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Re: Tarja Turunen
« Respuesta #375 en: Marzo 01, 2010, 11:26:50 pm »
I am happy to tell you that I have been very busy recording vocals in the last days.

Six songs are now ready with trillions of backing vocals and Tarja choirs

Everything is going very fine and few elements remaining to be added to some songs. I am still having good time even though the sessions have been tough and days very long.

I haven’t been posting lately too often because I really have too much things on my mind at this moment and there is barely time for one short break in a day. I hope you’ll understand…

Is not just about singing, but deciding all parts from each instrument, fixing arrangements when needed, checking the files with Jetro and telling Jim what we are looking for each one of the orchestrations.

I have been receiving more orchestra arrangements, almost daily, including massive choirs.  Max has been also sending his cello tracks.

For the opening track of the album I am preparing a real surprise for you! It’s sounds SO freaking well already that it’s making me dizzy with happiness 

“Anteroom of Death” will shock you certainly since it truly is a freak song, but that’s how much I love theatre and how great it is to feel free.

I can’t wait this album to be ready…I would just love to see all of your faces when you hear this song!!!!

You have been anxiously waiting for a glimpse of what was going on in my photo session with Jens for the album artwork. So here you go

I’ll try to write again in few days.

With love, Tarja


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Re: Tarja Turunen
« Respuesta #376 en: Marzo 06, 2010, 02:51:08 pm »
Pues me temo q sólo hace coros..aunq vaya lujo tener a tarja pa q te haga los coros jeje  :023:
Scorpions feat. Tarja Turunen-The good die young
« Última modificación: Marzo 06, 2010, 02:54:12 pm por _V_ »


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Re: Tarja Turunen
« Respuesta #377 en: Marzo 09, 2010, 10:45:29 pm »
I arrived to LA few days ago. It’s a wonderful spring here and the sun is shining. It was tough in the dark Finland in the last weeks, so I was already starting to miss the sea and the sun. The least I am going to miss is the snow work…

This trip is not a holiday trip though. I am working with Jim, Slamm and Bart at Remote Control Studios again. We are getting the orchestra arrangements ready and we are starting to discuss the mixing process with Slamm. He is going to be the one to mix all the orchestral tracks. Other mixing engineers will mix the rock/heavy tracks, but I’ll tell you more about that later 

On these days, I hope to meet Mel Wesson as well who was working with the ambient music design on my first album.

The progress of the album is going smoothly but steadily ahead. I have realized during this last month that some of the songs that I thought were not the strongest ones during the writing process turned out to be really good songs now when everything has been recorded. I will definitely have some trouble in choosing the ones that are going to end in the actual album. I guess it’s a nice problem though.

The vocal recordings will continue pretty soon after this LA trip.

Now I would like to tell you something that has been on my mind for some time already. Usually I am not interested in giving my opinions and comments about things that are outside of music and my career, but this time the happenings around just touched me deeply.

There was just a while ago a terrible earthquake in Haiti, followed by other one in Japan and later on in Chile and more recently in Turkey.

It’s just so unbelievable to think all the suffering and trouble that people need to go through in their lives. I am truly speechless and sad. Except for Haiti, I have been in the other countries were I have met lovely people. Is difficult to think that some of them or their families might have been reached by the horrible situation. I am just having them in my thoughts. I send them all my humble and honest love and prayers.

This is the sad reminder for all of us to live our lives as best as we can every day, so that when it’s our time to go, we die alive.

You will never know what is waiting for you tomorrow, so today is the day to cherish.

With love, Tarja


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Re: Tarja Turunen
« Respuesta #378 en: Marzo 17, 2010, 10:30:02 pm »
Los veteranos Hard Rock Alemanes Scorpions lanzará su nuevo y último álbum de estudio, "Sting In The Tail", en Marzo 19. El CD fue grabado en un estudio en Hanover, Alemania con los productores suecos Mikael "Nord" Andersson y Martin Hansen.

El álbum incluirá una participación estelar de Tarja en la canción “The Good Die Young” que ha sido tambiíén elegida como primer single del álbum y estará disponible a partir del 26 de Febrero.

Luego del lanzamiento del nuevo disco y la próxima gira mundial que llevará a Scorpions a travíés de cinco continentes, la banda dará por terminada su carrera. El grupo hizo el anuncio en su Web oficial el mes pasado.

“Es un gran honor haber sido invitada a formar parte del último álbum de Scorpions. Recibí­ una llamada de Klaus quien fue muy gentil en transmitirme los deseos de la banda de tenerme como invitada en una de sus canciones. No estaba enterada que serí­an sus últimas grabaciones hasta que hicieron el anuncio, así­ que tengo sentimientos mezclados de felicidad y un poco de tristeza al conocer la noticia. Sólo puedo agradecerles por la invitación y por permitirme formar parte de su último esfuerzo como banda. Estoy segura que guardarán este álbum en particular en sus corazones de la misma manera que haremos sus fans y yo”.



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Re: Tarja Turunen
« Respuesta #379 en: Marzo 18, 2010, 10:26:56 pm »


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Re: Tarja Turunen
« Respuesta #380 en: Marzo 23, 2010, 10:42:58 pm »
The trip to Los Angeles was very successful and the songs that needed orchestra and choir arrangements are now ready to be recorded.

It is very exciting indeed to imagine how everything will sound in the end when these two important elements are recorded.

This time we have decided with Jim Dooley and Tim Davis who will conduct the orchestra, that the recordings will take place in few days in Bratislava. Slovak National Symphony Orchestra and Choir will be playing on my record.

I am very happy with the work of Jim who put his heart into my songs. I got again very emotional by listening his work. It’s unbelievable how gorgeous gift of music he has. You’ll hear pretty soon what I mean 

 left the sunny LA a week ago to return to Buenos Aires to record vocals for few more songs.

Still there are 6 more to go. It feels endless, but we are working hard to get everything done in time.

I am satisfied with my vocals since I feel that I have learned quite a lot in these last few years and the people that are working with me this time, are really helpful and supportive.

It is absolutely important that during my vocal recordings I am neither worried nor nervous for any reason. That would affect my performance in an instant.

It has been just great to be able to be free and produce my own record for the first time. Is strange feeling to have recorded already around 10 albums, but still “What Lies Beneath” process has been so far a gift, a learning process and such a joy. In many ways feels like the first time.

I won’t go to common places to say that MWS was just fine and WLB is the best!

I do have MWS in my heart and will always be like that. If those were the first steps, with WLB I learned to run.

Both albums are equally important for me, both part of a life process.

There have been so many moments to cherish and cheer which I will always remember and keep in my heart.

Next flight will take to Salzburg where you’ll see me performing with Scorpions in the most successful TV show in Europe called “Wetten Dass..?” on next Saturday 27th. Don’t miss it! I am sure I will have a good time there with the band and it is a great honour for me to take part in their performance in this particular show.

Until then…

With love, Tarja


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Re: Tarja Turunen
« Respuesta #381 en: Marzo 26, 2010, 11:40:31 pm »
Tarja tira el micro!!  :016: cosas q pasan en los directos :023:

que grande! jaja
por cierto q majo marcelo que le lleva el micro negro pa q le siga haciendo juego con el vestido jaja
« Última modificación: Marzo 26, 2010, 11:43:06 pm por _V_ »


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Re: Tarja Turunen
« Respuesta #382 en: Marzo 27, 2010, 06:21:09 pm »
Una bonita foto


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Re: Tarja Turunen
« Respuesta #383 en: Marzo 29, 2010, 03:34:40 pm »
Scorpions feat. Tarja Turunen-The Good Die Young Live (German Show "Wetten Dass..?")

« Última modificación: Marzo 29, 2010, 03:40:01 pm por _V_ »


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Re: Tarja Turunen
« Respuesta #384 en: Marzo 29, 2010, 04:19:26 pm »


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Re: Tarja Turunen
« Respuesta #385 en: Marzo 29, 2010, 04:33:34 pm »
Vale..buscando traducción por internet parece ser q La cosa va más o menos así­ (traducción de Unia. del foro de


"We have no experience in breaking up"

Interviewer: Yes, it is sad, 2 months ago Scorpions announced that the band will break up, but not without drums and trumpets thank god, because they just released a new studio album and a two-year long tour. And today there are in Salzburg, with me. Welcome, Scorpions, and of course Tarja Turunen. Is it the right way to spell it, Tarja Turunen?
Tarja: Tarja Turunen. (laughs)
Interviewer: I'm much better with (?).. Tarja Turunen. Once with Nightwish, now on stage with Scorpions. If it's ok with you guys, lady's first. You will be on stage tomorrow with the guys, so how does it feel to be on stage with them?
Tarja: I'm really thrilled, I'm really.. It's an honor for me to be performing with them, to make music together with them, I've been a great fan for many years, so it's a really great pleasure.
Where do you know eachother from?
Tarja: Oh, we met the first time in Brazil, no? A few years ago.
Klaus: At a festival.
Interviewer: Was this the start of your co-working process or..?
Tarja: No. (laughs) I don't know, how did it happen?
Klaus: Well, you know, I think we remembered Tarja from Sao Paulo and I think we also have a common friend, Doro.
Tarja: Doro. Yes.
Klaus: Yes, and on her anniversary I think we..
Tarja: Yes, a few months ago, no, last year.
Klaus: ... were there in Dusseldorf, right?
Tarja: Yes.
Klaus: Yes, so we met a few times, not really but, you know, we when we were.. Should I speak German, English? ... Deutsch... As we were producing the album, and as we were working on the title of The Good Die Young, we thought it would be cool if this title would be ennobled, and we thought at Tarja's exceptional voice, and we talked on the phone, I think you were in Argentina then..
Tarja: Yes.
Interviewer: You live there, right?
Tarja: Yes, in Buenos Aires.
Interviewer: Ah, great city.
Klaus: So she heard the song and thought it would fit her voice, so the song has got a really special touch, because Tarja become a part of this song, with her amazing voice. We are really happy about it, that we had the possibility to work together on this album, Sting In The Tail.
Interviewer: The last studio album. Tarja, what do you think about the fact that the guys want to stop with their music career?
Tarja: Oh, man, yes, I recorded the song without knowing this! I was shocked! No?
Rudolf: No, it came out in the last moment, we made the decision.
Interviewer: I think everybody was shocked actually.
Tarja: yesh, just my (touches jaw) dropped! (laughs)
Interviewer: I have to ask: why?
Rudolf: It's easy, I mean we are a rock band, and Rock You Like A Hurricane, and when you are on the stage, and you don't have the mentality anymore, that you can have now, is obviously no "Rock You Like A Hurricane" anymore. It can be ridiculous and we want to use the chance with this album, Sting In The Tail, we found the essence from the '80s again. We are now where we have been before, and we wanted to use this, the fact that the '80s are at the order of the day, and it is a good thing for us to end our career in this way, so that it will be a happy end and not a fiasco.
Interview: But after so many years - maybe I am too senseless - but aren't you nostalgic on stage, when you think that everything will end soon?
Klaus: I have to say, at the moment there is a certain excitement, the album has got some great reviews, and we got some really positive feedback from our fans. And of course, the tour started recently, in Moscow, and until now we have been very happy especially about the concerts in Germany, in May, when we will play for our German fans on a big arena, so the moment, when we will be so emotional is still somewhere in the background, I have to say, as we arrived in Moscow, last week, there were so many fans at the airport, and they had flowers, and small presents and there were some who made photo albums, on which it was written "remember the good times", I have to say that was when I had the feeling that everything will get a lot more emotional, for the first time.
Interviewer: I believe that. Tarja, are you going to be on the tour with the guys as well?
Tarja: Oops! Uhh... (laughs) No, I'm preparing my own album now and a tour.
Interviewer: Ok.
Tarja: Perhaps, hopefully, there will be an event, somewhere, hopefully, to sing together, to perform together, but...
Klaus: It would be fantastic. You will be welcome to share the stage with us always, Tarja. Always.
Tarja: Thank you!
Interviewer: They are obviously getting along really well. You already said that Sting In The Tail will be leaning towards the style of the 80s, to what you doreally well, and you found a good form for it, but how far is it from a retrospect of the band's whole history of 40 years?
Klaus: No retrospect. It is more like an attempt to the future, we have searched so much, especially in the 90s, and we tried (something with acoustics?) and we tried to have our own ideal sound, and that was not that easy, because you have to be able to direct the time as well * , and when you have some experience with that everything goes a lot easier, and everything was possible because of our Swedish producer. That's when it is the decisive moment, and exactly because time is on our side we want to use it to find a good ending, and not a tragedy.
Klaus: It's like that, like when you come home from the olympiade, and you have a gold medal. Lots of athlestes and singers dream to find the perfect moment when they should stop, and I think that everybody wants to find the right time, so that at the end of a 40 year long career you don't lie on the ground, and if you think about that, the '90s were that kind of time, when alternative music was popular, now classic rock is still important and we get such a strong feedback, now in the last days, that Sting In The Tail is also in the top 10 of Itunes..
Tarja: The new times.
Rudolf: First place in Rock-Charts.
Klaus: .. that it's amazing and after 40 years of career these "older guys" still said that this is our passion, this is our life, this music, and to make another album for our fans, where we are ending this chapter, an end to this long career, and remain what we have always to be in the collective awareness of our fans, and what we still are, a live rock band. And I think that this goal and the things that still lie ahead of us are enough.
Interviewer: In '75 you were co-headliner with KISS.
Rudolf: KISS have searched for us themselves, they asked Bravo [German magazine] if they can send them a German band and they have picked us, which was really great, we have recently met and it was great, after their concert, Gene Simmons was not there but the rest of the band was there, and the conversations went so far, that one of them said that "You know, my dream was to ? Scorpions again" and they were very happy. So we have made some great friendships in America with some great bands in the '80s. This music has a great power, and it was very special in the '80s, KISS belong to that as well, to the music scene, with this message and with this power.
Interviewer: Did you know this then, in 1965 when you formed the band, and you named the school band Scorpions? Had you already planned this career?
Rudolf: Well in 1965 it wasn't planned, even though we were already writing "Scorpions" with a "C" and not a "K", but as Klaus and my brother the band joined, it was clear to me that something very big can happen and that we had to take advantage of this situation, and in 1972, on the 2nd of Feburary, we released the first album, so when you think at that, we are ending the career at the same level, also we are at "Wetten, dass...?" at the beginning of our tour, and it wouldn't be bad if we came in the end of it as well. In any way, we have been on the way since 40 years, from 1972 to 2012. And this has been some nice time, right?

« Última modificación: Marzo 29, 2010, 04:44:16 pm por _V_ »


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Re: Tarja Turunen
« Respuesta #386 en: Marzo 29, 2010, 04:34:00 pm »
Conversation after the performance

Thomas: Tarja, Hello. Klaus, you thought, when Gottschalk takes the Hunziker in the show, you'll take/get yourself a beautiful finnish woman, right?
Klaus: Yeah, exactly.
Thomas: Helps, doesn't it? Work is a lot more fun then again.
Klaus: Yeah, exactly. And if you have such a nice voice with you, it's amazing.
Tarja: Thanks, oh, thanks.
Thomas: How is it, does she speak German? A bit?
Klaus: Yes, a bit.
Tarja: A bit.
Thomas: Isn't it horrible to travel with 5 of those men?
Tarja: Horrible? No! Horrible it isn't.
Thomas: Sport shoes are flying there, there are of course somehow, they can also be gentlemen? They can really be gentlemen?
Tarja: They can be gentlemen, all of them, hahaha.
Thomas: That calms me. But I somehow still hope that it's gonna be an empty threat, we would then somehow coordinate our final tours, but regarding the album, yall said firstly, we have achieved such a masterpiece, we'll let that stand like that for all eternity.
Klaus: We thought, one last great album with Sting in the tail, and then we slowly approach the final stretch, for the next 2 1/2 years world tour to say goodbye, to say Adieu to the fans, and we are especially looking forward to our German fans in May.
Thomas: In May Scorpions on tour in Germany, this was their newest song, Tarja, thank you very much, have fun together. Bye.


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Re: Tarja Turunen
« Respuesta #387 en: Marzo 29, 2010, 04:43:05 pm »


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Re: Tarja Turunen
« Respuesta #388 en: Abril 05, 2010, 10:44:31 pm »
First of all the experience in the ” Wetten Dass..?” Show was just amazing

It was great to sing with Scorpions, of course! I have to tell you that these guys from the band are SO kind. They were treating me like a queen and I was very delighted of their support and trust.

Is funny to see the bigger “names” with humble attitude that allows them to see and understand. Many times better and faster than people around you who you need constantly to convince of what you want and like.

I had very nice talks especially with Klaus and his family. They seem to be a great team and we share many similar things in our private lives.

I also found out that the writer Paulo Coelho, who is a great inspiration to me, is also a friend with Rudolf!

I wish The Scorpions the best for their last album and tours and congratulations for the great chart entries in the world! I am sure we will meet very soon again.

Few nights ago I had a chance to see Andrew Lloyd Webber’s “Love never dies” musical and I fell in love with it in an instant. It was just a wonderful performance and an amazing piece of art. There is still hope, since good music really exists and people are willing to hear more.

I finished writing the lyrics for a song that I composed last in the writing process. It is a piano/orchestral piece that I could have called “Oasis 2”. This time it has English lyrics and continues the story of “Naiad”. During the piano recordings at Petrax studios, this song changed quite radically, because I decided to write an improvised piano piece in between the song. It feels good to be free and open to hear suggestions, but also to follow my own instincts.

In few days I’ll get back into recording the vocals for the last songs and immediately after I’ll let you know where I am heading to mix the album.

The orchestra and choir are already recorded!

There are exciting times ahead of me. Getting the final album in my hands is getting closer and closer day by day.

I have been trying to re gain the lost energy in these last couple of days and it feels I was able to do exactly that. I am ready for new challenges.

I think I already mentioned you the song called “Crimson Deep”.

Find here the lyrics we wrote with Angela.

Sometimes I see the pulse

numb I feel,

so unreal.

Blood on my lips I taste the heavy lead.

What can I find behind the mirror,

I’ll never know.

Who’s the reflection within?

Should I frame for you the other world?

Another world?

I’ve heard the voices of Elysium.

The scent of a sudden wish,

never there, everywhere.

Read me the space in-between.

Sharp is the edge of all discovery,

now I see.

A scar without suffering, impossible.

I’ll wait until my last day

with no shame.

Who’s to blame?

Shaping the signs left for me.

Come to me

I cried

I need you.

I am seeking

the gates unfold inside

my lost soul

in the dark.

Far beneath my breath

I’m burning

at my core.

Show me how

let me see beyond

I will find

my Crimson Deep

With love, Tarja


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Re: Tarja Turunen
« Respuesta #389 en: Abril 06, 2010, 11:56:56 pm »
Pa' agosto  :81:
Tarja Turunen is continuing work on her new solo album,"What Lies Beneath", for a late summer release. With production handled by Tarja  herself and selected tracks set to be mixed by U.K. producer Colin Richardson (famed for his work with MACHINE HEAD, BULLET FOR MY VALENTINE and SLIPKNOT, among others), the follow-up to 2007's "My Winter Storm" "looks set to take Tarja's unique musical mix of drama 'n' decibels to a whole new level of success," according to a press release.

"We worked on 33 songs this time around from which I decided to record 17," Tarja explains. "It has been great to have the freedom to produce my own record for the first time; these sessions have been such a gift, a real learning process and a true joy. In many ways, it feels like the first time…"

The lead single from "What Lies Beneath", title to be confirmed, is currently being discussed for an early August release, with the full album to follow later that month.