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Re: Nightwish
« Respuesta #375 en: Octubre 19, 2010, 11:35:03 pm »
Anette ya nos ha desvelado el nombre del bebíé, el niño se llama Nemo, y sí­ se llama así­ por la peli de Pixar y porque a Johan le gusta 20000 leguas de viaje submarino, original


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Re: Nightwish
« Respuesta #376 en: Octubre 25, 2010, 11:05:50 pm »
Nuevo look


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Re: Nightwish
« Respuesta #377 en: Octubre 27, 2010, 11:39:00 pm »
Fotos de infancia  :023:


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Re: Nightwish
« Respuesta #378 en: Octubre 28, 2010, 10:54:07 pm »
El look de Anette!

« Última modificación: Noviembre 07, 2010, 04:50:25 pm por _V_ »


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Re: Nightwish
« Respuesta #379 en: Noviembre 07, 2010, 04:00:36 pm »
NIGHTWISH han comenzado un concurso que han denominado "The Escapist Competition".

El ganador tendrá que realizar la creación más original relacionada con NIGHTWISH. Se puede participar tantas veces como se quiera dentro de lo razonable, y los trabajos pueden ser pinturas, poemas, canciones, etc.

El plazo para concursar termina el 21 de noviembre.

Teníéis más información sobre las reglas y los premios aquí­.

NIGHTWISH comenzaron el pasado 15 de octubre oficialmente a grabar su próximo trabajo. El grupo está trabajando con Kai Hahto (SWALLOW THE SUN, WINTERSUN), y los ingenieros Mikko Karmila y TeeCee Kinnunen.

Podíéis encontrar fotos del estudio en este enlace.

NIGHTWISH concluyeron a mediados de septiembre las maquetas para este nuevo álbum. El material podrí­a estar listo para otoño de 2011.

La banda ha compuesto alrededor de 12 temas para el disco.

El grupo estuvo en julio en los estudios The Haunted Mansion en la pequeña villa finesa de Sí¤vi con su ingeniero habitual y co-productor TeeCee Kinnunen. El 15 de octubre viajarán a Londres para comenzar la grabación, y contarán de nuevo con la Orquesta Sinfónica de Londres y un coro, además del compositor y multiinstrumentista Troy Donockley.
« Última modificación: Noviembre 07, 2010, 04:01:41 pm por _V_ »


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Re: Nightwish
« Respuesta #380 en: Noviembre 07, 2010, 04:51:55 pm »
una foto q encontríé por ahí­ perdida


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Re: Nightwish
« Respuesta #381 en: Noviembre 11, 2010, 02:23:18 pm »
Hi, gang, it’s been a while. I guess it’s my time to write about what’s going on in the studio.
The summer Rock Camp is now behind us, and we’ve been busy listening to demos. Jukka even managed to complete his drum parts for the album. Right on… There was such a nice vibe at the summer camp that this time I’m going to try a different approach to recording my stuff. Last time it was more like working nine to five, busting my ass in the studio, but this time I took the recording equipment home and will try to maintain that laid-back, jamming feeling I had during the whole summer, when we were rehearsing and demoing the songs with the guys. In a way, I guess I have succeeded -- I have now been laying down rhythm tracks for a week, and as a bonus, I caught a 5,14-kg (11.3 lb) pike J!
Anyway, Tuomas and Mikko Karmila (Koo-Mikko the Comedian) were here a while ago. We messed around with the amps for a day, trying different sounds, and I’ve now completed about half of the rhythm tracks. It’s hard to say whether my job is 30% or 5% done, because if old signs hold true, the guitar parts just keep on increasing. Meaning that just when you’re about to pop open that bottle of champagne, you realize that, damn, this and that part still need something. In other words, having learnt something from previous sessions, I’ll keep the champagne on ice at least for another six months.
That’s about it for the moment. I’ll try to snap a few pics from the session at some point, so later, folks -- rock on!
- Emppu


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Re: Nightwish
« Respuesta #382 en: Noviembre 11, 2010, 07:17:22 pm »
NIGHTWISH singer Anette Olzon has revealed via her official blog that she is "in the process of signing with a record label" for her upcoming solo album, which she hopes to release in May 2011.

