while?

Yeah, we needed a sabbatical and get a distance from everything. Also because Robert and I were separated for a certain time at that period. It was a bit too much strain on everything.

This was after you had the baby with Robert?

Yeah, it was after we had the baby. She was two-and-a-half at the time.

 That's very sad.

  Yeah, yeah. It was really too much. But in the end we both realized we can't be without each other. We fit very well together and after a few months - I think four months or something - we came back together again. After that everything went OK again. Also because we realized where the bottlenecks were. It was wrong how we did certain things. Touring is great but you need to have certain moments of rest and be in your own space again also if you're always in each other's space. It wasn't just Robert and me but the whole band. At the end of the tour if you hate each other almost then it's like, "OK, we did something wrong" (laughs).

When you came back together you recorded "The Unforgiving" album, which was like a new first step for the band.

We had written one song and it was already in a different sound. Actually the idea came from one song and the whole "The Unforgiving" concept was really based on the '80s. We felt it would be very cool if there would be this comic attached to it and we had a basic idea of what it should be about more or less. Then we tried to find somebody who could write a story for us. At the same time while we were developing this story together with the writer ("The Chronicles of Spellborn" creator, Steven O'Connell), we were developing the songs also at the same time. It became really this '80s sound but of course we were teenagers more or less in the '80s and we always loved comics.

It made sense to you to try and combine these two elements to create the main concept?

It really fits how we grew up with the comics and with the heroes we had because it's a little bit Iron Maiden, a little bit Metallica and a little bit of the other bands we grew up with. It was just a wink to them, an ode to them and a little bit here and there and little touches there of putting their music into our music in our own way. That was "The Unforgiving" for us.

How would you characterize the "Hydra" album?

With this album it was more like letting that go. A lot of bands were inspired by the '80s at the time we were writing "The Unforgiving" album. There was a lot of music based on the '80s coming out and it had a lot of '80s flavors. With this new album even though we're only a few years further up the road, you can feel that music has changed again. Music is not inspired on the '80s but more like there are different influences in the music again. Music's always organic and you feel things are changing comfortably.

The influence of '80s music on "The Unforgiving" album worked so well - did you think you wanted to try another album based on the same sounds?

When people asked us after "The Unforgiving," "Are you gonna make another "Unforgiving" album?" we said, "Of course." Because we were really full of it in a positive way. We really like the album a lot and still do like it a lot but we really feel there's an '80s feel to the songs. When we started writing this album again we felt like we were already knowing we were gonna go a different direction also.

Could you tell right away that "Hydra" was going to be different than "The Unforgiving?"

When we had written the first song, which is actually the first song on the album, "Let Us Burn," it felt like it should be more guitar-orientated. We knew the orchestra could still be there and we could still have the symphonic element there but it's really minimized actually more than ever. When you describe what Within Temptation is it's melancholy and heaviness. Emotion - real direct emotion in a way.

That's what every Within Temptation album has been about?  I felt if you do that description, you can say that for every album we brought out I think. Then it's still very much Within Temptation but 2013 instead of 2007 or 1997 when we brought out our first album. It always corresponds with the time we're bringing out an album and it really fits that time somehow. So I think this album really represents how we are now but also with elements from the past. 

What older sounds did you bring back?

We have one song with this growling voice (Robert Westerhold growling on "Silver Moonlight") again but not in combination with the classical voice. A more natural way of singing and how I'm doing it now mostly. Also we have the twin guitars again, which we had on "Mother Earth" and we use them in "Tell Me Why" in a certain way. So we're bringing a little bit of the '90s back and in this "Tell Me Why" song there's also this intro, which is more like an Alice in Chains kind of intro and the way they had the intros. Like ahh ahh ahh (sings descending melody line) and the harmonies? To my appearance (Sharon means "to my mind"). Hah hah hah.  "Tell My Why" has amazing harmonies on there.  Yeah, I like it also very much. You can see there was experimenting a lot and also with X-Zibit it was also again like we had a certain vision how there could be a crossover and keeping in mind Aerosmith and Run DMC at the time although it's a totally different song and totally different band. But we felt if they can do it, there must be a way to make also our music somehow crossover with rap. Not because we wanted to do something renewing (different) but we felt in an artistic point of view that it could really, really work with our kind of music.

Was it difficult finding that balance between the rap thing and rock?

We just tried and tried constantly with several songs and just taking rap music from the Internet and trying it on our songs. For a lot of songs it didn’t work and finally we had this song "And We Run" and we felt like, "OK, this could really work with this song." Combining this with a rap kind of voice like X-Zibit's, which is very dark and very heavy and has a lot of bass in it, was a good contrast with mine. He was like the perfect person to ask for this song and also because he already tried a lot of experimental stuff on his own things. He already tried rap with guitars and orchestration and we felt like, "OK, he's somebody who's really open-minded or open for this kind of collaboration."

You reached out to X-Zibit?

We contacted the management and they contacted him and pretty fast afterwards we were talking to X-Zibit. He heard the song and liked the song and we told him what the song was about. I must say I didn't talk to him but Robert did. I was still recording my vocals at the time he was talking to X-Zibit actually on Skype. We never met so far but hopefully we're gonna record a video soon for the song and gonna release that also.

Is that how you worked with Howard Jones and Dave Pimer - sending them tracks and having them record their parts remotely and then sending that back to you?

Yeah, exactly. Nowadays it's so easy to do it just in your own studio and everything. Everybody feels comfortable because they're in their own environment. Another thing was the time thing of course. We had to finish this album within a certain time.

Four collaborations on an album is a lot. Right?

Of course there were a lot - there were four collaboration - but we didn't think they'd all work out that well. You have a certain person in mind for it but you're not sure. So we tried four of them and we were very, very happy how they turned out. It was the best possible (results) we could get back. Also because it worked with the melodies and had the right impact and added something really cool to the song. We were happy they all worked in a certain way.

It felt natural asking Tarja Turunen to appear on a song?

We asked these people to collaborate with us because they reminded us somehow - and the song reminded us - of them somehow. An epic song like "Paradise (What About Us)" with Tarja could have been a song on her album as well as on our own album. It could have been written by her. We felt like it's in her comfort zone.

What was it like working with Howard Jones (ex-Killswitch Engage) on "Dangerous"?  We thought the song had some overlap with Killswitch Engage although he came back with this epic kind of voice.

Working with Dave Pimer (Soul Asylum) on "The Whole World is Watching" was a strange choice.  In the beginning when we wrote the song, it was really a Soul Asylum kind of song. I loved Soul Asylum and especially with the "Runaway Train" song. It was always very special to me. We felt like, "If we're gonna do this song on the album, we need to have him in as well." Because it's maybe on the border of what we normally do. All these people were actually asked because of the fact we had a certain vision of how they could sound really great on these songs.

What you doing now besides taking care of your kids and keeping Robert in line?

(laughs) That's a big job! We're doing some promotion and I've been going by airplane everywhere in Europe for the last two weeks to Germany and England to talk about the album. Having listening sessions with radio and magazines and stuff. So that's been the thing I’ve been focused on lately. We still have to do the video for "And We Run" and that's up next actually.  Thank you. Sing all the good notes.

OK. See you in America.
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 14, 2014, 08:56:47 pm
Making Of Hydra (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 17, 2014, 05:29:14 pm
Friends in Belarus, be aware! Hydra is coming to Minsk during the world tour!

A new date has been added to the tour: Within Temptation is performing at the Sporthalle in Minsk, Belarus on March 5, 2014.

After two shows in Russia and a show in Lithuania, the band will travel to Belarus for their very first show in Minsk.
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 19, 2014, 04:00:28 pm
Good news for friends in the US!

Come and meet Ruud and Sharon at an instore signing session at Vintage Vinyl Records in New Jersey.

The meet & greet will take place on Monday, January 27th at 7PM (local time).

Pre-order Hydra at the store or via to get a wristband that will get you into the event. Sign up at the Facebook event.
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 21, 2014, 03:46:33 pm
More good news for friends in the US!

Come and listen to Hydra before the official release date, accompanied by Sharon, Robert and Ruud in LA! Nuclear Blast is organizing a Metal Night, where you can meet Sharon and the guys and listen to the entire album.

That’s not all! Nuclear Blast will also be raffling off several prices and handing out Grab Bags, and there will be a merch boot hwith exclusive items to purchase.

The listening session will take place on Friday, January 24th at The Joint in Los Angeles at 9.00PM (local time).
Entrance is free, just make sure you arrive in time, doors will shut when the venue is full.
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 22, 2014, 03:37:35 pm
Making Of Dangerous (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 24, 2014, 03:29:59 pm
Tuesday January 28, Sharon and Ruud will be answering questions on YouTube, live from New York!

Hydra is getting ready to be unleashed… This is your chance to get more info on the brand new album by asking Ruud and Sharon what you would like to know about the tracks, the recording process, the videos, the tour, and anything else Hydra-related: Post your questions in the comments underneath this article, now!

Tune in to Within Temptation’s YouTube channel this Tuesday, at 3.15PM (EST) / 12.15PM (PST) / 9.15PM (CET) and watch Sharon and Ruud LIVE!
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 24, 2014, 03:42:10 pm
Q and A from Twitter (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 24, 2014, 03:44:16 pm
This Saturday, Sharon is taking over Team Rock Radio from 12.00PM – 02.00PM (GMT).

Tune in to hear Sharon’s favorite songs of all time and learn more about Hydra!
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 24, 2014, 06:38:46 pm
Video teaser Whole World Is Watching (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 28, 2014, 09:15:58 pm
Within Temptation is getting ready to unleash the beast and take Hydra on the road!

Before the tour officially starts, you can watch the band tame the beast during a try out show in the Netherlands.

Within Temptation is doing a try out show in Effenaar, Eindhoven (NL) on February 20th!

The show will be the very first time the Hydra tracks will be played live and this will be the perfect moment to try out the new song arrangements and new visuals. The try out show will be an exclusive sneak peek of what the Hydra tour will look like!

The ticket sale starts on Wednesday 29 at 10AM (GMT+1) via Ticketmaster. Friends who order their tickets on the first day of sales (only Wednesday 29th) can pre-order the album with a personal note from Sharon!
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 28, 2014, 09:17:36 pm
Whole World Is Watching (Video) (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 29, 2014, 03:11:33 pm
Saturday: Within Temptation at Tros Muziekcafe
The band will perform live at the Dutch radioshow Tros Muziekcafe this Saturday. The show is recorded in front of a live audience, and you can be present as well!

The show will be recorded at the Vorstin in Hilversum this Saturday between 04.00PM - 06.00PM (GMT+1). Entrance is free, but limited, so make sure you're in time if you want to see the band perform. Doors open at 03.00PM (GMT+1). Read more here.

Don't worry if you can't make it, you can listen to the show on Radio 2 via this link.

Monday: Within Temptation at 3FM
This Monday, the band will visit the 3FM studio with the Dutch radio DJ Giel. They will perform one of the Hydra tracks live and will Within Temptationize a current hit song. Tune in to 3FM between 06.00AM - 10.00AM (GMT+1) to hear WT live on the radio!

Listen to 3FM online.

Tuesday: Within Temptation at HMV London
A small group of very lucky friends have managed to get a ticket to the acoustic show at HMV in London on the 4th of February. The performance will be an intimate 20 minute acoustic set, followed by a signing session.
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 29, 2014, 03:28:06 pm
Q & A (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 29, 2014, 04:23:16 pm
Entrevista Faceculture (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 29, 2014, 08:42:41 pm
Acoustic @ NJ

The Whole World Is Watching (

And We Run (

Paradise (

Faster (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 29, 2014, 10:14:28 pm
Los que faltaban

Summertime Sadness (

What Have You Done? (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 30, 2014, 03:55:49 pm
Martijn Spirenborg, teclista de la banda, cumple hoy 39 años!!!
FELICIDADES!!! :011: :011: :011:
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 31, 2014, 03:31:29 pm
Sharon and Jeroen van Inkel had many, many conversations over the phone last year during the Q-music Sessions and you can listen to them again this Friday!

Tune in to Q-music NL on Friday between 04.00PM-05.00PM (GMT+1) to hear Sharon talk to Jeroen and hear the brand new single ‘Whole World is Watching’ featuring Dave Pirner.
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 31, 2014, 11:08:38 pm

As one of the forerunners of the modern symphonic metal movement, and also having been pegged with the gothic and dubious female-fronted subgenre tags, Within Temptation have achieved great success in Europe, cultivated a loyal following in America, and continue to try new things. Their last album, The Unforgiving, pushed their ’80s pop and rock influences to the forefront, injecting an extra dose of melody into their music, while their latest release, Hydra, amps up the energy, even experiments with rap and touches of psychedelia, and features four guest vocalists. It’s a natural evolution for a band that started life as a doom/goth metal group with their 1997 debut, Enter, and has since grown in other directions, which makes the title of their new album highly apropos. Somehow, the group finds a way to balance it all out.

“I think with every album we’ve changed a lot,” confirms singer/lyricist Sharon den Adel, calling the Aquarian from Holland. “If you compare Enter with Mother Earth, it’s also a really big change. We’ve always been a very melodic band but also very heavy with the guitars really up in your face, and for us this [Hydra] is the heaviest and most up-tempo album we’ve made so far.”

The group has often used full string sections on their studio works and even released an orchestral live release called Black Symphony. This time up there is trippy cello work in the mid-section of the majestic “Edge Of The World,” but the symphonic feeling enhancing the hard-driving songs comes mostly from keyboardist Martijn Spierenburg. Robert Westerholt’s axe work certainly drives most of the tunes here, like the lead single “Dangerous,” which features vocals from former Killswitch Engage frontman Howard Jones. He is not to be confused with the ’80s new wave artist of the same name, who would probably also manage to fit in comfortably on a Within Temptation album with the right song. (If you want to hear how diverse the band’s tastes are, grab the limited edition two-disc set of Hydra which includes covers of songs by Imagine Dragons, Lana Del Rey, Passenger, and Enrique Iglesias.)

Den Adel says that propulsive lead single “Dangerous” is inspired by daredevils, thrill seekers, and people living on the edge. Considering the uptempo nature of the tune, the subject matter seemed highly appropriate. They also felt that musically it overlapped with that of Killswitch Engage, and being a fan of that band and its former frontman, they reached out to him. To their surprise, he not only had known about the Dutch outfit for years, but was eager to contribute.

“It was funny because we could’ve asked him years ago,” says den Adel. “We sent him the song with a guide track for the vocals, and knowing Killswitch Engage we felt he would do more screaming, but he came back with this really epic kind of vocal style. It was a surprise, and we didn’t know he could sing like this as well. We were surprised, but it was better than what we initially had in mind. We’re happy that he’s on it because the song really grew from that.”

The other three Hydra vocal collaborations also yielded great results. Former Nightwish vocalist Tarja Turunen appears on “Paradise (What About Us)?” and her operatic vocals glide and intertwine beautifully with those of den Adel. It’s a natural fit for the two pioneering metal sirens. Soul Asylum singer Dave Pirner also lends his raspy style to the haunting closing ballad “The Whole World Is Watching.” The sharp contrast to those contributions is “And We Run,” which spotlights the rapping of Xzibit. Westerholt in particular is a fan of the American rapper, and when the idea of combining his genre with the music of Within Temptation emerged, he was the obvious choice for the guitarist.

“I didn’t know if he would do this to be honest,” admits den Adel. “But Xzibit is a very open-minded guy who’s experimenting with rap and uses guitars sometimes and has been working with orchestral things. I have this really high voice, and he has this very dark and deep voice, which is a cool contrast already. The fact that he’s open-minded to experimentation made us think he was the right guy for us. And we liked his music.”

Their management knew Xzibit’s people, and the band soon asked him about the collaboration. He offered the chance to see if it worked, and they clicked. Other than explaining the idea behind the song, den Adel says they gave him carte blanche to do what he wanted, as lyrics are a rapper’s signature. “We wanted to give him the opportunity to do something for his own perspective and add his own thing to it because that’s what we wanted to have from him,” she says. “I think it came out very cool, and what is special about the song is that it doesn’t have a rock or metal structure, it has a dance structure. The song became original in the form it’s already in and also because of Xzibit. There are no dance elements in the song, but it’s more like how dance music is built up and how they create a structure. It sounds different from the songs that we normally do, and it is the most special song on the album.”

In the way that “Dangerous” deals with thrill seekers, Hydra‘s lyrics on the whole invoke the ideas of maintaining one’s identity and holding on to one’s sense of self even in the face of overwhelming circumstances. Den Adel explains that “Covered By Roses” was inspired by the idea of living in the moment and celebrating important moments with people you care about. Many life transitions can be hard, whether it is moving on or someone leaving your life, and those memories can keep you strong in the future.

The members of Within Temptation understand this theme well. Den Adel and Westerholt have three children together, and she acknowledges that she is always juggling two worlds. “I couldn’t just be a mom, neither could I just be a musician,” the singer explains. “I need to have both worlds to be happy, and I just try to find the right balance between things. When we started the band we were so young and very dedicated to it, so every weekend we were playing because we loved doing it. We almost drowned in it. We put all our other needs aside. I never went to clubs. I didn’t have time for it because I was always with the band, always doing stuff for the band or with the band. I neglected certain things and grew up very quickly with this band.”

Always being on the road and working with the band meant that she missed out on certain parts of her life, but she has also gained much from the success that she and her bandmates have achieved. “Certain sacrifices give something back to you, but you’ve also lost something,” she admits. “It’s important to think about what kind of balance you need in life. It almost broke up the band in 2007 after we came back from America because of all the touring. At that time, I had a one-year-old at home, and for two-thirds of the year we were on the road constantly. She had been on tour with us for a certain time. It wasn’t just that fact but also that everybody had been living on a nightliner for such a long time. We were so much in each other’s faces that at the end of it we really hated each other more or less. We really needed a break from each other in 2008, and Robert and I also split up for a few months because things didn’t go the way that we wanted them to. Everything was too heavy. But it brought back a new balance which works today. We realize that everything needs its space, and everything in life needs its space, like family and friends but also our passion for our band. It’s about balancing things, and that was a big change.”


Within Temptation will perform at Vintage Vinyl on Jan. 27. Hydra will be released Feb. 4 through Nuclear Blast. For more information, go to
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 01, 2014, 08:16:21 pm
La otra versión de Whole World is Watching (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 02, 2014, 03:55:47 pm
Friends in the US, tune into SiriusXM’s Octane channel (Ch. 37) next week to hear their awesome Within Temptation special!

The special features an interview with Sharon and Ruud as well as several acoustic tracks from Hydra performed exclusively for Octane!


Tune in at the following times:
1. Tuesday Feb. 4 at 5pm ET / 2pm PT
2. Thursday Feb. 6 at 9am ET / 6am PT
3. Saturday Feb. 8 at 12pm ET / 9am PT
4. Sunday Feb. 9 at 2pm ET / 11am PT
5. Monday Feb. 10 at 9pm ET / 6pm PT

Thanks to Octane for having WT songs up and for the continued support of “Paradise (What About Us?)”.

Want to make sure you hear Within Temptation more on the US radio? Request Paradise by calling calling SiriusXM Octane at 1-888-362-8263, via Twitter (@SXMOctane) or Facebook!
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 03, 2014, 04:15:01 pm
What Have You Done @ Tros Muziekcafe (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 03, 2014, 04:45:58 pm
Within Temptation fans are highly anticipating the release the band’s brand new record ‘Hydra,’ which arrives in North America on Feb. 4. The disc features numerous guest vocalists including Soul Asylum’s Dave Pirner, rapper Xzibit, former Nightwish songstress Tarja Turunen and ex-Killswitch Engage singer Howard Jones, who offers vocals on the single ‘Dangerous.
Loudwire recently spoke with the band’s frontwoman Sharon den Adel about recording ‘Hydra,’ teaming up with the aforementioned eclectic vocalists and much more. Check out our interview with Sharon den Adel of Within Temptation below:

What does the title ‘Hydra’ mean to you personally?

It represents a few things, from a music perspective for us — every head is a character and the character stands for a different side for us musically like the melodic part, the bombastic part or the symphonic part. Now we’ve added new elements to our music with one song but again another character, it’s a rap combination with our kind of music. It’s stands for new things and also the past.
Lyrically, ‘Hydra’ stands for facing your demons and to embrace your fear and move forward. There will always be a certain issue in life. A short example of this is the song ‘Covered by Roses,’ which is about the passing of someone but also carpe diem and making the most of now and the memories you do have together. You’ll celebrate this person’s life still, they’re apart of you and you’ll take them with you.

What an eclectic mix of guests on this album. Talk about working with Tarja Turunen, Howard Jones, Xzibit and Soul Aylum’s Dave Pirner.

Well I’ll say, you’ll never know what you’re going to get when you ask someone you don’t know. There’s so many collaborations on this album because we didn’t know if it would go over well. From a music perspective we thought, “Okay there might be one or two that might not work out somehow.” We got lucky and they all worked out somehow, sometimes a lot of things just work and it goes the way you were hoping for. We looked at the songs when we wrote them [and thought,] “What could we add now to the song now that the album is finished?”

Dave Pirner for instance, it wasn’t the question whether we were going to put it on the album or not, we love the song. We didn’t want to go too far away from what we originally do, we like to experiment a lot but this was really on the edge. We tried to make as less limitations as possible to see if it works or not but also it reminds of us Soul Asylum in a way. It’s got melancholies but at the same time it has uplifting guitar playing like this ‘Runaway Train’ kind of song, it has the same kind of feel to it.

It was a very difficult thing to find him [Dave Pirner] actually because he’s not really into social media and those kinds of things which we had hoped to find him on. We found him through other people eventually and it took a while to track him down actually. It took us some months maybe we didn’t ask the right people but we had to start somewhere. When we did meet him, he’s such a nice guy, very friendly and he liked the song, the rest is history.
We had met him and you don’t know someone so how do you break the ice? How do you get to know each other? We took him to Amsterdam and explored the town and the day after that we had the ‘Dangerous’ video with Howard Jones and he [Pirner] was still there so he went to our museums and he came back and it was a really good time, we had fun working with him.

Is there any artist you dream to work with that you haven’t had a chance to work with yet?

There’s such a list of people I would love to work with but the thing is you need to have the right song. There are so many people that are talented and that you admire but when the song is there, then you might think of that person.

How was the recording process of ‘Hydra’ for you?

If you compare it to the first album we ever did, which was a long time ago, we got more time for it which is very nice. We had two or three days for a song and I remember with the first record ‘Enter’ and I tracked my vocals in one day I think for all eight songs. [Laughs] So that was a major difference, so I would write lyrics one day and finalized it, then the demo and then the main lead vocals and backing.

Were there memorable moments while recording a specific song that stood out for you?

Yes, well every song has a different story of course. I think the song ‘Edge of the World’ is more close to me because it’s a more personal song and it has a long track record. I wrote this song with this guy I think in 2009 and the song was written in a totally different form. It appeared on the record because he called me and was like, “Do you remember we had this day in Amsterdam and we wrote this song together.” I always try to write with different people because if you write on your own or with the same people more or less the same things come up and that’s fine. When you work with other people you learn from each other.

Anyway the song came out and it started more like a grunge kind of song. What started me with heavy music was the grunge period. I was really a grunge girl. So we’re like, “Oh how cool we wrote a grunge song” and it changed to more of a piano kind of song. He called and was like, “Do you remember this song?” and it was a special song to me. We met each other again in Amsterdam and made this song out of it, it’s more psychedelic and we lowered the tempo. Musically things change a lot, it just became a really special song and I’m really proud at how it turned out.

After 15 years of making music as a band, how have you evolved as a musician with each new album?

I did new things. I think the change started with ‘The Unforgiving’ album, the one before this one. We felt like we had to let go of all boundaries of our musicial style. With ‘The Heart of Everything’ two albums back, we finalized our symphonic style, we tried to make it sound better and better. With ‘The Unforgiving’ the previous album, we let all boundaries go.
We thought if we let this go maybe we can grow again because we were stuck at a certain point. When we did that it was like a no brainer of course  and it gave us more room and we listen to all types of music. Any kind of rhythm from any kind of music could inspire us and we came up with the most extreme kind of thing. These last two albums have been so much easier to write than ever before.

[The albums] from ‘Enter’ to ‘The Heart of Everything’ were very difficult for us to write, we had a lot of blockades musically and we were stressed because of it. Sometimes you didn’t write for certain periods of time but also the clock is ticking away. For the past two albums it has gone so smooth, it amazes me still. You don’t realize that you setting boundaries for yourself makes it harder for yourself. It was an eye opener to just start writing and not to think about anything and in the end it still very much turned into a Within Temptation album with different angles and perspectives.
Our thanks to Sharon den Adel for taking the time to speak with us. Within Temptation’s new album, ‘Hydra,’ can be ordered at iTunes or at the band’s official website.

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 03, 2014, 08:19:20 pm
Whole World Is Watching @ Q Music (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 04, 2014, 04:29:28 pm
Live @ 3FM (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 05, 2014, 04:02:24 pm
Tonight, Within Temptation will visit the popular Dutch television show ‘De Wereld Draait Door’ (DWDD).

Dutch friends can tune in to Nederland 1 tonight at 19.00 hrs (GMT+1) to see Sharon talk to host Mathijs van Nieuwkerk about Hydra and watch the whole band perform live!
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 05, 2014, 04:03:57 pm
Many Dutch friends have been asking for it, and your pleads have been answered:

Within Temptation is doing a very exclusive instore show with signing session in Concerto in Amsterdam, this Thursday!

The band will perform tracks off of Hydra live and will be signing the new album, afterwards. Entrance is free, so make sure you get there in time in order to get in!

Date: Thursday February 6
Location: Concerto
Entrance: Free
Time: 17.30 hrs (GMT+1)
Address: Utrechtsestraat 52-60 Amsterdam
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 05, 2014, 04:17:51 pm
Faster @ HMV (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 05, 2014, 04:26:35 pm
Tros Musiekcafe

Ice Queen (

Whole World Is Watching (

What Have You Done (

Entrevista (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 06, 2014, 03:44:06 pm
Whole World is Watching @ DVDD (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 07, 2014, 03:30:12 pm
Paradise (What about Us?) @ Concerto (

Whole Wolrd is Watching @ Concerto (

Faster @ Concerto (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 07, 2014, 06:35:29 pm
New venue Bratislava
Ticket sales for the tour are sky rocketing! The show in Bratislava (SK) will be moved to a larger venue, due to the high demand for tickets.

The show taking place on March 12 will take place at
Incheba EXPO Arena in Bratislava
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 07, 2014, 06:39:55 pm
Live @ New York

And We Run (

Whole World Is Watching (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 10, 2014, 03:43:15 pm
Within Temptation will perform at CityRock Festival in Leeuwarden, this summer.

This year will be the 1th edition of the CityRock festival. Within Temptation acts as headliner and will perform a 1.5 hour show!

CityRock festival takes place at friday the 8th of August, one day before the metal festival Into The Grave. There are combined tickets for both festivals for sale.

For more information and the complete line-up of the festival, check the Festival website.
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 10, 2014, 04:12:44 pm
Hydra debuts at #6 on the offiicial UK album chart!
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 13, 2014, 03:04:29 pm
Sharon will do an acoustic performance with Ruud and Martijn on the Dutch television show ‘Show Vandaag’, tonight.

Tune in to SBS6 between 17.25 – 18.30 (GMT+1) to see Sharon and the guys perform live.
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 13, 2014, 03:06:23 pm
Hydra has been taking over the charts ever since its release!

Within Temptation’s new album ‘Hydra’ immediately took off in the international iTunes charts. Hydra reached the top spot of the iTunes Rock chart in the US and UK. The album entered the iTunes album chart at #1 in ten territories: the Netherlands, Poland, Sweden, Norway and Italy amongst other countries. To top it all off: Within Temptation is now the first act from the Netherlands to reach a Top 10 iTunes position in the United States!

Hydra continues to be a success on the official album charts: #1 The Netherlands, #4 in Germany, #6 in the UK, #9 in France, and #16 in the US next to Top 5 positions in Finland, Belgium, Switzerland, Poland, Japan and Czech Republic.

Sharon: “We are truly excited about the overwhelming reactions to Hydra. We just got back from an intense promo tour in the US, Poland and the Czech Republic and Hydra is on fire! We will do everything we can to make the flames go even higher.”
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 14, 2014, 03:41:32 pm
WT @ The Vandaag Show (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 14, 2014, 06:28:41 pm
New venue Lyon
Ticket sales in France are still going crazy! Next to the show in Toulouse, the show in Lyon on April 24 will also be upgraded to a larger venue. Change the location in your agenda:
the show will take place at La Halle Tony Garnier!

Get your tickets for the show in Lyon on April 24 here. Previously purchased tickets for Lyon will still be valid.
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 18, 2014, 04:21:33 pm
Join Sharon in a Spotify Soundrop live chat today!

The live chat starts at 11.30AM (PST) | 02.30PM (EST) | 08.30PM (CET)

Sharon will be talking to you about the tracks on the new album, while listening to the entire album together.

Joining in is easy: Enter the chat room via this link and click on the play button. Allow your computer to open your Spotify app and the chat room will open in Spotify.

Once you are in the chat room, you can join everyone in listening to Hydra. In order to join the chat conversation with Sharon and all of the other listeners, you have to sign in via Facebook or Twitter.

Sharon will give you some more information on the indivudual tracks off the album in the live chat from 20.30 (GMT+1) on! Sign in in time, to make sure you don’t miss anything!
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 18, 2014, 10:54:20 pm
Samples single Whole World is Watching (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 19, 2014, 05:20:44 pm
The third Hydra single ‘Whole World is Watching’ was recorded in two versions: an international version with Dave Pirner (Soul Asylum) and a second version created especially for friends in Poland, with Piotr Rogucki (COMA).

Due to incredibly high demand, we are releasing a special Whole World is Watching EP package with both versions of the single featuring Dave and Piotr. The package also includes two exclusive demo versions of tracks that are not on the final album. In addition to these songs, the EP package also includes the music video for Whole World is Watching with Dave Pirner.

Sharon on the b-side tracks:

Keep on Breating
“I’ve been working on this song with Martijn and we didn’t have enough time to finish it. This track is still a demo version, but it’s definitely worth listening to!”

One of These Days
“This is a special song, but it just doesn’t fit the album. It has a completely different sound than the other tracks on the album, but strangely enough this will probably be my new favourite b-side track.”

The Whole World is Watching EP will be available on Friday February 21 via iTunes in Europe only.

1. WWIW Dave Pirner
2. WWIW Piotr Rogucki
3. Keep on Breathing (demo)
4. One of These Days (demo)
5. WWIW video Dave Pirner

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 20, 2014, 03:31:16 pm
Aside from the world tour this year, Within Temptation is appearing at more and more festivals this summer.

In August, Within Temptation is coming back to Mera Luna in Germany! The band visited the German festival twice before. The show at Mera Luna was one of the first festival shows of The Unforgiving tour in 2011. Within Temptation also headlined at the festival back in 2006.

This year, the band returns with a brand new festival show! Mera Lune takes place on August 9 and 10.
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 20, 2014, 07:42:11 pm
Live @ Rock Special

Paradise (What Abot Us?) (

Whole World Is Watching (ft Piotr Rogucki (

And We Run (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 21, 2014, 03:29:04 pm
Edge of the World @ Eindhoven (

Dangerous @ Eindhoven (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 21, 2014, 03:40:42 pm
Let Us Burn @ Eindhoven (

Summertime Sadness @ Eidhoven (

Setlist (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 21, 2014, 05:33:51 pm
Tonight, Within Temptation will be guests at the Dutch television talk show ‘RTL Late Night’.

Sharon will join the host Humberto Tan at the table to talk about the new album and tour, and the band will perform live during the show!

Dutch friends can tune in to RTL4 at 22:40 (GMT+1) and watch Within Temptation live.

Don’t worry if you can’t watch it tonight, a video of the show and live performance will be posted on the website afterwards.
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 22, 2014, 04:23:25 pm
This Monday, you can watch Within Temptaiton perform live at the breakfast show ARD Morgenmagazin.

The band will be interviewed and will perform ‘Whole World is Watching’ in a semi-acoustic version live.

Friends in Germany, tune in to watch the band on ARD Morgenmagazin at 06.45AM (GMT+1) on Monday February 24
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 23, 2014, 08:09:59 pm
Whole World is Watching @ RTL (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 24, 2014, 04:03:40 pm
Friends in Sweden, BEWARE!

The beast is coming your way this summer: Within Temptation is playing at Sweden Rock in June.
The 4-day festival takes place from June 4 until 7 in Sí¶lvesborg.

Aside from Within Temptation, bands such as Black Sabbath, Alice Cooper, Rob Zombie, Billy Idol, Ted Nugent, W.A.S.P., Megadeth and many others are performing at the Swedish festival.
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 26, 2014, 03:35:18 pm
Within Temptation is performing at Download in the UK at Friday June 13!

The three-day-festival lasts from June 13 – June 15 and is located at Donington Parkk. This year’s edition will be the 12th edition of the festival and won’t be the first time Within Temptation is visiting. The band also played at Download in 2006, 2007 and 2008 and is ready to take Hydra to the stage this year!

Tickets for Download festival are available now.

NOTE: Children under 5 (Aged 4 or below) are NOT permitted at Download 2014. Children under 16 years old must be accompanied by a parent or guardian (18 or over) at all times.
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 26, 2014, 10:32:17 pm
Setlist Helsinki (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 27, 2014, 04:00:29 pm
Italian Dragons, your pleads have been heard! Hydra is coming to Italy during the World Tour!

A new date has been added to the tour: Within Temptation is performing at Alcatraz in Milan on the 26th of June!

Hydra is getting ready to conquer Italy after an extensive tour through the rest of Europe.

Keep an eye out, as we’re hoping to add more dates to the World Tour soon.
Check the complete list of tour dates on the tour page.

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 27, 2014, 04:10:13 pm

Covered By Roses (

In The Middle Of The Night (

And We Run (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 28, 2014, 06:38:04 pm
WT and Xzibit interview (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 28, 2014, 06:39:24 pm
Legacy Open Air (GER)
Aside from the shows in Germany during the tour, Within Temptation is also visiting Germany for a show at Legacy Open Air. This festival lasts 3 days and takes place from June 13 - 15 in Weismain. For more information:
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 01, 2014, 11:05:00 pm
Setlist Moscú (

Summertime Sadness (

Mother Earth (

Shot In The Dark (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 01, 2014, 11:08:47 pm
Stand My Ground @ St Petersburg (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 02, 2014, 11:41:40 pm
Setlist St íªtersburg (

The Cross (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 04, 2014, 04:24:40 pm
Due to the current developments and instability in the Ukraine, Within Temptation unfortunately has had to make the difficult decision of postponing their Kiev show. The concert scheduled for Thursday, March 6th at Stereoplaza in Kiev has been rescheduled. The new date is October 30th 2014.

Sharon: “It’s very unfortunate and we deeply regret that we have to do this, but the safety of our fans and crew is our highest priority, at all times. At this time, we have been advised, it is not possible to guarantee a safe concert experience. We have good faith that stability will be restored and that everything will be resolved peacefully in the Ukraine, and that is why we have chosen to reschedule our show for October. Our sincere apologies for any inconvenience this may cause. Our thoughts are with the people in the Ukraine during these uncertain times. We’ll see you in October, be safe!”

Tickets already bought will be valid for the new show on October 30th 2014. Ticket holders who are unable to attend the new date can return their ticket (purchased for 6th March show) at the box office from which they purchased their tickets. Tickets can be returned after the new show date within 3-7 november 2014.
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 06, 2014, 03:51:42 pm
Setlist Vilnius (

Tell Me Why (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 06, 2014, 03:59:03 pm
Setlist Minsk (

Whole World is Watching + Mother Earth (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 07, 2014, 07:58:22 pm
Hydra is on the road, conquering Europe during the first part of the tour. To show you what happens on tour, and to make waiting for your show a little easier and fun, Within Temptation is filming what they are up to on the road in the Hydra Tour Diary!

The band also shot videos during The Unforgiving tour, and due to a massive amount of positive reactions from dragons all around the world, Sharon and the guys are making videos during the Hydra tour as well! Mark your calendar: the videos will be uploaded every Friday. (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 08, 2014, 11:48:31 pm
Setlist Poznan (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 09, 2014, 04:04:14 pm
Whole World Is Watching @ Poznan (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 10, 2014, 04:33:38 pm
Setlist Varsovia (

Whole World is Watching (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 12, 2014, 03:36:06 pm
During the Hydra tour, the band enjoys taking pictures with all of you after every show.
We’re collecting these photos on Facebook in the Hydra Tour album.

Were you at one of the shows? See if you can spot yourself in the picture! Keep an eye on Facebook, as all audience photos will be posted after the show!

Do you have photos of the show? Share them via Twitter or Facebook using @WTofficial and #WTlive!
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 12, 2014, 03:58:23 pm
Setlist Praga (

The Cross (

Dangerous (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 13, 2014, 04:22:24 pm
Setlist Bratislava (

What Have You Done (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 14, 2014, 03:07:58 pm
When Robert and Sharon visited LA and New York, earlier this year, they also met up with Xzibit to talk about what must be the most remarkable feature on the new album.

Watch as Sharon, Robert and Xzibit describe the songwriting process and what’s yet to come. (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 14, 2014, 06:15:43 pm
After months of blood, sweat and tears the beast is unleashed and Hydra is on the road! While the band is on the road, Sharon is keeping a video diary of the tour that shows you what happens during and in between shows, and what it’s like for the band to bring Hydra to the stage and see people respond to the new songs for the first time.

In this very first episode, Sharon tells you about the try out show in Eindhoven before the start of the tour, after which the band got on the road for real: You get to see the band travel to Finland, Belarus, Lithuania, Poland, the Czech Republic and Russia where the band was welcomed by a group of fans. In this video, Sharon also comes up with a new plan for hair and you get a peek at life on the road. (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 14, 2014, 06:17:20 pm
Within Temptation at Q-hotel
Within Temptation is coming back to the Q-hotel in Amsterdam! During three weekends (March 21-23, March 28-30 and April 4-6), the Q-music DJs are spoiling prize winners at the Mercure Hotel in Amsterdam. While the hotel is turned into the luxurious Q-hotel, several Dutch and international acts are performing live at the hotel.

The only way to get a room at the hotel is to win via the Q-music website, you can’t make a reservation at the Q-hotel. However, everyone is free to visit the hotel for the live shows. When Within Temptation is performing is yet to be announced. Keep an eye on the website to see the exact date of the show at the Q-hotel.
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 15, 2014, 06:19:48 pm
Setlist Budapest (

Angels (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 16, 2014, 04:13:55 pm
Setlist Viena (

Tell Me Why (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 17, 2014, 03:57:15 pm
Setlist Zurich (

Edge Of The World (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 18, 2014, 04:32:07 pm
Within Temptation is coming back to the Q-hotel in Amsterdam! During three weekends (March 21-23, March 28-30 and April 4-6), the Q-music DJs are spoiling prize winners at the Mercure Hotel in Amsterdam. While the hotel is turned into the luxurious Q-hotel, several Dutch and international acts are performing live at the hotel.

The only way to get a room at the hotel is to win via the Q-music website, you can’t make a reservation at the Q-hotel. However, everyone is free to visit the hotel for the live shows.

