Autor Tema: Dolores O'Riordan  (Leído 28323 veces)


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Re: Nuevo album de Dolores O'Riordan
« Respuesta #30 en: Noviembre 12, 2014, 04:42:30 pm »
Un portavoz de la Policí­a irlandesa (Garda) indicó que una mujer de unos 40 años de edad, a la que no identificó, fue detenida despuíés de que el avión de la aerolí­nea irlandesa Aer Lingus aterrizase a las 05.30 horas (GMT) en el aeropuerto de Shannon, al oeste del paí­s.

Según la RTE, O'Riordan, de 43 años, fue llevada a una comisaria cercana, donde puede permanecer retenida durante un periodo máximo de 24 horas, según la legislación vigente.

"Se pidió que, tras aterrizar el avión, subiera a bordo la Garda, despuíés de que se denunciara la comisión de una agresión contra una azafata de Aer Lingus. Un agente de la Garda tambiíén fue agredido durante la detención", agregó el portavoz policial. Los medios locales aseguran que la azafata sufrió heridas en un pie y que fue trasladada a un hospital próximo al aeropuerto de Shannon para recibir tratamiento y ser examinada, mientras que el policí­a agredido no presenta daños.

O'Riordan, madre de tres hijos, reveló el pasado año a un periódico "The Sunday Independent" que una "persona de confianza" en el entorno de su casa de Limerick, al sur de Irlanda, abusó de ella durante cuatro años. Tení­a entre ocho y doce años y la traumática experiencia ha sido algo que siempre ha "llevado a cuestas", declaró la artista, quien destacó que le ha costado muchos años de terapia superar ese trauma.


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Re: Nuevo album de Dolores O'Riordan
« Respuesta #31 en: Noviembre 12, 2014, 06:16:38 pm »
Dolores O'Riordan has been discharged from hospital and released without charge from garda custody following an alleged air rage incident.
The Cranberries singer was arrested in Shannon this morning after coming off a flight from JFK in New York.
Gardaí­ were on standby at the airport after they were notified that a passenger had become disruptive on board the Aer Lingus flight and had to be restrained.
A member of the cabin crew was brought to hospital for an X-Ray on her foot.
A file in relation to the incident is being sent to the DPP.


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Re: Nuevo album de Dolores O'Riordan
« Respuesta #32 en: Noviembre 14, 2014, 07:34:55 pm »
THE mother of Dolores O’Riordan, the superstar singer who was at the centre of an international media storm this week over an alleged air rage incident, has revealed that her daughter is separating from her husband after 20 years of marriage.

Speaking exclusively to the Limerick Leader this Wednesday, Eileen O’Riordan said Dolories was in a “very vulnerable” state and is under the care of a psychiatric doctor at an undisclosed location in the country.

“She is going through a marriage separation at the moment. That’s hard for anyone,” said Eileen, who lives in Ballybricken.

The 43-year-old Cranberries lead singer was arrested at Shannon Airport shortly before 5am on Monday in connection with alleged assaults on a flight attendant and a garda on board a flight from JFK airport in New York.

While Dolores, a mother of three, is “doing much better”, she failed to recognise her mother when Eileen visited her at Shannon garda station following the incident.

Eileen said that medical results indicated there was no alcohol or drugs detected in her daughter’s system.

“Dolores was inside in a room, she was lying on the floor, curled up. She had her head covered and her face covered up. She was trying to protect herself. I gave her a hug. I tried to talk to her. She didn’t realise I was there at all. I put Lourdes water on her,” Eileen recalled of her initial encounter with her daughter at Shannon garda station.

“She didn’t know who I was, she was trying to cover herself from me.”

Eileen first became aware of the incident on Monday morning after her son received a call.

“I was getting up at about half past six or seven in the morning. I was expecting her, getting her breakfast ready,” she recalled.

She had spoken with her daughter the day previous but a mother’s instinct told her something wasn’t right with Dolores.

“She rang on Sunday to say she was coming. She was OK then but she wasn’t herself. She wasn’t Dolores. She would hide it from me. If I asked ‘are you sleeping?’ she would say: ‘Oh I am, I am.’”

