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Título: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Diciembre 07, 2007, 04:10:19 pm
Un breve RESUMEN sobre LA BANDA:

Nightwish es una banda procedente de Finlandia que mezcla muy acertadamente el metal con la (hasta ahora) voz operí­stica de Tarja Turunen
La idea de "Nightwish" nació una madrugada del mes de julio de 1996 cuando Tuomas estaba pasando una noche con sus amigos alrededor de una hoguera.
Las primeras tres canciones, que eran acústicas y muy "happy", fueron grabadas entre Octubre de 1996 y Enero de 1997.
En ese momento la banda y a contaba con tres miembros: Tuomas, Tarja y Emppu. Más tarde quisieron probar cómo sonarí­a su música si introdujeran a un baterí­a (fue cuando Jukka ingresó en la banda), y empezaron a usar la guitarra elíéctrica en lugar de la acústica
Posteriormente se incorporo a la banda el bajista Sami Ví¤nskí¤ quien seria reemplazado por Marco Hietala en el 2001 (ex Sinergy; tambiíén bajista y voz de Tarot).
El 22 de octubre de 2005, dí­a despuíés del último concierto de la gira Once Upon a Tour 2004-2005, presentado en el Hartwall Areena, en Finlandia, Tuomas Holopainen, el frontman de la banda, publicaba en la web oficial del grupo una carta abierta. El escrito, que la noche anterior le habí­an entregado a Tarja Turunen, comunicaba a todos los fans (y a ella misma) que la vocalista estaba expulsada del grupo. Tras la grabación de un concierto que posteriormente se editará en DVD bajo el tí­tulo de "End Of An Era", el grupo ha decidido finalmente poner punto y final a la etapa con Tarja Turunen debido, según ellos, a su codicia y su actitud de diva.


Tuomas Holopainen - Sintetizador y Teclados
Marco Hietala - Bajo y Voces (desde Century Child / 2002)
Jukka Nevalainen - Baterí­a
Emppu Vuorinen - Guitarra + Bajo en Angels Fall First
Anette Olzon - Vocalista


Angels Fall First - 1997
Oceanborn - 1998
Wishmaster - 2000
From Wishes to Eternity = Live - 2001
Century Child - 2002
Once - 2004
End Of An Era- En vivo - 2006

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Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Diciembre 07, 2007, 04:12:48 pm
Algunos de sus temas (con Tarja, anterior vocalista):


Wish i had an angel

Bless the child

Sleeping sun

Ghost love score

Over the hills and far away

[archivo adjunto borrado por el administrador]
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Diciembre 07, 2007, 04:16:26 pm

"While Your Lips Are Still Red", (Cancion compuesta por Tuomas, banda sonora de una pelicula finesa titulada Lieksa, en el tema participa Marco en la voz y jukka a la bateria y Tuomas al teclado.)


Bye Bye beautiful

The escapist (bonus)

[archivo adjunto borrado por el administrador]
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Diciembre 07, 2007, 04:18:47 pm
NIGHTWISH lanzarán una edición de "platino" para su último CD "Dark Passion Play" (fecha de salida por confirmar), lanzamiento que además de incluir los 13 temas del álbum, se completa con 5 temas extras:

Erí¤maan Viimeinen (tema nuevo)
The Escapist (tema nuevo)
Meadows of Heaven (versión con orquesta)
The Poet and the Pendulum (demo)
Bye, Bye Beautiful (DJ Orkidea remix).

Por otro lado, NIGHTWISH editarán un single para Finlandia titulado "Erí¤maan Viimeinen" (El último salvaje). "Erí¤maan Viimeinen" es el tema instrumental incluido en "Dark, Passion, Play", aunque para esta ocasión se le han añadido letras en finíés. Las letras son cortesí­a de Jonsu, perteneciente a la banda de pop/rock finlandesa INDICA que abrirá los conciertos de NIGHTWISH en Escandinavia.

Traduccion al ingles de Erí¤maan viimeinen

Wilderness sleeps and I travel in my thoughs
over the woods and sleeping water
Lady Moon lights the sky
Paints the world in shade of north

Is this dream?
Or death where I want to return to place
where embers are giving up hope under the snow
As I step into the world, the time of wilderness

First snow fell twice
Painted the painting of my soul

This bold beauty and infinite loneliness
Of my childhood forest and sky
That beauty echoes through this journey
As the morning dawns, night tells it's story

Bold is beauty and my infinite loneliness
That's what man longs for his soul
The grave of my cradle, the place of my grave
is the last one in the wilderness

Where did the others go?
Swampwitches and towers of the maiden
and the coniferous trees in the shadows
I planted a lily of the valley into eversnow
And as the silence came, I relyed on the future

[archivo adjunto borrado por el administrador]
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 09, 2007, 11:39:03 pm

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 13, 2007, 11:22:18 pm

Me parece muy malo. La primera cosa que no me gusta es que ya tuvieran escritas las canciones (letra y musica!) antes de saber quien las iba a cantar. Asi me explico que en algunas canciones Anette no encaje o este forzada (Cadence of her last breath) (Whoever brings the night

Otras canciones -For the heart I once had- , o son decididamente pop y no encajan en este disco que pretende ser rock o,, decididamente, se hacen cansinas por enormes e incoherentes -The poet and the pendulum-(aqui Tuomas pretendió hacer otra Ghost Love Score, pero se le olvidó que no tenia el talento ni a Tarja)

Hay 3 canciones del album dedicadas a la soprano (Bye bye beatiful, Master Passion Greed y For the heart I once had) Dedicarle 3 canciones demuestra la evidente falta de creatividad de Holopinen, aparte de un ejercicio de hipocresí­a mayúsculo (para que la echó entonces)
De las 3 la mas salvable es Bye bye beatiful. Master passion greed son 6 min de berridos de Marco sin talento. Insufrible.

Dentro de lo salvable del disco está el single Amaranth (aunque su escandaloso parecido a Nemo cabree); la ya mencionada Bye bye beatifuk (aunque es copia de Wish I had an angel); Last of the wilds (instrumental que podrí­a parecer de The Corrs): The islander (donde Marco y Anette hacen un dueto estupendo) o Eva, en la que Anette se luce, y hace que no se eche de menos a Tarja.

Canciones como Sahara, 7 days to the wolves o Meadows of heaven pecan de ser muy largas. Con 1 min menos quedarian perfectas. Así­ aburren.

En resumen: Un album muy irregular y con canciones que no tienen mucho en común. El problema de este Nightwish no es el cambio de vocalista, es la falta de talento de su compositor.

Le doy un 5!
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Ricardo Hernandez en Diciembre 14, 2007, 09:51:08 am
Como para gustos se hicieron los colores y ademas en la variedad está el gusto, voy a dar mi opinión sobre DARK PASSION PLAY (que para eso me la han pedido, jeje):  L:P

En general lo encuentro un muy buen disco, tal vez esperaba menos de la nueva cantante (sobre todo despuíés de oir la previa del Amaranth) o tal vez pensaba que Nightwish iban a comercializarse. El caso es que, en mi modesta opinión, Tuomas no solo demuestra que sigue siendo uno de los mejores compositores del momento, sino que además la banda reafirma su calidad habiíéndose adapatado perfectamente a las nuevas circunstancias. Nightwish ya declaró que no iban a buscar una soprano para sustituir a Tarja, sino que querí­an intentar algo diferente, pero sin abandonar su estilo propio.

Tambiíén es duro enfrentarse a un nuevo album tanto tiempo despuíés de un disco tan lleno de genialidades como fuíé el Once. Las comparativas son inevitables, y mucha gente se pregunta cómo hubiera sonado este Dark Passion Play con Tarja a la voz. Desgraciadamente eso es algo que ya nunca podremos saber, pero el caso es que por fin despues de 3 años tenemos una nueva obra de Nightwish terminada y lista para disfrutar.

Me compríé la edición especial que viene con un 2º CD con todos los temas instrumentales. Me pareció buena idea no sólo por que un bonus CD siempre es muy sugerente para un coleccionista amante de la música, sino como medida preventiva por si Anette resultaba ser demasiado insoportable. Uno no puede olvidar el trauma que supone que una buena banda cambie a su vocalista por un absoluto truño, como ocurrió en su dia con Iron Maiden o mas recientemente con Sirenia, por poner ejemplos. La verdad es que sólo he escuchado el CD instrumental 1 vez ya que no me ha costado mucho acostumbrame a Anette.

Voy a empezar a la inversa, es decir, descartando primero los temas que menos me gustan y que hacen bajar la nota general al album, dejando para el final los que considero mejores:

Whoever Brings the Night es la canción que menos me gusta. No hay una razón especí­fica para elo, simplemente no me va. Me parece muy aburrida y repetitiva y salvo la parte intermedia de los coros el resto es demasiado machacona. Curiosamente es la única canción compuesta enteramente por Emppu, así­ que Tuomas no tuvo nada que ver en ella.

For the Heart I Once had y Amaranth las he juntado porque ambas me parecen exactamente lo mismo: los tí­picos cortes comerciales que hay que meter obligatoriamente para que el disco resulte promocionable en los medios tipo MTV. Se dejan oir, sin mas, y no les veo ninguna pretensión ni de parecerse a Nemo ni a ninguna otra.

By Bye Beautiful la canción dedicada a Tarja, mucho mejor en su letra que en su música, una de las varias cantadas por Marco en este disco, el cual está cogiendo cada vez mas influencia importante en la banda. Una canción para escucharla y no hacerle demasiado caso, supongo que en directo será bastante mas apetecible.

Cadence of Her Last Breath aquí­ Anette demuestra que aunque no posea voz de soprano, sale mas que airosa en cuanto a subir a tonos altos se refiere. Se me atragantan los jadeos aunque entiendo que es parte de la temática de la canción. Marco con sus coros contribuye a darle fuerza. Tampoco es una canción a destacar especialmente, simplemente se deja oir.

7 days to the Wolves compuesta por Marco y Tuomas. Aquí­ por fin empezamos a ver rasgos de genialidad, muy buena instrumentación, una parte intermedia orquestal muy bien construida y un dueto con las voces de Marco y Anette que no deslucen en absoluto. Un buen tema.

Master passion Greed toma ya speed metal! Jukka que bueno eres!!! ^-^ Tema claramente orientado a complacer a los fans mas heavies, con el bueno de Marco despachando su potente voz a gusto y rematado por un final orquestal freníético. Quizás el final sea lo peor ya que esos metales recuerdan un poco al estilo de las bandas sonoras de James Bond, pero el resto del tema está bastante bien y es un placer escuchar a un buen baterí­a como Jukka demostrando que tocar buen metal no es aporrear una baterí­a sin mas.

The Islander un tema compuesto enteramente por Marco y que rompe con lo habitual en Nightwish. Mas folk acústico que otra cosa, con un bellí­simo dueto a las voces entre el propio Marco y Anette. No es el estilo Nightwish tradicional, pero la canción es muy muy buena.

Sahara muy buen tema que recuerda a los clásicos de la banda, con buenos arreglos orquestales y estupendos coros. Con un aire a música arábiga pero tan suave que no resulta pesada. Es uno de esos temas que te preguntas quíé tal habrí­a sonado con Tarja, pero tras escucharlo 3 o 4 veces te acostumbras perfectamente a las inflexiones de Anette.

Eva entramos en los mejores temas de este album. Una preciosa balada en la que Anette se luce a gusto demostrando que tal vez no tendrá la potencia de Tarja pero desde luego tiene mucha mas dulzura y melodí­a en la voz.

Meadows of Heaven otra balada mas, y aun mejor que la anterior que ya es decir. Los arreglos orquestales habituales resultan grandiosos en este tema, Anette está sensacional, su voz es bellí­sima y los coros de Marco en su punto excelente. Para mi gusto sin dudarlo, de lo mejorcito de este Dark Passion Play, de las canciones que mejoran cada vez que la escuchas y que acaba poniíéndote los pelos de punta.

Last of the Wilds mi debilidad, he de reconocer que soy un apasionado de la música celta y que nada me gusta mas que la fusión de rock sinfónico-progresivo y folk celta. Esta canción podrí­a haber estado perfectamente firmada por Mostly Autumn o por Wolfstone, (pero nunca por The Corrs, son demasiado blanditos  L:P). Ya me imagino los botes que vamos a dar escuchando este tema en directo el próximo 16 de abril.

The Poet an the Pendulum Hubiera sido la apoteosis perfecta para este album, pero en lugar de ello lo han puesto como tema que abre el disco. Es una impresionante mini sinfoní­a de 14 minutos en 5 actos basada en el propio viaje por la depresión y el vací­o de la inspiración que sufrió el propio Tuomas hace algunos años y mezclado alegóricamente con el relato "el pozo y el pendulo" de Edgar Alan Poe. Discrepo con Serena tambien en este tema, ni me parece que se parezca en nada a Ghost Love Score ni lo intenta, es simplemente algo diferente, pero compuesto por la misma persona y lógicamente se nota su propio estilo, pero ahí­ acaba toda similitud. Solo con este temazo ya hubiera merecido la pena el Dark Passion Play, os recominedo lo escuchíéis muy atentamente varias veces e iríéis descubriendo poco a poco lo bueno que es.

Resumiendo: un 8 de nota media que no está mal. Ojalá Nightwish siga por muchos años y continúe regalándonos buena música. Y en cuanto a Anette, no es Tarja desde luego, pero tampoco ha pretendido serlo en ningún momento. Los viejos temas no sonarán igual pero los nuevos tendrán otra dimensión que no debemos rechazar. la cantante sueca tiene un buen registro de voz, mucha dulzura y melodí­a y no desfallece en las notas altas. Mas difí­cil será acostumbranos a los viejos temas en directo, pero con buena voluntad y paciencia seguro  que nos vamos haciendo.

Un saludo y perdon por el ladrillazo, siempre me enrollo con estas cosas.  :P
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Diciembre 14, 2007, 11:15:15 pm
Ara me apunto yo a dar la critica del disco  l:U
Esta era mi opinion el disco hace un tiempo..y la verdad no ha cambiado mucho (el cd ya anda apalancado por la estanteria ;) )

Muy maaal  y lo triste es q Anette no tiene para nada la culpa...las canciones son una rayada sin sentido.

Solo me kedo con bye bye beautiful, q por cierto cuando se dio a conocer habí­a un rumor por internet de q tal vez al final de la cancion dijera "die die beautiful". ahora las letras son oficiales y se supone q no lo dice pero la duda era considerable sino escuchad con atencion...
Me pareceria demasiada kemada q fuese asi pero bueno, visto lo visto y tal y como esta tuomas a nivel compositivo... (por cierto creo q ya esta bien de insultarla y de llamarla pu** aunq claro eso siempre q se considere q habla de Tarja en las letras  )

Tb me kedo con cadence of her last breath (por lo mnos tiene un solo decente de emppu), sahara (al mnos suena a nightwish) 7 days to the wolves (por marco) y amaranth (es pegadiza aunq ahi anette no me convence)

Sobre The poet and the pendulum solo me gustan los ultimos 3 minutos, q por certo de los directos q he visto no se parece ni por asomo..

Lo de master passion greed me parece una rayada sin sentido, y no me como unir trozos de diferentes se como explicarlo 

Y eva... ai eva  ...y yo q me kejaba y casi q es lo unico decente del disco...

En cuanto a whoever brings the night creo q la musica esta compuesta por emppu y la letra por tuomas..o eso he leido por internet

For the heart i once verdad es q no es gran cosa, no se ni que relleno pal disco 

the islander creo q esta compuesta por marco. Ahi marco esta bien, cuando kiere canta realmente bien. pero al igual q last of the wilds esta bien para el que le guste ese tipo de sonido con influencias celtas y demas
en cuanto a meadows of heaven, lo mismo, me gusta nada (yo q soy mu rariña jeje) 

Respecto a lo q comenta serena:

Decir q estoy de acuerdo con q a veces anette suena forzada, en mi opinion no sigue una linea como si aun no definiera la forma en q va a cantar con nightwish 
en cuanto a lo de q el disco pretende ser lo tngo nada claro, la verdad es q no se ni como definirlo 
tambien estoy de acuerdo contigo en q las canciones se hacen demasiado largas...ya se q es todo un orgullo para tuomas componer canciones de mas de 3 minutos... pero coño si repites el estribillo tres veces seguidas asi hace canciones largas cualkiera 
en cuanto a lo de q le dedica 3 canciones a tarja igual es cosa mia q toy obsesionada o algo pero me da la sensacion de q le dedica bastantes mas q 3 y lo de q es un hipocrita a mi me lo parece mucho pq de cara a los demas la pone a caer de un pino y luego si lees entre lineas resulta q la adora..pero claro es el el q compone y solo sabe el a ciencia cierta q es lo q significa cada cancion...luego la interpretacion es libre
ah y lo de q eva anette hace q no se eche de menos a tarja, discrepo jeje  habria q ver como cantaba tarjita esa cancion 
en fin: un 10 para tu resumen, no se puede definir mejor 
ah y no me compares the poet and the pendulum con ghost love score por dios! na q ver

en fin..esto es solo mi opinion y claro está, esto es cosa de gustos

Asi q me parece estupenda tb la opinion de Watcher61, es muy respetable.
Pues nada

Decir q no tengo nada en contra de anette ni mucho menos pero me niego a ver más videos de sus versiones de canciones anteriores de nw (tu serena creo q ya sabes pq  l:W)...asi q ya me las contareis jeje  ^-^
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Diciembre 14, 2007, 11:26:18 pm
14.12.2007 - "Erí¤maan Viimeinen" #1 in Finland!

New Nightwish -sigle "Erí¤maan Viimeinen" is #1 in Official Finnish Single Chart!

14.12.2007 - DPP has sold over 100.000 in Finland!

Dark Passion Play -album (released 26th of September) has now sold over 100.000 copies in Finland! Another great news just came from Switzerland: Dark Passion Play has sold platinum!
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 15, 2007, 12:04:28 am
Es curioso has puesto como las mejores canciones a las que habia puesto yo (salvo The Poet and the pendulum)
Ya discutiemos mañana el asunto! L:P
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Diciembre 18, 2007, 04:28:35 pm
Live from Joensuu, Finland, 12. December 2007

"Bye Bye Beautiful"


"Dark Chest Of Wonders"

"The islander"
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Diciembre 19, 2007, 08:02:34 pm
Curiosidad: In the air tonight (de phil collins) cantada por marco  l:W
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 19, 2007, 11:00:27 pm
 ^-^ ^-^ ^-^ ^-^
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 22, 2007, 10:47:43 pm
Humor!!! L:P (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Ricardo Hernandez en Diciembre 23, 2007, 02:40:38 am
Diox que tios mas brutos los de la inciclopedia esa, pero he de reconocer que me he reido hasta llorar. Vaya desparrame.  :) :) :)
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Diciembre 23, 2007, 10:59:11 am
Si q se pasan 3 pueblos pero hay cosas q dan en el clavo xD


Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 25, 2007, 08:48:23 pm
Felicitamos a Tuomas Holopainen, en su 31 cumpleaños!!! ^-^
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Diciembre 26, 2007, 12:18:45 pm
Entrevista a Tuomas (otra mas)
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Enero 04, 2008, 11:08:36 pm
El nuevo disco de NIGHTWISH "Dark Passsion Play", ya es oro en Alemania al haber vendido más de 100.000 copias en ese paí­s. Recibieron el premio el pasado 29 de diciembre durante el festival A Dark Winter´s Night, celebrado en Oberhausen, Germany, donde la banda actuó ante más de 6.000 personas.
El disco tambiíén ha sido certificado triple platino en Finlandia, platino en Suiza y oro en Suecia, Austria y Polonia. .

Además, su nuevo single sólo para Finlandia, "Erí¤maan Viimeinen" (Last of the Wilds), tambiíén ha entrado en el primer puesto de las listas de su paí­s. El tema es la instrumental “Last of the wilds” pero con una letra en finlandíés escrita por la cantante de la banda femenina de pop/rock INDICA, que les telonean en su paí­s.

Recordamos que tocaran en nuestro pais en abril:

Dí­a 14 de Abril - Sala Razzmatazz I - BARCELONA
Dí­a 15 de Abril - Sala Santana 27 - BILBAO
Dí­a 16 de Abril - Sala La Riviera - MADRID
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Enero 04, 2008, 11:15:57 pm
NIGHTWISH's Anette Olzon is featured in the January 2008 issue of Metal Maniacs talking about her band's latest album, "Dark Passion Play". Excerpts follow:

On being a woman in metal:

"All this beautiful [music] is lovely, but you need to be naughty sometimes. I'm a nice girl, but I don't feel all the things I sing about are only from a male perspective. Everyone has sins and naughty thoughts. You just have to bring that out when you're onstage. When I sing 'She Is My Sin', I try to sing it from my perspective, even though it's about a girl."

On how she joined the band after the departure of vocalist Tarja Turunen:

"I think I was among the first 10 or 20 submissions. The sound engineer in my other band said, 'Have you heard? NIGHTWISH kicked out Tarja. You should apply.' I was like, 'No. Why should I?' He said, 'Well, you should hurry up, because I hear they already have someone.' This was like a week after everything happened. I rushed to the studio and asked a friend, did the song rapidly and sent it off. I only sent 'Ever Dream', a new version. We redid the background and guitars. It's my version. Maybe one week later, Tuomas [Holopainen] sent me an email that he really liked it, but it wasn't until September [2006] that I actually met them. They turned me down once, before that! I didn't know why. They didn't say, but I know now it's because I have a child. I was stubborn and during the summer, I sent them some more material, but I still had to wait until late January to know it was me."

On her input for "Dark Passion Play":

“Even if it's the same melody, the way I sing it is a little different in that I accentuated certain words. I really get into 'Eve'. On 'Sahara', at the end, where I had to do the 'ohs,' they just said, 'Do something.' There are lots of little things everywhere. When I sing a song, I never sing exactly how it's written. That's the difference between me and a classical singer. I don't sing by notes. I improvise and sing by hearing, so the interpretation is mine."


Sobre ser una mujer en el metal:

"Toda esta música es encantadora, pero tienes que ser algo traviesa a veces. Soy una buena chica, pero no pienso que todo lo que cante estíé expresando solo el punto de vista masculino. Todo el mundo tiene pecados y malos pensamientos. Solo tienes que sacarlos fuera en el escenario. Cuando canto 'She Is My Sin', intentó hacerlo desde mi perspectiva, aunque hable de una chica."

Acerca de su llegada a NIGHTWISH al marcharse Tarja Turunen:

"Creo que la mí­a fue una de las primeras 10 ó 20 solicitudes. El ingeniero de sonido de mi otra banda dijo: ' ¿Has visto? NIGHTWISH han echado a Tarja. Deberí­as intentarlo.' Yo le respondí­ que no, a lo que me replicó, 'Bueno, pues deberí­as darte prisa porque creo que ya tienen a alguien.' Esto fue una semana despuíés del suceso, fui al estudio de un amigo mí­o, hicimos la canción rápidamente y la mandamos. Solo enví­e una nueva versión de 'Ever Dream'. Rehicimos las bases y las guitarras, se podrí­a decir que es mi versión. Más o menos una semana despuíés, Tuomas Holopainen me envió un mail en el que me dijo que le habí­a gustado, aunque no nos encontramos hasta septiembre del 2006. Al principio me rechazaron, no sabí­a cual era el motivo porque no me lo dijeron, aunque ahora se que fue porque tení­a un hijo. Estaba algo decepcionada, pero seguí­ enviándoles material durante el verano; no supe que era yo hasta enero."

Su aportación a "Dark Passion Play":

“Aunque fuera la misma melodí­a, yo canto de una forma muy distinta, sobre todo a la hora de acentuar ciertas palabras. Me gusta 'Eve'. En 'Sahara', al final cuando canto los 'ohs', solo dijeron, 'haz algo.' Hay muchos pequeños detalles por todos los lados, cuando interpretó un tema, no lo hago exactamente como está escrito. Esa es la principal diferencia entre una cantante clásica y yo, no canto nota a nota. Canto de oí­do, por lo que la interpretación es mí­a."

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 04, 2008, 11:43:56 pm
Al principio me rechazaron, no sabí­a cual era el motivo porque no me lo dijeron, aunque ahora se que fue porque tení­a un hijo

Que capullos cambiachaquetas!!! l:S
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Enero 07, 2008, 10:10:05 pm
Annete colaborara con BROTHER FIRETRIBE (la otra banda de Emppu) cantando con el vocalista de la banda Pekka Ansio Heino en la cancion "Heart Full of Fire". Parece que hay buen rollo entre estos 2  L:P

BROTHER FIRETRIBE, the Finnish AOR/hard rock band featuring NIGHTWISH guitarist Emppu Vuorinen, is hard at work with its second album. A total of 10 songs were demoed for the CD and drums for the entire LP have already been recorded. Guitars have been completed for eight songs, five five of which also have their final keyboard parts. The rest of the keyboard, guitar and bass recordings will be completed in August, and the vocals will be laid down in September. Finally, the album will be mixed and mastered in October.

BROTHER FIRETRIBE's second album will contain the following tracks:

01. Runaways
02. Out of My Head
03. Heard It on My Radio
04. Wildest Dreams
05. Who Will You Run To Now
06. Play It from the Heart
07. Game They Call Love
08. Heart Full of Fire
09. I Am Rock
10. Chasing the Angels (Mike Reno song from "Iron Eagle II")

A single, "Runaways", will precede the album. In addition to the title cut, the single will include the song "Chasing the Angels".

Anette Olzon of NIGHTWISH will share the singing duties with BROTHER FIRETRIBE vocalist Pekka Ansio Heino on the "blazing hot" track "Heart Full of Fire".

Unashamedly taking a bow to their influences from the '80s — VAN HALEN, JOURNEY and other chartbusters of old — BROTHER FIRETRIBE's sound features "killer vocal harmonies and airy keyboard lines that will stick to your head like a misplaced bubble gum," according to a press release. "The cherries on the pie are Pekka Heino's smooth, dreamy voice and Emppu Vuorinen's guitar work, with his immaculate sense of style, rich tone and trademark sound which can't be mistaken, as the hundreds of thousands of fans of NIGHTWISH can attest."


Pekka Ansio Heino (LEVERAGE) - vocals
Emppu Vuorinen (NIGHTWISH) - guitar
Jason Flinck - bass, backing vocals
Kalle "Calu" Torniainen – drums
Tomppa Nikulainen - keyboards

For audio samples, check out
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Enero 07, 2008, 10:36:23 pm
Live from Salzburg, Austria, 28.December 2007

Ever Dream

Nemo (touch me with your love... ;) )
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 07, 2008, 11:12:05 pm
Anette va mejorando! ^-^
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 10, 2008, 11:58:30 pm
El dia 15-02-08 sale el single Bye Bye Beautiful, los contenidos no son nada nuevos, lo que si que me parece impactante es la portada, extremadamente simbólica,la ficha caida es la reina.


1.Bye Bye Beautiful
2.The Poet And The Pendulum (demo version)
4.Bye Bye Beautiful (DJ Orkidea remix)

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Enero 17, 2008, 11:41:56 pm
The Songs That Changed My Life - Tuomas Holopainen

Walking In The Air - Howard Blake

"This is the song from the animated movie 'The Snowman' and it's the song that I would take with me to a desert island. I think it's the most beautiful piece of music ever written, and it brings back a lot of memories for me because in Finland every Christmas Eve they show 'The Snowman' on TV, which makes it a really big part of Christmas. We decided to cover it in homage to the greatest song ever written."
FIND IT: 'The Snowman' soundtrack, 1996.

One - Metallica

I really was not into hard music at all until I saw Metallica in Kansas City in 1992 when I was 15. I was on a foreign exchange thing and the family took me to see Metallica and Guns N' Roses in this huge arena. I remember when I saw Metallica I didn't expect anything, but when Metallica came out with all the pyrotechnics and explosions and stuff I was like, 'This is the coolest thing I've ever seen' and I turned into a metal fan immediately."
FIND IT: 'And Justice For All', 1988

Why So Lonely? - The 3rd And The Mortal

"When I heard this song on Finnish radio was when I discovered females in metal music. That album is still one of my favourites to this day; it brought in this whole new idea of females singing with metal bands, F and definitely without it Nightwish would not exist."
FIND IT: 'Tears Laid In Earth', 1994

Over The Hills And Far Away - Gary Moore

"This was the first music video I saw about 20 years ago and I just immediately fell in love with the song and especially the video. I think it's filmed in Ireland, it's Gary Moore playing among all of this really beautiful Irish scenery, which just looks incredible."
FIND IT: 'Wild Frontier', 1987

The Battle - Hans Zimmer

"From the soundtrack to the movie 'Gladiator'. This is probably the best piece of film music ever written, and it really started me off as a film music maniac. It's about 10 minutes long, and it really captures everything that's great about that movie soundtrack, you can really visualise bits of the movie in the music, which is something I really got into from seeing that film."
FIND IT: 'Gladiator' soundtrack, 2000

Fields of Coral - Vangelis

"If I had to name one song I've listened to the most times in my life, it would be this song. Literally thousands of times and it really hasn't lost any of its appeal at all. It's seven minutes of the same thing over and over again but that atmosphere in it is huge. I've fallen asleep so many times to this song, it is so heavenly."
FIND IT: 'Oceanic', 1996

Sear Me MCMXCIII - My Dying Bride

"My Dying Bride have had a massive impact on me, particularly in my lyric writing; I think Aaron Stanthorpe is one of the best lyricists in the whole world. When I was at high school there was this girl, and she didn't know anything about me, until one day I went to her and gave her the lyrics to this song and said 'This is how I feel about you'. After that we were together for a couple of years!"
FIND IT: 'Turn Loose The Swans', 1993

Guilty Pleasure! Frozen - Madonna  :)

"This song itself is incredible, but what makes the song great for me is the video, because it's probably the best one ever made. I love all the imagery and atmosphere in the video; It's quite dark and looks like something we might do, with all the landscapes and the girl dancing and stuff"
FIND IT: 'Ray of Light', 1998

Tuomas Also Loves

Carcass - 'Heartwork'
Queen - 'The Show Must Go On'
Rammstein - 'Sonne'
Herbie Hancock - 'Chameleon'
Pantera - 'Mouth For War'
Xentrix - 'For Whose Advantage?
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Enero 17, 2008, 11:44:34 pm

German rock band KRIEGER has been confirmed as the support act for NIGHTWISH on the German leg of the Finnish/Swedish symphonic metallers' upcoming tour. Also appearing on the bill is PAIN.
KRIEGER's self-titled debut album was released in August 2007.
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Enero 25, 2008, 09:09:58 pm

NIGHTWISH has been nominated in the following categories at the Emma Gaala (Finnish Grammy equivalent):

* Band Of The Year
* Best Metal Album ("Dark Passion Play")
* Best Album" ("Dark Passion Play")
* Song Of The Year ("Amaranth")
* Best Finnish Artist

Emma Gaala will be held on Saturday March 8, 2008 at Kulttuuritalo in Helsinki.

NIGHTWISH has also been nominated for the German Echo award in the "Rock/Alternative (international)" category.

The Echo awards ceremony will take place on February 15 in Berlin.

NIGHTWISH will perform at Tremont Music Hall in Charlotte, North Carolina on September 24 as part of the third U.S. leg of the band's tour in support of the "Dark Passion Play" album. The trek is tentatively scheduled to begin at the end of August and run through the end of September. Final details, including special guest support and on-sale dates, will be officially announced on April 9. Discussions have also started to bring the band back to North America in early 2009 for additional touring.

NIGHTWISH's latest album, "Dark Passsion Play", has been certified gold in Germany for sales in excess of 100,000 copies. The award presentation took place on December 29, 2007 at the On A Dark Winter's Night Festival in Oberhausen, Germany, where NIGHTWISH played in front of 6,000 fans.

"Dark Passion Play" has been certified triple platinum in the band's home country of Finland, platinum in Switzerland, and gold in Sweden, Austria and Poland.
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Enero 25, 2008, 09:10:37 pm

"7 Days to the Wolves" in Beijing, China on January 21, 2008
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Enero 25, 2008, 09:13:48 pm
Live from Joensuu, Finland, 12. December 2007

Cadence Of Her Last Breath
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 25, 2008, 10:49:23 pm
Nos subiran el conci de finlandia completo? ^-^
Van 5!
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 27, 2008, 08:48:45 pm
El 3º single será........

For the heart I once had

Que mal gusto!!!! l:S
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: OLOROSO en Enero 27, 2008, 10:57:22 pm
en mi modesta opinion, yo creo que le falta un poco de voz a la srta. cantante, y que puede mas la musica que ella, pero como digo en mi modesta opinion, ya que me parece que tienen una buen marcha sus canciones.
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 27, 2008, 11:05:25 pm
en mi modesta opinion, yo creo que le falta un poco de voz a la srta. cantante, y que puede mas la musica que ella, pero como digo en mi modesta opinion, ya que me parece que tienen una buen marcha sus canciones.

Que sorpresa verte por aquí­!!!!!!!!!!!
Coincido en todo lo que dices!!!! ^-^ ^-^ ^-^ ^-^ ^-^
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: OLOROSO en Enero 27, 2008, 11:12:42 pm
aunque no te lo creas, aparte de Luis Miguel tengo el gusto sobre la musica un poco desperdigado y soy de los que piensan que cada musica es para un momento, no tiene que gustarme solo un tipo de cantante o musica ya esta.
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 27, 2008, 11:17:09 pm
Tienes un MP!! ^-^
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: OLOROSO en Enero 27, 2008, 11:33:34 pm
fabuloso, el bateria aunque aporrea mucho la misma creo que se lo podia currar un poco mas, no te parece.
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Enero 30, 2008, 07:05:35 pm
Bye Bye beautiful live at Metropolis Fremantle, WA, Australia, Jan 27 2008.

Videoblog from Nightwish´s Fennoscandian Tour 2007
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 30, 2008, 11:08:18 pm
Audios de directos!!! (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Febrero 03, 2008, 02:23:30 pm
Once There Was conducted an interview with NIGHTWISH keyboardist Tuomas Holopainen on December 5, 2007 in Umeí¥, Sweden. A couple of excerpts from the chat follow;

Once There Was: Even though Anette [Olzon, vocals] is not here let's first talk a bit about NIGHTWISH's U.S. tour. How was it for you guys?

Tuomas: It was much better than we ever hoped for and during the tour we got what we went there for which was basically to get some self-esteem for Anette. And you could really see that during the first two weeks she was a bit scared and a bit more reserved on stage and not that convincing, which is only natural, but at the end of the tour, she was dancing on stage and she owned the whole audience.

Once There Was: But when I saw the gigs from the beginning of the tour I already thought she was quite good…

Tuomas: Yes, it was OK, of course, but you could still see that she was not yet so naturally into it. But she definitely was at the end.

Once There Was: And how did it go with the voice?

Tuomas: She had her bad days, but that was to be expected, as it will have to be in the future as well. And we had this little three-minute-discussion after the show in Portland where we basically just said, "Stop whining! And stop being such a perfectionist!" Because even though perfectionism is a virtue, in a way, it also poisons the whole atmosphere when it goes over the top. So that was like really the breaking point of the whole tour, I would say. We just told her to stop complaining about not being able to do everything perfectly every night. That's not the idea. But it was also a lot of fun, of course. We had some off days and we went to Disneyland and to Universal Studios in Orlando. And I even got to go to Disneyland with my mom and dad, which was like a once-in-a-lifetime treat. The whole tour was a lot of fun. Well, the beginning was actually a little bit of a hassle, because of sickness and so. The funny thing was that we asked Anette a million times, "Do you have any idea what you are getting yourself into?" and she was always like, "Yeah, yeah…I know." And after two weeks in the U.S., she admitted, "I had no idea." It was kinda funny.

Once There Was: But I guess that is natural.

Tuomas: Yes, you cannot have any idea as long as you don't experience it.

Once There Was: Another important issue in the music business is that illegal downloading is widespread. Do you think it has an effect on you guys like income-wise or anything at all? You as a big-selling artist and you as a not-so-big-selling artist…

Tuomas: When it comes to us, I think it definitely has an impact, but it also goes both ways. So I think in the end it doesn't really hurt us that much. I would like to think that our fans are still the kind of people who want to buy the real thing with the real cover and booklet and everything. And it's also good advertising, you know. You don't have to go to a shop and listen to the album, you can just go to the Internet, download a few songs and then be like, "OK, this sounds good." And I really think that they want to buy the whole album. If there are 10,000 people in the world who don't want to buy it, who are satisfied with just downloading it, it doesn't matter because the commercial factor of the Internet compensates it.

Once There Was: Are there any other current issues in music business that you feel are important and affecting you in some way?

Tuomas: Well, I think this whole thing about releasing an album in different versions is totally getting out of hand. If somebody is doing it, then someone else makes a counterattack and then they make a counterattack and now there is like I don't even know how many different versions of our singles and CDs. And this is all about selling more albums and getting the single to be in the charts longer, it's all about that. This is the way music business works these days. I think it kinda sucks, but, of course, I also don't want to have any bad blood between us and the record labels because they have to do what they have to do. I think it would be really naive for us to say to them "No, you can just have this one version!" because they are trying to do the best for us as well. But I understand the fans' frustration also. And the other thing that really sucks is that the radios are really strict these days, at least the big commercial radios, about how long tracks can be. It's gone to the limits beyond ridiculous. It depends on the country of course but for instance UK said that they were not going to play "Amaranth", not once.
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 06, 2008, 12:03:31 am
confirmados para Lorca 2008    .
Festival 25 y 26 de Julio, 50 € adelantado, 60 en taquilla.

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Febrero 06, 2008, 09:18:19 pm
Tour video Japan China Australia 2008
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 10, 2008, 10:43:10 pm
Entrevista!! (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Febrero 16, 2008, 02:57:41 pm
Finnish/Swedish symphonic metallers NIGHTWISH performed at the German Echo Awards Friday, February 15 in Berlin. The ceremony was broadcast in Germany on the RTL network starting at 8:15 p.m. CET.

NIGHTWISH will perform at Tremont Music Hall in Charlotte, North Carolina on September 24 as part of the third U.S. leg of the band's tour in support of the "Dark Passion Play" album. The trek is tentatively scheduled to begin at the end of August and run through the end of September. Final details, including special guest support and on-sale dates, will be officially announced on April 9. Discussions have also started to bring the band back to North America in early 2009 for additional touring.

Fan-filmed video footage of NIGHTWISH performing the song "Amaranth" in Melbourne, Australia on January 30, 2008 can be viewed below.
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Febrero 16, 2008, 03:00:41 pm
NIGHTWISH and CHRIS CORNELL are among the confirmed bands for the Rock Werchter festival, set to take place July 3-6 in Werchter, Belgium.

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Febrero 16, 2008, 03:02:50 pm
Finnish/Swedish symphonic metallers NIGHTWISH performed the song "Amaranth" at the German Echo Awards Friday night (February 15) in Berlin. Footage of the playback performance, which was broadcast in Germany on the RTL network, can be viewed below.

NIGHTWISH was honored with an Echo award in the "Rock/Alternative (International)" category. The other nominees in that category were FOO FIGHTERS, KAISER CHIEFS, MARILYN MANSON and WITHIN TEMPTATION.
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 16, 2008, 10:36:40 pm
Entrevista!! (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Febrero 23, 2008, 10:08:32 pm
NIGHTWISH's latest album, "Dark Passsion Play", has been certified quadruple-platium in Finland for sales in excess of 120,000 copies. The has also been certified platinum in Switzerland, and gold in Germany, Sweden, Austria and Poland.

In other news, NIGHTWISH has officially sold out of all VIP tickets for its spring 2008 tour.
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Febrero 23, 2008, 10:13:14 pm
The poet and the pendulum en 2 partes:
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 23, 2008, 11:14:35 pm
No está mal!
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 23, 2008, 11:30:17 pm
Sacrament of Wilderness (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 25, 2008, 10:53:57 pm
3º single "The Islander"

Como muchas quinielas vaticinaban el tercer single (oficial despuíés del descabalabro finíés del Last of the wilds) es The Islander. El video se ha grabado en Rovaniemi y del cual no hay imágenes todaví­a.
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 01, 2008, 08:20:27 pm
The Siren (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 11, 2008, 11:05:37 pm
El tercer single es The Islander, sale el 21 de mayo y el tracklist es este:

1. The Islander
2. Escapist (instrumental version)
3. Meadows Of Heaven (orchestral version)

Además incluye los videos Bye Bye Beautiful y The Islander

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Marzo 12, 2008, 10:37:50 pm
NIGHTWISH were honored in the following categories at the Emma Gaala (Finnish Grammy equivalent)(Saturday, March 8)

* Band Of The Year
* Best Metal Album ("Dark Passion Play")
* Best Album" ("Dark Passion Play")

NIGHTWISH was also nominated in the "Song Of The Year" ("Amaranth") "Best Finnish Artist" categories.

Photos of Finnish/Swedish symphonic metallers NIGHTWISH and Sweden's PAIN performing at Tivoli Hall in Ljubljana, Slovenia on March 4, 2008 can be viewed at

ANNIHILATOR, EDGUY, NEVERMORE, NIGHTWISH, SODOM and TRISTANIA are among the bands that performed at the 2008 edition of Greece's MMD (March Metal Day) festival on March 8 at Olympic Fencing Arena in Athens.

Check out photos from the event at
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Marzo 12, 2008, 10:47:34 pm
Amplio un pokito lo del single ;-)

NIGHTWISH lanzarán el tercer single de su último disco "Dark Passion Play" el 30 de mayo.

El tema elegido es "The Islander", cuya edición incluirá:


1 The Islander (edit)
2 The Islander (versión completa)
3 Escapist (versión instrumental)
4 Meadows of Heaven (versión orquestal)


1 The Islander - ví­deo clip (edit)
2 The Islander - ví­deo clip (í­ntegro)
3 Making Of "The Islander" - dcumental

El clip se grabó en Rovaniemi, Finlandia cerca del cí­rculo polar ártico a finales del 2007, y fue dirigido por Stobe Harju.

Estará disponible en las siguientes versiones:

NIGHTWISH – The Islander:

- Limitado CDS + DVD en digipak
- CD Single
- Vinilo picture de 12" con carpeta doble.

Recordar sus conciertos:

Dí­a 14 de Abril - Sala Razzmatazz I - BARCELONA
Dí­a 15 de Abril - Sala Santana 27 - BILBAO
Dí­a 16 de Abril - Sala La Riviera - MADRID
Dí­a 26 de Julio - LORCA ROCK - MURCIA
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 12, 2008, 10:53:30 pm
The Islander (

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Marzo 12, 2008, 11:01:09 pm
Set list que interpretaron en Milán:

Intro + Bye Bye Beautiful
Dark Chest of Wonders
Whoever Brings the Night
Ever Dream
The Siren
The Islander
The Poet and the Pendulum
Sacrament of Wilderness
7 Days to the Wolves
Wish I Had an Angel

Podíéis ver fotos del concierto en Musica Metal.
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 12, 2008, 11:13:41 pm
Pelin corto!!!!
14 canciones!
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Marzo 16, 2008, 02:21:21 pm
Ever dream_Tarja vs Annete :003:

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 16, 2008, 08:13:33 pm
Otra colaboración!

La cantante de Nightwish participará como invitada en el nuevo disco de The Rasmus, en un dueto con Lauri titulado "Black Roses".

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 24, 2008, 11:34:24 pm
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 25, 2008, 11:50:23 pm
Buena web de fotos!! (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Marzo 27, 2008, 02:54:53 pm
Nightwish live concert on the internet, at YeboTV - 10/19/2007

The poet and the pendulum (parte 1)

The poet and the pendulum (parte 2)
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Marzo 27, 2008, 02:56:50 pm
Bye bye beautifull


se que keda mal esto... pero la verdad es q me ha dado la risa viendo este conciertillo... :013: fiu
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Marzo 27, 2008, 03:07:26 pm
NIGHTWISH will be IRON MAIDEN frontman Bruce Dickinson's guests on Friday, April 4 during Bruce's weekly BBC 6 Music radio show, aptly named "The Bruce Dickinson Friday Rock Show". Listen to the program live via the Internet between 10:00 p.m. and 1:00 a.m. U.K. time at

Some songs from NIGHTWISH's concert in Frankfurt, Germany will be broadcast on Germany's biggest rock and metal radio show, "HR3 Hard 'n' Heavy - Die Lange Harte Nacht", on Friday, April 4 at 11:30 p.m. CET. International listeners can listen to the program via the Internet at this location:

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 27, 2008, 05:21:46 pm
Dios mí­o, Amaranth es penosa! :028: :001: :001:
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 27, 2008, 11:55:32 pm
Last Of The Wilds (live) (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Marzo 28, 2008, 02:20:06 pm
En Europa
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 28, 2008, 05:07:52 pm
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Marzo 29, 2008, 09:03:17 pm
Los solos de guitarra de Emppu extraidos del end of an era  :009:
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 29, 2008, 11:39:38 pm
 :021: :021: :021: :021:
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Abril 10, 2008, 12:19:20 am
El VIERNES 11 de Abril, celebra una gran FIESTA NIGHTWISH en el Heavy Pub TRILOGY de ZARAGOZA, (c/Pilar Lorengar, 18) a partir de las 22:30 horas.

Habrá MUCHOS REGALOS relacionados con su último álbum "Dark Passion Play", cortesí­a de su discográfica Pias Spain/Nuclear Blast.

Tambiíén SORTEARAN ENTRADAS, cortesí­a de Frontline, para sus conciertos en Barcelona, el 14 de abril, y Madrid, el 15 de abril.

Presenta y pinchará hasta la madrugada Rafa Basa.

Recordamos la gira de conciertos de NIGHTWISH:
Dí­a 14 de Abril - Sala Razzmatazz I - BARCELONA

Dí­a 15 de Abril - Sala Santana 27 - BILBAO

Dí­a 16 de Abril - Sala La Riviera - MADRID

Dí­a 26 de Julio - LORCA ROCK - MURCIA
Se pueden encontrar fotos de alta resolución en la página de la revista Noizz Eater (Imágenes no profesionales del concierto ofrecido por NIGHTWISH el pasado 31 de marzo).
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Abril 10, 2008, 12:21:27 am
Los promotores de la gira de NIGHTWISH en nuestro paí­s han comentado que quedan entradas aún para los conciertos, pero que preveen que se agoten en muy pocos dí­as.
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Abril 10, 2008, 12:56:53 am

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 12, 2008, 12:17:22 am
While your lips are still red (Paris) (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Abril 15, 2008, 05:39:21 pm
Domingo 6 de Abril de 2008 - Le Zenith - PARIS

Mucha era la expectación que levantaron los finlandeses a su paso por tierras francesas y pocas las decepciones. Ya desde primera hora de la mañana empezaron a formarse grandes colas en las proximidades de la entrada de Le Zenith, jóvenes ataviados con camisetas de DREAM THEATHER, IRON MAIDEN y por supuesto de los propios NIGHTWISH, dispuestos a darle un recibimiento triunfal o una despedida sin honoros a la joven Anette Olzon, nueva cantante de la formación y sustituta de Tarja Turunen, una "Juana de Arco" moderna con la que muchos de los allí­ presentes simpatizaban y elogiaban su fuerza y su carisma.
Pues bien, no sólo no defraudaron sino que desde el primer momento los de Kitee supieron meterse a su público en el bolsillo. No estoy hablando de un montaje espectacular capaz de levantar ensoñaciones, que lo habí­a, ni de un sonido casi propio de un disco, del cuál tambiíén disfrutamos, sino de las sonrisas y las ilusiones que supieron levantar en aquella noche mágica de domingo donde Peter Tí¤gtren y el resto de Pain hicieron de maestros de ceremonias.
Anette salió a por todas, embutida en su ya habitual conjunto negro, y con "Bye Bye Beautiful" casi póstumo, que cerró una etapa dentro del grupo, demostró porque habí­a sido elegida por los de Mr. Holopainen. No es que tenga buena voz, es que lo suyo es la facilidad con la que llega a los tonos, lo naturales que resuenan, lo fácil que desde su boca sale aquello de "Finally, the hills are without eyes", y de ahí­ a "Dark Chest Of Wonders", casi íépica, con un set de fuegos artificiales más propios de un grupo del tamaño de Metallica o Iron Maiden y que se mantuvieron hasta prácticamente el final del show.
Y perdónenme que lo repita, pero esto es un grupo. Con Anette ha llegado la estabilidad, ha llegado la compenetración y por fí­n no sientes estar ante la mera comparsa que provocan las personalidades de Tuomas Holopainen y Tarja, sientes que tanto el pequeño guitarrista Emppu como Marco tienen mayor presencia, que sus riffs suenan brutales y que temas como "Dead To The World" fueron concebidos para ser interpretados de esta manera. NIGHTWISH es más NIGHTWISH, es más grupo.
Tras este pequeño paso por "Century Child" le tocó el turno a "While your lips are still red", de la pelí­cula "Lieksa" y que tocaron como exclusiva para el público parisino. Aquí­ las luces se tornan rojas, los focos móviles cesan su actividad durante unos minutos y el público comulga con grupo en un rabioso silencio, casi latente. Tras ella la recta final del show, con "Sahara" y sus tonos amarillos y la casi inevitable "Nemo"
El bis, más largo que de costumbre, sirvió para confirmar que si hay una banda europea que pueda llevar orgullosa el estandarte de ser europea es NIGHTWISH, que "7 days to the wolves" es un tema rápido, directo, como tambiíén lo es "Wish I Had An Angel", canción con la que concluyeron la noche. Sin duda, una noche para recordar.


Bye Bye Beautiful
Dark Chest Of Wonders
Whoever brings the night
The Siren
The Islander
The Poet And The Pendulum
Dead To The World
While your lips are still red
7 days to the wolves
Wish I Had An Angel

Texto: Nicolás Garcí­a.
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Abril 15, 2008, 05:41:53 pm
Entrevista a Marco:

A su paso por Paris aprovechamos la inmejorable ocasión para ponernos frente a frente junto a Marco Hietala, bajista de NIGHTWISH, comentar como estaba marchando la gira y como ha transcurrido todo este tiempo desde la salida de Tarja Turunen hasta este medio año que llevan ya por todo el mundo…

- ¿Contento con cómo andan las cosas?

Marco.- "La verdad es que sí­. Hoy estamos aquí­ en Paris, en Francia, con un pabellón totalmente lleno y un montón de gente que ha venido a vernos desde lejos, como tú… Llevamos ya más de medio año de gira, medio año en el que han pasado muchas cosas, hemos estado en Japón, volvemos a Estados Unidos en unos dí­as,… ¡muy contentos!"

- Me ha sorprendido mucho el montaje que lleváis en directo, todas esas luces, muchos móviles y efectos… ¿Lleváis todo este montaje en todos los conciertos?

Marco.- "Sí­, muchas veces puedes montar menos por las limitaciones de las salas, en algunos sitios puedes usar pirotecnia, en otros no, pero la base es la misma. El grupo ha crecido mucho en estos últimos años y lo justo es darle a los fans lo que se merece, llevar un set con el que poder crear atmósferas distintas, diferentes luces, algo a la altura de un grupo de nuestras caracterí­sticas pero que seguramente gustará a más de uno. Hemos trabajado mucho en crear una idea que funcionase en conjunto."

- ¿Quíé canción es tu favorita en directo?

Marco.- "Hay muchas (se queda pensando) pero de todas ahora mismo me quedarí­a con "The Poet And The Pendulum", el primer tema de "Dark Passion Play", creo que tiene mucha intensidad en disco, una intensidad casi íépica, pero que alcanza su mejor momento cuando la tocamos en directo, cuando la hacemos más grande, más ambiciosa, en el sentido bueno de la palabra. Es un tema largo, con partes casi thrasticas, partes íépicas, una parte final más tranquila… es una canción que está funcionando muy bien y que me gusta mucho tocar."

- ¿Quíé tal con Anette?

Marco.- "Genial, muy muy bien. Llevamos ya medio año girando juntos, compartiendo camerinos, viviendo grandes conciertos y aunque el comienzo fue difí­cil tambiíén nosotros hemos intentado hacer la gira lo más agradable posible para ella. Anette es una persona que se exige mucho, que trata de hacerlo lo mejor posible y tambiíén la gente ha estado más atenta de ella, para ver si lo habí­a bien, si superaba a Tarja. Por otro lado nunca habí­a estado en una gira de estas dimensiones y ha sido un salto importante para ella; el meterse en una gira así­ donde prácticamente tocas un dí­a sí­ y otro tambiíén puede estresar a cualquiera pero lo está llevando muy bien y todo marcha sobre ruedas; estamos muy contentos."

- ¿Quíé le dirí­as a la gente que aún no ha escuchado "Dark Passion Play"?

Marco.- "Podrí­a decir lo tí­pico; que es nuestro mejor álbum hasta la fecha pero creo tambiíén la gente deberí­a escucharlo y juzgar cada uno. Ha sido un paso importante para nosotros porque hemos pasado de tener a una cantante tan personal como Tarja, con un tono muy operí­stico, a tener a Anette, que tiene una maravillosa voz pero otro estilo, un estilo más con los pies en la tierra por así­ decirlo, pero creo que hemos sabido estar a la altura. Creo que es un disco que tiene de todo, es un disco largo donde hay desde partes celtas hasta una gran orquestación, voces masculinas,... Sin duda creo que es un álbum que no defrauda a quiíén lo escucha."

- ¿Y a aquellos que no se han quedado contentos con el cambio de vocalista? ¿Quíé piensan que Anette no puede llegar a los tonos de Tarja?

Marco.- "Bueno, es su opción. Cuando cambias de cantante siempre hay canciones que la nueva cantante se siente más cómoda cantando de otra manera. Anette es hoy por hoy la cantante de NIGHTWISH y no sólo nosotros estamos muy orgullosos de ella, hay muchí­sima gente a quiíén le gusta mucho, gente como la que llena hoy este pabellón. Creo que Anette es una cantante más versátil, no se puede comparar con Tarja, que tambiíén era una gran cantante, es más bien distinta; pero lo importante aquí­ son las canciones, las canciones no sólo están hechas de voz, están hechas de guitarras, baterí­a, bajo, teclados... Si te fijas en el conjunto y aún así­ no te gusta pues es tu problema, no pasa nada y lo respetamos; no puedes gustar a todo el mundo."

- En esta tramo de la gira vais con Pain, el proyecto paralelo de Peter Tí¤gtren de Hypocrisy, ¿quíé tal con ellos?

Marco.- "No los conocí­a antes de tocar con ellos y la verdad es que es gente muy maja. Hemos tenido alguna que otra noche de estar hablando hasta las mil y de tomar algunas copas juntos (risas) El grupo tiene mucha energí­a y una imagen muy cuidada, a la gente le está gustando mucho."

- ¿Con ganas de tocar en España?

Marco.- "Todaví­a nos quedan cuatro conciertos más hasta llegar allí­ pero hay muchas ganas, nunca hemos tocado en Bilbao, por ejemplo, y aparte me han dicho que el tiempo es muy bueno."

Nicolas Garcí­a
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Abril 15, 2008, 05:43:00 pm

Saludo grabado por Marco, antes de sus conciertos en nuestro paí­s:
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Abril 15, 2008, 05:44:47 pm
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 15, 2008, 08:26:16 pm
Está chulo! :021: :021: :021:
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 15, 2008, 10:34:49 pm

Ayer aterrizaron en Barcelona la gira de PAIN y NIGHTWISH.... Al llegar a las inmediaciones de la Sala Razzmatazz se veí­a una cola inmensa de gente rodeando todo el perí­metro de la sala esperando para entrar.... preveyendo un lleno histórico en la ciudad condal, para ver el primer concierto de Nightwish con su nueva cantante Anette Olzon.

Mucho se ha hablado y se ha debatido entre la etapa de Tarja Turunen enfrente a esta de Anette Olzon y estos nuevos temas, o sobre la adaptación de ella a los temas antiguos. Quizá cada uno que esperaba en esa cola guardaba un trozo de morbo para ver si la sueca superarí­a o igualarí­a a la Señorita Turunen, o todo lo quedarí­a en el más absoluto de los rí­diculos, o simplemente vení­an a ver un buen show musical......Dentro de nada se iban a resolver todas esas dudas.

PAIN resolví­an su papeleta de jugar de anfitriones para los de Finlandia, vení­an presentando su último Psalms of Extinction que ya reseñamos aquí­ en su dí­a.... Metal Industrial con la voz principal de Peter Tí¤gtren que atronaba en toda Razzmatazz, al sonido de los riffs machacantes de PAIN o en algunos de sus diferentes bases electrónicas hicieron caldear el ambiente de gran parte de la sala. Gran momento final con "Shut your Mouth". A modo personal hay que decir que quizá no fueran los teloneros más idoneos para Nightwish, pero hay que decir tambiíén que hicieron un gran show atronador, profesional y "fiestero" en algunos momentos....

Despuíés de la actuación de los suecos, se preparó el equipo para Nightwish, con esas esperas un tanto largas y silbidos del respetable.... Un poco antes de las nueve y media se apagaron las luces y comenzó a sonar una intro desatando la locura de todo el público, para comenzar con "Bye Bye Beautiful". Despuíés de esto se fueron sucediendo los 14 temas del set con un ambiente más que amigable desapareciendo por completo los aires de individualismo del pasado y dando una sensación de frescura y unidad que como decimos antes puede que no llegaran a tener.

En cuanto a Anette es obvio que no llega a cantar como Tarja Turunen, ya que cantan en registros diferentes. Pero la "herencia" que recoge no es del todo buena ya que afrontar con todo lo que dejó Tarja es dificil como hemos dicho, aun así­ Anette hizo un show más que notable cantando todos los temas en su registro dándolo todo al público. Hubo momentos para todo, para estar más cómoda en los temas de "Dark Passion Play" como en Sahara o Amaranth... Duetos más activos con Marco como en Dead to the world o Wishmaster, y hubo momentos que tambiíén tuvo que pelear lo suyo porque no decirlo... A nivel de grupo, ofrecieron un gran alarde de tíécnica y como decimos de unión, que antes no estaba tan presente.

A nivel visual el espectáculo es muy interesante y atractivo, con un gran telón de fondo y un gran juego de luces con varios cañones que hací­an vibrar más el ambiente. Todo eso sumado al nivel musical del grupo hicieron que pasaramos una gran velada. Sin duda hay que darle rodaje a estos nuevos Nigtwish, que ahora si como un verdadero grupo pueden aspirar a mucho... Rodaje basicamente a Anette, que se crea encima del escenario que es la cantante de uno de los grupos más influyentes a nivel internacional.

Para acabar, este es el set-list que interpretaron:

1.-Intro + Bye Bye Beautiful
2.-Dark Chest of Wonders
3.-Whoever brings the night
6.-The Islander
7.-Poet and the pendulum
8.-Dead to the world
9.-Last of the wilds
12.-Seven Days to the Wolves
14.-Wish I had an angel

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 15, 2008, 11:14:05 pm
En Australia!

Intro+Bye Bye Beautiful (

Cadence of her last breath (

Dark Chest of Wonders (

Ever Dream (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 15, 2008, 11:27:37 pm
Amaranth (

Whoever brings the night (

Sahara (

Mañana pongo el resto
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Abril 16, 2008, 05:04:53 pm
otra critica ;-)

Lunes 14 de Abril de 2008 - Sala Razzmatazz I - Barcelona

PAIN, o el alter-ego del hiperactivo Hypocrisy Pete Tí¤gtgren fueron los encargados de abrir fuego en una sala Razzmataz que ya presentaba una imagen excelente al inicio de su concierto. A Tí¤gtgren, quien recibiera en este mismo tour una paliza que le propinaron unos indeseables en Leipzig, se le han unido esta vez quien se rompiera la nariz en la misma, el bajista Johann Husgafvel, el contusionado David Tallin a la baterí­a y el guitarrista Reníé Sebastian.

Realmente poco o nada tienen que ver NIGTHWISH con PAIN, aunque sí­ lo más importante para compartir escenario, el mismo sello discográfico, Roadrunner Records. Precisamente con este sello, Pain ha publicado el que para un servidor es el mejor álbum de su discografí­a, con perdón de "Rebirth" y "Nothing Remains The Same", "Psalms Of Extinction", cenit de un metal electrónico industrial que Tí¤gtgren ha ido perfeccionando y depurando álbum tras álbum, imprimiendo el mismo sello de calidad caracterí­stico con el que marca los trabajos de HYPOCRISY.

Para hacer honor a un álbum con fuerte presencia de teclados, se hizo imprescindible el uso de samplers grabados durante la media hora que duró el set, muy bien recibido por la audiencia. En íél presentaron piezas de toda su discografí­a, a excepción del debut "Pain". Entre ellos, destacar la curiosa versión de la canción "Eleanor Rigby" de los Beatles, dos temazos del nuevo álbum que sonaron sin respiro (la verdad es que fueron a por faena), "Zombie Slam" y una "Nailed To The Ground" de riffs más contundentes que en el álbum, donde Tí¤gtgren ofreció sus primeros gritos death terminando con unas melódicas guitarras dobladas.

Para acabar, un trí­o de canciones muy buenas, la lenta "Just Hate Me", "On & On", con la que se recuperó la caña para rematarla con "Shut Your Mouth". Entretenido y aplaudido concierto.

Set List

Same Old Song (Dancing With The Dead)
Eleanor Rigby (Nothing Remains The Same)
End of the Line (Rebirth)
Zombie Slam (Psalms Of Extinction)
Nailed to the Ground (Psalms Of Extinction)
Just Hate Me (Nothing Remains The Same)
On and On (Rebirth)
Shut Your Mouth (Nothing Remains The Same)


Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Abril 16, 2008, 05:08:17 pm
Y llegó el turno de NIGHTWISH, o líéase el turno de la reivindicación de Anette Olzon como nueva vocalista, o el turno de la reafirmación de NIGHTWISH como grupo más allá de Tarja Turunen.

Y es que los finlandeses (ahora tambiíén un poquito suecos tras la incorporación de Anette) son uno de los grupos de moda, habiíéndose forjado una importante legión de fans especialmente entre los sectores más jóvenes. Este hecho se hizo especialmente remarcable en la grande de las Razzmatazz, donde a ojo de buen cubero la media de edad de los presentes no debí­a superar los 25 años.

El cambio de vocalista ha sido tema de interíés mundial (metalero) durante muchos meses. Se ha hablado y debatido el tema hasta la saciedad, hecho en parte alimentado por los propios protagonistas con sus cruces de acusaciones y descalificativos.

Pero como reza la canción, "Bye Bye Beautiful" (y tan beautiful, me permito remarcar). Es hora no solo de girar página sino de cerrar el libro, pues el cambio de vocalista ha marcado el devenir de NIGHTWISH encaminando su estilo hacia unos sonidos menos íépicos y bombásticos en pos de un sonido más edulcorado por la propia voz de Anette. El tí­tulo del DVD "End Of An Era" ya lo decí­a todo. Haber buscado otra Tarja hubiera sido un error, y eso Tuomas Holopainen lo sabe de sobra, pues si ahora la sombra de la soprano sobrevuela la cabeza de Olzon, en caso de otra cantante de aires operí­sticos directamente se hubiera adosado a su cuerpo ad eternum.

Así­ pues, la expectación era máxima para ver como se desenvolví­a la valiente reciíén llegada sobre las tablas. La cola que daba la vuelta entera a la sala una hora antes de la apertura de puertas es sintomático. Bajo el brazo, un "Dark Passion Play" notable, pero que no ha acabado de satisfacer a los turunistas más acíérrimos.

Un servidor tampoco estaba convencido del resultado de las nuevas canciones sobre el escenario, y tení­a curiosidad por saber si los nuevos temas ganaban fuerza en directo. El resultado fue más que positivo, pues sonaron de fábula ganando enteros respecto al álbum. Incluso la larga "The Poet And The Pendulum" fue una de las más destacadas de la velada. Tambiíén tení­a interíés por ver como Annette se desenvolví­a con los temas de la era Tarja, y calcular su grado de destierro del nuevo repertorio. Es inevitable e incluso lógico que vayan perdiendo protagonismo con el tiempo, quedando relegados a dos o tres hits en un futuro no muy lejano, tan lejano como tarde en publicarse un nuevo álbum.

Y se cumplió el pronóstico. Del setlist, ocho temas pertenecen al nuevo álbum, cuatro a "Once" y únicamente "Wishmaster" y "Dead To The World" echaron un poco la vista atrás. Todo apunta a que tanto "Oceanborn" como "Angels Fall First" han quedado (¿injustamente?) defenestrados para siempre. Anette bordó no solo sus temas "propios", cantando a un excelente nivel y forzando agudos al máximo, sino tambiíén los de "Once", temas que se adaptan fácilmente a su voz y que perdieron cierta íépica y majestuosidad pero ganaron en frescura. Sonaron distintos, sí­, pero el resultado no defraudó.

No puedo decir lo mismo de "Wishmaster", un tema más complicado de interpretar, donde la vocalista pinchó. Pero no solo ella, sino todo el conjunto. Sonó floja, muy floja, aunque un tema como este provoca la locura colectiva por sí­ mismo, se toque como se toque.

Con un griterí­o como hací­a tiempo no escuchaba en Razzmatazz arrancó "Bye Bye Beatiful". Situar esta canción en el mismo inicio del concierto es toda una declaración de intenciones, y sobretodo un golpe sobre la mesa. Es la manera con la que el grupo y especialmente Anette gritan al público que se olviden de Tarja, que ellos son NIGHTWISH y que están en Barcelona para ofrecer un gran concierto. Solo habí­a que ver la rabia del bajista/vocalista Marco Tapani Hietala entonando "Did you ever listen to what we played?" o "Did we play to become only pawns in the game?".

Hablando de Marco, serí­a injusto no valorar su aportación a las voces, antes un poco ensombrecidas por la presencia de Tarja, pero que con Anette han ganado protagonismo. De hecho, en algunas ocasiones en que la sueca y Marco combinaban voces la del bajista sobresalí­a e incluso anulaba a la otra.

"Dark Chest Of Wonders" sonó muy bien en voz de Anette, quien no paró de bailar en "Whoever Brings The Night", junto a un grupo como siempre muy activo como quedó demostrado en la arábiga "The Siren", bien acompañada por Marco a los coros. Precisamente como sirena en el agua se sintió Anette al ver recompensadas al 100% sus llamadas de participación del público en una "Amaranth" muy bien recibida desde sus primeras notas de teclado.

Una intro de lluvia precedió y la oscuridad envolvió a la balada "The Islander", donde Emppu y Marco tocaron sentados sus acústicas, acompañado este último discretamente a la voz por Anette quien por cierto llevaba una corona de brillantes. Y siguiendo el mismo orden que en el álbum, y de nuevo tras otra intro, irrumpió una amena "The Poet And The Pendulum", donde Olzon estuvo excelente en los tonos más altos mientras Marco hizo lo suyo en los pasajes más agresivos.

"Dead To The World" perdió la teatralidad de Tarja pero en contrapartida sonó más accesible y directa. Anette desapareció en la instrumental "Last Of The Wilds", en la que vimos uno de los pocos solos de la noche de Emppu Vuorinen, para aparecer de nuevo chupa-chup en boca para cantar (ya sin íél) "Sahara" y una coreadí­sima "Nemo" con el que se cerró el set.

Tras los gritos de "NIGHTWISH" aparecieron los í­dem para interpretar el medio tono de "7 Days To The Wolves" y una "Wishmaster" en la que por primera vez en todo el concierto Anette sufrió para adaptarla a su tonalidad, sin poder llegar a los agudos originales. Tampoco la música le acompañó, en un pequeño desconcierto instrumental que marcó el único punto negro de la noche. Eso sí­, el público aplaudió de lo lindo el esfuerzo, mientras Anette se sentaba en la tarima de la baterí­a resoplando y secándose el sudor.

Se resarció para jugar a pregunta/respuesta cantada con el público a capella, para finalizar los bises con una potente "Wish I Had An Angel" que volvió a retomar el buen rumbo del concierto para acabarlo a lo grande, con muchos aplausos y el grupo bajando a saludar a la grada.

Al final, un set list poco apetecible que invitaba al pesimismo, acabó por guiar un gran concierto en el que vimos a unos NIGHTWISH que parece que han superado el escollo de la marcha (despedida) de Tarja perfectamente con una Anette que se ganó el corazón del público con su simpatí­a y accesibilidad, y sobretodo por mostrar gran profesionalidad a la voz en unos temas que ha sabido llevar a su terreno dotándolos de nuevos aires. Aires distintos, ni mejores ni peores, que junto a la entrega y energí­a sobre el escenario de los instrumentistas finlandeses hicieron disfrutar a todos, que es de lo que se trata al fin y al cabo.

Set List:

Bye Bye Beautiful (Dark Passion Play)
Dark Chest Of Wonders (Once)
Whoever Brings The Night (Dark Passion Play)
The Siren (Once)
Amaranth (Dark Passion Play)
The Islander (Dark Passion Play)
The Poet And The Pendulum (Dark Passion Play)
Dead To The World (Century Child)
Last Of The Wilds (Dark Passion Play)
Sahara (Dark Passion Play)
Nemo (Once)
7 Days To The Wolves (Dark Passion Play)
Wishmaster (Wishmaster)
Wish I Had An Angel (Once)

Texto: Hí¨ctor Prat
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Abril 16, 2008, 05:11:45 pm

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 16, 2008, 07:44:48 pm
The Islander (

The poet and the Pendulum I (

The Poet and the pendulum 2 (

Sacrament of Wilderness (

Nemo (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 16, 2008, 07:53:34 pm
7 Days to the wolves (

Wishmaster (

Wish I had an angel (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 20, 2008, 11:23:21 pm
Nemo (Barcelona) (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 21, 2008, 08:14:00 pm
Felicidades a Jukka, baterí­a de la banda, que hoy cumple 30 años!!! :011:
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Abril 23, 2008, 06:01:13 pm
Swedish metallers PAIN, who just completed a European tour as the support act for NIGHTWISH, have issued the following update:

"Wow!!! The show last night [Saturday, April 19 in Lisbon, Portugal] was... special. To all of you who weren't there, Peter [Tí¤gtgren, PAIN guitarist/vocalist] brought everybody from NIGHTWISH on stage before our last song and we had THEM play 'Shut Your Mouth' while we just enjoyed the situation! Suprised?! Later before NIGHTWISH's last song we dressed up as waiters and entered the stage with shots of Raki. Suprise again. And as an grand finale we had rehearsed 'Wish I Had An Angel' with Peter on drums and David as an second guitarist while the others just.. were mustard seeds. A special gold star to all the people of Portugal. You are great and we love you! After the show when all of YOU left the Coliseum we had a hell of a last after-party. Everything that was left had to go."

PAIN recently recruited Reníé Sebastian (photo) from ICONDEMN to play guitar on the second leg of the NIGHTWISH tour.

IN FLAMES bassist Peter Iwers makes a guest appearance on two songs on PAIN's latest album, "Psalms of Extinction".

PAIN's video for the track "Zombie Slam" is available for viewing at this location. The clip was shot in February 2007 in Los Angeles by Ralf Strathmann. Ralf previously worked as a director for artists like CHILDREN OF BODOM, APOCALYPTICA and SOILWORK. He is also a photographer for such bands as HIM, AEROSMITH and BLINK 182, to name but a few.

NIGHTWISH and PAIN performing "Shut Your Mouth" (Lisbon, Portugal on April 19, 2008):

NIGHTWISH with members of PAIN performing "Wish I Had An Angel" (Lisbon, Portugal on April 19, 2008):
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Abril 23, 2008, 06:07:03 pm
Miíércoles 16 de Abril de 2008 - Sala La Riviera - Madrid

Un público notablemente escaso de chirigóticos y con una media de edad superior a la que se comenta para otras ciudades llenó el miíércoles las tres cuartas partes de la sala La Riviera para juzgar si la nueva cantante de cierto grupo finlandíés invitaba a conservar el apoyo al grupo o si merecí­a ser defenestrada. Y la conclusión a la que podemos llegar, al menos en Madrid, es que hay NIGHWISH para rato.

Pero no adelantemos acontecimientos.

Con puntualidad sueca y en un escenario con humo muy denso, los PAIN, con Pete Tí¤gtgren a la batuta, empezaron a abrir boca con un excelente concierto que habrí­a merecido algo más de ánimo por parte del público. Su metal industrial con andamiaje de samplers y protagonismo de buenas melodí­as electrónicas dejaron muy buen sabor de boca y sentó un estándar de calidad, sobre todo cuando a partir de la cuarta canción empezó a oirse mejor a Tí¤gtgren en el micrófono.

Una descarga realmente poderosa, amena y bien marcada en el que si hubiera habido una cierta interacción extra con el público y no hubieran descargado sus potentes temas tan a piñón quizás hubiera sido jaleada todo lo que se merecí­a. No es que el público estuviera totalmente frí­o (las palmas empezaron ya en el segundo tema, con la interesante versión de "Eleanor Rigby", y el tema "Shut your Mouth" despertó fervor) , pero es que por calidad y sonido merecí­an mayor recompensa.

El set list no sufrió modificaciones respecto al ofrecido en Barcelona:

Same Old Song
Eleanor Rigby
End of the Line
Zombie Slam
Nailed to the Ground
Just Hate Me
On and On
Shut Your Mouth


Despuíés del intermedio de rigor, las cámaras de video salieron a pasear, pues multitud de gente querí­a dejar constancia gráfica de si la pizpireta Anette Olzon era un clavo en la tapa del ataúd de NIGHTWISH. Hasta que fueron retiradas pudieron comprobar que la era de las fashion-divas que no sudan y que llegan tarde a las canciones porque están cambiándose de vestuario ha finalizado para siempre. Una nueva etapa en la que Marco Hietala se consolida como el único garante de la continuidad de los riffs netamente metaleros en el grupo y se evita que en las canciones más poperas alguien que vea el concierto desde lejos se piense que la que canta es una trasunta de Eva Amaral.
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Abril 23, 2008, 06:24:38 pm
El set list sufrió algunas modificaciones (muy acertadas) respecto al concierto de Barcelona, pero la polí­tica del grupo está clara: afianzar al público en las canciones de la nueva etapa, y que la Olzon haga recorrido en las canciones más pegadizas y mainstream del grupo, desterrando las canciones operí­sticas al Ipod de los nostálgicos.

Tras una larga intro de rimbombancias peliculeras que cada vez desentonan más con el nuevo rumbo del grupo, pero en la que Jukka Nevalainen pudo entrar primero y convencerse de que es un baterí­a simpático y querido, y posponiendo la entrada de los vocalistas hasta el último momento, empezó la descarga con "Bye Bye Beautiful": declaración de intenciones para unos, infantil venganza propia de gente con poca clase para otros. Hietala la disfrutó a fondo hasta llegar a los gallos; la Olzon nos preocupó un poco pues empezó con ganas pero muy floja de tono, y hubo que esperar a los coros para que la viíéramos esforzarse.

Siguieron con "Dark Chest of Wonders", que no sonó demasiado mal pese a que la Olzon destruye todo el dramatismo tarjiano y lo sustituye por melosas florituras poperas, forzando tanto los agudos que a menudo yerra.

Tras unas breves palabras de la nueva frontwoman, que demostraron que el público madrileño ya estaba predispuesto a tenerle simpatí­a, prosiguió con la canción del álbum "Wishmaster" que mejor le viene por sus aptitudes: "Come Cover Me", cancioncilla pegadiza en la que puede estar cómoda sin caer en el ridí­culo como cuando se atreve con la íépica de la propia "Wishmaster", aunque persista en las pifias con los agudos.

A continuación entonaron "The Siren", que aunque alguno se pudiera pensar que está de relleno caducado en un set list, gustó mucho y se celebró. Las primeras notas de "Amaranth" provocaron mayor fervor aún, igual que la acústica "The Islander", en la que la Olzon salió disfrazada con coronita de princesa del todo a 100. Y es que el grado de amariconamiento que el público parece dispuesto a soportar es mayor de lo esperado, (  :013:) así­ que no hay nada que temer respecto a una posible píérdida de apoyo si los derroteros del grupo se encaminan hacia un sonido menos íépico y más mainstream.

Para contrastar, el siguiente tema fue "The Poet and the Pendulum": una clara demostración de que Holopainen no le hace ascos a reproducir en directo canciones largas; nos quedamos algo asustados cuando en la anterior gira dijo que homenajes estilo "Ghost Love Score" jamás volverí­an a repetirse. Pero "The Poet and the Pendulum" es el score del último álbum y la interpretaron a la perfección, siendo muy vitoreada. En directo manifiesta la fuerza de la que quizás carece en el disco, aunque más por el impulso del que la dota Hietala en los coros, ya que por más que Anette se esfuerza, su voz es devorada por la del finlandíés de la barbita bí­fida

Despuíés vino otra de las sorpresas de la noche y es que cantaron "Ever Dream" en vez de otro tema del "Century Child". Positivo cambio que seguramente le debemos a la propia Anette, pues se trata de una de sus canciones preferidas del grupo. Aunque sus agudos siguen chirriando bastante (nadie se los pide) ese es el tipo de canciones en el que menos se puede echar de menos a Tarja, aunque los más puristas y amantes del dramatismo echen de menos las regias tesituras de la Turunen.

Para darle un descanso a la garganta de la sueca, Hietala prosiguió con la excelente balada "While your Lips are Still Red", aunque no es necesario que cante solo para que su presencia en el escenario luzca con fuerza. Con el cambio de Tarja sin duda su voz y su imagen han salido de sobra reforzadas y no necesita protagonismo extra.

La siguiente fue "Sahara", durante la cual jugaron con el público. Por último, y antes de los bises, la celebrada "Nemo", a la que siguieron "7 days to the Wolves", "Dead to the World" (sin duda la cambiaron de posición en el set list para evitar otro ridí­culo perpetrando "Wishmaster"), y tras presentar a los miembros del grupo, "Wish I Had an Angel", en la que Hietala estaba desatado.

Y así­ es como Anette Olzon pasó con nota el examen madrileño. La sustitución de la regia elegancia de la Turunen (que JAMíS se hubiera pasado el concierto pellizcándose para subirse el escote) (:013:)  por la naturalidad sin complejos le ha funcionado. Anima al público con vehemencia y salpica las canciones de gestos simpáticos y golpes de efecto, aunque sigue un poco agarrada al palo del micrófono.

En la presentación de los músicos y en la larga, larga salutación colofón del concierto, quedó patente el buen rollo dentro del grupo, una mayor unidad e interacción entre los componentes, así­ que un alma bien nacida debe alegrarse por ellos.

Lamentablemente necesitamos alguna gira extra para acabar de encajar las adaptaciones poperas  de la Olzon a las canciones que Tarja habí­a hecho suyas, pero hay suficientes motivos para pensar que un cambio de nombre en el grupo no era necesario, puesto que la evolución musical del grupo ya indicaba que a los registros operí­sticos les quedaba un telediario. Mientras Marco Hietala siga metiendo mano, una pátina de metal seguirá impregnando las canciones, pero es al maestro Holopainen al que debemos el nuevo cambio a las canciones más ligeras, donde alguien como Anette puede encajar bien. Debemos respetar que un artista quiera pasar página. Que un set list a priori poco apetecible acabara en íéxito rotundo ya da idea de que no va a producirse una fuga masiva de fans nightwishianos a ninguna parte. Siguen teniendo calidad suficiente para aguantar sin agachar la cabeza. Eso sí­, que Tuomas cuide a Marco si quiere mantener bien equilibrada la balanza entre lo que es metal y lo que no lo es. El público más purista le necesita para convencerse de que un excelente grupo no se ha pasado a las voces pop y al teclado de cabrilla.

Texto: Elena Garrido
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Abril 23, 2008, 06:39:29 pm
El Set List fue este:

Bye Bye Beautiful
Dark Chest Of Wonders
Come Cover Me
The Siren
The Islander
The Poet And The Pendulum
Ever Dream
While Your Lips Are Still Red
7 Days To The Wolves
Dead To The World
Wish I Had An Angel

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 10, 2008, 11:47:21 pm
Se Confirma el Divorcio de Anette
El Divorcio de Anette
El matrimonio de Anette Olzon (Blyckert) comenzó a decaer junto con el comienzo de su nueva carrera como vocalista en Nightwish.
La información sobre su divorcio en progreso se habí­a mantenido en secreto desde el verano pasado.
Anette Olzon, y su esposo Fredrik comenzaron los tramites de divorcio el 27 de Agosto de 2007, en la corte de Helsingborg.
De acuerdo a las leyes de Suecia, debe haber al menos un perí­odo de debate de 6 meses si la pareja tiene niños menores a 16 años.
Anette Olzon y quien proximamente será su "ex esposo" tiene un niño de 7 años.
Cumplidos esos 6 meses, hoy en dí­a el divorcio ya esta efectuado.
Terminaron con la última instancia del divorcio el Martes de la semana pasada.
Todo esto La Corte de Helsingborg, se lo confirmó al diario finíés Iltalehti.
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Mayo 20, 2008, 12:49:56 am
Nightwish en el LORCA ROCK:

Viernes 26 de Julio:


Sábado 27 de Julio:


La XI edición del festival LORCA ROCK se celebrará los días 25 y 26 de Julio en su recinto habitual: Huerto de la Rueda (La jornada del viernes 25 comenzará en horario de tarde).

Más información en:


Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Mayo 20, 2008, 12:56:28 am
Bye bye beautiful
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 20, 2008, 07:58:52 pm
Este conci esta ya en el topic!! :021: :021:
No esta mal!!
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Mayo 23, 2008, 08:32:14 pm
fiu..sorry no me di cuenta ;-)

An e-card para el proximo single de NIGHTWISH "The Islander" :
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 24, 2008, 08:46:15 pm
Kirsti Nortia-Holopainen (mama del capo Tuomas): “Estoy allí­ por Tuomas cuando íél tiene dolor de Corazón”
Nightwish, la banda heavy de Kitee ha logrado el íéxito en todo el mundo. El alma de la banda, compositor-escritor-tecladista, con su intensa expresión en su cara, Tuomas Holopainen Capo, 30años, es mucho más blando (?) en casa que en el escenario, calcula su madre Kirsti Nortia-Holopainen-Quenombre-eh, 66 años.

-Tuomas tiene extremadamente un montón de empatí­a (capacidad para entender los sentimientos de los demás) de y toma a otra gente en consideración. Siempre se ha llevado bien consigo mismo y ha necesitado su propio espacio y paz, pero tambiíén necesita a la gente que es cercana a íél. El íéxito no lo habí­a cambiado del todo, dice Kirsti.
Primero la imagen del pibe “rockero y seguro de sí­ mismo” en el escenario asustó a su mami. “Ahora he entendido que la apariencia oscura es solo parte del Show”. La última vez cuando Tuomas estaba tocando como invitado con Kotiteollisuus en Joensuu, me paríé justo al lado del escenario y estaba segura de que Tuomas no se iba a dar cuenta. De repente levantó sus ojos y con una mirada saludó a su vieja madre, y continuó tocando con expresión seria. Casi lloríé, estaba muy orgullosa de mi hijo. Ojalá pueda seguir haciendo lo que hace por un largo tiempo.

Fans en el patio de atrás
Nightwish no es el centro de la vida de Holopainen. Su papá Pentti es un empresario, hermana mayor Susanna, 42años, trrabaja como cirujana uróloga en Joensuu y su hermano tambiíén mayor, de 40, es un asistente de autopsia en Helsinki. Todaví­a todos los textos en los Diarios despuíés de que la banda hechara a Tarja Turunen la hacen sentir mal a la madre tambiíén. “Tuomas tomó las repercusiones muy mal, aunque yo sabí­a que la salida de Tarja era inevitable. Por suerte los fans parece que lo tomaron bien: solo recibimos llamadas de telíéfono Positivas y cartas positivas en casa.
Tuomas todaví­a vive en la habitación de arriba de la casa de sus padres, y especialmente en verano un grupo de fans capaz aparece en el Patio. Algunos fans se convirtieron en amigos de la familia Holopainen. Solo a una Fan Kirsti tuvo que decirle hace poco que serí­a mejor si no volviera a visitarlos. “Era una joven Rusa, parada en nuestro living un dí­a preguntó si podrí­a quedarse con nosotros unas semanas. Habí­a juntado dinero por dos años para ver a Tuomas. La cita habí­a sido arreglada, pero no era suficiente: ahora tenemos llamadas para nuevos encuentros. Es confuso que nuestro Tuomas pueda ser esa clase de obsesión para alguien. Tambiíén pienso que es muy copado ver sus giras, pero Nigthwish no es una Religión.
Kirsti dice que vivir con Tuomas por tanto tiempo ha tenido íéxito porque las reglas eran claras desde un principio.
“Tuomas ha tenido permiso de traer a casa quien quisiera a la hora que quisiera. No quiero controlar a un hombre crecido. A pesar de eso, este Año Tuomas ha tenido que quedarse en casa solo por dos Noches. La consideración en ambos lados funcionó muy bien (¿??).
Cuando nuestro chico se va de tour por el mundo la Mamá tiene miedo en su corazón: nunca sabíés hacia quíé tipo de problemas se dirige. Al telíéfono Kirsti siempre pregunta primero si todo está bien. “Tuomas es el más joven y sus hermanos tienen sus propias familias. Es por eso que tal vez íél se siente tan cercano a nosotros. Pronto íél se enfrentará a una nueva situación cuando su propia casa estíé terminada. Entonces la habitación de arriba llena de cosas de Disney estará vací­a. Estoy segura que será un poquito triste aunque la casa nueva está cerca.
Madre e hijo, gente emocional.
Kirsti era profesora de música e inglíés en una escuelita primaria, asi que le enseñó a Tuomas tambiíén. “En la escuela era la profesora de Tuomas, no la mama. Trataba de tener en consideración a mis estudiantes igualitariamente. Más tarde, me dí­ cuenta que cuando intentaba ser igual trataba a Tuomas más estrictamente que a los otros. Afortunadamente todo fue bien. En la escuela se notó que Tuomas pudo expresarse de la major manera escribiendo. Tambiíén su musicalidad fue tomada en cuenta desde muy temprano. Musicalidad y el impulse de actuar va en la familia. Por ejemplo mi hermana más chica Miitta Sorvali es actriz.

Tuomas todaví­a tiene muchos amigos de la infancia.
A pesar de eso, Tuomas no busca compañí­a como lo hago yo. Su adolescencia se desarrolló sin grandes choques.
Tuomas fue siempre tan bueno. Pero independiente, dice Kirsti.
La navidad es muy importante para ambos, madre e hijo. Los dos están listos para hacer de todo para lograr mejorar el ambiente. Perseverante y, por naturaleza, perfeccionista Tuomas capaz usa todo el año para pensar en los regalos, dice su madre.
“Tuomas tambiíén gusta de arreglar sorpresas. Es un gran cocinero, asi que íél y SU NOVIA tal vez preparen una cena sorpresa para nosotros, por ejemplo. A veces nos consigue asientos de primera fila para sus conciertos”.
En dolores de corazón y otros problemas la mejor que sabe escuchar es su madre. Con Papi, Tuomas tiene mucha charla a cerca de la construcción de su casa y otras cosas prácticas. “Tenemos conversaciones profundas raramente. Tuomas lee mucho y tal vez prefiere reflexionar cosas íél solo. Cosas acerca de la banda generalmente las escucho por accidente cuando Tuomas está al telíéfono. “
Kirsti se mete en las entrevistas de Tuomas por accidente.
“He coleccionado todos los recortes de periódicos. Tuomas no entiende, pero creo que tal vez estíé bueno para que cuando íél sea viejo y estíé en una silla mecedora las mire y piense en su pasado.
Extra: Tuomas solí­a llamarse a íél mismo “Too” cuando era chiquito, y eventualmente todos empezaron a llamarlo así­. Su nombre está aun en uso, la firma de Tuomas para los mensajes de celular es “Too”.
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 25, 2008, 09:04:18 pm
La historia detras de "Higher than hope"

Higher than hope my cure lies” [“En algo superior a la esperanza mi cura se encuentra”], reza la lápida de Marc Christopher Brueland, un DJ de San Diego, artista y animador que falleció en 2003 tras batallar un cáncer de hí­gado durante siete años y medio. 
En un extraño giro del destino, tres elementos dispares se han combinado para crear una historia poderosa: un dibujo animado británico de los 80, una banda metal finlandesa y la batalla contra el cáncer de Brueland. La historia ha inspirado canciones, numerosos ví­deos tributo en YouTube y fans de la música alrededor del mundo.

Brueland creció en Tierrasanta, un niño fascinado tanto con la música como con el arte. Empezó su propia compañí­a de comics, Invencible Studios, y despuíés trabajó como un animador para The Lightspan Partnership, un estudio de animación por ordenador local.

Bueland tambiíén pinchaba cada noche de sábado en Club Sabbatt, un club gótico/industrial en Hillcrest. A la edad de 22, le diagnosticaron un raro cáncer de hí­gado, carcinoma hepatocelular con fibrosis lamelar.

Durante sus años formativos, Burealand se enamoró de una pieza animada de 26 minutos llamada “The Snowman”. Por primera vez emitido en la BBC, el dibujo animado incluí­a la inolvidable canción “Walking in the Air”, que alcanzo el nº 5 en las listas pop de Estados Unidos en 1985.

A medio camino alrededor del mundo, el joven Tuomas Holopainen veí­a la pelí­cula animada en su hogar en Finlandia. En 1996, el músico formó Nightwish, una banda finlandesa de metal progresivo. En su album “Oceanborn” de 1998, el grupo versionó “Walking in the Air” de “The Snowman”.

Brueland descubrió la canción en un recopilatorio que encontró en Tower Records en San Diego. La madre de Marc, Goergene, recuerda el dí­a que Marc trajo a casa el recopilatorio: “La música nos reunió como una familia una vez más como hizo en la infancia de Marc, especialmente en este difí­cil momento de la vida de Marc”.

Dice la hermana de Marc Erin: “Fue uno de esos momentos que simplemente te cambia para siempre. Fue simplemente el destino o coincidencia que encontrara la canción en un recopilatorio.”

Durante los siguientes cuatro años, Holopainen llegarí­a a conocer a la familia Brueland a travíés de correspondencia y visitando San Diego. Cada vez que el músico visitaba San Diego, Marc estaba demasiado enfermo para conocerle. Enfermo terminal con cáncer, Marc decidió que definitivamente necesitaba conocer a Tuomas.

Así­ que la familia Brueland viajó a Atlanta para ver a Nightwish tocar “Walking in the Air” en el escenario en el ProgPower festival.

“Cuando voló a Atlanta, tení­a metástasis por todo su abdomen y por todos sus pulmones,” recuerda Georgene. “Tení­a grandes dolores. Pero querí­a hacer esto por Tuomas y por la banda. Nunca olvidaríé el vuelo hasta allí­. Fue terrorí­fico para mí­ como madre verlo, porque su cuerpo estaba arruinado con esta enfermedad. Pero ese es el tipo de persona que Marc era.”

Delante de cientos de fans en el ProgPower V Festival, Nightwish tocó con la familia Bureland viíéndoles entre bambalinas. Antes de lanzarse a la canción, Tuomas dedicó “Walking in the Air” a Marc. Incluso en su delicada condición, Brueland fue capaz de levantarse de su silla de ruedas y caminar hacia el escenario para abrazar a Tuomas.

Un mes despuíés, mientras Marc Bureland yací­a en su lecho de muerte en el San Diego Hospice, Erin y Georgene llamaron a Tuomas para que pudiera decir adiós a Marc. Georgene pensó en llamar al músico finlandíés: “Tuomas estaba al telíéfono con Marc unos pocos minutos antes de que muriera.”

Erin añadió: “Llamamos a Tuomas desde el hospicio solo para que pudiera decir adiós. Marc no podí­a hablar. Estaba resollando por todo el fluido en sus pulmones. Pero Tuomas llegó a oí­rle respirar.”

Tocado por la vida de Marc, Holopainen escribió la canción “Higher Than Hope” como un tributo. La canción incluye un extracto de la voz de Marc grabada en una entrevista con la reportera de la televisión local Sandre Moss para News 8 KFMB. La inscriptción de la lápida de Brueland es el coro de “Higher Than Hope”.

En los años siguientes a la muerte de Marc, las familias Brueland y Holopainen se han vuelto más entrelazadas. La amistad entre las familias ha ayudado a Erin y Georgene a arreglárselas con el fallecimiento del padre de Marc, Eric, tambiíén por cáncer, en 2007. Los padres de Tuomas Kristi y Pentti estaban en San Diego cuando Eric falleció.

“Hasta hoy, Tuomas ha estado unido a nuestra familia,” dice Gerogene. “He perdido a mi marido ahora. Así­ que no queda nadie salvo Erin y yo. Ahora tenemos una familia adoptiva en otro paí­s. Y la familiaridad de estos fans del metal es tan cariñosa.”

Nightwish tocará su primer show en San Diego mañana en la House of Blues central, y va a ser una noche especial para los amigos y familiares de Marc Brueland.

“Era dos almas gemelas que se encontraron solo una vez, pero su historia realmente ha llegado a todo el que oye de ella,” dijo Erin Brueland. “Los fans de Nightwish aún le recuerdan. Aún hablan sobre íél en los foros de la Website. Cuando vamos a conciertos por todo el paí­s, la gente sabe quiíénes somos y recuerda a Marc.”

“Eso es por lo que es un dí­a muy especial cuando finalmente toquen en su ciudad natal. Hemos estado esperando esto desde siempre. Es realmente una celebración de Marc y de la banda.”

Georgene Brueland lo dijo aún mejor: “Esto es una cosa hermosa que procede de una tragedia horrible.”

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 03, 2008, 11:43:13 pm
Un Divorcio Metal í‰pico
Las rupturas son negocios desagradables y vulgares. 
Especialmente las rupturas de bandas. Más especialmente cuando son anunciadas via una carta pública y abierta en la website de la banda, y que resultan en una lluvia radiactiva de medios como los que una banda metal nunca ha visto antes –en Finlandia, al menos. Cuando vives en un paí­s cuya población es meramente cinco millones, las palabras y los rumores se extienden muy, muy rápido. (Coincidentemente, Finlandia tiene tambiíén el más alto número mundial de bandas metal per capita. Sin chistes: los finlandeses aman su metal).

Aquí­ está cómo salió todo. En 2005, tras disfrutar ocho años de status icónico en la escena europea, el fundador de Nightwish Tuomas Holopainen y los otros miembros de la banda postearon una carta abierta en su website despidiendo a su frontwoman-diva Tarja Turunen –una soprano entrenada en clásico y de estilo operí­stico. Previsiblemente, el alboroto siguió. La banda no sólo se arriesgaba a perder la base de fans no-insignificante de Turunen, sino que tambiíén tení­an que probar que Nightwish por sí­ misma podí­a sobrevivir un acto en vivo sin su presencia teatral anclando el show.

“Tarja era tan buena haciendo sus propias cosas que pensamos que no tendrí­a sentido encontrar una copia,” explica Holopainen. “Si hubieramos encontrado otra cantante de ópera, siempre habrí­a sido considerada una copia, sin importar cómo de buena fuera.”

Entra Annete Olzon, la antigua cantante de Alyson Avenue, una cantante rock cuya voz mezzo representa una marca partida desde el sonido previo de Nightwish. “La idea era encontrar alguien que tuviera el mismo poder de voz [de Turunen] en una manera completamente diferente, y creo que Anette lo está haciendo perfectamente,” dice Holopainen. 

Pero cuando has establecido una fuerte base de fans en la comunidad metal, sin preocuparse por una legión de seguidores que bebí­an de las voces de Turunen góticas y sinfónicas, dar paso a una cantante easy-listening rock puede causar un pequeño enfado. El primer single de la banda tras la partida de Turunen, “Amaranth”, ha recibido más que pequeñas crí­ticas desde los leales metaleros, quienes han acusado a la banda de sonar demasiado –ejem- “pop”.

“Se sabe que no hay nada de malo en eso,” dice Holopainen. “Puedes decir que es una voz pop, o una voz rock. La gente tiene esta rara urgencia de categorizar todo. Si una canción suena bien, si te produce emociones, eso es lo que importa. ¿A quiíén le importa si suena pop o metal o black metal o lo que sea?”

 â€œQuiero decir, [‘Amaranth’] supuso un muy bueno primer single porque es tan fastidiosamente pegadizo. Pero es un poco alegre y poppy, y sobre todo cuando escuchas Dark Passion Play, es , en mi opinión, el material más oscuro que hemos sacado. Debe de darte la fuerte impresión de lo que va el album.”

En efecto, Holopainen escribió el nuevo album en los meses siguientes al despido de Turunen, y previsto como un ríéquiem para la partida Turunen. “Escribí­ todas las canciones cuando el rollo mediático y el drama estaban en su cenit,” dice. “Eran como el único refugio para que yo escapase de toda esa mierda. Con diferencia fue la cosa más difí­cil que jamás me ha pasado en la vida. Pero escribir canciones nunca ha sido tan fácil como ha sido esta vez. Debe ser un poco exagerado decir que el album ha salvado mi vida, pero ha estado muy cerca de eso.”

Con 130 músico prestado de The London Phillharmonic Orchestra y The Metro Voices Choir, Nightwish entró en Abbey Road Studios en Londres, y emergió con su Dark Passion Play de 75 minutos el pasado septiembre. El album, que tiene el record para el album más caro en la historia finlandesa, fue platino en Finlandia el dí­a de su publicación. (Y recuerda: Finlandia no es tan grande, así­ que todo el mundo y su abuela en Helsinki ya conocen todas las letras.)

Sobre la quí­mica de la nueva formación, Holopainen rí­e con el drama del pasado. “Esto es como un matrimonio entre cinco personas sobre ruedas,” dice. “Ya se sabe, una relación entre dos personas es suficientemente dura. Pero esto parece más una banda ahora, como si hubiera cinco iguales ahí­ arriba haciendo el bobo. Hay mucha diversión. Espero que podamos mantener esta formación junta –al final de este tour no tendríé que volver a empezar a escribir estúpidas cartas abiertas.” 
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Junio 08, 2008, 05:41:47 pm
John Two-Hawks, a Native American hailing from Arkansas, will perform the song "Creek Mary's Blood"
with NIGHTWISH at two more concerts on the Finnish/Swedish symphonic metal band's current North American tour:

May 30 - Headliner's Music Hall - Louisville, KY
May 31 - The Pearl Room - Mokena, IL

Fan-filmed video footage of John Two-Hawks performing with NIGHTWISH on November 11, 2007 at The
Palladium Ballroom in Dallas, Texas can be viewed below.

John Two-Hawks is a multi-instrumentalist who is devoted to spreading the culture and mentality of
Native Americans. He has published six solo albums, and although he is constantly touring the U.S.,
Two-Hawks is very rarely seen on European soil.

The song "Creek Mary's Blood", which was composed by NIGHTWISH keyboardist Tuomas Holopainen, was
included on NIGHTWISH's platinum-selling (in Finland) "Once" album. On "Creek Mary's Blood"
John Two-Hawks plays the flute and reads a poem translated to his native language.

Source: Blabbermouth
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Junio 08, 2008, 05:45:03 pm
NIGHTWISH have topped the single chart in Finland with their latest release, "The Islander".

Fotos en las Vegas se pueden ver aki:

NIGHTWISH have issued the following update:

"Nightwish have decided that it is time to face another round of questions from the fans, so we are reopening our little Nightmail section. This month you can pick Jukka's brain. As usual, please keep
your questions short, don't use Nightmail to post random comments, and above all, be creative! Have fun!"
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 08, 2008, 11:42:20 pm
El Tiempo Cura

Por James Barone

Tras unos pocos dí­as tempestuosos en USA, el bajista y cantante de Nightwish Marco Hietala estaba en Canadá justo a tiempo para que Submerge fuera capaz de contactar con íél. Una pobre conexión mientras el grupo estaba de tránsito hacia Poughkeepsie, NY y una cita perdida causaron que nuestra entrevista se  planeara peligrosamente cerca de nuestra fecha lí­mite. Sin embargo, la banda no podí­a ser culpada por la dificultad, ya que ellos estaban tratando con más problemas.

Los dos primeros shows de su tour en USA y Canadá (Hartford, Conn y Sayerville, NJ) tuvieron que ser cancelados debido al equipo perdido. Una compañí­a de aviones de carga en Ciudad de Míéxico, donde Nightwish tocó dos noches el 1 y 2 de mayo en Vive Cuervo Salon, canceló el vuelo que transportaba parte del equipo de la banda. Todo fue aclarado justo a tiempo para que Nightwish estuviese listo para tocar en el Chance Theater en Poughkeepsie el 7 de mayo, pero, de nuevo, el grupo se encontró con otro bache en la carretera: el transporte de su equipo se estropeó. Afortunadamente, el bus de Nightwish volvió tres horas despuíés a por el equipo, y fueron capaces de remolcar el trailer del equipo con el bus y llevar a bordo al equipo (lo que explica nuestra cita perdida). La actuación en el Chance Theater salió adelante sin ninguna pega (aunque comenzó unos 50 minutos tarde), que sirvió de gran alivio a Hietala. “Ahora finamente hemos comenzado esta cosa”, dice.
Estas tragedias del tour son el indicativo de los vaivenes que Nightwish ha ido encontrando durante el pasado par de años. Tras grabar el CD/DVD en directo (el profíéticamente titulado End of an Era), el venerable grupo finlandíés de power metal sinfónico separó su camino con la icónica cantante, Tarja Turunen–y la separación fue una enredada. No obstante, Nightwish–cuyo principal compositor y liricista es el teclista Tuomas Holopainen–siguió avanzando. La nueva frontwoman Anette Olzon fue seleccionada en un campo de más de 2000 cantantes tratando de llenar la posición de Turunen.

Olzon, una cantante rock sueca de 36 años, previamente lideró el grupo más poppy hard rock Alyson Avenue. Su unión a Nightwish fue anunciada en mayo de 2007  y rápidamente empujó a Olzon dentro del punto de mira internacional. Los singles “Amranth” e “Eva” fueron publicados durante esa primavera y verano, y el primer album de Nightwish de la era Olzon–Dark Passion Play–fue publicado en Europa al finales de septiembre de 2007, y en USA a principios de octubre en Roadrunner Records.

Semejante al sonido Nightwish, Dark Passion Play es un gran negocio. Tocando hasta más de 75 minutos, el album cuenta con cientos de músicos (incluyendo la London Philharmonic Orchestra), tuvo sus partes orquestales grabadas en los legendarios Abbey Road Studios en Londres, y–con el coste de más de 500.000 euros–está acreditado como el album más caro en la historia musical finlandesa.

Dada la pompa y la circunstancia alrededor de su llegada, parece como si la ocupación de Olzon como la cantante de Nightwish haya sido una especie de juicio por fuego. No solo tuvo la presión de convertirse en la nueva cara de un acto internacional bien establecido y cargar con el peso de tal album anticipado (y costoso), pero el primer show oficial de Olzon con el grupo tambiíén tuvo lugar en un emplazamiento precario.  El 6 de octubre de 2007 Olzon hizo su debut oficial con Nightwish en Tel Aviv, Israel. A pesar de la confusión polí­tica en el área, Hietala describe la experiencia de tocar en Tel Aviv como un lote más suave de lo que uno pueda pensar.
“No estoy de acuerdo con los polí­ticos racistas contra nadie en ningún paí­s,” asegura Hietala. Continúa diciendo que no le importa tocar para fans del metal en caldos de cultivo para la controversia porque Nightwish está “tocando para gente en las calles,” y que las prácticas del gobierno de un pueblo no deben necesariamente reflejar su voluntad.

Nightwish apenas ha tomado aliento desde entonces. Tras no tocar ni una sola vez en 2006, la banda golpea la carretera en una moda íépica empezando en octubre de 2007. Hietala dice que volver a la carretera tras tan largo hiato fue tanto un descanso como un shock al sistema, especialmente desde que tienen una nueva cantante a remolque. En el momento en que Nightwish aterriza en Boardwalk en Orangevale el 22 de mayo, la banda habrá ya registrado ocho meses de tour sólido, con solo unas pocas semanas libres aquí­ y allí­, y con no mucho descanso a la vista. Hietala reconoce que tirar durante un periodo tan largo con su naciente frontwoman fue un difí­cil desafio–tanto para Olzon como para la banda. Hietala dice que puede haber sido demasiado para la nueva vocalista inicialmente, pero que íél cree que ella está empezando a sentirse cómoda. “Nunca ha hecho este tipo de cosas antes,” dice. “Va mejorando. Se está volviendo más confiada.”

Con parches ásperos aparentemente tras ellos, Hietala parece listo para continuar. Sin embargo, las cicatrices dejadas por la separación de Nightwish de Turunen están aún curándose.

Hietala admite que un par de canciones en Dark Passion Play–“Bye Bye Beautiful” y “Master Passion Greed”–tienen letras que expresan los sentimientos del grupo sobre el incidente. Hietala, cuya presencia vocal en Dark Passion Play es más pronunciada que en esfuerzos previos, canta la última de las dos canciones. “Tuomas no querí­a que alguien que no estuvo envuelto cantase esas partes,” dice Hietala, quien continúa admitiendo que la mayorí­a de la rabia en “Master Passion Greed” no está tan dirigida hacia Turunen como hacia su marido, Marcelo Cabuli (un hombre de negocios de Argentina) y “sus tratos de negocios”.

Sin embargo, no esperíéis oí­r la canción cuando la banda toque en Boardwalk.Hietala dice que Nightwish probablemente nunca la tocará en directo. “Simplemente es algo de lo que yo me olvidarí­a,” dice.

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Junio 16, 2008, 01:38:17 pm
A six-minute audio interview with NIGHTWISH bassist Marco Hietala conducted on May 31, 2008 at the Pearl Room in Mokena, Illinois can be heard below.

Discussions are currently underway to bring NIGHTWISH back to tour the U.S. one more time in the spring of 2009.
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Junio 16, 2008, 01:41:48 pm
Capital Chaos has posted video footage of Finnish/Swedish symphonic metallers NIGHTWISH performing the song "Bye Bye Beautiful" on May 22, 2008 at The Boardwalk in Orangevale, California. Also on the bill was the Swedish band SONIC SYNDICATE.
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 18, 2008, 11:30:37 pm
Nightwish han sido honrados con un disco de platino en Alemania por las 50.000 copias vendidas del DVD "End Of An Era". El DVD, que fuíé lanzado en el 2006, contiene material de su última actuación en directo con la ex vocalista del grupo, Tarja Turunen, en Octubre del 2005 en Helsinki, Finlandia.

En la foto de dcha a izda: los miembros de NIGHTWISH Jukka Nevalainen, Tuomas Holopainen, Marco Hietala Y Emppu Vuorinen; y Florian Fink (Nuclear Blast Records).


Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Junio 18, 2008, 11:46:27 pm

La versión en DVD-audio del último disco de NIGHTWISH "Dark Passion Play", con Dolby Digital 5.1 surround,
está disponible a travíés de la tienda del grupo.

El nuevo DVD en directo de NIGHTWISH "End Of An Era", consiguió el platino en Alemania
al vender 50.000 copias. El galardón se entregó al grupo en el pasado festival Rock am Ring, justo antes de
su actuación delante de 80.000 personas.
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 21, 2008, 08:29:06 pm
Anette cumple hoy 37 años!!!
Felicidades!!! :011: :011: :011:
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 25, 2008, 10:43:57 pm
Ayer Emppu Vuorinen, guitarrista de la banda cumplió 30 años!!
FELICIDADES!!!!!!!!!! :011: :011: :011: :011:
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 28, 2008, 09:07:11 pm
Jukka contesta a los fans!!

[Alicia from France:
What's the first thing that you do when you're at home ? =)

When I get back home from tour I always first greet my family but then I always start heating up sauna. If there's one thing I'd like to export from Finland it's definitely sauna!!

Cristina from Barcelona:
You are involved in the world of music, you know what it's like to be touring and being so far from your family. If your children became musicians, what do you think you would feel as a father??

I would definitely encourage them but I would also tell them about all the possible problems and ask them to make it clear to possible life partners about how things are and how they will be. Compromises have to be done whenever possible, but when it comes to for example touring, there's not just you and your family who you need to think of, there are other band members and technicians too. So it has to be very clear how things work so that no unpleasant suprises like cancelled shows/tours will occure because of family issues.

But I would of course tell them about how great it feels to get on stage and also tell them all the other great things about being musician.

mistrez of metal from san fransisco!:
Do you guys ever get pissed off at eachother from being on tour and being stuck together for such long periods of time? If so how do you resolve such things?

Every now and then you'll get pissed off by the way the other guys act or behave, but everybody has learned to give some space and also swallow their anger if needed. Obviously there's bound to be situations when you have to take a time-out, and then we'll just talk it through and tell the other person where he or she is going wrong, and at least so far we've been able to settle the score without fisticuffs.

Maija from Kuusankoski:
Which Disney character were you afraid of when you were kid? Or were you afraid of some other figure?

I wasn't afraid of any Disney figure but I happened to see an episode from Twilight Zone (I guess it was in that series) of Shadow Man, and after that I checked under my bed for quite a long time before going to sleep.

Ali from USA ~ NJ:
What was the funniest moment on tour so far?

The best moment on day offs has definitely been a day in Las Vegas and especially a 2 hour roulette session with Tuomas where I won 1100 dollars. Sometimes you just get lucky.

charlotte from england:
what song do you feel the most 'emotion' and 'power' whilst performing?

It has to be the last part of "The Poet And The Pendulum". It's extremely easy part drum wise so I can just go with it, listen to the lyrics and feel.

Joana from Portugal:
Do you still have time to work on The Shop?

Thanks to good Internet connections it's easy to run the webshops also while on tour. Other guys are taking care of daily tasks in our warehouse but I'm still taking care of many things on the background.

Tinuviel from Germany:
Do you want anymore tattoos?

I've already thought about getting my next tattoo, but I still haven't decided when. I keep thinking about it all of the time, and as soon as I come down with the final picture, I'm gonna have it inked.

mikko from karvia:
What was the first song you leaned to play? Have you ever played any other instrument?

I already learned some songs earlier in music school and band school but can't remember the names. But the first song I learned to play as whole was probably Metallica's "Nothing Else Matters". I have never really played anything else than drums.

Emilia from Kajaani:
Are drum sticks easier to handle than women? :D

Absolutely! The drum sticks twirl the way you make 'em twirl, but with women, sometimes you just screw it up and drop the stick. If you miss a beat when you're playing, it isn't the end of the world, but even the tiniest mistake with a woman can cost you dearly. Then you're faced with hours of torturous discussion, tears and grinding of teeth. Men! Become single drummers!

Miní¤ from Suomi:
Have you ever had cramps in your arms or legs during a gig? If so, did it disturb your playing? Good luck and lots of success... :]

I rarely get cramps, but on the "End of an Era" gig, maybe during "Ghost Love Score", I got really bad cramps in my legs. We had already played the set one and a half times during the afternoon with full force, so it had been a pretty hard day. It was quite interesting to try and maintain some kind of a beat when your legs were twitching and refused to obey any commands. Fortunately the cramp relaxed after the song, and I had no problems during the rest of the show.

Konrad from Poland:
1) How do you spend your holidays?
2) Are you religious?

1) We try to travel with my family whenever it's possible. Unfortunately it's not always feasible when we have a break, because my wife is working, but then I'll just spend time with the kids at home and do normal domestic stuff that I miss on tour.

2) I'm not religious in the same sense the word is used by the Church, but I believe in most of the teachings in the Bible, and I also believe in good deeds. You don't need to believe in a higher power to believe in good or to respect other people. It's enough if you treat others as you'd wish to be treated yourself, because a lot of good will come out of that.

Erixon from Umeí¥, Sweden:
What is the best thing about being a drummer?

You get to play THE INSTRUMENT OF GODS!!!

mark from Ireland:
How well have things gone for you in the USA compared to past tours there?

Extremely well. The most important thing is that now we've get to play those tours in USA. Two tours done and next one is already book for September. The vibe has been really good on shows and there's been plenty of people so we are expecting a lot from the September tour.

Lodrik Bardric´ from Uldart:
Are you going to play a show naked?

=) We've really talked about it, 'cos nobody would see it behind the drums, and the ventilation would be so much better, but I guess I'd feel so bad for Ulsch (the drum tech) that I wouldn't want to parade my well-formed behind in front of his nose.

Andriy from New York:
Do you play any computer games? Which ones? And which of the latest Finish rock scene releases is your favorite?

I don't play computer games, but on tour I kill time with Nintendo DS. I'm currently playing Puzzle Quest, and that's a really addictive game. It's a good way to get rid of some extra hours.

I haven't bought so many albums lately, but I absolutely want to hear the new album by Stella as soon as possible.

Kati from Czech Republic:
When you're on the tour, do you watch the performances of supporting bands?

I always check one show at the beginning of tour and if band turns out to be interesting live band I check other shows as well whenever possible.

Karen from Deutschland:
When you are home with your children, do you sometimes watch children's programs on TV? If yes, which ones and what do you think about them?

Yes I do! The absolute favorite is "My friends Tigger and Pooh". It's excellent and my kids are just crazy about it. Another great one is Mickey Mouse's Club House. Kids always sing along with the characters and it's all just a blast!

Justyna from Chicago:
If you could go back in time (only once) where would you go? What would you fix?

If I could travel back in time only once, I'd naturally right a wrong or some great tragedy. Maybe I could take care of a certain corporal with a funny moustache and stop this "visionary" before he could realize his harebrained schemes.

But if I could just travel back to some time/place I'd really want to visit, I guess I'd go and see how it was when dinosaurs ruled the world.

Verunka from Czech republic:
What was the best present you've ever gotten?

If we talk about fan gifts, my absolute favorite is a guitar pick shaped metal necklace with a caricature of my face. It's really cool, I'm wearing it right now.

Ariel from North Carolina:
Tuomas said you didn't care much for "For the Heart I Once Had." Why?

The song was pretty boring in the rehearsal phase without vocals or anything. We also had a minor dispute about a certain drum part -- I wanted to make it more interesting, but Tuomas and Marko had a different opinion, and in the end, we chose the more straightforward alternative. And after the vocals, orchestra and choir, it became a really beautiful track.

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Junio 30, 2008, 09:17:16 pm
Slaying The Dreamer_Live in Helsinki, Kaisaniemi 26.6.2008

Pa mi q a partir del minuto 3 falta alguien...fiu... :34:
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Junio 30, 2008, 09:18:06 pm
7 Days To The Wolves_Live in Helsinki, Kaisaniemi 26.6.2008
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 01, 2008, 11:42:59 pm
Mejor el segundo!!
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 10, 2008, 11:44:07 pm
Una gran máquina en movimiento
19.2 Krakow, Visla Hall

Las entradas para el único concierto en Polonia del tour europeo de Nightwish fueron vendidas hace tiempo. En Finlandia, menos de 2000 tickets se venderí­an para una sala del mismo tamaño, pero el viejo dicho de “cuantos más mejor” parece que tambiíén se cumple en Polonia.

- Por lo menos han venido 3000 personas- se rí­e el manager de Nightwish, Ewo Pohjola, cuando ve la lí­nea que se amontona en el frente de la sala.

Los músicos de Nightwish están sentados en el backstage cuando falta una hora para el show. El bajista y cantante Marco Hietala está leyendo literatura de fantasí­a, el baterí­a Jukka Nevalainen ve una pelí­cula en la pantalla del ordenador, el guitarrista Emppu Vuorinen juguetea con su instrumento y el teclista Tuomas Holopainen devora información. Tuomas aprende leyendo diferentes libros no ficticios. Recientemente se ha aprendido todos los estados y sus capitales de los Estados Unidos. - Tambiíén he hecho anagramas, por ejemplo, de los nombres de los miembros de la banda y otra gente cercana a mí­- sonrí­e Holopainen.

Anette Olzon, conocida por los amigos como “Arska”*, llega más tarde que los otros. La cantante se ha estado relajando en el hotel. -No me gustan los backstages. Prefiero leer o meditar en el hotel. O ir al gimnasio- piensa Olzon.

El aire se electrifica solo media hora antes del concierto. Marco y Anette abren sus voces, Jukka hace flexiones y Tuomas se retira a su propio espacio. Emppu es Emppu, el hombre amante de la cámara toma todo tipo de fotografí­as. El guitarrista tambiíén empieza a contar historias del tour de Nightwish en China en enero. -Nadie hablaba en inglíés. Una lista de invitados de la banda era un concepto extraño. Los dedos se quedaban helados, ¡estábamos a 5 grados en la sala de concierto!- La temperatura en la Sala Visla es diferente cuando la cinta de la intro empieza a rodar. Enseguida, Jukka se levanta tras su baterí­a y el entusiasta público empieza a realizar una ovación. ¡Y es tiempo de show! Tsum tsum, pum pum, efectos que estallan y llamas cortan la lí­nea frontal del escenario. Banderas finlandesas ondean en la audiencia y banderas con los textos “Tuomas ensíéñanos las tetas” y “Nightwish connecting people” se encuentran en la primera fila. Sonrisas en la audiencia, sonrisas en el escenario.

Antes del bis, el representante de Nightwish en Polonia, Mike, sube al escenario y le da a la banda los discos de oro polacos. Es un gran triunfo considerando la industria de la piraterí­a en el este europeo.

- Un disco sorprendentemente genial. Metal real- admira Tuomas tras el show. Entonces, la noche se termina. El autobús de Nightwish se adentra en la oscuridad de la noche.

20.2 Praga, T-Mobile Arena

La mañana en Praga es clara. Emppu se queda en el hotel pero el resto va a la ciudad. El sol brilla en el famoso puente de Charles y una enorme fortaleza se alza cerca de la montaña. Es un escenario precioso. - Esto es genial! ¿Puede alguien sentirse mal en un momento así­?- admira Anette.

Despuíés, por la tarde, Nightwish encabeza el HC Sparta Prague- sala de hockey sobre hielo que hace de sala de conciertos. La T-Mobile Arena da una idea del status de la banda finlandesa en este momento. - Vienen unas 10000 personas al concierto de esta noche- comenta Marco. ¿Unos 10000 fans checos? Hubo una bronca seria al equipo finlandíés de ice hoquey, pero los chicos de Kitee le restan interíés.

- Este es, definitivamente, mi mayor concierto con Nightwish desde hace mucho. Y pensar que hay shows mayores en este tour- sonrí­e Olzon.

La noche en Praga se oscurece y el concierto empieza. Es imposible imaginar que sienten los músicos en el escenario bajo miles de ojos admiradores. Pero puedo decir con certeza que los corazones que apoyan a los fineses laten con fuerza a la vez que Nightwish hace botar a los checos.

Tras el concierto, Tuomas está estirado en el suelo del backstage sin moverse. ¿Quíé pasa por la cabeza del hombre? La respuesta viene un poco despuíés:

- Era puro íéxtasis.

21.2 Berlí­n, Alemania

Llegar de Praga a Berlí­n sólo lleva unas horas, así­ que el bus no se mueve hasta la mañana. El viaje es rápido; algunos leen, algunos ven pelí­culas y otros duermen.

El dí­a transcurre con normalidad. Los tíécnicos de Nightwish preparan el escenario despuíés de haber hecho las pruebas de sonido. La banda hace unas entrevistas y posa para un fotógrafo alemán. El hambre no puede invadir a nadie, la cocina portátil de Nightwish se ocupa de ello. 4 comidas diferentes se sirven todo el tiempo.-Tienes que tener cuidado de no subir de peso. La comida es tan buena que puede terminar mal si no lo piensas- rí­e Jukka.

Diferentes tipos de gente han llegado a Berlí­n como es costumbre en Alemania. Tras la juventud en la primera lí­nea hay dos mujeres maduras polacas que han viajado desde Cracovia ví­a Praga hasta Berlí­n. Detrás hay un hombre mayor alemán que ama el heavy finlandíés. Sobre la camiseta de Nightwish, unos botones de Lordi y Sonata Arctica decoran su chaqueta. -El heavy finlandíés es el mejor. Punto- dice.

Tras el show hay un lleno backstage de gente conocida y no conocida que da palmaditas en la espalda a los músicos. -No olvidemos los básicos. Cogeríé mis salchichas con patatas del grill de Kerava sin importar lo bien que vayan las cosas- comenta Emppu.

Pronto, la caravana se mueve hacia nuevas aventuras. Tras unos dí­as me llega un mensaje de texto de Ewo Pohjola: “13000 personas en el concierto de Zí¼rich. Una atmósfera”. Una atmósfera en Nightwish. La banda debe de estar en la mejor forma de su vida.

El tour de Nightwish en números

175 000 tickets
5 000 botellas de agua
2 500 porciones de comida
1 700 litros de limonada
1 000 setlists
8 000 habitaciones de hotel
600 toallas
55 personas del equipo
39 actuaciones
4 camiones
4 autobuses

Respuestas clí­nicas de Tuomas

¿Los sitios más extraños en que has firmado?
1.Tapa de la Biblia. 2. En la piel con el comentario: “escrí­belo bien, me lo voy a tatuar”. 3. En un pasaporte/telíéfono/iPod/coche.

¿Cuándo estuviste asustado?
1. En un avión Panama Air de Colombia a Panamá. “Dos horas en una tormenta de truenos. El avión se balanceaba, se tambaleaba y se sacudí­a. No me reí­ nada.”2. En el tour de Estados Unidos. “Nuestro conductor iba a 120 km/h en la carretera y golpeamos, por ejemplo, un camión. Cuando el viaje terminó, nos dimos cuenta de que estábamos temblando. Debimos decirle al conductor: gracias, pero continuaremos sin ti.”3. En Quito, Ecuador. “Tuvimos serias y reales amenazas de muerte antes de un concierto. La carta decí­a: no queremos bandas de rock aquí­. Si subí­s al escenario seríéis disparados. Fue aterrador”. ¿El mejor álbum pirata que has visto?“En Tallin, en el 2000, encontramos un “Nightwish greatest hits edición platino”. Tení­a 28 canciones. Lo que es gracioso, ya que fue tras nuestro tercer álbum y la banda tení­a unas 35 canciones.

¿Cuáles son los mejores covers de nightwish?
1. Walking in the Air. 2. High Hopes. 3. El Fantasma de la í“pera.

¿Cuáles son las mejores canciones de Nightwish?
1. El Poeta y el Píéndulo. 2. Creek Mary’s Blood. 3. Dead Boy’s Poem.

* No hay mucha información en Internet sobre “Arska”, pero por algunas cosas creo que puede ser una cantante finlandesa
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 10, 2008, 11:50:49 pm (

 :008: :008: :008: :008: :008: :008: :008: BIEN ANETTE!!!! :008: :008: :008: :008:
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 10, 2008, 11:58:26 pm
Mas videos (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Julio 11, 2008, 03:00:38 pm
ke ai
debido a tu uso reiterado del iconito  :008: serena, me ha picao la curiosidad, he hecho un esfuerzo y he visto el video. Y he de decir q........ ya le vale! XD ¿sleeping sun? tenia q ser esa  :010:
en fin..q vale, que parece q vamos mejorando y por fin hacemos agudos decentes y no otras cosas... bien por annete...
aunq pa mi siga siendo traumatico oirla cantar estas canciones..:003:
en fin..saludos
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 12, 2008, 11:28:04 pm
Parece ser que Anette está de moda porque va a colaborar en el próximo cd de Pain que saldrá en octubre, en 2 de sus canciones.
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Julio 24, 2008, 11:53:34 am
NIGHTWISH have decided against returning to the U.S./Canada in the spring of 2009 for another tour in support of the "Dark Passion Play" album due to their massive and extensive European touring activities. The band's fall 2008 trek with SONATA ARCTICA will mark NIGHTWISH's final North American tour to promote the "Dark Passion Play" CD. Fans are urged to buy their tickets now as this will be the last chance to see the band in North America for at least two years. Tickets are on sale now at all ticketing outlets, venue box offices and for reduced service charges.

According to a posting on the official NIGHTWISH web site, the band's previously announced October 25 concert in Reykjavik, Iceland "was cancelled by the local promoter who made a fast withdrawal just before the start of the advance ticket sales."
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 27, 2008, 09:02:03 pm
En Lorca!! (

Nightwish... Acojonante... El traje de Anette de traca... Yo en segunda fila delante de Tuomas... si señor... ahí­ representando a las secuestradoras y desgañitada a gritar (Aunque Tuomas se partiera la caja según quien yo me síé) Tocaron por fin Ever Dream, While your lips still are red precioso regalo, Wishmaster, Sacrament of Wilderness ahí­ fue la locura... Como siempre empezamos con Bye Bye Beautiful y acabamos con Wish I had an angel... bueno ahí­ encontríé un video.. Por cierto sin Islander por falta de tiempo pero apoteósica The Poet and The Pendulum con gestito guillotina de Tuomas...

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 30, 2008, 11:02:43 pm
Roadrunner publicará en septiembre, reciíén comenzado el tour de Nightwish en EEUU, un digipack titulado "The Sound of Nightwish Reborn" que estará disponible en servidores digitales. Es un coleccionable de demos y caras-B. El tracklist es el siguiente:

Eva (pre- Anette Olzon Demo Version)
Reach (pre- Anette Olzon Demo Version)
While Your Lips Are Still Red (B-Side)
The Escapist (B-side)
The Poet And The Pendulum (pre-Anette Olzon Demo Version)
Bye Bye Beautiful (DJ Orkidea Remix)
Meadows Of Heaven (Orchestral Version)
Amaranth (Orchestral Version)
The Escapist (Instrumental Version)
+ Todos los demo pre- Anette

El disco, que tendrá unos 70 minutos de duración, saldrá a la venta el 2 de agosto (según Blabbermouth).

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 31, 2008, 11:22:34 pm
Azure de UK:
Otro diferente a Finlandia, ¿dónde te gustarí­a más vivir en el mundo?
Quiero mucho a mi paí­s, así­ que nunca ha cruzado mi mente el vivir en cualquier otro sitio. Pero si fuera exiliado de Finlandia por alguna razón, Australia y Canadá serí­an mis primeras opciones.
Janet de US:
¿Quíé tipo de música estás escuchando ahora?
Mi Top5 en este momento:
1. Indica: Valoissa
2. Mike Oldfield: Music Of The Spheres
3. Brother Firetribe: Heart Full Of Fire
4. Children Of Bodom: Blooddrunk
5. Amy MacDonald: This Is The Life
Sara de Los Angeles:
¿Asustas a los niños pequeños cuando vas a visitar Disney?
=) Bueno, una vez esta niña pequeña vino hacia  mí­ con sus inocentes ojos completamente abiertos  y preguntó “perdóneme, pero ¿es usted un hombre o una mujer?”
La barba de Marco tuvo bastante íéxito entre la gente, tambiíén.
Lauren de Sydney, Australia:
¿Quíé hay en tus bolsillos ahora mismo?
No hay bolsillos en estos calzoncillos de Winnie The Pool que llevo puestos. Hace demasiado calor en esta habitación de hotel para pantalones largos.
Karan de UK:
¿Quíé valoras más en otras personas?
La bondad, la educación, la lealtad, la habilidad para encontrar la felicidad en las cosas más pequeñas y sencillas.
Jo de Suffolk, Inglaterra:
Si Dark Passion Play fuera un jardí­n, ¿quíé habrí­a en íél?
En el medio del jardí­n hay un estanque con agua oscura, sin fauna, rodeado de rocas. Hay un pequeño puente arqueado sobre íél. Los pasamanos del puente están cubiertos con hiedra venenosa.
La parte frontal del puente está cubierta con cactus, arena y pequeñas formaciones rocosas. En el otro lado hay un área minúscula con las más hermosas orquí­deas y un gran roble con un balancí­n en la rama más baja.
Pero las orquí­deas están casi muriendo porque he olvidado regarlas. El roble se mantiene alto y orgulloso, sin embargo.
Dakota Brown de Michigan, Estados Unidos:
¿Alguna vez has visto el video de las misheard lyrics de Wishmaster en Youtube? Si es así­, ¿quíé piensas de íél?
¡Es una de las cosas más hilarantes que jamás he visto! Gran trabajo, quien quiera que lo hiciera.
Cathy de UK:
¿Escribes poesí­a en tu tiempo libre? (otra diferente a las letras de tus canciones) y ¿quiíén es tu poeta favorito?
No realmente, todos mis escritos acaban siendo letras de canciones, más o menos. Pero para un album normalmente lleno 3-4 cuadernos con texto, así­ que hay mucho que realmente no acaba estando en las canciones.
Estaba ahora mirando mis viejos cuadernos de la era AFF-Oceanborn-Wishmaster y he encontrado docenas de páginas de elegí­as celtas, letras, ideas, etc. Tambiíén me he dado cuenta que “Stargazers” se llamaba originalmente “Aztecs” y “Dead Boy’s Poem”,  “Long-Forgotten”. Quizá regresaríé a esos textos, despuíés de todo, nacieron durante una era cuando todo era un poco más puro.
Mi poeta favorito es Walt Whitman, especialmente su poema “Song of Myself”. De los poetas finlandeses me encantan Eino Leino y Uuno Kailas.
Victor de Brazil:
Habíéis tocado la canción “Higher Than Hope” en USA, y la familia de MArc Brueland estaba allí­. ¿Cómo fue tocar esta canción en vivo de nuevo? ¿Y “Creek Mary’s Blood” con John Two-Hawks?
Estas canciones son muy especiales y queremos hacerlas solo algunas veces. “Creek” sólo cuando John está cerca, y “Higher” sólo cuando los Brueland se unen al show, o cuando la ocasión los pide dadas las circunstancias. Estas canciones navegan en tan serias y oscuras aguas que a veces es duro manejarlas.
No creo que haya otras canciones que me den tales escalofrí­os para tocar en vivo como estas dos, junto a “Poet And The Pendulum”.
Aino de Oulu:
¿Cuál es la mejor cosa que podrí­a pasarte hoy?
Que un par de personas que conozco vinieran hacia mí­ y me dijeran que lo están llevando mucho mejor ahora en la vida.
Oceanwhisperer de UK:
De todas las canciones que has escrito para Nightwish, ¿para cuál de ellas fue la más difí­cil de escribir las letras?
A veces es duro desarrollar una gran idea en una letra que capte la esencia de esa idea o historia. Las canciones como estas son por ejemplo Dead To The World, Nemo y Whoever Brings The Night.
Eleonora de Suecia:
¿Quíé es la primera cosa que haces cuando vuelves a casa tras un tour?
Respirar en el aire puro del campo, encender la sauna, hacer la colada, ver una pelí­cula cutre sin cerebro y quedarme dormido haciendo eso.
¿Estás trabajando en un nuevo album de NW ahora mismo? :)
A nivel de ideas, sí­, todo el tiempo. Acabo de comprar un nuevo cuaderno adorable de Snufkin para las letras porque el primero ya está lleno. =)
Por el momento tengo una canción completa, muchos conceptos de canciones y tí­tulos y una visión global bastante clara para el album. Va a ser fantástico empezar a trabajar con íél a tiempo completo, en algún momento el próximo año. ¡Pero necesitamos sobrevivir y tenemos una explosión en el tour primero!
Kora de Italy:
¿Quíé te gusta en especial de la música de Indica?
Hay algo extraordinariamente único y genuino en esas etíéreas exploradoras que realmente me atrae. Fantásticas canciones, gran corazón, gran actitud, la Tierra de Nunca Jamás encontrándose con un diario personal.
El mismo fan joven del mismo lugar:
¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡Perdón, si estás casado!!!!!!!! pero eres muy fuerte, ¡me gustan tu músculos! =D
Eso está bien…. Estás en el centro de las cosas.
Amy de California, USA:
En uno de vuestro shows, mis amigos y yo nos dimos cuenta de que tu y la banda jugabais al baloncesto detrás de vuestro autobús. ¿Haces algún deporte a menudo? ¿Cuál es tu deporte favorito, para ver y para jugar?
Mi deporte favorito para jugar y ver es el tenis. Juguíé mucho cuando era más joven, y recientemente he pensado en revivir las destrezas. Realmente juguíé al tenis hace dos dí­as la primera vez en 10 años y ¡fue tan bien! Ahora tengo una raqueta y zapatos así­ que la cacerí­a de las destrezas perdidas puede empezar.
No soy un entusiasta del deporte pero me gusta seguir por ejemplo, el baseball finlandíés, el jockey sobre hielo y los grandes campeonatos de fútbol.
Heini de Kuopio:
Contesta honestamente, ¿alguna vez has tirado material que los fans te han dado? Y ¿realmente lees todas las cartas de los fans? (no me lo creo)
Tengo todos los regalos y cartas sanas y salvas en casa. Bueno, una vez una fan nos dio una planta de 1,5 metro de alto en un tiesto de arcilla, que simplemente no pudimos llevarnos a casa. ¡Gracias por la intención de todas formas!
Leo cada carta que llega a mis manos.
Cristina de Wirkala:
¡Nombra un par de cosas que haces cuando nadie está mirando!
Reviso los íéxitos disco de los 90s en youtube, meto salchichas frí­as en vinagre, hablo con el fuego, y canto.
Y escribo música.
Jaime de perú:
¿Cuántas veces al dí­a te emborrachas?
Whoah, supongo que necesito mejorar mi imagen pública un poco.
Phoebe de Inglaterra:
Hola Tuomas, ¿quíé tal?
¿Quíé dirí­as que es la cosa más rara de ser famoso?
¿Aguna vez te has flipado por cuantas fans tienees, o por como actúan?
¡¡!Eres genial!
Hola Phoebe, estoy bastante bien, ¡gracias!
La cosa más rara debe de ser cómo algunas veces te sientes como propiedad de todo el mundo. No estoy seguro si sigo  reconociendo al colega en la cubierta de Rocksound o un tabloide. Tan sólo traedme una jaula y un plátano.
Normalmente los fans que he conocido son muy amables, educados y comprensivos. He flipado ligeramente un par de veces por algunos fans y algunas cartas raras. Para dejarlo claro, yo NUNCA chateo en internet, no síé nada sobre Messenger o Skype, y no estoy registrado en esa cosa de Facebook. Hay algunos “Tuomases falsos” por ahí­ fuera y siento si esos fraudes han disgustado a alguna gente de alguna manera.
Calli de California, US:
Si pudieras vivir en cualquier historia de fantasí­a o cuento de hadas, ¿cuál serí­a?
Cualquier “feliz por siempre jamás” irí­a bastante bien.
Por el camino me encantarí­a ojear Duckburg y Moominvalley.
Helena y Anni de Hí¤meenlinna:
¿Teníéis apodos para las canciones que tocáis?
Nosotras por ejemplo llamamos la canción Bye Bye Beautiful “Paipatus” =)
Bueno sí­, hay por ejemplo Keidenssi-Pentti, Dí¶ddí¶dí¶ddí¶, Sliippari y While Your Lips Are Still Spread (Mientras Tus Labios Aún Estíén Desplegados).
MrMikkeli de Mikkeli:
El estilo abuela no vende… Lo siento… Tarja de vuelta.
Las ventas están bien para mí­.
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 03, 2008, 11:50:44 pm
While your lips are still red (live) (

Anette se cortó el pelo!! (

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 04, 2008, 11:37:45 pm
Bettina: Ya habí­amos hablado de la mujer de la que toda Finlandia habla, cuando fue elegida como la nueva cantante de Nightwish. Bienvenida Anette Olzon.

B: Creo que ya habí­as oí­do lo que habí­amos hablado antes.

Anette: Por supuesto. Estaba bien.

B: Podrí­as ser la”Honorí­ficamente Concreta”.

A: Suena bien.

B: Sigues sin ser completamente Finesa.

A: Ya me siento muchas veces como una Finesa.

B: ¿Quíé caracteres fineses tienes?

A: Nací­ en el centro de Suecia y vivo en el sur de Suecia. Uno de os alrededores del sitio en que nací­ es el mismo bosque de Finlandia. Tambiíén voy siempre a la sauna. Me gusta el hecho de que puedas estar en silencio en Finlandia. Allí­ no debes hablar todo el tiempo. En Suecia, a veces, hablamos todo el tiempo, así­ que no es un silencio “inoportuno”. Afortunadamente, eso no es necesario en Finlandia.

B: Estoy de acuerdo.

A: Eso es lo que nos hace diferentes.

B: Nos gusta sentarnos juntos en tranquilidad.

A: Eso es lo que me gusta. En la banda podemos estar muy silenciosos a veces.

B: ¿De verdad?

A: Sí­.

B: ¿Cómo han ido las cosas? Habí­a mucha presión sobre ti cuando te metiste en los zapatos de Tarja.

A: Tengo otros zapatos. Ha habido muchas cosas que hacer y por supuesto los medios han estado muy interesados. Las cosas han ido bien. La banda me ha soportado bien. Los chicos han sido muy amables y me han ayudado mucho. Ha estado bien.

B: ¿Cómo ha sido el cara a cara con la audiencia? ¿Cómo te ha respondido la audiencia?

A: La respuesta ha sido muy positiva. La semana pasada Tuomas y yo estábamos en un concierto en Suiza donde firmamos autógrafos. Habí­a por lo menos 1000 personas y todo el mundo estaba chillando como loco. No sentí­ para nada que querí­an a Tarja en vez de a mí­. Estaban muy alterados y compraron los CD’s de Amaranth. La respuesta ha sido positiva en todos lados.

B: Tú no hablas finíés, pero ¿has oí­do quíé tipo de “barullo” habí­a en Finlandia acerca de la salida de Tarja (de la banda)?

A: Estaba muy distanciada de todo el asunto. Leí­ la carta. Sólo en mayo me di cuenta de lo importante que es Nightwish en Finlandia. Ahí­ es cuando lo captíé. Tambiíén estaba sorprendida porque algunos paparazzis aparecieron frente a mi casa en Suecia.

B: Habí­an fotos en las revistas.

A: Sí­. Fotos de mi gato y de mi coche malo. Tengo un coche mejor tambiíén. Fui a esconderme al baño.

B: ¿Estabas en casa en ese momento?

A: El primer dí­a estaba visitando a un amigo y mis vecinos me llamaron. Los paparazzis tambiíén visitaron a mis vecinos. Despuíés le pedí­ ayuda a mi mánager. Me dijo que me escondiese en el lavabo. Entonces mi vecino me llamó y me dijo: “ya se han ido”.

B: Tendrí­a que haberme traí­do el papel conmigo porque el artí­culo era absolutamente ridí­culo. Uno de los tí­tulos era: “¡La nueva cantante de Nightwish es madre!” Estaba en letras grandes. Como si fueras una “madre troll” o algo así­.

A: Eso fue lo que me chocó más. No síé por quíé pasó de aquella manera. Sólo en Finlandia escribieron acerca de mí­ como “madre”. Por supuesto hay gente que me ha preguntado como soportar las cosas con mi familia, pero sólo han agrandado las cosas allí­. El hecho de que sea madre y “abandone a mi hijo”… parecí­a como si fuese la peor persona del mundo.

B: No he leí­do acerca de ti “abandonando a tu hijo”, pero creo que ellos pensaron acerca del asunto de que hubiese una madre en un grupo así­ como algo sobrenatural.

A: Me eligieron porque la banda necesita una madre.

B: Me juego contigo la elección de los trapos sucios.

A: Soy muy imprudente cuando estoy con la banda. Soy más especí­fica en casa. Por supuesto soy una especie de “figura maternal” para los chicos. Si hacen algo que no es sano, por ejemplo, se lo digo. “Deja de fumar”. Yo he fumado pero lo digo igual.

Les digo que hagan ejercicio. Yo hago muchí­simo. Aunque sigo siendo muy tranquila.

B: Volvamos a los paparazzis enfrente de tu casa. Tomaron una foto de tu gato.

A: De uno de mis gatos.

B: ¿Alguien te ha traducido la historia? Yo misma lo leí­ y lo creí­. “Todo está en silencio en casa de Anette Olzon. El coche no está, solo el gato está vagando alrededor, silencioso…” Lo recuerdo bien. El artí­culo me impresionó. “Sólo el gato está vagando alrededor en silencio, buscando a sus dueños”. La impresión era de que habí­an dejado al gato solo, sin comida. El niño no importaba.

A: No pude creerlo. Incluso las direcciones a mi casa eran exactas. “Conduce y gira a los 500 metros…”

B: Tambiíén entrevistaron a los vecinos.

A: Ni siquiera he hablado yo misma con ellos. No los conocí­a antes, pero ahora los conozco. Todos sabemos quienes somos.

B: ¿Te has arrepentido de tu elección despuíés de todo el lio?

A: Para nada.

B: ¿Estás satisfecha?

A: Sí­, lo estoy, y la situación se ha calmado. Ya he dicho que quiero tener mi privacidad. No le voy a enseñar mi casa a la prensa. Desafortunadamente.

B: “No te puedes acercar mas que mi hierba.”

A: Soy muy precisa con eso. Mi banda es mi trabajo. Como esto es tu trabajo.

B: ¿Cómo ha soportado tu hijo la excitación que tu trabajo ha creado?

A: Está realmente orgulloso. Muy orgulloso. Me puede preguntar en una tienda “Mamá, ¿puedo llamarte Nightwish-Anette?” Por supuesto lleva una camiseta de Nightwish. Es embarazoso pero tambiíén es divertido. Le gustarí­a decirle a todo el mundo que su madre es la cantante de Nightwish. Tambiíén le gustarí­a ser visto en las revistas y lo tengo que esconder. Apostarí­a a que le gustarí­a estar con Lordi en sus conciertos.

B: El es muy joven. ¿Cuántos años tiene?

A: Seis.

B: Lo estás protegiendo por su propio bien. Ya has sido vista por todo el mundo en Finlandia. Tambiíén has publicado un álbum. ¿Se han cumplido tus expectativas?

A: La mayor parte. A veces vienen sorpresas. Tambiíén hay muchas cosas que hacer tras el canto.

B: ¿Y quíé hay acerca de ello musicalmente?

A: Ha ido muy bien. Estoy muy contenta y orgullosa de estar en este álbum. Practicamos mucho juntos y nos sentimos muy bien.

B: Tu pasado musical es totalmente diferente, creo.

A: He cantado rock mayoritariamente. í‰sto se parece mucho a lo que yo canto y Nightwish no representa el heavy más duro que hay. Por ejemplo, me gusta mucho Finntroll. Es muy heavy. Y tambiíén lo es Amorphis. Eso se siente muy bien.

B: He leí­do en algún sitio que tu tí­o está en una banda llamada Vikingarna.

A: Si. Vengo de una familia de baile y orquesta.

B: Eso es muy entretenido.

A: Si, un poco. Por otra parte, entiendo como ha pasado todo esto. He vivido con mi madre en un bus de gira, he dormido bajo el escenario y he escuchado música de baile toda mi vida. No me gustarí­a cantarla.

B: ¿Quizás ni siquiera escucharla?

A: No.

B: ¿Cómo ha respondido tu familia de baile y orquesta a tu nuevo trabajo?

A: Bien. Mi tí­o de Vikingarna está muy orgulloso. í‰l piensa que Nightwish es una buena banda. Mi madre tambiíén está muy emocionada. Estuvo hace poco en un festival de metal con mi hermana y ahora suele escuchar metal. El metal no ha estado en nuestro repertorio. Solí­amos escuchar jazz, blues y música de baile, porque la mayor parte de esto sonaba en su profesión.

B: Mucha gente estará pensando cómo se aplica una chica con una historia de música de baile a una banda como Nightwish.

A: Fue un cambio de destino. Es justo como yo lo veo. No lo planeíé y ni siquiera conocí­a a la banda. Habí­a oí­do el nombre y habí­a oí­do la música unos meses antes porque mi sobrino hablaba de la banda todo el tiempo. Habí­a oí­do a la banda en un álbum recopilatorio. Entonces un familiar, tíécnico de sonido, me dijo que deberí­a intentar ser la nueva cantante de Nightwish porque la banda habí­a echado a Turunen. “¿Quiíén? ¿Yo?” Preguntíé. “¿Canto ópera y clásico?” “Quizás ellos quieren algo diferente”. Lo pensíé y decidí­ intentarlo. Habí­a estado esperando durante años una oportunidad para cantar ese tipo de música. Grabíé Ever Dream y se lo mandíé a la banda.

B: ¿Lo grabaste en un estudio?

A: Mi antigua banda y yo tení­amos nuestro propio estudio. Les pedí­ grabar las canciones otra vez. El guitarrista hizo los solos y yo grabíé mi propia parte. Escuchíé la canción sólo dos veces antes de grabarla. No estaba muy preparada, lo que es muy tí­pico en mí­â€¦ grabíé la canción, la enviíé y así­ fue. La respuesta llegó tras una semana. Tuomas elogió mi demo muchí­simo. Ahí­ es cuando me di cuenta de algo.

B: ¿Te llamó o te mandó un e-mail?

A: Me llegó un e-mail.

B: ¿En quíé lengua?

A: En inglíés.

B: ¿Quíé lengua hablas con la banda?

A: Una especie de mezcla entre inglíés, finíés y sueco.

 B: ¿Tuomas habla sueco?
A: Muy bien. El mejor. Al principio se resistí­a al sueco. “Suecia y los suecos, bah!” Ahora el me pregunta por la mañana “¿cómo estás?” en sueco. Escribe un impecable sueco.

B: Eso está muy bien. Invitaremos a toda la banda aquí­.

A: Probablemente me van a matar ahora.

B: Espero que eso no pase.

A: Tuomas necesita ser bueno.

B: Dos años de tour es algo muy largo. Ahora llega una pregunta obligatoria. ¿Cómo puedes estar lejos de tu familia? Bueno, si fueses un hombre… no, espera un minuto. Le preguntíé lo mismo a un hombre la semana pasada.

A: Es difí­cil para los que tenemos niños: para Marco, para Jukka y para mí­. Mi marido ha estado lejos así­ que se lo que es cuidar de un niño sola. Mi marido tambiíén sabe lo que es estar lejos del hogar. Por supuesto es lo mas duro para mi hijo. Es más fácil para mí­ porque me puedo concentrar en el trabajo. Mi hijo cree que es algo poco convincente cuando estoy lejos. No todos los dí­as, pienso. A veces me llora al telíéfono “¿otra semana entera?” hace llorar a mi corazón pero sigo tratando de explicarle que el es la persona mas importante y la que mas quiero en el mundo. Le digo que mama estarí­a infeliz sin su trabajo. Es un gran sueño para mí­.

B: Esperemos que todo vaya bien.

A: Estoy segura de que así­ será.

B: Muchas gracias Anette. Vosotros (al publico) pensareis lo mismo que yo. Anette es muy finesa, ¿no lo es?

A: un poquito.

B: Hay algo fines en ti.

A: Creo que la cara.

B: Quizás la pensativa manera que tienes de hablar.

A: Quizás es eso.

B: Tenemos una mosca en el estudio...

A: Quiere ser finesa tambiíén.

B: Gracias Anette.

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 05, 2008, 11:07:54 pm
Revista "Suosikki"

En esta entrevista Anette cuenta que llegó a Nightwish de un mundo completamente distinto. Ella ha estado cantando toda su vida, pero el trabajo por el cual le pagaban por ejemplo ha sido en oficinas.
Trabajar en una banda es algo totalmente distinto. No es inusual que se entere de una entrevista o una sesion de fotos sólo un tiempo antes de empezarla. Por momentos la situación ha sido simplemente demasiado y hasta ha teniado ataques de pánico. Ahora ella sabe mucho mejor como hacerlo y la situación ha mejorado muchisimo.

Tambiíén cuenta que a veces se siente sola en los tours ya que es la unica chica.O que a veces no se muestra muy entusiasta con dar entrevistas cuando ciertos periodistas solo quieren preguntarle sobre su divorcio y su nueva relación. Y si, ella cuenta que tiene un nuevo novio y es sueco, asi que todas las especulaciones sobre un novio de Nightwish ya pueden ser olvidadas.

Además dice que ella hace cosas en el escenario que ningun otro artista del heavy hace. Y por supuesto entiende que algunas personas lo encuentran dificil de aceptar. Y ella aun ama la ropa negra, pero es verano ahora!

Cuenta que es practicamente adicta a las compras, le gusta comprar ropa nueva y combinar diferentes estilos. Pero tambien se aburre facilmente y por eso es que cambia su estilo en el escenario bastante seguido. Y por eso tambien le gusta teñir su cabello constantemente.
Anette dice que siempre le gustaron los tattoos y los piercing, pero no podia hacer muchos antes debido a sus trabajos.

Ademas dice que el tour de primavera fue una experiencia muy dura. Hicieron muchos shows en Europa, asi como tambien en America y por supuesto eso significó tener que viajar muchisimo. Los primeros dias del verano estaba muy cansada y tuvo fiebre en varias ocasiones. Incluso tuvo que tomar antibióticos al menos 3 veces en un periodo de pocas semanas.
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Agosto 13, 2008, 09:41:04 pm

Y de una decepción como me parecieron LORDI, llegó la gran sorpresa. Eso fue para mi el show de NIGHTWISH, a los que no pude ver en la gira, y a los que tení­a mucha curiosidad por ver y comprobar si los ví­deos que habí­a visto en YouTube, -la mayorí­a bastante decepcionantes-, eran el fiel reflejo de lo que es la banda en la actualidad, tras la salida de Tarja y la entrada de Anette, sobre la que he escuchado muy variopintas opiniones. Querí­a saber de primera mano como y a quíé sonaban estos nuevos NIGHTWISH que tanto me gustaron con Tarja en el pasado, aunque siendo sincero diríé que la última actuación que viví­ de ellos con "la Turunen" en La Cubierta de Leganíés, en Madrid, no me convenció demasiado por lo artificial que se mostró la saliente cantante y la poca actitud de esta, en gran parte, por no hablar de la nula comunicación que se mascaba encima del escenario.

Haríé un breve resumen de lo que me trasmitió la renovada banda, con Anette: Me gustaron bastante más que lo que esperaba...Me encantaron, ¡estuvieron soberbios! Quizás porque iba mentalizado de que no iba a encontrarme con gran cosa, y más aún tras el mal sabor de boca producido tras los malos ví­deos que habí­a visto en Internet, grabados por fans, donde la Olzon desafinaba y en ocasiones destrozaba los temas originalmente cantados por Tarja, sin apenas actitud y una imagen no muy acorde con lo que siempre fue la majestuosidad y elegancia de la frontwoman de NIGHTWISH.

No obstante, entre todos los elogios que haríé hacia su actuación, si hay un detalle negativo que es obligatorio mencionar y denunciar: el set list elegido no agradó a casi nadie, porque los fans que iban predispuestos a rememorar los más clásicos y populares temas de los finlandeses, quedaron decepcionados, porque clásicos, lo que se dice clásicos, hubo muy pocos, o casi ninguno. La lista de temas "olvidados" es muy larga. Por citar algunos, no tocaron: "She Is My Sin", "The Kinslayer", "Bless the Child", "The Phantom of the Opera", "End of All Hope", "Beauty of the Beast", la version de "Over The Hills and Far Away"...

Entiendo que con Anette, que no tiene la misma, ni parecida tesitura de voz de Tarja, hayan querido tachar de su repertorio los temas más operí­sticos, de tonos altos, y lí­ricos y en su detrimento incluir los máximos posibles de "Dark Passion Play" o los más sencillos de cantar por melodí­a, tono y tesitura. Es lógico, pero creo que esto se convirtió en un error, ya que un gran grupo como ellos no puede romper con su propia historia, como lo hicieron y están haciendo, olvidando temas claves en su set list, por el hecho de que su vocalista no pueda cantarlos o no lo haga bien. Eso se piensa antes, diríéis muchos...

Con Anette y su renovado set list, ahora NIGHTWISH han perdido gran parte del sello propio, estilo, mensaje, actitud, puesta en escena, magnetismo, lirismo y casi la totalidad de su perfil operí­stico que siempre les caracterizó, les hizo famosos, únicos, originales y que otras bandas imitaron... Han perdido gran parte de su esencia, y eso hace que a muchos fans no les guste el camino que ha tomado el grupo, como demostraron esta noche.

Independientemente de lo que explico y que creo de vital importancia para los verdaderos y más genuinos seguidores del grupo, la banda actuó sobresalientemente en Lorca, y repito: a mi me gustaron mucho, porque juzguíé a NIGHTWISH como lo que ellos quieren ser y fueron esta noche: una banda diferente, nueva, con "muy buen rollo" en escena (se nota que existe muy buena vibración con Anette) y alejados de los NIGHTWISH de Tarja casi totalmente.

Cambiando el "chip", como yo hice, contaríé que cada una de las canciones elegidas para el repertorio de esta noche sonó perfectamente. Anette canto muy bien, con afinación casi perfecta, su actitud fue maravillosa, se mostró como la cantante ideal para estos nuevos NIGHTWISH, y derrocho simpatí­a a raudales. Un sobresaliente para ella. Eso sí­, no me gustan los vestidos que luce en directo, pero eso ya es gusto muy particular.

En cuanto a espectáculo, otro 10. El show estuvo perfecto en cuanto a efectos pirotecnicos, fuego, explosiones. El sonido fue estupendo, así­ como las luces, telón, etc. Eso hizo que la actuación no decayera y el grupo se pudiera lucir y sobresalir especialmente, gracias a sus tíécnicos y su equipo pirotíécnico.

Saltaron a escena con "Bye, Bye Beautiful", "a lo grande". El tema fue un cañonazo, con Marco cantando a lo bestia y con rabia los coros de esta canción dedicada a la Srta Tarja.

Toda la banda sonó poderososí­sima y con super nivel. Tuomas Holopainen rodeado de teclados, como siempre, demostró quien sigue siendo el jefe en todo momento, Marco Hietala estuvo a gran altura, pero le notíé no tan metido en su papel comparado con otras veces. Jukka Nevalainen, con su camiseta de "revista picate" estuvo brutal a los tambores y el hombre de las seis cuerdas, Emppu Vuorinen, arrasó con su hacha y demostró que sin ser un "guitar heroe" es perfecto para NIGHTWISH, de hecho siempre lo ha sido...

El segundo tema fue otro zarpazo total: "Dark Chest Of Wonders"; fue estupenda la combinación de este con el inicial "Bye, Bye Beautiful", de hecho hacen una pareja de canciones pluscuamperfecta. Anette cantó muy bien, se movió con estilo, sonriendo, y llenando escenario en plan "jefa". Sus preciosos ojos eran como dos brillantes y penetrantes zafiros. ¡Esta mujer tiene unos ojos maravillosos! Todo hay que decirlo...

Sonó "Whoever brings the Night", la primera canción compuesta por Emppu Vuorinen en su ultimo álbum, la cual no me dejo un gran sabor de boca (yo hubiera elegido cualquier otra de "Dar Passion Play). Le siguió una preciosa "The Siren" de "Once", que me encantó, una gran canción cantada con una evocadora voz de Anette, cual Hada púrpura. El tema, con cierto aire arábigo nos hechizó, con un gran estribillo donde destacó la buena combinación de voces entre Olson y Marco. Tras esta, otra maravilla: "Amarath", cantada con gran magia por Anette.

El siguiente tema fue una gran sorpresa..."Sacrament of Wilderness" que fue primer single del álbum "Oceanborn". Pocos de los que estábamos allí­ esperábamos que la banda resucitara este gran tema, uno de mis favoritos de los primeros discos del grupo. Fue cantado con una voz excepcional unida a una instrumentación muy tíécnica grandiosa.

A continuación, llegó el "lujazo" de la noche...El extenso, maravilloso, dinámico, dramático y espectacular "Poet and the pendulum", donde el grupo no dejó fisuras y nos regaló lo mejor de la noche instrumental y tecnicamente hablando. Luego interpretaron "Ever Dream", donde Anette se vació haciendo una gran interpretación.

"Sahara" les quedo de lujo, impecable, y la versión de "Wishnaster" sonó bestial e hizo felices a todos los asistentes. Anette la hizo suya, la llevó a su terreno, aunque, sinceramente, yo eche de menos la voz de Tarja...En este tema sí­.

Los bises llegaron, y, ¡de que manera! "Nemo", cantado con sutileza, y gran voz por Anette, nos envolvió de magia. ¡¡Quíé gran canción!! Yo siempre diríé que me recuerda lo más melódico y comercial de Mike Oldfield...

El final fue espectacular, pirotecnia, explosiones, y un sonidazo increí­ble. Cerraron con "Whis I Had An Angel". Una gran actuación. A mi me encantó!!!
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Agosto 13, 2008, 09:42:33 pm
Recordemos que NIGHTWISH van a editar una nueva colección de demos y caras-B's titulada "The Sound of Nightwish Reborn", y que sólo estará disponible en formato digital a principios de Septiembre.

Como decí­amos hace unos dí­as, el listado de temas para "The Sound of Nightwish Reborn" es el siguiente:

"Eva" (demo version) - Demo session, pre-album +
"Reach" ("Amaranth" demo) - Demo session, pre-album +
"While Your Lips Are Still Red" - B-side, pre-album
"Escapist" - B-side, Album session
"The Poet and The Pendulum" - Demo version, pre-album +
"Bye Bye Beautiful (DJ Orkidea remix)" - Album session
"Meadows of Heaven" - Orchestral version, album session
"Amaranth" - Orchestral version, album session
"The Escapist" - Instrumental Version, album session
+ Pre-Olzon demo versions.
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Agosto 13, 2008, 09:43:35 pm
Material filmado profesionalmente de la actuación de NIGHTWISH en Wacken el 2 de agosto

Bye Bye Beautiful

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Agosto 13, 2008, 09:44:20 pm

Ever Dream

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Agosto 16, 2008, 04:20:47 pm

NIGHTWISH was one of the headlining bands on this years Wacken Open Air which was held July 31 - August 2, 2008 in Wacken, Germany. Nick 'Dizzy' Ruskell from Kerrang interviewed Tuomas Holopainen in the backstage and Tuomas shed a little light how it feels to share the same stage with the likes of Iron Maiden.
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Agosto 16, 2008, 05:10:14 pm
Lorca rock




Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Agosto 16, 2008, 05:16:20 pm


Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 19, 2008, 11:17:36 pm
Lowlands 2008 (audio) (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 19, 2008, 11:48:04 pm
Anette cambió otra vez de look!!! (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 23, 2008, 11:03:46 pm
7 days to the wolves (Lowlands) (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 23, 2008, 11:30:31 pm
Ahi va!!

Pues resulta que las chicas de sincro de EEUU han usado un trozo de "The Poet And The Pendulum" para su rutina libre, con la que han participado esta misma mañana (hora española) en el famoso cubo de Beijing. El trozo es el final de The Pacific y el principio de Dark Passion Play. La voz de nuestra adorada Anette se ha escuchado en todo el mundo al mismo tiempo
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Agosto 30, 2008, 03:36:20 pm
NIGHTWISH singer Anette Olzon has cancelled her appearance at the free concert marking forty years of the Helsinki Festival, set to take place on the Night of the Arts — Friday, August 22 — at Helsinki's Senate Square. She explained in a statement, "Due to illness I have to cancel my planned guest appearance in Helsinki Senate Square tomorrow. It was a big honour for me to be invited to this event and I feel sorry for those who had planned of seeing me there. Unfortunately, I have a cold going and I need to rest, get better and stronger for our heavy upcoming U.S. tour next week. NIGHTWISH duties do come first so I feel that my health and voice at this moment is more important, to be able to give our American fans a great tour over there. I am very, very sorry, but this is life and we can all get ill and exhausted and especially singers' voices are very fragile for colds and flus."
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Agosto 30, 2008, 03:37:36 pm
Capital Chaos conducted an interview with NIGHTWISH mainman/keyboardist Tuomas Holopainen on May 22, 2008 at The Boardwalk in Orangevale, California. Watch the six-minute chat below.

In celebration of NIGHTWISH returning for its final U.S. tour in support of the band's latest album, "Dark Passion Play", Live Nation is offering the following special: for the Wiltern show in Los Angeles on September 13, starting on Thursday, August 28 and ending on Sunday, August 31, all tickets for the show will be $10. This special is limited to 500 tickets only. Tickets will be available through Ticketmaster and

NIGHTWISH will release a digital-only collection of demos and B-sides titled "The Sound of Nightwish Reborn", available through all digital service providers, on September 2. This release, which clocks in at nearly 70 minutes of music, retains "must-have" status for all NIGHTWISH diehards, since it includes a bevy of exclusive material, such as demo versions of songs from the "Dark Passion Play" sessions that were recorded prior to singer Anette Olzon joining the band and that feature Marco Tapani Hietala handling the vocals, as well as B-sides.

The track listing for "The Sound of Nightwish Reborn" is as follows.

* "Eva" (demo version) - Demo session, pre-album +
* "Reach" ("Amaranth" demo) - Demo session, pre-album +
* "While Your Lips Are Still Red" - B-side, pre-album
* "Escapist" - B-side, Album session
* "The Poet and The Pendulum" - Demo version, pre-album +
* "Bye Bye Beautiful (DJ Orkidea remix)" - Album session
* "Meadows of Heaven" - Orchestral version, album session
* "Amaranth" - Orchestral version, album session
* "The Escapist" - Instrumental Version, album session

+ Pre-Olzon demo versions.
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Agosto 31, 2008, 10:01:24 pm
Friday morning (August 29th), prior to the kickoff gig at the Trocadero, BW&BK accompanied NIGHTWISH founder/keyboardist Tuomas Holopainen on a private tour of the Walt Whitman house, in Camden, NJ. The 19th Century poet is an inspiration for the Finn, having first learned of Whitman through the movie Dead Poets Society. Holopainen spent nearly 90 minutes at the quaint two-story structure, listening to a learned discourse on the man, his life and his works.

"I got shivers," the musician said of the experience, walking the halls, stepping foot into the rooms where the renown Whitman spent his final years, even getting to tryout the elderly writer's wlaking stick. Afterwards, Holopainen paid his respects at the poet's self-designed crypt at nearby Harleigh Cemetary.

In news related to the band, Holopainen claims, "We don't get a lot of time to practice, so unfortunately the set list will be pretty much the same as we've played all summer. I'm glad the festivals are over, I enjoy this kind of touring. I love being on the (tour) bus! Next year, we're going to switch the (song selection) up. After the US, we have one show in Moscow, then 4 weeks in South America. Then we have a long time off. We won't do any shows until March (2009)."

Might there be something in the meantime, to keep fans occupied? Like a DVD? "No, it's too soon. It's only been 3 years since End Of An Era (the swansong performance with former vocalist Tarja Turunen), but it's something we'll get around to." will have a pictorial from the first night's performance tomorrow.
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Agosto 31, 2008, 10:04:22 pm

Nightwish: Dark Passion Gallery

Size: 210 x 280 cm (8.3 x 11 inches)
Hardcover, 200 pages, illustrated, color
In English
Photography by Ville Akseli Juurikkala
Captions by Nightwish members
Foreword by Tuomas Holopainen
Release: 10/2008


Autumn 2007: after almost a two-year hiatus, the new singer of Nightwish has been chosen, the new album is ready, and a new world tour looms ahead. The pressure is immense, but Anette Olzon fulfills the expectations as the new front woman, charming the sold-out arenas around the world, and lifting the band to a class completely of its own in the history of Finnish Hard Rock.

Nightwish: Dark Passion Gallery is a photojournal by the renowned Rock photographer Ville Akseli Juurikkala (HIM, Apocalyptica, The 69 Eyes); a story of the first world tour by Finland's biggest rock band with their new singer, told in breathtaking pictures.
Juurikkala followed the band for almost a year, ever since the first gig until last summer. While the focus is on Europe, there's also plenty of scenes from around the world, from Asia to the Americas. The emphasis is naturally on the band members and their lives, both on-stage and backstage, but the reader also gets to follow the long days of the 50-strong crew.

While on tour, Juurikkala shared his life with the band members, traveling on the same bus, sleeping in the same hotels (sometimes in the same room), and hanging out in the same backstage rooms. He witnessed the daily life of the band at close range, and now you have the chance to experience it, too, through the glorious pictures in this beautiful book.
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Agosto 31, 2008, 10:08:23 pm
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Agosto 31, 2008, 10:12:04 pm
Lowlands. August 15-17 in Biddinghuizen (the Netherlands)

Bye Bye Beautiful


Wish I Had An Angel

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Agosto 31, 2008, 10:32:09 pm
El mensaje secreto de The poet and de pendulum
(Los susurros del principio puestos al reves)

I'm afraid. I'm so afraid.
Being raped again, and again, and again
I know I will die alone.
But loved.

You live long enough to hear the sound of guns,
long enough to find yourself screaming every night,
long enough to see your friends betray you.

For years I've been strapped unto this altar.
Now I only have 3 minutes and counting.
I just wish the tide would catch me first and give me a death I always longed for.
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Agosto 31, 2008, 10:33:52 pm
Una buena interpretacion sobre The poet and the pendulum q encontre por internet

Dividida en cinco secciones muy diferenciadas por estilo musical y temática, cuenta una historia común a todas ellas en la que se nos relata la "pasión" del protagonista (que todos sabemos que es Tuomas). Los tí­tulos de las sucesivas partes dan una idea de lo que contienen, aunque a veces produce equí­vocos (al menos desde mi punto de vista).

White Lands Of Empathica: La primera parte en la canción, pero la cuarta en el desarrollo de los acontecimientos que la canción cuenta. El primer verso resume la historia: todo ha acabado. 'Todo' incluye la vida del poeta, la banda y su música. No queda claro quíé le ha matado: se habla de una hoja (blade), pero no síé sabe quíé representa esa cuchilla. Las blancas tierras de Empatica no son otras que el cielo, donde la inocencia ´(tema central en la iconografí­a nightwishera, si se me permite decir...) es recuperada al dejar atrás la carne y los pecados-sentimeintos de esta.

Home: vamos atrás en el tiempo, sufriendo un flash-back que nos lleva al año 2005, pero tambiíén a un pequeño y rápido recorrido por los años previos: el 'dreamer' y el 'wine' hacen referencia a otras canciones de Nightwish en las que los deseos de morir o el sentimiento de haber sido mutilado/asesinado ya aparecí­an (Slaying The Dreamer, o Bless The Child..). El que sea un 'poeta sin rima' deja bastante claro su incapacidad de seguir escribiendo para la cantante del grupo, significado que se reafirma en el tercer verso de esta parte (widowed). La siguiente estrofa hace referencia a la proximidad del fin de todo, remarcando que todo se repite una y otrs vez (still the same old song). Se arrepiente de ser lo que es, en lo que se ha convertido debido a las malas relaciones dentro del grupo, incluso a su rol como verdugo de Tarja. Este grito desesperado representa su última confesión con el fin de salvar su alma...
El estribillo es el contrapunto a la confesión: es un grito de esperanza pero lleno de amargura que nos presenta a un Tuomas destrozado por su propia hipocresí­a, pidiendo perdón y ayuda... Se considera necesario para el mundo, para el frí­o mundo de los negocios, quizás...
En la siguiente estrofa hace referencia a la canción que cierra el album, recordando su infancia llena de inocencia y ternura, siempre sonriente y soñando con aventura... La evolución de su vida viene en los siguientes cuatro versos: no quiere seguir viviendo escuchando palabras ni halagos falsos que le hacen sentir que sus decisiones, en las que su corazón ha sido guí­a, son equivocadas.
"Take me home" es el grito esencial de esta canción junto a "Save me": desea volver a ser niño, recuperar la inocencia y sentirse protegido en 'those meadows of heaven'...

The Pacific: El oceano, otro icono indispensable en la trayectoria de Nightwish. Lo sorprendente es que haya escogido el Pací­fico, ya que no está cerca de Finlandia, pero quizá quiera aludir a su etimologí­a de "ocíéano de paz"...
Aquí­ continúa la historia de nuestro poeta. Vuelve a cantar un niño soprano lo que hace darle calidez a la canción, pero tambiíén un cierto hálito a profecí­a ya que la otra parte cantada por el niño soprano era el instante posterior a la muerte del poeta. Esta sección muestra, en un primer momento, su libertad, su ser acuoso y oceánico (la Ocean Soul que todos conocemos...), pero en seguida en la segunda estrofa reaparece la hoja, la cuchilla que le invita a dormir, moviíéndose sobre su cabeza, amenazándole mucho antes de que su muerte le llegue al final... Tambiíén se pone de manifiesto el fin de su infancia: a child in time que se ha ido para siempre, que ya debe defenderse solo del mundo.
Anette comienza a cantar en la sigueinte estrofa, quizá mostrando la comunidad de la banda muy bien presentada por ese 'we' en el primer verso de la estrofa. la luz que ilumina y escoge es como una luz salvadora que les evita toda muerte a ellas, salvo a íél, que se encuentra sumido en la oscuridad del pozo (aquí­ me voy al cuento de Poe) con la cuchilla yendo y viniendo sobre su cabeza, dispuesta a cortarle en dos en breve.
La parte hablada es bastante explí­cita por sí­ misma: Tuomas está temeroso de que la gente (sea quien sea) se aproveche de íél, de su talento y de la poca inocencia que aún le queda; sabe que detrás de todo eso aún hay amor bien por íél, bien por sus obras... Habla de haber vivido suficiente para darte cuenta de muchas cosas y esas cosas se refieren a un sin fin de cosas que le atormentan: la sociedad mundial con sus envidias y guerras, sus propios miedos (la soledad, la falta de inocencia, la traición...) y lo que sus propios allegados le hacen (friends). El altar sin duda representa el peso de llevar encima todo Nightwish (al fin y al cabo es el ultimí­simo responsable...) y siente como su fin se va acercando (3 minutes and counting). Confiesa su último deseo: la marea le atrapará y se le llevará, se harán uno y su cuerpo pasará a formar parte del ocíéano (Ocean Soul: "one with the waves").

Dark Passion Play: tí­tulo ambiguo incluso en la traducción: ¿es una obra sobre una oscura pasión usando pasión como sentimiento terrenal o usando pasión como La Pasión con mayúscula? Parece más evidente la segunda, pero sin duda ambas interpretaciones pueden ser presentadas al mismo tiempo porque Nightwish es la pasión de la vida de Tuomas...
Esta parte tan dura (la más dura de la canción) es cantada por Marco. Habla de la Pasión Cristiana, dejando claro que su muerte no es por culpa de los demás, sino por su propia falta de inocencia: el segundo ladrón muere habiíéndose arrepentido, con un corazón sincero que muestra su culpabilidad y que sabe que merece morir por sus pecados... La referencia a la derecha representa su futura entrada en el Paraí­so prometido.
Llega la muerte: la hoja le corta por la mitad, matando su infancia, porque no es Tuomas quien muere, sino Tuomas el inocente, Tuomas el niño que alberga esperanza, su alma perece aquí­... Anuncia que el mundo (el frí­o y cruel mundo) puede regocijarse mientras íél se va pudriendo poco a poco bajo el peso de la corrupción y la maldad...
A continuación viene la sepultura, su entrada en el infierno debido a la falta de inocencia de su alma. Las campanas tocan la despedida de Tuomas, ¿de su música, de su vida?
El altar vuelve a ser mencionado: en Nightwish ya sólo queda ahora los restos de esta transición entre la vida de la inocencia y la supremací­a de la maldad, entre el Nightwish con Tarja y lo que vendrá para Tuomas despuíés (que gracias a Dios es Nightwish con Anette...). Sus "amigos" no sienten vergí¼enza en representarla pues son hipócritas, siguen siendolo ya que escupen en su tumba a pesar de haber sido ellos quienes le traicionaron...
De nuevo el estribillo, con más fuerza, con mayor significado ahora y más seguido de la segunda parte hablada de la canción. Aquí­ Anette nos anuncia el resultado de la muerte de Tuomas: ha dejado los cuidados de este mundo, ha dejado de llorar por todo lo que ha ocurrido, su música no ha dejado de resonar en íél y en el mundo un sólo segundo, pudiendo hacerlo ahora (durante un año y medio...). Nos cuentan cómo se ha econtrado su cuerpo: desnudo, representando la sinceridad y la inocencia, muerto, por la tristeza y la culpabilidad, con una sonrisa por haber, al menos, creado algo hermoso en los años previos, con un bolí­grafo y 1000 páginas de texto borrado, es decir, con sus recriminaciones a aquellos que le han inflingido un gran daño borradas para evitar más dolor y rencor (¿o quizá represente una nota de suicidio que nunca ha llegado a ser necesaria...?)
"Save me" y el sonido del píéndulo cayendo sobre íél... Todo se para durante un segundo dejando en suspense nuestro retorno a la realidad más reciente, más acá en el tiempo que "White Land of Empathica"

Mother & Father: Tuomas ha resucitado, mejor dicho, ha renacido, vuelve a ser un niño inocente que no puede hablar por si mismo, sino a travíés del punto de vista de sus padres, de su madre en concreto. Ha retornado para despedirse de ellos, para ser capaz de andar solo en este mundo, pero siempre teniendo presente ciertas enseñanzas. Al principio aún está nervioso y necesita de las palabras tranquilziadoras de su madre, el sentirse en el hogar protector... Su madre se percata de su frialdad y le advierte que la cuchilla no cesará de caer por el momento, pero que todo desaparece si recuerda que aún hay gente que le quiere y le apoya ocurra lo que ocurra (para Tuomas es tan importante la familia que todo su amor se resume en esta sección, sin duda...). Le animan a seguir con su trabajo de buscar la belleza, de llegar a su porpia orilla donde ser soberano de su mundo de imaginación; le animan a seguir intentando salvarnos a todos losq ue aprendemos algo de su música y su estilo de vida, de su inocencia... Los oceános que tiene dentro además de reafirmar su Ocean Soul presentan una profundidad insondable de sentimeintos y confianza en los que muchas personas tienen cabida. Y le recuerda una vez más que haga lo que haga, pase lo que pase, ellos son sus padres y nunca dejarán de quererle...

"The beginning" - se cierra el ciclo iniciado por el primer verso y marca el re-inicio de la inocencia de Tuomas, de su vida y su esperanza, pero tambiíén de Nightwish y de su creación: ahora aún tiene algo de su inocencia, pero tambiíén es sabio a travíés de la edad y la experiencia, estando más preparado para el píéndulo que aún oscila sobre su cabeza. Su vida caba de empezar y queda mucho camino por delante: Nightwish aún seguirá mucho tiempo entre nosotros...

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 03, 2008, 11:39:38 pm
Brody from Hamilton, Ontario:
Hi Anette :). This thought randomly came to me the other day... Have you ever been playing live and in the middle of a song had an overwhelming urge to sneeze, or cough, or some other bodily function that restricts the use of your airways? :P. If you have, what did you do?

Oh yes, almost every show I do that happens;=) Mostly I drink much water and since I sing with a belting technique I push so hard in my stomach muscles, that I gets the water up immediately and I also have big problems with my stomach which give me heartburn a lot. Its really horrible and you just have to try and sing the phrase out and then burp, breath or whatever needs to come out;=)

Etienne from South Africa:
What was your first experience with music that made you decide to pursue it as a career ?

I have wanted to be a singer since I was just a little little child, so it was I guess my destiny.

Fábio Rosenkrantz from Sí£o Paulo, Brasil:
Greetings from Brasil, Anette!

I make my living as a Professional Magician, and I was wondering: Besides music, of course, are you into any other kinds of Performing Arts, such as dancing, theater, circus arts -And obviously magic!-?

Hi and greetings from Sweden! Fun with magic;=) I have done many things earlier, like acting, dancing, doing puppet theatre, but never any magic. My big brother did a bit of magic when we were younger, so maybe that counts??? ;=)

Iris from Mí¤ntsí¤lí¤:
How are your Finnish studies going? Should I write this in English?

Quite well. I understand a lot but hard to talk myself. So many endings in the finnish language;=)

Swedish guy from Sweden:
If you could recommend three swedish bands/musicans to the rest of the world, which three would you choose?

Hard question, since there are so many good ones....but no 1: I must mention my boyfriend (I dont wanna say his name but he's great!); no 2: Patrik "Sví¤rra" Sví¤rd (Cloudscape) and no 3: Nicklas Olsson (my beloved Alyson Avenue band member). My boyfriend plays extremely well and I know he will go really far, Patrik Sví¤rra is a super good guitar player and with his and Nicklas help I made my demo for Nightwish. They are great!

Liliana from Mexico:
What does Nightwish mean to you??

It's the band I sing in and my job. It's great music, bombastic yet full of emotions.

Eve from UK:
If you could be invisible for a day what would you do and why?
ps. you rock!!!

I would sneak around my son in school to see how he really behaves when I am not around.

Guilherme Moura from Brazil:
What does "Arska" mean?


It's just a nickname they use in Finland.

Irene from Greece:
As a you want your son to have musical education? Have you signed him up for a musical instrument class or music theory?

Since I don't believe that education within music is the most important thing to succeed - but talent, good connections and hard work, it's up to him to decide if he wants to pursue a music education, play an instrument or not. He is very interested in playing guitar already, he got a nice guitar from Emppu which he plays on and he also loves guitar hero, so we'll see what will come out of it. But I would never ever push him to do it if he is not interested at all. He can be whatever he chooses in life, I will always love him endlessly no matter what.

andrea from usa:
where you a good student or a bad student while you were in school? :)

I was good, but could have been much better if I hadn't been so lazy and only thinking of boys;=)

Perizada from Australia:
What was your happiest childhood memory?

Being at my grandmothers place, playing princesses with my childhood friend Anna-Karin.

MiGda from Mexico:
Hi Anette!!.. Have you ever played games in Las Vegas??? if so... Did you win money???

No, I haven´t. I only lost money since I shopped a hell of a lot over there and got a nice tattoo;=)

Mariana from Portugal:
Hello, How are you?
I really love your graceful voice.
What is your favourite place in the whole world?

Hi, I am just fine, thank you! Thanks so much for your precious words;=) There are so many nice places in the world but after seeing so many places I still must say that Sweden and my house is the best place in the world!

Myra from New York, USA:
What is your favorite/least favorite thing about touring?

The best thing is to see new places, to perform, be able to read lots of interesting books and have time for some thinking. Worst part is home-sickness, missing my close ones, living in a small bus with only men, not having any girlfriend to talk to, bad food and the strain it takes on my body and voice.

Daniel Guarienti (Guá) from Brasil:
I just saw the videos from Wacken Open Air and you were amazing. Playing in a big festival like this don't scare you?

Hi and thanks! Wacken was great! No, big festivals don't scare me, it can be more intimidating to sing in front of just a couple of hundreds;=) The only thing that scares me with big festivals are the bands that are using those big sound bombs since I can't watch and enjoy any bands before or after us then. Which is a pity....;=(

Anette from Sverige:
Hi Anette, my question is: what is the best and worst side of success? You are awesome, saw you in Ruisrock. Take care;=) // Anette

Hi Anette and big thanks for your warming words! The best thing is to be able to try and make a difference in this life through being myself and trying to show everyone and especially other women and younger girls that anyone can live their dream if they just belive in themselves! The worst part is to hear and read nasty and horrible things about yourself in the internet and media, feeling other peoples envy and jealousy and to not be able to trust anyone for their true intentions. I am so happy I have true friends I can trust that love me for Anette, not for Nightwish or my success.

jack from UK:
is there anything in particular you found scary when you were a child? :)

I was a very sensitive child and in that meaning I was afraid of many things... like darkness, ghosts, monster etc. But the one big fear I had and still have which are such a big phobia for me is thunder, bombs, pyros etc. Everything that as you can understand, being in a metal band isn´t so easy for me.

Charlee from USA:
What is the first thing you just -have- to do when you return home after touring with the guys?

Apart from kissing my son and boyfriend it is to walk around the house without any make-up, wearing comfortable clothes, eating home-made healthy food and be able to take a jog in the forest. I love to come home;=)

Mary-Justine from Buffalo, New York, USA:
Obviously the singing you have to do in Nightwish is very different from the singing you did with your former band, Alyson Avenue. What have you learned about your voice and its potential now, a year into the tour, and what have you learned to do differently or have you changed in your technique as a result?

I sing so much more now and as you say, in a little different way. What I have learned is to use my belting technique better and to take care of my body. It`s very notable that it`s a job now and not as earlier, a side job. I have also learned that my voice and chords are soooo strong and can stand a lot! luckily....;=)

Minnie from Tampere:
Has your picture about Finland / Finnish people changed now that you've spent more time with Finnish boys?

I didn't know so much about Finland before Nightwish, but what I can see now is that there are quite big differences between Finland and Sweden, despite the fact that we are neighbour countries.

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 09, 2008, 11:03:47 pm
Digna de confianza
Digna de confianza. Anette Olzon ha estado mirando el mundo a travíés de los cristales multicolores de Nightwish por más de un año. Este tiempo ha sido educativo, difí­cil, gratificante y hasta incluso, solitario. En esta entrevista además nos cuenta sobre una estrella de fútbol, ropa y tatuajes. Pero primero vayamos a Tempere.
Tampere, Pakkahuone Concert Hall, otoño de 2006. Una banda de heavy rock, Tarot, ha subido al escenario. Marco Hietala es miembro de la banda pero es mejor conocido como el bajista/vocalista de Nightwish. Allí­ tambiíén se encuentra el manager de Nightwish con su “prima sueca” Anette Olzon. La historia de la prima es, por supuesto, completamente falsa ya que la cantante sueca es en realidad una fuerte candidata al puesto de vocalista para Nightwish.
-Marco es un cantante increí­ble, admira Anette cuando el auto se dirige a Helsinki.
Un par de meses despuíés, Dark Passion Play, el sólido álbum de Nightwish, está listo. La identidad de Anette permanece en secreto por varias semanas aunque la cantante da algunas entrevistas en el estudio.
- Admito que es una sensación increí­ble. Dark Passion Play esta terminado y ya soy miembro oficial de la banda, dice la vocalista sonriendo.
- Mandíé mi demo de Ever Dream a Tuomas a finales de 2005, así­ que tuve que vivir en suspenso durante casi un año. En algún punto comencíé a perder las esperanzas porque pensíé que ya habí­an escogido a otra persona.
Trata de imaginar la agonizante situación: estás cerca de convertirte en miembro de una banda de clase mundial y de repente el sueño es arrancado de ti. Anette, sin embargo, nunca perdió las esperanzas y decidió mandar a Nightwish mas pruebas de su habilidad.
-Tení­a el presentimiento de que se suponí­a que debí­amos estar juntos. Y al mismo tiempo tení­a miedo de regresar al principio. Yo he cantado desde pequeña y sentí­a que estaba lista pata llenar zapatos más grandes.
Mientras prosigue la entrevista, otros asuntos son revelados. Lo más importante es su entorno musical y su pasado como vocalista versátil en bandas de covers, opera-rock y estudios musicales.
-Formíé parte de competiciones de canto cuando era niña. Cuando tenia 16 me uní­ a una banda de covers e hice un tour por Suecia y Dinamarca. En todos esos bares de esquina realmente aprendes a pelear por ser escuchada. A veces, la devolución del público era fea “No toques esta clase de m***da” y así­, cuenta la cantante.
Imagina otra situación: te unes a una famosa banda cuya cantante anterior fue despedida causando gran conmoción. Así­ que más atención de la prensa se avecina. ¿Cómo te preparas para eso? Realmente, no puedes.
-Veremos como manejo los retos de la fama. Por suerte, tengo experiencia como intíérprete. Si fuera una principiante en todos los aspectos, esto no funcionaria, dice Olzon negando con la cabeza.
-Lo que más me preocupa es mi voz. Un tour largo provoca gran estríés y no puedes dar un show haciendo la mitad del esfuerzo. Por suerte, puedo cuidarme a mi misma y no me gusta quedarme a las fiestas que duran toda la noche. Tambiíén me entusiasma que Tuomas siempre haya puesto íénfasis en la importancia de la autenticidad. Me ha dicho, "No te desafí­es a ti misma, muíéstrate como realmente eres".

“Respeto a Zlatan Ibrahimovic”
Continuamos hasta Turku. Ahora es verano y el viernes del Ruisrock Festival. A principios de la tarde el sol brilla. El bus de Nightwish ha llegado al hotel de Turku, pero Anette ha llegado a la recepción antes, directamente desde el aeropuerto.
-Estaba en el mismo avión que nuestro ingeniero alemán que se ocupa de la baterí­a, Ulsch. Estábamos tan cansados que, básicamente, nos dormimos en el hombro del otro. Bueno, seguro que aparecerán fotografí­as en las revistas presentado en nuevo novio de Anette, dice la vocalista sonriendo.
A pesar del cansancio, la cantante sueca se muestra alegre y sonriente como siempre. Ni siquiera estar enferma pone a Anette de mal humor.
-El tour de primavera de Nightwish fue una dura experiencia. Dimos muchos conciertos en Europa y Norte Amíérica y eso significa muchos viajes. Al comienzo del verano estaba realmente extenuada y tuve fiebre varias veces. Me prescribieron, al menos tres veces, inyecciones de penicilina en un par semanas.
Anette se muestra muy agradecida de que la agenda de Nightwish no se encuentre tan ocupada este verano.
-He tenido la suerte de poder disfrutar del verano con mi hijo y mis amigos. Es muy importante tomarse pequeños descansos cuando estás de gira tantos meses seguidos. Serí­a buení­simo tener más tiempo libre, para empezar tres meses estarí­an bien, rí­e la cantante.
¿Pudiste seguir la Copa UEFA?
-Un poquito! Yo he jugado al fútbol cuando era joven pero no tení­a mucho talento. Mi hijo esta ahora muy entusiasmado con el fútbol, dice Anette tomando un pequeño descanso.-¿He dicho cuánto admiro a Zlatan Ibrahimovic? En mi situación actual me puedo identificar con íél de alguna manera. Zlatan era tan inocente e ingenuo cuando llegó al cruel mundo de las celebridades y ha soportado duros golpes de la prensa sueca. Y ¿por quíé? Porque tení­a una fuerte autoestima y se atrevió a  decir que era bueno. Los suecos no se elogian a sí­ mismos. Ni siquiera cuando deberí­an, como es el caso de Zlatan. í‰l es un gran jugador. ¡Los finlandeses se elogian aun menos!
-Es raro. Y no me refiero al fanfarroneo molesto ni a presumir en extremo. Pero¿ es necesario subestimarse a sí­ mismo? Y ¿por quíé la gente se trata mal? Especialmente las chicas jóvenes, tienen bocas terribles. Pueden ser realmente malas entre ellas. ¿Por quíé no apoyar y elogiar al otro?

“Las sillas del backstage recibieron una tratamiento violento”
La gira de Nightwish se ha vuelto más humana despuíés de los festivales Rock im Park y Rock am Ring. El ultimo siendo el recital más grande dado por la banda en sus diez años de historia, albergando alrededor de 60.000 personas. El concierto pudo haber ido mejor, la banda tuvo problemas tíécnicos, llegando a cortar la presentación por unos minutos. Finalmente, parte de la audiencia se cansó y comenzó a gritar para que el siguiente artista, The Offspring, subiera al escenario.
-Por supuesto que la situación fue desagradable, pero la ironí­a de toda la situación casi me causó gracia. Fue la forma con que lidiíé la increí­ble desgracia. Era uno de los conciertos más importantes y, naturalmente, enfermíé el dí­a anterior. El doctor me puso una inyección en el trasero y me dio algunos calmantes. Los chicos de la banda son músicos de clase mundial, pero yo tengo algunas ventajas comparado con ellos. Como dije antes, siendo la cantante de una banda de covers, actuando en pubs, escuchas toda clase de cosas, “Eres una cantante terrible” y todos ese tipo de cosas lindas. Despuíés de conciertos como esos estas preparada para recibir esa clase de m****a sobre ti, así­ que no me molestó lo del Rock am Ring. Marco comenzó a contar una historia a la audiencia y yo querí­a cantar Amaranth a capella. Finalmente se resolvió la situación razonablemente bien, pero Jukka y Marco estaban de muy mal humor una vez acabado el show. Las sillas del backstage recibieron un tratamiento violento. Yo me sentíé afuera, esperando que la sangre finesa se enfriara.
Anette Olzon ha estado de gira con Nightwish, y bajo el ojo público,  por más de un año. Ha visto cosas que algunos músicos no alcanzan a ver en toda su carrera. Mientras la entrevista avanza es fácil ver cuán contenta e impresionada esta Anette sobre todo lo que ha vivido. Incluso cuando la charla se acerca a temas menos agradables, Anette habla manteniendo la sonrisa, siempre buscándole el lado bueno a las cosas.
-Al poco tiempo de que me uní­ a la banda, nuestro manager dijo que estaba siendo muy buena. Es decir, decí­a mucho “sí­, sí­â€ a todo. Pero, naturalmente, querí­a mostrarle a la banda que era digna de su confianza. Durante los últimos meses entendí­ que, de alguna manera, no puedo decir “sí­â€ todo el tiempo. Es simplemente demasiado. Soy una cantante ambiciosa y quiero que cada show sea perfecto. Por eso nuestra agenda se ha descomprimido un poco, así­ puedo concentrarme en mi tarea principal.
¡Eso es completamente entendible!
-Algunas personas piensan que es muy fácil. Te pagan por estar de gira alrededor del mundo. Así­ es, pero nadie puede imaginar ni siquiera la mitad de la verdad. Estar de gira es trabajo duro y la presión es constante. Por ejemplo, estar en el medio de una horda de fanáticos que gritan es una experiencia bastante confusa, piensa Anette y deja de hablar por un momento.
-Lleguíé a Nightwish desde una vida completamente diferente. He cantado toda mi vida pero me he ganado la vida en oficinas, por ejemplo. Lugares donde tienes que ajustarte a rutinas y cada uno conoce su tarea y la cumple con precisión. Estar en una banda es totalmente diferente, no es raro que te enteres de una sesión de fotos o entrevista apenas unos instantes antes de empezar. Ocasionalmente, la situación me ha sobrepasado y he sufrido ataques de pánico. Ahora se quíé lo puedo manejar y la situación ha mejorado. Por suerte puedo manejar el estríés durmiendo mucho. Debe ser cosa de cantantes, Mariah Carey suele dormir 15 horas. Así­ que no voy a bares ni nada de eso. No, pienso, “Ahora a la cama y mañana será un nuevo dí­a”.
Toda comunidad se topa con problemas a veces. Nightwish, con Tarja Turunen, tuvo sus problemas y todos conocemos las consecuencias. Ahora la banda es capaz de lidiar con las cosas difí­ciles.
-He hablado con cada miembro de la banda. Solos, cara a cara. Necesitamos pelearnos de vez en cuando pero las diferencias deben ser resueltas. Los chicos han entendido mi situación muy bien y parecen comprender que todaví­a necesito algún tiempo de adaptación. He dicho abiertamente a la banda todo lo que cruza por mi cabeza. Por ejemplo, que  a veces me siento sola siendo la única mujer. O que no quiero dar entrevistas cuando ciertos reporteros solo preguntan sobre mi divorcio o mi nueva relación amorosa. Sí­, bueno, tengo novio y íél es sueco. Así­ que no hay necesidad de insinuar una relación con algún miembro de la banda.

“Puedo decir que soy adicta a las compras”
Es sorprendente como muchos artí­culos de los últimos meses se han relacionado a la ropa de los músicos de Nightwish. Anette ha sido alagada y defenestrada por esa razón pero Tuomas ha tenido su dosis tambiíén.
-Escuchíé que un periódico decí­a que Tuomas lucia como anfitrión de crucero gracias a su nueva chaqueta. Creo que es un punto de vista interesante. Los artí­culos aquí­ se refieren a crí­ticas de conciertos realizado por Aftonbladet, que fue bastante buena. Pero los periódicos finlandeses han dicho lo opuesto. Por cierto, en Suecia no se comenta la chaqueta de Tuomas, dice Anette riendo.
-Creo que Nightwish es una banda que intenta nuevas cosas y crea tendencia. Yo hago cosas sobre el escenario que ningún otro cantante de metal hace. Algunas personas lo encuentran difí­cil de aceptar. Para que recuerden, aun me gusta la ropa negra pero, ¡es verano despuíés de todo!
Olzon ha afirmado con acciones que no le importan las crí­ticas. Canta las “viejas” canciones de Nightwish audazmente a su manera y se viste de acuerdo a como se siente ese dí­a.
-Me interesa la moda y toda clase de ropa. Puedo decir que soy adicta a las compras. Puedo comprar ropa casi todos los dí­as y me gusta mezclar estilos. Tanto como mi color de pelo. Me aburrirí­a a muerte si tuviera que usar la misma ropa noche tras noche. Los chicos pueden usar sin problemas el mismo vaquero y camiseta diez conciertos seguidos. A pesar del olor y las manchas, sonrí­e Anette.-Casi toda mi ropa es de Escandinavia. Hemos hecho varias giras en Norte Amíérica y siempre es lindo ver diseñadores de Escandinava allí­. Como la sueca Odd Molly que hace ropa increí­ble. Eso es lo que quiero mostrar, soy de Suecia y esta banda viene de Escandinavia.
Durante la gira mundial, los tatuajes de Anette tambiíén han aumentado. La cantante dice que, especialmente, el tatuaje de “Leave me Alone” se ha discutido mucho en los foros de Internet.
-“Leave me Alone” es una declaración bastante fuerte y la gente, naturalmente, se pregunta porque me lo hice en primer lugar. Bueno, querí­a un tatuaje con una declaración fuerte y hacíérmelo me hizo sentir bien. Todaví­a lo hace. A travíés de imágenes puedo expresar cosas que no dirí­a en voz alta. Algunos preguntan si el tatuaje es un homenaje a Hanna Pakarinen. No realmente, dice Olzon riíéndose nuevamente.
-Siempre me gustaron los tatuajes y piercings pero no podí­a llevarlos a plena vista debido a los lugares donde trabajaba. ¡La situación ha cambiado ahora! A mi madre no le gustan mis tatuajes pero es mi cuerpo despuíés de todo.
¿Cuánto más has pensado tatuarte? ¿Has pensado en completar el brazo?
-¡Quiíén sabe! Al menos, en el próximo tour americano pondríé tomar más fotografí­as. Y si tengo tiempo de ir de vacaciones a Tailandia, más tatuajes podrán aparecer en mi piel. Los fans tendrán algo de que hablar en el futuro, dice Anette con una sonrisa sarcástica.Vivimos en tiempos excitantes.
Veremos como luces despuíés de la gira de otoño en el  2009.
-¡Sí­, muy cierto! ¡Hay tiempo de tomar fotografí­as bonitas!
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 15, 2008, 10:54:15 pm
Que guapa!!!!!!!!!!!! (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 29, 2008, 10:52:51 pm
Hay un debate que dura desde hace ya algunos dí­as en diferentes foros: el rapero francíés Tunisiano ha sacado un nuevo single de su album "Le Regard Des Gens", titulado "Je Porte Plainte". El single se ha enviado a las radios y el videoclip a las cadenas de televisión. Hasta aquí­, nada anormal. Pero al escuchar el tema, se puede reconocer que toda la canción reposa sobre "Ever Dream" de... Nightwish.
La gran pregunta era saber cómo Tunisiano habí­a recibido la autorización del grupo: la respuesta es simple y se nos ha dado por Spinefarm Records esta mañana: ¡no hay ninguna autorización! Se trata de un reestreno "ilegal" de la melodí­a de Ever Dream. Spinefarm ya ha contactado con el sello con la finalidad de hacer valer los derechos de autor, eso que se volverá casi irónico con la escucha de la letra de "Je Porte Plainte"....

Es una pena, la empresa asegura que habrí­a sido bien divertido si hubiese estado dentro de las normas, y se hubiesen evitado los alborotados debates y las acusaciones metal/rap... (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 29, 2008, 11:14:47 pm
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 05, 2008, 11:29:11 pm
Marco en fines!!! (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Octubre 23, 2008, 11:50:05 pm
Metal Til Death conducted an interview with NIGHTWISH mainman/keyboardist Tuomas Holopainen on September 26, 2008 at the Rams Head Live! in Baltimore, Maryland. Watch the chat in two parts below.

NIGHTWISH cancelled the last four shows of its North American tour — September 23 in Knoxville, Tennessee; September 24 in Charlotte, North Carolina; September 26 in Baltimore, Maryland; and September 27 in New York City — due to singer Anette Olzon's "sudden severe illness," according to a posting on the band's web site. "This was one of the best tour legs we have ever done, and it's a pity it has to end this way, but there's no competing with the forces of nature," the group said. "There is nothing anybody can do about these things. We want to thank all the fans for all the sympathy, you guys have been so understanding, it's heartwarming. Thank you! We will do our best to make up for the cancelled shows sometime in the future."

NIGHTWISH released a digital-only collection of demos and B-sides titled "The Sound of Nightwish Reborn", on September 2. This release, which clocks in at nearly 70 minutes of music, retains "must-have" status for all NIGHTWISH diehards, since it includes a bevy of exclusive material, such as demo versions of songs from the "Dark Passion Play" sessions that were recorded prior to singer Anette Olzon joining the band and that feature Marco Tapani Hietala handling the vocals, as well as B-sides.

Part 1:

part 2
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Octubre 23, 2008, 11:52:11 pm
Cancelado tb el de Moscu y Porto Alegre

(y luego se ponian como fieras cuando se cancelaba un concierto y le echaban la culpa a la "diva" de q no le apetecia ir si no le pagaban mas  :016:)

en fin..q se mejore Annete  :023:
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Octubre 23, 2008, 11:53:27 pm
PAIN "Follow Me" Helsinki Concert
(featuring Anette Olzon from NIGHTWISH):
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 30, 2008, 12:01:00 am
Pain & Anette Olzon - Follow me (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Noviembre 07, 2008, 04:45:02 pm
Danish metal rock 'n' rollers VOLBEAT have been confirmed as the support act for Finnish/Swedish symphonic metallers NIGHTWISH on their two-week May 2009 U.S. tour. A combination of makeup concerts for previously cancelled shows mixed with fill-in gigs, these will be NIGHTWISH's final North American dates for at least two years.

The details are as follows:

May 01 - Hartford, CT @ Webster Theater
May 02 - New York, NY @ Nokia Theater
May 03 - Allentown, PA @ Crocodile Rock
May 05 - Baltimore, MD @ Sonar
May 06 - Louisville, KY @ Club Oasis
May 08 - Sauget, IL @ Pops
May 09 - Oklahoma City, OK @ Diamond Ballroom
May 11 - Corpus, TX @ Pavillion at Concrete Street
May 12 - Houston, TX @ Warehouse Live
May 14 - Atlanta, GA @ Masquerade

NOTE: There will be no more shows added and this is the final schedule.

Tickets are on sale now exclusively through untill November 22, at which point they will go on sale through normal ticketing services.
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Noviembre 07, 2008, 04:47:51 pm
NIGHTWISH was interviewed by Eric Braverman and Ali Crimson for Killing Time Video Productions. It was part 5 of "Eric Braverman's The Greatest Music Ever Created and how it Ruined Our Lives"
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Noviembre 07, 2008, 04:50:18 pm
Swedish metallers PAIN were the featured musical guests Thursday morning (October 30) on the "Nyhetsmorgon" program on Sweden's TV4. The band performed two songs — including its new single, "Follow Me", featuring a special guest appearance by NIGHTWISH singer Anette Olzon — and took part in an interview. Watch footage of their appearance below.

"Follow Me" is the first single off PAIN's new album, "Cynic Paradise", which was released in Germany today (October 31) via Nuclear Blast Records. The follow-up to "Psalms of Extinction" (which was released in 2007 via Roadrunner) features "eleven gems offering a vast variety of styles and influences which are even new for PAIN," according to a press release. Anette Olzon makes a guest appearance on two tracks — "Follow Me" and "Feed Us". The artwork was created by renowned artist Travis Smith (AMORPHIS, OPETH, NEVERMORE).

PAIN will take part in a signing session at Media Markt in Bí¤ckebol, Gothenburg, Sweden on November 28 at 5:00 p.m. (17.00).

"I'm Going In":

"Follow Me"
(featuring Anette Olzon from NIGHTWISH):


Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 13, 2008, 01:54:07 am
Que cosa más extraña........

El pasado 10 de Noviembre en el concierto que Nightwish dió en Belo Horizonte, Brasil, la banda se encontraba interpretando The Poet and the Pendulum cuando repentinamente Anette se levantó y se retiró del escenario en lágrimas, la canción la terminó de cantar Marco, luego tocaron un par de temas más y decidieron dar por terminado el concierto, no sin antes explicar que Anette estaba pasando por una fase difí­cil en su vida y que se encontraba bastante triste.

Lo que está sucediíéndole solo la banda lo sabe, porque primero cancelaron varios conciertos que dijeron eran por motivos de la mala salud de Anette, y según el comunicado oficial, ellos nos decí­an que no pueden competir con las fuerzas de la naturaleza, y que además nadie puede hacer nada al respecto por lo que viene sucediendo. Una pena realmente.

Anette llorando!! (

Habla Marco!!! (

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 14, 2008, 01:05:50 am

Nightwish's gig in Belo Horizonte of Brazilia on monday evening finished dramatically. The singer Anette Olzon had to leave the stage crying in the middle of the song The Poet and the Pendulum.

Olzon shook her head with a teary face and tried to sing the emotional song to its end. The situation got yet overwhelming. Olzon breathe to the microphone: ”Please stop” and left the stage.

The bass player of the band, Marco Hietala, finished the song without Olzon.

After the song Hietala told the audience Nightwish was going to have to leave the gig unfinished.

”She is having quite serious troubles”, Hietala explained to the audience.

Inhaled smoke

According to the message of the producer of the Belo Horizonte's gig, which was published in a Brazilian Nightwish-fansite, what happened was an accident.

The text says that Olzon would have inhaled the smoke from the fog machine while sitting on the edge of the stage. Because of the smoke her airways choked and she started to feel hard pain which restrained her from talking and singing.

According to the Brazilian fan site of Nightwish the South American tour is going to continue as agreed.

The fateful words

On the discussion forums there has been hesitated that the breakdown would be a result of Olzon's personal matters. The rumours say that the lyrics of The Poet and the Pendulum, during which the singer had to stop, (Be still, my son, youre home – In the end I will always love you) would also refer to it.

As one explanation fot the Olzon's collapse has been hesitated that she has lost the custody of her seven year old son. Iltalehti reached Olzon's ex-husband Fredrik Blyckert, who didn't want to comment if the happening had something to do with the custody matters.

He also didn't want to make guesses about the reason for Olzon's crying.

- I haven't been in touch with her, so I know absolutely nothing about the matter, Blyckert contented himself with commenting.

La versión oficial que se mantiene es la del humo pero se confirma que Anette perdió la custodia de su hijo y que al tener que cantar íésa parte de la canción se derrumbó (y íéso es lo que se piensa en los foros que pudo ser la autíéntica razón). Hasta ahora seguimos con el humo como versión oficial
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 14, 2008, 01:16:06 am
"Estoy aquí­ para explicar que sucedió con Anette el lunes. Recibimos información oficial de que el humo fue el problema y Anette se sintió muy presionada para dar un gran concierto, y ella abandonó el escenario llorando. Un amigo de Paradise Seekers nos dijo que íéso era cierto. Anette tuvo algunos problemas con el humo y se estaba sintiendo presionada porque querí­a dar los mejores conciertos en Brasil (los chicos dijeron que Brasil era su paí­s favorito para actuar), ella abandonó el escenario. Toda la información sobre Anette de la nota oficial es cierta".

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 15, 2008, 01:28:47 am
Anette habla!!

Desde que me uní­ a NW, yo estaba al tanto de la responsabilidad que significaba y de las cosas difí­ciles que tení­a que enfrentar. Siempre tratíé de hacer lo mejor que pude para estar a la altura de la confianza depositada en mi. Ser una vocalista es de por sí­ un trabajo duro. Mucho más si se es la vocalista de NW ya que posee mayor complejidad, dado el alto nivel tíécnico de la banda, tambiíén debido a la historia de la banda, así­ que cuando me uní­ ellos ya estaban en el mejor momento se sus carreras. A pesar de este honor, cuando ingresas a una banda, la relación con la audiencia puede ser difí­cil ya que no quieres decepcionar a nadie. Debido a esto, nada de lo que pueda decir ahora puede expresar mi tristeza y frustración por no haber podido terminar el show en BH (Belo Horizonte).
En el escenario, la excesiva cantidad de humo estaba irritando mis cuerdas vocales y cuando comencíé a sentir que mi voz se iba me desesperíé y tuve que salir del escenario. La banda trató de hacer algo de tiempo para que me pudiera recuperar pero yo ya no podí­a volver ya que no podí­a cantar. No podí­a entender porque mi voz se habí­a ido. Creo que mi quiebre emocional se debe a que no querí­a decepcionar a nadie ya que habí­amos planeado el DPP tour por Latinoamíérica como algo grandioso. Yo sabí­a que la banda siempre ha tenido una buena relación con Brasil y siempre describí­an a la audiencia brasileña como la más entusiasta y receptiva del mundo.
Me gustarí­a disculparme con todo mi corazón con todos aquellos que estuvieron en el show de BH, quienes, de algún modo, sienten que los decepcioníé y por hacer que la gente de Brasil se sienta de esta manera, ustedes han sido muy buenos con la banda. Espero que me den otra oportunidad de terminar lo que no pude hacer esta vez de la manera que me hubiera gustado, que es lo más importante de mi vida: cantar!

Anette Olzon.”
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 17, 2008, 01:21:16 am
Otra version!!!

Speaking to O Povo Online about the incident, Tuomas said, "[Anette] freaked out because she couldn't handle the different mannerisms of the fans here. There were a lot of people screaming the former vocalist's name, making obscene gestures (with the middle finger). Normally she can shake that stuff off, she has good self-esteem, but it's been hard to deal with the fans and the critics. I guess it was a sudden breakdown; she just... lost her mind for a second. It's kind of scary, and we all feel for her and understand what she is going through. We hope she can put her mind at ease and make the rest of the shows. So far it's been fine; she's feeling much better."
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Noviembre 21, 2008, 06:00:19 pm

Mundo Record News realizó una entrevista a los miembros de NIGHTWISH Anette Olzon (voces), Marco Hietala (bajo, voces) y Tuomas Holopainen (teclados) durante el reciente periplo brasileño dentro de su gira sudamericana.

El lí­der y teclista de NIGHTWISH Tuomas Holopainen ha hablado sobre la breve actuación ofrecida por el grupo en Belo Horizonte, Brasil el pasado lunes 10 de noviembre, la cual terminó de repente poco despuíés de que la cantante Anette Olzon rompiera a llorar al final del tema "The Poet And The Pendulum" (más o menos la sexta canción de la actuación), y se marchara del escenario. El resto de la banda terminó la canción sin ella en el escenario con el bajista Marco Hietala encargándose de algunas de las partes vocales. Al parecer el grupo interpretó dos versiones y terminó el concierto, explicando que Anette está pasando por una fase muy difí­cil en su vida y que está muy triste. Olzon — quien se unió a NIGHTWISH a comienzos del 2007 como sustituta de la operí­stica Tarja Turunen — envió un comunicado a la prensa brasileña en el que achacaba su sorprendente reacción "a la gran cantidad de humo que habí­a en el local", lo que le "estaba irritando sus cuerdas vocales." Así­ lo contó la vocalista: "Cuando empecíé a sentir que mi voz se iba, me entró el pánico y tuve que dejar el escenario. El grupo intentó darme tiempo para recuperarme, pero no era capaz de cantar, así­ que no pude volver al escenario."

Hablando del incidente con O Povo Online, el lí­der Tuomas declaró algo totalmente distinto a la versión ofrecida por la vocalista, "Anette explotó porque no lleva bien algunos comportamientos de cierto sector del público. Habí­a mucha gente gritando el nombre de la anterior cantante o haciendo gestos obscenos. Normalmente no le afectan este tipo de reacciones, pero ha sido difí­cil aguantar a los fans y las crí­ticas. Supongo que fue un bajón repentino, perdió la cabeza por un segundo. Todos entendemos por lo que está pasando y confiamos en que termine el resto de los conciertos. Ahora vuelve a estar bien y se encuentra mucho mejor."
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Noviembre 21, 2008, 06:05:45 pm
November 16, 2008 concert in Recife, Brazil

"Bye Bye Beautiful":

Wish I Had An Angel"
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Noviembre 21, 2008, 06:07:33 pm

"Amaranth" on November 18, 2008 in Vila Velha, Brazil

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 22, 2008, 10:51:57 pm
Nightmail Emppu!!!

Chica de Lappeenranta N.Y. de Islip, N.Y.: Nightwish y Brother Firetribe te tienen bastante ocupado. ¿Alguna vez descansas? ¿Quíé cosas en la vida te hacen relajarte? ¿Sauna? ¿Tabaco? ¿Atletismo? ¿Familia? ¿Amor? ¿Comida?
Emppu: Sí­, es verdad que he estado bastante ocupado y que no he tenido demasiado tiempo libre, pero de alguna manera aprendes a usar cualquier tiempo que tengas de la forma más eficiente. Si tenemos, pongamos, una semana o dos de descanso entre los conciertos, intento no tener nada que hacer durante ese tiempo. Por otro lado, no soy capaz de estar en el sillón durante toda la semana, así­ que normalmente relajarme significa pasar el rato en el estudio, tratar de arreglar algo que no tenga un plazo establecido; simplemente, grabar mis propias cosas. De lo contrario, veo pelí­culas, juego a la PlayStation, me monto en mi motocicleta, voy a algún lugar para tomar fotos, leo libros, estoy con los amigos y la familia, voy a la sauna – y, sí­, de vez en cuando como, tambiíén  Lo que se suele hacer para desconectar. Tocar en Brother Firetribe es tambiíén una manera de relajarme. Los chicos son músicos muy buenos con sus propios proyectos, pero todos queremos mantener Tribe como nuestro proyecto de relax/hobby, aunque lo hemos dejado de lado últimamente.