When Within Temptation is performing is yet to be announced. Keep an eye on the website to see the exact date of the show at the Q-hotel.
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 21, 2014, 07:00:04 pm
Within Temptation at Radio 538
Dutch dragons, make sure you wake up early on Tuesday March 25. Within Temptation is playing live at Radio 538 during Edwin Evers' morning radio show 'Evers staat op'.
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 21, 2014, 07:02:03 pm
In the second episode of the diary the band asks a group of friends to join them on stage to sing ‘Whole World is Watching’ in Russian, Sharon gets competitive playing tennis and the band shows you how to have fun while waiting at the airport. Share this video on Facebook and Twitter to win the setlist Sharon is telling you about in the video! (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 25, 2014, 04:01:51 pm
Dutch dragons, make sure you wake up early on Tuesday March 25. Within Temptation is playing live at Radio 538 during Edwin Evers’ morning radio show ‘Evers staat op’.

Whole World is Watching (

And We Run (

Summertime Sadness (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 27, 2014, 03:17:32 pm
Many of you have been asking about it and have been hoping for this: Within Temptation was busy shooting a video with Xzibit this week for “And We Run” on Hydra!

Excited to see what the band and Xzibit were up to, the crew from the Dutch television show ‘Shownieuws’ decided to pop by for an interview with Robert, Sharon and X. The interview was aired last night. Dutch friends can watch the video below!

Video (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 27, 2014, 06:05:24 pm
Dutch dragons, beware! Within Temptation is playing a live acoustic set at the Dutch radio show Radio 2 Roodshow.

Tune in to Radio 2 tomorrow between 2.00PM and 4.00PM (GMT+1) to hear the band perform live. If you happen to be near a computer, you can watch a live stream from the studio or simply listen online.

Tomorrow evening, you can also come and see the band play live at the Q-hotel in Amsterdam!
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 29, 2014, 03:50:43 pm
In the third episode you get a real look into the production behind the scenes. You get to see part of the crew build up in Prague and Budapest and Robert pays a visit to see dragons from Prague. Meanwhile, Sharon goes nuts over a clothing sale and winds down in a beautiful Hungarian spa. A birthday, a close call on stage, a new hairstyle, and a special request for you from Sharon… (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 29, 2014, 04:03:28 pm
Live @ Q-Hotel

And We Run (

Faster (

Whole World is Watching (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 29, 2014, 04:06:27 pm
Whole World is Watching (live @ Roodshow) (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 31, 2014, 07:10:13 pm
WITHIN TEMPTATION proudly announce the upcoming 12 dates on the North American leg of their Hydra World Tour, which launched in Finland in February. Opening all shows will be Swedish/Danish power/melodic death metallers Amaranthe.
Sharon den Adel: “It’s a great feeling that after so many years we are back with a coast to coast tour. The reception of our latest album Hydra has been overwhelming and we cannot wait to unleash the dragon overseas. Be assured that this time we’ll bring our biggest and best North-American live show so far.“

Sharon continues by saying the band has a special surprise for their most loyal fans: “To reward our most loyal fans we’re designing a specially made poster for the ones who buy their ticket before April 30th 2014. The poster will be signed by the band, is strictly limited and will not be offered for sale. So make sure you get your tickets before April 30th!”. Fans can pick up the poster at the merchandise stand at each show by showing the receipt of their ticket purchase, which will state the date of purchase.

Pre-sale tickets for the WITHIN TEMPTATION tour will go on sale April 4th.

09/25/14 The Regency Ballroom – San Francisco, CA
09/26/14 Club Nokia – Los Angeles, CA
09/28/14 Gothic Theater – Denver, CO
09/30/14 First Avenue – Minneapolis, MN
10/01/14 Vic Theatre – Chicago, IL
10/02/14 Royal Oak Music Theatre – Royal Oak, MI
10/03/14 The Sound Academy – Toronto, ON – CANADA
10/05/14 Metropolis – Montreal, QC – CANADA
10/07/14 Ram’s Head Live – Baltimore, MD
10/09/14 Electric Factory – Philadelphia, PA
10/10/14 Terminal 5 – New York, NY
10/11/14 The Palladium – Worcester, MA

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 04, 2014, 10:30:16 pm
Hydra Tour Diary Cap 4 (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 04, 2014, 10:32:14 pm
German and Polish dragons, tune in to ARD TV and Polsatsport TV on Saturday April 5 to see Within Temptation perform live before the WBA Champion fight between Jí¼rgen Brí¤hmer and Enzo Maccarenelli!

German boxer Jí¼rgen Brí¤hmer (WBA champion half heavyweight) has invited the band to perform at his box fight in Rostock this Saturday, where he will defend his world championship title against Enzo Maccarinelli. Within Temptation will perform “Whole World Is Watching” featuring Piotr Rogucki. The performance will be broadcasted live on Saturday April 5th on ARD TV and Polsatsport TV at 22:10h. Tune in to see Sharon and the guys rocking the ring before the box fight.

At the end of March, Sharon, Martijn and Mike visited boxer Jí¼rgen Brí¤hmer in his training camp, where he showed them how to enhance fitness and of course he and Sharon had a box fight. Sharon and the guys had a lot of fun getting the boxing gloves on trying to knock out Jí¼rgen and his team. There will be a short feature on the training session on ARD TV Brisant on Saturday April 5th at 17.30 Uhr.
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 04, 2014, 10:34:45 pm
The band hitting the road the upcoming week! German and UK dragons, you'd better get ready! Within Temptation is unleashing the beast in the following venues the upcoming week:

April 06 | Munich (GER) | Zenith (new venue)
April 07 | Hamburg (GER) | Sporthalle
April 08 | Cologne (GER) | Palladium
April 09 | Ludwigsburg (GER) | Arena
April 11 | Manchester (UK) | O2 Apollo
April 12 | London (UK) | Wembley Arena
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 07, 2014, 03:46:06 pm
Fire And Ice @ Munich (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 08, 2014, 05:14:48 pm
Setlist Munich (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 08, 2014, 05:37:18 pm
Setlist Hamburgo (

Angels (

Iron (

Mother Earth (

Edge Of The World (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 09, 2014, 03:49:34 pm
Within Temptation is giving you the chance to record with the band by using the iPad app WholeWorldBand and you may be featured on a future single release of Within Temptation.

Here’s how it works
Singers, musicians, rappers – everyone can add their performance to the special seed video recording of Within Temptation’s ‘And We Run’, creating a complete new version with their contribution, simply by using the easy-to-use and free iPad app.

Sing with the band, replacing Sharon; take Jeroen’s place by recording the bass line; show maestro Martijn how it’s done by recording keys for the song; or whip out an amazing guitar solo and lift the song to a whole new level like Ruud and Stefan do. Of course all kinds of instruments are welcome; you can also sing in your own language, create new lyrics, replace the drums by your own beats. There are no creative limits! (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 09, 2014, 03:50:48 pm
Friends in Spain, be aware! Within Temptation is playing at Barcelona Metal Fest on the 6th of July.

Many other tour dates and festival dates have been confirmed in and around Europe, and Spain isn’t forgotten!

The metal festival hosted in el Poble Espanyol Barcelona will take place for the very first time this year, and Within Temptation will be headlining. The festival is created to fill the metal-gap in Barcelona’s event schedule. The other bands on the line-up are yet to be confirmed. Read more information here.

Tickets for the festival are on sale now via and
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 09, 2014, 03:55:53 pm
Setlist Colonia (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 10, 2014, 09:51:34 pm
Setlist Ludwisburg (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 11, 2014, 06:23:30 pm
Second show Heinken Music Hall almost sold out!
The first show in our homeland of the Dutch dragons sold out incredibly fast, and the second show in the Heineken Music Hall in Amsterdam on May 3rd is almost sold out as well!

Make sure you're quick and get the last tickets here if you want to see Within Temptation live at the Heineken Music Hall on May 3rd!

Upcoming shows
12-04-2014 - London Wembley - Arena
14-04-2014 - Newcastle - O2 Academy
15-04-2014 - Glasgow - O2 Academy
16-04-2014 - Birmingham - O2 Academy
18-04-2014 - Frankfurt - Jahrunderthalle
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 11, 2014, 06:24:46 pm
Unfortunately, the German festival Legacy Open Air has been cancelled.

Please read more information on
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 12, 2014, 05:45:15 pm
Setlist Manchester (

The Cross (

Summertime Sadness (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 13, 2014, 04:22:46 pm
Setlist Londres (

Let Us Burn (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 14, 2014, 05:07:20 pm
Check out the new episode of the Hydra Tour Diary featuring some exclusive inside the tour bus footage, see the preparation of the show and meet the “Friendly Rockstar”. (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 15, 2014, 07:14:09 pm
Setlist Newcastle (

Faster (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 16, 2014, 03:43:04 pm
Setlist Glasgow (

Jilian (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 17, 2014, 10:45:27 pm
Setlist Birmingham (

Stand My Ground (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 18, 2014, 06:33:51 pm
Hydra Tour Diary
Every week, Sharon shows you what it's like to be on tour with Within Temptation with the Hydra Tour Diary. You'll have to be patient a little longer, but we hope to upload this week's video after Easter.

Upcoming shows
April 18 | Frankfurt (GER) | Jahrunderthalle |
April 19 | Erfurt (GER) | Thurningenhalle |
April 20 | Berlin (GER) | Columbiahalle |
April 22 | Toulouse (FR) | Le Phare|
April 24 | Lyon (FR) | La Halle Tony Garnier |
April 25 | Paris (FR) | Zenith |
April 27 | Nantes (FR) | Zenith |
April 28 | Lille (FR) | L'aeronef |
April 29 | Antwerp (BE) | Lotto Arena | TICKETS
May 02 | Amsterdam (NL) | Heineken Music Hall |
May 03 | Amsterdam (NL) | Heineken Music Hall |
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 19, 2014, 05:53:22 pm
Ruud Jolie, guitarrista de la banda, cumple hoy 38 años!!!!
FELICIDADES!!! :011: :011: :011: :011: :011:
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 20, 2014, 03:48:28 pm
Setlist Francfurt (

Dangerous (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 20, 2014, 03:53:29 pm
Setlist Erfurt (

Let Us Burn (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 21, 2014, 04:02:28 pm
Covered By Roses @ Berlin (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 22, 2014, 06:04:04 pm
Check out the sixth episode of the Within Temptation Hydra Tour Diary to hear Sharon’s backing vocal crew warm up, see Sharon try some new hair dos and we discuss the most important meal of the day: breakfast! (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 23, 2014, 03:36:22 pm
Setlist Tolouse (

Angels (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 25, 2014, 08:16:57 pm
Making Of The Whole World Is Watching (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 25, 2014, 08:20:43 pm
Hydra Tour Diary
Every week, Sharon shows you what it's like to be on tour with Within Temptation with the Hydra Tour Diary. The band has been touring through UK and has arrived in France for some more shows.

This week's episode revolves around a very special show: Wembley! Sharon tells you about what playing at this magnificent venue meant to her, Robert stops by, you get to see images of the sound check and the band meets fans before the show. (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 26, 2014, 04:35:19 pm
Setlist Lyon (

Our Solemn Hour (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 26, 2014, 04:40:44 pm
Setlist Paris (

Covered By Roses (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 28, 2014, 04:19:39 pm
Setlist Nantes (

The Cross (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 29, 2014, 04:35:26 pm
Dragons of Switzerland; be aware! Within Temptation is performing at Rock Oz’Arí¨nes this summer!

The festival takes place from August 13 until August 17 and showcases all types of different music, combined with this year’s artistic flower theme. Within Temptation will perform at the 23rd edition of this festival on Thursday August 14.

Tickets are available now via the Rock Oz’Arí¨nes website. click on Jeudi 14 aoí»t for tickets for Within Temptation’s show!
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 29, 2014, 04:44:41 pm
Setlist Lille (

Angels (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 01, 2014, 11:44:09 pm
After an extensive world tour, Holland’s most successful rock band Within Temptation is returning to the Netherlands with their ‘Hydra theater tour’. Under the heading of ‘Theaters on Fire’ with a brand new show, the band will bring the fire of the Hydra – the multi-headed monster the new album has been named after – to the theaters.

During this special seated tour, which will only run through the Netherlands, the band will search push the boundaries of the Dutch theaters. With new arrangements, visual experiments and special live versions of their songs, the band will unveil a new side of ‘Hydra’.

Front woman Sharon den Adel stated, “The last time we visited the Dutch theaters was in 2012, so we are really looking forward to this new tour. Aside from songs from our new album, we will obviously also play our best known songs in special musical arrangements. Aside from those songs, we will also play songs we have never performed live before. To top it all, we will also surprise the audience with a magical, brand new decor and impressive effects.”

The ticket sales for the tour start on May 02, 2014. Tickets are available on or via the websites of the theaters. Within Temptation will be performing ‘Theaters on Fire’ theater tour at the following venues:

February 28, 2015   Almere   Schouwburg
March 02, 2015   Amsterdam   Carríé
March 06,2015   Heerlen   Parkstad Limburg
March 07, 2015   Arnhem   Musis Sacrum
March 11, 2015   Utrecht   Vredenburg
March 12, 2015   Den Bosch   Theater a/d Parade
March 14, 2015   Eindhoven   MC Frits Philips
March 19, 2015   Enschede   Stadschouwburg
March 20, 2015   Nijmegen   De Vereeniging
March 26, 2015   Haarlem   Philharmonie
March 27, 2015   Groningen   Oosterpoort
April 08, 2015   Apeldoorn   Orpheus
April 09, 2015   Den Haag   Zuiderstrand theater
April 10, 2015   Zwolle   Odeon/ De Spiegel
April 14, 2015   Alphen a/d rijn   Castellum
April 16, 2015   Tilburg   Schouwburg
April 18, 2015   Rotterdam   Nieuwe Luxor
April 21, 2015   Steenwijk   De Meente
April 24, 2015   Breda
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 02, 2014, 05:13:07 pm
Setlist Amberes (

Angels (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 02, 2014, 07:21:53 pm
Pssssht, a little heads up for tonight
Dragons who are coming to the HMH show tonight, make sure you wear something pretty... We will be recording the show! If you don't like to be filmed, you can avoid the cameras. More info soon...
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 03, 2014, 05:09:06 pm
The list of tour dates keeps growing and growing. After the amazing show at the Lotto Arena, Within Temptation is returning to Belgium this summer to perform at the Metal day of Lokerse Feesten!

This year will be the 40th edition of the Belgian festival, which takes place from August 1 until August 10 in Grote Kaai, Lokeren.
Within Temptation is playing at the Main Stage on Sunday August 3.

Aside from WT, bands such as Mí¶torhead, Dimmu Borgir and the Devin Townsend Project will perform live on the Metal Day.

Tickets are on sale now on the Lokerse Feesten ticket website.
Find more information and the complete lineup at
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 03, 2014, 05:10:58 pm
Watch this new episode of the Hydra Tour Diary in which you finally see what Sharon was so upset about at the end of last week’s video, Sharon joins a musician on the street, Ruud celebrates his birthday, there are more parties on the bus, and you get to see more back stage footage. (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 03, 2014, 05:27:40 pm
Setlist Amsterdam (primer dí­a) (

See Who I Am (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 04, 2014, 05:08:53 pm
Setlist Amsterdam (segunda noche) (

Stand My Ground (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 06, 2014, 04:17:24 pm
Dragons of Belgium; be aware! Within Temptation is performing at Dour Festival this summer!

The festival takes place from July 17 until July 20 and showcases all types of different music. Within Temptation will perform at the 26rd edition of this festival on Friday July 18.
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 09, 2014, 10:38:55 pm
Of course being on the road is intense, but sometimes, on a day of, there's some time for relaxation... However, shooting each other might not be so relaxing at all. Click on the image below and check episode 9 of the Tour Diary to see what this (and the header of this newsletter)  is all about. (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 09, 2014, 10:40:45 pm
European festivals
Within Temptation will hit some European festivals this year too. This week some new festivals, like Dour (B), Rock Oz'Arí¨nes (CH) and Kivenlahti Rock (FIN), were added to the agenda. See the full festival list below.

June 6 | Espoo Helsinki (FIN) | Kivenlahti Rock
June 7 | Sí¶lvesborg (S) | Sweden Rock
June 12 | Copenhagen (DK) | Copenhell
June 13 | Donington Park (UK) | Download
July 06 | Barcelona (ES) | Barcelona Metal Fest
July 18 | Dour (BE) | Dour Festival
August 3 | Lokeren (BE) | Lokerse Feesten
August 8 | Leeuwarden (NL) | CityRock Leeuwarden
August 9 | Hildesheim (GER) | Mera Luna
August 14 | Roman Arena (CH) | Rock Oz’Arí¨nes
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 13, 2014, 03:55:27 pm
Yet another summerfestival is confirmed! Within Temptation is visiting Finland this summer to perform at Kivenlahti Rock festival! Kivenlahti Rock takes place from June 6 until June 7 in Old Highway 13, Espoo, Finland. Within Temptation is playing at the Main Stage on friday June 6 at 22:45 hour.

Tickets are on sale now on the Kivenlahti Rock ticket website.
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 13, 2014, 04:02:38 pm

Entrevista Louder Magazine (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 16, 2014, 07:42:37 pm

This week's newsletter opens with some great news about touring. There's some bad news about the tour diary: the last episode will be released next week, but we compensate. And scroll down for info on the release of the upcoming single "And We Run".


Attention to all of our Japanese fans! Loudpark (one of the biggest festivals in Japan) has announced their line-up today! And guess what: Within Temptation is on the bill. It has been 8 years since we rocked Tokyo, so we are extremely excited to know we will be visting Japan after such a long time.


Loudpark will take place on October 18 & 19, 2014. More information on Loudpark is available on the festivals website. The special pre-sales are taking place ‘til 6pm (JPN time) of June 27th. The public on-sale is from 10pm (JPN time) of June 28th.

USA & Canada


As mentioned in the introduction, the last tourvlog hasn't been finished editting yet. Just to keep you warm, we decided to tease you with a short promotional video of our upcoming, 12 gigs counting, North American tour in the fall of 2014. Click on the poster on the right to see this video on YouTube.

Of course all of you dragons are free to post and share the video with your friends. Information on tickets for all North-American shows available on the website of Within Temptation.

New video and EP coming up

On Friday the 23rd of May Within Temptation will release  a new music video together with a brand new EP. "What? A new EP?". Indeed, a new EP which contains the single "And we run" of course, but also a previously unreleased demo and a fresh dance remix.

Are you excited? We are and hope to see you soon on one of our upcoming summergigs in Europe:

Within Temptation's 2014 summer agenda

June 6 | Finland | Helsinki | Kivenlahti Rock
June 7 | Sweden | Sí¶lvesborg | Sweden Rock
June 12 | Denmark | Copenhagen | Copenhell
June 13 | United Kingdom | Donington Park | Download
June 26 | Italy | Milan | Alcatraz
July 6 | Spain | Barcelona | Barcelona Metal Fest
July 18 | Belgium | Dour | Dour Festival
August 3 | Belgium | Lokeren | Lokerse Feesten
August 8 | The Netherlands | Leeuwarden | CityRock Leeuwarden
August 9 | Germany | Hildesheim | M'era Luna
August 14 | Switserland | Roman Arena | Rock Oz’Arí¨nes

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 23, 2014, 08:12:13 pm
And We Run (Video) (

1. 'And We Run' ft. Xzibit (Radio Edit)
2. 'And We Run' ft. Xzibit (Original)
3. 'And We Run' ft. Xzibit (Dance Remix)
4. 'Living On Fire' (demo)
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 31, 2014, 04:16:31 pm
Hydra Tour Diary
During the first part of the Hydra tour, Sharon kept you up to date with a weekly tour diary video showing you what the band was up to on the road. The first part of the tour is over and now that the band is getting ready for the festival season, Sharon is looking back on the tour so far, with this week's extra long Hydra Tour Diary episode. Watch as she shows you funny clips you haven't seen before and see her reveal the sentence she recorded with all dragons during the tour. (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 04, 2014, 03:44:23 pm
Dragons of Germany, the beast is coming back!

Within Temptation is performing at Metal Hammer Paradise in November. The two-day festival takes place at Weissenhaeuser Strand (near Luebeck, Germany) on November 14 and 15th.

Over 25 bands are playing at the festival. Aside from Within Temptation, Powerwolf, Doro, Knorkator, Saltatio Mortis and Amorphis are playing at the festival. For more information and the complete line up, visit

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 05, 2014, 05:34:39 pm
Dragons in Japan, Within Temptation is performing at the heaviest metal festival in Japan: Loudpark in Tokyo on Sunday October 19!

The two-day festival takes place at the Saitama Super Arena on Saturday October 18th and Sunday 19th. Aside from Within Temptation, the following bands are playing on Sunday: Dream Theater, Kreator, Symphony X, Thunder, Death Angel, Belphegor, and Periphery amongst others.
The line up for Saturday features Manowar, Arch Enemy and Amaranthe amongst other bands.
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 07, 2014, 04:34:30 pm
Setlist Kievenlahti Fest (

What Have You Done (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 08, 2014, 04:18:36 pm
Setlist Sweden Rock (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 08, 2014, 04:19:37 pm
Faster @ Kivenlahti Rock (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 10, 2014, 04:29:19 pm
It’s Mike’s birthday today.

We’re collecting all of your birthday wishes in this post on Facebook.
Post your message for Mike in the comments underneath the picture!

Happy birthday, Mike!
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 13, 2014, 06:44:00 pm
Setlist Copenhell (

Mother Earth (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 13, 2014, 06:49:56 pm
Upcoming shows
The beast is conquering European festivals as we speak. Hydra has already taken over Kivenlahti Rock in Helsinki, Sweden Rock in Sí¶lvesborg, and Copenhell in Copenhagen. Tonight, the beast is storming the stage at Download at Donington Park in the UK.

Dragons of Milan, you'd better get ready for Hydra... Within Temptation is playing at the Alcatraz on June 26! Check an overview of the upcoming dates, below:

June 26 | Clubshow | Alcatraz (IT) |
July 06 | Festival | Barcelona Metal Fest (ES) |
July 18 | Festival | Dour Festival (BE) |
August 03 | Festival | Lokerse Feesten (BE) |
August 08 | Festival | CityRock Leeuwarden (NL) |
August 09 | Festival | Mera Luna (GER) |
August 14 | Festival | Rock Oz'Arí¨nes (CH)
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 13, 2014, 06:51:06 pm
South America, be aware...
Dragons of South America, you have been heard so be aware…

Make sure you keep an eye on the website, Facebook and Twitter as we have some exciting news coming up, next week.

The beast is getting hungry… more news next week!
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 14, 2014, 05:31:41 pm
Setlist Download Fest (

Entrevista (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 20, 2014, 06:24:33 pm
Dragons in South America, you have been warned… Within Temptation is coming to South America during the Hydra World Tour!

In addition to the North American tour dates, the beast will travel to Mexico, El Salvador, Colombia, Chili, Argentina and Brazil during the South American leg of the tour. Tickets are on sale next week!

Check the South American tour dates, below:

November 20   Mexico City (MX)   Teatro Metropolitan   
November 21   San Salvador (SV)   Cifco
November 23   Bogota (CO)   Downtown Majestic   
November 25   Santiago (CH)   Teatro Caupolican   
November 26   Buenos Aires (AR)   Teatro Flores   
November 28   Porto Alegre (AR)   Clube Portuguíªs   
November 29   Sao Paulo (BR)   Circo Voador   
November 30   Sao Paulo (BR)   Audiosp
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 27, 2014, 04:05:00 pm
Setlist Milan (

Our Solemn Hour (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 01, 2014, 04:46:59 pm
Dragons of Latin America,

we want to hear you roar!!!
Within Temptation is coming to South America in November 2014. All the SA tour dates have been added to our Facebook page.

Show us you’re coming to our shows by attending the events!
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 04, 2014, 03:26:25 pm
Visto en FB!!

"the rumours are true, this fall you can expect a live release of Hydra. we're working on it RIGHT NOW!"

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 08, 2014, 05:29:08 pm
Setlist Barcelona (

Edge Of The World (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 12, 2014, 04:24:53 pm
It’s Sharon’s birthday today!

We’re collecting all of your birthday wishes and messages for ‘the mother of all dragons’ in this post on Facebook.
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 12, 2014, 04:27:38 pm
Hoy Sharon den Adel cumple 40 años!!

FELICIDADES!!!!!!!!!!!! :011: :011: :011:
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 15, 2014, 04:36:07 pm
Captura del DVD (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 18, 2014, 07:24:57 pm
Summer means Summer Festivals! Aside from recording in the studio and working on the new DVD (more info coming soon...), Within Temptation is hitting the stage at European summer festivals!

Conquering Dour Festival tonight
The beast is back on the road for a show at Dour festival in Belgium tonight! Are you coming to the show tonight? Share your live photos on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram using #WTlive and @WTofficial!

Upcoming shows
Within Temptation is playing at more European festivals in August! Make sure you mark the following dates in your calander:

August 03 | Lokerse Feesten, Lokeren (BE) | TICKETS
August 08 | CityRock Leeuwarden, Leeuwarden (NL) | TICKETS
August 09 | Mera Luna, Hildesheim (GER) | TICKETS
August 14 | Rock Oz'Arí¨nes, Roman Arena (CH) | TICKETS

Find a complete overview of all tour dates of the Hydra Tour, the fall shows and the 2015 Theater Tour on the tour page.
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 19, 2014, 10:10:46 pm
ast week, Mike received a brand new Pearl Reference Pure drum kit, especially adjusted to his personal preferences, to take on tour. Mike personally got to put together his new kit and test it at Pearl Music Europe.

The Dutch drummer-orentied magazine “Slagwerkkrant” joined Mike to ask him some questions on his new gear for the Hydra tour and shoot some footage of him tyring out his drum kit for the first time. Mike personally explained what his kit consists of and what Pearl costumized especially for him.

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 19, 2014, 10:15:54 pm
Setlist Dour (

And We Run (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 26, 2014, 06:21:15 pm
Nuevo DVD! Sale el 19 de septiembre!

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 01, 2014, 06:44:40 pm
Signing Session
The band will be hosting a signing session at Mera Luna in Germany! Do you have CD covers, photos or other booklets you'd like to have signed? Come meet everyone at the signing session and snap a picture while you're at it! More info will follow soon.
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 08, 2014, 06:39:27 pm
Whole UK is Watching
Hydra is not ready storming the UK charts just yet, Whole World is Watching ft. Dave Pirner is picked up by BBC and made it to the playlist! It's great to be getting this much support for the new album.

Have you checked out the Whole World is Watching EP yet? It features the version with Dave Pirner as well as Piotr Rogucki, two unreleased demo tracks ('Keep on Breathing' and 'One of These Days') and the official music v ideo for WWiW featuring Dave Pirner. Get it on iTunes!
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 09, 2014, 10:12:59 pm
El pasado fin de semana

Setlist Lokerse Fest (

Angels (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 09, 2014, 10:17:05 pm
Setlist City Rock (

Our Solemn Hour (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 10, 2014, 08:34:23 pm
Setlist M'era Luna (

Siníéad (acoustic) (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 14, 2014, 04:03:41 pm
Single on high rotation on BBC2 radio.

Within Temptation’s latest single ‘Whole World Is Watching’ has been added to the A-list of BBC2 radio. A milestone for the Dutch band, it’s the first time their music hit the radio in the United Kingdom and immediately entered the top 30 airplay chart. Within Temptation is also nominated for an AIM Award in the category of Independent Album of The Year with their album ‘Hydra’ which was released in January 2014. The album was released in the United Kingdom by their label Dramatico, the label that is also responsible for the UK breakthrough of Dutch artist, Caro Emerald.

Singer Sharon den Adel was pleasantly surprised by the English success: “Over the past years our UK fan base has kept on growing. Their support has brought us from a small stage Scala in 2004 to this years sold out Wembley arena in London. This show was a milestone in our career, and it’s hard to imagine the year could get any better. The BBC radio 2 playlist and now the nomination for AIM Best Album undeniably marks our most incredible year in the UK thus far. We want to thank our fans for this amazing journey.”

The AIM Awards, created to support independent labels and their talent in the UK, will be held on September 2, 2014. In the past, artists like Adele, Macklemore & Ryan Lewis, Alt-J and Vampire Weekend were awarded by the organization for their creativity and dedication. Alongside Within Temptation, other nominees this year include London Grammar, Arctic Monkeys and FKAtwigs.

‘Hydra’ is the sixth album released by the Dutch rock band. The album debuted at No. 1 in the Rock and Metal charts in the United States, and charted at No. 1 on the iTunes charts that include musical talent from no less than 10 European countries.

Within Temptation is touring America and Latin America as part of their world tour until the end of 2014. From February 28 until April 24, they will be playing in Dutch theaters.
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 14, 2014, 04:04:56 pm
Czech Dragons be aware, the beast is coming your way!

Within Temptation is performing at Haví­Å™ov festival 2014 in September. The three-day festival takes place on 5, 6 and 7 September. Within Temptation is headlining the first night, on friday the 5th.

For more information and the complete line up, visit
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 15, 2014, 09:29:13 pm
Setlist Arenes (

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 15, 2014, 09:30:47 pm
Live @ M'era Luna (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 28, 2014, 06:57:48 pm
Aside from rocking the stage with Within Temptation, Ruud and Stefan like to work with other promising bands as well. On October 6, the band Winter in Eden will release their brand new album, on which Ruud and Stefan worked as well!

Ruud produced the album and Stefan mixed the yet to be released album called ‘Court Of Conscience’. The album can be pre-ordered on Winter in Eden’s website now. Check out their Facebook page to stay up to date on all news!
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 29, 2014, 06:14:11 pm
Los hijos de Sharon y Robert cantando (

The band is currently enjoying a couple of days off, before going back on tour. In between enjoying the sun and sipping drinks, the band is checking out songs for the new DVD and preparing to get back on the road!
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 02, 2014, 04:50:17 pm
Sunday September 7, Sharon will visit the Dutch rapper Ali B in his show ‘Ali B en de Muziekkaravaan’.

Every week, the rapper welcomes Dutch artists in a fairytale-like villa to record a brand new song together within a few days. This week, you can watch Sharon visit Ali and see what they talked about and what the trip was like.

Dutch dragons can tune in to NPO3 at 8.25PM (GMT+1) to hear what song Ali B and his producer Brownie Dutch and Sharon came up with. After the show, you will be able to watch the episode online. Keep an eye on the site to see where you can watch it in case you missed it!
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 03, 2014, 05:02:56 pm
Hydra has not left the UK untouched. ‘Whole World is Watching’ has been added to the A-list of BBC2 radio, which is a Within Temptation Milestone! In addition, Hydra was nominated for an AIM award in the category Independent Album of the Year.

Sharon: “Over the past years our UK fan base has kept on growing. Their support has brought us from a small stage Scala in 2004 to this years sold out Wembley arena in London. This show was a milestone in our career, and it’s hard to imagine the year could get any better. The BBC radio 2 playlist and now the nomination for AIM Best Album undeniably marks our most incredible year in the UK thus far. We want to thank our fans for this amazing journey.”

Within Temptation congratulates the Arctic Monkeys on winning the Award for Independent Album of the Year and thanks AIM for nominating the band. Robert and Sharon were pleased to hand the Independent Breakthrough of the Year Award to London Grammar.


Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 09, 2014, 05:29:39 pm
After ten years, Within Temptation is coming back to Bloodstock Festival in the UK in 2015!

This will be the only UK show in 2015. Bloodstock Open Air takes place from August 6 – 9 at Catton Park in Derbyshire. The complete line up is yet to be confirmed. However, another band that will be playing aside from Within Temptation is Opeth.
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 12, 2014, 07:22:28 pm
The River (cover) (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 17, 2014, 04:18:31 pm
Last Friday, Sharon attended the Metal Hammer Awards in Berlin.

Within Temptation was nominated in two categories: Best Live Band and Best Album.

Sharon attended the show and was proud to accept the award for Best Live Band!

The band wants to thank all fans and people who voted for WT!

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 17, 2014, 11:33:24 pm
Setlist Areal Mtske (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 24, 2014, 06:37:49 pm
USA, GET READY! Hydra is on its way to conquer America!

Within Temptation is starting off with a sold out show at the Regency Ballroom in San Francisco on September 25th.

There are just a few tickets avaiable for the rest of the tour, so make sure you get yours in time!
Check the tour page for a complete overview of North American tour as well as the South American tour and ticket links for the last tickets!
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 26, 2014, 07:28:52 pm
Setlist San Francisco (

Stand My Ground (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 27, 2014, 05:11:24 pm
Setlist Los Angeles (

Paradise (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 28, 2014, 08:14:22 pm
Tour Diary USA (part 1) (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 29, 2014, 08:14:33 pm
Setlist Denver (

Ice Queen (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 30, 2014, 04:23:31 pm
Contenido del DVD

Release dates are Nov 14th Europe, Nov 17th UK, Nov 25th USA.

Double CD + DVD - Live Album - Let Us Burn
(Elements & Hydra Live in Concert)

8 panel DVD Digipack with 20 page booklet

Elements DVD Tracklisting

01 Intro
02 Iron
03 In The Middle Of The Night
04 Faster
05 Fire and Ice
06 Our Solemn Hour
07 Stand My Ground
08 Angels
09 Sanctuary Intro
10 The Last Dance
11 Say My Name
12 Candles
13 Sinead
14 The Promise
15 Mother Earth
16 Ice Queen
17 Stairway To The Skies


1 Intro
2 Let Us Burn
3 Paradise (What About Us?)
4 Faster
5 Iron
6 Edge Of The World
7 In The Middle Of The Night
8 Dangerous
9 And We Run
10 Stand My Ground
11 Covered By Roses
12 Mother Earth
13 What Have You Done
14 Silver Moonlight
15 Whole World Is Watching
16 Sinead
17 Ice Queen

Pack also contains double CD with Elements and Hydra on individual discs. (Same track order as DVD)
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 01, 2014, 04:26:28 pm
Dutch symphonic rock band WITHIN TEMPTATION are thrilled to unveil a new live DVD/Blu-ray/2CD. ‘Let Us Burn – Elements & Hydra Live In Concert’ is set for release on November 14 and features two of WITHIN TEMPTATION’s most talked about arena shows ever. The two dates are 2012’s resplendent 15th birthday ‘Elements’ concert and the final night of the ‘Hydra’ European arena tour at Amsterdam’s Heineken Music Hall in May 2014. When it comes to the live experience, Within Temptation’s status is of a league extraordinaire. These two performances showcase every nuance of their fierce reputation plus stunning imagery and special FX, including even giant fire-breathing dragons!

In November 2012, WITHIN TEMPTATION challenged themselves to create one of their most impressive arena shows ever, to celebrate the band’s 15th birthday. The result was the one-off symphonic ‘Elements’ show, held at the Sportpaleis in Antwerp. A dazzling event with 15,000 fans, the band’s dream came to life. Newly inspired, the group went forth to write their critically acclaimed sixth studio album ‘Hydra’.

LetUsBurn_DVDBluRay_cover_300DPI_RGB FINAL s
In early 2014, WITHIN TEMPTATION unleashed ‘Hydra’. This monster record claimed more than 10 European Top-10 chart positions, a #2 position in the iTunes World Charts, and the band’s highest US Billboard Top-20 chart position to date. The album success was followed by a 33-date European arena tour, selling out noted venues like Wembley Arena in London, Le Zenith in Paris, and the legendary Heineken Music Hall in Amsterdam (twice).
Over 15,000 fans joined the ‘Elements’ show celebrations and more than 120,000 fans witnessed the ‘Hydra’ beast on stage in Europe, but WITHIN TEMPTATION is far from done. The ‘Hydra’ world tour is currently in full swing in North America. With South America and Japan still to come, more than half a million fans will have seen WITHIN TEMPTATION by the end of this year.

WITHIN TEMPTATION is renowned for releasing impressive live DVDs. Previous release, the best-selling ‘Black Symphony’ DVD, helped make them one of the most popular bands in their genre. At their recent Awards show in Berlin, Metal Hammer Germany presented WITHIN TEMPTATION with the prestigious Best Live Band Award. The new DVD underlines this title.
‘Let Us Burn – Elements & Hydra Live In Concert’ will be released in four formats – DVD + 2CD, Blu-ray + 2CD, 2CD, and digital album. The DVD and Blu-ray contain 34 live audio visual tracks in HD, mixed in 5.1 Dolby Surround. The 2CD and digital album comprise 32 live audio tracks. The two shows have a running time total of approximately 170 minutes. ‘Let Us Burn – Elements & Hydra Live In Concert’ is a treat for rock fans all over the world.
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 01, 2014, 04:53:34 pm
Sonic Cathedral was lucky enough to catch up with Sharon den Adel in person, backstage before the band’s sold out concert in San Francisco (the first stop of their 2014 U.S. tour). Sharon took a break from signing 6,000 posters for fans (!) to tell us about reactions to Hydra, including the controversial “And We Run”; what the band learned from adapting Lana Del Rey’s “Summertime Sadness”; how the upcoming Hydra DVD became an Elements DVD (a scoop we promised not to share until the band announced it); the inspiration for “Dangerous” and “Covered by Roses”; her favorite Game of Thrones character; and why WT’s tour doesn’t include as many states as she’d like. Read on!

Sonic Cathedral:  Thank you for agreeing to another interview with Sonic Cathedral. Our staff and our readers are all big fans.

Sharon:  Cool.

Sonic Cathedral:  Welcome back to California too.

Sharon:  Yeah, I love it. It’s nice weather, better than Europe at the moment. It’s always a pleasure to play here, so looking forward to it tonight.

Sonic Cathedral:  Are you getting to do anything fun in San Francisco or just sign posters for the fans?

Sharon:  We were here on Tuesday, so we saw Fisherman’s Wharf. And we went to Haight-Ashbury. It was beautiful as well. I’ve been to both places many times before already, like the two times we were here. But I like it very much, and those areas are very appealing to us, being a tourist of course.

Sonic Cathedral:  So how many posters are you signing for the fans, do you know?

Sharon:  A couple of thousand, I think close to six thousand. It’s crazy. We never thought that there’d be so many people who would buy the tickets so early, because we said if you buy the ticket early you get a free poster. So somebody had that bright idea, I’m not sure if it was me or somebody else in the crew or something. But it backfired a bit (laughs).

Sonic Cathedral:  Yes, well I overheard that the show is sold out tonight.

Sharon:  Yeah, it is. But a lot of people are coming to pick up their poster as well.

Sonic Cathedral:  Well congrats on that, and congrats on the success of Hydra. It was your most successful album to date in the US right?

Sharon:  Yeah it is, yes. It’s very special. They like The Unforgiving, but especially hard rock has been very successful here. You never know how people will react to your new album, and I’m really happy to see that this album went down well.

Sonic Cathedral:  I think the best song for me is probably “And We Run” even though it’s the most unusual.

Sharon:  Really? The guys before you, they really hated it, so the opinions are very divided on that.

Sonic Cathedral:  It’s polarizing?

Sharon:  Yeah, yeah it is.

Sonic Cathedral:  I read an interview recently with Linkin Park, where they said when they introduced rap to nu metal, and they went on their first tour on Ozzfest, people were throwing things at them, they just hated it so much.

Sharon:  Really, ohhh.

Sonic Cathedral:  I think your fans have been a lot more accepting of new stuff right?

Sharon:  Yeah they are, because they also know that we’re always doing this kind of thing, always trying new things. For us it’s the reason that we’re still around. Otherwise we would be so bored, or have so much writer’s block. Now we still aim to do what we like, and this is the only way forward, actually.

Sonic Cathedral:  You would think that symphonic metal fans in general would be more open to combining new things than maybe average metal fans?

Sharon:  Yeah. But maybe because this scene has already been around for such a long time, it has a certain history also, that it’s become a box of its own, you know, like how to fit in, and how to be, and how to play. Unfortunately. But yeah, it goes with everything.