While she hadn’t seen her daughter for a number of months, Dolores would ring Eileen most days, and going on their conversations Eileen feared that something was going to happen.

“I was waiting for it, hoping that it wouldn’t happen in New York. It would be awful because she wouldn’t have the support there. She is suffering from lack of sleep over the weeks and her brain is racing all the time. She is working very hard. When she was in New York she kept saying ‘when I go home to my mother in Ireland, I will be fine’. She was working in New York producing a new album.”

While the singer continues to receive medical attention, “she is a lot better than what she was, thanks be to God”.

“She was so bad when I saw her first in Shannon,” Eileen recalled.

“She is under the care of a psychiatric doctor at the moment, a very nice lady. She is still in Ireland. She has a nurse with her and a doctor visits her every day because she can’t go out.”

Dolores speaks on the phone to her children Taylor, 16, Molly, 13, and nine-year-old Dakota who are currently with their father Don Burton in Canada.

“They just know that mommy isn’t well at the moment,” said their grandmother.

Dolores married Don Burton, a former tour manager of rock band Duran Duran, at Holycross Abbey, Tipperary in 1994 with the reception taking place in Aherlow House Hotel.

The couple who met when The Cranberries and Duran Duran were on tour have owned a number of properties including Riversfield Stud outside Kilmallock where they lived for a number of years as well as homes in Dublin and Canada, during their 20-year marriage.

Reflecting on the alleged air rage incident itself, Eileen said Dolores was being hassled on the flight for autographs.

“She had two glasses of wine with her dinner when she started off but she had no alcohol or drugs in her system. That is completely clear.

“She was accompanied by a producer and songwriter. I believe there were people hassling her to sing and for photographs on the plane. She just lost it.”

Though the full facts have yet to be established, it is reported that Dolores – whose band The Cranberries has sold over 40 million albums worldwide –stamped on a flight attendant’s foot and headbutted a garda. She was arrested and subsequently hospitalised at University Hospital Limerick.

“She is not like that. Everyone is saying the media have blown it out of all proportion. There is a lot of anti-Limerick in it, a lot of that in it,” said Eileen, who last spoke to Dolores this Wednesday morning.

The flight attendant received medical attention at University Hospital Limerick.

“That girl is a friend of hers. She is a very nice girl. She knows her for years. She was getting out of her seat because as far as I know the man behind her was poking her – the couple were well drunk, free drink of course. She just lost it and got up and walked on the girl. She had big old boots on her.”

While Eileen said she hasn’t read the media coverage, the general public have been very kind and respectful of her daughter at this difficult time, including the gardai.

“I must say they were extremely nice. They couldn’t have been nicer to Dolores and myself at the time. There is an email from somebody who was on the plane to say that it is a terrible reaction – an over-reaction.

“Anybody I have spoken to – my friends, my parishioners and all the community, all I have got is prayers and good wishes and love from everybody I have spoken to.”

She credits her strong faith with giving her the strength to remain strong and steadfast for her daughter.

“I never cried about it,” she said.

“I pray. I don’t know what I would do only for my religion. There are so many good people - so many I have met are lovely and are thinking of her and praying for her and what more can we do at this stage.”


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Re: Nuevo album de Dolores O'Riordan
« Respuesta #33 en: Noviembre 16, 2014, 04:31:07 pm »
It doesn’t matter to them that she is a famous rock-star. All that matters to them is that she is clearly in need of help.

Dolores has been diagnosed with bipolar disorder. She broke up with her husband Don Burton in mid-September and has been living in New York, first in a hotel in Union Square and then in Trump Tower. She has not slept properly in two months and her moods are, at best, erratic.

Everyone around Dolores wants to see her come out of this dark place in her life — but it is a dark place she has been in, if truth be told, nearly all her life. She was raped at the age of eight for four years. A sex abuse victim is always a sex abuse victim.

Dolores, who I would call a friend, rang me on Friday morning and she wanted to talk. She gave me the address she was ringing from. At 3.50pm a dishevelled Dolores opened the door of a private house on a very secluded part of Adare village in County Limerick.

