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Re: Nightwish
« Respuesta #1290 en: Agosto 20, 2016, 11:42:06 pm »


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Re: Nightwish
« Respuesta #1291 en: Agosto 21, 2016, 04:26:23 pm »


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Re: Nightwish
« Respuesta #1292 en: Agosto 29, 2016, 07:00:04 pm »


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Re: Nightwish
« Respuesta #1293 en: Septiembre 10, 2016, 05:33:45 pm »


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Re: Nightwish
« Respuesta #1294 en: Septiembre 10, 2016, 05:36:02 pm »
« Última modificación: Septiembre 10, 2016, 05:42:34 pm por Serena »


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Re: Nightwish
« Respuesta #1295 en: Septiembre 10, 2016, 05:37:57 pm »


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Re: Nightwish
« Respuesta #1296 en: Septiembre 11, 2016, 04:31:52 pm »


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Re: Nightwish
« Respuesta #1297 en: Septiembre 13, 2016, 03:51:57 pm »


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Re: Nightwish
« Respuesta #1298 en: Septiembre 15, 2016, 03:25:54 pm »


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Re: Nightwish
« Respuesta #1299 en: Septiembre 15, 2016, 03:29:02 pm »
Troy contesta a fans!!

Thank you for Troy in being super quick in sending us the answers.
“What a splendid bunch of questions from a splendid bunch of people! Interviews with journalists can be very tedious. Trust the fans to restore my interest and give me a bloody good laugh into the bargain….
“If you could live in another era, which one will it be?”
I would like to live in the seventies and eighties. An Era of no mobile phones; people talking to each other rather than staring into their “Black Mirror” and tapping time away. Pubs were so much more fun with no flat screen TV’s distracting us with the horrors of football.  Plus, all the best bands were in full flight.
“It's remarkable that you're a multinstrumentalist, but what was your first instrument? And what is your favorite?":  First instrument was guitar but I love them all.
“You came to Nightwish as a temporary musician and now you're a key part of their sound, what made you stay?":  It was impossible to walk away from Nightwish. The possibilities were too great and besides, we have too much fun.
“If you could play an old NW song you haven't played, what would be it?”:  “Ghost Love Score” arranged for just Tin Whistle and Banjo.
“Do you have any recurrent dreams?":  No, I seldom dream. Mind you, my life is such a Kaleidoscope it’s difficult to tell the difference.
“What was your first remarkable foreign experience?": I went travelling in India when I was 21 years old and that was formative to say the least.
“Your Pink Floyd-ish melodic guitar has been an AMAZING addition to the band sound, and a total surprise too! Did you come up with it? What inspired the new solos?":  Well thank you kindly Ahasverus. I’m glad you like it (I’ll buy you a pint next time I see you!). It’s always been waiting to show itself. I figured this particular guitar sound which I’ve cultivated over these years would fit the atmosphere of Nightwish perfectly. So we initially tried it in ‘Nemo’ and it seemed to give the song a rich, new, fiery ‘lift’. And as ‘Sahara’ is now showing, it’s opening up lots of opportunities for harmony guitar parts in future. The more variety of paint for our palette the more colourful the picture as it were.
“You're love for Wuthering Highs is well documented, but it's quite the unusual song, what was your first reaction to it?":  Shock! It seemed completely ‘other worldly’ and it was and still is. I met Kate a few years ago backstage at the Royal Festival Hall but I was a gibbering ‘fanboy’ with knees of jelly so was of no use to anyone.
“What was your favorite Christmas gift?":  I love Christmas and all gifts. I can’t say what is best without sounding drippy and mawkish.
“Would you like to compose the music for a NW song?":  I naturally do get involved, but I think Tuomas does just fine….
“Your hair is great, what is your hair care routine?”:  Oh yes! I’m glad you picked up on this because it’s something I am very serious about – firstly, I wash it in cheap hotel shampoo but, and here’s the secret, before it dries, Floor drags me feet-first through a nearby bush, and then massages ground up biscuit crumbs into my scalp with a teaspoon of salt. Voila! The Troy Donockley Hairdo. Do feel free to try it.
“Would you ever shave your head bald?”  Of course! Who wouldn’t?  Actually, I intend to for the next tour; just turn up at rehearsals shining bald. Anything for a laugh…
“Have you ever wanted to pee in the middle of a gig, in fact, in the middle of a song?”:  Weirdly, whenever Emppu does his marvellous ‘dive bombing Harmonic’ toward the end of “Last Ride” I ALWAYS wet my pants.
“Which bands do you consider overrated? Which ones underrated?”:  I think Coldplay are massively overrated. Loads of relatively underrated.
“What was your favorite tv show as a child?”:  Bill and Ben the Flowerpot Men and Fawlty Towers.
“What was your favorite film as a child? Which one is your favorite film?”:  ‘Jaws’. Saw it 6 times in its first week of release. I’m a serious film buff so it’s impossible to choose one over the rest… Criminal behaviour.
“You recorded for the score of "Robin Hood", did you get to meet Ridley Scott?”:  I did! A very nice guy but I suffered the ‘Kate Bush Effect’ and the sound of my knees knocking drowned out any chance of conversation.
“Who is your favorite superhero?”:  Troy Tempest from “Stingray”
“You also recorded for Ayreon's latest album, how was the experience?":  Arjen is a splendid chap so all is good.
“What are your views on religion?”:  Without quoting Karl Marx, I’d say I appreciate and understand the need to believe in God but we should actively self-analyse the reasons for that need – cultural, historical and biological.
“Are you acquainted with the philosophy of Anton LaVey?”:  I’m not, and I’m not going to google him and pretend that I am! I will investigate later though…
“What are your tastes concerning literature?”:  ‘Classic’ mainly. The archaic language and evolving expression excites me and reminds me of how much we have lost. I love words. I do resent losing some of our best adjectives to the modern monsters of the meaningless – the word ‘Awesome’ for instance: The Grand Canyon IS, a ‘Big Mac with extra cheese’ IS NOT!!
“What was the first Nightwish song you listened to? What were your first thoughts about the band's music?”:  “Dark Chest of Wonders”. I loved the title and was intrigued by the direction and romance of it. And for that reason it’s a bit of a favourite.
“How would you react if life was found in another planet?”
Same as you – crack open some fine wine and dance down the street in my underpants while blowing kisses at the sky.  To paraphrase ‘The Universe Song’ by Monty Python “I hope there’s intelligent life up there because there’s bugger all down here on earth”.
“Can we expect more of you exploring other instruments and sounds in addition to the folk style on the upcoming album?”:  Absolutely. I have a lot of instrumentation at my disposal so we might as well use it!
“What is your favourite place in the world to perform a concert and why?”:  Oh I really can’t say…I love everywhere and wherever I happen to be. Honest.