Sonic Cathedral:  I also thought it was cool that you included as bonus tracks on Hydra some of the Q-Music sessions. Did you learn anything new from doing that kind of music that helped you write Hydra?

Sharon:  We were doing those covers at the moment that we also started writing new songs for Hydra, and it helped us a lot, actually. Especially the song of Lana Del Rey because we transposed her song from a mid-tempo kind of a song to a more up-tempo song, and we added guitars, and different tonalities and stuff, and we learned what you can do if you keep in mind what kind of rhythm you have in the beginning, what you choose for rhythm in the beginning. Like for instance, “Paradise,” which you hear in the background, was actually a ballad in the beginning, and we did that on purpose, because it’s easier to write a ballad. But if you write it in the right tempo you can transpose it to a heavier, up-tempo song in the end. And that’s what we did we with a lot of songs, like “Silver Moonlight,” and for us it’s an easier way to write up-tempo songs, because in the past somehow it was always a bit difficult for us. This is the most up-tempo album we’ve ever made. This was one of the keys to do it. That’s the writing process.

Sonic Cathedral:  That’s cool. I’ve also been hearing rumors on the Internet of a coming DVD, do you have any comments on that yet?

Sharon:  On Tuesday you’re gonna hear a lot more, but when is it going to be out, this interview (laughs)?

Sonic Cathedral:  The interview will not be published at least for two weeks.

Sharon:  Oh, yes (laughs). It’s going to be an Elements DVD, actually. It started out to be a Hydra DVD, and then on the final hour of the final day we decided not to go through with it, because we had put Elements as an extra on it, and we were watching it, and it was so beautiful. In our mind, when we did the show, we were never happy completely with it. But looking back on it, it was way better than we ever thought. Somehow it just turned really bad in our heads. Sometimes time does that to something. And we had to come back on our decision. (The soundcheck reaches a crescendo.) Let me see if I can close the doors, one second. (Sharon leaves and comes back after the music stops.) You always see that, he stops when you close the door.

Sonic Cathedral:  Well the show is more important than the interview (laughs)!

Sharon:  No, this is also important of course. So, at the final moment we decided to do the Elements show because it looked so great, and we flipped it around. Elements is the main thing, we added almost the whole show on it, and the Hydra is the extra. But you get both, because people also wanted to have Hydra. You can’t compare the two, because the Hydra show is like a regular show, and Elements is theater.

Sonic Cathedral:  Yeah, I was there, so I know what you mean.

Sharon:  And people were also asking so many times about Elements, please make a DVD out of it. We always said we’re never going to do it. And that’s why we put some extras on it. But then working on it, we were like it’s actually really good, damn, we should turn it around. It cost us a lot of money to turn that around again, but we felt like we would never ever release it afterwards either, because after releasing a few songs it doesn’t make sense to do another DVD. It costs a lot of money. It did in the end still (laughs). It was a hard to make the DVD because so many things went wrong, but in the end now it’s perfect, the way it’s coming out, it just looks perfect, it sounds perfect. So I’m really happy about it.

Sonic Cathedral:  That’s really good news, because that’s a show worth sharing with the whole world.

Sharon:  Yeah, exactly. And I think it’s very important also to show. The other thing is we have Black Symphony as the last thing we released as a DVD. And you don’t want to do a normal show as a DVD as a follow up after Black Symphony. Black Symphony was over the top, you know how we did things. And Elements is the only thing you should bring out after something like that.

Sonic Cathedral:  Cool, I will look forward to that, and I won’t tell anyone before you make the announcement (laughs). (Brief break while Sharon talks to crew.) So it seems like sometimes that you write songs that are based on your personal experiences and sometimes they seem from your imagination. Is that right?

Sharon:  Yeah that’s true. Sometimes also it doesn’t always have to be about me, but it’s more like people around you. You gather ideas from everything in life of course. It can be personal, but also from people that you know and things you see on television or movies, and you get inspired.

Sonic Cathedral:  So which type of song is “Dangerous”?

Sharon:  “Dangerous” is more the type of song that we got inspired. I don’t know, the subject just came up, we were looking at some extreme sports on television, that’s how it got stuck in my mind when we started the recording of the song. “Dangerous” was already in the demo phase. It was like, you know what, let’s keep it because we have a cool theme there. There are some people who are crazy doing these crazy things. But I understand it because I like it, the adrenaline feeling. I get it from being on stage, I don’t need to jump from buildings. Luckily. I’m afraid of heights (laughs). We all find our own way. And some people just do it this way.

Sonic Cathedral:  You have done a little race car driving with Robert I think?
Sharon:  Yes. I tried it once, and well it wasn’t my kind of thing. But it was his thing, you know. I like other things.

Sonic Cathedral:  That always made me smile, when being a rock star is not enough adrenaline you have to become a race car driver.

Sharon:  Yeah (laughs). Robert is a guy of extremes.

Sonic Cathedral:  So I’ve heard your explanation of Hydra as having lots of heads that represent different aspects of your music.

Sharon:  Yeah, exactly. We have many different influences. From the day we started, we started of course like a doom metal band, they called us. And it’s always what’s popular in the world apparently, what label they give us. Then suddenly we became symphonic metal, and then with some of the ads Silent Force became gothic metal. I always hated that name, by the way. Not because I don’t like gothic or don’t like metal. I hated the fact they always changed the labels for us. For us we were always symphonic metal or symphonic rock. And we also had the Celtic feel to our songs. We had so many different influences from different sides. Anyway, every head is for every aspect of our music. The hydra also means face your fears and embrace your demons. The hydra is also a demon in a way. Not musically, but more about the personal things in life. The lyrics are also about the bigger things in life that come back every time, but in a different way because you look at the same subjects, the big themes in life like death and happiness and love, and those kinds of things that everybody has to deal with in life. Twenty years ago I looked differently at those kinds of things than nowadays. I take it with a little bit more melancholy, but less heavy than I used to.

(The soundcheck becomes super loud, and Sharon steps away. In the meantime I ask Jeroen, who is busy signing posters, how’s your hand? “I won’t be able to play here tonight, sorry. Nah, it’s ok. Just sign here. Just sign here.” Quiet returns, and Sharon reappears.)

Sonic Cathedral:  You were saying how your perspective has changed over the years?

Sharon:  Yeah. Like for instance the song “Covered by Roses” really sums it up, the whole feeling lyrically, actually, because it’s about the passing of someone, and then somebody was afraid. Of course, things change and there’s one person who’s not there anymore, and you have a certain kind of relationship with each other. But it’s more like that I see you have to enjoy the moment now. Make those moments, and don’t wait until twenty years when you are going on your pension to take that big beautiful trip and then you die within a year. How many times do you hear that. So those kinds of things. Carpe diem. Really take your moment. I think that’s a positive way of seeing things, instead of being sad about the fact that things are going to pass. Things are going to pass. You knew that already, for many years. You better turn it into something positive. There’s always going to be this melancholy around it, of course. That’s the best way to deal with it. You live so many years in time.

Sonic Cathedral:  Are you also into dragons?

Sharon:  I love dragons (laughs).

Sonic Cathedral:  Do you like Game of Thrones?

Sharon:  I love Game of Thrones. You know, I read those books at least ten, fifteen maybe twenty years ago, when they released them for the first time in Holland, when it was translated. I never read them in English, actually. But I was always waiting for the new episode to come out, and it always took years and years, like every album of ours as well (laughs). So to follow the story you have the read the first book again, because there are so many characters in this story. And I love that, I love it. I’m so happy now there’s this series out now. It’s the best, really the best. He’s really the best fantasy writer around, there’s no better. But the only thing is he takes too much time.

Sonic Cathedral:  Who is your favorite character?

Sharon:  Arya actually. In the book it was always Arya. In the movie it changed to someone else, the lady of the dragons, Khaleesi (laughs).

Sonic Cathedral:  So is your song “The Promise” at all related to Catelyn and the Red Wedding? I’m not sure which came out first, but they’ve always seemed similar to me.

Sharon:  Actually it was from a different fantasy book, that I was inspired about that. What was it called again? The Laws of Magic? First Law, Second Law? I don’t have the name of the writer. It was also good in the beginning, but then he was too much of a super hero and never died. And she was also like this (laughs). In fact getting boring at the end. But in the beginning it was good. It was also very heavy. It’s not as good as the George R.R. Martin books. It became you really knew he was never going to die, he would always end up with her again. It’s almost like this romantic book. It was a little bit too sweet. But the song was on a different fantasy, unfortunately.

Sonic Cathedral:  I think you could sort of reapply it. It almost applies to Catelyn.

Sharon:  Yeah, exactly.

Sonic Cathedral:  Well I’ve taken a lot of your time. Are there any last things you’d like to say to our readers, in America and elsewhere?

Sharon:  We are always happy to play America, it’s really nice to be here. Also we know we have a lot of fans out there, and unfortunately because we’re trying to combine two worlds together, we all have families, that’s why we can’t tour everywhere. That’s why we always do these states, actually. And I think it’s unfortunate, and we get a lot of complaints, and I’m sorry about that. People complain about the fact that we don’t play everywhere, but we have to make choices. But maybe it will be in the future that we’ll do the other states instead of these states and also visit those states. But they better be there, you know! Otherwise I’m going to kick your butt (laughs).

Sonic Cathedral:  We’re very spread out in this country. Thank you so much for your time. I’ll let you continue getting ready.

Sharon:  Yeah, I’m going to sign a few more, he’s catching up with me, I was actually ahead, by 1000.

Sonic Cathedral:  I got you behind here, sorry.

Sharon:  No, I was already late when I came here because I got hardly any sleep, and so did he. Everybody has jet lag. I only had two hours sleep, I couldn’t sleep. Maybe I’m going to try to sleep an hour in the bus later on.

Sonic Cathedral:  Really looking forward to the show.

Sharon:  It’s good to be back again, and it’s great that you’re here again. Thank you.

* * *

Postscript:  I also want to add a mini-review of Within Temptation’s San Francisco and LA shows, which I attended. They were fantastic! This was the ninth and tenth time I’ve seen Sharon sing (counting once with Delain at MFVF 2013), and she sounded the best ever. She handled all of her different styles perfectly, from delicate high notes to urgent anthems. The band also played to perfection, with lots of expression. The crowds were large, adoring, and energized! In LA, I was with a first-timer friend, and it was fun seeing how blown away he was. I also saw Facebook posts of other newcomers saying WT had become their new favorite band.

“Our Solemn Hour” remains my all-time favorite WT song, so I was excited to hear it again, with all its drama. It was also a treat to hear “The Cross,” which Sharon once said is her favorite song to sing. It really shows off her spectacular abilities. Among the new material, I especially enjoyed “Let Us Burn,” “Edge of the World,” and “Covered by Roses.” The latter has special meaning to Sharon, as she said, and it shows in her performance. I really like the message too. “Edge of the World” is also a vocal showcase for her.

As a special treat, we got a beautiful acoustic version of “Sinead” and also (in LA) “Never-Ending Story.” As for other classics, WT played excellent renditions of “Stand My Ground,” “See Who I Am,” and of course “Mother Earth” and “Ice Queen.” Perhaps the setlist was a little light on older material -- I would have added “Restless” or “Candles” and “The Promise” or “Deceiver of Fools” -- but I love the newer songs, so I didn’t mind.

Staging was necessarily less elaborate than in Europe due to travel constraints, but the lights and video were very effective. Duets were handled with on-screen appearances by Tarja, Howard Jones, Xzibit, and Keith Caputo. Sharon was also great about talking to the crowd before key songs, giving them more meaning.

It was an amazing two evenings!

Huge thanks to Amy Sciarretto of Atom Splitter PR and Jon Freeman of Freeman Promotions for helping to arrange the interview, and to Within Temptation's tour manager Piet!
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 02, 2014, 03:44:55 pm
Setlist Minneapolis (

Ice Queen (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 02, 2014, 03:49:01 pm
Setlist Chicago (

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 03, 2014, 07:01:02 pm
Tour Diary 2 (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 04, 2014, 07:02:55 pm
Setlist Royal Oak (

Siníéad (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 04, 2014, 07:04:58 pm
Setlist Toronto (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 06, 2014, 06:05:23 pm
Setlist Montreal (

Silver Moonlight (ft Henrik Englund) (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 07, 2014, 04:05:19 pm
The beast is back from Canada and is headed over to the East coast!

While we’re on tour, we’re keeping you up to date on what we’re up to with Tour Diary videos. Watch as Sharon goes shopping with the guys, Martijn finally finds a chair that fits him and the band find good advice in a fortune cookie.

Tour Diary 3 (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 08, 2014, 05:05:59 pm
Setlist Baltimore (

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 09, 2014, 05:51:20 pm

Summertime Sadness (

What Have You Done (

Paradise (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 10, 2014, 05:38:25 pm
Within Temptation dared a young guitar hero from the Netherlands to rock along at the Hydra show in Antwerp, and play a guitar solo live in front of all of you.

Zapp Music Challenge, a new Dutch television series, provides young musical children the challenge of a lifetime. That all of these boys and girls can play instruments and write songs is a given. But will they be up for the task to play a solo in front of a huge live audience?

The band coached the talented little guitar player Rick to perform live at the show in Antwerp this year! The road to Rick’s grand performance has been captured from start to finish.

Tune in to Nederland 3 this Saturday October 11 at 07.00PM (GMT+1) to watch Rick tame the beast.
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 10, 2014, 05:44:30 pm
Setlist Philadephia (

Stairway To The Skies (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 10, 2014, 05:59:53 pm
Tour Diary 4 (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 11, 2014, 05:16:24 pm
Setlist New York (

Mother Earth (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 12, 2014, 03:51:31 pm
Setlist Worchester (

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 12, 2014, 03:53:14 pm
Fragment of the dutch program Zapp Music Challenge: Within Temptation coached the talented little guitar player Rick Moonen to perform live at the show in Antwerp this year! The road to Rick’s grand performance has been captured from start to finish. (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 17, 2014, 04:22:49 pm
Dear fans,

It’s very unfortunate and we deeply regret that we have to do this, but since the political situation in the Ukraine is still uncertain and not 100% safe for international travelers, we have no other choice than to postpone our planned show in Kiev. We always like to perform in the Ukraine and we were looking forward to the show, but after investigating the local situation and talking to our national government, we had to take the decision not to play at this time, but to move our show to March 31st, 2015.

As you can imagine, a Within Temptation show isn’t a 6-piece production. We have many people with us who make sure our show looks and sounds like a Within Temptation show should sound, all in all a traveling group of at least 20 people. Being able to perform and travel safely is very important to us, not only for ourselves but especially for our loyal fans who sometimes travel many kilometers to attend our shows.

This is why we had to make this unfortunate decision. As mentioned, the new date of the show is March 31st, 2015. All tickets that were purchased for the show on October 30th are valid for the new date. What is for sure is that the anticipation from the band to play the concert is bigger than ever before. We are personally following the developments in the Ukraine on a daily basis for months now. Despite all the uncertainties there are one thing that is certain… We WILL play in Kiev just as much as we know that that it will also be a memorable gig for all of us. Our sincere apologies for any inconvenience this may cause, we all are looking forward to see you all in Kiev again soon!

All the best and warm regards,

Sharon, Ruud, Stefan, Mike, Martijn and Jeroen
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 17, 2014, 06:17:04 pm
Trailer del DVD (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 18, 2014, 05:36:30 pm
Edge of the World will be the next single. Premiers on BBC Radio 2 on Monday
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 19, 2014, 03:53:58 pm
Setlist Loudpark (

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 21, 2014, 04:22:25 pm
Dragons in Latin America, are you ready?!

The beast is coming for you next month!
After devouring Europe, North America and Japan, the beast is coming to Latin America in November. (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 24, 2014, 06:19:35 pm
Conquering Germany
Dragons from Germany, important news for you! Before the beast heads over to America, Hydra is coming to Germany to let us burn at Metal Hammer Paradise! The festival takes place on November 14 and 15 at Weissenhaeuser Strand.
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 26, 2014, 12:25:36 pm
Jeroen van Veert, bajista de la banda, cumple 40 años!!
FELICIDADES!!! :011: :011: :011: :011: :011: :011:
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 27, 2014, 05:56:16 pm
Entrevista (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 31, 2014, 04:29:53 pm
 USA Tour Diary 5 (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 31, 2014, 06:11:35 pm
Mensaje de Sharon (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 06, 2014, 10:00:15 pm
Covered By Roses (live) (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 07, 2014, 06:37:42 pm
Did your track made it to the playlist?
Check out our new LET US BURN playlist at Spotify. This week we've asked which track makes you Burn. Thank you for your massive and inspiring response!
We've added a few of your personal favorites to the playlist! Check here if your song has been added.
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 12, 2014, 04:36:34 pm

Hoy a las 20:30
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 14, 2014, 04:17:49 pm
Entrevista (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 14, 2014, 06:34:15 pm
Respuestas al Q&A (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 15, 2014, 03:58:47 pm
Buen rollito (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 17, 2014, 04:55:46 pm
We are happy to announce that our new live DVD/Blu-ray/CD “Let Us Burn” is out now! We managed to get 2 concerts on 1 DVD, the Elements concert which featured a full orchestra and choir, and this year’s Hydra-show in Amsterdam!

We are very proud of this release as it shows many sides of us as a band. The video and audio footage looks and sounds amazing and we hope you feel the same way! Our US fans have to wait a few more days, but we can tell it’s definitely worth the wait! :)
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 20, 2014, 04:24:18 pm
We have just announced a new show for our seated tour in March and April 2015. Apart from Holland we will also be doing a special show at the Rockhal in Luxembourg (L) on March 5th 2015!

Tickets have just gone on sale and since we’re putting seats in the venue there will be less tickets available than usual, so make sure not to wait too long.

It looks like this will be our only show outside of Holland for our seated tour, but fortunately we will be playing in cities pretty accessible to most other countries, so make sure to check out our tourpage for more dates. If you have any questions or problems with buying tickets, make sure to post your comments so we can help you out. See you there!
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 20, 2014, 04:25:51 pm
After announcing a special show in Luxembourg earlier this week, we can now announce a new festival!
On June 21st 2015 we will be performing at the Belgian Graspop Metal Meeting festival, where acts such as Slipknot, Scorpions, Kiss and In Flames will also be performing.
It’s the 3rd festival announced for next year after announcing Bloodstock (UK) and Leyendas Del Rock (E). More to follow very soon!
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 21, 2014, 04:29:03 pm
Setlist Mexico (

Paradise (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 21, 2014, 06:23:29 pm
Next to that we've announced a brand new seated show in Luxembourg and an extra show in the Oosterpoort (Groningen) Netherlands. After the first show sold out in no time, we decided to do an extra show at March 28th. Pre-sale starts November 23rd
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 23, 2014, 03:37:20 pm
Setlist San Salvador (

Our Solemn Hour (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 24, 2014, 05:53:57 pm
Setlist Bogotá (

The Promise (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 26, 2014, 04:37:24 pm
Setlist Santiago (

Siníéad (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 27, 2014, 03:31:05 pm
Setlist Buenos Aires (

Jilian (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 28, 2014, 06:14:46 pm
Date   Place   Venue
March 31   Kiev (UA)   Stereoplaza
April 4/5   Schijndel (NL)   Paaspop
May 29   Ní¼rburg (D)   Der Ring – Grí¼ne Hí¶lle Rock
May 31   Munich (D)   Rockavaria
June 05   Vienna (A)   Rock In Vienna
June 21   Dessel (B)   Graspop Metal Meeting
July 09   Vizovice (CZ)   Masters Of Rock
July 30   Kostrzyn nad OdrÄ… (PL)   Woodstock Festival
August 06   Villena (E)   Leyendas Del Rock
August 08   Catton Park (UK)   Bloodstock Festival
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 29, 2014, 06:11:08 pm
Setlist Recife (

Covered By Roses (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 30, 2014, 04:31:54 pm
Setlist Rio de Janeiro (

Stand My Ground (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 01, 2014, 04:23:09 pm
Setlist Sao Paulo (

Faster (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 02, 2014, 11:34:31 pm
Covered By Roses (Lyric video) (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 06, 2014, 10:02:42 pm
The year had almost come to an end and we look back to a very fierce year. What was your favorite WT moment? Share all your pictures on the socials (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Google+) and use hashtag #WTLIVE14. Don't forget to mention were your picture is taken. We might share your picture on our socials this month!
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 10, 2014, 05:07:18 pm
@WTofficial has been confirmed for Wacken Open Air @Wacken the big festival the next year #WOA2015
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 12, 2014, 09:36:45 pm
Dear Dragons!

Starting this week you can catch Sharon at her "new" Facebook page. The page started 4 years ago and we thank Wissam for his great work and the love he put into it so far. (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 12, 2014, 09:38:05 pm
New show announced: Wacken Open Air! It's the 3rd German festival we will be performing at in 2015 and we can't wait to be back!
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 21, 2014, 06:34:58 pm
Dear Dragons!

We’re are looking back on an amazing year where Dragons were born and fires started. We salute you and wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 02, 2015, 04:11:25 pm
Robert cumple hoy 40 años!!!
FELICIDADES!!!!! :011: :011: :011: :011: :011: :011: :011:
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 02, 2015, 06:19:05 pm
Recap Of 2014 (

We've compiled a short video of all the shows we did throughout the year, we hope you'll like it! We look forward to seeing you in 2015 and wish you and yours a happy New Year!
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 09, 2015, 07:51:03 pm
Latin American last blog (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 16, 2015, 11:31:31 pm
Within Temptation will be performing at Parkcity live in Heerlen, Netherlands on July 11th!
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 23, 2015, 10:28:23 pm
Sharon is taking part in the Dutch "Vrienden van Amstel" concert, where she performs 3 songs of Coldplay together with an orchestra! You might be able to catch some snippets on Youtube, but we will let you know when you can check it out in full!
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 30, 2015, 08:32:52 pm
Rehearsals for our upcoming seated tour are starting next week, we can't wait to show you what we have planned for these shows! We can promise you that you'll be amazed!
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 31, 2015, 07:24:45 pm
Martijn Spirenborg, teclista de la banda, cumplió ayer 40 años!!!
FELICIDADES!!! :011: :011: :011:
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 05, 2015, 06:06:06 pm (

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 06, 2015, 03:20:03 pm
Great news! Thanks to your vote Sharon has won a Loudwire Music Award as Rock Goddess of the Year!

The post quotes: “It’s all come full circle, as Within Temptation vocalist Sharon den Adel has been voted as the 2014 Rock Goddess of the Year in the 4th Annual Loudwire Music Awards. The singer previously won the honor in the category’s first year back in 2011.

The vocalist was pretty prominent in 2014 as Within Temptation hit the road in support of the ‘Hydra’ album. As usual, the singer belted with the best of them and held up her end of duets with former Killswitch Engage frontman Howard Jones, Soul Asylum’s Dave Pirner, My Ruin’s Tarja Turunen and even rapper Xzibit. In addition, fans were treated to a live album — ‘Let Us Burn — Elements & Hydra Live in Concert,’ which showcased her vocal talents.

Sharon den Adel took the honor by a fairly wide margin, with last year’s winner, In This Moment’s Maria Brink, finishing second and Halestorm’s Lizzy Hale and Lacuna Coil’s Cristina Scabbia also putting up solid voting totals.
Congrats to Within Temptation’s Sharon den Adel, winner of the 2014 Rock Goddess of the Year in the 4th Annual Loudwire Music Awards. And catch the band on tour at these stops.”
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 06, 2015, 06:14:33 pm
With only 4 weeks to go to the theatertour the tickets are running out. Amsterdam, Heerlen, Arnhem, Utrecht and more shows are sold out at this moment. Make sure to secure your tickets, we'll promise to make it worth while!
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 13, 2015, 06:31:06 pm
Finland! We're coming back to you this Summer, on July 24th we will be performing at Kotkan Meripí¤iví¤t in Kotka!
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 16, 2015, 04:27:13 pm
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 20, 2015, 07:06:19 pm
There were so many talented Within Temptation fans that took part in this competition, making it so hard for us to pick the winners… Only two last prizes to give away to our runners up.
Congratulations to Carolina from Spain on harpsichord and Freek from the Netherlands on electric guitar. You’ve each won a signed limited edition Hydra box set as well as a Within Temptation t-shirt. Check out their video for "And We Run" alongside Sharon and the band.

We are really excited to finally announce the winners of the WholeWorldBand Within Temptation competition.
Drumroll please... Congratulations to Patricia from Spain who added a stunning violin part to the song and Sebastien and Marielle from France who's piano & violin contributions added the perfect finishing touches to the song.
We'd like to thank everyone who took part. We had a really tough job trying to pick a winner, so well done everyone! This cool fan version of 'And We Run' is now available to stream on Spotify here: only that, the winners have also won themselves tickets to a WT show of their choice, a personal video message from the band, WT hoodies, a signed Hydra Special Edition Box Set, as well as a Focusrite iTrack studio recording system! (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 20, 2015, 07:07:27 pm
Festival alert!! We will be playing live at Topfest 26-27 June this summer, the biggest music open-air festival in Slovakia. Hope to see you there!
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 20, 2015, 09:59:30 pm
Theatertour Teaser (

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 22, 2015, 05:11:22 pm
The WholeWorldBand Competition Runners up are….

There were so many talented Within Temptation fans that took part in this competition, making it so hard for us to pick the winners… Only two prizes to give away to our runners up.

Congratulations to Carolina from Spain on harpsichord and Freek from the Netherlands on electric guitar. You’ve each won a signed limited edition Hydra box set as well as a Within Temptation t-shirt. Check out their video for “And We Run” alongside Sharon and the band. (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 01, 2015, 01:31:25 pm
Setlist Almere (

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 03, 2015, 03:22:15 pm
Setlist Amsterdam (

Somewhere (

The Heart Of Everything (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 05, 2015, 03:55:10 pm
Fotos Amsterdam (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 06, 2015, 03:10:56 pm
Setlist Luxemburgo (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 06, 2015, 06:28:41 pm
Tonight was the second night of Within Temptation’s Hydra Theatre tour which started a few nights earlier in Almere.  As with previous theatre tours, the only dates are in the Netherlands – partly due to the fact the tours require a proper theatre rather than standard music venue. Why? Well that’s all down to the setup they have. At the back of the stage is a video screen, but behind the band, and well forward of the screen is another screen – this time see-through. As the show begins, the reason for this becomes clear. Smoke forms before morphing into an orchestra sat on a balcony above and behind the band. These aren’t static images though – it’s video that is timed to perfection – as the drummers with the orchestra strike their drums it coincides with the real drum strokes of Within Temptation’s drummer. There are two live musicians on the balcony too – a violinist and a cellist, and at times it’s hard to tell the real musicians from the video ones – this show really does blend fantasy and reality together.  The show is split into two fifty minute sets plus an interval.

Unlike previous theatre tours which were largely acoustic, this is a full on electric performance – albeit with a few acoustic songs.  The band are really fired up and they all give it everything they’ve got – the two guitarists in particular race around the stage, headbang furiously and generally rock as hard as possible.
Sharon too gives it everything as she moves around the stage, spins or jumps, but at other times she’s more still – all depending on what works for the mood of the song.  She changes costumes several times during the show but there’s so much going on that it never slows the performance.  Sharon also “interacts” with the projections – stands behind the clear screen as she duets with a singer on the screen (Anneke van Giersbergen) and even touches hands with her (some extremely accurate positioning there), and in another part of the show, throws her arms down which causes spouts of water to fly up around her on the screen. It’s stunningly well done.

Ignoring the visuals, this was a superb show – Within Temptation were in great form and the use of a violin and cello sounded great. The setlist was packed with their hits with only a few songs from Hydra. I’d expected the setlist to be far more heavily weighted towards the Hydra material since this is the Hydra theatre tour, but I certainly wasn’t disappointed by what they chose to play.
The visuals though took it to another level and at times had a really effective 3D look. Visually it’s got to be in my top five gigs of all time if not the top two. They do a fantastic job of blurring the line between what’s real and what’s virtual.
The Cross
Hand of Sorrow
Shot in the Dark
And We Run
The Heart of Everything
Towards the End
Jillian (I’d Give My Heart)
Mother Earth

The Last Dance
Paradise (What About Us?)
The Truth Beneath the Rose
Stand My Ground
Covered By Roses
Ice Queen

Stairway to the Skies
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 07, 2015, 05:14:58 pm
Setlist Limburg (

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 08, 2015, 04:29:42 pm
Towards The End @ Anrhem (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 12, 2015, 03:34:24 pm
Setlist Utrecht (

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 13, 2015, 06:33:36 pm
Otro trailer (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 14, 2015, 06:02:28 pm
Setlist Eindhoven (

Stairway To The Skies (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 15, 2015, 04:13:22 pm
Setlist Eindhoven (

Stairway To The Skies
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 20, 2015, 04:42:43 pm
Setlist Enschede (

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 20, 2015, 06:47:15 pm
Nuevo remix (

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 20, 2015, 06:49:39 pm

There are many ways to keep up to track of us! Exciting news and stories await you on our online channels. Did you know that Sharon herself handles and posts on these pages very frequently. Go and get all the exclsuive information for true fans!

Within Temptation Facebook
Sharon den Adel Facebook
Go check them out, comment, share, post and like! We are looking forward to seeing you there!
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 21, 2015, 04:34:06 pm
Setlist Nijmegen (

Iron (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 27, 2015, 06:51:37 pm
We already saw a few Ukraine fans at some of the previous tourdates, but it brightens us that we're finally flying into Kiev next week to release the HYDRA beast and make up for what was lost. 
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 27, 2015, 06:53:23 pm
Vrieden Van Amstel (Making Of) (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 28, 2015, 04:14:37 pm
Setlist Haarlem (

Resumen (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 28, 2015, 04:16:30 pm
Setlist Groningen (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 01, 2015, 04:01:37 pm
Setlist Kiev (

The Heart Of Everything (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 03, 2015, 08:34:03 pm
Another festival on our roster! We are playing in Switzerland on July 25th, at the Z7 Summer Nights. Buy tickets at Konzertfabrik Z7 Bleibt or click on the flyer below. See you around!

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 05, 2015, 04:03:21 pm
Setlist Paaspop (

Covered By Roses (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 10, 2015, 09:47:50 pm
At May 23rd you got the chance to see us outside the theaters again! We are playing the Ribs & Blues in Raalte (NL). The ticket price is fair, many cool other artists will be performing and the BBQ is amazing. Enjoy some delicious ribs and great live music!
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 10, 2015, 09:49:31 pm
April 7th 1997 we released our debut EP Enter, it's crazy how time flies when you're having fun...If you want to get into nostalgic mood check this clip of Restless recorded at the Black Symphony concert in Eindhoven back in 2007! (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 12, 2015, 06:05:50 pm
Setlist Appeldom (

Setlist The Hague (

Setlist Zwolle (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 17, 2015, 08:12:02 pm
And another festival date is confirmed, it's going to be a busy summer! On August 29th we will be headlining the Czad Festival in Straszęci, Poland! Excited to play another Polish festival this year
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 19, 2015, 04:11:45 pm
Ruud Jolie, guitarrista de la banda, cumple hoy 39 años!!!!
FELICIDADES!!! :011: :011: :011: :011: :011:
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 19, 2015, 04:15:30 pm
Setlist Rotterdam (

Mother Earth (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 22, 2015, 10:08:41 pm
Forgiven @ Steenwijk (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 24, 2015, 08:36:47 pm
May 23   Raalte (NL)   Ribs ‘n Blues
May 29   Gelsenkirchen (D)   Rock im Revier
May 31   Munich (D)   Rockavaria
June 05   Vienna (A)   Rock In Vienna
June 21   Dessel (B)   Graspop Metal Meeting
June 26   PieÅ¡Å¥any (SK)   Topfest festival
June 27   Kavarna (BG)   Kavarna Rock
July 09   Vizovice (CZ)   Vizovice
July 11   Heerlen (NL)   Parkcity Live
July 24   Kotka (FIN)   Kotkan Meripí¤iví¤t
July 25   Pratteln (SW)   Z7 Summernights
July 30   Kostrzyn nad OdrÄ… (PL)   Woodstock Festival
July 31   Wacken (D)   Wacken Open Air
August 01   Chemnitz (D)   Wasserschloss Klaffenbach
August 06   Villena (E)   Leyendas Del Rock
August 07   Vagos (PT)   Vagos Open Air
August 08   Catton Park (UK)   Bloodstock Festival
August 09   Montreal (CAN)   Heavy Montreal
August 29   StraszÄ™cin (PL)   Czad Festival
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 26, 2015, 03:55:43 pm
Entrevista con Sharon de WITHIN TEMPTATION antes de LEYENDAS DEL ROCK
 Entrevistamos a la vocalista de WITHIN TEMPTATION, Sharon den Adel, quien nos cuenta detalles sobre como será su próxima actuación en el festival LEYENDAS DEL ROCK, en agosto, como está funcionando el tour, como será su futuro… Esta es la charla:
- Hola Sharon, aunque el motivo principal de la entrevista es hablar sobre vuestra próxima participación en agosto en el festival LEYENDAS DEL ROCK, hablaremos de otras cosas. Será la primera vez que toquíéis en este festival, pero ya lo habíéis hecho en España en repetidas ocasiones, siempre con gran íéxito. ¿Quíé supone España y el público español para vosotros?
Sharon.- El público español tiene mucho fuego, y es algo que nos gusta mucho. La gente es muy expresiva y la fiesta empieza antes de que pisemos el escenario. Están muy metidos en la música y se involucran mucho en el concierto. Es la mejor interactuación que puedas tener y tengo muchas ganas de volver.
 WITHIN TEMPTATION- Estáis en plena tour por los Paí­ses Bajos y habíéis tocado recientemente en Ucrania, ¿quíé tal este tramo de gira?
Sharon.- El concierto en Ucrania era una especie de compromiso porque se suponí­a que í­bamos a tocar allí­ hace un año pero al final no pudimos por la guerra y los problemas que tienen con Rusia, así­ que lo hemos hecho hace poco. De hecho cancelamos dos veces nuestra actuación en Ucrania por el mismo motivo. La verdad es que no síé quíé pasó, pero cuando se programó el concierto la primera vez í­bamos a tocar para 2.000 personas y al final lo hemos hecho para 4.000. Al final vino mucha más gente de la que esperábamos y estuvo muy bien, el promotor nos comentó que íéramos la única banda que tocaba en Ucrania en aquel momento porque los grupos no quieren tocar. Posí­blemente pasará tiempo hasta que pase otra gira porque actualmente es un riesgo visitar el paí­s. Es una pena que tengan esa situación, aparte de la música, afecta mucho a la economí­a, un iPhone 5 por ejemplo costaba 1.200 euros, una barbaridad la verdad.
- Posteriormente, a partir de mediado de mayo, pasaríéis por muchos más paí­ses y festivales… ¿Interpretaríéis similares repertorios a los de los conciertos holandeses?
Sharon.- No, en Holanda hemos hecho conciertos en teatros y hemos utilizado proyectores y cosas así­. Necesitarí­amos el ambiente y las caracterí­sticas de un teatro para hacer el mismo tipo de espectáculo.
No obstante hay canciones que tocamos siempre, aunque tambiíén disfrutamos cambiando el repertorio, así­ podemos sorprender a los fans. Tambiíén tenemos muchos discos entre los que elegir y nos gusta probar temas diferentes.
- ¿En un festival como LEYENDAS DEL ROCK veremos a WITHIN TEMPTATION en su plenitud, con montaje escíénico, pantallas, etc.?
Sharon.- Podremos hacer un concierto especial si tenemos todas las cosas que utilizamos en el escenario para ese tipo de actuaciones, efectos, fuegos, etc., pero dependerá si volamos directamente al festival o si llevamos el camión completo, y eso todaví­a no lo sabemos.
En cualquier caso estoy segura de que será un gran concierto.
- ¿Y, veremos a Robert en directo en el tour?
Sharon.- Me encantarí­a que viniera, pero llevamos a otro guitarrista, Stefan Helleblad de Suecia. Robert solo viene para estar de vacaciones (risas), o para suplir a alguien cuando no puede venir por lo que sea. Me encantarí­a que viniera, sobre todo a España.
- Vuestro último lanzamiento fue en directo: “Let Us Burn – Elements & Hydra Live In Concert” y fue editado el 14 de noviembre en Europa, y vuestro anterior disco en estudio “Hydra” salió en enero de 2.014. Ya toca pensar en un nuevo álbum, ¿no? De hecho nos llegaron noticias el pasado junio que ya estabais componiendo material. ¿Quíé nos puedes contar al respecto?
 WITHIN TEMPTATIONSharon.- Bueno estamos mirando algunas cosas, pero todaví­a no nos hemos puesto totalmente en serio. No estamos seguros de la dirección que tomaremos para el próximo trabajo, simplemente estamos tocando y mirando que podemos utilizar. Cada uno está componiendo material por su parte, y hay algunas cosas que podrí­an encajar en WITHIN TEMPTATION, pero todaví­a tenemos que concretar que suena de verdad a la banda.
- La idea para comenzar a grabar ¿cuál es? ¿Y fechas de lanzamiento para un nuevo CD?
Sharon.- No hemos hablado de esas cosas para nada, no estamos en ese punto ni de lejos. Nos lo vamos a tomar con calma, hemos pasado mucho tiempo girando y queremos tomarnos nuestro tiempo. La calidad es lo más importante, si sacas un mal disco puedes desaparecer del mapa en un minuto, por lo que preferimos esperar un año y sacar un buen trabajo, a correr y editar un disco de mierda. 
Queremos recompensar a la gente que escucha nuestra música por el tiempo que esperan por ella, hay que sacar una obra que estíé a la altura.
- Me imagino que la lí­nea musical no variará mucho de la que estáis mostrando en los últimos lanzamientos, ¿no? ¿Será una continuación de “Hydra” o será más en onda "The Unforgiving"?
Sharon.- No tenemos todaví­a nada claro, pero yo creo que volverá a ser muy orquestal y sinfónico, aunque de forma distinta porque tambiíén me da que va a ser más moderno, más como una banda sonora.
- ¿Habrá  algún concepto para el disco?
Sharon.- De nuevo es pronto para saberlo. En su momento nos gustó el concepto de “The Unforgiving”, en ocasiones es sencillo escribir letras basadas en un concepto porque tienes un marco sólido, pero no siempre es así­. Tambiíén nos gustó mucho “Hydra” y es un disco muy diferente a “The Unforgiving”, pero son cosas que se saben en el momento.
A mí­ me gustan ambos trabajos, es el tipo de música que me gusta escuchar en otros grupos, pero para el próximo no puedo decir hacia donde nos dirigiremos, creo que será orquestal pero de una forma más actualizada.
- Cambiando de tema. He visto en vuestra web que publicáis  un topic semanal eligiendo a “el fan de la semana”. ¿Cómo surgió la idea?
Sharon.- Se trata de poder mostrar quien y como son nuestros fans, y que se puedan poner en contacto entre ellos. Por ejemplo cuando hay fans holandeses que quieren vernos en otros paí­ses, pueden contactar con gente de esos sitios para que les ayuden a conseguir entradas, sitios para dormir, etc.
Se trata de hacer las cosas un poco más visibles y ayudar a que la gente conecte.  WITHIN TEMPTATION
- WITHIN TEMPTATION han editado ya 7 discos y lleváis casi 20 años activos, ¿cómo ves la carrera del grupo hasta ahora? ¿Estáis contentos con lo que habíéis conseguido?
Sharon.- Personalmente, yo estoy muy contenta con lo que hemos conseguido. La gente me pregunta que es lo que quiero, pero creo que no se trata de lo que quiera, si no de que ahora mismo hemos conseguido mucho más de lo que esperábamos. Hacer un nuevo disco en el que la gente tenga interíés, y que sigan viniendo a nuestros conciertos despuíés de tantos años son los mejores halagos. Eso es lo que nos hace seguir haciendo esta música, si la gente deja de venir a vernos, y deja de comprar nuestros discos, no podremos continuar haciíéndolo.
Dicho esto, no veo el final cerca, nos lo estamos pasando demasiado bien para parar, y creo que WITHIN TEMPTATION seguirá unos cuantos años más.