On the table was a bible with the pages held open by a flashlight. There was a picture of Pope John Paul above the fireplace. Essential oils and fragrances are placed in straight, ordered lines on the table, next to candles. “My life has no control,” she told me. “So I line them up to have control.”

Read more: Cranberries star Dolores 'very vulnerable' after splitting from husband of 20 years, her mother reveals

There are some plates with prawns, half eaten, on them. “I’m putting food in my mouth so I don’t get anorexia and all that again.” She looks frightfully thin. She is drinking wine and seems agitated.

I feel deeply sorry for her as well as deeply sad for her. I ask her several times if she is sure she wants to talk. She is adamant that she wants to talk.

Speaking publicly for the first time since Monday’s incident, Dolores recalls: “Apparently my mother came into the cell. I don’t remember. I had created a tortoise effect. I tucked myself in, under the blanket.”

I ask her, is it true that she was singing in the cell?

“I was singing in the cell. I was praying. I was meditating because I was freezing. I was black and blue. Look at me!” she lifts up her top and pulls aside her tights to show me the bruises on her back, arms and legs.

Dolores says she wore the mask on the plane because “stalkers” were following her in New York. She mentions John Lennon who was murdered by a stalker in New York.

I ask her about what happened on the plane. “It was very stressful. I am not used to being in a crowd like that. What happened was, people were scaring me. I was going into the corner and saying, ‘Please don’t touch me’. They said to me, ‘Do you think you are someone?’ I said: ‘You know who I am. You know I am the singer in the Cranberries’.”

Dolores says she would like to take this opportunity to apologise to the Aer Lingus flight attendant, Carmel Coyne, whose foot she bruised on the flight.

“Carmel is lovely. I know Carmel a long time from flying over and back transatlantic since I had the little wee babies in the buggies. I really like her. She knows, for a fact, that it was an accident with my metal shoes. And there was bad people having too much booze roaring at me. And I backed up and I stood on her foot by an accident, like a child in the playground. I’m sorry, Carmel. You know I love you and if there is any way I can help you, I’ll be there for you.”

Dolores insists she was not drunk on the plane. “I had two glasses of wine with my meal. I ate dinner. Corn-fed chicken with some rice and vegetables and cheese after and then a glass of port, then off to sleep.

“That was the plan. I couldn’t sit down because they were roaring at me and shouting at me, these people. I don’t really care what people think.”

Last week Dolores’ mother Eileen told the Limerick Leader newspaper that her daughter is in a “vulnerable” place since splitting from Don Burton, her husband of 20 years.

Dolores says that her marriage to Don is over. (This was confirmed by a member of Dolores’ family.) “We have legally ­separated. It’s done on paper. So, ­legally, I am a single mom,” she says.

“It’s black and white. You only have one life.

“You can’t be in a situation where you are not happy. It’s as simple as that. I have nothing bad to say about the man. We had a good 21 years. Ultimately it got to the point where it was not good any more. Time to move on. I feel 21 again. I feel like this is my second life.”

It is very clear to me and Dolores’ family that she needs to find help, but she can be stubborn.

“No, I’m fine,” she insists. “Don’t worry. I’m grand. This is my life. I’ll live it my way.

“I just block out the demons. I sing. I block them away. I put my pain into my music. I paint. I make my own videos. I direct myself. No one directs me any more. I am in charge of my destiny.

“People look at you and see a product. They don’t see a soul. They see an empty hole,” adds Dolores. I ask  her if she will go to a ­counsellor for help.

“Sure, I am a counsellor. Aren’t I counselling the world? Aren’t I after healing billions of people around the world?” she says, referring to her singing.

“I think you get to a point in life where you can’t really feel pain. You can’t feel it. You can sing like a bird and heal people.”

But you can’t heal yourself.

“No, you never find peace in this realm, but it’s okay, because when my dad went to the other side, he looks after me now better than he did in life. He is with me all the time.”


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Re: Nuevo album de Dolores O'Riordan
« Respuesta #34 en: Diciembre 30, 2014, 03:04:35 pm »
The light has broken through - finally - after a very dark night of the soul for Dolores O'Riordan.

It seems somehow apt that she would wait until Christmas to do this, during the winter solstice when the sun bursts through for a new beginning on this most spiritual of times.

