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Re: Dido vuelve despues de 5 años!!!
« Respuesta #105 en: Febrero 14, 2009, 09:04:49 pm »
Here are some more of Dido's answers to the questions you've been emailing to

Dear Dido. I like the song Do You Have a Little Time as performed on the album Life For Rent, but I absolutely love this song as performed on Live at Brixton Academy. My question is if you think there is an optimal performance (producing, creation) for each song/melody, or that it can be performed in very different ways, each way liked by another group of people?
Edward de Grijs, The Netherlands
Dido replies: Actually the Live at Brixton Academy is the first version of that song as I wrote it. I often like to go back to the first versions when I'm performing live. The one on the record is a different version that came about when I heard a brilliant sample that Mark Bates was working with in the other room in the studio and we decided that song worked really well over it. But in answer to your question - I don't know. I think the beauty of songs is that once the core of the song is there there are indeed a million ways to do it. But I tend not to think too much about it and just take the song where it wants to go naturally. Whether that's on record or whether that's live. And yes, I'm sure that different people like different versions.

Where is your favourite beach?
Natalie, Germany
Dido replies: My favourite place in the world is Connemara in the west of Ireland. The beaches there are so incredibly beautiful and empty and hold so many memories for me. I used to spend a lot of time near the Twelve Bens (a little mountain range that goes down to the sea). Without a doubt my favourite place in the world.

I wonder, do you remember a record you got as a present when you were a child (maybe as a Christmas gift?), and which you still listen to today?
Knut, Norway
Dido replies: Yes! I remember one year my brother gave me a collection of my first albums (I'd only ever managed to save up enough for singles at that stage in my life) all of which I loved and had a huge influence on me I think. I remember among them was Yellow Moon by the Neville Brothers, Hounds Of Love by Kate Bush, I Do Not Want What I Haven't Got by Sinead O'Connor, a Chet Baker record, an Odyssey album, a Chieftains album. A bit of variety, but all albums I still absolutely love.



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Re: Dido vuelve despues de 5 años!!!
« Respuesta #106 en: Febrero 17, 2009, 11:09:24 pm »
Tonight's episode of The City on US MTV will feature Dido's track Look No Further. The show will be broadcast at 10pm ET/PT


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Re: Dido vuelve despues de 5 años!!!
« Respuesta #107 en: Febrero 18, 2009, 11:06:57 pm »
As you know, top directors from across the globe have been commissioned to make short films for each track on Safe Trip Home - which we're hosting at

If you've seen the six that have been made so far, you'll probably be pleased to hear that we've just added a new film to the site. This one, Journey's End, was made in the North of England and is soundtracked by Northern Skies.

We've also launched a new simpler version of the site, where you can easily watch all seven of the films. But you can still plot your journey on the old version, by clicking on the globe in the top right corner of the site's new front page.


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Re: Dido vuelve despues de 5 años!!!
« Respuesta #108 en: Marzo 18, 2009, 10:55:53 pm »
Nicholas Warren de Bristol pregunta: Si tuvieras la oportunidad de crear una canción para una pelí­cula de James Bond, ¿asumirí­as el reto?
Respuesta de Dido: Absolutamente! Una de mis favoritas es Nobody Does It Better de Carly Simon, creo que de la pelí­cula "La espí­a que me amó"... Simplemente brillante!

Bernie¡ de Chicago pregunta: ¿Cuál fue tu álbum favorito de 2008?

Respuesta de Dido: Mi disco favorito del año (siempre es difí­cil esta pregunta) es probablemente el álbum de Bon Iver ("For Emily, Forever Ago"). Lo he escuchado mucho cuando estaba en Los íngeles y conducí­a a lo largo de la costa. Es un gran disco para escuchar de principio a fin y transportarte a un mundo diferente y otro estado de ánimo. Absolutamente


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Re: Dido vuelve despues de 5 años!!!
« Respuesta #109 en: Abril 17, 2009, 11:50:20 pm »
Dido's just emailed us her latest answers to the questions which you've been sending in to us at (keep 'em coming!). Here they are...

How do you pick your setlists?
Emma xx
Dido replies: I definitely think pretty carefully about taking the audience on a journey as I would when choosing the order of an album. I pick the songs that are the most fun to do live and then create highs and lows and quiet moments and jumping around moments. The lighting is also really satisfying to work on as it’s something I really enjoy when I go to a show myself - when I feel like I can see the music.

What's the best thing you've ever made yourself (other than music)?
Fiona, Kent
Dido replies: A painted lampshade. My proudest art moment... :-)

Do you like the cinema? If your answer is yes (like I think) what is the last movie did you see? And what is your favorite movie?
Natalia, Argentina
Dido replies: The last movie I saw was on a plane last week and it was called Elegy. It was good actually. It’s hard to pick my favourite movie. But a few highlights of my life were seeing the Godfather movies, Star Wars (I wanted to watch them every weekend), Shawshank Redemption, Goodfellas, most Pedro Almodóvar movies, Midnight Cowboy, the Graduate, ET (I went to see it for my birthday when I was about 10 and it was the first movie that made me cry). The next movie that made me cry uncontrollably was Gone With The Wind. Jaws was another favourite. I didn’t go in the sea for about 2 years after seeing that.