“What is your favourite Richard Dawkins' documentary and what kind of similar material would you suggest to me?”:  His DVD ‘Box Set’ is excellent. And have you read ‘Demon Haunted World’ by Carl Sagan yet? No?? Why not??!
“What is the vision of the band about songs like The Carpenter, Gethsemane and The Poet and the Pendulum, that somehow relate to the existence of a god or even refers to Jesus Christ?”:  In the light of today, it’s all metaphorical my dear…
“What is your favourite TV show, game and book?”:  Difficult! Changing all the time.
“ I wonder at which point - in what specific occasion or anecdote that you can recall - did you find yourself realizing that this was no ordinary gig?
Similarly, when and what made you start feeling like a band member rather than just a lucky session guy on a really good gig?”
Thanks for your lovely greeting!
In answer to your questions, they can be seen as one - I found myself being quickly pulled toward the band. The wonderful ‘tractor beam’ of the like-minded. Everything, every element, the musically adventurous and courageous indifference to the desires of the music business appealed to me, massively so. Also, my natural insouciance seemed to fit with the dream of Nightwish so here we are!
“What's the weirdest question a fan/interviewer has asked you?”:  See the splendid first question from SYMPHONIKER.
“Playing which NW-song gives you the most satisfaction musically wise?”:  At the moment it’s ‘Sahara’. Brilliant atmosphere and Hard and furious as anything!
“Would you like to sing the songs from Angels Fall First in which Tuomas sings?”
Aaaah! Whitelagoon is an Oracle!
“Who inspires you in your life?”:  Noble people. Honest People. Fearless People. Lovely People.
“What was the moment in your life that changed everyting?”:  When I was pulled, terrified and exhilarated from out of my wonderful mother and into this swirling magical world.
“What was your first impression when you were asked to play flute and pipes on a metal band? How did you face it?”
Madrid any day now!  I think my answer to SOME_DUDE covers these completely…
“I remember vaguely that you were practicing the magic trick of walking on water some years ago, did you learn to do that?”:  I sort of did but I was ruining too many jackets falling into mossy ponds!
“Why did you participate in the Openly Secular campaign?”:  Oh it’s a campaign well worth supporting; to help encourage people to think a bit deeper and with freedom. I was very pleased with our video and it got a brilliant endorsement from our pal, the one and only Richard Dawkins. Did you notice I said ‘Pal’? Ha ha!
“Your opinion on Brexit?"
Love the three headed squirrel!
On Brexit? Well, I think it’s important to realise that Europe is NOT a political entity; it’s a Continent, and the UK is a part of that and always will be. There is a strong ‘hard-wired’ allegiance to the principle of Democracy in Britain, and I feel this was a major issue. A lot of people see the EU as anti- democratic. Unfortunately, what was a great idea appears to have been ruined, and I can’t see its survival. The EU seems to be too ossified and obtuse. Anyway, I voted to leave the Solar System…
“Is there any instruments you would like to learn to play?"
There’s too many already. Don’t encourage me!
“If you weren't a musician, how would you make your living?”:  Probably a Baker. I bake all our bread and I even have a ‘proving cabinet’ which excites me no end. I take it very seriously and can talk at length on yeast strains and the pros and cons of stonegrinding. Exciting eh?
“Would you like to live in Finland?”:  I find myself living there more often than not.
“Do you have plans of releasing more solo albums?”:  Yes! I have started work and intend to record it in our year off (2017)
“Most complicated NW song to play live?”:  Greatest Show on Earth ( full version)
“Are there any instruments you have tried to introduce to Nightwish, but you (and the band) came to conclude they don´t really fit? If so, which ones and why didn´t they fit?"
Strangely, that hasn’t happened yet. Let’s see what happens when we attempt GLS with the Banjo…
“If you could be an animal for a day (different from the human animal you already are), which one would you choose?”:  Great question! I reckon it would have to be a fruit bat. Hanging about upside down only breaking the tedium by flying around looking for fruit. A bit like my human touring life really…
“ How many sets of uilleann pipes and whistles do you have?”:  Only one set of pipes as they are rare and irreplaceable. I have around 28 whistles of varying size.
“Have you ever picked the wrong whistle and only realised doing so while playing?”:  I have! And recently. I picked up my ‘C’ whistle rather than ‘Bb’ during “Islander” it was pure avant-garde Jazz.
“Have you tried using a microphone on the outside of the pipes (attached with a clip on the chanter or something)? Wouldn't that give a much livelier and natural sound than an internal mic?":  Yes and microphones just don’t work because of the pipes being omni-directional. Plus you can never get enough level to compete with a band. I always record them acoustically though.
“I know that you're a secularist, but did you ever have an experience that you couldn't rationally explain”:  Indeed I have. A few. My favourite was walking through a park and hearing my sister say my name really loud, clearly, and close in my left ear. I turned around but nobody there. I then noticed, in the distance, the figure of my sister waving at me!
“Do you think it might be possible to reconcile science and religion/spirituality via some sort of "secular spirituality", such as explored by Sam Harris in his 2014 book "Waking Up”?”:  I can think of nothing more spiritual than the discoveries of Science so, a resounding yes. In the present tense.
“Do you have experience with meditation?”:  I did meddle with it in my late teens while going through the process of trying to find meaning in old ideas, but I soon realised that I was playing a game with myself and creating more distracting illusions.
1) “Do you have any funny/memorable stories from working with Adrian Edmondson?”: We are going out again next festival season simply because we have Big Fun together. Funny stories? Countless.  I love how he doesn’t suffer fools gladly (I unfortunately do most of the time) so him taking on and ejecting idiots from venues is always a great laugh.
2) “ Would you ever consider doing the male vocals on Once Upon a Troubadour?”:  Me doing male vocals on old Nightwish songs? That isn’t as outlandish as it seems. In fact….
“What do you usually do backstage when band performs songs you are not involved in?"
Now here’s yet another great question. I usually watch the audience and revel in the ecstasy of it all. I have a little routine with Antti who looks after me and Emppu – just before GLS or PATP he cracks open a nice cold beer for me. Then another before LROTD. He also entertains me with his brilliant dancing.
And a very fond greeting to the Hungarian fans. A lovely lot!
“What was the funniest moment you will never forget?":  Well as usual there are too many too private to relate, but me and Tuomas in Peru trying to catch lit Cigars, propelled off a fork handle, into our mouths while our very drunk mates cheered us on was pretty good.
“What was the worst food You have eaten in your life?”:  It was a pizza in Germany – Red paint and Cat vomit on a baked face flannel.
