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Re: Nightwish
« Respuesta #735 en: Marzo 02, 2013, 10:28:13 pm »
Imaginaerum Mejor Album de Metal en Finlandia


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Re: Nightwish
« Respuesta #736 en: Marzo 06, 2013, 06:11:54 pm »


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Re: Nightwish
« Respuesta #737 en: Marzo 07, 2013, 04:25:44 pm »
El DVD de la peli sale el 31 de mayo



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Re: Nightwish
« Respuesta #738 en: Marzo 21, 2013, 09:47:59 pm »

Audio: English, Dolby Digital 5.1
Subtitles: Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Norway


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Re: Nightwish
« Respuesta #739 en: Abril 07, 2013, 05:12:23 pm »
"The international version of "Imaginaerum by Nightwish" can now be pre-ordered from the Nightwish-Shop.

The international version contains english subtitles and english cover texts.

If you have already pre-ordered the scandinavian version, please check your e-mail box for information regarding the international version. Note that the e-mails are still being processed, so if you haven't received yours yet, check again in a few hours. And be sure to also check your spam folder, just in case."


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Re: Nightwish
« Respuesta #740 en: Abril 21, 2013, 05:16:33 pm »
Jukka cumple hoy 35 años!!!!!!
FELICIDADES!!!!! :011: :011: :011: :011: :011: :011: :011:


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Re: Nightwish
« Respuesta #741 en: Abril 27, 2013, 05:12:04 pm »
Tuomas talked about his solo album with Soundi magazine and Yle. The album Music Inspired By The Life And Times Of Scrooge McDuck By Don Rosa is likely to be released sometimes in the beginning of 2014. Tuomas has finished writing work and recordings will be in the end of August with London Symphony Orchestra and later in Scotland. I'm glad that Don Rosa himself will be drawing the cover art. He is the best Disney comic artist in my opinion. Here are some rough translations from the interviews: Tuomas says that the music is not even close to Nightwish. Its not even heavy music or rock and there will not be bass or drums for example. Of course orchestral and ethnic percussions will be there a lot. There will also be vocals in some songs and the musical range will be wide. They are talking with many publishers and even Disney has some interest


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Re: Nightwish
« Respuesta #742 en: Abril 28, 2013, 04:00:25 pm »
La peli con subtitulos en español!


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Re: Nightwish
« Respuesta #743 en: Abril 29, 2013, 04:06:56 pm »
Lo mas reciente sobre el proyecto "The Life And Times Of Scrooge McDuck" de Tuomas.

· Tuomas Holopainen y Don Rosa colaboran para el proyecto de Scrooge McDuck.

Recientemente, Tuomas habló de nuevo sobre su álbum solista basado en el cómic "The Life And Times Of Scrooge McDuck".

Holopainen ya ha terminado con el proceso de composición de las canciones y espera entrar al estudio de grabación con la Orquesta Sinfónica de Londres en agosto próximo para despuíés trasladarse a Escocia y grabar las gaitas y otros instrumentos ahí­.

En cuanto al contenido, el rango musical será variado; el compositor asegura que será algo diferente a lo que Nightwish nos tiene acostumbrados.

" - No será nada cercano al sonido de Nightwish, no habrá nada de instrumentos heavy como bajo, guitarra o baterí­a. El álbum será más bien una mezcla entre banda sonora y música de cámara con toques íétnicos. Sólo la orquesta, algunas percusiones y piano. Será algo marginal y extraño."

En cuanto a las voces, la discusión con Petrax Studios continúa, por lo que la identidad de las posibles contribuciones vocales sigue siendo un secreto.

" - Habrá algunas canciones con vocalistas invitados, aunque aún no puedo decir con certeza quiíénes participarán."

El tecladista finíés dice haber obtenido la aprobación del propio Don Rosa, quien aceptó dibujar el artwork para la carátula del disco; y tambiíén haber despertado algo de interíés por parte de los altos mandos.

" - Parece haber algo de interíés de Disney por el proyecto, aunque todo sigue completamente abierto. Aún falta hacer contactos con muchas personas. Lo único de lo que tengo certeza es que el disco verá la luz en algún momento a principios del próximo año", promete Holopainen.

♪ Traducción por "The Nightingale" Tuomas Holopainen - Míéxico.


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Re: Nightwish
« Respuesta #744 en: Abril 29, 2013, 04:26:15 pm »
New festival date: Byblos-festival 4th of July in Citadel, Jbeil, Lebanon


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Re: Nightwish
« Respuesta #745 en: Mayo 03, 2013, 06:51:49 pm »
El próximo lunes dí­a 6 a las 18:30 habrá chat con Floor, para poder participar debíéis de ser miembros del foro oficial de Nightwish, pero sólo serán elegidos 20 miembros para charlar con ella. Para poder participar en el chat debíéis de escribir un post en este topic , a cada participante en el topic se le dará un número por privado, el domingo el topic será cerrado y los ganadores serán elegidos con un generador de números aleatorios, cada ganador tendrá 5 min para hablar con Floor. Los ganadores serán anunciados el domingo por la noche.


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Re: Nightwish
« Respuesta #746 en: Mayo 05, 2013, 04:00:36 pm »
El viernes os contíé que:

El próximo lunes dí­a 6 a las 18:30 habrá chat con Floor, para poder participar debíéis de ser miembros del foro oficial de Nightwish, pero sólo serán elegidos 20 miembros para charlar con ella. Para poder participar en el chat debíéis de escribir un post en este topic , a cada participante en el topic se le dará un número por privado, el domingo el topic será cerrado y los ganadores serán elegidos con un generador de números aleatorios, cada ganador tendrá 5 min para hablar con Floor. Los ganadores serán anunciados el domingo por la noche.

Bien el caso es que...... soy una de las ganadoras!!!!


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Re: Nightwish
« Respuesta #747 en: Mayo 08, 2013, 04:04:37 pm »
El chat con Floor

Chat members with Floor Jansen.