Summer, de US.: Bien, todos en el foro queremos saber a quíé canción se refiere Dí¶ddí¶dí¶dí¶í¶. ¿Alguna pista? =D
Emppu: Bueno, intenta decir “Dead to the World” a ti misma cuando llegues a casa de un bar a las cuatro de la mañana, hecha polvo, con la boca llena de snacks, y alguien te tira de la manga y te pregunta por el setlist de ayer. Es lo más que puedo recordar.

Joana Gato de Portugal: Hola, ¿cómo estás? Jukka dijo en el Nightmail de Junio que íél toca el instrumento de los dioses. ¿Quíé puedes decir al respecto?
Emppu: Me avergí¼enza derrumbar las ilusiones de Jukka, pero, ¡el tipo está tan equivocado! O quizá sea mejor dejarle con sus ilusiones, para que no pierda su ilusión por la vida y la música. ¡Tampoco vayas a decí­rselo!

Liza: ¿Recuerdas al primer fan que te pidió un autógrafo?
Emppu: í‰sa es una pregunta realmente difí­cil. Creo que fue aquel tipo de mi pueblo natal que vino a pedirme un autógrafo como si fuera una muestra de orina.

Anna Schlenck de Dí¼sseldorf/Alemania: ¿Alguna vez has tenido que ir al lavabo durante una actuación?
Emppu: A veces. Pero normalmente intento cumplir con semejantes ocupaciones antes del concierto.

Marian de Berlí­n: ¿Alguna vez has destrozado una guitarra?
Emppu: No, a propósito nunca. Un par de veces se me ha caí­do la guitarra o íésta se ha caí­do de un colgador de guitarra, pero nunca sin más daño que unas pocas rascadas. Durante las giras siempre parecen recibir algo de castigo, a juzgar por la cantidad de pastillas que faltan. O es entonces nuestro tíécnico de guitarra Antti quien elimina de ellas restos de palillos para pasar el rato. Sí­, y un par de veces he sentido autíénticas ganas de destrozar mi guitarra, pero siempre he conseguido calmarme a tiempo.

Chris, de Texas: Hey, Emppu. ¿Te importarí­a decirnos quíé modelos de los Mesa Boogie Rectifiers y de pantallas Marshall usas? Gracias por tu tiempo, mucha suerte a ti y a la banda.
Emppu: Hmmm… Bien, para giras tengo el Dual Rectifier, pero es simplemente por si mi rack de siempre se muere por alguna razón. Tambiíén tengo un par de pantallas Marshall JCM 800 realmente antiguas que han girado con nosotros casi desde nuestros comienzos. Seguro que puedes encontrar mejores, pero todo mi equipo de amplificador y pantalla ha sido siempre el mismo durante mucho tiempo, y me es tan familiar y de confianza, y yo soy un tipo tan vago, que nunca he tenido ganas de tener un nuevo set  Gracias, y mis mejores deseos para ti tambiíén.

Bill “Loco” Grammenos de Grecia: ¡Saludos desde Grecia! Cuando les dijiste a tus padres que querí­as convertirte en guitarrista, ¿cómo reaccionaron? ¿Te compraron un buen amplificador? Siento mi mal inglíés, pero es que tengo tan sólo 14 años. Amo a Nightwish y espero poder estar con vosotros algún dí­a.
Emppu: De hecho, mi hermano querí­a tocar la guitarra cuando era más joven, y mis padres le compraron una pequeña guitarra acústica. Yo tambiíén la rasgueaba, y poco a poco se la robíé del todo. Un poco despuíés, en el instituto estaba ese tipo llamado Matti, que hizo que tuviese verdadero interíés en tocar. El dinero que recibí­ por mi trabajo al verano siguiente fue para una guitarra elíéctrica y un pequeño amplificador, y ha estado ahí­ desde entonces. ¡Pero gracias a Matti! Y a mis padres por no desanimar de golpe a un joven chico. Esa pequeña guitarra acústica está ahora colgada en un lugar de honor en la pared de mi casa.

Juan B de Mexico: ¿Cuál es tu canción favorita de entre todas las que no habíéis tocado nunca?
Emppu: Serí­a genial tocar Meadows of heaven alguna vez.

Sierra de USA: ¿Cuál ha sido la cosa más extraña que te ha lanzado un fan al escenario?
Emppu: Hmmm…. Te lanzan todo tipo de cosas al escenario. Cartas, cd’s, flores, juguetes de peluche… Creo que alguien lanzó unos calzoncillos de hombre usados. Obviamente, no hay nada de extraño en ello, tampoco, pero hubiese preferido ropa interior femenina… Quiero decir, no ropa interior femenina lanzada por algún tipo, sino ropa interior femenina que hubiese llevado una persona de sexo femenino.

Alex, de Canadá: Tengo entendido que tienes un estudio en casa. ¿Quíé tipo de música grabas por tu cuenta y crearí­as para un álbum en solitario?
Emppu: Sí­, tenemos un pequeño taller con nuestro productor Tero, donde hemos grabado multitud de cosas de Nightwish, tambiíén. Tero trabaja en serio ahí­, mientras yo estoy ocupado con mis propios proyectos, como Brother Firetribe, pero muy a menudo simplemente paso el tiempo ahí­, pensando en ideas para una canción, escuchando discos y bebiendo cerveza. Cuando tengo algo de tiempo libre y no estoy ocupado con otros proyectos, es muy agradable trabajar con las bandas de mis amigos. Es bonito cambiar, lo único que tienes que hacer es presionar REC y gritar: “¡No está bien, hazlo de nuevo!”. Es genial. Tengo un par de proyectos en mi cabeza ahora mismo, pero, más sobre ellos más adelante.

Charlotte de Reino Unido: ¿Te sientes un artista más creativo en Brother Firetribe?
Emppu: Sí­, quizá… En Tribe todos somos libres de hacer lo que queramos. Por otro lado, la música es tambiíén mucho menos trabada, y se requiere cierta dosis de actitud maligna y sucia para ser capaz de tocarla. Sin preguntar a los demás chicos, creo que todos nos sentimos tan cómodos con ese tipo de música que es muy fácil poder ser creativo. Y todos confiamos en la habilidad de los otros para proponer cosas por encima de la media. O quizá sea más como si al pequeño Emppu se le permitiese ir solo a la tienda de golosinas, o decirle que puede hacer lo que quiera.

Anon de USA: ¿Cuál es tu chiste guarro favorito?
Emppu: Cualquier chiste malo que sea guarro es un buen chiste.

Terra, de California, USA: ¿Hay muchos antecedentes de músicos en tu familia?
Emppu: Bueno, la música siempre ha sido como un hobby en nuestra familia. Mi padre canta de forma desafinada con fluidez y toca un poco la guitarra, y mi madre canta bien con fluidez y tambiíén tocó el acordeón cuando era más joven. Los niños intentan seguir con los genes que les fueron dados, hehe.
Un momento para recordar fue hace no mucho tiempo, cuando mi abuela murió y mi madre me llamó para pedirme si ella podí­a venir al estudio y cantar una canción para el funeral. Bueno, hicimos algo de música juntos, yo toquíé la guitarra y mi madre cantó. Fue un gran momento para madre e hijo para echar una ojeada a las vidas del otro. Hubiese sido bonito si la ocasión no hubiese sido tan triste, hubiese preferido grabar una canción para una boda o algo así­.

Un fan: ¿Quíé pasará cuando tengas 70 años? ¿Tendrás tanta energí­a como hasta ahora?
Emppu: En verdad, confí­as demasiado en que vaya a vivir durante tanto tiempo  Gracias, gracias. Desearí­a tener una vida fácil y tranquila. O quizá yo no me rendiríé y mis nietos se burlarán de su loco abuelo, que sigue tocando su guitarra en el comedor, persiguiendo enfermeras, escapándose a la ciudad y yendo al pub local, sin recordar quiíén es o de dónde viene.
Tambiíén me podrí­a convertir en un viejo gruñón de los que siempre critican a la juventud y sermonean acerca de cómo todo solí­a ser mucho mejor en su íépoca: los niños honraban a sus padres y no se iban por ahí­ a hacer cosas obscenas, e incluso la música solí­a ser mucho mejor, no ese ruido que escuchan en la actualidad. El tiempo dirá… ¡crucemos los dedos!

Joy de Holanda: ¿Cuál ha sido el peor error/metedura de pata que has cometido en el escenario?
Emppu: Bueno, el primer lugar en mi cabeza lo ocupa una cosa que sucedió justo hace un par de meses. Mis guitarras tienen esos muelles en la parte posterior que tensan las cuerdas para que sigan estando afinadas. En este concierto en particular, estaba tocando felizmente en la parte de escenario de Tuomas, donde no podí­a oí­r mi guitarra demasiado bien. Cuando volví­ a mi sitio y me quedíé frente a mi amplificador, me preguntaba por quíé de repente mi guitarra sonaba de forma tan extraña. Cuando la canción acabó, me fui detrás de la pantalla para comprobar quíé era lo que iba mal y de repente me di cuenta de que uno de esos muelles se habí­a enredado en mis pantalones y estaba colgando de ellos. Por supuesto que la afinación se habí­a ido al infierno. Me sentí­ casi avergonzado, pero quíé demonios, simplemente cogí­ una nueva hacha y regresíé al juego. Fue extraño el hecho de que ninguno mencionase el hecho. Quizá nuestro tíécnico de sonido, Kimmo, hombre inteligente donde los halla, bajó mi guitarra desde la mesa de mezclas.

Charlotte de Inglaterra: Mi madre se parece a ti, ¿quíé te parece?
Emppu: WOW!¿Me podrí­as dar su número de telíéfono?

Sofí­a, de Mexico: ¿Quíé es lo primero que piensas cuando pisas el escenario?
Emppu: Hmm… Siempre deseas que la gente sea salvaje y que disfrute del show. Te empuja a dar lo mejor de ti mismo, porque siempre hay interacción con ellos. Cuando estás empezando siempre esperas que todo vaya bien y que no haya fallos, pero ahora a veces piensas incluso que algunas pequeñas meteduras de pata añaden algo especial al concierto.

Ana, de Brasil: ¿Quíé es lo que te gusta más de una mujer?
Emppu: Bueno, íésta es muy fácil… ¡tetas y culos! No, era broma… lo más importante es lo que tiene entre sus oí­dos. “¡No es oro todo lo que reluce!”
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Noviembre 27, 2008, 03:56:14 pm
Steven Rosen de realizó una entrevista al bajista y vocalista de NIGHTWISH Marco Hietala. A continuación reproducimos un extracto con lo más destacado.

¿Cómo era trabajar con Tarja Turunen?

Marco: Al principio trabajar con Tarja era muy fácil; ella tení­a — al menos en aquel momento — los pies muy en la tierra, ella era una finlandesa normal como nosotros, así­ que era bastante fácil. Todaví­a creo que lo que nos llevó a la ruptura fueron algunos malos consejos que recibió de su marido y que la hicieron creerse más valiosa que nosotros. Ellos querí­an hacer las reglas y las cosas no son así­, así­ que se acabó.

¿Habíéis empezado ya a pensar en el nuevo álbum ?

Marco: Si, se que Tuomas tiene algunos temas; yo tambiíén tengo cosas que he hecho cuando no estábamos de gira, deberí­a grabarlas la verdad. Nos gustarí­a empezar a intercambiarnos CD's y ver que va saliendo.

Se puede leer la entrevista entera en
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 07, 2008, 11:06:09 pm
Anteayer Nightwish recibió el premio "Radio Rock Finland" en el Helsinki Ice Hall.
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Diciembre 09, 2008, 09:24:44 pm
The Radio Rock Finlandia 2008 awards were held last night (December 5) at the Ice Hall in Helsinki, Finland. The event was broadcast live by Radio Rock and the Finnish TV channel Nelonen.

The Radio Rock Finlandia award — which recognizes the achievements of a domestic group or artist which was active during the past year — was presented to NIGHTWISH. Photos of the event can be viewed at this location.

A video of bassist/vocalist Marco Hietala receiving the award can be viewed below.

Legendary Finnish rockers HANOI ROCKS beat out HIM, NIGHTWISH, APOCALYPTICA, SONATA ARCTICA and AMORPHIS to win the first-ever Radio Rock Finlandia award last December at the Ice Hall in Helsinki.
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 11, 2008, 11:52:21 pm
Nightwish publicaran en Marzo del 2009 un MCD/DVD titulado "Made In Hong Kong (And Various Other Places)" que incluirá los temas de los conciertos grabados durante el “Dark Passion Play World Tour”, y material exclusivo que va desde la gira de Israel hasta Sudamíérica, y que fue dirigido por Ville Lipií¤inen. Aún no se sabe el setlist de este lanzamiento, ni los detalles, pero pronto habrá más información al respecto.
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 15, 2008, 12:00:28 am
Mas sobre el DVD!!

Es un MINI CD, que además contendrá un documental. Supuestamente saldrí­a el 6 de Marzo del 2009. Y tal parece que sólo serí­a un CD con el concierto en audio, y un dvd, que serí­a el documental.
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Diciembre 19, 2008, 01:07:30 pm
Un poco de humor  :023: :

Nightwish Humor - Me Against The Music

Anette Olzon is the Dancing Queen (Pt. 2)

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Diciembre 19, 2008, 02:37:38 pm
Swedish metallers PAIN, who feature in their ranks producer, songwriter and performer Peter Tí¤gtgren (HYPOCRISY), have been confirmed as main support for NIGHTWISH on March 11, 2009 at Brixton Academy in London, England

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Diciembre 19, 2008, 02:39:07 pm
Ruisrock-TV has reached it's final episode and what would be a better way to end it than Nightwish. They were headlining Ruisrock on Friday and although they played majority of their songs from their new Dark Passion Play album, they also played all their greatest hits during the show.

Nightwish is more popular than ever. Just look at the album sales, touring schedules, sold out ice-hall tour in Finland etc. Featured on this final Ruisrock-TV episode you'll see a short interview of Marco Hietala and Nightwish performing their song Dead To The World from their Century Child album.
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Diciembre 19, 2008, 02:42:22 pm
The acclaimed history of Finnish symphonic metal superstars NIGHTWISH, "Once Upon a Nightwish: The Official Biography 1996-2006", will soon be available in a new, improved English edition through North American publisher Bazillion Points. Pre-orders are being accepted now for books shipping with limited metal badges on December 31.

In this remarkably revealing official biography, author Mape Ollila charts the rise from village student project to global stardom, gaining unprecedented access not just to the members of NIGHTWISH past and present; but also their families, their loyal and lewd crew, their peers, their critics, and countless other insiders from the NIGHTWISH adventure. The book lays bare the creative firepower and personal demons of songwriter Tuomas Holopainen; the unique talents and traits of guitarist Emppu Vuorinen, drummer Jukka Nevalainen, and bassist Marco Hietala; and the true reasons behind the 2005 departure of vocalist Tarja Turunen — in the band's words and hers.

Along the way, the band struggles with religious protesters, fortune-tellers, naked crew members, health problems, shady promoters, out-of-control fans, and the growing pains of an ever-steeper rock star learning curve. Happily ever after or not, these unique Finnish personalities are brought to life in this journey. For longtime fans and newcomers seeking the backstory of how NIGHTWISH came to where they are today, this is rare public airing of the mysteries that exist... Once Upon a Nightwish.

The 352-page paperback has been revamped by Bazillion Points from earlier Finnish editions, and features extensive corrections, with 32 pages of rare color images dating back to the dawn of the band, and a complete list of international concert appearances from the entire Tarja Turunen era, all on exquisite 100gsm paper with a glossy folding cover.

( (

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Diciembre 19, 2008, 02:44:38 pm
( (
( (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Diciembre 19, 2008, 03:13:28 pm
NIGHTWISH sacarán un nuevo MCD y DVD en marzo titulado "Made In Hong Kong (And Various Other Places)". El MCD fue grabado durante la gira "Dark Passion Play World Tour", y contiene un DVD con material grabado en Israel y Sudamíérica dirigido por Ville Lipií¤inen. En breve habrá más detalles sobre el lanzamiento.

La banda tambiíén verá su biografí­a oficial "Once Upon a Nightwish: The Official Biography 1996-2006", disponible en inglíés con una nueva presentación a travíés de la editorial americana Bazillion Points. Ya se pueden hacer reservas para conseguir una primera edición limitada con una insignia de metal que se enviará el 31 de diciembre.

El libro ha sido escrito y recopilado por Mape Ollila, y además de relatar la historia del grupo y la de sus componentes, cuenta las verdaderas razones de la marcha de Tarja, publicando la versión del grupo y la de la cantante.

El tomo de 352 páginas ha sido totalmente renovado por Bazillion Points, realizándose numerosas correcciones y añadiendo 32 páginas llenas de fotos en color del grupo, la mayorí­a iníéditas, pertenecientes a los primeros dí­as de NIGHTWISH; se completa con una lista de todos los conciertos ofrecidos por el grupo en el periodo Tarja Turunen.
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 21, 2008, 11:09:46 pm

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 25, 2008, 11:20:04 pm
Miroslav from Serbia:
What part of your body would you chose to be worshiped as an ancient egyptian amulet?

What do you think?

Rose from USA:
Do you own any pets?

Bowel flora and fauna. My second personality is nice...

Luí­s C. from Santaríém, Portugal:
How does the band chose the different setlists during the tour? Is there any special reason to play some songs in one place and not to play them on another location?

We've got some pieces, which we play pretty much every night. Then we just choose from bunch of different songs. Usually just for the hell of it. Of course we pay attention to a good order of songs, and try to leave some spaces to breathe for the vocalists.

Angus from Scotland:
I was listening to my Delain CD earlier and thought to myself "this man's voice sounds an awful lot like Marco's voice", then after a bit of research I realised it was actually you. Which leads me to ask, what is your favourite/least favourite thing about recording with other bands?

My favourite thing about recording with other projects is that I can take a fresh perspective. I can learn, do and try out new and different things. You can then take that perspective with you when you come back and freshen things back "at home" too. The evil thing is that I tend to be a workaholic. I should know better and rest too.

Elwa from Norway:
What's the strangest thing you ever had to sign? =)

Album and management contracts.

Emma from UK:
Hi, Marco. Firstly, may I just say, you're awesome.

- Are you planning to write any music for the next Nightwish album? Do you have any ideas already?
- You did the vocals for all the Dark Passion Play demos, I presume- were there any songs, or parts of songs, that you felt were particularly hard to sing?
- Have you ever been tempted to try crossdressing?


Thankee sai!
- I've got some stuff already. They'll have to go through Tuomas' filter first of course.
- Lot of the stuff is quite high and hard. I guess the worst ones were the first two choruses of "Reach/Amaranth".
- Are you referring to the first two choruses of "Reach/Amaranth" demo? I also think that they sound like I'm wearing some underwear without adequate space. However, the answer is no.

john from UK:
Whats the sound difference between the Vampyre and the Infinity? As far as i am concerned, they got the same pickups.

The main differences are that the Infinity has a little bit more compact and wooden sound, which I imagine comes from being partly hollow. Vampyre is a solid body, so it has more low bottom, which I like but it's also a bit more harder to control.

dmLucia from Cluj-Napoca, Romania:
Dear Marco, do you still check out Metallica once in a while? Are you looking forward to their new material to be released? (was just wondering what a European metal god like you thinks hehe :)

I did check out the new album. Very nice to see they've got a lot of energy back. Now we just need some of the classic songwriting as well. Just my humble opinion. Feel free to disregard it.

Ferdk from Argentina:
Hi marco, sorry for bad english. My questions :
1. What was first for you? Singing or bass-playing?
2. What made you do the other one?
3. Did you ever forgot a song on stage? (singing or bass-playing , or both :P ) if so , what did you do?

Thanks for your time , and thanks for making such a great band even greater!

1. Singing was the first. I was screaming my head off with my favourite albums already when I was 10.
2. Really a small hometown. Not enough metalfreaks for even a one band.
3. Sure I've done all of that. I just usually swear to the microphone loudly in finnish, so that everybody knows.

Hey! Thanks to you!

Rene from Deutschland:
How loud is the sound on stage compared to where the audience is? Do you always wear ear protection or did you forget it sometimes?

That is relative. We have the monitors and amps but the main PA is directed to the audience. Jukka and Anette have ear monitors. Emppu and Tuomas use earplugs. I go with the bare flesh.

Remco from Zaandam, Netherlands:
What brand guitar are you and Emppu playing in "The Islander"?

This is a trick question actually. In studio I used Larrivee which I borrowed from Esa Holopainen from Amorphis. On live shows we've been using K.Yairi acoustics. In the video they're not even actual guitars but some fantasy things resembling acoustics, which the prop guys put together.

Emilie from France:
With the French forum, we have a very big existancial question: are you the one who howls at the beginning of Dark Chest of Wonders?

That's me.

Bram from In the Netherlands:
Do you have any tatoos Marco?

Still have my babyskin.

Elia from Mexico:
Where do you prefer to play? In a huge place (like aa arena) or in a small one (like an auditorium)? Why?

I prefer to play. Anyplace, but not anytime.

Sabine Mí¼ller from Balingen:
I would like your honest opinion. Are your concerts suitable for a 7 years old girl (ear protection implied)? My little one really wants to go to your concert in Karlsruhe in march 2009.

My boys were 2 when they saw us the first time, so I think you should be safe. I'm taking it for granted that at least one of the parents is accompanying. I just think that with youngsters you should probably have seats further away from the stage. Standing rows are usually a bit wild, besides the little one can't see. Ear protection definetely.

Marco from Germany:
I need your response! How can I make my mother allow me to learn the bass guitar?

You need to use this thing I call "parent psychology". Pester, pester, pester until you get it. Be sure to have some breathers, but always come back to it. If she explodes, take a longer breather. When you get it, be a real sweetheart for some time. Mow the lawn, do the homework, go to sunday school. Learning to play one or a few mom´s favourite songs is a great move. That way it'll be easier next time you need something.

Holly from California, USA:
What's your favorite "guilty pleasure" song? You know, the one you listen to when no one else is around because you're a little embarassed by it...

There are many good songs out there. I can probably raise the backhairs of the purists of metal by saying that Backstreet Boys have a nice tune in "Incomplete" for example. And I'm not ashamed. It doesn't belong to being a rocker.

vesna from croatia:
how do you nurture your voice, i guess you drink green tea with honey like anette :)

Lots of water. Little bit of the harder stuff. No green tea for me. I start to see and hear devilish little monkeys.

Markus from Oberau/Germany:
Do you also listen to music outside of the metal genre? If yes, what kind of music?

Occasional pop, country, rock'n'roll, ethnic whatever. If song is a good one, then I like to listen to it.

Katie from Neverland:
whats the first thing you think about in the morning?

Get down!

Firefly05 from Freiburg (Germany):
Tuomas mentioned in his Nightmail from July that there is a song that you call "Dí¶ddí¶dí¶dí¶í¶" - which one is it?

Highly cassified information. Everyone we've told the truth, hasn't been able to listen to the song with a straight face afterwards.

Koen | from Mettekoven, Belgium:
Hi marco, we're wondering if you have a criminal record, and if so, what's on it? Not that we expect anything grave to be on it. Greetings from belgium!

Sorry, but I've never been caught. Keep wondering... And greets from Finland!

Focusia from Poland:
Was young Marco a good student? :P

Depending on the subject of study. Before my teens I did pretty well all and all. After that I got good grades only from english and musical subjects, which I had a few in a musical highschool. I was always in my own world and my graduation papers aren't worth much.

Ophelia from Denmark:
Do you ever listen to your own CDs, just for fun?

Yeah, but not that much. I tend to know too much what's in them.

Katia from Portugal:
Hello Marco, how are you?
If you could be God for one day, what you will do?

Fine, thank you. They've asked me this at least three times on this forum. I'D RULE! ABSOLUTELY!

Alicia from France:
If you could, would you like to be a woman ? :-)

Might be nice to try for a day or two. Otherwise I'm just fine the way I am... Except in the head of course.

Richard "Nicke"Boman from Malmí¶ Sweden:
Has the band ever had any pyro accidents??

We've had "hot pants" a couple of times, but nothing serious. We were really worried one time when there was a faulty valve in a gas tank. The hose split loose and hit a friend and a fan on the head. Luckily nothing happened. You can never check too many times.

Lori from San Francisco:

if you pull each cow's tit, you get milk.. what happens if i pull each of your beard?

Depends on how hard you pull. First comes sadistic satisfaction, then a punch in the face.
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 25, 2008, 11:22:12 pm
Tuomas cumple hoy 32 años!!!
FELICIDADES!!!! :011: :011: :011: :011: :011:
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 28, 2008, 08:58:55 pm
Kerrang! - Entrevista a Anette Olzon

El 2008 - ¿Un año bueno o malo?

- Una mezcla de ambos. Disfrutíé mucho conociendo muchas partes del mundo y experimentando diferentes culturas, y tocar en Suramerica fue un sueño hecho realidad. Pero por supuesto, estas giraas pueden ser bastante duras, y aún soy la ultima en sumarse a un grupo de gente, y eso siempre trae algunos conflictos. Toma un tiempo acostumbrarse al negocio de estar en una banda de esta magnitud. Estuve enferma en varias partes del año y tuve que dejar de hacer algunos shows, algo que realmente me disgusta porque odio decepcionar a la gente. Recibí­ muchas inyecciones, incluso justo antes de tocar en el Rock Am Ring necesitíé una para poder presentarme. Pero creo que cualquier trabajo tiene sus partes positivas y negativas.

¿Cuándo te sentiste más como una rock star?

- Cuando estabamos en San Pablo, Brasil, la policia tuvo que venir a sacarnos entre el hotel y el estadio.
Ibamos realmente rápido entre los 4 carriles de trafico y con las sirenas sonando. Fue un poco incómodo y recuerdo que pensíé: "tu sabes, quizas soy una rock star ahora y no estoy del todo segura si me gusta eso o si tan solo es un poco extraño!"

¿Tuviste que pellizcarte mucho este año entonces?

- ¡Me pasa mucho! A veces me siento abrumada por todos los fans de tanto cariño. Cuando me conocen a veces estan tan nerviosos que tiemblan o lloran y yo les digo "Hey, tan solo soy yo!". Es dificil verse a uno mismo como una persona que la gente adora y admira.

¿De quíé estas mas orgullosa?

- Estoy muy orgullosa de mi misma en el sentido que he hecho un trabajo del infierno en esta banda. Me probíé a mi misma y a otras personas lo fuerte que soy, y que puedo estar en el punto mas bajo y aun asi levantarme y hacerlo una y otra vez. Creo que aprendí­ a ser fuerte.

¿Quiíén es tu heroe del año?

- Hubo muchas personas que me inspiraron este año, pero por supuesto fue algo enorme que [Barack] Obama gane las elecciones para ser el nuevo Presidente de los Estados Unidos. Pienso que íél es realmente un heroe porque creo que íél sabe que hay muchas personas que querian borrarlo de la faz de la tierra. í‰l es un humanista y las cosas definitivamente van a cambiar ahora. í‰l puede hacer una diferencia en el mundo, y espero que efectivamente lo haga.

¿Y villano?

- Hay muchos villanos, pero creo que aquellos que son tan obstinados y orgullosos que ni siquiera pueden ver sus propios defectos y quienes necesitan desinflar un poco su ego. En este negocio hay mucha gente que piensa que son taan buenos y tan grandes que pueden hacer cualquier cosa que quieran y pisotear a otras personas, y eso es realmente ofensivo.

¿Tuviste muchos momentos donde te sentiste como una idiota?

- Creo que no hay un punto donde me haya sentido realmente asi, aunque tengo una gran boca y soy muy honesta - y a veces soy demasiado honesta. Las cosas se deben decir, pero por supuesto, hay veces en que pienso "Mierda! Eso fue estúpido!".

¿Cuáles son tus planes para las festividades?

- Voy a estar en mi casa con mi familia para Navidad. Estoy divorcida y tengo un hijo, y este año es mi turno tenerlo conmigo en Noche Buena, algo que espero ansiosamente. Y para Año Nuevo, voy a ir a esquiar con mi hermana. Tengo 3 meses libres y estoy muy entusiasmada, porque puedo ponerme al dia con amigos y familia que he descuidado durante un año y medio!

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Diciembre 29, 2008, 01:05:12 pm
Marco cantando el Ave Maria .20.12.08  :70:
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Diciembre 29, 2008, 01:07:38 pm
Eva cantada a dueto por Anette y Marco.. :80:
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 01, 2009, 11:13:35 pm
Entrevista en Brasil ( (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 01, 2009, 11:22:11 pm
Los que faltan!!!! ( ( (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 07, 2009, 11:15:30 pm
Bonita cancion!! (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 07, 2009, 11:57:30 pm
Portada "Live in Hong-Kong"!!!

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 16, 2009, 11:29:07 pm
Marco cumplió el miíércoles 43 años!!!!
FELICIDADES!!! :011: :011: :011:
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 17, 2009, 08:51:45 pm
Nightwish han confirmado que los teloneros para la gira europea que comenzará el próximo marzo serán Indica y Pain.

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 23, 2009, 11:03:09 pm
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 01, 2009, 11:58:37 pm
El DVD tendrá un documental de aproximadamente 45 minutos sobre la gira Dark Passion Play y además contendrá fragmentos de las representaciones en directo de la banda con Anette. La mala noticia es que Nuclear Blast atrasó la fecha de lanzamiento, que antes serí­a el 6 de marzo, para el dí­a 13 del mismo mes. Tendremos que esperar un pelí­n más, pero tampoco es para tanto 

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 02, 2009, 11:28:02 pm
Citar ha divulgado hoy el tracklist y más información sobre el próximo lanzamiento de Nightwish:

CD (duración total - 66:13):

01. Bye Bye Beautiful (live)
02. Whoever Brings The Night (live)
03. Amaranth (live)
04. The Poet And The Pendulum (live)
05. Sahara (live)
06. The Islander (live)
07. Last Of The Wilds (live)
08. 7 Days To The Wolves (live)
09. Escapist
10. While Your Lips Are Still Red
11. Cadence Of Her Last Breath (demo version)

DVD (duración total - 49:52)

* Documental (Dark Passion Play World Tour) - Dirigido por Ville Lipií¤inen
* Video Clips:
01. Amaranth
02. Bye Bye Beautiful
03. The Islander
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 12, 2009, 11:32:23 pm
Trailer del DVD!!! (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 21, 2009, 11:51:43 pm
Para escuchar samples del DVD!!! (

Por otra parte, os dejamos la portada del 7º EP titulado "Amaranth (live)", tomado del DVD Made In Hong-Kong, que saldrá a la venta el próximo 13 de marzo y cuyo contenido será:

Side A: Amaranth (live)
Side B: Whoever Brings THe Night (live)


Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 23, 2009, 11:53:25 pm
 :024: :024: :024: :024: :024: :024: :024: :024:

Se dice que

Anette se iba a ir de NW este año xq estaba jodida de la garganta y q no daba xa tantos conciertos al año, sumando ademas q decia q su manager tb queria q se fuera.
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Marzo 07, 2009, 04:35:11 pm
NIGHTWISH Bassist Vocalist MARCO HIETALA Makes Guest Appearance On SONATA ARCTICA Guitarist's Forthcoming Solo Album

SONATA ARCTICA guitarist Elias Viljanen has issued the following update from the recotrding sessions for his new as-yet-untitled solo album:

"February 3rd - 10th. The recording of the rest of the solos, the bass and some serious singing...

On Tuesday, the 3rd, I started finishing the lead guitars. It took a couple of days and I was so relieved when I finally got it wrapped!! I did some great melodies, harmonies and shredding. Also the keyboard tracks by Mr. Klingenberg were put to place. There's goin' to be a little bit of keytar soloing as well.

Then on Friday, Mr. Jaan Wessman visited us and did a bass for one song called 'Beautiful Piece'. He used his fretless bass, so it turned out to be really cool sounding.

Monday was off but on the following day I got a real pleasure to have Mr. Marco Hietala (NIGHTWISH / TAROT) to be a guest vocalist on my record. He´s suberb! It´s amazing to hear his voice in my own, tiny little song. Anyway the song turned out to be a killer! Just wait until you hear it!

So, the rest is now up to mixing and masterin' and I´m still waiting to hear Mr. Kakko's performance in one song that he's doing for my album. But I'm sure it will be a killer as well!"

As previously reported, APOCALYPTICA drummer Mikko Siríén, EVERGREY / ex-STRATOVARIUS bassist Jari Kainulainen and Sonata Arctica keyboardist Henrik Klingenberg have contributed to the album. More details will be revealed soon.

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Marzo 07, 2009, 04:37:56 pm
NIGHTWISH Mainman TUOMAS HOLOPAINEN: 'My Head Is Exploding With New Ideas'

Ruth Harrison of FemaleFirst recently conducted an interview with keyboardist/mainman Tuomas Holopainen of the Finnish/Swedish symhonic metal band NIGHTWISH. A couple of excerpts from the chat follow below.

FemaleFirst: Hey Tuomas, how are things in the world of NIGHTWISH at the moment?

Tuomas: Well, actually, we are on a three-month break at the moment after the first leg of the tour finished last November in South America. The story continues on the 11 of March in London, from where we start our European tour and it goes right up until the end of September; so there are still five of six more months to go.

FemaleFirst: Wow, what a busy life... so what made you decide to record the latest DVD, "Made In Hong Kong (And Various Other Places)"?

Tuomas: It was actually an idea that came from the label, and to be honest, I wasn't the most happy person when I heard this idea, but it's going to be a long break between full-length albums so they thought we needed something new, and also to promote the European tour with a new release and since we don't have anything new in our hands, we decided to do this live EP which would have some additional stuff on. So that's why it ended up being "Made In Hong Kong (And Various Other Places)", because there is probably one song that's recorded in Hong Kong and the rest of the live songs are from around the world.

FemaleFirst: So how have the past two years been since Anette [Olzon, vocals] joined the band?

Tuomas: Interesting! Very rewarding and very exhausting as well. It has been the longest tour we have ever done, and it's been fantastic for most times, but there has been some bad times as well, as always. I think the only mistake we have done so far is the tour schedule last year was a bit too hard because when I was following the group at the end of the summer I could sense that the people were ready to go to a mental hospital so that is why this three-month break that we're on now is very well needed.

FemaleFirst: Are you just relaxing?

Tuomas: Pretty much, I went to Florida for two weeks to see Donald and Goofy and I've been doing some side projects just here and there, and have just been, you know, hanging around.

FemaleFirst: And is there any new material in the pipeline?

Tuomas: Not any time soon, I'm afraid, but I'm working on new material all the time and I actually feel like my head is exploding with new ideas. I pretty much have the concept of the new album in my head already but it's going to take a year before we start working on it full-time because we are not the type of band who can concentrate on two things at the same time. Right now we need to get this tour over with, then maybe take a little break and then start work on the new album.

FemaleFirst: Is there a particular process you go through when writing songs?

Tuomas: Well, I can only speak for myself but for me the process is almost the same every time; at first I always need to have the idea of what the song is about, for example a story or idea, I cannot just start jamming with the keyboard or the guitar to see what comes out. After I have a storyline in my head I have to think how to make the story come to life; "Is it a ballad?" or "is it a rock song?" Should I use a piano or acoustic guitar. When I get the song done, it is after that I write the final lyrics and then I recite the song to the rest of the band and we start writing.

Read the entire interview from FemaleFirst.

pues eso..q le explota la cabeza...con tanta idea claro.. :P
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 10, 2009, 11:10:12 pm
Marco se ha unido a la banda Sapattivuosi que versiona temas de Black Sabbath en finíés.

- La web de Rock Sound ofrece la posibilidad de enviarle una pregunta a Anette, Marco o Tuomas. Si quieres participar debes mandar un correo, en inglíés y lo más pronto posible, a esta dirección:

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 10, 2009, 11:18:12 pm
Ensayos!!! (

Romanticide (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 11, 2009, 10:39:23 pm
Avance del DVD!!!! (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 13, 2009, 11:47:07 pm
Para ver el documental (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 18, 2009, 11:34:18 pm
Sacado de la Web 'metal from Finland', el set-list de los conciertos de esta gira será:

01. 7 Days To The Wolves
02. Dead To The World
03. The Siren
04. Amaranth
05. Romanticide
06. Dead Boy's Poem / Walking In The Air
07. Sahara
08. Nemo
09. The Islander
10. The Poet And The Pendulum
11. Dark Chest Of Wonders
12. The Escapist

13. Ghost Love Score
14. Wish I Had An Angel
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 18, 2009, 11:39:06 pm
Para que veais que no es coña!!!! (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 18, 2009, 11:50:48 pm
Pero por que.....¿ (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Marzo 19, 2009, 01:17:53 am
Es la 1ª vez que me parto el c*lo escuchando ghost love score... :013:
y encima Dead Boy's Poem y Walking In The Air???!!!
se me caen las lagrimas..y no de emocion se me va del coco esa bonita frase de romanticide...see me ruined by my own creations
en fin...  :023:
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 19, 2009, 11:45:46 pm (

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 21, 2009, 09:22:26 pm
 :018: :018: :018: :024: :024: :024: :024: :024:

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 24, 2009, 11:45:44 pm
Una gran pelea aclaró las cosas
Las puertas del lobby del aeropuerto se abrieron raramente. Todo está calmo en el aeropuerto Helsinki y el dí­a gris no parece comenzar, ,aunque el reloj ya marca el medio dia.

Anette Olzon esta acostumbrada a viajar. El mayor tour en la historia de Nightwish todavia no ha terminado pero el grupo se tomó 3 meses de vacaciones. Se reunirán de nuevo el 11 de Marzo cuando el Tour DPP continúe en Londres.
Esta vez Anette ha dejado su gran maleta rosada en casa y pasa por la puerta con tan solo un bolso de mano. El cabello negro de los primeros dias en Nightwish se ha vuelto rubio y me encuentro con una cantante con un largo pelo color miel y anteojos.
Anette es reconocida en cualquier parte, pero con el nuevo look ha sido deja sorprendentemente sola. El nuevo disfraz no funcionará por mucho tiempo pero Anette esta feliz.
"-La vieja Anette esta de vuelta! Era rubia en mi primera banda y este color esta mucho mas cerca de mi color natural, mas que el negro. El cí­rculo se ha cerrado de alguna manera."
La cantante se ha relajado del tour pasando un lujoso fin de semana en Estocolmo, donde chicos de veinti tantos años se acercaron para hablarle "a una mama un poco mas grande"
"-Es asi! Bueno, no realmente, aparentemente mi hermana y yo aún nos vemos bastante bien-" se rió Anette de 37 años.

Una pelea refrescante

Anette irradia energí­a a pesar del estres del tour por Sudamerica y del decaimiento en medio de un show en Brasil aun arde en su cabeza. Las personas especularon que lo causó pero de acuerdo a Anette ella dejó el escenario porque perdió la voz a causa de la maquina de humo.
"-Es un gran problema para una cantante perder la voz en el escenario. Por otro lado, si la misma situacion hubiese sucedido 6 meses antes, definitivamente no me hubiese ido del escenario. Ademas el estres y un mal sentimiento en la banda erupcionó en Brasil."
Anette dice que es una mujer muy sensible. Si la situacion con la banda hubiese sido normal, ella hubiese sido mas fuerte. El largo tour se empezaba a notar en todos. De acuerdo con Anette, la atmosfera en la ruta era tensa, inflamable y bajo el estres ella no sabia como soportar como artista como lo sabian los muchachos.
"-Ellos han tenido 10 años en este negocio. Yo solo tengo 2 años- Cuando la gente se cansa de los demas, se vuelven distantes. Todo grupo necesita una guerra a veces y nosotros no tuvimos ninguna durante todo el tiempo que estuve en la banda. Preferiamos caminar en punta de pie que discutir."
Hablar del tour hacia el final del año le da escalofrí­os pero el alivio despuíés de la tormenta es mucho mejor.
"- Una pelea limpia el aire. Todos estabamos cansandos pero resolvimos las cosas. No tiene sentido vivir en elpasado, hay que pensar para adelante.
En un trabajo creativo "demasiado" es a veces tan solo "demasiado".Anette se ha tenido que acostumbrar a que los planes de la mañana se han mezclado llegado el mediodia y el esquema se ha vuelto a construir de nuevo. De nuevo y de nuevo.
"-Aunque en el escenario todo esta bien y nos divertimos. El lio fuera del escenario causa la mayor parte del estres. No es sólo sobre música, constantemente tenes que lidiar con gente nueva y cosas a tu alrededor"
Mientras aclaraban el dia a dia en la banda Anette decidió cambiar algunas cosas. Firmo un trato con un reconocido representante Hagenbyrg. Anette cree que a largo plazo los conocimientos de una gran compañia tambien ayudaran a King Foo Entertainment que maneja Nightwish.
"-Fue una decisión muy dura para mi porque no querí­a problemas con la banda. Les dije que tenia diferentes necesidades que los chicos en estas cosas. Por ejemplo, necesito sponsor de ropa, que al resto de la banda no le interesa. Ahora tengo una persona que se ocupa de eso."
Ademas el hecho que el representante es sueco ha ayudado al trabajo de Anette. En contra de lo que se esperaba en el comienzo, trabajar en ingles ha sido un poco complicado para Anette. Ademas King Foo ha trabajado con los chicos por 10 años y por la larga historia hay más cosas a su servicio.
Anette enfatiza que es más sobre hace las cosas practicas mas fluidas, no una separacion de la banda. Ahora ella no se tiene q poner irascible si el representante no ha hecho algo y el resto de la banda no tiene que preocuparase sobre las necesidades especiales de Anette.
"-Ahora entiendo que Tarja Turunen seguramente tuvo sus razones para tener su propio representante, asi como yo. Aunque eso no afecta mi deseo de estar en la banda. Creo que esta decision nos va a ayudar a todos.

El nombre de su hijo tatuado en su pierna

Los artistas en trabajos con cambios constantes tiene diferentes maneras de hacerse sentir como en casa. Para Anette una forma fue tatuar el nombre Seth en su pierna derecha. El niño, que ya concurre al colegio, es la manzana para los ojos de ANette. Aunque su trabajo requiere estar lejos de casa durante mucho tiempo, Anette se alegra mucho de las cosas que hacen juntos.
"-Por supuesto que es dificil a veces. Cuando estoy lejos pregunta mucho cuando va a poder venir con nosotros de tour. Rara vez tocamos cerca de casa y el tiene que ir al colegio, entonces no nos puede visitar muy seguido. De algun modo me hace sentir genial que Seth este orgulloso de mi."
Anette cuenta que su hijo ama a toda la banda. Los mimebros de la banda son sus idolos y el quiere ser un guitarrista cuando crezca. Uno de los mejores momentos de Seth fue cuando Nightwish tocó en el festival Metal Town en Gotenburgo.
"-Seth aparecio en el escenario para saludar con nosotros. Por supuesto que yo queria protegerlo pero tenia que darle esa oportunidad. El dice que estuvo tan bueno estar en el escenario que quiere venir con nosotros la proxima vez y decidió ser una estrella de rock cuando crezca-"
Llevar a un miembro de la familia a los tours no es tan inusual, especialmente en bandas grandes. Para Nightwish no es posible hasta ahora. Viven en autobuses por periodos largos y la vida familiar no seria posible en esas circunstancias. En cambio hay cierto show de rock en casa. La guitarra que Emppu Vuorinen le regaló ha sido usada un monton por Seth cuando hace su propio concierto en el living.
"-Tal vez el sea el proximo Emppu, quien sabe, no? Ellos se parecen un poco -" Anette se rie.

El divorcio en las noticias

Durante el año y medio que ha pasado Anette ha experimentado indulgencia por parte de la prensa pero tambien ha visto el otro lado de la moneda. Especialmente la ropa que utiliza en el escenario ha sido criticada. Anette no se ve muy afectada por esos comentarios. Ella seguirá apoyando a diseñadores suecos usando su ropa en el futuro.
Durante su recaida en Brasil, la prensa se las agarró con asuntos familiares de Anette. Su ex marido tuvo que responder las preguntas mas extrañas y preguntarse de donde cuernos los diarios sacaron la idea que ellos se estaban peleado por la custodia de su hijo. Anette ha notado que el estilo de la prensa ha cambiado, especialmente en Suecia y ha contratado a un coach personal para ayudarla a lidiar con la fama.
"-La ultima primavera fue dificil. Sentia que necesitaba ayuda con la prensa. Al menos aprendi que no podes ganar con todo. Si comentaba sobre algo las cosas se podian volver aun peor -" Suspira Anette.
Ahora piensa que tal vez pueda convertirse en coach de prensa para otras estrellas en el futuro.
"-Nunca puedes saber cuando la banda puede terminar o yo perder la voz, mejor. Siempre estuvo interesada en la psicologia y estudie. Creo que tengo mucho para dar.
El comportamiento de los fans de Nightwish se gana los elogios de Anette.
"-Nuestros fans no discuten nuestros asuntos personales en internet. Ellos entienden que todos ocasionalmente tenemos malos momentos.


Anette es una gran amante del sushi pero ahora los restaurantes de sushi de Helsinki estan de siesta. Afortunadamente la comida tradicional finesa tambien le gusta y Anette ansiosamente introduce su cuchara en la sopa de pescado. En frente de su comida pinta el escenario de ella misma.
"-Aunque ahora disfruto de tener 3 meses de tiempo libre no puedo tan solo quedarme y no hacer absolutamente nada. Es bueno tener momentos tranquilos cuando tenes tiempo para pensar que esperas de la vida. En medio de un apuro, solo tratas de satisfacer y hacer todo."
La limitacion de la vida pone a Anette a reflexionar.
"-Cualquier momento puede ser el ultimo. Hay que disfrutar la vida y dejar las cosas malas atras. Si te quedas y piensas todo el tiempo sobre cada cosa o persona que te disgusta te volverias loco. Y hay muchas cabezas podridas-"
En un punto Anette soñaba con tener su propia peluqueria, pero ahora sus sueños estan mas definidos. Para la hija de una costurera, la ropa siempre ha sido una pasión y Anette planea algún dí­a diseñar su propia colección. Encontro una escuela nocturna en Estocolmo que enseña diseño de ropa y estudiar le interesaria tan pronto como termine con el tour en semptiembre.
"-Mi forma de vestir ha sido criticada pero me gustaria encaminar a las mujeres a que se vistan personalmente. Muchas cantantes mujeres, especialmente en musica pesada se visten de la misma manera, lo que es una lastima.

Ademas creo que es mas inteligente invertir plata en algo antes que simplemente quemarla. ¿Porque no invertiria en mi propia tienda de ropa?
Anette habla de los hombres en Nightwish quienes tambien se han entusiasmado sobre los estilos. La criticada chaqueta blanca que usó Tuomas Holopainen fue una buena eleccion segun la opinion de Anette. Emppu tambien esta interesado en la ropa e incluso el "anti compras" Marco Hietala sorprendió a todos comprando 3 camperas y 3 pares de jean, todos de una vez.
Como su idolo en estilo Anette menciona a Nina Persson de The Cardigans. Y aunque la moda sueca es muy simple y negra Anette planea seguir jugando con diferentes estilos en el futuro.
"-Hacer mi propia coleccion puede que se a un proyecto largo pero hay que empezar por algun lado. Hay que tener metas en la vida a que apuntar. Muchos artistas manejan una compañia discografica despues de terminadas sus carreras pero no me veo a mi misma en ese rol. Invertiria en algo que amo."
Con al menos la misma cantidad de pasión, Anette invierte en sus otros amores. Es dificil de ocultar la felicidad que emana de su rostro.
"-Estoy realmente feliz ahora. Tengo de nuevo a alguien muy importante en mi vida"- Anette sonrie y esta vez no se esta refieriendo a su hijo.

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Marzo 25, 2009, 09:05:04 pm
NIGHTWISH, SAHG, SIRENIA, THUNDERBOLT, MUSTASCH, K[NINE] and ZEROZONIC have been confirmed for the Norway Rock Festival, set to take place July 9-12, 2009 in Kvinesdal, Norway.


For more information, visit

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Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Marzo 25, 2009, 09:11:17 pm
NIGHTWISH, SHINEDOWN and STAIND have been confirmed for this year's edition of the Greenfield Festival, set to take place June 12-14 in Interlaken, Switzerland.

The festival billing is shaping up as follows:


For more information, visit

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Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Marzo 25, 2009, 09:16:11 pm
KORN, NIGHTWISH, SUICIDAL TENDENCIES, LAMB OF GOD, DRAGONFORCE and FIVE FINGER DEATH PUNCH are among the newly confirmed bands for the 14th edition of the Graspop Metal Meeting, set to take place June 26-28, 2009 on the festival grounds of the Boeretang in Dessel, Belgium.

The festival biling is shaping up as follows:


According to the organizers, the concept remains identical: three days of metal mania, four stages, 70 bands, metal market, festival fair, side animation, signing sessions and much more!"

The 2008 edition of Graspop Metal Meeting featured performances by DEF LEPPARD, ICED EARTH, TESTAMENT, WHITESNAKE and YNGWIE MALMSTEEN, among many others.

For more information, visit

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Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Marzo 25, 2009, 09:18:53 pm
NIGHTWISH have chosen the smooth spring water Veen as the band's official drink. To celebrate this excellent choice, Veen has launched a competition on its web site giving fans a chance to win tickets to a NIGHTWISH gig of their choice.

NIGHTWISH has scheduled following signing sessions during the band's European tour:

Friday, March 20
SATURN Karlsruhe Germany
KaiserstraíŸe 217
76137 Karlsruhe
Start: 2:00 p.m.

Saturday, March 21
SATURN Erfurt Germany
Anger 1 - 3
99084 Erfurt
Start: 2:30 p.m.
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Marzo 25, 2009, 09:21:42 pm
In an exclusive interview with Classic Rock's Dave Ling, NIGHTWISH keyboardist/mainman Tuomas Holopainen admitted that he had "a feeling of díéjí  vu" when the band's vocalist Anette Olzon, echoing her predecessor, recently announced her decision to hire a personal manager. An excerpt from the chat follows below.

Classic Rock: The "Dark Passion Play" tour began in October 2007. Is the finish line in sight?

Holopainen: "It's on the far horizon, maybe. There's only another five months to go. It's been the band's longest and most exhausting tour; a real roller-coaster ride."

Classic Rock: By that you must mean Anette bursting into tears and walking off stage at a gig in Brazil last November (see video footage below), later claiming in an interview that "the stress and bad vibe within the band had reached a boiling point?"

Holopainen: "Yes, but I disagree about the bad vibe part. It was a combination of many different things. Everyone was getting along, but the schedule was too hard. The whole band, the technicians, everyone, was on the verge of collapse."

Classic Rock: What was meant by the explanation that Anette was "really not up to this kind of heavy shit right now"?

Holopainen: "She was being affected by a smoke machine, which isn't great for a singer. There were middle fingers in the front row, and some jerks were screaming the name of our former vocalist (Tarja Turunen). It all kind of closed in on her. But everybody's relaxed again now. We went home and had three months off the road. As simple as that."

Classic Rock: Did alarm bells ring when, echoing her predecessor, Olzon recently hired a personal manager (Swedish management company Hagenburg Management, which also represents EUROPE and THE CARDIGANS)?

Holopainen: "At the beginning I had a feeling of díéjí  vu. But when we discussed it I understood that she needs somebody who speaks her own language [Swedish]. Her manager is a very, very reasonable guy."

Classic Rock: How is she handling the fame?

Holopainen: "She has told me a couple of times that she might not be able to handle it, on top of her divorce. I've seen her close to collapse and it has scared me, so we are protecting her. There will be no more interviews."

For more information, visit Classic Rock.

In a recent interview with MeNaiset, the most popular women's magazine in Finland, Olzon stated about her decision to hire a personal manager, "It was a hard decision for me because I didn't want problems with the band. I said that I have different needs in these areas than the rest of the guys. I, for example, need clothing sponsors which doesn't interest the rest of the band. Now I have a person who will be able to take care of that kind of stuff."
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Marzo 25, 2009, 09:24:08 pm
Anette Olzon walking off stage in Belo Horizonte, Brazil on November 10, 2008 (from two different angles):
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Marzo 25, 2009, 09:29:40 pm
MESHUGGAH Guitarist: To Call NIGHTWISH Metal Is 'A F**king Insult'

MetalSucks' Vince Neilstein conducted an interview with guitarist Mí¥rten Hagstrí¶m of the Swedish experimental extreme metallers MESHUGGAH prior to the band's New York City show with CYNIC and THE FACELESS. An excerpt from the chat follows below.

MetalSucks: You guys came from Sweden with a lot of famous metal bands, at the same time as a lot of melodic death metal, which has sort of gone its own way now. How do you feel about that scene and those guys?

Hagstrí¶m: I hate it. I totally loathe it. Listen, I have nothing against the guys in the bands. I have nothing against the bands. I'm happy for them. If they're doing well and if that's what they want to do then fucking, "Hey, good for you." If you're talking from my personal tastes, I prefer when bands play metal and not SLAUGHTER and pop music with fucking attributes of a metal band. You got two guys with distorted guitars and then you got two chicks singing and three keyboards and then they play "lalalala." It's not why I got into metal. It's not like I'm saying it can't be melodic. CYNIC is very melodic and still fucking awesome. There are a lot of bands that people appreciate a lot over here, like I said I'm happy for their success, but I do not care for their music at all. It's formula music. It's built the same way that pop music is. It's performed the same way pop music is with back tracks and everything. They're like, "Oh, we're so fucking bad-ass and we look so hard." Most bands from Sweden know what they're doing when they're playing. That's a great benefit. It might be music that I hate, but they can still pull it off, which is alright.

MetalSucks: It's good for all Swedish bands, I guess.

Hagstrí¶m: I have nothing against it, but I would never listen to it. Having said that, there are a shitload of Swedish bands that I adore. THE HAUNTED is a great fucking band. ENTOMBED is a great fucking band. There is a lot of cool fucking shit around. A lot of the stuff that does well in Europe doesn't necessarily do well over here. It's like NIGHTWISH, they're from Finland; to call that metal is a fucking insult. It's probably good music, but it's not fucking metal. No way. I told Markus, on our label Nuclear Blast (because they're on it), "I know you're making a shitload of money, but you're making fools of yourself." He's like "I know". He's like that.

MetalSucks: At least they know what they're doing.

Hagstrí¶m: Oh, they know what they're doing. They got it down. That's why they're doing well. Nuclear Blast is doing great.

MetalSucks: Yeah, they put out a lot of good stuff.

Hagstrí¶m: They do. No doubt. It's not the melodic parts that are the problem. I love a lot of melodic stuff. If you listen to MR. BUNGLE, it's melodic all the way through, but it's great shit. I just want some thrill and excitement, something that makes me go, "Oh, these guys have an original idea."

Read the entire interview at MetalSucks.

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Marzo 25, 2009, 09:32:25 pm
NIGHTWISH Singer: 'At The Moment, We Don't Have Any Problems'

Finnish web site has uploaded two short video clips (see below) of NIGHTWISH singer Anette Olzon talking about the recent media frenzy surrounding her rumored "problems" with the band and what she did during NIGHTWISH's recent three-month break from touring.

Regarding the alleged issues she has with NIGHTWISH, Anette says, "At the moment, we don't have any problems. I think any group, working group, can have, after being together for a while, there will be this conflict state — every group has it; it's important for the evolvement of the group, and I think we need it. The problem wasn't that we had a problem, it was that we were so, so tired. All of us. There was no rest last year. [And now] we are all happy. We are very happy."

In an exclusive interview with Classic Rock's Dave Ling, NIGHTWISH keyboardist/mainman Tuomas Holopainen was asked if alarm bells rang when, echoing her predecessor, Olzon recently hired a personal manager (Swedish management company Hagenburg Management, which also represents EUROPE and THE CARDIGANS). "At the beginning I had a feeling of díéjí  vu," he replied. "But when we discussed it I understood that she needs somebody who speaks her own language [Swedish]. Her manager is a very, very reasonable guy."

When asked how Anette is handling the fame, Tuomas replied, "She has told me a couple of times that she might not be able to handle it, on top of her divorce. I've seen her close to collapse and it has scared me, so we are protecting her. There will be no more interviews."

In a recent interview with MeNaiset, the most popular women's magazine in Finland, Olzon stated about her decision to hire a personal manager, "It was a hard decision for me because I didn't want problems with the band. I said that I have different needs in these areas than the rest of the guys. I, for example, need clothing sponsors which doesn't interest the rest of the band. Now I have a person who will be able to take care of that kind of stuff."
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Marzo 25, 2009, 09:36:05 pm

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Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Marzo 28, 2009, 10:29:40 pm
Un par de fotos curiosas q encontre en internet  :023:

Tuomas de pekeño  :78:

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Tarja la Gioconda :09:

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Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 28, 2009, 11:23:51 pm
Muy bueno el de la Gioconda!!! :023: :023: :023: :023:
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 02, 2009, 11:07:03 pm
Nightwish finalizará su masiva gira "Dark Passion Play World Tour" en Helsinki, el 19 de septiembre. Los teloneros del concierto serán Apocalyptica.

Sábado 19/09/2009, Hartwall Areena, Helsinki, Finlandia. Permitida la entrada a todas las edades.

Pre-venta 46,50 EUR, en taquilla 48 EUR (si todaví­a quedan tickets )
La venta anticipada comienza el lunes 6 de abril en


Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 07, 2009, 11:29:58 pm
Lo que ha dicho Tuomas!!!!!!!!!!!!! :024: :024: :024: :024: :024: :024:

: Do you have any ideas on the new album?
T: I have already started preparing some things. We have much time to work on the new album though. When all this comes to an end, we have to meet each other and discuss, to see who wants to stay in the band and who don’t. I hope everybody in the band understood that too.

J: Are you referring to someone special?
T: Yes…

J: Not to Marco?
T: No…

J: Not to Emppu?
T: No…

J: Then, to Anette?
T: I don’t want to continue the discussion on that matter.

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 11, 2009, 08:43:18 pm
Dark Passion Play" ha sido certificado como disco de platino en suiza por más de 30.000 copias vendidas .
Mientras tanto el DVD End of An Era ha logrado el oro en ese pais por la venta de más de 3.000 unidades. Los miembros de Nightwish se presentaron con los premios el pasado 28 de marzo en el concierto de St. Jakobshalle de Basilea.

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 14, 2009, 11:22:10 pm
Tuomas: íéste está siendo el tour más relajado de todos los que hemos hecho en muchos sentidos. Quiero decir, no hay problemas, nadie está exhausto, nadie está severamente enfermo… así­ que estoy increí­blemente feliz con el tour… y siempre que se llega a un nuevo sitio, como hoy, hay algo especial en el aire.

¿Habíéis comprado en Zagreb?

Anette: oh, sí­. Es una ciudad genial para las compras. Sí­, he comprado ropa y zapatos (risas). Teníéis muy buenas marcas que no se suelen ver, además de todo lo cultural… hay una especie de ascensores en medio de todo… no he ido pero los he visto. Y los edificios son fantásticos, muy bonitos.

Tuomas: no, yo no he comprado hoy. He paseado por la ciudad. Me gusta mucho la arquitectura de esta ciudad, es muy bonita. Hemos comido genial en un restaurante indio, el único de la ciudad.

Anette: ¿Solo uno?

Tuomas: sí­, solo hay uno. El Maharaja. Es excelente.


Acerca de Dark Passion Play…

Tuomas: creo que el álbum entero navega por unas aguas muy oscuras, excluyendo un par de canciones como Amaranth o Last of the Wilds. Este álbum simplemente debí­a hacerse. La banda atravesó momentos muy difí­ciles en 2005 y 2006, y el álbum refleja esas emociones. Realmente espero no tener que volver a hacer un álbum tan oscuro. La melancolí­a, la tristeza, el enfado… son inspiraciones de las que no estoy muy orgulloso, pero la fuerza y el poder están ahí­ a los mismos niveles. No volverí­a a hacer otro “álbum de quejas”…

Anette: es un gran álbum.

Tuomas: es un gran álbum, lo síé. Estoy feliz con todas las canciones, pero asusta un poco la manera en que deben hacerse…


¿Te molesta no participar demasiado en la producción del álbum?

Anette: no, porque es lo que suele hacer un cantante. Siempre lo hacemos si somos los que escribimos las canciones, que no es mi caso, así­ que voy al estudio para hacer mi trabajo y tambiíén trabajo como cantante de estudio para otras bandas. Claro que serí­a genial estar en todo el proceso, pero me gusta lo que Tuomas hace, no hay nada de lo que pueda quejarme… por supuesto si pudiese estar ahí­ quizás sí­ que tendrí­amos diferencias acerca de algunas cosas que debo hacer con la voz que quizás harí­a a mi manera… pero creo que hemos hecho cosas muy buenas y espero poder trabajar más en el próximo álbum.


¿Cuál es tu canción favorita del álbum?

Anette: oh, es muy difí­cil de decir… ahora mismo mi canción favorita no es de este álbum (risas), que es Ghost Love Score, pero de este álbum Meadows of Heaven es muy especial para mí­â€¦ las letras, la felicidad de esa canción que cierra toda la oscuridad del álbum… es muy bonita.


¿Por quíé el tí­tulo del “Made in Hong Kong”?

Tuomas: porque es muy divertido. No tiene mucho que ver con lo que se enseña en el DVD, eso es cierto… creo que solo hay una canción y un discurso en Hong Kong… para mí­, personalmente, el trabajo entero no ha sido muy duro. No he tenido que hacer mucho. No estaba ahí­ cuando lo estaban haciendo. No soy muy fan de este tipo de álbums… bueno, tiene ví­deos promocionales, canciones bonus…


¿Os presionan las discográficas?

Tuomas: nunca nos hemos sentido presionados por la discográfica. Eso es algo por lo que no debes apresurarte. Las cosas deben seguir su curso natural. Necesitas tiempo. Debo ser honesto: a veces, las prisas de última hora son una gran inspiración. A veces.


¿Cuál es el proceso a la hora de elaborar las canciones?

Tuomas: dejo las canciones lo más terminadas posibles bajo mi punto de vista personal. Despuíés se las paso a los demás miembros de la banda y despuíés empezamos a hacer cada parte. A veces las canciones no sufren ninguna modificación de cómo yo la habí­a dejado, otras veces deben ser cambiadas. Es, por ejemplo, el caso exacto de The Poet and the Pendulum. Pero en otras canciones, como Nemo, no.


¿Has tomado lecciones de canto?

Anette: fui a una escuela musical artí­stica de ballet durante 8 meses. No es nada para mí­, he cantado muchas cosas (risas). Sí­, he tomado algunas clases pero nada demasiado serio. No creo que lo necesites, sinceramente. Pienso que está bien pero que es una gran cuestión de talento y mucho sentimiento, además de trabajar duro.

Tuomas: estoy de acuerdo. Tener la educación básica nunca es malo, pero es más bien una cuestión de descubrir la música personalmente y tener pasión por ella, trabajar duro como el infierno. A veces corres el peligro de acabar haciendo música para otros músicos si has sido demasiado bien instruido, es lo que pienso. Y en la música eso es algo que no es real. 

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 16, 2009, 11:59:03 pm
All this time - Alyson Avenue (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Abril 17, 2009, 05:51:32 pm
Cuál es tu canción favorita del álbum?

Anette: oh, es muy difí­cil de decir… ahora mismo mi canción favorita no es de este álbum (risas), que es Ghost Love Score, [...]

 :013: tb era la de Tarja  :16:

¿Has tomado lecciones de canto?

Anette: [..]. Sí­, he tomado algunas clases pero nada demasiado serio. No creo que lo necesite, sinceramente. Pienso que está bien pero que es una gran cuestión de talento y mucho sentimiento, además de trabajar duro.

 :013: soy yo o se pasó de sobrada?  :09:
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Abril 17, 2009, 05:56:30 pm
un par de videos curiosos q encontre navegando por youtube  :81:

Deep silent complete  :80: :09:

Jukka  :018: :09:

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 17, 2009, 11:04:22 pm
 :016: :016: :016: :016:
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 18, 2009, 11:50:50 pm
Que horror!!!! (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Abril 19, 2009, 12:08:49 am
buaaa :024: pero de cuando es eso? mi maaa  :016:  :016:
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 19, 2009, 07:34:24 pm
Es del año 87!!!!
Osea, de cuamdo tú y yo teniamos 3 años!!!
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 19, 2009, 11:24:26 pm
The Islander", dirigido por Stobe Harju, ha sido elegido como el mejor video-clip de 2008 en Finlandia. El video ha sido premiado con un "Muuvi" de oro en la ceremonia que se celebró la pasada noche del 17 de abril en Helsinki.

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 21, 2009, 11:42:24 pm
Jukka cumple hoy 31 años!!!!!!
FELICIDADES!!!!! :011: :011: :011: :011: :011: :011: :011:
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Mayo 04, 2009, 01:23:58 pm
Tuomas versión peluche  :38:

( (

( (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Mayo 04, 2009, 01:28:31 pm
El dia 2 de abril en Roadrunner Records dejaron descargar gratis la canción Amaranth en directo del CD/DVD "Made In Hong Kong"

Keyboardist Tuomas Holopainen and vocalist Anette Olzon of Finnish/Swedish symphonic metallers NIGHTWISH were interviewed by the "Metal Eye" show on Z1 TV when the band performed in Zagreb, Croatia on April 2, 2009. Watch the chat below.

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Mayo 04, 2009, 02:25:52 pm
NIGHTWISH´s legendary DVD End of an era, featuring their last concert with former singer Tarja Turunen, is available in Blu-Ray format in official Nightwish shop.

The concert was filmed on 21st of October 2005 in Hartwall arena in Helsinki, Finland.

To order the DVD, click here:


1. Dark Chest Of Wonders
2. Planet Hell
3. Ever Dream
4. Kinslayer
5. Phantom Of The Opera
6. The Siren
7. Sleeping Sun
8. High Hopes
9. Bless The Child
10. Wishmaster
11. Slaying The Dreamer
12. Kuolema tekee taiteilijan
13. Nemo
14. Ghost Love Score
15. Stone People
16. Creek Mary´s Blood
17. Over The Hills and Far Away
18. Wish I Had an Angel

Bonus Material – End Of An Era:
A Day Before Tomorrow – documentary
Photo gallery

Beginning Of A New Era:
Amaranth – video clip
Bye Bye Beautiful – video clip
The Islander – video clip (short version)
The Islander – video clip (long version)
While Your Lips Are Still Red – video clip
Amaranth – making of the video clip
In Between The Bye Byes – making of the video clip “Bye Bye Beautiful”
The Islander – making of the video clip
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Mayo 04, 2009, 02:27:46 pm
( (

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Mayo 04, 2009, 02:28:27 pm
Fotos de Nightwish en Alemania
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Mayo 11, 2009, 06:53:54 pm
Bazillion Points Books ha colgado una descarga gratuita de "Chapter 5. The Upward Spiral", fragmento de la biografía de NIGHTWISH "Once Upon a Nightwish: The Official Biography 1996-2006", de Mape Ollila.

La mencionada muestra puede encontrarse en este enlace.

La banda reedita en estos días esta biografía oficial "Once Upon a Nightwish: The Official Biography 1996-2006", disponible ahora en inglés con una nueva presentación.

El libro ha sido escrito y recopilado por Mape Ollila, y además de relatar la historia del grupo y la de sus componentes, cuenta las verdaderas razones de la marcha de Tarja, publicando la versión del grupo y la de la cantante.

El tomo de 352 páginas ha sido totalmente renovado por Bazillion Points, realizándose numerosas correcciones y añadiendo 32 páginas llenas de fotos en color del grupo, la mayoría inéditas, pertenecientes a los primeros días de NIGHTWISH; se completa con una lista de todos los conciertos ofrecidos por el grupo en el periodo Tarja Turunen.

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Mayo 11, 2009, 07:03:00 pm
Special report by Mark Gromen

Finland's two largest exports were fittingly together in New York City, NIGHTWISH at the Nokia. Despite NYC being Swine Flu central in the US, our intrepid musicians had no fears dealing with a throng of well-wishers pressing the flesh, hugging and the occasional cheek-to-cheek buss. "We're used to it," says singer Anette Olzon of annual flu bugs. "Every year there's a flu from Asia and we get a large influx (in Sweden). I get a shot every year." Thus she's prepared, cautious, but not really worried about the latest outbreak. The second night of the "North American Vodka-Cranberry Massacre" tour (check out the laminates, if you have the chance), also the midway point of dates with Troy Donockley (Hartford, NYC, Allentown and Baltimore only), the uillean piper who has appeared on Nightwish studio works.

3pm: The band comes wandering down Broadway, through Times Square, in the opposite direction of the roped off, early arrivals (ie, to their backs). Nearly everyone misses their heroes, until feet from the safety of the doorway. First it’s Anette and her manservant, followed a few minutes later by the guys and Donockley, carrying his own case of pipes, led by the blond Viking of a manager, Ewo.

3:30pm: The scheduled sound check time has come and gone, things running a bit slow on just the second day of the tour. Nightwish only arrived in NYC a few hours earlier, whereas they typically leave for the next town right after a show, sleeping on the bus and getting to bed in a hotel of the next city by morning. Such was not the case between Hartford, CT and Manhattan.

4:15pm: All hands on deck for sound check. The European stage props, Tuomas Holopainen’s keyboards in the bow of a boat and a giant anchor, were too cumbersome/expensive to fly Stateside. Holopainen is pretty much already in stage clothes, complete with Crocodile Dundee hat. Emppu Vuorinen is seated in a folding chair, guitar in lap, as they run through ‘Sahara’. Anette is in sweats with her stylish eyeglasses and pink stiletto heels. The rhythm section of Marco Hietala (bass) and Jukka Nevalainen (drums) is low key as they proceed through ‘Higher Than Hope’ and ‘Romanticide’. Donockley appears as the singer departs, so they can run through the lively, Celtic influenced instrumental jig, ‘Last Of The Wilds’. As the drummer leaves, a pair of acoustic guitars show up and with Hietala singing, the remaining crew tries out ‘The Islander’, Donockley reprising the tin whistle/recorder parts he played on Dark Passion Play. In rehearsal, I get a similar ethereal, almost haunting feeling as the show with John Two-Hawks in Texas, a rare evening is on tap!

Afterwards, it’s back to the dressing room, where the piper turned amateur magician entertains the boys with a card trick. Tuomas runs back to the hotel prior to the 6pm meet n' greet, where fans who paid a premium get a few moments with their idols, maybe to secure an autograph or picture and hold an impromptu chat. Conversation turns to the luminaries who have espoused a liking for Nightwish. Apparently Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) went to the Birmingham, England show with his daughter and quickly became a convert. IRON MAIDEN’s Steve Harris is a fan and recently Lemmy, the incarnation of MOTí–RHEAD, has voiced his admiration for the Finns. Lofty praise from your peers, indeed!

When the line goes around the block in NYC, you’ve got quite a crowd and the Nokia was sold out (2,100 capacity). So when the house light dimmed, a roar went up, as Tuomas and Troy, the latter seated at the front of the stage, were the solitary figures, as they launched into the intro, one by one the other band members strolled onstage, lastly was Anette as the began ‘7 Days Of The Wolves’. Her hair back to middle-of-the-back length blond, Olzon’s potato sack of a dress didn’t flatter her. The upbeat ‘Dead To The World’ was followed by an apology for having to cancel the previous New York date (due to her illness, thus these sporadic US-only make-up shows) and ‘The Siren’. In the lobby of the venue, the entire concert could be seen from a multi-camera shoot, on giant video screens, so those at the bar never really had to leave. ‘Amaranth’, then ‘Higher Than Hope’, which was dedicated to the memory of Mark Brueland a fan who died six years ago, his mother and sister were the band’s guests for the evening. The stage was flooded with strobes during ‘Poet And The Pendulum’. Anette provides a plug for the keyboardist, calling him “maestro,” the introduction gives the females in the crowd (quite a few, as manger Toni remarked to me as we shared a drink as the audience filtered in. “The first tour, it was all black t-shirts,” he said, referring to the metalhead crowd, “but now it’s more a mix, like it is in Europe. Moms/Dads bringing younger kids, along with the diehards”) a chance to scream.

Marco asked for “lighters, cell phones, cameras, any light source” for the atmospheric ‘The Islander’. Half way through, wearing the now requisite tiara, Olzon takes her place on the vacant bar stool. With Donockley already onstage, they charge right into ‘Last Of The Wilds’, a headbanging anthem, even without words. ‘The Escapist’ and a quick ‘Dark Chest Of Wonder’ before the encore, ‘Wish I Had An Angel’. Backstage, there was a crowd of record execs and their guests, as well as Jens Johansson (STRATOVARIUS), who seems to show up whenever Nightwish are involved (He and I listened to Dark Passion Play in the management offices in Helsinki together), but the band are a tricky bunch. Emppu is a master of sneaking out, hoodie usually pulled up, with backpack and camera bag in tow, he’s typically out the door almost as soon as he sets foot off stage. Marco, Tuomas and Troy entertained the gathering, before the keyboardist headed out the front door, right past fans that were waiting alongside the alleged band bus.

If you get the chance, go see Nightwish, as it’s likely to be a long time until they return to these shores, given that September 19th marks the end of the Dark Passion Play world tour and impending layoff until the next record is recorded.
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Mayo 11, 2009, 07:04:01 pm
Fotos en NY

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 12, 2009, 11:24:54 pm
Anette Olzon es la cantante de la banda de cuentos de hadas Nightwish. Residente en Helsinborg, con una carrera alzada en Helsinki, acaba de empezar a descubrir Estocolmo.

¿Dónde y cómo vives ahora?
Vendimos la casa recientemente y nos mudamos al centro de Helsinborg a un gran loft.

¿Por quíé has elegido no vivir en Estocolmo?
No lo he elegido, pero crecí­ en Skí¥ne. Pero ahora tengo un prometido que es de Estocolmo y me he enamorado de la ciudad. Un apartamento en Estocolmo está en los planes.

¿Quíé dice la gente de la zona de Estocolmo donde tu vives?
Desafortunadamente, los habitantes de Estocolmo tienen peor reputación que la ciudad de Estocolmo.

¿Es malo no vivir en Estocolmo pensando en tu carrera? Siendo la cantante de Nightwish, ¿importa eso?
No es un gran problema vivir lejos de Estocolmo por mi parte, trato los asuntos básicos con Nightwish en Helsinki. Vuelo a Finlandia en poco más de una hora así­ que no está lejos. Imagino que vivir en Estocolmo es una ventaja si quieres vivir una vida de celebridad más que yo.

¿Cómo fueron recibidas las noticias acerca de tu nuevo puesto como cantante en Nightwish en tu ciudad natal?
No hubo procesión-¿quizás en el futuro? Es broma. Nuestros periódicos locales seguí­an antes y ahora mi carrera, lo que está bien. Y en mi pequeña casa fuera de Helsinborg donde viví­ hasta hace unas semanas, hablíé con algunos fans y niños de escuela que iban detrás de mí­ gritando a veces.

¿Algo que no te pierdes cuando estás en Estocolmo?
PUB-house<!--[if !supportFootnotes]-->[1]<!--[endif]-->.

¿Cuál es tu experiencia con lo tí­pico de Estocolmo?
Antes de empezar a viajar tanto a Estocolmo tení­a una mala imagen de ellos, pero ahora que he visto a tantos vecinos y gente mi imagen ha cambiado. Me gusta especialmente la gente en la parte sur de la ciudad, el estilo de vestir es más relajado y creativo y como músico me siento mejor aquí­.

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 15, 2009, 11:44:39 pm
Hmmm.......... (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 24, 2009, 12:12:06 am (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 31, 2009, 11:37:31 pm
Exit Festival 2008!!! (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 04, 2009, 11:10:33 pm
Ya podeis reservar el calendario 2010 de Nightwish en la tienda oficial de la banda. Incluye imágenes del último tour y su tamaño es de 30 x 30 cm.

El calendario será lanzado en otoño. La fecha especí­fica se confirmará próximamente.

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 13, 2009, 10:53:10 pm
El blog de Anette es chulo!
Que botas!!!

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 14, 2009, 07:23:26 pm
Si pudieras pedir cualquier deseo sabiendo que se hara realidad, ¿Cuál seria y por que?
Tuomas: La vida eterna…
Anette: Eso es exactamente lo que estaba pensando.
Tuomas: Amo la vida, vale la pena vivir y seria una pena morir.
Anette: Digo exactamente lo mismo - No quiero morir.
Marco: Una buena vida – Puede ser únicamente eterna a medida que es buena.
Si la vida fuera un perfume, ¿Cómo seria tu olor?
Anette: El mio es realmente dulce.
Tuomas: El mio es agridulce.
Marco: Cerveza.
¿Quíé tan duro es para ti dejar a tu hijo cuando te vas a un tour? Yo soy una mama y me imagino que es muy duro…
Anette: Es terrible. Marco sabe que tan difí­cil es tambiíén…
Marco: Si, para mi es el doble de duro porque tengo dos chicos, dos de 7.
Anette: La misma edad que el mio. Es muy duro.
Tuomas – ¿Cual es el color del traje de baño de tu abuela?
Tuomas: (Indicando su sombrero, riendo) ¿No lo ves? Aca esta!
Marco: ¿Ese es su traje de baño?
Tuomas: Si, y este es el color, como un color tipo violeta, solo me gusta usarlo como un sombrero cuando estoy en tour.
¿Has estado tentado de golpear a una celebridad en la cara? Si es así­, ¿A quien?
Anette: Bueno, yo podrí­a decir uno – George Bush. No soy una persona violenta.
RS: George Bush es una excepción a la regla.
Anette: Acordado.
Tuomas: Yo creo que podes causar mas dolor con palabras, entonces…
Anette: Nosotros no somos tan violentos como personas, somos muy buenos.
Marco: Ha habido ocasiones donde he sido tentado a atacar, pero siempre me las he arreglado para evitar la confrontación final.
Ahora que están cerca del final de un tour enormemente exitoso y van a sacar un álbum en vivo para mostrar a los fans que pueden entregar clásico y nuevo material en vivo - ¿Como recuerdan todo el ciclo de este nuevo álbum?
Tuomas: Como un excitante viaje de montaña rusa con un monton de giros y vueltas, subidas y bajadas, es la vida – te sentí­s vivo.
Anette: Cada dia es diferente y eso es muy divertido.
Marco: Si, ocasionalmente…
Anette – Habiendo pasado un par de años en Nightwish, ¿Quíé arrepentimientos tenes en tomar la posición?
Anette: Actualmente ninguno, realmente no los tengo. Es como Tuomas dijo, “Es una montaña rusa y tenemos momentos de subidas y bajadas, pero tenemos un monton de diversión.”Con cada momento de diversión tenes que tener un momento de bajada tambiíén, es inevitable, entonces no, no hay arrepentimientos.
Si tu pudieras haber prevenido un porciento de las atrocidades de la Segunda Guerra Mundial teniendo actos sexuales con Hitler una vez al dia por la duración de la guerra, ¿Lo hubieras hecho?
Anette: Oh mi Dios! Bueno, creo que es difí­cil para estos dos actualmente!
Marco: Oh wow, tener sexo con Hitler…
Anette: Todos los dí­as!
Marco: Ok, entonces quien va a ser la chica? Depende de eso.
Anette: Bueno, creo que podrí­a hacerlo. Soy una chica pero no se…
Marco: Bueno, esto tendrí­a que ser no muy heterosexual.
Tuomas: Mmm, si… Sin comentarios.
Marco: Bueno, no lo se, tal vez…Tu tendrí­as que evaluar esto realmente difí­cil. Cuanto podes glorificar este tipo de nobleza con esta especie de hazaña? Si, tendrí­a que pensar acerca de esto realmente duro. Habria algún dinero involucrado?
RS: Podrias tener seis millones de Jevis.
Marco: Ok. Robinson, sos un pervertido.
Anette: Una pregunta realmente, realmente original sin embargo…
Tuomas: Si, realmente me gusto esta.
He escuchado de que tal ves toquen al lado de la Orquesta Sinfonica de Londres en el Royal Albert Hall, ¿Es verdad?
Tuomas: Es un rumor distante, tení­amos algunos planes unos años atrás sobre esto, pero no tuve el dinero. No va a pasar en este tour tampoco, pero esto continua en un sueño. Tal vez en el futuro.
Anette: Seria increí­ble.
Marco - ¿Quíé pensas acerca de la idea de la poligamia? Si piensas que es una buena idea ¿podrí­a ser tu segunda esposa?
Marco: Poligamia?
Anette: Significa tener varias esposas…
Marco: Si, conozco el termino. Creo que es lo bastante difí­cil como esta.
Anette: Tal vez pudieran cuidar a ambos y tu solo relajarte.
Marco: No creo que resulte asi, creo que tendrí­an una…
Anette: Pelea de gatos?
Marco: No, creo que se pondrí­an en mi contra…
Anette: Las mujeres hacen eso a veces.
Tuomas – ¿Has tenido sueños recurrentes acerca de la misma mujer? ¿Como era ella?
Tuomas: Si, tengo este profundo y depresivo sí­ndrome de mi madre cada noche…
Anette: Has averiguado de esto? Es la teorí­a de Freud.
Tuomas: No me importa.
Toco algunos instrumentos y cada uno tiene un nombre. Me preguntaba si ¿tu le pones un nombre a tus instrumentos tambiíén?
Marco: No, no realmente, quiero decir, lo amo pero no les pongo nombre. Han habido chicas que ame y no siempre recuerdo sus nombres tampoco.
Anette: No tengo un instrumento, solo mi voz, pero mi auto se llama Beta. No se porque, pero hablo con ella cada mañana. Ella es mujer y es un buen nombre.
¿Has visto alguna vez algo extraño pasando en la multitud desde el escenario?
Anette: No en esta banda, pero en otras bandas. Estaba con la banda de mi mama cuando tenia 16 y una pareja tenia sexo. Yo estaba como, “Oh mi Dios! Tengo 16 y estoy viendo esto, justo en el medio de la multitud!” Fue como un shock.
Marco: Si, unas semanas atrás vi algunos chicos en la audiencia bajarse lo pantalones y dejarle a la gente pegarles en las nalgas. Yo mas o menos les dije de hacerlo arriba del escenario.
Tuomas: Yo he visto cosas, pero nada que supere eso!
Anette: Creo que eso fue mejor que el mio…
Marco: Yo dije, “ Veamos si alguien tiene las agallas de bajarse los pantalones y dejar que la gente les pegue en las nalgas!” – Algunos lo hicieron!
Tuomas - ¿Quíé piensas acerca de los dragones y compondrí­as una canción acerca de ellos?
Tuomas: Trato de evitar chiches lo mejor que puedo. Estar en una banda de heavy metal y cantar acerca de dragones bastante va a la cima de esta lista.
Anette: Creo que voy a escribir una canción acerca de dragones…(Tuomas mira a Anette frí­amente) Ok, no lo hare, estoy bromeando.
Si pudieras crear otra banda con músicos conocidos, vivos o muertos, ¿a quien elegirí­as y por que?
Bueno, es difí­cil decir una banda, no soy muy buena en músicos porque mayormente escucho voces, pero me encantarí­a cantar con Andrea Bocelli, seria divertido. Ayer vi el musical de Queen, We Will Rock You. Me encantaria tocar con Freddie Mercury. Mi Dios, seria algo especial! Oh, y ABBA por supuesto. Tengo que mencionar a ABBA con mi formación sueca.
Tuomas: Me gustarí­a a Walt Disney para dirigir un video musical para nosotros. Seria interesante.
¿Cual es tu comida favorita y con que bebida y postre la disfrutas?
Anette: Filet mignon para mi, todo el tiempo. Nunca puede ser superado por nada.
Tuomas: Sopa cremosa de salmon con un pan de centeno caliente y vino tinto.
Anette: Si, vino tinto para mi tambiíén, de Chile. Tu solo podrí­as decir pizza o McDonalds
Tuomas: No, no.
Marco: A mi me gusta una salchicha de vez en cuando, y una cerveza.
Cuando visitaron primero los Estados Unidos tuvieron algunos problemas en lo que se refiere a sus Visas. ¿Quíé fue todo y fue arreglado?
Tuomas: Fue hace mucho tiempo, no lo recuerdo ahora.
Anette: Fue antes que yo?
Tuomas: Si.
Marco: probablemente fue la dinamita que tení­amos adjunta a nuestros cinturones.
Tengo pensado tener unos pececitos dorados y que sus nombres se deban a un miembro de Nightwish – ¿Les importa?
Anette: No, esta bien por mi…
Marco: Te vere en la corte!
Anette: Tal vez Nemo en cambio. Es un mejor nombre.
Tuomas: Si, Nemo.
Marco: Podemos acordar esto fuera de la corte si compro un orangután y lo llamo como vos.
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 16, 2009, 11:19:34 pm
Sobre el nuevo album!!!

Primeras informaciones:

-En una entrevista Tuomas ha dicho que ya tiene compuestas tres canciones incluyendo un interludio instrumental de 3min30.

-En la misma entrevista Tuomas tambiíén ha dicho que el nuevo album será la manera de realizar su mayor sueño desde que empezó a dedicarse a la música.

-El album estará listo para el 2010

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 16, 2009, 11:25:48 pm
Una curiosidad!!!

Anette cantando con su antiguo coro (Bydekí¶ren) una canción de Faith Hill q se llama "There will come a day": (

Es bonita!!!
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 21, 2009, 11:15:54 pm
Anette cumple hoy 38 años!!
FELICIDADES!!!! :011: :011: :011: :011: :011:
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 24, 2009, 11:47:31 pm
Emppu cumple hoy 31 años!!!
FELICIDADES!!!! :011: :011: :011:
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Julio 04, 2009, 12:34:16 am
Graspop Metal Meeting — which was held on June 26-28, 2009 on the festival grounds of the Boeretang in Dessel, Belgium —
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Julio 04, 2009, 12:35:44 am
Citar recently conducted an interview with NIGHTWISH keyboardist/mainman Tuomas Holopainen. A few excerpts from the chat follow below. What are your thoughts on digital-only releases? Do you see yourself going that way in the future or do prefer to have the actual hard copy as long as its possible?

Tuomas: I detest digital stuff to the bone. Maybe it's the thing for the future and that is a scary thought. I don't even own an iPod and I have never downloaded a single thing from the Internet, I don't even know how it's done. I want my CD in my hand so I can see the cover and read the lyrics, everything. Just my opnion. You seem to be a person that is very in touch with nature. I remember on the "End Of Innocence" DVD you spoke of your family's cabin with fond reverence. When you were down and out in 2001 between "Over The Hills" and "Century Child" you went to the woods with Tony [Kakko] and that was a very rejuvenating experience. How do you think that being in touch with nature and having an appreciation for nature affected your songwriting in the early days, and then how do you think touring the world and seeing all sorts of difference cultures affected your songwriting if at all?

Tuomas: I think that everything you see and experience in life affects your songwriting on a subconscious level. But the fact that I've been living in the middle of nowhere in the woods all of the thirty two years of my life, that has certainly affected what I am as a person and that way to my songwriting. I'd like to think that the songs I do are quite organic. I take alot of inspiration from the beauty of the world, the beauty and the purity of nature which I have witnessed my whole life. If I was a city slicker, I think I would be doing something like industrial metal. I think that there is a strong connection with nature in everything we do. Have you written all your songs while home in Finland? Or have you composed songs in various places like the beaches in Japan or down south in Australia? Not just riffs or ideas but whole concrete songs.

Tuomas: I have never completed a song anywhere else other than my own room in my house. I'm gathering ideas all the time wherever I am. Right now I have a notebook — actually, two notebooks because one is full already — and they are full of ideas, lyrics, riffs, melodies, little lines. Touring the world I get inspired all the time by people I meet, different cultures and experiences. I feel the world so strongly and it feels good. But it is impossible for me to find the mood to complete a song in an environment like this. [touring] I need my peace and solitude at home for a few months to be able to put it all together. What is your favorite aspect of the music industry and what is your least favorite part? This could be anything from the songwriting process, to touring and seeing cultures, record label politics. Basically, what is your favorite part of being a professional musician and what is your least favorite?

Tuomas: By far my most favorite aspect is the songwriting process. The part where I get to be by myself at home and do the songs and then introduce them to the band and rehearse them. All of this, bringing the ideas together and creating music out of nothing. That is by far my most favorite part. Of course I like touring, I like meeting new people, being in different countries and seeing the sights, but that's secondary. The business part is by far the worst. I have taken a really naive approach to all of that. I don't talk about that and I don't want to hear about it because it takes all of my energy away. I am such a child when it comes to all this business stuff. People around me and even in the band, they criticize me a little bit that I should know where I'm going with the money and I just say that I can't deal with it, that's why we have the managers. We have two of them and our drummer, Jukka, takes care of all the business. I trust him completely. I have no idea how much we get for these shows, I don't know what the ticket sales are, I don't know how much money we are making and I don't want to know. It really gives me the creeps. Does not knowing all that stuff and not stressing about it, does it feel like it allows you to be more pure?

Tuomas: Yeah, exactly. Because I know myself. And I know my limits. Not dealing with that stuff in a way helps me to make better music. It sounds corny but that's the way it is. I even quit my e-mail so I don't even have that anymore. Whenever I would wake up and check my e-mails, there would be twenty new messages and it would all be record label crap, money business and all that. I just can't do this, sorry. So we made a deal and I stay out of it. Let other people who have the understanding and the interest to do that do it. Because you write such very profound lyrics and because NIGHTWISH's popularity is growing more and more, do you ever feel that someone might have misinterpreted a deeply personal song that you have written in a horrible way and also in a sense do you feel that you have a bit of responsibility for these people who do take these songs in and think the world of them?

Tuomas: It's a really scary thought. I have thought about this alot in the past few months about the responsibility. It's an immensely scary thought. Some people have taken the songs that we do and the lyrics so deep into them and they are almost reading it as a bible. Sometimes you meet the fanatic fans and you see what it means to them and it's like... it is important, it is music and it's poetry but it isn't the whole world. That's something that I have a hard time coping with because I feel the responsibility on my shoulders and I'm not so sure if I can take it always. I've seen the effect that I or another band member can have on a fan. It takes one minute of your life to go and see somebody and take a picture with him or her, sign an autograph and chat a few words. And they live five years longer because of that you can see it in their eyes, it means the world to them. Sometimes you simply can't, though — you don't have the time or the energy, and you just can't do it. Later on you feel like, "I could have done it." I have that power to influence people and make them feel really good or really bad by not meeting them or doing something wrong unintentionally and that I have a hard time coping with.

Read the entire interview from
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Julio 04, 2009, 12:37:44 am
NIGHTWISH singer Anette Olzon recently wrote a blog entry on her official web site where whe talked about singing technique. She said, "It's hard to go in to exactly what I do when I sing since some things are 'by nature' and just come naturally but, of course, a lot of things are what I have learned earlier in vocal lessons and also during my career as the singer in NIGHTWISH where my voice is needed to be able to sing many high-pitched songs for 1.5 hours many nights a week.

"First of all, what I use most when I sing is a technique called 'belting.' For you who don't know what kinda vocal sound types normally are talked about, there are different sounds and techniques to use when singing. This technique is a way to come very high up by pushing the vocal cords together, slamming them against each other, so that no air at all can leak through. If any air leaks through, it can make the voice soar and aching. I do this technique also by thinking that I lift my upper lift upwards, kinda showing my teeth and a good sound to practise for it is to imitate an evil witch. You know the evil laughter. Also imitating a car like: öhrn, öhrn, öhrn... as a car accelerating forward. These things make me lift the lip and close the cords. Of course there are so many more things to do to make this technique perfect but that's an easier way to explain what I do."

Quality video footage of NIGHTWISH's May 2, 2009 concert at Nokia Theater in New York City can be viewed below.

In a recent interview with Classic Rock's Dave Ling, NIGHTWISH keyboardist/mainman Tuomas Holopainen was asked if alarm bells rang when, echoing her predecessor, Olzon recently hired a personal manager (Swedish management company Hagenburg Management, which also represents EUROPE and THE CARDIGANS). "At the beginning I had a feeling of déjà vu," he replied. "But when we discussed it I understood that she needs somebody who speaks her own language [Swedish]. Her manager is a very, very reasonable guy."

When asked how Anette is handling the fame, Tuomas replied, "She has told me a couple of times that she might not be able to handle it, on top of her divorce. I've seen her close to collapse and it has scared me, so we are protecting her. There will be no more interviews."

Iba decir una sobrada..casi mejor me callo jiji
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Julio 04, 2009, 12:39:29 am
Anette Olzon's pre-NIGHTWISH band, the Swedish AOR act ALYSON AVENUE, has announced the addition of vocalist Arabella Vitanc to the group's ranks. According to the band, "Arabella's voice will not only do justice to the old ALYSON AVENUE material but she will also be key in the development of the new and upcoming songs we are currently busy working on."

NIGHTWISH singer Anette Olzon will perform at a special concert in Stockholm, Sweden in August as part of the Stockholms Kulturfestival (Stockholm's Culture Festival). Anette says, "[The show will be held] on August 13 and the evening is in the theme of Sweden-Finland and it's called Suomi Safari. There will be a big symphonic orchestra, choir and more soloists that have something to do with Finland."

In August every year, the heart of Stockholm pulsates with a vibrant combination of culture and festivities. Since its launch in 2006, Stockholm's Culture Festival has quickly become a regular event and a great success among both Stockholm residents and visitors
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Julio 04, 2009, 12:40:54 am
NIGHTWISH´s singer ANETTE OLZON has posted several new blog entries in the "blog" section of her official website. A part of her made-by-fans interview follows below.

Iona said:
The first one is:where did you bought the beautiful ring with black stone?and the stone is Onyx?
And the second one:Will be a signing session at ARTmania festival with Nightwish?

Hi there,
I bought the ring in South america in the middle of the djungle in this ecological store. It´s onyx and silver;=)
I don´t think so, I havent heard anything about any signing session in any festival.

Sparkling lily said:
1) What would you take on a desert island?
2) What is your favourite perfume?
3) What/who makes you laugh?
4) Do you love your beloved fans, aka us? (ah ah, no forget this one, it's a joke... of course you do!)

1. My son and boyfriend
2. Lolita lempicka
3. My son laughing
4. Of course I do!!

MiPaTi said:
My question: do you still have your V50 car or did you change it in the mean time ( if yes, what car has now this aweful scratch on the side?

I still have the volvo but it´s out for sale. I have bought a new car, a BMW. I needed a bigger one and this is my dream car and it´s the BMW that has a scratch;=( will be fixed next month though

Lissie Holopainen said;
1. Do you get bothered of some "fans" so hard that you only thought "WTF.. get away from me!!"?
2. How do you feel if some fan recognizes you on street? How do you react?
3. How is the work with the guys of Nightwish? I think it's sometimes hard because you are the only woman ! But I can figure that it is really fun too

and the last questions:

Hi there!
1. Well, not so often, luckily. It happens though;=)
2. It´s nice but at the same time I can feel, like, hmm...this is strange.. if you understand what I mean? I still can´t relate so much to being someone people recognize. I still feel that I am just Anette...
3. They are so nice, the boys;=) We have a great time and I think we all are so different but those differences are what makes us such a great team;=)
4. I WOULD LOVE TO MEET HER. I hope it will happen one day. SHE SEEMS LIKE A VERY NICE AND SWEET PERSON and I LOVE HER VOICE, so it would be nice to be able to say that to her in person;=)

Julie said;
For my part i would like to know : In which countries you would like to live ( except Sweden)?
Then : Why did you decide to learn french? :)

Hi Julie,
I like Copenhagen, Denmark very much. It´s a cool city with a relaxed vibe in the people and I love danish fashion. And Canada would be nice too.
I studied french in school. I have always liked the language so it was what made me choose it.

The whole interview is available  here:

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Julio 04, 2009, 12:46:01 am
Marco es humano y se le olvida la letra jeje
NIGHTWISH bassist/vocalist forgot the lyrics to the song "The Islander" during the band's concert at the Sauna Open Air festival on June 7, 2009 in Tampere, Finland and was forced to start the track all over again, with the rest of the group accompanying him. Watch fan-filmed video footage of the performance below.

Victoria Maksimovich of conducted an interview with Nightwish bassist/vocalist Marco Hietala. Couple of excerpts from the interview below:

" So how is your Dark Passion Play tour with Nightwish going?

Hietala: "Last tour has been quite rewarding, we had a new start, totally new singer with Nightwish. So, we were pretty confident about the album and the songs, but of course we had to find out if people would like this stuff, if they would come to the shows. And they did, which was really a relief and a nice thing. Of course, touring mainly is that you do the shows and you enjoy that basically every night. But also the timetable was a little more hectic and the touring was more extensive than what we've done before. In that way it was also pretty stressful and hard at time. Basically everybody should know what it is: we've been getting a lack of sleep, long travel hours, lots of time when you do nothing. And then all you waiting for is hour and a half, hour and 40 minutes for every evening to do the show and you basically try to reserve all your energy for that. You get a lot of time to get bored, a lot of time to think that you could be somewhere doing something else instead of just waiting and waiting and waiting and travelling and travelling and travelling. So that is the one side of the business that sucks." And actually you had to cancel some of the gigs. So were you a little happier because you could take a break during that tour?

Hietala: "No. It was in the USA that we had to cancel four shows, because Annette got sick and there was nothing much you could do. But then again I would have rather done the shows, because that's why we were there. And we basically had just five days off, not doing anything except for having too much to drink and got to meet some people and sign some autographs. Basically we end up saying we were sorry for the evening, but we would really like to do the shows." I have noticed that since Annette had come to the band, you started singing much more than you did before, or, at least, during the live shows it is quite obvious that you are much more involved into singing process.

Hietala: "Yeah, it was quite easy, because there were a lot of parts that I could do, so it was easy to integrate that stuff into a live set. We wanted in to be easier for Annette to come in. I don't know how things will work in future when she has some more albums behind her. When there is more material, the things might change into another direction as well." Comparing Tarja and Annette, what is the difference in feeling when you are on stage with either of them?

Hietala: "Well, with Tarja the thing was that she had the stage persona which required more distance. Annette is more of a walker, more down to earth. She goes around and talks to people and tries to get them going. So those are definite differences. And I don’t want to complain about either: Tarja did what was suitable for her, it fitted her style, it fitted her persona. Annette does what she knows how to do and what she is confident with. And for me those things work." There is a new era for Nightwish music, so are you comfortable with the changes musically as well?

Hietala: "Yeah, we rehearsed and wrote the new album already before we had a vocalist for the band. We were already pretty confident about a bunch of songs that we had at that time: 'Yeah, it’s gonna be a kicker of an album.' One thing was that we had to find the singer and of course it would have been quite easy to try out something quite similar to Tarja, because we tons of demo CDs from girls with opera voices. Some of them were pretty good, but we thought that it would be a bold and good move to go on with something totally different. We wanted to try it out and then we thought that Annette would probably be the best for that. And it seems so far this stuff has been working well." What is your favourite Nightwish song at the moment?

Hietala: "I think it is 'Poet And The Pendulum'. I like the challenge of this song: it has got all the atmosphere changes, all the moods, key changes, tempo changes, and then you still have to keep the whole massive piece together, to have a red line going through the song from the start to the finish. So it’s a challenging piece and I really like that. And then the other one of course, that has a special place in my heart, is The Islander. I wrote the music for the song, and then again it’s something totally different from the rest of the live set. You have quite little elements there, the main thing is the acoustic guitar and then the vocal line, and all the rest is basically just the background. You’ve got to create the tension and captivate people with the acoustic and with the vocal line. And those are the essentials that you’ve got to make it work.""

Read the entire interview at this location.

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Julio 04, 2009, 12:49:03 am
Nightwish vocalist Anette Olzon has revealed in the new Soundi-magazine the reasons behind her collapse on last November.

Swedish-native Anette collapsed totally while Nightwish was playing in Belo Horizonte, Brazil. The collapse raised many speculations about the chemistry and situations inside the band.

Anette reveals in the interview how the touring-life came to her as a bit of a surprise.

"Until that gig (Belo Horizonte) I managed to be pretty much perfect. But I am a person, not a machine. A person can take stress to a certain limit but on that concert it simply went overboard. The moment of collapse is not nice to anyone but it cleared a lot of air inside the band", Anette reveals.

Her collapse ment a change to the whole band.

"Of course it was a wakeup-call to the whole group. We had to think if there was something wrong in our working habits and should we change something. But things don't always go like in the movies. In a community there are always people you get along better than with others. We don't have to love everyone as long as we remember to respect and understand each other with the best of our abilities."


NIGHTWISH keyboardist Tuomas Holopainen and vocalist Anette Olzon talks about their 2008 burnout in the latest issue of Kerrang-magazine. Anette also reveals that she has hired a "life-coach" to help her in the future.

On november 2008 Nightwish had to take a 3 month vacation cause the members were on the verge of burnout.

"We made some mistakes with our tourschedule, it was simply too tight. Last weeks were pure madness and each and every member in the band were basically madhouse-material at that point.", Tuomas remembers.

For Anette the tour was particularily hard cause she was constantly compared to Tarja Turunen who was the vocalist in Nightwish before Anette.

"I had zero time to recover. My body was totally exhausted. I was dead tired and when we were in South-America where fans are very fanatical, I got middle fingers and pictures of Tarja thrown at me", Anette explains.

During the 3 month break, Anette stayed in Sweden.

"Although I am a public person, I am not a superwoman. When for instance brazilian papers wrote that I was fighting with my ex-husband or that I was pregnant and had a miscarriage...well writings like those really hurt.", Anetta says.

I hired a "life-coach"

The whole band has learnt from the burnout. Anette has even hired herself a "life-coach

"My coach only speaks about positive things. I meet the person once a week while I am at home but we also use Skype while I am on tour. Now I also have my own assistent. This is the first time that there is someone who looks after me. I don't want to be a diva who hides behind the security guards but it is good to have someone who says 'Go away' to people when it's necessary.", Anette continues.

Tuomas spent 2 weeks in Disney World.

Tuomas spent the 3 month break composing songs for their forthcoming album which will be released on 2010. He also went to Disney World in Florida for 2 weeks with his friends.

"That place is simply the best...after home of course", Tuomas who is known as a huge Disney-fan explains."

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Julio 04, 2009, 12:51:39 am
( (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Julio 08, 2009, 04:16:57 pm
Official merchandise store of NIGHTWISH´s singer Anette Olzon is now online
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Julio 08, 2009, 04:17:59 pm
Sobre Michael Jackson

NIGHTWISH singer Anette Olzon has posted the following message on her official blog:

"I've spent my evening in front of the TV and followed the memorial of Michael Jackson. I cried over and over again when the wonderful speakers talked and the great singers performed. The hardest part of it all were when Michael's daughter spoke about her father and how great he had been as her father and that she loved him so. That was almost to tough to watch...

"I have often thought about why the most caring people die first... Why is it that the meanest and most ego-centrical people live long and just torment the people around them with their bitterness and hate? And the caring and warmest people that give and think about others and live with their heart unprotected and outside the body leave so soon?

"I do believe that God needs the good people for better purposes or maybe even to save them from the pain and sorrows they need to go through being hurt and tormented by the hating and mean people of this world. By being misunderstood and questioned in their deeds to try and help and nurture others. Tormented with others jealousy, envy and hate..

"It takes a big courage to try and change other people and their ways since most people are afraid of changes. It takes a lot of pain to live a life putting yourself out in front of the crowd, showing your own caring soul and heart. It takes lots of your own innocence and love to stand against the hardness of many peoples cruelness and misbelieves. It takes a lot of sacrifice and hard decisions to follow the beliefs that things can be healed, fixed and helped if you go against the dark and mean minds that try to hurt and take you down...

"Still there will be those good and caring people that will be born to try and make a difference and heal the world. No matter the pain they continue the path. They strive and go against the hard words, the laughter of the mockers, the cruel and wicked actions against them. They may cry and suffer in the sacred and hidden place where no one sees but still they continue their caring path.

"But sometimes and way to often, it hurts so much that they need help to make it through the pain... and way to often their body and souls cant take the burden to long and need to get away from this hard place...

"But when many of the good people leave us, they prove that they did make a huge impact. Their legacy and deed will live in so many many peoples hearts and souls forever. Their words and trying to change things might not change the whole world, but make a deep impact on those who understood what they tried to do and will follow their paths and continue the hard work they started."
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 12, 2009, 09:10:53 pm (
Anette suena distinta!!
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 13, 2009, 11:08:09 pm
Anette ya tiene merchandise oficial desde el pasdao 4 de julio, de momento tiene poquitas cosas, íésperemos que vaya añadiendo más modelos de más cosas. ( (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 14, 2009, 11:19:15 pm
Mirad este video.......... (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 31, 2009, 11:34:10 pm
Curiosidad! (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 05, 2009, 11:19:33 pm
Podeis votar por Nightwish en los Metal Female Voces Awards en la categorí­a de mejor DVD: (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 12, 2009, 10:57:46 pm
Skí¥nes Dansteater, la mayor institución de danza intependiente de Suecia, regresa a la Malmí¶ Opera en el próximo otoño con su nueva producción BLACK SILK.

Con 18 bailarines y unos 100 participantes en la orquesta y el coro, esta será una de las representaciones más grandes hasta el momento. La noche comenzará con la pieza inspirada en Asia "Heart Of Silk" coreografiada por Pontus Lidberg, y terminará con una nueva coreografí­a de Jorma Uotinen y la música de Nightwish.

Los ensayos están todaví­a en pleno desarrollo. Se podrán presenciar el 24 de agosto y el 14 de septiembre. El estreno de Black Silk será el 10 de octubre en Malmí¶ Opera (Suecia). Las entradas ya están a la venta en

Precio: 260 SEK
Precio para menores de 26 años: 130 SEK

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 14, 2009, 11:29:46 pm
Que bonita! (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 14, 2009, 11:35:19 pm
Prefiero a Tarja con esta! (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 29, 2009, 11:43:19 pm
Anette prepara un disco em solitario!!

El álbum está, por supuesto, sólo en sus inicios, pero voy a contribuir haciendo las canciones, junto con los chicos y voy a empezar de inmediato. Anders (Anders Bagge) trabaja en sus ideas por su parte y yo por la mí­a. Luego nos reuniremos y nos pondremos de acuerdo a ver lo que resulta. Pero sí­, de HardRock será seguro. No de metal, pero sí­ rock, =)

Y acerca de Nightwish, todos sabeis que me encanta la banda y, por supuesto esto no será una carrera en solitario, sino un álbum. No puedo sentarme y no hacer nada tal vez por 1 o 2 años. Ninguno de los chicos puede. Marco ha tenido a Tarot y varias otras bandas y proyectos, Emppu Brother Firetribe y proyectos, Tuomas bandas y proyectos y Jukka su empresa Merch. Por lo tanto, necesito algo. Y no deseo otra banda, porque me han brindado a Nightwish. Así­ que un disco en solitario será simplemete perfecto. Puedo decidir cuando haríé una gira y que cantaríé, todo dependiendo de cuando Nightwish tenga algo nuevo. Nosotros no lo sabemos. Todo esta en manos de Tuomas y íél es el creador. Nosotros somos los instrumentos.

Espero que la gente deje de pensar que la cantante no puede hacer otra cosa y que los instrumentistas sí­ pueden. Tengo el mismo derecho que mis compañeros de la banda para hacer algo paralelo a NW, cuando estemos libres o de vacaciones.

Estoy emocionada y ya he comenzado a pensar en las canciones y en las letras. Ya hace mucho tiempo que hice las canciones, pero pronto estare de vuelta en los negocios; =)
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 10, 2009, 11:37:38 pm
Marco y uno de sus hijos!

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 13, 2009, 11:07:33 pm
Gregorian es un coro alemán de canto gregoriano que versiona canciones pop y rock. Su productor es Frank Peterson, conocido por sus trabajos con Enigma o Sarah Brightman.

El 25 de este mes será lanzado el nuevo album "Gregorian - Masters Of Chant Chapter VII" cuyo traklist encabeza "Meadows Of Heaven" de Nightwish.

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Septiembre 17, 2009, 05:26:18 pm
Marco antes de dejarse la barba  :023:

( (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 17, 2009, 07:03:16 pm
Que guapoo!!!!
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 20, 2009, 10:24:56 pm
Este ha sido el setlist del último concierto de la gira de Nightwish en el Hartwall Arena. Según se dice, ha estado grabado por algunas cámara.

1. intro: Finlandia
2. 7 Days to the Wolves
3. Ever Dream
4. Wishmaster
5. Romanticide
6. Amaranth
7. The Siren
8. While Your Lips Are Still Red
9. The Poet And The Pendulum
10. Nemo
11. Sahara
12. Dark Chest Of Wonders
13. The Islander
14. Walking In The Air
15. Last Of The Wild
16. Meadows of Heaven
17. Ghost Love Score
18. Wish I had an Angel
19. outro: The Heart Asks Pleasure First
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 20, 2009, 10:34:32 pm
Walking in the air (

Meadows of Heaven (

Dark Chest of Wonders (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Septiembre 30, 2009, 11:41:37 pm
Tuomas talks about Britney Spears and 'Fantasmic'

great, funny... (ese marco!!)
"it's a fantasmic thing"..ja, ja, tuomas, q original :S
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 02, 2009, 11:17:04 pm
Nettie sin maquillar!!


Las gafas son feas, estarí­a mas guapa sin ellas!!
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 03, 2009, 11:58:50 pm
The Rasmus & Anette Olzon - October and April (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 07, 2009, 11:28:55 pm
Ok, guys, finally I have some info from The Rasmus camp regarding the single I am joining the boys in, October and April. The single are already sent to the radio stations in Germany, will be in radios in Finland this friday and Sweden this or next week;=)

The video will be online very very soon too;=)
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 08, 2009, 11:49:54 pm
Ya está disponible en la tienda oficial una caja que incluye 8 CDs de la banda. Esta versión se llama Lokikirja, una palabra finesa que significa cuaderno de bitácora, y tambiíén se puede adquirir junto con una camiseta exclusiva de chico o chica.

El pack contiene los siguientes albumes/temas:

Angels Fall First:
1. Elvenpath - Remastered
2. Beauty And The Beast - Remastered
3. The Carpenter - Remastered
4. Astral Romance - Remastered
5. Angels Fall First - Remastered
6. Tutankhamen - Remastered
7. Nymphomaniac Fantasia- Remastered
8. Know Why The Nightingale Sings - Remastered
9. Lappi (Lapland) - Remastered

1. Stargazers - Album Version
2. Gethsemane - Album Version
3. Devil & The Deep Dark Ocean - Album Version
4. Sacrament Of Wilderness - Album Version
5. Passion And The Opera - Album Version
6. Swanheart - Album Version
7. Moondance - Album Version
8. The Riddler - Album Version
9. The Pharaoh Sails To Orion - Album Version
10. Walking In The Air - Album Version
11. Sleeping Sun - Album Version

1. She Is My Sin - Album Version
2. The Kinslayer - Album Version
3. Come Cover Me - Album Version
4. Wanderlust - Album Version
5. Two For Tragedy - Album Version
6. Wishmaster - Album Version
7. Bare Grace Misery -Album Version
8. Crownless - Album Version
9. Deep Silent Complete - Album Version
10. Dead Boy's Poem - Album Version
11. FantasMic - Album Version
12.Sleepwalker - Album Version

Over The Hills And Far Away:
1. Over The Hills And Far Away (Gary Moore-Cover) - Album Version
2. 10th Man Down - Album Version
3. Away - Album Version
4. Astral Romance - Remake 2001
5. The Kinslayer (Live)
6. She Is My Sin (Live)
7. Sacrament Of Wilderness (Live)
8. Walking In The Air (Live)
9. Beauty & The Beast (Live)
10. Wishmaster (Live)

Century Child:
1. Bless The Child - Album Version
2. End Of All Hope - Album Version
3. Dead To The World - Album Version
4. Ever Dream - Album Version
5. Slaying The Dreamer - Album Version
6. Forever Yours - Album Version
7. Ocean Soul - Album Version
8. Feel For You - Album Version
9. The Phantom Of The Opera - Album Version
10. Beauty Of The Beast - Album Version

Bless The Child:
1. Bless The Child - Album Version
2. The Wayfarer - Album Version
3. Come Cover Me - Live at Pakkahuone
4. Dead Boy´s Poem - Live at Pakkahuone
5. Once Upon A Troubador - Album Version
6. Return To The Sea - Album Version
7. Sleepwalker - Album Version
8. Nightquest - Album Version

1. Dark Chest Of Wonders
2. Wish I Had An Angel
3. Nemo
4. Planet Hell
5. Creek Mary's Blood
6. Siren
7. Dead Gardens
8. Romanticide
9. Ghost Love Score
10. Kuolema Tekee Taiteilijan
11. Higher Than Hope

Dark Passion Play:
1. The Poet And The Pendulum - Album Version
2. Bye Bye Beautiful - Album Version
3. Amaranth - Album Version
4. Cadence Of Her Last Breath - Album Version
5. Master Passion Greed - Album Version
6. Eva - Album Version
7. Sahara - Album Version
8. Whoever Brings The Night - Album Version
9. For the Heart I Once Had - Album Version
10. The Islander - Album Version
11. Last Of The Wilds - Album Version
12. 7 Days to the Wolves - Album Version
13. Meadows of Heaven - Album Version

El precio es de 40,99€ (56,99 si elegí­s la versión con camiseta).

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 16, 2009, 10:49:21 pm
Anette cambia de pelo!

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 18, 2009, 10:50:25 pm
Esta la portada del tema October & April, de la banda finesa The Rasmus, en el que canta Anette Olzon a duo con Lauri Ylí¶nen. El videoclip será estrenado el próximo viernes 23 de octubre.


Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 22, 2009, 11:15:37 pm
Nuevo tema de Nightwish, titulado "Hilma ja Onni". Por lo que he leido es una canción del compositor y cantante Jaakko Teppo, que formará parte de un disco tributo hecho por varios grupos.

El tema es en finlandíés y lo canta entero Marco. La primera parte es un poco rarita, luego ya se mejora un poco! (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 22, 2009, 11:18:11 pm
Video October & April: (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Octubre 28, 2009, 01:48:50 pm
Unas cuantas fotitas que encontre por internet


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( (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Octubre 28, 2009, 01:52:49 pm
Annette y Ailyn (Sirenia)

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Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Octubre 28, 2009, 01:55:32 pm

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POchOlada xD
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Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 28, 2009, 10:29:09 pm
A comentar!
Muy chulas las fotos de Nettie de pequeña!!

2º La foto con Ailyn tb me ha gustado mucho, pero en la otra foto de ese mensaje esta fatal (parece una pasa, conozco mujeres de 50 mejor conservadas que ella)

3º La foto de casa está genial (sale mejor sin maquillaje que con íél,que raro)

4º Y el dibujo me encanta!!!

Por cierto, me he aficionado a leer a Nettie en su blog, es un poco maruja pero me encanta!
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Noviembre 02, 2009, 09:02:32 pm
La Letra de Hilma ja Onni (Jaakko Teppo)
Rantamalla Likolahden
Hilima Holkin kanssa kahden
yhteisestí¤ rakkauvesta
aina haaveiltiin

Kí¤essí¤ pitelin Hiliman kí¤ttí¤
Aettaan mentiin sitten viivyttelemí¤ttí¤
tekohampaat samaan lasiin
yí¶ksi laitettiin

Kunnes Hiliman vei multa Onni
Laukkanen, kylí¤n ravattisonni
hajanaisten kenkies lotinaa
navetalta kuule nyt en

Poissa lasista on Hiliman hampaat
myí¶ty kanat, siat, lampaat
konelypsyyn kantturat tí¤ytyi
minun totuttaa
navettaan miní¤ mí¤nen nytkin
rikki lypsykoneen kytkin
Miksen Hilma koskaan sua
takaisin miní¤ saa

Miksi Hilman vei multa Onni
Laukkanen kylí¤n ravattisonni
hajanaisten kenkies lotinaa
navetalta kuule nyt en

Kynsilakkaa oot sí¤ lyí¶nyt ní¤ppiin
aittas oven laitat sí¤ppiin
ví¤llyn ví¤liin painut kanssa
Onni Laukkasen

Kumiterí¤s aitan rappuun nojaan
tuskissain miní¤ kaivan ojaa
Laukkanen ja syksy saa
mutta miní¤ en

Koska Hilman vei multa Onni
Laukkanen kylí¤n ravattisonni
hajanaisten kenkies lotinaa
navetalta kuule nyt en

Jí¤titko mut Hilma ehkí¤ juuri siksi
etten koskaan tullut ví¤nkí¤riksi
lietettí¤ kun luukun lí¤pi
mí¤tit lantalaan

Nyt mí¤ kaikkea kadun vasta
Hilma ootteloo jo Onnin lasta
kahen viikon pií¤stí¤ niihen
hí¤ití¤ tanssitaan

Kuokkavieraaks meinaan menní¤ miní¤ pí¤issí¤í¤n
kostan Hilmalle ja pieraisen hí¤issí¤í¤n
hajanaisten kenkies lotinaa
navetalta kun kuule miní¤ en

Ihan itekseni kuopan katolla
ní¤in sinua muistellen

Traducción al Inglíés

Hilma and Onni

On the shore of Likolahti
with Hilma Holkki
we always dreamed
about mutual love

I held Hilma’s hand
Then we went to the storehouse rapidly
We placed our false teeth
to the same glass overnight

Until Hilma was taken from me by Onni
Laukkanen, a bull with a tie
I don’t hear the splatter of your broken boots
anymore in the cowhouse

Hilma’s teeth are no longer in the glass
I’ve sold hens, pigs and sheep
I had to accustom my cows to a milking machine
Now I’m going to the cowhouse
The switch of the milking machine is broken
Oh, Hilma, why I’ll never get you back

Why Hilma was taken from me by Onni
Laukkanen, a bull with a tie
I don’t hear the splatter of your broken boots
anymore in the cowhouse

Now you use nail polish
You lock the door of your storehouse
and go to bed with
Onni Laukkanen

Your boots are leaning against the stairs of the storehouse
I'm digging a dike in pain
Laukkanen and autumn come
But I don’t

Because Hilma was taken from me by Onni
Laukkanen, a bull with a tie
I don’t hear the splatter of your broken boots
anymore in the cowhouse

Hilma, did you leave me because
I never wanted to be your assistant
when you shovelled ordure through the hatch
to the manure storage

Now I regret it all
when Hilma is pregnant to Onni
and after two weeks
they are getting married

I’m going to go to the wedding as a drunken gatecrasher
I’ll revenge to Hilma by farting in her wedding
Because I don’t hear the splatter of your broken boots
anymore in the cowhouse

Alone, on the roof of the root cellar
This is the way I remember you
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Noviembre 02, 2009, 09:07:28 pm
Bueno pues que acabo de encontrar esto en la wikipedia y..yo la verdad es q de esto no entiendo pero...alucino un poco, la verdad

Lo pego literalmente:

Perfil vocal
Anette Olzon posee, en sus palabras, un rango vocal de soprano (sin especificar cual), pero asegura que no ha sido entrenada para ser una cantante clásica pero que si quisiese podría serlo a modo profesional. Al principio del tour con Nightwish, Anette presentaba una voz con potencia, pero que forzaba demasiado por tal de llegar a notas demasiado altas para ella, a si que a lo largo del tour y los primeros meses, la trató duramente lo que le provocó una ligera pero consistente afonía durante toda la gira que le impedía tener una voz clara con su timbre de voz natural y una vibración mucho menor. En parte, recibió duras críticas sobre su capacidad de canto por esa cuestión. Sin embargo, en el final del tour en 2009 y tras 3 meses de descanso en la gira de Dark Passion Play, la voz de Anette se recuperó casi completamente, lo que le volvió a dar mucha mayor vibración y un mejor y más claro timbre, llegando incluso a demostrar un perfil de soprano ligera en la canción Ghost Love Score. También aumentó y entrenó su tesitura, pudiendo llegar a tonos más altos que antes no podía o le costaba enormemente alcanzar, como en Ever Dream o 7 Days to the Wolves. En varias entrevistas recientes, afirma que esta entrenando su voz de cabeza para tener unos tonos mas claros y refinados para canciones como Ghost Love Score y también su belting para emplearlo de una forma professional.

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Noviembre 04, 2009, 10:29:24 pm
NIGHTWISH Mainman Says Next Album Will Be 'A Bit Brighter' Than 'Dark Passion Play'

U.K.'s Terrorizer magazine recently conducted an interview with NIGHTWISH mainman/keyboardist Tuomas Holopainen. A few excerpts from the chat follows below.

Terrorizer: You've done it. The [last] show [of the "Dark Passion Play" tour] is over. You're officially on "holiday." How do you feel?

Tuomas: "I didn't sleep on the night before and I didn't sleep last night either. You know it's a weird thing, two years on the road and then the final show that you're like shit-scared of and really excited as well. And then it goes as well as it did it's just such a relief and such a sensation of sadness at the same time that you don't really know how to be. It's like you have been in the nicest prison on earth for two years and finally you're free and you don't know what to do. Yesterday's show [at the Hartwall Arena in Helsinki], I think it was top three we ever did."

Terrorizer: So, then it's back into the studio, right?
Tuomas: "Yeah, well first, in about two weeks I'm going to go to the Mediterranean to do a sailing trip with my dad, with my uncle. Kind of like a family thing, yeah the boys at sea that's it. It's going to be fun, in the Mediterranean, in Turkey and Greece, and after that it's going to be a week and then we go to Australia for six weeks, after that it's almost Christmas. Then in January I'm going to go to Orlando to visit Donald and Goofy and Mickey and the pals again after that..."

Terrorizer: So... after the annual cartoon intake, then what?

Tuomas: "Yeah after that I start working on the next album 24/7 and we have already booked a rehearsal place. That's going to be happening in July/August next year then we'll have September off and we're going to enter the studio beginning of October so that's the plan."

Terrorizer: Last time around you went into the new album with so much up in the air, who would be the vocalist on it being the biggest hurdle you had to get over. Does it feel like a different process this time around? Are you happier about heading back to the writing desk?

Tuomas: "Much much happier, so much more light at the end of the tunnel. I have a very clear vision of the next album already, which feels really weird but I have all the song titles. I know how many songs there are going to be. I have four songs done already even though it's still pretty preliminary, the whole album, but I have a good idea what it's going to be like and uh, it's still going to be metal but I think it's going to be a bit brighter than 'Dark Passion Play'."

Terrorizer: Brighter — more pop songs? No more long epic symphonic compositions? They must be a sod to write.

Tuomas: "No, they come much easier for me. I remember 'Creek Mary's Blood', that's eight-and-a-half minutes, that came out in two hours. 'The Poet And The Pendulum' in just a couple of days, same thing with 'Ghost Love Score', they just come up naturally, I don't know. But then again a song like 'Nemo', I couldn't get it together. I worked for months and months and it's only four minutes."

Terrorizer: Ten years on did you guys think you'd be headlining Hartwall like you did last night?

Tuomas: "I never thought it, none of us did, for anything like this to ever happen. I was studying biology in university and I was supposed to be a mad scientist. Jukka was doing computer studies in the university and Emppu was working in a carpet factory or whatever. Everybody was doing it just for fun and we had our own pace and then everything just got out of hand. We dropped out of school and started doing it 24/7 and this approach has had its advantages and disadvantages; disadvantages being that we have always been really naive but the plus side is that it's always been really sincere at the same time because we haven't had any expectations, [and] there has never been any posing. You know, it's not like we try to achieve anything else than just the pleasure of playing and free booze."

Terrorizer: Do you ever get pissed off with the fame?

Tuomas: "Yeah, I actually do, you have to be a bit more careful here than in other countries with what you do. I can't piss in the street publicly. Well, you can always say it's a matter of choice of career but sometimes, it's like two weeks ago there was a three-page story about my house and they had actually hired a helicopter to fly over the house and photograph it. This kind of stuff bothers me a little bit, and they have the directions of how to get to the house."

Terrorizer: Is this something that has affected a lot of metal musicians in Finland?

Tuomas: "I think that HIM and THE RASMUS, maybe, there was a big story about RASMUS getting a new car yesterday. But no the media has been quite kind to us actually, sometimes it hurts a little bit, especially this house thing when they had actually come to my house to film it with directions and everything, so that's a bit too much."

Rad the entire interview from Terrorizer magazine.

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Noviembre 04, 2009, 10:31:06 pm
NIGHTWISH Singer Shoots Down Album Title Rumors

NIGHTWISH singer Anette Olzon has shot down reports that the band's next studio CD has a working title of "Wind Embraced". She writes on her blog, "Some people have asked me about some Wikipedia comment saying that our next NIGHTWISH album already has a title. I haven't heard anything about any title, and since the songs aren't even done yet, I am pretty sure it's only someone making the name up to make a story."

She adds, "Things in the Internet are very often not true, and our album won't be out until 2011, so it's far too early to tell about the album title now."
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 16, 2009, 11:31:10 pm
La siguiente información fue publicada en

El marido de la ex-Nightwish Tarja Turunen, junto con sus compañeros de negocios, ha presentado una demanda contra las partes implicadas en el libro de Nightwish "Once Upon a Nightwish: The Official Biography 1996-2006" por difamación.

Nombrados en la acción están la editora, Like Kustannus Oy, su CEO Pí¤ivi Isosaari, y el autor del libro, Marko "Mape" Ollila.

Cabuli alega que las informaciones publicadas en el libro sobre íél y sus negocios son completamente falsas.

En su revisión del libro, de 2006, Jarkko Jokelainen de Helsingin Sanomat, escribió: "El libro apunta con dedo [por la separación con Tarja] firmemente en dirección a Marcelo Cabuli, esposo y manager personal de la ex-vocalista de la banda Tarja Turunen. Con cada vuelta de página, las acusaciones contra el argentino Cabuli se vuelven más duras”

"Cabuli aparece como un mercenario, deshonesto, arbitrario y manipulador, responsable de la ruptura entre Tarja y los otros miembros de la banda.”

"Es probable que la decisión fuese de la propia pareja, pero eso no esconde el hecho de ser el mayor inconveniente del libro. El autor Marko Ollila trató de ser imparcial en su cobertura, pero, en parte, por algunas razones más allá, esta biografí­a se vuelve inevitablemente un discurso en nombre de los miembros masculinos del grupo y de otras figuras tras ellos".
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 17, 2009, 11:30:22 pm
Anette participará en un concierto de The Rasmus que tendrá lugar el próximo dí­a 20 de noviembre en The Dome 52 en Graz (Austria). El concierto será retransmitido en un programa de la radio alemana en la estación RTL 2, el 27 de noviembre
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Noviembre 21, 2009, 05:02:26 pm
Buf, parece q el culebrón NW-Tarja va pa largo...

Aki van unas fotos curiosas q encontré por internet  :023:

Grande emppu!  :027:

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Tuomas y Simone (Epica)
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Sin palabras XDDDD
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Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 21, 2009, 11:29:00 pm
Nettie ayer en The Dome!!

( (entrada)

( (actuación)
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 22, 2009, 11:28:36 pm
En la alfombra roja!! (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 28, 2009, 07:49:15 pm
October & April @ The Dome (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 28, 2009, 10:59:15 pm
El show de Finlandia!

Entrevista (

October & April (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 06, 2009, 10:18:08 pm
Anette actuará en Suecia!!

I can now tell you about the secret gig I have talked about before. I will be one of the artists that will perform in a big TV-gala here in Sweden on january 19 next year. The gala is an award-gala where our biggest public radio channel, P3, gives away awards to best song, best album, best artist etc.

I am excited and I look so forward to show myself to the swedish people. We havent done so many performances in my own country, even though we have sold Gold with DPP, so this is a nice thing for me to do;=)
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 21, 2009, 11:01:21 pm
El conocido compositor británico, Michael Nyman, al fin ha autorizado a Nightwish para que grabe "The Heart Asks Pleasure First" de su autorí­a (tema principal de la pelí­cula "El Piano"), según confirmo Jarmo Lautamí¤ki, webmaster de la pagina oficial de Nightwish, en su facebook: "Tal vez muchos de vosotros ya sabí­ais que Nyman, ha autorizado finalmente a Nightwish para que grabe The Heart Asks Pleasure First. El Habló con Tuomas al respecto el viernes pasado y le dijo que se publique, pero no han decidido aún cuándo".
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 24, 2009, 07:01:00 pm
Las casas de los miembros de la banda:






Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 24, 2009, 07:03:11 pm




Me gusta la de Tuomas y la de Jukka!!
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 25, 2009, 08:15:39 pm
Tuomas cumple hoy 33 años!!
 FELICIDADES!!!!!! :011: :011: :011: :011: :011: :011:
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Diciembre 28, 2009, 02:30:35 pm

NIGHTWISH, TERí„SBETONI and AMORAL members were among the musicians who took part in RASKASTA JOULUA, Finland's annual all-star heavy rock Christmas show, which hit the road once again in November and December with a Finnish tour to celebrate its fifth anniversary.

The project that began with the album "Raskasta Joulua" ("Heavy Christmas") in 2004 and released a follow-up effort, "Raskaampaa Joulua" ("Heavier Christmas"), in 2006 has toured every year since 2005; it started with just three gigs and has since expanded into a 16-show tour in 2009, climaxing with sold-out shows in Tampere and Helsinki.

Fan-filmed video footage of the December 18, 2009 concert at Nosturi in Helsinki can be viewed below.

"It's amazing that we're still doing this and it has grown to these proportions," said the project's producer/arranger and guitarist Erkka Korhonen (NORTHERN KINGS, ARI KOIVUNEN). "Every year has been bigger for us and this year doesn't seem to be an exception. This show has become a tradition for so many people. They are really looking forward to seeing us before the holidays. Even people who haven't celebrated Christmas for several years have found its spirit again through what we do."

Inspired by TRANS-SIBERIAN ORCHESTRA, the project has really worked hard on its song arrangements, which is not always the case when it comes to holiday music. A lot of rock artists and bands release "novelty" Christmas albums which are nothing more than the same songs with distorted guitars. This is not the case here. You can find elements of several metal subgenres in the songs, from fast power metal through NIGHTWISH-style epics to slow doom. Sometimes it may even be difficult to recognize the original song...

Some of the singers featured on this year's tour were:

* Juha-Pekka Leppí¤luoto (CHARON, HARMAJA, NORTHERN KINGS)
* Tommi "Tuple" Salmela (TAROT)
* Ari Koivunen (AMORAL)
* Ilja Jalkanen (KIUAS)
* Antony Parviainen (MACHINE MEN)

The band features:

* Erkka Korhonen (NORTHERN KINGS, ARI KOIVUNEN) - Musical Direction, Lead Guitar
* Vili Ollila (ARI KOIVUNEN) - Keyboards
* Erkki Silvennoinen (ARI KOIVUNEN) - Bass
* Tuomas Wí¤iní¶lí¤ (KOTIPELTO) - Rhythm Guitar
* Mirka Rantanen (THUNDERSTONE, KOTIPELTO) - Drums

For more information, visit

Marco Hietala (NIGHTWISH, TAROT, NORTHERN KINGS, SAPATTIVUOSI) and Tommi "Tuple" Salmela (TAROT) - "Pieni rumpalipoika" (The Little Drummer Boy):
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 07, 2010, 11:17:30 pm
Anette de peque!!


Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 14, 2010, 03:50:37 pm
Marco cumple hoy 44 años!!!!
FELICIDADES!!! :011: :011: :011:
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 19, 2010, 06:19:37 pm
Anette se presentará junto a Mustasch en la Gala de premios de Sveriges Radio P3 Guld Gala , en Gothemburg, a las 23.30 hs (swedish time  )
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Enero 19, 2010, 10:20:16 pm
Anette de pekeña era muy mona pero creo q me kedo con el pekeño Emppu  :41: :59: :09:

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Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Enero 19, 2010, 10:21:45 pm
y el pekeño tuomas  entre margaritas :016:

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Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 19, 2010, 10:30:23 pm
Anette de pekeña era muy mona pero creo q me kedo con el pekeño Emppu  :41: :59: :09:

( (

Que lindo!!
Y los otros 2?
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 22, 2010, 10:45:02 pm
Entrevista!! (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 01, 2010, 10:50:15 pm
Nettie nos cuenta cosas sobre el próximo album de NW!

Since you sometimes ask me about our coming NW album and when it will be released etc, I have some news for you;=) The plans are rough and it might be changed but as for now:

- Tuomas has 9 songs ready already;=)

- We all will meet this summer for rehearsals and arranging the songs and getting a demo ready.

- We enter the studio next fall and the album will be released EARLIEST in the fall 2011.

So, great news and we are all excited!
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Febrero 07, 2010, 08:32:05 pm
Que lindo!!
Y los otros 2?

Pos de momento nada pro si te valen estas 2...  :78: monas son :)

( (

( (

Miedo me da el nuevo album...
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Febrero 07, 2010, 08:40:59 pm

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( (

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Febrero 07, 2010, 08:45:36 pm
Anette y Floor Jansen

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Tuomas y Cristina Scabbia
( (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 07, 2010, 10:18:28 pm
Dios que alta es Floor, madre!!
Muy chula la foto de Tuomas y Cristina!
Que linda la hija de Jukka!!
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 21, 2010, 11:48:14 pm
Management has informed that while there will be no new album until September of 2011, there are developments within the NIGHTWISH camp. Mainman Tuomas Holopainen is currently writing the follow-up to 2007's Dark Passion Play which featured new singer Anette Olzon. The band will get together in July to record a demo of the ideas Holopainen has come up with. After that, he will live with the music, to determine if it just needs tinkering, or additional pieces must be created.

Currently the band is investigating the possibility of starting the next world tour in Los Angeles. Plans would call for a one-off North American exclusive at the 6,000 seat auditorium within the Universal Amphitheater. This venue would allow Nightwish to bring pyro and the full production to North America for the first time. A full continental tour would commence three-four months later, tentatively billed as late 2011, or early 2012.
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 22, 2010, 10:57:47 pm

[spoiler]Hay insistentes rumores acerca de que Annette podria estar fuera de la banda por problemas personales, el largo pleito legal con su esposo por la custodia de su hijo la habria hundido emocionalmente.

Ha tenido realmente serios problemas para continuar el ritmo de la gira (es algo obvio y visible por todos!), ahora se rumorea que la banda se ve en el follon de buscar una voz nueva, o seguir con ella..

No raro que Nw se tomen tanto tiempo pa sacar trabajo...y justo tambien Annette abandone el proyecto de su disco en solitario...

En fin.., muchos rumorean que sera el disco de cierre de carrera de Nw.
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 23, 2010, 06:02:50 pm
No hay álbum en solitario de Anette!!

have decided to not release any solo.

The factors are mainly that I want to focus on my family during this break from Nightwish. I am sure I will do a solo some other time, but at this time it doesn´t fit into my life and then it´s better to not do it, than to do it and it just wont feel good.

But I hope you all will follow me and the boys in NW from the summer when we start to work with the new album;=) It will be fun!!
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Febrero 24, 2010, 02:09:58 pm
No se q pasa con el spoiler q no puedo verlo...solo cuando le doy a modificar..
Yo lo creeríé cuando lo vea ya q rumores ha habido toda la vida y pa tos los gustos...

Management has informed that while there will be no new album until September of 2011, there are developments within the NIGHTWISH camp. Mainman Tuomas Holopainen is currently writing the follow-up to 2007's Dark Passion Play which featured new singer Anette Olzon. The band will get together in July to record a demo of the ideas Holopainen has come up with. After that, he will live with the music, to determine if it just needs tinkering, or additional pieces must be created.

Currently the band is investigating the possibility of starting the next world tour in Los Angeles. Plans would call for a one-off North American exclusive at the 6,000 seat auditorium within the Universal Amphitheater. This venue would allow Nightwish to bring pyro and the full production to North America for the first time. A full continental tour would commence three-four months later, tentatively billed as late 2011, or early 2012.
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 24, 2010, 11:33:28 pm
22.02.2010 - Nightmail is back!

It has been long since the last round of Nightmail, so we have decided to finally break the silence. Since everything in the Nightwish camp is rather quiet at the moment, we will do things a bit different this year:
Instead of individual rounds of questions, you can ask questions to any member of the band, their crew or the management. The first Nightmail will be next month, more rounds to follow throughout the year. As always, the answers to your questions will be posted on the website in the following month.

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Febrero 26, 2010, 11:27:04 pm
Super Emppu  :78:

( (

Con Lauri de The Rasmus
( (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Febrero 26, 2010, 11:30:05 pm
Frikada   :09:
Ande andará, mira en la nevera q fijo q sta allí­ :016:
( (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 26, 2010, 11:41:22 pm
Frikada   :09:
Ande andará, mira en la nevera q fijo q sta allí­ :016:
( (

Me has matao!! :016: :016:
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Febrero 27, 2010, 12:16:44 am
Me has matao!!

 jaja :09: :82:
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 03, 2010, 08:20:40 pm
Nettie espera un bebíé!!

My dear blog readers and also Nightwish fans;=)

I have held a little secret for you all for some time now, but today I feel I want to share it with you all. As you all know, I am very private and dont want to share to much about my personal life, but due to some speculations and since I am so happy I have decided to tell my secret:

Last autumn in the middle of my demo recordings of my solo album, I started to feel very, very tired and also nauseated. I took a pregnancy test and guess if me and my bf was really surprised to see that I had gotten pregnant. Since I had decided to not have any more children than my son, it was totally not planned, but after the very first shock, it felt really, really good;=)

Now I have almost done half the pregnancy and I am feeling extremely good, but its due to this I decided to not do the solo this year. I am sure you all can understand this decision better now and I do promise to release the songs at another time;=)
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 03, 2010, 08:28:14 pm

- How does it feel to have a baby after so many years from the first one?

- I had decided to not have any more children due to the fact that my last pregnancy was very hard and filled with hospital visits and a hard delivery. I also had big problems getting pregnant the first time so I really didnt think my body could do it one more time, especially since I am 38 years old. Now when faith stepped in and I am pregnant after so many years (my son is turning 9 when the baby comes) it feels as a good timing. My son is really looking forward and he can be that big brother who can help me a little bit more than if he was 2;=)

- Tell something about the schedule next fall, are you able to keep any mom-vacation or do you have to get to work soon? How is that going to happen, if yes?

- Well, I do have to go as soon as possible to Finland for rehearsals with the boys after I have delivered my child and then we´ll stay there for a couple of weeks working with the new songs. After that the album will start to be recorded but since we always record all the instruments, orchestra and choirs before I go in and do my vocals, I dont have any big pressure to do anything in the fall. I will of course go and visit the recordings when it feels ok to do so, but otherwise my recordings arent gonna be happening until 2011 at first. The solo album I had planned to release this autumn was something I felt couldnt be done due to me having my child, so I will wait with that and do it in the future instead.

- Having a baby in you age is different than giving birth when you´re on your twenties. What plus-sides do you see about having a baby around 40 years?

- I had my son when I was 30 and I am happy I waited that long to be a mum and this time I feel even so much more at ease in the whole process. I am not stressing over the pregnancy like I did the first time. I am enjoying it much more and I am not so obsessed with that my body is changing and growing as I was then. I also feel so blessed to be able to have a child at my age, it gives me a feeling of youth and the thing with turning 40 seems very easy. Being a mum is truly a wonderful thing and now when I am older I enjoy it so much more and of course it´s a big change to have a small baby again after the easy years I have had with a son that is able to take care of himself. But at the same time, it feels like I will feel younger much longer now, seeing another child grow up.

- How are you going to handle the upcoming NW-tour?

- It will work out just fine. We have all decided that the last world tour was to intense in the planning and we will take it a bit easier this time. Planning is everything and I have a great father to my baby who will take care of her/him when the day comes and I also have a nanny who can come with me if that is needed at some points. I dont stress over these things cause I know everything is gonna be just fine. The last tour was so hard and still it worked out with my son being at home.

- If you want to say something else / courage other performing artists and/or adult women in these questions... whatever comes in mind :-)

- Having children and having a career can work out really, really well. There should never be anyone telling you that you cant do it, cause you can!
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 03, 2010, 11:02:52 pm
Le he preguntado a Nettie!!

Did u thought about any names?

-Do u suddenly hate something u used to like

y me ha contestado....

Serena: Hi! Yes, we already have names;=) And in the first weeks I couldnt eat meat and still I prefer vegetables and fish and shrimps. Otherwise nothing I dislike;=)
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Marzo 04, 2010, 01:38:06 pm
jaja buena pregunta
Creo q esto da respuesta a algunas criticas que se escuchaban últimamente a cerca de su figura (si ya no tenia el tipito de antes y demás)  :007:

NIGHTWISH: Anette´s pregnancy doesn´t change anything in the band


The surprise pregnancy of Anette Olzon doesn't change the plans in Nightwish. They will start recording their new album in the fall nevertheless. Anette Olzon dropped a newsbomb by telling she was pregnant. She already has a son. This pregnancy however came to a good time since Nightwish is on a break.

Since Nightwish starts the recordings to their Dark Passion Play follower in the fall, Anette has given birth before that so nothing will be jeopardized.

"Anette's pregnancy doesn't alter our plans in any way. Having a baby is a happy thing afterall", says Nightwish's manager Ewo Pohjola.

Anette isn't the only one in Nightwish who has children since both Jukka Nevalainen and Marco Hietala has children as well.

"Other members have children too so the situation isn't actually new in any way. Besides Marco's twinsons were just born when we start our tour so...", says Ewo Pohjola.

Nightwish is planning to release their follower to Dark Passion Play at the end of 2011. By that time Anette's child won't be an infant anymore.
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 04, 2010, 10:51:22 pm
Anette y su novio!!

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 15, 2010, 06:56:32 pm
Los hijos de Marco cantando!! (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 25, 2010, 06:09:00 pm
El lí­der de Nightwish, Tuomas Holopainen, hará una pausa en el proceso de pre-producción del nuevo CD de la banda para ayudar en el proceso de creación del próximo album de la cantante finlandesa Johanna Kurkela.

Para quienes no la conocen, Johanna Kurkela participó en el último disco de Sonata Arctica, en el tema "No Dream Can Hel a Broken Heart".

Tuomas colaborará en la canción "Satojen Marien Nakija". Además de íél, Troy Donockley, que tambiíén participó en el Dark Passion Play y acompañó a Nightwish durante algunos conciertos de la gira Dark Passion Play Tour, hará su contribución para el album de Johanna Kurkela.
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Marzo 27, 2010, 06:39:22 pm
Tuomas o Jack Sparrow ¿?  :016:

( (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Abril 11, 2010, 10:30:30 pm
Finnish/Swedish symphonic metallers NIGHTWISH have posted a new "Nightmail" session featuring fan questions answered by various members of the band and crew. A couple of excerpts follow below.

Q: To Anette: I wonder if NIGHTWISH have any plans to record a new album but with a mix of the older songs?I also wonder which was your best moment with the band during 2009?

A: No, any album like that isn't something we have considered and I dont think it will happen since we all feel that Tarja and the guys already have done that. But maybe a live album some day where also the older songs are included.
My best moment during 2009 were two moments: the very first gig after our break in London in March. Great to see everyone and meet them after so many months break. I also felt physically and mentally so much stronger than during 2008. Then Hartwall arena [in Helsinki] was magical. Amazing with so great musicians playing with us and to sing "Walking In The Air" and "Meadows Of Heaven" finally was something I had longed for.

Q: To Tuomas: 1) How do you imagine yourself in the next twenty years? 2) Is there any dream that you especially want to come true?

A: 1) I never look too far into the future, all I need to know or want is here and now. I hope I'll still be alive, look like an old Walt Whitman, and that life would taste as sweet as it does at the moment.

2) Well, right now I wish that the upcoming album would end up being like I have imagined it to be during the past 3 years. I just finished with the last song yesterday, such exciting times!

Q: To Emppu: What kinds of books do you read? You told someone you read books to relax...what is, let's say, the book that impressed you most?

A: Yeah, on tour you'll have a lot of time on your hands, sitting in the plane or tour bus, and reading gives you some "private" time. There's always a lot of people buzzing around, so it's an easy way to get some privacy for a while. I pretty much read all kinds of books, currently mostly historical stuff that's based on actual fact. While I was younger, I never read anything. I don't think I read one single book while in high school. I had to start reading, because the battery in my Game Boy always died on me during the long flights. Biggest impression — Hmmm, there are so many great books. It's hard to pick just one.

Q: To Anette: Which place/country you've been on tour that you most liked? In aspects like culture, climate, people, natural landscapes..:)

A: Oh, there have been many;=) But I did love Japan a lot. So nice people and I felt really safe walking around there all by myself. I also love Japanese food so it suited me fine. Then seeing Australia was amazing and a dream came true. I also love the U.S. just because it is so totally different from Sweden. It's just so big and people are much more open and talkative there than in my country. And to be able to have a country with so many different sides and people is just amazing ;=)

Q: To Jukka: What is it according to you that makes NIGHTWISH so popular all over the world? What are your dreams for the future with the band?

A: Good songs and utmost honesty in everything to do with music. Those are the strengths of NIGHTWISH, at least that's how I'd like to see it. I have no big dreams left for future, because my original dreams have been surpassed many times already. I just hope that NIGHTWISH is still around in ten year's time and that we still get our kicks making music.

Q: To Anette: I read from a teletext that you're getting another child. Congratulations! Do you think this is going to have any affect to the next NIGHTWISH tour in couple of years?

A: No, I dont think it will influence the coming tours. If we all could manage the last huge tour even if we are three persons that have kids, I am sure that we can make the next one working too. It's all about planning and making everyone feel OK with the schedule and I know King Foo [the management] and me and the guys can make that happen.

Q: To Tuomas, It's been a while since the dark days of "Century Child". How do you think you have changed as a person since then? Are things a lot more brighter now?

A: I wish I have changed in some matters, and I wish I haven't changed in many matters. "Dark Passion Play" was made during the darkest days, even worse than "Century Child", but things have always been well, sometimes the darkness and its boogeymen just veil the good behind.

Q: Can we expect a soloalbum from Marco Hietala anytime? It would be great to have a whole album full of songs where the singer would be only Hietala.

A: Well... I've had this continuing work in progress over ten years now. The idea would be to have a distinct world of colliding musical elements, and the lyrics for the whole thing would be in Finnish and English both. Like I said: Over ten years in progress. Might happen sooner, later or never.

Chek out the entire question-and-answer session at this location.
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 12, 2010, 10:24:12 pm
El Nightmail entero!!

Guro from Norway:
To whoever from the crew who would like to answer this one:
How did you end up working with Nighwish? :)

Pyro Guys:
Almost 10 years ago band asked me to do pyros for Wishmaster-record release gig. I am still on a same road:)

A fan:
To Anette: Hi! I wonder if Nightwish have any plans to record a new album but with a mix of the older songs?
I also wonder which was your best moment with the band during 2009?
Thanks for being a part of the best band in the world!//Garson

Hi Garson! No, any album like that isn't something we have considered and I dont think it will happen since we all feel that Tarja and the guys already have done that. But maybe a live album someday where also the older songs are included.
My best moment during 2009 were two moments: the very first gig after our break in London in march. Great to see everyone and meet them after so many months break. I also felt physically and mentally so much stronger than during 2008. Then Hartwall arena was magical. Amazing with so great musicians playing with us and to sing Walking in the air and Meadows of heaven finally was something I had longed for.
And you're welcome, and thanks for thinking we are the best;=)

Paweł from Poland:
To Tuomas:

1)How do you imagine yourself in the next twenty years?
2)Is there any dream that you especially want to come true?

I never look too far into the future, all I need to know or want is here and now. I hope I'll still be alive, look like an old Walt Whitman, and that life would taste as sweet as it does at the moment.

Well, right now I wish that the upcoming album would end up being like I have imagined it to be during the past 3 years. I just finished with the last song yesterday, such exciting times!

Bruce from Brasil:
To Marco:
If, for any reason, you had to pick between vocals and playing bass, which would be? Why?

This is really a hard one because I define myself so much by both singing and playing. I'm just happy to have both. If something happened to my voice or my fingers, I'd still be lucky to have the other to fall back on. If something happened to both, I don't know if I could survive.

Stefan from Romania:
To Emppu: What kinds of books do you read? You told someone you read books to relax...what is ,let's say, the book that impressed you most?

Yeah, on tour you'll have a lot of time on your hands, sitting in the plane or tour bus, and reading gives you some "private" time. There's always a lot of people buzzing around, so it's an easy way to get some privacy for a while. I pretty much read all kinds of books, currently mostly historical stuff that's based on actual fact. While I was younger, I never read anything. I don't think I read one single book while in high school. I had to start reading, because the battery in my Game Boy always died on me during the long flights. :D
Biggest impression - Hmmm, there are so many great books. It's hard to pick just one.

Junia from .:
To Anette:

Which place/country you've been on tour that you most liked? in aspects like culture, climate, people, natural landscapes..:)

Oh, there have been many;=) But I did love Japan a lot. So nice people and I felt really safe walking around there all by myself. I also love japanese food so it suited me fine. Then seeing Australia was amazing and a dream came true. I also love the US just because it is so totally different from Sweden. It's just so big and people are much more open and talkative there than in my country. And to be able to have a country with so many different sides and people is just amazing;=)

April Rey from Riverside, CA USA:
I love your voice. When you are on tour what is one of your favorite ways to be selfish, and have some personal time?
Thanks for taking my question.
Hope to see you soon in the USA

Hi! Well, I love to go out if its nice weather, seeing the city we're in and enjoy a coffee in some nice place. If I cant go out, I read a nice book and just watch some dvd-boxes. And I also hope to see you soon in US too;=)

Bram from Belgium:
To Jukka:

What is it according to you that makes nightwish so popular all over the world? What are your dreams for the future with the band? Btw: what's your favourite candy?

Good songs and utmost honesty in everything to do with music. Those are the strengths of Nighwish, at least that's how I'd like to see it. I have no big dreams left for future, because my original dreams have been surpassed many times already. I just hope that Nightwish is still around in ten year's time and that we still get our kicks making music.

I don't really eat candy, but if I have to pick something, I'd say chocolate.

.... from Lappeenranta:
To Anette:
I read from a teletext that you're getting another child. Congratulations!

Do you think this is going to have any affect to the next Nightwish tour in couple of years?

Hi! Thanks for the congratulations;=)
No, I dont think it will influence the coming tours. If we all could manage the last huge tour even if we are three persons that have kids, I am sure that we can make the next one working too. Its all about planning and making everyone feel ok with the schedule and I know King Foo and me and the guys can make that happen.

Amy from United Kingdom:
Question for the pyro guys;
Before going on tour, do you sit down with the band members and discuss what they want for the pyro or do you choose what's best that goes with the song? =)

Yes. Usually Tuomas will give me specs where he wants effects and after that i will make plans and then we see what we can do. It is quite common that whole thing will grow up and even change during tour:)

Sam from UK:
To Tuomas,

It's been a while since the dark days of Century Child. How do you think you have changed as a person since then? Are things a lot more brighter now?

I wish I have changed in some matters, and I wish I haven`t changed in many matters. Dark Passion Play was made during the darkest days, even worse than Century Child, but things have always been well, sometimes the Darkness and Its boogeymen just veil the Good behind.

Desi from Missouri, USA:
To Marco:

What made you decide to be involved with Kuorosota this year? Even though I am in the US, I have caught all of your choir's performances on the internet! It's very good!

The reward going to the charity and not to my own pocket. The challenge of doing something I've never done before. And the possibility of gathering a bunch of really crazy people and having a lot of fun together.

Doug Moore from San Diego, CA, USA:

I read in an interview from late 2009 that Nightwish is intending to do another North American tour during 2010. Any info on that?

Heh, there are certainly no tours in 2010, but hopefully in 2011-2012.

Renan Pinelli from Sí£o Paulo, Brasil:
To Jukka:
Have you ever suffered any kind of prejudice for being vegeterian? (I do hope you're still vegetarian :)

I've gotten off pretty easy. Of course there's always bound to be people who think that vegetarian food means just raw carrots and broccoli, but fortunately the attitudes have improved, and nowadays it's pretty easy to get proper veggie food all over the world. I don't get so many puzzled looks these days as I did when I started it years ago. It seems that people can change :D

Haubi from Germany:
Hi Jukka
Did you ever hit youre face with a drumstick on stage ?
Sometimes it happens to me ;)

It happens all the time. Nothing makes you feel quite so stupid as when you gloriously hit yourself in the face while playing something really snazzy with the spotlight turned on you. I've hit myself a black eye and countless bumps on the head, split my lip, bloodied my nose, torn out my earring and nose piercing... Everything imaginable has happened. You just have to bow your head for awhile, silently curse your own stupidity and clumsiness and swallow your pride (along with the blood from the split lip) :D

Katie from Pennsylvania, US:
exactly what series of cymbals do you use and why the hell can't I find you on Paiste's website?

My set up is a mix of several different series: 2002 Wild Crash, Rude China, Signature Sound Edge Hihat, etc. From time to time I change some cymbals, so I can't actually remember current set up exactly.

For Paiste website, check here:

Kiipparisti&Fani from Helsinki:
To Tuomas:

Do you ever wonder how the concept you`ve created has taken over the whole world? I read your biography, such an interesting story.

I wonder about it every day, feeling extremely humble and a bit proud about it all at the same time. It`s been such an incredible journey to find one`s place in the universe, and to have a chance to do something I love above all.

Kalem McMahon from United Kingdom:
Question for the pyro guys
Based on your role I'm sure you love fire and explosions! Is there anything really crazy you've wanted or suggested to do but just couldn't for some reason, and if so, what?

Yep. We love pyros! All our suggestions have passed the band and i have to tell that most of them looks pretty nice.

Black Orchid from Deutschland:
Emppu: What would you do if there was no beer left in the world and I had the last bottle?

Hmm.. i guess I would have to start to bargain with you. 5eur?

juan jose sierra from medellin colombia:
To Emppu:
which was your first guitar and at what age did you get it?

My first guitar was an acoustic Landola I stole from my brother. It still hangs on my wall, actually, and I always have to hide it when my brother comes to visit me. I think I was about 10 or 11 when I committed the crime.

Desi from Missouri, USA:
To Tuomas:

Can you give us ANY hints on this supposed "twist" you keep mentioning about the upcoming album?

What`s the fun behind a secret revealed? =) I`m not trying to irritate anyone but we still need lots of time to get the whole thing together.

Hietala Boy from Brazil:
To Marco:
How did you like Brazilian beer and crowd?
PS.: We made some kind of poll for "bassist of our dreams" and you won!

I loved the crowd and I love beer universally! Thank you verrrry much!

Joel G. from USA:
To Anybody Who Knows the Answer

Who was your album cover artist for Dark Passion Play and what medium did he/she use to create it? (acrylic, oil, or digital)

The artwork for the Dark Passion Play was created by Janne and Gina Pitkí¤nen. All work was created digitally using photoshop and some 3D software.
Islander and Cadence was done by Gina
Master Passion Greed and Poet and Pendulum was created by both.
The cover and the rest of the images was done by Janne.
This excludes the photos which were taken by Ville Juurikkala :-)

Miso from Illinois:
To Marco:
You've stated you're a video game lover. What would be your favorite game?
Thanks for your time. You're quite possibly the best (male) singer I've ever heard.

Possibly Planescape Torment. An RPG in a same vein as the Baldur's Gate series, but the world was a whole lot weirder.

Thank you!

Mikko from Kuopio:
Can we expect a soloalbum from Marco Hietala anytime? It would be great to have a whole album full of songs where the singer would be only Hietala.

Well... I've had this continuing work in progress over ten years now. The idea would be to have a distinct world of colliding musical elements, and the lyrics for the whole thing would be in finnish and english both. Like I said: Over ten years in progress. Might happen sooner, later or never
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 21, 2010, 07:46:04 pm
Jukka cumple hoy 32 años!!!!!!
FELICIDADES!!!!! :011: :011: :011: :011: :011: :011: :011:
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 23, 2010, 11:02:26 pm
Nightwish han sido nominados por la revista alemana Metal Hammer para la segunda edición de los Metal Hammer Awards. La banda está nominada en las categorí­as Mejor Banda Internacional y Mejor Actuación en Vivo.
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 28, 2010, 10:26:01 pm
Anette está colaborando co Martjin (Within Temptation)

Hi all;=)

I hope you have a great day like I have had;=)

Tonight I am going to the studio again for the project I am working on. This is a project with two songwriters, Fredrik Bergh (Street talk, Bloodbound) and Martijn Spierenburg (Within Temptation). Great guys and songwriters and its an honour for me to record their songs;=)

What we will do with this project I will tell you more about as soon as I can of course;=)

The song I am doing at the moment is really fun to sing and tonight I will do the harmonies for it.

Enjoy the evening
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Abril 29, 2010, 02:27:18 pm
La historia de TARJA Y TUOMAS

Video con fotos de Tuomas de pekeño :D
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 12, 2010, 10:46:37 pm
Vaya foto!!!!!


 :016: :016: :016: :016:
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 02, 2010, 10:56:59 pm
About the project with Fredrik and Martijn (Within temptation) its going forward and I have recorded one song that is with Martijn for mixing at the moment and I look forward to hear it soon. The project album is also discussed with record labels at the moment and as soon as we know more I promise to tell you who more will be involved etc.

Sobre el proyecto con Martijn

Y sobre NW!

To those who ask about Nightwish, the plans are as I have told before: Tuomas demo is finished and ready. In july-september we go and rehearse the songs together and do a final demo. Then the recordings start and my part will be recorded early next spring. So everything is going just according to the plans and its exciting times ahead;=)
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 03, 2010, 10:14:59 pm
Keyboardist/mainman Tuomas Holopainen of Finnish/Swedish symphonic metallers NIGHTWISH has completed work on a pre-production demo of the band's follow-up to 2007's "Dark Passion Play". The band will reconvene in Finland between July and September to rehearse the material and prepare for the album's final recording sessions, which will take place during the fall/winter and early spring 2011. The as-yet-untitled new CD is tentatively due in September 2011.

NIGHTWISH manager Ewo Pohjola of King Foo Entertainment Ltd recently Finland's MTV3 that singer Anette Olzon's surprise revelation that she is expecting her second child will not affect the band's plan to begin recording its new studio album.

In an interview with the Finnish web site, Olzon stated about NIGHTWISH's current recording plans, "I do have to go as soon as possible to Finland for rehearsals with the [NIGHTWISH] boys after I have delivered my child and then we'll stay there for a couple of weeks working with the new songs. After that the album will start to be recorded but since we always record all the instruments, orchestra and choirs before I go in and do my vocals, I don't have any big pressure to do anything in the fall. I will, of course, go and visit the recordings when it feels OK to do so, but otherwise my recordings aren't gonna be happening until 2011."

Regarding how she will handle touring with NIGHTWISH while tending to a newborn child at home, Olzon said, "It will work out just fine.

"We have all decided that the last world tour was to intense in the planning and we will take it a bit easier this time. Planning is everything, and I have a great father to my baby who will take care of her/him when the day comes and I also have a nanny who can come with me if that is needed at some points.

"I don't stress over these things 'cause I know everything is gonna be just fine.

"The last tour was so hard and still it worked out with my son being at home."

NIGHTWISH played a special homecoming show in September 2009 at the sold-out, 11,000-capacity Hartwall Arena in Helsinki to mark the end of the band's colossal "Dark Passion Play" two-year world tour.

NIGHTWISH is not expected to play any more shows until the release of the band's next studio album.
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 11, 2010, 06:15:15 pm
11.06.2010 - "Amaranth" video will make its prime-time debut in the USA

The "Amaranth" video will be played on a network called Reelz Channel on a program called Movies & Music (the evening edition), as part of an episode entitled "Rocker Girls". The show is half an hour long (other videos will be played, obviously, from other bands), and it will air on June 14th (Monday), at 7:30 Eastern time.

This has come about due to a campaign started at Oceansouls of America where people requested Nightwish videos at this network, and as a result, several videos that were never played in the U.S. before were debuted. However, these videos were only aired on the morning version of the show. This will be the first time that Nightwish is moving from an early morning airtime to the more desirable time slot of early evening. Prime time television is a huge deal, and this is the biggest sort of media exposure that Nightwish has ever gotten in the United States.
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 22, 2010, 03:42:11 pm
Anette cumplió ayer 39 años!!
FELICIDADES!!!! :011: :011: :011: :011: :011:
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 22, 2010, 03:42:57 pm
comunicado sobre Anette, el parto y el padre en AnetteOlzonCentral:

According to Johan Husgafvel official facebook, Anette will deliver their child in 5 weeks.
PAINs bass player Johan has been Anettes rumored boyfriend for a long time now in many sites, but tonight you can read a sweet note from him that shows the evidence:

"Hey Sarah. Yes it´s been way to long. I´m just fine, becoming a father in 5 weeks so excited:) Playing is still fun but only one gig this year so hopefully much much more next year. How are you? Still in Denmark?
Take care."


Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 22, 2010, 03:44:10 pm

Según el facebook oficial de Johan Husgafvel, Anette darí­a a luz a su hijo en 5 semanas.
Han sido muchos los rumores que decí­an que el bajIsta PAIN era el novio de Anette, pero esta noche podemos leer una mensaje cariñoso de íél que demuestra la evidencia:

"Hola Sarah. Sí­, hace mucho. Estoy bien, ser padre en 5 semanas es genial:) Tocar es todaví­a divertido pero sólo hay un concierto este año así­ que esperemos que haya muchos muchos más el año que viene. ¿Cómo estás tú? ¿Todaví­a estás en Dinamarca?

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 22, 2010, 10:23:57 pm
Jukka ha sido padre por 3º vez!!!

Jukka's Family Grows

A healthy baby girl with a weight of 3 770 grams (8.31 lb) and a height of 50,5 cm (19.9") was born today, June 22, to Jukka and Satu Nevalainen. As Emppu put it: "Great lovers have baby girls!"
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 24, 2010, 03:40:59 pm
Emppu cumple hoy 31 años!!!
FELICIDADES!!!! :011: :011: :011:
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 03, 2010, 10:44:13 pm
Para votar por Anette!!! (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 17, 2010, 10:38:38 pm
Nightwish de campamento (sin Anette)

Almost exactly 4 years ago we gathered into an idyllic place in the small village of Sí¤vi to rehearse and arrange what would later be called "Dark Passion Play". It was such glorious and inspiring times that we decided to do something similar with the upcoming Nightwish album called ...........

So again we are here in the deepest countryside of Finland beginning to create a follower for DPP. It`s just us guys for now, Anette will join the camp a bit later. We arrived yesterday and the reunion was celebrated with some water-skiing, bbq and Quilmes. I foresee the same trinity taking place more or less on a daily basis.

We just got the equipment and PA set up with the help of our legendary engineer / co-producer TeeCee Kinnunen and probably will start working with the songs in a couple of days. This campsite is so amazing we`ll let that sauna of a rehearsal room wait in silence for a while, and just concentrate on chilling out and catching up. And raising the official NW camp - flag high into the pole.

I have 12 songs completed now, but am still working with some lyrics. It`s been an immensely fruitful songwriting process, as well as very consuming and ponderous. But I feel more satisfied with the stuff than ever before. Don`t know if it`s a good sign or bad.
To me the album sounds like a rollercoaster ride in a theme park designed by Neil Gaiman, Tim Burton and Salvador Dali. That`s the best way I can put it at this point.

Like before, we will record a demo once the songs are arranged, to listen to and to perfect the material, and to give to Mr. Pip Williams so he can start with the orchestration process. The actual enter-the-studio-date is set for October 15th.
Again, the London orchestra and choir will be there, as well as Mr. Troy Donockley playing a slightly bigger part this time. And loads of new elements `n twists we haven`t tried before!

So things are finally rolling. We`ll keep you posted in written, as well as in visual form. Stay tuned for updates.
And thanks for sharing the journey once again!

Yours, Tuomas

TOP 5 / Week 28

1. Water sports
2. Dimebag Darrell biography
3. Alice In Wonderland dvd
4. Ihmebantu dvd
5. Amorphis: Tales From The Thousand Lakes

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 17, 2010, 10:44:04 pm

Hace exactamente cuatro años nos reunimos en un sitio idí­lico, en el pequeño pueblo de Sí¤vi, para ensayar y organizar lo que luego se llamarí­a "Dark Passion Play". Fue un tiempo tan glorioso e inspirador que hemos decidido hacer algo similar con el siguiente álbum de Nightwish llamado …………….

Así­ que aquí­ estamos de nuevo, en la zona más profunda de Finlandia empezando a crear al seguidor de DPP. De momento solo estamos los chicos, Anette se unirá a la acampada un poco más tarde. Llegamos ayer y la reunión se celebró con esquí­ acuático, bbg y Quilmes.

Ya tenemos el equipamiento y la configuración con la ayuda de nuestro legendario tíécnico y co-productor TeeCee Kinnunen y probablemente empezaremos a trabajar con las canciones en un par de dí­as. La zona de acampada es tan impresionante que dejaremos la sauna de sala de ensayo en silencio durante un tiempo, y nos concentraremos sólo en relajarnos y ponernos al dí­a. E izar la bandera oficial del campamento de Nightwish en la piscina.

Tengo 12 canciones completas, pero sigo trabajando en algunas letras. Ha sido un fructifero proceso de escritura, a la vez que consumidor y de reflexión. Pero me siento más satisfecho con el material que nunca. No síé si es un buen o un mal signo.

Para mí­ el álbum suena como una montaña rusa en un parque temático diseñado por Neil Gaiman, Tim Burton y Salvador Dalí­. Es la mejor manera de la que puedo describirlo ahora mismo.

Como antes, grabaremos una demo una vez que las canciones estíén organizadas, para escuchar y perfeccionar el material, y para dárselo al señor Pip Williams para que empiece con el proceso de orquestación. La actual fecha de entrada al estudio es el 15 de octubre.

Una vez más, la orquestra de Londres y el coro estarán ahí­, así­ como el señor Troy Donockley tocando una parte algo mayor esta vez. ¡Y montones de nuevos elementos que no habí­amos probado antes!

Así­, las cosas empiezan a rodar finalmente. Os mantendremos informados por escrito y visualmente. Estad atentos a las actualizaciones.

¡Gracias por compartir el viaje de nuevo!

Vuestro, Tuomas.

TOP 5/ Semana 28
1. Deportes de agua
2. La biografí­a de Dimebag Darrell
3. El DVD de Alicia en el Paí­s de las Maravillas
4. El DVD de Ihmebantu
5. Amorphis: Tales From The Thousand Lakes

Podíéis ver todas las fotos aquí­ (

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Julio 20, 2010, 05:13:42 pm
Las fotos xD

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The FishMaster xD
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Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Julio 20, 2010, 05:16:09 pm
Con estas 2 no puedo..sobre todo la 2ª  :016:

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Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Julio 21, 2010, 09:52:55 pm

The 1st week is almost through and we`re off to a fantastic start. Jukka, Emppu and me have 5 songs rehearsed so far, Marco joined the camp last night after a couple of festival shows he did with Tarot. We`ll start putting the low ends into those songs later today and maybe try out tune #6.

The first song put together ended up having one of the best choruses we`ve ever had and a classic Nightwishy c-part of heavy guitars, a massive string riff and everything louder than anything and everybody playing with full force at the same time.
Trademark stuff.

Song # 2 is a twisted marriage of Van Halen, Pantera and madhouse vocals. And Quentin Tarantino - guitars in the bridge. We weren`t overly bananas over this one after the demo I made alone, but now it`s finally coming alive.

In between the distorted racket we sat down with Emppu to complete one acoustic piece. A nice journey back to the roots! Sounds like a Moomin Valley - Christmas carol.

Then another song back to the roots. Everyone`s surprise favorite at the moment. I dug up my inner Paradise Lost / My Dying Bride fanboy and this funeral march is the result.

Music for the last song rehearsed so far is written by Marco. A wonderfully catchy track with the chorus repeated 5 times.(!!) Must be some sort of a record for us. Nice acoustic themes and a d-part which doesn`t quite still fit in.
We`ll enter The Haunted Mansion tomorrow.

Will write more soon, all the best to everyone meanwhile!

Good times, Tuomas

TOP 5 / Week 2
1. New songs, old gang
2. Fishing
3. Prestige - The movie
4. Hidden Rock, Quilmes & Cap`n Morgan
5. Winning all-in with 7-2
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Julio 21, 2010, 09:56:25 pm

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Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Julio 21, 2010, 10:00:29 pm

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Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Julio 21, 2010, 10:01:47 pm
Los MiniMarcos xD

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Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Julio 21, 2010, 10:05:03 pm
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Julio 30, 2010, 04:23:45 pm

Good day everyone!

It`s 9 am. and I`m sipping my morning coffee while reading the latest NHL news and writing this down. When did I turn into a blog-writing computer-geek?
It`s been very hot, we`ve been struck by a never-seen-before heat wave for the past few weeks and I can`t recall when was the last time I wore socks or slept under sheets. No complaints, though, water sports and boating never felt so glorious as during the past days.
We got something done in the arranging - the - new - songs - front, too, even though the 35 C - rehearsal room isn`t the most alluring place just now.

The "Nukkumatti" song, as we call it, is among my top favorites of the new stuff, a pounding, twisted and chorusless ghost train ride is sure to bring a smile to your face. At least it has done so to everyone who has heard it. Danny Elfman goes humppa.

Then we took over a song which was more or less tailor-made for Troy. Loads of pipes to battle / to jam with Emppu and a raving c-part which was born after 10 pints of ale and loads of Old Toby. One of the cheerier tunes of the album, and a nice little cloudbuster.
Paddle faster, I hear banjos!

Song #8 takes us to whole new territories. Something completely different from anything we`ve ever done. All of us need to find new ways to play our instruments and use vocals for that piece. A terrificly challenging and mind-expanding song. I can`t wait to hear Anette and Marco sing that one.

On Sunday night the fellas from Northern Kings took over the campsite. We had agreed they can come and share our rehearsal facilities since they have a couple of shows coming up. Tony (Kakko) and Kai (Hahto) greeted me with 2 bottles of Yellow Tail which we enjoyed by a still lake at dusk. Finnish hippie-geezer-national-scenery - romanticism at its best!
Thanks guys for visiting, we`ll meet soon again.

Time to dive into Marco`s vocals today. And maybe for song #9. And that 5kg trout that`s been avoiding us for the past week.

Will write more soon (or somebody will), all best!


TOP 5 / Week 3

1. The weather
2. Longhaired hippies naked in the nearby forest
3. Solving the mystery of where the hell all the fishes are
4. Epcot`s Illuminations - soundtrack
5. Zombieland - the movie
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 31, 2010, 10:56:52 pm
Anette madre por segunda vez!!

Dear blog readers and Nightwish fans:

It is for me so wonderful to tell you that yesterday, July 30th at 16.28, mine and Johans son was born;=)

He was 52 cm tall and his weight was 3930 gram.

We have tried to get him out the natural way since tuesday and used different methods, but like with my first son, I didn´t get enough strong contractions so it was decided to finally get him out through a c-section.

We all are just fine but still in the hospital where we are resting and just being so happy to have this beautiful and precious boy with us. Life is so wonderful and I am so, so happy and just floating with joy;=)

Enjoy your evening!
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Julio 31, 2010, 11:03:02 pm
Menudo centollito :-D

Fotos del summer camp
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 08, 2010, 01:07:48 pm
Another week passed by, another week of rehearsing, song-shaping, sweating, boating and fishing. The happiest event naturally was Anette having a baby and feeling fantastic with the newborn! Our congrats and blessings for the whole family!

Songs # 9 & #10 took shape last weekend. The #9 - one explores Zimmer-territories shamelessly with the chorus taking us back to our roots. Emppu`s favorite part of the whole album, I reckon. I`ve always had problems with short, simple - structured songs but this sounds very promising even to my cynical ears and heart.

Last song put together will be the last one on the album, an insanely ambitious piece. I assume it will be close to 20 minutes long. Uncle Walt`s spirit is already haunting in every note of this song. Still needs some arranging, though.

We have only one song left to practice after the monster song, an acoustic piece in the vein of "The Islander". Ennio Morricone meets Christy Moore. Emppu and me need loads of Guinness, some fine single malt and a windy day to bring this one alive. And Troy`s pipes & bodhran, of course.

Marco also sang demo vocals for almost all the songs so they start making more sense and so that Anette would be able to hear the vocal melodies and the pacing of the lyrics. I deeply enjoy this process of building the songs slowly together, weaving stories out of thin air, and it`s almost always the vocals that finally wake the songs up.

Yesterday I drove to Lappeenranta to play keys to Kotiteollisuus` new demo. Great stuff coming up from that front, too!

It`s about 3 weeks before we start recording the demo so now we have time to put final touches into the songs and perfect them the best we can. It`s fantastic not to be in any hurry for a change!
Which reminds me, time to go catch that trout.

Take good care everyone!


TOP 5 / Week 4

1. NW demo w / Marco`s guide vocals
2. Esko Valtaoja
3. Kitee - Sotkamo 2-0 / playoffs starting soon
4. Edward Scissorhands - the movie
5. Alfred J. Kwak
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 15, 2010, 08:53:20 pm
When checking the pictures from our summer camp, one might think that it's all about fishing, watersports and boozing. That's actually mostly true... but we have gotten something done here musicwise too! And hey, we never said this is a music camp, it's a SUMMER CAMP!!! =)


Last weekend Marco abandoned us three here to take care of his responsibilities with Tarot and Northern Kings. We decided to rehearse the last piece, a monster of a song and to go through parts of the other songs that we yet didn't feel 100% satisfied with. We came up with plenty of little tricks that bring some needed final edge to the songs; some overlong fills, little breaks and some little time signature changes. The last song turned out to be a great tune that would have enough parts for three full songs, but which still forms a tight entirety of fast riffing, slow, beautiful mood and heavy-duty-rhythm.


On Monday we took a day off and headed to the lake with a professional fishing team. You've probably already seen some of the catches from the picture section. It's encouraging to see that fishing is not just a matter of good luck. Knowledge and the gear has a big effect on the results. But of course, to catch a real big one you need a little blessing from above...


On Thursday we went to see a baseball match of KIPA-90, our local pride. The team played really well, but unfortunately the opponent was slightly better. It's already the end of the season and at the very moment of writing this diary the last game ended in defeat so for us the season is over. But the team showed great potential and hopefully next year we hold the cup.


On the weekend we had some friends coming over, including Sami Ví¤nskí¤ and we spent a weekend full of watersports, darts and laughter. The best activity being seated in a "doughnut"and going with full speed behind the boat. You know it's real good when fun and pure terror meet in a midway... I also finally got myself to try water skiing with just one water ski, and to everybody's surprise I nailed it on a first try! What a mighty feeling it was! JIHAA!!!


Now we are taking time off until Thursday. Once in a while it's good to take some distance to the songs to have a fresh view.


Take care now, bye bye then!





TOP 5 / Week 5


1. The mighty sportsman with just one ski!!!

2. Taking over the last song

3. Fishing trip with the pros

4. Feeding Harri "The camp spider"

5. Ruska - lingonberry wine - for exquisite taste!
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 26, 2010, 10:54:40 pm
Nueva entrada del diario: (esta vez junto a Kovalainen)

Well, there hasn`t been happening that much since the last time Jukka posted the blog. We decided to take a 4-day break from rehearsing the songs `cause there isn`t much we can do to them anymore. Even though every time we dive into them something small comes up; new drum fill here, a new bass line there, new orchestral arrangement hook somewhere, etc. It`s just that we`ve been rehearsing and toying with the songs so much (gotta believe it, just look at the photos of this blog) that everyone here`s having a bloat.

Also since Marco is busy doing his own things until tomorrow and Anette not joining the camp until in 2 weeks, there wasn`t much else for us three to do than..

...To form a new band called The Myí¶tí¤hí¤peí¤. This amazing group of mind-blowing virtuosity combined with a versatile repertoire includes such names as Heikki Kovalainen of F1 Lotus ( on the drums, and Mr. Toni Virtanen ( on the vocals. Jukka took over the keys, whereas Emppu and me swapped between guitar and bass to make it a real challenge. Jamppa Lautamí¤ki of the Nightwish website-fame filled the first open backing vocals - position, but there`s still room for more behind the mics. Our setlist now consists of two classics of two bands we`ve been fans of forever (Sukset by Popeda & For Whom The Bell Tolls by Metallica) but with an intro & outro, Toni`s magnificent speaks in between the songs, a bass solo and fireworks we will be able to put up a fantastic full-lenth rock show anytime, anywhere.

Well, we still have that ballad to rehearse, there`s nothing like seeing a lighter-sea of 80000 people swaying gently to "Nothing Else Matters" or "Winds Of Change".

Check out the video of our first ever rehearsals below. Not quite on the level of the originals, but at least we had fun! (

Heikki & the gang had to leave on Sunday morning but Toni stayed with us for another fishing- and poker-filled day. He fell in love with this place, and might be joining us later on for some songwriting sessions. Maybe the upcoming Apulanta - tunes will have their breeding here..?

After introducing Heikki to the decadent world of bandlife and rock `n roll it was his turn to throw us the bait. He had arranged a chance to try out KF2 & KF3 cart racing vehicles in the track of Ylí¤mylly. A horrendously fantastic experience! A surprisingly physical sport, too. Jukka was by far the best driver of us, timing unbelievable lap times in pouring rain. Emppu and Toni also did ok but I was more of a yellow-bellied plug on the track, losing 20sec per lap to Jukka due to the imprisonment in my own survival instinct.

Anyway, it was a great day and a wonderful, new experience! A huge thanks goes to Heikki, Jani and Hí¤stis for organizing this, and for the 2 mechanics, Mikko & Janne who took care of us on the track.

Back to the camp, diving back into the Nightwish songs with fresh fuel in our tanks. There`s been one song which has been giving us loads of trouble during the past weeks. I feel it has great potential but somehow it just doesn`t work as it should. On Tuesday morning we finally nailed it, giving it a whole new guitar / synth riff with a touch of Van Halen and that was the cure. I also rewrote and simplified the lyrics to the chorus. A song / album is never fully ready, you just have to stop your journey at some scenic place and enjoy the view.

Autumn is here, enjoy the change & take care everyone!


Top 5 / Week 6

1. The Myí¶tí¤hí¤peí¤

2. Cart Racing with those machines from hell

3. That one bad riff finally cured

4. Matti Ijí¤s: Katsastus (for the 100th time)

5. Timo Rautiainen: En oo keittí¤ny enkí¤ myyny

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 13, 2010, 06:59:49 pm
So, this week I finally came to the camp site to do some vocal recordings for our demo. Me, Johan and our baby arrived late Monday and it was a very long trip to get here from home. I didn´t want to fly with the little one so we drove up to Stockholm which takes 6 hours, then the ferry from Sweden to Finland for 17 hours and finally driving here in Finland for 6 hours. Puih, quite a trip but worth it;=)

When we came to the camp we were greeted by Emppu and Tuomas and it was so nice to see the guys again. It´s been a long time since we did the show in Hartwall where we met the last time. The other guys, Marco and Jukka, are in America so they were unfortunately already gone.

The first day here, Emppu recorded his last guitars and then he drove back home after being here 2 months and I just rested after the long journey and enjoying the beautiful place. The camp is deep in the forests and lying so incredibly beautiful with a big lake to look out over where the sunsets are just amazing. All the colours are there when the sun goes down - purple, yellow, white, blue, pink, orange... and now autumn is slowly coming so the trees are changing their leaves and it´s a perfect temperature for sitting out by the fire in the evenings. And we also have a little pet here, a tiny "house-mouse" to keep us company.

Wednesday morning we started my recordings and we have recorded 3 songs per day and 2 the last day. All in all 4 days to record all the songs. Ever since I got the very first instrumental demo Tuomas made I have felt that this album will be something very special. The songs and themes Tuomas has put together are really varied, interesting and there are elements that haven´t been used before. Still it´s Nightwish and also going back to some roots from earlier albums. Vocally for me it´s much more varied since I use my voice in more different aspects than in DPP. Tuomas for sure knows my voice and range now.

We have also done some barbecuing, the boys have been fishing, I have watched a good movie Tuomas recommended - The Martyrs. Disturbing and as usual I got so scared that I woke up a couple of times that night and heard sounds everywhere;=) We have also had friends visiting and the week has gone far too fast. Having my baby with me when being here has worked really well and he has been so kind and charming the whole time. Good boy!

Now I really long to hear how the album will come together with the orchestra, choirs etc, and already now I feel I long to do my actual vocal recordings which will be done in March next year.

 Take good care everyone!

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 26, 2010, 10:38:48 pm
Karting con Kovalainen (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 01, 2010, 11:19:51 pm
Que simpático!! (

El bebíé es la niña de Jukka!
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Octubre 03, 2010, 08:56:58 pm
Grande Marco! aunq despuíés de ver el siguiente video me han entrado dudas... :016:

Marco cantando Bad Romance de Lady Gaga
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 16, 2010, 10:06:19 pm
Jukka ha actualizado el diario que llevan por facebook para informarnos de que ya han empezado las grabaciones de la baterí­a:

Drum recordings - The Beginning!

After spending an intensive summer camp on Finnish countryside and putting a final touch to the demo, we started recording the drums for our next album. We gathered together yesterday and set up the drums and all the recording devices. Today was mostly spent just perfecting the sounds. Just like with our last album we got some back-up from Mr. Kai Hahto (Swallow The Sun & Wintersun), who is known to be able to conjure godly sounds by tuning the drums. The legendary duet of Mikko Karmila and TeeCee Kinnunen are taking care of the engineering again. Tonight ended with a complete take of the first song, so the recording session has now officially started! Jihaa! Cheers, Jukka


Despuíés de un campamento intensivo en la campiña finesa y de darle el toque final a la demo, comenzamos a grabar las baterí­as para nuestro próximo album. Ayer nos reunimos todos e instalamos las baterí­as y todo el equipo de grabación. Hoy pasamos la mayor parte del tiempo perfeccionando los sonidos. Igual que con nuestro anterior album contamos con la ayuda de Mr. Kai Hahto (Swallow The Sun & Wintersun), quien es conocido por ser capaz de conjurar sonidos divinos afinando las baterí­as. El legendario duo Mikko Karmila y TeeCee Kinnunen se están ocupando de la ingenierí­a otra vez. Esta noche acabó con una toma completa de la primera canción, así­ que las sesiones de grabación han comenzado oficialmente ahora! Jihaa!


Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 19, 2010, 11:33:39 pm
All the drum tracks are recorded!

I usually find recording sessions stressful and just want to have them done as fast as possible, but this time it was all different. The whole session was extremely relaxed and we didn't hurry at all. We took the time to try some different approaches to some of the songs and didn't make any compromises. As one of the pictures shows, Tuomas literally whipped the very best out of me. But I'm sure he did it with love... Songs have again a massive variety and mood changes from lunatic circus to a hazy jazz club. It was a great challenge to try to get the right touch to each of the songs, but my "humble" opinion is that we nailed it. Today we finished the session by recording witch drum to the starter of the album and by playing brushes to a classy ballad in the spirit of David Lynch. Drums were recorded to ten songs all together and it couldn't have been any better - perfect location, great guys around to work with and some excellent music to be created. Now it's time to raise my glass and say "cheers" to the guys. It's Emppu`s turn to give his contribution to the album and I'm sure you'll hear something of him soon. Yours, Jukka

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 19, 2010, 11:35:03 pm
Anette ya nos ha desvelado el nombre del bebíé, el niño se llama Nemo, y sí­ se llama así­ por la peli de Pixar y porque a Johan le gusta 20000 leguas de viaje submarino, original
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 25, 2010, 11:05:50 pm
Nuevo look

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Octubre 27, 2010, 11:39:00 pm
Fotos de infancia  :023:

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Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 28, 2010, 10:54:07 pm
El look de Anette!

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Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Noviembre 07, 2010, 04:00:36 pm
NIGHTWISH han comenzado un concurso que han denominado "The Escapist Competition".

El ganador tendrá que realizar la creación más original relacionada con NIGHTWISH. Se puede participar tantas veces como se quiera dentro de lo razonable, y los trabajos pueden ser pinturas, poemas, canciones, etc.

El plazo para concursar termina el 21 de noviembre.

Teníéis más información sobre las reglas y los premios aquí­.

NIGHTWISH comenzaron el pasado 15 de octubre oficialmente a grabar su próximo trabajo. El grupo está trabajando con Kai Hahto (SWALLOW THE SUN, WINTERSUN), y los ingenieros Mikko Karmila y TeeCee Kinnunen.

Podíéis encontrar fotos del estudio en este enlace.

NIGHTWISH concluyeron a mediados de septiembre las maquetas para este nuevo álbum. El material podrí­a estar listo para otoño de 2011.

La banda ha compuesto alrededor de 12 temas para el disco.

El grupo estuvo en julio en los estudios The Haunted Mansion en la pequeña villa finesa de Sí¤vi con su ingeniero habitual y co-productor TeeCee Kinnunen. El 15 de octubre viajarán a Londres para comenzar la grabación, y contarán de nuevo con la Orquesta Sinfónica de Londres y un coro, además del compositor y multiinstrumentista Troy Donockley.
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Noviembre 07, 2010, 04:51:55 pm
una foto q encontríé por ahí­ perdida

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Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Noviembre 11, 2010, 02:23:18 pm
Hi, gang, it’s been a while. I guess it’s my time to write about what’s going on in the studio.
The summer Rock Camp is now behind us, and we’ve been busy listening to demos. Jukka even managed to complete his drum parts for the album. Right on… There was such a nice vibe at the summer camp that this time I’m going to try a different approach to recording my stuff. Last time it was more like working nine to five, busting my ass in the studio, but this time I took the recording equipment home and will try to maintain that laid-back, jamming feeling I had during the whole summer, when we were rehearsing and demoing the songs with the guys. In a way, I guess I have succeeded -- I have now been laying down rhythm tracks for a week, and as a bonus, I caught a 5,14-kg (11.3 lb) pike J!
Anyway, Tuomas and Mikko Karmila (Koo-Mikko the Comedian) were here a while ago. We messed around with the amps for a day, trying different sounds, and I’ve now completed about half of the rhythm tracks. It’s hard to say whether my job is 30% or 5% done, because if old signs hold true, the guitar parts just keep on increasing. Meaning that just when you’re about to pop open that bottle of champagne, you realize that, damn, this and that part still need something. In other words, having learnt something from previous sessions, I’ll keep the champagne on ice at least for another six months.
That’s about it for the moment. I’ll try to snap a few pics from the session at some point, so later, folks -- rock on!
- Emppu
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Noviembre 11, 2010, 07:17:22 pm
NIGHTWISH singer Anette Olzon has revealed via her official blog that she is "in the process of signing with a record label" for her upcoming solo album, which she hopes to release in May 2011.

Olzon worked on material for her solo CD last year with Swedish producers Stefan í–rn and Johan Glí¶ssner. The album was slated to be co-produced by Swedish producer/songwriter Anders Bagge, who has previously worked with MADONNA, CELINE DION, JANET JACKSON and JESSICA SIMPSON, among others. He is also one of judges on the Swedish TV talent competition "Idol" and a producer of the TV series "Made in Sweden".

Olzon last year hired a personal manager — the Swedish management company Hagenburg Management, which also represents EUROPE and THE CARDIGANS.

On July 30, Olzon gave birth to her second child (and first with her current boyfriend, bassist Johan Husgafvel of the Swedish metal band PAIN). He was 52 centimeters tall and he weighed in at 3930 grams. Olzon, 39, also has a nine-year-old son, Seth, with her now-ex-husband.

NIGHTWISH entered the studio late last month to begin recording the follow-up to 2007's "Dark Passion Play". Regarding the musical direction of the forthcoming album, Anette wrote on her official blog, "I think it's a great and varied CD. The feelings in it are great and there are a lot of elements in it, so I am sure it will have many different favorite songs for the listeners since the songs are so different in styles and sound. 'Dark Passion Play' is a great album and this one, too, so I don't know yet which one I like more, but, of course, for me personally, this one feels better to do since the songs are more adjusted to my voice and my style."

The pre-production sessions for the new NIGHTWISH CD took place in "the deepest countryside of Finland," where most of the band spent several weeks finalizing the song arrangements and recording their instrumental parts.

NIGHTWISH played a special homecoming show in September 2009 at the sold-out, 11,000-capacity Hartwall Arena in Helsinki to mark the end of the band's colossal "Dark Passion Play" two-year world tour.

NIGHTWISH is not expected to play any more concerts until the release of the band's next studio album.
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Noviembre 11, 2010, 07:27:33 pm
Vocalist Anette Olzon has issued the following blog update:

"I thought I'd start the day with answering some more questions:

Q: What are your impressions about the incoming CD? Do you like it best to DPP?

A: "I think it's a great and varied CD. The feeling in it are great and there are a lot of elements in it so I am sure it will have many different favourite songs for the listeners since the songs are so different in styles and sound. DPP is a great album and this one too, so I dont know yet which one I like more, but of course for me personally, this one feels better to do since the songs are more adjusted to my voice and my style."

Q: What is your favourite outfit you wore?

A: "There have been so many I love but one of my favourite ones are the white dress from the last Paris gig from Designers remix collection. It's pure and beautiful."

Q: What was the best gig you did? In which country?

A: "It's a hard questions cause there has been many gigs that have been feeling really good on tour. To name some: the last show in Hartwall, the last gig in London, the gig in Savonlinna, Metaltown in Sweden and the very first show in Copenhagen because all my family and loved friends were there."

Q: What would be the perfect present for you for Christmas?

A: "Peace in life and lots of love from the ones I love."

Q: What are your favourite movies/series?

A: "I love vampire movies and series so Vampire Diaries and True Blood are great. I like to laugh so Two And A Half Men are super! Desperate Housewives, House and Top Model are also favourites."

Q: Few days ago i found a photo on the internet of you with TARJA TURUNEN: have you ever met her or this photo is a false one?

A: No, I have never met her so any kinda photos are fake."

According to a recent update from Nightwish drummer Jukka Nevalainen, the songs on the new album "have again a massive variety and mood changes from lunatic circus to a hazy jazz club."

Dark Passion Play has sold over two million copies since its release, being Nightwish's most successful album to date. The album topped the charts in no less than six countries.

Watch for updates on the progress.
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 18, 2010, 11:38:49 pm
Nightwish's new album is born in the peace of nature

A million copies sold Dark Passion Play received its final form in the village of Jí¤í¤vi in the Tampere region. The guidelines of the next Nightwish album, to be released at earliest a year from now, were set in Kitee - and in Australia.

Tuomas Holopainen sits by a sparking camp fire. On a adjacent grilling underlay, a varied set of both meat and vegetables waits for its turn. At the same time, the Sun is sinking beneath the horizon and just a few meters away the darkening waters of í„tí¤skí¶jí¤rvi bathe in dozens various colours of the Autumn for only a bit longer. The view is outsandingly beautiful - right now it's not weird at all that Nightwish decided to hold their 8-week summer camp right here in this North-Carelian landscape.

- At first the only concern I had was that I might leave the camp too often during the evening - after all, this place is close to my own home. The concern was disturbing, because the point of this summer camp was to separate us completely from the everyday life and concentrate for the next two months only on the next Nightwish album, says cheerful Tuomas and sneers:

- In the end, my concern was quite unnecessary. I've slept only one night at home during the past 8 weeks. So the concentration has succeeded pretty much perfectly. And that's good, because we're building quite an entity.

It's the second Saturday of September. We're about 20 kilometers from the centre of Kitee. The distance is roughly the same to Tuomas's home. The campsite is at Kiteen Karhu-Pojat ry owned camp center Rí¶skí¶, which spreads around the camp filling three and a half hectares. There are 13 separate buildings. There's the main building with its kitchens and several habitations of varying size and quality, and small private cabins have housed the Nightwish musicians for the past weeks.

- The abundance of accommodation wasn't a problem. Since we have spent so much time here, we naturally needed to have enough space for example for the families of the band members.

Rí¶skí¶ has been built for the last 60 years mostly by local voluntary work, and the site has been the location of very various camps, among others. The Nightwish members from Kitee have experienced Rí¶skí¶ several times during earlier years.

- I went to the confirmation school here, as well as Jukka and Emppu. There's the camp church right on the Rí¶skí¶ mountain - and right by it there's a big fissure, which is, according to an old tale, mark of a lightning sent by the devil. So, there are various tones to this area, says Tuomas while beckoning towards a nearby hill.

- Yeah, we started thinking a while ago where to find a good camp site for training new album material. At some point I remembered Rí¶skí¶. That it's a gorgeous place, and not far away either.

Tuomas had few doubts before going on a scouting trip.

- I wasn't sure fi the Karhu-Pojat dare or even want to rent such a wonderful place to a band. Or that if a heavy band fits in their image. In the Summer of 2009 I told them what I had in mind and they said yes immediately. On the other hand, this is very easy the Karhu-Pojat: they have a very reliable tenant for 8 weeks.

There were huge storms in the Eastern Finland in the late Summer, but Rí¶skí¶ was spared from the strongest winds.

- It was quite fierce here too. The storm raged about 10 kilometers from here, and it snapped a lot of trees there. It looked quite formidable in Simpele, too. It looked like a giant army would've stormed through the area.

Long camping isn't obviously really new to Nightwish, as you could've read already from Soundi 08/2006. Back then, in the summer of 2006, Nightwish retired for a few weeks to the Sí¤vi camp center in Suodenniemi, to practice and arrange the material of Dark Passion Play, later released in September 2007.

- The idea of renting Rí¶skí¶ was naturally kind of conceived from the experience we had in Sí¤vi. It was awesome there and the band was knitted together like never before, after some very rough stages. But surely the Sí¤vi memories have been gilded by the years - we didn't even have a singer back then, hems Tuomas and continues:

- Anyhow, we decided already back in Sí¤vi to masquerade the working and arranging of Dark Passion Play's follower as a long summer camp. And it's easy to say now that we'll be doing this in the future too. I hope we'll find a great and most importantly peaceful place when we'll need it.

Yeah, basically anyone could've come to Rí¶skí¶ by a car or by a boat, regardless of the "private event" signs. But the peace has remained?

- Yes. We haven't seen unknown vehicles, except for two occasions. The locals have surely known who has rented the camp center, but in the Finnish tradtion we've been left alone.

But since we're speaking of Kitee, a lot of friends have passed by.

- It's been an awesome Summer, water temperature +31, wonderful surroundings... Let's say that I've been returning empty bottles to the store quite a few times, laughs Tuomas.

In the end of August Rí¶skí¶ was visited by Formula 1 driver Heikki Kovalainen and Apulanta mainman Toni Wirtanen. With world-famous consequences.

- It got completely out of hand. The guys came for a visit and strayed to the training room in the evening. Heikki announced he has some drumming skills and we instantly decided to form a new line-up. We distributed rest of the instruments, and as a result, we had a band called The Myí¶tí¤hí¤peí¤. Our versions of songs "Sukset" and "For Whom the Bell Tolls" are quite the hits already. Next we'll do a ballad like "Nothing Else Matters" or "Wind of Change", and next thing we'll know we'll be touring, Tuomas laughs.

Speaking of other bands, Tuomas presented the ideas ordered from him also at the demo sessions of the next Kotiteollisuus album, to be released early next year.

- I'm sincere when I say this: Kotiteollisuus is about to release a very fresh-sounding album. The band has taken a completely new approach to things, believe or not. And they've been preparing the album with special care - Hynynen had even written all the lyrics beforehand.

But let's forget the other bands after all. Tonight, Saturday 11th of September, it's a small occasion for Nightwish. The reason for that is rather good - just a few hours before singer Anette Olzon finished her parts of the demo version of the next Nightwish album. She was the last of the quintet to deliver her parts. In other words, all the instrument tracks and vocal parts that were planned for the demo have been recorded on hard disk.

- We arrived to Rí¶skí¶ in mid-July. After a few days of probing we started working and processed the new songs with a good intensity... Everything we had planned was recorded, even though the melancholy of atmospheric heavy metal was occasionally at trial, when we worked hard in the sauna-like heat of the training place, Tuomas sneers.

- We realized quite quickly that it's no use trying to force the work. The main idea of the camp was, of course, to finish my demo songs with the other members, but another idea was to raise the spirits in the band after a long break. The mood we achieved here will surely be heard on the final product as well.

Many fans wondered the summer camp diary of the Nightwish website, that have they even touched an instrument, when there were blog photos only about fishing and waterskiing.

- Naturally we've had a plenty of free time, because we also live here. Try it yourself; when you play for 6 hours in tropical indoors you find waterskiing very appealing. Or going to a Kitee Pallo match. Or virtual hockey, to which I've fallen completely. Forming your own team and thinking about all the tactics really captures you. It's twice as addicting as smoking.

Spring and Summer 2010 of Nightwish went along the same lines as the times preceding recording of Dark Passion Play. The preparations for the summer camp were started well in the spring, after Tuomas recorded rough home demos of all new 12 songs. Next, the song billets were sent to the other musicians for evaluation.

- In principle. the songs were quite ready already in the Spring, when I presented the ideas to the others for the first time. For example the tempos didn't change during the summer training, but some song structures underwent slight changes. We also worked the arrangements to be smoother, adjusted the vocal melodies and so on. It's pretty much what we did the last time, Tuomas nods.

What's also familiar from the Dark Passion Play era is that there's one song from Marco among your compositions.

- True. Marco's song joined in half-way through our last tour. He was playing a nice melody with acoustic guitar and I encouraged myself to ask if it's going to for Tarot. It wasn't, so it came for Nightwish.

- Still, there are some differences in the process of working, in comparison with the previous album. This time I had in advance even a clearer view of both the separate songs and the whole album. The song order and everything, Tuomas stresses.

- By the way, people occasionally ask why you make such a perfected and thorough demo. There are many reasons for that. For example, we don't need to do that during the actual studio session. In addition, Pip Williams (the orchestra/choir arranger) needs to have a perfect idea of what kind of things the album is going to have. Otherwise his job work will be crucially harder. It's the same thing with the multi-instrumentalist Troy Donockley, who was in with the previous album too. He has even a bigger role reserved for him on the album, and one of the songs is even written for his contribution. So the old gang is back together again!

Certainly there's an elementary difference between the Sí¤vi and Rí¶skí¶ camp sessions - a difference called Anette Alzon. In the Summer of 2006 the Nightwish group was living a time of great dubiety, regardless of plentiful material, since the band was still looking for a new singer to replace the fired Tarja Turunen. So Tuomas had to work the Dark Passion Play material without knowing the sound or the range of the vocalist who'd be going to sing them. This time the situation was different already from the starting points.

- You can write music without a singer, but of course the present situation is much more pleasant. Now I knew from the start the range and talent of the lead vocalist, and what she is best at. Every vocalist has their own manners and weaknesses, and knowing them makes the job easier for everyone. The letter A is easy to sing with a high note, but for example the letter I is a lot more challenging. You might not realize to think about this kind of stuff as a songwriter.

- Lucklily the demo singing sessions went extremely well. Both singers had really done their homework. There was nothing in the songs that I would've needed to fix for excessive hardness or problematic pitch. However, we do have two excellent singers, and I don't really need to think about the mentioned restrictions that much. Anette and Marco can carry out almost any idea. And that is of course extremely soothing for me.

But are you ever nervous to present the vocal melodies to the experienced vocalists of the band? The question makes Tuomas laugh.

- Yeah, usually I have croaked the tentative vocal melodies and... Well, it's been clear enough for them. But these kind of situations don't make me nervous anymore, I've known Marko for years and Anette's been in the business already for an album and a world tour.

- Actually, lately the presenting of the singing stuff has gone to that I play the demo vocal melodies with piano sound and give the lyrics to the vocalists. After that they realize what I've been after. So we've formed a very fruitful symbiosis between us - I recognize the vocalists' talents and they can interpret my piano melodies.

How strong emotions do the fully complete, sung vocal melodies usually raise in you?

- It indeed is so that the song truly blossoms only after the vocal performances. The instrumental version is what it is, but only the human voice bringing life to the text brings the final feelings.

How's the vocalist proportion on the next album?

- I think the parts of both vocalists are pretty much how they were in Dark Passion Play. Maybe 73 and 27 in percentage? Or 67 and 33?

Darkness has fallen over North Carelia a good while ago. The time has come to familiarize with the new Nightwish demos. A lit walking path leads from the Rí¶skí¶'s roofed camp site to the reddish building couple of hundred meters away. The bottom floor has the sweat room/training area, while the upper floor floor has the demo singing studio of the vocalists. Very homespun, not pretentious.

The trusted long-time recorder and technician of the band, Tero "TeeCee" Kinnunen is still working on the Nightwish demos, moving files from one place to another and doing some light demo mixes on the fly. However, soon the MacBook spits out material at a volume which allows nearby bears and wolves to hear new Nightwish.

A few circumstances are made clear very soon. As Tuomas already stressed, they've been doing a lot more than waterskiing: a sound this massive isn't born on its own. Another thing I quickly picked is the diversity of the material. In addition to shorter songs in style of "Bye Bye Beautiful" and "Dark Chest of Wonders", there are meandering compositions. This isn't really a new thing, since the previous album had 7-minute works like "7 Days to the Wolves" and "Meadows of Heaven", not to mention the epics on Once, "Ghost Love Score" and "Creek Mary's Blood".

- This time we're clocking new numbers because the last song is about 20 minutes long. On the other hand, the album will have couple of songs which are under 4 minutes long... But the material and sound of this band has grown bigger and more dimensional phase by phase. To me, the Nightwish discography shows itself as a kind of continuum, and yet again it's time to open a whole new page, Tuomas describes and continues after a while:

- It's a new page also in that sense, that this time the album tells a coherent story. Now I had a very strong idea about what I want to say with the album, since the very beginning. This carried the song material to a direction that's even more diverse than before. There's ghost atmosphere, night club atmosphere, deranged fairy tale characters. Definitely some things will bring divided reactions, but that's how it must be. There's no point in fearing ideas, that's how you go wrong.

The discussion continues for a good while. There's talk is about how precisely Nightwish is going to plan their future tour schedules ("Dark Passion Play world tour was quite rough for the band members with families..."), there's talk about Rí¶skí¶ camp fox, there's talk about the orchestra and choir recordings of the future album ("in mid-February we go to London, we'll have the same orchestra and choir as the last time, with few additions").

And at some point Tuomas says few sentences which seem to in some way encapsulate Nightwish's whole career this far, and the fantasy world created by the band.

- Much of the band stuff is that you play together and play concerts and drink booze and give the fans experiences. But maybe the outsiders don't always understand that artists also have a need to do something meaningful. I mean really meaningful. You want to do something which really touches people and even makes the world a better place.

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 27, 2010, 11:04:50 pm
Emppu ya terminó de grabar!!!

And an album update:
Just heard from Emppu that he has recorded his rhytm guitars so now it´s time for Marco to start recording. Great, on we go!

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Diciembre 23, 2010, 02:04:14 pm
Nightwish nuevos proyectos para el 2011 / Anette escucha Evanescence  :80:

En la página oficial de Nightwish el integrante Tuomas Holopainen ha escrito un comunicado en el que nos dice lo que le dejo el 2010 y que le trae el 2011 a la banda, nos cuenta que este año fue bastante fructí­fero, desde escribir nuevas canciones para el álbum hasta la grabación de las guitarras y el bajo de su próximo álbum, además nos dice que en el 2011 se estarán revelando todos los detalles del nuevo disco, samples, video-reportes, y mucho más, tambiíén le da la bienvenida a los nuevo integrantes de la familia como lo son: la hija de Jukka, Lara, y el hijo de Anette, Nemo. Y termina deseándoles a todos un inspirador año nuevo.

Por otro lado recientemente la vocalista de la banda Anette Olzon escribió una nueva entrada en su blog llamada "White christmas" en español "Blanca Navidad" en la que al final nos dice que va a escuchar un poco de buena musical y nos deja con un video de Within Temptation y el video de "Going Under" de Evanescence...
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 25, 2010, 11:03:01 pm
Tuomas cumple hoy 34 años!!!
FELICIDADES!!!! :011: :011: :011: :011: :011:
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 26, 2010, 10:42:32 pm
El año está llegando a su fin y todos estamos preparados para un viaje infernal en montaña rusa para 2011!

Este año pasado ha sido un año muy fructí­fero, desde escribir canciones para el próximo disco, ensayarlas en el memorable campanento de verano en Rí¶skí¶, grabar la demo, grabar el disco actual (se han grabado la baterí­a, guitarras y bajos) y la planificación del próximo año. El verano tambiíén fue bendecido con el nacimiento de dos nuevos miembros de la familia Nightwish, Lara, la hija de Jukka ('Julius' Nevalainen, baterí­a) y Nemo, el hijo de Anette (Olzon, voz). ¡El verano más inolvidable y maravilloso!.

A finales de Enero del 2011 desvelaremos los planes futuros de la banda y algunos deseos. Espero que todos estíéis contentos, ¡tanto como nosotros lo estamos con vosotros!

¡Deseo a todo el mundo una Navidad tranquila y llena de magia y un inspirador año 2011!


Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 02, 2011, 11:14:20 pm
Update from the studio

Emppu is nearly done with his guitar recordings, having done 4 comp tracks to all the songs plus half of all the leads. (The solos and acoustics are best left to record AFTER the orchestral and choir sessions). Marco is also finished with his bass recordings so now we basically just wait for Pip and Tuomas to get the orchestral arrangements sorted out for the London sessions in February.
It`s coming together, slowly but surely, going into such monumental and uncharted spheres that it`s hard to keep our pantyhoses on. Stay tuned!

Written by Nightwish on December 29, 2010

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 05, 2011, 04:01:19 pm
Good evening ladies and not so gentle men!

de Nightwish, el miíércoles, 05 de enero de 2011 a las 10:38

Good evening ladies and not so gentle men!

At the moment I have most of the bass tracks for the new album recorded. I started already a few weeks back, but I´ve been taking my time with the recordings. It´s the luxury of having your own equipment and a former job as studio engineer. For now, I´ve been taking it pretty easy for the last two weeks. The holiday season and all that goes with it, you
Right now I´m collecting my inner plutonium for the critical mass again. I always do that before recording something. After all we´re not a pop band, and these songs need some really serious explosives. Too bad you can´t here them yet... I just had to twist  he knife here. I´m a sadist also. The songs are really good by the way...
 Of course we all would like to see this project finished, released and out for all the world to hear. The success we´ve been blessed or cursed with is demanding in it´s own ways. Everything has to be planned in long term. All the parts of releasing albums, videos and tours have to match carefully when you get to this stage of things. And so we all get fed up with the waiting. Try to be patient and we´ll do our best to reward you later on. And so we come to this: I hope you all had a nice holiday time. Also all of those people who don´t really care about that stuff. It´s a new year
2011. Let´s make it a good one! Always with respect!


Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 06, 2011, 11:09:50 pm
Anette ha grabado u nuevo tema junto con Niclas (su ex-compañero de Alyson Avenue)
Es en memoria de una amiga!! (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 14, 2011, 11:32:39 pm
Marco cumple hoy 45 años!!!!
FELICIDADES!!! :011: :011: :011
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 01, 2011, 11:38:23 pm
01.02.2011 - A very precious start of the year to everybody!

In the excitement of Yuletide magic I wrote there would be secrets revealed at the end of January. There are big things happening within and around the Nightwish camp but the Big Boys and Bosses just sent me an ultimatum to keep my mouth shut for a couple more months, or I would wake up with a horse`s head in my bed.

I truly am very sorry about needing to keep future plans and sights still in secrecy. The purpose is not to annoy anybody or cause a carefully planned hype over the matter. Due to the changes in the schedule things will be revealed later during the spring.

The recordings continue, I`m off to E-Major Studios next weekend to put together all the files for the orchestral and choir sessions in London. I`m in daily contact with Mr. Pip Williams, going over the arrangements and new ideas for the songs. The demos he has sent me sound simply otherworldly! Beautiful, twisted, tribal and cinematic stuff. And with a theme album coming up, the mood changes seem to be more present than ever before.
Yup, it still is the Burton-Gaiman-Dali - amusement park we are about to enter.

More coming up once the mobsters grant me permission,

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 10, 2011, 06:32:16 pm
Todos los que tengáis a NW en facebook veríéis que ayer pusieron un commet en el que sólo poní­a "Imagine" y no nos contaban nada más pero hoy por fin nos lo han dicho!!!

Texto traducido por Karlos

Durante la grabación del nuevo álbum, Nightwish han estado preparando una pelí­cula. Imaginarium es una pelí­cula de música y fantasí­a basada en el próximo disco de Nightwish, que llevará el mismo tí­tulo y que contendrá 13 canciones. El protagonista de la pelí­cula es un compositor de música con una imaginación supernatural. Se trata de un hombre mayor que cree que aun es un chico joven. Mientras duerme viaja a su pasado, donde sus los sueños que tiene de mayor vulven a íél mezclados con el mundo de música y fantasí­a del chico joven.

En sus sueños, el hombre intenta descubrir los recuerdos más importante spara íél.

Este proyecto nunca antes realizado nació hace más de dos años cuando Tuomas presentó su idea del ambicioso proyecto Imaginarium al resto de la banda y a Mr. Stobe Harju, el director del video de The Islander. í‰l será el director de esta pelí­cula. Le pelí­cula será producida por Solar Films Inc y Nightwish. El rodaje de Imaginarium comezará esta primavera, y se estrenará en 2012. El disco en el que está basada la pelí­cula se publicará en algún momento indefinido.

Nightwish darán una rueda de prensa sobre este proyecto a finales de febrero.

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 17, 2011, 10:31:18 pm
Entrevista a Tuomas!!

Part 1

Question (missed by video record delay)

Since you described yourself a "Barks fanatic", which one of his Donald Duck stories is your favourite and why?