“Is there any housework you hate ...and have you got any what you like?”:  I don’t like washing dishes but I do like vacuum cleaning.
“Is there a place you have never played, but you would to? (for example top of a hill, church, valley…)”:  The international Space Station would be good. Or the Jennings Brewery in Cumbria.
“Do You have an object (in Your life) you insist on?":  A deck of Playing Cards.
“What is your favorite home furnishing?”:  Brilliant! It’s Lamp Shades.
“Do you have moments, imaginations or pictures flashing in your mind after a show, when you are on your own?”:  Yes, it’s impossible to ‘switch off’ after the adrenaline burst of a show so its difficult to get to sleep sometimes with the constant bombardment of the experience. So relaxation and quiet is the only hope.
“What kind of thing or situation can make you cry?”:  Onions. And being in a restaurant or lift with bad Muzak.
“Do you have an idol from the history of your nation?”:  There are so many. I am lucky to have grown up on a little island with such a rich and extraordinary history but I would go for Charles Darwin or maybe the composer Ralph Vaughan Williams ( who are, amazingly, related)
“What would you ask us”:  Have you wondered why you, and most of the other Nightwish Fans across the world, are so polite, enthusiastic and kind?
“Imagine Tuomas goes crazy and starts writing rubbish, would you try to mutiny and take control of the band or would you just run away?”
Thank you for your very lovely compliments! Now, onto your completely superb question – I did try to take control once and I shall tell you what happened: It was back in 1892… Tuomas brought to us a new song called “Bongo, Bongo, Hey! Hey!” It had a distinctly ‘Hawaiian Flavour’ with steel guitar and baritone sax which I felt to be the wrong direction for Nightwish. When I mentioned our feelings, he flew into a blind rage and demanded we all wear Tropical coloured Shirts and ‘Hula Skirts’ for the rest of the tour. So I felt I had no option but to take action. But unfortunately, when I tried to start a rebellion to crown myself King of the Band, he made me drink 5 bottles of very fine vintage wine with him in a superb restaurant, after which, it was impossible for me to run away. So there you have it. The song will be on the next album,
“Do you like Salmiakki?”:  I LOVE Salmiakki and I am a bit of an evangelist in the UK. Turned a lot of people onto its dark power.
“Do you listen death metal?”:  I like Death Metal but I can’t listen to it.
“Why don't you dye your hair red? Like Tuomas 2002 maybe?”:  Excellent! Well my natural hair colour is Reddy-Gingery-Brown but I dye it grey in honour of my Heroes – Walt Whitman, Mark Twain, Beethoven, Vaughan Williams etc.
“Does the age have an impact on your playing and touring?”:  I don’t really know what it is. I mean, I understand the soft machine slowing down a bit as everything does in time, but to quote my friend Maddy Prior (The High Priestess of English Folk Music) – “Fine games in the clouds, a pirouette and dance, pure fun and glee. To fall on air, without a care, joyfully flying free. I drop, I swoop, I loop the loop, tumbling above the trees…” That’s what I think of age.
“On the EMFB episode 21 named "Troy", you play some tune at the beginning. Is that the Beauty and the beast by Nightwish or just practising?”:  Oooooh I have no idea!
“Why don't you compose for Nightwish? What do you think about your creativity in making music?”:  I am a very serious composer myself. It’s something I am utterly devoted to and compelled by, so I look forward to all the impending free time. I also enjoy co-writing which is something I am yet to do in Nightwish but in a way I am reluctant; I am very, very happy to contribute musical directions and ideas to Nightwish, but I think Tuomas has it covered, and I like it that way. I mean, it’s worked splendidly for 20 years has it not?
“Can you tell me what is your Top 5 guilty pleasures (music, movies, habits etc..)?”:  Just like your gender, I’m not telling….
“How do you cope with the morning hangover? Any secret to share?”:  Now, age certainly has an impact with this! No secrets or advice apart from stop having so much fun. But why would I recommend such a dull and treacherous course?
“Are you feel fed up from touring now, after one and a half year of doing it?”:  Nah…even the very early formative stuff has its charm.
“Do you feel like a metal dude?”:  Well as my friends in the delightfully hard-rocking band ‘Battle Beast’ put it – “I’m a bad motherfucker I’m a metal man, I’ve got a heart of steel, I’m not afraid to die”. They wrote that song about me. Obviously.
“Why don't you do some magic trick on the stage and maybe cut Tuomas body in half like in Imaginaerum movie?”:  Watch this space.
“Why do you keep your nails long?”:  So they ‘click’ when I play the piano.
“Which brand do you prefer for tin and low whistles?”
My whistles were made by Bernard Overton, the inventor of the modern low whistle but sadly he died and his instruments are difficult to find. However, I can recommend Tony Dixon for Low Whistles. For High ‘Tin’ whistles the very best are made by Chris Backhouse of CB Whistles. I use his high C ‘Elan’ Whistle live and it’s superb. Named after a certain song…
Hi Las L. A lovely letter. (#31)
 A subject too large to answer here (maybe on a nice beach in Florida with a Pina Colada) but briefly - I suspect our world view to be similar. I am very optimistic of the future. History shows that every generation or era is riddled with violence and self-destructive fear, and yet our social evolution has always been progressive and liberating. The beauty of science as an eclipse to the irrational has been a triumph for us; and technology is a psychologically chaotic but beautiful whirlwind. As a species we are born with a strong will to survive, so I look to a sparkling future!
Cheers Spectre, you’re very kind.
“Any chance that we see you in a more present role as a (second) guitarist in Nightwish in future”:  I’m really delighted with the fan response to my guitar adventures, especially as it’s evident that nobody feels I’m stepping on Emppu’s toes. Perish the thought! To us it’s a new voice to add to our wide musical lexicon so yes, I will be doing more in future and playing some saucy duets with our Mighty Emppu; surely one of the most underrated guitarists in the world…
“Did you get to write new music for your solo album during the EFMB tour as intended”:  I wanted to but it’s just impossible to grab the motivation. Another good intention washed down the drain of airports and backstage areas.
“Will we ever get to hear a flute duet between you and Floor?”:  Now there’s a thought…leave it with me!
“Is it true that you cured Tuomas from stage fright by hypnosis?”:  Where did you hear that??!! But yes, rather than cured I would say “Helped clear the attic”. I have studied Hypnosis and it’s a fascinating and very effective tool for self-awareness. It worked for me and for Tuomas.
“What album by any band would you  say is your most listened to album?”
It would be Pink Floyd ‘Wish You Were Here’ simply because I can’t remember ever being without it. In fact, I listened to it on the plane to Poland last week.  I discovered ‘Dark Side’ when I was about  11 or 12 (which rearranged my tiny brain) but when I heard the opening to ‘Shine on you Crazy Diamond’ with that eloquent, melancholic guitar against that beautiful atmospheric background? changed everything.