Olzon worked on material for her solo CD last year with Swedish producers Stefan í–rn and Johan Glí¶ssner. The album was slated to be co-produced by Swedish producer/songwriter Anders Bagge, who has previously worked with MADONNA, CELINE DION, JANET JACKSON and JESSICA SIMPSON, among others. He is also one of judges on the Swedish TV talent competition "Idol" and a producer of the TV series "Made in Sweden".

Olzon last year hired a personal manager — the Swedish management company Hagenburg Management, which also represents EUROPE and THE CARDIGANS.

On July 30, Olzon gave birth to her second child (and first with her current boyfriend, bassist Johan Husgafvel of the Swedish metal band PAIN). He was 52 centimeters tall and he weighed in at 3930 grams. Olzon, 39, also has a nine-year-old son, Seth, with her now-ex-husband.

NIGHTWISH entered the studio late last month to begin recording the follow-up to 2007's "Dark Passion Play". Regarding the musical direction of the forthcoming album, Anette wrote on her official blog, "I think it's a great and varied CD. The feelings in it are great and there are a lot of elements in it, so I am sure it will have many different favorite songs for the listeners since the songs are so different in styles and sound. 'Dark Passion Play' is a great album and this one, too, so I don't know yet which one I like more, but, of course, for me personally, this one feels better to do since the songs are more adjusted to my voice and my style."

The pre-production sessions for the new NIGHTWISH CD took place in "the deepest countryside of Finland," where most of the band spent several weeks finalizing the song arrangements and recording their instrumental parts.

NIGHTWISH played a special homecoming show in September 2009 at the sold-out, 11,000-capacity Hartwall Arena in Helsinki to mark the end of the band's colossal "Dark Passion Play" two-year world tour.

NIGHTWISH is not expected to play any more concerts until the release of the band's next studio album.


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Re: Nightwish
« Respuesta #383 en: Noviembre 11, 2010, 07:27:33 pm »
Vocalist Anette Olzon has issued the following blog update:

"I thought I'd start the day with answering some more questions:

Q: What are your impressions about the incoming CD? Do you like it best to DPP?

A: "I think it's a great and varied CD. The feeling in it are great and there are a lot of elements in it so I am sure it will have many different favourite songs for the listeners since the songs are so different in styles and sound. DPP is a great album and this one too, so I dont know yet which one I like more, but of course for me personally, this one feels better to do since the songs are more adjusted to my voice and my style."

Q: What is your favourite outfit you wore?

A: "There have been so many I love but one of my favourite ones are the white dress from the last Paris gig from Designers remix collection. It's pure and beautiful."

Q: What was the best gig you did? In which country?

A: "It's a hard questions cause there has been many gigs that have been feeling really good on tour. To name some: the last show in Hartwall, the last gig in London, the gig in Savonlinna, Metaltown in Sweden and the very first show in Copenhagen because all my family and loved friends were there."

Q: What would be the perfect present for you for Christmas?

A: "Peace in life and lots of love from the ones I love."

Q: What are your favourite movies/series?

A: "I love vampire movies and series so Vampire Diaries and True Blood are great. I like to laugh so Two And A Half Men are super! Desperate Housewives, House and Top Model are also favourites."

Q: Few days ago i found a photo on the internet of you with TARJA TURUNEN: have you ever met her or this photo is a false one?

A: No, I have never met her so any kinda photos are fake."

According to a recent update from Nightwish drummer Jukka Nevalainen, the songs on the new album "have again a massive variety and mood changes from lunatic circus to a hazy jazz club."

Dark Passion Play has sold over two million copies since its release, being Nightwish's most successful album to date. The album topped the charts in no less than six countries.

Watch for updates on the progress.


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Re: Nightwish
« Respuesta #384 en: Noviembre 18, 2010, 11:38:49 pm »
Nightwish's new album is born in the peace of nature

A million copies sold Dark Passion Play received its final form in the village of Jí¤í¤vi in the Tampere region. The guidelines of the next Nightwish album, to be released at earliest a year from now, were set in Kitee - and in Australia.