(Video delay missed off him thinking and trying to decide and asking me if I know the English name of the one he’s describing)

Tuomas:  The one where they go camping, in Finnish it’s called “Camp Life” A huge forest fire comes and they dig into the ground, no?

Carol: No, I’ll be able to find out

Tuomas: Camp life, Camping something, I’m ashamed to say I don’t know the English title.

Carol: That’s ok

Tuomas:  It’s not ok, it fucking sucks!

Question: If you could choose any artist in the world to collaborate with, who would that person be?

Tuomas:  hmm any artist? You’re filming this right?  Good I’m in the mood.

Actually I just, 3-4 months ago I met Don Rosa, you know the Disney artist. I had a little chat with him about this project of mine, about writing the theme album about “The life and times of Scrooge McDuck” and I really want that to happen someday, and I’ve kinda started project already. So the answer to this one would be Don Rosa, would be cool to have him do all the artwork and stuff. And he was enthusiastic about the whole thing, but we’ll see.

Question: Out of all the instruments you play, why did you decide to focus on keyboards?

Tuomas: Well that’s the only instrument that I can barely play, if that’s logic enough.

Question: What is your favourite song from each Nightwish album?

Tuomas:  Wow ok. It kinda changes as some songs have a more personal meaning, and so on.  But I’ll try. From Angels Fall first I go with the last song “Lappi” from Oceanborn it would be “Walking in the air” even though it’s not our song. It’s still the best song ever made in the universe. On Wishmaster it’s definitely “Dead Boy’s Poem” on Century Child it’s..trying to remember all the songs… maybe “Bless the Child”. What’s next? Once?

Carol: You’re asking me?

Tuomas: Okay well that would be “Ghost Love Score” then Dark Passion Play, that’s “Poet and the Pendulum”

Question: How did you feel when you went to Disneyland for the first time?

Tuomas: That was the 26th of May 1990

Carol: Okay that’s freaky

Tuomas: Yeah, at about 9am with my Godmother. It was one of those ultimate moments in life, when I think about it now it’s probably the most nostalgic thing in life. I still have this huge photo album made by my Godmother from that trip and I just… out of words. I’ve been Disneyland 4 times and Disneyworld 8 times since. Even though it’s probably the worst rip off place in the world, sure is and I understand many people dislike it so much. It’s heaven for me and it’s my ‘fix’ that I need to get once a year

Question: What's your the best childhood memory/memories?

Tuomas: Well I just.. If I have to mention just one, if would have to be that.

Question: You now use 4 keyboards live, what are the specific uses for each?

Tuomas: Well I actually need 2 ones the 3rd one makes it much easier, and the 4th one is just to show off. That’s the truth, it’s not my idea it’s the keyboard technicians idea that I have 3, to make it more symmetric you have 1 here. And it’s hard as hell to play it like this. But the keyboard technician said “yeah that looks really cool” I try it but whatever.

Question: What equipment, audio interfaces, recording programs, etc, do normally you use when composing?

Tuomas: I just use the piano, acoustic guitar, electric guitar. I never use any computer, no software programmes or anything. So it’s just the keyboard, usually Korg Karma or Oasys and the sequencer inside that keyboard, that I do all the drum beats look like this. Then I quantize them. It’s really sympathetic; at least that’s how the other guys say it. You get the idea of what the songs should sound like.

Question: Why does the Nightingale sing?

Tuomas: I remember this song because my Sister, she’s a parachute jumper and teacher. And I once asked her like 12 years ago, what’s so good about jumping of a plane and flying in the air? What’s the feeling? Why do you do it? Her answer was “why does the Nightingale sing?”  And we have never talked about it since. This is a true story. It really made me think and that’s what the song is about as well.

Question: Are you ever curious what your fans discuss on sites such as ours?

Tuomas: I have to be honest that I really rarely go into the websites of Nightwish and my page as well because, it’s a bit hard to explain, you just feel, I always feel this sensation of ultimate blushing when I go there. And sometimes people talk about such deep things that it doesn’t feel right. There’s nothing wrong with that, I just feel it’s easier that I don’t go there and read it.



But it’s also very flattering seeing people go so deep into the things like lyrcis and music, because it means that they care.

Question: Why did you change the lyrics for the remake of Astral Romance?

Tuomas: Did I?

Carol: Yeah

Tuomas: I did? I can’t remember! Really?

Carol: Yes

Tuomas: Honestly I can’t remember why. Maybe because Tony was doing the singing this time. Honestly I can’t remember I’m sorry.

They made me drink this wine for this interview, so I would be more open up. It’s their fault!

Carol: Lies!

Tuomas: it is

Sarah/Carol: Complete lies!

Tuomas: It’s not a lie.

Question:  Why did you decide to record the instruments for forthcoming Nightwish album at your own home instead of the usual studio?

Tuomas: Well. There is one really big reason for this and that’s called money. With modern technology you can pretty much record wherever you want, you have this mobile studio and mixing goods all that stuff, and we thought that being at home. It’s a really comfy environment and much cheaper so just felt like a good thing to do.

Question: How many languages can you speak?

Tuomas: Finnish and a little bit of English, and some swear words in Swedish.

Question: Since Christmas is a magical period for you, how do you spend your typical Christmas?

Tuomas: Christmas is very special to me, I don’t like the hassle but I really enjoy the magic and mythology of Yuletide. I’ve always enjoyed it, and it’s also a time of magic and family for me so out of the 34 Christmases that I’ve spent in my life, I think about 31 I’ve spent with my family; Mom, Dad, Brother, Sister and their families.  But it’s really important, and some people say that the older you get the less you care about the presents and it’s more about being together and stuff. I really like getting presents, so I think that’s crap. I love getting presents and giving even more! Every Christmas I always take my time you know, really slowly opening packages, I want it to last and last. It’s so good to have presents.

Carol: I was just annoyed that ours arrived late

Tuomas: Yeah it came like 28th/29th something like that

Carol: Yeah I sent it 12th or something, they said it would take 4 days.

Tuomas: didn’t you have a strike or something

Sarah/Carol: Weather

Sarah: We had 2 inches of snow, and the whole country decided to shut down.

Tuomas: 2 inches!

Carol: We look outside, “no it’s white.. we can’t do anything”

Sarah: The trains stopped running which I thought was funny

Tuomas: And I just got it framed

Carol: Oh cool, so you like it?

Tuomas: It’s wonderful, yeah

Carol: We thought what do we get? We looked at this and we were hmm he may already have it, because we know what you’re like.

Tuomas: I didn’t have it

Carol: We thought we would go for it anyway, but that’s good it’s cool.

Tuomas: Thank you once more.

Question: Do you have a preferred scale to compose with?

Tuomas: I really like F# minor for some reason, I have no idea why. That’s my favourite scale.

Question: Have you ever thought about composing a Christmas Themed song?

Tuomas: It has crossed my mind. There’s this one traditional, actually it’s not a Christmas song but it’s called “Tontu” now all the Finnish people know what I’m talking about but you guys don’t have a clue. It’s called The Gnome, which is not actually a Christmas song but it’s always sang on Christmas time and it’s my all-time favourite Yuletide Carol. And for years I’ve been trying to put it on Nightwish mode to make a cover out of it and maybe someday it will happen. Great stuff.

Question: If you could re-write a film soundtrack, what would it be?

Tuomas: Re-write? I don’t want to re-write any soundtrack because they are so good. If I wanted to re-write a soundtrack it would mean I didn’t like the original. So, just wouldn’t make any sense. I’m not sure I understand the question

Carol: Okay, if you could call a soundtrack one of yours, as I could pick that soundtrack as in “I would write that”

Tuomas: Ah okay. “The Village” by James Newton Howard, that’s the ultimate magic when it comes down to music, that soundtrack for me. I dunno how he did it but it’s unbelievable. 70% of that film belongs to the score, James Newton Howard. Just listen to the violin the riffs, it’s unbelievable. My all-time favourite, together with “The Gladiator” by Hans Zimmer. You know it?

Carol: The Gladiator yeah, but I’ve not seen The Village…yet.. Okay don’t give me that look! I have it saved on my hard drive at home, I have it there to watch, I just have not had the time. I promise I’ll go home and watch it and let you know.

Tuomas: Okay you’re excused.

Question: We all know you like rides etc at theme parks, and we all know you have bungee jumped. Would you ever do something really crazy like sky dive?

Tuomas: I saw my Sister hurt so many times with sky diving so; I think I’m a bit scared of that so I probably would not do it. I done bungee jump, I love roller coaster rides, the crazier the better. I’ve done a lot of scuba diving and kind weird stuff; skydiving is something I probably would not do.

Question: What is your favourite instrument to compose for/like the sound of?

Tuomas: It’s the combined sound of piano and strings on my Korg Oasys.

That was a hard this to say.

Question: What is your most beautiful memory related to Nightwish?

Tuomas: Sorry this is impossible as there are so many. I know it’s a clichíé answer but there’s so many. First South American tour, the first Hartwall Arena show, releasing the very first album ..Millions and millions.

I hope the best one is yet to come. No more?

Carol: No

Tuomas: Come on, ask me something!

Carol: I don’t know

Tuomas: This was fun. I’m sorry about my blabbering, it’s really.. I couldn’t help it; they poured it into my mouth.

Carol: yeah yeah!

Sarah: yes, self-poured
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 20, 2011, 05:35:25 pm (

Se graba!!!!
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 20, 2011, 11:18:56 pm
Angel Studios, London

We arrived at Angel Studios in Islington, London in the evening of Valentine´s Day and had a most friendly welcome from studio engineers Steve Price and Mat Bartram. They`d already set up everything for next day`s recordings, which would include 3 three-hour sessions with a 53-piece orchestra, most of the players being familiar faces from the "Once" and "Dark Passion Play" - sessions. Pip (Williams, the orchestral arranger) joined us at the hotel and we were all excited and ready for a week of long days and for witnessing some superb musicianship.

A heartwarming feeling of reunion and nostalgia filled the air when we met the session musicians on Tuesday morning. We started off with "Goat`s Liver" (working title...probably), followed by a couple of more epic pieces and all the rest that required a large orchestra. The musicianship of these people never ceases to amaze me. They`ve never heard the songs before, they haven`t had any rehearsals, and still they nail all the songs, even those in the hardest imaginable key, after just one or two run-throughs. Their prima vista - playing is something out of a science fiction story... Respect.

Mr. Thomas Bowes did a fantastic job as our orchestra leader, Mr. James Shearman was a most superb conductor, and once again, Pip topped himself with the arrangements. We had put much more effort and thought into them than on the previous two albums, too.
On Wednesday we continued with the orchestral recordings, last of the day`s sessions being with a 20-piece string / harp - section. Some new working titles were also born, such as "The Birdie Song", "Teriyaki" and "Haunted Mansion Ride".

Thursday was the day for percussion and ethnic drums. This time we decided to record all the rhythmic instruments separately from the orchestra to make it easier for the mixing process. Because some of the sounds the percussionists came up with would literally blow your eardrums off.

The highlight of the day was when we let loose Mr. Paul Clarvis & Mr. Stephen Henderson with their ethnic percussion arsenal. Paul`s 350-year-old taiko-drum really did the trick for me, as did the 5-foot hammer and a dustbin. We put all this into a one 3-minute instrumental, and the result is breathtaking and madly passionate.

Friday was booked for choirs. Again that sensation of nostalgia when The Metro Voices entered the building. We had 13 titles to sing and they did it in less than seven hours, prima vista. Utterly gorgeous stuff!

A childrens` choir is something we haven`t tried on a Nightwish album before and its turn was on Saturday morning. The Young Musicians London, led by the wonderful Mary Poppins - like Lynda Richardson were simply heartbreaking. These kids have immense talent, they are future superstar musicians and we are proud to have them on our album. Their sound was beautiful, innocent and in parts very, very scary. And that`s exactly what we were after.

During the evening we had two more guest musicians, Mr. Dermot Crehan (of The Lord Of The Rings - fame) with his hardanger fiddle and Mr. Dirk Campbell with his zurna. Both performances were stunning and added a nice little ancient touch to two of the songs.

Our most humble thanks to all the session musicians, the Angel Studios staff, Pip, James, Thomas, Lynda, Dick the music copyist and Jenny the choir mistress. It was a huge honor to work with you all and to have such talent and spirit captured on "Imaginarium"!

We miss you all dearly already and try to be faster with the next album.


Tuomas, Hilton Islington 20.2.2011


Fotos (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 23, 2011, 11:20:45 pm
Entevista a Tuomas

Holed up in the studio for the better part of this spring, Nightwish are not only putting finishing touches to their new album Imaginarium, but also planning a movie of the same name. If all goes well, the album is scheduled to be released early in 2012, followed by the movie after an indefinite time. The first single off the album as well as the trailer for the movie should appear well before the end of the 2011.

For the movie, Nightwish have teamed up with director Stober Harju's production team and Solar Films.

How did you come up with the concept for Imaginarium?
- After completing the last album, I realized that we can't necessarily top Dark Passion Play in terms of bombast and dynamics. I could simply see the end of a certain path looming in the horizon and started thinking about new challenges. At some point I had a revelation: is there a reason why Nighwish should be just an aural experience? Why shouldn't we broaden our horizons? I got the idea of a concept album and thought that we could shoot a video for each song that would all tie together and comprise a story. I wanted to create a complex whole that would be something new compared to the movie projects of, say, Pink Floyd, Kiss, Lordi et cetera.

The project was started two and a half years ago, in early autumn 2008.
- I had met director Stobe Harju during the production of "The Islander" video and knew that we were on the same wavelength what comes to crazy fantasy stuff. I told Stobe about my idea, and he said instantly: "Tuomas, you're crazy as a loon, but the idea's amazing -- let's start pre-production!"

- So basically I came up with the concept: I had a vision that we'd shoot thirteen music videos that would all tie together. Then Stobe suggested we'd have dialogue, too, although I had thought that music and videos would carry the story. Stobe assured, however, that the combination of music, imagery and dialogue would give us the best results, and now that I look at the script, I realize that he was right. The pre-production has gone amazingly well, because all my main ideas, like the roller coaster ride in one song, fit Stobe's story seamlessly. Basically I gave Stobe thirteen pearls, and he crafted a whole pearl necklace out of them.

The final script is still being written, but what can you reveal about the plot at the moment?
- An old composer on his deathbed returns to his childhood. Old memories slowly return, mingled with the small boy's world of fantasy and music. This is the main concept that we can reveal at the moment. I wanted to convey a positive message and a sense of carpe diem. The movie is about the joy of being alive and the beauty of the world.

The first advertisement poster gives hints about the visuals of Imaginarium. What else do you want to share with us at this point?
- We're visualizing something that's a cross between the surreal worlds of Tim Burton, Neil Gaiman, and Salvador Dali, but we try to not make it too artsy. Of course I've seen a thick pile of reference art, and it looks absolutely great.

Have you already done the casting? Can we expect to see any band members in the movie?
- We're just about to start casting, but it's mostly going to be done by Stobe and Solar Films. Personally, I'd like to see unknown actors, who haven't been type-casted yet. Obviously it would be good if they were native English speakers, too, because "rally English" really doesn't fit the tone of the movie.

- Nightwish basically appear as themselves, as we're probably going to be seen playing two or three songs in the movie. There are also some support parts and dialogue written for us, but obviously you won't see us in the main roles. The running time will be about 80 minutes, maybe even a bit more.

Has it been challenging to get the funding for the movie?
- "Challenging" is an understatement. You have to remember that a movie like this costs seven figures. Nevertheless, I was not ready to give up at any point, because the idea of releasing just an audio album would have felt like a let-down. The band is strongly involved in the production, and therefore we're also taking a big financial risk ourselves. It's obviously great that we got an excellent company like Solar Films as a partner.

- Despite all the talk about the movie, it's of utmost importance to remember that Imaginarium is also the new Nightwish album, a stand-alone musical work. What's probably interesting for the listeners is that the music on the album and in the movie will differ a bit — in the movie, some intros are edited out, some choruses don't have vocals, and so forth. In the movie, the music obviously has to accommodate the story and the drama.

What kind of role do the lyrics of the songs play in the story?
- It was interesting to write the lyrics, because they also have to work on their own without the movie. That's why you won't hear the names of the characters in the lyrics, for example. The individual themes are pretty universal, yet they tie into each other without actually telling a linear story. But don't worry, everything will be made clear in time.

How do you plan to release these things?
- If everything goes smoothly, we plan to release the album in early 2012, followed by the movie when it's ready. It's going to be on DVD at least, but hopefully we'll also get a theatrical release. And of course Imaginarium will later be available as a double pack with both the album and the movie.

If Dark Passion Play saw the end of one path, what on earth can you do after Imaginarium?
- I guess we have to incorporate smells and other sensations...

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 23, 2011, 11:22:53 pm
El director Stobe Hairju

Renowned for his work in the Alan Wake video game and as a director of several music videos, Stobe Harju met the Nightwish guys and management during "The Islander" video shoot. The successful project eventually gave birth to a feature-length movie called Imaginarium.

How did the Imaginarium project start?
- Tuomas called me late in the summer of 2008 and was like, "Hi, Stobe, do you have time to talk about a couple of music videos? Actually, we're going to shoot a video for each song on the next album." I immediately thought that the poor guy has lost it.

- We then had a meeting where I got to hear the song titles and Tuomas' initial vision for each song. Like, "this song could have a roller coaster in it", and so forth. Fortunately our visions were very similar, so it was surprisingly easy to start forging a longer and more detailed story based on Tuomas' original ideas. During the following months, I wrote about 70 pages with pictures and everything, and it was the first version of the larger story that contained each one of Tuomas' original ideas.

- Tuomas read the story, congratulated me that it was exactly how he had envisioned it, so we continued to develop the script. After about six months I had refined the story in my mind to the point that I needed to ask Tuomas what he would think about my new idea: why should we split the story into separate music videos? Why not make a movie, because the stories fit together so good? And that's what we decided to do. I've got to admit that it has felt weird and even crazy at times, because nobody has done something like this before. But basically the vibe has been great, because this project is as interesting as it gets.

Imaginarium is really the first of its kind, but could you give some comparisons?
At gunpoint I could describe it as a cross between Moulin Rouge and Pink Floyd's The Wall, but basically the movie is something unique. Imaginarium is pure fantasy and also pretty much encompasses everything that Nightwish stand for. Personally, I think that Imaginarium is the visual representation of the things they want to portray in their music, so in other words, the idea is to make the movie look as much like Nightwish as possible. This is viable because the album and the movie have been developed together — the movie has not inspired the music or vice versa. It was not like somebody thought that the music is so visual that it would be nice to a movie out of it or anything. We started with the song titles and Tuomas' broad concept and developed it from there. The lyrics and music were inspired by the longer stories that we came up with, and the detailed script was eventually inspired by the songs. The project has progressed one step at a time.

How much can you reveal about Imaginarium and its plot at this point?
- I can obviously tell you some broad outlines. It's not going to be a linear Peter Pan -type of story, there's enough of those already. We wanted to find a fresh angle and a main character and eventually thought about an old man and the story of his life. In the movie, his current life blends with his childhood fantasies, and along the way, we might wonder what our adult life has become after our imagination was stifled. As adults, we no longer remember the time when the snow hill on our backyard was the tallest mountain in the world. The symbolism gets pretty difficult at times, but the music of Nighwish is not easy either! You can interpret Nightwish in a number of ways, and the movie is no different.

How would you describe the visuals in the movie?
- My former work has been compared to e.g. Tim Burton, but this time there's more influences like Salvador Dali in evidence, not to forget a strong Disney vibe. The end result will definitely owe more to the surrealism of Dali than to the crazy, candy-colored world of Tim Burton. There's also going to be a lot of CGI — I originally used to be an animator and love SFX in general, so that kind of stuff comes naturally to me.

- I really have to brag a bit and say that I'd like to see another Finnish movie with such ambitious costume design, set design, post-production and visuals. So in a nutshell: if we manage to realize our visions, it's going to be one helluva ride!

It's also interesting to know that the music in the film differs a bit from the album versions.
- Tuomas has really given me the right to change things, of course within certain limits and with his permission, and the score of the movie will differ a bit from the music on the album. There's also moments during dialogue where instead of Nightwish music you can hear interludes that are probably going to be composed by Petri Alanko. So to sum it up: Tuomas is obviously the executive producer of the music, and he will approve the variations in the songs heard in the movie (compared to the album versions), but there's also going to be some things written by Petri Alanko, of course heavily inspired by the spirit of Nightwish.

- There's also going to be two Nightwish songs heard on the background of the dialogue, so they're used more like a movie score. Obviously the music still carries the story during those moments, although it gives a bit more room to the dialogue.

How tight is your schedule for finishing the movie?
- The album comes out first, sometime in early 2012, but the release of the movie has not been set yet. We really don't have too much time to waste, but we won't want to rush things either, as we want to do everything just right. During the production of Alan Wake, we created 90 minutes of animation in 30 weeks. People first thought that the schedule was impossible, and I've got to admit it was taxing at times. Basically the question is whether you can still produce quality work during 18-hour workdays...

Fortunately we have a good team spirit, an excellent production company, an ingenious producer - Markus Selin - and an awesome band, so currently things look great to say the least!

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 23, 2011, 11:24:37 pm
Markus Selan (productor)

Solar Films producer Markus Selin on Imaginarium.

How did Solar Films start the collaboration with Nightwish to produce Imaginarium?
- King Foo Entertainment and Solar Films have worked together on different projects for years. When Tuomas and Stobe presented the idea for Imaginarium, we instantly decided to go for it.

What were your first thoughts on this project consisting both the new studio album and a movie by a world-class band?
- The whole idea was so "out there", that of course we were interested in the collaboration. And now that we really know what we got and what we're doing, everybody is full of enthusiasm. I don't think there have been any innovations in Rock cinema since Pink Floyd's "The Wall" — and that was 30 years ago!

How far exactly is the project right now (casting, funding, pre-production...)?
- Everything has moved forward at a dizzying pace. We can start shooting this year, and the movie will premiere in 2012. So the schedule is pretty crazy, but in a way, it's good for a project like this. The funding looks real good at the moment, and everything should be settled by the end of April.

What are the biggest challenges with the project?
-The schedule by far. The SFX will probably be quite challenging, too, and obviously there's still a million other things to take care of, but that's always the case before the actual shooting begins.

What kind of a movie do you envision to see sometime next year?
-I expect the movie to become a modern classic. I also believe that the movie and the music will live long into the future.

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 25, 2011, 10:19:31 pm
Entrevista (

Tuomas Holopainen and Stobe Harju got interviewed in Finnish morning tv-show 23.11.2011. Interview is mainly about Imaginarium, upcoming Nightwish album and movie.

In the midst of recording a new album, NIGHTWISH has been preparing a movie. IMAGINARIUM is a music fantasy film based on the forthcoming NIGHTWISH album of the same title and its 13 songs.

The protagonist of the film is a songwriter with an otherworldly imagination. He is an old man who still thinks he's a young boy. While asleep, he travels into his distant past where his dreams of old come back to him mixed to the young boy's world of fantasy and music.

In his dreams the old man fights to find the memories most important to him.

This unprecedented project originated more than two years ago when NIGHTWISH keyboardist and main songwriter Tuomas Holopainen first introduced his ambitious idea of the "Imaginarium" concept to his bandmates and to Stobe Harju, the director of NIGHTWISH's "The Islander" music video. Harju will helm this full-length feature, which will be produced by Solar Films Inc. along with NIGHTWISH.

The "Imaginarium" filming will begin this spring and the movie will have its premiere in 2012.
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 05, 2011, 05:50:05 pm
Anette se ha roto varias costillas tras un caida!!
Así­ que las grabaciones se retrasan!!
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 07, 2011, 12:01:50 am (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 10, 2011, 10:49:02 pm
Anette no empieza a grabar hasta el 4 de abril!!

Today me, Ewo and Tuomas decided that its better if I rest the whole month and get in shape so I can do the vocals super good and have booked my vocal recordings from april 4 instead in another studio in Finland. This is really good cause noone will be happy if the album wont sound perfect. And we dont have any hurry since the album has plenty of time to get mastered and ready still.

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 14, 2011, 04:08:45 pm
Nightwish kick off the Imaginarium World Tour in Los Angeles. The very first show for the IMAGINARIUM WORLD TOUR will take place at the GIBSON AMPHITHEATRE, Universal City, CA, U.S.A, on Saturday the 21st of January 2012.

This will be the biggest NIGHTWISH show production ever on the North American soil and strictly a one-off -- there will be no US tour until later in 2012.

The ticket sales will begin soon.
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 18, 2011, 08:28:31 pm
La maldición de las costillas! (surrealista pero cierto!)

A week or so ago I felt the Curse of the Mummy was cast upon us. The vocal recordings were set to begin on Monday March 7th but Anette fell at her home just a few days before that and broke her rib. Thinking positive, luckily just that, from the sound of it it could`ve been much worse. So now she just needs to rest and heal well before we continue, the new vocal recording date set to the beginning of April. We`ll take our time and do nothing half-way at this point.

So we called Marco to enter the studio for a couple of days before he left for winter holidays with his family. We figured we need to make the best of the booked studio time anyway. The first thing he told me on Tuesday was that he`d slipped on his front porch and hurt his rib, not sure if he`ll be able to sing. At the same time Mikko (Karmila, the recording engineer) was lying in bed, sick to the core.

On Wednesday Marco was still hurting, Anette hadn`t improved at all, Mikko was still sick in bed and Tero (Kinnunen, the other recording engineer) was run over by a horse and a cart (!)

There was 3 more weeks of studio time left and I was alone sipping some Shiraz by the studio`s mixing console trying to come up with a counter - spell to put the poor mummy`s soul to rest.

Now, a week later things are looking much brighter. Marco was actually able to sing a couple of tracks thanks to Mr. Burana, Tero hurt his pride worse than his body, Mikko is back from the dead, and I just heard Anette was able to go outside for the first time in two weeks. Wonderful news! I also got all my keyboard, piano & hammond - parts recorded, we got majority of the soundscapes a`la Mr. Jussi Tegelman put in place and Mikko already started the editing process. So no studio time wasted after all.

Now it`s all about waiting for Anette to get well, getting Marco to record the rest of his vocals, and flying Troy over to record his pipes and show us some of his legendary magic.

In the meanwhile, a beautiful springtime to everyone. I`ll write more soon.


Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 24, 2011, 11:32:19 pm
Petrax Studio, March 2011, part 2

Hello dear people and fans!

I've been here at the studio for a couple of days trying to sing. Amateur that I am seems to get nothing done right. I've been crying and laughing. I've been jumping down from the roof into the snowpiles. The guys have been whipping me on but the only thing left to show the world are the scars on my butt. Mikko shot a very nice picture of them.

To be honest I'm actually almost done. I've been spewing out words and notes like a radiostation. Just one song left, an overall check if I need to fill in some places, and my work is over for now. The mummy's curse Tuomas mentioned seems to have lifted a bit. I sailed under it to Thailand and back and got better. Stand back please, I'm spitting over my shoulder! Trying to hit the undead curselaying old fart of course.

At the moment my responsibilities are writing this report and getting the sauna warm for the evening. So... Is there something else I should tell you about before we get all naked and sweaty? Ah-ha! No more questions! Hold that image!


Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 24, 2011, 11:35:42 pm
Imaginarium update
de Tuomas Holopainen, el jueves, 24 de marzo de 2011 a las 14:18

If you were to witness an unprecedented magic trick that could not be explained rationally, would you want to know how it is done?

A child experiences something new and unique each day. Something that is often impossible for the child to put into words without the guidance or explanation of an adult. Often the explanation has disappointed us. Sometimes it’s better not to know the truth.

If you had the chance to return to your childhood -- just for a split second -- when witnessing a magic trick, would you forfeit that chance and seek for a rational explanation?

Imaginarium is all about such questions. They have been answered by many people who have worked with the album and the movie already in the planning stages. As the final storyboard is being created, the producers, the director, the band, the production designer, the concept artists, and the casting director all work together to perfect their various arts for the movie. Contradictorily, they often have to ask the question: “How can we weave that kind of magic?”

The script has seen many improvements, more than ever before. The truth about movie production is that the script is often polished right until the first day of shooting, sometimes even during the shooting. At the moment, a lot of loose ends are being tied together, and a lot of characters are changed substantively to act as either a negative or a positive force in the story.

The SFX and prop design is underway, as well as the casting for the main roles. Storyboard drawing is interrupted momentarily, as concept art is needed to outline the characters and the environments.

We’ve experimented with arranging the background score with the actual songs off the album, and the best indicator of success is the amount of goose bumps the combination has raised.

These are exciting times, because the decisions being made now largely shape the finished movie. We can only say that we’re already immensely proud of it.

We’ve travelled a long road, but not until the next crossroads can we distinguish a sign “Imaginarium, X miles”

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 11, 2011, 03:24:05 pm
Petrax Studio, March 2011, part III

Time to add the final touches for Imaginarium while waiting for Anette to get well. This means the celtic magic of Mr. Troy Donockley with his pipes & bodhran, the smoking fingers of Mr. Pekka Kuusisto with his violin and some additional percussion & tribal drums.
I picked up Troy at the airport on Saturday night while Jukka and Kai (Hahto) were generating some new percussive ideas and boozing at Petrax. When we returned they had already nailed all tambourines, shaman drums etc. Satisfied with the day`s work we celebrated the Cumbrian - Carelian Dead Poets` reunion by entering the realm of the ultimate alchemic magic potion called Salmari. Jari (Sinkkonen of "Kotiteollisuus") also joined us during the night to do a new tattoo for Jukka.
It took one and a half days for Troy to record his pipes and bodhran. He even ended up doing some singing in one of the songs, which was a killer of a last-minute-idea. This particular tune has grown up to be one of the highlights of the whole album. Saturday evening was filled with the much anticipated Troy`s magic show, sauna & a youtube medley consisting some of our all-time faves like the ultimate tenor fail, cat vs. printer w / translation, Sony releasing a stupid piece of shit that doesn`t work, etc.
Pekka`s violin virtuosity stunned us once again when he joined us on Monday night to play a couple of leads. His hand-written notes make medical doctors` prescriptions look like Rembrandt`s art. A true genius of a musician with a big heart.
A huge thanks and eternal gratitude to all of you fellow imagineers contributing to this album! A special appreciation goes to Tiina & Petri, our studio hosts, caretakers and dear friends at Petrax.
At the moment we are recording Anette`s vocals, 7 songs done so far. She hasn`t quite cured from her broken ribs yet but fortunately it doesn`t affect her singing at all. She`s never sounded better. Time to enter the lair of Mr. Karmila now and start devouring song # 8.
Greetings from the rainiest & grayest Helsinki,
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 14, 2011, 11:22:17 pm
Anette ya ha actualizado su blog diciendo que ha terminado de grabar, que la grabación de Imaginarium está completa y que sólo queda hacer las mezclas
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 16, 2011, 10:55:04 pm
Anette ha escrito en el blog que ha decidido no sacar su disco en solitario. La razón es que el productor que se suponí­a que iba a producir el disco tuvo que decirle que no a Anette por motivos personales. Y cuando le han vuelto a hacer una buena oferta a Anette ya era demasiado tarde (por los preparativos de Imaginarium). Y Anette ha dicho que mientras estíén con la producción y la gira de Nightwish no hará nada de eso. Si en un futuro tiene tiempo y ganas lo sacará. Y tambiíén ha dicho que si en algún momento puede preparar alguna canción entera la publicará.

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 16, 2011, 10:57:05 pm
Anette vende el vestido blanco que lleva en el ví­deo de The Rasmus del tema "October & April". El dinero irá destinado a Japón. (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 21, 2011, 04:32:57 pm
Jukka cumple hoy 33 años!!!!!!
FELICIDADES!!!!! :011: :011: :011: :011: :011: :011: :011:
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 22, 2011, 08:46:19 pm
Anette escribe despues de mucho tiempo en el diario sobre las grabaciones :

Finnvox Studios / Helsinki, April 2011

Last time I wrote a studio diary was back in 2007 after 3 weeks of recording my vocals, hiding out in the deep forests of Finland. No one knew my name as the new singer of Nightwish. Today I read through it for the first time since then, and well, I must say that I recognize a lot and laughed even more while reading it.

Things were naturally a bit different in 2007 compared to today. I went into the studio with a radically different starting position. I am not a secret anymore, I know the songs really well and have already recorded them in a demo session in Rí¶skí¶. The songs were made for my voice and this time I could sing them with much more confidence. This also made my time in the studio much shorter than last time and we all worked really fast and efficient, like a racing team - we all knew our positions ;=)

We started out on Monday and I took a cab from the hotel, knowing that I had visited Finnvox Studios only once before. Then it was for a listening session for Dark Passion Play. What I didn`t remember was that it was far out in a factory area hidden between lots of other grey buildings. This famous studio looks kinda greyish and not so special when you first get closer, but when you get inside and see all the gold records hanging in the hallway, all the photos of famous musicians in the stairs you know this is the place for big things and big recordings. Of course Imaginarium needs to pass through this pit stop, too!

After hugging and having a short brief with Tuomas about practical things with Imaginarium tour and future plans, he took me to "my room" and when I entered I was so surprised! The room looked like my own little "Shangri-la". Lots of candles burning, pink and red carpets and fabrics that were hung to make it comfortable. Candy, teas, coffees, nuts, fashion magazines, a cosy lounging chair, a big framed poster with us all, and lots of other little things to make me feel at home. Teemu, our dear pyro tech had been there to make me feel welcome and get into a nice singing mood. So thanks to Teemu & the guys, my days at Finnvox got even nicer!

We took a great song to start with and even if my rib still gave me some pain my singing worked well. A little bit of tiredness from flying two days in a row, but still the whole day floated well and it was simply a great start for me.

Our goal was to do one song per day but we actually made something like 1,5 per day and were done in 8 days. We started at 10 and ended around 15 or 16 every day. Took shorter breaks but mainly we just worked and worked. I like to be efficient and when I start to sing I get into the mood and then stopping and taking a long break can just make me loose the feeling and cadence. And Imaginarium has a lot of different feelings in it, different ways for me to interpret the songs. Tuomas, Tero and Mikko were there to guide me to sing even better and to create those little things in every song that make it "historical", as Tero always says, haha!

Every time we were about to start recording a song, I first just sat down and listened to the songs with the orchestra, choir, solos and everything else I hadn`t heard yet, and I must say that I got the shivers every time. From recording the demo to getting the whole package with everything added is just a thrill! And I can hear that Pip and Tuomas just get better and better in using the orchestras, different instruments and voices.

After having listened to a song and heard the new things, I went to "my studio", did some warm-ups and then we started with the recordings. We took it in parts and mainly did the verses first. I sang the part over and over for a couple of times until we felt we had it. Then I doubled and tripled the whole thing if we wanted a fuller sound, as we did mainly in the faster songs. Then it varied if we did the harmonies for that specific part directly or if we continued and recorded the lead parts for the whole song before doing the harmonies. It also depended on my mood and how good my voice felt. I got food poisoning one day and threw up for 9 hours straight, affecting some parts of my voice. I was tired and weak so the day after I didn`t feel my high soft voice was perfect and therefore we didn`t take those high harmonies until the next day.

After 8 days of recording all the songs were recorded and all we had left were some harmonies here and there to fix, and then we just jumped from song to song and added what Tuomas felt was missing. Tuomas is great to work with and he is really clear with what he wants in every song. He is so devoted to the album, to getting every little piece perfect and I know he won`t sleep or rest well until the whole album is mixed and mastered and put into a safe somewhere. When I was done, I felt that little "empty" feeling I get when I have completed something. A little bit sad `cause I had so much fun and I just love to sing in the studio, this album being such a thrill for me. So many songs, all of them very different and I just gotta love the challenge. To get more out of my voice than before and to be part of this massive music where all of us, every musician that plays on it, is the key to make it work. To make Imaginarium come alive! And believe me - it will be one hell of a ride for us all;=)

On we go! Next step for me is to do some acting in the movie, but let´s take it one step at a time. Now I´ll enjoy the summer before all that happens! All best to everybody!


Written by Anette on April 22, 2011
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 27, 2011, 11:27:21 pm
Entrevista (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 03, 2011, 04:30:24 pm
Nuevo look!!

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 05, 2011, 11:18:11 pm
Según la web oficial de Nightwish:
"Nightwish: Dark Passion Gallery es un diario fotográfico por el renombrado fotógrafo rock Ville Akseli Juurikkala (HIM, Apocalyptica, The 69 Eyes); una historia de el primer tour mundial de la banda de rock más grande de Finlandia con su nueva cantante, contada en imágenes impresionantes..."

Información adicional en una página especial:
"Tamaño: 210x280 cm
Tapas duras, 200 páginas, ilustrado, a color
En inglíés
Fotografí­as por Ville Akseli Juurikkala
Pie de fotos por los miembros de Nightwish
Prólogo por Tuomas Holopainen
Publicación: 10/2008

Otoño 2007: tras un paríéntesis de casi dos años, la nueva cnatante de Nightwish ha sido elegida, el nuevo album está listo, yun nuevo tour mundial se avecina delante. la presión es inmensa, pero Anette Olzon satisface las expectativas como la nueva front woman, encantando los estadios agotados alrededor del mundo, y elevando a la banda a una clase completamente suya en la historia del Hard Rock finlandíés.

Nightwish: Dark Passion Gallery es un diario fotográfico por el renombrado fotógrafo rock Ville Akseli Juurikkala (HIM, Apocalyptica, The 69 Eyes); una historia de el primer tour mundial de la banda de rock más grande de Finlandia con su nueva cantante, contada en imágenes impresionantes.
Juurikkala siguió a la banda durante casi un año, desde el primer concierto hasta el pasado verano. mientras el foco está en Europa, hay tambiíén muchas escenas de alrededor del mundo, desde asia hasta las Amíéricas. El íénfasis está naturalmente en los miembros de la banda y sus vidas, tanto en el escenario como en el backstage, pero el lector tambiíén consigue seguir los largos dí­as de los 50 mimebros del equipo.

Durante el tour, Juurikkala compartió su vida con los miembros de la banda, viajando en el mismo bus, durmiento en los mismos hoteles (a veces en la misma habitación), y pasando el tiempo en las mismas habitaciones del backstage. í‰l ha sido testigo de la vida diaria de la banda muy de cerca, y ahora tu tienes la oportunidad de experimentarlo, tambiíén, a travíés de las gloriosas imágenes de este precioso libro."

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 06, 2011, 11:39:00 pm
La primera composicion de Tuomas!!! (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Mayo 16, 2011, 06:18:52 pm
Pa' los nostálgicos/soñadores  :023:

( (

Sing angel of music  :37:
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 16, 2011, 11:08:58 pm
Entrevista!!! (es de abril)

Translation to english:

"I think it all sounds amazing"

Some questions to Anette Olzon, singer in Nightwish, who just came back from Finland, where she recorded her vocals for their upcoming album "Imaginarium" in Petrax studio in Helsinki.

How did it go?
- It went really well and really smooth. We didnt need all of the 10 days, only 8 and there were no stress at all. I know the songs really well and came well prepared which helps a lot.

How does it sound?
- I think everything sounds amazing. Better than Dark Passion play, in my opinion.

You had to postpone the recordings after you injured yourself. What happened?
- I was gonna stand up, having my son Nemo in my arms, when I tripped on one of his toys and in the fall I landed on one of his other toys, a big wooden box. It hit me so bad that I broke a rib and had to postpone the recordings.

You recently put out one of your dresses at an auction site where the money are going to people in Japan who suffers from the earthquake and tsunami. Tell me some more about that?
- It was an encouragement from Meja and Growyn to all of Swedens artists to contribute with things for a charity auction for Japan and of course I wanted to contribute. Japan has welcomed us and I really appreciate the country and its citizens.

What´s your schedule for the summer and autumn?
- Next week I am gonna have my debute as a lecturer for three days in a so called "culture week" in Nyní¤shamn. I´m gonna speak in front of a lot of high school students about my journey from an insecure teenager to a world famous singer. Then I´ll just spend the summer with my children all summer before we start to record our movie "Imaginarium" in august (the movie is a part of the album and will be directed by Stobe Harju). In october and november we´ll do a promotion trip for the album and then rehearsals in december. More than that I havent planned at the moment.

You´re having your world premiere of your tour in the beginning of next year. What are your feelings about that?
- It´ll be fun and this time I´ll bring my youngest son and partner on the journeys and that´s a new thing. The tour will be shorter and I think all of us in the band will feel much better because of that.
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 23, 2011, 11:19:10 pm
La discográfica Drakkar Records publicarán un recopilartorio de baladas de Nightwish el próximo 27 de mayo bajo el tí­tulo Walking in the Air - The Greatest Ballads, que contendrá las baladas de Nightwish desde Angels Fall First hasta Century Child. Drakkar Records es la discográfica que publicó por ejemplo la edición "rara" de Over the Hills and Far Away (EP) o el recopilatorio Tales from the Elevnpath.


# 1. Walking In The Air (05:28)
# 2. Angels Fall First (05:34)
# 3. Sleepwalker (03:06)
# 4. Sleeping Sun (04:01)
# 5. Dead Boy's Poem (06:47)
# 6. Deep Silent Complete (03:57)
# 7. Feel For You (03:54)
# 8. The Phantom Of The Opera (04:09)
# 9. Ocean Soul (04:14)
# 10. Lagoon (03:46)
# 11. Swanheart (04:44)
# 12. Two For Tragedy (03:51)
# 13. A Return To The Sea (05:46)
# 14. Away (04:32)
# 15. Forever Yours (03:51)

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 27, 2011, 11:55:13 pm
Imaginarium Update - 26.5.2011
de Imaginarium by Nightwish, el jueves, 26 de mayo de 2011 a las 17:27

During the last six weeks, the work on Imaginarium has advanced by leaps and bounds. We’ve been so busy with the project there has been precious little time for anything else.

While the band supervises the final mix of the album, location scouting is already underway for the Imaginarium movie. As the name of the movie and the information disclosed so far suggest, these real-world special places are few and far between.

The production crew has also been strengthened by people who have extensive knowledge of post-production technology. This is crucial, because the shoot and post-production are expected to be extremely complex and technically challenging. One of the characters in the movie also needs special attention from the animation department. Without teasing you any further, we can only disclose that this character will surely be remembered by many a Nightwish fan.

Because of the technical challenges and need for more planning, the shooting has been postponed. The movie will nevertheless be completed on time, as the post-production was begun already before the shooting.

There’s obviously a lot of expectations for the movie score. Tuomas is currently working on variations with Petri Alanko, renowned for his prize-winning music for the Alan Wake video game. The score will be based on the songs on the album and their main themes in a way that — like many other things with the Imaginarium movie — is a first in the history of motion pictures.

Imaginarium was also featured at the Cannes Movie Festival, where Solar Films presented their forthcoming films. At the same time, the script went through its biggest and most anticipated overhaul so far, confirming that Imaginarium will in no way be a children’s movie but a dark and foreboding fantasy; a dream world that lacks no surprises.

In a nutshell, like the director of the movie tends to characterize his productions, “well-planned is half done”. The famous sign post on the crossroads leading to Imaginarium is already visible. It says “Imaginarium, X miles”, and underneath it reads in small, red, curving hand-writing: “Soon it’s time to start shooting.”
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Junio 01, 2011, 04:35:53 pm

( (

( (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 10, 2011, 08:59:44 pm
Studio diary / May-June / Finnvox

de Nightwish, el jueves, 09 de junio de 2011 a las 22:52

three years of brainstorming and songwriting, over a year of
rehearsing, arranging and studio work, this triumph of musical passion
and piety is finally ready to be mastered. Yesterday, after a six-week
mixing session in Studio C at Finnvox, I listened the whole thing from
start to finish alone for the first time, and couldn't make heads nor
tails of it. It's the same old story - the same feeling of bottomless
emptiness that has marked the completion of all previous albums. We
could have honed the songs till Armageddon, but at some point you just
have to let go and start admiring the scenery. This time, the landscape
consists of 13 songs totalling 75 minutes. I think I'll probably be
able to savour the end result only after a couple of months of mixing
detox, but the encouraging comments by those near to me assure that it
is a decent album. One person who heard Imaginarium called it "the greatest adventure he ever heard with his two ears". There's
clearly more grin to the new album than on the last one, more funfair,
Moomins, smoky taverns, and twisted landscapes. It equals the Milky
Way in width and breath, even according to our standards. As Markus Selin put it: "Now you've really gone and emptied the bag of tricks!" We're
now going to get some distance to the album before mastering it later
in the autumn. Meanwhile, we're going to be busy designing the cover,
completing the instrumental and orchestral versions of the album,
planning the upcoming tour, shooting the movie, and digesting the audio
bloat. An excellent cure for the latter should be peaceful country
atmosphere, fishing, and following the games of the current pesí¤pallo
season. (By the way, during the home games of Kiteen Pallo, the entry
music will be a remix consisting of the main riff and chorus of song
number 11 off Imaginarium.) Big thanks and bear
hugs to the whole band for their patience; to Mikko Karmila and Tee Cee
Kinnunen for their forbearance, craftsmanship and enormous amount of
work; and in advance to Mika Jussila for the finishing touch! It's been
a magnificent journey so far. Big thanks to you, too, for living with
us through this process and having faith in what's to come. I'm sure
you won't be disappointed. TuomasKitee, June 5th, 2011

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 12, 2011, 11:05:55 pm
Finnvox Studios / Helsinki, May-June 2011

After three years of brainstorming and songwriting, over a year of rehearsing, arranging and studio work, this triumph of musical passion and piety is finally ready to be mastered. Yesterday, after a six-week mixing session in Studio C at Finnvox, I listened the whole thing from start to finish alone for the first time, and couldn't make heads nor tails of it. It's the same old story - the same feeling of bottomless emptiness that has marked the completion of all previous albums. We could have honed the songs till Armageddon, but at some point you just have to let go and start admiring the scenery. This time, the landscape consists of 13 songs totalling 75 minutes. I think I'll probably be able to savour the end result only after a couple of months of mixing detox, but the encouraging comments by those near to me assure that it is a decent album. One person who heard Imaginarium called it "the greatest adventure he ever heard with his two ears".

There's clearly more grin to the new album than on the last one, more funfair, Moomins, smoky taverns, and twisted landscapes. It equals the Milky Way in width and breath, even according to our standards.

As Markus Selin put it: "Now you've really gone and emptied the bag of tricks!"

We're now going to get some distance to the album before mastering it later in the autumn. Meanwhile, we're going to be busy designing the cover, completing the instrumental and orchestral versions of the album, planning the upcoming tour, shooting the movie, and digesting the audio bloat. An excellent cure for the latter should be peaceful country atmosphere, fishing, and following the games of the current pesí¤pallo season. (By the way, during the home games of Kiteen Pallo, the entry music will be a remix consisting of the main riff and chorus of song number 11 off Imaginarium.)

Big thanks and bear hugs to the whole band for their patience; to Mikko Karmila and Tee Cee Kinnunen for their forbearance, craftsmanship and enormous amount of work; and in advance to Mika Jussila for the finishing touch! It's been a magnificent journey so far. Big thanks to you, too, for living with us through this process and having faith in what's to come. I'm sure you won't be disappointed.


Kitee 5th of June
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 20, 2011, 11:05:27 pm
La pelí­cula de Nightwish Imaginarium será uno de los proyectos que recibirá una ayuda económica procedente de la institución "Fundación de Pelí­culas Finlandesas", intitución independiente supervisada por el Ministerio de Educación y Cultura de Finlandia. Esta ayuda cubrirá 400.000€ de los 2,6 millones de euros que costará su realización.

El objetivo de esta fundación es ayudar a la producción de las pelí­culas, publicitarlas y distribuirlas, y además apoyarlas en actividades internacionales. Tambiíén garantizan un apoyo en festivales internacionales que tengan lugar en Finlandia
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 21, 2011, 10:52:25 pm
Anette cumple hoy 40 años!!
FELICIDADES!!!! :011: :011: :011: :011: :011:
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 24, 2011, 10:26:29 pm
Emppu cumple hoy 33 años!!!
FELICIDADES!!!! :011: :011: :011:
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 26, 2011, 11:10:22 pm
Nightwish han sido confirmados para participar en la edición de 2012 del festival heavy flotante más grande del mundo, que se realizará en un crucero del 23 al 27 de enero, con 40 bandas y 2000 entradas.

Las bandas confirmadas por el momento son:














Más información en

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 03, 2011, 01:58:42 pm
Myspace de Anette (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 03, 2011, 11:46:33 pm
Letras de las 2 canciones!!


Little birds are singing from the trees
Walking slowly on my two bare feet
Gentle grass under me as I sweep
On and on and on, on and on I´m

Floating - Floating

Someone´s calling me from underneath
Putting down my ear to hear the beat
From the voices far within the deep
On and on and on, on and on I´m

Flowing - Flowing - Swaying - Floating
Flowing - Flowing - Swaying - Floating

Magic wonders in the golden breeze
Changing daily and surrounding me
In the eyeglass I can see them freeze
On and on and on, on and on I´m

Floating - Falling - Floating - Flying
Falling - Falling - Floating - Flying

On and on... Falling - Falling - Floating - Flying
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 03, 2011, 11:48:10 pm

Years, all the years
All the tears
I longed for you

All the prayers
My despair
Couldnt bare
To wait for you
No more

My dear - I´m here
No fear - Invincible
See the stars glow all their gazing lights on you

Feel - can you feel
What I feel
I´m near you
And your hand
Holding mine
Only mine
There´s no one else
Oh you´re

My dear - I´m here
No fear - Invincible
See the stars glow all their gazing lights on you

My dear - I´m here
No fear - Invincible
Hear the thunder sing its roam for you tonight
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Julio 05, 2011, 06:08:28 pm
Son como muy positivas las letras no? (na pesimistas u oscuras) :023:

( (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 12, 2011, 11:03:50 pm
Anette sortea dos pequeños paquetes, consistentes en dos tarjeta de Nightwish (una de Imaginarium y otra de la pasada gira) firmadas y un brazalete de Humanity

al igual que en el anterior en el que sorteó ropa, simplemente hay que dejar un comentario

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 13, 2011, 08:35:05 pm
Tuomas dijo en el chat de su club oficial de fans que para la salida del equipo de baseball de Kitee (Kiteen Pallo) habí­an realizado un remix del tema 11 de Imaginarium. (

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 20, 2011, 10:11:51 pm
Para descargar el remix del tema nuevo! (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 08, 2011, 11:33:35 pm
maginarium Update - 7.8.2011
Dear friends of Imaginarium Secretly we all hoped that at some point we would be able to say this aloud: The Dream is about to become reality! It`s been a hard battle beyond all measures, as it is in all projects this size, but finally creativity and heart took over the evil called Money. Imaginarium will be shot in September in a location we still need to keep as a secret but it will be quite far from our homely Finland & Sweden. The casting of the characters is now done. The cast is chosen not only because of their talent but because of the personal passion of everyone involved. The actors and their representatives have been overly enthusiastic about the auditions after reading the script. We believe many of you will be very surprised once you see the final result and the story behind it. This long journey began more than 3 years ago, and neither Nightwish or Stobe had a clear idea of where the path would lead. The script is now fantastic. It`s about Life, and the little spark of light you see during the darkest and most hopeless times. The same spark we`ve had to find over and over again during the process of making this film happen. The production crew is a group of professionals with one aim only: To realize the original vision of Imaginarium that Tuomas and Stobe had. All the pieces of the puzzle are now on the tables, and the building of the props, costume design, schedule planning, special fx production, dialogue & band performance rehearsals, etc. has begun. It`s easy to shed some tears while writing this, since we now know the story will have an ending after all. "She spins around elegantly, softly. The chords are now found and something that was broken never needed to be fixed."
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 10, 2011, 11:41:07 pm
Video (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 16, 2011, 10:44:06 pm
Stobe Harju: "I really hope you guys fancy black and gloomy, cause Imaginarium by Nightwishwill be dark as h*#$."
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 22, 2011, 10:32:30 am
Album release
22. August 2011

Imaginarium will be released already at the end of this year!
More info about the schedule, track list and first single release coming up in a few weeks. Stay tuned!
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 31, 2011, 03:27:04 pm
Album and movie title change
31. August 2011

In order to avoid mix-ups with various things named "IMAGINARIUM", the title of the upcoming album and the movie will be changed to IMAGINAERUM.
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 02, 2011, 06:47:25 pm
El nuevo single se llamará "Storytime" y será lanzado el viernes 11 de noviembre.


The new Nightwish single called "Storytime" will be released on Friday, the 11th of November. Presale will start soon!

The whole album tracklist with teasers of each song and the album release date will follow in a week. Stay tuned!
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 04, 2011, 10:46:09 pm
Storytime está ya disponible en Nightwish-shop para encargar en dos ediciones:

CD single digipack: 3.99€


1. Storytime (radio edit)
2. Storytime (album version)
3. Storytime (instrumental version)

MLP gatefold 10": 12.49€

Cara A:

1. Storytime (album version)

Cara B:

1. Storytime (radio edit)
2. Storytime (instrumental version)
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 05, 2011, 11:46:35 pm (

Para moviles!!!
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 07, 2011, 10:35:11 pm

Imaginaerum cuenta la historia de un viejo compositor, Tom, que padece una severa demencia. Puesto que ha padecido la enfermedad durante años y ha regresado a la infancia, no recuerda prácticamente nada de su vida adulta. Su música, amigos, todo su pasado incluyendo el recuerdo de su hija, son una imagen borrosa en su frágil mente. Todo lo que le queda es la imaginación de un niño de diez años. Cuando sale del coma, parece imposible recuperar todo lo que ha perdido. ¿O acaso sí­ puede?


La pelí­cula es un viaje entre dos dimensiones diferentes. Tom viaja a travíés de su mundo imaginario, buscando preguntas y encontrando memorias, mientras que su hija, Gem, intenta recuperar el ví­nculo que una vez compartió con su padre en el mundo real. Mientras se hacen cada vez más distantes el uno del otro a travíés de los años, y habiendo grandes obstáculos que los separan – el coma de Tom y su muerte inminente – el propósito de Gem parece condenado al fracaso. Sin embargo, en los más oscuros secretos de Tom, Gem descubre el camino que ella debe seguir para encontrar a su padre de nuevo.

Hay algunas preguntas que debemos hacernos a nosotros mismos antes de entrar en el mundo de Imaginaerum. ¿Quíé es lo más importante en la vida? ¿Puede el poder de los recuerdos protegernos durante nuestros últimos momentos? ¿Podrá nuestra imaginación ayudarnos a encontrar la chispa de la vida en la más profunda oscuridad? ¿Todaví­a podemos encontrar el amor despuíés del amargo perdón?

Imaginaerum es una aventura fantástica emocional, propulsada por la música de Nightwish. La historia nos recuerda nuestra infancia donde la más pequeña pero más preciosa cosa lo significaba todo y perderla habrí­a dejado una cicatriz permanente. Ahora es el momento de reabrir la herida y mirar en que se convirtió, pero sobre todo, de dónde vino.

- Stobe Harju, Director
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 09, 2011, 10:40:54 pm
Ya tenemos aquí­ el esperado tracklist de Imaginaerum, acompañado de una breve "descripción" por parte de Tuomas. Es el siguiente:

1. Taikatalvi
2. Storytime
3. Ghost River
4. Slow, Love, Slow
5. I Want My Tears Back
6. Scaretale
7. Arabesque
8. Turn Loose The Mermaids
9. Rest Calm
10. The Crow, The Owl And The Dove
11. Last Ride Of The Day
12. Song Of Myself
13. Imaginaerum

Además, se incluye ya la fecha de lanzamiento del disco, que será el 30 de noviembre en Finlandia y el dí­a 2 de diciembre en el resto de Europa.

una traducción apresurada de los comentarios de Tuomas de cada canción.

1. Taikatalvi.
"El mundo no es sino un lienzo para nuestra imaginación".

2. Storytime.
"¿Quíé sentirí­as si pudieras tomar un vuelo de medianoche con un muñeco de nieve a travíés de los más asombrosos paisajes, como en el clásico animado Yuletide? El significado de nuestra verdadera existencia se crea a travíés de historias, cuentos y la imaginación. Son la verdadera base de la humanidad."

3. Ghost River.
"LA VIDA es el privilegio máximo. Un rí­o lleno de horrores y maravillas. Amor, dolor, belleza, maldad y tentación. Y las necesitamos a todas para sobrevivir y disfrutar del viaje.
Bien, Mal, Dolor y Placer, miembros todos uno del otro."

4. Slow, love, slow.
"El amor más verdadero no necesita palabars, exigencias o promesas. Es un territorio sin palabras, y completamente incondicional."

5. I want my tears back.
"Añorando cosas que se fueron hace mucho tiempo, pero que aún es posible recuperar."

6. Scaretale.
"Monstruos en el armario, cerdos chillones, hordas de arañas y harpí­as que destrozan la carne. Una mirada a las inolvidables pesadillas de la infancia - una ví­vida y retorcida atracción de circo."

7. Arabesque.
"Una catarsis para llegar a la pesadilla. Dando vida a travíés de una danza de muerte."

8.Turn loose the mermaids.
"Somos testigos en silencio mientras su moribunda amada toma su último viaje... para siempre ahora, un inolvidable momento de belleza y consuelo."

9. Rest calm.
"Los recuerdos y la esperanza son dos cosas que nadie te podrá quitar. La dulzura de mi propio pasado es un cofre sin fondo de consuelo e inspiración."

10. The crow, the owl and the dove.
""Dame la verdad, más que el Amor, que el dinero, la fama."
-Henry David Thoreau.

El Amor lo es todo , y sólo la Verdad es nuestra guí­a hacia un estado más profundo."

11. Last ride of the day
"El parque temático está a punto de cerrar, y la montaña rusa funciona una vez más y tú consigues montarte por última vez tú solo. Está oscuro y los fuegos artificiales acaban de comenzar. Momentos como estos son portales a sueños infinitos, de profunda comprensión, y, en última instancia, el emocionante conocimiento de ser una mota de polvo en este vasto y arremolinado cosmos."

12. Song of myself
"Nuestro homenaje y versión de la celebración trascendental de Walt Whitman de la vida y la existencia, ahondando en una catarsis personal."

13. Imagenarum.
"Gracias por compartir este viaje y esperamos daros la bienvenida de nuevo pronto. El Escenario se ilumina, y la Magní­fica Obra empieza..."
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 11, 2011, 10:46:40 pm
La Portada

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 13, 2011, 10:47:05 pm
La peli empezó a rodarse ayer. Stobe Harjiu ha dejado este mensaje en Twitter:

1st day of shooting: The lighting, the shots and the actors could've not been better. However, the day could've been longer. A great start!
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 14, 2011, 08:28:29 pm
NIGHTWISH EXCLUSIVE: Tuomas Holopainen’s Track-By-Track Guide To ‘Imaginaerum’!
merl / News / 14/09/2011 16:32pm

We’re so excited about new Nightwish opus ‘Imaginaerum’ that we got band mastermind Tuomas Holopainen to give us a track-by-track guide to the whole album!

Nightwish will release their long-awaited new album ‘Imaginaerum’ on December 5 via Nuclear Blast, so we grabbed band writer-in-chief Tuomas Holopainen for an exclusive track-by-track guide!

The album is the Finnish quintet’s follow-up to their awesome 2007 full-length, ‘Dark Passion Play’, and will be accompanied by a movie that’ll see a release some time in early 2012.

Read on for Tuomas’ guide to the album…

“Since we’re doing the movie thing, every song on this album is composed to a certain story, so that’s how it all sounded. The movie needed an intro of winter landscapes and all that, and I wanted to give it an exotic touch of being in Finnish!”

“That’s the first single, and it’s all about the [1982] animated classic ‘The Snowman’. It’s such cool stuff, and I think that ‘Walking In The Air’ is the best piece of music ever composed, so [I thought], ‘let’s do a remake of that’! It can be seen in the movie as well – not quite as I imagine it, but in a different way. Will we film a new video for the single? We will film something separate, but also [use] some exerts from the film.”

Ghost River
“Since this is a dramatic album about the celebration of life and existence, you need the dark side as well. I love the dark side and I love all kinds of evil stuff, so we needed a few songs to describe those. ‘Ghost River’ and ‘Rest Calm’ are the two songs that are talking about the dark side of life. It’s very Van Halen-ish!”

Slow, Love, Slow
“You want to challenge yourself to do something that you have absolutely no idea about, and none of us know anything about jazz! Our drummer even had to take some lessons to learn how to use the brush! It all started when I started watching ‘Twin Peaks’ again. I just loved the soundtrack and thought, ‘Could we do something like that?’, and this is the result.”

I Want My Tears Back
“It’s maybe one of the easiest songs on the album to approach, and it’s one of the only songs on the album that doesn’t include an orchestra or choir. I love the sea part with the pipes and violin!”

“This is our version of ‘Enter Sandman’. When it comes to the lyrics, it’s all about childhood nightmares.”

“‘Arabesque’ is a catharsis to ‘Scaretale’, and it’s one of the scenes that the movie desperately needed, so that’s why it’s there.”

Turn Loose The Mermaids
“One thing that I like to do is pay a little homage to certain things that I really respect – for example, the My Dying Bride album ‘Turn Loose The Swans’ is one of my all-time favourites, which is why this is called ‘Turn Loose The Mermaids’. It’s nothing to do with My Dying Bride other than the title, but it was born in the moment when I saw my grandfather die, and my grandmother was giving him the final message. It was one of the most emotional experiences of my life – it was so dark and beautiful at the same time. I had to make a song about it – the last thing she did was check his teeth, warm his toes, and then [say] ‘Good journey my love, see you soon’. She was 93 back then, and 15 minutes after, he died. I’d never seen a dead person before, and it was an emotional moment, so I wanted to do a song about it. The album’s all about life and the power and beauty of imagination, and I thought that we needed to include the final chapter of life, which is death. When you see the movie, you can understand why it’s there.”

Rest Calm
“It reminds me of Paradise Lost and My Dying Bride a little bit. Again, it’s one of those crucial scenes in the movie that needed a song like this.”

The Crow, The Owl And The Dove
“I have to admit it’s a bit of a rip-off, because I’m a big fan of Henry David Thoreau, the poet from the 19th Century. I read his book ‘Walden’, where he said, ‘I don’t care about the love, the beauty, the pride or anything, just give me the truth. I thought there was a big philosophy behind that, and I started to think I could make a song about it. The crowd represents pride, the owl wisdom and the dove love and peace.”

Last Ride Of The Day
“I’m a fanatic when it comes to theme parks and roller-coasters. I’ve been to Disney World eight times now! Hollywood, Universal Studios, all this kinda stuff – it’s so, so, so good and you feel like a kid again. Also, it’s the perfect metaphor for life.”

Song Of Myself
“‘Song Of Myself’ is a book from Walt Witman, another one of my heroes. I wanted to pay homage to him and do the lyrics in a way that he would possibly write. It’s a real, open, thorough, personal catharsis – especially the spoken-word part. I don’t think it’s even going to be in the film because it’s so weird.”

“This is a medley for the end credits of the movie!”
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 14, 2011, 08:46:44 pm

[spoiler] ( review aqui[/spoiler]
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 16, 2011, 08:52:48 pm
Message from Tuomas about first experiences on set of Imaginaerum
de Tuomas Holopainen, el Viernes, 16 de septiembre de 2011, 14:33
Yesterday I had the chance to walk into the studio for the first time and see the set-up, props and dresses, and meet the actors. I was blown away by everything I saw, from the dedication of the people working there to the otherworldly atmosphere of the different stages. I had my make-up tests and dress fittings done, and truly enjoyed seeing myself as a gray and wrinkled 50-year-old. Ha!
4 years in the making, and finally Imaginaerum is coming alive in a most beautiful way. I can`t help feeling completely awestruck and grateful for the chance of doing something that was nothing but an insane (but sincere) idea a few years ago.

- Tuomas
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 16, 2011, 10:15:48 pm
Otra review aqui (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 17, 2011, 08:17:46 pm
Nueva foto!!
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 18, 2011, 08:34:56 pm


Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 18, 2011, 10:41:48 pm

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 19, 2011, 10:19:06 pm

Otra foto!!
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 23, 2011, 10:39:46 pm
Very good evening from Montreal Canada!

As a band we've had some extremely long and sweaty days here. Early wakeups and late evenings have defined our lives so far. I'm happy to say that all the band shots are in the wrap.

This has also been fun, enlightening and one of the most interesting experiences ever. At least to me personally, but I have a hunch the rest of us feel pretty much the same.

We're going to continue for a couple of days here shooting stills for the album and the media. After that the long flights to home await us.

We have to give really big thanks to the absolutely great, friendly and professional crew, actors, extras and everybody here! They've helped us through these new and weird days with a lots of laughs and advice. See you at the premiere, front row or where ever anytime we have a chance.

Thank you!

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 23, 2011, 10:45:12 pm






Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 27, 2011, 08:40:26 pm
Nueva actualización por parte de Stobe

MAGINAERUM – Update from Stobe Harju (27.9.2011)
de Imaginaerum, el Martes, 27 de septiembre de 2011, 13:44
Dear friends of Nightwish and Imaginaerum.

Two weeks have passed since the first day of shooting. It has been a triumph so far. Even as the band sat down to look at some raw pre edited scenes, their faces couldn't lie. They were very happy with what they saw.

Many of you must be dying for information and images from the set. We can't pour all that out since we really believe that some of the reveals would spoil the show. However, if you've read the previous update you know some of the character names already, which of at least Tom and Ann sound familiar to a many. And they should sound familiar.

As I started to write Imaginaerum screenplay, I planted one single parameter above everything else: This is a Nightwish film, no matter how fictional story about the band it would be. I didn't just wanted to use the band's name but also, to come up with character names resembling Nightwish members' names. The band in Imaginaerum became Ann, Tom, Marcus, Emil and Jack. I know, not very clever when it comes to molding names. Yet, I wanted the audience to feel the presence of Nightwish and to me the convergence had to be clear. I had endless battles trying to convince people that using names similar to Anette, Tuomas, Marco, Emppu and Jukka was a perfect bridge between Nightwish in reality and Nightwish in a fantasy world. The band didn't agree with me originally. It became my decision and my responsibility I am proud of. That said, if someone ever thinks this might be an ego thing for the band, think again. It's my decision completely, and that's how I intend to keep it.

These first two weeks have been a blast. So many great people have bled together with us pouring their fantastic creativity into the project. We have a fantastic art director and her team. Our director of photography couldn't be more dedicated to his line of work or his visuality. Our make-up and wardrobe departments have made magic in a short period of time. And the cast... wow! The whole crew is filled with professionals I could've only dreamt of when starting the project. And, our producers are the kind who really understand the drama, art and the story while keeping our budget safe and sound. I must be the luckiest director in the world. What more can I say.

What strikes me the most, is the fact that this project is not only titled as "the trip to one's imagination", but it is exactly that on every aspect of the game with all the beloved people involved.

Yours truly.
Stobe Harju, The Director - Imaginaerum

PS: "Wandering after far off music through a desert of ashes. If the tune had a color, it would be a mixture of pink and red. Constantly afraid of it fading away, terrified of the silence that may come."
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 28, 2011, 11:18:35 pm
Rodando!! (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 30, 2011, 10:55:52 pm

01/21/2012   Gibson Amphitheater   Universal City, CA   USA   
01/23/2012   70000 Tons Of Metal Cruise   -   The Caribbean   
04/10/2012    Lisebergshallen   Gí¶teborg   Sweden   
04/11/2012 Falconer Theater   Copenhagen   Denmark   
04/13/2012    Heineken Music Hall   Amsterdam    Netherlands   
04/14/2012 ISS Dome   Dí¼sseldorf   Germany   
04/16/2012    Forest National   Brussels   Belgium   
04/17/2012    Bercy   Paris   France   
04/18/2012    Zenith   Nantes   France   
04/20/2012    Halle Tony Garnier   Lyon   France   
04/21/2012 Rockhal   Luxembourg   Luxembourg   
04/23/2012 Jahrhunderthalle   Frankfurt   Germany   
04/24/2012    Hallenstadion   Zurich   Switzerland   
04/25/2012    Forum   Milano   Italy   
04/27/2012    Gasometer   Vienna   Austria   
04/29/2012 Budapest Arena   Budapest   Hungary   
04/30/2012    Tesla (T-Mobile Arena)   Prague   Czech Republic   
05/01/2012    Arena    Leipzig   Germany   
05/03/2012    o2 World   Hamburg   Germany   
05/05/2012    Arena   Nuremberg   Germany   
05/06/2012    Schleyerhalle   Stuttgart   Germany   
05/08/2012   Krizanke   Ljubljana   Slovenia   
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 30, 2011, 10:58:01 pm

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 01, 2011, 06:51:24 pm
Poster de la gira!!

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 06, 2011, 11:08:04 pm
Otra foto!!

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 08, 2011, 07:30:51 pm
La discográfica Nuclear Blast publicará un nuevo single de Nightwish que saldrá el mismo dí­a que Imaginaerum. Será Rest Calm y la única manera de conseguirlo será comprando el Box Set de Imaginaerum exclusivo de Nuclear Blast y limitado a 1000 copias. La caja tambiíén incluye la edición 2CDs de Imaginaerum y un espejo redondo enmarcado en los 3 pájaros. El precio es de 69.99€

El single Rest Calm sólo incluye la versión demo de esta canción, cantada por Marco. (

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 10, 2011, 11:25:53 pm

Hace unos dí­as JASON CENADOR tuvo la oportunidad de viajar a la localidad alemana de Donzdorf para asistir a una privilegiada pre-escucha de ‘Imaginaerum’, la nueva obra del aclamado conjunto finlandíés que sale a la venta el 2 de diciembre, y reunirse con el teclista y cabeza pensante de la banda, TUOMAS HOLOPAINEN.  En el número de octubre de la Heavy Rock encontrarás la primera crí­tica del disco, así­ como una completa y extensa entrevista. Tanto se alargó que algunas interesantes cuestiones se quedaron fuera pero os las traemos en exclusiva aquí­, en

Todo lo relativo a ‘Imaginaerum’ viene rodeado de un aura de incertidumbre y expectación que ha sabido crear muy bien la banda, ¿crees quíé en 2012 se cumplirán estas expectativas con el disco y la pelí­cula?

“Estamos seguro de que lo hemos hecho lo mejor posible en el disco, así­ que las expectativas deberí­an de ser cumplidas. La cosa más importante, y síé que es de una forma egoí­sta, es que hemos cumplido nuestras propias expectativas, porque es de lejos el proyecto más ambicioso que hemos hecho y ahora que hace tres horas que hemos escuchado el disco por fin masterizado estoy realmente muy contento. Nos estábamos fijando en las caras de la gente y parecí­a muy contenta tambiíén, así­ que estás hablando con una persona muy aliviada en este momento”.

Antes de la salida del disco, este 11 de noviembre saldrá la venta “Storytime”, el single del trabajo. ¿Por quíé habíéis escogido este tema como adelanto?

“Fue realmente una idea de la discográfica, porque yo simplemente les di tres temas que consideríé que podí­an ser buenos singles para elegir, y el sello discográfico pensó que “Storytime” tiene el estribillo más potente, es realmente pegadiza y representa de alguna forma de lo que trata todo el disco. Creo que es una buena elección”.

¿Quíé diferencia ha habido en el proceso de grabación entre este disco y el anterior de Nightwish?

“Hemos utilizado la misma fórmula que en ‘Dark Passion Play’,  pero en este hubo quizá un mayor esfuerzo como banda.  Trabajamos juntos durante dos meses en un campamento de verano en Finlandia simplemente ensayando, echando el rato, arreglando las canciones, realmente juntándonos todos como banda. No hay ninguna diferencia, utilizamos la misma orquesta y coro, los mismos tíécnicos, mismos estudios…”

Pero con más experiencia con Anette en el grupo, ¿no?

“Exacto, esa es una gran diferencia. Ahora sabí­amos lo que puede hacer, cuáles son sus puntos díébiles y cuáles sus fuertes. Con eso en mente creo que hemos sido capaces de hacer el mejor disco hasta ahora”.

En cada corte de este disco pareces querer transmitirnos una lección sobre la vida, ¿cuáles son las principales moralejas que hay?

“He de decir que no pretendo dar lecciones porque no quiero ser un profesor. No pienso que sepa la verdad, lo que hago es expresar mis propios pensamientos sobre cómo siento y veo las cosas. No quiero predicar, odio eso. Estos simplemente son mis pensamientos y si la gente puede leerlos e introducirse en ellos es algo positivo. Pero no quiero predicar”.

Hay muchos cambios drásticos, recuerdo un interludio muy atmosfíérico y ampuloso (“Arabesque”) y justo despuíés una lenta balada (“Turn Loose The Mermaids”).

“Síé a lo que te refieres y esa era la idea, provocar un pequeño efecto shock en el oyente”.

Para la gente que no entiende inglíés, hay un tema llamado “Song Of Myself” en el que escuchamos una prolongada parte con discursos vuestros.  ¿De quíé habláis en ella?

“En “Song Of Myself” hay una catarsis personal definitiva. Es como sacar fuera todo lo que tienes sin ninguna limitación poíética. De eso se trata toda la canción. Simplemente querí­a por primera y última vez abrirme totalmente para limpiarme a mí­ mismo”.

¿Y de quíé trata el mensaje?
“Son pensamientos tan personales que es realmente difí­cil de hablar sobre el mensaje. Sólo quiero que todo el mundo lea las letras hacerse su propia idea de lo que trata. Es la mejor y única forma de hacerlo”.

¿Piensas que Nightwish está en la primera o en la segunda mitad de su carrera?

“Es difí­cil, para ser sincero no tengo ni idea. Nos puedo imaginar  tocando durante 20 años más o durante otros 5 años. La verdad es que no lo síé, espero que estemos sobre la mitad. Nos sentimos realmente cómodos, llevaba esperando mucho tiempo que llegara este dí­a, tener todo esto hecho y tocar para vosotros. Y continuar con el show”
¿Quíé prefieres: que la gente os catalogue como una banda de power metal o como una banda de gothic metal, aunque quizá ninguno de estos dos tíérminos de adecue totalmente a vuestro estilo?

“Dirí­a que no estoy de acuerdo con ninguna de las dos, pero pienso que estamos más dentro del… (risas). Lo siento, el metal sinfónico es nuestro estilo, ni power metal ni gothic metal. Tenemos elementos del power metal, creo que si tuviera que elegir entre uno y otro me quedarí­a con el power metal”.

¿Trasladaríéis al directo todo el apartado visual que rodea a ‘Imaginaerum’ a los conciertos? ¿Cómo será la escenografí­a?

“No tengo ni idea todaví­a, pero intentaremos llevar el mundo de ‘Imaginaerum’ al escenario de alguna forma, quizá con telones, pantallas, seguro que con pirotecnia, algunos accesorios… Lo que sea. Empezamos a planear la gira en un mes más o menos, así­ que entonces sabremos más”.

¿Podrí­as confesarnos tus bandas favoritas de metal sinfónico?

“Amo el metal sinfónico, es obvio porque yo hago metal sinfónico. Pienso que la escena holandesa es realmente buena con bandas como Within Temptation, Epica o After Forever. Me quedo con ellos, son mis favoritos”.
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 11, 2011, 08:33:06 pm
Que guapa!!!

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 11, 2011, 08:43:33 pm
Otra review!!

By Tero Tolkki for Metal From Finland. It was a typical autumn afternoon in Finland. Dark, windy and rainy. But my day was getting better as I was driving to legendary Finnvox Studios in Helsinki, Finland to hear the new Nightwish album Imaginaerum. It was a special event held for the press since there isn’t going to be any promos available. And the bonus was that the Maestro himself, Tuomas Holopainen was there to host the event. I’ve been in Finnvox studios many times before and I knew that the place wasn’t all that huge so I was sort of hoping it wouldn’t be packed with press. Wrong. But at the same time totally understandable. I couldn’t think a single journalist who would like to miss this one. It was nice to see that Nightwish was presented there not only by Tuomas but the rest of the guys as well. Only Anette was missing. After a small waiting period, we moved to the studio-room itself where we could hear their long awaited album Imaginaerum.

I will write about each and every song individually but keep in mind, this is not a review of Imaginaerum. It is impossible to write a review of such epic after hearing it only once. So the things I gathered on my notebook were more like feelings which I am going to share with all of you now. But I can say to all you Nightwish fans out there…with Imaginaerum Nightwish will challenge you in a way they’ve never done before. This album is by far not an easy album to approach. But here is Imaginaerum, track by track.


Started with this wind-up toy playing a lullaby. Marco sang the intro in finnish which was cool to hear. It was like a dreamworld entrance with flutes, choirs and symphony orchestras. A perfect intro.


Nightwish released this song as the first single from Imaginaerum. A nice mid-tempo song that actually reminded me of one other Nightwish song, just couldn’t figure out which one. Very strong guitar riffs. Contained a very strong symphonical part in the middle. Maybe the song itself was stretched a bit too much from the end but definately understandable why Storytime was chosen as the single song.


Another mid-tempo song. Marco’s singing in the beginning was like touch of madness and rage. After that it was more like a dialogue type of singing with Marco and Anette. Very strong symphonical part in the middle with a child choir. That sounded awesome.


This was a treat…unlike nothing I’ve heard from Nightwish before. Started with a piano and while I was waiting the song to kick in…well…it didn’t  Instead it changed totally. The best way I can describe this song is like, going to one of those bars in the 60′s, full of smoke and a on stage there is a woman in spotlight singing. When you hear this song you’ll understand what I mean. I actually spoke to Jukka about this particular song and he said that was one of the things they tried to capture on the song…well they did it  And then there was this clean guitar part, like a solo but it was so funny. Couple of journalists started laughing and even Emppu himself was laughing. This awesome song ended with a long tic tac tic tac sound. I must say, not a song I would expect to hear from Nightwish but I love the fact that they are experimenting.


This song started with a very butch guitar riff. It doesn’t matter that Emppu’s sound is pretty much always the same and the riffs are similar but I do love how it sounds. On the early parts of this song I thought it could very well be a good candidate for their second single release but a middle part totally changed it. It had this middle age feeling…hard to describe. Well I am describing mostly my feelings on the songs cause now when I write it, I barely anymore remember how the songs went. Again to me that’s a good thing. Anette’s sound is a bit thin on this song for some reason.


Starts with a very nightmare-like pressuring atmospere, well it’s called Scaretale  Loved how the double bassdrums started after the beginning and it gave a very groovy feeling for the song. At some point of this song Anette’s voice changed to slightly aggressive which in my books is never a bad thing! Middle part of this song contained a speech which believe me or not, changed into something that remotely resembled Finntroll on their early years ´:) This song was a combination of many different parts.


Instrumental song. Didn’t really get inside this one at all.


Starts acoustically with Anette singing and pan-flutes on the background. This song overall had a very beautiful and balanced atmosphere and while I closed my eyes, I almost fell asleep…some might think it’s a sign of boredom but to me it’s a sign of relaxation. And it’s not easy to achieve in a room full of journalists lol.  Loved this song.


This one started with a nice guitar shredding. Marco started singing and Anette joined. Middle part changed almost entirely to acoustic while Anette was singing with a child choir.


Started acoustically and the song had a very tranquil feeling overall. There was a someone in the middle part who I think was a special quest cause it didn’t sound like Marco.


Now this is Nightwish! From the very beginning to very end. Lots of choirs, strong riffs, melodic chorus, double bassdrums. Definately single material.


Song  1: From A Dusty Bookshelf
Song 2: All That Great Heart Lying Still
Song 3: Piano Black
Song 4: Love

This is epic…EPIC. But also a song you need to listen over and over again and I am sure you’ll discover something new each time you hear it. It’s just a combination of so many things…overwhelming really. At times so melodic and then turns into a total end of the world atmosphere. Only Maestro is capable of doing such compositions. As I said already…you need to hear this song many times to get inside it.


Outro, symphonic, wow…it was funny cause when the song ended…the room was totally quiet…you couldn’t even hear a single breath…until Marco broke the silence by saying “Yes that was it”

People walk out the room in silence…surreal feeling. I don’t think the silence was cause of disappointment, I think it was more like “What did just happen?”. At least that’s how it felt to me. Over 70 minutes and it went by very fast. Now I am not saying this is the best Nightwish album, again one cannot even make such assumption based on one listening time. You can do that with many bands but not with Nightwish. There is simply too much content in those 70 minutes to state an opinion…only to describe feelings.

As you all may or may not know, they will also make a movie out of Imaginaerum which will be written and directed by Stobe Harju based on a story by Tuomas Holopainen. This was something that I actually kept in mind while listening. So what I did during each song was to close my eyes and just let my imagination fly. I couldn’t believe I actually started seeing images coming out of nowhere. It felt surreal…just listening to the song and the lyrics they transformed into images. Now let’s see how the fans like it when the album is released. I loved it.

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 11, 2011, 10:34:21 pm
Mas fotos!


Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 14, 2011, 11:02:14 pm
Habla el dire de la peli!!

MAGINAERUM – Update from Stobe Harju (11.10.2011)
by Imaginaerum on Tuesday, 11 October 2011 at 03:55
Dear friends of Nightwish and Imaginaerum

Four years have passed now since the first idea of the film got out and when I thought Nightwish, Tuomas and I were merely crazy dreamers.

As many of you know, we've already shot the film's principal photography, and only in 18 days. I promise you though, the material says different. The shots we got in that short period of time were priceless and there's no way, you could tell we were in a hurry.

I have learned a lot since we first began shooting. Everyone has to understand that most feature films, even with great concepts, never get shot. The team, the production staff, me and most of all the band have battled and bled to get the shootings on the way and the job done. That said, you have to be aware that many battles are still to be fought in the editing room, the visual effects, sound mixing, original score and the distribution of this film. Nothing is clear when it comes to filmmaking. However, with this team: our producers and the post production specialists, it's nearly impossible to fail.

Now, as the editing phase has begun and there's not much more to tell than it is going very well, the scenes look great and that I'm homesick, we're trying to get you as much candy as possible. Here are SOME of the names of our great cast, who all believed into the screenplay and carried out performances I've been never able to witness before.

Francis X. McCarthy, Quinn Lord, Marianne Farley, Joanna Noyes, Ilkka Villi, Keyanna Fielding, Ron Lea, Victoria Jung, Híélí¨ne Robitaille, Stephane Demers, Anette Olzon, Marco Hietala, Tuomas Holopainen, Emppu Vuorinen and Jukka Nevalainen.

One battle has gone past with a triumph by the greatest team and crew imaginable. You could think we've been lucky but luck never comes to us without hard work, heart and faith. I my self couldn't thank the fantastic Montreal crew enough and you, the fans of Nightwish, for believing into this project. Keep it up. There are still miles to go. The journey to Imaginaerum continues, and for now, I'd like to say thank you for your support.

Stobe Harju - The Director, Imaginaerum (Montreal, Canada 9th Oct, 2011)

PS: Max, I feel empty as you're not driving me to the studio anymore. Where are the morning conversations and the strong cheap cigarettes?
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 14, 2011, 11:06:02 pm
Edicion de Imaginaerium (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 16, 2011, 11:14:17 pm

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 17, 2011, 10:48:34 pm


Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 17, 2011, 10:49:33 pm
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 17, 2011, 10:51:38 pm
Greets from the sunny, warm and packed Madrid! This is the 3rd pit stop on the European promo tour, and it seems people are escaping the approaching fall south, since the streets are just insanely packed.

A most wonderful responce to the new album so far in Scandinavia, tomorrow we shall see what our Spaniard friends have to say about it. Also, I just went through the daily clips of the movie with a bottle of Shiraz, and it's looking mighty exciting, I must say...

Good night for now.

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 18, 2011, 11:09:03 pm


Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 18, 2011, 11:13:21 pm

Hace mucho tiempo deje de perder la esperanza e ilusión en NIGHTWISH, mis gustos han cambiado y ellos tambiíén. La salida de Tarja transformo algo único en algo común. Así­ que, creerme si os digo que estás lí­neas no las escribe el corazón.
Con unos cascos Hi-Fi, un iPod de última generación (ya les hacen táctiles tambiíén) y en una pequeña sala del Hotel Room Mate Oscar me enfrente al último y ambicioso disco de NIGHTWISH, "Imaginaerum". Para, despuíés, poder tener una amable charla con Marco Hietala, sobre el disco, la banda, el futuro y alguna sorpresa más (entrevista que publicaremos en breve).
Utilizando sus propias palabras "Imaginareum" es pura ambición y versatilidad. Sin ninguna duda. A lo largo de la escucha fui marcando con un "nuevo" al lado del tí­tulo de la canción que me aporta algo nuevo a la historia de NIGHTWISH. Unas cuantas fueron marcadas.
Momentos completamente paganos como en "I Want My Tears Back", pura dulzura de canción de cuna como "Turn Loose The Mermaids", toques circenses y voz de bruja perversa por parte de Annete en "Scaretale", un tono irlandíés juguetón en "The Crown, The Owl And The Dove" en la que todo son voces masculinas y ni una solo al más puro estilo Marco Hietala chillón, sino lo contrario; pura parsimonia y suavidad.
Pero, la amplia versatilidad en ocasiones desdibuja a una banda y la diluye en el poso de la creatividad y originalidad. Pues no ha sido en este caso. NIGHTWISH sigue firmando momentos "Once" como en "Last Ride Of The Day", "Storytime" o incluso la anteriormente citada "Scaretale".
Y de regalo, los dos últimos cortes, "Song Of Myself" e "Imaginaerum", una vuelta de tuerca más a la pomposidad NIGHTWISH sin perder de fondo ese telón oscuro, circense como podrí­a firmar Tim Burton.
Destacarí­a tambiíén el amplio abanico que ofrece esta vez la voz de Annete que va desde su tono más infantil y ñoño hasta una bruja perversa y maligna, sin dejar de lado la cadencia de un susurro, ni la energí­a de una voz hí­mnica, ni la velocidad a ritmo de riff.
Obviamente, una escucha no permite un análisis al detalle. Pero si deja sensaciones. Y, al servidor, le deja una sensación tremendamente ilusionante, optimista. Percibo un lavado de cara de NIGHTWISH apabullante, con un sentido de la grandiosidad pasmoso. Si te lavas la cara, por lo menos hazlo con agua bien frí­a, que deje helado. Así­ se van a sentir muchos de los oyentes. Helados. No por disgusto, sino de grata sorpresa. NIGHTWISH ha sabido revitalizar la banda, renovarla, dirí­a que hasta alejarse de su pasado conservando lo que les hace únicos.
Estoy releyendo las notas que he tomado durante la escucha y una palabra se repite constantemente, "distinto". Distinto a lo que ha sido NIGHTWISH con una cordura y evolución lógica extraordinaria.
Como digo, una sola escucha no me permite ofrecer todos los detalles, pero si algo puedo decir que percibido es una renovación a base de variedad, ambición y energí­a como pocas bandas. NIGHTWISH volverá a su senda del triunfo y íéxito con este disco. Me arriesgo a decir que NIGHTWISH ha logrado hacer algo muy grande sin la figura de Tarja, es más; "Imaginaerum" puede convertirse en el disco del año en el gíénero, pero, ahora la pregunta serí­a ¿Dónde encuadramos NIGHTWISH con todo lo que destila este álbum?
Si habí­ais perdido la fe en los fineses, contar los dí­as para el nuevo lanzamiento porque es… una firme declaración de intenciones.
Jorge Cárcamo Yagí¼e
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 19, 2011, 11:23:37 pm
Entrevista a Marco!!!

Entrevista con Marco Hietala
El lunes pasado, por la tarde, Jorge Cárcamo entrevistó a Marco Hietala, bajista y vocalista de NIGHTWISH aprovechando su paso por Madrid. No tuvimos demasiado tiempo para la entrevista, por lo que nos centramos en la actualidad de la banda, marcada por la próxima edición de "Imaginaerum". Resultó una charla interesante con un muy agradable y educado Marco. Aquí­ teníéis la entrevista:
- Hola Marco, vamos a comenzar siendo totalmente honestos y te comento que "Dark passion play" fue un paso necesario para la banda, sin juzgar si es un buen o mal disco, pero creo que fue un paso adelante. Ya cuatro años despuíés, ¿cómo describes todo el movimiento que hubo alrededor de aquel CD, las consecuencias que tuvo y demás?

Marco.- "Dark passion play" tuvo su propio camino de alguna manera porque nosotros en ese momento tení­amos que probarnos (reivindicarnos) a nosotros mismos para la gente por todos los cambios que hubo, el cambio de cantante y demás. Tení­amos que ser capaces de demostrar que íéramos una banda de nuevo, que podí­amos escribir otra vez buenos temas y la prueba de que salió bien es que ahora seguimos tocando por todo el mundo, lo que no hubiíéramos hecho sin esas canciones. Además, tení­amos que probar que Anette no era sólo una cara bonita, y fue duro porque alguna gente fue realmente desagradable con ella.

El caso es que tuvimos que cambiar de cantante y ella fue el reemplazo que nos permitió además sobrevivir como banda y seguir adelante. Y íéste de alguna manera era el punto más especial de "Dark passion play" en ese momento, aunque por supuesto que era importante toda la cuestión musical, que tuviera buenos temas y que encajaran muy bien en un álbum de este tipo. Por lo que así­ fueron las cosas, y por eso a su vez el hacer este nuevo disco fue de algún modo más relajante. Ya habí­amos probado que podí­amos sobrevivir a los cambios de pasar de una era a otra y, pasado esto, ahora ha sido un trabajo duro para hacer algo realmente oscuro. El proceso de trabajo tambiíén ha sido algo diferente, porque ahora hemos compuesto mucho tranquilos en casa mientras que entonces nos juntamos más. Además, Anette se muestra mucho más confiada ahora, claro, y por eso ha hecho una interpretación más profunda, intensa y variada, pero todo ello es porque ya está con más confianza y más integrada en la banda con el resto de los cuatro.

- Entramos a hablar del nuevo disco, "Imaginaerum". A ver si me lo puedes describir en tres palabras, y explicarme tambiíén el porquíé de esas palabras escogidas…
Marco.- ¿Con tres palabras? Vale, pues la primera serí­a "grande", que no síé si es una buena palabra para esto pero es la que me ha venido a la mente. La segunda serí­a "ambición", porque es algo grande pero tambiíén ambicioso, que creo que es nuestro disco más largo, casi 70 minutos. Y tambiíén serí­a "canciones", porque hay muchas y muy variadas, con diferentes atmósferas en cada momento. Supongo que la banda ha sido siempre conocida por hacer grandes canciones dentro del metal, del power metal, gótico o lo que se quiera decir, pero metal poderoso de alguna manera.

En este caso le hemos dado un poco la vuelta de nuevo y de alguna manera es más extremo a todos los niveles. Y es ambicioso tambiíén porque, aunque lleva las señas de identidad de NIGHTWISH, que hay un montón de melodí­as en muchos de los temas, por ejemplo, pero hay mucha variedad en la fórmula y en las estructuras. Hay unas composiciones totalmente alejadas de la manera "mainstream" o como se quiera llamar. Quiero decir que hay muchos estilos actualmente en la banda, o en el disco, vaya. No síé, por ejemplo se me ocurre "Scaretale", que es una canción que impresiona y está gustando a mucha gente, pienso que es genial. Luego hay algún tema que tiene cosas más raras como los sonidos de circo en la mitad, canciones sin estribillo, diferentes partes muy distintas…
En esta canción era un poco tomar todas las ideas que Tuomas habí­a aportado para la canción, y luego una mí­a (risas). Quiero que el disco capte a la gente y, bueno, creo que todo el concepto, el disco en sí­, y todo el rollo del disco en sí­, me refiero, es muy ambicioso. Además, es un trabajo que refleja ambiciones tambiíén de alguna manera.

- Ya he visto la portada, algunas fotos del disco, de la pelí­cula y demás, además del artwork en sí­ de "Imaginaerum", que es fantástico, y en todo momento ha venido una idea a mi cabeza al respecto: es como si estuviíéramos ante un circo de Tim Burton.
Marco.- Sí­, puede ser, y de hecho no eres el primero que nos dice algo así­. Es que desde el principio de la concepción del álbum, la energí­a y el rollo que despedí­an las primeras maquetas y demás, nos vino a la cabeza un poco la idea de quíé pasarí­a si Tim Burton hiciera una pelí­cula de heavy metal (risas). Así­ que lo has captado muy bien porque definitivamente hay una conexión.

- Por cierto, ¿teníéis participación en la pelí­cula?, a nivel de personajes, quiero decir, ¿o sólo aparecíéis y desaparecíéis?

Marco.- No, básicamente salimos ahí­ un rato de fondo y desaparecemos (risas). Todo esto es más cosa de Tuomas, que ha tenido más participación en la pelí­cula pero al menos por mi parte se trata más de tener un rol musical, participar con nuestra música en la pelí­cula, más que actuar o salir como tal. Pero al final es un poco lo que haces en un concierto en directo, en el sentido de actuar o de escenificar las canciones musicalmente hablando. Quiero decir que te pones las ropas de salir a tocar, el maquillaje, las escenografí­as y demás, pero el escenario es tuyo propio digamos, es tu espacio. Esta pelí­cula tiene más que ver con la cabeza de una persona que en su cama a punto de morir sufre esa demencia y quiere volver atrás a la verdad, ve cosas en sus pesadillas, así­ que de alguna manera los escenarios de la pelí­cula son bastante retorcidos y te dice algo así­ como que nunca tendrás un bonito sueño.

- ¿La música del álbum y de la pelí­cula es la misma o hay cambios?
Marco.- En general es la misma, pero a la vez en ambos casos hay partes exclusivas para uno u otro, música propia por decirlo de algún modo. Ten en cuenta que un álbum es para escucharlo y una pelí­cula para verla, que son cosas diferentes, así­ que de alguna manera cada uno tiene que tener su propia personalidad y partes propias. Lo que sí­ coincide es la historia desde el principio al final, y además puedes escuchar toda la música del álbum en la pelí­cula, aunque algunos temas aparecen acortados o con partes en diferentes momentos o lo que sea. De hecho, la pelí­cula está construida de alguna manera con las historias de cada canción así­ que al final pelí­cula y álbum se sostienen juntos.

- ¿En quíé momento se os ocurrió mezclar o juntar ambos conceptos? Es decir, no sólo una pelí­cula y no sólo un disco sino mezclar ambos. ¿Cuándo y por quíé?

Marco.- La idea de la pelí­cula nació de una manera peculiar porque despuíés de "Dark passion play" estuvimos pensando en quíé hacer despuíés, y Tuomas dijo que podrí­amos hacer ví­deos escenificados de cada una de las canciones del disco y luego juntarlas de alguna manera en un paquete. De esto nació la idea de que tuvieran cierta relación pero es que si haces por ejemplo 12 videoclips, al final lo que te va a quedar es más o menos una pelí­cula así­ que, ¿por quíé no hacerla directamente? Luego ya vino el proceso de hablar con mucha gente, ya sabes, productores, futuros inversores, y fue difí­cil pero pensamos que si habí­a la mí­nima posibilidad de hacerlo, que alguien lo apoyara, que hubiera un director que pudiera hacerlo… ¡lo harí­amos! Además, tení­amos que preparar las canciones, ensayarlas, darles continuidad en una historia…

- Es interesante porque muchas veces la gente con los nuevos discos ofrece, no síé, una camiseta, un mini DVD o lo que sea, pero vosotros en este caso, aparte de una presentación soberbia, vais a ofrecer un regalo o un extra realmente increí­ble…
Marco.- Bueno, el caso es que si piensas en la pelí­cula como un regalo, no creas que va a ser gratis (risas)…

- ¿Fue idea vuestra y se lo propusisteis a Nuclear Blast o fue al revíés?
Marco.- ¿Te refieres a la pelí­cula?… No, fue nuestra idea en todo momento. Ya te digo que fuimos uniendo ideas y posibilidades, el tema de los ví­deos, el director finlandíés, la posibilidad de los subvención de la academia finlandesa de cine… De todos modos, ten en cuenta que Nuclear Blast es una compañí­a de discos, así­ que realmente no tiene nada que ver o que hacer, vaya, con la pelí­cula en sí­, al menos a nivel inicial ni de financiación ni realización ni nada. Además, es una coproducción entre Canadá y Finlandia. Por eso, como te digo el álbum y la pelí­cula se mueven en diferentes niveles ahora mismo aunque partan de la misma base. Y por ello en principio se comercializarán como dos productos diferentes.

- ¿Quiíén se ha encargado esta vez de los sonidos de gaitas y similares?
Marco.- El maestro de las gaitas es de nuevo el señor Troy Donockley, el mismo que ya lo grabó en el último disco, "Dark passion play". De alguna manera se le puede considerar el sexto miembro de la banda porque ya se unió a nosotros en la última gira en algunos conciertos, apareciendo tambiíén como colaborador en algunas actuaciones en televisión y cosas así­. Es un tipo perfecto además para tomar copas despuíés de los conciertos (risas), así­ que estaríé encantado de que se una a nosotros de nuevo en esta gira. Definitivamente creo que Troy y la banda llevamos bien lo de salir juntos por la noche.

- Como te decí­a antes, en el disco podemos escuchar muy diferentes tipos de canciones, ¿es íéste el nuevo camino de NIGHTWISH? Quiero decir que ahora habíéis tomado cierta distancia con el pasado, y es que íéste es un proyecto realmente ambicioso, como decí­as tú antes.

Marco.- Honestamente no te lo puedo decir porque no lo sabemos ni nosotros. Lo cierto es que la banda está ahora muy identificada con esto, porque la música que haces tiene que ver con lo que haces en cada momento. Lo que está claro es que nunca más nos vamos a constreñir o a adherir a ningún tipo de fórmula o estilo predeterminado. Seguiremos haciendo metal, o algo relacionado con el metal, pero dentro de esto puede salir cualquier cosa porque nunca dejaremos de estar dentro del heavy metal pero cada vez han entrado más sonidos en nuestra propuesta, elementos acústicos, sinfónicos… El caso es que todo sea lo más enriquecedor posible para nosotros, que haya más atmósferas, más espacio donde movernos y que todo sea más dinámico para la música de NIGHTWISH. Yo creo que cada vez es más difí­cil para nosotros el hecho de decir simplemente que somos una banda de heavy metal sin más, porque creo que no es así­. De hecho, ahora nos gusta decir que hacemos rock n´roll sinfónico (risas).

- Antes me hablabas del tema "Scaretale" y ahí­ se oye de alguna manera como alguna ¿bruja?, además de escuchar a Anette cantando en tonos diferentes. Creo que ha mejorado sus prestaciones con respecto al disco anterior…

Marco.- Ella ahora tiene más confianza y está más integrada en la banda, así­ que ha podido darnos más cosas en este álbum. Por ejemplo puedes oí­r a esa bruja que comentas en "Scaretale" y luego tienes todo lo contrario, algo muy suave en "Turn loose the mermaid", así­ que tiene un registro más amplio, diverso y dinámico en este disco. Creo además que se ha adaptado perfectamente a cada canción y a cada situación musical del disco. Y es que cuando tienes tanta confianza puedes acertar perfectamente con lo que te propones, ¡estoy muy orgulloso de ella!

- Cuando escuchas el CD, empieza la intro, instrumental, y luego llega "Storytime" y me he sentido, no orgulloso, porque no lo he hecho yo, pero sí­ impresionado por lo que he escuchado. Creo que es como abrir una puerta nueva para NIGHTWISH y entiendo que la idea de ponerla al comienzo es para abrir un poco la mente de los seguidores heavies que lo puedan escuchar. Es música de NIGHTWISH pero en tesituras completamente diferentes…

Marco.- Bueno, con la intro es algo diferente porque se supone que es un disco de heavy metal pero que no tiene esto inmediatamente. Es la obertura para presentar un poco la historia, con la pequeña parte hablada en finíés, que en Finlandia esto les gustará mucho (risas), pero en el resto del mundo que no entienden finíés es como una especie de comienzo mágico, como de un chamán comenzando la historia, algo así­. Y si te gusta ya te hace meterte inmediatamente en la historia de "Storytime" (risas).
Y no hubo tiempo para más…
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 20, 2011, 10:47:55 pm
1.   Â«Taikatalvi» 2:30
2.   Â«Storytime» 5:30
3.   Â«Ghost River» 5:25
4.   Â«Slow, Love, Slow» 5:35
5.   Â«I Want My Tears Back» 5:20
6.   Â«Scaretale» 7:40
7.   Â«Arabesque» 2:50
8.   Â«Turn Loose the Mermaids» 4:20
9.   Â«Rest Calm» 7:03
10.   Â«The Crow, the Owl & the Dove» 4:10
11.   Â«Last Ride of the Day» 4:37
12.   Â«Song of Myself» 13:32
13.   Â«Imaginaerum» 6:13
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 21, 2011, 07:03:50 pm
Making of Imaginaerium (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 21, 2011, 10:39:52 pm



Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 21, 2011, 10:45:50 pm
Nightwish Mainman Says 'Imaginaerum' Is A 'Much More Positive' Album Than 'Dark Passion Play' - Oct. 18, 2011

Kristian of Denmark's Metalized magazine recently conducted an interview with keyboardist/main songwriter Tuomas Holopainen of Finnish/Swedish symphonic metallers Nightwish. A few excerpts from the chat follow below.

On how Nightwish's new album, "Imaginaerum", compares to its predecessor, 2007's "Dark Passion Play":

Tuomas: "This album is much more positive than 'Dark Passion Play'. On the other hand, I dislike the word 'positive.' For me, the album is basically a celebration of life and existence, but this celebration also includes a lot of darkness, sorrow and melancholy. There is a lot more light at the end of the tunnel this time compared to the last album. It is also about fantasy, beauty and love, even though I'm not trying to be a love guru or anything."

Metalized: Has your outlook on life maybe changed since "Dark Passion Play"?

Tuomas: "Yes, I think it has, with help from the works of Walt Whitman and Henry David Thoreau. The purgatory we went through after all the hassle in 2005 has really opened new worlds for me. Reading some of this literature has really opened my mind. In a way, I have gotten this sense of oneness, and that everything is connected."

Metalized: This interconnectedness and unity was really what Walt Whitman was all about…

Tuomas: "Yes, and I am finally beginning to understand what he means by it, and it is a really comforting thought. Everything happens for a reason, and what is all this talk of good and evil, vice and virtue. He is totally right."

Metalized: What is so comforting about this oneness?

Tuomas: "Just the philosophy that everything is part of the same. Everything in this cosmos is made of the same onehundred-and-something basic elements. The fundamental love is so unconditional and wordless. I am not speaking about love between two people, or love for some God. I just feel that it is in everything, and that is so comforting."

Metalized: This might be a bit personal, but perhaps you don't feel so much like a bird in a golden cage anymore?

Tuomas: "Yes, that is very precisely put, because I did four years ago, but perhaps not so much anymore. At least the cage is open. Maybe I'm still in there, but the door is open."

On the songwriting process for "Imaginaerum":

Tuomas: "Before I ever wrote the first song, I had the idea that we would make 12 music videos with one plot that would become one long story, but the original ideas was not to have any actors or dialogue, just the band and some animations. I had a real clear vision and story for each of these videos — one in a smoky jazz club, another with a living snow man, all these different themes. Then I introduced the idea to Stobe [Harju, director], and he agreed that it was a great idea. When I had written all the songs and played the demo, he said at once that we had to make a full-length movie. So this idea of making a dramatic Hollywood movie is all his. We have already heard some comments that this is just an egoistic story about us. This is not at all an autobiographical movie, it is just a movie about the power and strength of imagination, memories and forgiveness. Those are the basic themes, but since it is a NIGHTWISH movie, there has to be these references, and the main characters are called Tom, Anne, Markus and so on. Stobe has done a wonderful job when it comes to making coherent story that still incorporates the original themes and ideas I had. He just wrote the story around these things. On Wednesday I fly to Montreal where we shoot the movie, and I really look forward to seeing the setup, the scenes and the costumes and everything. The shooting actually starts tomorrow, and they have 18 days to do it."

Metalized: As you said the movie is not autobiographical, and the story is all Stobe's. Still, all these references will make some people draw conclusions about you and think if this might be the ultimate truth about Tuomas Holopainen. How do you feel knowing that people will do that?

Tuomas: "They are free to do so; there is nothing I can do about it. I understand Stobe's point that this is a Nightwish movie, and that there has to be some references to the band. Still, the main character is 75 years old; how could he be me?"

Metalized: Yes, but still it will make people think of you. The main character is a songwriter called Tom and all that. Doesn't it make you feel naked in a way, and how do you feel knowing that it will make people draw some conclusions that you maybe never intended?

Tuomas: "For a long time I disagreed with the director about calling the main character Tom. I thought it was a bit naive. But he insisted on making these references, and I get the point. I still want people to understand that it wasn't our idea. I even told him that I didn't want the band in the story of the movie apart from the small band clips. Again he insisted that we have these little parts in the movie. I even have one line."

Metalized: You have often said that you are the kind of songwriter who can't finish a song unless you have some idea of feeling of the song….

Tuomas: "I can't just sit down and jam, that's the problem. It doesn't work for me. If I just sit down and try to come up with something that sounds good. I need a theme or a feeling to begin with."

Metalized: OK, so what I wonder if it changed something for you, or maybe even helped you, knowing that all these songs would be turned into different movies as you thought at the time.

Tuomas: "It was pretty much the same as always. Before I have also always had a specific idea before I wrote the individual song, but this time it was even more concrete because I had 12 ideas to begin with. For example, 'Storytime' is about the flight with a snowman, and I imagined this five minute long video in my head. Then I thought about how this woild sound, and then this melody came to me."

Metalized: Things get ever more ambitious. This time we have a movie. Do you feel like you have to beat yourself every time?

Tuomas: "Very strongly, yes. You want to challenge yourself and do something different. It should be more and more every time. It makes it all so much more fun. I don't want to get bored making the same album again and again, and all of us like to play with new ideas. It is very fun to try and come up with new artistic moves and go in depth with that, challenging yourself and the fans. "

Metalized: Pip Williams does so much more than just conduct your music for an orchestra. Could you briefly describe his role, also on "Imaginaerum"?

Tuomas: "Yes, he does much more than just write down my thoughts. He has a lot of different ideas for the individual songs, and he is an invaluable guy. What happened was that we made the demo last summer, where I had a lot of orchestral arrangements with keyboards. I sent the demo to him, and then we talked with each other at least 1-3 times a day over the next four months, just throwing ideas back and forth. He said, 'We need this obo part here' and I said 'Yes, but it should be here,' and so on. He contributed with a lot of his own ideas. For example, the C part in 'Scaretale', the circus part, which I could never have imagined."

Metalized: So the orchestral arrangements are much of a Holopainen/Williams collaborative effort?

Tuomas: "I would say that it is pretty much fifty-fifty. Something very important is that I want the orchestra to sound as a keyboard I could play if I had 10 hands. I don't want it to be everywhere just because it is cool to have an orchestra. It is very important that it fits and is a part of the big sound. I don't want it to sound too artistic or too fake."

Metalized: Anette [Olzon, vocals] is an established part of the band now, and she has been in the band for several years. On "Dark Passion Play" she came in after the songs were written. Has it made a difference on "Imaginaerum" that you maybe know her vocal style better?

Tuomas: "Definitely, and at least I can hear that. I knew what her strengths were and what her weaknesses were, and then I just tried to avoid those. We have also toured together for two years, and known each other for five years, so there was a much more relaxed feeling when she came to the studio to sing. It was completely different. A funny thing is that 50-60% of all vocals, both Anette and Marco [Hietala], is from the demo more than a year ago. We recorded the demo at the summer camp in a small room and just said 'sing it like you want.' It took her three days, and we were all blown away, we were like, 'What is happening here?' Six months later we went to the studio and did all the vocals again, and thought that this is good, but something is missing. That's why we ended up using the demo, and the same applies to Marco. It is about the magic of the first take, and that there is no pressure on you when you're recording a demo. When you say that you have to do your best there is some pressure on you. She had also just broken a rib when we went to the studio, and I don't think she had recovered completely."

Metalized: Did she contribute with some vocal lines or melodies of her own this time?

Tuomas: "The original idea was that she would join our summer camp for both months and then go through all the arrangements, but then she got pregnant, and she stayed at home. So no, she didn't contribute so much of her own. Her job was the interpretation. Hopefully we can work closer together the next time."

Metalized: Speaking of strengths and weaknesses, what do you think her strengths are?

Tuomas: "I know her scale now, and what part of the scale she sounds best. I think she is best in the lower end. You can really hear that on 'The Crow, The Owl And The Dove', for example. Her improvisational skills are really good. What you hear at the end of 'Storytime' is all her own. This whoa-whoa thing. It is a very Swedish thing, like ABBA or ROXETTE or something."

Metalized: Both you and Anette were quite open about the fact that there was a lot of stress within the band in 2008, I think it was. In your mind, what was the most important factor behind that situation?

Tuomas: "I'd say that there was just one big reason, and that was the tour schedule. It was hard for everyone, but especially for her because she was under a lot of pressure constantly. Almost everyone collapsed at some point. It was very stupid of us and the booking agents. No one really thought about it. We were just so excited with a new album and a new singer. Let's do this, we thought. People just started falling apart. Her, other bandmembers, some of the technicians. Everyone was constantly worried about Anette, how is she handling it, how are our fans treating her, are we gonna get shot on stage?"

Metalized: Was it also maybe because she really didn't know what she was getting into back then?

Tuomas: "No, she didn't, and she also admitted that after a few months. She herself said, 'I'm sorry, I just didn't know that it was like this, and I don't know if I can go through with this. I am doing my best, but this is too hard.' How could she know? She made it, and I give her a big plus for that. The lowpoint was that show in South America in 2008 where she broke down and left the stage."

Metalized: Was there something from the audience that night?

Tuomas: "Yeah, on the first line there was maybe 5-10 people doing like this [not-so-polite hand gesture] and waving 'Tarja' signs. That was the lowpoint, and then it slowly got better."

Metalized: I think that there has been a shift in your lyrical style from the first albums to the later ones, from "Oceanborn"/"Wishmaster" era and onwards. The later lyrics are maybe more direct and more personal. Were you trying to do something different on the earlier albums?

Tuomas: "It has always been about writing the diary of my life and what interests me. 'Oceanborn' and 'Wishmaster' were more fantasy-oriented, and 'Dark Passion Play' and 'Imaginaerum' are very personal, especially 'Dark Passion Play'."

Metalized: Is also maybe just because you are more comfortable being personal than you were back then?

Tuomas: "Yeah, that is right. The songs are just born from moments of fascination. For example 'Turn Loose The Sawns' was born from the moments when I was visiting my grandfather when he died in just ten minutes, and my grandmother was just lying next to him, just caressing him and saying 'goodbye my love' and 'see you.' It was an incredibly emotional moment, they were both over ninety. What she did was check his teeth and warm his toes, and it is also in the lyrics of the song. It thought that it was so beautiful and weird at the same time. It really gave me the shivers. I had never seen a dead person before. It is moments like these the sings are born from."

Metalized: Do you ever wonder what you will when NIGHTWISH is over, no matter if it will be in 10 or 30 years?

Tuomas: "I sometimes do, yes. I have my dreams. I am sure that I will make music for the rest of my life in some way. Maybe it will be music for other artists. I would love to write a book some day. Something involving creativity. I also had this dream of opening a sort of wilderness camp, where you could take Japanese tourists hiking or something. That's the kinda thing I would do, if I didn't have music."
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 23, 2011, 02:04:39 pm


Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 24, 2011, 10:34:54 pm (

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 25, 2011, 10:29:19 pm
icolas : Vous aviez enregistríé une díémo sur la chanson thí¨me de ce film « The Heart Asks Pleasure first » de Michaí«l Nyman, mais la reprise a d'abord íétíé refusíée, puis finalement acceptíée.

Tuomas : En effet, il ne l'a pas aimíé. Mais j'ai finalement reí§u un email il y a un mois : « c'est bon, tu peux y aller, c'est OK ». Donc nous allons probablement la sortir en díébut d'anníée prochaine, en tout cas durant le premier semestre 2012. Mais on tient vraiment í  attendre que tout soit íécrit noir sur blanc, pour ne pas avoir de problí¨me juridique. On souhaite íªtre sí»r í  100%, mais í§a semble trí¨s bien parti díésormais. Et puis í§a tombe bien : on n'avait pas de bonus track pour Imaginaerum.

Que viene a decir que hace un mes Tuomas por fin consiguió el permiso, que no lo han hecho antes porque querí­an estar 100% seguros por problemas legales y que al final ha salido bien, porque no tienen bonus para Imaginaerum. Probablemente lo publicarán durante la primera mitad de 2012
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 26, 2011, 04:10:51 pm
Storytime (teaser) (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 31, 2011, 10:48:04 pm
Entrevista en Mariskal Rock (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 03, 2011, 10:16:13 pm




Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 03, 2011, 10:20:57 pm
El lunes que viene van a echar el single completo en la radio finlandesa Radio Rock. La radio se puede escuchar por internet, en la página Se le da al botoncito donde pone kuuntele y listo!.
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 04, 2011, 10:42:49 pm
Prelistening session @ Germany (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Noviembre 07, 2011, 02:53:22 pm
A ver lo que dura el video :)

"I am the voice from never never land

The innocence that reached from every man

I am the empty grave of Peter Pan

A silent kite against a blue blue sky

Every chimney every moonlit sight

I am the story that will read you real

Every memory that you hold dear"
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 07, 2011, 07:28:07 pm

It was the night before,
When all through the world,
No words, no dreams
Then one day,
A writer by a fire
Imagined all of Gaia
Took a journey into a childless heart...

A painter on the shore
Imagined all the world
Within the snowflake on his palm
A dream of poetry,
I'll tell is over
Cutting in,
Falling back in to the stars...

I am the voice of never, never land,
The innocence of dreams from every man,
I am the empty grave of Peter Pan,
A soaring kite against the blue, blue sky,
Every chimney, every moonlit sight
I am the story that will read you real,
Every memory that you hold dear

I am the journey,
I am the destination,
I am the whole mad tale
That grieves you
Away to taste the night,
Free and loose we fly!
Follow the madness,
How do you know what's real?

Imaginarium, a dream emporium!
Caress the tales
And they will read you real
A storyteller's game,
Inside he flicks the gate
The calling heart
Is a limitless chest of tales...

I am the voice of never, never land,
The innocence of dreams from every man,
I am the empty grave of Peter Pan,
A soaring kite against the blue, blue sky,
Every chimney, every moonlit sight
I am the story that will read you real,
Every memory that you hold dear

I am the voice of never, never land,
The innocence of dreams from every man,
Searching heavens for another earth...
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 07, 2011, 10:55:10 pm
Storytime video premier will be 9am Finnish time on Nightwish's official youtube channel on Wednesday 9th
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 07, 2011, 10:57:12 pm
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Noviembre 08, 2011, 06:49:44 pm

í‰ste aguantó y lleva desde ayer  :023:
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Noviembre 09, 2011, 12:59:21 pm
EL video oficial. STORYTIME
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 11, 2011, 08:47:44 pm
Tuomas sobre Storytime (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 11, 2011, 08:49:46 pm
Imaginaerum Update
11. November 2011

A fantastic day everyone!

It's Wednesday the 9th of November and the first single of Imaginaerum called "Storytime" is finally out today. It's part 1 of a very long homecoming, 4 years in the making. Makes me feel a bit sad, fairly relieved and ultimately proud. Sad that a certain journey is finally coming to an end, relieved that everything worked out beautifully, and proud of the band members' and the fellow imagineers' effort in getting this colossal project together. Thank you.

I saw the first edits of Imaginaerum The Movie a week ago. Stobe and Mathieu have been working with the edits a few weeks now and the parts I saw were very convincing. The demo scores (by the tech wizard Petri Alanko) are working out wonderfully, even though we still need to toy around with them quite a bit. The special effects guys have also begun their work, so once we get all these layers together some truly mind blowing movie magic will be born. Basically now we just have to wait patiently and try not to breathe too much into their backs, and let them do their magic.

In the meanwhile, loads of promo and rehearsals still to be done.

Such exciting times,

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 18, 2011, 05:55:43 pm
Samples (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 18, 2011, 10:33:49 pm

#1 en Finlandia!!!
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 18, 2011, 10:36:06 pm
La letra OFICIAL!!!

t was the night before
When all through the world
No words, no dreams,
Then one day

A writer by a fire
Imagined all Gaia
Took a journey into a child-man's heart

A painter on the shore
Imagined all the world
Within the snowflake on his palm
Unframed by poetry
A canvas of awe
Planet earth
Falling back into the stars

I am the voice of never-never-land
The innocence, the dreams of every man
I am the empty crib of Peter Pan
A silent kite against the blue, blue sky
Every chimney, every moonlit sight
I am the story that will read you real
Every memory that you hold dear

I am the journey
I am the destination
I am the home
The tale that reads you

A way to taste the night
The elusive high
Follow the madness
Alice, you know once did

Imaginarium, a dream emporium
Caress the tales
And they will dream you real
A storyteller's game
Lips that intoxicate
The core of all life
Is a limitless chest of tales

I am the voice of never-never-land
The innocence, the dreams of every man
I am the empty crib of Peter Pan
A silent kite against the blue, blue sky
Every chimney, every moonlit sight
I am the story that will read you real
Every memory that you hold dear

I am the voice of never-never-land
The innocence, the dreams of every man
Searching heavens for another earth

I am the voice of never-never-land
The innocence, the dreams of every man
I am the empty crib of Peter Pan
A silent kite against the blue, blue sky
Every chimney, every moonlit sight
I am the story that will read you real
Every memory that you hold dear (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 22, 2011, 10:28:01 pm
Ediciones de Imaginaerum (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 23, 2011, 08:46:49 pm
Si vais a este link os lleva a una página del pato donald, con la portada del disco y si introduces la palabra Yí¶vissy, pues se escucha The Crow, The Owl and the Dove. Entera.
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 23, 2011, 09:06:00 pm
Entrevista (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 23, 2011, 10:33:23 pm
La letra:

Don't give me love, don't give me faith
Wisdom nor pride, give innocence instead
Don't give me love, I've had my share
Beauty nor rest, give me truth instead

A crow flew to me, kept its distance
Such a proud creation
I saw its soul, envied its pride
But needed nothing it had

An owl came to me, old and wise
Pierced right through my youth
I learned its ways, envied its sense
But needed nothing it had

Don't give me love, don't give me faith
Wisdom nor pride, give innocence instead
Don't give me love, I've had my share
Beauty nor rest, give me truth instead

A dove came to me, had no fear
It rested on my arm
I touched its calm, envied its love
But needed nothing it had

A swan of white, she came to me
The lake mirrored her beauty sweet
I kissed her neck, adored her grace
But needed nothing she could give

Got to grieve her, got to wreck it
Got to grieve her, got to wreck it
Got to grieve her, got to wreck it

Don't give me love, don't give me faith
Wisdom nor pride, give innocence instead
Don't give me love, I've had my share
Beauty nor rest, give me truth instead
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 23, 2011, 10:36:39 pm
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 25, 2011, 07:12:54 pm
Otros samples (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 25, 2011, 07:17:26 pm
Juego (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 25, 2011, 07:21:35 pm
About Imaginaerum (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 27, 2011, 06:06:18 pm
Mas samples (
Título: Imaginaerum
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 30, 2011, 08:49:56 pm
Han pasado cuatro años desde la llegada de Anette a Nightwish y, tambien, de la salida de "Dark Passion Play" En su momento lo analicíé detenidamente y no salió muy bien parado, y aún hoy sigo pensando que es malo. Pero es la hora de Imaginaerum. asi que vamos a por ello!!!

Taikatalvi Es la intro del disco, narrada en finíés, nos pone en situacion de la historia. La melodia que la acompaña resulta muy agradable, Una buena intro

Storytime El single de presentación. Habla sobre la imaginación, y las ilimitadas historias que con ella se pueden crear. Aunque al principio Anette muestra su registro más aniñado, en el estribillo exhibe una potencia no vista antes. Es un buen single

Ghost River No es de mis favoritas, pero aun asi me parece mucho mejor que cualquiera de las de Dark Passion Play. Tiene un alto componente teatral (estupenda la interpretación de Anette con su voz asustada y Marco haciendo de malo) Estupendo el coro de niños. Aún asi demasiado heavy para mi gusto

Slow Love Slow Es una canción jazz y encima está muy bien hecha Suena dulce, sexy y por quíé no decirlo tambiíén algo tíétrica. Como experimento está bien!!!

I Want My Tears Back Retomamos los aires celtas que tan bien sonaban en el disco anterior, Estribillo pegadizo, bonitos arreglos y bien cantada tanto por Anette como por Marco. De mis favoritas, tiene magia

Scaretale ESTA CANCIí“N ES SENSACIONAL!!! Empieza con un coro de niños inquietante, luego se une la orquesta, y despues de dos minutos entra Anette, con una voz de bruja malvada de lo más convincente.La canción podria ser de malo de pelí­cula Disney Gran interpretación de Marco tambiíén haciendo el malo. Se pasa en un boleo...... y eso que dura siete minutos!!

Arabesque Instrumental de aires arábes! Muy bonita, pero poco más

Turn loose the mermaids Balada con aires celtas, agradable de escuchar, aunque quizá algo sosa

Rest calm Empieza Marco en esta ocasión y Anette hace ella sola el estribillo, que es lento. Hací­a la mitad de la canción aparece otra vez el coro de niños, que le da un toque melancólico a la canción. Es de mis favoritas, aunque no sepa porquíé

The Crow, The Owl And The Dove única canción compuesta por Marco, preciosa balada acustica, con aires celtas. En el estribillo, se alternan íél y Anette. La sueca utiliza aqui su registro nás dulce y queda de maravilla Conmovedora,

Last Ride Of The Day A mi esta canción me recuerda a la íépoca Once Canción de estribillo rápido, con buenos arreglos orquestales y guitarras potentes. Levanta el ánimo!!

Song Of Myself Iba para obra maestra y sólo se quedó en obrilla Dura 13 minutos y los ultimos 5 son recitados, lo que la hace muy aburrida. Y es una pena porque la parte cantada es muy buena y debieran haberla ampliado.

Imaginaerum Instrumental, resulta curiosa porque contiene pedazos de los otros temas Un bonito final

En resumen Nightwish ha recuperado la magia que tení­a antaño, han experimentado con cosas nuevas y les ha salido bien
Mención aparte merece Anette Olzon, que ha sacado una variedad vocal sorprendente. Juega con la voz como no habiamos visto antes y transmite mucho sentimiento en cada interprentación arropada por unos arreglos sencillamente maravillosos.
Para mi este disco es la continuación perfecta a Once, se demiestra que Dark Passion Play fue una mala racha y que Nightwish siempre sera Nightwish, sea quien sea su vocalista

NOTA 8'5
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 30, 2011, 10:31:49 pm
Signing session in Helsinki (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 02, 2011, 11:08:14 pm
Nightwish France le hizo una entrevista a Anette recientemente y aquí­ la tienen gracias a nuestros amigos de Nightwish Chile.

Nightwish France: ¿Cómo fue la grabación de Imaginaerum, comparada con Dark Passion Play?
Anette: Fue muy agradable y relajada. Lo mejor fue de seguro las grabaciones del demo, dónde fue sólo yo. Tuomas y tero estaban en este estudio improvisado en Rí¶skí¶, el campo en Finlandia, y yo tení­a a mi familia conmigo. Nada de estríés, ni presión, sólo cantar las canciones despuíés de escucharlas por primera vez e improvisar que es lo que me gusta. Las grabaciones reales tambiíén fueron buenas pero está esa cosa que amo de cantar las canciones por primera vez y las puedo interpretar con oí­dos totalmente frescos. Despuíés de unos meses escuchándolas otra vez, no es el mismo sentimiento y por eso terminamos tomando partes del demo.

 NWF: Tu voz en ‘Scaretale’ suena muy nueva, como una bruja! ¿Cuál fue tu idea?
 A: Tuomas y yo siempre conversamos antes de la grabación y le pregunto cuál es la idea de la canción, así­ puedo ponerme en ese modo e interpretar de la forma en que íél escribió. í‰l dijo que esta canción era sobre las pesadillas de todos los niños y cuando comencíé a cantar, sentí­ natural sacar esa voz de bruja mala y cuando “escupí­â€ en un punto, los chicos estaban un poco impresionados, pero lo mantuvimos y ahora es una parte divertida de la canción.

 NWF: ¿Cómo describirí­as Imaginaerum?
 A: Nuevamente es un gran álbum, como Dark Passion Play, decir que es el “Dark Passion Play 2” es una buena forma de describirlo. Aún bombástico, muchas cosas, necesita más de una escucha y es como subirse a una montaña rusa.

NWF: ¿Estás feliz de volver al tour?
A: Lo estoy esperando; será divertido estar en el escenario de nuevo. No me gusta la parte de viajar y estar lejos tanto tiempo, pero es algo que va con este trabajo.

NWF: ¿Cómo te imaginas el próximo tour? Tuomas dijo que serí­a más corto, pero ¿habrá cambios comparado con el Tour Dark Passion Play?
 A: Será más pequeño y más corto, en general seguirán siendo escenarios grandes. El escenario, por supuesto, se verá diferente y arreglado para Imaginaerum, pero si habrá otros cambios, tendrás que esperar y verlos.

 NWF: Desde que te uniste a NIGHTWISH, has hecho muchas colaboraciones con bandas como BROTHERFIRE TRIBE, PAIN y THE RASMUS. Cómo ocurrió esto? ¿Te gustarí­a hacer más?
 A: Esas bandas me lo pidieron y fue divertido cantar con ellos. Hice otra canción con una banda finesa (Swallow the sun). Tambiíén una banda y canción muy buenas. Me gusta hacer estas cosas pero siempre trato de elegir la canción que me gusta y tampoco hace muchas, porque la gente se puede cansar de escucharme en todos lados.

NWF: EN Agosto 13 del 2009, cantaste dos canciones de NIGHTWISH con una orquesta en Estocolmo (Kuolema Tekee Taiteilija y Meadows of heaven) ¿Nos puedes decir más sobre esta experiencia, y por quíé elegiste esas canciones en particular?
A: Este concierto fue en celebración de Finlandia y Suecia y estaba muy feliz de que me pidieran se parte de eso. Sentí­ que querí­a mostrarle mi gratitud a la gente de Finlandia por aceptarme en Nightiwsh y por eso elegí­ Kuolema, incluso siendo mala con el finíés. Meadows of heaven tambiíén era una canción que tení­a ganas de hacer en vivo, ya que nunca la habí­amos hecho, y además se me dio la oportunidad de actuar con una gran orquesta, necesitaba tomar la oportunidad y tratar de cantarla en vivo.

NWF: ¿Tu álbum en solo sigue en los planes? ¿Nos puedes decir más de eso?
A: Bien, no hay planes concretos de lanzamiento, pero estoy tirando algunas cuerdas ahora para buscar gente muy buena para ayudarme a producir las canciones y tenerlas listas para poder lanzarlas el 2013. Veremos quíé pasa.

 NWF: ¿Quíé sientes sobre tus primeros años con NIGHTWISH? Si pudieras, ¿Cambiarí­as algo desde el 2007?
A: Si me hubieras preguntado esto el 2009, despuíés de un tour muy difí­cil y con todo lo que pasó en ese tour, te hubiera dicho que nunca más lo harí­a de nuevo porque fueron unos años muy difí­ciles para mi. Pasaron tantas cosas durante esos y pasíé de ser Anette a ser la cantante de NIGHTWISH, tomando el rol despuíés de otra cantante que era muy amada por sus fans. Creo que aprendí­ mucho de todo lo que pasó y soy más fuerte hoy, así­ que no cambiarí­a nada, porque creo que aprendemos de todo en vida- cosas buenas y malas.
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 02, 2011, 11:12:07 pm
Diario de Nettie!!!

Hola a todos!

Bueno, pensíé que es tiempo de escribir un poco sobre nuestros ensayos aquí­ en Helsinki y de lo que estuvimos haciendo la semana pasada.

El jueves pasado ya fuimos a nuestro lugar de ensayo en la mañana y fue muy agradable estar de nuevo frente al micrófono y escuchar lo que los chicos hicieron los dí­a anteriores. Tenemos algunas cosas buenas planeadas y siempre es interesante si funciona y sí­, funcionó. Cantar las canciones de Imaginaerum en vivo por primera vez fue interesante y siempre es algo raro que las canciones que pensíé que serí­an fácil de cantar en vivo pueden ser un poco engañoso, mientras que las que yo pensíé que serí­an difí­ciles fueron muy fáciles. Esto es algo que todo el tiempo y algunas canciones parecen cobrar aún más vida en el salón de ensayos.

Este primer dí­a practicamos por muchas horas y toma algo de tiempo lograr entrar en las canciones así­ que el dí­a siguiente todos sonamos aún mejor. Siento como todos comenzamos a adentrarnos más y más en cada canción, y ese dí­a detrás de mi se sintió muy gratificante y anticipando a los ensayos de ayer cuando nuestro querido Troy se nos unió y completó nuestro grupo. Para mí­, en lo personal, Troy me da tranquilidad y positivismo y todo se siente muy divertido, la música fluye y nosotros simplemente nos divertimos juntos todo el dí­a.

Ayer fue el último dí­a de ensayo por esta vez y aún cuando anhelo ir a mi hogar con mis queridos chicos en casa, ya anhelo nuestros ensayos en Enero porque dejo Helsinki con una sensación de alegrí­a y el conocimiento de que el próximo año será maravilloso y divertido junto con estos chicos y la música que amo cantar.
¡Hoy Imagianerum fue lanzado y es tan lindo que finalmente hayamos sacado el álbum!

¡Disfruten Diciembre y estos últimos dí­as del 2011, el 2012 está cerca!


Helsinki, Noviembre 30, 2011.

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 03, 2011, 11:27:45 pm
Nightwish at Ruisrock
Nightwish will be playing at next year's Ruisrock festival in Turku, Finland.
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 06, 2011, 08:14:53 pm
Entrevista (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 07, 2011, 10:42:50 pm
Entrevista!!! (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 22, 2011, 06:02:10 pm
entrevista a Stobe Harju 18/12

Queridos amigos de Nightwish y la pelí­cula Imaginaerum.

Este debe ser el más difí­cil de actualización que tení­a que escribir por mi principal "manos en" el trabajo es cada vez menos frecuentes. Por eso, me siento más vací­o que nunca.

Como la mayorí­a de ustedes saben, hemos terminado el corte del director de la pelí­cula. Todos los que participan en las sesiones de selección estaban muy contentos y dieron su opinión precioso que hizo el corte del director. Puedo decir esto ahora, estamos muy, muy, muy contento con el corte. Hay muchas personas que merecen nuestro agradecimiento, son los otros directores, co-escritores, actores y productores. Todaví­a hay edición necesaria para los efectos visuales para hacer que nos quedemos en el presupuesto. Esta fase de la larga hace que la pelí­cula y es crucial para el íéxito de la pelí­cula final. Una vez más, estamos viviendo tiempos interesantes.

Ahora, el cine es sobre todo acerca de dejar ir. Además de la edición, que tení­a que decir adiós a mi buen amigo y editor de la pelí­cula, Mathieu Belanger, y su familia fantástica que me acompañó en Finlandia durante dos meses. El corazón y el alma Mathieu puso en esta pelí­cula no se puede describir con palabras, y estoy seguro, nuestros caminos se crucen en el futuro y en otro proyecto.

Ahora, la pelí­cula está en las buenas manos de otro amigo mí­o Sherrett Josuíé, su taller y el gran equipo de Visión Mundial en Montreal. Sus efectos visuales y sus bocetos a principios nos han volado ya varias veces y, finalmente, llegan a mostrar el sentido de la palabra "magia". Críéanme cuando digo que he visto algunas cosas muy interesantes hasta ahora.

Como mi trabajo continúa con ellos sino que tambiíén continúa con Alanko Petri y la banda sonora está produciendo con Tuomas. Es milagroso cómo estos tipos puede sacar algo completamente diferente, pero al mismo tiempo similares con las canciones del álbum Imaginaerum. Bueno, debe ser de 350 pistas por canción en el álbum que le dan esa posibilidad de las variaciones. Esos hijos de puta locura.

Es sólo una cuestión de tiempo que tenemos algo nuevo y especial para mostrar. Esperamos que sea rápido porque no podemos esperar tanto.

Mientras tanto, las grandes personas que trabajan en Imaginaerum gustarí­a dar las gracias a todos ustedes y les deseo una Navidad mágica y Año Nuevo imaginativo! Que tus sueños se hagan realidad.

Stobe Harju - El Director, Imaginaerum (Helsinki, Finlandia 18 de diciembre 2011)
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 25, 2011, 09:17:16 pm
Tuomas cumple hoy 35 años!!!
FELICIDADES!!!! :011: :011: :011: :011: :011:
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 27, 2011, 08:25:42 pm
Dear friends of Nightwish and the Imaginaerum movie.

This must be the hardest update I had to write because of my principal "hands on" work is getting less frequent. For that, I feel emptier than ever.

As most of you may know, we finished the director's cut for the film. Everyone involved in the screening sessions were very happy and gave precious feedback that made the director's cut. I can say this now, we are very, very, very happy with the cut. There are many people who deserve our appreciation, they are fellow directors, co-writers, actors and producers. There is still editing required for the visual effects to make us stay in the budget. This phase eventually makes the film and is crucial to the success of the final movie. Again, we are living exciting times.

Now, filmmaking is mostly about letting go. Besides the editing, I had to say farewell to my very good friend and the editor of the film, Mathieu Bíélanger, and his fantastic family who joined me in Finland for couple months. The heart and soul Mathieu put into this film cannot be described by words and I'm sure, our paths will cross in the future and in another project.

Now, the film is in the good hands of another friend of mine Joshua Sherrett, his Workshop and the great team of Vision Global in Montreal. Their visual effects and their early concept sketches have blown us away several times already, and finally, they get to show us the meaning of the word "magic". Believe me when I say we've seen some pretty exciting stuff so far.

As my work continues with them it also continues with Petri Alanko and the soundtrack he's producing with Tuomas. It's miraculous how these guys can pull off something completely different but at the same time similar with the Imaginaerum album songs. Well, it must be the 350 tracks per song on the album that give that possibility for the variations. Those crazy bastards.

It's just a matter of time when we have got something new and special to show you. We hope it's quick because we can't wait either.

Meanwhile, the great people working on Imaginaerum would like to thank you all and wish you a magical Christmas and imaginative New Year! May your dreams come true."
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Enero 05, 2012, 06:36:58 pm
Nuevo video de Swallow The Sun "Cathedral Walls" con Anette
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: _V_ en Enero 05, 2012, 06:42:01 pm
Familia Vuorinen

( (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 07, 2012, 05:53:12 pm
Oceansouls of America, el fan club Norteamericano de Nightwish---en asociación con Roadrunner Records, y Sonic Cathedral---presentan: An Interview With Nightwish! (una entrevista con Nightwish)

Aprovechando el concierto en Los Angeles el 21 de enero, Oceansouls of America (OSA) conducirá una entrevista con miembros de Nightwish; y quieren que participen los fans, no solamente americanos, sino de todo el Mundo, enviando sus preguntas.

Podíéis enviar un total de dos preguntas por persona (e-mail/username), aunque obviamente no se garantiza que vayan a ser todas publicadas, así­ que sed creativos. Las únicas reglas (a parte de que deben estar formuladas en inglíés, me imagino):
1) No "proposiciones de matrimonio" o perguntas personales xD
2) No preguntas de la antigua era, o de miembros pasados.

La fecha lí­mite para enviar preguntas es el 15 de enero.

Las preguntas se pueden enviar a travíés del formulario de contacto de la web de OSA con el asunto "Nightwish Interview". Además debíéis indicar vuestro nombre o nick, e-mail y dirección (ciudad/estado o provincia/paí­s).

Para más información visitad:
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 09, 2012, 11:05:14 pm
Demo The crow, the owl and the dove  (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 11, 2012, 10:33:17 pm


01. The Crow, The Owl And The Dove (Radio edit) 
02. The Heart Asks Pleasure First (Theme from movie 'The Piano') - previously unreleased
03. The Crow, The Owl And The Dove (Album version)
04. The Crow, The Owl  And The Dove (Instrumental version)
05. The Heart Asks Pleasure First (Instrumental version) - previously unrelease

Initial release date: 29.2.2012
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 14, 2012, 04:22:48 pm
Marco cumple hoy 46 años!!!!
FELICIDADES!!! :011: :011: :011:
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 18, 2012, 10:39:26 pm
Video de los ensayos (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 20, 2012, 09:19:03 pm
(Jean Sibelius cover)


Wish I Had an Angel



The Siren

Slow, Love, Slow

I Want My Tears Back
(With Troy Donockley)

The Crow, the Owl and the Dove
(With Troy Donockley)

The Islander (Acoustic)
(With Troy Donockley)

Nemo (Acoustic)
(With Troy Donockley)

Last of the Wilds
(With Troy Donockley)

Planet Hell

Song of Myself

Last Ride of the Day


The Poet and the Pendulum

Over the Hills and Far Away
(Gary Moore cover) (With Troy Donockley)

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 20, 2012, 09:25:33 pm
Storytime Live (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 20, 2012, 09:33:15 pm
Slow love slow (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 20, 2012, 09:36:11 pm
I want my tears back (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 22, 2012, 07:14:12 pm
Planet Hell @ LA (

Over The Hills And Far Away (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 22, 2012, 10:57:10 pm
Nemo (acoustic) @ LA (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 25, 2012, 11:23:48 pm
Nightwish ha logrado conseguir con su nuevo Album "Imaginaerum" varios discos de oro y el pasado 20 de enero recibieron el premio EMMA al disco más vendido en Finlandia del 2011. Un record de ventas que tiene más míérito por haberlo conseguido en tan solo cuatro semanas desde
que fue publicado.
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 25, 2012, 11:26:25 pm
When Oceansouls of America announced their upcoming interview with Nightwish, one thing we wanted to do in order to make our very-first interview unique: we took questions submitted from fans all over the world. We were curious to know not only how fans were reacting to the new album, tour, and upcoming film, but what other kinds of things did Nightwish fans want to know about the band? What kinds of things would a fan ask, if given the opportunity to approach members of their favorite band and ask them anything they’ve ever wanted to know? Would they ask serious questions? Would they want to know something completely off-the-wall? This would be our opportunity to find out. What better way to discover the answers to these questions than to get it from the source? We talked to Tuomas Holopainen, the band’s main songwriter, keyboardist, and the center of all things Nightwish; just hours before the band’s official start to their Imaginaerum tour. Two days prior, the band had played a secret show in Hollywood under the pseudonym Rubber Band of Wolves---which was not such a secret by the time the band hit the stage---for their first live performance in over 2 years.

Seeing as how you lived in the U.S. for a year in your youth as a foreign exchange student, how does it feel to bring your brand of metal back to the place where your love of metal music began?
I just…I love the U.S., and I love the country, and it’s always a pleasure coming here. I really mean it; it’s one of my favorite countries in the world. The people…how you guys do theme parks, for example. I was at Universal [Studios] for 2 days…yeah, I’m a theme park fanatic, so this is my heaven. So yeah, it all started in Kansas City; 17th of September, 1992.

(Fan-submitted question: OSA member Desiríée Smith; Lee’s Summit, MO; U.S.A.): How much of a culture shock was it coming to the U.S. when you were a teen? I'm from the area you stayed (Missouri/Kansas), what were your impressions of the area?
It was a huge shock. The thing is, I came here when I was 15, and I was quite a different person back then. Well, not that different; but back then, I was incredibly shy. I remember that during the year that I was here, I didn’t make but one friend, for example, besides my host family. You know, I didn’t hate anybody, nobody hated me; but I was just a quiet kid in the school corridors. I really was just playing the clarinet in the band, and being real, real quiet. So that’s what I remember; that everything was so new, and I was quite scared. It was truly a nice lesson of independence and everything. Afterwards, I’d been thinking that maybe I did it, like 1 or 2 years too early. I was just so secluded. But only good memories living here; fantastic host family and everything.

When will you be returning for a full tour of the U.S./North America?
Most likely next fall. I mean, they have already planned some dates and cities, but nothing’s been announced yet. But, like 99% sure that it’s gonna happen next August, September, October; something like that.

This show at Gibson will be the band's first opportunity to bring their elaborate stage show to their American audience. What kind of things can we expect tonight? While it's likely that much of it will be part of the stage show for this tour, are there any special surprises that will be exclusive only to this show?
We had some big plans, but then we got the budget and we had to cut a lot of that away. I’m being really honest here. Because, for example, pyrotechnics, they cost about four times here, more than in Europe. So there was no way we could pay for…astronomical, the expenses. So we basically just have flames, some confetti…but that’s it. We couldn’t bring the screens, for example; there’s no way. It’s the first time we have fire on U.S. soil, so that’s something special.

(Fan-submitted question: Sherry; Pennsylvania, U.S.A.) What is your ideal audience?
I would say the audience like last Thursday, 2 days ago. I mean, it wasn’t the best show we ever did, but the feeling of intimacy was there. People were so warm and so…I mean…I was just, like, fighting with my fingers because they wouldn’t go to the right keys at all, and I was kinda scared; first show and everything. But when you look at the audience, they gave us so much energy and warmth. It was really wonderful; really touching. So, small intimate clubs of about 700 people going crazy, that’s the best.

(Fan-submitted question: Danilo Oliveira from Sí£o Paulo, Brasil) Any wishes to do a show with a live orchestra? Do you have your hearts set on just with the London Symphony, or would you consider another orchestra if the opportunity arose?
I would really love to do it with the London Symphony; we have used the same guys and girls for the past 3 albums. So yeah, we want to do it with these people. But on Imaginaerum, the big thing is, naturally, the movie. So I don’t think we’re gonna realize that during this tour.

Seeing as how the Imaginaerum movie was filmed in Canada, is there a likelihood of the movie being shown in Canadian theaters? Is there any possibility of the movie being shown in theaters throughout other North American countries?
I have my doubts, I really do. I’m sure it will be shown in theaters in Finland; it’s gonna be quite an event over there, no doubt. But maybe Canada, because it was shot in Canada. But I would be highly surprised if it got any kind of theatrical release in the U.S. or UK or Europe, even. Because, I mean, it’s a lot on the “cult” side; it doesn’t really have “blockbuster” written all over it. But you know, when we have asked the directors, “does this movie have any chance of hitting the theaters?”, they always say, “give us a 2-minute trailer and we’ll decide”. So we’ll know more in March, when we get the trailer done.

For those countries that will not get the opportunity to see the Imaginaerum film in theaters, how long will they have to wait for the DVD? Any idea of when fans can start anticipating a DVD release?
Absolutely; that’s gonna be the main event; wild guess would be at the end of this year, before Christmas. Maybe early 2013.

So far, details about the movie have been rather hush-hush. Is there any "breaking news" that you would like to give here and now, for the first time?
Well, I got the final edit of the movie this morning into my e-mail, so now it’s ready; the edit is ready. So they’re starting to do the CGI, computer effects, and all that. But we have the length of the movie now, and we have the bits and pieces in the right order. Again, we had to cut a lot of good stuff; it’s all about “killing your darlings”, but it’s all about money as well,
, which is still tied up.. I mean, 2 seconds of computer effects cost, like, thousands and thousands and tens of thousands…if you cut 5 seconds from a really cool rollercoaster scene, you save $10,000 bucks immediately. We just had to cut it out…I wanted it to be there, but…

Do you like what you’ve seen so far?
I really like it, yeah.

(Fan-submitted question: OSA member Carl from Long Island, NY; U.S.A.) As someone who very much enjoys "Slow, Love, Slow", and jazz in general, I was wondering about the thought process that led you to this kind of a song within the context of Nightwish. Did you expect this to be controversial with some fans, and would you like to explore this direction further?
It was just made for the story. I had this vision about an American jazz club in the ‘30s, where all kinds of weird stuff is going on. It was just a vision, a real David Lynch kind of thing. I had no understanding of the jazz music genre, so let’s give it a shot. It was a big challenge for the band, and you always want to challenge yourself. So I really like the result, and it’s by far the biggest surprise of the whole album. The reaction in Key Club 2 days ago was like, ‘wow, I actually like this’. It’s pretty cool.

(Fan-submitted question: OSA member Falyssa from Lawton, OK; U.S.A.) Have you written any other songs that didn’t make it onto the album, that you will release as bonus tracks later on?
We don’t have any bonus tracks, not a single one. We just did those 13 songs, and that’s it. But we are coming up with a separate score album, because all the music that you hear in the movie are the same songs, but completely rearranged. We’re going to release the score album with those songs.

(Fan-submitted question: Dark Passion Site Spanish fan club member Elena Martinez from Madrid, Spain) Now you have reached the dream of making an original soundtrack for a movie, knowing you are a huge Disney fan, I wonder if you've considered making the original soundtrack for an animation film, or even playing the voices of an animated character?
With my verbal skills, no. [Laughs] The soundtrack thing is very much alive, but the overdubbing and everything, no way. But thanks for asking!

(Fan-submitted question: Escapists Brasilian fan club member Carlos Valverde from Cuiabá, Mato-Grosso, Brasil) Making a movie based on a disk is very innovative. What was the biggest challenge in this endeavor?
Getting the money. [Laughs]

(Fan submitted question continued) Original ideas on the script of the film have changed a lot in pre-production? Tell us about this process.
Not that much, we had to cut about 40 pages in the end; again, because of money. And the only thing that really was left out completely from the original idea was the “Ghost River” scene, because it’s so expensive. Again…money, money, money. But that was the only thing; all the other original visions are included in the movie, one way or another.

(Fan-submitted question: Escapists Brasilian fan club member Carolina Tanabe Cervantes from Miracatu, Sí£o Paulo, Brasil) Well, as we know, the theme of the album is related to dreams, imagination, as its name says. I wonder if the stage at the shows will have a special decoration, clowns performing with the band like a circus, as the clip "Storytime", we have this kind of surprise?
You are gonna see 6 clowns onstage, that’s for sure. [Laughs] But nothing that special; there’s gonna be pyro, screens, little props here and there. We’re trying to create this magical world to the stage as well, but nothing overly theatrical, so to say.

(Fan-submitted question: Escapists Brasilian fan club member Carolina Maximo Arpini from Vila Velha, Espí­rito Santo, Brasil) In my opinion, Dark Passion Play was an album full of sorrow with a little bit of anger. But now, in Imaginaerum, all energy changed: sorrow gave way to hope and there is a full harmony sensation in each song. So, the question is: what changed since Dark Passion Play, in your head and in your heart, to have such a wonderful change in Nightwish’s music?
I just don’t want to go through the Dark Passion Play era, ever again. That’s something I decided when I started to do the songs for the new album; not all this melancholy…well, not melancholy, that’s good. But enough of the anger, and sorrow, and being really, really depressed all the time. I mean, it’s just a waste of life. So we deliberately decided that OK, let’s do the more optimistic album. Which doesn’t mean that it’s, like, all positive and just major chords. Melancholy and sorrow and darkness needs to be there, but the overall feeling is so much more optimistic. It’s all about imagination and the beauty of the world and all that.

(Fan-submitted question: OSA member Michí¨le Stenberg; Helsinki, Finland) Are there any songs you don't like to perform, or are tired of performing?
“Wishmaster”. It’s just that we decided with the band that let’s, on this tour, let’s just do the songs that everybody enjoys doing. Because that’s how you keep up the energy, and the smiles, and it reflects to the people. So, ‘who wants to do “Wishmaster”?’, nobody raised their hands. Some other songs as well; for example, I wanted to do “The Wayfarer”, we even practiced it. It was Marco who said that this is not a really good song. I really like that song, and I wanted to do it, but yeah, they were like, ‘maybe something else’. And then it was Anette’s idea, that why don’t we…because everybody was sick and tired of “Nemo” as well…let’s re-arrange it, acoustic.

Any of the older songs you’re considering performing?
Not that much anymore, because like I said, we just want to feel comfortable about doing the songs, and…I mean, we have practiced “Ever Dream” and “Come Cover Me” and all this other stuff are still there. But at least for the first few shows, we’re gonna do it like this, to get the routine.

(Fan-submitted question: Official forum member Emma; Sydney, Australia) If you could be anyone or anything for a day, what would it be?
I’d love to be myself, 20 years ago.

(Fan-submitted question: OSA member Desiríée Smith; Lee’s Summit, MO; U.S.A.): On the last line of "Song of Myself".. "and there forever remains that change from G to Em, were you referring to the scales like a musical metaphor? (The same F# accidental..) Or am I reading too deep?
Well this is a good time to reveal this also, because G major to E minor is one of the most beautiful chord changes there is, in my opinion. And the main character's name in the movie is "Gem". When you see the movie you will understand a lot more. She is the daughter of the main character in the movie, she is called Gem. And it all makes sense once you see the movie, especially the last scene.

We received some other “location requests” from both Australia and Brazil. When are you playing those particular areas?
We haven’t any concrete dates yet, but both of those countries will most likely happen during this tour. Maybe at the end of this year; early 2013. That’s the best I can give you right now.
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 28, 2012, 05:37:21 pm
I want my tears back @ 70000 Tons of Metal (

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 29, 2012, 07:35:44 pm
Intro + Storytime + Wish I had an angel @ 70.000 Tons Of Metal (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 03, 2012, 07:33:19 pm
Scaretale @ 70000 Tons of Metal (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 09, 2012, 11:44:54 pm
The heart asks pleasure first  (sample) (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 22, 2012, 07:22:11 pm
Imaginaerum ya tiene fecha de estreno, el largometraje será estrenado el 8 de agosto con una proyección especial para los fans en el Hartwall Arena de Helsinki, Finlandia, y es posible que se exhiba en el festival de Cannes.
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 24, 2012, 11:20:53 pm
IGHTWISH han instado a su fans a crear el ví­deo de su nuevo sencillo "The Crow, The Dove And The Owl".

Y estos son los premios para los creadores de los videos seleccionados:

Primer premio:
-El ví­deo se colgará en los canales de YouTube de NIGHTWISH y NUCLEAR BLAST
-"Entrada dorada" para entrar a cualquier concierto de la gira "Imaginaerum" salvo festivales (los ganadores correrán con el transporte)
-Galardón especial
-Conocer a la banda
-Edición limitada para la gira de "Imaginaerum"

Segundo premio:
-El ví­deo se colgará en los canales de YouTube de NIGHTWISH y NUCLEAR BLAST
-Dos entradas para un concierto de NIGHTWISH cercano a la localidad del ganador (los ganadores correrán con el transporte)
-Conocer a la banda
-Edición limitada para la gira de "Imaginaerum"

Tercer premio:
-El ví­deo se colgará en los canales de YouTube de NIGHTWISH y NUCLEAR BLAST
-Dos entradas para un concierto de NIGHTWISH cercano a la localidad del ganador (los ganadores correrán con el transporte)
-Edición limitada para la gira de "Imaginaerum"

Se admiten ví­deos hasta el diez de abril.

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 25, 2012, 05:02:54 pm
Nueva edición del disco, Imaginaerum Tour Edition, que además del disco original contiene las versiones orquestrales (orquestales de verdad, ya que no sale I Want My Tears Back, el único tema sin orquestación en el album) y un documental de hora y media sobre la creación del disco y la pelí­cula.
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 29, 2012, 04:17:59 pm
The Heart Ask Pleasure First (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 03, 2012, 07:35:21 pm
Storytime (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 03, 2012, 07:37:57 pm
Nemo @ Joensuu (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 03, 2012, 07:41:43 pm
Amaranth @ Joensuu (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 03, 2012, 07:49:24 pm
Finlandia / Over The Hills And Far Away @ Joensuu (

Slow Love Slow @ Joensuu (

Planet Hell @ Joensuu (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 05, 2012, 07:40:06 pm

01. Taikatalvi

02. Storytime

03. Wish I Had An Angel

04. Amaranth

05. Scaretale

06. The Siren

07. Slow Love Slow

08. I Want My Tears Back

09. The Crow, The Owl And The Dove

10. Islander

11. Nemo (acoustic)

12. Last Of The Wilds

13. Planet Hell

14. Song Of Myself

15. Last Ride Of The Day


16. Poet And The Pendulum

17. Finlandia

18. Over The Hills And Far Away
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 06, 2012, 04:23:42 pm
Letra "The Heart Ask Pleasure First"

Silent night surrounding me
On the shore of wistful sea
A kindest heart made me believe
The world as I wish it to be

Wind in the wheat
Kiss by a hearth
Little hideaways for a lonely heart

Cast away in beauty's gloom
The good in me the child within
A cruelest heart made me forget
The world as I wish it to be

Home inside but lost for life
Human heart longing for love
Slave to the toil this mortal coil
The strife the suffering the void

Wind in the wheat
Kiss by a hearth
A dead calm winter morn
Morning birds and a smile of a stranger

Frozen moments in time
Little hideaways, the marrow of life
Little hideaways for a lonely heart

Wind in the wheat
Kiss by a hearth
Little hideaways for a lonely heart

Silent night surrounding me
On the shore of wistful sea
A kindest heart made me believe
The world as I wish it to be
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 09, 2012, 06:50:37 pm
Trailer documental (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 11, 2012, 09:11:03 pm
Storytime (Fimlandia) (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 11, 2012, 09:13:27 pm
Ghost River (

Dead to the world (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 14, 2012, 06:18:34 pm
IMAGINAERUM – Update from Stobe Harju (14.3.2012)
de Imaginaerum, el miíércoles, 14 de marzo de 2012 a la(s) 13:52 ·
Dear friends of Nightwish and Imaginaerum.

Where should I begin. Much has happened since the last update, too much, to write you another one.

Last months have been a battle getting all the required visual effects into the film as they deserve to be made. As I'm writing this update, the people in Montreal are working hard on the visuals. Since we are still in this stage the teaser trailer and trailer edit have had to wait for a while.

As some of you might have seen from Twitter, the film has reached a picture lock. It means, that no more raw editing will be done for the film and all the shots have their final length so that the visual effects team can finalize them. Naturally, it doesn't stop there.

What we have done during the past month has been looking through the film and doing a list of all the adr (additional dialogue recording). In short. Dig out the script, watch the film, see where the lines can be improved or new lines added, mark them down, send them out, close the script, lock the bastard, get the actors to do some new lines, record them, mix and sync them over the old lines in the film and voilí  we have the final top quality dialogue for the movie. Sounds mundane, but many of the films have improved greatly because of this procedure.

The soundtrack on Petri Alanko's desk is doing great. After the last edit for the film, there were many things that made the guy literally pull his hair out of his head. I guess it's sync issues mainly. Nevertheless, the band is very impressed of what they've heard so far and remember, there's only going to be a few original songs from Imaginaerum album because the rest will have a more cinematic nature to them. I've asked Petri to write an update specifically to you all who are reading this since I gather, you all are getting fairly bored reading my scribbles only.

As I was visiting Nightwish, Helsinki gig on last saturday with some friends, Including Petri Alanko, I was pretty sure we got some shivering ideas of what you, the Nightwish fans, would like to hear in the film. Anyway, Nightwish was fantastic as always and I really got some kicks getting to see the old friends in the backstage once again. Emotional stuff.

As usual, saving the best for last is the obvious thing to do. The teaser trailer is on my desk at the moment, meaning that the editing for the raw version will begin shortly. This will take some time though, because the visual effects that should be in the teaser are still work in progress, there's the sound mixing and coloring to do for those parts of the film and therefore we cannot predict the date, but it's coming out sooner or later anyway. Hopefully sooner dear friends.

In the meanwhile, have a magical spring time waiting for that winter's last snowflake (wink).

Stobe Harju - The Director, Imaginaerum (Helsinki, Finland 12th March, 2012)
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 14, 2012, 06:19:56 pm
NIGHTWISH editarán el 21 de abril con motivo del dí­a de la tienda de discos un vinilo picture disc de 10" titulado "Trials Of Imaginaerum".

Incluye las siguientes cuatro maquetas iníéditas:
I Want My Tears Back
The Crow, The Owl and The Dove
Slow, Love, Slow

Teníéis una lista de las tiendas participantes en el evento en las que podíéis conseguir el lanzamiento aquí­, al comprarlo hay una opción para recibir un tema iníédito en formato digital.

Estas son las tiendas participantes en España

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 20, 2012, 07:28:49 pm
Amaranth @ Kiev

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 20, 2012, 07:36:55 pm
Last Ride Of The Day @ Kiev (

Song uf Myself @ Kiev (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 20, 2012, 07:41:06 pm
The Crow the Owl and the Dove @ St Peyersburg (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 21, 2012, 10:20:47 pm
Setlist nuevo!

Wish I Had an Angel
The Siren
Slow, Love, Slow
I Want My Tears Back
(with Troy Donockley)
The Crow, the Owl and the Dove
(with Troy Donockley)
The Islander
(with Troy Donockley)
(with Troy Donockley) (Acoustic)
Last of the Wilds
(with Troy Donockley)
Planet Hell
Ghost River
Dead to the World
Over the Hills and Far Away
(Gary Moore cover) (with Troy Donockley)
(Jean Sibelius cover) (with Troy Donockley)
Song of Myself
Last Ride of the Day
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 22, 2012, 04:13:40 pm
NW confirmados para venir al festival Costa de Fuego de Benicassim en Julio
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 25, 2012, 08:58:16 pm
Petri Alanko - Imaginaerum The Movie soundtrack
de Imaginaerum, el Domingo, 25 de marzo de 2012 a la(s) 14:46 ·
Hi everyone, it's Petri Alanko here. Since July 2011 I've been working on Imaginaerum The Movie soundtrack based on the album multitrack sessions and the original songs by Tuomas (and one by Marco). I'm afraid some of my text will be more or less technical mumbo-jumbo, but I'll try and keep it as readable as it's humanly possible for yours truly.

A brief history: I met Stobe Harju whilst working with Remedy Entertainment's "Alan Wake" XBOX game for which I composed the soundtrack. I worked briefly, yet closely with Stobe during the game's cinematic cue production phase. To be honest, he must have enjoyed to make me cry, really. Every visual thing he ever showed me brought me to tears. Obviously he didn't hate me much, as I'm here again - and it's been a damn funky ride! Better than any theme park ride, this; at times you feel the wind on your face and things just couldn't come any better, no matter what you do. Then there's that one occasional moment of "how the eff do I turn this 16 bar riff into a 9 minute monster?", a thought repeatedly waking me up at nights for what seemed like a week. Oh, the agony - and how simple and elegant the solution eventually was! A lot of things have just clicked, which makes this one of my most enjoyable jobs ever and definitely the most original one. What I do is a passion, not a profession. I do make a living out of it, but without the spark that ignites me the living would suck.

Indeed, the sparks were many in this project. Let me elaborate a bit.

The process of turning an album track full of orchestra, keyboards, bass, guitars, Uilleann pipes, percussion and vocals into a mayhem of grief, misery, joy, yearning or wonder is not an easy one. It's a method of analysis combined with the gut feeling, at its best. I think I utilized some serious "blinking" (quick decisioning, a term borrowed from Malcolm Gladwell) during the pre-production phase: I had to listen to and through every single track of every song on Nightwish's Imaginaerum ProTools multitrack sessions - and cut out and paint green every "ok" snippet. If a certain thing sounded like it would benefit from further processing, I'd paint it orange or yellow, depending on my mindset (or a process anticipated for that particular cutout). Yellow meant simply "retune", orange "beat the shit out of it no matter what". Retuning usually meant throwing pitches around until the original sample was no longer recognizable… The decisions had to be made presto prestissimo, as I rapidly understood the more I thought of something, the more the original idea dissolved.

I remember one day particularly well, in the very beginning. I had been working on a single track for the whole day, drinking about 7-8 espresso shots, and finally the last track was cut into grays (no-go), greens, yellows and oranges. The arrange page seemed a bit crowded, so I decided to select only the colored sections… and I think I crapped my pants a bit then: there were - I just checked this - 1073 tiny sections separated from their original tracks, in one song alone. Multiply that number by the amount of songs on the album, and you come across with a number such as about 12773, which my "Imaginaerum raw material" folder tells me whenever I hit cmd-I. (The size of the folder is 7.94 GB, by the way. That's a lot of raw material, in other words.) After a weekend off, I did a second run for the material, and to my surprise, I didn't have to do much additions or corrections.

Some of those snippets were then turned into keymaps, them into instruments, instruments were combined to form multi-instruments - and little by little I had managed to develop myself a virtual Nightwish! Well, not really, as they were only single sounds, not pieces of performances as such. However, I did create some tempo-lockable guitar/bass instruments, shredding Nightwish riffs from one key only - and I could switch the key while they played - but these instruments were often used underneath the orchestral sections, to provide some extra "oomph", and you can _not_ hear them playing solo anywhere on the soundtrack. What's loud and sounds like a guitar or bass, it's Emppu or Marco. Period. I did similar stuff for Jukka's drums (again tempolockable) but this time I ran a lot of his stuff through different resonators and filters. Often I took the tom tracks only, picked up a rhythm from his playing and used that rhythm to control the pitches I was putting into a resonator by a keyboard. The result sounds like a percussive huge bass instrument and must be heard to believe… also, some of the vocals were turned into choirs or manic chanting. Marco's demonic "down down, deeper down" in Ghostriver redefined word "scary" after a treatment. You wouldn't want to hear that at night, I promise. At least my neighbour didn't - and he lived 20 meters away. Lived. Moved. Marco's chanting is used on a dark gray field, by the way... I did use "commercial libraries" as well, but wanted to rely on what I had on the Imaginaerum hard drive.

(A side note: I was constantly amazed throughout the process due to the fact every song still sounds like a proper Nightwish track, thanks to the strong personalities behind the performances. You can't fade or mutilate true passion. Period.)

It's probably pointless to say the number of tracks per song/cue turned into nightmarish amounts pretty soon after I had started. I've never been a fan of "let's just put that trendy Casio shit on and sing on top of it" method, and Nightwish are even less so. These two combined = oh holy crap and a thousand portaloos… "Last Ride Of The Day" alone had 327 tracks altogether when it went to mix, of which about 100 from the band itself, and the rest was put in to emphasize the action of the scene in which it was needed. In some cases I had to keep two spare computers running Vienna Ensemble Pro 5 (a virtual instrument networking application, not an orchestra plugin), slaved to my master computer. Yes, master had two slaves - hmm... I wish I had some assistants, too.

I know some of you keep on repeating "Why all this hassle? Why must that nasty bloke destroy everything we love?", I'm sure. Movie scores are a different beast. It's not about egotripping or hating original music (I _love_ it, by the way, I, too, am a fan. "Hello, my name is Petri and I'm a Nightwish fan."), it's about emphasizing the picture and the storyline. Grabbing the essence and rebuilding emotions selectively onto that. Some wiser man (must have been my piano teacher) said movie scores build tools for "dissecting the dreams we see and turn them into consolations or encouragement". There are two (well, three to be honest) tracks that were left as is: Slow, Love, Slow and Scaretale. The third is I Want My Tears Back, sort of.

One by one the songs of Imaginaerum The Album have reformed - transformed - into a soundtrack. It hasn't been easy - and hey, it shouldn't have been; in creative field, comfort zones are for suckers and nine-to-five people. One has to trust the "gut feeling", though. No use to choose the hard way just because it's there. Some things have transformed themselves almost by accident, whereas some have taken a slightly longer time. It's been a damn good ride, and there are still a few good curves ahead - but I can already see the final straight of this rollercoaster, and all you people waiting for your turn on the platform, soon joining the ride. I'm thrilled to be a tiny part of your experience.

There have been a few times when I've wished there was a shotgun in my studio, but only a few. Much more often it was the wind machine that was missed. Or a wedge monitor on the floor onto which to rest my leg. Or a fog machine. A multi-kilowatt PA. A crowd of >20000 people... Heh, the amount of air guitar played in this room has months ago gone through the roof. The end result is going to sound magical, and fear not: I cannot spoil any of it, the original songs and themes are that strong. I'm mixing/cutting the fourth reel (of five) and I can't wait to see this on the big screen.

To be a part of this realising dream is a privilege, and I cannot express my gratitude and pride in an appropriate way; sometimes words just _aren't_ enough. I hope the soundtrack recites wiser words than what I just did.

"My god, it's full of sparks!"

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 30, 2012, 08:09:05 pm
Come cover me @ Kiev (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 01, 2012, 04:13:47 pm
Scaretale @ Kiev (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 11, 2012, 08:23:01 pm
Planet Hell (Rehersals) (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 11, 2012, 08:30:04 pm
Amaranth (

Scaretale (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 11, 2012, 08:57:59 pm
Islander @ Gotheborg (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 12, 2012, 08:03:52 pm
Over The Hills @ Copenhague (

I want my tears back @ Copenhague (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 17, 2012, 03:48:27 pm
Today Wave 100 is happy and proud to have a guest from Nightwish, the musical leader… or art director Tuomas Holopainen. Welcome!- Thank you.

Let’s begin with a question from the golden 80s. What was the childhood dream job of Tuomas Holopainen?- It was probably a biologist, more precisely a marine biologist. Nature and natural sciences have always been important to me. They still are. Crazy scientists were my biggest idols when I was a kid. I had a poster of Einstein on my wall, and things like that.

Do you regret that you didn’t become a scientist?
- Not at all. Like I said, I’m interested about those scenes, but I feel that I’m exactly on the right path in my current job.

Let’s return to the present. Imaginaerum has sold gold in several countries already and your gigs, for example the yesterday’s gig in Helsinki, have been praised in the media. What kind of feedback has the band received directly from the fans?- Well, I try to avoid following the media, including social media. So I don’t read the comments often, but as far as I know, the album has got a very positive but also confused reception: “What is this? You used to make heavy metal with symphonic elements, and now you are making movie music with a shade of heavy metal”. In a way I agree with that, but this album describes what the band is today. This is exactly what we wanted to make. So the feedback has been positive and confused. And the same applies to live shows. People have been wondering “what on earth are they doing”. And that’s exactly what we were aiming to.

What do you think about the album now when some time has passed from making the album, although it was released quite recently?- We are still very satisfied to the album, but I haven’t listened to the album after getting it ready. Maybe I should now listen to it from the beginning to the end with fresh ears.

On your earlier albums you’ve had epic and big songs, but the Imaginaerum album is more integrated than the previous albums. The band sounds quite familiar, but at the same time you’ve found a new path in your music. Do you agree with my description?- You crystallized it very well. I agree with it. And in my opinion, the same thing has happened on every album we’ve made. The band has remained recognizable, but we’ve always added new genres and searched for new challenges. In my opinion, when you start to make an album the first priority is to challenge the band and in a way also the listeners.

Nightwish is considered perhaps the biggest Finnish band abroad. How well do the foreigners know that the band is Finnish? And do you stress abroad that you are Finns?- It’s nice to mention. It gives me some healthy dignity and I'm proud of being a Finn. But advertising the nationality isn’t our main goal. We don’t have Finnish flags on stage or anything like that. But we are proud of it anyway. And people all over the world know where we are coming from. Finnish rock music has a very good reputation everywhere.

You are making an Imaginaerum movie too. Where did you get the idea to make a feature film in addition to the music?- I got the idea exactly because I want to challenge myself to absurd acts on every album. After the previous album, I had a feeling that one path has come to the end. So I was wondering “what on earth should we do on the next album”. So I had to find a new twist. And in summer 2007 I just got the idea that the next twist will be making a movie. So we made the album considering it as a soundtrack of the forthcoming movie.
- The movie will premiere this year. We have a deadline that the movie has to be ready in April, but we haven’t decided yet the theatrical premiere date or the release date of the DVD.

What kind of an experience has it been to make this movie? How do you feel personally and how has the other band members commented the process of making the movie?- This has been a sort of victory of persistence because the project was about to fail several times, mainly because of financial issues. Getting the funding for the movie was really hard, but in the end we found the solution from Canada. At the moment I feel very good, based on the clips from the movie and the final effect shots I’ve seen so far. It looks exactly like our original vision. This has been a great experience. We’ve stepped to the world we don’t know very well. And I’ve understood not to influence too much to it since I don’t understand this world so well. Now we’re just waiting to see the final product.

Does the movie include the songs or music from the eponymous album? Or does it have a completely new soundtrack, new songs?- It has a completely new score, but every piece of music you will hear in the movie is from the Imaginaerum album. The songs are just rearranged. All songs of the album will be heard in the movie, even in the same order, but in completely different versions.

Your earlier vocalist Tarja had a bit different voice compared to Anette. Although there’s no need to fix or renew the old songs, is it possible that Nightwish would some day publish rearranged, let’s say more symphonic versions of the old songs?- Definitely not.

Right to the point! Do you still perform old songs live? Or is Nightwish a band that doesn’t look behind and moves bravely forward all the time?- We want to play newer songs because they are the most interesting to play. And our energy will affect to the audience and the other way around. But we want to keep some old, Tarja era songs on our set list. But the main principle is that you mustn’t force anything. We want to play and sing the songs that feel our own. This is the reason we dropped Wishmaster completely out of the set list. None of us wants to perform it anymore. It would feel strained and artificial. So why should we keep it on the set list?

People have enjoyed and praised your video screens, pyrotechniques and light show. You must have quite a big team running those, in addition to the band.- There are 30 to 35 people running the show. It unbelievable how much precise knowledge our Finnish-German technician group has. That construction on the stage was built in a few hours this morning and it was disassembled in a couple of hours last night in Helsinki. The men are doing incredible job. When it comes to the current stage show, we decided already last autumn that we would bring the live experience to the new direction. So we wanted to reduce rock’n’roll and include some Cirque du Soleil elements. We tried to make it a more comprehensive and theatrical experience. Music has a big role in it, but the show is meant to be a comprehensive visual experience too.

I realized that you’ve launched a Nightwish energy drink. There is a Battery tin with a Nightwish label. When will you follow the example of Mí¶torhead and launch a hard liquor?- We don’t have any plans for hard liquors, but we will release a wine soon. A Nightwish Imaginaerum red wine. We visited Napa Valley, California and tasted the wine and met the people at the vineyard, so we’ve even given some input to this product. The label is ready and we are waiting for the launch.

So the next question is: when will it be released?- I don’t know yet, but I think in a few months.

What’s going to happen next? Has Nightwish already achieved everything you’ve wanted Nightwish to achieve or do you still have good ideas for the future?- We’ve talked about the next album already, what would it be like and what would we do then. I have plenty of ideas and many ambitions to fulfil, but at the moment we’re enjoying this tour. We’ll start planning the future next year. But I have many ideas. We could take the show even further by including aerialists and rope dancers and bears jumping with kangaroo balls while juggling with oranges. That would be a proper, comprehensive show. Or the other extremity would be to have a minimal, completely acoustic tour at pizzerias. That could be very nice too. I still have plenty of ideas. (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 19, 2012, 07:25:32 pm
Imaginaerum Documentary (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 21, 2012, 04:05:15 pm
Jukka cumple hoy 34 años!!!!!!
FELICIDADES!!!!! :011: :011: :011: :011: :011: :011: :011:
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 21, 2012, 11:03:16 pm
The Crow the Owl And The Dove (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 25, 2012, 04:07:37 pm
Teaser de la peli (

Web (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 30, 2012, 04:41:53 pm
Sobre la peli

Imaginaerum se estrenará el 17 de agosto, obviamente en Finlandia, según dice Solar Films en su página oficial.
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 07, 2012, 06:26:14 pm
Respuestas del Nightmail

Tuomas (

Anette (

Marco (

Jukka (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 08, 2012, 07:28:32 pm
Ever Dream @ Stuttgart (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 13, 2012, 05:58:28 pm
Storytime (Demo)! (!)
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 29, 2012, 07:59:59 pm


Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 05, 2012, 07:08:17 pm
Tuomas saca disco en solitario:

Tuomas has confirmed with us that both Pip Williams and Troy Donockley will be featured on his solo album in 2013. Tuomas said that "We absolutely need pipes on it, because Mr Scrooge is from Scotland. So of course that means Troy wlil be on there." He then later mentioned the use of orchestral sections and that Mr Williams had confirmed to be happy to work on the project.

Tuomas expects to start writing the new album in early Spring and record in Summer of 2013.

Lo dicen aqui (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 15, 2012, 11:24:35 pm
Nightwish ya han confirmado fechas para Latinoamíérica, así­ que posiblemente muchos foreros esteis de suerte:
Nov 29 Teatro Metropolitan, Mexico City (Mexico)
Dec 01 Anfiteatro Tito Puente, San Juan (Puerto Rico)
Dec 03 Peppers Club, San Jose (Costa Rica)
Dec 05 por confirmar, Lima (Peru)
Dec 09 Opiniao, Porto Alegre (Brazil)
Dec 12 Credicard Hall, Sao Paulo (Brazil)
Dec 14 El Teatro Flores, Buenos Aires (Argentina)
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 18, 2012, 07:46:32 pm

 Ursynalia 2012 (

Download Festival 2012 (

Nova Rock (

Provinssirock (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 20, 2012, 09:29:55 pm
Según fuentes fiables de Tuomas dijo en una entrevista que dentro de dos años Nightwish lanzarán su próximo álbum, y por lo visto íéste será semiacústico y con tintes hard rock. Tuomas comentó que no quiere aburrir a su público ni a sí­ mismo, y aparte el que se rumoreaba que serí­a el disco solista de Tuomas en 2013 será por lo visto una banda sonora de la vida y obra de Scrooge.
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 21, 2012, 04:30:11 pm
Anette cumple hoy 41 años!!
FELICIDADES!!!! :011: :011: :011: :011: :011:
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 21, 2012, 04:36:20 pm
The release of Imaginaerum has been postponed for release until November. Sorry guys, they are just fixing a few things to make it look even more amazing. As they say, good things come to those who wait!
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 24, 2012, 04:58:22 pm
Emppu cumple hoy 34 años!!!
FELICIDADES!!!! :011: :011: :011:
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 26, 2012, 10:40:16 pm
Last Ride of The Day @ Download (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 08, 2012, 05:34:09 pm
Letisko Plestany (Slovakia) (

Ruisrock (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 18, 2012, 08:38:37 pm
Debido a que Nightwish han conseguido la friolera de 3.000.000 millones de fans en Facebook han decidido hacer un concurso donde se sortea merchandising valorado en 100€, para participar sólo teníéis que registraros aquí­, poner vuestros datos, dirección etc y elegir un número de productos hasta que tengáis 100€. Habrá dos ganadores que se conocerán el próximo 31 de julio y además si ganáis no teníéis que pagar los gastos de enví­o!!
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 22, 2012, 04:39:23 pm
Montreaux Jazz Festival (

Masters of Rock (

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 22, 2012, 04:42:48 pm
Setlist Benicassim

Wish I Had an Angel
I Want my tears back
Come cover me
Last of the wilds
Planet Hell
Over the Hills and Far Away
Last Ride of the day
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 23, 2012, 04:15:45 pm
Last Ride of the Day @ Costa de Fuego (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 25, 2012, 08:43:53 pm
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 27, 2012, 07:21:48 pm
Concierto Costa de Fuego (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 29, 2012, 04:19:50 pm
Kuopio (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 30, 2012, 04:05:38 pm

Storytime + Wish I Had And Angel (

Planet Hell (

Nemo (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 05, 2012, 10:59:16 pm
Ever Dream @ Kuopio Rock (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 09, 2012, 04:57:56 pm
Wish I Had An Angel @ Colmar (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 10, 2012, 11:49:27 pm
Fecha de estreno de la peli!

Solar Films has announced November 23rd as the general release date for the Imaginaerum movie in Finland!
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 20, 2012, 04:13:35 pm
Nightwish han sido nominados en las categorí­as de "Mejor album", "Mejor video" y "Mejor artwork" para los Metal Female Voices Fest Awards. Se puede votar en la siguiente dirección:
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 23, 2012, 03:52:07 pm
Nightwish finalmente han anunciado que la premiere de la pelí­cula será en Hartwall Arena en Helsinki el 10 de noviembre.
Antes de la pelí­cula habrá un concierto.
El soundtrack será revelado el 9 de noviembre.

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 24, 2012, 05:48:05 pm
La pelí­cula contará con un soundtrack llamado "Imaginaerum by Nightwish - The Score", el cual contará con 13 reinterpretaciones iníéditas de las canciones del álbum "Imaginaerum" hechas por Petri Alanko.


Samples (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 11, 2012, 04:41:35 pm
Es un espectáculo de fuegos artí­ficiales con música de The Score. Podemos oir Storytime, Turn Loose the Mermaids y Last Ride of the Day. (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 14, 2012, 07:37:41 pm
Setlist Atlanta (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 14, 2012, 07:40:17 pm
Setlist Atlanta (dia dos) (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 16, 2012, 04:59:22 pm
Higher Than Hope @ Atlanta (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 16, 2012, 05:05:02 pm
Setlist New York (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 17, 2012, 08:14:08 pm
Setlist Philadelphia (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 21, 2012, 05:59:22 pm
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 21, 2012, 06:56:23 pm
Setlist Worchester MA (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 21, 2012, 06:57:51 pm
Setlist Montreal (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 21, 2012, 07:00:16 pm
Setlist Toronto (

Vuelve 7 days to the wolves!
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 21, 2012, 07:11:17 pm
Setlist Toronto (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 22, 2012, 08:12:56 pm
Setlist Ohio (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 24, 2012, 04:00:43 pm
Setlist Minessota (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 25, 2012, 04:05:47 pm
Sobre la peli

han subido una actualización al facebook de la pelí­cula en el que explican que están de negociaciones para la distribución de la pelí­cula en el mayor número de paí­ses posibles, de momento no pueden decir mucho más pero cruzad los dedos que quizá tenemos suerte de verla por estos lares.

Dear friends of Imaginaerum,

we hear your demands for more information regarding international distribution of Imaginaerum. It is a pleasure to see that everybody is excited and looking forward to finally enter the Imaginaerum! Rest assured that our silence on this matter does NOT mean that we aren't eager to bring the movie to as many fans as possible! It simply means that negotiations are still ongoing and we can't give you a definite answer yet when and how the movie will be available in your country. Please bear with us a little longer, be patient and check back here regularly for updates
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 25, 2012, 04:30:22 pm
Setlist Chicago (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 29, 2012, 08:54:49 pm
Anette es reemplazada por Alissa White Gluz de The Agonist en su concierto de hoy debido a que se sentí­a mal y tuvieron que internarla. No hay confirmación oficial pero un fan subó una foto.

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 29, 2012, 09:00:14 pm (

Nemo (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 30, 2012, 04:17:26 pm
Anette estuvo ingresada por gripe y deshidratación unas horas y ademas le detectaron un quiste en el hí­gado, que debe tratarse en cuanto llegue a casa
Pero atención a lo que dice aquí­

... I was never asked if it was ok they used Elise and Alica in the show last night. I don't think it's a good decision they made and I'm sorry for those of you who came to see the whole band but got something else. But I was very ill and this decision wasn't mine.

Es decir que no le consultaron si querí­an que la reemplazase alguien y está molesta (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 30, 2012, 04:24:24 pm
Setlist Salt Lake City (

Rest Calm en el setlist
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 01, 2012, 11:50:05 pm
Anette abandona Nightwish!

Another chapter of the Nightwish story has ended today. Nightwish and Anette Olzon have decided to part company, in mutual understanding, for the good of all parties involved.

In recent times it has become increasingly obvious that the direction and the needs of the band were in conflict, and this has led to a division from which we cannot recover.

Nightwish has no intention of cancelling any upcoming shows, and as a result we have decided to bring in a substitute vocalist starting in Seattle 1.10.2012. Her name is Floor Jansen from The Netherlands (ex-After Forever, ReVamp), and she has graciously stepped in to help us complete the Imaginaerum world tour.

We are all strongly committed to this journey, this vehicle of spirit, and we are sure that this will lead to a brighter future for everyone.
We forever remain excited about the adventures to come, and we are extremely proud of the two beautiful albums and the wonderful shows we shared together.

- NIGHTWISH & Anette Olzon (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 01, 2012, 11:54:17 pm
Anette en su blog!

Press statement

Another chapter of the Nightwish story has ended today. Nightwish and Anette Olzon have decided to part company, in mutual understanding, for the good of all parties involved.

In recent times it has become increasingly obvious that the direction and the needs of the band were in conflict, and this has led to a division from which we cannot recover.

Nightwish has no intention of cancelling any upcoming shows, and as a result we have decided to bring in a substitute vocalist starting in Seattle 1.10.2012. Her name is Floor Jansen from The Netherlands (ex-After Forever, ReVamp), and she has graciously stepped in to help us complete the Imaginaerum world tour.

We are all strongly committed to this journey, this vehicle of spirit, and we are sure that this will lead to a brighter future for everyone.

We forever remain excited about the adventures to come, and we are extremely proud of the two beautiful albums and the wonderful shows we shared together.

- Nightwish and Anette Olzon

Dear blog readers:
With this I say farewell to you and this blog. This blog was a way for me, as the singer in NW, to keep more in touch with you NW fans. Now when this chapter has ended, there is no more need for me to do this blog and from today I close it.
I want to thank you all for being my readers for so many years, for your loving support and I wish you all a happy and healthy life! Stay kind to others and live life easy!
Lots of love,
Anette Olzon (from now on just Anette Olsson;=)
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 02, 2012, 04:35:34 pm
Anette seguira blogeando

to all of you wonderful people who have written me so kind and warming words today. I have cried reading them and believe me, I will be back again, but I need a little time out before I decide how and where I will blog or show myself again;=) I don't know if it will be this blog or a brand new one but I will let you know, I promise!

I got sad when so many of you got so sad I would stop blogging so I will think about it.

But believe me- I love you all and never think I don't care about you cause I do!

Lots of love to you all and strength and honor!
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 02, 2012, 04:36:40 pm
Setlist con Floor (Seattle) (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 02, 2012, 04:39:24 pm
Parece que ya habí­an avisado a Floor 24 horas antes de que Anette se marchara

Plus the fact that Floor got on a plane and reached Denver in less than 24 hours, before Anette even played her last show is really disrespectful and humiliating.

Lo lei aqui (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 02, 2012, 08:20:30 pm
Storytime @ Seattle (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 02, 2012, 09:15:33 pm
Mas leña al fuego!

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 02, 2012, 10:42:35 pm
Wish I Had an Angel @ Seattle (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 03, 2012, 03:38:40 pm
Storytime @ Seattle (

Wish I Had An Angel @ Seattle (

Dead to the World @ Seattle (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 03, 2012, 03:40:41 pm
Show Seattle (entero) (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 03, 2012, 11:18:02 pm
Portland (resumen) (

Floor mejoró mucho!

Setlist (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 03, 2012, 11:19:49 pm
Mas detalles!

Unas supuestas declaraciones de Floor en una radio holandesa donde supuestamente habia hablado sobre el despido de Anette, ella aparentemente habla que el despido de Anette iba a ser despuíés del concierto y presentación de la pelicula en el Hartwall. (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 03, 2012, 11:26:25 pm
Nueva cantante de Nightwish: Este es un sueño hecho realidad

Nightwish ha contratado como cantante para continuar con la gira, a la Holandesa Floor Jansen, quiíén recoce en una esntrevista en una estación de radio Holadíésa el cumplimiento de sus sueños.

Jansen dijo en una entrevista para 3FM que habí­a recibido un mensaje de texto, el sábado en el que se le preguntó lo rápido que podí­a llegar a los EE.UU.

- Hice las valijas lo más rápido posible, y reservíé el vuelo. Y empecíé a practicar como loca, dice Jansen en la entrevista radial.

Tambiíén dice que habí­a hablado con la banda en noviembre o diciembre, por la colaboración con ellos en el pasado. Es por esto que tambiíén que en cierta medida ya estaba capacitada.

- Pero fue apresurado. Antes tuve un par de dí­as para prácticar, ahora sólo un entrenamiento de dos horas, y luego estaba en el escenario.

Jansen dice que en el primer show estaba muy nerviosa, pero por suerte, el público le dio una bienvenida positiva.

- El en público habí­a pancartas que tení­an mi nombre, estaban entusiasmados.

Jansen menciona un futuro próximo, incluyendo un show en Helsinki, incluido en la publicación de la pelí­cula de Nightwish.

- Va a ser un gran espectáculo.

Despuíés de Finlandia, el viaje continúa en Amíérica del Sur, Australia y Nueva Zelanda.

Jansen dijo en una entrevista que íél habí­a seguido a los miembros de la banda durante cuatro años.

- Los chicos están muy relajados, y lo único "malo" en ellos es que son finlandeses. Cuando hablan, yo no entiendo nada. Pero me parece algo muy especial, dice Jansen, y describe la situación como el cumplimiento de sus sueños.

Cuando se le pregunta sobre su eventual papel en el nuevo álbum, Jansen dice que la banda no ha hablado todaví­a de quíé harán en el futuro.

- Ahora sólo voy a disfrutar de este momento."
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 03, 2012, 11:31:47 pm
Noticia de TV (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 03, 2012, 11:53:21 pm
En el FB de Troy

Part 5: "Keep Calm and Carry On...."

Oh yes indeedy.
These were the famous words written on "morale boosting" posters by the British government at the beginning of WW2. Now, I am not for one moment suggesting that the first half of our US tour has been like the outbreak of the war, but those words are pretty bloody pertinent!
Oh how we love touring the states. It's trite to say that the fans here are so brilliant ( they are of course) because the fans are brilliant EVERYWHERE. But they have been particularly lovely to us; especially in light of the recent explosive events.
Yes, a split with the singer Anette occurred but it was really, really for the best. Believe me.
The joy of this adventure was being wrecked and everyone was feeling very insecure... It was seriously interfering with our tasting sessions of the fine wines from the Napa Valley. Outrageous!
I mean, we never could have predicted that myself and Tuomas would find ourselves on stage, alone, asking an audience of over 1,600 in Denver to vote by a show of hands on whether the band should perform or not. Touchingly we were met by a sea of upraised hands; beautiful but how surreal...
Anyway, we have fully embraced the slogan from that heroic old poster, and we are all feeling a squillion times better. Our replacement singer Floor is simply majestic and we are having fearless fun. And on evidence of the ecstatic response to the last two shows, the fans seem to understand that this "vehicle of spirit" cannot be derailed so easily....

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 04, 2012, 04:38:31 pm
Floor en su blog

Dear reader,

I am writing to you sitting here in the tour bus with Nightwish! We are heading to San Fransisco. The sun is shining bright here and the scenery is beautiful. I am trying to find words to describe how I feel but it’s impossible to really cover it. I am on a high!

What do you do when Nightwish asks you to join them on tour? Stay calm and say, well OK….? Or does your heart start beating twice as fast instantly, hands start to sweat and your mouth is unwilling to pronounce words like “that sounds amazing”. I guess I don’t need to tell what happened to me J

The time to prepare was scarily short…I packed my bags and left and printed the lyrics into my head all the way over from Amsterdam to America. 15 hours of airplane later I arrived with a jetlag, a full head and the most happy feeling ever. The next day I jumped on board on this bus and the adventure truly began. I was welcomed into the group as an old friend and I felt great instantly. It is now 10 years ago I joined Nighwish on tour with After Forever as their support act. We stayed in touch ever since and that made the whole situation so much easier and smooth.

The day of the first show we also did a long soundcheck to rehearse the songs. That was the only possibility… You cannot imagine how nervous I was before that first show started!!! Next to nerves my voice was battered by a cold due to all the travels, lack of sleep and airco’s.

The intro started…..I ran on stage….and all nerves were gone! The music and the guys took me in and so did the audience. What an experience! The excitement lasted the entire show, and way after. When I went to my tour bus bed that night I still had a smile on my face. I felt so happy and satisfied I fell asleep instantly.

The next morning I woke up, ahum afternoon….in Portland. Show number 2 was there already. So were the first online reactions and the massive amount of press that responded to the news. You must be living under a stone if the news didn’t reach you yet J I even did an interview with the Dutch radio, standing outside the venue in my stage outfit. With a 9 hour time difference…

My cold got worse and the doctor had to give me some power supplies to help me. Thank goodness for that, they helped instantly and the second show was an amazing blast. The Crystal Hall in Portland is a beautiful venue and the atmosphere extraordinary! Again the audience welcomed me warmly! I am so grateful!!!

Today we’ll play in San Fransisco (see the pic)! I always wanted to see this city so I hope there is some time (and energy) left for this! I will keep writing to you. And for those who came to the show: thank you for your support!!!


Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 04, 2012, 04:43:36 pm
El blog de Floor (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 04, 2012, 05:18:13 pm
Nemo @ Seattle (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 04, 2012, 05:25:26 pm
Dead to the world @Seatlle (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 04, 2012, 05:31:32 pm
Amaranth @ San Francisco (

Scaretale @ San Francisco (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 04, 2012, 05:37:01 pm
Setlist San Francisco (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 04, 2012, 08:17:12 pm

New NIGHTWISH touring singer  Floor Jansen has revealed that she was originally asked to join the band for their upcoming dates in November, December and January but that plans changed over the weekend following the sudden departure of Anette Olzon in the middle of the group’s North American tour.

During an October 2 interview with the “Giel Beelen” show on the Dutch radio station 3FM, Floor said, “Saturday morning [September 29] I got a text message saying, ‘How fast can you come to the USA?’ So I packed everything as quickly as I could and booked a ticket for the first plane and practiced the songs. They had already previously asked me to join them on the road for the dates in November, December and January, [so] I had been preparing for it a little bit for only one week. And since those plans changed [over the weekend], I ended up only having a few days to get ready and a rehearsal of two hours with [the songs'] lyrics in front of me.”

Jansen, who called the opportunity to sing for NIGHTWISH a “dream come true,” also confirmed that she will be on the road with the band through the end of January.

Asked if fans can also expect to hear her on NIGHTWISH‘s next studio album, Floor said, “There has been no discussion about that at this point. Right now, the plans is just for me to be a temporary replacement for Anette. All is I know is that it is really an awesome opportunity for me and I’m going to enjoy every minute of it and we’ll see what the future brings.”

In announcing the sudden singer switch on Monday (October 1), NIGHTWISH said, “In recent times it has become increasingly obvious that the direction and the needs of the band were in conflict, and this has led to a division from which we cannot recover.”

They added, “We are all strongly committed to this journey, this vehicle of spirit, and we are sure that this will lead to a brighter future for everyone.

“We forever remain excited about the adventures to come, and we are extremely proud of the two beautiful albums and the wonderful shows we shared together.”

Olzon joined NIGHTWISH in 2007 as the replacement for Tarja Turunen after the latter was fired in 2005.
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 04, 2012, 08:18:55 pm
Dark Chest Of Wonders @ San Francisco (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 05, 2012, 09:10:35 pm

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 06, 2012, 04:25:52 pm
Setlist Anaheim (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 06, 2012, 04:32:23 pm
I Want my tears back @ San Francisco (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 06, 2012, 04:42:06 pm
Last Ride of The Day @ San Francisco (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 07, 2012, 06:17:29 pm
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 08, 2012, 08:56:40 pm
Higher than hope @ San Diego (

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 08, 2012, 09:00:33 pm
Setlist San Diego (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 08, 2012, 10:10:14 pm
Setlist Arizona (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 10, 2012, 05:28:21 pm
Tarja says that even in a dream she no returns to Nightwish

The former NIGHTWISH singer Tarja Turunen, says she has no interest in reuniting with his old band - seven years after he was fired unceremoniously, the group through an open letter.

Turunen, who currently lives in Buenos Aires, Argentina, with her husband and manager Marcelo Cabuli told Iltalehti Finland she is grateful to the fans who still have hopes that she returns to Nightwish. However, she insists that there is no chance of that happening.

"I would return to Nightwish if all band members and management team to be plotted," joked Tarja.
Since 2005, following the soprano solo career and is now working on her third studio album, to be released around Christmas. She said she don´t knew output Anette, when a journalist from Finland came in contact with her.

And what were your initial thoughts on the departure of Anette Olzon?

"Unfortunately, I was not surprised about that," said Tarja.

Tarja, who was in Nightwish, between the years 1996 and 2005, says he is very happy now with her ​​solo career and insists he return to the banda would not bring the same joys and the same feelings of satisfaction.

Although she is recording and performing as a solo artist now, she says she understands that fans feel the lack of the original Nightwish and still waiting for a meeting.

"Nobody knows what I went through during those years in the band, so I know how difficult it is for the fans understand my feelings on this subject," concluded Tarja.

Aquí­ (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 11, 2012, 11:12:30 pm
Setlist Texas (

Ever Dream y Ghost Love Score

Ghost Love Score (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 11, 2012, 11:20:43 pm
Anette esta bien!

Just checking in cause I see so many worry about me and think I am seriously ill, but I am not! I am just fine! Do not worry, I´m healthy and strong.
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 12, 2012, 09:04:53 pm
Ghost River @ Austin (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 12, 2012, 09:17:55 pm
Setlist Nueva Orleans (

Scaretale fuera
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 13, 2012, 07:41:31 pm
Ever Dream @ Oklahoma (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 14, 2012, 04:36:32 pm
Ghost Love Score (entera) @ Nueva Orleans (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 15, 2012, 06:17:35 pm
Setlist Lake Buena Vista (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 15, 2012, 06:25:44 pm
Last Ride of The Day @ Orlando (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 15, 2012, 06:33:58 pm
Blogs de Floor


Dear reader,

I am writing to you from our backstage in a venue called 'The Grove' in Anaheim. I will go back to where I left you at the last blog, in San Francisco.

In my last words I was hoping to see something of the city. There was no time for this for me though. Fully consumed by all the new things, saving all my energy for the show. My cold was nasty as well so I focused on the show, and the show only! It was a great one!!! The venue was beautiful and gave the magical Nightwish show and extra glance with its theatrical look. This was the third show and for me things were getting easier (even though I did miss some words here and there :-) The fun in the backstage was superb as well, just a great and magical night all the way through!!!

We had a day off after this one and we spend it in LA. We had a great bbq with our dear promoter John and some of the guys had some energy left to go to the famous Rainbow Bar. I went back to my hotel room for a nice long sleep to fight the cold and to get all my reserves back to go for the next round of three shows!

Today we are in Anaheim, right next to Disneyland! We took a taxi to Disney Downtown and enjoyed the sun, the stores and the ‘world within a world’ there for a little while.
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 15, 2012, 06:36:01 pm
Dia 10-10

Dear reader,

A big hello from Oklahoma City! Another backstage moment, and actually again, I am writing right before the meet & great we’ll have today!

I left you in Anaheim. We had a nice meet & great there. So wonderful to see people really welcome me into the band! We do one every night now and it’s great for me to meet loyal Nightwish fans who are happy to see me and thank me for stepping in. I feel loved!!!

Also behind the scenes I meet the most wonderful people! We played Higher Than Hope after I met the mother and sister of the man whom this song is about. They came to the show in Anaheim and when they were also there the day after in San Diego, we played it for them. Emotional rollercoaster, but so beautiful! Music is emotion and to be able to sing these songs live is just something special, I can’t put this into words really…

My cold is almost gone and hasn’t been bothering me when I sing anymore. I can now belt out the notes and vary in dynamics and vocal styles. The songs scream for that! It feels so good!

This is picture taken at the meet&greet in the Diamond Ballroom in Oklahoma City:
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 15, 2012, 06:39:13 pm

Dear reader,

Hello to you from our night liner! We are driving to our show in Fort Lauderdale. If I look outside I see nothing but beautiful green water lands. I tried to spot an alligator…did see some deer and the most amazing birds!

Last time I wrote was in Oklahoma City. Days fly by so fast I cannot believe we are about to do the last two shows of this USA tour already! In a weird way the show on Tuesday seems ages ago, and yesterday at the same time. Coming here feels the same. Time is like the Dali clocks, liquid, relentless.

But memories are timeless and fortunately I have beautiful ones to share with you. I just wish words could describe them better!

How can I tell you how amazing the show in Oklahoma was? Or in Austin? Or in New Orleans? There is something special about every show. A unique night, a magical ride that always ends too soon! And with a unique audience. Hundreds of wonderful people at the meet&greets every day. Thousands of sweating and rocking bodies; getting just as high on the music as we do.

We played ‘Ghost Love Score’ twice now. My favorite song! Goosebumps on my entire body every time I sing, “My fall will be for you”. Tears came to my eyes the second time we played it. First time I was thinking a bit more. Second time I only had to feel. Again, words are failing on me to describe the real emotion I had. But I have hope that the people who were that in New Orleans that night felt it too.

Back in Austin we went shopping at Congress Avenue. A street full of antique shops and other rare and funny stores. Lovely to be in places that sell stuff you cannot find anywhere else. We had a good time! (see the main picture of me)

The next morning we were in New Orleans. Tuomas, Troy and I had breakfast in a sushi restaurant, with a nice Japanese beer…a great start of a great day!

We took a stroll through the city afterwards. A unique atmosphere is there in those streets. Beautiful neo colonial houses, bars and restaurants everywhere, the Mississippi, the huge necklaces you that have a ritual of its own, the cigars. I bought one. I never smoke but an occasional (mild) cigar is something I can enjoy.

After a super show we left the venue and headed into town. We went to a famous bar that sells absinth… I tried it and it turned out so much nicer than I expected. The cigar and the drink together made me look like a femme fatale haha. We had the most amazing night off together. Really special!!!

For now, we have the two last shows coming up. I will miss this!!! But I also look forward to come home! I will go back to ReVamp songwriting because we have a planning to hold on to, album will come in March/April next year!!!!!! On the 4th of November the Nightwish shows continue in the UK. I am super exited to join them on the rest of the World Tour and the summer festivals in 2013!!!

With love,

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 16, 2012, 07:44:55 pm
Trailer de la pelicula (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 17, 2012, 03:48:01 pm
Entrevista de antes de la salida de Anette

(Editor’s note: This interview was conducted a week prior to Anette Olzon’s departure from Nightwish. Obviously, the context of the interview would be much different had we known what was forthcoming…)

Nightwish doesn’t do anything small. Nor should they have to, given their standing high atop the symphonic metal mountain. Their latest Imaginareum is perhaps their biggest risk of all, a dual album-cinematic release, something according to main man/keyboardist Tuomas Holopainen, has been in the works for five years. If there is a band that can pull it off, it’s definitely Nightwish, for the sheer grandiosity of the band’s overall presentation is picture-perfect for cinema. No pun intended.

The theatrical release of Imaginaerum is going to have the cloud of Olzon’s departure hanging over it, though. We’ve yet to get the specifics as to why she was booted, but it probably has something to do with her track record of illness and near show cancellations, and as you’ll read below, the show always goes on with Nightwish. Now it goes on with former After Forever/current Revamp siren Floor Jansen.

Before all this transpired, we caught up with a relaxed and easy-going Holopainen via telephone prior to a show in Columbus, Ohio. Read closely to some of his answers, for they’re oddly prophetic… You’ve made your mark in Europe, but in terms of this tour, it appears that attendance has been strong and reaction has been enthusiastic. Are you surprised that after not being over here for so long that this is happening?

Tuomas Holopainen: I’m satisfied. You try not to think about it too much, you just go out every night and try to make every night count, that’s the rule. We saw some glimpses in the beginning of the year when we played a couple of shows in L.A., then did the heavy metal cruise [70,000 Tons of Metal] as well. Then tours in Finland, tours in Europe, and the response has been really enthusiastic all over the world. We had a lot of confidence coming to North America and it’s really paying off. You’re not here every year like some European bands, so I think we take those for granted. Nightwish coming here is an event, basically.

Holopainen: We like to put a lot of effort into quality, instead of quality, and that goes with the live shows and the albums. I read that for the first show of this tour in Atlanta, Anette was very late and almost didn’t make the show. In those situations, is there a plan B? Do you go on with the show? What would you do?

Holopainen: You can’t in those situations. It was a really scary situation. She had such a bad stomach flu that she couldn’t fly. She actually flew into Atlanta three hours before the show started, so it was cut really close. I’m happy we made it and no harm done. But we don’t really have a back-up plan [laughs]. We would have had to cancel the show if that would have been the case. Marco [Hietala, bass] can do some of the vocals, but there are some he wouldn’t be able to do.

Holopainen: It wouldn’t be right. We’ve always had a female singer for 16 years and the nature of the songs are composed for a female singer. It wouldn’t be right. Can you compare Anette on this round of touring to when you first had her out after Dark Passion Play in 2007?

Holopainen: She’s more relaxed. There’s nothing to prove anymore. On the first tour, no one knew her, so people came and tried to see what’s like and all that. Now, people can concentrate on what’s really important, which is the overall show and not just her and her voice. On those initial tours with her, were you skeptical as to how she’d do?

Holopainen: We weren’t really scared at any point. We have a lot of confidence in the whole concept of Nightwish and the way we think is that it’s a carousel or vehicle that can’t be stopped by anything. That’s the way it goes. We can’t let anything stop it. For this tour, you’re doing 90 minutes. What was the thought process in terms of picking the set?

Holopainen: The most important factor was that “Let’s just do the songs we feel the most inspired by to play.” That’s why we cut out the song “Wishmaster.” It hasn’t felt right to play in years. I don’t know why, but it’s not fun to do and maybe that’s reflected on the audience. So we decided to do the songs we really love to play, and that’s how the setlist was formed. We also put some emphasis on doing a show that’s less “rock ‘n’ roll” and more theatrical so there wouldn’t be that much talk and diversion between the songs, like “Hello Cleveland!”

There’s very little talking going on between the songs so we can keep the setlist going on and on. And we’re not doing any encores, so after the outro and the bow, that’s it. It’s like doing a theater performance instead of a regular rock performance. I have nothing against rock and that kind of show, but I think it’s never been the greatest strength of Nightwish. We are more in the theatrical side and that’s what we’re good at, so let’s keep emphasizing it. Some of the bands that came up through the 80’s will really milk the encore thing. I saw a band a few months ago do three encores.

Holopainen: It’s just about trying to avoid clichíés. When you think about it, it’s like “Thank you, we’ll see you sometime in the near future,” but then you come back. It just doesn’t feel right. We used to do it all the time too, but then we thought it was really unnecessary. Like I said, it’s about avoiding clichíés [laughs]. “I Want My Tears Back” is probably the best song on the album, and when you play it live, you bring Troy [Donockly, uillean pipes, tin whistle] out. How is it going over?

Holopainen: If I had to mention one song out of the new album that’s a really killer to play live, it would be “I Want My Tears Back” by far. It has already become an audience favorite all over the world for some reason. Maybe it’s the uplifting spirit, or Troy’s parts, or the “danceable” C-part…I don’t know what it is [laughs]. It’s a lot of fun to play and people like to hear it. I think we’re stuck with that song until the end of our career, which suits me fine. Also the fact that Troy is with us the whole tour…he’s almost like the 6th member. That was my next question. Do you ever see his role expanding?

Holopainen: He’s excellent. He’s gluing the band a bit more together both as a musician and a person. It’s a bit hard to imagine a Nightwish show without him anymore, or a Nightwish album. I think he’s going to be there until the end of the band. I also think we won’t make him a full-time member of the band because marriage has ruined many, many good relationships [laughs].
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 17, 2012, 03:51:17 pm
Citar Let’s move onto the forthcoming movie for Imaginaerum. In the States, we have the usual flashy red carpet event for a movie premier, so will the same thing take place for the premier in Finland?

Holopainen: Yes, it’s going to be a big event on the 10th of November in Helsinki in the Hartwall Arena, where we shot our DVD, an End of an Era. Basically, what’s going to happen is first, we’re going to play a show which will be Imaginaerum from beginning to end, we’ll take a 30-minute break, then the movie is going to play. It’s going to be pretty huge. There’s going to be 8,000 people, so it will be huge indoor thing. Are you starting to feel a sense of finality to the whole Imaginaerum process?

Holopainen: I had a really weird feeling last Tuesday when we saw the movie completely ready for the first time. We were in Montreal and they organized a screening for us, all the actors and the guys who worked on the movie. It was really emotional and an empty moment to see the whole thing finished because we started to work on this project in the summer of 2007, so it’s been five years in the making. Without any exaggeration, a few of us when into hell and back to get it done [laughs]. It was a really rocky road to get the thing finished because of financial reasons and a million different things. There were some desperate times, but now that I’ve seen the result, I feel really happy and proud for the whole band. How much of the band is in the movie? Are your parts cringe-worthy?

Holopainen: Luckily, we are only in two scenes. We have cameo roles and don’t have a single line the whole film. We hired professional actors for the movie. I think that was the only way to tell a believable story. We don’t know how to act. You see the band in two scenes in the background playing as a band. That’s something we felt comfortable with because it was like shooting a music video. It makes me think of when Kiss starred in their own movie in the 70’s. Sometimes it’s best that musicians just stay musicians and not try their hand at acting.

Holopainen: It was actually the director that wanted to write us a little role, and I said “Don’t you dare!” Whenever I see Justin Timberlake in a movie – no matter how well he acts, he’s still Justin Timberlake [laughs]. It takes something out of the movie. It takes something out of the credibility of the movie, and we didn’t want that. He’s not the best actor, but he’s not that bad, but still, I can’t watch movies with him…there’s something wrong with the picture. You mentioned you started work on the concept for Imaginaerum all the way back in 2007. So, are you the type that always has something going on creatively?

Holopainen: Not really. I’m a little bit on the lazy side, actually [laughs]. I’m a storyteller by heart, so these things work with me all the time. I have my notebook and microphone with me, so I’m constantly thinking about new songs and new poetry and what to create next. It’s not like I’m ever stressed over [it] or lacking time to do what I want. I’m not a workaholic, so to say. I know how to take it easy too. Switching gears, I don’t think the addition of Marco roughly 11 or 12 years ago can be understated. He’s quite the asset to you guys in a lot of facets. Can you speak to his contributions?

Holopainen: He made all the difference in the world. At that point, I knew I’d like to use a male voice a bit more, and we needed a new bass player and how wonderful it would be if we could get a bass player who could sing. Marco was the first choice…he’s a legend in Finland. We were so happy when we joined the band. His range and style is so powerful. He can sing almost anything. I love the fact that I have the chance to use two wonderful voices in this band, and can do almost anything. Just fooling around with the verses, choruses, and harmonies, and doing duets is really intriguing. It gives me a lot of possibilities as a songwriter. This year marks the 15-year mark for Angels Fall First. Have you done any type of reflecting on it?

Holopainen: Our drummer, Jukka [Nevalainen], just mentioned it a few weeks ago. I haven’t even thought about it. Obviously, we will be somewhere touring, so there’s not going to be anything happening. But let’s say in 20 years – we need some round years, then something big may happen. Give it another five years [laughs].

I remember it all vividly. The first album hit the charts in Finland, then the next album Oceanborn at the end of 1998 blew up big-time and entered the charts at #5. We started touring all the time…we were touring Finland, then we got the chance to tour Europe, then we got it licensed in Germany. Things just started rolling at such a speed that it was a bit hard to handle. I was working as a stand-in teacher in the high school of my hometown teaching all sorts of stuff like biology and mathematics, and I got this phone call: “You have a record deal in Germany, and by the way, the album is #5. Things are really rolling now.” I thought, wow, this would never happen, so I quit my teaching job and started doing Nightwish 24/7. And here I am, still walking that road. I have to ask: Were math and biology your favorite subjects growing up?

Holopainen: I have no education [laughs]. It was a stand-in thing, so when a teacher would get sick, I would go in and tell the kids what their teacher wanted them to do. I taught almost all of the possible subjects, but I have no education, it was a summer job. You know, the substitute teacher has the stigma where he or she will have to face kids goofing off and being disrespectful. Did that happen to you?

Holopainen: Not really. I guess I had enough authority for them to behave [laughs]. It was a really easy job because all I had to do was give them the sheets or read from the book. It wasn’t that hard. Did you have long hair at the time?

Holopainen: I didn’t. I had short hair, glasses…I really looked like a nerd. All the males have to go to the army in Finland, so I had just gotten out and had really short hair. Wrapping up, what’s in store after the movie is released in Finland?

Holopainen: There are some preliminary plans to enter the studio in 2014, so we’ll take some time off after this tour to write the songs. It’s going to be a big gap once again, but like I said: quality over quantity.
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 17, 2012, 03:59:41 pm
Trailer de la peli subtitulada en castellano (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 18, 2012, 03:53:20 pm
( (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 26, 2012, 06:52:52 pm
Anuncio del vino (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 27, 2012, 07:44:10 pm
Han actualizado la página de Nightwish, Anette ya aparece en ex-miembros y han creado un apartado de invitados especiales al tour Imaginaerum, donde aparecen Floor y Troy, (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 01, 2012, 10:40:34 pm
"La página finlandesa Yle publicó algunos mensajes de miembros de NIGHTWISH declarando que por el momento no aceptaran ninguna entrevista.

Tuomas Holopainen : “Por el momento no hacemos ninguna entrevista. El comunicado que publicamos explica lo esencial.”