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Re: Nightwish
« Respuesta #1300 en: Septiembre 15, 2016, 03:36:02 pm »
Tuomas responde:

Big thanks to Tuomas for sending us his answers!

1. I'd want to know your honest opinion about Donald Duck comics nowadays... What do you think of them?
* Still enjoying them! Obviously many of the stories these days are dreadful, especially the "superhero-orientated" ones, but we can always go back to the classics. The Duck fanatics all over the world are eagerly waiting for the next Barks or Rosa to surface…
2. What in the world should we pay/bribe you to play Nymphomaniac Fantasia live?
* We might consider it for a full case of 40-year old Laphroaig and a trip to the moon.
3. Your opinion on burkini ban?
* I`m heavily against it, it feels like a step towards authoritarianism. If we ban that, then shouldn`t we also ban nuns and priests, buddhists, jews and hindus using their traditional outfits in public? Now, I`m loudly against religious oppression, and forcing women to wear something they don`t want to wear because ancient texts say so is absolutely horrible, as any sane person would agree. But should we take their right to wear it if they wanted to? No.
It`s a different issue when burkinis (or any other traditional costumes) are worn, for example, in public pools, under the silly term of "religious freedom". You`d be violating hygiene directives, of course you can`t do that.
I`m an individual freedom absolutist in the sense that you should be able to be and do whatever you want, believe in whatever you want, dress however you want and have consensual sex with whomever you like, as long as you`re not hurting anybody.
4. If you could live in any fictional world from book or a movie for a year, what world would it be ?
* Excellent one!! I`m struggling between Moominvalley, the village from the movie "The Village" and Hobbiton. Not fair. Impossible!!
5. Any chance of seeing anything from AFF with Troy singing your parts?
* There most certainly is!
6. You are often accused in self-plagiarism (whatever that means) because the songs from EFMB sounds like your older songs. What can you say about this? Is it lack of inspiration or it's just purposely, like your trademark?
* Oh, dear… These questions are just great!
We`ve always played our game on a huge field when it comes to the varieties in musical genres & influences, instruments used, song structures and lyrical themes. Naturally every member has his or her quintessential way of singing, playing and writing songs, which can be recognized throughout the albums, our trademark building-blocks to create the music we love to create.
Music is about searching and self-discovery at its core, but to deliberately do everything, writing, playing, singing, in a way it`s never been done before just for the sake of uniqueness, is a dangerous path.
When it comes to bands guilty of "self-plagiarism", Nightwish surely are on the opposite end of the spectrum.
7. Nightwish has released the demo versions of some songs from Dark Passion Play and Imaginaerum. Is there any chance you'll do the same with EFMB songs? How about the 35-minute-long version of The Greatest Show on Earth? Will we have the chance of listening to it some day?
* With EFMB we basically skipped the demo phase of recordings. The first version of The Greatest Show is somewhere on a floppy disc in one of the dozens of disc boxes in one of the dozens of cardboard boxes in the deep dungeons of my cellar…
8. What's the first thing you do when you wake up?
* I have a terrible habit of instantly grabbing my iPhone and reading the news. Something that I need to alienate myself from. I`m very much pro-technology, but these devices have become awfully addictive extensions of our flesh-and-blood hands, and have seriously twisted the way we experience the world and other human beings as social animals.
The second thing I always do is make coffee. I cannot function at all without it.
9. What is your opinion about Tarja and Anette perform some Nightwish songs on their solo concerts? There was a direct request to you?
* I`m totally fine with them performing NW songs, why would I be against that?! Anyone is free to cover our songs.
 10. Is there any Nightwish song in which you wouldn't feel so comfortable to play nowadays, if yes, why?
* Bye Bye Beautiful and Master Passion Greed, for obvious reasons. Nymphomaniac Fantasia for even more obvious reasons.
Playing The Poet And The Pendulum also feels a bit uncomfortable to me personally, but due to its more ambiguous nature it`s doable.
11. What do you think about electronic music/sounds and its use in conjunction with classical music as in the Interstellar soundtrack?
* When done with a good taste it`s fantastic! Interstellar soundtrack is a prime example of that, it`s actually my top 3 Hans Zimmer album. My biggest musical hero Vangelis is the Grand Wizard of that stuff.
12. Are you aware of the issues with the Blu-Ray of Showtime Story time running at only 96% of the correct speed (sluggish). Will Vehicle Of Spirit be free from this error?
* We are, it was huge slap in the face. The band was not aware of this until all the Blu-Rays were already printed and in sale. We were very vocal about the issue towards the personnel responsible for the error, but got only a "this is how it`s always been done, everywhere, even in Hollywood, what are you talking about, etc." for an answer…
Vehicle Of Spirit will be free from this error. At least we`ve done everything in our power to do so.
13. Did you read or watch anything inspiring during the EFMB tour?
* The British tv-series "Black Mirror" had a massive effect on me. The most thought-provoking drama I`ve seen in ages, highly recommendable to everyone, especially during these technology-driven times. A word of warning though, the stories go uncomfortably deep under your skin and never leave. Especially the episodes "White Bear" and "The White Christmas" will haunt you forever.
The latest book to give me the serious goosy bumps was Brian Sykes` "The Seven Daughters Of Eve".
14. How would you categorize your beliefs according to Dawkins' Belief Scale Scoring Rubric?
* I`m a solid 6. (As is Dawkins). I`m intimidated of people who are stridently in categories 1 and 7.
People are often confused of semantics when it comes to the terms atheism and agnosticism. The important point to remember is: they answer to two different questions;
"Do you believe there`s a God?", and "Do you know there`s no God?" My answer to the first one would be no, making me "an atheist" in that sense. My answer to the latter question would be "of course not, nobody does", making me "an agnostic".
15. You mentioned you've played Skyrim, have you expanded into any other games?
* I`m more of a board game nerd, and never was into console games. Skyrim was great, though, as was The Last Of Us. Both were insanely addictive so I need to see there`s nothing in my calendar for at least a month before starting Witcher 3…
16. Have you a favorite fossil creature?
* Marco.
17. Over the years, are you increasingly attracted by the classical music? Are you still attached to your « first love » (Zimmer, Elfman the film score in the broad sense of the term) ?
* I listen to quite little music these days, and when I do, it`s mainly film music, celtic music and classical. Occasionally it`s great to take a nostalgia trip into those mind-blowing teenage - era albums which made all the difference back in the days. The 3rd And The Mortal, Metallica, Gary Moore, Moonspell, Tiamat, Xentrix, My Dying Bride, Amorphis, Stratovarius, Pantera…
18. Have you ever thought of making a song were you play clarinet instead of keyboards?
* If there ever comes a need to create another "torture chamber ambience", like through the mid-section of "The Poet And The Pendulum", sure!
I believe the last time actually I played the clarinet was April 18th, 1997.
19. Are you excited for any upcoming releases music/book/movie
* The final chapter of The Kingkiller Chronicles Trilogy by Patrick Rothfuss would be my #1 on this list. Then there are the upcoming Dark Tower films, Richard Dawkins` new essay anthology, the remake of Stephen King`s IT, Del Toro`s version of "Pinocchio", Sonata Arctica`s upcoming album and the new seasons of Walking Dead and Outlander.
20. Earth is 4.6 billion years old . If you could choose an event, only one,  to witness in all this time, what would it be?
* To see the iconic "red hand" painting of the Chauvet Cave being made, to actually see the individual Sapiens the hand belonged to…
21. Are there any unreleased (as in fully completed, much like The Heart Asks Pleasure First was) songs remaining in the vaults or do they only exist as unfinished demo recordings or ideas that you've written down somewhere?
* Absolutely nothing, "fully completed", that is. Everything`s been released in one form or another. I do have dozens of floppy discs and a few dictaphones full of bits `n pieces of unused ideas, riffs, melodies and mindless racket.
22. What makes you laugh out loud?
* Laurel And Hardy, Fawlty Towers, Ricky Gervais, Borat, Studio Julmahuvi, Troy`s conjurings and manifestations, too much wine, the 2 geniuses of the 2016 US presidential election. 
23. What`s your favorite dish to cook?
* I love outdoor / open fire cooking, as well as baking traditional Finnish rye bread. Indian is my favorite cuisine and I like doing dishes like Tarka Dal, Sag Aloo and Aloo Gobi.
24. If something happened and you couldn`t play in Nightwish anymore would you prefer others stop playing as "Nightwish" or to keep up playing without you?
* A very interesting one. If everyone in the band would be willing and happy to continue doing shows without me, absolutely yes! I would have no problem with that scenario at all. It`s a difficult situation to imagine, though, and I think I might have a problem with others creating a new Nightwish album without me taking any part of it.
25. Do you believe in prophetic dreams?
* No.
26. With the exception of Kitee, in which part of the world would you like to live?
* It`s difficult for me to imagine living anywhere else, but if I had to choose, I would pick Lapland or the Lake District in Cumbria.
27. How old were you when you pierced your ears?
* I`m glad you asked. I think I was 23. And off they went a couple of years ago. (I was in a dental x-ray and had to take them off, never bothered to put them back on afterwards).
28. Did you in any way inform Sharbat Gula that you wrote a song about her?
* I did send the EFMB - album with a brief message about the band and that song to Mr. Steve McCurry, the man who took the famous "The Afghan Girl" - photograph, also requesting if he possibly had any contact info to Sharbat Gula herself. No reply, unfortunately.
29. Why do you guys downtune the pre - Century Child songs?
* Because it makes the technical side of things on stage much easier with different guitars and basses, as simple as that. Instead of 4 guitars we now only need 2, etc.
To us those songs sound equally good dropped, as in the original tuning, so this decision was made early on. Made the technical crew very happy.
30. Your biggest fear in your life?
* Losing the people I love. Nothing else comes close.
31. Did booze or maybe pot help you finish or create a song?
* Pot`s not my thing, and hangover is said to be a highly creative state, but I still prefer a sober, clear minded autumn-, winter- or spring morning when it comes to fruitful songwriting. But sure, a merry larruping solves a puzzle, or plants an idea every now and then!
32. Does music ever move you to tears? If so, what artist or song?
* Music moves me constantly, but actual tears don`t come that easily. Songs to guarantee wet eyes every time I hear them include the original Walking In The Air, Forever Young (Alphaville), Wonderful Life (Black), Fields Of Coral (Vangelis), Dives And Lazarus (Vaughan Williams) and Ride On (Christy Moore), to mention a few.
33. Addressing to the marvelous line "I do not wish to evade the world, yet I will forever build my own": do you agree that for a human being it`s generally vitally important to create a personal world that we consider our life as a success if we manage to do it, and as a fail if we don`t. If yes, why do you think it`s so?
* If someone was to ask me the key to happiness I`d say two things: Be nice to people (and all living things), and find a passion. This "passion" can be anything from different forms of art to sports cars to politics to horses to charity work to basketball to living your whole life in a monastery. Once you find your passion, you create your own personal world around it. A safe haven where you feel utterly comfortable, at home, where you can leave a mark to this world. That`s the definition of a personal world for me, and yes, I think it`s vital for human happiness. The meaning of life is not a complicated thing, it`s something different for everybody.
It`s a such powerful play we get to take part of, and we all have a chance to contribute a verse. What will your verse be? (As our beloved Uncle Walt (Whitman) said.)
34. Are there some certain emotions or themes in your music?
*  This was my favorite question of them all.
Thank you everyone for sending the inspiring questions, I had a fun time answering these! - Tuomas