But the controversial rock star from Limerick did it. She seemed on the point of absolute self-oblivion - allegedly head-butting and spitting at a guard on a plane and being arrested and hauled off to jail with subsequent headlines all over the world.

Then the one-time superstar singer of The Cranberries saved herself and possibly even - because she is a religious person - her soul.

In truth, many of us perhaps thought Dolores wouldn't make it out of the darkness she seemed so engulfed in last November when she was arrested on an Aer Lingus plane at Shannon Airport after a troubling accident on flight EI110.

Although it was obvious that her path towards wellness would be long and difficult one, I was still kind of shocked when I got a phone-call last Tuesday morning from Dolores to meet up in Dublin. My shock stemmed from the fact that she seemed from the phone conversation like she was almost back to her old self.

To put it bluntly, when I met her at a lodge on the outskirts of Adare Manor last month where she was staying with her friend Ole it was, at times, impossible to hold a conversation with her.

Dolores was in such a sad state that I genuinely feared for her life.

When I suggested to her that day that she should go to see someone, she replied, irritated: "Sure, I am a counsellor. Aren't I counselling the world? Aren't I after healing billions of people around the world? I talk to myself. I talk to myself in the mirror."

When I asked her what did she say to yourself she answered: "'That it is not your fault. And I love you. Be nice to yourself. And slow down.' Because I am not going to live that long. I'm 43. If I see 50, I'll be happy. I mean that. People look at you and see a product. They don't see a soul, but an empty hole."

So last Tuesday evening - six weeks after meeting her in Adare - Dolores O'Riordan is sitting in my front room in Dublin.

She has brought two members of her brilliant new band, Jetlag NYC bassist Andy Rourke (once of The Smiths) and DJ Ole Koretsky, with her. They are both based in New York and have flown in this morning to spend the week with the world-famous singer in the band.

She immediately puts REM on the CD player and has a bit of bop with Ole. I give her a Christmas present of a book of John Lennon's drawings. I write in it: 'Merry Xmas Dollie, the war is over.'

She looks healthy and her eyes sparkle (like her wit); in Adare last month, her eyes were zombie-like and her speech, as much as it was speech, was slurred and manic.

Like a little angel, she sits by the light of the Christmas tree and reveals the painful truths she learned in last few months.

Dolores seemed to embody what Rosa Parks said when she asked - rhetorically - "Have you ever been hurt and the place tries to heal a bit, and you just pull the scar off of it over and over again?"

"I would remind people that we are all human, after all," Dolores says. "I'm taking it one day at a time right now, but I want to thank all of those people who didn't pass judgement on me.

"When you came down to Adare last month, I was like a cheese sandwich with the cheese falling out. The cheese had fallen on the floor!" she roars with laughter.

I say to her that the first sign of madness is the loss of your sense of humour - something that has clearly returned to Dolores O'Riordan in spades.

She bursts out laughing again.

"Dude, I wasn't well in Adare!" she hoots. "I am well again now. I have had great help and support from people who love me. My mom has been great. My brother PJ - he's my little angel. I had a lot of help from people. I don't think I ever felt so cared for before. I always felt like this meal ticket.

"I am just really grateful for the support I have received from my friends," she adds.

"Lots of people helped me stay sane. Help was always close by, but I had to reach out. I'm staying strong and holding on because I know it is all going to work out in the end."

Dolores says she moved to New York in August after she broke up with her husband, Don.

"I didn't sleep for four months. I was self-medicating. I was taking over-the-counter sleeping tablets. I felt cut off."

So, do you feel better now after sleeping properly again in the last month?

"I feel I'm a lot better, yes," she says. "But I don't feel I'm perfect. But I don't think there is such a thing. I get that I am 80pc better than what I was. I understand why people were worried about me. I do understand and it's lovely, actually.

"They don't tell me anything. They just listen to me," she says looking at Andy and Ole.

"It is really nice to be just listened to, because I've been told and told all my life. Told to wake up at this time and sing this song," she says maybe referring to her time in The Cranberries.