Jukka Nevalainen : “Actualmente únicamente estamos concentrados en la gira. Así­ que por ahora ningún comentario. Lo lamento.”
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 03, 2012, 04:57:56 pm (

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 05, 2012, 04:43:29 pm
Live @ O2 Manchester (

Parte 2 (

Parte 3 (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 05, 2012, 04:47:40 pm
Parte 4 (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 05, 2012, 07:34:53 pm
I want my tears back @ Manchester (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 05, 2012, 07:39:48 pm
Setlist Manchester (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 06, 2012, 03:49:33 pm
Trailers nuevos de la peli (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 06, 2012, 03:56:18 pm
Samples banda sonora (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 06, 2012, 04:03:51 pm
Fotos Londres (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 06, 2012, 04:08:26 pm
Setlist Londres (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 07, 2012, 03:54:12 pm
Rumor DVD gira latinoamericana (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 07, 2012, 04:09:55 pm
Ever Dream @ Brixton Academy (Londres) (

Ghost Love Score @ Brixton Academy (Londres) (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 07, 2012, 04:29:26 pm
The Siren @ Birmingham (

Nemo @ Birmingham (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 10, 2012, 11:53:33 pm
Fotos concierto Hartwall Arena (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 11, 2012, 04:19:22 pm

Taikaltalvi + Storytime (

Dark Chest of Wonders (

Scaretale + Ever Dream (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 11, 2012, 04:29:55 pm
I Want My Tears Back (

Planet Hell (

Arabesque (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 11, 2012, 04:38:33 pm
Song of Myself (

Ghost Love Score (

Ghost River (

Last Ride Of The Day (

Fin del show (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 11, 2012, 04:39:53 pm

t was a blast!
I got a photo of the setlist, it is the following:

Storytime (PYRO)
Dark Chest Of Wonders
Amaranth (CO2)
Scaretale (PYRO)
Ever Dream
Slow, Love, Slow

-Troy on Stage-

I Want My Tears Back (PYRO)
Last Of The Wilds

-Troy off Stage-

Arabesque (PYRO SHOW)
Planet Hell (PYRO)
Ghost River
Song Of Myself (PYRO)
Ghost Love Score
Last Ride Of The Day (PYRO)

Outro: Imaginaerum
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 11, 2012, 04:49:20 pm
Entrevista a Floor (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 11, 2012, 04:52:30 pm
Entrevista a Tuomas

The unbelievable accomplishment of the Nightwish vocalist:learned the songs in a record time

Tuomas Holopainen from Nightwish is really pleased with Floor Jansen´s input to the band.
Changes occurred in the crew, when Dutch Floor Jansen recently stood in for Anette Olzon. The Dutch vocalist has been part of this popular band for about a month. Tuomas Holopainen, the keyboard player and the leading character of Nightwish, feels Jansen is only getting better gig by gig.

-We have done 13 shows with her and every show has been better than the previous one. We are taking it day by day as much as we can. Vibes in the band are marvellous. We take great pleasure of every moment.

Holopainen has known Jansen for more than 10 years already. They have been on the same tour couple of times already before this current one.

-We are quite far on the same wavelength and we have similar sense of humour, Holopainen describes his band mate.

Stepping in the lines of Nightwish was easier, for Jansen has long experience in both classical and rock music. Jansen´s previous bands are After Forever and ReVamp. Despite her fill-in in Nightwish, Jensen is working on material for her band ReVamp.

-She has been in these circles since the late 90s. She has toured a lot and has been inside this genre. This way it has been easier for her to enter the band, Holopainen reflects.

Jansen accepted to stand in for Anette at very short notice for her first official Nightwish gig.

-She´s a vocal coach herself, so she´s very professional. The fact that she had about 40 hours to learn 15 songs is quite revealing. She practically learned our tour set on the flight from Amsterdam to Seattle. We´re talking about a high-level professional and her attitude is fabulous as well. It can be seen in her stage presence.

Jansen´s performances have been highly praised by the audience. The leading man of Nightwish has also noted how much the fill-in vocalist thrives on being on stage.

-She clearly enjoys what she does. There is new kind of roughness taking place now, Holopainen praises.
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Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 11, 2012, 07:38:43 pm
Marco y el director de la pelí­cula hablan antes de la premiere (

Marco: Hi. Usually when I'm on stage I do things spontaneously and say whatever comes into my mind. But this morning when I was chosen for this task to introduce the movie, I sat down and I was thinking if I should say something that makes sense... That is hard for me but try to cope with that.(applauses)

So this movie you're about to see looks like the people who made it. Nightwish IS nowadays at times a "collective state of will"... and it breaks the reality in a childish way by its own visions and some kind of role games, too. And actually we are children. We play with those dark fantasies. Sometimes there might be a silver line... and just like children we may sometimes come out with unexpected insights of reality... or even of such a bizarre thing as wisdom as somebody has said...I didn't say that, you can decide. And now for the first time we have had the opportunity to paint this soul image to a really big canvas (looks at the screen, applauses). Of course those who have been painting most and with the biggest paintbrushes are Tuomas Holopainen (applauses) and Stobe Harju right here next to me, who is now experiencing the most shocking moments of his life. (applauses)

Stobe tries to start his speech.

Marco: Wait...

Stobe: You still have something?

Marco: Yes I have. (laughs). You see, I haven't said any thank yous. I suppose I should do it? So I could thank so many people, such as producers, make-up artists, cooks, camera men, whatever, the list is endless. But...well yeah I thank them because this movie has required an absurd amount of work, hard work and faith that the movie will be finished. But still, the biggest thank you is once again for you people. Everyone of you in here. (applauses) Because you have once again believed and waited for the huge dreams of those country boys... time after time.(applauses) In other words, I sincerely hope that you had great time during the show and I hope this night will go on like that. (applauses)

Stobe: I try to keep this short. There is terribly many of you, I have never been in front of this many people. Let me enjoy this for a while. (applauses) Thank you, that was awesome. Well, umm... I could actually play some lottery tonight just because this week...I'LL DO IT!... I've got a wonderful baby this week and it is not this movie. (applauses) (Marco says something but I can't hear what) A baby boy is waiting for me in the hospital and I want to send greetings to my wife and son. (applauses)
But to the point...Unfortunately the other paintbrusher Tuomas Holopainen is not here tonight... Or yes he has been here, but those who know him know also that he is even more shy than I am.

Marco: So guess why I am here?

Stobe: Okey, let's keep this short. So I want to thank some people, that is really important because... Tuomas and I started planning this movie 4½ years ago. It began from Tuomas' ideas to make 13 music videos and the final result grew to something totally different. But without certain people this movie wouldn't exist. First of all, Nightwish. (applauses) After that, the reason and the merit why you all are here tonight goes for Solar Films, especially Markus Selin and Jukka Helle who have made an unbelievable production, thank you. And if I change to English for a while, because we have here some foreign guests. (speaks in English for a while) So thank you these people because you made this movie, not just our small group but YOU. So enjoy, but remember to go to movie theaters if you want to have an unprecedented sound experience, because hey, there's only 10 000 of you here tonight. Yeah, really! Remember to go to movie theaters because tonight you won't be experiencing 7.1 or 5.1 sound, so enjoy what we have tonight. Here you go, Imaginaerum.
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Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 13, 2012, 04:16:52 pm
La peli se estrenará en España el dí­a 23!
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 15, 2012, 03:14:01 pm
Dark Chest of Wonders @ Helsinki (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 15, 2012, 05:08:48 pm
Gran parte del concierto (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 16, 2012, 07:35:19 pm
En una reciente entrevista a Metal Hammer, Tuomas Holopainen reveló que Floor Jansen podrí­a ser la nueva vocalista de Nightwish, aunque dijo que la nueva vocalista todaví­a será anunciada en el 2014. Al menos se aclararon algunas dudas al respecto.
Como recordamos, Nightwish realizará una gira por Amíérica Latina, donde se incluirá a:
28 de Noviembre 2012 – Teatro Metropolitan, Míéxico
29 de Noviembre 2012 – Teatro Metropolitan, Míéxico
01 de Diciembre 2012 – Teatro Tito Puente, San Juan, Puerto Rico
03 de Diciembre 2012 – Peppers Club, San Josíé, Costa Rica
07 de Diciembre 2012 – Centro de Convenciones Claro San Miguel, Lima, Perú
09 de Diciembre 2012 – Opiniao, Porto Alegre, Brasil
10 de Diciembre 2012 – Circo Volador, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
12 de Diciembre 2012 – Credicard Hall, Sao Paulo, Brasil
14 de Diciembre 2012 – El Teatro Flores, Buenos Aires, Argentina
15 de Diciembre 2012 – El Teatro Flores, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 17, 2012, 03:59:48 pm
Nightwish is going to immortalize Costa Rica

All the rockers attending the Nightwish show in December 3 will be immortalized on DVD.
The group will be in Pepper´s club in Zapote December 3 and they are going to record all events taking place there.
This was confirmed by Cristian Arce from Blackline, the company responsible for bringing the Finnish band to Costa Rica.
”They decided to capture images of their Latin-American tour and show the world what these countries are made of”, Arce relates
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 19, 2012, 03:46:32 pm
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 20, 2012, 04:26:06 pm
I want my tears back @ Hartwall (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 23, 2012, 07:24:51 pm
Elize ha hablado sobre Nightwish

JONAS: I've read that you were one of the candidates to replace Tarja Turunen in Nightwish, what happened?

ELIZE: Yes, it went pretty well for me during that tryout. It was Jake and Olof who did send in the application on behalf of me. I had no idea who Nightwish were when I wasn’t a part of the industry (Elize is laughing). I was way too young and because of my lack of experience, they did choose Anette Olzon instead. Olof promised me that he would start a new band and that I could be the lead singer, and that made me really happy of course (she says and laughing). About a month ago, I did perform with the band in Denver during the support tour with Kamelot in the US, when the singer got acutely ill.
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 24, 2012, 04:02:05 pm
Escenas de la peli (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 27, 2012, 10:47:12 pm

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 29, 2012, 05:24:54 pm
Setlist Míéxico DF (primer dí­a) (

The Crow, The Owl and The Dove (

Ever Dream (

Ghost Love Score (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 29, 2012, 07:23:55 pm
Nemo (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 30, 2012, 07:17:39 pm
Wishmaster @ Mexico DF (

Setlist Mexico DF (segundo dia) (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 01, 2012, 05:03:07 pm
The Siren @ Míéxico DF (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 01, 2012, 07:54:54 pm
I want my tears back @ Mexico DF (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 22, 2012, 05:46:31 pm
Anuncio del vino (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 23, 2012, 04:28:15 pm
Sin lugar a dudas, Tuomas Holopainen se ha convertido en uno de los compositores más excepcionales surgidos en la escena metálica en las dos últimas díécadas. De la mano de su inmenso talento, Nightwish llegó a convertirse en una de las bandas más aclamadas de la escena, siendo la voz de ensueño de Tarja Turunen uno de sus rasgos más distintivos. El despido de Tarja tras una situación digna de uno de esos  programas de chimentos que se emiten por las  tardes, amenazaba con tirar por la borda todos los logros acumulados por la banda hasta ese momento, ya que no cualquiera podrí­a hacerle frente al material aportado a la humanidad por los fineses desde ‘Angels Fall First’, hasta ‘Once’, donde la majestuosidad de cada uno de sus trabajos, uno más perfecto que el otro, realmente asustaba. Cuando la elección de su reemplazante recayó sobre  Anette Olzon, ex vocalista de la banda sueca Alyson Avenue , los temores parecí­an fundarse, no habí­a más que pegarle una oí­da al material grabado con su antigua banda para darse cuanta de sus limitaciones, limitaciones que se acentuaban en las presentaciones en vivo, como bien pudo comprobarse en los diversos shows.
Discográficamente, la calidad del material grabado desde el ingreso de Annete es irreprochable, Tuomas logró encontrarle la vuelta al asunto para que la voz de Anete termine encajando en las composiciones, aunque, eso sí­,  sin mayores estridencias, dejando la inquietante sensación de que, como bien me permití­ manifestar cuando me toco reseñar su último y ambicioso  trabajo, con el aporte de otras cuerdas vocales que le imprimieran mayor garra a los temas para poder secundar la grandilocuencia de los mismos, estarí­amos hablando de un trabajo a la par de las viejas glorias.
En algún punto se me ocurre hacer un paralelismo con lo que sucedió en su momento con Iron Maiden. Cuando ingresó Blaze Bayley en lugar de Bruce, el bueno de Blaze se la rebuscaba para cumplir en los discos de estudio, pero en vivo se quedaba a mitad de camino. Si bien suplí­a las deficiencias tíécnicas con pasión y  actitud, lejos quedaban sus condiciones tíécnicas de la posibilidad de hacerle frente a los himnos marcados a fuego por un titán como Dickinson. En el caso de Nightwish, sucedí­a exactamente lo mismo, por mucha voluntad que Anette le pusiese, no habí­a manera de que su voz suene aunque fuere aceptablemente a la hora de arremeter con el material grabado por Tarja.
¿Que llevó en cada caso a las mentes brillantes que llevan las riendas de ambas bandas a tomar tales decisiones a la hora de elegir a un nuevo vocalista?, es una intriga que quizás nunca podamos develar, lo cierto es que al menos sirve para comprobar que son humanos, y como tales, tambiíén pueden equivocarse.
Los rosarinos de Abrasantia y  los brasileros  powermetaleros de Tierramystica, fueron las dos bandas que oficiaron de teloneras, entreteniendo al público hasta la salida a escena del plato fuerte de la noche.
Ante un recinto que se encontraba totalmente colmado (la primera función se agotó con bastante antelación y en el caso de la segunda, a la hora del show, ya estaba todo prácticamente vendido), apenas pasadas las 21hs, las luces se apagaron, el gran Telón del Teatro se abrió, y comenzó a sonar como introducción el tema ‘Crimson Tide’ del famoso compositor Hans Zimmer.
El primero de los músicos en aparecer en escena fue  Jukka Nevalainen quien se ubicó tras la baterí­a y asomó su cabeza enfundada en su pañuelo habitual, despertando los primero alaridos del público. Lentamente fueron apareciendo el resto de los músicos, hasta producirse la gran explosión ante la salida de Floor Jansen, quien parecí­a tener ganada la batalla de antemano. Su aporte vocal en las primeras estrofas de ‘Storytime’, el tema con el que abrieron el show, bastó para tomar aire, salir corriendo hacia el exterior, y gritarle a viva voz  a los desprevenidos que ‘¡volvió Nightwish!’. Todos los aditamentos que los hicieron verdaderamente grandes, estaban ahí­ presentes nuevamente. El sinfonismo sin igual que le aporta desde los teclados Tuomas Holopainen, la solidez provista por la base monolí­tica conformada por Marco Hietala y Jukka Nevalainen quien aporrea los parches como pocos dentro de la escena, y la magia que brota de las cuerdas de Emppu Vuorinen, un violero de la hostia injustamente subestimado, se ven engalanadas nuevamente por una voz  que se encarga de ponerle la frutilla al postre. Lo más interesante de la labor de Floor durante toda la noche, radicó en que lejos de tratar de emular  a Tarja, sin abusar de su registro lí­rico, apelando a tonos más terrenales, logro imprimirle su propio sello a las composiciones.
El sonido fue impecable desde el arranque, creando el marco ideal para el lucimiento de los músicos. Como si fuera poco, para redondear la fiesta, el set list fue una verdadera invitación al deleite. Gracias al abanico de posibilidades que les da contar con los servicios de una vocalista con la versatilidad de  Floor Jansen, rescataron viejas glorias en desmedro de temas más noveles. Para que tengan una idea, en los primeros shows de la gira, con Anette todaví­a en las voces, unos 10 de los 15 temas del set list pertenecí­an a sus últimos dos trabajos. Si bien en el show del viernes, sí­ hicieron un poco más de hincapiíé en los temas de ‘Imaginareum’ y ‘Dark Passion Play’, para el del sábado, hicieron algunas modificaciones en la lista, pasando a ser 9 los clásicos interpretados, cambiando marcadamente la ecuación inicial.
Al margen de que ‘Storytime’ fue recibida con entusiasmo,  con el respetable coreando al pie de la letra su estribillo absolutamente memorable, ‘Dark Chest Of Wonder’ representó el primer mazazo al corazón de los viejos fanáticos que veí­amos como la posibilidad de ver a Nightwish nuevamente en lo más alto, se hacia realidad.
En tren de ponerme en quisquilloso, (ahora que todo vuelve lentamente a la normalidad, nos envalentonamos y exigimos un poco mas, ¡que joder!) me hubiera gustado algún tema más de ‘Wishmaster’ (no pido nada de ‘Oceanborn’ porque últimamente ni con Tarja los tocaban), pero no fue para nada despreciable toparnos durante la noche con 5 temas de ‘Once’, como por ejemplo ‘Wish I Had An Angel’, con Marco Hietala realizando su primera participación vocal de la noche, oficiando de contrapunto con la voz angelical de Floor Jansen, a la que presentó como ‘nuestro angel salvador’.
Marco  ha sabido ganarse con el tiempo el corazón del público. Desde su aparición rutilante allá por los tiempos de ‘Century Child’ contribuyendo con su potente garganta a darle nuevos aires a las composiciones, ha ido adquiriendo mayor protagonismo, sobre todo en escena, convirtiíéndose sus intervenciones en marca registrada de la banda, al punto de que hoy en dí­a cuesta pensar en un Nightwish sin íél. Todo esto sin perder de vista sus cualidades como bajista, y la simpatí­a con la que interactúa con el público, convirtiíéndose en el miembro que más se comunica con la gente.
Otro plato fuerte de la noche fue ‘Dead to the World’, proveniente de esa obra maestra titulada ‘Century Child’, donde nuevamente la dupla Jansen/Hietala hizo estragos. Lo de Floor no solo pasa por su prodigiosa garganta, sino tambiíén por la energí­a que destila en el escenario y la gracia de sus movimientos, lo que la convierte en una frontwoman con mayúsculas.
La pegadiza ‘Amaranth’, uno de los temas más emblemáticos del álbum  ‘Dark Passion Play’ tambiíén muy muy festejada. Pero si hubo un tema con el cual quedamos absolutamente extasiados y maravillados, fue con ‘Ever Dream’. La labor de Floor Jansen, haciendo y deshaciendo a su antojo, fue más allá de toda alabanza. Ese final estirado hasta lo imposible, provocó que tras su culminación se ganara una de esas ovaciones que uno guarda en el corazón para toda su vida. Rojas nos quedaron las palmas de las manos de tanto aplaudir.
Confirmando nuestras sospechas, Floor logró imprimirle nueva vida a las composiciones de ‘Imaginareum’ dejando en evidencia la valí­a de las mismas, como por ejemplo en el caso de ‘I Want Tears My Back’, acompañada por un Marco nuevamente pletórico en las voces.
La cara de felicidad de Tuomas era por demás elocuente, en ninguna de las visitas anteriores se lo vio tan sonriente, es como si ante la algarabí­a generalizada de un público totalmente enfervorizado, las constantes muestras de  aprobación, y un sin fin de ovaciones, especialmente para con Floor, al tipo le cayera la ficha de que su bebe volví­a  a la palestra, recuperando la magia de antaño. En cuanto a la propia Floor, no salí­a de su asombro por el hecho de que además de las letras, como ya es marca registrada por estas pampas, los presentes entonaban tambiíén las melodí­as y los solos.
Quien tambiíén se ganó una calida recepción fue el multiinstrumentista Inglíés Troy Donocley quien aporto el sonido de su gaita en varios temas, como por ejemplo en ‘Nemo’, quizás el tema más hitero de la banda. Su melodí­a juguetona daba paso a  otra sorpresa proveniente de ‘Once’, nada mas ni nada menos que ‘Planet Hell’, uno de los temas más potentes de su repertorio.
El show resulto tan vertiginosos que se dieron el lujo de no interpretar ni siquiera una sola balada, el único momento de reposo si se quiere, se produjo cuando tocaron la instrumental ‘Last Of The Wills’ con todo el personal en escena, incluido Troy Donocley, y a excepción de Floor quien aprovechó para tomar un breve descanso. A continuación, contando nuevamente con el aporte de Troy, llegarí­a el turno de uno de esos covers que de tan magní­ficamente interpretados, te hacen dudar inclusive si en algún punto no superan al original, me refiero a ‘Over The Hills And Far Away’ tema originalmente grabado por el tristemente desaparecido Gary Moore.
Y si en ‘Ever Dream’ asistimos al momento de mayor lucimiento personal por parte de Floor, díéjenme decirles que durante ‘Ghost Love Score’, un tema absolutamente íépico, con cientos de vericuetos complejos que la transforman en una pieza única, la banda en su conjunto dejó bien a las claras porquíé vuelven a ser esa banda increí­ble que nunca debieron dejar de ser. En lugar de hacer el habitual corte en el cual tras finalizar un tema la banda se marcha para volver para los bises, en esta ocasión abandonaron el escenario, pero en medio de la sección instrumental del tema, cuando quedo sonando solamente el teclado de Tuomas, regresando a la brevedad para finalizar con el mismo.
Ya casi en el final del show, llegó el turno de uno de esos temas que sinceramente pensaba que como venia la mano hasta hace unos pocos meses, ya nunca más podrí­a escuchar en vivo. Pero como bien reza la frase, ‘nunca digas nunca’,  y el solo amague del inicio de esta perla basto para que dos flacos que se abalanzaron raudamente desde el fondo hacia el frente del escenario, me dejaran dando vueltas como un trompo.  ‘Master, Aprentice, Hertborne, 7th Seeker, Warrior, Disciple, in me the Wishmaster’…..,  y se pudrió todo, el campo del teatro se vio sacudido por un pogo infernal como pocas veces vi en el recinto, lo que no es poco decir si no perdemos de vista que se trata de una banda de Power Metal Sinfónico, y no una agrupación thrasher de la Bahí­a de San Francisco. Se ve que las ganas acumuladas jugaron un factor fundamental para que el respetable diera rienda suelta a toda su furia, festejando el recupero de una de las bandas más emblemáticas del gíénero.
El cierre vino de la mano de ‘Last Ride of The Day’, para ponerle no solo el punto final a un show inolvidable, sino tambiíén a esta parte de la gira. Saludo va, saludo viene, con el exquisito instrumental ‘Imaginareum’ como cortina de fondo, Tuomas se abrazó prolongadamente con Floor, mientras le susurraba algo al oí­do. Ojalá se trate de una señal pensando en el futuro.
En los últimos tiempos tuve la suerte de asistir a muchí­simos conciertos, la mayorí­a de ellos memorables, superiores inclusive en lo global a esta presentación del combo liderado por Tuomas Holopainen, pero pocas veces me retire tan feliz, no podí­a disimular mi satisfacción por haber asistido a la resurrección de una banda que supo pelearle de igual a igual el trono a bandas ilustres dentro del estilo. El gigante estaba dormido, pero amenaza con despertar nuevamente. Si Tuomas no deja que el árbol le tape el bosque, es decir, que su ego enorme no lo lleve nuevamente a tomar una decisión equivocada, y finalmente abroche la continuidad de Floor Jansen como miembro permanente de la banda, todo se habrá encaminado para que vuelvan a pegar el gran salto.
Set List
Dark Chest Of  Wonder
Wish I Had An Angel
Dead To The World
Ever Dream
I Want My Tears back
Last of the Wills
Planet Hell
Ghost River
Over The Hills And Far Away
Ghost Love Score
Last Ride Of The Day

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 23, 2012, 04:29:09 pm
Concierto Argentina (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 25, 2012, 05:10:43 pm
Tuomas cumple hoy 36 años!!!
FELICIDADES!!!! :011: :011: :011: :011: :011:
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 28, 2012, 04:01:00 pm
Video de Navidad (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 05, 2013, 05:26:49 pm
Escenas de la peli con subtitulos en español (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 05, 2013, 05:38:04 pm
Setlist Brisbane (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 05, 2013, 05:53:19 pm
Ghost River @ Brisbane (

Nemo @ Brisbane (

Scaretale @ Brisbane (

Storytime @ Brisbane (

Over The Hills @ Brisbane (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 06, 2013, 08:21:34 pm
I want my tears back @ Brisbane (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 08, 2013, 04:14:11 pm
En una entrevista reciente para el medio australiano Loud, hablaba el bajista (y vocalista) de NIGHTWISH Marco Hietala. Aquí­ tenemos algunos extractos referentes a la nueva cantante (al menos de manera temporal) del grupo, Floor Jansen, y a la salida de Anette Olzon hace pocos meses:

Comienza hablando del hecho de tener a una tercera cantante en la historia de la banda:

"Todo está yendo muy bien, y es que además conocí­amos a Floor (Jansen) muy bien desde hace 10 años cuando hicimos una gira juntos. Nos conocimos en el 2002 cuando AFTER FOREVER y NIGHTWISH giramos juntos, y sabí­amos que cuando tuviíéramos algún tipo de emergencia, ella podrí­a ser una vocalista con la que podrí­amos contar si se diera el caso. Y además (pensábamos que) se acoplarí­a muy rápido, como así­ ha sido. Por ello tiene todo mi respeto como profesional por el hecho de cómo ha encajado en la banda y lo ha llevado todo desde la primera llamada. Ella lo ha asimilado muy rápido y todo ha sido para bien y cosas positivas hasta ahora."
Acerca de cómo canta Jansen el material de sus predecesoras:

"Está claro que cada vocalista tiene que tener espacio para la propia interpretación de las canciones, pero al final es una cosa fí­sica… Quiero decir que algunas cosas encajan mejor en algunas personas que otras. Como cantante, y yo lo síé por mí­ mismo, hay pequeñas cosas que se pueden hacer a tu manera, y es bueno tener tu espacio al respecto. De todos modos ella es capaz de darle una perspectiva personal perfecta, como está haciendo con las canciones en directo ahora. Yo estoy encantado de la manera en que ella está haciendo su trabajo con nosotros."

Es inevitable la pregunta sobre si tomarán una decisión final en breve:
"Cuando tienes la necesidad de cambiar a un cantante en medio de una gira te tienes que dar a tí­ mismo el lujo de pensar por ahora en planes inmediatos. Es en plan vamos a hacer los conciertos y veremos quíé tal va, porque te tienes que conocer en el backstage, salir juntos a los bares, los autobuses y los aeropuertos y demás. Quiero decir que hay que ver cómo encajas personalmente, y en este caso es un pequeño lujo que no nos habí­amos podido permitir antes en este sentido. Así­ que ya te digo que haremos los conciertos y despuíés ya tomaremos la decisión que sea en base a cómo vaya todo."

Sobre la salida de Anette Olzon, comparándolo además de cómo hicieron las cosas antes con Tarja (Turunen), comenta:

"Sí­, hemos aprendido que probablemente es mejor no entrar en detalles personales y dejarlo estar en cierto modo. En este caso todos estuvimos de acuerdo en hacer las cosas de modo que no hubiera demasiado barullo en los medios, porque está claro que todo se desbordó y fue una locura en el momento de romper con Tarja. Era como estar seis meses despuíés en Finlandia sin haber concedido ninguna entrevista y la prensa aún tení­a algo que escribir sobre ello todos los dí­as… Así­ que obviamente esta vez querí­amos que todo fuera más simple."
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 09, 2013, 05:31:51 pm
Entrevista en Australia

Nightwish have always been a band with a vision. To some they're considered pioneers of symphonic metal. To others they're the band that beat Evanescence to the punch in terms of ethereal female vocals over robust metal atmospheres. But however you see them, each Nightwish album is anevent. Released in late 2011, Imaginaerum was the band's big concept statement, a narrative which tells the story of an elderly composer looking back on his life from his deathbed.

The band is currently in Australia to promote the album and its attendant feature film. Of course nothing in the world of Nightwish is permanent; just as their music evolves, so has their lineup, and they recently bade farewell to vocalist Anette Olzon (who replaced Tarja Turunen). Stepping up to the mic on short notice is Floor Jansen (After Forever, ReVamp), who is doing an incredible job, as YouTube clips reveal.

"She's exceptional," lead songwriter and keyboardist Tuomas Holopainen says on the phone from Brisbane. "We're not going to go into details [about Olzen's departure]. The main thing is that everybody's happier at the moment - Anette, Floor and the band. And that's the thing that really matters." Jansen was the band's only choice when they were forced into a decision about whether to continue with the Imaginaerum world tour or to cancel. "When she came along it was like a sledgehammer into the face," Holopainen says without irony or smirk. "It was like, 'wow'. We knew her skills and everything, but she's just incredible. To this day we've never had a rehearsal yet. We just haven't had the time, and still she's doing such an amazing job. So really thumbs up for her."

With a new lead vocalist perfuming material that has already been established with another voice, it's almost like a new chance for the band itself to get to know Imaginaerum. Holopainen says he's very happy with the sound as it stands now, but can't wait to see where it's going to go in the future. "It just sounds really brilliant overall, but I would like to get some relaxed time with her and the band in the studio or in the rehearsal room to go deep into what we could do, because for the last few months it's been more like doing shows and coping with the tour. I don't quite know the whole potential yet!"   

Part of the magic of the album is its cinematic quality - no great surprise given Holopainen's stated love for film music, nor the overall plan for the project, including the film which he co-wrote with its director, newcomer Stobe Harju. "The idea for the movie came about in 2007 when I was listening to the mastered Dark Passion Play album, and I was wondering what the hell we were going to do next, because that album was already so huge and diverse and complicated. And with every album you want to challenge yourself and the band and the people to do something different and innovative." It was at this point that Holopainen decided to knit the music's strong visual side with an actual film. "Soundtracks are the biggest musical inspiration for me personally, so why not do a movie to go along with the album?" Then he chuckles. "I realise that so-called band movies have a terrible reputation," - Led Zeppelin's The Song Remains The Same comes to mind, with its cheesy visuals - "but we wanted to change that with Imaginarum." Holopainen has an extensive background in classical music, playing clarinet and classical piano for many years, to the point where he feels like he's totally overdosed on classical music. "I still have a lot of respect for the classics like Mozart and Bach, but I can't listen to them at home," he says. Then when he discovered film music - composers like James Newton Howard, Hans Zimmer and John Williams - he found what he considered to be the updated version of what those guys were doing centuries ago. And while his favourite is Howard, Holopainen reserves a special place in his heart for Williams. "Oh dear. He's such a legend. He's written so many themes that everybody on the planet knows. It's unbelievable. The Indiana Jones theme, Star Wars and all that. Oh dear!"

Interestingly, despite his reputation as a symphonic metal composer and producer, Holopainen prefers to work in more arcane mediums compared to the typical modern musician. "I'm all into Korg keyboards, and I have an endorsement so I'm not allowed to use anything else! I use the Kronos in the studio and live as well. But I'm really not a technical person at all. I know the basics of keyboards, but I never, ever use computers when I'm writing. I still use these discs that you put into the keyboard, and I do all my demos there. I only use computers for emails and for fantasy hockey! That's it! I also write a lot of [music] on paper. In that way I'm an old-school guy. There's something romantic about doing it by hand. I want to keep some traditions alive. There's nothing more beautiful than a hand-written sheet of music." 
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 10, 2013, 03:56:38 pm
Dark Chest Of Wonders @ Auckland (

Setlist (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 11, 2013, 07:54:06 pm
Storytime @ Sydney (

Setlist (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 12, 2013, 05:03:56 pm
Amaranth @ Sydney (

Slow Love Slow @ Sydney (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 14, 2013, 03:54:19 pm
Nemo @ Sydney (

Ghost Love Score @ Sydney (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 14, 2013, 04:02:16 pm
Setlist Melbourne (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 14, 2013, 04:07:05 pm
Marco cumple hoy 47 años!!!!
FELICIDADES!!! :011: :011: :011:
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 15, 2013, 03:59:05 pm
Storytime + Dark Chest Of Wonders @ Melbourne (

Amaranth @ Melbourne (

Ever Dream @ Melbourne (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 16, 2013, 06:00:51 pm
The Siren @ Melbourne (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 19, 2013, 04:24:52 pm
Setlist Adelaide (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 20, 2013, 05:30:28 pm
7 Days To The Wolves @ Adelaide (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 20, 2013, 05:51:39 pm
Dear reader,
It is January 2013. Summer here in Australia, winter back home in The Netherlands. In my home country it has been snowing and that means everything gets deranged immediately. Here in Aussie I go from the shade to air-conditioned places to avoid the sun when it’s getting close to a 40 degrees Celsius. My French bulldog Obi needs to wear a coat because she has no fur on her cute little belly, I wear my summer dresses and put on sun crí¨me on a daily base. I love touring :-)

I have never been to Australia nor New Zealand before. I have never made such a long journey before either even though I have done my faire share of traveling. I left the Netherlands on an extremely grey day on the 1st of January. Quite a start of the year! Many, many hours and days later I was in Brisbane. Funny how I miss a day because of the time difference! And wow what a jetlag I had…

Today it’s the 20th of January and tonight we will play the last show here in Fremantle near Perth with Nightwish. I am sitting in my hotel room with the doors open, I wanted to write this to you while enjoying the sun but the heat is too much haha, my Dutch skin gets roasted in no time! I write this to you now because tomorrow is the start of a holiday and I will tune out for some days. I wanted to share this great tour now though so I cannot describe tonight’s show. But the other ones we did were so amazing I am sure tonight will become a perfect final to a perfect tour!!!

Every show was great! Enthusiastic and smiling people every time. In both Australia as New Zealand the audience was so appreciative we came over and rocked with us intensely while showing how much fun they had every time with happy faces!  Every day people were friendly to us. In both the venues as on the streets, in shops en restaurants, etc. They’re genuinely nice! I even had a moment my credit card didn’t work and I had no cash left. I ordered some food and found out I couldn’t pay with my cards. A man offered to pay my food. Just like that, it was fine. He wanted nothing in return and left me speechless. Such kindness!

Here people care about other people, about the environment, about themselves. There are many rules, too many for my taste, but the people just want to do right. They look great, their country is clean and healthy. Big respect!

We did 7 shows in 20 days. Not an intense program, it gave us the time to see things. I’ve seen Brisbane, Auckland, Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide and Fremantle. I went to an island outside Auckland, a pristine beauty in New Zealand. I went to the zoo in Melbourne, a beautiful place with great spaces for the animals. I loved the tiger (who is now Richard Parker, for those who’ve seen ‘Life of Pi’ know what I mean). The animal was very active and impressed me to the core; I had goose bumps all over my body. And those eyes…. I also loved the butterfly house. Innocent and colorful creatures all around us, sitting on the heads and arms of children who had the patience to wait for one to sit down. It’s summer holiday here so the amount of children in the zoo was amazing. Nice change of company, I travel with 16 men :-)

I also went to the harbor in Sydney and saw the opera house and the massive bridge at night. We had only one day there so I am sure there is much more to do and see! Next to sightseeing I had time enough to study Finnish and to work out in the hotel gyms. Nice!

I would love to come back to these wonderful countries one day and go out of the cities and now got to know a little to see the nature, the beaches and all the splendid sights here! Cities are great but this country has more to offer. Of course we were not here as tourists but to rock and so we did! :-)

Tonight will be last ride of tour, it went by so fast! But there is a nice holiday ahead and I look forward to this as well. Some time to breath after the last month. They have been very intense for me!!!

And while I tour and take some air ReVamp is recording the new album. It is the first time I am not around to be there and it feels sad even though I know I can’t split myself in two. I trust the guys for more than a 100% so I am sure they will do an excellent job without me!!! And when I get home I will record my vocals and finish the album with them. Exiting times!!!

On the 2nd of January I was on Dutch television in a show about classical music. I was asked last minute and sang an aria I did before already because I had no time to prepare another one. I loved doing it again though, it’s a beauty from Puccini called ‘ Oh, mio babino caro’. I’ve added the video to the media page on this website!

For now I say goodbye! Thank you for supporting Nightwish, ReVamp and me and for reading this blog. I hope you enjoyed! I will add pictures in the timeline, so go check them out for a visual add to this story! :-)

With love and respect,

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 21, 2013, 08:08:45 pm
Setlist Fremantle (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 23, 2013, 05:35:36 pm
Ghost Love Score @ Buenos Aires (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 31, 2013, 04:41:03 pm

Tickets go on sale on Thursday 31st for the showing of the movie in Berlin, Germany on the 11th February with Tuomas and Marco being present.
The movie will be shown in English.
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 13, 2013, 04:11:37 pm
Videos de la premiere en Berlin! ( (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 15, 2013, 10:45:30 pm
Sobre el disco de Tuomas!

"Saludos desde la guarida de las aventuras de Mr Scroogy!! ya tengo preparadas aproximadamente 8 canciones. Solo dos meses hasta la demo del estudio, lo que significa que mega prisa y posible pánico para volver a la hibernación!
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 21, 2013, 08:37:46 pm
Floor Jansen cumple hoy 32 años!!!!
FELICIDADES!!! :011: :011: :011:
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 21, 2013, 08:44:39 pm
Video Sao Paulo (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 24, 2013, 05:23:26 pm
La peli se estrenará en Austria el 18 de marzo! (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 02, 2013, 10:28:13 pm
Imaginaerum Mejor Album de Metal en Finlandia (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 06, 2013, 06:11:54 pm
Gira por Japón en Mayo (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 07, 2013, 04:25:44 pm
El DVD de la peli sale el 31 de mayo

Fuente (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 21, 2013, 09:47:59 pm

Audio: English, Dolby Digital 5.1
Subtitles: Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Norway
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 07, 2013, 05:12:23 pm
"The international version of "Imaginaerum by Nightwish" can now be pre-ordered from the Nightwish-Shop.

The international version contains english subtitles and english cover texts.

If you have already pre-ordered the scandinavian version, please check your e-mail box for information regarding the international version. Note that the e-mails are still being processed, so if you haven't received yours yet, check again in a few hours. And be sure to also check your spam folder, just in case."
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 21, 2013, 05:16:33 pm
Jukka cumple hoy 35 años!!!!!!
FELICIDADES!!!!! :011: :011: :011: :011: :011: :011: :011:
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 27, 2013, 05:12:04 pm
Tuomas talked about his solo album with Soundi magazine and Yle. The album Music Inspired By The Life And Times Of Scrooge McDuck By Don Rosa is likely to be released sometimes in the beginning of 2014. Tuomas has finished writing work and recordings will be in the end of August with London Symphony Orchestra and later in Scotland. I'm glad that Don Rosa himself will be drawing the cover art. He is the best Disney comic artist in my opinion. Here are some rough translations from the interviews: Tuomas says that the music is not even close to Nightwish. Its not even heavy music or rock and there will not be bass or drums for example. Of course orchestral and ethnic percussions will be there a lot. There will also be vocals in some songs and the musical range will be wide. They are talking with many publishers and even Disney has some interest
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 28, 2013, 04:00:25 pm
La peli con subtitulos en español! (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 29, 2013, 04:06:56 pm
Lo mas reciente sobre el proyecto "The Life And Times Of Scrooge McDuck" de Tuomas.

· Tuomas Holopainen y Don Rosa colaboran para el proyecto de Scrooge McDuck.

Recientemente, Tuomas habló de nuevo sobre su álbum solista basado en el cómic "The Life And Times Of Scrooge McDuck".

Holopainen ya ha terminado con el proceso de composición de las canciones y espera entrar al estudio de grabación con la Orquesta Sinfónica de Londres en agosto próximo para despuíés trasladarse a Escocia y grabar las gaitas y otros instrumentos ahí­.

En cuanto al contenido, el rango musical será variado; el compositor asegura que será algo diferente a lo que Nightwish nos tiene acostumbrados.

" - No será nada cercano al sonido de Nightwish, no habrá nada de instrumentos heavy como bajo, guitarra o baterí­a. El álbum será más bien una mezcla entre banda sonora y música de cámara con toques íétnicos. Sólo la orquesta, algunas percusiones y piano. Será algo marginal y extraño."

En cuanto a las voces, la discusión con Petrax Studios continúa, por lo que la identidad de las posibles contribuciones vocales sigue siendo un secreto.

" - Habrá algunas canciones con vocalistas invitados, aunque aún no puedo decir con certeza quiíénes participarán."

El tecladista finíés dice haber obtenido la aprobación del propio Don Rosa, quien aceptó dibujar el artwork para la carátula del disco; y tambiíén haber despertado algo de interíés por parte de los altos mandos.

" - Parece haber algo de interíés de Disney por el proyecto, aunque todo sigue completamente abierto. Aún falta hacer contactos con muchas personas. Lo único de lo que tengo certeza es que el disco verá la luz en algún momento a principios del próximo año", promete Holopainen.

♪ Traducción por "The Nightingale" Tuomas Holopainen - Míéxico.
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 29, 2013, 04:26:15 pm
New festival date: Byblos-festival 4th of July in Citadel, Jbeil, Lebanon
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 03, 2013, 06:51:49 pm
El próximo lunes dí­a 6 a las 18:30 habrá chat con Floor, para poder participar debíéis de ser miembros del foro oficial de Nightwish, pero sólo serán elegidos 20 miembros para charlar con ella. Para poder participar en el chat debíéis de escribir un post en este topic , a cada participante en el topic se le dará un número por privado, el domingo el topic será cerrado y los ganadores serán elegidos con un generador de números aleatorios, cada ganador tendrá 5 min para hablar con Floor. Los ganadores serán anunciados el domingo por la noche.
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 05, 2013, 04:00:36 pm
El viernes os contíé que:

El próximo lunes dí­a 6 a las 18:30 habrá chat con Floor, para poder participar debíéis de ser miembros del foro oficial de Nightwish, pero sólo serán elegidos 20 miembros para charlar con ella. Para poder participar en el chat debíéis de escribir un post en este topic , a cada participante en el topic se le dará un número por privado, el domingo el topic será cerrado y los ganadores serán elegidos con un generador de números aleatorios, cada ganador tendrá 5 min para hablar con Floor. Los ganadores serán anunciados el domingo por la noche.

Bien el caso es que...... soy una de las ganadoras!!!!
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 08, 2013, 04:04:37 pm
El chat con Floor

Chat members with Floor Jansen.

[06 Mai 13 19:34] * Floor: Hello?
[06 Mai 13 19:34] * Escapist: That;s better
[06 Mai 13 19:34] * mojo: now it works
[06 Mai 13 19:35] * Escapist: Dont' scare me like that haha
[06 Mai 13 19:35] * Floor: I know....I had the same....but it works haha
[06 Mai 13 19:35] * Floor: So let the fun begin :-)
[06 Mai 13 19:36] * mojo: ok.. ready to start Floor?
[06 Mai 13 19:37] * Floor: Yes!!!! :-)
[06 Mai 13 19:37] * mojo: cool. let me pick the first one
[06 Mai 13 19:37] * Escapist: Hyper reaction
[06 Mai 13 19:37] * Floor: :P

[06 Mai 13 19:38] * mojo: Fonnels: .. you're first .. go for it :D
[06 Mai 13 19:38] * Fonnels: Oh no! :D
[06 Mai 13 19:38] * Fonnels: Hello Floor! :-)
[06 Mai 13 19:38] * Floor: HI :-)
[06 Mai 13 19:38] * Fonnels: First of all: How are you? Was it difficult for you to sing the NW songs in your own style without putting the original Nightwish style out of focus?
[06 Mai 13 19:39] * Floor: I am doing great thanks!
[06 Mai 13 19:39] * Floor: Some songs took more time but most others felt very natural from the start
[06 Mai 13 19:40] * Fonnels: Okay, that already leads to my next question: Are there any songs that were difficult for you to sing in the beginning?
[06 Mai 13 19:40] * Floor: I know I sing them in my own way and to be able to do that, that freedom I get to give a piece of myself is really awesome!
[06 Mai 13 19:40] * Floor: All were haha
[06 Mai 13 19:40] * Floor: No seriously
[06 Mai 13 19:40] * Fonnels: :D
[06 Mai 13 19:40] * Floor: some easier than others but I found Amaranth the biggest challange
[06 Mai 13 19:41] * Floor: And Ever Dream sang in normal voice, not opera
[06 Mai 13 19:41] * Fonnels: Okay :-) How did your singing style change during the past years (maybe also according to NW)?
[06 Mai 13 19:41] * Floor: I don't think I changed but I have been growing into a more diverse style
[06 Mai 13 19:40] * Floor: I sing in more various ways now, also more raw at times
[06 Mai 13 19:40] * Fonnels: that's also the impression I have/had. :-) I'm really looking forward to the upcoming festivals. I'll attend 6 of them. :-) What are your expectations according to the festivals?
[06 Mai 13 19:41] * Floor: 6?! ;) That's great!
[06 Mai 13 19:41] * Fonnels: Yep :D
[06 Mai 13 19:41] * Floor: I can't wait to go!
[06 Mai 13 19:41] * Fonnels: Me neither :)
[06 Mai 13 19:41] * Floor: I expect it become amazing!
[06 Mai 13 19:42] * Floor: I get goosebumps just thinking about it :-)
[06 Mai 13 19:42] * Fonnels: Actually me too. :D a lot of traveling, but it will be worth it :)
[06 Mai 13 19:42] * Floor: Yes! I know it will!!! We'll bring magic with us to enchant everyone. Me included haha
[06 Mai 13 19:43] * Floor: CU there!
[06 Mai 13 19:43] * Fonnels: Definitely :) I experienced that magic in Manchester already. Did you expect to be so well taken by the fans?
[06 Mai 13 19:44] * Fonnels: ok :-) bye bye :)
[06 Mai 13 19:44] * Floor: I had no time to expect anything :-) That's how fast it all went. But I know about the history of the band and I couldn'r dream of a better way to be welcomed
[06 Mai 13 19:44] * Floor: Bye! Nice 'meeting you' :-)

[06 Mai 13 19:45] * mojo: your time leyafarhat19
[06 Mai 13 19:45] * leyafarhat19: yey :D
[06 Mai 13 19:45] * leyafarhat19: Hey Floor :)
[06 Mai 13 19:45] * Floor: HI! :-)
[06 Mai 13 19:46] * leyafarhat19: I'm a huge fan and i wanna tell you that we're all waiting for you guys here in lebanon :)
[06 Mai 13 19:46] * leyafarhat19: hope you're excited as much as we are
[06 Mai 13 19:46] * Floor: That is so awesome to know! I am really exited to go to your country!
[06 Mai 13 19:47] * leyafarhat19: All the lebanese fans want me to ask you if it's possible for a meet and greet ? or at least a photosession
[06 Mai 13 19:48] * Floor: That sounds like a great idea! I am not in charge of these things :-) But I will surely pass on the request to the management. No idea if we can do it but it would surely be wonderful!
[06 Mai 13 19:48] * leyafarhat19: wow great thanks :) i just hope to see you there :)
[06 Mai 13 19:48] * leyafarhat19: who inspired you to take singing classes ?
[06 Mai 13 19:48] * Floor: I'll be there :-)
[06 Mai 13 19:49] * Floor: No one in particular. I just loved singing and noticed I had a talent for it.
[06 Mai 13 19:49] * leyafarhat19: Yeah amazing voice :D
[06 Mai 13 19:49] * Floor: I didn't take classes, I studied btw :-)
[06 Mai 13 19:49] * leyafarhat19: Whats your fav. song to perform live?
[06 Mai 13 19:49] * Floor: Thank you!
[06 Mai 13 19:49] * leyafarhat19: oh good to know
[06 Mai 13 19:50] * Floor: Oh oh, I have no favorites but one of mine is definatelly Ghost Love Score
[06 Mai 13 19:50] * leyafarhat19: good choice lol
[06 Mai 13 19:50] * leyafarhat19: Okay it was nice talking to you Floor thanks a lot :) hope to see you in Lebanon
[06 Mai 13 19:50] * leyafarhat19: much love
[06 Mai 13 19:50] * Floor: :-)
[06 Mai 13 19:50] * Floor: Likewise! Can't wait to rock together! I will check for the M&G

[06 Mai 13 19:51] * mojo: ok .. next is .. NyjahAtaru
[06 Mai 13 19:51] * NyjahAtaru: Hi Floor :)
[06 Mai 13 19:51] * Floor: Hello! :-)
[06 Mai 13 19:52] * NyjahAtaru: I've been curious if you design your stage outfits yourself, since they obviously are tailored?
[06 Mai 13 19:53] * Floor: I have ideas yes. About the shape, color and materials. Ingeborg Steenhorst turns these ideas into amazing things :-)
[06 Mai 13 19:53] * Floor: I''ll send the link to her website
[06 Mai 13 19:53] * Floor:
[06 Mai 13 19:53] * NyjahAtaru: Tahnk you :D She surely does an amazing job!
[06 Mai 13 19:53] * Floor: I'll let her know :-)
[06 Mai 13 19:54] * NyjahAtaru: You have online vocal lessons for experienced singers, why did you start with that? :)
[06 Mai 13 19:55] * Floor: I love to teach and have been doing this for 10 years now. Because of my busy schedule I cannot teach people on a regular base anymore. That is why I plan lessons for experienced singers whom I can help in a few lessons to reach a goal or work on a problem. You need experience to know what I mean if time is limited.. Next to that I think a beginning singer needs someone who can teach on a regular base and better in person
[06 Mai 13 19:56] * NyjahAtaru: Okey :)
[06 Mai 13 19:57] * NyjahAtaru: Is there a special venue you would like to play in? or return to, for that sake?
[06 Mai 13 19:57] * Floor: Not really but I can dream about the Royal Albert Hall in London or the Geldredome here in the Netherlands...
[06 Mai 13 19:58] * Floor: I loved the old theaters in the US too!
[06 Mai 13 19:58] * NyjahAtaru: okey, bye... thank you so much :)
[06 Mai 13 19:58] * Floor: You're very welcome! Thanks for joining!
[06 Mai 13 19:58] * NyjahAtaru: My pleasure ;) hugs

[06 Mai 13 19:58] * mojo: ok.. next .. is Rathma
[06 Mai 13 19:59] * Rathma: Weeee!
[06 Mai 13 19:59] * Rathma: Hi Floor!
[06 Mai 13 19:59] * Floor: HI :-)
[06 Mai 13 19:59] * Rathma: Great job on the tour so far. Do you get the freedom to interperet the songs however you want? or does the band suggest things?
[06 Mai 13 20:00] * Floor: Thank you!
[06 Mai 13 20:00] * Floor: I get my freedom and sometimes when I doubt I check with the guys or they suggest things.
[06 Mai 13 20:01] * Rathma: Is there a song you haven't sang yet that you'd like to try? I think you would nail Bless the Child
[06 Mai 13 20:01] * Floor: haha, well that sounds like a good one
[06 Mai 13 20:01] * Floor: There are many I'd love to do actually!
[06 Mai 13 20:02] * Rathma: Was touring with After Forever the first time you really hung with Nightwish?
[06 Mai 13 20:02] * Floor: I was scared to death haha
[06 Mai 13 20:02] * Floor: no just a joke
[06 Mai 13 20:02] * Floor: I was nervous! First real tour. Big band!
[06 Mai 13 20:03] * Floor: But they were so nice and the two bands connected really great on many levels
[06 Mai 13 20:03] * Rathma: I remember you did some covers way back like She is my Sin. Do you think Tuomas ever saw those?
[06 Mai 13 20:04] * Floor: I know he did :-) We didn't play it that often however. I love that song!
[06 Mai 13 20:04] * Rathma: That's awesome. I know you're busy with all the music projects, but have you had time to discover any new artists?
[06 Mai 13 20:05] * Floor: I haven't focussed on this at all sorry :-)
[06 Mai 13 20:06] * Rathma: My last question is about your upcoming Japan tour. How are you feeling about playing there?
[06 Mai 13 20:07] * Rathma: Oh and make sure you tell Tuomas to listen to AKB48, it will prepare you for the Japan tour.
[06 Mai 13 20:07] * Floor: I am super exited....never been to Japan before! Heard many great stories about it. And I think I might get a culture shock :-)
[06 Mai 13 20:07] * Rathma: Thanks Floor!
[06 Mai 13 20:07] * Floor: OK :-) Thank you too!

[06 Mai 13 20:07] * mojo: next .. Leinikki ..
[06 Mai 13 20:08] * Leinikki: Hi! How are you? My name is Bogi(24), I’m writing from the real Transylvania. :D
[06 Mai 13 20:09] * Floor: Hi Bogi! Nice to 'meet' you!
[06 Mai 13 20:09] * Leinikki: I’ve been racking my brain with some questions the last day, hope they won’t be that boring. Beware, some of them are a bit long.
[06 Mai 13 20:09] * Leinikki: My first question is: how is it to stand on the same stage with the band that you previously said you’re a fan of? Is it like a dream come true or rather a great adventure?
[06 Mai 13 20:09] * Floor: go ahead
[06 Mai 13 20:09] * Floor: I think both feelings
[06 Mai 13 20:10] * Floor: I felt pride, fear, excitement, and a hundred things more at the same time :-)
[06 Mai 13 20:10] * Leinikki: wow, that's great
[06 Mai 13 20:10] * Leinikki: Is Nightwish any different band to be on stage with comparing to your other bands and collaborations?
[06 Mai 13 20:10] * Floor: And humble. So humble I can do this!
[06 Mai 13 20:11] * Floor: Sure, every band is different and has its own sound, dynamics and rituals
[06 Mai 13 20:11] * Floor: But it worked from the first second we started playing together :-)
[06 Mai 13 20:11] * Leinikki: Anything conspicuous about the performance with the band or the audience?
[06 Mai 13 20:12] * Leinikki: How do you see the NW songs from a songwriter’s point of view (since you are a songwriter too)? Technical remarks: any strong or weak points?
[06 Mai 13 20:12] * Floor: http://www.tuomas-ho...p/en/chat-rules
[06 Mai 13 20:13] * Floor: Sorry, had to look up that word haha
[06 Mai 13 20:13] * Leinikki: no problem :)
[06 Mai 13 20:13] * Floor: don't know why that link popped up :-)
[06 Mai 13 20:14] * Floor: I have no opinion about the songs I'd like to share on this chat. But do know I respect the writters and think they're masterpieces!
[06 Mai 13 20:14] * Leinikki: Which is your favorite Nightwish song (besides Ghost Love Score) that you really like to sing? Which is the hardest one?
[06 Mai 13 20:15] * Floor: whats conspicuous about the performances, the band and the audience is the massive amount of positive energy that's surrounds it! Even the melacholic songs can make you feel great :-)
[06 Mai 13 20:16] * Leinikki: ok, thanks a lot!
[06 Mai 13 20:16] * Floor: Hardest I told already: Amaranth. Favo next to GLS is Ghostriver
[06 Mai 13 20:16] * Floor: Thank you too :-)

[06 Mai 13 20:16] * mojo: next is .. Serena
[06 Mai 13 20:17] * Floor: Ghostly favorites I have haha
[06 Mai 13 20:17] * Serena: hello!!
[06 Mai 13 20:17] * Floor: Hi Serena
[06 Mai 13 20:18] * Serena: so.... what are your top five bands and a song by them?
[06 Mai 13 20:19] * Floor: This will take me more than 5 minutes....I have no real favo's 'cause I get intrigued by new music and albums all the time. I really love bands such as Soilwork, Pantera, Devin Townsend, Rammstein, Florence and the Machines, Disturbed, Adrenaline Mob
[06 Mai 13 20:21] * Floor: Any more questions?
[06 Mai 13 20:21] * Serena: which nw will you send to someone uwho doesn't know nightwish?
[06 Mai 13 20:22] * Floor: I would send them the video of Ghost Love Score (recorded in Argentina) and tell them this is just an example. One song can never give the complete impression :-)
[06 Mai 13 20:22] * Serena: did u watch the investment of Dutch king-?
[06 Mai 13 20:23] * Floor: Parts. I recorded some of it because I was too busy to see the whole thing. Joost van den Broek, After Forever's keyboard player and co songwriter of the first ReVamp wrote some music for it. Proud!
[06 Mai 13 20:23] * Serena: thanks
[06 Mai 13 20:24] * Serena: nice chat
[06 Mai 13 20:24] * Floor: you too!!!
[06 Mai 13 20:24] * Floor: Yes it is! Thanks

[06 Mai 13 20:24] * mojo: ok.. cabernal it is :)
[06 Mai 13 20:25] * cabernal: Yay! how are you Floor?
[06 Mai 13 20:25] * Floor: HI! Doing great thanks! You?
[06 Mai 13 20:25] * cabernal: great :D
[06 Mai 13 20:25] * cabernal: Funny question 1: What is Jukka hiding under his bandana?
[06 Mai 13 20:26] * Floor: The answer might surprise you....
[06 Mai 13 20:26] * Floor: its his head...
[06 Mai 13 20:26] * cabernal: whoooooooah! i knew it! :p
[06 Mai 13 20:26] * Floor: haha :-)
[06 Mai 13 20:26] * cabernal: Now a serious question: How was the process of recording your live version of Ghost Love Score? was it your idea? How did you feel about the fact that there was going to be a semi-official version of your favorite song out there? (long one sorry :p)
[06 Mai 13 20:28] * Floor: It was not my idea but I did suggest the song when the guys told me the plan was to make an official recording. I was thrilled we could do that song! We played it live and the audio was recorded directly and several camera's were there to shoot the video
[06 Mai 13 20:28] * cabernal: GLS has been my favorite song or a while and i really love your version, especially the way you sing the end, i get goosebumps every time, so thanks a lot for that
[06 Mai 13 20:28] * cabernal: Can you tell us of a really funny moment that happened while touring with the band? It looks like you all form a really fun group.
[06 Mai 13 20:28] * Floor: thank you for saying that!
[06 Mai 13 20:29] * Floor: haha, yes we have lots of fun!
[06 Mai 13 20:29] * Floor: let me think of a moment
[06 Mai 13 20:29] * Floor: yes, Macchu Pichu
[06 Mai 13 20:30] * Floor: we went there and got totally blown away by its beauty and history! But after we've seen it all we had hours left to kill in the village. We decided to drink some beers
[06 Mai 13 20:30] * Floor: after one or two (or more haha) we started smoking big cigars and the whole time we were there we just had a blast
[06 Mai 13 20:31] * Floor: Its hard to describe humor in a group :-)
[06 Mai 13 20:31] * cabernal: i'm sure, but it sounds awesome :p
[06 Mai 13 20:31] * cabernal: what is one thing you want to see or learn or do before you die?
[06 Mai 13 20:31] * cabernal: last one
[06 Mai 13 20:32] * Floor: I want to see my children grow up.....I have no kids yet and that's something I hope to be able to have next to this crazy life :-)
[06 Mai 13 20:32] * cabernal: You're awesome Floor thanks a lot for your time and best of luck for everything you do :D
[06 Mai 13 20:32] * Floor: Thank you so much!!!!!

[06 Mai 13 20:32] * mojo: next .. Max-SK
[06 Mai 13 20:32] * Max-SK: Hi Floor, my name is Igor and is great to chat with you again (but first time on PC)
[06 Mai 13 20:33] * Floor: Hi Igor! Good to talk again
[06 Mai 13 20:33] * Max-SK: first question: choice of songs: can you choose some of them or there was given to you a specific list?
[06 Mai 13 20:33] * Floor: I can come with ideas but the setlist is not made by me ;-)
[06 Mai 13 20:34] * Max-SK: first time when i hear you, it was After Forever. can you compare your feelings or describe differences when on stage with NW and AF?
[06 Mai 13 20:35] * Floor: With both bands there is magic on stage!
[06 Mai 13 20:35] * Max-SK: same magic or different kind?
[06 Mai 13 20:35] * Floor: But the feeling is different, its hard to put my finger on it and to describe it. But I love it with Nightwish and I loved it with AF!
[06 Mai 13 20:35] * Floor: Different
[06 Mai 13 20:36] * Max-SK: great :)
[06 Mai 13 20:36] * Max-SK: are you in touch with guys from AF? any plans with them? is there any chance for something like reunion of AF?
[06 Mai 13 20:36] * Floor: No chances for now no. I see some of them. I work with Joost again. He is producing the new ReVamp album (out in September :-)!!!
[06 Mai 13 20:37] * Max-SK: i know about joost :)
[06 Mai 13 20:37] * Max-SK: how is going work on a new revamp album? i know that actually is postponed. will be there any guests?
[06 Mai 13 20:38] * Floor: The album is recorded and the mix will be done any day now :-) I postponed it because of the busy schedule with Nightwish. I feel ReVamp also deserves my full attention and so in September I can! There will be guests indeed...:-)
[06 Mai 13 20:38] * Max-SK: and last one: can you advise me 5 places in your homecountry worth to visit?
[06 Mai 13 20:38] * Floor: But who......?.......We'll let you know if you stay tuned :-)
[06 Mai 13 20:39] * Floor: but not tonight
[06 Mai 13 20:39] * Floor: yeah, evil...I know :-)
[06 Mai 13 20:39] * Max-SK: ok floor thank you for your time ale wish you all the best, hope to see you again live somewhere
[06 Mai 13 20:39] * Floor: Thank you too! CU on the road!

[06 Mai 13 20:39] * mojo: next goes Cubfin
[06 Mai 13 20:39] * Cubfin: Hi!
[06 Mai 13 20:39] * Floor: HI!
[06 Mai 13 20:39] * Cubfin: My first question is: Can we expect to hear some different songs in Japan or the summer festivals, or will the setlist stay the same?
[06 Mai 13 20:40] * Floor: I think Nightwish has been playing different sets the last month already so maybe we can expect some variation :-) That's all I can say...
[06 Mai 13 20:41] * Cubfin: Okay, cool :) As a singer, what do you think is your strongest area and what is one area that you would like to improve?
[06 Mai 13 20:42] * Floor: I think my higher regions are the most powerful. Lower area is weaker. I'd love to improve my raw singing...I don't do this so much with Nightwish but on the new ReVamp album I will use that vocal type more.
[06 Mai 13 20:42] * Cubfin: Awesome! You're pretty versatile.... Okay next question is, if you could live in any time period from history, which would you choose?
[06 Mai 13 20:43] * Floor: Thanks! And I would chose today! I love the now :-)
[06 Mai 13 20:43] * Cubfin: :) good philosophy. What vocal warmups do you do before a show?
[06 Mai 13 20:43] * Floor: Or do sightseeing in the Roman empire maybe :-)
[06 Mai 13 20:44] * Floor: Some humming on a chord and some exercises on various vowels. I usually warm up before the soundcheck already because I sing full powered at that moment
[06 Mai 13 20:45] * Cubfin: Right, okay... If you had to play an instrument rather than being the singer in a band, what instrument would you choose?
[06 Mai 13 20:45] * Floor: Guitar :-)
[06 Mai 13 20:45] * Floor: I'm a horrible player though haha
[06 Mai 13 20:46] * Cubfin: Cool :) I can't play but I would like to learn. And my last question: Have you ever been to Canada? :)
[06 Mai 13 20:46] * Floor: Yes, a couple of times. Played there with After Forever and I have family living in Toronto.
[06 Mai 13 20:46] * Cubfin: Okay, thanks for your time Floor and take care
[06 Mai 13 20:47] * Floor: Thank you too! And ps: love Canada :-)

[06 Mai 13 20:47] * mojo: need a short break, Floor?
[06 Mai 13 20:47] * Floor: well...yes...thanks haha
[06 Mai 13 20:47] * mojo: oookay..
[06 Mai 13 20:47] * Floor: I'll be right back...
[06 Mai 13 20:47] * mojo: yep
[06 Mai 13 20:50] * Floor: Back!
[06 Mai 13 20:50] * Floor: Got myself a nice glass of red wine
[06 Mai 13 20:50] * Escapist: ahem where's mine
[06 Mai 13 20:50] * Floor: Sorry, too far away to give you one too :-)
[06 Mai 13 20:50] * Symphoniker: coke?
[06 Mai 13 20:50] * Floor: no no wine :-)
[06 Mai 13 20:50] * Floor: yes!

[06 Mai 13 20:51] * mojo: anika is next
[06 Mai 13 20:51] * anika: Hi! Wow, what a privilege this is, first I’d like to say you guys rocked in new Zealand and thanks for coming to our humble little area , it really meant the world to all of us
[06 Mai 13 20:51] * Floor: Well, the priviledge is and was all mine! :-)
[06 Mai 13 20:51] * anika: So my first question would have to be if you could be stranded on a desert island what is the top three things you couldn’t be without ^^
[06 Mai 13 20:52] * Floor: ohoh
[06 Mai 13 20:52] * Floor: a man....
[06 Mai 13 20:52] * Floor: suncream
[06 Mai 13 20:52] * anika: hahaha
[06 Mai 13 20:52] * Floor: and red wine haha
[06 Mai 13 20:52] * anika: ^^ nice
[06 Mai 13 20:52] * anika: So apart from the actual concerts, what was your favorite moment or thing on the 2012/13 tour, ie going to a special zoo or something?
[06 Mai 13 20:53] * Floor: getting my second dog Saartje was special! A 4 month old puppy from a dog shelter. Skin and bones she was....She turned out to be the most wonderful, smart and sweet dog! A great friend to me and my other lady called Obi
[06 Mai 13 20:54] * anika: awwwwwww! well i was going to ask this last but now seems a good time is kind of silly but an age old debate and as I am training to be a vet its sort of one I cant resist, my dear Floor, are you a cat person or a dog person and have you any animals of your own?
[06 Mai 13 20:55] * Floor: I think I just told you I have 2 dogs :-)
[06 Mai 13 20:55] * anika: sory copy and paste ^^
[06 Mai 13 20:55] * Floor: I love cats too but I guess I am more a dog person
[06 Mai 13 20:55] * Floor: no prob haha
[06 Mai 13 20:55] * anika: same ^^
[06 Mai 13 20:55] * anika: When you were starting out in the music industry (back in the day) what was the country you were most excited about visiting for the first time
[06 Mai 13 20:55] * Floor: do you have dogs?
[06 Mai 13 20:55] * Floor: Belgium!
[06 Mai 13 20:55] * Floor: no haha
[06 Mai 13 20:55] * anika: yes i have a samyoid ^^
[06 Mai 13 20:56] * Floor: I live right next to the border so that's not fair :-)
[06 Mai 13 20:56] * anika: hahaha ^^
[06 Mai 13 20:56] * Floor: I think it was Mexico. We just started and we got to to there. It was really amazing!
[06 Mai 13 20:56] * anika: it sounds great ^^
[06 Mai 13 20:57] * anika: What is your favorite thing to do in your spare time
[06 Mai 13 20:57] * Floor: it was....looking at pics now makes me realize how young I was when I started :-)
[06 Mai 13 20:57] * anika: well 16 is really really young for anything
[06 Mai 13 20:57] * Floor: I love to read, work out (go for runs now the weather is nicer), have a red wine with friends
[06 Mai 13 20:57] * Floor: yes...
[06 Mai 13 20:57] * anika: but being as talented as you its no surprise you started early
[06 Mai 13 20:57] * Floor: thank you :-)
[06 Mai 13 20:58] * anika: thanks it was a pleasure ^^
[06 Mai 13 20:58] * Floor: For me too! Take care!
[06 Mai 13 20:58] * Floor: ps; that wine is hitting in like a glass after a long now after all :-)

[06 Mai 13 20:59] * mojo: MariaMetalLady is next
[06 Mai 13 20:59] * MariaMetalLady: When NW announced they wanted a new singer back in 2005 did it ever crossed your mind applying for it or were you quite content with AF that you didnt even consider it?
[06 Mai 13 21:00] * Floor: I had my own band for many years. I didn't think of joining another one at the time.
[06 Mai 13 21:00] * MariaMetalLady: Many female vocalists in the metal genre have proceeded in creating a family, Sharon from WT, Tarja and now we ve learned the good news from Simone as well. How “up” is it in your priorities to create a family of your own?
[06 Mai 13 21:00] * Floor: sorry, that's private :-)
[06 Mai 13 21:00] * MariaMetalLady: ok :)
[06 Mai 13 21:01] * MariaMetalLady: Do you watch videos of you performing in order to amend any flaws you may have?
[06 Mai 13 21:01] * Floor: Sure :-) And to see what I did well too haha
[06 Mai 13 21:01] * MariaMetalLady: of course!
[06 Mai 13 21:01] * MariaMetalLady: So far in your career you have been very active and had a lead role in both AF and Revamp (composing, writing lyrics etc). Will the ability –or not- to contribute in ways other than singing affect your decision to join NW as the new singer, taken that you are offered the position?
[06 Mai 13 21:01] * Floor: and to hear the talks in the audience. I can;t hear that from where I stand :-) Lovely!
[06 Mai 13 21:02] * Floor: I love to write music and lyrics and how and with whom I will do this in the near future is an open and unwritten book :-)
[06 Mai 13 21:03] * MariaMetalLady: A couple of years ago you suffered a burnout, since then have you found the means to withstand a lot of pressure since you are constantly a busy bee?
[06 Mai 13 21:03] * MariaMetalLady: Thank you very much Floor, byebye!
[06 Mai 13 21:04] * Floor: I recovered in july / august last year so when Nightwish called me I was ready! I am happy that they didn't call earlier :-) I learned a wise and valuable lesson during my sickness and will never forget, no matter how busy I might be :-)
[06 Mai 13 21:04] * Floor: Thank you too!!! Bye :)

[06 Mai 13 21:04] * mojo: next .. MetalVolnutt
[06 Mai 13 21:04] * MetalVolnutt: Hello Floor! My name is Mario and I'm from Mexico, but I'm currently living in Finland. I feel honored and really happy to be able to chat with you. I'm really looking forward to seeing you this summer with Nightwish!
[06 Mai 13 21:05] * Floor: Hi Mario! How do you like Finland? Speak Finnish yet? :-)
[06 Mai 13 21:05] * MetalVolnutt: I love it so far. Snow already melt away and everything looks green now
[06 Mai 13 21:05] * MetalVolnutt: but I'm afraid finnish is too hard
[06 Mai 13 21:06] * MetalVolnutt: I'm trying though haha
[06 Mai 13 21:06] * Floor: I know :-)
[06 Mai 13 21:06] * Floor: vaikea
[06 Mai 13 21:06] * MetalVolnutt: Ok Floor, first one: how would you describe the next ReVamp album (which I'm very excited about)?
[06 Mai 13 21:07] * Floor: Heavy! Heavier than anything I did before. Dark too. Heavy riffs, very versatile vocals (from opera to grunts all done by me this time) and with lyrics about the dark pages of my life
[06 Mai 13 21:07] * Floor: its bombastic but less orchestral too
[06 Mai 13 21:08] * MetalVolnutt: All right! Then, all the After Forever and ReVamp albums, which one has been the most demanding to complete?
[06 Mai 13 21:09] * Floor: the one I am completing now....because of my burn-out it took forever to pick everything back up
[06 Mai 13 21:09] * MetalVolnutt: During the After Forever era, would you say Nightwish influenced you in some way?
[06 Mai 13 21:09] * Floor: and when I did and we started to write more and faster again: I joined Nightwish :-) Great of course but an extra challange to finish the album
[06 Mai 13 21:10] * Floor: Yes I think so. I loved them from day one. We started in the same years and I always listened to their music.
[06 Mai 13 21:10] * MetalVolnutt: Floor, I want to thank you for this opportunity. I had a great time! See you this summer here in Finland
[06 Mai 13 21:10] * Floor: Thank you too and CU soon in Suomi! :-)

[06 Mai 13 21:10] * mojo: next is .. pristed
[06 Mai 13 21:11] * pristed: Thanks! Hi Floor, my name is Mads and from Denmark - which danish bands do you know? :)
[06 Mai 13 21:11] * Floor: Hi Mads!
[06 Mai 13 21:12] * Floor: Volbeat :-)
[06 Mai 13 21:12] * pristed: Cool! Ingeborg Steenhorst sound like a danish name - is she a dane? :D
[06 Mai 13 21:13] * Floor: No, but our languages are similar so some words and names are alike :-)
[06 Mai 13 21:13] * pristed: Aha, I see :) You've said GLS is your favorite song, but which is your favorite NW album and why?
[06 Mai 13 21:14] * Floor: I think that would be Once. So many killer songs! :-)
[06 Mai 13 21:15] * pristed: I totally agree! What do you think of Imaginaerum the movie?
[06 Mai 13 21:16] * Floor: I think its great! I saw it for the first time in Helsinki with the premiere and lost myself in it completely! Next to that I think its great they dared to follow their dreams and make a movie or their own!
[06 Mai 13 21:18] * pristed: I really look forward to see it. Well, thank you for the answers, it meant very much to me :)
[06 Mai 13 21:18] * Floor: I hope you will enjoy it! I know you will :-) Thanks for joining tonight and take care!

[06 Mai 13 21:19] * mojo: next one .. Roasty your turn :)
[06 Mai 13 21:19] * RagingRoastbeef: Hi Floor! :) How are you? Name's Mike and I'm from Germany!
[06 Mai 13 21:19] * Floor: Hi Mike!
[06 Mai 13 21:19] * RagingRoastbeef: First off... I've been following your carreer for many years now. Needless to say I was devastated when the After Forever era ended.
[06 Mai 13 21:19] * RagingRoastbeef: Luckily we've got ReVamp now and I'm really looking forward to your second album (which I can NOT wait for!)! You working together with Nightwish is really a dream come true, which I was hoping for for such a long time.
[06 Mai 13 21:19] * Floor: I know the feeling....
[06 Mai 13 21:20] * Floor: thank you! Great to hear!!!
[06 Mai 13 21:20] * RagingRoastbeef: I bet you do. I read the interviews back in the day. :\
[06 Mai 13 21:20] * RagingRoastbeef: That being said, how would you personally feel about performing old AF songs as "covers" on some gigs with Nightwish (if they'd allow that)? And which would that be? I'd especially love to see Intrinsic, Dreamflight, Beautiful Emptiness, Life's Vortex (that Pinkpop performance, goddamn! So good!) and Forlorn Hope! Those always give me the goosebumps! :D
[06 Mai 13 21:22] * Floor: Well, I don't think that will ever happen. After Forever is no more and the songs only played by cd players and mp3/4 etc. Sad as it is there are many great songs to sing with and from Nightwish and ReVamp! :-)
[06 Mai 13 21:22] * RagingRoastbeef: Yeah, I figured as much. :D
[06 Mai 13 21:22] * Floor: It's great to read you love those songs so much though! :)
[06 Mai 13 21:22] * RagingRoastbeef: I surely do! :)
[06 Mai 13 21:22] * RagingRoastbeef: On Youtube videos of some of the gigs (including the legendary Buenos Aires "Ghost Love Floor") the crowds were screaming "Floor! Floor! Floor!" in the end. How was your reaction to that?
[06 Mai 13 21:23] * RagingRoastbeef: (I'm always bragging about the fact that they're screaming your name instead of "Nightwish!" :D)
[06 Mai 13 21:23] * Floor: Goosebumps, tears...a feeling of gratefulness and humbleness, happiest woman in the world...amazing!!!!!!
[06 Mai 13 21:24] * RagingRoastbeef: You've earned it! :)
[06 Mai 13 21:24] * Floor: Mine is shorter so easier though haha
[06 Mai 13 21:24] * Floor: thanks :-)
[06 Mai 13 21:24] * RagingRoastbeef: A bit off-topic... Anyway! Do you watch TV series? If so, which? Any favourite shows (whether they are still running on TV or they already ended)? And, most importantly, did you watch LOST, and how'd you like the ending? :)
[06 Mai 13 21:26] * Floor: I saw LOST. I liked the ending. Now there is something left my own imagination can make :-) I love Game of Thrones too now, amazingly nice! And True Blood haha, I am such a girl
[06 Mai 13 21:26] * RagingRoastbeef: Okay, now I like you even more! :D
[06 Mai 13 21:26] * RagingRoastbeef: Alright, thanks for taking the time! I'm really hoping to meet you in person someday. Maybe on a future gig! I'll definitely be attending your next Hamburg gig, whenever that may be. :D You seem to be such a lovely person, and I'm glad to have gotten the chance to talk to you! The world needs more people like you. See you, and take care!
[06 Mai 13 21:26] * Floor: :-)
[06 Mai 13 21:27] * Floor: Thank you so much for all those beautiful words Mike! Hope to meet you too!

[06 Mai 13 21:27] * mojo: and the next is .. Timaeus
[06 Mai 13 21:27] * Timaeus: Hi Floor, my name is Tim and I am from Austria :)
[06 Mai 13 21:27] * Floor: Hi Tim!
[06 Mai 13 21:27] * Timaeus: Oh my God, first at all I want to thank you, you are such inspiration for me as a musician.
[06 Mai 13 21:27] * Floor: Thank you Tim, that is great to read!
[06 Mai 13 21:28] * Timaeus: So my first question is: What was the most exciting moment and the most terrifying moment on to tour so far?
[06 Mai 13 21:28] * Floor: I think terrifying was the first show. I was so nervous :-) And exiting the movie premiere show in Helsinki. What a rides!
[06 Mai 13 21:29] * Timaeus: oh i was guessing it would been this :)
[06 Mai 13 21:29] * Floor: you guessed correct :-)
[06 Mai 13 21:29] * Timaeus: 2. I heard somewhere that your parents have seen your live performance with nightwish, if it’s true, what was the feeling like to sing in front of them?
[06 Mai 13 21:31] * Floor: They were there in Helsinki indeed :-) It was so great to have them there! I've been through a lot before I joined Nightwish and to get back on my feet like this is something I was extremely proud and happy about and to share it in that
[06 Mai 13 21:31] * Timaeus: thats great :)
[06 Mai 13 21:31] * Timaeus: my next question is: Which NW song was the easiest for you to perform life?
[06 Mai 13 21:32] * Floor: I don't think easy and Nightwish songs go in one sentence haha
[06 Mai 13 21:32] * Timaeus: :)
[06 Mai 13 21:33] * Timaeus: last question, How is it to be with 4 guys on tour?
[06 Mai 13 21:33] * Floor: Well, there are 4 guys in the band...but then there is management, crew etc. So I am on tour with an avarage of 15 men :-)
[06 Mai 13 21:33] * Floor: And that's great! I am used to it.
[06 Mai 13 21:34] * Timaeus: Thank you so much, I wish you all the best in your future. I was such an honour to "talk" to you, i hope to see you with nightwish in wacken :D
[06 Mai 13 21:34] * Floor: Thank you Tim! CU at Wacken :-)

[06 Mai 13 21:34] * mojo: nameless1: is next ..
[06 Mai 13 21:34] * nameless1: Hi Floor! Nice to meet you here and thank you already for all the answers during the last hours :)
[06 Mai 13 21:35] * Floor: HI Nameless1 :-) You are welcome, it has been fun!
[06 Mai 13 21:35] * nameless1: How is the work with ReVamp going? Has your time with nightwish any advantages or disadvantages (except of the time shortness) for your ReVamp work?
[06 Mai 13 21:36] * Floor: Nothing changed in the planning, only the release has been postponed to September to give it the 100% attention it deserves
[06 Mai 13 21:37] * nameless1: I am looking forward to it :)
[06 Mai 13 21:37] * nameless1: Which NW show are you looking forward to most?
[06 Mai 13 21:37] * nameless1: (please say Wacken :P )
[06 Mai 13 21:37] * Floor: Every concert!
[06 Mai 13 21:37] * Floor: And of course Wacken haha
[06 Mai 13 21:38] * nameless1: I will be there :D It´s always so magical :D
[06 Mai 13 21:38] * Floor: Great!!!!
[06 Mai 13 21:38] * nameless1: You talked about your favourite NW songs before… And what about your least favourite NW song to sing live? Do you have one?
[06 Mai 13 21:38] * Floor: No :-)
[06 Mai 13 21:39] * nameless1: ;)
[06 Mai 13 21:39] * nameless1: Since this is the chat of the NW forum and we have our (own) topics everybody makes a fuss about allow me two questions related to the forum:
[06 Mai 13 21:39] * nameless1: well one is already answered since you just said that you love Game of Thrones! Did you also read the books?
[06 Mai 13 21:39] * Floor: No, I didn't :-)
[06 Mai 13 21:40] * nameless1: And my last one: Do you like otters? ;)
[06 Mai 13 21:40] * Floor: Otters?
[06 Mai 13 21:40] * nameless1: Bye bye and thank you a lot!
[06 Mai 13 21:40] * Floor: Sure, they're cute
[06 Mai 13 21:40] * nameless1: Yes :)
[06 Mai 13 21:40] * Floor: Bye, and you're welcome

[06 Mai 13 21:41] * mojo: next .. sahara
[06 Mai 13 21:41] * sahara: Hello Floor :)
[06 Mai 13 21:41] * Floor: Hi Sahara
[06 Mai 13 21:41] * sahara: Finally Im talking to you haha
[06 Mai 13 21:41] * Floor: ;-)
[06 Mai 13 21:41] * sahara: Ihave a fan page dedicated to you an Tarja and you liked it
[06 Mai 13 21:42] * sahara: few days ago
[06 Mai 13 21:42] * sahara: so this quiestions it has to be done
[06 Mai 13 21:42] * Floor: Yes, I saw it. Nice work, thanks
[06 Mai 13 21:42] * sahara: Thanks a lot for your lovely words .. Would you like to make a duet with her someday?
[06 Mai 13 21:43] * Floor: I would love that on a great project or something next to our band(s)
[06 Mai 13 21:43] * sahara: that would great,
[06 Mai 13 21:43] * sahara: when you have a bad day, what do you like to do?
[06 Mai 13 21:43] * sahara: to make it better
[06 Mai 13 21:43] * Floor: I always loved her voice
[06 Mai 13 21:44] * Floor: I go for a walk in the woods with my dogs :-)
[06 Mai 13 21:44] * sahara: that's great, I love her voice too :)
[06 Mai 13 21:44] * Floor: Or I sing
[06 Mai 13 21:44] * sahara: Im curious about this: don't you get dizzy when you are headbanging?
[06 Mai 13 21:44] * sahara: XD
[06 Mai 13 21:44] * sahara: I can`t do it like you
[06 Mai 13 21:44] * sahara: haha
[06 Mai 13 21:45] * Floor: haha no, and I usually wear high heels I need to stay balanced
[06 Mai 13 21:45] * sahara: no wayyy!!! that's awesome XD
[06 Mai 13 21:45] * sahara: I admire you
[06 Mai 13 21:45] * sahara: haha
[06 Mai 13 21:45] * Floor: I've been practicing since I was 16 haha
[06 Mai 13 21:45] * Floor: thank you!
[06 Mai 13 21:46] * sahara: one of my friends, she is one of your biggest fans
[06 Mai 13 21:46] * sahara: it is her birthday today
[06 Mai 13 21:46] * sahara: could you please send her a message?
[06 Mai 13 21:46] * Floor: Well, happy birthday to her!!!
[06 Mai 13 21:46] * sahara: :D she will be very happy
[06 Mai 13 21:46] * Floor: ;)
[06 Mai 13 21:46] * sahara: some nice words to my page and my followers, they are waiting for this chat
[06 Mai 13 21:47] * sahara: thanks a lot Floor
[06 Mai 13 21:47] * sahara: :) bye
[06 Mai 13 21:47] * Floor: Thanks for the support and keep enjoying music!
[06 Mai 13 21:47] * Floor: Thank you too! Bye!
[06 Mai 13 21:47] * mojo: and now the last one for tonight... SilvaraBlue

[06 Mai 13 21:47] * SilvaraBlue: Hello Floor! I'm Sally and I'm italian greetings from Italy, too. :) I need to say that I asked to many friends to help me with the questions xDxDxD
[06 Mai 13 21:48] * Floor: Hi Sally and friends :-)
[06 Mai 13 21:48] * SilvaraBlue: What is your favourite movie quote? I'm asking it because I have a Facebook page about quotes, so your favourite will be the next link! :) (Or song/book quote, if you have no idea! xD)
[06 Mai 13 21:48] * Floor: I don't have one....sorry
[06 Mai 13 21:49] * SilvaraBlue: Ops xD I'm sorry
[06 Mai 13 21:49] * SilvaraBlue: But a movie you like? :)
[06 Mai 13 21:49] * Floor: I loved The Life of Pi!!!
[06 Mai 13 21:49] * SilvaraBlue: Cool! :) I never saw it, but I will :)
[06 Mai 13 21:49] * SilvaraBlue: A friend of mine wants to know if you will you be in the next Ayreon album! :)
[06 Mai 13 21:50] * Floor: I don't know. I heard he is writing but I have been on so many of his albums already :-) I would love to though :-)
[06 Mai 13 21:50] * SilvaraBlue: A girl I met said to me to ask you this one: If you could be a man for one day, what would you do? (Yeah, we have no ideas for questions! xD)
[06 Mai 13 21:51] * Floor: I would sing with my low male voice and flirt with girls haha
[06 Mai 13 21:51] * SilvaraBlue: ahaha
[06 Mai 13 21:52] * SilvaraBlue: You're so funny :)
[06 Mai 13 21:52] * Floor: :P
[06 Mai 13 21:52] * SilvaraBlue: I was in London Nightwish show last year and it was my first Nightwish concert (and I couldn't expect better xD). What was your favourite Nightwish show you played? Or watched? :)
[06 Mai 13 21:52] * Floor: I think I have many favorites already but the show in Helsinki was the most special one so far
[06 Mai 13 21:52] * SilvaraBlue: Last one. I really love books and you just said that you love to read, so I'd like to ask you what is your favourite book?
[06 Mai 13 21:53] * Floor: I love everything Clive Barker wrote and the Dark Tower from Stephan King
[06 Mai 13 21:53] * SilvaraBlue: It was so cool talking with you and... unexpected! I hope to meet you again, and I want to say that I'd like to have a singing teacher like you! xD Thank you and bye! A big, big hug! -S.
[06 Mai 13 21:53] * Escapist: well then
[06 Mai 13 21:53] * Floor: Thank you!!!! Nice to meet you too!

[06 Mai 13 21:54] * mojo: ok that was it for tonight.. biiiiiig thanks to Floor !! for doing this!!
[06 Mai 13 21:54] * Floor: This was great fun! Thank you all for joining!!!!!!!
[06 Mai 13 21:54] * Escapist: We will sort out and post a transcript of the night
[06 Mai 13 21:54] * Floor: You're very very welcome!!!!! I hope to do this again some day soon and better: hope to see you all at a show!!!
[06 Mai 13 21:54] * Escapist: Anytime you like ahha. Have fun! o/
[06 Mai 13 21:55] * Floor: I just got my second glass of red wine. whoohoo!
[06 Mai 13 21:55] * Escapist: good plan
[06 Mai 13 21:55] * Floor: Monday evening....naughty me! But I have something to celebrate! Meeting you all here tonight!
[06 Mai 13 21:56] * Escapist: Kippis
[06 Mai 13 21:57] * Floor: Kiitos!
[06 Mai 13 21:58] * Floor: Have a great night/evening/afternoon/morning! Where ever you and when ever you are, let's do this again soon! Bye!
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 14, 2013, 04:53:29 pm
Saludo de Floor a los japoneses! (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 21, 2013, 04:05:46 pm
Setlist Osaka (

Bless The Child y She is my sin
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 22, 2013, 04:03:00 pm
Aqui ( podíéis oir Romanticide She is my sin y Bless The Child
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 23, 2013, 04:06:17 pm
She is my sin (

Bless The Child (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 23, 2013, 04:11:12 pm
Setlist Nagoya (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 24, 2013, 06:17:41 pm
Setlist Tokio (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 24, 2013, 11:01:24 pm
Nemo @ Tokio (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 25, 2013, 03:55:48 pm
Ghost Love Score @ Tokio (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 26, 2013, 12:12:56 am
Setlist Loud Metal Festival (

Nemo (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 26, 2013, 04:14:51 pm
Amaranth @ Tokio (

Last Ride of The Day @ Tokio (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 29, 2013, 04:08:45 pm
Videogreeting Tuska Fest (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 29, 2013, 05:55:48 pm
Videogreeting Byblos Fest (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 02, 2013, 04:08:42 pm
Videoblog from Japan (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 03, 2013, 04:20:29 pm
Greeting to Czech Republic (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 05, 2013, 04:24:58 pm
Marco will perform with Kuopiocity's orchestra, some Nightwish songs, John Williams, Queen etc. (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 08, 2013, 10:49:50 pm
Videos Sauna Open Air (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 09, 2013, 04:08:06 pm
Sauna Open Air

Romanticide (

She is my Sin (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 09, 2013, 04:26:11 pm

Bless The Child (

Over The Hills (

Last Ride Of The Day (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 09, 2013, 04:28:52 pm
Storytime (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 09, 2013, 07:16:13 pm
Y mas!

I want my tears back (

Ghost Love Score (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 10, 2013, 04:28:20 pm
review from the Sauna Open Air festival, published in Helsingin Sanomat on June 10, 2013.

Fire, Fierceness and Basics of Finnish
Night­wish in Tampere in Sau­na Open Ai­r.

The difference between a regular, entertaining show and a thrilling musical experience depends on small moments and details. On the Nightwish gig in the Sauna Open Air it happened during the song Nemo.

Floor Jansen, who was invited to be the band's vocalist during the Imaginaerum tour, demonstrates in this song how exquisitely the voice comes from her lungs, and the chorus of the song, combining heavy with sensibility which used to crystallize the band's entire sound, sounds as magnificent as it ever could.

Key board player Tuomas Holopainen and basist Marco Hietala chuckled to each other knowingly when Jansen was singing the highest notes of the bridge, and it's not hard to guess why.

Jansen combines strength with sensibility in a way that makes her probably the best Nightwish vocalist so far. Not to mention her stage presence.
Whereas Tarja Turunen's and Anette Olzon's stage presence was attractive for being somewhat unrelated to the entire heavy context, Jansen dressed in leather makes herself at home on stage.

It can be said that the Imaginaerum movie of the band was a flop in Finland. However the band itself has nothing to worry about, as the gig at the Ratina stadium with 7 000 spectators showed.

The band surprised already at the start with Emppu Vuorinen's rough guitar sound in Dark Chest of Wonders standing out even more than Tuomas' keyboard. Among epic movie sounds it is easy to forget that Nightwish is, essentially, a heavy band. Also the second one on the set list, Wish I Had an Angel, advanced even aggressively. With all the flame effects, the start of the gig was successfully fiery and fierce.

It was heartwarming to see the team spirit the band shared on stage. It also managed to forgive some subtle stumbling e.g. in Over the Hills and Far Away. It is only refreshing to see there is true humaneness behind the imaginative grandeur.

Of course the flames, explosions, and the fireworks at the end pertain to the show and they brought some special kick to the sunny night, difficult to obtain through a simple light show when outdoors.

It was extremely pleasant to hear some of the basics of Finnish Jansen had learnt. It is an old trick to learn some expressions in local language, but in this case it might refer to her staying in the band for a longer time.
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 16, 2013, 04:39:49 pm
Dark Chest Of Wonders (

Wish I Had An Angel @ Greenfield Fest (

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 16, 2013, 10:19:58 pm
Setlist Greenfield Fest (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 17, 2013, 04:14:41 pm
Ever Dream @ Greenfield Fest (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 18, 2013, 05:59:48 pm
Ghost Love Score @ Greenfield Fest (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 19, 2013, 03:48:53 pm
Our summer tour ends in Germany on August 11, after that we are going to take a couple of months' break to think about the selection of the vocalist. The decision will be made before the end of the year and it will be made public at the beginning of 2014, Holopainen explains.
-So far, we have not wanted to think about it practically at all.
In any case, is Jansen one of your candidates?
-She is, absolutely. Jansen has fit in the band excellently. The atmosphere in the whole band is great right now, a relaxed and cheerful Holopainen says.
-Sometimes it's nice just to date, you don't have to be getting married right away, he refers to the vocalist situation in the band.

Fuente (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 19, 2013, 03:59:01 pm
She is my sin @ Greenfield Fest (

Bless The Child @ Greenfield Fest (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 24, 2013, 04:21:15 pm
Emppu cumple hoy 35 años!!!
FELICIDADES!!!! :011: :011: :011:
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 24, 2013, 04:33:17 pm
Emptying the hard drive with Scrooge McDuck

Nightwish’s keyboards player and main composer Tuomas Holopainen confirms Floor’s words. They still haven’t decided if Jansen will continue as Nightwish’s singer after the summer festivals.

At the time of the interview Nightwish is preparing to leave for Japan. Behind them is an intensive training period in the Helsinki metropolis area and Holopainen, interviewed in the lobby of a hotel in Helsinki, seems relaxed and content.

- We are dating and having fun while we are still high. We are not in hurry to get married. It’s doing a world on good to every one of us, to get to play gigs without having to worry about the future. Last couple of years have been a quite rollercoaster [he uses the word zigzag here] ride and now it’s a really good situation when everything works splendidly.

- At least I will need a clean break after the last show in August. I’m sure that in the early 2014 we will start thinking what we are going to do next.

As an always doubtful reporter I’ve learned that they always know more behind the scenes than are letting the public know.

- Of course I would be lying if I’d say that we have not though at all about Nightwish’s future. Nothing has been decided, though. We are in no hurry. It’s just that we could not think of a reason to make a public announcement about the issue. Or even decide between ourselves.

- I must, however, that I have nothing negative to say about Floor not on any field. I’m talking on the behalf of the entire band. Her enthusiasm is a pleasure to view and it gives energy to you as well. I’m sure it’s reflecting to the audience as well. I have not been smiling this much on stage for a long time.

- It was bewildering how smoothly the transition went. Naturally the media was all over the case at first, but after just a couple of day everyone seemed content in the singer change. This is how it’s supposed to go, we thought.

Has the setlist changed after Jansen came on board?

- At first we were just fighting to survive, we didn’t want to complicate thing by trying out new stuff. Further down the road, on her wishes, we included couple new songs, like 7 Days to The Wolves. First couple of sets were already decided well ahead.

- We will include couple new songs for the summer shows. We asked Floor her favourite songs, what she would like to sing. Based on those wishes we’ve already included She Is My Sin, which was covered already by After Forever. It felt natural to include that now, with couple more wishes from Floor.

Lifting the veil of secrets
As the interview progresses it becomes clear that some plans have already been made for Nightwish

- We have booked a training place for July-September 2014. During those three months the next album will be made. Now I have a whole year to compose new material.

- Last few albums have been bigger and bigger and the projects have bloated. I have a feeling that things will be a bit different this time around. We took a year to make Imagenaerum (2011) and it was re-mixed for about ten times and mastered four times. If we can get rid of that, it’s good.

- I can assure you that there will not be a movie included with the album. I think the new material will more simpler overall, although I don’t think we will ever let go of the orchestra. I also have pretty clear vision about the lyrical themes, but I think it’s too early to reveal those.

In the end Nightwish had to invest their own funds to the movie that illustrated the Imagenaerum-album last year.

- We have not broken even yet, simply because the numbers are not in yet. In project of this size it will take years to find out what’s the bottom line.

- I spoke with our finance chief yesterday and (s)he told me the he didn’t have any numbers yet. The distributors or Solar Films have no information for us just yet if it’s a commercial success of a flop. What we know that in Germany 10 000 tickets were sold for the first day. I’m told that that is really good.

Episodi-magazine, by the same publisher Pop Media that publishes Inferno as well, revealed earlier this year that during the first month of its release Imagenaerum was only seen by 7400 people in Finland, which makes it nationally a commercial flop.

- We always knew that the movie will be in the marginal. But it would be nice to get some of the money back, if only to be used in the making of the next album.

Art about copyrights

Recently Holopainen has focused on preparing his upcoming solo project. It a kind of a soundtrack, based on an illustrated novel, The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck, by Don Rosa.
- I started working on this soon after that the illustrated novel was published in 1997. Whenever I read it, mu brains are filled with music. I started to think that it would be fun to make a soundtrack for a book. There are not many examples of something like that. Some dude has apparently made similar thing to the Lord of The Rings back in the 70’ (editor’s note: Holopainen probably refers to the Saga om ringer –album by Swedish Bo Hansson).
- There will 10 songs on the album. Pip Williams, who has co-worked with us on the last three albums, will do the orchestration. Arrangements for the orchestra and the choir will be made during the summer and on August 29th we will begin to record the orchestra in London. After that it’s time for singers, piano, organ, guitars and the like in Petrax studios. I am aiming for early 2014 release.
- With Nightwish the only thing common is the composer. Electric guitar or rock drums will not be heard. I’d compare it with Mike Oldfield, Enya, Michael Nyman and the like. 60 percent will be instrumental and four songs will have vocals. I’ll tell more about the singer during the autumn, when we really start promoting the album. For now, we’ll keep quiet about that.

Music inspired by the Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck by Don Rosa is an independent project by Holopainen, not connect to the publishers of the illustrated novel.

- Don Rosa will make the album artwork. He has completely fallen out with Disney himself. I fell sympathetic for the guy. He has openly confessed that he suffers from depression because of the actions by Disney.

- On his latest email he told me to be careful with Disney. Now I do have a lawyer and we are in constant connection with (editors note: Disney’s partner) Danish Egmont on what we can and cannot do.

- Originally the names of the songs were supposed to be named after the chapters of the illustrated novel, but we don’t dare to do that. We cannot show the face of Scrooge McDuck on the cover, because Disney owns the rights to that. But young Scrooge can be shown from behind. We checked that out. The lyrics don’t mention Scrooge McDuck or anything like that. We’re being very careful, not get in trouble with copyrights.

- Now it’s the time to really get on with throwing ideas for the next Nightwish-album. The hard drive has be purged and the composing for the Scrooge-project is out of the way. Just before I left for this I had finished a half of a song. It’s been delightful to notice the terrible urge to make something more heavy for the change.
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 30, 2013, 10:11:20 pm
Amaranth @ Tuska Festival (

Last Ride Of The Day @ Tuska Festival (

Setlist Tuska Festival (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 01, 2013, 04:47:26 pm
Mas videos de ayer

She is my sin (

Ghost River (

Dark Chest Of Wonders + Wish I Had an Angel (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 01, 2013, 07:31:55 pm
Y más

Amaranth (

Nemo (

Bless The Child (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 02, 2013, 03:48:20 pm
Dos más

Ever Dream (

I Want My Tears Back (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 03, 2013, 10:35:31 pm
Ha dicho Floor que:

Do you want to stay?
I would love to. The way things are now, it would be possible. The last show of Nightwish is on the 11th of August and the album of ReVamp will be released on August 23rd. Nightwish will have a break of a few months and ReVamp will be touring. Nobody knows what will happen after that. Decisions will be made next year, so that’s very exitcing. Nightwish does have a rehearsal/studio space for July, August and September, so there will be a new album. But I do not know if I will be a part of that.

Fuente (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 04, 2013, 07:03:50 pm
"We have always been enthusiastic about new things, both in music and technology. We have tablet computers for fun, and noticed that they could also be useful for the band and fans. That's why we started our own "fan magazine" for tablet computers, and the Vol. 1 is now available! More updates are coming in autumn 2013, and you'll see more previously unpublished pictures, videos, and other interesting stuff and benefits.

Check out the first Nightwish FanPOD Vol 1. here: "

As a note it lists it as being on iTunes, it's actually on the AppStore
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 05, 2013, 03:59:42 pm
Fotos Byblos Festival (

Setlist (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 06, 2013, 04:57:41 pm
Montreax Jazz Festival 2012 (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 09, 2013, 04:02:22 pm

I Want My Tears Back (

Rest Calm (

Slow Love Slow (

Storytime (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 11, 2013, 03:52:40 pm
En Libano (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 12, 2013, 10:58:46 pm
Dark Chest Of Wonders @ Mittnasrocken (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 14, 2013, 04:21:23 pm
Setlist Ilosaarirock (

She is my sin (

Bless The Child (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 16, 2013, 07:59:39 pm
Iosaaarirock (

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 16, 2013, 08:04:52 pm
Mas de Iosaarirock

Romanticide (

Dark Chest Of Wonders (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 21, 2013, 11:31:13 pm
Ghost River @ Sotkaimon Syke (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 25, 2013, 10:46:03 pm
She is my sin @ Sotkaimon Syke (

Last Ride Of The Dau @ Sotkaimon Syke (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 28, 2013, 05:27:22 pm
Entrevista (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 28, 2013, 05:43:19 pm
Storytime @ Benatska Noc (

Ghost River @ Benatska Noc (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 29, 2013, 05:42:03 pm
Setlist Benatska Noc (

Videos (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 30, 2013, 04:38:05 pm
DVD con Floor Jansen

The time has come soon to wrap up the magical & memorable one-and-a-half year `Imaginaerum World Tour´ 2012-2013! We still have three shows left, one of them being at the legendary Wacken Open Air Metal Festival on the 3rd of August. This show will be something extra special, since it will be released later this year on DvD/Blu-ray, together with a massive `Imaginaerum World Tour´ 2012-2013 documentary. Our darling flying Dutchwoman, Floor Jansen, has been nothing but incredible during her time in Nightwish on this tour, so this is a perfect opportunity to immortalize the current vibe of the band on film!
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 04, 2013, 04:13:26 pm

Setlist Wacken
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 04, 2013, 04:15:25 pm
Storytime @ Wacken (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 04, 2013, 08:19:07 pm
She is my Sin @ Wacken (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 04, 2013, 10:19:03 pm
Romanticide @ Wacken (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 05, 2013, 05:30:53 pm
Last Ride of The Day (

Bless The Child (

Ever Dream (

Ghost Love Score (

Dark Chest Of Wonders (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 07, 2013, 04:48:14 pm
Entrevista (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 07, 2013, 10:10:41 pm
Ghost Love Score @ Benatska Noc (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 09, 2013, 09:28:46 pm
Nemo @ Wacken (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 10, 2013, 04:37:22 pm
Thanks to Benátska Noc festival and Ivana Bernáthová we got the opportunity to be the one of the three interviewers with Tuomas Holopainen, the heart and the soul of popular symphonic metal band Nightwish, the headliners of this year's Benátska Noc. He answered questions not only about the band and the new singer but also about his personal projects. So enjoy!

How do you feel about performing at Benátska Noc for the first time? Because it's not a typical rock/metal festival like Masters of Rock or Wacken Open Air. Did you prepared something special?

The thing is that I don't ever, like, personally think about what kind of the festival, or the venue, or the club or anything is. It's just always the same thing. You just go on stage and enjoy. But the overall vibing seems to be really nice and I really like the environment, for when we drove here it looked really nice. And it's also the first time that we are on this festival and a new experience is always something special.

The weather is really hot now. Is it good for you or not?

Well, I have this Scandinavian Viking blood running in my veins so I prefer the cooler air, so this is quite an ordeal for me, but there's a good air con' here (smile - there was only a fan standing in the corner). And it should get a bit cooler later on.

Did you think about the responses to your new singer Floor Jansen who is a little bit different to Anette Olzon?

Well the response has been overwhelming, phenomenal, just unbelievably good in every way.

Do you have a plan to record a new album with her or it's only a matter of the concerts?
Right now we're just concentrating on doing this shows and enjoying the moment. Then we'll take a few months off and think what the future brings. But we are gonna go on record a next album next summer, aiming for an early 2015 release. So we need to get this singer issue out of the way pretty quick as well. But I'm sure that the beginning of next year at the latest we'll bring all the news.

Do you already have an idea about making a new movie?

No way (laugh), no.

Why? Was it hard for you or why?

It was pretty hard, yeah. It was really big pile of shit that we stepped up on when we started to do the film. It ended up being really good and we are really proud of the product, but it was much more work than we ever thought of. I think we were a bit naive approaching this whole movie business. But it was a big truth for us that we got the whole thing made and it ended up looking like what we wanted it to look like, so I'm really proud of it. But I truly think that it was just a onetime deal.

Are you working on some side projects? Making something for other bands or music for movies?

Nothing like that. I have this solo thing going on that I have been doing for the past year, which is kind of a soundtrack to a comic book from Don Rosa called The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck and it should be finished in about two month and we are looking for the release in early 2014, in about six months for that. It's nothing to do with metal or rock, it's pure film music, classical chamber music.

So it's only yours project, not project of Nightwish...

No, no, just it's personal thing.

Scandinavian rock and metal bands are really famous and successful here in the Czech Republic. Why do you think it's like this? Or is it like this anywhere else or it's only a thing of the Czech Republic?

Well, the metal people they seem to be pretty much alike, no matter where do you go on this planet. They always think the same, they have the same loyalty and the same passion. So, I have seen it in Czech Republic, I have seen it in Finland, I have seen it in US. I've definitely seen it in South America. So it's not so much imprisoned in the location where we are. It's just personality of these people, it's always the same no matter where you go. Which is an unbelievable thing to experience even after all these years.

Interviewer: Bexrt for
Credits to Ivana Bernáthová.
Photo: Jana Rabova
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 11, 2013, 11:06:06 pm
Setlist Alcatraz Metal (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 11, 2013, 11:17:12 pm
Bless The Child @ Alcatraz (

Ever Dream @ Alcatraz (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 11, 2013, 11:21:24 pm
Nemo @ Alcatraz (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 12, 2013, 04:20:20 pm
Setlist M'era Luna (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 12, 2013, 05:16:46 pm


Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 13, 2013, 10:50:48 pm
Amaranth @ Wacken (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 13, 2013, 10:59:28 pm
Last Ride of The Day @ M'era Luna (

Nemo @ M'era Luna (

Ever Dream @ M'era Luna (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 15, 2013, 04:50:38 pm
Storytime @ M'era Luna (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 19, 2013, 08:52:27 pm
Backstage on the Alcatraz Metal Festival last Saturday we spoke with singer/bass player Marco Hietala of Nightwish. Because Doro was playing at the same time, the interview took place in the luxury tour bus of the band. 
When we take place at the table, Tuomas Holopainen – lying on the sofa – wakes up en leaves the bus. I asked him if he wanted to join the conversation, without result.
In front of us lies a digipack with the latest Revamp album Wild Card by singer Floor Jansen,  set for release at the end of august.
I: Only after the third listening, the music started to sink in and was I able to judge it. It has become an excellent piece.
M: She will be delighted to hear that. We just received the album and listened to it for the first time. It’s hard to judge; it sounds heavier than expected.
I: Does Tuomas write the biggest part of the music and lyrics or is there a lot of collaboration with the other members?
M: Tuomas is the bandleader and he constantly writes music and therefore he writes most of the songs and lyrics. But I also wrote a couple of songs, which I sent to him as demos and some of them have been released on our albums. When we come together, all demos are evaluated and the whole band will work on the songs to complete them. This way every band member can work on their contribution  in a relaxed way and sometimes the demos remain the same, but sometimes they completely change. This way of recording or songs gives us the best results.
I: You wrote at least one song: The Crow, the Owl and the Dove. Quite a soft song for you?
M: Yeah, because of my hairy face en appearance, people think I’m a metal monster. But I play acoustic music my whole artistic life and sometimes I come up with a song like that. The Islander from the previous album was also written by me and that one was also completely acoustic. It’s good to also bring that side of my music.
I: The pleas for a return of Tarja are finally over. That’s because Floor was very well received by the fans.
M: It seems like that, yeah.
I: She is the ideal singer for Nightwish, because she has both the classical voice of Tarja, and the softer pop voice of Anette. What do you think?
M: I completely agree. She fits very well and we go along very well, but at the moment we don’t want to make permanent decisions. We have the big advantage of being on tour together, to learn to know each other backstage and live together in a bus etc., without the urge of a permanent binding. Of course the firing, I mean the replacing of a singer in the middle of a tour was tough, but it also gives us the advantage that we only have to find out whether we go along well together and how well shows go. The collaboration is going great and for me she’s a very strong candidate to say the least.
I: And the fans will certainly welcome this choice!
M: Okay, I do not live in a box and I read discussions, forums and I know that lots of people want her to stay. If it appears to be the right decision, why would we challenge it? But we’ll see…
I: Last week you performed at Wacken and the show was recorded for a dvd/blu-ray release. Do you agree it was time for a new live recording, especially in this magical band formation?
M: It was an opportunity that was given to us quite accidentally. We were already working on a documentary, which is quite massive and covers the Imaginaerum tour and the making of the film. And then there was the idea it would be nice to add a live show, since we haven’t released any albums in this formation. And what would be a better place than Wacken with 70.000 fans with fists in the air watching your show. I can assure you performing for such a crowd gives me nice electrical sparks over my entire body. You feel recharged!
I: Is there the possibility of a live CD of this show?
M: Of course, considering we recorded in 5.1 surround and stereo mix, why won’t we release the stereo on CD? Some people aren’t interested in watching shows, they prefer to listen to them. I assume that our record label (Nuclear Blast) will release our show in several formats, but I’m not up to date about the business side and the decisions of this release. At the moment it is most important that the DVD will come, with the show, the film, documentary etc.
I: Normally there are a lot of visual effects like pyros and confetti at Nightwish shows. Is the visual aspect very important to you?   
M: I don’t know, we regularly play without special effects and I trust on the power of the band and the performance. The music is the most important part, the way you bring it, the group atmosphere you build on stage. But because of the success we are able to invest in the icing on the cake, bringing screens and pyros on stage to further build the show. But for me it’s not necessary.
I: You’re a big band, playing as headliner at this festival and the fans expect these show elements.
M: Yeah, the music itself is a serious task; you write things to please yourself, create songs that are worth releasing. But you must not take it too serious. You also have to entertain the crowd and when we get the possibility to make them smile, why not? I think it’s important to stir people, in several ways.   
I: The Imaginaerum Tour lasted more than a year and is almost over. How do you look back on this period?
M: Oh man, we’ve been to a lot, highs and lows; like the rollercoaster of the film, which appeared to be a happy coincidence. But all’s well that ends well, we’re still alive. It turned out to be fine.
I: So, the film was the most special in these last two years, because you never did something like that before?
M: That’s right. It was a risk and the project is still loss making. We don’t need to sell our houses, but it didn’t make any profit for the company. When we read through the rough script and saw the concept art, we knew the right people and we could get the funding. We thought, if we don’t do this now, we’ll regret it. You have to do something when you get the chance.
I: Definitely with Tuomas, who’s a lover of film music. He was undoubtedly the driving force behind this idea, right?
M: Indeed
I: What are the plans for the next album? Can we expect new film music, more experiments, further explorations of the sound? Or will there be a return to the heavier songs like the songs of the Once album?
M: There won’t be a movie again. But it’s hard to make predictions. We’ve only exchanged a few ideas. To be honest: we really don’t know yet. This is the kind of band that does things that reflect the moment we live in; everything that feels good at that moment. That’s in my opinion one of the keys to our success. A strong backbone. Integrity.
I: After today there’s one last show and after that it will take a year before you’ll write new songs next summer?
M: That’s the way it seems, but we don’t take a year off. Coming winter we’ll exchange and discuss demos. We booked the rehearsal room for next summer, where we’ll work on the songs and rehearse them before entering the studio. It will depend on the inspiration of Mr. Holopainen if he’ll have worthy ideas to write about.
I: What’s the secret of the durability of this band and the force to go on? You already named integrity as one of the elements.
M: Yeah, maybe we’re just a bunch of idiots who don’t know when to stop (laughs). No, not really. I think we all still enjoy doing this a lot. We have a good record label. An excellent collaboration with the crew. Most of them have been working for years with us. We have a good connection with each other. Sometimes there are clashes and arguments, but most of the times they are solved with a laugh.
I: The lyrics are often poetic. On the edge of cryptic. If someone wants to understand what is sung, how would you advise them to approach the lyrics?
M: The largest part of the lyrics – the way I interpret them – have a double meaning. You can interpret them one way or another. This is true for quite some pieces, without both versions contradicting each other. But it depends on the position you take. Yeah, poetic on the edge of cryptic; that’s the way he (Tuomas) writes. We’ve known each other for years and I don’t have difficulties understanding his writing style, but for some people it can be difficult. I’m pleased –because I write lyrics myself- when I listen to the music and read the lyrics and it makes me wonder and  makes me explore the boundaries of my imagination.
I: What’s the biggest inspiration for the lyrics?
M: There’s no simple answer to that. It doesn’t matter. Imagine a child stumbling and the mother walking towards it. That’s enough to start a story. You must not restrict your creativity. You have to be open for things that enter your mind and stimulate your imagination and build further on it. Everything you see, hear or experience influences what you create…
I: And what’s the musical inspiration? For the Imaginaerum concept, I suspect classical or film music composers to be important. But are you also inspired by (metal)bands?
M: Of course everyone of us has his own background in listening to the heavier work and also easier hardrock like AOR, pop music, it doesn’t matter… But for me it’s difficult to point to a certain band, idea or musical area that influenced us. We’re open minded and willing to use anything we think is necessary at that moment.
I: I’m under the impression that after you joined the band with the Century Child album, the music became a lot heavier and more guitar oriented. Was this a conscious choice or something that happened spontaneously?
M: Both I think. When I joined and listened to the demos, Tuomas told me he wanted to bring the new songs in a lower tone, much slower and heavier. I was open to that, since I’m an old school fan of Black Sabbath for example. Thus, it was the intention and as I play the bass guitar I focus on the rhythm section and try to keep the songs lively. Try to give them air and space. That’s the way I play. The way I approach it. I also like it when it sounds heavier, but our music evolves constantly and what was good at the beginning, is different now.
I: Tuomas didn’t only choose you because you play bass guitar. He also needed you voice. The contrast between a light female voice and your heavier sound sounds awesome.
M: Yeah, that’s indeed the reason why I was added. They wanted a singing bass player and I was on tour with them for five weeks when I was playing with Sinergy as support act. We got to know each other and discovered we had interests in common. I did the male voice for Beauty and the Beast during the Nightwish show. It was no surprise for me when I was asked to be a group member.
I: Anette left the band in the middle of the tour. Was this very unexpected and problematic, or did you already have Floor as a ‘wild card’?
M: Not that long. We had her in the back of our heads just in case… It all went so fast. To be honest, I don’t want to get into details, but in two days time things happened about which I could write a book. But in the end this was probably the best for everyone.
I: But you already knew Floor for ages, since she played as support act for Nightwish and you were convinced by her qualities?
M: Of course. I’ve seen her perform with her band and we could get along very well. When you’re in such a hectic situation, you need someone who can join in very fast and she was the first one who we thought could handle that. And she did!
I: Indeed she did! When Tarja left, I immediately thought of Floor and you needed six years to come to the same conclusion?
M: In retrospect, this is true. But at that time she was still in After Forever and we were friends with the guys. We couldn’t just take her away from them. But we – and I’m speaking for myself – have already thought about it back then.
I: Thanks for this interview
The fact that Revamp and Nightwish are under the same label must undoubtedly have helped in the situation. Unfortunately we had to put an end to the interview because they had to go to the signing session at which they arrived ten minutes too late (sorry about that). I just had the time to congratulate Floor with her new album. Later that night they played a wonderfull concert.
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 31, 2013, 04:26:08 pm
As promised Marco, published in special Spark (July 2013) whole about Nightwish
There were many talks that NW without Tarja is another band that it is “half band”.  If you now play with Floor, do you have feeling, that you are back typical Nightwish?
But with Floor nothing is official yet. She is not full time member of band. In the moment we broke up with Anette we quickly needed replacement, someone being able to sing remaining part of tour in good quality. Only after we finish our tour all gigs, we will concentrate on who exactly will sing on our next album. Nevertheless it will have no impact on creation of our new material. This is purely our internal stuff, we don’t submit to nobody and nothing. So regardless if we have singer or not we will write new songs. We have all planned the same way as for previous releases. We will choose the best songs, arrange them and go to studio. Nightwish continue and that is the essential message.
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 01, 2013, 10:46:13 pm
Fotos Wacken (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 16, 2013, 04:16:42 pm

Finnish Symphonic Metal legends NIGHTWISH have revealed the cover artwork and more details of their upcoming new live DVD. »Showtime, Storytime« contains the entire NIGHTWISH headliner show, played at this years' legendary Wacken Open Air - the world's biggest heavy metal festival. The live show in the front of 85 000 screaming metalheads was directed by Ville Lipií¤inen, filmed with seventeen cameras and has a total duration of 85 minutes.

The second disc consists of 120-minute tour documentary 'Please Learn The Setlist in 48 Hours', also directed by Ville Lipií¤inen, with no short of drama or overall madness. Also, there is a 16-minute NIGHTWISH Table Hockey Tournament, filmed on tour. On top of this there are two music clips: 'I Want My Tears Back' (Live at Hartwall Arena) and 'Ghost Love Score' (Live in Buenos Aires).

The Wacken Open Air appearance was the first of the three final shows of the band's `Imaginaerum World Tour´ 2013, which saw the Norsemen and their Dutch amazon Floor Jansen (REVAMP) playing of 104 concerts in 34 different countries with total audience of over 1,5 million fans around the globe.
Mastermind and keyboardist Tuomas Holopainen states: "Our darling flying Dutchwoman, Floor Jansen, has been nothing but incredible during her time in NIGHTWISH on this tour, so this is a perfect opportunity to immortalize the current vibe of the band on film!"

The setlist reads as follows (DVD1):
01. Dark Chest Of Wonders
02. Wish I Had An Angel
03. She Is My Sin
04. Ghost River
05. Ever Dream
06. Storytime
07. I Want My Tears Back
08. Nemo
09. Last Of The Wilds
10. Bless The Child
11. Romanticide
12. Amaranth
13. Ghost Love Score
14. Song Of Myself
15. Last Ride Of The Day
16. Outro (Imaginaerum)

»Showtime, Storytime« will be released on November 29th as a "Ltd. 2Blu-ray + 2CD DIGI", "Ltd. 2DVD + 2CD DIGI", "Ltd. 2CD DIGI", "2LP (coloured) in gatefold" and an exclusive "Nuclear Blast Mailorder Edition".

Pre-sales will start soon - check: or | |
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 17, 2013, 05:07:36 pm
En el DVD no aparecerá nada sobre Anette

Hello everyone,
We began shooting the Nightwish Imaginaerum - world tour documentary in January 2012. The shootings continued all the way until August 2013, so we ended up having tons of material from the tour. The material included, among other things, concerts, rehearsals and interviews from all the members of the band. The editing process of the documentary started already in early 2012.
However, in the beginning of March 2013 we received a message insisting that no visuals (moving or still) nor any audio featuring Anette Olzon can be used on the dvd, this being her personal request.
This meant that we had to go back to the very beginning of the editing process. We respect her wish, and that`s why Anette will unfortunately not be seen or heard on the "Showtime, Storytime" - dvd.
Ville Lipií¤inen
- Director
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 23, 2013, 04:01:49 pm
Elize y Alyssa hablan sobre reemplazar a Anette (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 25, 2013, 05:22:01 pm
Dark Chest Of Wonders
Wish I Had An Angel
She Is My Sin
Ghost River
Ever Dream
I Want My Tears Back
Last Of The Wilds
Bless The Child
Ghost Love Score
Song Of Myself
Last Ride Of The Day
Outro (Imaginaerum)

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 09, 2013, 04:03:32 pm
Teaser Showtime Storytime (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 09, 2013, 04:10:06 pm
Floor se queda en la banda!

Ms. Floor Jansen is a keeper.

Also, we will be a six-piece band from now on, as Mr. Troy Donockley (uilleann pipes, low whistles, vocals) will become a full-time member of NIGHTWISH.

Originally we were going to wait until 2014 to make a decision about the future line-up of the band, but the past year has clearly shown us that Floor and Troy are perfect matching pieces to our puzzle, and we are really grateful of the bond that has grown between all of us. We love you guys.


Commented vocalist Floor Jansen: "Words cannot describe what I feel! This union is beyond everything and I cannot tell you how wonderful it is to continue this amazing journey with my new brothers! Once I had a dream…and this is it!!!"

Piper/whistleman, added vocalist Troy Donockley: "`Imaginaerum World Tour´was a revelation to me and in that time, I became aware of a growing unity and then, finally, a transcendence of all the usual nonsense that affects bands. A beautiful process. And since the idea, the musical dream that is NIGHTWISH has been a part of me since before I was born, I am delighted to officially sail into uncharted waters with my brothers and sister. Wondrous scenes Ahoy! "

The new line-up can be seen on the live / tour documentary DVD »Showtime, Storytime«, released on November 29th.
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 09, 2013, 10:24:33 pm
From Epica's official Facebook page:
We would like to congratulate our friends and colleagues Floor Jansen and Nightwish for their announced union! A perfect fit and a great win for all symphonic metal fans! Rock on!!!
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 12, 2013, 08:57:20 pm
Storytime @ Wacken (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 15, 2013, 03:58:03 pm
t’s a fairly lengthy interview with Tuomas by Radio Metal. It’s in French, but Google does a pretty good job at translating it into English (much better than Finnish to English!). If any French speakers could translate it more thoroughly then that would be most appreciated.

Here’s a brief summary of a few important points I picked up from the translation (hopefully they are accurate!):

- Nuclear Blast told Tuomas that there would be no point to the DVD if it only contained a documentary, hence why the Wacken concert was recorded. Wacken was also the easiest festival to record at.

- Tuomas felt the need to announce the introduction of Floor and Troy to the band now instead of next year when he was writing the credits for the DVD. It felt silly to write ‘Nightwish consists of [Tuomas, Emppu, Jukka, Marco]…’ without Floor and Troy in there even though they had already joined.

- Floor worked perfectly with the band week after week, hence why they asked her to join. Tuomas absolutely does not want Floor to leave ReVamp and consulted her thoroughly as to whether joining Nightwish would be fully suitable in this regard.

- Tuomas states that Anette was the right choice for Nightwish at the time and that: “When I listen to Dark Passion Play and Imaginaerum, I tell myself that no one else could sing these songs better than her. I mean it sincerely, and the rest of the group too.”

- Troy’s addition to the band gives Tuomas more tools as a composer, but he will not participate in all of the songs on the next album. Troy will also perform around six or seven songs on stage when touring.

- The next album should be ready for spring 2015. Tuomas has three songs written already. It is expected that the album will be more down-to-earth, with a focus on ‘the core of early Nightwish’. Although, Tuomas does not want to want to remove the orchestra or choir.

- Tuomas’s project ‘The Life And Times Of Scrooge McDuck’ only requires mixing now and everything should be completed in three weeks time. It is expected to be released in April.
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 18, 2013, 10:47:49 pm
NIGHTWISH - Going Dutch: "Floor Jansen Owns The Stage And The Audience"

Hot Flashes

Posted on Wednesday, October 16, 2013 at 18:15:20 EST

By Carl Begai

The day after it was announced that NIGHTWISH touring vocalist Floor Jansen (REVAMP, ex-AFTER FOREVER) had been made an official band member, BW&BK was given the opportunity to speak with keyboardist/mastermind Tuomas Holopainen about the band's forthcoming live/tour documentary DVD Showtime, Storytime. Good thing they took care of business before press began, because if they hadn't most of this conversation would have consisted of yours truly telling Holopainen he would have to be a special kind of insane to let Jansen slip away. But really, it's no surprise that Jansen was asked to stay considering her monumental efforts since coming on board at the last minute to replace the booted Anette Olzon back in October 2012.

"I know it didn't come as a surprise to anybody," Holopainen says of the news. "We wanted to make it official at this point because we knew we were going to do a lot of promotion for the upcoming DVD. It's just easier to do things this way; we don't need to keep our mouths shut."

The documentary portion of the DVD begins appropriately with footage from Denver, Colorado as Nightwish makes a mad scramble to put together some semblance of a setlist in the wake of Olzon falling ill. With their singer unable to perform and an audience willing to stick around for whatever the band can come up with, Nightwish enlist support band KAMELOT's backing singers Elize Ryd (AMARANTHE) and Alissa White-Gluz (THE AGONIST). The rest is a pretty amazing piece of history. Holopainen is caught on camera after the show stating that he'd never been as scared as he was two hours earlier.

"That was the truth," he admits. "The whole day is just a hazy dream to me now. It was such an awkward moment. A big hand to Elize and Alissa... they were amazing. But that's what doing live shows is all about. Sometimes these things happen and it's really memorable stuff; a mass karaoke with those two lovely girls joining us, doing some instrumental stuff as well. It was something different and I don't think anybody left the venue upset or annoyed."

Olzon, on the other hand, was genuinely upset and took to her official website to air her feelings. She made it clear she thought the band was wrong to go ahead without her. On October 1st the band released a statement announcing Olzon's departure and that Jansen would be filling in for the rest of the tour.

"We got quite a bit of criticism for doing the show without Anette," Holopainen reveals. "Some people asking us how we could be so selfish and do the show without her. It was quite the opposite. We had to think about the 1,600 fans, the promoter, the crew, everybody. Seriously, if something happened to me or any of the other band members, I'd do anything to still make the show happen. We offered the money back from the tickets. We told the fans how the show was going to be, so of course if they wanted to leave they should get their money back. It was seven refunds out of 1,600 so that was pretty good."

Nightwish haven't elaborated on the reasons for firing Olzon and it's doubtful they ever will, even as they move on with Jansen.

"The split is like a divorce and nobody likes to talk about a divorce publicly. We released a statement, with Anette, and that should be enough for everyone."

Suffice to say, there's a certain amount of bad blood still floating around. The documentary begins with a disclaimer stating that "due to the circumstances surrounding her departure, the former vocalist insisted that she would not be seen or heard in the documentary."

"That's something I can clarify," says Holopainen. "It did come as a surprise to all of us. The documentary was about 80% finished and Anette was in it giving interviews, there was nice live footage of her, but in March this year we got an email from her manager saying that we needed to cut her out of the documentary, audio and visual. That's something we didn't expect, so we had to decide if the documentary was even worth doing anymore because it was an essential part of the tour. The director, Ville, told us to give him a chance. He wanted to take a few weeks to see what he could do with the editing. And now when I see the footage I've got to give it to the guy, he's a wizard. It's beautifully crafted. The drama is there, the beauty is there. Occasionally you might think 'Okay, where's the vocalist?' but when Floor comes in you can really enjoy it."

Jansen has fronted Nightwish since October 2012 and has had a much easier job winning over the band's legion of fans than Olzon did. Take a cruise through the library of live footage on YouTube and you can watch her grow into the role of being front and center on the Nightwish stage.

"I have to agree. The first couple of weeks that we did with her were good and she was really impressive, especially with the time that she had to prepare. Looking at her now - and I only saw the Wacken Open Air footage for the first time only two weeks ago - I'm thinking 'Wow!' Watch the DVD and you can see that Floor owns the stage and the audience."

Asked if he remembers when the band came to the conclusion Jansen should be fronting Nightwish permanently....

"Yes I do. It was spring, about six months after Floor came in. We agreed that she was a lovely person and that she really could sing, but I was wondering if we really needed to be talking about all that stuff just yet because I was having such a good time on tour. It eventually got to the point where we said 'Why not?' It was after the Sauna Open Air Festival in Finland at the beginning of June, after the show in the hotel lobby, where we encouraged ourselves to go to Floor and ask her how she would feel about continuing with us in the future. She gave us an immediate 'Yes.' We didn't think it was going to be an 'of course' answer, though. We didn't take anything for granted, but she was really happy and really motivated. And right after that we asked Troy Donockley (uilleann pipes, low whistles, vocals) about joining the band as well. He said yes too, so it was a happy evening (laughs)."

Donockley's confirmation as a full band member may seem odd considering he's "only" been a backing musician on tour. Holopainen will tell you different.

"He's been part of the band for the past 18 years, not only because of his musical abilities but also because of his personality. What does it mean to be in a band? I think Troy is a prime example of that because he brings a lot of light and joy and musical abilities to the band, so why not make it official as well."

Taking nothing away from Donockley, Jansen is the focus for the moment and has been since she stepped foot on the Nightwish stage. Her vocal range gives them the chance to perform old material from the Tarja-era, something that was hit-and-miss with Olzon up front.

"There's definitely some potential to do that," Holopainen agrees. "When I listen to Floor sing songs like 'She Is My Sin', it's quite grand. I really like how she does the old songs, so yeah, I've been toying with the idea that we might dig up some of the older stuff on the next tour and see how it works. If it doesn't feel then we won't do it, but we could give some of the songs a chance. Maybe something from Oceanborn..."

Bottom line is Jansen can sing anything from the Nightwish catalogue.

"Pretty much so, I have to agree. At the same time I want to give Anette some credit because when you listen to Dark Passion Play and Imaginaerum, I don't think there's another person on this planet that could have done a better job on those songs. They still sound really, really good. But, like you said, Floor can do every song we've ever written so that they sound good at the very least (laughs). Usually they sound phenomenal when she does them. When Floor sings 'Ghost Love Score' and 'She Is My Sin', they're pretty out there."

For the future, we'll have to wait until late 2014 or early 2015 for the next Nightwish album. The ball is already rolling, however, at least in Holopainen's mind.

"From the begining of November on I'm going to go into very deep hibernation and work on new Nightwish material until next summer. It'll be about seven months of just staying at home and writing songs with a vacation in between. On July 1st we'll gather together in the Nightwish camp and start working on the next album."

As to what direction the next record will take, it's anybody's guess. Go bigger than Imaginaerum (which would be a bloody epic task) or go back to vocals/guitars/bass/keyboards/drums basics?

"The gut feeling I have at the moment would be somewhere in between those two places," says Holopainen. "It's never the purpose to be bigger and bigger and bigger. It doesn't need to be bigger as long as it's interesting and brings something new to the show. The 'being bigger' issue is just nonsense. We just do the things we feel and the way we want to do them. When we did Imaginaerum, we wanted to do a big orchestral theatrical album and take down the guitars and bass a little bit. At the moment, I and I think the rest of the band would like to take a step back and do things in an old school band-orientated way. That's how I would like to do things. We're never going to get rid of the orchestra or the choirs because they compliment the music so beautifully and we love that, but maybe the next one will be a bit more of a band album."

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 25, 2013, 08:07:55 pm
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Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 26, 2013, 04:50:47 pm
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Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 28, 2013, 11:25:07 pm
Nightwish will never admit as such, but recently-inserted singer Floor Jansen makes her Anette Olzon predecessor look meek by comparison. Whereas Olzon was diminutive in stature (and according to some, in voice), Jansen is the opposite – tall, domineering, and with a pre-approved reputation that came from her years slugging it out in After Forever. This begs the question: What if Jansen was the immediate successor to Tarja Turunen? Would there have been such a strong backlish? It’s almost like how Robert Trujillo has had a much easier time replacing Jason Newsted than Newsted had replacing Cliff Burton. The third guy (or gal) through always has an easier time…

To coincide with the release of their Showtime, Storytime DVD, the band announced that Jansen, along with fife/pipe player Troy Donockley were now full-time members of the band. It’s the most obvious (and wise) move, putting an end to year-long speculation and setting the band up for what should be a momentous release in early 2015. For the time being, mainman Tuomas Holopainen seems to be willing to just revel in all sorts of goodwill, which frankly, hasn’t been this palpable since Turunen was in her prime. With that in mind, Holopainen phoned DR to discuss all of this, and Scrooge McDuck, because what screams “symphonic metal” more than a Disney character, right?

Dead Rhetoric: Let’s backtrack for a second and talk about your “Flying Dutchwoman” Floor. I know you’ve known her for a while and did some stuff when she was in After Forever, but, what were your first impressions?

Tuomas Holopainen: We did a tour together, I think it was 2003 or 2002, but over ten years ago. I’ve followed her since the first After Forever album, which came out in 1999, I think. I was actually a fan of the band, and still am, and was very impressed by her vocals. When we toured together, I saw her live and it was like a sledgehammer into the face. She had such charisma and was in the right place all the time.

Dead Rhetoric: That’s what I was wondering – if you were able to sneak out and watch her during the tour. Was it also a word of mouth kind of thing?

Holopainen: She’s a really friendly person, but she’s also quite persistent – she knows what she wants to do. She’s also very metal. [laughs] Genuinely metal, and that’s not the most common trait in a female, and I say this in a very positive way. There’s the contrast. She’s very feminine and very sweet…but you don’t want to fuck with her. She’s the Amazon; she has the size and the looks and she’ll punch you in the face if you say something wrong.

Dead Rhetoric: We can always second-guess and wonder, but was she ever in the running when you had the make the singer switch the first time?

Holopainen: To be honest, no. We never considered her because she was doing really well with After Forever at that time and we didn’t want to go into other people’s territory at the time. It didn’t seem like the right thing to do at the time.

Dead Rhetoric: Another hypothetical: She doesn’t have the big shoes to fill like Anette did for Tarja – it’s easier for her.

Holopainen: [pauses] I haven’t thought of it in that way, but we need to always remember to give a lot of credit to Anette – she did her job. I don’t think there’s anybody who could have sung those two albums better than her, but when Floor came in, the transition of the vocalist was unbelievable. It was practically two days she was with us and the fans were going crazy. We got a lot of really good support from them – there was a lot of positive feedback to us and to Floor. It went much better than we ever could have expected.

Dead Rhetoric: You initially said you were going to wait until 2014 to mull over the decision and let the dust settle, yet you just made the announcement recently. Why do it now?

Holopainen: Just practical reasons. We realized we were coming up with the DVD release soon and will be doing a lot of talking, a lot of interviews and promotion and it would just feel silly and awkward not to say things out loud. We knew what would happen already in June or July – we decided, so to be talking to you right now and you’d be asking about Floor, I’d just feel stupid. Because of this DVD release, we decided with the other guys in the band to go public with it.

Dead Rhetoric: That was my next question, if you and the guys had a sit down to weigh your options.

Holopainen: Yeah, but first all, it was two months ago that we would put out the news Christmas Eve morning. It would be a Christmas present for a lot of people that wanted her to stay. That sounded like a perfect idea. On 12/24/13 at 8:00 a.m., we would say “Nightwish has a new vocalist: Her name is Floor Jansen.” But because of this DVD, we made it earlier, just to make everyone’s lives a bit crazier.

Dead Rhetoric: Well, I don’t think goodwill and good vibes around the band have been this high in quite some time.

Holopainen: Well, we’ve had some really good times. Mostly ups, but some downs. For the past year, it’s been just super-cool in every sense of the word. Everybody seems to have found their place and it’s fun all the time. But, we are not taking anything for granted…to keep it like this is going to take some work.

Dead Rhetoric: With Floor, you now have the option to really dig into the setlist. What kind of luxury does she afford you in picking songs you have done in a while, or fan favorites?

Holopainen: When we were entering the festival [season], we asked her which songs she would like to do. We didn’t have too much time to rehearse, but we wanted to take a few more songs into the setlist. She was the one who requested “She’s My Sin” and “Romanticide.” And then I said, “How about ‘Bless the Child?’ We haven’t done that in years.” She said she could do that, and it was just perfect. There’s a potential there when the next tour comes that we might go and dig through the chest a bit.
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 28, 2013, 11:28:57 pm
Dead Rhetoric: Let’s not forget about the addition of Troy, and I remember you made a comment to me last year that “Marriage has ruined many a good relationships.” What then, made you add him as a full-time member?

Holopainen: When we were thinking about it, whether to make it “official” or not – it’s not going to change anything since he was a permanent member of the band anyway, like mentally, and he’s such a nice person and big part of the band. But just to make it official and easier for people to realize, and we got a lot of feedback from the last tour, like, “Who is this guy playing only four songs in the set? You never introduce him, but he’s coming with you and bows with you at the end.” Just to clarify this, we needed to make it official as well.

Dead Rhetoric: Do you see Troy’s role expanding?

Holopainen: I’m not quite sure; maybe a little bit. I’m pretty sure we’re not going to use him so he’s on every song of the album, or from beginning of the show, to the last encore. It would be a bit too much, but I think the strength lies that he’s there part-time. Same thing with Marco’s [Hietala] vocals – I don’t want to use them all the time. They sound more powerful that way. Same thing with Troy.

Dead Rhetoric: As for the DVD and the Wacken show in general, with 80,000 people present, what was the band atmosphere like?

Holopainen: I did my very best not to think about it being filmed. [laughs] All the shows we did in the summer went really good and were really relaxed, and I wanted to keep that touch. I kept telling the other band members “Let’s just go there and have fun.” We pretty much succeeded in doing so. It was the biggest show we’ve ever done – I don’t think we’ve played for 82,000 people before. It looked just incredible from the stage.

Dead Rhetoric: There’s an inherent risk with doing something like this on such a large scale. Did that enter your mind?

Holopainen: Definitely did. When I heard about this live show idea, it was in June, because this DVD was only supposed to be the documentary – no live show. But then the record label suggested to us that we needed to include the live show as well. At that point, the only shows we had were festivals, and the biggest one was Wacken Open Air. My biggest argument against it was that we had only one shot. What if something goes wrong? What if there are technical problems? What if there’s a thunder storm? We took the risk and it was worth it.

Dead Rhetoric: Prior to embarking on the tour for Imaginaerum, was it decided you were going to do a documentary?

Holopainen: Yeah, it was decided in November 2011, two months before the tour started. We wanted to do a really good, interesting tour documentary so that the director would follow us during the whole 18 months through all the legs of the tour.

Dead Rhetoric: When you started to have some “issues” for lack of a better term, did it make the shooting uncomfortable for the band?

Holopainen: It was just an incredible coincidence and trust me – it was a coincidence that the director happened to be on the U.S. leg of the tour when all of this started to happen. It was not planned in advance. He had booked the flights months in advance and just happened to be there when all of the hulabalew went on. It was kinda weird, but it made a good drama for the DVD.

Dead Rhetoric: We talked about being nervous for Wacken, but how about the Denver show when you didn’t have a singer. How nervous were you?

Holopainen: It was like a dream, a bad dream. I hadn’t been that scared going on stage for a couple of years, but that particular night, it was like, “What are we going to do?” You see me and Troy going on stage telling the audience what’s going on and originally, I was supposed to say something, but I asked Troy because I was too nervous.

Dead Rhetoric: I was going to ask you that, since you’re the unofficial band spokesman.

Holopainen: Two reasons: The other was that I was so nervous; the second is that we were dealing with such a delicate issue that we wanted the audience to understand exactly what was going on so maybe to play it more safe that the announcement comes from a native English speaker.

Dead Rhetoric: You wrapped the album cycle for Imaginaerum, so you must be glad to have it over. I don’t think you could have fathomed it going this way when you started everything at the end of 2011…

Holopainen: There are always the two sides to the coin. In a way, I’m really happy it’s over. It was a wonderful tour from beginning to end, no matter what happened along the way. It was a fantastic thing to do. I miss the band and crew already; there’s always this “post-tour” blues that I get. But in another way, it’s really nice to be home for a while and absorb myself into writing songs. Then, I’m going to meet all the guys and the girls next summer.

Dead Rhetoric: Perhaps with this cycle, it’s one of those “the best laid plans never come fruition” type of things. Is that how you see it?

Holopainen: No, we never planned this. [laughs] It just went into this and we did everything we had to do.

Dead Rhetoric: How’s the Scrooge McDuck project coming along?

Holopainen: It’s coming along beautifully. We just got all the recordings done about a week ago, actually. When I get back home from this promotional trip, I’m going to go the studio for two weeks and get the thing mixed and it’s already to go. I think the album release date is set for April 11th of next year.

Dead Rhetoric: So next up for Nightwish is convening next summer, right?

Holopainen: Yes, next summer, once I get Scrooge out of my hands. We will get together on July 1, 2014. Everything is set up.

Dead Rhetoric: Totally preliminary here, but will you tackle another concept album, or maybe try a meat and potatoes type of album?

Holopainen: Meat and potatoes, I like that expression! I think something like that has a lot of potential. It’s really hard to say anything just yet, but the only thing I can say is that it won’t be a thematic album. The songs I’ve done so far – there are four of them – they all deal with different themes, lyrically. It won’t be a concept album like Imaginaerum.
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 30, 2013, 05:35:09 pm
For the second time you play with Revamp at MFVF. What is that like?
It's great. The organisation behind the festival supported and trusted us since the beginning of Revamp. So therefore I am glad to be here.
What are your thoughts on the line-up of the festival?
It's a good and divers line-up. I don't like all bands, but I like Tarja for example. I am looking forward to the duet with her. But for me it doesn't need to be fully female fronted. I make female fronted music, but don't listen to it a lot. I prefer more heavy music and you can hear that within Revamp. (With a laugh she concludes the line-up could have been heavier.)
Tells us about your collaboration with Tarja?
Tarja is a fantastic vocalist and I always wanted to collaborate with her. At this festival it was a great opportunity. We contacted eachother about what we are going to do, but we didn't really practice alot. We were convinced it would work out fine, because we know eachother.
What is your opinion about people comparing you and Tarja because of the shared Nightwish history?
Everyone has their opinion, but people shouldn't talk about subjects they don't know anything about. Everybody has their good and bad qualities and vocally people are often different. So how can you compare? People should focus on subjects that matter or just to enjoy it and if they don't just let it be.
Can you tell me about working and touring with Nightwish and therefore also Troy Donockley?
It was hectic in the beginning during the US tour, but they are nice guys and we had an immediate click. It's nice to tour with them, also with Troy!
The tour documentary is called Please learn the setlist in 48 hours. Did this literally occur?
Yes you can say that again. I had to take the plane and had a limited time to memorise the lyrics. I did know the older songs because during my After Forever period I "studied" them, but I wasn't familiar with the newer material. It was a challenge, but the band said I did it very well.
How will you combine Nightwish and Revamp?
I have confidence in making this work. When you look back Nightwish mainly works in blocks of two years. So when that ends I can focus on Revamp, so it's not non stop Nightwish. For example Revamp gets the number 1 priority now. In the summer there are the Nightwish recordings and starting from 2015 we will tour for about 2 years. Then I can focus on Revamp again.
Will you actively be writing Nightwish songs (lyrics or music) or will you leave that entirely to Tuomas?
To be honoust I will let the boys write the songs. Tuomas has always done a great job. Maybe I will add some of my own vocal melodies, but that's all I want to do. Tuomas is a music genuis, so you dont mess with that and just let the magic happen.
Wild Card is a killer album if I say so myself. What were the reactions from fans and media?
Thank you. The album gladfully was received well by media and fans. We got excellent support from our label Nuclear Blast, who distributed the album worldwide, so a lot of people can hear the album.
On the album Wild Card we can hear Devin Townsend as a guest. What other musicians would you work with within Revamp?
For the next album I want to work together with Tarja or Angela Gossow. I would love to do some grunting with her. And do you know Halestorm? With Lzzy I also would like to sing together.
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 04, 2013, 05:57:23 pm
Loads has happened in and to Nightwish in the past couple of months. They did not only add two talented musicians to their family, but they also wrapped up the festivals, touring and the shooting of their new DVD. After I watched Showtime, Storytime (read my review in this edition!) I was still wondering about a couple of things. Because the DVD had come without subtitles and the commentary was almost entirely in Finnish, I was excited to hear about Tuomas side of the story. The interview was set up soon after, and so here I was on a rainy Sunday afternoon, waiting on his phone call. Within moments I find myself curled up on the couch, talking to Tuomas about the new line up, the DVD which will be released in a couple of weeks, his new project on Scrooge McDuck and whatever topic we can come up with.

By: Melanie | Archive under gothic metal

So tell me Tuomas, busy day for you then?
Yeah, it's been a busy couple of days. I started off in Paris and then London two days ago. Yesterday, today and tomorrow will be spent in the Nuclear Blast headquarters. A bit of a promo tour. Talking about the upcoming DVD, and new line-up, and all that.

Loads of talking, I assume. Are you already bored of us?
Absolutely not. Some journalists try to dig for the dirty stuff, though. That's something I don't fancy talking about, everything else is okay!

Just to let you know up front, I don't care much for the dirty stuff, to be honest. No worries there.
Thank you in advance!

First of all, congrats on the new line-up! I think I speak for the entirety of the Netherlands when I say that we are thrilled to see Floor stay.
Not as thrilled as we are! I'm super-super thrilled. We've been together for little bit over a year now, and it's going better and better. We all really like her personality, and her versatility when it comes to performance. Whenever I look at her on stage; it puts a big smile on my face when I see how much she enjoys what she's doing. So she's definitely born to do what she does.

Originally you wanted to wait until 2014 to make a decision for the new singer. What changed your mind?
One very practical thing. It happened about a month ago, when I was writing down the credits for the DVD booklet, together with the thanks list. Then I came to the part where it said "Nightwish is" and I just started to think about how to present Floor and Troy. Guest singer on this DVD sounded so silly. That's when I realised it would be better to give the news now; it would make everyone's life so much easier. We could then do the interviews and talk about this out loud. It's nice to have the worries off my back. The fans reaction to all of this could not have been better. I did not hear one negative comment. There was one person though, crying over how she could do this to her mates in ReVamp. That's just a matter of scheduling, I think. Everyone has their side projects. Anyway, it's not the death of any band.

I'm sure she will figure that out, she's a smart cookie.
(laughs) She will. And it's not like we forced her, she wants this. We already decided in June, after a festival in Finland. We went to her and carefully asked her how she would like to continue with us after the tour. She didn't have to decide right away, but she gave us a big smile, a big hug and a big yes! So that was already decided back then.

You've done a hell of a job of keeping us in the dark then!
I hope we did! We just wanted to tour, have a good time, not make any drastic decisions. During the spring time, it was already clear to us we wanted her to stay, we just didn't know how she felt. But since I am hyping so much about her, and about our feelings for her staying, I don't want to diminish our previous times. We all had our big glorious moments with the other singers as well. This doesn't take anything away from them. In Finland I recently read something about why it took us seventeen years to find the right singer, blah blah blah. I can't stand this kind of writing because Tarja and Anette were both excellent in their own ways, and it's just the most naive thing to say. I'm really relieved and happy to have Floor now, but this shouldn't have happened earlier. Things happen for a reason.

Can you tell me a bit about working with Floor and Troy?
Easy. The only thing we've experienced so far is touring, we've never done an album with Floor. The past year has been really smooth, and the chemistry is as good as it can possibly be. Troy for example lights up an entire room when he enters the place. He has this really positive and funny personality, and he's just a wonderful guy to be with. In addition to that his musicianship is magical. He's a talented musician so he's all fun to be around. Floor also, because she's so motivated and she feels at home. She loves what she does and of course she's unbelievably talented. It's balanced. The right attitude towards things. It all feels really good. You never know what the future will bring but we will do our absolute best to have no further line up changes in this band.

What changes do you think Floor and Troy will bring to the band and to your music?
We have to see when the songs get done. For the next six or seven months I will stay at home and write the songs with them in mind. Floor has such a versatile voice, she can do the clean stuff, operatic stuff. Though I don't think we'll go back to the operatic vocals, maybe occasionally. There's also the growling and the pop sounds, so endless possibilities. Same thing with Troy; he can play all the Celtic instruments from Indian pipes to low whistles. Also the flute and the guitar and he's a good singer as well! So there's some potential there as well, for the song writing.

The DVD will be out in six weeks, can you tell our readers what to expect?
There's a reason why the DVD is called 'Showtime, Storytime' and that's because it's a fifty/fifty release with the tour documentary and the live show. Originally, up until mid-June it was only supposed to be the documentary part. We wanted to do something a little bit different. A really good documentary. For a good reason, Nuclear Blast contacted us and said it wasn't enough and that we had to shoot a concert as well to go with the DVD. Initially I just said "no way". We only had seven festival shows left at that time, so it would have to be one of those. I didn't fancy the idea of shooting a live DVD from a festival, at all. But when I slept through a couple of nights I realised they were probably right. This release needs the live part as well. And then out of the festival we were doing, Wacken was the biggest one. It had all the fielding equipment already so it made it easier to shoot. It was the ultimate ending of the festival season. I had nothing to do with the editing process, though. I saw it for the first time about two weeks ago. We all gathered, except for Troy, and watched it with surround sound and I was blown away. It looked, and sounded amazing. It's not that I was against the live show, by the way. It just never was the idea. I wanted to do the documentary on its own. I would love to do a live DVD one time. Just our own show, and maybe a second show for the back filming. Maybe involve an orchestra or a choir, to make it even more special. So when they said they wanted a live part as well, it was too sudden. We had only one chance of succeeding. That felt wrong. It was a lot of pressure, but it was the right decision. The DVD is a lot better with the show in it.

The documentary sure looks amazing, though I must confess I hardly understand a word of it because the subtitles aren't working.
Yeah that's something I have heard about twenty times this week already. It seems as though every journalist got the DVD without subtitles.

Sucks to be us then. But tell me what you were trying to tell others with this documentary?
All the previous documentaries and deleted scenes were full of drinking, partying, fooling around; just comic relief. We wanted to do a bit more thorough with a bit more insight. Something that shows you what it is to be on tour. Also, we wanted to have a little souvenir for ourselves out of this eighteen months. It's going to be a lot of fun to watch this in twenty years. That's the reason why we wanted to do this. Also, when I think about myself being a fan of certain bands and artists, I love to see something similar from those artists. Something a bit different for the fans to see.

Yeah, Floor told me that in an interview a couple of weeks ago. She said she didn't receive one single negative comment, which is rare because people can be so judgemental.
I'll second that. Maybe it's to do with the fact that she's already got a reputation. She has a face and voice people recognize. She's a rather believable character and a singer.

What does it feel like for you to be able to perform older songs such as 'Bless The Child' again?
It felt good. When we renewed the setlist for a little bit, we actually asked her what songs she would like to do. She said she wanted to do 'Romanticide', and I wanted to take 'Bless The Child' back into the set, so that made a nice combination. I'm quite excited about the future because I think for the next tour we better up the chest and probably rehearse some of the older stuff as well.

So now that the touring is done, are you guys having a break of some sorts?
From touring, yes. I have a lot of song writing to do because we're entering the studio next summer already. It's quite soon. Actually, we're entering the Nightwish camp on the first of July, again. Rehearse the songs, and the studio is after that. The plan is actually to get the songs finished so it should be released somewhere around springtime 2015.

Have you already figured out what you want for this album?
Not really, I think I'll just let the mind flow. It's the same thing I do with every album; I don't try to think too much in advance. I'll see what happens so that the songs don't become forced. I have some lyrical themes in my head, and I feel extremely motivated to start. I can't wait to get home and begin writing. I mean, it's okay to talk to you...

Oh well, that's a relief.
(laughs) No really, I'm actually enjoying myself. Though I cannot wait to get home and start the process. Six or seven months just focussing on the songs.

When are you going home?
Friday. Well, I still have to mix my solo projects and that will take a few weeks but from the beginning of November; I'm free.

Sounds nice! Your solo project is a soundtrack to the comic of Scrooge McDuck, right?
That's right.

Okay, tell me more, because it's sounds so intriguing and so completely 'you'.
(laughs) I'll take that as a compliment. We finished recording everything about two weeks ago so it's all about mixing. I'm really thrilled about it and especially because mister Don Rosa, the artist of the comic, got involved. It's a bit thing for me. He drew the cover of the album, so it's such a thrill. He hasn't done anything new for the last seven years. He told me that he stopped drawing from 2007. He did this one for me and that was the most flattering thing ever. The cover looks amazing and also; he was in Finland for two days and we shot the music video with him. It's incredible times. I think he's one of the best story tellers of our times. This particular book, 'The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck', is my desert island book. It's the most beautiful love story ever written, full of moral lessons and funny as hell. Jus the perfect adventure. I don't ever think of them as ducks, when I read the story. I just think of them of caricatures of human beings.

The last time we spoke was in Amsterdam, about two years ago. You told me the one thing you were still looking for, was balance. Do you think you are more balanced now than two years ago?
Maybe. It's a slow process. Maybe when I'm eighty, sitting in my rocking chair, looking at the documentary part of the DVD, maybe then. Maybe I'll be balanced then.

Do you feel you need to suffer as human being in order to be a good artist?
No, I don't. You need to feel. Some of the best songs I have ever written were written in the ultimate state of happiness. Being content, thrilled about being alive. You don't need the suffering, you need the emotion. But being incredibly pissed off and fucked up and depressed, it helps as well.

Can you tell me a bit about the future for you guys?
All I know now is that we're going to gather up next summer, have a good time, try to get the songs finished. We're looking at an album release of spring '15, and after that: World tour. That's about it for the moment.

You've made an appearance on the solo album of Kari Rueslatten's album. Tell me about that experience.
I did not meet her for this experience. I did my parts at home. This particular song has a big meaning for me. It's one of my all time favourite songs, by one of my all time favourite bands. She knew that I was a big fan, so when she covered this song for her solo album, she contacted me and asked me if I wanted to play the piano and keyboards. I didn't have to think twice.

Do you think your status as a famous musician changes the way you look at other musicians?
That is a hard question, because yes and no. Sometimes I don't get the screaming fans, but when I met Don Rosa a couple of weeks ago, I almost fainted. So that was a good lesson for me. That was a fan boy moment for me. It reminded me how some people feel, no matter how foolish it seems to me.

I have some off-topic cool down questions. Just give us the first answer that comes to mind.
Bring it on.

What's the poem you know by heart?
I don't know any. Remembering lines is awful and hard. I'm really bad at remembering lyrics as well.

What's your favourite cliche?
Carpe Diem.

What's your favourite hour of the day?
Morning. Between six and eight am. The magic hour, dawn. I'm a morning person, I like to get up really early.

Which book changed your life?
The Lord of the Rings trilogy. I read it when I was in second grade and in a way; it did change my life.

What's your guilty pleasure?
Which one do I pick? (laughs) Cigarettes, whiskey, red wine, chocolate.

What's your favourite villain?
Hannibal Lecter!

My time is up, so I'm going to leave the last words to you!
Thank you to the fans, for sticking around and welcoming our new family members. Also, thank you for this conversation which I enjoyed! All the best to you! Thank yo - See more at:
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 04, 2013, 11:40:28 pm


Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 05, 2013, 04:27:53 pm
Otro trailer! (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 06, 2013, 04:32:24 pm (

5 minutos con Nightwish
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 07, 2013, 04:04:53 pm
Ghost Love Score y Romanticide próximos singles (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 08, 2013, 06:35:04 pm (

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 10, 2013, 11:26:49 pm
Esta vez es a Marco (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 11, 2013, 11:55:51 pm
Entrevista (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 12, 2013, 05:03:29 pm
"Showtime, Storytime" = a great show and an interesting story!

Nightwish's 1,5-year-long Imaginaerum tour turned out to be quite an experience both to the band itself and to the endless fan masses. The secrets of this rollercoaster like world tour will be revealed once and for all at the end of November when Nightwish will release the extensive "Showtime, Storytime" dvd. In addition to the Wacken gig, that was recorded in front of tens of thousands of people, the package also includes a two-hour-long tour documentary, that was made earnestly.

Tuomas Holopainen, the Imaginaerum tour, that included over 100 shows and 34 countries, came to an end at M'era Luna festival at the end of the summer. How are you feeling about the world tour that started in January 2012 and ended in August this year?

Like the Imaginaerum album the tour was quite a circus. We experienced unbelievably wonderful moments on the road, and then at times the whole group hit rock bottom. But when I now think about the whole thing afterwards, the band survived the worst ordeals surprisingly elegantly. At the moment I can only hope that all the parties are now happier than in the fall 2012... Yes, surely we wanted to see all the possible cards with Anette (Olzon, the former singer of Nightwish) - already because we had parted ways with one singer before - but then we simply couldn't continue our cooperation anymore.

But every cloud has a silver lining. If we talk about, for example, Anette-era studio albums "Dark Passion Play" and "Imaginaerum", the vocalist does an excellent job. Would someone have interpreted those songs better? I don't think so. I stand behind every vocal and song 100%.

Let's stick to this topic. When you think about the beginning of October 2012 - that is when Anette was rapidly replaced by Floor Jansen in the middle of the tour in USA - what comes to your mind?

All the events of those moments will be shown on the "Showtime, Storytime" dvd, which includes a long "Please Learn the Setlist in 48 Hours" documentary. The incomprehensible thing here is that Ville Lipií¤inen, the person who is making the documentary, happened to be with us when we changed our vocalist - Ville wasn't with us all the time. Someone of course thinks that he arrived at the place to immortalize moments that were planned beforehand, but this certainly wasn't the case. Ville had booked his USA flight already months before, but to make the documentary succeed he showed up just at the right time. Thanks to this coincidence Nightwish fans are going to see what kind of emotional rollercoaster there was for the band because of the sudden change of the singer.

I still want to remind that at the gloomiest moments of all that uncertainty and misery the feeling in the band remained positive and confident in many ways. When we made the final decision on changing the singer, the group felt a certain peace. It was like "okay, the situation went like this and after this things are going to work out fine". Floor Jansen of course deserves a very deep bow. I can't believe that any other singer would have done better job than Floor in those extremely challenging moments she had as a new vocalist of Nightwish in the fall 2012. The Nightwish fans, who certainly didn't abandon the band at the difficult moments, also deserve a bow as deep.

Let's speculate a little: what would have happened if Floor had refused?

Honestly, we didn't have any plan b. If Floor had refused to join Nightwish, we would probably have tried to continue the tour with the singers of Kamelot who toured with us then.

I have to mention, by the way, that I have heard comments like "I wish this change of singers had happened earlier on... Where would the band be if Floor had been the singer of Nightwish all the time". This kind of talking is absurd. The different things have happened because of the certain reasons and every decision has been made according to the circumstances at the time. An unknown path has led Nightwish to this moment and to this situation - end of story. I recommend not to make any kind of speculations - this band would never have reached this day without everything that has happened in the past.

That's all about the past. Let's jump to this moment and to the world of "Showtime, Storytime" dvd which will be released in the end of November. Why did you decide to immortalize exactly the Wacken Open Air festival concert?

At first we were planning that the dvd would only include a long documentary about the Imaginaerum tour. We were thinking back then that we would shoot the long-planned "Nightwish featuring orchestra and choir" gig on the tour that would come after the next studio album. That is we would release an extensive live dvd not until then.

So, the thought about recording an Imaginaerum concert came really late - in other words, sometime around the beginning of last summer. The timetable had its limits, since we only had a few festival gigs left at that point when the decision on recording a concert was made for good. Admittedly, it would have been great to plan everything a little more and think about all kinds of special things for the gig that would be recorded...

The suggestion to shoot the gig came from Nuclear Blast and personally I was a bit skeptical towards this idea at first. Nuclear Blast then pointed out that the mere documentary dvd won't sell, and to make the package interesting to the public there should be a full-length concert included as well. Then we rapidly decided to make it a fifty-fifty release which will be called "Showtime, Storytime". So, there will be a great show and an interesting story. I emphasize once more that this isn't a live dvd which has a documentary as a bonus, or vice versa, but both parts are completely equal in this package.

How nervous were you about the Wacken concert?

We had played a lot of concerts with pretty much the same setlist earlier in the summer, so the routine level of the band was very high. In other words, I wasn't nervous almost at all. I just thought that let's do a normal gig and enjoy it - and if there are some mishaps on the stage, they will just look comical on the record. Floor surely was the most nervous of us, since she considered the Wacken gig to be some kind of last and biggest chance for her to show that she can do it.

Tell a bit more about the "Please Learn the Setlist in 48 Hours" documentary.

Ville Lipií¤inen was with us already when we started the tour at the Key Club in Los Angeles and he then filmed us all over the globe. I can assure that a lot has been invested in this documentary. It also dives pretty deep into the world of Nightwish and into the band members' heads. Surely, there are also familiar elements in the documentary: live, drama and crazyness.

I guess I should also mention that Anette won't be seen or heard at all in the whole documentary. Ville had actually edited the first version of the dvd already - I mean a version where the former singer was normally there with us in all the happenings. Then we got a message from Anette stating: "any video or audio material that's related to me can't be seen or heard in this dvd release"... Anette hadn't seen even one second of the material that was on the dvd, but she still wanted to remove everything that's related to herself.

We then had to think a few times what we are going to do with this thing. Finally we decided to cut her off from the documentary even though that took several weeks. Luckily Ville is extremely gifted editor and he made the story work without Anette. Someone might surely wonder in the beginning of the document where the vocalist is hiding, but hopefully this question is forgotten while watching.

Let's take a look into the future. How does the future look for Nightwish?

As it's known, I'm working on my own "Music Inspired by the Life And Times of Scrooge" album during this fall. When this album is finished, I will focus on writing material for the next Nightwish album. We'll start to rehearse the new songs next July and the album should be ready before the end of 2014. The album is probably coming out in March-April 2015.

How are you feeling about the new Nightwish material?

I have written four songs at the moment and they sound a bit... well, more relaxed. I truly feel right now that the next Nightwish album might sound a bit more down to earth. For the last ten years the direction of the band has been without exception like "bigger, greater, more massive" and I've been thinking recently like "how would it feel like to make at least one album with a bit more old-school touch". On the other hand, I can reveal that the next album will include the longest song in Nightwish history. The theme of this piece will be such that it will certainly take about 20 minutes to tell the story.

Can you say yet how refined demos you are going to write this time? Or will there be more room than before for other Nightwish musicians' arrangement suggestions?

I'm not sure if my psyche can ultimately take that, but I've truly been thinking of leaving the preliminary demos a bit more open. Surely, the songs have changed in the rehearsals also before, but with the next album I think the tracks could be refined in the hands of the band even more than before. We could now start working on some songs by thinking like "here's the riff and here's the chorus, let's start working on it". I think some new perspective would certainly be found from that!

The timetable of the Imaginaerum tour was clearly more humane than the Dark Passion Play tour. What will the next Nightwish tour be like?

These are things that the band and the management have to think through together, but personally I liked the pace of the Imaginaerum tour and the amount of gigs. The Dark Passion Play tour, that included about 200 gigs, went admittedly a bit overboard... But then again, the current plan is that the next Nightwish tour will start in April-May 2015 and it's still quite a long time to that. The band will certainly be full of energy then and will think like "just book as many gigs as possible", so we'll see...

The last question: in what countries would you like Nightwish to perform in the future?

I think Iceland is on top of this list. We had a gig booked there once, but it was cancelled unfortunately. It would be great to play in South Africa - and you could say that you have performed on the continent of Africa. I have also heard such a story that some bands have been able to play in Greenland. That would be quite wonderful!
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 15, 2013, 03:44:32 pm
Ghpst Love Score @ Wacken (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 19, 2013, 06:55:58 pm
Marco Hietala - Nightwish (19/11/2013)
Marco Hietala of symphonic metal trope Nightwish is one of those people you could listen to talk for hours. The Finnish bassist recalls to me the many events leading up to the filming of their new documentary/live album Showtime, Storytime. Perhaps most notable of an event is the arrival of Floor Jansen as the group’s new lead vocalist after the departure of previous vocalist, Anette Olzon.

"When you look for somebody that can do these songs, you’ve got to find somebody who is serious about the quality. We’d already known Floor since 2002 when she was touring with After Forever and they were opening up for Nightwish in Europe for three and a half weeks, so we’ve known her for over ten years. When we had the situation that we were in we knew had to act fast. She was the first person who came to mind and she was perhaps the only one that could pull it off. So we gave her a call and asked if she could be onstage immediately, and she said yes."

Despite such a change within the line-up, Marco still feels that the quality of the groups work will remain as it always has.

"I don’t know if it’ll change that much. Tuomas Holopainen (keyboards) has always been the main man and he’d be writing stuff quite a lot but he’s also very open minded on whether someone’s got an idea for a song, like a riff or a melody or whatever, and it usually goes through his filter and then ends up on the album. It’s pretty much how we’d done it before, and it’s how we’ll still be doing it."

That being said, Marco most definitely believes the addition of Floor has elevated the bands live experience for the better, both for the band and their fans.

"As people can probably see from the live setting, it actually feels pretty good. I mean, with all the new energy and the new life in the band, it really works well with everything.  We would like to think that it shows at the shows."

Showtime, Storytime isn’t just a documentary on the current state of the band, as also attached is the band’s fifth performance at Germany’s legendary Wacken Open Air festival. Marco speaks with great pride as he describes the joy he felt for Nightwish’s fifth arrival at Waken to be immortalised on film. He tells of how Waken was chosen for the live album, and how the live album came to be at all.

"We already had the documentary in the works, and it was supposed to be released around this time, and (the people at) Nuclear Blast asked us if we’d be willing to shoot one of the Summer festivals. So we started setting up and we thought that Waken, being one of the big heavy metal festivals there is, might be a good place for it."

This live performance is a numerous amount of firsts for Nightwish, with it sharing the honour of their first documentary along with the first recorded instance of Floor playing with the band. To Marco, this seems like the ushering in of a new era to the band.

"When we think back, it was a really good decision to shoot the live show, because we’ve got a lot of back catalogue, a lot of stuff from the olden days and now we had a chance to present it to a lot more people with this line-up that we have now. It’s kind of like an introduction to Floors work with the band. So now we’ve got it out, next year we’ll be moving on to new stuff."

Marco, being not only the bassist in Nightwish, is also the front man of metal band Tarot, and this hint of new content is too much of a curiosity. I ask what the writing process is for a renowned musician.

"Well, the writing process is something that I’m sort of prepared to happen anywhere, anytime. Ideas and inspiration are actually things I’m quite open about. You can normally go pretty far with the whole structure of a song, but sometimes you may have some bits and pieces that sound good by themselves but you don’t know how they fit. So, you present these things to the people you work with and then see what they come up with. With a band like Nightwish or Tarot you’ve got to like the sound, and everybody’s got to raise something so that they’re comfortable with what they’re playing."

Lastly, the conversation turns again back to the Wacken festival. The festival is known throughout the world, with metal fans trekking from around the globe to Germany every year simply to claim attendance. To be placed amongst the line-up once would be an achievement, let alone five times. Marco is humble yet excited as he explains his experience onstage at this momentous event.

"It feels good, of course. It’s nice to just be yourself and matter to a lot of people and to matter to the people putting on the festival want you to play there and to be adored so much that you have 80,000 people watching. It feels rewarding most of all. After all, we’re doing music for the people while we do it for ourselves, and seeing it reach out to so many people is really goddamn rewarding."

Showtime, Storytime is out in Australia on the 29th of November.

Ben Spencer
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 20, 2013, 04:15:42 pm
The speculations remained until the end, but now it is official: FLOOR JANSEN is the new singer of NIGHTWISH! In a cloak-and-dagger operation, she threw herself into the breach, adopted the Finns' live repertoire in record time and, 48 hours after receiving the call from the states that would change everything for her, she took the stage, together with the possibly most successful symphonic metal band of all time. She came, she sang and she conquered, taking the hearts of the band and of all NIGHTWISH fans by storm. The brand new live package “Showtime, Storytime” is dedicated to her and contains the breathtaking headlining performance at this year's Wacken Open Air, as well as a brilliant two-hour documentary, aptly named “Please Learn The Setlist In 48 Hours”.
Additions to the family

“The decision was an obvious one for us,” begins mastermind and exceptional composer Tuomas Holopainen. “We deliberately left it open, but after the fantastic time with Floor, we had no reason to look for a new vocalist. We discussed this within the band after the US tour and all agreed on this matter. We did this again after we completed some festivals. Again, all were in favor, and finally, we asked Floor if she wanted to join the band as a permanent member. I admit, I knew how she would decide, because she was highly motivated from the get-go, noticably happy and did her job wholeheartedly. Originally, we wanted to wait with the public announcement till Christmas, yet, in the light of the »Showtime, Storytime« release, where Floor took the center stage, there was no reason anymore to keep word from getting out.” On tour, there was no plan B. From the beginning, the Dutchwoman was the preferred candidate and she proved to everyone that she was up to the role and that she wouldlead NIGHTWISH to a new dimension with her powerful soprano. Meanwhile, the keyboardist has already begun writing songs for a new CD, where the words “back to the roots” were also dropped – it was not, however, his intention to indicate a regression. “Together with Tarja, we made five wonderful, operatic metal albums, which we are unbelievably proud of and which will forever be a part of our history, but this is not where want to go back to. Floors voice is incredibly versatile, which will open up new possibilities. Time will tell, for we are currently only starting out with the songwriting process.” The NIGHTWISH family, however, gained another addition, because besides Floor, flute player Troy Donockley has been accepted into the band as a permanent member. “Troy spent the whole 18-month »Imaginaerum« tour cycle with us. He became such an important part of the band, thus making it natural to accept him as an official band member. Right now, he is not playing many songs live, but I expect that his share will increase significantly on the new tracks. He plays the most diverse sorts of flutes and he is a very good singer, so besides the backing vocals he can also take on one or two lead vocal passages. He also plays acoustic guitars and other, exotic instruments in an excellent way. Aside from all that, he has a great character and brings loads of warmth and light into the band. And he is a magician, who baffles us with his tricks again and again,” smirks the charismatic keyboardist, who is notably glad that the turbulent line up changes took a turn for the better.
Collegial love declaration

The now 32-year-old lead singer started her vocal career at the tender age of 16 with AFTER FOREVER, with whom she recorded five studio albums until the breakup in 2009. “I still remember the AFTER FOREVER debut album »Prison of Desire« well, especially the song 'Follow In The City', which appealed to me in an incredible way,” reminisces Tuomas. “Two years later, AFTER FOREVER joined us on our tour, so I could watch them live on every evening. Already back then, Floor was a confident, grandiose vocalist with charisma. Because of this, we knew her as a person as well – and when we came to the point to replace Anette, she was our first and, admittedly, only choice. I knew that she liked NIGHTWISH, that she was familiar with our material and that she even covered our number “She Is My Sin” with AFTER FOREVER. When we asked for her help in the middle of our US tour, she agreed immediately and flew over to us." For Floor, the decision didn't take even a second. “It was simply unbelievable. I got the call on the day of my sister Irene's wedding. So I also came to tie the knot, with the band.” It was an emotional decision. “Declining was out of the question. Yet, after my commitment, I started to think, and I realised what kind of big challenge the whole thing would become. However, it was the best thing that could have ever happened to me.” All these secrets will be revisited on the thrilling documentary “Please Learn The Setlist In 48 Hours”. “What a fitting title,” laughs the powerful-voiced chanteuse. “This DVD brings back all feelings and also shows the mental condition which everybody was in. I spent these 48 hours booking a flight, packing my bags, printing the lyrics and dragging the songs onto my mobile phone and computer. So, armed with my headphones and the lyrics, I drove to the airport and spent the time on the plane in a similar manner. I touched down in the states at 1 o'clock in the morning, it was impossible to think of sleeping. At 4AM, I was picked up by the nightliner, still too stressed to sleep. So I met the first band members who stayed awake to greet me. During the journey, we rehearsed non-stop until my head got heavy at some point. Yet, I couldn't sleep or eat. In my head, there was one thought: Do this show and don't mess it up! That is what I did – and I was never more nervous than in that moment."
The H-hour
Band leader Tuomas wasn't any less tense but tried to transfer his outward calm to Floor. “When we arrived at Seattle, we rehearsed for 2 hours before the lot of us had to take the stage. Despite being nervous, I was also optimistic enough to think that all would go well. Floor tried to hide her tension, but you could tell by looking at her just what was going on in her head. When we started the rehearsal with “I Want My Tears Back”, a weight was lifted off our minds, because from that moment we knew that we would make it. Maybe it didn't sound perfect, but the difference wasn't that great. After the rehearsal and the first show with her, everybody was totally happy and loved the prospect of how good we would sound after some weeks together with Floor. The thing that made me happy the most was that nobody returned their concert tickets and that all our fans gave Floor such a warm welcome. Right now, at this moment, one year later, when I think back to all these things, it all appears like a dream, with its fulfillment seeming unbelievable to me.” Floor has to take a deep breath when thinking back to that day. “A cold was advancing, then there was the jet lag and a bronchitis virus that was circulating in the tour bus. Because of this, my voice lost some of its power and I could only sing with my head voice, which increased the challenge even further. Additionally, I had to bring some of the lyrics with me on stage, because it was nearly impossible to learn them all in such a short time. Despite all the stress and the inevitable pressure, I think that, in hindsight, it was great show that progressed splendidly.” It all came how it should and they got off to a dream start, especially the power woman from Holland. “I had to plunge in at the deep end, but there are also many positives when you don't have the time to think about pleasing everyone, if you live up to all the expectations, how the fans would react or if you even fit in the band. Only over time I realized how I lucky I was that I was received so warmly by all sides. The encouragement gave me an extra push of energy and motivation.”
Holy grounds

The third to last show of the extraordinary »Imaginaerum« cycle took place at the world's biggest Heavy Metal festival; at the Wacken Open Air in Northern Germany. “It is the metal paradise – for the fans as well as the bands,” gushes the front lady. “It was not the size of the festival that made me nervous, but knowing that the show would be recorded for a DVD release. The gig itself just flew past me, but I enjoyed every single moment. During the show, I changed my outfit repeatedly, which is a thing I don't like to do normally, because it gives me the feeling that I lose the flow. So I was all the more happy that everything worked flawlessly. We stood in the midst of a thunderstorm of pyros, which, as a musician on stage, I can't see all, but you feel them, and this pushes your adrenaline levels upwards immensely.” The Wacken gig was the grandest show with the biggest audience and thus predestined for a live recording. “Originally, we only wanted to release the tour documentary, but our label made it palatable to top the package off with a big show, which we cottoned up to gradually. The first two days I was still against it, because I wanted an extraordinary show at a special location for a live release, with an orchestra, guests and a myriad of protagonists – which we couldn't do in the short of time, however. A 'normal' festival showed didn't seem enough to me, yet, when viewed in the whole package, it rounds off the documetary and shows where we stood – together with Floor – at the end of this particular journey. This is why the DVD is entitled »Showtime, Storytime« – because it is both: a story and a concert.” Most of all, it rounds off the exceptional total work of art »Imaginaerum«, which started with an effortful, time-consuming and expensive studio production and ended in a motion picture that, while consuming several millions, reflects visions so complex yet dreamlike. The film was accompanied by an innovative soundtrack and this history-charged tour that culminated in the engagement of Floor Jansen. “You want to know if I had the nerves to do this all again? I think yes, because actions like this are what distinguishes the band. There is drama and emotion, but we always follow our heart and instinct. If we planted it in our mindes that we want to do a movie, then we would do it. This also why it is hard for me to tell where the journey for the next CD is headed. At the moment, I have four songs done that have indeed an OldSchool feeling to them and are designed to be less orchestral. But there is so much that could happen, so many things that even I cannot anticipate. At any rate, I feel really good, my head is clear and it can focus fully on the music, without having to think about movies and soundtracks.” Before NIGHTWISH will please us with the next LP in the coming year, Tuomas Holopainen's first solo album will be released, where he devotes himself to Scrooge McDuck's story, the rich comic duck from Duckburg. Tuomas made no pretence of the fact that the comic books shaped his childhood and that he likes, to this day, to immerse himself in these stories – he always emphasizes that he is an advocate of the ducks, not the mice. “Right now while we are talking to each other, I'm in the control room of the studio, where we are recording the banjos and acoustic guitars. We progress beautifully. The orchestra and the choirs are already recorded and I have finished my piano parts, too. I expect that we are finished in, roughly, a month and that we release the disc possibly a the end of April, 2014. What I brought to reality with this is a dream that I carried with me since the »Oceanborn« tour in 1999. Whenever I read this special book titled »The Lift And Times Of Scrooge McDuck«, a music hovers in my head, a music that desperately desires to be brought out.” In Germany, the book was released under the title: Onkel Dagobert – Sein Leben, seine Milliarden. “I liked the idea of wrting a soundtrack for a book, instead of a movie. It isn't something that happened very frequently in music history. I was also very delighted that the book's author, Mr. Don Rosa, found the idea to be very welcome and that he will visit us in the studio in the coming week. I'm very excited about his reaction and what he has to say about the final version.” NIGHTWISH fans may also look forward to this; while the metal aspect may be missing for the most part, the composer's handwriting is unmistakable. “It is film music with folk and classical elements. There are no drums, bass or electric guitars – most parts are based on orchestra, acoustic guitars and piano. These are, however, also important parts of NIGHTWISH's sound cosmos. "When Pip Williams, who is writing the orchestra arrangements for NIGHTWISH, heard the songs for the first time, he described it as being different from NIGHTWISH but with the clear handwriting of me. He believed, that the composer is immediately recognizable. I take that as a compliment.” The album will be mostly instrumental, but there also some renowned guest singers. “All in all it is a great story that shaped me and that has so much to tell about life and the beauty of the world. Additionally, the character is incredibly interesting, because he doesn't just incorporate wealth, but also love for the family and many other stories.”
Leopold Lukas
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 21, 2013, 03:37:28 pm
Entrevista a Marco

In November 2011 Nightwish released their 7th studio album, Imaginaerum. Two months later they embarked on an 18-month, 104-concert world tour that would be a journey of ups and downs.  At its worst moment, the entire tour was under threat and the band parted ways with vocalist Anette Olzen.  Yet less than a year later the band brought the tour to a triumphant close in front of a massive crowd at Wacken 2013.

The music and the emotions of that year and a half have been recorded on the band’s new 2 DVD Showtime, Storytime release.  Their 85 minute live performance at Wacken makes up the musical “Showtime” DVD and captures the band at its highest point. Seventeen cameras bring all the action live into your living room. It’s a gig that Marco Hietala will never forget. “I think there were 82,000 people, probably the biggest audience that we’ve played for, it gives you a pretty powerful vibe”, he says. “As a Finnish country boy, when you lift your fist up into the air and you see that there are people stretching so far that they go to the horizon, you pretty much feel like a King for the day.”

The second part of the new DVD release is the “Storytime” documentary.  In many ways this is the heart of this release for Nightwish fans. It’s an emotional and very honest glimpse into a band in turmoil.  Hietala remembers the troubled times well, “The hole was deep and dark. When you are there in that moment and things are happening it’s really like a chaotic blur and a desperate struggle for survival – are we going to be able to do the show, is the whole tour going to fall over. It was a difficult time and you see people pretty raw and emotionally tired and worn out.  There’s no faking with the emotions or the attitudes or anything, that’s what it was.”

From the moment the notice appears on screen that former vocalist Olzen has requested her image and voice not appear in any part of the documentary, you know the split between band and singer still has at least some raw edges. Throughout, the band seem careful to not want to point fingers or lay blame. Hietala sums it up pretty simply, “We haven’t really been talking. Sometimes you get over things, sometimes it takes time. This much I know for sure, it was best for everyone. I don’t think she would disagree with that.”

The second part of the documentary focuses on the (initially) temporary recruitment of Dutch vocalist Floor Jansen.  The plan was simple – a phone call, a one way flight to Salt Lake City, and two days to learn and rehearse a set of 15 songs.  As Hietala explains “you also get to see how the whole thing lifts up and gets airborne again, and that to me is really a great thing to see. It reminds me of how good it felt to actually find the confidence and the joy in everything again.  Those were pretty amazing times to go through, I’m pretty proud of myself and my mates for having the will power and the collective attitude to do everything possible to make things happen, and then as a reward we really got it going.  It felt good.”

Jansen was an instant hit and following the tour’s conclusion the band announced she was joining as a full time member, reversing an earlier press release that no decisions would be made until at least 2014. At the same time they also ‘upgraded’ pipe player Troy Donockley from live session member to permanent member.  Hietala offers some thoughts on the timing, “We consciously tried to stay away from that decision during the tour because we wanted to be able to concentrate on doing the shows and forget about everything else.  But when we had done the US tour and South America and Australia, we started to feel as a band ‘do we really need to fix this thing because it doesn’t seem to be broken’.  We’d said we wouldn’t make a decision until 2014 but then the DVD and documentary were coming up so it made no sense to try and circle around the issue anymore, it would be better to deal with it right now.”

When original vocalist Tarja Turunen was fired in 2005 and replaced by Olzen there was a definite divide amongst fans.  In 2013 the response has been very different, with Floor being almost universally accepted.  “Of course she pretty much shines as a vocalist and a personality, so that affects people”, explains Hietala. “Tarja was the face and the voice back then, and this time around there wasn’t that kind of weight of the past. It’s the second time that it happened so it’s not such a big deal anymore.  All of these things are part of why it went so easily.”

In a further sign that the past is now firmly the past, Floor appeared on stage with Tarja in Belgium last month to perform a duet of Over The Hills, a track often played over the years by Nightwish.  It very much felt like ‘moving on’.  Hietala agrees, “Moving on is a good thing, you don’t want to live in the past and be bitter about things. I haven’t really been in that much of touch with Tarja but we happened to bump into each other at an airport here in Finland, she was asking how my kids where and I was asking where she was going and whatever.  It was totally friendly.”

After the trials and triumphs of 2012 and 2013 the band is now taking a well earned break. With studio time booked for the middle of next year it will most likely be 2015 before we see a new Nightwish album and tour. For now there’s “Showtime, Storytime” to fill the gap, and it’s essential viewing.
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 22, 2013, 05:52:14 pm
Otro trailer (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 23, 2013, 04:15:47 pm
Marco the Metal Man
The greatest love of Marco Hietala's childhood has remained.
The house is located on the shore of a lake in Kuopio. The kids have a short way to go to swim. It's peaceful and there's room. Marco Hietala and his family moved from Helsinki metropolitan area back to his roots, into Savonia three years ago.
- I like silence. I have so many situations which have constant noise, so absolutely the best moments are those when I can be at home reading on the couch.
From Rock Clubs into Concert Halls
Marco Hietala is known as the bassist and vocalist for the band Nightwish that is famous around the world.
- At the moment, I'm concentrating on the Raskasta Joulua [eng. Heavy Christmas] tour. During the winter we exchange demos with the members of Nightwish and in the summer we will rehearse together again.
This is the ninth time that the Raskasta Joulua tour is going to be arranged and this year it will move from rock clubs into concert halls. Traditional Christmas carols, which have been arranged into metal music, are going to be performed in the shows. Besides Hietala there will be a group of other metal men performing as well.
- On the tour there will be about ten Finnish heavy rock singers as vocalists, but of course all of us won't be performing every night.
Hietala will be performing in the concerts both in Vantaa and Helsinki.
Help for Disabled Children
This year you can donate money to the Finnish Evangelical Lutheran Mission in the Raskasta Joulua concerts.
The idea was born when the Finnish Evangelical Lutheran Mission asked Erkka Korhonen, the leader and guitarist of the Raskasta Joulua team, if they would be interested in a collaboration.
The Finnish Evangelical Lutheran Mission has the Kauneimmat Joululaulut [eng. The Most Beautiful Christmas Carols] events and the metal men has the Raskasta Joulua tour. Korhonen asked opinions of his team. Would it be suitable to combine missionary work and metal men?
- Frankly, what is important in the collaboration is that money will be collected for disabled children who live in bad conditions abroad. It's the kind of helping we want to support, even though  we are not a confessional regiment per se, Hietala says.
The most important thing to the Raskasta Joulua team in making Christmas music is that the songs remind of Christmas. For Marco Hietala, Christmas is an opportunity to forget the absurd hassle and information flood of everyday routine.
- Christmas stirs something inside a human. When Christmas Eve is getting closer, I know I can now turn off the phone and shut the doors and be in peace with my family. I think it's great that once a year there is this kind of thing that is done in a ritualistic way and when you can shut the world outside.
Despite their popularity, the Raskasta Joulua albums and tours have also been criticized. There has been criticism from two different directions, but Hietala knows what he is doing.
- Some people who support more modern rock are saying that it would be okay to listen to our Christmas carols, but the hypocrisy is confusing and the religious message is too much. Then again, some religious people have thought that we have disgraced something sacred. To all this I would say that the world isn't just as small as your imagination.
Home Alone
When Marco Hietala was a child, a lot of music was listened to in his family. The father had old jazz, classical music, rock albums and Irish folk music in his collections.
- I have a strong celtic connection which probably led me to listen to a lot of progressive rock band Jethro Tull later. Then I got crazy about heavy guitar rock.
Heavier albums, that were borrowed from the big brother and a neighbor kid, started playing on the record player: Deep Purple, Black Sabbath and Rainbow. Punk Rock was listened to as well. Beatles has never stopped being good either, on Hietala's opinion.
- I have listened to all kinds of music, but the greatest love from the childhood, heavy rock, has remained.
Hietala's own articulacy was unleashed during lonely afternoons at home, when mother and father were at work.
- When I was about 11 years old, I developed a weird habit. I read the texts of the vinyls, listened to the songs and sang along them at full blast. I also started to play Dad's acoustic guitar.
In a couple of years time from that Marco Hietala was founding his first band with his friends and big brother. Marco became the singer like by accident, because the other teenage boys didn't have the guts for it.
- I sang, it worked out and I noticed that I like this.
Sturdy Layers of Guitars
Loud noise is usually linked to heavy rock: Guitars play at full and singers sing high and loud. Marco Hietala thinks that it's not so straightforward.
- There are many features to heavy rock. I don't want to limit my possibilities and chain myself. In my expression, an important thing is contrast which is how to go from more delicate levels to the maximum. But admittedly sturdy, big layers of guitars with distortion are an obvious sign that it's metal music.
Nowadays, there are many bands that play metal music. Hietala is tired of oversupply.
- Inside the genre there are guys who have only listened to one kind of music. When they then make their own music, it inevitably becomes a bit inbred, nuance-less and boring.
- Fortunately, there are also players who can combine and build their patterns and chords in an unprejudiced way so that they don't always go the same way.
With years, Hietala's taste in music has expanded.
- As a teenager the need for rock'n roll was big. Nowadays I can listen objectively and like musical things that wouldn't have crossed my mind as a teenager. For example, it would have been very shameful if one mistakenly said to their friends that there is a good arrangement for a bass in Kari Tapio's song.
Manly Music Making
In addition to the noisiness, there is certain manliness to the metal music. Hietala is smiling to that kind of statement. He may know what this is about.
- Well, of course there's easily some testosterone in that kind of amount of energy. Sometimes the approach of the metal music is also hideous and scabby, and that suits better for men.
- Then again, it's not any criterion. We have had women fronting in Nightwish for years. I do completely allow women the position they have taken in music. Especially in pop music, there are a lot of fronting women.
He gets excited to think about it more. Being in a band might be a thing that's more for men than for women, in Hietala's opinion.
- In the boyish groups of bands the humor is often low and stupid. Women want to be above that kind of humor. I understand them completely. And they can, of course, be above it!
- The equality of men and women is talked about a lot. Of course we should be as equal as possible, but we have differences too, which is only inevitable.
One Thing at a Time
Marco Hietala tries to focus on the essentials in the music and in his life. He thinks that you don't always need to be attuned to the times and you don't need to know everything about everything.
- It's enough that you know enough about your own things. One day at a time and one thing at a time.
- Nowadays there is a lot of everything that's trying to be both informative and entertaining at the same time. So let's forget about the unnecessities: checking out the ideals that Hollywood created for women, following the fashion magazines, reality tv and half of the information on newspapers.
Hietala appreciates the kind of traits in human like open-mindedness, fairness and justness. In his own life, he wishes to realize the things to learn and want to learn also.
- It's as simple as that, he says.
- And if one could also write a few good songs and put them on an album, then that would be a way to get some self-fulfilment.
For Hietala, self-fulfilment means that one's own spiritual side should be taken care of.
- The better you are feeling, the better you react to other people and the better they feel also. We all have an impact on each other.
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 23, 2013, 09:01:12 pm
Entrevista a Tuomas (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 24, 2013, 04:44:17 pm
The Nightwish rocker Marco Hietala can best let go of his work and the ideas spinning in his head by playing around with his 12-year-old sons.
The singer/bassist  Marco Hietala, known from the bands Nightwish and Tarot, is involved in many music projects.
Hietala admits, that for him making music is both an escape and an obsession at the same time.
-I cannot sit on the couch too long before a ticking starts in my head suggesting that this should be done and that should be done.
Nowadays I can afford to choose my projects quite carefully, whereas before I made music to commercials in order to put food on the table, Hietala tells to
On Friday, November 15, Hietala and the other musicians behind the Heavy Christmas -album go on tour which lasts till the end of this year.
Hietala says he finds in everyday chores the best way to let go of work. 
-Home couch is holiday. Sometimes it feels like this music business destroys the joy of travelling, although we have done that too, the musician says.
-When we're laughing our heads off with my boys for something stupid, it really doesn't cross my mind whether I have gig tomorrow or not.
But on the other hand, it's such an in-built thing this matter of making music, that it inevitably takes you over every now and then, Hietala reflects on music business.
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 25, 2013, 04:31:00 pm
Trailer del documental (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 26, 2013, 03:52:11 pm
Floor Jansen is a well known name amongst Nightwish fans as the Dutch vocalist took over vocal duties on the Nightwish US tour and has been fronting them since then, and is now an official fulltime official member. Floor Jansen’s own band ReVamp recently made the visit to Finland, supporting Kamelot on the European tour. had the pleasure to talk to Floor Jansen about the recent ReVamp album WILD CARD and of course Nightwish and her other musical adventures. Read on !



After a crazy, crazy last year, and especially half of this year – How does it feel to be back in this size of a club?             

It’s like coming home. I have been playing smaller clubs for 14 years. So it takes more adjusting to the bigger size stages and the bigger everything than this. And I am not here for the ego; I’m here for the music. Whether it’s on a big stage or a small, you can make the music. So, that’s what counts as far as I’m concerned.

How do you prepare yourself for smaller places or big scale festivals when playing Nightwish or ReVamp as the difference is huge anyway?

Yeah. But it’s making music and it’s about singing and me wearing a stage outfit and getting makeup done, so the rituals are kind of the same. But the biggest difference for me is the length of the show, if it’s really full on, like a 100 men show or longer, like really long shows. They just take more energy. So then I don’t do so much journey today just to get all the energy I have really for the show, with the shorter shows there is more energy left for other things. And so, I can do more. Like today I was very busy with interviews, we went to the Dutch embassy and we were invited there very nicely here in Helsinki. So, then I have more energy left for that. It’s more like it.

On this tour, how has it been working with Kamelot? They are your old friends, right ?                     

Well, we toured a year ago together. I know then from that period and that was very great time. So, it’s nice to be here, to be back with them. The first time was in the States and they were supporting  Nightwish and now we are in Europe and we are working with them as a support band.


Talking about the new ReVamp album, WILD CARD. I have listened to the album a couple of times by now. There are a few guests doing the vocals. How did you pick up those visitors for the album? Did they come by naturally or did you have the name on your mind, old friends?

A little made of everything actually, for like their solo singers like Mark Jansen from Epica, and Devin Townsend, they were on the” Wish list”. What would be cool people to have on the album, make the album extra rich with a different kind of vocals and we had a couple of ideas. But then you have to have the songs that fit to it. So, that’s kind of how it matched when we had “Misery’s No Crime”,  that was nice with Mark and “Neurasthenia” could have been a Devin Townsend song in a way. I don’t want to brag about it, because his music is so good, but it has a bit of that five that we fit to him and we have to hope that he actually says yes. Which he did. Another guest is the bass player from Stream of Passion. Our former bass player left very sudden before the recording. We were in need of someone professional good. And he is there to help us out. So that was spontaneous guest number one. And then his wife and singer of Stream of Passion Marcela and Daniel de Jongh from Textures another Dutch band. They came in when we realized that a traditional choir like we used to have on the first ReVamp and also what we used to use with, After Forever, wasn’t really necessary on this album.  We used good vocalists with a lot of experience in studios and harmonies and metal. And then came the choir with me, so that all together made a very long list of guests.

It’s funny actually, I just played new ReVamp album at home and my girlfriend asked, “Is that the new Nightwish album” – I was like “No”, how do you like that comment?

Some parts have the vibe of it, but a lot of it, it’s much roll I think and more aggressive style.

You have written your own music for years and years, first for After Forever and now for ReVamp. When you start working on songs, how do you decide which ones are suitable for ReVamp and how you decide as a band which ones will end up for the actual album?

It was a bit of a process of course, but what we did as a band is to make like a move board for what we wanted on the album. It was a bit of a shortlist of ingredients, like we wanted to be heavy guitar oriented, that more diverse vocal styles, more modern use of keyboards and sensitize our sounds, not necessarily super orchestral. Let’s play around with that and see what we can do. Then we just, every band member came with a list of songs. Like, I just like this band in general or that verse is cool because of the sound or listen to this for the guitar sound, or the way they write the songs structure wise, that’s cool. Everyone did that and became very long list of inspiring songs. They can just become your inspiration, and from there we started writing and that really worked, because it all kept us on the same level and we had a producer to keep us there to follow the path. Which is really good, especially because let’s say at 80% song writing process was made without me because I joined Nightwish and I was basically away all the time. So, I had to finish things in the few weeks that I was at home for the vocals, because I write the vocal lines and the lyrics but I didn’t write any of the music on this album.

If you think about the future, as nobody knows what’s going to happen, but it seems bright. But have you discussed with Tuomas about how much you will have the freedom to do things of your own with Nightwish,  I mean writing etc?

Well, I love being creative, but regardless of its Nightwish or ReVamp or any other thing that I will do or did. The song is the most important thing, and my ego wanting to write something. So, if Tuomas writes something that is great, like he’s always done, I don’t feel any need to come in and say, “Yeah. We’ve done a new single and I have to write because I can”. But if there’s space for it or I start doing something and there might be some space for that, sure I would love that. But only if it makes the song sound better.


The former vocalists of Nightwish never wrote anything for the band. So, this is going to be an interesting and new situation for Nightwish?

True. But you know, these things grow and I don’t think you can really predict it like Marco writes as well. And we will find our way there, but like I said the song is what matters the most for me.

But you still want to leave your own mark?

But I will anyway through my singing.With my voice, the interpretation, even if the songs that we all know with other singers it sounds different when I sing it.

How much do you have to change your vocal style depending on if you’re singing with ReVamp or with the Nightwish material. Do you have to change your key or something like that?

No. I don’t think you can sing with anything else than your own voice. Maybe for a cover song on a Karaoke night, you can pretend to sound the singer of AC/DC or something like that. But if you do this professionally like every time, you have to use your sound and see if it fits, and I can play with little more rock or little more pro or little whatever, you know the song I need and that has been a nice puzzle or a game to play. That is why my sound is different from other ladies, and just because like in the past.

When you joined Nightwish, what was the most challenging song for you to sing?

Actually at the beginning I found “Amaranth” the most challenging, because I’m not used to the more poppy vibe. I really had to find my way there to use my voice. Actually that was. So, it was not the high or the long notes or stuff like that. But some of the songs were just there immediately, slow off slow for some reason, I never sung in that style before but it was just “wow”, that song there. Go slow of score immediately there. But “Amaranth” took a little while for me to make my own.

What many critiques have said in recent Nighwish live reviews is that Marco Hietala has finally found a true challenger from you on stage. Do you challenge him in purpose? “Laughs”                   

Sure. We have some things, so we sing together. We started doing together or parts where on the album, there was no female’s voice with him. With life it’s just I pick a harmony and I can put on the rocky side too. So, that’s nice to play with actually. So, yeah, it’s a nice challenge but yeah. What an honor it is to sing with a guy like that, it is.

How do you set the priorities, because ReVamp is going really strong right now being on the tour and got a new album. Well Nightwish is on hold now, but in the future he said nobody knows what happens in the future but how are you going to set the priority between the bands, because you want to do both ReVamp and Nightwish in the future as well?

Well, I don’t think you can do it at the same time. The last year, there were periods where I had to do two things, not even a one day but sometimes in one week, that is already a lot because you want to focus on something and both is big, you want to go in all the way. So, I don’t see myself doing it at the same time. But usually Nightwish has a working cycle of two years. So, two years of touring and then there is one year of the period of rest and writing, recording. I think there is a possibility of doing both, and so now indeed to the last show with Nightwish was known, and in the summer will start with the recordings and the rehearsals for the new album. But then that gives me a lot of months to fully tour with ReVamp. And how that has to continue, I don’t know exactly and ReVamp is a band and I’m not the only one in it. So, everyone needs to be okay with this kind of rhythm. So we talked about it and it feels like the right thing to do, the whole Nightwish story helps ReVamp to grow too.

Of course it helps to to get the ReVamp name known better, right?                         

Absolutely. So, yeah. It would be wonderful to be able to do both.

Have you heard any of the solo stuff that Tuomas is working right now?                           

Yeah. It’s Scrooge McDuck. It’s the name. I’ve seen the artwork, I’ve seen some of the things they were working on. The great thing about Tuomas, I think is that he has a vision of, he has a dream, something that he wants to do. This is like a big childhood dream, and he just makes it happen and I think what I heard sounds unique. In a way recognizable for his writing style, you can hear that it’s him when it’s absolutely not Nightwish, it has nothing to do with it and he uses all kinds of instruments really. I haven’t heard the whole thing, but what I heard is like, “Okay. Where does it come from? Amazing.”

You were asked to fill in with Nightwish at the last minute, but I guess you used to know all the habits and the manners that Nightwish guys used to have, because you have toured with them with your old band After Forever?

Yeah. But that’s 10 years ago, so people do change over time a little bit. But at least we got to know each other back then, and we stay in touch but it’s not like I really knew them like I don’t today.


What Nightwish fans are now talking about now is that “one duet” which you did with some certain person a couple of weeks ago. Tell something more about that?

Well, it was actually a spontaneous idea from Tarja. I mean the festival were to play is the epicenter of metal with female singers. We were both there. We have been knowing each other also for 10 years and we have never sung together. We get really tired of all the bullshit on the Internet, whose best and who should sing in Nightwish. And it is what it is today, we are both good singers, we both make our own music. So, hey! Now you have two bands. All the things we can say about it kind of was, this is our statement, we can make music together, we can have fun together. All these soap operas that people might just think have nothing to do with us. Whatever went down between Nightwish and her has nothing to do with me in Nightwish or me and Tarja, all of that. This is just about music, that is what we wanted to do and it was really fun.

Did you get any feedback from the Nightwish camp after doing that?

I already told them before hand, I’m going to do that and they were all like, “Really good, please send our regards.” I don’t know, if they’ve seen it, but I have heard that they were happy that I had done it.

Doing things like that clears some air for sure?

Yeah. Like it has nothing to do with whatever went down between them that was our statement. We are two singers and we can sing together, and have fun together and drinking a glass of wine and how many girls in the world do the same that we do. There are only a couple. So, it’s always really nice to sit down and talk with someone who knows.

Do you have plans to work more with Arjen Lucassen in the future?

Sure. He’s just finishing or just kind of those time, been so busy where he is with his new album. So, I won’t be on that one but on the new, you never know. I’ve always enjoyed working with him on both, the Ayreon projects or Star One.

How did you start working with Arjen in the first place?

We were both in the same label. So you got to introduce to me, I got introduced to him through the label and that was with the House of Mars back in 2001 or 2000 I think, yeah, 13 years ago. So, I was just a teenager.

Speaking of Holland, back in the day there were a lot of death metal bands coming out of Holland like Pestilence. Nowadays the Dutch metal is known for female vocalists. I have been wondering what you think, there are a lot of bands fronted by great female singers like Epica, Stream of Passion. Well maybe The Gathering started out…

My theory is that once there is a successful band, there is a platform. People in the audience have seen the band, they want to see that again or something similar, booking agencies I think that works, I want to have something like that, the record labels. So, a platform starts and it can grow if there is a second band that comes in and it’s good too and it starts to work. And then comes another band they’ve never seen.

I think that from your point of view,  there was kind of a huge metal invasion coming from Finland from like 15-20 years ago, but before that there was nothing..

The same for us, I mean that it didn’t grow as big as it did here in Finland nationally. Our biggest effort is the international. People outside, looking into the Netherlands are like its big export product. And we have so many female rock bands that are successful, but in the Netherlands, man! We have to fight for every stupid press release.

Before all these female bands, we only knew names Adrian Vandenberg, Vengeance and Pestilence.

Pestilence (Big Smile)

Okay our time is running out, thank you for your time Floor and see you later on!

You’re very welcome. Thanks for the interview
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 27, 2013, 03:59:14 pm
Nightwish are the pioneers of the female fronted metal scene, they've been through numerous lineup changes, but they still manage to stay on top of their game, selling out shows and making good music enjoyed all over the world. We had the pleasure to talk with Marco Hietala about all the things Nightwish, the new DVD coming soon, the transition to the new lineup, their plans for a new album, Tarot news, Marco's guest appearances and much more!
Hello Marco, how are you?
I'm doing good, just basically lying here at home on the couch.

That's good, are you in Finland?
Yeah I'm in Finland, overcoming (?) freezing times...

We're still waiting for the winter to come here, it's pretty hot still...
Well, you're in Greece, here it's cold already!

I guess it's even warmer than what we expected for November.
Sounds good to me! Can I come over? (laughs)

Of course, anytime you want just tell me when to expect you! I guess you won't be at home for too long, you are very busy as a musician and you travel a lot.
That's true, but I've been having quite a good time off from traveling and all that, I mean, I have some recordings and all that but, that doesn't really take me too far away from home because I do most of that in my home, at my workshop.

So it's kind of a relaxing and resting period for you, right?
Um, it has been but of course, now that you're mentioning it I'm actually leaving on Friday to do some of these heavy Christmas shows that we've been doing with some people already almost ten years here in Finland, so I'm going to be away from home for about a week.

So what are these Christmas songs you talked about? Are you playing Christmas songs?
Yeah, that's true! There's a band, actually the guy who started it who is playing in the band, he is a guitar player Mr. Erkka Korhonen who is also playing guitar in Northern Kings, so yeah, it's traditional Christmas songs ranging to symphonic epic heavy metal, and we're doing that and I'm one of the vocalists and there's gonna be four vocalists at least every night and in some places even more. I guess in the Helsinki shows we're having six or seven vocalists.

Nice, I'm aware of Northern Kings and I suppose I can get the style that you are making these covers, it should be interesting.
Yeah, that's a fun project, but we haven't been able to do anything for a while with it, as everyone has been having busy times with their bands and their projects, so it's a hard bunch to get together.

Ok, let's get to the actual questions of this interview. You are about to release your new live DVD, called “Showtime, Storytime” with Nightwish, can you tell us how the idea for the DVD came up, and why did you choose the Wacken Open Air show for a live release?
Well, the live show came actually pretty late for the release of this whole thing. At first, we were thinking about releasing a documentary that we already had in the works for some while, I mean we started shooting from the beginning of the "Imaginaerum" tour, so it was pretty far in the works already, but then at spring, I think it was at the end of May- start of June that the Nuclear Blast guys, the record company guys, they asked us "Hey it would be really good if we could have a live show to go with the documentary". And we were like "Oh, there only a bunch of shows to go, so it's going to be a pain in the ass to arrange everything at that time" but in the end we figured out that ok, it would be nice to have something with this lineup because we haven't released anything, so let's start and make it happen.  We actually figured out it should be Wacken, it's going to be the second to last show, and it's going to give us two months of time to arrange, and of course at Wacken you have plenty of metal people as an audience, and it was big already with thousands of people, and you're going to have good lights and screens and everything, so let's try and make it happen for that. In the end we did it, and now that you look back it was a really great thing to do, because now we've got a really good live show, where we have the new lineup and you see the back catalog of the band and how the new lineup does those songs, and then next summer we're going to be heading off to do new things, so the timing actually clicked.

There is a documentary included in the DVD, with the title “Please learn the setlist in 48 hours”.  Did Floor really have to learn the setlist in 48 hours?
Pretty much, yeah! (laughs)

Amazing, isn't it?
Yeah, it sounds impossible of course, and in a way it was. She knew some of the songs from before, because she's been listening to us and we've toured in some places and doing shows together in different places    , but mainly it was like when we called her "Ok, we've got a situation, you've got to jump on a plane as fast as you can, what do you think, can you handle these things? And here's the setlist". Α little bit shortened of course, so she gets on the first plane possible, starts to fly over to the States, listening to the songs from her iPod, reading lyrics and trying to learn them, then she comes over and we gave her a chance to kind of do the songs over at soundcheck, and then it was showtime. Of course, she couldn't learn all the lyrics at the time, so for the first few shows we had quite a lot of lyric sheets taped around the stage in different places, but gradually, within some shows, those sheets started to disappear, I mean she did this thing really fast and with such a professionalism and such determination that I couldn't believe it was possible. But she did it.

You have two new members in the band, Floor and Troy. Did you decide on keeping them as full time members after touring with them, or was it a consideration even before the tour?
Well, this was the thing, when Floor jumped on the tour bus with us, we tried to stay away from deciding anything, we were just like determined to try to do the rest of the shows, the rest of the tour, and do that as well as we can, and not think about the future at all. But already in the Spring it kind of started to become clear that we had something really good going on with the band, with the personal chemistries  and everything, so already at the start of the Summer, we ended up asking her if she would like to stay. And we figured that Troy has been a really nice guy as well, he's been around for the whole tour , and he's good company, he fits into the personal chemistry within the band, so we figured that we should ask him as well. And then, we just took ourselves to this little silent corner after the show in Tampere to ask "Would you guys like to make this permanent?" and they were all like "Yes!", so the next thing to figure out was that we promised we won't make any decision until 2014, so let's do the summer shows and then figure when we're going to be publishing this. The time came of course, now that we have the release of the DVD and all the promo and everything, it doesn't really make sense to try to circle around the issue anymore, it's better that we can talk about it now that we are already doing promotion for the live release and the documentary.

Did the acceptance of the fans for the new members and especially Floor have an influence on your decision? Did you feel a lot of pressure for having to present new members to your fans, after all the controversy that followed Tarja’s replacement?
Didn't really think about that. The only thing that made us conscious was that there are plenty of people with different opinions, and also, we didn't want to give any kind of "food" to the media who are very likely to abuse the information that you give to them. So that's why we kind of basically kept silent about all the hassle that went down.

Do you personally keep in touch with Tarja and Annette?
No, not really, I mean, not that way. I met Tarja just by luck for instance in an airport in Helsinki and we had a few minutes to talk, she was asking how are my boys and I was asking how was the tour going, and blablabla, it was fun, but we are not actively in touch.

In retrospect, do you think the difference between Tarja’s and Annette’s style was a bit too much for all your fans to accept?
I don't know, because we lost some but we gained some, there are plenty of people who actually like the band more with a little bit more down to earth vocals, some like the classical style, and I think personally I enjoy both eras, because at least we aimed to do the music as well as we could, which I think has been always the most important thing about Nightwish, that the music and the personality of the band comes across as a whole.

You have announced that you are going into writing mode for the next album in 2014. Are there any songs that have been already written? On the band’s website it says that the new album will contain the longest song in the history of the band. Can you tell us a little more about it?

Well, I don’t know about the song itself, because two of us are writing stuff, but if he (Tuomas) says something like that it appears that he's been writing, I've been writing myself some stuff and I think we are going to be swapping some demos soon. I'm going to send him some stuff, he is going to send his stuff to me, and Emppu has been doing that also in the past so let's see if he's got anything, but I imagine that at the moment he's in a moving home somewhere in Europe, drinking beer (laughs), so I haven't heard from him for a while, but anyway, it's true, we've got some writing in the process and let's see what's going to happen, by the next Summer we should have already made songs and should start rehearsing, arranging and recording.

"Imaginaerum" was quite a departure from Nightwish traditional sound and I’d really like to see you experimenting and exploring new musical territories. Is this possible or do you think you’ll revisit your older style now with Floor?
I have no idea! With this band, it's always been a question of doing things the way they feel the best at the time you're doing them, so when we start to hear what kind of songwriting ideas we have, and we start to arrange and rehearse, that's possibly the main thing that will decide what kind of album is in the making. At first, we always try to please ourselves, that we are doing something that sounds good and we don’t think about anything, about what kind of structures or what the mainstream demands would be, and it has worked before, because people seem to like the music when you do it that way, and that's a nice bonus.

You are probably the most 'metalhead' member of the band. How come you mostly write the ballads for Nightwish and not some more aggressive songs?
(Laughs) I don't think that mainly I'm just a metalhead! I mean I listen to a lot of music, a lot of different things, of course my first love was probably Black Sabbath and Deep Purple, and bands like that so, I'm always going to be loving the heavy stuff, but I do listen to a lot of modern metal, and everything in between those old legends, lots of different things like Jethro Tull, and Irish folk songs, which you can probably hear from the ballads you mentioned.

Nightwish have gone way beyond the average metal band and have become kind of a benchmark for female fronted metal bands. I know you’ll claim that you don’t think in terms like that, but the business side of a band is very influenced, so how do you try to deal with it?

Success is good in the way that yeah, you sell albums and you do shows which are worth the money and are worth to show yourself to people, and seems to be also worthwhile for the people to come and see the band and everything, but of course success and how you deal with it is something that you unconsciously remind yourself about, that you've got to sit on a porcelain seat every morning like everybody else. It's just that I guess we're a bunch of people, who aim to do what we can, as well as we possibly can. So the music that we write and play matters to us and it's been a really great thing to see that it actually matters to way more people than just us.

Nuclear Blast is a big label, but how come Nightwish are not on the roster of a big multinational label. I guess you’ve been approached, so is it that the market has changed or is it that Nightwish prefer to be to a metal oriented label?

I think that so far Nuclear Blast has done a hell of a good job for us, in matters of promotion and publishing and all that, releasing the albums and arranging these interviews, and I think that the band and the record company are both at a size that fit to each other. If we would go to the big multinational labels, we would always have to deal with this, like I said the band doesn't want to cater to the mainstream or write music with a recipe, then we would have to deal with that, because when you go to the big companies, they always want that.

You’ve had a bad experience while playing in Greece in the past, due to organizational mistakes, is there any chance you’ll play here again? You have a big fanbase in Greece that would love to see you perform live...
Yeah, for sure, that was totally like some people were shooting their mouths! I had no problem playing in Greece, I had a good time, of course, at the last time, there were some issues, and there was a money issue with the promoter, but it still doesn't mean that there wouldn't be fans and people that we would like to play for, if there's a chance and if there's a good opportunity we'll be back.

There is a problem with bands like Nightwish that continue to become bigger and have a more expensive show, while Greece stills goes through a financial crisis. Do you think the gap is hard to overcome?
Hmm, to be honest, I don’t know. I mean sure, if you take your average rock &roll festival promoter, they're probably having a hard time in Greece, that much that they don't have funds to book bands that they would want to, but still, like in any place, in Europe or in any place or any country, there's bound to be people that are hoarding and are being successful in hoarding money, we should get those people to promote the festivals.

Moving from Nightwish for a bit, I would like to ask what is the status of Tarot? Any plans for a new album?
Yeah, actually there are, not like a real timetable but we have already started the writing process and demoed some stuff, so I'd imagine we'll do some serious recording already sometime in the winter.

Are you going to tour when the album comes out?
Yeah, probably, I think so, we're going to be touring when the album comes out, because we don't have a real timetable for that, like I said, I have a little workspace, a small studio, and Janne, the keyboard player also has one as well, so we've been recording the latest Tarot albums all by ourselves, and that's why we don't really have a timetable or schedule, because we use our own equipment so that we don't have to book studios.