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Re: Nightwish
« Respuesta #1301 en: Septiembre 16, 2016, 04:51:19 pm »
Vehicle Of Spirit

NIGHTWISH - Vehicle Of Spirit
Released on: 2016-11-04

With every year that we move further away from our childhood, we lose more of the fascination for the world and forget our initial sense of beauty. The world grows duller, gets swept by everyday routine and a work-sleep-eat-repeat-rhythm – but every few decades, a bunch of musicians are able to break down these grey walls of concrete. And those who’ve seen NIGHTWISH live since their inception in 1996, know that they are the ones to shine a little light with magic, intensity and melancholy into the corners of the one’s mind that seemed long lost and forgotten.

After exactly twenty years of band history, the Suomi Symphonics around visionary and keyboardmaster Tuomas Holopainen have reached their best shape to date and this current energy is unleashed in the sextet’s new live release »Vehicle Of Spirit«. This DVD box does not only contain the two most special shows of their last world tour, but leads through the entire career of NIGHTWISH with its diverse setlists and hand-picked bonus material.

"I would say the main parts of the DVD are those two shows, both Wembley and Tampere. Wembley is mentioned first due to its recognisability and legendary status. I remember the show being very special, both a goal achieved, and a starting point”, Tuomas Holopainen explains. “The crowd was heartwarming. The presence of Richard Dawkins on stage was just mind-blowing. The overall experience felt like a once-in-a-lifetime thrill ride!
Also, it’s the history of the venue that makes it so special. All these artists and bands throughout the decades that played there! Many of which are my or the other band members` heroes in music. And you get to perform there, on the same stage, saying "Good Evening Wembley!" out loud. It was beautiful and poetic. I would think a kid, who for his entire life desires to become an astronaut and finally reaches the surface of the moon, might experience something similar.”

At the end of the show, the world famous biologist and scientist Richard Dawkins appeared live on stage with NIGHTWISH to perform his recitation at the end of the evolution hymn 'The Greatest Show On Earth' – an unforgettable moment for the band that had their latest chartbreaking album »Endless Forms Most Beautiful« heavily influenced by the works and the revolutionary views of the British scientist. But their sold-out Wembley show in front of 12.000 fans was not the only milestone on this almost 2-year-long tour and in Tampere, Finland, the band entered yet undiscovered grounds:

“The show in Ratina Stadion, Tampere, was a home crowd specialty (for 4/6th of the band) with the biggest stage production we've ever had. A lovely atmosphere throughout the concert, with many same faces in the front row as there were 15 years ago. Heartfelt."

After eight genre-defining studio releases, NIGHTWISH are among the most successful metal bands of our time and the multinational act surely doesn’t have to prove anything to anyone anymore. However, they did. It was the first tour with Floor Jansen on vocals and Troy Donockley on the pipes as permanent members of the line-up and together with WINTERSUN’s Kai Hahto on drums, filling in for founding member Jukka Nevalainen after his sudden illness. But the Finnish-Dutch-British-combo already seems like a well-established team, united for decades. The line-up disagreements lay buried in the past and the dark moments are dusty and forgotten, so let’s celebrate the present day and the beauty of reality – but not without little tricks in their sleeve:

Intense pyro technics, raging wind effects and hypnotic video screens transform NIGHTWISH’s shows into an incomparable force of Nature. But even though their production is at the biggest level of the band’s history, they never blindly rely on massive show effects or neglect the initial spirit of a live performance – eventually they still turn out to be the enthusiastic and fragile music lovers from Kitee. Looking at Tuomas Holopainen behind his keyboard arsenal, you still see the shy boy with his beloved biology book shimmering through. Therefore the choice of the DVD’s title doesn’t come as big surprise:

"The title »Vehicle Of Spirit« came from a friend of Troy's, who after seeing our show a few years ago defined NIGHTWISH as 'A vehicle of spirit that defies category'. That beautiful description has followed us ever since, and felt like a perfect match as the DVD title,"

On both shows, the band delivers a setlist that will leave their loyal fans breathless – in London, they fly from the epic 'Ghost Love Score' to 'The Poet And The Pendulum' and the reborn version of 'Stargazers', while Tampere cheers over Floor’s unique performance of 'Sleeping Sun' and reaches its bombastic ending with 'The Greatest Show On Earth' . After three hours of colourful live wizardry, the spectator’s life will surely be and stay a little brighter.