- A colación del vigíésimo aniversario, ¿teníéis algún plan especial? ¿Habíéis pensado en celebraciones de algún tipo?

Sharon.- La verdad es que todaví­a no, pero seguro que haremos algo. Lo que pasa es que igual es a los 21 años en lugar de a los 20 (risas). Es posible que coincida con un nuevo disco, no síé, depende de como vayan yendo las cosas.
Uno de nuestros mayores sueños es hacer una gira sinfónica por varios paí­ses contando con orquestas locales para acompañarnos en el escenario. Tambiíén llevarí­amos músicos invitados, tocarí­amos “Black Symphony” y temas nuevos, es una idea. Estarí­a muy, muy bien y es posible que algún dí­a suceda. El problema es que requiere un esfuerzo económico importante y es una aventura arriesgada, además de necesitar una gran planificación, así­ que ya veremos.

- Para terminar, por favor, despide tu misma la entrevista.

Sharon.- Decirles a todos nuestros fans que sigan siendo como son, abiertos, puros, y llenos de fuego y expresividad. Tenemos muchas ganas de volver a España y veros a todos otra vez. Nos vemos en breve.
Rafa Basa
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 01, 2015, 11:57:56 pm
As you probably know we won the Metal Hammer Award for the Best Live Band last year. In september the German Metal magazine is hosting another Award Show and we are the first announced Live Act!
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 08, 2015, 06:55:08 pm
Great news for our Dutch fans, we have just added an extra date in the Netherlands this Summer! On August 15th we will be performing at the Huntenpop Festival!

October 15   St. Petersburg (RUS)   A2 Club
October 16    Moscow (RUS)   Crocus City Hall
October 18      Krasnoyarsk (RUS)   Grand Hall Sibir
October 19    Novosibirsk (RUS)   DK Zheleznodorozhnik
October 21    Yekaterinburg (RUS)   Tele-Club
October 23    Krasnodar (RUS)   Arena Hall
October 24    Rostov-on-Don (RUS)   KSK Express
October 26    Minsk (BY)   Sport Palace
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 15, 2015, 10:28:25 pm
We would like to remind our German Dragons and fans from neighbouring countries (of course everyone else is welcome too!) that we are playing at the Wasserschloss in Chemnitz at August 1st. The show is next to a castle, which means it will be a very special night!
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 22, 2015, 11:14:24 pm
his week we announce a special competition for the creative and artsy ones among you. We give you the opportunity to have your own artwork published on our Official Facebook Page! The idea is to design a Within Tempation Facebook Cover. Important is that you use the appropriate size of 851x315 pixels. You will be credited and mentioned in the newsletter, so we will get to see the creatives in the Dragon community. If you got some design skills or know someone who has, give it a try and maybe your work will be published soon! Important: use the hashtag #wtcovercontest to enter the competiton. Have fun!
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 25, 2015, 03:34:21 pm
Setlist Ribs and Blues (

The Cross (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 29, 2015, 06:56:57 pm
The kick off at the Ribs en Blues last weekend was a blast. So good to be back rocking with you guys. This weekend we will be in Germany playing Rock im Revier and Rockvaria, FC Schalke's famous football-stadium will be blasting!! Sharing the stage with no one less than Metallica and Faith No More! Hopefully see you there!
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 30, 2015, 05:20:13 pm
Paradise @ Rock im Revier (

Setlist (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 31, 2015, 11:58:17 pm
Setlist Rockavaria (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 05, 2015, 06:48:12 pm
This weekend we will perform in the beautiful city of Vienna, Austria. Again we will be sharing the stage with legends like Mettalica, KISS , Muse or Limp Bizkit. So if you are in the area and like some good Rock 'n' Roll you better don't miss that.
See you around!

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 06, 2015, 03:49:20 pm
Setlist Rock im Vienna (

Paradise (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 12, 2015, 08:01:17 pm

Next weekend we will be performing at the Graspop Metal Meeting in Dessel, Belgium! This great festival is known for always putting together an incredible line-up and this year is just going to be crazy with Slipknot, Lamb Of God, The Scorpions, Five Finger Deathpunch, The Charm The Fury, Motí¶rhead, In Flames and us!!...This is gonna be one hell of a weekend! Make sure you won't miss out!

More fun! There will be a signing session in the afternoon with us at the festival ground, make sure you come and say hi!
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 22, 2015, 03:58:49 pm
Setlist Graspop (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 26, 2015, 07:13:39 pm
We're happy to announce a last minute addition to our festival schedule, we will be headlining "Vestingpop" in Coevorden (NL) on September 12th. Check our tourpage for the full festival schedule!
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 28, 2015, 02:20:01 pm
Setlist TopFest (

Our Solemn Hour (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 03, 2015, 04:43:11 pm
Setlist Kavarna Fest (

And We Run (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 10, 2015, 06:34:49 pm
Setlist Masters of Rock (

Fiew and Ice (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 10, 2015, 06:57:01 pm

This week your help is needed! We trying to connect with you via all sorts of media but we would like to know what you think of our online experience. Your opinions are crucial!

We've made a short survey ( just a few easy questions) and we would really appreciate it if you could help us out with that.

We're looking forward to your feedback!

Please click here!

P.S. We will pick 3 winners amongst all participants of this survey, so you will have the change to win one of the exclusive, signed merch packages! The survey will close July 20st, 2015.


Sharon, Ruud, Stefan, Martijn, Jeroen, Mike and Robert

Within Temptation


Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 12, 2015, 04:52:38 pm
Hoy Sharon den Adel cumple 41 años!!

FELICIDADES!!!!!!!!!!!! :011: :011: :011:
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 12, 2015, 05:01:44 pm
Setlist Parkcity Live Festival ( (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 28, 2015, 05:06:59 pm
Setlist Z7 Summer Night Open Air (

The Cross (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 31, 2015, 04:44:06 pm
Setlist Woodstock (

Mother Earth + Whole World Is Watching (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 31, 2015, 09:24:02 pm
This week we are heading over to our neighbours to play two fantastic shows at locations that could not be much more diverse. We will start of at the legendary Wacken festival; probably the craziest and wildest metal festival in Europe! Everyone who was able to get a ticket, enjoy - it will be great! The next day we will be travelling to the east of Germany to play a very special gig at the Wasserschloss Klaffenbach , an old water castle with a beautiful renaissance courtyard - goose bumps included!
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 01, 2015, 06:03:35 pm
Setlist Wacken (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 02, 2015, 04:32:30 pm
Settlist Wasserschloss Klaffenbach (

Paradise (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 07, 2015, 05:19:20 pm
Setlist Leyendas del Rock (

Faster (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 08, 2015, 10:26:47 pm
Setlist Vagos Open Air (

In The Middle Of The Night (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 09, 2015, 03:55:17 pm
Setlist Bloodstock Open Air (

Our Solemn Hour (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 10, 2015, 03:54:27 pm
Setlist Heavy MTL (

Covered By Roses (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 11, 2015, 11:34:33 pm
WITHIN TEMPTATION Might Go 'A Little More Orchestral Again' On Next Album
Jí¤germeister conducted an interview with guitarist Ruud Jolie of Dutch symphonic rockers WITHIN TEMPTATION at this year's Bloodstock Open Air, which is being held August 6-9 at Catton Park, Derbyshire, United Kingdom. You can now watch the chat below.
On where WITHIN TEMPTATION will go, musically, on the follow-up to last year's "Hydra":
"That is always a very interesting question. In the past, we always had some idea where we would go, but with the last two albums, it was just, you know: 'Let all the ideas come and see wherever it would take us.' And I guess that's something that we're gonna… the same approach we're gonna do now with the next album. So I don't know yet. I think it's… That's what I heard… that the ideas were gonna be a little more orchestral again. But you never know."
On whether WITHIN TEMPTATION is even thinking about a new album already:
"Yeah, yeah. Yes. We're definitely thinking about it. [But] we're gonna start [writing] after these summer festivals."
On whether WITHIN TEMPTATION tries to keep the fans happy with each album while also staying true to the band's sound:
"I think that the most important thing is that we keep being true to ourselves. Because if you compare the very first album, [1997's] 'Enter' album, the album on which I didn't even play back then, and this latest album, 'Hydra', it's completely different — it's completely different. So I'm sure that we lost a lot of fans from that era, but we gained a lot of new fans with this album. And, for us, it's really important to keep evolving. We're not the type of band that has found one formula and keeps on expanding that formula, like AC/DC or whatever. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but we're not that type of band. And I think it's inevitable that you lose some people here and there."
WITHIN TEMPTATION released a new live DVD/Blu-ray/2CD, "Let Us Burn - Elements & Hydra Live In Concert", on November 14, 2014. The set features two of WITHIN TEMPTATION's most-talked-about arena shows ever. The two dates are 2012's resplendent 15th birthday "Elements" concert and the final night of the "Hydra" European arena tour at Amsterdam's Heineken Music Hall in May 2014.
"Let Us Burn - Elements & Hydra Live In Concert" was released in four formats — DVD + 2CD, Blu-ray + 2CD, 2CD, and digital album. The DVD and Blu-ray contain 34 live audio visual tracks in HD, mixed in 5.1 Dolby Surround. The 2CD and digital album comprise 32 live audio tracks. The two shows have a running time total of approximately 170 minutes. (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 16, 2015, 09:39:39 pm
Setlist Hutenpop (

Fire And Ice (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 21, 2015, 11:47:03 pm

After the Summer we have something very special coming up: our first full Russian tour! We're playing in St. Petersburg, Moscow, Krasnoyarsk, Novosibirsk, Yekaterinenburg, Krasnodar, Rostov-On-Don and Minsk (Belarus). Tickets have gone on sale and some cities are going fast! Check our tourpage for the right dates and ticketlinks!

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 30, 2015, 04:28:34 pm
Setlist Czad Festival (

Our Solemn Hour (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 18, 2015, 09:54:57 pm (

Did you see our awesome new tour trailer yet? We're playing in St. Petersburg, Moscow, Krasnoyarsk, Novosibirsk, Yekaterinenburg, Krasnodar, Rostov-On-Don and Minsk (Belarus). Tickets have gone on sale and some cities are going really fast! Check our tourpage for the right dates and ticket links!
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 03, 2015, 08:53:35 pm
Do you like secrets?


We have a few secrets to keep but nothing is more fun than preparing some cool stuff and reveal it lateron. Today is a day of secrets, we're cooking up a little surprise to share with you next week. So keep an eye on our Facebook, Twitter and or Instagram page.
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 05, 2015, 05:47:13 pm
Quíé será esto??


Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 07, 2015, 03:33:53 pm
Otro teaser! (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 10, 2015, 01:20:15 pm
December 20th: Black X-mas!

Ho, ho, ho Dragons!

We’ve had an amazing year so far with dozens of shows, we have a tour in Russia and Belarus coming up next week, but we felt we should add 1 more show to close the year in a new way ;-).

On Sunday December 20th we will be performing at the newly rebuilt 013 in Tilburg, The Netherlands, right before the Christmas holidays start. You don’t have to expect the usual bells and Christmas carols, we’re doing this a different way: Black X-mas! Ghosts, skeletons, zombies, witches and other dark creatures are better examples of this unusual Christmas show and we want you to be a part of it! Get your tickets, dress up as a “Dark Creature” and join us to celebrate the Christmas holidays WT-style!

Tickets went on sale a few minutes ago through this link! Check our website for more information about the show, travel and hotel options.

Ho, ho, ho!
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 16, 2015, 02:26:57 pm
Ho, ho, ho Dragons!

WOW! Your reactions to the announcement of our brand new Black X-mas were overwhelming and the ticket demand was even crazier! Our show on December 20th sold out in less than a week, amazing! There are fans coming from the US, UK, Germany, Holland, Belgium, France, Greece, even Lithuania (and I’m sure we’re forgetting a few)!

Luckily we were able to add 1 night at the 013 on December 21st and it just went on sale a few minutes ago! We are only doing 2 Black X-mas shows, so no other shows will be added.

Ghosts, skeletons, zombies, witches and other dark creatures are better examples of this unusual Christmas show and we want you to be a part of it! Get your tickets, dress up as a “Dark Creature” and join us to celebrate the Christmas holidays WT-style!
Tickets are on sale now through this link!

Ho, ho, ho!
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 22, 2015, 07:28:58 pm
Setlist St Petersburg (

The Promise (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 22, 2015, 07:33:47 pm
Setlist Moscu (

Iron (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 22, 2015, 07:39:31 pm
Setlist Krasnoyarsk (

And We Run (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 22, 2015, 07:42:38 pm
Setlist Novosibirsk (

Stand My Ground (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 22, 2015, 07:44:56 pm
Setlist Yekaterimburg (

Show (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 25, 2015, 04:29:50 pm
Setllist Rostov On Dom (

Siníéad (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 26, 2015, 03:54:56 pm
Setlist Krasnodar (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 26, 2015, 06:21:10 pm
Jeroen van Veert, bajista de la banda, cumple 41 años!!
FELICIDADES!!! :011: :011: :011: :011: :011: :011:
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 27, 2015, 03:59:16 pm
Setlist Minsk (

Never-Ending Story (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 06, 2015, 03:39:50 pm

We've come full circle: Within Temptation's Sharon Den Adel is back! It was spring 2000 when someone played me a song featuring an amazing vocalist called Sharon Den Adel. I had just begun to work on what was to become the first Avantasia album "The Metal Opera". I contacted Sharon who was really cool and after listening to the song "Farewell" she agreed on singing a role on "The Metal Opera". She turned Farewell into a magical tune, and after the vocal session she sent me a letter - which I still have - saying "If you ever need me again you know where to find me!"

Now, 15 years later I took her up on the offer dating back to the year 2000. Emoticón smile I had this tune that was just right for Sharon, and she listened, and she liked it, and she agreed! And I am soooo grateful that she is back in Avantasia! You will hear it when 'Ghostlights' hits the stores on January 29! Sharon has such a wonderful distinctive voice, very emotional, beautiful, technical, she is so unique, and I am extremely happy that our paths have crossed once again! Sharon, ik dank u wel! You rock! - Tobi

For information visit
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 08, 2015, 04:24:45 pm
Una rareza! (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 12, 2015, 05:16:55 pm
Hoy Stefan, guitarrista suplente de la banda, cumple 37 años!!!
FELICIDADES!!!!! :011: :011: :011: :011:
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 27, 2015, 04:49:43 pm
WT el 2 de enero en Logroño

El colofón de esta primera noche lo pondrá Within Temptation, una de las mejores bandas de metal sinfónico del mundo. Son holandeses y traerán su nuevo proyecto, 'Hydra'.
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 29, 2015, 04:11:40 pm
En el estudio: (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 18, 2015, 05:56:17 pm
Anuncio Black Xmas (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 18, 2015, 08:06:46 pm
In the past weeks we announced a bunch of great festivals for 2016! Today we added a Dutch one to it, on May 27th we're playing in Pesse (Muziekweekend). We will also be performing at M'era Luna, Hellfest and Alcatraz amongst others, so check out our tourpage for all the details!

Check our Facebook, Twitter and Instagram pages for exclusive photos and previews of our upcoming shows!

See you soon!
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 18, 2015, 08:07:28 pm
Black X-mas & new festivals announced!

Dear Dragons,

The time has come for Black X-mas!

This weekend Black X-mas will take place at the 013, in Tilburg, The Netherlands. Not only fans from Holland are attending, amongst others also dragons from Chile, France, Belgium, England, USA, Greece, Latvia, Italy, Portugal, Norway, Denmark, Scotland and Sweden! We couldn't be happier!

As you know the first night on the 20th sold out in a heartbeat, but luckily we were able to add 1 night on the 21st, for which you can still buy tickets here.

Ghosts, skeletons, zombies, witches and other dark creatures are better examples of this unusual Christmas show and we want you to be a part of it! Get your tickets, dress up as a “Dark Creature” and join us to celebrate the Christmas holidays WT-style!

We have a special photobooth where you can create your own memories to the evening, we have new merch available and you might run into strange people in the corridors...

See you this weekend, ho, ho, ho!
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 21, 2015, 04:10:48 pm
Setlist Black Xmas (Dia 1) (

The Power Of Love (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 22, 2015, 04:15:11 pm
Setlist Black Xmas (dí­a 2) (

Gothic Xmas (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 29, 2015, 04:02:30 pm
Masters Of Rock ( (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 02, 2016, 04:25:11 pm
Robert cumple hoy 41 años!!!
FELICIDADES!!!!! :011: :011: :011: :011: :011: :011: :011:
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 03, 2016, 03:44:57 pm
Setlist Actual Fest (

Angels (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 03, 2016, 10:59:46 pm
Within Temptation does agree with the weather forecasters, because accordig to them we will not get a white Christmas. So, under the dominator of ´Black X-mas´, this symphonic metal formatiom will perform two special shows at the 013 venue in Tilburg. Providing these dark days before Christmas with some proper music relief. After the first concert was sold out within a few days, this band, centred around singer Sharon den Adel, decided to throw in a second show the next evening.
Fans are already waiting for hours in a quite cosy queue. Despite that winter has almost begun, it´s pleasant to be there with record temperatures over 10 degrees. Everyone is excited and wonder what these concerts will be like. Not only is it going to be a remarkable gig because of the suspected ´dark´ elements of the show, but there is a dresscode as well. WT asked for a ´Dark Creatures´ kind of dressing from their fans. And looking around the queue, the fans have responded with great enthousiasme to this request. All kind of weird and scary creatures are walking around: zombies, elfs, witches, skeletons, a group of friends with black Christmas hats, a Santa wearing a death mask and there is Papa Emiritus look-a-like as well.
Despite the long queue, once the doors are open, the very international fans (even fans from Zambia) are streaming inside, also possible because there is no checking. There are details for the theme outside as well as inside: outside a carriage rides along the queue, inside there are zombies, a grave and a green dressed elf serving absinth from a stall. The photobooth is another well thought out feature.
Once inside, the venue is very crowded and it´s not easy to find a good spot. Also the balconies are sold out. One of the better options for die-hard fans who don´t want to miss anything are the wide stairs at the back of this 013 venue.
This Black X-mas concert starts with a an intro where a short story is told:
A girl asks her mother: ´Who is that mommy?´, pointing at a picture at the wall.
The mother replies: ´That was your great-great-great-grandmother. She used to be a very good singer´.
The girl then asks: ´Can I hear one of her songs?´.
The mother plays some music on which Sharon sings. Sitting next to the Christmas tree, the girl wonders: ´I wish she was still here!´.
Next, all of the band members enter the podium to start off ´The Dance´ (the oldest, but one, song of this gig-1998). It´s a very well chosen song for this dark concert concept. There´s so much going on and you need more than one pair of eyes to see what everybody´s wearing and what masks they have. Their visagists have done really an outstanding job!
On both sides of the podium, there are musicians playing tenordrums. For ´The Heart Of Everything´, a violinist and a cellist play along. They wear make-up as well and gorgeous costumes. There is a lot of attention to details. For example the head of the cello has been changed into a skull´s head mask.

At the start the soundmixer is still looking for the right set-up. During ´The Dance´ the sound doesn´t match that nice with the grunts of Robert Westerholt. And Sharon makes quite a few gestures with her hand behind her back to adapt the the volume to the right standard. Though the sound engineers have to improve the sound quite a lot, they do succeed pretty fast in doing that. The drums and guitars get more volume, but it is apparently difficult to get the sound for the cello and violin right, apart for the quieter parts where they sound beautiful.
Although there was already some enthousiastic clapping during ´The Dance´, the atmosphere increases to a pleasant level when ´The Heart Of Everything´ and ´Covered By Roses´ are played. These energetic songs get a lot of approval, not only from the front fans, but from all stands, including the balconies where a couple of foreign fanclubs are seated, including flags.
During ´Covered By Roses´, Sharon takes off her headgear, Ruud Jolie plays a solo and an orchestra in hologrammes appears behind the podium on a platform  This projection will be well known to people who visited WT´s Theater-On-Fire-tour, earlier this year. It´s a pity that the percussionists don´t have a good timing and sometimes play something else than is heard On their own, the dimensional projections are very beautiful, especially the way musicians appear and disappear in clouds of smoke. During ´The Truth Beneath The Rose´there is also a nice projection of dimensional images.
After ´Covered By Roses´, the band play a few more relaxed songs with ´Caged´ and ´Candles´ (the only song from Enter). The piano playing part of the last song is especially wondeful. ´Jillian´ is the start of a very convincing part with a lot more use of the lighting. Also part of this part are ´Paradise´ (with video projection and pyro´s) and ´Stand My Ground´.
Sharon stands on a higher platform during some songs. She appears to have a little cold, because her voice sounds a little hoarse now and then, but apart from a few little mistakes, it´s no problem to enjoy her singing at all. Proof of that she delivers while singing the high note at the end of  ´Jillian´, and the same goes for ´Angels´ and ´Forgiven´. She´s pretty active as usual, encourages fans to participate and receives flowers and even a painting while singing.
After ´And We Run´ (with Xzibit on the screen) it´s time for a big surprise. Fans wonder what song it is when ´Black Sabbath´ is started. Not everyone knows this song, but WT´s rendition of Black Sabbath´s classic is very impressive! The sound is brilliant (the cello and keyboard parts are well mixed) and the presentation with the burning crosses improve the atmosphere even more. Within Temptation can be very proud of their epic rendition. These magical moments are followed by a funny moment when ´Hand Of Sorrow´ is stopped after 5 seconds, due to technical problems. Sharon wonders ´What´s up?´, but the problem is quickly solved. 
There are two surprises with two covers of ´The Power Of Love´ (Frankis Goes To Hollywood) and Michael Jackson´s ´Thriller´. Both songs receive mixed reactions from the fans. For me, the quiet part and refrain of the first song were strong, while ´Thriller´ was better presented than the musical arrangement was. During the last song a full moon was shown on a screen, skeletons were dancing and zombies appear on the podium. The same zombies that freaked out some fans at the entrance!!
´Mother Earth´ is the very convincing closing song of the regular setlist and after those last notes all band members disappear from the podium for a couple of minutes, only to return for the encores. The first ´added´ song is ´Somewhere´, in which Anneke appears as a hologram on the first floor. A pity, because the real  Anneke is not that far away, recording her duet with Petter Carlsen. The crowd sings softly along with this ballad, but this totally changes with ´Ice Queen´.
Everybody sings and screams their lungs out of their body. A perfect end it is, or isn´t it? No, there is one more surprise: the merry ´Gothic Christmas´ with Ivar de Graaf on guitar and vocals. Ivar was WT´s drummer from 1996 till 2002 , then left and founded his own band Kingfisher Sky. He also played at the Java-Island and the Elements concerts and had just returned from playing in Finland.
It was a very nice evening with a lot of attention for details and show elements. The dresscode also increased the general atmosphere a lot and Sharon thanked everybody for doing it. Despite the sound not being great at the start, most fans went home very satisfied. There were surprises in the setlist (covers and ´Gothic Christmas´ played live for the first time), so in my opinion it was a succesful and atmospheric event to start the Christmas holidays.
Swan Song Intro
The Dance
The Heart Of Everything
Covered By Roses
Stand My Ground
And We Run
Black Sabbath - cover of Black Sabbath
Hand Of Sorrow
What Have You Done
The Power Of Love - cover from Frankie Goes To Hollywood
The Truth Beneath The Rose
Thriller - cover from Michael Jackson
Mother Earth
Ice Queen
Gothic Christmas

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 21, 2016, 04:55:31 pm
Germany, another festival was just announced! On May 7th, we will be performing at the Mí¤xival festival in Inzell!
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 22, 2016, 05:49:06 pm (

Sharon canta en un anuncio
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 22, 2016, 10:46:37 pm
Drugs Don't Work (The Verve cover) (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 31, 2016, 02:07:14 pm
Martjn Spirenborg, teclista de la banda, cumplió ayer 41 años!!!
FELICIDADES!!! :011: :011: :011:
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 04, 2016, 11:00:40 pm
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 28, 2016, 03:51:14 pm
Nueva canción!! (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 19, 2016, 03:36:04 pm
Ruud Jolie, guitarrista de la banda, cumple hoy 40 años!!!!
FELICIDADES!!! :011: :011: :011: :011: :011:
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 19, 2016, 08:37:41 pm
Podíéis conocer a Ruud el 29 de abril!

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 02, 2016, 03:40:18 pm
Setlist Wroclaw (

Stand My Ground (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 04, 2016, 03:28:26 pm
Aftermovie (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 28, 2016, 12:20:17 pm
Setlist Pesse (

Fire and Ice (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 03, 2016, 11:45:42 pm
Ho, ho, ho Dragons!
Even though this year has been a bit more quiet so far, it’s not like we’re sitting at home doing nothing! (of in silence we’re cooking up some news) The festival season has started and we have a bunch of great shows coming up in different countries.
But….there is more to come!. After the amazing Black X-mas shows we did at the 013 last year, you kept asking us if we’re doing another edition this year. You ask, we listen!
We proudly announce: BLACK X-MAS 2016!!
On Friday December 23rd we will be performing at the 013 in Tilburg, The Netherlands, right before the Christmas holidays start. You don’t have to expect the usual bells and Christmas carols, we’re doing this a different way: Black X-mas! Ghosts, skeletons, zombies, witches and other dark creatures are better examples of this unusual Christmas show and we want you to be a part of it!
Get your tickets and join us to celebrate the Christmas holidays WT-style! Tickets are on sale NOW via ,we added the possibility of pre-ordering a very nice collector’s ticket, together with a T-shirt so make sure you select those! Check back soon for more information about the show, see you at Black X-mas!
Ho, ho, ho!
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 04, 2016, 06:35:05 pm
Mola!! (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 04, 2016, 11:45:58 pm
Honoured to be rewarded with a Buma Rocks! Export Award!
A big thank you to our fans, who keep motivating us to cross borders!!
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 05, 2016, 04:16:44 pm
Setlist FortaRock (

Silver Moonlight (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 07, 2016, 04:20:55 pm
Black X-mas sold out - 2nd show on sale!

Ho, ho, ho Dragons!

We have amazing news! After going on sale last Friday evening, the demand for tickets has been so overwhelming that the show on December 23rd is SOLD OUT! Lucky enough we were able to add a second night, on December 22nd. That show has just gone on sale!

So join us at the 013 in Tilburg, The Netherlands, right before the Christmas holidays start. You don’t have to expect the usual bells and Christmas carols, we’re doing this a different way: Black X-mas! Witches, zombies, ghosts and skeletons…..we welcome you again for this year's edition of Black X-mas!

Also for this show we added the possibility of pre-ordering a very nice collector’s ticket, together with a T-shirt so make sure you select those! See you soon!

Ho, ho, ho!
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 17, 2016, 10:11:47 pm
The weekend is starting and we just left Holland for Hellfest this weekend! We have a special surprise for you there, so make sure to check us out if you're on site!
Next week we will be in Rzeszow, Poland, at the European Stadium of Culture. 2 songs will be broadcasted live on TVP2.

Other upcoming festivals include performances in Norway, Germany, Holland & more so make sure to check out our tourpage for all the dates and countries!


As you know, the second night of the 2016 edition of Black X-mas went on sale last week, after selling out the first night in a heartbeat! Join us at the 013 in Tilburg (NL) on December 22 and 23 for a very special night.

Also for this show we added the possibility of pre-ordering a very nice collector’s ticket, together with a T-shirt so make sure you select those! See you soon!

Ho, ho, ho!
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 19, 2016, 04:08:29 pm
Setlist Hellfest (

Paradise (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 22, 2016, 05:45:53 pm
Resumen Hellfest!! (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 25, 2016, 03:37:02 pm
Setlist Rzeszow (

Caged (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 28, 2016, 08:53:13 pm
Dutch symphonic rockers WITHIN TEMPTATION took part in a press conference on June 18 at Hellfest in Clisson, France. You can now watch the question-and-answer session below.

Asked when fans can expect to see the follow-up to WITHIN TEMPTATION's sixth studio album, "Hydra", which came out in January 2014, frontwoman Sharon Den Adel said: "At the moment, we have started [the songwriting process], but we're not that far yet; there's no release date yet."

Regarding a possible concept or special lyrical theme that will be covered on the upcoming WITHIN TEMPTATION album, Sharon said: "We always try to find some kind of angle that makes this album different towards the other ones. Like last time, we had a lot of guest appearances and the comics before that one [2011's 'The Unforgiving']. We'll come with something new again. We have several options, but we're not definite on that yet. It's all part of the big surprise, of course, also."

Former NIGHTWISH singer Tarja Turunen joined WITHIN TEMPTATION on stage at Hellfest to perform the song "Paradise (What About Us?)".

The studio version of "Paradise (What About Us?)" — also featuring Tarja — can be found on "Hydra".

Sharon previously stated about the band's collaboration with Turunen: "When we had written the first version of 'Paradise' and listened back to the demo we'd recorded and the epic power of the song, we thought of Tarja instantly. How well this track would fit her classical voice and how extra special it would be if we sang it together. The more we thought about this wild idea, the more excited we got about it!"
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 12, 2016, 03:56:38 pm
Hoy Sharon den Adel cumple 42 años!!

FELICIDADES!!!!!!!!!!!! :011: :011: :011:
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 16, 2016, 04:28:20 pm
Setlist Out N Loud (

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 03, 2016, 10:05:04 pm
Setlist Veenhoop (

Candles (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 05, 2016, 05:53:55 pm
Faster @ Rock pod Kameñom (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 06, 2016, 04:27:21 pm
Setlist Fezen (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 07, 2016, 04:28:40 pm
Setlist Ostrava v Plamenech (

Our Solemn Hour (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 14, 2016, 12:37:56 pm
Setlist Alcatraz Metal Fest (

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 14, 2016, 11:11:33 pm
Setlist M'era Luna (

Paradise (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 15, 2016, 04:49:38 pm
En M'era Luna!! (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 29, 2016, 07:07:58 pm
Setlist Dutch Valley (

Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 29, 2016, 07:27:51 pm
Setlist Baltic Open Air ( (
Título: Re: Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 10, 2016, 05:59:14 pm
Setlist Bucarest ( (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 19, 2016, 03:58:29 pm
Sharon y Anneke

Fire and Ice (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 26, 2016, 04:16:10 pm
Jeroen van Veert, bajista de la banda, cumple 42 años!!
FELICIDADES!!! :011: :011: :011: :011: :011: :011:
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 13, 2016, 04:56:12 pm
Ayer Stefan, guitarrista suplente de la banda, cumplió 38 años!!!
FELICIDADES!!!!! :011: :011: :011: :011:
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 23, 2016, 03:32:04 pm
Setlist Black Xmas (dí­a 1) ( (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 24, 2016, 05:08:14 pm
Setlist Black Xmas (dí­a 2) ( (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 02, 2017, 04:07:31 pm
Robert cumple hoy 42 años!!!
FELICIDADES!!!!! :011: :011: :011: :011: :011: :011: :011:
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 31, 2017, 04:08:38 pm
Martjn Spirenborg, teclista de la banda, cumplió ayer 42 años!!!
FELICIDADES!!! :011: :011: :011:
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 21, 2017, 06:14:46 pm
En el estudio!! (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 30, 2017, 04:25:29 pm
Q&A (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 19, 2017, 05:07:00 pm
Ruud Jolie, guitarrista de la banda, cumple hoy 41 años!!!!
FELICIDADES!!! :011: :011: :011: :011: :011:
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 10, 2017, 09:52:49 pm
My Indigo (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 17, 2017, 05:20:35 pm
My Indigo (Video) (

Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 20, 2017, 03:36:56 pm
We're very excited to announce that we will be touring in 2018! The tour will take us to 33 cities in 18 countries, including a few where we haven't been in a while!
Tickets are on sale now via!
This run of dates ends the longest break we have ever taken from touring. Sharon den Adel explains, “When our last tour finished, I was having a rough time. I realized I needed take some time out with my family to deal with things and to rediscover myself. It took much longer than expected, but 2 years on, things have changed for the better. I created my solo album (“My Indigo”) which helped me deal with my issues. And afterwards I suddenly found myself with an aching hunger again for more heavy, epic music. Then the music started to come by itself. I knew for sure that our seventh album was coming after all.
So here we are... presenting our seventh tour and luckily it’s not going to take so long anymore because we are all more than impatient to get out there again!”
General presale for the tour will start on Friday November 24th, but for YOU we've set up an exclusive pre-order campaign through our website! Join our new fanclub for free to get access to tickets for almost all the dates! Check:
Within Temptation European Tour 2018�
October 2018
11 – Krasnoyarsk (RUS), Grand Hall Siberia
13 – Novosibirsk (RUS), House Of Culture
15 – Yekaterinenburg (RUS), Kosmos
17 – Nizhny Nivgorod (RUS), Milo Club
18 – Moscow (RUS), Stadium Club
19 – St. Petersburg (RUS), A2
20 – Espoo (FIN), Metro Areena
22 – Stockholm (S), The Annex
23 – Oslo (N), Sentrum Scene
24 – Copenhagen (DK), Valby Hallen
26 – Poznan (PL), Sala Ziemi
27 – Warsaw (PL), Torwar
November 2018
09 – Birmingham (GB), O2 Academy
10 – Manchester (GB), O2 Apollo
11 – Glasgow (GB), O2 Academy
13 – London (GB), O2 Academy Brixton
16 – Paris (F), Le Zénith
17 – Antwerp (B), Lotto Arena
19 – Cologne (D), Palladium
20 – Luxembourg (L), Rockhal
21 – Zürich (CH), Samsung Halle
24 – Amsterdam (NL), AFAS Live
25 – Groningen (NL), MartiniPlaza
December 2018
08 – Berlin (D), Columbiahalle
09 – Hamburg (D), Mehr! Theater
11 – Prague (CZ), Forum Karlin
12 – Budapest (H), Tüskecsarnok
13 – Vienna (A), Gasometer
15 – Milan (I), Fabrique
16 – Ludwigsburg (D), MHP Arena
17 – Munich (D), Zenith
18 – Frankfurt (D), Jahrhunderthalle
22 – Tilburg (NL), O13
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 20, 2017, 04:57:35 pm
Trailer (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 15, 2017, 09:43:18 pm
My Indigo!!


My Indigo

Indian Summer

Out of the Darkness

Star Crossed Lovers

Crash and Burn

Someone Like You

Black Velvet Sun

Lesson Learned

Safe and Sound

Where is My Love


Out Of The Darkness (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 22, 2017, 06:26:00 pm

Black X-Mas videos!
Ho, ho, ho! We have a special Christmas treat for you! One year ago our Black X-mas show took place, we recorded it and we're enabling our fanclub members to view the videos for free on our website! We've released "Black No.1 (Little Miss Scare -All)", "In The Middle Of The Night" and "Jillian (I'd Give My Heart)" with many more to follow!

Join the fanclub or login now via:
In the coming months we'll be posting more videos, so stay tuned. Follow the Spotify-playlist here:
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 29, 2018, 04:21:18 pm
Se graba!! (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 09, 2018, 03:50:55 pm
Where is my love

http.s:// (http://http.s://
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 09, 2018, 04:54:05 pm
Crash and burn (

Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 09, 2018, 11:03:52 pm
Studio time!
Within Temptation is back in the studio... working on album nr. 7. Keep an eye on Within Temptation's instagram account to see bits and pieces of the recording process. Don't get too excited it will still take a while but it has started...
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 16, 2018, 04:19:57 pm
Black Xmas

Stand my ground (

Frozen (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 05, 2018, 08:13:41 pm
Crash and Burn (Live) (

Desperado (Eagles cover) (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 06, 2018, 08:11:50 pm
Someone Like You (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 06, 2018, 08:29:01 pm
WT Studio Updates!
We are very busy in the studio working on new songs. We've started posting about it online, so make sure to join our Facebook, Twitter and Instagram channels to stay up to date!

Soon we will start working on our new tour, did you get your tickets yet? Several shows are already sold out so make sure to secure your tickets now! Click here for the tourdates and links.
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 14, 2018, 05:46:21 pm
TV show Liefde Voor Muziek
Monday the 16th of April the first episode of Belgium TV show Liefde voor Muziek is kicking off.
The next 7! weeks Sharon is participating in the TV show side by side with K's Choice, Helmut Lotti, Jasper Steverlinck, Silvy De Bie, Cocojr and Niels Destadsbader. Tune in to Monday at 20.35CEST.
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 13, 2018, 10:19:42 pm
La banda ha firmado contrato con una nueva disquera "Vertigo" la cual es filial de Universal Records

Sharon y Robert comentan:

"Estamos muy entusiasmados de trabajar con el equipo de Universal para nuestro proximo album. Actualmente estamos dando los toques final a nuestro nuevo álbum que marcara claramente una nueva era en la evolución de nuestro sonido. Universal Music es el socio perfecto para que sigamos este nuevo camino, nos ha dado su visión y experiencia en los mercados en línea y físicos. Tenemos un Tour Europeo en fila este otoño y esperamos visitar el resto del mundo en 2019 para acompañar el lanzamiento del nuevo álbum."
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 29, 2018, 04:32:01 pm
The calm before the storm!

Yes we are fully aware that you were hoping on some "new album" news. Album number 7 is coming together rapidly, but creating a new album takes our complete focus. Bear with us...

To keep your WT cravings satisfied check our Spotify playlist.

The EU Fall tour is on sale now and several shows are already sold out. Make sure to check the website to check out the dates and secure your tickets!
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 13, 2018, 10:55:52 pm
Within Temptation will release their new studio album Resist on December 14, via Spinefarm Records.

As revealed exclusively in the new issue of Metal Hammer, Dutch symphonic metal supremos Within Temptation are returning with their seventh album this winter following months of turmoil and uncertainty within the band.

Speaking about the record itself, vocalist Sharon Den Adel says the band have taken inspiration from modern music, but given it a "dark" face.

“Sometimes it feels that today’s pop music lacks a rebellious edge. Our main goal was to collect pieces from sounds we did like then roughen the whole thing up as much as we could, allowing us to shape a new musical world that is heavier, dirtier and more futuristic than we’ve ever created before. Resist is our new take on metal; our way of giving a fresh lease of life to the rebellious edge of modern music.”

Resist is also the band's first release through Spinefarm Records, signing a worldwide deal with Universal Music Germany.

"We are beyond excited to have signed to the biggest record label," says Sharon. "Combining our strength with such a thriving, forward-looking force in the music industry, we are sure that we can make magic happen.”