You also participated on Arjen Lucassen's "The Theory Of Everything", contributing with vocals. How was that experience for you? In a recent interview we did with him, he spoke highly of you...
That's nice to hear, because I think highly of him as well! I've got the previous albums and I really liked the quality of the work, they were definitely something that doesn't cater to the mainstream, it really is as prog as you can get these days, so I admired his work and the backbone that he has when doing those concept things and everything. We've been doing some email correspondence during the last few years now and then, and now he just sent me an email that he's got an album in the works and that he's got a role for me, asking if I would be interested. I said yes immediately, just told him to send me some demos and lyrical parts, and let's get ourselves a timetable when I can get around and do it, and that's what happened.

He said that when he needed a bad guy, he immediately thought of you!
(Laughs) I guess I sound a little bit nasty now and then! (laughs)

(Laughs) Well, you fit the role like a glove, and you did an amazing job!
Oh, thank you!

You were also supposed to be the singer on his Guilt Machine project. Why didn’t that happen?
Oh man! I don't know! Was I supposed to do that? I guess when he's around ask him! (laughs)

Are you a fan of progressive rock and metal music?
Yeah, I am, because I've been listening to a lot of music like old Jethro Tull, and Yes and Genesis and these bands as well, alongside with the old metal bands and all that. Albums of the acoustic time of Jethro Tull have been affecting my writing as well.

Thanks for your time! Do you have any message for your Greek fans?
Thank you for your time!
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 28, 2013, 03:50:19 pm
Datos sobre el album de Tuomas (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 28, 2013, 06:26:56 pm
Samples Storytime Showtime (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 28, 2013, 11:43:45 pm
I Want my tears back @ Wacken (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 28, 2013, 11:45:29 pm
Last Ride Of The Day @ Wacken (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 29, 2013, 03:36:48 pm
Otro trailer (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 03, 2013, 04:26:31 pm (

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 09, 2013, 07:17:35 pm
Trsiler (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 09, 2013, 10:57:15 pm
Tuomas Holopainen Interview
Performed in November 2013

 As the saying goes, all things go in cycles, and so it was for me in regards to Nightwish’s Imaginaerum tour. I began the journey at the same time as they did: at the opening shows in Los Angeles, where fans heard the new songs live for the first time. It was also where I conducted my first interview with Tuomas Holopainen; he answered fan-submitted questions and did not shy away from anything his audience wanted to know. I found him charming, pleasant, and easy to talk to; he knows how to put people at ease and there is a way about him to where you do not feel as though you are giving an interview. You just get to talking and there is a natural flow to things that each answer gives way to another, and then another after that until your time is up.

So I found it an honor to be able to end the voyage in the same place where it began: interviewing Tuomas for the Showtime, Storytime DVD; which chronicles the Imaginaerum tour from beginning to end, but mostly the latter 10 months of the tour when vocalist Floor Jansen stepped in after the abrupt departure of the band’s second vocalist, Anette Olzon. It was great to get another chance to talk to Tuomas and hear his thoughts on the tour now that it was all over, as opposed to his thoughts when he was first starting out. A year and a half had elapsed since then, and there have been a lot of changes in the Nightwish universe. But for all the hard times, the band is now on top of the world; officially procuring Floor Jansen as the band’s full-time vocalist and finally declaring Troy Donockley, “the master of the Uilleann pipes”, as a certified bandmember too.

Tuomas called me from Nuclear Blast headquarters in Germany to talk a little about the DVD, the two newest additions to the band, his upcoming “solo album” based on Scrooge McDuck, his plans for the future of Nightwish, and a few other interesting things. I am usually not one to get up at 7:30 on a Saturday morning; but for Tuomas, I will make an exception!

(Interview conducted on October 12th, 2013.)

C.:  Congrats on the new DVD, and congratulations to your two new additions to the band! Everyone seems to be happy about that.

Tuomas:  It seems like that; the band definitely is. I mean, it’s really good to finally come out with this, because we already decided this thing back in June. Well, in June, we had the courage to go and ask Floor and Troy whether they would be willing to continue in the band, and we got an immediate ‘yes’ from both of them. Then we decided that maybe we should just keep this quiet and come out with the information next year. But then, because of the release of this DVD and all of these interviews that we are doing; it’s just easier for everybody [to announce this now]. We announced this thing a few days ago [October 9th].

C.:  Yes, I interviewed Floor about 2 months ago, and she sort of hinted that it would be a major life-decision for her; but she already knew at that point. She’s really good at keeping secrets!

Tuomas:  Well, that was the agreement that we had, to keep it a secret, until three days ago.

C.:  Any reason why it took so long to officially recruit Troy?

Tuomas:  [laughs] We just thought it wouldn’t make any difference if he was an official member of the band or not, because he was gonna be with us anyway all the time. I mean, he’s such a wonderful personality and musician…there was no way we could do the shows without him anymore, so it was just a formality to make him an “official” member.

C.:  You’d think that, but there was some confusion among fans as to whether or not he was in the band…”should I ask for an autograph?”, etc.

Tuomas:  Actually, that’s a good point. There was some confusion, because he would only be onstage for 3, 4, 5 songs, and we would never introduce him [onstage] or anything like this. So he was a bit of a mystery, but now it’s clear for everybody.

C.:  Did you know you wanted Floor to stay from the beginning, or was there a particular moment when you remember thinking to yourself, “this is going to work”?

Tuomas:  She grew on us, week by week. When she first came, in the beginning of October of last year, there was something going on immediately. Well, we had known each other for over 10 years anyway; but still, there was something going on. I think it was sometime during last spring that we started to talk aloud, me and the other bandmembers: “What do you think about Floor? Should we ask her to stay in the band?”, and all of that. It took a few months, and we just came to the conclusion that she’s as perfect as it gets, in every single way.

C.:  And everyone seems to like her, too.

Tuomas:  Yeah, the transition was incredibly smooth, and the fans were so incredibly supportive from the very beginning. I mean, I couldn’t believe how easy it was. I think that had to do with the fact that she already had a reputation and a long history; people knew her and respected her from her previous bands.

C.:  Since you decided to announce Floor officially a little earlier than originally planned, can we hope that means the new album will come sooner too?

Tuomas:  I think we need to stick to the original plan, because I don’t really have any songs done just yet. Just a few ideas, a few demos. What I’m gonna do is go into “deep hibernation” within a few weeks and stay there until June, because we have the rehearsal place reserved for July, August, and September. So I need to have all the songs done by then. But, if everything goes as scheduled, and everything goes smoothly, we should have the ready album in our hands by the end of the year [2014]; which means an April/May 2015 release.

C.:  That actually opens up the discussion a little bit about your Scrooge project and what you’re doing with that. Will you be touring or doing any live shows for the album?

Tuomas:  No; this is just a one-time side-project. I have no ambitions at all to go solo or do any live shows for Scrooge. Just the album release, and that’s it.

C.:  Would you ever consider another album like this or another “solo” project?

Tuomas:  I think it might be just a one-time thing. It kinda depends, because so far we’ve been able to fulfill a lot of those musical ambitions that we have under the name “Nightwish”. But this Scrooge [project] just felt like we can’t do it as Nightwish because it’s such a personal thing. So that’s why I decided to do it under my own name. If in the future, there comes a similar thing that we can’t realize under the name “Nightwish”, so then maybe yes. But I think this might be one-time only.

C.:  You already announced some guest vocalists/musicians for the Scrooge album. Would you like to reveal any other guests right now?

Tuomas:   can’t do that just yet, unfortunately, because I think we’re gonna have some kind of press statement coming up.

C.:  I had to try!

Tuomas:  Yeah, I know you did. [Laughs] But I have to say no, at this point.

C.:  Now about the DVD: it’s a chronicle of the Imaginaerum tour, which was really unique because you not only started it outside of your home country, but you ended it the same way. I didn’t ask you back then, but what was the reason for opening the tour in Los Angeles?

Tuomas:  Let me think; I’m not even sure I remember. I think it had to do with the fact that we still have the most to achieve in the U.S. I think that made a nice little extra boost for the band, for the album, for everything; to start off the tour in L.A.

C.:  On the same token, why did you choose to end the tour on the festival circuit, as opposed to doing the big send-off at Hartwall, like you’ve done on previous tours?

Tuomas:  Well, we didn’t want to be typical this time.

C.:  I’m going to ask you a question…you don’t have to answer if you don’t want to, but I was curious to know…back when you named your previous singer in 2007, you said it came down to her and another singer that was well-known on the scene. Was it Floor?

Tuomas:  No, it was not Floor. I have to be honest about that, we never even considered her because she was very busy with After Forever, and we didn’t want to steal anybody!

C.:  I’ll never ask who the other person was, then.

Tuomas:  Thank you for that.

C.:  With the two new bandmembers, this has given Nightwish a sort of “international flavor” now. Is it a new challenge for you, or are you already brimming over with ideas for songs?

Tuomas:  The whole world is open now. Troy, with his musicianship, he’s also a third singer in the band. We now have Floor with her versatility; able to do pretty much everything, even growl. So the table is pretty well-set.

C.:  Fans have come to expect certain things from your DVDs, like the bandmembers goofing around. What sorts of Nightwish standards can we expect on this DVD? More Marco pranks?

Tuomas:  [Laughs] What we really wanted to do with this documentary was to be a bit more serious; to give people an impression of the more serious side of touring, and of our personalities. Of course you need to have the occasional comic relief there; which, if you have seen the documentary, you know what I’m talking about. But, it’s definitely more serious than the stuff we have done before.

C.:  What are some of your favorite moments on the Showtime, Storytime DVD?

Tuomas:  Well, out of the documentary, it’s really difficult to mention just one, because it’s a 2-hour story. You need to watch it from beginning to end. I don’t know, I don’t really have any personal favorites from the show either. I really like the ending, “Last Ride of the Day”, because of all the fireworks and the explosions and stuff. But every song is a diamond.

C.:  I was really impressed by how fast the finished product came together; you did the show in August and now we’re into October and it’s already finished and ready for release.

Tuomas:  Yeah, I’m really surprised too; but I wasn’t involved in any way. I saw the live concert for the first time about two weeks ago.

C.:  The Imaginaerum movie has since been released to DVD, but I’ve noticed that some countries are still having theatrical releases, etc. Are there any other countries that might be showing the movie in theaters, or has it sort of run its course?

Tuomas:  The weird thing is that I have absolutely no idea what’s going on with the film. I haven’t heard anything about it for months. I don’t know where it’s being presented; whether the DVD/Blu-Ray has sold any copies, or any of that.

C.:  The movie was a once-in-a-lifetime thing, but if a similar opportunity ever came up again, would you consider doing something like that?

Tuomas:  Yeah; I’m not, like, traumatized by the experience, even though it was a bit more difficult a task than I originally expected it to be. But no; why not? Not on the next album, that’s for sure!

C.:  Now for sort of an “off-the-cuff” question…a while back, you mentioned that you’re working on a book that you’ve had in mind for a long time. How is that going? Any plans to do anything with it in the foreseeable future?

Tuomas:  I do have some plans, yeah. The publisher is actually really keen on publishing it, but I need a few more years. I have about 10 stories written down now, and the publisher really enjoys it and she wants to do something concrete about it. But I haven’t done a new story in about 2 years, so I need to find the motivation for that. For about 6 months, I was just writing and writing. I really enjoyed it, but then it just went away.

C.:  I understand what you mean; sometimes you get “in the zone” and want to write all kinds of stuff, and then suddenly you hit a block and it’s hard to get back into it.

Tuomas:  Being “in the zone”; that’s very well-put. That’s how I felt, really being there; and then just, snap! I didn’t feel like writing anymore.

C.:  Fan-submitted question (Falyssa; Lawton, OK): Your lyrics are so meaningful to so many fans. Do you ever think about the impact that your lyrics will have on others when you write them?

Tuomas:  No. I don’t, I really don’t. This might sound more selfish than it actually is, but I never think about anybody else when I write music or lyrics; not even the other bandmembers. That’s the only way to keep the whole thing perfectly honest and “pure”.

C.:  Thank you so much! This has been great. Thank you for all your love and support towards us over the years. Good luck with the Scrooge album and the new DVD. Can’t wait to hear the new Nightwish stuff!

Tuomas:  Excellent. Thank you very much. Take care!

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 10, 2013, 04:18:01 pm
We want Floor – and so does Nightwish
09 nov 2013 Anne Bergshoeff
Most metalheads  know by now that Finnish people love metal music. Frome The Netherlands came some great metal bands, but most Dutch people don't know that. Although these bands are very popular abroad, us Dutch hardly notice that. ReVamp is an example and we talk about that with vocalist Floor Jansen, who became the new Nightwish vocalist.
She knows that she is the new vocalist since the Summer, but kept it quiet for a few months and now it is official that the 100 % Dutch vocalist Floor is the Nightwish vocalist. Nightwish is a huge name in the metal scene, but for most Dutch people that means nothing. They even know less about the fact that the band sold over 8 million cd's and play in sold out stations in the small populated Finland.
Mainstream The Netherlands
Jansen doesn't like that situation."In The Netherlands metal doesn't get the credits that the genre deserves. People don't know what I am doing and people have a stereotypical view about metalmusicians and their fans. To many Dutch people metal music is seen as a hobby and therefore isn't taken seriously. In Finland there is more appreciation and therefore it is more an honour to be asked to join Nightwish." Unfortunately this new adventure brings along its problems. The language is a bigger barrier than expected, but Floor does think that travelling back and forth isn't a problem. "I want to buy a house for the Summer in East Finland. In The Netherlands it is to hard to keep up with the (Finnish) language. You really need to practice it daily. Also Nightwish is really a tight group of friends. It is nice that when you neclected other social contacts during the tour, that you still have people to fall back to. It is like a family, they go out together too besides making music." It is not a big issue, Floor will easily live in Finland and mandatory travelling back and forth isn't a problem since Finland isn't a bad place because there she can relax after an exhausting tour. "I am not a city person, even Helsinki is to big for me."
Creative input
We asked if Floor could use her creativity within Nightwish. Within Nightwish keyboardplayer Tuomas Holopainen is the creative brain behind the music, but within her own bands Floor is the one who wrote the most songs. Floor says that won't be an issue. "Nightwish is a band with a distinguise sound. It is more important that this stays, than that I also write songs." Floor will keep on writing songs for herself and for her own band ReVamp.
Time for something heavy
Many people feared that because of Nightwish the Revamp future is in jeopardy, but Revamp will continue. When asked how Floor will manage both bands, she can't give a precise answer. The future will deside. It will be busy, but am I am busy already anyway, but I don't know how much that will increase in the future. Revamp has just released a new album and we didn't do all the hard work in vain and it deserves a tour. For the fans it is an insurance that the heavy music of Revamp isn't lost due to the bombastisc more accessible Nightwish music. That is a reassurance many people needed.
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 16, 2013, 04:15:12 pm
Nemo @ Christmas Metal Symphony (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 16, 2013, 04:23:04 pm
Phantom of the Opera @ Christmas Metal Symphony (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 19, 2013, 04:37:11 pm
The interview of our former vocalist Anette in the Me Naiset magazine is full of twisted truths and denigration. This "one woman vs. the Neanderthals" setting is an easy to way to take advantage of our media history.

The split with Anette wasn't because of pregnancy or illness. We discovered her personality didn't fit this work community, and was even detrimental to it.

These claims we can invalidate right away:

-Claim: Moments earlier Anette had told Tuomas Holopainen of her pregnancy

-Truth: Anette told of her pregnancy to the whole band already a week earlier in Montreal. Everyone was congratulative, and Anette herself offered an option of hiring a replacement vocalist if she can't manage everything which was already agreed on. Later she took back her decision, and the difficulties really started. Fear of losing money and position seemed obvious.

-Claim: The boys of the band decided everything for me

-Truth: Neither Tuomas nor any other of the boys of the band can singlehandedly decide where we take off to and when. There have been discussions inside the band and support of people on a personal level. Also Anette. Managers and promoters discuss about possible concerts, record releases, etc., and wishes of all the band members have been taken into account. All these details have been negotiated with Anette and her manager. We have the e-mails.

To keep the touring life bearable, it's reasonable and right to make thibngs comfortable on a personal level. Based on these discussions, Anette was given liberties from interviews and fan meetings. She and her family got an own tour bus and driver in both Europe and America. The expenses were paid by the organization, not Anette or her company. Others of the band didn't use similar benefits.

-Claim: Other income went directly to the men

-Truth: Anette and her company has been paid a fifth of everything that was done during her time and with her. We have no reason to lie, because this cake has provided enough slices for us all. The finances of the band have always been handled openly, honestly and evenhandedly. The books exist. How individual members spend their share is up to their own responsibility.

We neither want to nor intend to comment this more now. Doing the laundry is tiring. Remember the help your ladies with that occasionally.

- All the boys of Nightwish
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 20, 2013, 06:14:34 pm
Christmas Message (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 20, 2013, 11:16:49 pm
Romanticide @ Wacken (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 25, 2013, 07:11:07 pm
Special report by Maria Nayef

Marco Hietala has always brought a kick-ass factor to NIGHTWISH since he joined the band in 2002, showcasing his brilliant musicianship on songs like The Islander as well as his versatile vocals that go from executing screams to the most tender of lyrics. Who can forget his wonderfully sinister singing on Scaretale, and that poignant ‘dream of me’ from the iconic Ever Dream? 

Hietala, who turns 48 in January, shows no signs of slowing down and he continues to rock-out with passion, and style. After a mammoth world tour on the back of Imaginaerum, he spent November and December taking part in Finland’s popular Heavy Christmas shows and there’s also new TAROT in the works. His charisma and sense of humour have made him a favourite amongst Nightwish fans, and BraveWords had the pleasure to speak with the talented composer about the band’s hit double Blu-ray, DVD and CD that was recently released, just in time for Christmas.

Showtime, Storytime is a must-watch for any Nightwish fan, consisting of a spectacular live show and a revealing documentary. It is their first live DVD with new vocalist, Dutch diva FLOOR JANSEN, and was filmed at this year’s Wacken Open Air Festival in Germany in front of an audience of 85,000. The DVD has so far proved a great success for the band, cracking top ten charts around Europe upon its release, including Germany, France and the UK.

BraveWords: I watched Showtime, Storytime today and have to say the live show is absolutely brilliant. The production is amazing and hearing Floor sing 'She Is My Sin' and 'Romanticide' is a treat, and 'Bless The Child' is a highlight. From the moment she approaches the microphone, she’s in total command.

Marco Hietala: “Yes, I think her versatility is pretty exceptional, like a lot of things about her: the voice itself, her presence, and her ability to have such strength and willpower – I just love the way she does everything.”

BraveWords: The great vibe of the band on stage is very exciting to watch. Do you feel that with new members Floor and Troy Donockley, this live performance epitomizes Nightwish as it was always meant to be?

MH: “Yeah…it’s the first time, ever, that I’ve had such strong feelings. When we did the last show in M'era Luna in Germany, when the tour was over, I just hung around backstage for a while taking it all in, and then I was like, ‘Oh hell I have to go to the bus!’ It’s a personal chemistry thing, where different parts, different people, click very well.”

BraveWords: The audience at Wacken is really something to behold and Nightwish fans are no doubt very attached to this band – but you’ve had some dramas, and now a third vocalist. What do you think it is about Nightwish that has seen fans stick by you so strongly?

MH: “At least for my part, we’re very much aware of personal chemistry and how it affects people, and I think this chemistry that we have right now is worth something – and you’ve got to keep it, and keep it up. And then of course, there is the other side of the band, which is the musical side where it’s pretty much no compromise. On all the albums we’ve done, that I’ve been on of course, we do things that firstly we enjoy ourselves. There’s integrity there – but first this music has to please us. And then, the really great thing, is that it has also pleased a lot of people – and these are the kinds of things that we are not willing to give up.”

BraveWords: End Of An Era is such an iconic DVD in symphonic metal, every die-hard Nightwish fan has it. How do you feel about Showtime, Storytime within regards to End Of An Era – not comparing the two of course – but just your personal thoughts about the two shows?

MH: “I think this has a more down-to-earth approach. I mean End Of An Era was planned. We had figured out what kind of props we were going to have on stage – it was planned well, well far ahead. This time around, we actually only had the documentary in the works and we were only going to release that, and then at the start of the summer the Nuclear Blast guys came over and said: ‘Hey guys it would really be wonderful if you could have one of the live shows shot also’ and we were: ‘Aaah, who’s going to have the energy to put this together now? There’s only two months of shows left to go’ and in the end we thought, ‘OK, let’s try it, it would be nice to have this line-up immortalised, with the back catalogue and everything’ and in the end, it paid off. The surroundings at the festival, the audience, the show, everything was great. We got a really huge light show set up, pyros and screens and everything, and also, as a guy who was responsible for the sound production I thought: ‘OK, we have End Of An Era, this time around let’s make it so: concentrate on bringing the band really up-front, the guitar, the bass, the drums, the vocals, everything that happens live – and I think we managed to do that. And in my opinion – of course it might be because it’s us here and now – I like this more than End Of An Era.”

BraveWords: I wanted to ask about 'The Poet And The Pendulum' and if there was a particular reason why that song wasn’t performed?

MH: “Oh man, yeah. It was because it was a festival show and you don’t want to do too many of the, you know, long, epic songs. And we had already received such a great reaction for Ghost Love Score, so we figured we would stay with that one. Poet and the Pendulum was talked about, but we decided ‘let’s not go that far yet’ – but I imagine when we get some new stuff done and go on tour again, it might be heard.”

Please Learn The Setlist In 48 Hours is the title of the 120-minute documentary, which along with the live show, completes the Showtime, Storytime DVD. It chronicles the band’s massive world tour that began in January 2012, taking in trips to Europe, the US, South America and Australia, Jansen's arrival and her very first show. It is the first 15 minutes of the documentary however, that is brimming with emotion and drama, honing in on the now infamous gig in Denver in September 2012 where the band performed with Elize Ryd (AMARANTHE) and Alissa White-Gluz (THE AGONIST). Despite over a year having passed since that night, the raw emotions of that time still resonate highly with Hietala.

BraveWords: The first part of the documentary is emotional to watch. Powerful stuff.

MH: “Yeah, it was. It was pretty much like being in the pits of Hell. I like the whole honesty about the documentary. You don’t see fake people – it’s really raw – everyone is really raw with their emotions and that makes it even more real. We’ve all seen these gilded-up documentaries about things; I’m into the real thing.”

BraveWords: How stressed-out everyone was backstage really took me aback.

MH: “When Troy and Tuomas went on the stage to ask the audience what they wanted us to do, I was there, lurking in the shadows, and that was one of those moments where I had my heart in my mouth.”

BraveWords: I didn’t fully realize the severity of the situation until I actually saw the footage on the documentary.

MH: “It was priceless! I would not want to go through it again. When we got that raise of hands from the audience, the relief – it flooded everyone. There were 16–1700 people there that night, and only 6 or 7 left, so you could understand it was a pretty big boost of confidence.”

BraveWords: You said in the documentary that during the time Anette (OLZON) left, you don’t know how you pulled through it, and I remember on the 2009 documentary ‘Made In Hong Kong’ Tuomas also questioned whether or not he was going to continue the band. You’ve had a few crises over the years, but you always manage to get through them. 

MH: “Yeah, that’s true.”

BraveWords: How have you been able to do that: come back and re-group, and evidently, stronger than you were?

MH: “Again it comes back to this personal chemistry. Of course people may say there might be some truth that there’s a nucleus for Finnish country boys (laughs) and I think Floor and Troy have come closest to being there already. I sort of found myself in a role where I had to look out for the other guys as well, but it’s no problem because that’s the kind of guy that I am. I like things to be easy and people to be happy. You also have to talk about things that matter to you. If someone has a problem it’s always better to talk about it rather than to let it lie and hope that it goes away. That way we pull together.”

BraveWords: So the communication lines are really open right now in Nightwish?

MH: “Pretty much, yeah. And I see people who have tremendous willpower to actually overcome obstacles and difficulties – and make things work. And I understand the value of keeping your feet on the ground and taking care of your friends.”

BraveWords: Tell me something about Nightwish fans. What do they mean to you?

MH: “Oh man (pauses) – it means that with the band we have made something worthwhile. And for a lot of people, we made something that actually made some of the moments in their life easier. So when they want to relax or want to get out and have some fun and go to one of our shows, it matters to them – and to some people it really matters a lot. So, what we’ve actually done together is something important for a lot of people, and it can actually, in some ways, seem more important to them than what it is at times to you, so it’s a mixed bag of feelings: it’s flattering, it’s wondrous, it’s also kind of scary sometimes, but it’s still absolutely great.”

BraveWords: When I arrived at the Enmore Theatre in Sydney in January to attend your show, somebody was walking past and asked ‘Who’s playing tonight?’ and a guy replied: ‘It’s a gothic, symphonic, folk, power, opera metal band from Finland…’ and I’m sure he had a few more names in there too! 

MH: (laughs)

BraveWords: Do you think it’s getting a bit out of hand, all these different terms in front of the word ‘metal’ to describe one band?

MH: “Yeah, it is getting a bit out of hand. Of course there’s a need to categorize things, to give things definition that help you understand what it’s about and try to define it – sometimes with a billion different things.” (laughs)

BraveWords: So if you were out and somebody asked you ‘What do you do?’ and you said: ‘I’m in a band called Nightwish,’ and they said: ‘what kind of music do you play?’ what would be the shortest answer you would give?

MH: “Well I would say it’s a symphonic rock band, that’s what I like to think of it as. It can be really sensitive, and then it can be really hard-hitting with parts that will sorely kick your buttocks (laughs).”

BraveWords: Can you tell us anything about the new record yet or is that something that will be revealed after you head to the summer camp next year?

MH: “Well basically we’ve only got the raw structure of the timetable. We’ve got the place booked for next summer in order to get there and before that we’re going to be demoing our stuff at our own places in the wintertime. Then we’ll get together next summer and start to rehearse, arrange and record. And we’re going to be bringing in a hell of a lot of equipment to that place! I’m pleased about the whole idea and prospect of doing new stuff.”

BraveWords: What are your plans for Christmas and are there any traditions in the Hietala household during the holidays?

MH: “Well, when the true holiday season comes around like Christmas Eve and Christmas day, I’m going to shut off the phone, lock the doors and stay with my clan. There’s also the usual thing of bringing in the tree – and hanging some huge red balls on it (laughs).”

BraveWords: Any Tarot news?

MH: “Actually later today I was planning on going over to Janne’s, the keyboard player’s studio, to go over some new riffs that we have, and work on some songs, so maybe after New Years it’s possible that we will start recording a new Tarot album as well.”

BraveWords: You’ve just only recently finished a gigantic world tour, and 2014 is already shaping up to be one busy year for you! 

MH: “I’m already missing it. I wish the next summer will come soon so we can start rehearsals and the new stuff!”

BraveWords: And with Floor at the microphone, the possibilities for Nightwish are positively endless.

MH: “That’s for sure.”

For all things Nightwish visit

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 25, 2013, 07:26:01 pm
Tuomas cumple hoy 37 años!!!
FELICIDADES!!!! :011: :011: :011: :011: :011:
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 29, 2013, 05:03:39 pm
Hart to Hart
[TL: This is probably a reference to the US detective series from the early 80s. “Hart aber herzlich” literally translates to something like “Hard but affectionate.” And no, I'm not a fan of “Hart to Hart” - that was way (waaaaaaaaaaaaaay) before my time.]

The speculations remained until the end, but now it is official: FLOOR JANSEN is the new singer of NIGHTWISH! In a cloak-and-dagger operation, she threw herself into the breach, adopted the Finns' live repertoire in record time and, 48 hours after receiving the call from the states that would change everything for her, she took the stage, together with the possibly most successful symphonic metal band of all time. She came, she sang and she conquered, taking the hearts of the band and of all NIGHTWISH fans by storm. The brand new live package “Showtime, Storytime” is dedicated to her and contains the breathtaking headlining performance at this year's Wacken Open Air, as well as a brilliant two-hour documentary, aptly named “Please Learn The Setlist In 48 Hours”.
Additions to the family

“The decision was an obvious one for us,” begins mastermind and exceptional composer Tuomas Holopainen. “We deliberately left it open, but after the fantastic time with Floor, we had no reason to look for a new vocalist. We discussed this within the band after the US tour and all agreed on this matter. We did this again after we completed some festivals. Again, all were in favor, and finally, we asked Floor if she wanted to join the band as a permanent member. I admit, I knew how she would decide, because she was highly motivated from the get-go, noticably happy and did her job wholeheartedly. Originally, we wanted to wait with the public announcement till Christmas, yet, in the light of the »Showtime, Storytime« release, where Floor took the center stage, there was no reason anymore to keep word from getting out.” On tour, there was no plan B. From the beginning, the Dutchwoman was the preferred candidate and she proved to everyone that she was up to the role and that she wouldlead NIGHTWISH to a new dimension with her powerful soprano. Meanwhile, the keyboardist has already begun writing songs for a new CD, where the words “back to the roots” were also dropped – it was not, however, his intention to indicate a regression. “Together with Tarja, we made five wonderful, operatic metal albums, which we are unbelievably proud of and which will forever be a part of our history, but this is not where want to go back to. Floors voice is incredibly versatile, which will open up new possibilities. Time will tell, for we are currently only starting out with the songwriting process.” The NIGHTWISH family, however, gained another addition, because besides Floor, flute player Troy Donockley has been accepted into the band as a permanent member. “Troy spent the whole 18-month »Imaginaerum« tour cycle with us. He became such an important part of the band, thus making it natural to accept him as an official band member. Right now, he is not playing many songs live, but I expect that his share will increase significantly on the new tracks. He plays the most diverse sorts of flutes and he is a very good singer, so besides the backing vocals he can also take on one or two lead vocal passages. He also plays acoustic guitars and other, exotic instruments in an excellent way. Aside from all that, he has a great character and brings loads of warmth and light into the band. And he is a magician, who baffles us with his tricks again and again,” smirks the charismatic keyboardist, who is notably glad that the turbulent line up changes took a turn for the better.
Collegial love declaration

The now 32-year-old lead singer started her vocal career at the tender age of 16 with AFTER FOREVER, with whom she recorded five studio albums until the breakup in 2009. “I still remember the AFTER FOREVER debut album »Prison of Desire« well, especially the song 'Follow In The City', which appealed to me in an incredible way,” reminisces Tuomas. “Two years later, AFTER FOREVER joined us on our tour, so I could watch them live on every evening. Already back then, Floor was a confident, grandiose vocalist with charisma. Because of this, we knew her as a person as well – and when we came to the point to replace Anette, she was our first and, admittedly, only choice. I knew that she liked NIGHTWISH, that she was familiar with our material and that she even covered our number “She Is My Sin” with AFTER FOREVER. When we asked for her help in the middle of our US tour, she agreed immediately and flew over to us." For Floor, the decision didn't take even a second. “It was simply unbelievable. I got the call on the day of my sister Irene's wedding. So I also came to tie the knot, with the band.” It was an emotional decision. “Declining was out of the question. Yet, after my commitment, I started to think, and I realised what kind of big challenge the whole thing would become. However, it was the best thing that could have ever happened to me.” All these secrets will be revisited on the thrilling documentary “Please Learn The Setlist In 48 Hours”. “What a fitting title,” laughs the powerful-voiced chanteuse. “This DVD brings back all feelings and also shows the mental condition which everybody was in. I spent these 48 hours booking a flight, packing my bags, printing the lyrics and dragging the songs onto my mobile phone and computer. So, armed with my headphones and the lyrics, I drove to the airport and spent the time on the plane in a similar manner. I touched down in the states at 1 o'clock in the morning, it was impossible to think of sleeping. At 4AM, I was picked up by the nightliner, still too stressed to sleep. So I met the first band members who stayed awake to greet me. During the journey, we rehearsed non-stop until my head got heavy at some point. Yet, I couldn't sleep or eat. In my head, there was one thought: Do this show and don't mess it up! That is what I did – and I was never more nervous than in that moment."
The H-hour
Band leader Tuomas wasn't any less tense but tried to transfer his outward calm to Floor. “When we arrived at Seattle, we rehearsed for 2 hours before the lot of us had to take the stage. Despite being nervous, I was also optimistic enough to think that all would go well. Floor tried to hide her tension, but you could tell by looking at her just what was going on in her head. When we started the rehearsal with “I Want My Tears Back”, a weight was lifted off our minds, because from that moment we knew that we would make it. Maybe it didn't sound perfect, but the difference wasn't that great. After the rehearsal and the first show with her, everybody was totally happy and loved the prospect of how good we would sound after some weeks together with Floor. The thing that made me happy the most was that nobody returned their concert tickets and that all our fans gave Floor such a warm welcome. Right now, at this moment, one year later, when I think back to all these things, it all appears like a dream, with its fulfillment seeming unbelievable to me.” Floor has to take a deep breath when thinking back to that day. “A cold was advancing, then there was the jet lag and a bronchitis virus that was circulating in the tour bus. Because of this, my voice lost some of its power and I could only sing with my head voice, which increased the challenge even further. Additionally, I had to bring some of the lyrics with me on stage, because it was nearly impossible to learn them all in such a short time. Despite all the stress and the inevitable pressure, I think that, in hindsight, it was great show that progressed splendidly.” It all came how it should and they got off to a dream start, especially the power woman from Holland. “I had to plunge in at the deep end, but there are also many positives when you don't have the time to think about pleasing everyone, if you live up to all the expectations, how the fans would react or if you even fit in the band. Only over time I realized how I lucky I was that I was received so warmly by all sides. The encouragement gave me an extra push of energy and motivation.”
Holy grounds

The third to last show of the extraordinary »Imaginaerum« cycle took place at the world's biggest Heavy Metal festival; at the Wacken Open Air in Northern Germany. “It is the metal paradise – for the fans as well as the bands,” gushes the front lady. “It was not the size of the festival that made me nervous, but knowing that the show would be recorded for a DVD release. The gig itself just flew past me, but I enjoyed every single moment. During the show, I changed my outfit repeatedly, which is a thing I don't like to do normally, because it gives me the feeling that I lose the flow. So I was all the more happy that everything worked flawlessly. We stood in the midst of a thunderstorm of pyros, which, as a musician on stage, I can't see all, but you feel them, and this pushes your adrenaline levels upwards immensely.” The Wacken gig was the grandest show with the biggest audience and thus predestined for a live recording. “Originally, we only wanted to release the tour documentary, but our label made it palatable to top the package off with a big show, which we cottoned up to gradually. The first two days I was still against it, because I wanted an extraordinary show at a special location for a live release, with an orchestra, guests and a myriad of protagonists – which we couldn't do in the short of time, however. A 'normal' festival showed didn't seem enough to me, yet, when viewed in the whole package, it rounds off the documetary and shows where we stood – together with Floor – at the end of this particular journey. This is why the DVD is entitled »Showtime, Storytime« – because it is both: a story and a concert.” Most of all, it rounds off the exceptional total work of art »Imaginaerum«, which started with an effortful, time-consuming and expensive studio production and ended in a motion picture that, while consuming several millions, reflects visions so complex yet dreamlike. The film was accompanied by an innovative soundtrack and this history-charged tour that culminated in the engagement of Floor Jansen. “You want to know if I had the nerves to do this all again? I think yes, because actions like this are what distinguishes the band. There is drama and emotion, but we always follow our heart and instinct. If we planted it in our mindes that we want to do a movie, then we would do it. This also why it is hard for me to tell where the journey for the next CD is headed. At the moment, I have four songs done that have indeed an OldSchool feeling to them and are designed to be less orchestral. But there is so much that could happen, so many things that even I cannot anticipate. At any rate, I feel really good, my head is clear and it can focus fully on the music, without having to think about movies and soundtracks.” Before NIGHTWISH will please us with the next LP in the coming year, Tuomas Holopainen's first solo album will be released, where he devotes himself to Scrooge McDuck's story, the rich comic duck from Duckburg. Tuomas made no pretence of the fact that the comic books shaped his childhood and that he likes, to this day, to immerse himself in these stories – he always emphasizes that he is an advocate of the ducks, not the mice. “Right now while we are talking to each other, I'm in the control room of the studio, where we are recording the banjos and acoustic guitars. We progress beautifully. The orchestra and the choirs are already recorded and I have finished my piano parts, too. I expect that we are finished in, roughly, a month and that we release the disc possibly a the end of April, 2014. What I brought to reality with this is a dream that I carried with me since the »Oceanborn« tour in 1999. Whenever I read this special book titled »The Lift And Times Of Scrooge McDuck«, a music hovers in my head, a music that desperately desires to be brought out.” In Germany, the book was released under the title: Onkel Dagobert – Sein Leben, seine Milliarden. “I liked the idea of wrting a soundtrack for a book, instead of a movie. It isn't something that happened very frequently in music history. I was also very delighted that the book's author, Mr. Don Rosa, found the idea to be very welcome and that he will visit us in the studio in the coming week. I'm very excited about his reaction and what he has to say about the final version.” NIGHTWISH fans may also look forward to this; while the metal aspect may be missing for the most part, the composer's handwriting is unmistakable. “It is film music with folk and classical elements. There are no drums, bass or electric guitars – most parts are based on orchestra, acoustic guitars and piano. These are, however, also important parts of NIGHTWISH's sound cosmos. "When Pip Williams, who is writing the orchestra arrangements for NIGHTWISH, heard the songs for the first time, he described it as being different from NIGHTWISH but with the clear handwriting of me. He believed, that the composer is immediately recognizable. I take that as a compliment.” The album will be mostly instrumental, but there also some renowned guest singers. “All in all it is a great story that shaped me and that has so much to tell about life and the beauty of the world. Additionally, the character is incredibly interesting, because he doesn't just incorporate wealth, but also love for the family and many other stories.”
Leopold Lukas
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 29, 2013, 05:06:25 pm
"I got the call on the day of my sister Irene's wedding."
Floor  showed a picture of the wedding couple on her Instagram on 20 September 2012. She also wrote on Twitter on 20 September 2012: "My sister Irene marries her John to-day!!!"
So, Nightwish contacted Floor for the first time on 20 September 2012. According to the Nightwish guys' statement on on 19 December 2013 Anette informed the band members about her pregnancy in Montreal. The gig in Montreal was on 19 September 2012. It is believable that Nightwish contacted Floor the next day they had learned about Anette's pregnancy. There was no time to be wasted. The guys did not know whether Floor was willing or able to come. If she had turned down the offer they would have needed to ask someone else, and the replacement singer also needed time to rehearse the songs.
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 14, 2014, 03:52:02 pm
Marco cumple hoy 48 años!!!!
FELICIDADES!!! :011: :011: :011:
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 30, 2014, 04:33:40 pm
Nightwish: "Snow White and a Few Dwarfs"

Because of their recent release, "Showtime, Storytime", which contains a documentary and a concert, we have talked to the bassist and vocalist of Nightwish, Marco Hietala.

Actually my first interview on Skype was with Michael Kiske. However, even though I had sent a video call, he did not turn his webcam on. This time, it was Marco who sent the call, which I answered, also enabling my webcam. After the icebreakers, he said, "Since you turned on your webcam, so will I". Suddenly I was met with the sight of the long-bearded Viking of Nightwish. He resembled a Medieval wizard with his characteristic beard, calmly smoking his pipe. With my "pushy" questions he was putting his hand on his braided beard, stroking it while pondering the response. Here's the first interview with Marco Hietala in Turkey:

Can you give information on "Showtime, Storytime"?

Initially our intention was preparing a documentary. Towards the end of the "Imaginaerum" tour, our label Nuclear Blast requested us to film a concert as well. This way we could present a double package to our fans. At first we were hesitant, because he had so limited time for preparations, but ultimately we decided people needed to see Nightwish's current line-up at their last show. We chose Wacken, which was one of the last shows of the summer. Next year, we will try to do different things, before that a material like this was necessary. Actually everything is about timing; the changes in line-up and filming the tour happened at the same time. Now we are grateful that we did it.

"History is our teacher."

I guess everybody wonders what really happened before Floor Jansen joined the band...

(Laughs.) Yes, I guess so. But I don't want to go into the details of that matter. It's time to move on. Nobody would want to discuss why they split up with their boyfriend or girlfriend, or why they divorced their husband or wife. History is our teacher. In the past, sharing the smallest detail resulted in much bigger misunderstandings. It's best not to talk about these things.

The name of the documentary is interesting: "Please Learn the Setlist in 48 Hours." How do you remember Floor Jansen's performance after those 48 hours?

She was nervous, of course :) But we've known her for a long time. After Forever was warming up for Nightwish in 2002. Our paths have crossed at many concerts and festivals since then. Therefore we knew she was the only person who could handle this job. She had to get on a plane and learn all the songs in 24 hours. And her performance even exceeded our expectations. Of course, at the first concerts she had to put the lyrics on the stage, but there wasn't a moment when she acted unprofessional.

As the oldest and most experienced musician in the band, do you support the others in tough times?

Yes, when it's needed... [line-up changes] were hard for everybody. It was a period when we all felt like we were shattering inside, so we needed each others to hold on. And we did support each other.

What can you say comparing Floor with your previous vocalists?

This is a tough question, I don't think I should say anything at this point.

But at least can we say Floor has a more "heavy metal" attitude than others?

Yes, that's true. Floor feels more "at home" than others at these kind of shows. I have no problem with Tarja or Anette's performance at our shows; I think they are also very exceptional singers. However, Floor's long-lasting, natural love for heavy metal distinguishes her [from them].

What direction will you take on your next album with Floor? Can we expect a more aggressive and oldschool style?

We actually discussed this. Even though we listen to different genres and reflect those in our music, evidently we write heavier songs with more ease. Still, our life experiences and influences play a huge role in the making of our albums. When we get together for rehearsals, the style that sounds right to all of us prevails. We don't decide on those deliberately. I can tell you for sure that we're not going mainstream, because this band's success comes from its stubborness in protecting its own music.

I notice Floor's different intepretations in some songs, the most prominent example being the ending of 'Ghost Love Score'. What do you think about those?

Oh yeah, she pulled off a brilliant crescendo [in 'Ghost Love Score']. I completely support Floor on those interpretations. Tuomas has always been the main composer and writer, but everybody collaborates in this band. I can say we create our music very democratically.

I think Floor is now the tallest member of the band :)

Hmm, I'm not sure; I think it's either her or Tuomas. I think she's taller than me by three centimetres. We perform as Snow White and a few dwarfs :)

Did you consider Floor when Tarja left?

Yes, I did. It came to Tuomas' mind as well, but Floor was with After Forever back then. We were friends with everybody in that band, and our hearts could not accept ruining our friendships. Now she has ReVamp, but Nightwish members are now able to work with more than one band. For example, I have Tarot. When Nightwish goes inactive, we can concentrate on our side projects.

You have a new member: Troy Donockley. How is he going to contribute to the band?

Troy was not only present at some parts of the "Dark Passion Play" tour, but also accompanied us throughout the whole "Imaginaerum" tour. He can play the guitar, bazooka, uillean pipes and is a singer as well. Of course, this does not mean we'll have uillean pipes in all songs, this isn't that kind of a collaboration. Time will tell how it'll work.

"Publishing an open letter to Tarja wasn't our smartest move. We didn't know what kind of a monster we were releasing."

I see many people have a wrong impression on Nightwish. What can you say about those who claim you treat your female vocalists badly?

Yes, we were criticised a lot about that. However I think of it this way: We were very unlucky. We all have partners, mothers, sisters, etc., we're surrounded by females with whom we get along really well. Being in a band is different, of course. Having to tour with a bunch of guys must be hard for a woman, but we try our best to make it easy for them. From dressing rooms to toilets we provide them a luxuious environment. We want them to have their own personal space. Still we could not prevent some unfortunate events from happening. Judging from outside, people might be seeing "a woman and a bunch of hairy hippies" and reaching wrong conclusions.

Do you have any regrets for what happened in the past, like the open letter to Tarja?

Well, yes, I think publishing that open letter wasn't our smartest move. We didn't know what kind of a monster we were releasing. Even though we didn't give interviews, the Finnish media constantly wrote about us for 6 months. We didn't know we were so visible in public. We could have gotten through the process much more easily. In the end, everybody suffered from it.

You're also the leader of a very important band for Finnish metal history, Tarot. What did you think when you were offered a place in Nightwish?

When I was playing in Sinergy in 2000, we were an opening act for Nightwish. I met Tuomas at that tour and we got along well. One year later, Nightwish's manager called me, saying Nightwish is in need for a new bass player. We got together with Tuomas, who happened to live very close to my house. He told me that the band was taking a darker and more melancholic direction. And I adore darkness! (Laughs.) After a few rehearsals, I was in.

I heard Tuomas is recording a solo album, can you give a few hints on it?

I respect Tuomas for being so brave to record that album. I can't say much since I only partially listened to a few songs, but it's different from what we have made before. It's different but still carries Tuomas' signature...

Does this solo album mean a longer wait for the new Nightwish album?

No, I don't think so. This winter, we shared our ideas and demo recordings with each other. And we already rented a place for collective work and recording. The plan will be clearer in near future.

Interview by DoÄŸu Yí¼cel // Headbang Magazine

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 01, 2014, 04:58:22 pm
Tuomas se casó el año pasado!

Fuente (


Esta es su mujer, la cantante Johanna Kurkela
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 21, 2014, 05:49:01 pm
Floor cumple hoy 33 años!!!
FELICIDADES!!!! :011: :011: :011: :011: :011:
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 05, 2014, 06:53:19 pm
Floor sobre Nightwish ( (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 12, 2014, 10:18:42 pm
You´ve thought about this album for the last 14 years. What was it that finally made you release it?

Tuomas: Approximately 14 years. Maybe three things. The first one being that the noise inside my head just got too loud and I needed to get it out finally. It´s been like an itch between my ears since 1999. The other thing was that I knew that with such a bizarre project, I better pay for it myself and I finally had some savings to pull it off. The third one was that I realized at the beginning of last year, that we were gonna have a break for about five months, so I thought that this was the time for it.

Since you´ve been thinking of it for such a long time, are the songs old ones or were they written just recently?

Tuomas: I wrote all the songs in the last year and a half or so. Whenever I read a story I hear music, but the music I heard ten years ago, I couldn´t record. (laughs) It´s just a thing with me, that every time I read something highly inspirational or see a really nice picture or a nature photo, I start to hear music. It´s a weird thing.

So you didn´t write stuff down during these 14 years?

Tuomas: No, I didn´t. The thing is that whenever I write something and it sounds good, I can´t wait to do something with it immediately. I´m too impatient.

What was it about this story that captivated you the first time around? What makes it different than any other cartoon?

Tuomas: First of all, I just think it´s such a magnificent story. So well crafted, so beautiful, very multilayered and full of wit, full of historic facts and it´s funny as hell. All those things combined with a lot of childhood nostalgia. I grew up with Disney comics and Scrooge and Donald Duck were always my favorites and then in the beginning of the 90´s, came this guy named Don Rosa out of nowhere. I started reading his stories and I was completely blown away. I mean, Carl Barks is really good, but Don Rosa is in the next league, at least for me.

How does all this work? Rosa works for Disney, right?

Tuomas: It´s a bit complicated because everybody knows that Rosa is not on very good terms with Disney and he actually told me in the very beginning of this, that maybe I wanted to do this album in a way that Disney doesn´t have any copyright over it? That was my intention from the beginning, that I wouldn´t use any copyright character names or chapter titles. You can by inspired by anything to make art in this world, as long as you don´t step on anybody´s toes. That´s what I did with this album and why it´s “Music inspired by the life and times of Scrooge” and not McDuck. Just to play it safe, even though I´ve heard that Disney is really pleased about the project. They gave it their blessings, but we don´t have any kind of contracts between us.

You never know about these big corporations?

Tuomas: Exactly and that´s why I´m being super careful and taking Don´s advice. (laughs)

Whether this becomes a success or not, is this something you could see yourself do more of?

Tuomas: Maybe I shouldn´t say this, but I really think this was a one timer. I don´t have any ambitions of going solo. The whole idea of a solo album feels a bit wrong and distant to me. People are already talking about this being the beginning of the end for Nightwish. When you think about the concept, it´s just impossible to do this with Nightwish. It wouldn´t be fair to the other band members first of all.

Did you ever bring up the idea with them? See if they wanted to work on it?

Toumas: I never even considered it because I wanted the album to be pure orchestrated stuff, so there´s only so much to do for bass, drums and guitars. No point in it.

If it all takes off and does very well, would you still consider it a one off thing?

Tuomas: Well, if anything sells or doesn´t sell, is no motivation at all. I did it just because I felt so much while reading the story and I wanted to give a little bit back to Don Rosa, for this wonderful story. If it sells a million copies, it really makes no difference. I´m really happy if it does, because that means people have found this wonderful story, but it´s gonna be all about Nightwish for the next few years.

Still, you´re a musician and you depend on selling albums and doing tours. You need the money to make your art. Isn´t it any motivation at all, at least to make ends meet?

Tuomas: The way I see it, is that I have never thought about that and that has taken me this far. We have sold 8 million albums without ever thinking about that and I can honestly say that we don´t think about that stuff. We did the movie “Imaginaerum” which was a disastrously financial flop and nobody cares. We just wanted to do it and we knew it was gonna be a flop, but you just do things for the right reasons and it will pay off in the end.

Same thing happened with Metallica. I kinda figured you both would have a lot of fans checking it out, but apparently not?

Tuomas: Well, life would be a lot more boring if you always knew what would happen. I never expected a concept like Nightwish to get this far. On paper it shouldn´t work, but for some reason it does. It makes life that more interesting.

Still, having such a big project turn into a flop, does that in any way scare you of doing something similar in the future?

Tuomas: I´m not that naí¯ve that I would say that money doesn´t mean anything. Of course it does. We need the money to book a big orchestra in London to play on the albums and we have to pay the technicians and the management and the band and everything, but you just have to do what the moment tells you to do. At the moment we´re doing the next album, we have booked the studios and we already know what it´s gonna be like. There´s not gonna be a movie, but there will be a music video and that´s all we know at the moment.

Working on this solo album, was it in any way freer than working on a Nightwish album?

Tuomas: It´s really hard to say. In one way it wasn´t, because I was bound to one theme and one story, but on the other hand it was basically all me so that had its advantages and disadvantages. Sometimes you want a second opinion and there were times where I kinda missed my band members a lot, but then again it´s all you and that also gives you a lot of freedom. I would say it was the best of both worlds.

Did you write the album in a chronological order?

Tuomas: I knew that the songs would end up in a chronological order because it had to be. But I didn´t write them in that order. I remember doing the song “Glasgow 1877” first and that´s basically the opening track, but the second song I did was “The last sled” and that one is in the middle of the book.

Was it just these songs or were there others that could´ve been used on the album?

Tuomas: It was just these songs and no bonus tracks or nothing. I think there was an additional riff in the song “Duel and cloudscapes” that I left out, but that was the only thing that didn´t make it onto the album. It almost always the same thing with Nightwish. I´m just really bad at doing extra stuff. You wouldn´t know how much trouble we´ve had with that. I understand the bonus track principle, but we almost never have those and then we have to come up with these absurd remixes and orchestral versions or whatever. It´s a fun challenge and I don´t mind it, but it always takes a lot of imagination.

Was there a thought of having people reading the book while listening to the album as a soundtrack?

Tuomas: That would be the perfect combination, but I also think that the album will work even though you don´t know Don Rosa´s work or have the book in your hands. I have a whole bunch of movie soundtracks that I love to listen though even though I´ve never seen the films, so this is kinda a similar thing.

Do you have any favorite soundtrack composers?

Tuomas: At the moment it´s James Newton Howard, who´s done movies like “The sixth sense”, “Blood diamond” and “Batman begins” together with Hans Zimmer, for example.

Could you see yourself do movie soundtracks in the future, like in the style of Trent Reznor in “The social network”?

Tuomas: I would love to do that at some point, but at the moment I just enjoy band work. I really like spending time with the guys and the girl, touring the world and doing things together. Myabe in a few decades or so if something happens to Nightwish or if we decide to take a longer break. It is something that I would love to try to do, but I also have the impression that it´s not as easy as it sounds, because you really have to go by the terms of the film and the director. That´s what I´ve heard from composers, that you have to kill your darlings.

Have you played the album for the rest of the members?

Tuomas: No, I haven´t actually. We just mastered it two weeks ago and I haven´t met them yet. They´ve heard the single of course, but not the rest of it. I´m gonna meet them all in a week and we´ll have a band meeting concerning the upcoming album and the sketches and everything, so maybe I´ll have a chance to play it for them then.

Is there any plan for a carton movie to go with the album?

Tuomas: No. Again, it´s a matter of money and Disney rights. I haven´t even given it a thought.

Will there be any performances of the album in any way?

Tuomas: I highly doubt it, I really do. But then again, nothing is impossible. Maybe after the Nightwish tour, I´ll do a few special shows in London with the orchestra and play the album form beginning to end. It would be lovely and I would love to do it, but again, it´s a matter of schedules and money and rehearsals and all that.

What´s it like working with an orchestra like that one?

Tuomas: It´s beautiful! We have used the same people since the album “Once” (2004). Same orchestrator, same choir, same orchestra, same percussionists. I´ve actually seen a cello player headbang while we were recording one of our songs. It´s 52 people plus the three percussionists. It´s always a really smooth process. They are the best prima vista players in the world. It´s unbelievable! There are never any rehearsals and they never hear the songs beforehand. They just put on the headphones and then we go. An hour later we have a take.

What´s the plan for the next Nightwish album then?

Tuomas: I have given myself some schedules and I should have all the songs ready by the beginning of May. I have nine songs now and Marko just visited me about a week ago and gave me a CD full of riffs. We´re almost there and we´re looking at 12 songs all together. We will all get together on July 1st in my hometown and we have rented this beautiful camp site for three months. It´s actually where we did the previous album, so it´s the same place for three months to rehearse, arrange, fish, water ski, record, get drunk and if everything goes as planned, the album should be ready by the turn of the year.

Does recording an album in the middle of summer, in any way affect the sound, compared to record it in winter time?

Tuomas: It must have something to do with it. I don´t know about the recordings because you´re inside a room either way, but as a songwriter I can´t do anything in the summer or in the evenings. It´s funny, I almost always do all of my songwriting in the morning or in the afternoon, so when the clock strikes five or six, I´m done. (laughs) And the band is called Nightwish, go figure? (laughs) I´m a morning person and I love to get up early.

Those 12 songs you mentioned, how long does it usually take to turn them into finished songs?

Tuomas: It´s really hard to measure it because the songs are in process in my head all the time. Some of these songs for the next album were already born two years ago. Let´s say it takes about half a year to a year of 24/7 songwriting for me personally to get everything done.

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 12, 2014, 10:42:19 pm
What does Floor Jansen bring to the album?

Tuomas: She brings a lot of interpretations, some arrangements and positive energy for sure, but she´s not included in the songwriting process. She told me that the first time around, she has Revamp and Marko and I will do just fine for now.

What is it about Nightwish and female singers? Is it a chemistry thing?

Tuomas: Yeah, something like that. I don´t wanna go too deep into it because it´s just a never ending story, a never ending carousel. Maybe there´s just a little bit of bad luck involved as well.

Could Nightwish ever have a male singer?

Tuomas: No, I think it has to e a female singer. It´s such an essential part of the band and what the band is all about. It´s been there from the beginning and the moment I formed the band back in August 1996, I knew that it was gonna be a female singer. That´s never gonna change.

It´s almost 20 years ago. Been a fun ride, I guess?

Tuomas: Yeah, lot´s of ups, lot´s of downs and everything in between. Sometimes it feels really weird, like “What the hell´s going on?”. I just finished reading Rex Brown´s (Pantera, Kill Devil Hill) book and other bands have similar problems. We´re minor league compared to some of them.

It really doesn´t come as a surprise when you´re in a band. You spend a lot of time together, compared to the time you spend with your co-workers on a regular job.

Tuomas: Absolutely. One more thing, and Marko put it really well. We look like we´re a bunch of Neanderthals against ladies and I guess it´s what it must look like, that we´re a bunch of chauvinist pigs or whatever, but the fact is that the band is full of males who have had relationships with females – our girlfriends, wives, sisters, mothers - our whole lives. Full of love and no conflicts and that´s all I wanna say. (laughs)

12 years from now when you celebrate your 30th anniversary as a band, could you see all three singers on stage, doing something together?

Tuomas: Why not. Holding grudges and living with hatred is never good for anybody, so I really hope it happens some day. These kinda things take time.

After the new Nightwish album is released, I guess there´s gonna be a full blown world tour?

Tuomas: If everything goes as planned and it´s a big if, we start off in April 2015 and then we do the summer festivals and so on. I would say we´ll be touring till the end of 2016 for sure. About a year and a half.

You mentioned that you never thought Nightwish would get this far. What was it back then that made you think that?

Tuomas: When we released the first album every single band member was studying something or working with something. I was supposed to become a biologist, Jukka a computer engineer etc. We were doing this gothic power metal with female operatic vocals and it had all the signs of disaster, but something happened and we realized that there was something going on. None of us really enjoyed studying what we were studying and I didn´t like the university life at all and after about four months, I moved back to my mom and my dad. I borrowed money from my dad to buy a keyboard, wrote the songs for “Oceanborn” (1998), released it and here we are, still on the same path.

Were you the rebellious one in the family?

Tuomas: I´m eternally thankful for my parents, because it must´ve looked terrible. I was studying biology at the university and then I come back home and go “Can I live with you guys and also, can you lend me money so I can buy an instrument and play metal?”. They never said anything. They lent me the money and said “You´re more than welcome to stay.”. Talk about loving parents. But yeah, we´re quite a bunch. My sister is an urologist, my brother is a pathologist and I play metal. (laughs)

It´s gotta make for some interesting dinner conversations?

Tuomas: Yeah, there are some interesting stories here and there. (laughs)

Did you ever pay back your parents?

Tuomas: I did. It was 8800 Marks, about 1500 Euros.

Do they come to shows when you play in Finland?

Tuomas: They do. They´re both retired and it´s really sweet that they´re taking full advantage of it. They´re travelling all the time and when we´re on tour, they schedule their trips so they get to see many of our shows. They´ve been to Los Angeles, San Diego, Las Vegas and all over Europe and Finland. It´s really sweet. My mom is always in a Nightwish t-shirt. If she goes shopping for groceries or to a baseball game, she´s always in a Nightwish t-shirt. She´s 73 and I even saw her in a Children of Bodom “Follow the reaper” t-shirt and I said “Do you know what that is?”. (laughs) She´s great.

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 21, 2014, 05:25:38 pm
Jukka cumple hoy 36 años!!!!!!
FELICIDADES!!!!! :011: :011: :011: :011: :011: :011: :011:
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 04, 2014, 08:40:48 pm
Yo no habí­a visto esto. Es de 1994. Tuomas y Tarja (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 16, 2014, 11:01:03 pm
A big hello from Hattula, Finland. Tero ("TeeCee" Kinnunen) and I have been here for the past 2,5 weeks recording a demo of the new Nightwish songs. It has come together beautifully and we now have a total of 12 songs to work with.  We are all very eager to finally get together and start the rehearsals in July. If everything goes as scheduled, we should have the ready album in our hands by the end of January 2015.
It`s still too early to analyze the material more closely, but the album will once again explore all the ends of the spectrum, bringing the very best out of the newcomers Floor and Troy. And stealthily the album ended up having a theme running through it.
Excited beyond words now! Best wishes to you all,
Tuomas "
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 20, 2014, 03:26:50 pm
"Some misunderstandings on the forum: The album is ready by the end of January, but the release in April-May 2015. Hopefully."
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 13, 2014, 05:36:39 pm
Ghost Love Score (Instrumental) (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 24, 2014, 05:36:52 pm
Emppu cumple hoy 36 años!!!
FELICIDADES!!!! :011: :011: :011:
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 04, 2014, 03:18:54 pm
NW have succesfully started out their summer camp, i.e. rehearsals and recordings of their 8th studio album in Kitee.

"We've seriously discussed in which key to put our coming rap hit or if everyone should just play whatever they want," says Marco Hietala.

"Well, seriously, we've already rehearsed three songs to a good level. We're ahead of the schedule!" he continues.

Tuomas, Marco, Jukka, and Emppu are present at the moment. Floor, who has just moved to Joensuu, and Troy will arrive in Kitee within a couple of weeks.
"By then we will hopefully have rehearsed the new songs so well that they will be able to bring their eagerly awaited spices to a more or less set table!"

What about the working name?
- Strong But Very Good!
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 05, 2014, 07:26:58 pm
e news says that:
... the music cafíé Sointula in Joensuu has received a letter addressed to Floor Jansen.
Of course, they are not going to open it, but instead hand it over to Floor Jansen herself, when she visits the cafíé.
They don´t know the sender, but apparently the same person has already before sent letters to Sointula and its predecessor, hotel-restaurant Wanha Jokela.
-The handwriting is the same. The letters have always been intelligently thoughtful. They have had attached some newspaper articles about the cultural life of Joensuu and some music videos on DVD.
The letter addressed to Floor Jansen has Finnish stamps, but once a letter had been sent from Stockholm.
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 09, 2014, 03:55:41 pm
Floor ya está ensayando!!! (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 09, 2014, 05:22:11 pm
Trailer (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 09, 2014, 05:25:23 pm
First show on the 5th of June!!.
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 11, 2014, 04:02:30 pm

Todos juntos!!
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 14, 2014, 06:25:01 pm
Pip Williams

July 13th: "Stuck in to writing scores for Nightwish's 8th album. Recording the orchestra and choirs in October at Angel Studios. Can't wait!!"
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 17, 2014, 03:55:01 pm
NW-band camp going on. Playing, rehearsing, recording, swimming, celebrating, enjoying the Finnish summer and Troy's magical tricks. Jukka was on duty so missing from the photo. I could have played all the drum parts but they didn't ask."

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 30, 2014, 04:21:08 pm
Episodio 2: (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 05, 2014, 07:23:26 pm
Nightwish are proud to announce our newly-inked North American deal for the U.S. and Canada via Nuclear Blast Entertainment.

The band’s as-yet-untitled eighth studio album will be the first to feature new Dutch vocalist Floor Jansen, who has toured with the band since October 2012.

Expanding the territory of NIGHTWISH’s initial European collaboration with Nuclear Blast‘s HQ in Germany since 2004’s Once album, NBE President and A&R Chief Monte Conner looks forward to the growth of the band’s new line-up:

“It was a pleasure to work with NIGHTWISH at my former label, but now in my new capacity at NBE, I will be more directly involved with the band than ever before. I would like to thank NIGHTWISH and their management for their continued faith in and loyalty to me. I am particularly excited at the prospect of hearing Floor Jansen’s debut studio recording with the band. Her performance on last year’s live release Showtime, Storytime completely blew me away and proved why she is the PERFECT singer for NIGHTWISH.”

NIGHTWISH’s long-time co-manager Ewo Pohjola of King Foo Entertainment adds the following:

“Having Monte Conner now back with NIGHTWISH in North America makes us all really happy. And with Nuclear Blast we have always felt at home since Day One.”

Recordings of the new NIGHTWISH material are slated begin this summer. Band members have already spent time in the wilderness of Hattula, Finland working on new song demos with producer Tero “TeeCee” Kinnumen.

“It’s proven to be a very effective arrangement,” states song composer & keyboard player Tuomas Holopainen. “We have our peace here, in the middle of nature. We can concentrate 24/7.”

“There’s stuff that sounds excellent already and stuff that clearly needs some work still,” adds bassist & vocalist Marco Hietala. “We have such a strong belief in the end result that we know if will work like alchemy: ScheiíŸe [shit] will turn to gold.”
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 06, 2014, 04:00:34 pm
Jukka deja la banda temporalmente!!

For a number of years, I have suffered from occasional but very difficult insomnia, something that has been my unwanted companion during many of our tours, too. I’ve done my best to try to control it or at least to cope with it. Still, we don’t even really know why we need sleep, so unfortunately there’s not much information available on why some of us suffer from sleeplessness. There is no 100% cure for the problem.
During the last month, it has become evident for me that due to my insomnia, I can’t fulfill my duties as a musician in the way that I’d want and with the precision that the music deserves. Thus I have decided to step aside from my duties as the drummer of Nightwish during the recording of the forthcoming album and the subsequent tour. I will still be involved in managing the day-to-day affairs of the band, but the dearest and the most important thing, playing, is, for the time being, not possible. Time will tell what the future holds.

On a personal level, my decision obviously feels indescribably sad. Fortunately, looking at it with some distance, it is “just” part of the constant, inevitable ebb and flow of life. The sad things are part of it as well as the beautiful, unforgettable experiences and adventures that I’ve already had the pleasure to experience in spades. Surely, there will still be many adventures ahead, too.

My good friend Kai Hahto will play drums on the forthcoming album. I’m extremely grateful that he didn’t hesitate for a minute when he decided to help us in this challenging situation. What comes to touring, everything is still open, but we will let you know as soon possible what the line-up will be.

If beginning this was hard, so is ending it. So maybe I will just quote something fitting.

You can only lose something that you have, but you cannot losesomething that you are.”― Eckhart Tolle
Best regards, Jukka Nevalainen / Nightwish (

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 06, 2014, 04:14:56 pm
El sustituto!!

Kai Hahto (nacido el 1 de enero 1973 en Vaasa, Finlandia) es un profesor de baterí­a, baterista de la banda de Death Metal Wintersun, y miembro fundador de la banda de Grindcore Rotten Sound. Aparte de esto, ha tocado en muchas otras bandas, cuyos estilos varí­an desde el Black metal al Jazz.

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 06, 2014, 04:21:12 pm
Troy was in North Yorkshire when his friend Jukka recorded his video statement, but says..
"Although I was deeply despondent at the prospect of us doing ANYTHING without our beloved Jukka, he has cheered me up with his selfless and optimistic approach to this awful situation. He will 'fix' himself soon, and I know he will return in triumph to his rightful place as the engine driver of this wondrous Nightwish vehicle. So, lets give a big round of applause to our very brilliant friend Kai who is stepping in to keep things alive and moving forward..."
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 07, 2014, 04:15:13 pm
Kai Hahto gave an interview to Pohjalainen newspaper where he revealed that the last song of the upcoming album is almost 30 minutes long. ;) Hahto wrote the music/notes for the drum parts and will stand in for Jukka for a year and a half, so album recordings and the following tour as well.
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 08, 2014, 09:29:36 pm
Kai Hahto, drummer hailing from Vaasa, stepped out of a train from Kitee around 5 pm last Monday.

Now the plan for him is to substitute for the drummer of Nightwish, the metal band enjoying worldwide fame.
He has been furiously writing down sheet music until Wednesday night.
His task is to learn by heart Nightwish’s upcoming album and play the drum parts for it in a studio located in Kitee woods.

Hahto will be substituting for the next year and a half Nightwish’s original drummer and his friend Jukka Nevalainen.

No drama was involved in the change of line-up.

Nevalainen is stepping aside due to insomnia problems that have been going on for a long time.

Hahto’s job is not exactly an easy one. At the time of the interview, he had managed to write most of the drum parts.
“It would be easier if Nightwish played simple three-cord rock, but the songs are all in all very demanding.”

The last track of the upcoming album is nearly half an hour long. Hahto is thanking his creator for having at some point learned to write sheet music for drums.

“Tuomas has after all quite a precise vision of what the album should sound like,” he says, referring to the band’s guitarist (sic) Tuomas Holopainen.

Hahto already knew the band members.

Having worked as a drum technician for Nevalainen, Hahto was aware that if Nevalainen for some reason or another would have to excuse himself, it would be him that steps up.

“After all, no one is being replaced here. I’m just substituting for him.”
According to Hahto, the band has welcomed him with open arms.
There are no pressures even though the London symphony orchestra is booked to play the background score for the album in the autumn.

Nightwish’s tour slated to start next year will take the drummer from Vaasa across the globe.

“You never imagine doing something like this. Luckily my wife told me to go because jobs like this only come once in a lifetime,” says Hahto.
His wife and children will be staying home in Vaasa.

However, the tour schedule has been arranged so that Hahto and other band members with families are able to see their kids often.

Nightwish line-up changes

The band was founded in Kitee in 1996. Jukka Nevalainen joined the band a year later, after which the band changed its style from acoustic to an electrically amplified sound.

Permanent line-up changes have also taken place along the band’s career. In 2006 Anette Olzon was hired as the vocalist due to a falling out between Tarja Turunen and Tuomas Holopainen. Since last autumn the vocalist is Floor Jansen from Holland.

Kai Hahto has worked as Nightwish’s drum technician and knew that in an emergency he would be the first choice to substitute for Jukka Nevalainen.
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 10, 2014, 08:24:49 pm
Pip Williams on Twitter August 10th: "3rd Nightwish score is in stark contrast to the first two songs. Very slow and dark, with an amazingly infectious main melody!" "An assortment of exotic percussion will feature on this, plus an opportunity to bring out the awesome contra-bassoon!" "Troy will put his stamp on this one too- well he does on everything he touches, but this song is tailor made for his unique talents!" :P
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 12, 2014, 04:19:24 pm
While NIGHTWISH are currently working on their upcoming new studio album, fans can enjoy a series of five special clips, with impressions of the »Imaginaerum« world-tour.
Today marks the start with an impressive clip for the NIGHTWISH classic 'Planet Hell'." (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 12, 2014, 04:24:40 pm
Grabaciones en marcha (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 14, 2014, 05:24:51 pm
Kai en Facebook!!

3 day Nightwish rehearsals over.We got 10 songs pre recorded as demos. Tomorrow a gig with Max on the Rock in Hietsku Rock. Then 2 days off and rehearsals in Helsinki with Wintersun for Summer breeze which is next Saturday. From there i go back to record the new Nightwish album nr 8.
Cheers and thanks once more for the positive messages which means a lot to me.
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 18, 2014, 07:37:03 pm
Kai otra vez!!

New drumheads,all cleaned up and ready to setup. Thanks Mappe for lending these beauties! Nightwish album nr 8 recordings starting this wednesday. Wish me luck!  cheers!
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 19, 2014, 06:10:13 pm
Este es Pip!!

Well, Tuomas has described my score for song 3 as "Stunning and beautiful"! Fans will love that track- destined to be a real album sleeper!"
-"Now into score number 4. This is a driving, typically Nightwish fast affair, perfect for Floor's great rock delivery, with a bonkers chorus!"
-"And just to add- wait til you hear what we're doing with the Metro Voices choir on this one- some manic stuff!"
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 20, 2014, 08:53:53 pm
Capitulo 3 (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 23, 2014, 04:22:10 pm

My kitview from the front. Yes , i know it doesn't look that " heavy metal " from the front with only one bassdrum, but this is just for the recording as it is much easier to use acoustic sound on the album just using 1 kickdrum and this was the wish of the man who records the album. Playing live it's always 2 kicks of course. We have 7 songs ready now as we started to record on Thursday evening. Yesterday i got 5 songs. Very smooth and relaxed atmosphere. Jukka came also yesterday to meet us and listen to the tracks. Nightwish album nr 8 is getting together today as i have 4 more songs to play today. The songs are great!!!  cheers!!
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 23, 2014, 11:30:07 pm

The drumparts for the new Nightwish album are now done and we move on to Bass,Guitar and Keyboards. This has been incredible and at the same time very odd experience to sit on drumthrone with this amazing band and people! Jukka has been here with us for the last 2 days. I am very honoured to be part of this great new album. Thanks guys and thanks Jukka!!!
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 23, 2014, 11:34:03 pm
Y Pip!!

Tomorrow- on to score 5, which is actually the album closer, in 5 movements! I chose to tackle this marathon next!
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 24, 2014, 04:14:35 pm
The drum recordings are done and it all sounds fantastic! Onwards!



Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 28, 2014, 07:11:39 pm
"A triumphant Ace of bass after recording the last song of the album!"

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 29, 2014, 04:45:58 pm
Last Of The Wilds (Official Live) (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 01, 2014, 04:58:04 pm
Pip otra vez!

Well score 5 is complete and and Tuomas is delighted with my Sibelius mock-up! Gave me a chance to write some sensitive woodwind parts!
…Including a bassoon obligato, to be played by the wonderful Julie Andrews (no, not THAT one!) Started score 6 yesterday.
Number 6 is back to familiar Nightwish rock territory. More mighty ethnic percussion and plenty of crazy guitar riffs!
Nearly 11 years down the line and Tuomas and I have a fantastic musical bond. Almost telepathic! Very little gets changed these days.
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 05, 2014, 08:16:47 pm
New album update:
All rhythm- and lead guitars are now recorded! Missing just a couple of solos, to be recorded after the vocals (hard to shred with that mutant right hand, anyway…see first picture). Truly fantastic job, Emppu!
On to keyboards and vocals next.
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 07, 2014, 01:53:40 pm
Score 6 has the Tuomas seal of approval- on with 7! Some crazy stuff in the intro of this- bowed crotales, contra bassoon, weird strings….

…..very discordant brass and spooky woodwinds too! The song itself?- it has a GREAT chorus and judging by the demo, Floor will be amazing!!
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 08, 2014, 06:27:18 pm
Nightwish main page informs us that on 05/01/2015, a gig in Los Angeles is planned
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 11, 2014, 05:29:32 pm
Floor just posted a pic on instagram "
I just love autumn! Working on the vocal recording for #Nightwish and enjoying the endless beauty of the Finnish nature and landscape! What a bliss!!! #nofilter #newalbum #vocalrecording #Finland "'
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 11, 2014, 05:31:32 pm
Capí­tulo 4 Making Of (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 12, 2014, 06:46:04 pm
New confirmed tourdate: 13th April 2015
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 14, 2014, 06:40:21 pm
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 16, 2014, 04:56:50 pm
Some more updates from Pip:
Score 7 is done and dusted- REALLY pleased with that one. Number 8 should be wrapped up today. A beautiful, sensitive song!"
"This'll display the gentler side of Floor and demonstrates Tuomas's brilliance at coming up with fantastic melodies and riffs!"
"This will feature much smaller orchestra- small string section, harp and subtle percussion- and soft children's choir!"
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 20, 2014, 04:18:38 pm

"Nightwish recordings in Kitee are almost done. Next will be Troy's pipes, some keyboards, orchestrations and after that starts mixing at Finnvox."
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 20, 2014, 04:19:21 pm
"Now after hearing every masterpiece of up-coming Nightwish album I can only tell you all… It's going to be heavy. After Imaginaerum I was sceptic and thinking there is no new direction to go anymore, but so wrong I was!!! This new album will blow your minds!"
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 22, 2014, 03:48:07 pm
NIGHTWISH – release 'Storytime' (special clip)

While NIGHTWISH are currently working on their upcoming new studio album, fans can enjoy a series of five special clips, with impressions of the »Imaginaerum« world-tour.

Today marks number three, with an impressive clip for the NIGHTWISH hymn 'Storytime (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 23, 2014, 03:32:56 pm
04/09/15 Hammerstein Ballroom – New York, NY
04/10/15 Electric Factory – Philadelphia, PA
04/11/15 Palladium – Worcester, MA
04/13/15 Capitole Theatre – Quebec City, QC – CANADA
04/14/15 Phoenix Concert Theater – Toronto, ON – CANADA
04/16/15 Town Ballroom – Buffalo, NY
04/17/15 Agora Theatre – Cleveland, OH
04/18/15 Concorde Music Hall – Chicago, IL
04/19/15 Val Air Ballroom – Des Moines, IA
04/21/15 Ogden Theatre – Denver, CO
04/22/15 In The Venue – Salt Lake City, UT
04/24/15 Knitting Factory – Spokane, WA
04/25/15 Orpheum Theatre – Vancouver, B.C. – CANADA
04/26/15 Crystal Ballroom – Portland, OR
04/28/15 Warfield Theatre – San Francisco, CA
04/30/15 House Of Blues – Las Vegas, NV
05/01/15 Greek Theatre – Los Angeles, CA
05/02/15 Marquee Theatre – Phoenix, AZ
05/03/15 Tricky Falls – El Paso, TX
05/05/15 Bomb Factory – Dallas, TX
05/06/15 Warehouse Live – Houston, TX
05/08/15 House of Blues – Orlando, FL
05/09/15 Revolution – Fort Lauderdale, FL
05/11/15 Marathon Music Work – Nashville, TN
05/12/15 Expo Five – Louisville, KY
05/13/15 Filmore – Charlotte, NC
05/14/15 Filmore – Silver Springs, MD
Marco's comment:
"Hi to all! Our work on the new album has been going with serious productive speed and comfortable ease at the same time. It´s going to be great to get it out to you and play these pieces live. And with this announcement it will obviously happen quite soon! Here are the dates for the North-American shows. Come on over and we´ll raise hell and kick some arses together!"
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 23, 2014, 03:33:50 pm
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 23, 2014, 03:47:01 pm

"Well, despite the lack of news, I am actually on score number 10! Number 9 was a rousing affair, featuring the largest orchestra."
"9 is possibly the title track of the album and I think it's a really strong single contender. Really pleased with my French Horn lines!"
"The more I listen, the more I think this is one of Tuomas's strongest selection of Nightwish songs for a long time. Powerful and memorable!"
"Song 10 has one of those clever timing shifts. It's actually in 4/4 but has a little twist to throw the listener. Fearsome pizzicato too!"
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 23, 2014, 05:36:38 pm
Entrevista a Troy!

1. Are you a typical Englishman with all these five-o-clock traditions and talks about weather? What kind of tea do you prefer? Is it true that every Englishmen likes tea more than coffee? Did you watched Doctor Who?

Ooooh no, I am not typical at all. I have never drank tea or coffee in my whole life, and I hate football with a passion. I do like talking about the weather though. We British have quite a lot of it. And Doctor Who? I used to love it when I was a kid, but not the modern slick CGI version. I used to like it when they had no money - the monsters and aliens were just guys painted green, covered in egg boxes.

2. Do you have a pet?

Yes, I have a pet wasp called Linda. She gets drunk quite a lot on rotten fruit, but she's alright if you don't annoy her.

3. What kind of music were you listening while growing up?

I had a very musical childhood with a musician dad who was a serious collector of vinyl records of all styles - Country, bluegrass, folk, Rock, Classical. He introduced me to Johnny Cash, The Eagles, Mozart & PInk Floyd among many others.

4. Do you attended university?

When I left school I went to a College of Art & Design in the far north of England. I quickly realised that the only reason I was there was to try to join a band so I soon left.

5. What songs do you sing while taking a shower?

Its either "A Wandering Minstrel I" from Gilbert & Sullivans 'The Mikado' or "Crazy Train" by Ozzy Osbourne.

6. In 2012 you finally visited Russia. What can you say about Russia and Russian people now?

I absolutely LOVED the Russian shows and the people were just wonderful. I hope we can return as part of the next European tour. The lovely fans brought us lovely presents too; including strange and mysterious liqueurs which turn you into a werewolf at 4am.

7. Almost all 2012 year you were on tour. Was this long tour exhausting in your opinion? Did you miss your family?

Its funny, but when you are out there for such a long time, living such an intense lifestyle, you do feel exhausted and start to wish it was finished. But then, you get home, and after a couple of months you experience withdrawl symptoms and can't wait to get back out there! Luckily for me, my family is wonderful and understand that it is what I have to do. I try to get them to as many shows as I can...

8. Do you demand something special for group rider?

I demand towels made of crushed blue velvet, a golden trumpet with which I can summon our tour mangaer Basty, a small inflated paddling pool stocked with Seahorses, and finally, a bag of Tortilla chips.

9. What do you like more? Beer or cider? Or maybe you prefer stronger drinks?

BEER! though I prefer 'the grape'. I am an experienced and enthusiastic red wine drinker.

10. We know that the guys from the band like to party while on tour ( End of Innocence DVD showed that clearly). Do you join them or prefer to spend your leisure time in more quiet way?

There are few things in this life more wonderful than having parties with the people you love, and new friends waiting to be discovered. So yes, I certainly do join in. Big Time.

11. While touring the world I am sure that you experienced a lot of adventures. Can you tell us the most funniest story?

When in Paris I was secretly allowed to control the Confetti Cannon. During 'Ghost Love Score' Teemu, our Cannon expert, sneaked me down to the front of the stage where I blasted the confetti into the audience. It was the look on Emppu's face when he saw that it was me that was the killer. He handed me a beer.
But I think the funniest was in Australia when a Crocodile stole Floors leather Pants.

12. Did you hang out with musicians from other metal bands?

Absolutely. Thats another great part of touring. Statovarious, Pain, Battle Beast, Kamelot...wonderful times...

13. While travelling by tour bus do you watch movies or tv shows? What are you favorite ones?

I don't travel by bus. I am given an injection and placed into a flight case with microphones. They then revive me at the venue with strong cheese.

14. What is the best place to spend your vacation?

Anywhere where there is fine wine, pasta, risotto and pizza. So yes, Thailand.

15. What was the last music that inspired you?

Its a Finnish accapella group called 'Club for Five' they have a version of Dire Straits "Brothers in Arms" which is quite something. And a splendid version of Metallica's "Nothing Else Matters" featuring the sublime voice of my dear friend Johanna.

16. You are amazing talented multi-instrumentalist. Can we hope to hear some new exotic instruments (Chinese, Africa etc) on a new Nightwish album?

Well thank you!
The new album will obviously feature The Pipes, but there is some Cumbrian Bouzouki ( an amazing instrument) and quite a lot of harmony singing, percussion and Low Whistles of every size.

17. To that end, what are your hopes for the new album?

For me personally it is that even more people get exposure to the unique sounds of these old, mystical instruments in this new magical setting. Nightwish is not an ordinary band, and I always, even before I joined, admired its willingness to experiment. This new album travels to strange new lands, and we are all very excited by it.
But, the music and spirit is pure Nightwish...
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 25, 2014, 04:13:16 pm
And again some Twitter updates by Pip:
"Well after just a couple of small changes, song 10 is done and dusted and off to Dick, our dependable music prep doyen"
"Dick's job is to physically tidy the score, collate and print all the individual music parts and make sure there are page-turn breaks."
"Sibelius software and great samples means Tuomas and I can discuss my orchestrations and make any changes if necessary- very few this time!"
"I'm onto song 11 now. I've come back to the 4th part of the epic closer."
"Tuomas has asked me to - "Make it the ultimate show stopper- beautiful, melancholic, even biblical". Pretty straightforward then :-)"
"Just confirmed the full orchestra and choir line-up. Plus, I've made a list of all the mighty percussion instruments we'll be using- wow!"
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 25, 2014, 05:42:00 pm
Floor nos invita al 2 days Nightwish fan cruise (

Mas detalles sobre el crucero (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 26, 2014, 10:21:54 pm

VOX done! Marco and Floor finished their vocal recording!!! We're getting closer to the end of these magical recording sessions…
But this milestone in its process was celebrated with as much joy as the recording itself!
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 29, 2014, 04:15:08 pm
A lot of more updates from Pip yesterday:
"It's been a full-on few days. Tuomas is delighted with score 11, the album closer- really pleased cos I'm proud of this one! An epic!"
"I'm actually very pleased with all of them, but 11 is a bit of a fave. It will be huge!"
"Yesterday I completed the part for solo Hardanger Fiddle on song 12. This will be played by Dermot Crehan (who played on Lord Of The Rings!)"
"….and today, I finished song 13- the last score!! It's a strong single contender, with a great vocal from Floor!"
"There still much work to be done. I need to listen through and check everything and meticulously plan the running order for the recordings."
"MP3's and parts have to be sent to key musicians and soloists, so they can be well prepared!"
"Need to liaise with the studio and engineer to ensure that nothing is left to chance. Some songs will need specific setups and soloist mics."
"Full of excitement and anticipation for next week. Even after all these years, I still get butterflies before the first big session!"
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 01, 2014, 04:34:32 pm
Hey, Floor! Thank you for agreeing to answer the questions from Russian fans, You are very popular here in Russia and we are looking forward to your next visit.

You have recently moved from Holland to Finland, Tell please what are your impressions about the country? Is it easy to adapt to a new language, mentality and a new cuisine?

Floor: I like Finland a lot! It’s a beautiful country with friendly people and an amazing nature that’s all around. I’m not a big city person and with all the traveling I do it’s great to come home to a calm place. That’s what I found in Finland. The language is high on the top 5 of most difficult languages in the world and I can tell you: it’s hard! But also a great challenge and healthy brain therapy  The food is different but there are many similarities to the Dutch food.

You know, the Voice show has a great success in many countries. Tell, please, what is your attitude to these shows. Do you like the main concept of this type of competitions or you do you think that a true-musician must start in small stages, and after then to perform on TV? Could you participate?

Floor: I think the word musician and the Voice should not be mentioned in one sentence. It’s entertainment without the soul of music. Singing without a clue of music industry or what it’s like to be a musician full time in the REAL world. So no, I don’t like it. It’s a false reflection of the truth. Of course there are good singers that get a bigger chance to show the world what they’ve got. But they have no clue how to stay a singer in the real world. They will be used and exploited until the next talent walks in.

Tell me, in your opinion, is there an age limit for the musicians? Or do you think that it is possible to go on stage both in 16 and in 86?

Floor: Music is borderless, ageless and has such power that, if done well, everyone is able to perform it!

Last year you came to Russia with concerts. Tell me, what impressions do
you have? Is there anything that is particularly memorable?

Floor: I love it but it was a very double experience. The Russian fans were a big and welcome surprise! So warm and enthusiastic!!! The country is beautiful!!! But the organization was done so bad: we had a hard time to get the shows done, to eat, to travel. We even got kicked out of the venue when they opened for a disco…
So I can’t wait to go back and have a 100% positive experience! The fans those nights proved that they were so awesome I have to !

In After Forever and Revamp we see you on a heavy side, and it's cool, but have you got an idea to release an album with light, lyrical compositions, such as it makes Liv Kristine in her own solo-albums?

Floor: I have never heard this but no, not really.

There are a lot of fans of your previous band After Forever. Tell, do you contact your ex-band members? Can we expect a reunion some day or it is a uniquely inverted page in your creativity?

Floor: My focus and devotion lies on Nightwish for the coming years. Even ReVamp’s future is insecure because I don’t know if it will be possible to combine both bands. I would love to though! So there is absolutely no space for a relic from the past.

During the last years you gave singing lessons. Tell, how do you feel yourself in a teacher’s role? Are you a strict teacher or are you indulgent to your students?

Floor: I have been teaching over 10 years, so it’s not so new. I enjoy letting students feel how they can use their voice, when they overcome certain barriers or fears. I’m strict but fair, I can’t teach you how to sing if you don’t practice and work for it  But if you try I can help you and enjoy doing that.

You participated in the various projects. But if you are invited to play the main role in the opera, would you agree? And what role would you choose? Have you ever dreamed about a career as an opera singer, or do you "breathe" only heavy music?

Floor: During my studies to both Rockacademy as conservatory I realized I am not made for the theatre world. I wouldn’t fit into an opera setting. I never had the dream either but I love to combine worlds if possible.

What's the most extreme thing you have ever done for the deal? Well, except learning songs of Nightwish in 24 hours in the airplane?

Floor: Dedicate my entire life to music 

If you have enough time to get another profession, what would you

Floor: Being a musician is not doing a job. You ARE a musician. So I can’t imagine doing anything else. I have hobbies and other interests but they could never be my ‘profession’. I have always loved horses and horseback riding and even tried to make my profession out of this before realizing music is not a choice but a calling  If anything it would be in that direction, but again. I am a musician and feel very happy and blessed I can be this fulltime!

What are your feelings about the new album recording sessions? Are you satisfied with the material that you have recorded? Were there any tough songs for you to sing?

Floor: It was the first time in my career that I sing on an entire album for a band I call my own without having written the music. Or the lyrics. A new challenge by itself. But the way Tuomas and Marko write I had no difficulties to get into to songs and tell their story with my interpretation. I felt great, superb even while recording. It went ‘easy’, the voice just opened up and all came out automatically thanks to the well written music and many rehearsals we did before recording it. Some parts were tough, I was definitely challenged by the material in many ways 

In the beginning of this year you told that you had started learning Finnish. Did you manage to earn some progress in learning?

Floor: I started last year in September, so a little over a year now and I am making progress. But slowly because of the complexity of this language. There are no words similar to any language I know, the grammar is crazily complex and the pronunciation is very foreign to my longue. But it’s great to notice I understand more and more every day and I can speak a bit more as well. Reading becomes better and with enough patience I will learn to master this language!

In his last interview Troy answered the question about last Nightwish tour funniest moment and he told that it was in Australia when crocodile stole your pants. What can you say about the most memorable moment of the last tour?
Floor: Well it was a crazy and scary moment of course! Big animal taking off with my pants! I was furious! It’s not like he would look any better in them than me….:-)

Few days ago your backstage photo during photo shoot for Pretty Attitude appeared on facebook. Could you please tell more about this collaboration?
Floor: My friend Andrea Beckers worked with them before and they asked her if I would be interested in some of their clothing. They sent me some of their clothes and jewelry and we did a photo session for them. These pictures are just made and not yet released. It was nice to do even though the style of the outfits isn’t really mine. Their quality however is great and I think many alternative girls will love their collection!!!

Are you excited about the upcoming summer cruise shows? I saw a program and found it is really attractive and I can’t imagine how enjoyable will be to see it all live. How this idea to play concerts on board of the ship appeared?
Floor: I am not sure who’s idea it was to do this with Nightwish as well but I’ve seen many other bands doing this very successfully (like Motorhead with their Motor Boat and the Swedish band Sabaton). It’s a great way to come a bit closer to the fans and to offer a unique show. I’m looking forward to this very much!

You shared a stage with Tarja Turunen. Would you like to repeat this experience?
Floor: She’s a wonderful singer and a sweet woman. Surely I would like to do this when there is a nice concert.

And in the end, could you tell a few words your Russian fans?
Floor: All I ever hear from other bands who toured Russia is that it’s absolutely wonderful! I noticed it myself while coming over for the two shows I did. I wish I would have come earlier in my career and can’t wait to come over with Nighwish. I want to thank everyone for believing in me even when I didn’t come over to Russia for shows and for supporting me throughout the years! I hope you will enjoy what I bring into Nightwish and that we’ll have some magical nights in the near future together!!! Spaziba!!!
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 01, 2014, 04:37:45 pm
Cap 5 (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 04, 2014, 07:07:33 pm
"Orchestra for 8 songs successfully recorded yesterday. Amazing musicians and an absolutely fulfilling day. Onwards today with more!"
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 05, 2014, 04:14:58 pm
The recordings for the orchestra are already over and they'll soon start recording the percussions and the choirs!
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 06, 2014, 06:10:15 pm
A small text from Kai on his fb today:

"Today i experienced one of the most emotional moments ever as childrens choirs sang on top of the upcoming Nightwish album. What a wonderful moment!"
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 06, 2014, 06:17:59 pm
Y este es Troy:

And now, the new Nightwish album has some weird and wonderful 'fanfret Cumbrian Bouzouki' in its Forcefield.
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 06, 2014, 11:34:33 pm
Pip otra vez

Yesterday I completed the part for solo Hardanger Fiddle on song 12. This will be played by Dermot Crehan (who played on Lord Of The Rings!)
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 07, 2014, 07:53:01 pm
Kai habla!

"Ethnic percussion day at the studio with Nightwish was amazing!! From the left Paul Clarvis( man that Hans Zimmer uses a lot in his film scores),some random Finnish drummer, Pip Williams and Stephen Henderson( guy who played percussion on Star Wars empire strikes back, Joni Mitchell, Diana Ross, Kung Fu panda etc. What legends and what professionals i get to witness. Life is unexpected sometimes!"
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 08, 2014, 05:08:03 pm
  Floor Jansen about this experience: "this was the first time I witnessed the recording of an orchestra and it was so enchanting! I was stunned by the professionalism of the players, the conductor, the studio engineers and by the amazing arrangements Pip made again. To hear it all come together is amazing, goosebumps all the way through!!!"
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 08, 2014, 09:55:59 pm
Well, the Nightwish London sessions were wrapped up yesterday, with every session finishing early!
Recorded the children's choir on Sunday. 20 amazingly talented kids from Young Musicians London. Stunning ethnic percussion in the evening!
Full on orchestral percussion on Monday, with the legendary Metro Voices choir bringing things to a conclusion last night. Totally drained!
The songs are brilliant and so varied. Plenty of really heavy stuff as well as sensitive songs to demonstrate Floors great versatility!
…and of course, a monumental closer to the album. There will be some real surprises for Nightwish fans and Troy's presence is mega!
Lookie here:
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 09, 2014, 05:58:36 pm
9.-12. 7. 2014 Masters of Rock Vizovice, Czech Republic. They will play 9, 10. or 12. july, headliner for saturday July 11 is Powerwolf and Nightwish are mentioned as an absolute headliner of the whole festival.
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 11, 2014, 05:43:01 pm
Anyway, the band has been confirmed at the Masters of Rock festival in the Czech Republic on July 12th, 2015.
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 13, 2014, 06:15:56 pm
"Still some Nightwish recordings to do before mixing. Now in Petrax Studio, Hollola, Finland. I also hang around this weekend there enjoying the company, Troy's magic and fantastic food and hospitality of the owners, Rappula family."
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 13, 2014, 06:19:28 pm
Arabesque (Official Live) (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 13, 2014, 06:21:31 pm
New festival date confirmed: Rock Fest Barcelona on July 23-25th
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 13, 2014, 06:22:11 pm
"And….a BIG announcement regarding our North America tour will come on November the 10th…But we will keep it our little secret until that day!"
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 14, 2014, 04:29:20 pm
Message from Kai today:
"On my way to a studio with Nightwish. Last few percussion parts to play. Album about to be recorded. Cheers!!"
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 14, 2014, 04:31:48 pm
'Two months of mixing 'till X-mas and mastering in mid January, then two months of promoting and distributing and everything will be ready in the end of March/beginning of April....'

Ha sido Mika Jussila quien dijo esto
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 15, 2014, 03:36:27 pm
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 24, 2014, 10:59:15 pm
Making Of (Parte 6) (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 25, 2014, 04:05:42 pm
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 26, 2014, 05:14:28 pm
I translated the part dealing with those recordings (nothing new and interesting otherwise in that interview):
How would you describe Floor's working in  the studio compared to previous singers?
Quite honestly, I have to say I haven't been there following former singer's recording sessions. This time the difference was that there were actually two singers present in the studio all the time. While the one was singing the other one was thinking behind the glass what kind of harmony could fit in with it. We took turns singing the vocal parts and after that we had a dialogue how we could make the songs even better.
NW's characteristic has been alternating between female and male voices. What kind of a duet partner Floor was?
All of us have our own kind of voices. Still we got our sounds fit well together. Though I have to admit that some of us are little louder than others, so we had to adjust our volume levels a little. All in all  everything went really naturally and just as naturally I always had the lower voice and Floor had the higher one.
That co-operation should be heard clearly on the album.
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 27, 2014, 04:21:38 pm
"Anyway,how would you compare this recording to the previous albums? Earlier NW records have become more bombastic album by album. Are you going to continue with this style or are you trying to 'slow' things down?"
You can find calmer moments on this album but the fact is the bombast is the trademark of this band. And you'll certainly find epicness from this album. When we have discussed with each other we have found that this album is considerably more band oriented than before. Of course you can find choir and orchestra there but perhaps they serve the band playing slightly better than before.
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 30, 2014, 04:54:21 pm
NW just announced for M'era Luna festival
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 02, 2014, 04:38:11 pm
"Had a lovely email from Tuomas today. Mixing is going really well and can you believe, the epic closer has 430 tracks and 55 gig of files!!"
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 03, 2014, 04:38:10 pm
Otro video (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 04, 2014, 03:35:21 pm
Marco wrote to Nightwish facebook page:
This world is great. The injustice of political and religious regimes is the greatest shame we human beings have imposed on it and ourselves. After that has been said, me and my mate Tuomas Holopainen are simply grateful that my voice and his song were requested to be used and heard in this context.
Thank you Amnesty International
Marco Hietala. Bassplayer and co-vocalist of Nightwish. (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 06, 2014, 04:17:14 pm
Nightwish will Headline Rock the Ring in Hinwil, Switzerland on Friday 19.06.2015
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 09, 2014, 03:56:53 pm
We are exited to announce that our very special guest on our North American tour in 2015 is Sabaton!!! This upcoming and award winning Swedish band will surely rock you off your socks and we are glad they team up with us and the Dutch metal heads from Delain. This promises to become a tour you don't want to miss!
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 10, 2014, 03:52:21 pm
Mas fechas!

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 10, 2014, 04:16:41 pm
Nuevo merchandising

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 12, 2014, 04:03:18 pm
Making Of (Capí­tulo 7) (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 15, 2014, 10:15:50 pm
Kai said ( was in Helsinki to record a video and take pictures for Nightwish.
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 16, 2014, 04:18:24 pm
Confirmed music video today. Markku the pyro guy posted on his facebook about being there for smoke and flames  :)
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 17, 2014, 05:02:35 pm
Kai ha escrito

"This is what i did yesterday. Played drums outside in the cold. Nightwish video number 1 in the works. This will be fabulous."

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 17, 2014, 07:01:07 pm
Nightwish @ Hellfest 2015.
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 18, 2014, 04:37:19 pm
Kai confirmed in facebook that they are filming the video in lime factory in Lohja (city nearby Helsinki).
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 22, 2014, 08:40:17 pm
Kai en FB

"Back to Helsinki tonight.. Again. :) "
"Nightwish videoshoot in the morning.."
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 25, 2014, 08:35:26 pm
NW's Jukka Nevalainen is still suffering from insomnia
NW's J.N. is still suffering from insomnia. Although Kai Hahto plays the drums on the next album and tour, Jukka is fully occupied with the band's business and his own web shop.
A few months after deciding to leave himself out of NW's next album and upcoming tour, J.N. thinks the decision was the right one. The insomnia hasn't let loose its' hold yet although the reason for it and help has been actively sought from specialists.
-You can't say, that I have got rid of insomnia. The fact is there is no recipe and pills to cure this immediatelly. I live my life one day at a time and we try to clarify the cause of the problem, the drummer sums up.
-You can't deny that it would be nice to be with the band now when the album is getting ready and next spring's tour is being prepared. But I definitely think that the decision was the right one. So there is no reason for bitterness, says Nevalainen.
NW's upcoming tour has been promoted with pictures in which the drummer is still J.N.. It's due to the fact that there aren't new pictures yet.
-Because of practical reasons we haven't managed to take new promo pictures yet. In some point the new pictures for the upcoming album and tour will be taken and the present pics will be changed, says Nevalainen.
Work in two companies
J.N. is still a member of the band, although the role is now different because of insomnia. Scene Nation has traditionally handled NW's business side and Jukka has been its' chairman of the board. After Floor Jansen and Troy Donockley joined the band, a new company, called Oily Empire Ltd Oy, was formed. All the NW members, including Kai Hahto, are shareholders of that company. J.N. is a minority shareholder, all the others own an equal share of that company. Oily Empire Ltd handles the business side of the upcoming album and tour. Again the man behind the company is Jukka Nevalainen. Scene Nation manages the profits of the previous albums.
-The name of the company brewed within the inner circle, but isn't that a great name, laughs Nevalainen.
- In practise I do all the paperwork associated to the company, contracts, tax clearances, bookkeeping matters and
calculations. When we are talking about international business, all kinds of hassle can be expected because of different tax and contract policies in different countries.
- My own know-how isn't enough for everything, often consultation help from outside is bought. There is not one single place where you can find all the answers. You have to ask who has know-how in some specific branch. The pallette is so large at this branch.
-AS an example the royalties from U.S. You have to pay a lot of taxes there without explanations and then you have to sort out whether those taxes can be compensated here in Finland.
Online shopping since 2006
Jukka Nevalainen is also occupied by another company which he owns totally. Julius Approx Oy, formed in 2006 and engaged in online trade, has grown quite a lot. The company has 8-9 employees and there are tens of thousands of different products for sale.
-The main business is the online trade via internet. I run an online shop called Additionally there is some artistic and investment activity through that company.
-The company has over 30000 different products from clothes to CD's and from jewelry to entertainment products. And not only rock clothing but all kinds of stuff. We are happy about our own clothing trademarks and we are going to invest in those also in the future, Jukka sums up.
Gig memory from Germany
When asked J.N. tells a gig memory that he wouldn't want to be repeated:
On DPP tour we got to play at a big festival with over 80000 people in Germany, that gig had been wanted and wished for. WE were excited and everything started well until after a few songs the electricity went off. We were  astonished until the technicians fixed it. With even bigger rage we tried to save what could be saved. After the blackout we managed to get half way through the first song, when the same thing happened again. That was it, people began to demand a new band to the stage. The most comical part of that was that it was our own device that caused everything. And that device should have ensured the supply of electricity in the case of power failure from organizer's side.
Floor is learning Finnish
Jukka Nevalainen is praising band's vocalist Floor Jansen.
-She is funny, a person with feet firmly on ground, who likes to be here and even with us, so it can't be totally wrong. Floor is learning Finnish but as we know, this is a difficult language, so more practise is still needed. Floor lives nearby, so we do meet when there is time, Jukka says.   
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 26, 2014, 10:22:16 pm
"4 days working with Nightwish promoshoot and video. Long days but the result will be worth it in the end. What a great 4 days it has been. Thank you!! It was great to see my dear friend Jukka as well yesterday who came to meet us. Tomorrow back to Vaasa and my students."

Pinta bien!
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 01, 2014, 03:43:41 pm

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 01, 2014, 03:54:20 pm
Nightwish confirmed for Ostock in Oulu on June 25th
Found another one too - Nightwish is the first confirmed band in Summer Breeze's christmas calender.
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 01, 2014, 06:30:02 pm
To celebrate the re-opening of The Islanders we thought we would grab a little pre-album interview with Marco and ask him some questions from our fan club. We spoke via FaceTime and put questions from our members to him.
We had some technical difficulties meaning this interview will be in text form rather than video unfortunately.

Good afternoon Marco, how are you?
I’m doing well, just enjoying a few hours relaxing time in my hotel room before going out.

How has this album been with writing compared to others?
Much the same really. It’s mostly down to Tuomas. I wrote quite a lot of stuff and gave him the CD of stuff I did and a bunch of that stuff has made it onto the album.

Has it helped having Floor close by with her move to Finland?
Yes, it has made quite a bit of difference actually. When we started rehearsing it was way easier to go over every little detail because you got a vocalist immediately. We could get to rehearsals quicker and try out all kinds of harmonies and everything. It helped also because it was easier for us both to be there at recordings rather than one do and having to wait for another vocalist to arrive by plane for a few days. It made conversations and the process just a lot smoother, a good flow.

What is your favourite element of the recording process?
Well anything that just worked well (laughs). But the whole process was good this time around. No dramas which is always a bonus.

How have you found working with Kai on this album?
Well he’s a pro. He took hold of the songs exceptionally fast. A very versatile guy, conversation was easy. We've known him for quite a few years so no really big surprises. It’s been really painless all the way through, except Jukka’s problems of course.

How is Jukka doing at the moment?
Well he seems to be quite okay. Settling into his life as a business man. It’s a little bit of a role change even though he’s ran the business for quite a few years. But now that’s his main role so he’s settling into that. Going to be meeting in a few days so will see how things are going then.

You have been filming a music video, how are things going?
It’s going well. I’ve filmed some parts solo in a different location. Kind of nice and all that but because its a solo shoot it’s a bit odd because I don’t have my ‘team mates’ so it felt a bit weird. But I’m used to videos now and all the things that go with it. But the plan for this video is good but we’ll keep that quiet for now. No spoiling (laughs).

Any plans for more than one band video this time around?
Well there are plans but we are still deciding on the singles and everything will be set in concrete later on. Have to see what happens.

What kind of scale are we looking at for the tour?
I think we are going to be doing it similar to that of Imaginaerum. Dark Passion Play tour we ended up suffering with that one because of the length. So let’s keep it fun for everyone and a schedule we can be happy with.

It will be strange not having Jukka on the tour.
Yeah it will be. But he’s going to be there now and then, let’s see if we can talk him into sitting behind the drum seat for a little while.

Depends how much beer you give him before hand

(laughs) absolutely! But you never know. With summer camp and all that we got to settle well with Kai and it worked really well so we can’t really tell until we do it.

What are you most looking forward to on the upcoming tour?
There isn’t anything particular but it will be interesting to go officially with this line up from the start. And I’m pleased with the album so I’m looking forward for the rehearsals and to get on the road. Just have to find the enthusiasm to get out on the road again.

Are there any older songs that you might like to re-visit and perform?
Hmm I haven’t really been thinking about it. Just been focusing on the album and getting those song polished. Taking it day by day. When we start rehearsals we will start looking through the catalog.

Do you ever have moments on stage where you completely forget the lyrics?
Yes I have. I usually cope by looking pissed off and trying not to let people know I forgot them.

Any highlights come to mind from the past tour?
Erm yeah… but let’s keep quiet about that one (laughs).

Are they any artists you would still like to collaborate with that you haven’t already?
Hmm let me think. There are so many good players and singers so it’s really hard to pick one. I was over the moon to take part in the latest Ayreon album. I don’t have anything else in my mind at the moment.

Anything on the horizon for Tarot or Northern Kings?
The Tarot boys have stuff thats unfinished. So we will get to the studio and get stuff finished at some point but I have no idea how long it will take. Northern Kings is more tricky as we all have a busy schedule. It’s possible something will happen if we get time free.

Are you still into video games?
Absolutely! I was playing Shadow Run Dragonfall on the iPad here when you called. I have Dragon Age in the shop waiting for me. So I’m looking forward to that one. My boys are really into Minecraft but because of age restrictions they can’t have my Dragon Age (laughs).

Rozzy- (The girl who made the cakes last UK tour), asks what flavour or type of cake is your favourite?
Oh those cakes were great. Cherry chocolate. That’s a great combination!
Thanks to Marco. Keep an eye out for more interviews in the future.
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 02, 2014, 05:05:38 pm

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 04, 2014, 04:35:29 pm
Nightwish – Back to the island
Pathfinder camp Rí¶skí¶, end of September. Here in Karelia, just a few kilometres away from the Russian border, it is still warm enough to wear a t-shirt at daytime. The birch leaves at the peninsula are just turning golden red. In the air over the camp of wooden cabins a permanent cosy smell of birch tar hangs in the air which already became the scent of its dwellers. This is because of the feeding of the sauna oven with pale wood and the camp fire every evening. “You hardly get this out of your clothes and hairs”, bass player Marco Hietala comments without appearing disgruntled. The mood is remarkably good.
Broken bones & studio magic

Marco made himself comfortable on the couch in the “control room” of the self-furnished studio at the upper floor of a big cabin. Backache, broken ribs and a broken hand make the welcoming unintentionally distanced. Not only the bass player but also Troy Donockley is suffering from the consequences of an injured chest. The pipes player should already have recorded his tracks. But the last try suddenly ended for him with a painful “Ouch!”. The bellows of his uilleann pipes just sits at the fracture of his ribs. Tuomas is easily identified for being responsible for this carnage. “We had a lot of fun with the Jetski”, the keyboarder shamefacedly explains. “Then we had the idea to pull a water banana with it. When I cornered too sharply, unfortunately Marco and Troy badly fell down. If the proverbial donkey is doing too well, the ice is enticing. At least, the twisted fingers of Marco are not on the keyboarder’s account. “When jumping into the lake, I got caught in a railing”, the bass player describes the second accident. “But I was quite lucky in the circumstances. Had it been my fingerboard hand, someone else would be recording the tracks for the album.” Alcohol is no excuse for him since he completely spares it for years.
Tuomas and long-time producer Tero “TeeCee”Kinnunen are intensively listening to new member Floor Jansen who gets in touch over the radio from the vocals cabin in the next room. The Dutchwoman is trying to bridge a coffee break by counting in Finnish. “With this accent, the word means ‘piss’”, Tero grins and corrects Floors attempt to come to grips with the complex Finnish language. Apart from drilling the vocabulary, her strong will to integrate with the band becomes apparent with her recent move to Finnland. Who is ready to completely change live thus far barely intends to leave soon. The recordings continue. Drums, keyboard, bass and guitar are already recorded. Orchester, choirs and Troy are added later. Tero adjusts the modulators and Floor repeats singing the same section. Marco and Tuomas  adjust after each session small details such as intonation and vocal lines. The vocalist immediately realises all ideas or suggest an alternative. Additional recordings follow, after one passage is thrashed out for all participants until approx. five tracks are available. Furthermore, the men take detailed notes for each version. Each song is thereby worked through step by step until all contributions are in the computer. Now, the editing starts. From all the versions, the group selects the best parts. This can be a whole sentence, but sometimes only a single word. Floor is in the group. Her opinion is sought and is important. “Every band has their own dynamic but I never worked in such a professional environment”, the Dutchwoman commends. “The guys do exactly know how to communicate with a female vocalist”. The coordination runs smoothly, and the opposite side is also very satisfied. “It makes a big difference that our front woman for the first time joins the rehearsals”, says Marco. “Thus, all the ideas can be tested in advance and adjusted. In the meantime, the song takes shape. It is a ballad on the subject of “parents” with the working title ‘Dekkari’ (“detective story”). Floor can also do gently and Empuu Vuorinen surprises with Dire Straits-Sound. The always happy guitar player proudly presents his Stratocaster. According to Tero, the recordings are not intended for a demo but are directly used for the album. Spontaneity is trumps.
Audio samples & camp party
In the meantime, the guests are served several tasty audio samples in small groups. Both the Finnish and the German label enthusiastically spot several singles and are on the fence which song they like most. A classical Holopainen score with vigorous tempo and catchy melody might be suitable, which still is named after the old school men’s name ‘Alpo’. “Now we ultimately do Pirate Metal”, Marco is joking. Or should it be a stunner with the working title ‘Tutinaa’ (“shaker”)? The guitars are shredding, Floor is rocking the house. But also the fiercy headbanger with the code name ‘bitchcraft’ seems quite alluring at first glance. Floor sings with loose gravel on her vocal chords, and a whirling acoustic part, which Troy might still fill with his Bouzouki, gets caught in the ear. And then, there is still a folk rocker with celtic influence currently named ‘Waldo’ and infectious refrain as well as a clear edge marked by a surprising Sólstafir-Country-Moment. A big epic is not missing. But the tendency of the new album points towards more steeliness, more metal. Floors terrific, powerful and extremely versatile vocal art might be a reason for that. In any event, the vocalist 100% came across Nightwish at the first onset.

Troy meanwhile amazes the guests with his latest magical tricks. A coin seems to slide under a cell phone display. Cards wafting through the air as if by magic. These and other illusions keep the Englishman surrounded by a fascinated audience. Tuomas stays a bit distant from the party and is engrossed in intense conversations. “We are a band again at last”, the Finn is delighted. “Unbelievable how smooth and relaxed everything is going.” […]”
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 05, 2014, 04:15:27 pm
Making Of (Parte 8) (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 05, 2014, 04:53:44 pm
Eighth “making-of” album 2015 trailer (“London”) online!
In this episode the band is visiting the rainy city of London to record the choir, orchestral parts and percussions for their new album at Angel Studios. Check it out here:
Commented NIGHTWISH keyboard player and main songwriter Tuomas Holopainen: “This must be the sixth or seventh time we’re working with these people. We’ve realized what they can do during these years. So it’s really not a surprise anymore but it hasn’t ceased to amaze me. The level of professionalism is just unbelievable. But even more importantly, they clearly like what they’re doing. The guys we’ve worked with for over 10 years are still up for it.”
Added session-drummer Kai Hahto: “The professionalism is amazing. We were recording ethnic percussion yesterday. Some of the guys had played on Star Wars movies – and done Hans Zimmer soundtracks. I thought of myself as a humppa drummer. It was pretty amazing. They know their prima vista. You give them the notation, and they’ll nail it in no time.”
NIGHTWISH also revealed the famed evolutionary biologist and atheist writer/leader Richard Dawkins as a guest on their eighth studio album.
Additionally the band announced their North American tour for April and May 2015. Check out all confirmed dates here:
09.04 USA New York, NY - Hammerstein Ballroom
10.04. USA Philadelphia, PA - Electric Factory
11.04. USA Worcester, MA - Palladium
13.04. CND Quebec City, QC - Capitole Theatre
14.04. CND Toronto - Phoenix Concert Theatre
16.04. USA Buffalo, NY - Town Ballroom
17.04. USA Cleveland, OH - Agora Theatre
18.04. USA Chicago, IL - Concorde Music Hall
19.04. USA Des Moines, IA - Val Air Ballroom
21.04. USA Denver, CO - Ogden Theatre
22.04. USA Salt Lake City, UT - In The Venue
24.04. USA Spokane, WA - Knitting Factory
25.04. CND Vancouver, BC - Orpheum Theatre
26.04. USA Portland, OR - Crystal Ballroom
18.04. USA San Francisco, CA - Warfield Theatre
30.04. USA Las Vegas, NV - House Of Blues
01.05. USA Los Angeles, CA - Greek theatre
02.05. USA Phoenix, AZ - Marquee Theatre
03.05. USA El Paso, TX - Tricky Falls
05.05. USA Dallas, TX - Bomb Factory
06.05. USA Houston, TX - Warehouse Live
08.05. USA Orlando, FL - House Of Blues
09.05. USA Fort Lauderdale, FL - Revolution
11.05. USA Nashville, TN - Marathon Music Work
12.05. USA Louisville, KY - Expo Five
13.05. USA Charlotte, NC - Filmore
14.05. USA Silver Springs, MD - Filmore

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 08, 2014, 03:31:00 pm

We are proud to announce the release of our first single called 'í‰lan', which will be out on February 13, 2015 via Nuclear Blast!

“Oh, while I live to be the ruler of life, Not a slave
To meet life as a powerful conqueror, and nothing exterior to me will ever take command of me.”

- Walt Whitman

Commented NIGHTWISH keyboardist and songwriter Tuomas Holopainen: “This beautiful quote from my hero Uncle Walt was the starting point for writing 'í‰lan'. The underlying theme of the song is nothing less than the meaning of life, which can be something different for all of us. It´s important to surrender yourself to the occasional 'free fall' and not to fear the path less travelled by. 'í‰lan' is a wonderful teaser for the full-length album, giving out a little taste, but revealing very little of the actual Journey of Grandeur to come…”

‘í‰lan’ tracklisting:

1. í‰lan (album version)
2. í‰lan (radio edit)
3. í‰lan (alternate version)
4. Sagan (non-album bonus track)

Side A:
1. í‰lan (album version)
2. í‰lan (radio edit)
Side B
1. í‰lan (alternate version)
2. Sagan (non-album bonus track)
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 12, 2014, 03:19:59 pm
Some tiny bit of info on the alternate version of í‰lan.
"It's an odd version, slightly twisted, ominuous, yet positive".
Considering the use of orchestral libraries and heavy sound processing, I think we can expect something very similar to the Imaginaerum score! Which is a good thing:)
And one thing we know now about í‰lan:There's harp in the intro of the song (or at least Petri used it heavily processed in the intro). The only song where Pip mentioned harp is the slow, gentle song. But of course it doesn't have to be that one since Pip's descriptions were very sparse and there could be harp in multiple songs. And a slow, gentle song as first single doesn't sound as a logical choice, because it's the first official release with Floor who's capable of doing very heavy stuff. And the picture from the set of the video clip also fits more to a heavier song
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 12, 2014, 03:31:02 pm
There has been no lack of drama in Floor Jansen's recent years, the singer who got an urgent call for Nightwish's vocalist. Now, the turbulent phase is luckily behind her and the Dutch singer has found peace on the outskirts of Joensuu and in Nightwish's line-up. Jansen won't be seen much in North Karelia in the future, NW's tight schedule will make sure of that.

It is 12 o'clock and Floor Jansen walks to the lobby of a hotel in Helsinki. "Good morning, how are you?", she greets with fluent Finnish. According to Jansen's wish, we have made an appointment exactly at noon, which aptly indicates her rigid work morale to say the least. Singer's last night was spent on blue-white wings on the trip from the US to Finland.

Today Jansen knows the limits of her strength, but still a few years ago the situation was pretty different. She burned herself out under heavy workload and recovery took time – in fact, the recovery process was not completed when Nightwish contacted her.

Jansen's road into the limelight as the front-figure of the most popular Finnish band of all time has been challenging, eventfull and intriguing. At times, her belief in music has been put to the test, but always the right path has found.

Jansen's first well-known line-up, having released five studio albums, After Forever disbanded about five years ago, but Jansen did not remain idle: her own ReVamp band engaged her full-time, even too full-time.

Then, on a bright autumn day, a Finnish band contacted her.
When you were a child and a teenager, your family moved many times. What kind of memories do you have of those early years?
- The foremost memories are related to the frequent change of the places of living. Getting to know new people has never been the easiest thing for me, so moving felt unpleasant: just when I got new friends, we packed up our stuff and pulled up stakes. When I was young, I was on my own a lot, although my little sister and parents were always close.

- Moving had good sides too. I learned already as a child to adapt to new places and I realized that a home can be anywhere. When you feel comfortable and safe, you are at home anywhere in the world.
There is a photo on your website from 1983, where you pose with headphones. Music seemed to be a part of your life already at early stage.
- My parents were not musicians, but especially my father liked really much music. Santana, Sting, the Beatles and many others became familiar. I also remember vividly long breakfasts on Sunday mornings and classical music in the backround. My environment was absolutely positive towards music and my father also taught me some basics of guitar playing later.

What instruments can you play?
- I played flute for many years, so it is my strongest instrument. In some way sensible sounds I manage to produce with guitar, bass and piano.
And singing – How and when did you get interested in it?
- With a school musical based on Andrey Lloyd Webber's production. When I went to high school, they were searching willing people to implement a music project and I decided to participate in a singing test. I was selected for the two-year project and I learned quite a few new things during that period. At the same time I joined a school band and I also got to a real studio for the first time.
Was the premiere of the musical your first performance in front of a big audience?
- Yes, it was. I enjoyed enormously being on stage and I realized I found my thing. We had been practising hard for a long time, but still many other performers were vomitting due to anxiety before stepping on the stage. I wasn't nervous at all – on the contrary, my body was full of adrenaline and I wanted to show everyone what I could do. In this respect, I haven't changed at all, because I have always enjoyed performing.

- It was a really great time, since I had real, good friends – and then we moved! Mobile phones and the Internet were still making their way at the time, so communication with my musician friends was virtually impossible. In those days, I started to listen to more alternative music and I found artists such as The Doors, Janis Joplin, Nirvana and Pearl Jam. I felt that all students at my new school listen to some sort of house music and wear horrid clothes. I had Doc Martens', combat trousers, a band shirt and I dyed my hair with different shades. I looked insanely different than others.

Did your friends have records? Before the Internet era, finding new music might have been challenging.

- Fortunately, there was a good record shop nearby and I spent often hours there listening to various bands. One day I met a person who liked considerably heavier bands. Carcass and Slayer felt a bit too rough then, but for instance Machine Head, Pantera, Moonspell and Paradise Lost hit hard. Then, I heard The Gathering's Mandylion and I fell in love with the album from the bottom of my heart. Anneke van Giersbergen's brisk vocals and heavy guitars made a mind-boggling entity. If I had to choose the most impressive long-play to me, Mandylion would be it by far.

You have also told you were bullied at school.
- It was mental bullying – physical bullying or even violence are more boys' issue. Bullying was very tough at times and it took seven years in all. So sad memories still remain that I haven't called for class reunions much. Of course, I tried to discuss the matter with my teacher but s/he was unfortunately a spineless instance. It was unpleasant to go to school in the morning: when I shut the home door behind me, I was on my own.

It was 1997, when you joined the line-up of After Forever as sixteen years old. How did it happen?
- I heard an intriguing rumour that a metal band from my neighbourhood seeks a backing female vocalist. In those days, After Forever played death metal, but the male vocalist separated from the band only after a few weeks and at the same time the band made some checks for their music style. Then, I became the lead singer.

- AF's beginning was hard. I had an apprenticeship at a horse stall in another district. School and work week ended on Saturday afternoon, and then being totally exhausted I went to the band practice sessions. The band leaders, Sander Gommans and Mark Jansen, were extremely serious with the band, and I felt myself a bit outsider as I couldn't give everything for the band. In 1999, my plans changed: I got an admission to newly founded The Rock Academy in Tilburg and AF got a record deal. Suddenly, music became the center point in my life and I decided to make it my profession.

How do you feel today when listening to AF's first album 'Prison of Desire' released in 2000?
- I was an inexperienced singer and everyone in the band were inexperienced, so it is useless to listen to it with too critical ears or comparing it with the present state. The album was the image of those days and as such a very important part of my musical history. We should keep in mind that female singers in metal bands were quite rare at the time, and I am very proud of my pioneering status.

- I took my first singing lessons no earlier than after the recordings of 'Prison of Desire'. My teacher asked: "What do you want to learn exactly?". Well, I said: "I want to learn to sing". I wasn't really able to describe it more specifically. Until after gaining singing skills, I understood, what I should learn next.
What would you like to learn next?
- At least there is a lot to train and to digest at both extreme ends. For example, I am able to sing in an operatic way, but an expert certainly notices that I am not a real opera singer. It would be also very interesting to have deeper insight into the secrets of the death metal singing style.
From outsider's point of view, it seems that AF's career ended a bit suddenly in 2009.
- We had got a deal with Nuclear Blast and the band was taking off. Enough was eventually enough, and Sander Gommans who worked hard for the band had burnout. We weighted different alternatives: would we continue after a break or does the band have a future without Sander? About a year later, we realized that a collective flame was not blazing anymore. AF didn't feel the same 100 percent matter of the heart as before. The decision to discontinue was painful, but on the other hand, it would have been wrong both towards the fans and towards us to continue forcibly.
When AF was on hiatus, you founded a new project 'Sinh' with Norwegian guitarist Jí¸rn Viggo Lofstad (Pagan's Mind), though Sinh never released anything.
- I was feeling down at the time, because after ten years from the first record deal I was at the empty table again. I started working at a bookstore, because I needed money. After a while I decided to create a new band even though I knew it would put me to trouble, since raising a newcomer at least to a tolerable level needs enormous resources. I founded ReVamp in autumn 2009 and I started working also as a band manager. I was able to do it for some time, but in 2011 my strenght finally ran out and I had burnout.

- I liked to do everything related to ReVamp, but I didn't realize working too much, way too long. Finally, I had to admit to myself that figuratively I had been run over by a train. I noticed I was totally exhausted and I wanted to do nothing but lying at home. For example going to a grocery store was a big effort. I slept, slept, slept more, walked the dog, ate a bit, went to the bed again. Goddam, I was in the thirties, and I felt myself like a hundred years old.
How did your recovery start? How did you start to feel better?
- I didn't want to take medicine. What do you do when feeling tired? You rest. I tried to rest and was hoping the nwxt day will be better than this. Little later I went to the therapist, since I wanted answers to the questions: 'how did I end up to this situation?' and 'what can I do to avoid this in the future?'

- Slowly, I started to feel better and I began to think a possible future with music. Could I work as a full-time singing teacher and carry on a band career as a hobby? I was thinking and thinking... And then, I got a call, which I couldn't really expect.

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 13, 2014, 03:43:59 pm
Segunda parte

You told before you enjoy performing and you don't feel nervous even in a hard situation. NW put you to quite a test instantly.
- NW's offer felt completely unbelievable: 'Hi, would you like be our touring vocalist?' When? Now!' It sounded wild, but for sure, I wasn't even considering saying no. Firstly, the timing was excelent, since as I said, I was seeking a new direction for my life. The most challenging was that I had to set off practically immediately for Seattle and learn structures, lyrics and vocal melodies of the NW songs in a plane on the way to the US.

- Fortunately I was familiar with some old NW songs, because I used to train myself among others with Oceanborn and Century Child albums. Instead, I was more unfamiliar with Imaginaerum, so I downloaded it in the first place – by the way, this about ten euro purchase from iTunes might have been the best investment in my life!

How did you feel just before the first performance with Nightwish?
- What's this gonna be? I don't even know, what I am doing! When the intro started pealing, I noticed to my horror, I didn't remember even that how the first song begins. Luckily it came back to mind on time... So the concert proceeded a song after song and at some instant it ended – I have pretty weak memory in this.

- It should be kept in mind that I was still recovering from burnout, when NW contacted me.  The first couple of NW gigs were extreme tests of resilience then... When I withstood the enormous pressure without breaking down, I recognized my healing was in good shape. It was a fantastic feeling.

You got glad tidings about the permanent post in NW after the Sauna Open Air festival gig in summer 2013.

- We gathered in the hotel lobby bar and the other band members asked me and Troy, if we were interested in joining the group permanently.

- Surely I had a presentiment that NW might ask such a question, but I didn't want to take any pressure from it. I would have become sad if had thought between the gigs that 'oh no, I try to enjoy now as much as possible, since soon this will end'. I also understood that NW must weight the matter precisely, since the band cannot change the vocalist constantly.

Now, you have left behind dozens of big gigs as well as the live packet Showtime, Storytime. Also, the recordings of the eight studio album have finished.
- I don't even try to be objective: NW's next album is the greatest I have ever done in music. Wait, actually it is the best album ever! I am sure the album raises NW to a new step again, as it is something... well, bigger and more special.

- I dreamt before the making of the album that with respect the to vocal lines, Tuomas would challenge me to the extremes and I would be allowed to use my voice as versatilely as possible. Well, I couldn't have received more in return to my wishes. Tuomas introduces the vocal lines he has thought by means of keyboard demos, so there is always room for vocalist's interpretation and ideas. We spent last summer in Rí¶skí¶, Kitee recording and arranging the songs and we examined different approaches. The whole band was often there and everyone could give an immediate response about the functioning of the ideas.
Evolutionary scientist Richard Dawkins is one of the guests on the album. This piece of news raised quite a storm of comments.
- The fiercest opinions – such as 'I will burn my NW discs' – came undeniably as a surprise. In the Internet, it's easy to shout harsh statements without thinking closely, but isn't it worth stopping for a moment before pressing the enter key.

- It should be clear to everyone that NW doesn't want to preach for one or another opinion. If we want something, it is to arouse thoughts – think and weight things and then form your opinion.
You know well that people draw drastic conclusions quickly.
- It is strange indeed that someone bothers to create a hate page in the Internet, because I don't have time to chat or take photos just with him or her after a concert, for example. Some people don't seem to understand in any way that sometimes there is no time for it.

You moved to Joensuu last summer. How did this decision arise?
- I started learning Finnish in spring 2013. During the same year, I visited to Finland several times for both working and vacationing. For example, autumn nature, colours of the trees etc. impressed me greatly then, and they still do. I also like winter and snow, although a snowy road brings challenges to someone who is used to drive a car in the Netherlands.

- Then, this year's spring came and I had to move in any case. I was thinking if I search for a new house in the Netherlands or pack my stuff and set off for Finland. Since all my visits to Finland had been very nice, the decision was finally easy. I also want to learn to speak Finnish fluently. I am not Finnish but I am becoming Finnish quickly. And it is great.

Which Finnish things have come as a surprise?
- At least Prisma and such big supermarkets! In the Netherlands, there are no shops where you can buy everything possible. I don't know if it is a real surprise but many Finns like to cook at home. For example, in the US, people are always eating out – and they call McDonald's a restaurant.

- You can live in Finland without liking to sauna, but it is a little difficult. Fortunately I love saunaing and during the NW summer camp I saunaed a lot. A hot lakeside sauna, a twilight summer night, warm water... There is something in it.

What ReVamp's future looks like?
- There are no plans with ReVamp. Naturally, NW gets all my attention and I don't want be engaged to anything else. I would be also unfair towards the other members of ReVamp if we established intentions that won't come true. If there is something I have learned in recent years, it is that the most important thing is that I won't crave too much anymore. I don't really know if I want straight to a new rat race again – I mean, to start making a new ReVamp album and plan a tour – after NW's next world tour. I love ReVamp but to continue with the band, we must find a suitable time.

- Despite, we have to remember in the midst of all this awesomeness, there is more in life than the recording sessions and tours.
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 17, 2014, 04:19:10 pm
Teloneras de lujo (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 17, 2014, 05:14:36 pm
The mix of our new album is finished! These hard working guys are ready for a deserved Christmas break after mixing every note on this challenging epos! Give it up for Tuomas, Mikko Karmilla and Tero Kinnunen!!

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 21, 2014, 06:28:01 pm
'He`s doing better now, and still is the driving force behind the band`s economics and merchandise.'   :)

Jukka está mejor!
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 22, 2014, 04:14:37 pm

Presenting Endless Forms Most Beautiful-  March 27th (EU), 30th (UK) and 31st (US) Endless Forms Most Beautiful features eleven new songs.

Standard CD
Digibook (incl. instrumental CD)
2LP (vinyl in gatefold) in different colours
Earbook (incl. instrumental and orchestral CD)
Earbook (deluxe version incl. bonus vinyl)
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 25, 2014, 04:44:51 pm
Tuomas cumple hoy 38 años!!!
FELICIDADES!!!! :011: :011: :011: :011: :011:
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 27, 2014, 08:22:18 pm
Info sobre el video

Finnish veteran actress Seela Sella on Finnish radio today. She told that she and a few fellow actors like Vesa Vierikko and Antti Litja will be featuring on NW video. She was still genuinely really excited about the video shooting day and jokingly added that she must be at the peak of her career at the age of 78. She praised the whole band and said half seriously that  the actors had told the band they'll be in front row when NW play in Finland again.

Y una imagen

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 29, 2014, 04:31:59 pm
Making Of (Cap 9) (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 03, 2015, 04:13:18 pm
Kai Hahto - Who Else?
A half a year ago Hahto had worked with two Finnish internationally distinguished metal composers. One day the name Tuomas Holopainen was added alongside with Juha Raivio and Jari Mí¤enpí¤í¤. Kaitsu had saved Nightwish from trouble and the reaction of the ones who knew him was just about the same as the title of this interview.
It was one morning in June, when Kai Hahto received a message demanding his immediate attention. The message came from Jukka Nevalainen, Nightwish-drummer and the front man of Scene Nation, the company handling the bands business side of the band. Hahto calls the message "emergency call".
-I've known Jukka for years and I sensed everything wasn't right. I knew about his insomnia and now I heard it had become unbearable. Jukka hadn't slept in two weeks at that point and he wanted to go to Koli to relax.
Nevalainen was worried about his health and his family's future. He was also afraid he couldn't give his 100% on the upcoming album.
-The stakes were high. I felt Jukka's anxiety and eventually it was easy to accept his plan-after I first checked my wife's opinion. This is how we work, my wife takes care of the things back home and our two sons.
The making of Nightwish's 8th album was already irreversibly far and Hahto had promised to be a substitute if Jukka's condition didn't improve. Soon he got the demos and started waiting for a word from Jukka.
-At that time, luckily, there was still time for the start off the recording sessions, so I had the time to focus on the material-if the worst should happen. For awhile it seemed like everything would turn out to be fine and I was all ready prepared to go to the studio as technician again. Like I did with Dark Passion Play and Imagenaerum. To tune the drums, to make sure the sounds are fine.
But what happened then?
​-I received another phone call from Jukka. He asked, how soon I could get to Kitee to record the drum parts. His trip to Koli went great, but when he returned back home, the problems started again. I cancelled some of my drum classes and a few shows and started preparing.
The sessions started one Monday and Hahto noticed that several tracks had changed a bit. He started writing every song. How does a man, Meshuggah's Toma Haake once called "monster", work?
-I acted like classical musician, since you can make changes to the notes, if you feel you have to. I didn't have any choices, since the material is that complex at times. The last song is more than 20 minutes and there was a lot to learn. I learned 11 songs during Tuesday and Wednesday and we did a production demo on Thursday.
The next week Hahto played a show in Vaasa with his jazz-band Max on The Rocks and also played on Summer Breeze-festival with Wintersun. Luckily he managed to squeeze in a couple of days off as well.
-I hadn't played with Wintersun in a year, so three -day rehearsals (before Summer Breeze) were necessary. That show went well eventually. There was a car waiting for me in Helsinki-Vantaa airport when I got back on Sunday. The next day we started preparing in Rí¶skí¶. We jammed the material for a couple of days and refined couple of arrangements. We started recording on Thursday-evening and my parts were done at Saturday evening.
Hahto did a big favor for Nightwish, because that week was all ready booked for recording the drums. Because of his professionalism and ability to adapt, they didn't have to alter their schedules.
-Everyone had a nice, spirited attitude since the day one. We decided that we will go through this together.
Even if they didn't go public with it, Hahto had already accepted a post as their live drummer on the upcoming world tour. So his plans for next two years were changed.
-The deal was that Jukka would call me if he felt he couldn't go on the road. And that's what happened.
Different shapes of Metal
Nightwish is the latest chapter for Hahto, born in Vaasa in the year 1973. He is known as a drummer of power/progmetal-band Wintersun and from Swallow the Sun, a band combining death, doom and progmetal. It's widely known how much Hahto has sacrificed especially on the first of those two bands. More unknown detail is that when the pioneer and flagship of Finnish powermetal, Stratovarius, were searching for a new drummer in autumn 2011, the first call made was to Hahto.
-I like the guys in Stratovarius very much, but I'd had to make Stratovarius my top priority immediately. During that time there were things happening in Wintersun. And there is the musical balance.I don't say Stratovarius isn't an important band for me, but I feel I'm more connected to Nightwish's music on the emotional level. It would have been wrong for me and the guys of Stratovarius, if I'd done that negligently. Luckily they found Rolf Pilve instead, he's a great drummer and deserves his spot on that level.
When the offer from Nightwish came, he didn't want to refuse, because his schedules were more open and he got the chance to do "great music with great people" as Kai puts it.
-When I talked to Jukka, I started thinking maybe I should think more about myself and my family.
The thing comes to perspective, if we check how the massive, still unfinished Time double album, has been finishing.
-My son was three months old, when we started. Now he is in second grade! Even if I love Wintersun, I started playing with Swallow the Sun partly, because the pace with Wintersun is so slow.I also like Juha Raivio as a person and songwriter very much. I always go heart first to music and I couldn't do something I really don't enjoy. I've listened to Nightwish a long time and I like the band. So you don't have to fake, just enjoy playing.
Jari Mí¤enpí¤í¤ was  the next person Hahto called to inform about Nightwish's offer.
-Wintersun is in a tough spot with labels and funding and when Jari said there was nothing happening in about a year, probably, I felt I didn't have obligations to wait. Let's see how that new crowdfunding idea works.
Hahto says he has turned down some offers because of Wintersun and that he often thinks about their interest. He wants to believe their luck will change.
-Jari has his visions, which don't necessarily meat with my visions, but time will tell what happens. With Nightwish everything is clear, so I have to put my mind to it completely, trust it and think positive.
To conclude, Hahto add why Wintersun has had such a rocky road
-Band has toured very little. We missed that clubstage, we went straight to bigger venues and we didn't grow a nme touring all over US in a van. I don't say that's a bad thing, but I sometimes stumble across things that are familiar to me, but for the rest of the band. When you are on the road expectations and reality don't always meet.
It's easy to compare with Swallow the Sun, who's seen it all, but Hahto stalls a bit.
-You have to give credit for StS. The worked hard for their success-not saying that Wintersun hadn't, but it has been very different with label support between the two bands.
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 03, 2015, 07:03:27 pm
Nuevas fotos de Floor (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 05, 2015, 11:53:28 pm

Happy & finished!
(Tero will be able to light his fireplace for the whole winter with his notes for mixing the last song of the album)

A massive thank you for Mikko and Tero, brilliant job, as always!

Onto Mika`s (Jussila, the mastering engineer) lair next…

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 11, 2015, 04:14:52 pm
Tuomas gave another interview to the German language website of EMP (the title indicates that is was already in December 2014). I am posting the full translation here instead of opening a new thread as this may be more beneficial for discussing.  It is shorter than the Finnish interview but includes further comments from Tuomas on the background of EFMB:
Article on EFMB and Tuomas interview at - 12/2014 by Adam Weishaupt (
If Tuomas Holopainen works on a new Nightish-album, his constant aim is to create something great, monumental and timeless; his own „Dark side of the moon“. The outstanding songwriter had achieved this with the preceding masterpiece “Imaginaerum” and he also succeeds with the immensely multifarious and once more innovative “Endless forms most beautiful”.

The first words after completing the comprehensive “Imaginaerum”-circle – which the Finns even implemented as a movie – were that the successor should be steelier, more direct and less orchestral.  The maximum bombast and cinematic broadband sound has been achieved, and, hence, a challenge was needed. “We indeed achieved this vague objective”, the charismatic keyboarder ponders while putting the final touch to the epic. “’Endless forms most beautiful’ is special in that we worked more closely as a combo and everyone could contribute and do his own thing. This remembered me to the feeling in the period of creation of ‘Oceanborn’ and ‘Once’ which also the band and our engineer confirmed me. From day one, all six members were together in the rehearsal room which gives the songs this organic and natural feel.”
Creative passion
The chemistry within the group which grew to a sextet is amicable and fruitful. Chanteuse Floor Jansen, pipes and flute player Troy Donockley as well as drummer Kai Hahto who joined short dated form together with the core group around Tuomas Holopainen, bass player Marco Hietala and guitar player Emppu Vuorinen the new line-up. “The spirit of this new community is immensely energetic and when the creative ball got rolling, the whole process was much faster and easier than expected. Of course there were setbacks, such as Jukka quitting because of his insomnia but we were always ahead of our schedule. All of us benefitted from pulling together from the beginning and it is a big advantage if your vocalist is always present and as motivated as the others." A condition which strengthened the sense of unity which had been rare in the band camp before.
Up to the limits
Tuomas Holopainen is full of praise when talking about frontlady Floor Jansen which has moved to Finland meanwhile, enjoys the country and its people and takes up the big challenge to learn the Finnish language. “Floor had many terrific ideas concerning the vocal arrangements and really mastered any challenge she had to meet. She sang in very different ways as she has never done before and how nobody has heard her on her works with After Forever or ReVamp as yet. She has a heavenly voice and uses it virtuously. But of course, on the new CD the powerful, very energetic Floor singing with fervour and partially using her operatic soprano will also be heard.”
Natural diversity
The great detailed cover artwork of “Endless forms most beautiful” symbolises the lyric context of the disc. “It is a concept about the evolution of earth and its creatures, influenced by the works of such magnificent scientists and authors such as Charles Darwin, Richard Dawkins or Carl Sagan. I was particularly influenced by the beauty of nature, enclosed in its true core. That is why I asked our painter Toxic Angel that he should include as many animals, plants and species on the artwork as possible which he realised geniously”. The title itself is from the pen of evolutionary biologist Charles Darwin; they are the elementary words from his book “On the origin of species” of 1859. “Darwin goes back more than three and a half trillions years and establishes the theory that the diversity of the organisms existing today origins from a collective ancestor. Everything goes back to this one moment in time where only bacteria existed from which everything on earth ultimately developed. It makes us all equal and worthy. We as humans are not above it all, nor are we differing from other lifeforms but are part of the whole!”
The selfish gene
Since his childhood, nature and company of animals are important to the 38 year old Finn, and had he not made a music career, he would have become biologist. “I was able to get the band enthusiastic about the theory of evolution and to write about the beauty of all these thoughts”, Tuomas is happy, and even was so fascinated to win the Nairobi-born British Professor Richard Dawkins over being a speaker on “Endless forms most beautiful”. “I wrote him a handwritten letter and soon after got the response that he listened to some of our songs on YouTube, liked them and will be happy to work with us. To finally meet him was an overwhelming moment because he is an impressing personality with an immense intellect. We are honoured by his participation because only once before he has accepted a similar invitation – that was with the Simpsons!”
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 14, 2015, 06:01:06 pm
Over half way of Nightwish mastering. Instrumental and Orchestral versions are ready, The album itself is still under work here. In weekend after this week's hard work we are having a last check and final listening with artist, producer and mixing engineer. And I'm preparing myself to start all over again from the beginning in next week 'cause they sure will, like always, find something to improve. smile emoticon
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 15, 2015, 03:07:11 pm
Marco cumplió ayer 49 años!!!!
FELICIDADES!!! :011: :011: :011:
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 15, 2015, 09:37:53 pm
Another great day for Nightwish-New album is ... ready
Nightwish album "Endless Forms Most Beautiful", due to be released at the end of March, has been mastered. To those who don't know what this means can be be told that awaited album is ready to  the slightest detail. The mastering was done by the trusted Mika Jussila. Actually there were three masters: The actual album,  the instumental and  the orchestral versions.
-The material of the album began to pile up in the summer of 2013 so the task of an year and a half is behind us now. But I don't have empty feeling at all although the recording process is over. Of course it helps that the album became precisely what we were after. I'm 100 % happy, tells Tuomas Holopainen.

At the scale of 0-100, how relieved are you?

-Of course I'm relieved at this phase of the project but not because of this project being too strenuous. On the contrary, this time has been extremely interesting, funny and exciting. Next we are going to concentrate on the promotion of the album and the tour, so there is still plenty to do.
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 16, 2015, 06:22:50 pm
We are happy to finally reveal the track listing for the upcoming Nightwish album »Endless Forms Most Beautiful«.

The album will be released on March 27th (EU), 30th (UK) and 31st (US) in the following formats:

Jewelcase CD

01. Shudder Before The Beautiful
02. Weak Fantasy
03. í‰lan
04. Yours Is An Empty Hope
05. Our Decades In the Sun
06. My Walden
07. Endless Forms Most Beautiful
08. Edema Ruh
09. Alpenglow
10. The Eyes Of Sharbat Gula
11. The Greatest Show On Earth

2LP black vinyl / 2LP picture vinyl as gatefold

Side A
01. Shudder Before The Beautiful
02. Weak Fantasy
03. í‰lan

Side B
01. Yours Is An Empty Hope
02. Our Decades In the Sun
03. My Walden

Side C
01. Endless Forms Most Beautiful
02. Edema Ruh
03. Alpenglow
04. The Eyes Of Sharbat Gula

Side D
01. The Greatest Show On Earth

Digibook incl. instrumental CD

01. Shudder Before The Beautiful
02. Weak Fantasy
03. í‰lan
04. Yours Is An Empty Hope
05. Our Decades In the Sun
06. My Walden
07. Endless Forms Most Beautiful
08. Edema Ruh
09. Alpenglow
10. The Eyes Of Sharbat Gula
11. The Greatest Show On Earth

CD2 (instrumental)
01. Shudder Before The Beautiful
02. Weak Fantasy
03. í‰lan
04. Yours Is An Empty Hope
05. Our Decades In the Sun
06. My Walden
07. Endless Forms Most Beautiful
08. Edema Ruh
09. Alpenglow
10. The Eyes Of Sharbat Gula
11. The Greatest Show On Earth

Earbook incl. instrumental & orchestral CD

01. Shudder Before The Beautiful
02. Weak Fantasy
03. í‰lan
04. Yours Is An Empty Hope
05. Our Decades In the Sun
06. My Walden
07. Endless Forms Most Beautiful
08. Edema Ruh
09. Alpenglow
10. The Eyes Of Sharbat Gula
11. The Greatest Show On Earth

CD2 (instrumental)
01. Shudder Before The Beautiful
02. Weak Fantasy
03. í‰lan
04. Yours Is An Empty Hope
05. Our Decades In the Sun
06. My Walden
07. Endless Forms Most Beautiful
08. Edema Ruh
09. Alpenglow
10. The Eyes Of Sharbat Gula
11. The Greatest Show On Earth

CD3 (orchestral)
01. Shudder Before The Beautiful
02. Weak Fantasy
03. í‰lan
04. Yours Is An Empty Hope
05. Our Decades In the Sun
06. Endless Forms Most Beautiful
07. Alpenglow
08. The Eyes Of Sharbat Gula
09. The Greatest Show On Earth

Pre-order your copy today through Nuclear Blast Shop or the Nightwish-Shop!

Prior to the album release, the first single called 'í‰lan' will be out on February 13th. The 4-track single features the album version, radio edit and an alternate version of 'í‰lan', as well as the non-album bonus track 'Sagan'.

Pre-order your copy of 'í‰lan' exclusively here:

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 18, 2015, 04:37:07 pm
Review from Kaaoszine.
Shudder Before The Beautiful
"No long intro that I expected, instead the action starts right away. A high tempo song combined with Jansen's calmly long vocals that we'll also hear a lot later on the album. Immediately you can tell that her voice fits almost perfectly to the whole entity, because you can hear some familiar things right away. However, already on this first song Floor shows her personal abilities and brings something completely new to the table. The song varies from upbeat to dark, where the upbeat mostly comes from Floor's high pitched vocals and melodies. The solo part with almost Children of Bodom-like combination and dialog of synth and guitar should also not be forgotten. This song underlines what Ms. Jansen said before the pre-listening: There is a lot of stuff. A good basis for things to come, but there is a question in the air - what is this story truly about?"
Weak Fantasy
"The symphonic and theatrical traits are present, and Weak Fantasy goes more to the soundtrack department in my books. The same theme with Imaginaerum continues and this is just what you'd expect from the new album. Again something familiar, but the band is being a little shy and holding something back. Jansen has convinced the listener already and you'll get used to her voice latest by this song. You can also hear Mr. Hietala for the first time on this song."
"The first single, and despite it's vastness a very compact song that you can get into quickly. Feels like it takes half the show with it's melodies and beats. Things are clearly under control and small refreshments to the formula do not cause any harm."
Yours Is An Empty Hope
"In the beginning there are a few atmospherical Bluing-sounds that you hear in fantasy movies and some other songs of the band. Now we are talking about symphonic metal at it's best. This is what the band represents and you can hear they are in their element. So far the most "high, fast and loud" -track without breaking the atmosphere. The choirs give shivers and they make the listener wait for one more explosion, as there was quite a big one at the beginning. In the middle part the listener is reminded of Dark Chest of Wonders, as there are quite a lot of these explosions and there seems to be no end in sight."
Our Decades in the Sun
"It's time to calm down and create a vision of a small karaoke bar. Tuomas' piano gently accompanies Floor's vocals that once again travel to whole new dimensions. Later on Emppu appears from somewhere with his guitar and Floor has to rise her volume level so that even the audience at the back row can hear her. The song changes from the beginning's melancholy to a more happier mood, and that makes it beautiful in it's own way. This song is absolutely for the gentler listeners."
My Walden
"The sixth song starts in a weird way. As if a pop singer boy was lost and found himself in the wrong studio. A lot of folkish pop-rock elements can be heard, and while the previous songs resembled the band's older catalog, this sounds more modern. A wide spectrum of elements with up-tempo brings not only heavy pop music to mind, but also Eluveitie's lighter songs. This song offers so much sun and smoothness that it goes to the top of my list at this point. " (Majestico's note - I am starting to question the reporter's taste in music based on these desctiptions...)
Endless Forms Most Beautiful
"In a short description this is basic new Nightwish. In a way fills the criteria of a title track, but also a filler track. Not special or especially wonderful, but would be a good choice to the set list of the tour. The ending feels slightly repetitive, but as the song says, simple is beautiful."
Edema Ruh
"This is the most youthful song of the album. Symphonic and folk elements turn into rockish metal that for for example Sturm und Drang (a finnish band) could play, if we forget these whistles and pipes. Includes some catchy vocals from Marco and Floor that now work much better with Marco's singing being more present in the background."
"The second filler song. The journey continues steadily and the song goes to the soundtrack department again. Kai probably could have introduced some interesting drumming in here, because at this point you already start waiting for the next two songs and the big finish of the album."
Eyes of Sharbat Gula
"A soft intro before the last song. Gentle choir singing, this time apparently from younger generation. Otherwise a fully instrumental song meant to create an atmosphere for the final crusade."
The Greatest Show on Earth
"Such a name on the last song of the album creates a lot of expectations. The calm atmosphere continues, but that's how all the greatest shows in the world begin. The song is about 24 minutes long so we are suffering from [something of a combination of happiness and materialism, can not be translated]. After waiting, the starting of the engine creates feelings of relief but the atmosphere is still anticipating. The excitement is being maintained, until more and more begins to happen. The listener is waiting for the vocals and suddenly they already are there in full force and drums have suddenly appeared in the background. Absolutely the most interesting song to listen to, as every time the climax has been reached, things move on right away. Nothing is enough and little and questionable details keep pouring in. Storyteller Richard Dawkins' voice is telling about the beginning of the end, and after that there is a huge explosion. In principle, nothing much has changed from the first song, but now everything is pushed past the limit and there is absolutely no holding back. I have to say I have not heard anything like this before."
A lot of stuff as expected. The record gives the listener a feeling that it does not want to stop and that there would have been material for even more. The atmosphere is maintained commendably throughout the album with a wide range of tricks. When Dawkins is still speaking and you can still hear the sound of water, you forget everything you have just heard and become content and full in a good way. I'd say this album is perhaps more simple than usual, but also very versatile. Excluding the two flops the band has succeeded almost perfectly. I would more than gladly buy this and see the band live.
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 18, 2015, 11:01:41 pm
That Imperiumi-review roughly translated:
The first few paragraphs are going through the usual:3 years since Imagenaerum, singer changing, Jukka's situation and the controversy caused by Richard Dawkins. Nothing new.
Shudder Before the Beatiful:
Starts calmly with Richard Dawkins saying a few words, then explodes being a energetic start to the record in the similar vein with Stargazers and Dark Chest of Wonders. The riff has similarities with Storytime, but the pace of the song is quicker. In the middle of the song the is a rather unusual solo, where Emppu and Tuomas go back and forth and in the writers opinion that's one of the most impressive solo sections in NW's catalog. He also likes the chorus. Good start for setlist.
Weak Fantasy:
One of the heaviest songs of the record. The verse is calm and acoustic, the chorus is very heavy and aggressive. No "hit" melody's, a crushing song.
Troy gets to shine here. The reviewer thinks this is maybe a bit too safe choice for lead single and doesn't give a good overall picture of the record. Reasonably light song and the reviewer predicts heavy airplay for it.
Yours Is an Empty Hope:
After light í‰lan back to the heavier side again. The orchestrations bring rugged edge to the song and the chorus is bombastic and gloomy. Another very heavy song and Floor uses her aggressive singing here.
Our Decades in the Sun:
Starts with a sci-fi like intro and then starts growing as other instruments join in. Floor sings like a goddess here, putting in lots of emotion. Electric guitars join in the middle of the song. Very calm and picturesque song.
My Walden:
Named after Henry David Thoreau's book simple and independent lifestyle. Lighter song in the vein of í‰lan, happy chorus, Troys pipes, acoustic middle part. Another potential single.
Endless Forms Most Beautiful:
Has a earworm-like chorus, potential bigger hit. C-part is slower and the final chorus is modulated a bit higher (so the She Is My SIn/Ever Dream of this record I personally predicted)
Edema Ruh:
Continues the vein of í‰lan and My Walden. Chorus being the highlight and Marco sings with Troy's pipes. Radio friendly.
The reviewer thinks this songs is rather forgettable. Standard structure, guitars are the best part.
The Eyes of Sharbat Gula:
Instrumental, which works as prologue to the final song. An odd, melancholic and bleak song where acoustic guitars, piano, flutes play melodies representing Gulas piercing gaze in that world famous picture.
Greatest Show on Earth:
This points at evolution of course. This is the most grand. ambitious and biggest song NW has ever done. Starts with a very long piano intro and during the song different themes change so often it's really hard to make anything out of it in one listen. Different kinds of emotions alter more than in the rest of the record combined. Floor singing, Marco singing, all kinds of instruments played by Troy, percussions, sounds of organisms, orchestral parts, basically anything you can do with music. Despite all this going on, the song still holds together and it isn't disoriented. Dawkins as a narrator reads a few sentence every once in a while, not in the vein of Song of Myself, just short sentences. In the end the song feels shorter than it is.
The ending:
-More streamlined stylewise
-Floor's versatility could have been utilized better
-More positive vibe, even if there are a few darker songs
-Most of the songs a rather rather simple structured compared to their few previous records and there are more parts by Troy, which makes the songs sound fresh.
-Hard to say much about the lyrics, but the theme seems to be rather positive life philosophy
-More band oriented and minimalistic (for the most parts) compared to couple of previous records
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 19, 2015, 04:29:43 pm
* The total running time of the album is 78 minutes they were told. He would say all songs more or less is equal in length, with the intermission (The Eyes of Sharbat Gula) being a bit shorter. So between 5 and 6 minutes.
* "How does Alpenglow sound like?" - answer: "Big soundscapes of band and orchestra. Mostly mid-tempo, the bridge sounded quite sinister and evil. There is also a part that is a bit of a battle between Emppu and Troy, handing the melody back and forth between guitar and flute. Big orchestra towards the end."
* He says there are more guitar focus. The orchestra is of course still there and as big as it used to be, but Emppu and Marco absolutely stand their ground against it.
* Description of "Yours is an Empty Hope": "One song you should really look forward to is "Yours Is An Empty Hope". It's huge, wild and brutal. Choirs, Floor, Marco, heavy heavy guitars, a heavy and dragging chorus. It really felt like a room of journalists was having their asses kicked by music. In a good way, but we all felt a bit breathless afterwards."
* Description of "Edema Ruh": "Edema Ruh is an extremely diverse song that swings back and forth between calm parts, brutal guitars and grand orchestra. After one listen it was my favorite song and I wrote down "instant classic" on my sheet. I think this was also the song that had some synth sounding percussion in it. Or they filtered Kai a lot, either way, it sounded great and worked really well. Troy also sings in this one.". Also possible the second single.
* The last song includes a lot of nature and animal sounds, including whale singing and roars. Full answer: "Yes. There are many soundscapes like whale singing, roaring animals, wind, water, etc. Towards the end it was a bit too much for my taste, but the parts in between work very well. The sound scapes connect the acts of the song really well, introducing smaller themes that are then picked up by the band and orchestra. The guy is getting good at writing songs"
* Description of the song "Endless Forms Most Beautiful": "It was a rather powerful song, I had somehow expected something larger and more cinematic. It has very very strong guitars, a more operatic Floor in some parts. The chorus was a bit lighter and very catchy, but with choir and a good amount of guitars. I wrote down "mega fat guitars" several times, so I must have been impressed by that, haha."

Fuente (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 30, 2015, 01:56:15 pm
Making Of (parte 10) (http://
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 31, 2015, 08:10:48 pm
Floor en Instagram

Did some try-out hair and make-up today. After a week of a good old fashioned flu with throat infection it's time to get ready for the Nightwish promo tour that starts tomorrow. We have a great schedule ahead of us with many interviews in many countries. Time is never on our hand so I need to be able to get my looks on fast :-) I can't wait to go and talk more about our new jewel 'Endless Forms Most Beautiful'! #nightwish #endlessformsmostbeautiful #newalbum #promotour
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 03, 2015, 03:52:10 pm
Found a new 'review'. Seems there was a listening session in London last friday. Some short thoughts of four people attending a listening session:

The Prog team have heard the new Nightwish album...

Last Friday, various members of Team Prog ventured into central London to be played the new Nightwish album...

If we wanted to hear the new Nightwish album, Endless Forms Most Beautiful, which is released through Nuclear Blast on March 27, then for security reasons (seems Imaginaerum, the last Nightwish album, was leaked all over the Internet) we had to go to the new Gibson Guitars HQ just off of Oxford Street for a series of playbacks. Most of us settled for just one, the more diehard Nightwish fans on the team went to all four (Hi Natasha) and Hannah just said "Meh" and stayed in the office (she's not a fan). But these are the first impressions of the Prog writers who did go down for a listen...

JERRY EWING (EDITOR) Certainly not as immediate as Imaginaerum, and it didn't seem as bombastic either. Much more prog than metal, with some nice Celtic flourishes from Troy Donockley. Floor Jansen sounds most impressive too. The addition of Richard Dawkins will annoy some as much as it will impress others. The closing 24-minute epic, the aptly titled The Greatest Show On Earth, will delight most prog fans of the band. I suspect it'll be a grower!

RUSSELL FAIRBROTHER (ART EDITOR) Less Abba-like histrionics and more Celtic pipery than you can throw a kitchen sink at, Nightwish continue hurtling headlong into the meaning of life, the universe and everything else. Striking a fine balance between voice of an angel and amazonian goddess, Floor Jansen more than holds her own against Tuomas’s tidal wave of sound and symphonic deluge

NATASHA SCHARF (NEWS EDITOR) It feels like Nightwish have decided to revisit their pre-Imaginaerum sound and bring it right up to date with slicker production and tighter composition. Heavier yet even proggier than their previous albums, Endless Forms... builds on their trademark symphonic-meets-celtic sound with maturity and greater confidence. And new singer Floor Jansen's vocals are absolutely spot-on.

MALCOLM DOME (WRITER) An album which will doubtless make a very positive impression after a few listens. First impression is that it's cold, remote and lacking immediacy. It references the band's past, while also moving things forward. And it makes you want to live with it.
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 03, 2015, 03:53:45 pm
Se ha revelado la duración de las canciones!!!
1. Shudder Before the Beautiful / 6:29
2. Weak Fantasy / 5:23
3. í‰lan / 4:45
4. Yours is an Empty Hope / 5:34
5. Our Decades in the Sun / 6:37
6. My Walden / 4:38
7. Endless Forms Most Beautiful / 5:07
8. Edema Ruh / 5:15
9. Alpenglow / 4:45
10. The Eyes of Sharbat Gula (instrumental) / 6:03
11. The Greatest Show on Earth / 24:00
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 04, 2015, 04:22:15 pm (

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 04, 2015, 04:22:36 pm
Floor, firstly we feel a huge admiration for your work and it is a proud have you as lead singer of the band we love. Thanks for your generosity in give us this interview. Let's go?!
NewEra: If you were not a singer, what you would have been chosen?
Floor: I can't imagine a life without music. It's not just something you do... It's who you are. But I always loved nature, so I imagine that would be something related to this.
NewEra: You have several social networks, and is always updating things that happen with you, like the birth of your niece, your relationship with Sabaton drummer etc. How do you think that should be this relation artist-and-fan? Do you think important this partnership between artist and fan clubs, and the support that these people provide to your work?
Floor: I am very careful with what I share and what it doesn't comes to my personal life. Things I am extremely proud or happy, something I would like to share. And I hope people can respect the limits set when it comes to privacy. When that happens, I like to be open and relaxed, and think it's important that kind of relationship with fans. But there are haters that make it impossible to be more open, a sad fact. I value the contact with those who follow me with good intentions, and fan clubs are the best example of this. I am happy to share and cooperate together to keep the magic alive.
NewEra: What is the funniest thing that happened to you on stage? Something that you stopped and thought: "I can't believe that it's happening!".
Floor: Years ago, but still the first thing that pops to my mind. It was with After Forever and we played on a weird stage. The guitarist, Sander, made a wrong move and fell off the stage. That happened in such a strange way I could only laugh. I was a bit worried if he was injuried, but the stage wasn't high. And all he could think about was keeping his guitar safe. I was headbanging and laughing loud. A great combination.
NewEra: Many singers claim that headbang affects vocal cords and the ability to control breathing. You headbang in tune with the music being played, ever had a problem? There is any preparation or exercise to headbanging like you?
Floor: Headbanging happens with the head and neck, and affects your breathing. But if I have time, I can recover breath after headbanging. Doesn't affect vocal cords, just when you try to sing during the beats due the position of your larynx. It's good to warm the neck, spinning it slowly.
NewEra: Everyone is excited to see the new era and especially the album Endless Forms Most Beautiful. What you could tell us in advance about the record, we can expect more agressive vocals, something like what you've been doing in ReVamp? And what "Find the origin" has to do with all this?
Floor: I can't reveal too much, just that I used everything I have to offer vocally. "Find the origin" has to do with the album theme. Although is not a concept album. You will soon find out!
NewEra: What are the main changes you would quote on the new album Endless Forms Most Beautiful in comparison with everything you have done in your career? There was a vocal maturity or you could only apply techniques you already knew and never had the chance to do?
Floor: I am using my softer sounds, more than ever. Singing gently softly with a lot of emotions. A nice contrast to all agressive stuff.
NewEra: When you give your masterclasses, you see yourself in the students? Your dreams, your insecurity, your performance? What is the importance of teaching programs like this? What you think to do some masterclass in South America one day?
Floor: Sometimes I can relate. I think it's great to have a teacher who can give you some tools, but without studying and persist, nothing happens. I don't think my time today allow me a masterclass in Latin America, but I never say never.
NewEra: What Nightwish song you would like to sing in a concert, and didn't had the opportunity?
Floor: All of them! But I would like to do The Poet and the Pendulum one day.
NewEra: We want to know if you as a professional already achieved all your goals? When you enter the stage, still feels those "butterflies"?
Floor: I don't know what means "butterflies" (laughs), but I reached all my dreams actually. I can just continue living this dream. The only thing I hope is make it until I die of old age.
NewEra: Floor, thank you so much for the interview. It was a pleasure and a honor to have this conversation with you. Please leave a message to the followers of "Nightwish: The beginning of a new era".
Floor: This new album will take you on a new journey of Nighwish, which you haven't experienced yet. I am proud and I hope you enjoy it as much as I do. I am truly honored that you let me enter in your hearts as the new singer of Nightwish so warmly. I can't wait to start the tour and rock with you personally. Thanks for all the support and passion! With love and respect, Floor Jansen."
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 04, 2015, 04:25:23 pm

Two decades into their career, Nightwish's symphony curve still points upwards. If making the orchestra more gigantic is possible to be done - it is done. If pulling up the volume to twenty on choirs and guitars can be done, then that is done as well. There's more of everything, and then some. That which was once classified as opera metal has now gone through a metamorphosis and can rather be described as a musical hybrid between pop and symphony orchestra, with one or more crunching guitars.

That this is probably the band's most diverse album to date, there is no doubt. There are sharp turns between calm and harmonic, epic and bombastic, heavy and sharp, and mediocre and bland. That evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkin's chanting voice gets to both begin and end the record feels like a stroke of genius. It gets sadly touching when he gets to the conclusion that we who can die are luckier than those who will never be born. In between, the quality is a constant roller coaster.

Weak Fantasy is a galloping track, but which despite having an interesting melody, falls with singer Floor Jansen's too sweet and gentle voice.

Likewise, the single track í‰lan, is more of a yawn than a cheerful wohoo. (Note: Yes, that's what is says...)

But in contrast to this, Yours Is An Empty Hope offers an unexpected and awaited punch in the face. An instrumental middle part with raw attitude, guitar riffs with a hint of thrash metal, and on top of this a singer who finally offers some bite.

Also the title track shows a more aggressive Nightwish, which more than happily gets my undivided attention.

Endless Forms Most Beautiful is, as I mentioned earlier, probably the most nuanced material the band has released. Many parts are incredibly beautiful, and above all, performed with an amazing professionalism. However, I feel that there are too few songs that stays in my memory, for this one to reach the level of earlier masterworks. Even though Troy Donockley finally gets the space he deserves, his instrumental skills are not enough to raise this record above the usual.

Highlight: Yours is an Empty Hope
Low point: í‰lan
Score: 6/10
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 06, 2015, 03:21:33 pm (

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 06, 2015, 03:25:38 pm
"Don't like!
Who was the disrespectful 'fan' that put our single out before release? We work SO hard to create something special, in high quality! And you think it's ok to steal it? Dear REAL fans: this íˆlan version is NOT official and sounds unlike the real thing!!!! Please wait for our official release next week on the 13th of February! And know that a single is one song, always impossible to cover the contents of an entire album in this one example :-) I red reactions based on this illegal spread monster and got sad to the bones with the words based on one song in poor quality illegally spread. Have patience and I have no doubt it will be rewarded ☺️ #nightwish"

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 06, 2015, 03:33:50 pm
Release party! (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 07, 2015, 05:11:26 pm
Warmest greetings everyone,
Some of us like to stay neutral on issues concerning internet/Facebook, but I feel it only proper to remark on a quite remarkable situation. I saw that our first single "íˆlan" was leaked on the internet today, and I was quite baffled by some of the reactions I read. I was then asked to make a short statement, and the following is what I feel about the issue.
The leaking of a full album, or just a single song in advance, is a huge blow to the wonderful mystery which is surrounding the impending release of our new music. We have deliberately cultivated this so as to give our fans an event; a (hopefully) powerful surprise. The passionate posts on the bands Facebook page (which were done in the heat of the moment) were no doubt a honest reaction to the disappointment in someone deliberately spoiling a part of these efforts. To suggest that the band or the record label would do this on purpose is very "conspiracy theory" and simply not true. The very thing we care about most is the music on the album, and the impact it will have on people.
With that in mind, do try to avoid listening to this "leak" and any others for that matter. Just wait to hear it as it is supposed to be - a labour of love, the fruit of dedicated hard work and of the highest quality.
The way we would wish to experience it ourselves.
Yours Sincerely,
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 07, 2015, 05:42:04 pm
In how many cities will you be promoting the album?
Yesterday we were in Sweden (A/N: the interview took place on Tuesday), now we’re here in the Czech Republic, in the evening we’re flying to Milan, then to Germany for three days, London for two days, to Paris, Ireland, and then back to Helsinki, so we’ll be visiting eight countries in total.
Won’t you stay in Prague for a little while?
Unfortunately not. We were supposed to arrive a day earlier but due to the weather we missed our flight. We had to stay at our headquarters and got here only today, and in a few hours we’ll be headed to the airport again to catch the plane to Milan.
Do you like travelling?
Yes, I enjoy it a lot. I must say I have a ton of fun at airports. I like flying and laughing at goofy security people. (laughs) I love getting to know new cities, countries, and their cultures.
Have you been to Prague before?
Yes, several times, but it’s always the same as today. We get here, do our thing, and disappear again. The last time we played here we had a little extra time that we spent walking around Prague with friends. We saw a couple nice places, but of course we didn’t have enough time to go everywhere we wanted. You don’t get to see all of this beautiful city in just a few days. But Prague made a big impression on me and I’m excited to come back as soon as I get the opportunity.
Let’s talk about the album. How did you feel when you were about to start recording with Nightwish for the first time?
Ready, because I’ve been with the band for some time now. We started preparing right after my last tour with my band, ReVamp, and we were at it for weeks. We had a lot of time and were full of energy. When we started recording, I felt very good and one hundred percent ready. We got everything done quickly and according to plan.
Did the fact that you had been with the band for some time before that, so you didn’t just have to get there and lock yourself in a studio, help you with the recording?
I think so. It’s definitely a good thing that I got to enjoy a tour first. (laughs)
Is recording an album all hard work or can it also be fun at times?
Fun and hard work don’t necessarily have to be all that different. You can experience both at the same time. Of course it is hard work because you have to do be completely devoted to what you’re doing and give it your all. Most importantly, you have to keep up this momentum for hours and hours. Sometimes you need to sit down and recharge your batteries, but I had great fun nonetheless.
Nightwish is a giant music factory. How many people are involved in the production of the album?
When we started recording at our studio in Finland back in June, only about one or two people were there with us. Marco and Tuomas then went over what we recorded and gave opinions on how it sounds and what we should try or add. The final mixing fell to teams of people in London and in Finland, but we never had a large group with us because that’s not what’s important.
The new album is a breath of fresh air. It’s full of energy. Is that what the mood in the studio was like when you were recording?
What’s your favorite song?
I don’t have a favorite. The album fits together as a whole and I cannot pick a single song that I would prioritize over the others. But I think the last track on the album, The Greatest Show on Earth, is special. I’ve never heard anything like it. It’s amazing. I’ve answered this question before - I think a song has to grow on you for a while in order for you to be able to call it your masterpiece.
You’ve been with the band for two years, gone on a world tour, and now you’re releasing a great new album. Have your dreams come true?
Definitely. (smiles) When the band first approached me to help them out on tour I had no idea they would ask me to stay. My dream came true when that happened. I have a new family. It is a great honor for me to be able to work on this level with such skilled musicians and leagues of devoted fans that we travel all over the world to see. It’s unique.
Will there be another big tour in store for you when the album is released?
Yes, big as always. (laughs) Not all our tour dates have been confirmed yet. We’re working on that. We start off with the North American tour in the United States and then we come back to Europe for several summer festivals. Yours, Masters of Rock, was among the first ones we confirmed (A/N: takes place in July in Vizovice)! These are our plans for the year so far with much more to come in 2016.
Are your fans any different in Europe and America?
I think they are. Yes and no. Fans of this type of music are thoroughly dedicated anywhere in the world and even in this day and age of downloading music they like to buy the CDs. To them it’s only natural to do so. Their loyalty and devotion is the same everywhere, but their way of thinking is different. Americans are more open to different genres than Europeans. European fans like to put labels on everything. This is black metal, this is death metal, this is symphonic metal. In America you can have a tour with bands that sound completely different but the fans are happy that they get it all served in one place. In Europe, bands that would be playing on giant stages in America play in small pubs.
What can the fans look forward to in your shows this year?
The whole album with all the trademark Nightwish elements they know and love. There is a song on the album called “The Greatest Show on Earth” and that’s exactly the show we want to deliver. (laughs) It will be a great, epic night for everyone.

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 09, 2015, 06:35:43 pm
Nightwish will headline a massive show at the Wembley SSE Arena on 19th December this year along with Arch Enemy and Amorphis as support. It will be their only UK show this year.
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 10, 2015, 03:53:04 pm
Radio Rock will premiere í‰lan at 4 pm (Finnish time) on Thursday!
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 13, 2015, 02:15:20 pm (

Leave the sleep and let the springtime talk
In tongues from the time before Man
Listen to a daffodil tell her tale
Let the guest in, walk out, be the first to greet the morn

The meadows of heaven await harvest
The cliffs unjumped, cold waters untouched
The elsewhere creatures yet unseen
Finally your number came up, free fall awaits the brave

Taste the wine
Race the blind
They will guide you from the light
Writing noughts till the end of time

Surf the clouds
Race the dark
It feeds from the runs undone
Meet me where the cliff greets the sea

The answer to the riddle before your eyes
Is in dead leaves and fleeting skies
Returning swans and sedulous mice
Writing on the gardens book, in the minute of a lover's look

Building a sandcasttle close to the shore
A house of cards from a worn out deck
A home from the fellowship, poise and calm
Write a lyric for the song only you can understand

Riding hard every shooting star
Come to life, open mind, have a laugh at the orthodox
Come, drink deep let the dam of mind seep
Travel with great íélan, dance a jig at the funeral

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 13, 2015, 06:45:15 pm
Sagan (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 13, 2015, 10:02:13 pm
Floor Jansen from Nightwish: "I sound like a 4-year-old when I speak Finnish".
The long-awaited new single from NW was released this Friday.
Floor Jansen, the Dutch vocalist of the band, is really excited about the release of the single and the video í‰lan.
-I am really proud of this song. I still have not read about fans' reactions, but I have received very positive feedback from the people I have met, Jansen rejoices.
The release of the single had a very miserable start as the song was leaked in the Internet a week before it's official release date. Jansen says the band does not know who leaked the song, but it still upsets her.
-It is really rude and things like this should not be happening. Some people say it is a normal phenomenon in 2015, but it is a crime comparable to burgling somebody's house. It was harmful for us and also for our fans, who had been awaiting the release of the single, Jansen angrily says.
The shooting of the music video for í‰lan was massive in a Nightwish way. The video filming took almost a year in different deserted or abandoned locations around southern Finland.
-The video shooting was really enjoyable and special. We would shoot in different locations first everybody separately for one day and then one day all together.
-The video is wonderful, although the editing was hard as we had so much material, Jansen says.
Also the line of actors is impressive. On the video there are Finnish veteran actors Antti Litja, Seela Sella, Vesa Vierikko, Ismo Kallio, Eeva Litmanen and Pekka Huotari.
-It was fantastic to work with them. They have all been in the business for a very long time and even though I did not know their history like the Finns do, I could feel the anticipation and the special atmosphere.
í‰lan gives us the first sample of the new album EFMB, which is to be released on March 27. Jansen describes the recording process long but fun.
-We were first rehearsing the songs in the middle of a forest in Finland before the actual recordings in London took place.
-The album is typical Nightwish, although the sound of course is different with a different vocalist. There is a lot of variation in the album, there are big sounds as well as the other extreme and softness, Jansen reveals.
Last summer Jansen moved to Joensuu, Finland. She says she feels comfortable in a small town.
-There we have lots of nature and lots of space. Holland is too crowded, I do not enjoy big cities. It was a good solution for me to move to Joensuu where I also have people I know near.
Moving to Joensuu has also helped Jansen with her Finnish language, but she does not feel very skilled yet.
-I would not be able to have a whole conversation, I sound like a 4-year-old speaking Finnish, Jansen laughs.
-Especially the different dialects make it difficult to understand.
Jansen joined the band on a very short notice in 2012, after the previous vocalist Anette Olzon had fallen ill. Officially, she became a member of the band in October 2013.
-This has been a very natural process. The request to join the band came sooner than I had thought, but everything went so smoothly and we get along really well.
According to Jansen the chemistry inside the band is good and the relationships are only growing stronger.
-We spent a lot of time together this summer when rehearsing for the album recordings. It made us feel even closer than before.
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 16, 2015, 04:00:03 pm
Making Of 11 (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 16, 2015, 04:49:04 pm
Entrevista a Kai (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 18, 2015, 03:42:57 pm
The Brit Troy Donockly is therefore a good addition to the line-up of the band, as he is lord and master over various folkinstruments, including his uilleann pipes (kind of like an Irish bagpipe). But even more important: this will be the first album with singer Floor Jansen (ex-After Forever, Revamp), behind the microphone. This all makes ‘Endless Forms Most Beautiful’ an album for which the expectations are high. Composer and keyboardist Tuomas Holopainen, bassist Marco Hietala and new singer Floor Jansen have been on a sizable promotour through various big European cities to promote the album to the media. We from Festival Blog had also been invited to the listining session in Amsterdam. This took place in the restaurant of a fancy hotel.

But first a little background information about ‘Endless Forms Most Beautiful’. The entire concept of the album is one about the evolution of humans and nature and the theory of evolution. The quote ‘For small creatures such as we the vastness is bearable only through love’ from Carl Sagan, which has been printed on the informationpage, suits this well. Carl Sagan, a astronome, cosmologist and known for his ability to explain science, has not been the only source of inspiration, as ethologist and evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins is also included. Literally, we might say, as Dawkins takes on the role of teller on the album, mostly in the first and last song. If this all isn’t still clear, then the coverart of the album will speak for itself as well.

But how does the album sound? You could describe it as something between Oceanborn and Once, with both older elements and melodies as well as the bombastic and orchestral that defines Nightwish this day. You could also say that it’s something for everyone. The first track Shudder Before the Beautiful begins with a few sentences from Dawkins, before immediately going full out. The album starts with a bang. Floor sings with a for her soft voice, do not expect any opera by the way, Nightwish has left that ages ago. The keyboard has a prominent role and the guitars are very heavy throughout this song, with even a first, heavy solo on this first song, chapeau. You might want to think a bit in the direction of the song Master Passion Greed. What also immediately becomes clear, is that Emppu Vuorinen has been given a lot to work with on this album, something we can only applaud. But it also gets a bit softer, almost magical, with the folk raising its head for a moment.

The second track Weak Fantasy sounds even heavier and features the first real audible choir that joins in. Bassist/singer Marco Hietala also gets to join in at the chorus. ‘Fear is a choice you embrace’ is only one sentence from this very orchestral song.

The single í‰lan follows, a song which has been released and discussed about seperately here. It’s the first fully fledged folk song on the album, calm but happy, in which Troy shines and Floor sings with a sugary voice.

Done with the calm at Yours is an Empty Hope. It opens with a firm guitar intro (think of the Once song Dead Gardens). This song rages through from the beginning to the end thanks to tight riffs, where the percussion fully goes along with. Floor finally uses power behind her voice (for those interested: it never comes so far as grunting), which gives a fantastic effect at the end in combination with the guitar and drums. What a rousing song.

Variation enough in this album, as suddenly… a ballad starts. Our Decades in the Sun comes a bit unexpected. Beautiful piano and soft drums and guitarchords with on top of that an almost sad and emotional voice from Floor make this song to what it is, almost a lovesong.

You can call My Walden a special song. Folk reigns. Troy kicks of the song by singing a bit himself, his voice being soft and calming. After that you get a bit of a Last of the Wilds feeling. Floor joins in and the song gets even happier and leans at moments to I Want My Tears Back, as it creates that happy feeling: ‘flying higher, higher, higher into the wild’, you’d almost start skipping on the tones and lyrics out of pure joy. It also reminds you of the old Nightwish (Angels Fall First/Oceanborn). But there is also variation in this song because the song goes faster and is at a certain moment almost not to distinguish from a typical Eluveitie song.

The title track is a complex song. Much orchestra, heavy guitarriffs and accompanying keyboard. It’s almost as if a play is being conducted thanks to the narrative singing. It goes from heavy bombastic to a happy chorus at the end.

It slows down again at Edema Ruh, almost bringing us back to the Christmastime. It sounds calm, happy and warm, perfect music for those winter holidays, on which flutes and uilleann pipes play a heavy role. The entire outro consists of it. Again we here Marco here, which hasn’t been the case or that noticable that much. It’s obvious that the focus off this album lies on the singing of Floor.

What follows remains calm as well. Alpenglow is a song which builds over time and which sounds very melodic and folkish. Despite that, guitarsolos aren’t avoided. There is much transition in this song. The Eyes of Sharbat Gula (yes, what a name), is a song which you can almost call instrumental. It’s mostly composed of piano, uilleann pipes, choir and orchestra, with the exception of some singing by Marco and the orchestra. Beautiful and calm.

Then the moment has arrived for the longest song from Nightwish to date. The Greatest Show on Earth is 24 minutes long. It starts with a slow piano intro and then builds from that. Thunderbolts, thunder, Floor who uses her operatic voice for a moment under the sounds of a increasingly louder sounding piano… You get the impression of something big coming. Richard Dawkins narrates and then bam, all instruments seem to be used accompanied by low singing from Floor. It’s a whirlwind of tones. And then it suddenly stops. It gets creepy, spooky. All kinds of scary sounds like whispering, brulling, monsterly growling and all kinds of animal sounds, to which a heavy part follows. It gets epic for a moment, if you can even describe it with this word. It closes with rolling of thunder, piano, some narrating from Dawkins, making it almost movielike, and the swishing of the sea ends ‘Endless Forms Most Beautiful’...

Did you become interested or even very interested? March 27th will be the day you can make your own opinion of it. For now it looks like Nightwish has reinvented itself by combining old and new elements and yet making it sound so tight and natural.
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 18, 2015, 10:01:07 pm
Album releases involve great deal of promotional work all over the world for a band with NW's magnitude. However,on Friday the 13th of Feb bassist Marco Hietala doesn't seem to be tired at all when he sits down to be interviewed in the hotel lobby in the city centre of Helsinki although the man has toured Europe with Floor and Tuomas for almost two weeks to discuss about the new album with journalists. He seems to be relaxed and while smoking his e-cigar he mentions at least 7 countries they visited when they were promoting their 8th studio album EFMB.
It's quite easy to predict that the album, which will be released at the end of March, will top the album charts soon after its release at least in Finland. That has happened to every album of theirs since Wishmaster, released in 2000. The band will be 20 next year and their career has been pointing constantly upwards without major hiccups which is uncommon to a band this old. Marco thinks that it's not only about ability but partially about good luck too.
- We are privileged that got into a  relatively good position by doing music that we first and foremost like to do. And now we are in that position that we don't need to listen to the instructions from the label what we should do or trucle to any kind of mainstream rules, yet there is a firm fan base who digs the band just the way we are. After all, the music is always created that fact in mind what we would like to listen to ourselves too. There is certain assertiveness and honesty but after all that has come through our own work and because of that people can trust to receive stuff from us that might have a little more substance than the latest radio hits have.
The main thing that has stayed in his mind during his 15 year career in NW are the events that led to the change of the singer in autumn 2012.
- Those rather hellish depths without light that we entered during our latest North American tour are fresh in my mind. Then Floor stepped in and we were on a survival mode and took one night and one show at a time. Especially the speed of recovery and how every show was better than the previous one, the rise from the darkness in such a triumphant way. It's one of the most horrible but at the same time the most beautiful things that I've experienced in my life. I don't want that again but I think that that sort of spectrum of emotions in such a short period of time leaves its marks to a human being permanently.
For the bassist who turns 50 next year, music is still one of the most important things in life.
- Playing the music and listening to it are the essential parts of my mental backbone. Nevertheless I've tried to keep my eyes and ears open to the fact that if this begins to feel lame, I'll try to step aside as soon as possible. I've listened to and loved music from a very young age. If that for some reason or another turned paler, it would feel better to walk away alltogether than remain beside the corpse of your loved one, Marco says.
Endless Forms Most Beautiful
As traditional the whole band retrieved to a summer camp to finalize the new songs. However everything didn't go as planned since Jukka had to make an announcement in the middle of the rehearsals that he can't participate in upcoming tour or the recordings of the album. According to Marco Jukka's decision was not a total surprise.
- Jukka has suffered more or less from insomnia for almost 10 years. Allready on the previous tour there were a few tricky situations like in Japan where Jukka didn't sleep at all for 4 days. The head begins to be really messed up and already then Jukka told if it continues to be like this, he can't go on. The drummer should be able to keep one and two apart from each other and Jukka told that he can't even think about that anymore.
- When we were preparing for the rehearsals of the new album, and put up the gear and began to rehearse, Jukka was awake for a week and after that he felt like there was a wasp nest in fire in his head. Then it became clear. We did hope all the time that Jukka would regain control of the problem and we tried to talk about things and all that but you can't cure the illness by persuading. Then Jukka told that he had made a phone call to Kaitsu about the possibility of things turning sour and in that case Kaitsu replacing Jukka at least for the upcoming album and tour. There was nothing more to do than stop the unnecessary persuasion and accept what's happening, Marco remembers.
There were no other canditates who were considered at least seriously to replace Jukka.
- Well, we thought about what kind of potential possibilities there are. We have known Kailtsu already for a long time and we know he's a very capable and nice guy. When Kaitsu said he can do it, so ofc we took him in, Marco explains.
In addition to a new drummer and a singer there is also Troy Donockley as a new member. He has toured with NW since 2007, but on EFMB he is for the first time as an official member in NW. According to Marco, Troy was allowed to bring his own arrangement ideas into the songs just like everyone else.
- The arrangement of the songs has always been democratic and open procedure. Even now when we began to look over all the  structures and other stuff, there were ideas also from Troy and Floor, like everybody else. Lots of littlenuances and some new angle came along and everyone had real motivation and eagerness.
Exactly a week before the release of the new single í‰lan, things began to happen around the band: the song had leaked on the web. Leaking the music without band's permission get's no sympathy whatsoever from Marco's part.
- Certain disappointment arouses from the leakage. Our objective is to release stuff we have written with a certain schedule and with the biggest possible impact. And when we see that the fans are waiting for it like Christmas and then there are people who seem to lack the general caring, empathy and respect towards that. They just want it immediately. It's sad.
- Then there are people, who are whining on forums how "this is so common these days, what are they moaning about". goddammit, it's our music and we should have the right to decide what we do with it and when.
The contribution of orchestra and the bombast in NW music grew album by album until the last one released. If the band's aim had been to take it even further, they would have moved well outside the boundaries of metal genre. The first taste from EFMB is however rather subtle in that regard. The choice of the song as the first taste was rather clear decision, according to Marco.
- Well, there are quite long songs with a lot of stuff, so it's obvious that í‰lan is the most radio-friendly one. It also has a relatively simple structure and a slight, continuous crescendo towards the end. Those are the primary reasons. And we liked to play it a lot in the rehearsals and I sing long archs in the backround of the lead singer. When we began to the get right the elements and feeling to it, we thought this might be a good choice. But there are other potential singles on the album too.
Even internationally speaking it was quite remarkable that they got evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins on the album. And it didn't require too much persuasion.
- The negotiations didn't take a long time. Tuomas has read those books and those have had an influence on his worldview. Tuomas sent a hand-written letter to Dawkins who replied after a couple of weeks that this is interesting and asked a little about us. We had to enlighten a bit that we are a band, who has music. He might have even asked if he had to sing, Marco laughs.
Dawkins didn't visit Finland, but Tuomas and Mikko Karmila travelled during the orchestral recordings to Oxford to meet Dawkins and to record his share in a local studio. NW informed about Dawkins's guest appearance last October and that resulted quite a hassle and some people even stated that they would stop listening to the band because of this. All this before nothing had been said about the character of the Dawkins's part on the album.
- The amount of response did surprise us a bit. We knew that Dawkins is a rather contradictory person and publicly at the forefront of the atheistic movement. His role on the album stays within the evolutionary story and it's not about atheism. In the end we don't sign under anyone's beliefs, at least I personally don't, in one direction or another. At least for me it's totally appropriate that Dawkins is on the album, Marco tells.
Tuomas has always been NW's main composer and lyricist, although both Marco and guitarist Emppu have brought some of their ideas to the albums. There are parts composed by Marco again on the upcoming album but it's exceptional that there are also lyrics written by somebody else than Tuomas for the first time during NW´s existence.
- About a year ago I had been recording all kind of material in home studio and I thought that these certain things might be suitable for NW. I wrote some lyrics as working texts so I could represent my recordings to Tuomas. While writing these texts I noticed that it had become rather serious and that there were a lot of stuff I have to use somewhere.
- When I showed my recordings to Tuomas, he checked those and lyrics and suddenly said that he has been looking for the way to tell these stories and you nailed it perfectly here and asked if we can use these. I told him that, this has been in principle his territory earlier but if it feels so that these fit in, so let's go, Marco remembers.
Gybernetic future
There are naturally many different themes on the album, but because of Dawkins's guest appearance, album's name and other references, the science related references are the most evident ones. Dealing with these kind of subjects from this angle of approach isn't very usual in metal music. The main themes of the album come naturally from Tuomas's visions but also Marco shares his interest in science and through that the wondering of life. Marco has been interested in these kind of subjects since his early childhood.
- I have been an astronomy freak since I was a little kid. I don't remember whether it began when I learned to read at the age of four and saw a lot of scifi-stories and such. I checked up many astronomical books and my farther had books from Life magazine and one was Universe with brilliant pictures of galaxies and stardusts. I learned name of the asterisms by heart. This kind of approach suits me really well. But you can't assume this album to be some kind of preacher's book with "a truth" in it because that's what it's certainly not. They are stories looked at from a certain angle.
Richard Dawkins has told that he has often been asked how he manages to get out of bed in the morning, since he doesn't believe life has some specific meaning because of his scientific approach to it. A book called "Unweaving the Rainbow" was written to those questioners and it has been some sort of inspiration for EFMB, for there are some spoken quotes by Dawkins directly from the book on the album. Marco agrees that the increasing amount of scientific information doesn't make this world a meaningless place.
- Without science we couldn't deduce that it would be good thing to get rid of oil and coal so it affects us constantly. And scientific worldview doesn't make this world a meaningless place because there are lot of great things going on here. If a human being is built in a right way in the framework of this universe, you do take care of your nearest ones and that applies globally too. That's what the moral aims at. With pretty simple deeds you can prove that you have a place in this world and that you would like it to remain that way to those after you. It's rather simple.
- In a way science is humble. It presents the matters how they probably are before stronger evidence. I think it's shameful that human egoism is so insanely big that it experiences itself as eternal and infinitely important to this universe, which is however so large that understanding it, is the same as bacteria trying to figure out whether it's on dog's or human being's skin. In other words, in front of such greatness it would be better to be more humble and grateful that we are here now, because it's such a privilege to exist.
- The last song on EFMB, the 24-minute long The Greatest Show on Earth, refers to evolution. The name is directly from Dawkins's book about evidence of evolution and in that song Dawkins has his biggest role on the album. When mentioned about the theme, Marco begins to ponder on the future of the mankind.
- Now we are on the area, which is quite exciting with the present view of the world. If we'll survive as a species, whether it's tens, hundreds or thousands of years, we're going to be totally different creatures, with the modern technology, with artificial joints, hearts and limbs and so on . So the next step in modern evolution could be a cyborg.
Sweat and snot
After the release of the album NW will be going to present their fresh music at gigs in different places around the world. The setlist is still under planning but it's obvious that the new album will be strongly presented. North American tour in smaller clubs starts in April and lasts a little over a month. After that there are a festival season and two big shows in Finland. For the end of the year there are shows abroad, the most prominent one apparently being at Wembley Arena. There is a big contrast between the places but it doesn't make a big difference for Marco.
- I have to say I like to play anywhere but smaller places are my favourite ones. If we're talking about smaller clubs where beer is sold and people are relaxed and near each other, almost face to face, that's where the feeling is more intimate, "sweat and snot" so to speak.
- Then the sound is much better in more compact space because the big halls are acoustically worse in a certain way. But on the other hand there is always a certain charm to play at a gig whether it's for 1000 or 80000 people like in Wacken.
The last question that must have been asked hundreds of times since the release of "Once". Are we going to see a concert with orchestra during this tour?
- Every time we have thought about it, it has seemed to be a good idea because we've got the music which is like a precision weapon for an occasion like that. On the other hand the whole idea about a rock band playing with orchestra has been diluted over the years because so many bands have done it. There would be a lot of people involved and to arrange everything with them (rehearsals and so on) would require a massive amount of work. And it would have to be a little different, so you had to invest in the visual side of the show. Ofc we'll think about that in future too but at this point we've run out of time. Album is coming out and rehearsals starts next month. So at this stage it's not possible, because when the touring starts it will be an unbelievable hassle anyway, Marco concludes.
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 18, 2015, 10:07:50 pm
Entrevista ( (

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 19, 2015, 07:58:23 pm
On Thursday, february 12th 2015, Nightwish was visiting Amsterdam to promote their upcoming album ‘Endless Forms Most Beautiful’. Metal-exposure paid them a visit in the hotel they were staying to have a chat with Marco(see below) and of course to listen to Endless Forms Most Beautiful.
First thing to notice when walking in, was Tuomas wearing a shirt with the head of Darwin on it. As most of you Nightwish fans probably have read somewhere by now, Darwin has been a big inspiration for Endless Forms Most Beautiful. All around me, people are sitting with headphones on their head, looking very concentrated and sometimes writing down notes. After a short wait for an available headphone, it was time for me to start doing the same thing.
The album opens up with Shudder Before The Beautiful and starts with a quote from Richard Dawkins, also a big inspiration for this album. Already from the start of the album on, I get the feeling that I’m listening to Nightwish. The typical sound of the orchestra and choir combined with heavy guitars immediately brings me into the Nightwish flow. Already during the second song Weak Fantasy I totally find myself back in Nightwish their ‘Once’ years. Also this is the first song where we hear Marco sing.
But then Floor starts singing. Floor is probably the best thing that could ever have happened to Nightwish, but for me, being a Dutch metal lover who took the opportunity to see way too many After Forever gigs in her live, it was a bit difficult to get this image out of my head. It was hard to switch the button in my head to ‘the new voice of Nightwish’, because it got stuck at ‘this sounds like a love child made by Nightwish and After Forever’. I have to confess that it took more than half of the album to make this switch.
Meanwhile I was listening to í‰lan, which all of you heard one day later, because this is the first single from Endless Forms Most Beautifull that Nightwish is bringing out. All I can say that I understand pretty well why they made this their first single. The song is folky and catchy and will reach a lot of people.
Yours Is An Empty Hope is a song that is going to be great when performed live. My notes say: ‘you can’t get it more Nightwish than this’, so I guess that says enough. The song gets pretty rough at the end; did I hear Floor scream there?!
Of course the album can’t be without a ballad, and this is where Our Decades In The Sun comes in. The song starts very lovely and sweet, but after a while some guitar playing passes by. Just when you thought the song would end, it goes on for some minutes into an instrumental ending.
My Warden is a very Celtic inspired song, with a very big and important role to play for Troy and his pipes. Now I am not surprised anymore that I already read a couple of times before that this could almost be a song written by a band like Eluveitie. When I suddenly get a feeling to start dancing, I have to remind myself that I’m sitting in a hotel lobby with headphones on, and not watching a live show.
Listening to title track Endless Forms Most Beautiful and Edema Ruh I can’t get to another conclusion than the fact that Nightwish surely went on, there where they left off with Dark Passion Play and Imaginaerum. The cooperation between the orchestra, the choirs and the band sounds perfect together, and also the balance between the more calm parts and the heavy guitars is just like we know it. Floor her singing is more narrative and Nightwish seems to have let go of the Opera sound.
I wouldn’t be surprised if Alpenglow is going to be the next single that Nightwish is going to bring out. It starts with this typical synthesizer intro, the song is catchy and a bit more up-tempo, and Floor is beautifully telling us a story here.
And then we ‘already’ reach the epic end of this album. Endless Forms Most Beautiful is a 90 minute album, but so far, we’re only one hour further. The Eyes Of Sharbat Gula is an musical intro with only the choir humming, and building up towards the 24 minute finale: The Greatest Show On Earth. This song is of epic proportion, in multiple ways. Of course at first the length of the song. This is Nightwish their longest song so far. The first 6 minutes we calmy carry on where The Eyes Of Sharbat Gula has ended, and we hear the first, and only opera vocals by Floor. But then, with a ‘bang’ suddenly heavy guitars come in. Floor her, already impressive, vocal abilities are used to the max in this song, the orchestra goes wild, as goes the rest of the band. It is like listening to a summary of Dark Passion Play, Imaginaerum and Endless Forms Most Beautifull in just one song. At the end, we slow down again and we listen to words by Dawkins and the sound of a lot of animals. An epic end, of and epic song and album.
P.S: Our camera decided to be a bitch and lose focus when we were recording. We hope that you enjoy the information nevertheless. Cheers! (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 19, 2015, 10:02:31 pm
Entrevista a Floor! ( (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 21, 2015, 01:33:48 pm
Floor cumple hoy 34 años!!!
FELICIDADES!!!! :011: :011: :011: :011: :011:
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 22, 2015, 10:13:30 pm
1. There could be some fans out there who might not know who Pip Williams is and how he is related to Nightwish. Could you please tell us what your role has been within the band for the past years?
I have been a successful record producer (Status Quo, The Moody Blues etc.) and arranger for many years. My role with Nightwish is that of orchestral arranger and coordinator. I transcribe Tuomas’s ideas for the orchestra and choir and organize the London sessions, carefully liaising with Tuomas, the orchestral contractor (Isobel Griffiths), the studio, the conductor (James Shearman) and the music copyist/librarian (Richard Ihnatowicz). While I transcribe Tuomas’s parts for the arrangements, I have freedom to adapt and add my own ideas to the scores. I can make suggestions regarding the line-up and suggest possible changes.
2. How did you get in touch with Tuomas/Nightwish?
In the late 90’s, I had produced some tracks for Turkish rock band Mavi Sakal, which Mikko Karmilla had engineered. For this, I had done some large orchestra arrangements. Mikko remembered this and recommended me to Tuomas and the band. This was in 2003 (Once).
3. You’ve been working with the band for over a decade now. What has been the most challenging song for you to arrange so far?
Well all of them have their own challenges! “Ghost Love Score” required a lot of work. It was also the very first Nightwish song that I put pencil to paper for (it was incidentally the last album that I ever did using the old-fashioned method of pencil and score paper. After this, I switched to using Sibelius Notation Software!) “Scaretale” was a challenge (the Ghost Dance sequence) as was my composition of the Imaginaerum orchestral closer.
4. Is there any arrangement you have done for Nightwish that you feel especially proud of?
Many! Probably Ghost Love Score, Scaretale and a couple from the new album.
5. If you had the chance to write the orchestral arrangements for any Nightwish song (or album) previous to “Once”, which one would it be?
Probably Oceanborn, but I could have done a killer arrangement for Phantom of the Opera!
6. There is a lot of work involved in the recording process of a Nightwish album, which is always something huge.  Would you please explain how the collaboration with Tuomas is carried out?
They have all started with Tuomas writing the songs and preparing his own very good demo. This already contains most of his ideas for instrument parts. This demo is sent to me and gives me the chance to familiarize with the songs and sketch out ideas of my own, as well as flag up any problem areas and things that may not work. The band will then rehearse and possibly prepare a second demo version. This is where there might be alterations to the structure of the songs. For all the albums up until the latest one, I would write the orchestrations, usually using Tuomas’s original demos as a guide, we would record the orchestra, percussion and choirs, then the band would record their parts. If there was any recording of the final band parts prior to the orchestra going on, I would receive copies of these, in case I needed to change anything on the score to fit (e.g. different bass notes or chords). Tuomas has always played his final keyboard parts last. On the new album, however, the band recorded most of their stuff BEFORE we recorded the orchestra. This was a huge challenge, because I was writing arrangements while they were actually recording the tracks and often, some things were changed- sections added, new keys and riffs etc. Mostly though, they were faithful to Tuomas’s original structures.
7. You have sometimes referred to Holopainen as a ‘genius’ and a ‘unique’ songwriter. Why do you consider him as such? In your opinion, what makes him stand out from other contemporary metal/rock songwriters?
I think the vast range of Tuomas’s influences and his love of so many musical genres has shaped his style of songwriting. Interesting has been how his use of folk and traditional styles has fitted into his Nightwish material and the genre of symphonic metal in general. He always comes up with original melodies and continues to explore new territories musically. He also draws on his favourite books for inspiration. All of this provides him with a vast palette of musical and lyrical opportunities. He is very prolific and can write at astonishing speeds sometimes, without compromising the quality of the songs. I can’t think of another metal/rock songwriter who manages to write such compelling melodies and storylines. These have shaped the very essence of Nightwish, despite personnel changes.
8. How do you manage to figure out the ideas of a mastermind like him?
Well, I get to understand his mind more with every project. At its most basic level, right from the Once album, we had meticulous briefing sessions and spoke a lot about his influences and what he wanted to get from me. His demos are very well prepared and he presents me with solid ideas for his orchestral parts. I believe we now have a unique relationship, where I have freedom to make my own contribution to the scores, while preserving his more definitive ideas.
9. Has there been any situation in which Tuomas and you have different ideas/perspectives or do not agree with something in particular? (The usage of a certain instrument, the inclusion of a certain passage, etc.)
Rarely, but sometimes I might write say a xylophone phrase and he might think it’s too hard or sound , or something like that. Or perhaps a certain woodwind or string line is maybe too light hearted, or a brass accent might get in the way of another idea that he has or is working on. However, when one considers the thousands of notes/parts/lines that have to be written, these are very isolated cases. I can’t recall one instance where we have been in total disagreement over something. This is because during my score writing process, I am in constant touch with him and often send him demo files of stuff I am working on. Obviously, by the law of averages, I might write a motif or something that Tuomas is unsure of, but by sending these work-in-progress mock-ups, using good samples, any necessary changes can be dealt with long before we get to the studio.
10. How would you describe this upcoming album, and how would you define the role of the orchestra and choir in it?
The orchestra and choir are as mighty as always. However, the band is featured very strongly this time and you can expect there to be space for the band to be dominant, yet sections where the orchestra will be heavily featured also. It made a difference that the band recorded most of their parts before the orchestra, so I was able to fit around them more efficiently for this album.
11. The song that closes the new album is rumored to be nearly twenty-five minutes long. Was it complicated to arrange such a monumental piece in comparison to the other songs of the album?
Not really, as “The Greatest Show On Earth” is divided into five movements, the last of which has no orchestra. Obviously, there had to be a connection between each of the movements and it had to be paced so that the whole thing built logically. Tuomas had composed the complete song and had very clear ideas as to the structure, which we discussed constantly, so for my part, it was actually no more complicated than arranging Ghost Love Score for example. The 4th movement gets massive and I had a fair amount of freedom with the arrangement, so that part took a fairly long time for me to be satisfied. The 3rd movement has a sinister introduction for which again, I was given a great deal of freedom.
12. Since we know you cannot say much about it, we will make a simple exercise. I will give you some words and you can choose the ones that suit the mood of that song the best:  Fast, crazy, sad, joyful, aggressive, powerful, dramatic, sensitive, mysterious, progressive, majestic, ethnic.
Ha-ha- all of these words can be applied at various times throughout the piece!
13. You have worked on the latest four Nightwish albums and you’ve known all three singers. The sound of a band sometimes changes in order to fit the singer’s voice. Do you think the sound of the band changed this time in order to fit Floor Jansen’s voice?
Not specifically to fit Floor’s voice, but the sound of the band has naturally evolved. I can tell you that Floor has seamlessly fitted in to all of the various genres that the band incorporate into their music- metal, folk, classical. Fans will greet Floor warmly!!
14. Besides Nightwish, what other metal band(s) would you like to collaborate with?
I often get asked this and have been approached by others from time to time. Quite simply, I would not like to work with another band who simply wanted me to do something similar, and my relationship with Nightwish and Tuomas fulfills me completely musically! As a musician/arranger/composer/orchestrator, I would have to be offered something totally different, but I would never rule out the possibility.
15. Symphonic Metal has become one of the most popular genres in metal music; there have been many cases where orchestras invite metal bands to perform with them live at some opera festivals and events alike. Do you think Symphonic Metal could be a new way to get more people interested in classical music?
Definitely! People have turned on to classical music as a result of seeing films with great scores, so by the same token, I would love to see the audience for classical music grow as a result of bands like Nightwish!
- Thank you very much for giving us a bit of your time. Finally, is there any message you would like to send to all Nightwish fans out there that will read this interview?
Of course! I would just like to thank all of you Nightwish fans, old and new, for your continued support for this magnificent group of musicians and people!
Nightwish are one of the few artists who never compromise on quality and it's been an honour for me to play such a large part in their musical adventures so far! Peace to you all!

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 23, 2015, 11:38:21 pm
Entrevista a Marco ( (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 25, 2015, 03:51:22 pm
01. Shudder Before The Beautiful
This new album starts strong: the huge orchestration that opens the first track is directly followed by very heavy guitars. Floor uses her rock voice for a "catchy" song, witch is potentially a second single. The choirs are immediately catchy. The progression is fairly linear and classically structured (verse / chorus / bridge with choir).
02. Weak Fantasy
A fairly heavy track that belies the "weak" term of the title!  The big opening riffs are offset by very folky guitars on the break. Floor is already beginning to reveal the full extent of her range with still a rock voice, but significantly different from the previous track. Marco also made his first appearance with a slightly hoarse voice.
03. í‰lan
The first single from the album opens with an intro by the flute and the piano. Troy Donockley and his celtic instruments are very present, resulting in a clear folk atmosphere. Floor voice is softer. Here we have a classic structure song, selected to be a single (the album version gains just a small intro and outro with an acoustic guitar). A track that will disapoint the fans and lovers of big sound, but should appeal to a wider audience beyond the metal scene.
04. Yours Is An Empty Hope
Nightwish has an excellent guitarist among its bandmembers since its inception in 1996, and it shows wonderfully on this album. This does not preclude the orchestra. The guitar on this very punchy track is somewhat reminiscent of "Scaretale" of the previous album. Floor's voice nicely complements Marco :  for once, it's the female singer, not the male singer that does the screams. This woman definitely can do everything and this confirms that Nightwish has gain a real asset with her vocal abilities.
05. Our Decades In the Sun
This song opens with inventive choir vocals. This is a very sweet song despite very strong guitars. Again, Emppu and his guitar seems to have imposed his mark on this album.
06. My Walden
The song begins with Troy singing, in an unknown language (Old English? Gaelic?). The atmosphere is very, very Celtic, a pure joy for those who love both metal and Celtic music. The harpist who wrote those words belongs to this category.
07. Endless Forms Most Beautiful
What happens wih the guitars on this album ? The chorus is particularly catchy. Floor's vocal lines are inventive, but the wide intervals will not be easy to reproduce on stage ( don't know what she means ???)
that being said, I'm not worried, given the vocal mastery of the lady. This is a perfect marriage between guitar / orchestra / chorus.
08. Edema Ruh
Troy is here on vocals and instruments. The structure is classic and Floor voice is softer. This is perhaps the least memorable song from the album for now - at first listen anyway. Obviously, this title was chosen by Tuomas to serve as the first single, but in the end "Elan" was preferred by the other bandmembers. Given the reception of "Elan" and accusations of being "pop" that flourish on the Web, the worst-case scenario has been avoided ...
09. Alpenglow
Not only the keyboard intro is very catchy and reminds the heyday of "Nemo," but the chorus melody will definitely be a killer in concert. Troy adds some color and Floor offers us a lot of versatility in the same song: mostly sweet, her voice is finally very "rocky" on the chorus.
10. The Eyes Of Sharbat Gula
This song opens with inventive percussions. Anyone who had once attended a ceremony at a Buddhist temple will immediately feel the same atmosphere. Troy and the choir of children vocalize without words. An instrumental track where Floor does not appear at all, very relaxing and unusual even for Nightwish.
11. The Greatest Show On Earth
a. This monumental track seems to be the Great Work of Tuomas, begins with a beautiful introduction piano / cello, and follows a very beefy orchestra. Floor and choir voices are warming up with vocalising and scientist Richard Dawkins made his first narrative appearance. The title of the song is also borrowed from one of his books on evolutionary biology, while the album name itself is taken from "The Origin Of The Species",
work of the famous English naturalist Charles Darwin. Thoses References indicate a documented concept.
b. This repeats the theme of the previous part, but in a very punchy version this time. Floor delivers some spoken words before singing.
c. Another change of mood, with the return of percussions and choirs. Animal noises appear in the song; Nightwish can still surprise us ! Lots of guitars. Finally there is Marco, and Floor offers us her strongest rock voice. A few notes of "Toccata and Fugue in D minor" by Bach are emerging - a recurring theme in the works depicting life in general, after the French animated series "Once Upon A Time ... Mankind" or Terrence Malick film "The Tree Of Life" - and is there a techno beat in the background?
d. Another change of atmosphere, this time with the piano and the sound of waves. A very quiet moment again, with an inspiring text about Life read by Richard Dawkins. We end up on waves, a theme dear to Tuomas, with a gentle whale chant to make sure everyone is relaxed.
Twenty-five minutes for the latter track. There is four obvious parts , but it should be possible to found 6 by careful listening.
Conclusion :
Keyboards and guitars are ​​very, very forward in the mix compared to Imaginaerum, where the piano literally disappeared behind the orchestra, confirming the direction envisioned by Tuomas already a year and half ago. An album "more band oriented " than its two predecessors with Anette. The drums, however, are a little behind; Is it related to the change of drummer ?
Marco is not prominent as a singer (especially with respect to its significant presence in Imaginaerum), but not necessarily in favor of the new male vocalist, Troy Donockley. That being said, the new frontwoman has versatility for two - "She's as versatile as it gets, I absolutely did not feel limited myself" Tuomas noticed - even if there is no lyrical voice. In our upcoming interview,  Tuomas explains the lyrical side has been tested and discarded during rehearsals: "the fact that she uses very little lyrical voice may come as a surprise, but you must serve the songs and not just use it because you can. »
The songs are very diverse with respect to each other, but form a coherent whole. The final track is very impressive in its complexity and structure. As for track 10, "The Eyes Of Sharbat Gula," it is very unusual, in a good way, among the discography of Nightwish.
Endless Forms Most Beautiful contains all the expected features of Nightwish, refocusing on the band.
According to Tuomas in our interview, there is a "change in continuity" in the logical progression of a group that has the means to its ambitions and welcomed an additional musician and a singer whose talent is unmatched on the female metal scene.
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 26, 2015, 03:55:01 pm
Nightwish has always stood for virtuoso perfection. They are able to evoke fantastic dream worlds, fade out time and space, and touch you deep inside with their majestic symphonic compositions. Vision and temptation, love and passion, devotion and blood - this Finnish band also has the courage to aspire to new creative and innovative ventures. Since their formation in August 1996, they have risen long ago to become the biggest Symphonic Metal band. It is no secret that main composer and keyboard player Tuomas Holopainen is a versatile songwriter, who lives for his music, dedicates himself to his art and this seeps through in every single note of his work. Four years have passed since the gigantic Imaginaerum album - a lot has happened and still even more will happen, because the time is right for a new chapter in the history of the Suomi-Symphonics. A chapter, which will set new standards and will start a magic trip into a spectacular parallel universe; so overwhelming, so epic, so beguiling. Nightwish connect past, present and future to a flawless whole. It is a time for a new era. It is a time for Endless Forms Most Beautiful.

Endless Forms Most Beautiful is the first Nightwish studio album to feature Dutch singer Floor Jansen (Revamp, ex-After Forever) - the splendid chanteuse has been a full-time member since Oct 2012. On the imposing 2013 live release Showtime, Storytime the amazing power woman improved the sound with her beautiful voice while lending the songs, once more, a special grace. It was clear that the Dutchwoman would catapult the songs vocally on a new, even more powerful, level. "The recordings of the more soft, very deep and less operatic song parts were a great challenge for Floor, because she had never sung before on an album in that way", remembers Tuomas Holopainen. "Nevertheless, her enthusiasm brought out the maximum in her versatile voice." On the drums there is also a new face: On account of health problems, long-time drummer Jukka Nevalainen has had to take a break and is replaced by his good friend Kai Hahto (Wintersun) for touring duties. Finally the quintet was extended by the entrance of multi-instrumentalist Troy Donockley. His new colleagues fill Holopainen with pride: "The new members were completely motivated and contributed large parts to the arrangements. They worked as a unit - much more than on all the albums before!"