When it comes to the fine artwork of the DVD, NIGHTWISH decided to walk different paths this time and come up with a little alternative idea, as Tuomas explains:

"We didn`t want to include a traditional band shot for the cover, as on the previous DVD release »Showtime, Storytime«. So we started brainstorming on different options and the idea of a classic silent movie era Hollywood visuals quickly came up. With those classic slogans the cover has a little tongue-in-cheek-touch to it, but it's still classy and eye catching in its simplicity and originality."

The bonus material consists of several additional live clips from different shows and a short interview with the biologist Richard Dawkins, and in the end, »Vehicle Of Spirit« raises a monument for the band years 2015 and 2016. A monument for symphonic metal, for the sake of science and evolution - and the boy with the biology book.


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Re: Nightwish
« Respuesta #1302 en: Septiembre 18, 2016, 04:05:31 pm »
Turno de Floor!!

hen you headbang, do you feel dizzy immediately afterwards? If so, does it interfere with your singing?
Floor: singing goes before all other things for me. Moving around is important of course to make it into a show but it shouldn’t interfere with singing. I don’t get dizzy from headbanging but when it’s really hot I sometimes do get a bit lightheaded, just like when you get out of your seat too fast. It’s important that I keep my breathing under control no matter what I do. So also with headbanging ☺
2: I would like to know if it was very difficult to start singing. It must be very hard be your own instrument. Any advice for new singers?
Floor: why would starting to sing be difficult? It might become something more when you connect ambitions (and so expectations) to it. But what happened to just singing? That’s what I did ☺ I just enjoyed it and wanted to do it more often after I got a taste of it. A while later I wanted more and learned you can go to the conservatorium if you are good enough and willing to devote your life to it. I was so young, all I could do was follow my heart. That’s what I did. Starting to sing is never difficult! Expectations you or others around you attach to it might be though. But I truly believe that singing should be fun. Regardless of ambitions or/and talent: fun first!
3: I found your vlogs about your move to Finland and your progress in Finnish to be very interesting. As a fellow Dutch person intending to learn Finnish one day, is there any advice you could give me?
Floor: Finnish is one of the most difficult languages in the world. That sounds dramatic but it’s just a fact. You do not casually pick up a word here and there and downloading an app on your phone to get it won’t do much more than you knowing how to say kiitos (thanks) ☺ It’s not like any language you know and the book- Finnish (offical Finnish) is only used by official speakers and newspapers. There is a big difference with spoken Finnish…not to mention the dialects that are varied enough to make you doubt ones again whether you understood something or not. It’s surely not impossible to learn however. But I think (opinion, no fact) that you will only do when you move there and live and breath the language 24/7. I moved and got a good start, getting slightly frustrated here and there with ‘still’ not being able to do more than kid language after 1,5 year of studying (from abroad, not living there yet). But then I met my Swedish man. Hard to learn this language when you don’t speak it at home, even harder when yet other language comes on your path. So for me things changed. But if you have the dream, go to Finland! To get the language, the people, the culture, be there, live there. I loved it! It’s a huge change to leave your home country to live somewhere else but it for me was eye opening and one of the best things I ever did! I live in Sweden now for I could never leave ‘the north’ anymore. Love at first sight for me.
4: Do you enjoy other cultures' mythology? If so, is there any culture's that you would consider your favourite?
Floor: I have recently been introduced to the Nordic mythology. Beautiful stories of how the earth came to be (accordingly to these stories that is ☺). Of what god did this and what god that. Always having human like struggles and emotions. Just like all gods in all mythologies. I always wonder who decided that one book is mythology (suggesting it’s not true, just a myth) and one the truth (a bible, koran, etc.). To me they all are good stories with lessons in right and wrong. I love to lose myself in fantasy stories so myths are right up my alley. They bring a bigger knowledge of the countries they’re from too, something I really appreciate as well.
5: Has the fan documentary changed your views upon your place in the world and your cultural and social input?
Floor: It didn’t change my views but maybe made some things more clear. My place in the world is looked at differently by everybody. The love for Nightwish felt differently by everybody too. My input in this all regarded and experienced differently by everybody. That was made clear ones again and I think that makes this all so wonderful. I can only be me and however that rubs off on someone else is in the eye of the beholder.
6: What is your vocal range?
Floor: When I started singing I had 3 octaves to play with. Lower was my problem, not my higher. The sky was the limit seemingly and I experimented with high/higher/highest and loud/louder/loudest ☺ Singing high in different styles and using various dynamics never occurred to me until I started studying and exploring my sound further and further. Singing lower? Why? ☺ until I found my lower and warmer register and learned to play with this too. How about singing with a raw edge, or even growl? No, I have no idea how to do this, doesn’t come naturally on me. Until I started to do it live with After Forever. I just had no idea what it was I did and couldn’t do it off stage. I ran into a new (at the time) vocal method from the Danish Catherine Sadolin called ‘Complete Vocal Technique’. This was after I graduated. First vocal method that made any real sense to me…and it included a explanation and exercises of this distorted singing and growling (and many other effects, anything a human voice can do basically). Great, now I can try this. I love vocal techniques. I consider myself quite a geek when it comes to this and a new challenge was welcome. I started feeling it and soon found the key to my vocal cords. So what is my vocal range now? 4 octaves. But what does this say really about a voice? Nothing…it has no quality label ☺
7: You probably receive lot of gifts from fans all over the world, what kind of gifts they give to you, what was the weirdest, the most beautiful, etc?
Floor: We indeed get many sweet gifts. All of them come with a personal touch. They come from the country we’re in and/or it’s handmade. That makes every gift special and I would never favor one above the other. Some people get a sudden impulse to give me something and they give me something they have on them that moment. A piece of jewelry or clothing even. Some kids spend hours and hours to draw me something and the proud parent and the often shy kid comes to give it. Some adults do the same and have the child in them in their eyes as they present their handy work. What’s not weird and beautiful and absolutely wonderful about all of this? I am truly grateful for all the love that I get!
8: Why do you guys downtune the pre-Century Child songs (She Is My Sin)?
All older songs are played a note down because the later material is written en recorded in D and the older stuff in E. To avoid extra guitars and bass guitars in both tunings and changes on the keyboard we play the old stuff lower.
9: Which are your favourite makeup products/nail polish and brands?
Floor: Any brand that doesn’t test on animals. I have no real favorites, whatever looks good and stays on my face also when it’s hot as hell and I’m headbanging for 2 hours straight. I like make-up but love to not use it. It was liberating to discover my ‘naked’ face actually is beautiful too and doesn’t need anything to look pretty. We all look absolutely stunning without! That it’s fun to use it, yes! But I don’t like the label that woman can only be pretty with a layer of cosmetics…
10: Do you have any favourite fashion designers, or stores, or do you get inspiration from other things for custom pieces?
Floor: No favorites. I find fashion an exhausting concept…it changes like the wind. Young people feel forced to conform to the madness, especially young girls get indoctrinated with it. Look thin, wear this, have your make-up like that and your hair should be like this…pfff…Photoshopped images of women who spend their life on looking good give off all kinds of messages that have nothing to do with a pair of pants or a nice t-shirt. So fashion, whatever fits with YOU ☺
As for my stage outfits: it needs to fit with me. On my body, with it’s good and not so good sides. It needs to be comfortable enough to move around in, I need to be able to breath. It needs to be feminine and cool. It can be in any color, made of any fabric. And it will change throughout the years for I do too ☺
11: Is there any advice someone gave you that stuck with you and helped you a lot?
Floor: My dear parents gave me many advises that stuck with me and I am forever grateful for their parential guidance. And the man who mixed our second After Forever album, Oscar Holleman gave me one I shall never forget either. He told me we can only shine as humans and as creative spirits, if we work with the right people. We need to surround us with them to build a safety net around ourselves as we go through life. By feeling safe we remain open, fragile, real, raw. By feeling safe we can remain to be artists forever. Without it we lose our shine and burn out. As I ones did I knew this was the truth. I found myself after a while, after finding my ‘safety net’ of fantastic people whom I love and trust. I will never forget his metaphor, he is so right!