"This is the first time in my life that someone is not telling me. I never knew I had so many friends in this industry, but when you open up you receive love. I guess," she adds, "no matter what happens I've got great friends who love me for me, not the fame bullshit. You really see who gives a shit. It's cool but I'm still a bit crazy . ..good crazy though!" she laughs.

"I want to get back to the real world. I'm so bored! But I feel great. I am sleeping great. I didn't sleep properly if at all for months when I was in New York. I wasn't right. I'm a different person now. Happy, finally. I am definitely much more content now," she continues.

"I know I am not 100pc there yet, but I am happy. I will need to keep on my meds to sleep and to be somewhat normal in a mad world," she laughs again.

I say to her that she's not the first person in the world to go through a very troubled time, but she seem to have almost come out the other side.

"Totally. I'm doing okay now. I went a bit mad. Whatever. Yeah, maybe, I did go a bit mad, but it wasn't bad mad, but I am fine now and I've got a great band," she says looking at Andy and Ole again, "and I've got great friends and a great family and a great manager in Danny Goldberg."

"Dolores is in a good place again," says Andy.

"It is great to have the old Dolores back. She is an amazing woman and an amazing artist. We love her."

Ole, who is sitting next to Dolores, was also in Adare that day. He says Dolores has come a long way since then.

"It is just relief," says Ole.

"Relief. There has been some gradual tension building over the last few months that when I got off the plane from New York and met her yesterday I was just relieved [that she was back to herself again.] But we love her. And we're happy that she is better."

Andy, who has a avuncular Manchester edge to him, leans in and says with his arm around her: "She has changed in a million ways. I am speaking about you like you're not here!"

"I was a bit hyper, wasn't I?" laughs Dolores. "But I didn't know I was hyper. . ."

Andy adds: "I used to get phone-calls off you when you would just talk a million miles a hour for two hours. You were obviously not well. We didn't know what to do. But we loved you and we love you. Now you're back to normal."

I say to Dolores that she has have come a long way.

"Thanks. It wasn't easy when I was losing the plot, but I feel more alive than I ever have now. I have learned a lot from all this. I never realised it but I was in a bubble for 20 years. It's nice to feel like a human being again - and not a possession [of the music industry]."

What are you going to spend Christmas?

"I honestly don't know," she answers.

"I don't know where I'm going to spend Christmas. I miss my children more than words can say right now."

We go to a local pub for a drink then on to Locks in Portobello for dinner.

She pays for it as a Christmas pressie and gives me her red bobble hat.

I send her a text the next morning that it was great to see and great to see her so obviously on the road to recovery. She sends a thank you. We all meet up in the afternoon for lunch and go for a walk in the Phoenix Park. Amid the deer leaping around ahead of us in the trees, Dolores talks about the future.

"I just want to stay strong and it will all work out in time."

It is early days in her recovery, of course, but it is clear the poor tortured soul of flight EI110 from New York to Shannon last month has made a huge effort to heal herself. And it shows. It's a new beginning for Dolores O'Riordan. In a life-affirming tale fitting for Christmas time, the young Irishwoman has banished the darkness to come into the light.

Sunday Independent


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Re: Nuevo album de Dolores O'Riordan
« Respuesta #35 en: Diciembre 30, 2014, 03:06:16 pm »
2 days ago the webzine 100% rock magazine published the complete interview Marco Mendoza gave in november and that first appeared in edited form in X-Press Magazine’s 3 December 2014 issue. X-Press Magazine is one of the most-circulated free street presses in Australia.

On the edited version the few words about Dolores were skipped (possibly because Marco was coming to Australia to play concerts with his band The Dead Daisies which has nothing to do with Dolores) but on the long & online version his words about O’Riordan are revealed. Nothing really new that we didn’t know before but one thing : 6 tracks done in studio so far and more to come after his Australian concerts. Obviously this plan was before Dolores was arrested, now it will / should be after after !

Dolores O’Riordan from The Cranberries called me from New York, and so I flew up there. We were at the Electric Lady studios recording, we did six tracks.
I got home, and I’m going to continue that after I’m done with The Daisies, she’s trying to get an album together for a solo project. This’ll be my third album with her.