The musical excursion begins with the rapid 'Shudder Before The Beautiful', which symbolizes the sublimity and grandeur of the world. The famous evolutionary biologist and author Richard Dawkins appears at the beginning in a narrative role. "He did not know Nightwish before", Tuomas admits, "but after listening to some songs, he really liked our music and accepted our invitation with pleasure." 'Weak Fantasy' follows, which seems to be the hardest song of the album according to Holopainen beside 'Yours Is An Empty Hope'. Bassist Marco Hietala also contributed many ideas to this number. The wonderful and touching 'í‰lan' is the first single. "The underlying subject of the song is nothing less than the meaning of life, which is different for all of us. It is important to surrender yourself to the occasional free fall and not to fear the path less traveled by", the songwriter philosophizes. 'Our Decades In The Sun' carries the listener softly into quieter fields, followed by the folky-medieval 'My Walden'. That number stands for the open-endedness of every person and should inspire one to have a look to the individual world in front of you. The origin of all life, inspires the outstanding title track 'Endless Forms Most Beautiful'. "Here the evolution of life on earth is reflected", Tuomas says. The next song is called 'Edema Ruh' and Tuomas was heavily inspired by the fantasy author Patrick Rothfuss in whose imaginary world, musician and actors travel from village to village, make music and play theatre. 'Alpenglow' is a kind of love song, where different variations of being after death are described and illustrated. Before the spectacular finale, an instrumental piece, impresses: In 'The Eyes Of Sharbat Gula' orchestra and choir shine in perfect symbiosis, generating a cinematic soundtrack mood and bewitching with a mystical-melancholic atmosphere. The crowning end is shown by the monumental 24 minutes monster 'The Greatest Show On Earth', which is divided into five chapters and enclose the complete evolution - from the formation of Planet Earth until the distant unknown future. "This is for me the best Nightwish song of all time", Tuomas says.

And the Finns are right, because in this Richard Dawkins takes part again and completes that overwhelming, breathtaking and mysterious piece of art in a perfect way. Nightwish presents themselves stronger and more self-confidently than ever. By now it is chiseled in stone: Endless Forms Most Beautiful is a virtuoso legacy for eternity. Nightwish were never better.
Nightwish's North American Tour Dates:

4/9 - Hammerstein Ballroom - New York City, NY
4/10 - Electric Factory - Philadelphia, PA
4/11 - Palladium - Worcester, MA
4/13 - Le Capitole - Quíébec City, QC
4/14 - Phoenix Concert Theater - Toronto, ON
4/16 - Town Ballroom - Buffalo, NY
4/17 - Agora Theatre - Cleveland, OH
4/18 - Concorde Music Hall - Chicago, IL
4/19 - 7 Flags Events Center - Clive, IA
4/21 - Ogden Theatre - Denver, CO
4/22 - In The Venue - Salt Lake City, UT
4/24 - Knitting Factory - Spokane, WA
4/25 - Orpheum Theatre - Vancouver, BC
4/26 - Crystal Ballroom - Portland, OR
4/28 - Warfield Theatre - San Francisco, CA
4/30 - House Of Blues - Las Vegas, NV
5/1 - The Greek Theater - Los Angeles, CA
5/2 - Marquee Theatre - Phoenix, AZ
5/3 - Tricky Falls - El Paso, TX
5/5 - Bomb Factory - Dallas, TX
5/6 - Warehouse Live - Houston, TX
5/8 - House of Blues - Orlando, FL
5/9 - Revolution - Fort Lauderdale, FL
5/11 - Marathon Music Work - Nashville, TN
5/12 - Expo Five - Louisville, KY
5/13 - Filmore - Charlotte, NC
5/14 - Filmore - Silver Springs, MD
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 27, 2015, 11:02:11 pm
Entrevista (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 28, 2015, 04:04:08 pm
Pip Williams's thoughts about EFMB:
"At last, I can listen to the new Nightwish extravaganza objectively. As a piece of art- not just something I worked on!
And it is a piece of art. The best NW album yet in my humble opinion! Every contribution deserves credit, but Floor is simply magnificent!"
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 02, 2015, 10:22:00 pm
Almost every rock journalist had on his ‘what are you looking forward to in 2015’ list prominent: the new Nightwish album with Floor Jansen as a vocalist. To me, Nightwish is like an ex-girlfriend. I loved the band but lost the feeling and broke up. With Floor on the live DVD they got me again, and love was reborn. Would the new album kick ass? Would it sound like a new After Forever album? Would it be ‘pedal-to-the-metal’? Almost bursting and with a load of questions I took off on the twelfth of February to Amsterdam. I was given the opportunity to not only listen to the new and more than amazing album but also to sit down with Tuomas and Floor. Nightwish is reborn and (again) worth listening to and to be a fan of! After one and a half week of doing interviews all over Europe and with almost ninety(!!) interviews each I met Tuomas and Floor who appear in an excellent mood and with the enthusiasm off a band that is experiencing their breakthrough they are eager and go in-depth in a talk that lasted one and a half hour…

By: William Pezy | Archive under gothic metal

What was the worst question you had last days?

Floor: …… just one: ‘Well about the album, can you tell us something about it?’ It is not even a bad question, just not specific. The level of questions have been high so most interviews were a lot of fun.

Tuomas: I had eighty-nine interviews the last one and a half week and to be honest all of them were ok, I do not mind talking about music or a new album. And I cannot recall a bad question only a question were I thought: ‘why ask me what the history and discography of the band is?’ You can find it on the website. But if it is just the question to get us started, then that is ok.

The last days have been interview after interview and lots of traveling and waiting. How do you cope such days?

Floor: It was not hard at all, I like to talk about music and maybe it is due to my ego I like to talk about myself (she starts to laugh out loud, WP). No honestly, of course it costs energy because you want to be focused: every journalist should have the appropriate attention. But I loved doing it, I am so proud of what we did on this album and it is new to me talking about the first album where I am the singer of Nightwish. Because people have had the chance to listen to the album before an interview they have come to an opinion and it gives the chance to talk in depth of things. Besides the interviews, it is also nice to see all these cities we go to, the different people and cultures we experience. I had a blast!

Tuomas: I have a bunch of books in my backpack, I make crossword puzzles go have a long walk or do some tourism. So I have my tools to keep my mind busy. And surprisingly, also on tour we have a great deal of free time so you have to fill it up with something constructive.

Can you tell me how you experienced the period between the end of the Imaginaerum tour and the moment you become a full member of Nightwish? You came out of a turbulent phase of your life had to learn the lyrics in 48 hours, got on a rollercoaster and then suddenly…the tour was over and there your were, sitting at home.

Floor: Actually, two days after the last Nightwish show the second ReVamp album was released so I started to promote the album and did the ReVamp shows. From one circus to the other. Nevertheless, I already knew Troy and I had become member of Nightwish. Before I was asked to become their future singer I had decided to just enjoy this tour as much as possible and to see it as a great experience. And of course there really tough moments when you realise that it was going amazing and we had great times and that the end of the tour was ahead. But then we did our first festival in Finland in Tempere and after the show we had a drink at the hotel amongst a lot others. The band asked if Troy and I could spare a minute and there it was out of nothing: ‘We would like to have you guys as a full member of the band.’ It was very emotional and there I was in plain sight and had not to tell anyone. I was so, so happy. I felt like on top of the world….and yes the official statement came some months later.

What has changed with a person like Floor in the band?

Tuomas: Things are at the moment as good as they were when we had the best times with the previous singers. It is wonderful to see a vocalist who is so motivated, so devoted about the band that she actually moved to Finland and is learning the language. She is really passionate about the music, about her performance, about the upcoming tour. It is really a lovely and heart-warming feeling to see that sincerity and passion for music in a person when it comes to music. So it is really good, but we do not want to take anything for granted. So we have to work really hard to keep this vibe as good as it is. Also Troy has brought a lot to the band. Troy has great charisma, when he walks into a room he fills it with light and good times. He is a great musician and singer and brings a lot into the band artistically. So I do not have anything to complain at the moment.

What has changed in the song writing process?

Tuomas: hardly anything to be honest. I have never felt limited in what I am doing. I just write the music and do not think whether someone is able to perform it. I know I have the right people in the band who are able to play anything we write. That makes me a lucky and fortunate song-writer. Take Floor for example. She is a versatile singer and can do about anything. But that does not mean we need to make her do anything she can. While rehearsing we found that the operatic singing did not add to the music, it felt out of place. It was better to do the opposite and make her sing softer. It worked out and felt better to all of us. And this will be the biggest shock to hear. People are expecting this high, loud and powerful singing, and you will hardly find it. It was off course a risk with all this talented people to really show of what everyone is able to. That is be the deepest pit we can fall into. We have to stay focused and humble to the songs and do our best to bring these songs to life in the most convincing way possible. If a song requires a solo than it does. But not each song needs a solo not even if you are the best guitar player. It is the song that counts.

Floor: Tuomas writes most music. All members have to possibility to share their ideas, possible riffs or parts of a song. Then the band comes together or for example Marco sits down with Tuomas to talk about and listen to his ideas. Good ideas make it to the album. Tuomas is an amazing songwriter and writes great lyrics so it makes sense he takes the lead in creating a new album. I never felt the need to bring in my own lyrics. I love the lyrics Tuomas writes. It feels very positive that he gives all members the freedom to work with their parts. So I was able to try out various ways in singing a song. We discussed it to the point of how to sing a syllable, it is very fulfilling to work through a creative process in this way. We already did so on tour. I was given room to change the singing lines to my voice, and I needed that. The former singers were great, but I am not a karaoke singer. The fact we had a long period in the rehearsal room made that we all put in our share.

Tuomas: In Nightwish the songs are mainly written by Marco and me and Floor was completely happy with that from the beginning. She never had the urge, need or ego to change that and bring forth her ideas or lyrics. However she had a really big part in the arrangements and especially the interpretation. She did an amazing job. Honestly the thing is that I never consider if someone is able to play the pieces when I am writing the music. I want to write the best possible song and a song is born by being inspired about just something. Might be a book, falling in love with something or anything. I just need to find the story I want to tell and find the perfect way to make that story come to life. The song gets its shape and is finalised in my head. Then we start rehearsing them and make them work. Then we record and mix them and we listen to the soul of the song. I did not think with Floor and Troy in the band: ‘let us make a heavier album’. It is all about the songs, being humble about them. Just a month ago I listened to the final mix of the album and had just the same emotion with them. This is definitely more a band album than the previous one. In a way it is more, but still has the Nightwish trade mark and has a more organic vibe going through the album. It is a very natural sequel to the albums of the past.

You use a quote of Carl Sagan on the album, why?

Tuomas: I am a huge fan. His series ‘Cosmos’ from the early eighties are fantastic stuff, the recent updated version is also great. His books, like the books of Richard Dawkins, Charles Darwin and Brian Cox are a big inspiration for the album. I was surprised about the reactions on the internet after the news that Richard Dawkins would be a contributor on the album. Especially the hate-messages. I believe that the people who posted these messages have no idea about what is going on. I do not think for example that they have read Dawkins’ books or know anything about these people. There seems to a deliberate willingness to misunderstand because he is such a public figure and a controversial one.

This brings us to the theme of the album, evolution for example…

Tuomas: Yes, a few songs are about especially the last one ‘The Greatest Show On Earth. The idea of that song is to go through the history of planet earth. From its formation four point six billion years ago until recent future. It starts off with this long piano theme which represents the lifeless planet, its formation and then the first bacteria is formed. From there we start the evolution, then comes apes, then comes the man and finally the recent future we definitely cannot understand. All is told in twenty four minutes. As a child I wanted to become a biologist, and off course the Indiana Jones type of biologist that travels all around the world and has all kinds of adventures and finds the treasures. There has always been a little scientist and adventure living person inside of me. I have been a member of the birdwatching club and astronomy club and all sort of nature clubs in school and high school, that fire never left. And all members off the band share this history and interests that is why it felt like a perfect match to do an album like this because we all strongly relate to it.

What do you think of the subjects of this album?

Floor: It is almost the opposite of the previous album which was more about a dreamworld. This album is much more the scientific approach. It is about evolution and to stand still what the earth and what humanity is about. We are living in such a fast and impatient world. Tuomas reads a lot of books and he loves the books from Richard Dawkins, Carl Sagan and others. His is convinced that if you want to escape from this world on times it is so good to look at it. It helped me recovering from my burn-out: dare to take a look at the incredible way a hive works, or an ant nest or nature in general. It is amazing and brings calmness. Take nothing for granted and take time to live. Do you remember the time when we were younger and were waiting and saving money for a release of our favourite artist? Nowadays it flashes by on Spotify. They brought great things, but it is not all great. I embrace the countermovement of the increase of more sales of vinyl. We try to move you in taking the time to enjoy life.

Did the presence of two non-Finnish members have anything to do with the changed sound and difference in songs comparing to the previous albums?

Floor: I do not believe that is has anything to do with culture. We are all individuals. I think that Imaginaerum was dominated by the orchestral sound. This new album has more a ‘band’ sound caused by the long time we spent in the rehearsal room making every detail work out as we want it to work out. And besides that, Nightwish has never made a song lasting twenty-four minutes!

Being member of a new band, might bring new goals, new wishes, new dreams

Floor: To be honest, I do not look at it this way. It is difficult enough to keep up with everything that has changed in my life. Luckily I still have the same parents, the same sister. However she was married and I am an aunt now, great! I still have the same friends in The Netherlands. That gives me the feeling I have a good and solid base. On the opposite, take the last two and a half years of my life: from just being recovered from a burn-out and trying to take control again and figuring out what to do with my life, I was asked to fill in a spot in Nightwish. I performed all over the world, at great festivals, moved to Finland, released the second ReVamp album, recorded the new Nightwish album and so on. I just want to enjoy what I am doing and do not take anything for granted.

Having Floor on vocals brings a new dimension to the songs, personally I would love to hear her sing Dead Boy’s Poem. Is there a change that there will be a ‘Best off…’ album where she gives her interpretation?

Tuomas: Well…unfortunately that will never happen. I think they should be left in peace because they were made at that time in the best way we thought they should be done. The still have that special aura to them, off course if we would record them again it would be in a different way. But then we would also lose some of the magic, some of the innocence that was put in the songs when we did them. It just feels profoundly wrong to me. Tarja and Annette did a wonderful job in all of the songs, it is not right. Let us leave them as they are and interpret them in a different way in live situations.

Floor, you left The Netherlands and moved to Finland. What is the difference between the cultures?

Floor: The difference can be found in details. If it starts freezing or snow starts falling we will have code red in The Netherlands. The average Fin is not impressed if the trains cannot move because of too much snow. They are familiar with it and do not get annoyed by it. They eating is different, they prefer healthy meals and what I love most is their sauna culture. They are not always as open as the Dutch however they are as direct and have also a very dark sarcastic humour. And when they get drunk, they are really drunk (laughs out loud, WP). But overall, I feel very at home in Finland.

How have the masterclasses been so far?
Floor: They were nice! I still love being a vocal coach and teacher. I have not got the time to be a regular teacher anymore so the masterclasses are a great opportunity. The masterclasses are divided in two: the people who have just begun singing and the well-experienced singers. I want them to make sure for themselves in what group they belong. That mostly works. From that point there is just one goal for me: after the masterclass you must have the feeling that you have learned something that will inspire you to make progress for quite some time. That is where I started. I have done them in Holland, also in Finland and have a few planned. Also one in London. So far all masterclasses were sold out in two days. Besides fun it is hard work, because I do it all myself. I arrange the facilities, make sure of the financial part, make sure every participant sends in a song. So it might be wise to find someone who relieves me of most of the organisational part.

When the album ‘Once’ was released we spoke and you thought hell was already happening and it was to be found here on earth. Taking the theme of the album in consideration, how do you look at mankind at the moment?

Tuomas: I have high hopes, I am optimistic. Not many of my peers are but I am. Key to saving this world comes from education, from knowledge. Spreading the knowledge and understand science. I am much more optimistic because I have educated myself and broadened my view. Especially the books of Carl Sagan and Richard Dawkins have made me realise that there is a lot of hope. It is just in human nature that we want think pessimistic very often. Never as in history of mankind have there been this little wars as there is at this moment. That is a fact we often forget. Yes we have a lot trouble to solve like the population growth or climate change. But still I am optimistic that at some point we will understand and wake up. Take the situation with IS and other misuse of religion. Science will give us the answers. I really think it is all about education, bringing the people the possibility to find it out for themselves instead and not having to follow any form of authorities blindly. They do not know any better because no one told them about any option. So that is the key to everything. Maybe an album like this will raise thoughts in some people. So art is a great way of spreading the ideas as well. I am not a scientist or a politician. I do not have all the answers but this album is our little effort in trying to raise consciousness to these matters. - See more at:
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 04, 2015, 03:26:30 pm
Finland’s symphonic scene leaders evolve once more
Just when you think you know Nightwish, they go and do something that leaves you with a lingering “Huh?” By their very nature, their music has always been designed to challenge the metal status quo, whether it be through the progressive nuances of their Celtic influences or by injecting startling measures of bombast that reached fever pitch on the release of their last album,

And as life imitates their art, their hirings and firings have been equally dramatic, first with an open-letter dismissal of Tarja Turunen and then, and perhaps more surprisingly considering the success and plaudits afforded to their magnificent last offering, an unceremonious split from Anette Olzon.
In 2015 things are no different. While the fact that ReVamp and former After Forever singer Floor Jansen has replaced Anette might require us to readjust, news of their new recruit is somewhat eclipsed by their choice to eschew fantastic tales in favour of natural biology, with the inclusion of spoken-word sections by geneticist and staunch atheist Professor Richard Dawkins.
Led by the band’s brainchild Tuomas Holopainen, the choice to base the concept around the evolutionary history of the world makes perfect sense from a sonic viewpoint. After all, if you’re going to have a band interpret such mind-expanding ideas as the history of life, it might as well be one who has a better grasp on embodying a sense of epic than anyone else.
Beginning with Shudder Before The Beautiful, we are met by a moment of unadulterated metallic rhetoric. ‘The unknown, the grand show, the choir of the stars,’ chimes Floor on a chorus that rides above the crashing waves of symphonic bravado and that is matched in weight by the massive shredding section providing its climax.
The sonic upheaval continues through Weak Fantasy, with its death metal-esque intro, bursting like a nuclear explosion in a wash of operatic theatrics and a mass of strings and brass and woodwind and charging triumphant through melodies that, interestingly, hint at Queensrí¿che’s metallic assault.
Yet for all for all its initial bombast, the rest of Endless Forms Most Beautiful is less immediate. After the bluster settles, their eighth studio album takes on a more placid, progressive form accentuated by the Celtic flourishes from Troy Donockley, now a full-time member. In these humble moments Floor’s voice is exposed and she delivers her words with lush, confident phrasing and a sensitive treatment of the story of evolution.
The album’s closer, a 24-minute opus named The Greatest Show On Earth, is the defining moment, and the point at which Richard Dawkins makes his appearance by way of several arresting monologues.
“We are going to die and that makes us the lucky ones,” he utters as the exhilarating histrionics fade out to the sound of whale song, and the album concludes its exhaustive tale of origin that upholds Nightwish’s legacy of being the masters of bombast on this, their newest and most challenging chapter.
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 04, 2015, 03:52:20 pm
16.11.15 DK-Kopenhagen Falconer
18.11.15 Hamburg O2 World
19.11.15 NL-Amsterdam Heineken Music Hall
21.11.15 Oberhausen Kí¶nig-Pilsener-Arena
23.11.15 F-Lyon Hall Tony Garnier
25.11.15 F-Paris POPB-Bercy
26.11.15 F-Toulouse Le Zíénith
28.11.15 CH-Basel St. Jakobshalle
29.11.15 I-Bologna Unipol Arena
01.12.15 Mí¼nchen Zenith
03.12.15 Stuttgart Schleyerhalle
04.12.15 Frankfurt Jahrhunderthalle
05.12.15 Ní¼rnberg Arena
07.12.15 CZ-Prag Tip Sport Arena Prague
10.12.15 RO-Bucharest Romexpo
14.12.15 Leipzig Arena
15.12.15 Berlin Max-Schmeling-Halle
16.12.15 L-Luxenburg Rockhal
17.12.15 B-Antwerpen Lotto Arena
19.12.15 UK-London Wembley SSE Arena
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 04, 2015, 07:59:40 pm
How are you doing, busy times already with these promo tours?

Good! Yes, these are always the busiest moments.

‘Endless Forms Most Beautiful’ is what the new album is called. The thematic is about evolution, the universe and its life. Where did this title come from?

It comes from Charles Darwin, it’s the last paragraph of his book ‘The origin of species’. From so simple in the beginning, endless forms most beautiful are being evolved. That’s the first indication of diversity of life on this planet.

The role of Darwin on this album, where does it actually fit? Was it a starting point or did it come while creating the music?

I’ve always been very fascinated about science, especially biology, I even studied that for 6 months at university. The interest has always been there. Then a few years ago, I really got heavily immersed in that stuff again, by Charles Darwin, Carl Sagan, Richard Dawkins, Brian Cox, … It just inspired me a lot. I figured that Nightwish has always been about fantasy and escapism, really personal stuff, so maybe we should explore the other end of the spectrum for once and do an album about the magic of reality and science. That’s the underlying theme of the whole album.

And what about the coverart? It was created again by the same artist as Imaginaerum, did she come up with the idea or did you have a say in that?

Well, I like to collaborate as much as I can with the cover artwork, it’s important to me. So I gave an idea that I had about a floating Noah’s Arc in space and put the DNA double helix in the center and as many life forms as we can possibly put around it. This is what she came up with and when I saw it for the first time, my jaw dropped, wow!

How would you compare ‘Endless Forms Most Beautiful’ with previous albums, both recent and old ones?

I can just speak on a personal level but I think it’s not that different from the stuff we’ve done in the past. From the first moment on, we immediately recognized the band in it. It has all the trademark elements in it of Nightwish. But if you want to search for some differences compared to the previous one, Imaginaerum, this is much more a band album. The guitar is pretty strong, the keyboard much more upfront this time. There is this organic band-wide coverage that wasn’t really present on the previous album. So it’s a bit of a time travel to the Oceanborn – Once era in my opinion. I don’t know how other people think about it.

í‰lan will be the first single coming out tomorrow. Why did you pick this song as first single?

Well, you always have to pick one and it’s always a very ungrateful job to pick just one, because it never represents the album. I mean, we just wanted to pick out a song that could be played on radios, that’s simple enough, that’s easy enough so that radios would actually play it. For a long time, my personal choice would have been Edemah Ruh but then after about 2 weeks of rehearsals, it was Troy and Marco who came to me and said to me “are you sure about that, we think í‰lan is a much better song for that”. And I said “ok, I don’t really mind, whatever you want”. So then we changed that.

If I’m correct there will also be a videoclip launched, can you tell something about it?

Yes. We wanted to go a bit old school with the music video and actually put a lot of effort into it and do a lot of location filming instead of doing it in the studio. So we have been scripting and doing it for almost a year. It was filmed in 8 different locations around Finland. The original idea for the video came from a website which had these abandoned places all around the world, like abandoned theme parks, lighthouses, theaters, all really cool stuff, really inspiring beautiful things! You get this feeling that they have amazing stories to tell, what’s been going on in these places the past decades. Then I got the idea that we somehow had to transfer this idea into the video. So what the í‰lan video is about, every band member was visiting an abandoned place and bringing it alive for a few seconds. Originally we wanted to film all around the world. I wanted to go to Siberia to film this really eerie, spooky lighthouse, there was an abandoned railway station in Massachusetts that we wanted to go to, but we just didn’t have the money to do all that, so everything was done in Finland. We found some awesome locations there as well.

Things that you did not know about yet?

That’s right, there was an abandoned swimming hall, probably abandoned since mid ’70, a really eerie place. Places like that.

Do you have any insight on next singles?

Yeah, the second single has been decided, but I’ve had to swear not to talk about it. But there will be at least one more, yes.

So on í‰lan we have the extra track Sagan. Will we have on the next single also an extra bonus track?

Well, I guess we will have to come up with something. Bonus tracks are always a bit tricky since we never do that many extra songs, Sagan was the only one we had. But maybe we can do an alternative mix or whatever.

Now let’s talk about something different. What are you expecting of your very first cruise of 2 days? Why 2 days?

I guess there was demand for another day, that’s why they booked another one. It seems like a fun thing to do. Like you say, we’ve never done that before and it’s always a lot of fun to do things for the first time. It seems to be really nice for the fans as well. I could imagine my favorite band doing such a cruise, I would be happy to go see them.

Do you think you will be able to walk around on the ship with all those fans all around?

I could, but it might be a bit tricky (laughs). Let’s see what happens.

You already announced one European show, at the Wembley Arena in the UK, a very big venue. Was it simply the next step for Nightwish to play there?

I just heard about that less than a week ago myself and I was totally baffled. Really, Wembley Arena, unbelievable. The whole word Wembley has such a mystical aura surrounding it. I couldn’t believe my ears when I heard about it. It’s really cool and I guess they want to upgrade the status a little bit as well. It’s a really cool thing, let’s see how it sells.

So really only one UK show?

Yeah, all the eggs in the same basket.

What about the rest of Europe, when can we expect a full European tour?

They are planning it as we speak. I would imagine it wouldn’t take too long to announce the rest of the dates, but there will be an extensive European leg coming before Christmas. [Tourdates are published in the meantime here]

So probably the UK show will be the last show in the tour schedule?

I think so, yes. [Confirmed]

For that show, support acts are both Arch Enemy and Amorphis. Any idea if that will be for that show only or for the rest or part of the tour?

Well, we know the support acts for every show this year already, but again I was told not to talk about it, so unfortunately I can’t say. (smirks) [Arch Enemy and Amorphis both confirmed for the European concerts]

Soon you are going to the USA, what are your expectation of that?

When we start it’s going to be more than a year that we have played together, maybe a year and a half, so the start is going to be a bit tricky as it always is. But you learn ding shows by doing shows, not by rehearsing in a studio. Since it’s been so long, everybody is super anxious to get on the road again.

You mention it, one year and a half, that actually isn’t so much time since the previous album. The new album was made rather quick.

Yeah it was. It surprised me as well how fast it was made. But the positive energy and the conviction for the songs really worked like never before. Everybody was super happy with the whole process. The only downside was what happened to Jukka the drummer. It’s a terrible thing but besides that everything went smoother than ever.

So, the USA and a show in Canada is already booked, then some festivals and a European tour and Canada again, any further plans already?

The idea is to tour until the end of 2016, so there will be a lot of stuff happening. I’m sure South America, Japan, Australia maybe another US leg will be there somewhere, but nothing is fixed yet.

This time the recording process was again a bit different, with new people also. How did Floor and Troy fit into the recording process this time?

Floor and Troy are fantastic. The motivational level of Floor for example is something else. She knew already all the songs and the lyrics before she even came to the rehearsal room, so she had done her homework. As a vocalist she’s as versatile as it gets, so we had never any fear that there would be something that she could not do, same goes with the other guys in the band. Troy brings beautiful chemistry to the band, he’s such a wonderful guy, a funny guy. He can play almost anything, not only the Celtic stuff but he’s a really good singer, plays the acoustic guitar that you can hear in the album as well… It’s lovely.

Something I noticed when just listening to the album, on the 6th track, My Walden, was it Troy who started the intro?

Yes. It’s old Welsh that he’s singing.

For the rest, the last track The Greatest Show on Earth, was it a conscious choice to make it so large?

Well the theme of the song is so vast, because the idea was to do a song that would cover the entire evolution of life on planet Earth. This song actually covers more than 5 billion years of time, so you need some time to tell that story. Originally it was even longer, I think it was about 35 minutes, but then we condensed a little bit to make it more approachable and listenable. But that’s what it takes to tell the story. It’s not long because of the shot effect or long to bore people, it’s long because that’s what it takes to tell the story.

In that track we hear Dawkins. How was it to work with him and how did you approach him?

I wrote him a letter about a year ago, telling him who we are and that we were going to record a song which was influenced by one of his books, called ‘The Greatest Show on Earth’. Then about 3 weeks later, I received an e-mail from him saying “thank you for the letter, I’ve never heard of Nightwish before but now I have, I enjoyed what I heard and I’m looking forward to the collaboration so please book the studio and see you in October!” The recording process took about one hour, he did his stuff beautifully, he’s a really nice guy. Two days ago I met him again in London and played him the song. He seemed to like it, so a very lovely collaboration. It really brings an extra edge to the song to have him actually be there and recite those beautiful words.

The previous album also had some storytelling from multiple people. Is this a new trend maybe for Nightwish? Will the new album also perhaps have a narrator?

If the song requires it. That is the most important thing. Listen to the song, what do you need to become alive, what are the tools that we need to use for you to wake up. Do you need an operatic vocal? No. Do you need a softer singing? Ok we’ll go with that. Do you need a solo this time? Yes let’s put in a solo. Do you need Dawkins? Yes that would be nice, let’s use Dawkins. So just be humble for the song and don’t do things just because you can or to show off, that’s mainly the thing.

Very unfortunate is like you mentioned that Jukka had to take a step aside. Did you yourself already know Kai Hahto?

We’ve known each other for years. But especially Jukka, they go back a long time. It were really sad times when this happened. Because we already rehearsed this album about a month with Jukka before he stepped down, saying “I can’t do this anymore, I feel like a zombie, I haven’t slept in 2 weeks, I need to go to a doctor”. The only one we could think of who could do a replacement on such short notice was Kai because his drum skills are ‘out of this planet’. Luckily for us, he had the time and the motivation to come and save this album basically.

Is it clear yet who will join on tour?

Kai will do the whole tour, yes. But Jukka is still a member of the band, the drummer of the band so in 2 years we will know more.

Will Jukka come along on the tour?

I sure hope so! It would be lovely to see Jukka here and there, maybe play a little now and then. Maybe, even likely!

Maybe another unfortunate thing. There was the unfortunate event of the leaking of í‰lan. Something like that is indeed terrible as multiple people have already expressed. We are however in a time where the internet has become unimaginable in our world, new services like Spotify and Youtube are big business… What do you think about all that?

I think internet is lovely. I’m all pro technology and progress. And yes it is a fact that leaks happen all the time, not only for us but basically for every single band. But I also think strongly that we should raise this issue into the daylight and try to do something to prevent it from happening in the future. Because it’s a really big thing not only for the band, but also for the music business. Not financially, but it really kills the mystery of the whole thing. When you anxiously await for a new album or song and then somebody leaks it with real bad quality… I don’t care about the money personally but for me it kills the mystery, that’s what really upsets me big time. We got a lot of criticism about mentioning this. People were saying “you are so immature, stop complaining, it’s the 21th century, this happens, get over it”. But if you think the same thing about many things that are wrong, like terrorism, it’s the 21th century and it’s happening, get over it…

Nobody is justifying that.

Indeed, nobody is justifying that. Another important thing is that there are many kids, especially younger kids, that don’t realize that they are doing something wrong. It’s not because they are behaving badly or out of mischief, it’s just that they don’t know any better. Some education is also needed on that.

That’s why many of you brought out a statement for that?

Absolutely, yeah.

A question for the ladies perhaps. Your image and appearance, for example promo pictures with the high hat, is it something that you use to differentiate yourself from other artists?

The hat is there just because (starts laughing) it became kind of a thing, he’s the guy always with the hat, take the hat off already (laughs). I would say ok, if that’s your reaction, oh well. I love hats, I love my top hat, it means a lot to me and in some promo pictures I use it and in some I don’t. It’s not really a big deal.

We’re 2015 now, that’s a long history of Nightwish already. How do you look back on the growth of Nightwish?

Well, it fits to the theme of this album perfectly. There’s a very clear evolution to be seen of the band throughout the 18,5 years that we’ve been together. It starting off as something really innocent and acoustic, even gothic. Then came the power metal era, then we found film music, started adding orchestra, … It’s been a growing, evolving thing all the time. I’m happy to say that we’ve always been able to find new angles for all the albums so that they don’t sound alike, any of them. But still, on every album you hear from the first song that it is Nightwish. And that’s a really lovely balance that we’ve been able to keep.

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 05, 2015, 03:41:21 pm
Nightwish will play in Tokaj, Hungary; Hegyalja Festival on 15. July.
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 05, 2015, 08:00:01 pm
Never Ending Story: Metal Hammer Interview [April 2015]
Evolution? Biology? Richard Dawkins?! Nightwish’s latest adventure might surprise some, but like science itself, it’s just another chapter in their never ending story…
Nightwish do not do “boring”. The band’s sound from the outset has been theatrical, grandiose, bombastic and generally larger than life, and the path the Finns have followed apart from their music can have similarly dramatic adjectives applied to it. The acrimonious fall-out with original singer Tarja Turunen made headlines, but by the release of last album Imaginaerum in 2011, it appeared to be a mere stumble in the band’s upward trajectory (both in terms of creative ability and popular success).
That album was comfortably the band’s best, most over-the-top record to date, had a fantastical film accompanying it, and proved that Tarja’s successor, Anette Olzon, had the voice to make the role her own. Fast forward less than a year, and Anette had her own less-than-friendly split from the band in the middle of a US tour.
ReVamp and former After Forever singer Floor Jansen stepped into the breach, at first temporarily, but later permanently. 2015 sees the band about to release their first album with Floor, and if convincing Nightwish’s vast, vocal fanbase that she can do on an album what she can undoubtedly achieve live was not enough of a challenge, the band have decided to make things even more attention-grabbing.
Instead of the usual fantasy themes acting as metaphors and allegory for real-life experiences, Endless Forms Most Beautiful is about the real world, with most of it (60%, according to the band’s main songwriter) dedicated to the wonders of biology and natural sciences. This culminates in a 24-minute closer, The Greatest Show On Earth, which charts the history of evolution, complete with monkey calls and whale song (no, really).
This, along with the album’s intro, is narrated by Professor Richard Dawkins, the evolutionary biologist who’s made a name for himself outside of his scientific work both by debating the merits (and lack thereof) of religion with people of faith, and for sending secular liberals into apoplexy with his comments about sexual violence on social media. Dull, unsurprisingly, this is not.
“We wish that people would realise the beauty and the magic of reality and science, of biology and evolution,” says the band’s leader, founder, principal composer and keyboard player, Tuomas Holopainen, as Hammer attempts to pick apart everything thrown up here. “I’ve always sort of understood evolution, and it’s a beautiful thing, but after reading the books by Dawkins, I really got into the core of it, and it was a spiritual experience. I wish everyone would get it; that we’re all cousins, that we are all made of the same stuff, that we all share a common ancestor, and some people get scared by that… I was going to say ‘thought’, but it’s a fact.”
“Some people are scared of the fact that me and my morning lettuce have a common ancestor. We’re all cousins, and for me, that’s the most poetic and beautiful, humbling thought ever, and I wish people would understand evolution on that level. It would maybe make us a bit more humble as human beings.
“For the past few years, I’ve been heavily immersed in this stuff,” he continues. “I watch science documentaries all the time, read these books all the time, instead of fiction or fantasy. That’s where it comes from; I just had this really strong urge to let out all the beautiful stuff that I’ve read.”
A quick explanation of Tuomas’s youth makes it a little less confusing as to exactly why a man famous for embracing Tolkien and Disney as lyrical inspirations (a man who, lest we forget, just last year released a solo album based on the life and times of Scrooge McDuck) is now citing, for example, famed astronomist Carl Sagan. Tuomas’s interest in biology stems from childhood, wanting to become a scientist and even studying environmental sciences for a year at university before music came calling. And, when the vastness of the story being told – the entire history of life, from simple single-celled organism to sentient primates capable of travelling to other planets – is thought of as a narrative, it does actually fit rather well with the huge tales Nightwish specialise in. However, that doesn’t explain how in Satan’s putrid, sulphurous name Nightwish managed to convince Richard Dawkins to narrate a heavy metal record.
“That’s what the studio engineer in Oxford asked me as well: ‘How the hell did you get him?’ And the answer is I have no idea!” laughs Tuomas. “He doesn’t really do anything else [artistic]. I’ve heard that many people have asked him, but all he has done is The Simpsons so far. For some reason, he agreed to collaborate with us. I wrote him a handwritten letter, telling him who we are and what we had in mind, and he replied by email saying, ‘I’ve never heard of Nightwish, but I went onto YouTube and listened to some of your stuff. I enjoyed it very much, and I would be happy to collaborate with you.’
One letter, one email, and after that, we were in contact with his personal assistant setting up the studio schedule. I sent him all the stuff he should narrate in the studio, and he was happy with that. The most polite gentleman ever, a really nice guy. Then he turned up at the studio in Oxford, did his talking, and that was it.”
An hour and a half later, during which time Professor Dawkins and Tuomas apparently discussed little of weight beyond a shared love of Greek composer Vangelis, and the The Selfish Gene author joins Sir Christopher Lee, Orson Welles and Brian Blessed in the list of unexpected narrators for a metal record. Tuomas appears unconcerned by any potential controversy that may cause, too, despite the furore surrounding Dawkins’ opinions on religion (expressed in his books and lectures), or about foetuses with chromosomal abnormalities, or one form of rape being worse than others (as expressed on Twitter).
“I dived deep into those issues, with the Down’s Syndrome babies, and him being a woman-hater, and all that,” Tuomas says firmly. “It’s so misunderstood, so misquoted. People love to misunderstand him, because if a person debated is a sham, nobody feels inadequate. That’s the way I see it. I wish some of these observers would read some of his books and read the whole thing, but it’s so easy to judge.”
While Dawkins may be the most internationally famous new collaborator on Endless Forms Most Beautiful, singer Floor Jansen is the one whose efforts the fans are most likely to bicker about online. Unlike her predecessor, who had to come in to sing a finalised album, Floor was a part of the creative process – one that has a clear director, but is far less of a musical diktat than it might seem.
“Very musical, highly intellectual and interactive,” is how Floor describes the band’s methods. “Despite Tuomas being the band leader and main writer, it is a process that makes the album sound the way it does. We’re all tapping in there, we all use our creativity and are allowed – ‘allowed’ sounds so military – we have the freedom to make it our own. I think that’s something unique, where someone who has the talent and skill of Tuomas – and also Marco [Hietala, bass/vocals] – can work with other people. As a songwriter, I know how hard it can be to work on your song and see things changed, but Tuomas is very open-minded to these things.”
“The easiest ever!” Tuomas enthuses of Floor’s creative introduction to the band. “I think she did her thing in less than 10 days for the whole album. She already knew all the songs before we entered the rehearsal room. I sent her the original demo with vocal lines played on the piano with all the lyrics. Then we spent a month and a half in the rehearsal room, got all straightened out, went into the studio and did her thing beautifully, did some experimenting on the way – and that’s it. Really, really easy. She’s super-motivated, and wants to be included in all the parts of the process. You can feel the passion and motivation that she has.”
Floor Jansen: in it for the long haul
Much like Manchester United under Sir Alex Ferguson, Nightwish is, quite clearly, a club where no individual is bigger than the entity itself. Any players the unit feel are upsetting the whole have been quickly moved on, even if – as is the case with both former singers – they are the most famous, recognisable member of the troupe, and their talents and style are likely to be difficult to replace. Given that, you might feel Floor might be concerned for her place in the band if things do not go well.
“No,” Floor says firmly, “because we grew to an understanding amongst each other, that where things are not going well, we can actually talk like grown-ups. To let things grow into a situation where it’s beyond saving, we’ve all seen it happening in our past, and I think we’ve all learned to step up before that ever comes to pass. So I don’t think my position is threatened if I don’t do something right. ‘Floor, you f***** up, you’re out.’ It really doesn’t work that way.”
To aid communication, Floor has moved from her native Netherlands to live in Finland, and is learning the notoriously difficult Finnish language – although she admits that, having had less than two years of learning so far, her aptitude at speaking it is probably no better than a three-year-old Finn’s. It is abundantly clear, however, that she wants to make this a smooth success – and, while this might appear to be a band that loves its drama, she is not alone in that.
“Let’s hope that we’ll stick with this one, and that she wants to be there ’til the end as well,” says Tuomas, only half-jokingly. “Because it’s quite an energy vampire!”
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 06, 2015, 02:51:28 pm
Capitulo 13 (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 10, 2015, 05:24:45 pm
Second Nightwish single mastered today at Finnvox. Release date in May.
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 10, 2015, 05:30:22 pm
Q: First of all, thanks for the interview. How are you doing?
Marco: I'm fine, thanks. We're already very busy to promote the new album. After tomorrow, we will return home for a short rest, which will be much appreciated. I like this kind of thing, but sometimes you just need a rest.
Q: About the new CD. How did the recordings go?
Marco: The recordings went so well. The vibe was good from the beginning and we clicked from the word 'go', also with Floor and Troy. We've come from a difficult time (I guess he meant the departure of Anette or Jukka's insomnia - hunebedbouwer), but we're alive again and stronger than ever before. I'm very grateful for that and I'd rather never experience that kind of thing again.
Q: This is  the first album without Jukka Nevalainen. How did that feel?
Marco: That's the only negative thing about the whole recording sessions. His illness (insomnia) did lead to his difficult decision that his health was more important than anything else. That decision was a difficult one, but one that was already taken before the beginning of the recordings, really. Ofcourse his health is more important, so we understood and supported his decision in this matter. He already tried to get rid off the insomnia, but so far nothing helped.
Rest and a better structured life seems to work out better for him at the moment. And it's not that he's not part of the band anymore. He works more in the background, doing the administration for the band for example.
We haven't got a clue when he wil be sittingt behind his drumkit again, so we can't give any certainty about that. We do stay in contact on a regular basis. I just answered an e-mail from him this morning.
Q: I wondered which language is spoken amongst the band members, being them from Finland, the Netherlands and England?
Marco: Basically English, because we all speak that language. Floor is busy learning Finnish at the moment and we like to help her, so she will be able to speak proper Finnish ultimately.   
Q: Do you know some Dutch words?
Marco: One word : 'smakelijk' (tasty - hunebedbouwer). For the rest I will surely need some lessons (laughs).
Q: Maybe you could learn some Dutch words during the concert in the Netherlands?
Marco: That's possible, yes. At the moment (February 2015) I can't give you any concert dates, although concerts are already planned for North-America and the European summer festivals. But there will be certainly more concert dates in Europe. You just have to be a little patient.
Q: I read this morning that you've been playing the guitar and occupied with music since you were eleven. This means that you've already had the kind of long music career that many people dream of. What does that mean to you?
Marco: Well yes, you could call it a dream job. I absolutely love performing. It's a privilege to be able to say that nowadays, that you do the thing you dreamt of as a young boy! As long as I like the music and as long as I'm enjoying myself, I will keep on playing.
Q: It's been 10 years now since Tarja left the band. I'm a fan of Nightwish since 2004, so I experienced all three singers, but I have to say that the choice for Floor Jansen has been the best for the band.
Marco: Thanks! I agree. We've got a strong team now who is well-attuned to each other. It felt good from the start. But ofcourse, like history has proved, people can and do change. We have changed! We'd like to keep the current band vibe as it is and that's why we also try to work on our relationships with each other, which is very important for me personally.
Q: Okay, now some questions about the new album EFMB. I just had the privilege to listen to it and I found it remarkable that Floor sings in such a varied way: rocking, powerful and softly. Has this been done on purpose? I mean from the beginning?
Marco: No, not on purpose, but Floor likes the challenge to sing in different styles. She has a great voice, is very versatile and therefore has a lot of possibilities. By having all this talent, we were able to write different songs than before.
Q: Another new member who has a substantial part on the new album is Troy Donockley.......
Marco: Yes, that's right. He does play a lot of instruments, so he can be heard on a lot of songs. He also provides background vocals here and there. During the track 'My walden', you can hear  him speaking Welsh!
Q: Listening to the song 'Shudder before the beautiful', I did recognize the typical Nightwish-sound immediately....
Marco: Yes, I agree and because of that we wanted to be that song the opening track on EFMB. It sets the tone and creates an atmosphere which sets the tone for the rest of the album.
Q: On the other hand it is a pretty long song, lasting 6 minutes. That makes it also a special choice for an opening track.....
Marco: It is possible that it lasts 6 minutes.... To be honest, I have no idea about how long each song is. The advantage of producing your own album is, that you can make the songs as long as you want. The fans like our music and so do we ofcourse. As long as there are people who like our music, we will take the freedom to make the songs as we seem fit. It's very nice not to be limited in the creative process.
Q: 'Elan' is the first single. Why this song? Is it, because it's shorter than the others?
Marco: Hahaha. Well, it's a part of the reason, but the main reason is that people can understand the essence of 'Elan'. Easy to sing along with and easy to get stuck in your head.
Q: 'Our decades in the sun' is the ballad of the new album. It's a basic song with guitar and vocals.....
Marco: I agree that's it's basic, but also with a full sound. I've written the guitar solo which you will hear halfway through the song. It sounds maybe like a relaxed ballad, but accompanied by guitars and drums, it gets a very full sound. I think it's a well balanced track, both with the used instruments and vocals.
Q: 'Endless forms, most beautiful', the title song, is the heaviest track on the album. I think that one will be very nice to hear during the concerts?
Marco: I think that too. It's a flowing, well structured song and the catchy refrain makes it even nicer. Can't wait to play it live for the first time.
Q: Why is this title also chosen for the album's name?
Marco: Wel, originally it would have been called 'Elan', but then Tuomas googled that name and wasn't happy with what he read about it, so to say. That led to another brainstorming session with 'EFMB' as final result. We think it translates what this album is all about perfectly. The word 'forms' does mean something like 'shadow'. Apart from that, it's also a very poetic title and refers to life on all planets for example.
Q: The last song 'The greatest show on earth' lasts an astonishing 24 minutes......
Marco: Yes, it is a long track, but it handles the origin of our world. If you look it at that way, it's not hat long at all ! (laughs). It consists of many elements, but you have to listen to it a couple of times before you get everything.
Q: In general, I think soundwise, this album has a lot of resemblances with 'Imaginaerum' from 2011. Do you agree with that?
Marco: You could say that we did continue on the style of that album. We think this style suits the band and the fans seem to agree, so why spent hours and hours on changing the sound? All these hours can be spend on the contents of each song instead. Ofcourse there are differences and new influences: for example the role of Troy on the new album. EFMB is absolutely no copy of 'Imaginaerum', but it is certainly influenced by that album.
Q: Do you have anything to say to your Dutch fans?
Marco: Oh boy!! (laughs) Well, really to all fans all over the world; it has been a very long journey and tomorrow (13-2-2015) our new single 'Elan' will be released, which will start a whole new chapter for Nightwish. We would never have come so far without our fans, so respect for you all.
Q: You are most famous being the guitarist of Nightwish, but how do you combine that with your own band Tarot?
Marco: It has always been the case that, if Nightwish had a rest period, I could concentrate on Tarot. I did already write some new songs, but we haven't recorded anything yet. I hope for a new release at the end of 2016, but you'll never know.
Q: Nightwish and Tarot are quite time consuming. Do you still have some time to relax?
Maro: It may not look that way, but I sure do. More important, I have to watch THAT I do, because it is very important for both body and mind. So no reality TV-shows on my part! Sorry ladies....hahaha.
Q: Marco, thanks for your time and I really enjoyed this interview and apologies for my bad English.
Marco: (laughs) It wasn't that bad. Hope you understood my English as well.
*After the interview it was very kind of Marco to give me an extra thirty minutes listening time, so I could hear the last song of EFMB as well. It's very good by the way! (Irma Ploeger)
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 10, 2015, 05:31:54 pm (

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 12, 2015, 03:57:30 pm
Jarmontieto just announced on the finnish forum, that we should be awake early tomorrow morning, there will be pleasant news about the new album.
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 12, 2015, 04:05:55 pm
And here's the promised translation:
Everytime a new NW chapter begins, we are accustomed to great fanfares and trumpet announcements. At the beginning, it was Tarja's departure, then the ambitious idea of a whole movie based on their songs and lastly the choice of Floor as new singer of the band. Being so under the spotlight, Nightwish ought to pull a rabbit out of a hat now…. And they did it! As the cover art, this album needs to be appreciated slowly, in every single detail, so that we can really perceive that ‘endless beautiful’ of the title.
01.  Shudder Before The Beauty (06:29) 
During the promo day here in Italy, Tuomas said that the intention of this album was to be more ‘band oriented’, and this first track is a perfect example. The beginning is a blast, with a power metal style coming from Oceanborn or Wishmaster. Our ears are immediately captured by Floor’s voice but we can’t give a judgement right now: for sure she is really into the track, but the ‘approach’ is really different from the previous singers. The refrain is striking, with its Blind Guardian like chorus. The general impression is that we have here a new ‘Dark Chest of Wonders’. Great opener.
02.  Weak Fantasy (05:25)
Another heavy song, but not in a ‘canonical’ way: it’s dark and gloomy, more than expected. Floor is the keystone of the song, based on the heavy metal side on the band rather than on their typical orchestrations. The focus is, as mentioned above, on the vocals,but mainly from Marco. Another song in which we haven’t heard anything poignant from Emppu: here, indeed, it’s all about Troy and the chorus. A very atypical song…
03.  Elan (04:47)
The first single, freshly released, it’s catchy and radio friendly, not far from Amaranth and Nemo. For sure it will be a great success for the band. The folk part is dominant (more than the previous tracks), but it doesn’t come as a surprise. It’s a good track, as every NW single, though we know that their masterpieces are found elsewhere and not in the singles range.
04 .Yours Is And Empty Hope (05:39) 
The heaviness  of the first song is here again, adorned with a cinematographic and orchestral approach. The sound is really bombastic, almost hard to digest after one single listening. We are close to songs like Dark Chest of Wonders, with thrash riffs and pompous orchestra, as in Imaginaerum. Another atypical song, a real bridge between old NW and new NW.
05 . Our Decades In The Sun (06:39)   
This song shows that EFMB is very variegated: the pace abruptly slows down. We are still drunk on the previous’ song orchestration, so the atmosphere (I would say ‘elegiac atmosphere’) here seems taken from another album.  Anyway, we must appreciate Tuomas’ love for details. Floor is a little bit different… but always herself!! Here’s the main difference, in my honest opinion: Tarja didn’t need to change her vocal extension to give expression to a song, whilst Anette could give a good faceting. Floor stands in the middle: she has a wide vocal range but she doesn’t change her personality.
  06 . My Walden (04:39)   
Troy already showed his skills with Elan and YIAEH, but in this mid-tempo he also sings. The general atmosphere of the track comes directly from Imaginaerum, see for instance I Want My Tears Back. Floor tries again to be a little more spontaneous. Troy’s celtic features are now fully integrated into NW’s sound.
07. Endless Forms Most Beautiful (05:08) 
The title track is one of the songs I loved the most after this single listening. It has three shining diamonds: firstly, the immediacy of the sound reminds us of the previous album; secondly, the richness of the structure with an alternation between melancholic and power temptations. Last but not least, the importance of the orchestra. A real jewel, rich and majestic.
08. Edema Ruh (05:16)
A soft intro and mysterious atmospheres for a difficult song to categorize. Near the refrain the melody is more ‘wide’ and open, but pipes and flutes are almost suffocating. The song is fluid and Emppu is able to show his skills: he is not just a background now, he is the real master of this song (something that rarely happens, let me say that). Towards the end, Tuomas unleashes again some heavy stuff.
09. Alpenglow (04:49) 
Directly from Century Child. The rock part and the orchestra are well opposed: the first one are the pillars of the song, while the second ones depicts the background. It’s  simple, strong and catchy: a perfect ‘’filler’’ before the final firework of the albums.
10. The Eyes Of Sharbat Gula (06:04)
The ‘band oriented’ concept ends here. We still have 30 minutes to listen, but the ‘direct’ part of the album ‘dies’. Tuomas is the center of the sound here, absorbing everything, from sound to structure. We can hear a orchestra, a sitar, a cello and a ‘a cappella’ chorus. It reminds me of his solo project about Scrooge McDuck. There is no intro in this song: in these six minutes we are struck into a symphonic vortex. For sure it is rich and full of shades. Some oriental echoes are presents due to the title. It is an Holopainen track, not a Nightwish track, so it has to be understood… this song will be loved or hated.
11. The Greatest Show On Earth (25:58)
Yes, the time is correct. 25 minutes. We already understand from this that this song is the real heart of the album. It’s a little bit disturbing: we may think that the focus was on the title track and we perceive that the good song we listen were just a ‘sidedish’. We need to listen to this track forgetting about the critical acclaim around the presence of Professor Dawkins.
The track is pretentious and stodgy. The piano intro is really long and Floor appears among a pompous orchestral part. We were expecting a metal base, but nope. The structure is interrupted by a narration and then again a strong power part: Floor here is gracious and deals perfectly with Marco’s voice. The verses are power metal at its peak, while the refrain ‘normalize’ the song. It is a highly enjoyable crescendo that ends up with a Vulcan-like explosion. After seconds of silence, the piano strikes back as well as the narration and the orchestra. I can again hear some Scrooge McDuck reminiscences. 
The songs shows NW exceptional ability in composing without boundaries. We really need a lot of listening to soak up everything: sometimes it may seems boring but sometimes all you think is ‘that’s brilliant’
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 13, 2015, 03:46:42 pm
Aquí­ ( se puede oí­r Shudder Before The Beautiful
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 16, 2015, 03:41:10 pm
Download 'Shudder Before The Beautiful' from the upcoming Nightwish album "Endless Forms Most Beautiful" for FREE:
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 16, 2015, 07:26:21 pm
Entrevista (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 17, 2015, 11:15:41 pm
Entrevista (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 18, 2015, 03:30:34 pm
Making Of Cap 14 (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 18, 2015, 03:43:45 pm
Entrevista (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 19, 2015, 04:52:02 pm
Nightwish mainman Tuomas Holopainen has admitted the band were reduced to tears while recording a tracks for their eighth album.

He's explained why working on Our Decades In The Sun, the fifth song on Endless Forms Most Beautiful, proved to be an emotional experience.

Holopainen tells SpazioRock: "It's a tribute to all of our parents. Maybe the most difficult song to put together because it's so delicate, so intimate.

"The subject of the lyrics is so important to all of us. So there were quite a bit of tears shed while rehearsing and recording it – but it ended up being one of the highlights of the album."

He adds of the track Alpenglow: "It's the ultimate Nightwish song – it has all the elements that Nightwish has always been about. It's a nice little interlude within the album."

Endless Forms Most Beautiful is released on March 30 via Nuclear Blast. In February, they issued Elan as the first single from the record. Nightwish play London’s Wembley Arena on December 19 as part of a European tour.
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 20, 2015, 12:03:17 pm
Endless Forms Most Beautiful must be the most anticipated Nightwish album for Dutch fans. After all, this is their first studio album with their new front woman Floor Jansen. After a sudden break-up with former singer Anette Olzon in October 2012, she stepped in the spotlights, singing for the famous Finnish band.
At the end of 2013, Nightwish already released a live album called Showtime Storytime with her as a permanent member, but now at last, a new album will be released with Floor on vocals. Time to talk about this new release with the new front woman of Nightwish. (Tonnie)
Q: You already moved to Finland. Does it already feel a bit like home yet?
Floor: Some things do, but there are just an awful lot of 'new things', things that I experienced for the first time. For example: It can get pretty cold (-10 to -25 degrees Celsius) there. You parked your car somewhere and then want to you drive somewhere the next morning. Now, I've got the luxury of an indoor parking spot and if it snows a lot, I don't have to wipe it of my car. But still, the frost creeps in everywhere. In that garage hangs a box at the wall with a device which helps your motor to start easier. It's an electrical thing and starting it that way is much less of an assault on your car engine. It's a standard, built-in device in every Finnish car. Another advantage of that thing is that it does warm the inside of your car a bit as well. These kind of things you just simply don't come across in the Netherlands.
And because it can get so cold, you can't go outside to fetch something without being properly dressed. It's just too cold.
Q: It's quite hard to grasp that kind of thing really if your Dutch....
Floor: Yes, and the kind of cold is also different. I can get the shivers in the NL, especially if it's a watercold (unpleasant damp cold with wind most of the time - .), but it's different in Finland, because it doesn't have a sea climate, at least not in Joensuu where I live. It is more like a dry freeze cold which can be very beautiful, a real cool wintery experience.
Q: You really moved to the inlands of Finland didn't you?
Floor: Yes, because most of the other bandmembers live in that area. That was the most important reason to move to Joensuu. Well, to Finland anyway. And I wanted to learn the language ofcourse.
I think Finland is really beautiful, but if you want to enjoy that nature you won't settle in Helsinki. And I like to socialize with the people I met in the Nightwish circle, not only the bandmembers I mean, and they mostly live in that area of Finland. So, that was the important reason. Ofcourse I've thought of living in Helsinki, for it would be much easier to travel to and from, travelling wise. Living in Joensuu makes, especially international travel, a lot harder/longer, because it takes 5 hours to drive to Helsinki Airport.
It's also not easy for my boyfriend who lives in Sweden, so yes, sometimes it is a bit annoying. But then again, as musicians we're used to a lot of travelling. All in all, it's not much of a problem.
Q: Like you said, your boyfriend is Swedish (Sabaton-drummer hannes van Dahl) who's also constantly touring. I suppose you don't see that much of him as you would to?
Floor: Not as much as I would like to, no. I do miss him ofcourse, but at last I don't have to explain to him why I'm constantly on the road..........
And I also see him play with his bands, the passion with which he does drum in his bands.....Sabaton has got a very good dynamic, it's cool to see that.
Q: Okay, now the new album EFMB. All of you spent a lot of time in a kind of summerhouse to write and practice. Have the songs also been recorded there?
Floor: Yes, for the biggest part they were. We rented a whole boys scout camp for 3 months. All kind of cabins of different sizes. Something like that you won't find in the NL, not  in that form. I got the smallest! It was just big enough to place a bed in. Like a old barn, but made of wood and quite romantic all of it. But you only slept in it. If you wanted to use the toilets or showers you had to walk to another building. Also the cooking was done in that place. Anyhow, we did the most cooking on the fire outside!
Q: Wow, like you were living in the wild?
Floor: It was a bit like that. The place was about one hour's drive from Joensuu. After leaving the city, you saw some solitary houses here and there and then.....nothing!  And just when I thought: 'O, o, I've taken the wrong turn', you were there. In the middle of nowhere! It was far away from everything, but it also gave you a sense of total freedom. You're there with people you know well and you make music together. Simple, but just wonderful!
To start the day off, you just jumped for a swim in the lake. We had gorgeous weather the whole period we were there, so it was really great! After the swim, you had some breakfast, enjoyed a cup of coffee and then made a bit of music!
Q: It does sound like a wonderful place to get some inspiration?
Floor: FAN-TAS-TIC !!!!
After the music making you often felt a bit slow. Well, then you took a sausage, roasted it over the fire while enjoying another beer and listening to some music! Or you didn't! Then you could heat up the sauna and sweat there or you could go for another swim. It wasn't that much of a hard life really.....   
Honestly, that feeling of freedom, extraordinary! Okay, it's wilderness, it's an old scoutscamp and you have absolutely no luxury, but who need that if you could stay there? I didn't need anything really and found it very inspiring!
We did it that way for a whole six weeks and almost immediately started recording after that. Also on that location. We did the most work there really. The only parts we recorded somewhere else were the choir and the orchestra which happened in London.
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 20, 2015, 05:08:37 pm
Segunda parte

Q: Why this seperation from the rest of the world to start a new album?
Floor: Well, the guys have done it before, only never with the recording part included, only to practice the songs. They went to the summercamp and after that, a period of doing other things followed and again after that the recording bits happened. Now they wanted to do it all in one go and it turneded out to be a very good move to do it this way. I mean, the know-how is already there among this group of people with who we work. They've been doing it for a lot of years.
We didn't have to hire a studio, because the bandmembers and technicians have already very good equipment, so it made a lot of sense to do it this way. We only had to bring it there, but then again, we have this very generous sponsor in Genelec, the (Finnish) manufacturer of great speakers who provided us with some bastards of speakers in our recording place, hahahaha.
Q: What did you think when they told you that they were going to live like hermits for a couple of months?
Floor: Cool !!! What's the point of moving to Finland if you don't like that kind of outdoor stuff ! I found it really cool!
Q: Did you make any specific preparations for it or just thought: 'What the heck......I'll just see what happens there?
Floor: Not really, but I found out soon enough that all the beds were too short for my 1.83 meters. Because of that, and because the beds were very old, I slept on an air mattress. I mean, I had already ordered a longer bed, but the delivery time took much longer than expected, so I slept the whole summer on that air mattress really. Which was not always so comfortable for my body. Hey, I'm not 18 anymore!
That's what I found out as well! But the rest wasn't a problem.
Q: How did the recordings go? Smoothly and according to plan?
Floor:  Yes, pretty much so! But that happened, because we took extended time for practicing and I started earlier than was planned. The idea was, that I should join the others a bit later, but then I got the keys of my house in Joensuu, wanted to see the boys and taste some of the atmosphere.
Therefore I made a rather unplanned visit, just a few days after they had started. Being there, I really wanted to start singing with them!
Q: So you thought: 'I'll just stay then'?
Floor: Haha, as a direct consequence, yes. It was so wonderful!
Q: But it wasn't planned really?
Floor: Not really, no. They wanted to do some instrumental stuff first and the vocals were planned later. But, since it all went very smoothly, we were able to work directly from the general idea of the album. It worked out fine and because of that the recordings were a lot easier to do.
It also provided me enough time to make the songs my own. That was important for me, because I had not written the songs myself like I was used to. You do get the vocal lines and lyrics and hey: 'Go work it out!'. So, how do I translate the songs to my abilities? Which vocal chords do I use? Which sounds? This is important, because the details make the difference!
It was great being able to work together on those issues in that setting. If you had any doubts, I just asked them and they came up with ideas to try to do it in another way. It has been a very democratic process, where everybody could participate on all levels. I think you can hear that clearly on the album, because it really has a band-vibe sound.
Q: You definitely had some input then?
Floor: Not so much in the vocal melodies, but certainly in how to approach things. That twist in my voice here or an 'oeh' and 'ah' there, which you can't see in the lyrics. The translation from a piano-based written melody to a sung melody does make a lot of difference and that's exactly the area where I could fulfill my creativity.
Q: It did surprise me that, when you joined Nightwish, a lot of fans were pleased, because you could also sing the old songs, especially because Anette had a lot less of experience on that level. Considering your talents, I was wondering why the operatic singing, like on Oceanborn and Wishmaster, is still absent on this album? Only on The Greatest Show On Earth I hear a bit of that.
Floor: You're right, but it wasn't necessary, because the songs didn't need it. There were some parts where I, initially, anticipated a operatic part, but after rehearsing, a different approach turned out to be better. It's not like you need to do something, because you can.
For example, Emppu is a great guitar player, but it is not necessaryto let him play a three minute solo in every song. That is the general thought behind it, so to say. Operatic singing isn't banned or disliked by us as such, it's just didn't suit the songs on this album. It's purely the music that lead us.
On top of that, if you look at my personal development over the last few years, you'll see that my operatic singing has moved to the background more and more. This all doesn't mean that it won't happen happen again ofcourse. Maybe we will compose a few songs on the next album that will ask for operatic singing, you'll never know. Anyway, during our live performances we will ofcourse play old songs where I will sing in an operatic way!
Q: I think this album is unmistakable Nightwish?
Floor: I think so too! Absolutely! And what Tuomas had in mind. Marco also had a big say in things this time. The sound of Nightwish is, no matter who sings, absolutely there. With these themes, which are quite different from anything before, there still is this poetic, romantic feel about it...that the music will take you away. I'm not really objective ofcourse, but that's because I'm still a big NW fan.
Q: What's your favourite Nightwish album, apart from this one?
Floor: I think Once. Not all songs, but it contains the most songs I really like.
Q: Did the guys discover something about you of which you were not aware yourself, vocally wise?
Floor: To be honest, yes. Especially in the area of soft singing, very soft. And low too.
Q: You can hear that specifically in the last song where you sing in a lot of ways......
Floor: A lot of ways! But also on the ballad Our Decades In The Sun. That's a song that has a building up-structure. I sing quite softly at the start, but also in one of the refrains where I sing very softly. I'd never experienced to be expressive while singing softly. In particular not with Revamp, where I touched the more extreme singing in doing it raw and even grunted. After that, I started to listen to the other side of the vocal spectrum and practicing it by singing very softly myself, which I found boring before.
Q: What did you listen to?
Floor: Oh, to Johanna Kurkela for example, the girlfriend of Tuomas. There won't be many people outside Finland who'd have heard of her, but she has a really beautiful voice. Another name was Enya. Or singer-songwriters who sing their messages quite softly. I was quite triggered by all that.
Q: Did it need many takes to record your vocal parts the right way?
Floor: In the end no, because we did practice a lot. The vocal recordings went very quick, even faster than originally planned.
Q: In Yours Is An Empty Hope your part is rather heavy. We've never heard anything like that before in NW?
Floor: There's a bit of grunting in the refrain, although it has been softened by the mixing.
Q: But there is some real shouting from you in that song?
Floor: During the middle part yes. I've done it before with Revamp, but it's new to the whole NW-concept. I really like it that way, because it suits the song very well.
Q: In which language does My Walden begin?
Floor: Old Welsh. Troy does that. He also sings with us in the refrain of Edema Ruh and there are also some 'oeh's and 'ah's' from him in The Eyes Of Sharbat Gula which he does well, I think.
Q: His role has become considerably bigger since the last albums....
Floor: More diverse I would say. Ofcourse he still plays the uileann pipes, but you don't need those in every song. It would be cool if that was possible, but like I said, you don't have to utilize a sound because you just can.
He also plays the bouzouki on Weak Fantasy and ofcourse there will be flutes.
Q: He is really multi-talented, isn't he?
Floor: He sure is.
Q: The red line on this album is the evolution theory....
Floor: Evolution, science.......the magic of life itself is the red line. The Greatest Show On Earth is the theory about the origins of life on earth and a possible future even. That's why it is such a long track.
But on the other hand, Edema Ruh has nothing to do with that. That's a story about a group of musicians who travel all over the world to show off all their talents, but viewed from a fantasy perspective. The real Edema Ruh doesn't exist.
Q: Richard Dawkins has a guest role on this album. I think Tuomas is a big fan of his work.......
Floor: Tuomas for sure. So is Troy. By hearing about it, I also took some interest in it. Marco is a great fan of science in general. This album has triggered me to read a bit more about it.
Q: During the recordings there was some bad news about Jukka. He had to leave the band for now...
Floor: Yes, his insomnia got so bad that proper practicing got impossible. But he is already a lot better now, so we all hope everything will be better in the forseeable future.
Q: The first single is Elan for which NW made a special video?
Floor: It's indeed a very special video. Every bandmember was recorded with a wellknown Finnish actor on 6 seperate locations. These actors were all very experienced, so not that young anymore so to say, but everybody in Finland knows them.
Q: A bit like Huub Stapel in the Netherlands?
Floor: Yes, exactly that kind of figures. And they all immediately agreed to do it and enjoyed it as well. It is very special for the Finnish people because everybody knows them.
It is also in particular wonderful for the story of the song. It's all about the joys of life. You'll see them first in a heavy profession, completely worn out. But then they meet someone from the band and rediscover the positive sides of life and listen to the song. At the end we all get together and celebrate the good parts of being alive and music.
Everything is recorded at desolate, deserted places and it all looks a bit sad and lost, but it gives the video quite a melancholic atmosphere which suits Nightwish. In the end everybody joins in a deserted bar which happen to be my location and we even manage to blow new life in that bar as well! Foreigners probably won't understand the 'special vibe' of this video, because they are not familiar with the actors, but it;s a wondeful story and for the Finns it will be special.
Q: NW will play at a lot of summerfestivals like Alcatraz in Belgium and there will be a concert in Amsterdam, so at last we will see you guys in the Benelux?
Floor: Yes. A tour is planned for the end of this year and we will perform in Amsterdam. Because we have (to promote) the new album we will ofcourse play some new songs, but also old material.
Q: Last question: Which song would you personally like to sing?
Floor: I really would like to sing The Poet And The Pendulum.
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 22, 2015, 07:52:28 pm
Track by Track (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 24, 2015, 05:22:12 pm
Symphonic metallers Nightwish have been through a lot since their 2011 album Imaginaerum hit CD shelves. The band had already been forced to replace long-time singer Tarja Turunen back in 2005 and thought they'd found her permanent replacement in Swedish singer Anette Olzon, but, as it turned out, that wasn't to be. In the end, Olzon would only last for two albums and departed the band during their world tour back in 2012.

She was replaced, initially temporarily, now permanently, by Dutch vocalist Floor Jansen. Jansen, who had been in Dutch metallers After Forever, initially came on board to help the band finish their tour, but is now fully on board and makes her recording debut on the band's new album Endless Forms Most Beautiful, which is released on Monday (March 30th).

That wasn't the only difficulty to strike the band during the making of this album, long-time drummer Jukka Nevalainen was forced to drop out of the sessions and the band's planned tour after suffering from crippling insomnia. He was replaced by Wintersun drummer Kai Hahto, who will also join the band for the forthcoming tour.

But out of all that change and difficulty came a new start and a new album. We chat to Nightwish keyboardist and key songwriter Tuomas Holopainen about making Endless Forms Most Beautiful, adjusting to life without Olzon and Nevalainen and why Charles Darwin and Richard Dawkins inspired their new album...

This is your first album for four years, was it a tough album to make?

"Quite on the contrary. Even though it took its time once again, (a couple of years to complete from the songwriting process to the mastering), it was a very smooth process. The songs were born really easy, we had loads of inspiring ideas and stories to work with, the vibe within the band was uplifting and the summer at the rehearsals camp treated us with lovely sunshine and warmth."

How did you want the album to move on from Imaginaereum?

"I don't think the evolution of music is something you want to calculate in advance. It comes naturally. It's nonsense to plan ahead things like "let's do a heavier album", or "let's use the orchestra more", or "how about trying to compose a hit single", etc. You feel inspired about a certain theme or story, and try your very best to bring that story alive. First by yourself as a songwriter, then together with the band family. Be humble before the song and not do things "just because you can"."

"At some point during the rehearsals we realised that the songs have an old school Nightwish touch to them, and that the album has a strong pro-life theme running through it. One way of putting it is that Imaginaerum was a tribute to the power of imagination, whereas Endless Forms Most Beautiful is a tribute to the magic of reality."

This is your first album with Floor on vocals, how did she come to join the band and what impact did she have on recording?

"Floor hopped aboard during our North American tour in October 2012. Things happened quick and today I have but distant memories of that era. The band was a survival machine on wheels for a couple of weeks but then things started to click and it's been a wonderful ride ever since. Floor has brought loads of good vibes, motivation and dedication to the group. Watching her truly nail the delicate essence of 'Our Decades In The Sun' in the studio was an overwhelming moment."

You were without Jukka during the recording for the first time, was it difficult to adjust to playing with a new drummer?

"We knew Kai beforehand, his down to earth personality and immense skills, so it was never a problem. Time was against us, though, since we had exactly 6 days to practice 12 songs before the drum recordings began. Kai had quite a few sleepless nights in his cabin writing notes for the songs."

Did you experiment with any new instruments on this album?

"There were a few, yes. Nipple bells was my favorite! It can be heard in the track 'The Eyes Of Sharbat Gula'. Troy also plays the electric bouzouki in 2 tracks, beautiful stuff, as well!"

Why did you decide on the title of Endless Forms Most Beautiful?

"It perfectly reflects the praise of the natural world - philosophy, which is present all through the album. It brings out the poetry in science. Classic Darwin!"

A lot of the lyrics seems to be inspired by evolution and the works of Charles Darwin, why have you focused on that?

"For me it's hard to imagine anything more inspirational, more beautiful and comforting than the fact of evolution by natural selection. All us living organisms are cousins, sharing a same common ancestor, made of the same stuff."

You’ve got Richard Dawkins on the album, how did that come about?

"I wrote him a letter a bit more than a year ago and explained the ideas we had for this album, mainly to do with evolution. Since one of the tracks would be named directly after one of his books, it felt like a perfect match to try to get him do some reciting on the album. He sent me an email a few weeks later accepting the invitation. Later in 2014 we then recorded his parts at Hats Off Studios, Oxford. This is a huge honour for us, since Dawkins is one of our biggest heroes and his writings have been huge inspiration for the album."

The last track on the album clocks in at 24 minutes, how long did it take to put that together?

"For some reason long songs are rather easy for me to write, so it didn't really take any longer than any other song on the album. The mixing process for just that one song took about two and a half weeks, though."

What are your plans to take the album out live?

"The tour begins in April from North America and off it goes until the end of 2016. We also have a show in Wembley Arena on December 19th, 2015! Every musician's dream come true!"


Nightwish's new album Endless Forms Most Beautiful is released on Monday (March 30th). You can pre-order the album in-store now.

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 24, 2015, 06:15:13 pm
Having followed the career of Nightwish since the release of their 2002 album Century Child, I’m aware of the challenges involved in fronting such a project. Both Tarja Turunen and Anette Olzon, the band’s previous singers, have encountered both love and hate from the rabid bands of this Finnish ensemble. There are so many people that connect with the band in such a deep emotional level that they feel that changes affect them personally, and so if they are not satisfied they are sure to make it known… in no uncertain terms.

And yet, Floor Jansen‘s entrance into the band has gone without so much as a hitch, and it’s easy to see why. With a long career in heavy metal, from her days in After Forever to her solo work in ReVamp, she has proven again and again that she is an extremely talented performer. Nightwish fans know this, and their love has demonstrated it. True, there are a couple of rotten apples here and there, but the large majority of the fans know that this is really what they had been waiting for.

I met with Floor during the Amsterdam listening session for their upcoming album Endless Forms Most Beautiful. A truly bizarre experience where you’re sitting in front of the artists, listening to their album, silently making judgments on the work they’ve put their sweat and tears into. For a musician, that must be awkward as hell.

Floor, however, managed to remain as graceful as ever.

It’s nothing but excitement!

Metal Blast: Both Tarja and Anette have mentioned how although it’s a great experience to be in Nightwish, it can also be a bit “scary” because of the fanaticism that exists regarding the band. Was there some reticence at the beginning, when you just joined, because of the size of this thing?
Floor: Mmmmmmm…. Well, to my surprise, I was actually received in an extremely positive way. A lot of people had a very positive reaction, and so the overall feeling was great. Also, because of the short notice when I joined, I fortunately didn’t have time to start worrying about how people might take it.
The first few nights we performed for an extremely open-minded audience that understood the situation (nobody tried to leave or get a refund!) and had a fantastic interaction with them. They embraced me there. I’m sure that there are people who would like to see somebody else take the microphone, and I know that there are hate pages about me and all that stuff…

MB: Really?!
F: Yeah, I guess it became somewhat normal fact that you can just publicly hate people.

MB: There were people who made pages against you for joining the band?
F: That or me being on the planet in general, which seems to be a bit of an issue for some, no matter what I do. We have a Dutch saying, “Hoge bomen vangen veel wind”, “high trees catch more wind”, and so the more well-known you get the more of this kind of stuff that you’ll get.
There are trolls everywhere, but I rather emphasize the positive things.

MB: Well, the level of idiocy that you need to take the time to make a page about how much you hate someone says a lot about your mental health.
F: Exactly! I feel sad for those people! You can focus on those few unfortunate souls that spend all that time in trolling other people… but I prefer to focus on the majority of the positive reactions, the fantastically warm welcome I got at the beginning, and the high anticipation there’s now for this new album.

Floor Interview 2
Photo: Ville Akseli Juurikkala
MB: Speaking of which, what can you tell me about this new album? How do you see it in regards to Imaginaerum?
F: The first thing that pops to mind when you listen to it, or even just the first track, is that it’s 100% Nightwish. It’s very recognizable, it has all the ingredients that you might expect from us, and there’s a more band-oriented sound. We’ve rehearsed with the band for quite a while before we recorded, and actually went straight from those rehearsals into the recording studio, so that whole band-vibe was also put into the recordings.
Of course, my voice is different; I sound different than the previous ladies. Tuomas really challenged me to use a lot of different styles and sounds within my voice, even more into this softer, lower and ethereal singing, something I haven’t done all that much in previous recordings. This was really cool, it was a personal wish of mine to explore this, especially after all the more aggressive-focused things that I’ve been doing with ReVamp.
There is also an epic part to this album, a 24-minute song that sticks out and which really brings something new to the table that even Nightwish has never brought.

MB: You mention this band-oriented sound, which I guess is also the consequence of this “summer-camp experience” you had in the recording studio. Can you tell me about that?
F: Indeed, it was actually a boy-scouts camp in the middle of nowhere, near Tuomas‘ hometown in Kitee. Usually there are boys running around, making campfires and jumping into the lake. Now it was us doing it! [laughs] We all had our little cabin where we could sleep and have some privacy if we wanted to, which also allowed us to have our spouses, children, friends or whatever just coming around. In one of the main houses we built a rehearsal studio, and upstairs from that the recording studio.
In the beginning of July we started rehearsing, and even though first they wanted to start with the instrumental base, I visited just out of curiosity. It was just so cool that I just stayed, which gave us even more time to go into details in regards to the vocals, something relatively new for Nightwish to do during the rehearsals.
The majority of the recording was done there, but some choirs and the orchestras were done in London.

MB: Speaking of orchestras; since your voice does lend itself to a more operatic style, is this something that will also be featured in this album?
F: Yes, but not so much. We’ve been playing around with a lot of vocals types and dynamics, and it’s always the songs that do the talking. We mostly ended up using different sounds, but there are a few moments where the voice is more at the front, but there are also some backings with that kind of [operatic] stuff.

MB: I think a lot of people were happy about you joining Nightwish because it gives you the opportunity of, at least, perform some of the classic songs in a way that is more true to form. Do you find it difficult to perform the songs that people just associate with your predecessors?
F: That’s the entire back-catalogue, that’s how I started out! Without being disrespectful to the previous ladies, I never tried to sound like them, because that would make no sense. I am a different person…

MB: I think you made that clear in Wacken!
F: Thank you! I have to look at the material through my own eyes, and fortunately I’ve been around long enough to know what my sound is like. Because of the versatility that I’ve managed to learn, there was a nice opportunity in the new album to play with the existing material. The songs did the talking, not the previous singers, because I am not a karaoke singer. I approached it from my own musicality and sound, together with what the songs asked for; there were sometimes things that were different from the original, and it’s a back-and-forth process, because it has to sound natural.

Floor Interview 3
Photo: Ville Akseli Juurikkala
MB: Since we’ve talked about the expectations that come with this new album… The í‰lan single was leaked before its official release, and the band showed their disappointment on Facebook, etc. Do you see the issue of leaks as something that’s pretty much inevitable nowadays?
F: No, absolutely not. That would be like saying that this is just “things that happen” in the modern world. I don’t think it’s normal or that it should be accepted at any level. It’s a criminal activity and it destroys a very well thought-out campaign, the anticipation that a lot of fans are having, and then it just comes too early, in a bad quality, and with nothing but negative energy around it. There is nothing good about that, and it’s not something that should be normal, or that should be considered normal at all.

MB: So I take it you were pissed off? [laughs]
F: I was furious! I was really, really furious, and even more so when people started asking me why I was so angry since it’s something that usually happens, and that I should be happy that it “only” happened a week before the planned release of the single, and that it wasn’t the entire album. Happy? Really? I can’t see it that way at all. [laughs]

MB: You actually read what people comment?
F: Yeah, we do. And then we usually have to stop, because it’s terrible.

MB: If you watch any video on Youtube, it doesn’t matter what it is… well, considering the kind of comment that people leave on the internet, don’t you think that it’s a bit masochistic to just go into it?
F: No, because there are also a lot of positive reactions. It’s not just about our egos, or about our campaign getting destroyed, it’s also about the fans that had been waiting for the release, and who didn’t want any negative energy around it, and yet that was the first thing that came out. For a true fan it isn’t nice, the whole magic of it is taken away. That magic is something that we highly value with Nightwish. We don’t make all of those expensive trailers, and build up the expectations about the release, just so that some idiot can put it out online before we get to do it. That whole thing could just result in us saying that we’re not even going to bother with it; why should we bother making a super, high-quality, expensive album, if nobody is going to pay for it anyway, and will just download it for free as an MP3 that has no depth whatsoever because of the small file size.
We really want to keep bringing high-quality, well thought-out stuff to the table, when we choose to release it, and anybody that tries to get in our way is a criminal.  This is why we’re not sending out the album, and we have listening sessions like this. It’s an unfortunate situation, because then you can listen to it only once; but we don’t want to send it to anybody because the inevitable then happens.

MB: Speaking of these listening sessions, how do you feel about people who’ll inevitably write a review after this single listen?
F: I don’t understand people doing that. We have seen it happen in the past, and we don’t really understand that. If you really want to review it, then you need a bit more time.

MB: Considering the upcoming release, the upcoming tour, etc., has it been a very stressful time for you? I ask this because of your past problems with burnouts. Has this added stress affected you in any way?
F: Yes, of course, we are working our asses off! But it’s fun! [laughs] Things always get exciting around the time of the release; the great thing for me this time is that I’m doing the things I’m good at. Back when I got my burnout I was doing a lot of work because nobody else was doing it, and there was a lot of energy taken from me just because I was trying to do a lot of things that I am not good at. I might just be working harder now than I ever did before, but I am focusing on the things I’m good at, which gives me way more energy back in order to keep on doing it at such a high tempo. It’s perfect, and in this big “machine” (and I say that in a positive way) I feel in the right place, and it’s nothing but excitement, like “It’s finally coming!“

MB: Because of your commitments to Nightwish, do you feel that your work will ReVamp will be diminished?

F: It’s inevitable, and from the day I joined Nightwish it has affected ReVamp. I found it very difficult to do both things at the same time.
When I joined Nightwish we were in the middle of the writing process, we had just planned to go to the studio, and we had to postpone the release. In between tours I was recording an album, promoting an album, and then when I started to tour with Nightwish I was also touring with ReVamp, which was just a lot. This is not something that I wish to do, if only because of my own sanity and health, and because I feel that both bands need 100% of your devotion and time, and doing both at the same time just isn’t possible for me.
So now it’s full-on Nightwish time, and there’s no time for ReVamp. Once we’re done with this tour we’ll have to sit together and see where everybody is in their lives, and see if there’s a chance to continue. It would be great, but I can’t tell the future.

MB: So now ReVamp is on hiatus?
F: It is; it has to be.

MB: That’s all I have for you today; thank you so much for your time. I’m looking forward to a great album and amazing tour.
F: Thank you!

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 25, 2015, 04:09:29 pm
Nightwish is confirmed in Brazilian's Rock In Rio WITH JUKKA!
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 26, 2015, 03:28:54 pm
Entrevista (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 31, 2015, 04:21:54 pm
Making of 15 (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 31, 2015, 11:32:26 pm
Entrevista (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 10, 2015, 03:43:37 pm
Setlist Nueva York (

Stargazers (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 11, 2015, 04:00:33 pm
Setlist Philadelphia (

Sleeping Sun (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 12, 2015, 05:51:41 pm
Setlist Worchester (

Nemo (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 14, 2015, 03:30:38 pm
Setlist Quebec (

Sleeping Sun (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 14, 2015, 03:46:29 pm

1. Endless Forms Most Beautiful
2. Sagan (instrumental)
3. Endless Forms Most Beautiful (alternative version)
4. Endless Forms Most Beautiful (radio edit)][/quote]
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 15, 2015, 05:28:21 pm
MetalTitans and The Invisible Orange have announced that the NIGHTWISH show in Vancouver, British Columbia on April 25 at The Orpheum will be filmed for a future DVD release.

NIGHTWISH is currently on the road in North America with special guests SABATON, a Swedish heavy metal band that gives us a history lesson in their songs on war and historical battles, and Duthc female-fronted metallers DELAIN.

The VIP package for the Vancouver show — which is now sold out — included a meet-and-greet with the band, signed poster, show program and a general admission seat in the orchestra section (floor).

NIGHTWISH's new album, "Endless Forms Most Beautiful", was made available on March 27 in Europe and March 31 in the U.S. via Nuclear Blast.

The "í‰lan" four-track single, which arrived on February 13, features the album version of the title cut, a radio edit and an alternate version of "í‰lan", as well as the non-album bonus track "Sagan".

The cover artwork for "Endless Forms Most Beautiful" was created by the band's longtime collaborator Toxic Angel. Famed evolutionary biologist and atheist writer/leader Richard Dawkins appears as a guest on the effort.

Longtime NIGHTWISH drummer Jukka Nevalainen sat out the recording sessions for "Endless Forms Most Beautiful" due to health issues. He has since been replaced by Kai Hahto (WINTERSUN, SWALLOW THE SUN, TREES OF ETERNITY).

Singer Floor Jansen, who officially joined the band in 2013, made her live debut as the frontwoman of NIGHTWISH on October 1, 2012 at Showbox Sodo in Seattle, Washington.

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 15, 2015, 05:31:21 pm
Setlist Toronto (

My Walden (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 16, 2015, 03:56:52 pm
Le han preguntado a Kai

Adam Voorhees I totally expected London to be the one to be filmed since it's NW's first time in an arena over here.


Adam, that's very possible.let's hope it works out.

Fuente (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 16, 2015, 05:05:33 pm
We already knew Vancouver was filmed and it will not be the only show. More concerts will be filmed during the World Tour 2015/2016.
How this filmed material will be used, as of today, nobody can say. Of course, the same goes for a release date. Nothing is set in stone here.
The only part  that is for sure, this will not be a DVD release like Showtime-Storytime or End of an Era. 
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 17, 2015, 03:45:32 pm
Setlist Buffalo (

Sleeping Sun (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 18, 2015, 10:27:36 pm
Setlist Cleveland (

The Islander (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 19, 2015, 04:09:33 pm
Setlist Chicago (

Shudder Before The Beautiful (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 20, 2015, 08:08:29 pm
Setlist Clive (

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 21, 2015, 03:31:54 pm
Jukka cumple hoy 37 años!!!!!!
FELICIDADES!!!!! :011: :011: :011: :011: :011: :011: :011:
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 21, 2015, 04:52:21 pm
Entrevista (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 22, 2015, 10:05:40 pm
Setlist Denver (

Sleeping Sun (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 23, 2015, 04:00:51 pm
Setlist Salt Lake City (

Alpenglow (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 25, 2015, 06:34:38 pm
5 preguntas para Floor (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 26, 2015, 04:10:33 pm
Setlist Spokane (

Shudder Before The Beautiful (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 26, 2015, 04:13:28 pm
Setlist Vancouver (

Storytime (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 28, 2015, 02:16:40 pm
Setlist Portland (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 28, 2015, 03:38:33 pm
Finnish symphonic metal legends Nightwish are currently bringing the music from their recently released album Endless Forms Most Beautiful to the live stage in North America along with support from Sabaton and Delain. The subject matter of Nightwish’s brilliant new record centers on evolution and celebrating the diversity of life. The album is also the band’s first studio offering with new vocalist Floor Jansen.

Nightwish mastermind Tuomas Holopainen spoke with Hardrock Haven just before a sold out show at the Agora Theatre in Cleveland, OH. Holopainen was eager to speak about the making of Endless Forms, his continued use of old floppy disks, his favorite non-Nightwish Floor Jansen album, and his thoughts on widespread creationist beliefs in the United States:

Tuomas Holopainen of Nightwish 01 350Hardrock Haven: You have a new album out, Endless Forms Most Beautiful. Can you talk a little bit about how the tour has been going so far with Sabaton and Delain?

Tuomas Holopainen: Well, at least for me personally, it’s the perfect package, two of my favorite bands. We get a chance of touring with them. Such lovely people. Great bands. The beginning of the tour has been your average beginning of the tour. So it takes some time to get used to the routine and everything but all of the shows have been more or less fantastic so far.

Hardrock Haven: Richard Dawkins plays a very prominent role on the record with the narration. What would you have done if he had said “no” and declined to participate?

Tuomas: Probably read those same words with another person, if he would have allowed. But we were just lucky enough to have him. I mean, he said an immediate “yes.” It was kind of funny because he sent me an email saying “Thank you for the letter sir, but I’ve never heard of Nightwish before. I went into YouTube and enjoyed what I heard immensely. So I’m really looking forward to the collaboration.” Such a gentleman, a really nice guy and we’re really just happy to have him.

Hardrock Haven: I know Pink Floyd had Stephen Hawking on their last record.

Tuomas: Yeah.

Hardrock Haven: And obviously Nightwish has Dawkins.

Tuomas: I heard about [Stephen Hawking on Pink Floyd’s album] afterwards, actually.

Hardrock Haven: Any scientists left out there that you think should be on a rock album?

Tuomas: There are many superb guys. The late Carl Sagan is one of my biggest heroes. Dawkins, of course. Neil deGrasse Tyson is really cool. Brian Cox. There are many of those, but Dawkins for me personally is the ultimate.

Hardrock Haven: You mentioned Sagan, and I know that there’s going to be a new single coming out featuring the non-album track, “Sagan.”

Tuomas: Yeah, like the instrumental version.

Hardrock Haven: How did you make that call to not include that song on the record? Was it ever intended to be on the record?

Tuomas: Actually it was originally, and it fit the theme of the album perfectly, but the album stands at 79 minutes at the moment. And 80 minutes is the absolute limit you can have on CD. So you had to cut one song. So, we kind of like made votes within the band and Sagan was the one to be dropped off.

Hardrock Haven: The band made a lot of trailers leading up to the release of the record. 15 or 16, right?

Tuomas: Yeah, still a few more to come.

Hardrock Haven: Still yet to come, excellent. In one of those you mention you can hear the vocals in your head, what you intend them to be, or what they’re going to be. Do you coach the other vocalists towards your ultimate goal? How does that work.

Tuomas: What I do is what an album producer does. But yeah, I have a really clear vision of what the song and the vocals should sound like. But it happens often that the vocalists come up with much better ideas than what I have. In the beginning we, like, rehearse them in a way that I had it in my mind. And after that, start processing the thought. For example, for the first song on the album, “Shudder Before the Beautiful,” we had much operatic vocals, originally. That’s what I had in mind, but it just didn’t work. It sounded prog. And then Floor took a different approach. And it started to work.

Tuomas Holopainen of Nightwish 02 350Hardrock Haven: Absolutely it worked. The album cover art…I know you worked with your long time art team Toxic Angel. Did you have any input in the whole double helix theme of it? Did you provide any ideas of what it should be?

Tuomas: Again, yep. We worked really closely together with Toxic Angel. Sometimes I have quite a clear vision of what the images look like. And then again, there were songs like “My Walden” and “Our Decades in the Sun” that I didn’t really have an idea [for] so I just told him, you know, listen to the song, listen to the demo, what it brings to your mind, and release the artist inside. And he came up with this beautiful image. The artwork of the album is really important.

Hardrock Haven: Troy, as a full member on this record – did that affect the sound or was there an increase in the use of pipes and whistles?

Tuomas: Well I think the amount of pipes and whistles on this album is about the same as on the previous albums, so I don’t think it really changed that much, but he does quite a bit of singing on the album as well, and also the bouzouki in a couple of songs, so a lot of cool stuff there.

Hardrock Haven: The epic track, “The Greatest Show on Earth,” I think I originally heard it was a longer song.

Tuomas: Yeah, it was about 35 to 40 minutes.

Hardrock Haven: Any idea of using parts that were recorded that maybe didn’t make it on the record in the future?

Tuomas: I have them somewhere, in the floppy disc of my keyboard. So maybe.

Hardrock Haven: [laughs] I love that part of the trailer where it shows you still use the old floppy discs.

Tuomas: Yeah, I still use [them].

Hardrock Haven: Is it just stubbornness or is it just familiar to you? Why do you still use the floppy discs?

Tuomas: It’s not really stubbornness. I mean, it works, so why change? And that’s something I learned 15 years ago. I really haven’t felt the need to upgrade to Pro Tools or anything because I’m still not like a professional technician. I would never record an album by myself. So, the technology is there only to record the demos, to get the ideas. And I’m fine with floppy discs.

Hardrock Haven: Well like you said, if it isn’t broken, don’t fix it.

Tuomas: Yeah.

Hardrock Haven: What was the initial spark that inspired you to write about the diversity of life, evolution. Why is that the theme of this record? Where did it come from?

Tuomas: From books that I read. From the Cosmos series, bot the 80s Carl Sagan one, and the updated one with Neil deGrasse Tyson. I watched those and said, yeah, this is the thing for the next Nightwish album for sure.

Hardrock Haven: The animal sounds in “The Greatest Show on Earth” – were those record specially for the album?

Tuomas: They were made specially for the album by Mr. Jussi Tegelman, who works in Hollywood. And honestly, I really don’t know how he did those, whether he recorded those or used some old samples. They sound fantastic. My favorite part is the apes, before “The Toolmaker.” They sound fantastic.

Hardrock Haven: What’s the perception in Europe of creationism in the United States? Because I know it’s much more prominent here, the idea that a divine being created everything.

Tuomas: It’s rather funny, to be honest, because it’s not even debatable. I mean, creationism is such an absurd idea, that the planet is less than 10,000 years old. It’s just plain wrong, and we have all the evidence in the world to prove it like that. So yes, it’s a bit of a funny thing.

Hardrock Haven: How did you first get connected with Pip Williams?

Tuomas: Oh, that was through our mixing enginner, Mikko Karmilla, back in 2003, so we go back quite a long way already. We wanted to get the possible orchestra that you can have in Europe and he had a contact to Pip Williams. He had done a project with him earlier on, and he recommended him to us. That’s how we started. It immediately clicked, and ever since the Once album, I’ve done all the orchestra work with him.


Hardrock Haven: He was very complimentary of you in the trailer. Was that embarrassing at all? He called you a genius. He put you above Rick Wakeman.

Tuomas: It’s always embarrassing, yes. But thanks, Pip, anyway. Thank you. I love you.

Hardrock Haven: Ha. Ha. Why did you select Vancouver to film the next Nightwish DVD?

Tuomas: There will be some other venues as well, so it won’t be only Vancouver. There are certain reasons for it, but let’s keep it a secret for now.

Hardrock Haven: Excellent. Nothing beats the experience of seeing a band live, obviously, but do you have any favorite live concert videos of yours that stand out?

Tuomas: Well we’ve done three official ones, I think. From Wishes to Eternity; The End of an Era; and Showtime, Storytime. They’re all great.

Hardrock Haven: Well I mean of other bands.

Tuomas: Oh, other bands. I’m sorry.

Hardrock Haven: No, you’re fine.

Tuomas: Yeah, the Pulse concert by Pink Floyd. That would be my desert island concert DVD for sure. Incredible.

Hardrock Haven: What was your reaction to the news that Nightwish is going to be on a Finnish postage stamp?

Tuomas: [laughs] It’s an honor. It really is an honor.

Hardrock Haven: With some other peers of yours as well.

Tuomas: Exactly, yeah.

Hardrock Haven: You just recently did a solo album, The Life and Times of Scrooge, your first. Do you ever think you’ll do another one?

Tuomas: Uh, never say never. If there comes an idea for a project that I couldn’t realize with Nightwish, then maybe, but I have really no ambitions of going solo. I love working with these people. I love the idea of being in a band and doing things together.

Hardrock Haven: It seems like a lot of musicians are getting into the alcohol business and I know you’re a big fan of wine. Have you ever given any thought to owning or operating a vineyard?

Tuomas: Why not? There’s a romantic touch to the idea for sure. Just Nightwish red wine – somehow it fits. And we actually put a lot of effort into it. We tasted all the different brands and all the different grapes. We put a lot of effort into the logo and the text and everything so it would really look like a band thing and not just another commercial product.

Hardrock Haven: So to wrap up we just have kind of a lighting round so we’ll just ask some quick questions. What is your favorite non-Nightwish Floor Jansen album?

Tuomas: I remember hearing the debut album of After Forever [Prison of Desire], in the late ’90s I think it was. It totally blew me away, so I’ll go for that.

Hardrock Haven: You’re known for wearing a top hat, often on stage and in promo photos. Who is your favorite top hat wearer in pop culture?

Tuomas: Scrooge McDuck.

Hardrock Haven: Excellent. I should have anticipated that. What is your favorite Disney movie?

Tuomas: The original Fanstasia, 1940.

Hardrock Haven: You said in one of those trailers that you once wanted to be a marine biologist. What is your favorite sea animal and why?

Tuomas: Oh dear. There are so many. Is it too obvious to say dolphins? Dolphins and whales, for sure. And all those really weird looking deep sea creatures.

Hardrock Haven: [laughs} The ones with no eyes?

Tuomas: Yeah, right out of a sci-fi film. Octopi are awesome as well.

Hardrock Haven: Favorite food to eat on tour in the United States?

Tuomas: Curry. Indian food.

Hardrock Haven: Last thing for you, Tuomas. Anything you’d like to say to Nightwish fans that might be reading this.

Tuomas: Thank you for the sincere passion and support throughout the years, throughout all the turbulences, and ups and downs. I mean, there’s nothing more loyal in this world than a Metal fan.

Hardrock Haven: Thank you so much for taking the time.

Tuomas: Thank you.

Hardrock Haven: It has been a pleasure speaking with you.

Tuomas: You too.

For more information on Nightwish, please visit

[Transcribed by Justin DelPrince]
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 28, 2015, 03:46:37 pm
Marco Hietala‘s entrance into Nightwish, before the release of their critically acclaimed 2002 album Century Child, was a turning point for the band. His voice, the high-pitched growl-like singing, gave the band a whole new depth, and allowed to them to reach a level that, in all likelihood, would not have been possible without him. His abilities, which he demonstrated plenty with his band Tarot, both as a musician and as a songwriter, were a great addition to the symphonic style of Nightwish, and gave the band a darker and heavier tone, which I personally love.

I met with Marco during the Amsterdam listening session for their upcoming album Endless Forms Most Beautiful. A truly bizarre experience where you’re sitting in front of the artists, listening to their album, silently making judgments on the work they’ve put their sweat and tears into. For a musician, that must be awkward as hell.

MB: Endless Forms Most Beautiful represents a new chapter for the band, as it is your first work without Jukka in drums and, of course, your first work with Floor‘s as the official singer. At the same time, some see it as an opportunity for Nightwish to return to form, due to Floor‘s lyrical abilities in regards to opera.
Marco: She has a very versatile sound, and she can almost do anything with her voice. We didn’t really do a lot of the operatic things in the album; there are only or two places on the album where that comes across. We tried a lot of different things, simply because it was possible to do it.
There’s a big scope of things, also vocal-wise, where you go from really soft ethereal things into really big and loud things. It’s easy to do it when you’re in a band where you have musicians who are capable of that.

MB: Since joined Nightwish you have also participated in the songwriting. How does this process change with every different singer?
Marco: It doesn’t really change that much, because the basic things, how you write the music, the melodies and the lyrics, stay the same; they have their own life. It is the vocalist who then goes through them to give them their own personality and let shine through whatever the lyrics and the story have to say.
Of course, you have to keep in mind what is the actual range of the vocalist, and operate within those boundaries.

MB: Considering the connection that people develop with Nightwish, are there many concerns about fans liking a new singer whenever a change happens?
Marco: Yeah; during the times of Dark Passion Play there was this burden of proof that we had to meet; we had to prove that the band wasn’t just one face and one voice, but we managed to do that at the time. It went well; the album sold well, we did an extensive tour, etc. We proved our point then, so now everybody takes it more easily. If you do this kind of thing once, you can do it again.
It also seems to be that the backlash from the fans has been really minimal; they seem to have taken to the idea of Floor singing with us really well, so there was no problem.
Back when we split with Tarja I thought about Floor as a replacement, I think Tuomas did too, but After Forever were doing quite well, they were all friends, and so we didn’t have the heart to ask her. This time around we first needed someone that could finish the tour with us, and so we thought about calling her. As the tour went on we realized that we really didn’t need to fix something that wasn’t broken, and just needed to find the proper time to ask her to join us permanently.

MB: Going into Endless Forms Most Beautiful; how do you feel it compares to Imaginaerum. I felt that it had a lot of Danny Elfman vibes in it..
Marco: You might be right in that…
The attitude of doing a lot of versatile things and trying a lot of styles, well, that was already there in Imaginaerum. I feel that this time around, however, the songs, the music itself, is more compacted, in the sense that although it’s still very cinematic at times, there’s more of a band-vibe. This is the result of how we rehearsed and arranged everything during the 6 weeks we had for it; it was a very open-minded, “free for all” situation. If somebody had an idea they could just present it, and we’d try things out; the way in which we put the structures together was very democratic. We found ourselves sticking to the essentials and dropping all the useless stuff.
Another different thing in recording this album was that from the rehearsals we moved straight on into recording the album, because we built a studio in the same place we rehearsed. This also managed to transfer this energetic “band vibe” into the album.

MB: How was that process? I’ve heard about a “summer camp experience”…
Marco: That was a big part of it; we did really long days, a lot of thinking, listening and talking about what we were doing. With this energy that we had going on it was all really painless; we were doing things until late in the evening, then when someone got tired we’d just go out, light up the campfire, warm up the sauna, jump into the lake, talk about all kinds of things, and listen to some different kinds of music. Some guys would drink a lot of beer and… [laughs] well, it was a really good and relaxing time for everyone.

MB: An interesting episode of the recording process was the appearance of Richard Dawkins. He’s not the kind of guy that I would have expected would show up to a metal recording. How did that end up happening?
Marco: There are these evolutionary wonders that are, well, pretty evident in some of the lyrics. Tuomas had been reading Dawkins‘ books for quite some time already, and since there was stuff he was already writing about, he sent Richard a handwritten letter, and he replied within a couple of weeks. He thought this sounded interesting, even though he had never heard about the band before.
So far, although Richard has done a lot of public appearances, in the entertainment business he had only been once in The Simpsons…  and now he’s on a Nightwish album, so it’s a quote a nice honor.

MB: Recording was done in Finland and London, right?
Marco: In London we worked with the London Symphony Orchestra (well, a big part of it), the Metro Voices Choir, and people who were doing different kinds of percussions and children choirs. Almost all the band parts were recorded at “the summer camp”, so that was quite well thought-of already.
When Tuomas has these orchestral things he also has them first as an electronic demo, and so when you’re playing in the band you know how to behave before the orchestras are actually added.

MB: You came from Tarot, a very straighforward heavy metal band, and moved to this very cinematic, larger than-life project (particularly so in the last few years). How was it for you to switch from this direct approach to this other style? Because I’m guessing we won’t be seeing Tarot with a children’s choir anytime soon.
MI: Probably not! [laughs] We did do a couple of shows with a real choir, but it was just for a couple of summer festivals. As musical styles go though, I’m no stranger to either approach; I’m a big fan of 70’s hard rock and prog rock, and so I like these more  unorthodox song structures since they give you a lot of freedom to express yourself just the way you want to. This is the most important thing for me when making music.

MB: I was sad to see that your voice isn’t as prominent in Endless Forms Most Beautiful as it was in previous albums.
Marco: There are only a few lead pieces with my voice, but no whole songs. A lot of people commented that I wasn’t singing that much, which although is true in the surface, if you listen to the choruses you’ll see that Floor is doing the leads while I’m doing the harmonies.
If we talk about the amount of singing, there’s probably more in this album than ever before, but it’s just not so apparent.

MB: Would you have preferred to sing more?
Marco: I don’t really think in those terms. I like singing, of course, so I have no problem if there’s a song where it fits, but this time around I felt the songs sounded better the way they are now. My attitude about the band is that, whatever we do, we have to first serve the song, and then serve the band.
With Floor we actually found out, while we were still on tour, that when we put these harmonies together we have a really powerful mix. The same when we do things in unison. They sound quite impressive.

MB: í‰lan, the first single of this album, was leaked before the release. You were all very disappointed about it, obviously; do you think that nowadays this is just inevitable?
MB: There’s a very big chance that it will happen, yes, but there’s always the hope that it won’t. You plan things in a certain way, so that they will have a really big impact; you manage to create an expectation which will be fulfilled for everyone at the same time… like a goddamn little Christmas! But then somebody, who doesn’t really care about it at all, who doesn’t give a shit about any of that, or who doesn’t respect the people’s expectations, or our expectations, goes and leaks it… yeah, it’s a disappointment.

MB: It’s happening to everyone, sadly.
Marco: You still hope that people will actually learn to actually care about things. This is a thing that is planned for quite a lot of people, so it’s not just my disappoint, but that of a lot of people.If there’s one thing that is causing trouble all around the world it’s the innate greed that we all have; that if we are able to take something that nobody else has… Take the case of Crimea in Ukraine, or anything to do with extreme religious or political regimes, it’s all about getting the money and power, getting stuff, from people, without basically giving anything good back. It’s a sorry attitude.

MB: But considering the limited amount of people who got it, and that our promos are watermarked, you should be able to pinpoint who did the leak anyway, right?
Marco: Whenever you have more than two people together you can’t keep secrets, and so these things always find a way.

MB: This also goes back to a big change in the music industry that has happened in the last few years. During the recording of Endless Forms Most Beautiful there were a lot of “studio updates” and “trailers”, things that bands just didn’t do before. Nowadays it seems like bands see a need to stay connected to their fans, maybe to stay relevant or in order to not be forgotten, amid all the bands out there.
Marco: The competition is really hard, so that has changed things. In my opinion, we could have done less trailers, making ofs and all that; however, at the same time, this is something that we do so that we can have control, because the people with whom we did them are familiar to us. We don’t have to go through anybody else in order to do them, so I think it’s a good way to present the band because we have total control of what it says and what it gives out from us, especially when it shows us as we are.

MB: Do you feel that now there’s just too much pressure on bands to do this kind of thing?
Marco: It’s just a sign of the times. I’d be pleased if you could keep things mysterious.
It’s also about competition and survival; you want to market your things as best as possible. At the same time, however, I think that we have a really great and loyal fanbase, so I’m not even sure that we really needed to do these things.

MB: I understand that there is probably some “pressure” or “advice” from the label regarding doing these things.
Marco: Well, as long as we are paying for the album ourselves, we don’t have to cave in to the rules of mainstream music; we don’t have to take any instructions from record labels regarding how to present the music. As long as we have that luxury, I stay out of the marketing side.
The music business, booking tours, etc., is a logistical hazard. If I tried to control all of that I’d just go mad.

MB: Did you try to do it with Tarot?
Marco: There was a time when I was responsible for booking some buses, making sure that people were on schedule, etc. I got fed up within a year; I’m not going back to that. Everything changes day by day; there’s always chaos, and nothing stays the same from one day to another. It’s a tremendous mental pressure to be working with that load. I have the greatest possible respect for tour managers, and I’d never do that myself.

MB: You’re not known for putting crazy things on your rider?
Marco: Nah… Whenever possible, I just like to have various fruits, salads and yogurt every day. [laughs]

MB: Since you mentioned the issue of tours being chaotic… something that I see a lot is the absolute insanity that you often get at your hotels with your fans, trying to get close to you etc. How was it for you when you started with Nightwish, and suddenly encountered this? For Anette Olzon things were apparently pretty crazy when she joined.
Marco: When I joined Century Child was coming out at the end of spring, and so we just went in and did summer festivals. I was flying into places where I was in front of huge crowds, and I thought it was cool. Then we did our first tour together, which was in South America… and there people are wild. Security people are making sure you can get to your van, and you have fans yelling and banging on the windows of your van… it was a weird feeling to be suddenly inside of that thing.
I wasn’t really scared of that though; it just showed that those people were really enthusiastic about what we do, and that’s just great. It’s a band making music, presenting it to the fans, and them buying the albums, coming to the shows… we are able to provide an escape from mundane things to people, which is important. I have a lot of respect for the fans as well, because it’s all about this interaction between what we provide for them, and what they provide for us. This whole thing would be impossible without them.

MB: And considering the size of the band, how has it been for you to juggle your position in Nightwish with your own family life?
Marco: Well, I’m no wonder for my kids [laughs] I think that now that they’re getting to their teens they’re trying to keep a lid on the fact that their dad is a “rock star”. It’s not a big deal for them. When I’m at home I just try to make sure there’s food in the fridge and clean laundry.

MB: But do you still get stopped in Finland when people recognize you?
Marco: Sometimes, but it’s not a big thing in my hometown. People are used to me, which is a really good thing, because I wouldn’t like to be a small-town celebrity. I like to live my life as it is, and then there’s this hellraiser side of me which I let loose when I get on stage.

MB: Speaking of raising hell… it’s been a while since we saw any new material from Tarot, are we going to see anything new, or is it just impossible because of Nightwish?
Marco: It’s not impossible…. during the break that we had with Nightwish we were supposed to make a new album; we were able to lay down a couple of demos, some riffs, some lyrics… but there was just too much going on for many people in Tarot. A couple of them have their own jobs, musical or otherwise, and so the timing didn’t work.
Maybe by the end of 2016, when things with Nightwish start to wind down, we’ll have to get together and start working on those unfinished songs. I think that there’s a lot of good stuff there as well, so I hope we can make it.

MB: I certainly hope so! Thank you very much for your time, and see you on tour.
Marco: Thank you!
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 28, 2015, 08:30:20 pm
Nightwish on a new road
New York’s famous Times Square is crowed. “Hi Tuomas, good luck for the show” is heard a few times among the crowd in plain Finnish.
“I didn’t know these well-wishers but it feels good”, Tuomas Holopainen, the front man of Nightwish, smiles.
The non-stopping flow of people takes effect eventually.
“I have to get back to the hotel. New York is an amazing city, but its pulse beats so frequently, that I sometimes need some peace with a good book for example”, Tuomas, who just bought the newest book by his favorite author Patrick Rotfuss, says.
Tuomas definitely needs a moment of calm, since the first show of the world tour promoting the new Endless Forms Most Beautiful is tonight. A few thousand people can fit into the elegant Hammerstein Ballroom, which serves as the concert venue. It’s quite uncommon that Tuomas isn’t really nervous, even though it is an extremely important show in the heart of one of the world’s most famous metropolitans. 
“Troy Donockley (a band member) did a trick based on hypnosis to me in Los Angeles on 2012 before the first show of a world tour. I don’t’ know exactly what happened during those twenty minutes, but after that experience I haven’t been nervous before a concert”, Tuomas tells while walking to the hotel.
Feeling weird
After a few hours the members of Nightwish and a group of technicians have moved inside the Hammerstein Ballroom on 34th street. The band has seen the ambitious set for the first time in all of its glory and a successful sound check is done.
Before the show the band withdraws to the peace of backstage. There you can easily sense the good atmosphere in the Nightwish-family. The musicians enjoy being together and none of them retreats to solitude – some years ago the situation was exactly the opposite. When the artists expecting the show get excited about a game of dice, there’s no end to the cheerful stories.
“The feeling within the band and the crew is really great at the moment – we older members in Nightwish feel probably as good as in the best moments with Tarja (Turunen). Of course Anette’s (Olzon) era had good moments too”, Tuomas says.
The band’s original drummer Jukka Nevalainen also sits in the dressing room with others, he was forced to step down due to insomnia at least for this tour. He has arrived to New York to follow his beloved band’s first show of the new tour – and the first gig of all time without him.
“Feels weird, really weird”, Nevalainen admits.
“The silver lining was that our old friend Kai Hahto agreed to take Jukka’s place with a fast pace. Without him our plans would’ve had to been rescheduled”, Tuomas tells.
A boiling hall
About three hours later the grand hall in Hammerstein Ballroom is boiling since Nightwish’s debut performance for the new tour has come to its final moments. The curve of the visually magnificent show has been carefully planned: new material, old classics, peaceful moments and heavy songs. 
The ambitious arsenal of light blinks for the last time and the volume raised by the last note of ‘Last Ride of the Day’ is felt in the deepest parts of your body. The fans reaching for the stage are smiling and crying – they know they have witnessed an unforgettable concert that has now ended.
The main stars of the evening are also touched as they line up in front the audience, which is screaming on the top of its lungs. Tuomas looks at his bandmates, a satisfied grin settles on his face. Then Nightwish takes a deep bow, before withdrawing backstage.
The band’s manager Toni Peiju has been watching the show from the audience’s side. The man has a wide smile on his face as the lights in the hall dims.
“The local promoter just notified us that the next six shows are sold out and a lot of other shows are filling up nicely.”
All pieces together
After the almost two-hour show team Nightwish is coming down from the adrenaline high backstage. Bassist-singer Marco Hietala falls on the sofa and takes a deep breath. Guitarist Emppu Vuorinen slaps a high-five with Kai Hahto, who just finished his first Nightwish show. The drummer gave his all and is covered with sweat, as are the other musicians.
The days before the over one and a half year long world tour have been filled with excitement, but now the pieces have fallen into the right places. The bands playing is seamless and the set list turned out to work from the start. Or at least almost.
“Hey, should we play Everdream for example instead of Nemo?”
The question is asked by singer Floor Jansen, who just came from the shower and has changed her performance outfit for a black hoody and grey jeans. After a while everyone agreed with Floor’s suggestion and Everdream is decided to add to the set soon.
“Nemo is one of our most well-known songs but the band is indeed a little tired of playing it”, Hietala tells.
An open discussion
Tuomas return to the singer’s suggestion later inside the tour bus. Nightwish’s mobile home for the next six weeks, the American way cozy bus has just left for the next destination, Philadelphia lies a few hours ahead.
“Nightwish has famously had its own challenges in the past. However now we are on a good road, since the discussion atmosphere is on a whole new level than before. Floor’s change suggestion is one example. We are now able talk about anything openly and constructively and no one takes the comments too personally. I’m not offended is someone points out that a white coat may not be the perfect stage outfit. And Floor doesn’t take it the wrong way if I ask her to reconsider something she said between songs.”
Tuomas has noticed in the past years though that talking doesn’t necessarily solve the problems. 
“Sometimes it can mess up the situation even more. We have of course talked within the band earlier too, but it is no use when the opposite side doesn’t want to listen.”
What kind of a Nightwish-boss are you nowadays?
“I’m in no way a strict boss or a control freak. I really don’t decide everything even though some people seem to think that”, Tuomas huffs and continues.
“For example business and money.. I don’t want to know anything about that side!”
Here we go again?
Then Tuomas fixes his eyes on the floor of the tour bus and ponders awhile. Soon the musician tells that the turbulence behind, mainly the severe break ups with Tarja Turunen and Anette Olzon, pops into his mind occasionally.
“In a way I’m constantly on my toes. I’m definitely not feeling carefree and confident that now everything will be perfect forever, let’s conquer the world and have some fun on the side.”
So the traumatic experiences of the past haven’t been all forgotten.
“A feeling is affected so easily. If I hear only one unkind word from the band, crew or someone close to me, I immediately get this ‘help, what’s going to happen now’-feeling”, Tuomas says.
“I can for example notice that our other manager Ewo Pohjola is stressed and I immediately start to think, don’t break yourself good man. Or Floor can in passing say that the bed on the bus is a little too narrow. Then I think, is it starting again?”
Does in annoy you, having these thoughts?
“Not really annoy.. There are good sides to it, not leaving things to brood but getting them out in the open immediately. I have consciously refined this ‘all out, right away’-side of myself.”
The memories won’t go away
The firing of the original singer Tarja Turunen in autumn 2005 haven’t left Nightwish, or especially Tuomas, entirely alone. An open dismissal letter after ending a successful world tour in the Hartwall Arena is something that Nightwish wouldn’t do today. 
“I still don’t regret the decision to fire Tarja, because we didn’t have a future together. Things were absolutely awful. In the end the atmosphere in the band was so distressed that we couldn’t keep our heads cool and think. We were like cornered and wounded animals, who had to do something, anything, to change that awful feeling. It is fair to admit though that the way we handled Tarja’s firing was too vile”, Tuomas says.
Was Nightwish near breaking up then, at end of 2005?
“It was surely the worst time in the band’s history but we didn’t even consider throwing in the towel. In the middle of hardship some kind of unexplainable pride filled us, this band doesn’t deserve an ending like this. It simply wouldn’t have been right.”
New light in life
Ten years after these hard times Nightwish is more popular than ever before. Endless Forms Most Beautiful has collected praising critiques and chart positions around the world and many fans consider it the band’s best release. At least as many have already praised Floor Jansen as the best vocalist in the band’s history.
“Floor deserves every possible applause. She learned our songs super quickly and joined the band in a very hard moment in 2012, in the middle of a North-America tour, when collaboration between the band and Anette became impossible due to disagreements. Floor saved that tour with sovereign way and she has never disappointed us later on.”
Floor Jansen was named an official member in Nightwish in the autumn 2013, at the same time as multi-instrumentalist Troy Donockley.
“Some people become spirit friends right away. This happened to me and Troy upon a time and he has since influenced me and Nightwish a lot.”
The most apparent evidence of Tuomas’ words is Endless Forms Most Beautiful, praising for example the accomplishments of science, where the previous Imaginaerum sought more influence from fantasy and imagination. Nightwish dares to speak out about things it considers important and asked evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins to appear on the album, not being satisfied to only entertain.
“The current Tuomas wouldn’t write texts that are for example on the Oceanborn or Wismaster- albums. My way of thinking has clearly changed with time and this can be heard in our songs. In fact everything that has happened the last couple of years has affected me greatly. In a way a new light shines inside me.”
The latest scandal
Yes, indeed, Richard Dawkins. When Nightwish announced that the British evolutionary biologist would visit on the album last autumn, the reception was varied. Some declared to love the band even more, other were returning already bought concert tickets. The reason for the flood of opinions was that Dawkins is known to have a sceptic view on religions.
“Like Marco Hietala has appropriately pointed out: even the wild stunts rock bands pull seem to cause no reactions anymore. Well, ask a popularizer of science to visit an album and weird things will start to happen”, Tuomas sneers.
How did it make you feel when just the announcement about Dawkins’ appearance made some fans burn all the Nightwish-albums they had collected over the years?
“Actually I think only one loud person destroyed his/her albums, but of course these wild stunts find wings and huge dimensions. We of course anticipated that Dawkins’ visit would stir up strong feelings for and against, but that didn’t affect our plans at all. Let’s make this clear: Nightwish could not get a more fitting and greater guest than Richard Dawkins.”
Then Tuomas smiles, once again. Somewhere in the distance shines Philadelphia, where the band is meant to perform in front of a sold-out audience. The most successful North-American tour in Nightwish’s history has begun. 
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 29, 2015, 03:54:44 pm
Setlist San Francisco (

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Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 01, 2015, 04:13:46 pm
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Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 02, 2015, 04:24:11 pm
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Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 02, 2015, 04:27:41 pm
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Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 02, 2015, 04:37:06 pm
Sitting down and chatting with Nightwish's jack-of-all-trades Tuomas Holopainen would be something straight out of my dreams as a kid first getting into power and symphonic metal. When I first got the opportunity, a surge of excitement and nervousness came over me, but after a few days of thinking about the things I'd ask, I graciously accepted this opportunity. Tuomas was a very friendly guy, making for extremely easy conversation. We discussed the current tour, the new album Endless Forms Most Beautiful, all topped off with a follow-up on the controversial remarks of Floor Jansen in a recent interview.

On behalf of myself and Metal Wani, thank you so much for sitting down with me for this interview. I see that some pizza just arrived so I don't want to take too much of your time!

(laughs) Oh not it's quite alright. You can't imagine the amount of free time that you actually have on tour, honestly.

So what is it that you do with your time?

Loads of good books, movies, long walks, and some tourism along the way. Went to see a film yesterday in Nebraska, the horror flick, Unfriended, it was quite good. I like the original idea that it has. It was all on a computer screen, nothing else!

And you guys have been on tour for a couple weeks now? How have the fans been reacting to hearing some of Endless Forms Most Beautiful live?

They seem to like it. We enjoy playing it! It's always like when you have a new album out and play the new songs, people seem to just listen to them more. And then when you play the old classics, they just go mental! And that's always the case, and how it has been on this tour as well. And as a band, it is always nice to play something new and different, not the songs that you have played four or five hundred times.

And you've been sharing the stage with Sabaton and Delain, how has that been so far?

I think it is the best possible combo you can have, I love both of them! Delain is an all time favorite of mine, and Sabaton is one of the best bands to come out in the past ten years in the metal scene. We, musically, kind of sail in the same waters but with our own unique boat, so it is a good combo for the audience as well. They are really nice people as well. No complaints there!

The US doesn't get bands like Nightwish around here too often. Especially through states like Iowa, where I grew up. Bands really tend to skip over that whole part of the country. So how was the last show you played on Sunday, in Iowa?

First time ever in Iowa! And you could see and feel the enthusiasm of the people, around 2,000 of them there. It was just totally crazy, even though it was a Sunday night.

Yeah they just really don't see bands like Nightwish around those parts.

Well that's what they told us! And you could totally just feel it in the atmosphere there. But I also got to meet up with my host family from my year as an exchange student in Kansas, 23 years ago. The mother and the brother came out to see me there. I haven't seen them for 17 years, so that was quite the moment as well. We got to spend a couple of hours together before the show, and a little bit after the show, talk about nostalgia.

Wow! How was the adjustment for you from Europe to Kansas?

(laughs) I loved it! But I was only 15 and here for a year, but it really feels like a distant dream at the moment, but no I was actually there in high school.

Alright, so the new album Endless Forms Most Beautiful, it's cracked the US Top 40, and has already sold more copies than Imaginaerum already, so I am sure you guys look at this album with just as much pride as any previous releases?

Oh yeah we sure do! Now I refuse to answer 'Is this the best album' or 'What is your favorite album' it's just not really relevant, because all of our albums reflect the time that the band was at the time the album was made. I feel equally proud of all of the albums including the new one.

With the addition of Floor, at least when I listen to the new material it seems like it is Nightwish re-energized, with a lot of strength and confidence, and brings about a new power, do you agree?

There was something going on on the album that was lacking a little bit, before Jansen, and I think the main reason for that is that we spent a lot of time in rehearsal with the whole band together. We could just go over the songs again and again with the whole band, and get that organic vibe of playing together, and we were able to capture that atmosphere into the album. I really think that is the biggest difference.

Did the rehearsing together test everyone musically, bouncing ideas off of each other constantly?

Absolutely, yeah. Musically, and emotionally as well.

I really want to talk about “The Greatest Show on Earth”, as I think it is one of Nightwish's strongest moments, musically, as it is so massive, theatrical, and just gorgeous. You have never really written and epic like that before right?

Definitely not on that scale. It clocks to 24 minutes. And the way I personally see the album is that you have nine support acts, an interlude, and then the real band hits. So the first nine songs are supporting, then you have the “The Eyes of Sharbat Gula”, and then the main act. And it really works, dramatically. But yeah it would be the proudest achievement that I have ever done. It's just, I remember the moment I got the idea. Evolution, planet Earth, I mean, could we actually do a song on the evolution of planet Earth from the beginning to the distant future? Could we really use the animal sound effects, the formation of the Earth, and the coldness of space? Then imagine what the world may sound like in fifty million years, after mankind has vanished, and I was just so thrilled, like absolutely this is the best idea ever!

And originally, I think the song was 35-40 minutes long and we had to rearrange it to be more compact, but it really really works. I am so proud of that result. And of course the icing on the cake is Richard Dawkins, that he actually agreed to come and talk on top of that!

How was it working with Richard Dawkins? He is such a legend, I couldn't even imagine!

The ultimate fan boy moment for me. I already had one with Don Rosa on my solo thing [Music Inspired by the Life and Times of Scrooge]. When we went to Oxford last October, and I saw him through the studio window, I mean my heart was just beating so hard. But he was really polite, like your stereotypic English Gentleman. But what really flattered me the most was the fact that he put so much effort in the reciting. He didn't just come to the studio and read the words, he actually made markings and asked me questions like 'How would you like this to be emphasized?' so he put a lot of heart into it as well.

And we met again a couple of months ago in London, as we did a couple interviews together. I got a chance to play him “The Greatest Show on Earth” for the first time, and he seemed sincerely impressed. It was something else.

Back to your tour, you have a show coming up in British Columbia at the Orpheum. You guys are recording it though, so is that for a new live DVD?

We haven't set any concrete plans yet, but we are going to film a few shows here and there on this upcoming tour, then decide what to do with it. There isn't going to be a live DVD release in the near future, but we are collecting stuff so we can do something with it in the future.

There was an interview with Floor Jansen posted by Owais Nabi, of Metal Nation Radio and Metal Wani a couple weeks ago at this point. It went viral online, both in agreement and disagreement with her, and I just wanted your opinion on the matter. In this interview, she really stressed the dislike for being called a female-fronted band.
Yeah, yeah, well it is a weird categorization isn't it? Female fronted metal, I mean why emphasize that. I mean, I am fine with symphonic metal! To emphasize female fronted, it has a bad ring to it, so I have to agree with her.

So would describing Nightwish as female-fronted symphonic metal would be okay? Or is it still too limiting?

(laughs) I mean, I would just leave the female or the male out of it. Would there be like a male-fronted band? It is just silly categorizing the music in that way!

And Nightwish is always full of surprises, but is there anything that we can expect from you in the near future? Anything new and exciting for you?

Absolutely yes! But it wouldn't be so exciting and surprising if I told you (laughs). But yeah, we have some plans! We pretty much know what we are going to be doing until 2021 to 2022, so some really interesting stuff happening for sure.

Alright! So Metal Wani, the website I work for, is based out of India. They would kill me if I didn't ask you, is there any plans of Nightwish going to India?

Well there have been many occasions in the past years that we almost got there. But for some reason, it was always cancelled. It is not really up to us, it's the booking agent, but they are talking about it. Again, because we are going to have shows in the far East, Australia, Japan, so I would love to be able to go. It is my favourite cousine in the world! Curry! For a vegetarian, it is just easy and I love it.
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 02, 2015, 04:41:09 pm
No matter your Metal affiliation, you should appreciate a hard-working band, and NIGHTWISH is definitely one of such. I mean, the Finns survived two singer-changes and, in fact, came out stronger with the latest LP “Endless Forms Most Beautiful” being a powerful piece of evidence. Currently NIGHTWISH are on US soil and a couple of hours before their Chicago show, METAL KAOZ met Tuomas Holopainen and had the following most interesting discussion.

Hi Tuomas, it’s really nice seeing you again. First of all, how is Jukka doing? How his treatment is going?
He is much, much better. We are still in contact all the time because he is also taking care of the band’s business and such. He seems like a much happier guy and he is under different treatments, so we need to give him a few years and see what happens. He was in the New York show actually.

That’s great but how hard is for him watching you play live and not participating?
It is really hard but we were really glad that he came. We had a party backstage and all that. I can only imagine how it feels like because Jukka might be the most enthusiastic person of all of us regarding touring.

Yeah, but health comes first…
Of course, absolutely.

Does this mean that you will use Kai Hahto as long as it takes?
Well, at least till the end of this tour. But Jukka is still a member of NIGHTWISH as it is written in the album’s booklet.

Great, so how were the first North US shows?
Hmm, I guess it was as you would expect after 18 months of not doing any shows, so there was a little bit of a rough start but still all the shows have been good and we are getting better and better. For me, yesterday’s show [April 17th, Cleveland] was really good. You just have to find that healthy routine so that you don’t have to think about everything all the time.

Is it tough switching gears from being in the studio and being on tour?
Yeah, it’s a huge step; for example, I had a really funny blackout and couldn’t remember how the song “Nemo” goes in the rehearsals. I mean, the song started and I froze having absolutely no idea what to play. And I have played that song like 500 times (laughs).

Oh my, I guess changing also time zones has something to do with this; your biological clock goes crazy…
Exactly, but at the moment is really good and we are truly enjoying this.

Awesome, so let me go on with the rest of my questions; when did you actually make your mind that Floor would be the next singer for NIGHTWISH?
Oh, it was during the spring of 2013, I think; Floor joined us in the middle of the American tour leg during the Fall of 2012 and at that time it was like survival machine on wheels. We were trying to complete the shows and eventually we noticed that there is definitely chemistry with her and also that she is a wonderful person and a wonderful singer. Then we popped the big question to her and she said yes.

What was her contribution in the making of the new album?
Well, she wasn’t involved in the songwriting or in the lyrics process; it was all about interpretation and arrangements but she brought a lot in and, in fact, she was with us from day one during the rehearsals singing along. Actually, the material was arranged according to the vocals which, in a way, is the most important part when it comes writing a song.

Is your song-writing being affected when there is a new singer in the band?
Not at all but it is a bit easier when you have a certain voice in mind and write songs that fit to it. But when it comes to the method of the songwriting, I’ll say it hasn’t changed at all during the years.

I guess when you have a singer that can do more, so then you can push the music accordingly.
Well, I am the luckiest songwriter on earth having all these people around me who can sing and play practically everything; female and male voices. It is a liberating feeling working with these people.

I was referring to Floor who has a voice that can sing Metal and also Opera.
Yes, you are right; Floor is a very versatile singer.

NIGHTWISH have also another new member, Troy Donockley; so how did this addition come up?
I met Troy in 2007 when he came to record some pipes for the “Dark Passion Play” album and it just clicked immediately. He is a wonderful guy with a huge charisma and fills up the room with light, and he is always smiling. He can play practically anything; keyboards, guitars and he sings as well.  Then, he joined us for the entire ‘Imaginareum’ tour in every single show, so we figured that he was as much as a band member as a band member can be, so why not make this official and join NIGHTWISH.

Can we ‘blame’ him for all the Irish/Celtic finishing touches in the new album that, in fact, I first noticed in “The Life And Times Of Scrooge”.
Well, he’s not actually the one to blame because everybody in the band is huge fan of Celtic music, these sonicscapes. It’s very similar to Finnish Folk music; there is a certain atmosphere that really clicks between British and Finnish music so it just felt like a natural thing to do. But it’s also very important that we don’t overdo it, so that we don’t become like a Folk Metal band – nothing wrong with that; I like all those as well – but we have a different identity. To bring on the pipes and the low whistles, the bouzouki here and there, it really spices up the album.

Yeah, it fits. So, what about the main theme of the new album? You tackle a rather rough subject – at least, here in the States…
Yeah, I didn’t realize it that it would be such a delicate issue, but obviously it is. Well, it had to be done and that’s was how I felt. It is such an inspiring theme and NIGHTWISH has always been about escapism and fantasy, so I thought it would be a lovely idea to explore the other end of the spectrum and do a more realistic-thematic album about the wonders of Science and the natural world has to offer us.

So, are you getting questions like these, I mean do they ask you actually about your beliefs and stuff about God?
Yes, some people do (laughs).

And you have Richard Dawkins, so when did he come in the creation of the album?
I wrote him a letter a bit over a year ago, in the beginning of 2014, and he actually replied me immediately via email, saying “hello, this is Richard Dawkins, I got your letter, thank you very much, I’ve never ever heard of NIGHTWISH but I went to the internet and listened some of the stuff and I like it very much”.

You got a new fan!
(laughs) Yeah, it’s fantastic! Then we went to Oxford to record his parts, it took about one hour and that’s it. Wonderful guy, a real gentleman. He has the brain of a size of a football field.

Wow! And you choose, I don’t know how you did it, a great cover artwork that has a lot of symbolisms, right? I mean, we see the DNA double helix in the center and it fans out with all the animals and whatnot. So, how do you understand this? Is there an end on this or this DNA or the evolution of life will go on forever?
I don’t know if it will go on forever, who knows what kind of a disaster will happen, but I just think I find it’s the most poetic and beautiful fact in the world that we are all made of the same stuff, the same DNA. We’re cousins to each other, to our neighbor’s dog and to the lettuce that we had for breakfast. We share the same DNA, and if you go back in time, far enough, you’ll always find a common ancestor, [pointing towards us] you and me, you and me, me and the banana tree outside. You have to go back to a billion years, but still, it exists. Many people find it some condescending or diminishing the human value enough, but to me it’s just the most beautiful thing ever.

It’s the other way around.
It’s the other way around, absolutely. There is nothing to be afraid of that. You know, we have evolved, we are evolving, we are all cousins.

Hopefully, we’re evolving and getting better (laughs).
Yeah, I sure hope so (laughs). That’s a good point!

And you have the track “The Eyes Of Sharbat Gula”; first of all, why did you chose to make it an instrumental and not add lyrics to that? Or did you leave the actual image to speak for itself?
I tried to write lyrics and I couldn’t – I have to be honest here. I didn’t get it right. The thematics of this song is so important and current that you really need to nail the lyrics, and I just turned out of ideas. And then it was actually Troy who came to me and said “let’s make it an instrumental –it gives much more room for imagination and it works better”. It’s more effective that way. But to do a song about children at war these days it’s just really difficult.

What can you write?
What can you write, yeah! But I’m really happy that Troy came up with that suggestion because it truly works.

And then you have also “The Greatest Show On Earth” which is the longest NIGHTWISH song so far. Is it true that the original version was longer?
Yeah, when I wrote it, it was like 35 minutes originally. I mean, from such a theme you can do three albums if you want it. But we wanted to make it approachable song and not extend that much.

And there is an almost soundtrack feeling atmosphere coming up in times during listening to the album, so how the work you did with the “Imaginareum” movie and even with “The Life And Times Of Scrooge” has evolved your songwriting?
Everything evolves, how beautiful is that (laughs)? I think the biggest criticism I’ve got for the new album is that it recycles stuff – whatever that means. But it’s the same songwriters, and many of the same band members, so of course it’s bound to sound a bit like the previous albums. And I really fancy the idea of taking the songs to a different level without losing the band’s identity. So that you hear it’s NIGHTWISH from song one but there are also some new surprises that you’ve never heard before. It’s gradual evolution.

We need the bands to evolve with ourselves, I mean, we grow up so do the bands, and we need to grow up together at some point.
Exactly, and the most important thing is just to do the kind of music that you want to do – it really is simple as that. Make it sound like how you want it to sound, make it sound so that it gives you goosebumps when you play it – just be happy about it yourself. Don’t think about anything else, don’t follow the trends – that’s all it takes.

To us, the fans that is, if a band is happy with what it’s doing, then we’re happy too.
Exactly. If it sounds sincere, even if I don’t like someone’s music, I don’t have to listen to it, but still I respect it.

So, considering the experience you had from the “Imaginareum” movie, do you have in mind to do it again?
No, if you thought music business was difficult, complicated and a total circus, then try movie business (laughs)!

I have no idea (laughs). But would you like to, is the question?
I’d like to do a score to a film someday – that is a dream of mine.

Do you have any particular movie  type?
Just something that is interesting – maybe not about a romantic comedy, but anything from drama to action to fantasy to nature documentary.

What about “The Life And Times Of Scrooge”? Can we expect a second one?
No, I don’t think so.

You made me look for my old comic books with that, you know!
Yeah? That was so much fun to do! I just had to get it out of my system. And I’m really happy with the result.

So, after this tour, you’re heading to Europe again and then I saw a date for Montreal, Canada in October, so does this mean that you’re planning a second North US round?
Yes, definitely, at some point in 2016.

Are you planning to revisit the same towns or you’re gonna go to places you’re not gonna play during this leg?
I think as many different cities as possible. It’s not truly up to us, it’s always the booking agent who decides that stuff.

Considering that today’s show is sold out, you know that many fans didn’t find a ticket, so do you see the band returning to Chicago in the second leg?
I honestly don’t know. But at least, we’re gonna be nearby, somewhere.

Thank you, Tuomas for taking the time to talk to us during such a busy day for you.
Thank you, guys, see you inside in a couple of hours!
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 03, 2015, 04:35:57 pm
Setlist Tempe (

Sleeping Sun (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 04, 2015, 03:17:49 pm
Setlist El Paso (

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Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 06, 2015, 06:37:17 pm
Staff writer Carl Sederholm recently sat down with Tuomas Holopainen, keyboard player of Nightwish, on their stop in Salt Lake City, Utah on April 22, 2015. Here's a transcript of their discussion.

SoT: The last time you played in Salt Lake City was also the last show Nightwish played with Anette Olzon. I don't want to get into any private stuff, but are there any memories from that performance you'd like to share with our readers?
TH: Let's just say that I have very vivid memories of that show for sure [laughter].
SoT: [Laugter] I had to ask since we're here in Salt Lake City!
TH: It's a historic city for us in that sense. At that point, the band was just a survival machine on wheels and trying to get the shows done. Thanks to Floor, we were able to pull it off without canceling a single show.
SoT: Wow. That's great. Your current tour, with Sabaton and Delain, has been going for about two weeks now. How are things going so far? What kinds of things might fans expect on this tour?
TH: Getting better and better. All the shows have been good, but until about two weeks ago, we hadn't done a single show in 18 months so the routine wasn't quite there, with all the excitement and enthusiasm. It's really getting together day by day.
SoT: Do you like life on the road?
TH: I love the cycles. I couldn't do this all the time, the same way that I couldn't be in the studio all the time. But the fact that you get to spend first a year at home, in peace, writing the songs, then six months in the rehearsal room in the studio and then a year and a half on the road and then starting all over again. It's like having the four seasons.
SoT: The current album, Endless Forms Most Beautiful includes "The Greatest Show on Earth," one of the band's longest recorded tracks. How much of that song are you going to play?
TH: So far we have been playing the two middle chapters of the song for about ten minutes, less than half of the whole thing. The end part is just ambience and that kind of stuff so it wouldn't really work live. It would be an ambitious thing to do the whole thing from beginning to end at some point but right now we are just doing the middle, the band sections of the song.
SoT: I've always been impressed with the number of literary influences in your music. "The Poet and the Pendulum," for example, brings to mind Poe's story "The Pit and the Pendulum." What's the connection to Edgar Allan Poe for you?

TH: I'm a fantasy and horror freak. Poe is one of the best. "The Pit and the Pendulum" is one of my all time favorite novels. I just loved the wordplay of "The Poet and the Pendulum." When I was writing that song, I was going through the most terrible time in my life because of what was going on with the band and elsewhere. Right now, it feels really awkward listening to that song, especially playing that song, since I'm not that person any more. But I just fancied the idea of killing myself in a song, in a concrete way. In the lyrics, it even says in the lyrics that "Tuomas was buried...." Now it feels really weird to listen to that song, but at that time it felt like the ultimate catharsis that I had to do. I imagined myself being on an altar with the pendulum coming down like in the novel—and that's where the song was born.

SoT: On the current album, you have a track entitled "Edema Ruh," a reference to the traveling band of entertainers in Patrick Rothfuss's The Name of the Wind, one of the best fantasy novels I've ever read.

TH: I would have to agree. Also, the sequel The Wise Man's Fear is even better. I can't wait for the third one. For me, it might just be the best fantasy story ever. The Lord of the Rings has always been the story for me, but I think this comes really, really, damn close. The guy's amazing. His words are like music. The way he describes the characters brings them alive. It's so beautiful. I'm out of words. The Edema Ruh—maybe Nightwish is like a modern-day Edema Ruh, going from city to city to perform and then move on. About two or three weeks ago, I actually got an email from Patrick Rothfuss saying "thanks" and "It's an honor." I send him the CD and he said that he liked it—it's awesome. Maybe we'll meet at some point.
SoT: That would be fun. I think he's pretty available. He signs books all the time.
TH: We were pretty close to where he lives in Wisconsin. He couldn't make it to the show. Maybe on the next leg. It's just the feeling of worlds colliding because I get to meet my biggest heroes. First was Don Rosa with my solo album, then it was Richard Dawkins with the current album, and then Patrick Rothfuss. It's like—"Wow, what's going on?"
SoT: It's good to have heroes. They inspire us! I didn't mention that I'm a teacher and that I write academic articles about people like Stephen King. I also teach courses in science fiction and horror.
TH: Wow. Stephen King would be one of my top three as well, when it comes to horror writers. He and Edgar Allan Poe.
SoT: You have referenced Stephen King in your music. Especially The Dark Tower.
TH: I love it. The first chapter of "The Poet and the Pendulum" is called "White Lands of Empathica" and that's where it came from.
SoT: Do you also like works like The Shining?
TH: I love The Shining and Misery. Actually, my all-time favorite is The Talisman, written with Peter Straub, more of an adventure story than a horror story. Yeah, that would be my number one, The Dark Tower for sure.
SoT: I really liked the track called "My Walden" off of the new album. I especially liked the line "I do not wish to evade the world / Yet I will forever build my own" because it reminded me of Thoreau's own sense that his time at Walden pond was not so much a hermitage as an attempt to learn how to live deliberately. What are your comments about Thoreau and his time at Walden Pond? Walden is not about being a hermit, it's about learning how to live and then going back out to live.
TH: Absolutely. That's the whole essence of the song and that's how I felt when I read Walden for the first time, too. I, as a person, am very optimistic. I just can't take the "this world sucks," everything's dark and rotten. I just want to escape. The world is a beautiful place. It's what we make of it. That's why I don't want to evade the world. It's beautiful. But will still have my Walden, my own Walden. Everybody should. Stop the complaining and do something about it—to put it bluntly. I know it's not so easy for everybody, but...
SoT: We work our own spot in life.
TH: I know so many people who are miserable with their lives and they're just too lazy to do anything about it even though they have the tools to do it, just thinking this is it and there's nothing more.
SoT: I listen to a lot of different bands and attend a lot of shows. Nightwish is a positive band that discusses the beautiful, both in the lyrics and through the music. A lot of black metal bands, for example, are quite negative. I like it, but it's often about the grotesque, the ugly, or the disturbing. What are your thoughts about that?
TH: There's nothing wrong with that. I used to play in a black metal band and I still have a very dark side inside of me but like I said I'm an optimist about most of the things in the world. I've heard many people say that Nightwish is definitely the most positive metal band on the planet. I take that as a compliment.
SoT: I think you should! The interior artwork for Endless Forms Most Beautiful is very beautiful. Is it the same person who did the cover? Were they given any direction as to what the band was looking for?
TH: Yeah. It's the same guy called Toxic Angel that has done all of our artworks since 2006. For some of the songs, I had a very clear impression of what I wanted the artwork to look like—like the cover or "Edema Ruh," for example. Then I gave him the demos of the songs and the lyrics, saying that, for example, the song "Our Decades in the Sun" or "Weak Fantasy," just come up with something, how you feel, how you hear the song.
SoT: You've always been interested in movie soundtracks, especially the work of Hans Zimmer.
TH: He was the first one.
SoT: What were some of the musical influences for this new album?
TH: It's a funny fact that during the year and a half that went into making this album, I bought two albums. I just can't listen to music when I create. My mind just wanders somewhere else immediately. I couldn't say that there's any concrete inspiration when it comes to music, what influenced this particular album. Throughout the year, it all goes in and somehow all comes out. You can definitely hear that I am a Hans Zimmer fan in many of the riffs, or James Newton Howard, a big hero of mine.
SoT: Do you ever listen to minimalism, like Philip Glass?
TH: Philip Glass is wonderful. Michael Nyman, just wonderful. This is just my personal thing, but I love grand music. Maybe that doesn't translate into English but in Finnish it sounds good.
SoT: Grand music; that makes sense to me.

TH: It's not imprisoned by any genre. It can be metal or jazz or pop or anything, but grand. I think Nightwish, Philip Glass, Hans Zimmer, they are all grand music.

SoT: When I discovered Philip Glass, I couldn't get enough.
TH: It's wonderful, those arpeggios. Troy Donockley, the pipe player, is a huge fan. He was the one who introduced me to Philip Glass. I just found out about him three or four years ago.

SoT: Troy is a new member of the band now.
TH: He's an official member now. He plays the Uillean pipes, tin whistle, bouzouki, does a bit of singing.
SoT: As I listen to Nightwish, I think a lot about storytelling and the wonder of storytelling, the way humans tell stories to make sense of their lives. How is writing music a form of storytelling?
TH: Well, music is the universal language. People might have a story in their heads, just listening to an instrumental piece. You don't need words. That's the beauty of music. There's an interesting example on this album, the track called "The Eyes of Sharbat Gula," which is a song about children in war, a very current theme. I tried to write lyrics for that song for weeks, but just couldn't nail it, it was pretentious or wrong. I thought, "Why not make this an instrumental?" People will know what's going on. The atmosphere is there, the Middle East. It definitely worked.
SoT: The album title makes reference to a beautiful paragraph from Darwin's The Origin of Species. There's also a reverence for the beautiful there. I loved the part of "endless forms," the way that life is made up who knows how many things—endless forms. And they are "most beautiful."
TH: I was really struggling with the album's name. I knew that there were certain themes: Praise for the wonders of the natural world, evolution, love—all that kind of stuff. But how to bring it all together in an album title? And then I remembered, hold on, the classic quote from The Origin of Species. I still have the shivers, it's so perfect. I immediately called the other band members—what do you think about this? The best album title ever!
SoT: Thank you!
Thanks to the good folks at Nuclear Blast as well as Roger Smith who made this interview possible!
Carl Sederholm
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 07, 2015, 03:18:19 pm
Setlist Dallas (

The Poet and The Pendulum (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 07, 2015, 03:39:20 pm
Setlist Houston (

Alpenglow (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 08, 2015, 03:58:07 pm
Endless Forms Most Beautiful Lyric Video (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 08, 2015, 04:01:09 pm
Making Of 18 (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 09, 2015, 04:00:08 pm
Setlist Orlando (

My Walden (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 10, 2015, 04:39:46 pm
Setlist Fort Laudale (

Alpenglow (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 12, 2015, 04:05:36 pm
Setlist Nashville (

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 13, 2015, 03:53:37 pm
Setlist Louisville (

Stargazers (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 14, 2015, 03:32:39 pm
Setlist Charlotte (

í‰lan (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 15, 2015, 09:46:53 pm
Setlist Silver Springs (

7 Days To The Wolves (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 15, 2015, 10:09:55 pm
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 16, 2015, 02:14:53 pm
Tour Finale (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 26, 2015, 05:51:52 pm
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 30, 2015, 11:24:38 pm
Making Of 19 (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 01, 2015, 04:26:13 pm
As a band that has been the pioneer of a metal genre that had influenced thousands of bands around the world, and whose fans are counted among millions worldwide, Nightwish, is considered one of the best metal bands around the world. With the release of their eight studio album Endless Forms Most Beautiful, the band started a new era not only on their career path, but also in their musical legacy. Recently they finished a North American tour where they play live for the first time many song out of that new album.
Seeing Nightwish live is always a total delight no matter the circumstances, I have had the chance to see the band performed with every lineup since they started touring North America back in 2004, and every time it has been a different experience, but I was quite excited to see them live for the second time with their new members Floor Jansen & Troy Donockley at the show in Tempe, AZ.

I arrived around 6pm, and the line to get in felt like a mile long, there was a lot people looking forward for this show, so that got me more excited about this show, around 7:30 pm Delain kicked things off with an amazing but short performance that warmed the crowd for what it was coming, Sabaton was up next, and their style somehow it fitted perfectly the night’s mood.
Now, it was time to see what this Finnish sextet had for us this time around. Their set list this time around it was highly dedicated to Endless Forms Most Beautiful, so we had the chance to experienced songs like Shudder Before the Beautiful, Yours Is an Empty Hope, Endless Forms Most Beautiful, My Walden, í‰lan, Weak Fantasy, Alpenglow, and The Greatest Show on Earth, It was a lot new material to digest to be honest, but if you were a fan of their new album this set was right up your alley.

Of course, there was more than new songs, their setlist also included old songs from the Imaginarium and Dark Passion Play eras like Amaranth, The Islander, Storytime, Ghost Love Score, and The Last Ride Of The Day. There were also some classics like She Is My Sin, Ever Dream, Sleeping Sun, and Stargazers. so I could say it was a fairly balanced set list aimed to please the fans that got into the band in their different eras.
One of the most interesting things about Nightwish‘s live shows is that no matter how complex and big their music is in their albums are, they live performances always are bigger, and visually more complex than what you get from their records. Overall, it was great to see the chemistry of the band, and how the new songs bonded each of their individual talents along with the Nightwish trademark sound.
The Age Of Metal had the pleasure to speak with Tuomas Holopainen composer/keyboard player of Nightwishabout the tour, Endless Forms Most Beautiful, and some questions provided by fans of the band.
The Age Of Metal: Hello everyone, this is Miguel with The Age Of Metal. I am here with Tuomas of Nightwish, How are you doing sir?
Tuomas Holopainen: I am doing excellent really, having a good day here in Phoenix.
TAOM: You have almost 10 dates to go on this tour, including this one. How has been the tour so far for Nightwish?
TH: Oh! it’s been really good considering that it was a 18 month break, when we finished the last tour and started this one. So the routine wasn’t quite there, but since New York, since the first show its been going better and better, and last night in L.A when we played The Greek Theater it was a top 3 show of all time for us, so definitely going into the right direction.
TAOM: Now what are the difference do you see on this tour (besides the obvious ones) compared with the ones you have done in the past?
TH: We had a some wonderful tours with the previous line up as well, so this is equally good as the ones that we had during the best times in the past, so its not that much difference. The venues are a bit bigger, the whole organization is a bit more balanced. I think the stamina of the band when it comes to staying up real late every night has gone down radically, so a bit more sleeping this time, but yeah is just good times.
TAOM: I notice that you guys added some old songs to the set list. Were there any other old songs that you were consider adding to the setlist for this tour?
TH:  At some point for sure, but the set list as it is now just feels really good for all of us, and everybody favorite songs are in there, its in great balance so we don’t really feel the need to change it radically at the moment. But, yes there are some plans to bring some of the old songs and maybe some new songs that we haven’t play before also to the setlist at some point.
TAOM: Let me go on record and congratulate you for Endless Forms Most Beautiful, definitely its one of the top albums of the year, to be honest with you.
TH: Thank you.
TAOM: There is anything that you would wanted to add to the album and for X or Y reason it wasn’t there, or didn’t get in there?
TH: Well, I would liked to include the song Sagan into the CD as well, because it fits to the theme of the album, but the limit of the length of a CD is 80 minutes and the albums is 78 minutes as it is now . So one song was required to be left out and Sagan was the first choice of the band.
TAOM: Besides putting together a massive track like The Greatest Show On Earth, what was the most challenging things at the time to make this album from your point of view as a composer?
TH: As a composer, definitely the song Our Decades In The Sun that was the most difficult thing to do, because the subject of the song is so intimate, important and delicate. I just didn’t get the music quite right, I was really happy with the lyrics, but I just didn’t find the right notes. And then Marco gave me a demo CD of a chorus and a riff, and I thought ‘That’s perfect, that’s it, spot on’. But, that took a long time to really nail, but other than that everything was really smooth.
TAOM: Now, you released a solo album last year. Are there any works, music, ideas for a continuation of a second album?
TH: Not really. Its all Nightwish. Well, this solo thing is something that I don’t really fancy. I don’t see myself as a solo artist, but to do a thematic album about Scrooge McDuck doesn’t really fit into Nightwish, and it couldn’t be fair towards the other band members because they are not so attached to the character and the books. So, this one time I decided to go solo, maybe it’ll happen sometime in the future that are certain things that don’t fit into theNightwish concept, but I really don’t see it happening any time soon.
TAOM:  This is a question that came out after I talked to some Nightwish fans. Someone came out with the question that if you ever consider re-record any of the old albums  or at least a compilation with Floor Jansen?
TH: Absolutely not. It would be disrespectful, it would give a message that we feel that they could made in a better way, which I don’t think. I even thought that remaking Sleeping Sun was more or less a mistake at some point. Well not a mistake, but just not a good idea. Whenever you record a song, an album you do them with full force, with full heart, and they are an image of the time that they were made, and they should remain like that, so I think it would be a travesty to go a do those things with Floor again. It’s a whole different thing live, and live recording, but to start from scratch do them all over again its just disrespectful would be the word.
TAOM: Out of all scientists out there that you could write a song about, why Carl Sagan?
TH: It’s such of big hero of mine and his Cosmos series from 1979 and 1980 made a huge impact on me, just huge, and I really like him as a character as a person as well. There is some kind of warm on him that I really admire.
TAOM: This is another question that came out from fans, and they were wondering: How do you get your creative juices flowing, what is your regular creative routine?
TH: You just have to be emotional inspired by something, whether is an event, whether is a movie or a book, or happening in your own life, falling in love, being really pissed off about something. Just as long as you have this emotional need to get the stuff out of your head, and then just try to make it into a story, make it into a song, that is the best I can describe it.
TAOM: Talking about the movie ‘Imaginarium‘ which was an amazing cinematographic event for Nightwish, would you be inclined to do another film?
TH: Never say never, but I highly doubt so because if you thought music business was tricky, try movie business, it’s on a different level and we were such small fish in a huge lake, it was a very challenging experience, and I am very proud of the result and really happy that we did it, but I don’t see us doing another one.
TAOM: Now, Tuomas closing up what is next for Nightwish for the rest of the year after finishing with North America.
TH: well, the festival season which goes on for about three months, and that is follow by a South American tour including Rock in Rio for the first time, I can’t wait for that. Then we have  an extensive European tour starting in November, and that is gonna end in Wembley Arena on the 19th of December, then we have a Christmas break, and then continuing January 16th first Australia, then all kinds of stuff that I don’t really know about yet.
TAOM: Tuomas, thank you very much for the time and the Interview
TH: Thank you very much.
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 02, 2015, 04:09:50 pm
Making Of 20 (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 04, 2015, 03:42:43 pm
Teaser Summerbreeze (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 07, 2015, 12:25:36 pm
Setlist Joensuu (

The Greatest Show on Earth (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 09, 2015, 03:35:37 pm
Setlist Baltic Princess (Turku) (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 09, 2015, 11:58:17 pm
Edema Ruh (acoustic) (

Setlist acústico (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 10, 2015, 03:34:40 pm
Setlist Baltic Princess Turku (dia 2) (

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 12, 2015, 04:15:45 pm
Setlist Baltic Princess dí­a 3 (acoustic) (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 13, 2015, 11:14:23 pm
Setlist Nova Rock (

Ghost Love Score (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 15, 2015, 03:43:52 pm
Setlist Banska Bystrica (

Sleeping Sun + The Greatest Show On Earth (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 16, 2015, 03:42:29 pm
Every Finn knows the infamous cruises to Tallinn or Stockholm. Lots of drunken people, crappy buffet food and even worse house bands performing evergreen tangos to the seniors. Luckily sometimes there’s a few good exceptions to the formula and these nights were one of those. In last September Nightwish announced that they will be doing two concerts on the cruise ship from Turku to Stockholm. Both nights were sold out really fast but luckily we got a cabin for the second night.

When we arrived at Turku harbour I saw lots of dark wearing people coming out of the ship. They all looked exhausted, but still had the biggest smile on their faces. I knew this cruise would be fantastic. The theme for the trip was already set in the terminal. The front wall of the terminal was covered with a huge backdrop (or ad) from the Imaginaerum era. Inside troubadour Bryn Jones was performing acoustic covers while everybody was waiting impatiently to board the ship. Soon the cleaners came out and we got onboard.

Before the main event there was time to get something to eat and do a little shopping. The waiter at the restaurant gave us a little “inside tip”. Last night there were so much people that they had some difficulties to fit them all in the nightclub where Nightwish was performing. Obviously we wanted a good spot to see the show. We decided to cut some preparing and head there early.

We went to the nightclub about 1,5 hours before. Some DJ’s made waiting more tolerable by playing rock and metal hits from bands like Judas Priest and Rammstein. There were a few rows of people standing in front of the stage and more people were coming in. We got a good spot relatively close to the stage. I especially wanted to see Jukka Nevalainen’s replacement Kai Hahto as close as possible.

Nightwish released their newest album Endless Forms Most Beautiful in March and I’ve been listening it more regularly than the two albums before it. The Darwinian evolution theme on the record ties the songs together nicely. Best moments of the album are the first two songs and the epic 24 minute long finale.

The concert started with the album opener Shudder Before the Beautiful and was followed with Yours Is an Empty Hope. After that it was a mix of new songs (Elan, Weak Fantasy, My Walden), hits (Amaranth, Ever Dream, Storytime) and not-so-hits (Romanticide, 7 Days To The Wolves) from the current and couple of previous records. Halfway through we got one of the high peaks of the concert when a teaser to Wishmaster started playing. The crowd went bananas and sang the whole song through so loudly that I couldn’t even hear Floor Jansen singing. Couple of oldies were also served with Stargazers and Sleeping Sun. I read somewhere that Floor herself requested to take Sleeping Sun back in the setlist. After that it was the time for my personal high peak of the night. The Greatest Show on Earth and Ghost Love Score. I was a bit bummed out because the first one was shortened when compared to the album version. But that was forgotten quickly because it still was awesome. “We were here!” -chants sent shivers down my spine. And so did the last part of Ghost Love Score when Floor gets to use her vocal chords to the max. Chills every time. The concert ended with the familiar ending of Last Ride of the Day.

After the two hour concert we headed to the front of the ship where Steve’n’Seagulls started playing. Steve’n’Seagulls plays rock and metal covers in a hillbilly-bluegrass-style. They have gotten famous relatively quickly and are doing a lot of gigs. They will be playing even in Wacken Open Air for four days! I think they were absolutely brilliant. And the audience seemed to have really fun. After that it was time to hit the bed.

After a quick breakfast we headed to the back of the ship where a Nightwish related quiz was starting. The prize was a pass to meet & greet the band. Overall the questions were easy, but there were few harder ones that required knowledge or luck. I was a bit annoyed when I noticed that half of the people were using their phones to cheat. Then there was a Nightwish bingo (yep, you read it right) with more meet & greet passes as a prize.

The main event for the second day was an acoustic gig by Marco Hietala and Troy Donockley. They started their show by performing Money by Pink Floyd and Wonderful Life by Black. After that Kai Hahto joined them on stage with some percussion and they performed Ace of Spades together. For the remaining few songs Floor Jansen joined them on stage. Now as quartet they performed Alone by Heart and Edema Ruh. I saw that Tuomas (Holopainen) and Emppu (Vuorinen) were watching them from the VIP area and especially Tuomas really seemed to enjoy the set.

After that the cruise was almost over. I’m really glad I got to be a part of this fantastic trip. It’s been awhile since Nightwish has played on a smaller stage in Finland. It was a refreshing change compared to the big outdoor stadium gigs (not that there’s anything wrong with those). The band performed perfectly and really seemed to enjoy this special occasion. And so did I.
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 21, 2015, 12:09:56 pm
Setlist Rock the Ring (

Sleeping Sun (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 22, 2015, 04:07:27 pm
Setlist Hellfest (

I Want My Tears Back (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 23, 2015, 03:15:35 pm
For almost two decades, Nightwish has been a dominate force in the world of symphonic metal. After eight studio albums and two vocalist changes the bands popularity is still on an upswing. Their most recent album “Endless Forms Most Beautiful” was just released and has already been a huge hit with their fans. Nightwish started their worldwide tour in support of the album in North America this spring. We caught up with band founder and primary composer, Tuomas Holopainen, in Silver Spring, Maryland in the USA on the final date of the 2015 North American tour. We discussed the new album, current and future tours, and the joys of wine drinking! Here is how it went:

This is Joe Prostredny with Afternoiz and I’m here with Tuomas from Nightwish! Thank you very much for talking with us today!

Tuomas: My pleasure.

So, we’re here in Silver Spring, Maryland, May 14, and it’s the last day of the North American tour! How has the tour been going so far?

Tuomas: We were just talking about this tour with the band mates. This has to be the most relaxed leg we’ve ever done. The organization has been so good, the road tour, the tour manager. It’s been so smooth, so easy. The fans have been fantastic. All the shows have been really good, some even superb. So, absolutely, no complaints.

Good! Is anything special planned for tonight, this being the last show, or…?

Tuomas: Well, there might be some extra hassle going onstage (laughs). Maybe all the bands will hop up there at some point, there might be some tricks, something going on, I don’t know…

I guess we’ll see tonight.

Tuomas: We’ll see. (smiles)

This is you first tour since the release of the new album, “Endless Forms Most Beautiful”. Have you gotten much feedback from the fans regarding the new album and the new songs?

Tuomas: Well, yeah, and it’s mainly been really, really positive. We didn’t really expect that. Well, of course everybody brings up Floor, and they seem to be really happy with her performance. Also, Kai Hahto, the replacement drummer has been doing a fantastic job, and people seem to be really interested in the schematics of the album. They seem to appreciate the idea of a scientific approach to this album, so mainly just positive. Some people got a little upset about Richard Dawkins (an evolutionary biologist) being on the album but other than that it’s been just incredibly positive!

With all the great songs on the new album, how did you choose which ones you would perform on this tour?

Tuomas: Well, the ones that just feel like the perfect live songs; the ones that we enjoy playing the most. We actually rehearsed almost all the songs on the album; we are changing the set list quite a bit. So, some songs just work and those we like to play. We even dropped out “Nemo”, which is kind of like our biggest hit.

Yeah I noticed, I saw you in L.A. and Phoenix and you didn’t play it at either of those venues.

Tuomas: Right. It just felt like a necessary evil so to say. Why do we play this when nobody feels this song anymore, so let’s just give it some space and bring it back at some other tour.

You’ve been playing a lot of other great older songs on the tour. Floor has pointed out that “Stargazers” is back in the set list after 10 years. Of all the songs in your back catalog, what made you bring that specific one back?

Tuomas: Actually, we talked about which songs to bring back with Floor; which ones she would feel most comfortable with. And “Stargazers” was the immediate choice and “Sleeping Sun” as well, because that’s one of her all time favorites. So, those two for now. In the future there might be something else coming up as well.

Any favorite memories from the tour that you’d be willing to share with us?

Tuomas: I think the highlight of the whole tour was the Greek Theater show in L.A. because of the surroundings, and because of the audience. Because my mother was there, it was just a really, really magical evening.

I shot that show. I was down in the photo pit. It’s a great venue!

Tuomas: It’s so beautiful, really inspiring to see all those trees lighted up from the stage and all that. Truly magical.

Speaking of magical… “There is grandeur in this view of life, with its several powers, having been originally breathed into a few forms or into one; and that, whilst this planet has gone cycling on according to the fixed law of gravity, from so simple a beginning endless forms most beautiful and most wonderful have been, and are being, evolved.” That is the final sentence from “On the Origin of The Species” by Charles Darwin and it’s also on the album. The entire album seems to be a tribute and celebration of the wonder, the joy, and the history of life. Nightwish albums have always been a grand fantasy trip, and this one is as well. But this one is also very grounded in the reality of biological science and evolution. Where did that inspiration come from?

Tuomas: It’s always been there, I mean, I’ve always been fascinated about natural sciences, especially biology. My biggest heroes since I was a kid include persons like Carl Sagan, Charles Darwin, and then some recent finds like Richard Dawkins, for example. So a few years ago I just (laughs) went deep into that stuff and started reading a lot of books. Then I saw the “Cosmos” series, first the original Carl Sagan one, then the remake with Neil deGrasse Tyson and it made a huge impact on me. And I just started to feel that this is the stuff that Nightwish needs to do now. We have never really explored this end of the spectrum. Nightwish has always been more about personal stories out of my own diary or something fantastic, which is beautiful, but it just felt like the right time to do it.

Well I thought the album was a very stunning creation! You know Darwin never mentioned the term “evolution” anywhere in his book. The term “evolved” is only the last word. He kind of circled around it, said divergent development and phrases like that. Nobody is 100% sure why he did that. They presumed that the word was so controversial back then that he was almost afraid to use it.

Tuomas: Because of his wife as well.

Yeah? Well, even today, with all scientific proof in front of us, so many people deny evolution. And you can’t completely blame religion because the Catholic Church, which is the biggest Christian organization in the world, embraces evolution.

Tuomas: Yes!

Why do you think there is so much resistance in the world? Why do people deny the evidence that is right in front of them… all around them?

Tuomas: I think some people find the idea that we all share the same common ancestor somehow diminishing to the human species. I think it has to do with human arrogance, to put it simply. We think we are above all other creation because we have a really evolved brain. We’re not, we’re all cousins, and to me that’s the most beautiful and humbling fact that there is. But I think for the evolution deniers it has something to do with the fact that they wouldn’t feel superior anymore if they accepted it. I mean the fact is that if you don’t believe in evolution… it’s not even a matter of belief, it’s a scientific fact. The evidence is so overwhelming. So if you don’t believe in evolution, you’re either uneducated or… nuts.

I totally agree. The phrase I’ve heard is purposeful ignorance.

Tuomas: Yes. Exactly…

The album’s magnum opus, “The Greatest Show on Earth”, is also the title of a book by the famed evolutionary biologist who you mentioned previously, Richard Dawkins. Is the song a tribute to his work or is it just similar subject matter that led you to call it that?

Tuomas: Well, it’s inspired by the book of the same name and I thought there is no better title to tell the story of evolution on planet Earth than “The Greatest Show on Earth”. I thought he wouldn’t mind (laughs). Then when I met him I asked “Is it ok that I use this?” and he said “Absolutely, yeah, go ahead”.

You even had him do narration on the album, which I thought was a really cool idea, by the way! But he had never heard of you before.

Tuomas: No, never.

What was his reaction to the album? Did he actually listen to it?

Tuomas: I met him in London a few months ago and I had a chance to play him this song, “The Greatest Show on Earth”. He listened to it through earphones and sincerely seemed to like it. He said “Yeah, this is really good stuff, but I need to go deeper into this black hole”, so that’s it. But I think he was sincere that he really enjoyed it.

This is you first studio album with the new vocalist Floor Jansen. Floor is well known in music circles for her powerful voice and her diversity of singing styles and I’ve personally been a fan of hers for years. She has done a lot of operatic type vocals in the past. Because of that, a lot of people were expecting a more operatic album, similar to Nightwish’s earlier days. A lot of people were surprised that you didn’t take more advantage of that. But what surprised me, because I hadn’t heard Floor live before, was just how powerful her voice is when she is singing soft lyrics! There are tremendous examples of this on the album. And I just loved it! I just floated away on that voice. Did you know she could do that?… was that planned? Or did it just kind of evolve with the songs as the songs were created?

Tuomas: Well, we knew that she is such an astounding singer but I don’t think I’ve ever heard her sing in a really ethereal way, a really soft way. So I wanted to explore that and Floor was really intrigued about the idea, you know, “I’ve never done this kind of singing”, like she does in ReVamp for example. So it was a lovely challenge and turned out to be just fantastic. And when it comes to the lack of operatic vocals that was a common decision. We all agreed that is just doesn’t sound right to our ears so why use it. Never do stuff just because you can. The first track, “Shudder before the Beautiful”, we tried operatic vocals for that one and it just sounded horrible. Well, not horrible, that’s [the wrong word]… it sounded wrong, it didn’t tell the story.

“Our Decades in the Sun”… I mean the album is new and this may change, but that’s my favorite song on the album. I just love the way her vocals sound on that song.

Tuomas: It’s an incredible song, it really is… and the subject matter.

I’m a parent, so that speaks to me too.

Tuomas: We haven’t dared to play that song live yet but at some point we definitely will. It’s gonna be hard (laughs).

Well. I hope I’m at that show when you do! Nightwish’s music is always very rich and complex; so many layers. Between the band itself, the choir, the orchestra, the percussion sections, how many musicians do you estimate actually contributed to the making of this album?

Tuomas: With this album, I think it was about 120.

120? That’s quite impressive!

Tuomas: Yes! I find the idea that you cannot do everything yet with computers and keyboards. That you actually need to have a real choir and real orchestras to make it sound like that.

I think you can tell.

Tuomas: You can tell the difference.

It sounds more alive.

Tuomas: Yeah, it does.

Especially the strings.

Tuomas: Yes, they do.

You did the album and the tour without your long time drummer, Jukka. Kai has stepped in on both the album and the tour due to some health issues that Jukka was having. Now, we haven’t heard much since his departure, how is he doing?

Tuomas: He’s doing much better. He visited us in New York for the beginning of this tour. He’s doing much better but still struggling with insomnia. It’s not a new thing; it started in 2004 already, so it’s been going on for more than ten years. We just decided that we’d do this whole tour with Kai and then give it a little breather and let’s see in 2017 how he feels. But he is very much a member of the band, still.

I know on the website he is still listed as your primary drummer. On your website, if I’m understanding it correctly, it looks like he may be joining you at Rock in Rio in the fall?

Tuomas: Yes, he will! Just to play one or two songs.

Well, the fans… they’re gonna love that.

Tuomas: Well, Jukka will love it! (laughs).

Now, in June, you’ll be doing the first ever Nightwish fan cruise. What can you tell us about that? I’ve just seen a little bit about it on the internet.

Tuomas: (laughs) Well, the idea didn’t come from us; it came from the ship company. They have done similar things with a couple of other Finnish bands… and also with Sabaton, I think… and they were great successes so we thought, why not? I mean, if I was a fan of a certain band I would love to go on a cruise which is like, themed after the band, to see a show and just be there. I thought it was a wonderful idea.

It sounded really cool. Is that something you’d do again? Or just see how this goes? Is it a one-off?

Tuomas: Not definitely a one-off, we’ll just see how it goes first.

You have your European headlining tour toward the end of the year. What are the band’s plans for 2016?

Tuomas: 2016. First Australia, then there might be, uh, actually… yes… there is another U.S. leg coming.

Oh good… Good!

Tuomas: Yeah, during the first half of 2016. Then another festival season, then something in the fall then that’s it. I think we should be done by November 2016.

And do you jump right back in the studio?

Tuomas: I think we’re gonna take some time off after that actually, but we just made a five year plan with the band, so we pretty much know exactly what’s gonna happen until 2020. So interesting things coming up, that much I can say.

We’ll be hanging around to find it out! Something else I have to ask… You keep a wine bottle holstered under your keyboards during the live shows, and I’ve seen the fluid level in that wine bottle really drop (laughs). Is that really wine, or is that water in the bottle?

Tuomas: It’s wine. Throughout the years, it’s become my thing. Because I’m not a beer drinker.

I’m not either, but I love wine!

Tuomas: I absolutely adore wine, and I know it’s a bit rough to drink it straight out of the bottle… but it’s just become a habit and it’s kind of my thing on stage.

Well, it’s cool, and fans look for it. I just wondered.

Tuomas: I never drink before the show and I’ve kind of learned how to do it throughout the set list so that I don’t get too hammered (laughs).

(Laughs) Well, Tuomas, we’d like to thank you for taking the time to talk with us today! Is there anything you’d like to say to your fans before we leave you?

Tuomas: Thank you for the loyalty. I mean, it’s been nineteen years now and lots of ups, lots of downs. Seeing the reaction from the audience on this tour; more fanatic and more passionate than ever and I think the band is doing better than ever before and the fans are still there. So a huge thank you for that!

Thank you very much for your music, it’s awesome and I hope it’s around for years to come!

Tuomas: Sure hope so! Thank you!


Tuomas: Kiitos! It was a lovely chat!
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 24, 2015, 04:23:57 pm
Emppu cumple hoy 37 años!!!
FELICIDADES!!!! :011: :011: :011:
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 26, 2015, 04:44:37 pm
Entrevista (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 04, 2015, 01:31:02 pm
Entrevista a Tuomas (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 13, 2015, 04:24:13 pm
Setlist Masters Of Rock (

Sleeping Sun (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 15, 2015, 10:59:41 pm
”Bullying made me braver”
Other's bad mouthing taught Floor Jansen to face hardship with her head up high. She became Nightwish’s singer while still recovering from burnout.
– Turning down work doesn’t come easy to me, but I have learned to say no.
Floor Jansen hurtles through the lobby bar in Hotel Helka slightly wrinkling her eyebrows. Vigorous steps are accompanied by head shakes.
- I can do a lot of things but nothing stupid like that, she snaps.
The words come as an answer to the suggestion that would Floor mosh or sing for a video.
- No. No, no, no. I’m a serious woman, Floor continues.
The 183 centimeter long Floor clearly knows exactly what she wants. She has been creating her career for 20 years and has become one of top names in metal music.
The climb to the top has required this sort of sense of direction and a thick skin. On the way there Floor has come across byllying, a lot of bad mouthing and one burnout.
Friendship with Tarja
Nightwish booked Floor as a vocalist for the first time in 2012. Back then the previous singer Anette Olzon quit the band in the middle of the Imaginaerum-tour.
- We quickly became a tight group, Floor tells about the assembly’s early days. Now she’s smiling.
Nightwish’s first singer Tarja Turunen was fired from the band via open letter in 2005. Firing came as a shock to Tarja, which made her cry daily. In 2013 Anette Olzon told in an interview with MeNaiset that also she was fired suddenly and before that the band members had decided almost everything for her.
Nightwish’s other members have denied the allegations made by the ex-singers.
Floor doesn’t want to speak out about the conflicts between the band and previous singers. She and Tarja are on warm terms. They have performed duets together and Tarja has dedicated songs to Floor in her own concerts. At the moment they don’t get to see each other often though since Tarja lives in Argentina.
 - We are good friends with Tarja. There has never been any problems between us. Whatever Tarja and the other members have between them, it doesn’t affect me, Floor says.
- I think Tarja is a fantastically beautiful woman, with a strong personality.
Not caring about bullying
“Good, ordinary and positive”. These are the words Floor describes her childhood in Holland. The family that included Floor, parents and also a little sister, moved often and usually didn’t live in a town longer than two years.
Young Floor wasn’t interested in performing.
- I was bullied, so standing in front of an audience wasn’t something I would have wanted to do. I didn’t want the attention, Floor tells.
The spark for performing was born when in her final year the school organized a musical. Big roles went to the popular kids but Floor was enjoying her small part in the background wholeheartedly. She stood on stage holding a fruit basket, feeling proud about herself.
- It was a magical feeling standing on stage in front of my bullies full of courage. I don’t have anything to prove to them anymore, but back then it was amazing, she recalls.
- In my case bullying only led to me becoming braver. I wanted to show to my bullies that I can be exactly myself.
Feeling like a winner made Floor continue performing. At 14 Floor got the lead role of a school play ’Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat’ based on Andrew Lloyd Webber’s musical. She joined the school band, took part in new plays, made her own music and learned to play the guitar.
A stop to learn from
At the end of 1990’s Floor did small gigs for friends’ birthday parties. In one she was asked to join a metal band as a backup singer.
That band, After Forever, was up and running for 12 years. Because the urge to sing in a metal band didn’t go away, Floor founded the band ReVamp. Two years later the band had to be put on hold, since Floor suffered from burnout.
- I had too many things to do at once and I wasn’t working in a way that suits me best. I was so exhausted. I couldn’t do anything for over a year, she describes.
- The accumulation of a burnout takes years. Getting rid of it takes as long.
The meltdown taught Floor a lot. She understood that exhaustion didn’t come from the amount of work, but from the way she was working. Earlier she would press on so stressed, that she would fall ill always when a vacation came around. When free time was spend getting better, there was no time for really relaxing.
She was still recovering when Nightwish invited Floor along to the US tour in 2012.
- I had basically no time to think, pack and learn the songs. Suddenly I was onstage in front of people, Floor tells.
- Of course I was scared at first, but taking that leap was good for me. I wondered what on earth had I been doing lying on the couch, Floor laughs.
In 2013 the position in Nightwish became permanent for the singer. A year later Floor packed her things and moved from Holland to Joensuu. The band's front man Tuomas Holopainen lives about a 100 kilometers away in Kitee, the birth place of Nightwish.
- We spend a lot time together with the band. People bring their spouses and companions to social evenings. We are like one family, Floor tells.
- I had thought about moving anyway and I chose Finland, since I wanted to learn to speak the language properly. I think I’m a better fit up North than in Holland.
- I noticed I liked everything about Finland. Finnish aren’t fake. Dutch are much more superficial.
Salty liquorice and internet hate
Instead of her new home Floor more often falls asleep in a hotel room's bed. The singer’s weeks are spent sweating on stage. Floor believes that she has learned to work in a way that she relaxes too.
- Now I try to actually have a vacation on holidays and relax every day. I have learned to say no, she tells.
- Turning work down isn’t easy to me, since I have such a fire and passion for what I do.
Floor takes care of herself in the gym and having massages regularly. Taking care of your health is a must. Floor can’t even imagine living the mythical rock star life with booze and partying.
- Bands who do that, don’t live more than a couple of years, since they face problems with their health. The lifestyle may sound cool, but it is physically impossible, Floor tells.
Trendy diets are not Floor’s thing. She doesn’t eat meat since she finds its production questionable. One Finnish specialty Floor is hooked on.
- I love salty liquorice ice cream!
She gets to buy her ice creams quite peacefully since fans don’t swarm around her in her hometown Joensuu or even in Helsinki. Sometimes she gets the feeling everyone is watching though.
- When I go to buy bread after a workout at the gym my face all red and sweaty, I hope no one recognizes me.
In her own music genre Floor is very well known. Most fans accepted her in Nightwish with open arms. But she gets critique too. Some for example claim Floor joined the band only for money. Also her voice and clothes have caused all sorts of views.
- Everyone has the right to their opinion. I however don’t understand how people talking online think they know me, Floor snorts.
- And I really don’t understand that if someone really doesn’t like me, they set up a hate site and spend all their time there.
A found soulmate
Now the most important things to Floor are family, friends and Nightwish. The singer flees to Holland for a vacation whenever possible. There, with her parents and mixed breed dog, she can be exactly who she wants to be.
- They are the rare few who saw me grow up and know who I was before Nightwish. To them I’m a girl who lies on the couch with baggy pants and watches TV, Floor tells.
In the future Floor hopes to find the perfect balance to work and her personal life. A subject she wrote about in the song ‘Wolf and Dog’ released a few years ago.
- In the song the dog represent my life at home: the desire to sleep in the same place and be with the people I love. The wolf represent my work, which is sometimes wild and social. Between wolf and dog lies my happiness, Floor says.
Even though work at the moment comes first to her, Floor doesn’t rule out getting married and having children.
- They would be building blocks to a good, balanced life, Floor smiles.
Love she has already found.
- I have found my soulmate. I have the love of my life in my life, she reveals.
- I have a lot of people around me, who care about me. Without them I wouldn’t have an amazing career or anything at all.
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 16, 2015, 06:03:25 pm
Setlist Budapest (

Ghost Love Score (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 28, 2015, 04:59:39 pm
Setlist Rock Fest BCN (

Last Ride Of The Day (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 28, 2015, 05:02:23 pm
Setlist Qstock (

Amaranth (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 28, 2015, 05:43:40 pm
Jukka is not going to Rio and therefor not playing  the "Rock in Rio" concert. He will be replaced by Tony Kakko (Sonata Arctica) as guest
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 30, 2015, 06:38:16 pm
Nightwish just said they're recording the big show tomorrow with 18 cameras.

Tampere se graba!!!!
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 31, 2015, 11:34:56 pm
Setlist Tampere (

The Greatest Show On Earth (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 06, 2015, 05:39:46 pm
Yours is an Empty Hope (Kai's cam) (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 09, 2015, 04:04:07 pm
Setlist Alcatraz Metal Festival (

Ghost Love Score (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 10, 2015, 04:01:22 pm
Setlist M'era Luna (

Stargazers (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 16, 2015, 09:35:28 pm
Setlist Summer Breeze (

Yours Is An Empty Hope (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 19, 2015, 03:54:56 pm
EFMB Tour Edition (

Del FB de Mika Jussila:


Nightwish 5.1 surround mastering going on!
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 21, 2015, 04:45:12 pm
La Tour Edition viene con DVD


01. Yours Is An Empty Hope (live)*
02. Stargazers (live)*
03. Planet Hell (live)
04. Last Of The Wilds (live)
05. Storytime (live)
06. Arabesque (live)
07. Last Ride Of The Day (live)
08. Making Of
- The Cabin
- By The Lake
- Inside His Head
- Summer Camp
- More Campers
- New Hometown
- Almost There
- London
- Mixing and Mastering
- Ready!
- Release Of The First Single
- The Theme Of The Album
- The recordings for Floor & Kai
- Thoughts And Feelings
- The release
- The artwork
- The tour rehearsals
- The tour starts
- The second single
- The upcoming Shows
- Troy
09. í‰lan (official video)
10. Endless Forms Most Beautiful (official video)
11. Photo gallery
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 22, 2015, 04:02:54 pm
Troy (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 30, 2015, 04:23:27 pm
Setlist Trondheim (

Storytime (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 15, 2015, 04:21:23 pm
New Dates for Russia:
20.05.16 Moscow
24.05.16 St. Petersburg
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 20, 2015, 01:00:31 pm
Congratulations to the band! Shudder Before the Beautiful just won deservedly the award of "Metal Anthem" at Metal Hammer Awards. :horns:

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 24, 2015, 03:40:20 pm
Setlist Fortaleza (

Wishmaster (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 26, 2015, 01:25:50 pm
Setlist Rock In Rio (

Wishmaster (

Last Ride Of The Day (with Tony Kakko) (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 27, 2015, 04:57:47 pm
Setlist Sí¤o Paulo (

Ever Dream (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 27, 2015, 05:00:48 pm
Entrevista (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 28, 2015, 04:59:17 pm
Setlist Curitiba (

Alpenglow (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 30, 2015, 03:36:07 pm
Setlist Porto Alegre (

Alpenglow (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 02, 2015, 08:24:44 pm
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 03, 2015, 06:18:27 pm
Setlist Buenos Aires (

Ever Dream (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 05, 2015, 04:12:50 pm
Setlist Santiago de Chile (

Shudder Before The Beautiful (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 05, 2015, 07:52:36 pm
Durante muchos años estuviste de gira por todo el mundo, con una gran variedad de proyectos musicales y colaboraciones. ¿Imaginaste alguna vez convertirte en la cantante de la banda más exitosa del metal sinfónico?
¡No, para nada! Ya tení­a mi propia banda, y mi propia vida, o sea, mi propia carrera. Todo cambió para todos, para Nightwish y para mí­, y en algún momento nuestros caminos se chocaron, pero eso no es algo que se pueda pensar o planificar. Ni siquiera lo imaginaba o ambicionaba, no hay manera de esperarse algo así­.
¿Cómo fue la experiencia de trabajar con Nightwish en tu primer disco de estudio con ellos?
Fue increí­ble, muy, muy profesional. Los chicos son tan talentosos y saben muy bien lo que hacen, así­ que fue una experiencia muy buena para presenciar cómo trabajan en sus creaciones, y formar parte de eso, encontrar mi lugar ahí­ tambiíén. Tampoco era mi primer disco de estudio, ¿quíé más podrí­a agregar? Fue un trabajo cooperativo muy agradable.
¿Formaste parte de todo el proceso de grabación o directamente fuiste al estudio a cantar las letras?
Ni una cosa ni la otra. No estuve durante todo el proceso, pero estuve ahí­ en primer lugar antes de grabar, ensayamos durante 6 semanas, pasamos todo ese tiempo juntos viendo todo, y cuando empezaron a grabar las baterí­as yo ya no estaba más. Pero sí­, despuíés volví­ para grabar las voces. Estuve presente en las grabaciones de los coros y la orquesta. Y despuíés de eso hicimos más grabaciones, como los últimos retoques vocales, segundas voces, cosas que cambiaron al grabar la orquesta y el coro, y tambiíén algunos teclados.
Entonces pudiste presenciar todo lo que fue la grabación de los coros y la orquesta.
Sí­, fui a Londres para eso.
¿Considerás que el Campamento de Verano fue una nueva experiencia para vos como artista?
¡Sí¬! O sea, nunca grabíé un disco en un campamento de verano. ¿Quiíén lo hizo alguna vez? (risas) Así­ que fue una nueva experiencia para todos.
¿Estás satisfecha con el resultado final de "Endless Forms Most Beautiful"?
¡Sí­, mucho! Estoy muy orgullosa del disco.
Dejando de lado que Tuomas es el compositor principal de Nightwish, ¿quíé te gustarí­a agregar como compositora? ¿Teníés alguna historia en mente para alguna canción en Nightwish? No, eso es más que nada para Tuomas. Pero para terminar un álbum, para hacerlo sonar como suena, de la manera en que lo hace EFMB, todos ponen algo de su creatividad. No es que yo me pongo a escribir una canción entera, sino que todos tienen su espacio para ofrecer su interpretación. Es como, bueno, esta es la canción, ¿podemos hacer esto, podemos hacer esto otro? Cuando ensayamos las canciones les dimos su forma final. Y ahí­ está mi aporte creativo. 
Este año ya estuvieron en Estados Unidos y varios lugares de Europa. ¿Cómo está yendo la gira por ahora?
¡Muy bien! Todaví­a nos falta visitar otros continentes, pero todo está muy tranquilo, y nos divertimos muchí­simo (risas). Buenas ventas, y sí­, todo va muy bien. 
Hiciste algunas master classes durante la gira, y parece que lo disfrutás bastante.
Solo una. 
¿Esto de ser profesora de canto lo sentí­s como un nuevo paso para tu carrera musical?
No, porque vengo enseñando desde el 2003.
¿Hay alguna posibilidad de que puedas hacer una master class en Argentina?
No lo síé, quizás sí­. Me encantarí­a. Lo estuve pensando porque ya estuve haciendo varias master classes. Como dije antes, vengo enseñando desde el 2003, di clases particulares por varios años, hasta que no tuve más tiempo para hacerlo. Inclusive di clases por Skype por un tiempo, pero convertirme en profesora particular por largo tiempo es imposible. Por eso las master classes podrí­an ser interesantes, pero lleva mucho trabajo prepararlas, y no tengo tiempo ahora para eso. Pero el mundo es un lugar muy grande, y estoy recibiendo solicitudes de gente de todo el mundo, así­ que puedo imaginarme que, cuando el tiempo me lo permita, pueda hacer las master calsses en diferentes lugares, y sí­, si las puedo hacer en Argentina serí­a genial.
 Cuando teníés que llevar adelante una gira con ReVamp o con Nightwish, son muchí­simos conciertos, muchos cambios de clima, y tu voz se puede cansar naturalmente. ¿Por lo general entrenás tu voz para resistir estos cambios?
No, mi voz no se cansa por cambios climáticos. Se cansa por el cansancio en general, como la falta de sueño. Mi voz se cansa por hablar muy alto, no por cantar, a menos que no pueda cantar de la manera en que deberí­a, por ejemplo cuando el sonido es malo, pero eso no pasa casi nunca ahora. Para lo que es cambio de clima, me cambio de ropa y listo. Lo que sí­ considero un desafí­o es cuando uno está en un paí­s caluroso y el aire acondicionado del lugar está muy frí­o, como a 15º, y o sea, ¿quiíén quiere estar en un lugar con 15º de temperatura? Te teníés que poner la campera, una bufanda, y cuando salí­s afuera te teníés que sacar todo de nuevo. No entiendo por quíé hacen eso, y eso me hace sentir incómoda (risas). Pero por suerte no soy tan sensible con esas cosas, no soy de esas personas que se enferman con tan solo tener la sensación de que el clima está mal, así­ que…. Es más bien un estado general. Comer suficientemente bien, dormir suficientemente bien, hacer ejercicio, y mantenerse saludable.
"The Greatest Show on Earth" es sin dudas uno de los mejores momentos de los conciertos, en especial los últimos minutos cuando tocan la parte de "We were here". ¿Podrí­as describirnos quíé se siente desde el escenario cuando el público reacciona con tanto entusiasmo?
Sí¬, esa parte es fantástica porque es una parte que pone la piel de gallina, considerando el contenido lí­rico que literalmente estoy cantando, porque habla de la evolución de la Tierra hasta un posible futuro donde la humanidad no estíé por…. No síé, pero estuvimos aquí­ sólo miles de años, pero la Tierra está hace miles de millones, y tambiíén podrí­a ser que haya otros millones de años sin seres humanos. Y es entonces ahí­ cuando cantamos “we were here”, en algún punto nos vamos a extinguir. Ese es un pensamiento espeluznante y muy íépico, estamos tan atrapados en nuestros propios mundos, y pensamos que 100 años es un tiempo largo, pero si te das cuenta de cuánto tiempo estuvo la Tierra y quíé tan pequeños somos en realidad, y por supuesto, la historia, los planetas, el universo, es tan… Sí­, escalofrí­os. Y ver a la gente gritando eso frente tuyo mientras una está cantando eso, sí­, es… fantástico.
¿Quíé nos podíés contar sobre tu primera visita en Argentina con Nightwish? Tenemos un maravilloso video como souvenir, pero nos gustarí­a que nos cuentes quíé recordás de esas dos noches mágicas.
¡Jaja, sí­! El primer recuerdo que tengo es cuando estábamos detrás del escenario, donde nos sentamos y grabamos algunas cosas para el documental de nuestro DVD. Hicimos algunas fotos, hací­amos chistes…. Y el calor, era muchí­simo calor para nosotros… Y supongo que para todos porque los veo asentir con las cabezas (risas) ¡Hizo muchí­simo calor! Sí­, y esos momentos del recital que quedaron plasmados en la filmación del video, y despuíés verme una y otra vez, y digo “sí­, estuvo así­ de bueno”, las dos noches fueron maravillosas. Y el público es tan genial, estoy ansiosa por ver este viernes todo eso en un lugar más grande, y ver quíé sucederá.
Y esta vez, la banda va a tocar en uno de los lugares más importantes de nuestro paí­s. ¿Cuáles son tus expectativas para el show del Luna Park?
Bueno, estoy tratando de imaginarme cómo serí­a multiplicar todo lo que sucedió hace tres años. Es un poco difí­cil de imaginarlo porque fue tan avasallante. ¡Espero tener un buen monitoreo de sonido! (risas) ¡Porque la gente canta tan alto! (más risas)
¡Totalmente! ¿Quíé podrí­as decirles a los fans de Argentina que están esperando ansiosamente por este recital?
Espero cumplir con sus expectativas, estoy segura que va a ser una noche divertida donde la gente podrá contar despuíés sobre ese pequeño viaje musical con nosotros y que lo disfruten. Y que será otro lindo recuerdo, de una linda noche con nosotros.
Fuente: https://www.facebook...153098600822111
Transcripción: Erika Van
Traducción: Damián Ferreyra
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 07, 2015, 03:45:36 pm
Setlist Lima (

Nemo (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 09, 2015, 04:15:43 pm
Storytime @Quito (

Setlist Quito (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 11, 2015, 04:13:56 pm
Setlist Bogotá (

Shudder Before The Beautiful (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 14, 2015, 05:12:17 pm
Ghost Love Score @ Monterrey (

Setlist Monterrey (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 15, 2015, 05:07:02 pm
Setlist Mexico DF (dí­a 1) (

í‰lan (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 15, 2015, 10:32:33 pm
Kai told on Facebook that the second Mexico City show will be filmed for a future DVD release!
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 16, 2015, 04:04:14 pm
Setlist Míéxico DF (dia 2) (

Mother and Father (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 31, 2015, 10:37:24 pm
Yours is an Empty Hope (live) (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 31, 2015, 10:39:45 pm
News from Tobias:
"What do Geoff Tate, Dee Snider, Michael Kiske, Robert Mason, Jorn Lande, Bob Catley, Ronnie Atkins, Olli Hartmann and me have in common with Marco Hietala of Nightwish? Yes, we're all good looking, funny and amazingly talented… AND: we'll be on the new Avantasia album Ghostlights - out in January 2016.
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 03, 2015, 04:44:18 pm

1. :Can you tell us what are you doing and the other band members in free time before the show?

kai: Everybody has their own way of spending the freetime before the show.Watching a movie,read a book,take a walk and sometimes even exercise a bit before the show.My routine is usually one hour before the show to start preparing myself for the show.Warming up,stretching and changing my clothes.Usually it is just killing time and saving energy for the actual performance.

2. : Please can you tell us what drummer or drummers you respect like best ones in metal music, like Nick Menza or Dave Lombardo or someone else?

kai:Too many to mention actually in different music emoticon But here are a few of them: Buddy Rich(R.I.P),Joe Morello(R.I.P),Dave Weckl,Mike Mangini,Gavin Harrison,Nicko Mcbrain,Gene Hoglan,Sean Reinert,Thomas Lang,Vinnie Colaiuta,Vinnie Paul,Horacio”el negro”Hernandez,
Chris Coleman and Ari Hoenig just to name a few..

3. : Which is the nightwish song you enjoy the most playing live? and since you're a pretty new member, which ones from the previous discography would you like to play live someday?

kai: I Like all of them, but as favorites maybe The Greatest show on earth,Ghost Love Score and Weak Fantasy.In the past there is a lot of good stuff. Devil and the deep dark ocean,10 th man down etc.. smile emoticon too many to mention..

4. : What's been the most memorable part of being with the band?

kai: I think the feeling that i was able to help the band when Jukka needed help.The band is full of amazing characters and musicians and the band has been through a lot and still able to continue.The shows has been also very amazing experience to be able to perform with a production like what we have on this tour.I am very grateful and happy!

5. : Do you think that drummers can be included in songwriting process and did you have ever written / wanna write original full song? Maybe for Nightwish in future?

kai: I think drums are always part of the arrangement of a song but who ever brings the original idea,the main thing is to make the song work as a whole. My role is always to be a team player and listen to other members and their ideas always.I have some song ideas of my own but i am not sure if anything will ever work with Nightwish and the sound of the band.Maybe some day i put something out myself,let´s see.

6. : What inspires you? What inspired you to start with music?

kai: Anything from movies,books,art,nature and life in general.You can find beauty in everyday life and we actually have paradise here on earth.So many beautiful places we have on this planet.I started playing when i was 6 years old and music was always part of my family and music was heard in the house as my father was a professional singer before i was born.I think a lot comes from there..

7. : Would you be willing to fill-in for Jukka if it need be for future albums and/or tours?

kai:Ofcourse i am.We are now doing this tour and then we will see what the future brings and how Jukka is feeling and thinking after this tour.He´s been a lot better at home now at least.

8. : I admire your work on EFMB, you're a powerful drummer and it clearly shows on the album. When you were approached to fill in for Jukka, what was your initial reaction? Also, what prompted you to accept?

kai: I was Jukka´s drum tech for Dark Passion Play and Imaginaerum to make the basic drum tuning for this albums and also played a bit of percussion for Imaginaerum.Ofcourse the feeling was a bit unreal as i have been friends and fan of the band for a long time and suddenly my friend needs to do this kind of decision.I just tried put my heart and 100% to the new album and i hope it shows and you can hear it on the album and live.I think the accepting part was the easy one but i was a bit of afraid if i am the right man for the job as Jukka is a big character in the band and has been for almost 20 years now. I am happy things have gone very well.

9. : If being a musician wasnt possible, which other career path would you have followed?

kai: I think it´s really hard question.I have played since 6 years old.I have always been involved with many bands and never really tried to be a professional musician or anything.I have just loved music so much and it´s been so big part of my life and have never thought what i should do when i ”grow up” smile emoticon Though i have been in many different jobs during my life when the touring was a little bit more quiet and i have done a lot of teaching work as well. I have always done what my heart tells me and it has worked so far so i have to be happy how things are at the moment. - Nightwish Russian Fan Club from social network

10. Simona: Could you ever imagine that one day you would become a part of Nightwish, even if it's temporary?

kai: So far i have felt good being on the road with these amazing bunch of people. Now we work like this, and let´s see what the future brings for us.

11. Daria: Can you tell us about your relationships with other band members? What it's like to play with them?

kai: I think the chemistry is good in the group.I could go for a walk or have a beer etc with any member of the band.The vibe is great and i am very fortunate to be able to play with such amazing talents.It feels great overall and i think the happiness comes through on the stage as well.

12. Polina Koskinen: What do you expect from Russian Nightwish tour 2016?

kai:In have played in russia a few times (moscow)and very much looking forward to that next year.Spesially the places i have never performed before.It´s going to be exciting! smile emoticon

13. Valeria: Both You & Floor and Troy are the "newbies" in the band, even though all of you are professional musicians with a long history and experience in the business. Did all three of you feel closer to each other due to being the newest band members, did you help each other to adjust to NW and so on, or it felt natural being in the band from the start?

kai: Floor and Troy has been in the group of course a bit longer but like i said earlier that i feel good around every member in the band and crew and it´s very easy to be just yourself.Everybody has their own character and brings joy and laugh in my life.I am very happy i have people like that around me on the road,Makes my life so much easier specially when you miss home and your kids at some point of the tour..Thank you Tuomas,Marco,Floor,Emppu,and Troy for that!
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 14, 2015, 12:06:00 am
Setlist Espoo (

Nemo (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 15, 2015, 11:12:49 pm
Setlist Estocolmo (

Greatest Show On Earth (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 17, 2015, 04:28:31 pm
Setlist Copenhague (

Stargazers (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 19, 2015, 03:58:33 pm
Setlist Hamburgo (

Nemo (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 20, 2015, 03:10:47 pm
Setlist Amsterdam (dia 1) (

Ghost Love Score (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 21, 2015, 04:06:42 pm
Setlist Amsterdam (segundo dí­a) (

7 days To The Wolves (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 22, 2015, 05:18:15 pm
Setlist Oberhausen (

Ghost Love Score (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 24, 2015, 03:10:05 pm
Setlist Lyon (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 26, 2015, 03:51:57 pm
Setlist Paris (

Wishmaster (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 27, 2015, 04:33:46 pm
Setlist Tolouse (

While Your Lips Are Still Red (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 29, 2015, 04:07:40 pm
Setlist Basilea (

Storytime + I Want My Tears Back (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 30, 2015, 03:41:45 pm
Setlist Bolonia (

í‰lan (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 02, 2015, 03:37:03 pm
Setlist Munich (

Storytime (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 02, 2015, 11:33:40 pm
Entrevista a Troy ( (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 04, 2015, 03:43:13 pm
Setlist Stuttgart (

I Want My Tears Back (

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 04, 2015, 03:56:43 pm
Nightwish has been one of my absolute favourite bands for a huge chunk of my life, since I was about thirteen years old. Ultimately, they are also the very reason for me being in Australia at all. I was therefore quite ecstatic when I was offered to interview the mastermind Tuomas Holopainen, before the band return to Australia on their Endless Forms Most Beautiful World Tour in January.

I was lucky enough to witness Nightwish’s full stage production in Copenhagen, Denmark two weeks ago, and whilst I anticipated Tuomas’ answer to the question, I still wanted to know if they would bring any pyrotechnics or the stage props to Australia this time around.

“Unfortunately not. We need to sell quite a few more albums in Australia to be able to pull off the full production. Hopefully one day. Still, it`s important to also be able to have a show to remember without the extras. Australia next January will be a blast, as always!”

Over the last few years Nightwish has largely excluded their earliest releases from their setlist. ‘Angels Fall First’, ‘Oceanborn’ and ‘Wishmaster’ are some of my top albums of all time, and I really wanted to know if these albums will get more attention on future tours.

“There is a very good chance for that, yes. For the Endless Forms Most Beautiful – tour the songs and setlists are pretty much set in stone, but we`ve been twiddling with the idea of seriously exploring the old school stuff for the future. Will be quite the nostalgia trip. And lots of fun seeing Floor trying to keep a straight face while singing the lyrics of “Elvenpath”.”

Original Nightwish drummer Jukka Nevalainen was forced to a timeout from the band due to chronic insomnia before recordings commenced for Endless Forms Most Beautiful. The band’s statement read that Jukka would not participate on the album or the following world tour. There haven’t been many news to be found about the drummer recently, and given that he’s one my teenage years heroes, I’ve been anxious to know how he is doing.

“Jukka is doing much, much better! He’s as happy as I’ve ever seen him, but we’ll decide the future plans once this tour is finished and everybody gets a breather.”

Tuomas revealed that there are plans for another huge live DVD release.

“We’ve been filming a bunch of shows already and will release a DVD/Blu-Ray package containing loads of live stuff, making of’s and extras, most likely in late 2016.”

One quite unique thing with Nightwish is that they constantly tour with great special guest/supporting acts. The list is quite extensive, but some of the bands are Voyager, Volbeat, Delain and Sabaton.

“It’s a mutual decision between the band and the management. We simply aim for great bands with great people. And on the plus side I get a fanboy moment seeing bands like Paradise Lost, Sabaton, Delain, Sonata Arctica and Amorphis every night! At the moment we are touring Europe with Arch Enemy and Amorphis, and it’s a perfect harmony.”

One thing that is well-known amongst the hardcore Nightwish fans is that Tuomas absolutely loves Australia. He did a quite extensive road trip a couple of years ago between Perth and Cairns, and I was curious about if he had another trip planned for the future, and if he would have moved here if it wasn’t for Nightwish.

“It was the best adventure we ever had, and yes, it needs to be repeated! Maybe through the Northern Territory next time. There is something very special in Australia that I adore and love, but I’d never go as far as to actually move there. I love Finland and couldn’t survive without the four seasons, the dark sense of humour and the view from our home porch.”

Troy Donockley’s first Nightwish related appearance was on Dark Passion Play. Since then he’s joined the band as a permanent member. He might not appear on every song during a Nightwish show, but his musical ability is beyond amazing and the man is also extremely entertaining on stage. I asked Tuomas if there are any instruments that Troy can’t play, and whilst on the subject, what unused instruments that he would like to include on future Nightwish albums.

“His tuba playing skills leave a lot to be desired. (He can only do “Let Me Call You Sweetheart” with that) And yes, he’s quite the magician, on stage and off stage. There’s a massive amount of unused instruments and voices out there that we’d love to experiment with, from Tibetan monks to the church organs of Notre Dame.”

Endless Forms Most Beautiful has only been out for eight months, but I still wanted to know if Tuomas had any plans or inspirations for the next album already.

“I was utterly and happily drained after finishing with the album, and still am to a certain extent. 100% satisfied with the album, though, after an 8-month mental hangover. For me personally EFMB is an ultimate achievement, especially the track “The Greatest Show On Earth”. It’s going to take some time to discover new stories (with similar inspiration and awe) to write songs about. I’m sure it will come, but it will likely take some years. There are enough acts out there doing music with nothing to say.”

One of Tuomas’ big dreams for a long time has been to perform with a full orchestra in London. However, it is something that won’t be happening yet.

“This is something that has been in the planning for a decade already, but it hasn’t lead to anything tangible yet. It has to happen at some point but unfortunately not during this EFMB tour.”

My last question for Tuomas this time around was: “You find out that you will be deserted on a tropical island for the rest of your life. You get to pick one bottomless bottle of any alcoholic beverage to bring with you. What beverage/brand do you pick?”

“Any Australian Shiraz. Easy.”
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 05, 2015, 07:21:45 pm
Setlist Frankfurt (

7 Days To The Wolves (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 06, 2015, 04:04:36 pm
Setlist Nuremberg (

Last Ride Of The Day (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 08, 2015, 04:00:28 pm
Setlist Praga (

The Islander (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 10, 2015, 04:14:34 pm
Setlist Viena (

Wishmaster (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 11, 2015, 05:09:04 pm
Setlist Bucarest (

While Your Lips Are Still Red (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 11, 2015, 10:00:42 pm
There’s plenty of things in metal that may be true, but you’re not supposed to say them. You’re not supposed to repeat that Megadeth and Mayhem are less reliable live than West Ham United at home (one week, they’ll triumph over the very best, the next, they’ll be comfortably second best to some two-bob, no-talent outfit you’ve never heard of). It’s not polite to point out that, while it might be hugely influential, Scum is a very long way from being Napalm Death’s best record. And no one wants to be the first to admit that death metal’s been in a creative slump since Organic Hallucinosis came out. But if there’s one thing that will get you loudly told to fuck off by the band’s die-hard fans, it’s saying that Nightwish aren’t just better with Floor Jansen in the band than they were with Anette Olzon – it’s that they’re better with her than Tarja Turunen. And in fact, the band has never been in as good a state as they are now.

The Anette vs Floor case shouldn’t be hard to make – and, while this might be harsh on their former singer, you’ll find dissenting voices out there seem to be in the minority. Anette was a fine pop metal singer, but Floor can do that style better and with a more powerful, emphatic delivery, and injects far more personality into it to boot. But of course, it’s more than that: she can do the old stuff too. Stargazers was back in the live set recently (one of the best surprises of Hellfest this year), with full operatic melodrama and all the trimmings – and Anette simply couldn’t pull that off so well. Add in that Floor’s a proper metal singer with a long pedigree and can do growled aggressive vocals, and – while Anette’s contribution to Imaginaerum was superb – it took about 15 minutes of the live show and three minutes of Endless Forms Most Beautiful to realise the Swede was not missed.

The Tarja case, however, is more difficult. She was, after all, the singer with who the band made their name, the singer with whom they made their most popular albums, and helped define (for better or worse) an entire subdivision of European heavy metal. And on paper, it’s hard to refute this. The first five albums (even the embryonic Angels Fall First) still stand up well after nearly two decades. Wishmaster is so rammed full of anthems you could re-release it as a Greatest Hits, there’s a glorious gothic darkness to Oceanborn that no corseted clone has managed to match no matter how many times they’ve ripped it off, and Century Child proved that there was more to the band than just an opera metal shtick.

It’s Once, however, where there are some cracks in the construction. And it’s not Tuomas Holopainen’s lush songwriting, which is at its best. Nor is it the expanded presence of Marco Hietala’s vocals – in fact, the Tarot man’s presence had given Nightwish a huge asset that, nowadays, it’s strange to think they ever lacked. It’s not simply the clarity and tunefulness of Marco’s voice, it’s that he’s able to adapt it so easily to the context (contrast his performances on I Wish I Had An Angel, The Crow, The Owl And The Dove and Weak Fantasy for examples).

The problem is that Nightwish were, with hindsight, obviously straining at the confines of the “opera metal” tag – in fact, they’d arguably left it mostly behind by this point. The mellifluous vocal melodies that suited the earlier work is waning in favour of a generally more traditional, syllabic metal style, with the coloratura sections relegated to flavouring rather than the whole sauce. And Tarja was particularly well-suited to it – in fact, it’s arguably her weakest performance. On Wanderlust, she sounded like a superstar; on Nemo, she sounds like she was struggling to keep up.

Both Tarja and Anette are specialists; give them the style they are suited for and they’ll kick the crap out of most of the competition. But, like Sam Burgess, stick them into a format they know less well, and it’ll get messy fast.

Floor, however, has no such problems. She is equally accomplished doing the poptastic hooks, the boisterous metal singing, or the rich operatic style – sometimes all in one song, as in the absolutely brilliant closing number of the latest album. And this is not in the jack-of-all-trades, master-of-fuck-all sense it is may imply: Floor excels in all required styles.

Floor isn’t the only extra tool Nightwish now have, however. For one, they’ve got Kai Hansen on drums, and he’s fucking brilliant. He’s so good, he taught former drummer Juka Nevalainen to play jazz drums for Slow, Love, Slow on Imaginaerum. Oh, and he’s best known to Wintersun, who are generally magnificent (even if they do produce albums less often than Axl Rose turns up on time). They also now have a folk musician in the band full-time in the shape of Britain’s Troy Donockley (a decent singer to boot) so they aren’t forced to either drop certain songs from the setlist or synthesise the uilleann pipe parts. Add in the aforementioned excellence of Marco, and they have more assets than they have previously enjoyed. Plus they are big enough to command a production budget to do their ideas justice.

This leaves Nightwish more flexible than they have ever been. If Tuomas Holopainen wants to write a ten-track, 40-minute album of pop metal hits with no fussing around and simple verse-chorus structure, he can. Or if he wants to write stupidly bombastic, inflated 24-minute songs featuring pipes, piano, orchestra, operatic singing, poptastic power vocals, big hooks, monkey noises and whalesong, and Richard Dawkins they can – and, indeed, have.

Of course, that isn’t to say that Endless Forms Most Beautiful is, by default, their best record – it isn’t. It’s darn good, but they’ve done better, and with both former singers. It’s let down in one or two places either by a bit of a clunk (the chorus of the title track is admittedly forced) or by the occasional slip from their high standards (Edema Ruh, for example, is a bit wet, even discounting the fact it’s inspired by a book that could politely be described as an excremental smear on the distended rectum of high fantasy, a tale that’s so infantile it makes the first Harry Potter book look like Game Of Thrones).

This does not, however, serve as a guide for Nightwish’s future. Transition records are difficult at the best of times. Even though the opening track The Poet And The Pendulum is up there with the band’s best, Dark Passion Play, the band’s first record with Anette, is probably their weakest. It’s not poor, it’s just much worse than their best. Endless Forms… is only slightly off the top of the pile, and even that is purely down to a couple of duff moments. As a marker for the future, this is exceptionally encouraging, as the next album should be even better.

Nightwish aren’t confined or restricted from doing what they want – and appear to have the judgement not to make ill-advised musical decisions. They have their best, most versatile singer, can do anything from their catalogue live, and have managed to go through their line-up changes without haemorrhaging fans. Apparently that clichíé about what doesn’t kill you might have some truth in it.

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 13, 2015, 06:08:39 pm
Setlist Budapest (

Alpenglow (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 15, 2015, 05:41:30 pm
Setlist Leipzig (

My Walden (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 16, 2015, 04:02:48 pm
Setlist Berlin (

Dark Chest Of Wonders (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 17, 2015, 03:56:45 pm
Setlist Luxemburgo (

Stargazers (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 17, 2015, 04:01:20 pm
Entrevista (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 18, 2015, 03:57:01 pm
Setlist Amberes (

Stargazers (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 19, 2015, 04:48:34 pm
Entrevista a Troy! (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 20, 2015, 04:02:13 pm
Setlist Londres (

Storytime (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 25, 2015, 06:55:16 pm
Tuomas cumple hoy 39 años!!!
FELICIDADES!!!! :011: :011: :011: :011: :011:
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 26, 2015, 04:24:28 pm
Audio mejorado! (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 27, 2015, 04:45:28 pm
Entrevista Praga (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 30, 2015, 10:24:51 pm
How has the tour been going?

Very well, better than we anticipated. It's the last one for Europe, at least for this year.

Has something changed as the first time being a full, official member?

Haha, nothing has really changed for me. Things still poodle along at the same speed. It has been exciting realizing the new album, we put more input and work into that. So physically the same, but mentally different, haha.

Did you ever imagine something like this would happen for you?

It's a strange thing. Somebody asked this to me the other day, but it never occurred to me. When I first got involved with the band, I had no knowledge about the genre. I didn't come from the metal scene, I was more progrock. I wasn't really aware of the band, I didn't realize just how influencial the band was, in basically spawning a whole genre. And it is the defining band for the genre. As I became more aware of that, the effect that it has on people and the extraordinary age range of people who come to see the band, that's something I'm really quite fascinated about, ages 8 to 78.

Do you still have time now for your own musical projects?