[06 Mai 13 19:34] * Floor: Hello?
[06 Mai 13 19:34] * Escapist: That;s better
[06 Mai 13 19:34] * mojo: now it works
[06 Mai 13 19:35] * Escapist: Dont' scare me like that haha
[06 Mai 13 19:35] * Floor: I know....I had the same....but it works haha
[06 Mai 13 19:35] * Floor: So let the fun begin :-)
[06 Mai 13 19:36] * mojo: ok.. ready to start Floor?
[06 Mai 13 19:37] * Floor: Yes!!!! :-)
[06 Mai 13 19:37] * mojo: cool. let me pick the first one
[06 Mai 13 19:37] * Escapist: Hyper reaction
[06 Mai 13 19:37] * Floor: :P

[06 Mai 13 19:38] * mojo: Fonnels: .. you're first .. go for it :D
[06 Mai 13 19:38] * Fonnels: Oh no! :D
[06 Mai 13 19:38] * Fonnels: Hello Floor! :-)
[06 Mai 13 19:38] * Floor: HI :-)
[06 Mai 13 19:38] * Fonnels: First of all: How are you? Was it difficult for you to sing the NW songs in your own style without putting the original Nightwish style out of focus?
[06 Mai 13 19:39] * Floor: I am doing great thanks!
[06 Mai 13 19:39] * Floor: Some songs took more time but most others felt very natural from the start
[06 Mai 13 19:40] * Fonnels: Okay, that already leads to my next question: Are there any songs that were difficult for you to sing in the beginning?
[06 Mai 13 19:40] * Floor: I know I sing them in my own way and to be able to do that, that freedom I get to give a piece of myself is really awesome!
[06 Mai 13 19:40] * Floor: All were haha
[06 Mai 13 19:40] * Floor: No seriously
[06 Mai 13 19:40] * Fonnels: :D
[06 Mai 13 19:40] * Floor: some easier than others but I found Amaranth the biggest challange
[06 Mai 13 19:41] * Floor: And Ever Dream sang in normal voice, not opera
[06 Mai 13 19:41] * Fonnels: Okay :-) How did your singing style change during the past years (maybe also according to NW)?
[06 Mai 13 19:41] * Floor: I don't think I changed but I have been growing into a more diverse style
[06 Mai 13 19:40] * Floor: I sing in more various ways now, also more raw at times
[06 Mai 13 19:40] * Fonnels: that's also the impression I have/had. :-) I'm really looking forward to the upcoming festivals. I'll attend 6 of them. :-) What are your expectations according to the festivals?
[06 Mai 13 19:41] * Floor: 6?! ;) That's great!
[06 Mai 13 19:41] * Fonnels: Yep :D
[06 Mai 13 19:41] * Floor: I can't wait to go!
[06 Mai 13 19:41] * Fonnels: Me neither :)
[06 Mai 13 19:41] * Floor: I expect it become amazing!
[06 Mai 13 19:42] * Floor: I get goosebumps just thinking about it :-)
[06 Mai 13 19:42] * Fonnels: Actually me too. :D a lot of traveling, but it will be worth it :)
[06 Mai 13 19:42] * Floor: Yes! I know it will!!! We'll bring magic with us to enchant everyone. Me included haha
[06 Mai 13 19:43] * Floor: CU there!
[06 Mai 13 19:43] * Fonnels: Definitely :) I experienced that magic in Manchester already. Did you expect to be so well taken by the fans?
[06 Mai 13 19:44] * Fonnels: ok :-) bye bye :)
[06 Mai 13 19:44] * Floor: I had no time to expect anything :-) That's how fast it all went. But I know about the history of the band and I couldn'r dream of a better way to be welcomed
[06 Mai 13 19:44] * Floor: Bye! Nice 'meeting you' :-)

[06 Mai 13 19:45] * mojo: your time leyafarhat19
[06 Mai 13 19:45] * leyafarhat19: yey :D
[06 Mai 13 19:45] * leyafarhat19: Hey Floor :)
[06 Mai 13 19:45] * Floor: HI! :-)
[06 Mai 13 19:46] * leyafarhat19: I'm a huge fan and i wanna tell you that we're all waiting for you guys here in lebanon :)
[06 Mai 13 19:46] * leyafarhat19: hope you're excited as much as we are
[06 Mai 13 19:46] * Floor: That is so awesome to know! I am really exited to go to your country!
[06 Mai 13 19:47] * leyafarhat19: All the lebanese fans want me to ask you if it's possible for a meet and greet ? or at least a photosession
[06 Mai 13 19:48] * Floor: That sounds like a great idea! I am not in charge of these things :-) But I will surely pass on the request to the management. No idea if we can do it but it would surely be wonderful!
[06 Mai 13 19:48] * leyafarhat19: wow great thanks :) i just hope to see you there :)
[06 Mai 13 19:48] * leyafarhat19: who inspired you to take singing classes ?
[06 Mai 13 19:48] * Floor: I'll be there :-)
[06 Mai 13 19:49] * Floor: No one in particular. I just loved singing and noticed I had a talent for it.
[06 Mai 13 19:49] * leyafarhat19: Yeah amazing voice :D
[06 Mai 13 19:49] * Floor: I didn't take classes, I studied btw :-)
[06 Mai 13 19:49] * leyafarhat19: Whats your fav. song to perform live?
[06 Mai 13 19:49] * Floor: Thank you!
[06 Mai 13 19:49] * leyafarhat19: oh good to know
[06 Mai 13 19:50] * Floor: Oh oh, I have no favorites but one of mine is definatelly Ghost Love Score
[06 Mai 13 19:50] * leyafarhat19: good choice lol
[06 Mai 13 19:50] * leyafarhat19: Okay it was nice talking to you Floor thanks a lot :) hope to see you in Lebanon
[06 Mai 13 19:50] * leyafarhat19: much love
[06 Mai 13 19:50] * Floor: :-)
[06 Mai 13 19:50] * Floor: Likewise! Can't wait to rock together! I will check for the M&G

[06 Mai 13 19:51] * mojo: ok .. next is .. NyjahAtaru
[06 Mai 13 19:51] * NyjahAtaru: Hi Floor :)
[06 Mai 13 19:51] * Floor: Hello! :-)
[06 Mai 13 19:52] * NyjahAtaru: I've been curious if you design your stage outfits yourself, since they obviously are tailored?
[06 Mai 13 19:53] * Floor: I have ideas yes. About the shape, color and materials. Ingeborg Steenhorst turns these ideas into amazing things :-)
[06 Mai 13 19:53] * Floor: I''ll send the link to her website
[06 Mai 13 19:53] * Floor:
[06 Mai 13 19:53] * NyjahAtaru: Tahnk you :D She surely does an amazing job!
[06 Mai 13 19:53] * Floor: I'll let her know :-)
[06 Mai 13 19:54] * NyjahAtaru: You have online vocal lessons for experienced singers, why did you start with that? :)
[06 Mai 13 19:55] * Floor: I love to teach and have been doing this for 10 years now. Because of my busy schedule I cannot teach people on a regular base anymore. That is why I plan lessons for experienced singers whom I can help in a few lessons to reach a goal or work on a problem. You need experience to know what I mean if time is limited.. Next to that I think a beginning singer needs someone who can teach on a regular base and better in person
[06 Mai 13 19:56] * NyjahAtaru: Okey :)
[06 Mai 13 19:57] * NyjahAtaru: Is there a special venue you would like to play in? or return to, for that sake?
[06 Mai 13 19:57] * Floor: Not really but I can dream about the Royal Albert Hall in London or the Geldredome here in the Netherlands...
[06 Mai 13 19:58] * Floor: I loved the old theaters in the US too!
[06 Mai 13 19:58] * NyjahAtaru: okey, bye... thank you so much :)
[06 Mai 13 19:58] * Floor: You're very welcome! Thanks for joining!
[06 Mai 13 19:58] * NyjahAtaru: My pleasure ;) hugs