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Re: Nuevo album de Dolores O'Riordan
« Respuesta #36 en: Febrero 22, 2015, 06:37:11 pm »
Dolores trabajando con el bajista de The Smiths

Al momento estoy trabajando con Dolores de The Cranberries, la conocí­ hace más de un año con otro proyecto que tengo llamado Jetlag y ya estaba muy segura de que querí­a involucrarse en una nueva banda, una nueva aventura, así­ que le mandíé algunas de las canciones y le encantaron, las ha estado cantando todas, y estamos planeando salir al camino probablemente este verano.


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Re: Nuevo album de Dolores O'Riordan
« Respuesta #37 en: Febrero 22, 2015, 06:38:30 pm »
Dolores has officially moved to New York. Indeed the one-time singer with The Cranberries is in the middle of putting down roots by buying a new home in the city that never sleeps - a bit like Dolores before, until, with the help of friends and family, she re-found her Zen inner calm.

"I'm in the process of buying an apartment here in the East Village," she told me. "It's a lovely pad. It's beautiful, with a veranda," said Dolores, who clearly didn't linger in Limerick and decided to make the Manhattan transfer.

"I love New York," she added. "I guess I was captive for so long. So I love it here. The people are so nice in New York. I have tons of fans here and they're polite and discreet."

Dolores enjoyed the festive season in the Big Apple with two members of her sublime new band, Jetlag NYC - bassist Andy Rourke (once of The Smiths) and DJ Ole Koretsky. "I spent Christmas here in New York with Andy, his wife and Ole. It was nice and quiet. New Year's Eve is mad here but really cool. It's so nice to be alive."

It's so nice to have the old Dolores back too


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Re: Nuevo album de Dolores O'Riordan
« Respuesta #38 en: Septiembre 02, 2015, 10:11:52 pm »
Again the information come from The Irish Times first. Their article reveals Dolores is receiving medical treatment these days and can’t come to the Court.
The case will be back before Ennis District Court on December 16th for a plea to be entered or a date for a hearing to be set, the court was told.

My client is presently [sic] receiving ongoing medical treatment and presently she’s receiving residential treatment, hence her absence from court”
If the person is having treatment then I think we should facilitate that. Judge Patrick Durcan agreed to the adjournment.


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Re: Nuevo album de Dolores O'Riordan
« Respuesta #39 en: Diciembre 17, 2015, 11:03:05 pm »
Out-of-control Dolores O’Riordan shouted: “I’m an icon, I’m the Queen of Limerick” during an air rage incident where she head-butted and spat in the face of a Garda.

During the shocking bust-up in Shannon Airport on November 10 last year, Inspector Tom Kennedy said that The Cranberries singer also spat in the face of and kicked out at an airport police officer (APO).

In court in Clare today, she pleaded guilty to four alleged offences - three of assault and one of obstructing a Garda.

Insp Kennedy revealed that the Linger singer - dressed all in black for the hearing - made two separate escapes from custody.

In one incident she jumped off a stationary ambulance to run towards the Aer Lingus jet and escaped a second time from being handcuffed in the back of a patrol car and ran off before being apprehended by APOs and a Garda.

In one incident, Insp Kennedy said that the 44-year-old mother of three told an APO: “’You can’t arrest me. I’m an icon. I’m the Queen of Limerick. You don’t know who you are dealing with. I pay my taxes so I pay your wages and I am going to sue.”

At Ennis District Court in Clare, Insp Kennedy said: “Ms O’Riordan was quite irrational, quite aggressive, quite difficult.”

The inspector said that she initially became quite difficult on a JFK-Shannon flight where she stepped on the foot of Aer Lingus flight attendant, Carmel Coyne, and APOs were notified.

Dolores O'Riordan
The inspector said that while O’Riordan was in the back of a patrol car to take her to Shannon Garda Station, “she was banging and kicking, it looked like she was trying to break the windows but she didn’t do that”.

Insp Kennedy said that after escaping from the patrol car, Garda Shane Dawson gave chase and after apprehending her, O’Riordan “turned around and head butted him into the face and spat into his face”.

He added: “She then alleged that Garda Dawson had grabbed her “tit” and claimed that he sexually assaulted her by groping at her.

"It was a very nasty situation for Garda Dawson and for all concerned.”