Tuomas Holopainen sits by a sparking camp fire. On a adjacent grilling underlay, a varied set of both meat and vegetables waits for its turn. At the same time, the Sun is sinking beneath the horizon and just a few meters away the darkening waters of í„tí¤skí¶jí¤rvi bathe in dozens various colours of the Autumn for only a bit longer. The view is outsandingly beautiful - right now it's not weird at all that Nightwish decided to hold their 8-week summer camp right here in this North-Carelian landscape.

- At first the only concern I had was that I might leave the camp too often during the evening - after all, this place is close to my own home. The concern was disturbing, because the point of this summer camp was to separate us completely from the everyday life and concentrate for the next two months only on the next Nightwish album, says cheerful Tuomas and sneers:

- In the end, my concern was quite unnecessary. I've slept only one night at home during the past 8 weeks. So the concentration has succeeded pretty much perfectly. And that's good, because we're building quite an entity.

It's the second Saturday of September. We're about 20 kilometers from the centre of Kitee. The distance is roughly the same to Tuomas's home. The campsite is at Kiteen Karhu-Pojat ry owned camp center Rí¶skí¶, which spreads around the camp filling three and a half hectares. There are 13 separate buildings. There's the main building with its kitchens and several habitations of varying size and quality, and small private cabins have housed the Nightwish musicians for the past weeks.

- The abundance of accommodation wasn't a problem. Since we have spent so much time here, we naturally needed to have enough space for example for the families of the band members.

Rí¶skí¶ has been built for the last 60 years mostly by local voluntary work, and the site has been the location of very various camps, among others. The Nightwish members from Kitee have experienced Rí¶skí¶ several times during earlier years.

- I went to the confirmation school here, as well as Jukka and Emppu. There's the camp church right on the Rí¶skí¶ mountain - and right by it there's a big fissure, which is, according to an old tale, mark of a lightning sent by the devil. So, there are various tones to this area, says Tuomas while beckoning towards a nearby hill.

- Yeah, we started thinking a while ago where to find a good camp site for training new album material. At some point I remembered Rí¶skí¶. That it's a gorgeous place, and not far away either.

Tuomas had few doubts before going on a scouting trip.

- I wasn't sure fi the Karhu-Pojat dare or even want to rent such a wonderful place to a band. Or that if a heavy band fits in their image. In the Summer of 2009 I told them what I had in mind and they said yes immediately. On the other hand, this is very easy the Karhu-Pojat: they have a very reliable tenant for 8 weeks.

There were huge storms in the Eastern Finland in the late Summer, but Rí¶skí¶ was spared from the strongest winds.

- It was quite fierce here too. The storm raged about 10 kilometers from here, and it snapped a lot of trees there. It looked quite formidable in Simpele, too. It looked like a giant army would've stormed through the area.

Long camping isn't obviously really new to Nightwish, as you could've read already from Soundi 08/2006. Back then, in the summer of 2006, Nightwish retired for a few weeks to the Sí¤vi camp center in Suodenniemi, to practice and arrange the material of Dark Passion Play, later released in September 2007.

- The idea of renting Rí¶skí¶ was naturally kind of conceived from the experience we had in Sí¤vi. It was awesome there and the band was knitted together like never before, after some very rough stages. But surely the Sí¤vi memories have been gilded by the years - we didn't even have a singer back then, hems Tuomas and continues:

- Anyhow, we decided already back in Sí¤vi to masquerade the working and arranging of Dark Passion Play's follower as a long summer camp. And it's easy to say now that we'll be doing this in the future too. I hope we'll find a great and most importantly peaceful place when we'll need it.

Yeah, basically anyone could've come to Rí¶skí¶ by a car or by a boat, regardless of the "private event" signs. But the peace has remained?

- Yes. We haven't seen unknown vehicles, except for two occasions. The locals have surely known who has rented the camp center, but in the Finnish tradtion we've been left alone.

But since we're speaking of Kitee, a lot of friends have passed by.