Pick up the latest issue of Metal Hammer now for a world exclusive interview and the full story behind Resist and how the band fought their way back from the brink of implosion.
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 13, 2018, 10:58:09 pm
Within Temptation 2018 tour dates

Oct 11: Grand Hall Siberia, Krasnoyarsk, Russia
Oct 13: House Of Culture, Novosibirsk, Russia
Oct 15: Kosmos, Yekaterinenburg, Russia
Oct 17: Milo Club, Nizhny Nivgorod, Russia
Oct 18: Stadium Club, Moscow, Russia
Oct 19: A2, St. Petersburg, Russia
Oct 20: Metro Areena, Espoo, Finland
Oct 22: The Annex, Stockholm, Sweden
Oct 23: Sentrum Scene, Oslo, Norway
Oct 24: Valby Hallen, Copenhagen, Denmark
Oct 26: Sala Ziemi, Poznan, Poland
Oct 27: Torwar, Warsaw, Poland
Nov 09: O2 Academy, Birmingham, UK
Nov 10: O2 Apollo, Manchester, UK
Nov 11: O2 Academy, Glasgow, UK
Nov 13: O2 Academy Brixton, London, UK
Nov 16: Le Zénith, Paris, France
Nov 17: Lotto Arena, Antwerp, Belgium
Nov 19: Palladium, Cologne, Germany
Nov 20: Rockhal, Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Nov 21: Samsung Halle, Zürich, Switzerland
Nov 24: AFAS Live, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Nov 25: MartiniPlaza, Groningen, Netherlands
Dec 08: Columbiahalle, Berlin, Germany
Dec 09: Mehr! Theater, Hamburg, Germany
Dec 11: Forum Karlin, Prague, Czech Republic
Dec 12: Tüskecsarnok, Budapest, Hungary
Dec 13: Gasometer, Vienna, Austria
Dec 15: Fabrique, Milan, Italy
Dec 16: MHP Arena, Ludwigsburg, Germany
Dec 17: Zenith, Munich, Germany
Dec 18: Jahrhunderthalle, Frankfurt, Germany
Dec 21: 013, Tilburg, Netherlands
Dec 22: 013, Tilburg, Netherlands
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 14, 2018, 04:53:29 pm
Nuevo album "Resist" a la venta el 14 de diciembre

1. The Reckoning (feat. Jacoby Shaddix)
2. Endless War
3. Raise Your Banner (feat. Anders Fridén)
4. Supernova
5. Holy Ground
6. In Vain
7. Firelight (feat. Jasper Steverlinck)
8. Mad World
9. Mercy Mirror
10. Trophy Hunter

The Reckoning (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 24, 2018, 04:25:15 pm
The Reckoning (Official Video) (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 27, 2018, 06:06:52 pm
Making Of The Reckoning (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 11, 2018, 06:59:04 pm
Setlist Krasnoyarsk (

Raise Your Banner (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 13, 2018, 10:15:44 pm
Setlist Novosibirsk (

Forgiven (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 15, 2018, 10:47:56 pm
Setlist Ekaterimburgo (

The Reckoning (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 18, 2018, 04:21:45 pm
Setlist Nizhniy-Novogorod ( (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 19, 2018, 04:06:57 pm
Setlist Moscú (

Faster (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 20, 2018, 06:40:31 pm
Mercy Mirror @ St Petersburg (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 21, 2018, 06:40:04 pm

The RESIST Tour is now on the road for over one week. The tour kicked off in Krasnoyarsk, Russia. Today, the seventh show of the tour, Within Temptation performed their RESIST show in Metro Areena in Espoo, Finland.
Sharon den Adel Within Temptation VROUW Glossy interview 2018 My Indigo Within Temptation

Sharon den Adel for VROUW Glossy. Click to explore more.

The setlist performed in Finland was not a big surprise. Within Temptation however surprised the crowd with – finally – the full new stage decor. It surely looks stunning.

    Raise Your Banner
    The Reckoning
    Endless War
    In the Middle of the Night
    Stand My Ground
    All I Need
    Shot in the Dark
    The Promise
    Mercy Mirror
    Paradise (What About Us?)
    The Heart of Everything
    Mother Earth
    What Have You Done
    Stairway to the Skies (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 22, 2018, 08:14:34 pm
RESIST Festival Tour

In 2019, Within Temptation is going to do a true RESIST Festival Tour, to promote their late-2018 studio album RESIST. The band will visit the recently confirmed festivals Wacken Open Air, M’era Luna, Resurrection Fest and now Graspop Metal Meeting. It is not the first time the Dutch rock band will visit this festival. They have a rich history of performances in Dessel, Belgium.

In 1998, Within Temptation performed its first GMM show. After their stage debut on GMM grounds, 2001, 2003, 2005, 2007, 2013 and most recently 2015 followed. Next year, the eight time will be marked.
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 23, 2018, 04:47:28 pm
Setlist Estocolmo (

Shot In The Dark (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 24, 2018, 05:27:53 pm
Setlist Oslo (

What Have You Done (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 25, 2018, 05:58:11 pm
Setlist Copenhague (

The Promise (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 26, 2018, 03:45:10 pm
Entrevista a Ruud (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 27, 2018, 10:59:14 pm
Setlist Poznan (

Mother Earth (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 28, 2018, 07:12:51 pm
Setlist Varsovia (

The Promise (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 10, 2018, 04:19:25 pm
Setlist Birmingham (

The Promise (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 11, 2018, 06:21:09 pm
Setlist Manchester (

The Reckoning (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 12, 2018, 04:55:27 pm
Setlist Glasgow (

Mother Earth (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 14, 2018, 07:19:22 pm
Setlist Londres (

The Promise (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 15, 2018, 04:33:14 pm
Setlist Southampton (

Stand My Ground (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 16, 2018, 03:37:50 pm
Raise Your Banner (Lyric Video) (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 17, 2018, 03:58:42 pm
Setlist Paris (

Endless War (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 18, 2018, 07:35:46 pm
Setlist Amberes (

Ice Queen (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 20, 2018, 04:21:55 pm
urprise, surprise! This week we are not only releasing one, but TWO brand new singles from our forthcoming album RESIST!

But all that glitters is not gold: we are forced to postpone the release of the album due to production problems. Since we are very sorry about this, we want to give the fans something back: an extra single out this Friday, 'Firelight'!

RESIST is now scheduled for release on February 1st, 2019.
Raise Your Banner

This Friday we've released our brand new single ‘Raise Your Banner’ and ever since the track has received hundred thousands of streams. We are super excited that Anders Fridén from In Flames has taken this track to a next level. We've always felt a strong connection with In Flames because of the same musical metal birth ground we share.

- Listen on Spotify
- Listen on Apple Music
- Listen on Amazon Music
- Check out the lyric video on YouTube
But that's not all.. A SECOND single is coming!
A dark Christmas duet

But there’s more... An extra single will drop THIS Friday! The track is called ‘Firelight’ and features Belgium’s most famous alternative rock singer Jasper Steverlinck. It was originally written for My Indigo, but the track felt too dark back then. However, it was and still is one of our favorite songs, even more now Jasper is featured on it. We think he’s one of the best alternative rock singers in the world. He’s Belgium’s best kept secret!

Firelight will be out this Friday.
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 20, 2018, 04:47:06 pm
Setlist Colonia (

Mother Earth (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 22, 2018, 04:38:00 pm
Setlist Luxemburgo (

Mother Earth (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 22, 2018, 04:39:48 pm
Setlist Dubendorf (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 23, 2018, 03:23:31 pm
Firelight (ft Jasper Steverlinck) (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 24, 2018, 06:30:30 pm
Setlist Amsterdam (día 1) (

Resumen (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 25, 2018, 06:12:15 pm
Setlist Amsterdam (Segundo día) (

What Have You Done (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 26, 2018, 05:28:28 pm
Setlist Groningen (

Resumen (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 30, 2018, 03:46:47 pm
Raise Your Banner (Video Oficial) (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 09, 2018, 06:37:56 pm
Setlist Berlin (

Mother Earth (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 10, 2018, 04:05:34 pm
Setlist Hamburgo (

Streaming (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 11, 2018, 03:18:06 pm
Resist American Tour (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 11, 2018, 03:20:16 pm
It’s been four long years since the release of their last album “Hydra”, and now with the imminent unleashing of their powerful seventh studio album “Resist”, symphonic metal heavyweights Within Temptation are returning to prominence with a vengeance. “Resist” has been described by the band as their saving grace, marking a significant turning point in the iconic six-piece’s career and the development of their sound into something “heavier, dirtier and darker” than ever before. Within Temptation’s renewed vigour is evident throughout the ten anthemic tracks in “Resist” – the quintessential catchy choruses are a staple, the band’s recently favoured 80s flavour pulsates through sultry synths, and the cinematic melodic soundscape the band are so renowned for is well and truly dialled up to eleven in this modern masterpiece. Now two single drops in, and partway through a mammoth European tour, the divine Sharon den Adel sat down with us to chat about “Resist”, freedom in the digital age and pushing the boundaries of the metal genre as we know it.


Hi Sharon! I’ve been a huge fan of WT for many years now, so it’s a real privilege to talk to you!


Hi, thanks very much!


So, your new album “Resist” – I’ve just listened to it, it’s such a powerful album! Something I found really interesting that you said about it was that you wanted to give pop music the rebellious edge you feel that it needs. Would you be able to elaborate on that further?


Well, I think that what we actually meant by that was that we were inspired by, in this case, a more urban kind of music. I think it’s a scene that has a lot of musical elements going on - the urban scene has been around for a long time now, and in the last few years has been inspiring a lot of types of music genres, and it sounds just very modern when you combine urban kind of elements into other music genres, and so did we [in Resist]. It just made some songs like “Holy Ground”, for instance, and “Endless War” a little bit more groovy, you know? Like, we were never a groovy band, and your rhythm starts to change. So, it’s more like, we used these elements, not just musically but also in production; we did it not only with orchestration but also with the heavy guitars, you know, those layers of music, and it becomes Within Temptation but then sounding modern and more 2018!


It’s a combination that just worked for the music we are making, and it sounds more updated because of that. So it’s not like we’re trying to give one type of music value over another, but we find pop music in general too light for us, so when you put our layers of heavy music together with that, it becomes more edgy, and that’s what we meant by that.


WT has undergone a remarkable evolution in your core sound over the years, and you’ve demonstrated incredible stylistic diversity through your discography. Tell us about WT’s creative process behind Resist, and the songwriting process.


Well, it all kind of started with “My Indigo”, which was my solo project. There was a lot of time between the previous album “Hydra” and this one, and this was because of the fact that I had a writer’s block – well, not just me, it was actually everyone who was writing for Within Temptation. But for me, there were also a lot of other things going on - my dad got really sick, and I wanted to have a bit of a reflection on what I wanted to do for the next twenty years that I might be in the band. For me, my whole adult life I’ve been in Within Temptation, and so I hadn’t had any other things besides that. My life has always been a certain way, quite different from family and from friends – you know, everybody has their normal jobs, and they go home for the weekend! And I have a family too, you know.


So with “My Indigo”, I was inspired by a lot of urban stuff to write “My Indigo”, which is totally different. It was more soul-searching, and eventually I did come to the conclusion that I wanted to continue with Within Temptation after a certain amount of time where I wasn’t sure that I wanted to. I wasn’t sure that I wanted to come back to Within Temptation because I didn’t feel it anymore, and I wanted to do something totally different. But because of “My Indigo”, I realised that there is a way to write for Within Temptation if there is another crossover again with this urban kind of feel to it. So that has been the new way for Within Temptation, and our new album has been inspired a lot by that kind of music, because we as a metal/rock band combining elements from another scene which makes it more modern.


As for how we start with writing songs, what we’ve always done before is we start with guitar or piano or a song base, so in the end you can strip down the song to play it by a campfire or even on the beach with just a guitar! You can play all of our songs on just a guitar or the piano – it’s not difficult, you just go back to the basics. That’s how we’ve always started, and we didn’t change that way of writing. The bands that we like, also, are more song-based bands. I do like Pink Floyd because they’re brilliant at it. You also have bands who are just making atmosphere, there’s no real chorus – it’s just atmosphere, which is also cool, but we have always been a band that you really have to be able to play every song on a guitar or on keyboard or piano.



There seems to be some really strong symbolism in the themes of Resist, surrounding questions of personal freedom in a dystopian future. What were some of your thematic inspirations for this album?


Well I grew up in a time when we still had, you know, Commodore Sixty-Fours and floppy disks, it was a long time back! The days of the first game computer, more or less, I guess, and I never thought that internet or social media would ever be the way it is today. Those kinds of things just grew gradually, and I think that that is very beautiful because we have a lot of benefits because of it, you know, life has become a lot easier because of this, but on the other hand, there’s a different side to it. I think we’re losing our anonymity, and I think our privacy laws should be better for individuals, and of course I think it’s very important these days when we have a lot of terrorist attacks that the government can trace and track down where people are, but it goes a bit too far in my opinion.


I think that if I was living in a different country where there is no democracy, and things get into the wrong hands, if you have a different opinion, then your government shouldn’t be able to do everything they want with it. If this was Second World War happening now in Europe, with this technology everyone with a different mind, colour or race that [the government] didn’t like, they would be able to easily track and trace. This is of course a very heavy comparison, but it is something that is possible, you know, because we have facial recognition and everything now. You know, your DNA is out there, and it’s dangerous in my opinion. I think there should be better laws to protect citizens, because you know now we’re living in a peaceful time, but when it’s not a peaceful time or if you’re in countries where it isn’t peaceful – like there are many countries in this world where having your own opinion is not a right, apparently – so it’s dangerous with this kind of technology. I wouldn’t want to live in those countries in this time.


I also think that we don’t realise when we’re just going about our busy lives, what we’re giving away, like even when you’re going to a [web]site, you have cookies that you have to accept to be able to read anything, but you don’t really know what you’re exactly giving away. So that’s why on our website, you also have to accept cookies, but then we show you also what we get to know. We do it deliberately, because we want to show you what you’re giving away for free, and we can see your postal address. So with Google Maps, I can even see where you’re living! That, I think is pretty dangerous, I don’t think anyone should be able to know where I live!


Although, on the other hand, people just write on the internet all the crap that they do sometimes, without thinking or without doing some kind of research of what they’re talking about, it’s just based on half information, which is also dangerous. For me, I think for the worst case scenario, for those kinds of situations, we should have better laws. And for us, it’s more like an inspiration, so it’s not like we have these conspiracy theories going on or anything, it’s more like trying to talk about these things and maybe for a little awareness. But for interviews, you know, I can still tell and inform a little bit, just planting a seed in their heads, like maybe just think about these things before you go to a site, before you leave your messages and everything. Also the thing is that you can’t erase easily your messages on the internet – there’s always some kind of data somewhere, and those are also dangers, I think. Because people can make mistakes, or they can change their minds, or they did something in an angry mood, and people should be protected somehow.

What I also find difficult is that algorithms are also choosing for you what you’re going to get to see on the internet, like if I go to a certain site, and I’m interested in going on a holiday to Cuba, for instance, and the next year I get messages from the same company related to Cuba. Also when I’m talking to my friend and the TV picks it up, and I’m talking about, I don’t know, tennis courts, I get all this information about tennis courts in the area and stuff like that. I don’t want anyone listening along when I’m having conversations and when my telephone is off, actually. It’s like I’m never alone, you know, I can never have a conversation without something in the back always being there – like Big Brother is watching you the whole time. But these kinds of things just happen now, and that’s the inspiration for us [for Resist].


Wow, those are some really powerful thoughts and themes to have for the new record!


Thank you! And yeah, I wanted to add that you know, freedom was never something that we got for free. That’s also what these songs are about, like okay, you know, you have to fight for your freedom. You don’t want to necessarily pick up arms or anything like that, but [freedom] never came for free and we should protect what other people gave their lives for. Freedom is something that we shouldn’t give away for free without paying attention – we have to be careful what we might lose in the end.



Now, you’ve just dropped the official music video for Raise Your Banner! It is absolutely incredible, and aesthetically, it really emulates the dark subject matter of the track. Tell us about the video and the production experience!


Well, the video was done in Amsterdam in a loft, and many fans joined for the video. So all the men who are in suits – the bad guys, actually! – a lot of them are fans, and the protesters on our side are also some fans. The idea behind the video is how human are humans, you know, like how much are we programmed to do certain things just being the way we are already; what are we creating also, in our own image? Like, trying to make computers look like us, and for what purpose also, how far do you go?


And that definitely translates in the video, it’s amazing! So changing the subject a bit now – you’re an exceptionally talented and renowned vocalist, perhaps you could give the aspiring vocalists a few tips. What are some of the measures you take to ensure you stay in optimum vocal health throughout long, intense touring schedules?


Well it’s quite boring actually! I really have to get my sleep – sleep is the most important thing that I need, a minimum of eight hours! I know this sounds so not rock and roll, but sometimes I have four shows in a row, and that’s like 1.5 hours of singing and talking to an audience, and on the same day I also have interviews, so I’m talking a lot and singing a lot on a day like that. So those eight hours at least are very important. Besides that, it’s very important to relax also, so sometimes sport, sometimes I have a walk through the city, see something of the city that you’re in because that’s something you can also use again when you’re on stage talking to the audience, and it’s nice to have experiences, to see where they came from, and to know where you’re actually at instead of stating the wrong city names to the audience! But it happens sometimes, and I can imagine that it happens to some people, but there is a way to go about it to make sure that doesn’t happen.


And another thing for your voice that is also important to me is that I’m a big fan of ginger. I use ginger in big chunks the whole day through – I use it in smoothies, as a tea - I use it through the garlic press, I put it in hot water, and that’s the most intense way of having the ginger come out of the tea, because then it will get all these juices blending with the water, and it’s just really hot like pepper. It really takes away a cold if you have one, and when your nose is blocked or your throat is swollen, this will help you to open it up, and of course with all the necessary vocal training that you need to do. Nowadays they also have this straw that you can blow through in water, and that also moisturizes your vocal chords, I think. I don’t know exactly how it works, but everyone here uses one and it’s actually working for me. Another thing that I use is a water spray, but it has lavender and chamomile in it, and it’s called Throat Coach. There’s nothing in there that can harm you, it’s all natural, and when you want to clear up your vocal chords it’s really nice. Especially when you’re doing interviews, it’s pretty useful!

Finally, another question pertaining to you, Sharon - who are your main musical inspirations, and what inspires you to write music?

Well, you know, what I’ve always liked to do is to challenge myself to write the best song ever – it sounds very arrogant in a way, but it’s not like the best song that anyone could write, it’s just the best song that I can make, and I always try to push myself to something out of the box, out of the ordinary, to feel free to do anything I like. And so aiming for mediocre is not good enough. It should be very good, it should be something special, something that you can use as little bits of a song, like if it’s a catchy line. And that’s always my aim – every time if I say, oh I wrote maybe not the best song but I really wrote a really great song, I’m so happy for two weeks, and then the feeling goes away again, and then I really want to write another song! It’s how you build up ideas, it’s how you challenge yourself, and keep on listening to other people and don’t be afraid of listening to different genres that aren’t your genre. I think that’s even better because otherwise you start copying other bands that are in your scene, and for us it’s more like we find more inspiration from other scenes than in our own music scene because you just don’t want to copy others and you don’t want to copy yourself.

Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 12, 2018, 04:11:04 pm
Setlist Praga (

The Heart Of Everything (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 13, 2018, 04:01:22 pm
Setlist Budapest (

Endless War (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 14, 2018, 03:54:46 pm
Setlist Viena (

Mother Earth (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 16, 2018, 07:20:30 pm
Setlist Milan (

All I Need (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 17, 2018, 04:25:44 pm
Setlist Ludwisburg (

Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 17, 2018, 05:00:17 pm
WITHIN TEMPTATION - Finally! Our North American headline tour (with special guests In Flames and Smash Into Pieces) is officially on sale. We absolutely can't wait to come back to the US and are counting down the days. And for the non US-residents: we are working on more tours in 2019, so don't worry and stay tuned ;-)!

Click below for the dates and tickets!

28-Feb-19: Ram's Head @ Baltimore
1-Mar-19: The Fillmore @ Philadelphia
2-Mar-19: Playstation Theater @ New York
3-Mar-19: House of Blues @ Boston
5-Mar-19: Olympia @ Montreal
6-Mar-19: Rebel @ Toronto
8-Mar-19: House of Blues @ Chicago
9-Mar-19: Skyway Theatre @ Minneapolis
11-Mar-19: The Summit @ Denver
12-Mar-19: The Complex @ Salt Lake City
14-Mar-19: Roseland Ballroom @ Portland
15-Mar-19: The Vogue Theatre @ Vancouver
16-Mar-19: Showbox Sodo @ Seattle
18-Mar-19: The Warfield @ San Francisco
19-Mar-19: The Wiltern @ Los Angeles
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 17, 2018, 05:01:08 pm
WITHIN TEMPTATION - Surprise! After the successful release of Enter & The Dance on vinyl (both records sold out within a heartbeat and thank you all for that!) we will be releasing a limited edition of Mother Earth on vinyl. Mother Earth was the album that marked the change from a doomy sound to a more symphonic style. It was beyond our expectations that 'Ice Queen' reached #1 in both The Netherlands and Belgium!

Now, almost twenty years later, we want to celebrate this critically acclaimed record by releasing it as a limited edition of 5.000 individually numbered copies on colored (solid blue, solid yellow & solid red mixed) vinyl. The vinyl comes with:

    A gatefold sleeve,
    includes a booklet with lyrics, pictures and an exclusive poster,
    and contains four live bonus tracks. 

MOTHER EARTH on vinyl will officially be released on January 11, 2019, but you can already preorder your copy here.
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 18, 2018, 05:33:49 pm
Setlist Munich (

Mercy Mirror (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 19, 2018, 04:24:52 pm
Setlist Francfurt (

Forgiven (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 20, 2018, 03:51:29 pm
"I was burned out. I was tired. I was stuck and bored. I was at a complete loss, and I didn’t have a clue on where to start with new music. I had to ask myself, ‘How long do I want to do this? Do I want to do this? There was a point where I didn’t think we would continue with Within Temptation.”

Sharon den Adel is reflecting on the turbulent few months that almost derailed one of the biggest metal bands of the 21st century. Sat alongside her bandmate, husband and business partner Robert Westerholt, she admits that a combination of burnout, writer’s block and life-altering personal issues meant that, for a time, the likelihood of a new Within Temptation album – of Within Temptation even existing – looked very, very uncertain.

“I think the whole of Within Temptation needed a break,” adds Robert, alluding as much to Within Temptation the ‘brand’ as the band. “It felt like we’d been on a [fast-moving] train for many years, so it was necessary. And, to be honest, we didn’t really know what the outcome of that break would be.”

While Sharon and Robert may have started the year in a state of flux, you wouldn’t know it from speaking to them now. The pair seem in a relaxed and amiable mood as we chat over lunch in a restaurant high up in the Amsterdam Tower: a 22-storey modern build overlooking the Netherlands’ capital city on what is a bright and humid late-summer afternoon. Robert dressed in a white hoody and jeans, Sharon in a suit jacket and black top, they complement each other as only couples do; often finishing each other’s sentences or politely correcting one another’s answers, a tag team whose dynamic doesn’t eclipse their own personalities. Where some band partnerships offer an endless clash of egos, theirs is a relationship built on mutual trust, understanding and, ultimately, a shared vision for a band that has spectacularly defied the odds. One of metal’s premier power couples, the Dutch duo have guided Within Temptation for over two decades; graduating from the class of symphonic metal bands that emerged from Europe in the late 90s, they’ve since become a modern rock powerhouse, consistently churning out critically acclaimed albums while building one of metal’s largest and most dedicated audiences.

You don’t become one of the biggest artists in your country’s history without a bit of hard work, so we shouldn’t be too surprised when Sharon mentions before the interview that they were up until 4am working on their imminent new album, Resist. Still, it’s a far cry from the stifling “wall” the pair claimed to have both hit creatively only a few months ago.

“Yeah, I had writer’s block,” Sharon sighs. “I didn’t feel it any more, I didn’t have inspiration. I wouldn’t want to go in a new direction with the band where people would go, ‘What a has-been.’ I’d rather not bring out a record than bring out a record I don’t feel confident about.”

“I was the same,” agrees Robert. “I think we all had that. The main thing was that we felt we really needed a new impulse, something new to inspire us and make it worthwhile to make a record.”

This rather significant roadblock could hardly have come at a worse time. Within Temptation’s previous album, 2014’s Hydra, ushered in their most successful chapter yet, landing career-high positions in charts around the world including the UK (6), the US (16) and their homeland (a return to Number 1, after previous opus The Unforgiving just missed out). Hydra’s lead single, Paradise (What About Us?), featuring former Nightwish singer Tarja Turunen, has racked up more than 50million views on YouTube, while the touring cycle for the album included both a headline slot at Bloodstock festival and, most significantly, a show at London’s legendary Wembley Arena. The scene had been set for Within Temptation to consolidate their position as one of modern metal’s most important bands. But dig a little deeper and it soon emerges that, behind the scenes, there was a growing dissatisfaction with the Hydra era that helped create the hole the band eventually found themselves in.

“With Hydra, we were searching for something new, but I think we didn’t find it, you know?” offers Robert.

“I didn’t feel that we made enough progress,” agrees Sharon. “When we were writing the album we felt we were moving in the right direction, but there was still a little doubt. In retrospect, we felt like it just wasn’t enough.”

“And then you get that doubt,” Robert chimes in. “The doubt of if you are still able to write a record, and if you can still get excited about it. It’s shit when you can’t do what you were born to do best.”

Professional frustrations are problematic enough for any artist, but there were personal issues, too, bubbling beneath the surface. Since 2011, Robert has taken a behind-the-scenes role in the band, writing a lion’s share of the music but staying at home to look after the couple’s children during tours – a duty he enthusiastically tells us has “been great”. As frontwoman of the band, however, Sharon has no choice but to be on the road. Earlier this year, she told Hammer that she was starting to struggle with being away from her family for those long stretches on tour, noting: “I’ve missed things. Kids are growing up, parents are getting older… you have to make choices about getting a balance in your life.” While she has since worked out a new touring routine for the band that she hopes will ease those problems – “we’re dividing the tours: two weeks at home, two weeks away, something like that” – she reveals that, on top of all this uncertainty, she suffered a devastating family loss that only added to her conflicted feelings about the band’s future.

“My dad died this year,” she states quietly. “It made everything more difficult. My mum is going through a [grieving] process, so I want to be at home more for her, and I felt guilty not being at home as much when my dad was sick. I felt insecure, like an open nerve.”

Unable to focus on Within Temptation, Sharon instead took a personal and professional detour, pouring her emotion into a new project. The result was her first solo album, My Indigo: a soul-baring, introspective odyssey that painted the soulful pop of singer-songwriters like Lana Del Rey with coatings of shimmering, 80s-styled synth. Released in April, it helped channel the issues Sharon was dealing with while resetting her creative impulses.

“I needed a different expression in my songs,” she says today, noting that while recent events helped accelerate its completion, ideas for My Indigo first started coming together “years” ago. “When I had the My Indigo album written and had given it a place, I felt a little stronger. With Within Temptation, it’s epic music, and you need a certain kind of emotion to write those kinds of songs.”

While Robert was also involved in the writing process for Sharon’s solo work, the rest of the band were left on the sidelines, uncertain of their future together. How did they feel about My Indigo?

“They were not that expressive about it, but we explained to them why we were doing it and they understood,” replies Sharon. “Ruud [Jolie, lead guitar] was the guy saying, ‘Oh, I expected you to do this years ago!’ They were not stressed about it, and that gave me more space. We’re all friends, and we go back so long; we know each other’s families, and people have respect for that. That makes us special.”

A gorgeous little album in its own right, My Indigo nevertheless represented a potential conflict for Sharon; it had been four years since Hydra – a long time in music by any standard. Was this new solo venture going to further undermine the chance of Within Temptation having a future together? As it turns out, the answer is a resounding no. In fact, My Indigo not only pressed a much-needed reset button in Sharon’s creative conscious, but ended up being the best thing that could have happened to the band.

“Because of My Indigo, I felt open to Within Temptation again,” Sharon explains. “I found a new way of writing, and we felt we knew where to start. There was a natural progression.”

Once that first trickle of promise seeped through, the dam, it appears, would soon break. From being uncertain if we would even see a new Within Temptation album again, the pair’s creativity was suddenly reignited at pace, the writing process for the new record all coming together “in the last few months, really quickly.” If Hydra represented less of an obvious evolution than its predecessor, 2011’s outstanding, conceptually loaded The Unforgiving, Resist would quickly see the band embrace elements that would bode well for forward momentum. This was going to be a whole new Within Temptation – bigger, louder and heavier than ever.

“There’s a bigger change than on previous records,” allows Robert. “It was like, ‘We need more edge!’ For us, that was crucial, and I’m convinced our fans will love it. It’s not that we’re a different band now, but you can feel more energy there – a certain… darkness… in the melodies, in the vibe, which we really like. The Reckoning was the first new song we wrote, and I think it’s probably one of the heaviest songs we’ve ever done. This album feels like we want to get on the barricades and kick some legs!”

He’s not kidding. With Resist, Within Temptation have taken everything that has carried their sound this far and beefed it up to Wrestlemania-sized levels. Aforementioned album opener and lead single The Reckoning is a case-in-point, packing what is easily the heaviest riff the band have ever written, sounding closer to Korn’s chunky heft than anything the Dutch crew have produced before and carried along an electronic hook so huge it goes off like a war horn sounded by Skrillex. Sharon is on imperious form, her powerful vocals providing a perfect foil for the excitable yelp of Papa Roach’s Jacoby Shaddix, who is one of a clutch of well-executed guest appearances on the record.

The likes of Raise Your Banner – in Sharon’s words, “a proper metal song” – and Mad World – a pop-tinged industrial metal banger – continue in a similar vein, but it’s not just the heavier tracks that stand out. There’s a much bigger electronic presence across the whole album, whether it’s the syncopated, stuttery chords running under Endless War, the waves of warm synth that wash across the bouncy, EDM-indebted Supernova, or the cheeky appearance of a vocoder on Holy Ground (yes, really). It adds to what Sharon describes as a “futuristic” sound for the album, and it’s handled expertly by longtime Within Temptation producer Daniel Gibson, who manages to straddle the various elements on show without losing sight of the fact that this is still, ultimately, a metal album.

“It’s about using things you like from certain music you hear, and combining it with metal!” offers Sharon. “I think that is always the way forward. We’ve done that for many years, and it keeps it fresh.”

Sharon’s solo ventures, too, have evidently wielded influence beyond her album, with the ballady Firelight recalling the dark folk-pop that permeated much of My Indigo.

“That was the only song that was written for My Indigo,” she admits with a guilty laugh. “But it was too dark. It has elements from My Indigo, but we roughened it up into Within Temptation.”

Ultimately, it makes for an album that could and should see Within Temptation take another huge stride into metal’s proverbial hall of fame. What it definitely doesn’t sound like is a band running short on ideas or passion for what they do.

“We found an angle that we wanted to talk about,” Sharon points out. Ah yes, the angle. Not only is Within Temptation’s music looking to the future, but if Resist is anything to go by, their lyrics are, too. Taking aim at our increasingly digitalised age and what that means for our rights, our privacy and our humanity itself, the album channels a subject that has become a looming source of consternation for Sharon and Robert.

“It’s a topic that always triggers us,” says Sharon. You think you have a lot of freedom, but at the same time, you really don’t. There are a lot of programs being developed at the moment that you think are liberating because you’re getting more options for social media, but [your freedom] is being narrowed down. It annoys us.”

“You get the feeling that you’re being boxed in,” adds Robert by way of explanation. “Like with music. On Spotify, if you listen to Within Temptation, you always then get suggested Nightwish and Evanescence. I mean, I want to discover other bands, but you always get the obvious choices. It’s like someone is determining everything we listen to. Your own freedom of choice is there, but without you realising, they’re really directing you.”

“And not just with Spotify,” says Sharon. “I know a friend of mine who has been working on this program. It’s being developed for a radio station getting called by someone; they type in your name, they find your Facebook, they see everything about your whole life, and they can take something and discuss it with you. I think that goes too far. ‘You were drunk last night? You were doing that?’”

Even the biggest technophobes find themselves at the mercy of technology in 2018. Social media has completely changed 21st century discourse, while the famous Apple adage from their 2009 campaign – ‘There’s an app for that’ – has become a standardised way to learn, create and discover. While it’s undoubtedly reaped plenty of benefits in recent times, the potential for governments and corporations to harness our reliance on technology for sinister means grows ever more real – and it’s not something Within Temptation take lightly.

“Insurance companies have these bots that scan the internet,” offers Robert, clearly on a roll on something he has given much thought to. “That is a very simple way of seeing how much you are drinking, how much of a liability you are, everything…  and suddenly you don’t have health insurance anymore, or you become a risk for the authorities.”

“It goes even further than that,” adds Sharon. “In China, they have face recognition on zebra crossings. It’s like Black Mirror! There is a new world being born at this moment. It’s changing really fast, and that fascinates us a lot.”

“It’s like all those sci-fi movies,” says Robert with a shake of the head. “The things that were happening there? They are more around the corner than people think.”

Technology as an existential threat has been something explored by metal for decades, and for Within Temptation, it’s provided an exciting – if mildly terrifying – new way for them to reconnect with what their music has always been about: telling stories through the medium of epic, overblown heavy fucking metal. And on that note: given their increasingly impressive live show, are we safe to assume that this futuristic theme will be given full rein when it comes to the stage?

“I think our show’s been developing through the years,” allows Robert vaguely, not wanting to lift the curtain quite yet. “It’s quite a big set-up again, this tour. We think it’s really, really cool. And yes, it’s a very inspiring new theme! Very sci-fi…”

Given where they were only a few short months ago, it’s a relief and an inspiration to see Within Temptation so excited about their next chapter. Armed with a killer new album and a wealth of ideas on how to expand on it – Robert teases something particularly high concept involving “augmented reality video”, heaven help us – they have all the tools to carry their band, to carry metal itself, into a bold new future. As the conversations over our world’s next big headliners continues to roll on, they’re as equipped as anyone to grab the proverbial brass ring – even if neither Robert nor Sharon are ready to embrace the spotlight quite yet.

“Ha! Sharon never says yes to talent shows or premieres,” laughs Robert when we ask if they’re ready to become bona fide rock’n’roll celebrities. So she gets offers for that kind of thing? “They always ask her! But we are more musicians than we are… TV people’.”

“I’ve been asked to go on Holland’s Got Talent and all those shows,” Sharon adds with a roll of the eyes. “It doesn’t feel right. I have other stuff to do!”

So there’s no chance of an Osbournes-style reality show about you and the fam?

“Never in a million years,” Sharon shoots back with a laugh.

“That is not a good idea,” chuckles Robert.

Whether they’re ready for it or not, Within Temptation are about to shoot for the stars. The future is theirs. 

Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 21, 2018, 04:21:42 pm
Setlist Tilburg (día 1) (

Stairway To The Skies (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 22, 2018, 04:09:11 pm
Setlist Tilburg (Segundo día) (

Mercy Mirror (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 23, 2018, 07:09:48 pm
Setlist Tilburg (

The Cross (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 26, 2018, 06:59:26 pm
Black Xmas ( ( (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 11, 2019, 05:54:38 pm
In Vain (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 19, 2019, 04:21:42 pm
The Cross @ Oulu (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 23, 2019, 08:39:51 pm
Samples (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 28, 2019, 04:22:41 pm
Unboxing Resist (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 03, 2019, 10:40:09 pm
Within Temptation Interview
Within Temptation Interview
by Chad Bowar
Within Temptation

Spinefarm Records

Within Temptation‘s latest album is Resist. At one point, it wasn’t clear if the band would continue, but they found their path and a musical approach that incorporates some new styles alongside what they have done in the past. I spoke with vocalist Sharon den Adel about the challenges of making the album, their upcoming North American tour, her solo project My Indigo and other topics.

Chad Bowar: The future of the band was in doubt. What turned it around and set you back in the right direction again?
Sharon den Adel: First I have to explain what was the reason for it, that it was going to be maybe that Hydra was the last album, just because lack of inspiration after that album. It took us five years to write a new album. And there were several reasons why we had writer’s block or felt uninspired. First of all, I had a lot of stuff in my personal life that was happening. And it made me realize I really had to think about, okay, I’ve been on this roller coaster for 23 years. Do I still want to do this for another 23? Do I want to do it differently? I missed out on a lot of things doing this. My big passion, and my biggest love, was to be able to be touring with a band all over the world and doing this.

On the other hand, I missed out on a lot of stuff at home. Parents and friends, everybody’s got families. I missed out on a lot of stuff. So I just realized that after Hydra, I really had to make up the balance and stuff. And then, also what happened is I had writer’s block. It was all connected. But I wasn’t the only one having problems writing. Other people in the band who were also writing had the same problem. In the meantime, to get rid of the writer’s block and just doing something different sometimes really helps to get back to make clear which direction you want to go, also with your life.

I did something else in between it, my solo project My Indigo. It’s a different kind of music. It’s singer/songwriter kind of songs. It’s more alternative, and a bit of an urban kind of influence. It has a lot of different flavors that I never used for Within Temptation, but it fit better in the time that I was going through all of this process, finding my new way for Within Temptation and deciding if I even wanted to continue with the band even. So I did this project in between. And it really helped us to find a new way. It helped me back to Within Temptation again. I could deal with a lot of stuff through My Indigo by writing these songs and doing something different, getting out of my comfort zone, looking at music in a different way again and also, to a different genre of music.

And I think a lot of things that I learned from the project, not just me. The producer I was working with for My Indigo also worked on the new album for Within Temptation. We both made a development that helped us to do a different structure for Within Temptation, but also the songwriting was very different. Before this album and any album before it, we had different rhythms, we had a different way of singing. But also, the contribution of the singers that we eventually asked. Also, my own way of singing was very different than what I have done before. The timing is different.

So many things really resulted from the urban stuff. We learned a lot from that, actually. We transformed a little bit into Within Temptation with some influences of that, which makes it sound more modern, in my opinion. We had a lot of things happening at the same time, not being inspired by any kind of music and eventually, ended up looking at different kind of music genres than typical metal or rock where we normally get our influences and inspiration from. We looked to different music scenes and that really helped us evolve a new direction for Within Temptation eventually. And that made it fun again, because that’s the aim that we always have is to find a new way of finding something that makes enthusiastic to write again. And it happened actually by listening to different kinds of music than we normally do.

You talked about the guest singers, who are all very different.
Yeah, totally. And that’s also very nice, because they all add something different to a different type of song. And also, because they all have a different type of voice. We asked Anders from In Flames because he’s more experienced with a screaming voice. And we needed his screaming voice on “Raise Your Banner.” And for “The Reckoning” we needed more of what Jacoby (Shaddix, Papa Roach) had. It’s intense, direct, but also a certain anger to it and also vulnerable, somehow. Jasper (Steverlinck) was more sensual and also very emotional. There are three very different vocalists, indeed.

In Flames is a band like yourselves whose sound has evolved over the years.
Yeah, but I think Papa Roach as well, actually. I was thinking about how they started and what they’re doing now is so different. Of course, they have the same kind of influences still. But they really evolved from where they came from. They went along with their time also.

Another thing that’s new for you guys is the record label. Tell me how you came to sign with Spinefarm.
We signed with them for America. We’re signed with Universal in the rest of the world. They really believed in the songs that we were presenting to them and we had a really good connection with them, how they responded to our new ideas for the new songs and what direction we were going. Eventually, we chose them for that reason. We had the right vibe or wavelength. They were very enthusiastic and liked our new direction.

What led to the album being pushed back from last year to early February?
There were some production problems. I didn’t really get into exactly what it was, because I was like, “Yeah, it’s only six weeks, it’s not months and months, luckily.” But something went wrong with the production and they had to reproduce the whole thing again.

Has what you expect from a record label changed over the years?
I think the music industry has changed a lot. They’re still doing more or less the same thing, but I think it’s slightly changing. Nowadays, instead of getting on the radio, it’s now better to get you on music platforms which is more important nowadays than radio in most countries. It’s the same, but it’s not the same. For us, a record company has always been more or less the same in that they never were involved with any decisions that we made for the future or for any music that we made. We always had the freedom to make and do whatever we wanted, because nobody really understood what we were doing. They didn’t understand the scene we were in most of the time. But it’s always nice to hook up with a more metal or rock or alternative kind of label, because they are more used to bands like us so they know how to present us in the right way and to the platforms that are out there.