12: Would you like to write a book yourself one day? What about/genre, if so?
Floor: Nice question ☺ I would love to and always had it in the back of my head. I love to read and always admire a well-written book. It’s an amazing art I have no idea about but have interest in. Maybe one day I will write a fantasy book. I have a vivid imagination haha. I also played with the thought of a biography. But let’s think about this again when I am curled up in my chair at the age of 85 and I really have a story to tell ☺
13: Have you ever changed places with your sister for anything? You look very similar to each other
Floor: Irene and I can seem alike at a first glance indeed. But if you look twice you will see we are as different as we are alike and so no, we never changed places. We are also two very different personalities and you will soon know who is who even when you don’t see us. Ever noticed I have blue eyes and Irene brown? That she is taller than me? That my hair is about 25cm longer and hers curl up a bit? Oh, and has a completely different color ☺ Our voices also are different but alike, like our appearance. They sound so good together, it’s a lot of fun to sing together!
14: When you're not on tour for a while, do you tend to take a break from doing any singing, or do you always keep practising?
Floor: Singing is not something I do, it’s more what I am. I breath, I eat, I sing ☺ Practicing I sometimes do, the rest of the time I just sing. For fun and because I need to, just like I need to eat.
15: Do you have more challenges as a singer that you wish to achieve?
Floor: I have no set goal but believe that I am always learning and growing, changing as I grow older. My real ambition is to do that and to be able to sing until my last breath.
16: How much (in %) of a good performance is due to talent and how much is training?
Floor: There is no truth to be found in this answer, no facts. It’s pure perception. With a very talented person you need no training, but experience will make a good show super. The less talent, the more training will help. But training without talent will never make anybody good.
17: Can we expect to take out your flute in near future at a gig? Maybe a duet with Troy?
Floor: With Troy playing so many instruments on such an amazing level I don’t see the need for me to add a flute just because I can.
18: What Dutch things do you miss most now that you're living abroad?
Floor: Dutch things? No things, but people. I miss my family and friends and my dog… And sometimes I wish all countries were as small as the Netherlands for we know no long distances. Then again, the traffic with 17 million in such a small country is something I will never miss. Hello Sweden (and Finland) with your country roads and calm traffic (and calm drivers!)
19: I recently started taking lessons in classical singing and i love it, but I m afraid that it may lead me to sing everything in a classical way. What would you advice me to do in order to have the flexibility to switch my voice according to different music genres?
Floor: Find yourself a teacher who has studied ‘Complete Vocal Technique’. The only vocal method I think is any good in offering a more diverse schooling of the voice. And try stuff yourself. It’s YOUR voice and it won’t break if you experiment and go out of your comfort zone ☺
20: What's the worst joke about your name that you heard so far?
Floor: they’re all a bit the same since it means only two things in English (level of a building and a…well….a wooden floor or whatever). I remember one moment in the States when I checked into a hotel and the lady who checked me in raised an eyebrow above some twinkling eyes and asked me: ‘Floor? So that’s your real name?’. I answered with yes, and that I realize the international failure of this name ☺ She smiled and said: ‘Floor….I will remember this name’. Nothing special, but the way she said it and the way she looked was just hilarious. Then again, it’s just a Dutch name. Normal. There are many names that only work in the country you are from and I like this. It has its charm to have a typical name from where you are from. Especially now I travel so much and live in another country these things matter more to me. It gives you a uniqueness.
21: I'm studying to become an animal attendant (or animal caretaker, whatever the right word is) and in that job I need to be in a good physical shape. I think you're a good example of a strong and healthy-looking person. So, my question is, how do you work on your muscles? And do you exercise regularly or more like when you're in the mood? And if you have any good little tips for exercising, I'm interested!
Floor: everyone needs their body one way or another and everyone should train their body. That doesn’t mean that I think we all need to look like Arnold S ☺ What I mean is that it keeps your general health better, you have more energy, you can take a beating better (illness, accident, not a real beating ☺) and aging comes with less complications. Is it fun? For some… I like it! But it’s a fact that your entire wellbeing goes up. Good food and a regular work-out schedule, and enough sleep is the key. And some occasional bad food and too many drinks moments too if you want, because that will make the other more strict moments easier and you need your fun…
I cannot tell you what works for you. Go to a gym and find out…. Good guidance helps to prevent sport injury. I have an app on my phone I like to use for a varied training program. It’s called Nike training. For me it’s important I can work out anywhere. I also love yoga and firm walks in the woods ☺ I used to run but found out I have no runners body. Fine; plenty of other things to do. Good luck! And remember: better 10 minutes every day then ones a week 2 hours!
22: Could you ever consider selling that long jacket of yours, the one you used for example at Wembley? It's so cool! I'd pay anything to get a jacket like that! (ok I'm a student so I have my limits haha!)   
Floor: actually yes… I have been thinking of selling ‘old’ stage clothes and accessories to raise money for a good cause. I need some time to set this up and to find the ultimate good cause. There are so many great ones. Maybe there will be multiple ones. Budget is something I wish I could consider ☺ Any ideas for a good cause?
23:  Is there something about science that you feel particularly attracted to?
Floor: the thing that fascinated me most is that science is all around us. It’s an integrated part of our daily lives. To see it, realize it, to embrace it was mindblowing. I sort of took it for granted.
This, and the fact it’s in full development. Every day bright minds discover amazing things. The scientists are the ones who bring good news to the world. We found a better this, a cure that, a new etc. I just wish the regular news would report more of these miracles. It would be a refreshing positive change to news that only wants to report about human failure in wars, crimes, etc.
24: What's exactly going on in "The Greatest Show On Earth" when you sing "The cosmic law of gravity..." part? I'm so used to see you so full of energy on stage that it always caught my attention seeing you frozen or numb when you sing that part live.
Floor: haha well…I use this monotone robot voice. It’s not ‘me’. It’s the voice of the cosmos. To visualize this I would feel weird to run around wildly while making eye contact with the band and the fans in front of me.
25: Did you catch hell from any of your Nightwish mates after doing that onstage duet with Tarja?
Floor: no. And the only reason I am answering this question is because all of us are SO fed up with this childish bullshit going on and on about the band and Tarja. The band wished Tarja and me well and send her their regards actually. Like normal, grown-up people do.
26: It seems like the singers debate will endure forever.. are you hoping for it to end, or you just have learned to live with it?
Floor: we live with it because everybody is entitled to their opinion and feelings must be ventilated. Yet again, the internet became such a dreadful place because of it. We are already moving on, have been so years. Why waste your breath still? End it, stop reacting to others, take a breath (again…?!) and join us in the here and the now ☺
Some quick fun ones to end ☺
27: How many 'caution wet floor' boards do you have? Did you have one in Chinese?
Floor: haha many! No Chinese one, maybe I should get one next time I’m there ☺
28: Tea or coffee?
Floor: coffee in the morning, tea in the afternoon and evening.
29: Are you a morning person or a night person?
Floor: morning…
30: Sweet or spicy food?
Floor: spicy
31: Are you more planning or spontaneous?
Floor: planning
32: In the winter: would you rather go skiing or stay inside with a good book?
Floor: I’d rather do both.
33: Cats or dogs?
Floor: dogs. But if I don’t have to chose maybe both is great too ☺
34: Flats or heels?
Floor: flats. I used to love heels but I grew out of them. With my 1,81m tallness I don’t need heels anyway, I just think they’re beautiful. The feet and body however doesn’t agree to this fashion thing ☺
35:  What is your opinion on Marco's beard?
Floor: ah, an important question haha ☺ Well…If I would have been blond…and a man…I would be SO envious! But I am a woman. So I spend hours fixing my make-up and my hair. Then Marco comes along, a rubs through his beard and puts on a bass and he’s good to go…Looking cool as hell! Damn!