- It's been an awesome Summer, water temperature +31, wonderful surroundings... Let's say that I've been returning empty bottles to the store quite a few times, laughs Tuomas.

In the end of August Rí¶skí¶ was visited by Formula 1 driver Heikki Kovalainen and Apulanta mainman Toni Wirtanen. With world-famous consequences.

- It got completely out of hand. The guys came for a visit and strayed to the training room in the evening. Heikki announced he has some drumming skills and we instantly decided to form a new line-up. We distributed rest of the instruments, and as a result, we had a band called The Myí¶tí¤hí¤peí¤. Our versions of songs "Sukset" and "For Whom the Bell Tolls" are quite the hits already. Next we'll do a ballad like "Nothing Else Matters" or "Wind of Change", and next thing we'll know we'll be touring, Tuomas laughs.

Speaking of other bands, Tuomas presented the ideas ordered from him also at the demo sessions of the next Kotiteollisuus album, to be released early next year.

- I'm sincere when I say this: Kotiteollisuus is about to release a very fresh-sounding album. The band has taken a completely new approach to things, believe or not. And they've been preparing the album with special care - Hynynen had even written all the lyrics beforehand.

But let's forget the other bands after all. Tonight, Saturday 11th of September, it's a small occasion for Nightwish. The reason for that is rather good - just a few hours before singer Anette Olzon finished her parts of the demo version of the next Nightwish album. She was the last of the quintet to deliver her parts. In other words, all the instrument tracks and vocal parts that were planned for the demo have been recorded on hard disk.

- We arrived to Rí¶skí¶ in mid-July. After a few days of probing we started working and processed the new songs with a good intensity... Everything we had planned was recorded, even though the melancholy of atmospheric heavy metal was occasionally at trial, when we worked hard in the sauna-like heat of the training place, Tuomas sneers.

- We realized quite quickly that it's no use trying to force the work. The main idea of the camp was, of course, to finish my demo songs with the other members, but another idea was to raise the spirits in the band after a long break. The mood we achieved here will surely be heard on the final product as well.

Many fans wondered the summer camp diary of the Nightwish website, that have they even touched an instrument, when there were blog photos only about fishing and waterskiing.

- Naturally we've had a plenty of free time, because we also live here. Try it yourself; when you play for 6 hours in tropical indoors you find waterskiing very appealing. Or going to a Kitee Pallo match. Or virtual hockey, to which I've fallen completely. Forming your own team and thinking about all the tactics really captures you. It's twice as addicting as smoking.

Spring and Summer 2010 of Nightwish went along the same lines as the times preceding recording of Dark Passion Play. The preparations for the summer camp were started well in the spring, after Tuomas recorded rough home demos of all new 12 songs. Next, the song billets were sent to the other musicians for evaluation.

- In principle. the songs were quite ready already in the Spring, when I presented the ideas to the others for the first time. For example the tempos didn't change during the summer training, but some song structures underwent slight changes. We also worked the arrangements to be smoother, adjusted the vocal melodies and so on. It's pretty much what we did the last time, Tuomas nods.

What's also familiar from the Dark Passion Play era is that there's one song from Marco among your compositions.

- True. Marco's song joined in half-way through our last tour. He was playing a nice melody with acoustic guitar and I encouraged myself to ask if it's going to for Tarot. It wasn't, so it came for Nightwish.

- Still, there are some differences in the process of working, in comparison with the previous album. This time I had in advance even a clearer view of both the separate songs and the whole album. The song order and everything, Tuomas stresses.

- By the way, people occasionally ask why you make such a perfected and thorough demo. There are many reasons for that. For example, we don't need to do that during the actual studio session. In addition, Pip Williams (the orchestra/choir arranger) needs to have a perfect idea of what kind of things the album is going to have. Otherwise his job work will be crucially harder. It's the same thing with the multi-instrumentalist Troy Donockley, who was in with the previous album too. He has even a bigger role reserved for him on the album, and one of the songs is even written for his contribution. So the old gang is back together again!