Another thing that has changed a lot over the years, especially with the development of social media, is how your albums are promoted. Back when you guys first started, maybe you released one single and then, the album came out. Now, it’s videos of you in the studio and lyric videos and regular videos and several songs come out before the album release. Do you like the transparency or you miss the mystique?
There are more tools to make people aware that you’re out there, that you’re releasing a new album. But in the past, it was one single like you said. But essentially, when the album was out, nobody was interested any more to talk to you or the band. Okay, it’s out there, so what else can we talk about? And now, you can have a real nice build-up to a certain point where everyone’s really excited. And you can release little snippets and stuff. I like the technology, because it makes it actually, for me, more exciting to watch the band release something more than just one single and then the whole album.

Of course, you’re excited for the whole album to come out. We play five songs live during the tour that we’ve been doing before the album comes out. And it’s not the same as it is on the record, so it’s always going to be different. But still, if we wouldn’t have done that, then the surprise would have been bigger, but I think it did make people aware that we were releasing a new album. And I think all of our fans are ready to go.

You are getting ready to come back to tour in North America. How are you doing when it comes to building your North American fan base?
We go there the same way as we did before. We play three weeks to six weeks. That’s what we did in the past, and we’re coming over again for three weeks. And we’ll see if we’re coming back again. It depends on what else comes our way. It’s such a big country. It’s hard to travel. It takes so much time. And the world is so big for us. We have so many countries where we are a little bit bigger. We’re playing on different stages here in Europe and in Russia and in this part of the world. But I think there’s a certain capacity of how many fans there are that like a type of music. And I think we’ve reached them.

I’m really happy that we’re able to come back every time and still sell out the shows. And that’s the biggest thing. And these are nice venues that we play. It’s not like it’s very small. It’s just really comfortable and beautiful places that we get to play. It’s just a pleasure for us to come over and enjoy your country and to enjoy our friends during these shows. It’s very relaxed, for us anyway. I’m enjoying it.

With In Flames on the bill for your North American tour, can we expect a nightly performance of “Raise Your Banner” with Anders?
I hope so. I’m really looking forward to that. I didn’t ask him yet. The chances are quite good, I think, to get them on stage.

How challenging is it so many albums in to construct a set list that you guys like to play and that the fans like to hear?
It’s challenging, because you always disappoint somebody who has a favorite song that you’re not playing. But what we’re doing is taking songs from every album and those that are the fan favorites. We think we know which ones those are. And sometimes it depends where you’re playing, which country, which song did better there. We make a nice combination of both the new album and old albums. And it depends a little bit how long you play. Most of the time, we play one and a half hours. There’s always a lot of opportunity to put a lot of old stuff in there, as well. And we try to vary it little bit here and there.

You can’t please everyone, but you can make a nice mixture. And I think we’ve done that this time especially, because we have a different sound with this album. We tried to fit older songs together that fit our new album as well to have a nice red line between the songs so that it all fits together and feels like one thing.

You mentioned the My Indigo album before. Do you anticipate doing another one at some point in the future?
I hope so, but it’s more something that I’m going to do on the side, because I do realize that having a project of this size with Within Temptation is very difficult. I’m a writer for both, so I’m writing My Indigo and I’m one of the writers for Within Temptation. So it’s a lot of work and a lot of effort. But I’m looking forward to doing both. But My Indigo will be a second plan, of course, because it’s something that I do on the side. It’s a project really. And Within Temptation is my first band. That’s something that I need to focus on mostly. But if I have time, I’ll try to give it another go for another album, because I really enjoyed the first one. It was very precious for me to be able to make that album. And it was very personal, also. But I think there’s more to write and I think that it’s good to keep continuing that, as well.

I know music is very much a family affair for you. Are the kids getting into music yet?
Yes, my son is. He’s nine. He’s playing really well and writing songs already, but it’s something that I don’t want to be involved too much in. We encourage him, but it’s very difficult to be in a music scene. Whatever you do, just do it as a hobby and you’ll see. Whatever comes out comes out. Just enjoy it, the fact that you can make music. That’s the thing that we’re trying to emphasize.

(interview published February 2, 2019)
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 05, 2019, 06:32:41 pm
Supernova (Video) (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 21, 2019, 10:36:20 pm

Supernova (

Firelight (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 23, 2019, 04:09:08 pm
The album explores a new side of Within Temptation with new urban influences that take a step away from the band's signature symphonic metal sound. Resist explores current universal technological and political issues and drives home the idea that a wakeup call is needed to break free from fixed patterns and find a way to live life in freedom.

Last week, Within Temptation frontwoman Sharon den Adel spoke to AXS from her home in the Netherlands where she was spending the day promoting the new release.

AXS: You have the new album coming out this week.  What do you feel Resist represents for the band?

Sharon den Adel: I think for us, we feel that this album, which I'm sure you hear from every band, but I feel this album really steps away from what we've done before both musically and production-wise. It's not the typical symphonic metal that people know from us. We have new influences in our music. I think in some way it's unrecognizable as Within Temptation and we have a lot of new things in there that we haven't done before. There's some urban stuff and also some hip hop and reggae rhythms and ways of singing, but not where we are completely doing that, but where we are using parts and implementing that into our music and our signature sound.

I think that gives us a nice crossover appeal without losing our own identity. I think that's a big step forward from the previous albums that we've released.

AXS: Have you been happy with the reaction to the first couple of singles?

SA: Yeah and we've also been playing five of the songs live so we are getting that direct reaction. That's a great reason to play them live. Of course, there are some songs that are explosive and then some songs that people take a while to get used to.  Sometimes certain songs come across differently on an album than they do live, but so far the reactions have been really good. We're looking forward to hearing more when the album is out. We've already had some really beautiful reviews, but we are really anxious to hear what our fans think.

AXS: You've talked about the fact that you and the rest of the band went through a period where you weren't sure that you wanted to continue. What was it that inspired you to head back in and record this album?

SA: The thing was that after the release of our last album Hydra, we toured a lot and we didn't have any breaks. We tried to find that time after the tour to rest and usually a couple of weeks after you get back from tour and come down a bit, you're ready to get back into the studio and create something again. You're ready to express yourself in a different way and have something fresh that you can be excited about again. However, this time after Hydra, nothing happened. We didn't feel inspired. We were worn out and especially me because I'd come to a kind of crossroads in my life and with the heavy touring schedule we had, we all needed a break.

For me, I found that I was burnt out and having a writer's block and it was also a combination of other things. My father got really ill just before we ended the tour so it was emotionally heavy for me to be away from my family. So all those things really pressed on me and were a bit heavy for me while we were on the road.

So when I finally did get home, nothing came out of the writing sessions I did. I felt lost because I couldn't express myself and I really needed to do that. What I did was I said that maybe I don't have to write for Within Temptation, maybe I can do something else in between and maybe I'll eventually end up again being inspired for Within Temptation. At that time I really didn't know if that was something that I wanted to do again because I'd been doing it for my whole adult life and sometimes you really need a change. What came out that was my solo album called My Indigo and it was a different kind of music. It's urban alternative and it has some indie pop influences and at times some eighties influences, but also a lot of modern influences as well. So I put all that in a blender and that album was the result. It was something very different from Within Temptation and it was nice to be able to make it.

I learned a lot from it and moving forward in time it ended up really helping us get back to Within Temptation because I learned so much from it and having those urban influences and those different rhythms and those different productions began to influence the Resist album. We started writing together again and we came up with a mix of Within Temptation and this urban stuff and even some hip hop here and there and it really made us enthusiastic about music and Within Temptation again. I think it was a necessary step to make. Before I started My Indigo, I had no idea this would be the outcome, but I'm really happy that it did.

AXS: And Resist has a powerful message running through it, which is timely right now with all of the turmoil throughout the world. Was that something that you wanted to address heading into this or was that something that just evolved in the studio?

SA: Well you really can't get around it. It's like everywhere in your face all of the time. The consequences of what is happening in this world is prevalent in the papers and all over the place. So we already had that in mind when we were writing and we were inspired by it because we were also very angry and fired up about different subjects like freedom of speech and also fake news and all the examples of people trying to influence things like voting. Even here in the Netherlands, we had to go back to paper and a pencil again in the elections because of the fact that we don't trust computers anymore. It's a problem in big cities everywhere. Technology is working against us nowadays more or less. It looks so great on the surface because you can use your social media to communicate with everyone out there, but at the same time it's feeding out a lot of information about you so anonymity is lost.

So all of this was a good inspiration for us to write about. We all have families and we want to have a better world where we can leave something beautiful behind. It's really going in the wrong direction and it's sad. I do think that people are realizing it, but it's too late to go back in time and change technology, but there are ways to fix it with new privacy laws and thinking about how we can make it work without losing our privacy.

AXS: Have you seen the message from Resist connecting on that level?

SA: Yes and I think because it is all around you that everybody has an opinion about it so they can draw that connection.

AXS: Over the years, you've done a number of collaborations.  For this album, you've got the first single "The Reckoning" with Jacoby Shaddix (Papa Roach,) "Raise Your Banner" with Anders Fridén (In Flames,) and "Firelight" with Jasper Steverlinck  (Arid.) How did those come about and do you usually know who you'd like to work ahead of going in the studio?

SA: It usually not something intentional, but rather something that grows when you're writing a new song and something seems to work for another voice. Usually, it starts out 100 percent with my voice, but as you move along and the story begins to flow, sometimes it's really nice to have a different take on the song to provide that energy. We are always pro-collaborations, whether it's a feature on our album or a feature on someone else's release. It's always nice to meet new people who are more or less of the same music genre as you are, especially since you never really get to know each other because you're out on different tours. So sometimes you like their music and you write a song and you think, hey, what the heck, it could be really cool to have them or him or her on this song because their voice would really bring something new to the song. So that's what happened this time. That's why we asked the three that are on this album. It could have been ladies as well, but it turned out to be men this time! [laughing]

AXS: Looking at your solo album, what did you find to be the biggest difference for you in the process?

SA: It was quite different because I also worked with different people. I did work with the same producer, but I had other musicians participate in the writing process. It was great to learn from new people because I'm always usually with the same people and for me, it was really like an adventure. So it was a chance to grow again with the lyrics and how you write music and how you look at music. It was one big musical adventure that allowed me to find myself again and, in a way, reinvent myself.

AXS: And the North American tour is rapidly approaching. What should your American and Canadian fans expect this time out?

SA: Well we're developing a new stage setup. It's going to be different from the European one. It's going to be a mixture, of course, of the new album and us playing around with some of the older stuff. We've really found with the European tour that you have to fuse the old songs with a new sound because you want it to really flow. Plus it's nice for people to see something old but in a new way. So we hope to play around with that every few shows or so. That would be cool I think.

AXS: And what's the plan for the rest of the year?

SA: There's a lot of festivals coming our way so when we come back to the Netherlands we have at least thirty shows that we are going to do throughout Europe and one in Russia even. We are going to be all over the place in every country so just more of that and after the summer we will have to see. We have the option for a new European tour in bigger venues with another band and we are thinking about South America and we can always write again too so it's really open for whatever we want to do. We also believe nowadays that there's a different way of touring and writing songs in the future for us I think. We don't have to tour for two years in a row to promote a new album. Maybe we cut out in between and take a few months and write. Then we can go on tour again with the same album, but also release some new stuff to keep it exciting. You have to adapt to changing scenery and industry.

AXS: Anything you want to say to the fans who will be picking up the album over the next week?

SA: Well I really hope they will like the album and hopefully they can send us a picture of them with it so we can put together a nice display of everyone across the world. It will be a great way to connect everyone in one big post. That would be really cool.I'm really looking forward to the North American tour because it's been a while and we really enjoy to come over and see all of the beautiful places again and meet all of those beautiful people. We are finally going, yay!!
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 24, 2019, 06:01:58 pm
FaceCulture @ interview (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 01, 2019, 04:01:57 pm
Setlist Baltimore ( (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 02, 2019, 07:06:24 pm
Setlist Philadelphia (

Supernova (

Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 03, 2019, 06:08:53 pm
Setlist Nueva York (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 04, 2019, 04:19:48 pm

Heavy New York (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 04, 2019, 04:26:32 pm
Setlist Boston (

Ice Queen (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 06, 2019, 04:01:11 pm
Setlist Montreal (

In Vain (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 07, 2019, 04:25:18 pm
Setlist Toronto (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 09, 2019, 04:27:52 pm
Setlist Chicago (

Faster (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 10, 2019, 06:25:00 pm
Setlist Minneapolis (

Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 12, 2019, 04:11:41 pm
Entrevista (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 12, 2019, 04:20:50 pm
Setlist Denver (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 13, 2019, 04:38:23 pm
Setlist Salt Lake City (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 15, 2019, 04:41:47 pm
Setlist Portland (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 17, 2019, 01:44:07 pm
Setlist Vancouver (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 17, 2019, 01:47:57 pm
Setlist Seattle (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 18, 2019, 05:41:22 pm
Video comentario The Reckoning (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 19, 2019, 05:36:39 pm
Setlist San Francisco (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 20, 2019, 05:39:24 pm
Setlist Los Ángeles (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 01, 2019, 01:36:13 pm
Raise Your Banner (Commentary Video) (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 15, 2019, 05:30:49 pm
Mad World (Video Lyric) (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 20, 2019, 04:38:30 pm
Setlist Paaspop 2019 (

Raise Your Banner (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 24, 2019, 04:51:47 pm
WITHIN TEMPTATION - After The Silent Force, Mother Earth and Enter & The Dance on limited edition vinyl, the moment is finally here: The Heart Of Everything on limited edition colored vinyl is officially out now!

As most of you already know, The Heart Of Everything is a very special album to us. It's actually the first album that hit the US Billboard 200! On the limited edition vinyl of The Heart Of Everything you'll find our five singles such as 'Frozen' and 'The Howling', but we've also added four bonus tracks to make it even more special: “What Have You Done” (acoustic + rock mix), “Ice Queen” (acoustic) & "Stand My Ground” (acoustic).

There are 5000 numbered copies on gold & black vinyl and the record comes with a booklet and an exclusive poster of the band.

Track listing:

Side A
1. The Howling
2. What Have You Done (Feat. Keith Caputo)
3. Frozen
4. Our Solemn Hour

Side B
1. The Heart Of Everything
2. Hand Of Sorrow
3. The Cross
4. Final Destination

Side C
1. All I Need
2. The Truth Beneath The Rose
3. Forgiven

Side D
1. What Have You Done (Feat. Keith Caputo) (Rock Mix) Bonus Track
2. Ice Queen (Acoustic) Bonus Track
3. Stand My Ground (Acoustic) Bonus Track
4. What Have You Done (Acoustic) Bonus Track
Order The Heart Of Everything in our official web store.
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 24, 2019, 04:53:50 pm
WITHIN TEMPTATION - After our show at Paaspop Festival last month, we will continue our festival run in Europe in June. We will be playing some of the most amazing festivals this world has to offer! Will we see you at one of the following shows this Summer?

    June 8 - Rockfest, Helsinki @ Finland
    June 15 - Greenfield Festival @ Interlaken, Switzerland
    June 16 - Nova Rock @ Nickelsdorf, Austria
    June 21 - Graspop Metal Meeting @ Dessel, Belgium
    June 22 - Hellfest @ Clisson, France
    June 28 - Trondheim Rocks @ Trondheim, Norway
    June 29 - ParkCity Live @ Heerlen, The Netherlands
    July 6 - Resurrection Festival @ Viveiro, Spain
    July 11 - Royal Park Live @ Baarn, The Netherlands
    July 13 - Masters Of Rock @ Vizovice, Czech
    July 20 - 38. Biker Rally @ Faro, Portugal
    July 27 - Heroes Of World Rock @ Kemerovo, Russia
    August 2 - Wacken Open Air @ Wacken, Germany
    August 3 - Musik Im Park @ Schwetzingen, Germany
    August 7 - Byblos International Festival @ Byblos, Lebanon
    August 9 - Junge Garde @ Dresden, Germany
    August 10 - M'era Luna Festival @ Hildesheim, Germany
    August 29 - Stoppelhaene @ Raalte, The Netherlands
    August 31 - Oranjerock @ Katwijk aan de Rijn, The Netherlands
    September 14 - Appelpop @ Tiel, The Netherlands

Hopefully see you at one of our shows!
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 08, 2019, 04:51:50 pm
Dentro de THOE (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 08, 2019, 04:58:45 pm
Setlist Rockfest Hyvinkää (

In The Middle Of The Night (

Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 16, 2019, 11:13:11 pm
Setlist Greenfield Fest (

Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 17, 2019, 04:18:31 pm
WITHIN TEMPTATION - We'll be ending the festival season with a big bang: on September 1 we're playing Riverside Open Air in Switzerland together with.. EVANESCENCE! How cool is that?! We know it takes a bit of traveling, but we wanted to let you know in case you still needed to plan that must-needed weekend away with your beloved ones ;-).

Order your tickets right here.

Hopefully see you there! 

WITHIN TEMPTATION - Do you want to know everything about 'that hottie' from the music video for 'What Have You Done', our collaboration with Mina Caputo and the most bizarre music video locations we've ever been? Then check out the second part of our 'The Heart Of Everything' commentary video. (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 17, 2019, 04:21:16 pm
Setlist Nova Rock (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 22, 2019, 08:53:53 pm
Setlist Graspop (

The Reckoning (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 23, 2019, 06:54:37 pm
Setlist Hellfest (

Concierto (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 27, 2019, 04:37:11 pm
Setlist Mystic Festival (

Our Solemn Hour (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 29, 2019, 04:26:09 pm
Setlist Trondheim Rocks (

Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 30, 2019, 07:07:20 pm
Setlist ParkCity Live (

Resumen (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 05, 2019, 04:02:16 pm
THOE Video Commentary (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 07, 2019, 06:10:23 pm
Setlist Resurrection Fest (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 11, 2019, 03:27:36 pm
WITHIN TEMPTATION - Surprise! Today you are one of the first fans that has access to our 24HR exclusive presale of 'Black Symphony' on limited edition, colored vinyl. The presale of this beauty on vinyl will officially kick off tomorrow, but because we are super grateful for our fans, we want to give YOU the opportunity to get your hands on 1 of the 750 first limited edition, colored copies today.

Go to the exclusive 24HR presale

'Black Symphony' is a live album of our show together with The Metropole Orchestra & conductor Jules Buckley, The Pa'dam Choir and guest singers George Oosthoek, Anneke van Giersbergen and Mina Caputo in Ahoy, Rotterdam on February 7, 2008. The record was released worldwide on September 22-24, 2008.

The 3LP vinyl consists of 22 live versions of Within Temptation's greatest hits from 'The Silent Force', 'Mother Earth', 'Enter' & 'The Dance' and 'The Heart Of Everything'. There are 5000 numbered copies on gold & red marbled vinyl in total and it comes with an 8-page booklet.

Side 1
Jillian (I'd Give My Heart)
The Howling
Stand My Ground

Side 2
The Cross
What Have You Done (feat. Mina Caputo)
Hand Of Sorrow
The Heart Of Everything

Side 3
Somewhere (feat. Anneke van Giersbergen)
The Swan Song

Side 4
Our Solemn Hour
The Other Half (Of Me) (feat. George Oosthoek)
The Promise

Side 5
Mother Earth
The Truth Beneath The Rose

Side 6
Deceiver Of Fools
All I Need
Ice Queen
Order 'Black Symphony' (release date: August 23) on limited edition vinyl now.
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 12, 2019, 04:38:16 pm
Setlist Royal Park Live (

Somewhere (ft Anneke Van Giersbergen) (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 18, 2019, 08:07:59 pm
Setlist Masters Of Rock (

Paradise (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 21, 2019, 11:04:42 pm
Setlist Moto Clube Faro (

Resumen (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 28, 2019, 11:37:08 pm
Setlist Heroes Of The World Rock 2019 (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 01, 2019, 04:16:28 pm

Surprise! We are doing another LIVE STREAM from one of the biggest festival shows we will be playing this year: Wacken Open Air. You can watch our entire set live this Friday from 07:30 - 08:45PM CET on Magenta Musik 360:
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 03, 2019, 04:57:42 pm
Setlist Wacken Open Air (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 04, 2019, 06:07:05 pm
With a heavy heart we must inform you of the following:

As you know, we were scheduled to play the Byblos Festival in Lebanon on August 7th. We have found out that another band called Mashrou' Leila was pulled from the festival according to the festival committee due to security reasons after religious fanatics demanded their performance to be cancelled followed by violent threats. Apart from the fact that Lebanese authorities at this moment are not able to provide artists the security to perform in peace, we have decided to cancel our show in Byblos in solidarity with Mashrou' Leila and in support of tolerance, freedom of speech and expression.

For you, our fans in Lebanon, it hurts to make this decision. Our last show in Lebanon is still very vivid in our minds and hearts. We are looking forward to better days on which we will return to you in Lebanon.
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 04, 2019, 06:12:52 pm
Setlist Schlossgarten Schwetzingen (

Mad World (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 08, 2019, 06:17:29 pm
El conjunto holandés de rock Within Temptation anunció el pasado domingo que anulaba su concierto previsto para hoy en el festival internacional de Biblos (Líbano), en solidaridad con el grupo indie libanés Mashrou’Leila, defensor de los derechos del colectivo LGTBI y cuya actuación fue suspendida por presión de sectores cristianos conservadores.

En un comunicado publicado en su página Facebook, el grupo holandés afirmó que han tomado esa decisión tras conocer que «el comité organizador del festival había anulado la actuación de Mashrou’Leila por motivos de seguridad tras amenazas violentas de fanáticos religiosos».

«Dado que las autoridades libanesas son incapaces de garantizar la seguridad a los artistas en una atmósfera de paz, decidimos anular nuestro concierto en Biblos en solidaridad con Mashrou’Leila y con el objetivo de apoyar la tolerancia y la libertad de expresión», agregó el grupo, esperando «días mejores» para volver actuar en el país mediterráneo.

El 30 de julio, el comité del festival, en el que actúan artistas de todo el mundo, anunció que decidió suspender el concierto de Mashrou' Leila «para mantener la seguridad y la estabilidad, y evitar un derramamiento de sangre».

Según la nota, la organización tomó ese «paso sin precedentes» como resultado de la polémica que se ha generado por la actuación de la banda de música indie que estaba programada paraeste viernes en la ciudad mediterránea de Biblos.

El grupo libanés, fundado por cuatro jóvenes y cuyo cantante se ha declarado abiertamente homosexual, fue amenazado por religiosos fundamentalistas e internautas que no descartaron el empleo de la fuerza para impedir su actuación.

Tras el comunicado del grupo holandés, el Comité del festival de Biblos publicó una nota en su página Facebook, en la que expresó su pesar por la anulación del concierto de Within Temptation.

El festival describió a Mashrou' Leila como un grupo que «ha desafiado el status quo de la industria pop de Oriente Medio», además de ganar fama internacional y de actuar en Europa y Estados Unidos.

El conjunto, que ha abanderado los derechos del colectivo LGTBI en un país en el que todavía se penan las relaciones «contra natura» con hasta un año de prisión, le ha costado más de un problema con las autoridades de varios países árabes, como Jordania y Egipto, que han prohibido su actuación en los pasados años.

Los cuatro jóvenes no habían sido vetados en su tierra natal hasta ahora, pero las llamadas a boicotear el concierto procedentes de la comunidad católica maronita, incluidas algunas amenazas de impedir el concierto por la fuerza, han hecho que tras diez años de su fundación, Mashrou' Leila no pueda actuar en el Líbano.
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 09, 2019, 11:11:44 pm
Black Symphony Commentary (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 11, 2019, 04:13:29 pm
Setlist Freilichtbühne Grosser Garten (

The Reckoning (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 11, 2019, 06:14:10 pm
Setlist M'era Luna Festival (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 13, 2019, 03:51:49 pm
Black Symphony Commentary (Part 2) (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 15, 2019, 04:30:50 pm
About the dresses from Black Symphony and the 'Sharon dance' (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 22, 2019, 04:13:14 pm
WITHIN TEMPTATION - YAY! News flash for you! Today you are given the first chance to preorder our limited edition copy of 'An Acoustic Night At The Theatre' on colored vinyl. The official pre sale starts tomorrow, but because you are a loyal fan and we want to thank you for that, you will be granted access to the exclusive pre sale today.
Go to the exclusive pre sale

'An Acoustic Night At The Theatre' is our sixth, but very first acoustic live album that we've ever recorded. On the album you'll find singles such as 'Stand My Ground', 'Memories', and 'What have You Done' performed in a way never done before. 'An Acoustic Night At The Theatre' was recorded on November 30th, 2008 in Muziekcentrum Frits Philips in Eindhoven en was released in 2009.

Listen to 12 acoustic live versions of Within Temptation's greatest hits on the 1LP 'Acoustic Night At the Theatre'. There are only 5000 numbered copies of red and black marbled vinyl worldwide.

1. Towards The End
2. Stand My Ground
3. Caged
4. All I Need
5. Frozen
6. Somewhere (feat. Anneke van Giersbergen)
7. The Cross
8. Pale
9. What Have You Done (feat. Keith Caputo)
10. Memories
11 . Forgiven
12. Utopia (feat. Chris Jones)

Order 'An Acoustic Night At The Theatre' (release date: October 4) on limited edition vinyl now.
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 30, 2019, 03:16:17 pm
Setlist Stoppelhaene Raalte (

Supernova (

Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 02, 2019, 07:51:50 pm
Setlist Aarburg (

Mad World (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 13, 2019, 11:26:59 pm
Stefan lesionado! (

Reemplazo Koen Stockman (

Colaboración!! (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 15, 2019, 08:01:28 pm
Setlist Appelpop (

The Heart Of Everything (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 17, 2019, 04:20:32 pm
he word is out: we're joining forces with Evanescence for the Worlds Collide Tour - a massive co-headline European tour kicking off in Brussels, Belgium on 4th April 2020, and we are granting you access to our 24H fan presale!

Similar to our tour European last year you can order an exclusive T-shirt with a ticket, only available for ticket buyers and not for sale anywhere else. Exclusive design will be announced soon.

Click on the links below and use password "WTEV20":
April, Sat 4th                   Belgium, Brussels Palais 12
April, Sun 5th                  France, Paris, Accor Hotel Arena
April, Tues 7th                UK, London, O2 Arena
April, Thurs 9th               Germany, Berlin, Velodrom
April, Sat 11th                 Germany, Frankfurt, Festhalle
April, Sun 12th                Switzerland, Zurich, Hallenstadion
April, Tues 14th               Italy, Milan, Mediolanum Forum
April, Wed 15th                Germany, Munich, Zenith
April, Fri 17th                   Germany, Hamburg, Sporthalle
April, Sat 18th                   Germany, Leipzig, Arena
April, Mon 20th                Germany, Dusseldorf,  Mitsubishi Electric Halle
April, Tue 21st                 Netherlands, Amsterdam, Ziggo Dome
Or go to our official Worlds Collide Tour website.

VIP upgrades are now available to ensure fans the ultimate Within Temptation experience. Get the opportunity to meet the band and attend their sound check, plus receive exclusive merchandise items. We have a very limited amount of VIP upgrades available to make sure we have plenty of time to meet with you! For VIP upgrades, click here.
"It was really great meeting Amy and the rest of the band recently. I think we have a lot in common but most of all I’m sure that we share the same passion and fire for what we love doing most. I’m really looking forward to touring Europe together and to make it memorable!" - Sharon.

Hope to see you there!
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 17, 2019, 07:28:54 pm
Trailer (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 27, 2019, 07:12:18 pm
Hi everybody,
As I'm sure you've read, we announced the Worlds Collide Tour last week, a co-headline tour with Evanescence in 12 European cities, in April 2020! We're happy to announce that our shows in Brussels and Amsterdam have sold out within a few days, so we added an additional show in Amsterdam today which is on sale now!

Other shows, such as London and Paris are selling rapidly as well so don't wait too long if you're thinking of joining us for an amazing and unique night! Of course you can add an exclusive tour-shirt to your other, or order a VIP upgrade through our webshop, some of the shows still have upgrades available. You get to meet us, watch us soundcheck, get exclusive merch, etc.!

Worlds Collide Tour 2020:
04-04-2020: Palais 12, Brussel (BE) / Sold out
05-04-2020: AccorHotels Arena, Paris (F)
07-04-2020: The O2, London (UK)
09-04-2020: Velodrom, Berlin (DE)
11-04-2020: Festhalle, Frankfurt (DE)
12-04-2020: Hallenstadion, Zürich (SW)
14-04-2020: Mediolanum Forum, Milan (I)
15-04-2020: Zenith, Munich (DE)
17-04-2020: Sporthalle, Hamburg (DE)
18-04-2020: Arena, Leipzig (DE)
20-04-2020: Mitsubishi Electric Halle, Düsseldorf (DE)
21-04-2020: Ziggo Dome, Amsterdam (NL) / Sold out
22-04-2020: Ziggo Dome, Amsterdam (NL) / Extra show
Go to our official Worlds Collide Tour website for ticket links and more VIP upgrades!
See you soon!
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 11, 2019, 09:07:24 pm
WITHIN TEMPTATION - The final release of our limited edition, colored vinyl series is almost there: 'The Unforgiving' will be released on November 15, 2019 on two gorgeous, golden & red discs. The official presale officially kicks off on Monday October 14, but since you are one of our biggest fans, we want to give you the opportunity to buy one of the first, 700 numbered copies before anyone else.
Go to the exclusive presale

'The Unforgiving' is our fifth studio album and very dear to us: the concept album is part of a comic series, three short films and of course the album itself. We've therefore included an exclusive print as well as a comic booklet, that displays all the lyrics and has cool, accompanying drawings. But that's not all: there are also three bonus tracks on the double LP: 'I Don't Wanna', 'Empty Eyes' and 'The Last Dance'.

1. Why Not Me
2. Shot In The Dark
3. In The Middle Of The Night
4. Faster
5. Fire And Ice
6. Iron
7. Where Is The Edge
8. Sinéad
9. Lost
10. Murder
11. A Demon's Fate
12. Stairway To The Skies
13. I Don't Want (bonus track)
14. Empty Eyes (bonus track)
15. The Last Dance (bonus track)

Order 'The Unforgiving' (release date: November 15) on limited edition, colored vinyl now.
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 16, 2019, 08:02:57 pm
They’re two of the biggest rock and metal bands of this century, but Evanescence and Within Temptation have never shared a stage before. Until last year, in fact, their paths had never even crossed. All that is set to change as the two have lined up a huge European co-headlining tour next April.

Dubbed the Worlds Collide Tour, it will kick off at Brussels’ Palais 12 on April 4 and finish at Amsterdam’s Ziggo Dome on the 21st. There will also be a UK date at London’s O2 Arena – the biggest non-festival show either band will have played on these shores.

Within Temptation released their seventh album Resist back in February of this year, while Evanescence have spent much of the past two years  supporting Synthesis, which saw the band rework some of their best-known songs with more electronic and orchestral elements. Both groups say that the Worlds Collide Tour will be a wholly new experience, however, with newly-designed stage sets and a unique atmosphere.

Kerrang! caught up with Evanescence’s Amy Lee and Within Temptation’s Sharon den Adel – two of the most creative and influential women in rock – to find out what to expect…

At the risk of being obvious, are you both excited for this tour?
Sharon: “Of course! It’s a different thing for us because we’ve played big shows and venues in some countries, but to do a whole tour like this is something new. And with the two bands, we’re in the same scene and we have some similarities. We also have some differences in the music, of course, but I think the combination makes this tour really strong.”
Amy: “Yes, very much. It’s interesting, I’ve known for a long time that we share fans because I’ve heard of this band through the internet talking and our fans talking about them. The offer came up for us to do this tour together and we’re very excited about it. It just seems to make perfect sense, and we’re all really looking forward to it.”

It’s called the Worlds Collide Tour, but, like you say, there are some similarities. Do you think Within Temptation and Evanescence complement each other well?
Amy: “I really do. We collaboratively chose that name. We feel like we have our two separate worlds, separate lives across the ocean, but in a lot of ways there are some major similarities. And to be able to bring these two worlds together for the first time just seems like a perfect match for both of us. Obviously there are differences, but you want that. You want contrast in the show but it’s cool to be able to see the similarities and embrace those, too.”
Have you had requests to tour together from fans?
Sharon: “Of course, but that often happens with bands who have that overlap in fans. They always ask to do something together but maybe they don’t think it would ever come true. It’s a special one. In the past I remember a lot of my friends getting very excited when Megadeth and Metallica did that tour together many years ago. I remember everyone was very hyped up to see two of their favourite bands together, and it’s a similar sort of thing.”

To put you on the spot, are you fans of each other’s music?
Amy: “I hadn’t ever really dug deep into their music until meeting Sharon for the first time last year when they came to one of our concerts during our orchestral tour. We just instantly really connected in a beautiful way and I was like, ‘You know what, I’ve got to go back and listen to their music now.’ I started finding all these beautiful songs and these melodies that I really liked. It was like I had found something new that had been waiting for me all along.”
Sharon: “I do enjoy their music very much. When Fallen came out [in 2003], it was very important that something new was happening. It was a bit more in the nu-metal corner maybe, while we were doing more of the symphonic stuff and nu-metal was like a new impulse to the whole music industry. It was exciting, it was refreshing and it was something inspirational for a lot of people.” On the subject of inspiration, it shouldn’t be an issue these days but women are still underrepresented in rock and metal. Do you think it’s an inspirational thing touring together in that respect?
Amy: “I hope so. I’ve made efforts and had awesome opportunities to tour with strong, talented women a lot, over the past few years in particular. You know, there are more and more of us in the hard rock world that are being accepted. It makes me feel really happy to see women in the hard rock world especially getting all this respect and revealing themselves and their power onstage. It feels right and it feels overdue. When we were first starting out it was definitely less common to see women in every element of the show-day. And now, more and more, I’m never the only one. I hope that it’s empowering to everyone: men, women, everyone.”
Sharon: “Hopefully it can plant a seed in someone’s heart or mind to think, ‘Okay, it’s possible to go onstage and make music.’ I agree that women are not as represented as men, but it’s not a competition – it’s just about good music. It shouldn’t matter if it’s a guy or a girl, but every time young girls see female musicians and singers up there onstage, then it can be inspirational for other generations.”

Within Temptation’s Resist tour has been very visual with costumes and sci-fi themed stage sets. Do you think this is going to be a continuation of that, or something entirely different?
Sharon: “We’re going to make a new stage set especially for this tour, because the venues are a bit bigger. Most of the time what we brought was too big for the venues we played. But there are people who came to see us already on the Resist tour, so we want to make something special for those people as well. We try to make it so that the visuals support the music, but the music is the most essential thing, of course. You want to have the whole experience and that’s what we’re trying to do with the live show. It’s a whole experience built around the songs and the music.”

The Resist album brought in some different musical elements, with more electronica, pop and industrial sounds. Did that change the experience of the live show?
Sharon: “No, because live you play things differently again. But for us those elements have been very important on the last album. It’s more of a modern sound and we embrace development. It’s the next step in the evolution of the band I think, to explore new things that are going on. We do bring that to the live stage, but in a different way than how it is on the record.”

And Amy, what can we expect from Evanescence on this forthcoming tour?
Amy: “We’re definitely going to get creative with our production. I feel like this is something that will enable us, we’re going to be playing some very big venues and I think just the whole image of the two bands together could be something just… bigger. I want it to look special. We’re just now in the phase of having creative conversations about what to do that can be new, interesting, creative and exciting for everyone.”

Did the Synthesis tour change the way you view or approach some of the songs?
Amy: “Yes. This isn’t a continuation of that tour, by the way – we’re back to the rock show! But that whole experience of doing the orchestra tour was really mind-opening. It made us work outside of our comfort zone; the band had to sit down, I wore high heels (laughs). It was all very strange, but more seriously it was about interpreting these songs differently and looking at them in a different way. You had to be brave because there’s no hiding in the strobe lights, or making your hair go over your face when you’re not feeling confident! You are literally on display with all your vulnerability, and that’s what I wanted to capture. That tightrope vulnerability mixed with the incredible strength of when it all lines up right with the orchestra. That experience was really special, and it has given us new inspiration now we’re back on the rock tour and also writing a new album – taking that chapter and putting it in our back pockets as something new that we can apply to our music. I’m not talking about pouring an orchestra into the music – we’ve always done that. I mean as a sense of emotion and raw exposure. That’s something that I’ve come to really embrace, rather than be afraid of like I used to be.”

Is there any timeframe for the album, and are you likely to have any new music for this tour?
Amy: “I don’t know. We definitely have a great start and we’re planning on having the album done at some point next year. We don’t have it down to a month, but we’re working on it, we’re writing and touring and it feels good to have multiple things going on at once. We have these shows, and we have a cool cover of Fleetwood Mac’s The Chain that we got the chance to do for the new Gears Of War game. So we’re going to rush on and finish recording that and then go into more writing. It’s fun. You’ve got to keep it fresh: don’t let your mind get stale or bored.”
Sharon, after the Hydra world tour you were burned out and had personal issues to deal with. Did you discuss this and change the way you tour as a band?
Sharon: “Yes, very much so. It’s finding a balance between two different worlds in my professional life and being on tour and my family life. We’ve been doing it so we’re on tour for two weeks then at home for two weeks. We have a real break in between, even though that will make the tour stretch out longer in the end. We’ll still play the same amount of shows but it’s important to have that time at home in between, so you’re not just away for months at a time. You can combine those two worlds that you’re living in.”

And, finally, will there be any friendly rivalry between your two bands?
Sharon: “I don’t think there will be rivalry. We’ve said that there are some similarities, but you just go and do your own thing. I’m just looking forward to it in a very positive way and I’m sure both bands will do our best.”
Amy: “Yeah, I don’t think so. We have a lot of respect for each other and we’re all just very excited to do this. Sharon is a very lovely and down-to-earth person. I haven’t spent as much time with all the guys, but they seem to be as well. I think we’re just going to have fun. I don’t like touring with people I don’t like to be around. I generally just don’t do that, so we’re all very excited to spend some time together and be around each other.”

Evanescence and Within Temptation will play the O2 Arena in London on April 7, 2020, as part of the Worlds Collide tour.
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 23, 2019, 10:26:16 pm
Van al estudio otra vez! (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 29, 2019, 03:29:36 pm
Hi everybody,

It is truly beyond our greatest expectations that a lot of our shows with Evanescence would sell out so quickly. And because we are super grateful for this, we've got a nice surprise for Belgium, Luxembourg and the UK: we are adding extra shows to the Worlds Collide Tour in the end of April and beginning of May!

Extra dates
April, Fri 24                   Belgium, Brussels, Palais 12
April, Sun 26                 Luxembourg, Luxembourg City, Rockhall Mainhall*
April, Tue 28                 UK, Glasgow, The SSE Hydro*
April, Thur 30                UK, Leeds, First Direct Arena*
May, Fri 1                      UK, Birmingham, Arena*

Tickets for Belgium & Luxembourg officially go on sale on October 31, 10:00 a.m. CET. Tickets for the UK will go on sale November 1, 09:00 a.m. GMT. But because you are one of our topfans, we are again granting YOU access to our 24H fan presale! And of course, you can also order an exclusive T-shirt with a ticket - only available for ticket buyers and not for sale anywhere else.