[06 Mai 13 19:58] * mojo: ok.. next .. is Rathma
[06 Mai 13 19:59] * Rathma: Weeee!
[06 Mai 13 19:59] * Rathma: Hi Floor!
[06 Mai 13 19:59] * Floor: HI :-)
[06 Mai 13 19:59] * Rathma: Great job on the tour so far. Do you get the freedom to interperet the songs however you want? or does the band suggest things?
[06 Mai 13 20:00] * Floor: Thank you!
[06 Mai 13 20:00] * Floor: I get my freedom and sometimes when I doubt I check with the guys or they suggest things.
[06 Mai 13 20:01] * Rathma: Is there a song you haven't sang yet that you'd like to try? I think you would nail Bless the Child
[06 Mai 13 20:01] * Floor: haha, well that sounds like a good one
[06 Mai 13 20:01] * Floor: There are many I'd love to do actually!
[06 Mai 13 20:02] * Rathma: Was touring with After Forever the first time you really hung with Nightwish?
[06 Mai 13 20:02] * Floor: I was scared to death haha
[06 Mai 13 20:02] * Floor: no just a joke
[06 Mai 13 20:02] * Floor: I was nervous! First real tour. Big band!
[06 Mai 13 20:03] * Floor: But they were so nice and the two bands connected really great on many levels
[06 Mai 13 20:03] * Rathma: I remember you did some covers way back like She is my Sin. Do you think Tuomas ever saw those?
[06 Mai 13 20:04] * Floor: I know he did :-) We didn't play it that often however. I love that song!
[06 Mai 13 20:04] * Rathma: That's awesome. I know you're busy with all the music projects, but have you had time to discover any new artists?
[06 Mai 13 20:05] * Floor: I haven't focussed on this at all sorry :-)
[06 Mai 13 20:06] * Rathma: My last question is about your upcoming Japan tour. How are you feeling about playing there?
[06 Mai 13 20:07] * Rathma: Oh and make sure you tell Tuomas to listen to AKB48, it will prepare you for the Japan tour.
[06 Mai 13 20:07] * Floor: I am super exited....never been to Japan before! Heard many great stories about it. And I think I might get a culture shock :-)
[06 Mai 13 20:07] * Rathma: Thanks Floor!
[06 Mai 13 20:07] * Floor: OK :-) Thank you too!

[06 Mai 13 20:07] * mojo: next .. Leinikki ..
[06 Mai 13 20:08] * Leinikki: Hi! How are you? My name is Bogi(24), I’m writing from the real Transylvania. :D
[06 Mai 13 20:09] * Floor: Hi Bogi! Nice to 'meet' you!
[06 Mai 13 20:09] * Leinikki: I’ve been racking my brain with some questions the last day, hope they won’t be that boring. Beware, some of them are a bit long.
[06 Mai 13 20:09] * Leinikki: My first question is: how is it to stand on the same stage with the band that you previously said you’re a fan of? Is it like a dream come true or rather a great adventure?
[06 Mai 13 20:09] * Floor: go ahead
[06 Mai 13 20:09] * Floor: I think both feelings
[06 Mai 13 20:10] * Floor: I felt pride, fear, excitement, and a hundred things more at the same time :-)
[06 Mai 13 20:10] * Leinikki: wow, that's great
[06 Mai 13 20:10] * Leinikki: Is Nightwish any different band to be on stage with comparing to your other bands and collaborations?
[06 Mai 13 20:10] * Floor: And humble. So humble I can do this!
[06 Mai 13 20:11] * Floor: Sure, every band is different and has its own sound, dynamics and rituals
[06 Mai 13 20:11] * Floor: But it worked from the first second we started playing together :-)
[06 Mai 13 20:11] * Leinikki: Anything conspicuous about the performance with the band or the audience?
[06 Mai 13 20:12] * Leinikki: How do you see the NW songs from a songwriter’s point of view (since you are a songwriter too)? Technical remarks: any strong or weak points?
[06 Mai 13 20:12] * Floor: http://www.tuomas-ho...p/en/chat-rules
[06 Mai 13 20:13] * Floor: Sorry, had to look up that word haha
[06 Mai 13 20:13] * Leinikki: no problem :)
[06 Mai 13 20:13] * Floor: don't know why that link popped up :-)
[06 Mai 13 20:14] * Floor: I have no opinion about the songs I'd like to share on this chat. But do know I respect the writters and think they're masterpieces!
[06 Mai 13 20:14] * Leinikki: Which is your favorite Nightwish song (besides Ghost Love Score) that you really like to sing? Which is the hardest one?
[06 Mai 13 20:15] * Floor: whats conspicuous about the performances, the band and the audience is the massive amount of positive energy that's surrounds it! Even the melacholic songs can make you feel great :-)
[06 Mai 13 20:16] * Leinikki: ok, thanks a lot!
[06 Mai 13 20:16] * Floor: Hardest I told already: Amaranth. Favo next to GLS is Ghostriver
[06 Mai 13 20:16] * Floor: Thank you too :-)

[06 Mai 13 20:16] * mojo: next is .. Serena
[06 Mai 13 20:17] * Floor: Ghostly favorites I have haha
[06 Mai 13 20:17] * Serena: hello!!
[06 Mai 13 20:17] * Floor: Hi Serena
[06 Mai 13 20:18] * Serena: so.... what are your top five bands and a song by them?
[06 Mai 13 20:19] * Floor: This will take me more than 5 minutes....I have no real favo's 'cause I get intrigued by new music and albums all the time. I really love bands such as Soilwork, Pantera, Devin Townsend, Rammstein, Florence and the Machines, Disturbed, Adrenaline Mob
[06 Mai 13 20:21] * Floor: Any more questions?
[06 Mai 13 20:21] * Serena: which nw will you send to someone uwho doesn't know nightwish?
[06 Mai 13 20:22] * Floor: I would send them the video of Ghost Love Score (recorded in Argentina) and tell them this is just an example. One song can never give the complete impression :-)
[06 Mai 13 20:22] * Serena: did u watch the investment of Dutch king-?
[06 Mai 13 20:23] * Floor: Parts. I recorded some of it because I was too busy to see the whole thing. Joost van den Broek, After Forever's keyboard player and co songwriter of the first ReVamp wrote some music for it. Proud!
[06 Mai 13 20:23] * Serena: thanks
[06 Mai 13 20:24] * Serena: nice chat
[06 Mai 13 20:24] * Floor: you too!!!
[06 Mai 13 20:24] * Floor: Yes it is! Thanks