What was your dream job when you were a child? A singer?
Lu Yunhe,China
Dido replies: A tennis player. Completely unrealistic, but I was just obsessed with it.


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Re: Dido vuelve despues de 5 años!!!
« Respuesta #110 en: Abril 25, 2009, 07:43:58 pm »
Here are some more of Dido's answers to your questions. Keep 'em coming to Thanks folks.

Do you have the need to create a special atmosphere (it could be songs, or a place where you like to be, etc) to write your songs and thinking about the melody when you are composing?
Cybill, Peru
Dido replies: No is the simple answer. I can write anywhere. The most prolific place for writing is my kitchen table, though. A huge amount of my songs have been written there. I get pretty inspired on planes too. The lack of oxygen seems to give me good ideas.

Do you like gardening? Are you any good? Got any top tips?
Paul, London
Dido replies: I’m hopeless but I’ve been trying with mine. It’s a whole new world. My advice is to get a few gnomes, let it grow wild and it’ll all fall into place..

The question everything comes down to: dark, milk or white chocolate?
Tom, London
Dido replies: Milk. I can eat more of it. Dark chocolate I love but I can’t eat enough.



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Re: Dido vuelve despues de 5 años!!!
« Respuesta #111 en: Mayo 08, 2009, 06:24:00 pm »
I watched that Northern Skies live video in your website and you were playing guitar on it (I think it was the same one you played at the "live at the Brixton Academy" dvd). I loved the sound of the instrument (it's absolutely beautiful) and I'd like to know what kind of guitar was that, because I'm thinking of buying one for me.
Dido replies: It’s a Gibson J200. I absolutely love it. It’s quite a big guitar but I just get lost in it and I write tons on it.

I'm curious about which track of yours is the most personal, or which track means the most to you?
Thomy from Hungary
Dido replies: Probably grafton street.

When writing songs at what time of the day are you most creative?
Emerson Smith
Dido replies: First thing in the morning or after a bottle of wine.

What do you feel and think when you hear other people singing your songs? Do they add anything different to the meaning of the original song?
Rob S
Dido replies: I love it. I get to hear the song in a whole new light. Here’s an example – a YouTube video of a guy with a beautiful voice doing a really lovely rendition of ‘Closer’. This made me so happy to hear. Enjoy!


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Re: Dido vuelve despues de 5 años!!!
« Respuesta #112 en: Junio 18, 2009, 11:17:48 pm »
Do you like to bike?
Charles Marchetti
Dido replies: Yes I love it. Until I fall off. On tour I would take a bike with me on the bus and then go for a cycle when we landed in a city. It was a great way to see things in the short amount of time I'd have to do so!

In your videos, you have such a sense of style. Do you have a stylist, and if not where do you get your fashion inspiration?
Gina Y.
Dido replies: I do have a stylist and she's great. She's called Andrea Lieberman and she makes clothes a lot of fun. I'm not big on shopping so this helps a lot!

Are you starting your world tour this summer?
Darshil Shah from Sydney
Dido replies: I'm not going to tour until next year now actually. I'm having so much fun being in the studio and making another record that I don't want to stop for the minute. I'm sure I will be touring again when the next record is finished.

If you could collaborate with any current artist, who would it be? And Do You watch The X Factor? If yes, did you enjoy Diana's performance of White Flag?
Tom, England
Dido replies: Sigur Ros would be my choice this week! And no, I've never watched X Factor. Was it good?


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Re: Dido vuelve despues de 5 años!!!
« Respuesta #113 en: Junio 28, 2009, 11:06:13 pm »
Here are some more of Dido's answers to the questions which you folks have been sending to

Do you have a song that you like to sing in the shower?
Tamara, Canada
Dido replies: Raindrops keep falling on my head.

You must travel a lot. What's been your worst journey?
Paul in Dubai
Dido replies: My worst journey was a flight to Thailand where I got the most horrendous food poisoning 4 hours into the journey. They were looking for a doctor on the plane but there wasn't one. There was only a nun! She was absolutely lovely though and she'd been a nurse before she became a nun. She basically just held my hand and looked after me till we got to Bangkok

What's your favourite album at the moment and why?
Caroline, Nederland
Dido replies: This changes every few days but today it's Deadmau5 - random album title.

Have you got a favourite pair of shoes?
Jane, Oxford
Dido replies: My converse. I seem to wear them every day.

Right, I'm buying you a pizza. What toppings will you have?
Sue, London
Dido replies: Thank you very much! Mushroom. You're making me hungry.

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Re: Dido vuelve despues de 5 años!!!
« Respuesta #114 en: Julio 20, 2009, 08:09:50 pm »
Hi folks. Here are some more of Dido's answers to the questions you've been sending to (keep 'em coming!).

Hi Dido. Do you like dogs? What's your favourite breed? And have you got any pets?
Macarena de la Argentina.
Dido replies: Yes I do. I love them and would love to have them if I stop travelling for long enough! I'd have a golden retriever or a labrador.