Certainly there's an elementary difference between the Sí¤vi and Rí¶skí¶ camp sessions - a difference called Anette Alzon. In the Summer of 2006 the Nightwish group was living a time of great dubiety, regardless of plentiful material, since the band was still looking for a new singer to replace the fired Tarja Turunen. So Tuomas had to work the Dark Passion Play material without knowing the sound or the range of the vocalist who'd be going to sing them. This time the situation was different already from the starting points.

- You can write music without a singer, but of course the present situation is much more pleasant. Now I knew from the start the range and talent of the lead vocalist, and what she is best at. Every vocalist has their own manners and weaknesses, and knowing them makes the job easier for everyone. The letter A is easy to sing with a high note, but for example the letter I is a lot more challenging. You might not realize to think about this kind of stuff as a songwriter.

- Lucklily the demo singing sessions went extremely well. Both singers had really done their homework. There was nothing in the songs that I would've needed to fix for excessive hardness or problematic pitch. However, we do have two excellent singers, and I don't really need to think about the mentioned restrictions that much. Anette and Marco can carry out almost any idea. And that is of course extremely soothing for me.

But are you ever nervous to present the vocal melodies to the experienced vocalists of the band? The question makes Tuomas laugh.

- Yeah, usually I have croaked the tentative vocal melodies and... Well, it's been clear enough for them. But these kind of situations don't make me nervous anymore, I've known Marko for years and Anette's been in the business already for an album and a world tour.

- Actually, lately the presenting of the singing stuff has gone to that I play the demo vocal melodies with piano sound and give the lyrics to the vocalists. After that they realize what I've been after. So we've formed a very fruitful symbiosis between us - I recognize the vocalists' talents and they can interpret my piano melodies.

How strong emotions do the fully complete, sung vocal melodies usually raise in you?

- It indeed is so that the song truly blossoms only after the vocal performances. The instrumental version is what it is, but only the human voice bringing life to the text brings the final feelings.

How's the vocalist proportion on the next album?

- I think the parts of both vocalists are pretty much how they were in Dark Passion Play. Maybe 73 and 27 in percentage? Or 67 and 33?

Darkness has fallen over North Carelia a good while ago. The time has come to familiarize with the new Nightwish demos. A lit walking path leads from the Rí¶skí¶'s roofed camp site to the reddish building couple of hundred meters away. The bottom floor has the sweat room/training area, while the upper floor floor has the demo singing studio of the vocalists. Very homespun, not pretentious.

The trusted long-time recorder and technician of the band, Tero "TeeCee" Kinnunen is still working on the Nightwish demos, moving files from one place to another and doing some light demo mixes on the fly. However, soon the MacBook spits out material at a volume which allows nearby bears and wolves to hear new Nightwish.

A few circumstances are made clear very soon. As Tuomas already stressed, they've been doing a lot more than waterskiing: a sound this massive isn't born on its own. Another thing I quickly picked is the diversity of the material. In addition to shorter songs in style of "Bye Bye Beautiful" and "Dark Chest of Wonders", there are meandering compositions. This isn't really a new thing, since the previous album had 7-minute works like "7 Days to the Wolves" and "Meadows of Heaven", not to mention the epics on Once, "Ghost Love Score" and "Creek Mary's Blood".

- This time we're clocking new numbers because the last song is about 20 minutes long. On the other hand, the album will have couple of songs which are under 4 minutes long... But the material and sound of this band has grown bigger and more dimensional phase by phase. To me, the Nightwish discography shows itself as a kind of continuum, and yet again it's time to open a whole new page, Tuomas describes and continues after a while:

- It's a new page also in that sense, that this time the album tells a coherent story. Now I had a very strong idea about what I want to say with the album, since the very beginning. This carried the song material to a direction that's even more diverse than before. There's ghost atmosphere, night club atmosphere, deranged fairy tale characters. Definitely some things will bring divided reactions, but that's how it must be. There's no point in fearing ideas, that's how you go wrong.