Click on the links and use password "WTEV20":

Worlds Collide Tour 2020:
April, Sat 4                   Belgium, Brussels Palais 12 - SOLD OUT
April, Sun 5                  France, Paris, Accor Hotel Arena
April, Tues 7                UK, London, O2 Arena
April, Thurs 9               Germany, Berlin, Velodrom
April, Sat 11                 Germany, Frankfurt, Festhalle
April, Sun 12                Switzerland, Zurich, Hallenstadion
April, Tues 14              Italy, Milan, Mediolanum Forum
April, Wed 15               Germany, Munich, Zenith
April, Fri 17                  Germany, Hamburg, Sporthalle
April, Sat 18                  Germany, Leipzig, Arena
April, Mon 20                Germany, Dusseldorf,  Mitsubishi Electric Halle
April, Tue 21                 Netherlands, Amsterdam, Ziggo Dome - SOLD OUT
April, Wed 22                Netherlands, Amsterdam Ziggo Dome*
April, Fri 24                   Belgium, Brussels, Palais 12
April, Sun 26                 Luxembourg, Luxembourg City, Rockhall Mainhall*
April, Tue 28                 UK, Glasgow, The SSE Hydro*
April, Thur 30                UK, Leeds, First Direct Arena*
May, Fri 01                    UK, Birmingham, Arena*

Or go to our official Worlds Collide website.

VIP upgrades are now available to ensure fans the ultimate Within Temptation experience. Get the opportunity to meet the band and attend their sound check, plus receive exclusive merchandise items. We have a very limited amount of VIP upgrades available to make sure we have plenty of time to meet with you! For VIP upgrades, click here.
Hope to see you in April!

Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 07, 2019, 04:44:59 pm
Entrevista Live Nation (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 07, 2019, 08:58:10 pm
The word is out! We will be joining Iron Maiden for three shows:

July 5: Warsaw Poland - tickets on sale Nov 15
July 23: Lisbon, Portugal - tickets on sale Nov 14
July 25: Barcelona, Spain - tickets on sale Nov 12

For news about ticketing, pre-sale and other info:
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 15, 2019, 04:18:24 pm
WITHIN TEMPTATION - It's finally here and it might be the one that we are most proud of: 'The Unforgiving' on limited edition gold & red vinyl! This beauty of a vinyl comes with a 12-page lyric special that includes a drawing with every track. But that's not all: you'll also receive a limited edition print and the LP itself comes with three bonus tracks: 'I Don't Wanna', 'Empty Eyes' and 'The Last Dance'.

1. Why Not Me
2. Shot In The Dark
3. In The Middle Of The Night
4. Faster
5. Fire And Ice
6. Iron
7. Where Is The Edge
8. Sinéad
9. Lost
10. Murder
11. A Demon's Fate
12. Stairway To The Skies
13. I Don't Want (bonus track)
14. Empty Eyes (bonus track)
15. The Last Dance (bonus track)

Order one of the first 750 numbered copies of 'The Unforgiving' on limited edition, colored vinyl now.

#WorldsCollideTour: get your tickets before it's too late!
Have you gotten your tickets to our #WorldsCollideTour in April 2020 together with Evanescence yet? The tickets are selling fast, so get yours before it's too late.

Worlds Collide Tour 2020:
April, Sat 4                   Belgium, Brussels Palais 12 - SOLD OUT
April, Sun 5                  France, Paris, Accor Hotel Arena
April, Tues 7                UK, London, O2 Arena
April, Thurs 9               Germany, Berlin, Velodrom
April, Sat 11                 Germany, Frankfurt, Festhalle
April, Sun 12                Switzerland, Zurich, Hallenstadion
April, Tues 14              Italy, Milan, Mediolanum Forum
April, Wed 15               Germany, Munich, Zenith
April, Fri 17                  Germany, Hamburg, Sporthalle
April, Sat 18                  Germany, Leipzig, Arena
April, Mon 20                Germany, Dusseldorf,  Mitsubishi Electric Halle
April, Tue 21                 Netherlands, Amsterdam, Ziggo Dome - SOLD OUT
April, Wed 22                Netherlands, Amsterdam Ziggo Dome
April, Fri 24                   Belgium, Brussels, Palais 12
April, Sun 26                 Luxembourg, Luxembourg City, Rockhal Mainhall
April, Tue 28                 UK, Glasgow, The SSE Hydro
April, Thur 30                UK, Leeds, First Direct Arena
May, Fri 01                    UK, Birmingham, Arena

Or go to our official Worlds Collide website.

See you soon on the road!
Sharon, Stefan, Martijn, Ruud, Jeroen, Mike, Robert
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 17, 2019, 07:54:49 pm
Somewhere @ 25 Anniversary Anneke (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 29, 2019, 04:38:33 pm
This Black Friday we are launching not only a huge sale including various discounts up to 25% (!), but also a brand new merchandise range because: Winter is coming!

Head over to our official web store to pick up a nice new Within Temptation beanie, scarf or hoodie and make sure to grab some of the last pieces of our previous merchandise designs with a 25% discount! Sale finishes at end of play on Monday 2nd December!
Go to the official Within Temptation Black Friday sale.
Get your tickets to the #WorldsCollideTour
Need a cool Christmas gift for your family or friend? Then bring him or her to one of our shows on the #WorldsCollideTour 2020 together with Evanescence!
Worlds Collide Tour 2020 dates & tickets:
04-04 Brussels (BE), Palais 12 (sold out)
05-04 Paris (F), Accor Hotel Arena
07-04 London (UK), O2 Arena
09-04 Berlin (DE), Velodrom
11-04 Frankfurt (DE), Festhalle
12-04 Zürich (S), Hallenstadion
14-04 Milan (I), Mediolanum Forum
15-04 Münich (DE), Zenith
17-04 Hamburg (DE), Sporthalle
18-04 Leipzig (DE), Arena
20-04 Düsseldorf (DE), Mitsubishi Electric Halle
21-04 Amsterdam, Ziggo Dome (sold out)
22-04 Amsterdam, Ziggo Dome (extra tickets now available)
24-04 Brussels (BE), Palais 12
26-04 Luxembourg (L), Rockhal
28-04 Glasgow (UK), The SSE Hydro
30-04 Leeds (UK), First Direct Arena
01-05 Birmingham (UK), Arena
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 30, 2019, 11:40:00 pm
Setlist Amsterdam (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 30, 2019, 08:52:01 pm
Ziggo Backstage Session (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 20, 2020, 06:22:47 pm
Hi everybody,

We are extremely happy to announce the two support acts for the Worlds Collide Tour in April 2020: Smash Into Pieces and VERIDIA! We can't wait to have them on board since both bands are super awesome and we're sure that you'll like them as well. Smash Into Pieces will support the first half of the tour and VERIDIA will support the second half of the tour.

With a track record of four studio albums, fifteen singles, over ninety million streams on Spotify and more than fifty million views on YouTube, Smash Into Pieces is one of the fastest rising bands from Sweden. VERIDIA released their first full-length, 'The Beast You Feed', end of 2018. It debuted at #14 on the Billboard Heatseekers chart and #38 on the BillBoard Independent Albums chart. Listen to the album here.

Worlds Collide Tour 2020

Support by Smash Into Pieces:
April, Sat 4                 Belgium, Brussels Palais 12 - SOLD OUT
April, Sun 5                France, Paris, Accor Hotel Arena
April, Tue 7                UK, London, O2 Arena
April, Thu 9                Germany, Berlin, Velodrom
April, Sat 11               Germany, Frankfurt, Festhalle
April, Sun 12              Switzerland, Zurich, Hallenstadion
April, Tue 14              Italy, Milan, Mediolanum Forum
April, Wed 15            Germany, Munich, Zenith - SOLD OUT
April, Fri 17               Germany, Hamburg, Sporthalle

Support by VERIDIA.
April, Sat 18                  Germany, Leipzig, Arena
April, Mon 20                Germany, Dusseldorf,  Mitsubishi Electric Halle
April, Tue 21                 Netherlands, Amsterdam, Ziggo Dome - SOLD OUT
April, Wed 22                Netherlands, Amsterdam Ziggo Dome*
April, Fri 24                   Belgium, Brussels, Palais 12
April, Sun 26                 Luxembourg, Luxembourg City, Rockhall Mainhall*
April, Tue 28                 UK, Glasgow, The SSE Hydro*
April, Thur 30                UK, Leeds, First Direct Arena*
May, Fri 01                    UK, Birmingham, Arena*

VIP upgrades are now available to ensure fans the ultimate Within Temptation experience. Get the opportunity to meet the band and attend their sound check, plus receive exclusive merchandise items. We have a very limited amount of VIP upgrades available to make sure we have plenty of time to meet with you! For VIP upgrades, click here.
Hope to see you in April!

Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 13, 2020, 05:33:46 pm
Worlds Collide cancelado!

Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 22, 2020, 10:59:10 pm

Sharon den Adel always knew she could sing. What she didn’t realise until later in life was that she had the power to turn her passion into her profession. Within Temptation are now firmly established as one of the biggest rock bands to have emerged from mainland Europe in the last 20 years, but that initally seemed like nothing more than a far-flung fantasy. In her native Netherlands, there was little to suggest rock could be a viable career path. The bands that Sharon admired – everyone from Metallica to Nirvana – all came from America, after all.

Worse still, after returning to school in her homeland following periods spent overseas, Sharon was such an outcast that she became a target for bullying. She put up barriers and suppressed her pain, instead immersing herself in hobbies – music, art and fashion. “For me, it was a way out,” she says today, talking to Kerrang! before jetting off to Sweden for album writing sessions. “I wasn’t much of a talker and these were different times – you didn’t really open up about such things at home. But I used music and art to confront my emotions.”

Happier times were to come at high school, where she met guitarist Robert Westerholt, now her long-term partner and bandmate. As well as building a successful career together, the couple are parents to three children. Each one of Within Temptation’s seven albums to date has outdone its predecessor, either in commercial or artistic terms, and usually both. In 2014, sixth album Hydra entered the UK Top 10 and the U.S. Top 20.

The problem came in trying to following up that triumph. With her father diagnosed with terminal bladder cancer, to which he sadly succumbed in 2018, Sharon entered a downward spiral of depression. Writing music, once the most natural thing in the world, now seemed impossible, and for a while the band’s future looked bleak. Thankfully, when they did re-engage after an extended break, it was with 2019’s armour-plated Resist, an album that boasted a bold new sound bolstered by dashes of electronica and a vast, galaxy-spanning production. It was simultaneously their most accessible and ambitious work, but more importantly it was the album that saved one of Europe’s most-loved rock bands.

You’ve come a long way since you first picked up a microphone. What would your teenage self think of how things turned out?
“It would be mind-blowing for her. I was 14 when I first started singing with a band while at school. That seems so far away now. Growing up in the Netherlands we didn’t have too many examples to follow. There were bands like Shocking Blue and Golden Earring, but they never seemed to reach too far outside the country. Being a full-time singer certainly wasn’t considered to be a future job.”

How did your parents react when you told them that’s what you wanted to do?
“They said I could go to music school but they really wanted me to learn flute, piano, and how to read music. That didn’t sound very cool to me and I didn’t want to do it. I told them I wanted to skip all of that and just start singing, because I believed I was good at that. They wanted to support me, but in their own way. I never did learn to play the flute. They soon realised I was a good singer, but they didn’t think you could earn a living from music without being able to read notes. I still can’t!”

Each Within Temptation album has sounded notably different to its predecessor. Was it a struggle to find an identity?
“It is something we were actively and consciously doing, or searching for. We have always wanted to push the borders of what we felt were limiting us within the scene. It’s a good challenge and it keeps things interesting. We like to reinvent ourselves on every album. If we had to stay the same as we were when we started, I doubt we’d have kept the band together so long.”

In 2011 Robert quit being part of the touring band. How difficult was that for you both?
“We didn’t like it, but it was the best thing for both of us. We had actually come through a break-up before that. We broke up as a couple for a little while in 2008. When we got back together we decided the band didn’t work too well when we’re both touring together. We’re hard-headed people and sometimes it’s too much to be working together all the time. Now it works best with us writing in separate rooms. We send emails to each other rather than talk. It can be a fragile thing, but if you’ve worked with your partner you know it can be horrible. We can get into a fight within five minutes. Within the world of Within Temptation we collaborate with different people, and that works well.”

You don’t ever write music together?
“No, never. I send ideas to him, and he either works on those, or he sends something to me and I work on that. We don’t sit together in one room. We tried it that way for a long time and it wasn’t working. On our first two albums he would write the music and I’d come in and work on the vocals. Since then I’ve got way more involved in the actual music. We can’t write together, but we’ve learned from our mistakes and have found a way that works.”

As a mum of three, how do you balance career and family life?
“I found it hard at first. I had to change the balance of my personal life and the band. In the past I would go on tour for six weeks or more at a time, and I’d be away from home a lot. Now we manage it so that we tour for two weeks and then have a break, and then we go out again. It’s generally two weeks on the road and then two weeks at home. It’s more expensive that way, but it keeps the band alive. Everyone has family commitments.”

Within Temptation songs are always invested with considerable emotion. Which songs are most meaningful to you?
“The last album was hugely important for me, coming after the loss of my father. I was still in an emotional state when I was writing Resist with the guys. Holy Ground is particularly meaningful to me, as is Supernova. The Cross [from 2007’s The Heart Of Everything] is another significant one, but there are so many. It’s not just because they deal with subjects personal to me, but sometimes songs relate to people around me. I may be a bystander, but you get sucked into people’s lives and their challenges because you care about them. I take parts of my own emotions along with things that have affected other people, and then integrate those into a song. Because of that we get through a range of subjects on our albums.”

Are there any you find tough to perform for personal reasons?
“Say My Name [from the U.S. edition of 2004’s The Silent Force] and Forgiven [The Heart Of Everything] are hard songs for me to sing. You’re so naked on stage with those. Sometimes, and without meaning to, singing those songs brings back so much that you find yourself in an emotional state. It’s beautiful really, because I am not ashamed to show that side of me. That feeling – you can’t get closer to the origins of a song than that. You want to connect with the feeling, but not to the point where you lose it, emotionally. But sometimes I do.”

Did the success of 2011’s The Unforgiving and 2014’s Hydra change you as a band?
“Not really. You only see it when you look back. At the time you’re carried away by the flow of everything and you don’t always see things changing. Afterwards, I look back almost with surprise and understand that it was all pretty successful. Of course you note where you are in the charts and that’s always a sign that something’s happening, but it’s only later that you realise how important it was, or how people really understood and connected with a certain song or album.”

Did you feel under pressure to maintain that level of success?
“Success is not something you can control. Even after [second album] Mother Earth in 2000, people were wondering whether we could keep it up. Every album has brought a different kind of success; it might be musically or it might be because more fans have discovered you. The only pressure we feel is about whether we still matter to the music scene. We want to make music that feels important to people. Music is essential to life, so being relevant to people is the only aim we have. It’s like a circle: you give, and you get back.”

What do you think caused the writer’s block you experienced in the build-up to last album Resist?
“At a certain age, things start happening for the second time in your life. When I was younger my grandparents died, and then as you get older more people leave you. It’s inevitable. It’s that circle of life. It causes you to stop and reflect on what’s important. The problems began when my father started getting ill. There was too much emotion and I couldn’t deal with it. For me, when there’s too much emotion I can’t write. I feel overwhelmed by it all. I need to be able to put it in a place, to know where it’s coming from and how to deal with it. Only then can I make music. I can’t do it when I’m right in the middle of it.”

Did the band come close to breaking up?
“In the beginning of that period, I didn’t know if we could come back. Eventually, it was that uncertainty about the future that enabled me to explore the emotions I was having. I was talking to everyone and realised it wasn’t just me going through it. Everyone was having trouble coming up with new music. Of course, we wanted to continue. Music and this band is my passion, but I realised that we had to change the balance. It also helped to realise that there were a lot of new things happening in music, and not just within our scene, so we took inspiration from those sources, too. My heart and roots are in metal and rock, but I like all kinds of music. The challenge was to interpret something that might be happening in pop into our own genre.”

How important was your 2018 solo project My Indigo in getting things moving again?
“It forced me to get out of my comfort zone. It made me look at music in different ways and get creative again. A lot of what I learned helped when it came to Resist. The song Firelight was originally written for My Indigo, for example, but we roughened it up a bit and it ended up on Resist, so it was a sort of bridge between the two. Writing rock music again came naturally afterwards, and that was a huge relief. When you’ve done a lot of intimate stuff, the heavier material then seems to come more easily.”

Resist brought new sounds and themes to the table. Is it a one-off or the start of a new era?
“We felt like we developed a lot on this album, but overall it’s still only a small step and we hope to take things even further, along similar lines, in future. The album was inspired by the way we live today, with everything done on the internet and the way that takes away our privacy. Often we are not aware of the impact social media has on us, or that certain companies know so much about what we’re doing. There are not enough laws to protect our privacy. Back in the Second World War people would burn archives, for example, to not give away the places that Jewish people were living. But now all that information would be available digitally. We don’t see the whole picture. We turn away from the ways in which data about us and our lives is being stored and used.”

Does it worry you that your children were born into a time where this seems normal?
“The scary thing is that the younger generation, such as my children, don’t remember a time when this wasn’t the case. I know it makes me sound really old, but it’s dangerous that young people are so addicted to communicating online, and not in person or even on the phone. They’re in love with it; they don’t want to give it up. When I was young I had to go outside and talk to people and make friends that way. The worst thing for young people now is that they’re trying to do this through a phone screen, and actually they’re alone.”

How do you keep your voice in good nick on long tours?
Nightwish’s Floor Jansen says it’s all down to her consumption of red wine, but she might have been joking… “(Laughs) If I’m honest, I also drink a lot of red wine, but I’m not so certain it’s that good for your voice exactly! In fact, being on tour itself helps you to maintain your vocal chords. It’s like a muscle, so it needs training. The more you do it, the smoother it gets. You just need to remember your warming up time. I drink a lot of ginger tea, too, which helps me out, but really, practice is everything.”

Word has it you’re already working on new music. What can you tell us?
“I’m leaving for Sweden in order to isolate myself and focus on writing. Robert has been working hard on new music, too. That has been going really well. It’s a continuation from where we were on the last album, but in a more progressive way. We’re in a good flow right now. We want to take the sound we had on Resist and refine it even more. It’s heavy stuff that we’ve been coming up with; both heavy and up-tempo. That’s making me happy!”

Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 25, 2020, 04:15:27 pm
#TogetherAtHome Instagram liveshow in support of the World Health Organization (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 03, 2020, 06:41:04 pm
Hi everybody!

We are happy to announce our postponed dates for the Worlds Collide Tour with Evanescence.

All existing tickets & VIP packages will remain valid for the rescheduled dates and all venues remain the same - except for Hamburg & Frankfurt. The Hamburg show will move to the Barclaycard Arena; all tickets will be honored at the new venue & extra tickets to this show will be on sale immediately. We expect to have an update on Frankfurt shortly.
New dates for September 2020:
2nd          Glasgow, UK The SSE Hydro Arena
3rd           Leeds, UK First Direct Arena
5th           Birmingham, UK Arena Birmingham
6th           London, UK The O2 (almost sold out)
8th           Amsterdam, NL Ziggo Dome (sold out)
9th           Amsterdam, NL Ziggo Dome
11th         Brussels, BE Palais 12 (sold out)
12th         Brussels, BE Palais 12 (almost sold out)
14th         Paris, FR AccorHotels Arena
17th        Hamburg, DE  Barclaycard Arena (new tickets available)
18th        Leipzig, DE Quarterback Immobilien
21st        Berlin, DE Velodrom
22nd       Munich, DE Zenith (sold out)
24th        Düsseldorf, DE Mitsubishi Electric Halle
25th        Esch-Sur-Alzette, LU Rockhal
27th        Zurich, Switzerland @ Hallenstadion
29th        Milan, IT Mediolanum Forum Milan
Or go to our official Worlds Collide Tour website.

VIP upgrades
We still have a few VIP upgrades available for Glasgow, Leeds, Birmingham, Berlin, Brussels, Hamburg and Luxembourg! Find them here.

Exclusive tour t-shirt
For those of you who have ordered one or more exclusive t-shirts with your concert ticket: the orders have been shipped out this week. Due to the current situation with the COVID-19 virus, some postal companies are working at a slower pace than usual, but we hope you will receive your order soon. The only exceptions are orders placed with Eventim for shows in Germany. Eventim is currently completely closed and as soon as they reopen, t-shirts will be shipped out immediately. Due to privacy regulations we can not ship those orders ourselves.

See you all in September guys, we truly can't wait!
For now, stay safe & healthy.


Ruud, Sharon, Stefan, Martijn, Mike & Jeroen.
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 20, 2020, 03:56:29 pm
El 1 de mayo!

Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 30, 2020, 04:17:27 pm
Surprise: a brand new single is coming!
We're very excited to announce that we will be releasing the brand new single 'Entertain You' on May 8, 2020. 'Entertain You' is a super quick follow-up on our previous album 'RESIST' - that debuted just over a year ago!

"In the world around us, we see so many things changing and that inspires us creatively. We have always been a band that embraces change and this song shows that more than ever, both musically and lyric-wise", according to Sharon den Adel.

We've planned the release of this song during the Worlds Collide Tour, but now that it has been postponed we want to give you something to look forward to until the tour starts.

Pre-save the track now and we will choose 50 lucky fans that will receive a personal postcard and message from Sharon.
Pre-save 'Entertain You' here and be the first to listen to the song when it's released.
Take care everyone, hang in there and until we meet again 💕.
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 07, 2020, 03:41:23 pm
stamos viviendo tiempos extraños, pero también tiempos de descubrimiento de nuevas posibilidades en diversos ámbitos. La música no es ajena a todo esto que está ocurriendo, como hemos podido comprobar por la cantidad de actuaciones por streaming y el lanzamiento de nuevos temas que han llevado a cabo muchos artistas. Within Temptation no son por supuesto ajenos y la semana pasada por ejemplo emitieron por streaming su «Black Symphony». Pero la banda va más allá y acaba de hacer un anuncio que probablemente también ha surgido de esta situación. Y es que la banda ha anunciado que ha cambiado su enfoque y que se va a centrar en el lanzamiento de singles. El objetivo más concreto es producir tres singles por año y seis singles cada dos años, concluyendo con un lanzamiento potencial del álbum. El objetivo directo es lanzar nuevas pistas más constantemente, lo que resulta que tanto la banda como los fans estén a la vanguardia de la música recién compuesta y fresca. Así, el primero de estos singles llegará este próximo viernes 8 de mayo. Se trata de una nueva canción que lleva por título «Entertain You» y cuya portada podéis ver al final de este artículo. Esto es lo que ha comentado la banda al respecto: Estamos muy emocionados por anunciar que el 8 de mayo lanzaremos un nuevo tema ‘Entertain You’! Habíamos planeado lanzar esta canción durante el Worlds Collide Tour, pero ahora que se ha pospuesto queríamos daros algo más antes de que la gira comience. ‘Entertain You‘ estará en streaming en plataformas como Spotify, Deezer, Apple Music, Amazon Music y Youtube. Pre-reserva la canción ahora y elegiremos a 50 fans que recibirán una postal personal y un mensaje de Sharon. Pre- reserva “Entertain You” aquí

Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 08, 2020, 03:32:52 pm
Entertain You (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 10, 2020, 07:04:49 pm
– Hola Sharon, espero y deseo que estés bien, tanto tu como tu familia y tus ser queridos en esta etapa de crisis. ¿cómo llevas esta difícil etapa?

Sharon.- Bueno, estoy bien, pero ya no puedo soportar ver estas paredes, necesito salir (risas). Como he dicho un poco cansada pero tampoco puede compararse a España porque aquí no está siendo tan estricto como en vuestro país, se puede salir a comprar y sobre todo se puede salir a pasear y a hacer deporte a cualquier hora. No obstante hay que tener cuidado y tomar precauciones. También tengo la suerte de tener un jardín y eso siempre se agradece en este tipo de situación.

Posponer la gira ha sido una decisión difícil pero no era algo que estuviera en nuestra mano, así que no podíamos hacer más. Estoy aprovechando para hacer cosas que me gustan, como una lista de reproducción para hacer ejercicio para los fans. La actualizo de vez en cuando y tiene un poco de todo. También me gusta comer y cocinar, que es lo contrario a estar saludable y a hacer deporte, pero me gusta.

– Hoy 8 de mayo lanzaréis vuestro nuevo single "Entertain You". ¿Cómo y por qué habéis tomado la decisión de cambiar vuestra dinámica de trabajo y sacar  tres singles por año para concluir con el lanzamiento de un posible disco nuevo?

Sharon.- Cuando estás componiendo en casa estás muy emocionada con los temas que vas  sacando y tienes muchas ganas de que los escuche la gente, pero, desde que compones el primer tema, tienes que esperar como dos años hasta que sacas el disco. El rollo es que quieres compartir los temas inmediatamente, tocarlos en directo, así que pensamos en cambiar la forma de trabajar, ya se hace en otros géneros musicales, así que ahora hemos decidido probar nosotros. Para ellos funciona, así que nosotros vamos a intentarlo y ver como nos va.

– ¿Y, que plazos de lanzamiento habrá para el resto de los singles?

Sharon.- "Entertain You" es la primera canción que vamos a editar. En octubre o noviembre empezamos a grabar maquetas y a reunir ideas, las grabamos entre enero y febrero y tuvimos la sesión de fotos en marzo. Como poco después se cerró todo por el Coronavirus y se suspendió la gira, así que decidimos empezar a sacar las canciones en mayo. Ya estábamos pensando tocar algunos de estos temas en directo en verano, y aunque ya no va a haber conciertos en verano, hemos decidido seguir adelante con el plan. Así también podemos ofrecer algo a los fans. No tenemos unos plazos concretos, este año saldrán unas pocas y el año que viene otras.

– ¿Y para la edición del álbum completo?

Sharon.- Pues respecto al disco no estamos seguros de cuando saldrá, dependerá también un poco de como se vayan desarrollando las cosas con todo este rollo del Coronavirus.

– ¿Que nos puedes anticipar del resto del material que tenéis compuesto o tenéis ideas?

Sharon.- La verdad es que las canciones que hemos compuesto hasta ahora son muy diferentes unas de otras. El próximo single va a ser también muy distinto, y creo que esa será la línea general. Va a estar bien ver como reacciona la gente.

En cualquier caso solo tenemos dos temas totalmente terminados, el tercero está muy avanzado pero de momento solo es una maqueta, así que aún es difícil decir por donde van a ir los tiros. Respecto al siguiente single yo creo que va a sonar más metal, y el tercero… tendrás que esperar, no quiero desvelarlo todo demasiado pronto (risas). En cualquier caso las características principales de WITHIN TEMPTATION siempre estarán ahí, para mí somos como un camaleón, cambiamos algunas tonalidad, pero el núcleo nunca desaparece.

– He podido escuchar "Entertain You". Suena a lo que últimamente una banda como vosotros, -que evoluciona disco a disco-, es capaz de ofrecer. Lo primero que te tengo que preguntar es sobre la voz masculina que inicia el tema, ¿quién es?

Sharon.- Estábamos buscando quien podía hacer las voces masculinas y teníamos un poco un problema, porque era muy difícil encontrar al alguien que pudiera hacerlo a tiempo, así que ha sido nuestro productor el que canta. Queríamos terminar el tema lo antes posible, y para sacarlo en la fecha que queríamos eso era la última opción. Creo que han quedado muy bien, es su momento de gloria (risas).

– Háblame de la canción musicalmente, por favor.

Sharon.- Yo diría que es un desarrollo natural desde el disco "Resist". No es que encaje completamente en ese disco, creo que hay cierta evolución, pero a la vez sí que tiene nexos con ese trabajo. Queríamos meter unas guitarras un poco más sucias y darle un rollo un poco punk. Para mí es una combinación de diferentes estilos, pero a la vez no deja de ser cercana a lo que hicimos en "Resist".

– ¿Que entraña su letra?

Sharon.- La letra en una palabra habla de respeto. Hoy en día es muy fácil ridiculizar a la gente que es diferente, ya sea por su raza, orientación sexual, aspecto, etc., o a las personas que no encajan en la norma de la sociedad. Esto es algo que ha pasado siempre, pero creo que sigue siendo necesario llamar la atención sobre este problema.  Sobre todo con todo lo que se ve hoy en día en las redes sociales.

– ¿Qué tienes que decir de tu trabajo como vocalista en "Entertain You"?

Sharon.- He grabado las voces en mi casa y esta vez he trabajado con un mezclador diferente, alguien que creo que ha sabido tratar mi voz mejor que nunca. Estoy muy contenta, en el pasado había veces que teníamos tantas voces grabadas que era muy complicado aunarlas todas en una frecuencia. Además con mi tipo de voz es especialmente difícil hacerlo sin perder rango y sin perder presencia, pero esta vez cuando escuché el resultado el final me quedé alucinada porque me pareció realmente bueno. Diría que por primera vez estoy totalmente satisfecha con mi voz, suena más gorda, más cruda y creo que por primera vez me escucho a mí de verdad.

– ¿Y del resto de tus compañeros en el grupo?

Sharon.- Obviamente todos han grabado en sus casas porque Stefan Helleblad vive en Suecia, y todos tienen su propio estudio en casa. También ha vendido bien con todo este rollo del Coronavirus. Por supuesto lo suyo es reunirse porque está bien hablar las cosas, pero hemos tenido la suerte de poder hacerlo así.

– Alrededor del lanzamiento, habéis ideado unos maquillajes, unos filtros que cualquiera de vuestros seguidores puede optar por aplicarse. ¿Por qué y cómo se os ocurrió?

Sharon.- Para nosotros poner a ese chaval ha sido como una manera de mostrar como se está expresando. El tema habla de expresar tu propia identidad, y es una manera para que los fans puedan identificarse interpretando a su manera la portada.

– ¿Veremos a la banda en directo con esta caracterización en el futuro?

Sharon.- No, esto solo va a ser para el single.

– Vuestro último álbum "Resist", aparecido el 1 de febrero de 2019, ¿cómo ha funcionado hasta el momento? Hay quien opina que marca una nueva era para la banda…

Sharon.- Yo también creo que es así. Cuando empezamos a hacer música teníamos como 16 o 17 años, y no sacamos el primer disco hasta los 22 años. Ese sonido era algo que de verdad nos gustaba hacer y habíamos estado mucho tiempo desarrollándolo, pero la banda siempre ha seguido evolucionando y no queríamos limitarnos a cuando empezamos. Las cosas cambian, y la banda también quiere cambiar porque encontramos cosas nuevas que nos inspiran. Por eso creo que "Resist" ha sido un disco crucial en nuestra carrera, porque siempre intentamos reinventarnos un poco a nosotros mismos y para eso la música es ideal. Cuando compones algo que es renovador para ti es como una especie de droga, la música en nuestra droga, nos da ese subidón, y nos gusta experimentar y mostrar diferentes colores de la banda.

– A muchos fans el álbum les ha encantado, sin embargo, hay quien piensa que le falta algo para terminar de convencer plenamente; más temas con gancho, melodías más pegadizas…No sé… Es un buen disco, pero no un gran disco. ¿Qué opinas al respecto?

Sharon.- Bueno, eso siempre depende de la perspectiva de cada uno. Cuando compones un disco siempre piensas que es lo mejor que has hecho, si no, no lo meterías en el disco obviamente. Siempre hay canciones que te gustan más que otras, esas son las que tocamos en directo, pero de nuevo eso es algo que va con cada uno. A mí el disco me sigue gustando mucho y no hay ni un solo tema en él en el que no crea. Está claro que hay unas canciones mejores que otras, pero a nivel de disco me parece un gran álbum. También es posible que haya canciones que a mí me gusten menos y que sean las favoritas de los fans, pero también así es como debería ser.

– En "Resist" habláis del mundo en el que vivimos hoy, donde todo gira alrededor de Internet y falta la privacidad que teníamos hace años cuando no había redes sociales y había suficientes leyes para proteger nuestra intimidad….

Sharon.- Sí, es algo que nos preocupa mucho y hablamos mucho de ese tema en el disco. Afortunadamente parece que la gente está más atenta a esas cosas, y que se da cuenta de lo rápido que nos está atrapando la tecnología. También me alegra ver que algunos gobiernos están dando un paso al frente a la hora de proteger a la gente de las grandes compañías, porque a veces parece que esas compañías ejercen mucha presión sobre los gobiernos, y eso es algo que me asusta mucho. Los gobiernos son los que puedan cambiar eso, quitar poder a esas compañías, y por suerte, al menos en los Países Bajos están haciendo algo. En cualquier caso es difícil porque queremos tener esa economía abierta y a la vez proteger a la gente, así que es una línea delgada.

– Muchos echamos de menos más participación en el grupo de tu esposo Robert Westerholt. Ya en anteriores entrevistas me dijiste que él participa en la banda, pero de forma menos activa y que solo aparecería en algún concierto muy concreto. ¿Esto va a seguir siendo así?

Sharon.- Bueno, el sigue involucrado en la banda a nivel de composición, de diseños y todo eso, la verdad es que lo único que no hace es salir al escenario con nosotros. Tenemos una familia juntos y esta es la única manera de mantener al grupo, somos una banda que toca mucho y esta es la única forma de seguir adelante.

– Este verano ibais a tocar aquí en España junto a IRON MAIDEN, pero los británicos han pospuesto su concierto hasta junio de 2021, ¿Cómo ser vuestra actuación? ¿Será igual que la íbamos a ver este verano a pesar de que queda más de un año?

Sharon.- Bueno, habrá más canciones de las que vamos a sacar este año y el que viene. Será un repertorio con más canciones nuevas. Por supuesto habrá canciones antiguas… como siempre intentaremos hacer una buena mezcla. Tenemos muchas ganas de tocar cosas nuevas y también de tocar con IRON MAIDEN.

– También teníais una gira europea con EVANESCENCE que obviamente se ha visto igualmente aplazada…

Sharon.- Pues eso se había pospuesto para septiembre, pero hoy hemos sabido que el gobierno de los Países Bajos ha decidido que no habrá grandes eventos en el país hasta que no haya una vacuna, así que aquí no se va a poder hacer nada. Esperábamos tocar en septiembre, pero es muy posible que eso no sea realista. Queríamos hacerlo para comienzos del año próximo, pero hay que tener en cuenta que hay un montón de banda que también quieren tocar y va a estar difícil pillar salas, así que será para finales del año que viene.

– ¿Cómo quieres despedir la entrevista de cara a los fans?

Sharon.- Pues decir que España es un sitio muy cercano a mí porque tenemos familia allí, amigos, la gente es maravillosa y es un gran sitio. Espero que estéis todos bien, siento mucho vuestras pérdidas y esperamos poder visitaros lo antes posible.

Rafa Basa

Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 12, 2020, 06:03:38 pm
Q&A Facebook Live (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 13, 2020, 04:04:06 pm
Sharon Live w/ Cristina Scabbia (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 17, 2020, 06:14:36 pm
Sharon charla con Tarja (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 22, 2020, 10:52:47 pm
Entertain You @ M (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 22, 2020, 10:54:21 pm
Una entrevista! (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 26, 2020, 06:29:42 pm
Entertain You (Official Video) (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 20, 2020, 11:34:19 pm
It was all supposed to kick off April 2020, the big “Worlds Collide Tour”, the co-headlining tour of Dutch rock band Within Temptation and American metal Evanescence. Unfortunately, due to the worldwide outbreak of the Corona Virus, the two bands were forced to reschedule their massive European tour to later that year, September 2020. Now the world is slowly getting out of their lockdown, will the rescheduled tour take place in the original rescheduled dates, or will this tour be rescheduled once more?
Sharon den Adel Amy Lee Portrait
Singer Amy Lee of Evanescence and Sharon den Adel. Click to enlarge. [Credit: Kerrang]
The Worlds Collide Tour story

Both bands are loved by millions of rock and metal fans all over the world and a possible collaboration was asked for years. In 2019, both bands hinted to something upcoming at the same times. Fans were excited the bands were finally collaborating on something, even though it was yet uncertain what the bands were about to do.

The first time the band members of both bands met was at a live show of Evanescence in 2018. At this moment, Evanescence singer Amy Lee explored the Within Temptation songs. The two bands met again at a Swiss festival on which both bands were scheduled to perform, at this festival the two bands agreed a tour together was a great idea. On 17 September 2019, the bands finally revealed their “Worlds Collide Tour”, which was originally scheduled for start April 2020. Passing through seven European countries.
Within Temptation Evanescence Join Forces Tour Europe Worlds Collide
Promotional work for the “Worlds Collide Tour”. Click to enlarge.
COVID-19 Rescheduled Tour

Due to the massive outbreak of the COVID-19 Virus worldwide, the two bands were forced to reschedule their tour to a later time. They chose to reschedule all dates – except for the Frankfurt one – to September 2020. The Hamburg show got a venue upgrade, now to be performed at the Barclaycard Arena. However, how certain are the two bands the “Worlds Collide Tour” can take place this September?

The future according to specialists is very uncertain. Massive events, such as festivals and indoor concerts are possible to be rescheduled or canceled until there is a worldwide vaccin. On 14 June 2020, the CEO of Belgians biggest venue group, Sportpaleis Groep, Jan Van Esbroeck announced all big events and concerts will most likely not take place until 2021, when there’s a vaccin.

News brought to light that concerts in Germany, of which most of the “Worlds Collide Tour” will be, will be forced to be cancelled or removed until the end of October 2019.
“Worlds Collide Tour” in 2021

As of 18 June, the official Evanescence site shows an empty ‘Upcoming shows’-section and as of 19 June 2020, the “Worlds Collide Tour”-page also appears without a trace of any event dates. With this information, we can say both bands are now looking into rescheduling their collaboration tour onwards to 2021. An official announcement is yet to be made.

The new dates:

    08 September 2021: Zurich, Switzerland
    09 September 2021: Milan, Italy
    11 September 2021: Berlin, Germany
    12 September 2021: Gliwice, Poland
    14 September 2021: Leipzig, Germany
    15 September 2021: Hamburg, Germany
    17 September 2021: Amsterdam, Netherlands
    18 September 2021: Amsterdam, Netherlands
    20 September 2021: Paris, France
    21 September 2021: Dusseldorf, Germany
    22 September 2021: Munich, Germany
    24 September 2021: Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg
    26 September 2021: Frankfurt, Germany
    27 September 2021: Brussels, Belgium
    28 September 2021: Brussels, Belgium
    30 September 2021: Glasgow, United Kingdom
    01 October 2021: Leeds, United Kingdom
    03 October 2021: Birmingham, United Kingdom
    04 October 2021: London, United Kingdom
    07 October 2021: Madrid, Spain

Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 23, 2020, 11:55:40 pm
Entertain You (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 24, 2020, 03:54:50 pm
Supernova (acoustic) (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 02, 2020, 06:23:51 pm
Within Temptation's Sharon den Adel was the latest guest on Full Metal Jackie's weekend radio program. The singer discussed the band's most recent single, "Entertain You," which reflects on certain aspects of modern society, also revealing that social matters of today will be the source of lyrical inspiration for the group's eventual follow-up to last year's Resist album.

Prior to releasing Resist, Within Temptation were at a crossroads, as was den Adel, who contemplated the balance of her life and its relation to her personal ambitions and the next 20 years.

Read the full chat below.

There was great anticipation for your European tour with Evanescence, then, of course, coronavirus shut everything down. Mentally, how did you cope with the disappointment?

It makes it easy that everyone is in the same kind of situation. I've always found it difficult to put my mind on something that I'm going to do and then have changes, but this is just something you have to accept.

What makes it easier is the fact that there's no other option than accepting it, and everyone else is in the same kind of position. It's very insecure because you don't know when you can eventually tour.