[06 Mai 13 20:24] * mojo: ok.. cabernal it is :)
[06 Mai 13 20:25] * cabernal: Yay! how are you Floor?
[06 Mai 13 20:25] * Floor: HI! Doing great thanks! You?
[06 Mai 13 20:25] * cabernal: great :D
[06 Mai 13 20:25] * cabernal: Funny question 1: What is Jukka hiding under his bandana?
[06 Mai 13 20:26] * Floor: The answer might surprise you....
[06 Mai 13 20:26] * Floor: its his head...
[06 Mai 13 20:26] * cabernal: whoooooooah! i knew it! :p
[06 Mai 13 20:26] * Floor: haha :-)
[06 Mai 13 20:26] * cabernal: Now a serious question: How was the process of recording your live version of Ghost Love Score? was it your idea? How did you feel about the fact that there was going to be a semi-official version of your favorite song out there? (long one sorry :p)
[06 Mai 13 20:28] * Floor: It was not my idea but I did suggest the song when the guys told me the plan was to make an official recording. I was thrilled we could do that song! We played it live and the audio was recorded directly and several camera's were there to shoot the video
[06 Mai 13 20:28] * cabernal: GLS has been my favorite song or a while and i really love your version, especially the way you sing the end, i get goosebumps every time, so thanks a lot for that
[06 Mai 13 20:28] * cabernal: Can you tell us of a really funny moment that happened while touring with the band? It looks like you all form a really fun group.
[06 Mai 13 20:28] * Floor: thank you for saying that!
[06 Mai 13 20:29] * Floor: haha, yes we have lots of fun!
[06 Mai 13 20:29] * Floor: let me think of a moment
[06 Mai 13 20:29] * Floor: yes, Macchu Pichu
[06 Mai 13 20:30] * Floor: we went there and got totally blown away by its beauty and history! But after we've seen it all we had hours left to kill in the village. We decided to drink some beers
[06 Mai 13 20:30] * Floor: after one or two (or more haha) we started smoking big cigars and the whole time we were there we just had a blast
[06 Mai 13 20:31] * Floor: Its hard to describe humor in a group :-)
[06 Mai 13 20:31] * cabernal: i'm sure, but it sounds awesome :p
[06 Mai 13 20:31] * cabernal: what is one thing you want to see or learn or do before you die?
[06 Mai 13 20:31] * cabernal: last one
[06 Mai 13 20:32] * Floor: I want to see my children grow up.....I have no kids yet and that's something I hope to be able to have next to this crazy life :-)
[06 Mai 13 20:32] * cabernal: You're awesome Floor thanks a lot for your time and best of luck for everything you do :D
[06 Mai 13 20:32] * Floor: Thank you so much!!!!!

[06 Mai 13 20:32] * mojo: next .. Max-SK
[06 Mai 13 20:32] * Max-SK: Hi Floor, my name is Igor and is great to chat with you again (but first time on PC)
[06 Mai 13 20:33] * Floor: Hi Igor! Good to talk again
[06 Mai 13 20:33] * Max-SK: first question: choice of songs: can you choose some of them or there was given to you a specific list?
[06 Mai 13 20:33] * Floor: I can come with ideas but the setlist is not made by me ;-)
[06 Mai 13 20:34] * Max-SK: first time when i hear you, it was After Forever. can you compare your feelings or describe differences when on stage with NW and AF?
[06 Mai 13 20:35] * Floor: With both bands there is magic on stage!
[06 Mai 13 20:35] * Max-SK: same magic or different kind?
[06 Mai 13 20:35] * Floor: But the feeling is different, its hard to put my finger on it and to describe it. But I love it with Nightwish and I loved it with AF!
[06 Mai 13 20:35] * Floor: Different
[06 Mai 13 20:36] * Max-SK: great :)
[06 Mai 13 20:36] * Max-SK: are you in touch with guys from AF? any plans with them? is there any chance for something like reunion of AF?
[06 Mai 13 20:36] * Floor: No chances for now no. I see some of them. I work with Joost again. He is producing the new ReVamp album (out in September :-)!!!
[06 Mai 13 20:37] * Max-SK: i know about joost :)
[06 Mai 13 20:37] * Max-SK: how is going work on a new revamp album? i know that actually is postponed. will be there any guests?
[06 Mai 13 20:38] * Floor: The album is recorded and the mix will be done any day now :-) I postponed it because of the busy schedule with Nightwish. I feel ReVamp also deserves my full attention and so in September I can! There will be guests indeed...:-)
[06 Mai 13 20:38] * Max-SK: and last one: can you advise me 5 places in your homecountry worth to visit?
[06 Mai 13 20:38] * Floor: But who......?.......We'll let you know if you stay tuned :-)
[06 Mai 13 20:39] * Floor: but not tonight
[06 Mai 13 20:39] * Floor: yeah, evil...I know :-)
[06 Mai 13 20:39] * Max-SK: ok floor thank you for your time ale wish you all the best, hope to see you again live somewhere
[06 Mai 13 20:39] * Floor: Thank you too! CU on the road!