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Re: Nightwish
« Respuesta #1303 en: Septiembre 18, 2016, 04:12:55 pm »
Pero Floor es noticia por otra razón.

Nightwish vocalist Floor Jansen has announced she is four months pregnant.

The singer revealed the news to TeamRock at an event in Helsinki, Finland, to promote Nightwish's upcoming live release Vehicle Of Spirit.

Nightwish plan to take at least a year off after wrapping up touring commitments for latest album Endless Forms Most Beautiful.

Jansen didn't give an official statement on her pregnancy, but mainman Tuomas Holopainen told TeamRock: "The issue of Floor having a kid came up earlier this year. I asked her if she had been thinking about having a child and she said, 'Yeah, actually, I have.'

"So I said, 'Well, we're thinking of having a break so if you want to...' And here we are.

"It's just a wonderful, beautiful thing because now she gets to be with him or her for a year before we continue so it's perfect timing."

Jansen, whose partner is Sabaton drummer Hannes Van Dahl, has worked with Nightwish since 2012 and was announced as the band's full-time singer in 2013. She replaced Anette Olzon on what was initially seen as a temporary basis before being given the role permanently.

Jansen's first album with Nightwish was last year's Endless Forms Most Beautiful, with bassist Marco Hietala saying her work ethic was refreshing.

Mainman Tuomas Holopainen was thrilled with Jansen's contribution, but said she was capable of even more and that she didn't get to show off her operatic style because that vocal range didn't suit the songs.

Nightwish have four dates in Asia lined up for next month.


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Re: Nightwish
« Respuesta #1304 en: Septiembre 21, 2016, 06:23:54 pm »
It's just after lunchtime on a cloudy Saturday in September when Prog joins a group of around 20 journalists in Finland for a unique coach trip. We’re on our way to the National Audiovisual Institute (aka Kansallinen Audiovisuaalinen Instituutti) for a screening of Nightwish's forthcoming live DVD Vehicle Of Spirit. It’s the first time that anyone outside the band and their management has seen the edited concert footage so to say we’re excited would be an understatement.

It’s Nightwish’s 20th anniversary this year and to celebrate, they’ve been touring all around the world. In fact, next month marks the end of their 18-month schedule with a series of shows in North Asia. This DVD captures some of the live highlights from the last 18 months.

The institute, often abbreviated as KAVI, is a short drive away from Helsinki city centre. It’s involved with film restoration, archiving audio-visual material, and also plays an important role in educating visitors and students on the history of the visual arts. Prog takes a lift up to the fifth floor of the building and is wowed by the sight of display cabinets full of vintage audio and visual equipment, which include early TV cameras. One-third of Nightwish are here as well: founding keyboardist Tuomas Holopainen, bassist/vocalist Marco Hietala and drummer Kai Hahto, who also plays with Swallow The Sun. They pose for photos as we grab shots of Salmiakki Koskenkorva – a liquorice-flavoured Finnish liqueur – and head into the small, on-site cinema for the screening. A few hours later, a very happy and visibly pregnant Floor Jansen also arrives to meet journalists.

“Welcome!” says the Viking-like Marco Hietala, as we take our seats in the modern auditorium. He explains how the DVD is split into three sections: there are two full concerts – last year’s sold-out show at London’s Wembley Arena and their largest-ever production at Tampere’s open-air Ratina Stadion in Finland – plus bonus content, with performances taken from around the world, and an exclusive interview with evolutionist Richard Dawkins, who guests on their most recent album Endless Forms Most Beautiful.

“At an early point, we decided that if we were going to [film] two shows, we had to make them different,” explains the director Ville Lipií¤inen. “The Wembley footage is more raw and filmed almost in a guerrilla style with lots of blue lighting. Tampere is more clean-cut.”

Hietala adds with a cheeky grin, “Luckily, we played differently in those shows too – the Wembley show was like a punch in the face or a kick in the ass!”

The bassist later tells Prog that he and Kai Hahto have been involved in overseeing the audio mix with their FOH sound engineer Kimmo Ahola. “There’s still some stuff that needs to be finished,” he says. As a result, the release of the Vehicle Of Spirit DVD has now been pushed back to November 25.

Says Holopainen, “The DVD is not the closing of an era, but the closing of this particular chapter. The shows are very emotional and very entertaining, and they show you what Nightwish is like after 20 years, in its current line-up.”

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