Well, unfortunately not. The last 2 years have been so intensive. From 'Imaginaerum' to now, I didn't have any time to do anything. We'll have a nice big time off, so I'll be working on some music then.

Same for the others?

Yes same for everyone. Everyone is going to use the hiatus to work on other things.

You mention the break, is it after the tour?

Yes, we're going to have a break through 2017, 2017 will have no Nightwish activity at all. But we'll come back...

Have you noticed that Nightwish is selling out a lot more on this tour?

Yeah, there has been a tangible feeling of acceleration in the popularity of the band. Even since I got involved in Dark Passion Play. Especially abroad, in the States, you can feel that something is building, there's a momentum there.

Do you think this is the success of the last album or maybe because of Floor?

I think a bit of both. I really hope it is the new album because I think the new album is really special. For me personally it's the best Nightwish album I have ever heard. Not because I'm involved, but objectively. Musically, the form of the album is pretty spot on and I think the variety on the album is really interesting, the album flows really beautifully, and I'm really proud to be a part of the Greatest Show on Earth, the final big 24 minute extravaganza, that's my favourite.

I have noticed a camera man that filmed during the shows, are those recordings going to be used for something?

Yes, we recorded with a substanial crew a show in America and we also recorded a festival in Finland, Tampere en we're going to record Wembley as well. So it will be a future blu-ray/dvd release.

Is that filmed in parts or whole shows?

The whole show. At the moment we don't know what the format is going to be, but I can imagine we will have different songs from different shows. It's not going to be one show.

So not like 'Showtime, Storytime' on Wacken?

No, it's going to be lots of different places I think.

The setlist seems to vary for every show. How is it made up?

Well, it was for the first 4 weeks. In this last week, we settled on a setlist that is going to be the setlist now, even though we've got only 2 more shows. The last 5 shows are fairly set, we're going to do the same thing in London. But we did vary it in the beginning of the tour to see what worked best, how things sat, the order of songs, how they worked out, all those things... Wishmaster was there for a while, but it is out now for example.

What about the support acts, some people find it strange to have Arch Enemy as support?

Yeah, I think people expect us to go for bands that are similar to us. We are guilty of that with Delain as support, Indica on the Imaginaerum tour... Arch Enemy seems a bit extreme but it's not, the spirit of Arch Enemy is very similar to what we are up to as well. Arch Enemy are a force of themselves and it works brilliantly on this tour because they are nothing like us, muscially that is, spiritually they are, but musically it makes a nice contrast.

How was it decided? Did the label decide that?

Yeah, it was. The small bands are put to us. We love Amorphis and also Arch Enemy, so it was a no brainer as they say.

Has any crazy stuff happened during the tour?

Constantly. The whole thing is crazy (laughs)! There is a wonderful sense of comeradery between the bands. All the bands love and respect each other and we get along famously.

How do you look back on the music from Nightwish in the past, the early years?

I've only just started to explore that, the really early stuff. Because some of the early stuff will be rearranged and renewed at some point in the future. I've got all the early albums and it's interesting to see the development curve from that first album to 'The Greatest Show on Earth', it's just massive. It's a different band, you know. And that's the way it should be, early Pink Floyd isn't what it became in the late '70-'80's. So it's nice to see that forward movement for the band and because we found the ultimate singer as well now with Floor. She's simply the greatest female rocksinger out there in my opinion. She can handle everything and we have a wonderful time together. Everything is honky dory in the Nightwish camp.

You see that on stage as well.

That's good! You can feel it. We are genuinely like that off stage as well.

You are going to the US next year, then it's the festival season. Some already announced...

Yes, we've got some fantastic fresh announcements, like Download, we're special guests to Iron Maiden. We've got quite a few coming in, a few more to be confirmed, it's going to be a busy summer. We're going to work right through until October. We've got various small mini tours to do as well. We're doing Russia, China, Japan, ... There's a few exotic shows which are being worked on as well, far places on the earth, we'll see how that works, places we've never been to.

So will this really be the only European tour, or is there more to come?

No, this is it. But we do have plans. We were talking about these plans the last night and we're really excited about the next episode in Nightwish, it's going to be really interesting.

Will it still be before 2017?

No, after that, it will be 2018, 2019.

So writing a new album is not really priority yet?

No, not yet. That's going to happen sometime, maybe in 2018.

It depends on Tuomas?

Absolutely. There's lots of things going to happen in 2017 musically for all of us so we'll wait and see. But we do intend to go back to the summer camp in 2018 and work on new material for an album in 2019, 2020 maybe.

A totally different question: how is Jukka doing?

He's doing splendidly well. His condition has improved massively. He's happy, he's coming to Wembley which is absolutely splendid.

Will he play?

No, he's just a spectator. It's weird when Jukka turns up to just watch the band, it's an odd sensation, really strange because he's such a part of it. We miss him really terribly, but we got the Kai who is wonderful. Kai is a close friend of Jukka as well, which makes this possible. If it was just some guy who would have come in in an audition kind of situation, it wouldn't be the way it is. He's close to Kai, we are all close to him and known him for years. He's just the loveliest man. But everything is fine, Jukka is getting better and we'll see what the future holds with that.

So tomorrow you make way for London?

Yes, we get on the ferry tomorrow and then we have a day off and then it's the big thing.

I guess it's special to you, Wembley, in London...

It's massive. I dreamt of playing at Wembley when I was 10 years old. All young musicians did, it's such an iconic venue. A lot of people don't understand it, but it's one of those classic venues like the Budokan in Japan or the Forum in LA, there's lots of them and Wembley is one of them. We have fans coming from all over the world. I think a thousand people coming from Finland and that's just family, haha. It's going to be fabulous!

Do you have any last words for the fans and the webzine?

What can I say... Just keep watching us. In the theme of the new album (laughs): just keep watching us evolve!


Summary of facts:

- Nightwish will go on a hiatus in 2017. The bandmembers will focus on other things.

- No further European tour in 2016. Some festivals will still be announced. In 2016, they will go to Russia, China, Japan and some 'exotic locations'.

- The band is planning something big and interesting for after 2017 and new European shows seem to come (2018-2019).

- A new album will not arrive sooner than 2019.
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 31, 2015, 04:36:45 pm
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 05, 2016, 11:55:32 pm
Entrevista (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 06, 2016, 07:53:21 pm
You’d be hard pressed to argue against the importance and benefit of Finnish bashers Nightwish bringing Dutch vocalist Floor Jansen (ReVamp, ex-After Forever) on as their permanent singer in 2013. News that the band had also enlisted English uilleann pipes player and long-time collaborator Troy Donockley at the same time, however, proved to be something of a head-scratcher. Although he’d been a part of the Nightwish camp since 2007 and the Dark Passion Play album – touring with them extensively as of 2012 – the idea that a band known for symphonic metal would add such an odd element to a tried and true formula did not bode well for the future. It was one thing to have Donockley in the background to help keyboardist / mastermind Tuomas Holopainen realize his musical visions, quite another to allow the multi-instrumentalist to have serious input. Especially when Donockley’s resumíé includes working with artists sich as Midge Ure, Status Quo, Mostly Autumn and Del Amitri. Any worries were unfounded, as the latest Nightwish album Endless Forms Most Beautiful and the subsequent tour present the band in their expected bombastic metal glory; Donockley has enhanced the band’s sound and show rather than diluting or altering it.

We spoke during the European leg of the Endless Forms Most Beautiful tour in December 2015 prior to one of many sold out shows, with Donockley offering some insight as to how life in the Nightwish camp is now compared to when former singer Anette Olzon – who was let go and replaced by Jansen mid-tour in 2012 – was in the spotlight.

“The tour is much better than we thought it would be, and we kind of suspected it would be that way,” Donockley admits. “We’ve worked with Floor since the famous cataclysmic American tour (laughs) so we all know each other really well now. We’re in a really unusual situation in this band; it’s freakish because we don’t fight, there’s no conflict, there’s no divison between any of us, we share everything and we have massive fun together. It didn’t used to be like that. When I first started to get involved with the band it was very compartmentalized to say the least. Everybody kind of did their separate things, but there’s a real sense of camaraderie now.”


“I’ve seen a lot of uncomfortable situations in this band, but that’s such a thing of the past now that the spirit of Nightwish is one of absolute family. I don’t want to sound trite and I don’t mean it in a figurative sense; it truly feels like we can sit and be and do anything together. There’s no heirarchy in this band. We don’t have domineering parents or tedious siblings or boring uncles (laughs). Everybody in the band is delighted to be here.”

One example of this family atmosphere is, or rather was, Donockley’s willingness to learn Finnish even though there are no language barriers in the Nightwish camp. He’s since abandoned the effort following some well meant advice.

“Finnish is a difficult language. Quite a few years ago I was talking to Tuomas’ mother and I said that I had to learn Finnish since I’m working with this band, and she said ‘Don’t even think about it.’ I didn’t even question it; that was good enough for me (laughs). Of course I can swear in Finnish and insult people, and the guys thinks it’s entertaining to give me something to say when we’re travelling on FinnAir, and in fact it’s something really insulting. They just point and laugh, but that’s the way it is. We do a lot of laughing in this band.”

That said, Donockley understands any misgivings the fans might have about the band bringing him into the fold.

“I have lots of different roles in this band, really. I don’t mean that as actual quantifiable things, but I do have a lot of input. For want of a better word – and maybe I shouldn’t describe it this way – but it was a sort of spiritual thing for us. When they came to ask me if I would joing the band they came to me with the point that it already felt like I was in Nightwish, did I want to make it official? I did feel like a member of the band anyway, so I said yes, of course.”

Donockley is on board primarily to play the uilleann pipes along with an assortment of other instruments as required, but as mentioned he hasn’t become an in-your-face update to the Nightwish sound.


“We consciously decided would be a bad thing to ‘Celtify’ every song now that I’m an official member of Nightwish. The power of an instrument like the Uilleann pipes in this kind of music is used sparingly, because that’s where the effect is at its most powerful. You can see it at the shows on this tour. When we kick in with the pipes there’s a definite lift because it’s unusual, it’s different. There’s no other metal band in the world that does it, really. There are few folk metal bands, sure, but not doing it like this. When we kick into ‘I Want My Tears Back’ the place goes bananas, but if we were to do that in every song it would become dull. I’m a serious musician and outside of Nightwish I’m doing all kinds of stuff, so as a consequence to keep me active – because I’m used to being very active on stage – we’ve expanded things and I’m playing guitar on a few songs. I’m not stepping on Emppu’s toes, but rather emulating cellos and violins. So now my input has gone beyond being The Bloke Who Plays The Pipes (laughs).”

Good thing, too. Anyone with touring experience knows the hell Donockley would have gone through if he’d been limited to performing two or three songs a night.

“I would have gone insane, I would have been bored. It’s not like that, though. Look at the setlist… I’m on 10 of the songs. And I’m doing some guitars and background vocal stuff as well.”

One point of conversation and contention that I’ve raised a few times with Tuomas Holopainen over the years is the high level of orchestral bombast that has become the Nightwish trademark. It’s done well, no question, but I’ve often thought it would be cool to hear Nightwish stripped down to the basics. Not for an acoustic outing necessarily, but the organic nature of Donockley’s pipes suggest it could work quite well with him filling any perceived gaps.

“Maybe a string quartet or a skeleton crew of backing musicians, yeah,” he agrees. “I think that’s a splendid idea. I think if we went out with a skeleton crew of three woodwinds, a string quartet and the band, it would be smooth over the edges of doing something fully acoustic that people might freak out over. It would still retain the orchestral elements of Nightwish but strip it down to a chamber band.”

To be clear, there’s nothing wrong with the current Nightwish direction. Only problem is that so many bands have adopted the symphonic metal model, the scene is saturated with uninspired artists looking to cash in.

“I think it’s something that we should get onto,” says Donockley. “We’ve got plans already for the next album – really loose plans – but some things are heading in the direction you’re talking about now. Our fans are very forgiving (laughs).”

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 08, 2016, 04:03:39 pm
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Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 09, 2016, 07:27:43 pm
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Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 10, 2016, 10:48:14 pm
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Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 12, 2016, 04:11:24 pm
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Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 13, 2016, 05:00:10 pm
FEATURES / DAVE EVERLEY / 08 DEC 2015 - Photo by John McMurtrie

This month, Nightwish gatecrash Wembley Arena for a show that promises to be nothing short of spectacular. How did a rabble of Finnish country kids get there?

The couple huddled on the bench gaze open-mouthed at the scene in front of them.

Parading along the shore of one of the crystal-blue lakes that sandwich the Finnish city of Tampere are six people dressed like they’ve just wandered in from an episode of Game Of Thrones: leather, buckles, beards, hair. All that’s missing are a dwarf, a couple of eunuchs and a three-eyed raven.
“Is that really them?” asks the woman in accented but perfect English. Her companion peers closer through the late-afternoon sunshine and nods uncertainly. The two of them look like students in their early 20s: tidy haircuts, unassuming clothes, warm jackets to defy the brisk air. If there’s an air of uncertainty about them, it could be because, by their own admission, they’ve “had a little smoke”.
“It is,” he says. “Nightwish.”
“Holy shit,” she says.
“Holy shit,” he reiterates, just to make sure. “Can we get their autographs?”

By the lake, the six members of Nightwish – and it is definitely them – appear oblivious to the attentions of these two unlikely fans as they line up for a photoshoot. Either that or they’ve learned to take it in their stride. Already today, they’ve had their photos taken by a pair of middle-aged women in a hotel lobby, been congratulated on their achievements by the owners of the oldest sauna in Finland, and been watched from afar by a group of dog-walkers near an old observation tower deep in the woods.
But then that’s life when you’re the most successful band Finland’s ever produced. Since they formed almost 20 years ago in the sleepy town of Kitee, eastern Finland, they’ve done more than any other group to turn symphonic metal from a cult concern into a worldwide commercial juggernaut. Tomorrow, they’ll play their biggest-ever headlining gig at a 25,000-capacity athletics stadium here in Tampere, bringing along enough pyrotechnical firepower to wipe out neighbouring Sweden. In December, they bring their own Greatest Show On Earth to the 12,500-capacity Wembley Arena, where UK fans can witness its glory. Not only are they the first Finnish band to headline the Arena, they’ve sold it out – some achievement for a band from a country whose only other great contribution to global culture has been the Moomins.
“We’re country boys from Finland,” says Tuomas Holopainen, the keyboard player, musical mastermind and king of understatement who’s steered Nightwish from the backwaters of the Northern European symphonic metal ghetto into the wide open seas of international success. “Here we are now, after 20 years and all the ups and downs, doing these kinds of shows. It’s odd.”
Or, as the couple on the beach would have it: “Holy shit.”

If you were asked to pick out the leader of Nightwish from a police lineup, it’s unlikely that you’d choose Tuomas Holopainen. You might go for Floor Jansen, the statuesque Dutch singer who officially joined the band before this year’s Endless Forms Most Beautiful and who everyone else can’t help but seem to orbit. Or it might be fork-bearded bassist and co-vocalist Marco Hietala, who permanently looks like he should be beating a large drum on a Viking longboat as it sails across the North Sea to raid some unfortunate hamlet near Sunderland. It might even be Troy Donockley, the band’s honorary Brit, who combines the role of multi-instrumentalist and court jester.
But no, it’s the man with the measured baritone speaking voice and the floor-length black dust coat lurking quietly on the fringes of the group who runs the show. “I would say I’m the leader of the pack,” he says in a deep, measured voice. “But not a tyrant or dictator.”
We’re sitting in a darkened room in a hotel off Tampere’s main shopping drag. Outside, the streets of Finland’s third-largest city look like they’ve been taken over by an invading army ahead of tomorrow’s show; one clad head-to-toe in black and sporting t-shirts emblazoned with his band’s logo.
Tuomas knew his band had become truly famous when the Prime Minster of Finland started giving his opinion. It was 2005, and their most recent album, Once, was on its way to selling more than 2 million copies worldwide (and at a cost of more than €1,000,000 to make, including videos, it’s a good job it did).
The PM, Matti Vanhanen, was an enthusiastic metal fan, but it wasn’t Nightwish’s music that had caught his attention. No, it was their messy split with singer Tarja Turunen, the classically trained soprano who helped bring Tuomas’s ornate visions to life, that prompted him to speak out. Despite the band’s unprecedented success, Tarja had unexpectedly been fired by the rest of the band following what should have been a triumphant end-of-tour gig in Helsinki.
The PM’s quote itself was fairly innocuous. “I’m not for either side,” he told the press. “They are young people, and hopefully will manage to go forward in this difficult situation.” But the fact he had chipped in was a sign of just how big a deal Nightwish had become in their home country. It would be like David Cameron telling The Sunhow much he likes the new Bring Me The Horizon record.

A decade, and one further period of singer-related upheaval, down the line, Tuomas is still perplexed by the reaction. “The funny thing is that I never ever thought it would be such a big deal,” he says of the PM’s would-be intervention. “We just thought, ‘OK, we’re a rock band, nobody really cares.’ Then the tabloids started commenting on it. It became a national tragedy. There’s a metal band with four neanderthals and a princess, and the princess gets hurt.”
In the end, Nightwish pulled through – as they did seven years later when they parted ways with Tarja’s replacement, Anette Olzon (today, Tuomas politely but firmly declines to go over the specifics of either departure, pointing out that “they’ve already been written about”).
Unforeseen media storms aside, Nightwish’s tribulations have barely troubled their rise. Their most recent album, the grandiose Endless Forms Most Beautiful, consolidated the band’s position as mainland Europe’s most successful metal band, give or take a Rammstein, while the presence of controversial evolutionary biologist Professor Richard Dawkins on the album lent the band a gravitas their symphonic metal contemporaries often lack.
“I wish I knew,” says Tuomas, when asked about the reasons behind his band’s popularity. “Perhaps it’s the sincerity of the whole thing. That’s the biggest strength of the whole band. I mean, in many aspects we are a naive band. I still didn’t feel like I was going to work when I hopped on the train this morning.”
Troy has a different theory. A redoubtable, folk-and-prog loving northerner who’s played with everyone from Brian Wilson of The Beach Boys to former Young OneAdrian Edmondson (“Ade came to Brixton Academy the last time we played there. He absolutely loved it”), he suggests it’s down to the intelligence that lurks behind Nightwish’s Andrew Lloyd Webber-meets-Dungeons & Dragons facade. “It’s intelligent music in every respect,” says the man who contributes everything from Uilleann pipes (Irish bagpipes) to bouzouki (a long-necked lute). “It’s intelligent, complex, orchestral, but human at the same time. Not every band who does this sort of music has that.”
All of those things may well have played a part in Nightwish’s rise. But by far the biggest reason is that they do everything bigger and better than everyone else: stage shows, pyrotechnics, albums, movies, songs, solo albums about Scrooge McDuck. Tuomas smiles. “Well, you’ve got to give people something to remember,” he says.
Nightwish are indisputably Tuomas’s band, and their history is inextricably bound to his own. The keyboard player formed the band in August 1996. He’d previously played with various largely forgotten Finnish groups, including teenage black metal outfit Darkwoods My Bethrothed and Nattvindens Grí¥t, before being conscripted for National Service in the Finnish army. “It wasn’t my cup of tea,” he says of the latter, eyebrow raised. “I actually got accepted in the military band, which was a blessing because I’d just play my clarinet for nine and a half months, so I didn’t have to play around with guns and all that.”

One positive thing did come out of his time in the army. It was there that he wrote the music for what would become Nightwish’s debut album, Angels Fall First, released on New Year’s Eve 1996. That album was an out-of-the-gate success in Finland, entering the national Top 40. Their two successive albums continued the young band’s dramatic upswing: 1998’s Oceanborn reached Number Five in the charts, whileWishmaster made it all the way to Number One.
As is the way of these things, Germany was quick to latch on. The UK was slower. It wasn’t until a headlining turn at 2003’s Bloodstock, on the back of their fourth album, Century Child, that British fans began to embrace them en masse. Since then, the gigs have become bigger, and the albums more successful, culminating in the Top 20 success of Endless Forms Most Beautiful. Even more remarkably, North America hasn’t been much further behind – their last two albums both entered the Billboard Top 40, which is some feat in a musical climate that’s largely ambivalent to rock and metal bands.
But through it all, there’s been the perception to the outside world that Tuomas runs the band with a rod of iron. The evidence for the prosecution rests on the apparently brutal dismissal of the band’s first two singers, not to mention former bassist Sami Ví¤nskí¤, who was forced out before Century Child due to ‘musical differences’ with Tuomas. He counters that not only were the changes necessary, but the band have emerged stronger from them. And anyway, someone has to have final say. “I mean, a band is not a democracy, but certain things are,” he says.
Are you saying that Nightwish is or isn’t a democracy?
“I deliberately give a lot of space to everybody in the band, artistically and in other senses,” he says after a thoughtful pause. “During the past few years, we’ve actually talked about this – that maybe other people should step up a bit more. I feel it’s a bit too identified by me as my band. Which it’s not. I do 90% of the songs, yes, but it’s still a band.”

Floor Jansen was at her sister’s wedding in 2012 when she got the call asking if she’d sing for Nightwish. She knew who they were, of course – her previous band, After Forever, had toured with them a decade earlier. And she was aware of the problems they’d had with both of her predecessors. But it still took her by surprise. “I was like,‘What?!’”
If Tuomas is thoughtful and intense, Floor is efficient and direct. Our conversation isn’t helped by the fact that she’s having her hair and make-up done for our photoshoot, though you get the feeling she’d be the same if she wasn’t. An easy question about her background is met by an arched eyebrow and the words: “You haven’t read much about me, have you?”
Her first show with Nightwish was in Seattle in October 2012. She describes “a sense of primal fear” going through her mind in the minutes before she took the stage. “There was this evil voice in my head that said, ‘What on earth do you think you’re doing? You don’t know these songs, you’ve had no time to learn them’,” she says. “And everybody in the venue was holding a cell phone, so it would be on YouTube straight away.”
She survived the gig with dignity intact, as shaky phone-cam YouTube footage indeed shows. But at that early point, there was no sense that it would lead to a permanent position.
“No, no, no,” she says firmly. “At that point it was more survival. I wasn’t thinking any further than tomorrow.”
It was actually following a festival here in Tampere that the rest of the band asked her to become their permanent singer. “It was in the bar of a hotel that they popped the question: ‘Do you want to join?’” she says, with a laugh. “I can’t remember much about what happened after that. I can only remember that I couldn’t tell too many people.”

Joining a band who got through singers like a bottom-of-the-league football team gets through managers must have been a concern. Especially since both of her predecessors left in less-than-friendly circumstances.
“No, not really,” she says, with a firm shake of her head. “I’m not like the other two – they might not be like each other either. So there’s different chemistry there, and in time we all grow more mature, we all learn from mistakes, so it would be unfair to think: ‘What if they treat me bad?’”
There’s a perception that this is Tuomas’s band. Is that accurate?
“Yeah, I think it’s his band,” she says, then adds diplomatically: “But it’s also [guitarist] Emppu [Vuorinen]’s band and it’s Marco’s band and it’s Troy’s band. Every band needs a leader, and Tuomas is the band leader. He’s the shaper, but without the input of other people it would not be where it is today. So it is his band, yes.”
Is he a hard man to be in a band with?
“[Emphatically] No, not at all.”
If he came up with a terrible idea, would you say, “That’s a terrible idea?”
“Yeah, I think so.
Do you feel like a hired hand in Nightwish?
“No, not at all. Why should I?”
So is Nightwish permanent for you? Will you be here for the next album?
“I surely hope so,” she says. “Yeah.”
It’s something that Tuomas backs up, albeit with the polite weariness of a man who has lost track of how many times he has said it .
“Tarja wore me out big time,” he says. “There’s no way that I could personally take another one of those, so I have said that Floor is the last singer of Nightwish. Period.

There are a few things you might not know about Tuomas Holopainen. Beginning around the time of 1998’s Oceanborn, he worked as a stand-in teacher in his hometown’s high school for two-and-a-half years. He’s a fan of Formula 1 racing: he has the phone number of Finnish driver Heikki Kovalainen in his mobile phone, and there are pictures of him rubbing shoulders with Lewis Hamilton in Brazil a few years ago. Less glamorously, it was his ill-advised decision for the band to take part in the televised competition to become Finland’s entry in the 2000 Eurovision Song Contest, in which they came second (“It seemed like a good idea at the time, though I was the only one who thought so”). He also claims he can name any capital city in the world, which is only partially correct – he gets Mongolia right (capital: Ulaanbaatar), but falls down on Malawi (correct answer: Lilongwe).
These days, he lives in a house he built himself near the town he grew up in. He has a horse (“My wife rides it, not me”) and, given his public persona as a kind of gothic Andrew Lloyd Webber, an unlikely fondness for horticulture.
“I love gardening,” he says, as if it’s the most natural thing in the world. “I grow my own chilli peppers and tomatoes and potatoes. Nightwish isn’t my whole life. It usedto be my whole life.”
Was there a point where you felt trapped by the band?
“At some points during the past, yes. There have been times where it was all about music and I didn’t think about anything else.”
Did part of you enjoy that?
“Back then I did, but it cost me a lot of relationships, some bridges were burnt. The same old story.”

In 2001, Tuomas came close to splitting Nightwish. It was just after the tour for the Wishmaster album. They had no manager; Tuomas and drummer Jukka Nevalainen (currently on indefinite hiatus from the band, though still involved behind the scenes) were taking care of the band’s business affairs. Adding to the stresses, relationships between bandmembers were starting to fracture.
“You know, the classic, ‘You’re earning more than I am, what’s this all about?’ nonsense,” says Tuomas with a sigh. “‘Well, actually, I do the songs…’ It all piled up. I just thought it was easier to let go than try to work things out.”
It was his friend Tony Kakko, singer with Finish band Sonata Arctica, who persuaded him to keep going during a hiking trip in Lapland. There were casualties, most notably original bassist Sami Ví¤nskí¤. “It was just that one time, 15 years ago,” he says. “But after that, no, I’ve never doubted what we were doing. Not even during the change of the vocalists.”
Do you read your own reviews?
“Sometimes, yes.”
Do negative reviews affect you?
“They do, yes. I admire people who say that criticism doesn’t touch them at all. I don’t know how they do it. Though it depends on how the argument is presented. If it makes sense, I’m OK with it, but sometimes it gets really personal.”
What’s the worst thing you’ve ever read about Nightwish?
“Well, about 10 years ago, when the big drama happened, there was a lot of writing about us being women-haters. What’s the word in English?”
“Misogynist. Yes, all that kind of stuff. And a lot of death threats.”
And are you a misogynist?
“[Aghast] No, of course not.”
Can you see why someone might think you’re a misogynist, having fired two female singers?
“No, no, not at all. I mean, we have a female singer in the band now.”
You said you received death threats. How did that make you feel?
“You mean was I scared? No. [Laughs] In fact, it made me feel like people were noticing us.”
Looking back, could you have handled the situation differently when it came to the singers? Were there things you could have done beforehand to stop these situations building up?
“I’m sure there could have been,” he says. “That goes for both sides. But do I have regrets? The way we handled Tarja’s departure was bad. We could have handled it better, but when you’re trapped in a corner, you just want to get out as quickly as possible, by any means. Then you make hasty decisions.”
Have you spoken to her since she left?
Do you think you will?
He smiles wryly. “I think it’s highly unlikely.”

The Ratinan Stadion – to give this 1960s football ground its official name – was formerly the home to Tampere United, a team who played in the Finnish premier league until they were busted on suspicion of money laundering in 2011 and subsequently dissolved. This would be the single most rock’n’roll thing about the city, were it not for the existence of a strip club named Big Tits, above which Nightwish’s guitarist and sole Tampere resident Emppu Vuorinen lives.
In a few hours’ time, Nightwish will take to the vast stage set-up at one end of the playing field, currently being loaded with its own battery of lights and fireworks. Right now, the band are perched patiently behind a hastily stuck-together desk waiting to greet the first of a 200-strong queue of people who have paid for a pre-show meet and greet.
Even for a band like Nightwish, who seem to exist in a musical Narnia of their own creation, it’s an easy way to make extra money. But then Nightwish have never been about the sort of rebellion that most of their peers pay lip service to. This is purely about an audio and visual spectacle.
“This is an interesting subject,” Tuomas says when the topic is brought up. “I’ve never really seen Nightwish as a rock band – or as a rebellious band. We’ve never had the urge to shock people or be ‘rock’n’roll’. It’s never been of value to us. That’s not our thing.”
So what is your ‘thing’?
“Just a really strong passion to tell stories and write music. It’s the only thing that I feel like I’m good at. It’s the only way I can function as a human being.”
In fairness, no one quite tells stories like Tuomas Holopainen and Nightwish, and they come wrapped up in the sort of extravagance that no one outside of your high-end Broadway show does anymore. Onstage in Tampere, the sheer magnitude of it all lives up to the billing of The Greatest Show On Earth. In fact, the only thing missing is an appearance from Richard Dawkins (interestingly, there is talk of the estimable professor attending the Wembley show, though Tuomas can’t confirm if he’ll actually join them onstage).
Back in the hotel room, Nightwish’s leader is pondering his band’s place in the scheme of things, and his own place within it all.  Is there ever a time when Tuomas Holopainen wakes up and thinks, ‘I’m bored of this’?
“Not like that,” he says, shaking his head. “There are better days and worse days. Sometimes, I might think: ‘This has become so big that I can’t handle this monster any more.’ That’s a really weird thought, and every now and then I have some trouble comprehending it.”
Holy shit, indeed.

Nightwish genius Tuomas Holopainen explains how their show might evolve.
The problem with releasing an elaborate concept album featuring a 24-minute track narrated by Professor Richard Dawkins and backing it up with a hugely extravagant live show is: how do you top it?
“We talk about this all the time,” says Tuomas. “Especially the live show. We have had so many ideas to do the ultimate show and it all comes down to money.”
One inspiration may come from theatrical troupe Cirque du Soleil. “We saw them when we were in Vegas,” says Tuomas. “It was the best thing I’ve ever seen. A Cirque du Soleil kind of thing would be the perfect match for us, especially combined with an orchestra and a choir. Combining all these different forms of art. We have been talking about doing a big show with an orchestra and a choir for years, but it already feels that it’s been done so many times so well. We need to take it to a different level. So maybe bring on trapeze artists and dancing bears...”
More immediately, August 2016 marks Nightwish’s 20th anniversary – the perfect opportunity for a spectacular blowout. While more than one member suggests that they’re at least thinking of doing something to celebrate the occasion, Tuomas firmly denies it.
“We’re going to be touring the US at that time, so I think we’re going to wait another 10 years to do a big celebration. I think a 30th anniversary sounds better than a 20th.”
And by that time, do you think you’ll get all three singers onstage? “Hmmm,” he says with a smile. “I have my doubts.”
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 14, 2016, 03:23:42 pm
Marco cumple hoy 50 años!!!!
FELICIDADES!!! :011: :011: :011:
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 14, 2016, 03:28:37 pm
Setlist Adelaide (

Shudder Before The Beautiful (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 14, 2016, 08:31:30 pm
Nightwish’s Marco Hietala turns 50: ”It would have been a great pity if he had given up making music and decided that I’ll become a meat carver instead”
In a small Savonian town grew a man, who conquers the world as Nightwish’s bassist-singer. Marco Hietala celebrates his 50th birthday by working.
Nightwish’s frontman Tuomas Holopainen acknowledges the man by e-mail from the band’s Australian tour:
- Marco has an enormous worksite with the band, which he takes care of handsomely and with humility. Getting a singer and a bassist at his level was winning the lottery for us and it shaped the band’s musical scenery into a much more complex and interesting direction.   
- Us two also have a common tune as songwriters, which has been a great help and asset for me. His ear on musical parts is also incomparable.
According to Holopainen Hietala is as a musician endlessly gifted, pedant and is still excited like a little boy about playing, music engineering and songwriting.
Holopainen also tells more how Hietala came aboard Nightwish.
- It was 2001 and we were specifically looking for a bassist that could also sing. We had done an European tour with Synergy the previous year, in which Marco played bass and already then the chemistry and black humor of country boys’ and girl met. We asked him to take the job in our manager’s apartment in Helsinki’s Kallio and to our delight after a little consideration he gave an excited “yes”.
According to Holopainen Hietala is “a man, who is exactly on the path he belongs and a uniquely good friend.”
You could see Marco’s talent already as a child, tells big brother and Tarot-band mate Sakari ”Zachary” Hietala, 54.
- I’m proud of his achievements. We grew up in a small town that didn’t have any music schools.
English teacher dad Harri Hietala was avid music enthusiast and they had guitars and records around the house.
- Dad was a huge jazz fan, but also open minded to Deep Purple, Black Sabbath and Rainbow.
That was all the kindling the boys needed.
- We listened to the albums and sang along.
The atmosphere at home was ”extremely encouraging”.
He can’t reminisce what dad’s bedtime stories were like to the small boys without laughing.
- Dad would sit on the edge of the bed with a guitar and make up chords as background music.
The aspiring musician’s acoustic guitar teacher with Kuopio’s co-ed music high school was Esko Hartikainen, 68.
He praises his student as enthusiastic and with a good sense of humor.
- I can’t say he specially stood out. Marco blended well into the crowd.
He had a handle on the guitar playing fundamentals when he came to high school.
There was a pop mentality in the music high school at that time.
- It was nice to teach them. The students were enthusiastic and there was a great feeling in the school.
The Hietala brothers set up Tarot in the early 80s. 
- Marco leans more to the artsy stuff and I go towards the more straightforward rock. That has created a good combination, Sakari Hietala evaluates Tarot.
- I’m more social. Marco is more thoughtful, considerate and calmer, the big brother, who works as a youth instructor, tells.
He praises his little brother’s attitude: going all out.
- He will never say that I can’t dare do that. And won’t let through any sloppy jabs. Marco is extremely self-critical. Downright perfectionist. But a professional musician needs to be.
His brother says Marco takes care of himself and left out alcohol years ago. If you have to look for something negative, it would be stubbornness.
- It’s hard work to make him change his mind. He will stick to his opinion, but is able to calmly discuss things.
Touring with Nightwish is a disciplined job.
 - When he’s home, he likes to be in peace with the boys and wife, his brother says.
At home in Kuopio’s Saaristokaupunki Marco has his own studio and “a whole lot of guitars”.
- The studio is freaking tiny, but inside it has the best and most expensive hardware money can buy. Marco is a skilled guitarist, even though he now plays the bass. And a good singer. When he makes a demo, he plays all the instruments himself.
- Marco is extremely talented. There’s a reason why they asked him to join the band (Nightwish).
Hietala has been a part of Erkka Korhonen’s, 41, Raskasta Joulua –project. The men meet 4-5 times a year besides the heavy Christmas tour. Korhonen’s family has a summer cottage in Kuopio, ten minutes away from Marco’s home.
Korhonen praises Hietala’s attitude as a musician.
- Marco is earnest in the right way: serious, but with humor. 
- I appriciate that he has educated into this line of business. It gives us a common language. When we work together, we understand what the other one means right away. The collaboration is seamless and easy.
Korhonen thinks Hietala has the right kind of healthy dignity, but he never brags. 
- He knows what he can and what he can’t do. And immediately says if something doesn’t take off. He’s real, direct and honest. 
- Marco has said that in the past he has gone hungry and been cold. It would have been a great pity if he had given up making music and decided that I’ll become a meat carver instead.

“I have been amazed by this many times. The world is filled with good players, who never seem get ahead in their careers. The fact, that I’m with this group is definitely a privilege. The planets must have lined up just right, that I have happened to end up with a group, with good friends, good players and a good songwriting pen.”
”One of the toughest moments of frustration was just before I joined Nightwish. I was 35 years old and had worked hard for a long time. There seemed to never be enough money and we had just had twin boys. At that point I really had to think how I will manage this.”
How has Nightwish succeeded in what most haven’t: gather more and more new listeners?
“Oh, if I only knew! The first original big asset was Tuomas’ way of writing music and stories. After that I think we have proved that finalizing music is an essential thing. There is no calculation involved.”
“If Tuomas is the general, then I’m the adjutant. Many others in the band have that position though. This is based on mutual respect, because we have apparently deserved each other.”
The twin boys are now teenagers, so almost the same age when Hietala began to play. Have you encouraged them to play or tried to keep them as far way from it as possible?
“I was lucky to grow up in a tolerant family”, he starts. “Of course mum and dad were concerned, is that thing going anywhere. When they finally noticed, that I was slightly obsessed about music, they let me give it a shot. And this is where I ended up.”
He has decided to offer his boys the same freedom to carry out their dreams.
“I think the best thing for the boys would be, that if they have a spark for something, then do it! Even though it’s that I will become the world’s best at shoveling manure, do it!” Hietala says.
“The best thing about playing is that I have gotten a chance to do what is my calling. Even though it’s tough at times and you don’t get to sleep for days at times, I have always enjoyed myself.”
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 16, 2016, 04:07:23 pm
Setlist Fremantle (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 18, 2016, 07:20:44 pm
Setlist Singapur (

Last Ride Of The Day (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 25, 2016, 03:43:49 pm
Video del crucero (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 29, 2016, 06:02:16 pm
Entrevista (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 04, 2016, 03:33:17 pm
Nueva fecha!!!

Brí¥valla Festival in Norrkí¶ping, Sweden on July 2.
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 22, 2016, 08:03:05 pm
Floor cumplió ayer 35 años!!!
FELICIDADES!!!! :011: :011: :011: :011: :011:
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 22, 2016, 08:07:23 pm
Setlist Sayreville (

Ghost Love Score (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 22, 2016, 08:10:30 pm
Setlist Hartford (

í‰lan (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 22, 2016, 08:14:49 pm
Setlist Montreal (

í‰lan (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 23, 2016, 03:41:03 pm
Setlist Londres (Ontario) (

Shudder Before The Beautiful (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 24, 2016, 05:45:27 pm
En Yell Magazine! (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 26, 2016, 03:29:04 pm
Setlist Pittsburgh (

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 26, 2016, 03:31:50 pm
Setlist Columbus (

Ghost Love Score (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 27, 2016, 04:22:48 pm
Storytime @ Royal Oak (

Setlist (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 28, 2016, 03:57:24 pm
Setlist Milwaukee (

Ghost Love Score (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 29, 2016, 06:15:02 pm
Entrevista a Kai (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 01, 2016, 03:15:54 pm
Setlist Minneapolis (

The Siren (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 01, 2016, 03:52:03 pm
Curioso!! (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 02, 2016, 03:34:00 pm
Ever Dream @ Winnipeg (

Setlist (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 03, 2016, 03:40:31 pm
While Your Lips Are Still Red @ Saskatoon (

Setlist (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 04, 2016, 03:13:16 pm
Stargazers @ Edmonton (

Setlist (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 06, 2016, 04:01:47 pm
"10 questions about lyric-writing" is a series where we are introduced to  famous lyricists and their methods, challenges and sources of inspiration. In the first part, the questions were answered by Tuomas Holopainen, the keyboardist-composer-lyricist of Nightwish.
Do you start songwriting always from the same point or does it vary? Do you for example start from choruses?
It varies greatly. The essential part is that I have to have the subject of the song clearly in my mind before I start the actual process. Songwriting never starts from "jamming basis", like "oh, what a nice riff/melody, what could it be about...". First the subject, then the music, then lyrics.
The lyrics themselves sometimes come chorus first, sometimes verses first, there's no specific logic behind that. Quite often I have a catchprase stuck in my mind, around which is inspirating to build a chorus, like Wish I had an angel / Bye bye beautiful / We are the Edema Ruh / Yours is an empty hope / Endless forms most beautiful etc...
In what point of the songwriting you start writing lyrics? Does the music have to be fully completed first?
That's exactly how it usually goes for me. Like I mentioned before, sometimes before music I might have a certain catchprase, around which it's easy to compose the music, but usually the lyrics are the last part of the process.
How much do you use symbolism in your lyric? Is it an important element of your texts?
Very important. Good lyric doesn't give too much away immediately, but on the other hand isn't too cryptic. For example I wanted to write a love song for our new album ("Alpenglow") but find a new angle for storytelling. There are enough awfulnesses like Bon Jovi's "Always" in the world. 99 % of existing songs are about the same universal themes; love, death, longing, life's challenges, wonder... The most important secret is to find new ways to bring those stories and emotions into music.
How have you yourself developed as lyric-writer? What have you learned?
Certain overtrying and the use of too fancy words has diminnished. Most important learnings have happened in phonetics. Earlier I used to write without thinking what vowels would be hard to sing in high register or how many s-letters I should use in choruses. With Floor we spent a lot of time with these details on EFMB and her tips from the singer's perspective were a great help in making the lyrics sound more natural when sung.
Where do you get your ideas?
From the surrounding world, wonders of natute and cosmos, own experiences, inspiring stories, fact and fiction... When I feel strongly about something, were it my personal love life, band's internal struggles, fate of the native Americans, a fantasy story, death of a loved one, starry sky or evolution, it creeps under your skin as a huge itching and doesn't leave before you turn it into music and words.
What a good text is like, in your opinion?
Something that awakes your interest on the first listen (or read) but might take dozens of listens to fully open itself. Inspiring, touching and sometimes ambiguos. For example "One" by Metallica, "Wonderful Life" by Black and "Pohjoisen taivaan alla" by Leevi and the Leavings, to mention a few.
Which lyricists do you admire?
Aaron Strainthorpe from My Dying Bride, James Hetfield and Gí¶sta Sundqvist.
How important do you think the "formal" side of the lyrics is? Like all the lines rhyming perfecty and so on.
Too much rhyming is intolerable and may give songs a comic touch. This is a sense of style -question and you learn it by trying and failing. Rhymes are of course an effective device when used sparingly.
What is the most challenging part in writing lyrics?
The most challenging part is to make the text fit in the vocalist's mouth so that it sounds believable storytelling but also phonetically beautiful and unforced. Sometimes an extremely beautiful poem on paper is impossible to transform into smooth singing.
Finnish language is extremely challenging when compared to English, for me personally, that is. It's also a fascinating challenge, in which it would be fun to sink in sometime in the future.
What advice would you give to a beginner lyricist?
Write about what you know and what you feel. Without a strong inspiration and emotion you should not write anything. And like I mentioned, always try to find a new approach to your story. And when you yourself think you're ready, challenge every single line you wrote. Finally ask others for opinions and have and open mind, be receptive but keep your head :) Fighting spirit!

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 06, 2016, 07:56:25 pm
It has been almost a year since the release of Nightwish’s newest album, “Endless Forms Most Beautiful”, which is a stunning tribute to the wonder of life and evolution. To the delight of their fans, the band has been steadily touring the album around the world since its release. This year, the fans in North America got an unexpected treat as Nightwish returned to our shores for a second round of touring. I had the pleasure of catching up with the band’s bassist, Marco, right before the second show of this tour. We discussed the album’s success, the current tour, and the band’s plans for the future.
Here is how it went:
Afternoiz: This is Joe Prostredny from Afternoiz and I’m here with Marco Hietala of Nightwish. How are you doing this evening?
Marco: I think I’m pretty good. A little bit jet lagged now and then but I seem to be a bit woozy but it seems to be wearing off.
Afternoiz: You just landed in North America about 48 hours ago, right?
Marco: Uhhhhh (thinking)….. (laughs) You might be right, there!
Afternoiz: (laughs) Ok! Thank you very much for talking with us tonight, despite the jet lag! So we’re here, at the beginning of the second round of North American touring of the phenomenal new album, “Endless Forms Most Beautiful”.
Marco: Thank you!
Afternoiz: Last night was the first show and I was there and from an audience perspective it was stunning! How did you guys feel like it went? Any pre-tour glitches?
Marco: I think it was pretty OK for a first one, actually. Well not really ok, it was just really good for a first one, especially since everybody before the first show was like… woo, woo… (laughs) a little bit woozy and everything (laughs). But you get on stage and you just get into it and then suddenly it clicks, it works, and that’s how it should go.
Afternoiz: Good! It seemed like Nightwish did a fairly extensive tour of North America last year and I was able to catch three shows myself. How did we get so lucky to get you back, what brought you back?
Marco: Well the US is big and there’s plenty of towns to visit.
Afternoiz: Yes, yes!
Marco: So I don’t know if we’ve managed to do enough for the US even with these two [tours] but let’s try.
Afternoiz: Well, we are all very glad that you’ve come back! Your shows here seem to be getting bigger and bigger. It’s always a little bit of a challenge for European bands to sell out the size venues over here, that they do over there. A lot of the shows of this tour are already sold out, last night was sold out, this night is sold out and I think tomorrow night is sold out.
Marco: Sounds good!
Afternoiz: Yeah! Have you changed the set much from last year?
Marco: Not that much. A few songs have changed. But, of course now, that we have come over here today, we have rehearsed a couple more at the sound check and probably will tomorrow as well and they will be inserted into the set. And after that we still have a couple more waiting in the wings.
Afternoiz: Delain is opening for you, again, like they did last year, and you are actually a very popular guest artist on their albums. I think you’ve been on three out of their four studio albums to date and last year, you did guest vocals for them on the tour. Any plans for doing that this year?
Marco: I guess we’re all finding our legs first, but I see it as a kind of inevitable thing to happen (laughs).
Afternoiz: That should make the fans at the later shows very happy. I got to see it happen last year. Delain has a new album coming out later this year. Did they recruit you again?
Marco: No, not for this one.
Afternoiz: What is your favorite part of coming to the Americas? What’s different here from Europe or Asia? Is anything different?
Marco: Well, let me think. Every place is basically different so I just try to appreciate the cultural differences and all kinds of things you can see. But so far I also have to say that I don’t really make that much of a big difference in the places that we play. For me personally, I just like doing shows for the people, wherever they are or we are.
Afternoiz: The same around the world? Any difference in the fans?
Marco: Of course, yeah. You know, for instance, the Japanese, they’re a polite culture and everything and the girls are like “hee hee” (imitates subtle laughing) and all that.
Afternoiz: I hear the Japanese are pretty crazy though, during the shows?
Marco: Yeah, at the shows they can be. But, then of course, the most crazy people you get are in the South Americas. And also the old Eastern [European countries], the old countries there that used to be behind the Iron Curtain. They’re not that jaded of our rock and roll and bands because they still seem to be having that… awe. It’s a big thing when you’ve got rock and roll bands come and arrive and all that.
Afternoiz: Because it’s all still relatively new?
Marco: Yeah. But then the people, for instance, in Western Europe or in the states, they are little bit more reserved, they want to check out how the band is doing, and are they playing good and all that. But still, I think we manage to pull a good response almost anywhere we go.
Afternoiz: Last year, I was able to interview Tuomas at the beginning of the touring of the new album and he seemed very pleased and even genuinely humbled by the fan response. Has that fan response continued to be as positive as it was right after the release?
Marco: Yeah! Very much, yeah. I don’t think we’ve had a bad show… of course, some shows are weaker if we think about our own opinion or something like that. Like: “this didn’t go as well as we meant”, but usually we always manage to pull off a good show. I don’t think there had been something that you could call bad on this tour, or even the last one. I can’t remember actually when we’ve done something where people would be like putting their heads in their hands or anything. Nothing like that has happened for a long time.
Afternoiz: Any fan responses that have really stood out to you? Anything a fan has told you that you just thought, “Wow!”. Or does it all just kind of blur?
Marco: It’s not a blur, but of course all these things, you tend to build up a….Well, nothing is really that new anymore. I mean there are people who have said that we’ve managed to save their lives with music… otherwise they would have considered suicide or something like that. That is important, but there are already a few. Then there are people who say that I picked up bass playing because of you or I started singing because of you and all that. It happens a lot. And it is a great thing… to see that you make that big of an impression to someone. But something that would be genuinely like a one-time thing I’d really have to think about that now (laughs).
Afternoiz: So this year, Nightwish is turning 20 years old! Congratulations!
Marco: Thank you!
Afternoiz: Twenty years is a long time for any band to be around. A lot of bands after twenty years have either broken up by that time, or they are resting on their laurels and they’ve become a nostalgia band playing their old hits but not really producing new music. But here you are, still putting out phenomenal albums, and it seems like your popularity, at least from a fan perspective, seems to be continuing to get bigger and bigger. I know the band was already really popular when you joined, but did you ever imagine that you would be at this level?
Marco: To be honest I didn’t think about it at the time (laughs). When the guys called me and asked me, I already knew the band and knew the guys and all that… and thought this is gonna be interesting especially when they said we were gonna be dropping the tunings a bit and making it a bit heavier and all that… and I’m all for that! So I just joined in, and then now we’re here and one thing leads to another. It’s been a good ride and hopefully it continues. To be able to keep up making interesting music and all that is pretty much, I guess… because we tend to think about, “Well let’s do the music, at first, so that it pleases ourselves”. So that way you’ve gotta find new ideas, you’ve gotta be impressed about some other things you hear and see and all that and keep up with some of the things that come with the times. And that changes your perspective on how you get inspirational things and all that, and they’ll change in time. So you hear from the roots, yeah it’s the same group and the same people, and the same band and all that, but…
Afternoiz: But there’s an evolution.
Marco: But there’s evolution, yeah definitely.
Afternoiz: Tuomas said in a recent interview, that there are no official plans for a 20th anniversary celebration… but he said, kind of jokingly, maybe the 25th, 30th or maybe even 50th! Do you still see yourself in this band 30 years from now playing at Nightwish’s 50th anniversary (laughs)?
Marco: (laughing) Well, if I’m alive and well ! Like I said, I just love doing shows!
Afternoiz: I think I’ll be 83 at the time but… (laughing), but if I’m alive and well… I’ll be there if you’ll be there!
Marco: (laughing) Thank you!…. You’re welcome!
Afternoiz: Well, we would certainly like to see you stay around as long as possible! How long will you continue touring in support of “Endless Forms Most Beautiful”? Will the touring wrap up in 2016, or will it continue into next year?
Marco: I think we’re gonna be wrapping up before Christmas of this year. It’s almost a year now, another festival summer coming up, and after that some shows but I don’t think we’re gonna be starting up any touring in any places after that. Then it’s time to rest a bit and then see what comes next.
Afternoiz: Your concert DVDs have always been very popular and rumor has it there’s one slated to come out toward the end of this year?
Marco: We have material, quite a lot. I’ve actually already been involved in some vocal aids and all that.
Afternoiz: Is there much you can tell us about it?
Marco: Not really much because the whole content is still something we all need to decide on and we’re still talking about it. But there are still some things that we’re definitely gonna be putting on it, but otherwise I can’t really tell anything for certain. Not even the release date (laughs)!
Afternoiz: Ok! It has been said that it may be several years before the next Nightwish album, that there’s a lot of creativity that goes into the albums and there’s not been any real work started on the next one. So if you’re wrapping up touring in 2016, what happens then? Are you guys just taking a break?
Marco: Yeah! Taking a break, yeah that’s for certain, but writing new stuff and all that, it usually comes when we get around to talking about that. And so far, we’ve just been enjoying doing the shows and doing the tour so the schedule about future things will get clarified by the time we get a little bit closer.
Afternoiz: Most fans know that your drummer, Jukka, sat out the recording for this album and the touring due to insomnia issues, in the hope that he can recover. Officially, he hasn’t left the band and he’s still very much a part of it. How is he doing?
Marco: The man, himself, seems to be pretty fine right now. I have no idea, and I don’t know if he himself has, if he’s going to be able to start touring or doing that kind of a thing again, because I think the chaos and the uncertainties of touring and all that are one part of why he ended up in that way. So at this point in time he takes care of the band’s business and company stuff and all that but, yeah, I can’t really tell if he’s gonna be returning to playing.
Afternoiz: Well if he’s able to we would certainly love him to!
Marco: Yeah, we would take him home any day! But of course Kai himself is also really a nice guy and really a good drummer.
Afternoiz: Yes he is!! And he has been phenomenal on this tour.   But he has his own band to take care of…
Marco: Yes, a few of them (laughs)!
Afternoiz: Nightwish has always been a very friendly band, very friendly with the fans and everyone seems to have their own personalities. You seem to be the comedian of the group; you always joke around with the fans. Do you do that on purpose or is that just your personality coming out?
Marco: I think it’s the personality. But I do try to take an open minded attitude that nobody’s an asshole until proven otherwise (laughs). So, yeah, I try to take it as an open mind, but when we’re with the inner circle of the band there are quite a lot of other people that tend to let their humor show.
Afternoiz: But the fans don’t get to see that part.
Marco: Yeah, well maybe it could be that, also. Some people are more reserved when there’s a lot of people around and all that, but I try to shake that off.
Afternoiz: Last year you guys did your first ever Nightwish cruise. How did that go?
Marco: It was good. It was this ferry ship from Finland to Sweden and back and had about 1000 people or so coming to the show both nights. That was fun!
Afternoiz: Good enough to do again?
Marco: Good enough to do again! Yeah, definitely!
Afternoiz: Any plans to do it again or just maybe?
Marco: Just maybe.
Afternoiz: Well, Marco, we’d like to thank you for taking the time to talk with us today! Are there any parting words you’d like to say to your fans before you leave?
Marco: For the US fans, it’s pretty much thank you and respect! Again, like you said, it seems that the popularity is
growing, and the venues every time seem to get bigger and bigger. There’s a continuum I would like to see continue!
Afternoiz: So would we! We are here for you! Kiitos!
Marco: Ei kestí¤!
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 06, 2016, 11:38:59 pm
Entrevista a Floor! (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 06, 2016, 11:46:19 pm
Setlist Calgary (

Sahara (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 08, 2016, 08:15:10 pm
Ever Dream @ Seattle (

Setlist (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 08, 2016, 09:50:15 pm

Due to severe illness we are forced to cancel tonight´s show in Boise, Idaho. We are extremely sorry and disappointed about this, and will look into how we can make it up for you on the next tour.
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 09, 2016, 03:50:22 pm
Entrevista a Floor! (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 11, 2016, 09:54:04 pm
Setlist Reno (

í‰lan (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 11, 2016, 10:27:13 pm
Este post es de Floor

Nightwish won two Emma's at the Emma Gaala in Finland!!! Thank you! Or better said: Kiitos paljon!
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 12, 2016, 04:09:02 pm
Setlist San Josíé (

Bless The Child (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 13, 2016, 03:44:34 pm
Setlist Anaheim (

My Walden (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 14, 2016, 03:41:42 pm
Setlist Tucson (

Stargazers (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 16, 2016, 03:26:22 pm
Setlist Colorado Springs (

Sahara (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 17, 2016, 03:42:01 pm
Setlist Kansas City (

The Greatest Show On Earth (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 19, 2016, 04:25:31 pm
Setlist Oklahoma (

Wishmaster (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 20, 2016, 04:05:47 pm
Setlist San Antonio (

Alpenglow (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 21, 2016, 03:12:50 pm
Un reportaje sobre Floor! (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 23, 2016, 04:27:48 pm
Setlist Nueva Orleans (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 23, 2016, 04:30:13 pm
Setlist Alabama (

My Walden (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 24, 2016, 08:14:52 pm
Setlist Tampa (

Ever Dream (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 27, 2016, 04:55:56 pm
Varios Vlog ( (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 29, 2016, 04:09:15 pm
Fecha en Ucrania!!

22 MAY 2016  KIEV, UA
National Palace Ukraina
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 13, 2016, 03:14:04 pm
Setlist Beijing (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 15, 2016, 03:17:18 pm
Setlist Shanghai (

7 Days To The Wolves (

Ghost Love Score (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 17, 2016, 03:42:32 pm
Setlist Taipei (

Stargazers (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 18, 2016, 03:46:58 pm
Setlist Hong Kong (

Ghost Love Score (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 20, 2016, 04:29:13 pm
Setlist Tokio (

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 21, 2016, 04:40:14 pm
Jukka cumple hoy 38 años!!!!!!
FELICIDADES!!!!! :011: :011: :011: :011: :011: :011: :011:
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 22, 2016, 03:11:14 pm
Setlist Osaka (

Yours Is An Empty Hope (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 22, 2016, 03:14:03 pm
Setlist Tokio (

Sahara (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 28, 2016, 03:59:57 pm
Nightwish founder and musical mastermind Tuomas Holopainen and lead vocalist Floor Jansen sat down backstage with Roppongi Rocks’ Stefan Nilsson shortly before the band walked onstage in Tokyo for another successful gig on the Asian leg of their world tour.

Finland has given the world a lot of great heavy metal bands in the past couple of decades, At the forefront of the Finnish metal scene is, and has been for a long time, the mighty symphonic metal band Nightwish who this year celebrates its twentieth anniversary.

Fronted by the fierce Dutchwoman Floor Jansen since 2012, the band has continued to release great albums and tour the world. They are better than ever and their latest album, “Endless Forms Most Beautiful”, their eight full-length studio album, was released in March 2015.

But soon, once the current world tour concludes in October with Nightwish returning to Japan to play at the Loud Park festival, the band will take what is planned to be a year-long break during all of 2017.

“That’s the plan, yes,” explains Tuomas Holopainen as we meet in Roppongi, Tokyo. “The last show for this tour is going to happen in October. Then all of 2017 off and back with a vengeance in 2018.”

Holopainen has been the main force behind Nightwish for the past two decades and he has also released a solo album and worked on film music. Now he wants a break.

“I don’t think I will be doing music. That’s the idea of the break! I haven’t really given it that much thought. I just enjoy the idea of getting to be at home, doing the gardening, taking care of the horse, just be steady for a while.”

“I’m thinking about some ideas but I’ve nothing official really to share yet,” says Floor Jansen about what she plans to do during the break. When asked if her old band ReVamp is perhaps part of what she is currently considering: “That’s part of the thinking,” she says with a smile but without confirming anything.

What might a rejuvenated and rested Nightwish do when it returns in 2018 once the break is over? “It’s a bit too far away to reveal anything but we know pretty much what the plans are until 2020 or so,” says Holopainen.

With twenty years under their belt, the Finnish band has achieved many great things, both critical acclaim and commercial success. What is the highlight so far? “Mine would be this new album and especially the last track ‘The Greatest Show On Earth’. When it comes to live shows, possibly Wembley last December. The whole of this tour has been amazing,” says Holopainen proudly.

During its twenty years, the band has had three very different lead vocalists but Holopainen and his band have still managed to establish a signature Nightwish sound.

“I think it comes down to so many different things. A lot has to do with the songwriting of course, but that’s not enough on its own. It takes all the members, the singers, production, the crew, everything! We have been called a ‘vehicle of spirit that defies category’. I love that expression! It goes to the core of what we are. It just feels that this vehicle needs to be running no matter who is behind the music or the singing.”

Floor Jansen, one of the best frontwomen in the metal business, joined Nightwish in 2012 in the middle of the tour that followed the “Imaginaerum” album as a replacement for Anette Olzon who abruptly parted ways with the band. Olzon had replaced original Nightwish singer Tarja Turunen in 2007. Jansen fit in well with the band and her voice and stage presence were a perfect fit and was the following year announced as the band’s new permanent lead vocalist. She already knew the band well when she got the call in 2012.

“Back in 2002, I had my band After Forever and we did a tour with Nightwish, supporting them in Europe for a few weeks. That was great fun and we stayed in touch. If they played near where I was I would visit them and so on,” explains Jansen her relationship with Nightwish.

When the call came with an offer for Jansen to join Nightwish on tour, things happened very fast, explains Jansen. “It was not like ‘This is an idea, give it some thought and we will come back to you next week or whatever.’ There was not much time to really think things through. So, the first reaction was ‘Yes!’ and I was already on my way and then, later, came more thoughts on how can we continue and how am I going to do things with ReVamp. Also, we took a long time to see if things were actually working or not. It was not like, OK, now I have joined and it is going to be like this forever. It was in such a moment of despair almost, now something needs to happen. And it happened. From there came the rest of the thinking and the process.”

Jansen quickly settled into her new role with Nightwish. She not only mastered the band’s back catalogue but also helped shape the band’s new material. But taking over the microphone in an established major metal act that has already released seven albums is not an easy task.

“It felt very natural for me. That didn’t mean on the first show I already nailed it really. Not at that time, but it really grew on me very fast. Of course I was not unfamiliar with the music, I have been a fan of it since the second album. I was very familiar with the majority of the stuff so it felt very cool but it was a challenge to sing something not written or co-written by myself and interpreted by someone else already, to not make some kind of copy. And to find your own way and emotion behind it. But it’s such well-written stuff that that part became natural for me.”

Holopainen was impressed with Jansen’s impact on the latest album, her first with the band.

“It truly opened a whole new world for me as a songwriter and for the whole band as musicians to actually have lead vocals in the rehearsal room from the beginning. That was something new for us. For me personally, lead vocals are the crucial point of any song. We kind of built the arrangements around them, not vice versa. It was a revelation and made the whole process much more interesting. To see her enthusiasm and motivation during this album was very inspiring.”

Nightwish is one of the biggest names in the Finnish heavy metal scene, which also features names such as Children of Bodom, Moonsorrow, Amorphis, Stratovarius, Sonata Arctica, Korpiklaani, Battle Beast, Rotten Sound, Apocalyptica, Michael Monroe and many more. How did Finland become a world-leader in heavy metal?

“Something to do with the mentality. You also have the snowball effect. Because the first successful bands in Finland were metal bands. It kind of fed the younger bands that tried similar things. This kind of music, it feels natural for us, let’s say Scandinavians, to do, to be a bit of the dark and heavy side. When Finnish people try to do reggae or samba it just feels a bit wrong. You believe those bands because it’s real.”

Holopainen says the band still feel Finnish even though they now have multiple nationalities in the band and operate on a global level.

“The band originates from Finland. I guess the Finnishness shows in my songwriting because I am a Finn. It is not a deliberate thing. I do consider us as part of the Finnish metal scene even though it is an international band.”

On the current tour and on the latest album, Kai Hahto (ex-Rotten Sound, Wintersun, Swallow the Sun) has been the band’s session drummer. Whether he, like Floor Jansen and Troy Donockley have done before him, will go from session musician to a permanent member is still undecided. “It’s a decision to be made next year,” says Holopainen. “He came in about a week before we had to start the drum recordings. It was pretty hectic.”

Life will remain hectic for Tuomas Holopainen, Floor Jansen and their bandmates until the Loud Park gig in Japan in October. Then they will finally get some time to slow down and think about the future.

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 28, 2016, 04:01:40 pm
Soundi has reported that after October the band will be on hiatus until the end of 2018 :
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 13, 2016, 03:44:32 pm
Three more European shows announced for September:
08.09.2016 - Coliseu Lisboa, Lisbon - Portugal
10.09.2016 - Barclaycard Center, Madrid - Spain
14.09.2016 - Arena Armeec, Sofia - Bulgaria
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 16, 2016, 03:33:28 pm
Setlist Yekaterimburgo (

Nemo (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 19, 2016, 03:14:15 pm
Setlist Voronezh (

Stargazers (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 21, 2016, 10:43:29 pm
Setlist Moscú (

Sahara (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 23, 2016, 04:12:29 pm
Setlist Kiev (

The Greatest Show On Earth (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 25, 2016, 03:19:52 pm
Setlist San Petersburgo (

Ever Dream (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 26, 2016, 11:08:52 pm
Entrevista a Tuomas!!

hat's up, Tuomas?
- I'm fine. Yesterday we arrived from the tour in Russia and Ukraine and today we'll travel to Germany. It's the start of the festival period.

How did the tour go in the east?
- Incredibly well. The Russian and Ukrainian fans are extra sympathetic. The atmosphere has always been very warm and it was so once again.

The fan documentary ”To Nightwish with Love” is about to finish. Where did the idea come from making it?
- (The national broadcasting company) YLE suggested it a while ago and from the beginning it sounded interesting to me because several documentaries have been made about the band and the Internet is full of interviews, but focusing on the core of being a fan, revealing more about that, the band and I are very interested to hear. I recently saw the first ten minutes of the documentary and my jaw dropped while watching. It's incredibly interesting and fascinating.

What made your jaw drop?
- We've made music for 20 years and seen a lot of fans, but usually we see them from distance, from stage, in autograph sessions and meetings with fan clubs, but this documentary goes a bit deeper. People tell about their experiences and explain why they are so passionate about the band. What's the philosophy behind their behaviour. And it makes you think. It reminded me about the times 20 or 25 years ago when I was an equally passionate fan of certain things. In some way it's intriguing. So, where's the line between heroism and illusion? And when does it take more than it gives?

Did you find similarities between you as a fan and your fans?
- Well, I only saw the first ten minutes, so I can't comment it yet. Let's wait for the whole documentary first.

What do you think about the fans you saw?
- They seemed similar to what I've thought about the fans before. They are extremely frank, warm, loyal and crazy in a positive way. Everything or nothing, so they are fully committed fans. In a way it's nice because you have to be passionate about the things you love. For example, watching ice-hockey is boring unless take it at least bit seriously. If you don't care who's going to win, you don't get the kicks you get if you're fully in the game. In art, it's the same. If you find the music, movie or other form of art you really like, it gives you more. It inspires you, it heals you, it gives you comfort, possibly takes you to another place for a while. And you should be passionate about it.

Are Nightwish fans somehow different than the fans of other bands?
- I can't tell because I don't know the fans of other bands. At least I haven't met them as often as Nigthwish fans. So I can't answer, but I know that our fans, or more generally metal fans, are very loyal and oriented people. They analyze every line of the lyrics and every part of the album cover and wonder what's the meaning of it. In my opinion it's only a good thing.

Since your fans are so analytic, are you afraid of their reaction when you make music?
- At that point you have to ignore the listeners and perhaps the other band members too. It's the only way to keep the process of making music clean. You shouldn't worry about people's opinions.

What kinds of memories do you have from fan meetings?
- 99.9 % of the meetings have been either very warm, nice or comic in a good way. They almost always give more than take. In rare cases we've met harmless freaks among the fans and had a couple of not-so-harmless cases, but that's part of the spectrum, I think. ”Endless forms most beautiful”.

What do you get from your fans?
- Sometimes I have a weak moment. I don't necessarily question my work, but I wonder if it means anything. Of course anyone wants to have a meaningful life. Every now and then I meet fans who seem to say frankly that our music has saved their life or given a lot of comfort. I've met several self-destructive people who have sincerely said that our music has helped them pass the troubles. These stories create a warm wave in me. Wow. In other words, it motivates me. It gives me an extra boost to make music. And in a concert when you see the crowd, people singing in the front row and dancing eyes closed, it creates a feeling of a community, that we all are united, all peoples of the world. And all evilness vanishes for a while. That's what I get from fans.

You mentioned that you also have fanatic fans. Are you ever afraid?
- I've never been afraid of my fans. I've had very bizarre encounters and received a few very questionable letters from fans and I have had to take them seriously, but I've never been afraid.

What kind of a reception do you expect the documentary to get when it's released?
- Hopefully it makes people think, burst into laughter, and hopefully it explains the nature of the fan culture to other people and the band. Like I said, I haven't seen the documentary yet, so I can't comment it more, but at the moment everything looks good.

How about the future plans of Nightwish? At least you're having a lot of gigs?
- We will tour until the mid October. After that we'll have a little break. So, nothing happens in 2017. And in 2018 the new adventures begin.

Don't you know yet what kinds of adventures they will be?
- I don't know exactly and I won't reveal it yet, but we have rather clear plans up to 2021. So, everything seems good at the moment, but the previous album and its tour were so massive that the band decided to have a little break.

How can you plan everything up to 2021?
- Why not? I think it gives you comfort that everything will continue. We haven't closed any deals yet, but we live with those hopes and plans.

Thank you.
- Thank you.

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 28, 2016, 12:22:31 pm
Setlist Rockavaria (

Weak Fantasy (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 29, 2016, 04:05:15 pm
Setlist Rock im Revier (

Sahara (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 29, 2016, 04:09:46 pm
Nightwish vocalist Floor Jansen looks ahead to next month's Download Festival

Download is just two weeks away and we're catching up with some of the biggest and best bands on the bill.

We spoke with Nightwish vocalist Floor Jansen to find out what the symphonic Finnish six-piece have in store and which bands she's prepared to cross the festival site to watch...

Nightwish have played Download before, back in 2012, before you joined the band, but will this be a first trip to the festival for you?
“Actually no, I played with After Forever many years ago, but this will be a rather different experience. Back then it was one of After Forever’s first shows in the UK, and certainly on a huge festival like that, so we had a tiny slot at like five o’clock in the morning playing to three people, but I remember later that night I saw the big stages and it gave me goosebumps thinking ‘Wow, wouldn’t it be great to do that one day?’ So when I think of that and then look at where we are today, I think it’s going to be a blast to reach so many people. We had such a great time at our show in London at Wembley Arena but this brings it to a different level again and we’re very excited.”

The December show at Wembley was obviously a huge occasion for the band, and got fantastic reviews, but what memories do you have of the night?
“It was very special. It was obviously a huge step forward in terms of the amount of people we could hope to draw with our own show in England and so we were thinking ‘Are we going to get enough people in to make this cool?’ So then to sell out a 12,000 arena was very exciting. And then Richard Dawkins said yes to our invitation to come onstage with us – and the odds weren’t in our favour there! – so that was amazing. We’d been on tour for months and were a well-oiled machine at that point, and very prepared, and so we were into it entirely, and the audience were into it entirely, and that created the special kind of magic that you can only dream of. I will never forget that night.”

The obvious next question then is how are you going to top that?
“There’s such a difference between a festival show and your own show that I don’t think we really see this in terms of ‘topping’ it. We will bring a similar show but of course with the festival vibe and the fact that we’ll be outside it will be completely different in feel. But I really hope that we can bring that magic again.”

You were filming for a DVD release at Wembley Arena: is there a scheduled date yet for when that might emerge?
“Well, Wembley wasn’t the only show we filmed, we’ve been filming in different parts of the world on this tour, including our first stadium show in Tampere in Finland last summer, so we have a very rich amount of material to draw from. I’ve heard that the Wembley footage is really something else though, and I’m really happy that that magic was immortalised so it’ll definitely be a big part of the DVD. We’re looking at bringing it out later in the year and I think it’ll be pretty special.”

Back to Download, you’re playing beneath Iron Maiden on the Lemmy stage on June 12. Did Maiden mean much to you growing up?
“Honestly, for me, no, but I have a huge respect for the guys, and I really appreciate what they’ve done. For me personally though I was never much into their music.”

Is there anyone else you'd be prepared to walk across the site to see on June 12 then?
“I heard Ghost are playing, and they’re interesting, so it’d be nice to see them. I saw the list of bands and thought ‘Oh yeah, it’d be great to see that, that and that’, and then my brain goes somewhere else and I forget about it again! I know there’s a huge amount of great bands playing though, so I hope I have the time and energy to catch a few.”

Are you a big socialiser at festivals?
“It really depends on the facilities and the amount of energy I have; it isn’t always the best idea for my voice to be screaming loudly over music outside all day. But I do like to meet other musicians – how often do you run into other people that do the same thing that you do if not at festivals? So if I can, I’ll get out there and hopefully meet some new people.”

What are you most looking forward to about the day?
“The few seconds just before you walk on to a big stage like that are always really exciting, especially at a festival like Download where there’s going to be thousands of new people who probably haven’t seen us yet, or have only heard rumours about what we’re about. I remember from my previous visit with After Forever that there’s so much media at Download, so I know it’s a huge thing, and I’m just looking forward to seeing how people will enjoy us… or not! If we can take Download with us on our musical journey it’ll be another really memorable night.”

Nightwish play the Lemmy Stage at Download on June 12. For more information, see the festival's official site.
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 30, 2016, 10:51:44 pm
Entrevista (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 02, 2016, 04:34:10 pm
Setlist Kosice (

Ghost Love Score (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 04, 2016, 04:32:41 pm
Setlist Metalfest (

Nemo (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 06, 2016, 04:22:26 pm
Setlist Rock in Vienna (

Ghost Love Score (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 08, 2016, 11:44:58 pm
Entrevista a Tuomas!! (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 09, 2016, 03:50:09 pm
Setlist Rock in Roma (

Sahara (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 13, 2016, 03:42:39 pm
Setlist Greenfield Fest (

í‰lan (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 13, 2016, 03:46:09 pm
Setlist Download Fest (

Shudder Before The Beautiful (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 19, 2016, 04:20:18 pm
Setlist Graspop (

í‰lan (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 24, 2016, 10:37:26 pm
Emppu cumple hoy 38 años!!!
FELICIDADES!!!! :011: :011: :011:
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 09, 2016, 11:43:42 pm
Setlist Provinssirock (

í‰lan (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 09, 2016, 11:46:03 pm
Setlist Bravalla Fest (

Nemo (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 10, 2016, 04:22:01 pm
Entrevista (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 11, 2016, 05:00:47 pm
Un buen video! (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 18, 2016, 06:19:02 pm
02 OCT 2016 Samsung Blue Square, Seoul, SOUTH KOREA
05 OCT 2016 A8 Live House, Shenzeng, CHINA
07 OCT 2016 QSW Culture Center, Shanghai, CHINA
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 25, 2016, 04:05:17 pm
An exclusive interview with Tuomas Holopainen about plans, new Nightwish album, family and life goals (03.07.2016, RussianGlow)
Интервью RussianGlow с Туомасом ХолопайненомRussianGlow, the largest Russian-speaking Nightwish fan community, is proud to present its first English material: an interview with Tuomas Holopainen, the mastermind, songwriter and keyboard player of Nightwish.

The interview was taken on May 20, 2016 before the concert Nightwish in Moscow.

The visit of the iconic Finnish band could not be missed by symphonic metal fans. A huge audience, most of it hungry for a Nightwish show, gathered up in the Crocus City Hall.

It took a lot of blood and sweat, but, together with Ilya, I managed to take an interview for the largest Russian Nightwish fan club, RussianGlow, with Tuomas Holopainen, and to talk with the keyboardist on the plans, the making of the new Nightwish album, and the goals and unfulfilled wishes of the iconic Finnish band.

– Of course, my first question will be about the new album. Have you got any plans for it? Have you maybe rehearsed it with the band already? Anything about the new album.

– The new album… er… I pretty much have absolutely no idea. I have a certain schedule when am I to start doing the songs… Of course there are a few preliminary ideas already, but I think it’s gonna take a little while. I mean, after this album I… let’s say I feel really well-fed, and so does the whole band. For me Endless Forms Most Beautiful is definitely the pinnacle of the band’s career. And I don’t want to start the songwriting process without the enthusiasm and the idea that I can actually talk this. At the moment I don’t feel that at all. Because I’m really satisfied with the album, especially with the song The Greatest Show On Earth, it’s something that… yeah, wow, this is… at least on the personal level I’ve always aimed for. So next year is gonna be an off-year for Nightwish. It’s gonna be a sabbatical. And after that we have some plans, but… 4-5 years at least until the new album is out.

Туомас Холопайнен и Ричард Докинз, фото– Everybody knows that Richard Dawkins took part in this album. Is there any singer or musician you’d like to collaborate with, did you think about it at all? 

– There are certain people that I would like to collaborate with or get them to do something for the albums, yes. And…

– Who’s…?

– I’m not gonna tell you! (laughs)

– Okaaaay.

– Yes. Because if it happens, it’s gonna be a lovely surprise for all of us.

Дон Роса и Туомас Холопайнен, фото– What about your instrumental music? You’ve already made the album “Life And Times Of Scrooge McDuck” with Don Rosa, and what if, for instance, Hans Zimmer’s management offered you to work together with him, would you agree?

– It would depend on so many different things: what the schedule is, if the context of what kind of music to write, for which kind of film…

– Have you ever seen him?..

– About two weeks ago in Prague, yeah. I actually got an e-pass to go and meet him.

– That’s interesting: Tuomas Holopainen goes to a meet’n’greet as a fan!

– I deliberately skipped because the concert was so incredibly beautiful that I didn’t want to break the illusion of meeting him. As for plans… yeah, next year there’s intriguing thing happening when it comes to music. I wanna concentrate on different things and so do the other members of the band. Then in 2018 we have some plans already. But you were asking about the new album, so nothing new there yet.

– So can we expect to see anything new from Nightwish in 2018?

– Already this year actually, because live DVD is coming out hopefully by the end of this year.

Фрагмент концерта Metallica– Do you know Metallica has a DVD “S&M”, where the band plays with a real symphonic orchestra? Have you ever thought about it?

– It’s been on the discussions for the past 10 years at least. Just that the timing hasn’t been quite right yet. I would definitely assume that we will end up doing one at some point. Hopefully we will… the time just hasn’t come yet. I’d love to do that, though.

– I read that you talked about an acoustic album at the end of Nightwish career. You said ‘we started with an acoustic album and it will be in the end’.

– It’s a thought play which I find in a way romantic: you start off acoustic and then when you know that the time has come to finish the band you would make like a farewell album so that the circle closes. I don’t know if it’s ever gonna happen but I like it as an idea.

– We just need to know that you have no plans to finish Nightwish.

– No, not really.

Выступление Туомаса Холопайнена с группой Kotiteollisuus, фотоIlya: And what about your friends in the band Kotiteollisuus? They’re playing some shows without you, yeah, at the moment?

– Yeah, for the past three years, I think.

Ilya: So you have no plans for playing with them, or, maybe, on some occasions?

– Maybe. I kinda fancy the idea. I really do. Since we have an off-year now, maybe I’ll do a few shows with them, if it’s OK with them, next year. But I haven’t seen the guys in a while. Great people.

Туомас Холопайнен, Йоханна Куркела, Трой Донокли, Пенти Холопайнен Live Lemminkainen Nightwish, фото– Let’s go a bit deeper in psychology, I know you like it. Can you name three most important things in your life?

– Three most important things in my life… They kinda tend to change from year to year, from time to time, but I can mention like at the moment. The things that come to mind… number one would be my family, number two would be music/the band, number three… er… let’s see. Mmm! The garden!

– Is it really? Do you have plants in you tour bus? (laughs)

– No, no (everyone laughs), it’s all at home.

– I can imagine it: if we go to your dressing room there will be a small garden in the corner.

– Okay, you can go and check!

Туомас Холопайнен, фото с родителями– So you’ve named three most important things in your life. Can you name just one: your life goal right now?

– A life goal…

– Yeah, let’s talk about life goals!

– It’s a good subject, I mean… Harmony, balance, trying to be as good as you can to other people, find your place in life and just enjoy what you do. It’s as simple as that, I think.

– What helps you restore the harmony in your soul and relax after a long tour?

– Well, that would be definitely staying at home.

– And how can you relax in the tour?

– Books and movies are really good (laughter). Yeah. Books and movies. And doing crossword puzzles. Just really normal mundane stuff.

Туомас Холопайнен с женой, родителями и музыкантами Nightwish, фото– We can say you’re already halfway through the EFMB tour. There have certainly been some funny moments, tell us about them!

– I bet. But I’m not telling you (laughs). It’s not so funny when you tell them.

– I hope there have been enough to cheer you up and to make you miss the touring and write the new album as soon as possible!

– You can be sure about that! (laughs)

– We’re  running out of time, thanks for the interview and for spending time with us!

– You’re always welcome, see you!

Thanks to Nightwish management and Ewo Pohjola for the accreditation!

The interview was taken by Varya Valovil (Варя Валовиль, page-77145531_50773723). Please refer to the author when copying the material. Thank you!
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 28, 2016, 03:59:06 pm
I spoke to Nightwish bassist, Marco Hietala briefly at Download festival not long before the band played the main stage.

So, Nightwish are playing the main stage today at Download, just before the headliners, Iron Maiden – a good spot on the bill.

It seems like it yes, we just have to pull off a good show and I think all will be well.

Well if you do as good a show as you did at Wembley then I think Iron Maiden might struggle to follow you.

Let’s not go that far.

It’s been a big year or so for Nightwish.  This time last year you had the first Nightwish cruise in Finland. How did you enjoy it?

The cruise was fun.  You take a ship then you get a bar/restaurant environment which can hold around 1000 people, something like that, so it turns into more like a club show.  Theres also all kinds of stuff happening on the ship that has something to do with the band. The shows were really good because I really like the club environment anyway.  It’s what everyone else says – it’s more intimate and you get a really good connection and feedback from the audience which makes you put a little bit more into the show so you get a really nice thing going back and forth.

I really enjoyed the second show on the cruise which was your acoustic set with Troy.  It was an interesting choice of covers, starting off with Pink Floyd.

Well me and Troy have a history of liking certain Prog bands.

In December you sold out Wembley arena, which is double the size of Brixton academy where you’ve played before.

That’s true. Now that was an achievement for the band and I guess personal achievement for everybody as well. The UK with the language difference has been a hard market for us to get into traditionally, so to be the first Finnish band to headline Wembley and also to sell out wembley, yeah it was a big thing to achieve.

It was also the first time you’ve brought the full stage show over to the UK which made it even more impressive.

There’s a lot of thought put into that show, and all the screen material and whatever pyros and everything, so all the better that we were finally able to bring that over.

You’ve obviously got to be careful to stand in the right places when pyro goes off to avoid an accident.

Yes, it’s warm enough up there when things go off.  We are pretty much aware of where these things are going to happen, which ones and how much, and they’re printed down on the setlist that you have somewhere around on the stage, so if you stay sharp enough it’ll be good.

You’ve also started doing your own Nightwish festivals too. Was it something you just thought would be fun to do with bands you like?

Yeah that what’s happened last year when we did the two in Finland, and this year one more, as a tour end kind of thing.  We’ve still got a few shows to do in different places though.  I don’t know, it’s something that management and the band started to talk about, and having a few of the bands that we know people from and know them to be good. It was a no-brainer really when we got down to it.

The band is going to be taking a break next year.  Are you going to be getting some rest, or doing something with Tarot?

I’m going to get some rest first, but there are plans of course for different things.  With Tarot it’s hard because we’ve got one guy who is really sick at the moment and we’re not really sure how this will go.  For a band where most of the guys have been together for 30 years almost, well we’re not going to be changing lineup till we’re certain of things, and probably not even after that.

I think with some people, the perception of Nightwish is that Tuomas goes off and comes back having written a new album and the rest of you then just record it, but I’m sure there’s more to it than that.  How much involvement do you actually have?

Actually quite a lot. Obviously Tuomas writes most of the songs and lyrics but there are four or five songs on the latest album where I got music written, a couple where I got some lines of lyrics written, and then when we get together to rehearse and arrange, everybody has their say.  Every democracy has their president and Tuomas, he’s not a dictator or tyrant – everybody has their say.  When you write songs with keyboards you cannot really tell if something is uncomfortable for a bass player to play, so sometimes things will have to be changed that way, but there’s also the fact that we have really free sharing of ideas in the rehearsal room so anybody can come up with something and we’ll try it out and see if it works, and that how it goes.

I was impressed you managed to do “The greatest show on earth” live – when I heard the album that was a song I didn’t expect to hear live as I thought it was too complex.

Well it took a few rehearsals..

Of course you now have Floor in the band, and she’s got a much more metal presence.

Yes she’s got a very strong presence, I’m not sure if it’s metal or what it is but it’s strong, and she’s got the voice with an almost inhuman strength.  There’s a lot of admiration in the band for her.

If your voice goes when you’re on tour, she can even do the growls for you.

Well there’s that too.  Actually some of the growls on the album, I was doing the melody and she was doing the growls.

It must be difficult with Nightwish albums – every time you release one it’s the best you can do at that time, which then leaves you with a real challenge to do something better for the next one.

Yes, but I don’t think we’re going to let that affect things.  So far the albums have been successful because of the open minded no recipe thinking, and that’s what we’re going to be doing in the future, so there’s no strings or any kind of constraints on us for the writing of the music.  Basically all the albums have been done at the times they were done, so that will affect the music or lyrics. You do the best you can with the things you have at the time.

Saying about open-mindedness, with Imaginaerum I think that really showed as you did something that was totally different to anything you or anyone else had done before, it was unexpected and the result was a really differnt and brilliant album.

You’ve got to have the element of surprise because if you don’t have that then the whole thing will go stale.  At least that’s my opinion.  It’s always good to find things we haven’t done before and go for it.

Richard Dawkins appearing on the latest album and on stage at Wembley – that was a surprise.

That was a little bit surreal – the stage appearance, but it happened.  Also the whole album thing and the themes it’s got with evolution and biology. Getting him along was a big thing.

Thank you very much for your time.
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 29, 2016, 06:37:33 pm
NIGHTWISH will release a live DVD package ”Vehicle Of Spirit”
in November 2016
After touring for a year and a half throughout almost every corner of the world and leaving fans of all nationalities breathless, the time has come for NIGHTWISH to immortalize their "Endless Forms Most Beautiful World Tour 2015-2016" on DVD. Therefore, the symphonic metal visionaries are set to release their new live milestone »Vehicle Of Spirit« on November 4th, featuring not only two full concerts, but also plenty of bonus material.
"The title "Vehicle Of Spirit" came from a friend of Troy's, who after seeing our show a few years ago defined NIGHTWISH as 'A vehicle of spirit that defies category'. That beautiful description has followed us ever since, and felt like a perfect match as the DVD title," states keyboardist and songwriter Tuomas Holopainen.
Sold out arenas and spectacular shows with never before seen pyro effects, wind machines, video screens and of course NIGHTWISH's incomparable melodies are the elements that made their latest tour so unique.
Special highlights for the band have been two particular shows though: The one in London, where they not only played their hymns such as "í‰lan" and the majestic "The Greatest Show On Earth" to more than 12.000 fans, but also welcomed the world famous scientist Richard Dawkins live on stage with them.
Richard Dawkins´ works had a massive impact on the thematical orientation of their latest studio album ”Endless Forms Most Beautiful”. Finland's Tampere show however was a home run for the band and never before NIGHTWISH had such an immense stage production with them:
"I would say the main part of the DVD are those two shows, both Wembley and Tampere. Wembley is mentioned first due to its recognizability and legendary status. I remember the show being very special, both a goal achieved, and a starting point. The crowd was heartwarming. The presence of Richard Dawkins on stage was mind-blowing. The overall Wembley experience was a once-in-a-lifetime thrill ride!
The show in Ratina Stadion, Tampere, was a home crowd specialty (for 4/6th of the band) with the biggest stage production we've ever had. A lovely atmosphere throughout the concert, with many same faces in the front row as there were 15 years ago. Heartfelt."
When it comes to the final artwork of the DVD, NIGHTWISH decided to walk different paths this time and come up with a little alternative idea, as Tuomas explains:
"We didn`t want to include a traditional band shot for the cover, as on the previous DVD release »Showtime, Storytime«. So we started brainstorming on different options and the idea of a classic silent movie era - Hollywood visuals quickly came up. With those classic slogans the cover has a little tongue-in-cheek-touch to it, but it's still classy and eye-catching in its simplicity and originality."

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 07, 2016, 04:22:06 pm
Setlist Heavy MTL (

The Greatest Show On Earth (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 07, 2016, 08:55:11 pm
Entrevista (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 09, 2016, 05:41:56 pm
Entrevista a Floor!! (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 20, 2016, 11:42:06 pm
Setlist Himnos Park (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 21, 2016, 04:26:23 pm
De ayer!! ( (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 29, 2016, 07:00:04 pm
Setlist Czad Festiwal (

Nemo (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 10, 2016, 05:33:45 pm
Setlist Havlov Festival (

Storytime (

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 10, 2016, 05:36:02 pm
Setlist Lisboa ( (

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 10, 2016, 05:37:57 pm
Que chulo!! (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 11, 2016, 04:31:52 pm
Setlist Madrid ( (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 13, 2016, 03:51:57 pm
Setlist Mantova ( (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 15, 2016, 03:25:54 pm
Setlist Sofia ( (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 15, 2016, 03:29:02 pm
Troy contesta a fans!!

Thank you for Troy in being super quick in sending us the answers.
“What a splendid bunch of questions from a splendid bunch of people! Interviews with journalists can be very tedious. Trust the fans to restore my interest and give me a bloody good laugh into the bargain….
“If you could live in another era, which one will it be?”
I would like to live in the seventies and eighties. An Era of no mobile phones; people talking to each other rather than staring into their “Black Mirror” and tapping time away. Pubs were so much more fun with no flat screen TV’s distracting us with the horrors of football.  Plus, all the best bands were in full flight.
“It's remarkable that you're a multinstrumentalist, but what was your first instrument? And what is your favorite?":  First instrument was guitar but I love them all.
“You came to Nightwish as a temporary musician and now you're a key part of their sound, what made you stay?":  It was impossible to walk away from Nightwish. The possibilities were too great and besides, we have too much fun.
“If you could play an old NW song you haven't played, what would be it?”:  “Ghost Love Score” arranged for just Tin Whistle and Banjo.
“Do you have any recurrent dreams?":  No, I seldom dream. Mind you, my life is such a Kaleidoscope it’s difficult to tell the difference.
“What was your first remarkable foreign experience?": I went travelling in India when I was 21 years old and that was formative to say the least.
“Your Pink Floyd-ish melodic guitar has been an AMAZING addition to the band sound, and a total surprise too! Did you come up with it? What inspired the new solos?":  Well thank you kindly Ahasverus. I’m glad you like it (I’ll buy you a pint next time I see you!). It’s always been waiting to show itself. I figured this particular guitar sound which I’ve cultivated over these years would fit the atmosphere of Nightwish perfectly. So we initially tried it in ‘Nemo’ and it seemed to give the song a rich, new, fiery ‘lift’. And as ‘Sahara’ is now showing, it’s opening up lots of opportunities for harmony guitar parts in future. The more variety of paint for our palette the more colourful the picture as it were.
“You're love for Wuthering Highs is well documented, but it's quite the unusual song, what was your first reaction to it?":  Shock! It seemed completely ‘other worldly’ and it was and still is. I met Kate a few years ago backstage at the Royal Festival Hall but I was a gibbering ‘fanboy’ with knees of jelly so was of no use to anyone.
“What was your favorite Christmas gift?":  I love Christmas and all gifts. I can’t say what is best without sounding drippy and mawkish.
“Would you like to compose the music for a NW song?":  I naturally do get involved, but I think Tuomas does just fine….
“Your hair is great, what is your hair care routine?”:  Oh yes! I’m glad you picked up on this because it’s something I am very serious about – firstly, I wash it in cheap hotel shampoo but, and here’s the secret, before it dries, Floor drags me feet-first through a nearby bush, and then massages ground up biscuit crumbs into my scalp with a teaspoon of salt. Voila! The Troy Donockley Hairdo. Do feel free to try it.
“Would you ever shave your head bald?”  Of course! Who wouldn’t?  Actually, I intend to for the next tour; just turn up at rehearsals shining bald. Anything for a laugh…
“Have you ever wanted to pee in the middle of a gig, in fact, in the middle of a song?”:  Weirdly, whenever Emppu does his marvellous ‘dive bombing Harmonic’ toward the end of “Last Ride” I ALWAYS wet my pants.
“Which bands do you consider overrated? Which ones underrated?”:  I think Coldplay are massively overrated. Loads of relatively underrated.
“What was your favorite tv show as a child?”:  Bill and Ben the Flowerpot Men and Fawlty Towers.
“What was your favorite film as a child? Which one is your favorite film?”:  ‘Jaws’. Saw it 6 times in its first week of release. I’m a serious film buff so it’s impossible to choose one over the rest… Criminal behaviour.
“You recorded for the score of "Robin Hood", did you get to meet Ridley Scott?”:  I did! A very nice guy but I suffered the ‘Kate Bush Effect’ and the sound of my knees knocking drowned out any chance of conversation.
“Who is your favorite superhero?”:  Troy Tempest from “Stingray”
“You also recorded for Ayreon's latest album, how was the experience?":  Arjen is a splendid chap so all is good.
“What are your views on religion?”:  Without quoting Karl Marx, I’d say I appreciate and understand the need to believe in God but we should actively self-analyse the reasons for that need – cultural, historical and biological.
“Are you acquainted with the philosophy of Anton LaVey?”:  I’m not, and I’m not going to google him and pretend that I am! I will investigate later though…
“What are your tastes concerning literature?”:  ‘Classic’ mainly. The archaic language and evolving expression excites me and reminds me of how much we have lost. I love words. I do resent losing some of our best adjectives to the modern monsters of the meaningless – the word ‘Awesome’ for instance: The Grand Canyon IS, a ‘Big Mac with extra cheese’ IS NOT!!
“What was the first Nightwish song you listened to? What were your first thoughts about the band's music?”:  “Dark Chest of Wonders”. I loved the title and was intrigued by the direction and romance of it. And for that reason it’s a bit of a favourite.
“How would you react if life was found in another planet?”
Same as you – crack open some fine wine and dance down the street in my underpants while blowing kisses at the sky.  To paraphrase ‘The Universe Song’ by Monty Python “I hope there’s intelligent life up there because there’s bugger all down here on earth”.
“Can we expect more of you exploring other instruments and sounds in addition to the folk style on the upcoming album?”:  Absolutely. I have a lot of instrumentation at my disposal so we might as well use it!
“What is your favourite place in the world to perform a concert and why?”:  Oh I really can’t say…I love everywhere and wherever I happen to be. Honest.
“What is your favourite Richard Dawkins' documentary and what kind of similar material would you suggest to me?”:  His DVD ‘Box Set’ is excellent. And have you read ‘Demon Haunted World’ by Carl Sagan yet? No?? Why not??!
“What is the vision of the band about songs like The Carpenter, Gethsemane and The Poet and the Pendulum, that somehow relate to the existence of a god or even refers to Jesus Christ?”:  In the light of today, it’s all metaphorical my dear…
“What is your favourite TV show, game and book?”:  Difficult! Changing all the time.
“ I wonder at which point - in what specific occasion or anecdote that you can recall - did you find yourself realizing that this was no ordinary gig?
Similarly, when and what made you start feeling like a band member rather than just a lucky session guy on a really good gig?”
Thanks for your lovely greeting!
In answer to your questions, they can be seen as one - I found myself being quickly pulled toward the band. The wonderful ‘tractor beam’ of the like-minded. Everything, every element, the musically adventurous and courageous indifference to the desires of the music business appealed to me, massively so. Also, my natural insouciance seemed to fit with the dream of Nightwish so here we are!
“What's the weirdest question a fan/interviewer has asked you?”:  See the splendid first question from SYMPHONIKER.
“Playing which NW-song gives you the most satisfaction musically wise?”:  At the moment it’s ‘Sahara’. Brilliant atmosphere and Hard and furious as anything!
“Would you like to sing the songs from Angels Fall First in which Tuomas sings?”
Aaaah! Whitelagoon is an Oracle!
“Who inspires you in your life?”:  Noble people. Honest People. Fearless People. Lovely People.
“What was the moment in your life that changed everyting?”:  When I was pulled, terrified and exhilarated from out of my wonderful mother and into this swirling magical world.
“What was your first impression when you were asked to play flute and pipes on a metal band? How did you face it?”
Madrid any day now!  I think my answer to SOME_DUDE covers these completely…
“I remember vaguely that you were practicing the magic trick of walking on water some years ago, did you learn to do that?”:  I sort of did but I was ruining too many jackets falling into mossy ponds!
“Why did you participate in the Openly Secular campaign?”:  Oh it’s a campaign well worth supporting; to help encourage people to think a bit deeper and with freedom. I was very pleased with our video and it got a brilliant endorsement from our pal, the one and only Richard Dawkins. Did you notice I said ‘Pal’? Ha ha!
“Your opinion on Brexit?"
Love the three headed squirrel!
On Brexit? Well, I think it’s important to realise that Europe is NOT a political entity; it’s a Continent, and the UK is a part of that and always will be. There is a strong ‘hard-wired’ allegiance to the principle of Democracy in Britain, and I feel this was a major issue. A lot of people see the EU as anti- democratic. Unfortunately, what was a great idea appears to have been ruined, and I can’t see its survival. The EU seems to be too ossified and obtuse. Anyway, I voted to leave the Solar System…
“Is there any instruments you would like to learn to play?"
There’s too many already. Don’t encourage me!
“If you weren't a musician, how would you make your living?”:  Probably a Baker. I bake all our bread and I even have a ‘proving cabinet’ which excites me no end. I take it very seriously and can talk at length on yeast strains and the pros and cons of stonegrinding. Exciting eh?
“Would you like to live in Finland?”:  I find myself living there more often than not.
“Do you have plans of releasing more solo albums?”:  Yes! I have started work and intend to record it in our year off (2017)
“Most complicated NW song to play live?”:  Greatest Show on Earth ( full version)
“Are there any instruments you have tried to introduce to Nightwish, but you (and the band) came to conclude they don´t really fit? If so, which ones and why didn´t they fit?"
Strangely, that hasn’t happened yet. Let’s see what happens when we attempt GLS with the Banjo…
“If you could be an animal for a day (different from the human animal you already are), which one would you choose?”:  Great question! I reckon it would have to be a fruit bat. Hanging about upside down only breaking the tedium by flying around looking for fruit. A bit like my human touring life really…
“ How many sets of uilleann pipes and whistles do you have?”:  Only one set of pipes as they are rare and irreplaceable. I have around 28 whistles of varying size.
“Have you ever picked the wrong whistle and only realised doing so while playing?”:  I have! And recently. I picked up my ‘C’ whistle rather than ‘Bb’ during “Islander” it was pure avant-garde Jazz.
“Have you tried using a microphone on the outside of the pipes (attached with a clip on the chanter or something)? Wouldn't that give a much livelier and natural sound than an internal mic?":  Yes and microphones just don’t work because of the pipes being omni-directional. Plus you can never get enough level to compete with a band. I always record them acoustically though.
“I know that you're a secularist, but did you ever have an experience that you couldn't rationally explain”:  Indeed I have. A few. My favourite was walking through a park and hearing my sister say my name really loud, clearly, and close in my left ear. I turned around but nobody there. I then noticed, in the distance, the figure of my sister waving at me!
“Do you think it might be possible to reconcile science and religion/spirituality via some sort of "secular spirituality", such as explored by Sam Harris in his 2014 book "Waking Up”?”:  I can think of nothing more spiritual than the discoveries of Science so, a resounding yes. In the present tense.
“Do you have experience with meditation?”:  I did meddle with it in my late teens while going through the process of trying to find meaning in old ideas, but I soon realised that I was playing a game with myself and creating more distracting illusions.
1) “Do you have any funny/memorable stories from working with Adrian Edmondson?”: We are going out again next festival season simply because we have Big Fun together. Funny stories? Countless.  I love how he doesn’t suffer fools gladly (I unfortunately do most of the time) so him taking on and ejecting idiots from venues is always a great laugh.
2) “ Would you ever consider doing the male vocals on Once Upon a Troubadour?”:  Me doing male vocals on old Nightwish songs? That isn’t as outlandish as it seems. In fact….
“What do you usually do backstage when band performs songs you are not involved in?"
Now here’s yet another great question. I usually watch the audience and revel in the ecstasy of it all. I have a little routine with Antti who looks after me and Emppu – just before GLS or PATP he cracks open a nice cold beer for me. Then another before LROTD. He also entertains me with his brilliant dancing.
And a very fond greeting to the Hungarian fans. A lovely lot!
“What was the funniest moment you will never forget?":  Well as usual there are too many too private to relate, but me and Tuomas in Peru trying to catch lit Cigars, propelled off a fork handle, into our mouths while our very drunk mates cheered us on was pretty good.
“What was the worst food You have eaten in your life?”:  It was a pizza in Germany – Red paint and Cat vomit on a baked face flannel.
“Is there any housework you hate ...and have you got any what you like?”:  I don’t like washing dishes but I do like vacuum cleaning.
“Is there a place you have never played, but you would to? (for example top of a hill, church, valley…)”:  The international Space Station would be good. Or the Jennings Brewery in Cumbria.
“Do You have an object (in Your life) you insist on?":  A deck of Playing Cards.
“What is your favorite home furnishing?”:  Brilliant! It’s Lamp Shades.
“Do you have moments, imaginations or pictures flashing in your mind after a show, when you are on your own?”:  Yes, it’s impossible to ‘switch off’ after the adrenaline burst of a show so its difficult to get to sleep sometimes with the constant bombardment of the experience. So relaxation and quiet is the only hope.
“What kind of thing or situation can make you cry?”:  Onions. And being in a restaurant or lift with bad Muzak.
“Do you have an idol from the history of your nation?”:  There are so many. I am lucky to have grown up on a little island with such a rich and extraordinary history but I would go for Charles Darwin or maybe the composer Ralph Vaughan Williams ( who are, amazingly, related)
“What would you ask us”:  Have you wondered why you, and most of the other Nightwish Fans across the world, are so polite, enthusiastic and kind?
“Imagine Tuomas goes crazy and starts writing rubbish, would you try to mutiny and take control of the band or would you just run away?”
Thank you for your very lovely compliments! Now, onto your completely superb question – I did try to take control once and I shall tell you what happened: It was back in 1892… Tuomas brought to us a new song called “Bongo, Bongo, Hey! Hey!” It had a distinctly ‘Hawaiian Flavour’ with steel guitar and baritone sax which I felt to be the wrong direction for Nightwish. When I mentioned our feelings, he flew into a blind rage and demanded we all wear Tropical coloured Shirts and ‘Hula Skirts’ for the rest of the tour. So I felt I had no option but to take action. But unfortunately, when I tried to start a rebellion to crown myself King of the Band, he made me drink 5 bottles of very fine vintage wine with him in a superb restaurant, after which, it was impossible for me to run away. So there you have it. The song will be on the next album,
“Do you like Salmiakki?”:  I LOVE Salmiakki and I am a bit of an evangelist in the UK. Turned a lot of people onto its dark power.
“Do you listen death metal?”:  I like Death Metal but I can’t listen to it.
“Why don't you dye your hair red? Like Tuomas 2002 maybe?”:  Excellent! Well my natural hair colour is Reddy-Gingery-Brown but I dye it grey in honour of my Heroes – Walt Whitman, Mark Twain, Beethoven, Vaughan Williams etc.
“Does the age have an impact on your playing and touring?”:  I don’t really know what it is. I mean, I understand the soft machine slowing down a bit as everything does in time, but to quote my friend Maddy Prior (The High Priestess of English Folk Music) – “Fine games in the clouds, a pirouette and dance, pure fun and glee. To fall on air, without a care, joyfully flying free. I drop, I swoop, I loop the loop, tumbling above the trees…” That’s what I think of age.
“On the EMFB episode 21 named "Troy", you play some tune at the beginning. Is that the Beauty and the beast by Nightwish or just practising?”:  Oooooh I have no idea!
“Why don't you compose for Nightwish? What do you think about your creativity in making music?”:  I am a very serious composer myself. It’s something I am utterly devoted to and compelled by, so I look forward to all the impending free time. I also enjoy co-writing which is something I am yet to do in Nightwish but in a way I am reluctant; I am very, very happy to contribute musical directions and ideas to Nightwish, but I think Tuomas has it covered, and I like it that way. I mean, it’s worked splendidly for 20 years has it not?
“Can you tell me what is your Top 5 guilty pleasures (music, movies, habits etc..)?”:  Just like your gender, I’m not telling….
“How do you cope with the morning hangover? Any secret to share?”:  Now, age certainly has an impact with this! No secrets or advice apart from stop having so much fun. But why would I recommend such a dull and treacherous course?
“Are you feel fed up from touring now, after one and a half year of doing it?”:  Nah…even the very early formative stuff has its charm.
“Do you feel like a metal dude?”:  Well as my friends in the delightfully hard-rocking band ‘Battle Beast’ put it – “I’m a bad motherfucker I’m a metal man, I’ve got a heart of steel, I’m not afraid to die”. They wrote that song about me. Obviously.
“Why don't you do some magic trick on the stage and maybe cut Tuomas body in half like in Imaginaerum movie?”:  Watch this space.
“Why do you keep your nails long?”:  So they ‘click’ when I play the piano.
“Which brand do you prefer for tin and low whistles?”
My whistles were made by Bernard Overton, the inventor of the modern low whistle but sadly he died and his instruments are difficult to find. However, I can recommend Tony Dixon for Low Whistles. For High ‘Tin’ whistles the very best are made by Chris Backhouse of CB Whistles. I use his high C ‘Elan’ Whistle live and it’s superb. Named after a certain song…
Hi Las L. A lovely letter. (#31)
 A subject too large to answer here (maybe on a nice beach in Florida with a Pina Colada) but briefly - I suspect our world view to be similar. I am very optimistic of the future. History shows that every generation or era is riddled with violence and self-destructive fear, and yet our social evolution has always been progressive and liberating. The beauty of science as an eclipse to the irrational has been a triumph for us; and technology is a psychologically chaotic but beautiful whirlwind. As a species we are born with a strong will to survive, so I look to a sparkling future!
Cheers Spectre, you’re very kind.
“Any chance that we see you in a more present role as a (second) guitarist in Nightwish in future”:  I’m really delighted with the fan response to my guitar adventures, especially as it’s evident that nobody feels I’m stepping on Emppu’s toes. Perish the thought! To us it’s a new voice to add to our wide musical lexicon so yes, I will be doing more in future and playing some saucy duets with our Mighty Emppu; surely one of the most underrated guitarists in the world…
“Did you get to write new music for your solo album during the EFMB tour as intended”:  I wanted to but it’s just impossible to grab the motivation. Another good intention washed down the drain of airports and backstage areas.
“Will we ever get to hear a flute duet between you and Floor?”:  Now there’s a thought…leave it with me!
“Is it true that you cured Tuomas from stage fright by hypnosis?”:  Where did you hear that??!! But yes, rather than cured I would say “Helped clear the attic”. I have studied Hypnosis and it’s a fascinating and very effective tool for self-awareness. It worked for me and for Tuomas.
“What album by any band would you  say is your most listened to album?”
It would be Pink Floyd ‘Wish You Were Here’ simply because I can’t remember ever being without it. In fact, I listened to it on the plane to Poland last week.  I discovered ‘Dark Side’ when I was about  11 or 12 (which rearranged my tiny brain) but when I heard the opening to ‘Shine on you Crazy Diamond’ with that eloquent, melancholic guitar against that beautiful atmospheric background? changed everything.

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 15, 2016, 03:36:02 pm
Tuomas responde:

Big thanks to Tuomas for sending us his answers!

1. I'd want to know your honest opinion about Donald Duck comics nowadays... What do you think of them?
* Still enjoying them! Obviously many of the stories these days are dreadful, especially the "superhero-orientated" ones, but we can always go back to the classics. The Duck fanatics all over the world are eagerly waiting for the next Barks or Rosa to surface…
2. What in the world should we pay/bribe you to play Nymphomaniac Fantasia live?
* We might consider it for a full case of 40-year old Laphroaig and a trip to the moon.
3. Your opinion on burkini ban?
* I`m heavily against it, it feels like a step towards authoritarianism. If we ban that, then shouldn`t we also ban nuns and priests, buddhists, jews and hindus using their traditional outfits in public? Now, I`m loudly against religious oppression, and forcing women to wear something they don`t want to wear because ancient texts say so is absolutely horrible, as any sane person would agree. But should we take their right to wear it if they wanted to? No.
It`s a different issue when burkinis (or any other traditional costumes) are worn, for example, in public pools, under the silly term of "religious freedom". You`d be violating hygiene directives, of course you can`t do that.
I`m an individual freedom absolutist in the sense that you should be able to be and do whatever you want, believe in whatever you want, dress however you want and have consensual sex with whomever you like, as long as you`re not hurting anybody.
4. If you could live in any fictional world from book or a movie for a year, what world would it be ?
* Excellent one!! I`m struggling between Moominvalley, the village from the movie "The Village" and Hobbiton. Not fair. Impossible!!
5. Any chance of seeing anything from AFF with Troy singing your parts?
* There most certainly is!
6. You are often accused in self-plagiarism (whatever that means) because the songs from EFMB sounds like your older songs. What can you say about this? Is it lack of inspiration or it's just purposely, like your trademark?
* Oh, dear… These questions are just great!
We`ve always played our game on a huge field when it comes to the varieties in musical genres & influences, instruments used, song structures and lyrical themes. Naturally every member has his or her quintessential way of singing, playing and writing songs, which can be recognized throughout the albums, our trademark building-blocks to create the music we love to create.
Music is about searching and self-discovery at its core, but to deliberately do everything, writing, playing, singing, in a way it`s never been done before just for the sake of uniqueness, is a dangerous path.
When it comes to bands guilty of "self-plagiarism", Nightwish surely are on the opposite end of the spectrum.
7. Nightwish has released the demo versions of some songs from Dark Passion Play and Imaginaerum. Is there any chance you'll do the same with EFMB songs? How about the 35-minute-long version of The Greatest Show on Earth? Will we have the chance of listening to it some day?
* With EFMB we basically skipped the demo phase of recordings. The first version of The Greatest Show is somewhere on a floppy disc in one of the dozens of disc boxes in one of the dozens of cardboard boxes in the deep dungeons of my cellar…
8. What's the first thing you do when you wake up?
* I have a terrible habit of instantly grabbing my iPhone and reading the news. Something that I need to alienate myself from. I`m very much pro-technology, but these devices have become awfully addictive extensions of our flesh-and-blood hands, and have seriously twisted the way we experience the world and other human beings as social animals.
The second thing I always do is make coffee. I cannot function at all without it.
9. What is your opinion about Tarja and Anette perform some Nightwish songs on their solo concerts? There was a direct request to you?
* I`m totally fine with them performing NW songs, why would I be against that?! Anyone is free to cover our songs.
 10. Is there any Nightwish song in which you wouldn't feel so comfortable to play nowadays, if yes, why?
* Bye Bye Beautiful and Master Passion Greed, for obvious reasons. Nymphomaniac Fantasia for even more obvious reasons.
Playing The Poet And The Pendulum also feels a bit uncomfortable to me personally, but due to its more ambiguous nature it`s doable.
11. What do you think about electronic music/sounds and its use in conjunction with classical music as in the Interstellar soundtrack?
* When done with a good taste it`s fantastic! Interstellar soundtrack is a prime example of that, it`s actually my top 3 Hans Zimmer album. My biggest musical hero Vangelis is the Grand Wizard of that stuff.
12. Are you aware of the issues with the Blu-Ray of Showtime Story time running at only 96% of the correct speed (sluggish). Will Vehicle Of Spirit be free from this error?
* We are, it was huge slap in the face. The band was not aware of this until all the Blu-Rays were already printed and in sale. We were very vocal about the issue towards the personnel responsible for the error, but got only a "this is how it`s always been done, everywhere, even in Hollywood, what are you talking about, etc." for an answer…
Vehicle Of Spirit will be free from this error. At least we`ve done everything in our power to do so.
13. Did you read or watch anything inspiring during the EFMB tour?
* The British tv-series "Black Mirror" had a massive effect on me. The most thought-provoking drama I`ve seen in ages, highly recommendable to everyone, especially during these technology-driven times. A word of warning though, the stories go uncomfortably deep under your skin and never leave. Especially the episodes "White Bear" and "The White Christmas" will haunt you forever.
The latest book to give me the serious goosy bumps was Brian Sykes` "The Seven Daughters Of Eve".
14. How would you categorize your beliefs according to Dawkins' Belief Scale Scoring Rubric?
* I`m a solid 6. (As is Dawkins). I`m intimidated of people who are stridently in categories 1 and 7.
People are often confused of semantics when it comes to the terms atheism and agnosticism. The important point to remember is: they answer to two different questions;
"Do you believe there`s a God?", and "Do you know there`s no God?" My answer to the first one would be no, making me "an atheist" in that sense. My answer to the latter question would be "of course not, nobody does", making me "an agnostic".
15. You mentioned you've played Skyrim, have you expanded into any other games?
* I`m more of a board game nerd, and never was into console games. Skyrim was great, though, as was The Last Of Us. Both were insanely addictive so I need to see there`s nothing in my calendar for at least a month before starting Witcher 3…
16. Have you a favorite fossil creature?
* Marco.
17. Over the years, are you increasingly attracted by the classical music? Are you still attached to your « first love » (Zimmer, Elfman the film score in the broad sense of the term) ?
* I listen to quite little music these days, and when I do, it`s mainly film music, celtic music and classical. Occasionally it`s great to take a nostalgia trip into those mind-blowing teenage - era albums which made all the difference back in the days. The 3rd And The Mortal, Metallica, Gary Moore, Moonspell, Tiamat, Xentrix, My Dying Bride, Amorphis, Stratovarius, Pantera…
18. Have you ever thought of making a song were you play clarinet instead of keyboards?
* If there ever comes a need to create another "torture chamber ambience", like through the mid-section of "The Poet And The Pendulum", sure!
I believe the last time actually I played the clarinet was April 18th, 1997.
19. Are you excited for any upcoming releases music/book/movie
* The final chapter of The Kingkiller Chronicles Trilogy by Patrick Rothfuss would be my #1 on this list. Then there are the upcoming Dark Tower films, Richard Dawkins` new essay anthology, the remake of Stephen King`s IT, Del Toro`s version of "Pinocchio", Sonata Arctica`s upcoming album and the new seasons of Walking Dead and Outlander.
20. Earth is 4.6 billion years old . If you could choose an event, only one,  to witness in all this time, what would it be?
* To see the iconic "red hand" painting of the Chauvet Cave being made, to actually see the individual Sapiens the hand belonged to…
21. Are there any unreleased (as in fully completed, much like The Heart Asks Pleasure First was) songs remaining in the vaults or do they only exist as unfinished demo recordings or ideas that you've written down somewhere?
* Absolutely nothing, "fully completed", that is. Everything`s been released in one form or another. I do have dozens of floppy discs and a few dictaphones full of bits `n pieces of unused ideas, riffs, melodies and mindless racket.
22. What makes you laugh out loud?
* Laurel And Hardy, Fawlty Towers, Ricky Gervais, Borat, Studio Julmahuvi, Troy`s conjurings and manifestations, too much wine, the 2 geniuses of the 2016 US presidential election. 
23. What`s your favorite dish to cook?
* I love outdoor / open fire cooking, as well as baking traditional Finnish rye bread. Indian is my favorite cuisine and I like doing dishes like Tarka Dal, Sag Aloo and Aloo Gobi.
24. If something happened and you couldn`t play in Nightwish anymore would you prefer others stop playing as "Nightwish" or to keep up playing without you?
* A very interesting one. If everyone in the band would be willing and happy to continue doing shows without me, absolutely yes! I would have no problem with that scenario at all. It`s a difficult situation to imagine, though, and I think I might have a problem with others creating a new Nightwish album without me taking any part of it.
25. Do you believe in prophetic dreams?
* No.
26. With the exception of Kitee, in which part of the world would you like to live?
* It`s difficult for me to imagine living anywhere else, but if I had to choose, I would pick Lapland or the Lake District in Cumbria.
27. How old were you when you pierced your ears?
* I`m glad you asked. I think I was 23. And off they went a couple of years ago. (I was in a dental x-ray and had to take them off, never bothered to put them back on afterwards).
28. Did you in any way inform Sharbat Gula that you wrote a song about her?
* I did send the EFMB - album with a brief message about the band and that song to Mr. Steve McCurry, the man who took the famous "The Afghan Girl" - photograph, also requesting if he possibly had any contact info to Sharbat Gula herself. No reply, unfortunately.
29. Why do you guys downtune the pre - Century Child songs?
* Because it makes the technical side of things on stage much easier with different guitars and basses, as simple as that. Instead of 4 guitars we now only need 2, etc.
To us those songs sound equally good dropped, as in the original tuning, so this decision was made early on. Made the technical crew very happy.
30. Your biggest fear in your life?
* Losing the people I love. Nothing else comes close.
31. Did booze or maybe pot help you finish or create a song?
* Pot`s not my thing, and hangover is said to be a highly creative state, but I still prefer a sober, clear minded autumn-, winter- or spring morning when it comes to fruitful songwriting. But sure, a merry larruping solves a puzzle, or plants an idea every now and then!
32. Does music ever move you to tears? If so, what artist or song?
* Music moves me constantly, but actual tears don`t come that easily. Songs to guarantee wet eyes every time I hear them include the original Walking In The Air, Forever Young (Alphaville), Wonderful Life (Black), Fields Of Coral (Vangelis), Dives And Lazarus (Vaughan Williams) and Ride On (Christy Moore), to mention a few.
33. Addressing to the marvelous line "I do not wish to evade the world, yet I will forever build my own": do you agree that for a human being it`s generally vitally important to create a personal world that we consider our life as a success if we manage to do it, and as a fail if we don`t. If yes, why do you think it`s so?
* If someone was to ask me the key to happiness I`d say two things: Be nice to people (and all living things), and find a passion. This "passion" can be anything from different forms of art to sports cars to politics to horses to charity work to basketball to living your whole life in a monastery. Once you find your passion, you create your own personal world around it. A safe haven where you feel utterly comfortable, at home, where you can leave a mark to this world. That`s the definition of a personal world for me, and yes, I think it`s vital for human happiness. The meaning of life is not a complicated thing, it`s something different for everybody.
It`s a such powerful play we get to take part of, and we all have a chance to contribute a verse. What will your verse be? (As our beloved Uncle Walt (Whitman) said.)
34. Are there some certain emotions or themes in your music?
*  This was my favorite question of them all.
Thank you everyone for sending the inspiring questions, I had a fun time answering these! - Tuomas
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 16, 2016, 04:51:19 pm
Vehicle Of Spirit

NIGHTWISH - Vehicle Of Spirit
Released on: 2016-11-04

With every year that we move further away from our childhood, we lose more of the fascination for the world and forget our initial sense of beauty. The world grows duller, gets swept by everyday routine and a work-sleep-eat-repeat-rhythm – but every few decades, a bunch of musicians are able to break down these grey walls of concrete. And those who’ve seen NIGHTWISH live since their inception in 1996, know that they are the ones to shine a little light with magic, intensity and melancholy into the corners of the one’s mind that seemed long lost and forgotten.

After exactly twenty years of band history, the Suomi Symphonics around visionary and keyboardmaster Tuomas Holopainen have reached their best shape to date and this current energy is unleashed in the sextet’s new live release »Vehicle Of Spirit«. This DVD box does not only contain the two most special shows of their last world tour, but leads through the entire career of NIGHTWISH with its diverse setlists and hand-picked bonus material.

"I would say the main parts of the DVD are those two shows, both Wembley and Tampere. Wembley is mentioned first due to its recognisability and legendary status. I remember the show being very special, both a goal achieved, and a starting point”, Tuomas Holopainen explains. “The crowd was heartwarming. The presence of Richard Dawkins on stage was just mind-blowing. The overall experience felt like a once-in-a-lifetime thrill ride!
Also, it’s the history of the venue that makes it so special. All these artists and bands throughout the decades that played there! Many of which are my or the other band members` heroes in music. And you get to perform there, on the same stage, saying "Good Evening Wembley!" out loud. It was beautiful and poetic. I would think a kid, who for his entire life desires to become an astronaut and finally reaches the surface of the moon, might experience something similar.”

At the end of the show, the world famous biologist and scientist Richard Dawkins appeared live on stage with NIGHTWISH to perform his recitation at the end of the evolution hymn 'The Greatest Show On Earth' – an unforgettable moment for the band that had their latest chartbreaking album »Endless Forms Most Beautiful« heavily influenced by the works and the revolutionary views of the British scientist. But their sold-out Wembley show in front of 12.000 fans was not the only milestone on this almost 2-year-long tour and in Tampere, Finland, the band entered yet undiscovered grounds:

“The show in Ratina Stadion, Tampere, was a home crowd specialty (for 4/6th of the band) with the biggest stage production we've ever had. A lovely atmosphere throughout the concert, with many same faces in the front row as there were 15 years ago. Heartfelt."

After eight genre-defining studio releases, NIGHTWISH are among the most successful metal bands of our time and the multinational act surely doesn’t have to prove anything to anyone anymore. However, they did. It was the first tour with Floor Jansen on vocals and Troy Donockley on the pipes as permanent members of the line-up and together with WINTERSUN’s Kai Hahto on drums, filling in for founding member Jukka Nevalainen after his sudden illness. But the Finnish-Dutch-British-combo already seems like a well-established team, united for decades. The line-up disagreements lay buried in the past and the dark moments are dusty and forgotten, so let’s celebrate the present day and the beauty of reality – but not without little tricks in their sleeve:

Intense pyro technics, raging wind effects and hypnotic video screens transform NIGHTWISH’s shows into an incomparable force of Nature. But even though their production is at the biggest level of the band’s history, they never blindly rely on massive show effects or neglect the initial spirit of a live performance – eventually they still turn out to be the enthusiastic and fragile music lovers from Kitee. Looking at Tuomas Holopainen behind his keyboard arsenal, you still see the shy boy with his beloved biology book shimmering through. Therefore the choice of the DVD’s title doesn’t come as big surprise:

"The title »Vehicle Of Spirit« came from a friend of Troy's, who after seeing our show a few years ago defined NIGHTWISH as 'A vehicle of spirit that defies category'. That beautiful description has followed us ever since, and felt like a perfect match as the DVD title,"

On both shows, the band delivers a setlist that will leave their loyal fans breathless – in London, they fly from the epic 'Ghost Love Score' to 'The Poet And The Pendulum' and the reborn version of 'Stargazers', while Tampere cheers over Floor’s unique performance of 'Sleeping Sun' and reaches its bombastic ending with 'The Greatest Show On Earth' . After three hours of colourful live wizardry, the spectator’s life will surely be and stay a little brighter.

When it comes to the fine artwork of the DVD, NIGHTWISH decided to walk different paths this time and come up with a little alternative idea, as Tuomas explains:

"We didn`t want to include a traditional band shot for the cover, as on the previous DVD release »Showtime, Storytime«. So we started brainstorming on different options and the idea of a classic silent movie era Hollywood visuals quickly came up. With those classic slogans the cover has a little tongue-in-cheek-touch to it, but it's still classy and eye catching in its simplicity and originality."

The bonus material consists of several additional live clips from different shows and a short interview with the biologist Richard Dawkins, and in the end, »Vehicle Of Spirit« raises a monument for the band years 2015 and 2016. A monument for symphonic metal, for the sake of science and evolution - and the boy with the biology book.
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 18, 2016, 04:05:31 pm
Turno de Floor!!

hen you headbang, do you feel dizzy immediately afterwards? If so, does it interfere with your singing?
Floor: singing goes before all other things for me. Moving around is important of course to make it into a show but it shouldn’t interfere with singing. I don’t get dizzy from headbanging but when it’s really hot I sometimes do get a bit lightheaded, just like when you get out of your seat too fast. It’s important that I keep my breathing under control no matter what I do. So also with headbanging ☺
2: I would like to know if it was very difficult to start singing. It must be very hard be your own instrument. Any advice for new singers?
Floor: why would starting to sing be difficult? It might become something more when you connect ambitions (and so expectations) to it. But what happened to just singing? That’s what I did ☺ I just enjoyed it and wanted to do it more often after I got a taste of it. A while later I wanted more and learned you can go to the conservatorium if you are good enough and willing to devote your life to it. I was so young, all I could do was follow my heart. That’s what I did. Starting to sing is never difficult! Expectations you or others around you attach to it might be though. But I truly believe that singing should be fun. Regardless of ambitions or/and talent: fun first!
3: I found your vlogs about your move to Finland and your progress in Finnish to be very interesting. As a fellow Dutch person intending to learn Finnish one day, is there any advice you could give me?
Floor: Finnish is one of the most difficult languages in the world. That sounds dramatic but it’s just a fact. You do not casually pick up a word here and there and downloading an app on your phone to get it won’t do much more than you knowing how to say kiitos (thanks) ☺ It’s not like any language you know and the book- Finnish (offical Finnish) is only used by official speakers and newspapers. There is a big difference with spoken Finnish…not to mention the dialects that are varied enough to make you doubt ones again whether you understood something or not. It’s surely not impossible to learn however. But I think (opinion, no fact) that you will only do when you move there and live and breath the language 24/7. I moved and got a good start, getting slightly frustrated here and there with ‘still’ not being able to do more than kid language after 1,5 year of studying (from abroad, not living there yet). But then I met my Swedish man. Hard to learn this language when you don’t speak it at home, even harder when yet other language comes on your path. So for me things changed. But if you have the dream, go to Finland! To get the language, the people, the culture, be there, live there. I loved it! It’s a huge change to leave your home country to live somewhere else but it for me was eye opening and one of the best things I ever did! I live in Sweden now for I could never leave ‘the north’ anymore. Love at first sight for me.
4: Do you enjoy other cultures' mythology? If so, is there any culture's that you would consider your favourite?
Floor: I have recently been introduced to the Nordic mythology. Beautiful stories of how the earth came to be (accordingly to these stories that is ☺). Of what god did this and what god that. Always having human like struggles and emotions. Just like all gods in all mythologies. I always wonder who decided that one book is mythology (suggesting it’s not true, just a myth) and one the truth (a bible, koran, etc.). To me they all are good stories with lessons in right and wrong. I love to lose myself in fantasy stories so myths are right up my alley. They bring a bigger knowledge of the countries they’re from too, something I really appreciate as well.
5: Has the fan documentary changed your views upon your place in the world and your cultural and social input?
Floor: It didn’t change my views but maybe made some things more clear. My place in the world is looked at differently by everybody. The love for Nightwish felt differently by everybody too. My input in this all regarded and experienced differently by everybody. That was made clear ones again and I think that makes this all so wonderful. I can only be me and however that rubs off on someone else is in the eye of the beholder.
6: What is your vocal range?
Floor: When I started singing I had 3 octaves to play with. Lower was my problem, not my higher. The sky was the limit seemingly and I experimented with high/higher/highest and loud/louder/loudest ☺ Singing high in different styles and using various dynamics never occurred to me until I started studying and exploring my sound further and further. Singing lower? Why? ☺ until I found my lower and warmer register and learned to play with this too. How about singing with a raw edge, or even growl? No, I have no idea how to do this, doesn’t come naturally on me. Until I started to do it live with After Forever. I just had no idea what it was I did and couldn’t do it off stage. I ran into a new (at the time) vocal method from the Danish Catherine Sadolin called ‘Complete Vocal Technique’. This was after I graduated. First vocal method that made any real sense to me…and it included a explanation and exercises of this distorted singing and growling (and many other effects, anything a human voice can do basically). Great, now I can try this. I love vocal techniques. I consider myself quite a geek when it comes to this and a new challenge was welcome. I started feeling it and soon found the key to my vocal cords. So what is my vocal range now? 4 octaves. But what does this say really about a voice? Nothing…it has no quality label ☺
7: You probably receive lot of gifts from fans all over the world, what kind of gifts they give to you, what was the weirdest, the most beautiful, etc?
Floor: We indeed get many sweet gifts. All of them come with a personal touch. They come from the country we’re in and/or it’s handmade. That makes every gift special and I would never favor one above the other. Some people get a sudden impulse to give me something and they give me something they have on them that moment. A piece of jewelry or clothing even. Some kids spend hours and hours to draw me something and the proud parent and the often shy kid comes to give it. Some adults do the same and have the child in them in their eyes as they present their handy work. What’s not weird and beautiful and absolutely wonderful about all of this? I am truly grateful for all the love that I get!
8: Why do you guys downtune the pre-Century Child songs (She Is My Sin)?
All older songs are played a note down because the later material is written en recorded in D and the older stuff in E. To avoid extra guitars and bass guitars in both tunings and changes on the keyboard we play the old stuff lower.
9: Which are your favourite makeup products/nail polish and brands?
Floor: Any brand that doesn’t test on animals. I have no real favorites, whatever looks good and stays on my face also when it’s hot as hell and I’m headbanging for 2 hours straight. I like make-up but love to not use it. It was liberating to discover my ‘naked’ face actually is beautiful too and doesn’t need anything to look pretty. We all look absolutely stunning without! That it’s fun to use it, yes! But I don’t like the label that woman can only be pretty with a layer of cosmetics…
10: Do you have any favourite fashion designers, or stores, or do you get inspiration from other things for custom pieces?
Floor: No favorites. I find fashion an exhausting concept…it changes like the wind. Young people feel forced to conform to the madness, especially young girls get indoctrinated with it. Look thin, wear this, have your make-up like that and your hair should be like this…pfff…Photoshopped images of women who spend their life on looking good give off all kinds of messages that have nothing to do with a pair of pants or a nice t-shirt. So fashion, whatever fits with YOU ☺
As for my stage outfits: it needs to fit with me. On my body, with it’s good and not so good sides. It needs to be comfortable enough to move around in, I need to be able to breath. It needs to be feminine and cool. It can be in any color, made of any fabric. And it will change throughout the years for I do too ☺
11: Is there any advice someone gave you that stuck with you and helped you a lot?
Floor: My dear parents gave me many advises that stuck with me and I am forever grateful for their parential guidance. And the man who mixed our second After Forever album, Oscar Holleman gave me one I shall never forget either. He told me we can only shine as humans and as creative spirits, if we work with the right people. We need to surround us with them to build a safety net around ourselves as we go through life. By feeling safe we remain open, fragile, real, raw. By feeling safe we can remain to be artists forever. Without it we lose our shine and burn out. As I ones did I knew this was the truth. I found myself after a while, after finding my ‘safety net’ of fantastic people whom I love and trust. I will never forget his metaphor, he is so right!
12: Would you like to write a book yourself one day? What about/genre, if so?
Floor: Nice question ☺ I would love to and always had it in the back of my head. I love to read and always admire a well-written book. It’s an amazing art I have no idea about but have interest in. Maybe one day I will write a fantasy book. I have a vivid imagination haha. I also played with the thought of a biography. But let’s think about this again when I am curled up in my chair at the age of 85 and I really have a story to tell ☺
13: Have you ever changed places with your sister for anything? You look very similar to each other
Floor: Irene and I can seem alike at a first glance indeed. But if you look twice you will see we are as different as we are alike and so no, we never changed places. We are also two very different personalities and you will soon know who is who even when you don’t see us. Ever noticed I have blue eyes and Irene brown? That she is taller than me? That my hair is about 25cm longer and hers curl up a bit? Oh, and has a completely different color ☺ Our voices also are different but alike, like our appearance. They sound so good together, it’s a lot of fun to sing together!
14: When you're not on tour for a while, do you tend to take a break from doing any singing, or do you always keep practising?
Floor: Singing is not something I do, it’s more what I am. I breath, I eat, I sing ☺ Practicing I sometimes do, the rest of the time I just sing. For fun and because I need to, just like I need to eat.
15: Do you have more challenges as a singer that you wish to achieve?
Floor: I have no set goal but believe that I am always learning and growing, changing as I grow older. My real ambition is to do that and to be able to sing until my last breath.
16: How much (in %) of a good performance is due to talent and how much is training?
Floor: There is no truth to be found in this answer, no facts. It’s pure perception. With a very talented person you need no training, but experience will make a good show super. The less talent, the more training will help. But training without talent will never make anybody good.
17: Can we expect to take out your flute in near future at a gig? Maybe a duet with Troy?
Floor: With Troy playing so many instruments on such an amazing level I don’t see the need for me to add a flute just because I can.
18: What Dutch things do you miss most now that you're living abroad?
Floor: Dutch things? No things, but people. I miss my family and friends and my dog… And sometimes I wish all countries were as small as the Netherlands for we know no long distances. Then again, the traffic with 17 million in such a small country is something I will never miss. Hello Sweden (and Finland) with your country roads and calm traffic (and calm drivers!)
19: I recently started taking lessons in classical singing and i love it, but I m afraid that it may lead me to sing everything in a classical way. What would you advice me to do in order to have the flexibility to switch my voice according to different music genres?
Floor: Find yourself a teacher who has studied ‘Complete Vocal Technique’. The only vocal method I think is any good in offering a more diverse schooling of the voice. And try stuff yourself. It’s YOUR voice and it won’t break if you experiment and go out of your comfort zone ☺
20: What's the worst joke about your name that you heard so far?
Floor: they’re all a bit the same since it means only two things in English (level of a building and a…well….a wooden floor or whatever). I remember one moment in the States when I checked into a hotel and the lady who checked me in raised an eyebrow above some twinkling eyes and asked me: ‘Floor? So that’s your real name?’. I answered with yes, and that I realize the international failure of this name ☺ She smiled and said: ‘Floor….I will remember this name’. Nothing special, but the way she said it and the way she looked was just hilarious. Then again, it’s just a Dutch name. Normal. There are many names that only work in the country you are from and I like this. It has its charm to have a typical name from where you are from. Especially now I travel so much and live in another country these things matter more to me. It gives you a uniqueness.
21: I'm studying to become an animal attendant (or animal caretaker, whatever the right word is) and in that job I need to be in a good physical shape. I think you're a good example of a strong and healthy-looking person. So, my question is, how do you work on your muscles? And do you exercise regularly or more like when you're in the mood? And if you have any good little tips for exercising, I'm interested!
Floor: everyone needs their body one way or another and everyone should train their body. That doesn’t mean that I think we all need to look like Arnold S ☺ What I mean is that it keeps your general health better, you have more energy, you can take a beating better (illness, accident, not a real beating ☺) and aging comes with less complications. Is it fun? For some… I like it! But it’s a fact that your entire wellbeing goes up. Good food and a regular work-out schedule, and enough sleep is the key. And some occasional bad food and too many drinks moments too if you want, because that will make the other more strict moments easier and you need your fun…
I cannot tell you what works for you. Go to a gym and find out…. Good guidance helps to prevent sport injury. I have an app on my phone I like to use for a varied training program. It’s called Nike training. For me it’s important I can work out anywhere. I also love yoga and firm walks in the woods ☺ I used to run but found out I have no runners body. Fine; plenty of other things to do. Good luck! And remember: better 10 minutes every day then ones a week 2 hours!
22: Could you ever consider selling that long jacket of yours, the one you used for example at Wembley? It's so cool! I'd pay anything to get a jacket like that! (ok I'm a student so I have my limits haha!)   
Floor: actually yes… I have been thinking of selling ‘old’ stage clothes and accessories to raise money for a good cause. I need some time to set this up and to find the ultimate good cause. There are so many great ones. Maybe there will be multiple ones. Budget is something I wish I could consider ☺ Any ideas for a good cause?
23:  Is there something about science that you feel particularly attracted to?
Floor: the thing that fascinated me most is that science is all around us. It’s an integrated part of our daily lives. To see it, realize it, to embrace it was mindblowing. I sort of took it for granted.
This, and the fact it’s in full development. Every day bright minds discover amazing things. The scientists are the ones who bring good news to the world. We found a better this, a cure that, a new etc. I just wish the regular news would report more of these miracles. It would be a refreshing positive change to news that only wants to report about human failure in wars, crimes, etc.
24: What's exactly going on in "The Greatest Show On Earth" when you sing "The cosmic law of gravity..." part? I'm so used to see you so full of energy on stage that it always caught my attention seeing you frozen or numb when you sing that part live.
Floor: haha well…I use this monotone robot voice. It’s not ‘me’. It’s the voice of the cosmos. To visualize this I would feel weird to run around wildly while making eye contact with the band and the fans in front of me.
25: Did you catch hell from any of your Nightwish mates after doing that onstage duet with Tarja?
Floor: no. And the only reason I am answering this question is because all of us are SO fed up with this childish bullshit going on and on about the band and Tarja. The band wished Tarja and me well and send her their regards actually. Like normal, grown-up people do.
26: It seems like the singers debate will endure forever.. are you hoping for it to end, or you just have learned to live with it?
Floor: we live with it because everybody is entitled to their opinion and feelings must be ventilated. Yet again, the internet became such a dreadful place because of it. We are already moving on, have been so years. Why waste your breath still? End it, stop reacting to others, take a breath (again…?!) and join us in the here and the now ☺
Some quick fun ones to end ☺
27: How many 'caution wet floor' boards do you have? Did you have one in Chinese?
Floor: haha many! No Chinese one, maybe I should get one next time I’m there ☺
28: Tea or coffee?
Floor: coffee in the morning, tea in the afternoon and evening.
29: Are you a morning person or a night person?
Floor: morning…
30: Sweet or spicy food?
Floor: spicy
31: Are you more planning or spontaneous?
Floor: planning
32: In the winter: would you rather go skiing or stay inside with a good book?
Floor: I’d rather do both.
33: Cats or dogs?
Floor: dogs. But if I don’t have to chose maybe both is great too ☺
34: Flats or heels?
Floor: flats. I used to love heels but I grew out of them. With my 1,81m tallness I don’t need heels anyway, I just think they’re beautiful. The feet and body however doesn’t agree to this fashion thing ☺
35:  What is your opinion on Marco's beard?
Floor: ah, an important question haha ☺ Well…If I would have been blond…and a man…I would be SO envious! But I am a woman. So I spend hours fixing my make-up and my hair. Then Marco comes along, a rubs through his beard and puts on a bass and he’s good to go…Looking cool as hell! Damn!

Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 18, 2016, 04:12:55 pm
Pero Floor es noticia por otra razón.

Nightwish vocalist Floor Jansen has announced she is four months pregnant.

The singer revealed the news to TeamRock at an event in Helsinki, Finland, to promote Nightwish's upcoming live release Vehicle Of Spirit.

Nightwish plan to take at least a year off after wrapping up touring commitments for latest album Endless Forms Most Beautiful.

Jansen didn't give an official statement on her pregnancy, but mainman Tuomas Holopainen told TeamRock: "The issue of Floor having a kid came up earlier this year. I asked her if she had been thinking about having a child and she said, 'Yeah, actually, I have.'

"So I said, 'Well, we're thinking of having a break so if you want to...' And here we are.

"It's just a wonderful, beautiful thing because now she gets to be with him or her for a year before we continue so it's perfect timing."

Jansen, whose partner is Sabaton drummer Hannes Van Dahl, has worked with Nightwish since 2012 and was announced as the band's full-time singer in 2013. She replaced Anette Olzon on what was initially seen as a temporary basis before being given the role permanently.

Jansen's first album with Nightwish was last year's Endless Forms Most Beautiful, with bassist Marco Hietala saying her work ethic was refreshing.

Mainman Tuomas Holopainen was thrilled with Jansen's contribution, but said she was capable of even more and that she didn't get to show off her operatic style because that vocal range didn't suit the songs.

Nightwish have four dates in Asia lined up for next month.
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 21, 2016, 06:23:54 pm
It's just after lunchtime on a cloudy Saturday in September when Prog joins a group of around 20 journalists in Finland for a unique coach trip. We’re on our way to the National Audiovisual Institute (aka Kansallinen Audiovisuaalinen Instituutti) for a screening of Nightwish's forthcoming live DVD Vehicle Of Spirit. It’s the first time that anyone outside the band and their management has seen the edited concert footage so to say we’re excited would be an understatement.

It’s Nightwish’s 20th anniversary this year and to celebrate, they’ve been touring all around the world. In fact, next month marks the end of their 18-month schedule with a series of shows in North Asia. This DVD captures some of the live highlights from the last 18 months.

The institute, often abbreviated as KAVI, is a short drive away from Helsinki city centre. It’s involved with film restoration, archiving audio-visual material, and also plays an important role in educating visitors and students on the history of the visual arts. Prog takes a lift up to the fifth floor of the building and is wowed by the sight of display cabinets full of vintage audio and visual equipment, which include early TV cameras. One-third of Nightwish are here as well: founding keyboardist Tuomas Holopainen, bassist/vocalist Marco Hietala and drummer Kai Hahto, who also plays with Swallow The Sun. They pose for photos as we grab shots of Salmiakki Koskenkorva – a liquorice-flavoured Finnish liqueur – and head into the small, on-site cinema for the screening. A few hours later, a very happy and visibly pregnant Floor Jansen also arrives to meet journalists.

“Welcome!” says the Viking-like Marco Hietala, as we take our seats in the modern auditorium. He explains how the DVD is split into three sections: there are two full concerts – last year’s sold-out show at London’s Wembley Arena and their largest-ever production at Tampere’s open-air Ratina Stadion in Finland – plus bonus content, with performances taken from around the world, and an exclusive interview with evolutionist Richard Dawkins, who guests on their most recent album Endless Forms Most Beautiful.

“At an early point, we decided that if we were going to [film] two shows, we had to make them different,” explains the director Ville Lipií¤inen. “The Wembley footage is more raw and filmed almost in a guerrilla style with lots of blue lighting. Tampere is more clean-cut.”

Hietala adds with a cheeky grin, “Luckily, we played differently in those shows too – the Wembley show was like a punch in the face or a kick in the ass!”

The bassist later tells Prog that he and Kai Hahto have been involved in overseeing the audio mix with their FOH sound engineer Kimmo Ahola. “There’s still some stuff that needs to be finished,” he says. As a result, the release of the Vehicle Of Spirit DVD has now been pushed back to November 25.

Says Holopainen, “The DVD is not the closing of an era, but the closing of this particular chapter. The shows are very emotional and very entertaining, and they show you what Nightwish is like after 20 years, in its current line-up.”

For more visit,
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 24, 2016, 08:26:18 pm
Jukka contesta:

Have you ever tried another instrument besides percussion?
Not really. Well, except if singing back in the elementary schoold counts… I haven’t really had any urge to go for any other instrument.
What has been your most common injury because of drumming during the last 20 years?
At one point I started to get really sore right wrist after every show. I started to do certain excercises and changed the setting a bit, and luckily it helped.
Who are your favourite drummers and your inspirations?
I still have to mention the ones back from when it all started, so that would be Mike Portnoy and Jí¶rg Michael. During the last years, focus has been in the music as a whole, so I’m not really following any particular player(s) anymore.
Do people recognise you as Nightwish's drummer when you aren't wearing the bandana? Have you ever used that advantage?
Probably not, but I haven’t had any need to test that, so can’t say for sure.
How many times have you watched the band this tour? How strange did it feel?
That would be five shows, the first one being the tour kick off in New York in April 2015. I have to admit, that night was as strange as it gets… But then again, the latest one at the Himos Park last month was already a much better.
Is there any EFMB song where you think “wow I’d love to have a go at that one?”
The album is full of fantastic songs, but if just one has to be mentioned let’s make it "Shudder Before The Beautiful”. Just a perfect start for the album and a KO live song.
What was it like to be back on the throne once more at Himos?
It was pretty out there... Fantasticly strange homecoming! It had been three years since the previous show, so routines were all gone, but still it somehow felt like it would have been just yesterday.
What is your favourite thing to eat/cook?
That would be some kind of Indian curry. There’s nothing like going wild with all those spices and seeing what you come up with. Not two dishes are the same.
What is the funnest song to play live, and which is the most difficult?
"Last Ride Of The Day” and ”Ghost Love Score” are probably the ones on the top of the fun list, and ”She Is My Sin” keeps you nicely busy.
Being a drummer, do you feel that you have far less interaction with the audience? If so, how do you feel about it?
Not really. It’s your own decision how you want to interact with the audience, and if you’re up for it, you’ll find a way.
I've read that you are a fan of Eckhart Tolle. How have his teachings influenced your life?
I happened to come across with his book ”Power of Now” some years ago, and I was surprised how big part of it was more or less equal to how I had come to understand life and reality myself. Reading and listening more has expanded this understanding, so needless to say, I highly appreciate his work.
What is your current daily routine with looking after the band’s administration?
There’s a lot to do, but not much routines. Things come and go, and you deal with them as they appear.
What do you value the most in your life?
I would say, the life itself. ”Life” meaning everything that happens, in good and in bad. I don’t find any reason to pick just one aspect of it and make that the most valuable.
How did the collaboration between you and Kai start?
I can’t remember where we met the first time, but most likely it was in some after party back in the day. But I do remember that we needed someone to help us out tuning the drums for the Dark Passion Play album. We asked the guy and there he was!
What was your most ridiculous impulse buy?
I don’t do impulse purchases (or at least I want to think I don’t…), but I usually do make purchase decisions pretty fast. For example, if I think it’s time to change our car, I check the related issues immediately and make the decision. I do not spend weeks going forth and back with the topic.
Have you ever attempted to learn other styles of percussion (djembe, hand drums, timpani etc)?
I’ve got into percussions during last year or two just for the interest, but haven’t yet dived deeper in it.
Do you have some new tattoos?
It’s been in the planning for couple of years already to get a new one, but haven’t find the right moment to do it yet. But it will come, sooner or later.
What is the funniest/weirdest/craziest thing that ever happened to you on stage?
Not really answering the original question, but the most odd stage moment for me has, for sure, been the visit on stage at the Himos Park last month. I can’t remember anything from the past that would top that.
Has being a spectator of recent shows given you chance to look at things from a different perspective, to help make any changes or improvements to the music or the shows that you perhaps may not have done normally.
Even though I would rather be seeing the show from the stage angle, it’s been utterly fantastic to be able to experience how it all looks and sounds from the audience point of view. No changes or improvements come in mind, but the overall understanding of the big picture has improved. Some matters that you think are major issues are actually more or less irrelevant, and some supposedly insignificant things might have a big impact.
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 27, 2016, 10:49:20 pm
Entrevista (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 30, 2016, 04:26:28 pm
It seems the release date has further been postoned - NB states that it will be 9 December 2016:
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 01, 2016, 06:01:33 pm
Otra entrevista a Floor! (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 02, 2016, 03:52:06 pm
With Vehicle of Spirit coming out at the end of this year, Tuomas Holopainen, Marco Hietala, and Floor Jansen traveled to Helsinki on September 29th to promote the upcoming DVD to the Finnish medias, of which we are one. After the screening, we were given the opportunity to chat with Floor about the DVD, life as Nightwish’s vocalist, and a few other personal experiences.


Well, we’ve just watched the new DVD, Vehicle of Spirit – how do you like it compared to Showtime, Storytime?
There are a couple of years between these two shows. These were our own shows, unlike a festival… of course that is also ‘our’ show, but this is our stage, our setup, everything. I don’t want to really compare too much, because I think it’s nice that both DVDs [show] a different kind of work, a different kind of vibe, a different moment in our history. This is a documentation of this world tour, so we have two shows and [quite a bit of] footage from other places as well, which is also really different from the concept of Showtime, Storytime. That had a show, but it also had a large story part with hours of documentary. This is only live footage, so it’s really different.

What’s your favorite moment from the DVD, or do you have a favorite memory from either of the shows?
For me, one of the highlights from the Tampere show was doing “Sleeping Sun” out on that catwalk that we had into the audience. It was really scary. I had the most… challenging shoes [laughs]. They’re awesome! Just like every woman, you want to wear something that’s really great but it’s really not practical, especially when you have to go down a slope and it’s slippery. A song such as “Sleeping Sun” is only beautiful when it’s sang perfectly. You can’t be off with it. The dynamics, everything needs to be there, and to do that while walking on a catwalk in the midst of 23,000 people was a challenge [laughs] but I was very happy with how it turned out.

For the Wembley show, I think the moment that Richard Dawkins spoke and when he had that little break at the end, “Where endless forms most beautiful… … … and most wonderful…” I remember how nervous I was! “Is he forgetting his words? What’s happening now?” Then he continued and then the reaction from the audience, which we now saw on film, got to see even more than when I was standing there. It was breathtaking. When I watched it at home for the first time, I had tears rolling down my face, like man! And the reaction that came from the audience! People with tears on their face and having their hands like this [see photo] listening to him. It was unbelievably cool that they felt what we felt, what we hoped we could share.

On the Endless Forms Most Beautiful Tour, you’ve had quite minimalistic stage props as compared to, for example, the giant organ prop from Imaginaerum or the boat from Dark Passion Play. Who designs the props and how did they end up a bit more simple this time around?
We come up with a lot of ideas ourselves. I think a lot of physical things on stage got replaced with screens and the setup of the screens, which I can tell you are not minimalistic [laughs]. Also, in Tampere we had these big lights that came down during the show. In general with lights we’ve done way more, so the setup in a sense is really not more minimalistic, it’s more advanced but in another way. We do have our stage props. There is a big thing built around Tuomas’ stand, and a special setup for Troy, Marco has his tree thing, and so do I. So I don’t see it as less in a sense like that.

I know that Nightwish has a break planned after the next couple of shows in Asia for about a year. What are the band’s plans after the break? Will you just be heading back to the studio?
We have plans but we’re not going to tell anybody. We have something really special coming up and I’ve seen some interpretations of interviews we’ve done on the subject where we say, “We won’t do anything in 2017, then we’ll do something special but we’re not saying anything until 2018.” People do write, “We think they’re going to go into the studio or 2017,” or not even think, they just write as if it’s the truth, and I’m like… we didn’t say that. We actually are going to take a whole year off in order to charge the batteries to their full max; a band like Nightwish simply deserves it. After 20 years non-stop, I don’t think it’s that weird. But! Then there’s something happening that we can’t tell yet, or won’t tell. All I can say is that I think it’s very special and people will really like it.

Are you and any of the other guys thinking at all about working on your other projects, like Brother Firetribe or Tarot or ReVamp?
I know that Emppu will spend time with Brother Firetribe and I think Kaitsu is considering, or can do some stuff with Wintersun. He’ll do teaching. Marco is working on a solo album, and so is Troy. I realized that having a band such as Nightwish… it isn’t very easy to have a second band. I’ve been doubting what to do with ReVamp, because my Dutch band deserves as much attention as any other band, but it’s been hard to have that and I’m going to be a mom, so it’s very difficult to do that full-force. So I decided to let ReVamp go. So for me, it will be mainly focusing on having a baby and being a mom. But, in 2008 I wrote a rock album with a Norwegian guitar player, Jorn Viggo Lovstad, from Pagan’s Mind. For both of us, different music, and we never were able to release it. So, without too intense planning, we do have the ambition to work on this when time allows it.

Regarding the Nightwish material, which song is most challenging for you to sing?
I can’t really say that one song in particular is more challenging than others. There are parts in songs that don’t come as naturally. For instance, “Amaranth” for me, in the beginning was more challenging because it has this poppy vibe that I’m not used to, really, so in that sense it’s more challenging. “Sleeping Sun” is challenging for the reason mentioned before. It really needs to be exactly correct. Not too operatic, not too light, building up the dynamics… that’s a challenge. Of course, the high notes in “Ghost Love Score” are a challenge. So it’s more parts of songs.

Did you have to learn any new vocal techniques to sing any of Nightwish’s songs, or did your skill set already have it covered?
They did, but there are – especially more in the lighter and softer singing – I discovered… not new techniques, but I never used it that much. To really play with that was something I rarely did before.

Of the older Nightwish songs, is there anything that you haven’t sang live yet that you’d like to?
[laughs] Many, many! There are a lot [of songs] in the back catalogue that we can’t play in one show, just because we have eight albums to choose from. This has been the Endless Forms Most Beautiful World Tour, so you focus on the material from the new album, but there are songs like “The End of All Hope” – I always thought it was such a rush. I’m terrible with names, but “Gethsemane”, and so on and so forth.

You’ve been loaning your voice to a lot of other bands’ projects lately – do you have any particular favorites from those that really stood out?
No, but I recently joined with Evergrey, a Swedish band, whom I’ve listened to since I was a teen. My husband-to-be used to drum in Evergrey, so when I moved to Sweden, I got to meet the singer and again actually we knew each other from back in the day, but not really like this. When he asked me to sing on the album, that felt very special because it’s out of friendship, but also out of a long love for that band, so I thought that was super cool. But apart from one or two projects, everything I’ve done, I’ve done with my full heart, because I really like the bands, so I only do things that I like nowadays.

You’ve been traveling a great deal – what are some of your favorite places that you’ve visited, and is there anywhere that you haven’t been yet that you’d like to see?
New for me on this world tour was China. I didn’t think I would like it somehow. There are a few things about the Chinese ways of doing things that don’t really match with my view of the world – fair enough – but I really, really liked it. People were so awesome and the food was fantastic and everything was really… it was a big surprise for me.

I am a big fan of Japan. I think it’s fantastic. I love Canada. Especially Vancouver, as a city. It has this fantastic park and nice areas.

Places where I haven’t been… I’ve been to Brazil now many times, but I’ve never seen the Amazon. I would really, really love to see that. I’ve been to Australia now a few times, but I’ve never seen anything more than the cities. I didn’t make it into the outback. And on a private bucket list I would love to see Iceland.

On a similar line of thought, what’s the best new food that you’ve tried on tour?
We had catering traveling with us – very fancy – and they made this seitan. I’m vegetarian, so it’s sometimes challenging [to find something] to eat that actually tastes nice. It’s not that difficult, but apparently it’s very difficult for catering services. The amount of dull food I sometimes need to eat just because there’s no dead animal involved… but they managed to make the most amazing vegetarian dishes. Even though my body didn’t always approve, I loved the taste of it immensely.

We heard that you’re a fan of the Kalevala – have you read it?
I’ve read some of the stuff. I got introduced to it mainly through the jewelry brand, actually. I joined in on this project for children where one of the Kalevala stories is told. They are lovely tales.


Are there any parts that are particularly memorable, or that you particularly like?
I’m not that familiar with it. The one that I did was the story of Leminkainen. That was beautiful. It’s dark, but it’s often dark, the Kalevala.

Lastly, I noticed that on the last ReVamp album, Wild Card, you managed to get Devin Townsend to sing on “The Anatomy of a Nervous Breakdown: Neurasthenia”, and he’s somewhat notorious for not liking to sing in other people’s projects – how did you meet him and how did you convince him to sing in that song?
Yeah! God, we met somewhere backstage, at a festival I think. I approached him with that question and he said, “Indeed, I usually don’t do this. It depends on the material and I want to be able to write the stuff I’m going to sing.” “Cool!” So I sent him the instrumental and the song again with my ideas for the vocals on it, with all freedom for him to do whatever he wanted, but then he got super busy and I was afraid he was then not going to do it. Eventually he was like, “I really like what you wrote, so I’ll sing what you wrote,” which is unique indeed, I know! And then of course he gave it the Devin Townsend sauce that made it sound just like him. It’s not 100% copy, but of course it is my lyrics and it is the basic melody that I wrote and it was a massive honor because he’s doing [something] with his voice that I try to do in ReVamp as well, and the massive diversity and to have a voice like that coming in with mine was a dream come true.

That’s a fantastic story! That’s all of my questions. Thank you so much for taking the time to do this!
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 02, 2016, 06:13:09 pm
Setlist Seúl ( (
Título: Re: Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 03, 2016, 03:13:25 pm
Entrevista!! (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 13, 2016, 04:12:53 pm
Setlist Shenzhen (

Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 13, 2016, 04:14:29 pm
Setlist Shangai (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 13, 2016, 04:16:41 pm
Setlist LoudPark (

Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 13, 2016, 04:18:34 pm
Marco contesta!

1: I wonder do you have any hilarious stories involving your beard such as has it got stuck in things or difficult to maintain?

-If I stick the ends behind my ears, I look like a Captain Ahab wannabe with weird sideburns. I´ve sometimes done it to see, if I look strange enough to not to be recognized. It has even worked a few times. All kinds of maintenance in male appearance is somewhat metrosexual and useless in my opinion. Especially when a guy is already getting grey and even more charismatic (I hope). The left side of my beard grows a bit faster so I occasionally burn the ends with a lighter. Scissors would be too much of a barbershop thing and therefore metrosexual. I´m a masculine beast!

2: Any advice to someone who wants to dedicate himself to music?

-Go ahead. Give it all! Expect nothing!

3: I heard that you wanted to write a book one day. If you didn’t change your mind, so, in what genre

-The ideas and snippets I have put down are somewhere in the fantastical. Grimdark most likely. Now I just need a hell of load of patience, if I want to finish them one day.

4: Tuomas always says, that all the music he writes is about him, it’s very much like “a diary of his soul”. What is your attitude to stuff like this? Do your songs reflect your condition or state of mind, or you prefer not to share your personal life with wide audience?

-All that I write is personal too. Everything you read, hear, see, etc. comes out there in the music and lyrics in some ways. The times that we live in as well. I might be more of a metaphor and allegory user and a storyteller. It´s a bit hard to make objective comparisons about the work of your close friend and yourself though.

5: I've always thought that your singing voice is quite unique (in a cool way), especially the higher notes. Is it something that came naturally to you or did you work towards that kinda of a sound?

-I have to say that most of my sound is natural and very much a result of the albums and songs I listened to and sung along with as a kid and a teenager. They became the basics I unknowingly built for my voice. The lessons I took in my high school years helped me to take hold of more relaxed ways of producing the voice though.

6: If you had to choose a song to send it to outer space as a message for any alien civilization, which one would it be and why?

-Beatles: “I am the walrus”. Let´s see what they make out of it…

7: Any opinions on fan culture? Meaning the dedication, time spent creating art, money invested into merch, etc?

-I had heroes when I was a teenager. I had a hell of a respect towards the players, vocalists and the writers. With writers I also mean the novelists. I collected books. I got my hands on singles with obscure b-sides and bootlegs of live shows from certain artists. I drew album covers and weird instruments. So I do understand the point of view where it starts and where it can go. Those heroes also inspired me to play and write music, lyrics and short stories. And this is where growing up with these things have taken me. To some people me and my mates are those heroes now. It´s an absurd feeling with a lot of gratitude. Gratitude to both my heroes and the people who´ve enjoyed our music. The fans have bought the albums and the tickets for our shows. The fans are also directly responsible of the fact that we can continue writing and recording our music. They are the people we do the shows for. And we all can get that massive kick out of the mutual feedback between the audience and the band standing together in a musical and visual rapture. There´s nothing better to my opinion. Thank you!

8: f you could switch place with another member of the band for one day, who would it be and why?

-Floor. It would be interesting to see how it felt like to be a woman. She´s also the youngest in the band and probably the one in the best condition. I´d skip the current pregnancy though. I want to party like a maniac again!

9: Do you have any advice for beginner bass players?

-Playing straight eights with tightness and groove is the most important thing you can ever learn.

10: Are you considering playing covers in Nightwish shows again? Your cover of Planet Caravan is amazing, and it could really work live!

-There´s so much back catalog for Nightwish to play these days that we haven´t done covers for a while. It´s not written in stone, so without promising anything, we could probably do something in the future. Nice of you to remind me of Planet Caravan. Such a simple little song would be open for a lot of different arrangements.

11: While traveling comes with the job, do you like leisure travelling with your family? Or do you prefer to spend that time at home?

-I do like both leisure travelling and just being lazy at home too. If I´m coming off a tour, I would rather spend some time on the couch of my own.

12: Was it fun to watch the band play when Sami was onstage earlier on this tour?

-Indeed!!! It was a priceless opportunity to see the band with all the screens etc. from the side of the audience.

13: If you were living in a different century, what would it be?

-Any century where and when we finally find extra terrestrial life we can call sentient. I´m not sure if they would return the courtesy though…

14: You’ve said before you like video games. What’s your go to game at this moment?

-At home it´s Witcher 3. I´ve mostly been entertaining myself with books on the road.

15: Do you still have any dreams/desires you want to achieve?

-Meeting with the extra terrestrials. I´ve met you humans already.

16: You co-composed a few Nightwish songs, does it feel a little more special when these songs get chosen as a single and/or to play live because you
were more involved in the writing of them, or just the same as any other song?

-It´s a nice thing of course, but considering the set list or the singles, it´s best to try to be objective and choose the ones that work. No matter who wrote what. And I´m mostly happy to just play any of the songs live. There it´s a matter of the best possible feedback between the band and the audience again.

17: Do you suffer stage fright?

-No. Excitement is not suffering.

18: What old song would you like to bring back that Floor hasn't sang yet?

-Devil And The Deep Dark Ocean.

19: Considering all Nightwish albums, which is your favourite bonus track?

-Lagoon, because of it´s vibe that differs quite a lot from our other material.

20: Why do you play in Dropped C tuning and not in Standard D tuning like Emppu?

-Actually I play both. I have a standard D tuning also, but I use a hipshot tuner which I can drop to C in some of the songs. You can easily find how the thing itself looks like on web. Just write “hipshot tuner” into your browser

21: I don´t know if you´re following the Song of Ice and Fire book series (or the TV series) but if so, which house would you like to be a part of? And is the iron throne yours in the end?

-I´ve read the books and I´ve seen the series. I´d start my own house of nordic white walkers. I´d get rid of the human pestilence by eating them and I´d replace the throne with a porcelain one.

22: Are you more interested in the past history or curious about what the world will look like in 150 years?

-Learn from history, but the future is the way to go. 99% of all the good news today come from the world of science. Check it out and you´ll see I´m right. Alternative energy, nanotechnologies, medicine, surgical implants and health, chemistry, whatever…

Our western values of human life and dignity are relatively new things here still. We talk about refugees, islam and dangerous political ideas and we´re afraid of them. Let´s go back a couple of hundred years and we western christians killed and enslaved countless numbers of africans, native americans, etc. Not to mention the crusades and the burning, the drowning and the mutilation of our own dissidents, scientists and healers just a little further back in time. Are we helping any of these modern day medievals to find their way into enlightement?

Economic policies of our own western civilization are also directly responsible for much of the persistent ignorance in the third world. Ignorant people and corrupt governments produce cheap labor and cheap materials. Ignorant people and corrupt theocracies produce fanatics without a clue. And by corrupt theocratic governments I also mean all of ours. They just got better at selling stuff than just policing it these days. The western democracy has failed. The political structures these days are no longer there to ensure that an individual is heard and taken care of. They´ve been made to serve the structures themselves and their soulless fight to get and keep the money and the power.

So I am way more interested to see how everything would look like in 150 years. Will we have a better place for all of us here or just a smoking hole? Both will be better for the planet itself.

23: If you could choose a superpower, what would it be?

-With purely selfish purposes it would be the ability to stretch and squeeze time. I´d get a full night of sleep every time I´m traveling. I wouldn´t have to wait in hotels, buses, backstages etc. The lines at the airports would be over in a second. The flights themselves would be over in a second. I could finish a book or a movie at my leisure. I´d get the vocal edits for our live dvd done without breaking deadlines. And sex would be slooooowwww…

After those I might start humiliating and exposing corporate psychopaths. Now there´s a noble cause!
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 13, 2016, 09:31:06 pm
Emppu responde:

Big thanks to Emppu for forwarding the answers to the following questions. Nice rare gift from him to join in :)
1: You always read awesome books. Can you recommend something?
* The best of Kama Sutra, The Quran and The Bible.
2: What is your favorite song to play live and which one is the most difficult?
* Jambalaya by Hank Williams. We always do it in soundchecks. Vocals by Troy. It`s also the most difficult one.
 3: Favorite guitar solo of all time? (Doesn’t have to be a NW song)
* The one in Jambalaya.
4: How many different guitars do you have?
* I don`t know. I really don`t.
5: How do you feel the guitar sections have evolved in Nightwish’s music?
* They haven`t changed much. More style, less speed maybe?
6: Any idea how many picks you get by in one year?
* Antti (my guitar tech) knows. Thousands of them.
7: Do you still practice Judo?
* Only when drunk.
 8: What do you like doing in your spare time?
* Doing judo.
 9: Compare this Nightwish and Nightwish before 10-15 years ago and tell us what do you miss, and what do you enjoy more now.
* I miss the special atmosphere of small clubs. What I enjoy more now is the fact that I can just play, no more driving, loading in or changing the guitar strings, haha. Also, there`s always beer backstage. That was not so back in the days..
10: If you could no longer live in Finland, where in the world would you choose?
* Anywhere except Sweden.
11: How many ways can you open a beer?
* One. That`s enough.
12: Any advice for beginner guitar players?
* Buy a trumpet.
13: Can you cook? If so, what’s your favorite dish to make?
* Yes, I like to cook. My favorite is lasagna, with the pasta made by myself. Tastes like shit but it`s fun to make.
14: What was your absolute worst meal / drink on this tour?
* Something called "salad".
15: Why did you stop using your amplifier on stage and started using the kemper instead?
* No, I didn`t, actually.
16: Do you write your guitar solos or is it Tuomas?
* They have always been mine to write.
17: If you could turn into any mythical creature of your choice, what would you like to be?
* Garfield. 
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 14, 2016, 07:19:01 pm
Shudder Before The Beautiful @ Wembley (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 23, 2016, 10:46:46 pm
Videos!! ( (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 07, 2016, 06:21:41 pm
Nightwish leader Tuomas Holopainen has predicted that the band’s ninth album will continue the themes explored in last year’s Endless Forms Most Beautiful.

But he’s revealed he hasn’t written anything for the record yet, even though he’d normally be several songs into the project by this time.

Endless Forms Most Beautiful is the result of research on evolution and religion – the title is a quote by Charles Darwin, which he used to describe the environment we live in, and the record features a guest appearance by evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins.

The band will take a break during 2017 – but the mainman has confirmed that plans are in the diary for 2018, 2019 and 2020.

Holopainen tells Uber Rock: “I think we got about half way there. There will be more. We didn’t yet say all we have to say. It’s such a vast world of inspiration and we’ve only just touched the surface.

“I’d discovered authors like Carl Sagan, Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitchens and Brian Cox, and for a couple of years I didn’t read anything else.

“I found it so inspiring, and I saw it as a good way to connect all the people in the band. I knew they had also become interested in this.

“Not everyone in Nightwish is keen on fairy tales and Tolkien – but we all had a mutual respect for this subject matter, and everyone played their parts with big smiles on their faces.”

Holopainen describes himself as “completely empty” after several years of hard creative work. “Usually by now I’ve have five or six songs,” he says. “I haven’t felt like doing any, but maybe it will come next year.

“If it does, that’s great – but if it doesn’t we’re not in any hurry. I will be surprised if inspiration didn’t come next year.

“I’m not taking any pressure, though. That’s the whole idea of having the year off.”
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 07, 2016, 06:33:29 pm
The door is ajar and you can see Nightwish singer Floor Jansen smiling and saying goodbye to a journalist, one of many she’s been talking to today. Needing a break, she rises from her chair and greets us outside with a firm handshake as she passes.
Floor has been with the band for over four years now. The fact that she has been centre-stage through its most successful chapter is no coincidence. It’s something that seems all the more incredible given that she first had to overcome a potentially career-ending health scare.
“I am the voice, the translator of these words and emotions, and I feel honoured,” is how she describes her role in the band, and her friendship with songwriter and keyboard player Tuomas Holopainen. “I let it transmit through me, but he is the maestro and it’s due to his brilliance that this band is what it is.”
Over six feet in height, Floor’s physical presence could not be more striking if someone had coated her in luminous paint, but she’s not at all intimidating. Her expressive features invite conversation and while she speaks in considered sentences, there’s a joy about her, a love for all this that you can’t see being extinguished any time soon.
It’s a crisply cool and clear September day in Helsinki, but the Dutch-born vocalist’s promotional duties have largely confined her to a cordoned off function room at the Finnish capital’s Helka Hotel, into which a procession of writers from all over Europe are being rotated in 20-minute intervals. Tuomas and bassist/vocalist Marco Hietala are on the same schedule in other rooms.
They’re here to spread the word about ‘Vehicle Of Spirit’, the Finnish band’s aptly-titled DVD which captures their sold-out Wembley Arena show in its entirety. It also features a jaw-dropping open air headliner in their homeland at which they played to a crowd of 24,000. With the band about to take all of 2017 off and Floor preparing for motherhood next March, it’s also a chance to reflect on what has been - to put it mildly - a remarkable few years.
Losing both original singer Tarja Turunen and her replacement Anette Olzon in the space of seven years might have spun an established band like Nightwish into an unrecoverable nose dive. Neither departure was amicable, and few – including this writer – expected them to bounce back a second time.
Faced in October 2012 with the catastrophic prospect of abandoning a troubled US tour, the suddenly singer-less band persuaded Floor Jansen to board a transatlantic flight. In 48 frantic hours, she attempted to learn the set before making her debut in Seattle. She hadn’t even heard latest album ‘Imaginaerum’.
Had the band approached her a few weeks earlier, they would have found the singer too sick to perform. Successive tours with After Forever and ReVamp had resulted in what Floor rather conservatively describes as “burn out”. Head spinning and body broken, she’d virtually become a prisoner in her own home. It was over a year before she could even venture as far as a local shop. Then she was asked to fly to Seattle to rescue one of Europe’s biggest rock bands.
“I had literally collapsed,” she tells me. “I thought it would be a month, but it ended up being a year and a half. I was at home thinking it was all over. The way you feel just before you fall into bed is how I was feeling all the time. It was shit, but I learned a lot, and that has been important because now I work harder than ever. I got professional help, learning most importantly about how I could change my ways. It was a very valuable life lesson. There’s no fast route to recovery, but thankfully I got there just before I joined Nightwish – there was no time in between.”
Floor was at sister Irene’s wedding when the call came. She’d known the band since After Forever supported Nightwish back in 2002, but receiving texts from the band’s management wasn’t a regular occurrence. Driving from the church to the party, Floor noticed she’d had a call from Toni Peiju, who manages the band alongside the amiable and Viking-like Ewo Pohjola.
“I thought it was weird and couldn’t imagine why Toni was calling. I explained where I was, and asked if it could wait till tomorrow. He said yes, but about 30 minutes later, he texted me. He said: ‘I just want to ask if you could sing for Nightwish on the South American and Australian legs of the tour, because Anette got pregnant and she can’t do those dates’. Anette wanted the band to cancel those legs, but you can’t just call off entire tours, so the band came up with the idea of bringing me in to deputise for her.”
Shortly after, as relations with Anette reached breaking point, a second call came. This time they said: ‘Actually, can you come right now?’. “So, off I went to the US. I had no time to prepare, but that was good in a way, because I also had no time to worry about it!”
On arrival, Floor could feel “stress in the air”. Although the band and its management made every effort to welcome her, she sensed the blind terror galloping hard on the inside. The only solution was to shut it all out.
“It was unbelievably scary. I don’t think I was very grounded, having had such long-term health issues, but I had loved Nightwish for years and to have the chance to join, and to try to fix things – that was great motivation. I couldn’t afford to pay much attention to them and just had to focus on what I was doing. Fortunately I knew a lot of the older songs but I certainly had a big challenge.”
Tuomas also has vivid memories of this traumatic but ultimately game-changing chapter in his band’s timeline. Backstage at Madrid’s Barclaycard Arena, the week before the DVD launch in Helsinki, he recalls the radical decision the band had to take.
“There was only ever one name in mind. It was just a matter of whether she was up to the challenge, but even after the first soundcheck in Seattle, I knew we’d got it right. I thought ‘if she’s already this good, just imagine where we’ll be in a few months’.
“Before the first show I was really confident, but she was nervous. She had to read some of the lyrics from paper which looked really cute, but the audience was very understanding. In fact, a big thank you must go to the fans for their open-mindedness and support. When Floor replaced Anette for those shows, we offered all ticket-holders a refund – and I think only seven took it.”
Barely two years later, a reborn Nightwish released ‘Endless Forms Most Beautiful’, an intoxicating celebration of life, the planet and our own privileged position upon it. Arena-headlining status swiftly followed.
“I’ve always been interested in natural sciences, and I even studied biology for six months,” says Tuomas, explaining the inspiration for the album. “That was my dream as a young kid – not to be a musician, but to become a scientist. When it comes to writing music I’ve always been drawn to more personal or fantastical stuff, but for some reason that I can’t really explain, this felt like the perfect time to bring these other issues to the music.”
To instil the required sense of wonder, Nightwish decamped to what they describe as “a cabin” in a remote, rural part of Finland. Here, surrounded by nature, ‘Endless Forms Most Beautiful’ was shaped and recorded. Floor paints a happy picture of this process, remembering how they would spend evenings around a camp fire “eating vegan sausages and discussing the topics on the album.”
“I strongly felt we had to do something a bit different,” says Tuomas. “I’d discovered authors like Carl Sagan, Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitchens and Brian Cox, and for a couple of years I didn’t read anything else. I found it so inspiring, and I saw it as a good way to connect all the people in the band. I knew they had also become interested in this, and thought alike.
“Not everyone in Nightwish is so keen on fairy tales and Tolkien, but we all had a mutual respect for this subject matter and everyone played their parts with big smiles on their faces. Songs about evolution, songs about religion; this was stuff we could all get enthused about.”
Floor says she wasn’t surprised by the subject matter. “In fact, it made total sense to me and I could identify with it, almost as if I had been the one coming up with the ideas,” she adds. “We initially played the songs on the piano. There were melodies and lyrics, and I’d speak with Tuomas about how to phrase them. It was a nice process. He is such a fantastic songwriter and lyricist that it would be arrogant of me to interfere too much – it would be pure ego. However, if I woke up with the most divine melody in my head, it would not be unthinkable for it to end up on the [next] album. He is certainly open to other ideas.”
Born on Christmas Day 1976, Tuomas is a thoughtful and artistic man who strikes you as being slightly bemused to be living inside the body of a rock star. Save for the occasional shy smile, he’s not easy to read, but he’s patient, humble and engagingly honest. When not being interviewed, he tends to waft around quietly – there’s a sense of gravitas, a seriousness about him which suggests he feels great responsibility towards Nightwish and everyone involved with it.
Inscrutable he may be, but there are oceans within. Take the old classics - the lone wolf sadness of ‘Nemo’ (“my loving heart, lost in the dark”), which made a certain journalist sob like a twat in the squalor at Download. Or the pointedly autobiographical ‘The Poet And The Pendulum’, in which “a widowed writer torn apart by chains of hell” fantasises about his own death before finding hope in a devastating mother-to-son coda.
These songs and others like them are today sung with the utmost care and respect by Floor, who also inserts the supercharged emotions they always deserved. During ‘Ghost Love Score’, at the point where Tarja used to wave and walk off stage, Floor instead launches a series of seemingly impossible notes skyward, befitting the song’s climactic final act. “To me, it’s not a Tarja song or an Anette song, it’s a Nightwish song,” she explains. “I never tried to sing them in the exact same way they’d been sung before, but it’s a process, and slowly you make those songs your own more and more.
“I knew my own identity as a singer, so that helped me give them a face. I’ve been able to implement my own sound and personality without wanting to copy what had been done already.”
There’s a lovely scene in a Dutch documentary in which Floor is shown footage of her parents – their eyes wet – watching her sing ‘í‰lan’ at Tampere, Finland, in front of 24,000 people. It cuts back for a reaction shot of Floor, and she’s in pieces. How is it that she can convey and be affected by such powerful emotions without, as the band’s British multi-instrumentalist Troy Donockley puts it, “blubbing” on stage?
“I sometimes do,” she sniggers. “It’s a fine line. The thing is, if I get too affected, I can’t sing. I try to let it transmit through me, but then I become very sensitive to what I get back. If I’m already close to feeling it too much and then I see someone ‘blubbing’, I’m gone and I simply have to look away.”
The last two years have seen a change of tone, as the music has become less turbulent and more celebratory. Tuomas regards the last album’s 24-minute closing track ‘The Greatest Show On Earth’ as his band’s finest achievement. It ends with the mantra “We were here! We were here!”, an attempt to remind us that our very existence is the result of our winning an unlikely genetic lottery.
“It’s a positive force overall, I hope,” he says. “It’s a celebration of life; about making the most of your time. I don’t even think we’re living in particularly dark times. We sometimes think we are because the media covers troubling events with such intensity. All kinds of shit is still happening, but in the past there have been more wars and conflict going on than today. It all comes down to education and science. One of my heroes Bertrand Russell said ‘the beginning of wisdom is to see the world as it is, and not as how we wish it would be.’ I think that’s a very wise statement.”
This same vehicle of spirit moved Nightwish to go ahead with their Paris show on November 25 last year, even though it came just 12 days after the terrorist atrocity at the city’s Bataclan theatre. With nearly every other touring band calling off their Paris shows, it was a move that won the Finns much respect. “I considered not going for about five minutes,” shrugs Tuomas. “We all wanted to play Paris. It’s not that we didn’t feel for the victims, it was the contrary. It was about making sure that life goes on – you don’t want to send out the message that darkness has won. There was a special atmosphere and for me it was one of the top three shows of the tour.”
Floor is especially defiant: “A lot of mostly American bands decided it was too dangerous. No, it’s not! The odds of being killed in a road accident tomorrow are far higher than being killed in a terrorist attack. These suicidal idiots with their bombs want to spread fear, so let’s deny them that.”
The band sealed a triumphant year with the now immortalised Wembley show. As you’ll see on the DVD, it ended with the front rows in tears and Tuomas staggering backwards, as if stunned, holding his head in his hands. And that’s before evolutionist and writer Richard Dawkins stepped out to deliver a concluding speech in one of the most memorable – and strangest – endings to a rock gig ever.
After another full year of touring, the end of the road has finally been reached – for now at least. Floor and partner Hannes Van Dahl (Sabaton’s drummer) will go home and prepare for family life. The rest of the band – completed by their quiet, underrated guitarist Emppu Vuorinen and drummer Kai Hahto who has been deputising for the unwell Jukka Nevalainen – will go their separate ways.
There are only two things that Tuomas will reveal about the future. Firstly, that their calendars for 2018, 2019 and 2020 are already populated with yet-to-be-announced Nightwish activity, and secondly, that the next album will continue the theme established by the last.
“I think we got about half way there – there will be more. I think this is probably just part one of the process; we didn’t yet say all we have to say. It is such a vast world of inspiration and we have only just touched the surface.”
That said, and perhaps indicative of the need for a break, Tuomas admits that he is “completely empty” and doesn’t have any new material written. “Usually by now I would have five or six songs. I haven’t really felt like doing any, but maybe it will come next year. If it does, that’s great, but if it doesn’t, we are not in any hurry. To be honest, I will be surprised if inspiration doesn’t come next year. I’m not taking any pressure though – that’s the whole idea of having the year off.”
Before that comes the wrench of the long goodbye. “It’s going to be emotional by any measure,” he sighs. “I am already feeling melancholy creeping in, but at the same time I’m really looking forward to just being at home with my family. But I love all of these people – the band, the management, the technicians, everybody. It is going to be hard, but a year goes by quickly, and we know the story will continue. We have the plan for the following three years in front of us, and that will keep us sane.”
The promised calm waters will be an interesting contrast to the passage thus far. If there’s one thing that has separated Nightwish from other bands it’s the sense of drama. The size of the emotion. The turbulence and the triumph. The book waiting to be written. The film waiting to be made.
Nightwish - Floor and Steve
 Floor Jansen with Steve Beebee
Since joining the band, Floor has had her arms and right shoulder festooned with colourful, empowering ink, courtesy of Italian tattooist Silvia Pretto. The centrepiece is an owl, a creature almost as symbolic to Nightwish as Eddie is to Iron Maiden. It’s a mark of her transformation from housebound invalid to striding rock colossus. That journey, from darkness to light, is clearly also reflected in how fans experience the music.
Erika Althreya from Slovakia went to a Nightwish show in the Czech Republic this year, and was moved to write the following on their Facebook page: “It took me some time to process what I saw. I was standing there covering my tears with shaking hands, feeling every picture, every note, every single second of that show. For the moment there was no band, there were no people, because everything just worked as one and I felt so peaceful, emotional and, I am not afraid to say, divine.”
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 09, 2016, 06:58:43 pm
Otro teaser!! (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 11, 2016, 08:22:31 pm
Hello Floor, I am Mattia from Nightwishers!
Hello, how are you?
I’m fine and you? Congratulations for your pregnancy! You are 5 months pregnant, we are so happy for you!
Thank you!

Shall we begin? The DVD is going to be released soon. It will include two amazing shows. Have you already seen it? I am sure you are proud of the band’s performance but is there anythi you would like to change?
Yes, releasing a  DVD and being part of the band, promoting it means that I have seen it! So you ask me if I would want to change something?

Yes if something was wrong, maybe you would have sung something differently?
It’s a weird question, to be honest because we really don’t want to release an imperfect piece of work, so you can assume that when you put something else you are proud of that. And yes I am.

This is your second live DVD with NW, but in this case there are song especially composed for you and your voice. Were you more comfortable with this and do you think this is a better product than Showtime, Storytime?
Approaching a Nightwish song is something that always had my own personal, my artistic imput, whether is an older song or a new one but of course songs that have not been sung by anybody else are more mine, “my songs”. So yes, what makes the biggest difference, more than that is that I have been in the tour from the very beginning from the first note to the last. I think this makes the difference between the two products, I am not more proud of this one instead of the other, because I was very proud of Showtime too. It is about capturing a moment in our lives and our career and now we are at this point.

Also the different location, it’s not a festival it’s more ‘yours’, more intimate?
Yes, of course

Let’s talk about the tour, Italian fans have been very happy because you had 3 amazing concerts in less than a year: Bologna, Rome and Mantova. It never happened before. Do you have good memories of this concerts? Which one you enjoyed the most?
Yes, I do, I can’t really say if I liked one over another, I think all of them were a great fun.

Concerning the meet and greets, you had one for each show, and you had a Masterclass. Is there any special remind you would like to share?
Yes, we had a great time at the meets, nice dudes. If we have any energy left is wonderful get out and met people. The masterclass was my thing, it has nothing to do with Nightwish, of course I was there having a show there. And we had very sweet gifts, I have been able to bring home with me, supernice, nice food, some things around the theme of the album.It was very nice, a very warm welcome from everybody.

Pregnancy doesn’t stop from work, although NW are taking a deserved break you are going to perform with other artists, including Marco for Raskasta Joulua. Since it is a Xmas event you will become the Mariah Carey of metal…
Oh am I? *laugh*

Are you going to perform All I Want For Christmas Is You?
Thankfully no, no. I don’t want to be the Mariah Carey of Metal!!

Good for you, I am not a fan!
Me neither!

How are you preparing yourself for this event? And how excited you are for this?
Well I am studying the songs at home, I got the instrumentals, but tomorrow we will have the rehearsal with the singers so we will go through the stuff. Yeah, I am very excited, I have never done something like this before. With so many singers, I mean. I have done a similar project called… I can’t remember….

…I remember that, because you had to come to Italy too but the date had been cancelled.

Yes, Heavy Xmas? That was cool, but it had nothing to do with Xmas, because anybody played any xmas song. I am generally very cool with Xmas music so it was nice to play into this heavy metal version, I think it’s going to be a lot of fun.

Of course. Speaking of collaborations, you will be a guest singer in the upcoming Ayreon’s album. You have already worked with Arjen, what are the differences between him and Tuomas in the making of an album?
I don’t understand why people wants to make comparisons because they’re such different way of songwriting.

I am NW singer, and the songs are sung mainly by me (and of course Marco), whilst in Ayron, the songs are composed for various voices, Arjen writes several parts and then look for suitable voices. It’s not easy to compare, they are very different persons, but I knew Ayron for ages, since I was 185 or something and I have been guest in multiple of his albums. When he sent me an email asking if I wanted to sing for him in the next album I had no brain because I always enjoyed working for him. He produces quality music and other important artists will join.

In a recent interview, Tuomas talked about a show with an orchestra. Let me tell you that this would be a dream…. Do you think it will be ever possible? Maybe in the next tour? No rush!

Yes, many people have been wondering about this for years, but now it’s not the originality craze anymore. It is not one our main priorities at the moment, but I agree that if it happened, it would be wonderful.

It might be far fetched with you NW commitment, but do you have any plan for you career? I don’t mean with another band, that’s why ReVamp are no longer together, but maybe a solo album?

Yes and no, I don’t have new collaborations, but in 2008 I wrote a rock album with Jorn Lofstad, from Pagan’s Mind. This album has never been published, it was ready and finished but never recorded. A year ago I took it off and though it would be really cool to do something with that music. But my honest ambition at the moment is to become and mum and relax. If I will find any spare time, I could write music. This project has been laying around for year but I don’t really want to make any plan, I will write music when I can. If I can  publish it, maybe this year, good, but nothing is sure.

Last question: what’s in Floor Jansen’s Ipod? Tell us 5 songs you can’t stop listening to lately.

I am more of an album person. I really liked Evergrey’s lates one, in which I sing in In Orbit. I can’t remember the names, I’m terrible… I liked Delain’s last one and the soundtracks of Angels and Demons and The Gladiator.

Thank you so much for your time

Thank you for your support, we hope to see you in 2018

Sure, it’s been an honor

Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 14, 2016, 04:58:05 pm
– Hola Floor, es un placer charlar de nuevo. Vamos a hablar del nuevo DVD de NIGHTWISH y de otras cosas relacionadas con la banda.

Antes de nada, enhorabuena por tu embarazo. Me imagino que el parón de la banda te servirá para realizar el parto y tomarte y relax y disfrutar de los primeros meses de tu ¿Hijo, hija? Hablando de esas “vacaciones”. ¿Hasta cuándo durará dicho descanso, al menos para ti?

Floor.- Bueno la verdad es que planeamos tomarnos este descanso antes de empezar nuestra última gira. Algunos de los miembros querí­an descansar porque ellos llevan girando 20 años prácticamente seguidos, así­ que hablamos del tema y todos coincidimos en que era una buena idea. Por eso nos hemos tomado todo el 2017 libre.

Debido a esto, planeíé mi vida familiar en torno al descanso, que será exactamente un año y volveremos con NIGHTWISH en 2018.

– Para empezar a hablar del DVD. ¿Por quíé lo habíéis titulado “Vehicle Of Spirit”?

Floor.- Pues hay un amigo del grupo que vino a ver un concierto hace unos años, se quedó tan alucinado con el concierto que nos llamó “vehí­culo del espí­ritu”.

Cuando hicimos este DVD pensamos que ofrecí­a una gran impresión de lo que somos hoy dí­a, con esos dos conciertos especiales que hemos incluido, y se nos ocurrió que ese tí­tulo podrí­a encajar perfectamente con este lanzamiento.

– Incluye dos conciertos de la gira “Endless Forms Most Beautiful” grabados en el Wembley de Londres y en Tampere, Finlandia y material extra de otras ciudades. Es claro que Refleja lo que ha sido la última gira, con temas de discos recientes y muy poco material de los tiempos pasados, pocos “Grandes íéxitos”. Me imagino que cuando la banda decidió hacer el repertorio tendrí­a en cuenta que una gran parte de los fans echarí­amos de menos los “viejos hits” y otra gran parte agradecerí­amos que tocarais “otras canciones, no siempre lo mismo”. ¿Quíé opinas al respecto?

Floor.- Es muy difí­cil encontrar un equilibrio entre todas las etapas de la banda, y por supuesto no podemos complacer a todo el mundo. Pero creo que hay bastantes temas antiguos, desde los inicios del grupo y creo que es un buen equilibrio. Hay que tener en cuenta que estábamos promocionando “Endless Forms Most Beautiful” así­ que es normal que en esta gira haya habido muchos temas de ese disco. Me gusta el repertorio, tenemos una lista de temas estándar con algunas canciones que variamos, así­ que tampoco todos los conciertos son iguales.

– Es cierto que la anterior etapa donde la banda interpretaba muchos viejos temas quedó reflejada en el DVD de Wacken. ¿Es el DVD y concierto que de alguna forma sirvió como reconfirmación de tu integración total en NIGHTWISH?

Floor.- Bueno, creo que eso es algo que tiene que decidir el público cuando vea el DVD y se formen su opinión.

Por lo que a mí­ respecta me siento totalmente integrada en el grupo y me considero parte de la banda.

– Una vez que tú has visionado el DVD completo, ¿con quíé escenas, temas, detalles, actuación te quedas? Ya, ya síé que es complicado, pero siempre hay partes o temas favoritos… ¿Cuáles son los de Floor en “Vehicle Of Spirit”?

Floor.- No lo síé la verdad. Hay muchas canciones de las que estoy muy orgullosa, y hay muchos momentos especiales, así­ que no te puedo decir. Uno de mis momentos favoritos fue en Wembley, cuando Richard Dawkins salió al escenario e hizo su discurso, y tambiíén me gusta cuando sale toda la pirotecnia.

Cuando estoy en el escenario no puedo apreciar muchas cosas, así­ que ha sido divertido ver el DVD.

– De los temas de tu etapa en la banda, ¿cuáles son con los que más disfrutas en directo y con cual o cuales te sientes más identificada?

Floor.- No tengo canciones favoritas, me encanta cada canción y disfruto al máximo de cada concierto. No te puedo decir, sinceramente.

– ¿Y de los temas de la era Annete? ¿Y de los de Tarja?

Floor.- Te digo lo mismo, me gusta el material de la banda y disfruto cantando el tema que sea.

– Con todos mis respeto… En el concierto de Madrid se te notó menos entonada, menos metida en tu papel… Más estática que otras veces, aunque cantaste de maravilla, como siempre, pero…No se… Para mi y para mucho fans, (la mayorí­a) eres la perfecta vocalista para NIGHTWISH y solo hay que ver el nuevo DVD para darse cuenta de su gran valí­a vocal y escíénica, pero la actuación de Madrid fue un poco frí­a. ¿Hubo algún motivo que recuerdes? ¿Quíé sensación tuviste durante y tras el show?

Floor.- No recuerdo que estuviera frí­a, la verdad.

– Volvamos a hablar de ese parón de NIGHTWISH. En ese tiempo, lo lógico es que Tuomas y el resto de tus compañeros usen ese tiempo para componer nuevo material, tomarse un descanso en su vida artí­stica y disfrutar de sus familias, como tú. De todas formas, en ese intervalo, seguro que NIGHTWISH iríéis ideando como será vuestro siguiente capí­tulo como banda…

Floor.- No, vamos a tomarnos un descanso. Cuando te vas de vacaciones no trabajas, y eso es lo que vamos a hacer, no trabajar. Un descanso significa no hacer nada, y ese es nuestro plan hasta que volvamos en 2018 con algo que no hemos anunciado y que es como un secreto. Es algo muy grande que estoy segura emocionará a todos los fans de NIGHTWISH.

– ¿Tienes idea de por dónde irán los siguientes pasos que seguirá NIGHTWISH en el futuro? ¿Habíéis hablado sobre ello? Porque vuestro último disco “Endless Forms Most Beautiful” fue editado el 27 de marzo de 2015 en Europa y el 31 en Amíérica. Ya toca nuevo álbum…

Floor.- No, no puedo decir nada más, porque no hay nada más.

– Despide tu misma la entrevista como quieras…

Floor.- Espero que todos nuestros fans en España disfruten el DVD y confí­o que no todos piensen que estuve frí­a en Madrid.

Rafa Basa

Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 14, 2016, 05:01:02 pm
Villancicos! ( (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 14, 2016, 07:34:15 pm
Trailer! (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 24, 2016, 06:35:56 pm
Entrevista!! (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 25, 2016, 03:32:37 pm
Otro trailer!!!

Stargazers @ Tampere (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 02, 2016, 03:43:43 pm
Más!! (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 02, 2016, 07:14:39 pm
Being able to chat freely with an artist you respect is always an amazing opportunity, and this interview was no exception. I had the chance to talk to Floor Jansen about Nightwish, their upcoming live DVD “Vehicle of Spirit”, Raskasta Joulua, and vocal techniques. The fact that we almost went overtime because we got too absorbed talking about singing should be enough to demonstrate how passionate Floor is about music, and how much thought and effort go into this craft. This interview is filled with interesting antics about Nightwish, being on stage (or behind the stage!), singing Christmas songs and how personal development affects a musician’s journey from the very first vocal lesson to finding a teacher you can connect with. It’s overall an inspirational talk on crossing boundaries, which is eventually what makes metal music so special.

Hi Floor, welcome back to Femme Metal Webzine. How are you?

I’m fine, thank you!

We’re here to talk a little about Nightwish’s latest DVD effort called “Vehicle of Spirit” that features two different sets and shows: Wembley Arena in London and Ratina Stadion, Tampere. How was your approach during this two shows?

We wanted to show the whole face of the Nightwish World Tour, so we indeed have these two full-length shows, but also a whole DVD full of bonus material that we recorded all over the world. It’s very important to state that as well, because it really is about the total picture that we wanted to give. The show in Tampere is the first stadium show of Nightwish ever, in the band’s home country, with 23,000 people, with the biggest stage set that we’ve ever had. That was something we wanted to immortalize, show to the rest of the world. That was the “outside show”. The “inside show” is Wembley, where you have such a different atmosphere. Being the first Finnish band to headline in Wembley Arena also made it special. And then to even have Mr. Richard Dawkins join us… there were some special things that we thought were worth documenting!

The Wembley show sees the participation of Richard Dawkins. How did you convince him to take part in it?

Well, we didn’t need to convince him, actually! We asked him and he said “Yes” (laughs).

That was easy!

Yes! Above expectations!

The title came from a friend of Troy that has defined Nightwish as “a Vehicle of spirit that defies category”. In your opinion, how and in which way has Nightwish, during its 20-year-long career, managed to defy any possible category?

I think that Nightwish has never been afraid to really cross boundaries when it comes to genre. Right from the beginning a lot of styles were integrated and smoothly, throughout the years, this became bigger. To call it a “symphonic metal band” or a “pop band” would not be enough, it wouldn’t really do justice to also say that it’s folk music. In that sense it defies category and we’re not desperate to state this concept. Yes, it’s difficult to put us into some kind of box, and this is the most poetic description of this fact.

I think that’s what makes the music special. That you can’t really frame it in any way.


Something that shines through from the shows (besides everything!) is that your stage presence is magnetic. I also noticed this as a member of the audience myself, but you have the incredible ability to deliver the song through your body as well as your voice and to convey your joy to everyone else, both on stage and to the public. As a long-time fan, but also as someone who has been studying vocal techniques for many, many years – I was at your advanced Masterclass in June – I always appreciated this since the very beginning, but I also wondered how your personal character and your professional training interact. Is there something that helped you in particular to achieve this, during your studies?

I would say yes and no, it’s the same as learning how to sing. You can learn it by taking lessons and by practicing, but you will never become a great singer if you weren’t born with the talent to do it. I don’t want to sound arrogant on that, but I think that for me a part of it came very naturally and a part of it came by studying. I had lessons, but that was many, many years ago. I also had a personal development of being on stage a lot, and then, by coming into Nightwish, I really found my spot there. That’s a natural thing that you also can’t really make, it either works or doesn’t. For us it really did from the get-go, and that also makes you feel more natural. I’ve had this natural connection to the music as well. All these factors come into matter on why it feels – cause it’s always more feeling than fact. But it’s a big compliment actually, thank you very much.

I had the time to give a glimpse to both the 3 DVD and except the third one that is a well-packaged collection of different live performances, the main visual difference that I can get between Wembley and Tampere show is that the first one was mixed in a more “cinematic” way. Maybe it’s only my point of view of how I perceive the show, but what can you share about the post-production and mixing of the recordings?

The whole thing has been a cooperation between the man who has been recording the footage and producing this DVD and who is the same man who did “Showtime, Storytime”, our previous DVD, Ville Lipií¤inen. He really knows how to catch Nightwish, and that goes in cooperation with Tuomas mainly, but also with the rest of the group. We all have been thinking about it, because there’s so much happening on our stage, so what do you want to actually show? You can think about a part of this before recording everything, but definitely as you say in the postproduction you can give it a cinematic element, take your time to stay on one person, don’t just shift the cameras every second because it’s more dynamic. It’s worth looking at someone just a little bit longer. Every step of the way came with a lot of thinking and feeling. Maybe the cinematic element comes from how we are on stage. There’s this theatrical link to it. It is a band on stage, rocking, but there’s more happening and it’s cool that that has been caught on this DVD.

I also feel that the bigger stage enhanced your space and your ability to do more on stage. The pyros and a bigger screen to project on… that also makes it more “bombastic”.

Absolutely, yeah! You wanna catch that, but you also wanna catch that smile on Emppu‘s face or Tuomas, you know, he has such a serious face but there’s a lot happening in his facial expressions that you would totally miss if things would go too fast. Also for me in a way, I do a lot but I don’t see anything when I’m behind the stage, so it was really fun to see so much of what happens when I’m not on stage or what happens when I’m on the right side and the other guys are on the left side, what happens on the screen… and even if you’ve been at the show, you might have been focusing on Tuomas and then Emppu just did this funny thing, or you were looking at the screen and these pyros went off on the other side. It was a lot of choosing in the end, but then it was cool to have all these different camera angles to really give it a very 3-dimensional image.

The next level is going to be virtual reality then!

Indeed (laughs)!

Back in 2012, you joined Nightwish. I know that probably it’s early for any balance, but so far how is this new musical adventure treating you? Is there something that you feel you learned by being in the band and something that the other members have learned from you?

It’s been four years and I’ve learned a lot. They are very experienced musicians, everybody is a bit older, everybody has been spending more time on this earth so I’ve been learning some life lessons there. What we’ve learned from each other is that we have regained trust in each other. To really trust one another in a band, we both – Nightwish and I – had our reasons to have lost our trust on the way, and to regain that trust, things just need to work between people. That partially goes automatic, or it doesn’t – which if it doesn’t, it’s really shit (laughs), but if it does then that’s what you really need to continue. It also comes with the effort of learning from one another, as any other relationship. I always call it a bit of the same as a marriage, when you’re in love things are all good, but it’s always work in a relationship. I think that’s what I learned: when there’s this natural connection with people, it’s worth trusting, it’s worth working on, and it’s a lot of fun! (laughs) And things like, how does Nightwish record? I had no idea! To see Marco work on the harmonies for instance, it was really inspiring. He has such a good ear for those things. To see Tuomas take the lead as a band leader without trying to control everything out of this scared need to be on top of everything. He can let go when it’s okay to let go. A good leader knows when to do that, and also knows when to say “Okay, guys, this is me taking charge right now”. That’s really inspiring. I’ve learned that even the chemistry between people is extremely important. When you see management teams, or teams of people who work in an office together for instance, the more and more they are formed so that the personalities match, so when there’s a leading personality, you also need a following personality. There are types of personalities that work or not work with each other. That’s a super important element in how things can be together. In a band where egos and adoration and all that crazy stuff that we have around us all day matters, it’s important that you know each other well. We know from each other that we’re down-to-earth people and it’s important to keep it that way no matter how big the band is.

Yeah, I was thinking about this, Nightwish has been on tour for so long. It seems, every time I read interviews or see some videos or live reports and you’re all together, I think “Aren’t they tired? They look like they’re having the time of their lives!” even if it’s been months and months.

And we were! You can’t fake that. That really has to do with chemistry. You have to have genuine fun, or it will wear you out. and there will be days that you are tired, or days where the whole band is tired. I know from myself and from the other guys, the shows are always lifting us out of the fatigue. The overall feeling has been so positive that when you have a few days you’re like “Phew, I should have slept a bit longer!”. You’ll get out of it really easily because of the chemistry and because the shows are always really fun.

You recently joined Marco on the Baltic Princess for Raskasta Joulua. This seems to be a traditional yearly program in Finland. Could you tell us a bit more about it and about your vocal approach to a different repertoire? How did you make these songs “yours”?

It has been now 12 years. It started with just a bunch of guys who wanted to make a heavy metal Christmas show, out of existing songs mainly. When they started it was two shows, I think. Throughout the last 12 years it grew into almost a month of touring. They do about 32 shows this year, so the show I was on was the very first of an entire tour that will all take place in Finland. Raskasta Joulua means “I love Christmas” in Finnish and the idea is to make heavy metal Christmas shows. So it’s Christmas songs all in a heavy metal style and either they are classics that fit into the theme such as “Ave Maria”, or songs they’ve written themselves. I think Marco has been with this project since the beginning. They only form for this occasion. A few months ago they asked me if I wanted to join, they’ve been working with Elize from Amaranthe and she’s been singing on a few albums. I only do 8 of all the shows and Elize will be on other shows. Then there is going to be one show in Helsinki on the 16th of December where all the singers on the project will sing. They have this band who plays every show, and a big group of singers who change every show. Marco is the only one who does all of them (laughs). To make it my own… some were easier than others. I have to understand what I’m singing, but with Christmas it’s always quite religious and that’s really not what I am, so I kinda need to follow the lead of the music to give it an emotion that is not necessarily mine.

When I talk to fans, or to other people who are studying vocal techniques like me, I feel that there is a lot of pressure on women to be a soprano, to sing really high, to be dramatic, coloratura etc. etc. In short, a lot of emphasis on natural abilities and so-called “talent”. However, singing is clearly much more than that. What is your opinion on these kind of stereotypes?

I come from a very free background, so I went to study music without having had any vocal lessons. I didn’t know anything about vocal techniques, nothing. When I had my very first vocal lesson, which was a Conservatory for rock and pop music, my teacher asks “So, what is it you want to learn?” and I said “Well, I want to learn how to sing!”. I was 17/18, so I basically thought, duh, what a weird question (laughs)! I didn’t know anything about registers, low or high, I didn’t really care, I personally did think that singing high was something special, that if you could sing high then you were a good singer. Now of course, being an educated musician, it doesn’t mean anything. Then there’s also the classical categorization of soprano, or mezzo, dramatic… all those things. I think it really depends on your background, what you think might be important, how you got influenced. But my personal opinion is that it doesn’t indeed matter. It’s nice to give something a name, like Nightwish wants to be put into a box by people who want to be able to describe it. That’s where the necessity of that might come in, but when it comes to personal development I would say, please don’t be held back by these kind of boundaries. Because once you put it in a box, it is a boundary in a sense. Don’t forget that vocal techniques are still very much in development. It is such a young thing, it’s decades old. Whereas, classical theories and classical training is centuries old. So now, all of a sudden, we have both worlds clashing. There are people who still say you can’t sing classical and still sing differently at the same time, if you’re a classical singer you’re not supposed to sing differently. The old-fashioned classical people will still say this. And then there are pop singers who don’t know anything about classical – clashing worlds right there! Slowly but certainly, I think there are more and more people who don’t care (laughs) and find their own way and the matching theories with it. That vocal method I recommended back at the Masterclass is the first one who, for me, really tries to cross the borders and just gives a total impression of what you can do with your voice and how to technically do that. How, when, what, doesn’t really matter: if you want to do everything at once, then by all means! Doesn’t mean it’s pretty, but it’s not about that. That’s in the end what you really think is best. But to find that out you really need to first do it, that’s why I gave you the example of how it was in the beginning for me. when you don’t know what’s out there, you don’t know where to begin. But you begin somewhere, maybe you start off with classical stuff – cool! Now you have a feeling of what that is, but you’ve been missing something maybe, you wanna investigate what’s more on the other side. Does this fit with me and does this fit with my idea of music? Maybe I’ve been listening to both Mozart and Mariah Carey and I wanna be able to do both, how do I do that? That’s where personal shaping comes in and that might take a while (laughs)! It’s nice to become a singer that “defies category” (laughs)!

What you said about clashing worlds, I also think it’s very valuable that nowadays we also have a lot of examples. There’s you, there’s a lot of singers who experiment, especially in metal. You see Alissa White-Gluz, or Simone Simons, and then you… it’s nice for people to be able to listen and think “Oh, so this can be done!”. It leads the way for other people to experiment as well.

Yeah, that would be great if it could work like that! Then it’s really hard to find the right teacher… but bits and pieces of different people might really be great to have. It is your personal path. I realized quite soon in my studies when I didn’t really match with my teacher, it’s such a personal connection that you need to have with this person that if it doesn’t work, no harm done, but find somebody else. And after you feel that you’ve reached a certain boundary with this person, you’ve picked their brain enough, then it’s time for somebody else perhaps. It’s hard to find somebody who matches exactly with your desires. But as much as I would love to continue talking, as you know I’m a vocal nerd, I have a next interview (laughs)!

Okay, so we can wrap it up (laughs)! Thank you so much, it’s really nice to have been able to discuss this more in-depth. Thank you for taking the time and all the best to you and Nightwish for your future adventures!

Thank you! See you in 2018 after our little break, but thank you for spreading the word in Italy and among female fans. All the best to you as well and see you very soon! Ciao!

Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 07, 2016, 05:06:41 pm
Unboxing!! (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 07, 2016, 08:19:58 pm
Nightwish are about to drop a massive live DVD entitled Vehicle of Spirit. Containing not one, but two full shows as well as a lot of bonus material from around the world (a clip from the Sydney show this year is included as well!) it is the band’s most ambitious live release to date. Floor Jansen phoned me up on Thursday night from her home in Sweden to discuss Nightwish’s live show, the DVD, food, as well as the terrible band that is Slayer.

I was lucky enough to watch Nightwish with their full stage production in Copehagen last year, as well as in Sydney this year. One thing that really struck me is the fact that the band isn’t using the pyrotechnics and the fancy lights as a way to make life easier for themselves, the energy and musical brilliance was just as prominent in Copenhagen as in Sydney. I was curious to know if Floor sees it as a risk, that the band might start using the stage show as a sort of security blanket? 

“No, I’m not too worried about that! It’s an extra, it’s not a substitute for anything. I’d say we have more shows without pyro than with. We’re not bringing them to Asia, Canada, The US, South America or Australia. So we only do this in Europe, unfortunately, I’d say, since it’s great fun. But it’s not the main element of a Nightwish show and I don’t think it will ever be that way.”

Rumours have been circulating for a while now about 2018 being a special year for Nightwish. Most fans that know their basic math quickly realised that it will be the 20th anniversary of Oceanborn. Seeing as it’s become popular to do anniversary shows where bands play an album in its entirety, one can assume that this is the case. I didn’t expect Jansen to give anything away, but I had to ask the question anyway!

[laughs] “Well, as you might’ve known about these rumours, we haven’t been saying anything! We wouldn’t want to spoil the surprise!”

Having finished the band’s incredibly busy world tour about 90 days ago, I was curious to see what Jansen has been up to since arriving back home in Europe.

“I sang on Ayreon’s new album, I joined Evergrey for a video clip and one out of eight shows are done with Raskasta Joulua which is like a Finnish heavy metal band that plays Christmas music in Finland. So yeah, nice and busy!”

Having been on such an extensive tour, that spanned the entire world, I really wanted to know how she managed to keep her voice in such good shape for such a long time.

“Well, the voice is part of the body, and if the body is fine, so is the voice, for me. I’ve never had any problems with my voice. Of course when you get sick, things get more difficult but I haven’t been sick at all. So that’s been really good. The only thing that happens, and funny enough it only happen in the States, is when I get too tired. If I eat well, sleep well and regularly work out I’m good. So I need to really focus on that. That doesn’t mean that I can never have a glass of wine or go to bed a bit later. And over focusing on the matter is equally damaging as a cold could be. So I don’t do that, I just need to make sure that those ingredients are there. But I’m quite dependent on the food. And, you know, no input, no output, it’s very simple actually. There’s something in the American food I don’t seem to appreciate, my body doesn’t. I always get sick in the States, I always get exhausted if I can’t get enough vitamins or whatever it is out of the food.”

What’s your favourite food on tour?

“I don’t really have a favourite dish or anything, but I’m a vegetarian. So, I prefer the Indian kitchen because that’s usually the only kitchen that provides options for vegetarians. Some restaurants seem to be extremely satisfied when they offer you one possibility that doesn’t have dead animal in it. Which then brings you to no options, you can never choose. This is what we can do. When you come to countries where vegetarianism is still pretty new so then it’s like, “yeah, we can make you the same food without the meat.” So there’s no replacement. So a WELL made, tasty vegetarian dish will do it for me.”

Are you saying you DON’T enjoy a burger bun with just lettuce?!

“It’s extraordinary… But I think now, countries such as Australia and where I live in Sweden and Netherlands it is very possible to have a nutritious and tasty substitute. But that takes a little bit of the cook. Often in restaurants it’s a big problem, don’t try this in Brazil or China… China was perfect… [laughs] Also with the life experience, it’s very, very tricky sometimes! Troy (Donockley, pipes/everything) in our band is vegan, so we have two vegetarians and a vegan. Yeah, good luck!” [laughs]

In an interview I did with Tuomas Holopainen last year, he mentioned that he would love to see Jansen keep a straight face when singing the cheesy lyrics of Elvenpath. I naturally had to ask if she’ll be up for the task!

“Oh god! [laughs] No idea! Maybe not at first! It will be fun to practice at first. We’ll get it in the end with a healthy dose of humour!” [laughs]

Are there any fantastic memories from this tour that you’d like to share with your fans?

“Yeah, many! Of course the most fresh one because of the DVD is the moment when Richard Dawkins came on stage at the Wembley Arena and spoke his words and got the audience with him. That was goosebump stuff! During a show there can be a moment where you get the goosebumps, because it just hits you. It doesn’t matter how often you play, every show is different, or a reaction who just really felt it, you can see it on this person. That’s beautiful.”

Did you take part in the creation of the DVD, have you watched it?

“Yes, I’ve seen it! I’m very happy with it. We would not release something we’re not satisfied with. Of course there’s only so much you can say after the work is done in that sense. Was it good enough? Is it going to be mind-blowing? What is it going to be? If you say that we’re going to document our world tour, have two full length shows plus all the bonus material from all over the world, that’s a lot of material. I am super proud to see it. As a band we’ve established a certain level of performance. I don’t mean to sound arrogant, but I think we’re good. It looks good, it sounds good. That makes me very proud, that we pulled it off, and I’m super proud to present this to anybody, fan or not fan. This is who we are. This is what a Nightwish show is like. And of course, on a personal level, it’s a unique documentation of the time we spent together, imagine in 10 or 20 years from now, it will be fantastic to have this.”

When asked if she could describe some of the band members in three words each, Jansen broke the rules on more than one occasion. I didn’t mind though, it is evident that she’s really settled into the band at this point and holds great amounts of respect for each and every band member.

“There is Kai (Hahto, drums). He is always happy. Very professional and a magnificent boozer. He’s the band’s boozer! Then there’s Troy. He’s also always happy! He has the most fantastic mood. He is a great conversational partner and the loveliest man in the world. Tuomas (Holopainen, keys), I would describe him as very sensitive. That goes for everybody. Everybody is proud and professional in Nightwish. But it’s even more Tuomas’ baby. The pride shines of him mostly. If you see how he’s sort of conducting the show, he looks around on stage more than any other member. Not that by looking at us, anything will change, but he’s just on top of it. That’s his style and I appreciate it. Great company. Then there’s Emppu (Vuorinen, guitars). He’s the loner of the group. Very funny [laughs]. He’s got a great sense of humour. He loves playing, you can see it. It doesn’t matter where or when, it doesn’t matter how. He doesn’t care about any sort of details, he just wants to play and drink beer. If that’s sorted he’s happy!” [laughs]

When did you first listen to Nightwish and when did you first personally get in touch with them? And also, did you ever consider auditioning for the vocalist spot back in 2006?