Hello Dido. When I listen to your first 2 albums, there are a lot electronic bits in it. I always loved that. But with the Safe Trip Home album, you have left those electronic bits out. Or at least, a lot less than normally. What made you decide to change the style of the 3rd album? Or did it just go that way?
Keep making great music!
Daniel Heijl, From the Netherlands
Dido replies: I intentionally didn't use any electronics on the 3rd album. It was a challenge that started as a small thought and then turned into a big theme of the record. We had a lot of fun creating sounds from all manner of instruments (bells, wind instruments, strings, brass, pots, pans, cans, sandpaper, anything).  This was instead of using anything pre-programmed. It was a great learning experience for me and also made me a much better musician pretty quickly! It's also making me really appreciate the joy of electronics again on this new album I'm making. It's good to take a break and now I'm celebrating my electronic roots again. :-)

Hi Dido, The internet is telling me that your first two albums are pop music, and Safe Trip Home is folk. Do you think they got it right? How do you describe your music?
Dido replies: I leave the descriptions to other people!


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Re: Dido vuelve despues de 5 años!!!
« Respuesta #115 en: Julio 26, 2009, 11:10:36 pm »
Here are Dido's latest replies to the questions you've been sending to

Hello Dido. When you're planning a holiday, are you more of a beach bum or city break girl? And is there any place you've never been to that you'd love to visit? Thanks!
Liz, Gloucester
Dido replies: I love both. It depends how tired I am. I can stare at the ocean for a pretty long time though and love not having to get dressed. But I also love nothing more than walking everywhere round a city for a few days. I'd love to go to India, Chile, Poland, St Petersburg, Alaska.

What would be your most preferred music instrument for song writing?
Tanisha, India
Dido replies: Probably guitar as it feels so natural to sing and play at the same time.

What other languages do you speak or want to learn?
David Mercado
Dido replies: Very bad French and trying to learn Spanish


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Re: Dido vuelve despues de 5 años!!!
« Respuesta #116 en: Agosto 01, 2009, 10:31:52 pm »
To whom do you dedicate your success?
Mia, Philippines
Dido replies: There's a few people but one of the main ones is my brother Rollo. He brings a lot of joy into what I do. To be able to work so happily together has made this an amazing experience from the beginning for me. A combination of being so much fun working together and also the fact that when he criticises me (which older brothers do) it just spurs me on to write an even more beautiful song if I can. Sometimes I feel like his brain has all the parts mine is missing. We're working together at the moment on the next album and I'm loving every minute.

What is your favourite board game?
From Kevin Tan, 16 (Malaysia)
Dido replies: Scrabble. All my friends hate it apart from one. So no one will play with me. I miss it.

How many songs do you have on your iPod?
Georgia, York UK.
Dido replies: 14,336.


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Re: Dido vuelve despues de 5 años!!!
« Respuesta #117 en: Octubre 17, 2009, 10:38:23 pm »
With Dido back in the studio recording her fourth album, we gave her a shout to find out how she's doing.

Hello Dido, how are you?
Very well thank you. This is my favourite time of year. I've just got in from a fantastic walk in the countryside where I'm working. There is truly nothing better than walking in cold sunshine listening to music, so I feel great.

What have you been up to over the last few months?
I've been working on a new record. The last few months has been spent mostly at home just writing and recording away on my own in the kitchen - still the place I get the most done!

How is the new material coming along?
Great. I'm really enjoying what I've been doing. I've been embracing my electronic roots again which is even more enjoyable than ever before after all I've been learning in the last few years. Loving Logic 9 too.

How does the new stuff compare to the Safe Trip Home songs?
You'll have to wait and see! I'll fill you in more as time goes on, but it's a whole new world.

Are you still playing a lot of the instruments?
So far, I'm playing all of them. But hopefully we'll get some professionals in soon! I'm working with Rollo at the moment and he's great at inspiring me to play everything. He doesn't really give me a choice.


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Re: Dido vuelve despues de 5 años!!!
« Respuesta #118 en: Octubre 17, 2009, 10:39:33 pm »
As promised, here's the second part of our interview with Dido.

Has it been fun working with Rollo on the new album?
Definitely. I love working with Rollo. He's always excited and smiling and inspiring and just great company.

Do you have a vague idea of when we're likely to hear the new stuff?
You'll start hearing things appearing next year, for sure.

Are there any plans for a tour?
This will be a really fun record to tour, so yes.

What have you been listening to?
This morning my walking playlist included William Orbit (Strange Cargo III), House of Cards by Radiohead, Sombre Reptiles by Brian Eno, Something in the Way She Moves by James Taylor, Kool and the Gang's Get Down On It, Jack Penate, The Orb's Little Fluffy Clouds, Lindstrom, La Roux, Harry Nilsson, Regina Spektor, Trentemí¸ller and Deadmau5. All of which put me in a very good mood.

Finally, what's the best film you've seen recently?
I really enjoyed 'In the Loop' and the Story of Anvil (brilliant ending!)


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Re: Dido
« Respuesta #119 en: Diciembre 25, 2009, 08:14:31 pm »
Dido cumple hoy 38 años!!
 FELICIDADES!!!!!! :011: :011: :011: :011: :011: :011: