Autor Tema: Within Temptation  (Leído 320675 veces)


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Re: Within Temptation
« Respuesta #465 en: Marzo 25, 2011, 03:20:26 pm »


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Re: Within Temptation
« Respuesta #466 en: Marzo 25, 2011, 04:59:53 pm »


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Re: Within Temptation
« Respuesta #467 en: Marzo 25, 2011, 05:50:46 pm »
« Última modificación: Marzo 25, 2011, 06:11:12 pm por _V_ »


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Re: Within Temptation
« Respuesta #468 en: Marzo 25, 2011, 11:14:36 pm »
MOLAN!!!! :008: :008: :008:


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Re: Within Temptation
« Respuesta #469 en: Marzo 25, 2011, 11:16:12 pm »
Four years after “The Heart Of Everything”, finally our new studio album “The Unforgiving” is hitting the stores this weekend!

Depending on where you live can now buy the album online as well as in your favourite record store, or you can do so by Tuesday at the latest, for example in the US! At this first day of release we already hit the charts on iTunes: Norway #13, Belgium #4, Sweden #3 and Holland #2. Check out below overview for release dates in your country (could be earlier depending on local record stores / iTunes, below dates are the official release dates though):

March 25, 2011: Australia, Austria, Germany, Hong Kong, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, UK
March 28, 2011: Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Greece, Hungary, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Israí«l, Slovenia/Croatia, Mexico
March 29, 2011: Italy, Spain
March 30, 2011: Finland, Korea, USA
April 6, 2011: Japan (postponed release due to the earthquake)

Before you get your own copy of “The Unforgiving”, be sure you checked out this huge competition we launched called “Your Unforgiving Experience”. Make your own 1-minute short film of the moment you buy the album, listen to it with your friends or having your own secret release party. The most original film on spending the day of “The Unforgiving” release will win a trip to New York where you and 1 friend will visit our concert at Terminal 5 on September 10th! Check the competition page for more information and requirements


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Re: Within Temptation
« Respuesta #470 en: Marzo 26, 2011, 11:08:07 pm »
Transcripción del corto Siníéad


Although distant, I still hear the tormented cries, the damned, the anguished fallen. They still haunt my dreams. A philosopher once wrote: “Every man is guilty of all the good he didn’t do.” I so believe that. My guilt defies any punishment. My craving desire to make right what’s wrong it’s away of the very core of my being. In simplest terms, I need to clean the slate.

Names aren’t important. But for the record, I was born Siníéad Harkin, in Dublin, Ireland. It was quite some time ago. Gone is the little freckle-faced girl I once saw in the mirror looking back in time. Innocence replaced by death.

- Da...daddy… I just…
- Goddammit, Siníéad!
- I just wanted to…
- This is what it comes now? Stealing from your own family… Have you no shame?
- I’m sorry. I just need a few quid, OK? And then I’ll go, I swear!
- What you need is help, not money!
- Please don’t be like this.
- Like what? Like a father who still gives a damn?
- I’ll… I’ll get help. Just a few quid.
- How… how am I supposed to believe that? It’s just more of your damned lies.
- You shut up!
- Goddammit, Siníéad! I’m just trying to help you!
- I’ll get help, OK?
- Come on… If you don’t give a damn about yourself, at least do it for little Susie.
- Susie? How is she?
- She needs a mother!
- I can’t.
- Yes, you can!
- No! It’s too late. … Susie! Hi sweetie! Granddad and I are just having a talk, Susie. How you doing in school? You doing good?
- Leave!
- I just wanna give her a… kiss…
- Get out of my house!
- She is my daughter!
- Get the hell out of my house!

I was murdered only a year after I killed my father, although a part of me died the night I took his life. Right then in there I gave up any chance of seeing my child grow up. Stupid girl… Once again, I’m one of the damned, a cursed fallen.

En español


Aunque lejanos, aun escucho los gritos atormentados de los descarriados condenados y angustiados. Todaví­a se me aparecen en sueños. Un filósofo escribió una vez: “todo hombre es culpable del bien que no hizo”. Yo tambiíén pienso eso. Mi culpa desafí­a a cualquier castigo. Mi ardiente deseo de hacer bien lo que está mal está lejos de la misma esencia de mi ser. Hablando claro, necesito hacer borrón y cuenta nueva.

Los nombres no importan. Pero para dejar constancia, nací­ como Siníéad Harkin, en Dublí­n, Irlanda. Fue hace bastante tiempo. Nada queda ya de esa niña con pecas que una vez vi en el espejo. Inocencia reemplazada por muerte.

- Pa… papá… Yo sólo…
- ¡Maldita sea, Siníéad!
- Sólo querí­a…
- ¿Hasta esto has llegado? Robar a tu propia familia… ¿Es que no tienes vergí¼enza?
- Lo siento. Sólo necesito un poco de dinero, ¿vale? Y despuíés me iríé, ¡lo juro!
- ¡Lo que necesitas es ayuda, no dinero!
- Por favor, no seas así­.
- ¿Así­ cómo? ¿Quieres que sea como un padre al que aun le importas algo?
- Yo… conseguiríé ayuda. Sólo un poco de dinero…
- ¿Cómo… cómo pretendes que me lo crea? Son solo más malditas mentiras de las tuyas.
- ¡Cállate!
- ¡Maldita sea, Siníéad! ¡Sólo intento ayudarte!
- Conseguiríé ayuda, ¿vale?
- Por favor… Si no te preocupas de ti misma, al menos preocúpate de la pequeña Susi.
- ¿Susi? ¿Cómo está?
- ¡Necesita una madre!
- No puedo.
- ¡Sí­! ¡Sí­ puedes!
- ¡No! Es demasiado tarde. … ¡Susi! ¡Hola cariño! El abuelo y yo sólo estamos hablando. ¿Cómo te va en el colegio? ¿Te va bien?
- ¡Vete!
- Sólo quiero darle un… beso…
- ¡Vete de mi casa!
- ¡Es mi hija!
- ¡Vete de mi casa de una maldita vez!

Me asesinaron sólo un año despuíés de matar a mi padre, aunque una parte de mí­ murió la misma noche en la que le quitíé la vida. En aquíél mismo momento desechíé toda posibilidad de ver crecer a mi hija. Quíé estúpida… Una vez más, soy uno de esos condenados, descarriados, malditos.


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Re: Within Temptation
« Respuesta #471 en: Marzo 28, 2011, 07:40:42 pm »


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Re: Within Temptation
« Respuesta #472 en: Marzo 28, 2011, 07:41:49 pm »


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Re: Within Temptation
« Respuesta #473 en: Marzo 28, 2011, 08:06:59 pm »


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Re: Within Temptation
« Respuesta #474 en: Marzo 31, 2011, 12:22:54 pm »
Logan is born!

We are so extremely happy he’s here now with us safe and sound...
The delivery went very well and myself and Logan are feeling just great. What a week…it’s all overwhelming.
For the moment greetings from the clouds we’re floating on and we wish all of you a fantastic day also !

Luna, Aiden, Robert and Sharon xxx
« Última modificación: Marzo 31, 2011, 12:23:41 pm por _V_ »


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Re: Within Temptation
« Respuesta #475 en: Marzo 31, 2011, 08:42:22 pm »
TU entered at number one today in the U.S. and the U.K.! The album is almost released in 48 countries and is ranking in the top 5 in many major markets with further number ones in France, Germany, Austria, Belgium, Finland, Sweden, The Netherlands, Portugal and Switzerland.


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Re: Within Temptation
« Respuesta #476 en: Marzo 31, 2011, 11:52:43 pm »
3 niños 3 partos prematuros!!!
Esto no es normal!!


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Re: Within Temptation
« Respuesta #477 en: Abril 02, 2011, 11:00:43 pm »
The latest CD from Within Temptation is a change of pace for the band, both musically and lyrically. The Unforgiving is based on a comic book created especially for the band, with the lyrics corresponding to the story in the comic book. Musically, Within Temptation's style of melodic and symphonic metal is intact, but they add some rock and pop influences as well. Vocalist Sharon den Adel explains how the album concept was developed, their tour plans (which were delayed until after she has a baby), her interests outside music and other topics

Chad Bowar: You recently got a new drummer. How did you find him?
Sharon den Adel: Mike is someone who filled in before for Stephen. He's someone we've worked with and a friend, and we know what we're getting with him. He does a great job

You've had a relatively stable lineup over the years except for drummers. There has been a revolving door of new ones. How come?
It's a Spinal Tap kind of thing! (laughs) I don't know why we've had so many.

Your new album The Unforgiving is a concept album based on a comic book. Was it an existing story, or something written specifically for you?
It was specifically written for us. We helped develop it. The basic story came from Steven O'Connell, and we gave him some ideas of our own. We also worked with Romano Molenaar, who was the artist. He worked on the Wolverine comic in America.

How did the idea of the comic come about?
There were two main reasons we chose to do the comic. One was because we grew up with bands that did a lot of concept albums in the late '70s and '80s. Also because we grew up with comic books and liked them. The past five years a lot of movies based on comic books came out, and it reminded us how much we enjoyed them. This album brings back some of the musical influences of the '80s. We wanted to bring some of that back. Nowadays everything is about downloading and just one song.

Did basing the album on the comic book change the songwriting process?
The lyrics are based on the comic. It's a soundtrack to the story. But you really have to read the comic to understand the lyrics, and vice versa.

What is the timing of the release of the comics, and how many of them will there be?
There will be six comic parts coming out. It's one story, divided into six different parts. One will be released every two months. The prequel is available now on the website. The first comic will be published at the same time the album comes out. They will be downloadable and in paperback.

How would you describe the sound of the album?
With our previous album we had a concept in our minds how we wanted it to sound. After that album we felt we finalized our sound and couldn't do any better. We wanted to take a step in a new direction, explore a little bit again. We ended up getting inspired by bands from the '80s; not just metal bands like Iron Maiden, but pop bands like Frankie Goes To Hollywood and their song “The Power Of Love” with the synthesizer sound from the '80s. We didn't do it in every song, though.

You worked with producer Daniel Gibson again. What is it about his style that's such a good fit for you?
He's become a friend. When you start with a new producer, it takes a long time to get to know each other. Why split up something that works? We're always on the same wavelength. We grow together toward a new sound each time, and really complement each other.

In addition to the comic books, you also filmed some short films to accompany the CD.
We felt like some of the backgrounds of the main characters in the comics weren't explained a lot, so we made some short movies. They give a bigger and clearer picture of the background of the characters.

With every album you've become more successful, garnering more fans and playing bigger venues. Does that increase your expectations for this album?
No, not really. Every time we have to prove ourselves again. You're only as good as your last album, that's how we see it. There's always a question if people will like it, because we always change a little bit, and if they will go along with the changes and understand what we're trying to do creatively.

You originally planned to tour in conjunction with the CD release, but you pushed it back for a very good reason.
Yes, you could say that. I'm pregnant, so we had to postpone the tour for a few months. But it gives us some time to prepare a better live show. Normally we are rushing to tour, but we can figure out how to do a really cool light show with screens showing the short movies and maybe work with 3D holograms and things like that.

You're doing one show in the US this spring. Will it be a regular show, or an acoustic type concert?
We haven't really thought about it yet, because it's still down the road a while. Everything's possible, but we'll give it our best. We want to give the fans everything we can.

Do you think you'll be adding more U.S. dates, or will it just be that one show?
It will be just the one show to promote the new album, but maybe we'll come back soon after with a full tour. For a bigger tour we'll have to wait until next year, because we're already booked for the full year.

How would you compare trying to break through and attract a fan base in Europe compared to North America?
It's difficult, for different reasons. North America is bigger, so getting where you go requires traveling a lot of miles. Everything in Europe is close by. That's one thing. Also the culture is different. You see that with radio stations. It's very divided in America. In Europe in certain regions, everybody listens to certain stations. In America everything is more scattered. And when it comes to heavier music, they aren't used to as many female voices on the radio. It's more male dominated.

We actually made two radio versions of our single. In Europe they are more orchestral oriented, and America is more guitar oriented. It's interesting to see the differences in different countries, how people experience music and what they like about your music. You can't please everybody, you can only be who you are.

What are some countries you haven't played live yet that you'd still like to get to?
Australia. We have a lot of requests to play there, but want to combine it with Japan or another country in that part of the world because it's so far away. So far we haven't made it, but hopefully on this album we can go there. It's always nice to travel to different countries.

Ever played a show in an unusual venue?
Yes. We played in Spain in a train station. That was pretty weird. We had to wait until after the trains stopped running to play, at about midnight. It was cool to play there, but it was difficult to get the sound right. It's not really designed for a band to play there, so we had a lot of things to deal with to get a good sound. We played in Germany in some old ruins in the middle of the forest near a river. It was very cool as well. It was a great view, and playing in nature was very impressive.

How involved are you in social media?
I post some messages on the internet. When we have something interesting to say we'll post it. We also talk about our hobbies. Robert likes racing and makes videos about that. The really personal things like the kids you don't get to see. Sometimes now with the social media, people post every little thing.

Which platform do you like the best?
Twitter, because it's very short and easy.

What are your hobbies and interests outside of music?
I have a lot of things I like. I'm getting more interested in racing. I also play tennis, which isn't as interesting.


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Re: Within Temptation
« Respuesta #478 en: Abril 04, 2011, 11:38:57 pm »
Fiesta de lanzamiento del CD!!


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Re: Within Temptation
« Respuesta #479 en: Abril 11, 2011, 03:46:16 pm »
Working on having the comic translated!Many of you have ordered the first edition of the Unforgiving comic so far and we hope you like it! We are considering translating our comics to several languages, but for that we need to know which language you prefer! Join our Facebook page