“I think it must have been ’99. We toured together in 2002 so that’s when I got to know them. I went to their show in Belgium sometime in ’99 or 2000. But then I didn’t really meet them of course. So I got to know them in 2002. And  no, I never did that because I had After Forever. Which is also why they never asked me. They wouldn’t take me away from something well-established.”

You’ve been involved in a controversy within the last 24 hours or so. Do you have any idea what I’m talking about?

“It’s that Slayer thing, isn’t it?! I must have said it in an interview once. But the way it’s been torn out of perspective is quite pathetic. I didn’t know that Metal Hammer in a big country needs that, but, it’s the truth though. I think it’s a terrible band! So yeah, sorry! I don’t think they like us either!”
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 09, 2016, 03:51:01 pm
Trailer (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 16, 2016, 03:14:02 pm
Sale hoy!! (

Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 24, 2016, 04:48:36 pm
Mensaje de Tuomas!!

It`s been roughly two months since we returned home from our 18-month Endless Forms Most Beautiful - adventure around the world. It was such a sudden and massive change of scenery that my mind`s been out in the sea of melancholy and relief, unable to think straight until the last couple of days. The vibe throughout the whole tour was on a different level in its positivity and intensity, and looking back at it I can`t but feel utter content and pride.
Even at the risk of entering a terribly cheesy territory here, I once more wish to extend my most sincere gratefulness to the members of the band, crew & management. Love is an often overused word, but not when it comes to describing how I feel towards all of you.
Our fans all over the world; The passion, sincerity and laughs you`ve given to us has been powerful and inspirational. Music is all about self-discovery, and seeing you contribute your personal verses along that path with us is something truly beautiful.
We`ll meet again in 2018! Happy thoughts & starlit skies to you all,
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 25, 2016, 05:58:38 pm
Tuomas cumple hoy 40 años!!!
FELICIDADES!!!! :011: :011: :011: :011: :011:
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 31, 2016, 04:39:33 pm
Kai cumple hoy 43 años!!!
FELICIDADES!!!! :011: :011: :011: :011: :011:
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 13, 2017, 06:57:31 pm
Entrevista a Troy! (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 14, 2017, 03:44:27 pm
Marco cumple hoy 51 años!!!!
FELICIDADES!!! :011: :011: :011:
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 17, 2017, 04:23:28 pm
NIGHTWISH is one of THE great ‘Live’ bands with a sound and production that fills the senses and compliments and augments the bands huge sound rather than overwhelming it like some big productions can. After touring their “Endless Forms Most Beautiful” album for a year and a half throughout every corner of the world the time has come for Nightwish to immortalize that tour on DVD. “Vehicle of Spirit” out on 16 December 2016 features not only two concerts in full length, but also plenty of bonus material. We spoke to Floor Jansen all about the DVD and the next steps for a band that truly has conquered the world.

Mark: Thank you so much for talking to The Rockpit today we’ve interviewed the band many times over the years but normally we get to speak to Marco so it’s great to talk to you today about the new DVD. Before that we’ve had so many questions put to us – I know it’s on record that it’s not, but so many are worried that this ‘year off’ might be the end of Nightwish: can you put their minds at rest so we can get that one out of the way?

Floor: Oh what drama queens! Taking a goddamn year off! We’ve communicated all that there is to know about the year off, if people are still worried, please get a hobby! We’re doing this because things are good. When you can leave things behind with a good feeling that everything’s going to be fine when you come back after a year that’s a luxury – that’s a good thing to have. Instead of worrying people should say “good for you, take your time” because in 2018 we have something great in mind for everyone, so please tell them not to worry!

Mark: It does seem to get better all the time for the band and there are gaps of two or three years before albums, so enjoy! And the DVD is the perfect way to leave us hanging and wondering what comes next! Two wonderful shows on there and a great tile too, ‘Vehicle of Spirit’ it seems to sum up the music perfectly?

Floor: Thank you, I agree, it was actually a friend of Troy’s who came up with that “It’s a vehicle of Spirit that defies category” a bit before my time, but it’s been used a lot to describe the band and it seemed right for a DVD like this where you see where the band is today. And it’s not just the two shows, there’s an extra DVD with bonus material from all over the world to really give the impression what Nightwish looks like on a world tour in lots of different settings. (laughs) I can tell you agree.

Mark: I do, it was a massive tour and we got to see you back in January. It must be amazing not just to tour the world but to one night play Wembley and a little while later come and see us at a little venue in Fremantle, Western Australia and get the same kind of crazy fans but a very intimate atmosphere?

Floor: Yeah, that’s the beauty of it, it’s all really diverse, different people different cultures, different reactions. It seems to be regardless of where people are from or whether it’s a small club or an arena show, the intensity is the same. Some people scream more, some people listen more, some people don’t even move, they just stand and take it all in with their eyes shut, it’s however people want to experience it, and it (the music) connects everyone on this planet.

Mark: its wonderful music and we love that you come to Australia to see us so often. Nightwish these days seem to just get bigger and bigger, one of the best-selling Finnish bands ever, bigger albums, bigger tours, what could be next for the band? You aren’t going to give us any hints are you?

Floor: No! (laughs) Sorry!

Mark: (laughing) I tried, I can tick that one off the list!

Floor: (laughs) All I can say it’s going to be very cool and every Nightwish fan will truly appreciate this.

Mark: Looking at the DVD which I’ve only just finished – there are almost four hours just in the first two shows you see some bands with big stage sets and all the special effects and it sometimes seems to mask the music a little; but for Nightwish it really does seem to enhance the music and the mood of the songs? It’s a wonderful production. What’s it like interacting with that one stage? Those wind machines look pretty fierce!

Floor: (laughs) it’s nice they’re pretty fresh! I’s nice when it’s warm, which of course it wasn’t in the summer in Finland! It really is an enhancer of the show as you say but not the thing that makes the show. In Tampere we’d only used that production twice so you have a little more to think about because you can’t just go anywhere with the pyros as they won’t go off when you’re in the wrong place. But by the time we played Wembley Arena at the end of the tour where we’d had the same production with us every day, then you’re a little more familiar with it, so you don’t have to think about it as much. It’s as much part of the show when you come to Australia and you don’t have that and you miss the sound of the CO2 as it’s become integrated!   But the Tampere show was a little different where we had the huge ramp and the elements moving in the ceiling there was so much happening there was more thinking but you know what is going to happen.

Mark: It was great to get the two shows and see the differences, most bands put out one show but the two were a real treat for fans. Even though we’ve seen the two concerts, we’re yet to see the bonus material – you mentioned there were scenes from other shows you’d played around the world? Is it songs from other venues or the band on tour fooling around in airports and hotels?

Floor: No it’s songs, we recorded one in Vancouver, one in Buenos Aries, one in Mexico City, two in Finland, one at the Masters of Rock in the Czech Republic and one in the US. We also recorded one on our cruise – an acoustic version of ‘Edemah Ruh’. Then at Rock in Rio where every band that plays there has a guest on stage – we had Tony Kakko of Sonata Arctica doing ‘Last ride of the Day’ with us. And we have ‘Elan’ from Sydney and a Richard Dawkins interview so it’s a whole full DVD! (laughs)

Mark: One question I have to ask you as I particularly loved them is, you’ve drawn the line under ReVamp – is that for good?

Floor: Yes. Unfortunately life unfolds as it does and you can’t do everything at the same time, and you can’t do some things if you can’t spend the time. So in a band like Nightwish with the intense touring that comes with it and then to have another band that would deserve the same input it’s impossible. So it was already a band in between other things, and when we started to talk about taking this year off I thought about Revamp and thought it could go two ways – I could have a lot of time for ReVamp but that would mean another album and another tour which I’ve been doing non-stop for the last four or five years. So I thought it would be nice to do something else and then of course there was the drive to start a family life, to have a family and two bands is simply impossible. I had to make a tough decision.

Mark: So in your time off with the family will you still be doing anything musically? Or just have a complete break and enjoy that experience?

Floor: Well the idea is to be home and really enjoy that special time with a newborn. But not to have music would be unnatural to me! In 2008 I wrote an album with Jí¸rn Viggo Lofstad the guitar player in Pagan’s Mind, he and I wrote a rock album, but we were never able to release it, and we’ve picked up our ambition to do this. So without any tight planning we might be able to fit that into the year off.

Mark: Just going to the reader’s questions for a moment: what sort of music do you listen to on a day to day basis? Are you very eclectic in your tastes?

Floor: It depends, if I’m travelling I tend to listen to film music, when I’m working out I like to have the heavier stuff – Pantera, Soilwork, stuff like that, and when I’m home I listen to a lot of different kinds of music, I don’t really like Pop Music but maybe a song here and there. I like Sting, Seal and a British band Florence and the Machine.

Mark: Taking it all the way back now, when did it all begin for you, when did you know that music would be your life? Was there a defining

Floor: Between knowing and knowing I guess is a gradual process, but feeling wise it came after I joined a High School musical, so I must have been about 13, 14 years old. That was the first time I realised that I had a voice that actually works really easily – we did a school musical and I got one of the main parts and after the show I realised “Wow!” I want to do this more, so I joined the school band, then we moved unfortunately so I had to start over and then pretty soon after I moved to the new City I met the guys from After Forever back in ’97. So around that time I knew I’d love to become a musician, but I didn’t really know how. Like every teenager I suppose you can have this dream but how realistic is it? I first thought that concert touring was a great idea but then I thought it was either too Classical or too Jazzy for me and the real education that would fit for me didn’t exist yet! (laughs) funnily that came for me one year later in ’99. So yeah I knew that from the first moment on stage, but to actually realise it took a few more years to see it all.

Mark: And I’ve loved all of your music with all of your various bands, I’m so glad that we got to hear your voice, which in my opinion has to be one of the great rock voices of the last 20 years.

Floor: Thank you for that.

Mark: And to close the two questions we like to ask everyone. If you could have been a fly on the wall in the studio for the creation of any great album, just to see how the magic happened and how the musicians interacted – what album would it have been for you and why?

Floor: I’d have loved to have been at a Queen recording. You know how did they do all those harmonies and all that experimentation without all the Pro-Tools sets that we know now? That would be so cool.

Mark: I know, just to see that! How they could achieve it with what they had then, it must have taken them forever to get some of those effects!

Floor: Absolutely!

Mark: And the easy question we close with – what is the meaning of life?

Floor: (laughs) Well, I have no answer for that! I think you might know when you are on your death bed, hopefully at the age of 90 or something! I don’t know, I think we reason that out far too much. On a primary level we are really here to reproduce just like any other animal on the planet. But we think so much so we would like to have an enjoyable life, so in that sense I would say you strive to be happy. And if you can’t manage to do that you would probably have a miserable life. You are not always in charge of the factors around you that would provide happiness unfortunately but that’s an arrogant thing to say from a wealthy Western perspective but I don’t think that happiness is something you can buy per say with money – I think you get it from being safe and being loved.

Mark: That’s a very thoughtful answer, you’ve got me thinking now. It’s always interesting to ask that question of various different people, and you can always tell the people who have thought of the answer but never really considered the question.

Floor: Yeah I think it’s so difficult I’m in a very privileged position I would say but that doesn’t mean I’m always happy, and I question myself “Why am I not happy?” and it has nothing to do with being rich or poor, it’s that sense of safety. I think if you were to ask a child in Syria right now what she or he needed to be happy I think safety would be the first thing they would mention, not wealth in that sense . I mean I would like to have a lot of money right now (laughs). Money does come with its own kind of safety and ease when you know that there’s enough that you don’t have to worry about it, which is a massive luxury that a lot of that a lot of people don’t get to have ever. But is that the key to happiness? No there are a lot of factors and it’s far too complex to sum up I one sentence anyway! (laughs)

Mark: And I do think it’s different for everybody and changes as life changes. Thank you so much for taking the time to talk to us today it’s been a pleasure: enjoy 2017!

Floor: Yes, I surely will and same to you, I’ll be back in touch I’m sure in 2018! Bye, Bye!


Floor Jansen spoke to Mark Rockpit December 2016
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 18, 2017, 11:31:49 pm
Un video!! (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 25, 2017, 10:18:25 pm
Entrevista a Troy! (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 11, 2017, 03:59:58 pm
Entrevista!!! (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 18, 2017, 04:16:06 pm
Otra entrevista a Floor!!

Interview for by Tonnie with Floor Jansen.
After the release of the album 'Endless Forms, Most Beautiful', the Finnish symphonic metal band Nightwish went on a big and long world tour. From this tour, they released the live-DVD 'Vehicle Of Spirit' at the end of last year.
However, this year the band members will take a year off for a well deserved break. I spoke with Nightwish front singer Floor Jansen about the released live shows on the DVD's,  what she's planning to do herself during this year off and what the plans for Nightwish are after this break.
Q = question by interviewer (Tonnie)
Q: On the band's latest DVD, they released 2 concerts you performed on your last world tour. If you look back at that tour now, what are your experiences of that tour?
Floor: Very positive! We all had a great and cool time with each other.
Q: A few years ago, there was a period that you combined Nightwish and Revamp. That proved to be a bit too much, but now doing Nightwish only, you're touring even longer than before. Has it changed so much?
Floor: Yes, it's very different!. Doing Revamp, it did cost an awful lot of energy to start all over again after After Forever was disbanded. I felt responsible for most things concerning the band and therefore did almost all things, which did cost a lot of energy. I still perform/work a lot, but people just don't get a burn-out from working a lot, but because they do do work in a wrong way.
'A little too much' is quite an understatement if you consider that I've been out for more than one and a half year! I've learned my lesson about what I should do and especially what I shouldn't do working in this music business!
Now, being the singer of Nightwish it's completely different. Most of all, because I am able to do a lot less. I'm not responsible for everything. Nevertheless, it was quite exciting if you suddenly start singing with Nightwish and you were not expecting it. But maybe because it was all of a sudden and I had very little time to think about it all, that I could use the wisdom I acquired during my burn-out. I just didn't have the time to wonder what had just happened and what it meant. Like I said before; it's not how much you work, it's how you work!
Q: On 'Vehicle Of Spirit' there are 2 concerts: the one at Wembley in London and the one in Tampere, Finland in the summer of 2015. I think that show in Tampere must have been one of your highlights that summer?
Floor: Absolutely!! We took the highlights of the whole tour and an awful lot of bonus material from performances all over the world to get a more complete package. This is Nightwish on tour!
Q: These 2 shows I mentioned were being recorded in any case, but was the plan to release them both or to see which one turned out the best?
Floor: I can't tell. The plan was to make a kind of tour story through these shows. So, not just one show with a short 'behind the scenes'-thing like it's done a lot nowadays. Or like our last DVD: a live show with a whole documentary added. The idea now was to capture the whole world tour. Once you have decided that, you begin to plan all kind of things. Some stuff comes kind of together and you look what you can achieve.
Because both shows were so different from each other - one inside, the other outdoors, the one in your home country, the other in a foreign country, but in a legendary venue - there are reasons enough to release both of them. I mean, when you're performing your first stadium show in Finland, you have to do something with that! We've never had such a big stage set-up before. It was one of Nightwish major achievements to do that! We made a bit of Nightwish history you may say.
And then when Wembley was confirmed, we absolutely wanted to include that show! Especially once it was a sell out and with Richard Dawkins participation.
Q: How came the idea about to ask Dawkins for this show?
Floor: Well, there was ofcourse already a connection through the EFMB-album. He was pretty intrigued by the combination of our world and his. I think also, that he was very curious what it would be like to stand before such a big group of people, being it live and all. He's ofcourse a bit used to speak before audiences, but that's in quite another setting.
Q: He gave the impression that he was pretty nervous if you watched his face?
Floor: He sure was! Can you imagine it? He's a scientist and you speak to audiences of a few hundred, maybe a few thousand at the most in conference halls. But no way 12.000 people! And you're used to speak on radio and tv with camera's and all that, but it's such a different piece of cake if you have to do it at a live show with that many people! And on top of that it's going to happen at a concert venue!   
You've been sitting backstage all the time and then you suddenly have to go on stage and address those fans who you have heard singing and shouting before. I think it would have been a difficult experience for anybody!
Q: Do you still remember the first time it happened to you?
Floor: That must have been with After Forever. We did play at a few festivals with that amount of fans, but those were always festivals. It wasn't during a tour with people that only came for you.
Q: Back to Wembley. At the end of the show you guys really looked so happy?
Floor: It's good that you did notice that. We were really happy! And relieved that everything turned out right! And that Richard Dawkins came on stage. I absolutely could imagine how he must have felt! 
Q: Did you give him any tips beforehand?
Floor: Don't be daft! I'm not going to give such an experienced and intelligent man tips! If I had thought he needed them at the time, I might have thought about it, but now, not at all. He knew what to do. But that doesn't mean he can't be nervous! He just found it such an exciting event! Even if I maybe do agree with him, it may not be the case with the audience. I mean, he's pretty controversial with some of his subjects. And people not always understand what he's trying to say. Sometimes a certain part is taken out of its context and he has to defend that for a long time.
It was nice to see him being applauded by the majority of the audience who seem to understand what he stands for. I didn't get it at the time, but watching the recording back, I was able to study the reactions of the crowd. Really nice!
What I felt, a lot of other people felt that too! It all came together beautifully and you can see that.
Q: When a show is being recorded, there are ofcourse extra crew members, in this case camera men. But what are the extra measures you guys need to take?
Floor: Not any really. They are there to record what we do. We know that they are there, but it's their job to do it in such a way that we hardly notice them. Ofcourse, if they're in front of your nose with a big camera or you see a camera flying over the crowd it's impossible not to notice it. In Tampere we even had drones flying over our heads!
Anyhow, it's much better that we, as a band, are not engaged with those issues. The best thing we can do is, just to go on with our business as usual and play and sing as we always do. I know that most of us think that way. You don't play for the camera's present, no you're there for your fans! It's a lot more spontaneous as well! Just glaring at hose camera's is also not very Nightwish like, I think. No, they record what we do, not the other way around!
Q: Amongst those extra's on the DVD there are a couple of nice items, in particular some images about that Nightwish cruise. What was it like to do that?
Floor: Personally I wasn't much looking forward to it. You're all on a boat together and you can't go anywhere! And what would happen if you got seasick? Also, I was not used to these kind of cruises. No one in the Netherlands is really. It's much more common in Sweden and Finland and considered pretty normal. It's a kind of a party boat: people just spending their weekend going on a return trip to another country.
And ofcourse there's a lot of boozing going on, because alcohol is taxfree. And alcohol is extremely expensive in Scandinavia! Nah, the prospect of it all did not really appeal to me! I just thought: 'It's going to be one big drinking orgy with a few small gigs now and then, and for the rest I have to stay in my cabin all the time!
But it wasn't like that at all! I really enjoyed myself! Just because there were limited places, you only had the die-hards of the die-hards. Those fans are just grouped together. Indeed, you had to spent the time together, but that had its charme.
At five o'clock you went on board and only at eleven o'clock at night you played your first set. After that, I went to bed and the rest got closely acquainted with the booze.
The following day we had a signing session and an acoustic one. From that acoustic session we took 'Edema Ruh' and put it on the DVD. It was all very relaxed. By the way, Troy and Marco organized that session. There was a lot of banter going on and sometimes it felt more like a stand up comedy show! A band like Nightwish can't always do that, because there's a lot of theater and drama around a normal concert, so no room for some comic relief. But at this gig there was plenty of fun and a good time was had by everyone.
Q: How many fans were aboard of this boat?
Floor: I can't really tell. If I guessed 2000, it would have been impossible for the boat would have sunk! The whole thing was certainly a lot smaller than a normal show.
Q: Will there be a follow up?
Floor: I think so.
Q: But not in 2017, because Nightwish will have a sabbatical year. And you and Hannes van Dahl (drummer Sabaton) are expecting your first baby?
Floor: That's right, At the beginning of March.
Q: Isn't Hannes touring then?
Floor: Yes, but we've arranged it in a way that he will be around for the birth. But like with others, it's impossible to have both of us all time off. But I must say that maternity leave in Sweden in general is organized better than in the Netherlands. There' s quite a difference, I must say. For both the man and the woman, there's a lot more time available to be at home.
The mother gets a year off and the man half a year. And it's up to you if you want to take that time immediately after the birth or later or much later. Up to your child's eighth year you can use that possibillity.
Q: For you it's quite convenient to give birth this period, because it's Nightwish sabbatical year?
Floor: yes, it all worked out nicely. This off time luxury was offered to me and I'm sure other couples do appreciate it as well, but because we're both in a band, it will turn out a bit different for us. You can't expect that two bands plan their whole schedule for a birth and have a year off. But at least I've got some time now to do other things.
Already in 2008, I flew several times to Norway to record a rock album, together with Pagan's Mind guitarist Jorn Viggo Lofstad. That was in the year of After Forever's sabbatical period. A sabbatical normally means that you will return, but that didn't happen. And also these plans with Jorn changed and in the end the work was stored on the bookshelves.
But now, with me being pregnant and all, we contacted each other and agreed to work on that album again. The album is in fact ready to be be recorded. It's wonderful to work on that without deadlines and other obligations. I can't stop making music all of a sudden! It would feel so unnatural to me. And the whole idea that there is an album waiting for me to finish is such a nice thought! And an album which I think is very cool!
So, that will keep me busy. And I have ofcourse sung on the latest Ayreon project, which will be released in April/May. On top of that, there will be 3 Ayreon concerts in September, at which both my sister Irene and I will perform.
Q: And then in 2018, Nightwish will come together again?
Floor: Yes, after a whole year off. Especially good for the gentlemen, who have been going for 20 years now without a long break. They were like: 'Yes, it's all going very well and that's fantastic, but a whole year off is great as well!!'. A lot of fans were afraid that there were negative reasons to do this, but it's in fact the opposite! Just because it's going great, it isn't that bad to take time off! I'd say, it's good for everybody, no matter how passionate you are, to create some distance from your work now and then.
And the fun thing is that the creative ideas began to appear for the coming period already. That is so wonderful with such a creative band. The plans for 2018 are for the biggest part pinned down. Only, we haven't told anyone about them! I think that your average Nightwish fan will appreciate what we have in store for them!
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 21, 2017, 03:59:43 pm
Floor cumple hoy 36 años!!!
FELICIDADES!!!! :011: :011: :011: :011: :011:
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 24, 2017, 06:07:57 pm
Loud Park 16 (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 15, 2017, 07:14:18 pm
Entrevista a Floor!! (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 17, 2017, 09:38:28 pm
"In perfect health our daughter Freja was born on the 15th of March. We are very happy parents! Thank you for your kind support coming in from all over the world during this time! Hannes, Floor & Freja."
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 09, 2017, 09:50:27 pm

In March 2018, symphonic metal legends NIGHTWISH will begin their 9-month-long 'DECADES: WORLD TOUR 2018' starting with 34 shows in North America.

The band will have a very special setlist for the tour, featuring rarely heard material from the earlier era, and excitingly for both band and fans, they will revisit the old songs with some new twists.

This setlist will be a 'one-off' and only performed on this 'DECADES: WORLD TOUR 2018'

Pre-sales will start on Monday, June 12th for most of these North American venues.

To accompany the tour, Nuclear Blast will release a 2CD compilation »Decades« on the 9th of March 2018. On the night of the show, every ticket holder will receive a copy of the 2CD as a memento of this unique tour.

”DECADES: NORTH AMERICA 2018” tour dates:

09.03. USA Atlanta, GA - Tabernable
10.03. USA Charlotte, NC - The Filmore
12.03. USA Norfolk, VA - The Norva
13.03. USA Baltimore, MD - Lyric Theater
14.03. USA New York, NY - Playstation Theater
16.03. USA Philadelphia, PA - Electric Factory
17.03. USA Worcester, MA - The Palladium
18.03. USA Albany, NY - The Egg
20.03. CDN Montreal, QC - Metropolis
21.03. CDN Toronto, ON - Massey Hall
23.03. USA Niagara Falls, NY - Rapids Theatre
24.03. USA Cleveland, OH - Agora Theater
25.03. USA Pittsburgh, PA - Stage AE
26.03. USA Covington, KY - Madison Theater
28.03. USA Kalamazoo, MI - State Theatre
29.03. USA St. Louis, MO - Touhill Performing Arts Center
30.03. USA Minneapolis, MN - The Myth
31.03. USA Chicago, IL - Aragon Ballroom
02.04. USA Omaha, NB - Sokol Auditorium
03.04. USA Denver, CO - Paramount Theatre
05.04. CDN Edmonton, AB - Northern Alberta Jubilee Aud
06.04. USA Spokane, WA - Knitting Factory
07.04. CDN Vancouver, BC - Queen Elizabeth Theater
08.04. USA Portland, OR - Roseland Theater
10.04. USA Las Vegas, NV - Brooklyn Bowl
12.04. USA Ventura, CA - The Majestic Ventura Theatre
13.04. USA San Jose, CA - City National Civic
14.04. USA Anaheim, CA - City National Grove
15.04. USA Tempe, AZ – Marquee Theatre
17.04. USA Dallas, TX - The Bomb Factory
18.04. USA Memphis, TN - Minglewood Hall
19.04. USA Mobile, AL - Saenger Theater
21.04. USA St. Petersburg, FL - Jannus Landing
22.04. USA Miami, FL - Olympia Theater

For more information and to buy tickets, please visit
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 08, 2017, 04:00:34 pm

NIGHTWISH have existed since 1996 and have released 8 studio albums, 22 singles and 7 DVDs with worldwide sales of over 8 million copies in total. The band has recently announced a 9-month-long ”DECADES WORLD TOUR 2018”, starting with the release of 2CD collection named 'DECADES', which will be released in March 2018 on Nuclear Blast.

The setlist on this world tour, also at Norway Rock Festival, will include rarities from previous eras with some new twists. This setlist will only be performed on this world tour, so prepare yourselves for an exclusive one-off experience.
The last time Nightwish played in Norway was in front of 10 000 people in 2015, so that says a lot about their amazing music that is hugely embraced worldwide.
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 08, 2017, 04:06:23 pm
Y a Wacken 2018!! (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 13, 2017, 04:13:58 pm
Leyendas del Rock ha anunciado para su próxima edición el regreso de los finlandeses Nightwish con una única fecha en España en 2018.

Nightwish, desde sus inicios en 1996, han publicado ocho álbumes de estudio y siete DVDs con ventas mundiales de más de 8 millones de copias en total. La banda ha anunciado que volverá a la carretera con una gira titulada “DECADES WORLD TOUR 2018” que tendrá 9 meses de duración, comenzando con el lanzamiento de la colección de dos 2CD llamados ‘DECADES’, que serán publicados en marzo de 2018 de la mano de Nuclear Blast.
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 28, 2017, 03:52:11 pm
In 1996 Tuomas Holopainen made a three-song demo that eventually lead to his first recording contract with his brand new band NIGHTWISH.
Fast forward 20 years, over 2000 concerts and 8 million sold albums later, the band are the biggest female-fronted European metal band that will now celebrate their 20-year career with a 2CD compilation (out on Nuclear Blast worldwide in March 2018) and with a nine-month World Tour with a special setlist full of surprises.
The DECADES: WORLD TOUR 2018 will start from North America in March 2018 and after the summer festivals it is time to unleash the European part.
DECADES: EUROPE 2018 tour dates:
02.11.2018 PARTILLE ARENA, Göteborg, SWEDEN
07.11.2018 LOTTO ARENA, Antwerp, BELGIUM
09.11.2018 KÖNIG-PILSENER ARENA, Oberhausen, GERMANY
11.11.2018 ARENA, Genf, SWITZERLAND
13.11.2018 INCHEBA EXPO ARENA, Bratislava, SLOVAKIA
14.11.2018 OLYMPIAHALLE, Munich, GERMANY
16.11.2018 ARENA, Leipzig, GERMANY
17.11.2018 TAURON ARENA, Krakow, POLAND
20.11.2018 ARENA, Budapest, HUNGARY
23.11.2018 ARENA, Nürnberg, GERMANY
24.11.2018 SCHLEYERHALLE, Stuttgart, GERMANY
27.11.2018 SAARLANDHALLE, Saarbrücken, GERMANY
05.12.2018 FESTHALLE, Frankfurt, GERMANY
More Euro tour dates will be published a bit later on.
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 05, 2018, 06:11:08 pm
We now have the cover and tracklist of the Decades album. Apparently all material is also remastered.

01. The Greatest Show On Earth
02. Élan
03. My Walden
04. Storytime
05. I Want My Tears Back
06. Amaranth
07. The Poet And The Pendulum
08. Nemo
09. Wish I Had An Angel

01. Ghost Love Score
02. Slaying The Dreamer
03. End Of All Hope
04. 10th Man Down
05. The Kinslayer
06. Dead Boy’s Poem
07. Gethsemane
08. Devil & The Deep Dark Ocean
09. Sacrament Of Wilderness
10. Sleeping Sun
11. Elvenpath
12. The Carpenter
13. Nightwish (demo)
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 14, 2018, 04:12:34 pm
Decades Trailer (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 21, 2018, 10:01:02 pm
Latest record sucked out the creativity from Tuomas Holopainen of Nightwish - it was brought back by crosswords that also became a sidejob

Having stepped away from the world of fantasy metal to science side, Nightwish returns from a year and a half long break.


Tuomas Holopainen still considers Nightwish a metal band even though his own inspirators are mostly from outside the field of heavy rock.


It is lonely at the peak of most internationally successful Finnish bands. When HIM called it quits at the end of last year, only Nightwish remained.

By autumn of 2016, future was not looking too bright for that either. Artistic leader, keyboardist and songmaker Tuomas Holopainen was fed up with music.

New songs had been constantly born for the last 20 years but now there was nothing.

"There were no stories to tell and I could't have cared less about the keys. Neither about listening to music", Holopainen recalls.

He's sipping morning coffee at a hotel at Vantaa. After the interview, a rehearsal days lies ahead. As has been for the last three weeks.

Nightwish has come back.

In the beginning of March a compilation album will be released and the band will fly to the States. The world tour starts from Atlanta and lasts until the end of the year.

For the setlist, the band is now rehearsing newly-arranged versions of it's early songs. Many of them have not been performed in 15 years.


For the same Nightwish-rush, a new book called Nightwish - We Were Here written by Timo Isoaho, was just released. Book documents the phases of making the latest record and the subsequent world tour.

There are not that many albums or tours that would function well as a subject for a great story, but Endless Forms Most Beautiful by Nightwish from spring of 2015 was a significant step out from the decorative format of symphonic metal.

After wallowing for 20 years in different fantasy worlds, Holopainen made a record inspired by the evolution theory of Charles Darwin and especially The Ancestor's Tale written by Richard Dawkins in 2004 that follows the evolution of human and life backwards in time.

Holopainen says he's been thinking about the conflicts between evolution and religions for ten years already. He describes himself as an agnostic atheist.

"If one asks if I believe in god, I answer no. If I'm asked do I know that god doesn't exist, I answer no. Nobody knows. I always call for healthy skepticism, questioning and discussion."

The book by Richard Dawkins made such an impact on Holopainen that he wanted Dawkins himself to guest appear on a Nightwish album.

77-year old British professor had no kind of concept about modern rock music but he happened to have an assistant who was into Nightwish.

"Dawkins said he liked Elvis", Holopainen says.

Dawkins was attracted to Holopainen's way of popularizing the accomplishments of science. He undestood that Holopainen sees poetry in evolution that can be turned into music.

Dawkins appeared on Endless Forms Most Beautiful -album as a narrator and did the same on a sold-out Nightwish show at Wembley Arena of London.

12 000 people fell silent as Dawkins stepped on stage.

 Holopainen and Dawkins gave interviews together and ended up on the covers of not only rock magazines but also mainstream media like The Times.

 "It was totally thanks to Dawkins", says Holopainen.

Along with the mainstream media, the subject matter woke the interest of some fundamentalist Christians who believe in creation that are also well-represented on Nightwish's large fanbase.

As the strongest opposition, an American fan shared a video on social media in which he/she burned his/her Nightwish albums.

Holopainen says that the reaction from extreme Christians has been exaggerated. Nightwish has a vast amount of fans in the Catholic countries of South-America and Europe, but there were only a handful of cases of negative feedback based on belief and those were from the States and Finland.

"Vakaumus (belief, conviction) is the ugliest word in Finnish language."

Born on Christmas Day of 1976 at Kitee, Tuomas himself was baptized into membership of Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland, as most of the children were at that time.

"Religion is defined by which time and place one happens to be born", he says. "If religion was true, it wouldn't be geographically and culturally bordered."

In Finnish rock scene, Tuomas Holopainen has played the role of some kind of a subdued hermit.

Outside touring he spends his life at Kitee with his wife, singer Johanna Kurkela.

The couple has recently finished their co-album that has been long in the making. The line-up is called Auri and is completed by third member Troy Donockley, the multi-instrumentalist from Nightwish.

Going well with the hermit culture of Eastern Finland, Holopainen and Kurkela like to solve crosswords at home on their spare time. Now they are not only solving, but also making those.

Since January 2017, Holopainen and Kurkela have been frequent assistants for the crossword magazine Punainen pelikaani. Their crosswords have also been published on Ilta-Sanomat and Soundi.

Holopainen makes up the words and clues, Kurkela is responsible for the layout and drawings.

Few years ago in the middle of a tour, Holopainen realized that he has read all the books and solved all the crosswords that he had with him.

"It occured to me that could I make some crosswords by myself", he recalls.

According to him, designing crosswords and writing songs have a lot of in common.

"In both cases you create experiences for people and yourself out of nothing. When you can make those long words meet in a way that makes fancy words go everywhere, it's art at its finest."


Because of the longer break, making the Auri record, and possibly even the crosswords, Holopainen has been able to make music for Nightwish again as well.

Seven new songs are already done and the rest will come after this tour. In two years time we may have a new album at hand.

"It opened up like a ketchup bottle - as I believed it eventually would."

Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 22, 2018, 04:02:42 pm
here’s just one Finnish band that has sold out the Wembley Arena in London and sold over 8 million albums: Nightwish. The band will publish their 20-year anniversary compilation album and go on a US tour in a couple of weeks. At the same time their front man Tuomas Holopainen’s new band Auri releases an album. Welcome, Tuomas Holopainen!
- Hi.

Nightwish’s compilation album Decades will be released on the 9th of March, the same day you’ll go on your North American tour. But before we talk about Nightwish, let’s talk about Auri. It’s formed by you, your wife Johanna Kurkela, and Troy Donockley from Nightwish. What is this about?
- It’s about the joy of making music. And the joy of doing it with the people who think about music exactly like you. We got the idea of this in 2011, so it’s been in my mind for 6 or 7 years.  When Nightwish had a sabbatical last year, we realized that we had time to fulfill this dream.

It feels strange that while you had a massive work of making the new Nightwish album, at the same time… It’s like as if Valtteri (Bottas, the F1 driver who was a guest in the same episode) went to drive a go-cart after Formula 1.
- Tuomas: I guess you do that sometimes.
- Bottas: In fact, I did that last week.
- Tuomas: So, it’s the same. No big deal. You just breathe, eat and drink music every day. It’s always with you. Once you’ve found these wonderful channels to release it, that’s nice.

What kind of music is Auri compared to Nightwish?
- This has been one of the most common questions in a past few weeks. What is Auri? We haven’t found a simple answer.

Is it a light version of Nightwish?
- Nightwish Light? No, it isn’t. This is very far from rock and metal. It has a lot of influences from movie and folk music and something from Pink Floyd. We don’t really know what it is, but Troy invented the term “celestial metal”. Or maybe it could be called “rabbit hole music”. In a record shop it may be found on the world music section.

So, it’s some sort of world music?
- I suppose it’s mostly that.

But this isn’t just a side project. You are going to make this a real band that has gigs too.
- That’s what happened. If you had asked a couple of years ago what kind of thing is Auri, I would probably have said that it’s a project. But when we finished the album and after I’ve been listening to it, I’ve become more ambitious. It feels a real band now, not a side project. When we manage to make the second album in a few years, we’ll go on tour. But before that Nightwish will go on tour.

But you just finished your previous tour. You spent one and half years on the road, then had the sabbatical year and now you have to go on tour again.
- We have the pleasure to go on tour again.

I was coming to that. Do you have to do this in order that people don’t forget the band or for economic reasons?
- We are doing this for completely different reasons. The tour and the compilation album were planned a couple of years ago already. And we have the passion to tour. That’s it, the joy of making music with your friends and visiting various places around the world. What would be more pleasurable?

Let’s watch some clips. [a clip from Night 13 by Auri, a clip from Élan by Nightwish, and a clip from Alpenglow on the live DVD.]
The last clip was from the legendary Wembley Arena in front of 11,000 people. You sold it out. It’s some kind of a goal for rock bands. How did it feel to play there?
- It was wonderful. When we were presented the idea about playing at Wembley I had to ask: “Seriously?” Of course, that was a small risk. If we had sold only 2,000 tickets it would have looked embarrassing.

Were you seriously scared of that?
- About the five seconds when I heard the idea. But everything went well. We decided to film the live DVD there too.

It’s not just any arena. The Beatles, Madonna and U2 have played there too. Famous bands. When I’m watching your actions, especially now when Timo Isoaho released the book We Were Here, it must be tough work. How can you be sane after 1,5-year tour?
- You have to have the passion about it. It’s a cliché, but it’s true. You have to have the passion to make music, sit in a bus and airplane, and be with the people you’re touring with. During the years I’ve got into that better. To give someone room and ask how they are doing. You can plan the tours in a way that no one dies.

How do you do it this time? You’ll start with a 7-week tour in the USA. What’s going to happen after that?
- We always make a few weeks long leg and then have a three weeks long break. So, we have time to be home. After that we have about 15 summer festivals. In the fall we’ll go to South America and at the end of the year we’ll have a European tour. So, we’ll spend the Christmas at home. And then we start to make a new album.

When I’m browsing your gig list… You have to sleep in the bus in order to make it to the next gig in time. Does it go like that?
- That’s how it goes. I don’t sleep anywhere better than in the bus. So, we have, hopefully, a good gig, then go to shower and then into the bus calmly. There you go into your own little sarcophagus, the bed in the bus. The engine starts. It’s a nice hum. Everything is fine and you’re tired. And in the next morning you’ll wake up in a new city. In a way, it’s romantic and I like it.

Romantic touring. Ilkka Mattila wrote in Helsingin Sanomat that you’re interested in creating crosswords. When did you start doing that?
- I remember the moment very well. It happened a few years ago. I was in an airplane going somewhere to do something related to Nightwish. I had read all the books and solved all the crosswords, but I had grid paper and a pencil. I started to wonder how you create the crosswords. I had a journey inside my head and got addicted. It’s extremely intriguing. I made 15 to 20 crosswords before I dared to send one of them to my mentor Eki Vuokila. He responded that I have potential and suggested co-operation. Now we’ve created crosswords for the Punainen Pelikaani magazine for a year. There was one in Ilta-Sanomat too. And one in Soundi.

Being guided by the crosswords veteran Eki Vuokila must be a good thing. How do you start creating a crossword puzzle? Do you make a corner or do you have an idea about the topic?
- Usually I have first the main picture. Its text can be a word game or some kind of an idea. After that, you just keep going.

Do you use a lot of four-letter words?
- Well, yeah. Sometimes you find out a great hint for some word and insist to add that word to the crosswords.

When was the previous time you finished a crossword puzzle that will be released?
- A couple of weeks ago. I don’t know yet where it will be published. I have a few crosswords waiting.

Valtteri, are you familiar with the crosswords?
- Bottas: Not really. I have to admit that I haven’t solved many.

Now you know who could assist you.
- Tuomas: Feel free to send me questions.
- Bottas: Yeah.

Nightwish will have two gigs in Finland in July and one in Tallinn. Are those all?
- We may have more at the end of the year.

Oh, it’s a mystery.
- I won’t tell you more about it now.

Let’s wait for the information and also for Auri’s gigs. Good luck in your tour.
- Thanks a lot.
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 22, 2018, 11:12:02 pm
Trailer: (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 27, 2018, 03:51:20 pm
Entrevista a Floor! (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 10, 2018, 07:38:51 pm
Setlist Atlanta (

Devil And The Deep Dark Ocean (

Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 11, 2018, 07:47:15 pm
Setlist Charlotte (

10th Man Down (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 13, 2018, 04:57:48 pm
Setlist Norfolk (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 14, 2018, 05:01:45 pm
Setlist Baltimore (

Gethsemane (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 15, 2018, 05:22:34 pm
Setlist Nueva York (

Elvenpath (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 17, 2018, 04:14:39 pm
Setlist Philadelphia (

Ghost Love Score (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 18, 2018, 06:51:15 pm
Setlist Worchester (

10th Man Down (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 19, 2018, 05:20:09 pm
Setlist Albany (

Deep Silent Complete (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 21, 2018, 04:44:04 pm
Setlist Montreal (

Elvenpath (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 22, 2018, 04:20:31 pm
Setlist Toronto (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 24, 2018, 07:13:18 pm
Setlist Niagara Falls (

Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 25, 2018, 10:33:30 pm
Setlist Cleveland (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 26, 2018, 04:38:13 pm
Setlist Pittsburgh (

The Kinslayer (

Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 26, 2018, 05:08:13 pm
Finnish symphonic metal gods Nightwish released their brand new best-of compilation Decades on March 9th through Nuclear Blast to celebrate more than two decades of their career. It's only right, then, that this milestone should be celebrated with an extensive world tour! Currently on the road in North America, the band are pleased to announce that they will be bringing the tour to the UK in December. This will also be the band’s first UK tour since 2012, so these shows are absolutely not to be missed.

The band have also revealed that special guests will be up and coming heavy metallers and label mates Beast In Black, led by former Battle Beast guitarist Anton Kabanen.

The band spoke about the forthcoming dates: "The NIGHTWISH Universe is Expanding, let's light the British Beacons!"

Decades: UK 2018
08.12. London - The SSE Arena, Wembley
10.12. Birmingham - Arena Birmingham
11.12. Manchester – Manchester Arena

Tickets go on sale March 28th at 9am via Live Nation UK:

Prior to this, the band will play Bloodstock Festival in Derby on August 12th

Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 29, 2018, 11:48:54 pm
Setlist Covington (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 29, 2018, 11:50:06 pm
Setlist Kalamazoo (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 31, 2018, 09:57:09 pm
Slaying The Dreamer @ San Louis (

Setlist (

Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 01, 2018, 07:27:20 pm
Setlist Marplewood (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 03, 2018, 08:40:20 pm
Setlist Omaha (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 06, 2018, 08:01:58 pm
Setlist Dever (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 07, 2018, 07:32:09 pm
Setlist Alberta (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 10, 2018, 08:59:42 pm
Setlist Spokane (

Setlist Vancouver (

Setlist Portland (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 14, 2018, 05:07:41 pm
Setlist Las Vegas (

Deep Silent Complete (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 14, 2018, 05:09:17 pm
Setlist Ventura (

Come Cover Me (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 14, 2018, 05:10:58 pm
Setlist San José (

Dead Boy's Poem (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 15, 2018, 06:29:53 pm
Setlist Anaheim (

10th Man Down (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 16, 2018, 08:45:30 pm
Setlist Tempe (

Wish I Had An Angel (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 20, 2018, 05:20:40 pm
Setlist Texas (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 20, 2018, 05:22:07 pm
Setlist Memphis (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 20, 2018, 05:25:56 pm
Setlist Alabama (

Dead Boy's Poem (

Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 26, 2018, 09:48:43 pm
Setlist St Petersburg (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 26, 2018, 09:50:51 pm
Setlist Miami (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 19, 2018, 04:59:32 pm
Setlist Tallin (

Dead Boy's Poem (

Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 02, 2018, 04:53:24 pm
Setlist Metalfest (

Wish I had an angel (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 03, 2018, 11:22:22 pm
Setlist FortaRock (

10th Man Down (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 11, 2018, 04:14:24 pm
Entrevista a Tuomas! (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 22, 2018, 06:37:35 pm
Setlist Copenhell (

Slaying The Dreamer (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 26, 2018, 04:53:29 pm
Setlist Hellfest (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 26, 2018, 04:54:36 pm
Fechas en Europa! (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 14, 2018, 11:12:31 pm
Setlist Norway Rock (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 14, 2018, 11:23:17 pm
Setlist Ilosaarirock (

10th Man Down (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 22, 2018, 06:35:17 pm
Setlist Lahti (

Wishmaster (

Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 04, 2018, 09:00:01 pm
Setlist Wacken (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 08, 2018, 10:07:50 pm
Setlist Stars in Town (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 10, 2018, 05:03:58 pm
As Jukka was saying tonight at the LDL backstage:
"The Spanish crowds are just unbelievable, so how about having some more shows in Spain ?", so here we go !!!

30.11.2018 Madrid, Wizink Center
01.12.2018 Barcelona, Sant Jordi Club
02.12.2018 Bilbao, Bizkaia Arena BEC

The ticket link (all tickets will be on sale at 10 AM on the 10th of August 2018) is here:

So see you all soon again ! Muchas gracias
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 10, 2018, 05:35:39 pm
Setlist Leyendas del rock (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 18, 2018, 04:46:30 pm
Setlist Romexpo Open Air (

Come Cover Me (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 20, 2018, 04:17:28 pm
Setlist Varna Mega Rock (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 29, 2018, 04:41:21 pm
Entrevista en el Leyendas (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 14, 2018, 04:44:38 pm
Hi, Floor! First of all, thank you for conceding us this interview. Secondly, how are you doing? Enjoying the break at home?

Thanks for taking the time as well. Cool we’re coming back to Argentina, so it’s good that we can talk a bit. Well, actually I’ve just moved, so easy going time is not really happening. Plus, I’m doing tones of interviews for my side project. So, no rest.

In the middle of this break after the festival season. How do you feel the reception of the public throughout the whole tour? (North America and the European Festivals)

Yeah, it’s been great. It’s really cool to see the people appreciate the fact that we’re bringing back the old songs, but also the way we do it. It’s not the same sound, of course, as back in the days when the albums were recorded. Different vocalist, different setting, and then Troy and all his instruments. We bring the 2018 version of the songs, and the reaction to that is very very good.

Most of the songs you’re now revisiting for this tour goes way back to the very first albums. Was it difficult for you to approach the songs with your own style of singing? Did it feel natural for you?

Not really, because that’s what I’ve been doing since I started in Nightwish. So, there’s nothing different there.

20 years of one of the most important bands of the symphonic metal scene. You’ve been part of their story for 6 years so far. What does it mean to you to be part of this celebration?

Yeah, it’s a huge honor, of course. Even more emphasis on the actual history of the band. Yeah, we’re all part of the history in a different way. So, a large percentage of that time I was a real fan, you know (laughs). And now actually sing those songs, it’s a huge honor.

Back to the celebrations,  you’ve been part of the metal scene for 20 years, and you received an award from the “Buma Rocks Export Award” at Fortarock. Could you tell us just a little bit of information of what the award is about and how did you feel when you got this recognition in your own hands?

Buma/Stemra is a right organization of music rights in the Netherlands and they hand awards to musicians. They have awards for different reasons, like there’s one to honour the Dutch artists for what they achieve. And in this case they gave me an award for my career, for bringing Dutch music abroad or being a Dutch artist who brings music from the Netherlands, or a person from the Netherlands travelling and making music abroad, and that’s a huge recognition. Specially because being Dutch, if anything I've been playing more outside of the Netherlands than inside, for one because the Netherlands is very small, but also because the metal scene in the Netherlands is very small, it's underground, and it's hard to get any form of recognition. We get it way more across the border. So for a not typical metal organization like this, that focuses on all music from the Netherlands, to give me this award, to say "we chose you for what you've been doing throughout your entire career", 20 years of what you do, that is a huge recognition. And the way that they gave it to me, the words that the chief of this organization, the way that he talked to, it was really really, great. I was so touched, also because it was during a Dutch Festival, where there were a lot of people came out to attend this, while it was nothing more than just me sitting there and talking, there was not a seat empty in the area where it was taking place. I felt very loved (laughs), it was really great!

You’re also going to play at the Ziggo Dome in the Netherlands this November. Are you excited about this concert in your homeland?

Yeah, very much. That’s another form of recognition. We’ve actually really been growing in the Netherlands as well. The whole tour is something to look forward to, but it’s definitely an extra for me going to my homeland.

20 years of career. Is there anything you dream about as a singer?

At the moment, not really, ‘cause I’m already fulfilling all of them (laughs). But if there’s anything that I truly envision now is to keep the things that I have. It’s an achievement to get to where I am, but it’s also an achievement to stay where I am. That is my ambition.

In ReVamp’s track “Wolf and Dog” you mention the balance between these two important parts of your life. Do you think you were able to find the balance after all these years?

Yeah, I think so, actually. But also because Nightwish schedules are busy but not crazy. Now I’m having a couple of weeks at home, but you know, it was my own doing that I said “Ok, great, now we’ll move”. So it was all of a hassle, especially with a small child, but only for the better. But, yeah, I’ve been having a lot of time at home, a lot of time spent with family and friends. Then I’m gone and then I’m back. So I feel they’re very even at the moment. Both my dog as my wolf are properly fed (laughs).

And the last celebrations I’d like to ask you about: Ayreon Universe. What can you tell us about the experience of sharing the stage with Arjen again, and also with that huge list of amazing singers from the metal scene?

Yeah, super nice! It was my first time on stage since becoming a mom, which for me was a huge step. Coming out of a completely dog life – to stay in the metaphore there (TN: in reference to “Wolf and Dog”) – and back into wolf shape, doing complicated music, on a high level, directly surrounded by nothing but really really high level, great singers. Yeah, it was definitely a challenge. And Arjen is as perfectionistic as I am on work, so you want to do well for yourself, for him and the audience. So I thought it was really really exciting, but yeah, then it’s fantastic to see the professionalism in everybody involved. Things were just really really smooth. Everybody had to work, everybody had to focus, but as soon as the show started, it was just so much fun. I’m really proud of what we’ve achieved. When I see the DVD it’s like “YES! we did it” (laughs).

Now, you finally found the right time to release something the fans have been waiting for for so long, your project with Pagan’s Mind guitarist, Jorn, under the name of Northwards. How would you describe this project and what’s the musical direction of it?

It’s rock music. So it’s actually completely different from what you might expect from me, so it’s nothing like ReVamp, After Forever, Nightwish or Pagan’s Mind as you might know from Vigo’s work also. It’s a rock album with a lot of different styles of rock. It has a whole different field to it than you might expect or used to hear from me. Indeed it took a long time to finish. The songwriting was done 10 years ago, and even the drums were recorded 10 years ago. We now finally had the chance to record the rest – voice, guitars, bass - and to finalize it and release it.

So what we’ll hear in the album are the old recordings and the new ones?

Yes, so the music was written, the songs were all done 10 years ago. And as we finished the songwriting process, we started recording the album. But then we couldn’t continue. So, when we picked it back up, we listened to all the songs: “jeez! They’re still all up to date. Can we release them the way they are?”. And we were still very happy, we found only a few things. There’s one song where we changed the chords, and then there’s one song where I rewrote the lyrics entirely. But the rest is all the same and we recorded it all like that.

Can’t wait for the second single which is coming out this Friday. The first one was awesome, I could even hear some bits that reminded me of Foo Fighters, and I loved it. Was it intentional to include those bits?

Yeah, indeed in Friday! You’re well informed, cool! (laughs). It wasn’t intentional, but we had been listening to “The Pretender”. The song just got released around that time, and it’s pretty obviously a direct source of inspiration.

Is there any live concert or tour with Northwards in the plans for the next year?

No, because we’re gonna make a new album with Nightwish. This is a project with Vigo and me, so it’s two people. If we want to tour, we need a band. We need somebody to book the tours, we need transportation, we need a backline. We don’t have anything we need, set that up from scratch, and I don’t have that time. So, no.

And future plans for Nightwish?

We’re gonna make a new album next year and release that in the year after. So in 2020 we’ll be back with a new tour and a new album.

Finally, something you would like to tell to your Argentinean fans?

Well, we have high expectations, it’s been nothing but awesome in all the concerts before, specially the last time. And this time it’s gonna be even bigger, so we are really really looking forward to rock with you guys. And it’s not without a reason that we want to record a live DVD with you, because we know it’s gonna be great. So, be there! And let’s have a fun together.
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 25, 2018, 10:46:19 pm
l próximo martes 2 de octubre, Nightwish regresará a nuestro país, esta vez con su gira “Decades – South America 2018”, celebrando 20 años de carrera en el Teatro Caupolicán. Será una ocasión especial, en la que los finlandeses -que se han presentado en nuestro país en tres ocasiones anteriores, con cada una de sus vocalistas: Tarja Turunen, Annete Olzon y la actual Floor Jansen- harán un repaso por su historia, atacando no solo con clásicos tales como ‘Elvenpath’ o ‘Wish I Had An Angel’, sino que también desenterrando joyas jamás interpretadas antes.

Al teléfono, mientras se encontraba en Brasil, conversamos con Marco Hietala sobre esta gira y la recopilación “Decades”, además de los planes futuros de la banda, así como también personales. El bajista, también vocalista de voz férrea y estruendosa, se unió a la banda para “Century Child”, y una de sus primeras giras con el entonces quinteto lo trajo a nuestro país en el show debut de 2002. “Quiero decirle gracias a todos los fans que nos han apoyado durante estos años”, señala.

•Marco, cuéntame: ¿cómo hicieron para elegir las canciones que aparecen en el recopilatorio “Decades”, y que también se incluyen en el setlist de esta gira?
-Bueno, obviamente hay canciones que son mejores y más impresionantes de los trabajos más antiguos, entonces tienes que encontrar una combinación de material de distintos discos que sea adecuada y que encaje, que tenga canciones potentes, cosas sensibles y que tenga rock progresivo y de todo. Solo hay que escoger una buena mezcla. Por supuesto, hay cosas que me encanta tocar, como ‘Devil and the Deep Dark Ocean’, una canción que yo nunca había tocado antes, porque me uní a la banda después de que se grabó y todo eso, así que en este punto del tiempo, luego de 17 años y algo, aún tengo que ensayar canciones donde no había tocado nada, ni hecho voces ni bajo. Eso fue un reto y algo interesante, y lo hicimos funcionar. Es agradable.

•El primer disco donde tocaste fue “Century Child”. ¿Cuando te uniste a la banda, estabas familiarizado con lo que venían haciendo?
-Algo, había escuchado un poco de esos discos ya. Pero no conocía todo, sabía de la banda, los había visto en vivo y todo eso, compartimos algunos shows donde tocaba Tarot y también Nightwish, también telonée a Nightwish con otra banda en un tour europeo en el 2000. Sabía en lo que me metía. Cuando me junté con Tuomas y me preguntaron si me gustaría unirme, Tuomas me dijo que la idea era desde ahora bajar las afinaciones para ese próximo disco y hacer cosas más pesadas, y me gustó esa dirección. Ahí yo traje todo lo que pude, le puse de lo mío para hacer lo mejor posible.

•Tu voz hizo un gran cambio en las canciones también, y te tocó compartir rol vocal con Tarja por entonces. ¿Qué tan cómodo te sentiste cantando con ella, y después?
-Fue algo muy agradable, fue encantador cantar junto a Tarja y luego con Floor. Las mujeres tienen un sonido poderoso y yo he sido un gritón bien bullicioso también. Al juntar estas voces y al hacer armonías al unísono encontré que había una fuerza que me agradaba muchísimo. Me gusta. Me gustaba entonces y me gusta todavía.

•¿Tienes algunas favoritas de aquellos días que ahora se estén tocando en la gira?
-Una de mis favoritas en los shows, y que lo ha sido desde 2004, es ‘Ghost Love Score’. Es una canción con hartos dinámicos, una parte sensible y metal punzante. Siempre me ha gustado mucho el rock progresivo, de adolescente me gustaban estas composiciones épicas, ambiciosas y con cambios. Son interesantes para mí. Esa canción tiene esos dinámicos, es una gran pieza y me ha gustado siempre. Esa tal vez es mi favorita de todos los tiempos, al momento de tocarla en vivo. No sé si sea la favorita de escuchar, pero rara vez escucho los discos en todo caso (risas).

nightwish entrevista.jpg

•Así que eres fan del rock progresivo. ¿Fue idea tuya hacer el cover de ‘High Hopes’ de Pink Floyd en ese tiempo?
-Fue a Tuomas al que se le ocurrió. Yo hubiera hecho algo de Jethro Tull, algo que la gente no se esperara. Tuomas fue el que salió con ‘High Hopes’. Y, bueno, la escuchamos y dijimos que podía salirnos bastante bien. En mi época progresiva, escuchaba cosas de Pink Floyd también, pero soy más fan de Jethro Tull y Yes.

•Has tocado con muchísimas bandas y proyectos, aparte de Tarot y Nightwish. Una de ellas es Delain. De hecho, van a tocar en la misma fecha…
-Es agradable eso.

•Quería preguntarte sí…
-¿Si voy a cantar también con ellos en el escenario? (risas)

•Claro, grabaste en “Lucidity” y en “April Rain”
-Sí, he grabado un puñado de canciones con ellos y también hice un mini tour con ellos por Europa, tocando 6 canciones cada noche. Me gusta trabajar con ellos y hemos sido amigos por años. Este tipo de cosas, siempre son decisiones personales. No tengo que hacer nada por dinero o algo así, pero me gusta interactuar musicalmente, y es bueno que sea con gente que conoces, amigos, y si te gustan las canciones. Lo haría, si tan solo tuviera el tiempo y la energía.

•Bueno, Nightwish se tomó un año de descanso después de “Endless Forms…” y sé que Tuomas tiene su proyecto aparte –Auri- y tú tienes muchos, pero ¿están trabajando en un álbum sucesor ya?
-Bueno, yo no descansé en ese año sabático. De hecho, me puse a trabajar en un disco solista con un par de amigos, y está ya bien completado. Creo que saldrá en enero o febrero del próximo año. Estoy viajando mucho y aún me queda por grabar un par de voces, así que le falta un poco. Además, también comenzaremos luego el tradicional campamento de verano de Nightwish, donde nos pondremos a ensayar y escuchar nuevas canciones que, eventualmente, pasarán a convertirse en un disco.

•Y respecto a ese disco solista, ¿qué dirección estás tomando?
-Es como un disco de rock progresivo, tiene cosas muy metaleras pero también hartas canciones acústicas. Son cosas que he estado escribiendo durante años, algunas secciones tienen entre 15 y 20 años, y han estado esperando su momento. Esta vez tengo un par de amigos que tocan guitarras y teclados, y han sido de ayuda irremplazable para arreglar ciertas partes. Muchas gracias a ellos, no podría haberlo hecho sin su ayuda.

•Volviendo a Nightwish, tengo entendido que van a hacer un registro audiovisual del show en Bogotá, Colombia.
-Honestamente, vamos a grabar dos shows: Buenos Aires, en Argentina, y Bogotá, Colombia. Por experiencias pasadas, estamos seguros de que la gente en estos lugares será salvaje y entusiasta y, bueno, como grabaremos un DVD le queremos decir desde ya a todos que tienen libertad para dejarse llevar y dejar la grande.

•En el futuro, ¿piensas que sería posible grabar algo acá?
-Bueno, supongo. Estas son cosas donde yo no tengo mucho que ver. La estructura de todo es tan grande que cuando juntamos a los técnicos, equipo y banda, ya somos como 20 personas y a eso se le suman los encargados de grabar y todo, bueno, alguien tiene que hacerse cargo de todo eso y yo no soy muy bueno para organizar horarios, mandar emails, logística y esas cosas. Prefiero dejar a los profesionales encargarse de eso. Si soy un profesional en algo, es en dejar la cagada cuando tengo un micrófono al frente.

•Llevas con la banda 17 de los 20 años que tiene. ¿Qué crees que hace a Nightwish una influencia tan grande para tantas otras que vinieron después, y qué es lo que les ha hecho perdurar a pesar de todo?
-Creo que la humanidad de la banda es la razón por la que tenemos una química duradera. Hay gente como Jukka, que no está tocando con nosotros por su enfermedad, y sigue siendo parte, se preocupa de cosas, pero a otro nivel. Esa humanidad nos hace fácil trabajar juntos, comprendernos, perdonar y reírnos también de la bromas, eso es importante. Lo otro, es la integridad y la honestidad de la música. Siempre hemos tenido un entendimiento entre nosotros de esa parte: no queremos usar recetas ni caer en el mainstream, o pensar en hacer un hit. Siempre se trata de escribir música y letras que calcen adecuadamente, de forma agradable, sea cual sea la estructura que termine teniendo la canción, y siempre será el grupo en su conjunto quien encuentre la mejor solución para los arreglos. De esa forma, hacemos música que nos complace a nosotros y también a los fans, quienes son leales a nosotros por esa misma cualidad.

•¿Qué te gustaría decirle a los fans chilenos que se aprontan a celebrar estos 20 años con ustedes?
-Que estoy muy entusiasmado por ir a tocar, toda la banda lo está, y siempre hemos tenido increíbles shows en Sudamérica. Solo quiero decirle gracias a todos los fans que nos han apoyado durante estos años. Es irremplazable contar con la confianza de la gente en tu trabajo.
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 29, 2018, 04:36:44 pm
Setlist Sao Paulo (

Elvenpath (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 01, 2018, 04:46:47 pm
Setlist Buenos Aires (

Deep Silent Complete (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 03, 2018, 03:42:35 pm
Setlist Santiago (

Dark Chest Of Wonders (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 05, 2018, 09:36:28 pm
Setlist Bogotá (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 08, 2018, 04:50:40 pm
Setlist México ( (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 25, 2018, 10:33:42 pm
Live @ Wacken (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 26, 2018, 03:34:28 pm
October 21st 2005 is a historic date for every NIGHTWISH fan – many tears flowed, yet the foundation was laid for a new beginning and the ongoing continuity of the band. What subsequently appeared as the DVD titled "End Of An Era" was not only the final show of their mega-selling "Once" tour, but also the very last joint performance with their singer Tarja Turunen. Due to all of these facets and more, the DVD will give you goose bumps many times over, yet it crowns the end of the Tarja chapter with a unique show that could hardly have been better or more spectacular. The setlist is stunning and contains 18 hymns, such as the opening 'Dark Chest Of Wonders', 'Sleeping Sun', 'Nemo' and 'Bless The Child' through to the final 'Wish I Had An Angel'. If you do not already own this live masterpiece, you can now look forward to the extensive new edition.

On December 07th »End Of An Era« will be re-released as 3LP and Earbook formats including BluRay, 2CD and 3LP.
Pre-order starts at the NIGHTWISH webshop today:

Or at the Nuclear Blast webshop:

To get an impression of that breathtaking show, watch the live clip of 'Nemo', here:
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 03, 2018, 04:57:29 pm
Setlist Partille (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 04, 2018, 07:04:16 pm
Setlist Copenhague (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 06, 2018, 05:55:10 pm
Setlist Berlin (

The Kinslayer (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 07, 2018, 09:33:24 pm
Setlist Hamburgo (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 08, 2018, 04:36:08 pm
Setlist Merksem (

Nemo (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 10, 2018, 04:25:34 pm
Setlist Oberhausen (

Last Ride Of The Day (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 11, 2018, 06:27:10 pm
Setlist Paris (

Élan (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 12, 2018, 04:58:54 pm
Setlist Ginebra (

Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 14, 2018, 07:23:19 pm
Setlist Bratislava (

Ghost Love Score (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 15, 2018, 04:37:27 pm
Setlist Munich (

Dark Chest Of Wonders (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 17, 2018, 04:04:17 pm
Setlist Leipzig (

Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 18, 2018, 07:31:40 pm
Setlist Cracovia (

Last Ride of The Day (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 20, 2018, 04:51:50 pm
Setlist Praga (

Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 22, 2018, 04:33:16 pm
Setlist Budapest (

Nemo (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 23, 2018, 03:28:56 pm
Setlist Zurich (

Toolmaker (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 24, 2018, 06:34:31 pm
Setlist Nuremberg (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 25, 2018, 06:18:11 pm
Setlist Stuttgart (

Nemo (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 27, 2018, 04:23:46 pm
Setlist Amsterdam (

Gethsemane (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 28, 2018, 04:27:31 pm
Setlist Saarbrucken (

Greatest Show On Earth (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 01, 2018, 06:40:41 pm
Setlist Madrid (

Intro + Dark Chest Of Wonders (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 02, 2018, 09:44:39 pm
Setlist Barcelona (

Resumen / Nemo (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 04, 2018, 04:04:11 pm
Setlist Bilbao (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 05, 2018, 04:37:56 pm
Setlist Assago (

Ghost Love Score (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 06, 2018, 04:18:29 pm
Setlist Francfurt (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 09, 2018, 06:33:45 pm
Setlist Wembley (

Slaying The Dreamer (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 11, 2018, 03:36:18 pm
Setlist Birmingham (

Dead Boy's Poem (

Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 12, 2018, 04:15:06 pm
Setlist Manchester (

Intro + Dark Chest Of Wonders (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 15, 2018, 04:07:46 pm
Setlist Turku (

Wishmaster (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 16, 2018, 07:26:33 pm
Setlist Helsinki (

Devil And The Deep Dark Ocean (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 11, 2019, 05:52:35 pm
Bloodstock 2018 (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 18, 2019, 08:25:30 pm
Nightwish has begun working on their 9th studio album, set to be released during spring 2020.

Below you will find a statement from Jukka Nevalainen, who`s been the drummer in the band since their 1997 debut album “Angels Fall First”:

“It has now been five years since my difficult decision, due to severe insomnia, to step aside from the Vehicle of Spirit of Nightwish. This included the previous studio album and the tours which followed.

As I then expected, it turned out to be the right thing to do. These days I'm doing fantastic, and hardly ever need to deal with any sleeping issues. It also dawned on me that having more time to merely focus on band - related things happening behind the curtains made all the difference.

Having said this, I have decided not to push my luck by returning to the band. My dear pal Kai Hahto will take my place as a full-time member of the band. I will continue to take care of the band`s businesses in the background, and I`m very much looking forward to what other adventures life has to offer!

My sincere thank you`s for the band and the fans for the glorious time we shared!“

Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 16, 2019, 04:39:25 pm
Nightwish regresa al Luna Park!!!
La banda mas importante de metal sinfónico del mundo vuelve al Luna para presentar nuevo disco y repasar clásicos! La cita es el jueves 7 de mayo de 2020 (Puerta 19hs).
Invitado especial internacional: Marko Hietala Band.�Banda local invitada: Boudika.

Entradas disponibles a partir de las 20hs del día de hoy 16/08 por Sistema Ticketportal:

Pronto más puntos de venta!

Nightwish está grabando su noveno disco de estudio, el cual presentarán en una exclusiva gira por Sudamérica que solo incluirá 5 shows en 4 países.
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 16, 2019, 04:53:56 pm
El resto de las fechas del tour por Sudamérica:
05/05 -> Santiago de Chile
07/05 -> Buenos Aiers
09/05 -> Säo Paulo
10/05 -> Rio de Janeiro
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 18, 2019, 07:01:55 pm
Se graba! (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 29, 2019, 03:57:21 pm
Guitarras terminadas (

Se edita DVD! (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 01, 2019, 10:05:51 pm
Se graba bajo! (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 03, 2019, 11:01:19 pm
Sobre el DVD!! (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 04, 2019, 08:30:51 pm
Marco ya terminó (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 05, 2019, 06:43:59 pm
Turno de Floor!! (^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1169639508180180992& (^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1169639508180180992&
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 06, 2019, 05:14:45 pm
Floor grabando! (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 12, 2019, 08:30:19 pm
Voces terminadas!! ( (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 29, 2019, 04:11:17 pm
Álbum terminado!! (

Algo se viene....

In Helsinki for the next 3 days. New Nightwish video coming up. Cheers!
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 01, 2019, 08:28:28 pm
Se rueda video!^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1179063237209464832& (^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1179063237209464832&
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 03, 2019, 04:46:26 pm
Un boceto (

Esto.... (

Hay orquesta

"Nightwish's leading character Tuomas Holopainen will be flying to London next week to complete the orchestral parts of the album. After that, the album will be ready for mixing, and the release is scheduled for next spring. Towards the end of the year 2020, the band will perform again around the world and also in Finland." (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 07, 2019, 07:26:48 pm
Grabando orquesta!! (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 10, 2019, 07:48:23 pm
Festival en Polonia (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 11, 2019, 04:30:03 pm
DVD Decades 6 diciembre!!

“It’s Sunday, September 30th 2018. In a couple of hours’ time, symphonic metal trailblazers NIGHTWISH will unleash their unique “Decades” show on the huge stage of the Estadio Malvinas in Buenos Aires. And once again, they will be setting aflame the hearts of thousands of dedicated fans. Released back in 2018, “Decades” was so much more than a run-of-the-mill best-of. This comprehensive chronology of the band’s first two decades not only marked the band’s 20th anniversary; it was also the end of yet another era in the stellar career of Finland’s internationally most successful group. The consequent tour, too, was so much more than a regular anniversary run; from March 9th to December 15th 2018, the seventh NIGHTWISH world tour enthralled 82 cities across Europe, North America and South America – armed with a once-in-a-lifetime setlist.

Enter the stage »Decades: Live In Buenos Aires«! The divine new live release from Finland’s finest was captured by 19 cameras on that extraordinary night in Argentina. NIGHTWISH came out to the rousing ‘End Of All Hope’ and took their bow to the unmatched epic ‘Ghost Love Score’. In between saw a set filled with pure trailblazing Finnish glory -  incorporating distinguished tracks ‘Wish I had an Angel’, ‘Sacrament of Wilderness’, ‘Elvenpath’, ‘Devil & the Deep Dark Ocean’, ‘Dead Boy’s Poem’ and many more… The evening saw countless goose bumps and unforgettable scenes – the definition of an unforgettable night, now documented for all eternity.

Today, NIGHTWISH start the pre-order for this monumental live document. It will be released as a BluRay Digibook, 2CD Digipak, BluRay+2CD Earbook, 3LP
Order your copy at the official NIGHTWISH webshop:
Or from the Nuclear Blast:

“I didn’t just want to pick out the most successful NIGHTWISH songs for this tour”, Tuomas Holopainen explains. “Instead, I asked myself which songs I would play to somebody who had never heard of our band. At some point during the preparation process, I realized that I was smiling all the time. I remembered the curious, innocent boy writing all of these songs.“

And while this could have been captured anywhere this symphonic metal carnival pitched their magical tents, it was the Buenos Aires show in particular - a city of NIGHTWISH maniacs in its own right - that was destined to become a fabled event. This show achieved nothing less than taking an important snapshot of the band during yet another pinnacle of their career, celebrated by one of the world’s most enthusiastic crowds in a city like no other. It was pure magic. Let’s put it like this, if you’re already familiar NIGHTWISH, you know why this concert film is essential; and if you’ve happened to stumble across them for the very first time, you will surely be asking yourself just how the heck this could have happened, after seeing it.”
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 14, 2019, 07:15:13 pm
Photoshoot (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 14, 2019, 07:18:38 pm
Mastereando que es gerundio!!

Today it was my turn to receive the award for the double platinum sales in Finland of Nightwish's album Endless Forms Most Beautiful. Great timing for getting this becuase my work for the new album starts any of these upcoming days.

I'm privileged and I have the honor of being part of this team. Our journey from the first demo to the newest album has been the most remarkable ride of my career. Thanks my friends, the band and the whole crew! — en Finnvox.
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 16, 2019, 04:04:49 pm
Fechas en Rusia

Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 28, 2019, 04:50:20 pm
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 30, 2019, 04:50:37 pm
Nightwish confirmed for the Greenfield Festival in Switzerland next year 
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 01, 2019, 04:02:19 pm
Devil And The Deep Dark Ocean - Live In Buenos Aires (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 15, 2019, 04:15:05 pm
Slaying The Dreamer (Live in Buenos Aires) (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 22, 2019, 05:12:47 pm
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 06, 2019, 12:38:19 pm
Elán (Live in Buenos Aires) (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 16, 2020, 01:10:37 pm
New NIGHTWISH studio album 'HUMAN. :II: NATURE.' to be released on April, 10th! Pre-orders start February 7th!

Tuomas once said that whenever he creates a new record he has the intention of capturing something rare and unique, a monument and a true album experience. In 2020 he’s certain to achieve his objective once again. We have completed the recordings for their 9th studio album and are proud to announce the title, artwork and tracklisting. ‘HUMAN. :II: NATURE.’ will be released on 10th April 2020.

The long-awaited record, following 2015’s critically-acclaimed ‘Endless Forms Most Beautiful’, will be a double album containing 9 tracks on the main CD and one long track, divided into eight chapters on CD 2.

The tracklisting will read as follows:
Disc 1:
01. Music
02. Noise
03. Shoemaker
04. Harvest
05. Pan
06. How's The Heart?
07. Procession
08. Tribal
09. Endlessness

Disc 2:
01. All The Works Of Nature Which Adorn The World - Vista
02. All The Works Of Nature Which Adorn The World - The Blue
03. All The Works Of Nature Which Adorn The World - The Green
04. All The Works Of Nature Which Adorn The World - Moors
05. All The Works Of Nature Which Adorn The World - Aurorae
06. All The Works Of Nature Which Adorn The World - Quiet As The Snow
07. All The Works Of Nature Which Adorn The World - Anthropocene (incl. "Hurrian Hymn To Nikkal")
08. All The Works Of Nature Which Adorn The World - Ad Astra

"HUMAN. :II: NATURE. was recorded from August to October 2019 at Röskö campsite, Petrax Studios and Troykington castle, as well as Finnvox Studios, by Tero Kinnunen, Mikko Karmila and Troy Donockley. The mixing was done by Mikko Karmila at Finnvox, with Tuomas Holopainen and Tero Kinnunen. Mastering was done by Mika Jussila at Finnvox."

Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 21, 2020, 04:20:35 pm
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 27, 2020, 08:56:01 pm
need to tell you something about Nightwish’s popularity in 2020. In Finland, there seems to be some sort of a media aberration when magazines cover Nightwish. We’re so used to them doing little miracles all the time that e.g. selling out the biggest venue in The Netherlands, Amsterdam’s Ziggo Dome (capacity: 15000) twice within a couple of hours is not as newsworthy as some pop princess (in our very much a fledgling and introverted pop industry) releasing a song about consumerism or another being a minuscule part of a writing team for one potential hit by a bigger international pop star. The truth, though, is that Nightwish has passed the point where the success of their next album is of any consequence to their status as a headliner of the biggest metal festivals on this planet.

Concisely put, Nightwish is every bit as big as, say, Judas Priest.

The last year and a half or so has seen a new phenomenon grow that yields Nightwish new fans every single day. Apparently, reaction videos to Nightwish songs have become the national sport of YouTube, the number of reaction videos has surpassed 3300 videos that now rack up north of 40 million views. Every day some new YouTube influencer and his army of followers will hear Nightwish for the first time. Most often, it’s the seminal Wacken Open Air 2013 performance of Ghost Love Score that serves as the gateway drug and from there, few return unscathed. Most move on to the next song and then the next until several of them have already waddled through band’s entire catalog, thoroughly analyzing every nuance of every song, having their mind blown song after another and then veering towards the band members’ solo works. For some people, nothing is enough. Of all known 119 Nightwish songs 115 have been reacted to.

I’m willing to bet that in the US alone, this YouTube epidemic has made the band thousands of new fans that haven’t got the opportunity yet to see them live. This fad – if it can be called that anymore – is fed by a 2000-strong group of bat-shit crazy Nightwish diehards that reside in a Discord group called Nightdreamers’ Reacticide deep in the internet’s underground. Whenever they spot an influencer reacting to any music, they pester the target until he/she takes his obligatory dose of Nightwish. Afterward, the Discorders drown him/her to such an outpour of positive feedback and love – or constructive criticism – that, more used to the cut-throat commentary, the influencer is sure to come back for more. Several of them, in turn, join the Discord group and the cycle of positivity keeps on feeding itself.

But that’s just a side note. I’m not here to lecture about Nightwish popularity or their unfair treatment in the media. I’m here to spill the beans about the pre-listening of the new album as Nightwish is gearing up to its release and beyond.
Elves' Hideaway, Levi, Finland    Elves' Hideaway, Levi, Finland
Elves' Hideaway, Levi, Finland    Elves' Hideaway, Levi, Finland


The pre-listening of Nightwish’s 9th studio album HVMAN. :||: NATVRE. took place in Tonttula (Elves’ Hideaway) in Kittilä, Finland, where there is 70+ centimeters of snow unlike in southern Finland where we don’t have enough ice to chill a drink. Tuomas Holopainen, the master of inter-contextuality that he is, must have thought this through. In his mind, all things Nightwish are in one way or the other interwoven, and this, if anything ever, is Taikatalvi – a magical winter, that should be able to impress even the most seen-it-all, done-it-all foreign journos. For some additional wow factor, some selected journos stay overnight in glass pyramids under the starry Lapland sky.

By the way - sorry for the lack of photos and the quality of the ones that are here. I'm the shittiest photographer you'll ever know. Ok, on with the show...

Most of the international press have flown in the day before and joined the band for dinner, serving Lappish treats like reindeer paté and salmon chowder. Later, the journalists dispersed to their lodgings or the sauna and a dip in a hole in the ice or to stroll the grounds of the village, to marvel the sights.

On Saturday, January 18th the main event takes place in Taivaanvalkeat, a building that has a dining room capable of rooming all the four dozen people that are here for this occasion. People from Genelec, makers of state-of-the-art Finnish amplification and loudspeaker systems have set up their gear already the day before. I enter the hall half an hour early. The front of the room is occupied by a huge sound system. Just the subwoofer, I’m told, costs around 8000€, the two gigantic speakers are in the 15000€ ballpark apiece. High-end stuff, even on Genelec standards.

The band is present as well, at the far end of the hall. I try to interpret their faces and body language, hoping to find excitement or concern but can’t. Tuomas looks contemplative but then again, he usually does. No hints there. It could also be the fact that he’s a tad nervous about the interviews today, to paraphrase him, “I need to try to make sense in the interviews for hours on end.”

Emppu is his usual care-free, bubbly self, engaged in conversation with his family and seemingly not focusing on the event ahead. Marko and Troy discuss something else altogether, ditto Floor with the band’s publicist, Liina. Kai, the most sociable of the gang, is smiling like a horse as he always does, with a beer bottle in his hand, much more interested in the journalists’ reactions than the rest seem to be. Why, of course – this is the first album he gets to put his personal stamp on. Having talked about it the day before with Kai, he told me Tuomas had encouraged him to shed Jukka’s shadow and go apeshit with his drumming. So, these are the songs where Kai’s 30+ years of drumming experience, his more than impressive chops will be on display for a bigger audience than ever.

Briefly put, there is a silent kind of confidence in the band. They know what they’ve done and they know minds are going to be blown. The reason for Tuomas’s pensiveness becomes clear as well, they’re going to play the album to the audience from his laptop.

Half an hour later all the journos, some more hungover from last night’s post-dinner carousing at their lodgings or the sauna than the rest, have taken their seats. A representative of the record company politely asks us to shut down our mobile phones, recording devices and such. Some take a late selfie or a snap of the room, most don’t. We take a look at the leaflets we’re handed. Floor and Troy say a few words to set the mood, amusingly pretending they’re flight attendants wishing us an interesting ride. Here we go…


From the get-go, it is evident that this music can’t be taken in on one listen. It’s not that it’s ‘bigger’ than your average Nightwish song, the band isn’t accompanied by an orchestra but just the strings and choir do the trick. It’s grand. The vocal gymnastics in the verse melodies are hard to get a hold of. My first sensible mental note is the singing in the first track, MUSIC, surpasses everything previously heard on Nightwish albums. Floor’s lead vocals seem to be all over the place and my addled mind can discern just the prominent chorus. It’s not the most catchy NW tune ever, far from it. But the one thing that it does, it once and for all puts to rest all the concerns voiced after Endless Forms, that Floor’s vocals weren’t utilized to the max. Now they truly are.

NOISE is a different story though. An energetic romp, it’s one of the three or four catchiest songs on the album and therefore a great single cut. The subject matter deals with our slavery to technology, addiction to social media and egotism.

SHOEMAKER is another grand piece. The finale is a prime example of what Floor’s voice can do to a man. Starting from the tips of my toes, chills run up my body the same way they did when I first heard her take on the Ghost Love Score. There’s a term for this dedicated just for her singing. Floorgasm. There’s the first one.

HARVEST is one of those Celtic-influenced Nightwish songs where Troy’s pipes and tin whistles of various sizes come to play. Not quite My Walden nor Last Of The Wilds, but in the same ballpark. A catchy celebration of life and humanity and nature, in symbiosis, back when the connection was still there. Something from the Old World. Another reminder of the world outside the digital bubble we live in. Lead-sung by Troy it’s probably the catchiest song on the album. It is in this song where the harmony singing of the three vocalists reaches heights not heard before. Forged on campfires and tours during the last couple of years, that actually might be the trademark sound of Nightwish in 2020 and beyond.

PAN. Ever heard a blast-beat in a Nightwish song? Now you will, at the end of the song.

HOW’S THE HEART. Another tune in the more accessible end of the scope, reminding us about our unique ability to humane empathy towards each other, and towards every endless form most beautiful. We are here to care for the garden.

PROCESSION. A heart-rending funeral march of mankind to its own grave. A simple, emotional melody with Floor’s staggering vocals in the front and center. More moving, more poignant than most things Nightwish has ever done. The last two lines of lyrics reveal the lyrical hook of the song and I break down in tears that have welled up during the song. My heart feels heavy. Once again, the music of Nightwish has managed to insert a stent straight into the vein of my core feelings and now I’m bleeding out. The world needs a song like this. I already know my future favourite song on the album. It’s a message of hope and transhumanism if you believe in the infinite inventiveness of mankind, and it’s not if you don’t have high hopes on what we can be sometime in the future. The message, though, is that time is running out. The pessimistic side of me that is not the greatest fan of mankind feels spent.

I’m still so shaken by the previous song that TRIBAL goes by in a thunderous, rhythmic breeze. The name says so much of it already, it’s a real banger, an atavistic drumming clinic with a melody to it. The only thing I can compare it to from the top of my head is the beginning of Weak Fantasy, just more complex.

Marko finally gets his turn on the lead vocals on ENDLESSNESS, a slow dirge bordering on doom metal. His booming vocals and the song tempo remind me of later Tarot, but at 53 years of age, the man probably sounds better than ever. A dark, heavy song, a fitting closer to a thought-provoking album.

After 44 minutes, when the music dies out, the silence in the room is deafening. Mere seconds feel like a minute before the first rounds of confused applause split the silence. Journos look tentatively around – is that it? What just happened? Looks like nobody has been able to take it all in. This was a journey, a world unto itself. Again, as Nightwish albums tend to be. The subject matter, though, is heavier than before. We’re worlds apart from the Peter Pans of Storytime and even further from Mielikki and Tapio of Elvenpath. Already on Endless Forms Most Beautiful Nightwish bid fairylands their farewell and showed us the reality is more fantastic than fantasy. Now they’ve shown us it’s grimmer as well. We’re going to hell in a handbasket, why can’t we wake the fuck up from our digital dreams, consumerism, and egocentricity?


It’s hard to depict HVMAN. :||: NATVRE. as a heavy metal album. It’s way beyond that. In 2020, Nightwish runs on a lane of their own. They are, now, even more than before the Vehicle Of Spirit that can do anything they please and yet always sound like Nightwish. Even for a fan, this is all new but at the same time, like coming home. After chucking the orchestral pomposity, the band still sounds as big as life. The voices of the three singers fill the gaps and the result is, well, more HVMAN. More organic, and due to Emppu’s guitars, at times also more metal.

This is a journey to all four corners of the world, a celebration of life we still have and, as Tuomas says, an optimistic message to us all that we may not be quite as neck-deep in the hoopla as we think. I, still emotionally raw after PROCESSION, think it’s a gloomy premonition of the end of mankind and the final red flag to take heed on.

We take a 10-minute breather, 34 minutes more of music still to come.

ALL THE WORKS OF NATURE WHICH ADORN THE WORLD is an orchestral piece in eight movements with worldless singing. Tuomas delves fully into the realm of modern classical music. I predicted someone would lay the Sibelius card on the table afterward when describing it but no, that’s not the correct comparison. If I told you I have the prowess to analyze classical music, I’d be lying.

“I love not man less but nature more”. The opening lyric line, spoken by actress Geraldine James, pretty much tells the gist of it. This is Tuomas’s love letter to the wonders of nature, each movement of the piece musically so self-explanatory that nobody needs to tell the listener which movement we’re in. We travel from the spacious soundscapes on VISTA to the deep rumblings of THE BLUE to the lively rollicking of THE GREEN to the Celtic sound of MOORS and so on to QUIET AS THE SNOW, which is the first part where I can tell any influences – direct or indirect – on Tuomas’s music. It might be just me but I hear Ludovico Einaudi’s wintry pensiveness of Seven Days Walking in here, or Ólafur Arnalds’ enthralling simplicity. ANTHROPOCENE refers to the 6th wave of mass extinction. Towards the end of the composition, I hear Geraldine James again: “Every creator, every destroyer…”, there’s a message there, but the rest is indiscernible to me as the thunderous music takes over. The time for deeper analysis is later. The last bit, AD ASTRA – towards the stars – is majestic and ends in a boom… which can be either the end of mankind or, more likely, a lift-off on our journey to the stars, to a better place somewhere else.

Another silence falls in the room, just not as oppressing as after disc 1.



Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 27, 2020, 09:04:28 pm
We round up the session watching the promo video of NOISE that its director Stobe Harju managed to complete just in time for this event. The final video came in at 8:15 this morning. There must’ve been a bit of pressure there. And what a video it is. People are depicted as a cult of hooded figures, focusing on nothing else but their cellphones while the world around goes to hell. A blonde Instagram model prances about in a photoshoot, almost showing some good old T&A in the process, while hollow-headed followers drool over her and tap their likes. A child wearing a gas mask is sacrificed to the altar of pollution and multiplied Floor takes selfies with a girl who looks like she’s from a children’s beauty pageant, while Tuomas goes around hugging trees and nurturing sprouts of green. Someone gets beaten to pulp while the onlookers just snap away with their cellphones. This is a rude awakening, a vicious backlash to every superficial modern phenomenon, starting from our slavery to social media to prescription drug abusers to consumerism, pollution to egotist personal branding. Nightwish has never been so mean before. This will ruffle a lot of feathers. The end of the video sees the viewpoint rise above the noise that all this is, and shows a vista of a sunrise on a lake in the distance, showing that everything that ever mattered is elsewhere, not on the screen of our phones and computers.

Some journos remain on their seats, hoping for a replay, others leave the room to prepare their interviews. The band’s got a long day ahead of them, my turn to interrogate them is in four hours.


A few hours later I still can’t get over the singing on the album. It is clearly the area where this album sees Nightwish advancing the most. So that’s what I choose to chat about with Marko and Floor in my interview session. Here’s the chat.

The singing in the first song (MUSIC) of the album is all over the place. The range of it sounds like it must be two octaves or something?

Floor: – I don’t know…

Marko: – Could be more.

Floor: – Not the music… yeah, well, maybe. I don’t know. That sounds very arrogant, but I never think like that. For me, in music, the challenge is not really in high or low, it’s the incredible vocal gymnastics of the melody. *hums the vocal melody of MUSIC*

Marko: – Yeah, well… you know the guy. He writes the way he wants to write and this time he sort of went over the top with the melody movements. They go from down and up and back and they go out of the scales into weird directions and everything. I’m happy I’ve got only got one lead to do (Endlessness). But then, there are some nice little changes in the harmonies as well where you have to stay really sharp or you’re out of key. But Floor had the most of the songs to do, I don’t envy her, but she seems to do just fine!

Floor: *giggles* – I did, eventually. I had to practice, for sure. REALLY practice. And I really do like the result. It was a challenge. It was so complex that it’s not like “I’ve listened to it and yeah, I’ve got it” and then go from there. I really had to study it. I have to study the melody, I have to study where the words come in, and by the time when we got to the point when the first demos came in and we rehearsed together, I could sing it. As in it sounds okay. But I knew what the lyrics were about but I had no chance to put in the emotion yet. Now I could recite it, basically. When the drum recordings started and I was back home I went through everything for few weeks more. It was daily rehearsals of combining what I knew and felt the song was about to reciting the technical element of the singing of the words and the melodies to get them into singing and storytelling and feeling and transmitting the feeling, emotion and the story – if that makes sense. That was definitely THE challenge. Not that I didn’t understand what I was singing, but to combine everything into something that made it sound 1) easy and 2) comfortable and 3) with the right feeling behind it.

Marko: – So, the usual things for the vocalists, how can you get so high or how to get that sound wasn’t it, the complexity was the challenge.

Floor: – And diversity from screaming to opera and so on.

Marko: – And me doing the Endlessness – it’s by no means high for me, the whole song is in a pretty easy range but the melody of the verse is also pretty much all over the place. There’s already over an octave gap there.

Well – it’s not a sport after all.

Floor. – Yeah, that’s it. It’s about the sound. It’s not about “look at me going high” or making those jumps. It needs to sound easy. But it really isn’t.

It’s not the catchiest Nightwish album ever.

Floor: – No, but there are elements. At least I HOPE for some people it sounds like, “oh wow, it’s a great album and I want to sing along with it”. And as soon you start trying it’s like “damn, that’s harder than I thought it was”.

Marko: – Or then they hear it immediately like it is and they spontaneously sing it like it’s done right. That’s what happens often times too. So basically we’re the ones who get it hard, we need to nail it so the people can sing along. But hey – that’s why we’re professionals! *laughs*

Floor: *giggles* – Look at us! Yeah… but isn’t it fantastic though that we are challenged! I was personally so challenged and I’m not the kind of person that I’d think I know everything already. I think it’s an on-going learning curve. I’m confident, though, about what I can or can’t do. I’m quite sure I can sing basically anything if I put my mind to it – as in I like the challenge, give it to me! So when this album came in I was like [makes face] oo-kay… he gave it to me!


What about the harmonies, Nightwish has never before sounded quite like this. You three really lay it out there. The singing, overall, is audibly the most advanced thing on this album in comparison to all previous Nightwish records.

Marko: – It actually came as a bit of natural continuation when we started doing the Decades Tour rehearsals, that’s when we figured out that with this line-up we can definitely add something that will be heard, something different to the original songs when we do live harmonies. Well, it was so fun that here we are, all over the new album.

Floor: – It inspired us to continue that, not just live, but also on the album, it set the foundation to do this.

Marko: – Yeah, it’s the arsenal of our three different voices, when we put them together – their tones and their combinations, no one else is going to have that.

Floor: – No, it’s unique colors. It was lovely to play with that. It was an honor for me to work more in-depth now with Troy and again, with Marko as we did on the previous album Endless Forms where I… um, I’m a good lead vocalist but I’m not a very good backing vocalist. Let’s put it that way. I find it difficult to find a good backing vocalist. It’s something I’ve never done much and Troy is just brilliant in it. Troy is a fantastic addition of ideas and colours. And when the three of us sit down, all of a sudden new things come and new possibilities occur and they challenge me to say all kinds of weird shit. *chuckles * What was it again, now?

Marko: – I just love the campfire sessions we had, when you’ve got people sitting with natural voices and then you start to nail the harmonies and start to sound fresh. Like close-up human singing. It’s a process that feeds itself, like wow, let’s do more!

Floor: – What I meant when I said “good lead vocalist” is not that I want to praise how I sing. I meant that a lead vocalist takes the lead and a backing vocalist colours accordingly to. When three people form a choir, you can’t sing like a lead vocalist. You need to listen to everybody and you color together to become a pack vocals. Marko is also a lead vocalist, but when you sing in harmonies, you need to switch off the “lead button” go into sync together in form, in order, for to everything to come together. I’ve heard it before, sometimes when two lead vocalists do harmonies, they’re way too soloistic in their approach. And even when they sing the same note or they sing the right harmony – if one is a tiny bit more focusing on the higher end of that note and the other one leans a tiny bit more towards the lower end of that note, it’s already off. And it’s horrible!

It will sound like a pissing contest.

Floor: – Yes! And clashing vibratos – the same thing. But if you know how to tap into each other, you don’t sing in the same key, you simply sing it differently. That’s a fact and that’s a technique but it’s also at its best when it comes naturally, as it has with us. It is so nice to feel when you sit at the campfire and there is nothing else but those voices. And to tap into those voices. Our voices have always naturally found the right vibrato and energy and so on.

Marko: – Yes! The timing of vibrato is a thing that is REALLY hard when a lot of vocalists gather, but that was something that settled down pretty much almost immediately.

Floor: – Always! And with Troy – Troy has his own timing which is a bit different so we had to get that. But he has that natural element – low, soft warmth in his voice that we two don’t have. We sing in a whole different range. He doesn’t necessarily sing softer than us, but it’s in his voice.

And he’s got less attack in his voice than you two.

Floor: – Yes, that too.

Marko: – Well, we’ve been doing that “metal lead” that’s the attack. [Exaggerates] We’ve-Been-Spitting-Out-The-Words-More-Sharply! That comes more naturally to us, I guess.

Floor: – But it’s really great to see him sing, for instance [his lead song] HARVEST. And his phrasing – if I would have sung the same song it would simply sound different just because I would phrase it a tiny bit different. I would just naturally approach it differently. It’s fantastic to see how he gives it his twist.

Marko: – And then there’s the fact that he’s British. We’re not. I do listen to his pronunciation as a bit of a handbook as well. But I have to remember that he comes from an area where they have a thick dialect, so not everything is pronounced quite like that. But these are things that I constantly pay attention to.

Floor: – We generally think through the album what kind of English we’re going to pick. Because we have one native speaker and then I, as a lead vocalist, am not. Neither is Marko.

But you’re both language nerds.

Floor: – That helps. But where are you going to go because when I came to the band my accent was way more American than it is today. And I’m a chameleon: after a year in Finland I had a Finnish accent in my English, I now have Swedish accent in my Finnish and how my English sounds like, I don’t even know anymore! I pick things up. But when I went through the singing now, I don’t want to sound too American and I went for British, Troy went like “Yeah… but you’re not the Queen.” *bursts in laughter* “You don’t need to go all London super-British fine English. No way.” So, ok… I THOUGHT I was doing well. So I toned it down a bit towards the Cumbrian [Troy’s dialect] style. I’m not even going to pretend I’m a Cumbrian but somewhere in the middle it needs to fit together so that we won’t have three completely different styles of pronunciation. That would sound weird for everyone except maybe the Finns or the Dutchies. Every native speaker whether they’re Australian or American or whatever would think it sounds weird.


Ok, let’s move on to the songs. What are your personal favourites of the songs?

Floor: – Oh, boy… I can’t say. I don’t have… well. My personal favourite is Endlessness. And then there is PAN, the music is really good. Not to mention NOISE. Really nice.

Marko is not allowed to answer Endlessness!

Marko: – What can I say? SHOEMAKER, Harvest… and yep, all of the songs Floor just listed. So, there you go.

Floor: – TRIBAL!

So… all of it?

Marko: – Shoemaker and Harvest, they’re two completely different songs in succession and I really like them both. Harvest especially, because of the heaps of harmonies, they were so nice to make.

Floor: – If I have to think of a situation where I would have to pick just one song out of this album which we would have to play, it would still depend on how I feel at that moment. If I feel [makes face] blegghh… I would definitely go for Endlessness and if I’m bit happy, I’d go for Harvest. If I’m in the mood for the whole nine yards, I’ll play MUSIC. So, yes. It’s too hard to pick. But! I’m very happy with NOISE as the first single because once again it’s impossible to pick one song that would represent the album. There’s no such thing with Nightwish, you will never cover all the ingredients of our album just with one song. But Noise is a really nice kick in the face and the video – ok, I think we’ve got some attention there… in a very nasty, cruel way.




Funny thing that neither of you mentioned PROCESSION which was the song that turned me into a basket case.

Floor: – I can imagine! And do you know what’s it about? The ones talking are POST-HUMAN. We talk – we – talk to humans as we would go back in time. We talk about the beginning of time before humans and humans come in and humans don’t really understand. Yet. Until we do. And then, when everything’s destroyed we go up and we look back on it all from there and that’s what goes on towards the end of the song.

Trans-human, is it?

Floor: – Yeah, maybe. But the song also got me really bad, because I was pelted as soon as I realized what I was singing about. [chokes a bit]

Marko: – But is it something post-human that found us? Or is it something that came from us?

Floor: – I think it came from us. And the message was sent from the post-human lifeform in a different planet but to Earth. Because “We write this in a tongue you will understand”. It’s a communication tool.

Marko: – Yeah, that’s the one thing that made think that is this thing totally alien? There are still some things unsolved.

Floor: – Yeah. “We Were There And We Will Remember Mankind.” [choking back tears] “Our kin. Ages ago.” So, it’s a long time into the future. It’s very horrible.

Marko: – We have the imagination, the reasoning, the logic and all the possible tools…

To sever ourselves from the NATVRE?

Marko: – Yes.

Floor: – In the most weird way. And why?

Marko: – But also to connect in ways that were unperceivable before. We have tools for everything. The biggest thing for us is to understand the scope of the Universe. And then on to the Multiverse to start realizing there are depths you cannot realize, but still you can imagine. And that’s weird because our heads are this size and what’s inside it is smaller than the head we see. And yet, we can scope billions of lightyears, imagine billions of years of history and write them into scientific facts.

Floor: – And just imagine if we could use a hundred percent of our capacity, because we use, what, ten percent? Nine? Eight?

Marko: – I think that thing is a little bit overhyped. It’s an old theory. I think we use everything but we’ve got, like, spare parts in there. If we lose, for instance, language skills or ability to walk, you might get them back via some replacement processes. We have areas in our brain that are not used, I don’t know how much processing power you could pack to them. Then again, there are science-fictional stories about some POST-HUMANS that have done some pretty incredible things… [winces in that Marko way]

I know Marko can go on preeetty lengthy tangents on these subjects…

Marko: – We always end up theorizing…

Floor: – Oh, yeah! How much time do we have again? But isn’t it so that Einstein was supposed to be able to tap into a larger part of his brain than the rest of us and that gave him a possibility to open more locks and all that.

Marko: – Could be. And then there is the ‘directed intelligence’. That is to say that everything we think, everything we reason, changes our brain and ‘streamline’ them more towards those things. If you’re a physicist, your physicist’s capabilities will improve. We’re musicians, so we’re heavy bullshitters and so, we laugh a lot and sing and play a lot.

Floor: – It is so even with senses. I would say that the senses are still very important. Like, a pregnant woman, naturally, has a stronger sense of smell because it will protect her and the baby from whatever is harmful. It’s not that you all of a sudden have a better nose. There’s nothing physically changing, it’s the part of the brain that focusses more on the sense of smell. In my case, it barely went away. It’s a primal instinct. And we’re so remote, so far away from it. While I know that musicians like we are, are highly sensitive people that use our senses in a sharper way. We’re wired slightly differently and I find that endlessly fascinating. We’re also more likely to tap into the natural world and feel comfort – find comfort – in that.

Marko: – The combination that they have been talking lately – the emotional intelligence – is where musicians and actually a lot of artists of whatever ilk, work.

Floor: – It makes it so that we can communicate those emotions. On the album HOW’S THE HEART is about human empathy, for instance. A beautiful concept to not be forgotten. But the more we talk about these things the more we go into theories, where it takes half an hour to explain even the basic concepts…


Yeah, they’re still not your average “Friday night’s all right for fighting” kind of band.

This album is here to make us think. To remind that for all the good we’ve achieved; eradicated diseases and connected via technology in ways previously unimaginable, we’ve also lost our way and laid waste on all that is precious. We’ve lost our connection to THE NATVRE. Our only home is engulfed in HVMAN pollution, greenhouse gases, fracking, famine, wars, extreme weather events, and climate change because we choose to close our eyes. The powers that be, in turn, refuse to believe that it is not possible to have limitless economic growth on a finite planet.

But we’re a resilient breed. Starting from our earliest bipedal ancestors HVMAN has adapted and evolved for four million years already and we still evolve. For better or for worse, we can’t either save or destroy the planet. But the Anthropocene extinction, the disappearance of several species as a consequence of HVMAN activity is happening as we speak. Australia is burning. Kiribati is sinking. But NATVRE doesn’t care. It will prevail. It doesn’t need us here. We made ourselves The God, The Chosen, The One above all living things and this is the illusion we live in, lest every once in a while NATVRE slaps us with an earthquake, a tsunami or a pandemic to show us our true place. Like in the cover art of this album NATVRE is above HVMAN. There’s an unbroken line, a severance, a rift between them that is the HVMAN NATURE.

In order to survive, we must find a way to change it. But can we find the empathy to right the ship before it’s too late? Will we evolve enough, soon enough, to be able to mend what we’ve done? Or will we find a new home somewhere beyond the stars? Can we buy the time for ourselves to evolve to that point?
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 01, 2020, 04:45:08 pm
Entrevista (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 01, 2020, 04:47:13 pm
Entrevista Tuonela (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 04, 2020, 04:09:55 pm
3 días!! (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 07, 2020, 04:04:43 pm
Noise (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 07, 2020, 04:09:33 pm
At the onset of 2020, symphonic/melodic metal fans had something to look forward to: the release of Nightwish‘s ninth studio album, Human. :||: Nature. We were invited to Finnvox Studios  on January 28th, to meet with Tuomas Holopainen, Marko Hietala, and Kai Hahto, have a seat, relax, and listen to the new album, as well as its first music video for “Noise”!


Human. :||: Nature. was extremely  interesting to say the least. There weren’t as many immediately catchy, radio-friendly songs, but rather, the album took a more progressive turn than they are used to, while still maintaining the movie score soundscape. Here is a song-by-song breakdown:

1. Music: when this song starts, it feels very primitive with tribal-like sounds, which are exciting and new for Nightwish; there’s an almost shamanistic feel to it. There was a good dynamic build-up as the song progresses and some really unusual instruments. The orchestrations are full-bodied but surprisingly harsher than traditional Nightwish music thanks to the primal sound. The song officially kicks off after a minute or two into a more familiar melodic sound, with Floor Jansen coming in, almost as if in a musical. There is a melancholic sound to this track that felt almost reminiscent, which which was evident more or less throughout the whole album.

2. Noise: the first upcoming single, with a much punchier lift-off. Compositionally, it feels a bit like it could be from Imaginaerum, with a darker and gloomier feel. There is a heavy wall of sound from the guitar with strong distortion and more ups and downs. These songs already seem more complicated and less purely catchy than you might expect from Nightwish.

3. Shoemaker: glimmering keyboards start this track and once again there is a yearning to the song. There is a soft vocal duet in this track with male vocals that I think were done by Marko Hietala (but may have been Troy Donockley). The melodies are strong with more heavy guitar riffs. There is a spoken part eventually and it includes a church choir in some parts, during which Jansen reaches her higher register.

4. Harvest: this was a personal favorite, starting as a slow song with a really interesting vocal part done presumably by Donockley, with accompanying tribal drums. The song then rapidly kicks out of ballad territory into a rock song with keyboard solos and Uilleann pipes, which play a very central role this time. “Harvest” is a much more cheerful, positive song than many of the others, having a feeling as though it is paying tribute or is in honor of something.

5. Pan: this song cranks the power, emotion, and overall epicness up to full blast. As fast as it starts, it mellows out with soothing vocals from Jansen. It then returns to the grand epicness and then drops back down, riding a rollercoaster of energy and feels very progressive for a Nightwish song. There is also a sinister-sounding choir towards the end. “Pan” feels more like a classical composition with metal influences, as opposed to the other way around.

6. How’s the Heart?: I liked it! “How’s the Heart?” has cheerful piping in the beginning (and throughout) and a surprisingly catchy chorus. It is compositionally more simple, a likely candidate for a single, and so catchy it hurts. It will be a great singalong for live shows. The ever-present yearning is here, but it also has a feeling of freedom and contentment.

7. Procession: bright-sounding with beautiful piano and flutes, and a clear and distinct piano delivery which guides the direction of the song. This song definitely requires further impressions made by more listens.

8. Tribal: my personal favorite! This was a strange and badass song, with deep and heavy drums by Kai Hahto. Hietala gets to sing with his lower, grittier range, sometimes sounding like a caveman – you have to hear it to appreciate it’s primitive, raw power. Unlike the intro to “Music,” this is much more heavy metal, more ominous. There is also an almost “wall of noise” effect as well. It was a surprising change of pace thus far.

9. Endlessness: the song begins with a melodic, deep, and wistful tune, almost like doom metal. The song is deep, glistening, and hearty, like a thick soup, with the background melody keeping it beautiful. One or more of the gents get to sing as well. It’s certainly a different song.

Disc II: All the Works of Nature Which Adorn the World

Can we all agree that this name maybe took things too far? Just getting it out there. Okay, moving on.

The song is, of course, a full disc long at 30:58 minutes, with parts named after different natural wonders. The song is like a piece of classical music without any metal elements, though there are drums and pipes, etc. It starts with a familiar-sounding spoken-word text about nature. The music was very visual, painting the scenes wonderfully. It feels like nature waking up from sleep all around the listener. There is a general grand and imposing sound, with Egyptian vibes at one point, giving the feel of an ancient civilization. There is a beautiful cello that carries on throughout a lot of the song, guiding a lot of the progression. Grandeur is balanced with soft, mellow parts in a nice dynamic ebb and flow. Many parts are repeated, with some consistency throughout the song’s composition, helping familiar parts to be heard and appreciated more than they may have been earlier on in the song. Then the seagull screeches appear! In the stead of the whale sounds of “The Greatest Show on Earth,” there are seagulls, but it was fortunately only once. The song reaches a ballad point, which was strangely reminiscent of “My Immortal” by Evanescence… though maybe I was imagining things. There are ominous horns, mystical harp melodies, and plenty of tense moments that make the listener apprehensive for what comes next. Towards the end, the narrator appears to talk about a life philosophy, or something of the sort. The song ends with an epic, emotional, atmospheric bombardment from the orchestra, finishing on a great note!

“All the Works of Nature…” wasn’t too complicated or hard to understand, neither was it overly wrapped in mystique, nor too compositionally complex for the average person. It could even work as a nice gateway into classical music. The song does a great job exploring the vividness of nature through a lot of beautiful, glimmering sounds that capture the subject nicely. While it didn’t quite blow us out of the water, we have only heard it the once and it likely needs a few listens to reveal itself to us properly.

“Noise” (music video):

The last thing we got to see was the music video for the first single, “Noise.” The version we saw wasn’t quite the final edit, but was not notably different to us first-time viewers from what the finished product looks like. The video is great – vivid and intense, no holds barred, no expense spared to make it look as best it could. There is a lot of activity, never letting up, very in your face. It seems to be a critique on our obsession with our screens, numbing us and obstructing our view of the things both beautiful and tragic in the world around us. It’s not remotely subtle, but is executed in a fun way. There are a lot of actors alongside the band and it seems as though they had a lot of fun making it, with all the costumes and whatnot. Donockley’s character, some sort of social media king taking selfies, was definitely a lot of fun and gave him a surprisingly big role.

This is definitely an album that you can’t fully grasp on the first listen. It’s certainly something different for Nightwish, more demanding and interesting, and even the dreaded 30+ minute classical piece did not disappoint. The vocals are treated more like another instrument this time around, as opposed to a “focal point” of the songs. The orchestrations are rougher and more tribal than on other Nightwish albums, which was interesting and unusual. It is impossible to say after only one listen, but it felt like something that will definitely grow on us with familiarity and has the potential to dethrone its predecessor on our list of favorites!
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 17, 2020, 07:13:50 pm
September 8 - CA - Toronto - Meridian Hall
September 11 - US - Los Angeles - The Hollywood Palladium
September 12 - US - Los Angeles - The Hollywood Palladium
September 15 - US - New York - Terminal Five
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 21, 2020, 04:17:55 pm
Hoy, 21 de febrero, cumple 39 años Floor Jansen, vocalista de Nightwish desde 2012.

¡Atención! Nightwish estará el próximo lunes, 24 de febrero, en nuestra radio presentándonos su nuevo disco, 'Human :II: Nature', en carne y hueso. ¡No te lo pierdas! A partir de las 13:00 (hora peninsular española), escúchalo en directo aquí >>
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 25, 2020, 11:29:40 pm
Con ocasión de la próxima salida de su nuevo álbum, 'Human :II: Nature', Tuomas Holopainen, teclista y principal compositor de Nightwish, se ha pasado por los estudios de RockFM para ser entrevistado por nuestro compañero Javier Hualde. ¿Qué es lo que le ha contado? Te dejamos el vídeo y la trasncripción de la entrevista.

    Vais a publicar un disco el 10 de abril, 'Human Nature', ¿estás emocionado por ello?

“¡Totalmente! Lo terminamos hace cosa de un mes, y es siempre una mezcla de alegría y melancolía; porque trabajas en un disco de forma muy intensa cerca de un año, año y medio, y el proceso que te da mucho, y resulta una gran aventura. Entonces lo tienes listo y se lo presentas al mundo. Has de dejarlo ir, por decirlo así. Es un sentimiento algo triste. Así que es un mezcla de emoción y melancolía”.

    Una de las noticias de sobre este disco es que es doble. ¿Cuál es el concepto que hay tras él?

“No pretendíamos que lo fuera. La cuestión era más bien que no se pueden encajar 83 minutos de música en un solo cd; por eso tuvimos que coger la última canción y ponerla en un segundo disco. Esa fue la única razón por la que es un disco doble. Aunque en realidad ha funcionado muy bien, porque la última canción del disco es muy distinta al resto. Las primeras nueve canciones son la parte humana, y la última hace referencia a la naturaleza. De ahí que el título del disco sea 'Human Nature'”.

    Has comentado que la música de este disco te vino de forma muy rápida. Pero, ¿cómo de difícil fue el proceso de ensayarlo con la banda y grabarlo?

“Todo funcionó de forma muy suave, aunque es difícil responder. Sí, llevó bastante tiempo, pero cuando todo empezó a rodar, ocurrió muy rápido. Las canciones salieron por sí solas, y los ensayos fueron intensos y nos llevaron unas cinco semanas. Después, un par de meses de grabación y dos de mezclas”.

    La parte de 'naturaleza' de este disco es instrumental, ¿incluso orquestal?

“Sí, es casi instrumental. Flor canta un par de líneas. Pero, básicamente, es una sinfonía”.

    ¿Cómo te vino esta parte del disco?

“Fue una de esas cosas que pedían ser hechas. No sabría explicarlo de otra manera. Nunca habíamos hecho una canción como esta. Cuando se la presenté al resto de la banda, a todo el mundo le gustó. Es algo completamente distinto. Y es, también, la única canción de todo el disco con una orquesta completa. Escuchar la primera parte del disco, que son nueve canciones más de típicas de una banda, orientadas a la humanidad, y después relajarte con la parte de naturaleza, le da al disco un contraste muy dramático, de hora y media”.

    ¿Cuál dirías que es la forma más acertada de escuchar este disco?

“Puedes escucharlo de cualquier forma que quieras. Esa es la belleza de la música y el arte. Es siempre una experiencia personal, y tienes el permiso de incluir toda tu propia vivencia en las canciones. Pero, tal vez, una forma de hacerlo sea primero escucharlo con detenimiento de principio a fin, en el orden en que las canciones se presentan”.

    Hay una canción, en la segunda parte, que me ha llamado la atención, que se titula “Anthropocene (Hurrian Hymn To Nikkal)”, que hace referencia a la música más antigua jamás escrita.

​“Sí, “Hurrian Hymn To Nikkal” es la composición escrita que jamás haya encontrado un ser humano, y está datada alrededor del 1.400 A.C.; así que esa composición tiene unos 3.400 años de antigüedad. Fue escrita para una lira de nueve cuerdas. Teniendo en cuenta que en aquellos tiempos, en el Mediterráneo, lo que hoy sería Siria, había un compositor que escribió esta maravillosa pieza de música; y que hoy, en 2020, haya una banda de rock que versione su canción, muestra que hay una belleza atemporal en ello”.

    Hay muchas canciones nuevas en este disco, y una pregunta que tengo es ¿cómo planeáis llevar este nuevo repertorio al directo?

“No tocaremos la última canción, la instrumental. Ensayaremos las nueve canciones, la parte 'humana' del disco, y mezclarla con el setlist y veremos cómo encajan”.

    Hay un nuevo videoclip, “Noise”, qe integra alguna crítica social con lo que parece una referencia al cuentos clásicos.

“El vídeo es bastante ambiguo. Puedes interepretarlo de muchas maneras, pero el mensaje más evidente es que la aparente adicción de los seres humanos a sus teléfonos móviles. Y no solo eso, sino que ineternet es una herramienta maravillosa, pero el modo en que la utilizamos en ocasiones con fines narcisistas, difundiendo información falsa, es realmente triste; porque el potencial que nos brinda esta tecnología es impresionante. Sin emabrgo, decidimos usarlo para otra cosa. Eso fue una idea potente que teníamos y de la que queríamos grabar un vídeo”.

    ¿Cómo fue proceso de grabarlo? Imagino que, como mínimo, fue divertido

“Sí, fue posiblemente el rodaje más divertido en el que he estado, porque soy el tipo que se baña en el aceite. De hecho, calentaron el aceite y se estaba muy a gusto. Creo que pasé como una hora y media metido en la bañera. Me tocó también hacer algo de headbanging con el pelo mojado en aceite... Fue muy divertido”.

    Os habéis convertido en la primera banda en grabar un vídeo en el Museo de Ciencias Naturales de Londres, ¿es cierto?

“Bueno, en realidad, lo que hicimos fue una sesión de fotos, no rodamos un vídeo como tal. Lo que hicimos fue ua sesión de fotos para la promoción del disco. No sé si somos los primeros o no. Creo que hubo alguna otra, pero somos de los pocos afortunados que  tuvimos el privilegio de hacerlo".

    ¿Cómo fue la experiencia de estar allí?

“Fue realmente mágico. Imagínate estar en un sitio tan icónico. Es el Museo de Historia de Ciencias Naturales de Londres, cuando todo está vacío y solo queda peronsla de seguridad, la banda y el equipo de fotografía. Nunca lo olvidaré”.

    Tendremos la oportunidad de veros en el Rock Fest Barcelona el próximo mes de julio. ¿Qué podemos ver ese día?

“Será una mashup entre las canciones nuevas y las antiguas. Lo pasaremos genial e intentaremos transmitírselo a la audiencia”.

    Han pasado casi 25 años en este precioso proyecto, y habrás conseguido un montón de logros. ¿Qué sientes cuando mirar atrás y ves todo lo que Nightwish ha conseguido?

“Siento un orgullo y alegría por ver todo lo que hemos hecho. Siempre quedan las ganas de evolucionar de disco en disco. También tenemos las reacciones del público sobre cómo les impacta parte de nuestro trabajo. Es una sensación de felicidad el pensar que, de alguna manera, has contribuido a ello”.

    ¿Tienes algún momento favorito con Nightwish?

“Es imposible mencionar solo uno. Los recuerdos más felices siempre tienen que ver con el proceso de componer canciones, cuando estoy solo en casa. Ahí sientes que todo empieza a fluir y las canciones van emergiendo. Encontrar la melodía perfecta para cierta letra. Ésos son los momentos más felices”.

    Me encanta hacer esta pregunta en cada entrevista. ¿Cuál es el momento más divertido que has vivido de gira?

“El momento más divertido de gira... Hay muchos, porque nuestra banda y el equipo están llenos de cómicos”.

    ¿No hay uno que puedas compartir?

“Normalmente se asocian a momentos en que todo el mundo está desnudo y borracho; así que no creo que deba decirlo, confía en mí”.

    ¿Hay algún sueño musical que aún no hayas cumplido?

“Espero que la mejor canción esté por venir. Estoy realmente contento con lo que hemos hecho hasta ahora. Como dije, hay una clara evolución en la música del grupo, también como personas. Pero mi mayor sueño es saber que el mejor disco y la mejor canción está en algún lugar del futuro”.

    ¿Hay algún sitio en el querrías tocar, y en el que aún no has tocado?

“Bueno, cuanto más exótico, mejor. Hemos tratado de actuar en Sudáfrica o Islandia, en la Antártida desde hace tiempo. Pero por alguna razón, aún no han tenido lugar. Pero sí, en algún sitio extraño. En el Gran Cañón o en la Gran Murralla China”.

    Para ir terminando, quería hacerte una última pregunta. Después de pensar en la naturaleza humana, ¿cuál crees que es la mejor parte de ser humano?

“La consciencia. Somos la única especie en ser consciente de su propia mortalidad. Tenemos arte e imaginación, así que es un privilegio haber nacido en este cuerpo, en esta especie, y en esta época; y poder experimentar toda esta maravilla”.
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 26, 2020, 06:21:18 pm
Óscar Gil Entrevista a Tuomas Holopainen en Madrid, aprovechando su paso por la ciudad para hablar de su nuevo trabajo “Human Nature”

– Para empezar vamos a hablar del nuevo disco. ¿Cuáles son las principales diferencias entre este nuevo trabajo y el anterior?

Tuomas.- Sin duda “Human Nature” es una secuela del anterior. Los dos se mueven en aguas similares en lo que a los temas de las canciones se refiere, pero siguen siendo diferentes. Creo que la mayor diferencia es que no hay orquesta en la primera parte del disco, solo algunas cuerdas y coros, pero no la orquesta completa, y esto deja mucho espacio al grupo para tocar. Creo que este es un disco hecho para los cantantes. Creo que el disco permite que Floor y Marko brillen, y para mí ese es el mayor detalle.

– En canciones como “Shoemaker” y “Harvest” tenemos la voz de Troy. ¿Cómo ha sido trabajar con Troy en este disco? Creo que a nivel vocal ha tenido un mayor protagonismo que en los discos anteriores.

Tuomas.- Sí, canta más, pero Marko también canta más, todo el mundo ha cantado más en este disco. Las primeras 9 canciones tratan sobre la humanidad, la naturaleza humana, las especies, nuestros logros, etc., y queríamos que esas historias las contara una voz humana, por eso hay tantas partes cantadas, muchas armonías. Y algunas de las cosas que sacaron son extremadamente difíciles. La primera vez que nuestro mezclador escuchó algunas de las melodías me dijo que no eran voces humanas.

– Hablando de otros temas, para mí “Music” es mi favorita porque es un crescendo, y otra es “Procession”, cuya música es muy especial.

Tuomas.- Hace años, ya sabía que cuando hiciéramos el siguiente disco de NIGHTWISH los dos primeros temas iban a llamarse “Music” y “Noise”. En aquel momento no sabía exactamente de que iban a tratar, pero quería tener un tema que tratara sobre música, y ha sido de lejos el tema más difícil de hacer. “Music” es exactamente el narrador de la canción, cuando Floor canta, la entidad llamada música está haciendo la parte vocal. Para la introducción intentamos crear una atmósfera tipo Stonehenge para representar el momento en el que la humanidad descubrió la música. Tiene que haber un momento en nuestra historia en el que la humanidad encontró la música. Y esto es lo que queríamos contar, como sucedió, cual fue el primer instrumento… los arqueólogos han dicho que el primer instrumento de la humanidad fue la percusión, y eso es lo que se escucha al principio del disco. Lo siguiente que descubrimos fue la flauta tocada con un hueso desnudo o algo así, y eso es lo siguiente.

– De la composición del disco tengo que decir que eres mi inspiración cuando toco porque lo que haces es impresionante, tienes un montón de ideas. ¿Qué me puedes contar de la composición del disco?

Tuomas.- Después del disco anterior necesitábamos un descanso, y lo último que quieres es ponerte a componer algo cuando no estás en ese rollo. No puedes forzarlo… al menos yo no puedo forzar que la música salga de mí, tienes que esperar al momento adecuado. Por eso nos tomamos el descanso, luego hicimos el disco de AURI, y después llegó el momento de NIGHTWISH. Comenzamos la composición en 2018 y estuvimos con ella hasta la primavera del año pasado. Llevó como un año y medio completar el disco.

– También quería hablarte de los otros proyectos que tienes. ¿Veremos a Tuomas tocar en otros proyectos próximamente?

Tuomas.- Para el futuro más inmediato lo que hay es NIGHTWISH por motivos obvios. Ya para el año que viene vamos a hacer otro disco de AURI. Aparte de eso no tengo nada más en el horizonte.

– Respecto al futuro como has dicho vas a estar centrado en NIGHTWISH. Supongo que giraréis, de hecho vais a estar por Asia en abril o algo así…

Esa era la idea pero lo hemos tenido que posponer para octubre por el rollo del virus.

– Después de eso imagino que será girar, girar y girar.

Tuomas.- Sí, aunque no tanto. Antes hacíamos dos años seguidos, pero ahora ya no es tan así. Tenemos que preparar las agendas con más cuidado porque es importante no quemarse para que la banda continúe. Por eso no podemos hacer la misma cantidad de conciertos que hacíamos antes, hay que elegir con más cuidado.

– Vamos a volver a hablar de temas. “Harvest” es la canción folky, pero quiero hablar de “Tribal”, en la que de nuevo hay piedras y todo eso. Hay mucha batería, mucha percusión, ¿era la idea para esa canción o para todo el disco?

Tuomas.- Simplemente escuchamos los temas, no es que nos pongamos a intentar algo de forma deliberada. Pero cuando tienes un tema sobre la gente de Stonehenge, sobre el nacimiento del tribalismo, sobre el nacimiento de las religiones, se te vienen a la cabeza esas danzas y sonidos tribales. Con “Tribal” la idea también era el experimento sobre como sonaría la gente de Stonehenge si tuvieran tecnología moderna. Como si tuvieras una máquina del tiempo y pudieras llevar la tecnología actual a la gente de Stonehenge y decirles que tocaran. “Tribal” es nuestra versión de ese experimento.

– Hablando ahora de la otra parte del disco “All the Works of Nature Which Adorn the World”, tengo que decir que ha sido increíble escucharlo. ¿Cómo surge la idea de hacer eso?

Tuomas.- Tenía que hacerse, no hay más explicación. Nunca habíamos hecho algo así en NIGHTWISH, como una sinfonía instrumental con orquesta que alaba la naturaleza, y tenía que incluirse en este disco. Y ofrece un contraste encantador con la primera versión del disco. En la primera parte están los humanos contándote historias sobre la humanidad, y en el segundo es como si hablara la naturaleza.

De algún modo es la canción de agradecimiento de NIGHTWISH, como una carta de amor al planeta tierra.

– ¿Qué canción podría ser en la que convergen los dos mundos? ¿Qué tema podría representar mejor esa unión?

Tuomas.- No podría decir solo una canción, todo el disco, todo. Es como una entidad.

– Hablando de España. Ha pasado mucho tiempo sin una visita vuestra hasta que por fin vinisteis al Wizink Center, ¿qué puedes decir de los fans españoles, antes de vuestra presentación en el ROCK FEST BARCELONA?

Tuomas.- Es un hecho conocido que cuanto más al sur vas, más loco es todo. España, Portugal, Italia, gritáis mucho más que los escandinavos. Hacéis más ruidos, respondéis mejor y es algo que inspira mucho a un artista cuando está en el escenario. Cuando ves al público viviéndolo de verdad.

No se trata de que haya personas que no muestren lo que sienten cuando van a un concierto, si no que cada uno lo muestra de manera diferente.

– Volviendo al disco, el tema “Pan” tiene cierto rollo a “Piratas del Caribe”…

Tuomas.- La verdad es que me lo han dicho antes pero yo no lo pillo.

– La introducción es bastante similar.

Tuomas.- Bueno, hay las notas que hay, todo suena a algo.

– Hablando de festivales, ¿qué festival recuerdas con un cariño especial? A lo mejor Wacken 2013…

Tuomas.- Ese estuvo muy bien, sí, pero no soy un gran fan de los festivales. Me gustan más las salas o los pabellones. En los festivales hay mucha gente, mucho ruido, no hay prueba de sonido, es todo un poco lío. Así que mis mejores recuerdos en lo que a conciertos se refiere no son festivales.

No obstante recuerdo Wacken 2013, fue la presentación de la nueva banda y fue un gran concierto.

– Si tuvieras que utilizar una palabra para describir a tus compañeros de banda, ¿cuál sería?

Tuomas.- La verdad es que no me gustan las respuestas de una palabra porque pueden darte una impresión equivocada y pueden sacarse de contexto.

Tuomas.- Floor está exactamente donde pertenece en este planeta, cantando y estando en un escenario, tiene mucho carisma y es una cantante increíblemente versátil. Troy es como el pegamento del grupo, hace reír a todo el mundo, además de ser un músico tremendamente completo. Emppu es el cómico del grupo, pero también es muy distante, nunca conseguirás una entrevista con él, no socializa demasiado con la gente, y le queremos por eso, disfruta de sí mismo, no es alguien que le guste ser protagonista. El batería es de lejos el más sociable de todos, siempre está contento y hablando con todo el mundo. Y Marko es el hombre misterioso del grupo, vive y respira música, y lo ha visto todo.

– Para terminar, algo para tus fans españoles, antes de vuestra presentación en el ROCK FEST BARCELONA…

Tuomas.- Dejad vuestros teléfonos de vez en cuando y dad un paseo o hablad con un amigo.

– Es un buen consejo.

Óscar Gil Escobar

Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 26, 2020, 06:25:18 pm
Entrevista EMP (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 06, 2020, 04:27:31 pm
Harvest (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 08, 2020, 06:34:49 pm
Track by track review (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 09, 2020, 06:45:53 pm
Goetia Media (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 10, 2020, 06:57:57 pm
Dear fans,
we have unfortunately made the difficult decision to postpone our upcomingshows in China due the outbreak of the coronavirus disease.

We’ll be announcing new dates for October very soon.

All previous tickets sold for thepostponed tour dates remain valid for the new dates and refunds are alsoavailable at points of purchase
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 10, 2020, 08:02:15 pm
FaceCulture con Floor (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 11, 2020, 04:05:34 pm
Ad Astra (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 17, 2020, 07:13:51 pm
Troy @ FaceCulture (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 23, 2020, 10:14:01 pm
Tuomas @ FaceCulture (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 27, 2020, 05:25:47 pm
Nemo @ Planet Rock (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 02, 2020, 07:27:07 pm
Music - Countdown (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 03, 2020, 03:42:13 pm
Q&A Floor (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 03, 2020, 07:56:32 pm
How's The Heart? Countdown 2 (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 04, 2020, 07:11:51 pm
Harvest - Countdown 3 (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 05, 2020, 06:55:13 pm
Procession - Countdown 4 (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 06, 2020, 08:22:25 pm
Pan - Countdown 5 (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 07, 2020, 08:01:20 pm
Endlessness - Countdown 6 (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 08, 2020, 08:03:45 pm
Tribal - Countdown 7 (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 08, 2020, 08:05:52 pm
Tuomas Q&A (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 09, 2020, 08:27:37 pm
Shoemaker - Countdown 8 (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 10, 2020, 03:55:26 pm
Para oír el album entero (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 11, 2020, 06:13:46 pm
Instagram sessions (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 17, 2020, 03:38:46 pm
En enero!

Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 19, 2020, 07:02:53 pm
In the genre of symphonic metal, there's Nightwish, and then there's everyone else. Since their inception in the mid-90s, the band has commanded the symphonic and power metal scenes with their expansive use of orchestral elements that transcend the usual "let's just put synthesizer orchestral hits on everything" approach of most bands of the genre, as well as their mix of operatic vocals with powerful rock singing. It's an approach that has worked beautifully for them going on a quarter of a century now, but to say that the band's style has never progressed would also be a lie, as a few lineup changes, particularly in the vocal department, have ushered in changes to their style as well. On the band's last album, 2015's "Endless Forms Most Beautiful", the band debuted vocalist Floor Jansen (ex-After Forever, Ayreon, Star One) and took on a slightly more "progressive" persona, culminating in the album's 24-minute closing saga "The Greatest Show on Earth", a rousing epic about the majesty and mystery of life itself. "Human Nature" (or the more stylized "Human. :II: Nature.") can almost be thought of as an album-long expansion on that idea, both in terms of its music and its lyrical themes.

"Music" kicks off the record in an extraordinarily epic fashion, with a three-minute symphonic intro before the vocals kick in, the track cinematically swelling up in volume and intensity, with melodies that are both captivating and infectious, as well as a rather short but sweet guitar solo (a rarity in Nightwish songs, in contrast to other bands in the genre). "Noise" is classic Nightwish through and through, with a fast-paced, riffy arrangement that lays a bed for orchestral and choral elements, but in a bit more of a straightforward metal-oriented setting that shows Floor singing with all the power we expect from her. There are some great details that come up in the track, as well, such as an orchestral interlude section that has the band shift time signatures, and even a bit of "lead bass" playing, as well as one of the album's heaviest riffs. "Shoemaker" plays with the idea of typical rock song structures, with a meter-shifting verse section and additional bridges, before a spoken-word section leading into an outro featuring Floor singing in more of a traditional operatic soprano style, something which she does a lot more sparingly than Nightwish singers of the past. Perhaps the album's biggest diversion is "Harvest", a folky number that's sung by multi-instrumentalist Troy Donockley, which is certain to catch many long-time Nightwish fans off-guard, but is a track that, on repeated listens, gets more and more under your skin with its absolutely gorgeous chorus, and its mix of Celtic folk instruments and metal elements in its instrumental mid-section. "Pan" brings us back into a more "classic Nightwish" mood a la "Wishmaster" or a more recent hit like "Bye Bye Beautiful" with its shuffled rhythm, orchestral stabs and soft verse/loud chorus dynamic. "How's the Heart" is a more straightforward rocker of a track that showcases Troy's uilleann pipe skills well in the context of a hard rock tune. "Procession" is a more dynamic track that builds up over time, showcasing the band's more progressive tendencies with sections in 7/8 time and Mike Oldfield-esque piano and bagpipes. "Tribal", on the other hand, is the album's heaviest tune, with some very impressive tom work from drummer Kai Hahto, and a tribal chanting section unlike anything Nightwish has done before, save for maybe their work on "Creek Mary's Blood" which also featured a very strong Native American theme. "Endlessness" is the second song on the album to feature predominantly male vocals, this time from bassist Marco Heitala, and carries with it a feel more akin to old-school progressive metal like early Pain of Salvation or Scenes From a Memory-era Dream Theater, but without all the instrumental noodling. The second disc of the album is "All the Works of Nature Which Adorn the World", and it's a bit of an odd diversion from the rest of the record. While Nightwish is often known for including bonus discs with orchestral versions of their songs, this time, the band has opted to include a disc of completely original orchestral material unrelated to the rest of the songs, though there are melodic motifs throughout the piece that are reminiscent of songs from the first disc. It's one continuous piece split into various sections, and its cinematic orchestral sound will absolutely please fans of groups like Two Steps from Hell, but fans who expected more "Nightwish" on it might be disappointed to hear a complete lack of guitars, drums, bass, and anything more than wordless chanting from Floor, though the final section, "Ad Astra", does include a reading of Carl Sagan's "Pale Blue Dot" speech by actress Geraldine James, and brings the piece to a stunningly rousing conclusion, though it's a bit of a slog to get to that point if you're not accustomed to the style of music.

The mixing job on the record is nice and clean, considering how grandiose Nightwish's music tends to be, and the way some of the elements of this record actually stand out despite the huge number of layers is refreshing, like how you can clearly hear Marco Heitala's bass playing through most of the record (and his tone on the album is insanely good throughout). Guitarist Emppu Vuorinen's riffs cut through the mix well, too, and while he plays far fewer guitar solos than his power metal contemporaries, when he does, they're very good. Tuomas Holopainen's keyboard work is surprisingly varied on the record, as well, showing his use of traditional piano sounds as well as more modern synth sounds. The real star of the show is Troy Donockley, though, whose work with various Celtic folk instruments has really transformed Nightwish's sound over their past several records, and his permanent membership in the band has given him a lot more room to play around with his bagpipes, flutes, and even stringed instruments like the bouzouki, which gets a workout on "Harvest". With this being Kai Hahto's first album as a full-time member, he also gets several standout drum moments, like his work on "Harvest" and "Tribal", and his effortless shifting through various time signatures adds a lot of prog credibility to the band.

Lyrics — 9
On "Human Nature", the band tackles what it means to be human, as well as more "meaning of life" topics, with its lyrics. Of course, "Music" speaks of humanity's exploration of artistic expression, particularly the form in the title, and how it has been central to countless generations of humanity ("Then you came/I joined you beyond the aeons/As you blew your cave bear bone/And began to hum/Eradicate the torment of a heavy heart/Emancipate the deaf/Sing the graceful third part/Then orchestrate an air for only you to sing/Caress it deep/It`s always there to unlock the stars/To enter"). While some may see "Noise" as a rant against technology, it deals more with the addiction element of it, and seeks to remind us that we are still human beings with a connection to nature ("By a carrion/Sad hologram/Lost in the maze/The real and human feel/Sunset is free/From this deity/The Earth has a real voice/Go out and get in"). While one may picture a tale of a cobbler with "Shoemaker", the track is actually a tribute to geologist and planetary scientist Eugene Shoemaker (the astronomy nerds in the crowd might recognize his name as being related to the discovery of the Levy-Shoemaker comet, whose impact on Jupiter that was one of the biggest astronomy stories of the 1990s), and features a reading of a section of Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet" by Johanna Kurkela, wife of keyboardist Tuomas Holopainen. In "Harvest", multi-instrumentalist Troy Donockley takes the lead vocal reins and sings perhaps the album's biggest thematic tie-together moment, about humanity's place in the universe, and the chorus brings a real "meaning of life" sentiment to it ("Join the harvest of hundred fields/Hearty and tame/All going back to one single grain/Offer light to the coming day/Inspire a child/Water the field, surrender to the earth"). "Endlessness" is very much a "circle of life" type of message, telling us that death is as necessary as life ("Soon, beyond the fields you've come to know/You will join the silent flow/Follow me, I am the spark/At the end of everything/Tip the Reaper to ensure/The blade is sharp/As soon we'll go/Follow me into the dark/To the birth of everything").

While the album was not intended to be a concept album, per se, the lyrics tying together the human experience with that of its place in the natural world provide a very strong thematic link between the songs, and like so many pieces by Nightwish, the combination of the strong thematic link and cinematic music makes "Human Nature" feel like one grand story arc. Helping along with this is the delivery of the lyrics, and they are predominantly done by Floor Jansen, on her second album with the band. While she is known more for her powerful voice, she does have some very varied performances on here, from incredibly tender vocal moments to more traditional operatic soprano singing, and the amount of variety in her vocal performances are sure to impress. There are always at least one or two male vocal performances on each Nightwish album, and they are almost always done by bassist Marco Hietala, and he does sing on the track "Endlessness", though this album also introduces multi-instrumentalist Troy Donockley as a lead vocalist for the band on the track "Harvest", whose softer vocal style is perfect for the more pastoral folk moments, though he can still hold his own in the heavier choruses toward the end of the song, with Floor and Marco backing him. His performance might shock some Nightwish fans, but after repeated listens, it's very easy to come to love it.

Overall Impression — 9
With its greater emphasis on musical complexity, folk instrumentation, high-concept lyricism, and variety, "Human Nature" may very well be Nightwish's most experimental and "progressive" record to date. This may incense some long-time fans who simply want them to repeat the successes of albums like "Wishmaster" or "Once", but the essence of what Nightwish is can still be found throughout this entire record, and the more experimental vibe really suits the band well. While the second disc's purely orchestral work might not be to everyone's taste, it also stands as a very interesting experiment for the band, and their ambition in doing so is admirable.

If you enjoy more experimental and progressive symphonic metal but have often passed on Nightwish's music, you might not want to sleep on this album, because it's definitely ambitious in all the places that count, and unless you're a Nightwish fan that's completely averse to change, this album is a highly recommended listen, and a testament to why Nightwish remain at the top of the heap in the symphonic metal genre.
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 24, 2020, 07:36:23 pm
The beetle, discovered in 2018 is called the Tmesisternus floorjansenae. Originally growing up wanting to become a biologist, this is a long-held dream fulfilled. Abandoning the books, she fell into rock ‘n’ roll stardom at the tender age of sixteen; with a booming, powerful voice such as hers, it was more like destiny. If you’re into European metal even at the slightest, you’ve likely heard her: probably as a guest on an Ayreon rock opera; or on the harsher side with ReVamp, or her original band After Forever. She is true Euro metal royalty with unparalleled pedigree.

enter shikari hysteria

Becoming Nightwish’s permanent frontwoman over a half-decade ago, she’s made the role her very own. Tackling evolution and science on 2015’s Endless Forms Most Beautiful and now humanity and nature with HUMAN .II. NATURE, it really is like she’s taken part in the greatest show on Earth. Her Earth, anyway. Taking a call in her countryside home in Sweden as her young child plays nearby, we ask Floor about her latest opus with Nightwish. In return, she gives us her innermost thoughts on life, nature, and what’s happening to the world right now. Something we should all take heed of.

Hysteria: It’s been a long time between Finlandia for Nightwish. What have you been doing? What was the feeling finding out Tuomas had new songs?

Floor: I made a record as a project that I released, made a child, did two world tours. Of course, it was super, super nice to work on new material with Nightwish again. I knew that we needed this time to get these battery loaded for new albums of Nightwish. Tuomas did his own project, then you immediately get curious like, “what is he writing? What is he coming up with?”

Tuomas is the composer and arranger, but how do you lend your ideas to the project?

Well, yeah, he’s one that’s writes all the songs, so he has an idea of how things are supposed to become and sound like. But my input really comes in the interpretation of the songs, how to sing and what kind of emotion is going to come into this and that isn’t my way of doing things, which in that sense is unique. So that’s my contribution.

When we get to the rehearsal studio, nothing is fundamentally changed, it’s in the details really. Change a minor to a major chord. And all of a sudden something really changes. Massive inputs from Troy, Marko with me for the backing vocals or I’m more the one singing then the guys are really good in coming up with harmony. Seeing if there’s a possibility of actually doing that live instead having a lot of back and forth running along on tape. So that is something that we really worked on together and every song has a different vibe. So it comes with a different backing, vocal approach as well. Give a drummer something that’s drummed by machine. Of course when he starts to play it, he’ll play it his way and that immediately becomes different and a unique sound that you leave but no one else can do. And that’s where we come in.

trivium hysteria

This album is about humanity and how it fits into nature. Is it a different experience to get into the mindset for these songs, as opposed to what you’ve done before?

Yeah, obviously it’s different to play songs with a new album. And this surely is an album where I’ve been singing all from the get go. The difference there is way bigger than the difference in subject. It’s a bit easier to get into lyrics where you feel, where you know more about it, or you’re personally attached to the subject. For this album, for me, it’s is easier to tap into than singing about swords and dragons. Then again there are not too many of those lyrics in Nightwish anyway. Tuomas has a beautiful poetic way of telling a story and I’ve always found it very easy to tap into the right emotion of those songs.

The second part of the album is an instrumental. Well not quite instrumental; it has vocals, but no lyrics. What was your reaction when Tuomas unveiled that?

Well, we were curious forom the get go. If somebody would’ve told me 15 years ago, you’re going to be sitting in a band where the band composer is going to write a song, where the band’s not going to play everything? I would probably say that that’s a weird thing to do, but this is Nightwish and this Tuomas, his style of writing. For some reason, it made sense. In the end of course we know what he could do. So when he says something like that, we get excited. It’s not an instrumental, it’s a classical suites so there’s voices on it. I’m singing on it. There’s choir on it, but it’s not a Nightwish track as in a band track. You can call it a classical suite.

    I really think this from this misery will come something good, because I think this is a global wake-up call.
    [ Floor Jansen ]

You’ve been involved in bands since you were sixteen, as part of After Forever. You’ve done heaps of guest spots, been in so many bands-how have you evolved as an artist and a person?

Yeah, I guess we all evolve as a person to start with though. So you have more to tell. I’ve learned the biggest difference between myself and the younger age and now is that if I find it easier to let the emotions through, I felt them before. But to really communicate them as well, that’s a different thing to really make somebody else feel what you’re singing. It’s tricky, a fine line to cross. If there’s anything that really changed or improved in that sense, it’s that.

Now that tours are being cancelled left, right, and centre, is there any plans for Nightwish to get out on the road? Or is it all up to fate now? I can’t imagine Nightwish half-assing…well, anything.

[laughs] The band which doesn’t really do things on the spot, no. We were supposed to start a world tour last week, right after the release. We were supposed to fly to funny enough, China. First time to start a world tour where there and the timing could not have been worse, but of course, so I’m not in China. Then we were supposed to go to South America, Russia and then the summer festivals here in Europe and North America in September and Europe and North in October, November, sorry, and December. I have no idea what’s going to happen. Obviously China’s not happening, South America’s not happening. Russia’s not happening. The Netherlands at least just announced that every festival for rest of the summer will be cancelled, and I expect the rest of Europe to do the same. Obviously the U.S. is a total nightmare and I don’t think things will be peachy by the time it’s September. I just hope that we can do our European tour.

As for coming back to Australia, it was in the pipeline. For the second half of the tour. But I have no idea because everything is constantly shifting.

Have you explored doing the whole “gig from home” thing that’s becoming rather popular?

Well, no.  The way I look at it, I think, “A for effort”, but I don’t think it’s that cool. So I don’t really see us doing that, but I can imagine us doing something. It all depends on how things evolve because we already live in three different countries, so as long as we can fly, we can’t really do anything as a band together. Something like play an empty venue. So we need to really wait for a bit and I’m very happy that at least we released a new album. So we’re providing people with the best of material possible. We can’t travel to see each other, so we have to take it as it comes.

I can hear birds chirping all over the place. You must live somewhere quite nice.

Absolutely. In the countryside. Not a neighbour in sight. It’s a sunny day. We don’t get much sunshine so we have to make the most of it!

Can we swap?

[laughs] What time is it there?

It’s about six in the evening. You?

Nine thirty in the morning. You’ve already had your Wednesday.

I have. The future…is pretty boring. But, what can you to do?

[pauses] Well, I really think this from this misery will come something good, because I think this is a global wake-up call. And I don’t mean that in a doomy, apocalyptic way, but I mean in a wake-up call that we’ve must realise that it’s a fact that we overpopulate countries, and a virus will come because that’s nature. And that it’s an amazing fact that we don’t realise, and this is way more shocking than the fact that we were not prepared for it. It’s way more shocking than the realisation of this simple fact. How can it be that we didn’t prepare ourselves for this? How could it be that not a single government on the planet has an organised protocol for these kinds of situations.

I think things will really change. We have to think a little bit harder in how we continue from this point forward because we’re part of nature. It’s what I really like with this album because it really taps into this theme, but from a loving perspective. We are part of nature, so we better start acting a bit more accordingly. Because we’re fine as long as we do that, we still are. We haven’t screwed up entirely. There’s still a chance, but the time is now, and this virus I think shows us this fact more. I don’t like the doom talking of Greta Thunberg, saying we shouldn’t have any more child births. But I do really think that for us all it’s time to look again in how we do things. Because the only way for a proper survival is that, and then there’s beauty.

That’s interesting you say that. I think a lot of people are shocked because we’ve tried so hard to conquer nature and then nature shows us that no, we really haven’t. Perhaps more people will realise that.

Yeah, I really hope so. The governments and the bigger companies really move forward with this knowledge; this was a wake-up call, nothing more. It doesn’t account for all the people that has already lost their lives from this virus. However, there is still plenty of time left to rethink our ways.
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 02, 2020, 06:24:25 pm
Q&A Floor (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 16, 2020, 06:21:54 pm
Tracey Moyle:  Hi Floor, thank you for taking the time out to talk to Silver Tiger Media.

Floor Jansen: Sure, glad to do so. It’s wonderful to speak to Australia again.

TM:  Congratulations on the success of Human :||: Nature for Nightwish.

FJ:  Thank you.

TM:  I’m looking forward to talking about the new album but firstly, and I guess this time is a pretty strange topical moment in our lives. I hope you and everyone you know is well.  And that you are all coping with the current state the world is in.

FJ:  Yes we are all healthy at least. We’re coping well. It’s a shitty situation to be in but we’re trying to see the positive of it and just very grateful to have the most important thing there is to have at the moment and that is our good health.  The rest is shit but its just time.  If we can survive all this then the world will go on as it does.

TM:  Not taking away from all of the terrible things that are happening I am hoping there will be a lot of positive changes and things that come out of this with human nature itself as well as the environment.

FJ:  I hope so, I really hope so. I think this was a wake up call that needed to come unfortunately.  Hopefully it inspires the world leaders and bigger companies to change their ways fundamentally. 

TM:  I agree.  Just to see that things can be better, but that is a whole other environmental conversation.

FJ:  I agree.  I agree. (laughs)

TM:  At the beginning of the year you went on a sold out solo tour.  Did you manage to complete the tour before the virus closed venues?

FJ:  No, unfortunately no. All the big stuff that I still had lined up is all postponed.

I booked a few smaller shows because I didn’t know what I could do with it.  I sold them out, the few smaller ones, I sold them out.  Then I added that one big show that I sold out also in a day, and that big show I haven’t done.  It doesn’t seem possible it will happen this year so hopefully I can move them to the next. But of course, all the Nightwish stuff is also moving, so it was already a miracle that these things could coexist but I have no idea for the future how I’m going to do that because I can’t really tell Nightwish to not book a show on a date that I have, it doesn’t work like that for a band of our size so lets see what happens.  I’m grateful for the things that I have been doing and the ball has started to roll in my home country its still rolling so it’s wonderful to see.  We’ll take it as it comes from there.

TM:  It’s great that you have your own solo work.  There was a big gap between Nightwish albums. 

FJ:  Well, it’s not because I had solo work, it’s because the band wanted a break. It’s because we went on a world tour without making a record. So it has nothing to do with my solo aspirations.  I didn’t really have the ambition to start with to do anything solo but I got asked to do this TV show (“Beste Zangers” (“Best Singers”)), which is a huge thing in the Netherlands to do. It’s all about music where I can show off who I am and what I do and I did that only with the desire to bring awareness to the Dutch audience that Metal is not only what they think it is. It has a very bad reputation, people think its noise and it’s not for them.  They had no idea that Nightwish can bring so much more nuance to the content.  And that was openly welcomed and from that, my solo career started to occur which was not something I ambitioned or seemingly had time for. So I manage to squeeze in a few shows and from there it just rolled on you know, kind of out of control.   Now something has really happened it would be stupid to not do anything with it and the funny thing is with this pandemic though, is I can not tour but I can write. And had I not been in this situation where I came into last year I probably wouldn’t write. I wouldn’t see the need of it and now it feels like I have a purpose for the ideas I’ve been building up in my head for the last few years.  Because I have not been writing for years and that is just a lovely thing I think.  Once again I can’t really play anything at the moment but its nice to be creative for something like this.

TM:  Do you find that by doing solo work and tapping in and keeping in touch with your own creativity, going out on your own maybe you bring back your truest version of yourself to the band?

FJ:  Well I don’t need to bring anything back because its always been there, but it taps into a different type of my creativity because I’ve always been writing and I don’t do that in Nightwish but there I allure to use my song writing skills or my creative skills in a different way because when you have a band with such a master songwriter I don’t really feel any need to come in and say ‘ Hey I had this melody in my head’, so I come in differently there and I feel very satisfied with what I can do.   Like I said, it’s never been an ambition to get the solo thing moving like this, it just happened and I now can use the creative thing but it doesn’t feel like I built up the desire to do that really like, ‘Oh man I don’t like what I’m doing in Nightwish I really miss that’, that’s the different perspective.

TM:  The master songwriter you are talking about is of course Tuomas Holopainen.  The new album Human :||: Nature is absolutely epic. It deserves all the success it has had so far in such a short time from its release.   It’s a beautiful album, it’s grounding and uplifting at the same time.

FJ:  Nice, that’s nice to hear.

TM:  I’ve been listening too the album a lot over the last week and from the second I heard it, it resonated with me perfectly.  Musically it’s broad and incredibly complex in the most wonderful way.  You should be very proud of it.

FJ:  Wow, Thank you.  We are.  It’s lovely to hear these compliments about it that it moved you so much.  It’s wonderful. Thank you.

TM:  I love the way you have such control over your vocals, almost in a theatrical way, it’s something that I find such a skill.  Do you have a continual practise that keeps you vocally fit or in control or is this an amazing natural ability?

FJ:  I sing every day but not train every day.  But I think it’s a combination of being born with just a really fine set of vocal chords and extensive training that I’ve done in my early years.  I have studied for many years and have been extremely careful with my vocal chords and so the whole apparatus seems pretty well conditioned.   But it’s still a growing thing you know. Its like you don’t stop working ever so I’m ready to find out new sounds, I’m ageing so your body’s changing and along comes more things in the voice somehow, I find that its just getting richer.

TM:  In the opening track Music, your vocals are so precisely varied I imagine you would need to submerse yourself into the song itself to perfect that?

FJ:  Oh god, surely with the fist track, because the melody is so insanely difficult it has to be sung so meticulous or else it just starts to float and it becomes chaotic and it misses the beautiful flow of it.  It’s a find line there if you sing it too perfect it becomes emotionless.  So exactly in that song I had to really dissect it.  First I had to learn the melody, then I had to learn to sing the melody, then I had to sing it so much that it became muscle memory so I don’t need to think about everything all the time.  From there you can start to add – ‘what am I singing’, ‘what is it about’, ‘what is the emotion behind the song’, ‘what is the story in this part and in that part’ and ‘what is the meaning of all the words’.  Yeah, that was some work, for sure. But it was a lovely challenge because I can’t remember being that challenged as I have been in that album, in a long time; to really, really, really practise, to get it right. “

TM:  Well you stood up to the challenge, you sing that song like a master storyteller tells a tale. It’s absolutely beautiful.

FJ:  Oh wow, thank you.
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 18, 2020, 07:51:54 pm
Floor @ La Magia Absalón (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 01, 2020, 07:48:56 pm
Sadly no Nevski & The Prospects in Oulu yet, but we are happy to announce that we'll play @Qstock (Oulu, Finland) in 2021!
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 06, 2020, 05:21:20 pm
Peculiar times spawn peculiar ideas, and that`s exactly what our beloved Crew has been up to lately!
"Crewish - Unemployed Blacksmiths" features their interpretations of five Nightwish songs, everything played, sung and recorded by them, and it`s something guaranteed to put a big smile on your face.
Our branch of industry has been struck hard by the recent events, and if you wish to support our Crew in a tangible way, please join us and get your copy of this once-in-a-lifetime album now. Available only from Nightwish Shop.
All the profits from this album will go directly to our technicians, the band or the record label will not touch a cent.
Thanks, and stay safe everybody.
- Tuomas Holopainen
Support now 🛍 - (out 18.09.2020)

Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 06, 2020, 05:27:18 pm
We are happy to confirm we are confirmed for next year's Rock Fest Bcn 🇪🇸!! Looking forward to it!
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 10, 2020, 03:50:17 pm
Oct 1, 2021 - LA (CA)
Oct 2, 2021 - LA (CA)
Oct 5, 2021 - NYC
Oct 7, 2021 - Lowell (MA)

All previously bought LA & NYC tickets are valid to the new dates. TORONTO show will be cancelled and refunded.
These will be the only NA shows in 2021.
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 14, 2020, 07:55:17 pm
𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕻𝖍𝖆𝖓𝖙𝖔𝖒 𝖔𝖋 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝕺𝖕𝖊𝖗𝖆⁣
After an unofficial video crossing 70 million views, we decided to upload it ourselves for you to enjoy in full proper quality! ENJOY (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 16, 2020, 08:29:19 pm
Instagram Live (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 27, 2020, 04:49:49 pm
Floor Finds (ft Alissa White-Gluz) (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 04, 2020, 12:50:38 pm
European Tour 2021 (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 05, 2020, 04:15:44 pm
Sleeping Sun (Crewish Version) (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 29, 2020, 10:10:03 pm
Multiple bands have severed ties with concert booker and First Row Talent owner John Finberg. The fallout came after MetalSucks posted an extremely detailed article filled with accusations of sexual assault, harassment, racism, bullying and ripping off bands.

The article alleges Finberg attempted to trade sexual favors with female musicians in return for helping their bands, threatening to blacklist them from the music industry if they did not comply. Other accusations include force-feeding a woman alcohol until she was hospitalized, threatening bands with fake lawsuits and, bullying Tengger Cavalry’s Nature Ganganbaigal for his mental health issues. Finberg went so far as telling Nature he should kill himself in a July 2018 email. The 29-year-old musician died by suicide in June 2019.

Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 02, 2020, 06:13:12 pm
The Poet And The Pendulum (Official Live) (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 03, 2020, 03:53:38 pm
Amaranth (Crewish version) (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 20, 2020, 05:36:30 pm
Yours Is An Empty Hope @ Mexico (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 28, 2020, 04:23:59 pm
Earlier this year, Nightwish
did something incredible for nature 🦋

This week, our CEO Dr Jonathan Barnard and Pati Ruiz Corzo and Roberto Pedraza Ruiz from our partner Grupo Ecológico Sierra Gorda IAP
will tell singer Floor Jansen
what the band’s support has achieved for a forest like no other in Mexico.

Tune in to Floor’s Instagram profile this Friday at 16:00 UK time to watch the live chat 👉
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 31, 2020, 07:01:40 pm
World Trust Livestream (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 01, 2020, 06:04:00 pm
Rock 1/1 w/ Kai Hahto (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 02, 2020, 03:53:27 pm
Sadly, due to the situation we are all aware of, we are forced to reschedule some of our world tour dates once more.

10.09  RU - St.Petersburg, A2
12.09  RU - Moscow, Crocus City Hall
14.09  UK - Kiev, Stereoplaza
16.09  BY - Minsk, Falcon Club
Support: @BIB_band
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 04, 2020, 04:46:23 pm
We are happy to announce that we will be playing the @swedenrockfest next year!  You can check for more information! Take care!
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 06, 2020, 03:43:06 pm
( ;))
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 07, 2020, 03:59:03 pm
Ever Dream (Live in Vancouver 2015) (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 13, 2020, 06:46:40 pm
Elvenjig/ Elvenpath (Live @ Bogotá) (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 17, 2020, 04:34:00 pm
Show virtual (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 17, 2020, 05:00:13 pm
Friday and Saturday, March 12-13th, 2021 we will perform at The Islanders Arms, a tavern built in virtual reality. You will get to hear songs from ”Human. :II: Nature.” live for the first time.
This will be a full-length live experience with differing sets on both nights.
You can join the show on your computers or mobile devices and watch the stream. You can also create an avatar and interact & react with gestures, cheers, emojis, and chat with other fans. You can even dress up your avatar with Nightwish merchandise!
Tickets are available right now at!
On top of this, we offer an exclusive T-shirt bundle which is available for Europe only.
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 21, 2020, 10:30:48 pm
It’s been eight years since Floor Jansen joined Nightwish, and in that time her already considerable star has only risen further. In 2020, she remains one of the most recognisable women in metal: a supreme talent and fascinating personality who has helped Nightwish into their most successful years ever. An unlikely career path for someone who originally just wanted to be a biologist and hang out with a ton of animals…

I never stood still as a child

“My dad was an ambitious man, so if there was a business opportunity, a better job to get, he would move. Let’s not forget that in those days there were no cellphones; it’s not like you could stay in touch through that, so if you moved you basically would never see [your friends] again. I don’t know what it would be like to grow up in one place and make friends there that you keep for life. I’m married to a man who has had that. Today he had one of his best friends over that he knows from primary school – now we have kids, they have kids of the same age and that kind of stuff. I think that’s romantic to me. But maybe because I moved too much, it was easy for me to emigrate [away from the Netherlands later in life]. I still miss people, but it’s easy for me to adapt to places, and put a value on actual friends that last.”
The only constant is change

“Life is flexible. I wouldn’t want to teach my daughter that the way that things are at the moment are the way things are for life, because it’s not. Life will change constantly, and I think it’s very healthy that it does. Sometimes people need to get out of their comfort zones to keep their energy going, to not fall asleep on the spot. Safety is a very strong thing in our human nature, but from where I’m standing I think it’s a good thing to get out of that comfort zone.”

I wanted to be a biologist

“It was my love for nature. That’s not something that came when I joined Nightwish, I’ve had it since I was a kid. I feel very strongly connected to it, and to the wellbeing of everything around me that lives and breathes, including plants and trees and, of course, animals. I didn’t really understand what a biologist does; I just wanted to work with nature, be a part of it and understand it better.”
The Gathering changed music

“They were life-changing. They came on the radio with Strange Machines from their album Mandylion. They really kickstarted quite a bit [of a movement] in the Netherlands and around there after. [After Forever] happened to start around the same time as Within Temptation. Nightwish were before us but still beginning to reach internationally around the same time. But, for me, the thought that I could sing in a metal band had never occurred to me before The Gathering.”

It wasn’t hard to become a vegetarian

“It was very easy for me to give up eating meat – a longer thought about what’s happening to the animals that need to be mass-produced to feed this human race. It’s not fair to them. I am not against eating other animals, but I don’t like the way we keep them, or the things we have to artificially make in order for them to not have mass disease outbreaks.”
Although hunting is actually cool

“Since I moved to Sweden and I basically live in the woods, I’ve learned a lot about hunting, which is still a very difficult subject for a lot of people, and especially people who are not close to nature. The closer you get to nature, the more part of it you become, and in nature, other animals hunt. In Sweden, as an example, they hunt to preserve the species. It all has to be done with a quick death, no suffering, it’s very important that they don’t suffer. The people that do it have a great love and respect for nature and the animals. And I gladly have a part of that – it turns out I am quite a good shooter! Though I would never actually go into the woods and hunt…”
Having a beetle named after me was unexpected

“That was weird! Ha ha ha! It’s special! That’s another connection back to nature, but yeah, fantastic, a real honour. There is now a tiny little bug [Tmesisternus floorjansenae], just a centimetre long, that has part of my name, just because the biologist loves my music so much. That’s exactly how it went! Ha!”
My daughter probably has metal in her DNA

“But we love music in its diversity, so she’s grown up with all kinds of stuff. Old McDonald Had A Farm is still way more popular than metal for her. You’ve gotta start with the classics!”
And if she wants to be a musician, we’ll be there

“We’re dreading that day because we know the struggles [Floor’s husband is Sabaton drummer Hannes van Dahl]. But if she has a talent for it she just needs to go and do it and believe in herself. Stay behind yourself, even when things are getting hard. It’s nice that mum and dad have some experience in it, but she needs to have her own back if she wants to really make it.”
Being famous is weird

“We moved to a very remote area in Sweden a year and a half ago and we didn’t really tell anybody anything about us. We think it must have been the previous owners who told people of the area who we were, because we thought that we had anonymously snuck in! The truck that helped us move emptied and left, and then this tractor came up to the property. A guy came out and was like, ‘Hey, I’m one of your neighbours – we heard that the Nightwish singer and the drummer from Sabaton just moved in, so I just thought I’d come and say hi and introduce myself!’ So, it was obvious that everybody knows, but maybe that gave us a good start because they’re all very cool people and we get along just fine.”
I was on a Dutch show called Best Voices

“It’s a show about the best singers of the Netherlands, people that have already had a career. People are put together on an island, and we go and play each other’s music to each other. Every singer came with a list of favourite songs, and the others picked one of those that they’ll sing as much as possible in their own style – and we all had very different styles! There was an opera singer who I did Phantom Of The Opera with, there was a pop singer, a singer-songwriter, a partially Dutch and partially Latin American guy who does reggaeton, a rock guy who I actually did know… it was a super-wild mix of people, all coming with different styles of music. It was a challenge for me, but I thought it was a huge opportunity for me to join and give the Dutch people an insight into my world without scaring them away. And that really worked! The way that the Netherlands is perceiving me has changed, and doors have definitely been opened.”
Certain interview questions can annoy me

“What I’m sick and tired of in interviews is when I have to answer a question that has already been partially answered by the person doing the interview. A question that’s asked with, ‘You must be feeling…’ and then comes an assumption. ‘I can really imagine it was difficult to write this album…’ OK, so the question is…? Assuming emotions and assuming things... I’m sick and tired of [interviewers] steering [me] into the direction of the answer..”
I'm not sure why Nightwish connect with so many people

“There must be something in the atmosphere in the music that goes beyond complexity or the genre. There’s something that has been connecting people to the band, and still does. We’re still growing! I do think that the songwriting is really, really good, even when it’s complex. I think people are open-minded to it – just because the radio thinks they need to feed the audience three-minute songs, it doesn’t mean that everybody in the world can’t deal with more. Maybe people find it refreshing when it goes a little bit beyond that. People can naturally feel when it’s good music. But, everything still needs to work. The stars need to be aligned, and then there’s hard work and [us having] great love for what we do.” 

Published in Metal Hammer #336
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 24, 2020, 04:17:48 pm
Dark Chest Of Wonders (Jukka's last show) (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 08, 2021, 04:30:11 pm
Let it Go (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 12, 2021, 04:05:54 pm
Resignation announcement from Marko:
Dear people. I am leaving Nightwish and my public life.
For a quite a few years now I haven’t been able to feel validated by this life. We have streaming company big guns demanding 9/5 work from artists of inspiration while unfairly sharing the profits. Even among the artists. We’re the banana republic of the music industry. Biggest tour promoters squeeze percentages even from our own merchandise while paying dividends to Middle East. Apparently some theocrasies can take the money from the music that would get you beheaded or jailed there without appearing as hypocrites. Just a couple of examples here.
This past year forced me to stay home and think. And I found myself very disillusioned about these and a lot of things. I found out that I am in need of that validation. For me to write, sing and play, I need to find some new reasons and inspirations. ”My Walden” so to speak. And it’s even in my book that I’m a chronic depressive. It’s dangerous for me and the people around me, if I continue. Some of the thoughts a while back were dark. Don’t worry, I’m fine. I have my two sons, a wife, the rest of the family, friends, a dog and lots of love.
And I don’t think that I’ll be gone for good.
Conspiracy is the word of the day. For the people who like them I need to say that my 55th birthday is now on 14th of Jan and I’ve certainly done my time for now. Blaming for instance Tuomas is an insult to both him and my free thinking. This is a very sad thing to all of us too. Have a care please.
But of course now we’ll know, if some go there on purpose.
There are a couple of things agreed on that I will do on 2021. Otherwise I kindly and with respect ask the media, bands, artists projects etc. to not ask me for anything within the next year. I have some reinventing to do. I hope to tell you about it on 2022. It’s not a promise though.
I am so sorry about this.
Marko Hietala
P.S. Tony Iommi is an exception to the “no contact whatsoever”. Childhood hero takes a precedence.
Marko`s resignation has left us with some difficult decisions and choices to be made. After much thought and consideration, we have, in mutual understanding, decided to perform the upcoming 'Human. :II: Nature. -world tour' as planned, but with a session bass player.
The live line-up will be announced at a later date.
We respect Marko`s decision and wish him all the very best. We will not comment any further."
(Photo credits: Sami Grunge)
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 13, 2021, 07:19:49 pm
Nightwish-band manager Ewo Pohjoa tells HS that he does not want to comment on Hietala's fast leaving the band any more than what has been said in the official press release.
According to Ewo, the name of the replacement bassist will be announced by the spring measure. Hietala's decision to leave the band at the same time means that the human planned for March. 11: The virtual concerts that begin the Nature tour will move into May as the band needs to rehearse with a new bassist. The realization of the next tour will depend entirely on how the situation regarding the corona pandemic develops in the coming months.
all the gigs happen in time, Ewo says.
The news is being updated"
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 19, 2021, 03:33:03 pm
We are returning to Ratina Stadium and Tampere! We will be playing Rockfest Tampere in June (hopefully)!

More info:
Tickets: and
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 21, 2021, 07:59:38 pm
Nightwish has been nominated for the prestigious Finnish Emma Awards in four categories!
- Album of The Year
- Band of The Year
- Metal Album of The Year
- Viewer's Choice of The Year.
Emma Gaala will be held May 14th at the Hartwall Arena.

Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 27, 2021, 04:17:36 pm
Our tour dates in China have been rescheduled to January 2022! Despite all these changes, we look forward to playing in front of you as soon as it is responsible and safe to do so.

Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 29, 2021, 04:17:50 pm
Some of you already saw this coming but due to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic we are forced to move our European tour dates to late 2021. Previously purchased tickets will remain valid for all rescheduled dates.

On top of this, we were able to announce a new date in Dublin, Ireland! 🇮🇪 This will be the second time in Nightwish history that we will play here!

AMORPHIS will be our Special Guests on this tour with support by TURMION KÄTILÖT.

17.11. 🇮🇪 IE - Dublin - 3Arena

18.11. 🇬🇧 UK - Birmingham - Resorts World Arena

22.11. 🇳🇱 NL - Amsterdam - Ziggo Dome

23.11. 🇳🇱 NL - Amsterdam - Ziggo Dome

24.11. 🇱🇺 LU - Luxembourg - Rockhal

25.11. 🇩🇪 DE - Dusseldorf - ISS Dome

27.11. 🇩🇪 DE - Leipzig - Arena

28.11. 🇵🇱 PL - Gliwice - Arena

30.11. 🇭🇺 HU - Budapest - Budapest Sportaréna

02.12. 🇩🇪 DE - Stuttgart - Hanns-Martin-Schleyer-Halle

03.12. 🇮🇹 IT - Milan - Lorenzini District

05.12. 🇩🇪 DE - Bamberg - Brose Arena

06.12. 🇨🇭 CH - Zurich - Hallenstadion

07.12. 🇫🇷 FR - Paris - AccorHotels Arena

09.12. 🇩🇪 DE - Frankfurt - Festhalle

10.12. 🇧🇪 BE - Antwerp - Lotto Arena

13.12. 🇬🇧 UK - London - SSE Arena Wembley

15.12. 🇩🇪 DE - Munich - Olympiahalle

17.12. 🇩🇪 DE - Hamburg - Barclaycard Arena

19.12. 🇦🇹 AT - Vienna - Stadthalle (Club Version)

20.12. 🇨🇿 CZ - Prague - o2 Arena

21.12. 🇩🇪 DE - Berlin - Max-Schmeling-Halle

Tickets at
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 04, 2021, 04:46:53 pm
"An Evening with Nightwish In a Virtual World” live experiences have been rescheduled due to changes in the our touring schedule. New dates are May 28 & 29, 2021.

Tickets available until
Feb 14, 11 PM CET. After this prices will go up. VIP tickets will go live at the same time.
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 07, 2021, 06:59:31 pm
The Islander (Live in Tampere) (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 06, 2021, 07:07:51 pm
Alpenglow (Live in Mexico) (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 04, 2021, 10:22:30 pm
Last Ride Of The Day @ Masters Of Rock (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 14, 2021, 04:07:20 pm
Floor operada de la vesícula

I was in the hospital last week. In Finland, where I went to rehearse with my dear brothers in Nightwish for our virtual shows next month. So incredibly great to see them after all that time (over a year!)
After the first rehearsal day I woke up to severe stomach pains and decided this was not normal. Once at the hospital I got what you call a gallstone attack. Turned out I had pains because of a huge amount of gallstones, and pancreatitis. I needed my gallbladder removed but because of the pancreatitis they couldn’t do it at once. The day after they took a scarred gallbladder out, with 15 stones in it! Emppu calls me stone henge from now on 🪨😂🪨
It turned my trip into something quite different. But I am most grateful for the amazing care I received at the hospital in Joensuu! And for all the love and support from my band and friends and family! And grateful for my own body. For taking this so well, I made a promise to take extra good care of it! 👊🏻
I’ll need to recover for a few more weeks but look forward to the virtual shows! And for spring, that is right at our doorstep 🌷☀️ 🙏🏻
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 16, 2021, 04:52:25 pm
Virtual Show Teaser (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 18, 2021, 06:58:24 pm
Breaking Absolutes Tuomas Holopainen (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 27, 2021, 05:28:25 pm
Otro concierto

Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 28, 2021, 05:21:32 pm
Win tickets to our one-of-a-kind virtual event!

The unique spectacle ”An Evening with Nightwish in a Virtual World” will take place exactly in one month!! We will spend an unforgettable evening with you at The Islanders Arms Tavern on May 28 and 29. In honor of this, we want to draw two 2-evening tickets and two VIP Europe packages 🔥

RSVP to the ”Evening with Nightwish in a Virtual World” Facebook event and tell us by commenting on this message who you’re taking with you on this remarkable journey into our virtual world 🖤

The competition is running until Sat 1st of May 1 PM CET. We will notify the winners by private message.

Competition organizer:


Facebook event:
YouTube is not associated with this contest.
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 04, 2021, 05:25:34 pm
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 05, 2021, 04:18:52 pm
Entrevista a Tuomas (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 05, 2021, 06:06:55 pm
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 12, 2021, 04:40:18 pm
Trailer (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 28, 2021, 07:28:26 pm
Jukka Koskinen will be our session bass player and join us for our Human. :||: Nature. world tour! Finally we can share the awaited news with you all!

Let's welcome
 on board!

”I couldn’t be more honoured to be part of the vehicle of spirit of Nightwish on its onward journey sharing special live moments to come on the Human. :II: Nature. - tour with all of you out there!”

Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 28, 2021, 10:34:08 pm
Setlist Virtual Show 1 (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 30, 2021, 04:22:30 pm
Setlist Virtual Show 2 (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 31, 2021, 04:52:56 pm
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 31, 2021, 04:56:26 pm
Aftermovie An Evening With Nightwish in a Virtual World (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 03, 2021, 04:58:59 pm
Kaaoszine Jukka Koskinen (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 14, 2021, 03:41:30 pm
“Once I had a dream, and this is it”.
We announce a re-release of "Once" as a remastered version with bonus tracks in the different formats. It will be out on August 6, 2021.
Pre-order your copy of "Once" (Remastered) here:
"Nostalgia is a powerful tool. I easily remember what those days surrounding the release of the record were like. The excitement, the ambition, the comradeship, the triumphant tour to come, it was all there, about to carry the band to another level, musically and journey wise."
"Once"  climbed up to #1 in the album charts in Germany, Finland, Norway and Greece, achieving triple platinum status in Finland with more than 90.000 CDs sold, triple gold status in Germany with more than 300.000 sold CDs and gold status in Switzerland, Austria and Norway.
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 15, 2021, 04:19:48 pm
Nightwish will play the Bullhead City Festival at #Wacken this September!
Click here for more Info:
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 17, 2021, 06:26:24 pm
HELLFEST 15th Annivesary!!
Clisson, France | 17-26 June 2022
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 07, 2021, 04:13:02 pm

En Oulu!!
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 07, 2021, 04:15:02 pm
Otro aplazamiento!

Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 12, 2021, 05:30:53 pm


Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 29, 2021, 05:40:09 pm
Setlist Oulu (

How's The Heart (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 31, 2021, 05:14:11 pm
Setlist Qstock (

How's The Heart (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 01, 2021, 11:17:12 pm
Setlist KuopioRock (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 03, 2021, 05:40:25 pm
La razón de por qué se ha movido Kai

People have been asking why my stage position has changed from the center to the side.  The reason is that we already found out on the previous tour that my cymbals and snare leak very much to Floor's sensitive vocal mic and make her singing much more difficult.  So the options were to put a plexi glass around the drums and start living in drum aqarium or move to the side of the stage. So i chose to move and put Tuomas in the middle.  I also took away my second crash cymbal as it was blocking the view to Tuomas and Troy which for me is more important to me during the show.  So the lesson here is: Always be a teamplayer and make your bandmates happier with your actions.   cheers!"
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 06, 2021, 05:15:11 pm
Our concert in Kaisaniemi Park on August 14 has been canceled. Unfortunately, due to the limitations of the event and the current situation, the concert cannot be carried out as planned. However, a new date and place has been found in Helsinki at the Helsinki Ice Rink on December 30, 2021.
Tuomas: "In the midst of this raging and frustrating news for you and us, it is important to remember that this peculiarity in the world will not last indefinitely. Let's stay optimistic, take care of each other, and see you again in December!"
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 20, 2021, 05:21:30 pm
Tickets go on sale August 24!! 🇫🇮 There's a very limited amount of tickets left! Note that this show is a replacement for the concert in Kaisaniemi Park that was supposed to take place August 14. All tickets from that show remain valid for this show and refunds are possible. See you there!
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 17, 2021, 04:56:22 pm
Over The Hills And Far Away @Buenos Aires (2012) (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 15, 2021, 06:51:20 pm
Oslo confirmado!!!

Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 15, 2021, 06:52:18 pm
Budapest confirmado!!

Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 22, 2021, 08:33:20 pm
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 12, 2021, 11:26:09 pm

Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 15, 2021, 04:38:10 pm
Setlist Oslo (

Noise (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 22, 2021, 04:23:38 pm
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 23, 2021, 05:39:29 pm
Toda la gira pospuesta

Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 25, 2021, 04:54:39 pm
Another day, another reschedule! Our Eastern European dates have moved!
09.11.22  RU - St. Petersburg, Yubi
10.11.22  RU - Moscow, Crocus City Hall
12.11.22  UA - Kiev, Stereoplaza
13.11.22  BY - Minsk, Falcon
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 03, 2021, 05:11:12 pm
Updated tour dates for the EU tour of 2022! Sadly, we have had to postpone our London and Antwerp show to 2022 as well.

Our shows in Finland are still happening (Tampere SOLD OUT, Helsinki tickets still available)!
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 09, 2021, 04:46:54 pm
While we are still sad from having to postpone our European Tour, we are happy to add more shows for next year!  We'll play @ilosaarirock 2022 in Joensuu, Finland!
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 11, 2021, 11:04:50 pm
IT’S HERE!  150.000 people in 108 countries joined our virtual world earlier this year – now it is available to stream! Find the concert exclusively at!
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 14, 2021, 04:32:11 pm
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 15, 2021, 06:09:05 pm
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 23, 2021, 07:49:07 pm
Our concert at the Nokia Arena in Tampere on Wednesday 29.12.2021 will be postponed to Sunday 30.1.2022 due to current covid restrictions. Ticketholders can get a refund till 10.1.2022. More information:
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 09, 2022, 05:55:01 pm
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 13, 2022, 04:51:46 pm

Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 21, 2022, 07:53:00 pm
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 28, 2022, 05:29:46 pm
We're releasing the second night of the "An Evening with Nightwish in a Virtual World" shows on DVD, March 11, 2022!  Pre-order your copy of our unique show at The Islanders Arms right now!
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 18, 2022, 07:08:34 pm
Kitee is the moonshine capital of Finland. For years, the hooch industry was this rural backwater’s most famous export. “Say Kitee to any Finnish person, and the first thing they think of is moonshine”, says Nightwish’s keyboard player and mastermind Tuomas Holopainen, a lifelong resident of the town. A look of disgust crosses his face. “I hate the stuff. It’s absolutely horrible.”

He can savour the fact that his band have overtaken nuclear-strength grog as the biggest thing to have emerged from Kitee in the last two decades. What started out as an acoustic project dreamed up around a campfire in the woods in the mid-90s has become a symphonic metal juggernaut and the most successful Finnish band ever.

There has been turbulence along the way – most notably the acrimonious firing of original singer Tarja Turunen in 2005. They hit another bump at the start of 2021 when linchpin bassist and co-vocalist Marko Hietala announced his departure. “I was totally devastated for a few days”, says Tuomas of the latter. “I was almost completely sure that this was the end of the band.”

Clearly, it wasn’t. Not only have Nightwish recruited touring replacement Jukka Koskinen, but Tuomas has been working on material for the follow-up to 2020’s Human. :||: Nature..

“Nightwish is not some dream come true for me”, he insists of the 25-year journey that has brought him here. “I wanted to be a marine biologist. I wanted to be the Indiana Jones of the seas...”

Metal Hammer line break

What were you like as a kid?

“Very introverted. I enjoyed being by myself. I was full-on into Walt Disney comics, fantasy board games, The Lord Of The Rings, all that. I had adventures in the nearby forests with my imaginary friends Huey, Dewey, Louie and Frodo Baggins. Was I a nerd? Yeah. And that still describes me pretty well.”

Were there any musicians in your family?

“My mother is a piano teacher, so that’s where I got it from. She put me into piano lessons when I was six, and then I started playing the clarinet when I was seven.”

What was the band that made you want to be a musician?

“I stayed in America in 1992 as an exchange student, and my host family took me to see Metallica and Guns N’ Roses in Kansas City in a huge football stadium. I wasn’t into heavy metal at all, but they had bought me the ticket so I went. And Metallica blew my mind. It was a turning point for me. The next week I bought all the Metallica cassettes that I could find. From then, I was completely hooked for life.”

The story goes that you conceived Nightwish around a campfire in the woods. Did that really happen?

“It happened just like that. I was spending a night at my parents’ cabin at this little island with the guys from a high school band I was in called Dismal Silence. While we were barbecuing sausages and having a few drinks, I told the other guys that I wanted to form a band because I wanted to write my own songs. I said it will be completely acoustic campfire music, and they said, ‘Yeah, go for it.’ And then a week later I joined the army.”

Did you enjoy being in the army? Did they teach you how to kill an enemy soldier with a spoon?

“Ha, no. I absolutely detested it, but it’s mandatory in Finland that all the males go to the army. You can stay there for six or nine months, or go to the civil service, which takes at least 12 months. I decided to take the short path and try my luck entering the military band. You had to do all the shit with the guns and all that for eight weeks, but luckily I spent the next seven months playing about 300 shows and marches with the band.”

Do you ever wonder what would have happened if they’d have sent you to a war zone?

“I would have lost my mind because I can’t handle guns. I hate them more than anything. I believe in self- defence, so I’m not a pacifist in that sense. I’m just very anti-gun, except for sport and hunting. I can’t understand the laws in the US, for where you can actually buy a gun without a background check for self-defence. It’s just so absurd.”

(Image credit: Press)
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Finland doesn’t have a great track record for producing world-famous bands. Did that make you determined to be successful?

“No, that was never the ambition. I read about [famed undersea explorer] Jacques Cousteau when I was six, and I wanted to be a marine biologist. Even during the formation of Nightwish, I was studying to become an environmental scientist. That lasted about five months before I quit my studies, moved back to live with my parents and borrowed money from my dad to buy a new keyboard. But there was never a big ambition in Nightwish: ‘We have to sell this many records... we have to sell out Wembley Arena.’”

You sang on a few tracks on the first Nightwish album. With respect, you’re not the greatest singer. Did anyone tell you at the time that it might not be the best idea?

“Yeah, I did. When I wrote those parts for a male voice, I was hoping that we could ask somebody like Timo Kotipelto from Stratovarius or maybe Jukka [Nevalainen, original Nightwish drummer], because he used to sing in a school choir, but none of them agreed to do it. So I just had to do it in the end. When I listen to it now, it sounds quite innocent, but it taught me a lesson.”

When Nightwish were starting out, you worked as a teacher. Did the kids know you were an aspiring rock star?

“I was completely broke, so I got this job as a stand-in teacher in the local high school. I was there for about two years. My main job was to take care of a girl in a wheelchair – I’d take her to class, take her to eat, all that. But whenever teachers got sick, they would call and say, ‘Can you replace me for a day?’ I have absolutely no qualifications for that, but they gave me notes, so it would be OK. It’s funny meeting those students, ’cos they’re 35, 40 years old now.”

You came close to splitting the band and quitting music early on, after you fired your original bassist, Sami Vänskä. Do you ever wonder what your life would be like if you had gone through with that?

“I would have gone back to university and continued with my studies as a biologist. I really would have – that was what I was going to do. But I was on a hike with my friend Tony [Kakko, Sonata Arctica singer], and he said, ‘If you quit now, you will regret it for the rest of your life.’ He also told us that we needed to hire a manager, because myself and Jukka were managing the band. That was awful, booking shows and taking care of contracts without anyone watching our backs. So we hired a manager who we could trust, and that made all the difference.”

2004’s Once was the album that took you to another level. What was it like being in Nightwish at that point?

“It was one of the best eras of the band. We were at the right place at the right time. The metal scene in Finland was rising massively: Him, The Rasmus, Lordi, all these were becoming really big. We were riding that wave, but also we made our strongest album by then. We spent a lot of money, but I remember being really confident that it wouldn’t fail. Like, ‘Wow, this might be something big.’”

And then you fired Tarja Turunen after Once. Did you think, ‘This is it, the band is over’?

“Funnily enough, no. I’ve had that feeling twice. The first time was in 2001, after we fired our first bass player, and the second was when Marko left. But when Tarja left, and when Anette [Olzon, Tarja’s replacement] left, I never felt, ‘OK, this is the end.’ On the contrary. The persistence was there: ‘We need to get over this and show the world.’”

There’s a perception that you can be a ruthless bastard when it comes to getting rid of bandmembers. Is that fair?

“No, no. There is a reason why things happen, and when you take things to an extreme, you just snap. Like Red said to Andy Dufresne in The Shawshank Redemption, ‘Every man has his breaking point.’ You can just imagine how difficult things had to have been for us to deal with things the way we did. And, of course, it should have been dealt with so much better, but I forgive myself and the other bandmembers for dealing with it the way we did because of the state that we were in.”

Have you spoken to Tarja since she left?

“We have emailed a few times. Even though the wounds are still there on both sides, things are better.”

Have you actually spoken to her?

“No. Just emails. A few months ago, my father passed away and she immediately sent me an email with her condolences. I was very touched by that.”

Nightwish in 2005, with Tarja Turunen. (Image credit: Mick Hutson/Redferns/Getty)

You have talked about being “in a dark place” after Tarja left. What was happening?

“After the split, the next few months were really, really dark. The things that really saved me from doing anything silly were my family, my close friends and the film The Village by M. Night Shyamalan. I watched it twice a day for weeks. That film made all the difference. Just the idea of this community living in peace in the middle of the wood, secluded from the world. Plus it has the best soundtrack ever written. It just filled me with comfort and hope.”

When you say those things, “doing something silly”, what do you mean?

“I was never suicidal, it wasn’t even close, but I was in a really dark place. It was the worst period of my life. Call it depression, but not suicidal. I want to make that clear.”

Does the responsibility of being at the centre of Nightwish ever get stressful?

“Yeah, it can be. There’s a very common misconception that people have of me, that I’m a tyrant and I want to take care of everything. I’m the opposite of a control freak. If you ask the other bandmembers, I think they would agree that I try to be as invisible a band leader as possible. I make the final decisions when it comes to important matters, but I don’t want to make an issue out of it.”

Nightwish never seemed to have been a sex, drugs and rock’n’roll band. Is that something you’ve steered away from, or have you just kept it quiet?

“There was a period, maybe 15 to 20 years ago, when I was maybe drinking too much. There was the rock’n’roll lifestyle for a few years. But never drugs. I’ve never tried those.”

What’s the most rock’n’roll thing you’ve ever done?

“I trashed a backstage once, because it just had to be done. A bucket-list thing. But that was when the troubles with Tarja were happening, so the frustration just came out. I felt so ashamed afterwards.”

We lost your fellow Finn, Alexi Laiho, at the end of 2020. Did you know him well?

“Yeah, we were really close about 10 or 15 years ago. We hung out a lot. I went to his place, he came to my place in Kitee. We shared a love of music, and also Donald Duck and board games – innocent, child-like things. The past few years we weren’t in contact so much. We’d send SMS and call each two or three times a year, but that’s it. No reason really, we just didn’t see each other much.”

Did his death hit you hard?

“Yeah, pretty hard. We knew he was going through some troubles with his physical health, but when I got the phone call, I remember falling on my knees – like, ‘No way.’ It punched me big time. I really miss him. He was a wonderful personality. There was an innocence in him, a naivety when it came to music that I really respected.”

Speaking of innocence, what do you miss most about Nightwish’s early days?

“It all being new and wonderful. After doing this for this long, you’re bound to get a little bit jaded about doing another American or European tour for six weeks. I don’t mind at all, but the initial excitement is not there anymore, it’s not the same as it was in 1999 when we toured for the first time. To get that excitement back in would be something special.”

Have you ever seen a photo of yourself back in the day and thought, “What the hell was I wearing?”

“Oh yeah. I used to wear white tennis socks with red stripes on them and pants that were too short, so you could see these ridiculous socks. I used to have these Rasta extensions in my hair, really poor make-up that I did myself. But I look back on those images and laugh. I’m not embarrassed at all.”

What are the benefits of being a member of Finland’s most successful band? Does it get you the best seats in all the restaurants?

“Ha ha ha! No, I’m not really into publicity. I still haven’t got used to people recognising me. People do recognise me, but they don’t stop me – that’s not the Finnish mentality. But when you go to a bar, you don’t usually have to buy the drinks.”

Does Nightwish make you happy all the time?

“Not all the time. There have been bad times, but when you look at the big picture, it does make me happy. When it stops giving more than it takes, then we have to call it quits.”

You said in 2019 that if another bandmember leaves, it’s the end of Nightwish. And now Marko’s gone...

“That’s how I felt back in 2019, and that’s also how I felt when Marko left. I take my words back when it comes to that. But if it would be Floor [Jansen, vocalist] leaving, that’s it, it’s the end of Nightwish. Absolutely, 100%.”

If Nightwish did end tomorrow, how would you feel about it?

“If Nightwish ends, it was a great run, a wonderful adventure of 25 years. Then I’d just have to come up with something else.”
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 23, 2022, 04:39:18 pm
Setlist Tampere (

7 Days To The Wolves (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 25, 2022, 04:16:24 pm
Setlist Helsinki (

Shoemaker (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 05, 2022, 05:12:11 pm
Setlist Toronto (

Nemo (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 07, 2022, 05:01:55 pm
Setlist Montreal (

She Is My Sin (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 08, 2022, 06:49:24 pm
Setlist Lowell (

Storytime (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 09, 2022, 05:31:39 pm
Setlist Nueva York (

Élan (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 11, 2022, 04:41:05 pm
Setlist Silver Springs (

She is my Sin (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 13, 2022, 04:55:08 pm
Setlist Chicago (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 16, 2022, 05:10:49 pm
Setlist Denver (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 19, 2022, 05:07:21 pm
Setlist San Francisco (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 21, 2022, 05:02:54 pm
Setlist Los Ángeles (día 1) (

Storytime (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 22, 2022, 04:00:57 pm
Setlist Los Ángeles (día 2) (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 03, 2022, 05:18:57 pm
Setlist Rockfest 2022 (

Sleeping Sun (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 10, 2022, 06:01:16 pm
Setlist Sweden Rock (

Planet Hell (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 17, 2022, 10:32:55 pm
Live @ Pinkpop (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 25, 2022, 06:43:57 pm
Hellfest-France today 20.20 mainstage 2. We also listened the demo for the new album and went through some vocal work. The journey has started. 

Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 25, 2022, 09:54:30 pm
Live @ Hellfest 2022 (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 01, 2022, 07:06:12 pm
Setlist Rockfest Barcelona (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 03, 2022, 07:07:10 pm
Setlist Festival de Nimes (

How's The Heart (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 08, 2022, 05:29:16 pm
Our shows in Ukraine, Belarus & Russia are officially cancelled. The promoters will refund all tickets.
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 11, 2022, 04:48:51 pm
Setlist Masters Of Rock (

Storytime (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 16, 2022, 04:35:21 pm
Setlist Tallin (

Sleeping Sun (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 18, 2022, 05:00:39 pm
Setlist Ilosaarirock (

Noise (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 24, 2022, 08:21:10 pm
Setlist Deichbrand Festival (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Julio 31, 2022, 03:55:47 pm
Setlist Fezen (

Storytime (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 02, 2022, 03:59:11 pm
Setlist Bucarest (

Dark Chest Of Wonders (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 04, 2022, 04:14:29 pm
Marko entrevista (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 13, 2022, 06:53:30 pm
Setlist Knotfest Finland (

Nemo (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Agosto 21, 2022, 07:28:32 pm
We’re delighted to announce our dear friend Jukka Koskinen (@jukkiskoskinen) is officially inaugurated as a member of the band.  We've been incredibly thankful to have him on our side while touring and it only feels natural to have him join the band officially.
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Septiembre 14, 2022, 06:40:05 pm
Our São Paulo show is now sold out!!  All other South American dates have only a few tickets left so get them before they're gone!  Just a couple of weeks before we see you again!
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 01, 2022, 04:46:36 pm
Storytime (10 years with Floor) (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 07, 2022, 01:22:22 pm
In the past two years, we have been affected by the cancellations and restrictions just like many other artists out there, and could not present our Human. :II: Nature. album with live shows all across the globe yet. Now, this is about to change with a full European tour taking place in November and December 2022.

As a special, limited release right on time with tour start, on November 18th, we present the Human. :II: Nature. (Tour Edition) as luxurious 2CD plus Blu-ray Digipak including the recent album alongside the Virtual Live Show From The Islanders Arms 2021 on Blu-ray - region code free for the first time - to cater their gigantic global audience! Originally available just as DVD release, and on Blu-ray in Japan, this new edition is the ultimate version to re-experience this unique and magical show NIGHTWISH created after their world tour had to be cancelled.

Half a year in preparation and premiered on May 28 and May 29, 2021 , An Evening with Nighwish in a Virtual World was not just a regular streaming show. It was an exceptionally ambitious production, allowing fans to follow the band playing live in an astonishing 3D world, designed according to the band’s vision, while interacting with each other. Also, songs from our latest album Human. :II: Nature. were debuted live to a massive audience consisting of more than 150.000 fans from 108 countries!

“This is definitely one of the coolest things NIGHTWISH has ever done”.
“Entwining visual elements, technology and music in such an extraordinary way offers a unique experience to us all.”

About 30 people from seven different countries, many of them long-time fans, put everything they had into the game to craft a high quality virtual concert featuring a NIGHTWISH-themed tavern, elaborate animations and 3D models that provided an atmospheric and inimitable stage for the group’s 100 minutes long, stellar career-spanning set brilliantly mastered by Mika Jussila at Finnvox.

@Nightwish is:
Tuomas Holopainen - Keyboards
@Floor Jansen  - Vocals
Emppu Vuorinen - Guitars
Kai Hahto - Drums
Troy Donockley -  Uilleann pipes, low whistles, bouzouki & vocals
Jukka Koskinen - Bass

Noise (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 07, 2022, 07:00:11 pm
Asian tour dates confirmed! Super excited to play in Asia again after so long.
Jan 15 -  Singapore
Jan 17 -  Manila
Jan 19 - Taipei
See you soon!
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 14, 2022, 08:30:01 pm
Setlist Rio de Janeiro (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 15, 2022, 04:37:40 pm
Setlist Sao Paulo (

Storytime (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 17, 2022, 04:31:14 pm
Setlist Buenos Aires (

Noise (

Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 20, 2022, 04:18:40 pm
Setlist Santiago de Chile (

Shoemaker (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 23, 2022, 06:44:28 pm
Setlist Mexico DF (

Noise (http://Noise) (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 24, 2022, 04:03:10 pm
Setlist Guadalajara (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 24, 2022, 05:46:46 pm
Hello Japan!!  We're going to see you in just two months' time!  Will we see you there?
Jan 25 - Osaka - Namba Hatch
Jan 27 & 28 - Tokyo - Ex Theater Roppongi
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 26, 2022, 04:24:29 pm
Floor tiene cáncer!

Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Octubre 28, 2022, 04:10:46 pm
La operación de Floor salió bien!

The tumor removal surgery went well without any surprises. I’m recovering well and should be up and about soon. It will take a few weeks to know what the findings are regarding the tumor and lymph node that will be tested.

I’ll keep you posted.
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 08, 2022, 11:27:03 pm
We will return to Kitee, our hometown, next summer - aiming for a stadium audience record at the renovated baseball stadium of Kitee Rantakenttä, June 16!!

Tickets including VIP Ticket sales will go on sale Friday Nov 11th, 2022, at 8.00 AM CET.
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 08, 2022, 11:28:05 pm
Festival season for 2023 is starting to shape up! We're going to perform at @NovaRock_at in Austria!
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 11, 2022, 05:57:16 pm
Sweden!!  Early June we're going to headline at Atlas Rock 2023! See you there!
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 18, 2022, 04:13:06 pm
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 18, 2022, 04:14:43 pm
Last Ride Of The Day (Live at The Islanders' Arms (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 28, 2022, 01:43:42 pm
Setlist Amberes (

Sleeping Sun (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 28, 2022, 01:48:40 pm
Setlist Londres (

Ghost Love Score (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 28, 2022, 01:51:05 pm
Setlist Birmingham ( (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 28, 2022, 01:54:50 pm
Setlist Dublin (

Resumen (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 28, 2022, 01:59:20 pm
Setlist Berlin (

Ghost Love Score (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 28, 2022, 04:42:00 pm
Setlist Amsterdam (día 1) (

The Phantom Of The Opera (ft Henk Poort) (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 29, 2022, 04:52:13 pm
Setlist Amsterdam (día 2) (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 01, 2022, 05:19:10 pm
Setlist Paris (

I Want My Tears Back (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 02, 2022, 04:44:29 pm
Setlist Düsseldorf (

Last Ride Of The Day (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 03, 2022, 05:50:20 pm
Setlist Esch-sur-Alzette (

Shoemaker (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 05, 2022, 04:31:42 pm
Setlist Viena (

Elan (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 05, 2022, 04:55:35 pm
GREECE!!  We have just announced a show at the @ReleaseAthens Festival next year. We'll perform on the 7th of June. See you there!
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 05, 2022, 09:02:01 pm
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 06, 2022, 10:06:19 pm
Setlist Munich (

Sahara (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 07, 2022, 04:25:42 pm
Setlist Milan (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 09, 2022, 04:19:39 pm
Entrevista Nightwish Francia (

Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 09, 2022, 04:23:40 pm
Speaking exclusively to Metal Hammer, the keyboard player says that the follow-up to 2020’s Human. :II: Nature would complete a trilogy that began with 2015’s Endless Forms Most Beautiful.

“I immediately knew after getting that album [Endless Forms Most Beautiful] done that, ‘Okay, we have to do more songs about this, because there's so much more to explore and tell the world. We're not done with this’,” he says. “And the same thing happened after Human. :II: Nature, we’re still not done. So let's do one more. At least one more.

“In a way, [the next album] is the third part of a trilogy, which started with Endless Forms… and then Human. :II: Nature There are some major surprises there again, but it feels like a natural continuation to Human. :II: Nature.” 

While Holopainen remains cagey as what these “surprises” would involve, he revealed that the band have already demoed the new album.

“The wonderful thing is that we have had the demo done since last spring. So it's been done for six months now. We really have all the time in the world to go through it all, and we have had a such great time with the band, just listening to the demo in our hotel rooms – me singing the lyrics and the melodies to Floor [Jansen, singer], she's recording them and then she's seeing them and throwing ideas to each other.”

He also added that he thought Nightwish was finished when bassist Marko Hietala left the band in January 2021, citing depression and disillusionment with the music industry.

“That was devastating,” says Holopainen. “We knew about his problems, but it still was a huge shock to us all. For about 48 hours I was convinced that that was the end of the band. I remember calling Emppu [Vuorinen, guitar] like, ‘Can you believe what happened again?’ We laughed: ‘You think this is the end? Yeah.’

“Then some time passed, our management called me, saying 'think about it again, you have had 26 years of…quite the ride, you want it to end like that?' And I was like ‘That’s a really good point. If we go out, let’s go out and stylishly’. I mean, we have survived bad things in the past as well. So maybe we can survive this as well.

“Then a few weeks later, things started to look a bit more bright. I felt, ‘Yeah, let's try it once more’, then Jukka [Koskinen, bass] came along. The stars have been out of line so many times, it's nice to have them aligned now."

Nightwish singer Floor Jansen recently revealed that she had been diagnosed with breast cancer. She subsequently underwent surgery and has since said she is now “cancer-free”.
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 10, 2022, 04:32:39 pm
Setlist Frankfurt (

Nemo (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 11, 2022, 07:47:52 pm
Setlist Bamberg (

Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 13, 2022, 03:57:45 pm
Setlist Hamburgo (

Our Decades In The Sun (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 14, 2022, 04:39:33 pm
Setlist Leipzig (

Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 15, 2022, 04:52:56 pm
Setlist Gliwice (

Tribal (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 17, 2022, 06:37:43 pm
Setlist Zurich (

Our Decades In The Sun (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 19, 2022, 04:24:49 pm
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 19, 2022, 04:29:21 pm
Setlist Stuttgart (

Élan (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 21, 2022, 05:10:56 pm
Setlist Budapest (

Last Ride Of The Day (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 22, 2022, 04:35:20 pm
Setlist Praga (

Sahara (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 30, 2022, 07:59:57 pm
Entrevista (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 22, 2023, 06:45:53 pm
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 25, 2023, 07:20:25 pm
This Friday we're taking you back to our sold-out Amsterdam show with the release of 'The Phantom of the Opera'!  First time in 17 years, with @FloorJansen_ singing it for the first time, and special guest @henkpoort joining us.
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Enero 27, 2023, 06:31:45 pm
The Phantom Of The Opera (ft Henk Poort) (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 03, 2023, 06:57:00 pm
Setlist 70000 Tons Of Metal (

Storytime (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Febrero 10, 2023, 04:57:04 pm
Stockholm, it's almost time!  The final Swedish stop of our "Human Nature" World Tour is coming your way.  Get ready for an epic night on June 3rd. Tickets on sale Feb 13, 11 AM.
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 20, 2023, 03:54:03 pm
Floor está embarazada!!

"Life comes with ups and downs! And I recently had to share a terrible down with you. That only adds to the happiness to now share and absolute UP! I am pregnant again! A healthy baby is on its way, and Freja is excited to become a big sister! 

We, as a family, are very happy with this wonder transition from being a cancer patient to being a mom to be again! Life looks bright! "

Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 22, 2023, 04:15:04 pm
Exciting news! We've collaborated with Staccs to launch 'The Nightwish Experience' - a virtual library of long and short form videos, ad-free and available worldwide! Immerse yourself in our world at and journey through our music together
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 25, 2023, 04:54:01 pm
Setlist Osaka (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 26, 2023, 06:47:28 pm
Setlist Tokio (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 29, 2023, 10:29:50 pm
"Nightwish has unfortunately had to cancel their concert at Wuhlheide in Berlin. The decision was made due to logistical issues resulting from structural changes in air travel after the pandemic."
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 29, 2023, 10:31:59 pm
Setlist Manila (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 02, 2023, 06:46:35 pm
Setlist Taipei (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 06, 2023, 03:56:53 pm
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 04, 2023, 04:17:06 pm
Setlist Estocolmo (

Noise (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 08, 2023, 04:20:08 pm
Setlist Release Athens (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 11, 2023, 06:18:28 pm
Setlist Nova Rock (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 13, 2023, 04:02:59 pm
Setlist Gelsenkirchen (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 17, 2023, 06:01:42 pm
Setlist Kitee (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 18, 2023, 07:09:15 pm
Setlist Vaasa (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 19, 2023, 04:23:57 pm
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Junio 21, 2023, 10:39:13 pm

Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 20, 2023, 04:53:32 pm
NW vocal recording session is on and great and amazing stuff has been tracked. A few days still ahead#nightwish #vocalrecording #newalbum #protools #universalaudio #akgmicrophones #c12vr
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 23, 2023, 05:19:20 pm
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Noviembre 28, 2023, 04:16:38 pm
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Diciembre 23, 2023, 03:58:25 pm
Tribal (Official Live) (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Marzo 11, 2024, 04:19:18 pm
2024 marks the 20th anniversary of the partnership between symphonic metal legends @nightwish and Nuclear Blast. Today, we’re proud to announce that the band has re-newed their contract with a worldwide multi-album deal!

Tuomas Holopainen states: “20 years ago our journey together with Nuclear Blast started, and the time has now come to renew our vows. Superbly excited to see what kind of magic we can cook up together this time!”
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 30, 2024, 04:23:26 pm
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Abril 30, 2024, 04:52:30 pm
In the four years since their last album, Finnish symphonic metal titans Nightwish have been through much change, challenge and uncertainty. And that's without the pandemic kicking the legs out from underneath a year's worth of touring plans for 2020's HVMAN. :||: NATVRE a month after it came out.

First, in December of that year, longtime bassist and vocalist Marko Hietala announced that he was leaving the band. In October 2022, singer Floor Jansen revealed that she had been diagnosed with breast cancer, and successfully underwent surgery.

Then last year, they dropped a worrying newsbomb, announcing that upon completion of their then-current touring duties – which had included a mammoth show at Wembley – they weren't going to be booking any more gigs for an unspecified period of time. Including, they confirmed, even when a new album came.

“After the planned shows for June 2023 we will be ‘hanging up our spurs’ for an indeterminate time, as far as live concert performances go, and won’t be touring the next album," they wrote in a statement. “The reasons for this decision are personal, but, we all agree, vital to the wellbeing and future of the band. Be assured that we still love working together, and this decision has nothing to do with Floor’s pregnancy or our other individual projects."

They did, however promise new music. True to their word, they've just announced that in September they'll release their 10th album, Yesterwynde. A record immediately more heavy than its predecessor, it's also one that sounds refreshed, vital, optimistic.

"Yes, that's definitely a word you could use for it," says keyboardist and composer Tuomas Holopainen when we catch up with him in Berlin to get the skinny. "The whole theme of the album is time, history, humanism, mortality. And it has a really optimistic vibe going through it all."

The first track, Perfume Of The Timeless, arrives on May 21. Ahead of all that, we sat down with Tuomas to get the first look at Nightwish's next chapter…

You’ve been working on the album for ages. When did you start, exactly?
“I started writing it in January 2021. It was the second year of pandemic. I wasn't supposed to start writing songs for this album yet, but there was nothing else to do because of COVID, so I thought I might as well use the time for it. So I used all of 2021 to do that. Then in early ’22, we did a demo with just me and the engineer, and had a listen to the demo with the whole band for the first time in May ’22, during our American tour. It’s always a really exciting moment to present the new songs to the band. And terrifying, to be honest!

“Then we started recording it last August, and it took a few months to record. And after that, four and a half months of mixing, and a few mastering sessions. And now here we are. And we're still working with the atmos mixes – there's going to be an atmospheric mix of the album and the orchestral version of the album.”

That’s not long after HVMAN. :||: NATVRE came out. Were you doing it with the hard intention of writing a full album, or were you just initially doing something just to pass time?
“For some reason, I just felt really inspired. I felt like it was the perfect time to do another Nightwish album. And, like I said, there was nothing else to do. The previous album, HVMAN. :||: NATVRE was released in April 2020, about a month after the COVID lockdowns started, so tough luck there! It was frustrating, but as always, you have to try to look at the bright side of things. I thought, ‘Okay, maybe this album, now people can listen to it in peace. They have nothing else to do, either. Maybe it brings them some hope and comfort during the dark times.’ So you always have to turn things an optimistic way.”

This is a lot more of a metal album than the last one. Was that a conscious thing?
“That just happened. We never, ever think about this stuff in advance, like, ‘Let's make a heavier album.’ It's just the stories need to be told in a certain way. And this time, they needed to be told in this way. And it's really interesting that you should say that, because there were two journalists yesterday who said, ‘I was expecting something much more metal. This is a really mellow album.’ Really? Okay, I don't hear it that way. But it's all in the listener’s ear, I guess.”

The first single, Perfume Of The Timeless, is nearly 10 minutes long. Not exactly easing people in, are you?
“No! But, when we had the first meeting with Nuclear Blast, talking about the new album and singles, I told them, the first single will be a song called Perfume Of The Timeless, and it's eight-and-a-half minutes long, and the chorus comes in at 3:30. And they were like, ‘Perfect!’ I think that has to do with the fact that we have a long legacy. You know, we can do whatever we want, and I do, but it says something that we can do that, when I heard that for Spotify it’s good to have the vocals start after 15 seconds, or people skip it, they don’t have the attention span anymore.”

What does the title, Yesterwynde, mean?
“It’s a made-up word. There's this thing called The Dictionary Of Obscure Sorrows. It gave me the idea that if you don't have an English word to describe a certain emotion, you can just make your own. This particular dictionary is dedicated to that, like, the feeling of longing for a place that you have never been in. What is that feeling? And it was something weird, I can remember. And this album was born from a certain sensation that I felt really strongly, but I couldn't find a word in human language to describe it. So I started to talk with Troy [Donockley, multi-instrumentalist] and said, ‘Should we come up with a new word? Does that make any sense to you?’ And he's like, ‘Yeah, that's a brilliant idea. What did you have in mind?’ It was something like time, memories going black and white, sepia, and I said, ‘something yesterday’. Then he said, ‘How about Yesterwynde?’ That's perfect! But yeah, it's just a made up word to describe what the album is about."

A sense of longing?
"Not so much longing as realising what time is all about. Realising that there is such a thing as time and past and history. The internet and YouTube is full of these old black-and-white images, and even video clips, that you first see in black-and-white, and then they have been coloured. Have you seen those? That's the effect that I get at the moment. It's like it's coming from an other dimension, these are black-and-white images, then you colour it, and it's right there, as if it was filmed yesterday. Something happens in my mind when I see those. I thought, 'This has to be put into a song or into an album somehow.' Suddenly, you feel so connected to the past generations, and those people that you see in those images. They've all had their lives, their ups and downs, and they don't exist anymore, except as atoms scattered all over the universe. And we're going to be in that state pretty soon as well. So that should give you something to think about."

Are you just worried about getting older?
"Not at all – on the contrary (laughs). But they are the ultimate cliche of: seize the day. That's something that I think about more and more. We're all going to be dead soon. It's just a matter of what you're gonna do before that."

That's a very positive outlook. You can hear that in the record. There's an enthusiasm, rather than a sense of bleakness or defeat…
"Yes! Spot on! People often ask, 'Where do you get the inspiration?' Well, just look at this world, look at everything's that happening. Look at the sky, the scientific innovations. History is so full of stories that are just a bottomless pit of inspiration. And also, especially these days, there's a lot of fear mongering going on, like end-of-the-world scenarios, which I find, let's say 'distressing', but also a bit annoying, because humankind has ceased to see the good that we have accomplished as well. There is no denying that the world is going through a horrible stage at the moment. But it's always been like that. If you go back to the Middle Ages, things were much worse. Throughout the human history, it's always been like this. But now because of fear mongering, and the media, and the authorities, whether political or religious, telling us that it's all coming to an end, we have to repent. And a lot of people buy into it, and they live miserable lives. Because of that, they forget the beauty of existence. It's an unbelievable stroke of luck, and a privilege, that we are actually alive. So you might as well enjoy it."

There's a song called The Antikythera Mechanism, which is the name of an ancient Greek device used for astronomy. You don't get many bands writing about that…
"Yeah, it's considered today to be the first analogue computer made by mankind. So, imagine that 2,200 years ago, in ancient Greece, they were able to build a computer. It just blew my mind when I read about this machine in a science magazine, and I thought that the world needs to know about this. Well, now everybody knows because of the new Indiana Jones film, because that's also about this particular mechanism. But yeah, it had to be done into a song.

"I was just thinking that humankind was so advanced back in those days that were able to build a machine like this. What happened? What if religions hadn't happened, or the burning of The Library Of Alexandria hadn't happened, where would mankind be today? Maybe we would be living all across the solar system already. Who knows?"

Again, it feels like there's still a very positive outlook there in the music, rather than moaning that it's all gone wrong.
"I think it comes down to the word 'imagination', which is the biggest strength that we have as human species, compared to the other lower species. We like to imagine things, imagine things that might be better on the other side of the fence and things we will never have. But also imagination takes us to huge innovations. So it's a really good thing.

"The ancient Greeks did that with their computer. They started to imagine, 'Is there a way to predict those solar eclipses or star constellations moving? I bet there is, let's start building this machine.' So it all started from the imagining. It's similar with creating any art or music. Could there be a way to tell a story through music? I do that a lot. There's a song on the album called The Children Of 'Ata, which is a wonderful story of these kids on a deserted island and surviving there for 15 months. I heard the story and thought, 'There has to be a way to put this into music.'

"It's a crazy story, from not that long ago, 1965. I think some of the kids are still alive. It's important to tell these stories, because it really did happen. And maybe it can change the human perspective of the concept that if you take a bunch of people and put them into an isolated place for a certain period of time, they become savages. But this is proof that that's not the case. So they are a perfect example that humankind has hope."

This is your first album since Century Child in 2002 without Marko Hietala. Did that change your approach to writing?
“No, it doesn’t really change anything, except that now we had two voices instead of three, only Floor and Troy. But that's it – it really didn't change much at all. And Jukka [Koskinen], the new bass player, is such a grounding personality that it's so easy to work with him. And his bass playing skills are tremendous, quite different from how Marko played the bass, which also brought a new spice into the music. So nothing but positive things to say about it all.

“There are many bands in the world that don't have a single original member anymore. And I think it comes down to the fact that if the music is good, then that's all that matters, in the end. Maybe for some people, certain bands are so holy that they can stand if they don't have certain members in it, even though the music would be good, but I don't really think like that. I just listen to the music, not the personnel behind it. That's all that matters to me.”

Similarly, does it feel weird to be talking about an album that, for the first time, you won’t be going out to tour?
“No, it doesn't feel weird. It just feels right. But people shouldn't get worried. It's not the end of the band. We just signed a multi-record deal with Nuclear Blast, so there will be more music coming, definitely. But as far as shows, we're just gonna have a long breather now and see what happens. That's all I can say at the moment. We got our fair share in 2022 and 2023 when we did a lot of shows. So that helped.”

Yesterwynde will be released on September 20 via Nuclear Blast

Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 21, 2024, 04:09:07 pm
Perfume Of The Timeless (Video) (
Título: Re:Nightwish
Publicado por: Serena en Mayo 27, 2024, 03:53:34 pm
Yesterwynde Documentary (part 1) (