The tour with Evanescence has been postponed but I'm not sure if it's going to be fitting now that we have it scheduled for this September. I think it's too early. Those kinds of things makes it a very restless, unsure period of time. [Editor's Note: The tour has now been pushed to 2021. Dates and ticketing info here]

There's an unsettling quality to the video for the new single, "Entertain You." What needs to be taken into consideration when your instigating emotional reactions?

I'm not sure everybody gets what it's about... In the video what we are trying to portray is the storyline, which is using people for entertainment. It's a little bit of and us-and-them kind of situation that they're creating which is wrong in our opinion.

People are different — they have a different belief, different colors of skin or anything that maybe is different from the majority in a way. That's what we're trying to portray with the song.

With the video, it was easier to make the story better. Two kids are fighting with each other and the idea behind it that they're being watched by cameras. People are watching outside so they are betting — using other people for your own entertainment. The reason for this video is the fact we saw all the videos going viral of people being harassed because they are different, so we thought maybe we can bring this back to a storyline for a video and that's what we tried to do here.

"Entertain You," it's a standalone track. What does writing a song without the overall context of an album allow you to do?

It's the first time that we've done this. What it allows us to do is to be more in the moment. If you write a song, you release it now that you can do it. You're not waiting a long time to put it on the album which can be released two or three years later.

It feels like maybe you want to change things already, or maybe you didn't think the song even fit on the album, and if it's the first song you write, and you're going to write a lot more songs... It might feel outdated. But it feels good for now and it'll be on the radio for a few months as a single or whatever we want to with it.

Sharon, prior to the last album, Resist, your creativity was challenged by the emotions brought on by illness and loss. What scared you most about an inability to create new music?

What happened between Hydra and Resist was the fact that I was a little bit at a dead-end in different ways. I didn't know where to take it musically with the band — not just me, but everybody in the band. What's going to be the next musical step? We've been doing this for such a long time.

Another thing was I've spent my whole adult life in Within Temptation, so I felt like I needed a balance — is this something I want to do another 20 years? Or, do I want to do something different?

My dad got very sick at the time and I wanted to be more with him. I also realized time goes so much faster than you sometimes realize and you miss out on people that you love too much  — all kinds of celebrations you need to be at, or exams, or graduations, those kinds of things. I needed more balance with my family life and the band. Most of the time, everything went to the band. It's a bit of a rollercoaster you're in. Everything all together was very emotional for me so I felt blocked. That's the worst thing that could have happened to me.

Music is the best thing — family, health, those kinds of things more important, but music is the first thing after that to me. It's a way for me to express myself and deal with life. So when I wasn't able to write for myself, I felt very suffocated somehow — A lot of pressure.

To take the pressure off, I decided to take some distance from Within Temptation and just do something totally different with the hope that I might come back with ideas for Within Temptation. I told the rest of the band to do the same and take a break from everyone because I didn't see us playing for a while or recording anything at the moment. So I did my own personal project, called My Indigo, which is totally different from Within Temptation.

I did learn from that process a lot. I dealt with a lot of feelings that I needed to deal with that I couldn't put into Within Temptation. Eventually, I did get space again in my head and my heart for Within Temptation to create.

Your life leading up to Resist was reflected in that album. What might the next album reflect about your life today?

Well we've only written "Entertain You" for the next album, which we only recorded two songs for and we have a lot of demos - but a lot of inspiration comes from daily — the things you read in the news, the things you see on social media, there's so much to write about.

This new album that will be about social matters I think, like "Entertain You" is. With Resist it was about your privacy laws and those kinds of things. A lot of things are changing in the world and we should be more aware of it. We are in our own rollercoaster and things are going fine, but sometimes you need to take a look at the bigger picture. Maybe a lot of people do that, but I know a lot folks only focus on music. For me, that was a very important source of inspiration and it will be for the next album.

Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 14, 2020, 03:49:47 pm
Se cocina algo... (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 05, 2020, 06:09:36 pm
Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's true! We are releasing a brand new single on November 20 and can't wait for you to hear it! Tune into our social media on Monday again for the next piece of our puzzle 🥳!
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 12, 2020, 04:13:54 pm
Our brand new single 'The Purge' will be released on November 20! Pre-save 'The Purge' now and receive a sneak-preview of the song:
It is a high-intensity, heavy song with a touch of old school Within Temptation and we can't wait for you to hear it! Click on 'Yes, I'd like to receive news and promotions from the artist' to receive the sneak-preview very soon.
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 17, 2020, 08:33:52 pm
The Purgue (Sneak Preview) (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 20, 2020, 03:52:13 pm
The Purgue (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 20, 2020, 04:11:36 pm
Listen to 'The Purge'
Our brand new single 'The Purge' is out now and we can't wait for you to hear it! Listen as one of the first fans to the song via your preferred music service, such as Spotify, Apple Music, Deezer, YouTube or Amazon Music.

About the song
“The song revolves around self-reflection and a search for redemption. No one gets through life without scars or without inflicting them on others and there will always be moments in your life you start questioning your choices. You start realizing you've made mistakes - causing harm to not only yourself, but also to others. To confess, acknowledge and accept these mistakes, can be a very painful process - however unescapable, when the burden becomes too heavy.”

Listen to our brand new single  'The Purge' on all streaming platforms:

Listen on Spotify
Listen on Apple Music
Listen on Amazon Music
Listen on Deezer
Listen on YouTube
Grab up to 15% discount on our merchandise
Together with the release of 'The Purge' we've launched a brand new merchandise collection. In this collection you can find a few returning limited edition items, such as the glass and the dog-tag (that were a part of the 'Entertain You' collection as well!). Of course we have tees, a long sleeve and even a cool zipper. 

Want to grab a good discount? Then go for one of the two bundles:

'The Purge' tee + flag bundle:
Save 10%

The Purge' tee + glass + flag + necklace mega bundle:
Save 15%

Go to the official merchandise store
See you soon!
Sharon, Stefan, Martijn, Ruud, Jeroen, Mike, Robert
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 02, 2020, 07:27:23 pm
The Purge (Video) (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 23, 2020, 04:27:00 pm
Entrevista (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 19, 2021, 06:33:01 pm
Wikimetal Happy Hour (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 08, 2021, 06:15:50 pm
Entrevista Planet Rock (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 13, 2021, 05:17:47 pm
This is definitely not what we've wished for, but reality tells us otherwise: we have to postpone the Worlds Collide Tour 💔. Although we can't make the current situation better than it is, we hope to put a BIG smile on your faces again soon, because we have definitely not been sitting still and we have a LOT of cool stuff coming up for you!
And you know what? Third time's a charm 💫 , so see you in March or April 2022. Get your tickets here:

Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 01, 2021, 04:27:32 pm
Music combined with bleeding-edge technology: a show that is out of this world!
We are thrilled to invite you to Within Temptation: The Aftermath – A Show In A Virtual Reality. A show that takes place in different scenes of a post-apocalyptic world, in which we witness the aftermath of destruction of mankind. A world in which it is unknown if anyone or anything of the human race survived. It is a search for answers about both its becoming as well as its legacy.
'The Aftermath' is an online show, fueled by bleeding-edge technology that enables us to do a performance that’s out of this world – literally! During this digital show we play a variety of newer and older songs in four different worlds. Expect guest singers from all over the world to join us on stage for striking duets in even more striking settings!
- July 8, 2021, Europe (8PM CEST / 7PM BST).
- July 9, 2021, Northern and Southern America (8pm ET (UTC-4) / 5pm PT (UTC -7) / 9pm BRT (UTC3) / 7pm CST (UTC -5).

Tickets are available for 24,99 euro (1 person) or 29,99 euro (2 or more people watching in the same room) at

Take care and we hope to see you on July 8 or July 9!

Get a limited edition event ticket signed by Sharon!
Order our limited 'The Aftermath' t-shirt and you will receive a limited edition event ticket signed by Sharon herself. Be quick: we only have a limited amount of signed tickets available so after they are sold out, you will only be able to get the t-shirt.

You can find the official event t-shirt for ladies and men in the ticket store on our official website. Grab a ticket to 'The Aftermath - A Show In A Virtual Reality' and get the limited event t-shirt + signed ticket before they're gone.

Go to and get your signed ticket now.

'Shed My Skin' - The Brand New Single
A heartfelt and bombastic metal anthem
Along with the immersive event, we're super happy to announce the release of our brand new single ‘Shed My Skin’ - out two weeks before our show (June 25th 2021). For this song we've teamed up with German metalcore band Annisokay. This collaboration has resulted in a heartfelt, bombastic metal anthem and we can't wait for you to hear it! Keep an eye out for the official pre-save link.

The official music video of this song will premiere during our online show 'Within Temptation: The Aftermath – A Show In A Virtual Reality' on July 8th and July 9th, 2021.
 Take care, stay healthy and see you in soon 💕.
Sharon, Stefan, Martijn, Ruud, Jeroen, Mike, Robert
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 15, 2021, 06:25:58 pm
Yes! A lot of you got it right! The first guests we can officially announce for our online show ’The Aftermath’ are… Rudi & Chris from the band @annisokay! Quite a surprise since we’re releasing a brand new song with them, right 😏?! Haha!

Stay tuned for next week, as we will be announcing one artist per week!
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 25, 2021, 07:09:28 pm
Shed My Skin (ft Annisokay) (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 25, 2021, 07:11:40 pm
About the song
"’Shed My Skin’ revolves around dealing with inevitable changes in life. It is about becoming the person we are meant to be, even if that means losing people we love, but have grown apart from. Real growth begins where comfort zones end and that’s exactly what the song is all about: if we don’t change, we don’t grow. If we don’t grow, we aren’t really living,” - Sharon.

Listen to our brand new single  'Shed My Skin' on all streaming platforms:

Listen on Spotify
Listen on Apple Music
Listen on Deezer
Listen on YouTube

The music video of the song will officially premiere during our online show 'The Aftermath – A Show In A Virtual Reality' on July 8th and July 9th 2021.

Get your tickets to ‘The Aftermath’ here.
Order limited edition 'Shed My Skin' merchandise

Grab 10% discount on our merchandise
Together with the release of 'Shed My Skin' we've launched a few awesome products in our official webstore.

You can now get a cool tie dye shirt, a sleeveless shirt (for him or her) and again a collectable pint glass in our store. You can either buy them as a stand alone product or grab them as a bundle.
Want to grab a good discount? Then go for the bundles:

'Shed My Skin' tie dye + sleeveless shirt + pint glass:
Save 10%

Go to the official merchandise store.

Oh and pssst: did you know that you can still buy a cool 'The Aftermath' event shirt? Get it in our ticketing-store right here and receive a signed event-card by Sharon.

See you soon!
Sharon, Stefan, Martijn, Ruud, Jeroen, Mike, Robert
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 01, 2021, 04:14:21 pm
Traler The Aftermath (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 01, 2021, 04:29:07 pm
Hi there!

You all know we are absolute heroes in rescheduling dates and now we’ve reached a new milestone: our shortest postponement in our career so far! We’re working very hard on our VR-event, but as it’s something we’ve never done before – and definitely something you have never SEEN before, we sometimes experience a few hick-ups in the process that are completely new to us and the crew.
To smooth everything out and create the best possible, spectacular and mythical experience for you, we’ve decided to postpone ‘The Aftermath – A Show In A Virtual Reality’ from July 8 & 9 to July 15 (EU) & 16 (USA). It’s only one week and we know that it’ll be worth the short wait. We truly can't wait for you to see it. Check out the official trailer below!

    Tickets purchased for the original dates are automatically valid for the new dates.
    Not available on the new dates? No problem! You can re-watch the show for 48 hours after the start.
    Event merchandise will be sent shortly after the show.

Get your tickets here.
Watch the official trailer now:
A Brand New Single: 'Shed My Skin'

We've released our newest single 'Shed My Skin' (feat. Annisokay) on Friday, June 25th. The song revolves around dealing with inevitable changes in life. It is about becoming the person we are meant to be, even if that means losing people we love. Real growth begins where comfort zones: if we don’t change, we don’t grow. If we don’t grow, we aren’t really living.
Listen to ‘Shed My Skin’ (feat. Annisokay) across all major streaming platforms.
New in: 'Shed My Skin' merchandise

You can now get a cool tie dye shirt, a sleeveless shirt (for him or her) and again a collectable pint glass in our store. You can either buy them as a stand alone product or grab them as a bundle.

Want to grab a good discount? Then go for the 'Shed My Skin' bundle including the tie dye + sleeveless shirt + pint glass and save 10%.

Go to our official webstore.
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 07, 2021, 04:58:14 pm
Yes, the ones who looked closely at our trailer might've seen it 👀... Our good friend Tarja Turunen will be joining us on stage during our online show 'The Aftermath' on July 15 & 16! We're so excited!
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 14, 2021, 04:36:02 pm
Shed My Skin (Official Video) (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 14, 2021, 04:51:45 pm
Q&A with Sharon (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 15, 2021, 10:47:18 pm
The Aftermath setlist (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 27, 2021, 05:10:32 pm

Dutch symphonic metal legends Within Temptation have been quite busy as of late. The band recently held an impressive virtual reality stream event, which was unlike anything we’ve seen before. Along with ‘The Aftermath – A Show In A Virtual Reality,’ the band has also released a brand new single, ‘Shed My Skin,” featuring German metalcore act, Annisokay. I caught up with frontwoman Sharon Den Adel, to talk about the recent stream, the new single, and what the band has planned in terms of a new album, and going on tour.

Thanks for speaking with me, Sharon. You’re coming off the release of your event, ‘The Aftermath, A Show In Virtual Reality’, which has been getting a lot of praise. How have you felt about the feedback you’ve been received?

A lot of fans seemed to have liked it. The technology is something new. It’s only the tip of the iceberg that we touched. And it looks a little bit like a game crossed with a music video. It being a show, it did not look as flashy as, say, some of our music videos. Which most people understood, but some didn’t. It’s a new technology after all .I was really happy to see that a lot of people did get the idea behind it, and how we made the show.

The show had to be postponed briefly, and during the filming, did you encounter many technical hurdles?

It was something that we were afraid of that might happen. That was also why the show was prerecorded because we didn’t want to have the show stopped halfway because the data might not have been managed. So that’s why we prerecorded it.

But we still had a lot of technical difficulties because we are pioneering here. After all, it’s a new program. Everybody does it in their own way, and it’s only been out recently. There’s only one other, a Dutch dance event, who did it the way we did as well. And because of so many multi-cameras and all this imagery that’s behind them to canalize the data, it’s a big process. And when something goes wrong, you have to start over again. So there are a lot of technical things that can go wrong, and it takes a lot of time to process.

Fans like to try and immerse themselves as much as they can into streamed content because live shows are something that we all missed, and we miss the feeling of being there. But how difficult is it as a performer to get some of those feelings when there’s no audience to feed off of, and you’re surrounded by green screens?

It’s difficult because you have to really imagine the audience there. But we did have the crew there trying to get me into that vibe, applauding and stuff like that. But it of course, it’s different. I also knew that I had to do it in a very short amount of time. We did it in one day, like the recordings of everyone and all band members.

So it was like, okay, you have one shot, and you better do it well, and immediately go into that vibe as if you are on stage. So you really have to use your imagination a little bit. But I was really happy that people would be watching this, and keeping that in mind is what got me through it.
Within Temptation – The Aftermath – A Show In Virtual Reality

Something the band is notorious for is performing with these elaborate stage setups, beautiful wardrobes, and stunning visuals. How important was the storytelling aspect of the show, and who came up with the idea of the post-apocalyptic theme?

Robert was really working on that, and I worked with it as well. We’ve seen so many doomsday kind of films over the years. These big, epic movies and stuff. So that was the inspiration, especially coming from a pandemic and talking about where is the world going, and how we living in it.

There was the inspiration from that. It’s something that’s an ongoing process. We also have the Silent Force album; we were inspired very much by that theme, especially because a lot of things were happening in the world at that time as well, as it is now.

How did you go about choosing a setlist for this show? Of course, there was new material, but did you select songs on storytelling aspects to match the overall apocalyptic theme?

Yes, that’s the case because we felt like if you’re telling a story, you need to find the right songs to back it up and give that atmosphere. It also helped that we’ve also had a lot of songs in the past touching this theme. I think it’s also nice for the ones who bought a tickets to see some older songs. Songs that we haven’t played for a long time, like for instance, ‘Forsaken’, which is really an old and golden song from the Silent Force album.

Fans were greeted with many surprises and big moments, but personally for you, what was your favorite moment from the show? And what song did you enjoy playing the most?

The song that registers for me is ‘Shed My Skin”. For the vocal nerd that I am, it’s nice to go from really high to really low. And it’s a real challenge for a singer. So I was really happy to put that song in the setlist.

And very well done too! It was great to see Tarja again; what was it like working with her and getting her to make an appearance for the event?

We always keep in contact with each other, and it’s always an easy connection to make with each other. And we’ve always worked really well with each other, and it’s always fun to work with her. She’s somebody who goes really for the music and is passionate about it. It’s really nice working with her, always.

I’ve always had contact with her throughout the year, and it’s always great, but this time it was not face-to-face. We had a camera crew go to Spain so she could be recorded there. She was very busy with a lot of other stuff as well. So that was the best way to record her live.

Speaking of collaborations, your most recent single, which we’ve talked about, ‘Shed My Skin,’ has a bit of a metalcore twist, and you appropriately collaborated with metalcore act, Annisokay for the song. How did the collaboration come about? And did you specifically write this song for the collaboration?

It’s more that we are always interested in bands who are new and who bring a new sound to the scene. This was a sound we’ve never noticed before. Not for Annisokay, but the metalcore scene was just something that we didn’t listen to much. So for us, it was kind of a new sound with a new vibe, and one of the bands that we like was Annisokay.

And we felt like, okay, let’s approach them and see if they are interested in doing a song with us. And we had already written it. Everything was finished, but they were able to do their own interpretation, but they stayed close to what we had written. It was really fun to work with them.

They are very talented guys, they are very melodic with their music and that’s something that we always like as well. Because we wanted to bring something heavy with the guitars and everything in the music, but we also wanted to bring out a lot of melodies, and that’s something that they do with metalcore.

So we wrote the music and thought it would be cool to approach a band that comes from that scene. And they were our favorites, so we called them and they were really cool and very down to earth and easy people to work with. So yeah, I was happy to meet them and work with them.

Do you enjoy working with other styles of metal and sub-genres, and do you think you’ll do more in the future?

We’ve always done that throughout the years. I think we’re a typical kind of band who likes orchestras and epic kinds of sounds. Throughout our career, we have worked with so many different people. Mina Caputo of Life of Agony, Papa Roach, and some Polish artists. It’s not always people that everybody knows. Sometimes it’s a singer-songwriter, sometimes it’s from totally different kinds of genres that people would not expect from us. But it’s just that some people you really admire or a style that you think is so beautiful that you want to integrate it into your own music. And we’ve always done that in our own way.

Do you plan on releasing any more new music this year, and when can we expect a new album?

We are planning to do maybe one more song this year if things turn out the way we want them to. And, hopefully, at the end of next year, we have a new album out, so we’re working hard trying to manage everything that we have in mind and trying to release new singles every few months. That’s a new idea that we want to try, releasing a new song every three or four months. And so far, we have managed to do that. We’ll see if we can keep it up. You also need to have the right inspiration, of course, to write new stuff.

Are there any shows that you’ll be playing during the festival season?

We’re going to Finland next week, so I’m looking forward to that stuff first, and it’s the only summer festival this year, unfortunately. We also have one in October, which is in the Netherlands, which is also a big festival. I’m looking forward to that as well. But I’m wondering if it will be able to take place because a lot of festivals in the Netherlands have been canceled because of COVID again, unfortunately.

Otherwise, it’s just the shows that we have with Evanescence on the ‘When Worlds Collide” tour, which starts in March and in April. We also have some Russian shows in February, but we have to see how this pandemic is going to go, and where it’s gonna go.

I was just about to bring up the ‘When Worlds Collide’ tour with Evanescence. Do you think that any time in the future we might see a North American tour as well?

I hope so. I think that it’s something that’s on our list, but we don’t know when we’re going to go, because we did have some things cooking, but then the whole pandemic started. We still have to catch up with all these tours that are planed. All the tours and the festivals that we have planed are going to continue and hopefully, after that will be, we will come your way.

We would love to have you guys here. We’re really excited for the upcoming single and the ‘When Wolrds Collide tour,” Which I think is going to happen because everything is opening back up. I just shot my first huge festival here. I travel all over, and there are festivals opening up all over here. So I think that we will be the world stage in seeing how things go in terms of these big festivals if they continue or get postponed due to COVID.

Yeah, I totally understand. And I would love to come to America again, it’s been a while!

We can’t wait to have you guys here, and thank you for speaking with me, Sharon, do you have anything else that you would like to add or say to the fans.
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 30, 2021, 05:45:08 pm
Setlist KuopioRock (

The Purge (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 05, 2021, 04:24:00 pm
Breaking Absolutes (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 13, 2021, 08:17:46 pm
Entrevista BBC (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 26, 2021, 07:16:01 pm
Deceiver Of Fools @ Mother Earth Tour (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 15, 2021, 06:08:19 pm
The Aftermath (Behind The Scenes) (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 10, 2021, 07:17:29 pm
Setlist FestFallz (

Covered By Roses (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 29, 2021, 06:25:21 pm
Re-watch the show from December 24 until December 31, 2021!
We are super excited to announce that our online show 'The Aftermath - A Show In A Virtual Reality' will be BACK! The online event, originally aired in July 2021, will be available for streaming from December 24 until December 31. Ticket holders can re-watch the show for free and new tickets are now on sale from €7,99/$8,99 for only €4,99/$5,50.

We have received rave reviews for 'The Aftermath’. Press praised the event for a unique take on interactive and audiovisual sceneries, as well as our duets with guest artists from all around the world! So if you haven't been able to watch it in July: now is your chance!
- From December 24, 8PM CET, until December 30 9PM CET) / From December 24, 2PM ET, until December 30 3PM (ET).

Get your tickets now from €7,99/$8,99 for only €4,99/$5,50.

Take care and we hope to see you in December!
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 29, 2021, 06:26:19 pm
The official opening song of 'The Aftermath'
Following the reissue of ‘The Aftermath’, we are also happy to announce that we will release ‘Forsaken’, the opening song of our online show, on all music services next week! The song will be released on December 2nd.
Pre-save 'Forsaken' now.
‘Forsaken’ was originally released as part of our third studioalbum ‘The Silent Force’ – out on November 11th, 2004. We rarely play the song live, but did play it as the official opening song of our online show. ‘Forsaken’ will be out next week on December 2nd.
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 01, 2021, 05:27:03 pm
We're beyond thrilled that we will be touring the US together with the legendary Iron Maiden, appearing as their special guests during the second leg of the tour in October 2022! We have all been huge fans of the band for so long and there is no bigger compliment than being invited to their tour.  We can't wait to see you all!
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 02, 2021, 03:54:53 pm
Forsaken Live @ The Aftermath (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 08, 2022, 06:55:35 pm
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 11, 2022, 05:15:37 pm
***Worlds Collide Tour Update***
As the world is slowly reopening again, we have been feeling optimistic about the tour actually taking place in March and April. However - a lot of countries still have restrictions in place, and we are forced to make a decision right now for logistical reasons.
We are aware that many fans are preparing to make their plans to attend the shows, some of which involve travel, and given the uncertainty as to exactly when certain countries will lift their restrictions, we are left with no choice but to reschedule the tour, hopefully for the final time. We expect to be able to announce the new dates in the next few days, which we anticipate will be in November and early December of this year.
All tickets, including meet & greet packages and VIP upgrades will remain valid.
We know you understand that many things are still outside of our control but we are very optimistic that we WILL be performing these shows and we kindly ask that you bear with us one more time while we arrange the tour so it can actually happen.
Stay tuned for the new dates in the next few days. We miss and love you, and we will definitely see you again. Stay safe.
Much love,
Within Temptation
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 14, 2022, 05:02:05 pm
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 16, 2022, 04:59:15 pm
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 09, 2022, 08:00:26 pm
Hooray, The Heart Of Everything Special Edition is officially out today!
Today is the 15th anniversary of 'The Heart Of Everything'! To celebrate, we have released the Special Edition today: listen to more than four hours of exclusive demos, live songs and instrumentals.

Listen to 'The Heart Of Everything' Special Edition via your preferred music service.
The first anniversary t-shirts are here
Next to the special edition, we have released the first anniversary merch drop. You can choose two t-shirts and bundle it up with the original copy of the physical CD (*note: this is not the special edition but the original album).

Choose your bundle:
2 shirts + CD bundle: save 10%
1 shirt + CD bundle: save 5%

Or check out the merch items in our official online store.
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 20, 2022, 05:28:30 pm
Asking Alexandria - Faded Out feat. Within Temptation (Official Music Video) (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 28, 2022, 04:44:37 pm
Setlist Pop On Top 2022 (

Shed My Skin (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 29, 2022, 06:53:21 pm
Setlist Pesse (

Stand My Ground (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 05, 2022, 04:12:41 pm
Setlist Vestrock (http://¡

The Reckoning (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 06, 2022, 01:19:17 pm
Setlist Metalfest (

Stand My Ground (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 12, 2022, 06:51:58 pm
Setlist Sweden Rock (

Stand My Ground (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 13, 2022, 05:38:52 pm
Hey Canada & USA! We will play three exclusive headline shows in October!

October 4, 2022 - Skyway Theater, Minneapolis (MN)
October 8, 2022 - The Agora Theater, Cleveland (OH)
October 13, 2022 - M-Telus, Montreal (QC)

Tickets go on sale this Friday, June 17, 10:00AM .
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 18, 2022, 10:38:04 pm
Live at Graspop (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 18, 2022, 10:39:19 pm
Nieuwe single: "don't pray for me" - 8 juli 2022
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 26, 2022, 06:56:30 pm
Setlist Tons Of Rock (

Ice Queen
.002 (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 08, 2022, 05:33:08 pm
Don't Pray For Me (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 10, 2022, 07:16:33 pm
Trailer Don't Pray For Me (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 13, 2022, 06:16:39 pm
Don't Pray For Me (Video) (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 17, 2022, 06:25:28 pm
Setlist Midalidare Rock (

Shed My Skin (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 23, 2022, 04:39:00 pm
Setlist Atenas ( (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 25, 2022, 04:26:48 pm
Setlist Varsovia (

Our Solemn Hour (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 29, 2022, 04:44:59 pm
Entrevista (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 30, 2022, 04:18:17 pm
Setlist Barcelona ( (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 01, 2022, 07:11:41 pm
Setlist Lisboa (

Mother Earth (

Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 06, 2022, 04:08:59 pm
Setlist Himnos Park Fest (

Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 17, 2022, 07:05:21 pm
Setlist Theatre Antique D'Orange (

Don't Pray For Me (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 20, 2022, 07:21:30 pm
Setlist SummerBreeze ( (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 29, 2022, 04:28:38 pm
WTF Rock Fest (

The Purgue (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 26, 2022, 06:57:23 pm (

Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 28, 2022, 10:33:48 pm
Instagram Live (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 04, 2022, 05:33:24 pm
Setlist Sioux Falls (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 05, 2022, 04:50:05 pm
Setlist Minneapolis (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 06, 2022, 04:57:00 pm
Setlist Chicago (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 08, 2022, 04:54:41 pm
Setlist Columbus (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 09, 2022, 06:39:05 pm
Setlist Cleveland (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 10, 2022, 04:35:28 pm
Setlist Detroit (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 12, 2022, 04:37:10 pm
Setlist Toronto (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 13, 2022, 05:15:27 pm
Setlist Hamilton (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 14, 2022, 08:27:54 pm
Setlist Montreal (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 16, 2022, 06:53:54 pm
Setlist Ottawa (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 18, 2022, 06:54:22 pm
Setlist Worchester (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 20, 2022, 04:20:47 pm
Setlist Elmont (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 22, 2022, 10:57:25 pm
Setlist Newark (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 24, 2022, 04:05:52 pm
Setlist Washington DC (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 26, 2022, 04:26:36 pm
Setlist Greensboro (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 28, 2022, 04:25:29 pm
Setlist Tampa (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 10, 2022, 05:13:57 pm
Setlist Munich (

Intro + See Who I Am (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 11, 2022, 04:42:13 pm
Setlist Milan (

Iron (

Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 14, 2022, 05:16:39 pm
Setlist Zurich (

Don't Pray For Me (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 15, 2022, 04:58:33 pm
Setlist Londres (

Our Solemn Hour (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 16, 2022, 04:13:19 pm
Setlist Birmingham (

Raise Your Banner (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 18, 2022, 04:28:10 pm
Setlist Glasgow (

Angels (

Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 28, 2022, 01:20:23 pm
Setlist Leeds (

What Have You Done (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 28, 2022, 01:24:35 pm
Setlist Bruselas (Día 1) (

Setlist Bruselas (Día 2) (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 28, 2022, 01:27:38 pm
Setlist Frankfurt (

Our Solemn Hour (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 28, 2022, 01:31:36 pm
Setlist Dússeldorf (

The Reckoning (ft Amy Lee) (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 28, 2022, 04:57:04 pm
Setlist París (

The Reckoning (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 30, 2022, 04:32:04 pm
Setlist Amsterdam (dia 1) (

Angels (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 01, 2022, 05:12:52 pm
Setlist Amsterdam (dia 2) (

All I Need (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 02, 2022, 04:47:57 pm
'The Fire Within' on 7" vinyl!

When a band writes an album, it often happens that there are too many ideas to make it onto the final track list. However, those songs that fall through the cracks sometimes make a great B-side or even a single in this case.

“The Fire Within” was written back in 2019, but never made its appearance on an album. The track now finds its way to you, as we've decided to release it as a single!

" The Fire Within" will be out on December 9 and is available as CD single, 7-inch single on colored vinyl and as a CD single + 7-inch bundle.

We've only printed 666 copies of each, so be quick!
Get your copy now!
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 02, 2022, 04:49:34 pm
'The Aftermath' EP: out today!

During the worldwide pandemic, when many bands were setting up livestreams, we decided to go even further and presented the virtual reality show The Aftermath.

'The Aftermath' EP features four live tracks from our virtual reality show, including the single “Forsaken (The Aftermath)” and “Shed My Skin” featuring Annisokay.

Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 02, 2022, 04:54:20 pm
Setlist Esch-sur-Alzette (

Mother Earth (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 04, 2022, 07:16:26 pm
Setlist Leipzig (

Shed My Skin (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 05, 2022, 04:27:20 pm

After 2,5 year of rescheduling, we are beyond grateful that the Worlds Collide Tour is finally taking place. All shows have been amazing and we are so happy to see so many happy faces. However, even after the world opening up there are sometimes challenges beyond our control.

Unfortunately Amy won't be able to perform in Poland. We realize that so many people have been looking forward to this show for so long and therefore decided to continue to play our show. Smash Into Pieces will also still perform, and we both will play longer sets.

The Worlds Collide Tour is all about unity, bundling our strengths and lifting each other up. We will do all we can to still give you an amazing night. For all our fans in Poland, for Evanescence and for their fans. The show will not only be longer, but we will make sure to sprinkle all the magic and fire in the world on every song.

Gliwice, Poland: we will make it a night to remember. See you tonight 💫
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 05, 2022, 04:28:11 pm
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 05, 2022, 11:42:33 pm
Setlist Gliwice (

Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 08, 2022, 04:29:37 pm
Setlist Hamburgo (

Stand My Ground (

Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 09, 2022, 03:57:54 pm
Setlist Berlín (

All I Need (

Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 09, 2022, 04:05:20 pm
Wow, wow, wow! After 2,5 years of rescheduling, The Worlds Collide Tour has finally taken place and we couldn't have wished for a better tour. 

Thanks to everyone that came out and rocked with both us and Evanescence. This was a tour we will never forget <3. 

Cheerio, Within Temptation.

Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 09, 2022, 04:07:00 pm
Back in 2019 we wrote "The Fire Within", but it's never made its appearance on an album. However, to brighten up your festive December mood some more, we've decided to release it as a stand alone song! Enjoy! (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 20, 2022, 06:06:38 pm
The Fire Within (Video) (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 16, 2023, 04:52:29 pm
Within Temptation capped off 2022 with some of the most spectacular live shows in the band’s history, bringing out the kind of stage production that would make Iron Maiden proud. Now their sights are set on finishing their as-yet untitled eighth studio album – and as vocalist Sharon den Adel tells Hammer, their ambitions have only grown after their recent experiences.

“It’s about 85% done,” Sharon says. “We want to take the time to go over the songs, change some bits and maybe get a bit experimental. The songs that we’ve written are already very different to what we’ve done before, so…”

One thing we know for sure is that the five singles the band have released thus far aren’t part of their vision for what comes next.
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 “Originally we thought they could fit together and make a new album, but over time we wrote in ways that didn’t really fit with where we wanted to go next,” Sharon admits. Which raises the question, where are they going?

“With [2019 album] Resist we started using new sounds and that’s something we want to explore. The band Enigma were revolutionary for me growing up and had these atmospheric vibes across an entire album, so that’s something we want to do, but in our own way.”

Teaming back up with long-time producer Daniel Gibson, Sharon already sees the new album as being the most ambitious in Within Temptation’s career.

“We want to use a lot of string sounds,” she explains. “But something more like you’d hear in the 80s – the kind you might hear on a soundtrack. It’s going to be very filmic. We’re entering a new era – not only with things happening around the world, but also musically.”

Although the album’s largely written, Sharon admits she doesn’t know how it will shape up just yet – or if any high-profile guests might pop up.

“I love collaborating because other people always add something magical,” she says. “Sometimes you get this realisation like, ‘Oh, they’d be great on this’ and that helps shape the song, but it’s always spur of the moment.”

Given they recently supported Iron Maiden in the US, could one of British metal’s finest be popping up on the record? Sharon diplomatically swerves the question. “Iron Maiden are so young at heart, with so much love and enthusiasm for music,” she says. “Steve Harris came and watched us every night even though it was basically the same set. I hope I can be him in 20 years!”

Within Temptaton play Download in June
Metal Hammer Newsletter

Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 09, 2023, 04:20:47 pm
🎸 For the first time ever: 'Mother Earth Tour' and 'The Silent Force Tour' available on vinyl! Pre-order now via 🎸

- Mother Earth Tour is available on vinyl for the very first time, and as a limited edition of 1500 individually numbered copies on red and black marbled vinyl, housed in a gatefold sleeve and includes an insert.

- The Silent Force Tour is available on vinyl for the very first time, as a limited edition of 1500 individually numbered copies on translucent blue colored vinyl. This live album comes as a 2LP, housed in a gatefold sleeve and includes an 8-page booklet.

But that's not all: the live registrations are also available on CD, wrapped in a high-quality, luxury slipcase with brand new artwork and limited & numbered (2000 pieces only). Go to

Release date: April 28, 2023.
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 24, 2023, 04:01:23 pm
Nuevo single, Wireless, el 19 de mayo
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 19, 2023, 04:21:18 pm
Wireless (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 23, 2023, 04:25:31 pm
Entrevista (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 05, 2023, 03:54:29 pm
Setlist Tel Aviv (

Wireless (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 08, 2023, 04:18:18 pm
Setlist Nova Rock (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 10, 2023, 06:48:10 pm
Setlist Download Festival (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 18, 2023, 06:58:45 pm
Setlist Hellfest (

Bleed Out (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 25, 2023, 06:41:03 pm
Setlist Summerside Fest (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 02, 2023, 10:46:14 pm
Setlist Parklive (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 16, 2023, 06:50:45 pm
Setlist Masters Of Rock (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 05, 2023, 06:33:53 pm
Setlist Porisphere (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 13, 2023, 06:26:06 pm
Setlist Jailbreak Fest (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 14, 2023, 04:17:44 pm
Setlist M'era Luna (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 18, 2023, 04:41:44 pm
Within Temptation, the renowned Dutch symphonic metal band, are set to captivate fans with their eighth studio album Bleed Out on October 20, 2023.

Bleed Out signifies a bold leap forward for the band. From contemporary, hard-hitting djenty riffs to soaring melodies displaying their symphonic roots, Within Temptation have created a sonic journey that fuses diverse musical styles and thought-provoking themes. This is an album that is as epic as it is unflinchingly outspoken, and now more than ever, this is a band who aren’t afraid to make a stand on issues they care about. Within Temptation have delivered a fist-in-the-air proclamation of both their moral convictions and their fearless approach to music.

Bleed Out is available as a 1CD housed in a deluxe 6-page digipack with 3D lenticular cover and includes a 20-page booklet with lyrics.

    Deluxe 6-page digipack with 3D lenticular cover
    Includes 20-page booklet with lyrics
    Brand new album featuring the latest hit singles "Bleed Out" & "Ritual"
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 18, 2023, 04:48:52 pm

    We Go To War
    Bleed Out
    Worth Dying For
    Cyanide Love
    The Purge
    Don't Pray For Me
    Shed My Skin
    Entertain You

Bleed Out (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 21, 2023, 04:20:47 pm
Q&A and Bleed Out video premiere (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 26, 2023, 07:33:42 pm
Setlist Vilar de Mouros (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 29, 2023, 05:19:43 pm
Ritual (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 04, 2023, 04:43:41 pm
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 11, 2023, 04:24:42 pm
Golden Tickets (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 21, 2023, 04:18:23 pm
Ritual (acoustic) (

Bleed Out (acoustic) (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 23, 2023, 05:33:06 pm
Entrevista (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 24, 2023, 06:29:45 pm
Ritual (Official Video) (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 25, 2023, 10:17:53 pm
Coffee with Ola Englund (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 25, 2023, 10:19:36 pm
Tuonela Magazine (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 26, 2023, 07:11:41 pm
My Story As A Metal Frontwoman Sharon Den Adel (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 11, 2024, 06:10:35 pm
'A Fool's Parade' - feat. Alex Yarmak. Release date: April 5, 2024.
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 13, 2024, 05:19:06 pm
'The Q-Music Sessions' is available on vinyl for the very first time. A strictly limited run of 3 colored vinyl variants is exclusively available in our music store:
- 500 copies pressed on translucent red vinyl
- 500 copies pressed on white vinyl
- 500 copies pressed on translucent blue vinyl

Furthermore, 'The Q-Music Sessions' was originally released on CD in 2013. Long time out of print, the album is now finally available again on CD. For the first time the album is housed in a jewel case and the first run of 2.000 numbered copies also includes a slipcase.
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 18, 2024, 03:22:26 pm
We’ve just finished recording our music video for ‘A Fool’s Parade’ in Ukraine! We are extremely grateful for this experience, the warm welcome and all the people who’ve played a part in this. You are all amazing and of great inspiration to us.

This trip is an experience that we will never forget. Thank you, stay strong and see you again soon ❤️
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 20, 2024, 05:50:26 pm
A Fool's Parade (teaser) (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 31, 2024, 08:32:40 pm
Entrevista (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 05, 2024, 05:19:34 pm
A Fool's Parade (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 11, 2024, 06:24:51 pm
A Fool's Parade (Music Video) (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 20, 2024, 08:49:21 pm
Setlist Quito (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 22, 2024, 05:15:11 pm
Setlist Santiago de Chile (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 25, 2024, 04:51:54 pm
Setlist Mexico (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 25, 2024, 04:56:38 pm
Teloneros Bleed Out Tour 2024 (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 28, 2024, 07:17:16 pm
Setlist Summer Breeze Brasil (
Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 02, 2024, 07:28:13 pm

Título: Re:Within Temptation
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 24, 2024, 05:56:05 pm
The Reckoning Live Worlds Collide (