[06 Mai 13 20:39] * mojo: next goes Cubfin
[06 Mai 13 20:39] * Cubfin: Hi!
[06 Mai 13 20:39] * Floor: HI!
[06 Mai 13 20:39] * Cubfin: My first question is: Can we expect to hear some different songs in Japan or the summer festivals, or will the setlist stay the same?
[06 Mai 13 20:40] * Floor: I think Nightwish has been playing different sets the last month already so maybe we can expect some variation :-) That's all I can say...
[06 Mai 13 20:41] * Cubfin: Okay, cool :) As a singer, what do you think is your strongest area and what is one area that you would like to improve?
[06 Mai 13 20:42] * Floor: I think my higher regions are the most powerful. Lower area is weaker. I'd love to improve my raw singing...I don't do this so much with Nightwish but on the new ReVamp album I will use that vocal type more.
[06 Mai 13 20:42] * Cubfin: Awesome! You're pretty versatile.... Okay next question is, if you could live in any time period from history, which would you choose?
[06 Mai 13 20:43] * Floor: Thanks! And I would chose today! I love the now :-)
[06 Mai 13 20:43] * Cubfin: :) good philosophy. What vocal warmups do you do before a show?
[06 Mai 13 20:43] * Floor: Or do sightseeing in the Roman empire maybe :-)
[06 Mai 13 20:44] * Floor: Some humming on a chord and some exercises on various vowels. I usually warm up before the soundcheck already because I sing full powered at that moment
[06 Mai 13 20:45] * Cubfin: Right, okay... If you had to play an instrument rather than being the singer in a band, what instrument would you choose?
[06 Mai 13 20:45] * Floor: Guitar :-)
[06 Mai 13 20:45] * Floor: I'm a horrible player though haha
[06 Mai 13 20:46] * Cubfin: Cool :) I can't play but I would like to learn. And my last question: Have you ever been to Canada? :)
[06 Mai 13 20:46] * Floor: Yes, a couple of times. Played there with After Forever and I have family living in Toronto.
[06 Mai 13 20:46] * Cubfin: Okay, thanks for your time Floor and take care
[06 Mai 13 20:47] * Floor: Thank you too! And ps: love Canada :-)

[06 Mai 13 20:47] * mojo: need a short break, Floor?
[06 Mai 13 20:47] * Floor: well...yes...thanks haha
[06 Mai 13 20:47] * mojo: oookay..
[06 Mai 13 20:47] * Floor: I'll be right back...
[06 Mai 13 20:47] * mojo: yep
[06 Mai 13 20:50] * Floor: Back!
[06 Mai 13 20:50] * Floor: Got myself a nice glass of red wine
[06 Mai 13 20:50] * Escapist: ahem where's mine
[06 Mai 13 20:50] * Floor: Sorry, too far away to give you one too :-)
[06 Mai 13 20:50] * Symphoniker: coke?
[06 Mai 13 20:50] * Floor: no no wine :-)
[06 Mai 13 20:50] * Floor: yes!

[06 Mai 13 20:51] * mojo: anika is next
[06 Mai 13 20:51] * anika: Hi! Wow, what a privilege this is, first I’d like to say you guys rocked in new Zealand and thanks for coming to our humble little area , it really meant the world to all of us
[06 Mai 13 20:51] * Floor: Well, the priviledge is and was all mine! :-)
[06 Mai 13 20:51] * anika: So my first question would have to be if you could be stranded on a desert island what is the top three things you couldn’t be without ^^
[06 Mai 13 20:52] * Floor: ohoh
[06 Mai 13 20:52] * Floor: a man....
[06 Mai 13 20:52] * Floor: suncream
[06 Mai 13 20:52] * anika: hahaha
[06 Mai 13 20:52] * Floor: and red wine haha
[06 Mai 13 20:52] * anika: ^^ nice
[06 Mai 13 20:52] * anika: So apart from the actual concerts, what was your favorite moment or thing on the 2012/13 tour, ie going to a special zoo or something?
[06 Mai 13 20:53] * Floor: getting my second dog Saartje was special! A 4 month old puppy from a dog shelter. Skin and bones she was....She turned out to be the most wonderful, smart and sweet dog! A great friend to me and my other lady called Obi
[06 Mai 13 20:54] * anika: awwwwwww! well i was going to ask this last but now seems a good time is kind of silly but an age old debate and as I am training to be a vet its sort of one I cant resist, my dear Floor, are you a cat person or a dog person and have you any animals of your own?
[06 Mai 13 20:55] * Floor: I think I just told you I have 2 dogs :-)
[06 Mai 13 20:55] * anika: sory copy and paste ^^
[06 Mai 13 20:55] * Floor: I love cats too but I guess I am more a dog person
[06 Mai 13 20:55] * Floor: no prob haha
[06 Mai 13 20:55] * anika: same ^^
[06 Mai 13 20:55] * anika: When you were starting out in the music industry (back in the day) what was the country you were most excited about visiting for the first time
[06 Mai 13 20:55] * Floor: do you have dogs?
[06 Mai 13 20:55] * Floor: Belgium!
[06 Mai 13 20:55] * Floor: no haha
[06 Mai 13 20:55] * anika: yes i have a samyoid ^^
[06 Mai 13 20:56] * Floor: I live right next to the border so that's not fair :-)
[06 Mai 13 20:56] * anika: hahaha ^^
[06 Mai 13 20:56] * Floor: I think it was Mexico. We just started and we got to to there. It was really amazing!
[06 Mai 13 20:56] * anika: it sounds great ^^
[06 Mai 13 20:57] * anika: What is your favorite thing to do in your spare time
[06 Mai 13 20:57] * Floor: it was....looking at pics now makes me realize how young I was when I started :-)
[06 Mai 13 20:57] * anika: well 16 is really really young for anything
[06 Mai 13 20:57] * Floor: I love to read, work out (go for runs now the weather is nicer), have a red wine with friends
[06 Mai 13 20:57] * Floor: yes...
[06 Mai 13 20:57] * anika: but being as talented as you its no surprise you started early
[06 Mai 13 20:57] * Floor: thank you :-)
[06 Mai 13 20:58] * anika: thanks it was a pleasure ^^
[06 Mai 13 20:58] * Floor: For me too! Take care!
[06 Mai 13 20:58] * Floor: ps; that wine is hitting in like a glass after a long now after all :-)