Solicitor for O’Riordan, Bill O’Donnell, immediately accepted in court on behalf of O’Riordan that there was no substance to the allegation made by his client against Garda Dawson.

In his plea of mitigation, Mr O’Donnell said that “these were the actions of a very, very ill person”.

He said: “Clearly from the evidence, she was somewhat out of control.”

Mr O’Donnell said: “Ms O’Riordan was going through a very, very difficult time having recently separated from her husband of 20 years.

“She moved to New York City and hadn’t seen her children for two months, who live in Canada and was living out of a suitcase in New York City.”

Dolores O'RiordanDolores O'Riordan performs on stage during the first concert of the Festivalbar on May 29, 2004 in Milan
He said: “She was quite unwell during this year arising from the devastating effect from her separation from her husband and not seeing her children.”

Mr O’Donnell said that O’Riordan was returning to Ireland for the second anniversary of her father’s death.

He said: “This was a very emotional time for my client and she was not in a good place.”

Mr O’Donnell handed into court a booklet of medical reports on Ms O’Riordan’s psychiatric condition with one psychiatrist concluding that O’Riordan’s actions “were of a person suffering a severe psychiatric illness”.

During one consultation with her in the days after the air rage incident, Mr O’Donnell said that a medic concluded that she was paranoid and delusional.

Ms O’Riordan was shortly after admitted to St Patrick’s Psychiatric hospital and remained there for three weeks.

Mr O’Donnell said that there was no intention by O’Riordan to commit the actions on the day and she doesn’t remember what fully occurred.

He said that she has no previous convictions, had travelled around the world with her career since she was 18 and had never had an incident on a plane before last November.

Another medical report concluded that O’Riordan’s prognosis for the future is positive but she will require medication in the longer term to manage the condition.

Dolores O'RiordanDolores O'Riordan arrives at the Sony Radio Academy Awards 2007 which honour the best in radio broadcasting talent
In the case, O’Riordan, from Grange in Kilmallock, Limerick, has pleaded guilty to four separate alleged offences - including three separate minor assault charges - from the incident at Shannon.

She admitted assaulting Garda Shane Dawson and two members of the Airport Police at Shannon - Ronan O’Reilly and Eamon Power.

Ms O’Riordan pleaded guilty to resisting/wilfully obstructing Garda Dawson in the execution of his duty contrary to Section 19 of the Criminal Justice (Public Order) Act 1994.

Any person found guilty of a Section 2 assault in the district court can be fined up to €1,850 or a maximum of six months in jail.

Judge Patrick Durcan adjourned the case for mention to January to fix a date for sentence.


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Re: Nuevo album de Dolores O'Riordan
« Respuesta #40 en: Febrero 25, 2016, 04:06:48 pm »
Dolores O’Riordan abandonaba los juzgados de Ennis District Court tras mostrar sus disculpas por escrito a los afectados y ser multada con 6.000 euros (£4,690) por su incidente a bordo del avión de Air Lingus que la llevaba desde Canadá hasta Shannon el pasado 10 de Noviembre de 2014. Informes míédicos presentados a juicio demostraron que sufrí­a depresión y un trastorno bipolar cuando el incidente tuvo lugar.

Al salir de los juzgados junto a su madre y su pareja, Olíé Koretsky, Dolores ha atendido amablemente a la multitud de periodistas que allí­ la esperaban. Haciendo gala de su solidaridad y compromiso, ha aprovechado la ocasión para aconsejar a los pacientes de depresión y trastornos mentales que busquen ayuda.

“No tengo mucho más que decir. Me alegro de que ya haya terminado,” decí­a. “Quiero agradecer a los míédicos que me han devuelto la salud mental. Hoy me siento muy bien y muy optimista con respecto a este año. Tengo un par de álbumes que van a ser publicados y voy a volver al trabajo.”

Uno de los dos álbumes de los que habla Dolores se trata de su proyecto en común con los que fueran Jetlag NYC, ahora “Dark”. Hace una semana tambiíén os informábamos de su regreso a The Cranberries, con quienes tiene prevista una gira por festivales que tendrá lugar el próximo verano.