The discussion continues for a good while. There's talk is about how precisely Nightwish is going to plan their future tour schedules ("Dark Passion Play world tour was quite rough for the band members with families..."), there's talk about Rí¶skí¶ camp fox, there's talk about the orchestra and choir recordings of the future album ("in mid-February we go to London, we'll have the same orchestra and choir as the last time, with few additions").

And at some point Tuomas says few sentences which seem to in some way encapsulate Nightwish's whole career this far, and the fantasy world created by the band.

- Much of the band stuff is that you play together and play concerts and drink booze and give the fans experiences. But maybe the outsiders don't always understand that artists also have a need to do something meaningful. I mean really meaningful. You want to do something which really touches people and even makes the world a better place.



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Re: Nightwish
« Respuesta #385 en: Noviembre 27, 2010, 11:04:50 pm »
Emppu ya terminó de grabar!!!

And an album update:
Just heard from Emppu that he has recorded his rhytm guitars so now it´s time for Marco to start recording. Great, on we go!


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Re: Nightwish
« Respuesta #386 en: Diciembre 23, 2010, 02:04:14 pm »
Nightwish nuevos proyectos para el 2011 / Anette escucha Evanescence  :80:

En la página oficial de Nightwish el integrante Tuomas Holopainen ha escrito un comunicado en el que nos dice lo que le dejo el 2010 y que le trae el 2011 a la banda, nos cuenta que este año fue bastante fructí­fero, desde escribir nuevas canciones para el álbum hasta la grabación de las guitarras y el bajo de su próximo álbum, además nos dice que en el 2011 se estarán revelando todos los detalles del nuevo disco, samples, video-reportes, y mucho más, tambiíén le da la bienvenida a los nuevo integrantes de la familia como lo son: la hija de Jukka, Lara, y el hijo de Anette, Nemo. Y termina deseándoles a todos un inspirador año nuevo.

Por otro lado recientemente la vocalista de la banda Anette Olzon escribió una nueva entrada en su blog llamada "White christmas" en español "Blanca Navidad" en la que al final nos dice que va a escuchar un poco de buena musical y nos deja con un video de Within Temptation y el video de "Going Under" de Evanescence...


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Re: Nightwish
« Respuesta #387 en: Diciembre 25, 2010, 11:03:01 pm »
Tuomas cumple hoy 34 años!!!
FELICIDADES!!!! :011: :011: :011: :011: :011:
« Última modificación: Enero 14, 2012, 04:21:58 pm por Serena »


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Re: Nightwish
« Respuesta #388 en: Diciembre 26, 2010, 10:42:32 pm »
El año está llegando a su fin y todos estamos preparados para un viaje infernal en montaña rusa para 2011!

Este año pasado ha sido un año muy fructí­fero, desde escribir canciones para el próximo disco, ensayarlas en el memorable campanento de verano en Rí¶skí¶, grabar la demo, grabar el disco actual (se han grabado la baterí­a, guitarras y bajos) y la planificación del próximo año. El verano tambiíén fue bendecido con el nacimiento de dos nuevos miembros de la familia Nightwish, Lara, la hija de Jukka ('Julius' Nevalainen, baterí­a) y Nemo, el hijo de Anette (Olzon, voz). ¡El verano más inolvidable y maravilloso!.

A finales de Enero del 2011 desvelaremos los planes futuros de la banda y algunos deseos. Espero que todos estíéis contentos, ¡tanto como nosotros lo estamos con vosotros!

¡Deseo a todo el mundo una Navidad tranquila y llena de magia y un inspirador año 2011!



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Re: Nightwish
« Respuesta #389 en: Enero 02, 2011, 11:14:20 pm »
Update from the studio

Emppu is nearly done with his guitar recordings, having done 4 comp tracks to all the songs plus half of all the leads. (The solos and acoustics are best left to record AFTER the orchestral and choir sessions). Marco is also finished with his bass recordings so now we basically just wait for Pip and Tuomas to get the orchestral arrangements sorted out for the London sessions in February.
It`s coming together, slowly but surely, going into such monumental and uncharted spheres that it`s hard to keep our pantyhoses on. Stay tuned!

Written by Nightwish on December 29, 2010