[06 Mai 13 20:59] * mojo: MariaMetalLady is next
[06 Mai 13 20:59] * MariaMetalLady: When NW announced they wanted a new singer back in 2005 did it ever crossed your mind applying for it or were you quite content with AF that you didnt even consider it?
[06 Mai 13 21:00] * Floor: I had my own band for many years. I didn't think of joining another one at the time.
[06 Mai 13 21:00] * MariaMetalLady: Many female vocalists in the metal genre have proceeded in creating a family, Sharon from WT, Tarja and now we ve learned the good news from Simone as well. How “up” is it in your priorities to create a family of your own?
[06 Mai 13 21:00] * Floor: sorry, that's private :-)
[06 Mai 13 21:00] * MariaMetalLady: ok :)
[06 Mai 13 21:01] * MariaMetalLady: Do you watch videos of you performing in order to amend any flaws you may have?
[06 Mai 13 21:01] * Floor: Sure :-) And to see what I did well too haha
[06 Mai 13 21:01] * MariaMetalLady: of course!
[06 Mai 13 21:01] * MariaMetalLady: So far in your career you have been very active and had a lead role in both AF and Revamp (composing, writing lyrics etc). Will the ability –or not- to contribute in ways other than singing affect your decision to join NW as the new singer, taken that you are offered the position?
[06 Mai 13 21:01] * Floor: and to hear the talks in the audience. I can;t hear that from where I stand :-) Lovely!
[06 Mai 13 21:02] * Floor: I love to write music and lyrics and how and with whom I will do this in the near future is an open and unwritten book :-)
[06 Mai 13 21:03] * MariaMetalLady: A couple of years ago you suffered a burnout, since then have you found the means to withstand a lot of pressure since you are constantly a busy bee?
[06 Mai 13 21:03] * MariaMetalLady: Thank you very much Floor, byebye!
[06 Mai 13 21:04] * Floor: I recovered in july / august last year so when Nightwish called me I was ready! I am happy that they didn't call earlier :-) I learned a wise and valuable lesson during my sickness and will never forget, no matter how busy I might be :-)
[06 Mai 13 21:04] * Floor: Thank you too!!! Bye :)

[06 Mai 13 21:04] * mojo: next .. MetalVolnutt
[06 Mai 13 21:04] * MetalVolnutt: Hello Floor! My name is Mario and I'm from Mexico, but I'm currently living in Finland. I feel honored and really happy to be able to chat with you. I'm really looking forward to seeing you this summer with Nightwish!
[06 Mai 13 21:05] * Floor: Hi Mario! How do you like Finland? Speak Finnish yet? :-)
[06 Mai 13 21:05] * MetalVolnutt: I love it so far. Snow already melt away and everything looks green now
[06 Mai 13 21:05] * MetalVolnutt: but I'm afraid finnish is too hard
[06 Mai 13 21:06] * MetalVolnutt: I'm trying though haha
[06 Mai 13 21:06] * Floor: I know :-)
[06 Mai 13 21:06] * Floor: vaikea
[06 Mai 13 21:06] * MetalVolnutt: Ok Floor, first one: how would you describe the next ReVamp album (which I'm very excited about)?
[06 Mai 13 21:07] * Floor: Heavy! Heavier than anything I did before. Dark too. Heavy riffs, very versatile vocals (from opera to grunts all done by me this time) and with lyrics about the dark pages of my life
[06 Mai 13 21:07] * Floor: its bombastic but less orchestral too
[06 Mai 13 21:08] * MetalVolnutt: All right! Then, all the After Forever and ReVamp albums, which one has been the most demanding to complete?
[06 Mai 13 21:09] * Floor: the one I am completing now....because of my burn-out it took forever to pick everything back up
[06 Mai 13 21:09] * MetalVolnutt: During the After Forever era, would you say Nightwish influenced you in some way?
[06 Mai 13 21:09] * Floor: and when I did and we started to write more and faster again: I joined Nightwish :-) Great of course but an extra challange to finish the album
[06 Mai 13 21:10] * Floor: Yes I think so. I loved them from day one. We started in the same years and I always listened to their music.
[06 Mai 13 21:10] * MetalVolnutt: Floor, I want to thank you for this opportunity. I had a great time! See you this summer here in Finland
[06 Mai 13 21:10] * Floor: Thank you too and CU soon in Suomi! :-)

[06 Mai 13 21:10] * mojo: next is .. pristed
[06 Mai 13 21:11] * pristed: Thanks! Hi Floor, my name is Mads and from Denmark - which danish bands do you know? :)
[06 Mai 13 21:11] * Floor: Hi Mads!
[06 Mai 13 21:12] * Floor: Volbeat :-)
[06 Mai 13 21:12] * pristed: Cool! Ingeborg Steenhorst sound like a danish name - is she a dane? :D
[06 Mai 13 21:13] * Floor: No, but our languages are similar so some words and names are alike :-)
[06 Mai 13 21:13] * pristed: Aha, I see :) You've said GLS is your favorite song, but which is your favorite NW album and why?
[06 Mai 13 21:14] * Floor: I think that would be Once. So many killer songs! :-)
[06 Mai 13 21:15] * pristed: I totally agree! What do you think of Imaginaerum the movie?
[06 Mai 13 21:16] * Floor: I think its great! I saw it for the first time in Helsinki with the premiere and lost myself in it completely! Next to that I think its great they dared to follow their dreams and make a movie or their own!
[06 Mai 13 21:18] * pristed: I really look forward to see it. Well, thank you for the answers, it meant very much to me :)
[06 Mai 13 21:18] * Floor: I hope you will enjoy it! I know you will :-) Thanks for joining tonight and take care!

[06 Mai 13 21:19] * mojo: next one .. Roasty your turn :)
[06 Mai 13 21:19] * RagingRoastbeef: Hi Floor! :) How are you? Name's Mike and I'm from Germany!
[06 Mai 13 21:19] * Floor: Hi Mike!
[06 Mai 13 21:19] * RagingRoastbeef: First off... I've been following your carreer for many years now. Needless to say I was devastated when the After Forever era ended.
[06 Mai 13 21:19] * RagingRoastbeef: Luckily we've got ReVamp now and I'm really looking forward to your second album (which I can NOT wait for!)! You working together with Nightwish is really a dream come true, which I was hoping for for such a long time.
[06 Mai 13 21:19] * Floor: I know the feeling....
[06 Mai 13 21:20] * Floor: thank you! Great to hear!!!
[06 Mai 13 21:20] * RagingRoastbeef: I bet you do. I read the interviews back in the day. :\
[06 Mai 13 21:20] * RagingRoastbeef: That being said, how would you personally feel about performing old AF songs as "covers" on some gigs with Nightwish (if they'd allow that)? And which would that be? I'd especially love to see Intrinsic, Dreamflight, Beautiful Emptiness, Life's Vortex (that Pinkpop performance, goddamn! So good!) and Forlorn Hope! Those always give me the goosebumps! :D
[06 Mai 13 21:22] * Floor: Well, I don't think that will ever happen. After Forever is no more and the songs only played by cd players and mp3/4 etc. Sad as it is there are many great songs to sing with and from Nightwish and ReVamp! :-)
[06 Mai 13 21:22] * RagingRoastbeef: Yeah, I figured as much. :D
[06 Mai 13 21:22] * Floor: It's great to read you love those songs so much though! :)
[06 Mai 13 21:22] * RagingRoastbeef: I surely do! :)
[06 Mai 13 21:22] * RagingRoastbeef: On Youtube videos of some of the gigs (including the legendary Buenos Aires "Ghost Love Floor") the crowds were screaming "Floor! Floor! Floor!" in the end. How was your reaction to that?
[06 Mai 13 21:23] * RagingRoastbeef: (I'm always bragging about the fact that they're screaming your name instead of "Nightwish!" :D)
[06 Mai 13 21:23] * Floor: Goosebumps, tears...a feeling of gratefulness and humbleness, happiest woman in the world...amazing!!!!!!
[06 Mai 13 21:24] * RagingRoastbeef: You've earned it! :)
[06 Mai 13 21:24] * Floor: Mine is shorter so easier though haha
[06 Mai 13 21:24] * Floor: thanks :-)
[06 Mai 13 21:24] * RagingRoastbeef: A bit off-topic... Anyway! Do you watch TV series? If so, which? Any favourite shows (whether they are still running on TV or they already ended)? And, most importantly, did you watch LOST, and how'd you like the ending? :)
[06 Mai 13 21:26] * Floor: I saw LOST. I liked the ending. Now there is something left my own imagination can make :-) I love Game of Thrones too now, amazingly nice! And True Blood haha, I am such a girl
[06 Mai 13 21:26] * RagingRoastbeef: Okay, now I like you even more! :D
[06 Mai 13 21:26] * RagingRoastbeef: Alright, thanks for taking the time! I'm really hoping to meet you in person someday. Maybe on a future gig! I'll definitely be attending your next Hamburg gig, whenever that may be. :D You seem to be such a lovely person, and I'm glad to have gotten the chance to talk to you! The world needs more people like you. See you, and take care!
[06 Mai 13 21:26] * Floor: :-)
[06 Mai 13 21:27] * Floor: Thank you so much for all those beautiful words Mike! Hope to meet you too!