Se acercan tiempos de cambios positivos y nuevos proyectos para Dolores, pero lo más importante, la noticia que realmente celebramos hoy, es que haya recuperado su salud.


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Re: Nuevo album de Dolores O'Riordan
« Respuesta #41 en: Febrero 26, 2016, 05:24:48 pm »
a cantante irlandesa Dolores O'Riordan, lí­der de la banda The Cranberries, fue multada con 6.000 euros (6.600 dólares) por escupir y dar un cabezazo a un policí­a tras ser detenida por alterar el orden en un avión en 2014.

La artista, de 44 años, tambiíén agredió a una de las azafatas del vuelo que cubrí­a el trayecto entre Nueva York (EEUU) y el aeropuerto de Shannon, al oeste de Irlanda, el 10 de noviembre de 2014.

En una vista celebrada en un tribunal de Ennis, en el condado de Clare (oeste), el juez Patrick Durcan optó por imponer una sanción económica en lugar de una "condena penal", que hubiese conllevado un castigo más severo.

"En mi opinión, no procedí­a y no hubiese sido justo criminalizar a la acusada por este caso", dijo Durcan, quien recordó que O'Riordan no tiene antecedentes penales y, como muestra de su arrepentimiento, ha pedido perdón por escrito a todos los afectados por sus actos.

Según ordenó el juez, la cantante deberá donar el dinero de la multa a una asociación dedicada a la reinserción social de presos.

Durante su detención, O'Riordan, quien padece trastorno bipolar, insultó a los agentes y les recordó que es un "icono mundial" y "la reina de Limerick", la ciudad del suroeste de Irlanda donde nació el 6 de septiembre de 1971.

Asimismo, acusó a uno de los policí­as en el momento del arresto de manosearla y agredirla sexualmente, una afirmación que retiró despuíés durante el juicio.

The Cranberries, con la carismática Dolores a la cabeza, saltó al estrellato internacional a principios de los noventa con temas como "Zombie", "Dreams" o "Linger", y ha llegado a vender más de 40 millones de discos en todo el mundo.


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Re: Nuevo album de Dolores O'Riordan
« Respuesta #42 en: Marzo 13, 2016, 01:30:17 pm »
According to Billboard the debut album from alternative rock act D.A.R.K., featuring The Cranberries vocalist Dolores O’Riordan, former Smiths bassist Andy Rouke and Olíé Koretsky is announced for May 27th on Cooking Vinyl in the USA. The London-based label is expanding its US operations with the opening of a full service label division.

On the other hand Rey Roldan, a music publicist based in New Jersey posted on Facebook last March 7th the following message:

And… we welcome DARK featuring DJ/Producer/Musician Olíé Koretsky, Dolores O’Riordan (of The Cranberries) and Andy Rourke (of The Smiths) to the Reybee stable


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Re: Nuevo album de Dolores O'Riordan
« Respuesta #43 en: Marzo 13, 2016, 03:51:05 pm »
A huge thanks to Cranberries Mexico and Andrea Nannelli (Cranberries Italia) who found out first details on D.A.R.K. first album today.

As published yesterday, “Science Agrees” is to be released by Cooking Vinyl on May 27th (in Europe for sure, probably June 3rd in the US, we’ll get more details soon as far as other territories are concerned).

Science Agrees

Tracklist can already be found on Amazon:

1. Curvy
2. Chynamite
3. Gunfight
4. Steal You Away
5. High Fashion
6. Watch Out
7. Miles Away
8. The Moon
9. Underwater
10. Loosen The Noose


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Re: Nuevo album de Dolores O'Riordan
« Respuesta #44 en: Marzo 26, 2016, 04:39:05 pm »
MAY 13
D.A.R.K. featuring Dolores O’Riordan
Dolans Warehouse
Limerick, Ireland

MAY 16
D.A.R.K. featuring Dolores O’Riordan
Dublin, Ireland

MAY 18
D.A.R.K. featuring Dolores O’Riordan
Bush Hall
London, England

MAY 20
D.A.R.K. featuring Dolores O’Riordan
Divan du Monde
Paris, France

MAY 23
D.A.R.K. featuring Dolores O’Riordan
Tunnel Club
Milano, Italy