[06 Mai 13 21:27] * mojo: and the next is .. Timaeus
[06 Mai 13 21:27] * Timaeus: Hi Floor, my name is Tim and I am from Austria :)
[06 Mai 13 21:27] * Floor: Hi Tim!
[06 Mai 13 21:27] * Timaeus: Oh my God, first at all I want to thank you, you are such inspiration for me as a musician.
[06 Mai 13 21:27] * Floor: Thank you Tim, that is great to read!
[06 Mai 13 21:28] * Timaeus: So my first question is: What was the most exciting moment and the most terrifying moment on to tour so far?
[06 Mai 13 21:28] * Floor: I think terrifying was the first show. I was so nervous :-) And exiting the movie premiere show in Helsinki. What a rides!
[06 Mai 13 21:29] * Timaeus: oh i was guessing it would been this :)
[06 Mai 13 21:29] * Floor: you guessed correct :-)
[06 Mai 13 21:29] * Timaeus: 2. I heard somewhere that your parents have seen your live performance with nightwish, if it’s true, what was the feeling like to sing in front of them?
[06 Mai 13 21:31] * Floor: They were there in Helsinki indeed :-) It was so great to have them there! I've been through a lot before I joined Nightwish and to get back on my feet like this is something I was extremely proud and happy about and to share it in that
[06 Mai 13 21:31] * Timaeus: thats great :)
[06 Mai 13 21:31] * Timaeus: my next question is: Which NW song was the easiest for you to perform life?
[06 Mai 13 21:32] * Floor: I don't think easy and Nightwish songs go in one sentence haha
[06 Mai 13 21:32] * Timaeus: :)
[06 Mai 13 21:33] * Timaeus: last question, How is it to be with 4 guys on tour?
[06 Mai 13 21:33] * Floor: Well, there are 4 guys in the band...but then there is management, crew etc. So I am on tour with an avarage of 15 men :-)
[06 Mai 13 21:33] * Floor: And that's great! I am used to it.
[06 Mai 13 21:34] * Timaeus: Thank you so much, I wish you all the best in your future. I was such an honour to "talk" to you, i hope to see you with nightwish in wacken :D
[06 Mai 13 21:34] * Floor: Thank you Tim! CU at Wacken :-)

[06 Mai 13 21:34] * mojo: nameless1: is next ..
[06 Mai 13 21:34] * nameless1: Hi Floor! Nice to meet you here and thank you already for all the answers during the last hours :)
[06 Mai 13 21:35] * Floor: HI Nameless1 :-) You are welcome, it has been fun!
[06 Mai 13 21:35] * nameless1: How is the work with ReVamp going? Has your time with nightwish any advantages or disadvantages (except of the time shortness) for your ReVamp work?
[06 Mai 13 21:36] * Floor: Nothing changed in the planning, only the release has been postponed to September to give it the 100% attention it deserves
[06 Mai 13 21:37] * nameless1: I am looking forward to it :)
[06 Mai 13 21:37] * nameless1: Which NW show are you looking forward to most?
[06 Mai 13 21:37] * nameless1: (please say Wacken :P )
[06 Mai 13 21:37] * Floor: Every concert!
[06 Mai 13 21:37] * Floor: And of course Wacken haha
[06 Mai 13 21:38] * nameless1: I will be there :D It´s always so magical :D
[06 Mai 13 21:38] * Floor: Great!!!!
[06 Mai 13 21:38] * nameless1: You talked about your favourite NW songs before… And what about your least favourite NW song to sing live? Do you have one?
[06 Mai 13 21:38] * Floor: No :-)
[06 Mai 13 21:39] * nameless1: ;)
[06 Mai 13 21:39] * nameless1: Since this is the chat of the NW forum and we have our (own) topics everybody makes a fuss about allow me two questions related to the forum:
[06 Mai 13 21:39] * nameless1: well one is already answered since you just said that you love Game of Thrones! Did you also read the books?
[06 Mai 13 21:39] * Floor: No, I didn't :-)
[06 Mai 13 21:40] * nameless1: And my last one: Do you like otters? ;)
[06 Mai 13 21:40] * Floor: Otters?
[06 Mai 13 21:40] * nameless1: Bye bye and thank you a lot!
[06 Mai 13 21:40] * Floor: Sure, they're cute
[06 Mai 13 21:40] * nameless1: Yes :)
[06 Mai 13 21:40] * Floor: Bye, and you're welcome

[06 Mai 13 21:41] * mojo: next .. sahara
[06 Mai 13 21:41] * sahara: Hello Floor :)
[06 Mai 13 21:41] * Floor: Hi Sahara
[06 Mai 13 21:41] * sahara: Finally Im talking to you haha
[06 Mai 13 21:41] * Floor: ;-)
[06 Mai 13 21:41] * sahara: Ihave a fan page dedicated to you an Tarja and you liked it
[06 Mai 13 21:42] * sahara: few days ago
[06 Mai 13 21:42] * sahara: so this quiestions it has to be done
[06 Mai 13 21:42] * Floor: Yes, I saw it. Nice work, thanks
[06 Mai 13 21:42] * sahara: Thanks a lot for your lovely words .. Would you like to make a duet with her someday?
[06 Mai 13 21:43] * Floor: I would love that on a great project or something next to our band(s)
[06 Mai 13 21:43] * sahara: that would great,
[06 Mai 13 21:43] * sahara: when you have a bad day, what do you like to do?
[06 Mai 13 21:43] * sahara: to make it better
[06 Mai 13 21:43] * Floor: I always loved her voice
[06 Mai 13 21:44] * Floor: I go for a walk in the woods with my dogs :-)
[06 Mai 13 21:44] * sahara: that's great, I love her voice too :)
[06 Mai 13 21:44] * Floor: Or I sing
[06 Mai 13 21:44] * sahara: Im curious about this: don't you get dizzy when you are headbanging?
[06 Mai 13 21:44] * sahara: XD
[06 Mai 13 21:44] * sahara: I can`t do it like you
[06 Mai 13 21:44] * sahara: haha
[06 Mai 13 21:45] * Floor: haha no, and I usually wear high heels I need to stay balanced
[06 Mai 13 21:45] * sahara: no wayyy!!! that's awesome XD
[06 Mai 13 21:45] * sahara: I admire you
[06 Mai 13 21:45] * sahara: haha
[06 Mai 13 21:45] * Floor: I've been practicing since I was 16 haha
[06 Mai 13 21:45] * Floor: thank you!
[06 Mai 13 21:46] * sahara: one of my friends, she is one of your biggest fans
[06 Mai 13 21:46] * sahara: it is her birthday today
[06 Mai 13 21:46] * sahara: could you please send her a message?
[06 Mai 13 21:46] * Floor: Well, happy birthday to her!!!
[06 Mai 13 21:46] * sahara: :D she will be very happy
[06 Mai 13 21:46] * Floor: ;)
[06 Mai 13 21:46] * sahara: some nice words to my page and my followers, they are waiting for this chat
[06 Mai 13 21:47] * sahara: thanks a lot Floor
[06 Mai 13 21:47] * sahara: :) bye
[06 Mai 13 21:47] * Floor: Thanks for the support and keep enjoying music!
[06 Mai 13 21:47] * Floor: Thank you too! Bye!
[06 Mai 13 21:47] * mojo: and now the last one for tonight... SilvaraBlue

[06 Mai 13 21:47] * SilvaraBlue: Hello Floor! I'm Sally and I'm italian greetings from Italy, too. :) I need to say that I asked to many friends to help me with the questions xDxDxD
[06 Mai 13 21:48] * Floor: Hi Sally and friends :-)
[06 Mai 13 21:48] * SilvaraBlue: What is your favourite movie quote? I'm asking it because I have a Facebook page about quotes, so your favourite will be the next link! :) (Or song/book quote, if you have no idea! xD)
[06 Mai 13 21:48] * Floor: I don't have one....sorry
[06 Mai 13 21:49] * SilvaraBlue: Ops xD I'm sorry
[06 Mai 13 21:49] * SilvaraBlue: But a movie you like? :)
[06 Mai 13 21:49] * Floor: I loved The Life of Pi!!!
[06 Mai 13 21:49] * SilvaraBlue: Cool! :) I never saw it, but I will :)
[06 Mai 13 21:49] * SilvaraBlue: A friend of mine wants to know if you will you be in the next Ayreon album! :)
[06 Mai 13 21:50] * Floor: I don't know. I heard he is writing but I have been on so many of his albums already :-) I would love to though :-)
[06 Mai 13 21:50] * SilvaraBlue: A girl I met said to me to ask you this one: If you could be a man for one day, what would you do? (Yeah, we have no ideas for questions! xD)
[06 Mai 13 21:51] * Floor: I would sing with my low male voice and flirt with girls haha
[06 Mai 13 21:51] * SilvaraBlue: ahaha
[06 Mai 13 21:52] * SilvaraBlue: You're so funny :)
[06 Mai 13 21:52] * Floor: :P
[06 Mai 13 21:52] * SilvaraBlue: I was in London Nightwish show last year and it was my first Nightwish concert (and I couldn't expect better xD). What was your favourite Nightwish show you played? Or watched? :)
[06 Mai 13 21:52] * Floor: I think I have many favorites already but the show in Helsinki was the most special one so far
[06 Mai 13 21:52] * SilvaraBlue: Last one. I really love books and you just said that you love to read, so I'd like to ask you what is your favourite book?
[06 Mai 13 21:53] * Floor: I love everything Clive Barker wrote and the Dark Tower from Stephan King
[06 Mai 13 21:53] * SilvaraBlue: It was so cool talking with you and... unexpected! I hope to meet you again, and I want to say that I'd like to have a singing teacher like you! xD Thank you and bye! A big, big hug! -S.
[06 Mai 13 21:53] * Escapist: well then
[06 Mai 13 21:53] * Floor: Thank you!!!! Nice to meet you too!

[06 Mai 13 21:54] * mojo: ok that was it for tonight.. biiiiiig thanks to Floor !! for doing this!!
[06 Mai 13 21:54] * Floor: This was great fun! Thank you all for joining!!!!!!!
[06 Mai 13 21:54] * Escapist: We will sort out and post a transcript of the night
[06 Mai 13 21:54] * Floor: You're very very welcome!!!!! I hope to do this again some day soon and better: hope to see you all at a show!!!
[06 Mai 13 21:54] * Escapist: Anytime you like ahha. Have fun! o/
[06 Mai 13 21:55] * Floor: I just got my second glass of red wine. whoohoo!
[06 Mai 13 21:55] * Escapist: good plan
[06 Mai 13 21:55] * Floor: Monday evening....naughty me! But I have something to celebrate! Meeting you all here tonight!
[06 Mai 13 21:56] * Escapist: Kippis
[06 Mai 13 21:57] * Floor: Kiitos!
[06 Mai 13 21:58] * Floor: Have a great night/evening/afternoon/morning! Where ever you and when ever you are, let's do this again soon! Bye!


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Re: Nightwish
« Respuesta #748 en: Mayo 14, 2013, 04:53:29 pm »
Saludo de Floor a los japoneses!


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Re: Nightwish
« Respuesta #749 en: Mayo 21, 2013, 04:05:46 pm »
Setlist Osaka

Bless The Child y She is my sin